Ada Programming/Variables

  • 1 Assignment statements
  • 3.1 Ada Reference Manual

Variables are references that stand in for a value that is contained at a certain memory address.

Variables are said to have a value and may have a data type . If a variable has a type, then only values of this type may be assigned to it. Variables do not always have a type.

A value can have many values of many different types: integers (7), ratios (1/2), (approximations of) reals (10.234), complex numbers (4+2i), characters ('a'), strings ("hello"), and much more.

Different languages use different names for their types and may not include any of the above.

Assignment statements [ edit source ]

An assignment statement is used to set a variable to a new value.

Assignment statements are written as name := value .

The example set the variable X to the integer value of 10 . The assignment statement overwrites the contents of the variable and the previous value is lost.

In some languages, before a variable can be used, it will have to be declared, where the declaration specifies the type.

Ada is the same. The declaration is as follows:

Uses [ edit source ]

Variables store everything in your program. The purpose of any useful program is to modify variables.

See also [ edit | edit source ]

Ada reference manual [ edit | edit source ].

  • 3.3 Objects and Named Numbers ( Annotated )

ada variable assignment

  • Book:Ada Programming
  • Book:Ada Programming/Pages containing deprecated templates

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Copyright 1980, 1982, 1983 owned by the United States Government. Direct reproduction and usage requests to the Ada Information Clearinghouse .

ada variable assignment

  • Ada for the C++ or Java Developer
  • Functions and Procedures

Functions and Procedures 

General form .

Subroutines in C++ and Java are always expressed as functions (methods) which may or may not return a value. Ada explicitly differentiates between functions and procedures. Functions must return a value and procedures must not. Ada uses the more general term "subprogram" to refer to both functions and procedures.

Parameters can be passed in three distinct modes: in , which is the default, is for input parameters, whose value is provided by the caller and cannot be changed by the subprogram. out is for output parameters, with no initial value, to be assigned by the subprogram and returned to the caller. in out is a parameter with an initial value provided by the caller, which can be modified by the subprogram and returned to the caller (more or less the equivalent of a non-constant reference in C++). Ada also provides access parameters, in effect an explicit pass-by-reference indicator.

In Ada the programmer specifies how the parameter will be used and in general the compiler decides how it will be passed (i.e., by copy or by reference). (There are some exceptions to the "in general". For example, parameters of scalar types are always passed by copy, for all three modes.) C++ has the programmer specify how to pass the parameter, and Java forces primitive type parameters to be passed by copy and all other parameters to be passed by reference. For this reason, a 1:1 mapping between Ada and Java isn't obvious but here's an attempt to show these differences:

The first two declarations for Proc and Func are specifications of the subprograms which are being provided later. Although optional here, it's still considered good practice to separately define specifications and implementations in order to make it easier to read the program. In Ada and C++, a function that has not yet been seen cannot be used. Here, Proc can call Func because its specification has been declared. In Java, it's fine to have the declaration of the subprogram later .

Parameters in Ada subprogram declarations are separated with semicolons, because commas are reserved for listing multiple parameters of the same type. Parameter declaration syntax is the same as variable declaration syntax, including default values for parameters. If there are no parameters, the parentheses must be omitted entirely from both the declaration and invocation of the subprogram.

Overloading 

Different subprograms may share the same name; this is called "overloading." As long as the subprogram signatures (subprogram name, parameter types, and return types) are different, the compiler will be able to resolve the calls to the proper destinations. For example:

The Ada compiler knows that an assignment to V requires an Integer . So, it chooses the Value function that returns an Integer to satisfy this requirement.

Operators in Ada can be treated as functions too. This allows you to define local operators that override operators defined at an outer scope, and provide overloaded operators that operate on and compare different types. To express an operator as a function, enclose it in quotes:

Subprogram Contracts 

You can express the expected inputs and outputs of subprograms by specifying subprogram contracts. The compiler can then check for valid conditions to exist when a subprogram is called and can check that the return value makes sense. Ada allows defining contracts in the form of Pre and Post conditions; this facility was introduced in Ada 2012. They look like:

The above example adds a Pre condition, stating that Right cannot be equal to 0.0. While the IEEE floating point standard permits divide-by-zero, you may have determined that use of the result could still lead to issues in a particular application. Writing a contract helps to detect this as early as possible. This declaration also provides a Post condition on the result.

Postconditions can also be expressed relative to the value of the input:

V ' Old in the postcondition represents the value that V had before entering Increment .

  • Ada Advantages
  • ARA Community

Lesson 2: Command Line Arguments

You're going to write a program that prints the words you give it.

No program runs in isolation, so these inputs are going to be given as additional values when you start the program. These "command line arguments" are a common element used when starting programs to change its behavior depending on what you feed it.

This is the first step toward making usable programs.

You've already been using command line arguments! When you've been running alr on the terminal, you are running the Alire program and the things which follow are command line arguments.

Objectives ​

  • Write a code comment.
  • Use command line arguments.
  • Create a for loop.

Start a new project ​

Let's start another project.

You'll notice this time that the name of the gpr file is now command_line_arguments.gpr and that the only .adb file is now called command_line_arguments.adb . Open up command_line_arguments.adb to get started.

Remembering from last time ​

See if you can print a hello message with what you learned from the last lesson.

Remember, you want to print a line of text and that capability is within Ada's Text Input/Output package of Ada.Text_IO . Bring that package in as a dependency using with and then print a hello message.

What you have should look something along the lines of this:

Comments in code ​

Most programming languages have a way of writing things in your code that the computer will ignore. Usually these are called "comments." Programmers use them to write notes for themselves for other programmers in the code to describe why things are done a certain way, indicate tricky spots, or remind themselves of additional work to do.

Ada comments start with two dashes (negative signs) and continue to the end of the line, and so are called "line comments". Your text editor might highlight the comment a different color to show that it's a comment.

I'm going to annotate the above program with comments -- none of the things I added change the meaning of the program, from the computer's point of view.

Making the command line available ​

The command line elements are available in the Command_Line package within the Ada package. Make that package available by adding a with in the context clause, at the start of your program.

There's two functions that you care about in the Ada.Command_Line package. One called Argument_Count , which gives the number of arguments fed to the program, and another called Argument that gives you back the argument based on a number you give it.

Using every argument by looping ​

You want to loop over all of the arguments, starting at the first one, and then each until you've printed all of them. To do this, you'll use a for loop. This is a type of "control flow statement" that repeats the steps inside a specific number of times.

Roughly, something like this:

This is what it breaks down to:

  • for - this loop is going to run over a bunch of individual items
  • Next - the name you're the next item which is changing each round the loop runs
  • in - you're looping over a number of values, given by a range.
  • First_Value - the first number in the sequence
  • .. - this indicates a range from the value on the left, to the value on the right.
  • Last_Value - the last value in the sequence.
  • loop - what follows are the step which will happen every round the loop is run
  • end loop; - indicates the end of the loop

You want to start at the number 1 for the first argument, with the last value begin the total number of arguments, Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count. The next value being used with be available with the identifier, Next .

This doesn't do anything yet. You'll want to print the argument. Instead of giving Put_Line a greeting in double quotes, you'll just pass the "index" as a "parameter" to the Argument function.

If you try to run this program, nothing seems to happen though!

You're running your program by telling Alire to run the program for you. You provided the "run" command line argument to Alire, but it used that and didn't tell your program anything.

If you've been paying extra attention, you've noticed that a directory with the funny name of bin/ appears after you run alr build or alr run . This is where the executable for our program is actually hiding, it'll be called command_line_arguments on Linux or Mac, or command_line_arguments.exe on Windows. You can try running this program directly with some extra words to print:

The . at the front means "the current directory." Terminals use this to indicate that the program being run is relative to your current location.

If you're on Windows, you'll be using back slashes ( \ ) instead of forward slashes ( / ).

Command line arguments with Alire ​

OK, so we know that it works, but how do you make it work when you run it via Alire? It's a good bet that Alire is looking at the command line arguments given to it and that there's probably a way to pass along the arguments to the program it's running.

You can ask Alire about what it can do with the run command , with:

That ARGS looks promising, this is how you'd use it. You need to put your arguments inside double quotes so the terminal feeds all of them to your program as a whole.

As a little exercise, how would you print them backwards?

You want to flip the two values at the end of the range, but the way ranges are written in Ada, you can't actually do it that way. It'd be nice if you could just tell it to reverse the order... and you can!

If we just add a reverse to that for loop...

It prints in reverse!

  • Code comments lets us add notes to our programs that the computer ignores. In Ada, these start with two dashes and then everything until the end of the line is ignored:
  • Command line arguments let you feed a program data when you start it. When you run your program directly, you'd write:

When running with Alire, it's a little special since you're asking Alire to hand off those arguments, so you put them in quotes:

  • For loops can be used to do the same steps a certain number of times, given by a range. You can reverse the order by adding the word reverse .

Need help? ​

Go to the Ada language gitter if you have questions or need help.

  • Start a new project
  • Remembering from last time
  • Comments in code
  • Making the command line available
  • Using every argument by looping
  • Command line arguments with Alire


  1. PPT

    ada variable assignment

  2. How to Evaluate a Variable Sample with ADA

    ada variable assignment

  3. PPT

    ada variable assignment

  4. Solved 1. (8 points) Consider the Ada program given below.

    ada variable assignment

  5. ada week 2 assignment nptel

    ada variable assignment

  6. Ada assignment

    ada variable assignment



  2. CS310 assignment 1 solution 2023|CS310 Assignment NO 1 Solution Spring 2023|CS310 assignment 2023

  3. Assignment Ada (2005)

  4. Assignment Ada (2005)

  5. 6 storing values in variable, assignment statement

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  1. Statements, Declarations, and Control Structures

    Statements and Declarations. The following code samples are all equivalent, and illustrate the use of comments and working with integer variables: [Ada] -- -- Ada program to declare and modify Integers -- procedure Main is -- Variable declarations A, B : Integer := 0; C : Integer := 100; D : Integer; begin -- Ada uses a regular assignment ...

  2. Ada Programming/Variables

    The example set the variable X to the integer value of 10. The assignment statement overwrites the contents of the variable and the previous value is lost. In some languages, before a variable can be used, it will have to be declared, where the declaration specifies the type. Ada is the same. The declaration is as follows:

  3. 5.2 Assignment Statements

    Syntax. 2. assignment_statement ::=. variable_ name := expression; 3. The execution of an assignment_statement includes the evaluation of the expression and the assignment of the value of the expression into the target. [An assignment operation (as opposed to an assignment _ statement) is performed in other contexts as well, including object ...

  4. Assignment Statements

    The target of an assignment operation is the view of the object to which a value is being assigned; the target of an assignment_statement is the variable denoted by the variable_ name. Name Resolution Rules. 4/2. ... Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by ...

  5. 7.6 Assignment and Finalization

    An assignment to an unconstrained variable of type Mutable can cause some of the components of X, and the component Y, to appear and/or disappear. There is no way to write the Assign operation to handle this sort of case. ... Ada 2012 Changed the definition of the master of an anonymous object used to directly initialize an object, so it can be ...

  6. Assignment Statements

    The determination of the type of the variable of an assignment_statement may require consideration of the expression if the variable name can be interpreted as the name of a variable designated by the access value returned by a function call, ... The assignment is legal in Ada 95 (only the first Foo would be considered), and is ambiguous in Ada ...

  7. 7.6 Assignment and Finalization

    7.6 Assignment and Finalization. 1. [ Three kinds of actions are fundamental to the manipulation of objects: initialization, finalization, and assignment. Every object is initialized, either explicitly or by default, after being created (for example, by an object_declaration or allocator ). Every object is finalized before being destroyed (for ...

  8. Arrays

    1 => 2 thus means "assign value 2 to the element at index 1 in my array". ... Ada's ability to return variable size objects will remove one use case for dynamic allocation, and hence, remove one potential source of bugs from your programs. Rust follows the C/C++ model, but with safe pointer semantics. However, dynamic allocation is still used.

  9. variables

    hello.adb:8:07: left hand side of assignment must be a variable The program in question is this: with Ada.Text_IO; procedure hello is type myArrayDefinition is array (1 ..

  10. Introduction to Ada

    others => 8 means "assign value 8 to every spot that wasn't previously assigned in this aggregate". In other languages. While superficially unconstrained arrays in Ada might look similar to variable length arrays in C, they are in reality much more powerful, because they're truly first class values in the language. ...

  11. Syntax Cheat Sheet

    type My_Container is tagged type with. Constant_Indexing =>Foo Variable_Indexing => Bar-- Foo and Bar are functions defined on the type.Automatic dereference of a handle-type to the handle's contents. type Handle(Target: not null access Element) is with Implicit_Dereference => Element;

  12. Assignment Statements

    An assignment operation (as opposed to an assignment_statement) is performed in other contexts as well, including object initialization and by-copy parameter passing. The target of an assignment operation is the view of the object to which a value is being assigned; the target of an assignment_statement is the variable denoted by the variable ...

  13. Ada 83 LRM, Sec 5.2: Assignment Statement

    Ada '83 Language Reference Manual. 5.2. Assignment Statement. An assignment statement replaces the current value of a variable with a new value specified by an expression. The named variable and the right-hand side expression must be of the same type; this type must not be a limited type. assignment_statement ::=. variable_name := expression ...

  14. Functions and Procedures

    The Ada compiler knows that an assignment to V requires an Integer.So, it chooses the Value function that returns an Integer to satisfy this requirement.. Operators in Ada can be treated as functions too. This allows you to define local operators that override operators defined at an outer scope, and provide overloaded operators that operate on and compare different types.

  15. 7.6 Assignment and Finalization

    For assignment of a noncontrolled type, the implementation may finalize and assign each component of the variable separately (rather than finalizing the entire variable and assigning the entire new value) unless a discriminant of the variable is changed by the assignment. ... Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by ...

  16. Assigning values to Others keyword in Ada

    First of all, others is a reserved Ada keyword, so you cannot use it as variable name. `others' keyword defines the remaining options in a list of options. Assume that's an unintended mistake, and what you meant to do is something like: other := (other := -1) This won't work, the assignment operator does not return a value, so other := -1 is not a value thus cannot be assigned.

  17. 5.2 Assignment Statements

    Syntax. 2. assignment_statement ::=. variable_ name := expression; 3. The execution of an assignment_statement includes the evaluation of the expression and the assignment of the value of the expression into the target. [An assignment operation (as opposed to an assignment_statement) is performed in other contexts as well, including object ...

  18. 5.2 Assignment Statements

    An assignment operation (as opposed to an assignment_statement) is performed in other contexts as well, including object initialization and by-copy parameter passing. The target of an assignment operation is the view of the object to which a value is being assigned; the target of an assignment_statement is the variable denoted by the variable ...

  19. 5.3 Types

    5.3 Types. In addition to determining the possible values for variables and subtype names, type distinctions can be very valuable aids in developing safe, readable, and understandable code. Types clarify the structure of your data and can limit or restrict the operations performed on that data. "Keeping types distinct has been found to be a ...

  20. User-Defined Assignment and Finalization

    Ada Reference Manual — Legal Information 7.6 User-Defined Assignment and Finalization. 1. Three kinds of actions are fundamental to the manipulation of objects: initialization, finalization, and assignment. ... For an assignment_statement for a noncontrolled type, the implementation may finalize and assign each component of the variable ...

  21. Assignment operator digunakan untuk memberikan nilai ke sebuah variable

    1 likes, 0 comments - dreaviam on April 26, 2024: "Assignment operator digunakan untuk memberikan nilai ke sebuah variable. "**=" pangkat nilai suatu variable yang ...

  22. 3.7 Discriminants

    NOTE 1 If a discriminated type has default_expressions for its discriminants, then unconstrained variables of the type are permitted, and the values of the discriminants can be changed by an assignment to such a variable. If defaults are not provided for the discriminants, then all variables of the type are constrained, either by explicit ...

  23. Lesson 2: Command Line Arguments

    with Ada. Text_IO;-- Our program starts here. procedure Hello_Lucy is-- This is where we'd describe places to save information, called-- "variables" if they can change, and "constants" if they cannot.-- There's a few other things we can put here which we won't talk about-- yet. begin-- The program begins executing statements here Ada. Text_IO.