My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my ambition.

Almost everyone dreams of something while growing up. We all have ambitions when we are little, which change as we grow up. Ambitions lead us to a definite aim in life. Furthermore, they help us focus on our goal no matter the cost. It drives us to do better in life. Ambitions differ from one person to another.

However, one common thing usually found is that over time, people switch their ambition to something else than that which they wished to be when little. We have many people in the medical field who wanted to be dancers. Similarly, some of the greatest politicians wanted to be artists. So we see how easily one gives up on their dreams and ambition to adapt to society.

My Ambition Essay

My Ambition

The ambition of any person’s life usually depends on their choice and interests. I aspire to be a great dancer . I have always had the knack for dancing from an early age. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passion. Like most of the parents, they never discouraged me because it is not the most sought after career.

Subsequently, I wish to become a good dancer. I do not want the fame of being a dancer; rather I want the acclaim of being a good dancer. As my parents motivated me to pursue my dream, they enrolled me in dance classes. It helped me grow a lot as a dancer and also enhance my skills.

Most importantly, I wish to be a dance because I want to remove the stigma surrounding this career path. I want to set an example that you can do well in life if you’re not a doctor or engineer. Especially in India, where these two ambitions are considered the most valid.

I believe in the power of dance, and how it conveys the message without words. Dance is the language of the soul, and it makes me feel alive when I indulge in it.

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Why I Chose this Ambition?

It would seem odd to choose to be a dancer as an ambition, especially when everyone is in the race of becoming a lawyer , doctor or engineer . But, I still believe that just because something is not common, doesn’t mean we cannot attain it.

i am an ambitious person essay

I wish to dance so I could teach others to become experts in this field. Furthermore, I wish to help the underprivileged section who are interested in this ambition. I want to reach a height which enables me to offer them proper dance training free of cost so they can reach great heights.

Above all, I wish to be the wind beneath their wings. I want to create awareness about the importance of dance and how it benefits us physically as well. I hope I can achieve this ambition of mine someday. Till then, I won’t leave any stone unturned in reaching the finish line.

FAQ on My Ambition Essay

Q.1 How do ambitions help people?

A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.

Q.2 Why must one have an ambition?

A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do ambitions help people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why must one have an ambition?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.”} }] }

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How Ambitious Should You Be?

  • Ron Carucci

i am an ambitious person essay

Too much or too little could damage your reputation.

Fostering a healthy level of ambition is not easy, and amidst so much uncertainty, it may seem like a low priority. But having the “pause button” hit — as it has been in most of our lives — makes this a wonderful time to step back and reflect on our professional aspirations. Striking a healthy degree of ambition can be achieved by using this framework, which structures ambition into three dimensions: performance, growth, and achievement. Your innate desires to perform at your best, to grow and become better, and to achieve rewards from your efforts, all reflect your unique identities. You just need to find a healthy balance between them.

Years ago, I was facilitating a board of directors’ succession committee to select the company’s next CEO. The slate was down to two candidates, each of whom had unique strengths and limitations. The committee chair offered a fascinating observation of them, saying, “One is too ambitious, and the other isn’t ambitious enough.” When I probed to better understand her concerns, she described a host of traits spanning each candidate’s degree of self-interest, achievement orientation, self-awareness, and concern for others. In short, the candidate labeled “too ambitious” had been overly assertive about the financial growth of the company and the candidate labeled “not ambitious enough” had spoken too much about their family and personal interests.

  • Ron Carucci is co-founder and managing partner at  Navalent , working with CEOs and executives pursuing transformational change. He is the bestselling author of eight books, including To Be Honest and Rising to Power . Connect with him on Linked In at  RonCarucci , and download his free “How Honest is My Team?” assessment.

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Ambitious Person Essay

1. What spring in to your mind when you hear the word “ambition”? Whenever I hear the word ambition as if there’s someone beside me and telling to take actions! I have so many ambitions in life that I need to fulfill.

These ambitions will help me to strive harder and reach the goal to be a successful one. 2. Are you ambitious? Yes, I am ambitious. Definitely I am, we all need to accept the facts that people meant to be ambitious to take harder or strive to get what we goal in life.

People who are “ambitious” are viewed sometimes as either selfish or unrealistic. But still no matter how we look on it, there are no such bad things in having ambition. All we need to do is admit it to ourselves and give ourselves permission to pursue it. 4. Who is the most ambitious person you know? I am ambitious person; I have many ambitions in life that I need to fulfill. I knew inside me that I have many things I want to have or achieve. In family, career and even in fame there are a lot of these ambitions in my life. 5.

Being Ambitious

What were your ambitions when you were a child? When I was small, I was dreaming to become a journalist. Whenever I hear someone reporting on television I will face in front of the mirror and will hold anything and pretend that it’s a microphone and start repeating the message that the reporter stated on the news.

i am an ambitious person essay

Proficient in: Communication

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Later on I decided that I would like to build a big shop where kids would be able to find everything they needed so as their dreams would come true. My parents were always smiling at me, charmed by my high ambitions in life.

While growing, I started to form more definite picture of my future and was almost sure that I want to be a diplomat. 7. What ambition do you have that you think you’ll realize and won’t realize? 8. Why do you have ambitions? I have my ambition because, having ambition in hard times like things are not going well, will lead me to get myself out of them and find happiness and success. If we have no ambition in our life, we have no drive for anything. Nothing will seem important. 9.

What’s the different between ambition and a dream? To dream is without effort as if your only dreaming for an impossible thing to happen while ambition you have to take step by step to reach each of your ambition and take risks to fulfill all of these. 10. What ambition have you held the longest? The ambition I held the longest in real life is to graduate in a diplomat with a degree holder. Wherein I can find a good job to help my parents and provide them own house and live with a happy and contented life. 11.

What happens after you have fulfilled all your ambitions? The best is when the source of ambition becomes my desire to reach my big goal or to fulfill my life in purpose. The only thing that will happen after fulfilling my ambition is contentment. 12. What do you think it feels like to fulfill a lifetime ambition? I think it feels like I am the happiest person and will having a peaceful mind. Of course everyone is asking and striving to reach a lifetime ambition. And if that happens to me and in God’s will, I’ll thank him.

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Ambitious Person Essay


Essay on Ambition

Students are often asked to write an essay on Ambition in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Ambition

Understanding ambition.

Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something big in life. It is like a goal that motivates us to work hard. People with ambition are always ready to face challenges and overcome obstacles. They never give up until they reach their goal.

The Role of Ambition

Ambition plays a key role in shaping our life. It gives us a direction and purpose. It drives us to learn new things and improve ourselves. Without ambition, we may lack the motivation to progress. Ambition helps us to set high standards and strive for success.

Ambition and Success

Ambition and success often go hand in hand. People who are ambitious tend to be more successful because they are determined and focused. They know what they want and they work hard to achieve it. It is their ambition that fuels their journey to success.

Healthy Ambition

While ambition is important, it should be healthy. It means we should not harm others or ourselves in the process of achieving our goals. We should also be realistic and understand that success takes time. Having a healthy ambition means being patient and persistent in our efforts.

In conclusion, ambition is a powerful force that can help us succeed in life. It gives us a sense of purpose and motivates us to strive for excellence. But we should always remember to have a healthy ambition and respect others in our pursuit of success.

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250 Words Essay on Ambition

Ambition is a strong wish to achieve something. Every person has different ambitions in life. Some might want to be a doctor, an engineer, or a teacher, while others might want to be a singer, an actor, or a sports person. Ambition gives us a goal in life and helps us strive towards it.

Ambition plays a key role in every person’s life. It is like a guiding star that keeps us focused on our path. It pushes us to work hard, learn new things, and overcome challenges. Without ambition, life can seem like a boat without a rudder, drifting aimlessly.

Ambition and success are closely linked. People who are ambitious often succeed because they have a clear goal and they are willing to work hard for it. They are not afraid of failures and they learn from their mistakes. Their ambition gives them the strength to keep going even when things are tough.

It’s important to have ambition, but it should be healthy. This means that we should not let our ambition harm others or ourselves. We should not cheat, lie, or hurt others to achieve our goals. Our ambition should make us better people, not the opposite.

500 Words Essay on Ambition

Ambition is a strong wish to achieve something. Every person has different ambitions in life. It is the driving force that leads us to work hard and achieve our goals. Ambition is like a compass that guides us and shows us the right path to follow.

Ambition plays a very important role in our lives. It gives us a sense of direction and purpose. Without ambition, we may feel lost and unsure of what we want to do. It is like a map that helps us reach our destination. It pushes us to do better and strive for success.

Types of Ambition

The positive side of ambition.

Ambition can bring positive changes in our lives. It motivates us to work hard and achieve our goals. It encourages us to learn new things and improve our skills. Ambition can make us more focused and determined. It can also make us more confident and self-assured. Achieving our ambitions can bring us happiness and satisfaction.

The Negative Side of Ambition

While ambition can be a good thing, it can also have a negative side. If we become too focused on our ambitions, we might ignore other important things in life like family, friends, and health. We might also feel stressed and pressured if we are not able to achieve our ambitions. It is important to have a balance and not let our ambitions take over our lives.

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Essay On My Ambition in 300 Words


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  • Nov 27, 2023

Essay on my ambition

Essay on My Ambition: In addition to providing us with a clear vision of our goals and self-worth having ambitions in life also provides us with a steady source of inspiration that keeps us moving forward.

i am an ambitious person essay

What is the best thing you wish for yourself? What are your ambitions or objectives in life? Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? These are some common questions asked by teachers in class to students. However, a lot of students are not clear about their ambitions in life. Some of the reasons cited for this are procrastination, the psychology of fear, multitasking, and unclear goals. As a student, it is your responsibility to have ambitions and work hard to achieve them. Everyone has their ambitions. Some might say they want to become a successful businessperson, engineer, scientist, entrepreneur, etc. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a compelling reason. You must understand the best option for you and what drives your interest. Here’s an example of an essay on my ambition that you can refer to. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 7 Lines on Goals and Ambitions in Life
  • 2 Essay On My Ambition in 300 Words
  • 3 Quotes On Ambitions in Life

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7 Lines on Goals and Ambitions in Life

Here are 7 lines on goals and ambitions in life. Students will get an understanding of their goals and ambitions in life with these lines.

  • ‘I want to join the army as I want to serve my motherland.’
  • ‘I want to become a doctor so that I can save lives.’
  • ‘I want to become a cricket player as I have been following the Indian Cricket Team since 6.’
  • ‘I want to become a social activist so that help people in need.’
  • ‘I want to become an astronaut because I want to explore the realities of outer space.’
  • ‘I want to consistently work hard to become a successful data scientist .’
  • ‘I want to become a teacher so that a better future can be achieved.’

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‘My ambition is to become an influential and successful environmental scientist. The resources around us are depleting at an unprecedented rate due to overuse and wastage of resources. My ambition to become an environmental scientist goes beyond my personal goals. In recent years, the world has witnessed several alarming climate changes, some of which were life-threatening.’

Carl Sagan once said, ‘Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.’ The disturbances in our ecosystem will have consequences for both human and animal lives. My passion is fueled by the energy to drive innovative solutions to reduce environmental challenges and build a sustainable future. My ambition consists of actively supporting environmentally friendly practices and policies. I aspire to contribute to public awareness, influencing positive change through education and collaboration.

Through my goal, I want to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical implementation, ensuring that my work has a tangible impact on the communities and ecosystems I aim to protect. I know there will be tough challenges in my path. However, I am prepared to exhibit resilience and perseverance. Each challenge is an opportunity to strengthen my commitment and find creative solutions to overcome obstacles.’

Through my goal, I will be able to recognize the interconnectedness of environmental issues. I want to aspire to collaborate with like-minded individuals, organizations, and governments on a global scale. It’s a collective effort to address the environmental challenges that transcend borders.

‘In the end, I would like to add that I am dedicated to pursuing educational opportunities, advocating for change, and overcoming challenges with resilience. I am prepared to face the challenges in my way as I am determined to contribute meaningful and environment-friendly solutions for a healthy and sustainable life for everyone.’

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Quotes On Ambitions in Life

Here are some popular quotes on ambitions in life. They will help you to know your ambitions in life in a better way.

  • ‘Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.’ – Frank Tyger
  • ‘The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.’ – Tony Robbins
  • ‘Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.’ – Bill Bradley
  • ‘Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.’ – Roy T. Bennett
  • ‘Your ambition should be the master of your expectations.’ – Charles Noble
  • ‘The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.’ – Charles Kingsleigh (from Alice in Wonderland)
  • ‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that count.’ – Winston S. Churchill
  • “Chase your passion, not your pension.” – Denis Waitley

Ans: Ambitions are something that you want for yourself. People have strong desires and aspirations that they work very hard to achieve.

Ans: My ambition in life is to become a successful teacher so that I can help create a better future. I see my teachers in school how hard they work to make sure we understand the academic information and learn life lessons. I want to work hard like my teachers so that I can be as successful as they are; not from a personal point of view but for a better future.

Ans: Here are some popular goals for students; Teacher, Scientist, Engineer, Soldier, Data Scientist, Financial Adviser, Chartered Accountant, and Sportsperson.

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With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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Essay on Ambition: Examples, Topics, & Tips

An ambition essay focuses on one’s strong desire to achieve success in one or several areas. It might be one’s career, finance, family, art, health, or all at once.

Writing an ambition essay, you might want to consider your own life or examples from the world literature. You can describe your own academic or career goals. Do you want to succeed as a teacher, doctor, engineer, or accountant?

Another idea is to analyze how the theme of ambition is used in in literary works. Macbeth by Shakespeare and Great Expectations by Dickens are just some of the examples.

In this article by custom writing experts, you’ll find a definition of ambition, a writing guide, a collection of ambition essay topics, as well as examples of ambition and career goal essays.

  • ❓ Ambition: Examples & Definiton
  • 📰 4 Steps to Perfect Ambition Essay
  • 📑 40 Ambition Essay Topics

✍️ Essays on Ambition: Examples

❓ ambition: examples & definiton.

At first, the meaning of ambition may be fairly difficult for you to comprehend. Still, everything will be clear after your strong desire to present a successful my ambition essay will help you achieve this purpose.

Let’s turn to the dictionary for explanation and figure it out what is ambition. According to Meriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “ambition” has three meanings:

  • The strongest to achieve something or gain power or fame
  • The desire for exertion or a certain activity
  • The object of ambition

The “ambition” word origin goes down to the Ancient Rome. Candidates for public office had to spend a lot of their time convincing voters to elect them. The root of the Latin word was “ambire” that meant “to go around.” Later it transformed to “ambitio,” with the meaning “the desire for power or honor.”

In late Middle Ages, the “ambitio” came into English and French as “ambition.”

Therefore, a key to writing successful ambition essays lies in being ambitious yourself while writing, thinking over, analyzing, and making conclusions.

📰 Ambition Essay: 4-Step Writing Guide

Unfortunately, this is not enough to get the highest grade on ambition essays. You also have to take the following steps:

  • Decide on the perspective to consider ambition from It is the starting point in preparing essays on ambition. A good thesis statement should intrigue, involve, and attract. You can also present your standpoint in several sentences in the introductory part of your ambition essay.
  • Think of the best and clearest reasons to explain your opinion Good essays on ambition should be well grounded. You do not need to obtrude your opinion upon the reader. You should incline the reader to accept your point of view in a persuasive manner. Remember about it when supporting your statements in the essay on ambition.

A good argument in an essay has 3 points: a thight (specific focus), problems and solutions.

  • Analyze arguments you picked for your ambition essay Assess your arguments you’re going to present your readers. Is your evidence strong enough to persuade the reader? Pick up some controversial arguments and show why they are misleading. Think about hooks for your essays.
  • Strike the reader with an impressive conclusion A conclusion is one more chance to impress. The best way to make the conclusion impressive is to use a rhetoric question. A good rhetoric question will make the reader speculate upon what you said even after he/she finishes reading.

📑 40 Ambition Essay Topics

Do you know the secret of writing the perfect essay? It’s a well-picked topic. That’s why we gathered some issues that you can consider in your ambition essay:

  • Ambitions and success. What does success mean to you? Think how ambitions correlate with success.
  • Ambitions and career growth. How does career growth depend on a person’s goal? What happens when the career path does not meet your aspirations? 
  • Destructive power of ambitions. Analyze whether ambitions can ruin someone’s life. Try to find supporting arguments in the literature. 
  • Goals and ambitions in life. Does an “ambition” mean the same as a “goal”? How do aspirations can help you achieve your goals?
  • What is an ambition ? Explore the topic and state your opinion on what this word means to you.
  • Ambitions and motivation. Think what stimulates you most to achieve high results and why. This could be an excellent topic for your motivation essay.
  • Ambitions and women’s rights. If you write a woman empowerment essay, you can explore how ambitious women change the world. Why are there so many grants and awards encouraging woman to become leaders in various industries? Turn to history and explore how women fought for their rights and how this fight influenced the ambitions of modern women.
  • Ambitions and poor people. If you’re writing a poverty essay, explore how people who are born poor satisfy their ambitions. What dreams do they have? Does it mean if someone who was born poor, they will live in poverty their entire life? 
  • Ambitions and minorities. You can pick this topic for your human rights essay. Discover how equal rights affect the aspirations of different minority representatives .
  • Ambitions and their impact on your health . Are you assigned to write a health essay? Think about how ambitions impact on human’s mental and physical health. What happens when you successfully achieved your goals? And how do you feel when you can’t satisfy your ambitions?
  • Ambitions and gender. Are you looking for topic ideas for you gender equality essay? Think about ambitions. Do men and women have similar dreams or not? What’s the difference between men’s and women’s goals? Make a list of top ambitions to have in life for both genders.
  • Your ambition in life. This is an excellent topic for your personal statement or “about me” essay. Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? Do you have a career plan ?
  • Ambitions and athletes. You can explore how ambitions help athletes to achieve excellent results when writing an essay on sports. What ambitions should they have to succeed?

Lionel Messi quote.

  • Ambitions and family. When you write “my family” essay, you may tell how your family influenced your ambitions. Do they support you? How do your goals impact your family life?
  • Ambitions and their impact on our lives. Can your ambitions cause specific troubles in your life? If so, how can you solve these issues? Use this topic for your problem and solution essay.
  • Best ambition in life. Explore what ambitions everyone should have. Are there goals that every person needs to achieve in their lives? Make a list of top ambitions in life to have.

  • Destructive impact of dreams on your life. This is a great topic for your dreams and ambitions essay. How can our dreams and ambitions ruin everything? Find supporting arguments in literature.
  • Good ambitions to have in life. Can ambitions be divided into good and bad? Why can people have bad ambitions? Provide some examples of good and bad ambitions.
  • Ambitions and habits. What habits do you have that help you reach your goals? When you are assigned to write a personal essay, you may use this topic. What habits should ambitious people have to succeed in life?

Tesla greatest ambition: wirelessly transmit energy across long distances using only air as a medium.

  • Ambitions and their impact on self-development . If you’re writing a personal growth essay, think how your aims and ambitions impact on your self-improvement . What makes you want to learn more? What personal development techniques help you to achieve your goals in life?
  • Describe your career aspirations in the profession you’ve chosen.
  • Is it true that gender roles in family often influence children’s aspirations? 
  • Analyze the role of gender stereotypes in career ambitions.
  • Discuss the aspirations of your community and the ways to implement them.
  • Explain how to become a successful leader.
  • Describe your attitude towards the article Goodbye Career, Hello Success by Randy Comissar.
  • Is there any common motivation that fits for every person? Explain.  
  • Can ethical behavior and keeping moral obligations be considered ambitions?  
  • Examine the connection between educational and career goals.
  • Why do people make professional development plan ?
  • Discuss how your present education will help you to achieve your future career goals.
  • Explain what the mathematics teacher career goals are and how they can be achieved.
  • Describe an event or a person that helped you to define your present career goals.
  • Analyze what being successful means in your surrounding and how it influences your ambitions.
  • Explore how the path to success is depicted in American literature.
  • Examine how the word success is understood by different people.
  • Discuss what soft skills are necessary for your personal and professional success.
  • Is hard work really the best way to achieve your career ambitions?
  • What qualities do you need to develop to achieve success ?
  • Explain whether good education is crucial for fulfillment of your ambitions.

In this section, you’ll find a list of essay examples about ambition. Most of them focus on career goals and plans. We hope that these samples will inspire you to write your own paper.

  • Teaching Profession and Career Possibilities
  • Career Management in Business
  • Musical Career: Personal Philosophy and Career Goals
  • Senior-Year Students Exploring Career Options
  • Career Opportunity in the Accounting Industry
  • Business Career Plan for the Next 5 Years
  • Career Growth in Management
  • Pharmacy: A Career Pathway
  • Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities

Since essays on ambition relate to philosophy, information on how to write a Philosophy essay or essays on happiness can be much useful to you.

Are you an ambitious person? Tell us in comments below!

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🔗 References

  • Importance of Ambitions in Life Essay
  • Ambition Essays at Cram
  • Ambition Essay for Students and Children
  • Interview Questions About Your Goals for the Future
  • On the Importance of Goal Setting: 6 Reasons why You Need to Set Goals
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Simply amazing and really helpful! Keep it up!

You can certainly see your enthusiasm within the work you write. The arena hopes for even more passionate writers like you, who are not afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

Nice and helpful article. Tips to keep in mind and use when writing an essay on ambition! Thanks for them!!!

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Your guide helped me with my essay on ambition. You have an amazing blog and posts! Keep it up!

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12 ambition examples that’ll inspire your goal-setting

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Why is ambition important?

6 examples of ambition in life, 6 examples of ambition at work, 8 habits you can put into practice, be ambitious about increasing your ambition.

Challenging goals can feel scary, encouraging you to leave your comfort zone and push your boundaries.

But when your goals aren’t lofty enough, you might feel stagnant and unfulfilled, making it better to set ambitious objectives that offer more growth and satisfaction.

Ambition is the desire and motivation to continuously achieve increasingly difficult goals. It’s the spark inside you that compels you to try your best at everything you do.

Examples of ambition look different for each person, as everyone’s marker for “daunting yet fulfilling” is unique. But no matter the ambition examples you resonate with, these goals will help you live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. 

Ambition is important because it drives you to set impressive goals and do everything in your power to achieve them. This motivational force helps you face new challenges head-on and continuously develop a growth mindset . And this forward momentum makes you feel like you’re pursuing your purpose and working toward a more meaningful life.

Your sense of ambition might wax and wane depending on where you’re at in your life — it can even change daily if you’re feeling extra tired or burned out. But you’ll always have desires you want to work toward, and any time you take on this work, you’re activating your own ambition. 

That said, it’s reasonably frustrating when your ambition is low and you can’t find the energy to accomplish your goals. These dreams are essential to feeling like you’re becoming the best version of yourself. And when your ambition in life becomes the barrier to achieving your goals, it’s normal to feel discouraged or overwhelmed.

If you’re feeling unmotivated, you can bolster your ambitious spirit by practicing the following seven characteristics found in highly ambitious people : 

  • Continuously planning and setting specific goals to promote focus
  • Staying motivated to achieve goals that help you self-actualize
  • Only feeling satisfied when you reach your ambitious goals
  • Competitively working alongside others, but for the sake of career growth and success
  • Willingly making changes in your life to better pursue your goals and purpose
  • Taking risks while maintaining critical thinking and emotional regulation
  • Remaining flexible and open-minded to strategically solve problems

In life, you display your ambition in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to those around you, whether it’s by taking proactive steps in improving your mental health by seeking a mental health professional or making strides in your professional development by starting a small business. It also subtly impacts your mindset, causing you to strive to do better, sustain your efforts, and think of the future but still be present. 

Here are six flexible ambition examples you can use as a template when finding ways to let your ambition shine:

  • Wanting to be great at something: To ambitiously approach a hobby or new skill, you’ll want to be great at it — not OK or decent, but great. Spending hours practicing will help elevate you from amateur to expert. 
  • Being passionate: Life’s too short to live without pursuing your passions , whether that’s seeking an American English literature degree or performing in plays like Macbeth. Ambitious people work toward their goals in a passionate and purposeful way. 
  • Being persistent: Ambitious people don’t easily give up when pursuing their goals, often doing whatever it takes to succeed. This might mean upskilling , revising a plan to make it attainable, and asking for help . 
  • Making a difference: Helping others is among the most persuasive and inspiring social motivators around. Working toward altruism-based goals gives your life more meaning and fulfillment, whether that’s helping a colleague with their communication skills or a friend practice their Spanish.
  • Having a vision: You can only work toward achieving something if you truly understand what it is and how to get there, and visualization techniques assist this process. Methods like defining your company’s vision or journaling about your desires help you build a more meaningful trajectory. 
  • Exuding self-motivation: Ambitious people don’t require as much external motivation, instead holding themselves accountable and taking action. That doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help. It just means you don’t need it as often and understand your own motivators enough to leverage them when you’re in a rut. 


Ambition is a desirable skill at work because it symbolizes your self-motivation skills, work ethic, and accountability. And it often means you’ve accomplished some pretty impressive career goals, making your resume stand out to human resources professionals. 

Workplace ambition typically falls into one of three categories: performance, growth, or achievement . But what’s key is finding a balance between all three because well-rounded career ambitions ensure you’re creating the right work-life balance while feeling professionally satisfied.

With that in mind, here are six examples of workplace ambition:

  • Creating a career plan: If you’re ambitious, you’ll likely create a career plan or professional development plan that considers both short-term and long-term goals. This helps you prepare to meet every objective.
  • Listening to feedback: You’re bound to make mistakes — everyone is. But viewing errors as learning opportunities showcases your self-improvement mindset because the more you learn from each shortfall, the better you can perform in the future. So seize every opportunity to receive feedback and note how you might improve your skills to achieve workplace goals.
  • Wanting to be an expert: While you can never truly know everything about a topic, the wish to become a subject matter expert showcases your willingness to learn . You understand that expertise takes time, grit , and determination — and you’re ready to put the effort in to get there (or at least close). 
  • Owning your own business: Very ambitious people will likely get to the point where being their own boss is their dream job — especially if this is the only rung left on the career development ladder. And if you’re ambitious, you’re uniquely qualified to succeed since you won’t give up and are prepared to learn from your mistakes. 
  • Striving to be a mentor: Someone likely mentored you when you entered the industry, and maybe you’d like to return the favor. Mentors guide others on their career paths by teaching them new skills and offering career advice. In this position, all your growth and achievements help you give back to others and feel fulfilled.
  • Being humble: As some of these other examples showcase, pursuing challenging and daunting goals requires humility and vulnerability . You must recognize how little you know and how much work is ahead of you to gain the right skills and strategically complete tasks. And learning from your mistakes and asking for feedback both require you to be vulnerable, truly accepting that you’re not perfect and embracing every way you can improve. 


You’re showing your ambitious side by learning everything you can about the topic, but now it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. 

Ambitious people have certain habits that help them stand out compared to people who aren’t as ambitious. You might not notice it right away, but it’s in the details. Small things contribute to how ambitious you are and your mindset toward achieving personal ambitions and career aspirations. 

If you need some healthy habits to support the goals you’re chasing, try these out. 

1. Find a social group with similar goals​​

Do your friends shrug off goal-setting , or do they share your enthusiasm for growth and hard work? Your social health impacts your attitude, so be mindful of who you hang out with. Surround yourself with like-minded people who share your focus . This might mean making new friends as an adult to find the right mix of people who motivate and inspire you. 

2. Be punctual

Organize your schedule and manage your time to ensure you’re not late or keeping others waiting. Things like job interviews and coffee with mentors demand that you’re on time and prepared. But your loved ones deserve the same level of respect — even for casual things. Punctuality means you’re intentional with your time.

3. Learn from your mistakes

Chances are slim that you’ll achieve lofty goals hiccup-free, but every mistake is a chance to grow and do a better job in the future. Embrace failures , taking a moment to meditate on them or journal to discover what you could do better next time. 


4. Hold yourself accountable

Owning your failures also means accepting responsibility for your actions — both good and bad. Make sure you celebrate your wins and are proud of yourself, but know when to admit that you’ve done something wrong. You might want to find an accountability partner to keep you in line while you build better habits. 

5. Set SMART goals

You’re only as successful as the goals you set, so make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound . Not everyone can become an astronaut or Olympic athlete. You need to balance your well-being and available resources with the right amount of challenge so you feel motivated by and capable of achieving your goals. 

6. Leverage your motivators

The best thing you can do to increase your ambition is to understand what motivates you. There’s no right or wrong motivating factor — financial security , work-life balance, and deeper connections are all valid. Take the time to assess what yours are so you can create goals you actually want to achieve. 

7. Follow your inspiration

Ambition often starts with inspiration. Feeling inspired by someone else’s accomplishments is a great way to discover what you want to achieve. Here are a few suggestions for finding inspiration: 

  • Create a vision board , adding quotes and pictures of careers, hobbies, and people that inspire you
  • Meditate on the coworkers and loved ones you’re most inspired by
  • Write a list of 10 people in your professional life that you admire and why
  • Work with a career coach to determine what your goals are and how you might find industry-specific inspiration

8. Follow your jealousy

Jealousy isn’t inherently bad. Often, it signals the things you wish you had, like a graduate degree or promotion. Notice these feelings of envy and consider whether you’d like to add these accomplishments to your list of “to-do” objectives. You might go through the same four steps offered in the previous section to determine who you envy and why. 


By reading this article on ambition examples, you’ve already expressed your go-getter nature. You’re willing to learn and ready to take on challenging goals — and that’s impressive. Now, ride this momentum to create an action plan that increases your ambition.

That might include habits you can practice to feel more passionate and motivated as well as strategic goal-setting that includes scarier objectives. Taking on this work offers you an unmatched sense of purpose — enjoy it.

With enough grit and determination, you’ll find that this is the driving force you need to live a purposeful and happy life for years to come.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Who Am I — Who Am I: Creative Writing


Who Am I: Creative Writing

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Words: 1040 |

Updated: 21 November, 2023

Words: 1040 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Prompt examples for the "who am i" essays, "who am i" essay examples.

  • Self-Reflection and Identity Explore the concept of self-reflection and the journey to discovering one's identity. How has self-awareness evolved throughout your life, and what factors have contributed to your understanding of who you are?
  • Emotions and Self-Perception Discuss your emotional landscape and its impact on your self-perception. How do you experience and express emotions? How do they shape your self-image and interactions with others?
  • Self-Esteem and Self-Obsession Examine the dynamics of self-esteem and self-obsession in your life. How has your self-esteem evolved over time, and how does it relate to your self-obsession or self-care? Share personal experiences that illustrate this evolution.
  • Social Interactions and Introversion Reflect on your social interactions and introverted tendencies. How do you navigate social situations, and what happens when you step out of your comfort zone? Discuss the balance between introversion and extroversion in your life.
  • Leadership and Taking Charge Describe your experiences with leadership and taking charge in various situations. How do you approach leadership roles, and what qualities make you effective in these roles? Share examples of when you've assumed leadership and its impact on those around you.

Who am I: Creative Essay

Works cited.

  • Akhtar, S., & Akhtar, F. (2016). A critical study of self-concept and self-esteem. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 21(7), 15-22.
  • Benson, K. (2007). The power of personality types in career success. Journal of Employment Counseling, 44(3), 98-104.
  • Cassidy, S., & Eachus, P. (2002). Developing the computer user self-efficacy (CUSE) scale: Investigating the relationship between computer self-efficacy, gender and experience with computers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 26(2), 133-153.
  • Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual. Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 49(3), 182-185.
  • Friedman, H. S. (2010). Personality, disease, and self-healing: An integrative perspective. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(1), 5-9.
  • Howard, L. W., & Ferris, G. R. (1996). The employment interview context: Social and situational influences on interviewer decisions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26(24), 2153-2174.
  • McAdams, D. P. (1993). The stories we live by: Personal myths and the making of the self. Guilford Press.
  • Swami, V. (2008). The influence of body weight on self-perceptions and partner preferences. Sex Roles, 58(9-10), 651-654.
  • Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science, 185(4157), 1124-1131.

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i am an ambitious person essay

A Conscious Rethink

11 things highly ambitious people do that increase their chances of succees

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ambitious woman

Some people always seem to be striving for success, no matter how many times they trip and fall on the ladder of life.

They want to climb that mountain and bask in the view from the top, knowing that their insatiable hunger to achieve what they set their mind to got them to that point.

What makes them this way? What propels them toward their goals like a rocket ship on its way to Mars?

It’s ambition that tells them to buckle up, hit the gas pedal, and continue on until they’ve reached the place they want to go.

Ambition is a trait in itself, but it is also defined more precisely by a number of other qualities. So, if you want to know what makes a person ambitious, keep reading.

11 traits of a highly ambitious person:

To accomplish something new will require special skills you’ve never had before. There are certain traits that a highly ambitious person possesses that enables them to reach their goals no matter their current skill level or situation. 

These traits ensure a highly ambitious person is always on an upward trajectory. They are why highly ambitious people seem to progress quickly, while it feels like you are stuck in a rut.

Cultivating and nurturing these traits ensures that highly ambitious people are always moving toward progress, promotion, and success. The traits of a highly ambitious person include the following:

1. They are goal-oriented.

Highly ambitious people are very goal-oriented. Whether in their personal or professional lives, there’s a goal they’re focused on and working toward. These goals are usually well-defined and leave no room for doubt as to what is required for them to be accomplished.

Often, the goals are challenging and stretch a highly ambitious person’s capabilities. Thus, they need a lot of dedication, time, and focus. 

As a result, a highly ambitious person also has a structured plan concerning how they will achieve their goals. They know step-by-step, day-by-day, what they need to do to reach their goals. 

If they share their goals with anyone at all, it’s with a select few who need to know or who can spur them on when their motivation is running low. That’s because highly ambitious people understand the psychological impact of telling people about their plans .

Psychologists have found that when you tell someone your goal and they acknowledge it, your mind is tricked into thinking you’ve already accomplished it. You then feel a sense of accomplishment which ends up making you less motivated to commit to doing the hard work required to reach your goals.

Another benefit of not sharing goals is that everyone keeps their opinions to themselves. When other people don’t know what you’re aiming for, they can’t project their negativity or fears into your headspace.

This allows highly ambitious people to have a positive mindset and remain focused on the work at hand. Their energy is not wasted conquering fears projected onto them by people who don’t understand their dreams.

Once they’ve set a goal and developed a structured plan to accomplish it, highly ambitious people go all out. Nothing and no one can dissuade them from their path. They stay committed to the end no matter what.

2. They are not afraid to take risks.

Highly ambitious people are not afraid of taking risks . This doesn’t mean that they take dangerous risks without thought or worry. Rather, when it comes to charting a path to success, they are not afraid to take the path less traveled.

They are the type of people who will build a business that is unlike any currently in the market. Or go into a career or industry not typically meant for people like them (e.g., a woman entering a male-dominated field).  

They’re not afraid of trying something new or confronting the risks that come with it. 

Highly ambitious people take calculated risks that promise to bring them closer to what they want in their career, business, or personal life. Once they’ve set their mind to a goal, they don’t let the fear of possible risks deter them. Instead, they attempt to identify any upcoming roadblocks and plan accordingly.

3. They are committed to developing themselves.

The only thing highly ambitious people are more committed to than their goals is their personal growth and development. They are constantly looking for ways to improve their skills and push past their personal best. 

Highly ambitious people are passionate about their personal growth. They are well aware that they don’t know it all. Nor do they assume that they have all that’s required to achieve their goals. So, they invest heavily in their personal development.  

They are curious and eager to learn anything that will help them be and get better. Because they’ve set lofty goals, or are taking an unchartered path, they know they need to increase their current skill level. 

Their skill gaps do not embarrass them. They see them as opportunities to learn and reach their full potential .

4. They focus on taking action.

A highly ambitious person is an action-taker. They don’t just make plans and then forget about them. Nor do they set goals only to procrastinate on achieving them.

They take action!

They get up and get to work.

Once they have a goal, they develop a plan to achieve it. Once they have a structured plan, they don’t delay. They get to work. 

Highly ambitious people respond promptly to opportunities. They don’t wait and roll it around in their heads a bit first. They recognize and seize the opportunity as soon as it presents itself.

Ambitious people are very driven and focused. They have a lot they want to accomplish and they know they won’t live or be young forever. So they take immediate action and get to work.

5. They surround themselves with other ambitious people.

Highly ambitious people surround themselves with other ambitious people. Their friends are people who are driven and focused. To be honest, a highly ambitious person really doesn’t have time to shoot the breeze with someone who has no plans or is going nowhere fast.

A highly ambitious person is busy working toward their goals. They usually spend what little free time they have trying to squeeze in extra work. So they don’t have time to maintain relationships with people who need coddling, constant attention, or have a lot of free time on their hands. 

If you are someone who needs a lot of attention, a highly ambitious person won’t have the time to give it to you. As such, they surround themselves with independent people who get that.

Their friends are people who motivate them to do better and be better, people who understand their passion and drive. 

6. They are open-minded.

As mentioned before, highly ambitious people are committed to personal growth and development. Part of that includes being open-minded and willing to learn from others.

They don’t think they know everything. In fact, they don’t shy away from learning from others who are different from them or are in a lower rank than they are.

Highly ambitious people are always looking to gain a different perspective on a challenge or problem. They continuously strive to improve and be better versions of themselves. If that means they need to learn from their junior team members and gain insights from the most unlikely people, then so be it. 

They are open to learning from anyone or through any means that will help them improve and reach their goals. 

7. They embrace failure.

It sucks to fail. Putting your energy into something, only to fall flat on your face, hurts the ego badly. It’s especially embarrassing when other people are around to witness your failure. 

It’s no wonder we try our hardest to avoid failing. We stay in our comfort zone, where we know we can’t fail. Our comfort zone protects us from the hurt and embarrassment of failure. It keeps us safe and secure.

But you know what else the comfort zone does? It keeps us locked in mediocrity. Which is fine if that’s what you want. However, if you have ambitious goals, your comfort zone and fear of failure will prevent you from even trying anything that’s slightly uncomfortable.

Highly ambitious people know that failure is a part of life. They know that on the path to their dreams, failure will also be along the way. Instead of giving up or changing course, they keep trying anyway. 

A highly ambitious person doesn’t run away from failure, rather, they embrace it. 

While failure can be painful and embarrassing, it can also be a tool for learning. As we already know, highly ambitious people are suckers for learning and development.

When they’re confronted with failure, they don’t let it hinder them or their dreams. They learn from failure and bounce back stronger and wiser than before.

Importantly, they aren’t perfectionists. Perfectionists can’t stand failure. Instead, ambitious people strive for excellence and realize that learning from their failures is a big part of that. 

8. They start now, not later. 

You know how one of your goals every new year is to lose weight or train for a marathon or take an online course or something? Maybe you already have a plan set up to get you to your goal once the new year rolls around.

You’re probably pretty excited and can’t wait until January 1st to start.

A highly ambitious person wouldn’t wait until the new year to begin working on their goals. They would start now. Once they’ve got the goal and they’ve got the plan, what’s the point of waiting? Highly ambitious people get started immediately.

They don’t wait for later. 

Highly ambitious people know that the best time to start is now. So they don’t procrastinate or let fear cause them to delay action. 

Time is of the essence to get things done. 

9. They don’t depend on luck.

Doesn’t it seem as if some people have all the luck in the world? Everything just falls into their lap easily with no effort… or so it seems. Because we’re not around these “lucky” people 24/7, we don’t know the amount of work they put in when no one is looking.

A highly ambitious person doesn’t depend on luck, they depend on focus, determination, and hard work. They take responsibility for their successes and failures and take ownership of their lives. If something goes right or wrong, it’s not the fault of an outside person, situation, or being.

The truth is, much of this is done behind the scenes, so when the fruits of their labor are revealed, it appears like luck. 

But a highly ambitious person doesn’t believe in luck. They believe in hard work and preparation. This makes them ready for whenever opportunity shows up unexpectedly. 

So, for those of us looking at them from the outside, it looks as if they’re the luckiest people in the world. When, in actuality, highly ambitious people make their own luck by always being prepared. 

10. They avoid negativity and drama.

Who doesn’t love a good piece of gossip or drama? Is there a better way to spend your afternoon than being immersed in other people’s business? The highs. The lows. The epically bad decisions…it’s so addicting.

A highly ambitious person doesn’t have time or energy for all that mess. Their goals have them so preoccupied that there is no extra time to engage in petty dramas that benefit no one.

When they do have a bit of free time, a highly ambitious person will spend it with loved ones or friends, or on hobbies that reinvigorate them for the next stage of their journey.

A highly ambitious person recognizes that the energy spent on drama and negativity is a useless investment. It will take their attention away from what is infinitely more important to them and get them embroiled in something that is none of their business. 

They eliminate drama and negativity from their lives as much as possible. 

11. They have a strong work ethic.

The work ethic of a highly ambitious person is second to none. They will work themselves to the bone to reach their goals. There is no challenge big enough to stop them.

A highly ambitious person may be many things, but when it comes to their goals, one thing they are not is lazy. They push themselves to the limit and will squeeze in extra time whenever they can, either by waking early or staying up late. You will never hear them say they’re too tired or sick or not in the mood to work on their goals. 

Unfortunately, their single-minded focus and work ethic tends to push them to neglect other important relationships and areas of their lives. But whatever they commit to, they do so with all of their heart and dedication.

What makes someone highly ambitious?

From what we can see, being a highly ambitious person does not require a special gene or ability. All it takes is a goal or mission that you are fully committed to and a plan to get you where you want to be. 

As you set your goals, ask yourself if they are what you truly want and can fully commit to. If so, develop a plan that will help you achieve them.

If you have no ambition right now, but you’ve seen the results highly ambitious people have attained over the last year and you want the same for yourself, then you need to develop the traits mentioned above. 

Luckily, many of the traits of a highly ambitious person are not impossible to cultivate. They require focus, dedication, and the ability to  stop making and giving excuses .

At the end of the day, it is determination and focus that make someone highly ambitious. 

Want to be more ambitious but are struggling to do it by yourself?

Speak to a therapist to get you where you want to be. Why? Because they are trained to help people in situations like yours. They can help you to identify where your lack of ambition comes from and provide tailored advice to get your through those mental blocks. is a website where you can connect with a therapist via phone, video, or instant message.

Many people lack ambition and most try to muddle through and force themselves to feel it – unsucessfully. If it’s at all possible in your circumstances, therapy is 100% the best way forward.

Here’s that link again if you’d like to learn more about the service provide and the process of getting started.

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i am an ambitious person essay

The New York Times

Opinionator | the ‘busy’ trap.

i am an ambitious person essay

The ‘Busy’ Trap

Anxiety: We worry. A gallery of contributors count the ways.

If you live in America in the 21st century you’ve probably had to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It’s become the default response when you ask anyone how they’re doing: “Busy!” “ So busy.” “ Crazy busy.” It is, pretty obviously, a boast disguised as a complaint. And the stock response is a kind of congratulation: “That’s a good problem to have,” or “Better than the opposite.”

It’s not as if any of us wants to live like this; it’s something we collectively force one another to do.

Notice it isn’t generally people pulling back-to-back shifts in the I.C.U. or commuting by bus to three minimum-wage jobs  who tell you how busy they are; what those people are is not busy but tired. Exhausted. Dead on their feet . It’s almost always people whose lamented busyness is purely self-imposed: work and obligations they’ve taken on voluntarily, classes and activities they’ve “encouraged” their kids to participate in. They’re busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety, because they’re addicted to busyness and dread what they might have to face in its absence. Almost everyone I know is busy. They feel anxious and guilty when they aren’t either working or doing something to promote their work. They schedule in time with friends the way students with 4.0 G.P.A.’s  make sure to sign up for community service because it looks good on their college applications. I recently wrote a friend to ask if he wanted to do something this week, and he answered that he didn’t have a lot of time but if something was going on to let him know and maybe he could ditch work for a few hours. I wanted to clarify that my question had not been a preliminary heads-up to some future invitation; this was the invitation. But his busyness was like some vast churning noise through which he was shouting out at me, and I gave up trying to shout back over it.

i am an ambitious person essay

Even children are busy now, scheduled down to the half-hour with classes and extracurricular activities. They come home at the end of the day as tired as grown-ups. I was a member of the latchkey generation and had three hours of totally unstructured, largely unsupervised time every afternoon, time I used to do everything from surfing the World Book Encyclopedia to making animated films to getting together with friends in the woods to chuck dirt clods directly into one another’s eyes, all of which provided me with important skills and insights that remain valuable to this day. Those free hours became the model for how I wanted to live the rest of my life.

The present hysteria is not a necessary or inevitable condition of life; it’s something we’ve chosen, if only by our acquiescence to it. Not long ago I  Skyped with a friend who was driven out of the city by high rent and now has an artist’s residency in a small town in the south of France. She described herself as happy and relaxed for the first time in years. She still gets her work done, but it doesn’t consume her entire day and brain. She says it feels like college — she has a big circle of friends who all go out to the cafe together every night. She has a boyfriend again. (She once ruefully summarized dating in New York: “Everyone’s too busy and everyone thinks they can do better.”) What she had mistakenly assumed was her personality — driven, cranky, anxious and sad — turned out to be a deformative effect of her environment. It’s not as if any of us wants to live like this, any more than any one person wants to be part of a traffic jam or stadium trampling or the hierarchy of cruelty in high school — it’s something we collectively force one another to do.

Our frantic days are really just a hedge against emptiness.

Busyness serves as a kind of existential reassurance, a hedge against emptiness; obviously your life cannot possibly be silly or trivial or meaningless if you are so busy, completely booked, in demand every hour of the day. I once knew a woman who interned at a magazine where she wasn’t allowed to take lunch hours out, lest she be urgently needed for some reason. This was an entertainment magazine whose raison d’être was obviated when “menu” buttons appeared on remotes, so it’s hard to see this pretense of indispensability as anything other than a form of institutional self-delusion. More and more people in this country no longer make or do anything tangible; if your job wasn’t performed by a cat or a boa constrictor in a Richard Scarry book I’m not sure I believe it’s necessary. I can’t help but wonder whether all this histrionic exhaustion isn’t a way of covering up the fact that most of what we do doesn’t matter.

I am not busy. I am the laziest ambitious person I know. Like most writers, I feel like a reprobate who does not deserve to live on any day that I do not write, but I also feel that four or five hours is enough to earn my stay on the planet for one more day. On the best ordinary days of my life, I write in the morning, go for a long bike ride and run errands in the afternoon, and in the evening I see friends, read or watch a movie. This, it seems to me, is a sane and pleasant pace for a day. And if you call me up and ask whether I won’t maybe blow off work and check out the new American Wing at the Met or ogle girls in Central Park or just drink chilled pink minty cocktails all day long, I will say, what time?

But just in the last few months, I’ve insidiously started, because of professional obligations, to become busy. For the first time I was able to tell people, with a straight face, that I was “too busy” to do this or that thing they wanted me to do. I could see why people enjoy this complaint; it makes you feel important, sought-after and put-upon. Except that I hate actually being busy. Every morning my in-box was full of e-mails asking me to do things I did not want to do or presenting me with problems that I now had to solve. It got more and more intolerable until finally I fled town to the Undisclosed Location from which I’m writing this.

Here I am largely unmolested by obligations. There is no TV. To check e-mail I have to drive to the library. I go a week at a time without seeing anyone I know. I’ve remembered about buttercups, stink bugs and the stars. I read. And I’m finally getting some real writing done for the first time in months. It’s hard to find anything to say about life without immersing yourself in the world, but it’s also just about impossible to figure out what it might be, or how best to say it, without getting the hell out of it again.

More From Anxiety

Read previous contributions to this series.

Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets. The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration — it is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done. “Idle dreaming is often of the essence of what we do,” wrote Thomas Pynchon in his essay on sloth. Archimedes’ “Eureka” in the bath, Newton’s apple, Jekyll & Hyde and the benzene ring: history is full of stories of inspirations that come in idle moments and dreams. It almost makes you wonder whether loafers, goldbricks and no-accounts aren’t responsible for more of the world’s great ideas, inventions and masterpieces than the hardworking.

“The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play. That’s why we have to destroy the present politico-economic system.” This may sound like the pronouncement of some bong-smoking anarchist, but it was actually Arthur C. Clarke, who found time between scuba diving and pinball games to write “Childhood’s End” and think up communications satellites. My old colleague Ted Rall recently wrote a column proposing that we divorce income from work and give each citizen a guaranteed paycheck, which sounds like the kind of lunatic notion that’ll be considered a basic human right in about a century, like abolition, universal suffrage and eight-hour workdays. The Puritans turned work into a virtue, evidently forgetting that God invented it as a punishment.

Perhaps the world would soon slide to ruin if everyone behaved as I do. But I would suggest that an ideal human life lies somewhere between my own defiant indolence and the rest of the world’s endless frenetic hustle. My role is just to be a bad influence, the kid standing outside the classroom window making faces at you at your desk, urging you to just this once make some excuse and get out of there, come outside and play. My own resolute idleness has mostly been a luxury rather than a virtue, but I did make a conscious decision, a long time ago, to choose time over money, since I’ve always understood that the best investment of my limited time on earth was to spend it with people I love. I suppose it’s possible I’ll lie on my deathbed regretting that I didn’t work harder and say everything I had to say, but I think what I’ll really wish is that I could have one more beer with Chris, another long talk with Megan, one last good hard laugh with Boyd. Life is too short to be busy.

( Anxiety welcomes submissions at [email protected] . )

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Tim Kreider is the author of “ We Learn Nothing ,” a collection of essays and cartoons. His cartoon, “The Pain — When Will It End?” has been collected in three books by Fantagraphics.

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My personal life ambition - Essay Example

My personal life ambition

  • Subject: Miscellaneous
  • Type: Essay
  • Level: Undergraduate
  • Pages: 2 (500 words)
  • Downloads: 17
  • Author: paolo04

Extract of sample "My personal life ambition"

My Ambitions in Life I am a fifteen year old male who is a freshman in high school. I obtain good grades in all of my es. I am also theoutdoor type of person. I participate in sports in and outside of school. I enjoy hunting, fishing, and camping.At this moment I am at the end of my Eagle Scout rank within the Boys Scouts organization. The Boys Scouts organization has helped me with: leadership skills; organizational skills; proactive skills; survival skills, solving problems skills, and communications skills.

This has given me an opportunity to work in many facets in my life. It has developed my skills in communicating with others and seeing life with another perspective.I am an ambitious person who wants to excel in life. I am an adventurous person that likes to experiment in a cautious way. I have great working ethics and a great sense of humor.At this moment in my life, I will start preparing myself to enter college. I will meet regularly with the school counselor and take tests to define my interest and find out what my career interests would be to be successful, take the tests required for university admission, and develop an essay of this sort of why I want to enter college.

After graduating high school, I want to attend college and major in Business Administration. My interest in Business Administration will be geared towards enhancing national and international transactions.I want to work in a managerial position where I will be able to make decisions, work in a diversity type of setting, apply what I learn from experts in the field, and put into practice the strategies that I learn by studying case studies in college.Due to the fact that I am an athlete, I have been taught how to visualize winning strategies and to be a winner.

I, therefore, visualize being a winner in life and in my future business transactions.I want to travel to be exposed to other cultures and understand their culture, history, traditions, learn another language, and learn how they make successful business transactions.After obtaining this goal, I want to find a partner for life and have children, if we are able to. I have the strength to obtain these desires and be successful in my ambitions in life.

  • ambition in life to become a teacher
  • life as a university student
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Ambition Test

Ambition Test

✅ Verified by World Mental Healthcare Association

Are you an open-minded and goal-oriented person? Do you invest adequate time and effort to reach your goal? Do you take calculated risks and love to learn from your mistake? Or, do you lose confidence after failure? Take this ambition test to know whether you are an ambitious person or not.

What is Ambition?

Ambition is the persistent and generalized striving for success, attainment, and accomplishment. It involves two things, first, the desire for achievement, and, second, the willingness to work towards it even in the face of adversity or failure. The development of ambition is strongly influenced by social, cultural, and demographic factors.

Ambition has been linked to narcissism, power, and dominance, but it is distinct from each of these concepts. The amount of ambition within an individual varies and can be manifested in certain personality traits and characteristics of behavior. To be ambitious is to achieve first and foremost not for the sake of achievement itself, but for the sake of distinguishing oneself from others.

Some of the characteristics of people with high ambition include:

  • Having a strong work ethic and investing the necessary time and effort in it
  • Setting goals and making plans following the way they can achieve it
  • Having an open-mindedness and showing a willingness to learn from others
  • Solving problems through creative ways
  • Being confident and showing calculated risks

Read More About  Ambition Here

Instructions For Taking Ambition Test

Below is a list of statements relating to an individual’s ambition level. Please read each statement carefully, and select options that you find relevant for you.

Please note: This test is a self-assessment and not a diagnostic test.

No. of questions – 15

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Low Signs Of Being Ambitious

Your present score indicates that you have a low sign of being ambitious. As can be evident from your score that to a few extend, you might like to set goals for your long-term career plan and might like to invest sufficient time and effort to achieve that. Apart from this, it can be seen from your response that a few times you might choose a standard for yourself and might take others’ feedback and follow that in your activities. Besides this, your score reflects that in a few cases, you might show eagerness to learn and gather new sources of skills for upgrading your potential. Along with this, your score shows that a few times you might show a willingness to accept and grow from your failures and set clear ideas about your needs and wants.

However, it should be noted that your responses may have an impact on your physical, mental, social, and other areas of functioning. If you think the results do not accurately match your characteristics, then we would encourage you to consult a Psychologist for an accurate result.

Want to learn more?

Some ways can help an individual develop skills of ambition, such as setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound), improving focus and concentration through meditation and other mindfulness activities, setting a focus for one particular goal at a time, investing adequate time for the necessary items and finally taking care of one’s own basic needs such as proper eating, sleeping and caring one’s own physical and mental health. If you want to know how to develop your traits of gratitude, talk to our professional psychologists.

You can use our Mood Tracker to stay mindful of your mood every day, identify your innermost thoughts & emotions on a daily basis. It will aid you in doing all those things you love, while limiting activities that might dampen your mood.

Contact Psychologist

Moderate Signs Of Being Ambitious

Your present score indicates that you have moderate signs of being ambitious. As can be evident from your score that sometimes you might like to set goals for your long-term career plan and might like to invest sufficient time and effort to achieve that. Apart from this, it can be seen from your response that to some extent you might choose a standard for yourself and might take other’s feedback and follow that in your activities. Besides this, your score reflects that often you might show eagerness to learn and gather new sources of skills for upgrading your potential. Along with this, your score shows that occasionally you might show a willingness to accept and grow from your failures and set clear ideas about your needs and wants. Because of this, your score also reveals that to some extent you might like to take risks measuring the pros and cons of your steps and take the goals that are relevant to your work.

However, it should be noted that your responses may have an impact on some of your physical, mental, social, and other areas of functioning. If you think the results do not accurately match your characteristics, then we would encourage you to consult a Psychologist for an accurate result.

High Signs Of Being Ambitious

Your present score indicates that you have a high sign of being ambitious. As it can be evident from your score that in most cases you seem to like to set goals for your long-term career plan and might like to invest adequate time and effort to achieve that. Apart from this, it can be seen from your response that in maximum cases you might choose a standard for yourself and might take other’s feedback and follow that in your activities. Besides this, your score reflects that most often you seem to show eagerness to learn and gather new sources of skills for upgrading your potential. Along with this, your score shows that in most possible cases you might show a willingness to accept and grow from your failures and set strong, clear ideas about your needs and wants. Because of this, your score also reveals that in most cases, you might like to take risks measuring the pros and cons of your steps and take the goals most of the time that are relevant to your work.

However, it should be noted that your responses may have a strong impact on your physical, mental, social, and other areas of functioning. If you think the results do not accurately match your characteristics, then we would encourage you to consult a Psychologist for an accurate result.

1 . Question

I am eager to invest adequate time and effort in the job I am assigned with

  • A few times

2 . Question

I look for ways to improve my performance and learn from my mistakes

3 . Question

I push myself for exercising or rehearsing, something that is necessary for my career

4 . Question

I am eager to learn skills and gather information outside my educational knowledge for my future career

5 . Question

I am active and keep myself engaged with tasks that can help exercise my potentialities

6 . Question

I set a standard for myself that I think is achievable for me

7 . Question

I aim to achieve long-term educational/career goal

8 . Question

I have clear ideas regarding what I want and what I don’t want

9 . Question

I believe that I have potentialities in multiple areas and would like to achieve those all step by step

10 . Question

I accept failures as an opportunity to learn and grow more and more

11 . Question

I am eager to listen and follow other’s feedback on my work

12 . Question

I get motivated by influential people around the world and set aims following their activities

13 . Question

I take goals that are contemporary and relevant to my field of work

14 . Question

I take risks measuring the pros and cons of each step

15 . Question

I am not rigid and love to upgrade myself accordingly to the changes in the systems

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David Brooks

What Happens to Gifted Children

an illustration of lit light bulbs with one brighter than the others

By David Brooks

Opinion Columnist

What happens to the extremely intelligent? Do they go from success to success, powered by their natural brilliance? Or do they struggle in a world where they don’t fit in?

There are two ways to answer these questions. The first is the social science answer. Social science researchers give promising children intelligence tests, and then they check in on them over the ensuing decades to see how much the students’ early intelligence correlates with lifetime success.

I confess that I’d prefer to live in a world in which people’s lives were not powerfully shaped by some trait they happened to have inherited. But we don’t live in that world. The social science answer is that higher intelligence correlates strongly with positive educational and career outcomes.

The grandfather of these studies is Lewis Terman’s “Genetic Studies of Genius,” which, starting in the 1920s, tracked 1,521 highly intelligent kids through life. By the 1950s, two-thirds of the Terman kids had become college graduates, a figure 10 times that of the general population. In 1954 the men in the Terman group who held white-collar jobs made $10,556 a year, on average . That was far higher than the $5,800 a year earned by American men in white-collar jobs overall.

More recent studies have produced similar results. For example, the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth tracks students who scored in the top 1 percent of intelligence tests. This study enables us to move beyond the crude notion that there is only one thing called I.Q. and focus on three specific forms of intelligence: verbal, mathematical and spatial. (Spatial intelligence is the kind of object-oriented intelligence that helps you become a master carpenter, an engineer or an inventor.)

In a meta-analysis of a bunch of these more recent studies, Tarmo Strenze of the University of Tartu in Estonia found that superhigh intelligence correlates strongly with educational attainment and occupational success and moderately with higher incomes. The Center for Talented Youth is a program at Johns Hopkins for young people with very high scores on university entrance exams. Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin and Lady Gaga all went through that program.

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    Additionally, in the sentence "I am highly ambitious person and has big dreams," the verb tense should be "have" instead of "has." To improve the focus of the essay, the author should provide more depth and details to their experiences and personality.

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    Cultivating and nurturing these traits ensures that highly ambitious people are always moving toward progress, promotion, and success. The traits of a highly ambitious person include the following: 1. They are goal-oriented. Highly ambitious people are very goal-oriented. Whether in their personal or professional lives, there's a goal they ...

  13. Essay On Personal Ambition

    Essay On Personal Ambition. Decent Essays. 1307 Words. 6 Pages. Open Document. I am very ambitious person, looking forward always to achieve my goals. I live with my parents, take care of them, and help them in daily living. They instilled me the high values and the good principals. They taught me that education is everything.

  14. Ambition Essay

    It may even cause you to forget about the things that hold great importance in your life. An ambitious person tends to only see his or her objective, and anything that gets in the way of progress is either ignores or looked at as an advantage. This in return may cause people to dislike you, not because they want to see you fail, but instead ...

  15. 50 "I Am" Statements to Describe Yourself

    Here are 50 "I am" statements that can be used to describe oneself: 1. I am passionate about making a positive impact on the world. 2. I am driven by my ambition and strive for excellence in whatever I do. 3. I am a creative problem solver who loves learning new things and finding innovative solutions. 4. I am a great listener and an excellent ...

  16. The 'Busy' Trap

    Anxiety: We worry. A gallery of contributors count the ways. If you live in America in the 21st century you've probably had to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It's become the default response when you ask anyone how they're doing: "Busy!". " So busy.". " Crazy busy.". It is, pretty obviously, a boast ...

  17. My personal life ambition

    It has developed my skills in communicating with others and seeing life with another perspective.I am an ambitious person who wants to excel in life. I am an adventurous person that likes to experiment in a cautious way. ... ("My personal life ambition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words", n.d.) Retrieved from https: ...

  18. Would You Describe Yourself as Goal-Driven?

    2. As a salesperson I know how important it is to set specific- measured- achievable- realistic and time-bound goals. While others can become overwhelmed with an ambitious sales goal- I find the challenge helps to drive my vigor and enthusiasm. I believe in measuring progress with key performance indicators so that I can track completion of the ...

  19. Free Online Ambition Test: Mind Help Assessment

    Instructions For Taking Ambition Test. Below is a list of statements relating to an individual's ambition level. Please read each statement carefully, and select options that you find relevant for you. Please note: This test is a self-assessment and not a diagnostic test. No. of questions - 15. Question 1 of 15. 1.

  20. I Am An Ambitious Person Essay

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  24. R. O. Kwon puts queer love, loss and faith on 'Exhibit' in new novel

    Published 9:55 AM EDT, Wed June 19, 2024 ... "'Exhibit' is very interested in varieties of desires — ambition, the desire to belong, food and sex." ... in 2018. In an essay she shared on ...

  25. Opinion

    Some brilliant people lack ambition. Some brilliant people don't want to spend their lives at work, slaving away for eminence. They have different values and prefer to do other things with their ...