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For metadata updates and adjust the layout, Journal of English Language and Education made changes to the article template. Basic changes in the use of columns, fonts and the addition of article metadata information so that it is more readable and informative.

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Posted: 2022-02-14

Vol 9, No 3 (2024)

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  • English in Education

journal of english and education

English in Education  is NATE’s academic journal, designed to keep teachers and academics informed about the most recent research into the teaching of English, and to contribute to national and international debates about the subject. Published by Taylor and Francis, it is one of the leading academic journals in the field, with an international reputation.

English in Education  began as  NATE Bulletin in 1964, a time of productive collaboration between policy-makers, academics and practitioners. The early issues of  English in Education, prompted by the needs of the new comprehensive schools ,  focused on understanding and nurturing the potential of all pupils, regardless of academic ability or ambition. John Dixon’s seminal book  Growth through English  (1967) presented a vision of the subject as a humane discipline for personal growth.  English in Education  has built on this tradition for nearly six decades, providing a forum for research and development in the learning and teaching of English. Most of the issues discussed today are foreshadowed in the journal archive, charting the evolution of key concepts and practices, and their implications for decision-making and classroom practice.

Latest articles

Special issue: multilingualism and English teaching Rachael Gilmour

Facilitating translingual creative writing in the primary classroom Catherine Barbour  &  Karina Lickorish Quinn

The art of belonging: exploring the effects on the English classroom when poetry meets multilingual digital storytelling Vicky Macleroy

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Contact NATE’s Journal Editor, John Hodgson if you would like further details at [email protected] 

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Journal of english education program.

journal of english and education

Journal TitleJournal of English Education Program
FrequencyBiannual (January & July)
DOI Prefix10.26418/jeep
ISSN (online)
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The Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) ,  published by the English Education Department of Universitas Tanjungpura, is a biannual, peer-reviewed electronic journal dedicated to enhancing and disseminating scholarly work on current theories and research in the field of English education, particularly in foreign language contexts. It publishes conceptual and research-based articles within teaching English as a foreign language, students' English language learning variables, and English language teachers' training and education. Additionally, it includes studies on the applications of educational technology and applied linguistics in foreign language teaching and learning.

The journal aims to provide a platform for English language educators at any level. Essentially, it serves as a vehicle for colleagues to exchange information and ideas, fostering discussions about research-based practices, as well as practice-oriented theorizing and research among professional teachers worldwide. Moreover, the Journal of English Education Program seeks to promote and advance the field of English education by publishing high-quality research and scholarship from various perspectives and approaches. It welcomes submissions from researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the field of English education worldwide. The journal is committed to publishing articles that contribute to understanding and improving English language teaching and learning, and to providing a forum for discussing current issues and trends in the field. It embraces a variety of research methodologies and encourages submissions exploring innovative and cutting-edge ideas and practices in English education.

This journal is indexed by:  CrossRef ,  Dimensions ,  Google Scholar , BASE ,  Index Copernicus International , etc .

Furthermore, this journal is a   CrossRef Member ; hence, all articles published by the Journal of English Education Program will have a unique DOI number .

Editor-in-chief: Urai Salam, MCALL., Ph.D [email protected]

To submit a manuscript to JEEP, please check the following descriptions. • Go to LOGIN if you already have a Username/Password for JEEP • Go to REGISTRATION for creating a Username/Password • Use the ONLINE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES • Before submission, please make sure that you follow the template given by referring to the AUTHOR GUIDELINES .

Click  here  to watch the tutorial video on YouTube.

Our prestigious journal is excited to introduce a new template for upcoming issues, aiming to improve readability and visual appeal. Authors submitting manuscripts for the next issue must follow the provided guidelines to avoid delays in the review process. Access our website or contact our editorial team for a detailed guide and assistance during the transition.  
Posted: 2023-05-26

Vol 5, No 1 (2024)

Table of contents.


Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) is published by English Education Department of Universitas Tanjungpura

Accredited on SINTA (S4) & Indexed on:

journal of english and education

Editor and Administration Address:

English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura Jl. Profesor Dokter H. Hadari Nawawi, Bansir Laut, Kec. Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78115

Journal of English Learner Education

Home > JELE

Published exclusively online twice a year, in the winter and summer, the Journal of English Learner Education is a scholarly refereed journal. It is grounded in the disciplines of second language acquisition, bilingual education, and English as a second language, but its purpose is to integrate research and best practices in a variety of fields as they relate specifically to the success of English learners in grades P-16.

The Journal of English Learner Education invites manuscripts in three areas: Research and Theory, Effective Practices, and Commentaries. Manuscripts can be submitted for review electronically on a rotating basis.

The journal is funded in part by a grant from the Office of English Language Acquisition, US Department of Education.

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 2 (2023) Winter 2023 Issue


Asset-based Teaching; Uncover, Cultivate, and Empower Students’ Uniqueness Stephanie K. Knight, Marjaneh Gilpatrick, and Tracy Vasquez

"Our Students Vs. Their Students:" Perceptions of Teachers in English Language Learning Leah Day

Best Practices for English Learners with Disabilities in US Schools – A Systematic Review Samiratu Bashiru and Jennifer E. Smith

Language, Cultural Knowledge, and Privileged Practices: A Case Study of Understandings that Shape Family Engagement for Parents of Spanish-English Emergent Bilinguals Alissa Blair

Application of Multicultural Literature in the Early Childhood Classroom Deborah Wheeler and Jennifer Hill

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English Teaching & Learning

ETL is an international journal with readership comprised of both teachers and researchers in the field of EFL who work in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, as well as in the state and private sectors. In addition to teachers and researchers, readers include teacher trainers, administrators and policy makers occupying positions of responsibility and management in ELT programs and projects.

  • Mei-Lan Lo,

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Latest issue

Volume 48, Issue 2

Special Issue: Motivation in the English Language Classroom

Latest articles

Informing non-native teachers’ decision making and pedagogical reasoning through skills and systems mode.

  • Sam Saeedian
  • Meisam Mirzaei Shojakhanlou

Four Task Characteristics and Their Influence on Speaking Performance and Engagement

  • Edward P. Getman

journal of english and education

Language Learning Motivation in Diverse Educational Contexts

  • Mairin Hennebry-Leung
  • Martin Lamb

Examining the Effects of L2 Self-Guides on Chinese University EFL Learners’ Attitudes Towards Classroom Language Choice

  • Kevin W. H. Tai

Learner Reflections: Metacognitive Knowledge Approaches in L2 Listening Instruction

  • Naheen Madarbakus-Ring

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Meet the editors-in-chief: mei-lan lo and mei-zhen wu.

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CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE SPECIAL ISSUE (2025): Developing Disciplinary Literacy Through English Medium Instruction


Professor John Airey, University of Stockholm, Sweden

To read more, please click here

Call for Papers for the special issue (2024) Motivation in the English language classroom

Call for papers special issue 2023: towards pluriliteracies approaches to language teaching and learning: theories and principles for transformative practices., journal information.

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English review: journal of english education.

English Review: Journal of English Education (ERJEE), with electronic ISSN 2301-7554 and print ISSN 2541-3643, is an academic publication with an open-access policy. It focuses on enhancing our comprehension of the English language, linguistics, applied linguistics, and English literature. The journal is committed to encouraging interdisciplinary research that generates valuable findings and contributes to the advancement of language and literature knowledge in today's society.

ERJEE disseminates research results regarding EFL-related issues in all countries that cover the fields of:

  • English language pedagogy
  • English language literacy
  • English for specific purposes
  • English language testing and assessment
  • Teaching English to young learners
  • English Literature
  • Language policy and planning
  • Second language acquisition
  • ELT materials development and evaluation
  • Critical discourse analysis
  • Language and media studies

ERJEE is nationally accredited (SINTA 2) by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and Technology with the Decree Number 200/M/KPT/2020 which is valid for five years since Volume 8 Issue 2 (2020) to Volume 13 Issue 1 (2025)

Since 2022, ERJEE has published three issues in one year: February, June and October.

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Vol 12, No 2 (2024)

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The journal of English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE)

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  • English Language Arts Teacher Educators

journal of english and education

English Education is the journal of English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE), formerly the Conference on English Education (CEE), a constituent organization of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). The journal serves teachers who are engaged in the preparation, support, and continuing education of teachers of English language arts/literacy at all levels of instruction. (Published October, January, April, and July.)

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Editorial Staff

Editor Melanie Shoffner James Madison University [email protected]

Editorial Assistant Kaitie Goodwin James Madison University

Director of Publications Colin Murcray

Production Editor Tom Tiller

Permissions [email protected]

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English Education Journal

EEJ ( English Education Journal ) is a peer-reviewed and open access academic journal published by the Graduate Program of English Language Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The journal presents articles in research in the field of English language teaching and learning, linguistics and applied linguistics, literature and literary studies. The contents include analysis, studies, research reports, material developments, and application of theories and reviews. It is published four times a year in the months of January, April, July and October. EEJ invites articles that have never been published or being considered elsewhere. Please thoroughly follow the submission guidelines for article contributors, and to submit an article please use your username and password after you register using the OJS (Online Journal System).

Starting from January 2024 onwards, there is a slight change in the template of EEJ. Please download the new template here or click on the Article Template menu on the right side of this page.

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Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Dian Fajrina , Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

Advisory Board:

Editorial Board:

Posted: 2016-01-07

Vol 15, No 2 (2024)

Table of contents, front matter.

Back Matter

P-ISSN:   2085-3750

E-ISSN : 3025-9789 

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .

English and language arts education : Journals

  • Children's Literature in Education "Children's Literature in Education has been a key source of articles on all aspects of children's literature for more than 40 years. It covers classic and contemporary material, the highbrow and the popular, and ranges across works for infants through to material for young adults. It features analysis of fiction, poetry, drama and non-fictional material (plus studies in other media: film, TV, computer games, online works); visual narratives from picture books and comics to graphic novels; interviews with writers and artists; textual analysis and interpretation from differing theoretical perspectives; historical approaches to the area; reader-response work with children; ideas for teaching children's literature; adaptation, translation and publishing."
  • ELT journal "ELT Journal aims to provide a medium for informed discussion of the principles and practice which determine the ways in which English is taught and learnt around the world. It also provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among members of the profession worldwide."
  • English education "English Education is the journal of English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE), formerly the Conference on English Education (CEE), a constituent organization of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). The journal serves teachers engaged in the preparation, support, and continuing education of teachers of English language arts/literacy at all levels of instruction."
  • English journal "English Journal is NCTE's award-winning journal of ideas for English language arts teachers in junior and senior high schools and middle schools. It presents information on the teaching of writing and reading, literature, and language, and includes information on how teachers are putting the latest technologies to work in their classrooms."
  • Journal of adolescent & adult literacy : a journal from the International Reading Association "The Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy highlights innovative, peer-reviewed, research-based practices aimed at improving engagement and achievement among literacy learners ages 12 and older."
  • Journal of literacy research : JLR "The Journal of Literacy Research (JLR) is a peer-reviewed journal that has contributed to the advancement literacy and literacy education research for over 50 years. JLR is a forum for sharing innovative research and pedagogy that considers a broad range of topics encompassing instruction and assessment, policy development, understandings of literacies, and relationships of ideology and knowledge."
  • Language arts "Language Arts is a professional journal for elementary and middle school teachers and teacher educators. It provides a forum for discussions on all aspects of language arts learning and teaching, primarily as they relate to children in pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade."
  • Reading & writing quarterly: overcoming learning disabilities "Interdisciplinary in scope, the journal addresses the causes, prevention, evaluation, and remediation of reading and writing difficulties in regular and special education settings."
  • Reading improvement "Publishes reports of investigations and creative theoretical papers dealing with every aspect of reading improvement, and at all levels of instruction."
  • Reading research quarterly "Reading Research Quarterly is the leading global journal offering multidisciplinary scholarship on literacy among learners of all ages, including the latest research studies (methods, results, effects, findings, and implications)."
  • The Reading teacher "The Reading Teacher (RT) provides the latest peer-reviewed, research-based best practices to literacy educators working with children up to age 12. RT’s classroom-ready articles cover topics from curriculum, instruction, and assessment to strategies for teaching diverse populations of literacy learners."
  • Research in the teaching of English "Research in the Teaching of English (RTE) is a multidisciplinary journal composed of original research and scholarly essays on the relationships between language teaching and learning at all levels, preschool through adult."
  • TESOL quarterly TESOL Quarterly, a professional, refereed journal, was first published in 1967. The Quarterly encourages submission of previously unpublished articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with English language teaching and learning and standard English as a second dialect.
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  • Last Updated: Jun 21, 2024 1:24 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/english_and_language_arts

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Publisher Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta , Indonesia Other organisation LPPM Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Manuscripts accepted in English

LCC subjects Look up the Library of Congress Classification Outline Education: Education (General) Language and Literature: English language Keywords interpersonal negotiation needs analysis r&d addie curriculum

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journal of english and education

JEE (Journal of English Education)

About the journal.

Journal of English Education is a scientific journal that collects the results of the research and scientific work of lecturers, teachers, or students associated with learning and teaching English. It is a blind peer review international journal which publishes manuscripts within the fields of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Teaching English as Spoken Other Language (TESOL), English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Applied Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching, Discourse Analysis, Culture and Language (more on focus and scope). It is published by English study program of University of Pasir Pengaraian, Riau, Indonesia. It is published twice a year in June and December ( P-ISSN: 2459-9719 E-ISSN: 2597-7019 );


The change of website address, current issue.

journal of english and education


Students’ grammatical error in delivering the impromptu speech, an analysis of idiomatic expression found in adele’s lyrics song, an analysis of english abstract written by the participants on national seminar proceeding, the effect of using small group discussion technique on students' speaking skill at xi grade of mas kepenuhan, students’ anxiety in speaking english at second semester of english study program at university of pasir pengaraian, an analysis of materials in a student textbook at secondary school in 8th grade, information.

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JEET, Journal of English Education and Technology

Journal of English Education and Technology (JEET) is a double-blind peer-reviewed to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field of English Language Teaching and Technology. JEET publishes the research- based, theoretical, practical article that address matters pertaining to the theory and practice in English language teaching and learning, teaching English as a second or foreign language, English language teachers’ training, English curriculum and Educational technology. The journal is published twice a year in both print and online version. Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original, and full-length articles that are not under review in any other journals. The Journal accepts article submissions  online or by [email protected]  

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 04 (2024): January 2024

Published: 2024-05-29

The Perpetuation of Lazy Thinking by Exploiting Writing Artificial Intelligence Tools: Perceptions from Students in the University of Limpopo

JEET, Journal of English Education and Technology ( 2721-3811 (media online) ),  is a primary source for academic and professional in the field of English Education, English Language Teaching, Instructional Design, Educational Technology, and Curriculum Design. it publishes theoretical perspective, methodological developments, empirical research lead to an improvement in formal and informal education at all levels of education, childhood education, technical education, and professional development.

Empirical papers are expected to report on significant research studies. it may report qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Empirical papers need to include: a clear methodology (information on sampling and analytical process), substantive evidence of research outputs, outcomes, and impacts. theoretical, methodology, and review articles should be critical, present a novel perspective, and make an original contribution.

Publised by: FKDP (Forum Komunikasi Dosen Peneliti)

ISSN: 2721-3811 (media online)



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Teaching and Learning English in Japanese Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives

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Akiko Fujii, Teaching and Learning English in Japanese Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives, ELT Journal , 2024;, ccae028, https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccae028

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In Japan, learning English is of life-changing importance, as it is in many other countries all over the globe, and English is used for gatekeeping at key points in education and career paths. In a country where the high school enrolment rate is 97%, and enrolment in some form of higher education is 84% ( Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT) 2023), approximately 480,000 high school students took the English section of the national university entrance exam in 2022 ( National Center for University Entrance Examinations n.d.). Also in 2022, approximately 35,000 university students took the TOEIC exam as preparation for career placement ( Institute for International Business Communication (IIBC) 2023). Supporting these endeavours involves an enormous workforce of English teachers, including teachers with native-level proficiency from outside of Japan. Teaching and Learning English in Japanese Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives consists of articles written primarily by such English language teachers in higher education with diverse backgrounds, and highlights a truly wide range of pedagogical issues related to English language teaching and learning in Japan from the perspective of practitioners (Chapters 2–9, 11), learners (Chapters 10 and 12), and teachers (Chapter 13). These chapters are based on presentations given at Nanzan Language Education Seminars at Nanzan University, located in the Nagoya area of central Japan, and are authored by practitioners working mainly in public and private universities in and around this region; six of the authors are in fact affiliated with Nanzan University. The book also includes an introductory chapter by the editor (Chapter 1) that describes the aims of the volume, and an epilogue (Chapter 14) that situates the book within a larger theoretical context.

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Educational Practice Based on the Integration of Support Vector Machines and English Curricula

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Twin support vector machines (TWSVM) is based on the idea of proximal SVM based on generalized eigenvalues (GEPSVM), which determines two nonparallel planes by solving two related SVM-type problems, so that its computing cost in the training phase is 1/...

Incremental training of support vector machines using hyperspheres

In the conventional incremental training of support vector machines, candidates for support vectors tend to be deleted if the separating hyperplane rotates as the training data are added. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose an incremental ...

Research of App Exercises After Class Effect on College English Teaching: —-A Case of First Year Students in Nanning University

English teaching includes several parts such as self-study instruction, cooperative inquiry, intensive lecture and after class practice. In this paper, the role of extracurricular application on the effectiveness of college English teaching is explored ...


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  5. Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): JEE (Journal of English Education)

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  6. Teaching English To Young Learners: Learning Materials

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  1. Английский

  2. Personal Journal/ How to write a personal Journal/ English paper one

  3. International Journal of English Language Literature and Humanities


  1. Journal of English and Education (JEE)

    Journal of English and Education (JEE) provides a forum for researchers, linguists, teachers, and scholars in English language education and applied linguistics to contribute to the debate on this area from multilingual perspectives. Journal of English and Education (JEE) was first published in 2007. Changes have occurred several times ...

  2. English in Education

    English in Education publishes research-based articles and short creative pieces that provide informed reflection on the teaching of English within the school, college and higher education curriculum. Most our readers live and work in countries where English is the main language of communication. We regard English as a dynamic, creative and ...

  3. ijee

    International Journal of English and Education(IJEE) is a scholarly open access, refereed quarterly journal. The journal aims at providing a platform and encourages emerging scholars and academicians globally to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of English language, literature, linguistics and education.

  4. Journal of English and Education

    Journal of English and Education. Learning is an anthology of articles from students of English Education study program at Indonesia University of Education. It publishes twice a year: October and April. The articles in each issue are based on undergraduate students' final paper (skripsi).

  5. Journal of English Language and Education

    Journal of English Language and Education (pISSN: 2597-6850 and eISSN: 2502-4132) is a journal on researching or documenting issues in education, language education, applied linguistics, English education, English language teaching, English Literature, language assessment and evaluation. It is published by Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa ...

  6. English in Education

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  7. Submission

    Journal of English and Education (JEE) follows APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (APA Style JARS) from Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7 th Edition in structuring manuscript. APA Style JARS are a set of guidelines designed for journal authors, reviewers, and editors to enhance scientific rigor in peer ...

  8. ‪Journal of English and Education (JEE)‬

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  10. Archives

    This is the face of "Journal of English and Education" Islamic University of Indonesia Vol 1 No 1. Please do explore the English and Education, Language and Literature we have presented. Sugestions, critics and any other comments which can make yhe journal better will always be accepted with arms wide open. Published: July 31, 2007

  11. The Journal of English Learner Education

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  12. English Education Journal

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  13. Home

    Overview. ETL is an international journal with readership comprised of both teachers and researchers in the field of EFL who work in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, as well as in the state and private sectors. In addition to teachers and researchers, readers include teacher trainers, administrators and policy makers ...

  14. Journal of English Education and Teaching

    A peer-reviewed, open access journal in english language teaching & language education. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. ... Journal of English Education and Teaching JEET. 2685-743X (Print) / 2622-5867 (Online) Website ISSN Portal ...

  15. Indexing

    International Journal of English and Education(IJEE) is a scholarly open access, refereed quarterly journal. The journal aims at providing a platform and encourages emerging scholars and academicians globally to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of English language,

  16. JEE (Journal of English Education)

    Journal of English Education is a scientific journal that collects the results of the research and scientific work of lecturers, teachers, or students associated with learning and teaching English. It is a blind peer review international journal which publishes manuscripts within the fields of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL ...

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  22. JEE (Journal of English Education)

    About the Journal. Journal of English Education is a scientific journal that collects the results of the research and scientific work of lecturers, teachers, or students associated with learning and teaching English. It is a blind peer review international journal which publishes manuscripts within the fields of Teaching English as a Foreign ...

  23. JEET, Journal of English Education and Technology

    Journal of English Education and Technology (JEET) is a double-blind peer-reviewed to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field of English Language Teaching and Technology. JEET publishes the research- based, theoretical, practical article that address matters pertaining to the theory and practice in English ...

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  25. Teaching and Learning English in Japanese Classrooms: Teachers

    In a country where the high school enrolment rate is 97%, and enrolment in some form of higher education is 84% (Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT) 2023), approximately 480,000 high school students took the English section of the national university entrance exam in 2022 (National Center for University ...

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  27. Educational Practice Based on the Integration of Support Vector

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