ROAD TO DEMOCRACY ESSAY SAMPLE (TALKS/NEGOTIATIONS) NOTE:your introduction and conclusionis highlighted with green colour.Your lines of arguments are highlighted withred colour.

One would totally agree with the statement that it was leadership,negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa become a democratic state.For example,Nelson Mandela and De Klerk worked together including ot her organisations to bring democratic South Africa on 1994. (Make sure your introduction is not longer than 5 pages) In1981,FW De Klerk replaced PW Botha as a state president of South Africa and immediately made drastic changes by unbanning political parties and release political prisoners.De Klerk made an announcement for the release of Nelson Mandela on 11 February 1990.This was a huge step taken by De Klerk and it gave people hope that the apartheid was coming to a nend. (Make sure your back ground is not more than 5 lines).

The National Party(NP) and African National Congress(ANC) delegation met at two locations to discuss the way on how they will work together towards the democratic South Africa.The first meeting was held in 2 May1990 at the official resident house of Groote Schuur and it was called the Groot Schuur Meeting.In this meeting both ANC and NP agreed on ending violence which were occurring in the country and to work together towards the process of negotiations or talks to bring a democratic South Africa.The second meeting were held at Pretoria on 6 August 1990 which led to an agreement called the Pretoria Minutes.Here the ANC government agreed that they will suspend the armed struggle and the NP government agreed to end the state of emergency.Other major law were removed.The Group Areas Act and Registration Population were also removed.This convinced countries that imposed sanctions to S.A and boycotts to stop them.Thus,the leadership and negotiations and compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in1994.

Although,the violence did not stop in the country between Inkandla Freedom Party(IFP)and ANC.The IFP supporters attacked ANC on commuter trains and led into almost 573 deaths. It was emerged that the NP government handed weapon to IFP supporters to eliminate ANC supporters.This created a huge distrust between ANC and IFP including NP.Another violence occurred in Sebokeng in hostels when the IFP attacked ANC strong hold and almost 30 people died.Moreover,another violence occurred in ZonkizizweTownship in Germistonin Gauteng between supporters of the IFP and the ANC.The ongoing violence between the ANC and IFP members led into a Seven Day Warat Pietermarisburg (PMB).Therefore,the violence and uncertainly that confronted South Africa in the early1980s almost delayed the process of negotiations.

Moreover,the formal negotiations occurred on 20December 1990 at Convention for Democratic South Africa(CODESA1)at Trade Work Centreat Kempton Park.Nineteen political organisations including UNO and common wealth.Even though talks sometimes broke down but the Declaration of Intent was signed.It was agreed that South Africa should be an undivided country.Free from apartheid, discrimination and all other forms of prejudices.This also led into accountability of a meeting by four groups that were preparing for the future meeting which was CODESA2 which were to be held in May2.The PAC and PC boycotted against the CODESA.The IFP and the Independent Bophuthatshwana did not sign it because the irrequest for an extra delegation for the Zulu King was refused.Therefore, compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa become a democratic state in1994.

Furthermore,DeKlerk called for a white only referendum on1991. Here DeKlerk wanted to see if the white people were still with him from the negotiations he had started making from 1990 to change South Africa.The majority voted positive and it was clear that he should continue.This gave people hope that apartheid was coming to an end.Thus,the compromises also ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in1994.

CODESA2 occurred on May1991.It was agreed that the SABC should presents the neutral view of the negotiations on televisions.The NP and ANC did not agreed on major power sharing like power sharing,majority rule and regional powers.The NP still wanted a major place from the government and the ANC did not admit on that.The ANC and NP did not come into consensus solution on how they will end the violence in South Africa. As a results,ANC and COSATU walked out of the negotiations and called for a mass rally to force government to compromise.Therefore,it was leadership,negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa become a democratic state.

Even though the official negotiations had ended but the unofficial negotiations continue between Cyril Ramaphosa and Roef Meyer. The Record of Understanding was signed between Cyril Ramaphosa of ANC and Roef Meyer of the NP.This committed and encouraged South Africa to work together again towards the negotiations.Moreover,Joe Slovo came up with Sunset Clause on April 1993.The Sunset Clause allowed the National Party government until 2000.It also protected the security jobs for whites people for more than 10years.Therefore, the commitment and compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in 1994.

Moreover, the violence did not end between IFP and ANC.The ANC attacked the squatter camps of the ANC near the township of Boipatong in the Gauteng and almost 49people died.It was said that a white man was the one who handed over the Force Defence Agency to cause violence and chaos.The ANC called for a march to the Cickel to protests against homeland leaders.Here almost 79 people died and 200 people got injured when they were trying to break through the police barriers.The assassination of Chris Hani almost stopped the negotiations process of the elections.Chris Hani was a General Secretary of the Communist Party(CP) and he was assassinated on1993 by members of the Military Wink.There was a violence and chaos in a country after his assassination. DeKlerk realised he could not deal with this anymore and called for Nelson Mandela to address the issue. Mandela addressed that on national television that there must calm down and stop fighting each other.Thus,thev iolence and uncertainty that confronted South Africa in the early 1980s almost delayed the process of negotiations.

Moreover, the Multi talks began on 1993April1. It was said that the date of the election was going to be 27thApril1994 on this meeting which was held at World Trade Centre. Furthermore, the AWB and Volk front stormed the World Trade Centre attempt to disturb the negotiations.They vandalised the entrance and threatened delegation.The AWB was killed by the South African Defence Force.The APPLA opened on fire on St James Church and killed 11 people.The IFP marched to Shell House and was killed by ANC security.This led to a Shell House Massacre.Then DeKlerk, Mandela and Buthelezihada meeting led to IFP joining the negotiations.Then finally the election held free and fairly. ANC won the elections and Nelson Mandela became the first president of South African Democratic Country.The election were held on 27 April 1994. DeKlerk and Thabo Mbheki became deputy president. Therefore, the compromises, negotiations and leadership ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in 1994.

To conclude, it was leadership,negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa become a democratic state in 1994. For example Nelson Mandela and De Klerk compromised so much working with other organisations to bring democracy in South Africa. (Your conclusion must be less than5lines).

MAKE SURE YOU WRITE LINES OF ARGUMENTS ON EACH AND EVERY PARAGRAPH. For more information or questions feel free to contact me via Whatsapp or calls to 0729272510(Msawenkosi Chamane) GOODLUCK!!!!!!

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Grade 12 Students: Download This PDF for Acing Your Road To Democracy Essay!

  • August 25, 2023

Austin Finnan

Grade 12 Students: Download This PDF for Acing Your Road To Democracy Essay!

The Road to Democracy in South Africa was a long and difficult one, marked by many setbacks, detours and dead ends. But ultimately it was a journey that led to the country’s first truly democratic elections in 1994 and the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as its first black president.

The road to democracy in South Africa began long before 1994. It was the product of centuries of struggle by the country’s black majority against the white minority rule that was imposed on them by the British colonialists who first settled in the country in the 17th century .

The struggle against colonialism and white minority rule took many different forms over the years. It was a struggle for political rights, for economic justice, for social equality and for human dignity.

It was a struggle that was fought in the courts, in the streets, in the townships and in the forests. It was a struggle that was led by many different leaders, each of whom left their own indelible mark on the history of the country.

The road to democracy in South Africa was not an easy one. But it was a journey that was worth taking, because it led to a better future for all South Africans , black and white.

  • 1 Road To Democracy Essay Grade 12 Pdf Download
  • 2 Benefits of democracy
  • 3 Challenges of democracy
  • 4 Strategies to promote democracy
  • 5 Conclusion

Road To Democracy Essay Grade 12 Pdf Download

The Road to Democracy Essay Grade 12 PDF Download is an invaluable resource for any student wishing to gain a better understanding of the path to democracy. This educational resource offers a comprehensive overview of the different stages of democracy, including its origins, development, and current state. It also provides insight into the various challenges faced by democratic countries as well as the potential solutions to these issues. Furthermore, the essay provides a detailed analysis of the roles of citizens in maintaining a democracy, as well as the importance of civic education and civic engagement. With its in-depth analysis of these topics, the Road to Democracy Essay Grade 12 PDF Download is an excellent resource for students seeking to gain a better understanding of the path to democracy.

Benefits of democracy

Grade 12 Students: Download This PDF for Acing Your Road To Democracy Essay!

Democracy is an essential form of government that has been embraced by countries around the world. It is based on the idea of free and fair elections, majority rule, and the protection of minority rights. Democracy has brought with it many benefits that have helped to improve the lives of people in many countries. Here are some of the major benefits of democracy that make it so appealing.

The first benefit of democracy is the protection of individual rights and freedoms. In a democratic system, all citizens have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to vote. Furthermore, the government must respect and uphold these rights, as outlined in the country’s constitution. This ensures that citizens can express their opinions without fear of retribution and gives them a say in the decisions that affect their lives.

Another benefit of democracy is the promotion of economic growth and development. Democracies are more likely to have open and competitive markets, which encourages investment and creates jobs. This, in turn, helps to reduce poverty and inequality. Furthermore, democracies tend to have higher levels of education, which helps to promote innovation and productivity.

Finally, democracy is beneficial for international relations. Democracies tend to be more stable and less prone to conflict. They are also more likely to sign international agreements and treaties, which can help to promote peace and cooperation between countries.

Overall, democracy has a number of benefits that make it an attractive form of government. It protects individual rights and freedoms, promotes economic growth and development, and contributes to international peace and cooperation. It is no wonder that so many countries around the world have embraced democracy as the best way to ensure the well-being of their citizens.

Challenges of democracy

The road to democracy is often a difficult and winding one, filled with numerous challenges and obstacles. As we progress towards a better, more representative form of government, it is essential to consider the challenges that stand in the way of achieving a true democracy. The Grade 12 Road To Democracy Essay PDF Download is a comprehensive resource that delves into these challenges, providing insightful analysis and valuable information on the path to a more equitable society.

One of the most significant challenges of democracy is the lack of representation for minority groups. In many democracies, certain populations are underrepresented, leaving them unable to have their voices heard or their interests represented. This can lead to a lack of access to resources and opportunities, as well as an increased risk of discrimination and marginalization. The Grade 12 Road To Democracy Essay PDF Download discusses the importance of ensuring that all citizens have access to representation, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Another major challenge of democracy is the issue of corruption. In many democracies, corruption is rampant and has had a damaging effect on the functioning of government. It can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability, as well as a weakening of the rule of law. The Grade 12 Road To Democracy Essay PDF Download highlights the importance of addressing corruption and ensuring that all citizens have access to a fair and just system of government.

Grade 12 Students: Download This PDF for Acing Your Road To Democracy Essay!

Finally, the challenge of polarization is also a significant obstacle to democracy. In many countries, the political divide has grown increasingly deep, leading to an inability to compromise and reach consensus on important issues. The Grade 12 Road To Democracy Essay PDF Download encourages citizens to become more involved in the political process and to work to bridge the divide between different political parties.

The Grade 12 Road To Democracy Essay PDF Download is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand the challenges of democracy and the steps we can take to overcome them. By providing detailed analysis and useful information on the path to a more equitable society, this resource is essential for anyone wanting to make a difference and help create a better future.

Strategies to promote democracy

The journey to democracy is a long and winding one, full of twists and turns that can often be difficult to navigate. With so many different paths to take, it is important to understand the strategies necessary to promote democracy and ensure that it is maintained. In this blog post, we will explore some of the strategies to promote democracy and how they can be applied to a grade 12 essay on democracy.

One of the most effective strategies to promote democracy is through education. Education plays an important role in helping individuals understand the principles of democracy, such as the importance of equality, justice, and respect for the rule of law. By providing a comprehensive understanding of these principles, individuals can be better equipped to make informed decisions and participate in the democratic process. To promote this understanding, grade 12 students can research and write an essay on democracy that explores its history, functions, and key principles.

In addition to education, civic engagement is another important strategy to promote democracy. By becoming involved in the democratic process, individuals can have a direct say in the decisions that affect their lives. Civic engagement can come in many forms, such as voting, attending public meetings, or joining political groups. For a grade 12 essay on democracy, students can research and write about the importance of civic engagement and how it can be used to promote democracy.

Finally, the development of strong institutions is another strategy to promote democracy. Strong institutions provide stability and ensure that democratic principles are protected and respected. To encourage the development of strong institutions, grade 12 students can research and write about how institutions such as the judiciary, legislature, and executive can promote democracy.

In conclusion, there are many strategies to promote democracy, and these strategies can be applied to a grade 12 essay on democracy. By educating individuals, encouraging civic engagement, and developing strong institutions, we can ensure that democracy is protected and that individuals have a direct and meaningful say in the decisions that affect their lives.


The Road to Democracy essay covers a lot of ground and provides detailed insights into the democratic process. It is a well-written and informative essay that should be required reading for anyone interested in the topic.

essay grade 12 pdf road to democracy essay

Austin Finnan is a blogger, traveler, and author of articles on the website He is known for his travels and adventures, which he shares with his readers on his blog. Finnan has always been passionate about exploring new places, which is reflected in his articles and photographs. He is also the author of several books about travel and adventure, which have received positive reviews from critics and readers.

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essay grade 12 pdf road to democracy essay

essay grade 12 pdf road to democracy essay

Oh Gosh My Grades

History: south africa’s road to democracy (1990-1994).

essay grade 12 pdf road to democracy essay

This post is all about the process of getting to be a democratic country that SA went through between 1990 and 1994. It is not in full depth but will definitely give you the basic understanding that you can then build on.

The first thing to note is that this journey was not an easy one for the leaders that were involved. They had to get through negotiations with challenges such as violent attacks and lack of compromise to face. Since we see that SA is democratic now, it is clear that the leaders were able to get through the challenges.

One of the largest obstacles was the TOWNSHIP VIOLENCE that occurred during the process of negotiations. The Sebokeng Massacre was the first violent event and this took place after Nelson Mandela was released from prison. Next was the Katlehong Massacre (10/03/1990) which started out as a protest march against the rent and electricity prices that had to be paid and the taxi violence that they faced; 28 people were injured. The Boipatong Massacre was very serious- 46 people were killed and many were injured. This event took place on the 17/06/1990 at one of the ANC strongholds. 300 IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party) members carried arms and shot and hacked their way through Boipatong. The police was warned of this event beforehand but did not make any effort to intervene and the ANC accused this all as a 3rd force* involvement because IFP supporters supposedly arrived in police and government-owned vehicles. This event was so serious that it actually led to the failure of CODESA II. The next tragic event was the Bisho* Massacre on the 10/09/1992 where 28 people were killed and 200 injured. Approximately 70 000 ANC supporters participated in a protest march against Gqozo. He then sent in the army which opened fire on all participants of the march. In KwaZulu Natal , one SA province, the most violence took place. The State of Emergency therefore remained here in 1990 even after being lifted in many other provinces due to the threat that it was perceived to be and the government wanted “attempted to maintain control”. Although violence reigned through the province as a whole, with more people dying here than any other place, some of the hotspots were Port Shepstone, Kwamashu and Richmond.

*Bisho is a town in the Ciskei which was declared an independent homeland, separate from South Africa

*This 3rd force involvement at Boipatong was investigated after Apartheid ended and it was found that there was evidence of this.


  • PW Botha & Nelson Mandela
  • They discussed the unbanning of the ANC and Mandela’s release
  • National Party and the ANC
  • They met to try and come to a decision on ending the violence that was occurring.
  • Both parties agreed that they needed to remove the obstacles that were preventing them from negotiating effectively.
  • This laid the foundation for the future negotiations.
  • All political prisoners were released & exiled people could return.
  • The State of Emergency was lifted everywhere except KZN.
  • Involved the ANC & NP again
  • The result was the suspension of the armed struggle (Mkonto we Sizwe (MK))
  • This compromise showed that Nelson Mandela renounced violence as a means to achieve peace.
  • 27 political parties were involved
  • Those not involved were: the IFP, PAC and CP
  • The parties that participated signed an agreement to ensure that future negotiations would occur.
  • This paved the path to CODESA I.
  • Involved 19 political partied (IFP and PAC still not involved)
  • Reforms were negotiated
  • The aim was to make a multiracial transitional government possible in the future
  • DECLARATION OF INTENT was signed which meant that they had to meet again at a later stage in order to change the political system that they were under.
  • Involved the same groups as CODESA I
  • Was supposed to be a continuation of CODESA I but it ended up failing because of majority rule, power sharing, regional powers and the ending of violence.
  • The ANC and its allies walked out of the negotiations and said that they would start Rolling Mass Action so that more pressure would be placed on the shoulders of the NP.
  • The government was trying to get out of allowing retribution.
  • The failure of these negotiations led to the RECORD OF UNDERSTANDING being signed
  • Agreement between Cyril Ramaphosa & Roelf Meyer
  • Ensured that the negotiation process would continue between the ANC and the NP regardless of the threat of the 3rd force and township violence.
  • This was proposed by Joe Slovo
  • Power sharing were to be done for a fixed time period
  • Involved amnesty clause for security officers
  • Any party with 5% of the vote would be proportionally represented in the interim government discussed in the following event.
  • The ANC and NP were working together
  • It was agreed that there should be a 5 year term (1994-1999) where all parties that get more than 5% of the votes in the general elections would be proportionally represented. This is called a Government of National Unity.
  • He was a popular leader
  • Former commander of the MK (Mkhonto we Sizwe)
  • Assassinated in his driveway in Boksburg by Janus Waluz
  • An Afrikaans woman who lived across the road from him reported the crime and gave the numberplate details of the assassin.
  • The assassin and his accomplice Clive-Derby Lewis were arrested
  • His assassination sparked mass violence nationwide
  • Mandela gave a public speech on TV that promoted the fact that it was a white, Afrikaans woman that reported the crime and this prevented the possibility of civil war taking place
  • Initially created by the participants at CODESA I & continued talks until they came to a consensus
  • Allowed for the Government of National Unity which was the interim government proposed for the ‘new SA’
  • They set a date for the first democratic elections
  • Everyone voted twice- for the National Assembly and then for the Provincial Assembly
  • ANC won 62.65% of the votes which meant that they got 252 seats
  • The NP won 20.25% if the votes and thus got 81 seats


  • Early negotiations
  • Groote Schuur Minute
  • Pretoria Minute
  • National Peace Accord
  • Record of Understanding (after CODESA II)
  • Sunset Clause
  • Further negotiations
  • The violence in townships
  • The involvement of the 3rd force
  • The right wing opposition
  • White opposition
  • Black extremists such as the PAC, IFP, AZAPO
  • Chris Hani’s assassination

So I hope that this has helped all of you a bit, I might go into a bit more detail on some of these events later.

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Grade 12 history p2 essay road to democracy

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I have to learn many things

Thank you this has helped alot since I can’t find my history papers 😩😭

that’s what I want danki

Woow it was beautiful and And I have learned many thing that I didn’t now

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This is wat I really needed..thank you I’ve learned alot

Glad we could help 🙂

this is really helpful


I have learned a lot but I want a document of this on my phone

it is very clear and summarised to a greater extent. thank you!!!

I have learned a lot here but I need this information on my phone

One of my Best essays from high school.

Hmm I’m glad coz i found the usefulness n meaning of the road to demo….y

this was very helpful especially for grade 12 students although i feel its missing a few important “events” but it is very helpful for the large amount of the essay content.

I need full essay about Road democracy

Thank to the writers it is very useful and helpful

Thank you I learned a lot.

This summarised the whole content of THE ROAD TO DEMOCRACY …with ur assistance I can now approach questions in any aspect

Thank you very much ♥️

Very useful

Thank you so much …i got all the help that i needed

Essay about negotiations that paved way to democracy

It has everything that I needed , thank you so much , it helped a lot😊🙏❤ .

I will need help on this because I have got Assignment research

It summarize in a great way

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The Road To Democracy In South Africa Essay Grade 12

Photo of Shama Nathoo

How to answer “The Road To Democracy In South Africa Essay Grade 12” correctly?

Let us look at the magic term: Essay . When a question asks a student to write an “essay,” they (students) are expected to provide a structured and well-organised piece of writing that presents and supports a main idea or a position. The essay should have an introduction that introduces the topic and states the position or a side of the writer, body paragraphs that support the thesis or position with evidence and examples based on their country of South Africa, and a conclusion that summarises the main points and restates the position (good/bad). For higher marks, the essay should demonstrate critical thinking, a paragraph with history or background of the topic, and all should be written with clarity and simple english for better understanding.

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Road To Democracy In South Africa (Essay Sample)

Road to democracy in south africa.

South Africa’s road to democracy began with activists fighting to eliminate apartheid.  Major changes in democracy occurred between 1990 and 1994; the road to democracy was not easy for the leaders involved; they had to go through the challenges of negotiations due to violent attacks instigated by different interest groups. One of the obstacles leaders faced was the township violence during the negotiations to end apartheid.

The Sebokeng Massacre took place when Nelson Mandela was released from prison.   The other massacre was in Katlehong in 1990 that began as a protest march against high rent and electricity prices. The Boipatong massacre took place the same year in one of the African National Congress (ANC) party strongholds. Violence took place in one of the largest provinces Kwa Zulu Natal. While a state of emergency was, declared violence continued with more people dying. These were the challenges faced by leaders during negotiation to end apartheid and fight for freedom.

After several-failed attempt to negotiate with the government, and increased violence in protest of government ban of political parties, the president’s announcement in Parliament on 2nd February 1990, changed the course of South Africa’s future.  He dismantled the apartheid regime that ruled the country by lifting the ban on political parties like ANC and PAC. He ordered the release of all political prisoners, including Nelson Mandela in Robben Island. The president announced he was willing to work with political parties to create a more democratic constitution in South Africa.

After the announcement, ended violence and negotiations continued between the government official and the ANC leaders in Cape Town to discuss the way forward.  The negotiation included granting immunity to prosecuted political offenders, releasing other political prisoners, allowing political leaders who went into exile to return to South Africa. On March 1993 marked the beginning of democracy in South Africa, a new multi party negotiation began to discuss a power sharing system where all parties would get equal representation in parliament.

Devolving power to the provinces was granted and people were to elect their leaders at the constituent assembly that would form an interim government to run the country for the next five years. All the parties were involved in drafting the new constitution and bill of rights was included in the Constitution for the first time. The negotiations agreed that the government would remain the highest authority and would facilitate the adoption of the new constitution and the upcoming elections. The government was to consult with all party authorities. The ANC promoted black advancement through an affirmative action and compensation of losses incurred during apartheid. ANC was keen to end the white rule by negotiating for a multi-party conference or constituent assembly.

During the April 1994, the election saw a major transition from an authoritarian rule to a more democratic country. The large queues seen at the voting stations were a clear indication that power was changing hands. This was the first election that allowed South Africans to participate in the democratic process by choosing their rulers regardless of their background. Nelson Mandela was elected the president as South Africa exercised their democratic right; all citizens were allowed to vote with over 19 million people voting.  After the 3 stages of negotiations for the transition to liberate South Africans, apartheid was defeated, and black Africans were on the edge of attaining the long awaited freedom. When Nelson Mandela took an oath to serve the country, his famous words were “Never, never and never again shall the beautiful and will again experience such oppression”. There were many challenges that hindered democracy in the country, but eventually, through the persistence of its leaders, the country finally attained freedom.

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The road to democracy in South Africa

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Social Media Exposure, Societal Engagement, and Political Beliefs of Grade 12 Students in Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.

Profile image of Kurt Sachi Tolentino

This research aimed to investigate the social media usage, community involvement, and political views of Grade 12 students at The Rizal Memorial Colleges Inc. It employed a descriptive-correlational approach, utilizing mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation for analysis. Conducted within the Integrated Basic Education Department, respondents were selected using a stratified random sampling method from the Grade 12 Senior High School population. The questionnaire was validated by three experts to ensure reliability and validity. The results indicated a notable presence of social media exposure and community engagement among the participants, with a significant correlation observed between social media exposure, community engagement, and political beliefs.

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    This research aimed to investigate the social media usage, community involvement, and political views of Grade 12 students at The Rizal Memorial Colleges Inc. It employed a descriptive-correlational approach, utilizing mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation for analysis.