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How to Write a Successful Coffee Shop Business Plan (with Template)

  • By Tam Nguyen

coffee shop business plan

Table of Contents

Dreaming of opening a coffee shop? You’re not alone. The coffee industry is bustling with passionate business owners eager to make their mark. However, becoming successful coffee shop owners requires more than just a love for the brew. It demands a clear vision that differentiates your coffee house in a saturated market. A well-crafted business plan not only gives life to your idea but also sets your business on a path to thrive. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned entrepreneur, this guide, complete with a free template, will help you craft a business plan that markets and propels your coffee venture to success.

What is A Coffee Shop Business Plan?  

A coffee shop business plan is a comprehensive document that explains what your business idea is, how you intend to penetrate the coffee market, and the strategies you’ll employ to run your coffee shop successfully. When opening a cafe, many aspiring cafe or coffee shop owners underestimate the value of a structured plan. However, this document does more than just outline the needs to open a coffee shop; it gives a detailed roadmap for your new business, offering clarity on every aspect of its operation.

More than that, presenting a well-structured business plan to potential investors is essential. It not only showcases your commitment but also your understanding of the industry, making it a vital tool for securing funding. While crafting a business plan can seem daunting initially, it’s the foundation that both clarifies your idea and sets your business on the trajectory for growth and success in the competitive world of cafes and coffee shops.

Why A Business Plan Is Important For A Successful Coffee Shop Business?

1. Clear Vision and Objectives

When you set up your coffee shop, having a business plan establishes a clear vision and defines your objectives. It is the backbone that steers every decision you’ll make. Without a clear outline, you may find yourself swaying from one idea to the next. With a detailed business plan, you can present a clear business proposal to stakeholders, ensuring them and yourself of the path you plan to tread.

2. Financial Planning

A comprehensive business plan is imperative for accurate financial planning. It will include information on how much capital is required to start, what your ongoing costs will be, and the revenues you plan to generate. If you’re seeking external funding, investors will want to see how you plan to use their money, and most importantly, how you plan to make a return on that investment. If you plan to sell specialty blends or unique treats, the financial section can also help you plan a strategy for pricing, promotion, and sales forecasts.

3. Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency is the linchpin that holds all business operations together. A business plan will map out every detail, from supplier agreements to employee schedules. You may want to create special events or loyalty programs for regular customers, and this is where a business plan can help you plan a strategy for success. It becomes the reference point, ensuring that daily tasks align with the broader objectives, guaranteeing that resources, time, and efforts are used optimally.

Step-by-step Guide To Write A  Coffee Shop Business Plan

1. Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is like the introduction of a novel – it provides a snapshot of what is to come. Typically, you write the executive summary last, even though it appears first in your business plan. It encapsulates the essence of your coffee shop’s mission, objectives, and financial overview, succinctly explaining what your business concept is about. This section is crucial because many coffee shops fail to engage potential investors right off the bat. Ideally, it should be concise – a page or two.

What should you cover in an Executive Summary?

  • Introduce Your Coffee Shop or Cafe: Provide a company overview, giving readers insight into what makes your coffee shop unique from the myriad of coffee bars in the market.
  • State Your Mission and Vision: Describe what drives your coffee business and where you see it in the future.
  • Outline Your Objective: Define clear, measurable goals that you aim to achieve.
  • Provide a Financial Overview: Highlight projected profit margins, a brief balance sheet, and other pertinent financial data.

2. Coffee Shop Business Description

This section paints a picture of your coffee shop. It’s where you elaborate on how you plan to infuse the local coffee market with your unique brews and pastries.

What should you cover in the Coffee Shop Description section?

  • Coffee Shop Concept: Dive into the types of coffee drinks you plan to offer, whether it’s a rich espresso or a classic brewed coffee.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Discuss what makes your coffee shop stand out, be it a special blend of coffee beans, a unique roasting method using a specific coffee roaster, or artisanal pastry offerings.
  • Operational Plan: Briefly touch upon how you’ll manage your coffee shop, from sourcing beans to serving cups of coffee.

3. Market Analysis

Before pouring your first espresso, performing market research before starting your coffee business is essential. This section dives deep into understanding your potential customer base and the coffee industry landscape in your area.

What should you cover in this section?

  • Target Market: Describe your ideal customer. Are they local residents, office workers, or students?
  • Location: Discuss the significance of your chosen location. Are there many coffee shops in the area? How does your location cater to your target market?
  • Competition: Analyze existing coffee shops. What coffee and food products do they offer? What pricing strategy do they employ? How will your coffee shop compete or complement them?

4. Organization and Management

Behind every successful coffee shop is a robust organizational structure and a competent management team.

What should you cover in the Organization and Management Plan?

  • Coffee Shop Ownership Information: Highlight the business’s legal structure.
  • Profiles of Your Coffee Shop Management Team: Include details about your baristas, perhaps a part-time accountant, and someone to manage marketing. It can be helpful to create profiles for each role, detailing responsibilities and expertise.

5. Sample Menu

Your menu is the heart of your coffee shop. It’s more than just a list of coffee and tea; it’s an expression of your brand.

What should you consider when creating a Sample Menu?

  • Menu Items: Detail the types of coffee, espresso drinks, and pastries you plan to offer. Maybe consider including non-coffee items like teas or specialty drinks.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Reiterate what makes your coffee or food items different from other coffee shops in the area.
  • Menu Pricing : Discuss your pricing strategy, keeping in mind profit margin, competitors’ prices, and your target customer base.

6. Marketing Plan

To brew success, it’s not enough to have a fantastic coffee product; you must effectively market it.

What should you cover in a Marketing Strategy for your Coffee Shop Business?

  • Define Your Brand: What voice, theme, or emotion do you want your coffee shop to evoke?
  • Lay out your plans for social media campaigns, local partnerships, loyalty programs, SEO for website, and other promotional strategies.
  • Considering using an  online food ordering system  in your food truck
  • Create a  digital menu with QR code  to make your menu easy for your customers to access online

7. Operations Plan

Efficiency is key to the daily grind of running a cafe. The operations section provides a detailed look at the day-to-day operations of your coffee shop business. 

What Operational Issues should you address in your Business Plan?

  • Supply Chain: Where will you buy your coffee beans? Who will be your coffee roaster?
  • Operating Hours: Consider the best times to cater to your target market.
  • Staffing: Detail roles, such as barista, manager, and part-time support.
  • Equipment: List down essential equipment, from espresso machines to ovens.

8. Financial Plan

In this crucial section of your business plan, delving into the financial specifics is paramount to lay out a concrete roadmap for the fiscal aspects of your coffee shop.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Coffee Shop?

Starting a coffee shop is not just about brewing the perfect espresso; it’s also a substantial financial commitment. The cost for opening a coffee shop can range from $80,000 to $250,000. These costs can vary widely based on factors such as location, size of the establishment, equipment quality, and inventory requirements. Moreover, the process of opening a coffee shop might also involve unexpected expenditures, so it’s essential to account for some buffer in your budget.

How Many Ways to Fund Your Coffee Shop?

There are multiple avenues for funding your coffee venture. Traditional bank loans, personal savings, angel investors, crowdfunding campaigns, and partnerships are just a few options. It’s crucial to assess which option aligns best with your business vision and financial situation.

Important Questions to Consider When You Create Your Funding Request If you’re seeking funding, there are several questions you’ll need to answer in your business plan:

  • How much money do you need to start and maintain your coffee shop until it becomes profitable?
  • What will the funds be used for specifically?
  • How do you plan to handle financial challenges that might arise?
  • How do you plan to repay any loans or provide a return on investment?

9. Financial Projections

The financial projections section of your business plan forces you to translate your coffee shop vision into numbers, ensuring you’ve accounted for all key metrics that can make or break your venture.

Break-even analysis:

This is the point where your coffee shop’s total revenues equal its total costs. Simply put, it’s when you neither make a profit nor a loss from selling coffee. 

Use this formula:  Fixed Costs / (Price – Variable Costs) = Break Even Point

Projected profit and loss statement:

This will provide a forecast of your expected income and expenses, giving a clear view of your venture’s profitability.

Cash flow analysis:

Essential for understanding the liquidity of your business, this tool is especially crucial for coffee shops, considering the fluctuating expenses and incomes coffee shops offer. When drafting this, consider who will read it, as stakeholders like investors or lenders might have specific expectations.

Coffee Shop Business Plan Template 

  • Mission: To offer the community high-quality coffee in a comfortable and vibrant environment.
  • Vision: To become the go-to local coffee spot that fosters community connections and coffee appreciation.
  • Coffee Shop Description: “Java Junction” will be a modern coffee hub that emphasizes direct-trade coffee beans and a relaxed, inclusive atmosphere.
  • Costs: Estimated initial costs are $125,000.
  • Profits: Projected annual profit by year two is $75,000.

2. Description of the Coffee Shop

  • Coffee Shop Concept: A community-focused café emphasizing artisanal methods.
  • Coffee Shop Name: Java Junction
  • Coffee Shop Type: Sit-down café with an adjacent mini-library.
  • Location: Main Street, Downtown Area – chosen for its high foot traffic.
  • Order Fulfillment: Orders taken at the counter with table service for food.
  • Working Hours: Mon-Fri (7 am – 9 pm), Sat-Sun (8 am – 10 pm).

3. Menu Offer

  • Type of Food and Drink: Coffee, teas, pastries, and sandwiches.
  • Offer: From classic espresso shots to unique blends like “Lavender Latte”.
  • Unique Selling Point: Every coffee product uses direct-trade beans, ensuring farmer fairness.

4. Market and Competition Analysis

  • Market Analysis: The local population includes a mix of professionals, students, and tourists. Many search for quiet spots to work or relax.
  • Target Customer: Professionals aged 25-40 and students.
  • Size of the Target Customer: Approximately 15,000 individuals.
  • Competition Analysis: Three established coffee shops within a mile.
  • Size of the Competition: Ranging from small boutique coffee shops to a larger chain.
  • Competitors’ Offer: Basic coffee drinks, with limited specialty items.
  • Competitors’ Prices: Average of $4 for a coffee drink.

5. Investment Plan (Detailed Cost Analysis)

Investment Cost (One-off): $75,000

  • Equipment: $30,000
  • Renovations: $20,000
  • Initial Stock: $10,000
  • Licenses: $5,000
  • Miscellaneous: $10,000

Operating Costs (Monthly): $17,000

  • Rent: $3,000
  • Salaries: $10,000
  • Utilities: $1,000
  • Stock: $2,000
  • Marketing: $1,000

6. Financial Forecast

Year one is projected to break even, with a profit of $50,000 expected in year two, and $75,000 in year three, considering growth and expanding customer base.

  • Owner: Jamie Smith, a coffee enthusiast with a business degree.
  • Manager: Alex Brown, previously managed a successful coffee chain for five years.
  • Baristas: A team of 4 skilled individuals passionate about coffee.

8. Marketing Plan

Java Junction will use a mix of social media marketing, local print advertising, and loyalty programs to attract and retain customers. Regular events, such as “Buy Our Coffee Day” and collaboration with local businesses, will drive foot traffic and community engagement, integral components for starting your coffee shop and making it successful.

This coffee shop business plan sample is hypothetical and serves as a template. Tailoring specifics to your local market, vision, and unique aspects will be necessary. Every coffee shop has nuances that can make them successful, whether it be the coffee products they sell, the environment they cultivate, or the events they host. Focus on what will make your coffee shop stand out and be sure to engage your community.

Tips For Writing a Business Plan For a Coffee Shop

Your business plan becomes the blueprint of your vision. Here are essential tips to consider:

Comprehensiveness is Key: Ensure your plan encompasses all sections you should include, such as marketing, financial projections, and operations. A well-rounded plan provides a holistic view of your business.

Tailor to Your Audience: If you’re presenting to potential investors, focus on profitability and growth projections. For a landlord, emphasize the benefits your coffee shop will bring to their property.

Specialize in Marketing: Given the competitiveness in the coffee industry, it’s crucial to have a solid marketing plan. If marketing isn’t your strength, consider hiring someone to do marketing for your venture. A strong online presence, loyalty programs, and community engagement can set you apart.

Research Your Market: Understand what nearby coffee shops include in their offerings. Identify gaps in the market and strategize on how your shop can fill them.

Stay Flexible: While a business plan provides direction, remain adaptable. The coffee industry is dynamic, and your ability to pivot can prove invaluable.

Separate Sections for Clarity: If your plan becomes too dense, you might want to create a separate document for specific sections like a detailed marketing strategy or an in-depth market analysis. This makes your primary business plan concise and more readable.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how profitable is owning a coffee shop.

Owning a coffee shop can be profitable, depending on factors like location, quality of products, and management. On average, after expenses, many coffee shops report a profit margin of around 3% to 5%, with some successful ones achieving even higher. However, it’s essential to factor in initial setup costs, ongoing expenses, and market competition.

2. How do I start a coffee shop business plan?

Starting a coffee shop business plan involves multiple steps. Begin by defining your coffee shop’s mission and vision. Conduct market research to understand your target audience and competitors. Then, detail out sections like your product offerings, pricing strategy, marketing plan, financial projections, and operational procedures. If you’re thinking of opening a coffee shop, a well-thought-out business plan is indispensable.

3. What is a business plan for a coffee shop?

A coffee shop business plan is a detailed document that outlines your coffee shop’s objectives, strategies, and operational procedures. It acts as a roadmap, guiding you from the startup phase to establishing a thriving business. Moreover, if you need a coffee shop business loan or investment, this plan becomes crucial in convincing stakeholders of your venture’s viability.

4. What are the 4Ps in a coffee shop business plan?

The 4Ps stand for Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. In the context of a coffee shop:

  • Product: What type of coffee and related products will you offer?
  • Price: How will you price your coffee? Will it be premium or competitive?
  • Place: Where will your coffee shop be located? Is it accessible to your target audience?
  • Promotion: How will you market your coffee shop? Will you offer promotions or loyalty programs?

These elements help in creating a marketing strategy tailored to your coffee shop’s unique needs and market position.

Launching a coffee shop is not just about brewing the perfect cup but weaving a narrative that resonates with your community, fostering an ambiance that people gravitate towards, and maintaining a seamless operation that drives profitability. The meticulous creation of a business plan is a pivotal step in this endeavor. It’s the beacon that guides budding entrepreneurs through the complexities of the coffee industry. In such a competitive marketplace, a well-structured, comprehensive business plan can make the difference between a fleeting venture and a thriving institution. To potential coffee shop owners, embrace the process, let your passion shine through in your plan, and remember that every great coffee shop started with a simple idea, much like a single coffee bean ready to brew greatness.

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How to write a coffee shop business plan

  • Nirit Braun
  • Oct 30, 2023
  • 12 min read

How to create a coffee shop business plan

A coffee shop business plan is a detailed and strategic document outlining the essential aspects of starting and operating a coffee-focused business. It encompasses a comprehensive analysis of the business's goals, target audience, competitive landscape, marketing strategies, financial projections, operational procedures and more. This plan acts as a roadmap that guides entrepreneurs through the various stages of establishing and running their coffee shop, providing clear direction and a solid foundation for success.

When starting a business, especially in the competitive and dynamic realm of the coffee industry, creating a comprehensive and clear business plan is of paramount importance.

Ready to get your business brewing? Take Wix’s website builder for a whirl.

Top benefits of creating a coffee shop business plan

A well-crafted business plan helps entrepreneurs articulate their business goals, whether it's about offering unique coffee blends, creating a cozy ambiance or supporting sustainable sourcing practices. At the same time, a business plan requires entrepreneurs to identify and understand their target audience. This insight helps tailor marketing strategies, menu offerings and the overall customer experience to meet the specific preferences and needs of the intended customers.

Here's an overview of some key advantages to creating a coffee shop business plan:

Attracting investors and funding: A well-structured business plan acts as a persuasive tool when seeking investors or raising money for your business . It showcases your thorough understanding of the coffee industry, market trends and your strategies for success. This level of preparedness increases your credibility and instills confidence in potential investors, making them more likely to support your coffee shop venture.

Clear resource requirements: Writing a business plan prompts you to identify the specific resources, supplies and staff necessary to launch and operate your coffee shop. This includes everything from coffee beans and brewing equipment to furniture and interior decor.

Strategic financial planning: A comprehensive business plan outlines your financial projections, startup costs, operating expenses and revenue forecasts. This level of financial planning helps you determine how much funding you need to start a business . It also guides you in setting prices, managing cash flow and assessing profitability.

Market understanding and differentiation: Through market research and analysis, a business plan allows you to understand your target audience's preferences, behaviors and expectations. This knowledge helps you tailor your coffee shop's offerings, ambiance and marketing strategies to effectively attract and retain customers.

Risk mitigation: The process of creating a business plan prompts you to identify potential risks and challenges that your coffee shop might face. By acknowledging and addressing these risks early on, you can develop contingency plans and strategies to mitigate their impact.

Operational efficiency: A business plan outlines the operational processes required to run your coffee shop smoothly. It includes staffing plans, inventory management strategies and quality control measures. By establishing efficient procedures from the outset, you can minimize wastage, optimize resource allocation and ensure consistent customer satisfaction.

Goal setting and tracking: Your business plan serves as a benchmark against which you can measure your coffee shop's performance over time. By setting clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs), you can track your progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on course toward achieving your objectives.

How to create a coffee shop business plan in 6 steps

Now we’ll walk through the six essential steps for crafting a coffee shop business plan tailored to your company's unique needs.

Executive summary

Business and domain names

Market analysis and research

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising plan

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

Your executive summary is a concise and compelling overview of your coffee shop business plan. It encapsulates the key elements of your plan and provides a snapshot of your business concept, strategies and financial projections. While appearing at the start of the business plan, it's often written last, as it draws from the content of the entire document.

A clear executive summary for a coffee shop business should include:

The essence of your coffee shop: What makes it unique? What kind of experience will customers have when visiting your establishment?

Market potential and your target audience: Explain why your coffee shop is well-positioned to capture this opportunity.

Competitor landscape: Identify what sets your coffee shop apart from the competition. This could be your specialty coffee blends, unique ambiance, sustainable practices or exceptional customer service.

Example executive summary for a coffee shop: "Bean Haven Coffee is a meticulously crafted coffee shop that aims to provide not just beverages, but an immersive coffee experience. We pride ourselves on our curated selection of ethically sourced beans, offering customers the finest hand-crafted brews in a cozy, rustic ambiance. Our competitive edge lies in our commitment to sustainability, from our bean-sourcing practices to our eco-friendly packaging. With a strong emphasis on community engagement and partnerships with local artists, we are set to become a cultural hub that brings people together over a shared love for exceptional coffee. Through strategic marketing campaigns, leveraging social media and collaborating with nearby businesses, we aim to establish Bean Haven Coffee as the go-to destination for coffee enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Our projected financials indicate that we will reach profitability within the first 18 months of operation. We seek funding to cover initial startup costs and our business model is designed to achieve sustainable growth and profitability."

02. Company and domain names

Knowing how to name a business is crucial for a coffee shop venture and a key step before you register your business . A strong and memorable name can resonate with customers and differentiate your coffee shop from competitors. Use descriptive words that reflect your coffee shop's essence, whether it's about taste, ambiance or values.

Utilizing a business name generator like the one from Wix can provide inspiration and spark creativity. Play with different combinations of words and ideas until you find a name that feels right. Once you've settled on a name, check its availability for domain registration. A domain name that matches your company name is essential for an effective online presence.

When choosing a domain name consider the following best practices:

Ensure that the domain name reflects your coffee shop's identity and offerings

Choose a name that is easy to spell and remember

Opt for a timeless name that won't become outdated quickly

If possible, include relevant keywords in the domain to improve search engine visibility

Steer clear of names that are easily confused with competitors or other brands

03. Market analysis and research

With more than 38,000 coffee shops in the U.S. alone, there are plenty of competitors to analyze. Including a comprehensive market analysis in your business plan is essential for understanding the competitive landscape and formulating effective strategies. Research your local coffee market, identify existing competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Determine your target audience's preferences, behaviors and demographics to tailor your offerings and marketing campaigns accordingly.

A well-rounded market analysis can guide your business strategy, helping you position your coffee shop effectively, develop compelling value propositions and devise strategies to capture your desired market share.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan is a crucial section of your coffee shop business plan. It outlines the practical aspects of running your coffee shop. Use it to describe your chosen location and its significance for foot traffic, accessibility and target audience reach.

Then, take the opportunity to detail the interior design, layout and ambiance of your coffee shop to create a welcoming atmosphere. Next be sure to list the equipment needed for brewing, food preparation and service. Ensure it aligns with your menu and production capacity. Finally define the roles and responsibilities of your staff, from baristas to managers, and outline their qualifications and training needs.

05. Marketing and advertising strategies

The marketing and advertising portion of your business plan outlines your strategies for promoting your coffee shop and attracting customers. Depending on your target audience and brand positioning for this type of business , consider a mix of traditional and digital marketing methods. This means using social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to showcase your coffee creations, engage with customers and share your coffee shop's story. Collaborate with influencers, local organizations or other businesses to expand your reach and tap into new customer segments.

Additionally, you can choose to participate in community events, farmers' markets and collaborations with other local businesses to increase your visibility. Also consider implementing loyalty programs that reward repeat customers and incentivize them to visit regularly.

You’ll need to develop a suite of brand assets to use in your marketing as well, starting with a company logo. You can use a free logo maker to get a professional design in minutes.

Learn more: How to make a website

06. Financial plan

The cost to start a coffee shop business can range from $50,000 for a mobile operation to over $400,000 for a brick-and-mortar location with booth seating and a drive-thru. This hefty expense is just another reason why a financial plan is so important.

The financial plan is the backbone of your coffee shop business plan. It outlines your startup costs, operating expenses, revenue projections and funding strategy. Investors and lenders will closely scrutinize this section to assess the viability of your coffee shop venture, so remember to do the following:

Detail the initial investment required for equipment, interior design, licenses and permits

Estimate ongoing costs such as rent, utilities, supplies and salaries

Provide realistic revenue forecasts based on your expected capacity and customer traffic

Specify how you plan to secure funding

Highlight when you anticipate reaching profitability and generating positive cash flow

By meticulously planning your finances, you demonstrate a solid understanding of the financial aspects of your coffee shop business and showcase its potential for success.

steps to developing a business plan

Coffee shop business plan examples

Below we’ve put together business plan templates for two hypothetical coffee shop businesses, including all the sections discussed in our previous how-to steps.

Coffee shop business plan template 1: Coffee Haven Café

Coffee Haven Café is a charming coffee shop dedicated to delivering a premium coffee experience in a cozy and inviting setting. Our unique blends, ethically sourced beans and commitment to sustainability set us apart in a competitive market. By fostering community engagement and partnering with local artists, we aim to become a cultural hub that brings people together over exceptional coffee. Through strategic marketing efforts and a strong online presence, we project profitability within 18 months.

Company and domain name

Company name: Coffee Haven Café

Domain name: www.coffeehavencafe.com

Our marketing analysis revealed a growing demand for specialty coffee in our target location. We've identified key competitors and highlighted their strengths and weaknesses. Our target audience consists of young professionals and students who value quality and ambiance. By understanding these dynamics, we can tailor our offerings and marketing strategies effectively.

Location: Centrally located in a busy commercial area with high foot traffic

Premises: Rustic and inviting interior design that promotes relaxation and conversation

Equipment: High-quality espresso machines, grinders, brewing equipment and display cases for baked goods

Staffing: Experienced baristas, friendly waitstaff and a dedicated manager to oversee operations

Social media: Engage customers through Instagram, Facebook and X with enticing coffee shots and behind-the-scenes content

Local events: Participate in local festivals, art exhibitions and collaborate with nearby businesses for cross-promotions

Content marketing: Regular blog posts on coffee trends, brewing tips and spotlight features on local artists

Loyalty programs: Offer a loyalty card program with rewards for frequent visitors

Partnerships: Collaborate with nearby bookstores for reading sessions and local influencers for social media endorsements

Startup costs: $70,000 for equipment, furnishings, licenses and initial inventory

Operating expenses: Estimated monthly costs of $12,000 covering rent, utilities, supplies and staff salaries

Revenue projections: Projected revenue of $300,000 in the first year, growing to $450,000 in the second year

Funding strategy: Initial funding from personal savings and a small business loan from a local bank

Profitability timeline: Aim to achieve profitability within 18 months of operation

Coffee shop business plan template 2: Brew & Gather Coffee House

Brew & Gather Coffee House is a community-focused coffee shop aiming to create a warm and inclusive space for coffee enthusiasts. Our commitment to locally sourced ingredients and artisanal brewing techniques sets us apart. By fostering partnerships with neighboring businesses and hosting regular events, we aim to become a staple in the neighborhood. Our projected financials indicate profitability within the first two years.

Company name: Brew & Gather Coffee House

Domain name: www.brewandgathercoffee.com

Through extensive market research, we've identified an opportunity to serve a diverse community seeking an authentic and welcoming coffee experience. We've assessed competitors' offerings and identified an untapped niche. Understanding our target audience's preferences and values will guide our menu and marketing strategies.

Location: Situated near a local park, providing an oasis for relaxation and community gatherings

Premises: Modern yet cozy interior design with flexible seating arrangements to accommodate groups and individuals

Equipment: State-of-the-art espresso machines, pour-over stations and an open bakery display

Staffing: A blend of skilled baristas, friendly hosts and a community engagement coordinator

Social media: Utilize Instagram and TikTok to showcase brewing techniques, share customer stories and host virtual coffee-tasting sessions.

Local events: Host open mic nights, book clubs and workshops to engage the community.

Content marketing: Publish a monthly newsletter featuring coffee culture insights, staff spotlights and local partnerships.

Loyalty programs: Introduce a tiered membership program offering exclusive discounts and early access to events.

Partnerships: Collaborate with local farmers, artisans and musicians to create a truly immersive community experience.

Startup costs: $100,000 for leasehold improvements, equipment, permits and initial inventory

Operating expenses: Projected monthly expenses of $15,000, covering rent, utilities, wages and supplies

Revenue projections: Anticipate revenue of $350,000 in the first year, with a 15% increase in the second year

Funding strategy: Initial investment from personal savings and a crowdfunding campaign targeting the local community

Profitability timeline: Aim to reach profitability within the first two years of operation

How profitable is a coffee shop?

The profitability of a coffee shop can vary depending on a number of factors, including location, business model and marketing strategy. However, in general, coffee shops can be quite profitable.

According to a report by IBISWorld, the average profit margin for coffee shops is 8.33%. This means that for every $100 in revenue, coffee shops generate $8.33 in profit.

Some coffee shops are even more profitable. For example, coffee shops located in high-traffic areas, such as airports and office buildings, can generate profit margins of up to 15%. And coffee shops that sell specialty coffee drinks and food items can also generate higher profit margins.

Here are some tips for increasing the profitability of your coffee shop:

Choose a good location. A good location is essential for success. Look for a location that is convenient for potential customers and has high visibility.

Offer a unique selling proposition. What makes your coffee shop different from others? What can you offer that your competitors cannot?

Provide excellent customer service. This is essential for building a loyal customer base. Make sure your staff is friendly and knowledgeable, and that they are always willing to go the extra mile for your customers.

Market your coffee shop effectively. Let potential customers know about your coffee shop and the unique offerings you have. You can do this through online marketing, social media and word-of-mouth.

Control your costs. Coffee shops have high costs, so it's important to control your costs as much as possible. This means negotiating good deals with your suppliers, managing your inventory carefully and keeping your labor costs under control.

Why do coffee shops fail?

There are a number of reasons why coffee shops fail. Some of the most common reasons include:

Poor location: A coffee shop in a bad location won't attract enough customers to be successful. Coffee shops need to be located in areas with high foot traffic, such as near office buildings, universities and parks.

High overhead costs: Coffee shops have high overhead costs, such as rent, utilities and labor. If a coffee shop can't generate enough revenue to cover its overhead costs, it will eventually fail.

Poor management: Poor management can lead to a number of problems, such as low customer satisfaction, high employee turnover and financial difficulties. Coffee shop owners need to have a strong business plan and be able to manage their finances effectively.

Lack of marketing: Coffee shops need to market themselves effectively to attract new customers and keep existing customers coming back. Coffee shop owners need to develop a marketing plan and budget, and they need to track their results to see what is working and what is not.

Competition: The coffee shop industry is very competitive. Coffee shops need to offer something unique to stand out from the competition.

Coffee shop business plan FAQ

How do you start a coffee shop business plan.

To start a coffee shop business plan, you need to consider the following factors:

Location: Choose a location that is convenient for potential customers and has high visibility.

Target market: Identify your target market and tailor your business plan to their needs and preferences.

Menu: Develop a menu that includes a variety of coffee drinks and food items that will appeal to your target market.

Pricing: Set prices that are competitive and generate a sufficient profit margin.

Operating costs: Estimate your operating costs, such as rent, utilities, labor and inventory.

Marketing: Develop a marketing plan to reach your target market and generate awareness of your coffee shop.

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The Ultimate Coffee Shop Business Plan and Template

The Ultimate Coffee Shop Business Plan and Template

Coffee Shop Marketing Ideas to Supercharge Your Business

If you are looking to write a coffee shop business plan, you have come to the right place.

A coffee shop business plan is an essential tool for coffee shop owners or people who want to open a coffee shop. A business plan will help you plan your strategy for success and act as a guide as you look to build your coffee shop.

In this article, we’ll look at why you should write a business plan for your coffee shop or cafe, as well as provide you with a sample and a template that contains inspiration for the things you should include in your coffee shop business plan.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan?
  • 2.1 Executive Summary
  • 2.2 Company Overview
  • 2.3 Market and Customer Analysis
  • 2.4 Sales and Marketing Plan
  • 2.5 Management Team
  • 2.6 Financial Plan
  • 3 Wrapping Up

Why Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan?

Latte on a Table

The basic idea behind a coffee shop is simple. The business needs to sell enough coffee products to cover costs and make a profit. However, many variables will define whether your business is successful.

A coffee shop business plan will help you plan a strategy for success. It will consider factors such as opportunities, risks, and how you will market yourself . By having a good idea of this before you start a coffee shop, you will be better placed to overcome or avoid any difficulties.

Here are some examples of how a business plan could help iron out any difficulties:

  • While creating the market analysis section, you may decide that competition is too intense. If this is the case, you could look for a new area with fewer competitors or find a way to make your coffee shop business stand out.
  • By creating a marketing plan before you open, you can put yourself in an excellent position to make sales from the moment you start a coffee shop.
  • By creating cash flow projections, you will be able to spot any potential financial issues well before they come to light, preventing cash flow problems.

Without a business plan, you would either not know about the potential difficulties listed above, or you would be aware of them but lacking any defined strategy for overcoming them. By creating a coffee shop business plan, you can tackle issues with a clearer head.

Business plans are also essential documents if you plan to apply for funding for your coffee shop.

You’ll likely need to submit the business plan to the bank when applying for a loan, or to investors when applying for equity funding. Having a well-thought-out business plan shows you have done your market research and analyzed your idea which helps give investors an overview of the risks and potential rewards of investing.

If you are going to use your business plan to apply for funding, you’ll need to go into a little more detail about the financials of your business. This will include your income and expenses and you’ll also need to include a section that discusses how you will use the money you’re raising.

Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

Trendy Coffee Shop

A Google search will reveal differences when it comes to the exact sections you should include in your coffee shop business plan.

Nonetheless, a coffee shop business plan template will include the sections listed below. In this part of the article, we’ll go through a coffee shop business plan template and discuss what you should include in each section.

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a short overview of your coffee shop business plan. It should include all the important details about your business. When deciding what to include, think about what you would want someone to see if they told you they would only read this one section of your plan.

Open your executive summary with a statement about what your coffee shop business is all about. Talk about what it will offer that is unique and mention why you think it will be successful. Is it the only coffee house in town, for example?

Coffee shop name: AI Coffee Shop

Executive Summary:

AI Coffee will serve high-quality coffee to office workers and business people who work nearby. We will sell espresso-based drinks with a focus on providing quality at speed. We will sell coffee to take away as well as to eat in, with an indoor seating area with space for 25 customers in our coffee shop.

While there are other coffee shops in the area, we believe that there is demand for more — especially ones that focus on a high-quality product. We will also provide a light lunch menu and pastries that we believe will differentiate us from other coffee shops in the area. 

Company Overview

Barista Holding Latte

In the company overview section, you should include practical details about your coffee shop business. This will include:

  • The structure and ownership of your coffee shop
  • The staff you plan to hire and what you will pay them
  • Your company’s mission statement, and startup expenses

While this may seem like a lot of work, the good news is this also serves as a way to kill two birds with one stone. As you flesh out your company’s goals & vision statements, it’s important to track this information in an internal wiki . Not only will this help your business stay true to its course, but it can also serve as a great resource for your staff.

AI Coffee will be a privately held company owned entirely by Mr Smith, who will also manage the coffee shop. We will hire two full-time employees with at least two years of barista experience, as well as four part-time employees to help during busy periods.

Startup costs for the coffee shop will be $70,000, which will be spent on rent, renovations, and purchasing equipment. The owner has put up half the money and has borrowed half from a bank. Based on annual sales of $160,000 and after costs and wages, we expect to be profitable within the second year. 

Market and Customer Analysis

In the market analysis section, you should include details about the local market. This can include information on competitors, such as other coffee shops or any fast-food joints, restaurants, or bars that you think will be competing for your coffee shop’s money.

You should also outline what makes your coffee shop business unique and why you think it can be successful despite the competition. You can also include wider information about the coffee industry.

In the customer analysis section, you need to include information about your target market. Include details on who they are and why you think they will like your coffee shop, with metrics where possible. If you performed market research before starting your coffee shop business plan, include that here.

Market Analysis

The coffee industry is expected to keep growing between 2020 and 2024 in the U.S. Research suggests that coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the country, with the average person drinking two cups per day. We believe that this growth, plus the high volume of coffee people drink each day, makes opening a coffee shop a good business opportunity . 

Competitor Analysis

AI Coffee will be located in a vibrant district that is seeing offices open up and new companies move in. There are currently two other coffee shop competitors in the immediate area, but we believe there is room for more.

Our shop’s main advantages are that it is closer to a new office building than the other shops. We also plan to differentiate ourselves by offering a small lunch menu, unlike any of the existing coffee shops, as well as various customer loyalty schemes . 

Customer Analysis

The location of the coffee shop has high footfall, especially before and after work and during lunchtimes. The area has a high proportion of local professionals who can afford to spend money on coffee and other drinks. 

The office blocks in the immediate vicinity are home to around 2,500 people. There are also other buildings being developed nearby. The location is also close to shopping and entertainment districts. We expect to receive significant revenue from passersby, who will keep us busy during the day. 

Sales and Marketing Plan

Business Plan Doc

Before you start a coffee shop, you should have a clear idea of what your business’s sales strategy will be.

Your sales strategy contains practical details on how you will handle sales. You should also include sales forecasts and how you have come up with these forecasts. In this section, you should include information about the products you will sell and your pricing strategy.

Your marketing plan will discuss the strategies you will use to get customers through the door. Discuss your budget and expected returns on investment. If you have a particularly complex marketing plan, you may want to create a separate document for this and only include the highlights in your business plan.

AI Coffee will open from 7.30 a.m. until 7.30 p.m. seven days a week. We expect the hours immediately before and after office hours, as well as between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., to be the busiest of the day, with much of our sales being to take out. 

We will use a commercial espresso machine and we expect to be able to produce up to a maximum of 70 cups of coffee per hour, which should be sufficient during busy times. 

We will sell our espresso-based drinks and tea at between $3 and $6, depending on the drink and the size. We will sell pastries at between $2 and $5, as well as light meals at between $7 and $12. These meals will be packaged so customers can either eat them on-site or take them away. 

We expect to generate around $730 per day from food and drink sales. 

Marketing Plan

We will market our coffee shop to customers in the nearby area through display marketing in relevant locations. We will also use social media marketing to target people nearby, and we will connect with people through our social media accounts. We will use these accounts to keep customers updated with new menu items as well as offers and discounts. 

We will also create a website and an app, which we will use to run a customer loyalty scheme . We will provide the option to order coffee through the app and pick it up at the shop. We think this will appeal to busy professionals. 

Our marketing will focus on the quality of the coffee we sell, as well as the benefits of our shop to office workers ( in-app ordering ). During the week after we open, we will offer substantial discounts on coffee to attract people to our business. This offer will be central to our marketing during this period. 

We will encourage repeat customers using a loyalty scheme that will give them a free cup of coffee when they buy eight drinks.

Our marketing budget will be $500 in the first two months, but we will cut this down to around $350 a month after that. 

Operating Plan

Barista Making Latte

The operating plan will include details of how you will run your coffee shop. This will include costs, as well as specifics about things like opening times, food and drink production, prices, and more.

It will also allow you to spot any potential conflicts. For example, if you plan to serve 150 office workers between 7:30 a.m. and 9 a.m., can you do it with only two members of staff or would you be better off hiring another employee?

You can also use this section to explain any licenses or certifications you need to get before you open your shop, as well as how you will train employees.

We will open from 7:30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. We will always have at least three staff members in place to take care of making coffee, process sales, and keep the coffee shop tidy.

We will buy our coffee wholesale from a supplier that specializes in high-quality coffee. This coffee will cost $40 per five-pound bag. We will keep enough coffee in stock to last for at least one week. 

In terms of equipment, we will use a commercial grinder to grind beans before making each cup. 

We will buy pastries and light meals from a local supplier who will also take care of the packaging. We will receive a daily delivery at 7 a.m., thirty minutes before the shop opens. 

We will thoroughly clean up the shop after closing to ensure it is ready for the following day. We will build HACCP processes to stay compliant with food safety regulations. All members of staff will receive training so they know about these processes.

Management Team

In the management team section, you should include who the business owners are and who will manage your coffee shop. You should write about any experience or qualifications they have that will help make them successful.

If the owners won’t be managing the coffee shop, you should include details about who will take care of the day-to-day running of the business. In this section, include how much you will be paying each of the management team as well as how any profits will be shared amongst the owners.

The owner will also manage the coffee shop. The owner has over ten years’ experience working in coffee shops, including six years in various management positions. AI Coffee will also hire two full-time employees. These employees will have at least two years’ experience working in a coffee shop. We will pay each full-time employee $22,000 a year.

We will also hire four part-time employees with or without experience to work at weekends and provide cover during the week. We will pay these employees $10 an hour. 

Financial Plan

The final section of the coffee shop business plan is the financial plan. Here you need to go into detail about how your business will be financially successful.

Include operating costs (this includes the cost of equipment), loan repayments, cash flow and expected revenue (in the first year, especially). Also, include a balance sheet analysis that shows how much revenue you need to take in to become a profitable coffee business.

In this section, we will explain our financial plan, including costs, expected sales, and profit. We will also include a balance sheet. We believe this plan accurately illustrates why AI Coffee will be financially successful. 


Wrapping Up

That’s all for our coffee shop business plan guide. We hope that this has equipped you with enough knowledge on how to start a coffee shop and will help you with your business planning.

To find out more about getting a business up and running, check out our guides to writing a business proposal in 2019 and writing a small business marketing plan.

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2 thoughts on “ The Ultimate Coffee Shop Business Plan and Template ”

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Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

If you want to start a coffee shop business or expand your current one, you need a business plan.

Over the past 20+ years, our coffee shop business plan template has helped over 7,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their coffee shops.

Below is an example coffee shop business plan template that will help you write your own coffee shop business plan:

2. Company Overview – Your company overview should include a detailed explanation of the company’s concept, location, products/services offered, customer profile and market size.

3. Industry Analysis – This section involves researching various aspects of the coffee industry such as its size, competitive environment, key players and trends.

4. Customer Analysis – The customer analysis should include a description of your target audience, their needs and how you plan to attract and retain these customers.

5. Competitive Analysis – This should include a description of your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses and how you plan to compete with them.

6. Marketing Plan – Your marketing plan should outline the strategies and tactics for achieving your specific marketing objectives.

7. Operations Plan – This should outline the day-to-day operations of the business, its personnel structure, hierarchy and supplier relationships.

8. Management Team – This section should include a description of the key players in the company, their skills and responsibilities.

9. Financial Plan – The Financial Plan should include your businesses’ financial statements and funding requirements.

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Coffee Shop Business Plan FAQs

  • What Is the Easiest Way to Complete My Coffee Shop Business Plan?
  • Growthink’s Ultimate Coffee Shop Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your business plan.
  • Where Can I Download a Sample Coffee Shop Business Plan PDF?
  • You can download our coffee shop business plan PDF template here. This is a coffee shop business plan example that you can use in PDF format.
  • What Is a Coffee Shop Business Plan?
  • Why Do You Need a Business Plan for a Coffee Shop?

1. A business plan sets a clear direction: Perhaps the most significant benefit of having a business plan is that it gives you a clear direction and purpose. It outlines your goals and objectives, how you plan to achieve them, and the timeline and resources required. A well-written business plan also clarifies your target audience and helps you understand their needs and preferences. With a solid business plan, you’ll have a better idea of where to focus your efforts and resources, which can save you time, money, and frustration.

2. Helps secure funding: Opening a coffee shop requires a significant investment in equipment, inventory, rent, and staffing, among other expenses. To secure funding from investors or lenders, a business plan is essential. It demonstrates your knowledge of the industry and market trends, your marketing strategy, financial projections, and how you plan to mitigate risks. A well-thought-out business plan can help convince potential investors that you have a viable idea and are a good investment.

3. Provides a roadmap for growth: A business plan is not just for starting your coffee shop; it’s also essential for long-term success. It’s a roadmap that can help you navigate the ups and downs of running a business. A good plan should contain measurable goals that you can track and adjust as needed. It should also have contingency plans if things don’t go as expected. As your coffee shop grows and evolves, refer to your business plan to ensure that you stay on track and adapt to changing market conditions.

4. Attracts and retains employees: In addition to investors and lenders, your business plan can also help attract and retain employees. A clear business plan shows potential employees what your vision is and what you want to achieve. It also shows them how they can contribute to your success and how you plan to reward them for their efforts.

5. Enhances credibility and professionalism: Finally, a business plan can enhance your credibility and professionalism. It shows that you have thought through your ideas and have a clear plan for how to execute them. This level of detail and preparation can go a long way in building trust with potential investors, lenders, employees, and customers. A well-written business plan can also make you stand out from your competition by demonstrating your attention to detail, industry knowledge, and commitment to success.

  • What Are the Sources of Funding for a Coffee Shop?
  • The main sources of funding for a coffee shop are bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business and ultimately help you secure funding.


  • Coffee Shop Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan
  • 10. Appendix

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Coffee Shop Business Plan Ultimate Guide + Free Example

what is the business plan coffee

July 6, 2023

Adam Hoeksema

When it comes to starting a coffee shop, writing a business plan may not be your top priority. You're probably eager to dive into the exciting world of brewing aromatic coffee and serving delicious treats, rather than spending days crafting a detailed plan.

However, it's important to understand that potential lenders and investors often require a business plan before they consider supporting your venture. So, while it may not be your first choice, having a well-prepared business plan with realistic financial projections is crucial to securing the financial backing you need.

So if you have to do it, this article is going to help you walk through the following:

  • What Should be Included in a Coffee Shop Business Plan?

Coffee Shop Business Plan Outline

  • Conducting Market Research for Your Coffee Shop Business Plan
  • Creating Financial Projections for Your Coffee Shop Business Plan

Example Coffee Shop Business Plan

  • Free Coffee Shop Business Plan Template Download
  • Coffee Shop Business Plan FAQs

With that in mind as the path forward, let’s dive in. 

A coffee shop business plan should effectively convey to investors and lenders why customers would prefer to frequent your coffee shop, why you or your team are the ideal individuals to manage the coffee shop, and how the financial projections are structured to ensure a worthwhile return on their investment. Below is a comprehensive layout of our complimentary coffee shop business plan template.

I. Executive Summary

Ii. market analysis, iii. business concept, iv. marketing strategy, v. operations plan, vi. financial plan, startup costs and use of funds, annual sales, gross profit and net profit, key financial ratios, financial summary, income statement annual summary, cash flow statement annual summary, balance sheet annual summary, vii. management team.

VII. Conclusion

How to do Market Research for a Coffee Shop Business Plan

Central to any coffee shop business plan is market research. You need to comprehend your position in the market and aim to validate that there is ample demand for your specific coffee shop concept, location, and pricing structure. You can explore more about our coffee shop market researc h approach here, but ultimately, you aim to understand your competition, gain insights into potential customer footfall, select an optimal location, and anticipate any seasonal trends that might influence your business. Here are some instruments and strategies for conducting market research for your proposed coffee shop.

What Will be the Cost to Advertise my Coffee Shop?

We recommend using Google Keyword Planner to assist you in determining which keywords to advertise for attracting customers to your coffee shop's website. The tool also provides an estimate of how much each click will cost when advertising for various keywords, as seen below:

what is the business plan coffee

What Keywords are Customers Using in Their Searches?

We utilize both Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs to discover which keywords are channeling traffic to your competitors' websites. For instance, you can run a report on a competitor's website to see the keywords they rank for and the amount of organic traffic each keyword brings. This information can help streamline your SEO efforts.

what is the business plan coffee

How Seasonal are Coffee Shops?

We use Google Trends to identify how seasonal your coffee shop concept might be. As an example, you can see below that the search volume for “coffee shop near me” in the United States is somewhat seasonal in nature.   January is consistently the low point, with the summer and fall tending to be the high point of the season.

what is the business plan coffee

How Many Customers Do my Competitors Receive Each Month?

Lastly, we find it beneficial to generate foot traffic reports on your competitors to ascertain the typical number of customers they receive at their coffee shops. You can see an example below that indicates the number of visits per month for a specific location:

what is the business plan coffee

In the end, the potential customer base for your coffee shop will be a critical assumption that will form the backbone of your financial projections. Therefore, understanding the footfall of your competitors can aid you in estimating potential traffic to your coffee shop.

How to Create Financial Projections for a Coffee Shop Business Plan

Once you've conducted thorough market research, it's time to develop financial projections for your coffee shop. Our coffee shop financial projection template is designed to help you estimate revenue based on customer traffic, taking into account factors such as seating capacity and the efficiency of your kitchen operations. These projections serve two important purposes: demonstrating your ability to repay a loan and showcasing the potential return on investment for potential investors. To achieve this, consider the following steps:

  • Estimate startup costs for your coffee shop
  • Forecast revenue
  • Project food and labor cost
  • Estimate your operating expenses like rent and utilities
  • Calculate how much investor or loan capital you will need to open

Our coffee shop projection template offers guidance in this process and provide a standardized format that meets the requirements of investors and lenders. Typically, a comprehensive set of projections for a startup coffee shop should include an integrated income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow forecast.

Remember, while writing a business plan and developing financial projections may seem daunting, they are essential steps in securing the necessary funding and creating a roadmap for your coffee shop's success. By following these guidelines and utilizing our templates, you'll be well-equipped to present a compelling case to potential investors and lenders.

Below is the content of our example coffee shop business plan. You can also access a Google Doc version of this coffee shop business plan template here , allowing you to personalize it to suit your needs. In addition, you can follow along with this video walkthrough designed to assist you in adapting the business plan to your specific coffee shop concept.

Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

Brewtopia is a specialty coffee shop located in the heart of downtown, offering customers a unique and elevated coffee experience. Our target market is young professionals and coffee connoisseurs who are looking for high-quality coffee and a comfortable, chic atmosphere. Our goal is to differentiate ourselves from other coffee shops in the area by offering a unique selection of specialty coffee drinks and a curated menu of pastries and small bites, made with locally-sourced ingredients. In addition to traditional espresso-based drinks, Brewtopia will offer Nitro cold brew on tap and a variety of flavored lattes made with natural syrups. With a focus on quality, customer service, and community involvement, Brewtopia aims to become a staple in the downtown community and to provide customers with a memorable coffee experience.

The coffee industry is a rapidly growing market, with revenue in the US estimated at $48 billion in 2021. Within the industry, the specialty coffee segment is growing even faster as consumers are willing to pay more for a premium experience. 

Our target market is young professionals, ages 25-40, who value convenience and quality in their coffee choices. The downtown area, where Brewtopia will be located, has several coffee shops, but none offer the same level of specialty drinks and baked goods that we will offer. With a focus on quality and a unique experience, Brewtopia is well-positioned to capture a significant share of the growing specialty coffee market in the downtown area.

Brewtopia's concept centers around providing customers with a unique and elevated coffee experience. 

Our menu will include a variety of specialty coffee drinks made with high-quality, responsibly-sourced beans, as well as a curated selection of pastries and small bites made fresh daily using locally-sourced ingredients. In addition to traditional espresso-based drinks, Brewtopia will offer Nitro cold brew on tap and a variety of flavored lattes made with natural syrups, differentiating ourselves from other coffee shops in the area. Our chic and modern decor will provide a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for customers to work, relax, and socialize.

Brewtopia's marketing strategy will focus on building brand awareness and attracting customers through a strong presence on social media, targeted advertising, and community involvement. We will maintain a strong presence on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, showcasing our products and connecting with customers. 

Our targeted advertising will focus on reaching young professionals in the downtown area through channels such as local publications and online ads. In addition, Brewtopia will be active in the community, hosting events and supporting local organizations, helping us to build relationships with our customers and establish ourselves as a part of the downtown community. 

We will also offer loyalty programs and special promotions to encourage repeat business. Our pricing strategy will be competitive with other specialty coffee shops in the area, but slightly higher to reflect the premium quality of our products.

Brewtopia will be open 7 days a week, from 7am to 7pm. Our team of baristas will be trained to provide exceptional customer service and to prepare a wide range of specialty coffee drinks. We will use a point-of-sale system to manage orders and track inventory, and all baked goods will be prepared fresh daily on-site. 

Brewtopia will occupy a 1,500 square foot space in the downtown area, which will include a kitchen for preparing food, a bar for coffee preparation, and seating for 20-25 customers. The space will be designed to be modern and chic, creating a welcoming atmosphere for customers.

The start-up costs for Brewtopia are estimated at $200,000, which includes the costs of leasing a space, equipment and supplies, marketing and advertising, and initial inventory. We plan to finance the startup costs through a combination of personal savings, a small business loan, and investments from friends and family.

All of the unique financial projections you see here were generated using ProjectionHub’s coffee shop financial projection template . Use PH20BP to enjoy a 20% discount on the template. 

what is the business plan coffee

Watch how to create financial projections for your very own coffee shop:

what is the business plan coffee

Brewtopia will be owned and operated by Jane Doe, a seasoned coffee professional with over 10 years of experience in the coffee industry. Jane will manage the daily operations of the business and provide exceptional customer service, while also training and supervising a team of baristas. Additionally, Jane will be responsible for the financial management of the business and the development of our marketing strategy.

VII. Conclusion 

Brewtopia is poised to fill a gap in the specialty coffee market in the downtown area. With a focus on quality, customer service, and community involvement, we aim to become a staple in the downtown community and provide customers with a memorable coffee experience. With a solid financial plan and a seasoned management team, Brewtopia is well-positioned for success in the growing specialty coffee market.

Coffee Shop Business Plan FAQs

What are the essential elements to include in a coffee shop business plan.

A coffee shop business plan should include sections on executive summary, company description, market analysis, target audience, menu and pricing, marketing and promotional strategies, location and facilities, staffing and management, and financial projections.

How can I determine the ideal location for my coffee shop?

When selecting a location for your coffee shop, consider factors such as foot traffic, proximity to offices or residential areas, competition in the area, parking availability, and visibility. A bustling area with a high concentration of your target customers can be an ideal location.

How can I estimate the financial projections for my coffee shop?

Financial projections for a coffee shop should include estimates for start-up costs, monthly expenses (such as rent, utilities, ingredients, and employee salaries), projected sales revenue based on customer traffic and average spending, and a break-even analysis to determine when your coffee shop will become profitable.

About the Author

Adam is the Co-founder of ProjectionHub which helps entrepreneurs create financial projections for potential investors, lenders and internal business planning. Since 2012, over 50,000 entrepreneurs from around the world have used ProjectionHub to help create financial projections.

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How To Write Your Coffee Shop Business Plan

How to write a coffee shop business plan.

How to write your coffee shop business plan

Business Plan for Coffee Shops Series

A coffee shop owner smiles at her customer after writing a coffee shop business plan.

Your business plan will serve as your road map that guides your thoughts and ideas into one detailed action plan. 

If you dream about opening a coffee business, you have many unique options to choose from. The ideas are nearly endless, from setting up a drive-thru coffee stand to opening a mobile coffee truck to buying an existing coffee shop!

After you settle on a feasible coffee shop concept , you will have no shortage of items on your to-do list.

Once you decide on your coffee business concept, the first thing to do is get your game plan together. One way to ensure you do everything right (and not miss anything) is to write a thorough coffee shop business plan .

Writing a business plan may seem daunting or tedious – but it doesn't have to be! Putting together your vision can be fun and exciting and an opportunity to showcase your ideas.

In today's post, we will discuss the benefits of a business plan, what's inside, and how to write your coffee shop business plan. Finally, we will answer common questions about a business plan impacting your success as you start your coffee business .

what is the business plan coffee

Is a Coffee Shop Business Plan Necessary?

Why write a coffee shop business plan.

a coffee shop owner serves customers after writing a business plan.

Writing a business plan is often a necessity because three essential stakeholders require it:

  • You (the owner)
  • Potential Investors
  • Property Managers

As the coffee shop owner, you must fully understand your vision, mission, and business path to success.

On the other hand, your investors (your partners, private lenders, or banks) will often require seeing a business plan, including your concept, startup budget, costs, financial projections, location, management team, and other essential items.

Your financials – your overall budget (startup and operational) and pro forma financial docs are essential to your business plan. Banking institutions will assess this to see if your coffee business is viable.

Additionally, property managers will likely require a business plan before considering your business for their retail space. Property managers or owners must fully understand the type of business occupying their space. They want to know what is being sold, how it's being sold, and whether they are allowing a sustainable business on their premises.

A business plan is needed by:

  • Money lenders
  • Property managers
  • You (The owner)

Benefits of Putting Together a Plan

Reasons to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan

Business plans can effectively bring your thoughts and ideas in sync with your vision, budget, and other elements, resulting in a successful coffee shop business.

Writing a coffee shop business plan also has other benefits. 

Let's discuss the benefits below:

  • A business plan increases the chances of success. 
  • It propels you to develop a budget and stick to it (likely saving you money).
  • Business plans help keep you (and your team) organized.
  • Ensures nothing gets left behind.

Increases Your Chances of Success

Writing a business plan reduces the possibility of failure. It increases the chances of your coffee shop's success by forcing you to think through every aspect of your business before starting and spending any money. As many have found out in other important business projects, “winging it” isn't a strategy for success.  

Planning everything and writing it down in an “organic document” allows you to see where your strengths and weaknesses are – and address them. Having a cohesive plan can make a difference in achieving the desired results.

A Plan Will Save You Money 

When you start a coffee business, exceeding your original budget estimates is very easy. A business plan can help significantly reduce your costs and avoid big mistakes. This is because you'll know exactly what is needed, how much it will cost, and where it fits into your planning.

As you develop and write your business plan, you can look at the overall costs, develop a budget around your vision, and see what adaptations you need to make to ensure enough funding and a realistic outcome.

If you want to launch a coffee shop on a shoestring budget, the more you plan often equals saving more.

A Plan Will Keep You Organized

Keeping yourself organized will not only save you time and money but will also reduce your organizational headaches.

Knowing what you need (and don't need) based on your vision will help keep you on pace to finish within your established budget and timeframe.

There are often so many steps to be mindful of when starting a coffee shop that it would be nearly impossible to effectively manage every business detail without writing them down.

Ensures Nothing Gets Left Behind

Even if you have opened a business before, you know that many elements must be addressed before moving forward with the implementation process.

Necessary steps that can be easily left out or neglected can cause headaches and tremendous costs (in lost time and money) as you move forward. A coffee shop business plan ensures that all the essential parts of your business are addressed.

Details Your Budget

When you start a coffee shop, people love to first think about where they will get their coffee beans, equipment, and other menu items. These are extremely important, and they deserve the attention to plan. However, the less money you have, the more emphasis you should put on planning.

For some, figuring out a coffee shop's budgetary needs may be a significant hurdle because you may be unfamiliar with them.  However, taking the time to flesh out your budget, costs, and the money needed to open your coffee shop will provide you with tremendous insight into how your coffee business will function.

A coffee shop owner pours a latte.

Business Plan: Your Budget and Cost Estimates

One of the most challenging parts of a business is developing your costs, budget, and estimates. We've written extensively on developing a coffee shop budget; you may find some of the articles below helpful.

  • How to Start a Coffee Shop Budget
  • How to Start a Low-Cost Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop Funding Mix
  • How to Prepare for a Coffee Shop Business Loan
  • How to Determine the Cost of Selling 100 Coffees

Writing Your Business Plan Takes Time. A well-written coffee shop business plan will take time to write. Give yourself time to research and think through some of the decisions you will have to make.

My recommendation: You may want to write your business plan in chunks. The great thing about a business plan is that it's broken down into sections. Take a section you're thinking about, plan, and articulate your thoughts and actions. If you hit a temporary wall, go to the next section or get help.

Key Sections of Your Coffee Shop Business Plan:

The Executive Summary

Your Business Structure

Coffee Shop Financials

Unique Selling Proposition

Coffee Shop Startup Costs

Business Plan Description

Coffee shop business plan sections:.

barista serves a latte

Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan

Where do you start.

a barista brews coffee on a chemex after writing her business plan.

So, where and how do you start writing your plan?

First, you don't have to tackle each section in order. For example, the executive summary, which always comes first in a business plan, is often written last.

I would start writing your coffee shop business plan with the business description and concept. Second, I would develop an understanding of your target market and build your coffee shop menu around them. Third, I would write about the coffee equipment that I would need and the costs. Fourth, I would develop your coffee branding section. And then, I would start working on my coffee shop budget and cost breakdown.

This is my personal preference in writing business plans for coffee shops. However, you may have different methods. Whichever way works best for you and allows you to thoroughly plan and understand your coffee business is the one you should use.

Start Your Business Plan Writing With The Following:

  • Develop your business concept (Describes Your Concept)
  • Describe your target market
  • Build your menu for your target customer.
  • Detail your coffee equipment
  • Create a coffee shop budget
  • Develop a coffee shop funding mix
  • Estimate revenue projections

Once you've settled on these business plan subjects, you can develop and write the rest of your business plan. Everything from your coffee shop branding, management, and barista training .

2024 Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

Writing a business plan can be challenging. Understanding each section and what should be discussed can seem daunting.

That's why we created an easy-to-use coffee shop business plan template for you. This free template details every business plan section and describes what should be in every section.

Our coffee shop business plan template (MS Word Format) is guaranteed to save you hours in research and conveniently allows you to fill in each section.

Trending Articles on Coffee Shop Startups:

Questions & Answers

Related Questions:

Is a business plan required for my coffee shop business.

No governmental agency requires a business plan, and it is not a coffee shop requirement . However, if you plan on borrowing money from a bank or renting a commercial space, those stakeholders may require a written business plan for their due diligence.

Do I need a business degree or be a lawyer to write a coffee shop business plan?

Fortunately, the simple answer is NO.

Writing a business plan is simply about getting your business thoughts down on paper in a structured and comprehensive way. In my opinion, hiring a lawyer to write out your coffee business concept may be overkill.

Now, you may decide to have a lawyer or business consultant review aspects of your coffee shop business plan – along with your property lease, trademarks, etc. I would highly discourage you from delegating the writing of your business plan to someone who doesn't know you or the business. 

Is a coffee shop business plan different from a “traditional” business plan?

Different businesses often require slightly different or modified business plans. A “coffee shop business plan” is unique from other business plans.

For example, having a business plan for a tech startup or manufacturing company will generally emphasize other key business areas when comparing them to a coffee shop business plan. Each requires a different emphasis because the audience will be different. Specifically, if your job is to create a kid-friendly coffee shop or a wine and coffee bar , you'll want something specific to that niche rather than a general business plan.

How Do I Use a Business Plan?

Your coffee shop business plan is a live and organic document.

In other words, your business plan will continuously change, evolve, and grow with you and your coffee business. Therefore, нour business plan will always change, adapt, and need to be modified.

Of course, we assume you will write your business plan using a computer and print it out. We recommend that you provide plenty of space in the margins to make edits, make additions, and eventually make changes on the computer.

Remember that your coffee shop business plan – is precisely that – a plan. A plan will change as your business changes – so having the ability to print out a physical copy, scribble notes, and cross out irrelevant information is vital as you move forward. For example, as your coffee shop budget and concept evolve, so will your business plan. 

We recommend keeping your business plan light enough for you to carry anywhere. Please place it in a thin 3-ring binder or keep it stapled but near you all the time.

a barista pulls an espresso shot.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Should i pay someone to write my coffee shop business plan for me.

I strongly recommend against this. People often consider having someone else write their business plan a good thing. But why waste the money on someone else thinking for you? While you may seek the help of someone reviewing elements of your plan, such as your coffee brand, coffee budget, and coffee shop location , the important decisions should be made by you.

Why you should write your business plan:

Your coffee business concept will emerge from your thoughts and ideas. Therefore, you're the best person to capture these ideas on paper.

A business plan will also help stimulate these mental muscles you may haven't used in a long time.

You will need this thought stimulation to execute your plan entirely and thoroughly. Most importantly, writing your business plan gives you a sense of real business ownership. After all, it's your business and should be your plan.

What Happens If I Don't Have a Business Plan?

Have you ever taken a long road trip without a proper map? You know it's probably not a good idea since you won't be sure where you'll end up going.

Sooner or later, not planning your trip and not having the tools you need to reach your destination will increase your expenses, frustrate you, and possibly lead you to failure.

Yet, while developing your business plan will take some work, it will help you get started confidently.

How Long Does a Business Plan Have To Be?

A coffee shop business plan can be as long as you want. Don't think of your business plan as a school assignment that needs to be turned in to your business teacher.

The length of your business plan depends on your coffee shop's complexity. Still, once completed, a thorough business plan can range from 15 to 60 pages (occasionally more, depending on the business's scope).

We recommend always using headings, subheadings, and spaces between paragraphs and sections when constructing your business plan.

A coffee shop business plan has several main sections. While there is no “right” order or structure for your typical business plan, they often include everything from your mission statement to the coffee shop equipment needed to your financial position, projections, and estimates.

Is there an easy way to start a coffee shop business plan?

Our Complete Coffee Shop Startup Kit contains a free business plan template for you to get started. All you have to do is fill it out and print our Coffee Shop Business Plan template, and you'll be ready to go!

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Coffee Shop Startups

Based in Seattle, Washington, USA, Coffee Shop Startups is dedicated to providing you with the most relevant information on how to start a coffee shop business successfully. Over the last 11 years, we've helped thousands of aspiring coffee business owners worldwide. We harness the experience, wisdom, and knowledge of many successful coffee shop owners to help you increase your chances of success and profits. We support business owners who want to start a coffee business by providing them with valuable information on starting their coffee business successfully.

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How To Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan: Step by Step

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Want to open a coffee shop of your very own? Give it the best chance for success by writing a coffee shop business plan.

But, what exactly is a business plan, why do you need one, and what’s the best way to make such a plan?

In this article, we discuss the answers to those questions and how the right technology can help you run things smoothly once your coffee shop business plan becomes a reality.

Table of contents

What is a coffee shop business plan, do you need a coffee shop business plan, creating a coffee shop business plan.

coffee shop business plan being discussed

A coffee shop business plan is a written document that describes:

  • The nature of the business
  • How the business is organized
  • The business’s financial projections
  • Goals the business would like to reach
  • Strategies for reaching those goals
  • The time frame for reaching those goals

In essence, a coffee shop business plan is a roadmap that provides structure and direction to an as-yet unformed operation.

Two people looking over a coffee shop business plan

Many first-time, prospective entrepreneurs wonder if they really need a business plan to get started. The answer is yes .

Without a business plan, it will be very difficult — some would say impossible — to get a loan from a bank or funding from an investor.

But, even if funding isn’t a major concern right now, a business plan provides clear direction on how you intend to get where you’re going and how to make your new endeavor a success .

Sure, we’ve all taken a road trip (or gone traveling) without a map or a plan, and sometimes that can be fun.

Starting a new business, though, demands much more of an investment than just picking a direction and heading out. Starting a new business can occupy all of your time, money, and energy for years to come, so you don’t want to commit yourself without a plan.

That’s what the coffee shop business plan is: a map to help you keep moving in the right direction when things are going smoothly and to show you how to get back on track when they aren’t.

Creating a coffee shop business plan

As you get started writing your very own business plan, keep in mind that the document you produce doesn’t have to be the final draft right away, nor does it have to include every single detail about your business.

Yes, some business plans are hundreds of pages long. Yours may reach that level in the end, but don’t allow that fact to overwhelm you now or stop you from getting started.

Get the information on the page to the best of your ability, and then go back and edit as needed to make it the best it can be. A business plan is a living document that may change as your business grows. But it and your business can’t go anywhere until you write your first draft.

Here’s how to get started.

Step #1: Ask and answer questions

As we mentioned, some business plans can be chock-full of details and facts about the business itself, and many first-time owners wonder where all that information comes from.

The answer is simple: The details in your business plan are basically answers to questions you and anyone else may have about how to go about transforming your idea into reality.

Before you write one word, sit down and consider all of the questions you have about what you’re getting into.

For example, you may ask yourself:

  • Who will run the business?
  • What makes that person qualified to do so?
  • What niche will the business fill?
  • Who are the business’s target customers ?
  • How will the business market and sell its food and beverage to them?
  • What is the size of the market you intend to sell to?
  • What is the business model for the business?
  • How will the business make money?
  • Who are the competitors?
  • How will the business compete?
  • Will the business have an advantage over the competition?
  • How does the business plan to manage growth?
  • What are the risks and threats confronting the business?
  • What can you do to mitigate those risks and threats?
  • What are the business’s financial requirements?

Go through the list and answer as many of those questions as you can in whatever level of detail you can muster.

The nice thing about starting with this step (instead of jumping right into word one of the main sections of the plan) is that you can use the answers you generate as the basis for what comes next.

Step #2: Write an executive summary

While the other sections in your coffee shop business plan can go in any order you choose, the first section should always be the Executive Summary.

This section gives a brief overview of the main elements of the coffee shop you plan on running, including:

  • Overhead costs
  • Labor costs
  • Return on investment (ROI)

Keep in mind that this information is here at the start to give readers a quick introduction to the plan. If they want more detail, they can read on.

It’s also important to remember that you’ll likely repeat much of the information in the executive summary later on in your business plan.

That’s OK. You won’t be penalized if a reader finds the exact same details elsewhere in your document.

Step #3: Describe your company

Person working at coffee shop

Next, write a description of your company. More specifically, write about the who, what, why, where, and how of your coffee shop.

View the Business Description section as the physical details about the business you intend to run, including:

  • Business name
  • Your experience
  • Contact information
  • Partners involved (if any)
  • The tax status of the business (e.g., sole proprietor, LLC/LLP, S-Corp)
  • Intended or existing location of your coffee shop

It can also be helpful to include a brief mention of your coffee shop’s short- and long-term goals as well as your plan for achieving those goals.

Step #4: Conduct a market analysis

The next section to include in your coffee shop business plan is Market Analysis.

Most market analyses describe three distinct views of the business:

  • The industry as a whole (in this case, the coffee shop industry)
  • The competition your coffee shop will face (e.g. other shops in the area)
  • The marketing you’ll execute to bring in customers

As with the previous two sections, the Market Analysis section can be a relatively brief discussion of these three concepts.

As your coffee shop business grows, you can add sections that address those concepts in more detail later on.

Step #5: Explain your coffee shop’s financials

Both you and your investors are going to want to know how much money it’s going to take to get the coffee shop set up, running, and turning a profit. That’s where the Financials section comes in.

While brevity is important (if not mandatory) in the first few sections on this list, when you explain your coffee shop’s financials, you want to be as detailed as possible.

This is especially true if you hope to secure bank funding or get involved with investors.

To provide the level of detail you need to make the Financials section as complete as possible, consider hiring an accountant to help you prepare this section so that it will be as accurate as possible.

Taking advantage of technology

Creating a coffee shop business plan

As you research and write your coffee shop business plan, include information about the technology you’ll use to help run your business.

More specifically, find a software suite that makes it easier to manage and optimize your team.

The Sling app , for example, includes a long list of tools to help make your workforce management as efficient and productive as possible, including:

  • Advanced employee scheduling
  • Integrated time clock
  • Comprehensive communication
  • Flexible task management
  • And much more

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Try Sling for free today to get a better idea of the many ways it can help you once your coffee shop business plan becomes a reality.

Then, for further business management resources, help scheduling your employees, and tips for getting the most out of your team, visit GetSling.com today.

See Here For Last Updated Dates: Link

This content is for informational purposes and is not intended as legal, tax, HR, or any other professional advice. Please contact an attorney or other professional for specific advice.

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How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan

By Shannon Mulligan

2 People sitting in coffee shop

Opening a coffee shop is an exciting endeavor. But before you can open your doors and pour that first cup of joe, you need a coffee shop business plan.

But what is a business plan? Why is it important? And do you really need one?

We’re breaking down everything you need to know so you can brew up your own coffee shop business plan with ease.

What is a business plan for a coffee shop?

A coffee shop business plan is a document that covers your business goals and everything you’re going to do to reach them. 

A business plan goes into all the details about your business, from the location of your coffee shop to where you’re going to source your coffee beans. Put simply, it breaks down how your coffee shop is going to be a success.

Plan for success.

Writing out a coffee shop business plan can feel a bit tedious and unnecessary. And we won’t lie, they do take a bit of time and effort. 

But every business, no matter big or small, should have a business plan in place. A business plan for your coffee shop will help you:

  • Set business goals and keep you on track to reach them. A business plan acts as a roadmap to help your coffee shop business become (and stay) successful.
  • Identify any gaps in your business ahead of time. We’re only human. We all miss things from time to time. A well-written business plan can help you catch any mistakes or potential problems before they cost you.
  • Manage your to-do list before opening your coffee shop. Opening any business is a huge undertaking. A business plan covers all your bases from location to hiring , so you don’t miss anything before opening day rolls around.
  • Secure any financing or loans you might need. Banks or investors often want to see a business plan before they’ll offer you loans or even financial products like a business credit card.

Things to consider before you start.

Now that you know that you need a business plan, it’s time to grab your favorite cup of coffee and start thinking about the important stuff.

To help, here are some things to consider before you start writing your business plan.

  • What will make your coffee shop business successful? Will you offer a unique specialty coffee selection? Are you going to open in a location with a high demand for coffee?
  • Who is the target audience for your business plan? Different stakeholders will likely have different goals when reading your business plan. Banks and investors might be more interested in your financial forecasts. Meanwhile, potential suppliers might care more about your product offering to make sure that your coffee shop is a good fit for their products 
  • What information or research will you need to create an informed business plan? A coffee shop business plan will look different than that of a salon or even a bakery. Take some time to think about what information you’ll need to research. For example, before you can write your business plan, you’ll likely need to know the cost of a coffee maker or the average hourly wage of a barista .

How to write a coffee shop business plan in 7 steps

If you’ve never written a business plan before, it can feel more complicated than a grande mocha frappucino with extra whip, hold the syrup. But don’t worry, we’re breaking down the key sections of a coffee shop business plan, so you know exactly how to get started.

Here are the 7 steps and sections you’ll need to write your coffee shop business plan.

1. Executive summary

This is a high-level overview of your coffee shop business plan—the TL;DR of the business plan if you will.  Here, you’ll want to outline the important details in your business plan, but also tell an engaging story that makes the reader want to dive into the rest of your business plan.

Tip: This is the first section someone will read—but you don’t have to write it first. It can be helpful to come back to this section once you’ve finished the rest of your business plan.

2. Company overview and description

This next section in your coffee shop business plan is an overview of your business and your goals. 

In this section, you should answer questions like:

  • Who’s the founder or business owner? (AKA who are you and what is your background?) 
  • Why did you decide to start a coffee shop?
  • What’s your vision for your coffee shop?

3. Market analysis

A market analysis in a business plan helps position your coffee shop against other coffee shops, You want to show how you measure up to competitors or similar businesses. 

For example, as a coffee shop owner you might identify competing coffee shops in the area, or even other competitors like fast-food chains. In your market analysis, you might even look at other successful similar businesses that you can use to show why your coffee shop will be a success. For example, let’s say you’re opening a coffee shop that’s open 24 hours. You can use examples of other 24-hour coffee shops in other areas that you can model your business after.

4. Business offerings

This is where things start to get exciting—you finally get to talk about coffee! 

The business offerings section of your business plan should include everything that you’ll offer to potential customers. For a coffee shop, this will likely include your potential coffee menu.  But if you have other products or services—like selling coffee beans or offering coffee machine repairs—you’ll want to include those here too.

5. Management and operations

Here’s where you’ll cover the day-to-day management and operation of your coffee shop. For example, you’ll want to outline details like: 

  • The expected costs of operating your business 
  • How many employees you’ll hire
  • Your point of sale (POS) system
  • How you’ll manage inventory

6. Marketing and public relations strategies

In this section, you should explain how you plan to spread the word. 

Will you hire a marketing agency ? Will you mail out flyers? Do you have any media connections that will help you earn PR?

Basically, you need to show that you have a plan for promoting your business.

7. Financial projections

Last but not least, it’s time to talk money. 

Financial projections provide insight into your revenue and expenses over the short and long term. They aren’t an exact science, but you’ll want to provide an educated estimate. Your financial projections should typically include:

  • Your start-up costs: This includes any one-time costs that you’ll incur to open your doors. For example, renovating the interior of your coffee shop.
  • Operating costs: This includes expenses like rent, marketing, and utilities. You’ll also need to consider materials and supplies, such as coffee and cups.
  • Labor costs: This is the cost of employing any baristas, hosts, or cashiers. For example, wages, cost of employee benefits , and hiring costs.
  • Forecasted revenue: This includes any money you’ll earn from coffee sales or any other products and services you might offer.

The goal is to show that your coffee shop business will be profitable.

Let’s get things brewing.

Business plan written and ready to go? It’s time to start growing your coffee shop. From hiring your first employee to opening your second coffee outpost, Homebase is here to help.

Homebase is an all-in-one employee management app that helps small business owners manage hourly employees better and smarter. 

With Homebase, you can:

  • Create employee schedules in minutes
  • Track employee time and run payroll right from your phone
  • Hire and onboard employees for your coffee shop

Coffee shop business plan FAQs

Do you need to create a business plan for a coffee shop.

Yes. Every business, including a coffee shop, should have a business plan. Your business plan should include an overview of your business, what products and services you’ll offer, how you’ll manage and market your business, and financial projections.

How profitable is opening a coffee shop?

How profitable opening a coffee shop will be can depend on several factors. But generally, coffee shops can be a pretty profitable business. A business plan can help you project your revenue, costs, and profit—so you can feel confident growing your coffee shop.

How do you start a business proposal for a coffee shop?

Here are a few steps for how to start writing an effective business proposal for a coffee shop:

  • Start with an executive summary.
  • Create your coffee shop company overview and description.
  • Do a market analysis of competitors and similar businesses.
  • Decide on your business offerings.
  • Put a plan in place for managing and operating your business.
  • Create a marketing and PR plan.
  • Forecast your sales and business costs.

Remember:  This is not legal advice. If you have questions about your particular situation, please consult a lawyer, CPA, or other appropriate professional advisor or agency.

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How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan + Free Template

what is the business plan coffee

You are a smart entrepreneur. You don’t jump right in and open a coffee shop just because you decoded the secret of making perfect cups of steaming delicious coffee.

Instead, you wait and plan to write a unique business plan that resonates with your coffee shop’s concept.

But hey, writing a business plan is actually complex. Without any structural format or direction, you may end up making a hotchpotch of your business idea.

To ensure that your business concept translates properly into a plan, we created this step-by-step guide that will prompt you to write an insightful coffee shop business plan in great detail.

Also, get a free coffee shop business plan template that has all the relevant examples for you to get started.

So get yourself a cup of coffee and decode the secrets of writing a stellar plan in easy steps.

Let’s get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Craft a compelling executive summary for your coffee shop business plan. Add key details regarding financials, marketing, business objectives, and operations to help investors evaluate your business idea.
  • Conduct thorough research on the coffee shop market by analyzing the key trends, consumer preferences, and needs of your target market.
  • Streamline your coffee shop operations with a detailed plan outlining the standard operating procedures of your key business processes.
  • Ensure the compliance of business by acquiring essential licenses and permits.
  • Design a brief sales and marketing plan to ensure that the coffee business reaches its target customer and starts making sales.
  • Identify your unique selling proposition and determine your competitive edge in the market.
  • Using SWOT analysis, analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your competitors and your own business.
  • Create a sample menu and determine your menu offerings by considering varying different aspects.

Why Prepare a Coffee Shop Business Plan?

A lot of variables play together to write the success story of your coffee business.

From choosing a shop location to remodeling it as per your unique concept, hiring staff, determining sales strategy, acquiring licenses and insurance, and planning operations-you need to undertake multiple activities, consecutively at a time, to start and run a coffee business.

A business plan will guide you like a map in the right direction. It will ensure that all the business objectives are achieved without breaking a compliance code.

It forces you to assess the viability of a coffee shop idea before you invest the money in it. You can strategically plan the coffee shop’s success by making detailed financial projections relating to the company’s sales, revenue, costs, and expected expenses, and cash flow.

And most important of all, a business plan will help you acquire the required funds by winning the trust of potential investors.

How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan: A Complete Guide

Let’s walk through the process of writing a coffee shop business plan with detailed step-by-step instructions.

1. Get a business plan template

Writing a business plan from scratch is pretty exhausting. You are likely to leave behind an important detail without any structural format.

So do yourself a favor and get a business plan template. Trust us, it’s going to make your plan writing process so much simpler.

A template helps bring clarity and focus to different sections of the plan by prompting you in specific directions. Moreover, the templates contain examples and tips specific to coffee shops making it extremely relevant for your business.

Looking for a well-structured and modern business plan template?

Well, we knew you would. Presenting the Upmetrics business plan template that can be easily customized for your unique coffee shop business. Simply download our template and modify it as per your business concept.

what is the business plan coffee

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2. Write an executive summary

An executive summary is like a north star of your business plan. It will act as a guiding light for stakeholders to understand your journey ahead.

Investors will read the executive summary of your coffee shop business plan before even allowing you a presentation.  So definitely it needs to be compelling and converting.

Keep your executive summary concise but detailed enough that it summarizes the key points of your entire plan. Include the problems you would be solving and the solutions you have to offer. Adapt a storytelling tone and focus on highlighting the business goals, financials, objectives, and overall business strategy.

Now, move ahead and visit this part when you are done writing for the entire plan. Summarizing becomes much easier and more effective when you are aware of the entire plan’s details.

Also, two pages are more than enough for writing a capturing executive summary.

3. Conduct a competitive and market analysis

Build a strong foundation for your coffee business by diving deep into the market research of the coffee industry, competitors, target audience, market trends, and your attainable target market.

Analyze the coffee shop industry from a macro viewpoint and then gradually narrow it down to your particular market. For instance, the revenue in the US coffee market size was $85.2 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow by 3.21% between 2023-2028.

Now, identify your targeted available market (TAM) from this and analyze the growth potential of your particular coffee shop. Overall, try to show that the coffee shop business has a thriving opportunity to grow in the market.

The market analysis for a coffee shop business must include the study of the following:

Customer analysis

Customer analysis is essential to identify your target customers. Having a thorough understanding of your target market will help formulate the business and market strategies appropriate for your business.

Create the buyer persona of your ideal customer. Focus on these details to outline your ideal customer:

  • Customer demographics: Age, gender, location, income, occupation, and ethnicity of the customers who will visit your coffee shop.
  • Customer psychographics: Beliefs and values of your ideal customer, their interests, spending pattern, and their media consumption.

For instance, the ideal customer for Steamy Sips is 23-38 years old and works in a corporation. He/ She likes to spend money on coffee regularly and prefers fresh roasted seasonal brews, is socializing, and loves working in a cafe remotely.

Competitors analysis

After determining your target market, look around and identify your potential competitors.

Begin by identifying the top competitors of your coffee shop. This can be neighboring coffee shops, kiosks, or coffee karts that offer similar services to your business.

Now conduct a SWOT analysis of these coffee shops by analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. Also, analyze your strengths against competitors and highlight your competitive edge in the market. Be realistic with your assessment as this will form the foundation of your related business policies.

Lastly, identify if there are any stellar opportunities for you to leverage in this market.

SWOT analysis of a coffee shop business

Collect data from highly authoritative websites, data publications, and local studies specialized in the coffee industry. For instance, SBA , SCA coffee , Mintel , Business Wire , COFFEEBI , etc.

This section is your chance to prove to the potential investors that you are aware of the market challenges and there exist favorable chances for your coffee shop to thrive and grow.

4. Prepare a company overview

Just like the executive summary of your coffee shop business plan, this section includes a brief business description of your coffee shop. It offers readers a peek into your business structure, goals, mission, and company values.

Depending on your market analyses choose the type and structure of your business concept. Clearly describe whether you will start a cafe or coffee shop, coffee kart, coffee bar, or coffee house and whether the business structure will be LLC, partnership, or sole proprietorship.

Further include your mission statement, coffee shop objectives, and goals to complete the company overview section.

Mission statement: A mission statement highlights the purpose of your coffee shop’s existence and its long-term objective.

For instance, Steaming Sips’ mission is to cultivate a culture of freshly roasted coffee, serving a welcoming space for young individuals to connect, create, and unwind with every cup of our brews.

Coffee shop objectives: In this part, highlight your business objectives in terms of milestones, growth goals, revenue goals, sales numbers, etc.

For instance, Steaming Sips aims to open 3 branches across San Fransisco by the end of 2025.

5. Present your sample menu

The market research earlier helped you understand your potential audience in great detail. Now, it’s time to decide what to offer on your menu.

A sample menu is an important component of your coffee shop business plan. With a menu, investors will know what exactly you will be serving and what makes you different.

A coffee shop can stand apart selling just coffee drinks. However, there are many coffee shops that sell coffee and food products together. Depending on your coffee shop concept and the target market, decide the menu items.

Here are a few things to consider while making your menu and establishing yourself as a specialty coffee shop.

  • Different types of coffee drinks that suit your customer’s taste. For ex. filtered coffee, frappuccino, brewed coffee, hot coffee, etc.
  • The type of coffee beans to produce high-quality coffee, e.g. organic coffee beans.
  • Different types of coffee roasts, e.g. dark roast, medium roast, light roast.
  • Different types of milk, e.g. plant-based milk options and dairy milk.
  • Seasonal coffee specialties.

Strategically place the items in your menu and add the prices alongside. Incorporate branding elements of your coffee shop in the menu as well.

6. Coffee shop design and layout

Till now, the coffee shop idea was just a business concept, jumbled randomly across your mind. Writing a business plan will help you to sort those ideas, one section at a time.

The design and layout section helps potential investors visualize the appearance of your coffee shop. It is your chance to help them understand your coffee shop concept and the aspects that set you apart from other coffee shops.

Begin by highlighting your coffee shop location in this section. Briefly explain how the location is suitable for your potential customers.

Also, present the moodboard of your coffee shop and highlight the branding and visual elements of its design.

Overall, explain how you will create a welcoming atmosphere for your customers by incorporating design and decor elements in your shop.

location of coffee shop business

7. Prepare a coffee shop marketing plan

Now that you have the concept, design, and menu for a coffee shop, it’s time to work on its marketing plan. The coffee market is intensely competitive and only a solid marketing action plan can differentiate your business from other coffee shops.

Using your market research, identify the best marketing strategy for your business. Ideally, coffee shops build a cohesive brand image using a mix of digital marketing practices.

For instance, a website can be used to build a robust web image, while social media can be used to connect with your target audience organically. Similarly, your coffee shop emails can focus on special offers and promotional invites while paid ads can help you target the wider audience.

In this section, you also highlight various promotional activities for your cafe such as karaoke evenings, art workshops, musical nights, happy coffee hours, etc.

Overall a comprehensive marketing plan must answer the following questions:

  • How will you draw coffee enthusiasts to your coffee shop?
  • What will be the pricing strategy of your coffee shop?
  • What will be your marketing budget?
  • What marketing channels will you use and who will undertake the marketing activities?
  • Will there be any promotional events at the cafe? If so, what type of events?

marketing strategy for coffee shop business

8. Introduce your management team

In this section, you will introduce the management team that will ensure the smooth functioning of your coffee shop business.

Begin by introducing the coffee shop owners and their relevant experience in the coffee market. Also, clarify if you will work both as owner and manager or hire a coffee shop manager to look after the day-to-day operations.

If you are going to hire a manager, introduce them and their key responsibilities in the section. Offer a brief description of their skills, experience, and expertise that can help your coffee shop business.

Overall, this section shows the potential investors that you have all the right people in a team to drive your coffee shop toward success.

9. Outline your operational plan

This section of a coffee plan offers brief details of everyday business processes that will guide you to build and run a successful coffee shop.

An operations plan includes a lot of details, answering some of these prominent questions.

  • Inventory and stock management: How will you manage and track the inventory? Who will be responsible for stock management? How often would you restock the inventory?
  • Production: Who will develop the recipes for coffee beverages? Will there be recipe cost cards for coffee preparation? Will there be kitchen staff working with food orders or will you outsource that?
  • Coffee shop equipment: What equipment will you buy for the coffee shop, i.e. espresso machine, coffee grinders, etc? Will that be a new purchase or a second-hand one? How much will the equipment cost?
  • Management: Who will serve the food and coffee in the shop? Who will look after customer complaints? What is the conflict resolution system at your coffee shop?
  • Technology: What technologies will you use at your coffee shop? Which payment and POS system will you use? Will there be an ordering kiosk?

A well-planned operations plan demonstrates your ability to run a coffee shop to your readers. So keep it detailed and revamp it as and when needed.

10. Create a Financial Plan

A financial plan helps assess the viability of your business idea by evaluating its financial aspects. It’s an important part of your coffee shop business plan whether you want to seek funding or not.

A well-built financial plan is presented in numbers, graphs, and charts and includes the following:

  • Evaluation of startup costs: Identify the startup costs of your proposed coffee shop. Take into account the costs for lease rental, licenses, equipment, remodeling as well as operating expenses for the first few months.
  • Sales forecasts and pricing: Determine the drink sales for your coffee shop and your pricing structure by conducting market research.
  • Operating costs: Your financial projections should include a thorough calculation of operating expenses to run a coffee shop business.
  • Balance sheet: A balance sheet will help investors assess your assets and liabilities and the liquidity of your business.
  • Cash flow statement: Make cash flow projections and demonstrate the inward and outward flow of money in the business.
  • Income statement: The figures in this sheet help evaluate the profitability of your business
  • Break-even analysis: The calculations here will help determine the sales level after which your coffee shop will start making a profit.

Now, making all these financial projections and calculations is a bit taxing. Not only that, you will have to create visual reports to make the financial section appealing and insightful.

Well, let’s make things easier with our financial forecasting tool. Simply enter your assumptions in a tab and our tool will generate important key reports for your business.

Don’t stress. You don’t need to worry about the visual reports anymore. Go, check your dashboard. You will have all the visual reports ready to be added to your financial plan.

coffee shop business profit breakdown

And that’s your detailed guide to writing your coffee shop business plan. Now, let’s check the latest industry trends ruling the coffee shop market. 

Coffee Shop Industry Highlights 2023

Let’s dive further deep into market analysis with these latest industry trends in the coffee shop market:

  • Coffee shop industry: The US coffee shop industry grew from $36 billion to 45.8 billion dollars between 2020-2022.
  • Number of coffee shops: According to Statista , in 2022 there were a total of 38.4 thousand coffee shops in the US.
  • Coffee drinkers: A performed market research indicates that the top coffee consumers aren’t youngsters, but seniors. Nearly, 70% of seniors consume coffee regularly.
  • Employment growth rate: The total number of people employees in the coffee shop industry in th US increased on average by 4.9% between 2018-2023.
  • Specialty coffee market: According to Grandview research , the US specialty coffee market is expected to grow at 10.9% CAGR between 2023-2030.
  • Price per cup: According to Business Insider , the average price per coffee cup in the coffee shop is almost $5, making it an affordable luxury for people.

Related Coffee Shop Resources

  • Coffee Shop Operational Plan
  • Coffee Shop Financial Plan
  • Coffee Shop Marketing Plan
  • Latest Coffee Shop Business Trends

Download a sample coffee shop business plan

Need help writing your business plan? Let’s ease your plan writing process with our coffee shop business plan pdf . Download it for free and customize it as per your needs.

This modern intuitive template offers a step-by-step guide that will help you write a comprehensive and actionable business plan. It’s designed specifically for coffee shop businesses and includes examples relevant to your industry.

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Write your business plan with Upmetrics

Enhance the quality of your business planning with Upmetrics. With more than 400+ customizable sample business plans , it offers features like AI assistance to write an impactful business plan.

Whether you are starting your own coffee shop or taking over an existing coffee business, Upmetrics’ insightful guides and resources will help you craft a compelling business plan in easy steps.

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How to Start a Coffee Shop Business

Frequently asked questions, what are the key components of a successful coffee shop business plan.

The key elements of a coffee shop business plan are

  • Executive summary
  • Business overview
  • Coffee industry and market analysis
  • Sample menu
  • Coffee shop design and layout
  • Marketing and sales plan
  • Key management team
  • Operations plan
  • Financial plan

Should we consider franchising our coffee shop?

Yes, you can. Franchising is a proven way of increasing the reach and profitability of your coffee business. Moreover, it’s easy to scale your business through a franchise business model.

What is a traditional business plan for a coffee shop?

A traditional plan is very similar to modern business plans. It includes a summary of the company’s goals, objectives, business values, marketing objectives, and financial plan. The modern plans, however, are intuitively designed to be more suited to investors interest.

Do I need a business plan to secure funding for my coffee shop?

Yes. Investors and investing firms will ask for a business plan before giving you a chance to present the coffee shop concept. By studying your plan, they will gauge the viability of your coffee business, and depending on the analysis they will decide whether to invest or not.

What should I include in the financial projections section of my business plan?

The financial projections of your coffee shop plan must include the following:

  • Sales forecast
  • Startup cost estimates
  • Operating costs
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Break-even analysis

About the Author

what is the business plan coffee

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Download How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan + Free Template

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Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Business Plan Outline

  • Coffee Shop Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan

Coffee Shop Business Plan

Whether you are planning to start a new business or grow your existing coffee shop, you’ve come to the right place to create your coffee shop business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their coffee shops.

A coffee shop business plan is used to start and/or grow your business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

Coffee Shop Business Plan Sample

Below are links to each section of our coffee shop business plan example:

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Coffee Shop Business Plan FAQs

What is a coffee shop business plan.

A business plan for a coffee shop is a plan to start and/or grow your business. Among other things, it includes your company overview, allows you to conduct a market analysis to identify your target market, includes a sample menu, presents your marketing plan and pricing strategy to attract your local customer base, details your sales forecasts, and provides the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement for your coffee shop.

You can  easily complete your coffee shop business plan using our Business Plan Template for a Coffee Shop here .

What Are the Main Types of Coffee Shops?

The different types of coffee shops include cafes, coffee bars and coffeehouses that sell coffee drinks and other snacks. Some coffee shops offer lunch and dinner menus and are close to being full-service restaurants. There are also coffee shops that are more accessible for people on the go or those who want to make their own coffee. These are retail coffee shops, drive thru coffee shops, coffee carts and trucks, and roasters or retailers.

What Are the Main Sources of Revenue and Operating Expenses for a Coffee Shop?

The primary source of revenue for many coffee shops come from its food and drink sales, which includes brewed coffee, coffee beans, seasonal drinks and refreshments, and baked goods. Gift card and merchandise sales like tumblers, mugs, and coffee makers also contribute to a coffee shop’s revenue stream.

The expected expenses for a coffee shop are the cost of coffee and food products, salaries and wages, rent, and advertising costs. 

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Coffee Shop?

Opening a coffee shop business can cost anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 depending on the size and location of the business. Additional costs such as inventory, employee salaries, and marketing expenses can range from $5,000 to $15,000 per month.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Coffee Shop Business?

The best way to get funding for a coffee shop business is through a bank loan or utilizing your personal savings, business credit cards or borrowing from friends and family. You can also look into government grants or loans, or try to find a partner who is willing to invest in your business. Whatever route you choose, be sure to have a solid coffee shop business plan for potential investors including a sales and marketing plan as well as a realistic idea of how much money you need to get started.

How to Start a Coffee Shop?

  • Determine the type of coffee shop business you want to open . There are many different types of coffee shops, from small mom-and-pop shops to large chains.
  • Create a coffee shop business plan. This will outline your plans for starting and running your coffee shop. 
  • Secure funding . You will need money to start and run a coffee shop, so you'll need to find investors or borrow money from a bank or other lending institution.
  • Find a location for your coffee shop. This can be tricky, as you'll need to find a space that is affordable and has good foot traffic.
  • Equip your coffee shop . You'll need to buy or lease equipment such as espresso machines, coffee brewers, and furniture in addition to the coffee beans and other food products you plan to sell.
  • Hire staff . You'll need employees to run your coffee shop, so post job ads and interview potential candidates.

Learn more about how to start a successful coffee shop business:

  • How to Start a Coffee Shop Business

Where Can I Get a Coffee Shop Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free coffee shop business plan template PDF here . This is a sample coffee shop business plan template you can use in PDF format.

13 Tips to Open a Successful Coffee Shop

Author: Candice Landau

Candice Landau

12 min. read

Updated May 10, 2024

Free Download:  Sample Coffee Shop Business Plan Templates

Worldwide, experts estimate that people drink about 2.5 billion cups of coffee a day. Sales in the ready-to-drink market—which includes coffee shops—are forecast to grow by 67 percent between now and 2022.

Additionally, coffee and other ready-to-drink shops show incredible resilience in volatile markets, helping to eliminate some of the uncertainty associated with small business ownership.

If you’ve been thinking of combining your love of coffee with your entrepreneurial spirit, you may want to open a coffee shop.

  • What You Need to Open a Coffee Shop

Aside from a love of that sweet java, you’ll want to get a few things in order to get your shop up and running. To help with this, Jack Wilson, owner of Radio Coffee and Beer in Austin, Texas, and Marc Renson, owner of Ambition Bistro in Schenectady, New York, stepped away from brewing and serving to offer 13 tips to prospective owners. Here’s what they recommend you consider when starting a coffee shop:

  • Write a business plan
  • Find the right location
  • Develop a floor plan
  • Hire an accountant
  • Find local funding options
  • Save money for your personal expenses
  • Compare prices and quality on everything
  • Network with lenders and other coffee makers
  • Develop your marketing plan
  • Focus on the Exterior
  • Remain positive
  • Hire slowly
  • Set high standards

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  • 1. Write a business plan for your coffee shop

One of the most vital steps you’ll take toward starting your coffee shop is to write a business plan. This document spells out:

  • What your business is and who it serves
  • How it will be profitable
  • Your target market (primary customer demographics)
  • Your competitors
  • Sales and revenue projections
  • Milestones and goals

Keep your business plan lean

Before you dive into creating a traditional, long-form business plan, we recommend creating a one-page pitch. This will allow you to quickly validate your business idea and get a good sense of who your market is, how you’re going to reach them, and find ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Will you serve pour-overs exclusively? Will you only use high-end coffee grinders and bean varieties? Will you include baked goods on your menu as well?

Similar to a thorough executive summary, this one-page pitch or plan  is a faster, more efficient way to plan your business.

Browse our free coffee shop sample business plans

Need help getting started? Check out our business plan templates for guidance. They’re free real-world examples for you to work from and are available to download and edit as Word documents. Whether you’re starting a little coffee and internet café or a coffee house bistro, there’s a business plan template—a sample business plan—to suit your coffee shop needs.

Coffee Kiosk Business Plan

Read how The Daily Perc opened drive-thru and mobile coffee stands, serving coffee drinks and other beverages to their target market: daily commuters and captive consumers.

Coffeehouse Business Plan

This sample business plan describes how Dark Roast Java attracted a diverse clientele with its Mediterranean art glass decor.

Internet Cafe Business Plan

The JavaNet Internet Cafe was a true visionary business sample plan when it was written, and with most coffee houses adopting some form of this plan, it’s obvious that it was an idea ahead of its time.

Cafe Bistro Coffeehouse Business Plan

The Watertower Cafe sample business plan describes how the cafe will establish itself as a “destination” of choice to the many residents of the greater Atlanta metropolitan area, as well as numerous out-of-town visitors by providing affordable high-quality food, coffee-based products, and entertainment.

Coffee Roaster Business Plan

Beanisimo Coffee is a startup coffee roaster in Salem, Oregon. Founder Frank Jones aims to bring old-world Italian traditions and recipes to meet the market need for premium coffees. His target market is coffee houses, restaurants, and grocery stores.

The key to making a sample business plan useful is to take the time to modify it so it’s right for your business. A lot of the benefit of creating a business plan is in the process of thinking through each part of the plan. Not sure if you need a plan? Check out this article on reasons why having a business plan is important.

  • 2. Find the best location for your coffee shop

To be successful, you need the right location for your coffee shop. You want something that fits the following parameters:

  • Centrally located and easy to access
  • Highly visible and experiences consistent foot traffic
  • A space that fits your vision

Jack Wilson, the owner of Radio Coffee and Beer, warns that finding this dream spot won’t happen overnight.

His team scoured city after city, scouting each location, even going so far as to count pedestrian traffic by hand. He was looking for a former restaurant space, so he didn’t have to remodel everything from scratch. Finally, one day when he dropped his keys on the sidewalk he noticed a tiny “for sale” sign in a former tavern window. After months of searching, he’d found his spot.

Keep in mind that effective restaurant spaces are highly sought after and difficult to find. It may take a while to find just the right spot, but for a business type that benefits from ease of access and casual traffic, it’s worth taking your time to find the right spot.

  • 3. Create a floor plan

A solid and welcoming floor plan is vital for a coffee shop. You want customers to have space to form a line, employees to have the materials they need within reach for quick access and a comfortable seating area. As with finding a location, it will take some time to produce a good floor plan.

According to Wilson you should, “walk yourself through every scenario you can think of,” he says. “If you’re making coffee, what needs to be near you? If you’re a customer, what do you want in a seating area? Visualize everything you can and start putting those ideas down on paper.”

Design your cafe floor plan online

Here are a few free websites you can use to kickstart your planning process. Once you’ve drawn up an initial sketch on paper, get online and make it a reality.

Autodesk Homestyler (free): This is probably my favorite option. You can either start designing your floor from scratch or choose from a gallery of designs to personalize with your own look and feel. In fact, there’s even an option to experiment with real-world products and brands. When you’re done, you’ll be able to share the design as part of your planning process. It can even be used as part of your pitch to potential investors.

Floorplanner: This software is clean and simple to use, with plenty of drag-and-drop furniture and other items to fill out your design. It allows for both 2-D and 3-D visualization of your designs and can be easily printed out if needed.

Gliffy: While it may not be the go-to floor plan solution, I’ve included Gliffy on this list anyway, due to it being a well-known diagram and flowchart application. If you’ve used it before, you may want to give it a try to minimize the learning curve and jump right into designing. While you’re at it, you can even plot out your SWOT analysis.

  • 4. Hire an accountant

One of the best pieces of advice Wilson says he can offer a new coffee shop owner is to turn your books over to an accountant. Aside from taking valuable time away from the business, having a numbers expert works in your favor.

“You won’t be as hard on yourself as you sometimes might need to be,” Wilson says. “Plus, you will make assumptions that an accountant wouldn’t make.”

In reality, your accountant is really your small business consultant. Make sure you find someone who believes in you and can help accomplish your business goals. If you’re unable to hire an accountant right away, you can also look to an online option like QuickBooks . The benefit of online accounting software is that you’ll have direct visibility into the day-to-day finances of your business.

Both are great options for managing your finances, and the decision fully depends on your situation and level of expertise.

  • 5. Attain funding from local sources

Finding startup funds for a coffee shop can be difficult. Renson suggests talking with friends and family about investing in your coffee shop first. Present a solid business plan to them and ask them to invest in your business.

If funding via your family isn’t an option, or if you need more cash than your family can provide, Renson suggests looking into local loan options. In some cases, cities offer business assistance programs to offset costs. Consider an SBA-backed loan or see if a local bank or credit union is an option. Keep in mind that any bank loan will require you to show evidence that your business has some traction already. They want to know you’re a reasonable risk. So if you’re not up and running yet, there are other options for bootstrapping your business that you might consider.

  • 6. Save money for your personal expenses

When identifying startup costs , don’t forget that you need to consider your own personal expenses alongside your business. All of your time and energy will be devoted to your new business, which potentially won’t be profitable for around six-months, even if you start bringing in revenue immediately.

So, plan ahead. Renson suggests making sure you set aside enough money to cover your personal expenses for at least six months if not longer. You’ll need to decide whether it’s possible to run your coffee shop while working another job or side gig or if you’ll be able to solely focus on your new business.

You will also want to understand the concept of cash flow . Considering that over half of the businesses that fail are profitable on paper when they fail, you’ll want to be sure you understand how much cash you’ll need on hand.

  • 7. Shop around for everything

While you’re in the planning and funding stages and working through your finances,  keep a list or spreadsheet of all the startup expenses you’re looking at so you can compare prices.

Before you buy, try to get at least two price quotes for every item so you’re not losing money on basic necessities or recurring costs. Use the internet to your advantage and look for the best prices on everything from comfy chairs to espresso machines.

  • 8. Network your heart out

Having a hot location and brewing superior coffee will only get you so far. You need to network to maintain a connection to the area and to attract more customers. Look into joining the local chamber of commerce, a business association, or partner with a local charity. Be visible in your local community and get dedicated partners long before you open your doors.

9. Develop your marketing plan — before you open

If you start marketing the day you open, you’re already behind. On opening day , you want people excited to come in. You’ll want to develop your marketing strategy and begin advertising to potential customers several months before opening.

Affordable marketing options to consider:

  • Partner with other local businesses by providing free coffee in exchange for on-site advertising.
  • Leverage social media as direct communication with your customers.
  • Participate in local events, providing free specialty coffee samples leading up to your grand opening.
  • Do a small direct mail or email campaign that sends coupons to local residents or businesses.
  • Call everyone, including the media, to tell them about your plans to open the shop.

10. Don’t just focus on the interior of the building

It’s likely that you’ll stress over every little detail of your shop, from what paintings to hang on the wall to the point of sale system (POS System) you’ll use. That being said, it can be very easy to ignore the exterior of your shop or coffee cart which directly contrasts with choosing a location with heavy foot traffic.

According to Wilson, you’ll want to “pay attention to the landscaping, signage, and exterior appearance because that’s the first thing people see.” Some people decide whether or not to come in based on their first impression of the building, so make it count.

By creating a clean and unique exterior, you’ll begin to create a buzz in your community. People will start to wonder, who is setting up shop there? Every little thing you can do to attract attention to your coffee shop can serve as a marketing tool.

  • 11. Have a positive attitude

Like every business, you’ll face challenges to get your shop off the ground. Renson says keeping a positive attitude when things aren’t going your way is a must. Not only does it benefit your outlook, but it showcases strong leadership to your employees and a welcoming presence for customers.

Fake it if you have to. If you get in the habit of keeping an optimistic attitude, even if it’s less than genuine to start, you’ll eventually teach yourself to stay upbeat and will keep those around you optimistic and ready to work.

  • 12. Hire slowly

You need help manning the register, waiting on customers, and making drinks, but don’t hire too many people too fast. Renson suggests hiring a few friends, or neighbors who will volunteer to help you out for the first few weeks. Slowly, bring on staff as needed.

Hiring trusted staff can be tough. No matter how well someone does in an interview, you don’t know how well he or she fits until they’re on the floor. Keep a close eye on the register, Renson suggests, and don’t be afraid to let people go if they are hurting the business.

  • 13. Set high standards

It’s okay to set high standards for your employees and overall business. That’s not to say that you should micromanage your employees. You’ll want to focus on effectively training your staff at the start and building an effective workflow that encourages collaboration and high-quality work. Their ability to make good coffee drinks quickly will have an impact on customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Starting an independent coffee shop is hard work, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a long-term struggle. If you focus on establishing these core pieces while developing your coffee shop business plan, you’ll set yourself up for success early on.

Content Author: Candice Landau

Candice Landau is a marketing consultant with a background in web design and copywriting. She specializes in content strategy, copywriting, website design, and digital marketing for a wide-range of clients including digital marketing agencies and nonprofits.

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Table of Contents

  • 9. Develop your marketing plan — before you open
  • 10. Don’t just focus on the interior of the building

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Business Plan in Coffee Shop: The Barista's Blueprint

Business Plan in Coffee Shop: The Barista’s Blueprint

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the cozy atmosphere, and the hum of friendly conversations — owning a coffee shop is a dream for many entrepreneurs. However, turning this dream into a thriving business requires careful planning and a well-crafted business plan.

A well-crafted business plan must include an executive summary, company, product, and services description, marketing and sales strategy, and operational and financial projections.  it provides a roadmap to attract customers, secure funding, and differentiate your shop.

This article will guide you through the essential steps of creating a comprehensive business plan for your coffee shop. From market analysis to financial projections, I will explore the key elements necessary to brew greatness in the competitive world of coffee retail.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Business Plan in Coffee Shop: The Barista's Blueprint

The executive summary is an essential part of your business plan because it acts as the document’s introduction and compels readers to read more. You must grab the attention of lenders and investors in this succinct part while describing the character of your coffee store. Start by expressing the distinct essence that distinguishes your coffee shop by clearly describing its vision, mission, and fundamental goals.

Outline your business concept, providing a succinct but compelling description of what makes your coffee shop special. Highlight your target market, showcasing your understanding of their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Emphasize your competitive advantage, emphasizing the aspects that make your coffee shop stand out in the crowded market.

To paint a vivid picture of your coffee shop’s potential, include key financial projections such as revenue forecasts, profitability estimates, and growth prospects. Be sure to present these figures clearly and concisely, demonstrating the financial viability of your venture.

Read more about: Business Plan About Coffee Shop: Essentials Elements To Know

Company Description and Market Analysis

In your business plan, offer a comprehensive description of your coffee shop, covering essential details such as its legal structure, location, and branding. Provide insights into the market in which you will operate, delving into the target audience, their preferences, and the overall size of the market. It’s crucial to analyze the competitive landscape, showcasing your understanding of existing establishments and their offerings.

Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP) and articulate how it sets you apart from competitors. This could be through superior quality, innovative flavors, a warm and inviting ambiance, or exceptional customer service. Support your claims and strategies with market research data, demonstrating your deep comprehension of the industry and its dynamics. This detailed overview will help potential investors and partners see the value and potential of your coffee shop.

Products and Services

Within your business plan, provide a comprehensive overview of the products and services your coffee shop will offer. Describe the diverse range of coffee beverages, teas, snacks, and other complementary items that will grace your menu. Take the opportunity to highlight any specialty or signature offerings that will differentiate your coffee shop from the competition, such as unique flavor combinations or artisanal brewing methods.

Discuss your suppliers and their reliability, outlining how you will source high-quality ingredients and materials to maintain the exceptional standard of your products. Address your commitment to ensuring consistency in taste, texture, and presentation, as this will contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, demonstrate how your offerings align with market demand and emerging trends in the coffee industry. Share your insights into evolving consumer preferences and showcase your ability to adapt and innovate. By staying ahead of the curve, you can attract a broader customer base and build a reputation as a trendsetter in the industry.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

In your business plan, provide a detailed outline of your marketing and sales strategy to effectively attract customers and drive revenue. Identify the specific channels and tactics you will employ to promote your coffee shop, including social media platforms, local partnerships, and targeted advertising campaigns.

Emphasize the importance of developing a strong online presence and engaging with your target audience through captivating content and interactive initiatives. Describe your pricing strategy, highlighting any competitive advantages or unique pricing models. Discuss loyalty programs and customer retention initiatives that will foster repeat business and enhance customer satisfaction.

Lastly, clearly define your sales projections and outline the specific actions and strategies you will implement to achieve them, ensuring a solid plan for sustainable growth.

Operational Plan

Give a full overview of your coffee shop’s daily operations in your business plan. The availability and accessibility of your establishment will be determined by the hours of operation, therefore set them forth first. Include the number of baristas, servers, and support workers required to meet consumer demand in your list of staffing needs. Make an organizational chart that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each team member and demonstrates the hierarchy and structure of your team.

Address the equipment needs of your coffee shop, ensuring that you have the necessary machinery, tools, and technology to efficiently serve customers. Discuss your suppliers and their terms of engagement, emphasizing the importance of reliable partnerships to maintain a smooth supply chain and guarantee the availability of quality ingredients and materials.

Address the permits, licenses, and certifications required to operate your coffee shop legally. Ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and comply with local regulations and health codes.

Create a thorough workflow that details the actions needed to provide clients with effective and reliable service. Processes for ordering, preparing, providing customer service, and maintaining are included. It shows that your coffee business is run in a well-structured and organized manner when the daily activities are well-defined.

Financial Projection

Business Plan in Coffee Shop: The Barista's Blueprint

In your business plan, present a detailed financial projection for your coffee shop, encompassing startup costs, operating expenses, revenue forecasts, and projected profitability. Develop a realistic budget that covers essential aspects such as equipment, lease or mortgage payments, utilities, staffing, inventory, and marketing expenses.

Include a break-even analysis that determines the point at which your coffee shop becomes stable, as well as a cash flow projection to showcase the financial sustainability of your business. If seeking funding, clearly communicate your capital requirements and explain how the investment will be utilized to support the growth and improvement of your coffee shop. This comprehensive financial overview provides stakeholders with a clear understanding of the financial aspects and potential returns associated with your business.

Read more about: Business Plan About Coffee House: Starting a New Venture

Risk Assessment and Contingency Plan

In your business plan, it is important to identify potential risks and challenges that could impact the operations and profitability of your coffee shop. These risks may include factors such as shifting consumer preferences, fluctuations in coffee prices, or unforeseen events like natural disasters. By acknowledging these potential challenges, you demonstrate a proactive approach to risk management.

Develop a comprehensive contingency plan that outlines specific steps you would take to mitigate these risks and ensure business continuity. This may involve strategies such as diversifying your product offerings, maintaining strong supplier relationships, implementing effective cost management measures, or investing in insurance coverage. Additionally, consider how you would adapt your marketing and promotional strategies to address changing consumer preferences.

By addressing these risks and challenges head-on, you showcase your preparedness and ability to navigate uncertain circumstances. This provides confidence to potential investors and lenders, showing that you have considered various scenarios and have strategies in place to mitigate potential disruptions to your coffee shop’s operations and profitability.

Management and Team

Take the opportunity to highlight the experience and qualifications of the key members of your management team, as they play a crucial role in driving the achievement of your coffee shop. Outline their respective roles and responsibilities, emphasizing their expertise in the coffee industry, business management, marketing, and customer service.

Give an overview of their relevant professional histories, highlighting the accomplishments and life experiences that make them valuable team members. Highlight any noteworthy accomplishments, credentials, or accolades they have received in the field as these things lend credibility and inspire trust in prospective lenders and investors.

If you are a solo entrepreneur, emphasize your background and skills that make you well-suited to lead the coffee shop. Highlight your industry knowledge, entrepreneurial experience, and any specific expertise or achievements that demonstrate your ability to navigate the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities within the coffee industry.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility

In today’s world, consumers place great value on businesses that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility. It is important to highlight how your coffee shop will embrace these principles. Discuss how you will integrate environmentally friendly practices, such as sourcing fair-trade coffee beans to support farmers and communities.

Emphasize your commitment to using eco-friendly packaging and implementing waste reduction strategies, such as recycling and composting programs. Additionally, outline initiatives that demonstrate your support for the local community. This can involve partnering with local suppliers to promote the local economy or engaging in charitable programs that address community needs.

By showcasing your coffee shop’s dedication to sustainability and social responsibility, you not only attract socially conscious customers but also distinguish your business as an ethical and responsible choice. These efforts go beyond business operations and contribute to a positive impact on the environment and society, fostering goodwill and loyalty among customers who share your values.

Appendices and Supporting Documents

In this section, include any additional documents that bolster the information presented in your business plan. These could encompass market research data, lease agreements, permits, licenses, supplier contracts, or financial statements.

The inclusion of these supporting documents adds credibility and substantiates the viability of your coffee shop’s operations. By providing tangible evidence and relevant paperwork, you reinforce the trustworthiness of your business plan and further assure potential investors and partners of the soundness of your venture.

A well-crafted business plan serves as the foundation for your coffee shop’s achievement. It outlines your vision, strategies, and financial projections, providing a roadmap to navigate the competitive landscape. Remember to regularly review and update your business plan as your coffee shop evolves and market conditions change. With careful planning, attention to detail, and a passion for delivering exceptional coffee experiences, you can turn your dream of owning a great coffee shop into a reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Business Plan in Coffee Shop: The Barista's Blueprint

1. What is the importance of having a business plan for a coffee shop?

A business plan for a coffee shop is crucial as it outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. It helps attract investors, secure funding, and provides a roadmap for growth.

2. How do I identify my target market for a coffee shop?

To identify your target market, consider factors such as demographics, location, and consumer preferences. Conduct market research, analyze competition, and understand the needs and preferences of potential customers.

3. What should be included in the financial projections of a coffee shop business plan?

Financial projections should include startup costs, operating expenses, revenue forecasts, and projected profitability. It should also incorporate a break-even analysis and cash flow projection to demonstrate the financial viability of your coffee shop.

To learn more on how to start your own coffee shop, check out my startup documents here.

Disclaimer: The information provided by  StartMyCoffeeShop.com  (“The Site”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith. However, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the Site or Reliance on any information provided on the Site. Your use of the Site and reliance on any information on the Site is solely at your own risk. This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a legal expert to address your specific needs. Terms and Conditions. ( https://startmycoffeeshop.com/terms-and-conditions/ )

what is the business plan coffee

Hi! I’m Shawn Chun

My adventure in coffee began when I first launched my first coffee shop back in the early 2000s. I had to figure out so many things on my own and to make it worse within 2 years of opening two large corporate coffee chains moved in just blocks away from me!

As I saw smaller and even some larger coffee shops in the neighborhood slowly lose customers to these giant coffee chains and slowly close up shop, I knew that I had to start getting creative…or go out of business.

I (like you may be) knew the coffee industry well. I could make the best latte art around and the foam on my caps was the fluffiest you have ever seen. I even had the best state-of-the-art 2 group digital Nuova Simonelli machine money could buy. But I knew that these things alone would not be enough to lure customers away from the name brand established coffee shops.

Eventually, through lots of trial and error as well as perseverance and creativity I did find a way to not only survive but also thrive in the coffee/espresso industry even while those corporate coffee chains stayed put. During those years I learned to adapt and always faced new challenges. It was not always easy, however, in the end, I was the sole survivor independent coffee shop within a 10-mile radius of my location. Just two corporate coffee chains and I were left after that year. All told the corporate coffee chains took down over 15 small independent coffee shops and kiosks and I was the last one standing and thriving.

Along the years I meet others with the same passion for coffee and I quickly learned that it is not only “how good a barista is” that makes a coffee shop successful, but the business side of coffee as well.

Hence why I started this website you are on now. To provide the tools and resources for up and coming coffee shop owners to gain that vital insight and knowledge on how to start a coffee shop successfully.

Stick around, browse through my helpful blog and resources and enjoy your stay! With lots of LATTE LOVE!

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what is the business plan coffee

Opening a coffee shop can be both exhilarating and daunting at the same time. Crafting a comprehensive coffee shop business plan is your first step toward owning a thriving business. This document is not just a formal requirement; it’s a roadmap that guides your business strategy and helps you navigate the complexities of the coffee industry. Learn what elements your business plan should include.

Elements of Your Business Plan

Below are the various pieces your business plan will need:

  • Executive summary: This section provides a snapshot of your business, including the concept of your coffee shop, your unique selling proposition, and your objectives. Your executive summary should clearly and engagingly capture what your business is all about.
  • Company description: Detail your coffee shop’s identity in the company description section. Describe the ambiance, theme, and customer experience you envision. This section should reflect your passion and show the reader – a potential investor – why your coffee shop will stand out in a globally growing industry .
  • Market analysis: This section is crucial. Research your target market, including demographic and psychographic profiles of your potential customers. Understand the local coffee market, identify your competitors, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you position your coffee shop to fill any gaps in the local market.
  • Business structure: Be clear about how your business is defined. Is it a sole proprietorship? An LLC? Determine your business structure You’ll also want to introduce your management team. Give details about their experience and industry knowledge.
  • Products and services: Your menu is at the heart of your coffee shop business plan. Describe the types of coffee, beverages, and food you plan to offer. Highlight any specialty items that will differentiate your coffee shop from competitors.
  • Marketing and sales strategy: Develop a marketing plan to attract and retain customers. Include strategies for social media, local advertising, and community engagement. Detail your sales strategy and set realistic sales targets.
  • Financial projections: If you’re seeking funding, clearly outline your requirements in this section. Provide detailed financial projections, including startup costs, projected breakeven point, and expenses. This part should reassure investors of your coffee shop’s financial viability.

Consider a Coffee Shop Franchise

The idea of starting a business completely from scratch can seem overwhelming. Franchising offers a path toward entrepreneurship without the added stress and guesswork that comes with starting a new venture. If you’re considering different coffee franchise brands, your business plan should reflect that. Discuss the franchisor’s support and resources and how they’ll contribute to your coffee shop’s growth.

Another added benefit of partnering with a franchise is they’ve gone through the opening process many times. They’ll be able to guide you through any pitfalls and help you anticipate challenges. This is especially helpful when trying to maintain an investment budget. Franchisors are able to provide franchise candidates an estimated range of startup costs – meaning the risk of pop-up expenses is considerably lower. And any potential investors will appreciate that.

Get Started with Scooter’s Coffee

Founded by Don and Linda Eckles in 1998, Scooter’s Coffee has grown to almost 750 locations nationwide. We’re known as a purveyor of specialty coffee, but our brand offers many other drink options, like hot or iced teas, blenders, smoothies, and lemonade. We also have a great selection of food to pair with our delicious drinks.

All of our franchisees get direct access to comprehensive support and training throughout the life of their franchise agreement, not just at the start. Plus, our brand has multiple coffee franchise models , including drive-thru kiosk and endcap options – giving franchisees more choice in where to open their coffee shop.

To qualify for a Scooter’s Coffee location, franchise candidates must have a net worth of $500,000 and at least $250,000 in liquid assets.

If you’re interested in learning more about our franchise opportunity, request information today, and someone from our development team will be in touch with you soon.

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The Body Shop’s administrators are to launch an auction of the chain after concluding that an alternative restructuring of one of Britain’s best-known high street retailers was not viable.

Sky News has learnt that FRP Advisory, which has been overseeing the collapsed business since January, is to begin formally sounding out potential buyers in the coming weeks.

The move raises the prospect of new owners taking control of The Body Shop, which was founded nearly half a century ago.

Read more here ...

The UK's mega rich are dwindling - in a sign Britain's "billionaire boom has come to an end", according to the latest Sunday Times Rich List.

Published today, the list reveals the largest fall in billionaires in the guide's history - from a peak of 177 in 2022 to 165 this year.

While the combined wealth of the list's 350 wealthiest individuals amounts to more than £795bn - larger than the GDP of Poland - the guide's compiler says time will tell what impact a drop in billionaires could have.

"This year's Sunday Times Rich List suggests Britain's billionaire boom has come to an end," Robert Watts said.

"Many of our home-grown entrepreneurs have seen their fortunes fall and some of the global super rich who came here are moving away."

Top of the list is British-Indian businessman Gopi Hinduja and his family, whose wealth of £37.2bn is the largest fortune in the ranking's history.

But other familiar names in the list saw their riches fall, with Sir Richard Branson's total dropping by £2.4bn, which is back to his 2000 level.

Last year's top climber Sir Jim Ratcliffe, who bought a stake in Manchester United this year, fell two positions with a decline of £6.1bn.

Euan Blair, Tony Blair's eldest son, made the list for the first time, as did Sir Lewis Hamilton.

It comes as the UK continues to deal with a cost-of-living crisis, with new figures this week revealing a record 3.1 million food bank parcels were distributed over the course of a year.

The top 10:

  • Gopi Hinduja - £37.2bn
  • Sir Leonard Blavtanik - £29.2bn
  • David and Simon Reuben and family - £24.9bn
  • Sir Jim Ratcliffe - £23.5bn
  • Sir James Dyson and family - £20.8bn
  • Barnaby and Merlin Swire and family - £17.2bn
  • Idan Ofer - £14.9bn
  • Lakshmi Mittal and family - £14.9bn
  • Guy, George, Alannah and Galen Weston and family - £14.4bn
  • John Fredriksen and family - £12.8bn

A group of social media influencers have been charged in relation to promoting an unauthorised investment scheme.

The Only Way Is Essex (TOWIE) original cast member Lauren Goodger, 37, former Love Island star Biggs Chris, 32, and Celebrity Big Brother winner Scott Timlin, 36, also known as Scotty T, are among seven TV personalities alleged to have been paid to promote the scheme to their combined 4.5 million Instagram followers.

The others charged by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) include former Love Islanders Rebecca Gormley, 26, Jamie Clayton, 32, and Eva Zapico, 25 and TOWIE member Yazmin Oukhellou, 30.

The UK's financial watchdog brought the charges in a crackdown on "finfluencers" who use their online platforms to offer advice and information on various financial topics.

It alleges that between 19 May 2018 and 13 April 2021 Emmanuel Nwanze, 30, and Holly Thompson, 33, used an Instagram account to provide advice on buying and selling investments known as contracts for difference (CFDs) when they were not authorised to do so.

The watchdog said CFDs were high-risk investments used to bet on the price of an asset, in this case the price of foreign currencies.

It previously warned that 80% of customers lost money when investing in CDFs.

Mr Nwanze has been charged with running the scheme. He faces one count of breaching the general prohibition of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, and one count of unauthorised communications of financial promotions.

Ms Thompson, Mr Chris, Mr Clayton, Ms Goodger, Ms Gormley, Ms Oukhellou, Mr Timlin and Ms Zapico each face one count of unauthorised communications of financial promotions.

All nine will appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on 13 June.

The FCA asked anyone who believed they had sustained a loss due to the scheme to contact its consumer contact centre.

A hotel part-owned by Gary Neville and other ex-Manchester United legends has been named one of the best places to work in hospitality. 

Each year, The Caterer releases its top 30 best places for employees in the sector, with the top six featuring some familiar names.

The list is compiled via anonymous employee survey - with no input from managers or owners. 

Hotel Football, the only hotel with a rooftop five-a-side pitch, was among the top six venues selected by employees across the UK. 

The hotel's benefits package was particularly well-praised by those who work there - given that it "prioritises the financial wellbeing of employees during the cost of living challenge".

Management at the hotel, which is situated next to Manchester United's Old Trafford stadium, was also praised for enhanced maternity, paternity, parental and adoption leave policies and a strong belief in diversity and inclusion. 

The other five to make up the top six are The Biltmore in Mayfair, Cycas Hospitality (which has 18 locations across the UK), Dalata (which boasts some 1,000 employees), Gleneagles Hotel in Edinburgh and Nobu Hotel in Shoreditch, London. 

The energy price cap is set to fall by about 7% in July, a leading thinktank has said. 

Cornwall Insights said: "For a typical dual fuel household, we predict the July price cap to be £1,574 per annum" - a drop from £1,690.

Looking further ahead, it forecasted the cap to rise again slightly in October, before falling again in January next year. 

Reacting to the news, Uswitch said the predicted drop was "clearly good news". 

"The future still remains uncertain, and with the price cap changing every three months – currently expected to rise in October before falling slightly in January –  it's crucial not to be complacent," Richard Neudegg, director of regulation, said. 

However, "a predicted 7% drop in energy prices in July is clearly good news, with the price cap looking likely to hit its lowest level in over two years", he said. 

He also urged  households who want to lock in rates for price certainty to run a comparison to see what energy tariffs are available to them.

"There are many 12-month fixed tariffs available at rates cheaper than the current price cap, and even some that are 2% below these new predicted July rates," he said. 

Cristiano Ronaldo has topped Forbes' list of highest-paid athletes for the fourth time in his career.

Ronaldo became the world's highest-paid athlete after his move to Saudi Arabian side Al Nassr and Forbes said the 39-year-old's estimated total earnings were around $260m (£205m) - an all-time high for a football player.

His on-field earnings amounted to $200m (£158m) while off-field he earned $60m (£47m) thanks to sponsorship deals where brands make use of his 629 million Instagram followers.

Spanish golfer Jon Rahm took second place following his switch to Saudi-backed LIV Golf.

Rahm earned $218m (£172m) and joins Ronaldo as the only two athletes to earn over $200m.

Third on the list is record eight-time Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi, who switched to Major League Soccer team Inter Miami, which helped the Argentine World Cup winner earn $135m (£107m).

The 36-year-old earned $65m (£51m) in on-field earnings but $70m (£55m) off it from deals with major sponsors such as Adidas and Apple.

Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James came in fourth at $128m (£101m), while fellow NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks made fifth with $111m (£88m).

France football captain Kylian Mbappe dropped down to sixth with $110m (£87m).

French striker Karim Benzema, who also moved to Saudi Arabia, is eighth on the list with $106m (£84m), followed by Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry with $102m (£80m).

Lamar Jackson is the only NFL player on the list, in 10th place with $101m (£80m), thanks to the signing bonus negotiated into his new Baltimore Ravens contract last year.

The number of new pupils joining private schools has fallen by  2.7% since last year, according to the latest figures.

Data from the Independent Schools Council (ISC) shows families are now paying more than £18,000 a year on average to send their children to private school.

This is an 8% rise in school fees for the 2023-2024 academic year compared with the year before.

But as fees soar, figures show a 2.7% drop in the number of new pupil applications - this is the biggest fall since the ISC started collecting data in 2011.

Every Friday we get an overview of the mortgage market with independent experts from  Moneyfactscompare.co.uk . Today, finance expert Rachel Springall outlines what's been happening within the buy-to-let market…

A handful of lenders moved to tweak the fixed rates they charge on buy-to-let mortgages over the past week. 

Paragon Bank launched some new "portfolio" and "green" fixed mortgages, and Aldermore pulled its limited edition five-year fixed rates, max 65% loan-to-value. 

Buckinghamshire Building Society also launched new deals onto the market, and Claire Askham, head of mortgage sales said: "The decision to increase our BTL lending to 80% represents a positive move for the sector as we continue to see landlords appraising their portfolios through divesting, refinancing and taking advantage of a variety of property-related opportunities as they arise."

Week on week, there has been minor moves to the overall average fixed buy-to-let rates, with the two-year remaining unchanged at 5.62% and the five-year falling by 0.02% to 5.59%.

This week the lowest two-year fix for buy-to-let customers at 75% loan-to-value comes from Metro Bank, priced at 4.19%, which charges a percentage booking fee of 5.00% of the mortgage advance and is available to second-time buyers and remortgage customers borrowing a maximum of £2m. 

There is another option from the same lender which carries an incentive package just for remortgage customers, but it has a lower maximum advance of £1.5m.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Suffolk Building Society has the lowest two-year fix for buy-to-let customers at 80% loan-to-value priced at 4.79% for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. 

The deal charges a percentage completion fee of 3.00% of the mortgage advance as well as a flat £199 booking fee.

Remortgage customers will receive a free valuation and free legal fees incentive.

A five-year fixed buy-to-let mortgage may be more appealing for you to guarantee your monthly repayments for longer. 

If you looking to borrow at 75% loan-to-value, HSBC has a deal for remortgage customers priced at 4.33%, which carries a free valuation and free legal fees incentive package but charges a flat £3,999 product fee.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Furness Building Society has the lowest five-year fixed buy-to-let deal at 80% loan-to-value priced at 5.39% for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. It charges a booking fee of £995 and includes an £250 cashback incentive. 

Remortgage customers will also receive a free valuation. This deal also happens to be a Best Buy for a five-year fixed deal at 80% loan-to-value.

Best Buy alternatives

The lowest buy-to-let rates may carry both a flat product fee and an arrangement fee which is based on a percentage of the mortgage advance, so a Best Buy package may be more suitable if you are looking to save on the upfront cost of any deal. 

You might also want a deal to cover a valuation or legal fees. A Best Buy buy-to-let mortgage could be the most cost-effective choice in this instance, but it's worth seeking advice before entering any arrangement.

This week the top packages on a two-year fixed buy-to-let deal at 75% loan-to-value comes from HSBC, priced at 4.69%, which comes with a free valuation and charges a £3,999 product fee and is available to second-time buyers. 

If you want a loan with a lower upfront fee, then HSBC also has a Best Buy deal priced at 4.94% at 75% loan-to-value, which carries a free valuation and charges a £1,999 product fee and is available to second-time buyers.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Furness Building Society has a Best Buy two-year fixed buy-to-let deal priced at 5.73% at 80% loan-to-value for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. It charges a fee of £995 and includes a £250 cashback incentive. Remortgage customers will also receive a free valuation.

A five-year fixed buy-to-let mortgage may be more appealing for you to guarantee your monthly repayments for longer. If you looking to borrow at 75% loan-to-value, HSBC has a Best Buy deal priced at 4.39%, which carries a free valuation and charges a £3,999 product fee. 

If you want a loan with a lower upfront fee, then HSBC also has a Best Buy deal priced at 4.64% at 75% loan-to-value, which carries a free valuation and charges a £1,999 product fee.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Furness Building Society has a Best Buy five-year fixed buy-to-let deal priced at 5.39% at 80% loan-to-value for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. 

It charges a booking fee of £995 and includes an £250 cashback incentive. Remortgage customers will also receive a free valuation. This deal also happens to be the lowest rate on a five-year fixed deal at 80% loan-to-value.

By James Sillars , business reporter

A lack of strong corporate updates did for the FTSE 100 on Thursday.

A flat end to the day has been followed by a flat end to the week, with the index falling almost 0.1% to 8,433 in early deals on Friday.

Very little around for investors to ponder.

Developments this morning included pharmaceutical firm GSK saying it had raised £1.25bn from selling its entire remaining stake in Haleon.

The consumer healthcare firm was spun out of GSK almost two years ago.

One other announcement of note came from Sainsbury's.

It revealed a five-year strategic partnership with Microsoft that will see generative AI used to boost personalised shopping experiences for consumers, improve search functions and make staff working practices more efficient.

The financial terms were not disclosed. Its shares were 0.4% higher.

Away from the equity markets, it's worth taking a quick look at how oil is finishing the week.

Brent crude is trading above $83 a barrel on evidence of rising demand.

Prices at these levels should not have an impact at the fuel pumps but small recent declines in average costs could be reversed if the upwards oil price trend continues.

Greggs will open eight stores in the next few weeks, as the company continues its expansion plans 

The bakery said it would open a total of 180 new branches before the end of this year. 

We were told earlier this year that the famous sausage roll-seller would open new stores in London, Cambridge and Sale, but Greggs has now revealed where its next eight new branches will be. 

Here are the locations of the eight new sights, revealed by the bakery to The Sun:

  • Saffron Walden, Market Place, England
  • Bangor, Carnarfon Road, Wales
  • Birmingham Prime Park, England
  • Brierley Hill, Merryhill, England
  • Consett Delves Lane Drive Thru, County Durham, England
  • Edinburgh, 60-61 Seafield Road, Scotland
  • Glasgow, Argyle St, Scotland
  • Porth, U3C Geilligron IE, Wales

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what is the business plan coffee

Adam Pesce, President: Reunion Coffee Roasters Providing Specialty Coffee That Is Both Sustainable and Accessible to All Consumers

Picture of Nicole Blair

  • Updated: May 15, 2024
  • Categories: Food Service , Interviews
  • Made in CA Exclusive Interview

The views and opinions expressed in the interviews published on Made in CA are those of the interviewees and do not reflect the official policy or position of Made in CA.

The information provided through these interviews is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any products, services, or individuals featured. We strongly encourage readers to consult with appropriate professionals or authorities in the relevant fields for accurate information and advice.

Adam Pesce

Reunion is one of North America’s largest and most sustainable coffee roasters. It is a second-generation, family-run business that roasts out of a bullfrog-powered facility in Oakville, Ontario, and has a consumer-facing café on Roncesvalles in Toronto.

Reunion’s business includes Reunion-branded specialty coffees that are roasted in-house and private-label coffee supplied for companies globally. It began as a B2B company and has grown over the years to reach consumers directly as well.

Tell us about yourself?

Reunion is a family business, and my father, Peter, has been in the coffee industry since the late 70s, so it’s safe to say I was born into it. Peter was a pioneer in the Canadian specialty coffee industry and really paid attention to the quality of coffee he was roasting.

I started at Reunion after graduating from the University of Western Ontario with a degree in Politics. I worked at Reunion while also going to culinary school at night and eventually working in kitchens, unsure of what I wanted to do. When I left school, I knew I wanted to do some good in the world, but it wasn’t until I started travelling to coffee origins as a buyer that I saw the inequity in the supply chain and the exploitation that existed inherent in the coffee trading model. From that point, I understood that coffee could be the conduit with which I could do something positive.

Since joining the business, I have been a vocal advocate for improving sustainability standards within the coffee industry, while focusing on making Reunion the best version of itself in both sustainability and quality.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

We’ve made so much progress in the past 12 to 18 months. Honestly, if I could go back, I would just convince myself to start sooner! I’ve gotten caught up with letting ‘perfect be the enemy of good’. When you start getting the work done, you realize how quickly progress can be made, and the paralysis that can come with trying to be perfect is harmful, especially when you’re trying to improve things for your staff and your environmental impact. It’s another reminder that a lot of small steps of progress can really add up very quickly.

What problem does your business solve?

Reunion Coffee Roasters provides specialty coffee that is both sustainable and accessible to any and all consumers. “Specialty” coffee, by its very nature, is the best of what the coffee world has to offer, so for many consumers, it can feel a bit intimidating to approach it if they’re used to more commercial coffee. We are trying to bridge the gap for consumers to find better coffee with sustainable initiatives behind it that is just a better version of what they’re used to.

Reunion has been making impactful strides for a more sustainable business over the years as well. We are proud early adopters of the Bullfrog Power and the B-Corp Movement and work closely with incredible partners like Fair Trade Canada and Rainforest Alliance to ensure sustainability within the supply chain.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The coffee industry is notorious for being unsustainable. We are working to change this as much as we can by providing coffee that is sustainably, ethically, and responsibly sourced and produced.

With an accessible price point, we want Reunion to be the go-to coffee for all Canadians. We have a variety of specialty blends to suit different tastes.

What is your magic sauce?

I think that where we have set ourselves apart is in our long-term relationships. We are still family-owned, and as we change and grow, knowing this is important to our customers, vendors, and staff. With multi-generational relationships, we can create an environment of trust across our supply chain and with everyone involved in the business. There has been a lot of consolidation and private equity money coming into our industry that can but doesn’t necessarily de-personalize the day-to-day.

I love to stay involved on all levels, and with our level of flexibility being a virtue to many of our customers, it feels more important than ever to stay involved and work closely with the team.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

From a business growth standpoint, we are focused on growing our presence in the retail market while maintaining our core strengths in food service, hospitality and office coffee. It’s a tricky balance, but if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that having a diversified product lineup and set of capabilities is the key to resilience and prosperity.

From a sustainability standpoint, the next frontier is achieving true Net Zero emissions status. It’s a journey we are on now, and it will be a long road, but we are committed to getting there as soon as possible. We are working on some major carbon reduction strategies now that are really exciting for us. There have been so many advancements to help businesses do better on this front, so diving in on these projects is just a joy for us!

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The pandemic notwithstanding, I think it’s always been a challenge to balance growth and sustainability, especially in the days before sustainability was something most people cared about or even knew about. Thankfully, it’s just become a huge part of who we are. It is what we are known for and what everyone expects out of us. So, it’s less about the balance now and more about figuring out how the growth can push our impact and vice versa.

Thankfully, we have stayed steady over the years, really maintaining who we are as specialty coffee roasters that fundamentally believe in sustainability. We have moved into different markets and formats and gone through many operational challenges, but at our core, it’s just really great coffee done well.

How can people get involved?

Visit www.reunioncoffeeroasters.com or follow us at @reunioncoffee

As Canadians, we grew tired of the tariff battles with the US and unfair practices of other partners. In July 2018, we decided to do something about it, starting to compile a list of products and services available in Canada so you can rest easy knowing your dollars are having their maximum impact in the Canadian economy.

18 King Street East, Suite 1400 Toronto, Ontario, M5C 1C4 Canada

Mon – Sun: 9:30am – 5pm


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Columbia Center for Implants & Periodontics

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10490 Little Patuxent Pkwy

Columbia, MD 21044

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Photo of Angela R.

Very impressed. I use a walker and only saw steps and called the office and they came out to show me where the ramp was located not just tell me as it was behind the shrubbery. They were very attentive and was seen before actual appointment time. Very friendly and explained everything and fees for services.

Photo of Carroll N.

April 2023 My dentist gave me a referral to get a full Perio evaluation. I found Dr. Sanju Jose and his practice through my insurance's webpage. I chose Dr. Jose after seeing that he received great reviews, had state-of-the-art equipment, and had competitive pricing for his services. My consultation was scheduled at this second office location, which they opened last year. It is located across from Lidl at Mall in Columbia. Their other location is on Dobbin Road. I came to the building lobby and found the suite number on their digital directory. Upon going upstairs to Suite 280, there was a sign on the door with instructions that the office could be entered by going outside the building's main entrance, to the left of the building, and up the stairs. This information would have been helpful if I was informed when I scheduled my appointment and to be posted on their website. Upon entering the suite, my first impressions were the friendly staff and the modern and posh decor for a dental practice. They provide complimentary coffee and offered me water. When I was brought back, Liz took my blood pressure and took my images via a cat scan. She suggested I take my earrings off. A colleague of hers overheard and offered me a cup to put them in. I was impressed to see how helpful and friendly all the staff were. They seem happy to work for the practice. The cat scan was high tech as it gave prompts. I commented to Liz when we returned to my designated room how high tech the equipment was. She informed me that during surgeries, staff can change the lighting colors, play movies, change the music, and provide sherpa-lined blankets that the patient can take home. I love that all of this is done with the patients' comfort in mind. Dr. Jose ran slightly behind for my appointment as his surgery was taking longer than expected. Apparently consultation and surgeries are scheduled concurrently. He explained the result of my cat scan and told me what my treatment plan was. He was friendly, knowledgable, professional, and super patient as I asked questions and took notes. After he left, Liz reviewed my prep and post surgery instructions for my gum graft and someone in finance reviewed the cost of my procedure. I am thoroughly impressed with the staff, Dr. Jose, the facility, and the high-tech equipment. My surgery is scheduled for the summer at the other location. I hope it all goes well and I look forward to staying with this practice for long-term care as needed.

what is the business plan coffee

See all photos from Carroll N. for Columbia Center for Implants & Periodontics

Photo of Stacey S.

Over the past six months, I have had both tooth extraction and implant procedures performed by Dr. Torres. She and the staff have always provided great service and information about each stage and what to expect. The facilities and equipment are very modern and clean. The office is easy to get to and there is plenty of parking. I am very pleased with the services that I have received and would highly recommend Columbia Center for Implants & Periodontics.

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  2. How To Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan & Executive Summary

    To start a business proposal for a coffee shop, use a coffee shop business plan sample and make sure you include the key sections: an executive summary, business overview, management and staff, market analysis, marketing and publicity, operations plan, and financial forecast and expenses. Also, make sure you do enough research before you start ...

  3. How to write a coffee shop business plan

    A coffee shop business plan is a detailed and strategic document outlining the essential aspects of starting and operating a coffee-focused business. It encompasses a comprehensive analysis of the business's goals, target audience, competitive landscape, marketing strategies, financial projections, operational procedures and more. ...

  4. How To Start A Coffee Shop (2024 Guide)

    3. Identify Startup Cost and Equipment. No matter what, starting a coffee shop will have expenses, and these are essential for your operation. If you are choosing a brand-new retail location, it ...

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  6. The Ultimate Coffee Shop Business Plan and Template

    A coffee shop business plan is an essential tool for coffee shop owners or people who want to open a coffee shop. A business plan will help you plan your strategy for success and act as a guide as you look to build your coffee shop. In this article, we'll look at why you should write a business plan for your coffee shop or cafe, as well as ...

  7. Coffee Shop Business Plan Outline: A Roadmap to Café Excellence

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  11. Coffee Shop Business Plan Ultimate Guide + Free Example

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    Emphasize why your marketing strategy is the best approach for both the type of coffee shop you're opening and the neighborhood. 7. Business Operations. You've described your vision, the marketplace, and how you plan to market your business. Now it's time to outline how you'll actually execute your plan.

  17. How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan + Free Template

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    Reunion is one of North America's largest and most sustainable coffee roasters. It is a second-generation, family-run business that roasts out of a bullfrog-powered facility in Oakville, Ontario, and has a consumer-facing café on Roncesvalles in Toronto. Reunion's business includes Reunion-branded specialty coffees that are roasted in-house and private-label coffee supplied for companies ...

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  28. Columbia Center for Implants & Periodontics

    2 reviews and 13 photos of COLUMBIA CENTER FOR IMPLANTS & PERIODONTICS "April 2023 My dentist gave me a referral to get a full Perio evaluation. I found Dr. Sanju Jose and his practice through my insurance's webpage. I chose Dr. Jose after seeing that he received great reviews, had state-of-the-art equipment, and had competitive pricing for his services.