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  • Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 2

Last Updated on April 1, 2024 by XAM CONTENT

Hello students, we are providing case study questions for class 7 science. Case study questions are the new question format that is introduced in CBSE board. The resources for case study questions are very less. So, to help students we have created chapterwise case study questions for class 7 science. In this article, you will find case study questions for cbse class 7 science chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals.

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Case Study Questions on Nutrition in Animals

Question 1:

Read the given passage below and answer the question:

The small intestine is highly coiled structure. It is about 7.5 metres long. It receives secretions from the liver and the pancreas. The liver is a reddish brown gland located in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side. The pancreas is a large cream coloured gland located just below the stomach that secretes the pancreatic juice.

Q.1. The liver releases: (a) digestive juice (b) acid (c) bile juice (d) saliva

Difficulty Level: Easy

Ans. Option (c) is correct Explanation: The liver secretes bile juice that is stored in a sac called the gall bladder

Q.2. The glands associated with the alimentary canal are: (a) salivary glands and liver (b) pancreas and liver (c) gall bladder and liver (d) salivary glands, liver and pancreas

Difficulty Level: Medium

Ans. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: The various glands associated with the canal such as salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas secrete digestive juices. The salivary glands present in the buccal cavity secret saliva. Saliva helps in the digestion of starch. Bile is secreted by the liver however, stored in gall bladder and pancreatic juice is secreted from the pancreas.

Q.3. In the lower part of the small intestine which juice completes the digestion of all components of the food. (a) saliva (b) bile (c) pancreatic (d) intestinal juice

Ans. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: The partly digested food on reaching the lower part of the small intestine where the intestinal juice secreted by the inner walls of the intestine, completes the digestion of all components of the food.

Q.4. What important function of pancreatic juice and bile.

Ans. The pancreatic juice acts on carbohydrates, fats and proteins and changes them into simpler forms. The bile plays an important role in the digestion of fats.

Q.5. What happens when the partly digested food reaches the lower part of the small intestine.

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Ans. When the partly digested food reaches the lower part of the small intestine, then the intestinal juices completes the digestion of all components of the food.

Heat Class 7 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 3

Nutrition in plants class 7 case study questions science chapter 1, topics from which case study questions may be asked.

  • Define digestion.
  • Discuss different modes of taking food in animals.
  • Describe human digestive system.
  • Explain process of digestion in human.
  • Explain process of digestion in grass eating animals.
  • Explain process of feeding and digestion in Amoeba.

For further practice on case study questions related to Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals, we recommend exploring the link given below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Nutrition in Animals Case Study Questions

Q1: what are case study questions for cbse examinations.

A1: Case study questions in CBSE examinations typically involve scenarios or real-life examples, requiring students to apply their understanding of concepts to solve problems or analyze situations.

Q2: Why are case study questions important for understanding class 7 science chapters?

A2: Case study questions provide a practical context for students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, fostering deeper understanding and critical thinking skills.

Q3: How should students approach answering case study questions for CBSE?

A3: Students should carefully read the case study, identify the key issues or problems presented, analyze the information provided, apply relevant concepts and principles, and formulate well-supported solutions or responses.

Q4: Are there any resources available online for students to practice case study questions on class 7 science chapters for CBSE exams?

A4: Yes, several educational websites offer case study questions for CBSE students preparing for science examinations. We also offer a collection of case study questions for all classes and subject on our website. Visit our  website  to access these questions and enhance your learning experience.

Q5: How can students effectively prepare for case study questions on nutrition in animals for CBSE exams?

A5: Effective preparation strategies include regular revision of concepts, solving practice questions, analyzing case studies from previous exams, seeking clarification on doubts, and consulting with teachers or peers for guidance and support.

Q6: How can teachers incorporate case study questions on nutrition in animals class 7 science into classroom teaching?

A6: Teachers can integrate case studies into lesson plans, group discussions, or interactive activities to engage students in active learning, promote problem-solving skills, and facilitate a deeper understanding of nutrition in plants.

Q7: What is the process of nutrition in animals?

A7: Nutrition in animals involves the intake, digestion, absorption, and utilization of food to obtain energy and essential nutrients required for growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissues.

Q8: What role do enzymes play in the process of digestion in animals?

A8: Enzymes are biological catalysts that facilitate chemical reactions in the digestive system by breaking down complex food molecules into simpler substances that can be absorbed by the body. Different enzymes act on specific types of food molecules.

Q9: How does the process of digestion occur in the stomach of animals?

A9: In the stomach, food is mixed with gastric juices containing hydrochloric acid and enzymes like pepsin. The acidic environment helps in the breakdown of proteins, while muscular contractions churn the food, converting it into a semi-liquid form called chyme.

case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

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Case Study Questions Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals

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CBSE Class 7 Case Study Questions Science Nutrition in Animals. Important Case Study Questions for Class 7 Board Exam Students. Here we have arranged some Important Case Base Questions for students who are searching for Paragraph Based Questions Nutrition in Animals.

At Case Study Questions there will given a Paragraph. In where some Important Questions will made on that respective Case Based Study. There will various types of marks will given 1 marks, 2 marks, 3 marks, 4 marks.

CBSE Case Study Questions Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals

Case study 1.

Plants can prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis but animals cannot. Animals get their food from plants, either directly by eating plants or indirectly by eatinganimals that eat plants. Some animals eat both plants and animals. Recall that all organisms including humans require food for growth, repair and functioning of the body.

Animal nutrition includes nutrient requirement, mode of intake of food and its utilisation in the body. The components of food such as carbohydrates are complex substances.These complex substances cannot be utilised as such. So they are broken down into simpler substances. The breakdown of complex components of food into simpler substances is called digestion.

Que 1) Humans require …………………………………………………..……..…………… for growth and repair of cells and tissues in the body.

(b) Protein

Que. 2) Plants can prepare food by the process ofcapturing of sunlight with help of chlorophyll and this process is known as ……………………………………………………………….………………………… .

(a) Metabolism

(b) Catabolism

(c) Photosynthesis

(d) Digestion

Que. 3) Carbohydrates are ………………………………..…..………………………………… substances.

(b) Complex

(c) Digestible

Que. 4) Define digestion.

Que. 5) How do animals get their food?

Que. 1) (d) Food

Que. 2) (c) Photosynthesis

Que. 3) (b) Complex

Que. 4) Answer: Digestion is process of breakdown of complex food substances into simpler substances.

Que. 5) Answer: Animals get their food by either eating plants or by eating animals who depends on plants for their nutrition.

Case study 2

The food passes through a continuous canal which begins at the buccal cavity andends at the anus. The canal can be divided into various compartments: (1) the buccal cavity, (2) food pipe or oesophagus, (3) stomach, (4) small intestine, (5) large intestine ending in the rectum and (6) the anus. Is it not a very long path. These parts togetherform the alimentary canal (digestive tract). The food components gradually get digested as food travels through the various compartments. The inner walls of the stomach and the small intestine, and the various glands associated with the canal such as salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas secrete digestive juices.The digestive juices convert complexsubstances of food into simpler ones. Thedigestive tract and the associated glandstogether constitute the digestive system .

Que. 1) The food passes through an alimentary canal which is a ……………………………………………………………………………………… type ofcanal.

(a) Discontinuous

(b) Continuous

(c) Straight

Que. 2) Which parts or glands of the human body secretes the digestive juices which are required for the breakdown of food in the body?

(b) Pancreas

(c) Salivary gland

(d) All of the above

Que. 3) ……………………………………….………………………………………….. juice convert complex food substances into simpler ones.

(a) Digestive juice

(b) Pancreatic juice

(c) Liver juice

(d) Salivary juice

Que. 4) The canal can be divided into how many compartments?

Que. 5) Name the glands which are associated with the canal?

Que. 1) (b) Continuous

Que. 2) (d) All of the above

Que. 3) (a) Digestive juice

Que. 4) Answer: The canal can be divided into 6 compartments i.e.(1) buccal cavity, (2) oesophagus, (3) stomach, (4) small intestine, (5) large intestine and (6) the anus

Que. 5) Answer: Glands such as salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas are associated with the canal.

Case study 3

Normally bacteria are present in our mouth but they are not harmful to us. However, if we do not clean our teeth and mouth after eating, many harmful bacteria also begin to live and grow in it. These bacteriabreak down the sugars present from the leftover food and release acids. The acids gradually damage the teeth. This is called tooth decay. If it is not treated in time, it causes severe toothache and in extreme cases results in tooth loss. Chocolates, sweets, soft drinks and other sugar products are the major culprits of tooth decay.

Therefore, one should clean the teeth with a brush or datun and dental floss (a special strong thread which is moved between two teeth to take out trapped food particles) at least twice a day and rinse the mouth after every meal. Also, one should not put dirty fingers or any unwashed object in the mouth.

Que. 1) Normally Bacteria that are present in human mouth are ………………………………………………………………………….. to the human teeth.

(a) Harmful

(b) Not harmful

(d) None of the above

Que. 2) The bacteria breakdown ………………………………….…………………………… substances present in the leftover of food.

(c) Protein

Que. 3) One should not put ………………………………………………………………………………… in the mouth.

(a) Dirty fingers

(b) Dirty food

(c) Plastic

Que. 4) What are the major culprits of tooth decay?

Que. 5) How many times the teeth should be cleaned and why.

Que. 1) (b) Not harmful

Que. 2) (a) Sugars

Que. 3) (a) Dirty fingers

Que. 4) Answer: sweets, junk food, chocolates, soft drinks and other sugar containing products are the culprits of tooth decay.

Que. 5) Answer: The teeth should be cleaned at least twice a day to prevent any kind of tooth decay.

Case study 4

The working of the stomach was discovered by a strange accident. In 1822, a man named Alexis St. Martin was badly hit by a shot gun. The bullet hadseriously damaged the chest wall and made a hole in his stomach. He was brought to an American army doctor William Beaumont. The doctor saved the patient but he could not close the hole properly and left it bandaged. Beaumont took it as a great opportunity to see the inside of the stomach through the hole. He made some wonderful observations.

Beaumont found that the stomach was churning food. Its wall secreted a fluid which could digestthe food. He also observed that the end of the stomach opens into the intestineonly after the digestion of the food inside the stomach is completed .

Que. 1) The working of stomach was found by ……………………………………………………………..………………………………… .

(a) William Beaumont

(b) Alexis St. Martin

(c) Both (a)&(b)

Que. 2) Alexis St. Martin was badly hit by a ……………………………………………..……………………………. weapon which caused a fatal wound in his chest and stomach.

(b) Shot gun

Que. 3) William Beaumont was from which country

(c) America

(d) Australia

Que. 4) What did Beaumont found?

Que. 5) Why did a hole formed in the stomach of Alexis St. Martin ?

Que. 1) (a) William Beaumont

Que. 2) (b) Shot gun

Que. 3) (c) America

Que. 4) Answer: He found that the stomach was churning food and also secreted some type fluid to digest the food.

Que. 5) Answer: The whole was formed in the stomach of Alexis St. Martin because he got a hit from a shot gun and the bullet damaged the chest wall and finally a whole in the stomach.

Case study 5

The stomach is a thick-walled bag. Its shape is like a flattened J and it is the widest part of the alimentary canal. It receives food from the food pipe at one end and opens into the small intestine at the other. The inner lining of the stomach secretes mucous, hydrochloric acid and digestive juices. The mucous protects the lining of the stomach.

The acid kills many bacteria that enter along with the food and makes the medium in thestomach acidic and helps the digestive juices to act. The digestive juices breakdown the proteins into simpler substances.

Que. 1) The stomach is a ……………………………………………………………………………………….. bag.

(a) Thin walled

(b) Thick walled

(d) J shaped

Que. 2) The ……………………………………………………………………………….….. protects the lining of the stomach.

(b) Membrane

Que. 3) Which is the widest part of alimentary canal of the human digestive system that is used for churning of food in the body?

(b) Intestine

(c) Stomach

(d) Food pipe

Que. 4) What is the function of acid in the stomach?

Que. 5) What does the inner lining of the stomach secretes?

Que. 1) (b) Thick walled

Que. 2) (c) Mucous

Que. 3) (c) Stomach

Que. 4) Answer: The acid kills many forms of bacteria that comes inside the stomach with food and makes the medium in stomach acidic which helps to activate various digestive enzymes.

Que. 5) Answer: The inner lining of stomach secretes various digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and mucous.

It was nice , good for study , good for exam

It’s good for practicing case study for exam

Very useful information to check our knowledge after reading text book

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 SCIENCE – Chapter 2 – Nutrition In Animals

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition In Animals is the essential study material to perfect Nutrition In Animals topics. The NCERT Class 7 Science solutions provided here correctly answer NCERT textbook questions. Solutions curated in a comprehensive manner will help students understand the subtopics in this chapter in a better way.


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition In Animals has the following sub-topics as given below:


1. Fill in the blanks:

  • The main steps of nutrition in humans are _________, __________, __________, _________ and __________.
  • The largest gland in the human body is __________.
  • The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and ___________ juices which act on food.
  • The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called _________.
  • Amoeba digests its food in the ____________.
  • The main steps of nutrition in humans are ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion .
  • The largest gland in the human body is liver .
  • The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and digestive juices which act on food.
  • The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called villi .
  • Amoeba digests its food in the food vacuole .

2. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false:

  • Digestion of starch starts in the stomach. (T/F)
  • The tongue helps in mixing food with saliva. (T/F)
  • The gall bladder temporarily stores bile. (T/F)
  • The ruminants bring back swallowed grass into their mouth and chew it for some time. (T/F)

3. Tick (✓) mark the correct answer in each of the following:

a. Fat is completely digested in the

(i) stomach (ii) mouth (iii) small intestine (iv) large intestine

b. Water from the undigested food is absorbed mainly in the

(i) stomach (ii) food pipe (iii) small intestine (iv) large intestine

  • (iii) small intestine
  • (iv) large intestine

4. Match the items of Column I with those given in Column II:

5. What are villi? What is their location and function?

ANS- The inner walls of the small intestine have thousands of finger-like outgrowths.

These are called villi (singular villus).The villi increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food.

6. Where is the bile produced? Which component of the food does it help to digest?

ANS- Bile is produced in the liver and it helpsin the digestion of fats.

7. Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans. Give the reason also.

ANS- The carbohydrate known as cellulose can be broken down by ruminants but not by humans because humans lack the cellulase enzyme needed to do so.

8. Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

ANS- While other carbohydrates must first be converted down into glucose before being absorbed, glucose is a simple sugar that is quickly taken into the the system, providing instant energy.

9. Which part of the digestive canal is involved in:

(i) absorption of food ________________.

(ii) chewing of food ________________.

(iii) killing of bacteria ________________.

(iv) complete digestion of food ________________.

(v) formation of faeces ________________.


(i)Small intestine

ii) Buccal cavity


iv) Small intestine

v) Large Intestine

10. Write one similarity and one difference between nutrition in amoeba and human beings.

ANS- Similarity: Holozoic type of nutrition is present in both amoeba and human beings.

Difference: Humans eat through their buccal cavity. Food is consumed by amoeba through pseudopodia.

11. Match the items of Column I with suitable items in Column II

12. Label Fig. 2.11 of the digestive system.

case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

13. Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables/grass? Discuss.

ANS-  No, we cannot survive solely on raw, green vegetables since they mostly contain cellulose, which our bodies lack the enzyme necessary to digest.

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Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Important Questions

case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Important Questions with answers of Nutrition in Animals updated for new academic session 2024-25. Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Extra Questions cover all the keywords, notes based on NCERT Books and all important questions given as intext questions. If a student go through all these questions, it means he has covered Chapter 2 of Class 7 Science with all keywords and all important topics. It contains many extra questions other than NCERT Solutions.

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Important Questions are given below for academic session 2024-25. These questions cover all the keywords, explanations of chapter 2 of class 7 science and frequently asked questions in school exams or class tests. This section provides a complete revision of Class 7 Science Chapter 2. More questions will be added as per suggestions revived.

7th Science Chapter 2 Important Questions Set – 1

What do you mean by animal nutrition.

Animals get their food from plants, either directly by eating plants or indirectly by eating animals that eat plants. Animal nutrition includes nutrient requirement, mode of intake of food and its utilisation in the body.

Write different modes of taking food in any five animals.

The mode of taking food into the body varies in different organisms. Bees and humming-birds suck the nectar of plants, infants of human and many other animals feed on mother’s milk. Snakes like the python swallow the animals they prey upon. Some aquatic animals filter tiny food particles floating nearby and feed upon them.

“The food passes through various compartments in the human body”- name them.

The food passes through a continuous canal which begins at the buccal cavity and ends at the anus. The canal can be divided into various compartments: (1) the buccal cavity, (2) food-pipe or oesophagus, (3) stomach, (4) small intestine, (5) large intestine ending in the rectum and (6) the anus.

What do you mean by digestive system in human body?

The human digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and secretory glands. It consists of the (i) buccal cavity, (ii) oesophagus, (iii) stomach, (iv) small intestine, (v) large intestine ending in rectum and (vi) anus. The main digestive glands which secrete digestive juices are (i) the salivary glands, (ii) the liver and (iii) the pancreas. The inner walls of the stomach and the small intestine, and the various glands associated with the canal such as salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas secrete digestive juices. The digestive juices convert complex substances of food into simpler ones. The digestive tract and the associated glands together constitute the digestive system.

Food is taken into the body through the mouth. The process of taking food into the body is called ingestion.

7th Science Chapter 2 Important Questions Set – 2

Define the term milk teeth and permanent teeth..

The first set of teeth grows during infancy and they fall off at the age between six to eight years. These are termed milk teeth. The second set that replaces them are the permanent teeth.

Write the different types of teeth found in human beings.

Incisors (number 8) for cutting and biting. Canines (number 4) for piercing and tearing. Premolars (number 8) and molars (number 12) for chewing and grinding.

What is the role of tongue in human body?

The tongue is a fleshy muscular organ attached at the back to the floor of the buccal cavity. It is free at the front and can be moved in all directions. We use our tongue for talking. Besides, it mixes saliva with the food during chewing and helps in swallowing food. We also taste food with our tongue. It has taste buds that detect different tastes of food.

What do you mean by the tooth decay?

Normally bacteria are present in our mouth but they are not harmful to us. However, if we do not clean our teeth and mouth after eating, many harmful bacteria also begin to live and grow in it. These bacteria break down the sugars present from the leftover food and release acids. The acids gradually damage the teeth. This is called tooth decay. If it is not treated in time, it causes severe toothache and in extreme cases results in tooth loss.

The components of food such as carbohydrates are complex substances. These complex substances cannot be utilised as such. So, they are broken down into simpler substances. The breakdown of complex components of food into simpler substances is called digestion.

7th Science Chapter 2 Important Questions Set – 3

How does the food pipe or oesophagus help to taking food for digestive system in human beings.

The swallowed food passes into the food-pipe or oesophagus. The food-pipe runs along the neck and the chest. Food is pushed down by movement of the wall of the food-pipe. Actually, this movement takes place throughout the alimentary canal and pushes the food downwards.

What is ‘villus’ in human body? Write the role of the villus in digestive system.

The inner walls of the small intestine have thousands of finger-like outgrowths. These are called villi (singular villus). The villi increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food. Each villus has a network of thin and small blood vessels close to its surface. The surface of the villi absorbs the digested food materials. The absorbed substances are transported via the blood vessels to different organs of the body where they are used to build complex substances such as the proteins required by the body.

Write down the role of stomach in digestive system.

The stomach is a U-shaped, thick-walled bag. The inner lining of the stomach secretes mucous, hydrochloric acid and digestive juices. The mucous protects the lining of the stomach. The acid kills many bacteria that enter along with the food and makes the medium in the stomach acidic and helps the digestive juices to act. The digestive juices break down the proteins into simpler substances.

What is egestion?

The faecal matter is removed through the anus from time-to-time. This is called egestion.

Absorption and Assimilation

After the stomach, the partly digested food reaches the lower part of the small intestine where the intestinal juice completes the digestion of all components of the food. The digested food can now pass into the blood vessels in the wall of the intestine. This process is called absorption . The inner walls of the small intestine have thousands of finger-like outgrowths. These are called villi (singular villus). The surface of the villi absorbs the digested food materials. The absorbed substances are transported via the blood vessels to different organs of the body where they are used to build complex substances such as the proteins required by the body. This is called assimilation .

7th Science Chapter 2 Important Questions Set – 4

What do you mean by the term rumen, rumination and ruminants’.

Grass-eating animals (cows, buffaloes etc.) chewing continuously even when they are not eating. Actually, they quickly swallow the grass and store it in a part of the stomach called rumen. Here the food gets partially digested and is called cud. But later the cud returns to the mouth in small lumps and the animal chews it. This process is called rumination. So, these animals are called ruminants.

Why do we not able to digest cellulose like cattle?

The cellulose of the food is digested by the action of certain bacteria which are not present in humans.

What is an ‘amoeba’?

Amoeba is a microscopic single-celled organism found in pond water. Amoeba has a cell membrane, a rounded, dense nucleus and many small bubble-like vacuoles in its cytoplasm.

What do you mean by Pseudopodia?

Amoeba constantly changes its shape and position. It pushes out one, or more finger-like projections, called pseudopodia or false feet for movement and capture of food.

Nutrition in Amoeba

Amoeba feeds on some microscopic organisms. When it senses food, it pushes out pseudopodia (which is false feet) around the food particle and engulfs it. The food becomes trapped in a food vacuole. Digestive juices are secreted into the food vacuole. They act on the food and break it down into simpler substances. Gradually the digested food is absorbed.

7th Science Chapter 2 Important Questions Set – 5

What is the use of acid in stomach.

The inner lining of stomach secretes mucus, hydrochloric acid and digestive juices. Out of these HCL kills any bacteria that may enter the stomach with food and makes the medium acidic. Mucus protects the stomach lining from HCL and digestive juices break down proteins in food into simpler substances.

Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables or gram? Discuss.

Raw leafy vegetables and grass are rich in cellulose, a type of carbohydrate. Many animals, including humans, cannot digest cellulose, because they do not have enzymes and certain types of bacteria which can digest cellulose. We cannot survive by taking vegetables in raw form. That’s why we boil or cook vegetables which breaks down cellulose into simple carbohydrates. We can only survive by taking in vegetables in boiled or cooked form.

Ruminants such as cow and buffaloes swallow their food hurriedly and then sit restfully and chew their food. Can you give reason, why?

Ruminants such as cows and buffaloes swallow their food hurriedly and store it in a part of the stomach called rumen. The cellulose of the food is digested here by the action of certain bacteria which are not present in humans. Later, this partially digested food (cud) is returned to the buccal cavity of the animals in small lumps and animal it sitting restfully to complete the process of digestion. This process is called rumination. The thoroughly chewed cud is swallowed again to other compartment of stomach and then into small intestine for complete digestion and absorption.

What is the function of enzymes present in the saliva?

The salivary gland present in mouth secretes saliva. It contains the enzyme amylase (ptyalin) that breaks down into simple sugars. Only about 30% starch digestion takes place in the mouth.

Nutrition in Amoeba and Human beings

Similarity : The basic process of digestion of food and release of energy is the same in amoeba as well as in human beings. In amoeba, digestive juices are secreted into the food vacuole. They act on the food and break it down into simpler substances. Gradually, the digested food is absorbed. Similarly, in human beings various digestive juices (mouth, stomach, intestine etc.) act on food and break it down to simpler substances. Differences : The digestion process in amoeba is simple while in human beings it is a complex process. The process of ingestion and egestion are also quite different. Amoeba engulf its food by surrounding the food particles with its pseudopodia. The undigested food which is largely carbon dioxide gas is expelled out by the vacuole. Which is human beings, the food (which is complex substances) is taken inside the mouth and undergoes a complex process of digestion and absorption. Finally, the undigested food is expelled out in the form of faeces.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

(a) The main steps of nutrition in humans are __________, __________, __________, _________ and __________. (b) The largest gland in the human body is __________. (c) The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and ___________ juices which act on food. (d) The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called _________. (e) Amoeba digests its food in the ____________ .

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Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions

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case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

Nutrition in Animals Important Questions Class 7 Science Chapter 2

Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Important Questions and Answers are provided here. We prepared these extra questions based on the latest NCERT Class 7 Science Book. These important questions will help you to properly understand a particular concept of the chapter. Practicing class 7 important questions before the exam will help you to get excellent marks in the exam. 

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals Important Questions

Very short answer type question.

1: Name the largest gland in the human body. Answer:  Liver

2: Define digestion. Answer:  The process of breakdown of complex substances of food into simpler form is called digestion.

3: Name the parts of alimentary canal. Answer:  Buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

4: Name the glands that secrete digestive juice. Answer:  Salivary gland, pancreas and liver

5: The process of taking food into the body is called __________. Answer:  Ingestion

6: We chew food with ____________ and break it mechanically into small pieces. Answer:  Teeth

7: Name the different types of teeth. Answer:  Incisor, canine, premolar and molar

8: The saliva breakdown starch into sugars. True/ False. Answer:  True

9: Kids of three years age have _____________ teeth. Answer:  Milk

10: Name the type of food of ant Answer:  Ant: sugar, food particles

11: Name the type of food of mosquitoes True / False Answer:  Mosquito: blood

12: Name the mode of feeding of ant and mosquitoes. Answer:  The mode of feeding of ant: scraping and the mode of feeding of mosquitoes: sucking.

13: Amoeba digests its food in the ________________. Answer:  Food vacuole.

14: The tongue helps in mixing food with the saliva. True/ False. Answer:  True.

15: Name ruminants. Answer:  Grazing animals like: Cow, buffaloes and deer.

16: Name the finger like projection present in the inner wall of the small intestine Answer:  Villi

17: Name the organ responsible for removal of undigested and unabsorbed residues from human body. Answer:  Anus

18: Bile juice is stored in a sac called___________________ Answer:  Gall bladder

19: What is the location of pancreas? Answer:  Pancreas is located just below the stomach.

20: Name the end products of carbohydrates. Answer:  Simple sugars such as glucose

21: Name the end products of fats. Answer:  Fatty acids

22: Name the end products of proteins. Answer:  Amino acids.

23: Large intestine receives digested and absorbed food. True/ False. Answer:  False

24: Define egestion. Answer:  The process of removal of faecal matter from the body through the anus is called egestion.

25: What are the causes of diarrhoea in human beings? Answer:  Infection, food poisoning or indigestion.

26: What is the full form of ORS? Answer:   Oral Rehydration Solution

27: How food is pushed down from mouth to stomach? Answer:  Food is pushed down by movement of the wall of the food pipe.

28: Human can digest cellulose. True/False. Answer:  False.

29: The digestion of cellulose takes place in ___________ present in all ruminants. Answer:   Rumen

30: Amoeba uses ___________ for movement and capture of food. Answer:  Pseudopodia.

31: Name the part of digestive canal involved in absorption of food. Answer:  Small intestine

32: Name the part of digestive canal involved in complete digestion of food. Answer:  Small intestine

33: Name the part of digestive canal involved in killing of bacteria. Answer:  Stomach

34: Name the part of digestive canal involved in formation of faeces. Answer:  Large intestine

35: Name the part of digestive canal involved in chewing of food. Answer:  Mouth

Short Answer Type Questions

1: What do you mean by animal nutrition?

Answer: Animal nutrition includes requirement of nutrients, mode of intake of food, and its utilization in the body.

2: What is digestion?

Answer:  Digestion is the process of breakdown of complex components of food such as carbohydrates into simpler substances that is absorbed and assimilated in the body.

3: Name different modes of feeding in animals?

Answer: Scraping, chewing, brewing, capturing and swallowing, sucking etc. are the different mode of feeding in animals.

4: What are villi? What are their location and function?

Answer:  The inner wall of the small intestine has thousands of finger-like outgrowths called villi. These are found in small intestine. The villi increase the surface area for absorption of food.

5: Where is the bile produced? Which component of the food does it digest?

Answer:   Bile is produced in the liver and is stored in a sac called the gall bladder. The bile plays an important role in the digestion of fats.

6: Name the type of carbohydrates that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans. Give the reasons also.

Answer:   Cellulose is the carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants. Ruminants have large sac like structure between the small intestine and large intestine. The cellulose of the food is digested by the action of certain bacteria which are not present in human beings.

7: Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

Answer:   Because glucose easily breakdown in the cell with the help of oxygen and give carbon dioxide, water and energy 

8: What are Milk teeth and permanent teeth?

Answer:  The first set of teeth grows during infancy and they fall off at the age between six to eight years. These are termed as milk teeth. The second set that replaces them are the permanent teeth. The permanent teeth may last throughout our life or fall off during old age.

9: Name the main organs of digestive system.

Answer:  The main organs of digestive system are liver, Gall bladder Stomach, Pancreas, Small intestine, Large intestine, Rectum, Anus. The digestive tract and the associated glands together constitute the digestive system.

10: Glucose is considered as the source of instant energy, why?

Answer:  Glucose is the simplest form of carbohydrate that can be easily broken down to give energy. Hence, we get instant energy from glucose. Also, glucose mixes directly into the blood stream making it readily available to the body.

11: What is mastication?

Answer:  Mixing of saliva with chewed food is called mastication, this moisten the food and helps in swallowing food.

12: Define peristalsis?

Answer:  The powerful muscles in oesophagus gently push food down to the stomach in a wave like action which is called peristalsis.

13: What do you mean by absorption in terms of digestion of food?

Answer:  The food after digestion in stomach passes into the blood vessels in the wall of the intestine. This process is called absorption.

14: What role does villi performs in the small intestine?

Answer:  The villi increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food. The surface of the villi absorbs the digested food materials and passes them into blood. The absorbed substances are transported via the blood vessels to different organs of the body.

15: What is rumination?

Answer:  A process in which partially digested food returns to the mouth in small lumps and the animal chews it is called Rumination, and such types of animals are called Ruminants.

16: Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings.

Answer:  Similarity:  Both amoeba and human beings use digestive juices for digestion of food. 

Difference:  Humans need to chew food whereas in amoeba, there is no chewing of food.

17: What is the site of production of bile? Which component of the food does it digest?

Answer:   Bile is produced in liver and is stored in a sac like structure called the gall bladder. The bile plays an important role in the digestion of fats, it acts on fat and convert them into simpler form.

18: What is the role of pseudopodia in amoeba’s life?

Answer:   Pseudopodia helps amoeba in movement and capture of food, it is also called as false feet.

19: What happens to the food in large intestine of the digestive tract?

Answer:   The food that remains undigested and unabsorbed enters into the large intestine from small intestine. It is about 1.5 metre in length. Its function is to absorb water and some salts from the undigested food material.

Long Answer Type Questions

1: Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables / grass? Discuss.

Answer:   We know that animals like most of the bacteria, non-green plants and human being do not possess the ability to synthesize their own food. Therefore, they depend upon autotrophs for their food supply either directly or indirectly. The green plants (leafy vegetables / grass) trap solar energy and manufacture their food in the form of glucose. So, leafy vegetables and grass can provide sufficient energy required for the survival of human being.

2: Write one similarity and one difference between nutrition in amoeba and human beings.

Answer:  Similarity:  During the digestion of food, in amoeba digestive juices are secreted into the food vacuole. They act on the food and break it into simpler substances. In human being, the inner walls of stomach and the small intestine also secrete the digestive juices. The digestive juices convert complex substances of food to simpler ones. 

Difference:  Amoeba feeds on some microscopic organisms. When it senses food, it pushes out pseudopodia around the food particles. The food is trapped in a food vacuole. Human beings take food through the mouth, digest and utilize it. The food is gradually digested as food travels through the various compartments.

3: Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables/grass? Discuss.

Answer:   We know that including all animals, fungi, many bacteria, non-green plants, and human beings do not possess the ability to synthesize their own food. Therefore depend on autotrophs for their food supply either directly or indirectly. The green plants (leafy vegetables/grass) trap solar energy and manufacture their food in the form of glucose. So, leafy vegetables and grass can provide sufficient energy required for the survival of human beings.

4: What are the functions of the tongue in human body?

Answer: The functions of the tongue are as follows:

  • It is used for talking, it is not possible to talk without this.
  • It mixes saliva with the food during chewing and helps in swallowing of food.
  • Due to the presence of taste buds on it, It is used to identify the taste of food like sweet or salty etc.

5: Explain tooth decay?

Answer:  Our mouth contains some useful bacteria but if we do not clean our teeth and mouth after eating, many harmful bacteria also begin to live and grow in it. These bacteria break down the sugars present from the leftover food and release acids. These acids gradually damage the teeth and causes tooth decay.

6: What are secreted inside the stomach?

Answer:  Gastric juice is secreted by the walls of stomach which contains HCl and Pepsin. HCl helps to kill the germs present in food. After mixing with the food it provides an acidic medium to the food which is essential for the activation of pepsin enzyme. Pepsin digests protein into peptides.

7: Explain digestive enzymes?

Answer:  There are different types of enzymes which are used for the digestion of different food materials like carbohydrates, fats, protein etc. The process of digestion involves the association of several catalytic organic compounds such as amylase, pepsin, lipase, trypsin etc. These organic compounds are known as digestive enzymes.

8: Name and explain the type of carbohydrates that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans.

Answer:  Cellulose is the carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants. Ruminants have large sac like structure between the small intestine and large intestine which is responsible for digestion of cellulose in them. The cellulose of the food is digested by the action of certain bacteria which are not present in human beings.

9: Describe nutrition in amoeba.

Answer:  Amoeba is a single-celled organism found in pond water. It has a cell membrane, a dense, rounded nucleus and many bubble-like vacuoles. Amoeba constantly changes its shape and position. It pushes out one or more finger like projections, called pseudopodia or false feet for movement and capturing of food. Amoeba feeds on microscopic organisms. When it senses food, it pushes out pseudopodia around the food particle and engulfs it. The food becomes trapped in a food vacuole and digested by the digestive juices.

10: Differentiate between assimilation and egestion.

Answer:   Absorbed digested food materials are transported via the blood vessels to different organs of the body where they are used to build complex substances such as the proteins required by the body. This process is called assimilation but the process of removal of waste faecal matter through the anus from time-to-time is called egestion.

11: How does digestion occur in ruminants grass-eating animals?

Answer:   Ruminants quickly swallow the grass and store it in a separate part of the stomach called rumen. Here the food gets partially digested and is called cud. Later the cud returns to the mouth in small lumps and the animal chews it. This process is called rumination. The cellulose present in grass is digested here by the action of certain bacteria which are not present in humans.

12: What happens to the food in mouth and oesophagus of the digestive tract?

Answer:   When food is ingested the salivary glands which secrete saliva acts on it in the mouth. The saliva breaks down the starch into sugars. Oesophagus is along, narrow, muscular tube which directly leads to the stomach. It is about 25 cm long and passes downwards through the neck, the thorax and the abdominal cavity. Oesophagusgently pushes masticated food down to the stomach in a wave – like action, called peristalsis

13: What happens to the food in stomach of the digestive tract?

Answer:   The inner lining of the stomach secretes mucous, hydrochloric acid and Digestive juices. The mucous protects the lining of the stomach. The hydrochloric acid kills many bacteria that enter along with the food and makes the medium in the stomach acidic. The digestive juices break down the proteins into simpler substances.

14: What happens to the food in small intestine of the digestive tract?

Answer:   The small intestine is highly coiled and is about 7.5 metres long. Liver is the largest gland in the body. It secretes bile juice that is stored in a sac called the gall bladder. It digests fats. The pancreas is cream colour red gland secretes pancreatic juice that acts on carbohydrates and proteins and changes them into simpler forms. The carbohydrates get broken into simple sugars such as glucose, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, and proteins into amino acid, she digested food can now pass into the blood vessels in the wall of the intestine having thousands of finger-like villi. The surface of the villi absorbs the digested food materials. The absorbed substances are transported via the blood vessels to different organs of the body.

  • NCERT Exemplar
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 7
  • Class 7 Science
  • Chapter 2 Nutrition In Animals

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals include answers to all the questions provided in the NCERT Exemplar book. Students are advised to get well acquainted with this NCERT Exemplar as it will guide them in gaining complete knowledge of the concepts covered in Class 7 Science Chapter 2, Nutrition in Animals.

NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science will provide you with a variety of questions like MCQs, fill in the blanks, match the following and descriptive type questions on nutrition, types of different organisms, classification of nutrients, etc.

This Exemplar Solution provides answers and explanations to 12 MCQs, 6 very short answer questions, 6 very short answer questions and 6 long answer questions.

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Importance of NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals covers questions on animal food and nutrition, the mode of food intake, digestion in different animals and protozoans, and a detailed explanation of the mode of nutrition in human beings. This chapter is quite an interesting one, as you can correlate it to many real-life examples.

Topics Covered in NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

2.1 – Different Ways of Taking Food

2.2 – Digestion in Humans

2.3 – Digestion in Grass-Eating Animals

2.4 – Feeding and Digestion in Amoeba.

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Multiple-choice questions.

1. Given below from (i) to (iv) are some food items.

  • Boiled and mashed potato
  • Glucose solution
  • A slice of bread
  • Mustard oil

Which of the above will give a blue-black colour when tested with iodine?

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii)

(d) (iii) and (iv)

The answer is (b) (i) and (iii)


Mashed potato and bread are rich in starch. On adding iodine, it reacts with starch to give a blue-black colour.

2. Which of the following pair of teeth differ in structure but are similar in function?

(a) canines and incisors.

(b) molars and premolars.

(c) incisors and molars.

(d) premolars and canines.

The answer is (b) molars and premolars.

Our teeth tear and grind the food before swallowing food. There are four types of teeth.

Incisors: front eight teeth, 4 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw.

Canines: There are 4 canines, one on each side of each jaw.

Premolars: There are 8 premolars. Two premolars in each of the upper and lower jaws.

Molars: There are 12 molars, three in each half of both upper and lower jaws.

3. Read carefully the terms given below. Which of the following set is the correct combination of organs that do not carry out any digestive functions?

(a) Oesophagus, Large Intestine, Rectum

(b) Buccal cavity, Oesophagus, Rectum

(c) Buccal cavity, Oesophagus, Large Intestine

(d) Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum

The answer is (a) Oesophagus, Large Intestine, Rectum

Oesophagus pushes the food downwards, and it is not involved in any digestive functions.

The large intestine absorbs water and some salts from the undigested food material, and it is not involved in the digestion process.

In the rectum, the remaining waste passes and remains there as semi-solid faeces. It is not involved in any digestive function.

4. The swallowed food moves downwards in the alimentary canal because of

(a) force provided by the muscular tongue.

(b) the flow of water taken with the food.

(c) gravitational pull.

(d) the contraction of muscles in the wall of the food pipe.

The answer is (d) the contraction of muscles in the wall of the food pipe.

Muscles of the Esophagus push food down by the movement of the wall of the food pipe. Actually, this movement takes place throughout the alimentary canal and pushes the food downwards.

5. The acid present in the stomach

(a) kills the harmful bacteria that may enter along with the food.

(b) protects the stomach lining from harmful substances.

(c) digests starch into simpler sugars.

(d) makes the medium alkaline.

The answer is (a) kills the harmful bacteria that may enter along with the food.

The stomach consists of Hydrochloric acid, which kills the bacteria that enter through food. Thus stomach acid is helping in protecting us from harmful bacteria.

6. The finger-like outgrowths of Amoeba help to ingest food. However, the finger-like outgrowths of the human intestine help to

(a) digest the fatty food substances.

(b) make the food soluble.

(c) absorb the digested food.

(d) absorb undigested food.

The answer is (c) absorb the digested food.

Fingerlike projection is present in the small intestine, and they are called Villi. Villi absorb nutrients from digested food by increasing the space of the small intestine.

7. Read the following statements with reference to the villi of the small intestine.

(i) They have very thin walls.

(ii) They have a network of thin and small blood vessels close to the surface.

(iii) They have small pores through which food can easily pass.

(iv) They are finger-like projections. Identify those statements which enable the villi to absorb digested food.

(a) (i), (ii) and (iv)

(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(c) (iii) and (iv)

(d) (i) and (iv)

Answer is (a) (i), (ii) and (iv)

The inner walls of the small intestine have thousands of finger-like outgrowths called villi (singular villus). Villi increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food. Each villus has a network of thin and small blood vessels close to its surface. The surface of the villi absorbs the digested food materials. The absorbed substances are transported via the blood vessels to different organs of the body, where they are used to build complex substances such as the proteins required by the body.

8. The false feet of Amoeba are used for

(a) movement only.

(b) the capture of food only.

(c) the capture of food and movement.

(d) exchange of gases only.

The answer is (c) capture of food and movement.

Amoeba constantly changes their shape and position. It pushes out one, or more finger-like projections, called pseudopodia or false feet, for movement and capture of food. Amoeba feeds on some microscopic organisms. When it senses food, it pushes out pseudopodia around the food particle and engulfs it.

9. The enzymes present in the saliva convert

(a) fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

(b) starch into simple sugars.

(c) proteins into amino acids.

(d) complex sugars into simple sugars.

The answer is (b) starch into simple sugars.

Saliva consists of salivary amylase enzyme, which breaks starch into simple sugar, which is further digested by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine.

10. Cud is the name given to the food of ruminants which is

(a) swallowed and undigested.

(b) swallowed and partially digested.

(c) properly chewed and partially digested.

(d) properly chewed and completely digested.

The answer is (b) swallowed and partially digested.

Ruminants quickly swallow the grass and store it in a part of the stomach called the rumen. Here the food gets partially digested and is called cud. But later, the cud returns to the mouth in small lumps, and the animal chews it. This process is called rumination.

11. Choose the correct order of terms that describes the process of nutrition in ruminants.

(a) swallowing → partial digestion → chewing of cud → complete digestion

(b) chewing of cud → swallowing → partial digestion → complete digestion

(c) chewing of cud → swallowing → mixing with digestive juices → digestion

(d) swallowing → chewing and mixing → partial digestion → complete digestion

The answer is (a) swallowing → partial digestion → chewing of cud → complete digestion

12. Cellulose-rich food substances are a good source of roughage in human beings because

(a) human beings do not have cellulose-digesting enzymes.

(b) cellulose gets absorbed in the human blood and converts into fibres.

(c) the cellulose-digesting bacteria convert cellulose into fibres.

(d) cellulose breaks down into smaller components which are egested as roughage.

The answer is (a) human beings do not have cellulose-digesting enzymes.

Very Short Answer Questions

13. Name the parts of the alimentary canal where

(i) water gets absorbed from undigested food.

(ii) digested food gets absorbed.

(iii) taste of the food is perceived.

(iv) bile juice is produced.

(i) Large intestine

(ii) Small intestine

(iii) Tongue

14. Mark the following statements as True or False. If false, write the correct statements.

(a) Tongue is attached to the roof of the mouth cavity at the back.

(b) The large intestine is longer and wider than the small intestine of the human alimentary canal.

(c) Mucus protects the stomach lining from damage.

(d) All heterotrophs have a similar basic process of nutrition.

  • False – The tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth cavity at the back.
  • False – The large intestine is shorter and wider than the small intestine of the human alimentary canal.

15. Choose the odd one out from each group and give reasons.

(i) liver, salivary gland, starch, gall bladder

(ii) stomach, liver, pancreas, salivary gland

(iii) tongue, absorption, taste, swallow

(iv) oesophagus, small intestine, large intestine, rectum

  • The answer is Starch because starch is a carbohydrate, whereas the liver, salivary gland and gall bladder are the glands.
  • The answer is the stomach because others are digestive glands
  • Absorption is the answer because tongue, swallow and taste are related to the buccal cavity but not absorption.
  • The small intestine is the answer because the oesophagus, large intestine and rectum will not take part in digestion, whereas the small intestine plays the main role in the digestion process.

16. You were blindfolded and asked to identify the drinks provided in two different glasses. You could identify drink A as lime juice and B as bitter gourd juice. How could you do it in spite of being blindfolded?

We can identify the juices with the help of different taste buds present in the tongue.

17. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

(a) The alimentary canal stretches from to.

(b) Teeth are rooted in separate in between the.

(c) Digestion of food starts in and gets completed in.

(d) is the largest gland in the human body.

  • The alimentary canal stretches from Mouth to Anus .
  • Teeth are rooted in separate Sockets in between the Gums .
  • Digestion of food starts in the Buccal cavity and gets completed in Small Intestine .
  • The liver is the largest gland in the human body.

18. Following statements describe the five steps in animal nutrition. Read each statement and give one word for each statement. Write the terms that describe each process.

(a) Transportation of absorbed food to different parts of the body and their utilisation.

(b) Breaking of complex food substances into simpler and soluble substances.

(c) Removal of undigested and unabsorbed solid residues of food from the body.

(d) Taking food into the body.

(e) Transport of digested and soluble food from the intestine to blood vessels.

(a) Assimilation

(b) Digestion

(c) Egestion

(d) Ingestion

(e) Absorption

Short Answer Questions

19. Match the animals in Column I with their mode of feeding listed in Column II

20. Boojho took some grains of boiled rice in a test tube ‘A’, and Paheli took boiled and chewed rice in a test tube ‘B’. Both of them poured 1 – 2 drops of iodine solution into the test tube and observed the colour change. What colour change would they have observed? Give reasons for your answer.

In test-tube A colour of iodine changes to blue-black because of the reaction of iodine with starch. In test-tube B colour will not change because salivary amylase acts on starch while chewing, reducing it to simpler sugars.

21. ‘A’ got her gallbladder removed surgically as she was diagnosed with stones in her gallbladder. After the surgery, she faced problems in the digestion of certain food items when consumed in bulk. Can you tell which kind of food items would they be and why?

Those foods will be fats because of bile juice present in the gall bladder helps in the digestion of fat. Removal of gall bladder makes it hard to digest the fat.

22. Match the organs in Column I with the words listed in Column II.

23. Ruminants such as cows and buffaloes swallow their food hurriedly and then sit restfully and chew their food. Can you reason why?

To digest the food completely, ruminants keep the food as cuds.

24. Boojho and Paheli were eating their food hurriedly so that they could go out and play during the recess. Suddenly, Boojho started coughing violently. Think of the reasons why he was coughing and discuss with your friends.

Sometimes, when one eats hurriedly, talks or laughs while eating, the flap-like valve, epiglottis, closing the passage of the windpipe, remains open. The food may enter the windpipe and coughing helps to clear it.

Long Answer Questions

25. Fill in the blanks using the words listed below.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-1

(a) The digestion of all food components is completed by the ____________ juice.

(b) Large intestine absorbs __________ and some __________ from the undigested food.

(c) Tongue is attached at the _____________ to the floor of the mouth cavity and is free at the _____________.

(d) Amoeba pushes out _____________ around the food and traps it in a food _____________.

(a) The digestion of all food components is completed by the Intestinal juice.

(b) Large intestine absorbs water and some salts from the undigested food.

(c) Tongue is attached at the back to the floor of the mouth cavity and is free at the front .

(d) Amoeba pushes out Pseudopodia around the food and traps it in a food vacuole .

26. Label the below-given Figure 2.1 as directed below in (i) to (iv) and give the name of each type of teeth.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-2

(i) The cutting and biting teeth as ‘A’

(ii) The piercing and tearing teeth as ‘B’

(iii) The grinding and chewing teeth as ‘C’

(iv) The grinding teeth present only in adults as ‘D’

A. Incisors

C. Premolars

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-3

27. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it. Bile juice is stored in a sac called the gallbladder, located near its organ of secretion, the liver. The gall bladder releases the bile juice into the small intestine whenever food reaches there. Though bile juice is devoid of any digestive enzymes, it is required for the digestion of fats. The fats cannot be digested easily because they are insoluble in water and are present as large globules. Bile juice breaks down big fat droplets into smaller droplets. These are then easily digested by the enzymes released from the pancreas.

(a) Which organ secretes the bile juice?

(b) Why is the digestion of fats difficult as compared to that of other nutrients?

(c) How does bile juice help in the digestion of fat?

(d) Where is the digestion of fat completed?

(e) Does bile juice digest fat completely?

(b) Insolubility of fat in water.

(c) Breaks down big fat droplets into smaller droplets.

(d) Small intestine

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-4

Label the following parts in Figure 2.2 and name them.

(a) The largest gland in our body.

(b) The organ where protein digestion starts.

(c) The organ that releases digestive juice into the small

(d) The organ where bile juice gets stored.

(b) Stomach

(c) Pancreas

(d) Gallbladder

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-5

29. Open your mouth, look into a mirror and try to count the different types of teeth in your mouth. Compare them with Figure 2.3 on page 13 of your NCERT textbook. Record your observations in the table below:

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-6

(a) Did you observe any difference in the number of teeth? If yes, could you identify which type of teeth showed the difference?

(b) Compare the number and type of teeth in an adult (say your parents or cousins who have reached the age of 25–30 or more). Note your observation.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-7

30. Solve the crossword given in Figure 2.3.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-8

1. Cream-coloured digestive gland

3. Undigested excretory solid residues

4. An organ that mixes saliva with the food

5. Point of defecation

7. Stored in the gallbladder

10. Finger-like outgrowth in the small intestine

13. Kind of taste buds

14. Kills bacteria in the stomach

2. Feeds with the help of pseudopodia

6. Total number of molars in one jaw of an adult

8. Largest gland

9. Watery secretion in the mouth

11. A ruminant

12. Form of food chewed by ruminants

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2-sol-9

The NCERT Exemplar solutions that we provide include relevant exercises that have been solved by our highly qualified subject experts. Detailed explanations are also provided for the students to get a clear understanding and in-depth knowledge of the topic. The NCERT exemplar we provide here is the perfect study material for students to practise and score good marks in the final exam. To get access to all the study material, they can download BYJU’S – The Learning App.

Frequently Asked Questions NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

Ruminants such as cows and buffaloes swallow their food hurriedly and then sit restfully and chew their food. can you reason why, boojho and paheli were eating their food hurriedly so that they could go out and play during recess. suddenly, boojho started coughing violently. think of the reasons why he was coughing and discuss them with your friends..

Sometimes, when one eats hurriedly, talks or laughs while eating, the flap-like valve, epiglottis, closing the passage of the windpipe, remains open. The food may enter the windpipe, and coughing helps to clear it.

‘A’ got her gallbladder removed surgically as she was diagnosed with stones in her gallbladder. After the surgery, she faced problems in the digestion of certain food items when consumed in bulk. Can you tell which kind of food items would they be and why?

The food items would be fat because bile juice present in the gall bladder helps in the digestion of fat. Removal of the gallbladder makes it hard to digest the fat.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

From the perspective of CBSE, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals is crucial study material.

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February 6, 2024

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2: This page consists of details solution of chapter Nutrition in Animals class 7 science. You can check NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science for other chapters of class 7 science prepared by Physics Wallah. do the questions by yourself and check your solution with Physics Wallah NCERT solution for the chapter Nutrition in Animals. to have more depth in chapter Nutrition in Animals class 7 science you must read the theory of Nutrition in Animals and do the additional question of Physics Wallah click this link to do the questions and read theory of Nutrition in Animals. along with NCERT solution of class 7 science

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Overview

For students to develop their sense, they should read ‘Nutrition in Animals,’ Chapter 2 of the Science syllabus for Class 7. These significant subjects are covered in the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2. It is recommended that students thoroughly go through each topic in order to comprehend the ideas presented in the chapter and make proper use of the answers offered.

These solutions have been thoughtfully created by PhysicsWallah’s knowledgeable instructors to enhance comprehension of the chapter’s ideas. The intention is that students would be able to easily score well on tests after reviewing and practicing these solutions.

case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Exercise 2

Question 1: Fill in the  blanks. (a) The main steps of nutrition in humans are __________, __________, ___________, __________ and __________ (b) The largest gland in the human body is __________. (c) The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and ________ juices which act on food. (d) The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called __________. (e) Amoeba digests its food in the __________.

Answer: (a) The main steps of nutrition in humans are __ingestion__, __digestion__, __absorption__, __assimilation__ and __egestion__. (b) The largest gland in the human body is __liver__. (c) The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and __digestive__ juices which act on food. (d) The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called __villi__. (e) Amoeba digests its food in the _food vacuole_.

Question 2: Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false: (a) Digestion of starch starts in the stomach. (T/F) (b) The tongue helps in mixing food with saliva. (T/F) (c) The gall bladder temporarily stores bile. (T/F) (d) The ruminants bring back swallowed grass into their mouth and chew it for some time. (T/F)

Answer: (a) Digestion of starch starts in the stomach. (F) (b) The tongue helps in mixing food with saliva. (T) (c) The gall bladder temporarily stores bile. (T) (d) The ruminants bring back swallowed grass into their mouth and chew it for some time. (T)

Question 3: Tick ( ) mark the correct answer in each of the following: (a) Fat is completely digested in the (i) stomach (ii) mouth (iii) small intestine (iv) large intestine (b) Water from the undigested food is absorbed mainly in the (i) stomach (ii) food pipe (iii) small intestine (iv) large intestine

Answer:  (a) Fat is completely digested in the (i) stomach (ii) mouth (iii) small intestine √ (iv) large intestine (b) Water from the undigested food is absorbed mainly in the (i) stomach (ii) food pipe (iii) small intestine (iv) large intestine √

Question 4: Match the items of Column I with those given in Column II:

Question 5: What are villi? What is their location and  function?

Answer:  Villi are tiny finger-like projections originating from the walls of the small intestine. They increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food. The blood vessels present inside the villi can absorb the nutrients from the digested food.

case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

Structure of a villus

Question 6: Where is the bile produced? Which component of the food does it help to digest?

Answer: Liver secretes the bile juice which is stored in the gall bladder. Bile plays an important role in the digestion of fats.

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Question 7: Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans. Give the reason also.

Answer:  Cellulose is a type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants and not by humans. Ruminants have a large sac-like structure between small and large intestine where the food containing cellulose is digested by the action of certain bacteria. On the other hand, humans cannot digest cellulose, as the cellulose digesting enzymes are absent in them.

Question 8: Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

Answer:  Glucose is a simple sugar. Carbohydrates, when consumed, have to be digested into glucose. As glucose can be easily absorbed in blood, it provides energy to the body. Hence, when glucose is directly taken, it does not have to be digested and thus acts as an instant source of energy.

Question 9: Which part of the digestive canal is involved in: (i) absorption of food ____. (ii) chewing of food ____. (iii) killing of bacteria ____. (iv) complete digestion of food ____. (v) formation of faeces ____.

Answer:  (i) absorption of food small intestine (ii) chewing of food buccal cavity (iii) killing of bacteria stomach (iv) complete digestion of food small intestine (v) formation of faeces large intestine

Question 10: Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in Amoeba and human beings.

Answer:  Similarity between nutrition in Amoeba and human beings: Both Amoeba and humans require energy for the growth and maintenance of their bodies. This energy is derived from the food that they eat. The food that they consume is always in a complex form and is therefore broken down into simpler forms by the process of digestion. Hence, both these organisms are heterotrophs.

Differences between nutrition in Amoeba and human beings:

Question 11: Match the items of Column I with suitable items in Column II

Question 12: Label the following figure of the digestive system.

case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

A part of human digestive system Answer:

case study questions class 7 science chapter 2

Question 13: Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables/grass? Discuss.

Answer: No. Humans cannot survive only on raw, leafy vegetables, or grass. It is because the grass is rich in cellulose, which is a type of carbohydrate that humans are not able to digest due to the absence of cellulose-digesting enzymes.

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2

Then it describes the digestion of grass-eating animals. At the end of the chapter, feeding and digestion in amoeba is explained. Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Science Chapter 2.

Some of the important topics or keywords of Class 7 NCERT Textbook, Chapter 2 are Absorption, Amino acid, Amoeba, Assimilation, Bile, Buccal cavity, Canine, Cellulose, Digestion, Egestion, Fatty acid, Food vacuole, Gall bladder, Glycerol, Incisor, Ingestion, Liver, Milk teeth, Molar, Permanent teeth, Oesophagus.

The process by which food is broken down into simple absorbable substances is called Digestion. Digestion of food takes place in the digestive system. The digestive system is composed of the alimentary canal and associated glands.

Nutrition is the mode of taking food by an organism and its utilisation by the body. The mode of nutrition in which organisms make food themselves from simple substances is called autotrophic (auto = self; trophos = nourishment) nutrition.

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MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals with Answers

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Nutrition in Animals Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Nutrition in Animals Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option.

Question 1. The false feet of Amoeba are used for (a) movement only (b) capturing food only (c) capturing food and movement (d) exchange of gases only

Answer: (c) capturing food and movement

Nutrition in Animals with Questions and Answers

Question 2. The component of food which is complex is (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) fat (d) all of these

Answer: (d) all of these

Nutrition in Animals with Answers

Question 3. The breakdown of complex components of food into simpler substances is called (a) ingestion (b) egestion (c) assimilation (d) digestion

Answer: (d) digestion

Question 4. The way of taking food by bees is (a) swallowing (b) sucking (c) filtering (d) none of these

Answer: (b) sucking

Question 5. Which of the following animals swallow its prey? (a) Human beings (b) Snakes (c) Humming birds (d) Ant

Answer: (b) Snakes

Question 6. Enzymes present in saliva converts (a) starch into simple sugars (b) proteins into amino acids (c) complex sugars into simple sugars (d) fats into fatty acids and glycerol

Answer: (a) starch into simple sugars

Question 7. From where do we take in food? (a) Anus (b) Mouth (c) Stomach (d) Oesophagus

Answer: (b) Mouth

Question 8. The digestive tract and the associated glands together constitute the (a) digestive system (b) oesophagus (c) alimentary canal (d) nutrition system

Answer: (a) digestive system

Question 9. The teeth of first set fall off at the age between (a) 10 – 20 (b) 6 – 8 (c) 9 – 1 (d) 0 – 2

Answer: (b) 6 – 8

Question 10. The teeth of the first set that grew during infancy are called (a) permanent teeth (b) milk teeth (c) starting teeth (d) all of these

Answer: (b) milk teeth

Question 11. The teeth of the second set that replace the milk teeth are known as (a) permanent teeth (b) temporary teeth (c) milk teeth (d) hard teeth

Answer: (a) permanent teeth

Question 12. The process of taking food in the body is known as (a) egestion (b) ingestion (c) digestion (d) assimilation

Answer: (b) ingestion

Question 13. How many types of teeth are there? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

Answer: (d) 4

Question 14. The glands of mouth which secrete saliva are (a) salivary glands (b) pancreas (c) lungs (d) liver

Answer: (a) salivary glands

Question 15. Starch is broken down into sugars by the action of (a) saliva (b) bile juice (c) hydrochloric acid (d) all of these

Answer: (a) saliva

Question 16. Which gland secretes bile juice? (a) Liver (b) Pancreas (c) Bladder (d) All of these

Answer: (a) Liver

Question 17. The bile plays an important role in the digestion of (a) carbohydrates (b) fats (c) sugar (d) starch

Answer: (b) fats

Question 18. The removal of faeces through the anus from time to time is called (a) rumination (b) micturition (c) ingestion (d) egestion

Answer: (d) egestion

Question 19. Cellulose is a type of (a) fats (b) carbon dioxide (c) carbohydrate (d) all of these

Answer: (c) carbohydrate

Question 20. The finger-like outgrowths of human intestine helps to (a) make the food soluble (b) absorb the digested food (c) absorb the undigested food (d) digest the fatty food substances

Answer: (b) absorb the digested food

Question 21. The process through which undigested food is expelled out of the body is called (a) digestion (b) absorption (c) assimilation (d) egestion

Question 22. Many animals, including humans, cannot digest (a) amino acid (b) bile juice (c) cellulose (d) proteins

Answer: (c) cellulose

Question 23. Which of the following is the term used for the partially digested food in the rumen of animals? (a) Cud (b) Food (c) Juice (d) Liquid

Answer: (a) Cud

Question 24. Which of the following are called the cutting teeth? (a) Incisors (b) Canines (c) Molars (d) Premolars

Answer: (a) Incisors

Question 25. The process by which organisms take in food is called (a) digestion (b) assimilation (c) ingestion (d) egestion

Answer: (c) ingestion

Question 26. The digestive food is absorbed in (a) large intestine (b) stomach (c) liver (d) small intestine

Answer: (d) small intestine

Question 27. The mode of nutrition in amoeba is (a) saprotrophic (b) autotrophic (c) holozoic (d) symbiotic

Answer: (c) holozoic

Question 28. Salivary glands are located in (a) mouth (b) liver (c) stomach (d) large intestine

Answer: (a) mouth

Question 29. What is the function of the tongue? (a) Digest the food (b) Converted food into semi-solid paste (c) Mix the food with saliva and swallow it (d) Pass out the undigested waste material

Answer: (c) Mix the food with saliva and swallow it

Question 30. What is the function of premolars? (a) Biting (b) Grinding (c) Tearing (d) Cutting

Answer: (b) Grinding

Question 31. Oesophagus is connected with (a) stomach (b) intestine (c) liver (d) rectum

Answer: (a) stomach

Question 32. Rumination can (a) digest the cellulose (b) not digest the cellulose (c) may or may not digest cellulose (d) all of these

Answer: (a) digest the cellulose

Question 33. Saliva is present in (a) stomach (b) liver (c) teeth (d) mouth

Answer: (d) mouth

Question 34. The largest gland in the human body is (a) liver (b) pancreas (c) stomach (d) oesophagus

Answer: (a) liver

Question 35. The process in which the absorbed food is used for producing energy is called (a) ingestion (b) absorption (c) assimilation (d) digestion

Answer: (c) assimilation

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1. The ……………. present in the stomach kills the harmful bacteria that may enter along with the food.

Answer: acid

Question 2. Animals get their food from ……………. either directly or indirectly by eating animals that eat plants.

Answer: plants

Question 3. All organisms require ……………. for growth, repair and functioning of the body.

Answer: food

Question 4. We get hiccups when food particles enter the …………….

Answer: windpipe

Question 5. The ……………. of complex components of food into simpler substances is called digestion.

Answer: break down

Question 6. Enzyme present in saliva is …………….

Answer: salivary amylase

Question 7. The continuous canal which begins at the buccal cavity and ends at the anus is called ……………. or …………….

Answer: alimentary canal, digestive tract

Question 8. The gradual damage of teeth due to acid is known as …………….

Answer: tooth decay

Question 9. The process of taking the food into the body is called …………….

Answer: ingestion

Question 10. The swallowed food passes from buccal cavity to stomach through …………….

Answer: oesophagus

Question 11. ……………. is the widest part of the alimentary canal.

Answer: Stomach

Question 12. The lining of the stomach is protected by the …………….

Answer: mucous

Question 13. The inner lining of the stomach secretes ……………. , ……………. and …………….

Answer: mucous, hydrochloric acid, digestive juices

Question 14. The digestive juices from stomach break down the ……………. into simpler substances.

Answer: proteins

Question 15. The length of the small intestine is about ……………. metres.

Answer: 7.5

Question 16. The largest gland of the human body is …………….

Answer: liver

Question 17. Liver secretes ……………. juice.

Answer: bile

Question 18. The bile juice is stored in a sac called …………….

Answer: gall bladder

Question 19. Digestion of fats start in …………….

Answer: small intestine

Question 20. ……………. helps in tearing the food.

Answer: Canine

Question 21. Egestion is the process of of the undigested food through anus.

Answer: removal

Question 22. Glucose is the simplest form of

Answer: Carbohydrate

Question 23. Saliva is secreted into the mouth by glands.

Answer: salivary

Question 24. Digestion is the process of breaking the complex food materials into forms.

Answer: Simpler

Question 25. help in cutting and biting the food.

Answer: Incisors

Question 26. Partially digested food in the rumen of ruminants is called .

Answer: Cud

Question 27. The first set of teeth in humans are called teeth.

Answer: milk

Question 28. Digestion of proteins in human alimentary canal first occurs in

True or False

Question 1. Diarrhoea is a condition in which one passes watery stool frequently.

Answer: True

Question 2. Oesophagus helps in the digestion of food.

Answer: False

Question 3. Ingestion is the breakdown of complex components of food into simple substances.

Question 4. Sugary products are the major cause of tooth decay.

Question 5. Food is taken in through the mouth.

Question 6. Alimentary canal begins at the anus and ends at the buccal cavity.

Question 7. Dental floss is a special strong thread used to clean teeth.

Question 8. Permanent teeth are replaced by milk teeth.

Question 9. We chew food with the stomach.

Question 10. Permanent teeth are 32 in number.

Question 11. Milk teeth are 20 in number.

Question 12. The saliva breaks down the starch into amino acids.

Question 13. ORS is given during diarrhoea.

Question 14. Oesophagus is also known as abdomen.

Question 15. The bile juice is stored in a sac called gall bladder.

Question 16. Ruminants have five-chambered stomach.

Question 17. The inner walls of large intestine have thousands of finger-like projections called villi.

Question 18. Grass-eating animals are called herbivores.

Question 19. Amoeba is a multicellular organism.

Question 20. Amoeba feeds on frog larvae.

Question 21. Absorption and assimilation are similar processes.

Question 22. Tongue is a muscular organ.

Question 23. Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach.

Question 24. Digestion is completed in small intestine.

Question 25. Ruminants have a three-chambered stomach.

Question 26. An adult has 32 teeth in all, 16 in each jaw.

Question 27. Tongue gives the sense of smell.

Match the Following

Hope the information shed above regarding NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries of CBSE Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.

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CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter wise Important Questions - Free PDF Download

Class 7 Science has a vivid syllabus of interesting chapters that cover the fundamental topics related to nutrition, fibres, heat, weather, climate, chemical compounds, changes, etc. These topics are all important to study and complete the syllabus for the development of a conceptual foundation. This is where you will need the Class 7 Science Term 2 Important Questions with Solutions to practise and focus on learning how to answer such questions.

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Solving these questions will help you fortify your preparation level. You can easily find out which part of a chapter needs more attention when you compare your answers to the solutions and take a step ahead in preparing an exam syllabus.

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Regular practice of Class 7 Science important questions improves the skills of students. The important questions for Class 7 Science along with solutions can be downloaded from Vedantu for free.

Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. can download NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science and Class 7 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus for CBSE Class 7 Science and score more marks in your examinations.

Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Science Chapters with Solutions

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Chapterwise Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Science


CBSE Class 7 Science Question Papers Free PDF Download

Students who are in Class 7 and are experiencing that the subject Science is more difficult than they expected and they are incapable of scoring good marks in this subject, they should consider downloading CBSE Class 7 Science important questions PDF that is available for free online. This important questions Class 7 Science PDF helps the students in making their preparation efficient and better.

Efficient preparation will make the students more confident about scoring good marks in the final exams. While practising the Class 7th Science important questions that are in the PDF, students will gain a lot of knowledge that can help the students in their future career. Students with a strong base knowledge in Science can achieve any objective that they have set to achieve in the Science subject. The free 7th class Science important questions turn out to be of great help.

Class 7 Important Questions Science

Class 7 is an important stage in every student's career because the knowledge a student has gained in Class 7 will act as a base for the higher classes. A student who remains unclear and confused about chapters like  Nutrition in Plants, Nutrition in Animals, Fibre to Fabric, Heat, Acids, Bases and Salts, Physical and Chemical Changes, Soil, Winds, Storms and Cyclones, Respiration in Organisms and Reproduction in plants can't perform well in higher classes. A strong base is mandatory to perform well in higher classes. To make the base stronger, a student should practice Class 7 Science important questions regularly.

Science is a difficult and challenging subject as it involves confusing theories that are hard to remember. Students learn theories like the photosynthesis process, digestive system in humans, how wool and silk are obtained, method of measuring temperature and transfer of heat, the process of neutralisation, crystallisation process, the water absorption process by soil, respiration system in human beings and many more theories in Class 7 Science. Science subjects can act as a barrier for a student in the way of securing good marks in the exams. In order to overcome this barrier, students should consider practising Science Class 7 important questions which will help the students to get an overall view of the subject.

The solutions to these important questions are solved by some expert teachers who have years of experience in this field and have taught many children in their career which is why they know the technique of making the student understand a complicated solution in a simple way. The experienced Vedantu teachers solve the questions in a well-structured manner and simple language so that it will be understandable by every student who reads it. There are no mistakes committed by the teachers while solving this Science Class 7 important questions , thus ensuring the students that the quality of the solutions is top-notch, and they can be dependent on it The questions that are solved by Vedantu followed the rules and regulations imposed by the board because any deviations from that can cost a student a lot.

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The only thing that a student can do who is facing difficulties while preparing the Science subject is to practice CBSE Class 7 Science important questions more and more. Some of the benefits of solved Science question papers are:-

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Other cbse class 10 important questions related links, download cbse class 7 science important questions with answers pdf 2024.

Get the free PDF version of the questions and answers and find out how you can proceed with the preparation of a syllabus. Complete one chapter and solve its important questions to find out your preparation level. Test your knowledge and skills and make them better to score more in the Class 7 Science exams.


FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Science (2024-25)

1. What is nutrition?

All living organisms require food to survive and generate energy for their bodies. The process of utilizing the food for generating energy by a living organism is termed as nutrition. Plants are the only living organisms that produce their food and by themselves initiate the process of nutrition. There are two modes of nutrition which are autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition. Living organisms that make use of autotrophic nutrition produce their own food and are termed as autotrophs. Living organisms who are dependent on other organisms for food are the ones who use heterotrophic nutrition and are known as heterotrophs.

2. Explain the human digestive system.

The human digestive system includes the gastrointestinal tract and also different organs of digestion such as the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Digestion is the process of breaking down the intake of food into smaller components so that the human body can absorb the nutrients that are present in the food. The human digestive system has some enzymes which help the body to break the food into smaller parts. After utilising the food for nutrients, the remaining unused or undigested part is thrown out of the body. Students will learn all about this by regularly practising important questions for Class 7 Science.

3. How can I get free NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science?

You can visit Vedantu's website(vedantu.com) and download the solutions freely. These solutions are well explained in the NCERT solutions very systematically. The Class 7 students can prepare the subject through NCERT solutions without any confusion. The answers are given in an accurate format teaching the students the method of answering the questions relevantly. The solutions are all given according to the chapter and all the answers from the text are given in an organised way. These solutions are available at free of cost on Vedantu(vedantu.com) and mobile app.

4. What is the method to study for Class 7 Science exam?

Students can easily study for Class 7 Science by referring to NCERT solutions. The solutions are easy to understand. The notes are very useful and help the students to have a thorough preparation for the exam.

Tips to prepare for the Class 7 science exam are; 

Read the chapters thoroughly.

Understand the concept.

Be attentive and be focused while studying.

Be thorough with the definitions and formulas.

Start the preparation early so you will have enough time for revision.

Make a study time and be regular and complete the portions accordingly.

Practise writing the answers so that the time management is accurate.

5. What are the topics in Class 7 Science?

There are a total of 18 chapters in Class 7 science. They are Nutrition in Plants, Nutrition in Animals, Fibre to Fabric, Heat, Acids Bases and Salts, Physical and Chemical Changes,  Winds, Storms and Cyclones, Soil, Respiration in organisms, Transportation in Animals and Plants, Reproduction in Plants, Motion and Time, Electric Current and Affects, Light, Water a Precious Resource, Forests our Lifeline, Wastewater story, Weather Climate and Adaptation Of Animals to Climate.

6. What are the benefits of NCERT for Class 7 Science?

The benefits of NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science are as below:

The solutions are according to the chapter organised systematically.

The answers are easy.

The explanations of the chapter are in simple language and are comprehensive.

The topics of each chapter are covered in detail.

The preparation of notes becomes easy with NCERT solutions.

The syllabus is according to the CBSE.

The NCERT solutions are prepared by experts having deep subject knowledge.

The practice of the important questions and the practice exercise will be an added advantage to prepare thoroughly.

7. What are the tips to be perfect in Class 7 Science?

Science is a very important subject and has to be prepared well with a thorough understanding. The basics and the fundamentals that are learnt in Class 7 will be useful as the topics will be continued in detail in the higher classes.

Some of the tips below can help you to be perfect in Class 7 Science.

Make a proper study structure and timetable.

Dedicate a study time according to your convenience.

Whatever the portions you have to complete make sure you are finishing the same day.

Read the chapter. When you read the chapter for the first time you might not understand it thoroughly. Read again.

Once you have understood, practise answering the questions and compare the answers if you are right or wrong.

Rectify the mistakes.

Make note of the important points according to the chapter.

Be regular in your studies.

Revise the previous day chapters.

Make your study sessions interesting.

Take breaks in between.

Once you finish the syllabus try to answer the sample question paper.

These are the simple tips and if followed you can surely be perfect in Class 7 Science. You can also refer to Vedantu’s NCERT solutions for all the chapters' answers in detail.

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  1. Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 2

    Case Study Questions on Nutrition in Animals. Questions. Question 1: Read the given passage below and answer the question: The small intestine is highly coiled structure. It is about 7.5 metres long. It receives secretions from the liver and the pancreas.

  2. Case Study Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

    [Download] Case Study Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals Here we are providing case study or passage-based questions for class 7 science chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals. Case Study/Passage Based Questions Passage-1 Amoeba is a microscopic single-celled organism found in pond water. It has a cell membrane, a rounded, dense nucleus … Continue reading Case Study ...

  3. Case Study Questions Class 7 Science Nutrition in Plants

    Que. 4) Answer: Algae is the other organism which can form its own food through a process called photosynthesis. Que. 5) Answer: green patches are formed in the pond due to the uncontrolled growth of algae and algae are green in colour. CBSE Class 7 Case Study Questions Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Plants.

  4. Class 7 Science Case Study Question

    CBSE Class 7 Science Case Study Question. Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants Case Study Question. Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals Case Study Question. Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric Case Study Question. Chapter 4 Heat Case Study Question. Chapter 5 Acids, Bases and Salts Case Study Question. Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Changes Case Study Question.

  5. Case Study Questions Class 7 Science

    Answer Key. Que. 1) (d) Food. Que. 2) (c) Photosynthesis. Que. 3) (b) Complex. Que. 4) Answer: Digestion is process of breakdown of complex food substances into simpler substances. Que. 5) Answer: Animals get their food by either eating plants or by eating animals who depends on plants for their nutrition.

  6. Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 2

    Important Questions of Class 7 Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals deals with some important chapter questions that students can expect in exams. Many important terms and facts are covered in the chapter. Subject matter experts develop the important questions on the chapter and its reference notes from Vedantu, and they have provided an in-depth analysis of the chapter in a very unique way.

  7. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

    The key features of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 are as follows: 1. Illustrative explanations are provided in the solutions to improve conceptual knowledge among students. 2. Simple and understandable language is used by the faculty to help students grasp the concepts effortlessly. 3.

  8. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2

    The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition In Animals offer a comprehensive understanding of how animals obtain and utilize nutrients. From exploring different modes of nutrition to understanding the processes of digestion and absorption, students have gained valuable insights.

  9. NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 2 Nutrition ...

    Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals. Multiple Choice Questions. 1. Given below from (i) to (iv) are some food items. i) Boiled and mashed potato, ii)Glucose solution, iii)A slice of bread, and. iv)Mustard oil.

  10. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in ...

    Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals NCERT Solutions. Class 7 NCERT Solutions for Science Chapter 2 includes all the intext and exercise questions. All these questions are solved by experts with a detailed explanation that will help students complete their assignments and homework. Question 1: Fill in the blanks: (b) The largest gland ...

  11. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 SCIENCE

    NCERT SOLUTIONS- NUTRITION IN ANIMALS NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition In Animals is the essential study material to perfect Nutrition In Animals topics. The NCERT Class 7 Science solutions provided here correctly answer NCERT textbook questions. Solutions curated in a comprehensive manner will help students understand the subtopics in this chapter

  12. Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Important Questions

    Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Extra Questions 2024-25. Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Important Questions are given below for academic session 2024-25. These questions cover all the keywords, explanations of chapter 2 of class 7 science and frequently asked questions in school exams or class tests. This section provides a complete revision of Class 7 ...

  13. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

    Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals NCERT Questions and Answers - Topics. • Different Ways Of Taking Food. • Digestion in Humans. → The mouth and buccal cavity. → The foodpipe/oesophagus. → The stomach. → The small intestine. → Absorption in the small intestine. → Large intestine.

  14. Extra Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

    Answer: 19. Draw a labeled diagram showing arrangement of teeth and different type of teeth. Answer: 20. Draw a labeled diagram of human digestive system. Answer: Extra questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals with answers is given below. Our subject expert prepared these solutions as per the latest.

  15. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

    NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science. Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants. Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals. Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric. Chapter 4 Heat. Chapter 5 Acids, Bases and Salts. Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Changes. Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate.

  16. Nutrition in Animals Important Questions Class 7 Science Chapter 2

    1: Name the largest gland in the human body. Answer: Liver. 2: Define digestion. Answer: The process of breakdown of complex substances of food into simpler form is called digestion. 3: Name the parts of alimentary canal. Answer: Buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

  17. NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 nutrition in animals

    NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals covers questions on animal food and nutrition, the mode of food intake, digestion in different animals and protozoans, and a detailed explanation of the mode of nutrition in human beings. This chapter is quite an interesting one, as you can correlate it to many real-life examples.

  18. NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition In Animals

    CBSE Class 7 Science Syllabus. Question 2: Mark 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if it is false: (a) Digestion of starch starts in the stomach. (T/F) (b) The tongue helps in mixing food with saliva. (T/F) (c) The gall bladder temporarily stores bile.

  19. MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals with

    We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Nutrition in Animals Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a ...

  20. CBSE Class 7 Science Important Questions (2024-25)

    Chapterwise Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Science. Chapter 1 - Nutrition in Plants. Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals. Chapter 3 - Fibre to Fabric. Chapter 4 - Heat. Chapter 5 - Acids, Bases and Salts. Chapter 6 - Physical and Chemical Changes. Chapter 7 - Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate.

  21. Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 2

    Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Science Extra Questions Short Answer Type. Question 1. With the help of labelled diagram show the gradual decay of tooth. Answer: Sweets and Tooth Decay The tooth is covered by white, hard outer covering of tooth called Enamel enamel below which dentine is present. It is similar to bone which Pulp cavity (with ...

  22. Case Study Questions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 2 New

    Here in this article, we are providing Case Study Questions for Class 7 Social Science. In case study or passage-based questions, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ Questions based on it will be asked. For Social Science Subjects, there would be 5 case-based sub-parts questions, wherein a student has to attempt 4 sub-part questions ...

  23. Category: Case Study Questions for Class 7 Science

    10 months ago July 22, 2023 Physics Gurukul 1 Comment on Case Study Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and Its Effects. ... 2023 Physics Gurukul Leave a Comment on Case Study Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate.