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How to Write a Sixth-Grade Essay

How to Write a Fifth-Grade Essay

How to Write a Fifth-Grade Essay

Completing an essay for a sixth-grade writing assignment can be accomplished within only a few hours of your time. The five-paragraph format is commonly used in sixth grade. This format contains the introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. By writing an essay correctly during sixth grade, you will be preparing for more in-depth writing in years to come, as you continue your education through high school and even college.

Write an introductory paragraph for your essay, which will include a thesis statement and three to five sentences that support it. A thesis statement will describe the basic point that you are trying to get across in your paper. The remaining sentences should act as an outline for the rest of your paper.

Write out the next three paragraphs, which are the body of the essay paper. Make your strongest claim to support your thesis statement in the first body paragraph. The second should be the next strongest, and the third should be the final part of your argument. Be sure to use strong verbs in the supportive sentences to reinforce the thesis statement, for this is one of the capabilities you will be expected to exhibit in your sixth-grade writing development. Keeping a consistent voice within the body paragraphs, as well as the rest of the essay, is also another ability that sixth-grade teachers are going to be looking for when grading. Correct transitions between the paragraphs will also show your writing skills to your teacher as well. These paragraphs should also be three to five sentences each.

Finish your sixth-grade essay by writing the final paragraph, which is its conclusion. Summarize the statements made in the body paragraphs to reiterate the thesis statement made in the first one. Persuade the reader to see your view on the topic, based on the points made throughout the piece, and indicate that the essay is reaching its succession by making a closing statement.

  • Revise a draft of the essay to evaluate the word choices, substituting with vocabulary you have learned during your spelling exercises, before making a final copy that will be turned in to your teacher.
  • Comparing and editing drafts before writing the official version is a commonly taught part of the sixth-grade curriculum and will help make for a better final essay overall.
  • Sixth-grade students will also have to actively partake in peer reviews, so have another student read your drafts to ensure the essay has a natural flow. Another perspective may bring certain things to your attention that you may not notice on your own.

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Based in Florida, Robert Ceville has been writing electronics-based articles since 2009. He has experience as a professional electronic instrument technician and writes primarily online, focusing on topics in electronics, sound design and herbal alternatives to modern medicine. He is pursuing an Associate of Science in information technology from Florida State College of Jacksonville.

Teach, Learn, Every Day, No Excuses

Oakdale Joint Unified School District

In This Section

6th grade writing samples, writing in sixth grade.

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6th Grade Essay Prompts: A Comprehensive Guide

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on August 2, 2023

Categories Writing , Education

As a 6th grader, you are at an exciting stage of academic and personal growth. One of the most important skills you’ll develop during this time is essay writing.

Essay writing is an essential skill that will help you communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively. It will also help you develop critical thinking skills, research skills, and creativity.

Essay writing prompts are a great way to get started with essay writing. They provide you with a topic or idea to write about, which can be helpful if you’re not sure what to write about. There are many different types of writing prompts, including narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository.

Each type of prompt requires a different approach, so it’s important to understand the different types of prompts and how to approach them. With the right guidance and practice, you can become a confident and skilled essay writer.

Key Takeaways

  • Writing prompts are an excellent way to improve your essay writing skills.
  • There are many different types of writing prompts, each requiring a different approach.
  • With practice and guidance, you can become a confident and skilled essay writer.

33 6th Grade Essay Prompts

Here are 33 essay prompts for 6th grade students:

1. Write about a time you tried something new. What did you learn from this experience?

2. Describe your ideal day. Where would you go, what would you do, and who would you be with?

3. Who is someone you admire? Why do you look up to this person?

4. What is your biggest accomplishment so far in life? Why does it make you proud?

5. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in school? Explain.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up? What steps will you need to take to achieve this goal?

7. If you could switch places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?

8. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe the plot and explain why you like it.

9. Describe a challenging situation you’ve faced. How did you handle it and what did you learn?

10. What is one thing you would change about your school? Explain why.

11. What is the most amazing place you’ve ever visited? Describe what you saw and did there.

12. What personal qualities make someone a good friend? Describe a friend who has these qualities.

13. Explain three goals you have set for yourself this year. Why are they important to you?

14. If you could give advice to a younger sibling or friend, what would you say? Why?

15. Describe your favorite holiday tradition. Why is it meaningful to you?

16. What is your favorite subject in school? Explain why you enjoy it.

17. Describe your dream vacation. Where would you go and what would you do?

18. What is a cause you care about? Why is it important to you?

19. What challenges do tweens/teens face today? How can they overcome them?

20. What is one thing that makes you special? How does it impact your life?

21. Describe an act of kindness you did for someone. How did it make you and the other person feel?

22. What is your favorite memory with your family or friends? Why was it meaningful?

23. What is your dream job when you grow up? Describe what you would do.

24. What is a time you made a mistake or failed at something? What did you learn?

25. What are you most proud of about yourself? Explain why.

26. What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Describe why you enjoy it.

27. Pick an inspiring quote. Explain what it means and why it inspires you.

28. Describe a time you stood up for someone else. What motivated you to help them?

29. What are some small things people can do to make the world a better place? Give specific examples.

30. What is one goal you have for improving yourself this school year? Why is this goal meaningful to you?

31. Describe the cover of a book that hasn’t been written about your life. What would the title and imagery represent?

32. What makes you laugh? Describe something funny that happened to you recently.

33. What is one thing you are looking forward to in the future? Why does it excite you?

Understanding Essay Writing

If you’re a 6th grader, you’re just starting to learn about essay writing. Essays are a way to express your thoughts and ideas in a structured way. They can be fun to write, but they can also be challenging. In this section, we’ll cover the basics of essay writing to help you get started.

The Three Parts of an Essay

Every essay has three parts: the beginning, the middle, and the end. The beginning is where you introduce your topic and give some background information. The middle is where you present your arguments and evidence. The end is where you summarize your points and give your opinion.

Writing Skills

To write a good essay, you need to have good writing skills. This means you need to be able to write clearly and concisely, use proper grammar and punctuation, and organize your thoughts in a logical way. If you’re not sure where to start, try reading some essays by other writers to get a sense of how they structure their writing.

Essay Writing Process

The process of writing an essay can be broken down into several steps. First, you need to choose a topic. This can be anything from a personal experience to a current event. Once you have your topic, you need to do some research to gather information and evidence to support your arguments.

Then, you need to organize your thoughts into an outline. This will help you stay on track and make sure you cover all of your points. Finally, you can start writing your essay. Remember to start with a strong introduction, use evidence to support your arguments, and end with a clear conclusion.

6th Grade Writing Prompts

If you’re looking for some ideas to get started with your essay, try some of these 6th grade writing prompts:

  • What is your greatest aspiration?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? How will you get there?
  • What challenges do immigrants in our country face? What unique challenges do they face living in a new country?
  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life so far?
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. How did you handle it?

Remember, the key to writing a good essay is to stay organized, use evidence to support your arguments, and end with a clear conclusion. With practice, you’ll become a great essay writer in no time!

Types of Writing Prompts

As a 6th grader, you will encounter different types of writing prompts. Understanding the different types of prompts will help you prepare for the challenges ahead and develop your writing skills. Here are some of the most common types of writing prompts:

Narrative Writing Prompts

Narrative writing prompts require you to write a story or describe an event from your life. These prompts may ask you to write about a personal experience, a fictional story, or a historical event. Narrative writing prompts allow you to use your imagination and creativity to develop characters, plot, and setting.

Expository Writing Prompts

Expository writing prompts require you to explain or describe a topic. These prompts may ask you to write about a process, a cause and effect relationship, or a comparison between two things. Expository writing prompts help you develop your analytical and critical thinking skills.

Creative Writing Prompts

Creative writing prompts allow you to explore your creativity and imagination. These prompts may ask you to write a poem, a short story, or a script for a play. Creative writing exercises help you develop your writing style and voice.

Research Writing Prompts

Research writing prompts require you to conduct research and write an informative essay. These prompts may ask you to write about a historical event, a scientific discovery, or a social issue. Research writing prompts help you develop your research skills and learn how to cite sources.

Reflective Writing Prompts

Reflective writing prompts require you to reflect on a personal experience or a topic. These prompts may ask you to write about your feelings, thoughts, or opinions. Reflective writing prompts help you develop your self-awareness and critical thinking skills.

Procedural Writing Prompts

Procedural writing prompts require you to write instructions for a process. These prompts may ask you to write about how to make something, how to do something, or how to solve a problem. Procedural writing prompts help you develop your organizational and communication skills.

Informational Writing Prompts

Informational writing prompts require you to write an informative essay about a topic. These prompts may ask you to write about a historical event, a scientific discovery, or a social issue. Informational writing prompts help you develop your research and writing skills.

In conclusion, understanding the different types of writing prompts will help you prepare for the challenges ahead and develop your writing skills. By practicing different types of prompts, you will become a more confident and knowledgeable writer.

Developing Writing Skills

In 6th grade, students are expected to have developed basic writing skills, including grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. However, developing these skills is not enough to become a good writer.

To become a creative and critical writer, students need to practice writing regularly and be motivated to do so.

One way to motivate students is by providing them with interesting and thought-provoking writing prompts. These prompts can help students explore their thoughts, feelings, and ideas and develop their writing skills.

Additionally, writing prompts can help students develop their critical thinking skills by challenging them to think deeply about a topic and express their thoughts clearly.

To develop writing skills, it is important to practice regularly. Encourage students to write every day, even if it is just a few sentences. You can also assign longer writing assignments, such as essays or research papers, to help students improve their writing skills.

In addition to regular practice, it is important to provide students with feedback on their writing. This feedback should be constructive and focus on areas where the student can improve. Encourage students to revise their writing based on feedback and to ask for help if they are struggling.

Overall, developing writing skills takes time and practice. By providing students with interesting prompts, regular practice, and constructive feedback, you can help them become confident and knowledgeable writers.

Topics for Writing Prompts

When it comes to writing prompts for 6th graders, there are a variety of topics that can inspire creativity and help students develop their writing skills. Here are some ideas for different types of writing prompts that can be used in the classroom.

Personal Experiences

One type of writing prompt that can be effective for 6th graders is a personal experience prompt. These prompts ask students to reflect on their own lives and write about a specific memory or experience. For example, you could ask students to write about their favorite book, a memorable experience they had with their family, or a surprising thing that happened to them.

Imaginative Scenarios

Another type of writing prompt that can be fun and engaging for 6th graders is an imaginative scenario prompt. These prompts ask students to use their imaginations to create a story or situation. For example, you could ask students to write about what their future self might be like, what their dream career would be, or what a new holiday they invent might look like.

Current Events

Writing prompts that are related to current events can help students develop their critical thinking skills and engage with the world around them. For example, you could ask students to write about a social media trend that is popular right now, or to reflect on the civil rights movement and its impact on society.

Historical Events

Finally, writing prompts that focus on historical events can help students develop a deeper understanding of the past and its relevance to the present. For example, you could ask students to write about a historical figure they admire, or to reflect on a field trip they took to a historic site. You could also ask students to imagine what it would be like to be the oldest person they know, and to write about their life experiences.

Overall, there are many different types of writing prompts that can be used to inspire creativity and help 6th graders develop their writing skills. By using a variety of prompts that focus on personal experiences, imaginative scenarios, current events, and historical events, you can help students explore different topics and find their own unique voice as writers.

Writing Techniques

As a 6th grader, you will be expected to use various writing techniques to create engaging and informative essays. Here are some techniques you can use to make your essays stand out:

When writing an essay, you can use the plot technique to create a storyline that keeps your readers engaged. You can use the plot structure to organize your essay into a beginning, middle, and end. In the beginning, introduce your topic and provide some background information. In the middle, present your arguments and provide supporting evidence. In the end, summarize your arguments and provide a conclusion.


The descriptive technique can help you create vivid images in the minds of your readers. You can use descriptive language to paint a picture of your topic, such as describing the sights, sounds, and smells. This technique can be especially useful when writing about a place or a person.

Compare and Contrast

The compare and contrast technique can help you analyze two or more things and highlight their similarities and differences. This technique can be useful when writing about two different topics, such as two books or two historical events. You can use a table or a bullet point list to compare and contrast the two topics.

The letter technique can be used to write a persuasive essay in the form of a letter. You can address your essay to a specific person or group of people and use persuasive language to convince them of your point of view. This technique can be especially useful when writing about a social issue or a current event.

Story Starters

The story starter technique can help you come up with an interesting and engaging beginning to your essay. You can use a story starter to grab your reader’s attention and create a sense of intrigue. For example, you can start your essay with a question, a quote, or a surprising fact.


The instructions technique can be used to write a how-to essay. You can provide step-by-step instructions on how to do something, such as how to make a recipe or how to play a game. This technique can be especially useful when writing about a practical topic.

The resolution technique can be used to provide a satisfying conclusion to your essay. You can use this technique to tie up loose ends and provide closure to your arguments. You can also use this technique to provide a call to action or a final thought.


The storytelling technique can be used to create a narrative essay. You can use this technique to tell a story about a personal experience or a historical event. This technique can be especially useful when writing about a topic that has an emotional or personal connection.

The Role of Research in Writing

Research plays a vital role in writing, especially when it comes to nonfiction and research writing. As a 6th grader, you will be expected to investigate and use credible sources to support your arguments and ideas.

Research helps you to find and understand information, and it allows you to use that information to write a well-informed and thoughtful essay.

When conducting research, it is important to use credible sources. This means using sources that are reliable and trustworthy. Credible sources can include books, articles, and websites that are written by experts in the field. You can also use primary sources, such as interviews or surveys, to gather information.

As you conduct your research, it is important to investigate natural resources. This includes things like water, air, and land, as well as the plants and animals that live in these environments. Understanding natural resources can help you to write about environmental issues, such as pollution, conservation, and climate change.

When writing your essay, make sure to cite your sources properly. This means giving credit to the authors or creators of the sources you used. You can do this by including a bibliography or works cited page at the end of your essay.

In conclusion, research is an essential part of writing. It allows you to gather information, use credible sources, and write a well-informed and thoughtful essay. By investigating natural resources and using credible sources, you can write about important issues and make a meaningful contribution to your field of study.

Importance of Self-Expression in Writing

As a 6th grader, you are at a stage where you are developing your writing skills and learning how to express yourself through words. Self-expression is a crucial aspect of writing because it allows you to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas effectively.

Writing is not just about putting words on paper; it is about conveying your message to your reader in a way that is clear and concise.

One of the best ways to practice self-expression in writing is through personal narrative and reflective writing. Personal narrative is a type of writing that tells a story about a personal experience. It allows you to share your emotions and experiences with your reader, giving them a glimpse into your life.

Reflective writing, on the other hand, is a type of writing that requires you to reflect on a particular topic or experience. It helps you to understand your thoughts and feelings on a deeper level and communicate them effectively.

Journaling is another great way to practice self-expression in writing. It allows you to write freely without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

Journaling is a safe space where you can express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. It is a great way to explore your emotions and ideas, which can help you to become a better writer.

Self-expression in writing is essential because it allows you to communicate your ideas and thoughts effectively. It also helps you to develop your writing skills and become a better writer.

When you express yourself in writing, you are not only communicating with your reader, but you are also learning more about yourself. Writing can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

In conclusion, self-expression is a fundamental aspect of writing, and it is essential for 6th graders to develop this skill. Personal narrative, reflective writing, and journaling are great ways to practice self-expression in writing. By expressing yourself through writing, you can communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively, develop your writing skills, and learn more about yourself.

Understanding Different Essay Types

As a 6th grader, you will be expected to write different types of essays for your assignments. Understanding the different types of essays will help you choose the best approach for your topic and write a well-structured and effective essay.

Narrative Essays

Narrative essays are all about telling a story. They are usually written in the first person and follow a specific structure with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Narrative essays can be based on personal experiences, fictional stories, or real-life events. They are a great way to practice your storytelling skills and engage your readers.

Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays are written with the goal of convincing the reader to agree with your opinion or take a specific action. They require a clear thesis statement and strong evidence to support your argument. Persuasive essays are often used in debates, speeches, and editorials. They are a great way to develop your critical thinking and persuasive skills.

Argument Writing

Argument writing is similar to persuasive writing, but it focuses more on presenting a balanced argument with both sides of an issue. It requires research and analysis to present a well-rounded and informed perspective. Argument writing can be used in essays, research papers, and debates.

Essay Topics

The topic of your essay is important because it sets the tone and direction for your writing. When choosing a topic, consider your audience, your interests, and the purpose of your essay. Some popular essay topics for 6th graders include:

  • The importance of recycling
  • The effects of social media on teenagers
  • The benefits of reading
  • The impact of video games on children
  • The role of technology in education

In conclusion, understanding the different types of essays and choosing the right topic is essential for writing a successful essay. Whether you are telling a story, persuading your reader, or presenting a balanced argument, following a clear structure and providing strong evidence will help you achieve your writing goals.

The Use of Technology in Writing

As a 6th grader, you are growing up in a world where technology is an integral part of your daily life. It is no surprise that technology has also made its way into the classroom, including the writing process. The use of technology in writing can be beneficial in many ways, but it is important to understand how to use it effectively.

The internet is a vast resource for information and research. You can use search engines like Google to find articles, videos, and other sources of information to support your writing. However, it is important to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find. Make sure to check the author, publication date, and any biases that may be present.

Cell phones are also a common tool for writing. Many students use their phones to take notes, write reminders, or even draft essays. However, it is important to avoid distractions like social media or texting while writing. If you find yourself getting distracted, consider using an app or website blocker to help you stay focused.

Video games can also be a source of inspiration for writing prompts. Games often have complex stories and characters that can be used as a starting point for creative writing. However, it is important to remember that video games should not be a substitute for reading and writing.

Social media can also be a useful tool for writing. Many writers use social media to connect with other writers, share their work, and receive feedback. However, it is important to remember that social media can also be a distraction. Make sure to set boundaries and avoid spending too much time on social media while writing.

In conclusion, the use of technology in writing can be beneficial, but it is important to use it effectively. Make sure to evaluate sources, avoid distractions, and set boundaries when using technology to support your writing.

Writing about Favorite Things

One of the best ways to get started with writing is to write about your favorite things. This can be anything from your favorite book to your favorite food, animal, or sport. Writing about things that you love can help you to develop your writing skills and express your thoughts and feelings in a clear and concise way.

When writing about your favorite book, think about what makes it special to you. Is it the characters, the plot, or the setting? What emotions does the book evoke in you? Use descriptive language to bring your favorite book to life on the page.

If you’re writing about your favorite food, describe the taste, texture, and aroma of the dish. What memories or emotions does this food bring up for you? Is it a food that you associate with a particular time or place in your life?

When writing about your favorite animal, consider what draws you to this creature. Is it their appearance, behavior, or habitat? Use sensory language to describe the animal and its surroundings.

If you have a pet, writing about them can be a great way to practice your writing skills. Describe their personality, habits, and quirks. What do you love most about your pet?

Writing about your favorite sport can be a great way to explore your passion for the game. Describe the rules, equipment, and strategies involved in the sport. What do you enjoy most about playing or watching this sport?

No matter what your favorite thing is, writing about it can help you to develop your writing skills and express yourself in a clear and concise way. So grab a pen and paper, and start writing about the things that you love!

The Impact of Reading and Math on Writing

As a 6th grader, you may not realize it yet, but reading and math skills can have a significant impact on your writing abilities. Both reading and math are essential components of writing, and they can help improve your writing skills in various ways.

Reading and Writing

Reading and writing go hand in hand. When you read, you are exposed to different writing styles, sentence structures, and vocabulary. You can learn a lot about how to write clearly and effectively by reading different types of books, articles, and essays.

Reading also helps improve your comprehension skills, which are essential for understanding writing prompts and crafting well-written responses.

As a 6th grader, you should aim to read a variety of books, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Reading different genres can help you develop a more diverse vocabulary and improve your understanding of different writing styles.

It can also help you identify different literary devices and techniques that you can use in your own writing.

Math and Writing

Math may not seem like it has much to do with writing, but it can actually help improve your writing skills. Math helps develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for analyzing writing prompts and crafting well-reasoned arguments.

Math can also help you develop problem-solving skills, which can come in handy when you encounter difficult writing assignments.

As a 6th grader, you should aim to develop your math skills by practicing regularly. Math can be challenging, but with practice and perseverance, you can improve your skills and develop a better understanding of mathematical concepts. This can help you become a better writer by developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, reading and math skills can have a significant impact on your writing abilities. By reading regularly and practicing math, you can improve your comprehension, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are all essential for becoming a better writer. As a 6th grader, it’s important to develop these skills early on to set yourself up for success in the future.

Writing about School Life

Writing about your school life can be an excellent way to reflect on your experiences and share your perspective with others. Here are some essay prompts that will help you explore your thoughts and feelings about your middle school experience:

  • What is your favorite subject in school? Why do you enjoy it?
  • Describe a time when you faced a challenge in school. How did you overcome it?
  • What do you think is the most important thing you have learned so far in middle school?
  • Write about a teacher who has had a positive impact on your life. What did they do to inspire you?
  • Do you think standardized tests accurately measure your knowledge and abilities? Why or why not?
  • How do you feel about moving on to high school next year? What are you most excited or nervous about?

When writing about school life, it’s essential to be honest and reflective. Don’t be afraid to share your opinions or experiences, even if they are different from what others might think or feel. Use specific examples and details to support your ideas and make your writing more engaging.

Remember to follow standard essay writing conventions, such as starting with an introduction, including a clear thesis statement, and organizing your ideas logically. Use transitions between paragraphs to help the reader follow your train of thought.

Whether you love or hate school, writing about your experiences can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. So take some time to reflect on your middle school years and share your thoughts with others through your writing.

Writing about Society and Culture

As a 6th grader, you are at an age where you can start exploring and writing about societal and cultural issues. One topic that you can explore is the concept of empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

You can write about the importance of empathy in society and how it can help people understand each other better. You can also explore ways to develop empathy, such as volunteering, reading books, and watching movies that showcase different cultures and perspectives.

Another topic to consider is immigration. You can write about the challenges that immigrants face when they move to a new country. You can explore the reasons why people immigrate, the impact of immigration on society, and the ways in which immigrants contribute to their new communities.

You can also write about the debates surrounding immigration policies and how they affect immigrant families.

When writing about society and culture, it is important to remain neutral and present different perspectives. You can use bullet points or tables to compare and contrast different viewpoints on a particular issue.

This will help you develop a well-rounded understanding of the topic and make your writing more informative.

In conclusion, writing about society and culture can be a great way to explore important issues and develop your writing skills. By exploring topics such as empathy and immigration, you can gain a better understanding of the world around you and become a more informed and empathetic individual.

Writing about Future Aspirations

As a 6th grader, you are at a stage of your life where you are beginning to think about your future aspirations. It’s important to start thinking about what you want to be when you grow up, as this can help you set goals and work towards achieving them.

Writing about your future aspirations can be a great way to explore your dreams and goals. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Think about your future self

When writing about your future aspirations, it’s important to think about your future self. What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of life do you want to lead? What kind of impact do you want to make in the world?

2. Dream career

One of the most common things 6th graders write about when exploring their future aspirations is their dream career. What kind of job do you want to have when you grow up? What kind of work do you want to do? What kind of impact do you want to make in your chosen field?

3. Set specific goals

When writing about your future aspirations, it’s important to set specific goals. What steps do you need to take to achieve your dreams? What kind of education or training do you need? What kind of skills do you need to develop?

4. Be realistic

While it’s important to dream big, it’s also important to be realistic when writing about your future aspirations. Make sure that your goals are achievable and that you have a clear plan for how you will achieve them.

5. Stay positive

Finally, when writing about your future aspirations, it’s important to stay positive. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your dreams. Remember that anything is possible if you work hard and stay focused.

Writing about Personal Interests

When it comes to writing about personal interests, the possibilities are endless. You can write about your favorite movie, video game, book, short story, or poem. The key is to choose something that you are passionate about and that you can write about in detail.

To get started, make a list of your favorite movies, video games, books, short stories, or poems. Then, choose one that you want to write about. Next, brainstorm some ideas for your essay.

Think about what you want to say about the movie, video game, book, short story, or poem. What themes or ideas does it explore? What do you like about it? What don’t you like about it?

Once you have some ideas, it’s time to start writing. Begin by introducing the movie, video game, book, short story, or poem. Give some background information and explain why you chose it. Then, dive into your analysis.

Use specific examples from the movie, video game, book, short story, or poem to support your points.

When writing about personal interests, it’s important to be clear and concise. Avoid making exaggerated or false claims. Stick to the facts and use evidence to support your arguments. Use formatting tools like bullet points or tables to organize your ideas and make your essay easier to read.

In conclusion, writing about personal interests is a great way to showcase your passion and creativity. Choose something that you are passionate about and that you can write about in detail. Brainstorm some ideas, be clear and concise, and use evidence to support your arguments.

With these tips, you can write an engaging and informative essay that showcases your writing skills and your love for your favorite movie, video game, book, short story, or poem.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative writing prompts for 6th graders.

When it comes to creative writing prompts for 6th graders, the possibilities are endless. You can encourage your students to write about their favorite hobbies, memories, or even their dreams. Some prompts to consider include:

  • Write a story about a magical creature that you discover in your backyard.
  • Describe your favorite place in the world and why it means so much to you.
  • Write a letter to your future self, detailing what you hope to accomplish in the next few years.

How can reading passages be incorporated into 6th grade writing prompts?

Reading passages can be an excellent source of inspiration for 6th grade writing prompts. You can have your students read a short story or article, and then ask them to write a response or analysis. Some prompts to consider include:

  • Write a character analysis of the protagonist in the story you just read.
  • Summarize the article you just read and provide your opinion on the topic.
  • Write a short story inspired by the themes or ideas in the reading passage.

What are some argumentative writing prompts for 6th graders?

Argumentative writing prompts can help 6th graders develop critical thinking skills and learn to express their opinions effectively. Some prompts to consider include:

  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in school? Why or why not?
  • Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos? Why or why not?
  • Should junk food be banned from school cafeterias? Why or why not?

What are some fun and engaging writing topics for 6th graders?

To keep 6th graders engaged and interested in writing, it’s important to choose topics that are fun and relevant to their lives. Some prompts to consider include:

  • Write a story about a time when you had to overcome a fear.
  • Describe your dream vacation and what you would do there.
  • Write a letter to your favorite celebrity, telling them why you admire them.

What are some tips for developing a 6th grade writing curriculum?

When developing a 6th grade writing curriculum, it’s important to keep in mind the needs and abilities of your students. Some tips to consider include:

  • Incorporate a variety of writing styles, such as creative writing, persuasive writing, and analytical writing.
  • Provide frequent opportunities for students to give and receive feedback on their writing.
  • Encourage students to write about topics that are meaningful to them.

How can 6th graders be encouraged to write about meaningful topics?

To encourage 6th graders to write about meaningful topics, it’s important to provide them with prompts and assignments that are relevant to their lives. Some strategies to consider include:

  • Ask students to write about their own experiences and perspectives.
  • Provide prompts that relate to current events or issues that are important to the students.
  • Encourage students to explore their own values and beliefs through their writing.

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How to Write A 6th Grade Level Essay

Your child has started sixth grade, which may be the start of middle school for them. This is an exciting time for a lot of reasons, but they are also learning how to write much more sophisticated and interesting essays. This is also true for the writing prompts they are seeing. The prompts can be creative, informative, expository, persuasive, or a combination of the categories they’ve seen up until now. They will have to understand what kind of essay to write based on the prompt itself and how to answer it.

Here are examples of writing prompts they may see:

5th grade writting prompt

  • Write a short story about your favorite fictional character. This prompt can have a narrative or creative response, or both at the same time. The response should make sense for that character, for example, if they are writing about their favorite character that is a regular cat, having that cat fly to the moon wouldn’t be a good response.
  • What is the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you? This would be a good prompt for a narrative essay. Your child will have to give a lot of detail relating to what they saw, felt, heard, and did in a logical order. It doesn’t have to be a chronological story; by this point, they may be able to creatively tweak the timing of things to make it more interesting. For example, they may start their story with, “Waking up that morning, I had no idea that my day would end up so strange.” They are writing from the perspective of already experiencing the events, so this is appropriate.
  • Write a poem about your grandparents. This is a creative prompt that can be a lot of fun for your child. They should have been introduced to similes, metaphors, and other literary devices and they should use those when they can in their creative responses. Writing a poem gives them a chance to exercise these new skills and allows them to explore more emotions without having to worry about narrative structures.

If your child is struggling with their writing, it may be helpful to enroll them in Reading Genie. The program at Reading Genie is designed to help students not only catch up, but get ahead in their writing skills. They are given fun and engaging prompts that the teachers can help them with, and they get the practice they need.

It can also be helpful for you to do the writing prompts with your child. Even if you both don’t write anything, talking about these kinds of ideas or questions is a great way to help your child get their creative juices flowing, and they can apply those ideas to writing prompts later. It can be a lot of fun, too!

Check out the top-rated writing tutoring program in New Jersey . Held at our New Jersey tutoring centers , our middle school writing program is specifically designed to meet state standards and help prepare students for standardized testing. Learn more about our writing classes in East Brunswick , writing classes in Hillsborough , writing classes in Marlboro , writing classes in South Brunswick , writing classes in Plainsboro , and writing classes in South Plainfield .  


Topics: Essay , Writing Skills , paragraph writing , Sixth Grade , Writing Prompt

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How to Write a Literary Essay in 6th Grade

Writing a literary essay in the sixth grade is a fairly straightforward process that should take only a few hours to complete. In middle school, students traditionally use the five-paragraph essay format, which is organized as follows: an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. The essay should normally be between one and two pages in length.

Write the introduction paragraph. The introduction should include a thesis statement of the main idea of the essay and should give a few details supporting the thesis. The last sentence of the introduction should provide a transition into the body paragraphs.

Write the body paragraphs of the essay. The first paragraph should contain the most important point that you plan to make about the literary work and should give details to support the claim. The second paragraph should contain the second strongest argument and the third paragraph should contain the third strongest argument, each followed by supporting details. The first sentence of each paragraph should play off the last sentence of the previous paragraph to give a smooth transition.

Write the conclusion paragraph. The conclusion should be written in a similar style to the introduction to give the reader the sense that the argument is concluding. It should include the thesis restated in a different way and a brief summary of the three main points made in the body paragraphs. The last sentence should be persuasive to the main point and should indicate that the essay is coming to an end.

50 Engaging 6th Grade Writing Prompts for Thoughtful Essays

Sixth grade marks a big transition in students’ lives. They’re no longer little kids, but they’re not quite teens either–that’s what middle school is all about. To help your students bridge this transition with ease, it’s important to give them plenty of opportunities to practice their writing skills since they’ll be doing a lot of writing in high school and beyond.

Narrative Writing Prompts

Narrative writing revolves around telling a story with a plot that has rising action, a climax, and a resolution. These narrative writing prompts will give your 6th-grade students plenty to think about–and write about.

Story Starters

1. I had the biggest fight with my best friend yesterday. It all started when…

3. I’ll never forget the time when I was lost in the city. It was…

5. My family went on the craziest road trip last summer. We started out by…

Personal Narrative Prompts

Personal narratives are all about giving students the opportunity to tell their own stories in descriptive ways. Here are writing prompts to get them started.

8. Think about your future self–where do you see yourself in 1 year? Write about it.

Reflective Writing Prompts

Reflective writing is a lot like journaling–it gives students the opportunity to process their thoughts and feelings on a given topic. These reflective writing prompts/journal prompts will encourage thoughtful reflection in your students while giving them some fun.

12. Take a walk in nature and describe what you see. What emotions does it evoke in you?

14. Make a list of all the emotions you experience throughout the day.

Journal prompts are usually effective because they make you think about a certain topic in a different, more introspective way, and so students should be encouraged to approach these writing prompts with open minds and hearts.

Informational Writing Prompts

Informational writing is an essential skill for middle-schoolers, especially as they head into high school and college, where they’ll be expected to write long-form essays rather than fiction. These informational writing prompts will give your students plenty of practice with this type of writing.

Expository Prompts

18. Discuss a problem in a movie you enjoy. What was the outcome of the situation?

Research Prompts

Next, research writing prompts will help students practice their research skills by investigating a given topic and finding credible sources to support their claims. These research writing prompts will allow your students to conduct investigative research and write about what they’ve found in detail.

22. What animals are on the verge of extinction?

23. What’s the history of your favorite sport, and how did it develop?

25. Explore your dream career. What skills would you need to succeed in it?

This may be a good time to introduce your students they could use to reference their information and give credit where it’s due. Inform them that not all sources are created equal, and brainstorm some tips for evaluating the credibility of a website.

Procedural Prompts

26. Make a user guide for anything you use frequently (e.g., your computer, smartphone, video game console).

27. Write a set of instructions for cleaning your room.

Argument Writing Prompts

The next type of writing prompt is argument writing. Argumentative writing is a type of nonfiction writing that requires students to investigate a topic, collect evidence, and assess their findings to defend a point of view while also considering the perspectives of others.

Argumentative Essay Prompts

They’ll then need to provide satisfactory evidence from their research to support their position. Here are some prompts to get them started.

31. Should school uniforms be required in all schools?

32. Is it ever okay to break the law?

34. Is Monday through Friday the best school schedule?

Persuasive Prompts

Emotional appeals can be a powerful tool in persuasive writing. In these prompts, students will need to use their powers of persuasion and other rhetorical strategies to convince their readers to see their point of view. Here are persuasive prompts to put your students’ powers of persuasion to the test.

37. Should there be a limit on the amount of homework students can receive?

38. Persuade your parents to let you choose your own bedtime.

Poetry Prompts

Poetry prompts are a great way to get your students to write creatively. These prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write poems that are both beautiful and moving. Whether in free verse or strict meter, your students will be sure to impress you with their poetic prowess.

42. Create a poem in memory of a book, TV, or film character who has died.

43. Choose an onomatopoeia and use it five times in a poem.

Creative Writing Prompts

Last but not least, creative writing is all about using imagination to create a piece of writing that’s unlike anything else. This creative writing prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write some truly unique pieces revolving around self-expression.

46. If I could have any superpower, it would be…

47. Write about a day in the life of your favorite cartoon character.

49. Write a family story from the perspective of your pet.

50. Invent a new holiday and describe how it’s celebrated.

Dust Off Those Pencils and Get Ready to Write! 

Last Updated on July 24, 2022 by Emily

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Emily is an active mother of two and a dedicated elementary school teacher. She believes the latest technology has made a huge impact on the quality of early learning and has worked hard to upgrade her classroom and her own children’s learning experience through technology.

Follow her on Twitter , Pinterest , and Instagram for more teaching fun!

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< Writing Prompts

6th grade writing prompts.

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Welcome to our 6th grade writing prompts! Sixth grade brings more opportunity for learning, growing, and maturity. It’s important to ignite a love of writing through a variety of writing opportunities and topics that are both relevant and thought-provoking. Use the categories of “Adventure,” “Video Games,” “Music,” “Patience,” “Self-Awareness,” and “Personal Narrative” to embrace the magic of writing. Writers are encouraged to plan and review their work. Keep in mind that some prompts may demand contextualization depending on the learner’s background and needs. Check out our printable lined paper too – free to download and over 100 different themes!

6 th Grade Writing Prompts

Category 1: Adventure

Whether it’s a mysterious journey, a scientific discovery, or the voyage to find a lost cat, let these creative writing prompts take you further into adventure. Writers can use these prompts to imagine encounters with adversaries, kings, cats, and more.

  • Identify an adventure or quest of interest for you and your classmates. Create a list of items that everyone will need to bring in order to survive the journey.
  • Illustrate a dangerous scene from an adventure. Explain, in a detailed caption, what is happening in the picture and invite the reader to finish the adventure story.
  • Write a poem about the spirit, or feeling, of adventure.
  • Write a story about a group of friends who go on an adventure to help solve a mystery. They face a mild adversary, a local police officer, who doesn’t want their help.
  • Write a story about a science student who discovers a meteor will hit the earth in three days!
  • Write from the perspective of a teen living in Ancient Egypt who is tasked with returning one of the King’s favorite cats, Locust. Create several journal entries about the teen’s quest to track down the cat.

Category 2: Video Games

Video gaming, be it on consoles, computers, or cell phones, is an important part of many people’s everyday lives. These games demand strategic thinking, creative planning, and skill. Writers can use these prompts to craft stories about video games, create infographics, write poetry, research, and more!

  • Create an infographic that explains the history of video games. Which games were most popular in the arcades of the 1970s and 1980s?
  • Design a comic strip featuring a character who becomes addicted to a video game. How do they balance their passion for the game with their life responsibilities?
  • Design and illustrate your favorite video game setup. Explain what you’d need in the space where you play your video games and why each component is essential.
  • Research a famous video game developer and write an article about them. How did their career/ journey into video game development begin? To what degree were they successful and how did they face challenges?
  • Write a poem about a talented gamer who becomes sponsored (paid to play video games professionally).
  • Write a story about a character who is transported into their favorite video game. Explain if/ how they are able to make it to the next level and through what methods they can emerge victorious.

Category 3: Music

Music is an important part of many people’s everyday lives; many of us enjoy listening to music all day long and we owe much thanks to those who produce our favorite tunes and beats. Writers can use these prompts to craft stories, write poems, conduct research, and even write social media posts related to the world of music.

  • Create a comic strip featuring a band that plays different, and sometimes unique and unusual instruments. What kind of music do they play? In what regions and with which audiences are they most popular?
  • Design an infographic that explains the history of a particular genre of music. Who are some significant artists that have contributed to this genre? Where can people find more information and listen to this style of music?
  • Research a famous musician and write an article about their career. What is their legacy (what impact did they have on the music industry)?
  • Write a poem about your favorite song. What does the song make you think and feel?
  • Write a social media post that promotes a new album from your favorite artist. What do you like about the album, and why should your followers listen to it?
  • Write a story about a character who hears music that no one else can hear. How does this affect their life? Describe the music by likening it to certain genres, artists, or songs.

Category 4: Patience

As we mature, we negotiate with our ability to practice patience. While childhood drives our impulses to want everything immediately, young adulthood ushers us into the need to slow down and exercise patience. This can be challenging! Let these creative writing prompts inspire reflections on patience.

  • Create an infographic that explains different strategies for practicing patience. What are some tips for calming and refocusing?
  • Illustrate and write a children’s book about patience. Include a character who learns the value of patience.
  • Reflect on a time when your patience was tested. Write about this time in a short story.
  • Research a famous inventor, scientist, or athlete who had to exercise patience as they navigated their own failures. What did they learn? Did they give up? How did they keep their momentum and passion from completely dwindling?
  • Write a social media post that promotes the importance of resisting impulsive actions and thoughts.
  • Write a story about a character who struggles to be patient as they attempt to achieve their goal. Include the character’s experience as they learn to master their impulses.

Category 5: Self-Awareness

As we age, our sense of self-awareness becomes more acute. We sometimes feel insecure as we come to understand our unique attributes and identities. Let these creative writing prompts inspire personal reflections on self-awareness.

  • Create a bold and eye-catching infographic that explains at least 3-4 ways to increase self-awareness. What are some strategies for better understanding your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Be sure that your infographic is easy to read and proofread.
  • Design a comic strip featuring a character who struggles with insecurity and self-doubt. Where do their doubts come from? How do they learn to dispel (quiet; challenge) their own doubts?
  • Research a leader whose self-awareness allowed them to become successful. You may want to review interviews where the person reflects on their leadership style or identity.
  • Write a poem about the importance of self-acceptance. The poem can be personal or focus on a character who learns about self-admiration.
  • Write a social media post that promotes the value of self-reflection. Include helpful resources for viewers.
  • Write a story about a character who learns an important lesson about themselves. What do they discover? How does this knowledge change or help them?

Category 6: Personal Narrative Writing Prompts

As we grow older, we reflect more often about our past and present. Let these creative writing prompts inspire empathy and reflections about fears, triumphs, instinct, and role models.

  • Imagine that you could trade places with someone for a day. Write about who you would choose and what you believe a day in their life would be like.
  • Now that you’re older, your role models may have changed. Write a comparative essay about who you used to look up to, or once admired, and how/if your role model has changed and why.
  • Research one career or job you hope to someday have. Explain why you feel you’d be a good candidate for this field and also what challenges, related to the work, you might face.
  • Write about a day you would choose to relive over and over again.
  • Write about a time when you overcame a fear or challenge.
  • Write an article about the importance of trusting your gut-instinct (intuition). Why is this important? What are the consequences of rejecting your instincts?

What your 6th grader should have learned

by: The GreatSchools Editorial Team | Updated: May 5, 2024

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6th grade: What your child should know

Did your child learn the skills they need to be ready for next year? Here are some of the most important academic skills that kids acquire in sixth grade. If your child hasn’t mastered some of them, don’t worry. No two kids are alike, especially when it comes to hitting developmental benchmarks. The important thing is to be making progress toward mastery . Choose a few to practice this summer, but keep things low-key — both for you and for your child. It’s more important that at-home learning be an experience that encourages your child to enjoy tackling challenges.

By the end of 6th grade, kids should be able to:

  • Express an opinion in writing and back it up with evidence from researched sources.
  • Write an informational essay with an introduction and a conclusion that explains a topic using information gleaned from research.
  • Type three or more pages in one sitting.
  • Paraphrase what they’ve read in writing and use quotation marks and attribution correctly to share information without plagiarizing.
  • Calculate percentages.
  • Understand the concept of and do calculations involving ratios (see examples of understanding ratios and working with ratios ).

Divide fractions by fractions.

  • Solve real-world math problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals.
  • Solve equations in which X stands in for an unknown number, as a prelude to algebra.
  • Use grade-level academic vocabulary words in their writing and speech (see 6th grade and 7th grade word lists).
  • Discuss what they’ve read and reference evidence when they speak.
  • Participate in group discussions and disagree respectfully.
  • Understand that writing involves several steps: planning, revising, editing, rewriting and, sometimes, giving and receiving feedback and trying a new approach.

Read more about your sixth grader and reading , writing , and math under the Common Core Standards.

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The Guide to 6th Grade: Reading and Writing

Review reading and writing curricula for 6th grade, including what to expect and resources to support learning..

In their first year of middle school, 6th graders embark on a new journey in their schooling, and with that comes new challenges and changes. In many ways, 6th grade is a year of significant transition for students as they use the skills they have previously learned and apply them to more complex and independent learning in deeper and more rigorous ways. 

While collaboration may still be an important part of the curriculum, students are often required to produce more extensive independent work, specifically in writing. This calls for greater independence and organizational skills, and it may certainly require some adjustment and practice in the beginning of the school year.

Read on to find out what to expect this year! You can shop all sixth grade books and activities at The Scholastic Store .

Sixth Grade Reading 

The ultimate goal of the 6th grade reading curriculum is for students to read increasingly complex texts over the course of the year, preparing them for high school, college, and careers beyond. Students read a variety of texts and different genres, including fiction, drama, poetry, and non-fiction.

There is a specific emphasis on and increase in the reading of nonfiction texts in order to prepare students to read, write, and research across subjects. As students read more complex texts, analyzing and understanding them in deeper ways, they strengthen their knowledge of all subjects.

In order to build reading skills, your 6th grader :

  • Uses evidence from the text in order to summarize the plot, make inferences about and analyze the text, and determine the central theme or themes in a text.
  • Understands and explains the point of view in a text; understands the significance of certain words and passages in a text.
  • Understands and relays the main thesis or claims of a non-fiction text and its supporting evidence.
  • Reads and compares different texts and genres that address the same topics.
  • Uses a variety of media and formats, including video and audio, to further enhance understanding of a topic or text.
  • Participates in class-wide and group discussions expressing the ideas and skills learned.
  • Practices a variety of vocabulary skills, including using the context in which a word is found to determine the meaning of words, recognizing roots of words, and using digital and physical reference materials (dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries).
  • Gains an understanding of and the ability to explain figurative language in a text.

6th Grade Writing 

In middle school, 6th graders are encouraged to push themselves further in their writing and write with increased complexity in terms of  length, subject matter, vocabulary, and general writing techniques. At the same time, 6th graders practice and refine many of the skills previously taught to them while enhancing them with the new skills and techniques they learn. 

In order to build writing skills, your 6th grader :

  • Writes using more complex vocabulary and about more complex content.
  • Writes over extended periods of time, such as when writing long-term research or expressive pieces that may take a week.
  • Writes for short amounts of times, such as in one sitting.
  • Writes a variety of genres for a variety of audiences.
  • Use supporting claims and evidence based on credible texts and resources.
  • Include an introduction, a conclusion, and transitions.
  • Integrate other forms of media and formats, such as graphs, charts, headings, audio, or video when appropriate.
  • Descriptive detail of characters, settings, and experiences.
  • A clear structure, with a logical order and flow, thought-out word choice, and a conclusion.
  • Plans, revises, and edits writing, with guidance from teachers and peers.
  • Writes pieces that display the reading skills achieved, including analysis of text, making comparisons and claims, and developing arguments using specific evidence.
  • Uses technology and the Internet to produce and publish writing, work with others, and type a minimum of three pages in one sitting. 

Shop the best resources for sixth grade below! You can find all books and activities at  The Scholastic Store . 

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Composing An Excellent 6th Grade Narrative Essay

The best way to describe a narrative is that it tells a story. They can be made up of anecdotes, personal experience or someone else’s experience. Usually for students of the 6th grade level, the narrative essay is meant to be a personal narrative. The purpose is two-fold: to get the student thinking and to give the student experience in writing papers.

Characteristics of a Narrative Essay

  • Tells all parts of a story, giving enough detail for the reader to come to an understanding of the purpose
  • Should be written clearly from an obvious point of view
  • Should be an expression and creative display of the student’s writing
  • The use of first person is accepted

Where to Begin Writing

A 6th grader may need a detailed step-by-step plan to follow in order to accomplish this essay. This will help them stay on track and not forget any of the essential parts. Here is a plan to follow in writing a personal narrative:

  • Choose a good topic. This would be based on something from the student’s life. The essay will not only tell the story of what happened, it will also include the student’s analysis of the story.
  • Should highlight the writer’s creative skills in story-telling.
  • Should be able to help the reader connect in some way, to their own life experiences.
  • If given a prompt, the topic must fit the prompt. For example, it may be about a hardship that had to be overcome, or a way your life was changed, or something that made you view life on a different level.
  • Make sure the plot is manageable. It shouldn’t be something too long with many separate events involved. It should be narrowed down sufficiently.
  • Limit the number of characters or people who are introduced into the paper, so it doesn’t get bogged down with too many people.
  • The paper should exhibit vibrant details and yet give just enough room for the reader to use their imagination to fill in some of the gaps.
  • Stay as true to the original story as possible. Most personal narrative papers are meant to be non-fiction.
  • Make an outline of your school work and then use details and description to fill in each paragraph.
  • Briefly describe important characters. Identify antagonists and protagonists if necessary.
  • Describe the setting using vivid details.
  • Proofread and revise your essay.
“   Every writer, no matter how good he is with his first attempt should proofread his paper.  ” –  Donna Brians

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  • Jul 8, 2019

My 6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide and What I Do Everyday

Updated: Jul 11, 2022

what should a 6th grade essay look like

My First Years

I remember being a new teacher and having NO CLUE what I was going to be teaching. My first year teaching, I was given a basic curriculum of major writing pieces that had to be accomplished and a basal reader (yuck) for reading. That’s it. So, I leaned on my colleagues for guidance and I am pretty sure they were very annoyed with me! This was pre-Pinterest, pre-Instagram, pre-Teachers Pay Teachers. I consistently asked my colleagues if I could see their lesson plans, borrow their packets, etc. In reflection, I regret doing that. Those teachers worked hard to develop their curriculum and I essentially expected them to hand it to me. In their eyes, they probably felt as if I was taking their hard work and using it, and I don’t blame them for animosity, if they had any. In all honestly, it was simply because I was clueless and had no confidence. (If they are reading this, I am sorry! You guys were amazingly patient with me and I hope you understand it wasn’t because I was lazy; I was learning).

Confidence was something I always struggled with, but I don’t think new teachers SHOULD go in overly confident. I’ve met some new teachers who think they know everything already, and that’s not a good. They need to ask their fellow teachers for guidance, but should not ask them to use their materials. This was a mistake I made, but when make mistakes happen, we learn from them.

Eventually, after that first year, I started gaining more confidence. I moved to new district. It still took me a couple more years to feel like I knew what I was doing. Now, I actually write curriculum for my district. I am solely responsible for what happens in my 6th grade classroom.

I use Reading and Writing Workshop in my classroom . I do not stick to it fully and over time, have added my own twists. I also do a reading unit fully, then a writing unit fully. With 81-minute blocks, I like to really use that time fully to focus on whatever skill we are doing that day.

This is the basic structure of each day:

Each day starts with 15 minutes of independent reading .

Then, I teach the mini-lesson/skill of focus . I use a mentor text and do whatever I expect the kids to do. This typically takes anywhere from 10-20 minutes.

Usually, students then go off to do the skill with a partner . This is about 10 minutes.

Following partner work, we meet back at the mat for a few minutes to regroup/reteach .

They then go off on their own to do the skill with their books or writing piece .

Lastly, I do some kind of grammar at the end of the block for about 15 minutes . In the past, I’ve done No Red Ink, Moby Max, and mentor sentences. This year, I am doing interactive notebooks from Teacher Thrive .

Where do all the books come from?

Since I do Reading Workshop, students are always reading in REAL books . I have a classroom library, but for book clubs, I require students to get books from the public library or I get a bunch of books on my card. Yes, it’s a bit of a pain in the neck, but it gets my students into book they WANT to read. If it means I have to go out of my way, I will.

what should a 6th grade essay look like

I work very closely with public libraries. A month before book clubs start, I give my students a list of books in the genre of study. They then choose what books they want in a Google Form. My lists are usually lengthy and I'm open to letting them choose others. Once I compile all the forms, I try to group students into books they want and do some negotiating. Then, I make a list of groups and the books they are going to read. I send this list to the librarian and she orders all the books for me. She keeps the books behind the desk. Students come in, ask her for the book, check out and walk out. As long as they have a card and can get to the library within a month before the unit, it’s easy. Yes, they have to return them at some point, and yes I get parents pushing back, but they need to learn responsibility. If it’s a true hardship, I just get or return the books for them.

My Pacing Guide

what should a 6th grade essay look like

A Deep Study of Character : This is a Lucy Calkins Unit of Study for middle school. This one, I follow pretty closely to the book. I spend time working on inferencing, point-of-view, perspective, empathy, and more.

Students are reading from any fiction book for this.

Click here for my digital character unit.

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Narrative Writing in Response to Fiction: This is my first writing unit. I originally did this unit to get kids state test ready because this was how they were supposed to respond narratively on the PARCC. I still like to do it because it gets the kids to think about their reading in a different light.

For about two weeks, we spend time writing continuation stories. They write new stories using story structure that could continue after a short story they read. Think of it as another chapter.

Then, I spend the rest of October doing point-of-view stories. They choose a short story to write from the perspective of another character in the story.

Within this unit, I focus a lot of mini-lessons on narrative writing skills and connecting their stories to originals.

Click here for my digital narrative unit.

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Social Issues Book Clubs : This is another Lucy Calkins unit that I follow closely. I give them a list of books under specific issues (Calkins’ unit has an extensive list or I hop onto my Facebook groups). I use the book Faceless as my mentor text.

I focus on similar skills from September, but really get into theme. They also do a lot of collaborative work on the issue their books focus on.

Click here for my digital social issues unit .

what should a 6th grade essay look like


Research, Research Essay, and Informational Book: This is a massive unit! I spend a good three weeks on research skills. This is a mash-up of Lucy Calkins units ( Tapping the Power of Non-Fiction and Research-Based Information Writing: Books, Websites, and Presentations ), but I’ve tweaked this over the years. A month before, I let students decide what topic they want to research. I give them about 5 topics to choose from based on the Calkins’ units. I group them and give them a list of books to choose from to get from the library. Again, they have a month to get the books.

I then spend up to Christmas break on non-fiction skills for research (main idea, text features, summarizing, text structure). Then, when they come back, they write an essay on their topic. Lastly, they spend half of January creating an eBook on the topic with their peers who have the same topic.

Click here for my digital research unit.

what should a 6th grade essay look like


Dystopian Book Clubs: Yet again, another Lucy Calkins Unit of Study . This unit tends to be geared toward upper middle, but I like to take the plunge with my 6th graders. I mostly focus on setting and power. I use Among the Hidden as my mentor text. It’s a great introduction to dystopian books. I do this for the second half of January and beginning of February.

Click her for my digital dystopian unit.

what should a 6th grade essay look like


Literary Analysis Essays: After our February break, I have the students write a comparative essay with their book club books, a dystopian short story, and the movie A Truman Show . I focus on theme (how do all sources show a specific theme).

Click her for my digital literary essay unit.

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Poetry : My focus is close reading. I’ve gathered a ton of poems into one digital notebook. We work on reading the poems several times and applying typical poetry skills (mostly figurative language). I also focus on song lyrics and let them write some poetry, too.

Click here for my digital poetry unit .

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Debate : I spend about two weeks on this. I use Newsela and Commonlit articles to prepare for debates. We spend a week discussing the ins and outs of debates, then a week prepping and performing a debate.

Click here for my digital debate unit .

Test Prep : I do about a week of this. That’s it.

Click here for some of my test prep.

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Graphic Novels: I let them choose any graphic novel they want, as long as it’s fantasy. My unit focuses on the complexity of graphic novels (because they’re not as easy as everyone thinks!). I then focus on fantasy components.

Click here for my digital graphic novel unit.

what should a 6th grade essay look like

Fantasy Writing: Last unit of the year! Students plan and write fantasy stories! I like to kick this off with showing them the movie Spirited Away to discuss the hero’s journey.

Click here for my digital fantasy writing unit.

Bottom line:

This can be overwhelming, for sure. I wrote this just to give you a snapshot of what one teacher does. The first thing you have to do is see what your district expects. It’s great when they give you freedom, like my district does. Sometimes, you are bound by a curriculum, but if you want to stray a little, this may give you some ideas.

Want an easy to read PDF of all of this? Click here!

If you're interested in all of these units, you can get them in my bundle below!

what should a 6th grade essay look like

7th Grade Pacing Guide

I taught a 7th grade section of ELA this year, and this blog post outlines what I did. It is not as detailed, as I am still working out the kinks, but it gives you an idea!

what should a 6th grade essay look like


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EL Education Curriculum

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  • ELA 2019 G6:M3:U3

Literary Argument Writing: Gather Evidence and Reflect on Multiple Perspectives

In this unit, ccs standards, the four ts.

  • Habits of Character


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In Unit 3, students begin their work with literary argument essay writing. They apply the Painted Essay® structure to this new type of writing, evaluating how it changes when applied to writing a literary argument. As they have done previously, students deconstruct the model and complete a collaborative practice argument essay. In each lesson, students look at a discrete aspect of the argument essay model and practice using it in their own writing. In response to an open-ended prompt, they brainstorm possible reasons to support two different positions. They collect textual evidence for both sides of the argument and connect the evidence to the reasons with sound reasoning. Finally, students determine their strongest argument and make a claim. Using these skills practiced with a partner, students are then prepared to independently plan and draft an argument essay to answer the prompt: Should Cal return to Challagi Indian Industrial School?

After writing their essay for the mid-unit assessment, students are ready to move towards the culmination of the module, an audio museum exhibit featuring the voices of American Indian boarding school students. First, students will select a text (a poem, personal narrative, etc.) written by a survivor of the boarding schools, one that resonates with them personally. They respond to this reading by writing a preface to provide context and a reflection to explain why the text is meaningful. Using the recording application first introduced in Unit 2, students record themselves reading their preface, text, and reflection aloud using proper and respectful intonation, volume, and pacing. This recording will be used for both the performance task and the End of Unit 3 Assessment. Students record two versions of their performance task contribution and then reflect on and self-assess each for their volume, pronunciation and language use. Students use their observations about their first attempt to improve their performance on the second attempt. Finally, they listen to a peer’s second recording and reflect on and paraphrase the content and assess their peer’s volume, pronunciation, and language use in that second performance.

To showcase their recordings, the class prepares listening stations where guests of the audio museum can listen and learn about American Indian boarding schools. Learning from the module and the performance task synthesizes in a concluding whole class discussion about the importance of honoring diverse experiences and perspectives.

Please note: For the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum, there are Teaching Notes for each unit that contain helpful information for supporting English language learners. These overview notes complement the more specific English language learner supports and differentiated materials within each lesson. You will find the Teaching Notes in the Unit download below.

Reading—Literary Text

  • RL.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • RL.6.3: Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
  • RL.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Reading—Informational Text

  • RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • RI.6.6: Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.
  • W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
  • W.6.1a: Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.
  • W.6.1b: Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
  • W.6.1c: Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons.
  • W.6.1d: Establish and maintain a formal style.
  • W.6.1e: Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the argument presented.
  • W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)
  • W.6.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of three pages in a single sitting.
  • W.6.9a: Apply grade 6 Reading standards to literature (e.g., "Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres [e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories] in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics").
  • W.6.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Speaking and Listening

  • SL.6.2: Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
  • SL.6.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 6 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific expectations.)
  • L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  • L.6.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
  • L.6.3b: Maintain consistency in style and tone.
  • L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
  • Topic:  American Indian boarding schools
  • Write a literary argument essay (W.6.1, W.6.4, W.6.5, W.6.6, W.6.9a, W.6.10, L.6.2, L.6.3, L.6.6) about whether or not Cal should return to Challagi Indian Industrial School (RL.6.1, RL.6.3, RL.6.10), using reasons and evidence to defend a claim.
  • Record a performance task contribution and then reflect on and self-assess for (W.6.10) volume, pronunciation and language use (SL.6.2, SL.6.6, L.6.6). Provide feedback on a peer's recording (RI.6.1, RI.6.6, W.6.10).
  • Targets: RL.6.1, RL.6.3, RL.6.10, RI.6.1, RI.6.6, W.6.1, W.6.4, W.6.6, W.6.9a, W.6.10, SL.6.2, SL.6.6, L.6.2, L.6.3b, L.6.6 (optional L.6.1)
  • Texts:   Two Roads by Joseph Bruchac

Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.

Habits of Character/Social-Emotional Learning Focus

Central to the EL Education curriculum is a focus on "habits of character" and social-emotional learning. Students work to become effective learners, developing mindsets and skills for success in college, career, and life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration); work to become ethical people, treating others well and standing up for what is right (e.g., empathy, integrity, respect, compassion); and work to contribute to a better world, putting their learning to use to improve communities (e.g., citizenship, service).

Students focus on becoming effective learners by persevering as they read and analyze a model essay, then collaborate with a peer to plan and draft an essay as practice for the assessment. They contribute to a better world, using their strengths when working with a partner to give and receive feedback on their recordings.

Most importantly, students work to become ethical people by showing respect and compassion when they listen to and reflect upon the recordings of their classmates during the audio museum. Through this performance task, students contribute to a better world by acting as witnesses to this time period, highlighting the experiences and amplifying the voices of American Indian boarding school students.

Each unit is made up of a sequence of between 10-18 lessons. The Unit-at-a-Glance charts, available on the grade-level landing pages, break down each unit's lessons, showing CCS standards, agenda breakdown, daily learning targets, and ongoing assessments. The charts also indicate which lessons include mid- and end of unit assessments and the performance task.

View the unit-at-a-glance chart

Texts and resources that need to be procured. Please download the Required Trade Books and Resources Procurement List for procurement guidance.

Text or Resource Quantity ISBNs
one per student

See full list of texts, including recommended texts

Review the Argument Writing checklist and Model Literary Argument Essay to become familiar with what students will be required to do in this unit (see Lesson 1 supporting materials).

Determine if students will be allowed to type their literary argument essays, and arrange the necessary devices for them to do so.

Considerations for the Performance Task:

  • Preread the personal narratives provided for students to use as their End of Unit 3 Speaking and Listening Assessment (see Lesson 12). Consider adding more options to the list (i.e., adding excerpts from the Independent Research Reading text list.)
  • Determine what technology is needed for students to record their readings. Preview audio recording tools, such as or .
  • Gather equipment needed to set up recording stations for each student for use during the End of Unit 3 Assessment.
  • Determine how visitors to the audio museum will listen to the recordings. Preview a QR code generator site such as if planning to use codes to link to audio files.
  • Plan ahead for the performance task; secure a location to set up the audio museum and invite guests from the community, offering specific details about the event.
  • Create a model of the types of visuals one might display at their listening station, such as images of the boarding schools or of the author of the text chosen to be recorded.

The following material is introduced in this unit and referenced throughout both the module and the school year:

  • Characteristics of Effective Argument Writing anchor chart

ELA 2019 G6:M3:U3:L1

Analyze a model literary argument essay, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l2, gather evidence and plan collaborative literary argument essay, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l3, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft an introduction, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l4, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft proof paragraph 1, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l5, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft proof paragraph 2, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l6, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft conclusion, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l7, gather evidence and plan independent literary argument essay, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l8, mid-unit 3 assessment: write a literary argument essay (lessons 8-9), ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l10, prepare for performance task: analyze a model and select a text, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l11, plan performance task: audio museum, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l12, end of unit 3 assessment: rehearse and refine performance task recording, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l13, participate in performance task: audio museum.

Copyright © 2013-2024 by EL Education, New York, NY.

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How to Do a 6th Grade Research Paper

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While attending the sixth grade, students begin to learn in-depth writing skills, proper notation of sources and researching skills, and will often be assigned to write research papers. The research paper has a few basic elements all sixth-grade students must keep in mind while writing: topic selection, researching information, citation of sources, outlining and preparation work, rough drafts, revision and final draft.

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  • Pick a topic
  • Find research materials
  • Take notes about the topic
  • Write an outline
  • Write the paper
  • Create a works cited page
  • Edit the paper for clarity
  • Write the final draft

1 Pick a topic

Pick a topic. While teachers will assign a general subject area to choose from, such as historical figures or events, the student must pick the final topic. Select three preferred and obtain teacher approval for the one you like best.

2 Find research materials

Find research materials. Usually, teachers will require at least one book source, but different teachers will have different specifics for preferred research methods. Online resources and books are among the most common research options. Magazines, journals and similar periodicals are also appropriate.

3 Take notes about the topic

Take notes about the topic. Put any citation information, such as book title, author, date published or website address on the first card or page of notes. If writing a quote or mentioning statistics, write the page number or location of the data on the card. Number cards in sources to keep track of information.

4 Write an outline

Write an outline. This is a basic guideline for organizing the information from the research. For example, if researching an event, write the information according to the times different parts of the event took place. Outlines contain main points and support for the points. Each paragraph should have one main point and some support of the point. If using a quote, numerical data or a paraphrase, put the page number and source information to the side.

5 Write the paper

Write the paper. Use the outline to form the paper. The introduction should give a brief description of the content within the paper and a strong statement about the topic. The body, which usually contains two or three paragraphs, should have one main point that supports the introductory point and supporting statements after the main point. The conclusion is similar to the introduction, but in a backwards order summarizing the information in the paper.

6 Create a works cited page

Create a works cited page. This is the page where the sources for the research paper are placed. The sources should be in alphabetical order and should contain all of the information about the sources, such as author name, publishing dates and titles.

7 Edit the paper for clarity

Edit the paper for clarity, grammar, spelling and style.

8 Write the final draft

Write the final draft. Use the corrections and rewrite the paper to fix the mistakes. Make a cover page, which includes the title of the paper, the student's name, teacher's name, the class and due date.

  • 1 Wayzata Public Schools: Research Paper
  • 2 Lees Summit School District: Writing

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What do writing assignments look like for 6th graders?

Is this grade level they start writing essays? How long do they usually have to write? I’m assuming they’re a little too young for 500- word essays lol

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How the War in Gaza Disrupted an Elite Private School

The Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School, like similar institutions across the city, was consumed by strife over how to manage education about the conflict.

A red flag hangs from the entrance to Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School.

By Katherine Rosman

This spring, 30 ninth graders from a progressive private school near Greenwich Village went on a field trip.

There was nothing unusual about venturing out into New York City to boost their classroom studies. At the school, Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School, this sort of experiential learning was so routine that few parents were even notified of the destination: The People’s Forum in Midtown Manhattan, a hub for gatherings of left-wing activists. Its executive director has called for the destruction of Israel.

Afterward, parents were flabbergasted to learn where the students were taken, and what they were told.

During their visit, a People’s Forum employee gave the students a 90-minute lecture on the perils of America’s support for Israel and Ukraine. The students were “a captive audience who were subjected to anti-Israel and anti-American propaganda,” according to a grievance report filed by a parent and shared with school leadership. A handful of Jewish students walked out during the presentation, upset.

Later, the head of school, Phil Kassen, sent a message to parents acknowledging that he had been aware of the plan and taking responsibility for what he said was an error in judgment. “I could have stopped this trip,” he wrote. “I didn’t.” It was not his first apology this school year.

In the eight months since Hamas attacked Israel and Israel retaliated with a military campaign in Gaza, private schools across New York have been disrupted by strife over how to manage education about the war, political expression by faculty and students, and accusations of antisemitism and Islamophobia.

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    Writing Standard 1-6th Grade. W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Establish a thesis statement to present an argument. Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly. Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding ...

  10. PDF Grade 6 English Language Arts Inform/Explain

    "What should good student writing at this grade level look like?" The answer lies in the writing itself. The Writing Standards in Action Project uses high quality student writing samples to illustrate what performance to grade level standards looks like—in action. Grade 6 English Language Arts Inform/Explain (Short Research Essay)

  11. How to Write a Literary Essay in 6th Grade

    Writing a literary essay in the sixth grade is a fairly straightforward process that should take only a few hours to complete. In middle school, students traditionally use the five-paragraph essay format, which is organized as follows: an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. The essay should normally be between one ...

  12. 50 Engaging 6th Grade Writing Prompts for Thoughtful Essays

    These prompts will help your sixth graders learn the essentials of procedural writing. 26. Make a user guide for anything you use frequently (e.g., your computer, smartphone, video game console). 27. Write a set of instructions for cleaning your room. 28.

  13. 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    Welcome to our 6th grade writing prompts! Sixth grade brings more opportunity for learning, growing, and maturity. It's important to ignite a love of writing through a variety of writing opportunities and topics that are both relevant and thought-provoking. Use the categories of "Adventure," "Video Games," "Music," "Patience ...

  14. PDF (Essay Written as a Spring Benchmark Sample)

    "What should good student writing at this grade level look like?" The answer lies in the writing itself. The Writing Standards in Action Project uses high quality student writing samples to illustrate what performance to grade level standards looks like—in action. Grade 6 English Language Arts Opinion / Argument (Essay Written as a Spring

  15. What your 6th grader should have learned

    By the end of 6th grade, kids should be able to: Express an opinion in writing and back it up with evidence from researched sources. Write an informational essay with an introduction and a conclusion that explains a topic using information gleaned from research. Type three or more pages in one sitting. Paraphrase what they've read in writing ...

  16. The Guide to 6th Grade: Reading and Writing

    The ultimate goal of the 6th grade reading curriculum is for students to read increasingly complex texts over the course of the year, preparing them for high school, college, and careers beyond. Students read a variety of texts and different genres, including fiction, drama, poetry, and non-fiction. There is a specific emphasis on and increase ...

  17. How To Write A Brilliant 6th Grade Narrative Essay

    Here is a plan to follow in writing a personal narrative: Choose a good topic. This would be based on something from the student's life. The essay will not only tell the story of what happened, it will also include the student's analysis of the story. Should highlight the writer's creative skills in story-telling.

  18. My 6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide and What I Do Everyday

    This is the basic structure of each day: Each day starts with 15 minutes of independent reading. Then, I teach the mini-lesson/skill of focus. I use a mentor text and do whatever I expect the kids to do. This typically takes anywhere from 10-20 minutes. Usually, students then go off to do the skill with a partner.

  19. PDF Grade 6 English Language Arts Narrate

    Writing. Grade 6, Standard 3: W.6.3.a. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an appropriate narrative sequence. A1 Examples: 1. The writer introduces the main character in the first sentence of the narrative (Vanessa woke up with a yawn.).

  20. Literary Argument Writing: Gather Evidence and Reflect on Multiple

    In Unit 3, students begin their work with literary argument essay writing. They apply the Painted Essay® structure to this new type of writing, evaluating how it changes when applied to writing a literary argument. As they have done previously, students deconstruct the model and complete a collaborative practice argument essay. In each lesson, students look at a discrete

  21. How to Do a 6th Grade Research Paper

    While attending the sixth grade, students begin to learn in-depth writing skills, proper notation of sources and researching skills, and will often be assigned to write research papers. The research paper has a few basic elements all sixth-grade students must keep in mind while writing: topic selection, researching ...

  22. What do writing assignments look like for 6th graders?

    This leads into body paragraphs for essays, so during essay writing, your main focus can be intro/conclusion paragraphs. This works for supporting claims with evidence. The last R can be used to teach basic grammar skills or about circular reasoning/faulty logic/choosing good evidence, etc.

  23. How the War in Gaza Disrupted an Elite Private School

    Several days later, Mr. Kassen emailed ninth-grade parents to apologize. "I should not have put the students in the position to visit the organization, both due to their call for the ...