ModernCV CV and Cover Letter

This template uses the ‘ModernCV’ class to create a multi-page CV and cover letter. The CV is clearly structured with large section titles and important dates on a sidebar. Contact information is clearly displayed in a gray block. This class features four document themes which completely change the layout of the document, to get a preview of each of these themes see the PDF previews below. Changing themes is as simple as changing one word.


This template uses the ‘ModernCV’ class to create a multi-page CV and cover letter. The CV is clearly structured with large section titles and important dates on a sidebar. Contact information is clearly displayed in a gray block. This class features four document themes which completely change the layout of the document, to get a preview of each of these themes see the PDF previews below. Changing themes is as simple as changing one word. As well as this, seven preset color options exist within the template to change the color from the default blue. This template would best suit a recent graduate with little to moderate work experience.

cover letter moderncv signature

The ModernCV class was created by Xavier Danaux .

Current Version

v1.3 (October 29, 2016)

This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

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This page last updated on: October 29, 2016

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moderncv – A modern curriculum vitae class

The class provides facilities for typesetting modern curriculums vitae, both in a classic and in a casual style. It is fairly customizable, allowing you to define your own style by changing the colours, the fonts, etc.

The template.tex file can be used as an example.

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Version2.3.1 2022-02-21
Licenses TeX Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2006–2015 Xavier Danaux
2020–2021 moderncv maintainers (

Contained in X Live as moderncv
X as moderncv

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (334.1k).

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  • 2015-07-30 CTAN Update: moderncv
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[Tex/LaTex] ModernCV cover letter – switch sides

I want to slightly edit Cover letter in ModernCV Latex template. I want to have my personal data on the left side of the page and the recipient and my signature (under the letter) on the right. How can I do this?

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enter image description here

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[tex/latex] include signature picture in cover letter in moderncv.

I would follow the procedure listed in Adding a signature on an online job application to obtain an electronic (vectorized) version of a signature. Assume the signature is called signature.pdf . Then you would add the following code to your document preamble:

The above redefinition of \makeletterclosing merely inserts \includegraphics{signature}\\ before printing the first/last name. You may want to reduce the space after the closing and the beginning of the signature (currently listed above as 3em ).

[Tex/LaTex] Place the sender address on the left side in moderncv cover letter

Under the classic style, moderncv sets the letter opening in a specific way. Consider the following visual:

enter image description here

The sender address (top right) is contained in a minipage that is flush-right, set in \raggedleft and spans 50% of the \textwidth . This is followed by a 1em vertical gap, and then the recipient address (bottom left), set in a minipage that is flush-left, set in \raggedright and spans 50% of the \textwidth . Finally, an \hfill pushes the "date box" flush-right.

Depending on where you want these boxes to be located, they're pretty easy to move around and/or reformat in terms of their layout. Here's one example:

enter image description here

which stems from adding

to your document preamble. The above adjustment is dependent on the classic style as it directly patches \makelettertitle as its defined in moderncvstyleclassic.sty . Other options also exist, depending on where you want the date to be placed (vertically or otherwise).

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  • [Tex/LaTex] Make Recipient & Date optional in ModernCV Cover Letter
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A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX


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#moderncv: a modern curriculum vitae class#

Moderncv provides a documentclass for typesetting curricula vitae in various styles. Moderncv aims to be both straightforward to use and customizable, providing five ready-made styles (classic, casual, banking, oldstyle and fancy) and allowing one to define his own by modifying colors, fonts, icons, etc.

Most commands are defined in such a way that arguments are optional.

Until a decent manual is written, one can always look in the "examples" directory for some examples. Documents can be compiled into dvi, ps or pdf.

Author: Xavier Danaux [email protected] Licence: The LaTeX Project Public Li­cense, version 1.3c URL:

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Maintaining CV and Resume Simultaneously with LaTeX and ModernCV Template

This is the time for me to start looking for a new position. The first thing to do when you start this process, is to update your CV and resume. Although a lot of people (including myself until recently) think that these are two identical documents, in reality they are not. Resume is a short (max 3 pages) concise summary of your experience and achievements that show how you fit the future position. HR people screen tons of documents everyday, and they want to know if a person fits the position from the first glance. In CV , you describe your experience in details, mentioning all the projects that you have participated in, your contributions, what technologies have been used, etc. Moreover, if you have an academic experience, you list there all your publications and academic achievements. As a result, your CV could be quite long especially if you have huge experience, a lot of publications or both. Thus, if you have been chosen the interviewers may understand your experience in details.

Still, both these documents may share the same sections like education and working experience. In order to follow the DRY (don’t repeat yourself) principle and unify the style of my CV and resume, this time I have made them using the same LaTeX template called moderncv . In this article, I explain how I maintain these two documents together and list the modifications that I have made.


This is not the perfect solution to everyone. However, if you know how to use LaTeX I would recommend this approach because it allows you to create visually appealing documents of the same style. In order to start developing your CV and resume, you need to perform some prerequisite actions:

  • Create a directory to store all the files related to the project: $ mkdir ~/cv_resume
  • Clone the repository with the ModernCV template locally. Although ModernCV is distributed as a LaTeX package and have been recently updated in the repository after new maintainers have been added, it may happen that your LaTeX distribution still uses the old one. Therefore, I recommend to get the latest version of the template directly from the git repository. Moreover, later we will update some files from this repository. Unfortunately, if you use the “compiled” package it is not straightforward to make these modifications. $ cd /tmp $ git clone [email protected]:moderncv/moderncv.git
  • Copy moderncv.cls and all *.sty files to your project directory: $ cp /tmp/moderncv/moderncv.cls ~/cv_resume/ $ cp /tmp/moderncv/*.sty ~/cv_resume/
  • If you do not plan to modify ModernCV template, you can skip steps 2 and 3.
  • In your project directory create two files: cv.tex and resume.tex , and copy there the content from template.tex : $ cp /tmp/moderncv/template.tex ~/cv_resume/cv.tex $ cp /tmp/moderncv/template.tex ~/cv_resume/resume.tex
  • Create a subdirectory in your project directory to store the content of the sections for our CV and resume. $ cd ~/cv_resume/ $ mkdir sections
  • Now, you are ready to develop the content. Open the project directory in your favorite TeX editor. For instance, I use VSCode: $ code ~/cv_resume

Writing Content

For every section that you plan to add to your CV or resume add a corresponding file to the sections subdirectory. For instance, my sections directory contains the following list of files, each of them correspond to a separate section either in CV/resume or both:

Now, fill these files with the content using the commands provided by the ModernCV package. I will not explain in details how to develop the content using the commands provided by the package. If you know LaTeX, just open template.tex , and there you will find the examples and explanations how to use different commands. For instance, my education.tex file contains the following content:

Open your cv.tex and resume.tex files and modify the body adding as inputs paths to the corresponding section files located in the sections directory. For instance, below is the body of my cv.tex file:

Such file structure allows me to add, move and remove sections quite easy: you just need to modify the corresponding lines. The resume.tex file looks similarly:

As you can see, the bodies of two documents are easy to modify and have just few differences. First, to the resume I have added an introductory sentence (the \vspace{-6ex} command moves this line a little bit closer to the top). Second, the list of the sections in these documents are different, however, you can still find education and experience sections in both of them. Thus, if I want to make a modification in these sections, I need to do this only in one place.

Preamble Modifications

In addition to the modifications described in the previous section, I have also modified the preambles of CV and resume a little. Let us consider them in details.

Note that you can use different themes for these documents. For instance, one document could be greeny, while other document will be blue. Personally, I use the same ModernCV theme for both documents:

First of all, so as resume is quite a short document, I decrease the size of the basic font to 11pt :

Then, I set the font style for name and title:

In the preamble, I also specify doctype . I have added this command to the ModernCV package. Later, I explain why I need this and how to modify the ModernCV template:

Also, you will need to modify the parameters related to your personal data. I use the same commands as in the standard template, you will need to change the values accordingly.

The modifications in CV are similar. So as CV is a quite lengthy document, I increase the font size to make it easier to read:

Similarly, I change the font style for personal name and title. You can play with these parameters so that the elements in your CV look proportional and pretty:

Set the doctype to CV : \doctype{CV} and modify your personal information.

ModernCV Template Modifications

When you open the document in a pdf application, the title of the window should be different — you need to see what document you have opened. For instance, if you open my CV the title of the window would be Yury Zhauniarovich, PhD - CV , while if you open my resume the window title would be Yury Zhauniarovich, PhD - Résumé . Unfortunately, I have not found a way to modify hypersetup properties in the preamble of the documents, therefore I have modified the ModernCV package file called moderncv.cls in order to achieve this behavior.

First of all, I have created a new parameter doctype . Open the moderncv.cls file and in the “overall design commands definitions” section add this new command definition:

Then, modify hypersetup values:

With such modifications (and definition of the doctype in CV and resume documents’ preamles), the properties of the document will be changed accordingly.

You can download the modified version of the moderncv.cls file here . Just copy it to ~/cv_resume directory and substitute the corresponding file.

Skill Matrix Widget Modifications

In the recent versions of the ModernCV package, you can add a skill matrix widget to your application. To my point of view, this is a very informative widget, and I expect it to be widely used in job seekers’ resumes. However, I do not like its default view shown in Figure 1 :

  • To my point of view, the data in the “Years” column is not informative. You cannot measure your experience by the amount of years. Therefore, I think that this is an unnecessary column.
  • To my opinion, the “Skill” column should follow after the category. So as I read from left to right, I expect the categorization happing in the same direction. If the second column is “Level” as in the default widget, then I expect the information to be grouped by the knowledge level, i.e., in a category at first I expect to see all the skills with the level equal to 1, then all skills with the level 2, and so on.
  • So as the “Comment” column is expected to contain quite extensive description, I would like to decrease the font size in this column because the size of the resume is limited.

I spent some time modifying the code of the skill matrix widget addressing the aforementioned issues. In Figure 2 , you can see how the skill matrix widget looks after the modifications I have made:

In the repository, you can find the file with my modifications . Note that these are quite “dirty” hacks, however, they address my needs, and therefore, I do not see the value in spending additional time improving them to be more generic.

So as I removed “Years” and rearranged other columns, the command format to add a skill is also changed. For instance, the following code adds the widget shown in Figure 2 :

In order to use the code my modified widget, just copy it to your ~/cv_resume/ directory substituting the corresponding file from the ModernCV package.

With all these modifications, the process of updating my CV and resume is much easier. Now, I just need to update my information from time to time in one place. Hopefully, this article will help someone to find a dream job and facilitate HRs’ lives.

Yury Zhauniarovich

Assistant professor.

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Creating a Curriculum Vitae with LaTeX

Last updated: March 18, 2024

cover letter moderncv signature

1. Introduction

In the competitive job market landscape, a well-crafted curriculum vitae (CV) can make a remarkable difference in securing our dream career opportunity. The content and presentation of our CV play a vital role in grabbing the attention of potential employers and highlighting our skills and qualifications effectively.

While various tools are available for creating CVs, one approach that stands out for its professionalism and aesthetic appeal is using LaTeX . In this tutorial, we’ll study step-by-step how to create a CV with LaTeX using ModernCV – one of the most common and powerful package for creating CVs.

2. Install the ModernCV Package

Before installing ModernCV, let’s ensure we have LaTeX on our computer . If not, the following will show how to install MikTeX, the core of LaTeX.

If we’re using Windows, we can run the following commands in administrator mode to install the package MikTeX:

With Ubuntu and other Linux distros, the install process is less complicated. We can just copy and run these commands:

After the installation of MikTex, we can run the following command to install ModernCV:

3. Setting Up Our Document

First, we need to define the preamble of the LaTeX document. This starts with the declaration of the class moderncv . Then we can choose the theme for the CV, i.e., the style of the PDF result after compiling the LaTeX document.

The following describes the typical preamble for a LaTeX document using ModernCV:

4. Style Configuration

There are several options we can modify:

4.1. Page Size and Fonts

We can freely change the format (page size, text size, etc.) of the CV. For example, if we want to have a CV in the A4 paper size, default text size 10pt, support color printing, and that’s draft, we can define the documentclass as follows:

If we want a CV to be in letter paper size with a landscape look, default text of size 12pt, black-and-white printing, and the file is the final version, here is the config:

There are five available themes, as indicated in the above table: casual (default), classic , banking , oldstyle , and fancy . Here is what they look like after compiling:

Available themes of ModernCV

Additionally, we have five available color options for themes (the color of titles and some bars and lines in the CV):

Available theme colors of ModernCV

4.2. Margins

The margin of the CV can also be modified. The below table lists the optional parameters for margins:

For example, if we want a CV to have a scale of about 25% of free paper space, here is the command:

Or we can manually set each margin parameters ( top , bottom , left , right ) with this command:

4.3. Encoding

With this line, we can change the file’s encoding. We usually use the utf8 encoding:

4.4. Language

In this line, we can define the language of the CV. If our CV will be in English, here is the command:

4.5. Disable Page Numbering

For multi-page CVs, we can add this line to disable page numbering :

It is commonly recommended to summarize a CV in one page. A résumé, on the other hand, can have multiple pages.

5. Fill in Personal Information

Once all the configurations are done, we can start writing the content of our CV—our personal information. We can use the following lines to define them:

6. Customizing Sections

To open or close a section or subsection, we can use the following commands:

The command to open a new section is \section{<section_title>} . Every section can be divided into subsections with \subsection{<subsection_title>} . When needed, we can close the section with \closesection{} or create an empty section with \emptysection{} .

The following lines demonstrate the use of the above commands:

This results in the below figure:

Sample section in LaTeX CV

6.1. Customizing Items

We can add items of many different types inside sections depending on our purpose.

To describe our education or job experiences, we can use the following command (note that the last three arguments are optional):

There is also a language section for any language certificate that we achieved:

The computer skill section contains some parameters as follows:

We can also add a skill entry with rating:

To insert a line with a hint on the left, we can use the following command:

To create a pair of two-item sections, we can use the command \cvdoubleitem . This command is often used to present information in two columns, such as a skill and its corresponding proficiency level, or a qualification and its date of completion:

For example, if we want to add a section for “Computer Skills” with multiple categories, we can write:

This will generate the following result:

Example of '\cvdoubleitem

To insert a list item inside a section, we need the following line:

We can also insert a section that list all of our publications . These data need to be stored in a BibTeX file ( *.bib ):

The name of the section title can be changed by the command \renewcommand{\refname}{<new_name>} .

6.2. Further Customizations:

We can modify the symbols used for personal data highlighting by redefining them as follows:

For command_name , the available options are: phonesymbol , emailsymbol , addresssymbol , mobilesymbol , faxsymbol . For new_symbol , we can use any possible symbol in LaTeX, such as \star or \rightarrow .

In addition, it is possible to change the symbol of the lists:

The following code sums up all of the above commands:

The result is shown in the below figure:

Example of customization of the list labels.

Many distances definitions are used by ModernCV, and all of them can be customized with the command:

The available options for the parameters length and new_value in the above command are:

  • length : quotewidth , separatorcolumnwidth , maincolumnwidth , doubleitemcolumnwidth , listitemsymbolwidth , listdoublwitemmaincolumnwidth
  • new_value : any distance value that LaTeX can understand

In particular, the first column can be set to any width in two ways:

To indicate the creation date of our CV, we can add the date that our CV was produced with the command \today .

To add some lines at the bottom of the CV, we can drop out the layout of ModernCV and push the line at the end.

7. Final Result

Once we’ve done all of these above steps. It’s time now to compile the LaTeX file and see the result PDFs:

CV sample - page 1

8. Alternative Options to Create CVs in LaTeX

Besides ModernCV, there also exists other packages to create a CV/Resume in LaTeX, such as EuropassCV , Scott Clark CV , EuroCV , friggeri-cv , and so many others. It is worth noticing that some of them do have documentation and sample codes, and others don’t.

9. Conclusion

This article has provided a fast way to create a CV with LaTeX using the ModernCV package. Whether we are a seasoned LaTeX user or new to this remarkable typesetting system, this article will equip us with the knowledge and skills to create a standout CV that opens doors to exciting career prospects.

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Moderncv and cover letter.

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Skype symbol in cover letter made with moderncv latex

I want to include the skype symbol in the cover letter made with modern cv. I cannot find anything that suites me. I found several cases where the symbol of skype was included after the command \begin{document}. I want to include the skype symbol before.

Here below a working example:

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cover letter moderncv signature

Modern CV Template

A modern CV/resume template.

Modern CV Template

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Add second signature in moderncv

I want the possibility to add another signature in \makeletterclosing within the moderncv package. I know, that the \makeletterclosing command is defined in the moderncvbodyi.sty file, and I can add the second name (second~name) manually:

However, I want the possibility to define that name within my document and not the package-file, e.g. by adding the following to my .tex document:

However, I don't know where and how to implement the variables \2ndfirstname and \2ndlastname. I also don't know where \firstname and \lastname are defined. If someone could point me to the correct file, I'd appreciate that

the_ermine's user avatar

  • What's the reason to have 2 signatures in a one-person CV? // For \ifthenelse see e.g. the manual at , or do some searches here. –  MS-SPO Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 20:45
  • @MS-SPO Because I use the package for cover letters and other kinds of applications, where I might need an approval-signature from another person as well –  the_ermine Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 21:15

Assuming your code-snippet works, try sth. like this:

Then a call like this should work:

If the tilde '~' causes any trouble replace it by an ordinary space. I don't think the complete name will lead to a line break ;-)

Hint : Unfortunately your code snippet is too short to be good. As you can see, I have to guess, instead of verifying my answer before posting. It is good practice here to boil down code so much, that it both shows the problem AND still contains the observed error or problem (MWE: Minimum Working Example).

MS-SPO's user avatar

  • 1 This works just well, thank you. I also tried to honor your hint and edited my question, I hope thats better. –  the_ermine Commented Aug 2, 2021 at 7:59
  • Great :) Happy it works. –  MS-SPO Commented Aug 2, 2021 at 8:56

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cover letter moderncv signature


  1. The complete guide to writing a Cover Letter

    cover letter moderncv signature

  2. Top 14 Modern Cover Letter Templates to Download Now

    cover letter moderncv signature

  3. Modern cover letter format example. in 2021

    cover letter moderncv signature

  4. The Ultimate Cover Letter Format & Structure Guide (+ Examples

    cover letter moderncv signature

  5. Modern Cover Letter

    cover letter moderncv signature

  6. What Does A Cover Letter Include

    cover letter moderncv signature


  1. Include signature picture in cover letter in moderncv?

    I created a cover letter with the moderncv package. My code is: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{moderncv} \moderncvtheme[green]{classic} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \ ... Include signature picture in cover letter in moderncv? Ask Question Asked 10 years, 9 months ago. Modified 3 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 34k times

  2. How to separate the CV and cover letter in moderncv?

    6. No need to write the letter in a different file, nor is convenient if you want to use the same footer that the curriculum. \documentclass{moderncv} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Uncomment next line to reproduce exactly the MWE image. % \usepackage[margin=1cm,bmargin=3cm,paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=12cm]{geometry}

  3. ModernCV cover letter

    I want to slightly edit Cover letter in ModernCV Latex template. I want to have my personal data on the left side of the page and the recipient and my signature (under the letter) on the right. ... Include signature picture in cover letter in moderncv? 4. Place the sender address on the left side in moderncv cover letter. 5.

  4. ModernCV and Cover Letter Template

    License. LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c. Abstract. A multi-page CV and cover letter, using the moderncv document class. The class provides facilities for typesetting modern curriculums vitae, both in a classic and in a casual style. It is fairly customizable, allowing you to define your own style by changing the colours, the fonts, etc.

  5. LaTeX Templates

    Description. This template uses the 'ModernCV' class to create a multi-page CV and cover letter. The CV is clearly structured with large section titles and important dates on a sidebar. Contact information is clearly displayed in a gray block. This class features four document themes which completely change the layout of the document, to ...

  6. CTAN: Package moderncv

    moderncv - A modern curriculum vitae class. The class provides facilities for typesetting modern curriculums vitae, both in a classic and in a casual style. It is fairly customizable, allowing you to define your own style by changing the colours, the fonts, etc. The template.tex file can be used as an example. Sources.

  7. [Tex/LaTex] ModernCV cover letter

    Under the classic style, moderncv sets the letter opening in a specific way. Consider the following visual: The sender address (top right) is contained in a minipage that is flush-right, set in \raggedleft and spans 50% of the \textwidth.This is followed by a 1em vertical gap, and then the recipient address (bottom left), set in a minipage that is flush-left, set in \raggedright and spans 50% ...

  8. xdanaux/moderncv: A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX

    Moderncv provides a documentclass for typesetting curricula vitae in various styles. Moderncv aims to be both straightforward to use and customizable, providing five ready-made styles (classic, casual, banking, oldstyle and fancy) and allowing one to define his own by modifying colors, fonts, icons, etc. Most commands are defined in such a way ...

  9. Maintaining CV and Resume Simultaneously with LaTeX and ModernCV

    Create a subdirectory in your project directory to store the content of the sections for our CV and resume. $ cd ~/cv_resume/. $ mkdir sections. Copy. Now, you are ready to develop the content. Open the project directory in your favorite TeX editor. For instance, I use VSCode: $ code ~/cv_resume. Copy.

  10. Creating a Curriculum Vitae with LaTeX

    This starts with the declaration of the class moderncv. Then we can choose the theme for the CV, i.e., the style of the PDF result after compiling the LaTeX document. ... If we want a CV to be in letter paper size with a landscape look, default text of size 12pt, black-and-white printing, and the file is the final version, here is the config: ...

  11. Signature over printed name in a `moderncv` letter

    2. When trying to get the signature ( transparent PNG) properly placed using the following code: in the head and \makeletterclosing in the document, I get the following z order in the output PDF (the signature here is printed over the "Ate n tamente," but under the "Andr é s...". I would like it to be over every typed text):

  12. ModernCV and Cover Letter

    LaTeX forum ⇒ Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ ModernCV and Cover Letter. ModernCV, Friggeri, Plasmati, Classicthesis-CV, and more. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. shreyasharsha Posts: 1 Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:18 am. ModernCV and Cover Letter. Post by shreyasharsha » Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:23 am .

  13. How I can change the style of ModernCV and Cover Letter to Banking

    How I can change the style of ModernCV and Cover Letter to Banking Style? Once you've created a document from the template here you can change the theme by changing: \moderncvstyle {casual} to \moderncvstyle {banking} or other styles—see the comments in the file. Documentation Home;

  14. How to include a photo in Moderncv Casual

    The generic input abstracts this placement from the rest of the code. Specific to the command \photo; it is defined inside the class moderncv.cls file as: {\def\@photowidth{#1}\def\@photoframewidth{#2}\def\@photo{#3}} An input like. defines the photo to be kept in \@photo - it references the image file filename (with an image extension) - to ...

  15. Skype symbol in cover letter made with moderncv latex

    1. I want to include the skype symbol in the cover letter made with modern cv. I cannot find anything that suites me. I found several cases where the symbol of skype was included after the command \begin {document}. I want to include the skype symbol before. Here below a working example:

  16. moderncv

    5. I'm using the moderncv package ( classic style) and I would like to reduce the vertical space between the \closing of the letter and the signatur at the end. The vertical space between Sincerely and John Lennon is too big. Here my minimal working example: Using \vspace doesn't help and a solution like this one.

  17. Modern CV Template

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

  18. How to Sign a Cover Letter (5+ Examples of Signatures)

    Simply write your full name at the end of the email, using the same cover letter font you use for the rest of your cover letter. The proper format of an email cover letter signature looks like this: Regards, [First Name] [Last Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number] Although you should have already provided your contact details in your resume and ...

  19. How to cut the space of the closing in moderncv cover letter?

    I am writing a cover letter using moderncv. The problem is when executing the latex file I get two pages with only my name in the second page. ... Include signature picture in cover letter in moderncv? 5. moderncv cover letter recipient data line length. 3. moderncv: Letter footer in resume. 1. moderncv, Cover letter, body is displayed above ...

  20. How to Sign a Cover Letter: Signature Examples for 2024

    Your signature should include a closing salutation, your full name, and your contact information. It can also include your current job title, your home address, and a link to your LinkedIn profile (or other useful social media links). Some closing salutations fit the business format of your document better than others.

  21. Add second signature in moderncv

    I want the possibility to add another signature in \makeletterclosing within the moderncv package. I know, that the \makeletterclosing command is defined in the moderncvbodyi.sty file, and I can add the second name (second~name) manually: \renewcommand*{\makeletterclosing}{. \@closing\\[3em]%.

  22. Top 14 Modern Cover Letter Templates to Download Now

    14. Kim Banks by Venngage. This cover letter template screams modern from the start. The top of the cover letter uses a photo background which can really get your personality across to the hiring manager. The rest of the page is white space waiting to be filled with your professional skills and accomplishments.