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Great Leaders Are Made, Not Born

  • Marshall Goldsmith

Are leaders born or made? This is one of the most frequently asked questions in all leadership development. To begin with, let’s start with a definition of “leader.” My friend and mentor, Dr. Paul Hersey, defines leadership as “working with and through others to achieve objectives.” Given this definition, anyone in a position whose achievement […]

Are leaders born or made?

are leaders born or made short essay

  • MG Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as one of the world’s leading executive educators and coaches. Dr. Goldsmith’s 30 books include What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and MOJO .

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Leaders Are Born, Not Made Essay

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The trait theory

Traits do matter, is leadership necessary.

Leadership is among the most sought-after traits today. Increased competitiveness in political, social, and economic sectors has raised the need to have capable persons to lead others. Leadership can generally be defined as creating a way for a group of people to achieve something extraordinary (Kouzes & Posner, 2007). The main question, however, is whether leaders are born or made. Choosing any of the two options would bring obvious disagreements and contention from the society; on one hand, if leaders can only be born, then the world can only have a certain number of leaders at any one time, limited by the occurrence of leadership traits. On the other hand, if leaders are made, then in the proper environment, anybody can become a leader; and thus everyone has leadership potential within him/herself.

The debate regarding the origin of a leader has been long and controversial. The idea that great men are born is not new. This was a very popular opinion in the 19 th and early 20 th centuries. In that era, bloodlines were very important; and the consensus was that certain families, usually from the upper class tended to produce leaders for various sectors ranging from political and business, to religious and academic (Kirkpatrick & Locke, 1991; Spillane et al, 2006). This line of thinking is the predecessor of the trait theory, the first academic theory on leadership.

This theory suggests that persons with certain traits tend to become leaders, based on their personality or psychological conformation. As such, key traits are identified as being key in allowing someone to ascend to a position of leadership; these include drive (a broadly meaning achievement, motivation, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative), leadership motivation (the desire to lead but not to seek power as an end in itself), honesty, integrity, self-confidence (which is associated with emotional stability), cognitive ability, and knowledge of the business. Other traits such as charisma, creativity, and flexibility were identified as being supported by little empirical evidence (Kirkpatrick & Locke, 1991).

The trait theory has moved away from the idea that great men (and women) generally tend to come from certain families. Indeed, leaders have been shown to emerge from the lowest of the social classes and go-ahead to change their situation and that of the world at the same time. As such, it would be safe only to assume that leadership traits are not hereditary; and the possessing of certain genes does not automatically confer leadership qualities to an individual. However, the general principle remains the same; that traits do matter.

It would be fallacious to suggest that people with a specific set of traits automatically become leaders; indeed, something else had to be added to these traits to transform a follower into a leader. Indeed, different traits are useful in different contexts of leadership. As such, a military leader may not perform as well in a corporate setup; and vise versa. As such, a person carrying the trait would have to make deliberate and specific actions towards achieving what s/he desires for him/herself and the groups s/he is in; such include setting goals and having a vision.

It is, however, prudent to acknowledge that given the same kind of situation and the same amount of resources, different people achieve different things. On one hand, some exhibit relative or complete failure while others excel even with limited resources. As such, it is safe to assume that leadership requires a trait prerequisite mindset or behavior pattern; but is not entirely dependent on it. For example, in the face of imminent failure, different people would react differently; some would tend to give up and retreat while others may decide to forge ahead and handle the fallout when the situation is over. The decision to give up would be determined by the person’s tenacity or determination; such are the traits that would designate a person as a leader (Vroom & Sternberg, 2002).

It therefore would be fairly difficult to ‘make’ a leader; since traits or personalities cannot be trained. In a social setup, people generally tend to sort themselves out into leaders and followers once a situation that requires this sorting arises. Indeed, as certain traits would predispose one to take a leadership role, there are those which would relegate another to be a follower (Dasborough, 2006).

Many are instances in world history where strong and charismatic leaders have led people down the wrong path; either into war, mass murder, or financial ruin. The concept of leadership has been attacked as belittling the ability of man as a thinking being to make individual decisions; and abrogating (his) responsibility to make intelligent decisions. By delineating a special class of people for possessing traits that allow them to grow into leaders, a man may be very well giving up (his) role as the intelligent being on the planet; and depend on social structures of leader-follower characteristic of species lower than (him).

Dasborough M.T. 2006. Cognitive asymmetry in employee emotional reactions to leadership behaviors. The Leadership Quarterly 17(2): 163-178.

Kirkpatrick S.A. and Locke E.A. 1991. Leadership: Do traits matter ? Academy of Management Executive 5 (2).

Kouzes, J., and Posner, B. 2007. The Leadership Challenge . CA: Jossey Bass.

Spillane, James P., Halverson R., Diamond, J. B. 2004. Towards a theory of leadership practice. Journal of Curriculum Studies 36 (1): 3-34.

Vroom V. and Sternberg R. J. 2002. Theoretical Letters: The person versus the situation in leadership. The Leadership Quarterly 13: 301-323.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 7). Leaders Are Born, Not Made.

"Leaders Are Born, Not Made." IvyPanda , 7 Nov. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Leaders Are Born, Not Made'. 7 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Leaders Are Born, Not Made." November 7, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Leaders Are Born, Not Made." November 7, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Leaders Are Born, Not Made." November 7, 2021.

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What Is the Great Man Theory of Leadership?

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

are leaders born or made short essay

Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and international bestselling author. Her books, including "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," have been translated into more than 40 languages. Her TEDx talk,  "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most viewed talks of all time.

are leaders born or made short essay

  • Contemporary Views

The great man theory of leadership suggests that some individuals are born with characteristics that naturally make them skilled leaders. According to this view, leaders are born, not made. It also suggests that leaders assume authority when their leadership traits are needed.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Great leaders are born, not made"? This quote sums up the basic tenet of the great man theory of leadership, which suggests that leadership capacity is innate. According to this theory, you're either a natural-born leader or not.

The term "great man" was used because, at the time, ​ leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership.

Origins of the Great Man Theory of Leadership

The great man theory of leadership became popular during the 19th century. The mythology behind some of the world's most famous leaders, such as Abraham Lincoln, Julius Caesar, Mahatma Gandhi, and Alexander the Great, helped contribute to the notion that great leaders are born and not made.

Carlyle's Views on Leadership

In many examples, it seems as if the right man for the job seems to emerge almost magically to take control of a situation and lead a group of people into safety or success. Historian Thomas Carlyle also had a major influence on this theory of leadership. He stated, "The history of the world is but the biography of great men."

According to Carlyle, effective leaders are those gifted with divine inspiration and the right characteristics.

Early Leadership Reasearch

Some of the earliest research on leadership looked at people who were already successful leaders. These individuals often included aristocratic rulers who achieved their position through birthright. Because people of a lesser social status had fewer opportunities to practice and achieve leadership roles, it contributed to the idea that leadership is an inherent ability.

Even today, people often describe prominent leaders as having the right qualities or personality for the position. This implies that inherent characteristics are what make these people effective leaders.

Nature vs. Nurture

The great man theory of leadership is an example of using 'nature' to explain human behavior. The nature vs. nurture debate in psychology suggests that some skills are innate while others are acquired through learning and experience. In this case, great man theory suggests that nature plays the dominant role in leadership ability.

Examples of the Great Man Theory of Leadership

Some examples of famous historical figures who are often cited as examples of "great men" include:

  • Abraham Lincoln : The 16th president of the United States shepherded the Union through the Civil War and signed the Emancipation Proclamation. His leadership through this tumultuous period is often seen as an example of how great leaders seem to be born with specific skills that make them destined to lead.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr .: The civil rights leader was influential in the fight for civil rights during the 1960s. His leadership characteristics, including his persuasive abilities and charisma, are often cited as examples of how innate traits contribute to leadership ability.
  • Mahatma Gandhi : The spiritual and political leader who led the successful movement for India's independence from British rule advocated non-violent resistance. His resilience, wisdom, and vision made him an inspiration in the fight for freedom in India and across the globe.

Other leaders often used as examples of the great man theory of leadership include George Washington, Winston Churchill, and Nelson Mandela. Carlyle cited other figures in his book "Heroes and Hero-Worship," including Odin, Muhammad, William Shakespeare, Martin Luther, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Napoleon Bonaparte.  

Criticisms of the Great Man Theory of Leadership

The great man theory of leadership has been the subject of considerable debate and criticism. The following are some of the major critiques of this approach to explaining leadership.

Herbert Spencer's Response

Sociologist Herbert Spencer suggested that the leaders were products of the society in which they lived. In "The Study of Sociology," Spencer wrote:

"You must admit that the genesis of a great man depends on the long series of complex influences which has produced the race in which he appears, and the social state into which that race has slowly grown…Before he can remake his society, his society must make him."

Incomplete Account of Leadership

One of the critical problems with the Great Man theory of leadership is that not all people who possess the so-called natural leadership qualities become great leaders. If leadership were simply an inborn quality, all people who possess the ​ necessary traits would eventually find themselves in leadership roles.

Ignores Situational Factors

Research has instead found that leadership is a surprisingly complex subject and numerous factors influence how successful a particular leader may or may not be. Characteristics of the group, the leader in power, and the situation all interact to determine what type of leadership is needed and the effectiveness of this leadership.

Neglects Skill Development

The great man theory of leadership also fails to explain how leadership skills can be developed. It oversimplifies leadership and focuses on a very narrow set of skills that may not be effective or appropriate in every context or situation. Modern views emphasize that leadership abilities can be learned and honed with practice.

The psychologist William James defended Carlyle's ideas, suggesting that it is the innate characteristics of individuals that then shape their environments. The theory was critiqued by others in literary form, including in Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace." 

Contemporary Views of the Great Man Theory

The great man theory was an influential early theory of leadership, but it has fallen out of favor in modern leadership research. Contemporary ideas take a more nuanced and complex view of the many factors that influence leadership, including the characteristics of group members and the role of the situation .

While the great man theory has been largely replaced by other ideas, elements of it are still relevant today. The theory does not fully explain or account for the many aspects of leadership, but the existence of specific traits that contribute to great leadership is still of interest to contemporary researchers.

Today, experts recognize that leadership is complex and that innate traits alone do not account for how and why some leaders are successful.

Halaychik CS. Leadership theories . In: Lessons in Library Leadership . Elsevier; 2016:1-56. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-100565-1.00001-7

Spector BA. Carlyle, Freud, and the Great Man Theory more fully considered .  Leadership . 2015;12(2):250-260. doi:10.1177/1742715015571392.

Carlyle T. On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History. Fredrick A. Stokes & Brother, 1988.

Spencer, H. The Study of Sociology . Appleton, 1874.​

Yukl G. Effective leadership behavior: What we know and what questions need more attention .  Acad Manag Perspect . 2012;26(4):66-85. doi:10.5465/amp.2012.0088.

James W. Great men, great thoughts, and the environment . The Atlantic .

Kets de Vries M, Cheak-Baillargeon A. Leadership in organizations, sociology of . In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences . Elsevier; 2015:664-669. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.73080-7

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Born Leader: Leaders Are Born And Not Made

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are leaders born or made

Are Leaders Born or Made?

“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.” These immortal words come from Hall of Fame football coach Vince Lombardi. In this quote, the belief that true leadership comes through experience, determination, and passion surfaces. Others will contend, however, that many leaders are born with leadership characteristics. These “natural-born leaders,” as they’re sometimes called, rise to the occasion because that’s just who they are.

What Does Science Say About It?

Leadership traits and how to develop them, 1. accepting responsibility, how to accept responsibility, 2. constant learning.

Some of the world’s most prominent business leaders have a reputation for wanting to learn all the time.  Jan Koum , the co-founder and former CEO of WhatsApp, lived in extreme poverty in Ukraine before moving to the U.S. where he faced even more difficulties. However, his desire to learn never faded. After only two years in the United States, Koum taught himself computer programming. He even joined a hacking group so he could learn all about cybersecurity, scalability, and networking. All of this hands-on learning would eventually pay off, and today, Koum has a net worth of almost $10 billion.

How to Keep Learning

3. motivating to action, how to motivate others, 4. adapting to changes.

No matter the industry, change always happens. Effective leaders can adapt to those changes. They see change as an opportunity to grow and learn. They never take the more pessimistic route and think of change as bad. If anything, they view it all as a challenge to overcome and help other people see it that way, as well.

How to Adapt

5. showing empathy.

Most people tend to think of great leaders as excellent public speakers and outgoing personalities. While it’s true charisma plays a role in developing followers, that doesn’t mean only extroverts make great leaders. Introverts can be leaders too because much of leadership boils down to how much  emotional intelligence a person has.

How to Show Empathy

Leadership demands work.

While some may still argue that natural-born leaders exist, effective leadership still requires work. This indicates that leadership development is something you must do to gain the skills needed for your position. Thinking that true leadership comes from those born with it means only a select few would technically be ready to lead. As Warren G. Bennis notes, “The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born—that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.”

Center for Creative Leadership

  • Published May 30, 2020
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Are Leaders Born or Made?

Are Leaders Born or Made: Perspectives from the Executive Suite

Perspectives From the Executive Suite

Do you think a leader should be a hero or a negotiator? Out in front leading people or behind the scenes, coordinating the work of the group? Are people destined to become leaders, or can leadership skills be developed? Are leaders born or made?

The way we think about leadership affects how we perceive the leaders around us. For instance, if we expect a leader to be a hero, we are likely to see someone who takes charge to save the day as having the  characteristics of a good leader , and someone who asks everyone’s opinions and lets the group make decisions as weak.

Alternatively, if we think a leader should be collaborative and focused on making sure decisions arise from the group, we would view someone who’s directive as aggressive or a tyrant.

In the same way, our beliefs about how people become leaders affect how we evaluate people’s leadership potential. Believing people are born leaders is likely to result in a focus more on selection (identifying the right people) rather than on development (developing the people you have).

On the other hand, believing that people are made into leaders by their experiences would be more likely to result in a greater focus on making sure people had the right opportunities to develop into leaders.

The Impact of Genes on Leadership

For scientists, one key challenge to answering the question “Are leaders born or made?” is that each individual’s growth trajectory is influenced by many factors.  The Minnesota twin studies  have been designed to tackle this challenge.

By comparing identical twins (who share 100% of their genes) and fraternal twins (who share 50% of their genes, on average), researchers reported that genetic factors explained about 30% of individual differences in whether people hold leadership positions in the workplace. However, it’s worth noting that environmental factors, especially work experiences, are substantially important in determining leadership.

Further studies have been conducted to identify specific DNA markers that may be involved in genetic influences on leadership.  One study  examined how a dopamine transporter gene, DAT1, was involved in genetic influences on leadership role occupancy. Researchers found that on one hand, individuals with this gene were more likely to demonstrate moderate rule-breaking behaviors, which is important for becoming a leader.

(Think about some successful business leaders of the century — Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Jack Welch — they started demonstrating “rule-breaking” behaviors in their early ages, and later on, they dared to transform the rules and became leaders of the industry.)

On the other hand, this gene was also associated with a lack of planning, self-control, and perseverance, which are also important leadership competencies. The findings suggest that whether individuals with this gene become leaders or not depends on other factors such as the environment. For instance, if families and organizations provide safe environments to encourage individuals’ innovative behaviors while also encouraging self-regulation, the overall influences of the gene might become positive, and individuals are likely to take up leadership positions.

So, what is the implication of these scientific findings?

Scientific research confirms that it’s the joint influences of both nature and nurture that play important roles. In fact, the data showed that environmental factors weigh heavier in influencing individuals’ leadership journeys.

The implication for most of us is that leadership can be practiced and learned.

Parents, trainers, organizations, and educators should create a learning environment where developmental opportunities are provided to allow individuals to grow as leaders  and fully realize their leadership potential.

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Do Leaders at Your Organization Believe That Leaders Are Born or Made?

Understanding whether people in your organization think leaders are born or made is critical because these attitudes play out in recruiting, promotion, and development decisions.

Will your organization spend resources on finding people believed to be born leaders, or on developing people into becoming leaders? Will executives emphasize the selection of talent and only invest in those who they believe have leadership potential? Or will they see value in developing the leadership skills of a broad group of people?

The stance of senior executives on the question of whether leaders are born or made may influence the entire culture of your organization and the way leaders are developed.

For instance, if your CEO or executive team believes leaders are more born, they may focus more on selection. Organizational development may tend to have early identification programs for high potentials, in combination with on-the-job stretch assignments to develop certain leaders.

On the other hand, if your CEO or executive team believes that leaders are more made, a broad-based leadership development strategy may be well received, and expected, by leaders up and down the organization.

Top leaders set the tone for the development of others within their organization, so understanding their views can inform talent identification and development strategies.

Our Research Explores the Question: Are Leaders Born or Made?

We  conducted research  on this question, asking 361 C-level executives “Are leaders born or made?”

We found that their views were decidedly mixed:

  • 19% believed that leaders are more born,
  • 52% believed they are more made, and
  • 29% believed that leaders are about equally born and made.

Are Leaders Born or Made? Perspectives From Executives

This distribution suggests that executives don’t really agree on whether leaders are born or made. And neither do leadership scholars — the selection vs. development debate is strong, as arguments for both sides continue to emerge.

We also found that “Born Believers” and “Made Believers” may think a little differently about what creates a leader.

Born Believers place substantially more importance on leader traits than do Made Believers and believe that traits are slightly more important than are experiences.

In contrast, Made Believers believe that experiences are substantially more important than are leader traits (though both agree that experience is important).

Are Leaders Born or Made? Which is Most Important in Creating a Leader: Traits, Experiences, or Training?

Development Is Important, Regardless of Whether Leaders Are Born or Made

Our results indicate that there is little difference in how Borns and Mades at the tops of organizations feel about the availability of learning opportunities within their organizations.

Specifically, 82% of Borns and 89% of Mades believe that their organizations value employee learning and development opportunities. Additionally, 84% of Borns and 82% of Mades believe that learning and developmental resources are available to them in their organizations.

Apparently, even when top executives believe that leaders are more born than they are made, they also believe that learning from experience is important for development . The difference is focus .

Borns are likely to think that organizations should be very selective in who gets developmental opportunities, offering them only to those the leaders believe are most likely to benefit from them.

Improving the Leadership Pipeline

Regardless of how you answer the question “Are leaders born or made?”  you can continue to improve your organization’s leadership bench strength by providing your team with access to varied developmental experiences.

When you make sure that your people have adequate access to developmental experiences, coaching, mentoring, training, and other leadership experiences, they have the opportunity to learn and become better leaders. Whether these experiences draw out and boost natural abilities or create new leadership skills may be debated — but either way, the organization benefits.

Organizations can also benefit in other ways when they provide more general support for development. Access to development has been shown to increase employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance. Conversely, the absence of support and development opportunities makes employees want to leave .

In conclusion, as long as there are leaders, people are going to wonder — are leaders born or made?

But overwhelmingly, our research found, executives agree that people become leaders, in large part, as a result of experiences that help them learn how to lead.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Whether leaders are born or made, your organization will want to offer talent development to your people. We’d love to partner with you to craft impactful, individualized leadership development for your leaders at all levels.

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Based on Research by

Bill Gentry

Bill’s research at CCL focused on examining what leaders, particularly first-time managers, can do to be successful in their work and life, and to avoid derailment. He’s the author of Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For: A Guide for New Leaders and co-author of the guidebook Developing Political Savvy .

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Essays About Leadership: 5 Essays And 10 Simple Prompts 

If you’re writing essays about leadership , this article will help you realize what it’s all about and find helpful examples and writing prompts .

Behind the most successful groups and organizations is an excellent leader. We can see this in politics, big corporations, and even one-day events such as weddings or graduations. Someone needs to be in charge to shepherd the others in reaching objectives. And that someone should have the qualities of an effective leader. 

Before writing about the skills and qualities of a great leader, you need to read about what makes them one. Below are 5 examples you have to see to accumulate knowledge about leadership to better relay your thoughts on your essay paper.


1. Long Essay on Leadership by Prasanna

2. meaning, nature, and importance of leadership by smriti chand, 3. strength and weakness of leadership and leadership in management by harshita pandey, 4. effective leadership by tanuja a, 5. short essay on mahatma gandhi and his leadership by sarathi, top 10 writing prompts on essays about leadership, 1. your definition of leadership, 2. your great leader, 3. are leaders born or made, 4. the qualities of a good leader, 5. power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, 6. leadership in different situations, 7. influence of a leader, 8. gender differences in leadership, 9. leaders are good listeners, 10. challenges faced in leadership.

“A leader is simply not someone who will please everyone on his way. A leader is someone who has the courage and intent of mind to take tough decisions.”

Prasanna discusses how leaders are put in their positions to achieve goals, not to please their followers. The author digs into how functional leaders can also be unloved by the people they lead.  Some good qualities of a leader are also mentioned, such as confidence, integrity, being inspirational, and having clear goals.

“The leader is at the centre of group’s power structure, keeps the group together, infuses life into it, moves it towards its goals, and maintains its momentum.”

Chand explains the importance of leadership and what a leader should be. This essay relays how the power and influence of a leader depend on the group’s size. The writer also describes the roles of leaders and followers. They need to work together to reach their goals. 

“It is not impossible for anyone to become an efficient leader if he or she has the strong willpower and desire to be one.”

Pandey believes that working and winning as a team is good leadership . She also discusses how different leadership is practiced in politics, school, organization, and in managing a business. Finally, Pandey’s essay lists the strengths that should be developed and weaknesses that a leader should improve and turn into other strengths.

“If subordinates carry out instructions because of legitimate reward or coercive power of leaders, they would treat them as successful but not effective leaders.”

This essay considers that successful and effective leaders aren’t always the same. They differ in power, goals, influence, and actions towards their subordinates. The author also lists and describes the factors contributing to effective leadership , such as suitable leadership styles for each group and expectations from both sides.

“The new leader made good one of the basic weaknesses of the previous leadership … He had moreover, a basic sympathy for and understanding of the problems.”

This essay by Sarathi shows how Gandhi used his beliefs and knowledge and turned the previous leader’s weaknesses into strengths to free his country from the British. With his outstanding leadership skills, he united all Indian people.

After reading the essay examples above, you’re now ready to write your paper about leadership . If you don’t know where to begin, below are 10 prompts you can use.

If you want to make sure you have a high-quality, grammar-free essay, try these 20 best grammar checker tools .

Essays about effective leadership prompts: What does effective leadership look like in the corporate industry?

Go with the basics and define leadership based on what you learned or experienced. This prompt covers a lot, so you can write down characteristics, habits, importance, and leadership styles and give examples. Use this prompt to expand your reader’s understanding of leadership .

Have you met or known people with spectacular leadership ? It can be a historical figure, politician, artist, family member, or others. You should write this topic according to your personal experience, description, and opinion. Explain why you think they are great leaders and share how they have inspired you to be a good leader.

One of the popular discussions about leadership is whether a person is born or designed to be a great leader. You can use this prompt to share your beliefs or findings on the topic. Just make sure that your arguments have a sufficient and reliable basis to avoid misinformation that can affect the quality of your essay.

Leaders possess many traits that you can’t possibly pinpoint all of them in your essay. Thus, you can share certain qualities that you believe make up a great leader. Since this is a standard prompt, you can make yours stand out by picking unexpected qualities such as Openness About Their Weaknesses and the Ability to Doubt Themselves.

Leaders have good and bad characteristics. One way to illustrate these qualities is to use proverbs. Use this prompt to explain the harmful effect of power on leadership . You can give an example where the leader becomes too powerful to the point that they become corrupt or a situation where a leader is unaware that they’re already abusing their power. 

A true leader will come out in fire, floods, accidents, or bullying situations. Write about what you would do in cases like this to help others. If you are a member or leader of an organization, consider adding a few personal experiences that show how good leadership enables you to reach your goals in different situations.

A leader influences others. However, many music artists, celebrities, and politicians significantly influence the public nowadays. Are they considered leaders even if they are not suitable or do things that can cause harm to their followers? Write an essay about what you think of this case and incorporate comments about what authentic leadership looks like.

Many studies show that women are better leaders than men , but how accurate are these results? You can use this prompt to support or challenge the scientific findings related to leadership and gender and expand on how these affect leadership in different aspects of life, such as at home or the office. You can also add what qualities a female leader has that men don’t and vice versa.

Active listening skills are vital to ensure a thriving workplace, group, organization, or nation. To have teamwork and be united in reaching a goal, members and leaders should listen to each other. Use this prompt to show the positive and negative effects of a leader who will or will not listen to other people, and add your personal view.

Many challenges in leadership test a person’s character and success. For example, a decision had a bad result and negative feedback. If you were the leader in this situation, what would you do? Will you wallow in despair and give up your position as a leader, or would you learn from your mistake, check what went wrong, and plan your next steps?

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Are Leaders Born or Made

  • Category: Business
  • Topic: Effective Leadership , Leadership , Leadership and Management

Pages: 2 (897 words)

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