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A student’s guide to undergraduate research

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Originally written by Shiwei Wang for Nature journal in March 2019.

Participating in original research during your undergraduate studies can greatly expand your learning experience. However, finding the project can be a challenging task, so here’s a short but comprehensive guide that can help you get the most out of an undergraduate research opportunity.

Choose the right lab

Learn to think like a scientist. A lot of people start their undergraduate research by glancing at the faculty list and e-mailing multiple professors whose work seems interesting. Although this might get you a position somewhere, it is not the most effective approach. Before looking at labs, dive into the science to find out which areas fascinate you. Read a lot, go to talks, and talk to your professors not just about their classes, but about science in general as well.

Subscribe to e-mail newsletters from journals such as Nature and Science. Try to read research highlights and science news regularly. Podcasts and articles by, for example, Nature, Science, Scientific American or Quanta can also be interesting sources of information. Follow academics, journals and universities on Twitter. Start your undergraduate research by learning more about science, thinking like a scientist and working out what you love.

Look for questions, not subjects. You might have chosen a major to study, but don’t let this limit your search for research labs. Modern labs are interdisciplinary and very different from what you do in undergrad labs. Instead of limiting your search to your department, try to look at labs in all related departments. Choose labs on the basis of the questions they’re trying to answer.

Mentoring is as important as research. Contact group members to learn about your prospective laboratory’s environment. Are the group members close? Is the lab friendly or competitive and condescending? Is the lab head hands-off or hands-on? The size of the group is also important. If you join a small group, you’ll have a higher chance of being mentored directly by your principal investigator, whereas in a big group, you are more likely to be mentored by a postdoctoral researcher or graduate student.

Reach out with confidence. Once you’ve determined that the research programme interests you and the group dynamic is healthy, send the principal investigator an e-mail. Make sure to explain why you’re interested in working in the lab and that you have spoken to other lab members. Be patient if they don’t reply. If you don’t receive a response after a week or so, send a second e-mail or reach out in other ways, such as by asking group members to enquire for you.

how to do undergraduate research

Get the most out of the experience

Start your research with reading, and keep on reading. Usually, the principal investigator will assign you a mentor and a project. Ask for literature to read: learning about the state of the field and why the work is important will help you to push the project forward. Read about your field as well as other, totally unrelated fields. As an undergraduate, you have the freedom to change your major and your future plans. Make sure to strike a balance between reading and conducting experiments. It’s hard to do both at the same time, but it will make you a better scientist.

Set specific goals for yourself and let your mentors know. Think about what you want from your research and how much time you are willing to put in. Besides learning the techniques, do you want to learn how to analyse results and design experiments? Do you want to learn how to write proposals by applying for undergraduate research grants? Do you want to improve your presentation skills by going to conferences? Do you want to potentially finish a project for publication? Working out what you want to achieve will help you to direct your time effectively.

Research takes time. Don’t blame yourself if experiments don’t work or the project is not moving forward as fast as you expected. Science is about failing and trying again. Getting used to and coping with frustration is part of the learning curve of research.

Find a healthy balance. University is already a lot of work, and research will only take up more time. When planning your schedule, try to allocate large blocks of time (whole afternoons or individual days) to research. Rushing through a procedure could be unsafe and will often produce useless results. Always plan extra time for experiments. Consider working less in the lab during exam weeks so you don’t get overwhelmed. Talk to your mentor about your schedule and feelings regularly, so that you can arrange experiments at times that suit you, and you can keep on top of your mental health.

Find financial support. If you wish to do research at your own institution over the summer, your institution might offer funding to cover your expenses. If you want to go to another university, you can apply for funding from that institution’s undergraduate research programme, or from foundations, companies or academic societies. For example, the US National Science Foundation offers a Research Experiences for Undergraduates programme. Universities, foundations and academic societies might also offer grants to cover your travel expense to various conferences. Don’t let money limit what you want to do. Talk to senior students or professors, or search online to find all the opportunities!

Always think about the big picture. Your undergraduate research doesn’t define what you’re going to do after your degree. Keep reading and taking classes outside your comfort zone. Explore and learn as much as possible. Working out what you love is the best preparation you can get for the rest of your career.

Read the full article on the Nature website.

To find a research opportunity at Johns Hopkins University, visit the Hopkins Office of Undergraduate Research website .

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students in a lab

Participating in undergraduate research at UC San Diego is a rewarding experience that provides many benefits:

  • Create and share knowledge​
  • Build relationships with mentors​
  • Gain critical thinking and communication skills​
  • Cultivate community with peers​
  • Travel to conferences​
  • Practice public speaking​
  • Develop a broad professional network
  • Get paid and/or receive academic credit​
  • Prepare for graduate school

If you are interested in getting involved with undergraduate research, but need guidance on how to start, we are here to help! Below we detail common factors and opportunities to consider when you're narrowing down your research options and completing the application process.

Important!  Getting involved with undergraduate research is not a linear process (step 1, step 2, etc). The information below is in a list to help you easily find what you need, but the process of getting involved with research is not the same for every opportunity or program. T he order of the steps will vary across opportunities .  For example, depending on the program, you may need to find a faculty mentor prior to applying to the program, after applying to the program, or a faculty mentor will be assigned to you. Use the information below as applicable and necessary.

Personal factors to consider

When considering research programs or other research opportunities, it is important to know your wants, needs, and eligibility. Below are a list of questions to think about and answer to help you when you start researching, narrowing down, and applying to opportunities. Consider current and future interests when answering the questions. 

  • What goals do you have in mind (e.g. gain technical skills, gain experience for medical school applications, etc.)?
  • What skills do you want to gain?
  • What skills do you have to offer?
  • UC San Diego
  • Other university
  • Out-of-state
  • When do you want to do research? 
  • Academic year and/or summer?
  • Which quarter(s)? 
  • How many experiences do you want to complete?
  • What other time commitments do you have in your life?
  • Pay as an employee
  • Scholarship/stipend
  • Research/class credits
  • Co-curricular record
  • What field(s) do you want to do research in?
  • Do you want to do research individually or with a group? (This often, but not always, depends on the field/professor).
  • Do you want to work on your own project or a professor/PI's project? (This often, but not always, depends on the field/professor).
  • Citizenship
  • Race/ethnic identity
  • Family income
  • Student status (number of course units you have)
  • Career goals
  • Education goals (bachelor's, master's, doctorate, medical school, etc.)
  • Are you a first-generation student? (your parent(s) didn't earn a 4-year degree)

Research opportunities

There are many ways to find and participate in research at UC San Diego and elsewhere. Here are some of the ways to explore your options. These apply to all fields and interest areas, including interdisciplinary options. 

Hint:  When researching opportunities, look for those geared towards your chosen field as well as those open to "all fields."

  • Search the Undergraduate Research Hub's programs
  • Search the All UC San Diego Undergraduate Research Programs database
  • Academic Internship Portal
  • Research Experience & Applied Learning Portal
  • TAs / graduate students
  • Student organizations
  • Mentoring programs
  • Opportunities outside for UC San Diego (FAQ)
  • Opportunities abroad (FAQ)

Field specific factors

The information below is based on common experiences of our students; however, some students have converse experiences.  Use the information to guide your pursuit of conducting undergraduate research, but understand that your experience may be different.

Arts, humanities, and social sciences

For arts, humanities, and social sciences (e.g., music, literature, sociology) students, it is common to work with a professor individually, whether through a formal opportunity/program or through volunteering. Our information on finding a mentor can help you find a faculty member to work with. 

In these fields, it can be easier to pursue your own research project.

In addition to the research opportunities listed above, you may be able to

  • Volunteer for a professor with similar research interests
  • Ask a professor if you can do research for 199 credit (without a formal program)

Engineering, life sciences, and physical sciences

For engineering, life sciences, and physical sciences (e.g., engineering, biology, physics) students, it is common to work in a lab / with a research group on a ongoing project, whether through a formal opportunity/program or through volunteering. 

In addition to the research opportunities listed above, you may also want to

  • Look for undergraduates listed (this indicates that they are open to working with undergraduates)
  • Reach out to an undergraduate and/or graduate student to learn details about this research group
  • Find contact information for this research group and contact them about opportunities

Evaluate opportunities

Consider multiple options! Don't limit yourself to one program. You can apply to multiple options at a time and can participate in different options throughout your undergraduate career.

Important!  After you decide on the opportunities that you want to consider, research what is required to apply.

  • How they align with your answers to the questions in the "things to consider" list above
  • Eligibility
  • Requirements
  • Application due dates
  • Application documents (e.g. personal statement, letter of recommendation, transcripts)
  • Application processes
  • Research group requirements and expectations (if applicable)

Other steps: picking a topic, picking a mentor, applying, etc.

Remember: Getting involved with undergraduate research is not a linear process (step 1, step 2, etc). The information below is in a list to help you easily find what you need, but the process of getting involved with research is not the same for every opportunity or program. The order of the steps will vary across opportunities.

  • Choose a research topic
  • Find a faculty research mentor
  • Ask for a letter of recommendation
  • Reach out to the writing hub  for help
  • Undergraduate Research Hub (URH) application process  
  • For non-URH opportunities, visit their websites for application instructions.
  • Review our FAQs  for commonly asked questions
  • Contact a URH staff member with any further questions!

The Research Guide

Anahi Ibarra is a UCSD Alumna that created a research flip-book guide for her TRELS Spring 2020 research project, specifically for first generation college students. She hopes this PDF guide can help all students interested in research and provide resources on how to get involved on campus.

Check out the Guide!

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What is Undergraduate Research?

What is undergraduate research.

Research is a creative and systematic process of asking questions and discovering new knowledge. Any student, regardless of major, year, or experience, can get involved in undergraduate research.

“Find what you love! The sheer abundance of research opportunities at UW can be overwhelming. Take the time to explore what you like.” Sophia Mar Biochemistry Undergraduate

Frequently asked questions about undergraduate research:

Many students who answered these questions are Undergraduate Research Leaders (URLs) with the Office of Undergraduate Research . Click here to learn about the URL program.

Do I need prior research experience(s) to participate in undergraduate research?

No! Most people don’t have any experience with research before college, so it is more than okay to reach out before you have any formal research experience. I would encourage everyone interested in research to look into professors or researchers who conduct research on topics that you are interested in and email them to ask if they have any space in their lab! – Megana Shivakumar

View Megana’s URL profile here .

You definitely do not need prior experience to start researching as an undergrad! Most professors/UW programs supporting undergrad research are more than happy to support students through their first research experience. If you have found a topic or program that interests you, your interest is enough to make you a valuable member of the research process. Also, each research project/lab/program is completely different and will be a new starting point for each person involved even if they already have research experience. – Ruby Barone

When is a good time to start research and/or apply for a research opportunity?

Everyone has a different path to research! I started in high school through a Biomedical Sciences class and continued research at the UW through a summer program before freshman year. With this being said, you do not have to start research this early on. Some students begin research after the fall or winter quarter of Freshman year while others wait until Sophomore year. Personally, I took a break from research my sophomore year and just participated in summer research through an internship. Currently, I am starting in a different lab, so don’t worry about starting later into your undergraduate year as a junior. However, I would suggest reaching out sooner rather than later, so you do not wait until your senior year because you may not have enough time to learn whether you enjoy research or not. – Nisha BK

View Nisha’s URL profile here .

Can/should I do research before I’m in a major?

Yes! I would definitely encourage students to look into getting involved with research before they’re in their major so that you can learn more about the specific topics within your major that interest you. In addition, many PIs like to work with students earlier in their college career so that you can spend more time working in their lab and specializing in your skill set. It’s never too early to start! – Megana Shivakumar

Can I do research outside of my major?

You absolutely can! I conduct research in a Microbiology lab as a Biochemistry major. My research provides me with insight into the unique workings of biochemical assays specifically used with bacteria. For example, I research DNA replication proteins and am working to determine the biochemical mechanism of action for protein-protein interactions that are unique to bacteria using both in-vivo and in-vitro assays. Additionally, many fields are interdisciplinary in their research: in my lab, I get to work with aspects of Microbiology, Virology, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry. Having a different major from your research topic can make you a unique asset to a research group, as you may be better equipped to answer questions in ways that come from your major compared to the field of the research you participate in. If you’re passionate about the topic, I would encourage you to pursue the research opportunity! – Tara Young

View Tara’s URL profile here .

Are there research opportunities for students in arts and humanities? (Can only STEM students get involved in research?)

This is one big misconception that I have come across at UW – that research is only STEM-related. This is wrong!! UW has tons of great opportunities for research in the humanities – for example, the Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities is a summer program that supports students through an arts/humanities-centered research project based around a common theme (selected students also receive a financial award and course credit!). The Mary Gates Endowment awards research scholarships to students from all disciplines, and many UW professors in the arts/humanities are also happy to have students reach out to them with research interests that can be pursued on a more one-on-one level with a mentor or instructor. – Ruby Barone

What do research experiences look like in the arts/humanities? Do you bring ideas or is there an assigned project?

Research in the arts/humanities is a lot less structured than how lab-based research and experiments might flow – students can create a research style and project that is tailored to their individual topic and interests, which allows projects to take form as research essays, art forms, performances, video essays, and the list goes on. For research programs like the Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities, and for more individualized research that one might work with a faculty member on, you are highly encouraged to bring your own interests and passions to the table. Your mentor(s) will likely provide a basic framework for the final project you are aiming to produce, but they also allow a lot of room for creativity and your own interpretation of your research to take place. For example, my last big research project took form as both a formal research project and an art piece, which ended up being displayed in UW libraries and the UW office of research. Research in the arts/humanities is very fluid, and your project’s form will likely evolve as you learn more about your topic. – Ruby Barone

If I started a research project in high school, can I continue it as an undergraduate?

If you began a research project in high school, it is absolutely up to you and your research mentor whether you want to continue it into your undergraduate career. If you feel passionate and excited about your research, don’t feel obligated to switch topics as you enter undergraduate research. However, I would say that the transition to college can be a great time to try new things and extend yourself as a researcher to learn new skills, techniques, and about new topics! You have a lot of years to experiment with new things. Anecdotally, the research I participated in during high school in seismology is completely different from the research I conduct now in microbiology, and I really value having had that experience in gaining skills in a more “dry lab” environment. Although I now work in a wet lab, there are many skills that can carry over, and it allows you to get a better sense of what excites you as a researcher. – Tara Young

How many hours per week are undergraduates expected to dedicate to research?

It depends. Most professors in STEM fields, from my understanding, expect approximately 9-12 hours per week. That said, you can fulfill these hours whenever it works best with your schedule. Moreover, all professors understand that you are a student first. If there are weeks where you have several exams, for example, or are particularly busy with schoolwork, communicate this to your research mentor! Odds are they will understand that you can’t work on your project as much as usual and it will be totally ok. – Carson Butcher

View Carson’s URL profile here .

How long (how many terms, how many hours per week) are you expected to be in a research experience?

For research in the STEM fields, mentors usually expect 10 hours per week of time commitment. However, it does not mean that you will and must do 10 hours of work every week. You would start easy with ~3 hours per week of training, getting yourself familiarized with the research methodology and protocols. As you gain familiarity and confidence in research methods, you can be more independent and conduct more experiments based on your interest, therefore spending more time in the lab. Mentors usually expect a long-term commitment of a minimum 1 year, and it is reasonable: most of the training, whether wet lab work or computational work, would require at least a quarter of training to gain confidence. You are left with two quarters (or more) of independent research to learn, grow and contribute. – Teng-Jui Lin

View Carson’s Teng-Jui’s profile here .

Can you apply to get basic research skills even if you don’t want a project or without having a specific goal in mind?

I recently transitioned to a new lab, and I do not have a specific project I am working on. I am mostly learning basic biomedical science lab bench work even though I have prior experience. My mentor encouraged me to start from the beginning as if I had no previous experience, so I can relearn the fundamentals. If you want to develop basic research skills, I would highly recommend applying because you will spend time learning techniques in the beginning and your mentor will be there to supervise you. – Nisha BK.

How do you balance schoolwork, work, life, home-life with research?

As a student who juggles a full course load and anywhere between 5-10 extracurriculars every quarter, I understand the struggle of maintaining a healthy work-life balance! Something that has always helped me is organizing my life into a calendar and being very intentional with how I spend my time. Especially when it comes to research, I set clear boundaries with my mentors about when I’ll be working. It also helps that I love everything that I do—I get to study neuroscience, do research, direct a mentorship program, and do a communications internship. It’s so rewarding when you get to do work that you are genuinely passionate about. But of course, we can’t be productive all the time. Make sure to prioritize your health and give yourself time to rest and recharge! – Shannon Hong

View Shannon’s URL profile here .

Additional Resources

  • View the UW Libraries Undergraduate Research Tutorial module: Finding Your Balance

Anyone can participate in research and the Office of Undergraduate Research can help!

If you are curious about a subject and can find a mentor who is willing to support your endeavor, you can participate in research. The Office of Undergraduate Research is here to help you find research opportunities and mentors who can help you reach your goals. Check out a variety of undergraduate research projects below!

Jasmine Mae

Jasmine smiling for the camera

Jasmine did undergraduate research on the Supreme Courts of the Philippines.

Learn more!

Matthew Nguyen

Matthew smiling for the camera

Matthew is pursuing research to find novel therapy for late-stage prostate cancer.

Meron Girma


Meron conducted research on healthcare accessibility within Ethiopia.

Abi smiling for the camera

Abi worked to understand the impact of legal discourse on Seattle’s history of racially segregated schools.

Anika Lindley

Anika smiling for the camera

Anika studied the association between aggression and social functioning in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Daniel Piacitelli

Daniel smiling for the camera

Daniel studies cosmological emissions in metal spectral lines as an Astronomy and Physics student.

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As  America’s first research university , we have been tackling difficult questions and finding answers since 1876.

Every day, our faculty and students work side by side in a tireless pursuit of discovery, continuing our founding mission to bring knowledge to the world. Whether you study engineering, chemistry, music, anthropology, or all of the above, every student here—no matter his or her major—is an investigator.

You can find research in whatever field you want because everyone here is doing some sort of research, and you can help out.


Explore supernovae alongside a Nobel laureate. Learn how to make music with lasers . Create devices that will save lives in impoverished countries . Take a grand tour of the cities that inspired some of the Western world’s great thinkers—Venice, Florence, Paris, or London.

At Hopkins, you can do all of the above. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Headshots of Kyra Bowden and Grace Luettgen.

Two juniors named Goldwater Scholars

15 students smile for a group photo.

Program funds undergraduate summer research experiences

Kendra Brewer

Rising senior earns Beinecke Scholarship

Programs & fellowships.

  • Provost’s Undergraduate Research Awards : Receive up to $3,000 and be paired with a full-time faculty sponsor for research on any topic of your choosing
  • Woodrow Wilson Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program : Engage in hands-on, independent learning with faculty mentors and receive funding of up to $10,000 over four years
  • ASPIRE grants : Promote independent research projects among undergrads in the School of Arts and Sciences; awards range from $500 to $4,500 per academic year

Learn more:

  • Hopkins Office of Undergraduate Research
  • Student research opportunities at the School of Engineering
  • Student research opportunities at the School of Arts and Sciences

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Undergraduate Research Experience: A Roadmap to Guide Your Journey

  • Conducting Research

Students usually get pretty good guidance on which courses they need to complete to fulfill their major and graduation requirements. Course catalogues detail the general curricular path and advisors are typically available to help students build their semester schedules. 

But coursework is only one piece of the career preparation puzzle. Both employers and graduate programs highly value the real-world training students get when they take advantage of experiential learning opportunities like internships and research assistantships. Unfortunately, the path into these experiences can be challenging to navigate. The goal of this article is to provide you with a roadmap to help you get started on this journey. 

Why is research experience valuable?   

Research experience can help you: 

  • hone the skills that all employers seek in college graduates such as the ability to work effectively in teams, engage in critical thinking, and analyze and interpret data (Finley, 2021)
  • delve more deeply into the areas within psychology that interest you the most
  • cultivate a closer relationship with your professors and gain mentorship
  • prepare for a job after graduation as a social science research assistant
  • bolster your competitiveness as an applicant for graduate school in psychology or other STEM fields  

Psychology alumni who gain research experience during college rate themselves higher on the skills needed to succeed in the job market, perceive their psychology training to be more useful to them in their current job, and report more satisfaction with their undergraduate education than those without research experience, regardless of the career path they follow (Budesheim et al., 2021).

What is research experience? 

What students actually do when they gain “research experience” can vary widely depending on the nature and setting of the experience. 

From start to finish, the psychology research projects you learn about in your classes involve a lot of complex steps, completed by a team of researchers, over a period of time that can last several years.  

Some of those steps can include:

  • conducting a literature review to identify what we already know about a particular psychological phenomenon
  • identifying a knowledge gap that a new research project can fill
  • designing a study – choosing the participants, methods, and measures
  • considering ethical issues related to designing, conducting, and reporting on research
  • applying for approval from the Institutional Review Board
  • conducting the study, collecting data, etc.
  • coding, managing, and analyzing data
  • preparing posters and/or manuscripts to share the results with others
  • presenting at local, regional, or national conferences

Contributing to ongoing research as a team member.

Most students gain research experience by joining a team that is already in the process of conducting a research study and helping out with one or more of these steps. For example, you might spend a semester helping to run participants through a research study. Or devote part of your summer to coding data that has already been collected. If you join a team at the start of a project, you might be asked to find, read, and summarize research articles that could stimulate the design of a new study. And if your research team is busy juggling multiple projects at one time, you might get the chance to do a little bit of all of the above on different projects.

Designing and conducting your own research project.

Working on specific tasks as one member of a research team is a valuable way to learn more about the field, hone your skills, and gain mentorship. But it is not always what students envision when they imagine gaining research experience. Some students hope to design and conduct their own independent research project. Although that is certainly possible, it can be extremely time intensive, and it requires finding a faculty member or researcher who is willing to provide intensive supervision. Students who’ve developed research skills earlier in their academic journey by working with teams will be better prepared to take on this challenge.  At many institutions, these opportunities are only available to students who are approved to complete an undergraduate thesis and there may be GPA or other requirements. 

Deepening your research experience.

Although it can be rewarding to design and conduct one’s own research project, there are definitely other paths one can follow to deepen their research experience. For example, many students who work on research teams get the opportunity to present a piece of their work at a local, regional, or national conference. Some get the opportunity to contribute to a paper that is published in an academic journal. Authorship on presentations and papers can definitely bolster the application of those looking to pursue a graduate degree in psychology. 

How do I find a research experience and get started on this journey?    

  • Take coursework early . Ideally, you should consider completing coursework in research methods and statistics as early as you can in your program of study. Taking these classes early will prepare you to take advantage of opportunities to gain research experience within your college or university. 
  • Find out about opportunities within your institution. You can always volunteer to work on a faculty members’ research team, but many departments also offer research experience for academic credit. Check your program manual and ask your academic advisor about research opportunities within your program. Use these resources to figure out if your program offers students the opportunity to conduct a thesis (and if so, if there are any GPA or other eligibility criteria). 
  • Use your research skills to find a potential research mentor. Faculty members often have webpages where they describe their research interests and current projects. Once you identify a few faculty members doing research in an area that interests you, reach out and ask if you can set up a meeting or drop in to their office hours to learn more about their research. 
  • Don’t start the meeting by asking, “Tell me about your research.”
  • Do start the meeting by saying something like “I was fascinated by the paper you recently published on XX, especially the finding that XXXX, and I was wondering if you were working on a follow-up to that study.” 
  • Look for research opportunities outside of your institution. Researchers work in a variety of settings including academic institutions, medical centers, research institutes, community-based organizations, and in private industry. Look for opportunities to volunteer, complete an internship, or find a part or full-time paid position in these settings. Some of these opportunities are advertised on the APA webpage , but it can also be helpful to go directly to an organization’s website to search for employment listings. For example, research positions with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs can be found at the USA Jobs Website. Exploring the employment websites of large research-oriented medical centers such as Massachusetts General Hospital , the Mayo Clinic or John’s Hopkins can yield research opportunities. Keep in mind that you will be more competitive for these external experiences if you first gain research experience at your institution.   

Although I recommend this path into research for psychology majors who are just starting their journey, there are many roads that lead to research experience. So, if you are a senior or recent graduate who is just now looking for research experience, don’t be discouraged. It is definitely possible to enter the research experience pathways at different points in the journey, although you may need to put in some extra work to secure a position. For example, if you are struggling to secure   a paid research position, you might consider looking for volunteer opportunities. Reach out to faculty members from your undergraduate institution, as well as researchers in your local community to express your interest and ask for help. 

Finley, A. (2021). How College Contributes" to" Workforce Success: Employer Views on What Matters Most.  Association of American Colleges and Universities .

Budesheim, T. L., Khanna, M. M., Klanecky Earl, A. K., & Guenther, C. L. (2021). The Long-Term Impact of Undergraduate Internships and Research Experiences in Psychology: An Alumni Survey Study.  Teaching of Psychology .  https://doi.org/10.1177/009862832110410

About the author:


Sue is also a licensed clinical psychologist, whose clinical research focuses how acceptance-based behavioral therapy–informed strategies can help buffer against contextual stressors, build resilience, improve psychosocial functioning, and enhance quality of life among students and individuals struggling with anxiety and related disorders.

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Why conduct undergraduate research?

Discover first-hand how research contributes to the advancement of human knowledge. Experience a change of pace from formal classroom activities and gain skills applicable to both research and non-research careers. Studies show that students who engage in research are twice as likely to graduate, five-times more likely to go on to graduate school, and have more successful careers after graduation.

Various opportunities are available for students to pursue a research experience during their Purdue undergraduate career:

  • On-campus and off-campus
  • Academic year and summer
  • Credit and non-credit
  • University and industry
  • Domestic and international

In addition to this webpage, there are many resources on the OUR website that can help you in your search for undergraduate research opportunities.

Step 1: Define your interests

  • Which subject areas interest you the most?
  • Which topics in your coursework or outside interests appeal to you?
  • Do you have a specific project in mind?
  • Do you want to discover what existing opportunities are available?

You will spend a lot of time and effort on research – and your research advisor will expend significant time and resources to mentor you – so you need to find a project that excites you. The experience will not be enjoyable or as productive if it is only to build your resumé/CV or to earn academic credit. A research project can require a greater time commitment than another class.

Step 2: Identify possible research mentors

Locating a research mentor takes some work and here are various methods you can use to identify potential.

  • Browse Purdue websites (including the Office of Undergraduate Research website) to learn about faculty and staff in your area(s) of interest. Most faculty and staff have websites with their research interests and CVs.   Search sites like google.com and scholar.google.com for additional background information.
  • Ask current or previous undergraduate researchers about their projects and mentors.
  • Ask your professors and teaching assistants for suggestions and recommendations.
  • Attend scholarly and research seminars hosted by colleges, departments, and other campus offices. Look at the schedule ahead of time and do background research on the topic and/or presenter(s) to get a better idea of the project.
  • Read news articles to learn what is happening across campus and find out about new research projects and grants. Follow websites and social media for the Office of Undergraduate Research, Purdue Exponent, Purdue Libraries, John Martinson Honors College, and your college and department.
  • Talk with individuals in the department(s) of interest including academic advisors, faculty, staff, undergraduate students, and graduate students. If a class topic interests you, discuss your interest with the instructor or your academic advisor.

Step 3: Meet your potential research mentors

  • Read faculty or staff pages on Purdue’s website.
  • Search each potential research mentor using Purdue Libraries or  Google Scholar .

Tip: Go one step further and search co-authors on papers for potential mentors.

  • Remember email etiquette when contacting potential research mentors keeping in mind being respectful and polite .
  • Take the time to write an individualized email to each potential research mentor.  It is another step that indicates your specific interest in their work rather than bulk emails that are obviously written with the purpose of finding any opportunity.
  • Be sure they understand you are contacting a few potential research mentors to learn about various research projects in your area of interest. This will help convey to them you are seeking the best fit for your interests and abilities and they could offer other suggestions.
  • Be specific in your email about your interests and why you are contacting them – to talk about their research program and your professional goals.
  • If a lab manager, postdoc, and/or graduate student work in the potential research mentor’s program, you can express that you would welcome the opportunity to speak with whoever is available.
  • In your initial email, do not ask if they will mentor you or fund your research project – this will come up during or after the first meeting.

Be prepared

  • Show up slightly early to ensure that you are not late.
  • Practice your “ elevator pitch ,” which includes why you are interested in a research experience and in their particular program. It should not last more than a few minutes.
  • Be sure to cover your interest in getting involved with their research program.
  • Follow-up . You want to make sure that a great conversation continues. You should send a thank you note/email to acknowledge their time and to elaborate on why you would enjoy working with them. Also, you should follow-up with anything that was requested of you during the meeting, such as a recommendation contact or a writing sample.

What questions to consider asking faculty?

Here are several appropriate questions you could ask:

  • Do you have a research project that needs an undergraduate student’s help?
  • How did you get involved with this particular area of research?
  • Where does funding come from for your research?  (Only ask if you were unable to find this information online.)
  • What are the typical responsibilities for undergraduate students engaged in your research?  And what are your expectations of them?
  • What skills or characteristics do you expect an undergraduate to have before beginning a project with you?
  • Are there specific courses you suggest that I take?  Or skills that I should develop?
  • Do you have any suggestions for other research mentors for me to contact?

Step 4: Select a research mentor and start work on a project

  • Search for available funding opportunities
  • Talk with your new research advisor about the possibility of earning academic credit for your participation. Departments use variable course titles (ex. 39XXX, 49XXX, or 59XXX) and follow the guideline of 1 credit for every 3 hours/week of research.
  • Complete the Undergraduate Research Learning Contract  ( PDF of contract for discussion ) with your research mentor. This does not register you for your course credit.
  • Complete Responsible Conduct of Research training.

Common Question: I am new to research and cannot find a research project, but I am still really wanting to start on a project? What should I do? Do researchers take undergrads without experience?

Yes, researchers do take undergraduates without much experience - we all start somewhere. However, it can take time to locate those who fit your interests AND are available, looking for new students, and can train students in their area. 

There are some other options to consider if you are starting out in your research career to gain skills and experience in an area such as:

  • A student work position that is within a department/unit/lab/center that is connected to research that you are interested in working with. You never know through the power of networks if you could then be the next undergraduate researcher, but you will have a skillset to market.
  • A CURE (course-based undergraduate research experience) where an authentic research question/project is worked on throughout a course and you are learning research skills to employ in the project.
  • A summer research position at Purdue or at other institutions where some programs emphasize hiring students without research experience. Most programs begin opening their applications in Nov/Dec preceding the summer of the experience. You can focus on searching and applying to summer programs.
  • A campus department that could be working on a project area that you are interested in and would like to provide support in a research capacity. Departments could have a list of potential research questions they would like to consider, but they may not have the students who have expressed interest.
  • A community organization that may have similar interests that you share that you could work with on projects with the guidance of an expert as a mentor, either in the organization or a Purdue researcher.
  • A student organization that has research projects as part of their regular activities.

Dr. Jianming Li in the College of Veterinary Medicine has created a "Tips" sheet from a faculty member's perspective on what undergraduate students should consider and do if they want to complete an undergraduate research experience.

SAGE Research Methods  has a lot of information that could be useful in your search for opportunities and beginning a research project.

(Some information adopted from the University of Missouri's undergraduate research office website.)

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  • 14 November 2018

How to make undergraduate research worthwhile

  • Shaun Khoo 0

Shaun Khoo is a postdoc at the Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, where he studies the neural mechanisms underlying appetitive motivation in rats.

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

One of the things that excited me about taking up a Canadian postdoctoral position was that, for the first time, I would get a chance to work with and mentor enthusiastic undergraduate researchers. I looked forward to the chance to gain mentorship skills while helping out future scientists, and maybe, eventually, freeing up some of my own time.

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doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-018-07427-5

This is an article from the Nature Careers Community, a place for Nature readers to share their professional experiences and advice. Guest posts are encouraged. You can get in touch with the editor at [email protected].

Klowak, J., Elsharawi, R., Whyte, R., Costa, A. & Riva, J. Can. Med. Educ. J. 9 , e4–e13 (2018).

PubMed   Google Scholar  

Smaglik, P. Nature 518 , 127–128 (2015).

Article   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Ankrum, J. Nature https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-018-05823-5 (2018).

Article   Google Scholar  

Trant, J. Nature 560 , 307 (2018).

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