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Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

Mark Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021 Consumer Behaviour No Comments

Some of the most interesting consumer behaviour dissertation topics are listed on this site. The list of dissertation topics on consumer behaviour is developed based on emerging concepts and ideas in the field of business and marketing. Consumer behaviour is a vast area to study and has gained the attention of researchers belonging to different […]

consumer behaviour dissertation topics

Some of the most interesting dissertation topics on consumer behaviour are listed on this site. The list of dissertation topics on consumer behaviour is developed based on emerging concepts and ideas in the field of business and marketing. Consumer behaviour is a vast area to study and has gained the attention of researchers belonging to different fields.

The project topics on consumer behaviour and research topics on consumer behaviour are listed down, and we can also help in completing projects according to your requirements. You can explore the dissertation, project, and research topics to carry out your study.

A list of Dissertation Topics on Consumer Behaviour

How online shopping consumer behaviour affects the high-street shopping patterns in the UK?

Examining the differences between male and female customer psychologies.

Analysing how advertising stimulates excessing consumption patterns.

To conduct a literature review on the importance of understanding customer needs.

Exploring the differences in consumer buying patterns considering different consumer characteristics.

Are the consumers willing to pay a premium for convenience?

Comparing the factors influencing consumer behaviour related to clothing brands in the UK.

Evaluating the country of origin effects on consumer buying behaviour.

Studying the impact of brand association on consumer buying behaviour in the sports industry.

Examining the impact of advertising media on consumer purchasing behaviour related to food and beverage products.

To explore the factors affecting consumer’s purchase decisions in the UK’s retail market.

A quantitative study on how online shopping trends have affected the profitability of leading retailers in the UK – A case study of Tesco.

Studying the impact of trends in consumer’s food behaviour contributing to the development of marketing strategies in the fashion industry.

A review of twenty-five years research of the consumer behaviour study in different markets.

Does e-marketing influence consumer purchase decisions?

Analysing and comparing the strategies used by luxury brands to influence consumer behaviour.

Examining the role of information technology in revolutionising the marketer’s approach to motivate and influence consumers.

Assessing the impact of integrated marketing communication on consumer impulsive buying behaviour.

A literature review on the impact of branding on consumer behaviour.

Importance of ethics in building and maintaining relationships with the consumers.

The role of innovation and creativity on consumer behaviour and perceptions.

Qualitative analysis of the impact of loyalty schemes on consumer purchasing decisions and loyalty.

Impact of cross-cultural marketing on the marketing techniques used to attract and influence consumers.

A literature review on the effects of globalisation on customer behaviour.

Consumer, customer and perceived value: past, present and future.

Examining the environmental orientation of consumer behaviour: motivational component.

Impact of the external stimuli on the impulsive buying behaviour of consumers.

Studying the female consumer behaviour towards jewellery products in Asian countries.

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master thesis topics consumer behavior

57 Inspiring Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics and Sample Ideas

Consumer behaviour dissertation topics explore the complex dynamics that influence individuals’ purchasing choices. These topics cover areas like the impact of advertising, online reviews, social media, and cultural factors on consumer decisions. They delve into the psychology behind consumer choices, helping businesses tailor marketing strategies to reach and engage their target audiences effectively. Consumer Behaviour […]

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

Consumer behaviour dissertation topics explore the complex dynamics that influence individuals’ purchasing choices. These topics cover areas like the impact of advertising, online reviews, social media, and cultural factors on consumer decisions. They delve into the psychology behind consumer choices, helping businesses tailor marketing strategies to reach and engage their target audiences effectively.

Table of Contents

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topic: “Influence of Online Reviews on Consumer Purchase Decisions”

Brief : This dissertation topic investigates the profound influence of online reviews on consumer behaviour. With the proliferation of e-commerce and digital platforms, consumers increasingly rely on the opinions and ratings of other users when making purchase decisions. This research aims to delve into the factors that shape consumers’ trust in online reviews, examining the role of review quality, source credibility, and the impact of fake or biased reviews. Additionally, the study explores how online reviews affect various stages of the consumer decision-making process, from product consideration to post-purchase evaluation. By analyzing real-world cases, conducting surveys, and employing data analytics, this research uncovers insights into how online reviews can be leveraged by businesses to enhance brand perception and sales. Understanding the dynamics of online reviews in consumer behaviour is crucial in the contemporary digital marketplace, making this topic both timely and impactful.

Are you looking to help with Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics? Consumer behavior has always caught the attention of researchers. If you’re planning to research the same area, we have a list of research proposal topics and dissertation topics on consumer behavior to help you in your undergrad and master’s research projects.

You can choose any topic, and we can prepare your dissertation according to your university requirements. We can also help with marketing , business management , digital marketing , psychology , and others. Contact our representatives for more details.

Best consumer behaviour dissertation topics or research topics for master’s and undergraduate students

Here is the list of best research topics in consumer behaviour:

  • How do emerging trends influence consumer behaviour and their decisions?
  • What are the basic principles of consumer behavior? – A literature review.
  • How do satisfy the needs of consumers in the construction industry?
  • Can a business run without satisfying the needs of the consumer? – a systematic literature review.
  • Why is consumer feedback very important for new startups – a case analysis.
  • What is your opinion on the famous saying ‘customers are always right? – a survey analysis.
  • To study the barriers between consumer and seller? – a literature review.
  • Studying the effects of Digital Marketing on Generation Z consumers in the food industry.
  • How do geographical barriers change the needs of customers?
  • How to build strong online branding? A systematic analysis of literature and theoretical concepts.
  • Evaluating the impact of product design on the consumer – packaging theories and models.
  • To study the effect of brand image on the consumer in the airline industry.
  • To study the effect of brand pricing on customers related to food products.
  • To analyze consumer behaviors on different branding strategies adopted by the smartphone industry.
  • Conducting an online survey to know the needs of consumers in the fashion industry.
  • To make data of consumers which helps in the development of financial products.
  • How are the needs of people changing with their way of living in the rural areas of developing countries? A case analysis.
  • How do you think the consumer behavior field came into existence? A literature review.
  • To study the mechanism of analysis on consumer behavior.
  • Research on rich and poor customer needs – a comparative analysis for the food businesses.
  • What are the challenges faced by the customer in product buying?
  • To study the role of customers in supply chain management – a systematic analysis of the food supply chain.
  • Study the Effects of COVID-19 on consumer behavior.
  • To study the risk-taking consumers.
  • Do you think consumerism is a form of consumer behavior?
  • What are the cross-cultural comer behaviors?
  • What is the effect of Greenwashing’s marketing strategy on consumers?
  • What is the impact of negative online reviews on customers?
  • How do assess if the consumer’s behavior is rational or not?
  • To study Maslow’s hierarchy needs of consumer behavior in the light of FMCGs.
  • To study neuromarketing and its effects on consumer behavior.
  • What are the customer retention methods, and how can companies use this to retain Generation Z consumers?
  • To study the effects of packaging of products on customers’ purchase intention.
  • Do you think Marketing is a power of emotions?
  • To study the relationship between customer loyalty and repurchasing of a product.
  • To study the relationship between celebrity endorsement and consumer behavior.
  • Impact of Education on consumer behavior towards green products.
  • To study the business-to-business relationship to meet the needs of customers.
  • The analysis of the effects of a Good online website on Consumer purchasing behavior in the long run.
  • Studying the impact of cost transparency and its effects on consumer behavior – literature review analysis.
  • To study the impact of sales in malls on consumer behavior.
  • To explore the difference in men’s and women’s behaviors in online advertisements.
  • Why does a consumer become loyal to brands? – an analysis of the factors influencing brand loyalty.
  • What type of consumer considers quality above all? A survey analysis.
  • A survey on food courts in malls related to consumer behavior and how they perceive the food options
  • To study the child consumer preferences related to fast food products
  • To study the role of emotions in consumer behavior.
  • What are the possibilities of buying a product?
  • To study the Ethnographic factors on consumer behavior.
  • What are the current trends in the market to satisfy consumer needs?

These are the best Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics list created by our experts pick any topic of your choice and start dissertation writing. If you are still searching for Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics fill out the form below and get customized topics brief for a consumer behaviour dissertation.

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  • An explanation why we choose this topic.
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Consumer Behavior Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Consumer behavior research paper topics are essential to students studying this field. This comprehensive guide from iResearchNet provides a comprehensive list of consumer behavior research paper topics divided into 10 categories, expert advice on selecting a relevant topic, and a step-by-step guide on writing a successful research paper. Additionally, iResearchNet offers writing services with expert degree-holding writers, custom written works, in-depth research, custom formatting, top quality, customized solutions, flexible pricing, short deadlines, timely delivery, 24/7 support, absolute privacy, easy order tracking, and a money-back guarantee. By following the expert advice provided and using iResearchNet’s writing services, students can produce high-quality research papers that make meaningful contributions to the field of consumer behavior.

Understanding Consumer Behavior Research

Consumer behavior research is an essential field of study that explores the processes and activities that individuals undertake when making decisions related to purchasing goods and services. This field is particularly important for marketers, advertisers, and sales professionals who seek to understand how consumers make purchasing decisions and how they can influence these decisions.

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Consumer Behavior Research Paper Topics

For students studying consumer behavior, research papers are a common assignment that require them to explore various topics related to this field. However, selecting a relevant and feasible research paper topic can be challenging. Furthermore, writing a successful research paper requires attention to detail and adherence to academic standards. This comprehensive guide from iResearchNet is designed to assist students in selecting appropriate consumer behavior research paper topics and providing expert advice on how to write a successful research paper. The guide also provides information on iResearchNet’s writing services, which offer students a valuable resource for producing high-quality research papers that meet the academic standards of their instructors. By following the guidelines and using iResearchNet’s writing services, students can produce research papers that make meaningful contributions to the field of consumer behavior.

100 Consumer Behavior Research Paper Topics

Consumer behavior research encompasses a wide range of topics, each of which explores different aspects of how individuals make decisions related to purchasing goods and services. Here are ten categories of consumer behavior research paper topics that students can consider when selecting a research topic, along with ten sample topics for each category:

Perception and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of package design on consumer perception of food products
  • The effect of product display on consumer attention and purchase intention
  • The role of brand familiarity in consumer perception of luxury goods
  • The influence of product color on consumer perception and behavior
  • The effect of music in advertising on consumer perception and recall
  • The impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer perception of products
  • The effect of font type on consumer perception of brand personality
  • The role of scent in retail environments on consumer behavior
  • The influence of product label claims on consumer perception of health and wellness
  • The impact of product design on consumer perception of eco-friendliness

Motivation and consumer behavior:

  • The influence of brand personality on consumer motivation to purchase
  • The role of scarcity in marketing on consumer motivation and behavior
  • The impact of rewards and incentives on consumer motivation and loyalty
  • The effect of social proof on consumer motivation to purchase
  • The influence of emotions on consumer motivation to purchase
  • The role of self-congruity in consumer motivation and brand preference
  • The impact of brand trust on consumer motivation to purchase
  • The effect of personalized marketing on consumer motivation and engagement
  • The influence of product involvement on consumer motivation and purchase intention
  • The role of value perception in consumer motivation and price sensitivity

Attitudes and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of brand image on consumer attitudes and loyalty
  • The role of social responsibility in consumer attitudes towards brands
  • The influence of culture on consumer attitudes towards luxury goods
  • The effect of perceived risk on consumer attitudes and behavior
  • The impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer attitudes towards products
  • The role of nostalgia in shaping consumer attitudes towards brands
  • The influence of brand authenticity on consumer attitudes and behavior
  • The effect of word-of-mouth communication on consumer attitudes and behavior
  • The impact of service quality on consumer attitudes and loyalty
  • The role of price perception in shaping consumer attitudes towards products

Learning and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of advertising on consumer learning and recall
  • The role of sensory marketing in consumer learning and behavior
  • The influence of online reviews on consumer learning and purchase decisions
  • The effect of product placement in movies on consumer learning and recall
  • The impact of social media on consumer learning and brand awareness
  • The role of brand familiarity in consumer learning and recall
  • The influence of product packaging on consumer learning and memory
  • The effect of information overload on consumer learning and decision making
  • The impact of brand slogans on consumer learning and recall
  • The role of perceived value in consumer learning and purchase behavior

Memory and consumer behavior:

  • The influence of brand familiarity on consumer memory and recall
  • The role of nostalgia in consumer memory and brand preference
  • The impact of product design on consumer memory and recall
  • The effect of advertising repetition on consumer memory and brand awareness
  • The influence of mood on consumer memory and recall of advertising
  • The role of social media in consumer memory and brand awareness
  • The impact of story-telling in advertising on consumer memory and recall
  • The effect of novelty in advertising on consumer memory and recall
  • The influence of age on consumer memory and recall of advertising
  • The role of emotions in consumer memory and recall of advertising

Culture and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of cultural differences on consumer behavior and preferences
  • The role of religion in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of gender roles on consumer behavior and preferences
  • The effect of country-of-origin on consumer behavior and brand perception
  • The impact of subcultures on consumer behavior and preferences
  • The role of ethnicity in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of language on consumer behavior and perception
  • The effect of cross-cultural marketing on consumer behavior and perception
  • The impact of cultural values on consumer behavior and decision making
  • The role of consumer ethnocentrism in shaping consumer behavior and preferences

Emotions and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of emotions on consumer decision making and behavior
  • The role of mood on consumer decision making and purchase intention
  • The influence of emotional branding on consumer behavior and loyalty
  • The effect of emotional appeals in advertising on consumer behavior
  • The impact of emotions on consumer satisfaction and loyalty
  • The role of self-expression in shaping consumer emotional responses to brands
  • The influence of nostalgia on consumer emotional responses to brands
  • The effect of humor in advertising on consumer emotional responses and behavior
  • The impact of product design on consumer emotional responses and behavior
  • The role of perceived authenticity in shaping consumer emotional responses to brands

Social Influence and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of social norms on consumer behavior and preferences
  • The role of social comparison in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of reference groups on consumer behavior and brand perception
  • The effect of social media on consumer behavior and decision making
  • The impact of social identity on consumer behavior and brand loyalty
  • The role of social class in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of social networks on consumer behavior and brand perception
  • The effect of social proof in marketing on consumer behavior and preferences
  • The impact of peer pressure on consumer behavior and decision making
  • The role of social responsibility in shaping consumer behavior and brand perception

Decision Making and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of information overload on consumer decision making
  • The role of decision heuristics in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of product complexity on consumer decision making and preferences
  • The effect of decision context on consumer decision making and behavior
  • The impact of decision fatigue on consumer behavior and decision making
  • The role of decision-making style in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of decision-making strategies on consumer behavior and preferences
  • The effect of cognitive dissonance on consumer behavior and decision making
  • The impact of choice architecture on consumer decision making and behavior
  • The role of decision framing in shaping consumer behavior and preferences

Ethics and consumer behavior:

  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer behavior and brand perception
  • The role of ethical consumption in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of perceived ethicality on consumer behavior and brand loyalty
  • The effect of green marketing on consumer behavior and purchase intention
  • The impact of fair trade on consumer behavior and brand perception
  • The role of animal welfare in shaping consumer behavior and preferences
  • The influence of social justice issues on consumer behavior and brand perception
  • The effect of cause-related marketing on consumer behavior and brand loyalty
  • The impact of transparency in marketing on consumer behavior and trust
  • The role of consumer activism in shaping consumer behavior and preferences

These ten categories provide a broad range of consumer behavior research paper topics for students to explore within the field of consumer behavior. By selecting a topic that aligns with their interests and research goals, students can produce a high-quality research paper that contributes to the knowledge base of consumer behavior.

Choosing a Consumer Behavior Topic

Choosing a topic for a research paper in consumer behavior can be a challenging task, especially given the vast array of potential topics. To help students navigate this process, it is important to consider a few key factors when selecting a topic.

  • First , it is essential to choose a topic that aligns with your interests and passions. When you are passionate about a topic, it is easier to stay engaged throughout the research process and to produce high-quality work. Additionally, having a personal connection to the topic can inspire new and unique perspectives, leading to original research.
  • Second , consider the relevance and significance of the topic. The best research papers are those that make a meaningful contribution to the field of consumer behavior. Look for topics that are timely, relevant, and offer a new perspective on existing theories or practices. A topic that is of current interest to industry professionals, policymakers, or academics can also provide opportunities for real-world impact.
  • Third , consider the available resources and access to data. Research papers require a significant amount of data and research, so it is important to choose a topic that allows for access to relevant data and resources. Consider the availability of data sources, academic journals, and industry reports that may be needed to support your research.
  • Fourth , consider the scope and focus of the research paper. A topic that is too broad or too narrow can make the research process more challenging. It is essential to identify a specific research question or hypothesis that can be effectively addressed within the scope of the research paper. Additionally, it is important to consider the level of analysis, such as individual or group-level behaviors, and whether the research will be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods.
  • Fifth , consider seeking guidance from your instructor or a research advisor. They can provide valuable insight and feedback on potential topics and can help guide the research process. Additionally, they may be able to offer suggestions for data sources or research methodologies that can strengthen the research paper.

Ultimately, the key to choosing a successful topic for a consumer behavior research paper is to identify a topic that aligns with your interests, offers relevance and significance, has available data sources and resources, has a focused research question or hypothesis, and seeks guidance from a research advisor or instructor. By carefully considering these factors, students can select a topic that inspires them and leads to a high-quality research paper.

How to Write a Consumer Behavior Research Paper

When it comes to writing a research paper on consumer behavior, there are several key steps to follow to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some tips to help guide you through the writing process:

  • Develop a clear and concise research question : The first step in writing a research paper on consumer behavior is to develop a clear and concise research question. This question should be focused and specific, and should guide your research and analysis throughout the writing process.
  • Conduct a thorough literature review : Before beginning your research, it is important to conduct a thorough literature review to identify existing theories and research related to your topic. This review will help you to identify any gaps in the existing research that your paper can address.
  • Choose appropriate research methods : There are a variety of research methods that can be used in consumer behavior research, including surveys, experiments, and case studies. Choose the appropriate method(s) based on your research question and the data you are trying to collect.
  • Collect and analyze data : Once you have identified your research question and chosen your research method, it is time to collect and analyze your data. This may involve conducting surveys or experiments, analyzing existing data sets, or conducting interviews or focus groups.
  • Organize and present your findings : After analyzing your data, it is important to organize your findings in a clear and concise manner. This may involve creating charts or graphs to visually represent your data, or using tables to compare and contrast your findings. It is also important to provide a clear and concise summary of your findings in your conclusion.
  • Use appropriate formatting and citation styles : When writing a research paper on consumer behavior, it is important to use appropriate formatting and citation styles. Most papers in this field will use either APA or MLA style formatting and citations.
  • Revise and edit your paper : Once you have completed your first draft, it is important to revise and edit your paper to ensure clarity, conciseness, and accuracy. This may involve reorganizing sections, cutting out extraneous information, or rephrasing sentences for clarity.

By following these steps, you can produce a high-quality research paper on consumer behavior that contributes to the field and provides valuable insights for academics, policymakers, and industry professionals alike.

iResearchNet Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing high-quality research papers on consumer behavior. That’s why we offer custom writing services designed to help students produce well-researched, well-written papers on any topic related to consumer behavior.

Here are some of the features and benefits of our writing services:

  • Expert writers : Our team of writers includes experienced professionals with advanced degrees in marketing, consumer behavior, and related fields. They have the expertise and knowledge to produce high-quality, original research papers that meet your specific requirements.
  • Custom written works : Our writers will work with you to create a custom research paper that meets your specific needs and requirements. This includes selecting a research question, conducting a literature review, and collecting and analyzing data to support your thesis.
  • In-depth research : Our writers will conduct extensive research to ensure that your paper is well-supported with data and evidence from credible sources.
  • Custom formatting : Our writers are well-versed in a variety of formatting styles and will ensure that your paper meets the specific requirements of your instructor or academic program.
  • Top quality, customized solutions : We take pride in producing high-quality, customized research papers that meet your specific needs and exceed your expectations.
  • Flexible pricing : We understand that students have different budgets, which is why we offer flexible pricing options to fit your needs and budget.
  • Short deadlines : We can work with tight deadlines and will ensure that your research paper is delivered on time, even if you have a deadline of just a few hours.
  • Timely delivery : We understand the importance of deadlines and will ensure that your research paper is delivered on time, every time.
  • 24/7 support : Our customer support team is available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your research paper.
  • Absolute Privacy : We take your privacy seriously and will ensure that your personal information and research paper are kept confidential.
  • Easy order tracking : You can easily track the progress of your research paper and communicate with your writer through our online platform.
  • Money back guarantee : We stand behind the quality of our work and offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the final product.

Whether you need help developing a research question, conducting a literature review, or writing the final paper, our team of expert writers can help. Contact us today to learn more about our custom writing services for consumer behavior research papers.

Order Your Custom Research Paper Today!

In conclusion, writing a research paper on consumer behavior can be a challenging task, but it is also a rewarding one. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can produce a high-quality research paper that contributes to the field and provides valuable insights for academics, policymakers, and industry professionals alike.

Remember to choose a clear and concise research question, conduct a thorough literature review, choose appropriate research methods, collect and analyze data, and organize and present your findings in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, using appropriate formatting and citation styles and revising and editing your paper are also important steps in producing a successful research paper on consumer behavior.

If you need additional help with your research paper, iResearchNet offers custom writing services designed to help students produce high-quality, well-researched papers on any topic related to consumer behavior. Our team of expert writers has the knowledge and expertise to help you produce a paper that meets your specific needs and exceeds your expectations.


master thesis topics consumer behavior

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Consumer behaviour'

Create a spot-on reference in apa, mla, chicago, harvard, and other styles.

Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Consumer behaviour.'

Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver, etc.

You can also download the full text of the academic publication as pdf and read online its abstract whenever available in the metadata.

Browse dissertations / theses on a wide variety of disciplines and organise your bibliography correctly.

Martínez, Bárbara, and Sara Pérez. "Consumer Behaviour." Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET), 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-1595.

The aim of this work is to understand the consumer behaviour. The research is going to be focus on the factors that influence the consumers behaviour. The purpose of this paper is to know the different aspects that the consumers have into account when they decide to use a certain product.

Westberg, Kathleen J., and n/a. "The Impact of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Attitude to the Brand and Purchase Intention: A Comparison with Sponsorship and Sales Promotion." Griffith University. School of Marketing, 2004. http://www4.gu.edu.au:8080/adt-root/public/adt-QGU20050211.124210.

Westberg, Kathleen J. "The Impact of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Attitude to the Brand and Purchase Intention: A Comparison with Sponsorship and Sales Promotion." Thesis, Griffith University, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/366195.

Lourenço, Jacqueline Areal. "Children consumer behaviour field lab: the Nestum consumer." Master's thesis, NSBE - UNL, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/10285.

Abu, Hasan Zuha. "Interpreting green consumer behaviour : an exploratory examination of Cardiff consumers." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2011. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/24494/.

Whiting, Philip. "Can Changes to Product Behaviour Alter Consumer Behaviour?" Thesis, Griffith University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/366234.

Hasslinger, Anders, Selma Hodzic, and Claudio Opazo. "Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping." Thesis, Kristianstad University College, School of Health and Society, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-4715.

The Internet has developed into a new distribution channel and online

transactions are rapidly increasing. This has created a need to understand how

the consumer perceives online purchases.

The purpose of this dissertation was to examine if there are any particular

factors that influence the online consumer. Primary data was collected through

a survey that was conducted on students at the University of Kristianstad.

Price, Trust and Convenience were identified as important factors. Price was

considered to be the most important factor for a majority of the students.

Furthermore, three segments were identified, High Spenders, Price Easers and

Bargain Seekers. Through these segments we found a variation of the different

factors importance and established implications for online book stores.

Jeub, Lucas G. S. "Networks, communities, and consumer behaviour." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:15a20771-8844-4b01-b187-0b8d411bc457.

Dizdarevic, Goran. "Data Fusion for Consumer Behaviour." Thesis, KTH, Matematisk statistik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-209247.

Duh, Helen Inseng. "Money attitudes and materialism among generation Y South Africans: a life-course study." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1008612.

Blomqvist, Anna, Louise Nyman, and Frida Lennartsson. "Consumer Attitudes Towards Online Grocery Shopping : A Research Conducted on Swedish Consumers." Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Internationella Handelshögskolan, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-26652.

Ayalew, Romel. "Consumer behaviour in Apple's App Store." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informatik och media, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-166547.

David, Yigal. "Consumer behaviour in voice based interactions." Thesis, Middlesex University, 2015. http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/17321/.

El, Said Ghada Refaat. "Cultural effect on electronic consumer behaviour." Thesis, Brunel University, 2006. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/412.

Sehib, Khairia A. H. "Consumer food shopping behaviour in Libya." Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10443/2289.

Mahmood, Ammara. "Essays on consumer behaviour and pricing." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:2f99d998-5536-44cc-aae1-99fb97f1a191.

Svensson, Karolina, and Nathalie Myhre. "Insights about the Swedish ethical consumer : a study on consumer behavoiur towards fairtrade coffee." Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Sektionen för hälsa och samhälle, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-9690.

Dootson, Paula. "Where do consumers draw the line? : an investigation of deviant consumer behaviour." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2014. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/75517/1/Paula_Dootson_Thesis.pdf.

Lefevre, Emelie, and Marcus Nilsson. "The responsible consumer – Consumer consciousness from idea to delivery : an exploratory study of consumers’ willingness to act socially responsible when purchasing fashion online." Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för ekonomi, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-20779.

Hanel, Vanessa K., and University of Lethbridge Faculty of Management. "Socially conscious consumer behaviour : the role of ethical self-identity in the use of mental accounting / Vanessa K. Hanel." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Management, 2010, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10133/2598.

Nordfält, Jens. "Is consumer decision-making out of control ? : non-conscious influences on consumer decision-making for fast moving consumer goods /." Stockholm : Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI), 2005. http://web.hhs.se/efi/summary/673.htm.

Vervliet, Bruce Morton. "A model for green product purchasing behaviour." Thesis, Nelson Mandela University, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/13636.

HUO, Yue. "Susceptibility to global consumer culture : scale development and purchase behaviour of Shanghai consumers." Digital Commons @ Lingnan University, 2008. https://commons.ln.edu.hk/mkt_etd/7.

Nordling, Cim. "Video consumption in 2020 : A study on consumer behaviour and consumer motives." Thesis, KTH, Medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, MID, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-170134.

Abley, Jennifer. "Stated preference techniques and consumer choice behaviour." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1826/4063.

Stewart, Christopher. "Modelling and comparing OECD countries' consumer behaviour." Thesis, London Metropolitan University, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.297585.

Hewer, Paul A. "The sociology of consumer behaviour and men." Thesis, University of York, 1995. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/10834/.

Norrgård, I. (Isadora). "Consumer buying behaviour in online legal services." Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2019. http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/nbnfioulu-201911223154.

Cornovan, Daniela <1996&gt. "Italian consumer behaviour towards plant-based meat." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/20804.


Borowa, Monika. "The demand for tourism services in Poland between 1990 and 2005." Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET), 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-1596.

Tourism plays an important role in today’s world. More and more people leave all the issues and problems behind, and just travel to relax and experience something unique in their lives. The main research question of this paper has been created:

“Did consumer behaviour affect what services tourism companies provided in Poland between 1990 and 2005?”

The objective of this paper is to fill the lack of knowledge about tourism offerings in Poland. The purpose of this study is to investigate travellers’ preferences for facilities and services in analysed country between 1900 and 2005. This study also investigates if consumer behaviour affects what services tourism companies will provide.

Apell, Karlsson Jennifer, Moa Gustafsson, and Rikard Rasmusson. "Consumers' Response to Irresponsible Corporate Behaviour : A Study of the Swedish Consumers' Attitude and Behaviour." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-26693.

Perez, Montesa Luis. "Online and Smartphone Consumer Behaviour of Spanish Millennials." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-205808.

Gradassi, Florent, and Justine Viennot. "The country of origin effect on the consumer behaviour : The impact of the "Made in France" on the Swedish consumer behaviour." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för ekonomi och teknik (SET), 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-25469.

Smith, Andrew Peter. "Consumer's product choice behaviour : an application of chaos theory." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/1452.

Chan, Siu-kay. "Consumption behaviour of Mainland vacation visitors in Hong Kong." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2002. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B25018036.

Chak, Chi-kin. "Consumer behaviour with regard to the replacement of domestic cooking appliances in Hong Kong /." [Hong Kong] : University of Hong Kong, 1990. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B12923084.

McCole, Patrick. "Dimensionalising trust in Internet buying behaviour." Thesis, University of Ulster, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.272536.

Guido, Gianluigi. "An incongruity-salience hypothesis on consumer awareness." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.263008.

Shum, Yiu-cheung Paul. "Property buying behaviour in Shenzhen." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2002. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B31969203.

Hernández, Maskivker Gilda Maria. "Consumer waiting behaviour: Priority passes in tourism services." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/454776.

Harmgart, H. "Consumer behaviour, feedback information and the supermarket industry." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2006. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1445544/.

Abdelhadi, Amal M. "Libyan consumer aberrant behaviour: factors affecting its adoption." Thesis, Nottingham Trent University, 2012. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.657616.

Al-Otaibi, O. S. "Shopping centre development and consumer behaviour in Kuwait." Thesis, University of Exeter, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.234014.

Hamilton, Robert. "[Credit] scoring : predicting, understanding and explaining consumer behaviour." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2005. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/13053.

Uncles, M. D. "Models of consumer shopping behaviour in urban areas." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/1983/653c145a-2ac7-49a9-bd65-3bd88de90217.

Hasan, Maher Mohamad. "Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour on the Czech Market." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-16370.

Foxall, Gordon R. "Consumer psychology in behavioural perspective : an evaluation of the contribution of the experimental analysis of behaviour to consumer research." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1989. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=21219.

Fu, Qingchen, and Yue Yuan. "Factors influencing Chinese consumer behavior purchasing clothes online in Sweden." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för ekonomi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-19946.

Andersson, Johannes, Martin Blomkvist, and Mattias Holmberg. "Blog Marketing - A consumer perspective." Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, EMM (Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Management), 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-891.

The phenomenon of blogs is growing rapidly and is expected to increase even in a more rapid pace (Technorati, 2006, November 6). As Wright (2006) discuss; blogs provides a new way of communicating with customers, as customers want to be talked with, not to. Companies have newly started to pay attention to this and as a result, the concept of blog marketing has been born. The little research that has been done on blog marketing has been done from a company perspective. However, no or little research has yet considered how consumers use blogs. In order to use blogs as a communication tool, it is of huge importance for companies to understand how consumers use blogs in their decision making. Hence the purpose is;

“To explore how and why consumers use blogs in their decision making process“

In order to answer this purpose we conducted nine interviews on young adults, as previous research suggests that this population use blogs the most (Tremayne, 2007). From the collected data a qualitative analyze was made in which the empirical findings was analyzed with support of the theoretical framework.

From the analysis we found that consumers use blogs throughout their decision making. Within the consumers’ decision making, collaborative blogs was mostly used as the consumers could get more input from a larger audience and because this type of blog tended to cover a specific topic of interest for the consumers. Consumers were found mainly writing in the blogs when they had knowledge to contribute with or when they needed information that they could not otherwise find in the blogs.

We also noticed that consumers turned to groups they belonged to, so called normative group, or they turned to groups that they did not belong to, so called comparative groups. These groups influenced the consumer by providing them with knowledge and by giving them positive and negative confirmation on their choice of purchase. However normative groups also persuaded the consumer to buy products in order to belong to the group.

Besides this, a pattern of characteristics of the individuals that the consumer blogged with were noticed. Consumers wanted user experiences and thus the vast majority of these individuals they turned to, seemed to be consumers themselves, with relevant product experiences. The consumers also seem to blog more with certain individuals, whose opinions were valued more. These individuals often shared the latest information on products.

Lastly we found that consumers seemed to be selective when reading blog posts. The blog posts needed to contain detailed- and up-to-date information. Moreover, consumers wanted blog post to be written by other consumers because they saw them as more credible then companies. The consumers also chose to read blog posts that show similarities be-tween the consumer and the blogger in terms of either usage pattern of product or preference for product choices.

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Consumer Behavior

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Normally, the subject for the Master thesis is selected among the topics of the Major. There is a possibility to write a thesis in the context of the current research projects even though there are no explicit theses announced.

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Bachelor's thesis IMPACTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR – Decision Making Process

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Marketing
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  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Bachelor and Master Thesis

You have the possibility to write a bachelor or master thesis in Marketing. We assign topics and research questions that seek to advance the knowledge in our field. For currently available topics please see the bottom of the page. We post new topics during the beginning of each semester .

IMPORTANT: It is not possible to apply with your own original topic. Please apply only to available topics below.

We expect theses written at our chair to provide a relevant theoretical contribution and build on empirical work. In order to prepare you for your thesis, we strongly recommend that you to attend the Consumer Behavior Research Methods class, which is offered in the winter semester. This course will familiarize you with the main steps in conducting research studies and analyse findings. 


Bachelor Thesis Besides a high interest in marketing and consumer behavior, all students need to have completed the module " Empirical Research Methods (WI000261)" .

Master Thesis Besides a high interest in marketing and consumer behavior, all students need to have completed the module "Consumer Behavior Research Methods (WI001175)" . In addition, students who want to write their thesis under the supervision of either Prof. Christoph Ungemach, Balachandar Kaliappan, or Nienke Buters are required to have completed the module "Consumer Analytics & Big Data (WI001178)" or an equivalent module that covers data analysis with R . Please also refer to your respective study regulations for details regarding the general conditions of your final thesis and discuss them with us before starting your final thesis.

Applying for the topics advertised If you are interested in one of the advertised topics, please send your full application via e-mail to the relative supervisor . The email should include the following:

  • Letter of motivation describing your interest on the topic
  • Curriculum Vitae (tabular)
  • Current transcript of records

Registration of the final thesis After our chair has accepted your application and after mutually agreeing on an outline, your final thesis can be registered at the examination office  (Prüfungsamt) . Here , you can find the registration form. 

Submission of the final thesis:

  • via email as a PDF to the Grade Management team
  • for the chair (your supervisor): electronic version of your final thesis (Word/pdf), raw data and analysis files (e.g. R, SPSS or NVivo files)

Available Topics for the SS 24

Who lives our life? An exploration of the relative importance of our different selves

AI & Creativity

An exploration of consumption preferences for unsustainable products

Assigned Topics for the SS 24 (no longer available)

"Sustainability and Guilt" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli

"Brand Identification in Munich's Road Cycling Subcultures" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli

"Consumer Preferences for Novelty and Usefulness in Product Marketing" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli

Assigned Topics for the WS 23/24 (no longer available)

"Civic acceptability of mobility policies promoting sustainable mobility behavior” – Supervisor: Nienke Buters

"The Dark Side of Second-Hand Supply: A Qualitative Exploration" - Supervisor: Benedikt Schnurr

"Support of Sustainability Interventions Targeting Low- Versus High-Income Individuals: A Field Study" - Supervisor: Benedikt Schnurr

"Attitude and Behavior in Unsustainable Consumption" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli

"Non-luxury second-hand garment consumers" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli

"Enhancing Value Creation in Gift Exchange" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli

"Who lives our life? An exploration of the relative importance of our different selves" - Supervisor: Armin Granulo

"An exploration of consumption preferences for unsustainable products" - Supervisor: Armin Granulo 

"Sustainability and Consumption Motives" - Supervisor: Armin Granulo 

Assigned Topics for the SS 23 (no longer available)

"Does risk behavior depend on the perspective?" - Supervisor: Armin Granulo

"Does being a boss change you decision frame?" - Supervisor: Armin Granulo

Assigned Topics for the WS 22/23 (no longer available)

"Public perceptions of inclusivity and accessibility" - Supervisor: Benedikt Schnurr

"Managers perspectives on accessible services" - Supervisor: Benedikt Schnurr

"Consumer preferences for accessible services" - Supervisor: Benedikt Schnurr


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