why alcohol should be illegal essay

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5 Reasons Why Alcohol Should Be Illegal Or Banned

  • 1. Addictive
  • 2. Harmful To Health
  • 3. Compromises Judgement
  • 4. Gateway Drug
  • 5. Doesn't Solve Anything
  • Treatment For Alcohol Abuse

5 Reasons Why Alcohol Should Be Illegal

From 1920 to 1933, the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages was illegal in the United States. 

The Prohibition movement ended in failure, and today there are a range of economic, social, and cultural reasons why alcohol remains available for adult purchase and consumption.

But, just because alcohol is legal, highly accessible, and celebrated does not mean that it cannot be harmful.

Here are five arguments that can be made for why alcohol should still be illegal in the United States.

1. Alcohol Is Addictive

Alcohol is a drug. It’s a central nervous system depressant with psychoactive properties, and it is addictive.

How addictive alcohol is depends on the individual, their genetics and upbringing, and other social and environmental factors. 

But, according to a 2015 study funded by the National Institutes of Health, 29.1% of Americans will meet the criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder at some point in their lives, and 13.9% met the criteria in the previous year.

Heavy drinkers may develop physical dependence, leading to potentially severe or even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if you stop drinking all at once. These symptoms can include tremors, blood pressure changes, trouble sleeping, hallucinations, and seizures.

And for those who do stop, maintaining sobriety is often a lifelong struggle.

2. Alcohol Abuse Is Harmful To Your Health

Alcohol overdose ( alcohol poisoning ) can be fatal. If too much alcohol is absorbed from the digestive system into the bloodstream following binge drinking , heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature can fall to dangerous levels, causing brain damage and organ failure.

But, this isn’t the only way that alcohol causes harm.

Long-term, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health issues including high blood pressure , heart disease , liver disease , cancer , dementia , depression, and anxiety.

Alcohol also has devastating negative effects when consumed by pregnant mothers. Even drinking only a moderate amount of alcohol can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome or a greatly increased risk of miscarriage or serious developmental issues.  

3. Use Of Alcohol Compromises Judgement

Many of us have stories of the adventures and mistakes we’ve made under the influence of alcohol. But too often, given its ability to suppress one’s inhibitions, the over-consumption of alcohol ends in stark tragedy.

In particular, binge drinking is commonly associated with cases of:

  • drunk driving and car accidents
  • domestic violence
  • financial imprudence
  • violent crime
  • other severe accidents

And in the long term, heavy drinking can erode your relationships with family members, deaden your ability to feel pleasure from natural sources, and steal your motivation to study, work, and prosper.

4. Alcohol Is A Gateway Drug

A gateway substance is one that leads to the abuse of harder/more harmful drugs.

According to a 2012 investigation, alcohol, not tobacco or marijuana, is the primary gateway drug leading to other substances and illegal drug use among underage Americans.

And, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health, 55.3% of high school seniors (all under legal drinking age) have used alcohol in the past year.

This figure is especially concerning because, as with cannabis, alcohol use is known to have harmful developmental effects on children and teenagers, negatively impacting problem solving and memory. 

5. Alcohol Does Not Solve The Real Issues In Your Life

Many who drink alcohol do so as an escape, to mask negative feelings of stress, depression, or anxiety with intoxication and artificial feelings of well-being.

But abusing alcohol only makes these issues worse in the long run. 

As alcohol use and dependence escalate, they can lead to a spiral of increasingly negative feelings and compulsive substance abuse with no easy way out. This may continue until you’re drinking alcohol because you feel like you have to, not because you want to.

Treatment For Alcohol Use Disorder

If you struggle with problematic drinking, help is available.  

Substance abuse treatment centers host programs that can help you:

  • safely detox and manage alcohol withdrawal symptoms
  • address co-occurring mental health disorders including anxiety and depression
  • develop stress-management and coping mechanisms to help maintain your sobriety
  • consider why you’ve had difficulties with drinking in the past and make helpful changes to those feelings and thought processes
  • connect with others also working through the rehabilitation process, for mutual support and encouragement

For more information regarding inpatient or outpatient alcohol use disorder treatment programs , including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) , please contact us today.

Written by Ark Behavioral Health Editorial Team

©2024 ark national holdings, llc. | all rights reserved., this page does not provide medical advice..

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Alcohol Use and Your Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - NIH study finds alcohol use disorder on the increase National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - What are symptoms of alcohol use disorder? PubMed - Alcohol as a gateway drug: a study of US 12th graders PubMed - Harmful Alcohol Use

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I n 2012, approximately 3.3 million deaths across the globe were linked to alcohol consumption (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2015). In the same year, 5.1 percent of all diseases and injury emanated from alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is a widely accepted practice; various governments have enacted laws legalizing the use of alcohol. There is a deep and painful truth behind the use of alcohol, though, and the world is yet to accept this fact. Alcohol is dangerous; that is indubitable. Statistics prove the danger of alcohol beyond questionable doubt. Alcohol is addictive, just like many other drugs. When used in a continuous fashion, alcohol can lead to addiction. Alcoholism is a term describing alcohol dependence. Alcoholism is a dangerous condition and can lead to significant disruptions to an individual’s life. Studies show clear facts of why alcohol should be illegal.  Alcohol use and abuse does not only have a negative impact in the consumer’s life, but in society as well, it causes health issues, and  it also can be linked to cause cancer.

Across the world, alcohol ranks fifth among top risk factors leading to disability and premature death; it is the top ranking risk factor for people aged 15 to 49 years (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2015). True, the danger of alcohol cannot be overstated. Youths who consume alcohol are 50 times more likely to use cocaine and 7.5 more times likely to try out other illegal drugs. Additionally, according to one survey, 32% of all heavy drinkers use other drugs. In 2007, 12,998 traffic deaths were alcohol-related (Borough of Franklin Lakes, 2014). In the US, there were averagely 1.4 million arrests due to alcohol. Between 2013 and 2014, England recorded close to 187, 640 admissions that were alcohol related. In 2013, there were 6,570 deaths directly linked to alcohol in England; this figure rose by 7% to 8,758 the next year. Other studies suggest that 23 million people in the European Union are addicted to alcohol. The figures are endless, and they seem to hold on to one denominator: alcohol kills (Noack, 2015). These are some clear facts of the impacts of alcohol consumption, but that is not it. Alcohol use can lead to significant disruptions to an individual’s health.

Studies show that even drinking a small doses of alcohol can cause permanent health damage. Doctors recommend that men should drink more than 3-4 units a day on a regular basis and women, 2-3 units (Institute of Alcohol Studies, 2013). Both men and women should aim at having at least two alcohol-free days every week. Contrary to the common belief that alcohol-related health problems only affect binge drinkers and alcoholics, the truth is, there exists no risk-free level of alcohol. In fact, regularly going beyond the recommended sensible drinking guidelines can take a serious toll on a person’s health. Alcohol consumption is associated with diabetes, heart diseases, pancreatitis, liver disease, stroke, and cancer, and negative effects on the immune system, fertility and memory ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2015). Another fact is that people who heavily consume alcohol are often overweight; this can eventually develop into diabetes. Unfortunately, the effects of alcohol on the liver are often detected when the situation is irredeemable. Repeated heavy drinking leads to a medical condition called live cirrhosis. In the worst situation, permanent live damage can occur which leads to death (Institute of Alcohol Studies, 2013). Alcohol consumption cannot only cause liver damage, but also increases the risks of cancer.  [“ Write my essay for me ?” Get help here.]

Legalizing alcohol contradicts the many campaings against cancer. Scientists have linked alcohol to several types of cancer: liver, mouth, throat, breast and bowel cancer (Cancer Research UK, 2015). Just behind tobacco, alcohol is the second leading cause of mouth and throat cancer. Heavy alcohol consumption causes bowel and liver cancer. According to a study, for every two units of alcohol a person consumes, their chances of getting bowel cancer goes up by 8%. Just by drinking 1-2 units of alcohol each day, a woman increases her chances of getting breast cancer by up to 11%. Cancer comes with a whole load of problems that physical and psychological pain and financial implications. Moreover, in most cases, the result of cancer is death; it is unforgiving and brutal. Instead of giving a blind eye to the consumption of alcohol, the cutting down the risk of getting a monstrous disease is possible by preaching against alcohol.  [Click  Essay Writer  to order your essay]

why alcohol should be illegal essay

To conclude, in my personal opinion, alcohol is bad, for a nation, for a community, for a family, and an individual. We cannot just disregard the above analysis. With 3.3 million annual deaths due to alcohol, governments across the world have every reason to rethink their stand on the consumption of alcohol. In fact, the health benefits of alcohol do not match the number of negative implications it has on the society.  Alcohol  breaks families; it denies families of happiness, leaves children as orphans, and destroys the academic foundation of even the brightest students.  [Need an  essay writing service ? Find help here.]     The world has been living in denial for too long. The silence on the effects of alcoholism have been felt by every individual. However, for a long period of time people have been silent on the matter, and even acting oblivious to alcohol negative impact despite facts clearly outlining that it is time to declare alcohol illegal.


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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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4 Reasons Why Alcohol Should Be Banned Or Illegal

Kimberly Langdon, M.D.

Medically Reviewed By: Kimberly Langdon, M.D.

Although drinking alcohol is a popular activity, it can have serious consequences. That’s why some people think it should be banned. Banning alcohol could result in fewer alcohol-related accidents and crimes, and also reduce the rate of alcohol-induced health problems like alcohol addiction.

  • Alcohol Causes Accidents
  • Alcohol Causes Crime
  • Alcohol Harms Your Health
  • Alcohol Is Addictive

4 Reasons Why Alcohol Should Be Banned Or Illegal

Alcohol is the most popular drug in the United States. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol can have serious consequences, especially if you drink too much. About 19% of Americans struggle with excessive drinking (also called alcohol abuse ). Among Ohio residents, that rate jumps to 20.2%. 

Because drinking can lead to alcohol abuse and other issues, some people think the drug should be banned. Here are four reasons why banning alcohol could benefit public health . 

1. Alcohol Causes Accidents

Alcohol impairs your judgment and coordination. It also lowers your inhibitions, making you more likely to engage in risky behaviors. That’s why people who drink face a higher risk of burns, falls, drownings, and other accidents. 

Alcohol is also a leading cause of motor vehicle crashes. In 2017, 405 Ohio residents died in alcohol-related car accidents . You’re more likely to experience an alcohol-related crash if you binge drink. 

Binge drinking occurs when your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches 0.08 percent or higher. Most women reach this BAC after having 4 or more drinks in about 2 hours, and most men reach it after having 5 or more drinks in about 2 hours. 

A “drink” is any alcoholic beverage that contains about 14 grams of pure alcohol, which is found in 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of wine, and 1.5 ounces of liquor. 

Banning alcohol could make it harder for people to binge drink and reduce the number of lives lost to alcohol-related car crashes and other accidents. 

2. Alcohol Causes Crime

Because alcohol impairs your judgment and lowers your inhibitions, it makes you more likely to commit various crimes, such as trespassing, vandalism, and theft. 

Theft is particularly common among people with alcohol addiction. That’s because many people with the disease experience financial difficulties because they spend so much money on alcohol. 

Regular alcohol consumption has also been linked to violent crimes, including intimate partner violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and homicide. That’s because alcohol not only affects your judgment but can also cause moodiness, irritability, and aggression. 

In addition, alcohol disrupts your ability to understand social cues. For example, you might mistake an innocent comment as an insult and respond with violence.

Many proponents of an alcohol ban claim that making alcohol illegal could reduce both violent and non-violent crimes. They also point out that alcohol has a much stronger link with violence than marijuana , which is still an illegal drug in many states. 

3. Alcohol Harms Your Health

Alcohol is a toxin that can raise your risk of serious health problems. The most common health risks associated with alcohol include:

  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • liver disease
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
  • certain cancers, including breast cancer, colon cancer, esophagus cancer, liver cancer, and head and neck cancer

When left untreated, these diseases can be fatal. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), about 95,000 Americans die of alcohol-related deaths each year. 

Regular alcohol use can also weaken your immune system and leave you more vulnerable to infectious diseases.

Alcohol Poisoning

Even if your alcohol use does not lead to a disease, it could cause alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning (also called an alcohol overdose) is a life-threatening condition that occurs when you drink too much alcohol. Common symptoms include:

  • slow heart rate
  • slow or irregular breathing
  • low body temperature                          
  • pale, clammy, or bluish skin
  • trouble remaining conscious
  • seizures 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol poisoning causes about 2,200 American deaths per year. An alcohol ban could reduce these and other alcohol-related deaths. 

4. Alcohol Is Addictive

Like other harmful drugs, alcohol is highly addictive. In 2017, about 6% of Ohio residents aged 12 and older experienced alcohol addiction (also called alcohol use disorder). This disease makes you feel unable to control your alcohol use. 

Common symptoms of alcohol use disorder include:

  • experiencing strong cravings for alcohol
  • drinking alcohol in unsafe situations, such as when you’re driving
  • neglecting your personal hygiene
  • needing an increasingly larger or more frequent amount of alcohol to feel the desired effects (also called tolerance)
  • experiencing mood swings
  • avoiding friends and family members so you can spend more time drinking alcohol
  • losing motivation at work or school
  • losing interest in activities you once enjoyed

When left untreated, the disease can wreak havoc on your life. Some of the most common negative effects of alcohol addiction include damaged relationships, job loss, and homelessness. Banning alcohol could save many people from addiction and its consequences. 

If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol use or another type of drug use, please contact Ohio Recovery Center . Our substance abuse treatment providers offer personalized, evidence-based services such as medical detox , mental health counseling, and medication-assisted treatment .

  • 24/7 Tempo - Drunkest States in America https://247tempo.com/drunkest-states-in-america/
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Alcohol Poisoning Deaths https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/alcohol-poisoning-deaths/index.html
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Alcohol Use and Your Health https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - Alcohol's Effects on the Body https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohols-effects-body
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - Alcohol Facts and Statistics https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/alcohol-facts-and-statistics#:~:text=Alcohol%2DRelated%20Emergencies%20and%20Deaths%20in%20the%20United%20States&text=An%20estimated%2095%2C000%20people%20

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why alcohol should be illegal essay

Argumentative Essay: Alcohol Should Be Banned

why alcohol should be illegal essay

Show More Every year thousands of people consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the leading causes of life threatening diseases. Alcohol is shown to be good and that it helps make you happy or helps you have a better time; however, alcohol is a slow poison to the body and the mind. Therefore alcohol should be banned because it influences people to make bad decisions, leads to binge drinking and lastly it is a big health hazard. Firstly, alcohol should be banned because it influences people to get into situations where they do not like to be. It influences people to drink to fit in at parties or other social events, then people end up driving under the influence and it makes them drunk which results in bad choices. People drink at social …show more content… One of the biggest effects of alcohol consumption is binge drinking; binge drinking is bad because it results in alcohol poisoning, it results in alcohol dependence and it causes many health problems. The first reason binge drinking is bad is because it results in alcohol poisoning; alcohol poisoning is the most life threatening side effect of binge drinking. Alcohol poisoning affects breathing and the pharyngeal reflex also known as the gag reflex. If the gag reflex is not fully functional one may die from choking on their own vomit. Banning alcohol prevents alcohol poisoning and ensures that breathing and the pharyngeal reflex are not in any way affected. The second reason why binge drinking is bad is because it results in alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is another horrible effect of binge drinking, it occurs when a person drinks frequently and drinks an excessive amount at a time. Symptoms of alcohol dependence are the ability to drink large quantities of alcohol without seeming intoxicated, persistent drinking and undergoing withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit drinking. According to a recent study done by the Health Promotion Board 95% of all adults who are dependent on alcohol started drinking before the age 21. Banning alcohol restricts people from being dependant on it. Lastly, binge drinking is bad because it causes many health …show more content… Alcohol serves as a major health hazard because it leads to liver disease, cancer, and can affect the ones around you. One of the leading causes of liver disease or alcoholic hepatitis is alcohol consumption. According to Getbettertolive.ca, 63% of people that heavily drink are diagnosed with liver disease. 43% of them die from liver disease. Cutting of alcohol will reduce death rates, leaving hospitals and doctors open for people that need it. If less people get liver disease, they are going to spend less money on research for it and less time treating the disease. Liver disease is also very painful, without alcohol, the disease will not cause pain. Liver disease kills people of all ages, statistics show that people ages from 20+ die from liver disease every year. Cancer is one of leading causes for death in the world. Cancer caused by alcohol kills 4% of people. Alcohol can cause mouth cancer Pharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, Laryngeal cancer, Breast cancer Bowel cancer, and Liver cancer. Cancerresearch.com says that 13,000 die from alchol caused cancer every year. Without alcohol, 4% of cancer death is become obsolete. That means they can come closer to a cancer cure because the death rate will decrease by 4%. Alcohol not only can be a health hazard to one but it can also be a health hazard to those around that person. Being drunk can mentally harm those around oneself or that person can

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Alcohol Should Be Banned (Argumentative Essay Sample)

Alcohol should be banned.

Alcohol is widely used and abused by many people all over the world; alcohol consumption is legal making the product easily available in liquor stores, restaurants, and all supermarkets. Traditionally, alcohol consumption is widely accepted during special occasions like family get together or for leisure. However, such traditions have been misused, causing addiction among some users.  People who abuse alcohol develop several problems affecting not only his family but also the society. The negative impact of alcohol consumption has been a constant debate as people wonder if banning of alcohol consumption would minimize some of these effects.

Alcohol contains ethanol one of the compounds used to make beverages; it is true that moderate consumption of ethanol minimizes stress, increases the feeling of happiness and even reduces the risk of acquiring coronary heart diseases.  Nevertheless, heavy consumption of ethanol mostly found in alcohol causes addiction and increases the risk of acquiring several heart diseases. Alcohol is a depressant that can easily cause addiction if taken in larger portions. Alcohol controls the body’s central nervous system and slowing down the body functions. Alcohol also alters the brain functions, causing hallucination, anxiety and other psychological problems among alcohol addicts.

Even though many people argue that alcohol consumption should be legal to the older population because of its positive effects on the economy, health care experts have raised concerns over the misuse of alcohol among teenagers during entertainment. Many deaths are caused by teenagers who drive under the influence of alcohol. Besides, alcohol consumption causes several health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic illnesses like lung problem, diabetes are common even among moderate drinkers. Heavy drinking of alcohol causes psychological problems like insomnia, hallucination, confusion and anxiety.

Alcohol contributes to a larger percentage of crimes in America; more than 60 percent of crimes committed in the US, including sexual abuse, murder, and child abuse and domestic violence are all caused by heavy alcohol consumers.  There is no doubt that alcohol is the leading cause of public disorder in the modern society. Banning alcohol will not only reduce the incidences of alcohol, but also restore public order. According to several research studies, the damage caused by frequent alcohol consumption is considerable, like other drugs, alcohol causes negative effects in the brain in the long run causing addiction.

Some of the common side effects associated with alcohol consumption include poor health, lost career opportunities, broken families, and disorientated society. Many research studies have analyzed some of the long-term effects of alcohol consumption, in all the research studies reveals that alcohol consumption causes severe damage to the body in the end.  After reviewing all the study findings, there has been intense debate whether alcohol consumption should be completely banned or not. Alcohol is still a legal drug. Alcohol consumption is acceptable by law with minimal restrictions that prohibit younger people and adults from driving when under the influence of alcohol, despite the fact that alcohol consumption causes more harm to users and their loved ones in the end.

I believe that alcohol consumption should be banned and laws should protect innocent people from suffering by making alcohol consumption to be illegal. Alcohol has limited benefits, but the consequences of its misuse cause negative impact to the society. That is why I believe that alcohol needs to be banned.

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Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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A complete cessation of alcohol production or making the consumption of alcohol illegal is highly unlikely and possibly unproductive. However, the production, marketing, and distribution of alcohol are in need of increased monitoring as poorly regulated alcohol consumption often leads to detrimental and tragic results. Harmful alcohol consumption can be dangerous not only to the consumer through alcohol poisoning and illnesses but to those around them in the case of drunk driving or criminal behavior. Young people, even adolescents, are especially susceptible to alcohol consumption and the hazards which come with it. As such, the current landscape of alcohol production and marketing requires heavier regulation in the form of a number of policy changes.

Though much alcohol-centered advertising is not focused on young people or adolescents, they are still just as likely to encounter it and become susceptible to marketing. As such, it is an important primary step in a strategy to curb inappropriate and dangerous alcohol consumption. The current issue within marketing industries in regards to alcohol is the application of sophisticated promotional techniques, such as the creation of a relationship between drinking and sports, cultural activities, enticing product placements, and other recreational acts (World Health Organization, 2019). A possible solution to remedying the effects of such dangerous advertising includes policy changes that consist of regulating content and volume of marketing, the relationship between alcohol and activities targeted at younger people, and moderating emerging advertising techniques such as those seen on social media.

All consumers of alcohol, including heavy drinkers and younger people are sensitive to changes in the pricing of beverages. Pricing policies would be especially effective in curbing the number of underage drinkers as they are usually unable to obtain funds for such activities. Currently, the increase in the price of alcoholic drinks is the most effective in creating an intervention in order to reduce the harmful consumption of alcohol. The strategy hinges on effective taxation that does not encourage consumers to move to other drinks, especially younger people who are most easily harmed by harmful alcohol use.

Perhaps the most important strategy would be one that decreases the negative consequences of drinking and intoxication. The problem is not in the alcohol consumption inherently, but in the danger it poses to intoxicated individuals including accidents, violence, medical conditions, and other factors. As such, regulations that aim to consult the harmful outcomes or behaviors as a result of alcohol are the ones that should be prioritized. Policy changes could include the serving of drinks in non-dangerous plastic bottles, management of responsible drinking in certain areas, and providing care and shelter for severely intoxicated people. These changes are likely to elevate the cases of hazardous outcomes as a result of alcohol consumption. Most of these policies will address the behaviors within environments that are appropriate for drinking and by limiting drinking to certain areas, the negative consequences of intoxication can be better monitored.

The current state of alcohol regulation is unsatisfactory as it leads to a number of detrimental results such as underage drinking, driving accidents, medical consequences, and a number of other dangerous outcomes. While alcohol consumption is not the direct source of these issues, the current marketing, pricing, and management of alcohol production and distribution does not address the hazards of intoxication and needs better regulation. As such, policy changes that address the issues at the core are essential.

World Health Organization (2019). 10 areas governments could work with to reduce the harmful use of alcohol . WHO.

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IvyPanda. (2022, November 13). Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled. https://ivypanda.com/essays/alcohol-usage-should-be-controlled/

"Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled." IvyPanda , 13 Nov. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/alcohol-usage-should-be-controlled/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled'. 13 November.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled." November 13, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/alcohol-usage-should-be-controlled/.

1. IvyPanda . "Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled." November 13, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/alcohol-usage-should-be-controlled/.


IvyPanda . "Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled." November 13, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/alcohol-usage-should-be-controlled/.


Alcohol Should Be Banned Speech

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Argumentative Essay on Why Alcohol Should Be Banned

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Introduction and Thesis Statement – The consumption of alcohol has heightened in the past decade with increased risk of exposure to emotional, physical, mental, and psychological effects.

Thesis Statement – The manufacture, sale, and use of alcohol should be banned owing to its adverse health effects, social disorder, and a major contributor to crimes such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, murder, and road accidents.

First Claim – The sale and consumption of alcohol should be banned due to its detrimental effects on individual health and well-being.

The second Claim – Alcohol is among the top dangerous drugs; higher than LSD, cannabis, and ecstasy yet it legal while these drugs that have less harmful effects are prohibited for use.

The third Claim – Taking all factors into consideration – financial, health and societal effects – alcohol has the highest societal and individual repercussions.

Rebuttal – In the past, it has been argued that the consumption of alcohol has beneficial health effects when consumed in small portions. However, this is inaccurate in that alcohol consumption is not risk-free even when used in limited proportions.


It is a pleasant and chilly morning in the east of California; the town is glowing as it gets ready to embrace a new year. In the mood of celebration, you decide to take the children out at the park to enjoy the warmth of a new year amidst the winter cold. Driving in an ecstatic mood, you hear a loud bang a few meters behind you. On stopping, a Subaru Ascent 2019 has crashed into a 2020 Mercedes-Benz GLA killing every person on board. Upon inquisition, you find that more than two families have lost their loved ones in what appears as an unexpected situation. Reports show that the Subaru Ascent 2019 had one young adult and three teenagers who were partying and welcoming the new year with all types of liquor in the car. Further reports show that the driver was driving under the influence and every person on board was drink as they were driving home after a night of binge-drinking and “turnt.” In a span 5 minutes, at least three families experience first-hand loss as a result of a drink that was legalized years ago when the world was well informed about drinking in moderation. Going back home, you think about the importance of alcohol and why it was legalized while its effects in the world are this dire. Lost in all the happenings, one thing becomes apparent; that the manufacture, sale, and use of alcohol should be banned owing to its adverse health effects, a significant cause of the social disorder, and that it is a major contributor to crimes such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, murder, and road accidents.

The sale and consumption of alcohol should be banned due to its detrimental effects on individual health and well-being. According to research by Warner, Trinidad, Bastian, Miniño, and Hedegaard (2016), alcohol causes long term and short-term effects on the user. Short-term effects range from mood swings, increased blood pressure, vomiting, reduced inhibitions, mood swings, and loss of coordination, among others. Long-term use may have adverse effects on the liver, digestive system, pancreas, reproductive health, and cardiovascular (CV) health. A study by Spencer, Curtin, and Hedegaard (2018) indicates that the use of alcohol often results in psychological effects including impaired judgment, diminished inhibitions, mood changes, and loss of consciousness, among others. Brain functions such as speech, memory, thought, and breathing may be affected by the consumption of alcohol. Reports by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) states that alcohol poisoning may result from binge drinking, a practice that has gained popularity in the recent past. Drug war facts (2020) support this aspect stating that the practice of binge drinking has increased in the recent past with a percentage of 24.7% of adults of ages 26 or more being current binge drinkers which translates to a huge population of 52.7 million adults. This drinking pattern often leads to blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 g/dl or more which may be characterized by irregular breathing, pale skin, unconsciousness, nausea, seizures, and hypothermia. Legalizing a drug that results in such adverse effects on users appears to me like a moral distortion and an apparent diversion of societal priorities.

Alcohol is among the top dangerous drugs; higher than LSD, cannabis and ecstasy yet it legal while these drugs that have less harmful effects are prohibited for use. Alcohol is a legal and readily available drug that can be found in restaurants, supermarkets, and liquor stores. The records show that alcohol is a depressant that slows down essential body functions and may result in slurred speech, perception issues, and unsteady coordination. When consumed in huge amounts, alcohol puts the user in a depressed state by affecting their mind and inhibiting their ability to judge and reason rationally. Although Mayo clinic (2020) states that controlled consumption has beneficial effects, records by Delamothe (2009) show that the drug is more dangerous than cannabis, LSD, and ecstasy which are currently considered class A and B drugs thus being highly illegal. Contrary to the current position, alcohol has adverse effects on the users and society at large. Considering that drugs such as cannabis that have fewer effects on the users are illegal, alcohol should be banned and classified as class A or B.

Taking all factors into consideration, alcohol has the highest societal and individual repercussions. According to a study undertaken by the government advisor, alcohol is the most damaging drug in most Western countries with most families in the UK having been affected by the drug to great extent. If the family has not incurred psychological or physical damage, it has suffered financial damage due to excessive consumption. A comparison between alcohol with LSD and ecstasy in terms of physical damage, mental, resultant crimes, and financial costs to the society, research showed that alcohol is the most harmful drug. Research by Hedegaard, Bastian, Trinidad, Spencer, and Warner (2018) also admits that alcohol has adverse effects compared to drugs such as heroin although little concern has been accorded in the prohibition of this drug. According to Sewell, Poling, and Sofuoglu, (2009), the total number of alcohol-induced deaths in the US has increased exponentially by 43% from 10.7 per every 100,000 in 2006 to 15.3 in 2018. Records show that there were 10,511 deaths that were recorded in 2018 with more than 10,000 deaths being recorded every ear between 2009 to 2018 as a result of drunk and driving crashes (Delamothe, 2009). The same report shows that alcohol is a major factor in overdose deaths that are associated with other drugs in the United States. In 2014 alone, alcohols such as isopropyl and ethanol alcohol contributed to 15% of deaths associated with a drug overdose. Additionally, out of the total population receiving substance abuse treatment, records show that a majority population of 2.9 million out of the total count of 3.9 million are being treated for alcohol abuse. Although other drugs cause death and societal losses, the damage caused by alcohol is high both at an individual and societal level.

Over the years, it has been argued that the consumption of alcohol has beneficial health effects when consumed in small portions. Reports by Mayo clinic (2020) indicate that consumption of alcohol can reduce an individual’s risk of developing heart disease and reduce ischemic stroke which results when arteries to the brain become narrowed thus reducing blood flow. In small proportions, the study indicates that consumption of alcohol can be beneficial. However, this information is misleading in that even the least consumption of alcohol is not risk-free in that even light users have an increased risk of developing adverse health conditions such as esophageal cancer. Additionally, the study conducted by Professor has rebutted this provision that arguing that health benefits from alcohol are limited to the use of 5g of alcohol every day which is equivalent to having a 175ml wine glass between three people (Delamothe, 2009).

The manufacture, sale, and use of alcohol should be banned owing to its adverse health effects, a significant cause of the social disorder, and a major contributor to crimes such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, murder, and road accidents. Alcohol should be banned like other drugs such as cannabis, LSD, and ecstasy that has been proven to have minimal health effects compared to alcohol. Although these drugs are illegal, research has shown that alcohol has dire societal and individual repercussions with increasing reports of death in the United States every year. Although it has been noted that consumption of alcohol in limited proportions has health effects, research has refuted this provision in that even consuming in limited amounts still affects individual health and increases the risk of diseases.

Delamothe, T. (2009). The years of magical thinking.  Bmj ,  339 . https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.b4678

Drug war facts (2020). Alcohol. Drug War Facts. Retrieved from https://www.drugwarfacts.org/chapter/alcohol

Hedegaard, H., Bastian, B. A., Trinidad, J. P., Spencer, M., & Warner, M. (2018). Drugs most frequently involved in drug overdose deaths: the United States, 2011-2016. National Vital Statistics Reports. Retrieved from https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/61381

Mayo Clinic (2020). Nutrition and healthy eating. Alcohol use: Weighing risks and benefits. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/alcohol/art-20044551

Sewell, R. A., Poling, J., & Sofuoglu, M. (2009). The effect of cannabis compared with alcohol on driving.  American journal on addictions ,  18 (3), 185-193.

Spencer, M. R., Curtin, S. C., & Hedegaard, H. (2018). Rates of Alcohol-induced Deaths Among Adults Aged 25 and Over in Urban and Rural Areas: the United States, 2000–2018. National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db383.htm

Warner, M., Trinidad, J. P., Bastian, B. A., Miniño, A. M., & Hedegaard, H. (2016). Drugs most frequently involved in drug overdose deaths: the United States, 2010–2014. National vital statistics reports; vol. 65 no 10.

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Essay on Alcohol Ban

Alcohol Ban

Many times we must have spotted people fighting or lying roadside or in drains unconsciously after drinking alcohol. The condition in which they are found is a pity but at the same time is shameful. The families have to suffer as men beat their wives and children and spend their money on alcohol instead of giving it to the family. Imposing a ban on alcohol might be a great help in getting rid of these cases and saving a lot of families from destruction.

Short and Long Essay on Alcohol Ban in English

Here some essays with a detailed view on this topic for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12 in English in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words. I hope it might be of great help to understand the topic.

Alcohol Ban Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Alcohol is a bad addiction that is dangerous for both people and their families.

2) Alcohol ban is a step to stop the circulation of alcohol in society.

3) Alcohol leads to several lung diseases and even causes death.

4) Alcohol addiction is responsible for ruining many families.

5) Today young generation is consuming alcohol as a trend.

6) Seeing the effects of alcohol, the government has imposed an alcohol ban in many states.

7) Alcohol ban aimed to stop selling and consuming alcohol in the country.

8) Alcohol ban helped in reducing violence against women.

9) States like Bihar, Gujarat, and Nagaland have imposed an alcohol ban.

10) Other states like Mizoram, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, etc repealed the alcohol ban.

Short Essay on Alcohol Ban (250 words)

‘Drinking is injurious to health’ is clearly written on the bottle of alcohol. It is a warning that is highlighted on the bottle of alcohol itself but still, people buy and consume alcohol. Alcohol is a drug and people consuming it slowly become addicted to this drug. The habit of alcohol consumption is like a sweet poison that seems to be good initially but becomes fatal in the future.

Need for Ban on Alcohol

The habit of alcohol consumption has become a crucial problem in society. The consumption of alcohol has now become a fashion trend in society. There are a number of people who die due to excessive alcohol consumption for a longer time. There are also numerous problems resulting due to excessive alcohol consumption by people. The consumption of alcohol has become a social evil in society. There are fights in many families because of alcohol addict people. This is because these people waste money on alcohol instead of giving it to fulfill the needs of the family.

The young generation of society is becoming more addicted to this drug. They drink for merrymaking and enjoyment without realizing the future side effects of alcohol. The ban on the sale of alcohol in the nation can only help in eradicating these problems from society. Alcohol Ban means there will be no availability of alcohol in the nation. The people will themselves leave the habit of consuming alcohol when they do not get the same.

The excessive drinking of alcohol results in liver cancers and other organ damages. Road accidents in drink and drive cases lead to the death of many people. Many schools and college students have destroyed their lives because of the consumption of this poison. There must be strict restrictions imposed on the sale of alcohol. The prohibition on alcohol is only the step that can be the best solution to this crucial issue.

Long Essay on Why Alcohol Should Be Banned (500 – 600 Words)


The consumption of alcohol is a common problem in society in India as well as in other nations. The overuse of anything is harmful and is equivalent to poison. The addiction to alcohol totally ruins the life of a person. It makes a person lose health, wealth as well as respect in family and society. The people who are addicted to this drug are wasting money instead of utilizing it in a proper way. A ban is much necessary to control the adverse effects of this misuse.

Alcoholism Becoming a Common Trend

The drinking of alcohol at parties, festivals, and other occasions has become very common. Many people think drinking habits to be subject to their self-esteem. If any person is not involved in drinking, they are considered as a poor class fellow.

College students are also greatly influenced by this habit. They develop the habit of drinking for the purpose of enjoyment. This makes them suffer a lot in the future.

Alcohol Consumption Causing Detrimental Health Effects

The consumption of alcohol makes a person lose sensitivity and thinking capability. The person utters unwanted words as the body is no longer under control for a longer duration depending upon the dose taken. Alcohol is also causing several types of cancer in the people who are greatly addicted to it.

The liver is the organ inside our body responsible for the detoxification of toxic materials. Therefore alcohol is also detoxified in the liver. Taking a small amount of alcohol is not causing any kind of harm. The higher dose intake and on daily basis is harmful and causes liver cirrhosis in many cases. It is mostly untreatable resulting in the painful death of the person. It also leads to several heart-related problems. Alcohol consumption is greatly responsible for the rapid death of many people due to heart attacks or incurable diseases like cancer.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Ban on Alcohol


  • Lessening of Family Disputes and Domestic Violence – If there is no availability of alcohol, there will be fewer fights in the families. Majority of the fight is due to the money required for drinking or ill behaviour of drunken people. There are many men who are losing their temper, abusing and beating women after drinking and this comes under domestic violence. The cases of domestic violence can also be reduced as a result of the prohibition on alcohol.
  • Accidents will be Reduced – There will be a decline in the accidents caused by rash driving after drinking. The loss of innocent lives can be prevented up to a large extent. The crime rate will also be reduced which is often caused by over drunk people.
  • Financial Wastage can be Prevented – The unwanted money wasted in buying alcohol will be saved if there is no availability of alcohol. The families would not suffer due to the financial crisis. The peaceful atmosphere of families can also be also retained.
  • Health Problems due to Alcohol Consumption will be Reduced – The heath issues caused by drinking would be controlled and no one has to suffer from serious health problems and diseases like cancer and heart problems.


  • Financial Loss to the Government – The ban on alcohol will stop the revenue which is generated by manufacturing alcohol and its sale. This will incur a great loss of the economy to the government.
  • Black Marketing will be a Practised – The ban on the legal availability of alcohol will create opportunities for black marketing of alcohol. The unwanted higher rates will be charged. It will also not be safe to consume those products as it is not manufactured and sold under the supervision of the government.

Alcohol Banned in the Various Indian States

There have been continuing efforts taken by the government of India to impose a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages. The states like Bihar, Gujarat, Nagaland, Mizoram, and the union territory of Lakshadweep have a ban on the sale of alcoholics. Any kind of violation of rules will be subject to penalty and punishment.

Alcohol is a threat to families, society, and the nation. The legal supply of alcohol must be banned immediately. After prohibition on the sale, all people could not afford it easily. There will be a fear of punishment and penalty prevailing in the mind of people.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Alcohol consumption every day makes a person alcohol addict which is the root for serious health issues along with liver and heart diseases.

Ans . Alcohol cause weight gain as it contains excess calories and promotes your appetite which makes you hungrier.

Ans . Heavy consumption of alcohol reduces the alcohol detoxifying capacity of the liver. This damages the liver which leads to liver cirrhosis or Fibrosis.

Ans . Article 47 of the constitution under the Directive Principles of state policy gives directions to states to prohibit the use of alcohol and drugs which cause serious health issues.

Ans . The alcohol is not sold in states like Bihar, Gujarat, Mizoram, Nagaland, and the union territory of Lakshadweep but is freely sold in other states.

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Should Alcohol Be Illegal?

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  •  CNN/ORC Poll. (Alcohol prohibition) January 7, 2014. Available at: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2014/images/01/07/cnn.orc.poll.marijuana.1-7.pdf
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  •  Coulter, J.L.S. (1956). The Royal Naval Medical Service Volume II Operations. London: HMSO
  • Karlsson, T. and Simpura, J., 2001. Changes in living conditions and their links to alcohol consumption and drinking patterns in 16 European countries, 1950 to 2000. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs , 18 (1_suppl), pp.82-99.
  • Drinkaware.co.uk UK alcohol guidelines : the Chief Medical Officers’ low risk drinking recommendations . Available at: https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/alcohol-facts/alcoholic-drinks-units/latest-uk-alcohol-unit-guidance
  • Mayo Clinic. (2019).  Alcohol in moderation: How many drinks is that? Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/alcohol/art-20044551
  • Arnett, G. and Robineau, D.   Alcohol and the NHS – five key questions . The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2016/jan/22/alcohol-and-the-nhs-five-key-questions
  • Ias.org.uk.  Alcohol-related crime in the UK – what do we know? – IAS . Available at: http://www.ias.org.uk/Alcohol-knowledge-centre/Crime-and-social-impacts/Factsheets/Alcohol-related-crime-in-the-UK-what-do-we-know.aspx
  • Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/563326/costs-per-place-cost-per-prisoner-2015-16.pdf
  • Ias.org.uk. Available at: http://www.ias.org.uk/uploads/pdf/factsheets/fs%20economic%20impacts%20042016%20webres.pdf
  • Verywell Mind. How Alcoholism Affects Society . Available at: https://www.verywellmind.com/impact-on-society-63268
  • Ias.org.uk. What is the economic contribution of the alcohol industry? – IAS . Available at: http://www.ias.org.uk/Alcohol-knowledge-centre/The-alcohol-industry/Factsheets/What-is-the-economic-contribution-of-the-alcohol-industry.aspx#_ednref4
  • Bhattacharya, A. Splitting the bill: Alcohol’s impact on the economy. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies
  • NHS Health Scotland. MESAS monitoring report 2017. Available at: http://www.healthscotland.scot/publications/mesas-monitoring-report-2017
  • SABMiller. Annual report 2013. Available at: http://bit.ly/1tgtv2i

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why alcohol should be illegal essay

Boy vaping

How bad is vaping and should it be banned?

why alcohol should be illegal essay

Professor at the National Drug Research Institute (Melbourne), Curtin University

why alcohol should be illegal essay

PhD Candidate (Psychiatry) & Research Assistant, University of Newcastle

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Nicole Lee works as a consultant in the health sector and a psychologist in private practice. She has previously received funding by Australian and state governments, NHMRC and other bodies for evaluation and research into alcohol and other drug prevention and treatment.

Brigid Clancy is an Associate at 360Edge, a drug and alcohol consultancy company.

University of Newcastle and Curtin University provide funding as members of The Conversation AU.

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Vaping regularly makes headlines, with some campaigning to make e-cigarettes more available to help smokers quit, while others are keen to see vaping products banned, citing dangers, especially for teens.

So just how dangerous is it? We have undertaken an evidence check of vaping research . This included more than 100 sources on tobacco harm reduction, vaping prevalence and health effects, and what other countries are doing in response. Here’s what we found.

How does vaping compare to smoking?

Smoking is harmful. It’s the leading preventable cause of death in Australia. It causes 13% of all deaths , including from lung, mouth, throat and bladder cancer, emphysema, heart attack and stroke, to name just a few. People who smoke regularly and don’t quit lose about ten years of life compared with non-smokers.

Nicotine, a mild stimulant, is the active ingredient in both cigarettes and nicotine vaping products. It’s addictive but isn’t the cause of cancer or the other diseases related to smoking.

Ideally, people wouldn’t be addicted to nicotine, but having a safe supply without the deadly chemicals, for instance by using nicotine patches or gum, is safer than smoking. Making these other sources available is known as “harm reduction”.

Vaping is not risk-free, but several detailed reviews of the evidence plus a consensus of experts have all estimated it’s at least 95% safer to vape nicotine than to smoke tobacco. The risk of cancer from vaping, for example, has been estimated at less than 1%.

These reviews looked at the known dangerous chemicals in cigarettes, and found there were very few and in very small quantities in nicotine vapes. So the argument that we won’t see major health effects for a few more decades is causing more alarm than is necessary.

Pile of cigarette butts

Is ‘everyone’ vaping these days?

Some are concerned about the use of vaping products by teens, but currently available statistics show very few teens vape regularly. Depending on the study, between 9.6% and 32% of 14-17-year-olds have tried vaping at some point in their lives.

But less than 2% of 14-17-year-olds say they have used vapes in the past year. This number doubled between 2016 and 2019, but is still much lower than the rates of teen smoking (3.2%) and teen alcohol use (32%).

It’s the same pattern we see with drugs other than alcohol: a proportion of people try them but only a very small proportion of those go on to use regularly or for a long time. Nearly 60% of people who try vaping only use once or twice .

Smoking rates in Australia have declined from 24% in 1991 to 11% in 2019 because we have introduced a number of very successful measures such as restricting sales and where people can smoke, putting up prices, introducing plain packaging, and improving education and access to treatment programs.

But it’s getting harder to encourage the remaining smokers to quit with the methods that have worked in the past. Those still smoking tend to be older , more socially disadvantaged , or have mental health problems.

Read more: My teen's vaping. What should I say? 3 expert tips on how to approach 'the talk'

Should we ban vapes?

So we have a bit of a dilemma. Vaping is much safer than smoking, so it would be helpful for adults to have access to it as an alternative to cigarettes. That means we need to make them more available and accessible.

But ideally we don’t want teens who don’t already smoke to start regular vaping. This has led some to call for a “ crackdown ” on vaping.

But we know from a long history of drug prohibition - like alcohol prohibition in the 1920s - that banning or restricting vaping could actually do more harm than good.

Banning drugs doesn’t stop people using them - more than 43% of Australians have tried an illicit drug at least once. And it has very little impact on the availability of drugs.

But prohibition does have a number of unintended consequences, including driving drugs underground and creating a black market or increasing harms as people switch to other drugs, which are often more dangerous.

The black market makes drugs more dangerous because there is no way to control quality. And it makes it easier, not harder, for teens to access them, because there are no restrictions on who can sell or buy them.

Read more: Learning about the health risks of vaping can encourage young vapers to rethink their habit

Are our current laws working?

In 2021, Australia made it illegal to possess and use nicotine vaping products without a prescription. We are the only country in the world to take this path.

The problem is even after more than a year of this law, only 8.6% of people vaping nicotine have a prescription, meaning more than 90% buy them illegally.

Anecdotal reports even suggest an increase in popularity of vaping among teens since these laws were introduced. At best, they are not helping.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the way to reduce the black market is to make quality-controlled vapes and liquids more widely available, but restricted to adults. If people could access vaping products legally they wouldn’t buy them on the black market and the black market would decline.

We also know from many studies on drug education in schools that when kids get accurate, non-sensationalised information about drugs they tend to make healthier decisions. Sensationalised information can have the opposite effect and increase interest in drugs . So better education in schools and for parents and teachers is also needed, so they know how to talk to kids about vaping and what to do if they know someone is vaping.

What have other countries done?

Other countries allow vapes to be legally sold without a prescription, but impose strict quality controls and do not allow the sale of products to people under a minimum age. This is similar to our regulation of cigarettes and alcohol.

The United Kingdom has minimum standards on manufacturing, as well as restrictions on purchase age and where people can vape.

Aotearoa New Zealand introduced a unique plan to reduce smoking rates by imposing a lifetime ban on buying cigarettes. Anyone born after January 1 2009 will never be able to buy cigarettes, so the minimum age you can legally smoke keeps increasing. At the same time, NZ increased access to vaping products under strict regulations on manufacture, purchase and use.

As of late last year, all US states require sellers to have a retail licence, and sales to people under 21 are banned. There are also restrictions on where people can vape.

A recent study modelled the impact of increasing access to nicotine vaping products in Australia. It found it’s likely there would be significant public health benefits by relaxing the current restrictive policies and increasing access to nicotine vaping products for adults.

The question is not whether we should discourage teens from using vaping products or whether we should allow wider accessibility to vaping products for adults as an alternative to smoking. The answer to both those questions is yes.

The key question is how do we do both effectively without one policy jeopardising the outcomes of the other?

If we took a pragmatic harm-reduction approach, as other countries have done, we could use our very successful model of regulation of tobacco products as a template to achieve both outcomes.

Read more: It's safest to avoid e-cigarettes altogether – unless vaping is helping you quit smoking

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Will Banning Nonalcoholic Beer Save the Children?

No, but a stanford psychologist says people under age 21 should be banned from buying some nonalcoholic drinks to protect kids from "drinking culture.".

Eric Boehm | 6.21.2024 11:20 AM

The new plan to keep kids from drinking alcohol: Ban kids (and some adults) from buying drinks containing zero alcohol.

No, it doesn't make much sense.

But that's the argument being made by Molly A. Bowdring, a clinical psychologist at Stanford, who wrote this week in STAT  that nonalcoholic drinks meant to resemble beer or cocktails are "a potential public health crisis."

The zero-proof beverage market includes brands like Athletic Brewing , by far the largest nonalcoholic beer brand , as well as a growing number of wine and spirits varieties . While nonalcoholic drinks still account for a tiny sliver of the overall beverage market , the rate of growth in recent years has been impressive—driven by consumers who are looking to enjoy a drink without getting drunk.

But won't someone think of the children, frets Bowdring. "While it's great that more people are taking to heart public health messages that reducing alcohol consumption can  improve well-being and extend life , an important lesson from vaping as a replacement for cigarettes is being overlooked: What may be good for adults may be harmful to kids."

After contacting alcohol regulators in every U.S. state, she writes that she was shocked to find drinks that contain no alcohol are generally not subjected to limitations placed on drinks that do contain alcohol. Imagine that.

"Children and teens are, by and large, legally permitted to purchase non-alcoholic beverages. This is a huge liability," warns Bowdring. "The path from non-alcoholic beverage consumption to alcohol use among youths appears to be fairly direct….Among minors, consuming non-alcoholic beverages can socialize them to the drinking culture, with the beverages being perceived as cool, adult, and modern."

Goodness gracious, not that.

The logic here is seriously flawed in several ways. Most importantly, banning the sale of nonalcoholic drinks to individuals under 21—which includes a lot of adults, by the way—isn't going to make "drinking culture" seem much different. And even if it did, it is absolutely not the government's job to police what subcultures seem cool or interesting.

If there's a compelling reason for the state to prohibit the sale of alcohol to some individuals, it's on the grounds that consuming alcohol can increase the risk that they harm themselves or others. But kids are already prevented from legally purchasing or consuming alcohol—and someone who is purchasing or consuming a nonalcoholic drink is, by definition, not consuming alcohol in the first place!

Finally, Bowdring isn't arguing that kids who buy nonalcoholic drinks go on to become raging alcoholics or drunk drivers or anything dangerous like that. She's panicked over the possibility that they'll have an increased interest in drinking, period. But learning to drink socially and responsibly—which might include the consumption of nonalcoholic drinks at times—is a key part of being an adult.

This isn't an argument for banning video games because some kids who play video games will someday commit a school shooting. This is arguing for banning video games because some kids who play video games might someday drive a few miles per hour over the posted speed limit.

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Supreme Court Rejects Trump-Era Ban on Gun Bump Stocks

The devices allow semiautomatic guns to fire more rapidly. They were banned after one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history, at a Las Vegas concert in 2017.

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A man holding an AR-15 rifle with a bump stock attachment.

By Abbie VanSickle

Reporting from Washington

The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a ban on bump stocks, which enable semiautomatic rifles to fire at speeds rivaling those of machine guns, erasing one of the government’s rare firearm regulations to result from a mass shooting.

The decision , by a vote of 6 to 3, split along ideological lines. Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, said that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had exceeded its power when it prohibited the device by issuing a rule that classified bump stocks as machine guns.

“We hold that a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ‘machine gun’ because it cannot fire more than one shot ‘by a single function of the trigger,’” Justice Thomas wrote. His opinion included several diagrams of the firing mechanism, and he described in technical detail the internal workings of a firearm to show how a bump stock works.

The Trump administration enacted the ban after a gunman opened fire at a Las Vegas concert in 2017, one of the deadliest massacres in modern American history.

The decision was a forceful rejection of one of the government’s few steps to address gun violence, particularly as legislative efforts have stalled in Congress. It also highlighted the deep divisions on the court as the country continues to grapple with mass shootings.

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