English Essay on “Better Alone than in a Bad Company” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Better Alone than in a Bad Company

Just as the dirt spoils your clothes, likewise a bad company spoils your character. If a person falls into a bad company, he is deprived of the best things of life. In a bad company, the whole outlook of person changes. The bad company may lead a person to vices like gambling, smoking, stealing, etc. If a student falls into bad company, he loses interest in studies, starts cutting his classes and begins to tell lies to shield himself. It is a well-known saying that a person is known from the company he keeps. It is better to be alone than to move in a bad company. One can thus be away from bad things. It is, therefore, desirable that if one cannot find a good company, he should remain alone and fulfil his aim in life.

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Essay on Better Alone Than in a Bad Company for Students and Children

We are Sharing an Essay on Better Alone Than in a Bad Company in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a short Better Alone Than in a Bad Company Essay for Classes 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 in 100, 150, 300 words.

The old proverb: ‘Better alone than in a bad company’ is truly said. It is better to live by oneself than to be in a pack of rogues and cut-throats. The company of thieves and bad characters is to be shunned at all costs. What is the use of that friendship which is harmful to you; which cannot do any good to society. One must be in the company of good friends. One must enjoy the company of good people and good books. If you happen to be in a bad company, your effect on one and all will be absolutely baneful. Bad and bitter trees will only bear gourds and distasteful fruit. A bad apple can rot all good apples. It can finish the whole lot. It is the clear effect of bad company. Most of the young minds fall into bad company. They spoil their future. It is the duty of parents as well as teachers to check them, correct them, and prohibit them from falling prey to bad elements. Young minds are prone to become easy prey. But a cautious and watchful guardian can nip the evil in the bud. He can improve the career of his ward tremendously.

# Paragraph on Better Alone Than in a Bad Company

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Better Be Alone Than In Bad Company Essay In English

Better Be Alone Than In Bad Company Essay In English , Man is essentially a social living creature. It is true that human beings have a great impact on one another. When we get close to each other, we share our feelings, emotions, and thoughts with each other. But at the same time, getting associated with others may affect us negatively. If you have the wrong people in your surroundings, then it impacts your mind and even life negatively. It is a common saying that rather than staying in a bad company, it would be better to live alone.

Bad company is not good for anyone whether it is a kid, a youngster, or an adult. Getting mingle in a bad company is what every youngster must avoid. Of course, the reason is simple and easy to understand.

It is a wise saying that ‘Better alone than in a bad company.’ Staying in a bad company will let you expose to those activities, which are possibly not good, unhealthy, antisocial, unwholesome, illegal, dishonest, or even criminal.

If a person gets engaged in a bad company, its negative effects can last a long time, possibly for a lifetime. In fact, it is better to be called a lone wolf than to be considered a bad person.

better be alone than in bad company essay

Bad Company Essay In English

I personally believe that the personality of a man is shaped by the influence he obtains from his surroundings, which include friends or those people with whom he comes in contact. So, the company a person keeps will decide on largely what he does, how does he think, and where his life will proceed.

In simple words, it can be said that a bad company can eventually ruin his life. Some people are afraid of staying alone, they tend to be the ones who need company the most. But they must take care of whom they meet or get involved.

Anyone can make a wreck of their lives by being associated with the incorrect people. So, if you want to make friends, then you need to be very careful. Avoid making friends or getting engaged with people with a bad character. Of course, it would be better off to be without having any friends than to make friends with a bad character.

The elderly and wise people never get tired of reminding their youngsters that a man is known by the company he is into. He is thought to be a man of good character and valuable ideals, but only if he is getting engaged with courteous, well-behaved, and smart people.

But he develops an object of doubtful character, suspicious looks, and unworthy of the company when he is found with people of loose talks and uncommitted temperament. Bad company is as much contagious and infected as good company.

When you are in a bad company, it spreads like fire. Your thoughts, feelings, and minds may go in the wrong direction when someone with a bad character is influencing you. It does no good to any person. Your life may get ruined when you are in bad company.

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Better Alone Than in Bad Company

We can easily spot bad company. Like, when we see a person having the habit of smoking and drinking, then possibly you can adopt the same thing easily. Of course, drinking alcohol very often is not a good sign for health, but on casual occasions, it may work. But a person should avoid getting addicted to smoking and drinking.

If your friend forces you to do the same thing, then it may not be good company for you. Drugs are another thing, which youngsters are getting addicted to these days. A person with such bad habits may fail to resist his temptations. A friend can influence his other friends as well.

This is why it is important to stop your friends if they are into bad habits. Of course, we can make them good people by helping them to stay away from such bad habits. But we can only try. Sometimes, it is not in our hands to stop these things.

In this case, it would be better for you to avoid such a bad company. It is better to have such types of friends. But, we should not make them our enemies. For that reason, you must stay away from them as much as you can.

It Is Better To Be Alone Than In Bad Company

A bad company will always take you away from self-happiness. If you mingle with friends who damage public property, scratch cars, shop-life or extort money, then you must quit them. There is no need to think much about them, just go away from them.

The reason is that such behavior will lead to more serious crimes. It matters a lot because you may become a victim of the wrong things and the chances are, you may get into unlawful activity. Get out quick before it gets too late. 

Sometimes, young people seek the company of human wolves, robbing sheep’s clothing, lack of right judgment, out of ignorance, and utter foolishness. They tend to take such people according to their face value.

They do not even know anything about their past or present background. After seeing them physically, they just become their friends. But when they wake up, it gets too late. At that time, they realize their foolishness too late.

This is how they come out of the den of evil companions or friends. Not only young people, but even adults can also become a victim of bad company. Adults can go on the wrong path if someone related to them is associated with a bad character or company.

Essay on Bad Company

Bad company is not good for your overall wellbeing, mental, and physical health, as well as character, and personality. This is why it is important to take the advice of your elders, parents, teachers, and guardians when you find something fishy among people who are in your surroundings whether,

It is all about people including your colleagues, friends, or other people. Avoid getting reflected by such rich epithets or become a target of bad characters’ people, who may claim to be your true friends.

This is the better be alone than in bad company essay, from this entire article, we cover information regarding better be alone than in a bad company. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at wikiliv.com

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2 Tim 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."

essay about bad company

Bad company corrupts good character

1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

In first Corinthians, the Apostle Paul addresses a number of issues related to both life and doctrine. Some subjects included divisions and quarrels, sexual immorality, lawsuits among believers, marriage and singleness, freedom in Christ, order in worship, the significance of the Lord’s Supper, and the correct use of spiritual gifts, and a profound teaching on the resurrection.

All these topics emphasise Christian conduct in the local church. The context of our key passage today seems to be in response to false teachers who had come into the church at Corinth teaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ was not true. The Apostle Paul responds to this in 1 Corinthians 15:32 saying “What do I gain if, humanly speaking, I fought with beasts at Ephesus? If the dead are not raised, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”

Paul is teaching us that in associating with false teachers, we will be adversely influenced by them. The truth is that false teachers do not lead to holiness and it is critical we are careful who we build relationships with. This is true especially to those outside the church. Unbelievers can cause even the strongest Christians to waiver in their faith and adversely affect their walk with Christ and their witness to the world. Paul is warning us not to be misled.


So how can you apply this to your life? Firstly, you need to recognise, that the most detrimental deception is “self-deception” even more than your association with bad company. Deception can enter through a corrupt heart and a polluted imagination. On the other hand, bad company also brings deception. The King James Version (KJV) phrases this verse saying “evil communications corrupt good manners”. Evil communications mean associating with evil men.

This evil communication can lead to a corruption of the mind and taint your conduct. You can easily verify this statement by looking at your past experience or even your past life. Can you recollect how many times your conduct and views have been influenced by the example of those who you associated with?

You see, corruption is a gradual change. Silently, but surely, evil communication corrupts good manners. Only a fool thinks they have the ability to resist the influence of evil or bad morals using their own ability. This is usually a tactic of the devil to tempt you. Just like he tempted Jesus in Matthew 4:6 saying ““If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, “‘He will command his angels concerning you,’ and “‘On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’”” Remember that this protection is for those who walk along the paths that the Lord requires them to walk.

The problem with bad company is that:

  • They corrupt the heart
  • Pervert character
  • Destroy reputation
  • Spoil happiness
  • Ruin the soul.

How do you resist the deception of evil communications that surrounds you daily.  Firstly avoid them. I don’t mean avoid them altogether because then you wouldn’t be able to live in this world. 1 Corinthians 5:9-10 “I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.” What this means is not to spend such a time with them that will impact your own moral standards and walk with Christ.

Instead, cultivate the company of the good. Spend time with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Hebrews 10:25 says “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” This will ensure that you are consistently being encouraged and at the same time watchful over your walk with the Lord. As you do this, there is a process of correction if you are not walking properly and encourage one another to be more like Christ every day.

Next, study the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,”. The Bible is helpful to all areas of our Christian walk. It teaches us, corrects us and reproves us. The scripture will help you in every area of your life. This is why we must study the word of God. This is what will be beneficial to us and also in finding the joy promised through our faith in Christ.

Finally, be watchful in prayer. Colossians 4:2 says “Continue steadfastly in prayer, watching therein with thanksgiving;”. When you are not watchful in prayer, you can easily fall into temptation and you can lose sight of the truth. Matthew 26:41 says “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Rather than allowing your physical weakness to take you down in every way, pray! Pray, just like Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane. When he sweat drops of blood, he did not falter but pressed on in earnest prayer to God our Father.

In conclusion, do not allow bad company or bad communication to corrupt you. Know your limits and boundaries. Run from any situation you know is taking you down, far from the behaviours that the Lord requires of you. Instead, continue to have fellowship with the family of God, spend time in reading the word of God and allow it to make you into the person God wants you to be. Finally, be watchful in prayer. Do not allow the flesh to rule instead, know that through prayer you can overcome the weaknesses of your flesh; through the power and work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

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Better Alone Than In Bad Company


Man is basically a social creature. Right from the earliest days of primitive man up until present times, men have lived in company of other people. The tendency of people to live together is called the ‘herd instinct’ and it is encapsulated in the saying ‘no man is an Island.’ Even the primitive hunter-gatherer societies were essentially gregarious. Why this social nature? It is essentially a survival instinct. In the wild conditions in which primitive men existed, it was safer to be in each other’s company than being alone. For instance, wildlife experts say that lions have a greater hunting success rate than the rather more powerful tiger simply because they hunt as a pride rather than as lone individuals which is the case with tigers. So, natural law of survival favours social rather than solo lives. This basic social instinct in man gave rise to all sorts of associations with varying degrees of intimacy. Some of these associations such as the family are based on natural factors such as blood relationships while others like trade associations and friendship with others are based on human invention or borne out of the necessities of human socio-economic development. However, while it is often desirable to be in company of others, it is better to be alone than in a bad company.

Most People hate Loneliness

It has been established by psychologists and social scientists that man’s strong natural instinct for fellowship and even intimacy with other men creates a natural fear or anxiety of loneliness or being alone. Loneliness has been clinically proven to create all sorts of anxiety syndrome and even depression among men. As a natural consequence of this, most people would do whatever they can to avoid loneliness.

Why being Alone is better than being in a Bad Company

The problem with human fellowship or association is that like every other phenomenon, it has its negative side. In other words, there is good and there is bad company. Human beings influence one another through association. This influence could be positive or negative depending on the personalities and character of the individuals involved. The power of this mutual influence is so much that it is life defining in most cases. So many celebrities and successful people today usually point to a certain figure in their life who at one time or the other influenced them towards great achievement. Similarly, many among convicted criminals remembers one or two individuals who influenced them negatively to take the wrong route in life. One could easily become a terrorist, criminal or something worse simply by spending time with the wrong company. Anyone can easily make a wreck of his or her life by associating with the wrong people. When you consider the potential for a bad company to destroy one’s life, you would agree that it is certainly better to be alone than in bad company.

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essay about bad company

Paragraph, Essay and Speech on “Bad company” Paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Bad company

Mixing with bad company is what every youngster should avoid. The reason is simple. In such a company, sooner or later the youngster will be exposed to activities that are possibly unhealthy, unwholesome, antisocial, dishonest, illegal or even criminal. Once exposed, the negative effects can last a long time, perhaps for a lifetime.

The company you keep will determine largely what you do, how you think and where your life will proceed. In other words, keeping bad company will eventually ruin your life.

Bad company is not hard to spot. For example if your friends smoke, then chances are you will catch on. If they take alcohol or drugs, chances are you will be tempted to give them a try. One try leads to another and it will not be long before you are hooked. Alcoholism, lung diseases, AIDS or a miserable life may in store for you. So for your own wellbeing, it is better to avoid such friends. There is no need to make enemies of them. Just avoid them.

If you mix around with friends who vandalize public property, shop-life, scratch cars or extort money, then it is time to call it quits with them. Such behavior will lead to more serious offences and it is a matter of time when you are on the wrong side of the law. Get out quick before it it too late.

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Short Story ”Bad Company” Complete Story for Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Bad Company

Once a boy fell into a bad company. He acquired many bad habits. It pained his father. His father tried his best to set him right but to no avail. One day, the father thought a good plan to mend his son. He went to the fruit market and brought some fresh apples and a rotten one. He came home and said to his son,  “put these apples in the almirah.” The boy did so.

After few days the father asked his son to bring the basket of apples. The son was surprised to find that all the apples had gone rotten. The father said, “one rotten apple has spoiled all the good ones. Bad friends are like bad apples. They will spoil you.” The son listened to the advice  and gave up the bad company.

Moral: better alone than in a bad company. Or avoid bad company.

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English moral story “the effect of bad company” for kids, full length educational story for students of class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10., the effect of bad company.

There was a Seth in a city, Seth had a son, Seth’s son’s friendship was with some boys who had bad habit, lived in bad company, Seth did not like all this, Seth could explain to his son Seth did not succeed at much, but whenever Seth quotes him to explain, the son says that he does not accept his wrong habits, sadly, Seth wanted to teach his son a lesson, one day from Seth market S He brought a buy and bought a saver with him, came home, Seth kept his boy alive and said, keep him in the cupboard, he will eat tomorrow, when the son starts to save, see a saava straw and talk to Seth This service has been burnt, Seth said, “No matter tomorrow, you will see tomorrow; Second day Seth asked his son to get out of service, when Seth’s son came out when half of the saiva was rotten, Seth’s boys said, This one save the other Seth also said, then it is the effect of all the accompaniment, the son, in the same way, the right person who falls in wrong way also starts doing wrong, abandoning wrong associate, son came to understand and he promised Now that he will not go into wrongful compatibility, he will remain in our company only, so that man should never fall into bad company.

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Bad Environment in Work Essay

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According to Dessler, 2000 for each and every organization, diversity has been an issue of concern thanks to the concept of globalization. They will at all time have diverse workforce in terms of age, sex, religion, ability, disability, race, ethnic groups, color, nationality and even sex orientation.

Various organizations although opt to be in line with Equal Employment Opportunity Committee regulations, fail to handle in the most sober way its diverse workforce (Dessler, 2000). Wal-Mart is one such organization. It is one of the most recognized chains of stores across the globe dealing with a myriad of goods and services. The issue of concern addressed in this paper is with regards to pregnancy discrimination of an employee.

Discrimination has been thought as the act of unfairly treating or unequal treatment of persons based on their religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation, age, academic level, marital status and pregnancy. From this definition, pregnancy discrimination is thus a situation where a woman is unfairly treated on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions.

In this case, a branch of the multi-billion chain of stores recently hired a quality analyst who was to travel at least three times a month. However after three months into the job, her immediate boss realized that she was pregnant. Upon inquiry he established that the employee in question was 6 months pregnant.

Things got worse when the supervisor concluded that she can no longer make the desired trips and recommended that she be sacked since she was informed during the interview that her duties will entail substantial travelling. However before this stage, the two had very rough time in the office.

The employee was of the view that she was being undermined and treated unfairly due to her condition. On the other hand, the supervisor believed that having such an employee is a waste of resources and time since she cannot carry her duties as expected.

Ultimately, the lady was sacked and her position taken by a male employee. Things took another turn when the sacked employee sued Wal-Mart for discrimination.

One major problem that this brought to the company was a tarnished name. Other workers especially women began wondering as well as feeling insecure about their jobs. Additionally, the general public as well as other relevant stakeholders were amazed and started seeing the organization in a bad way.

It is worth to have in mind that the victims of pregnancy discrimination are entitled to a number of remedies including “back pay, hiring, front pay, punitive damages, reinstatement, promotion, attorney’s fees, court costs, expert witness fees, compensatory damage” (Shellenbarger, 2000) to mention but a few. All these were paid upon a court order obtained by the employee.

The PDA act passed in 1978 by senate clearly states that pregnancy at certain critical stage opt to be treated as a disability case and for that matter the affected individual will be protected by the same laws governing disabled people. However it is clear that at no time should the employer either stop an employee from working provided the later is capable of successfully and effectively accomplish her tasks, duties and responsibilities.

Similarly the law spells out that a pregnant employee should not be made to work in another area where she is not comfortable for instance being forced out of a place such as customer service to save the company from ‘shame’ associated with the employee pregnancy.

Statistics reveal that discrimination in terms of pregnant employees has increased by about 75% in 38 States in the United States of America. Additionally it was not of importance whether a woman is employed in a female dominated work environment or male dominated work environment as this made no differences in the filling of pregnancy discrimination cases (Lindemann, 2003).

The EEOC has established that the trend of pregnancy discrimination is overtaking other kinds of discrimination in the work place.

The department of labor in the United States established that women made up close to 47% of the total U.S labor force in 2008 and they projected the proportion to rise to about 50% by 2016. In 2006 alone the EEOC addressed 6,196 cases of pregnancy discrimination with claims and compensation totaling $17.0 million (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006).

It has also been established that there is no single cause of discrimination in terms of pregnancy. However, scholars have pointed out that “age-old stereotypes about gender combined with increasing numbers of women in the workforce are key reasons for rising numbers” (Shellenbarger, 2000).

It will be rational to bring out clearly rules of the game when dealing with pregnant employees. It is worth to remember always that at no time should an employer;

  • Decline to hire, promote or fire a pregnant employee as a result of prejudice caused by co-workers, clients or customers
  • At no time should an employer ask illegal questions when interviewing a pregnant applicant that they would otherwise not ask an applicant who is not pregnant
  • At not time should the employer demand an employee to give a pregnancy notice unless the same serve a legitimate business purpose
  • Employers should not forbid a pregnant employee from carrying out her duties if she is willing and physically able to execute her duties
  • Employers are obliged to offer same level of health benefits for spouses of male employees as they do for spouses of female spouses
  • Employers are also obliged to reimburse costs related to pregnancy
  • Employers opt to hold open a job for a pregnant related absence for the same period of time as in situation where the absence is due to sickness or disability leave.

In situations where a pregnant woman has been unjustly treated and in the worst case losses her job as a result of pregnant related issue they suffer serious consequences later in life if they fail to secure another job. This is because their financial security is jeopardized for the rest of their live.

It has been shown that women who have lost their jobs or unfairly treated due to them being pregnant are less likely to return to work after giving birth. In case they are to be reinstated their earnings are usually decreased which translates to lower pension earning during retiring period. The law is only applicable in situation where the organization has 15 or more employees (Friedman & Strickler, 1997).

Dessler, G. (2000). Human resource management. New York: Prentice Hall.

Friedman, J. & Strickler, J. (1997). The law of employment discrimination. New York: Foundation Press.

Lindemann, B. (2003). American discrimination in employment law . Oxford University: OUP.

Shellenbarger, S. (2000). Pregnant employees worry about effects of workplace Stress. Wall Street Journal , 2(1): 2-45

U.S. Department of Justice, (2006). Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Pregnancy Discrimination Charges: EEOC & FEPAs Combined FY 1992–FY 2005.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2019, May 12). Bad Environment in Work. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bad-environment-in-work-essay/

"Bad Environment in Work." IvyPanda , 12 May 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/bad-environment-in-work-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Bad Environment in Work'. 12 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Bad Environment in Work." May 12, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bad-environment-in-work-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "Bad Environment in Work." May 12, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bad-environment-in-work-essay/.


IvyPanda . "Bad Environment in Work." May 12, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bad-environment-in-work-essay/.

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