Lawyer Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

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You've come a long way to reach your legal goals.

From your early dreams to helping justice thrive to making a career in the world of law, your journey has been amazing. 

But as you’re preparing for your next big professional step, there's a challenge: writing a great lawyer cover letter.

We don’t blame you; showing off your legal skills can be tough. 

That’s why, in this article, we'll help you create a cover letter that highlights your skills and gets you closer to your dream legal job.

Here’s what’ll cover: 

  • An Outstanding Lawyer Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Essential Steps to Crafting a Top-tier Legal Cover Letter
  • 3 Lawyer Cover Letter Tips

...and much more!

Lawyer Cover Letter Example

Lawyer Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Law Cover Letter

You've just had a glimpse of what a stellar cover letter looks like, and now you're well-equipped to craft your own . 

It's as simple as following a few straightforward steps to make it shine, starting with:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Your cover letter should start with your contact information neatly placed in the header, just like on your resume. 

Here's what you should include:

  • Full Name: Your complete name should be at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title: Tailor your professional title to match the precise job you're seeking. Hiring managers juggle applications for several roles at the same time, so making the position you’re interested in clear can help make their lives easier.
  • Email Address: Opt for a professional and straightforward email address, like a combination of your first and last name. Those quirky high school email addresses won't cut it. (e.g., [email protected] is good, but [email protected] isn't)
  • Phone Number: Ensure the number you provide is accurate for easy contact. If you're applying for an international position, include the appropriate dial code.
  • Location: Typically, your city and state or country suffice. However, if you're pursuing a remote position or considering relocation, make that clear in your lawyer cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (Optional): You can include links to pertinent websites or social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn.

Next, it's time to include the hiring manager's details:

  • Company Name: Specify the name of the company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name: If possible, identify the hiring manager for the department you're interested in. You can check the job listing, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to find this information.
  • Hiring Manager's Title: If you discover the name of the hiring manager for the specific job listing and realize they're the head of the department, use that instead of "Hiring Manager."
  • Location: Mention the city, state, or country, particularly for globally operating companies. If you want to be more specific, you can add the company's exact street address.
  • Email Address (Optional): If available, include the hiring manager's email address.
  • Date of Writing (Optional): Consider adding the precise date when you composed your cover letter for a professional touch.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

After jotting down all the necessary contact details, ensure you address your cover letter to its intended audience.

And, skip the old-fashioned "To Whom It May Concern" while you’re at it.

The way you address your cover letter can set a positive tone with the recruiter, especially if you give it some thought.

Start with a bit of digging around. Scour the job advertisement, law firm's website, or LinkedIn profile to pinpoint the person in charge of hiring for the position you're eyeing. A bit of effort can help you discover their name and email contact.

Next, greet them respectfully. Opt for Ms. or Mr., followed by their surname. If you're uncertain about their gender or marital status, simply use their complete name. For instance:

  • Dear Mr. Thompson,
  • Dear Jordan Thompson,

If you can’t find out their details, though, no worries! You can address your letter to the specific department or the law firm more broadly:

  • Dear Legal Department,
  • Dear Legal Hiring Committee,
  • Dear HR Selection Team,
  • Dear Lead Attorney,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often spend just seven seconds scanning an application to decide whether it’s worth their time and attention.

So, it's crucial to grab their attention fast with your lawyer cover letter.

Start your cover letter with your name and why you're interested in the legal job. Show your passion for law to make them want to know more about you.

Researching the law firm also helps. Knowing about their work and values lets you show what a great fit you’d be for the job. Not to mention, it proves you're really interested in this specific role, not just any role out there.

If you've got lots of legal experience, mention an important achievement , like a big case you've won, or special skills you have that are relevant to the position. But remember to keep your introduction short. Your aim is to get the hiring manager to read the rest of your cover letter.

Check out our other cover letter examples to write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. 

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main part of your legal cover letter lets you explain why you're the right fit for the job in more detail.

The trick here is to not merely repeat your lawyer resume. This is where you get to put your top legal skills and experiences into the spotlight. Your goal? To show the hiring manager you're the best choice among all the candidates. 

For starters, mention any big achievements in law and explain how you accomplished them or what skills it took you. Let the job ad guide you through for the best possible outcome. For example, if the role you’re gunning for is related to intellectual property law, focus on your knowledge of that instead of other law areas.

Additionally, show that you know about the firm's big cases or how they work. This proves you're really interested in working with them and that you fit their culture.

End by showing how passionate you are about the role. Say how you believe you can add value to their team with your legal skills and experience.

Also, make sure to avoid making any of these common cover letter mistakes to make sure your application is spotless. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Ending your cover letter is like giving a strong closing in court.

Make sure your ending leaves the hiring manager convinced about your abilities and interested in calling you in for an interview. It should build trust in what you offer and remove any doubts that you may not be the right fit for the role.

Your cover letter’s ending is your time to summarize your top legal skills and why you're a great fit for their team. Alternatively, talk about your biggest achievements or the unique things you can bring to the table. 

After that, urge the hiring manager to take the next step by including a call to action. That could be a chat or an in-person meeting. This shows you're invested in the position and could help you get an interview.

Finally, when you sign off, stay professional. End with a simple sign-off and your full name. For example:

Should you wish for further clarification or insights regarding my legal qualifications, please reach out via the provided email or contact number. I eagerly anticipate the prospect of delving deeper into how I can contribute to your esteemed legal firm.

Yours sincerely,

If you feel "Yours sincerely" is rather commonplace, here are some alternative sign-offs tailored for the legal profession:

  • In utmost respect,
  • With appreciation,
  • Thank you for your due consideration,

lawyer cover letter structure

3 Essential Law Cover Letter Tips

You've mastered the cover letter fundamentals! Let's step it up and delve into some key cover letter tips specifically designed for lawyers to make your letter truly stand out:

#1. Match Your Resume

When applying for a legal position, consistency is your best friend.

Make sure your cover letter matches your resume visually as much as it matches it in content quality. This will help you come across as attentive to detail and well-organized.

Your name and contact details should sit tidily on the page. Also, keep your fonts and their sizes uniform throughout both documents. Remember to also adjust the margins and space between lines to keep your cover letter to a single page . 

Ready to make a great impression?

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Starting from scratch can be a drag. 

Take advantage of our cover letter templates for a swift fix. Together with our free resume templates , they can be the solution you’ve been looking for. 

Made hand-in-hand with global hiring pros, they hit all industry marks and just pop. Go on, match that resume with style!

lawyer cover letter examples

#2. Emphasize Your Achievements

Highlighting your achievements isn't just about a humble brag; it's about showcasing the tangible results of your dedication and expertise. 

When hiring managers sift through stacks of cover letters, they're not just looking for claims. They want evidence. They want to see that spark of exceptional talent and commitment. Achievements offer a snapshot of what you've accomplished and hint at what you're capable of achieving in the future.

Now, here's the tricky part. While your resume might list your achievements in bullet points, your cover letter should weave them into a compelling narrative. Think of it as telling a story, where your achievements serve as key plot points and demonstrate your ability to handle challenges and achieve results.

For instance, instead of just stating you led a high-profile case, delve a bit into the complexities of the case and how your innovative approach made a difference. Link these accomplishments directly to the requirements of the job you're applying for. This not only reinforces your capabilities but also illustrates your deep understanding of the role.

#3. Add Any Relevant Links

Including relevant links in your cover letter is like opening a door for hiring managers to step right into your professional world. While your resume provides a structured outline of your career journey, links offer a more dynamic glimpse into your accomplishments, be it published articles, notable cases, or a well-curated LinkedIn profile.

Imagine the hiring manager's perspective. They’re intrigued by your cover letter and think you might be a good fit. Now, instead of Googling you or hunting down that specific case you mentioned, they have instant access via a link you provided. It's immediate, efficient, and showcases your proactive nature.

Links also offer a chance for you to steer the narrative. By guiding hiring managers to specific pages or platforms, you're highlighting the parts of your career you're most proud of. It might be a detailed portfolio, showcasing your prowess in legal briefs, or perhaps glowing recommendations on your LinkedIn profile.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to crafting a stellar lawyer cover letter! Hopefully, you’re on track to secure that ideal legal position in no time.

But before you send off your cover letter, here are some main points from our article:

  • Start your lawyer cover letter by detailing both your contact information and that of the hiring attorney or law firm's HR representative. Ensure your details are accurate so that they can reach out to you for a potential interview.
  • The opening paragraph of your lawyer's cover letter should capture the interest of the hiring party, compelling them to continue reading.
  • In the main section of your cover letter, emphasize your most notable achievements and skills that align with the legal role you're pursuing.
  • It's effective to include a persuasive call to action towards the conclusion of your law firm cover letter, prompting the hiring party to consider calling you or arranging an interview.
  • Maintain a consistent design between your cover letter and resume. If you're short on time, think about using one of our resume and cover letter templates for a cohesive appearance.

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How to Write a Legal Cover Letter for Lawyers That Stands Out

The legal industry is competitive, making it crucial for lawyers to have a cover letter that makes them stand out. A cover letter is important to get right for job seekers. It’s an introduction to your prospective employers and your opportunity to make a great first impression. 

Here are our tips for writing a cover letter that will get your resume read and prompt the call for the interview.

Why a Strong Cover Letter for a Lawyer Matters

When employers have a mountain of applications to narrow, a cover letter could mean the difference between being in the “interview” pile or getting an automated rejection response — or no response at all.

Additionally, you’ll need to tailor your cover letter to each job description for automated screening software , which scans for specific keywords and phrases before a human even sees your application package. Understanding and leveraging these technologies can prevent your application from being filtered out before a hiring manager even has a chance to glance at your qualifications.

After you pass the automated screening, the hiring manager will usually read your cover letter before they look at anything else.

People in an interview

What Is a Good Cover Letter for a Law Firm?

No matter the industry, cover letters should always be tailored to the prospective employer. In this case, the cover letter is an opportunity to match your skills, connections, and passion to the law firm’s needs.

Your cover letter should be:

  • Personalized: Customize your cover letter to the tone of the firm and the skills you have that are listed in the job description.
  • Brief: Keep it short and simple. Your cover letter should only be one page, if not less, and hit on all the points that make you an attractive candidate. Avoid the urge to just summarize your resume and overwhelm the reader.
  • Positive: This is an opportunity to highlight how your past educational and professional experiences give you a unique edge over the other candidates, and why you’re the best fit for the position.
  • Professional: Writing professionally is essential for lawyers. Keep your cover letter professional to showcase that you have this necessary skill set.

How to Address a Cover Letter to a Law Firm

Addressing the cover letter correctly is a must to set the right tone for the reader. It doesn’t say much for your attention to detail if you don’t get the basics right.

Do your research and address the cover letter to the specific person in charge of hiring, such as the hiring manager or partner. If you’re not sure, look on the firm’s website, check LinkedIn, or contact human resources to find out. This will make a much better impression than “to whom this may concern.”

For the salutation, make sure to show respect for the reader to reinforce your attention to detail. For example, if you know the preferred gender prefix for the recipient, you may use “Ms.” or “Mr.” or “Mx.” If you’re not sure, don’t assume! Just write the person’s full first and last name, being careful of correct spelling.

Cover Letter Introduction

The cover letter’s opening paragraph must capture the attention of the reader. Introduce who you are and why you’re a good fit for the firm. Mention your current position, such as a new law school graduate or an associate at a firm.

If you have mutual acquaintances or referrals, mention them right away. Then, discuss the specific reasons you’re a good fit for the firm.

Cover Letter Body

The body of the cover letter is where the bulk of your summary will go. In just a paragraph or two, give an overview of your education and experience to show why you want to work for the firm and why you’re an ideal fit.

For example, discuss the reasons you want to work for this firm specifically. Maybe it has a great reputation or you admire a lawyer who works there. Maybe the practice areas align with your desired career path.

When you’re connecting yourself to the role, use some key attributes that the firm is looking for that you possess. These may include academic or research specializations, community service history, past legal positions, publications, or awards. 

This is also a great place to speak about your familiarity with legal technology. With more than 65% of law firms citing they use law practice management software , it’s worth highlighting your experience in the cover letter. 

Pro Tip : Set yourself apart by getting a certification in law practice management software. PracticePanther is trusted by tens of thousands of lawyers and offers a comprehensive certification program . The program is free and you can work at your pace.

Again, don’t just summarize your resume. The hiring team can look at your resume independently. This is your opportunity to capture attention by putting your resume and experience into context and connecting it to the specific position.

Cover Letter Conclusion

The concluding paragraph is where you wrap everything up and make a positive impression. Make sure to say thank you for their consideration and outline your next steps. You don’t have to wait endlessly for an answer to your application — be clear about how and when you intend to follow up. Make sure you keep your word!

Finally, make sure your cover letter has relevant contact details, including your phone number, email, and address. These may be included in the header in a conventional letter format, but if not, put them at the bottom of the letter where they’re readily available for the hiring manager.

Person typing on keyboard

Tips for Lawyers to Make a Cover Letter Stand Out

The legal industry keeps evolving. Candidates need to set themselves apart to get hired, no matter the circumstances. Here are some tips:

1. Keep it human: Many of the candidates you’ll be up against have similar education and experience, so simply highlighting these aspects won’t help you stand out. The cover letter is where you can showcase how you are different and what you have to offer that other candidates may not.

2. Stay succinct: You don’t want to overwhelm the reader with a long and drawn-out cover letter. Keep it short and to the point — you want to be memorable. Challenge yourself to stay under a page to see how well you can summarize your unique value.

3. Set the tone: It’s vital that you are professional in your cover letter, but that doesn’t necessarily mean formal. If the firm you’re applying to takes a more casual or personable tone, it’s best to mimic that in your cover letter. If the firm is large and prestigious, it may be best to speak formally. The firm websites should give you some insight.

4. Always proofread: The worst thing you could do in your cover letter is have typos and grammatical errors. There’s a lot of competition, not to mention that lawyers and legal professionals need to have command of the English language for their job responsibilities. Proofread, and if possible, enlist someone’s help to catch any errors, awkward phrasing, or ambiguities. You can also use grammar review websites, like Grammarly, to catch any additional errors.

Legal Cover Letter Samples

Drawing a blank on what to say? Here’s some inspiration from sample cover letters for lawyers with different educational backgrounds and experiences.

  • Law student cover letter
  • Graduate with previous experience cover letter
  • Experienced IP attorney cover letter

Let these samples inspire you to construct a compelling cover letter that gets you into the “interview” pile.

Final Thoughts

Being a job seeker in a competitive market is challenging, but taking the time and care to draft a well-written and personalized cover letter is the best way to get yourself noticed and get the interview. 

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Taylor Dahlem

Taylor Dahlem is the Senior Product Marketing Specialist at PracticePanther, the all-in-one law practice management software company. He is on a mission to deliver technology solutions that provide the most value to legal professionals daily through exciting and impactful go-to-market campaigns.

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How to Write Cover Letter for Law Firms: Samples & Writing Tips

application letter for law firms

Table of Contents

As you might already know, law firms’ application process is quite different from other types of jobs. While most employers send out CVs, cover letters are treated differently here and the rules are stricter. The cover letter plays a key role in a person’s resume or CV – it attracts the eye first and gives plenty of information to the person who will read it. However, if you’re looking for writing tips on how to write a cover letter for law firms (and even better – how to write an amazing cover letter), then keep reading!

1 . Portray Excellent Communication Skills

In order to be considered for a position as an attorney, you must demonstrate your ability to interact with individuals from different backgrounds. You’ll frequently communicate with your clients, the opposing legal team, expert witnesses, and your staff. Therefore, it’s crucial that you demonstrate to the hiring manager in the cover letter your great communication skills.

Describe your abilities in both written and spoken communication to accomplish this. The more written and spoken samples of each sort of communication you 

2. Name your motivation & Curiosity Factors

Legal counselors are continuously searching for up-and-comers who have serious areas of strength for a record of progress, however, they likewise need to ensure they’re recruiting people with the drive to continue to learn. To show that you have the stuff to find true success as a lawyer, feature your scholarly interest and inspiration in your cover letter. For instance, make sense of how you arranged for tests by perusing ongoing case points of reference or how you routinely go to systems administration occasions facilitated at nearby law offices

3. Customize your Cover Letter

Law offices are accustomed to getting cover letters — so many of them as a matter of fact, that they’re much of the time just skimmed over and not offered the consideration they merit. To get seen, you want a stellar opening line and modified content framing why you need to work for their firm. To compose a compelling opening line for a law office introductory letter:

Contact individuals working at the office through LinkedIn and request guidance or help in creating your resume/ cover letter. Utilize explicit models from past work encounters that feature how you can add to this specific organization’s objectives. Request somebody who works there what perspective from the gig they saw as generally fascinating/testing. Utilize this data as motivation while expounding on why you need this position.

4. Proofread your Cover Letter

While going after a job as a lawyer, it is essential to have areas of strength for language and legitimate sentence structure. In your cover letter, you’ll need to keep away from any slip-ups in spelling or grammar. Recall that businesses will take a gander at your composing style and check whether you have the fundamental abilities required for the gig prior to welcoming you for an interview.

Samples to get an overview on how you can curate the perfect newsletters 1. Sample cover letter of Harvard Law School 2. Sample cover letter provided by Columbia Law School 3. 11 samples of cover letter BU education   4. Samples by KU Law  

Summing up There are a lot of things that will improve your odds of getting a job at a law firm. Among them are top-notch grades, proficient writing skills, and outstanding professional experience. But even if you have all of those assets working for you, you’re still not guaranteed a job in a firm. You still need to impress the firm by submitting an application. For your application to be effective, it needs to be professionally written.

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Cover Letter for Law Firms: Making a Great First Impression

By Adrian Aguilera

Aug 4, 2022

application letter for law firms

The time has come to apply for that coveted position at a reputable law firm. Your resume is up to date but you’re missing one element that can instantly move your application to the front of the pile. Yes, it’s the dreaded cover letter and no, it’s not a waste of time.

According to a survey by OnePoll on behalf of ResumeLab (a job application software company), 83% of surveyed HR professionals say cover letters are important for their hiring decision and that a great cover letter can help you secure an interview—even if your resume is lacking. In this post, we’ll share how you can tailor your cover letter for law firms, so you can stand out from the application crowd—whether you’re fresh from law school or a seasoned pro. 

Law Firm Cover Letter Do’s and Don’ts

Write the perfect cover letter for law firms to help secure a new position. Adopt MyCase legal case management once you get the job. Visit to learn more.

A well-written cover letter demonstrates that you are the right fit for the company you’re interested in. You can do this by showcasing your skills, talents, and personality in a persuasive and grammatically correct manner. When crafting a pristine lawyer cover letter, there are a few do’s and don’ts to follow.  

Do Include:

1. A tailored approach

When drafting and submitting a lawyer cover letter, don’t send a generic version for all job applications. Personalize each letter according to the company and position. For example, instead of a standard “Dear hiring manager” salutation, add the name of the hiring person or senior partner. Company websites and LinkedIn are great sources for researching this information. Also, mention the company by name throughout the letter and tailor the content to match the needs of the law firm. 

2. Writing that matches the law firm job requirements 

Discuss how your work experience (no matter how little) adds value to the law firm. This demonstrates your knowledge of the firm and how you can serve as an asset from day one. Also, quantify your value as much as possible. 

Below are two examples. While the first statement isn’t bad, the second is more impressive as it quantifies the work experience. This adjustment will increase your chances of rocketing your resume to the top of the pile. 

Statement on new business and client communication experience

“At my last firm, I increased accounts receivable and regularly brought in new business by taking a client-first approach throughout every case. This resulted in a high number of positive Yelp reviews and referrals.”

Statement on new business and client communication experience (with numbers)

“At my last firm, I developed a process for improving accounts receivable while delighting clients. For example, I set up an efficient system for boosting payment collection by 20% through software invoicing, electronic payments, and automated billing reminders. I also used case management software tools for regularly communicating with clients. This increased positive Yelp reviews by 30% per month and boosted client referrals by 20%.

Lastly, include your preferred contact information such as your phone number and email address , so the hiring manager can connect with you should they desire an interview. 

3. Error-free, concise writing 

Once you’ve drafted your cover letter, don’t immediately hit the send button. You worked hard personalizing a piece that showcases your talents and skills. It’s a shame to let it go to waste due to spelling and grammatical errors. Proofread your law firm cover letter at least twice and send it off to one or two trusted friends or colleagues for additional peer reviews. 

Don’t include:

1. Cliches and buzzwords

Overused jargon and robotic sentences may result in a yawn, followed by a one-way ticket to the trash bin. Avoid statements such as “enclosed, please find my resume.” Employers know that your resume is included. In addition, adjectives like “team player,” “go-getter” and “detail-oriented” are words that every applicant uses and won’t help you stand out. Instead, describe how you’re each of these buzzwords with clear examples. 

2. Lengthy writing 

Don’t try to highlight every single skill and experience you have. Write clearly and concisely, and keep the legal cover letter to one page by highlighting only your most relevant experience and skills.

3. A rehash of your resume

A cover letter for law firms shouldn’t mimic your resume. Instead, go into detail on how specific points in your resume add value and relate to the desired position. For instance, if your resume states that you increased client referrals, explain how you accomplished this task with clear details and (if possible) with numbers. 

Lawyer Cover Letter Sample

Write the perfect cover letter for law firms. Once you get the job, adopt MyCase legal case management software. Visit to learn more.

For a full visual (and inspiration) on well-written legal cover letters, check out these lawyer cover letter samples. Each version emphasizes the elements that transform an ordinary canned cover letter into a well-written, tailored, and specific approach. 

Cover letter sample for attorneys

Cover letter samples for law students

Cover Letter Follow-Up

Finally, if you don’t hear back from hiring managers within a couple of weeks, send an email or written follow-up. A brief paragraph reminding the hiring manager of your application and cover letter is sufficient. This shows that you are serious about the position and demonstrates organizational skills. 

Follow-up example

Dear Ms. Henry,  

I applied for the attorney position with James & Henry on August 1, 2022, and wanted to reconnect. I noticed that the opening is still advertised and would love to discuss the value I can bring to your team. Attached is my submitted resume and cover letter with specifics on my qualifications. 

Look forward to hearing back.

All in all, crafting a cover letter for law firms is still worth the time and effort. By personalizing every version with specific, concise, and error-free details, you might just receive an interview sooner than you think. 

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Once you’ve secured that new position, consider advocating for MyCase legal case management software. MyCase modern case management software tools can improve your firm’s workflow and cash flow from easier legal invoicing , attracting more clients , more efficient time tracking , insightful financial reporting , improved legal payment collection , and productivity-boosting automated workflows . 

Your firm can try MyCase risk-free with a 10-day free trial . We offer affordable monthly and yearly subscriptions. Plus, there’s no commitment required, and you can cancel anytime. 

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2 Attorney Cover Letter Examples

Attorneys excel at presenting persuasive arguments, meticulously crafting narratives that advocate for their clients' interests. Similarly, your cover letter is your personal advocate, meticulously presenting your professional journey, skills, and dedication in a compelling manner that appeals to recruiters. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for Attorneys, helping you to construct a persuasive narrative that champions your candidacy.

application letter for law firms

Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter guidelines, attorney cover letter example, corporate attorney cover letter example, how to format a attorney cover letter, cover letter header, what to focus on with your cover letter header:, cover letter header examples for attorney, cover letter greeting, get your cover letter greeting right:, cover letter greeting examples for attorney, cover letter introduction, what to focus on with your cover letter intro:, cover letter intro examples for attorney, cover letter body, what to focus on with your cover letter body:, cover letter body examples for attorney, cover letter closing, what to focus on with your cover letter closing:, cover letter closing paragraph examples for attorney, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, cover letter writing tips for attorneys, highlight relevant legal skills, emphasize communication skills, showcase problem-solving abilities, express interest in the specific role, proofread and edit, cover letter mistakes to avoid as a attorney, generic cover letters, overemphasis on academics, failure to proofread, lengthy cover letters, failure to show enthusiasm, cover letter faqs for attorneys.

The best way to start an Attorney cover letter is by addressing the hiring manager directly, if their name is known. If not, "Dear Hiring Manager" is acceptable. The first paragraph should succinctly introduce who you are as a professional, your area of legal expertise, and why you're interested in the role. It's crucial to demonstrate your knowledge of the firm and the role you're applying for. This shows you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the position. Remember, the opening should be engaging and compelling to encourage the reader to continue reading.

Attorneys should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the position and their qualifications. They should express enthusiasm for the opportunity to contribute to the firm or organization. It's also important to thank the reader for their time and consideration. A professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Respectfully" should be used, followed by their name and contact information. For example: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skills to your firm and am confident that I would be a valuable addition. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy further. Sincerely, [Your Name]." This ending is professional, courteous, and leaves a positive impression. It also opens the door for further communication.

An attorney's cover letter should ideally be one page long. This length is sufficient to introduce yourself, express your interest in the position, highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, and conclude with a call to action. As an attorney, it's crucial to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively and concisely, which includes respecting the reader's time. A one-page cover letter allows you to present your case succinctly and professionally, without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary information.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as an Attorney can seem challenging, but it's important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Here are some tips on how to write an effective cover letter: 1. Start with a Strong Introduction: Begin your letter by introducing yourself and stating the position you're applying for. You can also mention where you saw the job posting. This sets the stage and immediately tells the reader what to expect. 2. Highlight Relevant Skills: Even if you don't have direct experience as an Attorney, you likely have skills that are relevant to the job. This could be from your education, internships, or other jobs. For example, if you've done research work, you can talk about your ability to analyze complex information. If you've worked in customer service, you can discuss your communication and problem-solving skills. 3. Discuss Your Education: If you're a recent law school graduate, your education is particularly relevant. Discuss the courses you took that are relevant to the job, any special projects you completed, and any academic honors you received. 4. Show Enthusiasm for the Law: Employers want to hire people who are passionate about their work. Show your enthusiasm for the law and for the specific area of law the firm specializes in. 5. Explain Why You're a Good Fit: Even without direct experience, you can still be a good fit for the job. Maybe you have a strong interest in the firm's area of law, or perhaps your background in another field gives you a unique perspective. 6. Professionalism: Remember, this is a professional document. Use formal language, avoid slang or casual phrases, and make sure to proofread carefully. 7. Close with a Call to Action: At the end of your letter, thank the reader for their time and express your interest in discussing the position further in an interview. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere. Even without experience, your passion for law, your education, and your transferable skills can make you a strong candidate for an Attorney position.

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Cover Letter Advice & Samples

Cover letter advice and samples.

An image showing a sample cover letter

Section Menu

  • Draft your cover letter knowing it is your first writing sample.
  • Understand that a cover letter should persuade the reader.
  • Use the cover letter to “connect the dots” of your experiences.
  • Resist the temptation to restate your resume.
  • Keep your cover letter to one page.
  • Use the font style and point size that match your resume.
  • Remember that the reader is busy: less is more.
  • Ensure your cover letter is error free.

Cover Letter Construction

Address block and salutation.

Sample cover letter address block and salutation

  • Address the cover letter to an actual person.
  • Research websites or call employer to determine recipient’s name.
  • If you cannot find the name of a hiring contact, address your letter to the head of the unit, department, or office.
  • While this is the least-preferred option, you may address your letter to “Dear Hiring Committee” if you cannot locate the name of an actual person.
  • For firms, address your letter to the recruiting director. For larger firms, contact information for recruiting directors is available at in the Basic Information section.
  • In the salutation, include the recipient’s title and last name (e.g., “Dear Ms. Raintree”) or write the recipient’s entire name (e.g., “Dear Jamie Morales”).

Paragraph One

Sample cover letter paragraph one

  • Tell the employer who you are and what you are seeking.
  • Highlight (past, present, and future) geographic connections.
  • Indicate if you have talked to students/faculty/friends/alumni who speak highly of the organization.

Paragraph Two

Sample cover letter paragraph two

  • Show that you understand the employer’s mission/practice, the work its attorneys do, and the clients it serves.
  • Demonstrate your proven interest in and connection to that mission/practice, work, and clients.

Paragraph Three

Sample cover letter paragraph three

  • Describe skills you will contribute to support that mission/practice, work, and clients.
  • Provide evidence from your experiences and coursework.

Paragraph Four

Sample cover letter paragraph four

  • List the documents included with the letter.
  • Tell the employer how to get in touch with you by email, telephone, and mail.
  • Convey your availability for a conversation, mentioning upcoming trips to the area.
  • Thank the employer for considering you.
  • Mention availability of Yale summer funding, if applicable.
  • Optional: Promise that you will follow up in a few weeks if you think the employer would appreciate the diligence.

Sample Cover Letters (PDF)

First Year Student Examples | Second Year Student Examples | Third Year Student Examples

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How to write winning covering letters for law firms.

targetjobs editorial team

24 Mar 2023, 17:42

When applying for a training contract or vacation scheme, your covering letter may be the first part of your application a law firm considers.


Your covering letter creates a powerful first impression, so make it easy for the recruiter to see that you have strong potential as a lawyer.

Many law graduate jobs at solicitors’ firms in the UK will ask you to apply for a training contract with a covering letter. Read this advice from recruiters at Slaughter and May, Cleary Gottlieb and Ince & Co, then follow our law cover letter template.

Some recruiters will want you to upload your covering letter as part of an online application form (such as Baker McKenzie and Jones Day), while others – usually smaller, high street law firms – will want you to send the letter alongside a CV (see our law CV example here ).

  • Cover letter template: see our annotated law covering letter sample for more tips and format examples .

How to write a law cover letter tip #1: use the letter to explain why you want to be a solicitor at that particular law firm

A covering letter is a golden opportunity to explain your motivations for becoming a lawyer and for applying to that specific firm. ‘My advice is to use the cover letter to introduce yourself and to explain why you are applying to that firm,' says Janine Arnold, trainee recruitment manager at Slaughter and May . ‘Be sure to include any additional information that you feel is relevant to your application.’

If you’re uploading a covering letter as part of a larger application form you should avoid repeating examples you’ve used to answer questions on the form. Give as broad a picture of your skills and experience as possible and only repeat something if you think it is particularly significant to that law firm. Your covering letter is an introduction to get the recruiter’s attention – a sample of your potential, if you like – not your overall application.

‘A well-written, succinct, persuasive covering letter crafted by an aspiring trainee solicitor who has really thought about the firm stands out,’ says Nichola Rowe, director of legal human resources at Cleary Gottlieb . ‘Ask yourself: what sets this firm apart from other law firms and how do my individual skills and experiences marry with that firm?’.

How to write a law cover letter tip #2: how long should it be?

A covering letter should be a maximum of one page, with a font size of 11 or 12. Slaughter and May ’s Janine Arnold agrees: ‘A lengthy covering letter is not necessary; aim for it to be no longer than one side of A4.' Remember that some firms will give a word count for the covering letter they want you to write as part of your application. It's important to stick to that word count. It shows that you can write succinctly and follow instructions.

Get the insights and skills you need to shape your career journey with Pathways. We’ll show you exactly what goes into a convincing cover letter, so you can give yourself the best chance of getting to the next stage of the application process.

How to write a convincing cover letter

How to write a law cover letter tip #3: the format law firms like

The best law cover letter examples have a clear structure, such as:

1. The introduction to your cover letter

Introduce yourself, explain what stage you are at in your degree course (including the university you’re attending), state that you are applying for a training contract and where you read about the law firm. This should only be a sentence or two.

2. A paragraph on why you want to work at that law firm

The second paragraph should cover why you want to be a solicitor and why you want to work for that law firm in particular. Highlight any experiences you’ve had that have convinced you that you want to be a solicitor, such as vacation schemes, open days or insight days. You can even mention mini-pupillages – it will impress graduate recruiters if you’ve put the effort into comparing the two sides of the legal profession, as long as you have good reasons for picking a career as a solicitor (this could come up at interview).

Make it clear why you want to work in the particular area of law that the firm focuses on. For example, if it’s a commercial firm you’ll want to draw on any work experience you’ve had at other commercial firms. Show off your research about the firm by explaining your interest in their main legal practice areas – don’t just say ‘I am interested in shipping law’, for example, but provide evidence of that interest.

You might also want to mention the firm’s training structure. Some firms will have compulsory seats, in which case you’ll need to show an interest in those areas. If you’ve chosen a firm that doesn’t have compulsory seats, or has no seat structure at all (such as Jones Day for example), then you could explain why this appeals to you above a more defined training contract structure.

3. A paragraph highlighting why you're a good fit for the law firm

Next, you need to pitch yourself to the recruiter. Make it clear that you are suited to a career as a solicitor: highlight achievements that show you have the competencies the firm has asked for. If the firm hasn’t specified exactly what it's looking for, see our article here on the skills most legal recruiters want from applicants. Don’t just say ‘I have good communication skills’ – you need to mention an achievement that hinged on your use of those skills.

4. The ending to your law covering letter

Close by referring the recruiter to your CV or application and stating your availability for interview(s) or assessment centre(s).

How to write a law cover letter tip #4: explain any extenuating circumstances

'Covering letters should also explain any mitigating circumstances relating to exam results and to address any questions that you may reasonably expect to arise from your application, such as any gaps in your CV,’ explains Janine.

How to write a law cover letter tip #5: proofread your cover letter before you hit ‘send’

Once you’ve put your covering letter together, don’t be tempted to rush it off. Ask friends, family and your university careers adviser to check it. ‘There is no good excuse for spelling errors, especially when you’re applying for a job that requires scrupulous attention to detail,’ points out a legal recruitment adviser at Ince & Co . ‘The number of applications we receive that contain errors is surprising. Your application is all we’ve got to go on, so you owe it to yourself to ensure it’s not let down by something so easily avoidable.’

Remember that law firms will be judging your ability to communicate professionally with clients on the professionalism of your covering letter – you’re making a pitch, just like you would do as a practising lawyer.

Legal recruiters at major law firms read through hundreds, if not thousands, of applications from aspiring trainee solicitors each year and will only spend a minute or so reading your covering letter. Some recruiters say that they make their decision paragraph by paragraph – if you haven't impressed upon them that you would be a good fit for their firm halfway through the cover letter, they might not even read the rest. Your covering letter creates a powerful first impression, so make it easy for the recruiter to see that you have strong potential as a solicitor by following the tips above.

In other news: Massive changes to the way solicitors qualify are on the horizon. Do you know how they will affect you? Find out here .

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This describes editorially independent and impartial content, which has been written and edited by the targetjobs content team. Any external contributors featuring in the article are in line with our non-advertorial policy, by which we mean that we do not promote one organisation over another.

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Corporate Lawyer Cover Letter Examples

Use these Corporate Lawyer cover letter examples to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

application letter for law firms

Corporate lawyers provide legal advice to businesses and organizations. They may also be responsible for representing their clients in court.

To land a job as a corporate lawyer, you need to have a strong cover letter. Use these examples to write a cover letter that shows hiring managers that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

Formal/Professional Writing Style Example

With a strong background in corporate law and a passion for providing strategic legal advice, I am confident that my unique combination of experiences will make me an invaluable asset to your legal team.

I have obtained my Juris Doctor from a top-tier law school and hold a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. My academic achievements have allowed me to develop a thorough understanding of both the legal and business aspects pertinent to the role of Corporate Lawyer. Additionally, I have recently passed the bar exam, ensuring that I am fully equipped to offer the highest level of legal advice to your organization.

During my legal internships, I have had the opportunity to work with seasoned professionals on various corporate legal matters, including mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiation, and corporate governance. These experiences have equipped me with the necessary skill set to manage complex transactions and provide guidance on a wide range of legal issues that may arise within the organization.

I am particularly attracted to your organization because of its outstanding reputation in the industry and its commitment to the growth and development of its employees. I am confident that joining your team will not only allow me to make a tangible impact on your company’s legal matters but also provide me with opportunities for professional growth and continued learning.

Please find my resume attached for your consideration. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application further and demonstrate how my expertise can contribute to the success of your organization. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

[Your Name]

Entry-Level Writing Style Example

I recently graduated from XYZ Law School with a focus on corporate law and am eager to begin my career at ABC Corporation, a company known for its exceptional legal team and commitment to corporate responsibility. My passion, academic excellence, and experience in corporate law make me a strong candidate for this position.

During my time at XYZ Law School, I thrived both academically and in extracurricular activities. I ranked within the top 10% of my class and served as a member of the prestigious Law Review. I also participated in a hands-on corporate law clinic, where I honed my research, negotiation, and drafting skills, assisting small businesses and startups with contractual needs.

My summer internship with PQR Law Firm, a leading firm specializing in corporate law, further solidified my dedication to this practice area. I supported the firm’s attorneys on multiple corporate transactions, gaining valuable experience in drafting and reviewing international agreements, conducting due diligence, and researching regulatory concerns.

I am confident that my strong work ethic, dedication to corporate law, and commitment to client service make me the ideal candidate for the Corporate Lawyer position at ABC Corporation. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the success of your legal team and to grow and develop within such a renowned organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail and look forward to the possibility of an interview.

Networking/Referral Writing Style Example

I was referred to this opportunity by Jane Smith, a Senior Associate at your firm, who believes that my skills and experiences align well with the specific requirements of the role. Given my strong professional relationship with Jane and her deep understanding of your firm’s culture and approach to client service, her recommendation holds great significance for me.

As a driven and result-oriented legal professional with over five years of experience in corporate law, I have a demonstrated ability to provide valuable legal advice that fosters the growth and success of businesses. My areas of expertise include mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, and shareholder agreements. In my previous role at XYZ Law Firm, I successfully guided multiple clients through complex transactions, which resulted in significant revenue growth and increased market shares.

In addition to my technical knowledge, I pride myself on my ability to work collaboratively within a team, as well as establish strong relationships with clients. I have an exceptional ability to communicate complex legal concepts in a clear and comprehensible manner that has consistently proven to be a valuable asset.

Considering the reputation of your firm in the corporate law sector, I am confident that my experience and dedication make me a strong candidate for this role. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of your esteemed organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the prospect of joining your team and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my suitability in more detail.

Enthusiastic/Passionate Writing Style Example

Having studied your company’s impressive portfolio and outstanding reputation in the industry, I am confident that joining your team would provide me with the perfect platform to excel and contribute my skills and expertise to the growth and success of your firm.

As a highly qualified individual with a Juris Doctor degree and extensive professional experience, I possess a deep-rooted passion for corporate law. My background includes providing legal support in various areas, such as mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiation, and corporate governance. Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated dedication to excellence, critical thinking, and eagerness to embrace new challenges. It is this unwavering commitment that sets me apart from others and fuels my desire to contribute meaningfully to your organization.

One of the aspects that particularly entices me to your esteemed company is your dedication to maintaining the highest ethical standards and providing top-notch services to clients. I am confident that my personal values, commitment to excellence, and passion for corporate law align well with your objectives, and I believe that working together would bring out the best in both of us.

Above all, I am driven by a desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and organizations, and I see joining your esteemed firm as an incredible opportunity to contribute my skills and expertise while continuously growing and learning along the way. I eagerly anticipate the prospect of beginning this journey and becoming an integral part of your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my suitability further in an interview.

Problem-Solving Writing Style Example

I have closely followed the progress of your company and admire how it has secured its position as a leading player in the market.

Having analyzed the intricate legal landscape in which your company operates, I am aware of the existing and emerging challenges – particularly in the areas of regulatory compliance, intellectual property management, and managing complex cross-border transactions. The recent developments and increasing scrutiny by regulatory bodies are issues that should be timely addressed by an insightful legal counsel. I am excited to offer my expertise in navigating these matters and contribute to the continued success of the organization.

With over six years of in-depth experience working as a corporate lawyer in top-tier law firms, I have honed my skill set in devising legally sound strategies for clients from diverse industries, including technology, pharma, and finance. My knowledge of commercial law, strong negotiation skills, and ability to clearly communicate complex legal concepts have been widely appreciated by clients and colleagues alike.

I am adept at staying up-to-date with prevailing legislation and understanding the unique needs of organizations such as yours. I am confident in my ability to provide comprehensive legal solutions and effectively mitigate risks to safeguard the company’s interests.

Your organization has a reputation for rigorous professional standards, and I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to work collaboratively with your team. I am ready to not only meet, but also exceed expectations by applying my innovative problem-solving skills and in-depth legal expertise in the role of Corporate Lawyer.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss my suitability for this position in an interview.

Storytelling/Narrative Writing Style Example

As I stood in the bustling lobby of my first corporate law firm, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. I had just graduated from law school and was eager to embark on my career as a Corporate Lawyer. Flash forward ten years, and that same enthusiasm and passion for the legal field continue to drive me to excel in every task I undertake.

During a particularly challenging negotiation, I was representing a client whose company was on the brink of bankruptcy. The opposing side was unyielding and aimed for nothing short of our client’s financial ruin. The stakes were high, and the pressure mounted as the days passed. My team and I worked tirelessly, delving into the intricacies of corporate law and strategy. The turning point came when we discovered a legal loophole that allowed our client to restructure their assets, ultimately saving their business. This victory cemented my love for the complexities of corporate law and the impact it can have on the lives of those involved.

Over the years, I have honed my skills in drafting contracts, negotiating mergers, and navigating regulatory compliance. I have represented clients in various industries, from pharmaceuticals to technology, and I am confident in my ability to adapt to new challenges.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise, dedication, and passion to your organization. I am confident that my experience and enthusiasm make me a strong candidate for the Corporate Lawyer position at your firm. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your team’s success.

Thank you for considering my application.

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Home » Blogs, News, Advice » Career Advice » 8 Cover Letter Tips and a Sample Cover Letter For Your Law Firm Internship

8 Cover Letter Tips and a Sample Cover Letter For Your Law Firm Internship

  • Sep 14, 2012

The cover letter is a small email you write while applying to a law firm. It is really your pitch which says “Take me as an intern” Draft it carefully and do note the following points.

1. The body of the email should itself contain the cover letter . Don’t attach a 300 word cover letter because it won’t be opened in ten cases out of nine. Ten out of nine? It might seem an exaggeration or a misprint but it is none.

Instead of sending your cover letter as an attachment, write it in the body of the email itself.

2. Subject of the email which is the subject of your cover letter should be detailed and educated, a bit like this: Internship Application: 1 st May- 30 th June: Mumbai Office.

These are the three things (subject + duration + location) should make the subject of your internship cover letter; nothing more and nothing less.

3. Focus and customise. Don’t send an email to dozens of law firms at one go. Identify 5-6 law firms which interest you and send applications tailor-made for them.

For example if you are applying to an IP boutique law firm, include a section in your CV (right at the top, mind you) which reads ‘Achievements in the field of IP’. Also in your cover letter mention these achievements precisely.

4. Art of the start. Start with naming the person you want this to read; the recruitment head, the managing partner or the internship coordinator. Do your research.

Assuming the name of the person is Ram Kumar and the email id for internships is [email protected] and you start with “Respected Mr. Ram Kumar” you catch his attention.

If you begin with Respected Sir/Madam you don’t get anyone’s attention.

5. Write English . Please don’t show of your legal writing skills here. Write simple, plain, correct, readable English. Reserve legalese for later, when you actually get the internship.

Do a spelling and grammar check on Word on your cover letter.

6. Attach your CV. If you are not careful with this little thing (of attaching files), the law firm will be unwilling to hand you bigger things like internship.

7. Ask. Ask if you should be sending your writing samples or if the firm will want to take a telephonic interview. Leave your contact number in the footer.

8. A little quote. Emails can have a quote at the end. If it relates to law, is a smart one and is something you identify with, you can include it in every email you send including the internship application. This might be a little controversial but it can tell the recruiter a lot about you.

It adds a human touch and might bring a smile on the recruiters face. A smiling man/woman is a person more likely to give you the internship. So choose the quote carefully.

Here is a sample cover letter for a law firm internship:

Dear Mr. Ram Kumar

This section is: Art of start: Who you are, what you do and where are you going.

I am Rahul Sharma, a 4 th year law student from Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar and am very keen to intern at ABC Law Offices (Delhi) from 1 st May- 30 th June.

This is called: Why Me. The Best Things I Have Done. Why Your Firm Alone is the Perfect Professional Habitat For Me.

I have previously interned at XYZ’s Delhi office where I was a part of the Capital Markets team. During my internship under Mr. Mukul Romani, senior counsel, Supreme Court of India I learnt the basics of legal drafting under his tutelage. I have also completed the Mergers and Acquisitions course offered by the Bombay Stock Exchange. Moreover, I was a part of the ANLU team (oralist) which won the NUKS corporate law moot competition in 2010.

I am sure interning at a prestigious law firm like SRGR Law Offices will help me further improve upon my skills. Given my prior experience and interest in corporate law I am sure that Ill be able to contribute immensely towards your practice. I have learnt from about your firm’s growth plans and it will be exciting to be a part of a young and growing team of lawyers.

The Section: I am humble, eager and good.

I am attaching my CV for your kind perusal and will be grateful if I am given an opportunity to intern at your firm. Please let me know if you require anything else as a part of the internship application. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Rahul Sharma

4 th year student, BA.LLB (Hons) course

GNLU, Gandhinagar.

Contact: 999999999 (M)

P.S. Just a bonus for you: I have found a nice resource with cover letter info – with a useful “how to write” guide and a lot of free samples [Sponsored].

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25 Responses

Hi Everyone, I’ve need your help! My friend is seeking for a job in Delhi NCR. He has 5 years experience as an Executive Secretary/Stenographer and currently working with Luthra & Luthra Law Offices and he is looking a job change. If you have any good opportunity for him please do let us know or you can directly reach him up 8510015604/[email protected] or inform me at *[email protected]* We will be thankful to you.

Hi Everyone, I’ve need your help! My friend is seeking for a job in Delhi NCR. He has 5 years experience as an Executive Secretary/Stenographer and currently working with Luthra & Luthra Law Offices and he is looking a job change. If you have any good opportunity for him please do let us know or you can directly reach him up 8510015604/[email protected] or inform me at *[email protected]* We will be thankful to you.

Excellent details once and for all, you simply attained a symbol brand new audience. Exactly . translation welsh to norwegianwhat can you suggest regarding your placed for you to developed a week in the past? Every confident?

I’m still learning from you, but I’m making my way to the top as well. I certainly liked reading all that is posted on your site.Keep the posts coming. I loved it!

for the first time I am seeing such a helpful site for the law students and professionals in a single platform, you are doing great job. Thank you so much admin.

can i get the sample of cover letter for applying for an internship under the supreme court advocate.

Can we address a cover letter to a firm directly without mentioning the name of any specific person?

” you didn’t find a cover letter more “crisp” than this?” I feel sorry for the firm who hired you with such lovely vocabulary.

Very well written cover letter format. Unfortunately many people who are unable to think for themselves don’t realise it is only for help to applicants and is not to be copied verbatim.

Some time back I noticed that applications for jobs/internships from people all over India to my law firm had same/similar sentences in it (because they all used this letter as a base). Now almost all the letters I receive for internship have about two to five sentences copied verbatim. Most popular sentences are “I learnt the basics of legal drafting under his tutelage”, “I am sure interning at a prestigious law firm like — will help me further improve upon my skills.”, “Given my prior experience and interest in corporate law I am sure that I’ll be able to contribute immensely towards your practice”.

Just by a brief look I can tell if the person has seen the sample letter on this site. Some bright persons also copy the line saying the applicant learnt about the firm’s growth plans from, even though it never was discussed on that site. Some people also copy the line “it will be exciting to be a part of a young and growing team of lawyers” without knowing whether our team is young, old, middle-aged, growing or not etc.

Thanks for rectifying all of us and showing the path for own creativity which will definitely help us in the future. Sir but we do have a check on various websites like RSG, etc. before applying and after doing all this things we are upset due to very late replies from the respected law firms (Most of them need a continuous follow up and sum even don’t after that ) and many of them have a stringent norm of taking only National Law school Students(Strange.. its like “Grave injustice in the LAW Factory itself). However a reply of NO can surely help out all the students to shape their planned schedule. Hoping for Future Co-operation.

Anil, it would be nice for applicants if law firms replied to every application. But please understand that law firms are under no real obligation to do so, especially for unsolicited applications.

Another reason they don’t is because of the volume. Even small law firms get several applications a month and the medium-sized or bigger ones must be getting hundreds a month. It is just not practical to reply to everyone. If you send an application and you don’t get a reply, it means that either the firm does not have a vacancy for you or your application did not impress them. Keep trying!

Thank you very much Sir for your valuable comment …. it will help us a lot…

Thanks a lot for providing such useful tips 🙂 but will you pls let me know how to take follow up after sending cover letter and CV for targeted firms.

i would join internship from your NGO which is a very impotant for me from june to july 2015 iam student of law collage dehradun

The sample CV and sample Cover Letter are very useful to my students as who hail from rural area of Maharashtra. lawctopus is contributing immensely in bridging the gap between urban and rural students of law and indirectly contributing in upgrading the professional standards also. So keep up the great work.

This was really helpful. Doing changes in my cover letter. And thank you for telling cover letter’s are NOT to be attached but should be a body of the mail. what a fail i have been doing till now!

Well it’s not a rule as such.

But if you put it in the body of the email, chances of it being read are more.

Ideally how long should a Cover Letter be?

Around 200-250 words.

i have gone through various websites for getting a sample for internship letter but didn’t get a more crisp letter than this… great work!!! really hepled a lot!!!

Very helpful

sick dude helped

While applying for judicial clerkship under a HC judge. How different will the covering letter be from this?

Its very helpful. Kindly give the email id where i should mail my cv and other requirement for internship

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Sample cover letter for Full Time position at law firm

Candidate attorney.

Street Address

Postal Code

Law Firm Name e.g. XXX

Dear Sir/Madam,


It is with great enthusiasm that I address this letter to you to apply for a position as a candidate attorney with XXX in (year). 

Currently, I am in my Intermediate Year of my LLB and have recently completed my first degree, Bachelor of Social Sciences, majoring in Psychology and Law.

I am a friendly, articulate and focused person who is used to working under pressure and managing an intense work load. My obtaining of a BsocSci with Majors in Psychology and Law is testimony to my diligence, commitment and acceptance of hard-work. The two faculties operate in constant conflict, which resulted in me often having to submit a Psychology assignment or test on the same day as one I needed to submit for Law.

Despite the difficulties faced, I have managed to complete my BsocSci and can now set my primary focus to an area I feel passionate about - Law. Every year I have developed newfound interest in a subject and am almost constantly surprised at finding I enjoy a course that I did not expect to. I am certain that my final year (year) will be no exception. I believe, that the rotation regime XXX offers, will help me decide on the exact field of law I am most suited for and give me the opportunity to explore both the litigation and commercial departments in law, before settling on one I want to specialize in.

The combination of humanity courses and law has provided me with a fresh and dynamic insight to legal problems, which assists me in finding innovative solutions to challenges faced. The combination has also helped me hone my research and analyzing abilities, as both Psychology and Law are research based faculties. In addition to the above, my work at a YYY has helped me develop proficient communication skills which I consider to be vital when meeting new clients and helping them establish the practice’s ability to provide necessary advice and services. The above knowledge and experience are ones I intend to extend to my work as a candidate attorney.

I consider myself a worthy candidate as I possess numerous interests outside of my studies, such as: archery, reading, my church and being a member of the SLSJ (Students for Law and Social Justice). This shows that I am a well-rounded applicant as opposed to a purely academic one. My drive, ambition and ability to work well with almost anyone, is what sets me apart from others.

I am applying to XXX, as I believe your firm can help me reach my full potential under the guidance and supervision of leading lawyers. Despite a leading commercial South African Law firm, what excites me the most, is that you offer an in-depth rotation programme and take a keen interest in your candidate attorneys. I am confident that the experience and work ethics I will be exposed to as a candidate attorney in your firm, will guide me into shaping my Law career.

My online application has a copy of my curriculum vitae and supporting documents for your perusal. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information and/or documents. I eagerly await a response and appreciate the time and effort it took to read through my application.

Yours faithfully,

Name and surname 


How to Get the Best Recommendation Letters for Law School

Think through the references you will ask for letters and when and how you will approach them.

Good Law School Recommendation Letters

Front view of curly haired man with backpack side by side with mature female teacher and conversing as they approach in hallway. Property release attached.

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Make sure the person who writes your letter of recommendation is someone you have a good relationship with.

Although they are rarely decisive, recommendations letters are a meaningful factor in law school admissions.

Most other law school application materials, such as personal and diversity statements , present your case in your own voice. Recommendation letters are one of the few ways for admissions officers to hear others’ impressions of you.

While your transcript and test scores may say a lot about your academic skills, they don’t communicate what kind of person you are, or how you think or relate to other people. One student might get straight A's while acting like a pompous jerk, while another helped others, steadily improved through hard work or had the courage to take on challenging research.

Hearing stories about you from a professor or work supervisor helps law admissions officers build a three-dimensional picture of who you are and how you might contribute to the law school community.

This is why it is important to approach recommendation letters strategically, even though they’re just one part of your application process. 

Whom to Ask for a Recommendation Letter

Unless you are an older applicant who has been in the workforce for many years, you should get at least one law school recommendation letter from a professor. Others might come from other professors, mentors or supervisors from an internship, job or activity .

One mistake that applicants make is to request a recommendation letter from someone they think is a big shot – a well-known professor, a high-level executive or a family friend who is a venerable lawyer or local politician.

This is only a good idea if such a person teaches or works with you directly and can speak knowledgeably about your work and your goals. If your relationship is more indirect or distant, it can come across as superficial and uninformative, like a vague book blurb by a celebrity who seems unlikely to have read the book.

Above all, ensure the recommendation letter will be positive! If you detect signs that you have chosen the wrong reference to write a letter, move on to someone who can speak about your strengths more knowledgeably and enthusiastically. 

What a Recommendation Letter Should Include

If a recommendation letter is simply a series of compliments strung together, it will sound generic, no matter how effusive or truthful it is. An effective letter should back up its claims with specific details and examples of times when you stood out because of your dedication, helpfulness, initiative or insight.

A recommendation letter does not have to be unwaveringly positive. In fact, a letter that shows how you have grown, overcome adversity, responded constructively to feedback or taken responsibility for yourself can show the kinds of “ soft factors ” that law school admissions officers seek.  

How to Request a Recommendation Letter

Once you have identified a reference who is likely to write you a strong recommendation letter, ask him or her politely. Explain why you are applying to law school, why you think he or she would be a good reference and when you will need the letter.

Be prepared for the recommender to ask for your resume or other materials. For example, a professor might ask to see copies of your papers for the class, or any feedback received.

You might offer to provide more information or details as needed or to discuss the letter in a meeting or phone call. However, do not crowd your initial request with ideas and advice. That could come across as presumptuous.

If a recommender has a personal connection to a school you are applying to, consider requesting a school-specific letter , in addition to a more general recommendation letter.

Finally, avoid writing a recommendation letter yourself . If a recommender asks you to do so, gently explain why this is a bad idea and instead offer to provide ideas and notes that he or she could incorporate into his or her own letter. 

How Many Recommendation Letters to Request

Very few law schools require more than one recommendation letter. Many limit you to two, although some allow up to five.

It is important that all your recommendation letters are strong and substantive, because they may take time away from other aspects of your application. Quality matters more than quantity.

If you are worried that one of your letters is not as strong as the others, don’t submit it. A mediocre letter could very well overshadow better letters read alongside it. Just think about how often you read a mixed review that turns you off of a business, even if the other reviews seem positive. 

When to Request a Recommendation Letter

Recommendation letters are submitted and processed through the Credential Assembly Service of the Law School Admission Council. Since they can take a couple of weeks to process, it’s a good idea to get them in before you plan to apply.

Anticipate that your recommender may need at least a few weeks to write the letter, particularly at busy times of the year. That means that you should request recommendation letters more than a month before you plan to apply.

For applicants planning to apply in the fall, it is best to request letters over the summer or early fall. It’s OK to request letters earlier, as well. For example, if you just finished a summer internship where you worked together well with your boss, you might request the letter before leaving, even if you don’t plan to apply anytime soon. 

What if Your Recommendation Letter Is Delayed?

While law school admissions are rolling , a week or so of delay will not be of consequence. So, consider waiting until your application is complete before you submit it.

That said, if it is late in the cycle, or if you are aiming to meet an early decision deadline , waiting may not be an option. As long as you have the minimum number of recommendation letters required, your application can be submitted. You can always add further letters to your file later.

Remember that a law school is unlikely to review your application as soon as it is received. So, if a recommendation letter is delayed for a few days, it is unlikely to matter. If the letter is important and it may be delayed for some time, notify the admissions office by phone or email that another recommendation letter is forthcoming and ask if your application could be put on hold until it is received.

Of course, the best way to ensure that a recommendation letter does not hold up your application is to request it several weeks in advance. The law school admissions process is stressful enough without having to wait on other people!

Tips to Boost a Law School Application

Closeup shot of an unrecognizable woman using a laptop while working from home

Tags: law school , graduate schools , education , students

About Law Admissions Lowdown

Law Admissions Lowdown provides advice to prospective students about the law school application process, LSAT prep and potential career paths. Previously authored by contributors from Stratus Admissions Counseling, the blog is currently authored by Gabriel Kuris, founder of Top Law Coach , an admissions consultancy. Kuris is a graduate of Harvard Law School and has helped hundreds of applicants navigate the law school application process since 2003. Got a question? Email [email protected] .

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Recent Release of Updated Procedures for Section 355 Private Letter Rulings

The US Department of the Treasury (Treasury Department) and the IRS recently released Revenue Procedure 2024-24 (Revenue Procedure) and Notice 2024-38 (Notice) establishing revised standards and procedures for taxpayers seeking private letter rulings for spin-offs intended to qualify for tax-free treatment under Section 355 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). Much of the Revenue Procedure and Notice revolve around the treatment of debt of the distributing corporation (Distributing) and the distributed corporation (Controlled) in a tax-free spin-off. [1] The Notice describes the views and concerns of the Treasury Department and the IRS relating to certain matters addressed in the Revenue Procedure, many of which represent departures from the IRS’s previous ruling practice, particularly with respect to the treatment of Distributing and Controlled debt in a tax-free spin-off. The changes generally make it more difficult to obtain a private letter ruling with respect to certain spin-off issues. Taxpayers, therefore, may need to rely on tax opinions rather than private letter rulings in certain spin-offs, resulting in less certainty.

A spin-off under Section 355 is generally the mechanism for a tax-free separation of two businesses housed in a single corporation. Subject to various requirements that are beyond the scope of this alert, Distributing must distribute stock constituting “control” (as defined in Section 368(c) of the Code) of Controlled to the shareholders or securityholders of Distributing. If the distribution satisfies the spin-off requirements of Section 355, Distributing, Controlled, and the shareholders and securityholders of Distributing generally do not recognize gain or loss.

If Distributing transfers assets to Controlled before the spin-off – as is usually the case – that asset transfer can qualify as a “reorganization” under Section 368(a)(1)(D) of the Code (divisive reorganization). If the spin-off is pursuant to a “plan of reorganization,” Section 361(c) of the Code allows Distributing to transfer stock of Controlled received in the divisive reorganization to either its shareholders or its creditors without recognizing gain or loss. Similarly, Section 361(b) of the Code generally allows Distributing to receive “boot,” such as cash or a debt obligation, from Controlled in the reorganization and transfer the boot to either its shareholders or its creditors without recognizing gain or loss.

A spin-off with a divisive reorganization provides significant flexibility to leverage and deleverage Distributing and Controlled, enabling Distributing to use the reorganization provisions to calibrate the post-spin capital structure of both entities. Controlled can issue a combination of stock and debt securities to Distributing in exchange for assets transferred in the divisive reorganization, and that stock and securities can be distributed to Distributing’s shareholders or creditors. To similar effect, Controlled can borrow money from a third party before the spin-off and distribute the proceeds to Distributing, which uses those proceeds to repay its own creditors (known as a “boot purge”). Either of these transactions would effectively “push down” existing Distributing debt to Controlled. A common transactional pattern is for a third-party bank to acquire debt securities of Distributing before the spin-off and exchange those securities for Controlled debt issued in the reorganization. These types of transactions are a major focus of the Notice and the Revenue Procedure.

Distinction between delayed distributions of controlled stock and securities and retentions

The IRS has maintained a long-standing policy that a tax-free spin-off must effect a genuine separation between Distributing and Controlled. Notwithstanding the fact that the statute only requires a distribution of “control” of Controlled (which need not be 100%), any retention of Controlled stock is permitted only if Distributing establishes that a reason for the retention was not the avoidance of tax. The Notice draws a distinction between delayed distribution of stock or securities of Controlled and retentions of such stock or securities. Although Section 355 generally contemplates that Distributing will distribute all of the stock and securities of Controlled that it owns, delayed distributions and retentions may be permitted under certain circumstances without altering the tax-free nature of the transaction.

In general, this has provided Distributing with some flexibility to use the Controlled stock or securities to deleverage by distributing the Controlled stock or securities to Distributing securityholders, or otherwise exchanging it for Distributing debt. Sections 3.03(2) and (3) and Section 3.05(10) of the Revenue Procedure set forth the representations and other information relating to delayed distributions and retentions that the IRS will require for ruling purposes. Notably, the Revenue Procedure states that the IRS will not entertain a simultaneous request for both a delayed distribution ruling and a retention ruling, which under prior ruling practice had been pursued in case Distributing was unable to execute its plan for delayed distribution to ensure that an unplanned retention would not prevent tax-free treatment for the spin-off.

Solvency and continued viability of Distributing and Controlled

The Notice highlights the Treasury Department’s and the IRS’s views that qualification of a transaction as a spin-off pursuant to Section 355 is limited to situations where each of Distributing and Controlled can conduct a sustained business following the spin-off, and that the rules set forth in Section 355 and related Code sections were not enacted to provide corporations with nonrecognition treatment for spin-offs in which Distributing causes Controlled to bear so much debt that Controlled’s viability as a going concern is jeopardized. Section 3.03(5) of the Revenue Procedure sets forth the representations and other information relating to solvency and viability with respect to Distributing and Controlled that the IRS will require for ruling purposes.

Application of substance over form, agency and other relevant theories to intermediated exchanges and direct issuance transactions

Signaling a significant change to the recent IRS ruling practices discussed above, the Notice indicates that the Treasury Department and the IRS are considering the application of the Code and general principals of federal income tax law (e.g., substance over form, agency and other relevant theories) to “intermediated exchanges” and “direct issuance transactions” involving Distributing debt that is retired in exchange for Controlled stock or securities. Section 3.05(5) of the Revenue Procedure sets forth required representations relating to any such transactions, including representations that effectively make private letter rulings unavailable with respect to direct issuance transactions. This aspect of the Revenue Procedure is expected to result in taxpayers’ structuring spin-offs to include intermediated debt exchanges rather than direct issuances in order to obtain private letter rulings, which may significantly increase transaction costs for such debt exchanges. In a direct issuance transaction, Distributing debt is issued to a bank in exchange for cash and is redeemed a few days later using Controlled stock or securities. Distributing uses the cash proceeds to retire other outstanding Distributing debt. In an intermediated exchange, a bank purchases existing Distributing debt, holds it for a relatively short time and exchanges it for Controlled stock or securities.

The Notice indicates the view of the Treasury Department and the IRS that general principles of federal income tax law could recast such transactions so that the bank would not be respected as a creditor of Distributing or would be treated as Distributing’s agent, meaning that the transactions would not be tax-deferred pursuant to Section 361 of the Code. The Notice requests feedback from intermediaries “to help ensure that future guidance is responsive to the business and market-risk considerations that inform the mechanics of intermediated exchanges and direct issuance transactions …”

Federal income tax treatment and consequences of post-distribution payments

As discussed above, in a divisive reorganization, Distributing may receive “boot” from Controlled, which will be tax-free to Distributing if distributed to Distributing’s shareholders or securityholders. Any boot retained by Distributing will result in recognized gain. In either case, under certain circumstances, boot may be received by Distributing after the spin-off. The Revenue Procedure requires any such consideration to be placed in a segregated escrow account and transferred to Distributing’s shareholders or creditors within 90 days of receipt. In addition, in order for a post-distribution payment to be tax-free to Distributing, Distributing must establish that:

  • Each post-distribution payment is consideration in the divisive reorganization.
  • The fair market value of Distributing’s right to receive the post-distribution payment will not be readily ascertainable at the time of the earliest distribution that is part of the proposed transaction.
  • The post-distribution payment will be properly accounted for when received.

Section 3.05(10)(b) and (c)(ii) of the Revenue Procedure set forth the required representations relating to post-distribution payments.

Effect of transaction related to divisive reorganization on Controlled securities

In an apparent reference to a reverse Morris Trust (RMT) transaction in which Controlled is acquired in a tax-free transaction after the spin-off, the Treasury Department and the IRS are considering whether a modification of Controlled securities or other debt as a result of such a transaction should impact qualification of such Controlled securities or debt under Section 361. The Treasury Department and the IRS expressed the view that general principles of federal income tax law (e.g., substance over form and other relevant theories) could apply to recast the transactions to preclude treating the Controlled securities or other debt as property that can be received tax-free by Distributing in a divisive reorganization and used to satisfy Distributing debt. Section 3.05(11) of the Revenue Procedure sets forth the representations and other information that the IRS will require for ruling purposes with respect to transactions relating to the spin-off that may affect Controlled’s securities or other property received by Distributing in a divisive reorganization. The Notice specifically states that Rev. Rul. 98-27, which addresses whether Controlled was a “controlled corporation” under Section 355(a) immediately before the spin-off when it was acquired in an RMT transaction after the spin-off, is not relevant to the potential recast described above.

Replacement of Distributing debt

The Notice further indicates that the Treasury Department and the IRS are concerned that Distributing debt that was satisfied with Controlled stock or securities or other property received from Controlled in a divisive reorganization may be replaced with newly incurred debt. This debt replacement “can be used as an artifice for increasing the aggregate [d]ebt and other [l]iabilities of Distributing and Controlled,” releveraging Distributing and effectively replicating a sale of a portion of Controlled. The Notice states that the Treasury Department and the IRS do not believe such a result should qualify for nonrecognition under Section 361 of the Code. Section 3.05(12) of the Revenue Procedure sets forth the representations and other information relating to the absence of any replacement of Distributing debt that the IRS will require for ruling purposes.

Separate and distinct relevance and application of Section 357 and 361

Section 357 of the Code provides for general nonrecognition treatment in instances where Controlled assumes a liability of Distributing, but Section 357(c) modifies this and requires gain recognition to the extent liabilities assumed exceed the transferor’s aggregate tax basis in the assets transferred. Section 361 does not impose this basis limitation, and instead provides for nonrecognition to Distributing in a divisive reorganization upon a transfer of Controlled securities or money or other property received from Controlled to Distributing’s creditors in connection with the divisive reorganization. [2] The Notice indicates that the Treasury Department and the IRS believe Sections 357 and 361 of the Code are not being properly interpreted by some tax advisers, in particular with respect to the relevant basis limitations. Section 3.05(3) of the Revenue Procedure sets forth representations and other information relating to asset basis limitations that the IRS will require for ruling purposes.

Degree of connection between Distributing and Controlled that prevents genuine separations

As discussed above, the IRS has a policy that a tax-free spin-off must effect a genuine separation between Distributing and Controlled. The Notice indicates that the Treasury Department and the IRS are considering the degree to which continuing connections between Distributing and Controlled would prevent a genuine separation of the two businesses, with a particular focus on overlapping key employees, directors and officers, and the existence of continuing contractual arrangements between Distributing and Controlled that include non-arm’s-length provisions. The Notice further states the view of the Treasury Department and the IRS that these connections weigh against qualification under Section 355, particularly if the purported business purpose for the spin-off was “fit-and-focus” to enable Distributing and Controlled “to resolve management, systemic, or other problems that arise (or are exacerbated) by … operation of different businesses within a single corporation or affiliated group.” [3]

The retention of stock or securities of Controlled by Distributing creates a rebuttable presumption that a transaction has a principal purpose of avoiding federal income tax, which must be overcome to qualify under Section 355. Section 3.03(3) of the Revenue Procedure describes several factors that tend to indicate a tax avoidance purpose, including ascertainable tax benefits or advantages, one or more overlapping key employees between Distributing and Controlled after the transaction, one or more overlapping directors or officers of Distributing and Controlled after the transaction, and the existence of continuing contractual arrangements between Distributing and Controlled that are not at arm’s length. The existence of any one factor will cause the IRS to apply significantly increased scrutiny to any ruling request regarding a retention. In the event that two or more of these factors are present, the taxpayer must demonstrate the existence of a business exigency that directly requires the retention, and convince the IRS that such business exigency outweighs evidence of a tax avoidance purpose.

Plan of reorganization requirement for divisive reorganizations

The Notice alludes to confusion and disagreement among practitioners regarding the applicability of the plan of reorganization requirement to divisive reorganizations. The Treasury Department and the IRS are of the view that any divisive reorganization must be undertaken in accordance with a plan of reorganization that satisfies the requirements of applicable Treasury regulations. Section 3.05(1) of the Revenue Procedure sets forth representations and other information relating to the plan of reorganization that the IRS will require for ruling purposes, including representations that Distributing and Controlled will adopt a plan of reorganization before the first step of the proposed transaction, which will specify and clearly describe each step of the proposed transaction – including any step that is a contemplated possibility by any party to the reorganization, such as a step that is subject to a contingency or alternative. In addition, the Revenue Procedure requires representations that each specific step of the proposed transaction is necessary to accomplish the business purposes of the proposed transaction and germane to the continuing businesses of Distributing and Controlled.

[1] A Section 355 distribution may be pro rata to all Distributing shareholders (known as a “spin-off”), non-pro rata in redemption of a portion of Distributing’s shares (a “split-off”), or a distribution of multiple Controlleds in liquidation of Distributing (a “split-up”). For convenience, we refer to “spin-offs” in this alert, but the considerations described in this alert are generally applicable to all such distributions.

[2] Sections 357(a), 361(b)(3) and 361(c)(3).

[3] Rev. Proc. 96-30, Appendix A, Section 5, 1996-1 C.B. 696.

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    Follow these steps to create an impressive cover letter for a lawyer position: 1. Research the law firm. Before writing your cover letter, research the law firm to which you are applying. Gain a deeper understanding of their practice areas, clients, company culture and recent accomplishments. Use this information to plan your cover letter ...

  21. Legal Intern Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Here are six steps you can follow when crafting a cover letter for a legal internship: 1. Include your contact information. If you're typing on professional letterhead, ensure that your name, phone number and email address are on it. Otherwise, craft a header with your contact information. It may also be beneficial to include your city and ...

  22. Write a Cover Letter for a Law Internship (With Samples)

    For law students, your internship letter should be well-written and underscore your education and any relevant work experience you may have. Use this sample cover letter for a law firm internship as a guide when you are writing. Jacob Langille. [email protected]. 141-414-1414.

  23. law firm Cover Letter

    Law Firm Name e.g. XXX. Dear Sir/Madam, APPLICATION FOR A POSITION AS A CANDIDATE ATTORNEY (YEAR) It is with great enthusiasm that I address this letter to you to apply for a position as a candidate attorney with XXX in (year). Currently, I am in my Intermediate Year of my LLB and have recently completed my first degree, Bachelor of Social ...

  24. How to Get the Best Recommendation Letters for Law School

    How to Request a Recommendation Letter. Once you have identified a reference who is likely to write you a strong recommendation letter, ask him or her politely. Explain why you are applying to law ...

  25. Recent Release of Updated Procedures for Section 355 Private Letter

    The US Department of the Treasury (Treasury Department) and the IRS recently released Revenue Procedure 2024-24 (Revenue Procedure) and Notice 2024-38 (Notice) establishing revised standards and procedures for taxpayers seeking private letter rulings for spin-offs intended to qualify for tax-free treatment under Section 355 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code).