About. Below are downloads (PDF format) of the M.A. (Religion) theses of some of our graduates to date. Note: Certain requirements for current thesis students have changed since earlier theses were completed. Thesis Topic. Student. Year. Trinitarian Scriptures: The Uniqueness of the Bible's Divine Origin. Gregory Cline.
Master of Theology Theses
The Rupture That Remains: A Trauma-Informed Pastoral Theology, Eric Worringer. Theses/Dissertations from 2017 PDF. The Challenge of Being in the Minority: Palestinian Christian Theology in Light of Christian Zionism Post-1948, Medhat S. Yoakiem. Theses/Dissertations from 2016 PDF
Theology Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2012. PDF. Opening First-World Catholic Theology to Third-World Ecofeminism: Aruna Gnanadason and Johann B. Metz in Dialogue, Gretchen Baumgardt. PDF. Love and Lonergan's Cognitional-Intentional Anthropology: An Inquiry on the Question of a "Fifth Level of Consciousness", Jeremy Blackwood.
Open Access Dissertations and Theses
The Open Access Dissertations and Theses Collection consists of electronic versions of dissertations and theses produced by students of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Boyce Digital Library search box searches the full text of these dissertations. The dissertations within this collection are available to all researchers, however ...
School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses
Submissions from 2022 PDF (Graduate Paper) The Role and Characteristic of Love in 1 Corinthians 13, Ninh Van Nguyen PDF (Master's Thesis) Synodality as the Listening Church: Pope Francis Continues and Expands Vatican II's Teaching on Collegiality, Toan Van Phan O.Cist Submissions from 2021 PDF (Graduate Paper) Pauline Theology: The Interdependently Called Body of Christ, Katryna Bertucci
Jesuit School of Theology Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2020. PDF. The Oracle Against Israel (Amos 2:6-8): In the Context of the Oracles Against The Nation (Amos 1:3--2:8), Alfred Emeka Amos. PDF. Discovering the Role of Desire in Ignatian Spirituality for Discernment of Vocation in the Jesuit Candidate House of Vietnam, Pham Dinh Cu. PDF.
Master's Theses
Reason in Theology: a Comparison of Fernando Canale and Wolfhart Pannenberg, Sven Fockner. Master's Theses from 1993 PDF. Quantum Reality: Some Implications for Christian Theology, Charles Chinyoung Choo. Master's Theses from 1990 PDF. Inerrancy and Sovereignty: a Case Study on Carl F. H. Henry, Joseph Karanja. Master's Theses from 1989 PDF
Doctor of Theology Dissertation
Theses/Dissertations from 1992. The Arminian Libertarian Doctrines of Freedom and Responsibility Evaluated According to Biblical-Reformed Doctrine of Sin, Carlos Heber de Campos. Theology of the Pain of God: An Analysis and Evaluation of Kazoh Kitamori's (1916- ) Work in Japanese Protestantism, Akio Hashimoto.
Doctor of Ministry Theses
Recapture the Call: A Theology of Preaching as Proclamation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Tricia L. Tedrow. PDF. Table, Food, Waiter: Preaching the Eucharist to Today's Popular Food Culture, Richard W. Vevia Jr. Theses/Dissertations from 2017 PDF
PhD Dissertations
PhD Dissertations. For more details, including abstracts and PDFs, please see our institutional repository, Digital Georgetown. Mohamed Lamallam, Society, Religion and Political Power: The Theory of ulfa jāmi'a (Social Harmony) in the Socio-Political Works of al-Māwardī (d.450/1058). Advisor: Paul Heck. Arunjana Das, A Hindu-Christian ...
Theology Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2011. PDF. "Poor Maggot-Sack that I Am": The Human Body in the Theology of Martin Luther, Charles Lloyd Cortright. PDF. Intersex and Imago: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Postmodern Theological Anthropology, Megan K. DeFranza. PDF.
Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2021. PDF. A Theological Exploration of Death, Benjamin F. Bruner. PDF. "In Christ:" Participation Language in Paul, Sean Cavender. PDF. A Mentoring Ministry for the Spiritual Development of Youth in Rural Congregations of North Central and Northeast Arkansas, Glen Knabe. PDF.
Divinity thesis and dissertation collection
Manuscripts of John of Damascus on Paul . Flood, David A. (The University of Edinburgh, 2024-06-27) This thesis sets out to determine whether the following three manuscripts constitute a newly identified textual family in Rom 13-1 Cor 4: Gregory-Aland (GA) 0150, GA 2110, and GA 1506. The term "family" refers to a homogeneous ...
PDF Examples of Thesis Statements in Student Papers from Previous Years
(4) A thesis focused on one unit in the context of an overall New Testament writing: The book of Acts is one of only a couple of books in the New Testament that focuses on Christianity's shift from Jewish origins to a Gentile mission. A continuation of the Gospel of Luke, it provides a look at the spread of Christianity across the Mediterranean,
Research Guides: Theology Master's Thesis: Style & Format
Length. Normally, a thesis will be between 15,000 words (roughly 60 pages, assuming double-spacing and 12 pt. font for body text) and 30,000 words (roughly 120 pages), including notes and bibliography. To submit a thesis or dissertation to Loyola Notre Dame Library for inclusion in the Loyola Notre Dame Library Digital Collections:
PDF Christian George PhD thesis
This thesis centers on the doctrine of Christ in the theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon through the lens of Spurgeon's highly developed metaphor, that of Jesus Christ, the "Prince of pilgrims." That no scholarly work has thus analyzed or surveyed Spurgeon's ontological, functional, and exegetical Christologies warrants continued
Systematic Theology
John Frame, professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at RTS, wrote a helpful step-by-step process for how to write a theology paper. You can access it for free here. Michael Jensen ... Once you have your question, the answer to that question can be your beginning thesis statement. This thesis statement, with refining, will begin your ...
15 Theses on Evangelical Theology
What follows are these thesis for each chapter of his systematic theology. (I've added the bullet points and changed the semi-colons to periods.) Part 1. Knowing the Triune God 1. The Creed: Faith Seeking Understanding. Christian theology is a communicative practice of. faith seeking understanding, in response to the Word of the Triune God
Dissertations, Theses, and Projects
This thesis addresses how a pastor who is under a holy calling from God to guard his flock as well as his life and doctrine will sometimes find himself weary and isolated in the process. ... Louis John (The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05) The purpose of this project was to teach the members of Twin City Bible ...
Theological Research and Writing: Research Question and Thesis
Your thesis statement is the short answer to your research question! Topic: Jesus' treatment of gentiles in the gospels. Research Question: What is Jesus' attitude toward gentiles according to the gospels? Thesis Statement: The gospel writers used the words of Christ and narrative accounts of His deeds to show that Jesus saw gentiles as outsiders who were being drawn near with the coming ...
Theses and Dissertation Proposals
A reader for the thesis is assigned from the faculty; the director and reader are responsible for approving the proposal and placing it in the student's file. The student, with the help of a faculty member who serves as director, will prepare a one-page thesis proposal that presents the background, purpose, method, and contribution of the thesis.
Dissertations / Theses: 'Moral theology'
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse moral judgement in Newman's theology by examining his religious epistemology of the judgement of faith which he regularly illustrates with a moral analogy. Chapter one explains the philosophical and theological parameters of his religious epistemology in the 'University Sermons', and 'The Idea of a ...
Research Methods in Systematic Theology
• Exegetical Theology: -Sub-branch of Biblical Theology which focuses on the theological analysis of a passage or book within its socio-historical context and its relationship -E.g., Khin Win Kyi, 2020. The Social Role of Worship: A Reading of Micah 6:1-8, MA Thesis; Luther Seminary 05/06/2023 Daniel Institute MASM; Dr Asumang 10
PDF Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology Academic and Administrative
DSPT Academic and Administrative Calendar, 2024-2025, rev. 2024-08-1 - Page 2 of 5 DSPT Fall 2024 Semester Oct 1 Deadline to file completed and approved copies of theses for DSPT MA for fall graduation Oct 1 Deadline for 2nd-year MA students to complete the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement Oct 9 DSPT Faculty Meeting, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
About. Below are downloads (PDF format) of the M.A. (Religion) theses of some of our graduates to date. Note: Certain requirements for current thesis students have changed since earlier theses were completed. Thesis Topic. Student. Year. Trinitarian Scriptures: The Uniqueness of the Bible's Divine Origin. Gregory Cline.
The Rupture That Remains: A Trauma-Informed Pastoral Theology, Eric Worringer. Theses/Dissertations from 2017 PDF. The Challenge of Being in the Minority: Palestinian Christian Theology in Light of Christian Zionism Post-1948, Medhat S. Yoakiem. Theses/Dissertations from 2016 PDF
Theses/Dissertations from 2012. PDF. Opening First-World Catholic Theology to Third-World Ecofeminism: Aruna Gnanadason and Johann B. Metz in Dialogue, Gretchen Baumgardt. PDF. Love and Lonergan's Cognitional-Intentional Anthropology: An Inquiry on the Question of a "Fifth Level of Consciousness", Jeremy Blackwood.
The Open Access Dissertations and Theses Collection consists of electronic versions of dissertations and theses produced by students of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Boyce Digital Library search box searches the full text of these dissertations. The dissertations within this collection are available to all researchers, however ...
Submissions from 2022 PDF (Graduate Paper) The Role and Characteristic of Love in 1 Corinthians 13, Ninh Van Nguyen PDF (Master's Thesis) Synodality as the Listening Church: Pope Francis Continues and Expands Vatican II's Teaching on Collegiality, Toan Van Phan O.Cist Submissions from 2021 PDF (Graduate Paper) Pauline Theology: The Interdependently Called Body of Christ, Katryna Bertucci
Theses/Dissertations from 2020. PDF. The Oracle Against Israel (Amos 2:6-8): In the Context of the Oracles Against The Nation (Amos 1:3--2:8), Alfred Emeka Amos. PDF. Discovering the Role of Desire in Ignatian Spirituality for Discernment of Vocation in the Jesuit Candidate House of Vietnam, Pham Dinh Cu. PDF.
Reason in Theology: a Comparison of Fernando Canale and Wolfhart Pannenberg, Sven Fockner. Master's Theses from 1993 PDF. Quantum Reality: Some Implications for Christian Theology, Charles Chinyoung Choo. Master's Theses from 1990 PDF. Inerrancy and Sovereignty: a Case Study on Carl F. H. Henry, Joseph Karanja. Master's Theses from 1989 PDF
Theses/Dissertations from 1992. The Arminian Libertarian Doctrines of Freedom and Responsibility Evaluated According to Biblical-Reformed Doctrine of Sin, Carlos Heber de Campos. Theology of the Pain of God: An Analysis and Evaluation of Kazoh Kitamori's (1916- ) Work in Japanese Protestantism, Akio Hashimoto.
Recapture the Call: A Theology of Preaching as Proclamation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Tricia L. Tedrow. PDF. Table, Food, Waiter: Preaching the Eucharist to Today's Popular Food Culture, Richard W. Vevia Jr. Theses/Dissertations from 2017 PDF
PhD Dissertations. For more details, including abstracts and PDFs, please see our institutional repository, Digital Georgetown. Mohamed Lamallam, Society, Religion and Political Power: The Theory of ulfa jāmi'a (Social Harmony) in the Socio-Political Works of al-Māwardī (d.450/1058). Advisor: Paul Heck. Arunjana Das, A Hindu-Christian ...
Theses/Dissertations from 2011. PDF. "Poor Maggot-Sack that I Am": The Human Body in the Theology of Martin Luther, Charles Lloyd Cortright. PDF. Intersex and Imago: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Postmodern Theological Anthropology, Megan K. DeFranza. PDF.
Theses/Dissertations from 2021. PDF. A Theological Exploration of Death, Benjamin F. Bruner. PDF. "In Christ:" Participation Language in Paul, Sean Cavender. PDF. A Mentoring Ministry for the Spiritual Development of Youth in Rural Congregations of North Central and Northeast Arkansas, Glen Knabe. PDF.
Manuscripts of John of Damascus on Paul . Flood, David A. (The University of Edinburgh, 2024-06-27) This thesis sets out to determine whether the following three manuscripts constitute a newly identified textual family in Rom 13-1 Cor 4: Gregory-Aland (GA) 0150, GA 2110, and GA 1506. The term "family" refers to a homogeneous ...
(4) A thesis focused on one unit in the context of an overall New Testament writing: The book of Acts is one of only a couple of books in the New Testament that focuses on Christianity's shift from Jewish origins to a Gentile mission. A continuation of the Gospel of Luke, it provides a look at the spread of Christianity across the Mediterranean,
Length. Normally, a thesis will be between 15,000 words (roughly 60 pages, assuming double-spacing and 12 pt. font for body text) and 30,000 words (roughly 120 pages), including notes and bibliography. To submit a thesis or dissertation to Loyola Notre Dame Library for inclusion in the Loyola Notre Dame Library Digital Collections:
This thesis centers on the doctrine of Christ in the theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon through the lens of Spurgeon's highly developed metaphor, that of Jesus Christ, the "Prince of pilgrims." That no scholarly work has thus analyzed or surveyed Spurgeon's ontological, functional, and exegetical Christologies warrants continued
John Frame, professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at RTS, wrote a helpful step-by-step process for how to write a theology paper. You can access it for free here. Michael Jensen ... Once you have your question, the answer to that question can be your beginning thesis statement. This thesis statement, with refining, will begin your ...
What follows are these thesis for each chapter of his systematic theology. (I've added the bullet points and changed the semi-colons to periods.) Part 1. Knowing the Triune God 1. The Creed: Faith Seeking Understanding. Christian theology is a communicative practice of. faith seeking understanding, in response to the Word of the Triune God
This thesis addresses how a pastor who is under a holy calling from God to guard his flock as well as his life and doctrine will sometimes find himself weary and isolated in the process. ... Louis John (The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05) The purpose of this project was to teach the members of Twin City Bible ...
Your thesis statement is the short answer to your research question! Topic: Jesus' treatment of gentiles in the gospels. Research Question: What is Jesus' attitude toward gentiles according to the gospels? Thesis Statement: The gospel writers used the words of Christ and narrative accounts of His deeds to show that Jesus saw gentiles as outsiders who were being drawn near with the coming ...
A reader for the thesis is assigned from the faculty; the director and reader are responsible for approving the proposal and placing it in the student's file. The student, with the help of a faculty member who serves as director, will prepare a one-page thesis proposal that presents the background, purpose, method, and contribution of the thesis.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse moral judgement in Newman's theology by examining his religious epistemology of the judgement of faith which he regularly illustrates with a moral analogy. Chapter one explains the philosophical and theological parameters of his religious epistemology in the 'University Sermons', and 'The Idea of a ...
• Exegetical Theology: -Sub-branch of Biblical Theology which focuses on the theological analysis of a passage or book within its socio-historical context and its relationship -E.g., Khin Win Kyi, 2020. The Social Role of Worship: A Reading of Micah 6:1-8, MA Thesis; Luther Seminary 05/06/2023 Daniel Institute MASM; Dr Asumang 10
DSPT Academic and Administrative Calendar, 2024-2025, rev. 2024-08-1 - Page 2 of 5 DSPT Fall 2024 Semester Oct 1 Deadline to file completed and approved copies of theses for DSPT MA for fall graduation Oct 1 Deadline for 2nd-year MA students to complete the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement Oct 9 DSPT Faculty Meeting, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.