
Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

Harvard University

Introduction: No essay scholarships

Let's talk about no-essay scholarships. Whether you've been applying to scholarships for a while or you're completely new to the scholarship process, chances are, at some point you've felt tired, frustrated, or even fully on fed-up with writing all of those essays. Finding financial aid can be a lot of work - I feel you!

A smart strategy when applying for scholarships is to mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for. But what does this actually mean?

Well, if you're familiar with the world of scholarships, you've probably discovered that there are scholarships out there of all sorts, shapes, and sizes.

Some scholarships are for small amounts (think: anywhere from $100 to a few thousand dollars) while others go for larger amounts (sometimes even full-tuition!). Some scholarships have long lists of application requirements, while others only ask you to write a sentence, upload your transcript, or fill out a form.

So, when I say "mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for", I'm saying that it's important to consider things such as scholarship type (is there an essay required?), amount (generally, scholarships with  bigger awards  are harder to earn), and category (how specific does the scholarship get in terms of matching your unique profile?).

This post covers one specific type of scholarship that I'm sure you'll enjoy incorporating into your scholarship strategy: a no-essay scholarship!

Most of these no essay scholarships are open to high school , college , and  graduate  school students, be sure to get those easy applications in, and keep your toes crossed while you get to work on some of those other more labor-intensive opportunities.

*Pro-tip - While some of these no essay scholarships currently have specific deadlines, keep them bookmarked because they often renew monthly, quarterly, or yearly!

20 No essay scholarships to apply for ASAP!

Too cool to pay for school no essay scholarship.

Award Amount:  $1,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Quarterly (last day of the month in September, December, March, and June)

PS - this is one of no essay scholarships awarded by Access Scholarships (that's us!). It's open to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students studying in the United States, and is an easy way to win $1,000. 

Niche $10,000 No Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $10,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling

ScholarshipPoints No Essay $2,500 Monthly Scholarship

Amount : $2,500 

Deadline : Expires on the last day of each month

Eligibility: The ScholarshipPoints Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Smart Owl No Essay $1,000 Scholarship

Amount : $1,000 (4 awards per month!)

Deadline : Expires on the 28th or 29th of each month

Eligibility: The Smart Owl Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Sallie Mae College Scholarship

Award Amount : $2,000

Scholarship Deadline : Monthly

Eligibility- Open to high school juniors & seniors and all college students

CollegeVine No Essay $2,000 Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000

Scholarship Deadline:  December 31

Open to high school students of all years (must be a US resident).

Scholarships360 $10,000 Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling 

Open to high school sophomores, juniors & seniors in the US. 

Bold $25,000 Scholarship

Amount:  $25,000

Deadline:  Continuous

CollegExpress Monthly Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,500

Scholarship Deadline:  Last day of each month

Niche No Essay Scholarship

Appily easy money scholarship, around the corner from college scholarship.

Award Amount : $1,000

Scholarship Deadline : December 31, June 30

Open to all high school students, including students with DACA status and international students who are planning on attending a higher education institution in the US! 

Be Bold No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $25,000

Scholarship Deadline: Rolling

Christian Connector Scholarship

Eligibility:  Open to high school juniors and high school seniors who are interested in or planning to enroll in a Christian college or university.

Direct Textbook Photo Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $500

Discover Student Loans Scholarship Contest

Scholarship Deadline:  January 4

Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  February 27 and October 10

Create A Greeting Card Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  March 9

Frame My Future Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000 each (5 awards)

Scholarship Deadline: March 15

ULoop Dorm Survey Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  June 30

no-essay scholarships

Frequently asked questions about no essay scholarships

Are no essay scholarships legit.

No essay scholarships are 100% legit!

No essay scholarships are created to be more like contests or sweepstakes. Generally, all you have to do to be considered is enter some information on an application page and you're good to go. This is in contrast with other more labor-intensive scholarships, that require a greater amount of work and time commitment (think: essays, letters of recommendation, videos, interviews).

The fact that no essay scholarships don't require a whole lot of effort (they're definitely the easiest opportunities out there!) doesn't mean that they aren't just as real as other scholarships that do have more detailed eligibility and application requirements to apply. In fact, no essay scholarships can sometimes be just as competitive as full-ride scholarships , given the fact that so many students apply for these opportunities.

At the end of the day, each and every scholarship we feature in our database and in our blog posts aims to guide students in the direction of legitimate opportunities to help you navigate the journey of paying for college.

What are some common qualities of a no essay scholarship?

The most identifiable quality of a no essay scholarship is the fact that it doesn't require an essay! Rather than asking students to upload an essay on the application page, these scholarships generally will ask for the completion of a form, or for students to upload a photo, video, or other unique type of submission. The fact that these scholarships can often be completed much more quickly and easily than other scholarships is what makes them so great.

You'll also find that the majority of no essay scholarships are open to a wide variety of students, and they usually won't have any specific eligibility requirements such as only being open to students in certain majors or with a certain minimum GPA.

Who is eligible to apply for no essay scholarships?

When it comes to eligiblity, as I mentioned just above, no essay scholarships are usually open to a wide range of students. For example, a no essay scholarship might be open to students ages 13 and older in the US, or maybe it's open to all high school students in the US. These eligibility criteria are very generous and intended to give all (or nearly all) students who want to apply an opportunity to do so.

How difficult is it to win a no essay scholarship?

Because no essay scholarships are usually open to so many different types of students, along with the fact that they often require very little effort on the part of the student (and run more like sweepstakes than real in-depth scholarships), means that they are difficult to win, and the process is unpredictable.

Luckily, because these scholarships require so little time commitment to apply, not winning one of these types of scholarships doesn't necessarily indicate that you've wasted your time applying, since it likely didn't take that much time in the first place!

How can I increase my chances of winning no essay scholarships?

No essay scholarships are open to such a wide variety of students in terms of eligible areas of study, state residency, and year in school. This, in combination with the fact that the winners for these scholarships are generally always selected at random, means that increasing your chances of winning one of these scholarships is very, very difficult.

In the spirit of full-transparency: the only way that you can actually increase your chances of winning no essay scholarships is by applying for all of them and not missing any deadlines.

For example, take Tallo's monthly no essay scholarships . They pick at least 12 winners each year, usually at the end of each month. If you want to maximize your chances of winning one of Tallo's no essay scholarships, you should set a reminder to make sure that you apply for them every month, so that you don't miss out on an opportunity to win.

Most of the no essay scholarships I've come across are for small amounts, such as $1,000. Why is this the case?

Most no-essay scholarships are for small amounts (think: $500 - $2,000) because, in comparison to other scholarships that have lots of application requirements, no-essay scholarships tend to run more like contests.

Organizations love to give back to students in any and all ways possible, and they also like to try to make student's lives easier by offering easy scholarship opportunities.

However, from the perspective of private organizations, many of them would rather save their scholarships of higher amounts to be distributed through competitive opportunities where they can select students on the basis of merit, leadership, and other qualities. That's why you'll probably never come across a full-ride scholarship that doesn't require an essay or extra submission of some sort!

Where can I find more scholarships to apply for?

There are tons of resources and places out there that you can use to find "harder" scholarships to apply for to pair with your efforts in applying to the easy ones.

The first place I recommend you go is over to the Access Scholarship Search Engine or Blog, where you can find all types of scholarships based on criteria such as home state, area of study, ethnicity, and more.

After that, I recommend you also do some surfing of the web, as well as outreach to your guidance counselor or financial aid office to help you find local scholarships and even more nuanced opportunities.

Important tips and things to keep in mind with no essay scholarships

Tip #1: apply often..

Many of these scholarships run continuously on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Set a reminder for yourself to revisit these scholarships each month and reapply to give yourself the best chance at winning one!

Tip #2: Find ways to get a leg up.

Scholarships with no essays that have any sort of additional component (like an art or video submission) will tend to give you a "leg up" because they involve more than some luck.

Take full advantage of scholarships like these by putting your best foot forward with that extra submission!

Tip #3: Make no essay scholarships one piece of the puzzle.

Scholarships with no essays should be a key component of your scholarship application strategy because of how easy they are to apply for.

However, it's important to remember they should be balanced with other scholarships that have more specific and stringent requirements.

When you apply for essay-based scholarships, you're given the opportunity to tell the committee about you, who you are and why you should be selected for the opportunity. The winners for these scholarships, unlike their no-essay counterparts, are not chosen at random, so if you choose these scholarships carefully, apply for ones that are specific to your qualities, and write strong essays, you'll have the best chances of winning at the end of the day!

General tips for applying for all kinds of scholarships

Navigating the world of scholarships can be stressful and confusing to say the least. Follow these tips to make sure you’re covering all of your bases and giving yourself the greatest possible chance at success!

#1: Get yourself organized before you dive right in.

Just like with any other part of the college / financial aid process, organization is crucial to success when it comes to searching and applying for scholarships.

My top organization-related recommendation for students is to start by creating a readily-accessible folder on your computer where you can then create subfolders for your scholarship essays, transcripts, and other application materials. This is also the place where you’ll want to house your scholarship tracker , which will help you keep track of scholarships you find, upcoming deadlines, and your overall progress.

#2: Do your brainstorming.

You likely wouldn’t start an essay on the American Revolution without doing some initial brainstorming and planning first. The same rule should apply for when it’s time to search for scholarships.

Sit down with a pen and paper or a blank word document open, and start to bullet out a list of traits and things that you feel make up who you are as a person. These things should be both academic and personal. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here’s a sneak peek into what my own personal list might look like:

-I am from New Jersey

-I am a business student with an interest in marketing

-I like to play sports (tennis, basketball, etc)

-I hold leadership positions in my extracurriculars

-I identify as female

-I am a twin

-I am left-handed

-I enjoy doing crossword puzzles

-I go to college in Wisconsin

I could go on and on with this list, but I won’t bore you! What I’m trying to get at though is that creating a list like this to track your hobbies, academic pursuits, and other things that make up who you are can be incredibly helpful in allowing you to find scholarships that are highly specific to you.

PS - For some students, this may also fall under the initial organization step of the process, but ultimately it doesn’t matter when you do it as long as it gets done.

#3: Know where to look.

Knowing what types of scholarships you want to search for doesn’t really matter if you don’t know where to actually search for them! Here are a few ideas on where you can get started in searching for scholarships:

- Scholarship search engines like AccessScholarships.com, which allow you to search through thousands of scholarship opportunities all in one place

- Normal search engines , such as Google (the more specific you can be here, the better)

-Your school’s college prep, guidance, or financial aid page/website

- Social media (you can follow scholarship accounts and hashtags that might be relevant to help you discover local scholarships)

- Family, friends, teachers, coaches, and other people in your community who might know of local or community-based scholarships that you’re eligible for

#4: If a scholarship has an essay or additional type of submission, make sure you put your absolute best foot forward.

This is, in my opinion, the biggest key to help students see success in actually winning scholarships.

You can have a 4.0 GPA and solid letters of recommendation, but if you don’t also take the time to carefully craft, edit, and perfect the essay (or other additional submission), you’re missing out on giving the scholarship committee the opportunity to learn more about who you are as a person and why you’re a great fit to win the award.

#5: Keep those grades up.

Although this eligibility requirement can definitely vary, many scholarships require students to have at least a 2.5 or 3.0 GPA. Sometimes, the minimum requirement can be even higher, such as a 3.75/4.0.

While grades certainly aren’t the end-all-be-all, keeping your GPA up (as high as you possibly can!) will make sure that you are opening yourself up to as many opportunities as possible.

#6: Apply often.

Unfortunately, applying for scholarships is not a “one and done” process. To give yourself the highest chance at seeing success, you should apply for scholarships as often as you can, or whenever you come across an opportunity that you think is worth applying for.

Many students find it helpful to set specific goals in this area, like to apply for 3 scholarships each month. Ultimately, the goal you set should be one that is specific and realistic, based on all of the other things that you’re juggling!

#7: Ask for feedback along the way.

If you don't ever take the time to assess your weak spots, how can you possibly improve?

Asking for feedback throughout the scholarship process, whether it be from a committee, a teacher, or someone who is helping you along the way, is crucial to helping you grow and becoming a stronger applicant. 

Getting feedback is especially important when it comes to the scholarship essay piece of the puzzle. When we write and edit, we tend to overlook our own mistakes because we're so used to making them. Sometimes it takes an extra set of eyes on an essay to help lead you in the direction of success.

No-essay scholarships: To conclude...

To summarize, no-essay scholarships can be a great addition to any overall scholarship strategy for high school, college, and graduate students.

Since no-essay scholarships often operate on a monthly or quarterly basis, you can give yourself a better chance at winning these scholarships if you enter in every application period that you're eligible for.

Although no-essay scholarships usually aren't for large amounts, the process of entering to win is usually an easy one, so there's no harm in applying for these scholarships to round out your strategy and yes, give you a break from all those essays!

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

The Best Scholarships for High School Seniors with Upcoming Deadlines in 2024

The Best Scholarships for High School Seniors with Upcoming Deadlines

princeton university

Sallie Mae No-Essay Scholarship

By: Sallie Mae

Jennifer and Rob Tower Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility criteria:.

  • Background : Must demonstrate significant contributions of kindness and generosity in their community or personal life
  • Education Level : Open to students of all educational backgrounds and career interests

"Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship

Ethel hayes destigmatization of mental health scholarship, matthew e. minor memorial scholarship.

  • GPA : 3.0 or higher
  • Education Level : High school senior

Grassroot Heroics Scholarship

Dr. edward v. chavez athletic memorial scholarship.

  • Education Level : High school student
  • Background : Has lost one or both parents
  • Passion : Sports

Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior or undergraduate
  • Experience : Volunteering
  • GPA : 2.5 or higher

Jason David Anderson Memorial Scholarship

  • State : New Jersey
  • GPA : 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Background : Has been affected by addiction (personally or through a loved one)
  • Field of Study : Healthcare or rehabilitation
  • Education Level : High school or undergraduate student

Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship

  • Background : Has lost a parent or lives in a single-parent household

AB Foundation Scholarship

  • Education level : High school senior & undergraduates
  • Background : Teen mom and/or child of a teen mom

F.E. Foundation Scholarship

  • State : Texas

Brad Hinshaw Memorial Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior or undergraduate student
  • Background : Has lost a parent to cancer

Etherine Tansimore Scholarship

  • Background : Low-income
  • Field : Medical

Catherine (Kay) Williams Memorial Arts Scholarship

  • State : Florida
  • Field of Study : Art
  • Gender : Female
  • GPA greater than or equal to : 3
  • Financial Status : Low-Income

Pete and Consuelo Hernandez Memorial Scholarship

  • State : California
  • Background : First-generation
  • Identity : Underrepresented minority
  • Education Level : High school junior or senior

Christian E. Vines Scholarship

  • Race : Black/African American
  • State : Massachusetts

Strength in Neurodiversity Scholarship

  • Educational Level : High School Senior
  • Criteria : Diagnosed or suspected with a learning disability

George W. Jones, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

  • Background : Participates in band

Barnaby-Murphy Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student
  • Heritage : Caribbean descent
  • Field of Study : Mental health or healthcare

Jacques Borges Memorial Scholarship

  • Ethnicity : Haitian
  • Degree : Civil Engineering

Janice Howard-Robinson Scholarship

  • Race : African American
  • Field of Study : Business, health care, or political science

Elena Johnston Memorial Scholarship

  • State : Maryland
  • Field of Study : Arts, creative arts, performing arts, arts education

CJM Rampelt Family Legacy Scholarship

  • Race : African American or Native American
  • Background : Community service experience
  • State : Pennsylvania
  • Financial Status : Financial need
  • GPA : 2.75 or above

Jacob Daniel Dumas Memorial Jewish Scholarship

  • Current or desired field : STEM
  • Religion : Jewish

Project Kennedy Fighting Cancers of All Colors Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Background : Has/has had cancer, or has been impacted by the cancer of a close family member

Lotus Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate
  • Race/Ethnicity : BIPOC
  • Background : Low-income or raised by a single parent

Solgaard Scholars: Access Oceanic Studies for LGBTQ+ Students

  • Major/Field : Ocean health and preservation: sustainability, oceanic health, etc.
  • Identity : LGBTQ+

Harry B. Anderson Scholarship

  • Field of Study : STEM
  • Gender : Female-identifying
  • GPA : 3.5 or higher

Abbey's Bakery Scholarship

  • Background : Passionate about mental health
  • Education Level : High school senior (Class of 2024)

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Getting a college degree is a dream for many high school seniors. However, the cost of college can be a major barrier for students and their families. That's where scholarships come in - they provide financial support and make the dream of attending college a reality. High school senior scholarships reward successful students, aiding their transition to higher education with financial support and recognition.

As a scholarship platform, we understand the challenges students face when planning their higher education goals. That's why we will explore the best scholarships for high school seniors, discuss how to get scholarships in high school , and share tips for a successful application.

Make your college dreams a reality! Apply for high school senior scholarships to get a head start on scholarship applications to maximize your financial assistance.

About Scholarships for High School Seniors

For the average high school senior, the college admissions process is an exciting yet daunting experience. There are a lot of things to consider, with rising tuition costs and student loans at the top of the list.

Since 1977, college tuition rates have increased 150% for both private and public four-year universities. Back then, it cost the modern equivalent of $17,680 per year to attend a private college and $8,250 per year to attend a public college, figures that graduating high school seniors could keep up with. Today, tuition costs are a whopping $48,510 for private colleges and $21,370 for public colleges. 

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 1

Despite soaring tuition rates, going to college is still a worthy investment. In 2018, college graduates earned weekly wages that were 80% higher than those of high school graduates. However, wages cannot keep up with rapidly increasing tuition costs.

To afford the cost of attendance, 34% of college students borrow money each year. On average, a student will borrow more than $30,000 to obtain their undergraduate degree. As a result, students collectively across the country owe more than $1.7 trillion in student loan debt.

That's where scholarships come into play. Scholarships are a form of financial aid that does not require repayment from the student. Approximately 25% of college costs are funded by college scholarships, grants, and fellowships.

To get started, click on one of the scholarships listed above and submit your application today! Or sign up now and apply for your first scholarship !

Also, view our full list of scholarships for high school students .

Best Scholarships for High School Seniors

When it comes to scholarships, there are a plethora of options available for high school seniors. Here are some of the best scholarships worth considering:

Scholarships for High School Students

There are numerous scholarships specifically tailored to assist high school seniors as they prepare to transition to college. This collection provides a variety of opportunities suited to diverse interests and backgrounds aimed at supporting your educational journey.

Easy Scholarships for High School Seniors

For high school seniors looking for a simpler route to financial aid, there are plenty of easy scholarship opportunities worth exploring. These scholarships are designed with straightforward applications to make the process less daunting.

Scholarships by Major

High school seniors focusing on their future majors should explore scholarships specifically aligned with their field of study. These major-specific scholarships offer tailored support, catering to students with clear academic and career pathways in various disciplines, like law or medicine .

Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships reward high school seniors who have excelled academically, demonstrated leadership, or showcased unique talents. These scholarships recognize your hard work and achievements, encouraging you to maintain your high standards as you transition into college. They're a great way to help fund your education based on your proven track record in school and beyond.

Nursing Scholarships

If you're a high school senior interested in a nursing career, there are scholarships specifically designed to support your educational journey. These scholarships can help manage the costs of nursing school, including tuition and textbooks, making it easier for you to focus on your studies and your future role in healthcare.

No-Essay Scholarships

For high school seniors looking for a simpler scholarship application process, no essay scholarships provide relief from the usual essay-writing requirements. These scholarships might be awarded based on your academic achievements, and extracurricular activities, or through random draws. It's an ideal option for busy students seeking to secure additional funding for college without the added stress of writing essays.

Scholarships for Women

Scholarships for women are tailored to help female students manage the costs of college tuition. These awards alleviate financial barriers, allowing recipients to dedicate their efforts to academic excellence and career readiness. They are particularly beneficial for those entering fields where women have traditionally been underrepresented.

The Gates Scholarship

Created by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this scholarship covers the full cost of attendance for minority students who demonstrate leadership, academic achievement, and financial need. According to data, the Gates Scholarship has provided support to thousands of students.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program

Recognizing students for their leadership skills, dedication to community service, and academic achievements, this scholarship grants funding to 150 high school seniors every year. The program has been instrumental in enabling students to pursue their higher education goals.

These scholarships are just a few examples of the amazing opportunities available for high school seniors. Researching and applying for scholarships like these can significantly reduce the financial burden of college.

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Why are Scholarships Important for High School Seniors?

While many universities offer some type of financial aid, and students can use the FAFSA to apply for governmental aid, college can still be difficult to afford. A shocking 65% of 2019 college graduates took out loans to pay for college. Furthermore, the cost of college has been rapidly increasing, more than doubling at public universities since the 1980s.

The increasing amount of loans that graduates are left with puts pressure on them to immediately find jobs, especially when student loans are compounded with the increase in housing costs. For current high school seniors, this means that scholarships can be critical for limiting student debt throughout college.

At Bold.org , we're here to help meet the financial need of students. You can check the scholarships by year here.

How to Find Scholarships for High School Seniors

To find scholarships for high school seniors, filter the list on Bold.org by education level in order to reduce the list to only scholarships open to high school students . Then, read through the descriptions and eligibility requirements to determine which scholarships you're interested in.

When to Start Applying for Scholarships

It's never too early or too late to start applying! It's great to begin your applications in high school in order to maximize the number of scholarships you can apply for and win , but many college students are just beginning their search, so don't worry if you're just starting! 

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 3

What to Consider When Applying for Scholarships

When applying for scholarships, keep in mind that you want to make yourself stand out from other applicants. To do so, make sure your profile is detailed and unique so donors can get a sense of your personality, interests, and goals. Additionally, do everything in your power to increase your chances of winning, such as by following the tips below.

Read the instructions carefully: Before starting to fill out any scholarship application, make sure to read the instructions carefully. Follow them precisely and provide all the required information. Highlight your achievements: Make sure to highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any volunteer or community service work you have done.

Finally, don't get discouraged if you don't win every scholarship you apply for. Many students are looking for financial aid to fund their higher education , so not winning doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong.

How to Apply for Scholarships for High School Seniors

Applying for scholarships may seem like a daunting task, but with proper preparation and guidance, it can be an achievable feat. Here are some steps to help you navigate the scholarship application process:

  • Research extensively: Start by researching scholarships that align with your academic goals, extracurricular activities, and personal background. This will help you narrow down the scholarships that are the best fit for you.
  • Meet the requirements: Carefully read the eligibility criteria for each scholarship and ensure you meet all the requirements. Keep in mind that some scholarships may have specific GPA requirements, community service hours, or essays to be submitted.
  • Gather necessary documents: Organize all the required documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and financial aid information. Make sure to meet the deadlines and submit your application well in advance.
  • Write a compelling essay: Many scholarship applications require an essay that showcases your achievements, aspirations, and why you deserve the scholarship. Spend time crafting a well-written and genuine essay that highlights your unique qualities.
  • Proofread and submit: Before submitting your application, proofread everything thoroughly to ensure there are no errors or typos. Submit your application within the specified deadline and keep track of your submissions.

Following these steps will increase your chances of securing scholarships and funding your college education.

The first step in applying for Bold.org scholarships is to create an account on Bold.org . To do so, click on any of the scholarships above. Then, decide which types of scholarships you want to search for and use the filter to find good matches. Doing so will allow you to find scholarship opportunities based on your unique characteristics and interests, such as public service grants, merit scholarships, scholarships for college students, etc.

Once you find the scholarships you want to apply for, read the description to make sure you're eligible and to find scholarship instructions, such as an essay or video prompt. Once you're done with your application materials, just click apply, and you're all set!

Click here to read our complete guide on how to apply for scholarships .

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Scholarship Application Tips for High School Seniors

Applying for scholarships can feel like a lottery that you have no control over. With so many students in need of scholarships, it can feel impossible to make yourself stand out from other applicants. Luckily, there are many things you can do to improve your scholarship applications. Keep reading for our tips on how to win scholarships for high school seniors.

Find Your Best-Fitting Scholarships

Bold.org has scholarships for all types of students, regardless of academic performance, level of education, extracurricular activities, etc. Finding scholarships that fit your interests and experience will not only make you a better candidate but will also make your scholarship essays more personal.

Apply for a Variety of Scholarships

During your scholarship search, you will find different types of scholarships. While you may be tempted to apply only for easy, no-essay scholarships, it's a good idea to also apply to some essay-based scholarships to increase your chances of winning one. No-essay scholarships are great options for busy students , but the high number of applicants and the lack of an essay to distinguish yourself from the competition can make it difficult to win.

Apply Early and Often to Scholarships for High School Students

Begin your scholarship search and application process as early as possible. Some scholarships have early deadlines, so it's essential to stay organized and plan ahead.

There will be a scholarship deadline in the description of every scholarship, but don't wait until the last minute to apply! Being among the first to apply for a scholarship can boost your chances of winning and ensure that you won't miss the deadline if you experience difficulties with your application. To find scholarships that just launched, you can filter the scholarship list to show scholarships in descending order from newest to oldest.

Additionally, applying for more scholarships increases your chances of winning some, so apply for as many as you can. There are hundreds of open scholarships on Bold.org , and more are added each week, so there's no shortage of scholarships to apply for.

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 5

Put Time and Effort into Your Essays

Tailor your application materials to each scholarship you apply for. Highlight your unique experiences, talents, and goals that align with the scholarship requirements. Be sure that you're putting your best foot forward with the essays you submit. Be sure to take the time to proofread so that your essay has proper spelling and grammar. Additionally, make sure you stay on topic and respond to the essay prompt.

Other essay tips include having a strong opening that grabs the attention of the reader, making the essay feel personal, and having a short conclusion at the end to sum up your essay. Many essays have low word limits, so be sure to stay on topic so you can fit all of the necessary information in your essay.

Seek Recommendations

Ask teachers, mentors, or community leaders who know you well to write recommendation letters for you. Their insights can greatly enhance your application and provide a holistic view of your abilities.

Stay Organized

Maintain a spreadsheet, a folder, or a calendar to track your scholarship applications, deadlines, and required documents. Being organized will help you submit everything on time and avoid any last-minute rush.

By following these tips, you can present yourself in the best possible light and increase your chances of receiving scholarships.

Additionally, when applying for scholarships, it's crucial to research the organizations offering the scholarships. Understanding their mission, values, and goals can help you tailor your application to align with their specific criteria. Take the time to explore their websites, read about their past scholarship recipients, and familiarize yourself with their selection process.

Scholarships for High School Seniors Image 6

Frequently Asked Questions

While some scholarships are specific to undergraduate or graduate students, there are many that are open to high school seniors, such as those listed above, so there is no need for students to wait to apply for scholarships until they begin college. After students make their college decisions and receive their financial aid packages, they should be able to see what amount of money they will need to pay for their tuition and housing. Applying for scholarships can dramatically reduce the amount of money students will need to take out in loans for the costs of college.

Some scholarships are open to high school students even before their senior year, so students can begin applying for scholarships even before applying to college. However, there is no need for seniors to worry if they’re just now starting their scholarship hunt as there are many scholarships to apply to, both throughout their senior year and during college. Scholarships can be competitive, so it’s best to apply to as many as possible so that you increase your chances of winning.

To find scholarships for seniors in high school, go to the scholarships page on Bold.org and filter by education level. You can then browse through scholarships that are open to high school students, and you can also filter by category to find scholarships related to your field of study, hobbies, and interests.

Are you seeking one-on-one college counseling and/or essay support? Limited spots are now available. Click here to learn more.

100 Great College Scholarships for High School Seniors – 2024

June 25, 2024

Our list of the 100 best college scholarships for high school seniors is intended to guide you toward a wide range of opportunities in the world of private scholarships. These include no essay scholarships as well as offerings for those pursuing specific majors like nursing or education as well as members of minority groups.

At the same time, we want to remind all prospective college students not to spend an excessive amount of time in pursuit of private scholarships, particularly at the expense of more fruitful avenues. In one recent year roughly $234 billion in total student aid was awarded to undergraduate students. The overwhelming majority of student aid comes from the federal government and institutional aid from colleges and universities is the second largest source, accounting for $71 billion; state governments give just $12 billion of total aid. Only 7% of the total aid handed out comes in the form of employer and private scholarships, a number that doesn’t quite support all of the hype

Focus on Merit Aid Directly from Colleges

In an effort to boost attendance and meet enrollment targets, many colleges have devoted an increasing share of their budgets to attracting desirable students via the offering of merit-based (i.e., non-need-based) financial aid. Using merit scholarships to lure high-achieving or high-scoring students can improve a college’s ranking and eventually its desirability, ultimately fueling enrollment. And because “high-achieving” and “desirable” are relative terms, students don’t have to be academic superstars to earn merit money. A number of reputable schools now offer sizable merit awards to “B” students.

Don’t Forget to Fill Out a FAFSA/CSS Profile

For those with significant financial need, the federal government continues to be the largest source of student aid. Each year, roughly 40 billion dollars, money that comes in the form of Pell Grants, work-study programs, and educational tax breaks is awarded to families. Additionally, the feds loan out close to 85 billion with a far more favorable terms than private lenders. That’s over 125 billion dollars handed out each year for higher education, a sum greater than the Gross National Product of all but 58 countries in the world. The bottom line is that there is a substantial amount of federal money available, so filling out a FAFSA is certainly worth your time.

100 Best College Scholarships for High School Seniors – 2024

No essay scholarships.

Looking for scholarships that you can apply for in less time than it takes to brush your teeth? Here are some legitimate entities that offer regular no essay scholarships that allow real students to take home cash for college.

1) Niche No Essay Scholarship

Niche is giving one student $2,000 to put toward tuition, housing, books or other college expenses — no essay required.

  • Value: $2,000

2) Scholarships 360 No Essay Scholarship

The Scholarships 360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education.

  • Value: $10,000

3) Sallie Mae Scholarship

Takes less than 2 minutes to enter. New winners drawn monthly.

College Scholarships for High School Seniors (Continued)

4) collegexpress no essay scholarship.

Those with an account on this site are automatically entered to win.

5) Be Bold No Essay Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded to the student whose profile is most bold, according to these characteristics. Earnest, Determined, and Moving.

  • Value: $25,000

6) Scholarship Owl No Essay Scholarship

50 winners per year. You’ll need to sign up for an account. 1/140,000 chance of winning.

  • Value: $1,000

7) CollegeVine No Essay Scholarship

All students enrolled in high school or looking to attend college next year who apply by the deadline will qualify for the scholarship. The winner of the scholarship will be chosen based on a lottery system and notified via email.

8) US Bank Scholarship

Complete free, in-app lessons about personal finance topics. The more modules you finish, the more scholarship money you could win.

  • Value: $20,000

9) Unigo No Essay Scholarship

This $10,000 Unigo Scholarship is open to any applicant who is 14 years of age or older and is a legal resident of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia.

10) College Board No Essay Scholarship

The $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is available to students who are seeking a postsecondary education, including returning adult learners. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are welcome to apply.

Merit-Based Scholarships – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

11) coca-cola scholarship .

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to students in their final year of high school. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. Visit our blog on How to Win a Coca-Cola Scholarship for more details. 150 Students are selected for a $20,000 award per year.

12) Equitable Excellence Scholarship

Equitable will provide 100 $5,000 annual scholarships that will be renewed to award recipients each academic year for four years, for a total of $20,000 per recipient.

13) Davidson Fellows Scholarship

We award $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to gifted and high-achieving students, 18 years old or under, who have completed a significant piece of work.

  • Value: $10,000-$25,000

14) National Honor Society Scholarship

Each year, scholarship recipients are selected based on their demonstration of the four pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.

  • Value: $3,200-$25,000

15) The Elks Foundation – Most Valuable Student 

The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2025 competition.

  • Value: $1,000-$7,000

16) The Gates Scholarship 

This prestigious scholarship program is based on evidence that by eliminating the financial barriers to college, a last-dollar scholarship can enable high-potential, low-income minority students to excel in their coursework, graduate college, and continue to be leaders throughout their lives.

  • Value: Full Cost of Attendance

17) Burger King Scholars Program

Offers a track for the general public as well as employees.

  • Value: $1,000-$50,000

18) QuestBridge Match Scholarship 

Dream  big  and apply for full four-year scholarships to over 50 top colleges through QuestBridge.

  • Value: Over $325,000

19) Cameron Impact Scholarship 

The Cameron Impact Scholarship is a four-year, full-tuition, impact-driven undergraduate scholarship awarded annually to 10-15 exceptional high school students who have demonstrated excellence in leadership, community service, extracurricular activities, and academics.

20) Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship Program

Open to students who intend to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering.

  • Value: Up to $55,000

Scholarships for African American Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

21) hbcu sustainable communities initiative scholarship.

Scholarship applications are open to students from eligible HBCUs majoring in STEM, business, and sustainability-related disciplines.

  • Value: $5,000 (renewable)

22) APA Foundation Diversity Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to students intending to pursue careers as practicing planners who will diversify the profession and who can demonstrate a genuine financial need.

  • Value: $5,000

23) Lee Aca Thompson Performing Arts Scholarship

Any BIPOC undergraduate or graduate student who is pursuing the performing arts may apply for this scholarship.

24) HM Family Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to support ambitious BIPOC students who are exploring educational and professional STEM opportunities.

25) Endeavor Design Scholarship

The Endeavor Design Scholarship is offered in support of creating racial equity in the fields of Sportswear/Active Apparel Design, Fashion Apparel/Accessories Design & Footwear Design.

  • Value: $1,865

26) Jerzee Foundation Scholarship

Any African American high school senior or undergraduate student with a minimum 2.5 GPA who is attending or will attend an HBCU may apply for this scholarship.

27) PlayStation Career Pathways Scholarship

PlayStation Career Pathways is a multi-year career readiness program that elevates the next generation of business, creative and technical talent, bridges the opportunity gap, and removes financial barriers to higher education. Pathways Scholars get access to scholarships, mentorships and insider gaming industry expertise.

  • Value: Up to $30,000

28) CATALYSTS Scholarship

Black/African American undergraduate students are eligible to apply if they have a GPA of 2.8 or higher and have internship or work experience regarding social impact.

29) Anderson Engineering Scholarship

Any BIPOC undergraduate student who is pursuing engineering may apply for this scholarship opportunity, but applicants who are enrolled in co-op engineering programs are preferred.

  • Value: $7,000

30) ESOF Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to support minority students who need monetary support to pursue higher education at a Historically Black College or University (HBCU).

  • Value: $1,500

Scholarships for Hispanic Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

31) overcoming adversity carino scholarship.

Any Latinx high school senior student from the state of Washington who has a history of overcoming adversity may apply.

32) Futbol is Life Scholarship 

This scholarship seeks to celebrate and reward exceptional Hispanic students who exhibit outstanding academic performance and actively participate in a competitive soccer team.

  • Value: $4,000

33) The Alliance/Merck Ciencia (Science) Hispanic Scholars Program

Open to students of Hispanic heritage who are seniors attending a high school in Brownsville, TX; Elizabeth, NJ; or Los Angeles, CA.

  • Value: $2,000-$42,000

34) Se Vale Sonar Scholarship

This scholarship is to help and encourage first-generation, Latino/a, low-income high school students with academic success in pursuing a higher education.

35) Barreir Opportunity Scholarship 

Any high school senior or undergraduate student of Hispanic heritage who is from a single-parent, low-income household and displays academic potential and commitment to community service may apply for this scholarship opportunity.

36) Cybersecurity & The Latinx Community Scholarship

This scholarship aims to support Latinx students who are pursuing higher education in cybersecurity.

37) Hispanic Climb to Success Scholarship 

This scholarship is specifically designed to provide support to low-income Hispanic and Latinx students in New York,

38) El Café Del Futuro Scholarship

Each year, they offer multiple $5,000 scholarships to college students at institutions that are members of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).

39) Prospanica Foundation Scholarships

Prospanica is proud to offer a select number of scholarships for qualified undergraduate and graduate business students committed to making a positive change through their contributions to society.

  • Value: Up to $5,000

40) Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards

Open to Latino high school seniors who excel in the classroom and community and for their excellence in various categories including: Business & Entrepreneurship, Community Service, Education, Healthcare & Science, Media & Entertainment, and Technology & Engineering.

  • Value: $3,500

Scholarships for First-Generation Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

41) ifsa first generation college student scholarship.

Designed to give first-generation college students a chance to benefit from the life-changing experience of studying abroad.

  • Value: $2,500

42) Dorrance Scholarship

The Dorrance Scholarship is a need-based award that aims to instill college-going traditions in future generations of Arizona families.

  • Value: $12,000

43) I’m First! Scholarship

Students must demonstrate financial need and also show a strong interest in their communities through volunteer work.

  • Value:$2,000

44) NFA First Generation in College Scholarship

The First Generation in College Scholarship is a merit-based, one-time monetary award granted to a flutist currently enrolled in or accepted to attend an accredited college, university or conservatory in the United States.

45) Golden Door Scholars Program 

Golden Door Scholars provides DACAmented & undocumented students with the financial aid and support needed to invest in their education and define their futures.

  • Value: $40,000

46) StudySoup First in Family Scholarship

The winning student will be able to clearly demonstrate leadership qualities, commitment to their education, and a capacity to triumph over challenges.

47) UNCF Coca-Cola First Generation Scholarship

The Coca-Cola First Generation Scholarship is available to students who are the first in their family to attend a 4-year college or university.

48) Florida FGMG

Be a Florida resident and a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. A student’s residency and citizenship status are determined by the postsecondary institution.

  • Value: Varies

49) Sallie Mae and Hispanic College Fund First in My Family Scholarship

Applicants must be Hispanic and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States. They need to have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be an undergraduate attending school full-time in the United States or Puerto Rico.

  • Value: $500-$5,000

50) Smith Scholarship Foundation

Applicants must be Alabama residents who are graduating high school seniors, have a minimum 2.3 GPA, and have taken or plan to take the SAT or ACT.

Scholarships for Women in Stem – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

51) engineering and technical science achievement scholarship.

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship provides financial assistance to women who are working on an undergraduate degree in a field of engineering or technical science are eligible to apply.

  • Value: Awards Vary

52) Palantir Women in Technology Scholarship

They hope to encourage women to pursue computer science, engineering, and technical studies, and to become leaders in these fields.

53) Virginia Heinlein Memorial Scholarship

The “Virginia Heinlein Memorial Scholarship” is dedicated to a female candidate majoring in engineering, math, or biological or physical sciences.

54) BHW Women in STEM Scholarship

Women who are pursuing an undergraduate or master’s degree and are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

  • Value: $3,000

55) Women at Microsoft Scholarship

The Women at Microsoft Scholarship is dedicated to supporting high school senior women and non-binary individuals who are targeting a career in STEAM fields.

56) Aysen Tunca Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a female undergraduate student majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) field, excelling in her studies, and demonstrating significant potential.

57) UPS Scholarship for Female Students

58) michigan council of women in technology undergraduate scholarship.

Our scholarship program encourages talented female students (high school seniors and current college/university students) to continue their higher education and ultimately help Michigan become the No. 1 state for girls and women in technology.

  • Value: $1,000-$5,000

59) Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate mathematics or related fields degree program at a 4-year, 2-year, vocational, or technical institution in the United States OR a graduating high school senior who has plans to study mathematics or related fields.

60) SNC Women in STEM Scholarship

This scholarship program is designed to encourage women to pursue careers in currently underrepresented fields and industries.

  • Value: $7,500

Scholarships for Native American Students – College Scholarships for High School Seniors

61) cherokee nation higher education scholarships.

Cherokee Nation scholarships are available for eligible tribal citizens residing within the Cherokee Nation reservation and contiguous boundaries or citizens who are eligible for the Pell grant and live outside those areas. Eligible high school juniors and seniors may also qualify for concurrent college classes.

  • Value: Awards vary.

62) Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program

Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program provides postsecondary financial assistance to eligible Minnesota resident students who demonstrate financial need for an award.

63) Chickasaw Nation Scholarships

This program provides a wide variety of higher education grants, scholarships and incentives to Chickasaw college students each semester.

  • Value: Up to $4,500

64) Hopi Tribe Grants and Scholarships Program

Their goal is to provide quality services to the Hopi people by enhancing a full range of educational opportunities.

65) Catching the Dream Program

Catching the Dream has three separate scholarship programs, the MESBEC, NALE, and TBM program.

66) American Indian College Fund Scholarship

The American Indian College Fund has a close relationship with the  35 accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) . Students attending TCUs are eligible for all the different merit-based scholarship programs we offer.

  • Value: $2,000-$3,000

67) Cobell Scholarship Program

Providing elevated opportunities for high achieving, community involved Native college students with leadership experience through empowering them with an impactful scholarship experience designed to support their success in higher education.

  • Value: Up to $6,000

68) Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation

Many awards may be determined based on merit, while some are restricted for students who demonstrate financial need or for students applying from specific geographic regions.

69) Association on American Indian Affairs Scholarships

Be enrolled with your respective Tribe, either federally recognized or non-federally recognized Native Nation, from the continental US or Alaska and possess a minimum GPA of 2.5.

70) American Indian Services Scholarships

The AIS Scholarship program is to help  undergraduate Native American students  with financial support to attend college, maintain enrollment, and graduate.

Scholarships for High School Seniors – Education Majors

70) teach grant.

The TEACH Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete coursework needed to begin a career in teaching.

71) Epsilon Sigma Alpha Scholarship

The ESA Foundation has awarded  more than $3 million  in scholarships and continues to award numerous scholarships annually. You  do not have to be an ESA member to apply for a scholarship, and our application process is 100% online.

72) James F. Reville Scholarship

The James F. Reville Scholarship is presented to an individual who intends to pursue a career related to the field of intellectual or other developmental disabilities such as behavioral sciences, social work, nursing, healthcare administration and management or psychology.

  • Value:$3,000

73) Early Childhood Educators Scholarship Program

The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Pennsylvania Scholarship Program offers early learning professionals a debt-free higher education, supporting them while they work to become stronger teachers and earn thriving wages.

  • Value: Up to $4,500 per semester

74) Mrs. Prindables Future Educator Scholarship

Open to any incoming freshman or current student majoring in education.

75) Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship

The Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars Program is a competitive scholarship for recent high school graduates with a passion for teaching and a history of high academic achievement, community service, and active involvement in extracurricular activities while in high school.

  • Value: $10,000 (renewable)

76) Middle Class Scholarship

The Middle Class Scholarship is for undergraduates and students in California pursuing a teaching credential with family income and assets up to $217,000.

77) Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Physics Teachers

The AAPT Board of Directors offers scholarships for future high school physics teachers. Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible.

78) Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship

The Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship provides high-achieving high school and college students interested in pursuing a career in education the opportunity to earn a renewable scholarship of up to $10,000 each year for four academic years. In exchange, students agree to teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school or repay the corresponding, prorated amount of the scholarship.

  • Value: $10,000 (renewable each year)

79) Teacher Education Scholarships

Every year, the American Montessori Society awards teacher education scholarships to aspiring Montessori teachers in support of their professional growth.

80) Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers

The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers was designed to encourage and support Texas’ most promising students to pursue a career in teaching through one of the state’s best university-based teacher preparation programs.

  • Value: $8,000-$10,000 per year

Scholarships for High School Seniors – Nursing Students

81) emergency nurses association foundation scholarships.

To further advance emergency nursing, the ENA Foundation proudly offers educational scholarships annually. Offerings include academic scholarships, available to members and nonmembers seeking to further their education with degrees ranging from associates to doctoral degrees.

82) National CPR Association

The National CPR Association invite you to join our Healthcare Training Scholarship Plan to aid you in your endeavors to become a qualified professional in your chosen field.

83) GoodRx Nurses for Change Scholarship

Be a current, enrolled student pursuing a healthcare or allied healthcare career at an accredited program recognized by the student’s state. Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent). Self-identify as a person from an underrepresented population in the healthcare field.

  • Value: $5,000 (renewable for four years)

84) Philippe Forton Scholarship

The Philippe Forton Scholarship aims to honor Philippe by supporting high school seniors pursuing nursing in post-secondary education.

85) Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship

The Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship is designed to encourage enrollment in LPN or RN nursing programs by Kansans committed to practicing in Kansas. Recipients sign an agreement/promissory note with the State of Kansas to practice nursing at a specific facility one year for each year of scholarship support.

  • Value: $4,500 (renewable each school year)

86) Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania nursing students at all levels of study are eligible to apply, provided they are matriculated in an accredited nursing school in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the upcoming Fall semester. This includes students in their final year of high school who plan to pursue a nursing degree.

87) Hurst Review Services AACN Nursing Scholarship

Hurst Review and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) are partnering to offer this scholarship program that recognizes and rewards entry-level nursing students for outstanding academic performance. All applicants must already be enrolled in an AACN member institution and maintain at least a 3.2 grade point average in their current program or last school attended.

88) Gender-Inclusion Scholarship

The applications will be evaluated on a weighted scale using the following categories, listed with the areas of highest emphasis first: Personal statement, financial need, volunteer/community service history, professional associations, reference letter, academic status, honors/awards, resume, certifications, and workload.

89) Jane Delano Student Nurse Scholarship

The Jane Delano Nursing Student Scholarship which promotes nursing as a career and encourages new nurses to get involved with the Red Cross. A limited number of scholarships are awarded each year.

90) Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Board of Directors Scholarship

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) awards 10 competitive $5,000 scholarships to qualified Alaska Native and American Indian students. This scholarship is open statewide

Scholarships for High School Seniors – Psychology Majors

91) jake thomas williams memorial scholarship.

For a high school senior majoring in social work, therapy, or psychology and planning a career in mental health or suicide prevention.

  • Value: $2,750

92) David L. Burns Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship aims to provide assistance to students in Missouri who are dedicated to supporting individuals grappling with addiction. It is open to students entering professions aimed at aiding individuals during their most challenging moments. Eligible fields include nursing, counseling/mental health, social work, and related careers.

93) Psi Chi Undergraduate Scholarships

The Psi Chi Undergraduate Scholarships help defray the direct educational costs (e.g., tuition, institutional fees, required textbooks) of exceptional Psi Chi undergraduate students.

94) Sharon Stephens Brehm Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships

Each year, their Sharon Stephens Brehm Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships award $5,000 to seven outstanding undergraduate psychology students who demonstrate financial need.

95) Inez Beverly Prosser Scholarship for Women of Color

This scholarship serves as a mechanism to empower women of color to complete their educational journey and pursue an advanced degree in psychology, and take a step toward supporting representation and impact of women of color in psychology, this scholarship will help defray the direct educational costs.

96) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship

A college scholarship program for undergraduate students committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science research.

97) Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program

To be considered for the Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant you must be a Maryland resident. If you are a dependent student, your parent must also be a Maryland resident. You must also enroll at a two-year or four-year Maryland college or university each semester.

98) Aya Healthcare Future Travel Nurse Scholarship

Scholarships are available to students with a 3.0 and an interest in becoming a traveling nurse.

99) Bethesda Lutheran Communities Scholarship

Supports Lutheran students pursuing undergraduate degrees and seminarian and post-graduate students that will prepare them for ministry (such as pastor, pre-seminary and deaconess studies, deaconess, director of Christian education, or special-needs teacher),

100) Bilingual School Psychologist Scholarships

Applicants are evaluated on their leadership, work experiences, and passion to transform the bilingual speech-language pathology field.

  • Value: $7,000-$9,000

College Scholarships for High School Seniors – Additional Blogs of Interest

  • 26 Most Expensive Colleges in 2024
  • Automatic Scholarships Based on SAT/ACT Scores
  • Best Scholarships for California Scholarships 
  • Most Common Scholarship Interview Questions
  • How to Win Merit Scholarships 
  • National Merit Scholarship PSAT Score Cutoff by State
  • How to Write a Scholarship Essay
  • Costs & Financial Aid

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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  • Types of Scholarships

Top Scholarships for High School Seniors in 2023-24

Scholarships for high school seniors

With rising college costs, scholarships are essential for accessible education. This guide covers 50 national and local 2023 scholarship opportunities for ambitious high school seniors.

The senior year of high school is an exciting time filled with memories and milestones. It’s also the time to start thinking about how to pay for college . With tuition costs rising each year, scholarships provide a great opportunity to lower the financial burden. This article highlights the top national and regional scholarships available in 2023 and 2024, specifically for current high school seniors planning to attend college. Let’s jump right in!

Table of Contents

Merit-Based Scholarships

These competitive scholarships reward academic excellence, leadership and well-rounded students.

  • National Merit Scholarship Program – Finalists receive awards from $2,500 up to full tuition based on PSAT scores and application.
  • Gates Millennium Scholars Program – Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this provides financial support through graduation for 1,000 outstanding minority students annually.
  • Coca-Cola Scholars Program – Achievement-based program awards 150 students per year with $20,000 college scholarships. Deadline is October 31, 2022.
  • Regeneron Science Talent Search – Awards 40 finalists $250,000 and 10 winners up to $400,000 for an original STEM research project. Deadline is November 2022.
  • Burger King Scholars Program – Awards $1,000 to $50,000 to students based on GPA, work experience and community service. Deadline likely December 2022.
  • Elks National Foundation Scholarship – Awards 250 four-year scholarships ranging from $1,000 per year to $12,500 per year for outstanding students. Deadline is November 14, 2022.
  • Horatio Alger Scholarship – Awards over $25 million annually, with national scholarships up to $25,000. Deadline likely March 15, 2023.
  • Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship – High-achieving students with financial need can receive up to $55,000 per year. Deadline is November 17, 2022.

Minority Scholarships for High School Seniors

These provide financial assistance specifically for underrepresented minority students.

  • United Negro College Fund Scholarships – UNCF awards over $100 million annually so low-income African American students can afford college. Award amounts vary by program.
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund – HSF provides scholarships worth over $100 million each year to Latino students based on merit and financial need. They offer both national and regional awards.
  • American Indian College Fund – Provides over 6,000 scholarships annually averaging $3,500 for Native American and Alaskan Native students.
  • Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund – APIA Scholars offers scholarships ranging from $2,500 to $20,000 for Asian American and Pacific Islander students.
  • Pride Foundation Scholarships – Scholarships awarded to LGBTQ+ students based on leadership, community service, academic success and financial need. Award amounts range from $5,000 to $14,000.

Athletic Scholarships

These allow student athletes to gain scholarship funding in exchange for participation in a college sports program.

  • NCAA Division 1 Athletic Scholarships – Contact coaches early about scholarship options. Understand NCAA eligibility and commitment requirements before signing a National Letter of Intent. Men’s football, basketball, women’s basketball and volleyball tend to provide the most aid.
  • National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association – Awards scholarships annually to high school senior swimmers planning to compete at the college level. Award amounts range from $1,000 to $2,000.
  • National Wrestling Coaches Association Scholarships – Scholarship awards ranging from $500 to $2,000 for high school wrestlers continuing the sport collegiately at an NWCA member institution.
  • US Lacrosse Scholarships – Annual scholarships awarded to high school lacrosse players, both men and women, who show academic and athletic achievement.

Need-Based Scholarships

For students demonstrating financial hardship, these provide tuition assistance based on family income levels.

  • Pell Grants – Federal Pell Grants provide up to $6,895 annually to low-income undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need.
  • Emergency Scholarship Grant – Need-based award for students facing unexpected hardship or health emergencies, with quick application turnaround. Awards vary from $500 to $2,000.
  • Student Scholarship Grant – Simple application and quick turnaround for need-based scholarship aid. Awards vary from $1,000 to $10,000.
  • Graduating High School Senior Scholarship – $1,000 scholarship for students completing high school demonstrating financial need.

Creative Scholarships

Apply your creative talents through these fun scholarship opportunities.

  • Create-a-Greeting-Card Scholarship – Design a greeting card for a chance to win a $10,000 scholarship. Deadline is March 15, 2023. Open to high school students 14 and older.
  • Artistic Excellence Scholarship – Submit artwork in any medium for a chance to earn a $1,000 scholarship. Deadline is June 30, 2023.
  • Make Me Laugh Scholarship – Write a funny short story in 250 words or less for a chance to win a $1,500 scholarship. Deadline is June 30, 2023.
  • Zumper Apartments Scholarship – Write a short essay for a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship. Biannual deadlines on April 30 and September 30.

Short Essay Scholarships

These scholarships simply require a short written response to qualify.

  • Cirkled In Scholarship – Submit a 200-400 word essay on a given topic by the deadline for a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship. Biannual deadlines on February 28 and July 31.
  • Do Something Scholarship – Write a 250-word essay describing a cause you care about to earn a $5,000 scholarship. Biannual deadlines on March 31 and October 31.
  • sigmas-perhaps-the-best-ai-writing-assistant – $1,000 No Essay Scholarship – Short application with no essay required. Quarterly deadlines on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
  • Resume Companion Scholarship – Submit a resume for review and complete a short form to qualify for a $1,000 scholarship. Monthly deadlines on the 25th of each month.

Local Community Scholarships

Local organizations provide smaller scholarships with less competition from fewer applicants.

  • High School Guidance Counselors – Ask about local scholarships through community foundations or other area programs.
  • Check Local Employers – Larger local employers may offer scholarships for employees’ children. Use the tool to find major area companies.
  • Community Organizations – Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce and other local groups often provide scholarships. Check their websites for applications.
  • Local Scholarship Databases – Lookup databases like Scholarships.com and FastWeb to find location-based awards.

Sweepstakes Scholarships

These offer a chance to win a scholarship prize through a random drawing.

  • Fastweb Invite a Friend Sweepstakes – Refer friends to Fastweb and be entered to win a $500 scholarship through a random drawing. Deadline is August 31, 2023.
  • Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass Sweepstakes – Enter for a chance to be one of 51 winners of a $10,000 scholarship. Deadline is August 31, 2023.

Business & Innovation Scholarships

These aim to support young entrepreneurs and business leaders.

  • Young Entrepreneur Scholarship – For high school students interested in business, submit an essay for a chance to win a $2,500 or $10,000 scholarship. Deadline is December 31, 2023.
  • Junior Achievement Essay Competition – Write a 500-word essay on an entrepreneur you admire for a chance to win up to a $2,500 scholarship. Annual deadline is in May.

Unique Scholarships

These scholarships stand out for their unique and sometimes quirky applications.

  • Tall Clubs International Scholarship – Awards up to $1,000 in scholarships for tall students under age 21. Must be at least 5’10” for women and 6’2″ for men. Deadline is March 2023.
  • Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest – Put your duck calling skills to the test for a chance to win $2,500! Part of the annual World’s Championship Duck Calling Contest during the Stuttgart Duck Festival.
  • VIP Voice Scholarship – Record a short video reviewing a brand or product for a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship. Quarterly video scholarship contests throughout the year.

Easy Application Scholarships

These scholarships have simple applications and quick turnarounds.

  • No Essay Scholarship – Short application with no essay required. Quarterly deadlines on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.

Niche Interest Scholarships

For students with particular backgrounds, interests or goals.

  • Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship – Students have the chance to win $10,000 by writing a 200-word vegetarian-themed essay. Deadline is February 20, 2023.
  • Women in Defense Scholarship – Female students can apply for merit-based national security scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. Annual deadline is September 30.
  • Ayn Rand Essay Contests – Write an essay related to Ayn Rand’s novels for a chance to win thousands in scholarship money. Annual deadlines in September and April.

This covers 50+ great scholarships available for the high school Class of 2023. With creativity and dedication, you can make college attainable through scholarships.

Bonus Reading for Tips to Help High School Students Land Scholarships!

Here are some unique tips for high school seniors to land scholarships that are lesser known:

  • Look for scholarships in your intended college major – Many professional associations and industry groups offer scholarships for students pursuing degrees in their field. Search “[Your Major] Scholarships” to find opportunities.
  • Compete in writing contests – Entering essay writing competitions, even on random topics, can earn scholarship money for high scoring entries. Look for contests by searching “essay contests”.
  • Get creative with art, music and video – Scholarships exist for artistic talents like painting, songwriting, photography, dance or filmmaking. Submit creative work to contests that award scholarships.
  • Leverage hobbies and interests – Niche scholarships are available for things like left-handed students, dog lovers, vegetarians and more. Don’t be afraid to get specific with your interests.
  • Enter sweepstakes and giveaways – Local businesses and national brands often run scholarship giveaways and contests. Follow companies on social media for opportunities.
  • Look within your community – Check local stores, restaurants, clubs and civic groups which may provide small scholarships that get few applicants.
  • Do good deed projects – Start a charity event or collection drive for a cause you care about. Nonprofits may award project grants/scholarships.
  • Ask relatives about ancestry – Lineage-based groups like German-American clubs or Italian-American societies offer scholarships to descendants.

Getting creative and thinking outside the box can uncover unexpected scholarship opportunities perfect for you!

Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships for High School Seniors

When should high school seniors start applying for scholarships.

Begin scholarship applications in the fall of senior year. Deadlines are typically between November and May. Avoid waiting until spring to get started.

Where can high school seniors find scholarships they are eligible for?

Use free scholarship search tools like Fastweb and Scholarships.com that allow you to filter by grade level. Check with your guidance counselor for local awards.

What scholarships should high school seniors focus on?

Look for national awards like National Merit and scholarships through major programs and organizations. Also apply for smaller local scholarships with less competition.

How many scholarship applications should a high school senior submit?

Applying to 5-15 scholarships provides a good balance to maximize your chances without becoming overwhelmed.

Can high school seniors win multiple scholarships and combine awards?

Yes, you can often “stack” smaller scholarships. Larger full-ride awards may limit additional funding. Read all scholarship rules before combining awards.

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The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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Our reviews and recommendations are based on extensive research, testing, and feedback. We may receive commission from links on our website, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions. Our marketing partners don’t review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It’s accurate to the best of our knowledge when posted. You can find a complete list of our partners here .

C. A. Ensign Scholarship

Offered by The Pittsburgh Foundation

Zach Skillings

1 award worth up to

Grade level.

High School Senior

Expected deadline: This scholarship might not currently be accepting applications. Most scholarship programs only accept applications a few months ahead of their annual deadline. We’ve estimated this deadline based on last year’s deadline in order to help you plan out your scholarship applications.

Scholarship overview.

The C. A. Ensign Scholarship is for graduating seniors from Newton Falls High School, in Newton Falls, Ohio. The successful candidate should be seeking a professional certification, associate, or bachelor’s degree. Students who show an interest and talent in English literature and journalism, as well as those from underrepresented backgrounds, receive special consideration.

Eligibility information

This scholarship is open to students meeting the below eligibility criteria.

Newton Falls High School

Application information

To apply for this scholarship, submit the below application materials before the deadline.

Academic transcript

Resume or CV

Letter of recommendation


no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

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Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

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Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

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Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

Discover similar scholarships by category

Create your Scholarships360 account to confirm your eligibility for the C. A. Ensign Scholarship. 0% Spam, 100% Free.

Apply to these scholarships exclusive scholarships

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

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“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship

Scholarship faq, is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students, who should i contact with any questions about this scholarship, is this scholarship renewable.

While you wait for this scholarship to reopen, try applying to some additional opportunities

3 reasons to join scholarships360

  • Automatic entry to our $10,000 No-Essay Scholarship
  • Personalized matching to thousands of vetted scholarships
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By the way...Scholarships360 is 100% free!


Top 15 No Essay Scholarships For High School Seniors

Scholarships are the financial assistances that help make a high schooler’s college education dream possible. The students with financial unavailability but with exceptional talent or academic excellence opt for scholarships to keep their studies’ plans fueled. Scholarships require students to fulfill certain criteria; submitting essay is one of them. Sometimes, essays make getting scholarships difficult because of the stringent checking procedures.

So, is there any way of getting scholarships without going through the grill of writing an essay?

The answer is yes. Let’s take a look at some of the no essay scholarships for high school seniors that offer easily available financial assistance.

No essay scholarships to watch for in 2022

1. be bold no essay scholarship.

Key features:

  • Educational level: Any
  • No of awardees: 1 per year
  • Amount: $25,050

Be Bold No Essay Scholarship requires students to be well-determined to achieve a goal. They are required to build their profile in such a way that showcases their goals and achievements made. The most ‘Bold’ candidate is selected based on their profiles to grant a scholarship of $25,000.

Last date to apply: April 1, 2022

Scholarship announced in: November, 2022

Sponsorship Details

2. Hustle Tech & Business News No-Essay Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000

This scholarship provides educational grants to people interested in tech and business news or has plans to be an entrepreneur. Applying for this scholarship automatically makes you a subscriber to Hustle. You have to read Hustle every day, share the Hustle newsletter with friends, and apply learnings from the news to boost your career/education. On the basis of an interview, the winner of this scholarship is decided.

Winner announced in: June, 2022

Sponsorship details

3. Nitro Pay for College No Essay Scholarship

Key Features:

Nitro is a loan and financial assistance platform that helps students with debt issues. Those students who get the best support from Nitro and use it for various purposes are recognized by Bold.org funders. The candidate with the boldest Bold.org profile can apply for this scholarship. The application deadline is rolling every month. So, keep pouring the platform with applications whenever you get the chance.

Last date to apply: Every month

Scholarship awarded in: December, 2022

These are the three easiest scholarships to apply at Bold.org. Let’s move to other scholarships that allow you to have funds in hand without writing an essay.

4. Too Cool to Pay for School No Essay Scholarship

Key Features

Educational level: high school, undergraduate, graduates No of awardees: 1 per quarter Amount: $1,000

Too Cool to Pay for School No Essay Scholarship is open to all students studying at high school and above levels. It is announced for those who are currently enrolled in high school in a full-time course or plan to do so in the next 24 months. The winner is selected randomly and announced at the end of every quarter. All US residents, DACA, undocumented students, and international students studying in the US are eligible to apply for this no essay scholarship. One entry per student per quarter is allowed. This scholarship is an initiative of Access Scholarships.

Deadline: Last day of March, June, September, December

5. Ascent Monthly Shining Stars Scholarship Giveaway

  • Educational level: high school and above
  • No of awardees: 1 per month
  • Amount: $1,000

To become eligible for this scholarship, the candidate needs to demonstrate his knowledge of how credit works. By answering a simple question about what they wish they knew about credit before getting a credit card, they can apply for this sponsorship. They need to like Ascent’s Instagram post on credit card and leave a comment that necessarily be followed by #AscentSponsored. This scholarship is open for high school seniors who are above 18 years of age and wish to pursue higher education.

Announcements made: Every month

6. Around the Corner from College Scholarship

Key features

  • Educational level: high school seniors, sophomores, freshmen
  • No of awardees: 1 per application period

Around the Corner from College Scholarship is open for US residents as well as those international students who intend to study in the US. The applications are invited online only. There is no purchasing required. Also, the response to the question asked in the sponsorship application is evaluated to decide the winner. Read other terms and conditions here .

Last date to apply: June 30th, Dec 31st.

Winner announced on: Drawing date intimated by email

Scholarship Details

7. Scholly’s $1,000 Tuition Relief Scholarship

  • Educational level: high school students above 18 years of age

Scholly’s Tuition Relief Scholarship covers all vital expenses like tuition, student debt, etc. This scholarship is a joint initiative of Scholly and Aspiration. It does not require any essay submission. The applicants can submit their application form on their website and they need to open a cash management account at Aspiration to be eligible for this no essay scholarship for high school seniors.

Last date to apply: May 31st, 2022

8. $2,000 No Essay College Scholarship by Niche.com

  • Education Level: High school
  • No of awardees: 1
  • Amount: $2,000

It is an easy scholarship to try to win. Students can apply for this scholarship every month. They are not required to submit any essay. All they need to do is apply for this scholarship online or via email and open an account with the sponsor Niche. Even GPA is not asked. They can get the scholarship for 2-year, 4-year college, and trade/technical school.

Winner announced: Every month

Scholarship details

9. Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship

  • Education Level: High school Senior, College
  • No of awardees: 20
  • Amount: $1,170 each

Just upload a video on how you live fearlessly with diabetes and continue to contribute to the world’s progress despite the condition and be eligible for this scholarship. Those diagnosed with diabetes can apply for this scholarship. Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship can be helpful in managing various challenges that come with this medical condition and may cost students additional expenses

Last date to apply: March 03, 2022

Winner announcement date: March 31, 2022

10. The Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award

  • Education Level: High school Senior, Junior, etc.
  • No of awardees: 12
  • Amount: $5,000

12 students who sign up for emails from Discover to know about college tips and other resources can enter this scholarship scheme. The students must be enrolled at least half-time in Bachelor’s degree program within a year of winning this scholarship. It is a no essay scholarship scheme that helps cover college expenses.

Last date to apply: Last day of every month

Result announced: Every Month or Quarterly

11. #FinancialFreedom No-Essay Scholarship

  • Education Level: Any
  • No. of Awardees: 1 every six months

Financial freedom no-essay scholarship requires you to submit an online application form only. By evaluating your profile based on your ambition, your want to become free financially, and the motivation to improve life through education, winners are selected for this sponsorship. This grant is sponsored by Calvin Rosser, a writer, and a startup owner, who supports people who want to rise above the odds and contribute to make the world a better place for all.

Last date to apply: May 31, 2022

Winner Announced: June 30, 2022

12. AFSA High School Senior Scholarship Contest

  • Education Level: High School Senior
  • No. of Awardees: 10

The AFSA High School Senior Scholarship Contest is open to all high school seniors who are legal U.S. residents. This scholarship program provides aid in pursuing college academics. The students are required to enroll in the classes no later than the Fall session ensuing immediately after the award. Students need to visit AFSA scholarship official website for applying online.

Last date to apply: April 01, 2022

Winner Announced: A fortnight of the contest end date

13. Top Friend Scholarship

  • No. of Awardees: 1

Top Friend Scholarship is for those contestants who are invited to be a part of Bold.org. The contestant must have the place among the boldest profiles on Bold.org. This scholarship is quite easy to get and requires no essay submission. The selection is done solely on profile analysis and the number of friends made at Bold.org.

Last date to Apply: April 1, 2022

Winner Announced: November 2022

14. Dr. Magidson Memorial Theater Scholarship

Education Level: Any No. of Awardees: 1 Amount: $5,000

If you are aiming at excelling in theater arts and have no financial means to pursue your interest, this scholarship is for you. A background in theater is required for this scholarship. It is sponsored by the Magidson family. 5-10 minutes of video demonstrating your work in the theater is required along with the application form submitted online to prove candidature for this grant.

Last date to apply: Apr 20, 2022

Winner Announced: May 20, 2022

15. College Express Monthly Scholarship

Education Level: High school senior No. of Awardees: 1 Amount:$1,000-$2,500

Have an interest in sports and want to study beyond high school? Just mention in one sentence how you plan to pursue sports in college, that is it! It is an easy scholarship to apply for and helps you apply for a $10,000 scholarship draw automatically. You require to be a sports fanatic and demonstrate the need for finance through relevant documents. Apply online every month to increase your chances of winning.

Last date to apply: Rolling Winner Announced: Rolling

If the soccer sponsorships for high school sound tough to you due to essay requirements, you can opt for the grants mentioned above. With all conditions made as simple as possible, the sponsors stand by the high schoolers’ college education dream genuinely. Also, the segregation based on personality traits, specific medical conditions, or will to change the world around makes these sponsorships quite interesting to contend for. Apply for these to avoid finances becoming a hurdle in your path to higher education.

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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21 Scholarships for High School Seniors in 2024

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Senior year is undoubtedly one of the most exciting parts of high school, but it also comes with its own challenges and frustrations. High school seniors have to juggle maintaining their academic performance, college applications, and possibly, a scholarship search. But there are a few ways that current high school seniors can improve their scholarship search. High school seniors can search for ways to pay for college with efficiency by using reliable and legitimate financial awards for higher education or trade school education. High school seniors applying for ways to pay for college should continue reading to learn more about high school senior scholarships.

About High School Senior Scholarship


Some scholarships are intended for students at any academic level, including college students, graduate students, and of course, graduating high school seniors. High school senior scholarships are one of several ways that high school seniors can pay for college. Scholarships include funds that don’t usually need to be paid back, so scholarship awards are an excellent way students can pay for college without accruing debt. Many scholarships go unclaimed each year, so it’s important that high school seniors search for different ways to pay for college, including grants, local scholarships, essays scholarships, specialized scholarships, and merit-based scholarships. These are only a few different types of ways to pay for college that are available to high school seniors.

What are High School Senior Scholarships?

Whether high school seniors want to attend a private college, state university, or a trade school, most students will likely need to find a way to pay for their education. Before students step into a lecture hall or classroom, they’ll need to pay for their courses, room and board, textbooks, and possibly even plan to pay for meals and other living expenses. Scholarships are one way to help students pay for courses each semester. Anyone pursuing higher education will likely want to apply to and earn as many financial awards as they can to help cut down on the financial burden that college can sometimes create. 

While some high school seniors may have access to an expected family contribution, many students may find that these contributions don’t cover the entire cost of college. High school senior scholarships are an excellent way to pay for college expenses because many of the awards don’t need to be paid back. Many of them don’t have application fees either. Lots of scholarships rely not only on financial need, but other qualifications as well. 

What Qualifies as a High School Senior Scholarship?

Again, some scholarships are based on a student’s financial need, but many scholarships look at other qualifications as well. Some award winners receive funds for college because they demonstrated impressive academic performance in high school. Other awards may be based on a student’s extracurricular activities, including awards for theater students, band students, national honor society students, or student athletes. 

Scholarship committees may also have a minimum GPA requirement before students can apply. There are many different qualifications that high school senior scholarships may have, but they’ll all have specific deadlines and award amounts. Because student interests vary, so do the types of high school senior scholarships available. 

Types of High School Senior Scholarships Available


Whether high school seniors are interested in art, sports, science, or helping the environment, there is likely a scholarship out there that speaks to their individual interests. Graduating seniors will likely have a solid idea of what interests them in terms of extracurriculars, and their interests and extracurriculars can help them narrow down their financial award search. Here are some examples of types of high school senior scholarships available. 

1. Learning and Changing Scholarship

The Learning and Changing Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one student. The scholarship deadline for this award is July 13, 2022. To apply, students will need to share something they have learned that changed their opinion on something important in their life. This award is for a student at any education level, and the winner will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

2. Community Activist Scholarship

The Community Activist Scholarship is intended for students at any education level. This $500 award will be given to one student who is passionate about helping their community. To apply, students will need to share what they do in their local community to bring about positive change. The application deadline is July 13, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

3. Mentor Scholarship

The Mentor Scholarship is meant for students at any education level. This $500 award will have one winner and has a deadline of July 13, 2022. Any student who is a mentor to someone else can apply for this scholarship. To apply, students will need to share how they hope to positively impact the lives of those they mentor. The winner of this award will be announced on August 13, 2022.

4. Climate Changemakers Scholarship

The Climate Changemakers Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one student at any education level. Any student who acts to protect the environment can apply for this award. To apply, students will need to share what they do to benefit the environment in their daily life. The deadline to apply is July 13, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

5. Milk Road Web3 Cryptocurrency No-Essay Scholarship

The Milk Road Web3 Cryptocurrency No-Essay Scholarship will have one winner who will be awarded $1000. This award will be given to applicants who get the most out of The Milk Road. This scholarship has rolling monthly application deadlines, and the award will be given on April 1, 2023. 

6. Optimist Scholarship

The Optimist Scholarship is intended for students at any education level. This award seeks to encourage students to live their lives with optimism, hope, and joy. Any student dedicated to staying optimistic can apply. The deadline to apply for this $500 scholarship is July 14, 2022. The winner will be announced on August 14, 2022. 

7. Art Matters Scholarship

The Art Matters Scholarship is meant for students at any education level. This $500 award will be given to one student who is passionate about art. To apply, students will need to share about their favorite piece of art and why they’re drawn to it. The deadline to apply is July 14, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 14, 2022. 

8. Science Matters Scholarship

The Science Matters Scholarship is a $500 award meant for a student at any education level. This scholarship seeks to support students who are interested in science and fascinated by scientific discovery. To apply, students will need to share which scientific discovery is their favorite and why. The deadline to apply for this award is September 14, 2022, and the winner will be announced on October 14, 2022. 

9. Healthy Living Scholarship

The Healthy Living Scholarship is a $500 award for students at any education level. This award is intended for one winner, and the application deadline is August 15, 2022. Any student who’s a US citizen or permanent legal resident and passionate about health and wellness can apply. The winner will be announced on September 15, 2022. 

10. A Dog Changed My Life Scholarship

The A Dog Changed My Life Scholarship is a $500 award that will go to one winner at any education level. Students who have been impacted by a dog can apply. The application deadline for this award is August 15, 2022, and the winner will be announced on September 15, 2022. 

11. Pet Lover Scholarship

The Pet Lover Scholarship is for any senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who has a pet that they love. This scholarship aims to show appreciation for beloved pets and their owners. This $500 award will be given to one winner. The application deadline is August 15, 2022, and the winner will be announced on September 15, 2022. 

12. Financial Literacy Scholarship

The Financial Literacy Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to a student at any education level. To apply, students will need to share about a personal finance lesson that benefited them. The application deadline is July 14, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 14, 2022. 

13. Caring for Seniors Scholarship

The Caring for Seniors Scholarship is meant for students at any education level who are passionate about caring for senior citizens and improving their lives. To apply, students will need to share one thing they do to make the lives of the elderly people in their community better. The deadline for this $500 award is June 30, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 30, 2022. 

15. Great Books Scholarship

The Great Books Scholarship is meant to encourage students to continue reading, learning, and applying their acquired knowledge to their daily lives. This $500 award will be given to one winner of any education level. The deadline to apply for this award is June 30, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 30, 2022.

16. Deep Thinking Scholarship

The Deep Thinking Scholarship will have one winner of any education level. This $500 award is meant to support a student who is passionate about thinking deeply and making a positive impact on the world. To apply, students will need to share which problem they think poses the greatest threat to the world, and one way people can work towards fixing it. The deadline to apply is June 25, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

17. Great Minds Scholarship

The Great Minds Scholarship is a $500 award that is meant to support one student with a great mind that is passionate about using their mind to the fullest in order to benefit the world. The application deadline for this award is June 25, 2022. The winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

18. Future of Education Scholarship

The Future of Education Scholarship is meant for students at any education level. This $500 award will be given to one winner who is passionate about making sure future generations have access to education. To apply, students will need to write about one change to education they believe would positively impact future generations. The deadline for this application is June 25, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

19. Generosity Matters Scholarship

The Generosity Matters Scholarship is a scholarship with five winners who will each receive a $100 award. Students will need to apply by June 12, 2022. To apply, students need to believe in the power of generosity and strive to help those around them whenever they get the chance. The winners will be announced on July 12, 2022. 

20. Creativity Scholarship

The Creativity Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one winner. To apply, students will need to share how they apply creativity in their lives. This award aims to support creative students so they can afford to pursue their education and their dreams. The application deadline is June 17, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 17, 2022.

21. Mental Health Awareness Scholarship

The Mental Health Awareness Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one winner. This scholarship is open to all students from any field of study. Students can apply by sharing about what they think should be done to help people who struggle with mental health. The deadline to apply is June 24, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 24, 2022. These are just a few examples of the many awards that high school seniors can apply to as a way to pay for college.

How to Find High School Senior Scholarships to Apply for


Some scholarships are based on not only financial need, but on a student’s community involvement, academic achievement, or undergraduate degree that they’re pursuing. There are a few reliable ways for high school seniors to find any kind of scholarship.

School Counselor

School counselors are there to help students cope with a variety of things, including transitioning from high school to college. School counselors can help students when it comes to scholarship essays, college applications, scholarship applications, and ways to pay for college. School counselors are valuable in a scholarship search because they likely have reliable sources for ways to pay for college. There is no limit to how many scholarships that students can apply to, so counselors will likely share a list of resources for students to consider rather than a specific award or two. 

Local Organizations

If a high school senior is involved with a religious organization, local shelter, or community center, they should check with management to see if these organizations offer scholarships for high school students. Volunteer work is a great addition to any student’s college application, but it can also be a great way for students to find ways to pay for college. Serving in a person’s community demonstrates good character and work ethic, and organization managers can witness those qualities first hand. 

Extracurricular Activities

Students involved in extracurricular activities may also find ways to pay for college through these activities. Some colleges, whether community college or technical school, may offer scholarships specific to a student’s intended major. Some students could apply for awards based on their interests, whether they enjoy art, sports, music, computer science, or service work. Students should double-check with their club sponsors, organizers, or staff adviser about scholarships.

Reliable Online Resources

Students can also conduct online searches for ways to pay for college. There are many reliable websites that students can visit to search for ways to pay for college, and some of these websites might include essay scholarships, no-essay scholarships, scholarships for high school students, scholarships for current college students, and these sites may even offer scholarship application tips. Many scholarships go unclaimed each year, but many of these reliable sites want to help students pay for college. These sites don’t only reward successful students for their hard work, but they also encourage passionate high school students and high school students with unique interests to apply. 

Additionally, exploring the best scholarships for high school seniors can significantly broaden your options and ensure you’re applying to the most advantageous opportunities available. This resource meticulously curates a comprehensive list of scholarships tailored specifically for high school seniors, offering a variety of awards based on academic merit, community service, specific career interests, and more. By incorporating this valuable resource into your search strategy, you can efficiently identify scholarships that align with your unique profile and aspirations, enhancing your chances of securing the financial support necessary for your higher education journey.

Tips for Winning High School Senior Scholarships

Here are a few tips for students when it comes to winning high school senior scholarships.

Apply Early

When applying for scholarships, it’s best for students to apply early. Some students begin applying for ways to pay for college as high school juniors or sophomores . Some applications will have deadlines for the summer after a student’s senior year, but high school seniors should look for ways to pay for college well before this. Scholarships for high school seniors should be at the top of the senior to-do list, because paying for college is an important part of the college experience for undergraduate students. 

Applying early will help ease some of the stress that high school seniors feel in the spring as the end of their high school career gets closer and closer. Many students will need to apply for financial aid through FAFSA, but some scholarships could also have early deadlines. If they haven’t started their search before senior year, high school seniors should begin looking at scholarship programs and applications in the fall of their senior year. This will allow them to have plenty of time to find the right applications for them, revise and edit their applications before submission, and have others proofread applications if necessary. Applying early will also allow high school seniors to apply to many different scholarships rather than just a couple. 

Apply to Many Different Scholarships

High school seniors need to give themselves plenty of time to apply to scholarships they feel they may qualify for. While many scholarships go unclaimed each year, there are many scholarships that are quite competitive. Even if a student feels they’ve got an award in the bag, they shouldn’t count their eggs before they hatch. High school seniors should continue to apply to many different scholarships that are relevant to them because some awards that they feel are a guarantee may not come through for them. If students apply to many different scholarships, they may be pleasantly surprised by the number of awards they receive, and more prepared than if they only applied to a few scholarships. Seniors should also consider awards of any amount.

Apply to College Scholarships of Any Amount

High school seniors should apply to the scholarships that are relevant to them, despite the award amount. Yes, applying to scholarships takes time, but smaller awards can add up and help pay for a large chunk of college expenses. Large awards will be more competitive than smaller ones, and these awards will likely require a lot of a student’s time and attention. Students should certainly apply to large awards, but they should not discount smaller awards in their search for scholarship opportunities.

Attach Letters of Recommendation to the Applications

Each graduating high school senior should have a couple of letters of recommendation in their back pockets. These can come in handy with the college admission process as well as a scholarship search. Some scholarship applications will allow applicants to attach letters of recommendation to their applications, which will help students set their applications apart from the rest. If students ask for letters of recommendation, they should give the writer plenty of time to write the letter. Students should also consider giving a student resume to this person to help them write it. High school seniors can talk to club organizers, coaches, and others for letters of recommendation.

Stay Organized

Lastly, high school seniors need to stay organized. High school seniors should consider creating a spreadsheet that allows them to keep track of the following information: scholarship name, organization name, date applied, application due date, scholarship description, and a column for notes. This will help students keep their information organized so they’re not wondering if they’re looking at a scholarship that they’ve already applied to. 

Looking for a scholarship program, single scholarship, or local scholarship can be challenging. High school seniors juggle enough with deciding on a college degree to pursue, college applications, the college admissions process, and goodbyes to the familiarity of high school. But these tips can help high school seniors in their journey to find ways to pay for their college education.

Frequently Asked Questions About High School Senior Scholarships

Here are some frequently asked questions about scholarships for high school seniors.

Are high school senior scholarships legit?

High school senior scholarships are legit. There are many ways to find high school senior scholarships from reliable sources, but there are many sites that try to scam students. It’s important for high school seniors to research companies before sharing any personal information, especially online.

How can I improve my chances of winning high school senior scholarships?

There are a few things that high school seniors can do to improve their chances of winning scholarships for high school seniors. High school seniors should apply early, apply to many scholarships, apply to scholarships of any amount, consider attaching letters of recommendation to their applications, and stay organized.

How many high school senior scholarships can you get?

There is no limit to how many scholarships students can earn. Scholarships will need to be reported to the financial aid office on the college campus they choose to attend.

Are high school senior scholarships taxable income?

Typically, scholarships cannot be treated as taxable income.

What’s the best way to apply for high school senior scholarships? 

High school seniors should apply for scholarships by talking to their high school counselors, reaching out to the organizations they work with, and using reliable online sites.

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

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Our Top Scholarship Pick

The $25,000 “be bold” no essay scholarship.

Rolling monthly application deadlines

Award: Awards $25,000

Overview: The $25,000 “Be Bold” Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. No-Essay Scholarship in just a few clicks! Fund your education with verified new scholarships, available only on Bold.org. New scholarships are added daily, and membership is 100% free for students.

Imagine Dragons Origins Scholarship

Deadline: Sep 15, 2021

Award Amount: $10,000 4 winners, $2,500 each

Overview: In their decade of touring the world, Grammy-winning band Imagine Dragons saw firsthand that music knows no boundaries. It’s a universal language that connects people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and cultures.

Unfortunately, many of those who come to America from other countries face incredible educational and financial challenges. In an effort to honor the unifying spirit of music, the band’s scholarship supports and amplifies their voices, knowing that diversity makes us all stronger.

The Imagine Dragons Origins Scholarship will help four refugee, immigrant, or first-generation American students to achieve their educational dreams with $2,500 each.

Bubba Wallace Live to Be Different Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2021

Award Amount: $10,000

Overview: Bubba and Live To Be Different’s mission is to encourage the next generation to be better and more inclusive than every generation before it so that they can achieve anything they put their mind to, just as Bubba has done in his journey standing up for racial justice while trailblazing as one of NASCAR’s most successful African-American drivers.

In doing so, Live To Be Different strives to empower and support disadvantaged individuals with educational, medical, social, or other types of assistance needed to help make their dreams reality.

To enter, please share an experience of a time when you encountered adversity, and what you did to overcome it.

Breanden Beneschott Fire Memes Scholarship

Deadline: October 1, 2021

Award Amount: $1,000

Overview: The Breanden Beneschott Fire Memes Scholarship exists to support the creative souls of the world who dream up and make memes that spread truth, humor, and ideas.

The scholarship is open to anyone in school and anyone with student debt. To enter, all you need to do is:

  • Submit your favorite memes. Bonus points for originality.
  • Share a short caption for the meme(s), including your Instagram handle.
  • Follow the Fire Meme Scholarship Instagram at @fire.student.memes and like/comment on your favorite memes.The best submissions will get featured on The Fire Meme Scholarship Instagram. Winners will be chosen in part based on the popularity of their submissions!

3LAU “Everything” Scholarship

Deadline: June 20, 2021

Award Amount: $14,770

Overview: We all have goals and dreams, but it takes a special system of motivation and support to chase them every day and to work towards being the best versions of ourselves. It can be our families, friends, loved ones, creative talents, academic pursuits, and artistic passions. We all have something that drives us.

Who or what is your everything?

The 3LAU “Everything” Scholarship is open to any high school or undergraduate student who has big dreams and a passion for life and expressing themselves.

JuJu Foundation Scholarship

Deadline: Jun 30, 2021

Award Amount: $20,000 4 winners, $5,000 each

Overview: Pittsburgh Steelers and former University of Southern California WR JuJu Smith-Schuster is dedicated to giving his all on the field for his teammates, and off the field for his community. In 2019, he created The JuJu Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the support of youth initiatives and lifting the spirits of those in need.

Today, JuJu and his foundation are partnering with Bold.org to help students achieve their educational dreams. The JuJu Foundation Scholarship will help four students who are facing economic hardship to pay for their education with $5,000 each. All current high school and undergraduate students studying in the US who face financial challenges in paying for their education are welcome to apply.

Hustle Tech & Business News No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: This scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of The Hustle Daily. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read The Hustle every day
  • Share The Hustle with your friends
  • Apply what you learn to accelerate your education and career

Finalists to this scholarship will be interviewed about how they applied what they learned from The Hustle Daily to their education and career!

While the scholarship will be awarded on May 31, 2021, the scholarship will have rolling monthly application deadlines. Students applying within earlier application windows will have a greater chance of winning the award.

HomeCare.com Nursing Scholarship

Deadline: April 29, 2021

Award Amount: $8,000 4 winners, $2,000 each

The HomeCare.com Nursing Scholarship is designed to provide equitable opportunities for prospective Black nurses to excel in their studies. All prospective nursing majors, LPNs, or RNs are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

To apply, please submit a 400-600 word essay sharing who or what inspires you in your nursing career, and how you will apply your motivation to serve the public through your practice.

Lewis University Launch Your Career Scholarship

Overview: The Lewis University Launch Your Career Scholarship is designed to supply the next generation of Lewis University students with the tools to make an impact and succeed even before setting foot on campus to start their adventure as a Lewis University student.

All current high school seniors or undergraduate students who have Lewis University as a college of interest and are interested in attending are eligible to apply!

Ayn Rand “The Fountainhead” Essay Contest 

Award Amount: $5,000 for 1st place

Overview: Have you read one of Ayn Rand’s thought-provoking novels? Now’s the time! Enter an Ayn Rand Institute essay contest for your chance to win thousands of dollars in scholarship prize money. ARI has held worldwide essay contests for students on Ayn Rand’s fiction for more than thirty years. This year we will award over 230 prizes, totaling more than $70,000.

Allwork Scholarship 

Deadline: March 22, 2021

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

Overview:  This merit-based scholarship supports architecture students with demonstrated financial need. Students must be nominated by the dean or chair of the school of architecture in which they are currently studying in order to apply for this award.

Morning Brew Tech & Business News Scholarship

Overview:  This scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of Morning Brew. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read Morning Brew every day
  • Share Morning Brew with your friends

Finalists to this scholarship will be interviewed about how they applied what they learned from Morning Brew to their education and career!

Diversity in Music Education Scholarship

Deadline: Sep 30, 2021

Award Amount: $6,000 3 winners, $2,000 each

Overview: The Symphonic Distribution Art Student Debt Scholarship exists to support students from a minority background who are looking to take their career in the arts to the next level. This scholarship is open to all minority students who are interested in, already enrolled in, or are recent graduates with a degree in the arts. To apply, applicants must submit a short video about why music and the arts are important to culture and how they can be used to promote cross-cultural inclusion.

Zippia’s Teacher Dream Job Scholarship

Deadline: December 31, 2021

Overview: Tell us in 500 words or less, why you want to be a teacher. Describe your dream job to us and tell us WHY this is your dream job. Send your essay in the body of the email (no attachments) to [email protected] with the subject line: “My Teacher Dream Job Scholarship Contest Entry”.

Diller Teen Awards 


Award Amount: $36,000

Overview:  The Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards recognize Jewish teens in the United States who have demonstrated remarkable leadership and initiative in projects that embody the values of  tikkun olam , “repairing the world.”

Soo Joo Park Scholarship for Asian American Women

Deadline: Sep 1, 2021

Award Amount: $2,000

The Soo Joo Park Scholarship for Asian American Women exists to uplift and support the voices of individuals from Asian American background who have faced challenges big or small to make a difference in their own lives and their community. The scholarship is open to Asian American women ages 16 and up from immigrant backgrounds in any field of study and educational level.

Skimm Money No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: Up to $1,000

This scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of Skimm Money. You’ll be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read Skimm Money regularly
  • Check out articles on theskimm.com/money for more ways to take control of your money
  • Finalists to this scholarship will be interviewed about how they applied what they learned from Skimm Money to their lives.

This scholarship will have rolling monthly application deadlines. Students applying within earlier application windows will have a greater chance of winning the award.

Next Young Leaders Program Scholarship

Deadline: July 15, 2021

Overview: To contribute to the advancement of leadership for the future, the Next Young Leaders Program Scholarship will be awarded to one very ambitious and impactful student who has stellar leadership qualities and displays excellence in and out of the classroom. The Next Young Leaders Program is a program led by Agha Haider, who is focused on providing high school seniors with an opportunity to navigate the college process, receive a virtual mentorship, and a scholarship towards their college education. All high school juniors (2022) are eligible to apply for this scholarship. To apply, please describe an example of your leadership and write about what being a leader means to you.

Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: July 1, 2021

Award Amount: $9,008 6 winners, $1,501 each

The Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship exists to honor her life and to encourage those who share her commitment to healing and continue in their studies and pending careers.

To apply, please answer the essay question below:

If you’re a high school senior : As a graduating high school student, why do you want to become a nurse, and is there a specific area of nursing you would like to pursue?

Endeavor Design Scholarship

Deadline: Jun 18, 2021

Award Amount: $1,865

The Endeavor Design Scholarship is offered in support of creating racial equity in the fields of Fashion/Footwear, Industrial, and Graphic Design.


  • Scholarship reserved for Black High School students, Massachusetts residents only
  • Must be a High School Senior/Student who plans to enroll in a full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or CEGEP institution for the entire academic year
  • Pursuing a design-related degree; majors include: Fashion Design, Footwear Design, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, or related fields.

To apply, submit 5-7 photos of your portfolio. Write a brief statement about what design means to you and how a career in design would be transformational for you.

Teen Entrepreneur Scholarship

Deadline: Aug 31, 2021

Award Amount: $3,000

The Teenage Entrepreneur Society is announcing the Teen Entrepreneur Scholarship with the aim of providing support for young entrepreneurs in need of funding for either their education or furthering their business. All high school entrepreneurs are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

To apply, please talk about a support system in your life and how they’ve given you the tools to be successful in your entrepreneurship ventures.

HerCampus x Pocket: The Future Connection College Scholarship Competition

Award Amount: $5,000

Overview: Living in the digital age can mean something different to everyone, and we want to hear what it means to you. To enter, answer the following prompt in 300-500 words: “What does it mean for you to come of age in a hyper-online, always-connected world?” Get creative, have fun with your essay, and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine. You can read the full official rules here .

3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship

Deadline: Nov 30, 2021

Overview: At the core of 3Wishes is the support, upliftment, and encouragement of women past systemic and social barriers. The 3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship is designed to support one special woman in achieving her dreams in and out of the classroom.

All women planning to attend college sometime in the next two years are eligible. To apply, please write about how you think society can most effectively empower women.

While not required, applicants who have volunteer experience, express financial need, and/or are women of color are encouraged to apply.

AMPLIFY No Code Scholarship

Deadline: Jul 1, 2021

Award Amount: 1,000

Overview: As creators that have benefited directly from the “no-code movement”, we’re excited to give back to this community and empower a creator in this space. The funds can be used to invest in no-code education or to invest in the software required for your no-code project.

To apply, please share a 500-word essay, describing your project aspirations and how no-code would allow you to accelerate progress toward your goals.

Davidson Fellows Scholarship

Deadline: The 2021 application deadline has passed. The 2022 application will be available this fall.

Award Amount: $50,000

Overview: The Davidson Fellows Scholarship awards $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to extraordinary young people, 18 and under, who have completed a significant piece of work. Application categories are Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, Music, Philosophy and Outside the Box. Davidson Fellows are honored every year in Washington, D.C. with Congressional meetings and a special reception. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider’s website.

WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship

Award Amount: $5,000 5 winners, $1,000 each

Overview: As one small way to make higher education more accessible to low-income students, the WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship will be awarded to five students in any field of study who have an exemplary academic record, but are in need of financial assistance to pursue their dreams in higher education.

To apply, you must be a high school senior, someone returning to school, or already enrolled in a post-secondary education program. please write about your greatest achievement, what it taught you about yourself, and what you hope to achieve in the future.

One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest

Deadline: January 9, 2022

Overview: The One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest is open to students who are no more than 25 years of age. You must submit a video between three and eight minutes that shares and highlights solutions to the issues discussed in the chosen sustainability topic(s) chosen from the list on the sponsor’s website. The film entry’s theme must be solution – based. The film should talk about an environmental / sustainability problem and then discuss what could be a potential solution to this problem. Videos may be submitted by either an individual or a group and animated videos of no more than 45 seconds will also be considered.

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Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship

Deadline: Oct 5, 2021

Award Amount: $10,020

Overview: Cat Zingano is an inspiration to many for the fight she displays in all aspects of her life. The Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is fighting through their own loss of a close family member, legal guardian or loved one, and is in need of financial support for their education as they move forward.

Brandon Zylstra Road Less Traveled Scholarship

Deadline: Aug 1, 2021

Award Amount: $10,640 2 winners, $5,320 each

Overview: To support an ambitious and determined Black student who may not have the financial backing to pursue their dreams, the Brandon Zylstra Road Less Traveled Scholarship will be awarded to two Black high school students who plan to attend college.

To apply, please write about what you’re passionate about, what steps you plan to take toward a career involving this passion, and one time when you overcame tremendous adversity to excel despite the odds.

All Black students studying in the US are eligible to apply for this scholarship!

DAR Good Citizen Scholarship

Deadline: The portal will reopen for application submissions on November 1, 2021.

Overview: The DAR Good Citizen Scholarship is open to high school seniors who demonstrate the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. You must submit a personal statement and essay to be considered for this award.

Women in Music Scholarship

Deadline: Aug 15, 2021

Overview: As one part of supporting women in music, the Women in Music Scholarship will support women who are passionate about playing/creating music and would like to pursue a career in the industry.

The scholarship is open to all women from any field of study who are interested in or already engaged with a career in the music industry, which includes being a producer, DJ, publicist, blogger, are anything related to music and the overall industry.

Austin Kramer Music-Maker Scholarship

Deadline: Jun 28, 2021

Let’s make some music!

I think music is the key to life. Without it, we’d be lost! I was thinking of that this year on my birthday and wanted to encourage students to…create music!

  • Sing me an original song idea. Send me your beat.
  • Whistle a hook. Play a few notes. Hum the melody.
  • A few notes or a complete arrangement.
  • Any instrument, length, or style. Any major.

I’m looking for your newest musical thought. You don’t have to be a professional musician or music-major, just someone who has a passion for creating music.

To apply, upload to Soundcloud and share the link. Or share a Spotify link if you’re ahead of the game and have already released it.

Finally, tell me how you came up with it in a few sentences or more.

Abran Arreola Latinx Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000 2 winners, $1,000 each

Overview: With many Latinx students today being the first in their families to attend college, finances can often be a burden in the educational journey. This leads to fewer Latinx individuals with degrees and fewer employment opportunities, perpetuating the cycle of poverty that is seen more often in Latinx households.

Taking inspiration from my mentors, I’d like to pay it forward with the Abran Arreola Latinx Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to two Latinx students who are pursuing higher education and who believe in the power of community.

To apply, please tell us about an important experience in your life. How has that experience shaped your understanding of yourself, the world, and your community?

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Spirit of Giving Scholarship

Deadline: July 31, 2021

Overview: The Spirit of Giving Scholarship is available to high school seniors and current college students. You must submit an essay of between 500 and 750 words on one of the following three topics in order to be considered for this award: How have you advanced the spirit of giving in your community or abroad either through service or in giving? How has the spirit of giving affected you personally? How will your college or post-secondary education allow you to be of service to others or give to others?

Take Flight With Embry-Riddle Scholarship

Overview: To encourage and drive innovation for prospective ERAU students, the Take Flight With Embry Riddle Scholarship is designed to support ambitious students interested in aviation, aeronautics, astrophysics, engineering, or a related field with funds to help with their studies and pursuit of a meaningful career.

While the scholarship will be awarded on March 1st, 2022, the scholarship will have rolling monthly application deadlines. Students applying within earlier application windows will have a greater chance of winning the award.

A Heroes Family Scholarship

Overview: As one small way to help the families of first responders, the A Heroes Family Scholarship exists to provide financial support for a student who has lost a parent or spouse to an on-duty tragedy of a first responder.

The scholarship is open to students in any field of study who are pursuing a 2 or 4-year degree, which can include a traditional college program, trade or vocational school, or professional certificate program.

The only requirement is that you are a surviving child or spouse of a first responder.

Fleming Law College Scholarship

Overview: As a way to support students and allow them to express their experiences in the smartphone era, the Fleming Law College Scholarship exists and will be awarded to one high school senior or undergraduate student in any field of study at a 2 or 4-year college.

To apply, please write about your experience with smartphones, How you think they impact your day-to-day life, and how you think it impacts your actions behind the wheel.

Nervo “Revolution” Scholarship

Overview: To amplify women and all their strength and courage, mulit-talented DJ duo, Nervo, will award their “Revolution” Scholarship to one ambitious and influential young woman who wants to change the world.

Female students in the US at all levels of study are eligible to apply for this scholarship. To apply, please tell us about your greatest ambition and how you hope to bring that vision to reality.

Travel Is Education Scholarship

Deadline: We have extended our 2021 contest through 2022. The postmark deadline for submission is January 31, 2022.

Overview: The Travel Is Education Scholarship is open to U.S. students in grades 6 through 12. You must submit two-dimensional artwork, photos or a writing (maximum one page) on the theme of “Becoming a Global Citizen”. Sample topics are available on the Web site provided. The contest is open to students aged 11-20 traveling on an ACIS tour from October 15, 2020 through October 14, 2022.

ABC Humane Wildlife Academic Scholarship – Women In STEM

Overview: At ABC Wildlife, we believe diversity is critical in every scientific field from biology to chemical engineering. While women represent 48% of the American workforce, they make up only 13% of engineering professionals and a mere 7.2% in the field of mechanical engineering. Overall, women are critically underrepresented in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

National Center for Learning Disabilities Scholarships

Deadline: June 15, 2o21

Award Amount: $2,500

Overview: NCLD offers annual scholarships and awards that celebrate the work and achievements of those students and leaders working to improve the lives of the 1 in 5 with learning and attention issues.

Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship

Deadline: Jul 31, 2021

Award Amount: $1,500

Overview: Across the country, women are largely underrepresented in STEM because they lack support from their peers, colleagues, and mentors.

As a way to shift this cultural paradigm, the Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship exists to support and incentivize young women to pursue a degree in STEM. The scholarship will be awarded to one female high school senior or undergraduate student who will be attending a college or university in the fall of 2021.

To apply for this scholarship, please tell us a bit about yourself, the biggest influence in your life, and how it’s shaped your career aspirations.

Autism Scholarship Contest

Deadline: December 10, 2021

Overview: The Kelly Law Team (KLT) is delighted to announce that for the fourth year since 2016, it is offering an educational scholarship. This year, as in 2015 and 2017, the scholarship will be open to those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who wish to continue their education. The award will be applied to offset tuition at the educational institution chosen by the applicant. Our firm believes that because ASD may have a profound impact on a person’s education, tuition assistance can have a positive influence on an individual’s desire and ability to pursue their educational goals.

Writing With a Purpose Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,605

Overview: The Writing With a Purpose Scholarship exists to inject hope and encouragement into African American college students looking to break into the field of journalism. The winner will receive a $1,000 award, and the runner up will receive a $500 award.

You must be a high school senior or an undergraduate African American student looking to get into journalism.

To apply, from a journalist’s perspective, please conduct a short case study on yourself. Describe a defining moment in your life and highlight its significance for your audience in this journalistic case study.

55 Scholarships Anyone Can Apply For

Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarships

Deadline: February 20, 2022

Award Amount: One award of $10,000 and two awards of $5,000

Overview: Due to the generosity of an anonymous donor, The Vegetarian Resource Group each year will award $20,000 in college scholarship money to graduating U.S. high school students who have promoted vegetarianism in their schools and/or communities. Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or fowl. Vegans are vegetarians who do not use other animal products such as dairy or eggs.

Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship

Deadline: Jun 13, 2021

Award Amount: $7,001

Overview: In honor of my wonderful mother, the Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship exists to support more open and honest dialogue about the millions of people who are struggling with mental health and those people who have loved ones who are struggling with mental health.

The scholarship is open to all students who have had challenges with mental health or who have had loved ones who have struggled with mental health.

To apply for the scholarship, you will be asked to write a short essay about how your journey with mental health has impacted your beliefs, relationships, and aspirations.

Nitro Pay For College No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: Nitro is a leading financial aid and loan resource platform, guiding you on everything from the FAFSA to best practices for federal and private loans.

By applying, you’ll automatically get registered for Nitro, setting you up for success in funding your education in the most effective way.

It will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of the Nitro platform.

While the scholarship will be awarded on Sep 30, 2021, the scholarship will have rolling monthly application deadlines. Students applying within earlier application windows will have a greater chance of winning the award.

Undiscovered Brilliance Scholarship for African-Americans

Deadline: May 16, 2021

Overview: In the spirit of organizations like The Hidden Genius Project that find and nurture promising young Black students who may not otherwise receive sufficient support, the Undiscovered Brilliance Scholarship for African-Americans aims to support a brilliant Black student with ambitious dreams.

It will be awarded to a talented Black student at any level of education or field of study on the basis of their ambition, talent, and drive, as well as on the impact that additional support would have for them.

Penny Hoarder Smart Money No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: September 15, 2021

This scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of The Penny Hoarder Daily. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read The Penny Hoarder Daily every day
  • Share The Penny Hoarder Daily with your friends
  • Apply what you learn to accelerate your personal finances

Finalists to this scholarship will be interviewed about how they applied what they learned from The Penny Hoarder Daily to their personal finances!

CollegeXpress No-Essay Scholarship

We’ve partnered with CollegeXpress to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students who are interested in college resources.

By applying, you’ll also receive:

  • Rankings on the top colleges by academics, desired major, student life, cost, and more.
  • Standardized test resources and tips.
  • A variety of other resources geared towards high schoolers preparing for college!

While the scholarship will be awarded on Apr 1, 2021, the scholarship will have rolling monthly application deadlines. Students applying within earlier application windows will have a greater chance of winning the award.

Earnest Scholarship Fund

Deadline: June 30, 2021

Award Amount: $5,000 each to 50 winning applicants

Overview: At Earnest, we believe in helping people realize their hopes and dreams through further education. To help more students get to school, we created the Earnest Scholarship as a way to award 50 students who best articulate how their education will enable their dreams. To maintain the Earnest Scholarship, we put a percentage of each loan we refinance into our scholarship fund.

More Helpful Guides:

What to Do If You Run Out of Financial Aid?

Work-Study or Part-Time Job—Is One Better Than the Other?

The Big Question: How to Fund College

8 Tips for Writing a Winning Scholarship Essay

Disclaimer : This article contains affiliate links to products and services. We may receive commissions for purchases made through these links.

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  • Scholarships for High School Seniors

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Demographic, grade level, special scholarships.

Showing 1–25 of 310 results

Academic Scholars Program

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education offers the Academic Scholars Program, ranging between $2,200 to $5,500, to Oklahoma exceptional high school and college students pursuing undergraduate studies.

Price It Here, Inc. Scholarship Program

The Price It Here Scholarship Program is awarded twice every year to two students pursuing, or due to be enrolled in, business-related courses at accredited U.S. colleges or universities.

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Evans Scholars Program

The Evans Scholars Foundation, administered by the Western Golf Association, offers up to $60,000- scholarships to deserving caddies to pursue undergraduate degrees in Ohio.

First Year Engineering Scholarship

University of Oklahoma’s Gallogly College of Engineering annually offers First Year Engineering Scholarship to incoming freshmen, who prove to be exceptional, pursuing undergraduate degrees in engineering.

OU Academic Achievement Scholarship 

The University of Oklahoma awards the OU Academic Achievement Scholarship, ranging from $2,000 to $8,000, to incoming freshmen who possess exceptional academic achievements in Oklahoma pursuing undergraduate studies of choice.

WRA EF Culinary and Hospitality Scholarship

The WRA Education Foundation offers the WRA EF Culinary and Hospitality Scholarship of $1,000 to 25 undergraduate students from Wisconsin pursuing programs in hospitality and culinary arts.

Lee Tarbox Memorial Scholarship

The Lee Tarbox Memorial Scholarship provides one $2,500 scholarship to a high school senior who wants to pursue a degree in aviation or aircraft maintenance.

PGA WORKS Golf Management University Scholarship Program

PGA WORKS Golf Management University Scholarship Program offers $8,000 to 16 deserving students as means to enhance the recruitment and retention of talented students enrolled in golf management university programs.

Dorrance Scholarship Program

This scholarship is for first-generation high school graduate students planning to enroll at a public university in Arizona. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need.

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Norman J. Crabtree Memorial Aviation Scholarship

The Norman J. Crabtree Memorial Aviation Scholarship awards $2,500 to students pursuing a degree in aviation or $600 to those pursuing an A&P certificate in Ohio.

Tech High School Alumni Assoc./W.O. Cheney Merit Scholarship Fund

Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta offers Tech High School Alumni Assoc./W.O. Cheney Merit Scholarship offers $5,000, renewable for four years.

James M. & Virginia M. Smyth Scholarship Fund

The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta awards the James M. & Virginia M. Smyth Scholarship Fund of $2,000 for undergraduate study in ministry human services, arts, music, and sciences.

Minnesota Masonic Charities Signature Scholarship

Minnesota Masonic Charities annually offers the Minnesota Masonic Charities Signature Scholarships of $6,000 to six high school seniors/graduates to pursue higher education at a college or university.

Steve Wagner Scholarship

The American Council of Engineering offers the Steve Wagner Scholarship to high school seniors in Michigan who wish to study civil engineering at any accredited college or university in the U.S.

The James M. & Virginia M. Smyth Scholarship Fund

James M. & Virginia M. Smyth Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship to eligible students to pursue undergraduate degrees in arts and sciences, human services, music, or ministry at an accredited college.

MSPE Scholarships

Michigan Society of Professional Engineers offers the MSPE Scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $2,000, for students seeking engineering degrees at Michigan colleges and universities with ABET accreditation.

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Wyoming Auctioneers Association Scholarship

The Wyoming Auctioneers Association is awarding a $500- scholarship to deserving students to develop and further their knowledge and understanding of the auction industry.

Gordon A. Rich Memorial Scholarship

The Gordon A. Rich Memorial scholarship is awarded to seven excellent high school seniors joining undergraduate studies. The $12,500- award is renewable yearly throughout the study period.

Conservation Districts of Iowa scholarships

The Conservation Districts of Iowa offers its Conservation Scholarships, ranging from $500 to $3,000, to nine students pursuing programs in agriculture and other related fields.

Fukunaga Scholarship Foundation

The Fukunaga Scholarship Foundation awards $20,000 to 10 outstanding students who intend to pursue careers in business, each to cover their four-year undergraduate program.

Scholars Helping Collars Scholarship

The $1,500- scholarship is awarded to one student who submits the best story describing the impact they made in the life of a rescue animal or animal welfare cause in general.

Carter Roger Williams Scholarship

Graduating high school students have until the end of February to apply for the $20,000 Carter Roger Williams Scholarship.

Bridging the Dream Scholarship Program for High School Seniors

Bridging the Dream Scholarship Program for High School Seniors awards $10,000 to 25 high school seniors, each, from minority groups and underserved communities.

Abe and Annie Seibel Foundation Loan

Abe and Annie Seibel Foundation offers $8,000 interest-free loans to Texas high school graduates and college students intending to complete their undergraduate studies at an accredited institution in Texas.

H. A. West OKC Rotary Scholarship

The Oklahoma City Foundation and West OKC Rotary Scholarship provide H. A. West OKC Rotary Scholarship to high school seniors in Oklahoma to pursue undergraduate degree programs in the state.

About High School Senior Scholarships 2023

Your senior year of high school is busy – you’re reaching the end of an era, trying to do well in your finals while also applying to colleges and universities. Those college applications are time-consuming and studying for finals is a top priority so finding space to search for scholarships may be a bit low on the list. High school seniors have a lot to consider as they prepare for college, and scholarships can be an important part of the equation. Scholarships can help students reduce their cost of attendance, allowing them to pursue higher education without taking on large amounts of debt. In addition to providing financial assistance, scholarships also provide recognition and motivation for high-achieving students. Winning a scholarship is an accomplishment that will look good on resumes and college applications, thus giving those who receive one a leg up in the admissions process. For all these reasons, it’s important for high school seniors to actively seek out available scholarships when planning their future endeavors.

High school seniors have many opportunities to apply for scholarships that can help pay for college — most organizations are looking for incoming freshmen. These scholarships are typically merit-based and range from covering full tuition to just a portion. Many organizations, civil groups, and corporations offer numerous scholarships specifically designated for high school seniors. Additionally, there are many national scholarship programs available each year that specifically target high school seniors as well. Many colleges award merit-based scholarships based on a student’s grades, test scores, and extracurricular activities. You should take advantage of every opportunity to apply for a scholarship, as it can make a huge difference when paying for college.

10 easy high school senior scholarships

Your senior year is busy, we get it, so you probably don’t have a ton of time to sift through the hundreds of scholarships out there. We gathered 10 scholarships that you can apply for relatively quickly and are open to high school seniors across the country.

ScholarshipAward Amount

Scholarships for female high school seniors 2023

Scholarships for female high school seniors are a great way for young women to continue their education, gain the skills and resources needed for successful career paths, and potentially reduce financial stress. With the cost of college tuition rising each year, scholarships can provide a valuable resource to help cover expenses. Some scholarships are based on academic merit, while others are awarded for financial need. Many organizations offer scholarships specifically for female high school seniors, often with an emphasis on leadership or community service.

There are a variety of scholarship opportunities available to female high school seniors. Some scholarships are specific to certain areas of study, such as math and science; others may be open to all majors. Some of our favorite scholarships include the Distinguished Young Women Program which awards between $500 and $3,000 to female entrants aged between 15 and 19. The Society of Women Engineers has numerous scholarships programs such as the SWE – Detroit Section High School Scholarship that awards $1,000 to female high school senior looking to pursue one of the many engineering fields. The Southern Automotive Women’s Forum established the SAWF Scholarship Program to encourage and help support female students pursuing a STEM field by awarding them between $1,000 and $5,000.

By providing opportunities for women to pursue post-secondary degrees, we create pathways for them to gain access to skilled jobs, promotions, and social advancement. They also help reduce financial barriers that are obstacles to young women from low-income backgrounds, who often lack the resources needed to pay for college. Scholarships are also beneficial for female students attending predominantly male schools, as they provide extra support to help them feel included and acknowledged in their learning environment. Scholarships can boost confidence and motivation in recipients, helping to create a more level playing field where all students, regardless of gender or financial status, can thrive. Overall, scholarships designed to support young female students are an invaluable asset in the fight for gender equity and educational opportunity.

Cost of College for High School Seniors

The cost of college can vary drastically, depending on which college or university the student is planning to attend. According to the College Board’s Trends in Higher Education report for 2019-2020, the national average tuition and fees for a four-year private college were $36,880.

The most affordable colleges included the University of Wyoming with an annual tuition rate of $5,747, the University of Utah at $7,080, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a yearly tuition rate of $8,402. With a bit of research and dedication to finding scholarships and grants, high school seniors can find college options that will fit their budget.

In addition to tuition costs, other factors to consider when choosing a college or university include the total cost of attendance, including room and board. Students should research any scholarships and grants available to them to help reduce the overall cost of their education. With commitment and dedication to researching all options, high school seniors can undoubtedly find an affordable college that will get them ready for a successful future.

Tips for Winning High School Senior Scholarships 2023

1. Start early: Start researching and applying for scholarships as soon as you can. Many scholarships have early deadlines, so the earlier you can submit your applications the better your chances of winning a scholarship.

2. Be organized and thorough: Make sure to fill out all parts of the application accurately and completely. Pay attention to the details, such as using proper spelling and grammar, submitting all required materials, and following instructions. We recommend that you plan your essay. Most scholarship applications ask for an essay – either on a provided topic or a motivational essay in which you explain why you deserve the scholarship based on your goals for the future. We have an article on How To Write a Scholarship Essay that goes into more detail.

3. Prepare well for video submissions: If your application process requires a video recording or an interview we recommend that you prepare and practice before. For videos, write a script in response to the questions, if any are provided so that you can rehearse what you’d like to say before making a recording. Your video will sound more natural, unrushed, and more thought out than if you just recorded it on the spot. For interviews, find a list of common interview questions and write out some answers to them. Ask a friend or parent to do mock interviews with you before, not only to help you practice your answers but also to soothe any nerves and anxiety. Having a rough idea of what to expect will help you be more confident on the day.

Good luck! With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to securing the perfect scholarships for you.

Frequently asked questions

Are there any full-ride scholarships for high school seniors 2023.

Yes, there are more than 20 scholarships that offer full-ride college scholarships to high school seniors. The award amount varies for each scholarship, but each one offers a minimum award amount of $20,000. Some examples include the Most Valuable Student Competition , Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship , and the Evans Scholars Program .

Are there scholarships for female high school seniors?

Yes, our Scholaroo database has around 30 scholarships that call for applications from female high school seniors. You may want to check out The Science Ambassador Scholarship and The Marie A. Calderilla Scholarship which offers a college scholarship to the value of $20,000 to female high school seniors for their undergraduate studies. Head to our Scholarships for Women page to see what else we have.

Do high school seniors need to file for FAFSA?

Yes, you need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Most scholarships are need-based, which means they cater to students who do not have the financial means to afford their education. By filing the FAFSA and receiving a Student Aid Report (SAR) which you will need to attach to applications as proof of financial need. By completing this you immediately become eligible for many scholarship opportunities. Ensure that you do this on time — check the dates for your state.

Is it too late to apply for scholarships as a high school senior 2023?

Absolutely not, in fact, the most popular time to apply for scholarships is in your senior year. Many scholarship sponsors are looking to help students graduating from high school pursue higher education. Many scholarships for high seniors will provide funding for the entire four years of college or university. As incoming college freshmen, graduating high school seniors are the perfect target for companies and organizations looking to nurture, support, and guide the next generation. Start preparing your applications and documents from the start of the year.

Scholarship Categories

  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Native American
  • New Hampshire
  • Undergraduate

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28 August 2024

Common App Schools That Don't Require Extra Essays (2024-25)

Posted in Your College List , Class of 2029


The list includes schools that simply require the base essay (e.g. personal statement). Keep in mind that many of these schools may have "optional" prompts which you might want to complete anyway to strengthen your application.  

If you're a student or parent with a College Kickstart Plus or Premium subscription, this information is already available to you as part of our key application requirements view.

Click on Continue Reading for the list.

Common App Schools with No Extra Essays (Class of 2029 Edition)

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Abilene Christian University
Adelphi University
Albion College
Albright College
Alfred University
Alma College
American University
Anderson University - IN
Appalachian State University
Arcadia University
Arizona State University
Ashland University
Assumption University
Auburn University
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University - SD
Ave Maria University
Baldwin Wallace University
Ball State University
Bard College
Barry University
Bates College
Baylor University
Bellarmine University
Belmont University
Bentley University
Berry College
Bowling Green State University
Bradley University
Bridgewater College
Bridgewater State University
Bryant University
Calvin University
Canisius College
Capital University
Carthage College
Case Western Reserve University
Catawba College
Catholic University of America
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central Michigan University
Central Washington University
Centre College
Champlain College
Chatham University
Christian Brothers University
Christopher Newport University
Clark Atlanta University
Clark University
Clarkson University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coe College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Idaho
College of Saint Benedict
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University - Ft. Collins
Concordia University - Irvine
Connecticut College
Cooper Union
Cornell College
Curry College
D’Youville University
Daemen University
Denison University
DePaul University
DePauw University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Dillard University
Dominican University
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drew University
Drexel University
Drury University
Duquesne University
East Carolina University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Washington University
Eckerd College
Elmira College
Emmanuel College - MA
Emory & Henry College
Evergreen State College
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Florham
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan
Ferrum College
Fitchburg State University
Flagler College
Florida A&M University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida Southern College
Florida State University
Fordham University
Franklin & Marshall College
Frostburg State University
Furman University
Gannon University
George Fox University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Grand Valley State University
Grinnell College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Hamilton College
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Hanover College
Hartwick College
Hawaii Pacific University
Hendrix College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Hollins University
Houston Christian University
Howard University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Immaculata University
Indiana State University
Indiana University
Indiana University - Indianapolis
Iona University
Iowa State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University
James Madison University - College of Business
James Madison University - College of Education
James Madison University - College of Health & Behavioral Studies
James Madison University - College of Integrated Science & Engineering
James Madison University - College of Science & Mathematics
James Madison University - College of Visual & Performing Arts
James Madison University - University Studies
John Carroll University
Juniata College
Kalamazoo College
Kansas State University
Kean University
Keene State College
Kennesaw State University
Kent State University
Kenyon College
King’s College - PA
Knox College
La Salle University
Lake Forest College
Le Moyne College
Lincoln University - PA
Lindenwood University
Long Island University
Longwood University
Louisiana State University
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynn University
Macalester College
Manhattan College
Manhattanville College
Marietta College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Marymount Manhattan College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
McDaniel College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Meredith College
Merrimack College
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University - Oxford
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Middlebury College
Millersville University
Millsaps College
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mississippi State University
Missouri State University
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Monmouth University
Montclair State University
Moravian University
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University
Mount Holyoke College
Mount St. Mary’s University
Muhlenberg College
Nazareth University
Neumann University
New College of Florida
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New York University
Niagara University
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina Central University
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Nova Southeastern University
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University - Columbus
Ohio University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University
Otis College of Art and Design
Otterbein University
Pace University
Pacific Lutheran University
Pennsylvania State University - Abington
Pennsylvania State University - Abington (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Abington (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Berks
Pennsylvania State University - Brandywine
Pennsylvania State University - Brandywine (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Brandywine (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Erie
Pennsylvania State University - Erie (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Erie (Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University - University Park
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Non-Resident)
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Resident)
Plymouth State University
Point Park University
Portland State University
Presbyterian College
Queen’s University of Charlotte
Quinnipiac University
Radford University
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Randolph-Macon College
Regis University
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rider University
Ripon College
Roanoke College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Engineering Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Health Sciences and Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Liberal Arts
Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Science
Rochester Institute of Technology - Golsiano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology - Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Rochester Institute of Technology - Saunders College of Business
Rochester Institute of Technology - School of Art and Design
Rochester Institute of Technology - School of Film and Animation
Rochester Institute of Technology - School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
Rockhurst University
Roger Williams University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rowan University
Rutgers University - Camden
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Rutgers University - Newark
Sacred Heart University
Saint John’s University - MN
Saint Joseph’s University
Saint Louis University
Saint Martin’s University
Saint Mary’s College of California
Saint Michael’s College
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Samford University
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College of Art and Design
Seattle University
Seton Hall University
Sewanee: The University of the South
Shenandoah University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Simmons University
Skidmore College
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Southern Methodist University
Southern University at New Orleans
Southwestern University
Spring Hill College
St Catherine University
St. Bonaventure University
St. John Fisher University
St. John’s University - NY
St. Lawrence University
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
St. Norbert College
State University of New York - Albany
State University of New York - Binghamton
State University of New York - Brockport
State University of New York - Buffalo
State University of New York - Buffalo State
State University of New York - Cortland
State University of New York - Environmental Science and Forestry
State University of New York - Fredonia
State University of New York - Geneseo
State University of New York - New Paltz
State University of New York - Oneonta
State University of New York - Oswego
State University of New York - Plattsburgh
State University of New York - Potsdam
State University of New York - Purchase
State University of New York - Stony Brook
Stephen F. Austin State University
Stetson University
Suffolk University
Susquehanna University
Sweet Briar College
Taylor University
Temple University
Texas State University
The Citadel
The University of Findlay
Thomas Jefferson University
Thomas More University
Tiffin University
Towson University
Trinity University
Truman State University
Tulane University
Union College
University of Akron
University of Alabama
University of Alabama - Birmingham
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
University of Colorado - Denver
University of Connecticut - Stamford
University of Connecticut - Storrs
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Hartford
University of Houston
University of Idaho
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of La Verne
University of Louisville
University of Lynchburg
University of Maine
University of Mary Washington
University of Maryland - Baltimore County
University of Massachusetts - Boston
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts - Lowell
University of Memphis
University of Michigan - Dearborn
University of Minnesota - Crookston
University of Minnesota - Morris
University of Minnesota - Rochester
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri
University of Missouri - Kansas City
University of Missouri - St. Louis
University of Montana
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
University of Nevada - Reno
University of New England
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico
University of New Orleans
University of North Carolina - Asheville
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
University of North Carolina - Pembroke
University of North Dakota
University of North Florida
University of North Georgia
University of North Texas
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Pittsburgh
University of Puget Sound
University of Rhode Island
University of Rochester
University of San Francisco
University of Scranton
University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota
University of South Florida
University of Southern Maine
University of Southern Mississippi
University of St.Thomas - MN
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
University of Texas - Arlington
University of Texas - Dallas
University of Texas - El Paso
University of Texas - San Antonio
University of the Incarnate Word
University of the Pacific
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Washington - Tacoma
University of West Florida
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin - River Falls
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin - Stout
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
University of Wyoming
Ursinus College
Utica University
Valparaiso University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Viterbo University
Wabash College
Wake Forest University
Walsh University
Warren Wilson College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington and Lee University
Washington College
Washington State University
Wayne State University
Webb Institute
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesleyan University
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
West Virginia University
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University
Western New England University
Western Washington University
Westfield State University
Westminster College - PA
Wheaton College - IL
Wheaton College - MA
Wheeling University
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth University
Widener University
Wilkes University
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no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

$60,000 Scholarship for High School Seniors

High school class of 2025.

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

Today’s featured scholarship is the $60,000 Hagan Scholarship . Here are the details you need to know:


Must attend a public, private, charter, magnet, or STEM high school located in the United States.

Must be fluent in the English language.

Must be in the high school graduating class.

Must have achieved a 3.50 Cumulative Grade Point Average.

Must enroll in an eligible four-year or higher not-for-profit College or University the first fall semester following high school graduation. The Hagan Scholarship cannot be used to attend a community college or online institution.

Must maintain a four year or less graduation schedule in college, or complete the equivalent of a four year degree if in a professional program.

Must work 240 hours from January 1, 2025 until commencement of the 2025 fall semester in college. Employment must be regularly scheduled work performed under supervision for compensation. Work can be full-time or part-time, or a combination of the two.

Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported for 2023 Federal Income Tax Purposes must not have exceeded $100,000. “Household Income” is defined as the total income received by all members of a household living under the same roof.

Applicants selected as Finalists must provide the first two pages of their FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) showing their Student Aid Index (SAI).

Must apply for Federal and State grants if eligible.

Must not have a felony conviction.

Entry Deadline: December 1, 2024

Introducing Scholarship GPS , an innovative online course that provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to secure valuable scholarships. The course features concise video lessons designed to seamlessly fit into your busy schedule, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Throughout the course, you'll acquire essential scholarship skills, including:

- How to identify the best scholarships based on your student's profile

- Tips and best practices for scholarship applications, essays, and projects

- The importance of crafting your student's Personal Narrative, a key element in winning scholarships

Additionally, you will have access to helpful tools such as:

- A scholarship tracking tool preloaded with quick and easy no-essay scholarships for immediate application

- A scholarship checklist template to ensure completion of applications

- An activity log to track your student's volunteer experiences

In addition to the valuable scholarship information, what sets Scholarship GPS apart is the inclusion of bonus lessons from trusted professionals, offering expert insights into college admissions, test preparation, and other crucial aspects of college readiness. By enrolling in this program, you will not only gain valuable information about scholarships but also receive a comprehensive overview of college preparation.

This Labor Day Weekend only, use discount code LABORDAY30 to take $30 off the regular price of the Scholarship GPS Course . Go to www.scholarshipgps.com/scholarship-gps to start your scholarship journey today!

no essay scholarships for high school seniors 2022

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Fully-funded Russian Scholarships 2023-2024: List of all Scholarships in Russia

Study in russia: list of scholarships in russia.

The government of Russia offers hundreds of fully-funded Russian Government Scholarships 2023-2024 to all international students. It is one of the best opportunity for international students to study for free in Russia.

Russia is one of the Top Study Destinations where international Students enjoy Fully Funded Scholarships and get paid by the Russian Government to study there. The monthly stipends and free education are the top joys that students enjoy while their stay in Russia. We have put together the list of all the Russian Scholarships on which international students can apply this year and we encourage you to share this list with your friends as well who are interested to study abroad for free.

The largest country in the world, the homeland of Tolstoy and Bulgakov, Russia, is also becoming the ultimate study destination for a number of international students. Russia is keen to make its higher educational institutions competitive and more supportive of international students. 13 of the Russian universities have been featured in the top 400 universities by QS World University Ranking. Russia has invested about 390 billion rubles in upgrading its educational system and bringing it in harmony with European institutions. 

Russian Universities and the Russian Government offer potential international students to study for free in Russia. There are a number of government-sponsored and state-funded scholarships that you can apply to. Moreover, the universities in Russia are also offering scholarships to international students in order to attract talent from outside of Russia.

The cost of a Bachelor’s Degree in Russia starts at 1,100 USD per year and can go as high as 6,100 USD per year.

Russian Scholarships List

Below is a list of Russian scholarships for students who are interested in studying in Russia.

#1 HSE Gold Funding:

HSE University in Moscow, Russia; is supporting international students by funding their education via their Gold funding program. This scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate students. It contains trial tests and the scores of those tests are used in determining what percentage of tuition fee waivers will be offered to the students.

The tuition fee waiver starts at 25% and goes up to 70%. Students are also offered a monthly stipend/grant of 1500 RUB. Students can apply to this funding after getting enrolled in a listed program. The classes are taught in English so the students need to prove their English language proficiency if their first language is not English.

#2 State Ph.D. Positions at MIPT, Russia:

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is on the lookout for potential Ph.D. students. The Ph.D. degree program is fully funded and is available for the Russian Nationals. The Ph.D. positions are for a number of faculties but some faculties are offering higher funding than others.

The applicants need to be enrolled in a Ph.D. program to get the funding. The applicants will be required to prove their English language proficiency if the program is taught in English and Russian language proficiency if the program is taught in Russian.

#3 Eastern European University Association Scholarship:

Eastern European University Association via its International Scholarship Foundation is aiming at international students. The scholarship money covers the tuition fee and accommodation charges of those eligible students who have been enrolled in an undergraduate program at any university in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

The scholarship is available for specified courses and undergraduate programs of recognized universities. Students will have to prove their language proficiency in the intended program.

EEUA is a not for profit organization that seeks to support brilliant students from all across the world so that they can pursue their higher education in Russia, Belarus, or Ukraine.

#4 NRU Scholarship:

National Research University’s Higher School of Economics is offering scholarships to international students who are enrolled in a master’s program.

The scholarship supports up to 70% of the tuition fee and is open for 17 of the master’s programs in NRU HSE. The minimum coverage is 25% of the tuition fee. The winners of the scholarship will also get a monthly allowance of 1500 rubles.

NRU is one of the most innovative and competitive universities in Russia. The sponsorship is offered in programs like business, law, finance, big data, management, economics, etc.

#5 Open Doors Russian Scholarship:

Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation along with Global Universities’ Association is giving out Open Doors scholarships to international students. The Scholarships are given on the basis of a competition known as Open Doors Olympiad or Open Doors Academic Competition. The winners get a chance to earn a master’s degree in one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. 

The scholarship winners will get a 100% tuition fee waiver and there are more than 300 awardees. Only international students are invited to apply and the subjects offered are Biology, Computer Science, AI, IR, Business, Management, Linguistics, Physics, Psychology, Chemistry, Technology, Engineering, and Economics.

#6 EMAS Scholarships:

Every month Eurasian Management and Administration School, Russia is offering 50 scholarships to eligible students to study MBA or Executive MBA. The scholarships are available for both online and on-campus modes. The scholarship grant is based on how well the applicant performs in the scholarship test. 

Several subject areas are affiliated with this scholarship such as marketing, finance, healthcare, management (strategic and general management). There is no need to prove English language proficiency even for the programs taught in English. However, a sufficient grip on the language is necessary in order to secure enrollment and scholarship.

#7 Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia, Scholarship:

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, also known as Skoltech is offering Ph.D. and master’s scholarships to international students. The scholarship is available for several fields like Mechanics, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Space systems, Physics, Petroleum Engineering, Life Sciences, etc. Skoltech is affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is one of the leading science and technology institutes in Russia. The scholarship grant for MSc covers the full tuition, offers a basic stipend of 40k to 55k rubles, and also has monthly insurance.

The scholarship grant for Ph.D. offers a tuition fee waiver, gives a stipend of 85k to 105k rubles and medical insurance. The number of awards for MSc positions is 320 and for Ph.D. is 95. The duration for masters is 2 years and for Ph.D. is 4 years.

#8 Siberian Federal University Scholarship in Russia:

Siberian Federal University (SibFU) has opened up Ph.D. positions for a number of its doctoral programs. These programs are taught in English and are fully funded for both local and international students. The Ph.D. programs available are in the areas of Quantum Chemistry, Biophysics, Optics, Urban Design and Planning, Metal Forming, and Multidimensional Complex Analysis.

#9 Finance and Economics Scholarship at ICEF HSE:

International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) of Higher School of Economics, Moscow is offering undergraduate scholarships to outstanding students. These scholarships are available for students of all nationalities and are partially funded. The scholarships are renewed each year and offer a tuition fee waiver of 15% to 75%.

HSE is a research university in Russia and its independent department of ICEF was founded in collaboration with the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1997.   The faculty and the education provided here is highly competitive and generous scholarships are offered here every year to outstanding students.

Yousaf Saeed

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Moscow High School Class of 1965


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  8. 2023-24

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  21. Moscow State Conservatory (Grand Hall)

    There is no strict dress code for the Moscow State Conservatory (Grand Hall). Casual dress is accepted, for example you can wear jeans if you want. The only dress that are not allowed are shorts and T-shirts. Address: Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa (Street), 13 , see map. SCHEDULE for Moscow State Conservatory (Grand Hall) 2022.

  22. $60,000 Scholarship for High School Seniors

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  24. Fully-funded Russian Scholarships 2023-2024: List of all Scholarships

    Russian Scholarships List. Below is a list of Russian scholarships for students who are interested in studying in Russia. #1 HSE Gold Funding: HSE University in Moscow, Russia; is supporting international students by funding their education via their Gold funding program. This scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate students.

  25. Moscow High School

    Moscow's Jr Miss. Miss Moscow 1965. Miss Debutante 1965. Homecoming Queen - Harriot. Homecoming Princess - Sandy. Senior Ball Royalty. Staffan comes to Moscow.

  26. Moscow High School

    Karen Westberg. Wayne Westberg. Doris Widman. Susie Williams. Linda Wilson. Cheryl Wischmeir. Teri Wise. Allyn Woerman. We invite Classmates of Moscow High School's 1965 class in Moscow Idaho to participate in this site.