• Water Cycle

Weather & Climate

Societal applications, connect the spheres: earth systems interactions.

Connect the Spheres: Earth Systems Interactions

This activity was developed as an introductory experience to a series of lessons about water resources on Earth. Students will investigate Earth systems by making observations in nature and identifying systems in the natural world.  Ultimately, the students will understand how the four spheres/systems on Earth ( biosphere , hydrosphere , geosphere , and atmosphere ) are interconnected. 

Download Resources:

(right-click -> save as)

  • Teacher Guide (pdf)
  • Student Capture Sheet (pdf)
  • Presentation (ppt)

Other "Survivor: Earth" Lessons:

The following lessons have been developed to teach students about local and global water issues. They are based on NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission and an instructional module designed for Montgomery County Public Schools Outdoor Environmental Education Program ( http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/outdoored/ ). 

  • Connect the Spheres: Earth Systems Interaction
  • Earth's Water
  • The Water Cycle
  • Water in the Hydrosphere
  • Water in the Geosphere
  • Water in the Biosphere
  • Water in the Atmosphere
  • Measuring Precipitation
  • Water Conservation
  • The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM)

Please Contact Us to Receive the Answer Keys (please note, we can only provide the answer keys for "GPM Original" lesson plans)


Earth systems and climate change.

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The Earth is a dynamic system – a combination of interrelated, interacting parts that form a collective entity.

From a scientific point of view, the Earth system has four central components known as subsystems – the hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. These subsystems are interconnected by processes and cycles that – over time – intermittently store, transform and/or transfer matter and energy throughout the whole Earth system.

Diagram showing Earth interrelated systems and cycles

Earth is a complex interrelated system

The Earth system contains a diverse and complex mix of processes, cycles and systems that interact with each other.

Earth’s subsystems are dynamic – changes in one part of a subsystem can cause effects in other parts of that subsystem and/or other subsystems. For example, rising atmospheric temperatures are causing glaciers to melt and retreat . Some of the cascading effects of glacier loss include:

  • sea level rise – increasing coastal erosion and impacts from storm surges
  • displacement of plants and animals that have adapted to a cold environment
  • reduced river flows, groundwater depletion and other downstream effects.

Cascading impacts

Our climate, our biodiversity, our future is an interactive storymap that uses a collection of stories arranged to show the interconnection of ki uta ki tai – mountains to the sea – which illustrate how the climate is changing, how it impacts our indigenous biodiversity and what is being done to help. This activity helps educators deepen student engagement with the storymap.

Humans are part of the Earth system

Humans interact with these systems – we depend on them to meet our needs. We have created technologies to enable us to control natural systems, which has had positive outcomes such as reliable water supplies, increased food production and energy generation. But humans have also exploited natural resources, sometimes pushing the limits of sustainability and the ability for species or ecosystems to regenerate. Our actions are altering Earth’s systems – with serious consequences – as evidenced by changes in Earth’s atmosphere and climate .

Infographic about effects of climate change

Climate change creates additional pressures

The interconnected nature of the environment means the impacts of our changing climate are cascading through ecosystems – compounding other pressures from human activities. This places additional pressures on the environment, our livelihoods, our culture and our wellbeing.

Download this image as a PDF .

Source: Ministry for the Environment, Stats NZ, and dat a providers, and licensed by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Māori perspectives and holistic views

Our understanding of the Earth system is informed by science and indigenous knowledge built over generations of observation and inference. The Māori world view is holistic – it acknowledges the intrinsic connection between the atmosphere, climate and the entire environmental system, including the interdependencies between people and their environment.

The holistic and reciprocal connection between Māori and the natural world is formed through shared whakapapa (genealogy). The creation and ongoing balance of the natural world is interconnected through this web of kinship, and responsibility to care is reflected in pūrākau where these relationships shape connection to the environment. Our atmosphere and climate 2023

A Māori perspective of the natural world recognises that non-human parts of the environment have mauri and are considered tupuna and taonga, with inherent rights, value and agency. When we put pressure on our atmosphere and climate, we shift the mauri of that part of the ecosystem. It becomes unbalanced, in turn putting pressure on all other systems in te taiao, including people and communities .

Explore further Māori insight – māramatanga Māori – related to climate and Earth systems.

Cumulative effects of human practices

Climate change is just one of the many ways in which humans have upset the balance of the Earth system. We’ve altered the land through deforestation . We’ve modified it to make our lives safer and more comfortable, and this has impacts on freshwater and marine ecosystems. Rubbish and poorly designed landfills have polluted the land, water and atmosphere. Introduced predators have an impact on native birds , plants and other animals . Impacts from the changing climate are compounding these pressures.

We face a huge challenge but already know many solutions. We can draw strength by embracing the wisdom of our ancestors and holding their legacy close. ‘Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua: we walk backwards into the future with our eyes fixed on our past’. By working collaboratively, acknowledging the past and embracing innovative and transformative ways of thinking, we can walk into the future with a greater understanding of how to accept the wero (challenge) that is climate change. Our atmosphere and climate 2023

Systems thinking to achieve solutions

There’s a long list of impacts that human actions have had on te taiao. Fortunately, we have found solutions to fix a lot of these problems. It’s taken generations to create the issues, and it will take time and dedicated action to turn them around.

Charging station for electric cars in NZ

Electric car charging station

The New Zealand Government and private companies are establishing significant infrastructure to support the use of electric vehicles.

Road transport is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gases in Aotearoa. Transitioning away from fossil fuels helps to reduce emissions.

Systems thinking is a holistic approach to problem solving. It requires us to look at the big picture and understand how environmental systems are intertwined with social, cultural, economic and political systems. Systems thinking allows for diverse perspectives and creativity. Such integrative and holistic approaches can help provide a more complete picture as shown within te ao Māori.

The environmental report Our atmosphere and climate 2023 notes holistic approaches will be particularly useful in understanding the state of the climate and all its links to ecosystems, habitats and species in the wider environment. Having the right information helps everyone take meaningful action to achieve solutions.

Related content

Earth systems and connections:

  • H 2 O on the go, the water cycle – introduction – resource curation
  • Environment Aotearoa 2022 – introduction – resource curation using whetū in Te Kāhui o Matariki and their associated environmental domains
  • Wetland (repo) connections – ecological and cultural perspectives – activity
  • River connections – activity

Professional development resources:

  • Climate change – classroom competencies has suggestions for developing student competencies and working towards climate solutions.
  • Climate change resources – planning pathways provides pedagogical advice and links to the New Zealand Curriculum. It includes an interactive planner that groups Hub resources into key science and teaching concepts.
  • Climate change – a wicked problem for classroom inquiry offers ideas on how to use an inquiry approach when teaching about climate change.
  • Thin Ice in the classroom curates climat e change resources and provides curriculum information.

Climate change resource curations:

  • Our atmosphere and climate – introduction curates a suite of resources developed in collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. Resources highlight climate connections and implications for Aotearoa and for Māori. They have a strong f ocus on evidence and data.
  • Our atmosphere and climate 2020 – a collection focusing on the 2020 report.
  • Climate change – a collection with a focu s on the science of clima te change and associated socio-scientific issues, including melting ice and sea-level rise.
  • Climate change (HoS) supports the House of Science C limat e Change resource kit but it is also useful for anyone exploring what is climate change, ocean acidification, sea and land water, how climate change affects Māori, the Earth’s interacting systems and ideas to tackle these wicked problems in the classroom.

Useful links

Stats NZ and the Ministry for the Environment report on the state of different aspects of the environment every 6 months and the environment as a whole every 3 years. Find their reports here .


This resource has been produced with the support of the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. © Crown copyright.

Logos of the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ.

Our atmosphere and climate 2023

The Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ produce New Zealand’s Environmental Reporting Series . Our atmosphere and climate 2023 focuses on climate change, with an emphasis on the effects of climat e change on biodiversity and ecosystems.

A Māori perspective of the natural world recognises that non-human parts of the environment have mauri and are considered tūpuna and taonga with inherent rights, value and agency. These manifestations of parts of the environment into ancestral beings, deities or atua are prevalent in Māori cosmology and retold through pūrākau. The holistic and reciprocal connection between Māori and the natural world is formed through shared whakapapa. The creation and ongoing balance of the natural world is interconnected through this web of kinship, and responsibility to care is reflected in pūrākau where these relationships shape connection to the environment.

Background night sky and whakapapa in Māori cosmology

The whakapapa of space

The whakapapa in Māori cosmology is retold through origin stories showing connections of mankind to the celestial realms. The connection shown here is from Tūhoe.

Background night sky image, Mike Watts, CC BY-SA 2.0

Ngā tohu o te taiao

Māori developed a detailed knowledge of biophysical indicators or tohu by observing and interacting closely with their local environments. The developed tohu are location-specific cultural and environmental indicators of the natural world. The use of tohu is based on connection through whakapapa, and the intertwined past and future of te ao Māori allows tohu to be used by kaitiaki or local practitioners to signal, monitor and forecast trends in the state or health of te taiao and taonga species over time.

Tohu are supported through ancestral memories and passed down through kōrero tuku iho, karakia, pūrākau, whakataukī and waiata. The waiata Tīhore mai te rangi by Hirini Melbourne is asking Tāwhirimātea to stop the rain, clear the dark clouds and let the sunshine in and contains a warning about the consequences of failing to prepare and seek shelter. Many Māori traditions of monitoring weather patterns and extreme events through oral communication are thought to provide records and warn of dangers.

Tohu are a fundamental expression of kaitiakitanga or active guardianship and are based on survival and recognising that, to survive, one must pay attention to the natural signs and signals thoughtfully so as to manage the future of our mahinga kai and ourselves.

Diagram with types of atmospheric tohu

Climate or atmospheric tohu

Māori developed detailed knowledge of tohu that enabled them to monitor and forecast trends in the health of the taiao and taonga species.

Climate or atmospheric tohu can be divided into four categories: tātai arorangi (celestial phenomena), huarere (weather), āhuarangi (climate) and wāhanga-o-te-tau (seasonal changes).

For centuries, climate shaped and informed maramataka (the Māori lunar calendar), where marae were established and where and when kai was collected. The maramataka helps to monitor seasonal changes, weather and migratory patterns of birds and fish as well as enabling the accurate tracking of rituals and other important matters. Many hapū and iwi have developed their own rohe-specific maramataka through centuries of detailed observations as a predictive tool for scheduling activities critical to the continued success of hapū and iwi such as fishing, gathering kaimoana and planting and harvesting food.

The Māori calendar is used for observing changes to te taiao.

Maramataka – the Māori calendar

The lunar calendar is used for observing changes to te taiao.

Illustration by Isobel Joy Te Aho-White, from Listening to the Land , 2018 Level 3 Connected journal Cracking the Code published by the Ministry of Education, New Zealand.

Ahurea tuakiri and whakapapa are positioned geographically and will be affected by the impacts of climate change. Climate impacts such as sea-level rise will displace Māori from tūrangawaewae, which will disrupt the rohe-specific transmission of te reo Māori and tikanga. As iwi, whānau and hapū are forced to relocate from their tūrangawaewae, opportunities to activate kaitiakitanga and actively manage resources and important sites will diminish. To maintain intergenerational mātauranga and tikanga practices, many Māori will have to adapt and plan the relocation of marae or culturally significant sites such as urupā.

Investigate more mātauranga Māori of tohu o te taiao – biophysical indicators of weather and climate.

This article explores the maramataka in greater detail.

Read about why climate change matters to Māori in this article.

Watch this video to learn more about Māori cosmological origins about connection to the whenua.

Read more about the ocean and Earth’s systems and cycles .

This māramatanga Māori article has been produced alongside the resource Earth systems and climate change , a collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. © Crown copyright.

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Interactions Within Earth's Atmospheres

In this activity, students use computational models to explore how Earth's surface and greenhouse gases interact with radiation. Then they interpret real-world changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide over short and long time frames.

Earth Science, Climatology

Climate Activity

Use models to understand how radiation interacts with greenhouse gases to cause warming.

Skeptical Science image provided by Concord Consortium

The Concord Consortium

Learning materials

Articles & profiles.

  • Interactions Within Earth's Atmospheres Website

This activity is part of a sequence of activities in the   What Is the Future of Earth's Climate?   lesson. The activities work best if used in sequence.

What You'll Need

Required Technology

  • Internet access: Required
  • Tech setup: 1 computer per classroom, 1 computer per learner, 1 computer per small group, Projector

Physical Space

  • Computer lab
  • Media Center/Library
  • Heterogeneous grouping
  • Homogeneous grouping
  • Large-group instruction
  • Small-group instruction

In this activity, students use computational models to explore how Earth's surface and greenhouse gases interact with radiation. Computational models are used to explore phenomena that are too large, too small, too quick, or too slow to observe otherwise. The computational models with which you may be familiar are used for forecasting weather events such as hurricanes. Scientists are more confident in the output of their models when they can input a lot of data. Other scientists check their models against what happens in reality; when the model accurately reflects what happens in reality, scientists can be more confident in their models.

Greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere by trapping outgoing infrared (heat) radiation. Sunlight brings visible (and ultraviolet and infrared) light to Earth. The radiation can be absorbed by Earth's surface, or it can be reflected back into space. The radiation that is absorbed heats molecules in Earth's surface. This heat energy, or infrared radiation, is radiated back out towards space. The infrared energy can be absorbed and re-emitted by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This absorption and re-emission keeps heat trapped in the atmosphere for longer periods of time, leading to an increased atmospheric temperature.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • explore and critically analyze real-world data about changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over Earth's history
  • describe what happens when solar radiation interacts with Earth's surface and atmosphere
  • explain how greenhouse gases cause Earth's temperature to warm

Teaching Approach

  • Learning-for-use

Teaching Methods

  • Discussions
  • Multimedia instruction
  • Self-paced learning
  • Visual instruction

Skills Summary

  • Information Literacy
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Global Awareness
  • Understanding

1. Activate students' prior knowledge about greenhouse gases.

Tell students that greenhouse gases cause a warming of Earth's atmosphere. Have students brainstorm a list of greenhouse gases and hypothesize how they warm Earth's atmosphere. Student responses should include greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane. Responses about how these gases warm Earth's atmosphere should include that the gases prevent the escape of heat energy (infrared radiation) from the atmosphere.

2. Discuss the role of uncertainty in the scientific process.

Tell students that science is a process of learning how the world works and that scientists do not know the “right” answers when they start to investigate a question. Let students know they can see examples of scientists' uncertainty in climate forecasting.

Show the Global Temperature Change Graph from the 1995 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report. Tell students that this graph shows several different models of forecast temperature changes. Ask:  Why is there more variation (a wider spread) between the models at later dates than at closer dates?  (There is more variation between the models at later dates than at closer dates because there is more variability in predicting the far future than in predicting the near future.)

The ability to better predict near-term events occurs in hurricane and tropical storm forecasting as well. Project The Definition of the National Hurricane Center Track Forecast Cone  and show students the “cone of uncertainty” around the track of the storm. Tell students that the cone shows the scientists' uncertainty in the track of the storm, just as the climate models show the scientists' uncertainty in how much Earth's temperature will change in the future. Ask:  When are scientists most confident in their predictions?  (Scientists are most confident in their predictions when they have a lot of data. This is why the forecast for near-term events is better than forecasts of longer-term events, both in storm forecasting and in climate forecasting.)

Tell students they will be asked questions about the certainty of their predictions and that they should think about what scientific data are available as they assess their certainty with their answers. Encourage students to discuss the scientific evidence with each other to better assess their level of certainty with their predictions.

3. Discuss the role of systems in climate science.

Tell students that forecasting what will happen in Earth's climate system is a complicated process because there are many different interacting parts. Scientists think about how one part of the system can affect other parts of the system. Give students a simple example of a system, as described in the scenario below.

On an island, there is a population of foxes and a population of rabbits. The foxes prey on the rabbits. Ask:

  • When there are a lot of rabbits, what will happen to the fox population?  (It will increase because there is an ample food supply.)
  • What happens to the fox population when they’ve eaten most of the rabbits?  (The foxes will die of starvation as their food supply decreases.)
  • What happens to the amount of grass when the fox population is high?  (The amount of grass will increase because there are fewer rabbits to eat the grass.)
  • If there is a drought and the grass doesn’t grow well, what will happen to the populations of foxes and rabbits?  (The rabbit population will decrease because they have a lesser food supply. The fox population should also decrease as their food supply decreases.)

Humans introduce dogs to the island. The dogs compete with the foxes over the rabbit food supply. Ask:  What will happen to the populations of foxes, rabbits, and grass after the dogs are introduced?  (The foxes will decrease because they are sharing their food supply, the rabbits will decrease because they have more predators, and the grass will do well because of the lowered impact of the smaller rabbit population.)

Tell students that these simple cause-effect relationships can expand into more complex system relationships. Let students know that they will be exploring cause-effect and system feedback relationships between carbon dioxide and water vapor in this activity. Ask students to think about how each piece of the system affects other pieces of the system.

4. Introduce and discuss the use of computational models.

Introduce the concept of computational models, and give students an example of a computational model that they may have seen, such as forecasting the weather. Project the NOAA Weather Forecast Model , which provides a good example of a computational model. Tell students that:

  • scientists use information about the past to build their climate models.
  • scientists test their climate models by using them to forecast past climates.
  • when scientists can accurately forecast past climates, they can be more confident about using their models to predict future climates.

5. Have students launch the   Interactions Within the Atmosphere   interactive.

Provide students with the link to the Interactions Within the Atmosphere interactive. Divide students into groups of two or three, with two being the ideal grouping to allow groups to share a computer workstation. Tell students they will be working through a series of pages of models with questions related to the models. Ask students to work through the activity in their groups, discussing and responding to questions as they go.

NOTE: You can access the Answer Key for students' questions—and save students' data for online grading—through a free registration on the  High-Adventure Science portal page .

Let students know that this is Activity 3 of the What Is the Future of Earth's Climate?  lesson.

6. Have students discuss what they learned in the activity.

After students have completed the activity, bring the groups back together and lead a discussion focusing on these questions:

  • What do models help you visualize? (Models are used to show systems that are too small to see or too big to see. They can also show events that happen really fast or really slow, allowing you to see what's happening.)
  • What are the similarities and differences between the   Earth System Model (Model 1)   and the   Molecular Model (Model 2) ?  (Both models show the interactions of radiation [solar and infrared] with particles on Earth. The molecular model shows how the greenhouse gases absorb and reflect only the infrared radiation in a way that is more difficult to see in the larger-scale model [Earth system model]. The larger-scale model shows how the temperature changes as a result of the greenhouse gases.)
  • What are the limitations of the models in this activity?  (The models don't show all of the types of radiation emitted by the sun. They also don't show all of the interactions that happen in Earth's climate system.)
  • Based on these models, what is the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature?  (When there is more carbon dioxide, there is a higher temperature. This is because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.)
  • Show the Keeling curve . Why do you think the carbon dioxide level fluctuates so regularly?  (The carbon dioxide level fluctuates because of the seasons. In the spring and summer, plants are actively growing and taking up carbon dioxide. In the winter, plants are not growing, and as organisms decay, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.)
  • Based on the Keeling curve, what do you expect the temperature of Earth to do?  (Based on the Keeling curve, the temperature should increase. This is because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation in the atmosphere, keeping heat energy in the atmosphere for longer than would happen without greenhouse gases.)

Informal Assessment

1. Check students' comprehension by asking them the following questions:

  • What two things can happen to solar radiation as it enters Earth's atmosphere?
  • Which type of solar radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases?
  • What is the long-term trend of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and global temperature?

2. Use the answer key to check students' answers on embedded assessments.

Tips & Modifications

Teacher Tip

This activity is part of a sequence of activities in the What Is the Future of Earth's Climate? lesson. The activities work best if used in sequence.

To save your students' data for grading online, register your class for free at the High-Adventure Science portal page .


This activity may be used individually or in groups of two or three students. It may also be modified for a whole-class format. If using as a whole-class activity, use an LCD projector or interactive whiteboard to project the activity. Turn embedded questions into class discussions. Uncertainty items allow for classroom debates over the evidence.

Connections to National Standards, Principles, and Practices

National Science Education Standards

  • (5-8) Standard A-1 : Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
  • (5-8) Standard A-2 : Understandings about scientific inquiry
  • (9-12) Standard A-1 : Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
  • (9-12) Standard A-2 : Understandings about scientific inquiry
  • (9-12) Standard D-1 : Energy in the earth system

Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy

  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Craft and Structure, RST.11-12.4
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Key Ideas and Details, RST.9-10.1
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Craft and Structure, RST.9-10.4
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Key Ideas and Details, RST.6-8.1
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Key Ideas and Details, RST.11-12.1
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Key Ideas and Details, RST.11-12.3
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Craft and Structure, RST.6-8.4
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Key Ideas and Details, RST.9-10.3
  • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12: Key Ideas and Details, RST.6-8.3

ISTE Standards for Students (ISTE Standards*S)

  • Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency
  • Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

Next Generation Science Standards

  • Crosscutting Concept 2 : Cause and effect: Mechanism and prediction
  • Crosscutting Concept 3 : Scale, proportion, and quantity
  • Crosscutting Concept 4 : Systems and system models
  • Crosscutting Concept 5 : Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation
  • Crosscutting Concept 7 : Stability and change
  • HS. Earth and Human Activity : HS-ESS3-5. Analyze geoscience data and the results from global climate models to make an evidence-based forecast of the current rate of global or regional climate change and associated future impacts to Earth systems.
  • HS. Earth and Human Activity : HS-ESS3-6. Use a computational representation to illustrate the relationships among Earth systems and how those relationships are being modified due to human activity.
  • HS. Earth's Systems : HS-ESS2-6. Develop a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere.
  • HS. Earth's Systems : HS-ESS2-4. Use a model to describe how variations in the flow of energy into and out of Earth's systems result in changes in climate.
  • HS. Earth's Systems : HS-ESS2-2. Analyze geoscience data to make the claim that one change to Earth's surface can create feedbacks that cause changes to other Earth systems.
  • MS. Earth and Human Activity : MS-ESS3-5. Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century.
  • Science and Engineering Practice 1 : Asking questions and defining problems
  • Science and Engineering Practice 2 : Developing and using models
  • Science and Engineering Practice 4 : Analyzing and interpreting data
  • Science and Engineering Practice 6 : Constructing explanations and designing solutions
  • Science and Engineering Practice 7 : Engaging in argument from evidence
  • Science and Engineering Practice 8 : Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.

Media Credits

The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited.


Expert reviewer, last updated.

April 18, 2024

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Related Resources

National Science Foundation

science education resource

  • Next Generation Science Standards
  • Kindergarten Science: Proposed by NGSS

Kindergarten - K-ESS2 Earth's Systems

Grade 0 (Kindergarten) - K-ESS2 Earth's Systems

Sample of Activity Bundle to Help Fulfill this Standard

Use teacher login to show answer keys or other teacher-only items..


Disciplinary Core Ideas

ESS2.D: Weather and Climate •  Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time. (K-ESS2-1)

ESS2.E: Biogeology •  Plants and animals can change their environment. (K-ESS2-2)

ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems • Things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them. But they can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things. (secondary to K-ESS2-2)

Performance Expectations Students who demonstrate understanding can: K-ESS2-1.  Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.   [C larification Statement: Examples of qualitative observations could include descriptions of the weather (such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, and warm); examples of quantitative observations could include numbers of sunny, windy, and rainy days in a month. Examples of patterns could include that it is usually cooler in the morning than in the afternoon and the number of sunny days versus cloudy days in different months.] [ Assessment Boundary: Assessment of quantitative observations limited to whole numbers and relative measures such as warmer/cooler. ] K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs . [Clarification Statement: Examples of plants and animals changing their environment could include a squirrel digs in the ground to hide its food and tree roots can break concrete.]

Use the Template and Resource Links to Fulfill NGSS

  • Students will learn that weather is a combination of natural events happening in the outside world – temperature, wind, sunlight vs. cloud cover, and precipitation - snow, rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time .
  • Students will observe, measure and help record daily weather and weather changes over time.
  • Understand that plants and animals can change their environment.
  • Understand that things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them. But they can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things.

Essential Questions:

  • What things happening outside are considered weather events?
  • How do people observe, measure and record the weather?
  • How do plants and animals affect their environment?
  • How do the lives of people affect the world's land, water, air, and other living things .

NGSS Note: Think, question, entertain ideas.

ll. Introductory Activities to Assess Prior Knowledge

ESS2.D: Weather and Climate

  • Ask students to think about how they dress differently for playing in the snow in the winter versus going to the beach in the summer. This is a discussion of temperature.
  • Ask students to think about if they have ever been caught out in the rain. What did they do? How did this affect their experience?
  • Ask students to think about digging out after a snowstorm (or cleaning up after a windstorm, hurricane, etc). How can weather affect people’s daily lives and homes? (Did they miss school, parents late for work, home or yard possessions lost or damaged?)
  • Ask students to think about how snowstorms and rainstorms may affect people driving on roads.

A. Simple Activities - that assess students’ understanding of weather patterns.

Seasons: Print-Copy-Cut-Paste Weather – Matching

C. Brainstorming Session Question: What are some weather patterns vs. climates you know about? 1. Break students down into groups of 3-4. 2. Ask students to generate a list of the different weather patterns vs. climates they know of and briefly decribe them. 3. Discuss

ESS2.E: Biogeology

A. Simple Activities - that assess students’ understanding of how p lants and animals can change their environment. Plants and Animals and Their Environment - Matching ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems How Do Humans Affect Their Environment? Critical Thinking

ESS2.D: Weather and Climate A. For this age, a reading assignment is not appropriate for introducing new content. We suggest collecting picture books that depict weather and reading them to the class. Then discussing the content. To assess what they learned from these books (kindergarten version of Vocabulary Assessment and Reading Comprehension Assessment) by doing a weather activity.

B . Introduce a Model that depicts the concept expressed in the lesson (students should begin to think about their own model building – for this age, perhaps, a weather diorama or poster).

Weather Cut and Paste Weather Coloring Page

C. Read to your students about weather and environmental issues. Weather and Seasons Global Warming and Climate Change Changing Seasons Environmental Issues Seasonal Posters - Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall Storms - Hurricanes Storms - Thunderstorms Storms - Tornadoes

Examples of Models (depicts the concept expressed in the reading): Ask students to look at photos and illustrations of weather phenomenon (and environmental issues) and ask them questions to test if they've picked up knowledge.

How Plants and Animals Affect the Environment (Kindergarten) - Reading and Poster Ways That Plants and Animals Change Their Environment - Coloring Page Ways That Plants and Animals Can Change Their Environment - Diagrams

ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems

Human Impacts on Earth Systems - Poster Humans Affect Earth Systems - Coloring Page

Examples of Models (depicts the concept expressed in the reading): Ask students to look at the models of and explain how each illustrates the concept.

Ways that Plants and Aninmals Can Change their Environment

Inquiry related to Earth's weather and climate:

Rain-making Experiment Cloud-making Experiment Smog Alert! Activity - What Conditions Cause Smog to Form?

How Do Plants and Animals Change Their Environment? Critical Thinking Activity

How Do Humans Affect Their Environment? Critical Thinking Humans Affect Their Environment - Poster Making Activity

V. Summarize Knowledge - Enduring Understandings

  • Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time..
  • Plants and animals can change their environment.
  • Things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them. But they can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things.

ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems • Things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them. But they can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things. (secondary to K-ESS2-2) Science and Engineering Practices (NGSS)

Analyzing and Interpreting Data Analyzing data in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to collecting, recording, and sharing observations. • Use observations (firsthand or from media) to describe patterns in the natural world in order to answer scientific questions. (K-ESS2-1)

Engaging in Argument from Evidence Engaging in argument from evidence in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to comparing ideas and representations about the natural and designed world(s). • Construct an argument with evidence to support a claim. (K-ESS2-2)

Connections to Nature of Science

Science Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence • Scientists look for patterns and order when making observations about the world. (K-ESS2-1)

Crosscutting Concepts (NGSS)

Patterns •  Patterns in the natural world can be observed, used to describe phenomena, and used as evidence. (K-ESS2-1) Systems and System Models • Systems in the natural and designed world have parts that work together. (K-ESS2-2)

Performance Expectations

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

K-ESS2-1.  Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.   [C larification Statement: Examples of qualitative observations could include descriptions of the weather (such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, and warm); examples of quantitative observations could include numbers of sunny, windy, and rainy days in a month. Examples of patterns could include that it is usually cooler in the morning than in the afternoon and the number of sunny days versus cloudy days in different months.] [ Assessment Boundary: Assessment of quantitative observations limited to whole numbers and relative measures such as warmer/cooler. ]

K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs . [Clarification Statement: Examples of plants and animals changing their environment could include a squirrel digs in the ground to hide its food and tree roots can break concrete.]

Common Core State Standards Connections


R.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (K-ESS2-2) W.K.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book. (K-ESS2-2) W.K.2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. (K-ESS2-2) W.K.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of books by a favorite author and express opinions about them). (K-ESS2-1) Mathematics - MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (K-ESS2-1) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (K-ESS2-1) K.CC.A Know number names and the count sequence. (K-ESS2-1) K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. (K-ESS2-1) K.MD.B.3  Classify objects into given categories; count the number of objects in each category and sort the categories by count. (K-ESS2-1)

Grade 0 (Kindergarten) - K-ESS2 Earth's Systems

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  • Published: 13 January 2020

Genealogies of Earth System thinking

  • Giulia Rispoli   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1836-7604 1  

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment volume  1 ,  pages 4–5 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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  • Environmental social sciences
  • Scientific community

In the first half of the 20th century, the Earth was already envisioned as a system of interacting parts intertwined with human cultural evolution. Historical sources of Earth Systems thinking can still be relevant in light of current and future trajectories, and may offer insights to inform and rethink present-day discourses and strategies.

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Steffen, W. et al. The emergence and evolution of Earth System Science. Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-019-0005-6 (2019).

Bogdanov, A. A. Essays in Tektology, The General Science of Organization , (Seaside: Intersystem Publications, 1980).

Chizhevsky, A. L. Physical Factors of Historical Process (ATLAS projectos, 2017).

Vernadsky, V. I. Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon (Nongovernmental Ecological V.I. Vernadsky Foundation, 1997).

Steffen, W. et al. The trajectory of the Anthropocene: the great acceleration. Anthropocene Rev. 2 , 81–98 (2015).

Article   Google Scholar  

Kwa, C. Local ecologies and global science: discourses and strategies of the international geosphere-biosphere programme. Soc. Stud. Sci. 35 , 923–950 (2005).

Renn, J. The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene (Princeton University Press, 2020).

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The author acknowledges the support of Department 1 of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and, in particular, colleagues of the research group “Knowledge in and of the Anthropocene.”

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Rispoli, G. Genealogies of Earth System thinking. Nat Rev Earth Environ 1 , 4–5 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-019-0012-7

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Published : 13 January 2020

Issue Date : January 2020

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-019-0012-7

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Pushing the Boundaries: How Human Activities Threaten Earth’s Critical Systems

By Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) January 31, 2024

Earth Fire Global Warming Concept

The concept of planetary commons is crucial for the future of civilization and Earth’s stability. Researchers propose that Earth system functions transcending national boundaries, such as the Amazon rainforest and Greenland ice sheets, should be governed collectively as planetary commons. This nearly two-year research by 22 international experts suggests expanding the global commons concept to include critical biophysical systems. The goal is to create effective global governance strategies that transcend national boundaries, ensuring planetary resilience and justice. The authors emphasize the urgency of integrating this approach into global environmental law to prevent irreversible damage to Earth’s critical systems.

In a recent paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers contend that tipping elements in the Earth’s system ought to be regarded as global commons. They argue that the definition of global commons should extend beyond just the regions beyond national borders, such as the high seas and Antarctica, as is the current practice.

They must also include all the environmental systems that regulate the functioning and state of the planet, namely all systems on Earth we all depend on, irrespective of where in the world we live. This calls for a new level of transnational cooperation, leading experts in legal, social and Earth system sciences say. To limit risks for human societies and secure critical Earth system functions they propose a new framework of planetary commons to guide governance of the planet.

“Stability and wealth of nations and our civilization depends on the stability of critical Earth system functions that operate beyond national borders. At the same time, human activities push harder and harder on the planetary boundaries of these pivotal systems. From the Amazon rainforest to the Greenland ice masses, there are rising risks of triggering irreversible and unmanageable shifts in Earth system functioning. As these shifts affect people across the globe, we argue that tipping elements should be considered as planetary commons the world is entrusted with, and consequently in need of collective governance,” explains Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Professor of Earth System Science at the University of Potsdam.

Research on Planetary Commons and Legal Solutions

The publication is the result of an almost two-year-long research process involving 22 leading international researchers. Legal, political, and Earth system scientists make their case by building on the well-known idea of the global commons, but significantly expanding it to design more effective legal responses to better govern biophysical systems that regulate planetary resilience beyond and across national boundaries, such as natural carbon sinks and the major forest systems.

“We believe the planetary commons have the potential to articulate and create effective stewardship obligations for nation states worldwide through Earth system governance aimed at restoring and strengthening planetary resilience and promoting justice. However, since these commons are often located within sovereign territories,  such stewardship obligations must also meet some clear justice criteria,” social scientist and author Joyeeta Gupta highlights.

A planetary shift towards collective global scale solutions transcending national boundaries

Global commons or global public goods like the high seas and deep seabed, outer space, Antarctica, and the atmosphere are shared by all states. They lie outside of jurisdictional boundaries and thus sovereign entitlements. All states and people have a collective interest, especially when it comes to resource extraction, that they be protected and governed effectively for the collective good.

The planetary commons expand the idea of the global commons by adding not only globally shared geographic regions to the global commons framework, but also critical biophysical systems that regulate the resilience and state, and therefore livability, on Earth. The consequences of such a “planetary shift” in global commons governance are potentially profound, the authors argue. Safeguarding these critical Earth system regulatory functions is a challenge at a unique planetary scale of governance, characterized by the need for collective global scale solutions that transcend national boundaries.

“Earth’s critical regulatory systems are now being put under pressure by human activities at unprecedented levels,” says author of the paper Louis Kotzé, Professor of Law at North-West University in South Africa and the University of Lincoln, UK; and researcher at the Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. “Our existing global environmental law and governance framework is unable to address the planetary crisis and keep us from crossing planetary boundaries. This is why we urgently need planetary commons as a new law and governance approach that can safeguard critical Earth system regulating functions more effectively.”

Reference: “The planetary commons: A new paradigm for safeguarding Earth-regulating systems in the Anthropocene” by Johan Rockström, Louis Kotzé, Svetlana Milutinović, Frank Biermann, Victor Brovkin, Jonathan Donges, Jonas Ebbesson, Duncan French, Joyeeta Gupta, Rakhyun Kim, Timothy Lenton, Dominic Lenzi, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Barbara Neumann, Fabian Schuppert, Ricarda Winkelmann, Klaus Bosselmann, Carl Folke, Wolfgang Lucht, David Schlosberg, Katherine Richardson and Will Steffen, 22 January 2024,  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2301531121

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3 comments on "pushing the boundaries: how human activities threaten earth’s critical systems".

earth systems interacting critical thinking activity answers

The study, and especially the article, is pure political activism. The word “Anthroposcene” occurs 48 times, so it’s not a geophysics study. The only occurrence of a proper political term is the demand “Any new governance arrangement must avoid legacies and practices of (neo)colonialism and neoliberal exploitation”, so it’s not a political science study, and obviously not a history paper. It demands the creation of a global government to tell you what to do in your daily life. In fact, they want to ensure “states are forced to relinquish some of their sovereign claims”, and force in a political context is synonymous with violence, and soverignty means control, so the authors are militant in ending your nation. The authors of the “study” should research their own local German, South African, British, Dutch, and Australian governments, and consider if they are of such excellent quality that any rational person would want one of them in control of all the others in this proposed authoritarian empire.

I think this “study” is best described as a radical imperialist screed. It’s good to think globally, but consider acting locally and helping people too instead of trying to strongarm global supranational politics with your PNAS.

earth systems interacting critical thinking activity answers

Three articles since January 25th with essentially the same political theme, with no research to support it. The only thing that appears new is calling what were formerly called “tipping points,” “tipping elements.” Both are attempts to scare readers with what are implied to be paths of no return. Advocating for a world government and ‘commons’ isn’t Earth science in the sense of trying to understand how a complex natural system works, but rather political advocacy for how these academics think the world SHOULD work. In other words, this is political propaganda, not science.

It’s incredible how unfamiliar with history or human nature they seem to be. I agree with them that the world should work in so many ideal ways, but it doesn’t. Some of the authors are even from countries that already tried to impose their will on the globe, countries still promising “never again” and apologizing. They don’t realize they are the neocolonials they criticize.

Even the politics is rubbish. The authors should compare environmental conditions in these evil neoliberal countries versus the authoritarian countries. The trend on CO2 emissions in countries with neoliberal policies is downward, but skyrocketing in illiberal places where the government can force you to stop emitting. The biggest polluter tends to be the government anyway, and they want a global-scale government?

I don’t know what a tipping element is, some sort of gratuity maybe. The tipping point hypothesis is another elegant idea, but like their idealistic politics, it’s never actually been observed to work.

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