My Diet Analysis Project

This essay about personal dietary analysis recounts a student’s towards self-improvement and well-being. Through meticulous documentation and examination of eating habits, the student uncovers surprising insights, leading to a reevaluation of dietary choices. Embracing mindful eating, hydration, and exercise, the student experiences tangible improvements in energy levels and overall vitality. Beyond physical changes, the essay reflects on the profound transformation of the student’s relationship with food, viewing it as a source of nourishment for both body and soul.

How it works

Embarking on the journey of analyzing one’s diet is akin to setting sail on a voyage of self-discovery and transformation. As a diligent student committed to self-improvement, I approached my diet analysis project with an earnest desire to gain insights into my eating habits, understand the impact on my health, and strive for optimal well-being. Through meticulous examination and introspection, I have unearthed valuable lessons and embarked on a path of conscientious dietary choices.

At the outset of this project, I meticulously documented every morsel that passed my lips, meticulously noting down the types of foods consumed, portion sizes, and frequency of meals.

Armed with this data, I delved into the intricate realm of nutritional analysis, scrutinizing the caloric content, macronutrient composition, and micronutrient profile of my diet. This meticulous attention to detail underscored my commitment to academic rigor and laid the groundwork for meaningful insights.

One of the most striking revelations from my diet analysis was the stark disconnect between my perceived dietary habits and the empirical reality. While I prided myself on maintaining a balanced diet, the data revealed a propensity towards excessive consumption of refined sugars and processed foods, coupled with inadequate intake of essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This dissonance served as a wake-up call, prompting me to reassess my dietary choices and embark on a quest for dietary optimization.

Armed with the knowledge gleaned from my diet analysis, I embarked on a journey of culinary exploration and experimentation. I sought to strike a harmonious balance between nutritional adequacy and gustatory delight, endeavoring to craft meals that nourished both body and soul. Drawing inspiration from diverse culinary traditions, I diversified my palate with an array of whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, each brimming with vital nutrients and phytochemicals. By embracing the vibrant tapestry of flavors offered by nature, I discovered a newfound appreciation for the bountiful gifts of the earth.

Integral to my dietary overhaul was the cultivation of mindfulness in eating. No longer content to mindlessly scarf down meals in haste, I endeavored to savor each bite with mindful awareness, relishing the interplay of textures and flavors that danced upon my palate. By fostering a deeper connection with the act of eating, I found myself more attuned to hunger and satiety cues, thereby mitigating the temptation of mindless snacking and overindulgence.

Moreover, my diet analysis underscored the pivotal role of hydration in overall well-being. Recognizing the deleterious effects of chronic dehydration, I made a concerted effort to prioritize adequate fluid intake throughout the day, predominantly in the form of water. By staying amply hydrated, I not only bolstered physiological functions such as digestion and circulation but also experienced heightened cognitive clarity and vitality.

In addition to revamping my dietary habits, I leveraged the insights gleaned from my analysis to tailor a personalized exercise regimen that complemented my nutritional goals. Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between diet and physical activity, I integrated a diverse array of aerobic, strength training, and flexibility exercises into my routine, each synergistically enhancing the benefits of the other. Through regular exercise, I not only fortified my musculoskeletal health and cardiovascular fitness but also cultivated a profound sense of vitality and well-being that reverberated throughout every facet of my life.

As the weeks progressed, the effects of my dietary overhaul began to manifest in tangible ways. I experienced a surge in energy levels, newfound mental clarity, and a heightened sense of vitality that invigorated both body and spirit. Moreover, subtle yet significant improvements in biomarkers such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and body composition attested to the transformative power of conscientious dietary choices.

However, perhaps the most profound transformation wrought by my diet analysis transcended the realm of the physical. In scrutinizing the intricate tapestry of my dietary habits, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that fostered a deeper understanding of my relationship with food and nourishment. No longer viewing eating as a mere biological necessity, I came to regard it as a sacred ritual that afforded sustenance not only to the body but also to the soul. In nurturing a more mindful and reverential approach to eating, I forged a harmonious relationship with food that transcended mere sustenance, embracing it as a conduit for holistic well-being and self-expression.

In conclusion, my diet analysis project served as a catalyst for profound personal growth and transformation. Through meticulous examination of my dietary habits, I gained invaluable insights into the intricate interplay between nutrition, health, and overall well-being. Armed with this knowledge, I embarked on a journey of culinary exploration and self-discovery, striving to cultivate dietary habits that nourished both body and soul. In embracing mindfulness, hydration, and physical activity as pillars of my dietary philosophy, I have laid the groundwork for a lifetime of optimal health and vitality. As I reflect upon my diet analysis journey, I am reminded of the transformative power of conscientious dietary choices and the boundless potential for growth that resides within each of us.


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"My Diet Analysis Project," , 07-Apr-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20-Aug-2024] (2024). My Diet Analysis Project . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 20-Aug-2024]

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Diet Analysis Project Essay | Balanced Diet Analysis and My Dietary Analysis for 3 days

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Diet Analysis Project Essay: The objective of dietary appraisal is to recognize fitting and significant spaces of progress in the patient’s eating regimen and way of life and to work on tolerant wellbeing and prosperity. There are four types of healthful appraisal: reviews, observation, screening, and mediations.

As indicated by the latest proposals, an illustration of a reasonable eating routine is a decent supper including vegetables and organic products that should shape about a portion of the human’s plate serving since vegetables and organic products are the best food varieties to eat. The remainder of the food plate serving ought to contain proteins and grains.

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Essay on Diet Analysis

Nutrition, I have learned, has a major impact on our life. To be straightforward I was ignorant regarding how much sustenance influenced our regular daily existences. I love going to the exercise center working out, since I realize what ought to go into my eating routine I figure I will see much greater improvement. I incidentally follow the most recent eating routine crazes since I trusted it would be better for my well-being, yet thus it truly hurt more than it made a difference!

This Diet Analysis project has been a very helpful course since I can actually identify with it and can utilize a large part of the data to figure out how to my everyday schedules. The Diet Analysis project was a genuine stunner since it let me see what precisely I was placing into my eating routine.

Having an even eating routine is fundamental for a sound life and to keep general body wellbeing. There are numerous advantages to the body when individuals practice good eating habits. The three advantages that point out are keeping a solid weight, forestalling medical issues and securing more energy. Despite the fact that there are individuals who think there are no well-being chances when they abstain from practicing good eating habits, practicing good eating habits assists them with having a better body, and forestall infections and different dangers to the body. A few reasons individuals may stay away from smart dieting are that they are not monetarily ready to purchase the essential things to have a sound eating regimen or that they simply don’t have the foggiest idea of how to keep a refreshing eating routine. For this article, a 3 days food diary was taken in thought to monitor what things were devoured in a normal day, and to investigate how the admission is contrasted with the customary principles in a sound eating routine.

Having this task is a decent method to open the eyes to the truth of how gainfully all it tracks the food consumption in a day. Typically, I battle when I need to keep a record of my eating regimen, this time I did quite a well-recording everything, even what sauces were utilized to prepare each feast (when ready at home), and this gave me a device to remember the measure of what macronutrients I’m burning-through and the AI in a day.

Alluding to the reports, I did well keeping a reasonable protein and sugars admission dependent on my DRI; absolute fats were a tad a lot for my RDA scoring 39% of my level of all-out kilocalories (suggested rate – 35%). Contrasted with my DRI report, immersed fats were just one over the suggested range with an abundance of 7.2g. On the opposite side, sugars were beneath the suggested range for 78g, in any event, when I achieved 45% of complete kilocalories (Normal – 45%-65%). In view of the admission contrasted with DRI, likewise, it was discovered that my sodium admission it’s actually high, this one is 21% over the suggested range by my DRI.

To work on my eating regimen, a few things need to change. In the first place, my plate must be more different and should decrepit MyDiet suggestions on the bits per macronutrients and sizes. Dairy items must be decreased to the portion of my genuine devour, my dairy admission is 3 to 5 cups each day when it ought to be close to 3 cups each day. My vegetables and organic products intake should expand; these two gatherings are underrepresented in my everyday consumption and are adequately not to neglect the suggested parcel by my diet.

The sodium intake is another factor that needs to change in my dietary patterns to keep a sound reach. Fat admission should be firmly observed to keep immersed fats in a solid reach. Sugars should be added to my eating routine, in a moderate method to fall in the reach and be on target. With the normal utilization of products of the soil, I hope to build the fiber consumption to, in any event, come to half of my DRI suggested admission, and to assist with solid discharge. As to my day-by-day action (work out) should be directed; my suggested EER is 3322 kcal/day and I am losing and normal of 824 kcals.

A few propensities that I will keep in mind during the following week will be the fuse of various macronutrients to my plate; I will begin adding new organic products to my morning meal. Adding new natural products tomy breakfast will consider my morning meal and it will add more supplements to my body like sound carbs and sugars, this will assist with my fiber consumption and will assist me to keep with the suggestions of my diet.

Purchasing a low sodium light spread and diminishing salt utilization will, likewise decrease sodium in my body, and will assist with the decrease of soaked fats. A major change will be to keep away from the acquisition of “cheap food”, because of my way of life this is somewhat hard in light of the fact that I work 8 am to 4 pm, and I go to class 5 pm to 10 pm. This week I will prepare my food on Sunday and I will take, at any rate, breakfast and lunch with me, doing this will build the assortment of macronutrients in my eating regimen and it will assist with keeping in track with the suggested part of food by MyDiet; the examinations with DRI will be better and rates will be inside ranges.

I additionally will keep track of my kcal/day, which may increase since I will have superior sustenance while adding more components to my eating routine. This week driving a sound way of life it’s anything but a cognizant choice, it will be critical to perceive that a solid living and moderate macronutrients utilization guarantees a more extended life expectancy just as a day-to-day existence liberated from infection and entanglements.

Diet Analysis Project Essay

FAQ’s on Diet Analysis Project Essay

Question 1. How to write a diet analysis project?

Answer: Monitor all water, food sources, and drinks devoured for 5 continuous days. Enter an everyday food record into diet examination programming. Create food admission and supplement consumption reports from food record information. Utilize the Super Tracker site to develop a bunch of reports sufficient to examine an eating routine.

Question 2. Why is dietary analysis important?

Answer: Satisfactory dietary admission appraisal is significant not just in the investigation of the relationship between diet and wellbeing-related results yet additionally for healthful observation and the assessment of the wholesome status of patients in clinical settings.

Question 3. What are the types of diet?

Answer: There are various types of diets that humans follow. Paleo Diet, Blood Type Diet, Vegan Diet, South Beach Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Raw Food Diet.

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My Personal Diet Analysis Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Food , Protein , Nutrition , Body , Water , Vitamins , Health , Diet

Words: 1400

Published: 02/09/2020



Personal diet analysis is the essence of is the scenario of nutrition of evaluating to concern of the personal determination of the healthfulness. My personal for the last three day should entail all the food categories in ensuring that the content consumed and get myself kind of treatment that is safe for my health. The food to be balanced diet entail as portion of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins as recommended by the doctor. My profile entails the following, I am a female athlete playing tennis every three hours a day, I am 22 years old, weighting 117.0 lbs., my BMI is 18.9 , I am not a strict vegetarian ,non-smoker and I am not pregnant I actually play tennis for exercise for fitness and check on my weight. There appear many reasons that relate to the essence of one taking the kind on food I prefer. To begin with I tell about my lessons bi have notated about my eating habits that I consume regardless of the kind of food and also the servings (Berning, 2008p 10). Regardless of my effort to try to find a scheme to ensure I take a balanced diet, for example from the pyramid, the proteins like eggs, beans and meat or the carbohydrates like wheat, oats, rice cornmeal and the vitamins containing the fruits and vegetables like mangoes, bananas, berries, dark green. I think the essence for the trend I have been doing is that intend to mistreat one side of the pyramid basically due to some facts about the contents for example I take servings from each category and ignore the protein part especially were eggs are present his is due to the fact that when I take eggs especially boiled ones I tend to have a bad breath even when I wash my mouth, and the issue of bloating as well. The situation is even more complex since I cannot comprehend the essence of accumulation of cholesterol in the body. My choice of food products that I take I consider it monotonous since for it to be considered healthy wise and well balanced containing the three categories need to be served well. more over taking similar food daily creates monotony , proper nutrients and the essential elements maybe missed for example I tend to consume more of fruits , less cereals and I lack sufficient protein contents that would be essential in body building. The mineral I take for example calcium, iron are the minerals I have taken in low amounts 348.69 mg, 9.07 mg. Sincerely speaking my take in good call for knowledge concerning nutrients since I am in an attempt to achieve good health in the end so that I can live a healthy lifestyle (Berning, 2008p 14) respectively. Ironically I have been informed on the dangers that concern the lack of proper monitoring of what I eat and use in my daily consumption of food. Basically the importance of every category in the body has its own weight and plays significant role in the health of the body. particularly the vitamins which help in protection of the body from contracting disease the vitamins contains irons for example vegetables like spinach, fruits like water melons , when taken the body immune is boosted and the body is in a stable state hence I can perform my chores well. The proteins also help in building the body especially the bones , it contains amino acids , which act as brick cells for all other cells, I often take 183.66 grams of carbohydrates to get energy , ft and protein (44.4 g) which is below the recommended amount by DRI. Hence it is paramount for the body to have the essential nutrients as they are the building blocks, for example the content of protein in the body account for fifteen percent of the mass that each person have and the construction of a strong body structure that the protein play a vital part in the performance of an alignment and their content in the hemoglobin and hormones. The three analysis of my diet show the trend of the kind of food combination that actually fails to meet the balanced diet criterion. In the case of the food containing fiber poses a challenge since my intake has no fiber in it. When actually the very same fiber I ignore is essential in the body and ensures a better digestion of the food products. Basically the use of fiber as well is to absorb water in the body which are essential to the people who take a lot of proteins and the fiber help in dissolving them. However there is misconception in that people consume more of protein and take more fiber to ease the process. The days that I have taken the analysis seems to be the same in fact the worst part is that I rarely take water yet as I am aware one is advised to take at least eight glasses of water per day , I barely take a gulp, unless on a hot and thirsty day. The essence of consuming less grams of fiber in the food content the essential part is to have at least twenty five grams of fiber in the body in a day, the carbohydrates for example dietary fiber, I take about 10.32 grams which is below the DRI goal (Webb, 2006 p13).The content in the fiber showed dietary fiber is actually found in vegetables, grains, fruits, as none could see in the food journal. Considering that I am active level activity girl as I play tennis three hours every day, I do not smoke and not pregnant at all so this cannot explain my eating habits. My Analysis the I find out that vi have been taking combination of food in that in my attempt to achieve a better health eating habit was literally missing the point . Since the essence of taking non-nutritious food and not observing the essential combination which is simple to follow and maintain leads to problems. The pyramid food guidance system is important think since I am able to check on the kind of food I eat and to ensure they have the essential nutrients as I would consider my current weight and height as well therefore being in a position to explain and prescribe the essential requirements . This helps me reduce various chronic diseases. The analysis does not coincide with the DRI since the food I have consuming have not met their standards.

Diet prescription

The diet that I would prescribe to myself after learning the essential and important things concerning food intake is actually do an immediate change up concerning the combination of food. The importance of taking various kinds of food from different categories to realize the importance of taking balanced diet (Webb, 2006 p23). Comparison with DRI show that I have been taking either more of the amount of food or way below average for example my protein intake is 44.4 grams yet the DRI on the recommendation of the amount of protein should be 42.46 grams, it is depicted as follows also according to DRI, for energy carbohydrate 315.0 -455.0 but my intake is 183.66 grams, the dietary and fiber as for DRI 25 grams to 10.32 which is below the required amount. The fatty content for example I take little of omega-6 linoleic 4.7 grams instead of 12 grams similar to the omega -3 linoleic. The DRI recombination for example minerals calcium (1000mg), potassium (4700mg), sodium (1500mg) DRI recommends the amount indicated. Also to take less than 28 grams of saturated salt daily. And take enough proteins at 42.46 grams as per the kilogram of the body weight. All this are as per the DPI goals. Sop basically I should work on the cases were I should considered and abide by the conditions as suggested by DRI.

Webb, Frances S, and Eleanor N. Whitney. Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies. Australia: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2006 Berning, Jacqueline R, and Suzanne N. Steen. Nutrition for Sport and Exercise. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers, 2008


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  • I would recommend myself to increase milk intake, to increase my calcium and Vitamin A level (which was half of what is recommended) by making milk shake with fruit juice, which use to be my favorite when I was a child.
  •  I need to decrease carbohydrates (which are now 3 times higher than it is recommended) in my diet by using sweeteners with my morning tea and sugar free products, such as sugar free yogurts, candies and pies.
  • I need to decrease protein intake by decreasing quantity of meat in my diet.
  • Definitely, I need to eat less salty food such as chips, pretzels and french-fries because my sodium intake is 3 times higher than it is recommended.

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Best Food Essay Examples

Diet analysis essay.

1917 words | 6 page(s)

Introduction The aim of the paper is to evaluate my dietary consumption in order to gain an awareness of the food that I consume and to determine whether it is healthy and contributing positively to my overall health and nutrition. The paper will focus on my 7-day dietary food-log for the purpose of analysis in order to determine the kinds of food that are providing me with the required nutrients and how my dietary consumption can be altered to facilitate a healthier nutritional intake.

Personal profile I have comparatively healthy eating habits because all my meals are balanced, containing enough fresh fruit, and vegetables. But, my calorie consumption is insufficient for an individual of my age and activity level. According to the Calorie Calculator, I need 2361 kcla every day to maintain a healthy weight, but my average calorie intake over seven days was 1307kcal. This is a difference of 1054 calories. I am currently at a healthy weight with a BMI of 19.7 according to the BMI calculator. If I continue with the bad eating habits of skipping breakfast and lunch on some days, I will experience energy deprivation, unhealthy bingeing due to intermittent fasting, and I may become underweight. As such, I need to eat heavier snacks, more calorie-packed lunches and lighter dinners. I am working to get sixty percent of my calories from carbohydrates, thirty percent from fats and proteins. I am glad that my fiber intake is healthy with plenty of whole grain bread and rice, having consumed seventy-nine percent fiber in the one week period. However, this can always be increased by replacing the white rice with brown rice.

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Skipping Meals I have a bad habit of skipping breakfast because of getting up late in the morning and having no time to eat. On the days that I have skipped breakfast, I have struggled with very low energy levels even though I am accustomed to going on an empty stomach in the morning hours for two to three times per week. Considering that I am a college student, I understand that my brain and body need glucose in the morning so that I can function effectively.

Eating breakfast is an effective factor in a weight maintenance program. If I don’t make a habit of eating breakfast every day, I will become underweight. It is also true that people who do not eat breakfast are most likely going to snack on high-fat food or overeat at dinner. I can observe from my food chart that I had a heavy snack after my morning classes when I went without breakfast. I am glad, however, that the snack consisted of healthy wholemeal bread.

I also find that I have a more anxious and moody temperament on the mornings that I go without breakfast which is bad for my concentration and interaction with people. Additionally, not eating breakfast increases my chances of being hypoglycemic, or having low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, weakness, shakiness, and a rapid heart rate, some of which I have experienced, especially the headaches and dizziness in extreme cases when I have skipped both breakfast and mid-morning snack.

Dietary changes After gaining a better understanding of my diet and food consumption, I will most certainly change my diet intake to a higher amount of carbohydrates and proteins, and increase the healthy fruit and vegetables. I will start and maintain a habit of going to bed early so that I can wake up early to allow enough time for a healthy breakfast to set me on a healthy and energized start to the day. To prevent losing too much weight, I will be accompanying my one fruit snack with nuts or a light sandwich that will also boost my caloric intake. I will substitute my Vegetarian Chili and Vegetarian Fajita with Meat Chili and Fajitas. I will instead eat my vegetables in the form of healthy salads during dinner or lunch, or both whenever possible.

To increase my carbohydrate intake, I will need to include more healthy starch in my diet such as yam, potatoes and a variety of breads such as seeded or granary bread. I will also increase my portions by one-third to increase my energy levels. This will be supplemented with an active lifestyle. As it is now, I am fairly active, living the typical college life. In my free time, I swim and take long walks. But on the weekends, I mostly sleep in to repay the week-long sleep debt. I will take more time away from my bed to increase movement, heart rate, and ultimately to spike up my energy levels.

My fluid intake is fairly good. I get most of my water from milk, and breakfast beverages, with the occasional glass of water when I get very thirsty. But I believe that I need to hydrate more, by increasing my fruit intake and plain water intake so as to aid in digestion and overall health. I need to cut out Coca Cola and replace it with fresh juice or succulent fruit such as grapefruit, oranges, mangoes, and tangerines. Coca Cola contains too much sugar, and although I am not trying to lose any weight, it is not a healthy food choice. Coffee is also a beverage that I can perhaps do without even though it contributes to my daily fluid requirement. But, coffee is a diuretic, meaning that it will make me urinate often, hence increasing my risk for dehydration. While it does not acutely affect my health and hydration considering that I take it occasionally, it may not be a significant issue in my dietary intake. All in all, water is my best option to keep hydrated. It is cheap and caffeine free! Instead of coffee in the morning, I will take fruit juice. On the mornings when I am in a hurry, I will have a quick cereal with whole milk.

My breakfast could use more whole grains, such as whole bran cereal, oats, and muesli, and less of black sweetened coffee, bagels, sweeteners, and bread. I could also do more with soft boiled eggs and meats once in a while, for example, one to two times per week. I could also incorporate an afternoon snack to my diet plan in order to maintain a healthy body weight. In addition to the afternoon snacks, I could use some dessert with my lunch or dinner a few times a week. The afternoon snacks may consist of nuts, smoothies, or light sandwiches made from thinly sliced whole bread, vegetables, and sauces such as mustard and tomato sauce. An afternoon snack would contribute to a higher calorie intake, which would prevent me from eating too much at night. A lighter meal at night would allow for more comfortable sleep and digestion.

Behavioral changes I need to regulate my meals by eating at the same time every day. To achieve this, I need to give structure to my eating habits so as to make eating an important and regular part of my daily living. Having a structured eating schedule will enable me to eat enough of the right foods. Once the habit of eating meals and snacks is firmly in place, I can then adjust the food content and sizes accordingly as opposed to simply eating impassively because it is time to eat or because I am really hungry. A regular food schedule will help me to combat skipped meals, irregular, or delayed eating. As such, it will help me to prevent binge eating because I will avoid the intense hunger that causes me to binge eat. Regular meals will keep my blood-sugar level stable to reduce the feeling of irritability and tiredness. Also, my metabolism will be steady. I understand that if I go for more than four to five hours without eating in the course of the day, my body will go into ‘starvation’, and it will go into stress mode to prepare for a lack of food. ‘Starvation’ lowers the metabolic rate to preserve energy. For that reason, the next meal consumed will be metabolized for the purpose of storing up energy which leads to weight gain.

After I have set s regular structure, I will be able to plan my meals in advance. I will know when my next meal or snack will be and I will have a plan as to what to eat at that time. I tend to blame a lack of time as my reason to skip breakfast or lunch. However, time is made for important things so I must make time to eat. To practice this, I need to consider my meals and my snacks as an important part of my day and to prioritize eating over doing other things such as reading, watching television, or sleeping. When I prioritize accordingly, I will not leave a space of more than four hours in between meals and snacks. Since my college schedule will not allow me to shorten the gaps between my eating because of some extremely tight schedules, I will make sure to increase my portions instead to supply me with the energy to run around during the day. I need to be sufficiently prepared for the frequent meals in the day. I will start to carry an easy-to-eat snack in my backpack or my car, for example, a bag of dried fruit or nuts, fruit, or a muesli bar.

Conclusion The outcome of my dietary evaluation indicates that my nutrient consumption is good but it could be better. Just because I eat a lot of whole grain does not necessarily mean that my diet is healthy overall. I need to increase fruit and vegetables and to eat regularly so that my digestive system is not always in shock, which could lead to issues such as constipation or calorie retention. Not having time for breakfast is not an excuse to skip breakfast altogether. I can always create time for breakfast by going to bed early enough so that that I have had enough sleep by morning.

A dietary analysis is a practice that should be carried out on a more regular basis because it is only by writing down our food habits that one can see clearly how they are treating their bodies by what they eat. Having awareness will make one think twice next time they reach for fast food or unhealthy beverages such as soda.

Based on my food intake, I am not consuming enough calories to fit my daily requirements. I need to increase my calories by one-third by including more variety to my snacks and by eating regular sizeable portions of foods rich in healthy starch. In the two days that I skipped breakfast and the one day that I skipped lunch too, my calorie intake was too low which translated into low energy levels and nutrient deprivation.

I must make these changes very soon so that I will not plunge into underweight and compromise my nutrient consumption. While the changes that I need to make are negligible, it will take discipline. I need to do is add on to what is already there, include more variety in my diet, increase my portions, maintain a regular eating schedule, avoid skipping meals, and add an afternoon snack and occasional dessert after lunch or dinner. This analysis has helped me to see that although I may be at a healthy weight with a good BMI, I may not be as healthy as I want to be.

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