The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

What Is the Watson Glaser Test?

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Updated November 20, 2023

Amy Dawson

Modern employers have changed the way that they recruit new candidates. They are no longer looking for people who have the technical skills on paper that match the job description.

Instead, they are looking for candidates who can demonstrably prove that they have a wider range of transferrable skills.

One of those key skills is the ability to think critically .

Firms (particularly those in sectors such as law, finance, HR and marketing ) need to know that their employees can look beyond the surface of the information presented to them.

They want confidence that their staff members can understand, analyze and evaluate situations or work-related tasks. There is more on the importance of critical thinking later in this article.

This is where the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test comes into play.

The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is a unique assessment that provides a detailed analysis of a participant’s ability to think critically.

The test lasts 30 minutes and applicants can expect to be tested on around 40 questions in five distinct areas :



The questions are multiple-choice and may be phrased as true/false statements in a bid to see how well the participant has understood and interpreted the information provided.

Employers around the world use it during recruitment campaigns to help hiring managers effectively filter their prospective candidates .

The Watson Glaser test has been used for more than 85 years; employers trust the insights that the test can provide.

In today’s competitive jobs market where every candidate has brought the best of themselves, it can be increasingly difficult for employers to decide between applicants. On paper, two candidates may appear identical, with a similar level of education, work experience, and even interests and skills.

But that does not necessarily mean both or either of them is right for the job.

There is much information available on creating an effective cover letter and resume, not to mention advice on making a good impression during an interview.

As a result, employers are increasingly turning to psychometric testing to look beyond the information that they have.

They want to find the right fit: someone who has the skills that they need now and in the future. And with recruitment costs rising each year, making the wrong hiring decision can be catastrophic.

This is where the Watson Glaser test can help.

It can provide hiring managers with the additional support and guidance they need to help them make an informed decision.

The Watson Glaser test is popular among firms working in professional services (such as law, banking and insurance) . It is used for recruitment for junior and senior positions and some of the world’s most recognized establishments are known for their use of the test.

The Bank of England, Deloitte, Hiscox, Linklaters and Hogan Lovells are just a few employers who enhance their recruitment processes through Watson Glaser testing.

Critical thinking is all about logic and rational thought. Finding out someone’s critical thinking skill level is about knowing whether they can assess whether they are being told the truth and how they can use inferences and assumptions to aid their decision-making.

If you are working in a high-pressure environment, having an instinctive ability to look beyond the information provided to the underlying patterns of cause-and-effect can be crucial to do your job well.

Although it is often thought of concerning law firms and finance teams, it is easy to see how critical thinking skills could be applied to a wide range of professions.

For example, HR professionals dealing with internal disputes may need to think critically. Or social workers and other health professionals may need to use critical thinking to assess whether someone is vulnerable and in need of help and support when that person does not or cannot say openly.

Practice Watson Glaser Test with JobTestPrep

Critical thinking is about questioning what you already know . It is about understanding how to find the facts and the truth about a situation or argument without being influenced by other people’s opinions .

It is also about looking at the bigger picture and seeing how decisions made now may have short-term benefits but long-term consequences.

For those working in senior managerial roles, this ability to think objectively can make a big difference to business success.

As part of the critical thinking assessment, the Watson Glaser Test focuses on the acronym, 'RED':

  • R ecognize assumptions
  • E valuate arguments
  • D raw conclusions

Put simply, the RED model ensures you can understand how to move beyond subconscious bias in your thinking. It ensures that you can identify the truth and understand the differences between fact and opinion.

To recognize assumptions , you must understand yourself and others: what your thought patterns and past experiences have led you to conclude about the world.

Evaluating arguments requires you to genuinely consider the merits of all options in a situation, and not just choose the one you feel that you ‘ought’ to.

Finally, to draw an accurate and beneficial conclusion you must trust your decision-making and understanding of the situation.

Watson Glaser Practice Test Questions & Answers

As mentioned earlier, the Watson Glaser Test assesses five core elements. Here, they will be examined in more depth:

This part of the test is about your ability to draw conclusions based on facts . These facts may be directly provided or may be assumptions that you have previously made.

Within the assessment, you can expect to be provided with a selection of text. Along with the text will be a statement.

You may need to decide whether that statement is true, probably true, insufficient data (neither true nor false), probably false or false.

The test looks to see if your answer was based on a conclusion that could be inferred from the text provided or if it is based on an assumption you previously made.

Watson Glaser Practice Test

Example Statement:

500 students recently attended a voluntary conference in New York. During the conference, two of the main topics discussed were issues relating to diversity and climate change. This is because these are the two issues that the students selected that are important to them.

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Many people make decisions based on assumptions. But you need to be able to identify when assumptions are being made.

Within the Watson Glaser test , you will be provided with a written statement as well as an assumption.

You will be asked to declare whether that assumption was made in the text provided or not .

This is an important part of the test; it allows employers to understand if you have any expectations about whether things are true or not . For roles in law or finance, this is a vital skill.

We need to save money, so we’ll visit the local shops in the nearest town rather than the local supermarket

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

As a core part of critical thinking, 'deduction' is the ability to use logic and reasoning to come to an informed decision .

You will be presented with several facts, along with a variety of conclusions. You will be tasked with confirming whether those conclusions can be made from the information provided in that statement.

The answers are commonly in a ‘Yes, it follows/No, it does not follow’ form.

It is sometimes sunny on Wednesdays. All sunny days are fun. Therefore…

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

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Critical thinking is also about interpreting the information correctly. It is about using the information provided to come to a valuable, informed decision .

Like the deduction questions, you will be provided with a written statement, which you must assume to be true.

You will also be provided with a suggested interpretation of that written statement. You must decide if that interpretation is correct based on the information provided, using a yes/no format.

A study of toddlers shows that their speech can change significantly between the ages of 10 months and three years old. At 1 year old, a child may learn their first word whereas at three years old they may know 200 words

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Evaluation of Arguments

This final part requires you to identify whether an argument is strong or weak . You will be presented with a written statement and several arguments that can be used for or against it. You need to identify which is the strongest argument and which is the weakest based on the information provided.

Should all 18-year-olds go to college to study for a degree after they have graduated from high school?

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

There are no confirmed pass/fail scores for Watson Glaser tests; different sectors have different interpretations of what is a good score .

Law firms, for example, will require a pass mark of at least 75-80% because the ability to think critically is an essential aspect of working as a lawyer.

As a comparative test, you need to consider what the comparative ‘norm’ is for your chosen profession. Your score will be compared to other candidates taking the test and you need to score better than them.

It is important to try and score as highly as you possibly can. Your Watson Glaser test score can set you apart from other candidates; you need to impress the recruiters as much as possible.

Your best chance of achieving a high score is to practice as much as possible in advance.

Everyone will have their own preferred study methods, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

However, there are some basic techniques everyone can use, which will enhance your study preparation ahead of the test:

Step 1 . Pay Attention to Online Practice Tests

There are numerous free online training aids available; these can be beneficial as a starting point to your preparation.

However, it should be noted that they are often not as detailed as the actual exam questions.

When researching for online test questions, make sure that any questions are specific to the Watson Glaser Test , not just critical thinking.

General critical thinking questions can help you improve your skills but will not familiarize you with this test. Therefore, make sure you practice any questions which follow the ‘rules’ and structure of a Watson Glaser Test .

Step 2 . Paid-for Preparation Packs Can Be Effective

If you are looking for something that mimics the complexity of a Watson Glaser test , you may wish to look at investing in a preparation pack.

There are plenty of options available from sites such as JobTestPrep . These are often far more comprehensive than free practice tests.

They may also include specific drills (which take you through each of the five stages of the test) as well as study guides, practice tests and suggestions of how to improve your score.

Psychologically, if you have purchased a preparation pack, you may be more inclined to increase your pre-test practice/study when compared to using free tools, due to having invested money.

Step 3 . Apply Critical Thinking to All Aspects of Your Daily Routine

The best way to improve your critical thinking score is to practice it every day.

It is not just about using your skills to pass an exam question; it is about being able to think critically in everyday scenarios. Therefore, when you are reading the news or online articles, try to think whether you are being given facts or you are making deductions and assumptions from the information provided.

The more you practice your critical thinking in these scenarios, the more it will become second nature to you.

You could revert to the RED model: recognize the assumptions being made, by you and the author; evaluate the arguments and decide which, if any, are strong; and draw conclusions from the information provided and perhaps see if they differ from conclusions drawn using your external knowledge.

Prepare for Watson Glaser Test

Nine Top Tips for Ensuring Success in Your Watson Glaser Test

If you are getting ready to participate in a Watson Glaser test, you must be clear about what you are being asked to do.

Here are a few tips that can help you to improve your Watson Glaser test score.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Critical thinking is a skill that should become second nature to you. You should practice as much as possible, not just so that you can pass the test, but also to feel confident in using your skills in reality.

2. The Best Success Is Based on the Long-Term Study

To succeed in your Watson Glaser test , you need to spend time preparing. Those who begin studying in the weeks and months beforehand will be far more successful than those who leave their study to the last minute.

3. Acquaint Yourself With the Test Format

The Watson Glaser test has a different type of question to other critical thinking tests. Make sure that you are aware of what to expect from the test questions. The last thing you want is to be surprised on test day.

4. Read the Instructions Carefully

This is one of the simplest but most effective tips. Your critical thinking skills start with understanding what you are being asked to do. Take your time over the question. Although you may only have 30 minutes to complete the test, it is still important that you do not rush through and submit the wrong answers. You do not get a higher score if you finish early, so use your time wisely.

5. Only Use the Information Provided in the Question

Remember, the purpose of the test is to see if you can come to a decision based on the provided written statement. This means that you must ignore anything that you think you already know and focus only on the information given in the question.

6. Widen Your Non-Fictional Reading

Reading a variety of journals, newspapers and reports, and watching examples of debates and arguments will help you to improve your skills. You will start to understand how the same basic facts can be presented in different ways and cause people to draw different conclusions. From there, you can start to enhance your critical thinking skills to go beyond the perspective provided in any given situation.

7. Be Self-Aware

We all have our own biases and prejudices whether we know them or not. It is important to think about how your own opinions and life experiences may impact how you perceive and understand situations. For example, someone who has grown up with a lot of money may have a different interpretation of what it is like to “go without”, compared to someone who has grown up in extreme poverty. It is important to have this self-awareness as it is important for understanding other people; this is useful if you are working in sectors such as law.

8. Read the Explanations During Your Preparation

To make the most of practice tests, make sure you read the analysis explaining the answers, regardless of if you got the question right or wrong. This is the crux of your study; it will explain the reasoning why a certain answer is correct, and this will help you understand how to choose the correct answers.

9. Practice Your Timings

You know that you will have five sections to complete in the test. You also know that you have 30 minutes to complete the test. Therefore, make sure that your timings are in sync within your practice, so you can work your way through the test in its entirety. Time yourself on how long each section takes you and put in extra work on your slowest.

What score do you need to pass the Watson Glaser test?

There is no standard benchmark score to pass the Watson Glaser test . Each business sector has its own perception of what constitutes a good score and every employer will set its own requirements.

It is wise to aim for a Watson Glaser test score of at least 75%. To score 75% or higher, you will need to correctly answer at least 30 of the 40 questions.

The employing organization will use your test results to compare your performance with other candidates within the selection pool. The higher you score in the Watson Glaser test , the better your chances of being hired.

Can you fail a Watson Glaser test?

It is not possible to fail a Watson Glaser test . However, your score may not be high enough to meet the benchmark set by the employing organization.

By aiming for a score of at least 75%, you stand a good chance of progressing to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Are Watson Glaser tests hard?

Many candidates find the Watson Glaser test hard. The test is designed to assess five different aspects of logical reasoning skills. Candidates must work under pressure, which adds another dimension of difficulty.

By practicing your critical thinking skills, you can improve your chances of achieving a high score on the Watson Glaser test .

How do I prepare for Watson Glaser?

To prepare for Watson Glaser , you will need to practice your critical thinking abilities. This can be achieved through a range of activities; for example, reading a variety of newspapers, journals and other literature.

Try applying the RED model to your reading – recognize the assumptions being made (both by you and the writer), evaluate the arguments and decide which of these (if any) are strong.

You should also practice drawing conclusions from the information available to you.

Online Watson Glaser practice assessments are a useful way to prepare for Watson Glaser. These practice tests will give you an idea of what to expect on the day, although the questions are not usually as detailed as those in the actual test.

You might also consider using a paid-for Watson Glaser preparation pack, such as the one available from JobTestPrep . Preparation packs provide a comprehensive test guide, including practice tests and recommendations on how to improve your test score.

How long does the Watson Glaser test take?

Candidates are allowed 30 minutes to complete the Watson Glaser test . The multiple-choice test questions are grouped into five distinct areas - assumptions, deduction, evaluation, inference and interpretation.

Which firms use the Watson Glaser test?

Companies all over the world use the Watson Glaser test as part of their recruitment campaigns.

It is a popular choice for professional service firms, including banking, law, and insurance. Firms using the Watson Glaser test include the Bank of England, Hiscox, Deloitte and Clifford Chance.

How many times can you take the Watson Glaser test?

Most employers will only allow you to take the Watson Glaser test once per application. However, you may take the Watson Glaser test more than once throughout your career.

What is the next step after passing the Watson Glaser test?

The next step after passing the Watson Glaser test will vary between employers. Some firms will ask you to attend a face-to-face interview after passing the Watson Glaser test, others will ask you to attend an assessment center. Speak to the hiring manager to find out the process for the firm you are applying for.

Start preparing in advance for the Watson Glaser test

The Watson Glaser test differs from other critical thinking tests. It has its own rules and formations, and the exam is incredibly competitive. If you are asked to participate in a Watson Glaser test it is because your prospective employer is looking for the ‘best of the best’. Your aim is not to simply pass the test; it is to achieve a higher score than anyone else taking that test .

Therefore, taking the time to prepare for the Watson Glaser test is vital for your chances of success. You need to be confident that you know what you are being asked to do, and that you can use your critical thinking skills to make informed decisions.

Your study is about more than helping you to pass a test; it is about providing you with the skills and capability to think critically about information in the ‘real world’ .

You might also be interested in these other Psychometric Success articles:

Critical Thinking Tests (2024 Guide)

Or explore the Aptitude Tests / Test Types sections.

Watson-Glaser Assessments: Guidelines & Practice Examples

Originally designed by Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser, The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (Form AM) was a measurement of “how well you are able to reason analytically and logically.” After their extensive use during World War One, experts increasingly used the tests as a tool to rank and filter individuals in contexts including (but not limited to) education and employment. In this article, we’ll be providing you with an overview of The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, its test format, and question examples for your practice.

Table of Contents

What is a Watson Glaser test?

The Watson Glaser Assessment (Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal) is designed by Pearson Talentlens – a part of the famous Pearson education publishing house. The assessment is a quick, consistent, and accurate measurement of the test-takers ability to analyze, reason, interpret and draw logical conclusions from written information .

This critical thinking test has five scales which are the elementary units of critical thinking and reasoning . These five units serve as parameters to measure all areas of critical thinking ability.

The test is administered to appraising adults (16 years and above) with questions of varying difficulty and format.

Watson Glaser Test format

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is a timed test. It can be administered both online and offline, depending on the company you are applying to.

  • For the online version (W-G III), the test is suitable for the unproctored screening of job applicants . Questions are selected randomly from a larger pool of questions called “item bank”. This helps minimize the possibility of cheating due to the fact that there are no applicants having the same set of questions.
  • For the offline version (W-G II Forms D and E), applicants have to take the test under supervised conditions .

Upon finishing, applicants receive a percentile score with norm groups either provided by Pearson Talentlens or designed by the company.

Popular test formats are as follows:

  • 40 questions – 30 minutes
  • 80 questions – 60 minutes

The question distribution in a 40-question Watson Glaser test includes the following:

  • Inference – 5 questions
  • Recognition of assumptions – 12 questions
  • Deduction – 5 questions
  • Interpretation – 6 questions
  • Evaluation – 12 questions

Watson Glaser test: 5 question types & examples

Five types of questions appearing in the test are

Infer questions

  • Recognize Assumption questions

Deduce questions

Interpret questions.

  • Evaluate Argument questions

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

You will find five choices of answers for each inference in the question: True, Probably True, Insufficient Data, Probably False, and False. Your job is to determine which choice best fits the hypothesis.

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

  • True : If you think the inference is definitely TRUE; that it properly follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the statement of facts given.
  • Probably True : If, in the light of the facts given, you think the inference is Probably True; that it is more likely to be true than false.
  • Insufficient Data : If you decide that there are Insufficient Data; that you cannot tell from the facts given whether the inference is likely to be true or false; if the facts provide no basis for judging one way or another.
  • Probably False : If, in the light of the facts given, you think the inference is Probably False; that it is more likely to be true than false.
  • False : If you think the inference is definitely False; that it is wrong, either because it misinterprets the facts given, or because it contradicts the facts or necessary inferences from those facts.

Unlike popular aptitude tests where you use solely given information, this test allows the use of specific commonly accepted knowledge or information that practically every person has.

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

Source: Pearson Talentlens

During the past month, managers scheduled for international assignments voluntarily attended our company’s cross-cultural business training workshop. All of the managers reported that the quality of the training was high and focused on valuable work skills that could be immediately applied.

The majority of training was devoted to rules and regulations for doing business in this country. 

A. True B. Probably True C. Insufficient Data D. Probably False E. False

Answer : Probably False

Explanation : Probably False because the training focused on cross-cultural business. It cannot be considered definitely false because the specific course content is not provided.

Practice Example:

Chamonix is one of the oldest ski resorts in France. Last year, the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley authorities introduced a climate and energy action plan, the first in the French Alps. The plan commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the area by 22 percent. Among the proposed measures is a ban on the most polluting lorries using the nearby Mont Blanc tunnel. Climate change will have a major impact on the valley’s main economic activities: less snow on low-altitude ski slopes and the risk of increased pressure on high-altitude ski slopes have been recorded in recent studies. Natural habitats, river patterns, forests, and agriculture might be radically transformed, increasing the likelihood of hazards such as avalanches, floods, and landslides.

Although air quality is a great concern for those living at the foot of Mont Blanc, noise pollution is arguably the most noticeable at a local level.

A. True B. ProbablyTrue C. Insufficient Data D. Probably False E. False

Answer : Insufficient Data

Explanation : The passage does not mention noise pollution, as well as its existence at local level.

Recognize assumption questions

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

In this question, you are presented with a statement and two choices “ Assumption made ” or “ Assumption not made “. Your job is to determine whether the statement is an assumption taken for granted (Assumption made) or an assumption not necessarily taken for granted (Assumption not made).

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

We need to save time in getting there so we’d better go by plane.

There is a plane service available to us for at least part of the distance to the destination. 

A. Assumption made B. Assumption not made

Answer : Assumption made

Explanation :

This is assumed in the statement because, in order to save time by plane, it must be possible to go by plane.

While owning a pet can be expensive and is occasionally an inconvenience, it’s a good thing to do if you want to improve your chances of living a satisfying life.

Pet owners will always lead more satisfying lives than those who don’t own pets.

Answer : Assumption not made

From the given premises, we can only see that: if you want a satisfying life, it is a good thing to have a pet. However, having a pet does not definitely lead to a satisfying life. There is no indication to compare the satisfaction between having a pet or not having a pet as a way to live a satisfying life. 

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

In this type of question, each item contains several statements (premises) followed by several suggested conclusions. For the purposes of the test, you must consider the given statements as true without exception. The question presents you with two options

  • Conclusion follows : If you think the conclusion necessarily follows from the statements given;
  • Conclusion does not follow : If you think it is not a necessary conclusion from the statements given. 

Since the test requires you to regard given statements as completely true, you have to try not to let your common sense and existing knowledge interfere. You have to stick to only the given statements (premises) and make judgments as to whether it necessarily follows from the statement or not.

One thing to note is the use of the word “Some” in this type of question. It means an indefinite part or quantity of a class of things. It can be either a portion or perhaps all of the class.

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment


Some Sundays are rainy. All rainy days are boring. Therefore …

Some Sundays are boring.

A. Conclusion follows B. Conclusion does not follow

Answer : Conclusion follows

The conclusion necessarily follows from the statements because, according to them, rainy Sundays must be boring.

Damage to roads in the area has made them unsuitable for loads over one ton. These loads are being transported to the capital by air, but as air resources are limited they are restricted to carrying food and medical supplies. Roads cannot be repaired until medical emergencies are dealt with. Therefore, …

Food can be taken to the capital by road.

Answer : Conclusion does not follow

Roads can not be used to transport food in loads over one ton. Food loads over one ton are being transported by air. We are not sure whether food in loads under one ton are delivered by road or anything else.

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

An interpret question provides you with a short paragraph followed by several suggested conclusions. You must assume that everything in the short paragraph is true, for the purpose of the test. To answer the question, you have to judge whether or not each of the suggested conclusions logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information presented in the paragraph.

You have two answer choices:

  • Conclusion follows : If you think the conclusions follow beyond a reasonable doubt (although they may not follow absolutely and necessarily);
  • Conclusion does not follow : If you think the conclusions doesn’t follow beyond a reasonable doubt from the facts given in the short paragraph. 

As a rule of thumb, you should judge each conclusion independently from your common sense or outside knowledge.

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

Source: Watson Glaser

A study of vocabulary growth in children from ages eight months to six years old shows that the size of spoken vocabulary increases from zero words at age eight months to 2562 words at age six years.

Vocabulary is slowest during the period when children are learning to walk.

Answer : Conclusion does not follow.

The conclusion does not follow because there is no information given that relates the growth of vocabulary to walking.

An accounting computer program, MagicNumber, is Wisdom Software’s biggest-selling product, with its development involving 20% of programmers and 30% of marketing staff. DesignAid, a graphic design program, is the latest offering from the company. It is definitely expected to sell more copies than MagicNumber and will have fewer programmers working on its design, but more marketing staff.

DesignAid will bring in greater profits for the company than MagicNumber.

The paragraph only mentioned that DesignAid is expected to sell more than MagicNumber. This does not necessarily mean that DesignAid uiwll bring greater profit than MagicNumber.

Evaluate argument questions

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

The question involves distinguishing between strong and weak arguments, as far as the question at issue is concerned. In each question, there is a series of arguments that you must regard as true. Your job is to determine whether or not each of these arguments is a strong or a weak one.

  • Argument strong : If you think the argument is strong;
  • Argument weak: If you think the argument is weak.

For an objective evaluation of the argument, you must judge each argument independently on its own merit, without the influence of your personal perception.

One thing to note is the use of the word Should. By using Should at the beginning of each question, it means “Would the proposed action promote the general welfare of the people in your country?”

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

Should young adults in this country go to university?

No; a large percentage of young adults do not have enough ability or interest to derive any benefit from university training.

A. Argument strong B. Argument weak

Answer : Argument strong.

If this is true, as the directions require us to assume, it is a weighty argument against all young adults going to university.

Practice Example 5:

Is it worthwhile for a business to invest in training employees?

Yes, research shows the amount of money spent on training is positively related to profitability.

A. Argument Strong B. Argument Weak

Answer : Argument Strong

The explanation show that business can increase their profit by invest more money on training. This is a direct back up evidence for the claim.

Which companies use Watson Glaser tests?

Watson Glaser Tests are popular in the pre-employment process across sectors such as medical, marketing, education, legal, and professional services. The test can be used for different job levels like Graduates, Execs and Managerial, Supervisors, and Professionals., depending on the company hiring request.

There are a great number of UK companies using it for their pre-employment screening process. The names include the following

  • Simmons & Simmons
  • Hill Dickinson
  • Bank of England
  • Burges Salmon
  • Ince & Co
  • Government Legal Service
  • Irwin Mitchell
  • Clifford Chance
  • Hogan Lovells

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Top 10 Tips To Pass Your Watson Glaser Test

Watson Glaser critical reasoning tests give insight into a candidate’s ability to evaluate information and draw the correct conclusions. The test assesses critical thinking and logical approach, as well as the ability to work quickly and accurately under time pressure.

Watson Glaser tests feature a series of written statements and passages, around which a set of multiple-choice questions are focused. These questions require candidates to make necessary deductions and inferences, identify any assumptions present and look for evidence to prove the validity of an argument.

The test is split up into the following five areas:

Drawing inferences

Recognising assumptions


Evaluation of arguments

Usually there are 40 questions, which must be answered within a 30-minute time limit. This means a steady pace is needed to complete the test and increase the chances of achieving a high score.

The questions require no prior knowledge, but the level of detailed critical thinking demanded makes the test challenging.

Watson Glaser tests are commonly used as part of the recruitment processes of law firms, banks and financial companies – where making well evidenced and unbiased decisions is critical for performance.

Preparation is key to strong performance in the test. The following ten tips will help you to effectively prepare for and pass your Watson Glaser test.

1. Practise critical thinking tests

Critical thinking tests can vary according to the publisher. Only by practicing Watson Glaser-style tests will you become familiar with the format, style and content of the test you will face.

Although many of the skills tested do implicitly feature across critical thinking assessments, Watson Glaser tests are unique in their question groupings, as each skill is explicitly tested.

Sitting practise tests in the same style will make sure you focus upon honing your ability to draw inferences, recognise assumptions, interpret written data, make deductions and evaluate arguments.

2. Hone your pace by managing your time

Success in the Watson Glaser test requires both speed and accuracy. When preparing, be aware of the time allocation you have for each question. If you split the questions evenly this is usually 45 seconds, but you may wish to spend longer on the section(s) you find trickiest, making up time on your stronger areas.

When taking practise tests, always time yourself. If you keep practicing until you reach the pace required, you will feel confident in your ability to complete the official test.

3. Read the instructions carefully

Although pace is important, this should not present as haste. Reading the instructions carefully, both at the start of the test and the guidance related to each section, is critical to prevent unnecessary mistakes. The information given is included to help you succeed, so make the most of the advice.

Don’t skip the sample questions. Use them to settle yourself into the logical approach needed.

4. Answer using the exact information given

When completing a critical thinking test, you should take all information at face value. The test is about evidencing arguments, making accurate inferences from the data given and identifying assumptions.

To do this effectively, you will need to be meticulous with detail and take the content of the passages literally, putting aside any prior knowledge on the subject matter. You will also need to resist the urge to make your own assumptions to fill the information gaps.

Answer based only on the information given, and you will be able to confidently pass judgement on the validity of statements.

5. Remove all distractions

Now that most psychometric tests are administered online, candidates sit them in their own homes. While this means they can be taken in a familiar and comfortable space, your home likely lacks the neutral, silent environment of a test centre.

Critical thinking tests require a high level of concentration and attention to detail . To give yourself the best chance of scoring well, take the test in a quiet environment, free from distractions. It’s also sensible to check the internet connection is stable.

You’ll need to focus solidly during the 30 minutes, so have everything you might need ready on your desk, such as a glass of water or a piece of scrap paper.

critical thinking test tips

6. Don’t dwell on tricky questions

If you become stuck on a question during the test, don’t allow it to throw off your concentration or pace. The questions in the Watson Glaser test vary in difficulty, so there may well be a couple that you find particularly tricky.

This can be frustrating, but it is more important to safeguard your time and submit answers for all the questions in the test.

All questions are multiple-choice, so select your best guess and move on. The tests are not negatively marked, so you will not lose marks for making an educated attempt.

7. Don’t make assumptions about the questions

When working through a critical thinking test, read each of the questions carefully so you are clear on what it is asking. Many candidates lose points answering the question they assume is being asked, rather than the question that is actually being posed.

It’s also important to be clear about the context of the question and the perspective from which it approaches the text. Questions may feature different perspectives, so be aware of the difference this may make to the interpretation of the information.

If in doubt, quickly read the passage and/or question again. Don’t sacrifice understanding and accuracy for speed, as revisiting a text to iron out any misunderstandings will likely help you to answer all of the connected questions correctly.

8. As you read, establish the logic

When reading the passages of text in the test, read actively. Analyse the statements made and seek to identify any logical connections between the sentences. Highlight any interdependent or related statements, and make a mental note of the nature of the relationship between them.

In particular, look for any false logic or discrepancies in the message the text imparts. Answering the questions correctly likely hinges on recognition of any contradictory or unfounded statements made within the text.

This active analysis will help you to answer the questions that follow faster and more confidently.

9. Think creatively when practicing

Practice tests aren’t the only way to prepare for a critical reasoning test. Supplement your test practice by reading wordy news articles and absorbing the information rapidly, analysing the arguments presented and identifying any assumptions.

It may help to get a family member or friend to challenge you on the evidence and validity of claims made, or to pose questions around the inferences and deductions that can or cannot be made from the information given.

Choose material that interests you. Applying critical thinking skills to everyday texts can be a fun and informative way to increase your confidence with analysing and interpreting texts.

10. Be aware of text aimed to mislead

The texts in Watson Glaser tests can be challenging, as they are designed to make it difficult for candidates to immediately grasp the nuances of the content. The passages may feature dispersed arguments (both logical and illogical), with elements threaded confusingly through the paragraphs.

Candidates need to be able to keep track of the information imparted to be able to make accurate deductions. Watch out for the use of double negatives and wordy clauses.

Don’t be afraid of taking a few seconds to re-read ambiguous sentences, as your understanding of the entire passage may hinge upon their content.

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Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Tests

Complex and challenging critical thinking tests, including the Watson-Glaser, are used mostly by law firms.

Page contents:

About critical thinking tests and how they work, free practice critical thinking tests, the watson glaser critical thinking appraisal, what is measured by a watson glaser critical thinking test, what should i know before taking a watson glaser critical thinking test, major publishers' critical thinking tests, advice for all critical thinking tests, assessmentday's practice tests can help you to prepare for a critical thinking test, one final point, other test publishers.

Updated: 08 September 2022

Critical thinking tests, or critical reasoning tests, are psychometric tests used in recruitment at all levels, graduate, professional and managerial, but predominantly in the legal sector. However, it is not uncommon to find companies in other sectors using critical thinking tests as part of their selection process. This is an intense test, focusing primarily on your analytical, or critical thinking, skills. Some tests are still conducted by paper and pen, but, just like other psychometric tests, critical thinking tests are mostly administered online at home or on a computer at a testing center.

The questions are multiple choice, and these choices and the style of questions are explained in more detail further down the page. The tests will often follow these two common timings:

  • 30 questions with a 40 minute time limit
  • 80 questions with a 60 minute time limit

Critical Thinking can be defined in many ways and an exact description is disputed, however, most agree on a broad definition of critical thinking, that 'critical thinking involves rational, purposeful, and goal-directed using certain cognitive skills and strategies.' An absence or lack of critical thinking skills at times may lead us to believe things which aren't true, because we haven't sufficiently analysed and criticized the information we've received or used this to formulate and independently test our own theories, arguments and ideas. These are all examples of critical thinking skills put into practice. Glaser (An Experiment in the Development of Critical Thinking, 1941) stated that to think critically involved three key parts:

  • An attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences
  • Knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning
  • Some skill in applying those methods

Note: AssessmentDay and its products are not affiliated with Pearson or TalentLens. Our practice tests are for candidates to prepare for the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal; we do not sell tests for employers to select candidates.

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Free Critical Thinking Test

Here, we have a full critical thinking test for you to practice for free. You can dive straight in and practice the full test (in blue at the bottom), or tackle each individual section one at a time.

All answers and explanations are included at the end of the test, or alternatively you can download the Solutions PDF. Each test has been given a generous time limit.

Critical Thinking Test 1

  • 40 questions

Critical Thinking Test 2

Critical thinking test 3, critical thinking test 4.

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TalentLens' Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) is the most common critical thinking test. You can visit their official site here: Watson Glaser . Most other critical thinking tests are based on the Watson Glaser format. More than 90 years' of experience have led to many modifications and improvements in the test.

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is widely regarded as a good predictor of work productivity and at identifying candidates with a good potential to become managers and occupy other positions as a senior member of staff. The latest edition of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test has improved its validity, appealed more to businesses by focusing on business-relevant topics, switched to the Item Response Theory (IRT) for its scoring, updated norm groups, and integrated anti-cheat measures by having an online retest, which can be used to validate results.

Developed by Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser, the Watson Glaser test is favored by law firms , keen to measure people's abilities to reason, reach conclusions and know when leaps in logic have been made. Skills which are required in the legal sector. The questions in each of the 5 sections aims to evaluate the candidate's ability to:

  • 1. Arrive at correct inferences
  • 2. Identify when an assumption has been made
  • 3. Use deductive reasoning
  • 4. Reach logical conclusions
  • 5. Evaluate the effectiveness of arguments

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Did You Know

The most recent revision of the W-GCTA was published in 2011 with notable improvements being better face validity and business-relevant items, scoring based on Item Response Theory (IRT), updated norm groups, and an online retest which can be used to validate a paper and pencil test result.

A Critical thinking tests assesses your ability in 5 key areas mentioned above; assumptions, arguments, deductions, inferences and interpreting information. Often in this order. A short paragraph of text a few sentences long or a single sentence is used as a starting point. This passage will contain information which you will base your answer to the question on. Another sentence is then presented to you and you will be asked to judge something about this sentence based on the information in the short paragraph. The five sections are explained in more detail here:

  • Assumptions - You are being asked to state whether the information in the second set of text you are presented is an assumption made in the first paragraph. Quite a tricky concept to get your head around at first. In a nutshell, when people speak or make arguments, there are underlying assumptions in those arguments. Here you are presented with some assumptions and are asked to judge if that is being made in the original statement. For example in the statement "only people earning a high salary can afford a fast car," what's being assumed is that fast cars are expensive because only people who are earning a lot of money can buy one, however, what's not being assumed is that people without high salaries aren't legally allowed to buy a fast car. You are asked to choose whether an assumption has been made or has not been made.
  • Arguments - You are presented with an argument, such as "Should college fees be abolished?" Regardless of your own opinions and thoughts on the argument, you are then presented with statements related to this original argument. You are asked to say whether the responses to the original argument of "Should college fees be abolished?" make for strong or weak arguments. Arguments are considered strong if they are related to the topic such as, "Yes, many people who would benefit from a college education do not because they cannot afford it. This hurts the country's economic growth." The argument presented is sound, related to the original question. Compare this with a weak argument, "No, I do not trust people who read a lot of books." It is clear that the second argument bears very little relation to the subject of the abolition of college tuition fees. This is not to say that an argument against the original argument will always be a weak one, or that an argument in favor will always be a strong one. For example, "Yes, I like people that read books," is in favor of the abolition as indicated by "yes," but that person's like or dislike of others that read books isn't related, or hasn't been explained how it's related to removing the fees. Carefully considering what is being said, remove it from your own personal opinions and political views to objectively analyse what someone else has put forward.
  • Deductions - A few sentences of information are presented to you. Another separate short statement will also be shown to you, which is supposed to represent a conclusion that someone has reached. You will have to determine whether this conclusion logically follows from the information given to you. Can the statement be deduced from the information available>? If so, and without a doubt, then the conclusion follows, if not, then the conclusion does not follow. Your decision must be based on the information given and not from your own knowledge.
  • Inferences - A short scenario is described to you, followed by possible inferences. The inferences are short statements. Imagine that these are what people have said is inferred from the scenario. Use your judgement and the short scenario to assess whether what's being said has actually been inferred from the passage and the likelihood of this inference. You are asked to rank each inference as either 'true,' 'false,' 'possibly true,' 'possibly false.' For some proposed inferences there isn't enough information to say either 'true' or 'false' so a fifth option is included; 'more information required.' You can only select one option from the five.
  • Interpreting Information - Following a similar format to the previous four sections, a short passage of information and then a series of statements are shown to you. You are asked to judge whether the information in the passage can be interpreted as the statements suggest. The answer options are straightforward here; you either select 'conclusion follows,' or 'conclusion does not follow,' depending on whether or not you believe that the statement can be logically reached from the information given. Again, for this section and all others, you are to base your choice of answer on what you're given, not on any specialized knowledge you might have.

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If a watson glaser critical thinking test is used in the early stages of the application process it's likely to be used as a screening tool. This puts some pressure on candidates to meet a minimum pass mark, which will allow them to be selected to go on to the next stage of the selection process. If it's used at a later stage in the process, the results from this will be combined with performance in other assessments, tests, exercises and interviews. All the information you need to answer the questions will be in the test. Below the details of a few companies' critical thinking tests are pointed out.

Here is a list of critical reasoning tests on the market at present, which candidates may be likely to encounter for recruitment, selection or development.

  • W-GCTA - The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal as it is formally called is the most ubiquitous critical thinking test out there. This is the one that you are most likely to encounter.
  • GMAT - The general management aptitude test, used by business schools and colleges test students' critical thinking ability. The critical thinking questions are written in a business or finance context.
  • SHL - SHL have produced the Critical Reasoning Test Battery composed of 60 critical reasoning questions with a strict time limit of 30 minutes.
  • Cornell - Cornell have developed a critical thinking test to be used in educational environments. The two levels, X and Z, are aimed at children and adults, respectively.
  • Area-specific - There are tests which focus on either numerical critical reasoning skills and verbal critical reasoning skills. These tests will ask only numerical or only verbal questions to assess your skills in a specific area.

Here is some general advice to help you perform to the best of your ability for your critical reasoning test.

  • No prior knowledge - The key point here is that critical reasoning tests are measuring your ability to think, or the method that you use to reach a conclusion. You should therefore not rely on prior knowledge to answer the question. Questions will be written so that you do not need to know any specialist knowledge to answer the question. For example, you will not be expected to know mathematical formulas or laws of nature and to answer questions with that information. If you are given the formula and its description in the questions, you are expected to use that information to reach the answer.
  • Carefully read the instructions - There are 5 sections to most critical thinking tests and each will assess a slightly different skill. Make sure you have read the instructions and understand what it is you are expected to do to answer the questions for this section. There is quite a difference between the Assumptions section and the Deductions section for example. Applying the rules of one to the other would lead to just guessing the answers and making many mistakes.
  • Keep your eye on the timer - These tests are complex. You might find yourself fixated on answering one question and taking up a lot of the time you are allowed. Checking how much time you have every so often can help you to more evenly distribute your time between the questions. This is done to avoid spending too much time on one question when that time would be better spent answering more or checking your answers. This time management applies to all tests, but is particularly important with Critical Thinking tests, as many people believe they have such a large amount of time, but underestimate the number of questions they have to answer.
  • Logical fallacies - Identifying logical fallacies is key to many parts of this test, and researching the difference between sound and fallacious logic will prove helpful in a critical reasoning test. A fallacy is an error in reasoning due to a misconception or a presumption, and an argument which employs a formal fallacy, logical fallacy or a deductive fallacy in its reasoning becomes an invalid argument. Researching the different types of fallacy (i.e. red herring argument, straw man argument, confusing correlation and causation etc.) can help you spot these in the test and correctly answer the question.

The practice tests that we have cover all of the sections of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test and these overlap with many of the variations in Critical Thinking tests produced by major publishers. practice helps to increase your confidence, gives you a chance to learn from your mistakes in a risk-free environment, and can reduce stress before an exam.

The best place to get advice on taking a critical thinking tests is the test publisher's website, for example this one for the Watson Glaser .

If you have already successfully passed a few initial stages of the application process, it's unlikely that companies will focus solely on your results in the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test when deciding whether or not to hire you. This type of selection by results on one test is more likely if it is part of the early stages of the process. However, towards the later stages the company will look at your results across interviews, group exercises, other aptitude tests and your résumé and will collate all of this information before reaching a decision. If you have been invited to undertake a critical reasoning test then the organisation clearly has an interest in hiring you, let that fact inspire confidence and perform to the best of your ability on your test, good luck!

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What is the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test? An Overview

What is the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is a popular assessment tool used by employers to evaluate the critical thinking skills of job candidates. The test is designed to measure a candidate’s ability to analyze written information, interpret it, and draw logical conclusions from it. The test is widely used in various industries, including law, finance, and consulting.

The Watson Glaser Test is divided into five sections, each of which assesses a different aspect of critical thinking . These sections include Inference, Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation, and Evaluation. The test is timed and typically takes 30 minutes to complete. The test is multiple choice and consists of 40 questions in total, with eight questions for each section.

Key Takeaways

  • The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is a widely used assessment tool that evaluates an individual’s critical thinking skills.
  • The test consists of five sections that assess different aspects of critical thinking, including Inference, Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation, and Evaluation.
  • The test is timed and consists of 40 multiple-choice questions, with eight questions for each section.

Understanding the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is a unique assessment designed to analyze an individual’s ability to think critically. The test has five scales, which are the elementary units of critical thinking and reasoning. These five units serve as parameters to measure all areas of critical thinking ability. The test is administered to appraising adults, usually those who are 16 years and above, with questions of varying difficulty and format.

Originally created by Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser, the Watson Glaser Test measures the skills required to present a certain point of view in a clear, well-structured, well-reasoned, and persuasive way to convince others of your argument. The test is designed to assess a person’s critical thinking abilities among other things.

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is a timed test that typically lasts 30 minutes. Applicants can expect to be tested on around 40 questions in five distinct areas: Inference, Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation, and Evaluation. The test is widely used in the legal industry, but it can also be used in other fields where critical thinking skills are essential.

The Watson Glaser Test format comprises multiple-choice questions, and the test is scored on a scale of 0 to 40, with a score of 40 being the highest possible score. The test is challenging, and applicants are advised to practice beforehand. They can get familiar with the format and time constraints by taking Watson-Glaser practice tests, which are readily available online.

In conclusion, the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is a unique assessment that provides a detailed analysis of an individual’s ability to think critically. The test is widely used in the legal industry, but it can also be used in other fields where critical thinking skills are essential. The test lasts 30 minutes and comprises multiple-choice questions in five distinct areas. Applicants are advised to practice beforehand to get familiar with the format and time constraints.

The Importance of the Test

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is an important tool for measuring a person’s critical thinking skills . Critical thinking is an essential skill for success in many fields, including business, law, and education. The test assesses a person’s ability to think critically, analyze information, and draw logical conclusions.

Employers use the Watson Glaser Test to assess job candidates’ critical thinking ability. The test is particularly useful for jobs that require analytical skills, such as management, finance, and consulting. Employers want to hire people who can think critically, solve problems, and make sound decisions. The Watson Glaser Test helps employers determine which candidates have these skills.

The Watson Glaser Test is also useful for educational institutions. Schools and universities can use the test to assess students’ critical thinking ability and identify areas where they need improvement. By measuring critical thinking ability, educators can better prepare students for success in their chosen fields.

In addition, the Watson Glaser Test is an important tool for individuals who want to improve their critical thinking skills. By taking the test, individuals can identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on improving their analytical and reasoning skills. The test provides a benchmark for measuring progress and can help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.

In summary, the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is an important tool for measuring critical thinking ability. Employers use the test to assess job candidates, educational institutions use it to assess students, and individuals use it to improve their critical thinking skills. The test is an essential component of success in many fields and can help individuals achieve their goals.

Test Format and Structure

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is a timed, multiple-choice test that is used to assess a candidate’s ability to think critically. The test is typically administered by employers in the law industry, such as Linklaters, Clifford Chance, Hogan Lovells, and the Government Legal Service, as well as other industries that require critical thinking skills.

The test consists of 40 questions, which are divided into five sections, each with its own unique focus. The entire test lasts for 30 minutes, and each section is timed separately. This means that candidates have an average of 7.5 minutes to complete each section.

The five sections of the Watson Glaser test are Inference, Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation, and Evaluation. In the Inference section, candidates are asked to draw conclusions based on a series of facts. In the Assumptions section, candidates are asked to identify assumptions that are made in a given argument. In the Deduction section, candidates are asked to draw logical conclusions based on a set of premises. In the Interpretation section, candidates are asked to analyze and interpret information presented in a given passage. Finally, in the Evaluation section, candidates are asked to evaluate the strength of an argument.

The Watson Glaser test is a timed test, which means that candidates must work quickly and efficiently in order to complete all 40 questions within the allotted time. The test is typically administered online, although it can also be administered in person. Candidates are given a score based on their performance on the test, with a maximum score of 80.

Overall, the Watson Glaser test is a challenging assessment that requires candidates to think critically and quickly. By understanding the test format and structure, candidates can better prepare themselves for the test and increase their chances of success.

Key Concepts Assessed

The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is designed to evaluate an individual’s ability to think critically and draw logical conclusions from written information. The test consists of five scales, each measuring a different aspect of critical thinking and reasoning. These scales are the elementary units of critical thinking and reasoning.

Recognition of Assumptions

One of the key concepts assessed in the Watson Glaser test is the recognition of assumptions. This involves identifying the underlying assumptions that are being made in a given argument or piece of information. The test taker must be able to distinguish between assumptions that are explicitly stated and those that are implicit.

Evaluation of Arguments

Another important concept assessed in the Watson Glaser test is the ability to evaluate arguments. This involves analyzing the strength and weaknesses of a given argument and assessing its validity and soundness. The test taker must be able to identify both strong and weak arguments and determine whether or not they support the conclusion being presented.

Deduction is another key concept assessed in the Watson Glaser test. This involves drawing logical conclusions from a set of given premises. The test taker must be able to use deductive reasoning to determine whether or not a conclusion logically follows from the premises presented.


Interpretation is also assessed in the Watson Glaser test. This involves understanding the meaning of a given piece of information and being able to explain it in one’s own words. The test taker must be able to interpret information accurately and objectively.

Finally, the Watson Glaser test assesses the ability to make inferences. This involves using the information presented to draw logical conclusions that are not explicitly stated. The test taker must be able to use their critical thinking skills to make educated guesses based on the information provided.

Overall, the Watson Glaser test is an effective way to measure an individual’s critical thinking and reasoning skills. By assessing key concepts such as recognition of assumptions, evaluation of arguments, deduction, interpretation, and inference, the test provides a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s ability to analyze and interpret written information.

Preparing for the Test

Preparing for the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is essential to achieve a good score. The following tips can help candidates to prepare for the test:

Practice with Sample Questions

One of the best ways to prepare for the Watson Glaser Test is to practice with sample questions. Candidates can find sample questions and practice tests online. These resources can help candidates to get familiar with the test format and types of questions that will be asked.

Use Preparation Packs

Preparation packs are also available online and can provide more comprehensive practice. These packs often include multiple practice tests, detailed explanations of the answers, and tips for improving critical thinking skills.

Analyze Test Sections

It is important to analyze the different sections of the Watson Glaser Test to understand what is being assessed. The test consists of five sections: Inference, Recognition of Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation, and Evaluation. Candidates should review each section to understand the types of questions that may be asked and the skills that are being assessed.

Time Management

Time management is crucial during the test. Candidates should practice answering questions quickly and accurately to ensure that they can complete the test within the allotted time.

Focus on Critical Thinking Skills

The Watson Glaser Test is designed to assess critical thinking skills, so candidates should focus on developing these skills. Critical thinking involves analyzing information, evaluating arguments, and making logical conclusions. Candidates can improve their critical thinking skills by practicing with sample questions and by reviewing the explanations for the correct answers.

By following these tips, candidates can improve their chances of achieving a good score on the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test.

How Employers Use the Test

Employers use the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test as a pre-employment test during the recruitment process to assess the candidate’s critical thinking and decision-making skills. The test is commonly used in the professional services industry, including law firms, consulting firms, and financial institutions, where critical thinking and analytical skills are essential.

The test is an aptitude test that measures a candidate’s ability to recognize assumptions, evaluate arguments, and draw conclusions. Employers use the test to identify candidates who possess the necessary skills to succeed in the job role. The test results provide employers with valuable insights into a candidate’s thought process and problem-solving abilities.

The Watson Glaser test is an essential tool for employers in the recruitment process. It helps them to identify the right candidates for the job role and reduce the risk of hiring the wrong candidate. By using the test, employers can ensure that they are selecting the most qualified candidates with the necessary skills and abilities.

In conclusion, the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is a valuable tool for employers in the recruitment process. It helps them to identify the right candidates for the job role and reduce the risk of hiring the wrong candidate. Employers who use the test can be confident that they are selecting the most qualified candidates with the necessary skills and abilities.

Understanding Test Results

After taking the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test, candidates receive a report that includes their percentile score and a pass or fail mark. The percentile score indicates how well the candidate performed compared to a norm group, which is a group of people who have taken the same test before. The score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better performance.

The pass mark varies depending on the employer or organization using the test. Some employers may set a high pass mark to ensure that only the top performers are selected, while others may set a lower pass mark to cast a wider net. Candidates who do not meet the pass mark will typically not move forward in the selection process.

It is important to note that the Watson Glaser test is a valid and reliable measure of critical thinking ability. The test has been rigorously developed and tested to ensure that it measures what it is intended to measure. The parameters of the test, such as the number of questions and the time limit, are carefully calibrated to ensure that the test is fair and unbiased.

The norm group used to calculate percentile scores is also carefully selected to ensure that it is representative of the population being tested. For example, if the test is being used to select candidates for a specific job role, the norm group may consist of people who are currently working in that role.

Overall, candidates can feel confident that their Watson Glaser test results are a fair and accurate reflection of their critical thinking ability. Employers can use these results to make informed decisions about which candidates to select for further interviews or job offers.

The Watson Glaser Test in Different Countries

The Watson Glaser Test is widely used across the globe for various purposes, including recruitment in the legal sector and higher education. While the test is most commonly used in the UK and the US, it is also used in other countries worldwide.

In the UK, the Watson Glaser Test is a popular tool used by law firms during the recruitment process. The test is designed to assess a candidate’s critical thinking abilities and is used to measure their ability to analyze and interpret information, draw conclusions, and evaluate arguments. The test is used as a screening tool to identify candidates who possess the necessary skills to succeed in the legal profession.

The Watson Glaser Test is also used in other countries worldwide, including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In Canada, the test is used by law firms and other organizations to assess critical thinking skills. In Australia, the test is used by universities to assess students’ critical thinking abilities. In New Zealand, the test is used by law firms and other organizations to assess job applicants’ critical thinking abilities.

The Watson Glaser Test is a valuable tool for assessing critical thinking skills in a variety of settings. While it is most commonly used in the legal sector, it is also used in other industries and in higher education. The test is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to analyze and interpret information, draw conclusions, and evaluate arguments, making it a valuable tool for identifying candidates who possess the necessary skills to succeed in a variety of professions.

The History of the Watson Glaser Test

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test was developed by two psychologists, Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser, in the early 1920s. The test was designed to measure an individual’s ability to think critically, which was becoming an increasingly important skill in the workplace.

Originally known as the Watson Glaser Tests of Critical Thinking, the test has undergone several revisions over the years. The most recent version, the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal III (WG-III), was released in 2020 by TalentLens.

The Watson Glaser Test has been widely used in various industries, including law, finance, and healthcare. In the legal field, the test is commonly used as part of the recruitment process to assess a candidate’s ability to analyze complex information and make sound judgments.

Over the years, the Watson Glaser Test has gained a reputation as a reliable and valid measure of critical thinking ability. It has been translated into several languages and used in many countries around the world.

Despite its widespread use, the Watson Glaser Test has not been without controversy. Some have criticized the test for its cultural bias and lack of relevance to certain professions. However, proponents of the test argue that it remains a valuable tool for assessing critical thinking ability in a wide range of contexts.

Overall, the Watson Glaser Test has a long and storied history, and it continues to be an important tool for assessing critical thinking ability in the workplace.

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pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

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Mastering the Watson Glaser Test 2024: Essential Preparation and Strategies

Higher positions, especially within known difficult areas such as law, require more than the usual technical and interpersonal skills. Critical thinking is a long-valued skill that many employers seek for managerial roles. The Watson-Glaser Practice Test is an assessment tool specifically designed to measure one’s critical thinking skills. It is considered as one of the more difficult critical thinking tests, because it tries to “trick” the test taker and challenges them to think beyond the surface meaning of given passages. 

For a critical area such as law, it is important that professionals embody a higher level of critical thinking, especially when coming up with strong arguments. Thus it is administered to those seeking or applying for higher positions in firms and other related organizations. 

Take Watson Glaser Practice Test Now

What Is the Watson Glaser Test?

Critical thinking is defined as the “intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.” In short, it goes beyond the ability to read and comprehend a piece of information, or even extract data from it. Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze and interpret information to form judgments and informed decisions.

The Watson Glaser Tests were developed by Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser, two psychologists, in 1925. The psychometric test , also abbreviated to W-GCTA, is one of the most widely used assessment tools in various fields. It is being continuously improved and developed.

When applied in law, critical thinking is important in making arguments and drawing conclusions that are sufficiently supported by information or evidence provided. The ability to perform such tasks within time pressure shows expertise not just in law, but in critical thinking as well.

The W-GCTA is divided into five sections, all of which measure different aspects of critical thinking and logical reasoning. The test can come in two forms: 40 questions with a 30 minute time, or 80 questions with a 60 minute or one hour time limit. The Watson Glaser 111 is a 30-minute test, where questions are split into the following sections or subjects:

  • Inference (5 questions)
  • Recognition of Assumptions (12 questions)
  • Deduction (5 questions)
  • Interpretation (6 questions)
  • Evaluation of Arguments (12 questions)

The questions themselves are presented differently. Understanding how to answer and what these choices mean is the first step in preparing for the Watson Glaser Practice Test. In the end, showing that you are highly skilled in all five traits significantly increases your chances of getting to the next level of the hiring process.

What Companies Use Watson Glaser?

Given its unique ability to measure critical thinking or critical reasoning skills, many law firms and other companies administer the W-GCTA, as it helps them determine skills beyond a CV or reference:

  • Clifford Chance – the largest law firm based in the UK
  • Allen and Overy – the second largest law firm in the UK
  • Baker and McKenzie – an international law firm based in Illinois, USA and has offices in 46 countries
  • Burges Salmon – a general practice law firm based in England
  • Dentons – a global law firm merged with Dacheng from China, making it the biggest in the world by number of lawyers and offices
  • Government Legal Profession – the official group of lawyers working as civil servants in UK government departments

These law firms and organizations use critical thinking tests as lawyers under their wing require great skills to perform under pressure, present arguments in a creative and logical manner, and process information objectively.

Why is Watson Glaser Practice Test Used?

Like most employment assessment tools, the Watson Glaser Practice Test helps hiring managers and personnel to speed up the hiring process, which can take up an unnecessary amount of time and resources. As a psychometric or pre-employment test, it helps employers assess strangers early on if they have what it takes for the demand of the role.  

Is the Watson Glaser Test Difficult?

If you are taking the Watson Glaser test you are involved in or applying for, a prestigious role in the legal or managerial field. So, yes the test is difficult and reflects the prestige attached to the role you are interested in.

Considered one of the most difficult pre-employment tests , the test assesses candidates under the headings that apply to the role in question.

To get an idea of the level of difficulty posed try this free Watson Glaser sample test by Job Test Prep.

How Do I Prepare for the Watson Glaser Test?

Preparing for any test is a wise investment in your career. However, given the level of difficulty of the Watson Glaser Test, preparation is essential. You need to become familiar with the test and with the questioning format.

For this, we recommend using the services of a reliable test preparation company such as Job Test Prep .

Using this company you will have access to accurate information. You will also be able to use their test prep packs . With the test prep pack, you will get a range of sample test papers modelled on the real test where you can hone your skills in advance of the real test.

The advantage of using job test prep is it cuts down on the need for time-wasting searches for information that may not always be accurate. It gives a structure to your preparation for the test and allows you to approach the test with confidence.

Preparing for any test there are 2 essential steps you must take:

  • Become very familiar with the test. This will ensure your preparation is taking the right direction.
  • Put a preparation plan in place ensuring you are using the time you devote to preparation wisely.

Become Familiar with the Test

Becoming familiar with the test is the first crucial step in getting prepared for the Watson Glaser Assessment. Only then will you realise the level of difficulty posed by the test and you will have a clearer idea of the level of preparation you have to do.

Head to Job Test Prep to take a totally free Watson Glaser practice test .

Is the Watson Glaser Test Timed?

The newest version of the test is called Watson Glaser 111 and is a timed test. This adds to the level of difficulty. Thinking clearly within the time restrictions is demanding but especially so when you have to think logically and clearly.

The test consists of 5 sections and you will have to answer 40 questions in 30 minutes. The individual sections are spaced out with sample questions to study between sections leading to approximately 40 minutes of test time.

In answering the questions you will be revealing to your potential employer your ability to look at a situation and assess/evaluate it, look at different perspectives and distinguish between facts and assumptions.

If your reason for doing the test is because you want to pursue a career in law, or a career that will involve wading through formidable amounts of information, scoring well in the test will make a significant difference to your career advancement.

What Are the Questions on the Watson Glaser Test?

The Watson Glaser Test assesses candidates under the following headings.

Inference Assessment

Here your abilities to draw inferences from information are assessed. Provided with limited information this section measures your abilities to draw conclusions.

Avoid the pitfall of assuming this is something we do in everyday life. Our everyday method of drawing inferences is much more casual than drawing inferences in legal terms.

Having read a piece you will have to decide if the statement that follows it is

a) True b) Probably True c) Inadequate data d) Probably False e) False

Sample question 1:

In the following sample question, how would you answer?

Passage: One hundred young adults in their 20s and 30s paid to participate in a recent speed dating event at a bar in a big city. At this event, education and occupation were the most commonly discussed topics among the speed daters because young adults today view these topics as the most important for finding an ideal partner.

Statement: A majority of young adults had not previously discussed education and occupation with their previous potential partners.

True Probably True Insufficient Data Probably False False

Sample question 2:

Recognising Assumptions

Presented with two statements you assume the first statement is true. Using this assumption you must decide if the statement that follows is true based on your assumption that the first is true.

This question requires a definite “Yes”, or “No” answer. Consider your answer to the following question.

Statement: About 330 marketing professionals attended this year’s Media Innovations Forum. This indicates that social media engagement is a substantial feature of brand marketing plans.

Proposed Assumption: The extent of attendance in professional media forums is not negligible.

Assumption Made Assumption Not Made

Here your deductive reasoning skills are measured.

You are presented with a statement followed by another. You must deduce if the second statement is true based on the first statement. Again you can answer “Yes”, or “No”.

Your answer must be based on the information contained in the statements.

Avoid falling into the trap of bringing your own outside knowledge into play. Picture yourself for a moment as a courtroom lawyer. You will realize how extraneous factors cannot be brought into a case being argued.

Test your deductive reasoning skills on the following question while avoiding any temptation to bring something you may have heard or experienced into play!

Sample question:

Decide in the following example if the conclusion follows or does not follow the initial statement.

Passage: Bonds and stocks are securities, which differ in that stockholders bought and own a share in the company, whereas bondholders lend money to company owners. Another difference is that bonds have a defined term, after which the bond is redeemed by the owners, whereas stocks may be outstanding indefinitely. So I invested money in company C’s stocks.

Conclusion: I didn’t lend money to company C.


This is where your logical interpretation skills are assessed. You are given a passage to read. The passage is followed by a conclusion. You have to decide if based on the passage the conclusion is true beyond reasonable doubt.

Obviously, careful reading will help you make a decision on the interpretation. In this reading exercise, engage the logical part of your brain. But don’t forget that in the test you will be reading at speed.

Coming to the correct answer in those circumstances requires a clear head and a great deal of practice.

Once again you answer “Yes” or “No”, and your answer must be drawn from the material in the passage. Try your logical interpretation skills on the following exercise.

Passage: In a particular recycling company that generously rewarded workers for each new client they brought in, it was found that 15 per cent of the workers brought in three or more new clients last year. However, among workers who had bribed clients to get their business, 25 per cent brought in three or more new clients last year.

Conclusion: The workers who had not used bribes earned more money than those who did because the bribers also lost money in bringing in clients.

Conclusion follows Conclusion does not follow

You probably agree that doing an interpretation of this sort is not an inborn skill, but rather one acquired with a great deal of practice. Working on exercises of this type will sharpen your skills in arriving at the correct answer.

Evaluation of Arguments

Here you have to decide if arguments are weak or strong. You are asked to read a question statement followed by an answer statement. Your task is to decide on the arguments put forward in the answer statement. Are these arguments strong or weak?

Consider this as a test of your legal ability. If you have applied for a legal role making strong arguments is one of the skills you will require as well as the skill of picking holes in others’ arguments.

Sample question: Use your legal eye to evaluate the arguments in the following question.

Question statement: Should the government close ageing and polluting power stations even if the result is more energy imports?.

Answer statement: No, importing is highly expensive, and the worldwide financial crisis has had a significant impact on the government’s ability to pay for such costly schemes.

Strong argument Weak argument

Now that you have reached your answer, sit back for a moment and decide why you think the answer is correct. Can you pick holes in the answering statement?

A Career Oriented Test

Each skill being assessed is necessary for a career in the legal profession.

An outside observer may feel these are the types of skills we use in our day to day routines. Perhaps they are but not at the level of finesse you are going to be using them in your legal career. In everyday life, we either accept or discount what somebody is saying without giving a great deal of thought to the matter.

This is why you are being given this level of testing when applying for a legal position. The testing is asking you to raise your everyday thought patterns to the level of critical thinking.

Your test prep pack will provide you with samples of these tests and solid explanations for the answers arrived at. Using them you can hone your critical thinking skills and prepare to ace the Watson Glaser assessment.

To get a taste of these questions in an exam format, take the Watson Glaser free practice test .

What Is the Employer Looking for?

The employer needs to know if you can look at a situation and assess and evaluate it. And looking at the names of some of the companies who use the Watson Glaser Assessment it is hardly surprising they want some of the more astute people they can find working for them.

So, rather than being discouraged by the difficulties posed by the assessment, it is your task to prepare for it in a way that will show your astuteness.

Test Your Skills

You can try doing some of this by looking over the above assumptions question and applying the following tricks.

In the assumptions, have a look at the first statement. The statement is known as the premise, it lays down the bones of the argument. Mentally, place the two statements side by side.

Now ask yourself if the second sentence, the conclusion, is drawn correctly from the premise. Compare the language used in the two statements. If there are changes from the first statement to the second one it could suggest that a new idea is being introduced so the second sentence could be an assumption.

Now Try Your Skills at Recognising Assumptions

Recognising assumptions sample question:.

Passage: Complaints were raised against the town’s sole French teacher for using her monopoly to charge more than her late predecessor. In fact, however, she does not earn more money on each lesson than she would have before, because she lives out of town and her fee reflects higher transportation costs than those of her predecessor, who lived in town.

Proposed Assumption: Service providers who spend more on transportation are more expensive.

Using your skills, decide if the proposed assumption is a legitimate one to take from the passage (answering assumption made) or not legitimate (answering assumption not made). In deciding on your answer check if you can find any differences in the language used in the proposed assumption to the language used in the statement.

Now apply those same skills to this question on interpretation

Passage: In the years 2011-12, 32% of pupils entitled to free school meals (an indicator of low socioeconomic status) achieved five GCSE passes at grade C or above. This is compared to 65% of pupils who were not entitled to free school meals.

Conclusion: Most of the pupils who were not entitled to a free school meal achieved five GCSE passes at grade C or above.

In deciding if the conclusion follows or does not follow the text you have to use mathematical logic.

Now try your hand at evaluating arguments in the following question:

Question: Should parents put their children in preparation courses for gifted kids, in order for them to reach their full potential?

Argument: Yes; parents are responsible for their children’s future and should do whatever they can to help them succeed in life.

The argument, in this case, is considered weak. Can you see why that might be? Ask yourself if the question asked has been answered. If you were the person answering the question, what would you say to make the answer stronger?

How to Ace the Assessment

Doing these questions may have left you with the impression that the Watson Glaser is a challenging assessment. And it is. But becoming familiar with the exam and with the preparation you have to do are the important first steps in acing any exam.

How Do I Get Better at Watson Glaser?

You may have found while testing yourself on the sample questions that you fell short of the mark and this was without an imposed time limit. But with careful preparation, you can avoid the likelihood of this happening in the real test.

With a rigorous preparation program and using accurate preparation materials, you will manage to offset that problem.

Put a Test Preparation Plan in Place

Getting to your current point in your career more than likely involved a great deal of study and examinations. Preparing for the Watson Glaser involves more of the same.

However, there are the added difficulties that you may be working a job while preparing and may have spent some time away from the world of study and tests.

With your test prep pack in hand, it is time to put a preparation plan in place.

Doing this you may find the following tips helpful:

  • Select a place that will be your designated preparation place for test preparation. Ensure it is free from distraction and is a place you can leave when you take a break.
  • Draw up a timetable. Be realistic in this and ensure it is a timetable you can stick with.

Planning how you will use your timetable take into account how we get the best from our brains:

  • The brain works most efficiently when we work in short bursts of time. Limit each span of working to 50 minutes.
  • Breaks work wonders for our mental abilities. Take a 10-minute break after each 50-minute session.
  • Our brains rely on our bodies to enhance our mental powers. Build in adequate rest if possible and good nutrition.

Give structure to your preparation. Nothing interferes with preparation like working without a structure. Especially if you are dealing with the rigours of working a job you do not need to waste your time.

Use Your Sample Questions for Every Test Preparation Session

This ensures your work has a structure but also provides the following benefits:

  • You are working on tests mirrored on the real test leaving you with no surprises on test day
  • With each paper your familiarity with the test increases
  • You can measure your progress from test to test
  • You are learning how to work within the time confines of the test
  • Your scores are indicating the areas that need extra revision and more work

Pitfalls to Avoid

You have probably found during preparation for previous tests there are pitfalls we all fall into. Try to avoid:

  • Allowing your familiarity with material to lull you into a false sense of security. Knowing the material and marrying it to an examination question are very different skills.
  • Taking a half-hearted approach to material you may not like. If you dislike material this is probably the area that needs the most attention. We generally dislike things we find difficult.

pearson watson glaser ii critical thinking assessment

Doing the Watson Glaser Test

The shortness of the test, 40 or so minutes, is one of its challenges. You will have learned through your work on the sample papers that you will be working under intense pressure for those 40 minutes.

It is important that you are well-rested on the day of the test. Doing a late-night study marathon before it will jeopardise your chances of success.

You need to be clear-headed if you are to give the test your optimum.

When you are given sample questions to look at between sections make sure you read them. They are your guide to what is coming next. Working between different types of questions is in itself challenging.

Reading through those questions will help you adjust your brain from one type of questioning to another and capitalize on the work you have done.

If you have been invited to do a Watson Glaser Assessment Congratulations! To help you ace the test you will find the resources you need here.

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Learn about the different types of questions asked in the Watson Glaser assessment with this sample practice test. Good luck!

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Practice a Free Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) & Critical Thinking Sample Questions – 2024

Job Assessment

  • Information
  • Free Questions

Saturated is one of the many words used to describe the current job market. While a greater pool of eligible candidates may sound like a blessing for employers, it has also made the employment process a lot more tedious. Companies have turned to institutions like Pearson Assessments Limited to assist in keeping the process objective by providing additional ways to fairly assess potential employees. The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test has become one of the most popular pre-employment aptitude tests currently used during the hiring process.

What Is the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test?

Critical thinking refers to a person’s ability to observe a scenario and have a clear understanding of that scenario from multiple points of view. The person should be able to separate the facts of the scenario from personal opinions and assumptions. Critical thinking has become an essential skill required by most job roles today. Employers want to know that employees will be able to make logical decisions, only taking into account the facts, without being distracted by his/her own emotions or the emotions of others.

To assess the critical thinking skills of prospective employees organizations have turned to Pearson Assessments, administrators of The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test. The Watson Glaser Test, authored by Goodwin Watson and Edwin Glaser, is a psychometric assessment used as a part of the pre-employment screening process and internal audits at just about all career levels, including and not limited to recent graduates, managers, and high-level executives. Universities in recent times have also utilized the test to assess prospective postgraduate students. The test has been in use in the United States since the 1960s.

The Watson Glaser test was designed using the RED critical thinking model, which was also developed by Pearson. The RED model is based in three key areas that are necessary to be able to think critically.

  • Recognize assumptions – This aspect of critical thinking is about understanding information and considering if it is true based on evidence, rather than take it at face value. This ability keeps an individual from leaping to conclusions on little to no evidence and helps them to recognize when information is missing.
  • Evaluate arguments – This is all about being able to sift through information, and being able to decide which arguments are factual and evidence-based. An individual needs to have the ability to remain objective and use logic.
  • Draw conclusions – This is the ability to use all the information you have been presented with and come to a conclusion. This also necessitates being able to adjust your view in the light of new information.

Types of Questions:

The Watson-Glaser Test has five sections, each of which tests different abilities. The five sections are used to measure the skills needed to be successful in the three key areas presented in the RED critical thinking model.

The sections are outlined below:

  • Inference – In this section, the candidate is presented with a series of facts. Below these facts is an inferred statement, which the candidate needs to assess. The candidate needs to decide whether the statement is true based on the facts outlined in the previous statement.
  • Recognizing Assumptions – The candidate is presented with a statement of facts followed by an assumption. The candidate should then determine if the assumption made is correct based on the facts presented.
  • Deduction – The candidate is presented with a statement of facts, which is followed by a concluding statement. The candidate is expected to determine whether or not the concluding statement follows the statement of facts.
  • Interpretation –The candidate is presented with a paragraph, which is followed by a concluding statement. The candidate is expected to determine whether or not the conclusive statement follows the paragraph without a shadow of a doubt. The answer is either it follows, or it does not follow.
  • Evaluation of Arguments – The candidate is presented with a question which is followed by an argument. It is the candidate’s responsibility to determine how strong the argument is.

The exam adheres to the RED model of evaluating critical thinking (Recognizing assumptions, Evaluating arguments, and Drawing conclusions).  Candidates are therefore assessed based on three key areas, comprehension, analysis, and evaluation.

Employers generally administer the test remotely and often unsupervised, or they may arrange with nearby assessment centers to assist with the process. There are two variations of the exam, an older variant, which consists of 80 questions with a time limit of 60 minutes. The second variation is shorter; the exam has 40 questions with a time limit of 30 minutes. The test is available in English (British and American), French, Dutch, and Spanish making it widely available and widely accepted.

Who Takes the Watson Glaser Critical Appraisal Test?

The test is internationally available and is used by a large number of corporations and educational institutions to assess prospective employees and students. Below is a list of a few organizations, which currently rely on the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test:

How to Pass the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test?

Pearson Assessments Limited believes there is no way to really prepare for the Watson Glaser Test. It is genuinely believed, however, that exposure to the exam material as well as critical thinking concepts will help with any pre-exam anxiety.

Getting a study guide might be a wise idea and they can be found with a simple Google search. Their contents range from general exam tips as well as practice questions and answers. These will help to give you an idea of the nature of the exam. Speaking to persons who have previously sat for the exam is also strongly recommended. These persons might be able to help with the practice questions, point you in the direction of additional resources they may have used to prepare as well as provide some insight about handling your usual pre-exam jitters.

Whether you are seeking a job or looking to move up the employment ladder, there is a strong possibility that you will have to sit for an aptitude test. That being said, it is encouraged that you ensure you are on the winning side of things when the exam is done and dusted. Outline a solid preparation plan and stick to it. You may be next in line for that dream job of yours.

All the best with the job hunt!

Critical Thinking Sample Questions:

For each scenario two different statements are given. Choose the option that relates the statement to the scenario.

Should parents limit the time their child spends watching television at night?

  • Strong Argument
  • Weak Argument


In 2014, New York State had the 4 th lowest ranking of death by firearm in all 50 states.

  • Assumption Made
  • Assumption Not Made


In February 2018 grocery stores sold more canned vegetables than fresh vegetables. Their profits, however, were higher for fresh vegetables.

  • Probably True
  • More Information Required
  • Probably False


Ever since the legalization of marijuana in Washington state in 2012, the cannabis related felony convictions have gone down.

  • Conclusion Follows
  • Conclusion Does Not Follow
  • Strong Argument. The argument made gives a clear disadvantage to the statement and directly relates to it making it a strong argument.
  • Weak Argument. Watching TV does not necessarily preclude one from spending time with their family. The argument is not directly related to the initial statement and is therefore a weak argument.
  • Assumption Made. If NY was rated 4 th lowest than clearly three other states were ranked lower.
  • Answer: Assumption Not Made. The statement does not address gun owners.
  • If more money was made on fresh vegetables, then the profit margins must be greater.
  • Probably True. If the profit margins were greater for fresh vegetables then we know either the fresh vegetables were bought by the grocery store from their supplier for less, were sold to the customers for more, or a combination of the two. In two of these scenarios the fresh vegetables were sold for more money than the canned vegetables making the statement most likely true. The third scenario, buying the fresh vegetables for less, is of course a possibility too and therefore the answer cannot be certain.


  • Conclusion Follows. The statement clearly states that marijuana was legalized in 2012 and this caused convictions to go down. This means any time before 2012 there were more convictions than any time after 2012.
  • Conclusion Does Not Follow. The statement does not discuss the usage of marijuana.

Pearson Assessment

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Assessment Companies

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  • Saville Assessment
  • Thomas International
  • PI Cognitive Assessment (PLI)
  • AON Hewitt G.A.T.E.
  • Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment
  • Profiling for Success (PFS)
  • Predictive Index (PI)
  • NEO Personality Inventory
  • Leadership Assessment
  • Gallup’s CliftonStrengths
  • Sales Personality Tests
  • Personality Management Tests
  • Saville Wave
  • McQuaig Word Survey
  • Bell Leadership Assessment
  • Myers Briggs Personality Test
  • DISC Personality Test
  • Management SJT
  • Supervisory SJT
  • Fire Service SJT
  • Call Center SJT
  • Administrative SJT
  • Customer Service SJT
  • Numerical Reasoning Tests
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Practice a Free Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) & Critical Thinking Sample Questions – 2024

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Saturated is one of the many words used to describe the current job market. While a greater pool of eligible candidates may sound like a blessing for employers, it has also made the employment process a lot more tedious. Companies have turned to institutions like Pearson Assessments Limited to assist in keeping the process objective by providing additional ways to fairly assess potential employees. The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test has become one of the most popular pre-employment aptitude tests currently used during the hiring process.

What Is the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test?

Critical thinking refers to a person’s ability to observe a scenario and have a clear understanding of that scenario from multiple points of view. The person should be able to separate the facts of the scenario from personal opinions and assumptions. Critical thinking has become an essential skill required by most job roles today. Employers want to know that employees will be able to make logical decisions, only taking into account the facts, without being distracted by his/her own emotions or the emotions of others.

To assess the critical thinking skills of prospective employees organisations have turned to Pearson Assessments, administrators of The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test. The Watson Glaser Test, authored by Goodwin Watson and Edwin Glaser, is a psychometric assessment used as a part of the pre-employment screening process and internal audits at just about all career levels, including and not limited to recent graduates, managers, and high-level executives. Universities in recent times have also utilised the test to assess prospective postgraduate students. The test has been in use in the United States since the 1960s.

The Watson Glaser test was designed using the RED critical thinking model, which was also developed by Pearson. The RED model is based in three key areas that are necessary to be able to think critically.

  • Recognize assumptions – This aspect of critical thinking is about understanding information and considering if it is true based on evidence, rather than take it at face value. This ability keeps an individual from leaping to conclusions on little to no evidence and helps them to recognize when information is missing.
  • Evaluate arguments – This is all about being able to sift through information, and being able to decide which arguments are factual and evidence-based. An individual needs to have the ability to remain objective and use logic.
  • Draw conclusions – This is the ability to use all the information you have been presented with and come to a conclusion. This also necessitates being able to adjust your view in the light of new information.

Types of Questions:

The Watson-Glaser Test has five sections, each of which tests different abilities. The five sections are used to measure the skills needed to be successful in the three key areas presented in the RED critical thinking model.

The sections are outlined below:

  • Inference – In this section, the candidate is presented with a series of facts. Below these facts is an inferred statement, which the candidate needs to assess. The candidate needs to decide whether the statement is true based on the facts outlined in the previous statement.
  • Recognising Assumptions – The candidate is presented with a statement of facts followed by an assumption. The candidate should then determine if the assumption made is correct based on the facts presented.
  • Deduction – The candidate is presented with a statement of facts, which is followed by a concluding statement. The candidate is expected to determine whether or not the concluding statement follows the statement of facts.
  • Interpretation –The candidate is presented with a paragraph, which is followed by a concluding statement. The candidate is expected to determine whether or not the conclusive statement follows the paragraph without a shadow of a doubt. The answer is either it follows, or it does not follow.
  • Evaluation of Arguments – The candidate is presented with a question which is followed by an argument. It is the candidate’s responsibility to determine how strong the argument is.

The exam adheres to the RED model of evaluating critical thinking (Recognising assumptions, Evaluating arguments, and Drawing conclusions).  Candidates are therefore assessed based on three key areas, comprehension, analysis, and evaluation.

Employers generally administer the test remotely and often unsupervised, or they may arrange with nearby assessment centres to assist with the process. There are two variations of the exam, an older variant, which consists of 80 questions with a time limit of 60 minutes. The second variation is shorter; the exam has 40 questions with a time limit of 30 minutes. The test is available in English (British and American), French, Dutch, and Spanish making it widely available and widely accepted.

Who Takes the Watson Glaser Critical Appraisal Test?

The test is internationally available and is used by a large number of corporations and educational institutions to assess prospective employees and students. Below is a list of a few organisations , which currently rely on the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test:

How to Pass the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test?

Pearson Assessments Limited believes there is no way to really prepare for the Watson Glaser Test. It is genuinely believed, however, that exposure to the exam material as well as critical thinking concepts will help with any pre-exam anxiety.

Getting a study guide might be a wise idea and they can be found with a simple Google search. Their contents range from general exam tips as well as practice questions and answers. These will help to give you an idea of the nature of the exam. Speaking to persons who have previously sat for the exam is also strongly recommended. These persons might be able to help with the practice questions, point you in the direction of additional resources they may have used to prepare as well as provide some insight about handling your usual pre-exam jitters.

Whether you are seeking a job or looking to move up the employment ladder, there is a strong possibility that you will have to sit for an aptitude test. That being said, it is encouraged that you ensure you are on the winning side of things when the exam is done and dusted. Outline a solid preparation plan and stick to it. You may be next in line for that dream job of yours.

All the best with the job hunt!

Critical Thinking Sample Questions:

For each scenario two different statements are given. Choose the option that relates the statement to the scenario.

Should parents limit the time their child spends watching television at night?

  • Strong Argument
  • Weak Argument


In 2014, New York State had the 4 th lowest ranking of death by firearm in all 50 states.

  • Assumption Made
  • Assumption Not Made


In February 2018 grocery stores sold more canned vegetables than fresh vegetables. Their profits, however, were higher for fresh vegetables.

  • Probably True
  • More Information Required
  • Probably False


Ever since the legalisation of marijuana in Washington state in 2012, the cannabis related felony convictions have gone down.

  • Conclusion Follows
  • Conclusion Does Not Follow
  • Strong Argument. The argument made gives a clear disadvantage to the statement and directly relates to it making it a strong argument.
  • Weak Argument. Watching TV does not necessarily preclude one from spending time with their family. The argument is not directly related to the initial statement and is therefore a weak argument.
  • Assumption Made. If NY was rated 4 th lowest than clearly three other states were ranked lower.
  • Answer: Assumption Not Made. The statement does not address gun owners.
  • If more money was made on fresh vegetables, then the profit margins must be greater.
  • Probably True. If the profit margins were greater for fresh vegetables then we know either the fresh vegetables were bought by the grocery store from their supplier for less, were sold to the customers for more, or a combination of the two. In two of these scenarios the fresh vegetables were sold for more money than the canned vegetables making the statement most likely true. The third scenario, buying the fresh vegetables for less, is of course a possibility too and therefore the answer cannot be certain.


  • Conclusion Follows. The statement clearly states that marijuana was legalised in 2012 and this caused convictions to go down. This means any time before 2012 there were more convictions than any time after 2012.
  • Conclusion Does Not Follow. The statement does not discuss the usage of marijuana.

Pearson Assessment

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  1. The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test: 2024 Guide

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  2. Watson-Glaser Assessments: Guidelines & Practice Examples

    The Watson Glaser Assessment (Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal) is designed by Pearson Talentlens - a part of the famous Pearson education publishing house. The assessment is a quick, consistent, and accurate measurement of the test-takers ability to analyze, reason, interpret and draw logical conclusions from written information.

  3. Free Watson Glaser Practice Test and a 2024 Prep Guide

    The Watson Glaser II Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA II) forms D & E and Watson Glaser III (WG III). While both versions of the test measure the same type of skills, there are some differences. ... The Watson-Glaser test is owned and published by Pearson, one of the largest educational organizations in the world. It is part of the Pearson ...

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    WATSON-GLASER III AT A GLANCE. Measures the ability of Recognize Assumptions, Evaluate Arguments, and Draw Logical Conclusions. Large item bank of business-relevant items suitable for International use. Online or paper-based administration system. Administered with a 30-minute time limit.

  5. PDF Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

    support, in order to develop their critical thinking skills. Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal — Efficacy Report Summary Critical thinking is essential for success in education and the workplace. Mentions of critical thinking as a requirement in job postings in the United States more than doubled between 2009 and 2014.

  6. Watson Glaser Test

    The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is a timed online test. Applicants are allowed a maximum of 30 minutes to complete the test. Along with test instructions and untimed practice questions, the total time to administer may be up to 40 minutes. The critical thinking test comprises of 40 items (questions) that include a new bank of ...

  7. Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

    Researching Watson-Glaser. We assembled evidence from a range of sources to support the validity, reliability, and fairness of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal in assessing critical thinking ability. The above finding about the test's ability to predict likely course success is based on one study with a group of business school ...


    The Watson-Glaser™ II Critical Thinking Appraisal is the leading critical thinking test used to assess and develop decision making skills and judgment. Thousands of organizations and schools use Watson-Glaser to hire great managers, develop high-potential employees, and admit students into challenging programs. Sample report.

  9. Test reviews: Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal.

    Reviews the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal measure by G. Watson and E. M. Glaser (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1964). This test, formerly known as the Watson-Glaser Tests of Critical Thinking, has just recently been revised and published in two new equivalent forms, YM and ZM. It was designed by the authors to determine "the relative levels of various aspects of the ...

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    critical thinking ability. Watson-Glaser II continues to be available as a supervised, paper-and-pencil alternative. The Watson-Glaser II has good psychometric equivalence to the Watson-Glaser III. Though the Watson-Glaser II can be administered online, it is a fixed-form test and must always be supervised to maintain test security.

  12. PDF Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal III (WG-III)

    A critical segment of Pearson's portfolio is its Assessment business. This report on the ... Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is part of our ongoing commitment to communicate about our impact in a transparent way for our assessment offerings. Watson-Glaser measures a person's critical thinking skills -- their ability to question ...

  13. How the R.E.D Model Can Make You a Better Leader (and Thinker)

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  14. Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Free Practice Tests

    Note: AssessmentDay and its products are not affiliated with Pearson or TalentLens. Our practice tests are for candidates to prepare for the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal; we do not sell tests for employers to select candidates. ... The latest edition of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test has improved its validity, appealed ...

  15. What is the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test? An Overview

    The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is an important tool for measuring a person's critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is an essential skill for success in many fields, including business, law, and education. The test assesses a person's ability to think critically, analyze information, and draw logical conclusions.

  16. PDF Watson

    In this test, each exercise begins with a statement of facts that you are to regard as true. After each statement of facts you will find several possible inferences i.e., conclusions that some persons might draw from the stated facts. Examine each inference separately, and make a decision as to its degree of truth or falsity.

  17. PDF Watson-Glaser™ II Critical Thinking Appraisal Profile Report

    The Watson-GlaserTM II Critical Thinking Appraisal is designed to measure select skills and abilities involved in critical thinking. These include: Recognize Assumptions — Assumptions are statements that are assumed to be true in the absence of proof. Identifying them helps reveal information gaps and enrich perspectives on an issue.

  18. Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

    Researching Watson-Glaser. We assembled evidence from a range of sources to support the validity, reliability, and fairness of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal in assessing critical thinking ability. The above finding about the test's ability to predict likely course success is based on one study with a group of business school ...

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    The W-GCTA is divided into five sections, all of which measure different aspects of critical thinking and logical reasoning. The test can come in two forms: 40 questions with a 30 minute time, or 80 questions with a 60 minute or one hour time limit. The Watson Glaser 111 is a 30-minute test, where questions are split into the following sections ...

  20. Free Watson Glaser & Critical Thinking Practice

    The test has been in use in the United States since the 1960s. The Watson Glaser test was designed using the RED critical thinking model, which was also developed by Pearson. The RED model is based in three key areas that are necessary to be able to think critically. Recognize assumptions - This aspect of critical thinking is about ...

  21. Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

    We assembled evidence from a range of sources to support the validity, reliability, and fairness of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal in assessing critical thinking ability. The above finding about the test's ability to predict likely course success is based on one study with a group of business school students and another with ...

  22. Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

    Researching Watson-Glaser. We assembled evidence from a range of sources to support the validity, reliability, and fairness of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal in assessing critical thinking ability. The above finding about the test's ability to predict likely course success is based on one study with a group of business school ...

  23. Free Watson Glaser & Critical Thinking Practice

    The test has been in use in the United States since the 1960s. The Watson Glaser test was designed using the RED critical thinking model, which was also developed by Pearson. The RED model is based in three key areas that are necessary to be able to think critically. Recognize assumptions - This aspect of critical thinking is about ...