Creative Primer

250+ Journal Prompts for Every Scenario and Circumstance

Brooks Manley

If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a blank page, wondering what to write about, you’re in luck.

We’ve put together the ultimate list of journal prompts to spark your creativity, help you dive deep into your thoughts, set goals – whatever it is that you’re looking for.

Whether you’re a seasoned journaler or just starting out, these prompts are designed to inspire reflection, creativity, and a bit of fun. So grab your favorite pen, and let’s get writing!

Why Journal Prompts?

Journal prompts are thought-provoking questions or statements designed to ignite the spark of creativity and introspection. They serve as a starting point for your journaling journey, guiding you through the exploration of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The beauty of journal prompts lies in their versatility—they can be reflective, creative, goal-oriented, or simply fun, providing a fresh perspective each day.

Why might you need journal prompts? Well, it’s easy to get caught in the routine of daily life, leading to a creativity block or the feeling of being stuck in a rut. Journal prompts offer a gentle nudge to break free from these barriers, encouraging you to look within and explore aspects of your life you might not usually think about.

They’re not just about writing; they’re about discovering and understanding yourself on a deeper level. So, whether you’re looking to overcome writer’s block, set goals, or embark on a journey of self-discovery, journal prompts are your trusty companions.

A List of Our Favorite Journal Prompts

Beginner journaling prompts.

Starting your journaling journey can feel daunting, but fear not! Beginner journal prompts are here to ease you in. Perfect for those new to journaling, these prompts are simple, straightforward, and designed to help you start reflecting and writing with ease.

1. What are three things you’re grateful for today? 2. Describe your favorite place in the world and why it brings you joy. 3. Write about your best memory from the past year. 4. What are three goals you have for this month? 5. How do you feel right now, and why? 6. List five things that make you happy and explain why. 7. What is one thing you would like to learn or improve this year? 8. Describe your perfect day. What would you do, who would you be with, and where would you go? 9. What are your top three priorities right now, and why? 10. Reflect on a recent challenge you faced. How did you overcome it? 11. What is one book that has impacted your life, and in what way? 12. Write about someone who inspires you and why. 13. Describe a moment recently when you felt proud of yourself. 14. What is a habit you would like to start, and why? 15. Think about your future self in five years. What message would you like to give them?

Learn how to get started journaling with our beginner’s guide .

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Gratitude journaling is a powerful practice to cultivate positivity and appreciation in your life. These prompts are designed to help you recognize and celebrate the good, no matter how small. Use them to reflect on the blessings in your life, fostering a mindset of gratitude that can transform your outlook and well-being.

Perfect for morning reflections or end-of-day contemplation, these prompts will guide you in acknowledging the abundance surrounding you:

16. What is one kind thing someone did for you recently? 17. Reflect on a challenge you faced that ultimately led to growth. What are you grateful for in that experience? 18. Name three small joys you encountered today. 19. Think of a time when you felt truly at peace. What about that moment made you grateful? 20. Who in your life are you thankful for and why? Consider sending them a message of appreciation. 21. What is an aspect of your health or body that you’re grateful for? 22. Describe a skill or talent you possess that you’re grateful for. How has it enriched your life? 23. Recall a recent moment of laughter or joy. What sparked it? 24. What is something in nature you recently observed that filled you with gratitude? 25. Reflect on a piece of art, music, or literature that moved you. Why are you thankful for this experience?

Learn more about gratitude journaling .

Mindfulness Journaling Prompts

Mindfulness journaling is a serene voyage into the present moment, inviting you to anchor your thoughts and emotions through the act of writing. This practice encourages you to observe your experiences without judgment, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self and the world around you. These prompts are designed to guide you in exploring your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings with a fresh, attentive perspective.

Perfect for starting your day with intention or unwinding in the evening, mindfulness journaling helps cultivate a peaceful mind and a grateful heart.

26. Spend a moment focusing on your breath. Describe how it feels entering and leaving your body. 27. What sounds can you hear right now? Note them and reflect on how they affect your mood. 28. Think about the last meal you had. Can you recall the flavors and textures? Write about the experience. 29. Look around and pick an object you usually overlook. Describe its details and what it might symbolize or mean to you. 30. Reflect on your current emotional state without judgment. What are you feeling, and why might that be? 31. When was the last time you felt truly present? Describe the experience and how it made you feel. 32. Choose a color you’ve seen today that made an impression on you. Write about the emotions or memories it evokes. 33. Think about a recent conversation. What was communicated beyond words? 34. Describe a texture you’ve touched today (e.g., the fabric of your clothes, the surface of your desk) and your sensations. 35. Reflect on a scent you encountered today. What memories or feelings does it bring up for you?

Learn more about mindfulness journaling .

Journal Prompts for Anxiety

Journaling can be a sanctuary for those moments when anxiety feels overwhelming. It offers a private, safe space to untangle your thoughts, fears, and worries. The prompts in this section are carefully crafted to guide you through self-reflection and awareness, helping you identify triggers, patterns, and coping mechanisms.

They encourage a gentle exploration of your inner landscape, providing a path towards understanding and soothing your anxiety. Whether you’re seeking clarity, peace, or a way to process your feelings, these prompts are here to support your journey towards peace.

36. What’s one worry that’s been on your mind lately? Describe it in detail and then explore what steps, if any, you can take to address it. 37. Reflect on a moment when you felt anxious but things turned out better than you expected. What does this teach you? 38. Write about a place or situation where you feel most at peace. What makes this place or situation calming for you? 39. Identify three things you can control in your life right now and how you can positively influence them. 40. When anxiety strikes, what physical sensations do you notice in your body? Describe them and consider what they might be telling you. 41. Think about a recent anxiety trigger. Write about it and explore alternative perspectives or outcomes. 42. Describe a time when you overcame a fear or anxious moment. What strengths did you discover about yourself? 43. Create a list of activities or practices that help reduce your anxiety. How can you incorporate more of these into your daily routine? 44. What are some words of encouragement you can offer yourself when you feel anxious? Write them down as a reminder for tough days. 45. Reflect on the support system you have in your life. How can you reach out to them during moments of anxiety?

Learn more about journaling to overcome anxiety .

Reflective Journal Prompts

Reflective journaling is a profound journey into the depths of your own experiences, thoughts, and emotions. It offers a unique opportunity to pause, look inward, and evaluate different aspects of your life and the choices you’ve made. These prompts are designed to inspire deep introspection and personal growth, helping you to understand your motivations, reactions, and the lessons life is teaching you. By engaging with these prompts, you’ll uncover new insights about yourself, leading to greater self-awareness and a clearer vision for your future.

Whether you’re reflecting on the day’s events or contemplating long-term goals and dreams, reflective journaling is a powerful tool for personal development and self-discovery.

46. Reflect on a recent decision you made. What were your reasons, and how do you feel about the outcome? 47. Think about a relationship in your life that has changed over time. What have you learned from this relationship? 48. Describe a moment when you felt truly understood by someone. What made that experience significant? 49. Consider a time when you faced a failure. What did you learn from it, and how has it shaped your approach to challenges? 50. Identify a moment when you stepped out of your comfort zone. What were the results, and would you do it again? 51. Reflect on a compliment you received that made you feel good. Why do you think it had such an impact on you? 52. Write about a goal you achieved that you’re proud of. What steps did you take to reach it, and what obstacles did you overcome? 53. Think about a time when you had to forgive someone. What did the process feel like, and how did it affect your relationship moving forward? 54. Describe a moment when you felt a strong connection to something bigger than yourself (nature, humanity, the universe). What was the context, and how did it change your perspective? 55. Reflect on the past month. What were the high points and low points, and what lessons can you take from them?

Learn more about reflective journaling .

Healing Journal Prompts

Journaling for healing is a powerful practice for nurturing your mind, body, and spirit as you journey through recovery and growth. It offers a space to explore your feelings, process trauma, and celebrate progress, no matter how small.

These prompts are designed to guide you gently towards self-compassion, understanding, and ultimately, healing. By engaging with these questions, you create an opportunity to confront pains and challenges directly, allowing for emotional release and the discovery of inner strength.

Whether you’re healing from a loss, trauma, or simply seeking to mend parts of your self, these prompts are steps towards a more whole and healed you.

56. Write about a time you felt lost, and how you found your way back. What helped guide you? 57. Describe a wound (emotional or physical) that you’re carrying. What might it need to begin healing? 58. Reflect on a conversation that changed your perspective. How did it impact your healing process? 59. Think about someone who has hurt you. What would you say to them if you could, and why? 60. Identify a fear that holds you back from healing. What steps can you take to face it? 61. Write about a moment of unexpected joy in a difficult time. What did it teach you? 62. Consider a part of yourself you’ve been neglecting. How can you start giving it the attention it needs? 63. Reflect on the role of forgiveness in your healing—whether it’s forgiving yourself or others. What makes it challenging or liberating? 64. Describe a dream or goal that motivates your healing journey. How does it shape your path forward? 65. Think about a ritual or practice that brings you comfort during tough times. Why is it effective for you?

Learn more about journaling for healing .

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) Journal Prompts

Cognitive Behavioral Journaling is a transformative tool that bridges the gap between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Rooted in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), this form of journaling encourages you to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, ultimately fostering healthier and more positive ways of thinking and acting.

Through structured prompts, you’re guided to dissect your reactions to various situations, understand the source of your emotions, and reconstruct your thought processes. This method is particularly effective for managing stress, anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges.

By regularly engaging with cognitive behavioral journaling, you can develop greater self-awareness and resilience, leading to improved mental health and wellbeing.

66. Identify a recent situation that made you upset. What were the thoughts running through your mind? 67. Write down a belief about yourself you recognize as negative. Can you challenge it with evidence to the contrary? 68. Think of a recent anxiety-inducing event. What was the worst-case scenario you imagined? How likely is it to happen? 69. Describe a situation where you felt angry. What thoughts fueled that anger? Were they justified? 70. Recall a moment you felt sad or down. What thoughts contributed to these feelings? Are there alternative, more positive ways to view the situation? 71. Identify a recurring negative thought. What situations trigger it? How can you respond differently next time? 72. Reflect on a time you avoided something due to fear or anxiety. What were your underlying thoughts How can you face this fear? 73. Write about a conflict with someone else. What were your thoughts during the conflict? How might their perspective differ? 74. Consider a goal you’re struggling to achieve. What negative thoughts are holding you back? How can you reframe them positively? 75. Think of a compliment you struggled to accept. What negative beliefs about yourself made it difficult? How can you challenge these beliefs?

Learn more about CBT journaling .

Mental Health Journal Prompts

Mental health journaling is a deeply personal and reflective practice that offers a safe haven for exploring your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It’s a therapeutic tool that can help manage anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health challenges by providing an outlet for expression and self-discovery. Through the process of writing, you can uncover patterns in your thoughts and behaviors, gain clarity on your emotional state, and work towards a healthier mindset.

These prompts are designed to guide you gently towards greater self-awareness and emotional resilience, encouraging a journey of healing, understanding, and growth.

Whether you’re navigating difficult times or simply seeking to maintain your mental wellbeing, mental health journaling can be a powerful ally.

76. What are three emotions you’ve felt today, and what do you think prompted them? 77. Reflect on a recent stressful experience. What coping mechanisms did you use, and how effective were they? 78. Describe a time you felt overwhelmed this week. What can you learn from how you handled it? 79. Write about a moment of happiness or contentment you experienced recently. What made it significant? 80. Consider any negative self-talk you’ve noticed. How can you reframe these thoughts more positively? 81. Identify something that’s been causing you anxiety. What steps can you take to address or alleviate it? 82. Reflect on your social interactions lately. How have they impacted your mental health, for better or worse? 83. Think about your sleep patterns and their effect on your mood and mental state. What changes could improve your sleep? 84. Describe an activity that boosts your mood or helps you relax. Why do you think it has that effect? 85. Consider the role of forgiveness in your mental health. Is there someone (including yourself) you need to forgive, and how might it bring you peace?

Learn more about journaling for mental health .

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) Journal Prompts

Similar to reflective or mindfulness journaling, ASMR Journal Prompts invite you into a world where the gentle whispers of self-reflection meet the tingling sensation of mindful awareness. This unique blend of sensory exploration and journaling is designed to not only soothe your mind but also to deepen your connection with your inner self.

Through carefully crafted prompts, you’ll be encouraged to explore the nuances of your senses, emotions, and thoughts in a way that’s both calming and introspective. Perfect for unwinding at the end of the day or as a tranquil start to your morning, these prompts aim to enhance your mindfulness practice by engaging the senses, fostering a state of relaxation and heightened awareness.

Let the subtle triggers of ASMR guide you through a journey of self-discovery and serene contemplation.

86. Describe a sound that calms you. What memories or feelings does it evoke? 87. Recall a texture or touch that relaxes you. How does it make you feel, and why? 88. Think of a visual scene or image that brings you peace. Describe it in detail and explore why it has this effect. 89. Write about a scent that brings you comfort or joy. What associations do you have with this smell? 90. Reflect on a taste that makes you feel happy or content. Describe the experience and its significance. 91. Imagine a gentle, soothing voice whispering words of encouragement to you. What would it say? 92. Describe a moment when you experienced a strong ASMR sensation. What triggered it, and how did it affect your mood? 93. Think about the feeling of warmth or coolness on your skin. Describe a time this sensation brought you comfort. 94. Reflect on the sensation of being in a serene, tranquil environment. What sounds, sights, and sensations contribute to the peace you feel there? 95. Consider the experience of creating or listening to an ASMR video. What elements do you find most soothing, and why?

Learn more about ASMR journaling .

Manifestation Journal Prompts

Manifestation journaling is a dynamic practice that bridges the gap between your current reality and the life you aspire to live. By engaging with manifestation prompts, you’re not just daydreaming about what you wish for; you’re actively participating in its creation.

This process involves visualizing your goals, setting intentions, and aligning your thoughts and actions with the outcomes you desire. These carefully curated prompts are designed to inspire clarity, focus, and positive energy, guiding you to reflect on your aspirations, acknowledge your strengths, and overcome obstacles.

Whether you’re seeking personal growth, career advancement, or more joy and abundance in your life, manifestation journaling is a powerful tool to support your journey towards making your dreams a tangible reality.

96. Visualize your ideal day from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep. What does it include, and how does it make you feel? 97. Write a letter to your future self one year from now. What achievements and experiences do you want to share? 98. Describe a goal you’re passionate about. What steps can you take this week to bring you closer to it? 99. Reflect on a belief that may be holding you back. How can you reframe it to support your goals? 100. Think of a person whose life inspires you. What qualities do they possess that you can cultivate in yourself? 101. Imagine achieving one of your biggest dreams. What does it look like, and how does it impact your life? 102. List five things you’re grateful for in your life right now. How do these blessings help you move towards your goals? 103. Identify an obstacle you face. Write about how overcoming it could propel you closer to your desires. 104. Envision your life five years from now in vivid detail. What are you doing, and who are you with? 105. Create a mantra or affirmation that embodies your aspirations. How can you use it daily to keep focused on your goals?

Learn more about manifestation journaling .

Self-Care Journal Prompts

Self-care journaling is a nurturing practice that invites you to turn inward and dedicate time to your own well-being and happiness. It’s about acknowledging your needs, setting boundaries, and celebrating the small victories.

These prompts are designed to guide you in reflecting on your self-care practices, identifying areas of your life that need more attention, and exploring ways to nurture your mind, body, and soul.

Whether you’re looking to cultivate self-love, reduce stress, or simply make more space for joy and relaxation in your life, these prompts will help you on your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilled self.

106. What self-care practices make you feel most rejuvenated? How can you incorporate them more regularly into your routine? 107. Reflect on a time recently when you felt overwhelmed. What self-care strategies helped, or could have helped, you cope? 108. Identify a boundary you need to set or strengthen in your life. How will this support your well-being? 109. Write about a hobby or activity that brings you joy. Why is it meaningful to you, and how does it contribute to your self-care? 110. Consider your physical well-being. What are some steps you can take to nurture your body? 111. Think about your emotional health. What are some ways you can better support yourself during challenging times? 112. Reflect on your social connections. How do they impact your sense of well-being, and how can you cultivate supportive relationships? 113. Describe a place where you feel at peace and relaxed. What makes this space special, and how can you spend more time there? 114. What does a balanced day look like for you? Outline how you can achieve this balance in your current schedule. 115. Consider your spiritual or inner life. What practices or activities help you feel connected to your inner self or a higher power?

Morning Journal Prompts

Morning journaling is a refreshing way to start your day on the right foot, setting the tone for positivity and productivity. By taking a few moments each morning to reflect and write, you can clarify your thoughts, prioritize your day’s goals, and cultivate a mindset of gratitude and intention.

These prompts are designed to awaken your senses, stir your creativity, and inspire a sense of calm and focus as you embark on your daily journey.

Whether you’re seeking motivation, clarity, or a moment of peace, these morning prompts will help you greet each day with purpose and enthusiasm.

116. What is one intention you want to set for today? 117. List three things you’re looking forward to today. 118. What is a personal strength you can utilize today? 119. Describe a positive affirmation that resonates with you this morning. 120. What is one small act of kindness you can perform today? 121. Reflect on a dream you had last night. Does it inspire any thoughts or feelings for your day? 122. What is one challenge you might face today, and how can you approach it positively? 123. Consider what you’re most grateful for this morning. How does it impact your outlook on the day? 124. What is one goal you’d like to achieve by the end of the day? 125. How do you want to feel at the end of today, and what can you do to ensure that feeling?

Learn more about morning journaling .

Evening Journal Prompts

Evening journaling is a tranquil practice that allows you to unwind and reflect on the day that has passed. It’s a moment to celebrate your achievements, learn from your experiences, and set intentions for a peaceful rest and a fresh start tomorrow.

These prompts are designed to guide you through a process of introspection and gratitude, helping you to identify what truly mattered throughout your day and to release any tension or stress.

Whether you’re looking to cultivate a sense of calm, gain perspective, or simply cherish the quiet moments before bedtime, these evening prompts will support your journey towards a restful night and a reflective end to your day.

126. What was the highlight of your day, and why? 127. Reflect on a lesson you learned today. How can it inform your actions tomorrow? 128. Did you encounter any obstacles today? Write about how you overcame them or plan to address them. 129. List three things you’re grateful for from today. 130. How did you take care of your physical and mental well-being today? 131. What emotions did you experience most strongly today, and what triggered them? 132. Is there anything you wish you had done differently today? How can you apply this insight in the future? 133. Write about a moment of kindness or connection you experienced today. 134. How can you make tomorrow even slightly better than today? 135. Before you sleep, what thoughts or concerns do you need to release? Write them down to clear your mind.

Journal Prompts for Self Improvement

Self-improvement journaling is a powerful tool for personal development. It offers a reflective space to identify areas of growth, set actionable goals, and track progress over time. It’s about taking an honest look at yourself, recognizing both strengths and areas for improvement, and committing to the journey of becoming the best version of yourself.

These prompts are designed to inspire motivation, foster resilience, and encourage a mindset of continuous learning and growth. By engaging with these questions, you’ll uncover insights into your habits, behaviors, and attitudes, paving the way for meaningful change and self-fulfillment.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your skills, boost your confidence, or simply live more intentionally, these self-improvement prompts will guide you through your personal evolution.

136. What is one habit you would like to develop, and why? Outline a plan for how you can cultivate it. 137. Reflect on a recent situation where you reacted in a way you’re not proud of. How could you handle similar situations better in the future? 138. Identify a skill you want to improve or learn. What steps can you take to advance in this area? 139. Think about a goal that seems out of reach. What are the small, actionable steps you can take toward achieving it? 140. Write about a time you stepped out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from the experience? 141. Consider your communication style. In what ways could you improve your communication with others? 142. What does work-life balance mean to you, and how can you better achieve it? 143. Identify an area of your life where you lack confidence. What are some ways you can work on building confidence in this area? 144. Reflect on your daily routines. What changes could make your routines more aligned with your goals for self-improvement? 145. Think about the people you surround yourself with. How do they influence your growth, and how can you foster relationships that support your self-improvement journey?

Learn more about journaling for self-improvement .

Journal Prompts for Goal Setting

Goal setting is a vital component of personal and professional growth. Journaling about your goals not only helps clarify what you truly want to achieve but also creates a commitment on paper that can motivate you to take action.

These prompts are designed to help you explore your ambitions, break them down into achievable steps, and confront any obstacles that might stand in your way. By reflecting through journaling, you’ll gain insights into your priorities, understand the resources you need, and devise a plan to make your goals a reality.

Whether your objectives are related to career, personal development, health, or relationships, these goal-setting prompts will empower you to articulate your vision and work towards it with purpose and clarity.

146. What are your top three goals for the next year, and why are they important to you? 147. Break down one of your main goals into smaller, manageable tasks. What’s the first step you can take this week? 148. Identify any potential challenges to achieving your goals. How can you overcome or mitigate these obstacles? 149. Reflect on a past goal you achieved. What strategies contributed to your success? 150. Consider your daily habits. Which habits support your goals, and which ones hinder them? 151. Write about someone who embodies the success you aspire to achieve. What qualities or actions of theirs can you emulate? 152. Think about the resources (time, money, knowledge, etc.) you need to achieve your goals. How can you acquire or optimize these resources? 153. Describe how achieving your goals will impact your life. How will it change the way you feel, think, or live? 154. Set a goal related to your personal well-being. How does improving your health, mindfulness, or happiness contribute to your other goals? 155. Reflect on the balance between your short-term and long-term goals. How can you ensure that pursuing one doesn’t detract from the other?

Creative Writing Journal Prompts

Creative writing prompts are a treasure trove for the imagination. They can serve as a springboard into worlds of fiction, poetry, and personal exploration. These prompts are designed to spark your creativity, challenge your writing skills, and encourage you to venture into uncharted territories of your mind.

Whether you’re battling writer’s block or simply looking for a new writing adventure, these prompts will help you weave stories, craft characters, and express your most imaginative ideas.

156. Write a letter from a character living in a dystopian world to someone in the past. 157. Describe a city where the main mode of transport is via rooftops. 158. Invent a dialogue between the moon and the sun about the earth. 159. Create a story about a secret society that protects an ancient magic. 160. Write from the perspective of a tree witnessing centuries of history. 161. Imagine a world where dreams are currency. How does society operate? 162. Craft a tale about a character who can communicate with animals. 163. Describe a journey on a train that travels through different dimensions. 164. Invent a story about a library where every book contains a different universe. 165. Write a monologue for a character who discovers they have a supernatural ability on their 21st birthday.

Dream Journal Prompts

Dream journaling can give a fascinating glimpse into the subconscious mind. It provides valuable insights into our deepest thoughts, fears, and desires.

These prompts are crafted to help you capture and explore the vivid tapestry of your dreams, encouraging reflection on their meanings and connections to your waking life. Whether you’re looking to understand recurring dreams, decode symbolic messages, or simply appreciate the creativity of your subconscious, these prompts will guide you through the process of recording and interpreting your nocturnal adventures.

166. Describe a dream you had recently in as much detail as possible. What stood out to you the most? 167. Write about a recurring dream. What elements are consistent, and how do you feel about them? 168. Reflect on a dream that made you feel happy or peaceful. What do you think it signifies? 169. Analyze a nightmare or disturbing dream. What fears or anxieties might it be connected to? 170. Recall a dream involving people you know. How did their presence affect the dream’s outcome? 171. Describe a dream location that felt significant. Why do you think this setting appeared? 172. Write about a dream where you learned something new or gained insight. What was the lesson? 173. Recall a dream that was particularly vivid. What sensory details can you remember? 174. Reflect on a dream that seemed to offer a solution to a problem. How did it approach the issue? 175. Describe a dream that involved an unusual or impossible event. How did you react within the dream?

Relationship Journal Prompts

Relationship journaling is a reflective practice that focuses on exploring the dynamics, challenges, and joys of interpersonal connections. Whether it’s with a partner, family member, friend, or even oneself, these prompts aim to deepen understanding, foster empathy, and encourage meaningful communication.

By reflecting on your relationships through these guided questions, you’ll gain insights into your emotional needs, communication styles, and the ways in which you give and receive love, ultimately nurturing stronger, healthier bonds.

176. Reflect on a relationship that has significantly impacted your life. What lessons have you learned from it? 177. Describe a moment of deep connection you experienced with someone. What made it memorable? 178. Write about a time you felt misunderstood by someone important to you. How did you address it? 179. Consider a relationship where you feel most yourself. What aspects of it make you feel seen and valued? 180. Think about a recent conflict in a relationship. What was the root cause, and how was it resolved? 181. Identify a pattern you’ve noticed in your relationships. How has it affected your connections? 182. Reflect on the ways you express love and affection. Do you feel they are well received? 183. Write about the role trust plays in your relationships. How do you build and maintain it? 184. Consider a relationship that has changed over time. What factors contributed to its evolution? 185. Think about a time you had to set boundaries in a relationship. How did it affect the relationship?

“What If” Journal Prompts

‘What if’ journaling unleashes the power of imagination and exploration, challenging you to think beyond the boundaries of your current reality. These prompts invite you to ponder alternative scenarios, hypothetical situations, and roads not taken, offering a creative space to explore your thoughts, fears, desires, and dreams.

By engaging with these ‘what if’ questions, you’ll stretch your cognitive and emotional boundaries, uncovering new insights about yourself and the possibilities that lie just beyond the horizon of the known.

186. What if you could communicate with animals? How would this change your perspective on the natural world? 187. What if you had the ability to time travel? Which era would you visit first and why? 188. What if you woke up tomorrow with a new talent? What would it be, and how would you use it? 189. What if you could live anywhere in the world? Describe your ideal location and why it appeals to you. 190. What if you had the chance to start over in a new career? What would you choose and why? 191. What if you could meet one historical figure? Who would it be and what would you ask them? 192. What if you found out you had a superpower? What would you want it to be and how would you use it? 193. What if you could change one event from your past? What would it be and how do you think it would alter your present? 194. What if you had one year left to live? How would you make the most of your time? 195. What if you could bring one fictional character to life? Who would it be and what would you do together?

New Year Journal Prompts

The New Year stands as a beacon of fresh starts and new beginnings, offering a moment to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future.

These journal prompts are designed to guide you through this period of reflection and goal setting, encouraging you to consider what you’ve learned, how you’ve grown, and what you aspire to achieve in the coming year.

By experimenting with these prompts, you’ll craft a vision for your future that’s aligned with your values, hopes, and dreams, setting the stage for a year of growth, achievement, and personal fulfillment.

196. Reflect on the most significant lessons you learned last year. How will they influence your actions in the New Year? 197. Identify three goals you achieved last year. What did these accomplishments teach you about yourself? 198. Consider the challenges you faced. How have they prepared you for what lies ahead? 199. Write about a moment from the past year that you’re particularly proud of. Why does it stand out? 200. Think about a habit you’d like to develop or break this year. What plan can you put in place to succeed? 201. Describe a relationship that changed for you last year. What do you hope for this relationship in the New Year? 202. Reflect on an unfulfilled goal from last year. How can you approach it differently now? 203. Imagine your ideal day at the end of this year. What does it look like, and what steps do you need to take to make it a reality? 204. Choose a word or theme to guide your year. Why does this resonate with you, and how can it shape your choices? 205. Think about the areas of your life where you want to grow. How can you foster growth in these areas throughout the year?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

Shadow work journaling is a practice aimed at exploring the hidden parts of yourself — those aspects that you might shy away from or that remain unconscious. Very similar to reflective journaling.

It’s about bringing to light the parts of your psyche that influence your reactions, relationships, and self-perception in ways you might not be fully aware of. These prompts are designed to gently guide you into this introspective journey, helping you confront and integrate these shadow aspects to achieve greater self-awareness, healing, and wholeness.

By working with these prompts, you’ll embark on a path of deep self-discovery, unlocking a more authentic and empowered version of yourself.

206. What emotions do you find most difficult to accept in yourself, and why? 207. Reflect on a recurring pattern in your relationships. What might this reveal about your shadow self? 208. Consider a trait you dislike in others. How might this trait be a reflection of something within you? 209. Write about a time you felt shame. What was the underlying belief about yourself that triggered this feeling? 210. Think about a fear that holds you back. What is its root, and how does it influence your choices? 211. Describe an aspect of your personality you often hide from others. Why do you feel the need to conceal it? 212. Reflect on a moment of anger. What deeper feelings or unmet needs were underlying this reaction? 213. Identify a dream or ambition you’ve suppressed. What part of you have you denied by not pursuing this? 214. Write about a time you projected your feelings onto someone else. What were you avoiding facing in yourself? 215. Consider the roles you play in your life (e.g., parent, partner, friend). Which parts of yourself do you suppress or amplify in these roles, and why?

Learn more about shadow work journaling .

Journal Prompts for Overcoming Fear

Journaling about our fears provides a unique opportunity to confront and understand the anxieties that often hold us back from pursuing our dreams and living fully.

Through these prompts, you can explore the nature of your fears, their origins, and the impact they have on your life. This process should empower you to face your fears with courage and resilience, transforming them from obstacles into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Whether your fears are rooted in past experiences, future uncertainties, or self-doubt, these prompts will guide you through a journey of healing and liberation.

216. Identify a fear that’s been holding you back. What is it, and why do you think it has such power over you? 217. Write about a time you faced a fear and overcame it. What did you learn from that experience? 218. Consider the worst-case scenario of a fear you have. How likely is it to happen, and how could you cope with it if it did? 219. Reflect on the origins of one of your fears. Can you trace it back to a specific event or moment in your life? 220. Imagine your life without this fear. How would things be different? What opportunities might open up for you? 221. List the physical and emotional sensations you experience when you feel afraid. How can recognizing these signs help you manage your fear? 222. Think about the advice you would give a friend facing a similar fear. How can you apply this advice to your own situation? 223. Write a letter to your fear. What would you want to tell it about how it affects your life and decisions? 224. Identify steps you can take to gradually confront and overcome your fear. What’s one small action you can take today? 225. Reflect on the role of fear in your life. How has it shaped you, and how can you reshape your relationship with fear moving forward?

Journal Prompts for Dealing with Loss

Dealing with loss is deeply personal and challenging. It’s marked by a wide range of emotions from sadness and anger to acceptance and peace. Journaling through this process can offer an outlet for your feelings and help you to explore and articulate your grief, remember and honor your loved one, and gradually find a way forward.

These prompts are designed to guide you gently through the landscape of loss, providing a space for reflection, healing, and connection to the memories of those you’ve lost.

Whether you’re mourning a person, a relationship, a dream, or any other significant loss, these questions aim to support your path to understanding and resilience.

226. Write about a cherished memory you have of the person or thing you’ve lost. What details stand out most to you? 227. Reflect on what this loss has taught you about love, life, and yourself. 228. Describe the emotions you’re experiencing. Do they change day by day, or even moment by moment? 229. What is the hardest part of the day for you since experiencing your loss? How do you cope with it? 230. If you could say one more thing to the person you’ve lost, what would it be? 231. Write about a dream or aspiration you had that is connected to your loss. How can you adapt or honor this dream now? 232. Consider the ways in which you’ve changed since your loss. What insights have you gained? 233. Reflect on the support system you have during this time. How have others shown you love and care? 234. If you’re feeling a sense of guilt or regret, write about it. What would it take to forgive yourself or find peace? 235. Imagine a future where you’ve found a way to carry your loss with grace. What does that look like, and what steps can you take to move towards that vision?

Journal Prompts for Discerning and Decision Making

In the face of decisions, big or small, journaling can be a powerful tool to clarify your thoughts, values, and priorities.

These prompts are designed to guide you through the process of discernment, encouraging you to explore all facets of your decision-making process.

From understanding your deepest desires to recognizing potential obstacles and outcomes, these questions aim to illuminate the path ahead, providing you with the insight and confidence needed to take the next step.

236. Describe the decision you’re facing and why it feels significant to you. 237. List the pros and cons associated with this decision. Do any stand out as particularly important? 238. Reflect on how this decision aligns with your long-term goals and values. Is there harmony or conflict? 239. Consider the best-case scenario if you make this decision. What does success look like? 240. Now, consider the worst-case scenario. What are the potential challenges, and how might you overcome them? 241. Think about the advice you would give a friend in a similar situation. How does this perspective inform your own decision? 242. Write about any fears or anxieties you have regarding this decision. How can you address these feelings? 243. Imagine looking back on this decision a year from now. What outcome would make you feel most satisfied? 244. Identify the resources (people, information, financial, etc.) you need to make an informed decision. How can you access them? 245. Reflect on a past decision that you’re proud of. What insights from that experience can you apply to your current situation?

Travel Journal Prompts

Travel journaling captures the essence of adventure, allowing you to document not just the places you visit, but the emotions, insights, and transformations that occur along the way.

These prompts are designed to enrich your travel experience, encouraging you to observe more closely, reflect deeply, and appreciate the nuances of your journey.

Whether you’re exploring a new city, immersing yourself in a different culture, or simply enjoying a change of scenery, these questions will help you create a vivid, meaningful record of your adventures.

246. Describe your first impressions upon arriving at a new destination. What stood out to you? 247. Write about a conversation you had with a local or fellow traveler. What did you learn from it? 248. Reflect on a moment that took you out of your comfort zone. How did you feel before, during, and after? 249. Capture a day in detail, from the sights and sounds to the tastes and smells. What made this day memorable? 250. Discuss a cultural aspect or tradition you observed. How does it compare to your own culture or practices? 251. Think about a landscape or scene that left you in awe. What emotions did it evoke? 252. Describe an unexpected challenge you faced during your travels. How did you overcome it? 253. Write about a moment of realization or personal growth experienced during your trip. What triggered it? 254. Share a story about a place that felt particularly magical or special to you. Why did it strike such a chord? 255. Reflect on your journey as a whole. How has it influenced your perspective or changed you?

Fun Journal Prompts

Journaling doesn’t always have to be serious or introspective; it can also be a source of joy, creativity, and playfulness.

These fun journal prompts are designed to lighten the mood, spark your imagination, and bring a smile to your face. Dive in and let your creativity run wild, reminding yourself that sometimes, the simple act of writing can be an adventure in itself.

256. Invent a superhero with an unusual power. What is their story? 257. Write a letter to your future self 10 years from now. What do you hope to tell them? 258. Describe your dream vacation if money and time were no object. Where would you go, and what would you do? 259. Imagine you’ve won a shopping spree in any store. Which store would it be, and what would you grab first? 260. Create a menu for your perfect meal, including appetizers, main courses, desserts, and drinks. 261. If you could talk to animals, which animal would you chat with first, and what would you ask? 262. Draft a silly poem about your day, emphasizing the humorous or absurd moments. 263. Think of a movie title for the story of your life. What genre would it be? 264. If you could switch lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be and why? 265. Describe an invention that would make your life easier or more fun. How would it work?

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

creative writing journaling ideas

Creative Primer  is a resource on all things journaling, creativity, and productivity. We’ll help you produce better ideas, get more done, and live a more effective life.

My name is Brooks. I do a ton of journaling, like to think I’m a creative (jury’s out), and spend a lot of time thinking about productivity. I hope these resources and product recommendations serve you well. Reach out if you ever want to chat or let me know about a journal I need to check out!

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The 17 Best Guided Journals for 2024 and Beyond

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50 Inspiring Journal Prompts to Spark Your Creativity

Sanjana is a health writer and editor. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness.

creative writing journaling ideas

Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in eating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change.

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Benefits of Using Journal Prompts

How to use journal prompts, journal prompts you can try, how do you come up with a journal prompt.

A journal can be a trusted companion that helps you reflect on your thoughts, feelings, actions, decisions, and relationships. Research shows that journaling is linked to better planning, lower stress, and better physical and mental health.

Whether you write in your journal regularly or you’re just getting started, you might sometimes find yourself staring at a blank page and wondering what to write. If you’re at a loss for words, a journal prompt can come to the rescue.

Journal prompts are suggestions, ideas, or questions that can help guide and inspire your journal entries, says Sabrina Romanoff , PsyD, a clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University.

“Prompts are typically themes to reflect on or questions that are meant to motivate you to think deeper about something,” Dr. Romanoff adds.

In this article, we suggest some journal prompts that can spark your creativity . We also ask the expert for some strategies that can help you create your own journal prompts.

Prompted journaling, also known as guided journaling, offers several benefits:

  • Starting point: If you’ve never tried journaling before or if you’re experiencing writer’s block, journal prompts can help you get started.
  • Direction: Prompts can provide direction to your writing, says Dr. Romanoff. By focusing on a specific topic or question, you can explore your thoughts and feelings around it. 
  • Structure: Sometimes, you might prefer to write down your thoughts freely as they occur. However, there may be times when you want to organize your thoughts more coherently. Journal prompts can provide the structure you need to organize your thoughts.
  • Creativity: Using different journal prompts can introduce variety to your journaling experience. It can encourage you to think more creatively and approach things from different angles.
  • Insight: Journal prompts can provide topics or themes that help you explore fresh perspectives and new dimensions of yourself, says Dr. Romanoff. This process can help you discover personal insights and promote greater self-awareness .
  • Consistency: Having a prompt to guide each journaling session can encourage you to maintain a regular journaling practice. The prompts can make journaling feel like a purposeful and engaging activity, which may help you be more consistent with it.

These are some strategies that can help you use journal prompts:

  • Find prompts that inspire you: Dr. Romanoff suggests making a list of prompts that you find inspiring or motivating—you can come up with your own, buy a journal with prompts, or look online for examples.
  • Decide your frequency: It can be helpful to set a frequency for journaling, such as daily, weekly, monthly or at any other interval that works for you. You can use prompts every time you journal or just when you’re feeling stagnant and craving inspiration or motivation for your journaling session, says Dr. Romanoff.
  • Keep an open mind: Approach prompted journaling with an open mind . Reflect on the prompt and explore where it takes you. You can write as much or as little as you like. 
  • Get creative: Don’t be afraid to get creative with your responses or limit yourself only to words. You can even pen down your thoughts and feelings in the form of drawings or poetry, if you prefer.
  • Be honest and authentic: Honesty is key to getting the most out of journaling. Write from the heart and don't be afraid to express your true feelings, even if they are complex or challenging.
  • Reflect on your responses: After you've written your responses, take a moment to reflect on what you've written. Consider how your thoughts and emotions have evolved over the course of writing them down.

These are some journal prompts that can help you get started.

Self-Discovery Prompts

Self-discovery prompts can help you self-reflect and get to know yourself better. Greater self-awareness is linked to improved emotional intelligence.

These are some journal prompts that can enable self-discovery:

  • First, list five words that best describe you. Then, think about which five words you would like to describe yourself.
  • Complete this sentence: “My life would be incomplete without….”
  • Reflect on a phrase, quote, or mantra that resonates with you. Explain why it’s significant to you.
  • Make a list of the things in your life that you’re most grateful for.
  • Explain what you do best.
  • Reflect on the qualities that you value most in others.
  • Share three things that made you smile today.
  • List your best and worst habits.
  • Write down three life lessons you’ve learned.
  • Explain what love means to you.
  • Describe the values that are most important to you and consider whether your actions align with them.
  • Think about what you would do with your life if you had unlimited resources and explain why.
  • Describe what is stressing you out and how you’re coping with it.
  • Write about your biggest regret and what you would do differently in hindsight.
  • Identify and label the fears and insecurities that are holding you back right now.

Personal Growth Prompts

These are some journal prompts that can encourage personal growth:

  • What are three short-term goals you would like to achieve within the next three months?
  • What are three long-term goals you would like to achieve within the next five years?
  • Which skill would you like to cultivate in yourself?
  • Which qualities do you admire most in others that you would like to develop in yourself?
  • Which areas of your life would benefit from more self-discipline ?
  • What is your worst habit and how would you change it?
  • What’s something new you would like to try?
  • What habit do you want to add to your daily routine?
  • What would you like to contribute to your community?
  • What is the biggest challenge you’re dealing with right now?
  • What is the biggest failure you’ve ever faced and what have you learned from it?
  • How would you like to be remembered by others?
  • How can you better support your loved ones?
  • What boundaries would you like to set in your relationships to protect yourself?

Mindfulness Prompts

Mindfulness prompts can help you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, senses, and surroundings. Being more mindful can help you be more intentional and purposeful in the way you live your life.

These are some journal prompts that can support greater mindfulness:

  • Describe a meal you ate today. What colors, textures, tastes, and feelings did you experience?
  • Pick an everyday object from your surroundings, like a plant or a pencil. Write a detailed description of it as if you've never seen it before.
  • Focus on a sound in the background, such as the ticking of a clock or the rustling of the breeze. Describe the sound and its impact on you.
  • Close your eyes for a minute and pay attention to your breath. When you open your eyes, write down what it felt like.
  • Describe your ideal day from morning to night. What activities, people, and experiences would be part of it?
  • Reflect on your thoughts without judgment . Identify and describe any feelings you're experiencing in the present moment.
  • Write about a recent interaction with someone. What were their words, expressions, and gestures? How did you feel during the interaction?
  • Think back to a moment of happiness you experienced recently. Relive the sensations, thoughts, and emotions associated with it.
  • Think about the place where you feel most at peace. What makes it special to you?
  • Recall a time when you were worrying about something in the future. How did it affect your present moment and what would you have done differently?

Creativity Prompts

These are some journal prompts that can spark creativity :

  • Write a letter to your favorite fictional character, describing your life to them.
  • Make a list of questions you would like to ask a future version of yourself.
  • Think about your favorite word or phrase. Explain why you love it.
  • Choose a random object from your surroundings. What qualities do you have in common with it?
  • Make a list of ten unusual ways to use a common household item. Get creative and think outside the box.
  • Write a conversation between two inanimate objects, giving them personalities and voices.
  • Invent a gadget that would make your life more efficient or interesting.
  • Choose a word from a foreign language that doesn't have a direct English translation. Describe the last time you encountered or experienced it.
  • Imagine you get the chance to be any animal for a day. Which animal would you pick and what would you do?
  • Invent a new holiday and outline the traditions, celebrations, and rituals associated with it, based on your values.
  • If you have a time machine and you can go anywhere in the past or future, where would you go and what would you do there?

These are some strategies that can help you come up with your own journal prompts:

  • Decide your goals: First, consider what your goal of journaling is and then work backwards to find ways to achieve that goal, says Dr. Romanoff. For instance, she says gratitude , relationships, learning, self-growth, or creativity are goals that you might want to pursue.
  • Find prompts that align with your goals: Write down a few prompts that resonate with you and align with your current goals, interests, or areas of focus. You can add more or tweak them as you go along.
  • Mix and match different prompts: Feel free to mix and match prompts from different sources or create your own variations. Experiment with different types of prompts to keep your journaling practice engaging and varied.
  • Build on existing prompts: If a prompt leads you to new insights or questions, consider exploring those ideas in subsequent journal entries. You can use your initial response as a springboard for deeper exploration.

Journaling can be a form of self-care , a way to connect with yourself, or a creative exercise. 

If you enjoy journaling, having prompts can help guide your thoughts and focus your attention in a specific direction. Having a new journal prompt to work on every time you’re in the mood to journal can be exciting, comforting, and even a little scary. Just think of each prompt as an opportunity to learn something new about yourself.

Pena‐Silva RA, Velasco‐Castro JM, Matsingos C, Jaramillo‐Rincon SX. Journaling as an effective tool to promote metacognition and enhance study methods in a pharmacology course, during and after the pandemic . FASEB J . 2022;36(Suppl 1):10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.S1.R4840. doi:10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.S1.R4840

Drigas AS, Papoutsi C. A new layered model on emotional intelligence . Behav Sci (Basel) . 2018;8(5):45. doi:10.3390/bs8050045

Crego A, Yela JR, Gómez-Martínez MÁ, Riesco-Matías P, Petisco-Rodríguez C. Relationships between mindfulness, purpose in life, happiness, anxiety, and depression: testing a mediation model in a sample of women . Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2021;18(3):925. doi:10.3390/ijerph18030925

By Sanjana Gupta Sanjana is a health writer and editor. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness.

Dream Dash Journal

100 Magical Journal Prompts for Creative Inspiration

Discover some creative journal prompts for inspiration, free PDF printable included!

Whimsical, sparkly, and slightly magical, the journal prompts in this blog post were created as fun creative journaling exercises. They include a healthy mix of reality and fantasy.

Use these creative journal prompts as starting points for personal journaling, creative writing, or art journaling projects. Write, draw, doodle, or paint your answers and ideas in your journal or sketchbook. Or simply read through for a relaxing and entertaining break.

These magical journal prompts are meant to be enjoyed and shared. Find the PDF printable version at the end!

**This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you for products you purchase via this website. For more information  click here. **

creative journal prompts

100 Creative Journal Prompts for Inspiration

1. What is the best beach or lake day you can remember?

2. Describe your ideal picnic lunch.  

3. What flowers are in your bouquet?

4. 5 Silly ways to pass the time during a snowstorm.

5. A little bit about yourself as a cat.

6. The best place you ever dined.

7. 3 Different directions you can go at a cross in the woods on a sunny day.

8. Describe or draw the adorable cartoon mouse eating your favorite cheese.

9. How many layers to your ice cream sandwich? Describe or draw each one.

10. 5 Pretty things which are faux patent leather.

11. What are the best ways to eat chocolate?

12. Your unicorn’s special magic.

13. Describe the most beautiful home you’ve ever visited.

14. Bunnies can communicate with you telepathically. What are they saying?

15. All the fruits in your fruit salad:

16. Shiney, hand-forged copper pots for _____.

17. Your favorite books of all time:

18. 10 Things you could use as snowshoes in a pinch.

19. 5 Reasons to smile.

20. 10 Sparkling silver objects:

21. The scroll indicates you have been bequeathed _____.

22. 5 Unusual places to discover magic glitter:

23. List 10 new places to visit in the next 3 years.

24. How would you decorate your tiny home?

25. Design your own tree including what would grow on it.

26. Favorite ways to spend a quiet afternoon?

27. Describe the soil, grass, trees, flowers, and rocks in your magical forest.

28. What animals are sunbathing on the big flat rock?

29. Write what your tarot cards would reveal to you now.

30. List or draw your favorite sea creatures.

31. What is brewing in your pot?

32. You have 21 individual zippered pockets on your suitcase because:

33. Describe your pet avatar.

34. The lyrics which move most you are:

35. 10 Purple party themes.

36. Describe or draw your future wardrobe.

37. The best compliment you can think to give.

38. You’re only a few steps away from _____.

39. 5 Scientific advancements you’re grateful for.

40. What should you be famous for?

41. What would you tell someone from the mid-1800s about today, if you could travel back in time?

42. List 10 gelly things.

43. Your favorite kinds of pools.

44. Someone once wisely told you _____.

45. 5 Places you’d like to zip line through.

46. What are the best sauces in the world?

47. Make 4 predictions for 4 years from now:

48. What do you think animals say about humans?

49. If you could fill in the blank with anything, it would be _____.

50. What do you love to read?

51. Describe 4 magical elements to represent wind, water, fire, and earth.

52. Write a haiku about nature.

53. 5 Objects made out of crystal.

54. Best types of cuisine around the world.

55. Name 10 new ways to be creative you haven’t tried.

56. Write or design your family crest if you were to have one.

57. Which songs would your cover band play?

58. Best things about the desert.

59. You have a magical umbrella which can _____.

60. Your favorite time of day and why.

61. You’re surprised by how handy _____ is coming in.

62. 5 People you’d be excited to have to knock on your door.

63. What just tickled your nose and made you sneeze?

64. 5 Unforgettable moments.

65. Best places for a moonlit stroll.

66. Describe the best kiss you’ve ever had.

67. Describe the life of a Sprite.

68. 5 Reasons to celebrate with Champagne and/or strawberry shortcake.

69. Where are you wearing your huge floppy sun hat?

70. 5 Pleasant surprises.

71. Your 5 favorite things to do on a rainy day.

72. Delicate layers of _____.

73. Grant three blessings for three loved ones.

74. 5 Best public places.

75. Where would you go on your (unlimited by money or time) RV adventure?

76. What is your favorite thing about summer? Fall? Winter? Spring?

77. 10 Terrific free prize ideas for inside your cereal box.

78. 3 Places you feel at home.

79. 5 Interesting art projects to try .

80. Favorite time periods in history.

81. Favorite artists, musicians, writers, or gurus you’d like to apprentice with (alive or dead.)

82. 5 People you are most grateful for.

83. 10 Things you think are possible to achieve this year.

84. Favorite childhood movies.

85. Favorite geological features on earth.

86. 10 Places fairies might live.

87. 10 Gifts you’d like to receive

88. What tea would be in your magical tea cabinet?

89. 3 Places you’d teleport today if you could.

90. 3 Things that have made you jump for joy.

91. The best places to ride a bike.

92. Invent the best pool float you can imagine.

93. What would your fairy name be?

94. 3 Favorite quotes about life.

95. 5 Coolest places to be on New Year’s Eve.

96. What do you wish you could magically make happen at the snap of a finger?

97. 10 Things that are frivolous yet fabulous.

98. Favorite country living activities.

99. Best foods t eat in a hammock.

100. What wonderful surprise awaits?

Journal prompts book

PDF Printable creative journal prompts

You can grab the fun and magical journal prompts worksheet below. Simply download the PDF, print, and use it whenever you feel like writing something creative and whimsical!

Creative journal prompts printable worksheet

Concluding thoughts

I hope you enjoyed these fun and creative journal prompts for writing inspiration.

Subscribe to Dream Dash Journal for articles on writing, creativity, art, spirituality, lifestyle, and more journal prompts directly to your inbox! Grab the freebie below!

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Avatar for Kristen Tudeen

Kristen Tudeen is the founder of Dream Dash Journal and has worked as a lifestyle blogger since 2018. She enjoys inspiring others to explore their spirituality and creative interests.

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Live Bold and Bloom

61 Of The Best Journaling Ideas To De-Stress And Feel Happy

Sometimes, just allowing yourself to write whatever wants to come out is enough to get the words flowing, and daily journaling provides the perfect outlet for this.

But there are times when your brain goes as blank as the page in front of you. It happens.

This is why it helps to have a list of creative journal ideas handy.

The next time you find yourself looking for some journal entry ideas, I hope you’ll give this article another look (after enjoying it today).

With a list of journaling ideas at your disposal , you’re sure to find something to shake down whatever is blocking your writing flow.

Sometimes, it’s as easy as reminding yourself why you’re looking for things to journal about in the first place.

Benefits of Journaling

How to start a journal, 1. make a journal list., 2. a meaningful quote journal idea., 3. affirmation journaling ideas., 4. journal about something you’re grateful for., 5. create an “i forgive…” journal entry., 6. write in your journal something someone said or did that made you smile., 7. compliment yourself in your journal., 8. journal a description of your morning routine., 9. write down the answer to the question, “what would i love”, 10. answer this journal question, “what am i thinking”, 11. journal about a milestone you’ve reached or one you’re working toward., 12. write in your journal about the perfect day., 13. create an entry with someone who is on your mind (and why)., 14. journal about your vision for the future., 15. write out your personal vision for this day (your intentions)., 16. journal about the food you’ve eaten and what you will eat today., 17. write about an important event., 18. describe a challenge you’re facing — or one you’ve overcome., 19. write about your solution to a particular problem or challenge., 20. journal about something you’ve read., 21. write about a fear you have and how you choose to respond to it., 22. begin a journal entry with a prayer., 23. write about a “note to self.”, 24. write a letter to someone., 25. write a letter to someone who has passed., 26. start with a memory (recent or distant)., 27. use an image that sparks an idea for journal writing., 28. journal about a dream you remember., 29. use a timer for a journal writing sprint., 30. small daily journal sentence., 31. a creative character sketch., 32. write about something absurd., 33. write an encouraging personal note to yourself., 34. start with your favorite meal., 35. describe how your day is going., 36. write nice things about someone you’re angry with., 37. write about what you’d do with 10% of your income if you just pulled it out of your bank as cash and went to town., 38. write a description of the kind of person you want to be., 39. write about the power of forgiveness in your life., 40. write about questions you have regarding religion or universal beliefs., 41. write about something that scares you that you have to do anyway., 42. prepare compliments for special people in your life. , 43. write an internal dialogue by dictation. , 44. write about how you’ve grown this year or what has changed for you., 45. write about compliments you received that changed your life. , 46. write about something you can’t imagine living without. , 47. write about what you’re feeling right now. , 48. if you live with anxiety, write about how you’re coping with it today. , 49. journal about something that kept you up last night. , 50. write about the top three priorities in your life right now. , 51. write about something you learned from someone who hurt you., 52. write about what you would do with three wishes. , 53. journal about three bad habits you’d like to change. , 54. write about a moment you had in the spotlight as a child or teenager., 55. write about a simple healthy habit you can start building this week. , 56. write about the apps that are helping you function as an adult. , 57. write about a friend you haven’t talked to in years., 58. write about new financial habits you want to build. , 59. write about the bare minimum exercise you want to start doing every day., 60. write about three influential non-relatives in your life. , 61. write about a birthday memory that still makes you smile. , what to write in a journal, final thoughts.

No doubt, you already know some of the benefits of journaling, and one reason may stand out from the others.

Here’s a list of known benefits, in case you haven’t learned them all.

  • Better health by decreasing stress and anxiety
  • An improved ability to articulate and clarify your thoughts
  • Better self-knowledge
  • A chance to improve your writing skills on a daily basis
  • A better frame of mind for reconciling with others (improved relationships)
  • Better problem-solving
  • An enhanced capacity for learning new things

A fresh new journal represents a fresh start — with new ideas and discoveries.

It’s also literally full of blank pages , which have a mixed effect on writers. You want to fill those pages with content worthy of your intentions for this journal. 

woman sitting on bed smiling and writing journaling ideas

Before you can start filling them, though, you need to let go of the idea that your content should be extra-special or next-level insightful. Some days you’ll drop nuggets of wisdom. Other days, you’ll write content that will embarrass your future self. 

No one actually dies of embarrassment, though. Think of it as part of the process. 

If you’re still looking at your gorgeous new journal and wondering how to get started (because “It’s too pretty!” We know how it is), here are some ideas: 

  • Commit to jotting down at least one sentence at a specific time every morning. 
  • Date your journal pages, starting with the first entry (after the first few pages). 
  • Start with your intentions for the journal (a shortlist on one of the first few pages).
  • Start with a note to yourself relinquishing the idea of perfection or originality. 

61 Journaling Ideas to De-Stress and Feel Happy

You can start by creating a list of anything, really. See if one of the following prompts helps you get started:

  • Things you enjoy (for breakfast, relaxation, education, etc.)
  • Fun things that you’d like to change
  • New things you’d like to try
  • List of things you're grateful for
  • Things you can see from where you’re sitting
  • Bucket list of places you’d like to visit

journal list screenshot journaling ideas is one place you can look for quotes that get you thinking — and writing — about something important to you. Choose a meaningful quote that resonates or that makes you want to argue with it.

Choose a favorite positive affirmation or one on which you’d like to elaborate. It can be about your personal development, your career, money, relationships, or anything of great importance to you.

Gratitude and journaling belong together. Start with one thing you’re grateful for, and either expand on that one thing or add at least two more. Pretty soon you'll have a mood-boosting gratitude list you will find very uplifting.

screenshot of 90-day gratitude journal by Barrie Davenport journaling ideas

No doubt, the words “I forgive” bring a certain person to mind whom you find it difficult to forgive. But for your own sake — so you can move past it — at least journal the words “I forgive ____, and I want only what’s good for him/her,” even if you’re not feeling it.

You might preface this journal entry with a memory of something that person said or did that you appreciate.

Or you can think of something this person might hold against you, try to see your words or actions from their perspective, and write a genuine apology to them.

Think of the last time someone did or said something that made you smile in gratitude or admiration.

What was that thing, and what was it about the context of that thing that made you more likely to smile about it?

Imagine you’ve been asked to write something positive about someone — only that someone is you.

This is a creative way to practice some self-love

Maybe you don’t do everything the same exact way every morning (or maybe you do), but there are probably some things you do every morning.

Why do you do them, and what new habits would you like to add to your morning routine to give your day a better start?

What morning habits would you like to replace with better ones?

This is a fun one, but you have to remember not to stop yourself with the question, “What is the point of even writing this when my circumstances probably make it impossible?”

Write it anyway, and remember to seal your answer with the words, “This or something better.”

This question can also be liberating. If you need to allow yourself to articulate these thoughts while answering the question from #9, go ahead.

Allow yourself to get those thoughts out into the open. Just don’t allow yourself to be tied down to them. Use them as a chance to air and then evaluate those thoughts.

Think of an accomplishment that gets you closer to your personal goals. Have you reached it? If not, how close are you to reaching it, and what do you have to do every day to get yourself closer to it?

This can take place in the present or three years from now. Put a description in your journal of the whole day, from waking up in the morning to going to bed that night. Write down all the important details — the big ideas that make your day perfect.

Write about someone you’re thinking about for some reason — someone you miss, someone who’s made you angry, or maybe someone you’d like to meet.

woman writing in diary sitting outside journaling ideas

It can be anyone, and you can either write about why this person is on your mind, or you can write a script for an imaginary meeting or a necessary conversation.

Where do you want to be three years from now? Again, you’ll want to focus on the most important elements of that vision.

You don’t need to know exactly where you’ll be living or what your new favorite chair will look like (though you’re allowed to). What’s the bigger picture for this vision?

When you get to the end of this day, how will you want to have spent it? Or what top three things do you want to focus on today? How will this day get you closer to your vision for the future?

And feel free to make it sound as fancy or as decadent as you want. Try including sensory details in your journal to motivate yourself to mindfulness practice even while you’re eating.

Whether you’re starting a new dietary regimen or not, sometimes it helps to keep a detailed account of everything you’ve eaten and everything you plan to eat for the rest of the day. No judging.

Or pretend you’re a food blogger for a day and write about your ideal menu or a meal you had recently at a restaurant.

Whatever event stirs up memories (good memories or the other kind), write about that. Or write about an upcoming event that’s important to you.

What hurdles have you jumped in your career, with your relationship, or with your personal development? Or what breakthroughs have you had? What challenges remain?

You probably know solutions to some problems or ways to overcome a particular challenge. Maybe you learned it the hard way. Your journal entry about it could turn into a helpful blog post or even a book.

Whether you’re thinking of a memorable passage from a book you’re reading, a blog post or article you’ve read recently, or a magazine headline you saw while standing in a check-out line, write about what sticks in your mind and why it matters to you (if it does).

Ever caught yourself dwelling on a fear that you had — or still have?

How have you chosen to respond to that fear? Does it hold you back in some way? How will you overcome your fear?

If you pray to a higher power, your daily journal is a great place to articulate exactly what you want to say.

Whether you have questions you need to be answered, or you’d like help with something, writing about it makes it more likely that you’ll get closer to the answers, blessings, and accomplishments you’re seeking.

You can also begin with a note to yourself for any of the following:

  • Something you want to remember that day
  • Something you need to change
  • Something you’ve noticed about yourself
  • Something you like  about yourself
  • Something you’d like to do short-term
  • Something you’d like to do one day

A great journal writing prompt is to write a letter. In your journal you can prepare the message to someone with whom you’re having a dispute, someone you need to reconnect with, or someone you want to share your love for.

From there, you can either copy and paste it into an actual message or write it out by hand and send it by snail mail — maybe with a treat, you know its recipient would enjoy.

If you never had the chance to tell someone something you needed to say, writing it in a journal can at least provide some closure, even though it’s not the same as actually telling that someone.

If it helps, try writing it as a script, with your part and that of the person who has passed on. Make it a conversation that ends in a plausible and satisfying way.

Write in your journal about a memory that has come to you recently — perhaps because something in your life triggered it.

woman sitting on floor with journal diary journaling ideas

Whether it’s a happy memory or not, you might enjoy writing about it. Try to recall as many sensory details as you can.

If you’ve ever bought a painting that made you imagine a life that might one day be your own, or if you saw an image in a magazine or on the internet that caught your attention and took you places in your mind, write about that.

Some dreams stick around longer for a reason. What was your most memorable dream, and why do you think you still remember it?

What details stand out the most? Is there something about that dream that you want to recreate in your conscious life? Or does the dream represent a fear or concern you need to address?

Set a timer for ten to thirty minutes and just write whatever comes to mind. Don’t stop until the timer goes off. Sure, much of what you write will sound frivolous or random, but who cares?

Write whatever is trampling over other thoughts to get out the door. Normally, you wouldn’t want to reward such behavior, but thoughts get away with a lot more than we do.

Write a single sentence. Then another. Then a third sentence. You can stop then, or you can keep going. Maybe one of those sentences will trigger something. But even if they don’t, you’ve written three sentences, and that’s something.

If you’re not satisfied with just writing three random sentences, make them an answer to a question or write a sentence for each of the three things you’re most grateful for in that moment.

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Write a creative journal entry sketch of a character based on yourself — or on someone you know. Or create a completely fictional character with strange quirks or with a terrible secret.

This journal entry might become the starter for a new novel or short story. Or it might just help you get better acquainted with a character you already have.

Start with a nonsense observation — like “the sun is a radish this morning” or something more ridiculous.

Write about how your favorite color is connected to the day of the week you were born and the number of hairs in your father’s left ear. Go crazy with this journal idea.

Begin like your writing in a diary and write an encouraging note to yourself about the day you’re going to have or about a challenge you’ll be facing today. Be a friend and write the words you need to hear.

Write about your favorite meal and how it’s prepared. Write about the best time you had when you were able to enjoy this meal — alone or with good company. Why is it your favorite?

Write about how your day (or at least your morning) is going so far, what has happened, and what you’re thankful for.

Write about the direction your day is taking, and whether it’s the direction you want it to take or you’d like to change course and make it better.

sample journal page the mindfulness journal

I know it’s easier to write about why you’re angry with someone, but try writing only positive things about this person.

If no words come to mind, try writing about good things you want for this person. The more goodwill you exercise toward other people in writing, the easier it becomes to forgive them.

If you took one of your paychecks and pulled 10% out in cash for your own personal spending, what would you spend it on and why?

Imagine doing this and describe how you’d feel while you were spending the money. Could you do this on a regular basis?

If you’ve never considered doing this, what would you have to do in order to make it a regular thing?

Write about the person you want to be, focusing on your end goals and the person you have to be in order to reach them.

Visualize yourself as this person and describe your lifestyle, where you live, and how you spend your time. Write about the qualities you admire and want to see in yourself.

When was the last time someone forgave you for something? How did that change things for you?

What did it do for your relationship with this person — and for other relationships? How did it change the way you feel about this person and about yourself?

What questions do you have about the afterlife, about religion, about a higher being? What do you want to know about the universe and your relevance and connection to it?

How would you answer someone else’s question about what you believe?

If you’ve ever caught yourself saying things like “I hate driving in the dark! It’s so scary…” or “I’m terrible at making small talk ! I make a fool of myself every time,” you already know why you prefer to avoid those things.

Now, imagine how differently you’d see those things if you instead told yourself, “Sometimes I really enjoy a nighttime drive,” or “Small talk is nothing to be afraid of.

It’s just talking about the first socially appropriate things that come to mind and listening to other people do the same thing. I’m great at talking, and I’m an even better listener.”

You probably wouldn’t be as anxious to avoid night driving and small talk.

What scares you that you have to do anyway? Maybe you have teenage kids with jobs, and you have to pick them up after their shifts end around seven or eight o’clock.

Maybe you live in an apartment complex and always run into a small crowd of familiar faces when you’re heading in and out.

Write about whatever comes to mind for you, and compose some empowering self-talk to help you get through whatever you have to do that (you think) doesn’t come naturally to you.

Not only is it good practice for writing about your fears and how to address them, this is yet another journaling example of how starting a journal can help you become the person you want to be.

Pretend you’re preparing for an exercise where each of you takes turns sitting in a chair while others each pay you a genuine and true compliment . Everyone has to take a turn in the “seat of regard.” And the only response the receiver can give (besides crying) is “Thank you.”]

Invite two of your “selves” to an honest conversation about something. Think past self vs. present self — or hurting self vs. compassionate caregiver self — or tempted self vs. powerful self. Make a pressing issue the main topic and take dictation for the voices in your head. 

Some years bring more change than others, but what specifically is different for you about this past year? Think beyond events and changes that everyone is experiencing and focus on your own internal changes and personal progress.  

Some compliments make a deeper impression than others, and you can probably think of compliments you’ve received along the way that took you by surprise and changed the way you see yourself. Describe one of these compliments along with who gave it to you. 

Get down to the things you’d absolutely want to hold onto if you lost everything else — whether that’s a special lotion, a kind of tea, your favorite pair of pants, or something else. How did you discover it, and why do you consider it an essential part of your life? 

Make an honest list of the emotions that come to mind and take note of the strongest ones. Then dig a little deeper to explore why you feel those things. If what you’re feeling is an understandable response to a painful experience, honor those feelings, and write with honesty and self-compassion. 

Are you anxious about something right now? Or what coping strategies have you learned that help you deal with your everyday anxiety or with unusual stressors in your life? Write about a moment when you used one of those strategies and how it helped. 

Was your mind playing in-house movies last night? What was on your mind, and why do you think you had such a hard time putting those thoughts to rest? Are you worried these thoughts will come back to disturb you tonight? 

What can you do to help guarantee a better night’s sleep?

You can be as general or specific as you like with this, as long as you identify your top three priorities. Then look at how you prioritize them every day. What does that look like? And what habits are making it easier or harder to keep your priorities straight? 

If you don’t want to name specific people, just write about a painful experience and what you learned from it. Have you changed the way you respond to similar situations? Have your actions since then helped you think of them differently or even forgive them? 

You picked up a “genie lamp” from an antique store, and with a few rubs with your polishing rag, suddenly a genie is offering you three wishes. What do you do with them? Would you change your career, your home, your income…?

And would you use your last wish to free the genie?

What habits have you picked up that are not serving you well? And what habits would you like to replace them with? How might your life change if you replaced even one of those self-sabotaging habits with an empowering one? And which habit will you change first? 

Maybe you were in a school play, concert, or recital, and your family and friends celebrated your performance. Whatever comes to mind, write about it in your journal, adding every detail you can remember. 

Maybe you want to start practicing daily meditation. Or maybe you can stop at two cups of coffee and switch to tea before the jitters set in. Whatever change you’d like to make, describe it and write about how you think it would change your life for the better. 

Start with a shortlist of the apps you use most. Then describe one or more of your favorite apps and how they help you every day. Why are they better than any competitors you’ve tried. What difference have they made in your life? 

Journal about a friend from years back and describe a special moment during your time as friends. When was the last time you talked to them? Do you know how to get a hold of them? Do you want to? Why or why not? And why are they no longer a part of your life? 

Maybe you want to start saving $25 or $50 from every payday. Or maybe you want to start paying off your smallest debt more quickly. Whatever financial concern is at the top of your list, write about what you’re thinking and what action you plan to take. 

You know your body needs movement. Ever since hearing that “sitting is the new smoking,” you’ve thought of how to make exercise a part of your daily life. So, what can you start with today or this week that you know you could stick with? 

Think about teachers or coaches, counselors/therapists, bosses/managers, roommates — anyone who made a positive impact in your life. Write about how you met and what they said or did that helped you make a better choice or see things differently. 

You wake up, and a special, handmade gift is waiting for you on your dresser. Or you come downstairs to find your favorite breakfast waiting for you. Whatever you remember, describe it with as much sensory detail as you can recall.

Whether you use daily journaling prompts or just write whatever is on your mind, knowing how to journal opens a word of self-discovery.

Journaling gives you a safe space to explore creative things and to ask yourself deeper questions.

Keeping a journal is also a way to process and keep a list of things you’ve been learning from a new book, course, or online program.

The simple exercise of writing someone else’s message into your own words helps you make sense of it by filtering it through your own understanding and perspective.

Not only are you then better able to incorporate what you’ve learned, but you’ve also become better at learning.

They really should teach this in schools.

What you write in your journal is your own, though, and however you get those thoughts down onto the page — as neatly printed (or typed) lines, doodles , mind maps, or a combination of all these — the most important thing is to keep journaling daily.

So, there’s no need to ask how to write a journal. Better to ask how journaling can best serve you — and what personal journal ideas can help you make the most of it.

Journal Writing vs. Journal Typing

So, is typing your journal entry as good as writing in your journal by hand?

When it comes to the most powerful benefits of journaling, yes. While there are proven cognitive benefits to writing by hand, the important thing is to get your words onto a page — whether it’s digital or something you can touch.

The most important thing is to create and maintain the habit of journaling every day (or as close to that as possible).

You can always mix it up and do both, choosing one or the other based on convenience or a desire to do something different (or to use that brand new journal).

Journal is a way that works best for you. Your brain will be healthier and happier either way.

Did you find helpful ideas on what to write in your journal?

If you’ve found value in this journaling ideas post, I hope you’ll share it and encourage others to pass it on.

The benefits of daily journaling are too good to keep to yourself, and you know you want to contribute to a more self-aware and generous world.

So, if this article will help you to thrive today and become the person you want to be, please bless another person today — or as many as you can. And may your generosity and goodwill infuse everything else you do today.

creative writing journaling ideas

2 thoughts on “61 Of The Best Journaling Ideas To De-Stress And Feel Happy”

I love this! One of my most favorite ways to journal has been a dialogue between various parts of me. When I’m hurt, I journal from that part. Then I have the validating, caring adult side of me respond. It sounds trippy but it has been really helpful in overcoming some challenging emotions and situations. Great ideas here!

Wonderful This really helps me and inspire me to write my diary Thank you so much

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Project Hot Mess

222 Journaling Prompts: Writing Ideas For Creative Self Discovery

By: Author Krystal Kleidon

Posted on Published: October 28, 2021  - Last updated: February 23, 2023

Categories Journaling , Self Development

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When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

Journaling is a great way to not only make sense of your thoughts but also a creative way to understand who you are, what is important to you, and what is happening in your life.

Rather than staring at a blank page and wondering why the words won’t come, we’ve created 222 journaling prompts for you, all specifically designed to help you get to know yourself better.

Why Journaling Prompts?

Journal prompts are an easy way to help you get started with journaling and to help you establish a daily journaling practice.

Rather than having to always come up with new ideas of what to write about, these journal writing prompts help you to stop staring at a blank page and help you to write about specific topics rather than random and sporadic thoughts.

Journaling is a powerful tool that has many benefits including helping combat and manage mental health concerns , overcoming negative thoughts, and can even help you to become a better writer.

These journal prompts have been designed for creative self discovery, to help you get to know and understand yourself better and there are plenty of ideas listed to help you get started.

How To Use Journaling Prompts

There are no set rules as to how to use this list of journal prompts, the important thing is that you use them on a regular basis as a way to develop a regular journaling habit.

You can use these as daily journal prompts and they will give you over 6 months of prompt ideas.

The best thing is that they start to help you tap into your creative thinking, and when you get into the flow, your writing can become a safe space for you and can even help you process difficult emotions.

Some ideas on how to use these creative journal prompts include:

  • Using the journal prompt as a starting point and allowing stream of consciousness to flow from the prompt
  • Use the prompt as a guide and put dot points below of everything you think
  • Write your thoughts in complete sentences, and create a story-like journal entry.
  • Add the prompt to your bullet journal .
  • Voice record your response to the journal prompt
  • Use the prompt daily to help you overcome writer’s block
  • Write each prompt out and place it in a journal jar and pick randomly.
  • Start at the start of the list and work your way through daily.
  • Pick a prompt that resonates with you most.
  • Use a random number generator to randomly select a prompt for you – or use the journal prompt generator below.

Whatever method you choose, these journal prompts provide a great place for you to start your journaling for self-discovery

Random Journal Prompt Generator

Click the button to generate a random journal prompt. Use a new prompt each day (be sure to save this page so you can come back and get a new journal prompt every day).

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

222 Journaling Prompts For Self Discovery

1 – What is the biggest goal you’ve ever achieved? 

2 – Write a short story about your life. 

3 – What is your favorite book and why?

4 – If you were to say ‘that was the best thing that ever happened to me’ what would you be talking about?

5 – If you could write a quick note to your future self, what would it say?

6 – If you could give your younger self just one piece of advice, what would it be?

7 – Can you describe a single day in your life that you feel changed everything for you?

8 – Describe the first time you felt you were in love.

9 – What is something you absolutely love about your daily life?

10 – Who was your best friend when you were growing up? Who is your best friend now?

11 – What are some of the best compliments you’ve ever received?

12 – When you get to the end of your life, what are you worried will be your biggest regret?

13 – What is your favorite character in a book, movie, or TV show and why?

14 – What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? 

15 – What is the most physically demanding thing you’ve ever done? 

16 – What has been the biggest mental hurdle you’ve had to work through? 

17 – Did you like high school? 

18 – If you had a chance to go back to high school and relive it or redo it, would you?

19 – When you get to this time next year, what do you hope you have achieved?

20 – How do you manage difficult situations? How do you wish you would handle them differently or are you happy with your current strategy? 

21 – What area of your life do you feel you have the most control over? 

22 – What area of your life do you feel you need to improve?

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

23 – Do you think social media is good for the world and for people?

24 – What is your most favorite season of the year? 

25 – What are some of the things on your bucket list?

26 – What do you want your life to look like in 5 years?

27 – What does your dream day look like? 

28 – Describe a skill you’d like to learn and what you want to do with that skill. 

29 – What do you need in your life to be happy? 

30 – What makes you feel the most productive and organized? 

31 – What is something you’ve always wanted to do but never gotten around to doing? Why? 

32 – What is one good habit you’ve established? How did you create that habit for yourself?

33 – What is the last book you read and what did it mean to you?

365 Days Of Journal Prompts Printable - Free Download

Daily Journal Prompts For A Whole Year – Printable

Fill in your details to grab your copy of our 365 Days of Journal Prompts – one for each day of the year – covering a wide range of topics to challenge your thinking. 

Your Journal Prompts are on their way…

Check your inbox to find your journal prompts printable (be sure to check junk just in case our email slides into the abyss….)


34 – What are you most grateful for in your life right now? 

35 – Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place that brings you absolute joy – describe that place. 

36 – What is the biggest goal you want to achieve this year and what does achieving it mean to you? 

37 – What has been the biggest thing that has been stopping you from achieving your goals? 

38 – What drains the most amount of energy from you?

39 – What do you need in order to live the life of your dreams? 

40 – What did you want to be when you grow up? Is this still something you want? 

41 – What is your biggest motivator? 

42 – What are your values in life? 

43 – Describe someone who inspires you. 

44 – Are you happy with how you spend your time ? What would you change? 

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

45 – Describe one habit you want to remove from your life and how you plan to remove it.

46 – Describe how you feel when you have big changes happening in your life. How do you cope with them? 

47 – What do you want to spend more time doing this year? 

48 – What is one word you want to live by this year and what does it mean to you?

49 – Describe what makes you feel the most in control in your life. 

50 – Describe a time when you felt absolute confidence. 

51 – Describe what you need in order to recharge when you feel completely drained. 

52 – What is something you do in order to make yourself a priority in your life? 

53 – Are there any boundaries you need to establish in your life? What do these look like and how will they help you? 

54 – If you’re having a bad day, what can you do to lift yourself up and move out of your funk? 

55 – Describe your perfect day and what you need in order to make it a reality. 

56 – What is making you happy right at this moment?

57 – Thinking back to one year ago, how did you imagine your life would look now? Does your current situation match how you thought it would be?

58 – What has been one of the biggest life lessons you’ve learned in the last year? 

59 – What was the last dream you remember having? What do you think it means? 

60 – If you had to live the next month in the life of the last television show you watched, what would it be and what would you do?

61 – What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in the last year? 

62 – What moments take your breath away? 

63 – When you look in the mirror, what do you LOVE about yourself? 

64 – What is one lesson you want your children to learn in life? 

65 – What have you worried about lately that turned out to be less worrisome than it originally felt? 

66 – Describe your life as a movie – who would play the lead roles? What would the main plot be? 

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

67 – If you could give one message to the entire world, what would it be? 

68 – What has been one of your biggest achievements in the last year? 

69 – If you could eliminate one stress from your life, what would that be and what would your life look like without it? 

70 – If someone were to interview you about your life, what questions would you want them to ask you? 

71 – If you were given the power to change one thing in the world right now, what would it be and why? 

72 – If you were to describe your soul mate, your ‘perfect’ person, what would they be like? 

73 – Describe how you’re feeling right now? 

74 – Think back to the last time you laughed so hard you cried. What was it about and who were you with? 

75 – If you were to open a door right now and it would transport you somewhere, where would that ‘somewhere’ be? 

76 – What do the different holidays throughout the year mean to you?

77 – What is your earliest happy memory? 

78 – If life gives you lemons, what do you do with them?

79 – If you were to write a fiction book, what would it be about? 

80 – Would you prefer fewer friends with deeper connections, or a wider variety of friendships? 

81 – What does friendship mean to you? 

82 – What does love mean to you? 

83 – How do you feel about the relationships you have with your family? 

84 – Which of your family members are you closest to and why? 

85 – What is your favorite thing about your family? 

86 – What traditions from your family do you want to continue with your own family? 

87 – Who had the most influence on your understanding of relationships ?

88 – Are you happy with how your relationship is working at the moment? 

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

89 – How do you like to be shown that you are loved? 

90 – What is the most difficult thing about your relationship at the moment? 

91 – When you see your friends, do you feel energized or drained afterward? 

92 – Describe something about your parent’s relationship that you admire. 

93 – How do you feel about the representation of romance in movies? 

94 – What’s the best relationship advice you’ve ever been given? 

95 – What is something you love about yourself?

96 – What is your favorite fictional romance?

97 – How do you make yourself feel better when you’re disappointed or feeling down? 

98 – How do you feel about the amount of time you get to spend with your partner, friends, and family at the moment?

99 – As a teenager, what did you think marriage would look like? 

100 – What is your love language? Do you think it is an accurate representation of you?

101 – What are your top needs in a relationship? What are your ‘deal breakers’ in a relationship?

102 – Describe your ideal friend group.

103 – What do you do in order to show yourself love? 

104 – If you could plan the perfect date, what would it look like? 

105 – When you hear the words ‘self-care’ what do you think?

106 – What do you currently do that you feel is self-care?

107 – If you were to think about your ‘cup’ how full is it right now?

108 – When your ‘cup’ is empty, you feel…

109 – When your ‘cup’ is full, you feel…

110 – In the past, you have avoided self-care because…

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

111 – You feel most like yourself when you…

112 – One of the things you love about yourself is…

113 – You make yourself a priority by…

114 – You are proud of yourself for…

115 – When you feel disconnected from yourself, you can reconnect by…

116 – Write down every positive thing you can think of about yourself…

117 – When you spend time alone , how do you feel?

118 – Describe three things you love to do for yourself…

119 – What are your core values in yourself and your life?

120 – What are you motivated by?

121 – Your current self-care mantra is…

122 – When you practice self-care, you want to feel…

123 – You are the best version of yourself when…

124 – The biggest priorities in your life right now are…

125 – You feel most in control when you…

126 – You feel calm and at ease when you…

127 – The thoughts that are currently running around your head are…

128 – If you could change one thing about how you feel about yourself it would be…

129 – When you look at yourself in the mirror, you feel…

130 – One of the most unique things about you is…

131 – One of the things you actually really love about yourself is…

132 – You believe in yourself because…

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

133 – When you think back on the days you are happiest, this is what you are doing…

134 – When you wake up of a morning, you wish you could just…

135 – One fear you wish you could overcome is…

136 – When you hear the words ‘Dream Life’ you think…

137 – When you think about your perfect day, it looks like…

138 – Describe your dream career…. 

139 – If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live _______, because….

140 – The one thing I feel that is stopping me from living my dream life is…

141 – When I leave this life, I want my legacy to be…

142 – If I could pinpoint one thing that is missing from my life, it would be…

143 – Who do you feel is the lead decision-maker in your life?

144 – You choose to surround yourself with people who love and support you. Who are they and why? 

145 – What is one habit you wish you could include in your day and why? 

146 – What is challenging you the most in life right now? 

147 – Do you feel like you are moving towards your goal at a pace you are happy with? 

148 – What is the biggest hurdle you need to overcome in order to achieve your goals? How can you overcome it? 

149 – Who do you feel gives you the most support in your life right now? 

150 – What is one aspect of your personality that you believe will help you to live your dream life? 

151 – What will it mean for you when you are living your dream life? 

152 – How do you know when you are truly happy? What does it look and feel like to you?

153 – What is a belief you have that you feel limits you from achieving your dream life? 

154 – What is one thing you could do right now to move you one step close to living your dream life? 

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

155 – What makes you truly, to the core happy? 

156 – When do you feel most at peace?

157 – How does your current home make you feel?

158 – How do you feel about your life right now?

159 – What is one thing you would/could change in your life to make you happier?

160 – If you could live the perfect day, what would it look like?

161 – What is something you’ve always wanted to do in your life?

162 – Describe your relationship with money.

163 – What is the earliest memory you have of money?

164 – What is the money story from your childhood?

165 – Who taught you about money? 

166 – When you look at the balance of your bank account, how do you feel? 

167 – What does it look like to not have enough money?

168 – What would it look like to live a rich life? 

169 – Do you believe there is an endless supply of money?

170 – Why do you feel you are in your current financial situation?

171 – Do you want to change your current financial situation? Why?

172 -What would your life look like if you didn’t have to worry about money? 

173 – What is your biggest money ‘worry’ right now? 

174 – Has anyone ever made you feel not good enough because of money? Describe that situation. 

175 – What are your current financial goals ?

176 – What financial goals have you had in the past that you have achieved?

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

177 – What is the biggest money lesson you’ve learned? 

178 – Do you like money? Do you think money is good or bad? 

179 – Do you believe that having more money changes people? If so, how?

180 – Do you feel confident with your understanding of your current money situation?

181 – If you had enough money, you would no longer…

182 – Describe a day in your life where you felt rich and abundant

183 – What is the least helpful piece of money advice you’ve ever been given? 

184 – What words come to mind when you think about yourself?

185 – What is making you happy right now?

186 – What is making you sad/unhappy in your life at the moment?

187 – Does your life look like you thought it would?

188 – What is one of your big life goals?

189 – Do you actually believe you’ll achieve your goals?

190 – When you were young, were you supported to achieve your goals?

191 – Do you feel like you have the starring role in your own life?

192 – Are you happy right now?

193 – What would you say your core values as a person and in life are?

194 – What do you consider your strengths to be?

195 – What’s one thing you absolutely love about yourself?

196 – What would you change about your life right now? What’s stopping you from changing it?

197 – When something is worrying you, what do you do about it? How do you manage your worry?

198 – What legacy do you want your life to have? 

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

199 – How does spending time alone make you feel?

200 – In regards to knowing yourself, what would you like to learn about or discover?

201 – Do you ever feel anxious? What are your triggers and how do you manage these anxious moments?

202 – What do you do for fun, that makes you feel pure joy? 

203 – What do you feel your role in this world is? 

204 – What is a daily habit you have that you want to change?

205 – How do you feel about the relationships in your life right now? 

206 – Do you feel like you have the right people around you to support you and help you achieve your goals?

207 – What do you do to help you feel calm, grounded, and at peace?

208 – What is blocking you from living a life you absolutely love right now? 

209 – What is currently on your mind? Brain dump everything.

210 – How do you feel about the world as a whole right now?

211 – Right now, at this moment, do you love yourself?

212 – What do you know today that you didn’t know 1 year ago?

213 – What emotions are you feeling at the moment? 

214 – How does your body feel right now? 

215 – Describe the last time you felt so joyful, light, and carefree.

216 – Who do you trust the most? Why?

217 – What is something you struggle to understand about yourself? 

218 – What is something you struggle to understand about the world?

219 – If you could change one thing in the world right now what would it be? 

220 – Do you feel comfortable when you feel your emotions or do you try to ‘get over’ them quickly? Why? 

221 – What are 3 simple things that bring you the most amount of joy? 

222 – What do you do to help you stay focused on a goal?

Hopefully this list has given you a great start to your journaling practice and helps you in self discovery and learning more about yourself.

When you don't know what to journal, here are 222 journaling prompts to help you get to know yourself.

550+ Journal Prompts: The Ultimate List

Discover over 500 journal prompts to jump-start your journal writing and explore personal growth, daily reflection, and goal-setting..

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  • February 22, 2023

Home » Day One Blog » 550+ Journal Prompts: The Ultimate List

Journal prompts can be a great way to jump-start your journal writing and explore new and interesting topics. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced journaler, having a go-to library of journal prompts can help you build a more regular journaling practice and stay inspired and motivated as you keep a journal.

With this in mind, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of over 500 journal prompts to cover a wide range of topics and themes, from daily writing prompts to deeper questions that explore personal growth, foster self-reflection, creative expression, and even goal setting.

Whether you prefer to reflect on your daily life, set intentions for the future, or simply explore your thoughts and feelings in your journal, there’s something for everyone in this collection of journaling prompts. If you’re a beginner journaler looking for some guidance, or an experienced journaler seeking new inspiration, this list of journaling prompts is for you.

What are Journal Prompts?

Journal prompts are questions, suggestions, or ideas that can help inspire you to write in your personal journal .

For example, journaling prompts can be specific questions or statements that encourage you to reflect on a particular topic, theme, or aspect of your life. Journal prompts can also be general, and can be designed to help you explore a wide range of topics and experiences.

Journal prompts can be used in many different ways, and can be a valuable tool for beginners and experienced journalers alike. For beginners, prompts can help you get started with journaling, and can provide a starting point for your writing. For experienced journalers, prompts can help you explore new topics and experiences, and can provide a fresh perspective as you write a new journal entry .

Journal prompts are questions, suggestions, or ideas that can help inspire you to write in your journal. Journaling prompts can be specific questions or statements that encourage you to reflect on a particular topic, theme, or aspect of your life.

In a nutshell, using journaling prompts can help get the creative juices flowing and make it easier to come up with ideas for what to write about. Many people find that using prompts can help them explore new topics and gain new insights through their journaling practice. You can use prompts every day, or just when you need a little extra inspiration or motivation.

A scene of journaling at a sunlit desk with journal prompts, computer, and a cup of tea.

The Benefits of Using Journaling Prompts

Whether you’re looking to improve your mental health, boost your creativity, or just keep a record of your life, journal prompts can be a powerful tool for building a lasting journaling habit .

1. Inspiration

When it comes to keeping a journal, sometimes it’s hard to know what to write about. Journal prompts provide a needed spark of inspiration by asking a question or giving you a jumping-off point from which to write.

2. Structure

Journal prompts give you a starting point and a structure for your writing, which can be especially helpful if you’re new to journaling or if you struggle with writer’s block.

3. Consistency

When you have a set of prompts to work with, it becomes easier to write regularly, as you always have something to write about. This can help you establish a more consistent journaling habit.

4. Exploration

Journal prompts can encourage you to explore new topics, thoughts, and emotions that you may not have considered before. This can help you broaden your perspective and gain new insights into yourself and the world around you.

5. Creativity

Journal prompts that are more creative in nature can help you tap into your imagination and unleash your creative potential. This can be especially helpful if you’re feeling stuck or uninspired.

6. Motivation

When you see the progress you’re making and the growth you’re experiencing through journaling, it can be incredibly motivating. Journal prompts can help you stay engaged and motivated in your writing by providing new and exciting challenges.

7. Accountability

By committing to writing regularly, you can hold yourself accountable to your journaling practice and ensure that you continue to make progress and grow.

8. Reflection

Journal prompts that are more reflective in nature can help you slow down and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can be a valuable tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

Using a ballpoint pen to write in a paper journal

Journal Prompt Examples

In this ultimate list of journal prompts, you’ll find hundreds of journal prompt examples that you can use and adopt into your journaling practice, including examples of journal prompts for beginners, examples of daily journal prompts, examples of evening journal prompts, and more.

These journal prompt examples are grouped into categories to make them a bit easier to navigate and help you find the prompts that best fit your journaling goals and preferences. Each category of journal prompt examples includes a variety of prompts designed to inspire self-reflection, creativity, personal growth, and mindfulness.

With this comprehensive list of journal prompts, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself, your experiences, and the world around you through the powerful practice of journaling.

Typing a journal entry using prompts on a laptop

Beginner Journal Prompts

If you are a beginner journaler, here are some good journaling prompts to try. Simply copy and paste these journaling prompt examples into your journal. These prompts are just a starting point, and you can adjust them or come up with your own to fit your needs and interests.

  • What happened today?
  • What was the best thing that happened today?
  • What was the worst thing that happened today?
  • What was the most interesting thing I saw or heard today?
  • What was the most challenging thing I faced today?
  • What am I grateful for today?
  • What did I learn today?
  • What was the most fun thing I did today?
  • What was the most surprising thing that happened today?
  • What did I do today that I am proud of?

a woman sits at her laptop looking for brainstorming inspiration

Brainstorming Journal Prompts

Journal prompts can be a helpful tool for brainstorming because they provide a starting point and direction for your thinking. By using these prompts, you can unlock your creativity, explore new possibilities, and come up with innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities in your life. Remember to be open-minded, curious, and non-judgmental as you brainstorm, and to write down every idea that comes to mind, no matter how big or small.

  • What is the current problem or challenge I am facing?
  • What are my goals and objectives related to this problem or challenge?
  • What are some potential solutions to this problem or challenge?
  • What are some creative and unconventional solutions I can consider?
  • What are some pros and cons of each potential solution?
  • How can I collaborate with others to find a solution?
  • What are some resources I can utilize to help solve this problem or challenge?
  • How can I apply my skills, knowledge, and experience to this problem or challenge?
  • What are some potential roadblocks or challenges to implementing a solution, and how can I overcome them?
  • How can I prioritize and organize my thoughts and ideas to effectively solve this problem or challenge?

scene of answering body positivity journal prompts in a journal with a pen

Body Positivity Journal Prompts

Body positivity is about learning to love and accept your body exactly as it is, while also recognizing that your body is not your only source of worth or value. These prompts can help you explore and cultivate a more positive relationship with your body, but the journey towards self-love is ongoing and ever-evolving. Be patient, kind, and compassionate towards yourself, and remember that every step towards greater self-acceptance is a step in the right direction.

  • What do I love most about my body, and why?
  • What beliefs or messages about my body do I need to let go of in order to cultivate more self-love and acceptance?
  • What activities or practices help me feel connected to and in tune with my body?
  • How can I be more compassionate towards my body, especially when I’m feeling self-critical or negative?
  • What role does social media or the media in general play in shaping my body image, and how can I cultivate a more positive relationship with these sources of influence?
  • What would it feel like to let go of the need to compare my body to others, and instead focus on my own unique strengths and beauty?
  • What are some ways I can prioritize my physical health and well-being, without falling into the trap of diet culture or body shaming?
  • How can I shift my focus from appearance-based goals (e.g. weight loss, achieving a certain body shape) to more holistic measures of health and wellness (e.g. energy levels, mood, strength, etc.)?
  • What does it mean to truly embody self-love and body positivity, and how can I take small steps towards this every day?
  • How can I cultivate a sense of appreciation and love for my body, even if it doesn’t conform to societal ideals?
  • What are some ways I can celebrate and care for my body, regardless of its shape or size?

Creative Journal Prompts

By using these prompts, you can tap into your creativity and expand your skills and knowledge. Remember, creativity is not limited to art or music, but can also include problem-solving, critical thinking, and even communication. By keeping an open mind and a curious attitude, you can discover new ways to express yourself and connect with the world around you. So take a few minutes each day to journal and see where your creativity leads.

  • What does creativity mean to me?
  • How do I get to use my creativity on a daily basis?
  • What is one thing that I have always wanted to create, and what steps can I take to make it a reality?
  • What is one place or environment that inspires my creativity, and how can I create more opportunities to be in that space?
  • What are my passions and interests, and how can I incorporate them into my work or personal life?
  • What is one small creative project that I can do today, and how can I make it unique to my personal style?
  • What is one fear or obstacle that is holding me back creatively, and what can I do to overcome it?
  • What is one thing that I can learn or experiment with in order to expand my creative skills and knowledge?
  • What is one challenge or prompt that I can give myself to push myself creatively?
  • What is one way I can creatively express gratitude, love, or appreciation for someone in my life?
  • How can I challenge myself to think outside of the box and embrace new and creative ideas?
  • How can I surround myself with people and environments that foster creativity and inspiration?
  • What are some ways I can take time for myself and recharge my batteries to cultivate creativity and inspiration?
  • What are some hobbies or activities I can pursue to tap into my creativity and imagination?
  • How can I incorporate more play and fun into my life to foster creativity and inspiration?
  • What are some ways I can break out of my comfort zone and try new things to stimulate creativity and inspiration?
  • How can I be more open-minded and receptive to new ideas and perspectives?
  • What are some ways I can use technology and innovation to enhance my creativity and inspiration?
  • How can I seek out new experiences and adventures to expand my horizons and inspire my creativity?
  • How can I create a supportive and nurturing environment for my mind, body, and soul to encourage creativity and inspiration?

A person sits on a sofa with headphones, a notebook, and a computer to answer creative writing prompts

Creative Writing Prompts

Your journal can be a great place to explore creative writing projects like short stories, poetry, song lyrics, memoirs, or novels. Some people find it helpful to use their journal to record thoughts and ideas, which can then be used as inspiration for future writing projects. Others writers use their journal as a place to practice writing exercises or to experiment with different writing styles. By giving yourself a private place to explore ideas, create first drafts, and catalog your progress, your imagination can roam free.

  • Write a story from the perspective of an inanimate object that has come to life.
  • Write a poem about a childhood memory that has stayed with you.
  • Write about a character who wakes up one day with a superpower.
  • Write a poem about the changing of the seasons and the beauty of nature.
  • Write a story that begins with the sentence “The door creaked open, revealing a long-forgotten room.”
  • Write a story about a group of people who are stranded on a deserted island.
  • Write a poem that explores the concept of time and how it shapes our lives.
  • Write a story from the perspective of a character who has lost their memory and is trying to piece together their past.
  • Write a poem that reflects on the beauty of everyday moments.
  • Write a story about a time traveler who accidentally gets stuck in the wrong time period.
  • Write about a relationship that taught you an important lesson about yourself or the world around you.
  • Write a story about a character who discovers a mysterious book with a hidden message.
  • Write a poem that uses the theme of water to convey a deeper meaning or emotion.
  • Write about a place that has had a significant impact on your life, and what memories or emotions it brings up for you.
  • Write a story about a character who is forced to confront their deepest fear.
  • Write a poem that explores the idea of home and what it means to you.
  • Write a story from the perspective of an animal who is trying to survive in the wilderness.
  • Write about an experience that taught you a valuable lesson about forgiveness or acceptance.
  • Write a story about a character who receives a letter from a long-lost relative with a surprising revelation.

Daily Journal Prompts

Daily journal prompts are prompts you may want to ask yourself on a daily basis. By using these journal prompts on a daily basis, you can cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness, gratitude, self-awareness , and intentionality in your life. Whether you use these prompts in the morning to set your intentions for the day, or in the evening to reflect on your experiences, they can help you stay focused, motivated, and aligned with your values and goals.

  • How am I feeling today?
  • How does my body feel today?
  • What am I nervous or anxious about today?
  • What actions can I take on each of the things that make me nervous or anxious?
  • What are my top priorities for the day?
  • What’s something I can do to make today amazing?
  • What did I learn today? How can I apply this knowledge in the future?
  • What challenges did I face today? How did I overcome them? What can I learn from these experiences?
  • What did I do today that brought me joy or fulfillment? How can I incorporate more of these activities into my daily routine?
  • What was a moment of joy, delight, or contentment today?
  • What was a small detail I noticed today?
  • What was the weather like today?
  • What am I thankful for today?
  • What could I have done differently today?
  • How can I make tomorrow even better?

Decision-Making Journal Prompts

Decision-making can be challenging and anxiety-inducing, but journaling can be a helpful tool to clarify your thoughts, fears, hopes, and priorities. By reflecting on these decision-making prompts, you can gain greater clarity and insight into your decision-making process, and ultimately make choices that feel more aligned with your true self and values.

  • What is the decision I need to make?
  • When do I need to make this decision?
  • What is the desired outcome I hope to achieve?
  • What are the pros and cons of each option?
  • What are my fears or concerns about making this decision?
  • What insights or lessons have I gained from similar decisions I’ve made in the past?
  • How do these lessons or insights apply to this situation?
  • What advice would I give to a friend in this same situation?
  • What is my instinct or intuition telling me about this decision?
  • What impact will this decision have on myself and others?
  • How does this decision align with my values?
  • What resources or support do I need to make this decision with confidence and clarity?
  • What is the worst-case scenario if I make this decision?
  • What facts do I have to support my decision?
  • How do I feel about my decision?
  • How confident am I feeling about this decision?
  • What are my next steps for this decision?

Dream Journal Prompts

The goal of keeping a dream journal is not to interpret your dreams as right or wrong, but rather to understand what they may be trying to tell you on a deeper level. By exploring your dreams in this way, you can gain valuable insights into your subconscious mind and find new ways to approach the challenges and opportunities in your waking life. Here are a few examples of dream journal prompts:

  • What was the most memorable dream I had last night? Write down as many details as you can remember.
  • What recurring themes or symbols appear in my dreams? Are there any patterns I can identify?
  • What emotions did I feel in my dream, and do they relate to any current issues in my waking life?
  • What do I think my dream is trying to tell me? How can I apply its message to my life?
  • If I could have any dream I wanted tonight, what would it be about?
  • If I could ask a dream character any question, who would I choose, and what would I ask them?
  • What are some of the most bizarre or surreal dreams I’ve ever had? What do I think they mean?
  • What is the most common type of dream I have (like nightmares, flying dreams, etc.)? What do I think it says about my psyche?

Evening Journal Prompts

By using these evening journal prompts, you can reflect on your experiences, cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness, and identify opportunities for growth and learning. Reflection is an important part of the learning and growth process, and taking a few minutes each evening to reflect on your day can help you gain greater insights into your life, your goals, and your values. So make journaling a daily habit, and see how it can help you live your best life.

  • What are three things that went well today, and why?
  • What were the highlights of my day?
  • What are three things that I could have done differently today, and how can I learn from these experiences?
  • How did I show gratitude today?
  • What were some challenges I faced today and how did I overcome them?
  • What did I do to take care of myself today?
  • What did I do to help others today?
  • How did I prioritize my time today?
  • What did I do to bring positivity into my day?
  • What did I do today that made me proud of myself?
  • What were the most important events of the day?
  • How did I feel at different moments throughout the day?
  • What were some unexpected events that took place today?
  • Who did I interact with today and what were those interactions like?
  • What did I accomplish today?
  • What are some things I would like to do differently tomorrow?
  • What did I do to relax and recharge today?
  • What were some of the sights, sounds, and smells I experienced today?
  • How did I handle any difficult situations that arose today?
  • What are some things I am looking forward to tomorrow?
  • What emotions did I experience today?
  • How did I respond to each emotion? What triggered each emotion?
  • What did I do to make a positive impact on someone else’s day?
  • What am I looking forward to tomorrow?
  • What can I do to prepare for a peaceful night’s sleep?
  • What was the most significant event of my day and why was it important?
  • How did I handle any conflicts or difficult situations today?
  • What did I learn about myself today?
  • What are some things I can do differently tomorrow to have an even better day?
  • Who made a positive impact on my day and how?
  • What did I do to make someone else’s day better?
  • What are some things I want to remember about today?

Fun Journal Prompts

Journaling can also be a fun and creative outlet. Use these fun journal prompts to explore your playful side or to even have a laugh.

  • What is something silly that always makes me laugh?
  • What is a favorite childhood memory that still brings me joy?
  • If I could live in any time period or place, where would I choose and why?
  • What is my favorite meal or type of food, and why do I love it so much?
  • If I could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  • What is a book or movie that always puts me in a good mood, and why?
  • What is something I’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet? How might I make that happen?
  • What is one thing I can’t live without?
  • What is one funny story about my life that I don’t mind sharing with other people?
  • What is something about myself that I know is quirky?
  • If I could be any fictional character, who would I choose and why?
  • What is the most outrageous outfit or costume I’ve ever worn? Where did I wear it, and how did I feel?
  • What is my favorite silly joke or pun, and why does it make me laugh?
  • What is the best gift I have ever given, and why was it so special?
  • If I were a superhero, what would be my name, powers, and costume?
  • What is the funniest prank I have ever played on someone, or that someone has played on me?
  • If I could magically switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
  • What is my favorite childhood toy or game, and why did I love it so much?
  • What is my favorite dance move, and can I teach it to someone else (or describe it in words)?
  • If I could travel anywhere in the world (or beyond), where would I go and what would I do there?

Goal-Setting Journal Prompts

The process of journaling goals can help you to clarify your goals, create a plan of action, and hold yourself accountable for making progress towards them. Use them to reflect on your priorities and values, identify potential obstacles, and develop a plan for success. By setting clear goals and taking concrete steps towards achieving them, you can create a sense of purpose and motivation in your daily life.

  • What are my top three goals for the next year?
  • What are some actionable steps I can take to achieve my goals?
  • What is one new habit I would like to develop in the next month?
  • How can I create a plan to make this new habit a consistent part of my routine?
  • What are three skills or areas of knowledge I would like to develop in the next year?
  • What resources or support can I seek out to help me achieve my goals?
  • What are three things that are holding me back from achieving my goals?
  • How can I work to overcome these obstacles?
  • What are three small, measurable goals I can set for myself this week?
  • How will I hold myself accountable for following through on my goals?
  • What are my long-term career goals? What are some concrete steps I can take to move closer to achieving them?
  • What are my personal values and how do they relate to my goals?
  • How can I ensure that my goals are aligned with my values?
  • What are some potential roadblocks or challenges that I may encounter as I work towards my goals?
  • How can I develop a plan to overcome roadblocks or challenges to my goals?
  • How can I track my progress towards my goals?
  • What tools or systems can I use to stay motivated and on track?
  • What are three small, specific goals I can set for myself each day?
  • How can I ensure that my daily actions align with my larger goals and priorities?
  • What habits do I need in order to achieve my goals?

Gratitude Journal Prompts

By using these gratitude journaling prompts , you can shift your focus from what you don’t have to what you do have, and cultivate a greater sense of appreciation and contentment in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal has been shown to have numerous benefits for our well-being, from increased happiness and positive emotions to better physical health and improved relationships. So take a few minutes each day to reflect on the good things in your life, and see how it can transform your perspective and your life.

  • What are three things I am grateful for today?
  • Who are three people in my life that I am grateful for, and why?
  • What are three small things that happened today that I am grateful for?
  • What is one thing that I often take for granted in my life, and how can I cultivate more appreciation and gratitude for it?
  • What are some positive qualities or strengths that I possess, and how can I be grateful for them?
  • What is something in my life that I feel “lucky” to have? 
  • What is a simple delight I have been enjoying lately? 
  • What is something I am grateful to have learned recently?
  • In what ways have I grown as a person over the last year?
  • What do I like about where I live right now? 
  • What were some moments of joy today?
  • How does expressing gratitude make me feel right now? 
  • How can I show my gratitude today?
  • What are some ways I can express gratitude and appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around me?

Growth Mindset Journal Prompts

The key to cultivating a growth mindset is to approach challenges and setbacks with a curious and open-minded attitude, and to view them as opportunities for learning and growth. By practicing these growth mindset journal prompts, you can begin to develop a more resilient, adaptable, and growth-oriented mindset that can help you achieve your goals and pursue your dreams with confidence and courage.

  • What are some areas of my life where I tend to have a fixed mindset?
  • How can I shift my thinking to adopt a growth mindset instead?
  • What are some goals that I’ve been afraid to pursue due to fear of failure or rejection?
  • How can I reframe my mindset to view failure as a natural part of the learning process, and use it as an opportunity for growth?
  • What are some of my limiting beliefs and self-talk that may be holding me back?
  • How can I challenge and overcome them?
  • How can I embrace challenges and failures as opportunities for growth and development, rather than viewing them as setbacks?
  • How can I cultivate a positive and optimistic attitude, even in the face of adversity and difficulty?
  • What are some ways I can seek out feedback and constructive criticism to continue growing and improving?
  • How can I strive for progress, rather than perfection, in my personal and professional life?
  • What are some of my strengths and areas for growth, and how can I use this knowledge to drive personal development and growth?
  • How can I seek out new experiences, opportunities, and relationships to broaden my horizons and support personal growth?
  • How can I foster resilience and perseverance in the face of obstacles and challenges to continue growing and developing?
  • How can I take responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, and actions, and use them as opportunities for growth and development?
  • How can I view mistakes and failures as learning opportunities, rather than setbacks or obstacles?
  • What are some new skills or knowledge areas that I want to develop?
  • How can I cultivate a curious and open-minded attitude, and seek out new information and knowledge to support growth and development?
  • What are some ways I can adopt a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to challenges and difficulties?

Inner Child Journal Prompts

Connecting with your inner child can be a powerful way to heal past wounds, reconnect with your joy and playfulness, and rediscover your authentic self. Use these journal prompts to explore your own childhood experiences and find ways to nurture and care for your inner child today.

  • What memories do I have from my childhood? Are there any happy memories that stand out?
  • What was my favorite activity as a child? Did I have any hobbies or interests that I loved?
  • How did I spend my free time as a child? What games did I play? What books did I read?
  • What did I enjoy most about school? Did I have a favorite subject or teacher?
  • Did I have any dreams or aspirations as a child? What did I want to be when I grew up?
  • What were some of the challenges or struggles I faced as a child? How did those experiences shape me?
  • How did my family and upbringing impact my childhood experiences? What positive or negative influences did I have?
  • What beliefs or attitudes did I develop as a child that may still be impacting me today?
  • How can I nurture and care for my inner child now? What activities or experiences bring me joy and playfulness?
  • What can I learn from my inner child? How can I tap into the curiosity, creativity, and resilience that I had as a child?
  • What activities or experiences brought me joy as a child?
  • How can I incorporate these activities into my life now?
  • How can I nurture my inner child and cultivate a sense of playfulness and wonder?

Inspiring Journal Prompts

By using these inspiring journal prompts, you can tap into your creativity, cultivate a greater sense of inspiration, and explore new ideas and possibilities. Inspiration can come from many different sources, and by keeping an open mind and a curious attitude, you can discover new insights and perspectives that can help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. So take a few minutes each day to journal, and see where your imagination takes you.

  • When was the last time I felt inspired?
  • Where do I usually find inspiration?
  • What things inspire me?
  • Who is someone that inspires me, and what qualities do they possess that I admire?
  • What is one book or movie that has inspired me, and why?
  • What are some of my favorite forms of art, literature, or media, and how can they inspire me?
  • What is one quote or saying that inspires me, and how can I apply its wisdom to my life?
  • What is one creative project that I have been wanting to work on, and what steps can I take to get started?
  • When was the last time I felt completely in awe of something, and what was it that inspired that feeling?
  • What is one thing that I have always wanted to learn, and how can I make time to pursue this interest?
  • What is one small thing that I can do each day to cultivate a greater sense of inspiration and creativity in my life?

Intention-Setting Journal Prompts

Setting intentions is all about clarifying your goals and priorities, and creating a plan to work towards them. These journal prompts can help you get started on that process, but ultimately the most important thing is to take action towards your goals, and adjust your intentions as needed based on what’s working (and what’s not).

  • What do I want to focus on this month/week/day?
  • What are my intentions for the day?
  • What is my biggest “why” (the deeper purpose or motivation behind my intentions)?
  • How can I use my “why” to stay focused and committed?
  • How can I prioritize my time and energy accordingly?
  • What are some external factors that could impact my ability to focus on my intentions, and how can I plan ahead to address them?
  • What are some distractions or time-wasters that I need to eliminate in order to focus on what’s truly important?

Introspective Journal Prompts

Introspection is the process of looking inward and examining your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It involves self-reflection and self-awareness, and can help you better understand yourself and your experiences. Here are some introspective journal prompts:

  • What brings me the most joy and fulfillment, and how can I make time for those things in my life?
  • What does happiness mean to me? What can I do to cultivate more happiness and contentment in my life?
  • What decisions am I facing right now?
  • How do I define success? What steps can I take to achieve it?
  • What are my fears and insecurities? How can I work through them to become more confident and self-assured?
  • What are the most important relationships in my life? How can I strengthen them?
  • In general, how do I feel about how my life is going right now?
  • What are some areas of my life where I am currently stuck or feeling stagnant? What steps can I take to move forward and make progress in those areas?
  • What themes, patterns, or symbols have I noticed in my life lately?
  • What are some beliefs or assumptions that I hold about myself or the world around me?
  • When I am faced with challenges or obstacles, what is my usual response?
  • What are some activities or habits that drain my energy or motivation?
  • How do I usually handle my emotions and feelings? Are there any emotions that I tend to avoid or suppress?
  • What are some of the things that I am most grateful for in my life? How can I cultivate more gratitude and appreciation?

Journal Prompts for Dealing with Grief and Loss

Dealing with grief and loss can be a difficult and painful process, and journaling can be a powerful tool for processing and expressing your emotions. By taking the time to reflect on your emotions and explore ways to process them, you can find a path forward that works for you. Here are some journal prompts to help you work through the process of journaling grief :

  • What are my fondest memories of the person I have lost?
  • What are the things I wish I could have said or done with the person before they passed away?
  • What is the hardest thing about dealing with the loss?
  • How can I find ways to cope with my grief?
  • How has this loss impacted my daily routine?
  • What are the things I have learned about myself or about life in general as a result of this loss?
  • What are some positive steps I can take to honor the memory of the person I have lost?
  • How can I find support and comfort during this difficult time?
  • Who are the people in my life who I can turn to for care and support as I navigate through my grief?
  • What are some healthy ways I can process my grief, such as through exercise, meditation, or creative outlets like art or music?

Journal Prompts for Difficult Times

Journaling can be a powerful tool for processing difficult emotions and finding clarity during challenging times. Don’t be afraid to explore your feelings and seek support when you need it.

  • What’s going on that makes this time so difficult?
  • What is causing my distress?
  • Who can I turn to for support?
  • How have I coped with difficult times in the past?
  • What are some things I am thankful for, even in challenging circumstances?
  • How can I cultivate a sense of appreciation and optimism in the face of adversity?
  • What self-care practices have helped me in the past?
  • What can I learn from this experience? What lessons might I learn?
  • How can I reframe the situation?
  • What actions can I take to improve the situation?
  • What positive things do I have in my life right now?
  • What can I do to take care of myself right now?

Journal Prompts for Exploring Your Identity

Identity is a highly personal and subjective concept that is shaped by a variety of factors unique to each individual. Here are some journal prompts for exploring your identity:

  • What are my personal values and beliefs? How do they shape my identity?
  • What are some of the roles that I take on in my life? How do these roles contribute to my sense of identity?
  • How do I define myself in terms of my relationships with others? How do these relationships shape my sense of self?
  • What do I know about my cultural or ethnic background? How does my cultural or ethnic background shape my identity?
  • What are some of the strengths, talents, or unique qualities that I possess? How do they contribute to my sense of self?
  • How does my physical appearance shape my sense of identity?
  • What life experiences have shaped who I am today?
  • What are some of the fears or doubts that I have about my identity? How can I address these fears or doubts in a healthy way?
  • How do I balance my need for individuality with my need for a sense of community or belonging?
  • What are some of the things that I want to achieve or accomplish in life? How do these goals contribute to my sense of identity?

Journal Prompts for Exploring Your Memories

Exploring memories can be a powerful tool for personal growth and reflection. Our memories shape who we are and how we perceive the world around us, and taking the time to reflect on them can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our experiences.

In this section, we’ve compiled a list of journal prompts to help you explore your memories and tap into your innermost thoughts and emotions. Whether you’re looking to process a difficult experience or simply reflect on a happy moment, these journal prompts for exploring your memorcan help you unlock new insights and perspectives.

  • What is one of my earliest childhood memories?
  • What emotions does this memory evoke?
  • What is a happy memory from my childhood? What made it so special?
  • What is a difficult memory from my past? How has this memory shaped me as a person?
  • Who were some of my closest friends growing up? What impact did they have on my life?
  • Who were some of my role models or mentors growing up? What impact did they have on my life?
  • What were some of my favorite hobbies or activities growing up? Do I still enjoy them today?
  • What were some of the major milestones or accomplishments I achieved in my life? How did they make me feel?
  • What were some of the most challenging or transformative experiences I’ve had in my life? How have they shaped my perspective or values?
  • What were some of the biggest surprises or unexpected turns my life has taken? How have I coped with these changes?
  • What were some of the people or experiences that have brought me the most joy or meaning in my life? How can I cultivate more of these positive influences in my present?

Journal Prompts for Exploring Your Passions and Hobbies

Exploring your passions and hobbies can be a great way to gain insight into what you truly enjoy and what makes you feel fulfilled. Here are some journal prompts to help you explore your passions and hobbies:

  • What are my favorite hobbies or activities?
  • How do my favorite hobbies or activities make me feel?
  • If I had all the time and resources I needed, what activities or hobbies would I pursue?
  • What is it about my favorite hobby that I enjoy the most? How can I incorporate more of that into my life?
  • Who do I know that shares my passion or hobby, and how can we collaborate or support each other?
  • What skills do I possess that could be applied to a new hobby or activity?
  • What is something I have always wanted to try but haven’t yet, and what is holding me back?
  • If I could turn my passion or hobby into a career or side business, what steps could I take to make it happen?

Journal Prompts for Overcoming Fear

Facing fear is a process. Use these prompts to help you identify and understand your fear, and then take small steps to face it. Celebrate your progress and be gentle with yourself along the way.

  • What am I afraid of?
  • What is the source of my fear? Where does it come from?
  • How does my fear affect my life? In what ways does it hold me back?
  • What would my life be like without this fear? What would I be able to accomplish or experience?
  • How can I reframe my fear? Is there a way to look at the situation or issue differently?
  • What steps can I take to face my fear? What action can I take to move through it?
  • Who can I turn to for support? Who can help me face my fear?
  • What have I learned from past experiences of facing fear? What worked well, and what didn’t work?
  • How can I use my fear as motivation? Can I turn my fear into a positive force that drives me forward?
  • What is the worst that can happen if I face my fear? What is the best that can happen?
  • What are some fears or limiting beliefs that are holding me back?
  • How can I work to overcome them?
  • What resources or support can I seek out to help me overcome my fears?

Journal Prompts to Explore Emotions

Journal prompts can be a great way to explore and process emotions. Here are some examples of journal prompts for journaling about feelings :

  • What emotion am I feeling right now? Write down any emotions that come to mind, no matter how big or small they may seem.
  • Where do I feel this emotion in my body? What are the physical sensations I experience when I feel this emotion? Does it manifest in a certain part of my body or in a specific way?
  • What triggered this emotion? Was it a thought, a memory, or something someone said or did?
  • How am I responding to this emotion?
  • When was the last time I felt this way?
  • What emotions do I feel most often?
  • What emotions do I avoid feeling?
  • How did my emotions affect my thoughts and behavior today?
  • How can I express this emotion in a healthy way?
  • What can I learn from this emotion? Consider how this emotion can teach you something about yourself, your values, or your needs.
  • What were some moments of stress or frustration today?
  • What were some moments of peace or calm today?
  • How did I handle negative emotions today?
  • How can I better cope with difficult emotions in the future?
  • What are some ways I can promote positivity and happiness in my life?
  • How can I support myself through this emotion? Write down self-care strategies that can help you feel more grounded and centered when experiencing this emotion.

Mindfulness Journal Prompts

Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment, without judgment or distraction. It can help you to reduce stress, improve relationships, and find greater peace and contentment in your life. Use these prompts as a starting point for reflection and practice, and allow yourself to explore your inner world with curiosity and compassion.

  • What is happening in this present moment?
  • What are five things I can see right now, and what colors, shapes, and textures do they have?
  • If my mind was like the ocean right now, what is the water like?
  • What thoughts am I observing right now?
  • What sensory information am I getting in this present moment?
  • What are three things I can hear right now, and how do they sound?
  • What are three things I can feel physically right now, such as the weight of my body on a chair or the texture of my clothing?
  • What are three things I can smell right now, and how do they smell?
  • What are three things I can taste right now, and how do they taste?
  • What emotions am I feeling right now, and how can I practice acceptance and self-compassion towards them?
  • What thoughts are running through my mind right now, and how can I acknowledge them without getting caught up in them?
  • What are three things I am looking forward to in the next hour, and how can I stay present and open to experiencing them fully?
  • What are three things that are worrying me right now, and how can I practice mindfulness to reduce my stress and anxiety?
  • What are three small actions I can take right now to bring myself into the present moment, such as taking a deep breath, stretching, or savoring a sip of tea or coffee?

Morning Journal Prompts

By starting your day with these morning journal prompts, you can set a positive tone for the day ahead, clarify your goals and priorities, and cultivate a more intentional and mindful approach to your daily activities. Remember, the key to success is not just what you do, but how you approach it – and these prompts can help you cultivate the mindset and habits that can help you achieve your goals and live your best life.

  • What’s on my mind this morning?
  • What am I looking forward to today?
  • What do I need to do today?
  • What are my goals for today?
  • What are some ways I can be productive today?
  • What can I do today to take care of my physical and mental health?
  • What are some challenges I might face today and how can I prepare for them?
  • How can I prioritize self-care today?
  • Who can I reach out to for support today?
  • What is one thing I can do today to help someone else?
  • How can I bring positivity into my day today?
  • What positive affirmations can I tell myself to start my day on a positive note?
  • What mindset or attitude do I want to cultivate today? How can I remind myself of this throughout the day?
  • What makes me glad to be alive today?

New Year Journal Prompts

By using these New Year journal prompts , you can reflect on the past year, set goals and intentions for the year ahead, and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and personal growth. Remember, the New Year is an opportunity for a fresh start, and by taking the time to reflect and plan, you can create a fulfilling and meaningful year ahead.

  • What am I most grateful for at the beginning of this new year?
  • What lessons did the previous year teach me?
  • What are three things I accomplished last year?
  • What values will guide my choices this year?
  • What would I like to savor or enjoy more often this year?
  • What are three goals I hope to accomplish this year?
  • What new skill would I like to learn or improve this year?
  • What relationships are most important to me? How can I continue to invest in these relationships this year?
  • What problems would I like to solve this year?
  • How would I like to grow or develop as a person this year?
  • What is one habit I would like to build this year?
  • What is something I want to do for others in the coming year?
  • What is something I want to do for myself in the coming year?
  • How can I prioritize my health and/or fitness this year?
  • What new experiences do I want to try this year?
  • What new place would I like to visit this year?
  • What new creative project or hobby would I like to start this year?
  • What fear do I want to overcome this year?
  • How can I show more gratitude this year?
  • How can I rest or relax more often this year?
  • What am I looking forward to in the coming year?
  • What word or phrase would I like to give this year?
  • What is my biggest dream for the year ahead?

Personal Growth Journal Prompts

These journal prompts can help you identify areas of your life where you want to grow and improve. Remember that personal growth is a lifelong journey, and progress often happens in small, incremental steps. Use these prompts to reflect on your current situation and make concrete plans for positive change in your life.

  • What are three qualities I want to embody in my daily life?
  • What are my biggest fears and how can I overcome them?
  • What are some limiting beliefs that hold me back, and how can I challenge them?
  • What are some habits I want to cultivate or break, and how can I make progress towards those goals?
  • What are some past mistakes or failures that have taught me valuable lessons, and how can I apply those lessons to my current life?
  • How can I set and work towards achievable, yet challenging, goals to drive personal growth and development?
  • How can I be more proactive and intentional about seeking out growth opportunities, rather than waiting for them to come to me?
  • How can I balance taking risks and stepping outside of my comfort zone with taking care of myself and my well-being?
  • How can I develop a growth mindset in areas that are difficult for me, such as public speaking or self-promotion?
  • How can I seek out and embrace constructive criticism and feedback, and use it as an opportunity for growth and development?
  • How can I cultivate a supportive and encouraging environment for personal growth and development, both within myself and in my relationships with others?
  • What are some ways I can contribute to my community or the world around me?

Relationship Journal Prompts

Use these prompts to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in your relationships and find ways to improve your connections with loved ones.

  • How do I communicate my needs and boundaries in my relationships?
  • What are some ways I can deepen my connections with loved ones?
  • What are my values and priorities when it comes to relationships?
  • How do these values influence my actions and choices?
  • How do I respond to conflict in my relationships?
  • What communication patterns do I notice when things get difficult?
  • What are some ways I can show appreciation and gratitude for the people in my life?
  • How do I express love and affection?
  • What are some challenges I face in my relationships? How can I work on improving these challenges?
  • How do I handle disagreements or differences in opinion with my loved ones? What are some healthy ways to approach these situations?
  • What are my relationship goals?
  • What do I want to achieve in my current relationships or in future relationships?
  • What are some areas where I need to work on boundaries in my relationships? How can I create healthier boundaries?
  • How do I balance my needs with the needs of my partner or loved ones? What are some ways to ensure both parties feel heard and respected?
  • How do I manage stress and emotions in my relationships?
  • What are some techniques for managing anxiety or other difficult emotions in relationships?
  • What is my love language? How do I communicate love and affection to my partner or loved ones?

Self-Care Journal Prompts

Self-care journal prompts are prompts or questions that encourage reflection and exploration of self-care practices and activities in your self-care journal . They are designed to help you better understand your needs, feelings, and emotions, and to identify areas in your life where you may need more self-care.

  • How do I define self care?
  • What role does self-care play in my mental, physical, and emotional health?
  • What are my favorite forms of self care?
  • What are some ways I can prioritize my physical health and well-being to care for myself?
  • What forms of exercise do I enjoy?
  • What activities help me feel calm and centered?
  • How am I incorporating healthy eating into my daily life?
  • How am I helping myself get enough sleep?
  • What are some activities or hobbies that bring me joy and relaxation? How can I make time for these in my life?
  • How can I better manage and reduce stress and anxiety?
  • How am I exploring mindfulness practices or meditation?
  • How do I seek support from others?
  • How can I prioritize self-care during difficult or challenging times, and avoid neglecting my own needs?
  • How can I set boundaries with others to make sure I have time and energy for self-care?
  • How can I seek out and connect with supportive and positive relationships that uplift and empower me?
  • How can I recognize and address toxic or unhealthy patterns or behaviors, and work towards making positive changes for my well-being?
  • How can I cultivate self-compassion and self-forgiveness, and avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk?
  • How can I prioritize self-care when I am feeling overwhelmed or burnt out, and take steps to prevent burnout in the future?
  • When was the last time I took a break or gave myself some time off? How did it feel?

Self-Discovery Journal Prompts

Journaling prompts for self-discovery can provide new pathways for self-discovery and insights. Remember, the key to self-discovery is to approach these prompts with an open mind and heart, and to give yourself permission to explore and discover new things about yourself.

  • What are my core values? Take some time to reflect on the values that are most important to you in life, and why they matter to you.
  • When do I feel most alive? Reflect on the moments, experiences, and activities that make you feel fully present, engaged, and energized.
  • What gives my life meaning or purpose? Consider the activities, relationships, causes, and values that are most important to you.
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses? Consider the things you’re good at and the areas where you struggle.
  • How can I leverage my strengths and work on my weaknesses? Consider ways you can utilize your skills, knowledge, or talent in new ways or find ways for improvement.
  • What are my goals and aspirations? Write down your short-term and long-term goals, and what steps you need to take to achieve them.
  • What are my passions and interests? Think about the activities, topics, and causes that inspire and motivate you. How can you incorporate more of these things into your life?
  • What are my fears and limiting beliefs? Explore the fears and beliefs that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. How can you challenge and overcome them?
  • What does my ideal life look like? Envision the life you want to create for yourself, and what steps you need to take to make it a reality.
  • What have been the most defining moments of my life? Reflect on the experiences that have shaped who you are today, and what you’ve learned from them.
  • What activities bring me the most joy and fulfillment?
  • What impact do I hope to make in the world? Reflect on how you can align your daily actions with your deeper sense of purpose.
  • How have my interests changed over time? Take a trip down memory lane and reflect on the activities that you used to enjoy, as well as the ones that you currently enjoy.
  • What are some of my most memorable and meaningful experiences? How can they inspire me moving forward?
  • How can I embrace change and new opportunities in my life?

Self-Confidence Journal Prompts

Journal prompts for self-confidence are designed to help you explore and develop your sense of self-assurance, belief in your abilities, and positive self-image. Here are some examples:

  • What are some things that make me feel confident?
  • How have I overcome challenges in the past, and what did I learn from those experiences?
  • What is one thing I can do today to step outside of my comfort zone and build my confidence?
  • What are some negative self-talk patterns that I engage in, and how can I reframe those thoughts in a more positive way?
  • What are my strengths and how can I utilize them to achieve my goals?
  • What are some compliments that others have given me in the past, and how can I internalize those positive messages?
  • How can I take care of myself and practice self-compassion in moments when I feel uncertain or doubtful?
  • What would I say to a friend who is struggling with self-confidence, and how can I apply that advice to my own life?
  • How can I embrace my unique qualities and use them to my advantage?
  • What is one step I can take today to work towards a goal that will build my self-confidence?

Self-Esteem Journal Prompts

Self-esteem journal prompts are writing prompts designed to help you explore your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about yourself, and to develop a stronger sense of self-worth and self-confidence. Here are some examples:

  • What are my unique qualities and strengths, and how can I embrace and celebrate them more fully?
  • What are three things I accomplished this week that I am proud of?
  • How can I be kinder to myself today?
  • What are my unique strengths and how have they helped me in the past?
  • What is one negative thought I have about myself that I can challenge with a positive thought?
  • What can I do to take care of myself physically and emotionally today?
  • What are three things I love about myself?
  • How have I grown and changed as a person in the past year?
  • What is a positive affirmation I can repeat to myself throughout the day?
  • What is one small step I can take today to work towards a personal goal or dream?

Self-Reflection Journal Prompts

Self-reflection is the process of examining your own thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to gain a deeper understanding of yourself. It involves taking a step back from your daily life and reflecting on your experiences, values, beliefs, and goals. Self-reflection can help you to become more self-aware, to identify areas where you want to grow and improve, and to make more intentional choices in your life.

  • What are some values that are important to me, and how do they guide my decisions and actions?
  • What are some experiences from my past that have shaped who I am today, and how have they influenced my beliefs and attitudes?
  • What are some things that bring me joy and fulfillment, and how can I incorporate more of them into my life?
  • What are some patterns of behavior or thought that hold me back, and how can I work to break those patterns?
  • What are some goals or aspirations I have for my life, and what steps can I take to work towards them?
  • What are some fears or insecurities that hold me back, and how can I work to overcome them?
  • What are some relationships that are important to me, and how can I nurture and strengthen those relationships?
  • What are some mistakes or failures from my past that have taught me valuable lessons, and how can I apply those lessons to my current life?
  • What are some self-care practices that are important to me, and how can I make them a regular part of my routine?
  • What are some things that I am grateful for in my life, and how can I cultivate more gratitude on a daily basis?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

Shadow work journaling is a process of exploring and integrating the repressed, hidden, or darker aspects of oneself. Journaling can be an effective way to facilitate this journey.

  • What triggered negative feelings today?
  • How do I think others perceive me?
  • What have others communicated to me about myself?
  • How do I respond to compliments?
  • When do I feel valued and loved?
  • What challenges did I face as a child?
  • What are my best and worst traits?
  • What do I need to forgive myself for?
  • What do I judge others for, and why?
  • Do I feel guilt or shame for anything?
  • How do I support others, and do I show myself that same love?
  • What do I consider to be healthy boundaries?
  • When do I feel the need to lie, and what is the worst lie I’ve told?
  • What parts of myself do I hide?

Spirituality Journal Prompts

Spirituality is a personal and individual journey. Use these journal prompts for spirituality to explore your own beliefs and practices, and create a deeper connection with your spirituality.

  • What does spirituality mean to me?
  • What role does spirituality play in my daily life?
  • What spiritual books, teachings, or leaders have influenced me? What have I learned from these sources?
  • How can I integrate my spiritual beliefs and practices into my routines?
  • How do I define my beliefs and values?
  • How have my beliefs and values evolved over time?
  • How do I connect with a higher power or the divine?
  • What practices or rituals do I find helpful in nurturing my spirituality?
  • How can I incorporate more spirituality into my daily life?
  • How can I explore my relationship with the divine or higher power?
  • What questions or uncertainties do I have about my spirituality? How can I explore these questions and seek answers?
  • How can I use my spirituality to cultivate a sense of compassion and empathy towards others, and contribute to the greater good of humanity?

Stress Relief Journal Prompts

By using these prompts, you can explore your stress triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness and appreciation in your daily life. Remember, stress is a natural part of life, but by taking the time to reflect and care for yourself, you can begin dealing with stress and anxiety to reduce your stress levels and find more peace and calm in your life.

  • What are some of the sources of stress in my life right now?
  • How have I been coping with stress in the past?
  • What are some healthy coping mechanisms I can use to manage stress?
  • How can I prioritize self-care to reduce stress?
  • What are some positive affirmations I can tell myself to combat stress?
  • Who can I reach out to for support and encouragement when I am feeling stressed?
  • How can I reframe negative thoughts and maintain a positive outlook?
  • What are some activities or hobbies that help me relax and de-stress?
  • How can I create a stress-free environment at home or at work?
  • What are some steps I can take to prevent stress from overwhelming me in the future?
  • What are some practical solutions to the sources of stress in my life?
  • How can I prioritize my time and responsibilities to reduce stress?
  • What are some physical activities I can do to relieve stress?
  • How can I maintain a healthy work-life balance to reduce stress?
  • How can I stay organized and on track to reduce stress?
  • How can I find humor and joy in life to combat stress?
  • What are some self-reflection exercises I can do to reduce stress?
  • How can I maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce stress, such as eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly?
  • How can I set realistic expectations and boundaries to reduce stress?
  • What are some things I can do to maintain a positive and relaxed state of mind, such as meditating, practicing mindfulness, or spending time in nature?

Travel Journal Prompts

By using these travel journal prompts, you can record your thoughts and emotions while exploring new places, and reflect on the many insights and lessons you learn along the way. Keeping a travel journal can help you gain a deeper appreciation for the world around you, and help you create lasting memories that you can look back on for years to come. By using these travel journal prompts for each day of your trip, you can record your experiences, thoughts, and emotions throughout your journey. This can help you appreciate your travels more, and give you a way to look back on your adventures and memories in the future.

  • Where am I currently traveling to and what are my expectations for this trip?
  • What are some new things I want to experience and try while on this trip?
  • What are some things I want to learn or understand better about the culture and people in the places I visit?
  • How did I feel when I arrived at my destination? What were my first impressions?
  • What did I do on my first day of travel? What were the highlights?
  • What are some things I want to do or see while I’m here?
  • What did I do today? What were the highlights?
  • What did I learn about the place I’m visiting today?
  • What are some interesting people I’ve met? What did I learn from them?
  • What impressions have I gotten from the place I’m visiting?
  • What’s beautiful or unique about the place I’m visiting?
  • What was the most memorable moment of my trip so far, and why?
  • What natural wonders did I see today? How did they make me feel?
  • Did I engage in any outdoor activities today? What were they, and how did they challenge or inspire me?
  • What local flora or fauna did I encounter today? What did I learn about them?
  • Did I take any time to relax today? How did I spend that time?
  • How am I feeling about my trip so far? What are some things that have surprised me?
  • What are some new things I want to try before my trip ends?
  • What have I learned about myself on this trip?
  • What am I most grateful for on this trip?
  • What challenges have I faced during my travels, and how have I overcome them?
  • What are some things I would do differently if I could do this trip over again?
  • What are some things I will miss most about this place?
  • Who have I met on this trip that has impacted me, and what did I learn from them?
  • What are some interesting observations or insights I’ve had about the places I’ve visited?
  • What have I learned about myself during my travels, and how has this experience changed me?
  • What are some ways I can take the lessons and experiences from my travels and apply them to my life at home?

“What If” Journal Prompts

“What if” journal prompts are a fun and creative way to explore different scenarios and possibilities. There are no right or wrong answers, so have fun with these prompts and see where your creativity takes you!

  • What if I could travel back in time to any moment in history? Where would I go, and what would I do?
  • What if I had the power to fly? How would I use this ability, and where would I go?
  • What if I could live anywhere in the world? Where would I choose, and why?
  • What if I won the lottery? How would my life change, and what would I do with the money?
  • What if I could switch places with someone for a day? Who would I choose, and what would I do in their shoes?
  • What if I could meet any famous person, living or dead? Who would I choose, and what would I ask them?
  • What if I could speak any language fluently? Which language would I choose, and what would I do with this skill?
  • What if I could relive any day from my past? Which day would I choose, and what would I do differently?
  • What if I could talk to any animal? Which animal would I choose, and what would I ask them?
  • What if I had made a different pivotal decision in my past? Which decision would have changed the course of my life?

Answer a New Daily Journal Prompt in the Day One Journal App

The Day One journaling app makes it easy to build and maintain a daily journaling habit. Daily journaling writing prompts , reminders , and journaling streaks are designed to help keep you motivated and consistently journaling.

About the Author

Kristen Webb Wright is the author of three books on journaling. With a passion for writing and self-reflection, Kristen uses her experience with journaling to help others discover the benefits of documenting their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In her role at Day One, she helps to promote the power of journaling so people from all walks of life can experience the transformative power of journaling.

creative writing journaling ideas

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365 Journal Prompts to Help You Reflect, Grow, and Connect: A Year of Self-Discovery

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on Published: October 4, 2022  - Last updated: January 2, 2024

Categories Writing , Creativity , Inspiration , Self Improvement

Do you enjoy writing in your journal? If not, it might be because you’re not sure what to write about.

Here are 365 journal prompts to help get you started! These prompts will help you reflect on your life, grow as a person, and connect with others.

These prompts give you something new to explore, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer. Happy writing!

365 Creative Writing Prompts for Your Daily Journal

Each day, choose one of the 365 journal writing prompts.

Each journal writing prompt will put you in a creative space and help you reflect and work on your life. This is also a great way to record the key moments in your life that shape you.

Season One – Self-Discovery

Embark on a journey of self-exploration this spring. These prompts will guide you in reflecting on your inner thoughts and aspirations.

An Illustration Of A Woman Looking Up At The Sun, Capturing A Moment Of Inspiration For 365 Journal Prompts.

  • What do you always think about but never talk about?
  • What’s something good that happened today, no matter how small?
  • What are five things that make you happy?
  • What’s something you want to accomplish in the next year?
  • What’s one positive affirmation you want to remember every morning?
  • When did you last lose your temper, and why did it happen?
  • Write a gratitude list.
  • Write a letter to someone who’s significantly impacted your life.
  • What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?
  • When did you experience your biggest adrenaline rush?
  • Did you have a dream last night? What was it about?
  • Did anything make you sad today?
  • What was the best part of your day?
  • Tell your future self about today.
  • If money didn’t matter, what would you do with your life?
  • Do you think you’re a good person? Why or why not?
  • What’s something you wish more people knew?
  • What are three qualities that draw you to other people?
  • Write down a positive affirmation and repeat it to yourself.
  • Is there a show on TV that makes you laugh every time?
  • What’s it called, and why do you love it so much?
  • Would it be better to live forever or die tomorrow? And why?
  • What advice would you give if you could go back in time and talk to yourself as a teenager?
  • Which of your fears do you think is least likely to come true?
  • Write about some things that give you hope.
  • What’s the best thing that happened to you this weekend?
  • Write a list of your strengths.
  • Describe three people who inspire you in your life.
  • Who are three famous people born on your birthday? Did they’ve anything in common besides their birthday?
  • Did you learn anything new about yourself today?
  • What’s the most crucial thing parents should consider when raising teens?
  • What would the book’s title be if someone were to write a biography about your life? Why did you choose that title?
  • Are you sticking to your goals and resolutions?
  • What did you do this week that brought you closer to your goal(s)?
  • What could you do today to get closer to your goal(s)?
  • What are your goals and plans for the rest of the year?
  • In what ways does journaling surprise you, or what unexpected things have come up for you?
  • Imagine you could stand on a rooftop and send a message to everyone below you; what would you say?
  • What’s the one aspect of you that you’re still trying to understand?
  • If you could wake up every day and it was a vacation or a season, which would you choose?
  • Would you make an extra effort or ask for help with an overwhelming workload?
  • Could you spend the whole day in your own company without getting bored?
  • What would it be if you could go back and change one thing from your past?
  • What two things could you do for a friend or family member in the next few weeks?
  • If you could change one thing in your life now, what would it be?
  • Have you stayed on track with your health goals?
  • What would it be if you could become an expert in one area or activity?
  • If someone told you they needed to be motivated, what advice would you give them?
  • What’s the one thing that always brings a smile to your face?
  • Do you reflect on past conversations and experiences and analyze your mistakes?
  • What would you like to try if you were confident you wouldn’t fail?
  • Is there something in your life that needs to be simplified ?
  • What random acts of kindness could you do in the next year?
  • How do you get along with people who’ve different views than you?
  • What’ve you always wanted to try but never got around to?
  • What’s the one thing you think you can only accomplish with the support of others?
  • What accomplishments or qualities do you want to be remembered for?
  • How do you handle it when people are unkind and mean to you?
  • How do you deal with your emotions, and how can you control them better?
  • What are you most grateful for in your life right now?
  • Write about one thing you learned this week.
  • What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What’s something new you’ve recently found interest in?
  • Write about a happy childhood memory .
  • Write about a sad childhood memory.
  • Is there anything you’re most proud of in the past year?
  • What’s your favorite hobby and why?
  • If you could interview anyone (past or present), who would it be, and what would you ask them?
  • What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Was it something you loved or needed, or just to pass the time?
  • What qualities do you value in others? Do they apply to you as well?
  • What would your life be like without electricity?
  • How much time do you think you spend on social media per day?
  • List five things in your room.
  • What’s your favorite color?
  • Who’s your biggest role model ? And why?
  • What was a good memory you had with a friend?
  • Have you ever seen a ghost? What happened?
  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? Why was it so special?
  • What’s the best class you’ve ever taken and why?
  • If money were no object, what house would you buy and why?
  • Write about your last dream.
  • Describe the clothes your parents wore most often when you were a child.
  • Write a letter to yourself, from yourself.
  • Write a letter to your younger self
  • Write a letter to your future self
  • Write about something that made you cry and how you felt afterward.
  • Who was the last person who made you cry? Why did it make you cry?
  • If you could have been in any band or musical group (current or defunct), which would you like to be in? What role would you play?
  • What did you do yesterday that you wish you hadn’t done today?
  • If you could go back in time, what would you say to your best friend at age 10?
  • Which of your family members do you admire and why?

Season Two – Embracing Growth and Memories

This quarter’s prompts focus on cherished memories, impactful relationships, and personal growth.

A Couple Is Sitting Under A Tree Surrounded By Lanterns In The Sky, Reflecting On Their Experiences Through 365 Journal Prompts.

  • Write about the person who impacted your life most and why.
  • What was your favorite toy growing up?
  • What event changed the direction of your life forever?
  • Who was your first love, and what was it like?
  • Write a letter to someone who’s hurt you in the past, but don’t send it.
  • Who’s the one person you can turn to when everything seems to go wrong?
  • Describe the happiest day of your life.
  • What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
  • Write about something you wish could happen.
  • Describe an ideal vacation.
  • What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream ?
  • What was the last person you talked to on the phone?
  • What did you talk about?
  • What’s one little thing that can make your day better?
  • How could you show someone how much he or she means to you?
  • What do you want to do this year but are afraid to?
  • If you could ask a living or dead person just one question, who’d you ask, and what would you ask?
  • What was the best day of your life so far?
  • What’s one personal accomplishment that’s significant to you?
  • Who’s had the biggest impact on your life so far?
  • How have they influenced you?
  • Who do you look up to in your family or community and why?
  • Who’d play you if someone were to make a movie about your life?
  • When we look back on this time in the future, what’ll we remember most?
  • What’s one of the proudest moments of your life so far? Why were you proud?
  • How has your life changed for the better in the last three months? How has it changed for the worse?
  • If you could change one thing in your personal life, what would it be? Why haven’t you made that change yet?
  • When was the last time someone made a negative comment about your personality? Who was it, and what did they say?
  • What’s one thing that makes people happy that doesn’t cost money but can only be bought with time?
  • Write in detail about a day when everything went well.
  • How old were you then, and what were the circumstances for that day of perfect happiness?
  • Is there a historical event that impacted your family or community growing up, and how did it change things for them?
  • Write about when someone annoyed or hurt you by saying something unkind about your body.
  • Are there any songs that make you nostalgic?
  • What are your favorite foods ?
  • What would it be if you could know one thing about the future?
  • Who was someone who wanted to be like you when you were younger?
  • What’s been particularly annoying to you lately?
  • How many keys do you’ve on your keychain right now?
  • What do you wish more people knew about you?
  • What makes someone a good leader?
  • Do you think a relationship changes people’s behavior or who they’re at their core?
  • Are there activities that always calm you down or cheer you up when you need it?
  • If the world ended tomorrow, what would I do today?
  • When was the one time you felt truly free?
  • Describe your perfect day.
  • What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?
  • If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?
  • When have you felt most complete or whole?
  • Describe a beautiful place you’ve been.
  • What are things that give you a sense of purpose?
  • How can you tell you’re in love?
  • How have your priorities changed over time? What’s influenced those changes?
  • What do you want to teach others?
  • Who’s the most generous person you know?
  • Do you prefer to be alone or with others?
  • What do you find most satisfying about your work?
  • What was your most memorable birthday, and why?
  • What three words would you use to describe yourself?
  • Do you feel more comfortable with people older than you or younger?
  • What would it be if you could’ve one business or profession that doesn’t exist now?
  • Can a person ever be too rich or too thin? Explain.
  • What’s the best thing about living in this world now, today?
  • What movies do you love? And why?
  • Write about something you’d like to change.
  • Write about a situation where someone showed courage. It could be you, a friend, or even a stranger. Bravery looks different for everyone!
  • What item would improve your quality of life in the next week?
  • What does success look like for you? What’ll your life look like when you achieve it?
  • Imagine that one day in the future, a distant relative finds this journal entry and reads it. What would you like them to know about who you are today and what’s important to you?
  • How are you feeling right now?
  • Write about a time when you felt anxious.
  • Write about a time when you felt relaxed.
  • Write about a time when you felt lonely.
  • Write about a time when you felt confident.
  • Who’s someone you’d like to reach out to today?
  • What do you like best about yourself?
  • What makes you get up in the morning?
  • What’s your dream job?
  • Who’s your best friend and why is he your best friend?
  • How do you act kindly in everyday life?
  • Describe three of your desires.
  • Write about something you never thought you’d experience.
  • What makes you feel out of control?
  • Do you believe in fate or providence? How does that affect how you feel about your life?
  • If money didn’t matter, what would you do with your time and energy?
  • Describe a place where you feel calm.
  • If you could only have one superpower, what would it be and why?
  • Draw a picture of your fear.
  • What’s one thing you don’t understand about your parents?
  • What makes you feel like a child?
  • When have you felt the loneliest?
  • What’s something you know now that your younger self would be surprised to know?

Season Three – Nurturing Growth and Gratitude

These prompts aim to help you ponder your inspirations, gratitude, and the quieter moments of life.

A Woman Holding A Plant In Her Hands, Reflecting On Life Through 365 Journal Prompts.

  • Write about a song that changed your mind about music.
  • Write a letter telling the universe what you let go of today.
  • What’s an excellent gift to give someone but not good to receive yourself?
  • What was the last compliment you received?
  • What are the last five things you bought?
  • Who’s an inspirational mentor to you?
  • Do you collect anything? If so, what and why?
  • How are you taking care of yourself today, physically and emotionally?
  • Write a note to someone who’s positively impacted your life. Did you know this person had an impact on your life? Why or why not?
  • Where do you find your inspiration?
  • What are you most grateful for this week? This month? This year?
  • What’s something that’s weighing you down?
  • What do you like most about someone else?
  • How do you like to express yourself creatively ?
  • What’ve you failed at lately, and how did it make you feel?
  • Before you go to sleep, take a few minutes to write down your thoughts about the day. What went well? What didn’t go so well? Like
  • What can you do today to be a better person? How will your family, friends and community benefit from this change?
  • The most essential things in life are…
  • Your favorite word is…
  • Make a list of the most influential people in your life.
  • What are the things that make you nervous or insecure? How can you help yourself feel better about those things?
  • What are things that make you nostalgic?
  • If you were to write a fan letter to yourself, what would it say?
  • Would you describe yourself as an introvert or extrovert? And why?
  • What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?
  • One person who made a difference in your life?
  • How would the world be different if you were president?
  • How do you feel when you look in the mirror?
  • What made you smile today?
  • Draw a picture of what you’re thinking about right now.
  • What would your dream room look like?
  • Write a love letter to yourself.
  • What does well-being mean to you?
  • What does it mean to be healthy?
  • What do you like best about your job or education?
  • What makes you proud of what you do?
  • Describe a significant milestone in your career that you’re looking forward to.
  • What new skills have you learned recently at your job?
  • Think of something you want to accomplish at work in the next few weeks. How do you plan to accomplish it?
  • Think of a challenge at your workplace. How can you overcome it?
  • What’s the worst thing about your job or job training? How can you improve it?
  • Why do you want to be a leader at work?
  • How do you show leadership outside of work?
  • Do you volunteer in your community? Why or why not?
  • What are the most critical issues in your community that affect you or others at work?
  • Do you prefer to work in a team or alone?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups or alone?
  • What would you want to study if you could start over, and why?
  • What career would you like to have someday, if any?
  • Did you have a mentor at your age who helped you with your career or life goals? If so, who was it, and why did they help you so much?
  • What are your fondest memories of your professional career?
  • What would you like to try in your career that you haven’t done yet?
  • If you could’ve lunch with anyone at work, who’d it be and why?
  • Write a career-related bucket list.
  • What was your first job? How did it impact your career today?
  • What’s your main motivation for working? Money, respect, the environment, a good cause, etc.
  • What questions would you ask someone who’s already achieved what you want to achieve? Write down how they’d answer these questions.
  • How do different people define failure in your life?
  • How can you build your confidence at work?
  • How do you stay motivated at your job?
  • How do you feel about asking for help at work?
  • How did you spend your evenings as a child?
  • How do you feel about your family?
  • How often do you talk to your parents?
  • What’s your relationship with money?
  • How can you remember to be kinder to yourself today?
  • Who or what deserves your attention the most?
  • How can you break bad habits or negative thoughts ?
  • What’s your earliest memory?
  • What’s the funniest story from your childhood?
  • What does it mean to you to be vulnerable? What does that look like for you?
  • Look around and find something… How does it make you feel?
  • Where’s your favorite place in nature? Describe it.
  • Write about a positive experience in the last week.
  • Are you holding on to something that you need to let go of?
  • What does mindfulness mean to me personally?
  • Is it possible to be happy in a world entirely of suffering?
  • List three things that annoy you right now. Why do they annoy you?
  • Section: Write a letter to someone from your past to whom you’ve always wanted to apologize but never had the opportunity.
  • Think about what you could do to make your environment better. If you could do one thing, what would it be?
  • What makes you feel like you belong to the world and are valued by others?
  • What are essential relationships that have made you who you are today? Think of things like family members, friendships, etc.
  • What does the word “forgiveness” mean to you?
  • Finish the sentence “If I’d more time…”
  • What’s something you haven’t shared with anyone until now?
  • Do you feel like your life is moving in the right direction?
  • What movie or book always makes you cry and why?
  • What’s the trigger for your anxiety?
  • Do you have a routine that helps you relax when you’re stressed?
  • Do you’ve any coping mechanisms that help you during stressful times?
  • Do you have a morning routine that puts you in a good mood for the rest of the day?
  • What was the one moment in your life when everything changed for the better, and how did it change your life forever?
  • What did you learn from your mistakes?
  • What are the things that make you sleep well at night?

Season Four – Contemplating Ethics, Dreams, and Life’s Journey

These prompts invite you to introspect on life’s profound questions, ethical dilemmas, and the dreams that shape your future.

A Woman Is Sitting In The Clouds Journaling.

  • Describe your ideal future.
  • What’s one thing your parents taught you that’s never left you?
  • What’s a dream you’re afraid to share with others? And why?
  • How would you spend $1,000,000?
  • What do you take most for granted in life?
  • What’s the first step to making a dream come true?
  • How would you describe your current life?
  • Are there aspects of your life that aren’t how you’d like them to be?
  • What do you think is the most significant challenge people your age face?
  • If you could be any animal, which one would you be?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do on a warm summer night?
  • Have you ever lost someone close to you? How did it make you feel, and who helped you through it?
  • If you could live in any historical era, which would you choose?
  • Describe your dream life.
  • What would be the best thing about having a utopian world?
  • What do you think is the most meaningful use of your time?
  • What’s the most fun thing you can do with your time?
  • Do you think money can buy happiness? Why or why not?
  • What single word best describes what your ideal life would look like?
  • Write your mission statement. What do you want to achieve in life at this moment?
  • How do you define a successful relationship or marriage?
  • What are your ambitions for retirement?
  • What activities are you investing your time, money, and energy in to create a better future for yourself?
  • Do you feel that your work is helping to make the world a better place? If so, in what ways? If not, what would you need to change to make it so?
  • How has technology positively impacted your life?
  • What do you think is most important in life? And why?
  • What values do you think are essential to your identity?
  • In what decision have you consciously violated your own ethical beliefs?
  • What are three words that describe you? How about three words that represent you as a person?
  • How would you define the word “integrity”?
  • When have you had to make difficult decisions to come into alignment with your values?
  • When did something happen that made you seriously question yourself and your choices?
  • What’s the difference between selfishness and self-centeredness?
  • Are you fiscally responsible? Do you have a savings plan?
  • What’s your definition of family, and who’s in your family?
  • How do you define the word community? Are you part of a community right now?
  • What are things you’d rather die for than do?
  • Is there anything you’d be willing to sacrifice for others?
  • Is there one thing that’s so important to you that you’d be willing to devote your life to it? What’s it, and why do you care so much about it?
  • Have you ever faced a decision where you had to choose between two or more values or two or more sides of yourself?
  • What do you struggle with when making decisions based on your values? Where does this conflict come from (your upbringing, religious beliefs, and intellectual beliefs)?
  • How would people close to you describe your values? Would those descriptions match how you see yourself and your values manifest in your life? Why or why not?
  • Who’s the most ethical person you know?
  • What values do you hold that society largely disagrees with?
  • How do you respond when a person challenges your values?
  • Where do you see the line between ethics and legality being crossed in my environment?
  • Where are your values the same as your parents?
  • How would your life change if you acted more ethically?
  • At what moment in your life did you have the most at stake in terms of ethics?
  • Write down when you felt you were being dishonest.
  • What did you learn from that experience?
  • In what ways have you learned to be honest with yourself?
  • Have you ever found being honest with someone close to you difficult?
  • How do you feel about “white lies”?
  • Do you feel that there are exceptions to the rule of honesty?
  • Do you think honesty is a significant value that others should share?
  • Do you think honesty is necessary for good leadership? If so, why? If not, why not?
  • Why is it so difficult for some people to live honestly?
  • Do you believe all lives are equal, or are some more valuable?
  • How would you describe your values?
  • Do your values change depending on the people you’re with?
  • How can you tell whether a situation requires you to stand up for your values?
  • Are there situations where you’ve compromised your values without being forced to do so? If so, what were those situations? Were they worth it?
  • What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done for yourself?
  • If you could choose a new name, what would it be? And why?
  • Would you call yourself a forgiving person? Why or why not?
  • Have there been times when forgiving has been difficult for you?
  • When have you tried to forgive someone (even yourself) recently? How did you overcome that experience to come to forgiveness finally?
  • Sometimes, unexpected events are a real blessing. Write about an event where something didn’t go as planned and how happy it made you.
  • Describe how a friend surprised you.
  • What are you afraid of in the future?
  • How can you overcome your fear of failure?
  • Write about an experience where you scared someone.
  • What makes you stay in your comfort zone instead of stepping out and trying something new or different?
  • How does your body usually react when you’re nervous or anxious, and what can you do to calm down quickly?
  • How can you tell that something is out of your comfort zone and not only challenging but also within the realm of possibility for your skills and experience?
  • Do you think people are born with fears, or do all fears come from our experiences?
  • Write a poem about your fear.
  • How do you deal with change?
  • Do you feel at peace most of the time? Why or why not?
  • Can you name something or someone that steals your peace?
  • How much time do you spend each day on social media, news, or other things that increase your anxiety? Can reducing this time help you feel more peace and serenity?
  • When do you feel most connected to others?
  • How do you set your boundaries ?
  • Who cares most about you and your well-being?
  • What would you be willing to give up to create peace?
  • Where do you feel safest?
  • List 5 activities that help you feel peaceful .

Start With Easy Questions If New to Journal Writing

The more you write, the more comfortable you’ll feel.

There’s No Right or Wrong Way to Journal, but There Are Some Methods That Work Better Than Others

Here are a few ideas on how you can get started writing:

  • Write about your day . Writing about the day’s events can be a great way to reflect on your life and gain a new perspective on the day’s events.
  • Write about your feelings and emotions . This method is effective because we get lost in our thoughts and feelings without realizing it. When you write them down, they become tangible and easier to understand.
  • Write down what you love/hate/hope/fear etc … People often forget their importance until someone says something nice or makes them feel special – sometimes even doing it unintentionally! So make sure your loved ones know how much they mean to you by writing it down!

Keeping a Daily Reflective Journal Is a Healthy Discipline

It can help you connect with your feelings, problem-solve, and make decisions.

It also helps you focus on the present moment instead of worrying about the past or the future. Writing allows you to express your feelings and understand yourself better.

Here are some of the benefits of journal writing:


Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences regularly will help you become more aware of your inner self. You’ll recognize how you feel in different situations and understand why you react in specific ways. This way, you’ll learn what makes you tick and how to better deal with negative feelings like fear or anger.

Creativity Boost

Keeping a journal can boost your creativity by forcing you to think outside the box and look at things from different perspectives. It helps you discover ideas you mightn’t have thought of, which can lead to new discoveries or solutions to problems in your life.

Problem-Solving Tool

Keeping a journal can also be a great way to solve problems. You can write down all of your thoughts and feelings, as well as any information about your problems, mental health , and any challenges you may encounter so that you have everything clearly in front of you later.

Help With Decision Making

A diary can also help make decisions easier by helping you weigh the pros and cons objectively, without being influenced by the opinions or feelings of others. If something is bothering you, writing it down can help clarify your thoughts and feelings and make the problem easier (and less stressful) to resolve.

Writing down what happened during the day can help you remember things better. The more details you write down, the easier it will be for you to remember them in future conversations with friends or family members.

Journal Writing Tips

The best way to learn about journal writing is to read the journals of others. You can find many examples of self discovery journal prompts on our website (gratitude journal prompts, creative self discovery journal prompts, self care journal prompts, etc.).

Here are some tips on what makes journaling prompts worth working on:

  • When you write about something that happened in your life, be sure to include the date . This will help you remember exactly when it happened, and it’ll help other people who read your diary understand when the events took place.
  • Be honest about what you’re writing about . Don’t pretend something didn’t happen when it did – just write it down as it happened, and be done with it! And don’t worry about whether people think less of you because they see something they disagree with; if they think less of you, then they weren’t worth knowing in the first place! If you keep a journal, it’ll help you get to know yourself better and know what makes you tick. This means that one day, when someone asks you why he or she should date or marry someone else, you’ll know exactly how to answer (and appropriately).
  • Don’t apologize for what you write in your journal; if you don’t like something, just change it .
  • Write your journal in the present tense and first person . This will help you focus on what’s happening right now, not what happened yesterday or last week.
  • Keep a positive attitude when you write in your journal . If you start out saying, “I can’t do this,” you probably won’t get much done! Instead, say something like, “It feels good to be working toward my goals.” Then focus on how good it feels to do something that’s important to you.

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Writing Forward

Journal Ideas for Daily Writing and Creativity

by Melissa Donovan | Nov 4, 2021 | Creative Writing | 23 comments

journal ideas

Looking for writing inspiration? Try some of these journal ideas.

Every expert in the world thinks you should keep a journal. Physical trainers suggest keeping an exercise journal, and nutritionists recommend keeping track of your meals. Oprah insists on a gratitude journal, and business consultants promote journaling one’s career.

How much journal writing can one person do?

Journals are, first and foremost, the forté of writers. Journal writing provides a space where thoughts, ideas, stories, and poems can be recorded. We can turn to our journals when we’re inspired, and then we can turn to them again when we need inspiration.

Journal Ideas for Writers

These journal ideas foster creative thinking and promote regular (daily) writing. Some are good for keeping track of your ideas. Others are ideal for solving problems or keeping yourself inspired and motivated to write. Try one or try them all, or just create one omni-journal for all your creative writing.

The Dream Journal

Dreamers Journal

Dreamers Journal (aff link)

The subconscious is a wondrous thing. Artists and geniuses alike have attributed some of their best work to inspiration that came in a dream. A dream journal is useful for anyone who’s interested in exploring the subconscious, where creativity often lives and breathes. This type of journaling is also ideal for folks who are interested in dream interpretation or trying to achieve lucid dreaming. For writers, journals that hold dreams will provide images and concepts that the mind simply can’t drudge up during waking hours. Keep your journal near your bed and jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up, otherwise with each minute that passes, you’ll lose chunks of your nighttime imaginings.

Freewriting Journal

creative writing journaling ideas

Moleskine notebook (aff link).

Sometimes called stream-of-consciousness writing, freewriting is a way to clear your mind of clutter and unearth creative gems. If you keep at it long enough, some pretty interesting stuff will emerge through your freewrites. If you can stop your conscious thinking and let the words flow, you’ll be amazed at the creative stew that is brewing just beneath the surface. You can do straight freewriting or try guided freewriting in which you focus on a specific word, image, or topic. It’s a great way to hash out conversations with your characters, accumulate raw material that can later be harvested for poems, and brainstorm for just about any writing project that you’re planning or working on.

Idea Journal

How many ideas have you lost? If you make it a point to note your ideas in your journal, there’s a good chance you won’t lose any at all. This is why so many writers keep a journal or notebook with them at all times. In fact many writers use miniature notebooks for this very reason — there’s nothing worse than coming up with a brilliant idea when you’re at a party, in the middle of a phone conversation, or trying to fall asleep. Keep your journal near your person at all times, and you’ll never lose an idea again. Or pick up several miniature notebooks and keep them in convenient places — your nightstand, purse, car, desk drawer at the office, even the bathroom! And if you’re ever struck with the ever-dreaded writer’s block, you can turn to your idea journal for inspiration.

Inspirational Writing Journals

What inspires you? A sunset? A day with friends and family? A mind-blowing movie or a song that makes you want to dance? Quotes from the greats? You can record all the things that inspire you in an inspiration journal, taking notes from some of the world’s most successful creators. You can even paste photos, clippings, and other memorabilia to capture moments from your life that were especially inspiring. Then when your creativity meter is running low, you can flip through your inspiration journal to grab ideas that ignite your passion (and your next writing project).

Art Journal

creative writing journaling ideas

Field artist journal (aff link).

Even us writers have to admit that a picture is worth a thousand words. Symbols are particularly powerful and speak directly to the subconscious, which is where your muse might be hiding. Like a dream journal, an art journal is a fun and creative way to get in touch with the deeper recesses of your mind, where some of your most creative ideas are lurking. You don’t have to be a fine artist to use an art journal. Doodles and stick figures will open up your right brain too! An art journal is also perfect for sketching your characters, scenery, and maps of the worlds you’re creating for your fiction. And if you don’t want to draw, you can always use stickers, collage, and ephemera in your art journal.

Life Events or Diary

A diary is pretty straightforward — you simply record the goings-on in your life. Some people keep diaries for special times or events in their lives, such as when they’re getting married or having a baby, traveling, or moving to a new place. Diary writing is a great place to start if you’re interested in writing a memoir or autobiography. It’s also a perfect place to record the real experiences that you’ve had even if you plan on fictionalizing them later. Some of the best dialogue, descriptions, and scenes come from real life!

Reading Journal

If you want to be a writer, read. Read a lot, then read some more. You just can’t read enough. When you write about what you’ve read, you can capture what worked and what didn’t work from a writer’s perspective. You’ll pick up neat writing tricks, jot down techniques that you’ve observed other writers using effectively, and of course, as you read and get ideas for your own projects, you can include those as well. Best of all, you’ll have a place where you’ve listed everything you’ve read, and by keeping notes, you’ll retain all of it much better. As a bonus, you’ll also have a place to take notes when you’re reading books on the craft of writing !

Media Journal

Although reading is of utmost importance for any writer, we can gather creative ideas and techniques from art in its many forms. Use a media journal to capture your responses to films, music, television shows, plays, and art. Make notes about your favorite character arcs. Jot down bits of dialogue that moved you. Make miniature doodles of paintings you love. Media journals are excellent for keeping track of the art and entertainment that you’re consuming and what you have observed and learned from it, as well as how it makes you feel.

Bonus Journal Idea: Morning Pages

artists way

Writing morning pages is like boot camp for your muse. By writing every day at the same time, you train her to show up when you say it’s time to work. Cameron’s methodology also involves turning off the inner censor, that little voice that berates every sentence.

The key to morning pages is to simply let the words flow.

Morning pages have other applications. Some folks use them as a brain dump — a way to purge all the messy thoughts from their minds so they can start their day fresh and clear-headed.

Be sure to check out my GUIDE TO JOURNALING FOR WRITERS , which has more ideas for journals that are beneficial to writers

Which of these journal ideas sparks your imagination.

journal ideas

Think about it — if you write one page a day in your journal, you’ll have 365 pages at the end of a year. That’s a lot of creative material to pull ideas from.

Journals are traditionally kept in paper notebooks, but you can journal using digital tools as well (most of us find that writing by hand boosts creativity).

Experiment with different journaling supplies and try a wide range of journal ideas. Eventually you’ll find what works for you.

What types of journals have you kept? Do you think journal writing is beneficial? Did any of these journal ideas appeal to you? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

Ready Set Write a Guide to Creative Writing



Hi Melissa, my post is up on this topic.


Nice blog. Came across it through Google Reader. It tosses quite a few blog recommendations my way; most don’t make the cut but I’ve subscribed and will be a regular here.

Interesting to read all your posts re: blogging. I began blogging four years ago – 600+ posts later, I decided to pack it in. Your posts inspire me to get back to it (which I will do in time, once I kind of chill and refocus). You’re so right about the community aspect of blogging – a true bonus!

Melissa Donovan

@Deb (gscottage), you sure know your journals! In an upcoming post I’m going to talk about the different types of blank books and notebooks that we can use, because in addition to being curious about what people write about in their journals, I’m also curious what kind of journals they use!

@Dianne, I hope you’ll come back and give us a link to your blog once you return to blogging! Thanks for subscribing!


Hi Melissa, I love this topic. I never considered myself a real writer but I’ve kept journals all my life. I used to keep only one and have everything go into it, but now I have many and they are much more specific. I like it better, it’s more organized and I don’t have to trudge through pages of how mad I was at my mother when I’m trying to find a fragment of song lyrics 🙂

I keep little ones in my purse, in the kitchen etc, just as you say. It is so helpful. Doing a journal specifically for reading is new for me but I find it indispensable now that I am reading material that is so challenging for me. It’s also a fun record of my progress.

Sometimes the lines blur between the journals but it makes sense to me :).


Awesome! I currently keep an online dream journal which I love an online “life” journal and then an offline Idea journal. Anyway great suggestions! 😀


I do keep a reading journal where I keep track of the books I’ve read, but that’s about it–the title, author, date, number of pages, and whether it’s new or not. (I reread books a LOT.) I used to keep a daily kind of journal where I’d also copy in good quotes that I found or jot down thoughts/ideas, but haven’t done that since about 2004. No real reason that I stopped, mind you! Although starting my knitting blog in 2005 pretty much put paid to the journal–now the blog is where I keep track of things, though, obviously, it’s a lot more public (grin).

Jaden @ Screenwriting for Hollywood

I think journaling is essential for writers. It allows a place to express yourself freely and openly, while also finding your writing voice. It is a place to develop without criticism.

Since I received my first journal as a gift at 10 years old and fell in love with the little lock and key, I have been writing regularly.

I am ok with computer journaling. I do both, notebook and computer, whatever is available in the moment of inspiration. Computer I prefer because my typing speed is faster than my handwriting speed; my thoughts are faster than any writing, and I hate when a thought escapes me because I can’t get it out fast enough.

Thorough and great post.

Amy Derby

Nice post Melissa. I currently keep an idea log and dream log in my iPhone. I must admit I do miss writing them down in real journals, but the iPhone is just more convenient for me, especially for the idea journal as I don’t always carry a notebook with me. I might have to start keeping a paper dream journal again!!

Brad V.

Hi Melissa!

Great post! I totally agree with you about putting pen to paper – there is just something about it that typing on a keyboard can’t compare to. Much of my short fiction is still written by hand.

I keep one journal – my trusty Moleskin. I mainly use it for writing down ideas and bits of inspiration. But I’ll also jot down notes, phone numbers and other items if I don’t have anything else handy.

For a writer, having a journal is a must. Even for those who read a lot, a journal can be really useful. I’m thinking about starting a reading journal, just so I can once again dive into the literary criticism I loved so much back in my college days!

Excellent post, keep up the good work!

Terry Finley

I’ve been looking for insight and motivation to journal. thanks


Not all writers journal, but all journalers write!

Eh? Eh? Eh…

I obviously don’t write comedy.


My Mom keeps suggesting a “Happy Compartment” journal.

When something nice happens, you put it in your “Happy Compartment”.

Then, whenever you feel bad, you just open up your Happy Compartment, and relive the happy time and make yourself feel better.

@Greer, I always kept everything separate and have only recently decided it would be better to do an all-in-one notebook. Mostly, because I use paper journals less than I used to, and I ended up with a bunch of half-filled blank books. I do keep several little ones on my nightstand and in my car and purse. Those have been life savers!

@Susan, an online dream journal? You’re brave. Stevie Nicks’s line, “I keep my visions to myself” doesn’t apply! I’ll definitely check out your site.

@Deb (Punctuality), the reader’s journal is one of the few I haven’t tried yet. When I read, I get really absorbed and often polish off a book in a day or two, which doesn’t leave time for jotting down notes! I hope to try it someday though.

@Jaden, I’ve talked to some writers who don’t use journals at all! Can you believe it? I will say this: since I lessened my own journaling, I put out more blog posts and other polished projects. It’s fantastic that you use both paper and electronic journals. Two cheers for flexibility!

@Amy Derby, there you go getting me all jealous with talk about your iPhone again *pout pout* All in good time…all in good time. And when I do get one, I’ll definitely use it for notes and journaling.

@Brad, I really need to try one of those Moleskines. They sure are all the rage! I couldn’t agree with you more about putting pen to paper. It’s a dying art, I’m afraid, but there’s nothing quite like it.

@Terry Finley, I popped in and peeked at your website and can’t wait to explore it more. Very nice!

@Erik, funny you should mention comedy, because I’ve been thinking about how to make my writing more humorous. I wonder if there’s anywhere online that provides tips? Hmm…

@Friar, your mom is one smart lady. My teen journals were nothing but whining and complaining. I wish someone had come along and told me to write down all the happy stuff. Luckily, I have a solid memory, so I can recall most of it. One of these days, I’m going to burn those old journals! Yuck.

@Melissa Donovan LOL I hear ya… Actually this site allows you to keep certain dreams or your entire journal “private”. The one reason I like doing an online version of my dream journal, is it allows tracking of themes, symbols, etc. I can pull up any dream that I had, for instance, about my cat, in a matter of seconds.


Journaled on and off since high school but it was mainly personal and I destroyed them periodically because there are some things about and young woman’s evolution that aren’t any of her descendants’ business.

Now I blog and it is a mixture of my life and my passions and my explosions. Being 44 I don’t worry too much about the wee ones or what they will think about it. Maturity is a good thing.

I have an idea notebook. Several in fact so I seldom without though I find they don’t do me much good when I am in the middle of a 4 mile run. Why do so many ideas strike me in mid-run, I wonder?

I hate freewriting. It was in vogue as a teaching tool when I was a young teacher and I never could understand why. It’s too daunting for such young kids.

Very nice post. Thanks.

Michelle Johnson

Hello Melissa~ Thanks for stopping by Poefusion. I agree, I wish I could draw that good too. Your blog is really nice. I have stopped by several times and read some of your posts. I think every writer should have at least one notebook/ journal they write in once in awhile and another idea I find helpful besides the computer is a digital recorder. They are small enough to carry in your pocket or keep in a purse etc. I find mine indispensable. Thanks again for stopping by. Have a nice night.

Eva G.

Great post, though I have kept all my teen journals and all. It’s good to look back into the past; it keeps you humble.

I generally do freewriting/diary writing, but perhaps the most important thing about it is that I actually work out my hands! In this age of word processing and BlackBerries, I have to keep my hand trained to write the ol’ fashioned way.

Great post!

Thank you for visiting my blog. I like your site. We writers need each other.

Karen Swim

Melissa, I keep several journals and notebooks too – ideas, inspiration, writing, life, prayer and a sketchbook too (even though I’m not an artist). Typing is faster and neater but I love pen to paper. I use different colored pens because sometimes purple ink just expresses the thought better. I have not ever kept a reader’s journal but what a wonderful idea! I don’t use the mini notebooks, I need room. LOL!


You know, Melissa, I think I’ve always done all these different things in the same journal. I’ve scribbled “pictures” and written down my dreams. I’ve jotted down ideas and just poured out my heart. I never really thought about keeping separate journals. I feel bad about paper at all anymore. Every time I fill up a page, I think about wasting trees. 😉

*smiles* Michele

@Susan, that’s definitely one of the benefits of keeping an electronic journal — the ability to search the text for keywords.

@Annie, I get a lot of ideas when I’m exercising and even more when I’m in the shower. Both are inconvenient times, because I can’t really stop and jot down my thoughts. Do you find that you’re able to remember your ideas and get them down on paper later? Sometimes I can, but I’m afraid I’ve lost a few too.

@Michelle, thanks for stopping by Writing Forward and for commenting! I’ve heard great things about digital recorders but haven’t picked one up yet. However, I have called myself and left a voicemail with some notes or ideas, and that worked out pretty well. Actually I think my cell phone has a recording feature. Maybe I should check that out!

@Eva G, I’m in full agreement when it comes to handwriting. Mine has suffered a lot over the past few years since I’ve been turning more and more to the computer for my writing.

@Terry Finley, we sure do need each other! That’s one of the reasons I love the Internet — it has helped me connect with lots of other writers like yourself!

@Karen, I use colored pens too! Not all the time, but when I’m feeling especially creative I do pull them out. They’re also great for brainstorming and taking notes that are easy to peruse later.

@Michele, that’s another good reason to use just one journal — save the trees! Also, I like how everything all jumbled up together has a super creative vibe!


I use for my electronic journal. It offers some analytics such predominate tense, feelings in the entry, and keeps track of days in a row that you wrote at least 750 words. It’s private. I also keep a notebook journal for when I attend a writer’s group. I also keep what I call a commonplace book which is where I keep quotes and brief ideas. And I have an art journal as well. All of these inform my blog of poetry and flash fiction.

I always find it interesting to learn which notebooks and journals other writers use, and especially how they organize their materials. Thanks for sharing, LuAnne.


  • How to Start Journaling - Metiza - […] That being said, you don’t need to journal exactly the same way that I do; there are lots of…

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Want to get started with journaling here's how + tips for building the habit, from experts.

Sarah Regan

From the diaries we kept as little kids to the Notes app we all have on our phones today, writing thoughts down is part of what makes us human.

And journaling, as an ever-popular pastime, allows us to not only vent our frustrations but also record our day-to-day experiences, work through our emotions, and even plan for the future.

Want to try it yourself? Here, we're diving into the many styles of journaling, how to journal, plus tips for building the habit if you're just getting started.

Grab your journal and let's get into it!

What is journaling, exactly?

Journaling , by definition, is simply writing in a journal or diary. The beauty of this practice is that the rest is entirely up to you!

You can write about virtually anything you want, take yourself as seriously (or not seriously) as you want, and of course, you can write a paragraph, 10 pages, or anywhere in between.

As artist and guided journal author Meera Lee Patel previously explained to mindbodygreen, "The purpose of journaling is to awaken conscious thinking, which is simply having an honest conversation with yourself."

She adds that this does not mean being conscious of your writing—of the words you're using or the sentences you're forming.

"In fact, if being hyper-aware of your writing is causing you to censor yourself," she says, "it defeats the purpose of journaling."

Depending on which style of journaling you're going for, you might have a more regimented practice or routine (i.e., gratitude journaling about things you're grateful for every day, or dream journaling every morning when you wake up).

But if you're going for your standard "freeform" writing, much like a basic diary, you can take any liberties you like.

That said, let's break down the different types of journaling you might want to try.

Types of journaling

Freeform journaling or daily journaling.

Freeform journaling, or daily journaling, is the kind of diary-style writing you probably imagine when you think about journaling.

According to psychotherapist  Babita Spinelli, L.P. , this kind of journaling is used for personal reflection but can also benefit personal growth and mental health. "This is our personal diary," she explains.

Mindfulness journaling

Mindfulness journaling  involves combining a mindfulness practice with a journaling practice, such as by describing your current surroundings or emotional experiences in detail.

You might write down what's going on around you, or the things you can feel, touch, and smell with your senses.

Mindfulness journaling is a great way to get out of your head and into your body, as well as connect to the present moment.

This style is great if you want to calm down, regulate your emotions, or strengthen your mindfulness practice in general.

Gratitude journaling

Gratitude journaling, which involves writing down and reflecting on the things you're grateful for, has been extensively researched for its role in mental health.

As one  study published in the journal  Frontiers in Psychology  found, feelings of gratitude are linked to the anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex—regions of the brain that influence our decision-making, willpower, motivation, and mood. 

And by taking your gratitude practice to your journal pages, you're actively carving out time to recall what you're grateful for.

As Spinelli tells mindbodygreen, "This type of journaling can increase positivity and balance negative intrusive thoughts. We can lose perspective about what matters, and gratitude journaling also reminds us of those blessings."

Morning pages

Similar to freeform journaling but with more of a routine, writer Julia Cameron's  morning pages technique  involves handwriting three pages of thoughts in the morning.

The stream-of-consciousness method is meant to illuminate thought patterns and unlock creativity first thing!

Bullet journaling

If you're less inclined to write about your feelings and experiences but love keeping a planner, you'll love bullet journaling.

The  Bullet Journaling Method combines elements of a calendar, to-do list, and notebook all in one.

This style of journaling allows you to not only reflect but also plan. You can find bullet journals with formats already in place, though many fans of this style opt to create their own pages with blank journals and daydreams all in one place.

Here's our  full guide to bullet journaling for more information.

Dream journaling

If you're someone who always has wild dreams that leave you guessing what they mean,  dream journaling might be for you!

As Spinelli notes, "Our dreams reflect our inner subconscious. Dream journaling records our dreams and can help us or our psychoanalyst interpret them."

The key with dream journaling is to keep the journal right on your nightstand so you can write your dreams down as soon as you wake up.

The quicker you get up in the morning, the faster your memory of the dream will slip back into your subconscious—but to that end, the more you get into the habit of dream journaling, the better you'll remember your dreams!

Tarot journaling

Similar to a dream journal, a tarot journal is a place to write down the cards you pull (and their interpretations) in tarot ,  oracle , or any other spiritual reading.

Here, you can also write down feelings that come up during the reading, how you think the reading relates to your life, and even what the "call to action" is going forward.

Manifestation journaling

Have a goal you're trying to reach? Enter the manifestation journal , which is essentially a journal used for—you guessed it—manifesting.

Manifesting uses  the law of attraction  to attract things into our lives using positive energy, thoughts, and behaviors, so you can think of a manifestation journal as a written record of what you want to attract.

In the same way that a vision board is a visual depiction of those things, for example, by holding your goals in mind as you write, you're fueling your intentions.

Guided journaling

If you're new to journaling and have no idea what the heck to write about, you might want to check out  guided journals  with built-in prompts and reflection exercises.

This is a great option if coming up with ideas is stumping you and frustrating you. Just pick a prompt that piques your interest and start writing!

(Psst: There are prompts later on in this article if you're looking for some.)

Therapy journaling

Last but not least, Spinelli tells mindbodygreen you can also keep a therapy journal if you're currently working with a mental health professional. After all, a lot can be said in a one-hour session, and you might want to reflect on it further.

"Therapy journaling is a way to reflect on your sessions with your therapist. It also helps to release and track what brings you anxiety, joy, grief, anger, and other feelings," Spinelli explains, adding, "You can organize your thoughts before and after your session."

How to start journaling

Decide which style of journaling is right for you.

Ready to get started with your new journal? The first thing to figure out is what you want this journal to be. If you're feeling freeform, you're ready to start writing!

Otherwise, ask yourself what it is you hope to get out of journaling. Do you want to feel happier and more grateful? Gratitude journaling, then, would be the best bet for you.

Similarly, if you're looking to be more calm, centered, and mindful, you would, of course, go for mindfulness journaling.

And remember, there's no rule saying you can only have one journal. If it feels right to have four different journals for four different things, more power to you!

Make it a part of your routine

Like any new habit, sitting down with your journal at a set time is a great way to work it into your everyday routine. "Pick a day and time that is best for you—you can be flexible with yourself but maintain consistency in your practice," Spinelli suggests.

Start small

On the topic of habit-building, it can be tempting to get overzealous and push yourself to write pages at a time or for an extended period of time. But that's just a recipe for frustration.

Instead, Spinelli tells mindbodygreen, "By starting with a few minutes at a time then gradually increasing, we feel less overwhelmed and more likely to continue," adding, "Journaling may take some time to get used to."

Release any judgment or expectation

According to Spinelli, another key to enjoying your new journaling practice is to release any judgment, criticism, or expectations for your self.

"Do not become consumed with trying to journal 'perfectly' or making sure everything is written correctly," she says, adding, "This is your private journal to allow you to express yourself with pure freedom. Don't let your inner critic take over."

Pause if you need to

Things can get heavy when you're writing about a horrible day, a bad breakup, or even a childhood trauma. While journaling can help you work through these difficult emotions, Spinelli explains, "There may be times when journaling may stir up sadness, anger, or other emotions."

Remember that it's all a part of the process, and you can make room to pause if needed, Spinelli notes.

Stay consistent

Going back to the idea of creating a routine and starting small, try to be as consistent as possible to build the habit up.

If you miss a day, don't get down on yourself about it, but commit to sitting down with your journal and writing something .

It doesn't have to be long, profound, or even especially deep. If all you write is, "Today was the worst," at least it was the worst and you journaled about it.

Try using prompts for inspiration

And of course, as aforementioned, journaling prompts are a great option to help spark inspiration when you're not sure what to write about.

As Spinelli explains, they're great to lean on if you're finding it difficult to get started, or even to focus.

Journaling prompt examples

  • What have you recently introduced into you life that's  brought you peace, joy, or comfort ?
  • What are 10 things you like about yourself?
  • Who is someone that makes you feel seen in your day-to-day life, and how do they do that?
  • What are five things around you right now that you're glad you don't have to live without?
  • What are some beautiful moments that happened this past week?
  • What powerful lessons have you learned?
  • What do you appreciate about yourr current life circumstances?
  • Picture a wise, loving, and more evolved version of you. Not someone else but the you you're meant to be. Imagine becoming that you. Describe yourself.
  • What values did your parents have, and do you hold those same values?
  • How would you describe yourself without any titles? (i.e., without any roles like "mom" or jobs like "writer")
  • What are 10 everyday occurrences that make you happy?
  • What emotion do you tend to experience the most?
  • Is there anything you're currently working on changing or shifting in your life?
  • What would you like to stay the same?
  • Who is your hero and why?
  • In what ways do you show up for others?
  • In what ways do others show up for you?
  • Is there anyone in your life you need to forgive?
  • Is there anyone in your life who you want to forgive you?
  • What does success mean to you?
  • What about your financial situation are you grateful for?
  • What about the way you  make money  brings you joy?
  • What problems do you usually run into in the workplace?
  • How do these issues reflect your inner values possibly not being met?
  • What is your dream job and why?
  • Do you think career and purpose are intertwined?
  • What is your relationship to your purpose?
  • Describe your childhood bedroom using all five senses.
  • How do you feel after going for a long, meditative walk? Does the world seem any different after you've been breathing deeply and paying attention?
  • Write about a tiny detail you noticed today—light falling on a leaf, a broken clasp on a necklace, an unusual stone.
  • Describe your favorite smell in detail.
  • Step outside and close your eyes for a moment. Upon opening them, write about what your gaze gravitates to first.
  • Where do you want to be in one year's time? How about five years?

Benefits of journaling

Can improve mental health .

Journaling has a number of benefits, including most notably, its benefits for mental health. Spinelli says she highly encourages her clients to journal to support their mental and physical well-being.

"Writing down our thoughts and feelings helps to reduce our anxiety, regulate our emotions, bolster our self-awareness, and provides perspective," she explains, adding that it also helps to stop intrusive thoughts and break unhealthy patterns of obsessive thinking.

"It helps us to get unstuck by writing down our thoughts and unloading it from our minds to paper," Spinelli says.

And as licensed marriage and family therapist  Linda Carroll, M.S. , previously told mindbodygreen, "Journaling can be a useful tool for all of us, including for those times when we are depressed," adding, "It can be a place to express ourselves as long as we are not judging ourselves."

Can help with emotional processing and regulation

Getting your thoughts out on paper is a great way to express and process emotions, as well as regulate them when you're feeling stressed, upset, or mad.

According to Spinelli, journaling also provides relief by helping us release the emotions that weigh heavily on our minds. "This reduces stress and anxiety, [and] it helps to process our feelings and address emotions we have been avoiding," she explains.

Can help strengthen your relationship with yourself

If nothing else, journaling can be thought of like a date with yourself. It's an opportunity to get clear on how you actually feel about something and work through any difficult emotions. It's intentional time you spend with yourself, and it's an act of self-care.

As Spinelli notes, "Journaling also holds us accountable and can support committing to changes we want or need to make. It's an impactful tool for personal and professional growth."

Can help you sleep

Last but not least, you'll be happy to know journaling can even help you sleep! The caveat is it's only specific kind of journaling.

Specifically, as research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found, writing a detailed to-do list of everything you have to do tomorrow can help you fall asleep faster.

"The more specifically participants wrote their to-do list, the faster they subsequently fell asleep, whereas the opposite trend was observed when participants wrote about completed activities," the study authors write, adding, "Therefore, to facilitate falling asleep, individuals may derive benefit from writing a very specific to-do list for five minutes at bedtime rather than journaling about completed activities."

Keeping that in mind, leave your journaling sessions to earlier in the evening as you're winding down rather than journaling just before you sleep. Leave that time for your to-do lists! (Looking at you, bullet-journalers.)

The takeaway

From gratitude journaling to dream journaling, there's a style of journaling out there for everyone. And remember, no one's judging if you go out and buy five different journals for different topics.

The world, or in this case, your journal, is your oyster—and getting into the habit of sitting down with it is a beneficial practice you can come back to time and time again.

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The Ultimate Guide to Journaling


As a lifelong journaler with a notebook-buying problem, I will be the first to recommend the good, old-fashioned art of putting your feelings to paper. But I’m not just a fanatic—it legit supports my mental health. And if I had a Moleskine for every therapist who’s ever recommended journaling for self-care, well…I’d be a very happy camper. Still, as much as I love jotting down all my thoughts and feelings, sometimes it’s much easier to buy fancy new journals than it is to actually use them.  

From busy schedules to writer's block, we all have our sources of struggle with the practice. And that’s not even counting all the difficult stuff that could come up in the process. “There’s a vulnerability in journaling,” says Megan Logan, LCSW , therapist and author of Self-Love Workbook for Women . “It's one thing to think something in your head, and it's a whole other thing to document it in black and white.” Plus, scribbling about your innermost workings can feel self-indulgent when you’re not used to dedicating time to yourself. 

But if you can get over your roadblocks, it’s worth it. Journaling gives you a place to unload your heaviest emotions, celebrate the good stuff, and discover who you truly are. “Pausing to reflect on how things are going by writing them down will give you more intentionality and clarity during your day and throughout your life,” says Ryan Howes, PhD , clinical psychologist and author of Mental Health Journal for Men . And when you’re more in-tune with yourself, you can end up feeling more confident and less anxious and stressed as a result.  

So what’s a non-journaler to do when there are so many hurdles to being a person who, you know, journals? Here are some expert-backed strategies so you’ll stick to it (for real this time). 

Try different kinds of journaling.

Half the battle in making journaling a habit, especially if you’re starting from square one, is finding a method that works for you and your self-expression, says Logan, adding that ease and accessibility can determine if you follow through with the practice. It might take some time for you to find your style, but here are some things to consider. 

Hard copy journals vs. digital journaling 

I don’t know about you, but I go back and forth on this all the time. Some days I romanticize the heck out of handwriting in a diary—it feels special and distinct from typing, which I do all day long. Other times, I get impatient with physical logs because handwriting takes more effort, so I embrace the casualness and ease of the Notes app. Is it messy and unorganized? Yes. Is it the only way I journal consistently? Also yep! 

Like me, you may have to experiment a bit to find the best match(es). Analog lovers may take a second to find a pen that doesn’t bleed in your favorite journal…or a favorite journal in the first place. For the digital types, you might dig apps like Daylio , Day One , or Happyfeed and how they’re with you all the time if you’re attached to your phone. Or you might be more comfortable typing on the computer, recording voice notes, or a mix of more than one.

Freeform vs. guided journals 

Intimidated by the blank page or screen? There are tons of guided journals and workbooks that encourage you to open up because they “give you permission to explore and talk about things you otherwise wouldn’t,” says Logan. Some center on particular topics or identities, like the Mindfulness Journal for Depression or the Mental Health Journal for Black Women . Others provide time or space restraints, like the popular One Line A Day memory book or this astrological journal that gives you a half page per day. And some apps like Reflectly , Dabble Me , and Grid Diary offer a mix of specific prompts to keep you focused.

On the other hand, Dr. Howes notes that you might feel stifled by a structured format and prefer to explore whatever inspires you in the moment. In that case, freeform writing in a blank notebook or Google doc could be your jam. (Some apps offer blank space for freewriting too.)  

Even if you go the freeform route, you can still self-impose some guidance if it helps you commit to the practice or go deeper. For example, you can organize your thoughts into themed lists (most embarrassing memories, songs that speak to you, things that bring you joy) or word association clouds (stick a person, place, feeling, or another word in the center, then branch out from there). Of course, it’s your journal—anything goes! 

Lean on journal prompts for inspiration.

One of the most common barriers to journaling Dr. Howes hears is: “I don’t know what to write.” He often recommends guided journals to folks for this reason, but if you want to forge ahead with a blank canvas, here are a bunch of journal prompts for whatever you’re feeling. 

  • Journal prompts for self-discovery  
  • Journal prompts for loneliness
  • Journal prompts for mental health
  • Self-esteem journal prompts
  • Motivational journal prompts 
  • Confidence journal prompts
  • Anxiety journal prompts    
  • Anger journal prompts  

Looking for more inspiration? Here are some therapist-backed strategies for getting started.

Log what you’re grateful for

Both Dr. Howes and Logan say gratitude journaling is the MVP for beginners or anyone whose journaling practice has gotten a little stale. Not only is it super low effort—just jot down one thing you’re grateful for a day—but the mental health benefits of gratitude are well-documented. Hello, reduced depression and stress and increased overall happiness and life satisfaction . 

Chronicle your day

If you struggle to journal because you’re afraid of unleashing intense emotions, it can be easier to start on the surface by scribbling about the ins and outs of your daily life, Logan says. Think: “I went to the grocery store and wandered through the aisles for two hours today because I had literally nothing else to do.” 

Plus, it’s fun to reread these entries, and not just for nostalgia. You might spot behavioral patterns when reviewing old events—and your interpretations of them at the time—which can help you see if this way of living is working for you or put your current life into perspective, says Dr. Howes. 

It sounds obvious, but it bears repeating: Your diary is the perfect playground for whatever you’ve got swirling around inside your head. “We often have 20 different thoughts and feelings going on at once,” says Dr. Howes. “One thing that journaling forces us to do is to focus on one at a time.” 

You don’t have to do anything but express your straight-forward thoughts and emotions, like how you think your boss hates you or you feel frustrated about today’s meeting. But you can do some low-key therapy work if you’re down. According to Dr. Howes, your journal is a great place to spot and challenge negative thought patterns or get to the bottom of how you’re really feeling . For example, write about why your boss’s lack of exclamation points in her last email sent you spiraling. Are you feeling insecure or undervalued? Do you typically need constant reassurance that people aren’t mad at you? Has she given other signs she’s not pumped about your work? 

Check in with your goals

You could even think of your journal as a goal or habit tracker where you check in on your progress, Dr. Howes says, noting that this is especially handy for those who struggle with productivity and yearn for more accountability and motivation . When writing about your goals, ponder over your five-year plan , remind yourself why finishing X is important to you (if it even still is), or measure your growth so far. If you need more in-depth instruction, try this goal-setting worksheet .

Problem solve

It can be more enlightening to bounce around ideas with yourself in a journal than in your own head, says Dr. Howes. “If you’re feeling stuck , try throwing a bunch of possibilities on the page and sorting through them until you find the best one,” he advises. Other ways to reach a decision: List the pros and cons, name steps you definitely won’t take, or write about how you ideally want a situation to resolve. 

Explore your past

Your journal is a safe space to sort through life events and how they inform your present. Dr. Howes says you can dive in anywhere: pick an age, brag about your highlight reel, unpack a time that felt particularly challenging, or explore a random memory that comes to mind. Then, write down whatever comes up, like how you felt at the time, how you feel about the event now, and how you think it might’ve impacted you. “If you don't want to write about yourself directly, then write about a role model you had or a significant event you witnessed,” Dr. Howes adds. 

Make sense of your dreams

Dr. Howes has had clients bring their dream diaries into sessions with him, and good material comes up, he adds. “In part, dreams are your brain processing the information you've taken in during the day, so they can offer a kind of internal litmus test—a state of the union,” Dr. Howes says. 

He recommends keeping your journal or phone near your bed so you can write down dream details when you wake up and before they slip away. When recapping, note any repeat scenarios and images that come up. No need to go ham on dissecting the symbolism unless you want to. Just get curious about the general themes, like if you’re being chased or are falling, he suggests. 

Brain dump 

Give yourself a time or space constraint (10 minutes or three pages, for example) and just word vomit. Even if that means writing “I don’t know what to write” or “I hate journaling” over and over. You usually wind up stumbling into something more substantial to express, says Dr. Howes. (Fun fact: Many associate this stream-of-consciousness journaling with morning pages, made famous by Julia Cameron’s everpopular The Artist’s Way , yet another guided journal available!)

Troubleshoot your biggest barriers.

Even after you’ve picked your notebook or app and decided what to write, getting yourself to journal consistently is a whole other ballgame. Here are a few tips to help make the practice stick. 

If you keep forgetting to journal… 

Try a routine. Many people benefit from some sort of consistency, at least in the beginning. Dr. Howes says that when you wake up or before you go to sleep are common time slots for journaling (especially because morning and nighttime routines are good for your mental health too). You can also tie the activity to events, feelings, or other random triggers, like journaling after therapy, when you feel jealous, or whenever you have the apartment to yourself.

If it feels like a chore…

If you’re a newbie, manageability is key. A routine might keep you consistent, but be flexible about breaking it and be open to cutting back on how much or how often you try to write. “If you feel like writing a lot some days, great. If you don’t feel like writing much or anything at all other days, that’s also great,” says Dr. Howes. “The journal is there to serve you. You don’t want it to feel like a job.”

If you’re not motivated… 

Logan is a fan of making A Thing out of journaling so it becomes an activity to look forward to. “I always like to pair it with doing something special, like having hot tea, wearing fuzzy pajamas, and sitting in your special chair with a candle,” she says. You could also try bringing your notebook to a coffee shop or park. If that doesn’t help, you might be bored with journaling itself, so think about if there’s another way you could switch things up. Perhaps you’re in the market for a guided journal or some journal prompts? 

If you’re worried people will read this…

Maybe it’s a legit concern ( ugh, nosy siblings ) or a hypothetical one ( what if I get famous and my diaries are published after I die?! ). Either way, it’s hard to get real in your journal if you're preoccupied with how you’re coming across, Dr. Howes says. Do what you need for peace of mind, like using an encrypted app, a ’00s-inspired Password Journal, or a password-protected note on your phone. Hell, you can even entrust someone with the job of burning your diaries after you die! Alternatively, you can skip the paper trail altogether and tear up each page you complete, delete your docs, or use apps with vanishing text, like Halka . 

If you’re overthinking your words… 

According to Dr. Howes, plenty of journalers put pressure on themselves to be amazing wordsmiths. But unless practicing your prose is the goal of your Me Time, don’t waste the brain space. Instead, try leaning into writing as poorly as possible to see if it shakes your perfectionist tendencies. “Forget about word choice, forget about grammar, and forget about complete sentences if you want,” says Dr. Howes. “As long as you’re getting your thoughts onto the page, leave the editing for…well, never, really.” 

Maybe it’s the content of your words, not the quality, that has you nervous about seeing it on paper in black and white. Understandable, Logan says. If you’re in that boat, take a stab at forgoing words altogether. Doodling, collaging, making playlists, and other creative outlets are all ways to harness the spirit of journaling without having to write. This can also help with writer’s block because “sometimes you can’t find the words, or there aren’t words that do justice to what you’re actually feeling,” says Logan. 

If it doesn’t feel awesome…

That’s normal. Shit can get really real and uncomfortable when you’re looking your emotions right in the eye, Logan says. That’s another reason she likes creating a comforting space and adding self-care to her writing routine. “Doing something nice for yourself at the same time can help you walk away from journaling without carrying those dark things with you,” she adds. 

There’s also a chance you’ve fallen into a ruminating trap, whether you’re rehashing the same rant over and over, catastrophizing, or just plain hurting your own feelings, says Dr. Howes. To combat future spirals, he recommends setting a timer for your writing sessions, at least when you’re working through topics that get you going . “One of the best parts about a journal is how you can close it,” Dr. Howes says. “You can say, ‘This is where I'm keeping these tough feelings for now. I'll come back and visit them when I'm ready to, but I don't have to stay in them.’”

The bottom line: There are plenty of hurdles to journaling, so experiment to find the methods that work for you. And if you still hate journaling after about a month, there’s no shame in trying something else, like talking through your feelings in therapy, Dr. Howes says. 

Wondermind does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a replacement for medical advice. Always consult a qualified health or mental health professional with any questions or concerns about your mental health.

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50+ Easy Travel Journal Ideas and Writing Prompts for Kids

T ravel brings inspiration in all shapes and forms. If you are looking for a way for your little ones to continue writing while they explore, check out these travel journal ideas and prompts for kids. My own boys helped develop the questions, thinking about what they would want to tell their friends back home.

Each prompt is meant to open up discussion and lead to further writing while they flesh out ideas. It doesn’t take much—even a one-sentence answer can say a lot. Your kids can write for themselves or pretend they are writing to a friend or family member, whatever gets them excited to express themselves on the page.

How to get started with your travel journal

First, you need a journal. A travel journal doesn’t have to be fancy, but you do need some paper and something to write with, like crayons, colored pencils or markers. My boys like to use a travel notebook with lined pages that are bound and ready to use.

Sometimes my kids steal the leather bound journals with blank pages that I pick up at conferences. You can also make one by folding paper in half and stapling it at the seam. Either way, make sure your child’s travel journal has lots of pages to write and scribble on, and glue in ticket stubs, postcards and Polaroids.

And never think you can’t make a travel journal on the fly. My youngest has several journals created out of anything and everything he has found along our journeys, even hotel stationery.

Gather your journal supplies

You’ll want to bring supplies for your travel journal that make it really fun to use. No one wants to lug one more book around that their kids will never even open. Bring colored pencils and markers, tape, and a glue stick to make recording your child’s travel memories as easy as possible.

On every trip, I grab a simple pencil box from our craft shelf and fill it with the following fun art supplies:

  • Washable markers
  • Colored pencils
  • Small pad of Post-It notes
  • Paper clips
  • Water colors
  • Travel paint brushes
  • Collapsible cup

You don’t need to take all of these craft supplies with you, but definitely bring your child’s favorites.

Travel Journal Ideas

It can be hard to get started on a travel journal, which is why you may need a few ideas or prompts to get going. Some pre-made journals have sections where your child can fill in their itinerary, feelings about the day, packing lists or even boxes to draw something they saw.

If you are making your own journal, even if it is just a leather journal you picked up on Uncommon Goods , you can make your own prompts and sections. Your kids will love coming up with travel journal ideas with you.

Use small Post-It notes to create chapter tabs in a blank notebook. Label each tab with a journal idea or prompt. You can also mix and match your papers and materials.

Journal sections can include:

  • Blank “comic book” squares
  • Mad-Lib pages for your kids to fill out
  • Drawing prompts and ideas
  • Wax paper to press flowers between the pages
  • Water color paper to paint the colors your kids see and scenes you pass by in the car
  • 5 senses grid: What did your kids see, hear, touch, smell and taste today that made them happy, sad, excited, grossed out, etc.?
  • Journal prompt headlines on each page for your child to write about (see below)

No matter which way you go with your kids’ travel journals, you are sure to be surprised by what they create. Try not to give them too much direction. Don’t hover as they write and sort out their feelings. Give them a quiet place at night, during lunch or quiet time to reflect. When you let a child’s imagination go wild, they come up with the most amazing things.

Travel Journal Prompts

  • What did you pack on the trip?
  • Where are you going this week?
  • What’s your favorite place you explored today?
  • What are you looking forward to most about the day?
  • Write about your daily schedule.
  • What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the day?
  • What is one weird thing you ate today?
  • What kind of transportation did you ride? Have you ever ridden that type before? What did you think?
  • Did you play any sports? If so, which one and with who?
  • Did you make any new friends? If so, how? Was it through sports, just introducing yourself, or during a conversation?
  • How do you think the day could have been better? How would you change it?
  • What are three things you always pack?
  • Do you have a favorite stuffed animal that you always travel with? Describe it.
  •  Do you prefer to road trip or fly? Why?
  • Do you prefer to travel by car, plane or train? Why?
  • What’s one thing you want to bring back from your trip?
  • What animal did you see today? Can you describe it? Draw it?
  • If you could add ONE person to your trip, who would it be?
  • Write a poem about where you are today.
  • What was the funniest moment on your trip?
  • What is one interesting thing you learned on your trip?
  • Did you hear any music on your trip? How did it make you feel?
  • Describe how the people are dressed around you.
  • Did you see any other kids? What were they doing?
  • What’s one weird thing you touched?

What other Travel Journal questions would you add?

28 Travel Sketches and Drawing Ideas for your Journal

  • Make a trail map, highlighting key points of interest
  • Illustrate a custom map of your trip.
  • What’s something unique that happened to you today?
  • What’s a random thing that happened?
  • What made you laugh today? Cry? Get frustrated?
  • Draw a comic strip about a place you visited today.
  • Put your own spin on eye-catching signs and posters you see.
  • Draw the skyline (city, mountains, flat lands, etc.)
  • Draw design details and architectural elements.
  • Sketch the activity in a crowded space (public square).
  • Draw your meal or favorite bites from your trip.
  • Draw the view from your table at a restaurant.
  • Sketch the scene at the local grocery store or farmer’s market.
  • Find pops of color on your walk to interpret in your own style.
  • Create a collage of your tickets (plane, museum, tour, etc.).
  • Do a 30-second sketch of what you see right now.
  • Sketch someone you met along your journey.
  • Doodle the icons that make your destination special.
  • Go out at night (if it’s safe) and draw a street scene.
  • Find one detail of where you are and draw it.
  • Look for interesting door knockers and make a sketch of each one.
  • On a road trip? Draw what you see from the car window.
  • Hiking? Draw the trail, waterfall you find, mountain ridges, etc.
  • Find a leaf or flower and draw it larger than life.
  • See an animals? Draw it as your best friend traveling with you.
  • What did you buy today? Draw it!
  • Sketch your outfits from your trip
  • Sketch your packed suitcase (still open), detailing everything in it

Want to Buy a Travel Journal?

Not ready to make your own? Craving more of a structured journaling experience? Check out our favorite travel logs and travel journal ideas that include prompts for kids and adults. After all, why should mom and dad miss out on all of the fun?

Kid Travel Journals

  • The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids by Rob Taylor
  • Write On: My Story Journal by Wee Society
  • GO!: A Kids’ Interactive Travel Diary and Journal by Wee Society
  • Camping Journal for Kids by Happy Kids BR Press
  • Kids’ Travel Journal by Peter Pauper Press
  • Travel Journal by JB Books
  • My Travel Journal by Lonely Planet Kids

JournalS FoR any age

  • Page-A-Day Artisan Travel Journal by Inc. Peter Pauper Press
  • Compact Travel Journal by Promptly Journals
  • Travel Checklist Journal by Claudine Gandolfi
  • You Are Here: A Mindful Travel Journal by Emma Clarke
  • Leather Travel Journal Notebook by ai-natebok

Ready to create a watercolor journal? CLICK here to find out how to make a watercolor journal on your next trip.

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The post 50+ Easy Travel Journal Ideas and Writing Prompts for Kids appeared first on Twist Travel Magazine .



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  23. 50+ Easy Travel Journal Ideas and Writing Prompts for Kids

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