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My favorite magazine/ Talk about a magazine you read

You should say:

  • Which Magazine it is
  • Where you read it
  • What was the magazine about

● Magazines are good source of knowledge and entertainment.

● There are many Magazines available in the market but my favorite magazine is “Meri Saheli”.

● It is a Monthly and its editor is Mrs. Hema Malini, the famous actress.

● I like this magazine because it is not a magazine to read and throw, it is a collectible.

● I have collected many past issues.

● There are many regular features in this magazine like the cooking tips, home décor ideas and family and social life improvement topics.

● I get many new ideas of preparing different varieties of snacks, vegetables and desserts and now I can prepare variety of food to my family and friends.

● I also get new tiffin ideas for my kids.

● Now they eat tasty, healthy and nutritious food which makes them keep licking their fingers and satisfies me a lot.

● This magazine also contains material about the relations, their problems and the solutions.

● I also get to know the latest fashions from this magazine.

● They have special issues from time to time such as knitting special, Diwali special, cookery special and so on.

● Sometimes there are free samples of some cosmetics with the issues.

● Once I received sample of Olay total effects.

● I liked it so much that I now routinely use this cream.

● Whenever I get time, I flick through the pages of the magazine.

● Every time I come across something new.

● It is a complete magazine for me and my family and has something for everyone.

● That’s why, this is my favorite magazine.

Part 3 – Follow Up Questions

1. What is the difference between magazine and newspapers

A newspaper is printed daily, but a magazine can be printed weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annually. A newspaper has news related to various topics, whereas a magazine caters to a specific segment. For example, those who like sports will read sports magazines, and those who are tech savvy, will read tech magazines.

2. What kinds of magazines are the most popular?

Generally entertainment or fashion magazines are very popular because they contain lots of gossip news which people enjoy and like to read

3. Do men like to read fashion magazines?

If you talk about a worldwide scale, then I don’t think that men like to read fashion magazines that much, they are more interested in current affairs, automobile and technology magazines

4. Do you like to read news magazines?

Yes I like to read news magazine, even our newspaper provides us with a weekly magazine called HT Brunch, every Sunday. This magazine contains a lot of positive and good information about the things happening in our society

5. Do you think journalists are subjective in their reports?

I think journalists are highly qualified and very responsible towards their profession, hence they do a thorough research before writing the articles. If they become subjective in their reports then it will not be good journalism

6. Do people read magazines for fun or for learning?

I believe, different magazines serve different purposes and people read them for both entertainment and to gain knowledge as well. It also depends on what magazine are they reading

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My Favourite Magazine - English Essay

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Essay On My Favourite Subject

my favourite magazine essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Favourite Subject

My favorite subject is (insert subject here). This subject has always been a source of fascination and intrigue for me, and I find myself constantly drawn to it.

There are several reasons why (insert subject) is my favorite subject. First and foremost, it provides a wealth of knowledge and information that I find both interesting and useful. Whether it’s learning about historical events, scientific theories, or mathematical concepts, (insert subject) offers a wealth of information that I find truly fascinating.

Another reason why (insert subject) is my favorite is that it is challenging and requires critical thinking. Unlike other subjects that may come easily to me, (insert subject) requires me to put in effort and actively engage with the material in order to truly understand it. This challenge not only keeps me motivated and engaged, but it also helps me to develop important skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

Moreover, (insert subject) is also very practical and applicable to real-life situations. Whether it’s using mathematical concepts to solve financial problems, or using historical knowledge to understand current events, (insert subject) provides me with a framework for approaching and understanding the world around me.

Finally, I have a passion for (insert subject) and I find myself constantly seeking out new information and resources on the subject. Whether it’s reading books, watching documentaries, or participating in discussions with my classmates, (insert subject) remains a source of endless curiosity and fascination for me.

In conclusion, (insert subject) is my favorite subject for several reasons, including its wealth of knowledge, its challenge, its practicality, and my personal passion for the subject. I look forward to continuing my studies in (insert subject) and exploring all that it has to offer.

Long Essay On My Favourite Subject

Everyone has a favorite subject in school – that one class that gets you excited, where the teacher can bring the best out of you and where you just have a great time. In this essay, I will explore my favorite subject, why it is my favorite, and how it has impacted me both inside and outside of the classroom. Read on to learn more about why this is my favorite subject!


There is no denying the fact that every student has a favourite subject. Some are drawn to the challenge of mathematics, others to the study of language. For me, my favourite subject is English. I love reading and writing, and I appreciate the opportunity to express myself through language.

English has always been a part of my life. As a child, I remember spending hours reading stories and poems. I was fascinated by the way words could be used to create beautiful images in my mind. I still enjoy reading today, and I often find myself lost in a good book.

Writing is another aspect of English that I enjoy. I like being able to communicate my thoughts and ideas on paper. It’s also a great way to relax and de-stress after a busy day.

I’m grateful that English is one of my school subjects. It’s a subject that I’m passionate about, and it’s something that I know I will continue to enjoy for many years to come.

What is my favorite subject?

Science is my favorite subject. I like it because it helps me understand the world around me. I also enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out how things work.

Why do I like it?

There are many reasons why I like my favourite subject. Firstly, I find the material interesting and engaging. Secondly, the structure of the course is such that I can learn at my own pace and in my own time. Thirdly, I enjoy the challenge of critically analysing and evaluating the material. Finally, I find that the skills I develop through studying my favourite subject are transferable to other areas of my life.

What have I learned from it?

I have learned a great deal from my favourite subject. I have developed a strong work ethic, as well as improved my research and writing skills. I have also gained a greater understanding of the world around me, and how the events of history have shaped our present day.

How has it impacted my life and career?

Since I was a child, I’ve always loved learning new things. My favourite subject was always English, because I loved reading and writing. As I’ve grown older, my love of learning has translated into a passion for teaching. I believe that education is one of the most important things in life, and I’m so grateful to have found a career that allows me to share my knowledge with others.

Teaching has impacted my life in so many positive ways. It’s given me the opportunity to meet amazing people from all over the world, and to learn about different cultures and customs. It’s also helped me to develop patience, empathy, and communication skills. I feel incredibly lucky to have found a job that I love so much, and that has such a positive impact on the lives of others.

Examples of how I use the knowledge from this subject in my day to day life.

One way I use the knowledge from my favourite subject in my day-to-day life is by using it to help me make decisions. For example, if I am considering whether or not to buy a new car, I will use what I know about economics to help me weigh the pros and cons of doing so. Additionally, I often find myself discussing current events with friends and family, and the knowledge I have gained from my favourite subject helps me to better understand what is going on in the world.

In conclusion, my favorite subject is English. I love the challenge of learning new words, understanding literature and developing my writing skills. It has been an important part of my education and I am confident that it will continue to be so in the future. With a solid foundation in English, I’m sure that I’ll have no problem pursuing any career path or mastering any other field of study.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Short Essay: My Favourite Book

Writing an essay about your favorite book can be a rewarding experience that not only shares your literary preferences but also opens up the intricate world of your chosen work to others. Whether it’s a timeless classic or a contemporary masterpiece, each book has unique elements that can be explored deeply in a short essay. Here’s a structured guide to help you craft a compelling and insightful essay on your favorite book.

Table of Contents


Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that hooks the reader. You might start with a striking quote from the book, a pivotal moment, or a personal anecdote about how you discovered the book. Briefly introduce the book, including the title, author, and a synopsis of the story, setting the stage for your deeper analysis.

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points discussed. Reflect on the overall impact of the book on your life and how it has shaped your thoughts or beliefs. This is your chance to reinforce why this book holds a special place in your heart and literary collection.

My Favourite Book Essay Example #1

Books have a unique way of transporting the reader to a different world, and for me, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is one such book. This novel has been my favourite book for many years now. It explores various themes, including racial injustice, morality, and the loss of innocence. The characters in the novel are complex and well-developed, making it a must-read for anyone who loves literature. In this essay, I will discuss why “To Kill a Mockingbird” is my favourite book, and how it has impacted my life.

Another theme explored in “To Kill a Mockingbird” is morality. The novel teaches valuable lessons about right and wrong, and the importance of empathy and understanding. Through the character of Atticus Finch, the novel shows the importance of treating everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their race or social status. The novel also highlights the need for courage and integrity, even in the face of adversity. The moral lessons taught in the novel are essential for everyone, and they have impacted my life greatly.

One of the things that make “To Kill a Mockingbird” such an intriguing read is the complex characters that are well-developed. The character of Scout Finch, the narrator of the story, grows and matures throughout the novel, and her perspectives on life change as she gains more understanding of the world around her. Atticus Finch, Scout’s father, is a complex character who is respected in the community for his honesty and integrity. The novel also explores the character of Boo Radley, who is misunderstood by the community but is ultimately shown to be kind-hearted. The characters in the novel are relatable, and their stories stay with the reader long after the novel has ended.

My Favourite Book Essay Example #2

Reading has always been one of my favorite pastimes, and throughout the years, I have read countless books that have captured my heart and imagination. However, out of all the books I have read, one stands out as my absolute favorite – and that is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. This book is a timeless classic that has touched the hearts of many, including myself. In this essay, I will be discussing the plot, the characters, and the themes explored in “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

The plot of “To Kill a Mockingbird” is centered around the life of a young girl named Scout Finch and her family, who live in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the 1930s. The main conflict of the story arises when Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, a lawyer, is appointed to defend Tom Robinson, a black man who is falsely accused of raping a white woman. Throughout the book, we see how Atticus, Scout, and her brother Jem navigate the racial tensions in their town, and how they fight against the prejudices of their neighbors. The resolution of the story is both heart-warming and heart-wrenching, as we see the consequences of the trial and the impact it has on the Finch family.

The themes explored in “To Kill a Mockingbird” are numerous and thought-provoking. One of the main themes is the exploration of racial inequality and prejudice in the American South during the 1930s. Through the lens of Scout and her family, we see the devastating effects of racism on both the black and white communities in Maycomb. Another important theme is the idea of personal growth and empathy. Throughout the story, we see how Scout and Jem learn to understand and appreciate the perspectives of others, and how their experiences shape their understanding of the world.

My Favourite Book Essay Example #3

Books have always been an integral part of my life. They are a source of knowledge, entertainment, and inspiration. Among the numerous books that I have read, one stands out as my favorite, and that is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Published in 1960, this novel has become a classic of modern American literature. It explores themes of racism, justice, and morality through the eyes of a young girl named Scout. In this essay, I will explain why this book is my favorite and why I recommend it to others.

“To Kill a Mockingbird” is my favorite book because of its powerful message against racism. The novel is set in the deep south of America in the 1930s, a time when racial discrimination was rampant. The story follows the life of Scout, a young girl growing up in a small town. Her father, Atticus Finch, is a lawyer who defends a black man accused of raping a white woman. The trial is a symbol of the deep-rooted racism in society and highlights the injustice that African Americans faced at the time. Through Scout’s innocent eyes, we see the reality of racism and its damaging effects on individuals and society as a whole.

In conclusion, “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a timeless classic that has touched the hearts of many readers. Its themes of racism, justice, and morality are still relevant today, and the characters are unforgettable. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complexities of the human experience and the importance of empathy and compassion. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves literature and wants to be inspired by a great story.

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My Favourite Magazines

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My Favourite Book – Essay on My Favourite Book for Class 1 to 10 Students

May 16, 2020 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

A Book is like a true friend, a philosopher, and a motivator. They are incredible gifts to humans. They are a source of immense knowledge and wisdom. You can turn to books for guidance in your life. They offer many insights and give a magic portal to connect ourselves with people of the past and present. It helps you live with a purpose and clarity most of the time. Reading is a great habit to inculcate. Great readers become great writersn while great writers become great communicators. It makes good societies. The positives of books are endless.

Some people like to read books because they can learn so much. Other people want to read because they can escape the truth. Also, other people just like the feel and smell of books. It discovers the passion for stories.

We live in a generation where you can choose from more than a thousand books, fiction, and nonfiction, whatever you want. There have never been so many choices and so many sources to choose. There is something for everyone. At first, it is hard, but once you create a habit, you see it is all worthwhile. Books pass on the knowledge to our future generations. It can transform the world.

Table of Contents

Types of books

Reading gives you immense knowledge and intelligence. There are different types of genres of books available in the market. Books are divided mainly into two categories – fiction and non- fiction. Fiction books are books that have literature based on imagination. On the other hand, non- fiction books are based on real events, autobiographies, and facts. There are paperback books. E-books are available online that you can read digitally on your devices. They are extremely popular these days.

There are various genres of books. The first genre is an autobiography, which is a history of a person’s life. It comes in the nonfiction category. The second is a series. It is a sequence of books that is a continuation of stories having the same characters. The third is an encyclopedia. It gives you all the knowledge of all the different subjects. It is available as paperback or e-book. Thriller/mystery is all about crime and murders. There is a lot of suspense and many suspects. It keeps you excited. The next one is romance. It is about love and relationships. They help in building personal relationships. Satire is about humor and wittiness. It is amusing and sarcastic. Another one is cookbooks. It contains delicious recipes. Children’s books are exciting and have colorful pictures for kids. Dictionary has meaningful words. History books have stories from the past, about the history of all the countries and cultures.

Where can we find good books?

Finding good books is a difficult task. Therefore, here are some excellent places to find good books. Here are some of the best tips for finding good books of a particular genre. These tips will help you to find a good book:-

1. Goodreads

Goodreads is a website having a good list of interesting books to read. Millions of books are rated on the site, and you can quickly get hands on some good books. Lots of authors have good active profiles on the website, and you can find the books they like.

2. Read the summary of a book

Surfing the internet for some good book titles is worth it. It is a great way to figure out the best books. You can go to many resources where you can find lots of book summaries. There is a warning, though, when it comes to summaries because reading them is much like getting the notes from your friend instead of going to the class. You are getting a second-hand account for the source material, and that can be good for getting through that material quickly and seeing what at least somebody else believes is the most important point from that material.

3. Finding according to your favorite genre

Every person has their taste and likes. It can be any genre, whether fiction or nonfiction. Identify your favorite genre. Then search for books according to it. It helps easy to find great recommendations.

My favorite books

1. the girl on the train.

It is a great fiction novel and is best for you if you are into thrillers. It is about the experience of three women about relationship struggles. It tells how important it is to build relations and power of the team.

2. The Alchemist

It is an inspirational story of a shepherd about achieving your dreams and working for it very seriously. It tells about the power of hard work and dedication. It says that you can achieve anything by time management and by hard work.

3. The secret

It is about following your passion and manifesting your thoughts into real life. It is a high self- help book to begin your life.

Other great books are the power of habit by Charles Duhigg, Spark by John Ratey, and a lot more.

Benefits of Reading Books and Stories

There are numerous benefits of reading books. Reading books makes you a more mature and sensible person. It shapes your way of thinking about everything. It changes your perspective. It makes you a more imaginative and more intelligent person. Useful reading is helpful. Reading only helps if it’s done often. You can learn through other people’s struggles and can help yourself. You can read it repeatedly. You can pick according to your own choice. Set your own pace.

Reading is a skill to be learned. You need to have an open mindset when you are going through a book. There is no such thing as a bad reader but only bad habits of reading.  If you want to change your life, you have to read more. Consider it as your job daily. You are the result of your daily habits and the content you are consuming. If you do not have a good circle, a pleasant environment, you can change yourself by reading books. It causes a mindset to drift. You can find mentors through books. Foundation should be strong to master your life. Reading is a savior in going through a breakthrough.

When you read books, you are more independent and free. It helps you shape as a person and offers an opportunity to grow again. It helps in public speaking and maintaining good relationships with people. It adds your value as a human. Book reading is a necessity required for your soul to nurture and develop your minds. It should be practiced in routine.

Essay on My Favourite Book: My Favourite Book Essay for Class 3

Geronimo stilton – the hunt for the golden book.

I love reading and my favourite book is from the Geronimo Stilton series, written by the Italian author Elisabetta Dami. ‘Geronimo Stilton – The Hunt for the Golden Book’ is filled with adventures and is an exciting read. The story of the book starts with the central character, Geronimo Stilton, celebrating a successful stint of 10 years of writing. Grandfather Williams throws a party to celebrate, and Geronimo decides to write a book for this occasion. However, his laptop seems to be missing. So, Geronimo and his friends embark on a journey to find his computer and print the new book, just before the party starts. The book captures the interest of young readers and also provides them a bonus read at the end. There is an extra mini mystery at the end of the book, named ‘The Lake Monster’ that has an equally exciting storyline.

Essay on My Favourite Book: My Favourite Book Essay for Class 4

I am very fond of reading books and one of my recent favourites is ‘BFG’ by Roald Dahl. The story starts with a little girl named Sophie being kidnapped by a big friendly giant (BFG) from the orphanage where she stays. She had seen him blowing good dreams into the windows of children that night.

Although she thought she would be eaten by the giant, he was not like the other giants in Giant Country who gobbled up little children. The BFG was a nice and gentle giant who spent his life blowing happy dreams to little children. He spoke a funny language called gobblefunk that made me laugh out loud throughout the book! It’s not surprising that Sophie also loved the way he spoke.

Soon, BFG and Sophie become friends and he takes her to Dream Country where they catch and bottle dreams and nightmares. Sophie also has another adventure with some of the dangerous giants in Giant Country. While she was hiding in a snozzcumber (a cucumber-like vegetable that BFG loved to eat), she gets accidently eaten by an evil giant named Bloodbottler. This was followed by a hilarious description of how BFG saves her from the eyes of the evil giant.

Towards the end of the book, Sophie starts a fight among the evil giants and plots a plan to imprison them with the help of the queen. She goes to Buckingham Palace where she and the BFG meet the queen and inform her about the evil man-eating giants. They eventually capture the giants and imprison them in a deep pit in London.

The book also has impressive illustrations created by Quentin Blake. These pictures add to the charm of the story and make the book a Roald Dahl masterpiece enjoyed by generations of young readers.

2. Ramayana

I love reading books. I have read many books, and am never bored when I am in the company of books.

One book that has influenced me immensely and has become my favourite is the epic Ramayana in English, written by Valmiki (Author), Arshia Sattar (Translator).  The style is simple and the book is very interesting. Once I take up this book I can’t put it down.

The book presents Lord Rama as the embodiment of virtues. We also learn about the sufferings he underwent to uphold his principles. Devi Sita is a devoted wife, ready to undergo any hardship or suffering for her husband.

Bharata is a glorious example of a good brother. He is an embodiment of respect and sacrifice. His love for Rama has no parallel.

There are many other characters in the book and each one plays an important role in the development of the story. Jatayu is one such key character. Hanuman is another. Both were loyal and devoted to Lord Rama.

The Ramayana upholds basic human values such as devotion, loyalty and service, and condemns lowly qualities like avarice, selfishness, and greed for power. This is a book that can be read for a truly spiritual experience.

I have read and re-read it many times. It refreshes my mind and inspires my soul each time.

Essay on My Favourite Book: My Favourite Book Essay for Class 5

1. the magic of the lost temple.

I love reading and one of my favourite books is ‘The Magic of the Lost Temple’ by Sudha Murthy. The book tells the story of twelve-year old Nooni who goes to spend a summer vacation with her grandparents in a village. Nooni is a curious child and she has an urge to abstract information at all times. This sets the scene for a thrilling mystery at the beginning of the book.

Since Nooni stays in Bangalore with her parents, the shift to the village life is enchanting. She finds joy in playing with her cousins, savouring the food cooked by her grandmother, and living the carefree lifestyle led by the villagers. I particularly enjoyed the narration that makes you feel like you are listening to a story told by your grandmother.

Soon Nooni finds a mysterious ancient stepwell in the midst of a forest. She tries to find the secret behind the stepwell with her friends.

‘The Magic of the Lost Temple’ appeals to children and adults alike, as it weaves a story around the uncomplicated life in a rural village. The book also makes a point on issues of social relevance, such as the importance of toilets in villages, the need to give back to the community, and the respect one should have for heritage sites.

I also liked the illustrations in the book; these were in perfect harmony with the characters sketched out by the author. In a nutshell, this is a heartwarming tale of how Nooni experiences the real value of the simple things in life. This is what makes it a memorable read for me.

A good work of literature is the outcome of years of dedication from the author. I generally like books which have stood the test of time and to which succeeding generations provide their seal of approval. I have read a number of books and there are several which are my favourite. This includes the tragedies of Shakespeare, the novels of Charles Dickens and the plays of George Bernard Shaw.

But there is one book that I particularly enjoy reading and that is the great drama, ‘Macbeth’, by Shakespeare.

Macbeth is the story of an ambitious man and an equally ambitious woman, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth respectively. They commit the murder of King Duncan in their own castle, so that Macbeth could become the King.

Macbeth takes over as the King of Scotland and his wife, Lady Macbeth, becomes the queen. After the first murder, Macbeth plans the murder of his chieftain Banquo, Lady Macduff, and her son, because they are closely related to his enemy Macduff.

The characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are very beautifully sketched by Shakespeare. The chief attraction lies in the character of Lady Macbeth.

The instincts that are usually associated with femininity, i.e., motherhood and compassion, are strikingly absent in Lady Macbeth. Instead, she appears to be an ambitious and ruthless person with an insatiable desire for power.

Macbeth teaches us the great moral lesson that the wage of sin is death. Those who take to wrong and immoral courses, like Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, will surely find grief in the course of life. Virtue will surely be rewarded.

3. My Experiments with Truth

We know that food is important for a healthy body. Similarly books are important for a healthy mind. Books are our true friends. They help us understand the world around us. Through books we are able to study the thoughts of different people.

Though I have read many books written by acclaimed authors, “My Experiments with Truth” is my favourite book. It was written by  Mahatma Gandhi , the Father of the Nation. I like the book because of several reasons.

It tells us about the life of the great man who got us freedom from the British. It has been written in a simple and easy-to-understand style. It is very interesting and keeps the reader gripped from beginning to end.

My Experiments with Truth is full of intriguing incidents and moral lessons. Gandhi narrates the stories of  King Harish Chandra  and  Shravan Kumar,  that have influenced him greatly. It is eye opening to read how this great man fought against untouchability and racial discrimination. My Experiments with Truth is a great book indeed!

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My Favourite Subject Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Essay on my favourite subject -.

A subject refers to a branch of knowledge or a specific topic studied in school or university. It can be a physical science, such as physics or chemistry, a social science, such as history or economics, or a humanities subject, such as literature or art. A favourite subject is a personal preference, it is the subject that someone particularly enjoys or has a strong interest in, and they might find it more enjoyable or easier to learn. It can be different for each person and can change over time.

100 Words On My Favourite Subject

My favourite subject is English Literature . The power of language has always fascinated me, and the way it can evoke emotions, paint vivid images in my mind, and tell captivating stories. Reading classic works of literature, like Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" and William Shakespeare's "Hamlet," is a window into different cultures and societies. I find it particularly interesting to study the historical and cultural context in which these works were written and to analyse the themes and symbolism used by the authors.

English Literature also allows me to improve my critical thinking skills as I learn to analyse texts and identify patterns. It encourages me to develop my own opinions and interpretations. Studying English Literature has helped me to become a better communicator and to express my ideas more effectively.

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Subject

My favourite subject is mathematics. Mathematics is not just a subject but a tool to understand and solve problems in real life. The subject requires critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity . It is a subject that can be applied to many other fields, such as physics, engineering, and economics.

Why Mathematics Is My Favourite Subject

Mathematics has always been my favourite subject because of its logical approach. I love the way mathematical concepts can be explained in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand. The subject also has a wide range of applications and is constantly evolving, providing new challenges and opportunities for learning.

One of my favourite areas in mathematics is calculus, which deals with the study of change. Calculus provides a framework for analysing how things change and how we can understand and predict their behaviour. This is a subject that has revolutionised many fields, from engineering to economics, and has had a profound impact on our understanding of the world around us.

In addition to its practical applications, mathematics is also a beautiful and elegant subject. There is a sense of satisfaction in solving a mathematical problem, especially when it is difficult. I love the way mathematical concepts can be related to each other, providing a deeper understanding and a broader perspective.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Subject

History is a fascinating subject that has always been my favourite. From learning about the great civilisations of the past to exploring the events that have shaped the world we live in today, I find history to be both captivating and incredibly important.

Why I Love History

I have always been drawn to the stories and personalities of the past. From the bravery of soldiers in battle to the cunning of political leaders, I love learning about how people have interacted with each other and with the world around them throughout history. Additionally, I find it fascinating to see how different cultures and societies have evolved over time and how these changes have shaped the world we live in today.

The Importance and Significance of History

History is much more than just a collection of old stories and dates. By studying our past, we gain a better insight into the world we live in today. Studying history also gives us the opportunity to learn from the failures and successes of the past so that we can shape the future in a more positive direction.

For example, by learning about the causes of past wars and conflicts, we can work to prevent similar events from happening in the future. Similarly, by studying the rise and fall of different civilisations, we can gain insights into how societies can thrive or decline.

History also plays a vital role in shaping our identities and cultural heritage. By learning about our own history and the history of those around us, we can better understand our place in the world and our connection to others.

The Origin of History

The origins of history can be traced back to ancient civilisations, such as the Romans and Greeks, who recorded their own histories in works such as Herodotus' "The Histories" and Livy's "The History of Rome" . These early histories were often written with a political or moral purpose in mind, but they laid the foundation for the more impartial and analytical approach to history that we have today.

Real-Life Applications of History

The study of history has a wide range of real-life applications. For example, it is an essential tool for understanding the political and social issues of our own time. By studying the events and policies of the past, we can gain a better understanding of the complex systems and processes that shape the world we live in.

Additionally, history plays an important role in many fields, such as archaeology, law, and education. For example, archaeologists use history to understand the context and significance of the artefacts they uncover, while lawyers use historical precedent to make decisions in court. Furthermore, history is a vital part of our education system, as it helps us to understand the world we live in and the events that have shaped it.

I believe that history is a subject that is both captivating and incredibly important. From exploring the stories of the past to gaining insights into the world we live in today, the study of history has the power to shape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English: Teaching is a noble profession. We all have our favourite teachers in life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on my favourite teacher in English.  Here, we’ve provided 5 essays or paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). This article will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher Essay: 100 Words

Rajkumar sir is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English in our school. He has a smiling face. He is truthful and honest. He explains his lessons in a very simple and nice way. He is a punctual and disciplined teacher. He gives full attention to each and every student. He tells us interesting stories from time to time.

Rajkumar sir is like a teacher who motivates us to do well in our studies regularly. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. He tries to solve all our queries. He teaches us good habits and moral values. He is a nation builder. Such ideal teachers are the pride of a nation.

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English

My Favourite Teacher Paragraph: 120

My favourite teacher is Riya madam. She teaches us Science as a subject. She has a unique way of teaching. She gives examples from real life situations to make his lessons interesting. She is the master of her subject. She uses question answer method and enables the pupils to discover things for themselves. I used to be very weak in science. But due to his teaching, I improved a lot in science. She keeps perfect discipline everywhere. She advises us to follow the path of truth and goodness. She works with a sense of devotion and dedication.

Along with studies, she teaches us good ethics and moral values to develop our personality. Her life lessons provide us the strength to deal with any kind of problem in our lives. I am grateful for having such a teacher in my life.

paragraph on my favourite teacher in English

Also Read: 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: 150 Words

The teacher I like most is Raman sir. He is the teacher of mathematics in our school. From the first day, all the students in the class felt very close to him because of his friendly behaviour with all of us.

He is polite and sweet natured. He is very hard-working. He loves his youngers and respects his elders. He himself is a model of good conduct. He guides us on the right path in order to make us useful and sensible citizens.

The subject of mathematics seemed very complex and difficult to me from the beginning. But he explained mathematical problems, geometry, everything so easily that I started to get very good marks in mathematics. He makes mathematics so interesting to us.

What particularly attracted me was his wide knowledge and keen interest in diverse matters. He wants his children to learn with understanding. He does not depend only on bookish knowledge. He, sometimes, also takes us out for a visit to some interesting places. A teacher, like him, could be seldom found. He shall remain an inspiration to me.

my teacher essay and paragraph

Essay on Favourite Teacher : 200 Words

In course of my student life, I came across many good teachers. Amongst them were brilliant scholars and great teachers. But in Sri Pankaj Mukherjee, I found not only a teacher with all the good qualities but also a friend, a philosopher and a guide. Although he loved everyone, I was his favourite student. Untiring in his zeal, he had great love for all students even the naughty ones. He was never unhappy even for a moment.

Though English was his favourite subject, he was equally strong in other subjects too and could go on giving notes on them with equal ease. He explained everything so lucidly that all the subjects he taught proved to be interesting. His doors were always open to us. He sympathised with us whenever we were in difficulty. He was a strict disciplinarian but he had a soft corner for all of us.

He also encouraged us to take part in sports and games and even participated in certain games with us. In short, he was more than a teacher to us. I admire him and still remember him because he was an ideal teacher in all respects.

Also Read: My School Paragraph in English

My Teacher Essay/Paragraph: 250 Words

Sh. M.P. Sharma is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English. He is our class teacher too.

He wears simple clothes. Generally he wears pant and shirt. But in winter he wears coat and pant. He looks very smart in his dress. He wears leather shoes. They are always bright.

He is M.A, M.Ed. in English. He is an expert teacher. He is the master of his subject. His teaching method is very easy and unique. Everyone praises his teaching method. Every student understands it easily. He explains all the lessons slowly so that all the students can understand the lessons well. No one make any trouble in his class. Even the most mischievous student in the class listens to his lectures carefully. If a student faces difficulty to understand any topic, he explains it to him at a different time after the school holidays.

He has many qualities. He believes in simple living and high thinking. His nature is very fine. He loves every student. He is very honest. He is sincere to his duty. He is friendly to all. To him work is worship. He has high character. His thoughts are always high. He inspires his pupils to conduct themselves well in life.

He is a true and ideal Guru for me. He is the nation builder in true sense. This is why I like him very much.

Read More: 1. Paragraph on My Aim in Life  2. Paragraph on Discipline 3. Paragraph on Early Rising

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Essay on My Favourite Food – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on My Favourite Food

Essay on My Favourite Food: Food is not just a source of nourishment for me, it is a passion. Among all the delicious dishes I have tried, there is one that stands out as my absolute favorite – sushi. The combination of fresh fish, sticky rice, and savory seaweed never fails to satisfy my taste buds. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons why sushi holds a special place in my heart and explore the cultural significance of this delectable dish. Join me on a culinary journey as I share my love for my favorite food.

My Favourite Food Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by brainstorming your favorite food and why you love it. Think about the taste, texture, aroma, and memories associated with it.

2. Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. You can start with a personal anecdote or a vivid description of your favorite food.

3. In the body paragraphs, describe your favorite food in detail. Discuss the ingredients, preparation method, and any special techniques or recipes that make it unique.

4. Share your personal connection to the food. Explain why it is your favorite and how it makes you feel when you eat it. You can also talk about any memories or experiences that are tied to this food.

5. Use sensory language to bring your favorite food to life for the reader. Describe the taste, smell, and texture in a way that allows them to imagine it for themselves.

6. Discuss the cultural significance of your favorite food. Explain any traditions or customs associated with it and how it has influenced your own culinary preferences.

7. Consider including some fun facts or trivia about your favorite food to make your essay more informative and engaging.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing why this food is your favorite and how it has impacted your life. You can also reflect on how your love for this food has evolved over time.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure it is well-written and free of errors. Make sure your ideas flow smoothly and that your writing is clear and concise.

10. Finally, consider adding a personal touch to your essay by sharing a favorite recipe or inviting the reader to try your favorite food for themselves. This will make your essay more interactive and memorable for the reader.

Essay on My Favourite Food in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My favorite food is sushi. 2. I love the combination of flavors and textures in sushi. 3. The freshness of the fish and vegetables in sushi is unbeatable. 4. Sushi is a healthy option for a meal, packed with protein and nutrients. 5. I enjoy trying different types of sushi rolls, from traditional to creative fusion rolls. 6. Sushi is a versatile food that can be enjoyed as a light snack or a full meal. 7. The presentation of sushi is always beautiful and appealing to the eye. 8. I appreciate the skill and craftsmanship that goes into making sushi. 9. Sushi is a great option for dining out with friends or for a special occasion. 10. Overall, sushi is my go-to choice for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Sample Essay on My Favourite Food in 100-180 Words

My favourite food is pizza. I love the combination of gooey cheese, tangy tomato sauce, and a crispy crust. Whether it’s a classic pepperoni pizza or a gourmet creation with unique toppings, I can never resist a slice of pizza.

What I love most about pizza is its versatility. You can customize it to suit your taste preferences, whether you prefer a meat lover’s pizza or a vegetarian option loaded with fresh veggies. Pizza is also perfect for sharing with friends and family, making it a great option for gatherings or parties.

I also appreciate how easy it is to enjoy pizza. Whether it’s from a local pizzeria or a homemade creation, pizza is always a satisfying and delicious meal. It’s comfort food at its best, and I never get tired of indulging in a cheesy slice of pizza.

Short Essay on My Favourite Food in 200-500 Words

My favourite food is sushi. I have always been a fan of Japanese cuisine, and sushi is one of the dishes that I can never get enough of. The combination of fresh fish, sticky rice, and seaweed is simply irresistible to me.

One of the reasons why I love sushi so much is because of its versatility. There are so many different types of sushi to choose from, whether it’s nigiri, sashimi, or rolls. Each type has its own unique flavor and texture, making it a truly satisfying meal.

I also love the presentation of sushi. The vibrant colors of the fish and vegetables, the delicate arrangement of the rice and seaweed, and the artistic drizzle of soy sauce and wasabi all come together to create a visually stunning dish. It’s like a work of art that you can eat.

Another reason why I love sushi is because of its health benefits. Sushi is a low-calorie, high-protein meal that is packed with essential nutrients. The fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart and brain. The seaweed is a good source of vitamins and minerals, and the rice provides a good source of carbohydrates for energy.

But above all, the taste of sushi is what keeps me coming back for more. The fresh, clean flavors of the fish, the slightly tangy rice, and the subtle umami of the seaweed all combine to create a taste sensation that is unlike any other. Whether I’m enjoying a simple salmon nigiri or a complex dragon roll, each bite is a delight for my taste buds.

In conclusion, sushi is my favourite food because of its versatility, presentation, health benefits, and most importantly, its delicious taste. Whenever I’m in the mood for a satisfying and flavorful meal, sushi is always my go-to choice. I could eat it every day and never get tired of it. It’s a dish that brings me joy and satisfaction every time I eat it, and I will always have a special place in my heart for sushi.

Essay on My Favourite Food in 1000-1500 Words

Food is an essential part of our lives. It not only provides us with the necessary nutrients and energy to function but also brings joy and comfort. Everyone has their own favorite food that they crave and enjoy. For me, that favorite food is pizza.

Pizza is a popular dish worldwide, loved by people of all ages. It is a versatile dish that can be customized to suit individual preferences, making it a favorite for many. The combination of a crispy crust, savory sauce, gooey cheese, and a variety of toppings makes pizza a delicious and satisfying meal.

One of the reasons why pizza is my favorite food is its versatility. There are countless variations of pizza, allowing me to choose different toppings and flavors depending on my mood. Whether I am in the mood for a classic pepperoni pizza, a veggie-loaded supreme pizza, or a gourmet pizza with unique toppings like prosciutto and arugula, there is always a pizza that satisfies my cravings.

Another reason why pizza is my favorite food is its convenience. Pizza is easily accessible and can be delivered right to my doorstep, making it a convenient option for a quick and satisfying meal. Whether I am too busy to cook or simply craving a delicious slice of pizza, I can always rely on this beloved dish to satisfy my hunger.

Furthermore, pizza is a comfort food for me. There is something comforting about biting into a warm slice of pizza, with the melted cheese stretching as I pull it away from the rest of the slice. The combination of flavors and textures in each bite is a comforting and satisfying experience that never fails to put a smile on my face.

In addition to its taste and convenience, pizza holds a special place in my heart because of the memories associated with it. I have fond memories of enjoying pizza with friends and family during gatherings and celebrations. Whether it was a birthday party, a movie night, or a casual get-together, pizza was always a crowd-pleaser that brought everyone together.

Moreover, pizza is a dish that can be enjoyed in various settings. Whether I am dining out at a pizzeria, ordering delivery to enjoy at home, or making my own homemade pizza, the experience of eating pizza is always enjoyable. I love the anticipation of waiting for the pizza to arrive, the aroma of freshly baked pizza filling the room, and the satisfaction of taking that first bite.

Despite the many reasons why pizza is my favorite food, there are also some criticisms of this beloved dish. Some may argue that pizza is unhealthy due to its high calorie and fat content. While it is true that some pizzas can be indulgent and calorie-laden, there are also healthier options available, such as thin-crust pizzas with vegetable toppings.

In conclusion, pizza is my favorite food for a variety of reasons. Its versatility, convenience, comfort, and the memories associated with it make it a beloved dish that I always enjoy. Whether I am craving a classic pepperoni pizza or a gourmet pizza with unique toppings, pizza never fails to satisfy my cravings and bring joy to my taste buds. I will always have a special place in my heart for pizza, and I look forward to enjoying many more slices in the future.

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My Favorite Food Essay

500 words essay on my favorite food.

In order to perform well in life, our body needs energy. We get this energy from the food we eat. Without food, there will be no life. In today’s world, there are so many dishes available worldwide. Food comes in a wide variety all around the world. Dosa, Paneer, Naan, Chapati, Biryani, and more Indian delicacies are available. We are also offered western cuisines such as noodles, pasta, burgers, fries, pizzas and more dominating the food industry. In my favourite food essay, I will tell you about the food I like eating the most.

my favorite food essay

My Favorite Food

As the world is advancing day by day, it is becoming easier to get access to many kinds of food at our doorstep. Every day, we all want to consume great and delicious cuisine. There are many different varieties of food accessible all throughout the world. We all like different foods, however, my personal favourite is burgers. I have eaten many cuisines but my favourite food is definitely a burger. I cannot resist myself when it comes to burgers.

Burgers are one of the most convenient and easiest foods to eat on the fly when we’re in a hurry. We can have a burger at any time of day, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, and maybe some fries and a Coke to go with it. Many restaurants are well-known for making their speciality burgers in a particular style. Preparation changes from one establishment to the next. But what exactly makes a burger taste so good? They will taste vary depending on where you go, but they are all built the same. It is made up of a bun, a ground meat patty, and various toppings like cheese, onion slices, lettuce, and other sauces.

They are so soft yet crunchy, fresh and juicy that I love eating them. Even though there are many kinds of burgers, my favourite one is a chicken burger. The chicken patty gives the burger a juicy taste and it tingles my taste buds every time I eat it. I can already smell and taste it in my mouth as soon as I walked inside McDonald’s or any other restaurant that serves chicken burgers. As soon as I take a huge mouthful of it, I forget about any problems or troubles that are going on in the outer world and concentrate my entire concentration just on my chicken burger.

I love eating a burger which is filled with cheese and vegetables . The more vegetables you add, the better it tastes. My personal favourite is lettuce. It gives the burger the right amount of freshness and crunchiness.

I always eat my burger with ketchup. Most importantly, the thing I love about eating burgers is that I get to eat French fries along with them. They work as a great side to the dish and also make my stomach full.

Even though I liked eating a burger from a famous fast food joint, nothing beats the chicken burger my mother makes at home. She prepares everything from scratch, even the burger. Thus, it is extremely fresh and healthy too.

I know and feel that burgers have the great flavour and taste that would make anyone’s stomach pleased after a long day of work. I can tell by the reactions on people’s faces when they order their preferred burger variant. Overall, I don’t believe any other fast food will taste as good as a chicken burger. It’s just difficult to think that something will triumph in the future. As a result, I consider my favourite dish to be the best ever created.

A Great Variety

Perhaps the great thing about burgers is the great variety they offer. It has options for all people, who prefer vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even vegans. Thus, you can select the patty of your burger and dive right in.

There are a large number of burger joints being started in every corner of the city, each serving a variety of their own specialised and self-curated recipes. Burgers that are health-friendly and a go-to with a diet are also being introduced by these newly upcoming burger places. There are a lot many burger cafes that give their customers the choice to create their own burgers by providing them with a choice between patties, fillings, veggies, sauces as well as the number of burger layers they want.

Even though my personal favourite is a chicken burger, I also enjoy eating cheeseburgers and vegetable burgers. For me, all burgers taste delicious. Whenever we go out to eat with friends , I always order a burger.

My friends who do not eat non-vegetarian also eat burgers thanks to the great variety it offers. When we order food at home, we make sure to offer all kinds of burgers from cheeseburgers to chicken burgers, so that we get a taste of everything in our meal. Thus, I love burgers and their great variety makes it better.

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Conclusion of My Favorite Food Essay

Even though my favourite food is a burger, I enjoy other foods as well like Pizza and Pasta. However, I feel when it comes to eating daily, nothing beats homemade food. The food we eat daily is what helps us gain energy. We cannot eat our favourite food daily as it will become boring then, but our staple food is something we enjoy eating on an everyday basis.

FAQ of My Favorite Food Essay

Question 1: Why do we need food?

Answer 1: We need food because it provides nutrients, energy for activity, growth. Similarly, all functions of the body like breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm are made possible because of food. It also helps in keeping our immune system healthy.

Question 2: Should you eat your favourite food all the time?

Answer 2: No, never. Favourite foods are meant to be enjoyed when there is any special occasion, or when you are tired of your regular homemade food. Eating too much of your favourite food will make your taste buds adjust to it and eventually, it will not remain our favourite. Excess of anything is bad and the same goes for our favourite food. Thus, we must eat it occasionally so that it remains our favourite.

Question 3: Is fast food healthy? Should we not consume fast food at all?

Answer 3: Fast food is often high in calories, sodium, and harmful fat, with one meal frequently providing enough for a whole day. It is also deficient in nutrients and nearly devoid of fruit, vegetables, and fibre. That doesn’t mean you should completely avoid fast food. It is feasible to eat fast food without jeopardising your healthy diet. Take advantage of the nutritious side dishes available at many fast-food places. Look for meals that include lean proteins, vegetables, and fibre, and avoid anything that is supersized.

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My Favorite Hobby Essay: 50 Words,100 Words,150 Words and1000 Words

Imagine a world where every day offers an escape into something you love, a sanctuary where time stands still and the heart races with joy. This is the essence of a hobby, a personal retreat that offers solace, excitement, and fulfillment. As we delve into “My Hobby Essay,” we embark on a journey to uncover the layers of enthusiasm, creativity, and personal growth that hobbies bring into our lives.

Hobbies are the silent storytellers of our lives, painting vivid pictures of our interests, aspirations, and quests for happiness. They range from the simplicity of reading a book to the adrenaline rush of skydiving, each with its own flavor and essence. Through this exploration, we’ll discover how these cherished activities reflect our inner selves, offering both a mirror and a window into who we are and who we aspire to be.

Now, let us transition into the heart of the essay, where we’ll weave through the narratives of joy, challenge, and discovery that hobbies entail. Prepare to explore the profound impact of our favorite pursuits on our well-being and identity, and how they become not just a part of our routine, but a vital component of our very essence.

My Hobby Essay 50 Words

My hobby is drawing, a serene escape that allows me to express creativity and emotions without words. With each stroke, I explore various textures and shades, bringing my imagination to life. It’s a journey of constant learning and self-discovery, where blank canvases transform into expressions of my inner world.

My Hobby Essay 100 Words

My hobby is reading, a simple activity that opens doors to endless imagination and knowledge. It all began when I discovered a dusty old book in my attic, sparking a love for stories that whisked me away to different worlds. Through reading, I’ve journeyed to magical lands, solved mysteries alongside detectives, and lived through historical events. This hobby has not only expanded my vocabulary but also enriched my understanding of diverse cultures and human emotions. It offers a sanctuary where I can unwind and recharge, providing comfort and inspiration in my daily life. Reading is more than a hobby; it’s a window to the vast universe, teaching me new things with every page turned.

My Hobby Essay 150 Words

My hobby is gardening, a passion that roots me in the pleasures of nature and the cycle of life. It began as a small project with a few pots and has since blossomed into a vibrant oasis that I nurture with love and patience. Through gardening, I have learned the importance of care, dedication, and the delicate balance of nature. Watching seeds sprout into plants and flowers bloom is a constant reminder of the wonders of life and the rewards of attentive stewardship.

Gardening offers me a tranquil retreat from the bustle of everyday life, a place where I can find peace and rejuvenation among the greenery and fragrant blooms. It’s not just about the beauty of the flowers or the freshness of home-grown vegetables; it’s about the connection to the earth and the joy of seeing my efforts flourish. This hobby has enriched my life, providing both physical exercise and a profound sense of accomplishment and serenity.

My Hobby Essay 200 Words

My hobby, gardening, has rooted itself deeply into the fabric of my life, offering me both a physical and mental sanctuary. This green oasis I tend to is not just about the act of planting and watching things grow; it’s a profound connection to nature that teaches patience, care, and the cycle of life. Each seed sown is a testament to hope, a promise of new life waiting to unfold under the warmth of the sun and the care of my hands.

Gardening is more than a pastime—it’s a dialogue with nature. As I dig, plant, and nurture, I find myself grounded in the present moment, away from the distractions of the digital world. The garden is a place of endless lessons, where each plant’s growth or struggle reflects the delicate balance of life. It has taught me resilience, as not every plant thrives, and adaptability, learning what each species needs to flourish.

Moreover, gardening is a creative outlet, allowing me to design landscapes that change with the seasons, offering a constantly evolving palette of colors and textures. It provides not only a sense of accomplishment but also contributes to my physical well-being, with fresh produce right from my backyard. In essence, gardening enriches my life, offering solace, education, and a deep appreciation for the simple, yet profound, joys of life.

My Hobby Essay 250 Words

My hobby of playing the piano transcends mere musical practice; it is an immersive journey into the realm of melody and emotion. This enchanting world of black and white keys has become a sanctuary for my soul, a place where I can express my deepest feelings without uttering a single word. From the first timid touch of the keys to mastering complex compositions, each note played is a step deeper into the heart of music itself.

The piano is not just an instrument; it is a vessel for storytelling. Through it, I have discovered the power of music to convey stories, evoke emotions, and connect with others on a profound level. It has taught me the beauty of discipline and the reward of perseverance, as mastering each piece requires patience and dedication. The satisfaction of finally playing a piece fluently is incomparable, a true testament to the journey of learning and growth.

Beyond personal fulfillment, playing the piano has opened avenues for social connection and cultural appreciation. Performing for others brings a sense of community and shared joy, while exploring different genres has deepened my appreciation for the diversity of musical expression across cultures. It’s a hobby that nurtures my creativity, enhances my emotional intelligence, and broadens my understanding of the world.

Furthermore, the mental and emotional benefits of playing the piano are significant. It serves as a therapeutic escape, where stress and anxiety dissolve into the harmony of music. This meditative aspect of playing brings tranquility to my mind, making it not just a hobby, but a crucial element of my well-being.

In essence, playing the piano is a multifaceted hobby that enriches my life in countless ways. It is an endless journey of discovery, expression, and connection, making it a deeply cherished aspect of my existence.

My Hobby Essay 1000 Words

Football, more than just a game, is a world of its own that brings people together, transcending borders and cultures. From the moment I kicked my first ball, I was captivated by the sheer joy and freedom it offered. This essay explores my journey with football as a hobby, its impact on my life, and the lessons it continues to teach me.

The Beginning: Falling in Love with Football

My journey with football began in my early childhood, in the open fields of my local park. It was there, amidst laughter and shouts, that I discovered my passion for the game. The excitement of chasing the ball, the camaraderie among players, and the thrill of scoring a goal hooked me completely. Football was no longer just a pastime; it became my hobby, my passion, and a significant part of my identity.

The Game: More Than Just Playing

Playing football is not just about the physical game; it’s about strategy, teamwork, and mental toughness. Each match is a new challenge, a puzzle to be solved with creativity and cooperation. As I honed my skills on the field, I also learned the importance of communication, leadership, and resilience. Football taught me to think on my feet, adapt to changing situations, and above all, work harmoniously with others towards a common goal.

The Challenges: Growing Through Adversity

Like any journey, mine with football has had its share of obstacles. Injuries, defeats, and moments of self-doubt tested my commitment to the game. However, these challenges only deepened my love for football. They taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of dedication, and the power of a positive mindset. Overcoming these hurdles has made every victory on the field even more rewarding.

The Community: A Sense of Belonging

Football has given me a community, a sense of belonging to something larger than myself. Whether it’s with friends at a local park or with a team in a more structured league, the bonds formed on the football field are unique and enduring. This community has supported me through thick and thin, celebrating every triumph and commiserating every defeat. It’s a brotherhood forged in sweat and ambition, a family united by a shared love for the game.

The Lessons: Beyond the Field

The lessons learned from playing football extend far beyond the field. It has taught me about respect—respect for the rules, opponents, and the spirit of the game. It has instilled in me the importance of hard work, discipline, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Football has been a mirror reflecting my strengths and weaknesses, pushing me to grow, not just as a player, but as a person.

The Impact: Shaping My Worldview

Football has shaped my worldview in profound ways. It has taught me that success is not just about talent; it’s about effort, attitude, and the courage to keep going despite setbacks. This hobby has shown me the beauty of diversity and the strength that comes from unity. It has made me more open-minded, tolerant, and appreciative of different cultures and backgrounds.

The Future: Continuing the Journey

My journey with football is far from over. I look forward to many more years of playing, learning, and growing with the game. Football will continue to be a significant part of my life, offering new challenges to overcome and more joy to discover. As I move forward, I am excited about passing on my love for the game to others, inspiring them to find the same joy and passion in football that I have.

Playing football is more than a hobby; it is a vital part of who I am. It has enriched my life in countless ways, teaching me lessons that extend well beyond the game. Football has given me a community, shaped my character, and provided a source of joy, passion, and fulfillment. As I lace up my boots and step onto the field, I am reminded of the incredible journey football has taken me on—a journey of growth, camaraderie, and love for the beautiful game.

My Hobby Essay 10 Lines

My hobby is playing football, a sport that brings joy and excitement into my life. From the moment I kick the ball, I feel a surge of energy and freedom. It’s not just about scoring goals; it’s about teamwork, strategy, and the thrill of the game. Every match is a new adventure, offering lessons in perseverance, discipline, and sportsmanship. On the field, I forget all my worries, focusing solely on the game and my teammates. Football has taught me the importance of hard work, determination, and the value of practice. Whether playing in the rain or under the shining sun, the joy of football remains constant. It connects me with people from different backgrounds, fostering friendships and understanding. Through football, I’ve learned to set goals, celebrate successes, and learn from defeats. This hobby is an essential part of my life, offering physical fitness, fun, and invaluable life lessons.

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Guest Essay

The Ten Commandments Are Trump’s Favorite of All the Commandments

my favourite magazine essay

By Christopher Buckley

Mr. Buckley is a novelist and humorist.

Gov. Jeff Landry of Louisiana signs a bill mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public classrooms. He says of the legislation, “ I can’t wait to be sued .”

Mr. Landry is sued by 28 organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union, Amalgamated Atheists of America, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Beelzebubbians, the Spouses of U.S. Supreme Court Justices Neighborhood Welcome Wagon Association, and Liberals for the Prevention of Morality.

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Donald Trump hails Mr. Landry, calling him “the greatest mayor of Louisiana maybe ever.”

“Actually, ever,” he adds.

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Speaking before the annual conference of the Evangelical Substitute Teachers Association on the eve of Thursday’s presidential debate against Mr. Biden, Mr. Trump calls the Ten Commandments “my favorite of all the commandments.” In an apparent reference to Moses, he says that “being from New York City,” he “personally knows many, many people named Moe, all of them terrific, and most of them dentists.”

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Essay on Favourite Family Member

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Family Member in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favourite Family Member

My favorite family member.

In every family, there is one person who stands out as special. In my family, that person is my grandmother. She is the heart of our home, always there with a warm hug and a kind smile.

Her Endless Love

My grandmother loves everyone unconditionally. She listens to my stories and cheers me on in my sports games. Her love is like a cozy blanket that makes me feel safe.

Her Amazing Stories

She tells the best tales from her past, filled with adventure and laughter. These stories connect me to our family history and teach me valuable lessons.

Why She’s My Favorite

She’s my favorite because she makes me feel important and loved. Every moment with her is precious, and I cherish the joy she brings to our family.

250 Words Essay on Favourite Family Member

Kindness and care.

My grandmother is the kindest person I know. She always has a warm hug ready for me whenever I see her. She makes sure that everyone in the family is happy and healthy. If I’m ever feeling sad or sick, she knows just what to do to make me feel better. Her gentle words and caring touch are like magic.

Wisdom and Stories

Grandma is also very wise. She has lived a long life and has seen so much. When I need advice, she is the person I go to. She tells the best stories from when she was young, and I learn a lot from them. Her tales are not just fun to listen to; they also teach me important lessons about life.

Fun and Laughter

Lastly, I love spending time with my grandma because we have so much fun together. We bake cookies, go for walks, and play board games. She has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh. It’s never boring when she’s around.

To sum up, my grandmother is my favorite family member because she is kind, wise, and a lot of fun. She makes our family stronger and happier. I feel lucky to have her in my life.

500 Words Essay on Favourite Family Member

Everyone has a special person in their family that they feel closest to. This person is not just a relative but a friend, a guide, and sometimes even a hero. For me, that special person is my grandmother. She is my favorite family member for many reasons, which I will share with you in this essay.

Her Loving Nature

Stories and wisdom.

One of the best things about my grandmother is the stories she tells. She has lived a long life and has so many interesting tales from her past. When she shares her experiences, I feel like I am traveling back in time. She also gives me advice that comes from her years of living. Even when I make mistakes, she helps me understand what I can learn from them.

It might surprise you, but my grandmother is very funny. She has a great sense of humor and can make anyone laugh. We play board games, and she always has a clever trick up her sleeve to win. But she is also fair and teaches me that playing is not just about winning, but about having a good time together.

Teaching Me Skills

Support and encouragement.

No matter what I want to do, my grandmother is there to support me. She comes to my school events and cheers the loudest. When I have a big test or a competition, she is the first to say, “You can do it!” Her belief in me makes me believe in myself too.

In conclusion, my grandmother is my favorite family member because she fills my life with love, laughter, and learning. She is a storyteller, a teacher, and my biggest fan. Her kindness and wisdom guide me, and her humor adds joy to my days. I am grateful for every moment I spend with her, and she will always hold a special place in my heart. She is more than just my favorite family member; she is one of my favorite people in the whole world.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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An Elegy for Vancouver Summer

Rising temperatures and raging wildfires have me dreading my favorite season—and mourning the splendid days of my childhood.

A hand holds a polaroid picture of Vancouver, which looks bright with green hills and mountains. Behind the polaroid, the rest of the Vancouver landscape is visible. It is darker, with the city and mountains lit in orange and red.

Vancouver has faced alarming heat, formerly unimaginable, in recent summers. Journalist Paloma Pacheco writes about facing what might be another long, hot, smoke-choked season. Illustration by Jon McCormack .

by Paloma Pacheco | June 20, 2024

Last summer was my first in my new apartment. I’d moved into the building in the fall, several weeks into a cool Vancouver November. The trees were bare, and our famous winter rain had set in for its months-long stay, but I stood on my balcony, looking out over the cityscape and mountains behind it, and thought: This will be heaven in summer.

Buildings in the Pacific Northwest are built for cold , despite our relatively mild winters. They’re made of wood and insulated, or of concrete, which retains heat naturally. Mine, a big block complex in a dense urban area, was concrete, completed only a year prior. When the building manager handed me my apartment keys, she explained the heating system. I asked about air conditioning, and she said the building didn’t have it, but that it wouldn’t be a problem. We were in Canada, after all.

Five months later, I received a notification on my phone’s weather app: An extreme heat alert was in effect for British Columbia. A spring heatwave was headed for the province, with temperatures expected over 30 C (86 F), nearly 20 degrees above the seasonal average. On May 14, I awoke in the morning from a fitful sleep and checked my thermostat: 29 C (84 F). An uncomfortable indoor temperature for a Southern Californian, but hell for a Northwesterner. My concrete home had become a sauna. That afternoon, I encountered neighbors in the elevator carrying box fans and portable air conditioners; the higher the floor they were stopping at, the more their agitation level seemed to rise. It unsettled me, but I still believed my building manager: I could survive the summer heat.

I was born in Vancouver in the late 1980s and have lived in the city most of my life. Vancouverites regularly bemoan our dreary climate, but anyone who’s lived in the Pacific Northwest long enough knows what makes living here worth it. When the rain finally lifts and the trees turn green, our corner of the planet transforms into a northern paradise. Summer’s long, light-filled days—even if they have historically lasted only a couple months—are enough to forgive the rest. When a cool ocean breeze blows in at 10 p.m. on a July evening, the sky still filled with color, anything feels possible.

Summer was always my favorite season here. As a child, I anticipated it with mounting excitement each spring, certain of its transformative potential. Summer meant freedom from school and the confines of a world determined by adults; it meant water parks and beaches, crushes and bike rides late into the night.

Two decades later, I feel differently. Like many in the Northwest, I’ve come to dread summer.

Solastalgia is a word many of us have learned, as the places we grew up in and the seasons we spent there have been irrevocably altered by climate change. It’s a word drawn from the past (the Latin solacium— “comfort” or “solace”—and the Greek algos : “pain”) to describe our present. It holds both our current grief for what has been lost and anticipatory grief for a world that will be even more changed.

Where Vancouver summers were once associated with clear afternoons and gentle temperatures—a calling card that made the Pacific Northwest a promising option for climate apocalypse preppers—they’ve become seasons of extreme heat, fires, and smoke. June, July, August, and increasingly even May and September now often bring long, scorching days and the distinctive orange haze of a smoke-blanketed sun.

For many British Columbians, the summer of 2021 was a psychological turning point. Fifteen years ago, I can’t remember a June day in Vancouver reaching anywhere near 30 C; in fact, between 1976 and 2005, the city averaged just one day over 30 C per year. But in late June 2021, British Columbia experienced a heat dome that saw inland temperatures soar to nearly 50 C (122 F), shattering heat records, killing hundreds of people , and sparking fires across the province, one of which destroyed the entire town of Lytton within hours .

In Vancouver, temperatures hovered at nearly 40 C (104 F) for days, with wildfire smoke adding to the suffocating claustrophobia. Public libraries became cooling centers, and stores across the province sold out of air conditioners. Climate data analysis suggested that the event would have been 150 times less likely without human-induced climate change .

Last year, while I baked in my apartment during the May heatwave, parts of British Columbia and neighboring Alberta again burned —an early start to a Western wildfire season that would be Canada’s worst yet. In June, Canada made international headlines when smoke from wildfires in Quebec traveled south, enveloping New York City and large swaths of the Northeast for days. By the fall, flames had scorched 16.5 million hectares .

I couldn’t afford the expensive air-conditioning units my neighbors had purchased, so I spent June, July, and August in a state of chronic sleep deprivation and mental stress. I didn’t realize how much the summer’s heat had affected me until late August, when the smoke started to roll in from British Columbia’s devastating inland fires , forcing me to keep my windows closed and my air filter running to mitigate it.

Being shut in in 30-degree weather undid me. I caved and purchased an air conditioner—on sale, to mark what would usually be the season’s end. I’m glad I did. September in Vancouver was also hot and smoky. Being able to cool down inside my home provided immeasurable relief.

This year, I’m better equipped psychically as well. As Canada emerges from the warmest winter in the country’s history , and drought fuels fires that have already forced thousands to evacuate in the West , I’m planning for the likelihood of days spent indoors, avoiding the heat and smoke. I know I’m privileged to have an escape. Like many Pacific Northwesterners, I’ve had to accept our new reality: Summer is no longer a time of freedom.

My solastalgia encompasses my grief not just for the climate I knew and how it has changed in my lifetime, but how I have changed in tandem. I mourn the Vancouver summers of my childhood but also the version of me that associated summer with pleasure and joy, instead of anxiety and danger.

I hope there will still be days when the sun sinks late over the Pacific on a cool evening and the future feels expansive, but I’ll experience them differently, knowing they’re a reminder of a fading season. The future they conjure will likely bring a different version of summer with it.

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