398 Racism Essay Titles & Writing Examples

  • 🔖 Secrets of Powerful Racism Essay

🏆 Best Racism Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

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Looking for powerful racism essay topics? You will find them here! This list contains a great variety of titles for racism-themed papers. We’ve also included useful tips and plenty of racism essay examples to help you write an outstanding paper.

🔖 Secrets of a Powerful Racism Essay

Writing an essay on racism may seem easy at first. However, because racism is such a popular subject in social sciences, politics, and history, your piece needs to be truly powerful to receive a high mark. Here are the best tips to help make your racism essay stand out:

  • Consider the historical causes of racism. Papers on racism often focus on discrimination and equality in modern society. Digging a bit deeper and highlighting the origins of racism will make your essay more impressive. Check academic resources on the subject to see how racism was connected to the slave trade, politics, and social development in Europe. Explore these ideas in your paper to make it more compelling!
  • Show critical thinking. Racism essay titles often focus on the effects of racism on the population. To make your essay more powerful, you will need to discuss the things that are often left out. Think about why racial discrimination is still prevalent in modern society and who benefits from racist policies. This will show your tutor that you understand the topic in great depth.
  • Look for examples of racism in art. One of the reasons as to why racism spread so quickly is because artists and authors supported the narratives of race. If you explore paintings by European artists created in 17-18 centuries, you will find that they often highlighted the differences between black and white people to make the former seem less human. In various literary works, such as Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Shakespeare’s Othello, racism plays a vital role. In contrast, more recent works of art consider racism from a critical viewpoint. Examining how racism is reflected in the art will help you to earn an excellent mark for your analysis of the subject.
  • Discuss the influences of racism. Of course, one of the key racism essay topics is the impact of racism on black populations in various countries. It is true that discrimination plays an essential role in the lives of black people, and reflecting this in your paper will help you to make it influential. You can discuss various themes here, from police brutality to healthcare access. Support your claims with high-quality data from official sources. If appropriate, you can also show how racism affected your life or the lives of your friends and loved ones.
  • Show the correlation between racism and other social issues. Racism is connected to many different types of discrimination, including sexism and homophobia. This allows you to expand your paper by showing these links and explaining them. For instance, you could write an essay on racism and xenophobia, or find other topics that interest you.

Finally, structure your essay well. Write an outline first to determine the sequence of key points. You can check out a racism essay example on this website to see how other people structure their work.

Racism Thesis Statement, Main Body, & Conclusion

A typical essay should have an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. Each paragraph of the main body should start with a topic sentence. Here’s what a topic sentence for racism-themed essay can look like:

Racism continues to be a pervasive issue in society, with deep-rooted prejudices and discrimination that impact individuals and communities across the globe.

Don’t forget to include a racism essay thesis statement at the end of your introduction to identify the focus of the paper! Check out these racism thesis statements for inspiration:

Racism is pervasive social problem that manifests in various forms, perpetuating systemic inequalities and marginalizing minority groups. Through an examination of racism’s history and its psychological impact on individuals, it becomes evident that this pressing issue demands collective action for meaningful change.

In your essay’s conclusion, you can simply paraphrase the thesis and add a couple of additional remarks.

These guidelines will help you to ensure that your work is truly outstanding and deserving of a great mark! Be sure to visit our website for more racism example essays, topics, and other useful materials.

These points will help you to ensure that your work on racism is truly influential and receives a great mark! Be sure to visit our website for example papers, essay titles, and other useful materials.

  • Racism in the “Dutchman” by Amiri Baraka Generally, one is to keep in mind that Baraka is recognized to be one of the most important representatives of the black community, and the theme of racism in The Dutchman has, therefore, some historical […]
  • Racism in The Paper Menagerie Essay Also, it is a tragedy of the society the influence of which can be too devastating to heal.”The Paper Menagerie” teaches the audience how ungrateful and cruel a child can become under the pressure of […]
  • Racism in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain The character of Pap is used to advance the theme of racism in the book. In the closing chapters of the book, Huck and Tom come to the realization that Jim is not property but […]
  • The Problem of Racism in Brazilian Football Skidmore describes it as the relationships that could result into conflict and consciousness and determination of the people’s status in a community or a particular group. In football, racism damages pride of the players and […]
  • Racism in “The Black Table Is Still There” by Graham The black table, as he calls it, is a table, that was and still is, present in his school’s cafeteria, that accommodated the black students only depicting no more than racism in schools.
  • Racism in Music: “(What Did I Do to Be So) Black and Blue” The extreme popularity of the song among the black population can be explained with references to the fact that Armstrong changed the original lyrics to accentuate the social meaning of the composition and elaborated the […]
  • Racial Discrimination in American Literature In this way, the author denies the difference between people of color and whites and, therefore, the concept of racism in general.
  • The Challenges of Racism Influential for the Life of Frederick Douglass and Barack Obama However, Douglass became an influential anti-slavery and human rights activist because in the early childhood he learnt the power of education to fight inequality with the help of his literary and public speaking skills to […]
  • Racism in Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare Since Othello is dark-skinned, the society is against his marriage to the daughter of the senator of Venice. In summary, the play Othello is captivating and presents racism as it was.
  • Racism and Motherhood Themes in Grimke’s “Rachel” In addition, her mother kept the cause of the deaths of Rachel’s father and brother secret. In essence, the play Rachel is educative and addresses some of the challenges people face in society.
  • Racism and Discrimination as Social Constructs This is because the concept of race has a negative connotation in the society. For example in some societies, especially the western society; the concept of race implies un-fair treatment and discrimination of a particular […]
  • Contrast Between Tituba and John Indian and Countering Racism The declaration suggests that Conde believed the story of Tituba’s maltreatment needed to be told to expose the truth she had been denied due to her skin color and gender.
  • Racism and Gender in Beyoncé’s Lemonade The album Lemonade by an American singer Beyonce is one of the brightest examples when an artist portrays the elements of her culture in her music. Along with music videos, the album features a number […]
  • Is Troy Maxson (Wilson’s Fences) a Victim of Racism? As a black American, Troy’s childhood experiences have been passed on to his children, making him a victim of an oppressive culture. Therefore, this makes Troy a victim of racism and culture, contributing to his […]
  • Systemic Racism and Discrimination Thus, exploring the concept of race from a sociological perspective emphasizes the initial aspect of inequality in the foundation of the concept and provides valuable insight into the reasons of racial discrimination in modern society.
  • Colonialism and Racism in Foe by J. M. Coetzee and Small Island by Andrea Levy This paper will try to expound on the relevance of real-life politics, of colonialism and racism, with regards to two popular works of fiction that used as themes or backdrop colonialism and racism.
  • Racism and Sexism as a Threat Women suffer from sexism, people of color are affected by racism, and women of color are victims of both phenomena. Prejudices spread in families, communities, and are difficult to break down as they become part […]
  • Social Construction of Race and Racism Although ‘race’ as a description of the physical condition probably dates back to the dawn of the human species, most scholars agree that it was primarily through European expansion in the 16th to the 19th […]
  • Racism in Ralph Ellison’s “Battle Royal” The main focus of the story is the problem of racism, particularly to African-American people in the United States. In terms of other issues that “Battle Royal” demonstrates and that are further developed in the […]
  • Racism in Film “Savages” by Oliver Stone It is necessary to mention that the Chicano community had to deal with numerous issues such as racism and discrimination over the years, and the way the people are portrayed in all types of media […]
  • Racial Discrimination at the Workplace The main change that is discussed in this essay is the introduction of legislation that will see the creation of a special authority that is aimed at guaranteeing the freedom of all workers at the […]
  • Imperialism and Racism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness He lauds “the book’s anti-imperialist theme…a stinging indictment of the callous and genocidal treatment of the Africans, and other nationals, at the hands of the British and the European imperial powers,” and also details the […]
  • Racial Discrimination Effects in Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody The vivid description of events from the beginning gives the reader a clear picture of a girl who was born in problems and in spite of her intelligence she always became a victim of circumstances.
  • Racism and Intolerance: The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre: Crafting a Legacy by Messer elaborates on the legacy of the event and its repercussions and offers a profound analysis of the issue, which strengthened my focus of the research.
  • Racial Discrimination in “A Raisin in the Sun” Racial discrimination is the main theme of the book, strongly reflecting the situation that prevailed during the 1950s in the United States, a time when the story’s Younger family lived in Chicago’s South Side ghetto.
  • The Problem of Racism and Injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee In the novel, Harper Lee demonstrates her vision of the question of the social inequality with references to the problem of racism in the society based on prejudice and absence of actual principles of tolerance […]
  • Racism: De Brahm’s Map and the Casta Paintings However, De Brahm’s map is one of the most striking pieces of evidence of the conquest of space and the entrenchment of the idea of land and people as titular property.
  • Racism and Inequality in Society The idea of race as a social construct is examined in the first episode of the documentary series “The Power of an Illusion”.
  • Anti-Racism: Marginalization and Exclusion in Healthcare This essay examines the course’s impact and the concepts of marginalization and exclusion in healthcare. Marginalization is a concept that has profoundly influenced the understanding of race and racism in healthcare.
  • The Issue of Racism in the United States The entire history of the United States is permeated with the evolution of the ideas of racism. Turning to history, we can see that the U.S.moved from slavery to using the Black population to solve […]
  • History of Racial Discrimination in Haiti and America The choice of topic, racial discrimination in Haiti and America, was influenced by beliefs, values, and assumptions emphasizing the importance of equality and justice for all races.
  • Racism and History of Discrimination As a result, advocacy should be aimed at creating new models in criminal justice that will ensure the protection of all minority groups and due process.
  • Racial Discrimination and Color Blindness Of the three ideologies, racial harmony is considered the most appropriate for coping with problems of racism and racial injustice due to various reasons.
  • Race, Racism, and Dangers of Race Thinking While it is true that some forms of race thinking can be used to justify and perpetuate racism, it is not necessarily the case that all forms of race thinking are inherently racist. Race thinking […]
  • Racism in the US: Settler Imperialism They prove that colonial imperialism is a structure, not a contextual phenomenon and that, as such, it propagates the marginalization of native people.
  • Why Empathy in Racism Should Be Avoided Empathy is the capacity to comprehend and experience the emotions and ideas of others. Moreover, empathic emotions are essential to social and interpersonal life since they allow individuals to adapt their cognitive processes to their […]
  • Racial Discrimination in High Education This peer-reviewed scholar article was found in the JSTOR database through entering key words “race affirmative action” and marking the publication period between 2017 and 2022.
  • Social Sciences: Racism Through Different Lenses A thorough analysis of diversity adds value to social interactions by informing human behavior through a deeper understanding of racism and its impacts on society. Using the humanities lens leads to a better understanding of […]
  • Racial Discrimination in Dormitory Discrimination is considered to be behavior that restricts the rights and freedoms of the individual. Therefore, it is essential to investigate discrimination in dormitories and propose solutions to this problem, such as disseminating knowledge about […]
  • Racism and Its Impact on Populations and Society The ignorance of many individuals about other people’s cultures and ethnicities is one of the causes of racism. One can examine the various components of society and how they relate to the issue of racism […]
  • Institutionalized Racism and Individualistic Racism Excellent examples of individualistic racism include the belief in white supremacy, racial jokes, employment discrimination, and personal prejudices against black people. Overall, institutionalized and individualistic racism is a perversive issue that affects racial relations in […]
  • Community Engagement with Racism To enhance the population’s degree of involvement in racism, the study calls for collaboration; this can be seen as a community effort to foster a sense of teamwork.
  • Racism Detection with Implicit Association Test Racial bias is deeply rooted in human society and propelled by norms and stereotypic ideologies that lead to implicit bias and the unfair treatment of minority groups.
  • Identity and Belonging: Racism and Ethnicity In the documentary Afro Germany – Being Black and German, several individuals share their stories of feeling mistreated and excluded because of their skin color.
  • Policies to Eliminate Racial Disparities and Discrimination The solution to exclusion is to build social inclusion in the classroom and within the school by encouraging peer acceptance, cross-group friendships, and built-in prevention.
  • Causes, Facilitators, and Solutions to Racism These theories suggest that racism serves a particular function in society, occurs due to the interactions of individuals from dominant groups, and results from a human culture of prejudice and discrimination.
  • Racial Discrimination and Justice in Education An example is the complaint of the parents of one of the black students that, during the passage of civilizations, the Greeks, Romans, and Incas were discussed in the lessons, but nothing was said about […]
  • Empathy and Racism in Stockett’s The Help and Li’s To Kill a Mockingbird To start with, the first approach to racism and promoting empathy is to confront prevalent discrimination and racism, which was often shown in The Help. Another solution to racism and the possibility of promoting empathy […]
  • Racism in the Healthcare Sector In 2020, the cases and instances of racism in healthcare rose by 16% from 2018; there were notable instances of racism in various spheres of health. 9% of blacks have been protected from discrimination and […]
  • Racism in Healthcare and Education The mission should emphasize that it promotes diversity and equality of all students and seeks to eliminate racial bias. It is necessary to modify the mission to include the concept of inclusiveness and equality.
  • Institutional Racism in the Workplace Despite countless efforts to offer African-Americans the same rights and opportunities as Whites, the situation cannot be resolved due to the emergence of new factors and challenges.
  • Racism in Education in the United States Such racial disparities in the educational workforce confirm the problem of structural racism and barrier to implementing diversity in higher medical education. Structural racism has a long history and continues to affect the growth of […]
  • Rhetoric in Obama’s 2008 Speech on Racism When the audience became excited, it was Obama’s responsibility to convey his message in a more accessible form. To conclude, Obama’s speech in 2008 facilitated his election as the first African American President in history.
  • How to Talk to Children About Racism The text begins by referring to recent events that were related to race-based discrimination and hatred, such as the murder of George Floyd and the protests dedicated to the matter.
  • Care for Real: Racism and Food Insecurity Care for Real relies on the generosity of residents, donation campaigns, and business owners to collect and deliver these supplies. The research article discusses some of the factors that contribute to the creation of racism […]
  • Racism Towards Just and Holistic Health Therefore, the critical content of the event was to determine the steps covered so far in the fight for racial equality in the provision of care and what can be done to improve the status […]
  • The Racism Problem and Its Relevance The images demonstrate how deeply racism is rooted in our society and the role the media plays in spreading and combating racism.
  • Aspects of Socio-Economic Sides of Racism And the answer is given in Dorothy Brown’s article for CNN “Whites who escape the attention of the police benefit because of slavery’s long reach”.. This shows that the problem of racism is actual in […]
  • Tackling Racism in the Workplace It means that reporting racism to HR does not have the expected positive effect on workplace relations, and employees may not feel secure to notify HR about the incidences of racism.
  • Issue of Racism Around the World One of the instances of racism around the world is the manifestations of violence against indigenous women, which threatens the safety of this vulnerable group and should be mitigated.
  • Environmental Racism: The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan The situation is a manifestation of environmental racism and classism since most of the city’s population is people of color and poor. Thus, the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is a manifestation of environmental racism […]
  • The “Racism and Discrimination” Documentary The documentary “Racism and Discrimination” is about an anti-racist teacher Jane Elliot who attempts to show the white people the feeling of discrimination. The central argument of the documentary is diversity training to seize the […]
  • Abortion-Related Racial Discrimination in the US In spite of being a numerical minority, Black women in the U.S.resort to abortion services rather often compared to the White population.
  • Social Problems Surrounding Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination This kind of discrimination makes the students lose their self-esteem and the traumas experienced affects the mental health of these students in the long term.
  • The Unethical Practice of Racism in a Doctor’s Case The involvement of Barrett in the protest is both unethical for the university’s image and immoral for the community. However, the school would likely face tougher court fines and a direct order to reinstate Barrett’s […]
  • The Problem of Racism in America One explanation of racism by feminist thinkers is that racism is a manifestation of the agency and power of people of a particular racial identity over others.
  • Racism: “The Sum of Us” Article by McGhee The economic analysis and sociological findings in America have drawn a detailed picture of the cost of racism in America and how to overcome it together.
  • Contemporary Sociological Theories and American Racism The central intention of this theory paper is to apply modern theoretical concepts from the humanities discipline of sociology to the topic of racism in the United States.
  • A Cause-and-Effect Analysis of Racism and Discrimination As a result, it is vital to conduct a cause-and-effect analysis to determine the key immediate and hidden causes of racism to be able to address them in a proper manner.
  • Cause and Effect of Racial Discrimination Irrespective of massive efforts to emphasize the role of diversity and equality in society, it is still impossible to state that the United States is free from racial discrimination.
  • Institutional Racism Through the Lenses of Housing Policy While not being allowed to buy property because of the racial covenants, the discriminated people had to house in other areas.
  • Role of Racism in Contemporary US Public Opinion This source is useful because it defines racism, describes its forms, and presents the survey results about the prevalence of five types of racial bias.
  • The Mutation of Racism into New Subtle Forms The trend reflects the ability of racism to respond to the rising sensitivity of the people and the widespread rejection of prejudice.
  • Racism: Healthcare Crisis and the Nurses Role The diminished admittance to mind is because of the impacts of fundamental bigotry, going from doubt of the medical care framework to coordinate racial segregation by medical care suppliers.
  • Origins of Racial Discrimination Despite such limitations as statistical data being left out, I will use this article to support the historical evaluation of racism in the United States and add ineffective policing to the origins of racism.
  • Beverly Greene Life and View of Racism The plot of the biography, identified and formed by the Ackerman Institute for the Family in the life of the heroine, consists of dynamics, personality development and its patterns.
  • Historical Racism in South Africa and the US One of the major differences between the US and South Africa is the fact that in the case of the former, an African American minority was brought to the continent to serve the White majority.
  • Capitalism and Racism in Past and Present Racism includes social and economic inequalities due to racial identity and is represented through dispossession, colonialism, and slavery in the past and lynching, criminalization, and incarceration in the present.
  • Minstrels’ Influence on the Spread of Racism The negative caricatures and disturbing artifacts developed to portray Black people within the museum were crucial in raising awareness on the existence of racism.
  • How Parents of Color Transcend Nightmare of Racism Even after President Abraham Lincoln outlawed enslavement and won the American Civil War in 1965, prejudice toward black people remained engrained in both the northern and southern cultural structures of the United States.
  • A Problem of Racial Discrimination in the Modern World This minor case suggests the greater problem that is unjustly treating people in the context of the criminal justice system. In the book, Stevenson writes about groups of people who are vulnerable to being victimized […]
  • Beverly Tatum’s Monolog About Injustice of Racism Furthermore, the author’s point is to define the state of discrimination in the country and the world nowadays and explore what steps need to be taken to develop identity.
  • Issue of Institutional Racism Systemic and structural racisms are a form of prejudice that is prevalent and deeply ingrained in structures, legislation, documented or unpublished guidelines, and entrenched customs and rituals.
  • Racism in America Today: Problems of Today Even though racism and practices of racial discrimination had been banned in the 1960s after the mass protests and the changes to the laws that banned racial discrimination institutionally.
  • Evidence of Existence of Modern Racism It would be wrong to claim that currently, the prevalence and extent of manifestations of racism are at the same level as in the middle of the last century.
  • Culture Play in Prejudices, Stereotyping, and Racism However, cognitive and social aspects are significant dimensions that determine in-group members and the constituents of a threat in a global religious view hence the relationship between religion and prejudices.
  • Latin-African Philosophical Wars on Racism in US Hooker juxtaposition Vasconcelos’ ‘Cosmic Race’ theory to Douglass’s account of ethnicity-based segregation in the U.S.as a way of showing the similarities between the racial versions of the two Americas.
  • Confronting Stereotypes, Racism and Microaggression Stereotypes are established thought forms rooted in the minds of particular groups of people, in the social environment, and in the perception of other nations.
  • Racial Discrimination in Dallas-Fort Worth Region Thus, there is a historical imbalance in the political representation of racial minorities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Nonetheless, the Black population is reported to thrive best in the suburban areas of DFW, where this […]
  • Healthcare Call to Action: Racism in Medicine To start the fight, it is necessary to identify the main manifestations of discrimination in health care, the reasons for the emergence of the location of social superiority and discrimination, and the scale.
  • White Counselors Broaching Race and Racism Study The essence of the verbal behavior of the consultants is the ways of their reaction in the process of interaction with the client – the basic skills of counseling, accessibly including race and racism topics.
  • British Colonial Racism for Aboriginal Australians Precisely this colonial racism and genocide can be considered to be the cruelest in the history of the world and may have influenced the ideas and plans of Adolf Hitler, who got inspired by the […]
  • The Black People: Sexuality and Racial Discrimination Interview Review Nevertheless, the author does not provide practical solutions to the issue of racism and discrimination of the LGBTQ community. The purpose of this interview is to demonstrate the author’s attitude to the sexuality of black […]
  • Racial Discrimination Through the Cosmetics Industry The variety of preconceptions such as the hypersexuality of black women and the perception of their beauty as an unideal version of whites’ one also indicates racism.
  • Racism Evolution: Experience of African Diaspora As a result, distinct foundations fostered the necessity of inequality to establish effectiveness of inferiority and superiority complexes. To determine the effect of slavery and racism to modern society.
  • Racial Discrimination and Residential Segregation Despite the end of segregation policies and the passing of Fair Housing laws and numerous subsidy measures, people of color cannot access wealthy areas, facing unofficial exclusion into poorer parts of the city.
  • Significance of Perceived Racism:Ethnic Group Disparities in Health Coates points out that a sign of the gulf between blacks and whites manifests in the context where there is expectation for him to enlighten his opinions while in mind the essential indication lies in […]
  • Racism as Origin of Enslavement Some ideas are mentioned in the video, for example, the enslavement of Black people and their children. The most shocking fact mentioned by the speaker of the video is that children of enslaved people were […]
  • Colorblind Racism and Its Minimization Colorblind racism is a practice that people use to defend themselves against accusations of racism and deny the significance of the problem.
  • The Bill H.R.666 Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021 That is why the given paper will identify a current and health-related bill and comment on it. This information demonstrates that it is not reasonable to oppose passing the bill under consideration.
  • Summary of the Issue About Racism In schools in the United States, with the advent of the new president, a critical racial theory began to be taught.
  • How the Prison Industrial Complex Perpetuate Racism In the United States, the system is a normalization of various dynamics, such as historical, cultural, and interpersonal, that routinely benefit the whites while causing negative impacts for the people of color.
  • Battling Racism in the Modern World Racism and racial discrimination undermine the foundations of the dignity of an individual, as they aim to divide the human family, to which all peoples and people belong, into different categories, marking some of them […]
  • Indian Youth Against Racism: Photo Analysis The main cause of racism within American societies is the high superiority complex possessed by the white individuals living with the Asian American in the society.
  • Racism: Do We Need More Stringent Laws? The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice is worried that national origin discrimination in the U.S.may go undetected because victims of prejudice are unaware of their legal rights or are hesitant to complain […]
  • Problem of Racism in Schools Overview Racism should be discouraged by all means and the government should do its best to educate citizens on the importance of unity and the disadvantages of racism.
  • US Immigration Policy and Its Correlation to Structural Racism That may create breaches in the immigration policy and cause social instability that could endanger the status of immigrants and even negatively affect the lives of the nationals.
  • America: Racism, Terrorism, and Ethno-Culturalism The myth of the frontier is one of the strongest and long-lived myths of America that animates the imagination of the Americans even to this day.
  • Issue of Racism in Healthcare The theory would question whether racism in healthcare is ethical and whether it facilitates the provision of care in a manner that is centered on values such as compassion, fairness, and integrity.
  • Solving Racial Discrimination in the US: The Best Strategies The Hollywood representation of a black woman is often a magical hero who “is a virtuous black character who serves to better the lives of white people…and asks nothing for herself”.
  • Popular Music at the Times of Racism and Segregation The following work will compare and contrast the compositions of Louis Armstrong and Scott Joplin and examine the impact of racism on popular music.
  • Temporary Aid Program: Racism in Child Welfare The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program in the context of child welfare disparities.
  • Western Scientific Approach as a Cause of Racism This paper will highlight the main methods of refuting the works of racist anthropologists and how they influenced the emergence of stereotypes about people of color.
  • How Does Racism Affect Health? Many people of color experience internalized racism, which can lead to anxiety and depression that can be the cause of physical issues.
  • Citizen: An American Lyric and Systemic Racism In essence, the primary objective of the author is to trigger the readers’ thoughts towards the devastating racism situation in America and the world in general.
  • The Reflection of Twain’s Views on Racism in Huck Finn One of the most problematic aspects in the novel that potentially can make readers think that Twain’s attitude toward slavery and racism is not laudable is the excessive usage of the n-word by all sorts […]
  • Black as a Label: Racial Discrimination People are so used to identifying African Americans as black that they refuse to accept the possibility of the artificiality of labeling.
  • The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Racial Discrimination The author argues that despite increasing the overall prosperity of the local communities, the policies and projects of the Tennessee Valley Authority did not address the well-being of the white population and Afro-American citizens equally.
  • Flint Water Crisis: Environmental Racism and Racial Capitalism The Flint crisis is a result of the neoliberal approach of the local state as opposed to the typical factors of environmental injustice; a polluter or a reckless emitter cutting costs. The two main factors […]
  • Cancer Alley and Environmental Racism One of the sources under study is valuable, as it examines the current situation of the coronavirus and the impact of pollution on human health.
  • Cancer Alley and Environmental Racism in the US Bentlyewski and Juhn argue that the environmental racism in the country has been the result of aligning the public environmental policy and industrial activity to benefit the white majority and, at the same time, shifting […]
  • American Healthcare in the Context of Racism According to the researchers, the fundamental issue of racism in health care is the practitioners and public health representatives’ lack of desire to recognize the health specifics of racial and ethnic minorities, which results in […]
  • Origins of Modern Racism and Ancient Slavery The diversity of African kingdoms and the empires were engaged in the slave trade for hundreds of years prior to the beginnings of the Atlantic slave trade. The working and living condition of slaves were […]
  • Root Causes and Solutions to Racism Media is meant to eradicate racism and maintain unity among people but the case is different in some situations. Also, it is vital to make children understand nothing is amusing in the use of stereotypes […]
  • Contribution of Racism to Economic Recession Due to COVID-19 The historical injustice accounts for unequal employment opportunities and the economic profile of the minority groups. Therefore, economic recovery for the older Latinos and Blacks is limited due to the lack of flexible occupational benefits.
  • What Stories Can Teach Us About Racism On top of this before the establishment of the school there was no public education for the Negro children and this made it more difficult for the children to access education just like the other […]
  • Racism in Canadian Medical System The difference in the treatment of indigenous and non-indigenous individuals in Canada is a result of racism in the medical facility.
  • Profit and Racism in the Prisons of the United States As an argument for the work of prisoners, the prison of Angola makes the argument that work is a way of rehabilitation for the prisoner.
  • Rio Tinto: Case Study About Racism and Discrimination The repercussions of this situation for the preservation of cultural heritage may be considerable, as the expert community was denied an opportunity to research the artifacts.
  • Racism: US v. The Amistad and Dred Scott v. Sandford In legal terms, the key difference between the two was that the Africans from Amistad were freeborn and enslaved in violation of the international agreements, while Dred Scott, despite his sojourn in Illinois, was born […]
  • Critical Social Problems Research: Racism and Racial Domination According to his opinion, which is proven today by many examples including the attitude of the authorities, people of color are treated as if they are worthless and not destined to achieve success.
  • Criminal Justice: Racial Prejudice and Racial Discrimination Souryal takes the reader through the racial prejudice and racial discrimination issues ranging from the temperament of racism, the fundamental premise of unfairness, the racial biasness and the causes of racial unfairness to ethical practices […]
  • Gonzalez v. Abercrombie & Fitch Discrimination Racism Lawsuit: An Analysis The case was filed in June 2003, and the claim was that this company has grossly violated the rights of the citizens as provided for in the constitution of the country.
  • The History of Racial Discrimination and Its Effects on the American Races The saddest part of it all is that our Indian American brothers are discussed in public and used as examples in a manner that makes it seem like they exist only as a mere caricature […]
  • Racial Discrimination in the US Criminal Justice System This report argues that when one studies the proportion of blacks in the Cincinnati community and the number of times that they have been stopped for traffic violations, one finds that there is a large […]
  • Policing in America: The Issue of Violence and Racism While the former proposition has various negative aspects to be considered, the latter appears to be the appropriate reaction to the challenges posed for the United States’ society in 2020.
  • Institutional and Interpersonal Racism, White Privilege One should be aware of the fact that issues such as institutional and interpersonal racism, privilege, power, and bias are complex problems, which need a thorough analysis and consideration of all the facts.
  • Anti-Racism in Shakespeare’s Othello For Shakespeare, Brabantio’s views are representative of the racial prejudice of the society in general, rather than of his personal feelings towards the protagonist. On the other hand, Othello’s story is cohesive and believable; he […]
  • The Development of a Measure to Assess Symbolic Racism The originators of the concept applied it only to the African-American race, while other scientists engaged in researching and applying the construct of symbolic racism to other races and cultures.
  • Racism and Tokenism in Bon Appetit: Leadership and Ethical Perspective Leadership is defined as a set of actions and beliefs of a manager who directs and controls the followers to achieve a common goal.
  • From “Scientific” Racism to Local Histories of Lynching Both chapters serve as a premise to the following arguments in the book, arguing that White power is still dominant in the contemporary world, and give context to the broader scale of oppression worldwide.
  • Subjective Assumptions and Medicine: Racism The given supposition demonstrates that Allen believed in the superiority of white southerners over Black Americans because the latter ones were made responsible for the deteriorated health of the former.
  • Racism Experiences in the Workplace in the UK This research paper provides the background of racism in the UK, particularly in the area of employment. The UK struggles against racial discrimination and paves the way to equity and inclusion in the area of […]
  • The History of Immigration to the United States and the Nature of Racism The development of the idea of race and ethnicity along with the idea of racial antagonism has two main stages in the history of the United States.
  • Race and Racism in the USA: The Origins and the Future In conclusion, the author suggests that the possible solution to the problem of racial conflicts is the amalgamation of different races and ethnics.
  • Racially Insensitive Name-Calling in Classroom Probably, the teacher had to initiate the lesson devoted to the topic of racial discrimination and to think over all the stages of the discussion, to organize it in a polite and friendly manner.
  • Environmental Racism in the United States: Concept, Solution to the Problem With regards to this definition, a row of issues connected to social justice and the equality in the rights of people which is firmly established in the Constitution of the United States are to be […]
  • Protecting George Wallace’s Organized Racism Instead of claiming that segregation was a necessary evil or that it benefited the minorities, he claimed that it is the only way to protect the freedom of the white people.
  • How Can the World Unite to Fight Racism? One of the highly discussed topics in the modern world is the question of racism. It all leads to the idea that racism could be fought due to the improved educational system, where the teachers […]
  • Racism in America and Its Literature In the first part of this stanza, Hughes articulates his view that when an African American is finally sitting at the table, others will recognize the beauty of African Americans.
  • Race, Class and Gender. Racism on Practice The separation and the segregation on an individual or group is what is based on the grounds of racism, and this has been well illustrated in the book the Ethics of Living Jim Crow where […]
  • Racism: Term Definition and History of Display of Racism Remarks It is no wonder that this form of discrimination is known to have caused the worst wars in the world and led to nations being formed together with all forms of legal codes.
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  • Racism in Contemporary North America The reality of the matter is that the different cultures and races share the political atmosphere, however, when it comes to religious, moral, and social practices, the diversified humanity of Canada does not share the […]
  • Racial and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace and Housing Job discrimination is that discrimination which arises at the places of work Factors that include the presence of a high population of the unemployed create room for the vice.
  • “Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison: Themes of Racism and Unequal Opportunity But the mismatch of the real-life and the world of the primer becomes obvious to the reader from the first pages of the novel.
  • Racism Without Racists in Patriarchal Society First of all, it should be mentioned that color-blind racism is not a new ideology that is only developing in the contemporary American society; it has been strengthening its positions over several decades gradually becoming […]
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  • Racism Against Native Americans
  • Obama’s First Election and Racism
  • Adolf Hitler: From Patriotism to Racism
  • “Globalization and the Unleashing of New Racism: an Introduction” by Macedo and Gounari
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  • Racial Discrimination in Organizations
  • Understanding Race and Racism
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  • Psychological Impact: Stereotyping, Prejudice and Racism
  • Multicultural Psychology: Cultural Identity and Racism
  • How Fake News Use Satire as a Medium to Address Issues on Racism?
  • Young Australians and Racism
  • Relationship Between Institutionalized Racism and Marxism
  • Democratic Racism in Canada
  • Social Construction of “Race” and “Racism” and Its Relationship to Democratic Racism in Canada
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  • Black or White Racism
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  • The Roma Problems and the Causes of Racism
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  • Comparison of Ethnicity and Racism in “Country Lovers” and “The Welcome Table”
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  • Australian Identities: Indigenous and Multicultural
  • Racial Discrimination in America
  • Institutionalized Racism From John Brown Raid to Jim Crow Laws
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  • Racism in the “Crash”
  • Contemporary Racism in Australia: the Experience of Aborigines
  • Racism By Thomas Jackson
  • Addressing the Racism in Society
  • Racism in the Penitentiary
  • Different Challenges of Racial Discrimination
  • Slavery, Racism, and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
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  • Do Racism and Discrimination Still Exist Today?
  • How Did Ideas of Black Stereotypes and Racism Become Embedded in American Culture?
  • How Does Racism Affect the Way of a Caste Like System?
  • What Connection Is Between Globalization and Racism?
  • Why Do Exist Discrimination and Racism?
  • How Do Educational Institutions Perpetuate Racism, Sexism, and Patriarchy?
  • How Do Racism and Exclusion Shape the Social Geography of Race and Ethnicity?
  • What Ways Does Cultural Racism Manifest Itself?
  • How the Media Maintains Racism?
  • Why Slavery and Racism Issues Still Affect America Today?
  • How Racism and Ethnicity Affect the Sector of Education?
  • How Has Racism Impacted Immigrant Families and Children?
  • When Did Racism Begin?
  • Racism: Why It’s Bad for Society and the Greater Health Issues It Creates?
  • How Have Evolutionary Ideas Shaped Racism?
  • Why Is Racism Bad for Society?
  • What Effect Does Color-Blind Racism Have On Minorities in Society Today?
  • How Does Sports Helped Diminish Racism?
  • How Does Both Individual and Institutional Racism Impact Service Provision and the Experiences of People Receiving Services?
  • Did Slavery Cause Racism?
  • When You Think About Racism, What Do You Think About?
  • What Does Racism Mean?
  • Does Affirmative Action Solve Racism?
  • Did Racism Precede Slavery?
  • How Does Racism Affect Society?
  • Does Racism Still Occur Today and Why People Can’t a Change?
  • Between Compassion and Racism: How the Biopolitics of Neoliberal Welfare Turns Citizens Into Affective ‘Idiots’?
  • Does Racism Play a Role in Health Inequities?
  • Sexual Abuse Essay Titles
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  • Workplace Discrimination Research Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 398 Racism Essay Titles & Writing Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/racism-essay-examples/

"398 Racism Essay Titles & Writing Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/racism-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '398 Racism Essay Titles & Writing Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "398 Racism Essay Titles & Writing Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/racism-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "398 Racism Essay Titles & Writing Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/racism-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "398 Racism Essay Titles & Writing Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/racism-essay-examples/.

150+ Racism Essay Topics: Comprehensive Guide for Students


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Key Elements of an Effective Racism Essay
  • 2 Choose the Perfect Racism Essay Topic
  • 3 Historical Racism Essay Topics
  • 4 Contemporary Issues in Racism
  • 5 Analytical Approaches to Racism Essays
  • 6 Argumentative Racism Essay Topics
  • 7 The Impact of Racism in Various Sectors
  • 8 Racism in Education
  • 9 Racism in the Workplace
  • 10 Racism in Healthcare
  • 11 Tips for Crafting an Effective Racism Essay

Writing about racism can be challenging, but it is an important and impactful way to address a critical issue in society. This guide will help you choose compelling topics and craft essays that effectively communicate your arguments and insights.

Why Write About Racism?

Writing about racism is crucial because it addresses a persistent societal issue. Racism limits opportunities, fosters inequality, incites violence and creates social divides. Discussing this topic raises awareness, encourages self-reflection, and promotes empathy and understanding across different racial and ethnic groups.

Additionally, exploring racism helps:

  • Understand its historical roots
  • Dismantle harmful stereotypes
  • Examine intersections with sexism, classism, and more

Writing about racism is not just academic; it educates, advocates, and drives social change.

Key Elements of an Effective Racism Essay

Element Description
Thesis Statement A clear, debatable claim guiding your essay
Research Use of credible sources to support your argument
Examples and Evidence Real-life instances and historical facts illustrating racism
Counterarguments Addressing and refuting opposing viewpoints
Personal Narratives Stories that add a human dimension to your argument
Authoritative Sources Citations from reputable publications and experts
Logical Structure Organized introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
Balanced Tone Objective language that avoids unnecessary emotionalism
Conclusion Summary of key points with a compelling final statement
Editing and Revising Ensuring clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness

Choose the Perfect Racism Essay Topic

The PapersOwl team has compiled a comprehensive list of topics to help you write an impactful essay on racism. These topics cover various aspects of racism, from historical roots to contemporary issues. Whether you need to explore the psychological effects of experiencing racism or examine the role of literature in addressing racial issues, this list offers a wide range of options. For more diverse writing ideas, you might also want to explore our opinion essay topics .

  • The historical roots of racism in the United States
  • How does institutional racism affect the education system?
  • The impact of media representation on racial stereotypes
  • How do hate crimes correlate with racism?
  • What are the psychological effects of experiencing racism?
  • The role of activism in combating racism
  • How do immigration policies reflect racial biases?
  • The influence of social media on racial attitudes
  • Why do racial prejudices persist in modern society?
  • How does economic inequality relate to racial discrimination?
  • The effectiveness of diversity programs in workplaces
  • How does racism manifest in the criminal justice system?
  • The role of literature in addressing racism
  • How does cultural appropriation affect racial relations?
  • The effects of racism on mental health
  • How do schools address issues of racial inequality?
  • The impact of historical events on contemporary racism.
  • How do different countries tackle the issue of racism?
  • The relationship between race and identity.
  • How can community programs reduce racial tensions?

Historical Racism Essay Topics

  • The impact of slavery on American society
  • How did the Jim Crow laws enforce racial segregation
  • The role of Native Americans in early American conflicts
  • The consequences of the Civil Rights Movement
  • How did forced labor shape the economies of the Southern states
  • The history of anti-blackness in American history
  • The effects of colonialism on racial relations
  • How did the abolitionist movement influence American history
  • The role of black people in the American Revolution
  • How did World War II impact racial dynamics in the United States
  • The history of racial bias in the American legal system
  • How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the lives of former slaves
  • The impact of the Harlem Renaissance on racial identity
  • 14 The significance of the Reconstruction era in US history
  • How did the transatlantic slave trade affect global economies
  • The role of women in the fight against racial discrimination
  • The impact of historical immigration policies on racial diversity
  • How did segregation in schools affect educational outcomes for black students
  • The influence of historical literature on racial attitudes
  • How did early American politics shape racial biases

catchy title for racism essay

Contemporary Issues in Racism

  • What is the impact of structural racism on modern society
  • How do African Americans experience racism in daily life
  • In what ways does the Supreme Court address racial discrimination
  • What are the effects of police brutality on community trust
  • How can education and awareness combat racism
  • To what extent does social media influence racial tensions
  • How do immigration policies affect other ethnic groups
  • What is the role of activism in the fight against racism
  • How does economic inequality perpetuate racial disparities
  • What is the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion programs
  • How does racial profiling affect minority communities
  • What is the relationship between racism and mental health
  • How does media representation influence public perceptions of race
  • In what ways does housing discrimination impact urban development
  • How can workplace policies address racial bias
  • What role do schools play in promoting racial equality
  • How does environmental racism affect minority communities
  • How do healthcare disparities reflect broader societal racism
  • What influence does political rhetoric have on racial attitudes
  • What are the challenges of achieving racial justice in a multicultural society

Analytical Approaches to Racism Essays

  • How do race and racism intersect in contemporary society
  • What is the significance of Black History Month in addressing racial issues
  • How does less access to resources perpetuate racial disparities
  • What does new research reveal about the causes of racism
  • How does white supremacy manifest in modern institutions
  • What impact did George Floyd’s death have on the racial justice movement
  • What strategies are effective to end racism
  • How can we understand and address racist behavior
  • What are the root causes of racial inequities
  • How does media portrayal of race influence public perception
  • What role does education play in reducing racial prejudices
  • How do economic factors contribute to systemic racism
  • What are the psychological impacts of experiencing racism
  • How does cultural representation affect racial identity
  • What is the historical context of racial segregation policies
  • How do laws and policies address racial discrimination
  • What are the health implications of racial disparities
  • How does socialization shape racial attitudes
  • What impact do grassroots movements have on racial equality
  • How do international perspectives on racism compare to those in the U.S.?


Argumentative Racism Essay Topics

  • Should the Supreme Court play a more active role in combating racism
  • How does racism affect children’s development and opportunities
  • Are certain ethnicities more susceptible to systemic prejudice
  • Should cultural practices be protected when they perpetuate racial biases
  • Can the idea of colorblindness in society effectively reduce racism
  • Should educational curriculums include more on the intersection of race and gender
  • Is it possible for members of marginalized groups to hold racist views
  • How do gender and race intersect to create unique forms of discrimination
  • Should laws mandate diversity training to reduce workplace prejudice
  • How does media representation of different ethnicities influence societal attitudes
  • Can cross-cultural exchanges help mitigate racial prejudices
  • Should schools teach children about the history and effects of racism
  • Is it ethical to impose quotas for minority representation in institutions
  • How do cultural norms perpetuate racial stereotypes
  • Should hate speech be more heavily regulated to combat racism
  • Can affirmative action effectively address racial inequities
  • Is the concept of race scientifically valid or a social construct
  • Should governments implement stricter penalties for racially motivated crimes
  • Can community policing reduce racial tensions and improve trust
  • Should cultural sensitivity be a mandatory part of professional training programs

The Impact of Racism in Various Sectors

  • How does racism affect healthcare access and quality
  • What is the impact of racial bias in the criminal justice system
  • How do racial disparities manifest in educational outcomes
  • What are the effects of racism on employment opportunities
  • How does racial discrimination influence housing policies
  • What is the role of racism in environmental justice issues
  • How does racism affect mental health services and treatment
  • What impact does racial prejudice have on political representation
  • How do racial biases shape media and entertainment industries
  • What are the consequences of racism in the tech industry
  • How does racism affect immigration policies and practices
  • What is the impact of racism on sports and athlete representation
  • How do racial inequalities influence public transportation access
  • What role does racism play in the allocation of social services
  • How does racism affect consumer behavior and marketing strategies
  • What are the impacts of racial bias in scientific research and academia
  • How do racial prejudices influence the legal profession
  • What is the effect of racism on financial services and banking
  • How does racism impact the nonprofit and charitable sector
  • What are the consequences of racism in the military and defense industries

Racism in Education

  • How do racial biases affect student performance
  • What impact does school segregation have on educational equality
  • How does curriculum content perpetuate racial stereotypes
  • What role do teachers’ attitudes play in racial disparities in education
  • How do disciplinary practices in schools reflect racial biases
  • What are the effects of underfunding schools in minority communities
  • How does access to advanced courses differ by race
  • What impact does racism have on college admissions processes
  • How do racial biases affect students’ mental health in educational settings
  • What role does racism play in the underrepresentation of minority faculty

Racism in the Workplace

  • How does racial discrimination affect hiring practices
  • What impact does workplace diversity training have on reducing racism
  • How do racial biases influence promotion opportunities
  • What are the effects of racism on employee morale and productivity
  • How does racial discrimination manifest in workplace policies
  • What role do corporate cultures play in perpetuating racial biases
  • How do wage gaps reflect racial disparities
  • What impact does racism have on workplace harassment and bullying
  • How does racial prejudice affect job performance evaluations
  • What are the legal implications of racial discrimination in the workplace


Racism in Healthcare

  • How do racial biases affect patient treatment and outcomes
  • What impact does racism have on access to healthcare services
  • How does racial discrimination influence medical research and studies
  • What role do healthcare providers’ attitudes play in racial disparities
  • How do socioeconomic factors intersect with race to affect health
  • What are the effects of racism on mental health care access
  • How does racial bias manifest in maternal and infant healthcare
  • What impact does racism have on the doctor-patient relationship
  • How do public health policies reflect racial inequalities
  • What are the consequences of racism in the training of healthcare professionals

Tips for Crafting an Effective Racism Essay

Writing an essay on racism can be challenging due to the emotional and sensitive nature of the topic. However, by following these tips, you can craft a thoughtful essay that will engage your readers and present a well-supported argument.

  • Start with a Strong Thesis Statement

Begin your essay with a clear and debatable thesis statement. This central argument will guide the direction of your essay and provide a foundation for your discussion. For example, your thesis could be: “Systemic racism is a significant barrier to equality in the United States.”

  • Conduct Thorough Research

Ensure that your essay is well-researched by consulting a variety of credible sources. Use data, expert analysis, case studies, and historical facts to support your argument. This not only strengthens your essay but also helps to present a balanced view of the topic.

  • Show, Don’t Just Tell

Instead of simply stating that racism exists, show it through real-life examples and historical context. Use vivid descriptions and factual evidence to illustrate the impact of racism. This approach helps to make your argument more convincing and relatable to the reader.

  • Anticipate Counterarguments

Consider the perspectives of those who might disagree with your argument. Address these counterarguments thoughtfully and respectfully, providing evidence to refute them. This demonstrates that you have considered multiple viewpoints and strengthens your overall argument.

  • Personalize Your Argument

Incorporate personal anecdotes or stories to give a human dimension to your essay. Sharing personal experiences or narratives of those affected by racism can make your argument more compelling and emotionally resonant.

  • Use Authoritative Sources

When citing facts and statistics, ensure that you reference authoritative sources. This includes academic journals, reputable news outlets, and respected experts in the field. Accurate citations enhance the credibility of your essay.

  • Craft a Logical Structure

Organize your essay with a clear and logical structure. Typically, this includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis and transition smoothly to the next.

  • Avoid Emotional Language

While it’s important to convey the emotional impact of racism, avoid using overly emotional or inflammatory language. Strive for a balanced tone that presents your argument objectively, making it more likely to resonate with a broader audience.

  • End with a Strong Conclusion

Conclude your essay by reinforcing your thesis and summarizing your key points. Include a call to action or a thought-provoking statement that encourages the reader to consider the implications of your argument and reflect on their views.

  • Edit and Revise

Lastly, thoroughly edit and revise your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to refine your argument and improve the overall quality of your writing.

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124 Racism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Racism is a pervasive issue that continues to plague societies around the world. From subtle microaggressions to overt acts of discrimination, racism manifests in various forms and affects individuals from all walks of life. As such, it is crucial to address this issue head-on and engage in meaningful conversations about its impact on individuals and communities.

To help spark dialogue and reflection on racism, we have compiled a list of 124 racism essay topic ideas and examples. These topics cover a wide range of issues related to racism, from historical events to contemporary debates. Whether you are a student looking for inspiration for an essay or a teacher seeking discussion prompts for your class, these topic ideas can serve as a valuable resource for exploring the complexities of racism in society.

  • The history of racism in the United States
  • The impact of colonialism on racism
  • The role of racial stereotypes in perpetuating racism
  • The intersection of race and class in experiences of racism
  • The effects of systemic racism on marginalized communities
  • The portrayal of race in the media
  • The relationship between racism and mental health
  • The role of education in combating racism
  • The impact of racism on healthcare disparities
  • The criminal justice system and racial bias
  • The legacy of slavery in shaping contemporary racism
  • The role of social media in amplifying racist discourse
  • The importance of allyship in addressing racism
  • The impact of racist policies on immigration
  • The representation of race in literature and art
  • The experiences of interracial couples in a racist society
  • The role of language in perpetuating racist attitudes
  • The impact of racism on Indigenous communities
  • The relationship between racism and environmental justice
  • The experiences of Black women in navigating racism and sexism
  • The impact of racism on mental health outcomes for people of color
  • The role of white privilege in perpetuating racism
  • The impact of racial profiling on communities of color
  • The experiences of Asian Americans in the face of anti-Asian racism
  • The impact of colorism within communities of color
  • The intersection of race and religion in experiences of discrimination
  • The impact of racist policing practices on communities of color
  • The role of social movements in challenging racism
  • The impact of racism on educational outcomes for students of color
  • The experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals of color in navigating multiple forms of discrimination
  • The impact of racism on economic opportunities for people of color
  • The portrayal of race in popular culture
  • The experiences of Muslim Americans in the face of Islamophobia
  • The impact of racist beauty standards on self-esteem
  • The role of racism in shaping housing segregation
  • The experiences of Latinx communities in navigating anti-immigrant sentiment
  • The impact of racism on access to healthcare for people of color
  • The portrayal of race in children's literature
  • The experiences of multiracial individuals in navigating identity
  • The impact of racist language on workplace dynamics
  • The role of racism in shaping voting rights
  • The experiences of refugees in the face of xenophobia
  • The impact of racist immigration policies on families
  • The portrayal of race in sports
  • The experiences of Native American communities in navigating stereotypes
  • The impact of racist policing practices on mental health outcomes
  • The role of racism in shaping environmental racism
  • The experiences of Black trans individuals in navigating discrimination
  • The impact of racist policies on access to affordable housing
  • The portrayal of race in video games
  • The experiences of incarcerated individuals of color in navigating systemic racism
  • The impact of racist dress codes on students of color
  • The role of racism in shaping access to quality education
  • The experiences of undocumented immigrants in navigating anti-immigrant sentiment
  • The impact of racist hiring practices on economic opportunities for people of color
  • The portrayal of race in advertising
  • The experiences of East Asian communities in navigating anti-Asian racism
  • The impact of racist healthcare practices on communities of color
  • The role of racism in shaping access to mental health services
  • The experiences of Black women in navigating workplace discrimination
  • The impact of racist beauty standards on body image
  • The portrayal of race in reality TV shows
  • The experiences of Muslim Americans in navigating discriminatory policies
  • The impact of racist housing policies on housing segregation
  • The role of racism in shaping access to reproductive healthcare
  • The experiences of Latinx communities in navigating anti-Latinx sentiment
  • The impact of racist language on interpersonal relationships
  • The portrayal of race in music
  • The experiences of multiracial individuals in navigating microaggressions
  • The impact of racist dress codes on workplace dynamics
  • The role of racism in shaping access to financial services
  • The experiences of refugees in navigating anti-refugee sentiment
  • The impact of racist immigration policies on family reunification
  • The portrayal of race in fashion
  • The experiences of Native American communities in navigating cultural appropriation
  • The impact of racist policing practices on community trust
  • The role of racism in shaping access to healthy food options
  • The experiences of Black trans individuals in navigating healthcare discrimination
  • The impact of racist policies on access to public transportation
  • The portrayal of race in film
  • The experiences of incarcerated individuals of color in navigating reentry
  • The impact of racist dress codes on access to public spaces
  • The role of racism in shaping access to quality childcare
  • The experiences of undocumented immigrants in navigating deportation
  • The impact of racist hiring practices on access to job training
  • The portrayal of race in social media
  • The experiences of East Asian communities in navigating stereotypes
  • The impact of racist healthcare practices on health outcomes
  • The role of racism in shaping access to affordable housing
  • The experiences of Black women in navigating reproductive healthcare
  • The impact of racist beauty standards on self-care practices
  • The portrayal of race in television shows
  • The experiences of Muslim Americans in navigating workplace discrimination
  • The impact of racist housing policies on access to safe housing
  • The impact of racist language on mental health outcomes
  • The portrayal of race in children's programming
  • The experiences of multiracial individuals in navigating identity development
  • The impact of racist dress codes on access to cultural events
  • The role of racism in shaping access to financial literacy resources
  • The experiences of refugees in navigating resettlement
  • The impact of racist immigration policies on access to legal services
  • The portrayal of race in online gaming
  • The experiences of Native American communities in navigating land rights
  • The impact of racist policing practices on access to justice
  • The role of racism in shaping access to affordable healthcare
  • The experiences of Black trans individuals in navigating gender-affirming care
  • The impact of racist policies on access to public parks
  • The portrayal of race in beauty pageants
  • The experiences of incarcerated individuals of color in navigating prison reentry
  • The impact of racist dress codes on access to recreational facilities
  • The role of racism in shaping access to quality mental health care
  • The experiences of undocumented immigrants in navigating detention
  • The impact of racist hiring practices on access to job placement
  • The portrayal of race in music videos
  • The experiences of East Asian communities in navigating cultural appropriation
  • The impact of racist healthcare practices on access to preventive care
  • The experiences of Black women in navigating access to childcare
  • The impact of racist beauty standards on access to self-care products
  • The portrayal of race in podcasts
  • The experiences of Muslim Americans in navigating access to religious services
  • The impact of racist housing policies on access to safe neighborhoods

These essay topic ideas and examples are just a starting point for exploring the complexities of racism in society. By engaging in thoughtful conversations and critical analysis, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable world for all individuals.

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110 Racism Essay Topics

Racism is an emotionally charged subject for many people, yet its historical and cultural impact cannot be understated. This makes racism topics one of the more challenging essays to compose. As the author, you run the risk of inflaming the reader when the goal is to connect with them in a way that generates awareness or potentially invites them to reexamine their opinion.

One of the best ways to compose an essay about a racist topic is to look for an idea that you can defend with valid arguments, research, and sound justifications. This is especially important if you are trying to persuade the reader to adopt your point of view.

Tips For Writing a Racism Topic Essay

The following tips and structural recommendations can help guide you through the process of writing a successful essay about racism. The process starts with thoroughly researching the topic at hand, which can be challenging if you already have a strong opinion about the topic. Though thoroughly research will better arm you to make a strong and well-supported argument.

Pay Attention

When writing an essay about a racist topic it is often best to use a third-person point of view. This makes it easier for you to present the argument objectively, while also reducing the risk of the reader becoming emotionally charged about the topic. If you need to offer up supporting facts in your argument, make sure to quote them directly. Be sure to include all key information including the name of the person or institution that provided the information. This makes it clear that you are not stating your own personal opinion or influence.

The structure of an essay on racism should follow the typical five-paragraph structure used by many successful essays. This includes an introduction with a strong thesis statement, as well as three supporting paragraphs in the body of the essay, and a strong conclusion. It’s important that each of the body paragraphs, each one should have its own distinct point and they should flow in a way that offers up evidence to support your opinion.


The introduction of your essay on racism should directly state the topic while also offering up a potential answer. Ideally, you want to address the reader directly to engage them in expanding their awareness of the topic or potentially reexamining their own point of view. It helps to use authoritative language without sounding inflammatory or derogatory. You want the reader to feel that you are talking to them not down at them.

The last sentence of two of your introduction needs to include a strong “Thesis Statement.” This should be a sentence or two that support the topic. It should also flow into the first point you will cover in the first body paragraph.

Body Paragraphs

The first paragraph of your racism essay needs to connect to the thesis statement while also offering supporting evidence. Ideally, you want to use a connecting phrase such as “One of the root causes of this,” or “New research indicates.” You then need to follow up this statement with an outside quote or a relevant, credible source. The end of your first body paragraph should also have a statement that leads to the second paragraph.

The second paragraph of your essay on racism should offer up a second supporting piece of evidence to clearly identify it as a separate entity. It’s best to use transition words at the start of the second paragraph such as “Next” “In addition,” or “Another cause is.” Then finish the second paragraph with a statement that helps it transition to your third point.

Your third body paragraph should also start with a transition phrase. This paragraph should also note the consequences that could arise if the racism topic is not addressed conscientiously. This paragraph should also end with a sentence or two that links to the conclusion.

The conclusion of your essay on racism needs to have an assertive tone without being aggressive. The goal is to win the reader over to your original thesis and include a “Call to action” or a “Call to Reexamine.” You want to invite the reader to consider the topic in an objective way that wins them over to your original point of view.

Choosing the right topic for your racism essay can be challenging. Such an emotionally charged genre can stir up feelings of controversy that have the potential to overwhelm the sound reasons behind it. If you are struggling to choose an essay topic, you might want to peruse the following list to see if there are one or two that you can connect with.

Historical Topics

  • Did President Obama’s legacy open the door for more African American Presidents in the future?
  • Is Michelle Obama one of the most beloved first ladies of all time?
  • The legacy of George Washington Carver.
  • Why do so many African American’s still bear their slave-owners’ last names?
  • The legacy of Malcolm X.
  • The legacy of Muhamad Ali.
  • Why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his name, but so hard for Cassius Clay?
  • The legacy of Native American boarding schools
  • General Custer’s folly.
  • The legacy left behind by Japanese internment camps.
  • Are white males being discriminated against due to the sins of their ancestors?
  • The legacy left by the murder of Emmitt Till?
  • Should Mamie Till be honored more during Black History Month?
  • Should the living descendants of freed slaves be paid reparations today?
  • Did unfettered alcoholism in the Mid-Atlantic South play a role in the brutality of slavery?
  • Should Sally Hemmings have been named a part of Thomas Jefferson’s estate?
  • Should the German people of today pay reparation to Israel for the Holocaust?
  • The lasting legacy of Harriet Tubman.
  • Does the infidelity of Martin Luther King Jr. diminish his historical legacy on the fight for racial justice?
  • Has the Diaspora strengthened or weakened the Armenia heritage & culture?
  • Did the sexual revolution of the 1960s help to bridge the gap between Caucasian and African American women?
  • Have the Tuskegee Airmen and other African American units in World War Two received the recognition they deserve?
  • Who were the most influential leaders of the Black Power movement?
  • Was European Colonialism and the Triangle Trade the driving force of racism in the New World?
  • Should Memorials & Statues of Confederate Leaders be torn down or preserved to immortalize the follies of the past?
  • How did Apartheid influence the economy of South Africa?
  • Do the works of Charles Darwin promote racism or dispel it?
  • If they had been alive during that time, do you think Southern Presidents of the United States like Thomas Jefferson would have supported the Confederacy during the Civil War?
  • Was Andrew Johnson’s failure to rebuild the South after the Civil War a root cause that kept racism alive.
  • Why was there such a delay in making Juneteenth a Federally recognized holiday?

Current Cultural Racism Topics

  • Does change the names of sports franchises like Washington DC’s football team, and Cleveland baseball team dimmish the historical legacy of their franchises?
  • Does African American’s using the “N-Word” keep the slur alive in our modern vernacular.
  • Is Dave Chapelle a racist, activist, or just an entertainer?
  • Should Richard Pryor be remembered during black history month?
  • Should violence against Jewish people be considered a hate crime?
  • Is the Confederate Flag a symbol of racism or a historical relic?
  • Was the Dukes of Hazard a racist TV series?
  • Has the legacy of George Floyd helped reduce incidents of police brutality?
  • Do protests on racial injustice go too far when community looting and arson occur?
  • Should the descendants of Native Hawaiians be given the same rights & land as Native Americans on the Mainland?
  • Was OJ Simpson’s acquittal in the murder of Nicole Brown influenced by his race?
  • Did the murder of George Floyd replace the legacy of the Rodney King riots of 1992?
  • Should slander remarks made about Jewish people be classified as “Hate Speech.”
  • Is toxic black masculinity real?
  • Are ethnic foodways discriminated against to the same degree as differences in ethnicity?

Sports & Athletics

  • The impact of Jackie Robinson’s legacy on professional sports.
  • Should college coaches who have a history of mistreating players based on their race be banned from employment in professional sports?
  • The majority of football, baseball, and basketball players are of African American descent, yet there is only a small percentage of minority coaches in the major sports, why?
  • Is enough being done to create pipelines for people of color to hold executive positions in professional sports?
  • Should the song Lift Every Voice & Sing be sung at all major sporting events along with the US National anthem?
  • Is enough being done to create a pipeline for Asian athletes to play on sports teams that are predominantly white or African American?
  • Should more Caucasian professional athletes use their platform to fight racism?
  • Is there wage discrimination based on race in professional sports?
  • Does racism exist in European sports the way it is in American Sports?
  • Is Joe Louis as recognized for breaking boxing’s color barrier as Jackie Robinson is for breaking baseball’s color barrier?
  • Should Critical Race Theory be taught in schools?
  • Does the current education system contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline?
  • Is enough being done to prohibit hate speech in public schools?
  • Should private schools be allowed to set their own rules regarding discrimination, hate speech, and racism within their walls?
  • Did the Supreme Court rule correctly in Brown vs the Board of Education?
  • Do schools in predominantly white communities have better access to technology and education resources compared to schools in communities that are predominantly populated by people of color?
  • Should school plays that portray Civil War Confederate Heroes like Robert E. Lee be banned?
  • Does decreased access to technology affect the academic performance of children of color?
  • What is the “Banality of Racism” in education?
  • Was segregating the schools by race a good idea with the bad implementation or a bad idea on the whole?

Entertainment Topics

  • Is the movie White Men Can’t Jump racist?
  • What is the underlying message of American History X?
  • Will the TV series Roots have the same cultural impact on the next generation as it has on the current generation?
  • What was the cultural influence of William Shatner kissing Nichelle Nichols?
  • Does the use of the “N-Word” in movies promote its use in real-life?
  • Are there racial barriers in Hollywood, Oscars & Academy Awards?
  • Do Caucasian actors need to demonstrate more allyship in the entertainment industry?
  • Should actors with antisemitic behavior, like Mel Gibson, be banned by the screen actors guild?
  • Do actors and celebrities have a duty to allyship against racism as part of their platform?
  • Is there an active bias against casting minorities in movies and TV shows?

Ethical Topics on Racism

  • Why is racism considered immoral today, but wasn’t before the mid-1800s?
  • Are the protests of Black Lives Matter helping to end racism or entrenching racists from seeing the error of their ways?
  • Should racism be considered a form of mental illness?
  • Is Islamophobia a form of racism or a legitimate phobia?
  • Is the term “Third World” a racist term, or simply outdated jargon?
  • Is Allyship a critical component for ending racism in the long term?
  • If you see a hate crime being committed are you morally obligated to try to stop it?
  • Is the term “Irishness” another form of racism?
  • Is the differentiation of cultural differences and folkways a form of racism?
  • How has aboriginal racism affected the history of Australia?
  • Is social kin bias the underlying cause of racism?
  • Is the Ancient Greek philosophy of barbarism an influential force on racism today?
  • Do Christians have an ethical duty to speak out against antisemitism?
  • In a community where lynching has occurred, are the people who fail to act to prevent it morally culpable as accessories to the crime?
  • Is it the responsibility of the community to oust hate groups like the Klu Klux Klan?

Racism in the Legal System

  • African American males are 10 times more likely to resist arrest than Caucasian males, is this due to them essentially resisting police brutality, or are other factors at play?
  • What is the driving force of racial police brutality?
  • Is defunding the police an effective way to end racial police brutality?
  • Does police brutality exist for other ethnicities other than African Americans?
  • Do prisons treat Caucasians differently than other ethnic groups?
  • Should prisons be segregated by race?
  • What can be done to create pathways for more minority judges to take the bench?
  • Does Islamophobia separate minority populations in prison?
  • Is enough being done in the legal system to deter and punish hate crimes?
  • Should there be a zero-tolerance policy for racially biased police brutality?

Social Media Topics

  • Does social media have a positive or negative effect on racism?
  • Does TikTok allow racist behavior on their platform challenges?
  • Does social kin bias affect racist behavior on social media
  • Should social media ban using their platforms to organize racist gatherings
  • Twitter has become a platform for racist messaging without consequences to the user or Twitter as a company.
  • Should there be a filter for memes that contain racist messaging?
  • Would banning racist messaging on social media be a violation of the right to free speech?
  • Has the rise of social media allowed racism to spread beyond traditional regional borders?
  • Should there be stronger laws against hate speech geared to limit the influence of social media?
  • Would the murder of George Floyd have gained national and even international attention without the influence of social media?

These are 110 rasism essay topic ideas that we have prepared for you. We hope that you find our list useful for your work.

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List of Great Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism [Updated]

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The social issues that we face today are more complex and multifaceted than ever before. And, as a result, there are a lot of great argumentative essay topics on racism. Here are just a few examples:

What You'll Learn

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism

  • How has institutional Racism affected the history of minority groups in the US? –
  • Should we consider Islamophobia racism?
  • Racism: Can we refer to it as a mental disorder?
  • Race: Does it serve any purpose in modern society?
  • How Racism impact the way Chinese American has been viewed.
  • Irishness: Should it be considered a show of racism?
  • Comic books: Can we consider it racist against black people?
  • How does Racism impact the way we view immigration? Description: In recent years, views of immigration in the United States have shifted with many Americans perceiving immigrants as a source of national prosperity, rather than an eminent burden
  • Racism Against Hispanics in America Description: One of the main challenges facing American society is racism. While the country is a multicultural society comprising of individuals from different cultures around the world, minority groups often face discrimination in the form hate crimes and racist comments. Although the issue of racism affects all minorities.
  • African American males are 10 times more likely to resist arrest than Caucasian males, is this due to them essentially resisting police brutality, or are other factors at play?
  • What is the driving force of racial police brutality?
  • Is defunding the police an effective way to end racial police brutality?
  • Racism. Discrimination and racial inequality. Essay Description: Today, everyone wants to reap the benefits of a diverse workforce. However, racism continues to be a major challenge to achieving this goal.
  • Prejudice towards ladies in hijab: Is it baseless?
  • Racism: Is it rooted in fear?
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Argumentative Essay Ideas on Racism

  • Does police brutality exist for other ethnicities other than African Americans?
  • Do prisons treat Caucasians differently than other ethnic groups?
  • Should prisons be segregated by race?
  • Educational Institutions take to Address Systemic Racism Description: Racism is a social issue that has existed for a long time, causing chaos among people from various races. It refers to discriminating against a person based on skin colour and ethnicity. Systematic racism, sometimes called institutional racism, refers to racism embedded in the regulations.
  • What countries are the most racist in the EU?
  • Do you agree with the statement, “there will always be color racism?”
  • Prejudice and racism: Are they the same thing?
  • What can be done to create pathways for more minority judges to take the bench?
  • Does Islamophobia separate minority populations in prison?
  • Is enough being done in the legal system to deter and punish hate crimes?
  • Should there be a zero-tolerance policy for racially biased police brutality?
  • Racial Discrimination: How We Can Face Racism Description: One of the most effective approaches to face racism and defeat it is through teaching the people its detrimental effects and how each one of us can be an agent of change. (Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism)

Theories of race and racism in an Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice race, gender and Class

These are just a few examples – there are literally endless possibilities when it comes to racism that you can write about in an argumentative essay . So, if you’re looking for some inspiration, don’t hesitate to check out these Research Paper Ideas on Racism with prompts!

Research Paper Ideas on Racism with prompts

  • Xenophobia, Racism and Alien Representation in District 9 Prompt: The term alien has many connotations for different people, from the scientific theory and sci-fi representations of extra-terrestrial life to the resurgence in modern society of legal uses regarding immigration. In popular culture these uses can often coincide whether metaphorical, allegorical, or explicit.
  • White and Black Team in Remember the Titans Prompt: Reducing prejudice essentially entails changing the values and beliefs by which people live. For many reasons, this is difficult. The first is that the ideals and expectations of individuals are also a long-standing pillar of their psychological stability.
  • Transformation of the American Government and “Tradition of Exclusion” Prompt: The United States of America is a country known for its pride in its democratic government, where the American Dream encourages everyone to strive for the very best. That rhetoric is deeply rooted in every aspect of life in this country from its conception until…
  • This is America: Oppression in America in Glover’s Music Video Prompt: A common topic we see in our society is the debate of gun control in America. It has been an ongoing argument due to the mass of shootings in schools, churches, nightclubs, etc. The number of shootings has only been increasing over the years.
  • Theory of Slavery as a Kind of Social Death Prompt: The Orlando theory of slavery as a social death is among the first and major type of full-scale comparative study that is attached to different slavery aspects.
  • The Review of the Glory Road Prompt: Glory Road is an American sports drama film directed by James Gartner, in view of a genuine story encompassing the occasions of the 1966 NCAA University Division Basketball Championship. It was released on 13th January 2006.
  • The Relationship Between Racism and the Ideology of Progress Prompt: Through the years, as a result of the two world wars and the Great Depression, the term progress and the meaning attached to it greatly suffered.
  • The Racial Discrimination in Bob Dylan’s Song Prompt: President John F. Kennedy delivered a powerful message to the American People on June 11th of 1963, calling Congress to view civil rights as a moral obligation instead of a legal issue.
  • The People Segregation by Society in Divergent Prompt: It is clear that the society in Divergent places unrealistic limits on its members identities from the beginning of the book. Segregating different personality types into different factions not only has consequences on society but on the individual.
  • The Influence of Racial Or Ethnic Discrimination a Person’s Self-concept Prompt: Discrimination and prejudiced attitudes are assumed to be damaging aspects of society. The research presents the cognitive, emotional, and social damages related to experiencing discrimination. This research proposal focuses on determining the impacts of prejudice and how it negatively affects an individual. (Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism)
  • Find out more on  Argumentative Essay Topics About Social Media [Updated]

Racism research paper  outline

Research questions on racism.

  • Have you seen the video of George Floyd’s death? What was your reaction to it? How did it make you feel?
  • How would you define racism?
  • How have you experienced racism towards yourself or others? How did it make you feel?
  • Has anyone ever assumed something about you because of the color or your skin? If so, explain.
  • Have you ever assumed something about someone else because of the color of their skin? If so, explain.
  • Has anyone ever called you the “N” word or referred to others in that way while you were present? If so, please share what happened.
  • Why do you think racism exists in today’s society? How do you think it will affect your future?
  • How has the police brutality and the protests/demonstrations impacted you on a personal level?
  • Do you feel your relationship with God makes you better equipped to handle all that is going within society concerning race? Why or why not?
  • Do you think it is important to celebrate the differences in people? Why or why not?
  • Is it important to have oneness in Christ or sameness in Christ? Explain. Do you think there is a difference between the two? Explain.
  • How do you think we can move forward and carry out racial reconciliation as a society?

Great Racism Research Paper Topics

  • What are the effects of racism on society?
  • How can we stop racism from spreading in contemporary society?
  • The mental underpinnings of racism
  • How does racism impact a person’s brain?
  • Amounts of racism in various social groups
  • The importance of socialization in racial and ethnic groups
  • How does racial tension affect social interactions?
  • The following are some ideas for essays on racism and ethnicity in America.
  • Interethnic conflict in the United States and other countries
  • Systematic racism exists in America.
  • Racism is prevalent in American cities.
  • The rise of nationalism and xenophobia in America.
  • Postcolonial psychology essay topics for Native Americans
  • Latin American musical ethnography issues.
  • Legacy of Mesoamerican Civilizations
  • Endangered Native American languages
  • What steps are American businesses taking to combat racism?
  • The role of traditionalism in contemporary Latin American society
  • Ethnopolitical conflicts and their resolutions are good topics for African American research papers.
  • The prevalence of racism in hate crimes in the US.
  • Latin America Today: Religion, Celebration, and Identity
  • National politics of African Americans in contemporary America.

Good racism essay topics:

  • Why Should We Consider Race to Understand Fascism?
  • The Racial Problem in America
  • Postwar Race and Gender Histories: The Color of Sex
  • The Relevance of Race in Fascism Understanding
  • Cases of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace in the United States
  • Problems with Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern Society
  • “Frankie and Alice”: Race and Mental Health
  • The history of immigration, race, and labor in America
  • Power and racial symbolism in Coetzee’s “Disgrace.”
  • In America, race and educational attainment are related.
  • Race to the Top: The Early Learning Challenge
  • Social learning, critical racial theory, and feminist theories
  • Minority Crime and Race in the United States
  • Racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in society
  • Documentary series “Race: The Power of an Illusion.”

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40+ Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism Worth Exploring

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by  Antony W

April 21, 2023

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism

The first step to write an essay on racism is to select the right topic to explore.

You then have to take a stance based on your research and use evidence to defend your position.

Even in a sensitive issue of racial discrimination, you have to consider the counterarguments highly likely to arise and address them accordingly. 

The goal of this list post is to give you some topic ideas that you can consider and explore.   We’ve put together 30+ topic ideas, so it should be easy to find an interesting issue to explore.

What is Racism?  

Racism is the conviction that we can credit capacities and qualities to individuals based on their race, color, ethnicity, or national origin. It can take the form of prejudice, hatred, and discrimination, and it can happen in any place and at any time.

Racism goes beyond the act of harassment and abuse. It stretches further to violence, intimidation, and exclusion from important group activities.

This act of judgment, prejudice, and discrimination easily reveal itself in the way we interact with people and our attitude towards them.

Some forms of racism , like looking at a person’s place of origin through a list of job applications, may not be obvious, but they play a part in preventing people or particular group from enjoying the dignity and equality of the benefits of life simply because they are different.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism  

  • Is racism a type of mental illness in the modern society?
  • Barrack Obama’s legacy hasn’t helped to improve the situation of racism in the United States of America
  • The women’s movement of the 1960s did NOT unite black and white women
  • Will racism eventually disappear on its own?
  • Is there a cure for racism?
  • There’s no sufficient evidence to prove that Mexicans are racists
  • Is the difference in skin color the cause of racism in the western world?
  • Racism isn’t in everyone’s heart
  • Racism is a toxic global disease
  • Will the human race ever overcome racial prejudice and discrimination?
  • Can a racist be equally cruel?
  • Should racism be a criminal offense punishable by death without the possibility of parole?
  • Are racists more principled than those who are not?
  • Can poor upbringing cause a person to become a racist?
  • Is it a crime if you’re a racist?
  • Can racism lead to another World War?
  • The government can’t stop people from being racists
  • Cultural diversity can cure racism
  • All racists in the world have psychological problems and therefore need medical attention
  • Can the government put effective measures in place to stop its citizens from promoting racism?
  • Can a racist president rule a country better than a president who is not a racist?
  • Should white and black people have equal rights?
  • Can cultural diversity breed racism?
  • Is racism a bigger threat to the human race?
  • Racism is common among adults than it is among children
  • Should white people enjoy more human rights than black people should?
  • Is the disparity in the healthcare system a form of racial discrimination?
  • Racial discrimination is a common thing in the United States of America
  • Film industries should be regulated to help mitigate racism
  • Disney movies should be banned for promoting racism
  • Should schools teach students to stand against racism?
  • Should parents punish their children for manifesting racist traits?
  • Is racism the root of all evil?
  • Can dialogue resolve the issue of racism?
  • Is the seed of racism sown in our children during childhood?
  • Do anti-racist movements help to unite people of different colors and race to fight racism?
  • Do religious doctrines promote racism?
  • There are no psychological health risks associated with racism
  • Can movements such as Black Lives Matter stop racism in America?
  • Do anti-racist movements help people to improve their self-esteem?
  • Racism is against religious beliefs
  • Can teaching children to treat each other equally help to promote an anti-racist world?

We understand that racism is such a controversial topic. However, it’s equally an interesting area to explore. If you wish to write an essay on racism but you have no idea where to start, you can pay for argumentative essay from Help for Assessment to do some custom writing for you.

If you hire Help for Assessment, our team will choose the most suitable topic based on your preference. In addition to conducting extensive research, we’ll choose a stance we can defend, and use strong evidence to demonstrate why your view on the subject is right. Get up to 15% discount here .

Is it Easy to Write an Argumentative Essay on Racism?

Racism is traumatic and a bad idea, and there must never be an excuse for it.

As controversial as the issue is, you can write an essay that explores this aspect and bring out a clear picture on why racism is such a bad idea altogether.

With that said, here’s a list of some argumentative essay topics on racism that you might want to consider for your next essay assignment.

How to Make Your Argumentative Essay on Racism Great 

The following are some useful writing tips that you can use to make your argumentative essay on racism stand out:

Examine the Historical Causes of Racism 

Try to dig deeper into the topic of racism by looking at historical causes of racial discrimination and prejudices.

Look at a number of credible sources to explore the connection between racism and salve trade, social developments, and politics.

Include these highlights in your essay to demonstrate that you researched widely on the topic before making your conclusion.

Demonstrate Critical Thinking 

Go the extra mile and talk about the things you believe people often leave out when writing argumentative essays on racism.

Consider why racial discrimination and prejudices are common in the society, their negative effects, and who benefits the most from racial policies.

Adding such information not only shows your instructor that you did your research but also understand the topic better.

Show the Relationship between Racism and Social Issues 

There’s no denying that racism has a strong connection with many types of social issues, including homophobia, slavery, and sexism.

Including these links, where necessary, and explaining them in details can make your essay more comprehensive and therefore worth reading.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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60 Racism Essay Topics for Any Purpose

Choosing an interesting topic for discussion in an academic paper is always a challenge. And there is a theme that always has a lot to write about: racism. This topic is quite broad. You can write about your attitude to racism, provide an overview of its history, raise awareness of this issue, or analyze the current state of things with racism. Whatever position you take, you should first find an appropriate topic. That is why this article where we collected popular racism essay topics will be of much help to you. So go on and pick your favorite one!

How to Choose a Good Essay Topic on Racism?

Selecting a topic about racism is not easy. Even though it seems like you already know what to do research on, still this problem has many fields for discussion. So before you start writing an introduction, you have to come up with a creative and appropriate topic.

When choosing essay topics on racism, you have to orientate on the factor that it is important to explain this issue from many angles. Racism academic papers should not only be filled with your thoughts on how bad it is and how people struggle with it. You should also write about the origins of this problem and ways to overcome it. So when making your choice regarding one topic about racism, make sure it meets the following criteria:

  • You are passionate about it. Nothing can make your paper more successful than your interest in it.
  • You know something about that subject. If you are already into that topic, it will be much easier to write a good paper.
  • You have found enough sources about it. Every good paper is based on solid proof and facts.
  • You find it controversial. Good racism essay titles always have different points of view.

So as you might see, choosing the right racism topic for your research is crucial as the whole work will depend on it. No worries though, as we have prepared for you multiple topic ideas so you will definitely find your one!

Argumentative Essay Topics About Racism

Racism essay topics can be perfectly discovered in an argumentative type of essay. There can be multiple arguments built around this theme. In this section, we have gathered engaging racism topics for writing argumentative essays.

  • Black Lives Matter movement: a strong confrontation of racism.
  • What is Dismantling Institutional Racism?
  • Can racism be treated as an illness?
  • The contribution of Malcolm X to resolving racism issues.
  • Is Islamophobia a type of racism?
  • How do African American influencers help fight racism in social media?
  • What is the film “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” useful for?
  • Racism at a workplace: ways to prevent it.
  • Would Michael Jackson be perceived the same if he didn’t change his skin color?
  • Are there any negative sides to the Black Lives Matter movement?
  • Overview of the forms of racism.
  • What is the main factor that makes a person a racist?
  • In what forms does racism exist in the media?
  • Does racism come from religion?
  • The problem of racism at schools and ways of solving it.
  • The main message of “The White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling.
  • Should racism be treated by specialists?
  • Academic explanation of racism: does it even exist?
  • Why children don’t share racism and treat each other equally?
  • Is there a connection between racism and feminism?

Racism Persuasive Essay Topics

When it comes to explaining your position and making the audience think about it, the best way to do that is to write a persuasive essay. In the case of racism topics, you can be really free in proving your point of view since there are many sides to take on this topic. So below, you will find more examples of topics to write a persuasive essay about.

  • Where do we find more racism: in the United States or in Germany?
  • Do we still face antisemitism in the 21st century?
  • Is racism in any way beneficial?
  • Does the media promote racism?
  • Should we call racism a global problem?
  • Do people acquire racial prejudice or are born with it?
  • The difference in attitude to African Americans and Mexican Americans.
  • The connection of racism with nazism.
  • “Get out” movie and its message about racism.
  • Color-blind racial ideology.
  • Does systemic or institutional racism really exist?
  • Why is it important to talk about racism to children?
  • Is Black Poverty caused by racism in the first place?
  • The issue of racism in “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain.
  • What reforms should be done in the United States to fight racism?
  • Chinese Americans and racism.
  • The connection between homophobia and racism.
  • Globalization and racism.
  • Racism and the American Psychological Association.
  • Does racism become natural in society?

Racism Research Paper Topics

College students know for sure that in order to write an A+ research paper, it is essential to find a theme that would give a lot of ideas to write about. And racism is one of the suitable topics to build a research paper on. So here you will get inspiration from racism topics for research paper.

  • Comparative analysis of racial prejudice in the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Voodoo culture and racism.
  • The African-American culture: factors that show it is influenced by racial prejudice.
  • Overview of the movies that represent criminal cases of racism in the US.
  • Juzz: the music of Black musicians.
  • The rise of racism during Trump’s presidency.
  • The analysis of racism in different countries.
  • The history of racial prejudice in the world.
  • Is there racism in the Disney Corporations?
  • What health issues do people who are being bullied for their skin color suffer from?
  • Controversial ideas of racism in the works of Ernest Hemingway.
  • Psychological methods of fighting racism.
  • The history of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • The connection between xenophobia and racism.
  • How is gangsta rap connected with racial prejudice?
  • Is there racism in Shakespeare’s “Othello”?
  • Does slavery come from racism?
  • Cultural racism definition.
  • Racism in education: what problems does it cause?
  • Aboriginal racism in Australia.

Examples of Racism Questions for Essay

As soon as you choose one topic among multiple racism topics for essay, you are ready to start writing your work. And we want to give you some more examples of how to explain the theme of racism in academic papers. You can use these questions as an inspiration for what to write about in your essay and how to make a smooth transition from one paragraph to another.

So while writing about racism, you can rise the following questions:

  • What is the history of racism? – Almost in every theme about racial prejudice, it is necessary to write about how this was in the past and what it brought for today.
  • What impact does racism have on health? – This question could lead to a dissertation as racial prejudice causes a lot of mental and even physical illnesses for people who are being treated differently because of their skin color.
  • What measures can be done to stop racism from rising? – Solutions are what every academic paper has to have. And you as a researcher should include this point in your work.
  • What does racism look like in a certain country? – A good question to hook the audience in your essay is to analyze the racism issue in a certain country.
  • How does racism exist in society? – Analyzing people’s behavior and social problems is always a good idea to focus on in your academic work.
  • What are the forms of racism? – When providing research on racism, it is also important to cover its forms since this issue can be revealed in many social aspects.
  • How does racism exist in education? – It is not a novelty that even in educational institutions students are being bullied. So that is also a task for teachers to identify this problem and overcome it.
  • How does racial prejudice exist in the media? – Even in the media, there is still racism. And it is important to talk about it, especially in academic works.
  • How to deal with racism in the workplace? – One of the racism essay ideas can be to look at it in the workplace as many workers are treated disrespectfully because of their origins.
  • Why is it important to strive to fight racism? – It is essential to write that fighting racism equals bringing more harmony to the world.

Need Help Writing an Essay on Racism?

If you want besides choosing topics about racism for essay get help from a professional essay writing service , then you can definitely count on us. We offer a variety of services for academic writing purposes so students could rest assured about their writing tasks.

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How to choose a racism essay topic?

If you are choosing race and ethnicity essay topics, pay attention to these factors: your knowledge of the topic; your interest in it; the topic’s controversial character, and a solid base of resources.

What is a good racism essay topic?

When defining what racism argumentative essay topics are good, first take into account how much you like it and whether it is an actual problem or not.

How many racism paper topics do you have?

We provide more than hundreds of good essay topics about racism, so you can always check our article or ask for help from our writers with the topic selection for your paper about racism.

What are easy racism essay topics to write about?

The easiest topics about racism are those that are the most familiar to you. In fact, writing about this issue is never easy but it is worth doing research.

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489 Discrimination Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on discrimination, ✍️ discrimination essay topics for college, 👍 good discrimination research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot discrimination ideas to write about, 📌 easy discrimination essay topics, 💡 simple discrimination essay ideas, 🎓 most interesting discrimination research titles, ❓ research questions about discrimination.

  • Racism in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie”
  • Gender Discrimination Issues and Interventions
  • Discrimination in School and Its Effects on Students
  • Racism in Foster’s “Elegy of Color”, Hurston’s “Sweat,” and Wilson’s “Fences”
  • Portrayal of Racism in Forster’s ‘a Passage to India’
  • Racism in Margaret Laurence`s Story ” The Loons”
  • Price Discrimination in “Naked Economics” by Wheelan
  • Discrimination and Inequality in Society Countering discrimination and a meaningful debate about ethnic and racial equality requires a mature society with well-developed legal institutions.
  • Discrimination and Inequality in the Education System Despite the fact that the war against various types of discrimination recently became rather successful, a significant number of people still face inequality.
  • Discrimination Problem in the Workplace Discrimination in the workplace is still a critical problem because it can affect a person’s life in the long-term if a company does not consider preventive measures.
  • Racism in “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley” Both poems “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley” are great reflections on the racism issue, and even now, their demand is not decreasing.
  • Influence of Gender on Life and Sexism Sexism is a negative phenomenon meaning that individuals face various opportunities and attitudes based on their genders.
  • Racism: “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah This article focuses on “Born a Crime”, the autobiography of the comedian Trevor Noah, in which he reflects on his childhood under the racist laws of apartheid.
  • Ableism in Schools of Georgia State In 2015, the state of Georgia was found to segregate children with behavioral problems and disabilities from their school peers.
  • Price Segmentation Versus Price Discrimination Some many valuable techniques and tactics markets widely accept when deciding how to charge prices for their goods or services.
  • Age Discrimination in the Work Place The phenomenon of discrimination should be considered to be a peril of the employment. In this age of cultural diversity the age discrimination is a stigma to the corporate world.
  • Naked Economics: Adverse Selection and Discrimination Charles Wheelan in “Naked Economics” considers the importance of economic information and the consequences of its imbalance, which brings along the sensitive issue of discrimination.
  • Gender Discrimination and Performance in the Workplace While talking about the gender discrimination, both sexes are considered although on discrimination the female are mainly on the receiving end.
  • Argument Against LGBTQ Discrimination LGBTQ discrimination is the unfair treatment of people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.
  • Wal-Mart Scenario: Sex Discrimination The paper discusses sex discrimination. It is evident that at any given time, the organization will have a workforce that is diverse in several ways.
  • Discrimination in the Workplace: A Case Study Case study analysis of John being humiliated and groundlessly insulted by his supervisor, apparently because of his supervisor’s racist tendencies.
  • Discrimination in White’s “Charlotte’s Web” and Levine’s “Hana’s Suitcase” The theme of discrimination stands out clearly in “Charlotte’s Web” – a classic fictitious children’s novel by E. B. White and “Hana’s Suitcase” – a non-fiction story by Karen Levine.
  • Colorblind Racism in “The Help” Film The Help, a film based on a novel of the same name, can be employed to exemplify multiple patterns, including colorblindness, although not all of them are criticized in the work.
  • Racism in Nivea’s “White Is Purity” Ad Campaign In its recent international marketing campaign, Nivea used an advertisement to promote an antiperspirant. The slogan “White is purity” was regarded by the public as rather racist.
  • Classism and Discrimination in Tennis Clubs The social classes have diverse ideas reflected in their sporting interests. Classism can be viewed as a form of discrimination within a private membership tennis club atmosphere.
  • Racism and Injustice in “Monster” Novel by Myers “Monster” takes several steps further to examine the courtroom events to explore the social underpinnings of how African American people are tried and treated.
  • Social Classes and Discrimination in “A Rose for Emily” “A Rose for Emily” demonstrates Emily’s social class and biases through Emily’s bravery and arrogant and dignified attitudes towards community members from lower social classes.
  • Racism in “Native Son” by Richard Wright Racism does not vanish when Whites are able to convince themselves that they are no longer villains, consciously promoting negative attitude about minorities.
  • Discrimination in Dubus’ “House of Sand and Fog” In “House of Sand and Fog” novel, Dubus provides a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of racism and discrimination in the U.S., depicting the life of an Iranian refugee.
  • Racism and Its Effects on Our Society Racism can be defined as a belief that an individual’s traits and abilities are somehow dependent on their racial group and biological characteristics.
  • Examples of Racism in The Great Gatsby Tom Buchanan’s racism reflects the ideas and situation in the country in the 1920s when the fight for white supremacy could still be observed.
  • The Portrayal of Racism in Literary Works Each work reveals different aspects of racism in America, from social discrimination and segregation to economic exploitation.
  • Social Class and Discrimination Practices This paper examines the concept of social class and the influence of history on the formation of stereotypical perceptions and the emergence of discrimination experiences.
  • Sociological Perspectives on Racism The sociological perspective allows people to trace the association between the patterns and the events of their own and those of the community in general.
  • Racism: “The White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling The main consequence of Kipling’s “The White Man’s Burden” is that it promotes and spreads the paradigm of White racism and prejudices through a literary approach.
  • Gender Discrimination in “Disgrace” by J.M Coetzee J.M Coetzee’s book “Disgrace” that has been examined in this paper explores the nature of gender discrimination meted on women in South Africa.
  • Microsoft Company Employment Discrimination In 2015, Katherine Moussouris sued her former place of work, Microsoft Corporation, for the evident cases of employment discrimination.
  • Language, Identity, and Discrimination The linguistic identity is similar in the sense that discrimination frequently occurs due to the difference in languages that people speak.
  • Cultural Sexism Versus Other Macro-Level Factors Cultural sexism refers to the way people are perceived solely because of their sex. Sexism is mainly used as a negative term and implies things such as discrimination.
  • Gender, Racial Discrimination, and Exclusion in Toni Morrison’s “Paradise” “Paradise” addresses the issue of racism by narrating a story about African Americans who move to the town of Ruby, in which people repeat certain mistakes.
  • Social Inequality, Discrimination, and Solution Social inequality is one of the primary drivers of racial discrimination. At the micro-level, unequal distribution of wealth contributes to racial segregation.
  • The Impact of Racism on Globalization Racism is a great impediment to globalization, the bad blood between the said people of color and those of no color has dealt a big blow to development.
  • Racism & Sexism: Black Women’s Experiences in Tennis Research suggests that exclusion and discrimination strategies are still being used to limit the chances and advancement accessible to colored minority groups.
  • Racism and Pessimism in Wilson’s Play “Fences” August Wilson’s play “Fences” exemplifies the detrimental impacts of racial discrimination on the well-being of ethnic and racial minorities.
  • The Issue of Gender Discrimination Related to Business and Society In this paper, the issue of gender discrimination will be analyzed based on how the deteriorated relationships taking root from societal issues affect all sides of the conflict.
  • Contingent Workers and Discrimination Prohibiting Laws In terms of hiring contingent workers, there is a range of problems that might arise, and it is crucial to watch out for red flags to anticipate possible losses to the company.
  • The Theoretical Origin of the Concept of Racism The paper raises the topic of the theoretical origin of the concept of racism. The initial understanding of racism has undergone significant changes.
  • Discrimination Against Women in Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” demonstrates discrimination among women displaying how the new regime deprives them of the human rights to hold property, be financially independent.
  • Reducing Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination The strategy societies choose should address both individual and institutional sources of discrimination and prejudice in the context of where individuals work, live, and learn.
  • Language Discrimination in the USA Language discrimination is a severe problem in the USA, and it refers to both foreigners and people who use regional variations of English.
  • Racism in the Poem “Black Judgment” by Giovanni, Nikki The article analyzes the poem “Black Judgment” written by Giovanni, Nikki, which is devoted to the problems of racism and the influence of the environment on the writer’s work.
  • Asian and Latin Americans’ Experience of Racism The article discusses the similarities and differences in the experience of racism faced by Asian and Latin Americans and highlights issues such as discrimination.
  • Racial Discrimination as a Social Justice Issue Racial discrimination is more pronounced in other US regions than others, and that is why the respective states need to work harmoniously to avert social evil.
  • Sexism and Gender Inequality in Sport The paper reviews an example of sexism and gender inequality and academic scholarship on the topic. Women athletes have faced gender inequality and sexism.
  • Discrimination at Workplace Workers often face employment discrimination based on race. Thus, the issue of inappropriate treatment of various groups of workers is critically important and relevant.
  • Racism: A Party Down at the Square Ellison’s narrative, A party down at the square, depicts public lynching at Southern point. It gives the reasons we must all stand for equality and eradicate racism.
  • Legal and Illegal Discrimination in the Society The first scenario represents legal discrimination, whereas the second scenario is an example of illegal discrimination.
  • Institutional Racism Against Native Americans: The Killers of the Flower Moon David Grann published The Killers of the Flower Moon about the murders in Oklahoma in the 1920s and contributed to the creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
  • Problem of Price Discrimination Price discrimination is the process by which a firm charges different prices to different groups of people for the same good.
  • Women: Gender Inequality and Discrimination This paper explains whether innate gender differences exist and how they determine the abilities, choices, and aptitudes that differentiate men from women.
  • Gender Discrimination in Society and Social Media: Solutions The paper finds out to what extent discriminatory attitudes are present in different societies and how much social media induce them.
  • Racism and Discrimination towards African-Americans Racism and discrimination of the African-Americans in the United States of America have been a major issue that began way back during the colonial and slavery era.
  • Discrimination in Charlotte’s Web Book by White Charlotte’s Web, written by E.B. White, is a children’s book and is often seen as an innocent story of a piglet named Wilbur, who made friends with a spider named Charlotte.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Laws: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act The paper discusses one of the most interesting and surprising equal employment opportunity laws. It is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
  • Descriptive Research of Internal Discrimination Among African Americans In this study, the survey method is chosen as the best alternative as it provides an opportunity to evaluate a diverse and significantly large population sample.
  • Impact of Kendrick Lamar Music on Racism The essay hypothesizes that Lamar’s music has conducted to a progress in abolishing racism by cultivating tolerant attitude in the society towards Afro-American population.
  • Discrimination: Resume Screening One of the discriminatory practices can be seen in the hiring process during the resume review stages, where an act of discrimination is done on the basis of a candidate’s name.
  • Racial Discrimination and Poverty Racial discrimination and poverty have resulted in health disparities and low living standards among African Americans in the United States.
  • The Indirect Price Discrimination The indirect price discrimination implies charging a different price for different quantities such as giving customers quantity discounts for bulk buying.
  • Discrimination and Affirmative Action in Wal-Mart This paper is a review of the glass ceiling that promotes gender inequality with regard to promotions in the US with special emphasis on one of the world’s largest employer namely, Wal-Mart.
  • Discrimination in Prison Problem The problem of discrimination requires a great work of social workers, especially in such establishments like prisons.
  • Gender Discrimination and Intervention Program It is unreasonable to believe that a single effort will absolve humankind of gender inequality. But a set of strategies may pave the way for future improvements.
  • Racial Discrimination in the “Selma” Film The “Selma” film has shown how the mass media provoked the White American population to stand for the rights of Black people despite the common negative perceptions.
  • Women Discrimination Impact in Telecommunication Industry The research paper will aim at investigating the Negative impact of women discrimination in telecommunication industry in Europe and Middle East.
  • Workplace Discrimination: Analysis and Recommendations This study gives solutions to workplace discrimination in the context of organizational policies and practices and evaluates the aspect of effective communication styles.
  • The Cost of Prejudice and Discrimination This paper focuses on the price of prejudice and discrimination. The paper explores the costs that are often suffered by individual or institutional discriminators.
  • Misogyny and Sexism: The Key Differences This research paper will explore how misogyny and sexism differ based on their definition, nature, and gender.
  • School Dress and Grooming Codes as Agents of Racial Discrimination The thesis of this author was school dress and grooming codes as agents of racial discrimination against Blacks.
  • Discrimination of the Indians in the Boarding Schools The paper discusses the problem of orphanages for Indian children, and its essence lies in the separation of families and violence.
  • Perkin-Gilman’s Feminist Theory and View on Gender Discrimination In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Gilman depicts in novel structure how the house turns into a women’s jail and how being shut in could lead to mental distress in women.
  • A Form of Discrimination and Human Rights Violations Based on the relevance of the problem, models and methods of assistance to victims of domestic violence have been developed.
  • Sexism & Gender Wage Gap: Deconstructing the Myths A recent Harvard study reveals that the gender earnings gap is primarily associated with the amount of time one works.
  • Orientalism, Prejudice, and Discrimination The people living in the Middle East in countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc are known as Arabs. The word is somewhat ethnic.
  • Gender Discrimination as an Ethical Issue Society is related to discrimination, inequality, and ethical injustice due to the increasing rates of incompetence incidence based on racial, gender, or ethnic affiliation.
  • Mass Incarceration and Racial Discrimination In order to draw a parallel between the alleged racial discrimination and mass incarceration, it may be important to examine the concept of symbolic interactionism.
  • Discrimination and Affirmative Action The aspect of affirmative action constitutes a major area of controversy in the present day context of the Americas.
  • Ableism and Student Segregation in Georgia Schools The US Department of Justice’s investigation showed that the state of Georgia was illegally segregating students with disabilities.
  • Racism in the “Devil in a Blue Dress” Film The film Devil in a Blue Dress introduces many topics for discussion, including the racial problem in the United States.
  • Racial Discrimination in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass In this story, Douglass narrates the experiences he had as a slave before escaping to New York. He was born in slavery and remembered the name of his mother as Harriet Bailey.
  • Discrimination of Women in Rock and Roll The purpose of this paper is to analyze and dwell upon manifestations of women’s discrimination that can be traced in rock and roll lyrics.
  • Impact of Anti-Racism Campaigns in English League Football Racism trickles into every facet of people’s lives, causing members of ethnically and racially diverse communities to experience challenges and injustice.
  • Colorblind Racism in Modern Society Colorblind racism is a real and widespread phenomenon of being passive, dismissive, and non-acknowledging of existing race-related issues among marginalized and oppressed groups.
  • Discrimination in Nursing Practice Nurses continue to experience discriminatory attitudes in the healthcare sector. It manifests itself both on the part of the administration and patients.
  • Social Discrimination Against Illegal Immigrants “Checking Out” by Adichie is a piece of social criticism that focuses on such social injustices as false identity, obtaining money under false pretense, abuse of power, etc.
  • Examples of Employment Discrimination: Gender, Age, Race, & Others Discrimination in the workplace can be detrimental since it leads to depression and other psychological disorders that affect employees’ productivity.
  • The Causes of Discrimination from a Cultural Perspective The causes of discrimination involve heritage and background and Phillips and Okin review the issue from a cultural perspective, stating that it is present in modern society.
  • Racial Privilege and Discrimination Nowadays Scholars and public figures are currently trying to understand why racial privilege and discrimination continue to exist in the current cultural context.
  • The Power of the EEOC: Ensuring a Discrimination-Free Workplace The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is an independent federal agency responsible for enforcing civil rights laws against workplace discrimination.
  • Minorities Discrimination in the US In US society, minorities are discriminated mainly due to competition for resources, religious prejudices, and harmful stereotypes.
  • Racism Issue in the Play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Bill Duke The renowned play A Raisin in the Sun, directed by Bill Duke, depicts the challenges and biases endured by black families in America.
  • Modern Discrimination: Racism in the USA In the USA, there still exists widespread racism despite campaigns against the vice. People are subjected to discrimination because of differences in factors such as gender.
  • Racial Discrimination and Economic Revival The prevalence of discrimination against non-Caucasians in America shows the contradictions between the treatment of minorities and American ideals of equality.
  • Racism Against African Americans and Its Effects Racism has significantly affected African-Americans’ social status due to negative perceptions and biases held concerning them.
  • Housing Discrimination: Redlining Continuing Affects The current paper states that redlining serves as evidence of the long-term harm caused by government involvement in the housing market.
  • Gender Intersectionality: Fighting Discrimination This essay explored how gender intersectionality protects the interests of disadvantaged groups of the population.
  • Causes of Employment Discrimination & Strategies to Address Them The paper states that employment discrimination is a problem that needs to be solved. The reasons are cognitive distortions and peculiarities of the psychology.
  • Racism in Modern Canada: Taking Action as a Helping Professional Cases of racial and ethnic discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, which occur daily, impede the improvement of the lives of millions of people around the world.
  • Shifting Disease Burden and Age Discrimination The disease burden is exacerbated by social and economic disparities affecting healthcare access. Age discrimination and challenges caused by multimorbidity should be addressed.
  • Analysis of Discrimination in Recruitment Discrimination in the workplace has become a major challenge facing an increasingly diversified world, especially in recruitment and selection of workers.
  • Health Care Policy: Eliminating Systemic Racism The paper states that the policy can be considered a stepping stone for meaningful change in eliminating systemic racism from the healthcare industry.
  • Racism Against the Blacks in the UK The UK is one of the most ethnically diversified countries, with residents from different parts of the world and various cultural backgrounds.
  • Hooters, Inc. Discrimination Case Disparate impact arises when seemingly neutral laws, practices, norms, or other systems have a disproportionately negative impact on a protected group.
  • The Intragroup Discrimination Theory Development The Intragroup Discrimination Theory is based on how a person is perceived immediately after birth and what traits may affect them in the future.
  • Employment Discrimination: Diversity Still Matters Applicants need to find the right place of work to ensure their well-being, and organizations require competent people to succeed.
  • On White Privilege, Colorblindness, and Racism Critical Race Theory (CRT) is one of the approaches that attempt to address the issue of racism by identifying and investigating perpetual racial injustices.
  • Experiences of Institutional Racism at an Early Age The paper examines how experiences of institutional racism at an early age translate to orientations towards activism in the black community.
  • Discrimination in the American Society In American society, myriad forms of discrimination are now established, notably against people based on their nationality, color, religious doctrine, sexuality, and gender.
  • Racism, Social-Economic Status, and the Dominant Story Disparities in the distribution of social benefits such as education, healthcare, and employment are among the dominant stories in the United States (US).
  • Racism in Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” Like Morrison’s other work, Recitatif focuses on the issue of prejudice and racial identity. However, in the short story, the races of the main characters are concealed.
  • Racism, Ethnoviolence, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder The paper states that experiencing racism can induce post-traumatic stress disorder. Most people do not draw a link between racism and PTSD.
  • The Effects of Discrimination That LGBT Persons Encounter The paper focuses on the effects of discrimination that LGBT persons encounter. They never interfere with the lives of people who do not relate to the LGBT community.
  • The Ideas and Perspectives of Literary Works About Slavery and Racism The essay aims to provide insights into opinions about the ideas and perspectives of literary works about slavery, racism, and the oppression of African-Americans.
  • Sexism Rates in Modern Society Modern society has seen more sexism rates than in the past. Unfortunately, sexism has unexpectedly established itself at different levels, ages, and beliefs.
  • Human Rights and Discrimination Discrimination is against human rights and should be condemned because it has negative effects such as reduced productivity, feelings of anger, and anxiety.
  • Racism as a Crime Racism is one of the oldest and most reprehensible forms of crime, which manifests itself in discrimination against people based on their racial or national origin. It is expressed through statements, actions, or policies that divide people. Racism creates prejudices and demonizes others, leading to a lack of access to…
  • Researching of Structural Racism Structural racism presents an issue that includes several institutions. Moreover, the interconnectedness between these institutions represents a major problem for people of color.
  • Racism as a Modern-Day Societal Challenge This essay analyzes racism as a modern-day societal challenge and proposes policies and measures that may help curb the issue.
  • So Cal’s Water Agency: Racism, Sexual Harassment, and Retaliation So Cal’s Water Agency has reported racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation cases. Practices of unequal hiring have been experienced by employees in this agency.
  • Doping: Racism and Discrimination of Athletes The issue of discrimination is linked to the point of doping by athletes, which significantly amplifies the implications for the fundamental values of sport.
  • Color-Blind Society and Racism Individuals would be seen as individuals without regard to race. This concept has been gaining traction recently.
  • The Issues of Collusion and Discrimination The current paper states that firm collusion and price discrimination represent practices detrimental to consumers and a free market.
  • Employee’s Retirement and Age Discrimination Laws The case study examines a situation where an HR director is faced with a dilemma regarding an employee’s retirement and the violation of age discrimination laws.
  • World War II: Holocaust and Discrimination of the Jews The research paper aims to review several primary and secondary sources discussing the World War II and specifically the discrimination faced by the Jews.
  • Systemic Racism in the US: Systemic Racism and America Today Discrimination in the US is an issue that has been dealt with for decades; however, there are no signs of it ending.
  • Prejudice and Discrimination Against Muslim Americans American perceptions of Muslims in society are influenced by the discourse that pits Islam and Western ideals against one another.
  • Price and Behavioral Discrimination Discrimination of various kinds is always harmful and destructive action, whether it considers more narrow or broader aspects.
  • Racism: How Bigotry and Hate Runs Through History Courtesy of racial distinctions, the Europeans considered themselves more concrete in terms of reasoning and used racism as a convenient exploitation justification.
  • Racism in Modern American Society Racism is one of the common social problems within the American community, thus incorporating competent solutions through policies.
  • Zero Discrimination for People Who Use Drugs From all of the above, it follows that HIV-infected prisoners should have the same access to timely and high-quality medical care as the population.
  • The Discrimination, Prejudice, and Racism Concepts This paper discusses the concepts of discrimination, prejudice, and racism, their relationship with each other, and how they affect society.
  • Rebranding to Address Racism: Aunt Jemima’s Case Cultural psychology theory and research emphasize the need of looking at racism not just in the mind but also in the environment.
  • Resolving Discrimination Against Queer (LGBTQ) Community The article focuses on practical measures that can be governed to ensure that LGBTQ people are not discriminated against and violated.
  • Discrimination Against Disabled Employees This paper discusses discrimination against disabled employees in the workplace, using the example of an autistic employee who was unlawfully fired by a Subway sandwich shop.
  • Solving Ethical Dilemma of Discrimination This paper discusses one of the frequent ethical dilemmas in workplaces, which is discrimination, based on religion, gender, ethnicity, or nationality.
  • Gentrification as Another Form of Discrimination Gentrification is the process of renewal and revitalization of urban neighborhoods that bring in new, wealthier residents while displacing low-income residents and businesses.
  • Discrimination Against Addicts in Recovery Discrimination remains one of the core factors shaping the lives of people with substance misuse issues attempting rehabilitation.
  • Racial Discrimination Cases: Federal Hate Crime Charges in Black Jogger’s Racial discrimination happens when a person is considered unacceptable or is denied the same possibilities as others in a similar position because of their ethnicity, or birth country.
  • Racism and Biases Based on Social Issues and Attitudes Racism is a complicated occurrence, and this essay focuses on analyzing bias based on language use, power control, social issues, and social attitudes.
  • Critical Thinking and Racism in Modern Times The new definition of racism is a belief that human capacities are determined by race and that differences in race lead to one race being viewed as superior to another race.
  • Categories of Price Discrimination A monopoly can take advantage of its market power by using price discrimination. In terms of this statement, list and discuss the various categories of price discrimination.
  • American Church’s Complicity in Racism This article demonstrates the theological challenge that slavery posed to the American church during the Civil War.
  • Religious Discrimination in Different Countries The problem of discrimination is relevant in modern society since, to this day, due to the existence of various confessions, interreligious conflicts occur.
  • Transgender People: Prejudice and Discrimination Transgender remains a stereotyped sexual identity, and these individuals face prejudice from critics, religious leaders, and the vast majority of society.
  • Employment Discrimination in Recruitment The literature review presents, summarizes, and compares important findings from a number of works the issue of employment discrimination in recruitment.
  • Understanding Workplace Discrimination Through Sociological Theories This study will help to get a complete understanding of the issue of discrimination in the workplace in order to find effective ways to limit its negative consequences.
  • The Cross-Generational Discrimination The adverse impact of cross-generational discrimination can be seen in the vast majority of modern societal structures, yet it is not a well-addressed phenomenon.
  • Decolonization as a Response to Racism and Discrimination Decolonization as a term is often connected to the second half of the 20th century when countries of the Global South gained their formal independence from the colonial powers.
  • Researching of House Discrimination The significance of the piece consists in proving housing discrimination, which does not depend on the presence of crime or belonging to a certain gender.
  • Housing Discrimination in the United States In the United States, housing discrimination refers to historical as well as present policies and biases that act as barriers towards equitable access to housing.
  • Changing Social World and Addressing Discrimination Individual discrimination involves two or more racial or ethnic groups in which the actions of one harm the other.
  • Housing Discrimination Across Race, Gender, and Felony History House discrimination largely involves leasing/renting, putting on sale, or rather acquiring property while handling the individuals performing the buying.
  • Employment Discrimination and Security Regulations There are many forms of employment prejudice but usually it’s a race and color discrimination occurs when a person is denied an equal job opportunity.
  • Overcoming Racism in the United States in the 1960s This paper will discuss how rampant racism prevented U.S. society in the 1960s from progressing forward as a nation.
  • Overcoming Racism in “The Blood of Jesus” Film Belittling the status of a person based on his gender or race is impossible and terrible in modern society, but it is the tendency of the present time.
  • Imperialism and Racism During the Colonial Period This analysis of primary sources aims to demonstrate how various historical actors interpreted imperialism during different periods.
  • New World Slavery and Racism in Society The effects of slavery and racial ideology can be observed even after the official abolition of this policy. There is racial discrimination in labor and health care.
  • Defining Race in Brazil and Racism Reducing The intent of the Brazilian government to reduce racism are noble, but the stratified classification is creating more identity challenges and making it hard to implement programs.
  • Native Americans in Schools: Effects of Racism
  • Psychological Perspectives on Racism
  • Reconstruction in the United States: The Structural Racism
  • House Discrimination: Analysis of the Issue
  • “The Costs of Racism to White People” by P. Kivel
  • Indigenous Women Discrimination in Canada
  • The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism
  • Criminal Justice System and the Problem of Racism
  • Diversity, Racism, and Identity in the United States
  • Environmental Racism as Rights Infringement
  • How Diversity Has Influenced Discrimination in the Society
  • Cause and Effect of Queer (LGBTQ+) Discrimination
  • “Interrogating Racism: Toward an Antiracist Anthropology” and “Economics”
  • Causes to Eradicate Homophobia and Sexism
  • The Uber Firm’s Price Discrimination and Other Issues
  • Discussion of LGBT Discrimination in Modern Society
  • Asian Discrimination in America
  • Researching the History of Racism
  • Racial Discrimination in the Industry of Face Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Outsourcing & Women’s Discrimination in the Workplace
  • The Problem of Sexism in the Workplace
  • Slavery and Racism: History and Linkage
  • Organizational Change Against Discrimination: The Case of Amazon
  • The Issues of Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia
  • Discrimination and Sexual Violence Documentaries
  • The Asian Racism: Joel Best’s Constructivism
  • Social Inequality and Discrimination in the US
  • Federal Employment Discrimination Laws
  • “Miles of Aisles of Sexism” by Hoffman
  • Individual and Systemic Racism
  • Racial and Class Discrimination in the History of the American South
  • Issue of Racism in Colonial Haiti
  • Civil Rights Movement and Construction of US Racism
  • Women in Politics: Biases and Discrimination
  • Racial Discrimination in the USA
  • How Racism Makes Us Sick
  • Stop and Search Policy and Race Discrimination
  • Discrimination of Islam in America
  • Racism and Its Impact on Society
  • Racism in Employment from Conley’s Viewpoint
  • Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in “When They See Us” Film
  • Researching the Racism and Race
  • Approaches to Psychology. Discrimination of the Islamic Religion
  • James Baldwin’s Essays on Racism and Slavery
  • Racism and Prejudice: People’s Experiences
  • Problem of Racial Discrimination
  • Racism, Its Origins, and Evolution
  • Racism and Oppression in “Native Son” by Wright
  • Employment Law Paper: Workplace Discrimination
  • Critical Writing for Economics of Discrimination
  • How Black Lives Matter Movement Fights Racism
  • How Structural Racism Is Addressed by Open Science
  • The Term “Oriental” as Discrimination Against Asian People
  • Colorblind Racism and Race-Based Medicine
  • Analysis of Structural Racism in Healthcare
  • Socety’s Problem: Family and Racism
  • The Persistence of White Racism in the United States
  • Racism and White Supremacy in the USA
  • Racism and White Privilege and Benefits
  • Addressing Race Discrimination in Contemporary America
  • Discrimination as a Major Cause of Sociological Issues
  • Systemic Racism in the United States
  • Dealing With the Issue of Medical Racism
  • Racism: Scene for Screenplay Illustrating Racism
  • Reflection on Racism as a Social Injustice
  • Taking Joined Action to Confront Anti-Black Racism in Toronto
  • Protection against Violence and Discrimination in the Clinical Setting
  • The Climate of Social Justice, Racism, COVID-19, and Other Issues
  • A Case Study about Work Place Discrimination
  • Analysis of Environmental Racism in America
  • Environmental Racism: Analyzing the Phenomenon
  • Discrimination Against Women at the Workplace
  • Discrimination in the US: Du Bois’ “The Souls of Black Folk” and Present Days
  • From Slavery to Racism: Historical Background
  • Stigma and Discrimination in Children Living With HIV-AIDS
  • Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois Fighting Discrimination Against African Americans
  • Racial Disparities in Healthcare Through the Lens of Systemic Racism
  • Examining Racism in American 21st Century Society
  • Diversity and Discrimination in Restaurant Industry
  • Slavery and Discrimination: The Foundations of the Problem
  • “A Class Divided” Film on Discrimination
  • Racial Injustice, Racial Discrimination, and Racism
  • Settler Society and Structural Racism
  • Comparative Analysis of Three Books about Racism
  • Social Psychology: Race, Racism, and Discrimination
  • Discrimination of Muslim American Women
  • Fighting Racism Behavior Towards the Latino Community
  • Discrimination Are on the Foundation of Sexual Orientation
  • Ethical Considerations on Affirmative Action: Racism
  • Personal Connections to Racism: A Very Short Introduction
  • Racism, Racial Profiling and Bias in the War on Drugs
  • Eric Williams: Slavery Was Not Born Out of Racism
  • Disability Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
  • Religious Discrimination at the Workplace
  • Prejudice and Discrimination in the Judicial System
  • Age and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Workplace Discrimination Laws: Court Case
  • Racism in the United States of America
  • Racism and Social Injustice in Warriors Don’t Cry
  • Racial Profiling: Issues Connected to Discrimination
  • Police Shooting and Issue of Discrimination
  • Racism: Ku Klux Klan Case Study
  • The Non-recognition of Multiple Discrimination
  • Understanding of Race and Ethnicity and the Components of Discrimination and Stereotyping
  • Racial Discrimination in “White Fragility” and “Black Men”
  • Systemic Racism and Its Impact on Development
  • Discrimination of Women in the Workplace
  • Racism in the 21st Century Problem Analysis
  • Religious Liberties in the Face of Employment Discrimination Reforms
  • The Phenomenon of Racism
  • Disabled Americans in the Workplace and Discrimination
  • Policing Racism as a Solvable Problem: A TED Talk
  • Is Racism a Natural Condition of Human Society?
  • Systemic Racism and the American Justice System
  • National Origin Discrimination at Work
  • The Problems of Racism in Modern Society
  • Discrimination and Racial Segregation Over Time
  • Segregation and Racial Discrimination in Housing
  • The History of Mexican and Asian Americans’ Discrimination
  • Jane Elliott’s Experiment on Discrimination
  • Racism & Privilege Within the Social Work Setting
  • Carl Hart’s Talk on Racism, Poverty, and Drugs
  • Internal Racism in the Movie Amreeka
  • Racism and Impact of Racial Discrimination
  • Racism, Crime and Justice and Growing-Up Bad
  • Racism Against Health Care Workers
  • The Trauma of Enduring Racism and Ethnic Hatred: They Called Us Enemy
  • Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice
  • Research Methods in Psychology. Methods against Racism
  • Institutional Racism Mitigation in Criminal Justice, Education, and Health Systems
  • Causes of Racism and Racial Discrimination
  • Genetic Testing and Privacy & Discrimination Issues
  • The Reality About Isms and Heterosexism
  • Discrimination Definition & Meaning
  • Institutional Racism Existing in the United States
  • Discrimination and Racism in Cobb County
  • The Color Line: Racism in Dubois’ and Zinn’s Works
  • The Problem of Racism and Its Possible Origins
  • Religious Liberties and LGBTQ Employment Discrimination Reforms
  • Overcoming Racism in Environmental Decision Making
  • Racism and Kingdom Ethics. Main Aspects
  • Institutional Discrimination Related to Ageism
  • “Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms” by Kleinberg
  • Racial Discrimination in the Modern Society
  • Defining Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
  • Racism May Be Natural in Modern Society
  • “Neighborhood Racial Discrimination and the Development of Major Depression” by Russell
  • Racism v Justice. “The New Jim Crow” by M. Alexander
  • Racism Is the Problem of Society
  • Racism: Black Lives Matter Central Idea
  • Ethnocentrism and Racism in Child Development
  • Skin Color as Reason for Oppression and Discrimination
  • Racial and Cultural Discrimination of Native Americans
  • Trump Administration and Transgender Discrimination
  • How is Systemic Racism Becoming a News Spectacle?
  • Ralph Ellison’s “Battle Royal”: Racism
  • Does System Racism Exist in the USA?
  • Persistent Racism in the United States
  • Discrimination in the United States
  • Racism Within the Public Health Framework
  • Employment Classification and Discrimination
  • Discrimination in Protecting Health Care Workers
  • Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace
  • The African American Nurse: Discrimination Case From the Elderly Patients
  • Racial Discrimination as a Public Problem
  • American Psychological Association and Racism
  • Equal Employment Opportunity: The Issue of Unlawful Discrimination
  • Racism and Ethnicity in the US
  • Racial Discrimination Within the Educational Setting
  • Sexual Discrimination in Olympic Speed Skating
  • Australian Aborigines and Racial Discrimination
  • South Africa’s Handling of Racism and Ethnic Relations: How They Compare With Those of the USA
  • Racial Profiling: Necessary Evil or Discrimination?
  • Rasism in the USA: Personal Experience
  • Negro Kids: Racism in American Schools
  • Modern Racism Concepts and Types
  • Racism in Campus of the Montclair State University Effect
  • Heterosexism as an Act of Discrimination
  • Discrimination of Women Entrepreneurs in Getting Loans From Banks
  • Leadership and Management: Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Sexual Harassment Like Discrimination Form
  • Homophobia and Racism and Other Issues
  • Gender Construction and Heterosexism
  • Research Environmental Discrimination and Environmental Justice
  • The Issue of Gender Pay Discrimination in Canada
  • Racial Discrimination in Analyzed Movie and Book
  • Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: An Etiquette Without Gender Discrimination Terms
  • Fredrickson’s Racism: A Short History
  • The Theme of Race Discrimination in Works of Richard Rodriguez
  • Racism in Breast Cancer Treatment
  • Specific Racism Against Chinese Americans
  • The Notion of Colorblind Racism
  • Issues of Racial Discrimination: Racial Identity and Socialization
  • Age Discrimination in the United States
  • J. Brady’s and A. Brott’s Articles on Sexism Review
  • Discrimination in the Workplace: Case Study
  • Racism and Social Reform Movements in the United States
  • Racial Discrimination in the US
  • Racism in Minnesota in Relation to the Klu Klux Klan
  • Racism in Minnesota: Archival Research Paper
  • Institutionalised Racism – Myth or Reality?
  • Racism Against Afro-Americans in Wilson’s “Fences” Play
  • Cultural Pluralism and Sexism in Healthcare
  • Color-Blind Racism as a New Face of Racism in Contemporary Society
  • Employment Discrimination in the United States
  • Discrimination Against Racial and Gender Minorities
  • Price Discrimination in the Airline Industry
  • Racism Effects in “Warriors Don’t Cry” by Melba Beals
  • Adverse Selection: Is Discrimination Warranted?
  • A Plan to Reduce Racism in Medicine
  • The Issue of Transgender Discrimination
  • Ethnical Ambiguousness as a Band-Aid for Racism
  • America’s Band-Aid for Racism Is the Ethnically Ambiguous
  • Ethnically Ambiguous – America’s Band-Aid for Racism
  • Racism in “Get Out” Movie: Rhetorical Discussion
  • Gay Community and Heterosexism in Language
  • Transgender Community and Heterosexism in Language
  • Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Gender Discrimination Topic for Research
  • Issue of Gender Discrimination in Different Societies
  • Psychologist’s Discrimination Against Deaf Student
  • Racism in American Schools: NCLB Problems
  • Rethinking Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
  • Sexism, Democracy, and Modernization
  • The Problem of Women’s Discrimination
  • Racism and Its Definition Challenge
  • Anti-Latinos Discrimination and Rebuttal in the US
  • Healthcare System: Transgender Patients Discrimination
  • Racism in the Contemporary America
  • Symbolism and Racism in Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”
  • Laws on Pregnancy Discrimination in Workplace
  • Transgender Patients Problem and the Consequences of Discrimination
  • Workplace Racism in Public Service Organization
  • American Racism in Coates’ The Case for Reparations
  • Racism and Inequality in the United States
  • Price Discrimination: Principles and Applications
  • Anti-Latino Discrimination in the American Society
  • Malcolm X and Anne Moody on Racism in the US
  • Transgender Patients: Challenges & Discrimination in Healthcare
  • Gender-Based Discrimination during Surgical Training
  • Racism Against African Americans as a Social Construct
  • Dismantling Institutional Racism: Effects and Possible Solutions
  • Problem of Racism in the Modern World
  • Sexism and Gender: Culture and Conflict Reflection
  • Discrimination Faced by Transgender Patients
  • Dove’s Racism in Promoting New Shower Foam
  • The Discrimination of Employees: Nurse’s Case
  • Griggs vs Duke Power Company: Discrimination Case
  • US Medical Leave, Discrimination, Disability Acts
  • Racial Discrimination in US Workplaces: Ruth Whitman’s Case
  • Transgenders Discrimination from Healthcare Providers
  • Racial Discrimination in the American History
  • US Workplace and Race Discrimination Court Cases
  • Racism and Constructing Otherness in the US
  • Transgender Discrimination in Health Care
  • Divisiveness and Mismatching in Anti-Racism
  • Discrimination as an Unethical Business Situation
  • Income Inequality and Discrimination in the US
  • Aging Workforce: Discrimination and Diversity Effects
  • Problems and Cultivation of Racism
  • Gender Discrimination and Equality Promotion at Work
  • Ableism and Its Effects on Patient Outcomes
  • Racism and Masculinity in the Film “A Soldier’s Story”
  • Racism Problem at Institutional and Interactional Levels
  • Workplace and Housing Discrimination in Canada
  • Wet Seal: Employment Discrimination Law
  • Discrimination, Affirmative Action, Sexual Harassment
  • Racism in the United States Judicial System
  • American Racism in “Men We Reaped” by Jesmyn Ward
  • Racism in the Music Video: Locked Up and Styles P
  • Discrimination and Human Rights Laws
  • Racism in America: Discrimination and Prejudice
  • Price Discrimination and High Line Living
  • Women’s Rights Movement in the Anti-Discrimination Activities
  • Workplace Immigrant Discrimination: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Sexism in “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell
  • Racism Causes and Impacts in America
  • Racism in American Schools
  • Racism in America between 1783 and 1836
  • Racism in American Education
  • Racism as “The Case for Reparations” by Coates
  • Social Issues: Discrimination of Black Population in USA
  • Does Racism and Discrimination Still Exist Today?
  • Does Religious Discrimination Exist in Today’s America?
  • Should the Racial Discrimination Act Be Reformed?
  • Are High School Exit Exams a By-Product of Institutionalized Discrimination?
  • Are HIV/Aids Carriers Suffering From Discrimination?
  • What Are the Main Four Types of Discrimination?
  • What Are the Seven Areas of Discrimination?
  • What Are the Examples of Direct Discrimination?
  • Are Racial Profiling and Police Discrimination an Issue?
  • What Is the Most Common Form of Discrimination?
  • Are Spatial Frequency Cues Used for Whisker-Based Active Discrimination?
  • What Are the Five Key Acts That Protect Against Discrimination?
  • Are the Processes Underlying Discrimination the Same for Women and Men?
  • How Do You Prove Indirect Discrimination?
  • Can Competition Among Employers Reduce Governmental Discrimination?
  • Can Gender-Fair Language Reduce Gender Stereotyping and Discrimination?
  • What Are the Main Issues of Gender Discrimination?
  • What Are Effects of Gender Inequality and Discrimination?
  • What Is the Effect of Gender Discrimination in Society?
  • Can Social Contact Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination?
  • What Is Gender Discrimination in Education?
  • Do Anti-discrimination Laws Alleviate Labor Market Duality?
  • Does Banning Price Discrimination Promote Entry and Increase Welfare?
  • What Would Be an Example of Discrimination in the Workplace?
  • Does Ethnic Discrimination Vary Across Minority Groups?
  • Has Discrimination Lessened Over Time?
  • How Does Discrimination Affect People With Mental Illness?
  • What Is Health Discrimination?
  • What Can Life Satisfaction Data Tell Us About Discrimination Against Sexual Minorities?
  • What Mediates the Relationship Between Ethnic Discrimination and Stress?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 489 Discrimination Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/discrimination-essay-topics/

"489 Discrimination Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/discrimination-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '489 Discrimination Essay Topics'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "489 Discrimination Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/discrimination-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "489 Discrimination Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/discrimination-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "489 Discrimination Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/discrimination-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Discrimination were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 21, 2024 .

An Anti-Racist Reading List: Five Essential Titles for Designers

collage of books featured in article

How can design contribute to the fight against racism? As a place to start, the African American Design Nexus —an initiative developed by the Frances Loeb Library in collaboration with the GSD African American Student Union —has curated five essential titles for anti-racism reading.

The recommendations come from a list of over 45 books on race and design crowdsourced from the GSD community in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first Black History Month celebrations. The open-access bibliography is designed to “showcase and initiate conversation about the work of Black designers throughout the world and to critically re-examine the legacy of racial discourses in modern and contemporary design thinking and practice.” It is a living document fueled by submissions from the GSD community. Learn how to submit a book or other printed media .

For more recommended reading, visit A Call To Explore: Design, Race, and the Built Environment book suggestions from the GSD community.

The fire next time, by james baldwin.

Photo of a cover of a book entitled the fire next time

“At once a powerful evocation of James Baldwin’s early life in Harlem and a disturbing examination of the consequences of racial injustice, the book is an intensely personal and provocative document. It consists of two ‘letters,’ written on the occasion of the centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation, that exhort Americans, both Black and White, to attack the terrible legacy of racism.”

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How our Government Segregated America

By richard rothstein.

Photo of a cover of a book entitled the color of law

How to Kill a City: Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood

By peter moskowitz.

Photo of a cover of a book entitled how to kill a city

Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors

By carolyn finney.

Photo of a cover of a book entitled black faces white spaces

“Bridging the fields of environmental history, cultural studies, critical race studies, and geography, Carolyn Finney argues that the legacies of slavery have shaped cultural understandings of the ‘great outdoors.'”

This contribution is part of a list that was compiled in affiliation with Womxn in Design’s WiD Bib: An Annotated Bibliography of Identity Theories for the “Critical Race Theory” section.

Call Number: Frances Loeb Library GEN E185.86 .F525 2014 ISBN: 9781469614489 Publication Date: 2014 Publisher:   The University of North Carolina Press

Killing Rage: Ending Racism

By bell hooks.

Photo of a cover of a book entitled killing rage

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Racism Essay Examples

The impact of systemic racism: social injustice today.

Racism has been a persistent issue throughout history, deeply rooted in societal structures and institutions. Systemic racism, in particular, refers to the way racism is embedded within these systems, perpetuating inequality and social injustice. This essay aims to shed light on the impact of systemic...

White Privilege: a Historical and Contemporary Analysis

White privilege is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years as societies grapple with issues of systemic racism and inequality. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of white privilege, tracing its historical roots and examining its persistence in contemporary society. It...

Martin Luther King Jr.: a Legacy of Civil Rights and Social Justice

Martin Luther King Jr. is an iconic figure in American history, celebrated for his tireless efforts in advancing civil rights and social justice. His life and work continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world. This essay delves into the remarkable journey of...

If I Won a Million Dollars: Dreams and Impact

Winning a million dollars is a dream that many harbor—a sudden windfall that can transform lives. But what would you do if you won a million dollars? This essay explores the myriad possibilities of what I would do if I were fortunate enough to win...

Combating Racism in American Schools

Racism in American schools remains a deeply rooted problem that continues to hinder the progress towards equality and inclusivity. It is crucial to address this issue head-on, as it affects the well-being and academic success of students of color. This essay presents an argumentative analysis...

Ending Racism in Schools: a Path to Equality and Inclusivity

Racism in schools remains a significant issue that hinders the pursuit of equality and inclusivity in education. It is essential to recognize that every student deserves a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination. This essay aims to present an argumentative analysis of effective...

Black History Month: Legacy and Inspiring Change

Black History Month is an annual observance that celebrates the achievements and contributions of African Americans to American history and culture. It is observed in the United States and Canada during the month of February. The origins of Black History Month can be traced back...

American History Criminalization: Racism and Mass Incarceration

This American history research paper reveals such pungent topics for college students as racism and mass incarceration. In America, the land of the free, more people are behind bars than there are living in the city of Philadelphia and Dallas combined. Our criminal justice system...

Falling America: Analysis of "Where Do We Go from Here?"

In 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. published a book titled "Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?" In this book, he discussed the challenges facing America at that time, including racism, poverty, and economic inequality. He also offered a vision for how America...

Absence and Violation of Human Rights: Cultural Discrimination

Cultural discrimination refers to the unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on their cultural background. Cultural discrimination take forms which analysed in the essay. Such forms include stereotyping, prejudice, and exclusion, and can have significant negative effects on individuals and society as...

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  • Black Lives Matter
  • Martin Luther King
  • White Privilege
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • I Have a Dream
  • Rwandan Genocide
  • Racial Segregation
  • Emmett Till
  • Ku Klux Klan
  • Rodney King
  • Islamophobia
  • Political Blackness
  • Segregation
  • Social Isolation
  • Racial Discrimination
  • Racism In Schools
  • Social Movements
  • Overpopulation
  • Poverty Problem

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