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11 December 2023

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Digital Media Personal Statement Examples: Crafting Your Communication and Media Journey


Dirghayu Kaushik


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  • Introduction to Digital Media Personal Statements

Creating a compelling personal statement for digital media and communication courses is a pivotal step in your academic journey.

This comprehensive guide will provide insights into crafting a statement that resonates with your passion and aligns with the expectations of universities and colleges.

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  • The Essence of a Personal Statement in Media and Communication

Understanding the Format of a Media Personal Statement

A personal statement in the field of media and communication is your chance to tell a story about who you are, your journey into the world of media, and why you are passionate about this field.

This narrative is not just about your academic achievements but also your personal experiences, skills, and aspirations.

Personal Statement Basics: Incorporating Passion and Professional Aspirations 

Your personal statement should begin by expressing your deep interest in the field of media and communication .

Talk about the moment you realized this was your calling – was it while watching a groundbreaking documentary, during a school media project, or while writing for the school newspaper? Use specific examples to illustrate your passion.

Next, delve into the experiences that have prepared you for a degree in this field. Have you participated in media-related extracurricular activities, internships, or projects?

Describe these experiences and how they have shaped your understanding and enthusiasm for media and communication . It’s also important to highlight your communication skills – whether it’s through writing, speaking, or visual storytelling.

Lastly, discuss your professional aspirations. How do you see this course helping you achieve your career goals?

Whether you aspire to be a journalist, a filmmaker, a PR professional, or any other role within the media sphere, make it clear how the course aligns with these aspirations.

Demonstrating Your Understanding of the Media Landscape

To make your personal statement stand out, it’s crucial to showcase your understanding of the current media landscape. This includes awareness of the challenges, trends, and technological advancements in the field.

Exploring Current Trends and Challenges in Media 

Begin by discussing the current trends in the media industry. Are you fascinated by the rise of digital journalism, the impact of social media on news dissemination, or the evolution of streaming services in entertainment?

Give examples of how these trends have influenced your decision to pursue a career in media.

Address the challenges facing the media industry today, such as the debate over fake news, the ethical considerations in journalism, or the challenges of content creation in an oversaturated digital world.

Show that you are not only aware of these challenges but also eager to contribute to finding solutions.

Additionally, discuss technological advancements in media. Whether it’s the use of AI in newsrooms, the rise of podcasting, or the impact of virtual reality in storytelling, demonstrate how your interest aligns with these technological shifts.

Personalizing Your Media Journey: Unique Experiences and Perspectives

Every individual has a unique journey into the world of media. In this section, discuss how your personal experiences have shaped your perspective and driven your interest in media and communication.

Sharing Your Unique Media-Related Experiences 

Reflect on any unique experiences you have had that are related to media and communication.

This could be an internship at a local newspaper, managing a social media campaign for a community event, producing a short film, or even running a blog or YouTube channel. Explain what these experiences taught you and how they have prepared you for further study in this field.

Discuss any challenges you have faced and overcome in your pursuit of media knowledge. Perhaps you had to balance schoolwork with managing a school radio station, or you had limited resources while creating a documentary.

These experiences show resilience and a commitment to your passion for media. It’s also essential to highlight any unique perspectives you bring to the table.

This could be related to your cultural background, life experiences, or an unusual approach to media that sets you apart. Universities value diversity in thought and experience, so don’t hesitate to share what makes your perspective unique.

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  • The Role of Academic and Extracurricular Activities in Shaping Your Media Aspirations

While your personal statement should focus on your passion and experience in media, it’s also important to discuss how your academic and extracurricular activities have supported your aspirations.

Connecting Academic Achievements and Extracurriculars to Media Goals 

Discuss how your academic achievements have prepared you for a degree in media and communication . This could include relevant coursework, research projects, or any academic accolades related to media.

Explain how these achievements have provided you with a foundational understanding of the field. Extracurricular activities can also play a significant role in shaping your media aspirations.

Whether you were part of a school journalism club, a drama society, a debate team, or even a tech club, these experiences can illustrate your interest and skills in communication, storytelling, and media production.

Also, mention any leadership roles you’ve taken in these activities. Leadership experiences can demonstrate your ability to manage projects, work in teams, and communicate effectively – all essential skills in the media industry.


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  • The Importance of Research and Preparation in Writing Your Personal Statement

Writing a compelling personal statement requires thorough research and preparation. This section should guide readers on how to approach the writing process effectively.

Tips for Researching and Preparing a Standout Media Personal Statement 

Crafting a standout media personal statement involves thorough research and careful preparation. Here are some key tips to help you create a compelling and effective statement:

  • Research the media and communication courses you are interested in.
  • Understand the specific focus areas, course structure, and unique opportunities each institution offers.
  • Tailor your statement to reflect how your interests and goals align with the course and institution’s ethos.
  • Reflect on what makes your journey into media unique – be it your experiences, perspective, or personal challenges.
  • Think about how your background, culture, or personal interests have shaped your view of media and communication .
  • List all relevant experiences, including education, work, internships, projects, and extracurricular activities.
  • Include both formal and informal experiences that have contributed to your understanding and passion for media.
  • Highlight skills that are crucial for a career in media, such as communication, creativity, technical skills, or critical thinking.
  • Mention any relevant achievements, awards, or recognition you’ve received.
  • Structure your personal statement as a story that reflects your journey, challenges, learning, and aspirations.
  • Use a clear, engaging, and authentic tone to connect with your readers.
  • Get feedback from teachers, mentors, or professionals in the media industry.
  • Use their insights to refine and strengthen your statement.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the current trends, technological advancements, and challenges in the media world.
  • Discuss how you plan to contribute to or evolve within this ever-changing industry.
  • Articulate how the course will help you in your long-term career goals.
  • Show that you have a clear vision of where you want to go in the field of media and communication .
  • Carefully proofread your statement multiple times to eliminate any grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Ensure that the flow of thoughts is coherent and that your statement makes a strong impact.
  • While it’s important to be professional, ensure your personal statement reflects your true self.
  • Avoid exaggerating or misrepresenting your experiences and qualifications.

Remember, your personal statement is an opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are beyond grades and test scores. It’s your voice in the application process, so make it count!

Utilizing Digital Media Personal Statement Examples as a Learning Tool

One of the best ways to understand what makes a successful personal statement is to study examples. This section should emphasize the importance of learning from others’ experiences.

Analyzing and Learning from Successful Media Personal Statement Examples 

Look for examples of successful digital media personal statements, which can often be found online through university websites, educational forums, or resources like Studential.com.

Analyze what makes these statements effective – notice how they structure their narrative, the way they articulate their passion , and how they connect their experiences to their media aspirations.

Identify the key elements that resonate with you and think about how you can incorporate similar strategies into your statement. However, it’s important to maintain your authenticity and not simply mimic another’s style or experiences.

Reflect on how these examples balance personal anecdotes with professional aspirations. A successful personal statement often strikes a balance between showcasing personality and demonstrating readiness for a career in media and communication .

Crafting a digital media personal statement is about narrating your unique journey and showcasing your passion for the field. Use these guidelines to create a statement that not only meets the academic requirements but also reflects your personal story and aspirations in the media world.

Remember, your personal statement is your chance to make a lasting impression – make it count.

Q1: Can I include humor in my digital media personal statement?

While a touch of humor can make your statement more engaging, be cautious. Ensure it’s appropriate and doesn’t distract from the seriousness of your aspirations and experiences.

Q2: How do I balance talking about my achievements without sounding boastful?

Focus on being factual and reflective. Discuss your achievements in the context of what they taught you or how they shaped your interest in media, rather than simply listing accolades.

Q3: Is it important to discuss specific media figures or works that inspire me?

Yes, mentioning media figures or works that inspire you can be a great way to show your engagement with the field. Just make sure to connect it back to your own experiences and aspirations.

Q4: How technical should I get in my personal statement?

It depends on the course you’re applying for. If it’s a technically oriented course, showing your understanding of technical aspects can be beneficial. However, don’t get so technical that it becomes inaccessible to non-specialist readers.

Q5: Should I mention my long-term career goals in the personal statement?

Yes, discussing your long-term career goals can help demonstrate your commitment and vision for your future in the media industry. Just ensure it’s aligned with the course you’re applying for.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction to Digital Media Personal Statements
  • • The Essence of a Personal Statement in Media and Communication
  • • The Role of Academic and Extracurricular Activities in Shaping Your Media Aspirations
  • • The Importance of Research and Preparation in Writing Your Personal Statement
  • • Conclusion

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Writing your personal statement

As part of your application to study with us, you’ll be asked to submit a personal statement. Your personal statement is your chance to show your understanding of the course, your interest in the subject and how your current skills and knowledge are relevant to the course you’d like to study. Each course we offer is different, so please read your course content carefully.

Show your skills and interests

None of our courses is purely practical and all involve a significant amount of theoretical study and research. Your personal statement should, therefore, show your academic skills. If you're applying to study a course with practical elements (eg BA Digital Media, BA Film, Photography and Media or BA Journalism), you should also talk about any practical skills you have. You might also consider linking to examples of your work.

Your personal statement should also explain why you're interested in studying your course. To do this, you could discuss examples of media that have caught your attention and any readings you've completed.

Tell us what you plan to do after studying

If you have a particular career that you’d like to pursue, we’d like to know how you think the course you’re applying for will help you achieve it.

It’s also a good idea to mention any work experience you’ve done in the past, and how it’s relevant to your course.

Be specific

Include specific examples to explain general statements. Below are some of the types of questions to ask yourself when writing your personal statement:

  • Which issues or ideas connected to the course do you find interesting and why?
  • Have you done any reading around the subject?
  • What academic skills do you have that makes you well suited to the course?
  • Which type or examples of media have caught your attention?
  • If the course you're applying for has practical elements, have you produced any media yourself? What did you use to create it?
  • If you have a career path in mind, why did you choose it?
  • How do you think this course will help you achieve your career aspirations?

See the UCAS website  for more advice on writing your personal statement.

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Personal Statement: Applying for a Journalism/Media Degree


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personal statement in media

A question I am frequently asked is what exactly you should write on your personal statement when applying for a journalism/media course. Putting together a great statement can be a pretty stressful task as it is difficult to gage what exactly universities are looking for. However, all graduates have been through it and there is no reason why you cannot secure a place on the course of your choosing. Here are some of my top tips on what exactly you should be writing:

personal statement in media

Enthusiasm and passion

For me, I think this is the most crucial element to any application. Demonstrate just how passionate and enthused you are about the course. Perhaps pinpoint an element or a module that you are most excited about and why. Showing that you genuinely want to be studying that course always looks great and will put you in good stead with the admissions officer. Cardiff in particular has a fantastic student media department with its own newspaper, magazine, radio, and TV station. Make reference to these and emphasise how eager you are to get involved, maybe even mentioning that you aspire to be the editor-in-chief of the magazine, or a presenter on the radio station. Universities are always looking for people that want to get stuck in so convey this well.

personal statement in media

Relevant experience

If you have done any kind of writing, editing, blogging etc. outside of school then absolutely put this in. This will show that you are not only able to use your initiative, but that you have the ability to work independently and have great time-management – all essential skills when studying at higher education. If you don’t already have a blog GET ONE. This is possibly the most simple and easy way to get journalism experience where you can write whatever you like, whenever you like, and wherever you like.

Even if you don’t directly have experiences like this, any part time jobs or qualifications you have will also be great for your statement as each will bring with them a useful set of skills for university.

personal statement in media

A recent news story that has caught your interest

If you want to study journalism, you of course have to be up-to-date with all the latest happenings of the world. Writing a small paragraph on something in the news that has captured your attention and why will make your statement stand-out and show that you engage with the news. Don’t be afraid to have an opinion and articulate your feelings about something you feel strongly about.

personal statement in media

Future goals

Why is it you want to study journalism/media? What do you hope to do with the degree you are applying for? Express that studying the course is a stepping stone for you to get into your dream career and that you truly believe the university will be able to support and facilitate that goal.

personal statement in media

Finally, no human being is defined purely by work. Tell the admissions officer exactly who you are and show some personality. What is it you enjoy doing at the weekend? Do you have a hobby? No matter how common or unusual it is, put it in! If you play a sport then there is bound to be a society for that at Cardiff so let them know that you are desperate to get involved. You want to make it clear to the university that there is so much more to you than just academia, and that you will be an all-round great student to have study with them.

Thank you, this helped so much

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Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

Table of Contents

A successful application to a Film and Media Studies program requires a well-crafted personal statement that reflects your passion for the subject. You need to showcase your unique perspectives and experiences to stand out from the competition.

You must also demonstrate the specific knowledge and skills you can bring to the program. With an eye towards creativity and practicality, this article will provide guidance to craft an excellent film and media studies personal statement .

What Is a Film and Media Studies Personal Statement?

A Film and Media Studies personal statement is an essential document for anyone hoping to pursue a degree in film or media. This document helps admission officers gain insight into the applicant’s motivations, aspirations, skills, and experiences pertinent to their studies.

A well-crafted personal statement will give candidates a competitive edge in pursuing higher education. The statement should be written with clarity, specificity, and emotion while also demonstrating knowledge of the field. By weaving together factual examples and creative language, applicants can showcase their unique talents as well as their commitment to this exciting industry.

Tips to Write a Good Film and Media Personal Statement

Emphasize your passion.

When writing a personal statement for film and media studies, it’s vital to demonstrate your passion for the field in an engaging way. Provide detailed examples of experiences that have nurtured your interest in the industry. It could be attending movie screenings or participating in relevant activities. Demonstrating a deep-seated enthusiasm and commitment to pursuing film and media studies will help showcase your drive and determination to admissions officers.

Highlight Relevant Experiences

Utilize your personal statement to emphasize any previous experiences you may have had related to filmmaking, media production, scriptwriting, or video editing. Even if these experiences are outside the classroom, they can still provide valuable insight into your skill set and capabilities within this field. Include any projects you’ve completed, awards or accolades you’ve earned, and internships or jobs you’ve held. And explain how each of these has strengthened your understanding of film and media studies.

Discuss Your Professional Goals

While discussing past experiences is important, make sure to also focus on your future ambitions for the field. Explain what professional aspirations you hope to achieve after graduating from the program. It could be working as a director, producer, cinematographer, editor, or writer. It provides admission officers with a clear vision of your career goal and why the specific program is ideal for you to get there.

Make It Personal

To craft a compelling personal statement for film and media studies, inject some personality! Include anecdotes or stories about yourself which offer insight into who you are as an individual. Showcasing your character traits and perspectives through thoughtful storytelling adds layers of dimension to your application. It lets the reader know the “real” you beyond just facts and figures.

Tailor It to the Program

Tailor your personal statement directly to the program you are applying to. Research the institution thoroughly and find ways to mention elements of its curriculum that resonate with you. Or mention areas of specialization offered by faculty members which excite you professionally.

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Film and Media Studies Personal Statement Example

Below is an excellent example of a film and media studies personal statement to inspire you to write one for yourself:

Personal Statement Example

I have always been fascinated by the potential of media and film to incite change on a large scale. As an undergrad, I immersed myself in courses that explored these disciplines – from American cinema to global digital content. And I have since developed a comprehensive understanding of how different media platforms can be used to communicate powerful messages. My interest has led me to pursue further studies in Film and Media Studies. I am eager to use my passion for narrative-building and storytelling to shape conversations about important social issues like immigration, poverty, and gender inequality.

A graduate degree in Film and Media Studies will give me the essential skills to produce impactful films. It would increase my aptitude in online communication and challenge viewers to think critically about current events. In addition, it will open up opportunities to work on projects related to documentary filmmaking, advertising campaigns, and public service announcements. These are areas where I could apply my already-sophisticated knowledge of cinematography and production design. Moreover, collaborating with other professionals from diverse backgrounds would expand my skill set and bolster my capabilities as an independent producer.

Sustaining an active presence within this field is crucial for honing my craft. Therefore, I am committed to dedicating extra hours outside class for networking and professional development activities. I plan to leverage my previous experience teaching introductory film classes at two local universities to make meaningful contributions to departmental seminars. With all these elements combined, I am confident that I will not only grow as a practitioner but also empower others through my work.

Film and media studies is a unique field that requires understanding both creative elements and technical concepts. By crafting a personal statement that accurately reflects one’s experience and passion for the subject matter, potential students can stand out from the rest.

It’s essential to use clear language and structure, inject emotion into your writing, and utilize colloquialisms. By following the right approach and the tips and examples in this post, you can make their application shine.

Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Salem Media Statement

Salem Media Group, Inc. has made the following statement:

Salem Media Group, Inc. ’s (OTCQX: SALM) former publishing division, Regnery Publishing (together, “Salem”), published a film and book entitled 2000 Mules that examines allegations of voter fraud related to the 2020 presidential election. In publishing the film and the book, we relied on representations made to us by Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote, Inc. (“TTV”) that the individuals depicted in the videos provided to us by TTV, including Mr. Andrews, illegally deposited ballots. We have learned that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has cleared Mr. Andrews of illegal voting activity in connection with the event depicted in 2000 Mules .

It was never our intent that the publication of the 2000 Mules film and book would harm Mr. Andrews. We apologize for the hurt the inclusion of Mr. Andrews’ image in the movie, book, and promotional materials have caused Mr. Andrews and his family. We have removed the film from Salem’s platforms, and there will be no future distribution of the film or the book by Salem.


Salem Media Group is America’s leading multimedia company specializing in Christian and conservative content, with media properties comprising radio, digital media and book and newsletter publishing. Each day Salem serves a loyal and dedicated audience of listeners and readers numbering in the millions nationally. With its unique programming focus, Salem provides compelling content, fresh commentary and relevant information from some of the most respected figures across the Christian and conservative media landscape. Learn more about Salem Media Group, Inc. at www.salemmedia.com .

personal statement in media

Evan D. Masyr Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Office (805) 384-4512 [email protected]

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240531275774/en/

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Hacking group claims it breached Ticketmaster and stole data for 560 million customers

Updated on: May 30, 2024 / 7:28 AM EDT / CBS/AFP

A hacking group claims it breached global events giant Ticketmaster and stole the details of 560 million customers.

The group, named ShinyHunters, said in an online forum that the stolen data includes the names, addresses, phone numbers and partial credit card details of Ticketmaster customers. The group's post said the data was available for purchase for $500,000 in a "one-time sale."

The Australian government said Thursday it is investigating the claims, and the FBI has offered assistance to Australian authorities, a spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Canberra told Agence France-Presse.

"The Australian Government is aware of a cyber incident impacting Ticketmaster," a spokesperson for the Australia Home Affairs Department said in a statement to CBS News. "The National Office of Cyber Security is engaging with Ticketmaster to understand the incident." The department also urged people with "specific inquiries relating to this incident" to contact Ticketmaster.

Ticketmaster and its parent company, Live Nation, haven't issued statements on the possible breach.

The authenticity of the dataset offered by ShinyHunters couldn't be immediately verified. The alleged hack was first reported by the websites Hackread and Australia-based  CyberDaily .

ShinyHunters' hacking history

ShinyHunters became notorious in 2020-21 when it exposed huge troves of customer records from more than 60 companies, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

In January, a court in Seattle jailed Sebastien Raoult, a French computer hacker who was a member ShinyHunters. He was sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to pay more than $5 million in restitution after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.

Prosecutors said the extensive hacking caused millions of dollars in losses to companies that were victimized and "unmeasurable additional losses" to hundreds of millions of people whose data was sold to other criminals.

Hacks are impacting more people with increasingly severe consequences, Katina Michael, a cybersecurity professor at Australia's University of Wollongong, told AFP. The number of people hacked "will grow, it could be up to one billion in the future," she said.

Governments, companies and consumers aren't doing enough to protect themselves or investing in basic protection mechanisms such as two-factor authentication, Michael warned.

Justice Department suing Ticketmaster and Live Nation  

Ticketmaster, which is based in Beverly Hills, operates one of the largest online ticket sales platforms in the world.

The Justice Department filed a federal lawsuit last week accusing  Ticketmaster  and its parent company Live Nation of illegally monopolizing the live entertainment industry to the detriment of concertgoers and artists alike.

In a  128-page civil suit  filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, federal officials alleged that Live Nation has illegally thwarted competition and unduly burdened consumers in part through its ownership of Ticketmaster, which effectively gives it control over much of the market for live entertainment.

Justice Department officials said they're seeking structural changes to how the company does business, which could include breaking the two entities apart.

In 2022, Ticketmaster's  mishandling of ticket sales for Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour  prompted enormous public outcry over Live Nation's hold on the entertainment and ticketing industries. The Justice Department's Antitrust Division was already investigating the company when the Swift fiasco unfolded, CBS News previously reported.

  • Live Nation
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personal statement in media

Utah leaders react to Donald Trump’s felony conviction

S ALT LAKE CITY ( ABC4 ) — Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts Thursday, and local officials took to social media and press releases to share their opinions on the verdict.

Trump became the first former president to be convicted of a felony after jurors found him guilty of falsifying business records in the New York hush money trial. The sentencing hearing is scheduled to take place July 11.

Utah Sen. Mike Lee quickly took to social media following the verdict, writing “A sad day for America. The verdict against Donald Trump, marred by unclear charges and irregular jury instructions, sets a dangerous precedent. This was a political prosecution to help Joe Biden, a weaponization of our justice system that threatens the very fabric of our Republic.”

On his personal account, he wrote “Congratulations, progressives. You’ve just guaranteed Trump’s election.”

Utah Rep. Phil Lyman  — who is currently running for governor — reposted Lee’s official statement and called the trial “political prosecution, election interference and the weaponization of our government agencies.”

Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs — a U.S. Senate candidate who was endorsed by Trump last month — shared a similar opinion as Lee and Lyman, calling the verdict “unbelievable,” adding that “we now live in a 3rd world ‘judicial’ system.”

“This manufactured conviction isn’t because he’s guilty it’s because they can’t beat him in the ballot box,” he wrote.

While Gov. Spencer Cox did not post on social media, he sent the following statement to ABC4.com:

I have consistenty expressed grave concerns about these charges since the manhattan DA filed them in March 2023. Several other prosecutors looked at the allegations and declined to prosecute because the circumstances and witnesses were deeply problematic. The DA further used a novel legal theory to turn misdemeanors into felonies. No one is above the law, but in this case I believe the indictment was a mistake and should have never been brought forward. This outcome is a dark day for our county.” Gov. Spencer Cox

Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Brad Wilson, also provided a statement, saying the trial was “a sham” and “a mockery of our criminal justice system.”

Robert Axson, the chairman of the Utah Republican Party, also put out a statement.

The relentless persecution of Donald Trump brings to light a troubling inconsistency in the application of the law. Regardless of one’s political stance or personal opinion of Trump, the principle that all individuals should be subject to the same legal standards is the cornerstone of our justice system. The nearly decade-long barrage of schemes and efforts against Trump and selective legal maneuvering raises serious concerns about fairness and impartiality. Legal actions must be guided by objective justice, not influenced by third-world electoral motivations. In an election characterized by profound political divisions, the decline of Americans’ real wages, and the current administration’s consistent blundering of critical domestic and foreign policies, it is disappointing — though not surprising — to see the targeting and attempted silencing of a political rival. Fortunately, Americans across this country see this for what it is and on Nov. 5 they will utilize the ballot box to change course and correct the disaster of the last four years. Robert Axson

In a different approach, Utah Lieutenant Governor Deidre Henderson did not reference the verdict or Donald Trump directly, but posted on Twitter/X saying, “Praying for the safety of those jurors and their families.”

The Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Brian King, had a vastly different opinion on the trial saying “the process demonstrates the validity of our system of justice.”

“This conviction will mark a critical point for many in our state,” his official statement read. “If you voted for former President Trump in 2016 or 2020, but find this conviction to be your tipping point, know that you are not alone.”

He wrapped up his statement saying, “Consider this a formal invitation to join us in this movement toward a more stable and principled future.”

Jeff Merchant, the executive director of the progressive nonprofit Alliance for a Better Utah , provided a statement saying “No one is above the law” and it is fair to ask political candidates to hold themselves to the highest possible standards.

“Donald Trump’s belief that the law does not apply to him violates the very foundations of our legal system and the beliefs of the Founding Fathers. Indeed, the Founding Fathers created a democracy built on the rule of law, and today the rule of law prevailed,” Merchant said.

ABC4 reached out to Sen. Mitt Romney and did not receive comment by the time of the article’s publishing.

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to ABC4 Utah.

Utah leaders react to Donald Trump’s felony conviction

Statement on the fine issued to N26 Bank AG by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) on May 9th, 2024

Robert De Niro says 'justice has been served' after New York jury convicts Donald Trump in his hush money trial. Here's a timeline of their 13-year feud.

  • On Thursday, Donald Trump became the first former US president to be convicted of a crime.
  • Robert De Niro, one of Trump's biggest critics, said "justice has been served."
  • Here's a timeline of their 13-year feud.

Insider Today

Robert De Niro said a New York jury was right to convict Donald Trump of 34 counts of falsifying business records, amid the pair's long-term feud.

On Thursday, a Manhattan Criminal Courthouse jury found the former US president guilty of falsifying records to cover up a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels , a porn actor who claims to have had sex with Trump in 2006.

The prosecution said this payment influenced the 2016 election by burying the negative story, but Trump has denied this. The result means Trump is the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime.

De Niro, who has been a critic of Trump for 13 years, told PageSix that he wasn't excited about the conviction.

"I don't wanna get too excited about anything. It's as it should be. Justice has been served. That's it," he said.

Since 2011, Trump has been locked in a mostly one-sided feud with De Niro, which has seen the actor criticize Trump's politics and behavior in interviews, award speeches, and political campaign videos.

Though it is common for politicians to garner support from celebrities to boost their reputations, De Niro's feud with Trump has escalated over the years, particularly when the actor said he wanted to punch Trump "in the face" in a 2016 campaign video .

Their beef intensified again ahead of November as Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, gears up for the 2024 election .

Earlier this week, De Niro criticized Trump at a Democrat news conference outside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse, where his hush money trial was taking place. Trump hit back on Truth Social, writing that De Niro suffers from an "incurable case of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME."

Here's a timeline of De Niro and Trump's feud.

April 2011: De Niro criticizes Trump for commenting on former president Barack Obama's citizenship.

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Trump and De Niro first exchanged verbal blows in April 2011 after Trump questioned the citizenship status of then-president, Barack Obama .

Trump was one of many celebrity and political figures who began demanding to see Obama's birth certificate at the time because they didn't believe he was born in the US.

During an interview with NBC News' Brian Williams at the Tribeca Film Festival, De Niro criticized those who made this claim.

"A lot of these guys, they're intentions are not even good. They're just playing the game. And they're playing with people's lives," De Niro said in 2011 (per The Hollywood Reporter) . "It's crazy. They're making statements about people that they don't even back up. Go get the facts before you start saying things about people."

De Niro confirmed later in the interview that Trump was among the people he was referring to.

Trump hit back a few days on " Fox & Friends ," where he said De Niro was "not the brightest bulb on the planet."

"I have been watching over the years, and I like his acting, but in terms of when I watch him doing interviews and various other things, we are not dealing with Albert Einstein," Trump added before doubling down on his demand for Obama to show his birth certificate.

August 2016: De Niro calls Trump "nuts."

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De Niro and Trump's beef cooled off until Trump became the Republican Party's candidate for the 2016 presidential election.

While speaking at an event for the 40th anniversary of "Taxi Driver" in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in August 2016, De Niro brought up Trump's campaign and said the businessman was "totally nuts."

"It's crazy that people like Donald Trump, he shouldn't even be where he is, so God help us," De Niro said. "What he's been saying is really totally crazy, ridiculous stuff."

Fall 2016: De Niro joins the Democrats' campaign and says he wants to "punch" Trump.

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De Niro was one of the many celebrities who supported Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency in the run-up to the 2016 election.

In October of that year, De Niro participated in a video for the #VoteYourFuture campaign to get young people involved but spent most of the video slinging insults at Trump.

"I mean he's so blatantly stupid. He's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con, a bullshit artist, a mutt who doesn't know what he's talking about, doesn't do his homework, doesn't care, thinks he's gaming society, doesn't pay his taxes. He's an idiot," he said.

De Niro added: "He talks about how he wants to punch people in the face. Well, I'd like to punch him in the face."

De Niro later told " The View " that the "punch" threat was symbolic and he didn't actually want to hit Trump.

"I said that because he said that about somebody that he would like to punch them in the face. How dare he say that to the crowd?" De Niro said of Trump.

In the following weeks, De Niro argued publicly with actors Jon Voight and Arnold Schwarzenegger over their support for Trump and spoke out against Trump during a speech at the Hollywood Film Awards.

When Trump was elected in November 2016, De Niro told The Hollywood Reporter that he felt "like I did after 9/11."

De Niro also told " Jimmy Kimmel Live !" that he won't punch the president.

"I can't do that now; he's the president. I have to respect the position, though we all know what…," he said, trailing off as a joke. "We have to see what he's gonna do, and how he's really gonna follow through on certain things."

Their feud then cooled off for the remainder of 2016.

2017: De Niro criticizes Trump in speeches and interviews.

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In 2017, De Niro took almost every opportunity to fire more shots at Trump.

In January 2017, De Niro appeared in a "United We Stand" rally against Trump, where he joked about the president's social media rants and criticized his stance on immigration.

"He's a bad example of this country," De Niro said of Trump. "We're all rooting for the new administration, of course, to abandon the divisive, racist, misogynist, ignorant plans it's trumpeting and lead us with intelligence and compassion."

In the same month, he told " Today " that calls to boycott Trump's presidential inauguration were justified.

"I think that whatever people do, they should do it fully because there's a lot of crazy stuff happening now," De Niro said.

In May 2017, De Niro used a speech at Brown University as he accepted an honorary doctorate of fine arts to mock Trump.

"When you started school, the country was an inspiring, uplifting drama. You are graduating into a tragic, dumbass comedy," he said.

During another speech at the Annual Hudson River Park Gala, De Niro called Trump a "motherfucker," New York Daily News reported.

2018: Trump finally responds to De Niro after further insults.

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In March 2018, De Niro called Trump an "idiot" in a speech for an event to celebrate the Fulfillment Fund for promoting higher education.

"He lacks any sense of humanity or compassion," De Niro said per Variety . "Now I'm not trying to turn this non-political event into a political one, but as long as our country's leadership is so appalling and so corrupt, I'll be speaking out at every venue."

He added: "To be silent in the face of such villainy is to be complicit, and it's especially appropriate tonight because Trump treats education as a con, a way to make a profit at the expense of the suckers."

Continuing the sentiment about speaking up against Trump, in June 2018, De Niro said "fuck Trump" while hosting the Tony Awards, and received a standing ovation.

This comment finally garnered a response from Trump.

"Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received too many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be 'punch-drunk,'" Trump wrote on X two days after the Tony's.

Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received too many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be “punch-drunk.” I guess he doesn’t... — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2018

"I guess he doesn't realize the economy is the best it's ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy!" he continued.

De Niro was also one of several Trump critics who were mailed bombs in October 2018, though police never linked these incidents to the former US president.

De Niro was unfazed and instead responded by encouraging people to vote in the midterm elections.

"There's something more powerful than bombs and that's your vote. People MUST vote!" De Niro told Sky News . "I thank God no one's been hurt, and I thank the brave and resourceful security and law enforcement people for protecting us."

In 2018, "Saturday Night Live" began featuring regular sketches mocking Trump, with Alec Baldwin portraying the president. De Niro joined these sketches in April, making frequent cameo appearances as Robert Mueller , the special counsel overseeing an investigation into Trump's election campaign and Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 US elections.

2019: De Niro says Trump's "impeachment and imprisonment" would make America great again.

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In March 2019, Mueller released a report on his investigation into the US 2016 election. The report found that Russian agents "interfered in the presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion" but said there was not enough evidence to accuse Trump's team of being involved.

However, the evidence within the report kickstarted a campaign to impeach Trump.

De Niro also joined calls for Trump's impeachment. During a speech at the American Icons Awards in late March, De Niro said Trump's "impeachment and imprisonment" would make America great again.

In May, De Niro wrote an open letter to Mueller in The New York Times to encourage him to testify against Trump in Congress.

In October, De Niro also told The Guardian at the London Film Festival that he wanted to see Trump jailed after his impeachment inquiry.

"Oh, I can't wait to see him in jail. I don't want him to die, I want him to go to jail," De Niro said.

Trump was impeached in 2019 , but for a different investigation, and the president was later acquitted by the Senate.

Throughout 2019, De Niro also threw further insults at Trump, including calling him " too stupid to even know he's evil ," a " total loser ," a " white supremacist " and a " nasty little bitch ."

2020: De Niro criticizes Trump's response to the COVID pandemic.

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During Trump's last year in office, the world was hit by the COVID pandemic.

In May 2020, De Niro criticized Trump's response to the pandemic on BBC Newsnight , saying that the president did not care how many people had died.

"It's Shakespearean, the whole thing, you've got a lunatic saying things that people are trying to dance around," De Niro said. "They're doing it in the hearings a little more, trying to say tactfully that this is what will happen, Fauci is doing that."

“It’s like Shakespearean the whole thing” – actor Robert de Niro on how the coronavirus outbreak is being handled in the US #Newsnight pic.twitter.com/k64t3Mhcl9 — BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) May 12, 2020

De Niro added, referring to Trump: "It's appalling. He wants to be re-elected. He doesn't even care how many people die."

Trump was eventually voted out of office in November 2020, but that didn't mean De Niro was done criticizing him.

De Niro told MSNBC in November, after the 2020 election, that he though there would be another "Trump-like" candidate who would be smart enough to trick the public.

"It's the same playbook as Mussolini, as Hitler, as wannabe dictators," De Niro said. "It's all appealing to the worst prejudices, the worst weaknesses of the public and instead of leading them and guiding them and being someone that they can look up to."

2023: De Niro reignites the feud during the press "Killers of a Flower Moon" press tour.

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With Trump out of office, De Niro's feud stalled for a few years. However, ahead of the 2024 election, De Niro began speaking out about Trump again as he promoted his upcoming movie "Killers of a Flower Moon."

Variety reported that De Niro compared Trump to the "evil" men in the movie during a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival for "Killers of a Flower Moon."

"There are people who still think he can do a good job. Imagine how insane that is," De Niro said, referring to Trump.

In October, De Niro missed the Stop Trump Summit in New York City after contracting COVID but sent a statement for the recorded event in which he criticized Trump.

"When I look at him, I don't see a bad man. Truly. I see an evil one," De Niro said of Trump. "The man who was supposed to protect this country put it in peril, because of his recklessness and impulsiveness. It was like an abusive father ruling the family by fear and violent behavior."

When De Niro was asked to speak at the Gotham Film Awards to honor "Killers of the Flower Moon," he brought up Trump again. However, this time, he stalled during his speech and accused Apple, the producer of the movie, of editing what he wanted to say.

"I just want to say one thing. The beginning of my speech was edited, cut out. I didn't know about it. And I want to read it," De Niro said before bringing out his phone to read the original speech .

"The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years … in office, and he's keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution," De Niro said, referring to Trump. "But with all his lies, he can't hide his soul."

De Niro told Rolling Stone that he found out after the event that Apple had tried to ask him to tone down the speech, but he had missed the memo.

Trump fired back at De Niro's comments in a post on Truth Social.

"Robert De Niro, whose acting talents have greatly diminished, with his reputation now shot, must even use a teleprompter for his foul and disgusting language, so disrespectful to our Country," Trump wrote.

"De Niro should focus on his life, which is a mess, rather than the lives of others. He has become a total loser, as the World watches, waits, and laughs!" he added.

March 2024: De Niro fires back at Trump's social media posts.

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During an episode of "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" in March, Kimmel asked De Niro about Trump's social media posts about him.

"He's so fucking stupid," De Niro responded. "Look at the lame, inane things that he said. He's so stupid he can't even say anything clever. He's a fucking moron."

De Niro said he was confused why people supported Trump and encouraged the audience to vote so he wouldn't be re-elected.

"He is a malignant narcissist. He's a socio-psychopath," he said. "It's so frightening and scary, and he's dangerous. We got to get rid of him."

May 28 2024: De Niro appears in another Democrat campaign video and news conference.

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The Democrats seem to be using De Niro's feud against Trump again this year ahead of the 2024 elections.

On May 22, De Niro lent his voice to a video for Biden's presidential campaign .

"Now, he's running again, this time threatening to be a 'dictator,' to terminate the constitution," De Niro said. "Trump wants revenge, and he'll stop at nothing to get it."

On May 28, De Niro appeared at a news conference for Biden's presidential campaign outside Trump's hush money trial. At the conference, he said he had joined Biden's campaign.

"When Trump ran in 2016, it was like a joke. 'This buffoon running for president? No, never could happen,'" De Niro said. "We'd forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious dictators."

De Niro said the new Biden-Harris ad was created to show how Trump uses "violence" against people who stand in his way.

"But it's a coward's violence," he added.

De Niro claimed in his speech that Trump wants to destroy New York, America, and the world. The actor also warned that if Trump is re-elected, the US would become a dictatorship.

"If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted and elections," De Niro said. "Forget about it. That's all that's done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave."

In another interview with the press outside the courthouse, De Niro said: "He's a monster. He cannot be president of the United States again. Never ever."

Trump mocked De Niro on Truth Social in response.

"I never knew how small, both mentally and physically, Wacko Former Actor Robert De Niro was," Trump wrote on Wednesday. "Today, De Niro, who suffers from an incurable case of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, commonly known in the medical community as TDS, was met, outside the Courthouse, with a force far greater than the Radical Left - MAGA."

Trump added that De Niro looked "so pathetic and sad" and the actor's brand has "gone WAY DOWN IN VALUE" since he started supporting Biden.

May 30, 2024: De Niro supports New York jury's decision to convict Trump.

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On May 30, Trump became the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime.

A Manhattan Criminal Courthouse jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels.

Trump maintains his innocence and, according to the Associated Press , told reporters outside the court after the verdict: "This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people. They know what happened, and everyone knows what happened here."

Trump can still run for president despite his conviction.

De Niro was one of many celebrities who supported Trump's conviction.

"It's as it should be. Justice has been served. That's it," De Niro told PageSix, adding that the public must stop Trump from being elected in November.

De Niro told Variety that he was upset by the current political situation.

"This never should have gotten to this stage. I don't want to be talking, but I am so upset by it. I have to say something," he said. "This is my country. This guy wants to destroy it. Period. He's crazy."

"People are fed up, they're going to fight back. That's not what we're about in this country," he added.

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Official City of Portland seal. The image depicts Portlandia holding her trident backdropped by mountain and river, accompanied by the text 'City of Portland, Oregon 1851'

Joint statement from City of Portland, Metro and Multnomah County on personal income tax returns for local tax programs

In 2020, Metro and Multnomah County voters approved income tax measures for  supportive housing services across Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties and for establishing a  tuition-free preschool program in Multnomah County – the first income taxes of their kind for area residents. 

Both income taxes, which began in tax year 2021, are generally owed by individuals with taxable income on amounts above $125,000 if filing single, or income on amounts above $200,000 if filing jointly. This year marks the third collection year. 

The  City of Portland Revenue Division collects tax payments on behalf of Metro and Multnomah County, and regularly mails notices for these and other tax programs.  Every May, the Revenue Division reviews payments that were due April 15 from the prior tax year, ending Dec. 31. Every year, it is expected that discrepancies will be found between amounts owed by taxpayers on a quarterly basis and the amount paid over the course of the year.

Much like other State and Federal tax programs, the Supportive Housing Services and Preschool For All programs require certain taxpayers to prepay their taxes throughout the year. Quarterly prepayment requirements can help taxpayers avoid receiving large bills when they file their tax return.  Quarterly estimated payments can be made through payroll withholding, online or by mail.

Taxes can be confusing – and doubly so when they’re new. Many people who owe the supportive housing and preschool taxes are used to paying income taxes annually. For the Supportive Housing Services and Preschool for All taxes, taxpayers who would owe more than $1,000 in a tax year are required to make quarterly estimated payments. Many of these taxpayers may be unfamiliar with quarterly estimated payments and may not have experienced underpayment fees before.

As is the case with State and Federal taxes, underpayment fees are applied if quarterly estimated payments are required and, by the due date of the fourth quarter (January 15), taxpayers have not made four payments of 25% or more that equal either 100% of the prior year liability, or 90% of the current year liability. 

The first year a taxpayer owes the taxes, there is no penalty for failing to pay before April 15. After filing their first return, taxpayers receive a new tax account welcome letter from the City of Portland Revenue Division with information about quarterly estimated payments that may be applicable to them in subsequent tax years. 

For tax years 2022 and 2023, Metro and Multnomah County sent mailers to residents notifying them of tax programs that may apply to them, tax deadlines, and available tax resources—including website information with detailed instructions.

The City of Portland, Metro and Multnomah County are working together to continue providing transparency about the process and answering taxpayer questions. Confusion about the recent notices shows we have room to improve, and we are committed to doing so. The City is evaluating ways to add further clarity to the website and billing notices.

Taxpayers should not ignore a Notice of Debt letter they've received. Taxpayers who have questions should contact the City of Portland Revenue Division tax help line at 503-865-4748 or email  [email protected] (for Metro) or  [email protected] (for Multnomah County) for assistance. The Revenue Division’s customer service team has been working hard to answer questions and help taxpayers resolve their accounts to ensure they do not receive a Notice of Debt letter in the next mailing cycle. 

Pay your Supportive Housing Services or Preschool for All personal income tax

Learn more about filing and paying personal taxes with the City of Portland Revenue Division

Learn more about Metro’s supportive housing services personal income tax

Learn more about Multnomah County’s Preschool for All personal income tax  

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May 29, 2024

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Research suggests leaders' social media posts are taken just as seriously as formal statements

by Peter Dizikes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Over 180 world leaders maintain social media accounts, and some of them issue policy warnings to rivals and the public on these platforms rather than relying on traditional government statements. How seriously do people take such social media postings?

A new study suggests the general public and policymakers alike take leaders' social media posts just as seriously as they take formal government statements. The research, by MIT political scientists , deploys novel surveys of both the public and experienced foreign policy specialists.

"What we find, which is really surprising, across both expert audiences and public audiences, is that Tweets are not necessarily seen as this form of cheap talk," says Erik Lin-Greenberg, an MIT faculty member and co-author of a new paper detailing the results. "They're viewed as the same type of signal as that being offered through more formal and traditional communications."

The findings suggest that people have become so fully acclimatized to social media that they regard the medium as a vehicle for messages that have just as much credibility as those generated through the old-school method, in which official statements are released in formal language on official government documents.

"One clue that sheds some light on our unexpected findings is that a slight majority of our survey respondents who read a tweet identified what they read as a White House press release," says Benjamin Norwood Harris, an MIT doctoral candidate and co-author of the paper. "Respondents really seemed to believe that Tweets were just another way presidents communicate in their official capacity."

The paper, "Cheap Tweets?: Crisis Signaling in the Age of Twitter," appears in the June issue of International Studies Quarterly . Greenberg is the Leo Marx Career Development Assistant Professor of the History and Culture of Science and Technology at MIT; Harris is a Ph.D. candidate in MIT's Department of Political Science who specializes in security studies and international relations.

The study fits into a larger body of political science research in the area of "crisis signaling"—the way words and actions in international relations are interpreted, which is often critical to diplomacy. However, when it comes to the use of social media, "There's been very little research that looks at the credibility of public signals," Lin-Greenberg notes.

The research consisted of a multilayered set of surveys, conducted in 2021. Using the survey platform Lucid, the scholars surveyed 977 members of the general public about a hypothetical confrontation between the U.S. and Iran, using facsimiles of messages on Twitter (now known as X) and formal White House statements that might have been sent by U.S. President Joe Biden during such a scenario. Separately, the scholars also recruited foreign policy experts from the U.S., India, and Singapore, which all have active English-language think tank spheres, to take the same survey.

Asked to rate the credibility of Tweets and official statements on a five-point scale, the public rated official press releases at 3.30 and Tweets at 3.22. The policy experts gave a 3.10 rating to the official statement, and a 3.11 rating to the Tweets.

"No matter how we cut the data, we just don't see much difference in how respondents rated Tweets versus official statements," Harris says. "Even when we vary the formality of the tweet language—including things like all caps and lots of exclamation points—we don't find an effect."

A follow-up layer of the survey then asked respondents about a related hypothetical conflict between the U.S. and Iran in 2026, with facsimile Tweets and White House statements attributed to both Biden and former president Donald Trump, given that either could be president then. The aim was to see if different leaders influenced perceptions of the two forms of statements.

But in this instance, the public and policy experts regarded Tweets and official statements virtually equally seriously. Trump's statements were given slightly more credibility overall, but with a strong partisan divide: Liberals took Biden's statements to have more credibility, and conservatives took Trump's statements to have more credibility.

Overall, the study suggests that many people are simply unaffected by the medium in which a global leader might choose to issue a warning to leaders of other nations. In the surveys, participants were given the opportunity to describe qualitatively what shaped their responses; only about 2% cited the medium as an issue.

As Harris notes, the survey data also indicate that slightly more than 51% of respondents believed a tweet constituted an officially released government statement. Additionally, about 73% of respondents thought Tweets were generated in the same way as statements that have the official imprint of a national government.

"People who see a tweet don't really differentiate it in their minds. They don't think the tweet is not an official statement," Lin-Greenberg says. "About three-quarters of the population think it's coordinated, whether it's a Tweet or an official statement."

In the paper, the scholars suggest there is considerable room for follow-up research in this area. Among other things, future studies might compare the effect of social media statements to other types of communication, such as speeches. Scholars might also study other social media platforms or broaden the set of countries being studied. Such research, Lin-Greenberg and Harris conclude in the paper, "will further enrich our understanding of the interactions between emerging technology and international politics."

Provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This story is republished courtesy of MIT News ( web.mit.edu/newsoffice/ ), a popular site that covers news about MIT research, innovation and teaching.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Media Studies with Film Studies Personal Statement

Uni Logo for University of Sunderland

Want to master the media?

Join Sunderland's Media course, ranked in the top 5 (Guardian University Guide, 2024) and master the craft, both theory and practice!

Uni Logo for Cardiff Metropolitan University

Explore the world of Media at Cardiff Met.

Learn from expert lecturers, use great facilities, and enhance your prospects with a Media Studies degree. Find out more!

Media Studies with Film Studies Personal Statement

Media possesses an exact and fundamental integrity within the habitual lives of every single one of us. Ever since I began studying media I have developed a tenacious passion for the subject to the extent that it only feels natural to attempt to further indulge this passion at a higher level of detail. Throughout my media studies course I have established a comprehensive set of skills when working with media. Part of our course was heavily involved with the production of our own texts and from this I have become adept at Photoshop and other editing software as well as understanding the conventions possessed by different genres. Furthermore, I can confidently and systematically analyse media texts whilst offering a unique and refreshing insight.

By enrolling in this course I hope to gain a deep and fulfilling insight into the various institutes of media which would hopefully aid me when it comes to seeking a career within the industry. At the same time I will offer you all of the qualities that I possess. Hard working, organised and ready for commitment are all aspects of myself as a student which can be highlighted through the fact that I was appointed deputy head boy of Oakwood Park Grammar School in March 2014. My status as deputy head boy was truly humbling as throughout my time in the role we as a prefect team strived to raise money for Cancer Research UK and were extremely successful in doing so. The fundraising events that we carried out varied in terms of scale. The schemes ranged from non-school uniform days to a Stars in Their Eyes show which involved 20 acts comprised of OPGS students who performed to the school in the day and then parents in the evening. The main qualities I derived from these fundraisers were leadership and organisation as I had a huge part to play with regards to the development of the events.

I am no stranger to responsibility as both my part time job of over 2 years and volunteering work involved working with children across an age range from between 1 and 12 years old. From working with people this young I have established useful and effective communication skills as well as dealing with members of the public throughout my job at the soft play area Adventure Kidz. Part of my job included serving people on tills and dealing with complaints from the parents of children which one again illustrates my ability to behave cohesively with the public as well as still operate under certain pressures. I have spent the past year out of conventional education in an attempt to explore the media industry as well as working at Adventure Kidz to gain some financial stability before I enrol at university.

My volunteering work involved me working as an assistant coach at Barming Buds Soccer Academy for the under 6 squad. The attributes that I gained from this work experience is that I once again have the skill of communicating with young children as well as their parents. I have proved that I can teach other people in a way that makes them develop themselves which demonstrates a sense of leadership and authority amongst a group of people. In addition to this I found myself becoming more involved in football which is now an incredibly fond hobby of mine that I love to incorporate in my life.

I also have experience in a number of other environments; I spent 3 days working at the Waitrose RDC in Aylseford and I have also shadowed a conductor manager of Southeastern Railways. Both of these experiences involved physical labour combined with a firm awareness of health and safety as well as risk assessment in potentially hazardous environments. The above examples are proof that I am efficient under a number of scenarios and do not disappoint when it comes to possessing the necessary work ethic that is required to succeed.

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Media production personal statement example.

“Educate, entertain, inform.” These are the 3 words Lord Reith used to encapsulate the BBC and what Media means to me. My fascination for Media began after studying the subject at secondary school. I can not see a future without me following this ambition. I want to be able to use Media to inspire people, challenge normality, encourage society to evolve and be a catalyst for change. Studying Media at university will help give me the skills and experience I need to pursue my future goals.

I have created an extensive portfolio of Media work at: http://sheikhshahnawaz.foliohd.com I was fortunate enough to help produce and direct an advert that was aired on Channel S for Victorstone Property Consultants. My work in this advert involved creating an idea and storyboard and then organising the other production processes such as shooting and editing. I also produced the music for this advert. I gained relatable experience from this opportunity such as effectively communicating with the crew to ensure our ideas and deadlines were being met and what it was like to be a part of a professional campaign for an actual business. This is one of many media projects I have been a part of. I enjoy the planning side of a production and then the implementation of it.

Working as a waiter at my father’s restaurant helped me gain useful skills. I found articulating with customers on a daily basis a valuable insight in working with the public. Having the skill to talk to strangers, finding out what they want, discussing their ideas and opinions is very important. This occupation also gave me the skills to be versatile and to use my own initiative. These skills have helped me with other work such as creating a shop for students in my college as part of the Business Society. Other extracurricular societies I am involved in include Manga Society and Film Club. I also took part in The Challenge over the summer. This 3 week course was designed to help me gain personal and team skills and then test them in the real world by creating a campaign and fundraiser.

I have the responsibility of Vice President at my college. It is my duty to voice the concerns of the students to the Senior Leadership Team and maintain a positive environment. Every year my college hosts a Model United Nations where sixth forms in the UK come to debate resolutions on relevant issues for 3 days. I was 1 of 9 amongst hundreds to have my resolution approved at general assembly and sent to the United Nations. I also study Business and Music Technology as well as Media. I have found these subjects to greatly aid each other. I think this is good as the knowledge I learn from my other subjects help me with my Media.

I try to use my free time constructively to explore my other interests. I have a deep passion for performing. I love music. I am an avid member of the college choir and rock band. This interest ensued after completing my Rockschool qualifications at GCSE. Learning to play the guitar and performing on stage drastically improved my confidence. I have performed numerous times at talent shows and arts fares. This love for the arts stems from my creativity. From a young age I have always been creative and unique with everything I approach. This creativity has helped me complete my media projects to the best standard whilst also keeping them original and fresh.

I work to the highest standard with commitment and diligence to achieve my goals. Through my motivation and conscientiousness, my experiences push me to move forward with my passion for studying Media; I hope that you too can see my potential and enthusiasm.

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This personal statement was written by nawaz101 for application in 2013.

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