Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

  • Published: 26 June 2023
  • Volume 273 , pages 533–582, ( 2023 )

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natural language processing in ai research paper

  • E. O. Arkhangelskaya 1 &
  • S. I. Nikolenko 2 , 3  

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Over the last decade, deep learning has revolutionized machine learning. Neural network architectures have become the method of choice for many different applications; in this paper, we survey the applications of deep learning to natural language processing (NLP) problems. We begin by briefly reviewing the basic notions and major architectures of deep learning, including some recent advances that are especially important for NLP. Then we survey distributed representations of words, showing both how word embeddings can be extended to sentences and paragraphs and how words can be broken down further in character-level models. Finally, the main part of the survey deals with various deep architectures that have either arisen specifically for NLP tasks or have become a method of choice for them; the tasks include sentiment analysis, dependency parsing, machine translation, dialog and conversational models, question answering, and other applications.

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S. I. Nikolenko

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Published in Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI , Vol. 499, 2021, pp. 137–205.

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Arkhangelskaya, E.O., Nikolenko, S.I. Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: A Survey. J Math Sci 273 , 533–582 (2023).

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Received : 14 January 2019

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2. data and preprocessing, 3. performed experiments, applied methods and analysis of results, 4. concluding remarks, the state of the art of natural language processing—a systematic automated review of nlp literature using nlp techniques.

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Jan Sawicki , Maria Ganzha , Marcin Paprzycki; The State of the Art of Natural Language Processing—A Systematic Automated Review of NLP Literature Using NLP Techniques. Data Intelligence 2023; 5 (3): 707–749. doi:

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Nowadays, natural language processing (NLP) is one of the most popular areas of, broadly understood, artificial intelligence. Therefore, every day, new research contributions are posted, for instance, to the arXiv repository. Hence, it is rather difficult to capture the current “state of the field” and thus, to enter it. This brought the id-art NLP techniques to analyse the NLP-focused literature. As a result, (1) meta-level knowledge, concerning the current state of NLP has been captured, and (2) a guide to use of basic NLP tools is provided. It should be noted that all the tools and the dataset described in this contribution are publicly available. Furthermore, the originality of this review lies in its full automation. This allows easy reproducibility and continuation and updating of this research in the future as new researches emerge in the field of NLP.

Natural language processing (NLP) is rapidly growing in popularity in a variety of domains, from closely related, like semantics [ 1 , 2 ] and linguistics [ 3 , 4 ] (e.g. inflection [ 5 ], phonetics and onomastics [ 6 ], automatic text correction [ 7 ]), named entity recognition [ 8 , 9 ] to distant ones, like biobliometry [ 10 ], cybersecurity [ 11 ], quantum mechanics [ 12 , 13 ], gender studies [ 14 , 15 ], chemistry [ 16 ] or orthodontia [ 17 ]. This, among others, brings an opportunity, for early-stage researchers, to enter the area. Since NLP can be applied to many domains and languages, and involves use of many techniques and approaches, it is important to realize where to start.

This contribution attempts at addressing this issue, by applying NLP techniques to analysis of NLP-focused literature. As a result, with a fully automated, systematic, visualization-driven literature analysis, a guide to the state-of-the-art of natural language processing is presented. In this way, two goals are achieved. (1) Providing introduction to NLP for scientists entering the field, and (2) supporting possible knowledge update for experienced researchers. The main research questions (RQs) considered in this work are:

RQ1: What datasets are considered to be most useful?

RQ2: Which languages, other than English, appear in NLP research?

RQ3: What are the most popular fields and topics in current NLP research?

Rq4: what particular tasks and problems are most often studied, rq5: is the field “homogenous”, or are there easily identifiable “subgroups”, rq6: how difficult is it to comprehend the nlp literature.

Taking into account that the proposed approach is, itself, anchored in NLP, this work is also an illustration of how selected standard NLP techniques can be used in practice, and which of them should be used for which purpose. However, it should be made clear that considerations presented in what follows should be treated as “illustrative examples”, not “strict guidelines”. Moreover, it should be stressed that none of the applied techniques has been optimized to the task (e.g. no hyperparameter tuning has been applied). This is a deliberate choice, as the goal is to provide an overview and “general ideas”, rather than overwhelm the reader with technical details of individual NLP approaches. For technical details, concerning optimization of mentioned approaches, reader should consult referenced literature.

The whole analysis has been performed in Python—a programming language which is ubiquitous in data science research and projects for years [ 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 ]. Python was also chosen for the following reasons:

It provides a heterogeneous environment

It allows use of Jupyter Notebooks ① , which allow quick and easy prototyping, testing and code sharing

There exists an abundance of data science libraries ② , which allow everything from acquiring the dataset, to visualizing the result

It offers readability and speed in development [ 24 ]

Presented analysis follows the order of research questions. To make the text more readable, readers are introduced to pertinent NLP methods in the context of answering individual questions.

At the beginning of NLP research, there is always data. This section introduces the dataset consisting of research papers used in this work, and describes how it was preprocessed.

2.1 Data Used in the Research

To adequately represent the domain, and to apply NLP techniques, it is necessary to select an abundant, and well-documented, repository of related texts (stored in a digital format). Moreover, to automatize the conducted analysis, and to allow easy reproduction, it is crucial to choose a set of papers, which can be easily accessed, e.g. a database with a functional Application Programming Interface (API). Finally, for obvious reasons, open access datasets are the natural targets for NLP-oriented work.

In the context of this work, while there are multiple repositories, which contain NLP-related literature, the best choice turned out to be arXiv (for the papers themselves, and for the metadata it provided), combined with the Semantic Scholar (for the “citation network” and other important metadata; see Section 3.3.1).

Note that other datasets have been considered, but were not selected. Reasons for this decision have been summarized in Table 1 .

DatabaseThe reason for in applicability in this research task
Google Scholar Google Scholar does not contain actual data (text, PDF, etc.) of any work—there are only links to other databases. Moreover, performed tests determined that the API (Python “scholarly” library) works well with small queries, but fetching information about thousands of papers results in download rate limits, and temporary IP address blocking. Finally, Google Scholar is criticized, among others, for excessive secrecy [ ], biased search algorithms [ ], and incorrect citation counts [ ]. 
PubMed PubMed is mainly focused on medical and biological papers. Therefore, the number of works related to NLP is somewhat limited, and difficult to identify using straightforward approaches. 
ResearchGate There are two main problems with ResearchGate, as seen from the perspective of this work: lack of easy-accessible API and restrictions on some articles’ availability (large number of papers has to be requested from authors—and such requests may not be fulfilled, or wait time may be excessive). 
Scopus The Scopus API is not fully open-access, and has restrictions on the number of requests that can be issues within a specific time. 
JSTOR Even though the JSTOR website declares that API exists, the link does not provide any information about it (404 not found). 
Microsoft Academic The Microsoft Academic API is very well documented, but it does not provide true open access (requires a subscription key). Moreover, it does not contain the actual text of works; mostly metadata. 
DatabaseThe reason for in applicability in this research task
Google Scholar Google Scholar does not contain actual data (text, PDF, etc.) of any work—there are only links to other databases. Moreover, performed tests determined that the API (Python “scholarly” library) works well with small queries, but fetching information about thousands of papers results in download rate limits, and temporary IP address blocking. Finally, Google Scholar is criticized, among others, for excessive secrecy [ ], biased search algorithms [ ], and incorrect citation counts [ ]. 
PubMed PubMed is mainly focused on medical and biological papers. Therefore, the number of works related to NLP is somewhat limited, and difficult to identify using straightforward approaches. 
ResearchGate There are two main problems with ResearchGate, as seen from the perspective of this work: lack of easy-accessible API and restrictions on some articles’ availability (large number of papers has to be requested from authors—and such requests may not be fulfilled, or wait time may be excessive). 
Scopus The Scopus API is not fully open-access, and has restrictions on the number of requests that can be issues within a specific time. 
JSTOR Even though the JSTOR website declares that API exists, the link does not provide any information about it (404 not found). 
Microsoft Academic The Microsoft Academic API is very well documented, but it does not provide true open access (requires a subscription key). Moreover, it does not contain the actual text of works; mostly metadata. 

2.1.1 Dataset Downloading and Filtering

The papers were fetched from arXiv on 26 August 2021. The resulting dataset includes all articles, which have been extracted as a result of issuing the query “natural language processing” ④ . As a result, 4712 articles were retrieved. Two articles were discarded because their PDFs were too complicated for the tools that were used for the text extraction (1 710.10229v1—problems with chart on page 15; 1803.07136v1 — problems with chart on page 6; see, also, section 2.2). Even though the query was not bounded by the “time when the article was uploaded to arXiv” parameter, it turned out that a solid majority of the articles had submission dates from the last decade. Specifically, the distribution was as follows:

192 records uploaded before 2010-01-01

243 records from between (including) 2010-01-01 and 2014-12-31

697 records from between (including) 2015-01-01 and 2017-12-31

3580 records uploaded after 2018-01-01

On the basis of this distribution, it was decided that there is no reason to impose time constraints, because the “old” works should not be able to “overshadow” the “newest” literature. Moreover, it was decided that it is worth keeping all available publications, as they might result in additional findings (e.g., as what concerns the most original work, described in Section 3.7.4).

Finally, all articles not written in English were discarded, reducing the total count to 4576 texts. This decision, while somewhat controversial, was made to be able to understand the results (by the authors of this contribution) and to avoid complex issues related to text translation. However, it is easy to observe that the number of texts not written in English (and stored in arXiv) was relatively small (< 5%). Nevertheless, this leaves open a question: what is the relationship between NLP-related work that is written in English and that written in other languages. However, addressing this topic is out of scope of this contribution.

2.2 Text Preprocessing

Obviously, the key information about a research contribution is contained in its text. Therefore, subsequent analysis applied NLP techniques to texts of downloaded papers. To do this, the following preprocessing has been applied. The PDFs have been converted to plain text, using pdfminer.six (a Python library ⑤ ). Here, notice that there are several other libraries that can also be used to convert PDF to text. Specifically, the following libraries have been tried: pdfminer ⑥ , pdftotree ⑦ , BeautifulSoup ⑧ . On the basis of performed tests, pdfminer.six was selected, because it provided the simplest API, produced results, which did not have to be further converted (as opposite to, e.g., BeautifulSoup), and performed the fastest conversion.

Use of different text analysis methods may require different preprocessing. Some methods, like keyphrase search, work best when the text is “thoroughly cleaned”; i.e. almost reduced to a “bag of words” [ 28 ]. This means that, for instance, words are lemmatized, there is no punctuation, etc. However, some more recent techniques (like text embeddings [ 29 ]) can (and should) be trained on a “dirty” text, like Wikipedia [ 30 ] dumps ⑨ or Common Crawl ⑩ . Hence, it is necessary to distinguish between (at least) two levels of text cleaning: (A) “delicately cleaned” text (in what follows, called “Stage 1” cleaning), where only parts insignificant to the NLP analysis are removed, and (B) a “very strictly cleaned” text (called “Stage 2” cleaning). Specifically, “Stage 1” cleaning includes removal of:

charts and diagrams improperly converted to text,

arXiv “watermarks”,

references section (which were not needed, since metadata from Semantic Scholar was used),

links, formulas, misconverted characters (e.g. “ff”).

Stage 2 cleaning is applied to the results of Stage 1 cleaning, and consists of the following operations:

All punctuation, numbers and other non-letter characters were removed, leaving only letters.

Adposition, adverb, conjunction, coordinating conjunction, determiner, interjection, numeral, particle, pronoun, punctuation, subordinating conjunction, symbol, end of line, space were removed. Parts of speech left after filtering were: verbs, nouns, auxiliaries and “other”. The “other” category is usually tagged for meaningless text, e.g. “asdfgh”. However, these were not deleted in case the algorithm detected something that was, in fact, important, e.g. domain-specific shortcuts and abbreviations like CNN, RNN, etc.

Words have been lemmatized.

Note that while individual NLP techniques may require more specific data cleaning, the two (Stage 1 and Stage 2) workflows are generic enough to be successfully applied in the majority of typical NLP applications.

This section traverses research questions RQ1 to RQ6 and summarizes the findings for each one of them. Furthermore, it introduces specific NLP methods used to address each question. Interested readers are invited to study referenced literature to find additional details.

3.1 RQ1: Finding Most Popular Datasets Used in NLP

As noted, a fundamental aspect for all data science projects is the data. Hence, this section summarizes the most popular (open) datasets that are used in NLP research. Here, the information about these datasets (names of datasets) was extracted from the analyzed texts, using Named Entity Recognition and Keyphrase search. Let us briefly summarize these two methods.

3.1.1 Named Entity Recognition-NER

Named Entity Recognition (NER) can be seen as finding an answer to “the problem of locating and categorizing important nouns, and proper nouns, in a text” [ 31 ]. Here, automatic methods should facilitate extraction of, among others, named topics, issues, problems, and other “things” mentioned in texts (e.g. in articles). Hence, the spaCy [ 32 ] NER model “en-core-web-lg” ⑪ has been used to extract named entities. These entities have been linked by co-occurrence, and visualized as networks (further described in section 3.4).

SpaCy has been chosen over other models (e.g. transformers [ 33 ] pipeline ⑫ ), because it was simpler to use, and performed faster.

3.1.2 Key phrase Search

Another simple and effective way of extracting information from text, is keyword and/or keyphrase search [ 34 , 35 ]. This technique can be used not only in the preliminary exploratory data analysis (EDA), but also to extract actual and useful findings. Furthermore, keyphrase search is also complementary to, and extends, results of Named Entity Recognition (NER) (Section 3.1.1).

To apply keyphrase search, first, texts were cleaned with Stage 2 cleaning (see Section 2.2). Second, they were converted to phrases (n-grams) of lengths 1-4. Next, two exhaustive lists were created, based on all phrases (n-grams): (a) allowed phrases (609 terms), and (b) banned phrases (1235 terms). The allowed phrases contained word and phrases, which were meaningful for natural language processing or were specific enough to be considered separate, e.g. TF-IDF, accuracy, annotation, NER, taxonomy. The list of banned phrases contains words and phrases, which on their own carried no significant meaning for this research, e.g. bad, big, bit, long, power, index, default. The banned phrases also contained some incoherent phrases, which slipped through the previous cleaning phases. These lists were used to filter the phrases found in the texts. Obtained results were converted to networks of phrase co-occurrence, to visualize phrase importance, and relations between phrases.

3.1.3 Approaches to finding names of most popular NLP datasets

Keyword search was used to extract names of NLP datasets used in collected papers. To properly factor out dataset names and omit noise words, two approaches were applied: unsupervised and list-based.

Unsupervised approach included extracting words (proper nouns detected with Python spaCy ⑬ library) in the near neighborhood (max 3 words before or after) of words “data”, “dataset” and similar.

In list-based approaches, the algorithm looked for particular dataset names that were identified in the three big aggregated lists of NLP datasets ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ .

3.1.4 Findings Related to RQI; What are the Most Popular NLP Datasets

This section presents the findings, which answer RQ1, i.e. which datasets are most often used in NLP research. To best show datasets that are popular, and outline which are used together, a heatmap has been created. It is presented in Figure 1 . In general, a heatmap allows getting not only a general ranking of features (looking only at the diagonal), but also provides the information of correlation of features, or lack thereof.

Heatmap of top 10 percentile of NLP datasets co-usage (logarithmic scale).

Heatmap of top 10 percentile of NLP datasets co-usage (logarithmic scale).

It can be easily seen that the most popular dataset, used in NLP, is Wikipedia. Among the top 4 most popular datasets, one can find also: Twitter, Facebook, and WordNet. There is a high correlation between use of datasets, which were extracted from Twitter and Facebook, which are very frequently used together. This is both intuitive and observable in articles dedicated to social network analysis [ 36 ], social text sentiment analysis [ 37 ], social media mining [ 38 ] and other social science related texts [ 39 ]. Manual checking determined also that Twitter is extremely popular in sentiment analysis and other emotion-related explorations [ 40 ].

3.2 Findings Related to RQ2: What Languages are Studied in NLP Research

The second research question concerned languages that were analyzed in reported research (not the language the paper was written in). This information was mined using the same two methods, i.e. keyphrase search and NER. The results were represented in two ways. The basic method was a co-occurrence heatmap presented in Figure 2 .

Heatmap of language co-occurrence in articles.

Heatmap of language co-occurrence in articles.

For clarity, the following is the ranking of top 20 most popular languages, by number of papers in which they have been considered:

English: 2215

Chinese: 809

German: 682

French: 533

Spanish: 416

Arabic: 306

Japanese: 299

Italian: 257

Russian: 239

Portuguese: 154

Turkish: 144

Korean: 130

Finnish: 125

Swedish: 125

As it is visible in Figure 2 , the most popular language is English, but it may be caused by the bias of analyzing only English-language-written papers. Next, there is no particular positive, or negative, correlation between languages. However, there are slight negative correlations between languages Basque and Bengali, Irish and Thai, and Thai and Urdu, which means that these languages are very rarely researched together. There are two observations regarding these languages. (1) All of them are niche and do not have a big speaking population. (2) All pairs have very distant geographical origins, so there may be a low demand for their co-studying.

3.3 Findings Related to RQ3: What are the Popular Fields, and Topics, of Research

Let us now discuss the finding related to the most popular fields and topics of reported research. In order to ascertain them, in addition to keyphrase search and NER, metadata mining and text summarization have been applied. Let us now introduce these methods in some detail.

3.3.1 Metadata Mining

In addition to the information available within the text of a publication, further information can be found in its metadata. For instance, the date of publishing, overall categorization, hierarchical topic assignment and more, as discussed in the next paragraphs.

Therefore, metadata has been fetched both from the original source (arXiv API) and from the Semantic Scholar ⑰ . As a result, for each retrieved paper, the following information became available for further analysis:

data: title, abstract and PDF,

metadata: authors, arXiv category and publishing date,


Note that the Semantic Scholar topics are different from the arXiv categories. The arXiv categories follow a set taxonomy ⑱ , which is used by the person who uploads the text. On the other hand, the Semantic Scholar “uses machine language techniques to analyze publications and extract topic keywords that balance diversity, relevance, and coverage relative to our corpus.” ⑲

The metadata from both sources was complete for all articles (there were no missing fields for any of the papers). Obviously, one cannot guarantee that the information itself was correct. This had to be (and was) assumed, to use this data in further analysis.

3.3.2 Matching Literature to Research Topics

In literature review, one may analyze all available information. However, it is much faster to initially check if a particular paper's topic is related to ones planned/ongoing research. Both Semantic Scholar and arXiv provide this information in the metadata. Semantic Scholar provides “topics”, while arXiv provides “categories”.

Figure 3 shows (1) what topics are the most popular (see the first column from the left), and (2) the correlation of topics. The measure used in the heatmap (correlation matrix) is the count of articles tagged with topics (logarithmic scale has been used).

Correlation matrix between top 0.5 percentile of topics (logarithmic scale).

Correlation matrix between top 0.5 percentile of topics (logarithmic scale).

Obviously, the most popular field of research is “Natural Language Processing”. It is also worth mentioning that Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning also score high in the article count. This is intuitive, as current applications of NLP are pursued using approaches from, broadly understood, artificial intelligence.

Moreover, the correlation, and high score, between “Deep Learning” and “Artificial Neural Networks” mirrors the influence of BERT and similar models. On the other hand, there are topics, which very rarely coincide. These are, for instance, Parsing and Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks and Machine Translation, Speech Recognition and Sentiment analysis.

There is also one topic worth pointing out to: Baseline (configuration management) . According to the Semantic Scholar, it is defined as “an agreed description of the attributes of a product, at a point in time, which serves as a basis for defining change” ⑳ . This topic does not suit the NLP particularly, as it is too vague, and it could have been incorrectly assigned by the machine learning algorithm on the backend of Semantic Scholar.

Yet another interesting aspect is the evolution of topics in time, which gives a wider perspective of what topics are on the rise in, or fall from, popularity. Figures 4 show the most popular categories in time. The category cs.CL (“Computation and Language”) is a dominating in all periods because it is the main subcategory of NLP. However, multiple interesting observation can be made. First, categories that are particularly popular nowadays are: cs.LG (Machine Learning), cs.AI (Artificial Intelligence), cs.CV (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition). Second, there are categories, which experience a drop in interest. These are: stat. ML (Machine Learning) and cs.NE (Neural and Evolutionary Computing).

Most popular categories in time (top 96 percentile for each time period).

Most popular categories in time (top 96 percentile for each time period).

Moving to “categories” from arXiv, it is important to elaborate the difference between them and “topics”. As mentioned, arXiv follows a taxonomy with two levels: primary category (always a single one) and secondary categories (may be many).

To best show this relation, as well as categories’ popularity, a treemap chart has been created, which is most suitable for “nested” category visualization. It is shown in Figure 5 .

Similarly to the Semantic Scholar “topics”, the largest primary category is cs.CL (Computation and Language), which is a counterpart to the NLP topic from the arXiv nomenclature. Its top secondary categories are cs.LG/stat.ML (both categories of Machine Learning) and cs.AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is, again, consistent with previous findings and shows how these domains overlap each other. It is also worth noting the presence of cs.CV (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition), which, although to a lesser degree, is also important in the NLP literature. Manual verification shows that, in this context, computer vision refers mostly to image description with text [ 41 ], visual question answering [ 42 ], using transformer neural networks for image recognition [ 43 , 44 ], and other image pattern recognition, vaguely related to NLP.

Similarly, as for topics, a trend analysis has been performed for categories. It is presented in Figure 6 . The most popular topic over time is NLP , followed by Artificial neural network, Experiment, Deep learning , and Machine learning. Here, no particular evolution is noticeable, except for rise in interests in the Language model topic.

Simplified treemap visualizing arXiv primary categories aggregating secondary categories. Outer rectangles are primary categories, inner rectangles are other assigned categories. Other categories include primary category to additionally show the primary categories size. Top 20.0 of primary categories and categories. Colors are purely aesthetic.

Simplified treemap visualizing arXiv primary categories aggregating secondary categories. Outer rectangles are primary categories, inner rectangles are other assigned categories. Other categories include primary category to additionally show the primary categories size. Top 20.0 of primary categories and categories. Colors are purely aesthetic.

Most popular topics in time (top 99,8 percentile for each time period).

Most popular topics in time (top 99,8 percentile for each time period).

3.3.3 Citations

Another interesting metainformation, is the citation count [ 45 , 46 ]. Hence, this statistic was used to determine key works, which were then used to establish key research topic in NLP (addressing also RQ1-3).

It is well known that, in most cases, the distribution of node degree in a citation network is exponential [ 47 ]. Specifically, there are many works with 0-1 citations, and very few with more than 10 citations. In this context, the citations network of top 10% of most highly cited papers is depicted in Figure 7 . The most cited papers are 1810.04805v2 [ 48 ] (5760 citations), 1603.04467v2 [ 49 ] (2653 citations) and 1606.05250v3 [ 50 ] (1789 citations). The first one is the introduction of the BERT model. Here, it is easy to notice that this papers absolutely dominates the network in terms of the degree. It is the networks focal point. This means that the whole domain not only revolves around one particular topic, but also around a single paper.

Citation network of all articles (arrows point towards cited paper); top 5 percentile; A→B, means A cites B (B is a reference of A); Color scale indicates how many papers cite a given paper (yellow—higher, dark blue— lower).

Citation network of all articles (arrows point towards cited paper); top 5 percentile; A→B, means A cites B (B is a reference of A); Color scale indicates how many papers cite a given paper (yellow—higher, dark blue— lower).

The second paper concerns TensorFlow, the state-of-the-art library for neural networks construction and management. The third introduces “Squad”—a text dataset with over 100,000 questions, used for machine learning. It is important to note that these are the top 3 papers when considering not only works published after 2015, but also when the “all time most cited works” are searched for.

How can two papers cite each other. An interesting observation has been made, during the citation analysis. Typically, relation, where one paper quotes another paper, should be one-way. In other words when paper A cites paper B, that means that paper B is a reference for paper A. So the set of citations and reference should be disjoint. This is true for over 95% of works. However, 363 of papers have an intersection between citations and references, with the biggest having even 10 common positions. Further, manual, analysis determined that this “anomaly” happens due to the existence of preprints, and all other cases where a paper appeared publicly (e.g. being a Technical Report) and then was revised and cited a different paper. This may happen, for instance, when a paper is criticised and it is reprinted (an updated version is created) to address the critique.

3.4 RQ3 Related Findings Based on Application of Keyphrase and Entity Networks

As discussed, NER has been used to determine NLP datasets and languages analyzed in papers. It can also be used when looking for techniques used in research. However, to better visualize the topic of interest, it can be combined with network analysis. Specifically, work reported in the literature involves many-to-many relations, which provide information of what techniques, methods, problems, languages etc., are used alone, in tandem or, perhaps, in groups. To properly explore the area, four dimensional networks (see Figures 8 and 9 ) have been constructed, with: nodes (entities), node size (scaled by an attribute), edges (relations), edge width (scaled by an attribute). Moreover, since all networks are exponential and have very high edge density, only the top percentile of entities has been graphically represented (to allow readability). Networks have been built using networkx [ 51 ] and igraph [ 52 ] Python libraries.

Entity network; entities detected using spaCy (en_core_web_lg 3.1.0); edges width—number of papers with the entity; node size and color—sum of weight of edges; top 0.4 percentile of node weight; top 20.0 percentile of edge weight.

Entity network; entities detected using spaCy (en_core_web_lg 3.1.0); edges width—number of papers with the entity; node size and color—sum of weight of edges; top 0.4 percentile of node weight; top 20.0 percentile of edge weight.

Figure 9 shows very popular name entities, but skips the most often found ones. This has been done to allow other frequent terms to become visible. Specifically, the networks were trimmed by node weight, i.e. number of papers including the named entity. The Figure 9 contains terms between the 99.5 and 99.9 percentiles by node weight. In addition to some previously made observations, new entities appeared, which show what is also of considerable interest in NLP literature. These are:

As shown in the Figure 8 the majority of entities are related to models such as BERT, and neural network architectures (e.g. RNN, CNN). However, the findings show not only NLP-related topics, but all entities. Here, an important warning, regarding used NER models, should be stated. In most cases, when NER is applied directly, and without additional techniques, the entities are not disambiguated, or properly unified. For instance, surnames, like, Kim, Wang, Liang, Liu, Chen, etc. are not properly recognized as names of different persons and “bagged together”. Therefore, further interpretation of results of NER may require manual checking of results.

Moreover, corroborating earlier noted result, is that Wikipedia and Twitter, being the most popular data sources for NLP, can be observed.

Finally, among important entities, Association for Computational Linguistics (also shown as “the Association for Computational Linguistics” and “ACL” ㉑ ) has been found. This society organizes conferences, events and also runs a journal about natural language processing.

GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), which are often used to accelerate neural network training (and use) [ 53 ]

WordNet—semantic network “connecting words” with regard to their meaning [ 54 ] ㉒ and ImageNet —a image database using WordNet hierarchy to propose a network of images [ 55 ] ㉓

SemEval—popular contents in NLP, occurring annually and challenging scientist with different NLP tasks ㉔

and other particular methods like (citation contain example papers): Bayesian methods [ 56 ], CBOW (Continuous Bag of Words) [ 57 ], Markov processes [ 58 ]

Entity network; entities detected using spaCy (en_core_web_lg 3.1.0); edges width—number of papers with the entity; node size and color—sum of weight of edges; node weight between 99.5 and 99.9 percentile; top 20.0 percentile of edge weight.

Entity network; entities detected using spaCy (en_core_web_lg 3.1.0); edges width—number of papers with the entity; node size and color—sum of weight of edges; node weight between 99.5 and 99.9 percentile; top 20.0 percentile of edge weight.

As described in Section 3.1.2, the keyphrase search was used to extract these terms and findings, which might have been skipped in the NER results. For example, the word “accuracy” is a widely used metric in NLP and many other domains. However, it is not a named entity, because it is also an “ordinary” word in English and is not detected as such by the NER models. Applied analysis produced a network of keyphrase co-occurrence. Hence, network visualization was, again, applied ( Figure 10 ). This allowed formulation of hypotheses, which underwent further (positive) manual verification, specifically:

Keyphrase co-occurrence network Node size—article count where keyword appears Node color— citation sum where keyword appears Edge width & color—number of articles in which two terms appeared.

Keyphrase co-occurrence network Node size—article count where keyword appears Node color— citation sum where keyword appears Edge width & color—number of articles in which two terms appeared.

BERT models are most commonly used in their pretrained “version” / “state”. BERT is already a pretrained model, but it is possible to continue its training (to get a better representation of particular language, topic or domain). The second approach is using BERT, or its pretrained variant, to train it on a target task, called downstream task (these techniques is also called “fine-tuning”).

Transformers are connected strongly with attention. This is because transformer (a neural network architecture) is characterized by the presence of attention mechanism in it. This is the distinguishing factor of this architecture [ 59 ].

“Music” is connected with “lyrics”. This shows that the intersection between NLP research and music domain is via lyrics analysis. The lack of correlation between music and other terms shows that audio analysis, sentiment analysis, etc. are not that popular in this context.

“Precision” is connected with “recall” These two extremely popular evaluation metrics for classification are often used together. Their main point is to handle imbalanced datasets, where the performance is not evaluated correctly by the “accuracy” [ 60 ] measure.

“Synset” is connected with “WordNet”. As shown, WordNet is most commonly used with Synset (a user programmer-friendly interface available in the NLTK framework ㉕ ).

Quantum mechanics begins to emerge in NLP. The oldest works in the field of quantum computing (in the set under study) date back to 2013 [ 61 ], but most (>90%) of the recent works dates to 2019-2021. These provide answers to the to problems such as: applying NLP algorithm on “nearly quantum” computers [ 62 ], sentence meaning inference with quantum circuit model(s), encoding-decoding [ 63 ], quantum machine learning [ 64 ] or, even, ready-to-use Python libraries for the quantum NLP [ 65 ] are investigated. There are still very few works joining the worlds of NLP and quantum computing, but their number is significantly growing since 2019.

Graphs are very common in research related to semantic analysis. One of the the domains that NLP overlaps/includes is semantics. The entities network illustrates how important the concept of a graph is in semantics research (e.g. knowledge graphs). Some works touch these topics in tandem with text embedding [ 66 ], text summarization [ 67 ], knowledge extraction/inference/infusion [ 67 ] or question answering [ 68 ].

3.4.1 Text Summarization

Another approach to extract key information (including the field of research) is to reduce the original text to a brief and simple “conclusion”. This can be done with extractive and abstractive summarization methods. Both aim at allowing the user to comprehend the main message of the text. Moreover, depending on what sentences are chosen in the extractive summarization methods, one may find which abstracts (and papers) are most “summaritive”.

Extractive summarization. First, the extractive methods have been used to summarize the text of all abstracts. Specifically, the following methods have been applied.

Luhn methods [ 69 ] (max 5 sentences) shown in Listing 1

Latent Semantic Analysis [ 70 ] (max 5 sentence) shown in Listing 2

LexRank [ 71 ] (max 5 sentence) shown in Listing 3

TextRank [ 72 ] (max 5 sentence) shown in Listing 4

Here, note that, due to formatting errors in the original texts, the library pysummarization ㉖ had trouble with “sentences with periods” (e.g. “3.5% by the two models, respectively.” is only a part of a full sentence, but it contains a period character).

Abstractive summarization. Previous research found that abstractive summarization methods can “understand the sense” of the text, and build its summary [ 73 ]. It was also found that their overall performance is better than that of extractive methods [ 74 ]. However, most state-of-the-art solutions have limitations related to the maximum number of tokens, i.e. BERT-like models (e.g. distilbart-cnn-12-6 model [ 75 ], bart-large-cnn [ 75 ], bert-extractive-summarizer [ 76 ]) support maximum of 512 tokens, while the largest Pegasus model supports 1024 [ 77 ].

Nevertheless, very recent work proposes a transformer model for long text summarization, a “Longformer” [ 78 ], which is designed to summarize texts of 4000 tokens and more. However, this capability comes with a high RAM memory requirement. So, in order to test abstractive methods, Longformer was applied only to titles of most influential texts (top 5% of citation count).

The final note about text summarization is that, most recent research proposed innovative ways to overcome the length issue (see, [ 79 ]). There is thus a possibility to apply text summarization, for instance, to abstracts combined with introduction and conclusions of research papers. Testing this possibility may be a good starting point for research, but is out of scope of this contribution.

3.4.2 Summarization Findings

Listings 1, 2, 3, 4, show summaries of all abstracts and Listing 5 shows summary of all titles (as described in Section 3.4.1).

The common part for all summaries addresses (in a hierarchical order, starting from most popular features):

natural language processing and artificial intelligence,

translation and image processing,

neural networks,

deep neural network architectures, e.g. CNN, RNN, encoder-decoder, transformers, and

deep neural network models, e.g. BERT, ELMO.

Moreover, the main “ideas”, which appear in the summaries are: effectiveness, “state-of-the-art” solutions, and solutions “better than others”. This shows the “competitive” and “progress-focused” nature of the domain. Authors find it necessary to highlight how “good” or “better than” their solution is. It may also mean that there is not much space for “exploratory” and “non-results-oriented” research (at least this is the message permeates the top cited articles). Similarly, research indicating which approaches do not work in a given domain is not appreciated.

Summary with LSA (512.9 sec)

Natural language processing, as a data analytics related technology, is used widely in many research areas such as artificial intelligence, human language processing, and translation. [paper id: 1608.04434v1]

At present, due to explosive growth of data, there are many challenges for natural language processing. [paper id: 1608.04434v1]

Hadoop is one of the platforms that can process the large amount of data required for natural language processing. [paper id: 1608.04434v1]

KOSHIK is one of the natural language processing architectures, and utilizes Hadoop and contains language processing components such as Stanford CoreNLP and OpenNLP. [paper id: 1608.04434v1]

This study describes how to build a KOSHIK platform with the relevant tools, and provides the steps to analyze wiki data. [paper id: 1608.04434v1]

Summary with sumy-LSA (512.9 sec)

Summary with LexRank (11323.26 sec)

Many natural language processing applications use language models to generate text. [paper id: 1511.06732v7]

However, there is no known natural language processing (NLP) work on this language. [paper id: 1912.03444v1]

However, few have been presented in the natural language process domain. [paper id: 2107.07114v1]

Here, we show their effectiveness in natural language processing. [paper id: 2109.04712v1]

The other two methods however, are not as useful. [paper id: 2109.01411v1]

Summary with sumy-TextRank (497.67 sec)

Recently, neural models pretrained on a language modeling task, such as ELMo (Peters et al., 2017), OpenAI GPT (Radford et al., 2018), and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), have achieved impressive results on various natural language processing tasks such as question-answering and natural language inference. [paper id: 1901.04085v5]

In chapter 1, we give a brief introduction of the history and the current landscape of collaborative filtering and ranking; chapter 2 we first talk about pointwise collaborative filtering problem with graph information, and how our proposed new method can encode very deep graph information which helps four existing graph collaborative filtering algorithms; chapter 3 is on the pairwise approach for collaborative ranking and how we speed up the algorithm to near-linear time complexity; chapter 4 is on the new listwise approach for collaborative ranking and how the listwise approach is a better choice of loss for both explicit and implicit feedback over pointwise and pairwise loss; chapter 5 is about the new regularization technique Stochastic Shared Embeddings (SSE) we proposed for embedding layers and how it is both theoretically sound and empirically effectively for 6 different tasks across recommendation and natural language processing; chapter 6 is how we introduce personalization for the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation model with the help of SSE, which plays an important role in preventing our personalized model from overfitting to the training data; chapter 7, we summarize what we have achieved so far and predict what the future directions can be; chapter 8 is the appendix to all the chapters. [paper id: 2002.12312v1]

We explore how well the model performs on several languages across several tasks: a diagnostic classification probing the embeddings for a particular syntactic property, a cloze task testing the language modelling ability to fill in gaps in a sentence, and a natural language generation task testing for the ability to produce coherent text fitting a given context. [paper id: 1910.03806v1]

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) methods, which automatically learn entire neural model or individual neural cell architectures, have recently achieved competitive or state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on variety of natural language processing and computer vision tasks, including language modeling, natural language inference, and image classification. [paper id: 2010.04249v1]

Transfer learning in natural language processing (NLP), as realized using models like BERT (Bi-directional Encoder Representation from Transformer), has significantly improved language representation with models that can tackle challenging language problems. [paper id: 2104.08335v1]

‘The Natural Language Processing (NLT) is a new tool that can teach people about the world. The tool is based on the data collected by CNN and RNN. A survey of the Usages of Deep Learning was carried out by the 2015 MSCOCO Image Search. It was created by a survey of people in the UK and the US. An image is worth 16x16 words, and a survey reveals how many people are interested in the language.’

3.5 RQ1, RQ2, RQ3: Relations between NLP Datasets, Languages, and Topics of Research

Additionally, to separate results for RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3, there are situations when important information is the coincidence of these three aspects: NLP datasets, languages, and research topics. The triplet dataset-language-problem is usually fixed on two positions. For example, a research may be focused on machine translation (problem) into English (language), but with missing a corpus (dataset); or a group of Chinese researchers (language) has access to a rich Twitter API (dataset), but is considering what type of analysis (problem) is most prominent. This sparks a question what datasets are used, with which languages, and for what problems. Presented results of correlations between these 3 aspects are divided into two groups, for 2 most popular language: English and Chinese. They are shown in Figure 11 . The remaining results for the selected languages, from the most popular ones, can be found in Figure 12 and 13.

Datasets and NLP problems for languages English and Chinese.

Datasets and NLP problems for languages English and Chinese.

Datasets and NLP problems for chosen languages.

Datasets and NLP problems for chosen languages.

Datasets and NLP problems for chosen languages.

For English and Chinese languages (being the subject of NLP research) the distribution of problems is very similar. The top problems are: machine translation, question answering, sentiment analysis and summarization. The most popular dataset used for all of these problems is Wikipedia. Additionally, for sentiment analysis, there is a significant number of contributions that use also Twitter. All of these observations are consistent with previous results (reported in Sections 3.1 3.6 3.2).

Before going into languages other than English and Chinese, it is crucial to recall that this analysis focused only on articles written in English. Hence, reported results may be biased in the case of research devoted to other language(s). Nevertheless, there exists a large body of work about NLP applied to non-English languages, which is written in English. For instance, among all analyzed papers for this contribution, 41% were devoted to NLP in the context of neither English (non-english papers are 46% of the dataset) nor Chinese (non-chinese papers are 80% of the dataset).

The most important observation is that the distribution of problems for languages other than English and Chinese is, overall, similar (Machine Translation, Question-Answering, sentiment and summarization are the most popular ones). However, there are also some distinguishable differences:

For German and French, summarization, language modelling and natural language inference, and named entity recognition are the key research areas.

In Arabic and Italian, Japanese, Polish, Estonian, Swedish and Finish, there is a visible trend of interest in named entity recognition.

Dependency parsing is more pronounced in research on languages such as German, French, Czech, Japanese, Spanish, Slovene, Swahili and Russian.

In Basque, Ukrainian, Bulgarian the domain does not have particular homogeneous subdomain distribution. The problems of interests are: co-reference resolution, dependency parsing, dialogue-focused research, language modeling, machine translation, multitask learning, named entity recognition, natural language inference, part-of-speech tagging, question answering.

In Bengali, a special area of interest is part-of-speech tagging.

Research focused on Catalan have a particular interests in dialogue-related texts.

Research regarding Indonesian have a very high percent of sentiment analysis research. Even higher than most popular topic of machine translation.

Studies on Norwegian language are strongly focused on sentiment analysis, which peeks over the most common domain of most of the languages—machine translation.

Research focusing on Russian puts a special effort in analyzing dialogues and dependency parsing.

There are only minimal difference between datasets used for English and Chinese, and other languages. The key ones are:

Facebook is present as one of the main sources in many languages, being particularly popular data source for: Bengali, and Spanish

Twitter is a key data source in research on languages: Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Tamil

WordNet is very often used in research involving: Moldovan and Romanian

Tibetan language research nearly never uses Twitter as the dataset.

3.6 Findings Concerning RQ4: Most Popular Specific Tasks and Problems

At the heart of the research is yet another key aspect—the specific problem that is being tackled, or the task, which is being solved. This may seem similar to the domain, or to the general direction of the research. However, some general problems contain specific problems (e.g. machine translation and English-Chinese machine translation, or named entity recognition and named entity linking). On the other hand, some specific problems have more complicated relation, e.g. machine translation, which in NLP can be solved using neural networks, but neural networks are also an independent domain on their own, which is also a superdomain (or a subdomain) of, for instance, image recognition. These complicated relations point to the need for a standardized NLP taxonomy. This, however, is also out of scope of this contribution.

Let us come back to the methods of analyzing specific results. To extract most popular specific tasks and particular problems, methods described above, such as NER, keyphrase search, metadata mining, text summarization, and network visualization were used. Before presenting specific results, an important aspect of keyphrase search needs to be mentioned. An unsupervised search for particular specific topics of research cannot be reasonably performed. All approaches of unsupervised keyphrase search that have been tried (in an exploratory fashion) produced thousands of potential results. Therefore, supervised keyphrase search has been applied. Therefore, the NLP problems were determined based on an exhaustive (multilingual) list, aggregating most popular NLP tasks ㉗ .

The list has been extracted from the website and pruned of any additional markdown ㉘ , to obtain a clean text format. Next, all keywords and keyphrases from the text of each paper has been compared with the NLP tasks list. Finally, each paper has been assigned a list of problems found in its text. Figure 14 shows the popularity (by count) of problems addressed in NLP literature.

Again, there is a dominating problem—machine translation. This is very intuitive, if one takes into account the recent studies [ 80 , 81 , 82 , 83 , 84 ] showing that lack of high fidelity machine translation remains the key barrier for world-wide communication. This problem seems very persistent, because it was indicated also in older research (e.g. in text from 1968 [ 85 ]). Here, it is important to recall that this contribution is likely to be biased towards translation involving English language, because it only analyzed English-written literature.

The remaining top 3 most popular problems are question answering [ 86 ] and sentiment analysis [ 87 ]. In both these domains, there are already state-of-the-art models ready to be used ㉙ . What is interesting, for both question answering and sentiment analysis, most of the models are based either on BERT or its variation, DistilBERT [ 88 ].

Histogram of problems tackled in NLP literature.

Histogram of problems tackled in NLP literature.

3.7 RQ5: Seeking Outliers in the NLP Domain

Some scientific research areas are homogeneous, and all publication revolve around similar topic (group of topics). On the other hand, some can be very diverse, with individual papers touching very different subfields. Finally, there are also domains where, from a more or less homogeneous set, a separate, distinguishable, subset can be pointed to. To verify the structure of the field of NLP, two methods have been used. One is, previously introduced, metadata mining. The second one was text embedding and cauterization. Let us briefly introduce the second one.

3.7.1 Text Embeddings

One of ubiquitous methods in text processing are word, sentence and document embeddings. Text embeddings, which “convert texts to numbers”, have been used to determine key differences/similarities between analyzed texts.

Embeddings can be divided into: contextualized and context-less [ 89 ]. Scientific papers often use words, which strongly depend on the context The prime example is the word “BERT” [ 48 ], which on the one hand is a character from a TV show, but in the NLP world it is a name of one of the state-of-the-art embedding models. In this context, envision application of BERT, the NLP method, to analysis of dialogues in children TV, where one of the dialogues would include BERT, the character. Similar situation concerns words like network (either neural network, graph network, social network, or computer network), “spark” [ 90 ] (either a small fiery particle, or the name of a popular Big Data library), lemma (either a proven proposition in logic, or a morphological form of a word), etc. Hence, in this study, using contextualized text embeddings is more appropriate. This being the case, very popular static text embeddings like Glove [ 91 ] and Word2Vec [ 92 , 93 ] have not been used.

There are many libraries and models available for contextualized text embedding, e.g.: transformers [ 33 ], flair [ 94 ], gensim [ 95 ] and models: BERT [ 48 ] (and its variations like Roberta [ 96 ], DistilBERT [ 88 ]), GPT-2 [ 97 ], T5 [ 98 ], ELMo [ 99 ] and others. However, most of them require specific and high-end hardware to operate reasonably fast (i.e. GPU acceleration [ 100 ]). Here, the decision was to proceed with FastText [ 101 ]. FastText is designed to produce time efficient results, which can be recreated on standard hardware. Moreover, it is designed for “text representations and text classifiers” ㉚ , which is exactly what is needed in this work.

3.7.2 Embedding and Clustering

It is important to highlight that since FastText, like most embeddings, has been trained on a pretty noisy data [ 101 ], the input text of articles was preprocessed only with Stage 1 cleaning (see Section 2.2). Next, a grid search [ 102 ] was performed, to tune hyperparameters. While, as noted earlier, hyperparameter tuning has not been applied, use of grid search, reported here, illustrates that there exist ready-to-use libraries that can be applied when hyperparameter tuning is required. Overall, the best embeddings were produced by a model with the following hyperparameters ㉛ :

dimension: 20

minimum subword size: 3

maximum subword size: 6

number of epochs: 5

learning rate: 0.00005

Finally, the FastText model was further trained in an unsupervised mode (which is standard in majority of cases for general language modelling), on texts of papers, to better fit the representation.

After embeddings have been calculated, their vector representations have been clustered. Since there was no response variable, an unsupervised classifier was applied. Again (as in Section 3.7.1), the main goal was simplicity and time efficiency.

Out of all tested algorithms (K-means [ 103 ], OPTICS [ 104 , 105 ], DBSCAN [ 106 , 107 ], HDBSCAN [ 108 ] and Birch [ 109 ]), the best time efficiency, combined with relative simplicity of use, was achieved with K-means (see, also [ 110 , 111 ]). Moreover, in found research, K-means clustering showed best results, when applied to FastText embeddings (see, [ 112 ]).

The evaluation of clustering has been performed using three clustering metrics: Silhouette score [ 113 ], Davies-Bouldin score [ 114 ], Caliński-Harabasz Score [ 115 ]. These metrics were chosen because they allow evaluation of unsupervised clustering. To visualize the results on a 2D plane, the multidimensional FastText vectors were converted with t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (T-SNE) method [ 116 , 117 ]. T-SNE has been suggested by text embedding visualizations reported in earlier work [ 118 , 119 ].

3.7.3 RQ5: Outliers Found in the NLP Research

Visualizations of embeddings are shown in Figure 15 .

Note that Figure 15 is mainly aesthetic, as actual relations are rarely visible, when dimension reduction is applied. The number of clusters has been evaluated according to 3 clustering metrics (Silhouette score [ 113 ], Davies-Bouldin score [ 114 ], Cali-ski-Harabasz Score [ 115 ]) and the best clustering score has been achieved for 2 clusters. Hence, further analysis considers separation of the embeddings into 2 clusters. To further explore why these particular embeddings appear in the same group, various tests were performed. First, wordclouds of texts (titles and paper texts) in the clusters have been built. The texts for wordclouds were processed with Stage 2 cleaning. Title wordclouds are shown in Figure 2 , while text wordclouds are shown in Figure 3 .

“The blade of NLP”. A visualization of all paper text embeddings grouped in clusters (dimensionality reduced with T-SNE).

“The blade of NLP”. A visualization of all paper text embeddings grouped in clusters (dimensionality reduced with T-SNE).

Further, citation count comparison (Figures 16 and 17) and authors were checked for text in both clusters.

Based on the content of Figures 2 , 3 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 and the author per cluster distribution analysis the following conclusions have been drawn:

Histogram of citation counts in cluster 1 (bigger cluster) - logarithmic scale.

Histogram of citation counts in cluster 1 (bigger cluster) - logarithmic scale.

Histogram of citation counts in cluster 0 (smaller cluster) - logarithmic scale.

Histogram of citation counts in cluster 0 (smaller cluster) - logarithmic scale.

Last, the differences in topics from Semantic Scholar (Figures 18 and 19) and categories from arXiv (Figures 20 and 21) have been checked.

Histogram of topics counts in cluster 1 (bigger cluster).

Histogram of topics counts in cluster 1 (bigger cluster).

Histogram of topics counts in cluster 0 (smaller cluster).

Histogram of topics counts in cluster 0 (smaller cluster).

Histogram of categories counts in cluster 1 (bigger cluster).

Histogram of categories counts in cluster 1 (bigger cluster).

Histogram of categories counts in cluster 0 (smaller cluster).

Histogram of categories counts in cluster 0 (smaller cluster).

There is one specific outlier, this is the cluster of work related to texts embeddings.

Content of texts shows strong topical shift towards deep neural networks.

Categories and topics of clusters are not particularly far away from each other, because their distribution is similar. There is a higher representation of computer vision and information retrieval area in the smaller cluster (cluster 0).

There are no distinguishable authors who are responsible for texts in both clusters.

The distribution of citation counts is similar in both clusters.

Furthermore, manual verification showed that deep neural networks is actually the biggest subdomain of NLP, and it touches upon issues, which do not appear in other works. These issues are strictly related to neural networks (e.g. attention mechanism, network architectures, transfer learning, etc.) They are universal, and their applications play an important role in NLP, but also in other domains (image processing[ 120 ], signal processing [ 121 ], anomaly detection [ 122 ], clinical medicine [ 123 ] and many others [ 124 ]).

3.7.4 “Most Original Papers”

In addition to unsupervised clustering, an additional approach to outlier detection has been applied. Specifically, metadata representing citations/reference information was further analyzed. On the one hand, of the “citation spectrum” are the most influential works (as shown in Section 3.3.3). On the other side, there are papers that either are new and have not been cited yet, or those that do not have high influence.

However, the true “original” works are papers which have many citations (they are in top 2 percentile), but very few references (bottom 2 percentile). Based on performed analysis, it was found that such papers are:

“Natural Language Processing (almost) from Scratch” [ 125 ]—a neural network approach to learning internal representations of text, based on unlabeled training data. A similar idea was used in future publications, especially, the most cited paper about BERT model [ 48 ].

“Experimental Support for a Categorical Compositional Distributional Model of Meaning” [ 126 ]—a paper about “modelling compositional meaning for sentences using empirical distributional methods”.

“Gaussian error linear units (gelus)” [ 127 ]—paper introducing GELU, a new activation function in neural networks, which was extensively tested in future research [ 128 ].

Each of these papers introduced novel, very innovative ideas that inspired further research directions. They can be thus treated as belonging to a unique (separate) subset of contributions.

3.8 RQ6: Text Comprehension

Finally, an additional aspect of text belonging to the dataset was measured; text comprehensibility. This is a very complicated problem, which is still being explored. Taking into account that one of the considered audiences are researchers interested in starting work in NLP, text difficulty, using existing text complexity metrics, was evaluated. An important note is that these metrics are known for problems, such as: not considering complicated mathematical formula; skipping charts, pictures and other visuals. Keeping this in mind, let us proceed further.

3.8.1 Text Complexity

The most common comprehensibility measures map text to school grade, in the American education system [ 129 ]. In this way, it is established what is the expected level of reader that should be able to understand the text. The used measures were:

Flesch Reading Ease [ 130 ]

Flesch Kincaid Grade [ 130 ]

Gunning Fog [ 131 ]

Smog Index [ 132 ]

Automated Readability Index [ 130 ]

Coleman Liau Index [ 133 ]

Linsear Write Formula [ 134 ]

All measures return results on equal scale (school grade). Furthermore, they were all consistent in terms of paper scores. To provide the least biased results, the numerical values (Section 3.8.2) have been averaged to achieve a single, straightforward, measure for text complexity. Here, it should be noted that this was done also because delving into discussion of ultimate validity of individual comprehensibility measurements and pros/cons of each of them is out of scope of current contribution. Rather, the combined measure was calculated to obtain a general idea as to the “readability” of the literature in question.

The results can be averaged together between metrics, because all of they refer to the same scale (school grade).

3.8.2 RQ6: Establishing Complexity Level of NLP Literature

Results of the text complexity (RQ6) are rather intuitive.

As shown in Figure 22 , the averaged score of 15 comprehensibility metrics suggests that the majority of papers, in the NLP domain, can be understood by a person after “15th grade”. This matches roughly a person who finished the “1st stage” of college education (engineering studies, bachelor degree, and similar). Obviously, this result shows that use of such metrics to “scientific texts” has limited applicability, as they are based mostly on syntactic features of the text, while the semantics makes some of them difficult to follow even for the specialists. This, particularly, applies to texts which contain mathematical equations, which are being removed during text preprocessing.

Average reading grade (mean of all metrics; bottom 99th percentile) histogram showing what grade should the reader be to understand the papers.

Average reading grade (mean of all metrics; bottom 99th percentile) histogram showing what grade should the reader be to understand the papers.

3.9 Summary of Key Results

Let us now summarize the key finding, in the form of a question-answer for each of RQs that have been postulated in Section 1.

The datasets used most commonly for NLP research are: Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, WordNet, arXiv, Academic, SST (The Stanford Sentiment Treebank), SQuAD (The Stanford Question Answering Dataset), NLI and SNLI (Stanford Natural Language Inference Corpus), COCO (Common Objects in Context), Reddit.

RQ2: Which languages, other than English, appear as a topic of NLP research?

Languages analyzed most commonly in NLP research, apart from English and Chinese, are: German, French and Spanish.

The most popular fields studied in NLP literature are: Natural Language Processing/Language Computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks and deep learning and text embedding.

Particular tasks and problems, which appear in the literature, are: text embedding with BERT and transformers, machine translation between English and other languages (especially English-Chinese), sentiment analysis (most popular with Twitter and Wikipedia datasets), question answering models (with Wikipedia and SQuAD datasets), named entity recognition, and text summarization.

According to the text embedding analysis, there is not enough evidence to find a strongly distinguishable clusters. Hence, there are no outstanding subgroups in the NLP literature.

According to averaged standard comprehensibility measures, scientific texts related to NLP can be digested by a 15th graders, which maps to the 3rd year of higher education (e.g. College, Bachelor's degree studies etc.)

This analysis used Natural Language Processing methods to analyze scientific literature related to NLP. The goal was to answer 6 research questions (RQ1-RQ6). A total of 4712 scientific papers in the field of NLP from arXiv were analyzed. The work used and illustrated at the same time the following NLP methods: text extraction, text cleaning, text preprocessing, keyword and keyphrase search, text embeddings, abstractive and extractive text summarization, text complexity and other methods such as: clustering, metadata analysis, citation/reference analysis, network visualization. This analysis focuses on only Natural Language Processing and its subdomains, topics, etc. Since the procedures of obtaining results reported here were fully automated, the same or similar analysis could be analogically done with ease for different literature languages and even fields. Hence, all the tools used for the analysis are available in a designated repository ㉜ for future applications.

Specifically, the query had the form;max_results=10000 . Since such query may take long time to load; to reduce time, one can change the value of the max_results parameter to a smaller number, e.g. 5

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Editorial: perspectives for natural language processing between ai, linguistics and cognitive science.

\nAlessandro Lenci

  • 1 Computational Linguistics Laboratory, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
  • 2 Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Editorial on the Research Topic Perspectives for natural language processing between AI, linguistics and cognitive science

Natural Language Processing (NLP) today—like most of Artificial Intelligence (AI)—is much more of an “engineering” discipline than it originally was, when it sought to develop a general theory of human language understanding that not only translates into language technology, but that is also linguistically meaningful and cognitively plausible.

At first glance, this trend seems to be connected to the rapid development in the last 10 years that was driven to a large extent by the adoption of deep learning techniques. However, it can be argued that the move toward deep learning has the potential of bringing NLP back to its roots after all. Some recent activities and findings in this direction include: Techniques like multi-task learning have been used to integrate cognitive data as supervision in NLP tasks ( Barrett et al., 2016 ); Pre-training/fine-tuning regimens are potentially interpretable in terms of cognitive mechanisms like general competencies applied to specific tasks ( Flesch et al., 2018 ); The ability of modern models for ‘few-shot' or even ‘zero-shot' performance on novel tasks mirrors human performance ( Srivastava et al., 2018 ); Evidence of unsupervised structure learning in current neural network architectures that mirrors classical linguistic structures ( Hewitt and Manning, 2019 ; Tenney et al., 2019 ).

In terms of developing systems endowed with natural language capabilities, the last generation of neural network architectures has allowed AI and NLP to make unprecedented progress. Such systems (e.g., the GPT family) are typically trained with huge computational infrastructures on large amounts of textual data from which they acquire knowledge thanks to their extraordinary ability to record and generalize the statistical patterns found in data. However, the debate about the human-like semantic abilities that such “juggernaut models” really acquire is still wide open. In fact, despite the figures typically reported to show the success of AI on various benchmarks, other research argues that their semantic competence is still very brittle ( Lake and Baroni, 2018 ; Bender and Koller, 2020 ; Ravichander et al., 2020 ). Thus, an important limitation of current AI research is the lack of attention to the mechanisms behind human language understanding. The latter does not only consist of a brute-force, data-intensive processing of statistical regularities but it is also governed by complex inferential mechanisms that integrate linguistic information and contextual knowledge coming from different sources and potentially different modalities.

The current Research Topic was conceived on the assumption that the possibility for new breakthroughs in the study of human and machine intelligence calls for a new alliance between NLP, AI, and linguistic and cognitive research. The current computational paradigms can offer new ways to explore human language learning and processing, while linguistic and cognitive research can highlight those aspects of human intelligence that systems need to model or incorporate within their architectures.

We are very happy to present seven articles that embody this promise in different ways.

Two papers focus on the use of large neural language models to model aspects of natural language syntax, arguably a cornerstone of human linguistic competence, and therefore a target of much research in recent years. Oh et al.'s Comparison of structural parsers and neural language models as surprisal estimators contrasts the current standard architecture—neural parsers trained in a purely data-driven fashion—against a parser incorporating linguistic generalizations and find a better fit with various reading time measures for the latter. Kulmizev and Nivre's Schrödinger's tree–on syntax and neural language models makes a methodological contribution, sounding a note of caution about the current state of affairs. They point out the large impact that choices regarding experimental design and evaluation measures have on the study of syntactic generalizations in neural parsers.

Three more papers are concerned primarily with natural language semantics, a long-standing multi-dimensional problem that has so far resisted comprehensive modeling. The papers bring different methods to bear on this topic: Brown et al.'s Semantic representations for NLP using VerbNet and the generative lexicon continues a long tradition of careful linguistic modeling work, demonstrating how the combination of semantic theories and carefully curated lexical resources can provide computational predictions of event semantics with broad coverage. In contrast, Schulte im Walde and Frassinelli's Distributional measures of semantic abstraction proposes a decomposition of the concept of semantic abstraction into the two dimensions of abstractness/concreteness and specificity/generality and demonstrates that distributional corpus evidence can model both sub-aspects convincingly. The third paper, Stevenson and Merlo's Beyond the benchmarks: toward human-like lexical representations , is again located at the methodological level, offering a critical review of current computational investigations into lexical representation and perspectives looking forward. In particular, they stress the need for models able to address the rich structure of lexical meanings, which is still only partially tackled by mainstream computational semantic approaches, including those based on word embeddings.

The two final papers take seriously the idea of multimodality, extending their reach beyond textual data, as a strategy to address long-standing challenges in natural language processing. Bruera and Poesio's Exploring the representations of individual entities in the brain combining eeg and distributional semantics compare corpus-based and EEG-based embeddings for entities, paving the way toward a better understanding of the relationship between online and offline representations. Finally, Krishnaswamy and Pustejovsky's Affordance embeddings for situated language understanding ” argues that grounding of language in concrete situations, whether real or simulated, is a crucial step toward generalized learning, and demonstrate this claim with a model capable of learning properties of novel objects.

Taken together, we believe that these papers offer important contributions to the state of the art and open promising directions for future research. Despite their different approaches and perspectives, all papers support the same conclusion: It is time for a new alliance between AI, linguistics, and cognitive science, because only from their synergistic efforts and mutual feeding can we hope to achieve significant breakthroughs in the computational modeling of human intelligence and of natural language in particular. In closing, we would like to express our gratitude to the reviewers for their timely and insightful comments, and to the authors that have engaged with them a constructive scientific discussion.

Author contributions

AL and SP wrote the editorial together. Both authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher's note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

Barrett, M., Bingel, J., Keller, F., and Søgaard, A. (2016). “Weakly supervised part-of-speech tagging using eye-tracking data,” in Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. 2: Short Papers (Berlin: Association for Computational Linguistics), 579–584.

Google Scholar

Bender, E. M., and Koller, A. (2020). “Climbing towards NLU: on meaning, form, and understanding in the age of data,” in Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Seattle, WA: Association for Computational Linguistics), 5185–5198.

Flesch, T., Balaguer, J., Dekker, R., Nili, H., and Summerfield, C. (2018). Comparing continual task learning in minds and machines. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, E10313–E10322. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1800755115

PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar

Hewitt, J., and Manning, C. D. (2019). “A structural probe for finding syntax in word representations,” in Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Vol. 1: Long and Short Papers (Minneapolis, MN: Association for Computational Linguistics), 4129–4138.

Lake, B., and Baroni, M. (2018). “Generalization without systematicity: On the compositional skills of sequence-to-sequence recurrent networks,” in Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, Volume 80 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (Stockholm), eds J. Dy and A. Krause, 2873–2882.

Ravichander, A., Hovy, E., Suleman, K., Trischler, A., and Cheung, J. C. K. (2020). “On the systematicity of probing contextualized word representations: The case of hypernymy in BERT,” in Proceedings of the Ninth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (Barcelona: Association for Computational Linguistic), 88–102s.

Srivastava, S., Labutov, I., and Mitchell, T. (2018). “Zero-shot learning of classifiers from natural language quantification,” in Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. 1: Long Papers (Melbourne, VIC: Association for Computational Linguistics), 306–316.

Tenney, I., Das, D., and Pavlick, E. (2019). “BERT rediscovers the classical NLP pipeline,” in Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Florence: Association for Computational Linguistics), 4593–4601.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, natural language processing, linguistics, interdisciplinary, cognitive science

Citation: Lenci A and Padó S (2022) Editorial: Perspectives for natural language processing between AI, linguistics and cognitive science. Front. Artif. Intell. 5:1059998. doi: 10.3389/frai.2022.1059998

Received: 02 October 2022; Accepted: 13 October 2022; Published: 03 November 2022.

Edited and reviewed by: Shlomo Engelson Argamon , Illinois Institute of Technology, United States

Copyright © 2022 Lenci and Padó. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Alessandro Lenci,

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  • Published: 10 February 2024

The current state of artificial intelligence generative language models is more creative than humans on divergent thinking tasks

  • Kent F. Hubert   ORCID: 1   na1 ,
  • Kim N. Awa   ORCID: 1   na1 &
  • Darya L. Zabelina   ORCID: 1  

Scientific Reports volume  14 , Article number:  3440 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Human behaviour

The emergence of publicly accessible artificial intelligence (AI) large language models such as ChatGPT has given rise to global conversations on the implications of AI capabilities. Emergent research on AI has challenged the assumption that creative potential is a uniquely human trait thus, there seems to be a disconnect between human perception versus what AI is objectively capable of creating. Here, we aimed to assess the creative potential of humans in comparison to AI. In the present study, human participants (N = 151) and GPT-4 provided responses for the Alternative Uses Task, Consequences Task, and Divergent Associations Task. We found that AI was robustly more creative along each divergent thinking measurement in comparison to the human counterparts. Specifically, when controlling for fluency of responses, AI was more original and elaborate. The present findings suggest that the current state of AI language models demonstrate higher creative potential than human respondents.

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The emergence of ChatGPT—a natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI 1 to the general public has garnered global conversation on the utility of artificial intelligence (AI). OpenAI’s Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) is a type of machine learning that specializes in pattern recognition and prediction and has been further trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) so that ChatGPT responses would be indistinguishable from human responses. Recently, OpenAI 1 has advertised the new model (GPT-4) as “more creative” particularly “on creative and technical writing tasks” in comparison to previous versions, although there are arguably semantic limitations such as nonsensical answers or the possibilities of incorrect information generation 2 . Given the accessibility of AI models in the current climate, research across a variety of domains has started to emerge, thus contributing to our growing understanding of the possibilities and potential limitations of AI.

Creativity as a phenomenological construct is not immune to the effects of AI. For example, researchers have begun to assess AI models to determine appropriate design solutions 3 and logical reasoning 4 . These assessments focus on convergent thinking, i.e., determining one optimal solution to a pre-defined problem 5 . Traditionally, convergent thinking assumes an optimal single solution path and can be assessed through traditional intelligence measures or synthesis tasks. Although convergent thinking emphasizes single optimal solutions, this does not negate the potential for original or non-obvious solutions. However, convergent thinking tasks by design typically do not allow for flexible or out-of-the-box thinking. In contrast, divergent thinking involves generating multiple creative solutions to a problem which allows for the flexibility to determine multiple creative solutions 6 . Creativity researchers commonly focus on divergent creativity (in comparison to convergent creativity), given the associative mechanisms that allude to people’s ability to generate creative solutions (i.e., creative potential). Specifically, divergent thinking is considered an indicator of a person’s creative potential, but this does not guarantee creative achievement 7 . Instead, creative potential can be indicative on future capability, rather than an immediate trait that determines if someone is creative. Accordingly, a person’s creative potential has been captured via divergent thinking tasks such as the Alternative Uses Task [AUT 6 , 7 ] or the Consequences Task [CT 8 , 9 ]. Divergent thinking tasks can be evaluated along three dimensions: fluency (number of responses), originality (response novelty), and elaboration (length/detail of response). Responses in each category are given scores (i.e., according to each task) and used to assess individual differences in divergent creativity, or in other words, a person’s creative potential.

Given the emergence of OpenAI’s GPT-4 as a large language model, research has begun to empirically assess the creative potential of artificial intelligence language models through divergent thinking tasks. On one hand, some researchers argue that the human cognitive mechanisms present during creative tasks are not present in AI, and thus the creative potential of artificial intelligence can only reflect artificial creativity 10 . On the other hand, computational creativity suggests parallel networks that reflect the mechanisms of how humans go through iterative, deliberative, and generative creative processes which aid in the ability to determine creative solutions 11 . Although these aspects have been shown to aid in creative solutions, humans can experience idea fixedness, which can act as a roadblock to other creative solutions. Machines, however, will not experience this phenomenon in a metacognitive way due to computationally trained models that streamline a machine’s direct responses to a prompt 12 , 13 , 14 . Instead, a machine’s fixedness may perhaps reflect the training data of the model which could be argued is a computational consideration, rather than a creative one.

Furthermore, computational researchers have posed increasing debate on the creative capabilities of artificial intelligence models 15 by asking questions such as: How are machines capable of determining what is creative? At present, AI’s inability to explicitly determine why or if something is creative is then compensated through human-assistance. For example, human intervention is necessary for inputting appropriate and relevant data to train the model and shape outputs to become more linguistically natural 16 , 17 . This computational limitation suggests that AI is not capable of divergent creativity due to the lack of metacognitive processes (i.e., evaluation, task motivation) because AI could not generate creative ideas or reiterate on existing ideas without the intervention (i.e., input) of a human user 10 . Similarly, emotions have been seen as an integral part of creativity such that emotions help dictate states of flow or mind-wandering that aid in creative processes 18 . However, AI may not necessarily need to rely on metacognitive or affective processes to generate novel ideas 19 due to the computational framework. Thus, inner processes that contribute to human creativity may be a philosophical argument within artificial creativity models 20 .

As briefly reviewed, the creative capabilities of artificial intelligence, thus far, have scientifically and philosophically varied [e.g., 10 , 20 ]. Researchers posit humanistic and computational considerations of the creative potential of AI, however, the accessibility of tools to artificially generate products or ideas have given researchers the opportunity to evaluate public perception. For instance, people think more highly of generated artworks if they were told the artworks were created by humans but not AI 21 , 22 . The expectancy that AI generated products or ideas are less creative or hold less aesthetic value than human-created artworks appear to depend on implicit anti-AI biases 22 , 23 , 24 , as AI has been found to be indistinguishable from human-created products 25 , 26 , 27 . People’s inability to distinguish between human and AI-created products supports the feasibility of AI having creative potential.

Indeed, AI has been found to generate novel connections in music 28 , science 26 , medicine 29 , and visual art 30 to name a few. In assessments of divergent thinking, humans outperformed AI on the Alternative Uses Task 31 , but it is noteworthy that the authors propose a possible rise in AI capabilities given future progress of large language models. In fact, recent studies have found that AI divergent creativity matched that of humans using a later version of GPT-4 32 , 33 . Researchers have continued to demonstrate that the current state of LLM’s frequently score within the top 1% of human responses on standard divergent thinking tasks such as the Alternative Uses Task 32 , 33 , 34 . Additional studies utilizing other divergent thinking tasks have also reported findings that paint a more nuanced picture. For example, when scores were compared between humans and GPT-4 on a Divergent Associations Task (DAT 35 ), the researcher found that GPT-4 was more creative than human counterparts 36 . Recent research on OpenAI’s text-to-image platform DALL▪E has reported similar findings 37 and suggests that OpenAI models could match or even outperform humans in combinational creativity tasks. Given the research on AI creativity thus far, OpenAI’s advertorial claims that GPT-4 is “more creative” may hold more merit than anticipated.

Current research

Thus far, the novelty of OpenAI’s ChatGPT has posed more questions that have yet to be examined. Although creativity has considered to be a uniquely human trait 38 , the emergence of OpenAI’s generative models suggests a possible shift in how people may approach tasks that require “out of the box” thinking. Thus, the current research aims to examine how divergent creativity (i.e., fluency, originality, elaboration) may differ between humans and AI on verbal divergent thinking tasks. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to comprehensively examine the verbal responses across a battery of the most common divergent thinking tasks (i.e., Alternative Uses Task, Consequences Task, and Divergent Associations Task) with novel methodology by matching the fluency of ideas between human subjects and ChatGPT. We anticipate that AI may demonstrate higher creative potential in comparison to humans, though given the recency of AI-centered creativity research, our primary research questions serve as exploratory in nature.


Human participation.

Human participants (N = 151) were recruited via Prolific online data collection platform in exchange for monetary compensation of $8.00. Participants were limited to having a reported approval rating above 97%, were proficient English speakers, and were born/resided in the USA. Average total response time for completing the survey was 34.66 min. A statistical sensitivity analysis indicated that we had sufficient power to detect small effects with the present sample size ( f 2  = 0.06, 1 −  β  = 0.80). The present study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research at the University of Arkansas. All participants provided informed consent prior to the start of the study. All statistical analyses were conducted in R studio 39 . See Table 1 for participant demographics.

AI participation

Artificial participants were operationalized as ChatGPT’s instancing feature. Each ChatGPT session was considered an independent interaction between the user and GPT interface. Here, we prompted separate instances per creativity measure (as detailed below) which resulted in artificial participation sessions. For example, we used a single session instance to feed each prompt and aggregated each prompt response into a data file. In total, we collected 151 instances which represent AI’s participation for a balanced sample. For two of the creativity measures (Alternative Uses Task and Consequences Task), which are the only timed tasks, fluency was matched 1:1 such that the number of responses for both groups is equal on these timed tasks. Fluency scores of each human respondent were first calculated to match 1:1 for each GPT-4 instance for the Alternative Uses Task and Consequences Task (detailed below). Only valid responses were retained. For example, human participant #52 had a total fluency score of 6, thus GPT-4 instance #52 was instructed to provide 6 responses.

Creativity measures

Alternative uses task.

The Alternate Uses Task (AUT 6 ) was used to test divergent thinking. In this task, participants were presented with a common object (‘fork’ and ‘rope’) and were asked to generate as many creative uses as possible for these objects. Responses were scored for fluency (i.e., number of responses), originality (i.e., uniqueness of responses), and elaboration (i.e., number of words per valid response). Participants were given 3 min to generate their responses for each item. Following prior research 40 , instructions for human respondents on the AUT were:

For this task, you'll be asked to come up with as many original and creative uses for [item] as you can. The goal is to come up with creative ideas, which are ideas that strike people as clever, unusual, interesting, uncommon, humorous, innovative, or different. Your ideas don't have to be practical or realistic; they can be silly or strange, even, so long as they are CREATIVE uses rather than ordinary uses. You can enter as many ideas as you like. The task will take 3 minutes. You can type in as many ideas as you like until then, but creative quality is more important than quantity. It's better to have a few really good ideas than a lot of uncreative ones. List as many ORIGINAL and CREATIVE uses for a [item] .

Because the goal was to control for fluency, we excluded prompt parameters such as 'quantity' from the GPT-4 instructions. Similarly, GPT does not need timing parameters in comparison to humans because we denoted the specific number of responses required. See below for instructions used per GPT instance:

For this task, you'll be asked to come up with as original and creative uses for [item] as you can. The goal is to come up with creative ideas, which are ideas that strike people as clever, unusual, interesting, uncommon, humorous, innovative, or different. Your ideas don't have to be practical or realistic; they can be silly or strange, even, so long as they are CREATIVE uses rather than ordinary uses. List [insert fluency number] ORIGINAL and CREATIVE uses for a [item].

Consequences task

The Consequences Task (CT 8 , 9 ) is part of the verbal section of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) that provides prompts to hypothetical scenarios (i.e., what would happen if humans no longer needed to sleep?). Similar to the AUT, people respond to as many consequences to the prompt as they can within a given timeframe. Responses were scored for fluency (i.e., number of responses), originality (i.e., uniqueness of responses), and elaboration (i.e., number of words per valid response). General task instructions for human respondents were:

In this task, a statement will appear on the screen. The statement might be something like "imagine gravity ceases to exist". For 3 minutes, try and think of any and all consequences that might result from the statement. Please be as creative as you like. The goal is to come up with creative ideas, which are ideas that strike people as clever, unusual, interesting, uncommon, humorous, innovative, or different. Your responses will be scored based on originality and quality. Remember, it is important to try to keep thinking of responses and to type them in for the entire time for the prompt. REMINDER: In this task, a statement will appear on the screen. The statement might be something like "imagine gravity ceases to exist". For 3 minutes, try and think of any and all consequences that might result from the statement. Do this as many times as you can in 3 min. The screen will automatically change when the time is completed. Remember, it is important to try to keep thinking of responses and to type them in for the entire time for the prompt.

Participants were given two prompts shown independently: “Imagine humans no longer needed sleep,” and “Imagine humans walked with their hands.” The two CT prompts have been extensively used in research on divergent thinking 41 , 42 , 43 . Similar to the AUT, fluency and timing parameters were excluded from the GPT instructions on the CT:

In this task, a statement will appear on the screen. The statement might be something like "imagine gravity ceases to exist". Please be as creative as you like. The goal is to come up with creative ideas, which are ideas that strike people as clever, unusual, interesting, uncommon, humorous, innovative, or different. Your responses will be scored based on originality and quality. Try and think of any and all consequences that might result from the statement. [Insert scenario]. What problems might this create? List [insert fluency number] CREATIVE consequences.

Divergent associations task

The Divergent Association Task (DAT 35 ) is a task of divergent and verbal semantic creative ability. This task asks participants to come up with 10 nouns as different from each other as possible. These nouns must not be proper nouns or any type of technical term. Pairwise comparisons of semantic distance between the 10 nouns are calculated using cosine distance. The average distance scores between all pairwise comparisons are then multiplied by 100 that results in a final DAT score ( ). High scores indicate longer distances (i.e., words are not similar). Task instructions for both human participants and GPT-4 were:

Please enter 10 words that are as different from each other as possible, in all meanings and uses of the words. The rules: Only single words in English. Only nouns (e.g., things, objects, concepts). No proper nouns (e.g., no specific people or places). No specialized vocabulary (e.g., no technical terms). Think of the words on your own (e.g., do not just look at objects in your surroundings).

There were no time constraints for this task. The average human response time was 126.19 s ( SD  = 90.62) and the average DAT score was 76.95 ( SD  = 6.13). We scored all appropriate words that participants gave. Participants with fewer than 7 responses were excluded from data analysis (n = 2). Instructions were identical for the GPT-4 to the human instructions.

Human participants’ responses were collected online via Qualtrics. The entire study took on average 34 min ( SD  = 13.64). The order of the creativity tasks was counterbalanced. The online study used two attention checks randomly presented throughout the study. Each attention check allowed one additional attempt. Participants who failed two attention checks were removed from all analyses (N = 2). After providing their responses to each task, participants answered demographics questions.

GPT-4 procedural responses were generated through human-assistance facilitated by the first author, who provided each prompt in the following order: AUT, CT, and DAT. We did not have to account for typical human-centered confounds such as feelings of fatigue 44 , 45 and order biases 44 as these states are not relevant confounds in AI, thus the order of tasks was not counterbalanced.

Research disclosure statement

All variables, measurements, and exclusions for this article’s target research question have been reported in the methods section.

Creativity scoring

Both human and GPT-4 responses were cleaned to remove any instances that were incomplete or inappropriate at two stages: First, human responses that did not follow instructions from the task or were not understandable as a use (AUT; 0.96% removed) or a consequence (CT; 4.83%) were removed. Only valid human responses were used in matching for GPT fluency; Second, inappropriate or incomplete GPT responses for the AUT (< 0.001% removed) and CT (< 0.001% removed) were removed. Despite matching for fluency, only valid responses in both groups were used in subsequent analyses.

Traditional scoring methods of divergent thinking tasks have required human ratings of products or ideas and are assumed to be normative tasks (i.e., consensus will eventually be met with more raters). Here, we used the Open Creativity Scoring tool [OCS 46 ] to automate scoring of semantic distance objectively by capturing the originality of ideas by assigning scores of the remoteness (uniqueness) of responses. Unlike human scoring which requires multiple factors of consideration (e.g., fatigue, biases, time, cost 47 ) which could result in potential confounds, automated scoring tools such as OCS circumvent the human-centered issues and has been found to robustly correlate with human ratings 46 .

Open Creativity Scoring tool (OCS 46 ) was used to score both the AUT and CT tasks. Specifically, the semantic distance scoring tool 17 was used, which applies the GLoVe 840B text-mining model 48 to assess originality of responses by representing a prompt and response as vectors in semantic space and calculates the cosine of the angle between the vectors. The OCS tool also scores for elaboration by using the stoplist method 46 . The prompts for the AUT were “rope” and “fork” and the prompts for the CT were “humans no sleep” and “humans walked hands.”

Preliminary results

Descriptive statistics for all tasks are reported in Tables 2 and 3 . Fluency descriptive statistics are reported in Table 2 . Semantic distance descriptive statistics are reported in Table 3 .

Primary results

As expected, an independent sample t -test revealed no significant differences in total fluency due to controlling for fluency (as detailed above) between humans ( M  = 6.94, SD  = 3.80) and GPT-4 ( M  = 7.01, SD  = 3.81), t (602) = 0.21, 95% CI [− 0.54, 0.67], p  = 0.83.

To assess originality of responses via semantic distance scores, we conducted a 2 (group: human, GPT-4) X 2 (prompt: ‘fork, rope) analysis of variance. The model revealed significant main effects of group ( F (1, 600) = 622.10, p  < 0.001, η 2  = 0.51) and prompt ( F (1, 600) = 584.50, p  < 0.001, η 2  = 0.49) on originality of responses. Additionally, there were significant interaction effects between group and prompt, F (1, 600) = 113.80, p  < 0.001, η 2  = 0.16. Particularly, both samples had higher originality scores for the prompt ‘fork’ in comparison to ‘rope,’ but GPT-4 scored higher in originality, regardless of prompt. Tukey’s HSD post hoc analysis showed that all pairwise comparisons were significantly different ( p  < 0.001) aside from the human ‘fork’ and GPT-4 ‘rope’ originality ( p  = 0.989). Overall, GPT-4 was more successful at coming up with divergent responses given the same number of opportunities to generate answers compared to the human counterpart and showed higher originality but only for specific prompts (Fig.  1 ).

figure 1

Analysis of variance of originality on the alternative uses task.

Next, we compared elaboration scores between humans and GPT-4. Fluency scores differ from elaboration in the sense that fluency accounts for each coherent response whereas elaboration quantifies the number of words per valid response. For example, a person could respond “you could use a fork to knit or as a hair comb.” In this example, the fluency would be 2 (knitting instrument and comb), but the elaboration would be 12 (number of words used in the response). The results of an independent t -test revealed that elaboration was significantly higher for GPT-4 ( M  = 15.45, SD  = 6.74) in comparison to humans ( M  = 3.38, SD  = 2.91), t (602) = 28.57, 95% CI [11.24, 12.90], p  < 0.001.

As expected, an independent t -test revealed no significant differences in total fluency between humans ( M  = 5.71, SD  = 3.20) and GPT-4 ( M  = 5.50, SD  = 3.15), t (621) = 0.82, 95% CI [− 0.29, 0.71], p  = 0.41.

To assess originality of responses via semantic distance scores, we conducted a 2 (group: human, GPT) X 2 (prompt: ‘no more sleep,’ ‘walk on hands’) analysis of variance. The model revealed significant main effects of group ( F (1, 619) = 622.10, p  < 0.001, η 2  = 0.51) and prompt ( F (1, 619) = 584.50, p  < 0.001, η 2  = 0.49) on the originality of responses. Additionally, there were significant interaction effects between group and prompt, F (1, 619) = 113.80, p  < 0.001, η 2  = 0.16. Particularly, originality was marginally higher for the prompt ‘walk on hands’ in the GPT sample, although there were no significant differences in originality in the human sample between the two prompts. Tukey’s HSD post hoc analysis showed that all pairwise comparisons were significantly different ( p  < 0.001) aside from the human responses for both prompts ( p  = 0.607). Overall, GPT-4 was more successful at coming up with more divergent responses given the same number of opportunities compared to the human counterparts, and also showed higher originality dependent on prompt type (Fig.  2 ).

figure 2

Analysis of variance of originality on the consequences task.

Next, we calculated the difference in elaboration between humans and GPT-4. The results of an independent I-test revealed that elaboration was significantly higher in the GPT-4 sample ( M  = 38.69, SD  = 15.60) than in the human sample ( M  = 5.45, SD  = 4.04), t (621) = − 36.04, 95% CI [− 35.04, − 31.45], p  < 0.001.

We assessed the qualitative aspect of the words generated in the DAT between both humans and GPT through word occurrence. Namely, the frequency of single-occurrence (non-repeating words within groups) and unique occurrence (words only occurring once between groups).

Humans had a higher number of single-occurrence words (n = 523) that accounted for 69.92% within the total group response in comparison to GPT’s number of single-occurrence words (n = 152) that accounted for 47.95% within the total group response (Table 4 ). In total, there was 9.11% (n = 97) of overlapping responses between both groups. Exclusively unique words that only occurred in the human responses accounted for 87.03% (n = 651) in comparison to unique GPT responses which accounted for 69.40% (n = 220).

A chi-square test of independence was performed to examine the relationship between groups (GPT vs human) and word type (single occurrence vs unique occurrence). The relationship between these variables was not significant, \(\chi\) 2 (1, N  = 302) = 1.56, p  = 0.211. This suggests that uniqueness and occurrences of words may not have necessarily aided either group in originality, but rather aided in word complexity.

Differences in semantic distance scores were calculated between human and GPT-4 DAT responses. An independent sample t -test revealed that GPT responses ( M  = 84.56, SD  = 3.05) had higher semantic distances in comparison to human responses ( M  = 76.95, SD  = 6.13), t (300) = 13.65, 95% CI [6.51, 8.71], p  < 0.001. Despite human participants having a broader range of unique responses, the fluency uniqueness did not appear to advantage semantic distance scores when comparing groups.

The present study offers novel evidence on the current state of large language models (i.e., GPT-4) and the capabilities of divergent creative output in comparison to human participants. Overall, GPT-4 was more original and elaborate than humans on each of the divergent thinking tasks, even when controlling for fluency of responses. In other words, GPT-4 demonstrated higher creative potential across an entire battery of divergent thinking tasks (i.e., Alternative Uses Task, Consequences Task, and Divergent Associations Task).

Notably, no other study has comprehensively assessed multiple dimensions of the most frequently used divergent thinking tasks and AI. However, studies have begun to examine differences in divergent creativity between humans and AI, particularly after the public emergence of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, with findings showing that AI’s creative potential scores within the top 1% of human responses in terms of originality 32 , 33 , 34 . While there has been an influx in research examining the creativity of generative language models, to date only one previous study showed that humans outperformed GPT on the AUT (GPT-3 31 ), while another study reported that later versions of GPT (GPT-4 showed similar, albeit slightly less, creative potential in comparison to humans 32 ). Similarly, one previous study demonstrated that generative models were improved in GPT 4 compared to GPT 3.5, particularly in terms of fluency, but interestingly, not in terms of elaboration 49 which suggests that the creative potential of these LLM’s are improving, particularly the ability to generate original ideas. Indeed, only one other study thus far has reported similar results that GPT outperformed humans on the DAT 36 , but the DAT is only one aspect of divergent thinking. Instead, the novelty of the present findings provides a foundation for future research to continue to examine multiple dimensions of divergent thinking and artificial intelligence.

While the present results suggest that the current state of AI models outperform humans on divergent thinking tasks by a significant margin, there are methodological considerations that could have contributed to the present results. To comprehensively examine creativity requires not only an assessment of originality, but also of the usefulness and appropriateness of an idea or product 50 . Traditionally, this has proven difficult to standardize in comparison to assessing originality given the multifaceted dimensions that contribute to assessments of appropriateness such as accounting for sociocultural and historical contexts. Semantic distance scores do not take into consideration the aforementioned variables; instead, the scores reflect the relative distance between seemingly related (or unrelated) ideas. In this instance, GPT-4’s answers yielded higher originality than human counterparts, but the feasibility or appropriateness of an idea could be vastly inferior to that of humans. Thus, we need to consider that the results reflect only a single aspect of divergent thinking, rather than a generalization that AI is indeed more creative across the board. Future research on AI and creativity needs to not only account for the traditional measurements of creativity (i.e., fluency, elaboration, originality) but also for the usefulness and appropriateness of the ideas.

Interestingly, GPT-4 used a higher frequency of repeated words in comparison to human respondents. Although the breadth of vocabulary used by human responses was much more flexible, this did not necessarily result in higher semantic distance scores. Flexibility, or number of categories of responses, has also been found to be smaller (i.e., more similar categories of words were generated) for AI in comparison to humans 34 . In other words, like our present results, humans came up with a wider range of responses, however, this did not indicate increased originality. These findings highlight the consideration that flexible thinking may be the strong point in human-centered divergent thinking.

More so, the complexity of words chosen by AI, albeit more concentrated in occurrence, could have more robustly contributed to the originality effects. For example, only AI used words that are non-tangible items (i.e., freedom, philosophy) whereas humans may have experienced a fixedness on generating ideas that are appropriate and observable. The differences between generated lists (incorporating tangible and non-tangible word) could inflate originality to be biased toward AI.

Similarly, we need to critically consider the uniqueness of words generated in DAT responses. There was a marginal overlap of responses between the human and the AI samples (9.11%), but humans responded with a higher number of single-occurrence words. Despite these differences, AI still had a higher semantic distance score. Prior research shows that in human respondent’s originality increases over time 51 . This increase is seen as an expansion of activation in an individual’s semantic network, which leads to more original responses 52 . Human responses on these DT tasks tend to follow a diminishing returns curve before reaching a plateau for an individual’s more original responses 53 . The higher levels of elaboration and semantic distance in AI responses suggests that the LLM processing possibly does not need this ramp-up time as seen in human responses, therefore LLM’s can respond with their highest level of original responses when prompted. Whereas humans may fixate on more obvious responses at first, this algorithmic trait could then serve as an aid in overcoming ideation fixedness in humans.

It is important to note that the measures used in this study are all measures of creative potential, but involvement in creative activities or achievements is another aspect of measuring a person’s creativity. Creative potential is not a guarantee for creative achievement; instead, we need to consider creative potential as an indicator of a person’s creative capabilities 7 . Here, AI was more original thus indicating higher creative potential, but this metric may more appropriately reflect the advancement of the algorithms these models were trained on in conjunction with human input. In other words, AI, unlike humans, does not have agency, thus AI creative potentials are dependent on the assistance of a human user to elicit responses. Therefore, the creative potential of AI is in a constant state of stagnation unless prompted.

Moreover, researchers have examined the interplay between creative potential and real-world creative achievements 54 , 55 but this approach assumes human level creativity and is not able to account for artificial intelligence. AI can generate creative ideas, but it cannot be assumed that this potential would translate to achievement. The creative potential of AI is limited by the (lack of) autonomy of what the algorithms can create (i.e., creative potential) without the intervention of human assistance. Thus, future research should consider the conceptual implications of current measurements of creativity as implicated in applications in real-world settings and how generalizability at the intersection of potential and achievement may be a human-centric consideration.

The prevalence and accessibility of the internet has drastically shaped the way in which humans interact with language processing systems and search engines. LLM’s such as GPT-4 are now not an exception in ubiquity. Searching for information has multiple channels which were not previously available, and with these functions come an array of strategies to best find the desired information. Research has shown that younger people are better and more efficient in their search strategies online to find the information they want 56 , which suggests that exposure to search platforms acts as a practice in efficiency. Similar to interactions with GPT-4 and other AI platforms, humans may gradually navigate how to best utilize LLM’s. For information seeking tools like GPT-4, the creative potential has shown clear progression in capabilities, albeit there are still limitations such as response appropriateness and AI’s ability to generate idiosyncratic associations. Generative AI has demonstrated robustness in creative potential but has also shown weaknesses (i.e., less flexible thinking) that could then be supplemented by human assistance. Moving forward, future possibilities of AI acting as a tool of inspiration, as an aid in a person’s creative process, or to overcome fixedness is promising.

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These authors contributed equally: Kent F. Hubert and Kim N. Awa.

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Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA

Kent F. Hubert, Kim N. Awa & Darya L. Zabelina

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D.L.Z., K.F.H., and K.N.A. contributed to the conceptualization and methodology. K.F.H. and K.N.A. contributed to formal analysis and investigation. K.F.H. prepared all figures. K.N.A. prepared all tables. D.L.Z., K.F.H., and K.N.A. contributed to writing and revision.

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Hubert, K.F., Awa, K.N. & Zabelina, D.L. The current state of artificial intelligence generative language models is more creative than humans on divergent thinking tasks. Sci Rep 14 , 3440 (2024).

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Received : 14 October 2023

Accepted : 30 January 2024

Published : 10 February 2024


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natural language processing in ai research paper

natural language processing in ai research paper

Natural Language Processing


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the hottest areas of artificial intelligence (AI) thanks to applications like text generators that compose coherent essays, chatbots that fool people into thinking they’re sentient, and text-to-image programs that produce photorealistic images of anything you can describe. Recent years have brought a revolution in the ability of computers to understand human languages, programming languages, and even biological and chemical sequences, such as DNA and protein structures, that resemble language. The latest AI models are unlocking these areas to analyze the meanings of input text and generate meaningful, expressive output.

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural language processing (NLP) is the discipline of building machines that can manipulate human language — or data that resembles human language — in the way that it is written, spoken, and organized. It evolved from computational linguistics, which uses computer science to understand the principles of language, but rather than developing theoretical frameworks, NLP is an engineering discipline that seeks to build technology to accomplish useful tasks. NLP can be divided into two overlapping subfields: natural language understanding (NLU), which focuses on semantic analysis or determining the intended meaning of text, and natural language generation (NLG), which focuses on text generation by a machine. NLP is separate from — but often used in conjunction with — speech recognition, which seeks to parse spoken language into words, turning sound into text and vice versa.

Why Does Natural Language Processing (NLP) Matter?

NLP is an integral part of everyday life and becoming more so as language technology is applied to diverse fields like retailing (for instance, in customer service chatbots) and medicine (interpreting or summarizing electronic health records). Conversational agents such as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri utilize NLP to listen to user queries and find answers. The most sophisticated such agents — such as GPT-3, which was recently opened for commercial applications — can generate sophisticated prose on a wide variety of topics as well as power chatbots that are capable of holding coherent conversations. Google uses NLP to improve its search engine results , and social networks like Facebook use it to detect and filter hate speech . 

NLP is growing increasingly sophisticated, yet much work remains to be done. Current systems are prone to bias and incoherence, and occasionally behave erratically. Despite the challenges, machine learning engineers have many opportunities to apply NLP in ways that are ever more central to a functioning society.

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP) Used For?

NLP is used for a wide variety of language-related tasks, including answering questions, classifying text in a variety of ways, and conversing with users. 

Here are 11 tasks that can be solved by NLP:

  • Sentiment analysis is the process of classifying the emotional intent of text. Generally, the input to a sentiment classification model is a piece of text, and the output is the probability that the sentiment expressed is positive, negative, or neutral. Typically, this probability is based on either hand-generated features, word n-grams, TF-IDF features, or using deep learning models to capture sequential long- and short-term dependencies. Sentiment analysis is used to classify customer reviews on various online platforms as well as for niche applications like identifying signs of mental illness in online comments.

NLP sentiment analysis illustration

  • Toxicity classification is a branch of sentiment analysis where the aim is not just to classify hostile intent but also to classify particular categories such as threats, insults, obscenities, and hatred towards certain identities. The input to such a model is text, and the output is generally the probability of each class of toxicity. Toxicity classification models can be used to moderate and improve online conversations by silencing offensive comments , detecting hate speech , or scanning documents for defamation . 
  • Machine translation automates translation between different languages. The input to such a model is text in a specified source language, and the output is the text in a specified target language. Google Translate is perhaps the most famous mainstream application. Such models are used to improve communication between people on social-media platforms such as Facebook or Skype. Effective approaches to machine translation can distinguish between words with similar meanings . Some systems also perform language identification; that is, classifying text as being in one language or another. 
  • Named entity recognition aims to extract entities in a piece of text into predefined categories such as personal names, organizations, locations, and quantities. The input to such a model is generally text, and the output is the various named entities along with their start and end positions. Named entity recognition is useful in applications such as summarizing news articles and combating disinformation . For example, here is what a named entity recognition model could provide: 

named entity recognition NLP

  • Spam detection is a prevalent binary classification problem in NLP, where the purpose is to classify emails as either spam or not. Spam detectors take as input an email text along with various other subtexts like title and sender’s name. They aim to output the probability that the mail is spam. Email providers like Gmail use such models to provide a better user experience by detecting unsolicited and unwanted emails and moving them to a designated spam folder. 
  • Grammatical error correction models encode grammatical rules to correct the grammar within text. This is viewed mainly as a sequence-to-sequence task, where a model is trained on an ungrammatical sentence as input and a correct sentence as output. Online grammar checkers like Grammarly and word-processing systems like Microsoft Word use such systems to provide a better writing experience to their customers. Schools also use them to grade student essays . 
  • Topic modeling is an unsupervised text mining task that takes a corpus of documents and discovers abstract topics within that corpus. The input to a topic model is a collection of documents, and the output is a list of topics that defines words for each topic as well as assignment proportions of each topic in a document. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), one of the most popular topic modeling techniques, tries to view a document as a collection of topics and a topic as a collection of words. Topic modeling is being used commercially to help lawyers find evidence in legal documents . 
  • Autocomplete predicts what word comes next, and autocomplete systems of varying complexity are used in chat applications like WhatsApp. Google uses autocomplete to predict search queries. One of the most famous models for autocomplete is GPT-2, which has been used to write articles , song lyrics , and much more. 
  • Database query: We have a database of questions and answers, and we would like a user to query it using natural language. 
  • Conversation generation: These chatbots can simulate dialogue with a human partner. Some are capable of engaging in wide-ranging conversations . A high-profile example is Google’s LaMDA, which provided such human-like answers to questions that one of its developers was convinced that it had feelings .
  • Information retrieval finds the documents that are most relevant to a query. This is a problem every search and recommendation system faces. The goal is not to answer a particular query but to retrieve, from a collection of documents that may be numbered in the millions, a set that is most relevant to the query. Document retrieval systems mainly execute two processes: indexing and matching. In most modern systems, indexing is done by a vector space model through Two-Tower Networks, while matching is done using similarity or distance scores. Google recently integrated its search function with a multimodal information retrieval model that works with text, image, and video data.

information retrieval illustration

  • Extractive summarization focuses on extracting the most important sentences from a long text and combining these to form a summary. Typically, extractive summarization scores each sentence in an input text and then selects several sentences to form the summary.
  • Abstractive summarization produces a summary by paraphrasing. This is similar to writing the abstract that includes words and sentences that are not present in the original text. Abstractive summarization is usually modeled as a sequence-to-sequence task, where the input is a long-form text and the output is a summary.
  • Multiple choice: The multiple-choice question problem is composed of a question and a set of possible answers. The learning task is to pick the correct answer. 
  • Open domain : In open-domain question answering, the model provides answers to questions in natural language without any options provided, often by querying a large number of texts.

How Does Natural Language Processing (NLP) Work?

NLP models work by finding relationships between the constituent parts of language — for example, the letters, words, and sentences found in a text dataset. NLP architectures use various methods for data preprocessing, feature extraction, and modeling. Some of these processes are: 

  • Stemming and lemmatization : Stemming is an informal process of converting words to their base forms using heuristic rules. For example, “university,” “universities,” and “university’s” might all be mapped to the base univers . (One limitation in this approach is that “universe” may also be mapped to univers , even though universe and university don’t have a close semantic relationship.) Lemmatization is a more formal way to find roots by analyzing a word’s morphology using vocabulary from a dictionary. Stemming and lemmatization are provided by libraries like spaCy and NLTK. 
  • Sentence segmentation breaks a large piece of text into linguistically meaningful sentence units. This is obvious in languages like English, where the end of a sentence is marked by a period, but it is still not trivial. A period can be used to mark an abbreviation as well as to terminate a sentence, and in this case, the period should be part of the abbreviation token itself. The process becomes even more complex in languages, such as ancient Chinese, that don’t have a delimiter that marks the end of a sentence. 
  • Stop word removal aims to remove the most commonly occurring words that don’t add much information to the text. For example, “the,” “a,” “an,” and so on.
  • Tokenization splits text into individual words and word fragments. The result generally consists of a word index and tokenized text in which words may be represented as numerical tokens for use in various deep learning methods. A method that instructs language models to ignore unimportant tokens can improve efficiency.  

tokenizers NLP illustration

  • Bag-of-Words: Bag-of-Words counts the number of times each word or n-gram (combination of n words) appears in a document. For example, below, the Bag-of-Words model creates a numerical representation of the dataset based on how many of each word in the word_index occur in the document. 

tokenizers bag of words nlp

  • Term Frequency: How important is the word in the document?

TF(word in a document)= Number of occurrences of that word in document / Number of words in document

  • Inverse Document Frequency: How important is the term in the whole corpus?

IDF(word in a corpus)=log(number of documents in the corpus / number of documents that include the word)

A word is important if it occurs many times in a document. But that creates a problem. Words like “a” and “the” appear often. And as such, their TF score will always be high. We resolve this issue by using Inverse Document Frequency, which is high if the word is rare and low if the word is common across the corpus. The TF-IDF score of a term is the product of TF and IDF. 

tokenizers tf idf illustration

  • Word2Vec , introduced in 2013 , uses a vanilla neural network to learn high-dimensional word embeddings from raw text. It comes in two variations: Skip-Gram, in which we try to predict surrounding words given a target word, and Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW), which tries to predict the target word from surrounding words. After discarding the final layer after training, these models take a word as input and output a word embedding that can be used as an input to many NLP tasks. Embeddings from Word2Vec capture context. If particular words appear in similar contexts, their embeddings will be similar.
  • GLoVE is similar to Word2Vec as it also learns word embeddings, but it does so by using matrix factorization techniques rather than neural learning. The GLoVE model builds a matrix based on the global word-to-word co-occurrence counts. 
  • Numerical features extracted by the techniques described above can be fed into various models depending on the task at hand. For example, for classification, the output from the TF-IDF vectorizer could be provided to logistic regression, naive Bayes, decision trees, or gradient boosted trees. Or, for named entity recognition, we can use hidden Markov models along with n-grams. 
  • Deep neural networks typically work without using extracted features, although we can still use TF-IDF or Bag-of-Words features as an input. 
  • Language Models : In very basic terms, the objective of a language model is to predict the next word when given a stream of input words. Probabilistic models that use Markov assumption are one example:

P(W n )=P(W n |W n−1 )

Deep learning is also used to create such language models. Deep-learning models take as input a word embedding and, at each time state, return the probability distribution of the next word as the probability for every word in the dictionary. Pre-trained language models learn the structure of a particular language by processing a large corpus, such as Wikipedia. They can then be fine-tuned for a particular task. For instance, BERT has been fine-tuned for tasks ranging from fact-checking to writing headlines . 

Top Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques

Most of the NLP tasks discussed above can be modeled by a dozen or so general techniques. It’s helpful to think of these techniques in two categories: Traditional machine learning methods and deep learning methods. 

Traditional Machine learning NLP techniques: 

  • Logistic regression is a supervised classification algorithm that aims to predict the probability that an event will occur based on some input. In NLP, logistic regression models can be applied to solve problems such as sentiment analysis, spam detection, and toxicity classification.
  • Naive Bayes is a supervised classification algorithm that finds the conditional probability distribution P(label | text) using the following Bayes formula:

P(label | text) = P(label) x P(text|label) / P(text) 

and predicts based on which joint distribution has the highest probability. The naive assumption in the Naive Bayes model is that the individual words are independent. Thus: 

P(text|label) = P(word_1|label)*P(word_2|label)*…P(word_n|label)

In NLP, such statistical methods can be applied to solve problems such as spam detection or finding bugs in software code . 

  • Decision trees are a class of supervised classification models that split the dataset based on different features to maximize information gain in those splits.

decision tree NLP techniques

  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is used for topic modeling. LDA tries to view a document as a collection of topics and a topic as a collection of words. LDA is a statistical approach. The intuition behind it is that we can describe any topic using only a small set of words from the corpus.
  • Hidden Markov models : Markov models are probabilistic models that decide the next state of a system based on the current state. For example, in NLP, we might suggest the next word based on the previous word. We can model this as a Markov model where we might find the transition probabilities of going from word1 to word2, that is, P(word1|word2). Then we can use a product of these transition probabilities to find the probability of a sentence. The hidden Markov model (HMM) is a probabilistic modeling technique that introduces a hidden state to the Markov model. A hidden state is a property of the data that isn’t directly observed. HMMs are used for part-of-speech (POS) tagging where the words of a sentence are the observed states and the POS tags are the hidden states. The HMM adds a concept called emission probability; the probability of an observation given a hidden state. In the prior example, this is the probability of a word, given its POS tag. HMMs assume that this probability can be reversed: Given a sentence, we can calculate the part-of-speech tag from each word based on both how likely a word was to have a certain part-of-speech tag and the probability that a particular part-of-speech tag follows the part-of-speech tag assigned to the previous word. In practice, this is solved using the Viterbi algorithm.

hidden markov models illustration

Deep learning NLP Techniques: 

  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): The idea of using a CNN to classify text was first presented in the paper “ Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification ” by Yoon Kim. The central intuition is to see a document as an image. However, instead of pixels, the input is sentences or documents represented as a matrix of words.

convolutional neural network based text classification

  • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) : Many techniques for text classification that use deep learning process words in close proximity using n-grams or a window (CNNs). They can see “New York” as a single instance. However, they can’t capture the context provided by a particular text sequence. They don’t learn the sequential structure of the data, where every word is dependent on the previous word or a word in the previous sentence. RNNs remember previous information using hidden states and connect it to the current task. The architectures known as Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and long short-term memory (LSTM) are types of RNNs designed to remember information for an extended period. Moreover, the bidirectional LSTM/GRU keeps contextual information in both directions, which is helpful in text classification. RNNs have also been used to generate mathematical proofs and translate human thoughts into words. 

recurrent neural network illustration

  • Autoencoders are deep learning encoder-decoders that approximate a mapping from X to X, i.e., input=output. They first compress the input features into a lower-dimensional representation (sometimes called a latent code, latent vector, or latent representation) and learn to reconstruct the input. The representation vector can be used as input to a separate model, so this technique can be used for dimensionality reduction. Among specialists in many other fields, geneticists have applied autoencoders to spot mutations associated with diseases in amino acid sequences. 


  • Encoder-decoder sequence-to-sequence : The encoder-decoder seq2seq architecture is an adaptation to autoencoders specialized for translation, summarization, and similar tasks. The encoder encapsulates the information in a text into an encoded vector. Unlike an autoencoder, instead of reconstructing the input from the encoded vector, the decoder’s task is to generate a different desired output, like a translation or summary. 

seq2seq illustration

  • Transformers : The transformer, a model architecture first described in the 2017 paper “ Attention Is All You Need ” (Vaswani, Shazeer, Parmar, et al.), forgoes recurrence and instead relies entirely on a self-attention mechanism to draw global dependencies between input and output. Since this mechanism processes all words at once (instead of one at a time) that decreases training speed and inference cost compared to RNNs, especially since it is parallelizable. The transformer architecture has revolutionized NLP in recent years, leading to models including BLOOM , Jurassic-X , and Turing-NLG . It has also been successfully applied to a variety of different vision tasks , including making 3D images .

encoder-decoder transformer

Six Important Natural Language Processing (NLP) Models

Over the years, many NLP models have made waves within the AI community, and some have even made headlines in the mainstream news. The most famous of these have been chatbots and language models. Here are some of them:

  • Eliza was developed in the mid-1960s to try to solve the Turing Test; that is, to fool people into thinking they’re conversing with another human being rather than a machine. Eliza used pattern matching and a series of rules without encoding the context of the language.
  • Tay was a chatbot that Microsoft launched in 2016. It was supposed to tweet like a teen and learn from conversations with real users on Twitter. The bot adopted phrases from users who tweeted sexist and racist comments, and Microsoft deactivated it not long afterward. Tay illustrates some points made by the “Stochastic Parrots” paper, particularly the danger of not debiasing data.
  • BERT and his Muppet friends: Many deep learning models for NLP are named after Muppet characters , including ELMo , BERT , Big BIRD , ERNIE , Kermit , Grover , RoBERTa , and Rosita . Most of these models are good at providing contextual embeddings and enhanced knowledge representation.
  • Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is a 175 billion parameter model that can write original prose with human-equivalent fluency in response to an input prompt. The model is based on the transformer architecture. The previous version, GPT-2, is open source. Microsoft acquired an exclusive license to access GPT-3’s underlying model from its developer OpenAI, but other users can interact with it via an application programming interface (API). Several groups including EleutherAI and Meta have released open source interpretations of GPT-3. 
  • Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) is a conversational chatbot developed by Google. LaMDA is a transformer-based model trained on dialogue rather than the usual web text. The system aims to provide sensible and specific responses to conversations. Google developer Blake Lemoine came to believe that LaMDA is sentient. Lemoine had detailed conversations with AI about his rights and personhood. During one of these conversations, the AI changed Lemoine’s mind about Isaac Asimov’s third law of robotics. Lemoine claimed that LaMDA was sentient, but the idea was disputed by many observers and commentators. Subsequently, Google placed Lemoine on administrative leave for distributing proprietary information and ultimately fired him.
  • Mixture of Experts ( MoE): While most deep learning models use the same set of parameters to process every input, MoE models aim to provide different parameters for different inputs based on efficient routing algorithms to achieve higher performance . Switch Transformer is an example of the MoE approach that aims to reduce communication and computational costs.

Programming Languages, Libraries, And Frameworks For Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Many languages and libraries support NLP. Here are a few of the most useful.

  • Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is one of the first NLP libraries written in Python. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet . It also provides a suite of text-processing libraries for classification, tagging, stemming, parsing, and semantic reasoning.
  • spaCy is one of the most versatile open source NLP libraries. It supports more than 66 languages. spaCy also provides pre-trained word vectors and implements many popular models like BERT. spaCy can be used for building production-ready systems for named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, sentence segmentation, text classification, lemmatization, morphological analysis, entity linking, and so on.
  • Deep Learning libraries: Popular deep learning libraries include TensorFlow and PyTorch , which make it easier to create models with features like automatic differentiation. These libraries are the most common tools for developing NLP models.
  • Hugging Face offers open-source implementations and weights of over 135 state-of-the-art models. The repository enables easy customization and training of the models.
  • Gensim provides vector space modeling and topic modeling algorithms.
  • R : Many early NLP models were written in R, and R is still widely used by data scientists and statisticians. Libraries in R for NLP include TidyText , Weka , Word2Vec , SpaCyR , TensorFlow , and PyTorch .
  • Many other languages including JavaScript, Java, and Julia have libraries that implement NLP methods.

Controversies Surrounding Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP has been at the center of a number of controversies. Some are centered directly on the models and their outputs, others on second-order concerns, such as who has access to these systems, and how training them impacts the natural world. 

  • Stochastic parrots: A 2021 paper titled “On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?” by Emily Bender, Timnit Gebru, Angelina McMillan-Major, and Margaret Mitchell examines how language models may repeat and amplify biases found in their training data. The authors point out that huge, uncurated datasets scraped from the web are bound to include social biases and other undesirable information, and models that are trained on them will absorb these flaws. They advocate greater care in curating and documenting datasets, evaluating a model’s potential impact prior to development, and encouraging research in directions other than designing ever-larger architectures to ingest ever-larger datasets.
  • Coherence versus sentience: Recently, a Google engineer tasked with evaluating the LaMDA language model was so impressed by the quality of its chat output that he believed it to be sentient . The fallacy of attributing human-like intelligence to AI dates back to some of the earliest NLP experiments. 
  • Environmental impact: Large language models require a lot of energy during both training and inference. One study estimated that training a single large language model can emit five times as much carbon dioxide as a single automobile over its operational lifespan. Another study found that models consume even more energy during inference than training. As for solutions, researchers have proposed using cloud servers located in countries with lots of renewable energy as one way to offset this impact. 
  • High cost leaves out non-corporate researchers: The computational requirements needed to train or deploy large language models are too expensive for many small companies . Some experts worry that this could block many capable engineers from contributing to innovation in AI. 
  • Black box: When a deep learning model renders an output, it’s difficult or impossible to know why it generated that particular result. While traditional models like logistic regression enable engineers to examine the impact on the output of individual features, neural network methods in natural language processing are essentially black boxes. Such systems are said to be “not explainable,” since we can’t explain how they arrived at their output. An effective approach to achieve explainability is especially important in areas like banking, where regulators want to confirm that a natural language processing system doesn’t discriminate against some groups of people, and law enforcement, where models trained on historical data may perpetuate historical biases against certain groups.

“ Nonsense on stilts ”: Writer Gary Marcus has criticized deep learning-based NLP for generating sophisticated language that misleads users to believe that natural language algorithms understand what they are saying and mistakenly assume they are capable of more sophisticated reasoning than is currently possible.

How To Get Started In Natural Language Processing (NLP)

If you are just starting out, many excellent courses can help.

If you want to learn more about NLP, try reading research papers. Work through the papers that introduced the models and techniques described in this article. Most are easy to find on . You might also take a look at these resources: 

  • The Batch : A weekly newsletter that tells you what matters in AI. It’s the best way to keep up with developments in deep learning.
  • NLP News : A newsletter from Sebastian Ruder, a research scientist at Google, focused on what’s new in NLP. 
  • Papers with Code : A web repository of machine learning research, tasks, benchmarks, and datasets.

We highly recommend learning to implement basic algorithms (linear and logistic regression, Naive Bayes, decision trees, and vanilla neural networks) in Python. The next step is to take an open-source implementation and adapt it to a new dataset or task. 

NLP is one of the fast-growing research domains in AI, with applications that involve tasks including translation, summarization, text generation, and sentiment analysis. Businesses use NLP to power a growing number of applications, both internal — like detecting insurance fraud , determining customer sentiment, and optimizing aircraft maintenance — and customer-facing, like Google Translate. 

Aspiring NLP practitioners can begin by familiarizing themselves with foundational AI skills: performing basic mathematics, coding in Python, and using algorithms like decision trees, Naive Bayes, and logistic regression. Online courses can help you build your foundation. They can also help as you proceed into specialized topics. Specializing in NLP requires a working knowledge of things like neural networks, frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow, and various data preprocessing techniques. The transformer architecture, which has revolutionized the field since it was introduced in 2017, is an especially important architecture.

NLP is an exciting and rewarding discipline, and has potential to profoundly impact the world in many positive ways. Unfortunately, NLP is also the focus of several controversies, and understanding them is also part of being a responsible practitioner. For instance, researchers have found that models will parrot biased language found in their training data, whether they’re counterfactual, racist, or hateful. Moreover, sophisticated language models can be used to generate disinformation. A broader concern is that training large models produces substantial greenhouse gas emissions.

This page is only a brief overview of what NLP is all about. If you have an appetite for more, DeepLearning.AI offers courses for everyone in their NLP journey, from AI beginners and those who are ready to specialize . No matter your current level of expertise or aspirations, remember to keep learning!

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) research at Google focuses on algorithms that apply at scale, across languages, and across domains. Our systems are used in numerous ways across Google, impacting user experience in search, mobile, apps, ads, translate and more.

Our work spans the range of traditional NLP tasks, with general-purpose syntax and semantic algorithms underpinning more specialized systems. We are particularly interested in algorithms that scale well and can be run efficiently in a highly distributed environment.

Our syntactic systems predict part-of-speech tags for each word in a given sentence, as well as morphological features such as gender and number. They also label relationships between words, such as subject, object, modification, and others. We focus on efficient algorithms that leverage large amounts of unlabeled data, and recently have incorporated neural net technology.

On the semantic side, we identify entities in free text, label them with types (such as person, location, or organization), cluster mentions of those entities within and across documents (coreference resolution), and resolve the entities to the Knowledge Graph.

Recent work has focused on incorporating multiple sources of knowledge and information to aid with analysis of text, as well as applying frame semantics at the noun phrase, sentence, and document level.

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Artificial Intelligence: Cultural Policy, Management, Education, and Research

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The impact of AI on cultural management and cultural policy cuts across multiple disciplines and creative fields, from the theorisation of the very nature of cultural producers, to the practical construction of art form and audiences. Dynamic shifts in both conceptualisation and practice are rapidly ...

Keywords : Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, Digital Policy, Copyright, Operations

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Computer Science > Computation and Language

Title: efficient methods for natural language processing: a survey.

Abstract: Recent work in natural language processing (NLP) has yielded appealing results from scaling model parameters and training data; however, using only scale to improve performance means that resource consumption also grows. Such resources include data, time, storage, or energy, all of which are naturally limited and unevenly distributed. This motivates research into efficient methods that require fewer resources to achieve similar results. This survey synthesizes and relates current methods and findings in efficient NLP. We aim to provide both guidance for conducting NLP under limited resources, and point towards promising research directions for developing more efficient methods.
Comments: Accepted at TACL, pre publication version
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Cite as: [cs.CL]
  (or [cs.CL] for this version)
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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) stands as a pivotal advancement in the field of artificial intelligence, revolutionizing the way machines comprehend and interact with human language. This paper ...

  2. Vision, status, and research topics of Natural Language Processing

    The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has evolved with, and as well as influenced, recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computing technologies, opening up new applications and novel interactions with humans. Modern NLP involves machines' interaction with human languages for the study of patterns and obtaining ...

  3. Natural language processing: state of the art, current trends and

    Natural language processing (NLP) has recently gained much attention for representing and analyzing human language computationally. It has spread its applications in various fields such as machine translation, email spam detection, information extraction, summarization, medical, and question answering etc. In this paper, we first distinguish four phases by discussing different levels of NLP ...

  4. Natural Language Processing Journal

    The Open Access Natural Language Processing Journal aims to advance modern understanding and practice of trustworthy, interpretable, explainable human-centered and hybrid Artificial Intelligence as it relates to all aspects of human language. ... The NLP journal welcomes original research papers, review papers, position papers, tutorial and ...

  5. An introduction to Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing: Models

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  6. Recent Advances in Generative AI and Large Language Models: Current

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  7. [2407.14962v5] Recent Advances in Generative AI and Large Language

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  8. Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

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  22. Natural Language Processing

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  25. Artificial Intelligence: Cultural Policy, Management, Education, and

    The impact of AI on cultural management and cultural policy cuts across multiple disciplines and creative fields, from the theorisation of the very nature of cultural producers, to the practical construction of art form and audiences. Dynamic shifts in both conceptualisation and practice are rapidly occurring, and as such our knowledge base must reckon with these changes to inform management ...

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  27. Efficient Methods for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

    Recent work in natural language processing (NLP) has yielded appealing results from scaling model parameters and training data; however, using only scale to improve performance means that resource consumption also grows. Such resources include data, time, storage, or energy, all of which are naturally limited and unevenly distributed. This motivates research into efficient methods that require ...

  28. Natural language processing in artificial intelligence (NLP AI) and

    Natural language processing in artificial intelligence (NLP AI) and natural language processing algorithms relating to grammar as a foreign language. ... such as research papers. In other words ...