Business Plans

Why do businesses create plans.

It is important for any new or existing business to create a plan in order to have an understanding of how it plans to achieve its aims and objectives. There are 4 key reasons why businesses create plans:

Illustrative background for Important for new businesses

Important for new businesses

  • When Peter Jones and Theo Paphitis invested in Levi Roots Reggae Reggae Sauce, they asked to see Levi’s business plan before they committed to providing their expertise and investment.

Illustrative background for Raising finance

Raising finance

  • To decide whether to give finance to a business, investors and banks need in-depth financial information.
  • When Facebook raised finance from venture capitalists to grow and when Snap Inc listed on the New York Stock Exchange they had to provide business plans.

Illustrative background for Setting objectives

Setting objectives

  • A plan lets a business clearly set out what the business’ objectives are and how they are going to go about achieving them.
  • These specific business objectives help firms to achieve their aims as they are measurable targets for the firm to work towards.
  • It also allows a business to see which areas (growth, sales, profits etc.) they need to improve and which they are doing well on. If they fail to meet an objective then it can be easier to understand why it was not met.

Illustrative background for Business organisation

Business organisation

  • By detailing how functions of the business will be organised, a business plan can help improve the way that a business is run.
  • A local cafe can plan its purchasing, pricing and staffing in a business plan that can help it manage its operations.

The Main Parts of a Business Plan

There are lots of different ways to structure a business plan. However, some sections are very important and are almost always included.

Illustrative background for Executive summary

Executive summary

  • The executive summary should be a concise overview of the entire business plan.

Illustrative background for Mission statement

Mission statement

  • A mission statement says what a company wants to achieve.

Illustrative background for Products or services

Products or services

  • This section should clearly describe which products or services the company sells and why customers will benefit from this.
  • This also may include what a product’s unique selling point (USP) is. The USP of a product or service is how this product or service is different (or unique) from the products or services offered by the competition.

Illustrative background for Market analysis

Market analysis

  • Analysis of competitors – Who the main competition are and where they are positioned in the market.
  • Analysis of customers – The different customer segments and which of these will be the ‘target market’.

Illustrative background for Organisation and management team

Organisation and management team

  • This will outline the company’s organisation structure and provide personal details of the owners and other important personnel.

Illustrative background for Production details

Production details

  • This will outline how a firm will produce its products or provide its services.
  • This includes things like the location of factories, who the suppliers will be, what materials will be needed and how much they will cost.

Illustrative background for Finance

  • Cost and profit - This includes detailed outlines of the forecasts for cost, revenue and profit.
  • This section usually includes a cash-flow forecast and projected profit and loss account for the first 12 months of trading.
  • Sources of finance - This section often includes details of how a company will fund investment if it is required.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Business Plan

There are advantages and disadvantages of creating business plans.

Illustrative background for Advantages

  • Business plans provide parameters for setting targets.
  • Management can check staffing, incomes, product ranges and lots of other things against previous business plans and expansion plans.
  • A business plan can be used as a benchmark against outcomes like cashflow, production outcomes or service delivery. The plan can also be compared to the behaviour of competitors and the business’ own performance in past years.

Illustrative background for Disadvantages


  • Businesses need to be flexible and able to adapt to a changing environment. A business plan may stop a company changing.
  • Business plans can be costly and time consuming to make. If an entrepreneur has less time to spend designing a good product and selling to customers, then the time spent making a business plan may be negative for the business.
  • Also, forecasts of revenue and profit may be misleading and lead to bad decisions.

1 Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

1.1 The Dynamic Nature of Businesses

1.1.1 The Dynamic Nature of Businesses

1.1.2 Risk & Reward

1.1.3 The Role of Business Enterprise

1.1.4 The Role of Business Enterprise 2

1.1.5 The Role of the Entrepreneur

1.1.6 End of Topic Test - Dynamic Nature of Business

1.1.7 Grade 9 - Dynamic Nature of Business

1.2 Spotting a Business Opportunity

1.2.1 Customer Needs

1.2.2 Market Research

1.2.3 Market Segmentation

1.2.4 The Competitive Environment

1.2.5 Primary & Secondary Market Research

1.2.6 End of Topic Test - Business Opportunities

1.2.7 Application Questions - Business Opportunities

1.2.8 Exam-Style Questions - Market Segmentation

1.3 Putting a Business Idea into Practice

1.3.1 Business Aims

1.3.2 Business Objectives

1.3.3 Business Revenues & Costs

1.3.4 Costs - Calculations

1.3.5 Revenue - Calculations

1.3.6 Business Profits & Break-Even Analysis

1.3.7 Profits & Losses - Calculations

1.3.8 Interest - Calculations

1.3.9 Cash & Cash Flow

1.3.10 Cash & Cash Flow 2

1.3.11 Cash Flow - Calculations

1.3.12 Sources of Business Finance

1.3.13 End of Topic Test - Business in Practice

1.3.14 Grade 9 - Business in Practice

1.3.15 Exam-Style Questions - Business in Practice

1.4 Making the Business Effective

1.4.1 The Options for Start-Up & Small Businesses

1.4.2 Limited Liability

1.4.3 Franchising & Not-For-Profits

1.4.4 Business Location

1.4.5 The Marketing Mix

1.4.6 Business Plans

1.4.7 End of Topic Test - Effective Business

1.4.8 Application Questions - Effective Business

1.4.9 Exam-Style Questions - Business Plans

1.5 Business Stakeholders

1.5.1 Business Stakeholders

1.5.2 Technology & Business

1.5.3 Legislation & Business

1.5.4 Legislation & Business 2

1.5.5 The Economy & Business

1.5.6 External Influences

1.5.7 End of Topic Test - Business Stakeholders

1.5.8 Grade 9 - Business Stakeholders

2 Building a Business

2.1 Growing the Business

2.1.1 Business Growth

2.1.2 Finance

2.1.3 Changes in Business Aims & Globalisation

2.1.4 Ethics & Business

2.1.5 The Environment & Business

2.1.6 End of Topic Test - Growing a Business

2.1.7 Application Questions - Growing a Business

2.1.8 Exam-Style Questions - Business Growth

2.2 Making Marketing Decisions

2.2.1 Product

2.2.2 Product Life Cycle

2.2.3 Price

2.2.4 Pricing Methods

2.2.5 End of Topic Test - Product & Price

2.2.6 Grade 9 - Product & Price

2.2.7 Promotion & Advertising

2.2.8 PR & Sales Promotions

2.2.9 Sponsorship & Product Placement

2.2.10 Promotional Mix

2.2.11 End of Topic Test - Promotion

2.2.12 Application Questions - Promotion

2.2.13 Exam-Style Questions - Promotional Mix

2.2.14 Place & Wholesalers

2.2.15 Direct to Consumer

2.2.16 E-commerce & M-commerce

2.3 Making Operational Decisions

2.3.1 Job Production

2.3.2 Batch & Flow Production

2.3.3 Working with Suppliers

2.3.4 Effective Supply Chains

2.3.5 Just In Time & Just In Case

2.3.6 Managing Quality

2.3.7 Total Quality Management

2.3.8 The Sales Process

2.3.9 End of Topic Test - Operational Decisions

2.3.10 Grade 9 - Operational Decisions

2.3.11 Exam-Style Questions - Managing Stock

2.4 Making Financial Decisions

2.4.1 Gross Profit & Net Profit - Definitions

2.4.2 Gross Profit - Calculations

2.4.3 Net Profit - Calculations

2.4.4 Rate of Return

2.4.5 Rate of Return - Calculations

2.4.6 Research & Financial Data

2.4.7 Marketing Data

2.4.8 Percentage Change - Calculations

2.5 Making Human Resource Decisions

2.5.1 Organisational Structures

2.5.2 Organisational Structures 2

2.5.3 Recruitment

2.5.4 Effective Recruitment

2.5.5 Training a Workforce

2.5.6 Motivating a Workforce

2.5.7 End of Topic Tests - Human Resources

2.5.8 Application Questions - Human Resources

2.5.9 Exam-Style Questions - Human Resources

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Business Plans

Business Plan

In this post

Business plans are used to outline the industry in which a business is working in as well as the economic structure of a company to give an idea of the financial prospects of a business. They are used primarily to organise the routes to market that a company will take and give projections on earnings and target dates for when the company expects to have a certain income.

Writing a strong business plan is important for any business, whether large or small, and is the perfect way to map out your route to success. Not only will the plan contain your aims and plans to attract new customers but it can also act as a strong tool for financial projections and help you to set out goals for your company. Throughout the units that we have already covered on this course we have seen a lot of aspects that could be included in a business plan, and including as much information as possible is key.

A lot of entrepreneurs fail to produce a clear business plan when they set up a new company and this can be a big issue further down the line. By not outlining your company and its operations you may affect the business in a negative way and be unable to keep track on the progress and route the business is taking. If you are seeking finance to launch your company it is more than likely that you will need to create a business plan to secure a loan, but this should not be thrown away once you have started the business. Your plan can be updated and adapted at any time and you must try to keep things relevant and up to date so you know the long-term aims of your company.

Why create a business plan?

Some entrepreneurs fail to create a business plan before starting a company because they feel it is a waste of time. They know what they want to do, how they want to do it and everything that is needed has been formulated in their heads. This is a very good skill to have, but without your thoughts and projections down on paper it can be very easy for them to become misinterpreted, forgotten or skewed. Simply having things thought out in your mind is not enough to convince others or explain your strategies to those you are working with. Business plans are used to organise your approach and produce a strategy that allows you the best possible chance of success. They should include:

  • Information about your company so that you can plan the structure and objectives which you have
  • Your relationships with others and how these can be used (e.g. banks, lenders and accountants)
  • To find weaknesses in your plans and areas where you must improve
  • Areas for discussion so that you can find out other people’s opinions and include them in the planning process

Some people start a business and want everything to be done immediately. With great confidence that they can do it all alone and have no input from experts, they may not stop and think about forming a clear plan that includes facts and figures to help them along the way. Doing this can be of massive detriment to any business and you need to gather as many opinions, facts and ideas as possible from those around you.

What to avoid

A business plan should include lots of information but there are a few things that should be avoided. You should put some restrictions on the long-term (over 1 year) predictions of your finances. A long-range prediction on the amount of money you will have coming into the business can be completely meaningless because it is very hard to predict how a business will perform far into the future.

Very few business plans get the figures projected spot on, so remember to give a good indication of what you expect to earn but try to be conservative with this. By exaggerating the earning potential of the company you will not be impressing anyone and this will make it difficult for you to plan your spending. Outline clear time frames and indicate your aims during these periods. Try to show what you will be working on at any time, for example if your business will take quite a lot of setting up then the first 6 months may be devoted solely to this and you should outline this in your plans and projections. Try to correctly anticipate the money and time that will be required for processes to be completed and always factor in a margin of error. By slightly exaggerating the money that will be required when completing a stage of expansion or setting more time than is needed, you will be well prepared if some unforeseen issue crops up.

Don’t just use the business plan to explain how great your product or service is. This alone will not turn your business into a big success (although it is very important). Identifying areas to improve and how you will market your company is much more important than simply relying on the uniqueness of your product.

The purpose of a business plan

The purpose of a business plan

Business plans are used for a variety of different reasons and the importance of these should not be underestimated. Creating a plan that is precise and includes information that is relevant to the new or existing business will ensure that ideas are implemented quickly. Without a solid business plan it will be much more difficult to judge the success of the new venture and the direction of the company will be hard for everyone to see.

Minimising risk

The risks when starting a new business can be huge. Money is invested into new businesses and time will also be spent on getting a company off the ground. Without a business plan in place, owners and employees could end up wasting their time in certain areas. Using resources inefficiently and having no clear direction for a business can lead to disaster very quickly. The best way to avoid this is with a clear outline of what the business needs to work on and what resources will be needed in order to make the venture work. A business plan will be used to set goals and objectives while losing no time in areas that do not see a large enough return on the investment.

Securing finance

Many people use business plans to secure finance for a new venture. This finance can come from several different sources such as banks, investors and start-up funds. Having a business plan that shows exactly how the business will operate and where money will be made will act as a way to convince potential investors to finance the company. With clear profits to be made and a route to market mapped clearly, investing in a business will be a much more desirable prospect for a potential investor.

Formats of business plans

There are many different formats which a business plan can be created in but the main areas to cover are:

Executive summary

Company summary, products and services, market analysis, strategy and implementation, management and personnel, financial plan.

Any business plan should include an executive summary which gives an outline of the business and the vision of the owners. Here you should briefly explain the business and its activities as well as the key areas that will help the company to succeed. A mission statement can be included to explain why your company will be unique in the market and what will give you the edge over your competitors.

You should also include some information about the financial aspirations of the company here to show the economic aims over the first few years in operation. Remember, these do not need to be hugely accurate and taking a realistic look at what can be earned is essential. It is usually best to complete the executive summary of the company last as you can include information from other sections in this part of the plan to give a good overview and concise insight into the business and your plans.

The company summary will explain key aspects of the operation of the company. This includes the owners of the business as well as where the business is located. Information about all directors must be included in this area of the plan and you should summarise their roles within the organisation. If you have any other personnel that will be involved at a senior level then they should be included also. In this part of the business plan you need to outline the funds required to set up and maintain the business also. By including information about the company’s location and operations you will be able to forecast the money required to get the company started and any investment that will be needed. Try to include a spreadsheet showing where the initial funding will come from and how much is being put into the business to start with. Remember, most new businesses make a loss in their first year due to the expenses involved in starting a new company, so be realistic. Plan the initial outlays and costs carefully and make sure you know the limits to how much you can put into the company to get started.

The location of the business can also be included here and any rent that you will be required to pay can be outlined and the costs per square foot for the company premises. Then you can go on to make projections about the sales required to cover all of your fixed costs such as office and equipment rentals.

Next we move on to explaining the things which will earn your business money – the goods and services that you have to offer. In this section you must include descriptions of what you can offer your customers and the prices you will be charging. Outline what makes your goods and services special and the key aspects that will influence potential clients and convert them into paying customers. It is also a good idea to compare your pricing structure to your competitors. It may be that you offer the same products but cheaper, or with any additional features to make your products more appealing. You should explore the need for your products and services to be better than any of the competition. As a new business you may struggle to compete unless you have something that nobody else has. By bringing to the market something which is already selling well with another company that has established its brand in the marketplace, you might struggle to take a large enough section of the market to warrant starting a whole new company. If this is the case then you must compare your pricing to your biggest competitors and ensure that you are competitive.

In this section you can also include any products and services that you may offer in the future. Explain your product development processes and how you will be able to innovate and bring new products or services to the marketplace.

Next you need to carry out some market analysis to identify your potential customers . In this section of the business plan you need to include information about your ideal customers and what sort of people they will be. Think about the earnings of your potential clients, the type of lifestyles they will live and the products and services they expect from a business. This part of your plan is great for you to use figures about your market and show any growth projections for the sector in the future.

Explain market trends and analyse the need for your goods/services in this sector. Attempt to find some facts about the disposable income of your potential customers and target certain people who will be interested in what your company offers. Think about how you will be attracting your customers and the potential for growth over the first 3 years in operation. Make estimations about the number of people in the area where you will be offering your products and services to get a good idea of how many different potential clients you can attract. Having a good understanding of your target market will give you the tools to design marketing strategies and techniques to attract the maximum number of customers to your business.

Having outlined your market and explained who your products/services will attract, it is time to explain your techniques when doing this and show how you are going to market your company. Explain the key aspects of what you offer and the main selling points that should be tailored to suit the target clients that you have in mind. Products designed for the more affluent will need to be luxurious and have an exclusivity about them, whereas items that are for people with limited incomes will need to offer greater value for money. Try to understand a clear link between the market in which you will be operating, your potential clients and the main aspects of your business which you should focus on.

Ensuring that your business suits the needs of customers is essential to getting the most customers. For example, opening up a luxury spa in an area where there is high unemployment and typically lower incomes will encounter lots of issues as the potential customers (those within a 15-mile radius) will have no need for this service and may not be able to afford what you have to offer. You will need to come up with at least five ways of promoting your business that will appeal to your target market and attract clients. Remember all of the techniques and skills we discussed on marketing and try to link what you know about your potential clients to the advertising methods you will use.

Here you can also outline the potential sales forecasts and investments which you will make when promoting your goods and services. Come up with some realistic projections about the money to be spent on advertising and increasing awareness of your brand as well as any sales targets you may wish to set. Be conservative with your sales projections as it takes time for any business to get a good level of customers and building brand awareness does not happen overnight. Your sales in year 1 will normally be fairly low and you need to take this into account when projecting your income and the amount it will cost to set up your company.

The next thing to plan is the personnel involved in your business. This will include the owners and directors as well as any senior managers that are to be involved in the company. Explain the team structure and hierarchy of your new company and the number of employees you will be hiring. Knowing the team behind the company and their individual duties will let you outline the various skills that your team possesses and establish each person’s duties within the organisation.

Outlining the duties of each person and giving a brief job description is a good way for you to understand the team dynamic and responsibilities of each member. Most new companies make the mistake of hiring too soon, but with a clear plan of the business personnel that will be involved in your company you will be able to ensure each person is needed for the business to operate. Establishing a business will require you to be frugal in your approach and employing staff that are not needed can have a terrible impact on your profits and end up costing you tens of thousands of pounds a year.

Outline the wages of your employees and then come up with some totals for staffing costs that can be used when writing your executive summary.

Your financial plan will provide a clear breakdown of all the income and outgoings of the business that you expect. These will only be projected figures so will be likely to change in reality, but you should be able to predict fairly accurately using your knowledge of costs incurred and the pricing and potential customer base for your products/services.

Make projected figures for your fixed and variable costs as well as the profits you expect to earn from sales. This will then help you to create a break-even analysis for your company that will show the amount of money required to cover all of your outgoings. Remember that your first year will have fixed and variable costs as well as additional outgoings which come from setting up your company. You will also have a limited number of sales during the first 12 months as you build up your customer base, so the projected net profit for year 1 will be lower than any other year. Try to think about the most popular goods/services you offer and come up with an average sale price for your customers. This will then help you to identify the number of customers you need in your first year to break even.

Come up with some cash flow and profit and loss charts (look over our work in Unit 1.3 to help) to project how much money you can expect to see in the business each year. This will help you to come up with clear and concise predictions for how much money you will be making in your first three years.

Financial plan

Reformulating a business plan

If you do ever happen to make a slight error in judgement on your initial business plan this can always be altered and the plan changed as required. The chances of figures being completely correct in your first projections are very slim and there will be certain things that you miss or random payments to be made when setting up your business which you did not account for. This is the main reason why being conservative with your income projections and adding in a ‘safety net’ figure to your costings will help you to deal with these circumstances. Business plans should be flexible and are a working document, so chopping and changing them is fine. When doing this try to use what you already have to create a new plan for the next few years rather than just altering figures to make it look like you got the initial plan correct.

Business plans are working documents, so they should be altered and added to as time goes by to determine where your company is heading and how it will get there. Being understanding of the nature of business and the fact that you will not be able to predict certain outcomes will give you an edge and allow you to put in place certain measures to help if you ever do come up against any problems.

reformulating a business plan

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GCSE Business Studies: How to Write a Business Plan

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A business plan is a crucial document for any entrepreneur or business owner. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some basic concepts and tips to help you get started with writing your own business plan as a GCSE business studies student.

Insights and Tips:

Purpose of a business plan: A business plan is a roadmap for the future of your business. It should clearly outline your goals and objectives, as well as the strategies and actions that will be taken to achieve them. A business plan should also include a detailed financial analysis and market analysis.

Executive summary: Start with a clear and concise executive summary that provides an overview of your business, including its mission, products or services, target market, financial projections, and competitive landscape.

Description of products or services: Include a detailed description of your products or services, including how they will meet the needs of your target market and any unique features or benefits they offer.

Market analysis: Conduct a thorough market analysis that includes information on your target audience, competitors, potential market size, and relevant trends or opportunities.

Financial analysis: Include a detailed financial analysis, including projected income and expenses, cost and revenue breakdown, sales forecast, and cash flow projection. This will provide a clear picture of your business's financial viability and help secure funding.

Action plan: Develop a clear action plan with specific, measurable, and achievable goals, along with the strategies and actions that will be taken to achieve them. This will help keep your business on track and ensure progress towards your goals.

Surprising Fact or Skill:

Did you know that having a business plan can increase the chances of success for a business? A study by the University of Oregon found that businesses with a written plan were more likely to succeed than those without one.

Counterintuitive Mantra:

The counterintuitive mantra for writing a business plan is to focus on the problem you're solving for your customers, rather than just the product or service you're offering. By understanding your customer's needs and pain points, you can develop a more effective and targeted business strategy.

Story from a Successful Individual:

Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, developed a detailed business plan for SpaceX when he founded the company in 2002. The plan included a detailed analysis of the rocket industry, potential customers, and technical requirements for building a rocket that could reach orbit. The plan helped secure funding from investors and has since led to multiple successful rocket launches and contracts with NASA.


In conclusion, writing a business plan is an essential skill for any entrepreneur or business owner, and for GCSE business studies students. By understanding the purpose and components of a business plan and following a clear and structured approach, you'll be well on your way to writing a successful business plan of your own. Remember to focus on the problem you're solving, keep the plan updated, and review it regularly to reflect changes in the market and your business. For more resources on writing a business plan, check out the links below.

Further Reading:

Small Business Administration:


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components of a business plan gcse


It’s time to follow the journey of Finley Thomas, an aspiring entrepreneur who dreams of opening a small local shop. Throughout the interactive video, we will follow Finley through the process of creating a well-thought-out business plan, which is essential for the success of any business venture.



The real-life case study explores the journey of Molly Pratt, who started her own mechanics workshop in a small town in Lincolnshire, specialising in luxury vehicles. Despite approaching a bank for a loan of £20,000 to cover the costs of specialist equipment, she was unable to afford to employ any additional staff, resulting in high levels of stress. Unfortunately, MP Mechanics closed down in January 2019 due to a lack of interest in luxury vehicle repair and Molly's difficulties in managing the workload alone.

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components of a business plan gcse

Business Planning

The Importance of Business Planning

  • A business plan is a detailed document that sets out the future strategy and financial development of a business.
  • It provides a clear road map for the business, outlining goals, objectives and how to achieve them.
  • The plan helps to identify potential challenges and provides strategies to overcome them.
  • A well-prepared business plan can influence key stakeholders such as bankers, financiers and investors.

Components of a Business Plan

  • Executive Summary: This is a brief overview of the business plan, summarising the key points for busy readers.
  • Business Objectives: Outlines the aims and objectives of the business and how these will be achieved.
  • Market Analysis: Analyse the state of the market, the competition, and the place of your business within this context.
  • Marketing Strategy: Detail your approach to attracting and retaining customers, pricing, promotion and distribution.
  • Operational Plan: Outline the key operational processes of the business, such as production, staffing and location.
  • Financial Forecasts: Provide detailed financial projections, including predicted income, expenses and profitability.

Updating the Business Plan

  • A business plan is not a static document and should be reviewed and updated regularly .
  • Changes in the external environment such as technology, competition, or market trends may require the business plan to be updated.
  • If the business’s performance deviates significantly from the business plan, a rethink might be required.

Presenting a Business Plan

  • Effectively presenting the business plan to stakeholders is crucial.
  • It should be presented in a clear, concise and persuasive manner, using visual aids where possible.
  • Always be prepared to answer challenging questions and provide justifications for strategies and financial projections.

Benefits of a Business Plan

  • Helps communicate vision to employees, investors, and stakeholders.
  • Assists in obtaining finance from external sources.
  • Provides a benchmark to measure the performance against.
  • Helps anticipate problems and manage risks.

Potential Drawbacks of a Business Plan

  • Can be time-consuming and costly to produce.
  • It’s a prediction and assumptions may not always be accurate.
  • Needs regular updating to stay relevant.
  • Over-reliance on a business plan could stifle innovation and flexibility.

components of a business plan gcse

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Business plan

A detailed description of a new or existing business, including the companies strategy, aims and objectives, marketing & financial plan.

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AQA GCSE Business 3.1.6 Business Planning

AQA GCSE Business 3.1.6 Business Planning

Subject: Business and finance

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Revisionstation's Shop

Last updated

4 August 2022

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components of a business plan gcse

This lesson includes a worksheet and a PowerPoint which covers these topics:

Students should be able to:

  • understand the reasons why businesses create plans
  • understand the main sections of a business plan
  • analyse the benefits and drawbacks of business planning
  • understand the difference between variable costs, fixed costs and total costs
  • understand the concept of revenue, costs, profit and loss

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GCSE Business

  • Specification
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  • Introduction

Specification at a glance

  • 3.1 Business in the real world
  • 3.2 Influences on business
  • 3.3 Business operations
  • 3.4 Human resources
  • 3.5 Marketing
  • 3.6 Finance
  • Scheme of assessment
  • General administration
  • Appendix: quantitative skills in business

 Specification at a glance

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course.

Subject content

  • 1. Business in the real world
  • 2. Influences on business
  • 3. Business operations
  • 4. Human resources
  • 5. Marketing


components of a business plan gcse


  1. 12 Key Elements of a Business Plan (Top Components Explained)

    components of a business plan gcse

  2. 7 Key Elements to a Business Plan

    components of a business plan gcse

  3. Business Plans

    components of a business plan gcse

  4. Business Plans

    components of a business plan gcse

  5. What Are The Main Parts Of A Business Plan

    components of a business plan gcse

  6. 😊 Parts of a business. Main Components of a Business Plan. 2019-02-17

    components of a business plan gcse


  1. Exam revision for GCSE Economics Part 2 #shorts #GCSEeconomics #examrevision

  2. I MESSED UP My Exam What To Do?

  3. Mastering Business Plans: A Comprehensive Guide 2024

  4. If You Failed Your Exam Watch This

  5. Teacher Diaries

  6. Create a Business Plan


  1. Business plans

    GCSE; Edexcel; Business plans - Edexcel The role and importance of a business plan. A business plan is an essential part of starting any business. Entrepreneurs create business plans to help them ...

  2. Planning a New Business (GCSE)

    A business plan is a written document that describes a business, its objectives, its strategies, the market it is in and its financial forecasts. The business plan has many functions, from securing external funding to measuring success within the business. Benefits of business planning to a start-up. The main reasons why a start-up should ...

  3. Edexcel GCSE Business Revision Notes 2019

    A business plan is a document produced by the owner at start-up, which provides forecasts of items such as: The business idea ( sub-topic 1.1.1) The business aims and objectives ( sub-topic 1.3.1) The target market ( sub-topic 1.2.2) The forecast revenues, costs and profits ( sub-topic 1.3.2) The cash-flow forecast ( sub-topic 1.3.5)

  4. The Purpose of Business Planning

    Reasons for Developing a Business Plan. A business plan sets out key aspects of a business and how the owners intend it to develop. Producing a business plan helps reduce the risk associated with starting a new business and can help the owners raise finance. A business plan forces the owner to think about every aspect of the business and ...

  5. Business Plans

    Businesses need to be flexible and able to adapt to a changing environment. A business plan may stop a company changing. Business plans can be costly and time consuming to make. If an entrepreneur has less time to spend designing a good product and selling to customers, then the time spent making a business plan may be negative for the business.

  6. Starting a Business: Contents of a Startup Business Plan (GCSE)

    The simple business plan is rarely shown to outsiders of the business. It is written by the entrepreneur, for the entrepreneur. The simple plan helps summarise the key aims and targets of the business and the actions required to make the business a reality. It is likely to be written in quite an informal way. What would go into the simple plan?

  7. Business Plans

    Reformulating a business plan. Business plans are used to outline the industry in which a business is working in as well as the economic structure of a company to give an idea of the financial prospects of a business. They are used primarily to organise the routes to market that a company will take and give projections on earnings and target ...

  8. Subject content

    Students should be able to: understand the reasons why businesses create plans, including importance in setting up a new business, raising finance, setting objectives and detailing how functions of a business will be organised. understand the main sections of a business plan. analyse the benefits and drawbacks of business planning.

  9. Business Plans

    The lesson outlines all the specification points of Business Plans within the GCSE (9-1) Edexcel Business Studies course (useful for other exam boards too) This lesson teaches the following content: The role and importance of a business plan: to identify:the business idea; business aims and objectives; target market (market research); forecast ...

  10. Business Planning

    The business plan sets out how the owners/managers of a business intend to realise its objectives. Without such a plan a business is likely to drift. The business plan serves several purposes:it. (1) enables management to think through the business in a logical and structured way and to set out the stages in the achievement of the business ...

  11. GCSE Business Studies: How to Write a Business Plan

    In conclusion, writing a business plan is an essential skill for any entrepreneur or business owner, and for GCSE business studies students. By understanding the purpose and components of a business plan and following a clear and structured approach, you'll be well on your way to writing a successful business plan of your own.

  12. What is a Business Plan?

    The interactive video introduces students to business plans and their importance for a successful venture. The video follows the journey of Finley Thomas, an entrepreneur who wants to open a local shop, as he creates a business plan. Important sections of a business plan, such as the business idea, people, aims and objectives, market research ...

  13. Business plans and their purpose

    Risk management: A good business plan outlines potential risks that the business might face and provides a guide on how to mitigate those risks. Key Components of a Business Plan. Executive Summary: This is a brief overview of the business plan, highlighting all key points. It should inspire the reader to read more about the proposed business.

  14. Business Planning

    The Importance of Business Planning. A business plan is a detailed document that sets out the future strategy and financial development of a business. It provides a clear road map for the business, outlining goals, objectives and how to achieve them. The plan helps to identify potential challenges and provides strategies to overcome them.

  15. Business plan

    Business plan. A detailed description of a new or existing business, including the companies strategy, aims and objectives, marketing & financial plan.

  16. Edexcel GCSE Business

    Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.4 Making the business effective. This 6 lesson bundle covers: 1.4.1 The options for start-up and small businesses - 2 lessons 1.4.2 Business location 1.4.3 The marketing mix - 2 lessons 1.4.4 Business plans Filled with real life examples, case studies, questions and modelled answers to improve exam practice ...

  17. Producing goods and services

    A successful business meets the needs of its customers. Businesses try to achieve this by carrying out activities such as producing goods close good A product that can be touched. or providing ...

  18. The 10 Components of a Business Plan

    Above all, the numbers should help answer why your business can do it better. 4. Competitive Analysis. A good business plan will present a clear comparison of your business vs your direct and indirect competitors. This is where you prove your knowledge of the industry by breaking down their strengths and weaknesses.

  19. Business Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

    An entrepreneur is a person who is willing and able to create a new business idea or invention and takes risks in pursuing success. These risks can be financial, personal or creative. Successful entrepreneurs can identify and pursue opportunities, create value for customers and build thriving businesses. Entrepreneurs fulfil three main roles.

  20. AQA GCSE Business 3.1.6 Business Planning

    pptx, 8 MB. docx, 1.22 MB. AQA GCSE Business 3.1.6 Business Planning. This lesson includes a worksheet and a PowerPoint which covers these topics: Students should be able to: understand the reasons why businesses create plans. understand the main sections of a business plan. analyse the benefits and drawbacks of business planning.

  21. AQA

    Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes. 90 marks. 50% of GCSE. Questions. Section A has multiple choice questions and short answer questions worth 2 0 marks. Section B has one case study/data response stimuli with questions worth approximately 34 marks. Section C has one case study/data response stimuli with questions worth approximately 36 marks.

  22. PDF Gcse and Cambridge Nationals

    The published starting time of all examinations is either 9.00 am or 1.30 pm. Each examination must be taken on the day and at the time shown on the timetable. If candidates are taking two or more examinations in a session and the total time is three hours or less, centres may decide the order in which to hold them.