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233 Great Humanities Topics For 2023

humanities topics

Picking a great paper topic is the first step you need to put together a great assignment. In humanities classes, this is very important because you need to consider topics that will explore new areas in the subject but also be topics that can be thoroughly researched given the limitations of an assignment. If you ask, “what are humanities topics I can use to write a great research paper?” you can refer to the list of free humanities paper topics below:

Humanities and Arts Research Topics

These humanities research paper topics are great for students interested in art history and other related fields that take a close look at the impact art has had on society:

  • Impact of Middle Eastern art on Western civilization.
  • American art influences democracy.
  • The Romantic period and modern art techniques.
  • Depictions of war in 20 th -century art.
  • Defining the European distress in modern art forms.
  • Racist depictions in early global maps and the impact on societies.
  • The ways that medicine has impacted how we view cultural expression.
  • Human flourishing and different perspectives in modern art.
  • Religious influence in 19 th -century European art.
  • The African American experience during the Harlem Renaissance.
  • The influence of music on modern culture and society.
  • Political propaganda in 20 th century American and European art.
  • The Beat Generation and its influence on modern art.
  • Ancient art and its influence on current artistic trends.
  • Mayan and Aztec artistic influence on current Latino cultures.
  • The Reformation Period and its impact on the art of the 20 th century.
  • Social media’s impact on digital art and the spread of ideas.
  • The impact of the printing press on the widescale spread of art.
  • The impact that modern warfare has had on artistic expression.
  • The stolen art of WWII and how it relates to cultures.
  • Early cave paintings and the understanding of human culture.
  • Racism and negative ethnic depictions in 20 th -century art.
  • Explain the ways Japanese art influenced the country’s clothing.
  • Popular music is an artistic form of expression among youth.
  • The censorship of specific artforms and the impact on culture.
  • The most famous architectural works from around the world.
  • How architecture was influenced by foreign cultures.
  • Ancient Greek and Roman motifs in modern architectural works.
  • The influence of 20 th -century art on 21 st -century culture.
  • How music influences youth culture in the 21 st century.

Topics in Digital Humanities

This is a relatively new field that offers a lot of opportunities for exploration. Just be sure you consider your topic carefully, as you may have some trouble finding information in your research:

  • Social media’s impact on third world countries.
  • The impact social media has had on international relations.
  • The ways digital humanities is changing the educators teach children.
  • Explain how digital access to information affects culture.
  • Metadata and scholarship processing in the 21 st century.
  • Language processing with the use of digital tools.
  • Linguistics and the role digital humanities has on the future.
  • The study of migration using technology.
  • Digital tools and their role in mapping underground structures.
  • Digital communication creates a bigger gap between generations.
  • The study of ancient texts through digital technologies.
  • Digital humanities and the mapping of our ancestral histories.
  • Linked open data and the challenges it faces in gathering data.
  • The ways digital archiving has helped people embrace ancestral cultures.
  • Researching art using digital technologies.
  • The impact digital humanities will have on higher education.
  • The media’s use of digital communication can affect the way we identify culturally.
  • Digital humanities in the developing world.
  • Machine learning and its impact on the discipline of humanities.
  • Implementing digital tools and resources into education.
  • Forensic study in the search for hidden meaning in texts.
  • Encoding U.S. documents to improve the legal process.
  • Digital communication and how we view military conflicts.
  • Access to digital information helps people learn more efficiently.
  • Removing discrepancies in translations of ancient works.
  • Recognizing patterns in historical literature.
  • Digital archives and analysis of the written word.
  • The ways data visualization tools are changing people’s opinions.
  • Digital humanities change the way we view our cultural past.
  • The ways digital humanities have helped us visually recreate ancient cities.

Medical Humanities Research Topics

These ideas are great to write about because many discussions are occurring on the internet. Writing about medical issues is a great way to get the reader’s attention. Here are some great topics to consider for a humanities research paper:

  • Humanities studies impact doctor-assisted suicide cases.
  • The history of abortion throughout the 20 th century.
  • Cultural influences and prenatal genetic testing in developed countries.
  • The evolution of medical costs in the United States.
  • The ways that medical theories have been represented in art.
  • Informing families of patients’ illnesses throughout literature.
  • Wearing a mask after Covid-19 and its effects on culture.
  • Social distancing and the connections made through social media.
  • Creating a culture of social distancing to avoid future pandemics.
  • Giving doctors the right to work extra hours without pay.
  • How literature influences the use of marijuana for medical regions.
  • Robotics replacing the roles of nurses and doctors in the medical field.
  • Medical depictions in art versus religious depictions in art.
  • How are medical addictions portrayed in literature?
  • The practice of medicine across different cultures.
  • Medical ethics is involved in deciding who lives and dies.
  • Medical practices in the field of battle.
  • Medical care for people from low-income areas.
  • The impact art has had on growing the medical community.
  • Medical records and the development of treatments.
  • How humanities influence the use of alternative medicines.
  • How religion impacts the way patients agree to treatments.
  • Criminal charges for medical malpractice throughout the 21 st century.
  • Representation of the medical profession through the 20 th century.
  • The rise of confidentiality agreements in the medical field.
  • Questions and concerns regarding abortion in the modern age.
  • The decision to vaccinate or not for the safety of the greater population.
  • Religious impact on the medical community.
  • The rights of patients when religion prevents certain procedures.
  • Medical depictions in the art are against religious principles.

Good Research Topics for Humanities

If you don’t have a lot of time to conduct in-depth research, you may want to write about any of these topics in humanities. You will have no trouble finding information on the web, just be sure you use trustworthy sources when making your argument:

  • The impact television has had on modern culture.
  • Political commentary in modern music.
  • The role humanities will play on future generations.
  • The ways humans flourish through different shared perspectives.
  • The need to promote the study of humanities in schools.
  • The application of philosophy in western democracy.
  • Artistic influence during the times of war.
  • The ways the Depression of the 1930s influenced culture.
  • Broadening the mind through international travel.
  • Literature and the increasing rate of illiteracy in adults.
  • The impact music has on political propaganda.
  • Fair treatment of immigrants in the U.S.
  • Western humanities in the 21 st century.
  • The ways culture is shaped by modern photography.
  • Eastern philosophy and its influence on western cultures.
  • Cults and modern religious movements in American society.
  • Eastern religion and its influence on western beliefs.
  • The importance of studying philosophy in humanities.
  • International trade routes and the spread of cultures.
  • The impact of social media in modern culture.
  • Social media and the dissemination of international news.
  • The impact that media has on modern culture.
  • The Ottoman Empire and its role in shaping the Middle East.
  • The impact the 20 th migration movement had on international policy.
  • The lost Native-American languages and the country’s culture.
  • The influence that African music has had on American culture.
  • The impact Joe Hill had on the country’s early labor struggles.
  • The influence of the Beat Generation on modern culture.
  • The unification of Germany and its impact on international policy.
  • Gender expectations in American modern fiction.

Humanities Project Ideas for High School

When writing any assignment, you always want to make sure you choose a good topic. These humanities topics ideas are great for students that are still learning skills in researching and writing. Students should have no trouble finding information:

  • Sacrificial traditions in ancient religions and their impact on today’s society.
  • The impact the printing press had on spreading religion.
  • Theatre of the absurd and its impact on modern culture.
  • The protection of traditions when they are considered unethical.
  • Questions that arise from space exploration efforts.
  • The impact the IRA has had on international relations.
  • Interpreting Sigmund Freud’s theories in the 21 st century.
  • Cultural differences between Latin American countries.
  • The Chinese Communist Revolution and its influence on global culture.
  • Fairy tales and the influence they have had on modern cinema.
  • Symbolism in television sci-fi shows.
  • How the gothic genre has captured new readers.
  • The history of nationalism in the United States vs. European countries.
  • Speakeasies in the 1920s and the role they had in shaping culture.
  • The Sit-down strike of the mid-1930s and its impact on the 21 st century.
  • The impact graphic novels have had on literacy.
  • The United States’ Woman’s Suffrage Movement and its influence around the world.
  • The war protests of the 1960s and 1970s and modern American politics.
  • How African culture has influenced modern American culture.
  • The decisions that are made by public policy committees.
  • The Dust Bowl and how the U.S. was shaped into different regions.
  • How eco poetry has changed our understanding of the environment.
  • Folklore’s influence on how we interact with others.
  • How science fiction has entered the mainstream culture around the world.
  • Community volunteer programs and their impact on youth.
  • How oral history has influenced modern culture.
  • The impact television has had on America’s youth.
  • Explain the history of human violence in the U.S.
  • The human family unit and its role in racism.
  • Human interaction over social media outlets.

Humanities Essay Topics for College

The humanities research topics listed below don’t require a lot of in-depth academic research and can be dealt with by doing some easy background research on the web and then some research at the library:

  • Animal rights and their impact on American culture.
  • The effect that Third Wave Feminism has had on Europe.
  • The influence the Islamic religion has had on American culture.
  • The meaning of moral philosophy in the United States.
  • Similarities between religions around the world.
  • Political obligation at the federal level versus the state level.
  • How humans think about the future of the world.
  • The definition of the human condition is described in the Bible.
  • Events that led to the study of humanity at a scholarly level.
  • The negative effects of the temperance movement in the U.S.
  • The quest for happiness in modern society.
  • The ways theology contradicts our knowledge of medicine.
  • The industrial revolution’s impact on human identity.
  • The impact modern photography has on European and American culture.
  • Color and the impact it has had on the human experience.
  • Different definitions of freedom from around the world.
  • The major religious ideologies in humans and their impact on societies.
  • The role gender definitions play in the educational experience.
  • Development of new languages in today’s society.
  • Diverse human behaviors and cultural characteristics.
  • The Bible’s representation of humanities and cultures.
  • Humans and the root of modern society.
  • Possessions humans have learned to live without.
  • Global warming and its impact on different cultures around the world.
  • The evolution of violence among humans.
  • The reason why humans will become extinct.
  • The ways subcultures have developed over the decades.
  • Science and its influence on humanities over the centuries.
  • The way Roman and Greek civilizations educated themselves.
  • The evolution of social interactions among humans.
  • The way Western Civilizations developed over the centuries.
  • The negative impact humans have on the earth’s environment.
  • Music and its impact on human psychology.
  • The ways our environmental surroundings affect our cultures.
  • Present a detailed overview and analysis of global humanities.
  • The characteristics that separate humans from all other animals.
  • The importance of mistakes to improve a person’s development.
  • The impact war has on children in devastated areas.
  • How humans became the dominant species on earth.
  • The reasons humans have decided to procreate less.

Topics for Humanities Research Paper

Many young students find this area of study interesting. So, we have gathered several humanities research project topics that will inspire them to explore the field further without being too overwhelming:

  • The ways different world cultures perceive and handle death.
  • The role of holidays in bringing people together and strengthening the family unit.
  • Relationships with domesticated pets and inclusion into family life.
  • The cultural meaning behind family names and how they bring people together.
  • The role a nation’s economy has had on human development.
  • The evolution of socialist movements throughout the world.
  • The tension between religion and science throughout the centuries.
  • The ways humanity will change in the next century because of our current state.
  • An exploration of the way humanity was represented in the art of the Renaissance.
  • The Enlightenment Period and its impact on human development.
  • The Harlem Renaissance and its influence on African American culture.
  • Humanities in the computer age and mass information.
  • Human identity and the role of the Industrial Revolution in our development.
  • The relationship between the environment and human beings.
  • The impact WWI and WWII had on our understanding of humanity.
  • Holidays and the different ways we celebrate them.
  • Cultural diets from around the world and our relationship with food.
  • The ways different cultures define democratic freedom.
  • Education in liberal arts and its current role in education.
  • The course of American politics over the last century.

Interesting Humanities Topics for Grad School

As students become more familiar with this type of assignment and as they advance to higher academic levels, they will need to choose a topic that meets or surpass the standards of their instructors’ expectations. Here is a list targeted toward graduate-level students:

  • The impact that genocides have had on groups of people.
  • Comic books and graphic novels and their influence on America’s youth.
  • Super-hero movies in the 21 st century and how they are affecting culture.
  • The influence the media has on our understanding of society.
  • The most fascinating aspects of European and American culture.
  • Different cultures and our beliefs about the human soul.
  • The ways Asian literature has entered American culture.
  • Slavery across the centuries and the ways we still discriminate.
  • Early civilizations and the evolution of human societies.
  • Human interactions with nature and wild species.
  • The political divide is caused by different parties and ideologies.
  • World Travel and its ability to broaden our thinking of other cultures.
  • The influence villains in movies have on human behavior.
  • The ways people mistreat natural environments.
  • Violence in television and the ways it affects young adults.
  • The impact racism has had in American society.
  • The ways society is influenced by the media.
  • Diversity and inclusion among different ethnic groups.
  • Professional sports and their ability to bring people together.
  • Cultural identification and the way it affects the way we look at history.
  • The definition of social Darwinism in modern society.
  • The portrayal of women in 20 th -century European literature.

If you need more humanities research papers, we can put you in contact with one of our academic experts trained in the subject. He or she can provide you with a custom list you can apply to any kind of assignment. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Send us an email or call us by phone, we are always glad to help.

religion research paper topics

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243 amazing humanities topics for research.

humanities topics

Humanities is an academic discipline that deals with studying the different aspects of culture and human society. This field has a rich historical background that distinguishes it from other empirical approaches to the natural sciences.

The different fields in humanities include archaeology, classics, philosophy, religion, linguistics, and languages. You will encounter methods such as hermeneutics and source criticism in the course of your study. It is crucial to understand that scholars in humanities significant to questions rather than answers.

What Are Humanities Topics?

These are topics that major in interpreting the known facts and look at them from a fresh perspective. Unlike sciences and other fields, there are no restrictive rules – you can create them in the form of art.

Humanities topics involve the study of human society and social relationships. Such titles are analytical and deal with the philosophical questions of what makes us human. Since they trace their origin from ancient Greece, these topics take a more historical turn.

When coming up with humanities topics, it is essential to consider the following:

  • They should be practical
  • They should impact society as a whole
  • Should relate the historical and current perspectives

Humanities students have the rare opportunity of understanding ancient and modern events that shape human life. You can learn all things from the romantic era’s poetry to the rise and fall of empires in the 15th century. It thus widens your understanding of the historical perspectives of almost every aspect of life.

In humanities topics, college students get strengthened in their research, writing, and critical thinking skills. But what are the best topics in humanities that you can present and score an A+?

Look at the topics below for inspiration.

Best-Rated Anthropology Humanities Paper Topics

  • How different aspects of the social sciences relate with humanities and human biology.
  • Reproducible and verifiable experiments in human anthropology
  • Local traditions that shape the structure and functioning of human life
  • Scientific methods to understand social phenomena in the society
  • Why do humanities use nuanced descriptions rather than general laws?
  • A critical look at the different branches of anthropology
  • Factors that inhibit the study of anthropological linguistics
  • Why cultural anthropology receives a cold shoulder among most undergraduate students
  • Describe a case study that properly illustrates sociocultural anthropology
  • Why is it difficult to provide a holistic account of humans and human nature?
  • Why do anthropologists only specialize in one sub-field?
  • Explain the importance of the biological, linguistic, historical, and cultural aspects of any problem.
  • Describe the impact of anthropology arising as a science in Western societies
  • Major industrial trends associated with anthropology research
  • Effectiveness of methodological drives in studying peoples in communities with more simple social organization
  • Why non-western cultures are least accepted in most countries?
  • The quest for holism in the study of humanities
  • How to use the biogenetic, archaeological, and linguistic data in humanities

Professional Topics For Humanities Classes

  • Factors affecting the proper record keeping of archaeological data
  • The role of architecture, biofacts, and Eco facts in human archaeology
  • Using culture history to reconstruct past lifeways in ancient culture
  • Explain the various changes in human societies through time.
  • Describe the origin of humanities in the Classical Greek
  • How the general education dating from the Sophists in the mid-5th century influenced humanities
  • The role of early Middle Ages Church Fathers in humanities
  • Describe the role of 15th-century Italian humanists to denote secular literary
  • How ancient Greek and Latin studies have helped advance research in humanities
  • The impact of the separation of humanities from the realm of the divine
  • Methods of the maturing physical sciences in the scholarly arena
  • Discuss the contemporary conceptions concerning the study of humanities
  • Conduct a complete analysis of the humanities curriculum in the U.S.A.
  • How to propagate a self-sufficient system of human values in the society
  • How to distinguish the humanities from the social sciences

High-Quality Topics For Humanities Research Papers

  • How different countries vary in the way of their social interactions
  • What is the impact of breaking down humanities into other majors?
  • Global political and economic issues affecting the study of humanities
  • Using sociology to draw a complete picture of how the world works
  • How to reinvent the best ideas from the past occurrences effectively
  • The role of critical thinking and effective communication in humanities
  • Which set of abilities should students have for humanities?
  • Discuss the factors that affect the behavior of individuals and society
  • Why are humanities papers on marriage among the most relevant nowadays?
  • Is it true that focusing on the family is vital for one’s self-development?
  • Discuss the notion of different societies concerning aging
  • Why is the world still struggling with the problem of inequality to date?
  • Factors affecting changes in social interactions among communities
  • The role of social media in shaping the perspectives of different people
  • Evaluate the factors affecting teenagers in the 21st century

Impressive Topics For Humanities Research Paper

  • Discuss the impact of various social movements in advocating for change
  • Why is child abuse still a pertinent issue in the 21st century?
  • The role of social backgrounds in contributing to conflicts at workplaces
  • What is the main challenge facing racial movements?
  • An analysis of the reaction of people towards social policies
  • Elaborate on the trends and impacts of irresponsible teenage behavior in the society
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of early marriages
  • Why should parents not restrict their children from accessing the internet?
  • Analyze the different class systems and their impact on associations
  • What is the primary cause of criminal organizations in different societies?
  • A case study of cliques among high school and college students
  • The risk of delaying early childhood education among children in the U.S.A.
  • Discuss the various clashes between different social classes in the world
  • What is the place of the marginalized in society?
  • Discuss the impact of the Me Too movement on the girl-child

Hot Humanities Research Topics

  • What are the leading causes of drinking among a majority of the population?
  • Discuss the various means of dealing with institutional crisis
  • The role of capitalism and communism in the study of humanities
  • What are the impacts of immigration into the U.S. from Mexico?
  • The role of gender in determining leadership positions in the society
  • Theoretical foundations of humanities in different institutions
  • Discuss the significant differences between sects and cults
  • Elaborate on the impact of the myths and misconceptions about coronavirus
  • The role of poverty in facilitating violence and civil unrest
  • Is cultural segmentation a good thing?
  • The effect of technology on preserving historical facts
  • Why social theories are essential in the field of humanities
  • Discuss the origin of the discrimination against African-Americans
  • An overview of the effects of cultural assimilation
  • Is it possible to eliminate healthcare disparities among the LGBT community?

Interesting Humanities Topics

  • Discuss the role of video games in advancing violence in societies
  • Why fashion is becoming a distraction for many in the society
  • Discuss why the topic of abortion is a live wire in most societies
  • A case study of mass media and fear during terrorism attacks
  • Discuss the social role of mass media in communities
  • Why has online dating distorted the necessity of marriages?
  • Discuss the evolution of lifestyles from the 15th century to date
  • The part of body images in appealing to emotions
  • Why are most college students victims of poor time management?
  • The effects of the social, cultural engagements in the development of societies
  • Discuss the political aspects that relate to social interactions
  • Why are primarily teenagers and youths defiant to their parents?
  • Why people from different nationalities differ from each other
  • Why can’t the millennial live without updates of any event?
  • Social issues affecting students in colleges and universities

Latest Humanities Project Ideas

  • Discuss the different branches of humanities concerned with creative audio-visual pursuits
  • Conduct an in-depth analysis of the human communication and behavior
  • Critically examine the role of the justice system in advancing equality
  • Current issues facing societies about the coronavirus prevention protocols
  • The part of statistical data relating to population
  • Explore the environmental foundations necessary for humanities
  • Look at the gender divide in society and how to address it
  • Discuss the cultural construct of the masculine and feminine identity
  • Explore the field of Geography and its relationship to humanities
  • How people interact with different physical features
  • What are the challenges when it comes to relations between nations?
  • Examine why language is essential for any society to thrive
  • The role of multi-cultural and regional dimensions to humanities
  • Why the study of beliefs, histories, values, and geographic backgrounds is necessary
  • A systematic review of the issues affecting rational arguments

Top-Tier Humanities Topics Ideas

  • Examine the role of religion and mythology in the study of humanities
  • Why is pop music gaining acceptance among the general population?
  • Investigate the relationship between society and social relationships
  • Explore how the politics and government of the United States has evolved over the ages
  • Study the implications of studying philosophy to the growth of a society
  • Dive into the impact of peer-reviewed humanities papers
  • The role of diversity in making the world a better place
  • The importance of intersectionality and discrimination in any society
  • Why differences can also advance peace and harmony
  • Discuss the social relations between Islam and Christians
  • Evaluate the process that led to the unification of Germany
  • How did the Vietnam War affect the relationships of different countries?
  • Outline the impacts of the great migration
  • Impact of the Women’s Suffrage movements in championing for female rights
  • How did the Ottoman Empire contribute to socialization?

World-Class Topics in Humanities

  • Discuss the conflict between religion and social order
  • What is the best disciplinary action for employees’ misconduct outside work
  • The role of sales tax on internet purchases
  • Why it is essential to understand the history of Europe in understanding humanities
  • Why are human beings anatomically similar?
  • The part of Greek and Latin texts and language in the study of humanities
  • Why are the classical-era scholars in important in humanities?
  • Discuss the role of humanities in institutions of higher learning
  • Why do humanities and liberal studies make up the bulk of specialization for college students
  • Give a substantive analysis of the renaissance-era humanists
  • The place of a balanced curriculum in fostering critical humanist skills
  • How humanities help students achieve analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Why do most universities require multiple humanities courses?
  • Discuss the events that led to the French revolution
  • The implications of William Shakespeare’s plays

Medical Humanities Research Topics

  • Discuss the ethical and humanistic dimensions of medicine
  • Analyze the impact of various medical and technological advances
  • The growing interest of researchers in the field of neuro-ethics
  • Discuss the relationship between medicine and humanities
  • How has the history of medicine varied with that of the humanities sector?
  • Critical issues of healthcare access and public health policy
  • What are the factors facing doctor-patient relationships?
  • Discuss how to deal with end-of-life issues in medicine
  • How does the media impact the study and progress of medicine?
  • Analyze the relationship between medicine and society
  • Who are the most significant scholars in medical anthropology?
  • A critical analysis of empathy and experience of illness
  • Choices available for doctors in the neonatal intensive care unit
  • How the issues of limited resources impact access to medical care
  • Analyze the ethics of medical advances

Good Research Topics For Humanities

  • Informed consent issues for the matter of terminal diseases
  • Why is humanities a rich interdisciplinary concentration?
  • The vital importance of diversity in any society
  • The state of empathy and sympathy during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Explore the different aspects of poetry
  • Is it practical for anyone to work late in the night?
  • How modern literature writers find meaning and inspiration in the works
  • Ethical issues involved in the dialysis of the obese, homeless, and diabetic
  • Why motivational interviewing was preferred for patients with diabetes?
  • Discuss the effects of stigma among leaders
  • The role of technology in reshaping the future of social interactions
  • An innovative approach on the psychological aspects students
  • Discuss the essentials of a practical counseling session
  • Why do there exist disparities between the likeness of children to their parents
  • The effects of becoming a counseling psychologist

Unique Topics For Humanities Research Paper

  • Personal and professional reflections on the 9/11
  • How parents can handle children with disabilities
  • The impact of social media on the freedom of speech: A case of Facebook
  • The role of the international criminal court in maintains world law and order.
  • Analyze the economic context of a novel
  • Emergent property and consciousness in the study of philosophy
  • Discuss the effectiveness of the theories of punishment
  • Are we likely to experience a third and fourth wave of feminism?
  • What are the factors that are likely to cause philosophical anarchism?
  • Discuss the growth and spread of Pentecostalism in Latin America
  • Evaluate the impact of the Great Awakenings in the U.S. history
  • Conduct an overview of the Shia minorities in the Middle East
  • What are the social and cultural implications of the Religious Freedom Act?
  • Do atheists honestly believe that there is no God?
  • How to foster relationships among the Catholics and Evangelicals

College Humanities Essay Topics

  • The necessity of teaching children the gender issues
  • What is the origin of the discussions for and against gay marriages?
  • Is it correct to say that everyone is a stereotype by default?
  • An overview of the international marriages and globalism
  • The impact of spending more time on social networking sites
  • The role of social norms and cultures in a given society
  • Why do most people experience challenges shifting from one culture to another?
  • Discuss the relationship between a class and a student’s performance
  • Are unconventional families essential for the growth and development of any child?
  • Why do most students prefer foreign education over any other?
  • Discuss the concept of the right to privacy
  • Why do some studies need to engage in patriotism students?
  • The role of economic prosperity in influencing patriotism
  • Discuss the relationship between social media and addiction
  • A case study of WhatsApp as the best social media group in the U.S.A.

Topics in Digital Humanities

  • Discuss the various tools and methods for nineteenth-century American literature
  • Understanding how the media is involved in human interactions
  • Why digital communications technologies are the new norm
  • Analyze the nature and extent of the digital revolution
  • The history of computing in the humanities
  • A humanistic critique of the computational methods
  • Why most practitioners are opting for digital communication
  • The role of the computer as a continual tool of innovation
  • The process of using and building digital projects
  • Incorporating digital technologies in archiving archaeological data
  • Discuss the connection between traditional and digital textual scholarship
  • Large-scale digital literary analysis
  • Explore the potential of the digital academic data
  • The broader context of the digital humanities
  • How to computationally research and teach in humanities

Top Humanities Research Project Topics

  • Analysis of the macroscopic trends in cultural change
  • A textual analysis of digital archives
  • Why is there a lack of focus in pedagogy?
  • Issues of access to information in the society
  • Impact of online publishing in humanities
  • Cultural analytic tools necessary for humanities
  • The role of doctors in assisted suicide
  • What should administrators do to campus violence perpetrators?
  • The ethical downside of capital punishment
  • Who should determine the legal drinking age?
  • Why is modesty too hard to achieve nowadays?
  • The life of prisons and prisoners
  • Why doping in sports is still prevalent
  • Discuss the limitations of college admission policies
  • The role of education and funding

Humanities And Arts Research Topics

  • Home-schooling
  • Literacy levels in America
  • The role of prayer in schools
  • Programming and advertising
  • The portrayal of women by media
  • Physical attention techniques
  • Affirmative action programs in the U.S.A.
  • What is the way forward on gambling?
  • Race relations
  • Learning disabilities
  • Family values
  • Intelligence tests
  • Distant learning
  • White-collar jobs
  • Morals and values

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220 Best Humanities Research Topics to Get Started

Table of Contents

Humanities is a broad academic discipline that deals with the various facets of culture and human society. It mainly involves the study of languages, philosophy, literature, religion, art, history, law, archaeology, and anthropology. If you are a humanities student, then as a part of your course, you will have to submit a research paper on any interesting topic related to the subject. In case, you are unsure what topic to choose for your humanities research paper, then check this blog post. For your convenience, here, we have presented a list of the great humanities research topics in various categories. Also, we have shared a few significant tips for selecting a good humanities research topic.

Without wasting your time, explore this blog post and get more ideas for humanities research paper writing.

Humanities Research Topics

Tips for Selecting a Good Humanities Research Topic

Before jumping into the humanities research topics list, first, let us take a look at how to select a good humanities research topic.

Usually, when it comes to research paper writing assignments, your professors will share some writing prompts for you to choose from. But, at certain times, they will allow you to select a topic on your own. In such a scenario, you may get confused about what topic to choose.

If you are given a chance to select the humanities research topic of your choice, follow the below-mentioned tips. It would help you identify an ideal humanities research topic.

  • Pick a practical research topic.
  • Choose a topic that belongs to your area of interest.
  • Go with a topic that is related to both the current and historical perspectives.
  • Give preference to the topic that is impactful to society.
  • Never pick a topic with no or less research scope.
  • Select a topic that is matching to the research methodology of your choice.
  • Consider a topic that is interesting and informative to your readers.
  • Choose a research topic that has extensive information and credible sources for reference.
  • Select a topic that contains valid facts, evidence, or examples supporting your major points of discussion.

Besides all these steps, before finalizing your research topic, check whether the topic you have identified stands in line with the writing guidelines of your professor or university. Once you have chosen a perfect humanities research topic, start writing the research paper by using your writing skills, after conducting deep research.

List of the Best Humanities Research Topics

To write a humanities research paper, you can choose a topic from any discipline such as arts, religion, philosophy, medicine, etc.

Humanities Research Topics

Especially, to make your topic selection process simple and help you save time, below we have added a list of outstanding humanities research paper ideas on various categories. Go through the entire list carefully and pick any topic that is convenient for you to research and write about.

Basic Humanities Research Paper Topics

  • Assess the best strategies for negotiations during wars.
  • How do body image issues change with age?
  • Does book reading make people more social?
  • How does economic prosperity affect the feeling of patriotism?
  • Explain the effects of gender-based violence on children’s personalities.
  • Explain how social media affect America’s political decisions.
  • What are the social changes in developed nations?
  • Research the effectiveness of the UN in fostering global peace.
  • Discuss the negative impacts of teen pregnancies.
  • What is the role of America in Europe’s restoration after WWII?
  • Discuss the role of artists in a time of war
  • Application of the views of Socrates to western democracy in the 21 st Century
  • Evaluation of Appalachian language and its academic power
  • Critical analysis of the role of conflicts in violence
  • Why building resilience is important for ensuring environmental sustainability?
  • Perspective pathways to greater human flourishing
  • Regional Identity and Appalachian Language
  • The 18th Century Conventions of Feminism and Jane Austen
  • How can the theories of Socrates be applied to 21st-century Western Democracy?
  • Briefly discuss the historical tension between religion and science with examples

Excellent Humanities Project Ideas

  • Compare human and animal sacrifice in religion.
  • Are fast foods spoiling traditional food cultures?
  • What are the pros and cons of studying gender issues in school?
  • How photography is framing public opinion in the 21st century?
  • Investigate the role of the justice system in advancing equality.
  • Compare African socialism in the 1950 and 1970s.
  • Discuss the environmental foundations necessary for humanities.
  • Explain the pros and cons of studying humanities.
  • Discuss how cultural stereotypes are developed by superstitions.
  • Why is it hard to stop bullying in school?
  • Research why language is essential for any society to thrive.
  • What impact do graphic novels have on literacy?
  • Assess human communication and behavior.
  • How oral history has affected modern culture?
  • How science fiction has invaded the mainstream culture around the world?
  • How do intersectionality and gender bias affect inclusion and diversity in the workplace?
  • Describe the current status of transgender and other sexual minority communities in Canada
  • Discuss some common social justice issues across every country in the world
  • Humanity is the best religion and the essence of human existence: Explain
  • Impact of the feminism movement on society

Great Humanities Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the link between bureaucracy and the law-making process.
  • Write about the executive power in the US.
  • What are the ethical issues involved in media advertising?
  • Explain the connection between Italian fashion and Chinese culture.
  • Discuss the impact of dual nationality on political views.
  • Analyze the effects of poverty in rural communities.
  • How Twitter has transformed into a powerful political platform?
  • Is capitalism the best system?
  • What is the impact of the Neolithic revolution on people’s cognitive abilities?
  • Discuss the effects of daily family routines on a child’s development.
  • How to differentiate the humanities from the social sciences?
  • Explain the role of capitalism and communism in the study of humanities.
  • What are the global political and economic issues that affect the study of humanities?
  • Discuss the effects of irresponsible teenage behavior in society.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of early marriages.
  • Analyze the humanities curriculum in the U.S.A.
  • Write about the origin of humanities in Classical Greek.
  • What are the factors that inhibit the study of anthropological linguistics?
  • Explain the factors that modify the behavior of individuals and society.
  • Explain the impact of the Me Too movement on the girl-child.

Captivating Humanities Research Topics

  • What are the effects of Consumerism on sustainability?
  • Write about the fashion trends in society.
  • Research the social problems faced by people who are with disabilities.
  • Why does cultural appropriation always result in political contests?
  • Should poverty be treated as a social issue?
  • What are the benefits of countercultures in society?
  • How to prevent the fight for resources in families using the conflict theory?
  • What is the role of the bible in the development of US democracy?
  • Explain the major differences between interstate conflicts and wars.
  • Using the critical race theory analyze the Black Lives Matter activist movement.
  • Analyze the impact of different class systems on associations.
  • What are the various clashes between different social classes in the world?
  • Discuss the effect of various social movements in advocating for change.
  • What is the ultimate cause of criminal organizations in different societies?
  • Explain the effect of technology on preserving historical facts.
  • Explore the reaction of people towards social policies.
  • Discuss the differences between sects and cults.
  • What is the impact of the separation of humanities from the realm of the divine?
  • Discuss the role of critical thinking and effective communication in humanities.
  • What is the role of early Middle Ages Church Fathers in humanities?

Humanities Research Paper Topics

Humanities Research Topics in Philosophy

  • Discuss election ethics.
  • What are the main causes of war?
  • Prepare a case study of Europe in the 20th century based on the application of socialism.
  • Discuss the inference of learning philosophy for the growth of a society.
  • Discuss the implications of scientific realism on judgment by scientists.
  • How to eradicate corruption in society?
  • Explore mind philosophy and problems with dualism.
  • Discuss the main challenges involved in regulating the environment using laws.
  • Are morals relative to society or culture?
  • Using Aristotle’s perspectives define a perfect government.

Humanities and Arts Research Paper Topics

  • How does art education make people think differently?
  • Discuss the effect of music on modern culture and society.
  • Explain the impact of the Cultural Revolution on Chinese art.
  • Compare the themes in modern and traditional Caribbean music.
  • What is water puppetry in Vietnamese tradition?
  • Analyze the Mayan art and society.
  • Explain the music and political propaganda in the 20th century.
  • Compare the role of liberal arts education in the 20th and 21st centuries.
  • What is the use of totem masks in Papua New Guinea art?
  • Discuss the causes of the decline of art in medieval Europe.
  • Explain how Japanese art influenced that country’s clothing.
  • How the modern art is related to American suffering?
  • What is the effect of the printing press on the wide-scale spread of art?
  • What is the influence of ancient art on current artistic trends?
  • Describe the ancient Greek and Roman motifs in modern architectural works.
  • Discuss the effects of social media on digital art and the spread of ideas.
  • Explain the K-pop music style and subculture.
  • Explain the impact of mythology on the sculptures of Ancient Greece.
  • Depict war in 20th-century art.
  • Should advertisements be seen as a form of modern art?

Medical Humanities Research Topics

  • Can exercise ruin a person’s health?
  • Should a doctor be allowed to offer medical help against the desires of the guardian?
  • Discuss the impact of various medical and technological advances.
  • Explain how to deal with end-of-life issues in medicine.
  • How are medical addictions portrayed in literature?
  • Where the people with mental issues should be treated- in or outside their communities?
  • Explain the history of abortion throughout the 20th century.
  • What is the relationship between medicine and humanities?
  • Examine the practice of medicine across different cultures.
  • Is it ethical to use animals for testing drugs?
  • Discuss the ethics of medical advances.
  • Explain the medical practices in the field of battle.
  • Discuss the criminal charges for medical malpractice throughout the 21st century.
  • How do humanities affect the use of alternative medicines?
  • Discuss the religious impact on the medical community.

Digital Humanities Research Paper Topics

  • Why do social media make people feel lonely as opposed to connecting them?
  • How to incorporate digital technologies in archiving archaeological data?
  • Discuss the history of computing in the humanities.
  • Explain the effect of Modern devices and technology on people’s relationships.
  • Evaluate the nature and extent of the digital revolution.
  • What are the effects of video games on violence in society?
  • Have a closer look at humanities studies and the age of information technology.
  • Discuss the history of the printing press and its role in spreading ideas.
  • How do modern gadgets affect people’s mental health?
  • Should we adopt a scientific approach to the problem of alcoholism?
  • Does digital technology offer a better life?
  • Explore the potential of digital academic data.
  • Discuss the future of digital communication.
  • Explain how data visualization tools are changing people’s opinions.
  • Discuss the change in people’s jobs because of technological developments.

Humanities Research Topics on Religion

  • Discuss the conflict between religion and social order.
  • Compare the two most ancient religions in society.
  • What is the role of religion in contemporary society?
  • Explain the concept of reincarnation in different religions.
  • What is the major reason for the emergence of new religions?
  • What is the importance of the church in the well-being of society?
  • Compare funeral rituals in two religions of your choice.
  • Explain the difference between new and older religious movements.
  • Discuss the positive changes that can be achieved through religious practices.
  • Analyze the concept of Goddess and God in religion.
  • Explain the similarities between religions around the world.
  • What is the effect of sacrificial traditions in ancient religions on today’s society?
  • Discuss female clergy in religions.
  • What is the relationship between religion and science?
  • Explain the role of religion and mythology in the study of humanities.

Amazing Humanities Research Ideas

  • What are the effects of cultural assimilation?
  • Explain why the topic of abortion is a live wire in most societies.
  • What is the role of poverty in facilitating violence and civil unrest?
  • Why has online dating twisted the necessity of marriage?
  • Why is pop music gaining acceptance among the general population?
  • Is cultural segmentation a good thing?
  • Prepare a case study of mass media and fear during terrorist attacks.
  • How to handle the institutional crisis?
  • Why social theories are significant in the field of humanities?
  • What is the role of gender in determining leadership positions in society?
  • Explain the social issues that affect students in colleges and universities.
  • Analyze the effects of the great migration.
  • Why are primarily teenagers and youths resistant to their parents?
  • Explain the consequences of intersectionality and discrimination in any society.
  • Compare pop music and classical music

Read more: Great Human Rights Topics For Writing Academic Papers

Outstanding Humanities Research Topics

  • Write about Western humanities in the 21 st
  • Discuss symbolism in television sci-fi shows.
  • Explain the evolution of socialist movements throughout the world.
  • Write about humanities in the computer age and mass information.
  • How does online publishing affect humanities?
  • Describe the Bible’s representation of humanities and culture.
  • Write about community volunteer programs and their impact on youths.
  • Discuss the influence of science on humanities over the centuries.
  • Present the different definitions of freedom from around the world.
  • Why the tools for cultural analysis are essential for humanities?
  • Alternative dispute resolution mechanism for the settlement of environmental disputes in Nigeria: A Study of Ojodu Community, Lagos State
  • Describe the scarily lucrative business model of human trafficking
  • Technical Change And Productivity in the Manufacturing Industry in Imo State of Nigeria
  • How the military force of a nation can promote human security in conflict situations?
  • Analyze the governance and service delivery of the local government in the Kiruhura District of Uganda

Top-rated Humanities Dissertation Topics

  • What are the challenges faced by adult graduates with learning technologies?
  • Explain the impact of the internet on the emotional maturity of the students.
  • How do the qualities of family life affect parent-child relationships?
  • Assess the link between classroom quality and learning results in kindergarten.
  • Is creativity a type of fantasy?
  • What are the major causes of the Cold War?
  • Discuss the effect of adoption on parent-child relationships.
  • Investigate how racism affects a family unit.
  • What are the political and social implications of design?
  • Explain the future of humanity in an extraterrestrial world.
  • Examining the most effective tactics for wartime negotiations: Utilize three 20th-century example studies.
  • When should kids start receiving sex education?
  • Offspring of multinational marriages facing identification challenges.
  • Who is responsible for defending human rights on a global scale? A study of the International Criminal Court’s efficacy.
  • The major reason for misunderstandings in social media communication is a lack of face-to-face encounters.

Read more: Interesting Dissertation Topics to Consider for Academic Writing

Informative Humanities Research Ideas

  • Answering the challenging inquiries What is the main reason for the conflicts between Israel and Palestine? Can it or it be dealt with?
  • How Twitter has become a potent political tool.
  • Do gender and spirituality go together?
  • Should the United States be held accountable for the severe harm that its use of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused to Japan?
  • Should social media use be controlled to lessen the risk of addiction and other adverse effects?
  • Discuss the role played by NGOs and free-of-cost education service delivery organizations to develop underdeveloped nations
  • Participation motives and competitive orientation of football players in the Kenyan Women’s Premier League
  • Analyze the central idea of marriage in African Religio-Culture with reference to the Maasai of Kajiado County, Kenya
  • Critical analysis of women’s political participation: a case of Bomachoge constituency in Kenya (1963-2013)
  • Association between paternal illicit drug and alcohol consumption, complementary feeding and children’s nutrition status

Awesome Humanities Research Topics

  • A critical look at the different branches of anthropology
  • Explain the various changes in human societies through time.
  • How to propagate a self-sufficient system of human values in the society
  • What is the impact of breaking down humanities into other majors?
  • Discuss the notion of different societies concerning aging
  • Elaborate on the impact of the myths and misconceptions about coronavirus
  • Discuss the political aspects that relate to social interactions
  • Explore the field of Geography and its relationship to humanities
  • A systematic review of the issues affecting rational arguments
  • Evaluate the process that led to the unification of Germany

Out of the different ideas suggested in this blog, select any topic of your choice and draft a brilliant humanities research paper. In case, you need help with humanities research paper topic selection and writing, get in touch with us immediately.

ideas for humanities essay

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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120 Original Humanities Topics To Write Best Essay

humanities topics

There are several interesting humanities topics for students to explore. Suppose you’re studying anthropology, cultural studies, or anything in history, you will need humanities project ideas that could boost your creativity while searching for research ideas or writing your paper or project. Topics in humanities are also essential depending on your career interest as a lawyer.

Finding the creativity needed to spur project humanity essay topics for your work is often difficult. You need to think in-depth, refer to your notes, and spend hours online for original topic ideas. Whether you’re a high school, college, MBA, or Ph.D. student, this article is for you.

How To Write Good Humanities Essay

Sometimes, even as a writer, it’s hard to make your paperwork the best at one go. You need the best strategies to create an excellent essay or report, even after gaining humanities essay topics ideas.

If you need to finalize if you’ve done right by what you’ve written, ask these questions after reading your draft:

  • Is my topic broad enough? You need to consider this if you have a broad topic. You’d want to break it down into smaller parts and simplify it. For example, suppose your essay is about how technology has affected communications, break the topic into two subtopics: traditional communication methods and the role of major social media platforms.
  • Is my topic too narrow? If your topic is too narrow, ask yourself if there are other ways of looking at your subject from other perspectives and include them.
  • Is my paper organized in the most logical order? Now is the time to look at the overall organization of your paper if you’ve read through your rough draft and gained feedback from an editor. A good way to do this is by using a topic sentence for each paragraph which leads to the next question:
  • Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence? Topic sentences are an essential part of any paragraph. They let the reader know your main point and guide them through each sentence, ensuring that it fits in with your topic. A good topic sentence is clear, concise, and specific and comes in the first paragraph. It also states the main idea of a paragraph.
  • Proofread your essay: Proofread your essay for capitalization, grammar, and spelling errors. If you’re unsure how to spell a word, use a dictionary or a spell checker. It will help if you consider using synonyms in place of common words where appropriate. This can help to create more interesting sentences.
  • Take a break and reread your essay: The best way to improve your essay is by taking a break and then rereading it with fresh eyes. Take some time to rest, do something else, take a walk — whatever helps you clear your head and come back to your essay with a new perspective.
  • Reread it as a reader would: If you still don’t know how to fix the issues in your essay, try “rereading” it as if you were an outside reader. This will allow you to see any inconsistencies you may have missed earlier.
  • Ask someone else for help: If none of these suggestions worked for improving your essay and making it better than before, ask someone else for help. Let this person read because they might spot things you’ve never discovered before. Take this feedback and see how you can implement the suggestions.

You can use or rephrase any of these topics for your next thesis. You will also learn how you can improve a bad essay at the end of these original humanities topics ideas:

Humanities Essay Topics

You may have already guessed that humanities is an interdisciplinary field. There are many disciplines within the humanities, each with a specific focus. You can brainstorm with the following ideas:

  • Examine the challenges that lead to migration
  • Does reading more books reduce socialization?
  • Argue why immigrants should be legalized as citizens?
  • What are the consequences of domestic violence on children?
  • How does domestic violence between couples affect a conservative environment?
  • Discuss why domestic violence is a norm in many Muslim societies
  • With reference to three wars, what is the core agenda of war?
  • How does childhood influence a child’s personality?
  • Explain when teachers and parents should teach sex education
  • Discuss the challenges of child marriages and examine if poverty is a core reason.
  • Analyze the best ways to tell kids about sex
  • Explain why people around the world should care about Ukrainians
  • Explore the arguments in support of isolating a country because they’re insistent on keeping nuclear weapons
  • What are the factors responsible for social and political backwardness in developing nations?
  • Comment on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing and what should’ve happened to the US
  • Comment on whether or not any country or body can check the US government’s excesses
  • What is your comment on UN peacekeeping missions in Africa and Asia in the past decade?
  • What are your thoughts about US withdrawal from Afghanistan a year ago
  • Would you say the UN has failed in the Palestine Question?
  •  Would you say the world wars and the Cold War brought global order or challenged existing systems?

Humanities Argumentative Essay Topics

Humanity is a course that requires an argument, opinions, and creativity banters. You also need to be knowledgeable to be capable of presenting controversial topics in the best ways. You can source inspiration for your next paper from these humanities paper topics:

  • Is war a prerequisite for peace in modern societies?
  • Are humans responsible for climate change?
  • Elon Musk once said that his money could not solve world hunger; what do you think are the intricacies affecting the resolution of global hunger?
  • Men don’t deserve paternity leave: here is why.
  • Freelancers should be placed on pension in the companies they work with
  • The tax system is unfair and corrupt.
  • Should people adopt cryptocurrency to avoid taxes?
  • Is automation a tragic invention?
  • Is it ethical to use animals in research?
  • Are smartphones a desperate invention, and do they endanger us?
  • Should the government keep tracking and monitoring humans?
  • Should torture to considered a norm for criminals?
  • Should citizens be allowed to own guns, especially in societies with an active police force?
  • Are artists the mirrors of their countries?
  • Should developing countries be kept in debt?
  • Is the death penalty an effective judgment?
  • Gun violence is a consequence of popular access to guns: discuss
  • Men should use condoms: discuss
  • Those that don’t support abortion want to control women.
  • Beauty pageants and shows are exploitative, and they’re right to be so: discuss.

Humanities Research Topics

You need to let your mind wander and muse around various humanities topics to find the best for your next essay. As a required field that deals with humans and how the world works, here are research topics that may pique your interest and challenge your beliefs:

  • An in-depth assessment of polygamy in America
  • An in-depth assessment of polyandry in (country of your choice)
  • What do religions say about the afterlife, and what do atheists say?
  • Examinations are more of a trap than an intelligence assessment
  • Rationalize the heat toward the LGBTQ community
  • Marginalized people will remain marginalized, and here is why
  • Euthanasia is a human right and should not be questioned: discuss
  • Why there should be restrictions on what teachers teach students in school
  • Here is how to reduce healthcare costs in the US
  • The main challenges of pandemics
  • Do NGOs play a major role in developing countries or contribute to destroying them?
  • Statement: rich countries are not obligated to help developing countries
  • Organ transplant services: an examination on how crime has infiltrated the industry
  • Reasons why college athletes deserve compensation
  • How a reduction in childbirth will not (or will) end the climate crisis.

Interesting Humanities Topics

Humanity essay topics are also expected to be interesting and not necessarily humorous. They must be insightful and smart in the delivery too. Here are original humanities essay topics to impress your teachers, professors, and colleagues in class:

  • Comment on music and criticism
  • A comment on the study of humanities
  • The science field is better than the humanities
  • Obesity should be a problem for any thinking parent
  • What is the Enlightenment Age all about?
  • The role of predictions in how the world works
  • The impact of labor on politics
  • The most active members of the societies are the busiest and play less role in their politics
  • Comment on the black lives matter movement
  • Prostitution should be made a job
  • Prostitutes are endangered species, but they’re humans
  • Laws protect some people yet endanger some who are not even criminals
  • An opinion on the case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
  • Are activists the true voice of their movements?
  • How fashion trends affect rationality in the world.

Humanities Project Ideas

Humanity is a vast subject, and you need to be informed before embarking on any projects. You can source ideas from these 15 humanities topics ideas:

  • How does social media affect society and vice versa?
  • Bullying is like terrorism: discuss
  • Relationship between food and culture
  • Relationship between food and religious beliefs/biases
  • Is social media activism effective?
  • Account for the start and finish of the #MeToo movement
  • Examine the nature of human and animals sacrifice
  • Discuss cultural stereotypes and the role of superstitions
  • Lessons about migration and its effects
  • How suicide is becoming a culture
  • Sexist advertisements and how they shape gender narratives
  • India and its popular sexual violence culture
  • China and its popular human rights abuses
  • The role of the US in human rights abuse in Libya
  • The role of the World Bank in the poverty of selected developing countries.

Topics In Digital Humanities

Digital humanity is a growing field that is constantly evolving and changing. It’s a way to learn about technology and discover how it affects or helps people. Here are a few research topics around digital humanities:

  • Technology and its influence on the study of humanities
  • How technology controls the future
  • The role of online casino games in socialization
  • The role of gaming in creating an idle American youth population
  • The challenges of remote work and productivity
  • An overview of the printing press and present technology
  • The destructive power of America, thanks to technology
  • An in-depth look into how technology shapes the century
  • How humans interact with technology or robotics
  • The perspectives of Elon Musk on technology
  • Communications and how technology could make the world unsafe in the future
  • Videogames and violence: a critical review
  • A critical review of the effect of online gaming and people’s health
  • Identify why millennials fear missing out on technology
  • How significant is TikTok in modern marketing strategies?

Humanities And Arts Research Topics

Exploring the history of humanities is a fascinating subject. Both music, art, and culture contributed to the growth witnessed, and here are a few topics that might pique your interest when you begin your custom essay writing :

  • An overview of afrobeat in the international music industry
  • How music is being used as propaganda
  • The role of Caribbean music in understanding the history
  • What’s the relationship between art and mystery
  • Books with objectionable words should be banned: discuss
  • Liberal laws are not liberal because they don’t protect some people: discuss
  • The influence of cultural revolutions in selected countries
  • The impact of advertisement on people’s perception of the world
  • The role of popular media in advocating feminism
  • The role of music in promoting violence.

Medical Humanities Essay Topics

The medical part of humanities is sensitive and can sometimes be controversial. This is because you’ll attempt debating what’s ethical and what should be done. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Doctors support patient request for euthanasia out of pity
  • Nurses and the concept of sympathy
  • Medical ethics and practices triumph racial and religious differences: discuss
  • Should doctors report their clients to authorities for putting their health in jeopardy?
  • Doctors are responsible for drug abuse: discuss
  • The vulnerabilities of healthcare software and why they shouldn’t be used
  • Should drug prices increase because demand increases?
  • Every medical practitioner should be unique with their treatments: discuss
  • An overview of different medical beliefs in three countries
  • An analysis of unethical beliefs and bias in global health care.

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ideas for humanities essay

128 Unique Humanities Topics For Your Research Papers

humanities topics

Many students struggle to find humanities topics worth researching. That’s because most students think the humanities are only about ancient cultures and dead languages. However, social science and humanities explore how humans document and process different experiences. These study fields enable learners to understand intellectual and personal scales, such as culture, heritage, and identities. When studying humanities, students explore past self-exploration and philosophy to political views, economic issues, culture, and religion.

What Are Humanities?

The humanities are educational disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture. In the Renaissance, “humanities” referred to the studio humanitatis, a Medieval Latin phrase meaning “liberal arts or studies.” In the medieval curriculum, the seven liberal arts were grammar, rhetoric, and logic (the trivium); and arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music (the quadrivium). Academicians chose these subjects because they considered them essential for a free person—a citizen—to know so that they can actively participate in civic life, voting, holding office, serving on juries, and so forth.

Today’s humanities definition includes all those original seven subjects plus literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, anthropology, jurisprudence, comparative religion, and ethics. Topics in humanities help us understand aspects of our culture and others, how people lived in the past, what they believed, how they worked and played, what kinds of governments and social structures humans developed, and the type of art and technology they created. In other words: How did we get to be where we are today?

How To Improve A Bad Paper

Perhaps, you’ve chosen a topic and written an essay. Unfortunately, you might not like your paper because you feel it doesn’t meet your educator’s quality standards. In that case, follow these tips to improve it.

  • Make your description, anecdotal details, and sensory and imagery details more specific.
  • Make your paper more concise to convey ideas with few words
  • Use transition phrases or words
  • Make your thoughts understandable and clear to the reader
  • Check the organization to ensure ideas flow logically
  • Proofread and edit your paper.

Writing a research paper for a high grade is not an easy task. It’s better to hire a research paper service and get your papers complete on time. 

Interesting Humanities Topics

Do you love writing about exciting topics? If so, here’s a list of interesting ideas to explore in your humanity paper.

  • Investigating changes in gender roles in modern society
  • Exploring the differences between wars and interstate conflicts
  • Texas case study- How poverty affects tertiary education
  • Examining the illegal immigrants’ implications on host countries in Europe
  • How conflict theory can help prevent the fight for family resources
  • Is poverty a social issue?
  • Detailed analysis of the problems faced by people living with disabilities
  • Contemporary music and political commentary
  • The bible’s role in the US democracy’s development
  • Exploring labour struggles in Europe and their effects on global and local politics in the 19th century
  • Investigating the essence of studying humanities
  • Exploring the enlightenment age- What does it mean?
  • Examining the Appalachian regional identity
  • The race problem in the US- Exploring its causes
  • Analyzing the Black Lives Matter movement and its role in the race theory
  • How consumerism affects sustainability
  • A closer look at the counterculture’s benefits in society
  • A critical view of the differences between cults and sects
  • Analysing gender studies- What are the emerging issues?
  • Cultural appropriation- Investigating why it causes a political contest
  • Fashion trends in modern society- Examining their connection with cultures
  • Should governments legitimize prostitution?
  • The influence of oral history on modern culture
  • How graphic novels affect literacy
  • Discuss the pros and cons of studying humanities
  • How bullying is challenging to prevent in schools
  • Investigating the environmental foundations for humanities
  • Explore cultural stereotypes and how superstitions shape them
  • Compare animal and human sacrifice in religion
  • Analyzing human behaviour and communication

These are exciting topics to consider in this academic field. Nevertheless, take sufficient time researching your preferred title to write a winning paper. 

Top Humanities Research Paper Topics

Maybe, you want to write an academic paper about a topic in humanities. In that case, consider the following ideas for your research paper.

  • Capitalism- Is it the best system?
  • How poverty affects rural communities
  • Evaluating the effects of daily routines on kids’ development within family setups
  • The development of Twitter into a robust political platform
  • How irresponsible teen behaviour affects the society
  • Communism and capitalism’s role in humanities studies
  • Early marriages- What are their pros and cons?
  • Social sciences and humanities- How do they differ?
  • Understanding the economic and political issues impacting humanities studies
  • How does an individual’s behaviour affect society
  • How the Me Too movement affects the girl-child
  • Analyzing the United States’ humanities curriculum
  • Factors inhibiting anthropological linguistics’ study
  • How Chinese culture and Italian fashion connect
  • How the Neolithic revolution affects humans’ cognitive abilities
  • Ethical issues relating to media advertising
  • Investigate the relationship between the law-making process and bureaucracy
  • How dual-nationality affects political views
  • Investigate the US executive power
  • Describe humanities origin in Classical Greek

These are some of the research topics for humanities research papers. As the name suggests, extensive research is necessary to draft a quality paper. Our expert writers can help you to write a custom research paper cheap and fast. 

Good Humanities Paper Topics

High school, university, and college students need good topics to impress teachers and earn top grades in their classes. Here are such ideas.

  • How the law-making process relates to bureaucracy
  • Why public choice awareness is vital
  • A historical analysis of the Indian migrant workers
  • How the Neolithic revolution affects cognitive abilities
  • Should America implement more restrictive laws about gun ownership?
  • Ethical issues surrounding media advertising
  • Why youth culture is complex for older generations to understand
  • LGBT people and straight people’s rights- How do they compare?
  • The absence of face-to-face interactions- Does it cause misunderstanding in communications on social media?
  • Why democracy fails- Iraq case study
  • What causes the Israel-Palestinian wars?
  • Spirituality and gender- Is there a connection?
  • Is the world hauling toward a Third World War?
  • Discuss relevant anthropology issues
  • Hinduism- Does it affect Indian socio-political development?
  • Factors affecting the 21st-century teenagers
  • Social media’s role in shaping people’s perspectives
  • Factors affecting social interactions and their changes among communities
  • Why the world struggles with the inequality problem to date
  • Discuss the ageing notion among different societies

Pick a title in this category and develop it via research. Nevertheless, ensure it enables you to answer the question your educator poses.

Humanities Project Ideas

Did the educator ask you to pick a topic for your humanities project? If so, here are humanities topics for research projects to consider.

  • The role of funding in education
  • What limits collision admission policies?
  • Is doping prevalent in sports?- Explain why
  • Investigating prisoners’ life and prisons
  • Macroscopic trends- Analysis of cultural change
  • Digital archives- A textual analysis
  • Why pedagogy lacks a focus
  • Information access issues in society
  • How online publishing affects humanities
  • Tools for cultural analysis- Why they are vital for humanities
  • Doctors’ role in assisted suicide
  • Violence perpetrators and administrators’ role in campus
  • Capital punishment and its ethical downside
  • Legal drinking age- Who should determine it?
  • Why achieving modesty is difficult nowadays.
  • Crisis- When international intervention is justified
  • African socialism- How it compares between the 1950 and 1980s
  • Lessons learned from Europe and US immigrant crisis
  • Comparing and contrasting foreign policies in the UK and China
  • Should governments ban alcohol and beer advertisements?

Please choose a topic from this list and develop it via extensive research. Ensure that your paper has relevant information to impress the educator.

Easy Humanities Topics Ideas

Maybe you’re searching for an easy idea to explore in your paper. In that case, consider these ideas for your essay.

  • Investigating age and changes in body image
  • How social environment prompts people to relocate to cities
  • Deviance development among urban youths
  • Does reading more books make people less or more social?
  • Illegal immigrants- Should governments make them legal citizens?
  • How does gender-based violence affect kids’ personalities
  • Sociological perspectives of child development and interracial adoption
  • Parental control limits on child’s personality
  • Investigate the adverse effects of teenage pregnancies
  • Analyze war negotiations strategies- Provide 20th-century case studies

These are relatively easy topics to consider for academic papers. Nevertheless, they still require some research.

Arts and Humanities Research Topics

Are you interested in humanities and arts research topics? If so, this list has some ideas worth exploring.

  • Contemporary art and the feminist movement
  • Art education- Why it helps learners think differently
  • Advertisements- Should the audiences view them as modern art?
  • Mythology’s impact on Ancient Greece’s sculptures
  • Government accountability and democracy in the US
  • How did the cultural revolution affect the Chinese art
  • The second migration- How it affects Harlem Renaissance’s art
  • Sharing pieces of art and music online- Is it a legal practice?

Consider these titles if you want to write about art and humanities. However, prepare to spend sufficient time researching your topic before writing.

Medical Humanities Topics

Do you want to explore medical humanities in your research? If so, here are some interesting titles to consider for your essay and help you take the first step toward a good research paper done for you.

  • Does global warming cause tropical diseases?
  • Child vaccination- Should the government make it mandatory?
  • How exercising can affect a person’s life negatively
  • Is using animals in drug tests a good idea?
  • Should governments limit drug tests on humans?
  • Is the world ready for another pandemic?
  • How the world managed the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Medical research- The threats and their mitigation
  • Should hospitals test individuals with mental issues in or outside their immediate communities?
  • Doctors should provide medical assistance against the guardian’s wishes
  • Parents should regulate social media use to prevent or reduce the addiction impacts
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic prompted society to rethink global healthcare coordination

These are good humanities research topics that touch on the medical field. Nevertheless, they also require some research to write high-quality papers.

Topics in Digital Humanities

Digital humanities are also worth exploring in academic papers. Here are exciting titles to consider in this category.

  • Printing press history and its role in information dissemination
  • Art presentation in America during the digital age
  • The information technology age and humanities studies
  • How video games contribute to violence in modern society
  • Is digital technology a bane, or does it provide an improved life?
  • The influence of modern gadgets on individuals’ mental health
  • Social media and its impact on people’s lives
  • Technology and modern devices- How they affect relationships

After extensive research, these are some of the best topics worth writing humanities papers about in college. However, every student should choose a title according to guidelines from their teacher or professor.

Get Essay Help from Online Experts

If you cannot improve your essay and are thinking, “ do my research paper for me”, – get help from experienced writers. We have the most experts ready to draft and edit your essay. These knowledgeable professionals will write a piece that will improve the educator to award you the highest grade in your class. They are quick, reliable, and passionate about helping learners. Contact us now for custom help with your essay!  

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Top 100 Humanity Essay Topics for Students

Sep 2, 2021 | 0 comments

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Sep 2, 2021 | Topics | 0 comments

Humanity is the study of humans, their history, beliefs, and ideologies. As a result, it affects our lives in many ways; students are expected to understand humanity since they will be living with its consequences for decades to come. One way that an individual can learn about human concepts is by writing essays on topics related to this field, such as “What does being human mean” or “How has technology changed us? However, most people go through stress before getting interesting essay ideas because there seem so few options available to choose from at first glance. This led me (the author) into researching what other individuals had gone through while trying to find good humanities paper themes until I finally found The Ultimate Guide To Writing Humanities Essays. We believe that all the essay topics below will inspire you to write an excellent paper. We selected captivating and easy essays so students don’t have trouble starting their first draft, but we also want them to finish with confidence!

Table of Contents

Captivating humanity essay topics

  • The roles of social interactions in human relationships
  • The major facilitators of every human relationship
  • What makes humans unique among all creatures?
  • Definitions of Freedom and Humanities
  • Human beings and temperance
  • How mistake drives humans towards perfection
  • Humans and mortality
  • Humanities Traditions and Human Diversity
  • The origin of man
  • What it really means to be a human
  • Humans and emotions
  • How did world war II change the fate of humanity?
  • Why do humans need emotions?
  • Activities of humans during the time of the industrial revolution
  • Human beings and languages
  • How the Bible describes humanity
  • Greed as one of humanity’s instincts
  • Humans quest for happiness
  • How Human ideologies began
  • How did Shakespeare portray humanity in his works?
  • Human beings and their weaknesses
  • Analysis of humans from a sociological perspective
  • Analysis of the true name of humans
  • The humanity in monsters
  • How the study of humanity began
  • What can a modern man learn from ancient man?
  • What will be the hope of man in the next century?
  • Can humans control the effects of global warming ?
  • The pathways to better human flourishing
  • How does instinct influence humans?
  • A Detailed View of Global Humanities
  • Humanity: an insight into the way modem man still relies on the experiences of ancient men
  • Human Beings and Violence
  • Humans in modern society
  • The desire of humans to pass on their genes
  • The major ideologies of man before the time of civilization
  • Are humans the only creature that thinks about the future?
  • What is the link between horoscopes and humans?
  • How the activities of man have changed the world over the years
  • Human beings and self-preservation
  • Why the Study of Humanities is Essential
  • The Relationship between Humanities and Science
  • How humans documented information in ancient time
  • How can the environment influence the actions of man?
  • Are human beings closely linked to other primates?
  • Humanity will never stop changing
  • Humanity: the fight for survival
  • Humans can’t do without making choices
  • The period before man became civilized
  • Human Family Unit and Racism
  • Humans as social beings
  • Modern Human Interactions
  • Humanity: will it cease to exist someday?
  • The major ideologies of humans
  • Human Subcultures
  • How technology will change the way humans will live in the future
  • Humans can’t live without culture
  • How the activities of humans changed the world climate
  • Cultural diversity among humans
  • Why is humanity fascinating?
  • Humanity and law
  • Heidegger’s Letter on Humanism
  • Human beings and adaptation
  • The interpretative ability of humans
  • Do humans truly have souls?
  • How the ancient People Survived in Times of War
  • Can humans ever become perfect?
  • The history of humans
  • Racism among humans
  • Hidden facts about the human race
  • Human beings and free will
  • Why are human beings imperfect?
  • The dominance of man upon the planet earth
  • Can humans truly become cyborgs?
  • Human Identity and The Industrial Revolution
  • The inborn desires of man
  • Things that humans can’t live without
  • How emotions control humans
  • Western Humanities and Civilizations
  • Humans and the root of modern society
  • What is the fate of humanity after death?
  • The evolutionary heritage of humans
  • Human beings and enculturation
  • Why is the economy a major theme of study in humanity’s development?
  • The desire of humans to live long
  • A sociological description of humans
  • The relationship between human beings and their environment

Get Help from the Experts with your Humanity Essay Topics Paper

Humans are a fascinating species. We have so many diverse cultures, beliefs, and interests. But what do we all have in common? Our very human desire to succeed and be happy… usually by any means necessary! In this blog post, I’ve given you some of my favorite humanity essay topics that will help you explore the vastness of our world through different cultural lenses. If exploring new ideas is your idea of fun, then these essays may spark your imagination for an A+ paper on humanities. So how about it? Get started with one today! Order now before time runs out!  

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With a passion for education and student empowerment, I create blog content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of students. From study hacks and productivity tips to career exploration and personal development

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A Short Handbook for writing essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences

(8 reviews)

ideas for humanities essay

Dan Allosso, Bemidji State University

Salvatore F. Allosso

Copyright Year: 2019

Publisher: Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


Learn more about reviews.

Reviewed by Aaron Lefkovitz, Professor, City Colleges of Chicago on 5/4/22

This writing manual the author wrote and used for decades at the University of California, Davis is very comprehensive. It reviews multiple aspects of how to get started with writing, such as analyzing texts and taking notes, discovering a topic,... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This writing manual the author wrote and used for decades at the University of California, Davis is very comprehensive. It reviews multiple aspects of how to get started with writing, such as analyzing texts and taking notes, discovering a topic, preparing for discussion, creating a thesis, ordering evidence, building an argument, coherent paragraphs, effective sentences, appropriate words, revising, and a revision checklist. Also, it has a valuable appendix and even references to such philosophers as Aristotle, so it is comprehensive in both a practical and theoretical sense.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The content of A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. This can be read in the “Analyzing Texts, Taking Notes” section, where the author begins with unbiased, clear questions, such as “what is a text?” The author then goes on to quote from such sources as author W.H. Auden (1907-1973), English-born poet and man of letters who achieved early fame in the 1930s as a hero of the left during the Great Depression.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences does represent relevance and longevity, in the sense that its chapters can be carried down from one generation to another without much variation, for example read in the “Discovering a Topic, Preparing for Discussion” chapter. Here, the author mentions that texts students work with at the college level of their education are mostly givens, as far as English classics, History primary and secondary sources that are important to understand a particular event and period, as well as the ways texts were chosen out of multiple texts in that they fit together and lead to a particular place.

Clarity rating: 5

There is a great deal of clarity in A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences, as this text makes difficult subjects easier to understand for most students, simplifying such potentially daunting topics as “creating a thesis”. In this chapter, the author asks a variety of questions, including what interpretation is the author trying to persuade the reader is valid, what are the reasons for this interpretation, how is the interpretation different from other interpretations, and what part of the text will be examined and emphasized, as well as what are the author’s assumptions and potential objections. These clear questions provide a sense of clarity for the reader and add to the text’s strengths.

Consistency rating: 5

This text is very consistent. Each chapter starts with an interesting quote that frames the chapter narrative in a compelling way. Then, the chapters start with very first-hand/direct testimony given to readers who can read the paragraphs in a way that is meant to speak to them rather than use jargon and difficult to understand sentences. Chapters follow similar structures in terms of longer paragraphs followed by definitions and clear statements that function to provide additional information with regards to the content and theme of the chapter discussed.

Modularity rating: 5

A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences does have easily and readily divisible sections that are useful to the reader in that they break up the narrative and provide all sorts of additional information in an aesthetically pleasing way that can be assigned at different points within the course. There are not enormous blocks of text without subheadings and the text does not seem to be overly self-referential. Instead, there are all sorts of references and data from disparate sources that provide for an interesting and informative read.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

This text is full of effective, concise, and clear sentences, and is organized well in terms of the ways chapters are structured, starting with a quote that has a particular relevance to the chapter theme, including boxed reminders that set themselves apart from the general narrative, and including various bullet points and examples from literature.

Interface rating: 5

Everything that I have read in this textbook signals that it is indeed free of any kind of significant interface issues, including navigation problems, distortion of images/charts, and any other display features that may distract or confuse the reader.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Additionally, the text seems to be free of grammatical errors even as it does seem to contain some spacing issues but that could be on my computer only.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

As far as the text’s cultural relevance, it does seem to rely quite heavily on dead White European philosophers, from Aristotle to Wittgenstein, to add to and accentuate a point, however it is not offensive in the sense that it does not go out of its way to denigrate a particular race, ethnicity, or other cultural background.

This text does a fine job of introducing students to basic essay writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences, its brevity functioning as a strength in that it keeps things fairly simple while adding philosophical and historical contexts to stay academic as well as relevant and consistent.

ideas for humanities essay

Reviewed by Megan Anderson, Assistant Professor, Limestone University on 12/7/21

With only 9 chapters, this text does not cover every essay writing skill students need, but it does include focus on the higher order elements of writing. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

With only 9 chapters, this text does not cover every essay writing skill students need, but it does include focus on the higher order elements of writing.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

As the title suggests, the content is sparse, but it appears accurate.

While there are various theories on the teaching of writing in terms of pedagogy, writing skills do not really change in the sense of timeliness. The examples used are relatively common references from history and literature.

Clarity rating: 4

Again the content is minimal, but the material is written in a clear, easy-to-understand manner that would work for even first-year students.

The text is consistent in terms of terminology and framework, and even tone.

Modularity rating: 3

Each chapter is very short so they are easily assignable. And while there are headers, each chapter appears as one long page. Splitting up the content into just a few pages and spacing out the material a little more would be preferential.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 2

While I believe that the text covers many of the essential elements of writing, the chapters appear out of order to me. I would have the chapter on "Effective Sentences" before the one on "Coherent Paragraphs". It is also problematic to me to have a chapter on "Ordering Evidence, Building an Argument" listed before the chapters on basic writing components.

Interface rating: 3

The interface could be easier to navigate. There is no next button to move to easily move from chapter to chapter and to access the nine chapters, you have to click on a plus sign linked to what is called "I. Main Body". It is not very difficult to figure out, but it is just not as thought out as it could be. Like having a Roman Numeral I without a Roman Numeral II is a little odd. It also cannot be saved as a printable PDF.

I do not see any grammatical issues.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

While I do not see any references that are culturally insensitive, there is also no real attempt at diversity or inclusion. Examples are really all from canonical texts, meaning white male authors, like Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Melville.

Reviewed by Anthony Accardi Jr, Adjunct Professor, Middlesex Community College on 5/30/21

In the text "A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences" by Salvatore and Dan Allosso the authors present a simple, easy to follow guide for students to use when organizing, planning, researching, and writing an... read more

In the text "A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences" by Salvatore and Dan Allosso the authors present a simple, easy to follow guide for students to use when organizing, planning, researching, and writing an essay. In addition to essay structure, the authors also provide help with the “basics of effective writing”, including paragraph writing, sentence writing and avoiding common grammatical errors.

The concise format of the text requires that the author’s stay “right on point” which they do effectively and accurately.

By following each step outlined in this text, a student would undoubtedly improve his/her essay writing skills. Each topic the authors address is relevant to the development of a good essay. The strong emphasis put on the steps for writing an essay make this text a guide students will surely refer to again and again throughout their academic careers.

The conversational style used by the authors makes this text easy to read and understand. Most students find writing a nerve-racking ordeal. The authors deal with this by using straightforward language to explain concepts and reinforce the explanations with simple, easy to understand examples.

The authors have designed a textbook consistent from chapter to chapter and "as a whole". In general, each chapter begins with a quote from a famous author about writing, followed by an explanation of the chapter’s topic, followed by a working example. The authors' down to earth writing style is consistent in every chapter of the text.

The short length of the chapters makes them ideal to be read as individual assignments and their compartmentalized structure is suited well for associated writing assignments.

The structure of this text is one of its strongest points. The authors have organized the chapters in a logical order that students should follow when writing an essay.

The text interface is easy to navigate with no issues noticed.

The text is free of grammatical and syntactic errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The authors have created a text that shows an awareness of the need for cultural sensitivity and is inoffensive and completely class appropriate. . The Chapter titled “Appropriate Words” touches on avoiding the use of “Sexist Language”, which indicates concern for gender respect. Improvement could be made by using a more diverse group of authors for the opening chapter quotes.

I think this text is an excellent source for helping students understand the basic steps needed to write a good essay.

Reviewed by Aerie Bernard, Adjunct Faculty, Humanities, College of DuPage on 4/20/21

This short text provides an approachable primer for novice essayists and reminder of standard practices of academic writing for more experienced writers. Rather than go into great depth, the chapters briefly outline the process of writing academic... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This short text provides an approachable primer for novice essayists and reminder of standard practices of academic writing for more experienced writers. Rather than go into great depth, the chapters briefly outline the process of writing academic essays at the high school or undergraduate level. The text is comprehensive in that it is organized linearly to guide the writer from taking notes and developing a thesis through writing drafts and revisions. There is no index or glossary provided; however, the table of contents and short chapters ensure that the text is easy to navigate.

The content is accurate and error-free. The text is written by educators who attempt to address what they identify as common errors in student writing. As such, the bias present reflects a preference for standard English and traditional structure in academic writing.

Because the text focuses on standard practices in academic writing such as writing strong topic sentences, creating arguable theses, and avoiding passive voice, I doubt the text could become obsolete anytime soon. The text speaks to current trends in academic writing by including tips such as how to use gender neutral language and gears itself towards the high school and undergraduate level by modeling and promoting the use of a conversational tone in academic writing. Short, well-organized, worksheet-like chapters allow plenty of room for one to add to, update, or adapt this text.

The authors advise student essayists to use language and style that illustrates “genuine human conversation.” The text successfully models a balance of accuracy of language with a conversational tone. It is a pleasant read.

The text is consistent in its use of terminology, framework, and voice.

Short chapters with limited scope provide introductions and jumping off points for further discussions and activities related to academic writing in the humanities and social sciences.

The chapters are arranged to illustrate a start to finish approach to writing essays. Each chapter focuses on an element of essay writing. The organization is clear and logical.

Interface rating: 4

I had no difficulty accessing or reading the text online with my laptop and my phone. I was not as successful viewing the EPUB as a download to my phone. The text was too small in Bluefire reader and the app would not allow viewing at a larger font size. I do not know if the limitation was due to the EPUB or the reader app.

I did not notice any grammatical errors.

The text addresses the importance of avoiding problematic language in academic writing in the chapter “Appropriate Words” and cautions that writers avoid repetition and wordiness, cliches, jargon, pop culture references, empty words, words with contested meanings, code words, and overextended/mixed/misapplied metaphors. I notice the absence of resources, strategies, and discussions about words relating to race, ethnicity, background, or identity. Also, examples throughout the text are primarily Western, male, and white. Steps towards inclusiveness are present, such as strategies for gender neutral writing, but there is room for improvement.

Reviewed by Sarah Fischer, Assistant Professor, Marymount University on 2/1/21

The book is *short* and useful. It gives excellent advice for how students can and should select strong evidence, how to write effective openings and closings, and discusses many common grammatical errors. However, the book does not spend enough... read more

The book is *short* and useful. It gives excellent advice for how students can and should select strong evidence, how to write effective openings and closings, and discusses many common grammatical errors. However, the book does not spend enough time on how to organize the body of an essay or how to organize sentences within a paragraph.

This book is well-researched and contains no errors (in terms of subject matter, usage, or grammar).

Very relevant, especially because so many books on writing are long, and the longer they are the less likely students are to read them. This book does very impactful work in a very limited number of pages.

Clarity rating: 3

The book is very clear and accessible for professors and advanced students. Many of the examples from English and History papers utilized in the book would be quite difficult for many first-year students to follow, however.

Formatting is quite consistent; terminology is consistently and appropriately used.

Sections of this book are small, easy to understand, and not overwhelming for any level of student to read.

This book's organization flows in a logical way.

I did not notice any interface issues.

I did not notice any grammatical errors in the text.

The authors took care to be culturally sensitive.

A few short exercises at the end of each section, which instructors could create for their classes, would help students practice the book's lessons as sort of intermediary step between reading about possible pitfalls and working on their own to eliminate issues from their writing.

Reviewed by Deirdre Sullivan, Adjunct Faculty, English Department, Berkshire Community College on 6/27/20

A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences by Salvatore Allosso and Dan Allosso is a comprehensive and concise work on how to write good essays on the humanities and the social sciences by clearly defining the... read more

A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences by Salvatore Allosso and Dan Allosso is a comprehensive and concise work on how to write good essays on the humanities and the social sciences by clearly defining the definitions of those disciplines. I have not seen many indexes and/or glossaries with these online books, so I don't think it is really necessary for the comprehension of the text.

The content was accurate, without error, and unbiased in its content, syntax, and point of view.

I think the light tone, conversational style, and relevance to all who practice the art of writing is both timely and long-lasting. There is a universal appeal to this approach, and while language is always changing, the rules for written work have more longevity.

The book is written in such a way as to engage even the most reluctant reader into a kind of conspiratorial allegiance on how to approach the art of reading well and writing with lucid accuracy, technical prowess, and enlightened awareness.

The text incorporates terminology into the structure and framework of its chapters with clarity and consistency.

The text is proportionate to reasonable reading and writing assignments. In each chapter, there is a clear way of recognizing and analyzing concepts on writing for use toward student outcomes in a writing course.

This text is logically organized to support and sustain its thesis and the thorough exploration of its guiding elements.

There are no significant interface issues, problems with navigation, or distractions to confuse potential readers.

There are no grammatical errors to my reckoning.

The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. The book embraced multi-culturalism with quotes, questions, and persuasive argument as to how a writer must be objective, open-minded, and thoroughly engaged in standing by their work.

I really loved the conversational style between authors and readers. This father-son duo has clearly taken delight in sharing their love of the world through the art of writing. I really liked the quotes they chose to support their ideas. Perhaps one day, I will use their book in my composition classes. A truly remarkable discovery!

Reviewed by Dayle Turner, Professor, Leeward Community College on 6/27/20

The text covers fairly well the important considerations of writing essays for humanities and social sciences courses. The authors assert their intention of taking students “step-by-step through the process of writing essays for an upper-level... read more

The text covers fairly well the important considerations of writing essays for humanities and social sciences courses. The authors assert their intention of taking students “step-by-step through the process of writing essays for an upper-level high school class or a college course.” The steps of which they speak include analyzing texts, note-taking, formulating essay topics, creating theses, ordering evidence, building arguments, writing coherent paragraphs, composing effective sentences, using appropriate diction, and revising. The text lacks an index and glossary and the inclusion thereof would certainly strengthen the comprehensiveness of the work.

The content of this text is accurate and the steps covered are mostly applicable for first-year college students and high school juniors and seniors.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The content appears up-to-date. Text is devoid of visual imagery, making it potentially less appealing to contemporary/millennial students, but its structure invites relatively easy updating, and all links were accurate.

The text is mostly clear and provides adequate examples to explain the application of material discussed in each chapter.

Consistency rating: 4

The text's consistency would be excellent if an index and glossary were included.

Modularity rating: 4

This text is organized in such a manner that students can be assigned short readings without having to jump hither and yon between chapters or different parts of the book.

There are nine chapters in the text. They are presented in a logical and purposeful order. Critical reading and note-taking comes first while a revision checklist is available at the end. This makes sense as it is important to provide students with suggestions for information-gathering and revision.

The interface is free of any distracting issues. The text is mostly easy to navigate.

I noticed no grammatical errors.

The text successfully represents a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Examples are sensitive and free of stereotypes.

This book would have been beneficial to me as an undergraduate. Most of what it covers are things I had to learn by experience, and the quality of my earliest scholarship would have been much improved with the benefit of these lessons. The text has value as a supplementary or recommended material, particularly for students whose plans include graduate school or writing-intensive professions. Students who are most prepared will get the most out of it, but the text also offers good examples

Reviewed by Matilda (Tillie) Yoder, Librarian, Goshen College on 7/10/19

The scope of this text is very clearly outlined in its title - it aims to guide students through the process of writing essays for humanities and social sciences courses. The Allossos succeed in creating a work that does just that, discussing... read more

The scope of this text is very clearly outlined in its title - it aims to guide students through the process of writing essays for humanities and social sciences courses. The Allossos succeed in creating a work that does just that, discussing techniques and strategies for writing well but assuming that readers will have a reasonable familiarity with English grammar. Contents included how to develop ideas, how to formulate effective arguments, how to identify weak points in writing, and how to revise effectively. It is worth noting that the authors are not concerned with formatting, emphasizing the writing process and not the finicky details of citation structure, title page layout, or font size.These issues are easily addressed on a great many websites and reference works; more concerning is that there is no real discussion of plagiarism or how to manage citations and references, which is an important part of any humanities or social sciences essay that requires research and not a single text.

There is no glossary or index for this work, though the table of contents lays out chapter topics very clearly. An index would be quite useful for instructors and students wanting to use the book in its entirety. Similarly, a reference list with links to related works and websites might also be of use for those who would like more in-depth information on particular techniques not elaborated on in this short work.

The content of this guidebook is accurate, although its narrow focus does mean that is not comprehensive (and it does not intend to be). The strategies outlined in it are standard practice and are conveyed succinctly. Quoted authors are all referenced by name but not in any further detail; simple citations for these quotes would model best practices for the students reading the material.

The content of this guidebook is general enough in nature to remain relevant for some time. The examples given throughout the book reference works of classic Western literature or established understandings of history that American schools are likely to continue to teach - Shakespeare’s plays, the history of slave uprisings in the Americas, the Civil War, and Hemingway all feature. Notably, references are only discussed in the context of example passages, and so no knowledge of the events or plots is necessary to understand what the authors are saying.

The Alessos practice what they preach in this instance, writing directly and clearly. Jargon is almost non-existent, and where it does exist it is always defined and explained. Concepts are clearly illustrated with multiple examples and outlined step by step. The overall vocabulary and level of writing is appropriate for students in grade 11 or above.

Key terms are used continually throughout this work; in particular, the authors emphasize the importance of unity, coherence, and emphasis in effective writing. Vocabulary terms are introduced and used consistently, although alternative terms are listed to ensure understanding.

This guide could be easily divided into distinct sections useful for a wide variety of classes throughout the humanities and social sciences. History and English classes would find it particularly relevant, but introductory writing teachers, writing tutors, and academic support offices would also find much that is useful here. The sections on how to construct a thesis and the revision checklist are particularly applicable to me in my work as a writing tutor. I can see myself having students read specific sections of this book depending on what their particular roadblocks to writing are.

The organization of this text is logical, beginning with the process of note-taking and brainstorming, and moving on to persuasive argument building, thesis construction, essay structure, writing, and revision. The revision checklist at the end of the textbook is also organized in such a way that it leads students to look for major issues in their writing before the minor ones.

Overall, the guidebook displayed well and is easy to navigate. There are no images included, and although images are not strictly necessary for this sort of topic, I believe that the text would benefit from some formatting changes. Some of the lists could use better visual clues in their subdivision, and example paragraphs would benefit from being presented in a diagram format where specific portions could be highlighted and remarked on more directly. Unfortunately, this title is not available in PDF format, which would be useful for anyone wanting access to the book without an internet connection. Epub format would be useful as well.

I noticed no grammatical errors or typos in this text.

All references to culture in this text appear in example writing passages. Because of this, no deep understanding of the referenced work or work is needed, because it is the writing and not the content of the passage that is the focus. However, almost all of the references included are focused on classic works concerning Western literature and history (Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Beowulf, etc.). A broadening of examples would be welcome, but as it stands the text is inoffensive and reflects what is taught in many English classes in American schools.

Table of Contents

  • Getting Started Writing
  • Chapter 1: Analyzing Texts, Taking Notes
  • Chapter 2: Discovering a Topic, Preparing for Discussion
  • Chapter 3: Creating a Thesis
  • Chapter 4: Ordering Evidence, Building an Argument
  • Chapter 5: Coherent Paragraphs
  • Chapter 6: Effective Sentences
  • Chapter 7: Appropriate Words
  • Chapter 8: Revising
  • Chapter 9: Revision Checklist

Ancillary Material

About the book.

A retired master teacher of English and Comparative Literature teams up with his son, a History professor, on a new version of the writing manual he wrote and used for decades at the University of California, Davis.

About the Contributors

Dan Allosso , Bemidji State University

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Top 100 Humanities Dissertation Topics Trending in 2021

  • August 8, 2021 August 8, 2021

Let us start with the simplest of all questions, that most of the students tend to overlook. What do we understand by the term ‘humanities’? Well, it is an academic discipline, connecting the branches of knowledge that are concerned with the human beings and their respective culture. The subject derives various critical and analytic methods of inquiry to appreciate human values and the unique ability of human spirit to predominantly express. 

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The subject helps us understand fellow human beings through their histories, languages, and cultures.  The study of humanities helps the students to foster social justice and equality. The courses belongings to the subject tried to reason with the fact that how the people have tried to make spiritual, moral, and intellectual sense of the world. The pinpoint study of the subject helps in developing critical and well-informed citizens. The extent to which the students of humanities succeed in convincing the assignment evaluators, eventually decide their academic grade-sheets. The desire to fetch this competitive edge motivates the students to hire professional humanities assignment help .

ideas for humanities essay


Humanities is one of the leading subjects taught in prestigious institutions, universities, and colleges across the globe. Some of the most popular subjects of humanities majors include theology, archaeology, English, politics, religious studies, history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and art history. The popularity of these subjects is quite evident for us due to the fact that our writers receive dozens of assignment writing services requests for these subjects on a daily basis. Besides the subjects mentioned above, there are certain degrees in humanities that are widely termed as lucrative for money making. These subjects include elementary education, child and family studies, advertising, fashion design, etc.

The prima facie objective of sharing this list of top 100 humanities dissertations topics is to help students have a widespread range of options when it comes to assignment topic selection. As these assignments are extremely time oriented and irreparable in terms of deadline, the time energy and resources disposed on topic search and selection will never fetch us grade points (or even brownie points) in the eyes of the evaluator. A quick selection of the dissertation topic from the recommended list of titles always considered to be a smarter approach. 

While preparing the marathon list of humanities topics, we have emphasized to cover the topics from diverse numbers of streams to help students from maximum possible domains.   

Why Choosing the Right Humanities Assignment Topic is Important?

For the academics and research assignments of humanities that are meant to decide the course of our career, it is critical to land upon the right topic due to the following reasons –

  • To make the assignment submission process a unique one and eye-catchy to the assignment evaluators.
  • To increase the weight of the submitted assignment by dedicating the same to a trending topic to make the subject contemporary.
  • To explore the subjects and the titles that are revolutionary in terms of research and open new doors of future exploration on the same. 
  • The selection of the right title can make the writing process extremely conducive to the student, as he or she would be attending a topic having immense interest and well-versed clarity of the concept. 
  • It helps the student to settle with the topic for which he or she can easily access the authentic and resourceful database of information.

Our online assignment help can not only recommend the most rational and concrete humanities assignment topics, but also fulfill the requirements of submitting high quality work within a tight deadline. 

Confused with too many topics on history, and cannot decide the one to go with? Reach the below link to pick the best titles from the list prepared by the experts.

Must read: discover mankind with top 100 history dissertation topics for assignments, top 100 humanities dissertation topics to choose from in 2021.

Let us begin with the marathon list of dissertation topics in humanities to resolve your title selection conundrum on a priority basis –

  • The professionalization of the primary education program for students
  • What is the perception of the quality of life by the primary school pupils?
  • The potential in the out-of-school environment in the development of the pupils
  • The conditions for the development of Romany Pupils in the present school culture
  • What are the primary causes for the withdrawal of the individuals from the profession of teaching?
  • Inverted family socialization of children during early education
  • The entry of life coaching skills to preschool teachers to enhance their professional value
  • Grandparents substituting the role of the parents of the preschoolers
  • Educational games can become tools of enhancing learning abilities: Theory or practice?
  • An assessment of the link between the classroom quality and learning outcome in the kindergarten
  • An assessment of the implementation process of inclusive education in the United States
  • Factors affecting the decision to transfer the institutions of higher education outside the United States
  • Conventional v/s online education face-to-face for the adult learners:- Compare and contrast
  • Chinese study abroad to have a genuine excuse to travel: Discuss
  • How does operating as a taxi driver as well as navigating change the brain of a person?
  • To what extent can the reality television can turn out to be dis-empowering for the students?
  • The function of homework in developing the lives of the immigrant adolescents
  • The influence of the shocking behavior of the teachers in nurturing the creativity of the students
  • The determiners of flossing conduct in the college students
  • The classification of the drinking pattern in college-age population
  • Integrating computer into the curriculum- We cannot simply plug it in
  • The presumptions for a serious music-making hobby in the students of computer science
  • The challenges for adult graduates with learning technologies
  • The impact of the academic performance on the academic well-being of the adolescents
  • The impact of mathematics coaching on the self-esteem of the students
  • The influence of the Internet on the emotional maturity of the students
  • The academic achievements of the students who decide to choose a career stream in teaching
  • Students are more prone to finish the homework given by the good-looking professors: Discuss
  • Informal learning in the rural areas via social networks
  • Edublogging for the professors: The social networking of educationists
  • Does the learning existentialism results in suicides?
  • Is it feasible to curtail summer learning loss without consent from the students?
  • Can we actually reject classical math as well as proceed with it at the same time?
  • Students are less likely to believe something is unusual when their teachers act like it is not weird
  • Is holding a degree in humanities absolutely useless? What are the key career prospects?
  • Application of electronic games in the museums can turn out to be a smart education tool
  • Brainwashing people swiftly can make them immune to it
  • Creativity is a kind of fantasy that is nothing more than auto-hypnosis
  • Literature analysis is a sham, because we will never learn what a long dead author wished to convey in his or her book
  • Surfing out the web for 10 years equivalent to a college degree
  • Positive outlook to school can enhance academic performance, but the students doubt it
  • Sex education is more complex and stressful to the teachers than the students: Discuss
  • The stigma of being a single parent. Discuss with examples
  • How the quality of family life influence the parent-child relationships?
  • Empowerment of women in Saudi Arabia in 2000s: The challenges and the breakthroughs
  • Alcohol addiction for a long-term and the self-perception in the young adults
  • Adoption and its impact on the parent-child relationships
  • The comparison of traditions associated to family dinners in the US and the UK
  • How the influence of social pressure is bringing change in the behavior of the adolescents?
  • The impact of the emo culture on the suicide rates in the high school students
  • The rates of secularization of the elderly individuals residing in rural and urban areas: A case analysis
  • The quality of life for the transgenders in an open and a closed society: A comparative study
  • The arms race of the 21 st century: The present and the future
  • A comparative study of the anti-nuclear movements in Japan and Germany in the 21 st century
  • How limited access to technology is affecting the performance rates of teenagers in impoverished societies?
  • Performance rates of the teenagers in schools from low-income neighborhoods: Boston schools case study
  • Discuss design in the form of an art
  • The philosophy of design
  • The history of design during the dark ages
  • The history of design during the middle ages
  • The history of design during the Renaissance
  • The history of design during the French Revolution
  • Discuss the components of home interior designing
  • Discuss the components of toy designing
  • Discuss the components of car designing
  • Discuss the stylistic peculiarities of a particular fashion designer of your choice
  • Web designing: A modern-day quintessence of design
  • Discuss the political and social implications of design
  • The origin of communism and its association to Stendhal
  • The association between literature and politics during the 19 th century
  • An assessment of the artists and the art during the times of war
  • How the modern art is related to the American suffering?
  • Analyze how racism affects a family unit?
  • Is it true that a democratic political model can influence a capitalist society? If yes, then to how much extent?
  • Socioeconomic development: The impact of major sociological dimensions over the progress of a society
  • Societal beliefs and values: The impact of the corporate social responsibility
  • Human social behavioral approach is extremely complex: Evaluating the failure of the cognitive modules in assessing the human behavior
  • The mechanism study of the neural development in the form of information source for the early cognition
  • The crucial traits and the cognitive factors influencing the development of the creativity in the form of a multi-faceted propensity
  • The Great Depression: The assessment of the strategies that could have resulted in a better solution
  • The situational factors that lead to the Second World War and the most possible ways through which it could have been resolved easily
  • How does the instability existing within the political system impact the movie industry?
  • How did the political makeshifts reflected in Germany through German cinema?
  • How did the political makeshifts reflected in France through French cinema?
  • How did the political makeshifts reflected in Italy through Italian cinema?
  • An assessment of the factors that resulted in the beginning of the Cold War
  • How did the decades of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR changed the geopolitical equations of South-Asia?
  • From social media post to global mass movement: Case analysis of #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo
  • How did the Biblical Stand prepared the cultural outlook of the masses on the subjects like sensuality and sexuality?
  • The causes and the effects of the Nigerian Fulani Herdsmen Crisis
  • Rewriting the role of women in the history of Ghana during 1950 to 1966
  • The history of the Ashes and how it emotionally transformed the sport in two different continents?
  • Will the Central-South Asia to become the next epicenter of refugee crisis? Discuss it from the perspective of the current Afghan crisis
  • Are data the new weapon? Discuss it from the viewpoint of the Cyber warfare that countries conduct on one another for geopolitical gains
  • The Third World War would revolve around the scarcity of water. Discuss
  • Preserving the historical heritage and worth of ancient languages: Discuss from the case analysis of Sanskrit
  • Distinguish between the classical music and hip-hop music
  • Discuss the nature of consciousness from the viewpoint of the Buddhist philosophy
  • The future of humanity in an extraterrestrial world- Discuss
  • Are you living out the life of your dreams? Which actions actually made you feel the most passionate and alive?

The best thing about these humanities titles is that their utility is not confined to your dissertation help requirements only. These titles can wisely be used for the topic selection requirements for other assignment writing formats as well, including case study help , essay help , research paper writing help , or thesis help . We encourage students to refer the list for their humanities homework requirements related to all kinds of assignment writing formats.

Your decision on the selection of literature dissertation topic could either make or break the homework submission efforts. Check the below article to pick from the titles strongly recommended by the top university professors.

Must read: top 50 literature dissertation topics prevalent in the year 2021.

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Humanities essays

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What are the humanities?

The humanities refer to subjects that study people, their ideas, history, and literature. To put that another way, the humanities are those branches of learning regarding primarily as having a cultural character.

For example, one of the UK’s academic funding bodies, the Arts & Humanities Research Board or AHRB, tends to concentrate on the following sorts of subjects: Classics, Visual Arts and Media, Modern Languages, Music and Performing Arts, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Medieval and Modern History.

Key features – primary & secondary texts

In the majority of these subjects you begin with a primary text – e.g. a play or a film or a set of historical events. You are expected to show good knowledge of the primary text and to mount a discussion of it – or of aspects of it – that is located within current critical debate about it. You are expected to use your own judgement about other people’s judgements of the primary text.

Key features – logical argument

Readers of your essay will look for an argument that is clearly expressed in a logical order. They will not expect your essay to follow a specific set structure. For example, an English Literature essay might start with a plot summary of the work being discussed, a quote from the work or a quote from critical writing on the work. The important thing is to use your starting point to say clearly what you are going to write about and why; and to make the rest of your discussion flow naturally from it

Key features – balanced discussion

This is probably the one feature that distinguishes humanities essays from other sorts of writing. This does not mean that scientific papers or social science essays aren’t balanced discussions: it means that a humanities essay is more likely to have review various opinions and interpretations.

Writing Core Humanities essays

Writing is a major component of the Core Humanities program. It is also an essential skill that will help you to succeed in other courses and in your life beyond college. People who can express themselves clearly in writing have definite advantages over those who cannot, so take advantage of the writing opportunities provided in each course to practice getting better at this.

To write well, you must first have a sound grasp of the rules of grammar, but this alone is not enough to ensure good writing. You also need to think about the way you organize your ideas, how you present your argument, how you incorporate evidence and how you move from one idea to another in your essay. The following guidelines will help you to produce clearly written, well-supported, persuasive essays and to hone your communication skills.

Start early . Unless you are incredibly brilliant, you will not be able to write a really good essay the night before it is due. Insightful, well-organized papers result from careful thinking, re-reading of texts and re-writing of rough drafts, all of which take time.

Decide on a thesis . Good essays are more than just collections of facts or quotations from the readings. They are written with a clear point in mind - something the author wants to say. If the assignment is in the form of a question, your thesis will be your answer to the question. Make sure you have an answer before you begin to write. Do not simply write down everything you know about a topic without addressing the question.

Make an outline . Once you have decided what you are going to say, think about how you are going to say it. What evidence will you use to support your thesis? How will you arrange the evidence? How will you make sure your reader sees the same connections between your evidence and argument that you see? Making an outline forces you to think in an organized manner and arrange your thoughts in a sequence that makes sense. You can always change the organization of your essay later if you think of a better way to arrange your material, but you should always draw up some kind of plan before you begin to write.

Pay attention to structure . The "classic" essay structure (introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion) is classic for a reason: it works. Your introduction should set out clearly and succinctly the thesis of your essay, each body paragraph should provide evidence and/or analysis relating to the main point, the conclusion should summarize (again, succinctly but in different words from the ones you use in your introduction) what you have said.

Use graceful transitions . Your essay should flow logically and coherently from one paragraph to the next. Start a new paragraph for each new idea and try to make the first line of each paragraph relate in some way to the point you made in the preceding one. This is called a transition, or how you get from one idea to another. Just like changing gears, accelerating, or braking in a car, your transitions should be smooth, so that the reader hardly notices them. Good transitions can turn an above-average paper into one that is really classy.

Acknowledge any words and ideas that are not your own . You must properly recognize other people's words by enclosing any phrases taken directly from another source in quotation marks and providing the source information (author's last name, followed by the page number) in parentheses at the end of the sentence in which the quotation appears [e.g.: (Casper and Davies, 49)]. Ideas taken from outside sources and paraphrased in your own words, as well as little-known facts and statistics, must be acknowledged in the same way as direct quotations. See the advice about  avoiding plagiarism  for more information about how to acknowledge and cite sources.

A first draft does not mean you are finished . Read over, correct and re-write your first draft to eliminate bad grammar and syntax, unclear sentences, clumsy transitions, typing errors and spelling mistakes. Keep in mind that the spelling and grammar-check functions on your computer, although useful for a first run through, are no substitute for reading your paper carefully yourself.

Keep to the page limit . Being able to express your ideas clearly and succinctly is a valuable skill and revising an over-long paper to keep within a defined limit helps you to get better at this. If your first draft exceeds the page limit, go back and cut out any unnecessary words or sentences. Finding ways to restate your ideas more directly usually results in a better paper.

Think you are done?  Not quite. Proofread your paper again before you submit it to eliminate any new mistakes that might have crept in when you were revising it. It is often helpful to ask a friend or family member to read your paper before submitting it to make sure it all makes sense and to pick up any errors you may have missed.

Ask for help if you need it . Remember that your instructors are here to help you if you get stuck. If you are having trouble understanding the readings or lectures, email or make an appointment to see your discussion leader or professor. Your discussion section meeting each week is also a good time to ask any questions you have about the material.

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Writing in Philosophy   values logical reasoning — in other words, Philosophy is interested in  how  you argue. Writing in Philosophy can include   several types of writing tasks, like original arguments, argument reconstruction, objections and replies, and/or thought experiments. As the UNC-Chapel Hill Writing Center’s Philosophy writing guide points out, each type of writing has a different goal to achieve and so needs a different approach from the writer.

For example, an objection to an argument must give reasons for why the argument or its reasoning is flawed: maybe the premises don’t really support the claims, or the argument doesn’t use its terms consistently, or the conclusion relies on unspoken assumptions; etc. When building arguments in Philosophy, writers need to be careful to avoid logical fallacies, which create flaws in an argument and weaken its reasoning. 

Remember, also, that writing in Philosophy often uses specialized terminology with meanings that are specific to Philosophy itself. When defining these terms in an argument — like ‘vague,’ ‘logical,’ or ‘truth’ — writers should  not  use a standard dictionary. For philosophical terms, look up Philosophy reference materials or even Pryor’s “Philosophical Glossary for Beginners” for a head-start.

Writing in Philosophy should be clear and straightforward so that a reader does not misinterpret the argument. So, writers should use plain prose and a clear structure. To help your reader follow your argument, try to ‘signal’ to them what you’re doing (for example, “As I have just explained” or “Smith’s next premise that…”).

Writing in Music can involve several types of assignments, and   UNC-Chapel Hill’s Writing Center’s Music writing guide talks about approaches for argumentative papers, concert reports, historical analyses, song analyses, and performance or media comparisons. They also give tips for describing music, using music terminology (and terms to avoid), and making arguments about music.

Writers in Music should be careful to avoid common pitfalls, like projecting emotional content, mixing or misusing terminology, or using the wrong tense.   When writing technical descriptions of music, explain why the details you’ve described are important — try to avoid giving a “‘blow-by-blow’ analysis.”   Duke University’s Writing Studio’s Music writing guide explains more “actions” for writing in Music, including tips like providing the relevant sections of the score in your examples, supporting your evaluations with evidence from the music, and always explaining your examples.

The ultimate goal in writing in the humanities is to explain or understand the human experience and human values. The humanities—also called the liberal arts—include philosophy, religion, art, music, literature, history, and language. These fields are a broad way of studying and understanding how people express ideas, information, and feelings—the experience of what makes us human. Sometimes mislabeled as the “opposite” of the applied sciences or professional programs such as business, the humanities are in fact at the core of every human endeavor to pursue, discover, and pass on knowledge.

A good literature paper has a debatable argument (or thesis) that is well supported. This argument is your own original idea, based on a thorough understanding of the text and supported with careful reasoning. So, what makes a good literature paper? 

An argument:  when you write an extended literary essay, often one requiring research, you are essentially making an argument. You are arguing that your perspective-an interpretation, an evaluative judgment, or a critical evaluation-is a valid one.

A Debatable Thesis Statement:  like any argument paper you have ever written for a first-year composition course, you must have a specific, detailed thesis statement that reveals your perspective, and, like any good argument, your perspective must be one which is debatable.

  • You would not   want to make an argument of this sort:

Shakespeare's Hamlet is a play about a young man who seeks revenge.

That doesn't say anything-it's basically just a summary and is hardly debatable.

  • A better thesis would be this:

Hamlet experiences internal conflict because he is in love with his mother.

That is debatable, controversial even. The rest of a paper with this argument as its thesis will be an attempt to show, using specific examples from the text and evidence from scholars, (1) how Hamlet is in love with his mother, (2) why he's in love with her, and (3) what implications there are for reading the play in this manner.

  • You also want to avoid a thesis statement like this:

Spirituality means different things to different people. King Lear, The Book of Romans, and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance each view the spirit differently.

Again, that says nothing that's not already self-evident. Why bother writing a paper about that? You're not writing an essay to list works that have nothing in common other than a general topic like "spirituality." You want to find certain works or authors that, while they may have several differences, do have some specific, unifying point. That point is your thesis.

Lear, Romans, and Zen each view the soul as the center of human personality.

Then you prove it, using examples from the texts that show that the soul is the center of personality.

Research papers are perhaps the most common form of writing you should expect in a history course.   As the name suggests, these assignments require you to participate in historical research. After reading through primary and secondary sources, you will need to interpret them in a way that can answer some question about the past.

When writing a historical research paper, your goal is to choose a topic and write a paper that:

      1) Asks a good historical question—your inquiry should capture the complexities of history, examining how certain factors contributed to an event or how an event could be examined or understood in a new light, apart from what previous historians have suggested.

      2) Tells how your ideas connect to previous work by other historians, and

      3) Offers a well-organized and persuasive thesis of your own.

Art History

Evaluating and writing about visual material uses many of the same analytical skills that you have learned from other fields, such as history or literature. In art history, however, you will be asked to gather your evidence from close observations of objects or images. Beyond painting, photography, and sculpture, you may be asked to write about posters, illustrations, coins, and other materials.

Some helpful tips when writing for theology classes:

1. Know what kind of paper you are writing.

  • If it is a spirituality/reflection paper, you can use first person.
  • If it is a biblical studies/analysis paper, use third person only.

2. Be extremely clear. Theological writing is very academic. If it helps, state what you will be doing or the purpose of your paper directly in the thesis/introduction.

  • In this paper, I will _______.

3. Read sources carefully

  • Be able to understand what the author is saying and summarize it in your own words.
  • Read footnotes.
  • Make use of sources frequently in your paper.
  • When including a quote, make sure you explain it and incorporate it into the sentence.

4. Useful sources

  • Commentaries: analyses on scripture
  • Good for: exegesis, passage analysis, biblical studies
  • Examples: Anchor Bible Commentary
  • Practical sources: applying theology to the public sphere
  • Good for: ethics, philosophy, history, spirituality
  • Examples: St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Reinhold Niebuhr, H. Richard Niebuhr, Catholic Church catechisms

Philosophy Links

  • Arguments in Philosophy
  • UNC-Chapel Hill Writing Center’s Philosophy writing guide
  • Harvard College's Philosophy writing guide

Theatre Links

  • UNC-Chapel Hill’s Writing Center’s drama guide
  • University of Wisconsin’s Writing Center’s play review guide
  • University of Richmond’s Guidelines for Writing Critiques for Theatre Performances

Literature Links

  • William H. Hannon Library Literature Guide

Music Links

  • UNC-Chapel Hill’s Writing Center’s Music writing guide
  • Richmond University’s Writing Center’s Music writing guide
  • Duke University’s Writing Studio’s Music writing guide

Writing about theatre or drama includes writing about plays, productions, and performances. UNC-Chapel Hill’s Writing Center’s drama guide explains that “writing about drama often means explaining what makes the plays we watch or read so exciting.” They provide a handout for writing about drama, including mini-guides to what elements to consider and analyze when writing specifically about a play, a performance, or a production. 

For a brief overview of some general principles for writing about theatre, refer to the University of Richmond’s Guidelines for Writing Critiques for Theatre Performances. 

Typically, you should format and organize a theatre paper in the same way you would format a paper for your humanities classes, including English 101 and 102. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Begin with an introduction paragraph that includes your thesis. A good thesis for a theater paper will be an argument or central claim about some aspect of the play, production, or performance (such as the ones discussed above) that is specific, bold, and, most importantly, supportable by the evidence you will present in the body paragraphs of the paper.
  • Evidence includes both primary sources (the play or production itself as well as analysis based on your own interpretation) and secondary sources such as scholarly publications you may consult. 
  • End with a conclusion paragraph that reiterates the main points of the paper and gestures beyond its scope to the larger significance of what you have accomplished.
  • Citations should be in MLA format (unless otherwise indicated by your instructor)
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  • Last Updated: Sep 21, 2023 12:20 PM

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Humanities Essay Examples

The benefits of studying humanities.

Old people themselves confirm that humanities contributes in understanding the information that transcends the verbal, linear, and measurable. The view of humanities is different in terms of the kinds of issues being asked and how they are being answered. Well-versed individuals use analytical methods to...

Exploring the Significance of Medical Anthropology in Healthcare

The writer of “why is anthropology important essay” will define anthropology and medical anthropology and their roles. This essay will also discuss why medicine and anthropology are holistic and why and how to help understand disease. This will also include how people understand illness from...

The Most Important Humanistic Ideas to Study in Humanities

When taking the course of Humanities in college, it isn’t just defined for specifically human beings; it’s more than that. It is defined as learning about what, how and why humanity functions in societies of every culture. The reason it is important to understand Humanities...

The Contribution of Humanities in Achieving Happiness

The definition and understanding of happiness has been a matter of discussion for thousands of years. Humans tried to classify and categorise the most desirable of emotions continually and never managed to reach a mutual agreement about its meaning. The reason for that is the...

Importance of the Study of Humanities for a Society

A thief of money. A waste of time. A subject of mockery. These responses often answer the question, “Why do we study the Humanities?” Humanities degrees are portrayed in a negative way as a result of our increasingly technological world. Mandy Pipher, the author of...

Humanities for Personal and Professional Development

My initial definition of the term Humanities was “the study of humankind’s history and evolvement over the course of different ages and time periods; societal, political, cultural, etc. ” This definition was similar to what the major percentage of the classmates’ perception of Humanities. Most...

Humanities and Its Significance in Life

Humanities are all those disciplines or activities related to these that focus on the phenomena of the human being. From this perspective it is understood that despite the aspiration to rigor that they have, they will always lack a rigor like that held by the...

Disciplines of Humanities and Sciences in Antiquity

In this essay I will argue that humanities and sciences in antiquity, rather than being regarded as separate disciplines; were viewed as codependent and as a result they overlapped. My evidence for this is from studying the structure of Greek education and analyzing the works...

Bioethics and Medical Humanities

Sex selection of embryos for the purpose of family balancing is not ethically permissible. First, I would first like to share my personal background on the issue. Thanks to assisted reproduction, I am here on this earth today. However, had my parents selected to have...

Life Skills We Learn from Studying Humanities

The humanities are an endless collection of human documentation; bounded together by our own values and perceptions of one another. As individuals, it is important for us to connect with each other and share our ideas. The humanities introduce us to many important themes that...

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