Public Policy Theses and Dissertations

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  • No Thumbnail Available Item AN INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT OF THE FUTURE “HYDROGEN ECONOMY”: DECARBONIZATION POTENTIAL, SOCIETAL IMPLICATIONS, AND POLICY APPROACHES ( 2024 ) O'Rourke, Patrick Robert ; Hultman, Nathan ; Public Policy ; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland ; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) Show more Recently clean hydrogen has captured the attention of policy communities, as evidenced by the publication of hydrogen “roadmaps” or “strategies” by dozens of nations. This is partly because it can be produced from numerous primary energy resources and utilized in a plethora of ways to enable decarbonization. However, there remain open questions as to how the energy carrier should contribute toward carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation. Additionally, less is known about its impacts on other societal objectives and whether government plans for hydrogen are driven by realistic expectations regarding its ability to facilitate emissions reductions. This dissertation involves three studies which simulate energy transitions within the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM), each aiming to help illuminate hydrogen’s potential impact on society. First, clean hydrogen supply and demand within the context of decarbonization is investigated. In this research, it is found that hydrogen could be a decentralized energy carrier, as a large portion of its production is enabled by onsite production (i.e., at the location of the end user). In terms of demand, although it will represent a smaller portion of global final energy compared to alternatives, hydrogen enables CO2 mitigation in difficult-to-electrify end uses (e.g., satiating demand for industrial high-temperature heat). The second topic of this dissertation examines hydrogen’s potential implications for the water-energy-food nexus. It is found that clean hydrogen production is unlikely to be a large source of water demand, however, its availability in the forthcoming energy transition could cause larger indirect changes in water demand for many regions of the world. Additionally, clean hydrogen availability is found to enable lower staple crop prices, as it provides a method of reducing CO2 associated with fertilizer manufacturing. Lastly, this dissertation analyzed the Japanese and Korean national hydrogen plans. Aligning with the results from the first research topic of this work, hydrogen’s use within their economies is lower than alternative decarbonization strategies (e.g., direct electrification). As a result, the national plans of both nations are found to be overestimating the scale of hydrogen supply. Further, both countries are generally setting numerical goals for hydrogen deployment in areas of the economy that are less economically efficient compared to alternative sectors where it could both facilitate decarbonization as well as bolster their economies. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item ARE CANADA’S NET-ZERO PLANS ACHIEVABLE, PRUDENT, AND DURABLE? ( 2024 ) O'Keefe, Kowan ; Sprinkle, Robert ; Public Policy ; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland ; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) Show more Canada is a major oil- and gas-producing country that has committed into law the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions economy-wide by 2050. Yet the prospect of reduced Canadian oil production has major domestic political and economic implications. Climate change mitigation requires sustained policy engagement, and so policymakers must endeavor to make climate policy that is politically durable. Scenario analysis is a vital decision-support tool for understanding these transition dynamics associated with pursuit of net zero. The first paper in this dissertation explores transition dynamics for Canada across several scenarios with detailed policy representation for achieving net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 using the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM), an open-source multi-sector dynamics model. The results highlight the importance of effective policy implementation and the variation in transition dynamics attributable to socioeconomic and technological assumptions, carbon dioxide removal scalability, and non-CO2 mitigation. The second paper in this dissertation uses GCAM to examine the sensitivity of Canadian oil production to several external forces in pursuit of net zero. The results show that forces outside of Canada’s control are highly determinative of future oil production levels in Canada. But if Canada moves toward net-zero GHG emissions on its announced timeline, it can reduce the magnitude of the additional declines in Canadian oil production attributable to external forces. Such a move would give Canada greater autonomy to shape transition outcomes in a way that best balances domestic societal priorities. The alternative would be for external forces to thrust a transition upon Canada without regard for such domestic concerns. The third paper in this dissertation examines how these domestic political forces impact Canada’s pursuit of net zero using archival analysis followed by scenario analysis in GCAM. The results of the qualitative policy analysis highlight that a little more than one third (9 of 26) of the modeled policies are less likely to be politically durable, because they fail tests of pan-political acceptability or pan-regional acceptability or both. Reductions in net GHG emissions are significantly smaller in modeled current-policy scenarios where these nine policies are rolled back after 2025. Accordingly, the policies identified as less likely to be politically durable demand greater focus to build stronger cross-party and cross-regional support. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item THE ROLES AND IMPLICATIONS OF AGRICULTURAL AND ENERGY RESOURCES TRADE IN A CLIMATE CHANGE-MITIGATING WORLD ( 2024 ) Yarlagadda, Brinda ; Hultman, Nathan E. ; Public Policy ; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland ; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) Show more Global dependence on agricultural and energy resources trade has grown significantly in the past several decades. In the coming decades, the roles and implications of international trade of various commodities will change, influenced by and important for achieving climate mitigation goals. As globalization increases, new energy technologies emerge, and new climate-oriented trade policies are enacted, there is a need to understand the resulting implications (opportunities and vulnerabilities) on exporters and importers. I present three essays that use the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM) to evaluate future, inter-regional trade dynamics in a climate-mitigating world. Essay 1 focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a key agricultural exporting region. I show that agricultural market integration (i.e., the reduction of trade barriers) and climate mitigation policies could increase agricultural production and trade opportunities for many LAC economies (particularly in southern South America). Total net export revenue across LAC could reach $110-$270 billion annually by 2050. However, these opportunities could also pose significant economic and environmental trade-offs, including emissions reduction challenges, potential loss of livestock production, increased consumer expenditures, and deforestation and water scarcity pressures. Essay 2 explores the role of liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade as a rapidly emerging technology compared to pipeline natural gas. I analyze how advances in LNG technology, limitations on trade, and climate mitigation policies could affect global and regional vulnerabilities in energy supply. Globally, new additions in LNG and pipeline export infrastructure, range from 330-1330 and 130-440 million tons per annum (MTPA), respectively, by 2050 across scenarios, with the lower end of this range achieved through a transition to a net-zero energy system and limited trade. The results also highlight diverging risks for different gas exporters. For example, Russia, which produces gas largely for pipeline exports, may face larger underutilization due to advances in LNG technology and geopolitical shifts than regions oriented towards domestic and LNG markets, such as the USA and Middle East. Essay 3 evaluates whether import-restrictions on deforestation linked oil crops (i.e., oil palm and soybean) can be effective in reducing deforestation and land use change (LUC) emissions as well as their broader economic implications. I find that current EU restrictions will likely have minimal impact. If extended beyond the EU, import restrictions could drive reductions in cumulative LUC emissions in key oil-crop exporting regions— up to 0.9% in Indonesia, 1.5% in the rest of Southeast Asia, 3.8% in Argentina and 6.7% in Brazil, relative to a scenario with no import restrictions. However, these key exporters could also face losses ranging $4.1-$61 billion in cumulative agricultural production revenue by 2050. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item UNDERSTANDING NONPROFITS’ USE OF DEBT INSTRUMENTS TO FINANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS: PERSPECTIVES FROM THE LANSCAPE OF NONPROFIT BOND FINANCE, NONPROFIT CAPITAL STRUCTURE, AND TAX-EXEMPT BOND CREDIT RATINGS ( 2024 ) Sun, Qingqing ; Bies, Angela ; Public Policy ; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland ; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) Show more This dissertation delves into the significant challenges nonprofit organizations face in accessing tax-exempt bond markets—a vital resource for financing their capital projects and expanding services, particularly in capital-intensive sectors like hospitals and housing-related nonprofits. Although these bonds are intended to provide cost-effective capital for public service entities, nonprofits encounter greater borrowing obstacles than governmental entities, a phenomenon insufficiently studied due to data limitations. To bridge this research gap, my study leverages a unique dataset combining IRS 990 Schedule K forms and municipal bond data, thereby enriching our comprehension of nonprofit financing in the bond market. The overarching question of this research is why nonprofits choose particular debt instruments over others for their capital funding needs and to identify the barricades that hinder more nonprofits from leveraging the municipal bond market efficiently. The first essay examines the nonprofit bond issuance landscape, identifying disparities in interest rates, underwriter fees, and bond rating acquisition among various nonprofit sectors. Notably, charter schools and senior housing nonprofits face higher interest and issuance costs and exhibit lower tendencies to obtain bond ratings, pivotal for signaling creditworthiness and reducing interest rates. Furthermore, there's a uniformly low tendency across all subsectors to obtain credit enhancements, indicating nonprofits' difficulties in persuading credit enhancement agencies willing to take over their default. The reluctance to secure bond ratings and credit enhancements highlights a systemic issue within nonprofit financing, potentially escalating financial risks. The second essay scrutinizes nonprofits' financial decisions concerning mortgages, tax-exempt bonds, and insider loans through the lens of static trade-off (STT) and pecking order theories (POT). Analysis via a Heckman selection model indicates that nonprofits with more diverse revenue streams and with stable source of income have increased usage of mortgages with lower issuance costs and greater repayment flexibility, aligning with STT. Conversely, these nonprofits are less inclined to use tax-exempt bonds, a finding that aligns POT. The results challenge conventional capital structure theories and underscoring the need for novel theoretical perspectives. The third essay explores the impacts of nonprofits' financial conditions on their bond credit ratings. Ordered probit regression with the Heckman selection correction reveal that nonprofits’ tendency towards financial leanness contributes to low bond crediting ratings. Specifically, minimized profits, operating revenue, and cash flows, combined with over-dependence on donations and program revenue lead to weaker credit ratings. This scenario reveals a paradox where financial prudence, intended to foster donor confidence, inadvertently signals limited debt repayment capacity to credit rating agencies, inflating borrowing costs. Collectively, these essays contribute significantly to understanding the financial barriers impeding nonprofits' effective use of tax-exempt bonds, underscoring a high-risk perception regarding nonprofit bonds among investors and financial agencies. The insights garnered from this dissertation also underscore critical areas for future research and policymaking, aimed at facilitating more equitable and efficient capital access for nonprofits, thereby enhancing their ability to serve marginalized communities and fulfill their mission-driven objectives. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item THREE ESSAYS ON DECARBONIZATION STRATEGIES ( 2024 ) Luo, Kaifang ; Qiu, Yueming ; Public Policy ; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland ; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) Show more Efforts toward decarbonization are vital to achieving future net-zero carbon emissions. Managing energy demand, shifting from fossil fuels to low-carbon sources such as renewables, and deploying carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies are all effective decarbonization strategies. This dissertation comprises three essays exploring demand-side decarbonization strategies.Essay 1 evaluates the effectiveness of the electricity rate structure. This essay examines whether commercial consumers respond to nonlinear pricing schedules. I investigate a four-tiered rate structure from 5/1/2013 to 12/31/2016 in Phoenix Metropolitan, Arizona, including 597 commercial accounts. Hourly electricity consumption data makes it possible to detect consumption changes at each cutoff. This essay finds that consumers with higher usage tend to be more sensitive to average prices, while consumers with lower usage are more sensitive to marginal prices. The results indicate that nonlinear rate structures can reduce electricity consumption, particularly for commercial consumers with lower energy demand. Furthermore, policymakers should tailor conservation policies differently for commercial electricity consumers to manage energy demand. Essay 2 investigates the co-adoption of renewable technologies. While market and behavioral factors have been attributed to the low adoption rate of low-carbon technologies, one factor has yet to be fully explored - the network of renewable energy actors. This essay focuses on the residential co-adoption of solar PV and battery storage. The results confirm the importance of central coordinators and the need for highly cooperative groups among involved RE actors to advocate for co-adoption. Policymakers or policy entrepreneurs may serve as a bridge between isolated actors in the network or facilitate closed-loop relationships between allies, thereby facilitating technological diffusion in the solar and battery sectors. Essay 3 examines the impact of CCUS technologies. A CCUS supply chain captures CO2 and delivers it to a suitable location where CO2 can either be used or injected deep underground for long-term storage. While it reduces carbon emissions, it also poses risks to local communities. This essay examines the net impact of CCUS projects. By combining nationwide CCUS data with property-level transaction data between 1990 and 2021, this essay finds that residents living within 4.2 km of a CCUS facility enjoy an average price premium of 4.14% (or $9,673). Interviews with real estate agents near CCUS projects indicate their positive impact may be attributed to job creation and housing demand. Policymakers can use the information about possible price premiums to influence local perceptions of CCUS technologies and to promote their global deployment. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF EXPENSE DISAGGREGATION AS A FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TOOL IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH A MIXED METHODS APPROACH ( 2024 ) Baker, Dylan R ; Joyce, Philip ; Public Policy ; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland ; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) Show more This mixed methods dissertation investigates the impact that cost-disaggregating tools like the Delaware Cost Study (DCS) have on the expenditure patterns at large, public research universities. It draws on public budgeting and higher education finance literature to form a theory of action that hypothesizes that expense management at such institutions will result in the internal realignment of resources but will not alter the total amount spent. The quantitative model employs a 15-year panel data set comprised of financial and operational activity data for 69 R1 universities to tests the influence of DCS participation against this idea. The primary quantitative outcome shows that total costs are indeed not altered by cost disaggregation efforts, but that spending at universities employing such approaches is, on average, higher for Instruction and Scholarships and lower for Institutional Support and Student Service activities than the spending at non-DCS participants. The results inform the contrasting case selection strategy that highlights three similar constituted universities with differing quantitative results in an extensive interview-based qualitative analysis. The interviews detail the varied positive and negative outcomes of the use of DCS and similar tools, sheds light as to why the quantitative results occurred at each university, and documents the commonalities. Recommendations derived from the combined results of the two research methods signal key tenets that policy makers may utilize to enhance the effectiveness of public financial management for large, complex state-sponsored universities. Show more

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UKnowledge > Graduate School > Martin School of Public Policy and Administration > Theses & Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations--Public Policy and Administration

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.





Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023



A Multilevel Jurisdictional Analysis of the Impact of Walmart on Host Communities , Matt Young

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022


Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Two Essays on Governments Devolving Fiscal Authority to Lower-Level Actors , Jinsol Park

Three Essays on Tax Compliance in Indonesia , Himawan Saputro



Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Home Rule, Local Autonomy, And Municipal Government Behavior , Xin Chen

Move or Improve? Place, Policy, and Educator Labor Markets , Cory Curl

Essays on Economic Development Policies , Hakyeon Lee


Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019





Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018






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PhD Dissertations in Public Policy

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Public Administration Doctoral Dissertations

Dissertations/capstones from 2024 2024.

Transformational Leadership for a Remote Work Environment – Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era , Liza Craig

Impact on Abortion Rates: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Planned Parenthood’s Refusal of Title X Family Planning Funding , Carrissa Griffing

Community Integration Experiences of Formerly Homeless Persons with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Housed in Washington DC using the Housing First Model , Gwendolyn Harter

Land Use Policy Impact on Health Equity in Rural America Counties , Shayla Holmes

Diagnosing Market Inefficiency: The Impact of Consolidation in the Private Health Insurance Market on Healthcare Costs in the United States , Zachary Ising

Power to Elect: Voter Perception of Accessibility in North Carolina , Kristi Langford

Community Cultural Wealth and its Impact on Pandemic Relief Funding for Small Businesses , Brett Smith

Securing U.S. Critical Infrastructure: Evaluating the Function of a Cybersecurity Defense-in-Depth Strategy to Maintain the Security and Resilience of Energy Infrastructure Against Cyberattacks and Geopolitical Risks , Dion Stovall

The Impact and Effectiveness of Welfare Programs in Reducing Poverty in South Asia , Lamar Stovall

Examining Academic Partnerships: An Explanatory Sequential Design of the Perceptions and Impacts of Homeland Security’s Engagement with Higher Education Institutions , Frederick Turner

Dissertations/Capstones from 2023 2023

How can the Baka people of the Southern Region of Cameroon be empowered to participate in the design, monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of programs to reduce poverty in their community? , TIMOTHY ABORA

Descriptive Analysis of Open Government Practices of Four Mid-Sized Cities in New York State , Brian Bray

An Analysis of the Contracted Service Providers of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) , Elsie Chocho

Sustaining Equitable Child Welfare Policies in Foster Care: Perspectives from Non-profit Support Professional and their Role in Multidisciplinary Policy Collaboration , Shirley Dews

Is Nuisance Abatement "Broken Windows" Policing? Searching for Code Enforcement's Impact on Crime , Shane Diller

Evaluating Assertiveness, Support, and Gameplay Patterns by California Rural County Departments in Acquiring Budgetary Resources , Janet Dutcher

Using Input from Administrative Staff to Make Cost-Effective Decisions for Telecommuting, Technology, and Productivity during the COVID-19 Era , Chika Egemba

Term Limits: An Argument for the Senate , Deanna Ferry

The Impact COVID-19 on the Healthcare Industry’s Systems and Policies: A Case Study , Jameyshia Franklin

Reading Proficiency As A Public Policy Agenda Indicator: The Importance Of Reading Ability On The Educational Outcomes Of Students And The Collateral Effects To Society , Mark Jaronczyk

A Case Study of Cross-Sector Collaboration in Community Schools in Central Pennsylvania , Jesscia Knapp

Centering Consumer Dignity Within Volunteer Operations , Meghan Loftus

The Powerful Actors Of The Criminal Justice System: Understanding Prosecutorial Discretion From The Viewpoint of Prosecutors. A Public Administrator's Perspective , Ja'von Long

Unbounding Rationality: Observing and Mitigating K-12 Public Education Administrators’ Cognitive Bias , Julie K. Mesaros

Economic Impact of Land Use Planning (Transit-Oriented Development): A Comparative Analysis , Sam M

Succession and Workforce Planning in Small to Mid-Size Academic Libraries in the United States , Kaci Resau

Quality Check: How Good is Your Emergency Management Program? , Kesley Richardson

Navigators as a Means of Overcoming Administrative Burdens: A Quantitative Study of State-Administered Federal Assistance Programs , Jonathan Sternesky

Diversity Matters: Federal Executives’ Influence , Will Williams

Dissertations/Capstones from 2022 2022

United States Leadership and Collaborative Actions Challenges SARS COVID-19 , Omar Aldabagh

U.S. Families and Mothers Deserve Better .......! , Emmanuel Asante

The Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Job Performance in the Embassy of the Central African Republic in Washington D.C , Xaverie Sandrine Biloa

Why Students Choose a Small Rural State-Owned Institution of Higher Education , Emmalyn Myra Borst Conti

Let’s Talk About Trust: Exploring the Importance of Communication in Building and Maintaining Public Trust in Local Government , Amanda M. Cantlin

Collaborating in Crisis: A Case Study on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Georgia Pre-Kindergarten Program Providers , Arlene Charles

Community Bonding for Ex-Offenders: The Importance of Recreational Social Activities on the Post-Incarceration reentry Process , Mfon-Obong Edet

Assessment Limitations and the Disparate Impact of Tax Policy on Minoritized Communities , Michael Fouassier

Pennsylvania Game Commission's Public Management of the PA Common Pool Resource White-Tailed Deer Herd , Matthew Frankel

Morbid Curiosity: Exploring the Ethics of Dark Tourism , Kristina Garlick

Evaluability of Community Dispute Resolution Programs: Effecting Change or Maintaining the Status Quo? , Rebecca Gourde

Saving for a Rainy Day: Evaluating the Use and Efficacy of State Budget Stabilization Funds , Brittany Griffin

Impacts of Affordable Childcare on Families , Amanda Kennedy

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Exploring the Lived Experiences of African-American City/County Managers and the Impact of Mentoring on the Profession , Johnny Mays

Impact of Departmental Procedural Fairness on Officer Psychological Well-Being and Engagement in Organizational Citizenship Behaviors , Jennifer Mehnert

Homelessness in Late Life: An exploration of the lived experience , Danielle Palmisano

The Lived Experience: Collective Realities of Black Maternal Healthcare , Rhonda Parham

Sparking Debate: Private or Public? The Effect of Ownership on Electric Utility Performance , Joseph Pazzalia

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Pennsylvania Wine Industry with Actionable Recommendations for Industry Improvement and Growth , Seth Porter

Factors Contributing to the Success of Rising Latino Leadership in Central California, a Qualitative Inquiry , Yammilette Rodriguez

Understanding Factors Impacting Volunteer Firefighters' Work, Family, and Volunteer Balance to Serve , Christopher Schultz

The Pandemic Dilemma: A Mixed-Methods Study of Student-Centered Science Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic , Jennifer Slavick

The Impact of the Mandatory PHAB Accreditation Process on Environmental Health Programs at Local Health Districts in Ohio , Wesley Vins

Windfall Payment Savings: An Examination of Act 13 Disbursements in Pennsylvania , Corey Young

Dissertations/Capstones from 2021 2021

The Perception of International Students Toward Programs and Support Services Offered by Higher Education Institutions in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States , Charity Alinda

The Impact of Grant Administration and Strategic Management in Nonprofit Organizations , Dammy Bamisile

Organizational Resilience of Cultural Institutions in the Time of COVID-19 , Danielle Boyce

Drinking Water Affordability in Georgia. Are Water Rates Affordable in Georgia and is Infrastructure Investment Influencing Rates? , Guyer Boyle

Mental Health Effects of Maternal Substance Abuse Policymaking: Finding a Solution , SARAH FOSTER

Impact of Online Education on Student Success Outcomes and Institutional Effectiveness: Study of Florida State University System , Maria Graham

Federal employee views across administrations: An examination of the 2010 Obama and 2018 Trump leadership capital and the perceptions of the agency employees , Dimple Sunayna Johnson

Due Process in Academic & Student Misconduct at Community Colleges: An Analysis of Policies, Practices, and Standards through the Lens of Principal-Agent Theory , Erin Logan

Examining the Implementation Fidelity of a Police Field Training Officer Program: A Program Evaluation Perspective: A Mixed Methods Approach. , Yale Y. Margolis

Pioneers or Profiteers? Examining Pennsylvania's Cyber Charter Landscape Through the Lens of Principal-Agent Theory , Greg Mayle

Spatial Disparities in Access to Veterinary Care: Problems, Politics & Policies , Sue Neal

State Government’s Impact on Campus Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Students , Tori Nuccio

Policies & Services Mitigating Gender-Based Violence (GBV): Perceptions of African Immigrant Women in the Northeastern, U.S., & Empowering Their Human Rights. , Chinenye Nwoke

The Factors Influencing Hazard Mitigation Governance , Kyle Overly

False Confession in Wrongful Convictions and the Effect of Recording Custodial Interrogations Through Exoneration , Nana F. Owusu

Local Governmental Structures And Its Effects On Public Services , Quiana Pettiford

Assessing and Measuring the Fiscal Health of Local Governments: A Focus on Pennsylvania Municipalities , Rosa Quintana

The Benefits of Evidence Based Practices in Public Administration: Does Therapeutic Listening Training Increase Emotional Intelligence to Affect Change Management Outcomes in Public and Private Sector Organizations , John Sillup

Mental Health Issues Development in Law Enforcement Officers and Its Impact on Law Enforcement Agencies: The Need for Policies Focused on Law Enforcement Officers Mental Stability , Joseph A Sorgini

Avengers Disassemble! How Varying Views on Public Administration Dismantled the Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , Tynslei Spence-Mitchell

From Networks of Necessity to the New Normal: How Collaboration and Networks Can Provide Efficient and Equitable Service Delivery in Rural Maryland Counties , Robert Willoughby

Dissertations/Capstones from 2020 2020

Federal Health Reform: Breast Cancer Outcomes , Nia Imani Bailey

The Impact of Training and Development on Employees in the Northeast Region of Florida State Government: An Evaluation of The Northeast Region Professional Development Training Program , Sandy Beaumont

Data-Driven Decision-Making: An Analysis of Needs Assessment Methodology in Northwestern Pennsylvania Nonprofit Organizations , Jason Brady

Rural Veterans of Texas and Their Accessibility to Mental Health Care Services , Jeremy Buchanan

Study Abroad and Liminality: Examining U.S. American Collegiate Undergraduate Student Engagement in Risky Behaviors Betwixt and Between Borders , Jill L. Creighton

United States Department of Defense Acquisition of Leading-Edge Information Technology Services and the Impact of Public Market Research on Efficiency and Effectiveness , Thomas Denning

Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education & Perceived Administrative Biases in Funding Review Processes , Emily Devereux

The Association Between the Products of Alternative Financial Services Providers and the Unbanked in the Era of Banking Deregulation , Dianna Dixon

Evidence-Based Policy and Misinformation: Exploring the Public’s Processing of Information , Amy E. Hann

Promoting social equity: The role of social capital on education outcomes among young adults with a history of foster care and special education. , Shone Hughes

Initiating a Collaborative Cybersecurity Governance Framework at the State Level , Autum C. Pylant

Using Input from Landlords Participating in the Dothan Housing Authority's Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) to Streamline Operations and Increase Retention , Michael C. Threatt

Skilled Trade Education in America , Brent Tracy

Municipal Fiscal Distress in Pennsylvania: Assessing the Municipalities Financial Recovery Act 47 of 1987 , Terry Tracy

Fare Free Public Transportation Bus Systems: An Examination of Funding Strategies to Replace Passenger Fare Collection , Amy VanGuilder

The Blind Spots: The importance of measuring non-academic indicators that are critical to producing positive outcomes specifically for youth who are living in adverse conditions , Orrin White

Dissertations/Capstones from 2019 2019

An Analysis of Complaints against Police in Philadelphia: A Case for Social Equity and Collaborative Governance in Police Reform , Jacqueline Bailey-Davis

Year-Round Community Supported Agriculture: A View from an Advocacy Coalition Framework Perspective , Kelly A. Baker

The Value of Backyard Chickens in Reducing Municipal Solid Waste , Maureen Breen

An Examination of Federal Discretionary Grant Sustainability in Rural Public School Districts , Autumn L. Grooms

Emotional Intelligence and Secondary Traumatic Stress Experiences of Trial Court Judges , Jody Jacobetz Huber

Women’s Political Empowerment and the Nonprofit Subsectors of Education, Human Services, and Public/Societal Benefit , Lorin McKnight Mayo

Failure to Launch: An exploratory study of the impact of the Workforce Investment Act on transition to adulthood among low income youth , Louise McLoughlin

Capability and Gap Assessments: Influence on Emergency Management Programs , Kelly Myers

Social Construction of Giftedness in the National Defense Education Act of 1958 , Chad Phillips

Guided by Faith? Comparing Faith-based and Secular Nonprofits’ Planning Practices , Jeremy Raff

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Our students' dissertation titles are recorded below. Full-text versions of all the dissertations are available via the University's Deep Blue service .

Public Policy & Economics

Student Name Dissertation Title
Abarcar, Paolo Essays on the Economics of International Migration and Return.
Beam, Emily Information and Labor Markets in the Philippines.
Broussard, Nzinga Harriet Essays in Labor and Development Economics.
Crow, Mark Economic and Social Determinants of Military Labor Supply: Essays on the Effects of Local Labor Market Conditions and the Opioid Crisis and Service in the U.S. Army.
Ferrero, Chiara Essays in Public Finance and Political Economy.
Fitzpatrick, Anne Three Essays in Health and Development.
Garlick, Robert Essays in Development Economics and Econometrics.
Godlonton, Susan Three Essays on Job Trainee and Employee Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Malawi.
Goldberg, Jessica Ann Experimental Evidence about Earning, Saving, and Borrowing Money in Rural Malawi.
Goldstein, Daniel Aaron Three Essays on the Objective Function in Economics.
Hernández, Mónica The Role of Out of School Factors on Student Performance and Educational Attainment.
Hyman, Joshua Three Essays on the Economics of Education.
Johnson, Erik Paul Three Essays in Environmental Economics and Applied Econometrics.
Lim, Katie Three Essays on Female Self-Employment.
Mahajan, Parag Essays on Labor Mobility.
Matsudaira, Jordan D Three Essays in Education and Labor Economics.
McLaren, Zoe Essays on Labor Market Outcomes in South Africa.
Montgomery, Nicholas Essays on Public Finance and Time Use.
Murphy, Daniel Modeling Demand in International and Macro Economics.
Nunn, Ryan Douglas Three Essays on Estimation with Unpriced Amenities.
Owen, Stephanie Essays in the Economics of Education.
Pounder, Laurie Life-cycle Consumption Examined.
Ratner, David Diamond Three Essays on the U.S. Labor Market: Macroeconomic Trends and Cycles.
Resch, Alexandra Margaret Three Essays on Resources in Education.
Streich, Francie Online Education in Community Colleges: Access, School Success, and Labor-Market Outcomes.
Theoharides, Caroline Three Essays on the Economics of International Migration.
Thompson, Hope The Expansion of Renewable Energy Technologies and Their Impact on Household Energy Portfolios and Sustainable Development: A Study Of Nepal.
Toohey, Desmond Three Essays in the Economics of Unemployment and Aging.
Tulayasathien, Soraphol Essays on International Taxation.
Walsh, F.G. Elias Three Essays on the Economics of Education and Labor Economics.

Public Policy & Political Science

Student Name Dissertation Title
Barnes, Carolyn Political Learning Revisited: How Nonprofit Service Provision Shapes Political Participation Among the Poor.
Beatty, Alison Cross-National Policy Diffusion in States and Provinces.
Benstead, Lindsay Joy Does Casework Build Support for a Strong Parliament? Legislative Representation and Public Opinion in Morocco and Algeria.
Bray, Janna The Local Politics of Muslim Immigration.
Brown, Ashley Reid Coffee Shop Conversations: An Exploration of How Local Elected Officials Develop and Engage Their Social Networks.
Demessie, Menna Aklilu Navigating the Boundaries of Blackness: Congressional Caucuses U.S. Foreign Policy and African Affairs.
Ellis, Cali Trust and Communication in Cross-Border Counterterrorism Networks.
Gause, LaGina The Advantage of Disadvantage; Legislative Responsiveness to Collective Action by the Politically Marginalized.
Gong, Abe W. What Theories of Political Participation Can Teach Us about the Blogosphere, and Vice Versa.
Helfstein, Scott Adam Predispositions and Foreign Policy Surprises: Assessing the Impact of Rational and Biased Beliefs on Strategic Decision-Making.
Hemphill, Portia Rebel Without a Pause: Discovering the Relationship between Rap Music and the Political Attitudes and Participation of Black Youth.
Howard, Tiffiany Ora State Pressures and the Forced Migrant: Evaluating Global State Failure in an Effort to Ameliorate the Consequences of Forced Migration in the Developing World.
Kabo, Valenta The Political Economy of Property Rights: An Examination Into the Components of Land Laws and Their Effects on Politics and Growth.
Katz, Daniel M Perspectives on Law and Legal Institutions as Complex Adaptive Systems.
Kavanagh, Jennifer Erin The Dynamics of Protracted Terror Campaigns: Domestic Politics, Terrorist Violence, and Counterterror Responses.
Kostyuk, Nadiya Public Cyberinstitutions: Signaling State Cybercapacity.
Lee, Jieun Political Activities of Foreign Multinational Corporations in the United States.
Lerner, Michael Green Catalysts? The Impact of Transnational Advocacy on Environmental Policy Leadership.
Loftis, Kenyatha Vauthier Proprietary Threat and the Participation Paradox in Gifted and Talented Education: A Multi-level Mixed Methods Theory of Resource Distribution.
McGee, Heather Water, International Development and Collective Action: An Impact Assessment of an Irrigation Management Project in Southern Kyrgyzstan.
Okwuje, Ifeoma M F Analysis of the Contribution of the 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women to Women's Rights: Statistical Findings and Country Cases.
Phinney, Robin Linden Diverse Interest Group Coalitions and Social Welfare Policy in the United States.
Phoenix, Davin Anger (Mis)Management? Racial Differences in the Emotional Foundations of Political Action.
Potter, Rachel Writing the Rules of the Game: The Strategic Logic of Agency Rulemaking.
Ravanilla, Nico Essays in Political Economy and Governance: Lessons from the Philippines.
Ravishankar, Anita A Pathway to Prosocial Policing? A Framework for Police Behavior and Three Tests of What Works in Police Reform.
Reynolds, Molly Exceptions to the Rule: Majoritarian Procedures and Majority Party Power in the United States Senate.
Simonelli, Corina Economic Counterinsurgency: Implications for Political Violence and Foreign Investment.
Stephens, Lafleur Nadiyah The Effectiveness of Implicit and Explicit Racial Appeals in a "Post-Racial" America.
Teodoro, Manuel P Bureaucratic Ambition: Professional Careers, Personal Motives, and Policy Innovation.
Tkacheva, Olesya Federalism and Democratic Consolidation in Russia and Beyond.
Ullah, Haroon K Tug of Faith: Understanding the Emergence and Success of Islamic Parties.

Public Policy & Sociology

Student Name Dissertation Title
Cheng, Siwei Unequal Origins, Unequal Trajectories: Social Stratification over the Life Course.
Cross, Christina The Color, Class, and Context of Family Structure and Its Association with Children's Educational Performance.
Dinzey, Zaire Zenit Fighting Crime, Constructing Segregation: Crime, Housing Policy, and the Social Brands of Puerto Rican Neighborhoods.
Fang, Michael Three Essays on the Relationship Between Social Ties and Mental Health.
Forbes, Melissa Kay Climate Change 'Resolution:' Dynamics of Shareholder Engagement between U.S. Firms and Investors.
Gillooly, Jessica "911, Is This an Emergency?": How 911 Call-Takers Extract, Interpret, and Classify Caller Information.
Greenman, Emily Kate Intersecting Inequalities: Four Essays on Race, Immigration, and Gender in the Contemporary United States.
Grieger, Lloyd Dale Three Essays Examining the Behavioral and Socioeconomic Transition to Adulthood in the United States and Africa: Evidence from Longitudinal Studies.
Harris, Angel Luis Do African Americans Really Resist School: An In-Depth Examination of the Oppositional Culture Theory.
Hevenstone, Debra Labor Market Inequality and Atypical Employment.
Johnson, Maria S Through a Daughter's Eyes: Understanding the Influence of Black Fathers on Their Daughters' Conceptualizations of Fatherhood and Womanhood.
Killewald, Sasha (Achen) What Money Buys and Family Costs: Three Papers on the Work-Family Intersection.
King, Katherine E Biological, Psychosocial, and Social Capital Implications of the Neighborhood Built Environment.
Lewis, Ronald L'Heureux Educational Inequality in an Affluent Setting: An Exploration of Resources and Opportunity.
Liu, Airan Family SES, Non-cognitive Skills and Achievement Inequality in Children's Early Life.
Morrell, Erica The Politics of Food Policy: Knowledge, Power, and Participation in two American Cities.
Paul, Anju Mary Multinational Maids: Multistate Migration among Aspiring Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers.
Pavelle, Bridget Jennifer Life Course Transitions and Instability in Health Insurance Coverage.
Peachey, Everett State Sponsored Political Socialization and Public Diplomacy Exchange Program Outcomes: The Case of the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) Program.
Perez, Anthony D Muddy Waters: The Fluidity and Complexity of Racial and Ethnic Identification in the U.S.
Pineda, Daniela A Federal Intervention to Improve Latino College Participation: Evidence from the Title V Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program.
Roberts, Christopher Nigel Exploring Fractures within Human Rights: An Empirical Study of Resistance.
Ross, Karen Elizabeth Charter Schools and Segregation: The Cases of Michigan and North Carolina.
Seefeldt, Kristin S Three Essays on Women Low-wage Work and Economic Well-being.
Sternthal, Michelle J The Social Determinants of Health Disparities: The Role of Social and Temporal Contexts.
Turner, Kennedy On the Battlefield?: Using Cultural Schemas to Navigate the Racial Terrain of College.
Wyse, Jessica Jasmine Race, Gender and the Administration of Justice in a Community Corrections System.
Yarger, Jennifer Lyn Eckerman Three Essays Examining Social Determinants of Fertility Attitudes and Behavior: Evidence from Longitudinal Studies.
Zelner, Jonathan Leigh Integrating Social and Biological Processes of Infectious Disease Transmission at Three Levels: Household, Community and Region.  

To read dissertations in full, submitted in partial fulfillment of the doctoral program at the University of Michigan, visit the University's Deep Blue collection, which also includes dissertations written by U-M faculty.

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Home > School, College, or Department > CUPA > Public Affairs and Policy > Dissertations

Public Affairs and Policy Graduate Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Bonneville Power Administration in a Transformative Decade: A Study of Collibration in Public Administration , Christopher M. Frost

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

A Policy Proposal for Agricultural Data Governance , Ana Sofía Castellanos Santamaría

Examining Policy Innovation Process and the Roles of Policy Entrepreneurs: A Case of Smart City Initiative in Khon Kaen, Thailand , Thitisak Duadsuntia

American Institution of Public, K-12 Education: An Institutional Field Under a Complexity Paradigm , Jennifer Jean Joyalle

Care Remittances: Farmworkers' Political Knowledge and Hemispheric Information Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Jennifer Martinez-Medina

The Factors Contributing to the Resilience of Thailand's Social Welfare Nonprofit Organizations Since the Onset of the Country's Prolonged Political Crisis in 2005 , Narttana Sakolvittayanon

Do Men Strategically Leverage Women's Intersecting Identities? Intersectional Symbolic Inclusion as an Electoral Competition Strategy in Polarized Turkey , Elif Sari Genc

Developing Public Service Leadership: Understanding the Field Immersion/Comparative Cases Model for Mid-Career Professional Education in Environment and Natural Resources Leadership , Erin M. Steinkruger

Global Climate Governance: Does Bilateral Cooperation Matter? , Nataliya Stranadko

The Impetus of International Security in European Integration: The Nature of EU Common Security and Defense Policy , Osman Goktug Tanrikulu

Stakeholder Engagement in Urban Public Transportation Agencies in the United States , Tyler Joseph Wolfe

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Immigration Federalism in the United States: Constructing a Contemporary Institutional Framework Centered on Local Communities through a Case Study Approach , Sara Kuehlhorn Friedman

Stakeholder Participation and Influence at State Public Utility Commissions , Genevieve Theresa Kruse

Agenda Setting and Europe's Common Immigration Policy , Jamie P. Surface

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Opportunities and Challenges in the Collection and Use of Socio-Spatial Data in National Forest Planning , Diane Trechsel Besser

Neoliberalism, Civic Identity, and Resistance: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Community Development Organization , Erin Layne Elliott

Gender Role as a Mediating Factor in Gender Pay Equity Analysis , Jillian Ann Girard

Influence of the Federal Government on the Diffusion of Victims' Rights State Constitutional Amendments , Vicki Rose Jeffries-Bilton

Mapping the Publics: The Production of Spatial Knowledge and Public Interest , Paul Thomas Manson

Understanding Financial and Human Resource Capacity Challenges among Small Nonprofits in Oregon: How to Overcome Challenges Unique to Size and Urban-Rural Divide , Anindita Mukerjee

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Re-engaging Individual Capacities in Service of Civic Capacity: a Model of Holistic Civic Engagement Education for the University , Jane Gerald Carr

The Role of Strategic Governance in Reducing Infant Mortality Under Crisis Conditions , Lynn Christine Finley

Addressing Structural Inequalities in Planning Processes: a Case Study of an Equity Lens , Marta Conklé McGuire

Catholic Social Teaching and Sustainable Development: What the Church Provides for Specialists , Anthony Philip Stine

Exploring the Role of Transformational Leaders in the Mentorship of Top-Level Administrators: a Case Study of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) VISN LEAD Program , Frederick Giovanni White Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Noncompliance with Land Acquisition in Vietnam: a Policy Tools Approach , Dang Van Nguyen

Ethnonational Identity and Detached Lives in a Serbian Province: a Study of Parallelism Among Vojvodina's Hungarian Community , Uros Prokic

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Politics in the Social Media Era: the Relationship Between Social Media Use and Political Participation During the 2016 United States Presidential Election , Kevin Everett Curry

Modeling the Co-Production of Public Sector Innovation: Strategic Dimensions of Organizational Innovation within the Public Maritime Ports of the Pacific Northwest , Christopher R. Davis

Building Climate Empire: Power, Authority, and Knowledge within Pacific Islands Climate Change Diplomacy and Governance Networks , Ashlie Denée Denton

Exploring District Judges' Decision Making in the Context of Admitting Expert Testimony , Andrew Bryan Dzeguze

The Dynamic Returns of Descriptive Representation: A Study of Race, Politics and Policy in Urban Governments , Stephanie Taylor Hawke

India's Economic Growth: Role of Political Performance and Gender Wage Gap , Rajeev Indira Nagaraju

The Antecedents of Local Government Service Delivery Under Crisis Conditions: the Case of Khon Kaen Province, Thailand , Sirisak Laochankham

The Role of the Academic Analyst in Shared Governance , Rebecca Ann Mathern

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Wicked Water Problems: Can Network Governance Deliver? Integrated Water Management Case Studies from New Zealand and Oregon, USA , Jacqueline Dingfelder

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

On the Poverty, Rise, and Demise of International Criminal Law , Tiphaine Dickson

Exploring Transnational Economic, Social, and Political Participation of Mexican Immigrants in Oregon , Anabel López Salinas

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes of Elites in Jordan towards Political, Social, and Economic Development , Laila Huneidi

Accountability Models in Policy Design: Understanding the Explanatory Power of the Four Major Accountability Models in Policy Tool Choices , David Seiler Jarvis

Friends or Foes?: Examining Social Capital of International NGOs and Food Security Programs , Mariah Ann Kraner

A Global Investigation of Stakeholder and Contextual Influences on Firm Engagement in Sustainability , Annette M. Nemetz

Equality, Trust and Universalism in Europe, Canada and the United States: Implications for Health Care Policy , P. Christopher Palmedo

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Women's Actions and Reactions to Male Migration: A Case Study of Women in San Juan Guelavía, Oaxaca, Mexico , Julie Boyles

A New Approach to Explain Policy Reforms in Vietnam during Ðổi Mới by Developing and Validating a Major Policy Change Model for Vietnam , Huan Van Dang

The Impacts of Change in Governance on Faculty and Staff at Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of OHSU , Dana L. Director

The Consolidation of the Consociational Democracy in Lebanon: The Challenges to Democracy in Lebanon , Micheline Germanos Ghattas

Building Bridges with Social Capital in the European Union , Peter Andrew Noordijk

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Building on the Strengths of Indigenous Knowledge to Promote Sustainable Development in Crisis Conditions from the Community Level: The Case of Palestine , Jehad Yousif Alayasa

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Power, Knowledge, Animals , Lisa Johnson

Capital Flows, Political Performance, and Development , Ayesha Umar Wahedi

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Challenging the New Penology: A Case-Study Analysis of Correctional Management, Interstate Inmate Transfers, and Administrative Intent , Robert Thomas Swan

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

Performance Appraisal in Organizational Cultural Context , Unoda C. Moyo

Theses/Dissertations from 1994 1994

Total Quality Management: the Case for the Public Sector: a Comparative Study of the Implementation of Total Quality Management in Three Health Care Organizations , Zayed Mohammed Abu

The Impact of Collective Bargaining on the Civil Service Merit System in Oregon , David K. Blanchard

Portland's Multifamily Recycling Program: a Study of Coproduction Policy Implementation and Citizen Involvement , William Barry Messer

The Impact of Enterprise Zones on Employment , Terry William Van Allen

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

A Case Study of the Acceptance of the Tacoma-Pierce County Needle Exchange Program by Three Diverse Groups: Law Enforcement Personnel, Health Department Officials, and Program Clients (i.e., Intravenous Drug Users) , Lauren Sue Ibrahim

State Policy and Public Administration Impacts on an Emerging Industry: The Wine Industry in Oregon and Washington , Anthony Gene White

Theses/Dissertations from 1992 1992

The Impact of Organizational Climate on the Relationship Between Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Assessment of Public Sector Managers , Unsuk Song

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Politics thesis and dissertation collection

phd thesis public policy pdf

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Power and law: asymmetric balancing between china, the us, and southeast asian claimants in the south china sea and the subregional order, 2010-2021 , understanding decentralisation and its effects in an authoritarian context: the case of kazakhstan , commons as deliberative systems: designing institutions for the common good , pluriversal reconciliation: democratic theories, political violence and onto-epistemic dialogue , politics of media circulation: tracing the distribution of digital photographs of and from kashmir , stop the killer robots war humanisers future-proofing the war machine , sex, gender and constitutional attitudes: voting behaviour in the scottish independence referendum , ideas in international trade: the role of programmatic beliefs in the eu and china's approaches to the wto dsm , young farmers regeneration policy in indonesia: a capability approach , 'aquí se ve la fuerza del sme': a political economy analysis of the mexican electrical workers union's path towards self-management , dethroning the sovereign individual: a confucian reconstruction of the theory of right holding , rentier state revisited: the politics of sovereign wealth funds in saudi arabia , knowing better, doing better international development ngos, faith and wellbeing , freedom in and out of work: platforms, precarity, and the democratization of work , personality and us presidential choices: a study of the protracted afghanistan war , reproduction of ignorance in normative political theory: an intersectional methodological critique , speculative leadership: using a radical hegel to reinterpret practice in local government , politics of budget decision-making in south africa , typology of statelessness , lithium overdose: market practices and symptomatology of lithium trade in latin america .

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PPOL PhD Dissertations and Job Placements

In this section.

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  • Judgment and Decision Making Track
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Learn about the dissertations of our PhD in Public Policy graduates and their job placements directly following graduation.


Layane alhorr (economics track).

Dissertation Title: Essays in Development Economics: Evidence On Entrepreneurship, Digitization, and Gender Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Associate, Cornerstone Research

Marcos Barrozo (economics track)

Dissertation Title: The Economics of Deforestation in the Amazon Advisor: Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, DePaul University

Ben Berger (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Health Care and Innovation Advisor: Amitabh Chandra Job Placement: Economist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Jacob Bradt (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Energy and Environmental Economics Advisor: Joseph Aldy , Myrto Kalouptsidi Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Business, Government & Society and (by courtesy) of Economics, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Tridevi Chakma (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environmental Economics Advisor: Joseph Aldy , Nathaniel Hendren Job Placement: Associate, Cornerstone (London)

Robert French (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays in Urban Economics Advisor: Gordon Hanson Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow (1 year), Harris School of Public Policy and Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation, University of Chicago; Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Loyola Marymount University  

VAlentine Gilbert (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays in Urban Economics Advisor: Edward Glaeser Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Hobby School of Public Affairs, University of Houston

Alice Heath (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Economics and Social Policy Advisor: Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Office of Tax Analysis, U.S. Department of the Treasury

Eleanor Krause (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Place Advisor: Joseph Aldy , Gordon Hanson Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Kentucky

J. Mintzmyer (Politics and Institutions track)

Dissertation Title: Assessing Sanctions Motivations via Real-Time Shipping Data Advisor: Stephen Walt Job Placement: U.S. Air Force

Molly Moore (Judgment and Decision Making track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Reputation and Decision Making Advisor: Julia Minson Job Placement: Lecturer in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis

Kadeem Noray (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Talent Allocation in the Economy Advisor: David Deming Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Opportunity Insights

Guillermo Palacios (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Education Economics and Applied Data Science Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Associate, Analysis Group

Emma Rackstraw (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays at the Intersection of Labor and Crime Economics Advisor: Will Dobbie Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Swarthmore College; Post-Doctoral Fellow (1 year), Social Science Research Council Criminal Justice Innovation, Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School 

Melanie Rucinski (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Teacher Labor Markets Advisor: Christopher Norio Avery Job Placement: Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Avery Schmidt (Politics and Institutions track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Politics of International Law Advisor: Kathryn Sikkink Job Placement: Watson Post-Doctoral Fellow (2024-2025), Brown University; Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Southern California (2025)

Emma Smith (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays in Development Economics Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

Ke Wang (Judgment and Decision Making track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Emotion and Decision Making, with Implications for Policy Advisor: Jennifer Lerner Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia

jiahua liu (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on International Trade and Firm Growth in Developing Countries Advisor: Gordon Hanson Job Placement: Economist, Cornerstone Research

kristen McCormack (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environmental Economics Advisor: David Cutler Job Placement: Economist, U.S. Treasury

dayea oh (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Applied Microeconomics Advisor: Will Dobbie Job Placement: Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University

lauren russell (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on the U.S. Criminal Legal System and Black-White Inequality Advisor: David Deming Job Placement: Economist, Labor Markets Section, Federal Reserve Board

Samuel stemper (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor:  Christopher Avery Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Auckland

Amy wickett (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Diversity Advisor:  Desmond Ang Job Placement: to be confirmed

Shweta Bhogale

Dissertation Title: Essays on Agriculture and Rural Development in Developing Countries Advisor:  Rema Hanna Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, King Climate Action Initiative, J-PAL

Kevin Carney

Dissertation Title: Essays in Development and Behavioral Economics Advisor:  Gautam Rao Job Placement:

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow (one year), Department of Economics, University of Chicago
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Michigan

Dissertation Title: Two Essays on Legal Entanglements and One Essay on Worker Voice Advisor: Will Dobbie Job Placement: Research Director, People Lab, University of California, Berkeley

Stuart Iler

Dissertation Title: Essays on Shock Propagation in Economic Production Networks: Applications to U.S. Oil Price Episodes and Green Jobs Advisor: Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Consultant, Resources for the Future

frina Lin (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Health Care and Inequality Advisor: Marcella Alsan Job Placement: to be confirmed

Grace McCormack

Dissertation Title: Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics Advisor: David Cutler Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Southern California

José Morales-Arilla

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Political Economy of Development Advisor:  Edward Glaeser Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University

Felix Owusu (Economics track)

Dissertation Title: Policy and Inequality in the Criminal Legal System Advisor: David Deming Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley

James Reisinger

Dissertation Title: Social Spillovers in Beliefs, Preferences, and Well-being Advisor:  Michela Carlana Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Furman Center, New York University

Elizabeth Spink (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Water Utility Quality and Access Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Economist, Environmental Protection Agency

Yazan Al-Karablieh

Dissertation Title: Essays on Corporate Taxation Advisor:  Stefanie Stantcheva Job Placement: Economist, Economist Program, International Monetary Fund

Sebastián Bustos

Dissertation Title: Essays in International Economics, Development, and Globalization Advisor: Ricardo Hausmann Job Placement: Senior Fellow, Growth Lab , Center for International Development , Harvard Kennedy School

Holly Dykstra

Dissertation Title: Essays in Behavioral Economics Advisor:  Brigitte C. Madrian Job Placement: Junior Professor, Department of Economics, University of Konstanz

Marie-Pascale Grimon

Dissertation Title: Essays in Labor Economics and Child Welfare Advisor:  Amanda Pallais Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University

Blake Heller

Dissertation Title: Essays on Late Investment in Human Capital Advisor: Joshua Goodman Job Placement:

  • Assistant Professor, Hobby School of Public Affairs, University of Houston
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow 2021-2022, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University

Shefali Khanna

Dissertation Title: Essays in Energy and Development Economics Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Economics and Public Policy Department, Imperial College London

Kunal Mangal

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Public Sector Recruitment in India Advisor: Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Visiting Fellow, Azim Premji University

Niharika Singh

Dissertation Title: Essays in Development Economics Advisor:  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame

Daniel Stuart

Dissertation Title: Essays in Energy and Environmental Economics Advisor: Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Associate, Analysis Group

Andrew Bacher-HicKs

Dissertation Title:  Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor: Christopher Avery Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Education Policy, Boston University

Megan Bailey

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Climate Policy and Innovation Advisor: Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

Patrick Behrer

Dissertation Title:  Three Essays in Environmental and Development Economics Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University

Elijah de la Campa

Dissertation Title:  Three Essays on the Provision of Local Public Goods Advisor:  Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Senior Research Associate in Economics and Urban Analytics, Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative

Charlie Dorison

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Emotion and Decision Making Advisor: Jennifer Lerner Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dispute Resolution Research Center, Management and Operations Department, Northwestern University

Madeleine Gelblum

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Labor and Personnel Economics Advisor: David Deming Job Placement: Labor Market Analyst, Facebook

Guthrie Gray-Lobe

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics Advisor: Michael Kremer Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard University

Asad Liaqat

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Political Economy Advisor: Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Research Scientist, Novi Economics team, Facebook

Heidi Liu 

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Behavioral Economics, Gender and Employment Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Sharswood Fellow, University of Pennsylvania School of Law

Sharan Mamidipudi

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Political Economy Advisor: Gautam Rao Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland

Aroop Mukharji

Dissertation Title:  Sea Change: McKinley, Roosevelt, and the Expansion of U.S. Foreign Policy 1897-1909 Advisor:  Fredrik Logevall  Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Christine Mulhern

Dissertation Title:  Personalized Information and College Choices: The Role of School Counselors, Technology, and Siblings Advisor: Christopher Avery Job Placement: Associate Policy Research, RAND

Dissertation Title: Essays in Energy and Development Economics Advisor: Rohini Pande Job Placement: Applied Scientist, Uber

Rebecca Sachs

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Health Care Markets and the Safety Net Advisor: David Cutler Job Placement: Analyst, Health Studies Unit, Congressional Budget Office

Chris Umphres

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Judgement and Decision Making Advisor: Jennifer Lerner Job Placement: United States Air Force

Bradley DeWees

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Judgment and Decision Making Advisors:  Jennifer Lerner , Julia Minson Job Placement: Assistant Director of Operations, United States Air Force

Abraham Holland

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics Advisors: Edward Glaeser ,  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses

Ariella Kahn-Lang

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Labor Market Inequality Advisors:  Christopher Avery ,  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Researcher, Human Services, Mathematica

Jennifer Kao

Dissertation Title:  Essays in the Economics of Health and Innovation Advisors:  Pierre Azoulay ,  Amitabh Chandra ,  David Cutler Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Strategy Unit, UCLA Anderson School of Management

Stephanie Majerowicz

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Education and Development Economics Advisors:  Asim Khwaja ,  Michael Kremer Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Government, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, briq Institute on Behavior & Inequality)

Emily Mower

Dissertation Title:  Algorithms and Applied Econometrics in the Digital Economy Advisors: Kris Johnson Ferreira ,  Joshua Goodman , Shane Greenstein Job Placement: Senior Data Scientist, edX

Gabriel Tourek

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development and Public Economics Advisors:  Nathaniel Hendren ,  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Associate, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)

Daniel Velez-Lopez

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Environmental Economics Advisor:  Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Lead Analyst, Venture Fellowship Program, National Grid Partners

Rohit Chandra

Dissertation Title:  Adaptive State Capitalism in the Indian Coal Industry Advisor: José A. Gómez-Ibáñez

Juan Pablo Chauvin

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Urban Economics and Development Advisor:  Edward Glaeser Job Placement: Research Economist, Inter-American Development Bank

Cuicui Chen

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Environmental Economics and Industrial Organization Advisors: Joseph Aldy , Ariél Pakes Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, State University of New York at Albany

Stephen Coussens

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Health and Behavioral Economics Advisors:  David Cutler , Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

Raissa Fabregas

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Education Advisors: Michael Kremer , Rohini Pande Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin

Todd Gerarden

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Environmental Economics and Industrial Organization Advisors: Ariél Pakes ,  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University

Sarika Gupta

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Governance Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Young Professionals Program, The World Bank

Alicia Harley

Dissertation Title:  Why Does Technology Fail to Benefit the Poorest Farmers? A Sociotechnical Approach to the Study of Innovation and Poverty Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Sustainability Science Program, Harvard Kennedy School

Janhavi Nilekani

Dissertation Title:  Essays at the Intersection of Environmental and Development Economics Advisors: Rema Hanna ,  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Founder, Aastar

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Structural Transformation and Trade Advisors:  Melissa Dell ,  Martin Rotemberg Job Placement: Harvard Graduate Students Union, United Auto Workers

Martin Abel

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Labor Markets in Developing Countries Advisors: Rema Hanna , Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Middlebury College

Jonathan Baker

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Water Conservation and Water Quality Programs Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Economist, Analysis Group

Tomoko Harigaya

Dissertation Title:  Delivering Financial Services to the Poor: Constraints on Access, Take-up, and Usage Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Research Associate, Precision Agriculture for Development

Laura Quinby

Dissertation Title:  Compensation and Employment Policies in the U.S. Public Sector Advisor:  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Research Economist, Center for Retirement Research, Boston College

Dissertation Title:  State Strategies Under Global Rules: Chinese Industrial Policy in the WTO Era Advisor: Peter A. Hall Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oregon

Samura Atallah

Dissertation Title:  Studies in Labor Economics, Organizational Economics, and Development Advisor: Ellen J. Langer Job Placement: Associate, McKinsey & Company

Tara Grillos

Dissertation Title:  Participation, Power, and Preferences in International Development Advisor:  William Clark Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Purdue University

Nils Hägerdal

Dissertation Title:  Ethnic Cleansing as Military Strategy: Lessons From Lebanon, 1975-1990 Advisor: Robert H. Bates Job Placement: Junior Research Fellow, Brandeis University

Elizabeth Linos

Dissertation Title:  Three Essays on Human Capital in the Public Sector Advisor:  Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Optimizing Social Policy for Different Populations: Education, Targeting, and Impact Evaluation Advisor:  Lant Pritchett Job Placement: Founder and CEO, StellarEmploy

Yusuf Neggers

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Economic Development and Political Economy Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Watson Post-Doctoral Fellow, Brown University

Oyebola Okunogbe

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Political Economy and Development Advisor:  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Economist, Development Research Group, The World Bank

Trisha Shrum

Dissertation Title:  Behavioral and Experimental Insights on Consumer Decisions and the Environment Advisors: Joseph Aldy ,  David Laibson Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Earth Lab, University of Colorado

Samuel Stolper

Dissertation Title:  Oil and Water: Essays on the Economics of Natural Resource Usage Advisors:  Joseph Aldy , Robert Stavins Job Placement:

  • Fall 2016 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Energy Initiative, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Fall 2017 > Assistant Professor, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan 

Maria Cecilia Acevedo

Dissertation Title:  Essays in the Political Economy of Conflict and Development Advisors: Rohini Pande , James Robinson Job Placement: Consultant, Poverty Global Practice Division, The World Bank

Natalie Bau

Dissertation Title:  Essays at the Intersection of Development and Education Advisors:  Asim Khwaja ,  Nathan Nunn Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Toronto

Syon Bhanot

Dissertation Title:  Field Experiments in Behavioral and Public Economics Advisors:  Brigitte Madrian ,  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Swarthmore College

Gabriel Chan

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Energy Technology Innovation Policy Advisors:  William Clark ,  Laura Díaz Anadón Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Science, Technology and Policy, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota

Sarah Cohodes

Dissertation Title:  Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor:  Christopher Avery Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis, Teachers College, Columbia University

A. Nilesh Fernando

Dissertation Title:  Land, Labor and Technology: Essays in Development Economics Advisors:  Lawrence Katz ,  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame (Post-Doc at Harvard University)

Daniel Honig

Dissertation Title:  Navigating by Judgment: Organizational Structure, Autonomy, and Country Context in Delivering Foreign Aid Advisor:  Peter A. Hall Job Placement: Assistant Professor, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

Mahnaz Islam

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Development Economics Advisors: Rema Hanna , Rohini Pande Job Placement: Economist, Amazon

joo Julia A. lee

Dissertation Title: Essays in Organizational Behavior Advisor:  Francesca Gino Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institutional Corruption Program, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University

Andry Liscovich

Dissertation Title: Essays in Experimental and Labor Economics Advisor:  Nicholas A. Christakis Job Placement: Director of Technology, RA Capital Management

Richard Sweeney

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Industry Response to Energy and Environmental Policy Advisors: Ariél Pakes ,  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Boston College

Elizabeth Walker

Dissertation Title:  Essays at the Intersection of Environment and Development Economics Advisor:  Rema Hanna Job Placement: Consultant, Energy, Environment, and Network Industries Practice, NERA Economic Consulting

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Transmission and Diffusion of Productive Knowledge in International Economics Advisor:  Elhanan Helpman Job Placement: Senior Associate Economist, Inter-American Development Bank

Ariel Dora Stern

Dissertation Title: Essays in the Economics of Health Care and the Regulation of Medical Technology Advisor:  Amitabh Chandra Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Technology and Operations Management Unit, Harvard Business School

Alexandra van Geen

Dissertation Title: Essays in Experimental Economics and the Improvement of Judgment and Decision Making Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Erasmus School of Economics

Clara Monika Zverina

Dissertation Title: Essays in Public and Labor Economics Advisor: Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow in Disability Research, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Will Dobbie

Dissertation Title: Essays in Labor Economics Advisor: Roland G. Fryer, Jr. Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Department of Economics, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University

Jeffrey Friedman

Dissertation Title: Cumulative Dynamics and Strategic Assessment: U.S. Military Decision Making in Iraq, Vietnam, and the American Indian Wars Advisor: Stephen Walt Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow in International Security and U.S. Foreign Policy, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College

Marie E. Newhouse

Dissertation Title: Kant's Typo, and the Limits of Law Advisor: Arthur Applbaum Job Placement: Residential Lab Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard Law School

Olga Rostapshova

Dissertation Title: Pushing a Troika of Development: Promoting Investment, Curbing Corruption, and Enhancing Public Good Provision Advisor: Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Specialist, Social Impact, Social Science Genetics Association Consortium, National Bureau of  Economic Research (NBER) and Senior Evaluations

Laurence Tai

Dissertation Title: Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Models of Transparency in the Administrative State Advisor: Daniel Carpenter   Job Placement: Residential Lab Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard Law School

Christopher Carrigan

Dissertation Title: Structured to Fail? Explaining Regulatory Performance Under Completing Mandates Advisor:  Daniel Carpenter Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, George Washington University

Souman Hong

Dissertation Title: Online Institutions, Markets, and Democracy Advisor: Matthew Baum Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Yonsei University

Avinash Kishore

Dissertation Title: Essays on Economics of Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution in India Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), New Delhi, India

Robyn Meeks

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Household Water Access in Developing Countries Advisor: Rohini Pande Job Placement: Assistant Professor in Environmental Economics, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan 

Karl Neumar

Dissertation Title: Essays on Optimal Management of Portfolios Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement:, Founding Partner, HNC Advisors

Philip Osafo-Kwaako

Dissertation Title: Essays in Economic History and Development Advisor: James Robinson Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences at Harvard

Matthew Ransom

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Climate Change Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Senior Analyst, Health and Environment Division, Abt Associates

Christopher Robert

Dissertation Title: Wealth, Welfare, and Well-being: Essays in Indebtedness and Normative Analysis Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: President and CEO, Dobility; Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School

William Skimmyhorn

Dissertation Title: Essays in Behavioral Household Finance Advisor:  Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Assistant Professor, United States Military Academy (West Point)

Maoliang Ye

Dissertation Title: Gradualism in Coordination and Trust Building Advisors: Raj Chetty ,  Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Remin University of China

Tristan Zajonc

Dissertation Title: Essays on Causal Inference for Public Policy Advisor: Guido Imbens Job Placement: Visiting Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard; Co-founder and CEO, Sense, Inc.

Ina Ganguli

Dissertation Title: Labor Markets in Transition: Science and Migration After the Collapse of the Soviet Union Advisor: Richard B. Freeman Job Placement:

  • 2011–2012 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School
  • 2012 > Assistant Professor, Stockholm School of Economics

John Horton

Dissertation Title: Online Labor Markets Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Economist, Odesk

Victoria Levin

Dissertation Title: Choices and Consequences: Decisions on Health, Wealth, and Employment Advisor:  Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Economist, The World Bank

Suerie Moon

Dissertation Title: Embedding Neoliberalism: Global Health and the Evolution of the Global Intellectual Property Regime (1995-2009) Advisor: John Ruggie Job Placement: Non-academic offers—undecided

Gary Reinbold

Dissertation Title: Essays on Child Mortality and Growth Faltering in Bangladesh and Kenya Advisor: Mary Jo Bane Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Illinois Springfield

Abigail Fisher Williamson

Dissertation Title: Beyond the Passage of Time: Local Government Response in New Immigrant Destinations Advisor: Robert D. Putnam Job Placement: Preceptor, Harvard College Writing Program

Andrés Zahler

Dissertation Title: Essays on Export Dynamics Advisor: Ricardo Hausmann Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Public Policy Institute, Diego Portales University

Mohamad Al-Ississ

Dissertation Title: The Role of Beliefs in Financial Markets: Three Essays on Violence, Trust and Religion Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Cairo, Joint appointment with Business School and School of Global Affairs

Sharon Barnhardt

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Impact of Residential Location on Networks, Attitudes and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from India Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Institute for Financial Management and Research, Chennai, India

David Deming

Dissertation Title: Long-Term Impacts of Educational Interventions Advisor: Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Heinz School of Public Health, Carnegie Mellon University

Brooke Kelsey Jack

Dissertation Title: Essays on Developing Country Markets in Environment and Health Advisor: Christopher Avery Job Placement:

  • 2010–2011 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2011 > Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Tufts University

David J. Lynch

Dissertation Title: Does Analogical Reasoning Affect Political Attitudes? Evidence from Survey Experiments Advisor: Gary King Job Placement: Consultant, RWS Advisory

Santitarn Sathirathai

Dissertation Title: Loyal Friends and Fickle Lenders: The Behavior of Financial Institutions During Financial Crises Advisor: Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Credit Suisse, Singapore

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor:  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Institute of Education Sciences, (National Center for Education Evaluation), U.S. Department of Education

Hunt Allcott

Dissertation Title: Consumer Behavior and Firm Strategy in Energy Markets Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement:

  • 2009–2011 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2011 > Assistant Professor of Economics, New York University

Jeffrey Bielicki

Dissertation Title: Integrated Systems Analysis and Technological Findings for Carbon Capture and Storage Deployment Advisor: John Holdren Job Placement: Weinberg Fellow, Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Jonathan Borck

Dissertation Title: Beyond Compliance: Three Essays on Voluntary Corporate Environmentalism Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Economist, Analysis Group, Boston

Warigia Bowman

Dissertation Title: Digital Development: Technology, Governance, and the Quest for Modernity in East Africa Advisor: Sheila Jasanoff Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy Leadership, University of Mississippi

Jennifer Bulkeley

Dissertation Title: Perspectives on Power: Chinese Strategies to Measure and Manage China’s Rise Advisor: Ashton Carter Job Placement: Special Assistant for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Oeindrila Dube

Dissertation Title: Essays in the Political Economy of Conflict and Development Advisor:  Sendhil Mullainathan Job Placement: 2009–2010 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Center for Global Development, New York University

Allan Friedman

Dissertation Title: Privacy, Security, and the Dynamics of Networked Information Sharing Advisor: David Lazer Job Placement:

  • 2009–2010 > Post-Doctoral Fellowship, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Center for Research on Computation and Society, Harvard University
  • 2010 > Brookings Institution

Felipe Kast

Dissertation Title: Essays on Poverty Dynamics and Social Policy Advisor: Alberto Abadie Job Placement: Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Dissertation Title: Green Chemistry: A Study of Innovation for Sustainable Development Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale University

Holly Ho Ming

Dissertation Title: Growing Up in the Urban Shadow: Realities and Dreams of Migrant Workers’ Children in Beijing and Shanghai Advisor: Anthony Saich Job Placement: Breakthrough, Ltd, Hong Kong, Youth Foundation, Beijing and Shanghai

Tatsuya Nishida

Dissertation Title: Incomplete Alliances: A Comparative Analysis of the Hub-and Spoke System in the Asia-Pacific Advisor: Stephen Walt Job Placement: Post-Doc at a Japanese university

Jason Richwine

Dissertation Title: IQ and Immigration Policy Advisor: George Borjas Job Placement: Research Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Juan Saavedra

Dissertation Title: The Role of Resources and Incentives in Education Production Advisor:  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, School of Government, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Judith Scott-Clayton

Dissertation Title: Understanding America's Unfinished Transformation: Three Essays on the Economics of Higher Education Advisor: Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

Sandra Sequeira

Dissertation Title: On the Waterfront: An Empirical Study of Corruption in Ports Advisor:  Sendhil Mullainathan Job Placement:

  • 2009 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, New York Law School
  • 2010 > Lecturer in Development Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science

Yuhki Tajima

Dissertation Title: Order and Violence in Authoritarian Breakdowns: How Institutions Explain Communal Violence in Indonesia Advisor: Robert H. Bates Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside

Ngoc Anh Tran

Dissertation Title: Corruption, Ranking and Competition Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, University of Indiana

Dissertation Title: Three Essays in Environmental Economics Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Mount Holyoke College

Fotini Christia

Dissertation Title: The Closest of Enemies: Alliance Formation in the Afghan and Bosnian Civil Wars Advisor: Robert H. Bates   Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kessely Corea Hong

Dissertation Title: Group Differences in Preferences, Beliefs, and Perceptions? Advisor: Iris Bohnet On family leave

Sebastian S. James

Dissertation Title: Essays on Tax Policy and Tax Compliance Advisor: Caroline M. Hoxby Job Placement: Senior Economist on Tax Policy, The World Bank

Bailey W. Klinger

Dissertation Title: Discovering New Export Activities in Developing Countries: Uncertainty, Linkages, and the Product Space Advisor: Ricardo Hausmann Job Placement: Director, Center for International Development (CID) Research Lab, Harvard Kennedy School

Carolyn M. Kousky

Dissertation Title: Responding to Risk: Information and Decision Making in the Floodplains of St. Louis County, Missouri Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Fellow, Resources for the Future

Elta C. Smith

Dissertation Title: Governing Rice: The Politics of Experimentation in Global Agriculture Advisor: Sheila Jasanoff Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Environment and Political Economy, University of California, Berkeley

Nicole A. Szlezak

Dissertation Title: Global Health in the Making: China, HIV/AIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Advisor:  Sheila Jasanoff Job Placement: Consultant, McKinsey & Company

Adam T. Thomas

Dissertation Title: Forgotten Fathers: A Collection of Essays on Low-Skilled Men and Marriage Advisor: William Julius Wilson Job Placement: Research Director, Economic Studies, Brookings Institution

Dissertation Title: Nonparametric Methods for Inference After Variable Selection, Comparisons of Survival Distributions, and Random Effects Meta-Analysis, and Reporting of Subgroup Analyses (Department of Biostatistics) Advisor: Stephen Lagakos Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles

Blair s. Williams

Dissertation Title: Essays in Legislative Behavior Advisor: David King Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, United States Military Academy (West Point)

Naomi Calvo

Dissertation Title: How Parents Choose Schools: A Mixed-Methods Study of Public School Choice in Seattle Advisor: Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Principal Associate, Education Resource Strategies

Dissertation Title: Essays on Environmental Tax Policy Analysis: Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Approaches Applied to China Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Andrew Feldman

Dissertation Title: What Works in Work-First Welfare? Advisor: Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School

Fiona Greig

Dissertation Title: Barriers to Advancement: Perspectives from Behavioral Economics, Negotiation and Gender Analysis Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Consultant, McKinsey & Company

Dissertation Title: Essays on Education Production in China and the U.S. Advisor: Anthony Saich Job Placement: Policy Specialist, Human Development Report Office, UN Development Programme

Beau Kilmer

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Consequences of Drug Use and Drug Testing Advisor: Mark Moore Job Placement: Associate Policy Researcher, RAND

Indhira Santos

Dissertation Title: Essays on Natural Disasters and Household Income Advisor:  Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Research Fellow, Bruegel

Dissertation Title: Essays on Environmental, Energy, and Natural Resource Economics Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Assistant Professor in Energy Economics and Policy, Department of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, Penn State University

Pelin Berkmen

Dissertation Title: Essays on Monetary Policy and Debt Accumulation Advisor: Andrés Velasco Job Placement: Research Economist, International Monetary Fund

Eduardo Cavallo

Dissertation Title: Living as a Debtor in a World of Sudden Stops: The Roles of Exposure to Trade and Commitment Advisor: Jeffrey Frankel Job Placement: Research Economist, Inter-American Development Bank

Dissertation Title: Household Behavior and Energy Demand: Evidence from Peru Advisor: Mark Rosenzweig Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Dissertation Title: The Economic Interdependence of China and the World Advisor: Robert Lawrence Job Placement: Private Sector Consultant

Jenny Schuetz

Dissertation Title: Land, Money and Politics: Essays on Government Intervention in Housing Markets Advisor:  José A. Gómez-Ibáñez Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, New York University

Jong-Sung You

Dissertation Title: A Comparative Study of Income Inequality, Corruption, and Social Trust Advisor: Robert D. Putnam Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego

Chad b. steinberg

Dissertation Title: Does the Neighborhood Matter? Three Essays in International Economics Advisor: Dani Rodrik Job Placement: Economist, International Monetary Fund

Khuong Minh Vu

Dissertation Title: ICT and Global Economic Growth: Contribution, Impact, and Policy Implications Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Visiting Professor, Sawyer School of Management, Suffolk University

Steven c. Anderson

Dissertation Title: Analyzing Strategic Interaction in Multi-Settlement Electricity Markets: A Closed-Loop Supply Function Equilibrium Model Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Electricity Policy Group

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environmental Economics and Policy Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Dallas

Andrew k. Leigh

Dissertation Title: Essays in Poverty and Inequality Advisor: Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Fellow, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University

Gavin Samms

Dissertation Title: Essay in Education Policy Advisor:  Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Sheryl Winston Smith

Dissertation Title: Innovation and Globalization in Four High-Technology Industries in the United States: One Size Does Not Fit All Advisor: Lewis Branscomb Job Placement: Research Associate in Economics and Management, Gustavus Adolphus College

Lori d. Snyder

Dissertation Title: Essays on Facility-Level Response to Environmental Regulations Advisor:  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy, Nicholas School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, Duke University

Carolyn Gideon

Dissertation Title: Sustainable Competition or Inevitable Monopoly? The Potential for Competition in Network Communications Industries Advisor:  Lewis Branscomb Job Placement: Assistant Professor of International Communications and Communications Technology, Tufts University

Gabriel Kaplan

Dissertation Title: Between Politics and Markets: The Institutional Allocation of Resources in Higher Education Advisor: Joseph Kalt Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, University of Colorado Denver

Tuan Minh Le

Dissertation Title: Analysis of Tax and Trade Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Vietnam Advisor: Dwight H. Perkins Job Placement: Public Finance Economist, The World Bank

Pierre LeBlanc

Dissertation Title: Essays on Tax-Deferred Saving in Canada Advisor: David Wise Job Placement: Economist, Department of Finance, Government of Canada

Dorina Bekoe

Dissertation Title: After the Peace Agreement: Lessons for Implementation from Mozambique, Angola, and Liberia Advisor: Robert H. Bates Job Placement: Associate, International Peace Academy

Sheila Cavanagh

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environmental Economics and Policy Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University

Ajay Chaudry

Dissertation Title: Child Care Arrangements Among Low-Income Families: A Qualitative Approach Advisor: Mary Jo Bane Job Placement: Faculty Member, The New School

Dissertation Title: Money and Mission: How Non-Profit Organizations Finance Their Charitable Activities Advisor: Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Public Finance Associate, UBS Paine Webber 

R. Karl Rethemeyer

Dissertation Title: Centralization or Democratization: Assessing the Internet's Impact on Policy Networks Advisor: Jane Fountain Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Policy, Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Policy, State University of New York at Albany

Lisa Sanbonmatsu

Dissertation Title: Child Neglect in a Changing Economic and Social Policy Context Advisor:  Mary Jo Bane Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research

Andres Vinelli

Dissertation Title: The Management and Performance of Microfinance Organizations Advisor: Mark Moore Job Placement: Special Assistant to the Chairman, National Association of Securities Dealers

Alix Peterson Zwane

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environment and Development Advisor:  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley

Dissertation Title: Integrating Information and Decision Making in a Multi-Level World: Cross-scale Environmental Science and Management Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Research Associate, Sustainability Systems Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

RicHARD Doblin

Dissertation Title: Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana Advisor: F.M. Scherer Job Placement: President, Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Judith Kelley

Dissertation Title: Norms and Membership Conditionality: The Role of European Institutions in Ethnic Politics in Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia and Romania Advisor: Lisa Martin Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Duke University

Anthony Patt

Dissertation Title: Strategy and Psychology in Environmental Assessment Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Boston University

Sasha Pivovarsky

Dissertation Title: Essays on Institutions and Finance Advisor: Benjamin Sachs Job Placement: Economist, International Monetary Fund

David Skilling

Dissertation Title: Policy Coordination, Political Structure, and Public Debt: The Political Economy of Public Debt Accumulation in OECD Countries Since 1960 Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Economist, New Zealand Treasury

Marcus Stanley

Dissertation Title: Essays in Program Evaluation Advisor: Claudia Goldin Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Case Western Reserve University

Robert Taliercio

Dissertation Title: Administrative Reform as Credible Commitment: The Design, Sustainability, and Performance of Semi-Autonomous Revenue Authorities in Latin America Advisor: Merilee Grindle Job Placement: Fellow, Young Professionals Program, The World Bank

Todd Olmstead

Dissertation Title: The Effects of Freeway Management Systems and Motorist Assistance Patrols on the Frequency of Reported Motor Vehicle Crashes Advisor:  José A. Gómez-Ibáñez Job Placement: Consultant, McKinsey & Company

Gustavo Merino-Juarez

Dissertation Title: Federalism and the Policy Process: Using Basic Education as a Test-Case of Decentralization in Mexico Advisor: John Donahue Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Carlos Rufin

Dissertation Title: The Political Economy of Institutional Change in the Electricity Supply Industry Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Business Strategy, Babson College

Howard Shatz

Dissertation Title: The Location of U.S. Multinational Affiliates Advisor:  Benjamin Sachs Job Placement: Research Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California

David Snelbecker

Dissertation Title: Pension Reform in Economies with Large Informal Sectors: The Case of the Ukraine Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Manager, The Services Group

David Autor

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Changing Labor Market: Computerization, Inequality, and the Development of the Contingent Work Force Advisor: Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alison Earle

Dissertation Title: Keeping the Job You Find: Understanding Job Turnover Among Welfare Recipients Who Obtain Work Advisor: David Ellwood Job Placement: Research Scientist, Department of Health and Social Behavior, Harvard School of Public Health

Karen Eggleston

Dissertation Title: Incentives in Health Care Payment Systems Advisor: Joseph P. Newhouse Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Tufts University

Karen Fisher-Vanden

Dissertation Title: Structural Change and Technological Diffusion in Transition Economies: Implications for Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in China Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program, Dartmouth College

WooChan Kim

Dissertation Title: Essays in International Capital Markets Advisor: Wei Job Placement: Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Republic of Korea

Chang-Yang Lee

Dissertation Title: A Theory of the Determinants of R&D: Consumer Characteristics and Technological Competence Advisor: F.M. Scherer Job Placement: Director, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Republic of Korea

Steven Todd Schatzki

Dissertation Title: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of Land Use Change Under Uncertainty Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Senior Analyst, National Economic Research Associates

Stuart Orin Shapiro

Dissertation Title: Speed Bumps and Road Blocks: Procedural Controls and Regulatory Change Advisor: Cary Coglianese Job Placement: Policy Analyst, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Tay Keong Tan

Dissertation Title: Silence, Sacrifice, and Shoofly Pies: An Inquiry into the Social Capital and Organizational Structures of the Amish Community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Advisor:  Katherine S. Newman Job Placement: Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore

Kathryn p. Boudett

Dissertation Title: In Search of a Second Chance: The Consequences of GED Certification, Education and Training for Young Women Without Traditional High School Diplomas Advisor: Thomas Kane Job Placement: Research Fellow, Harvard Project on Schooling and Children

Bryan c. Hassel

Dissertation Title: Designed to Fail? Charter School Programs and the Politics of Structural Choice Advisor: Paul E. Peterson Job Placement: Consultant, Private Company

Christopher e. Herbert

Dissertation Title: Limited Choices: The Effect of Residential Segregation on Homeownership Among Blacks Advisor: Kain Job Placement: Senior Analyst, Abt Associates

Jason c. Snipes

Dissertation Title: Skill Mismatch, Turnover, and the Development of Young Workers’ Careers Advisor: Ronald Ferguson Job Placement: Research Associate, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation

John d. Chapman

Dissertation Title: Biased Enrollment and Risk Adjustment for Health Plans Advisor: Joseph P. Newhouse Job Placement: Vice President, Health Care Information Systems

Ingrid gould Ellen

Dissertation Title: Sharing America's Neighborhoods: The Changing Prospects for Stable, Racial Integration Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University

Tae Yun Kim

Dissertation Title: An Analysis of Defense Procurement Policy in Korea: Selection, Cost Accounting, and Profit Policies Advisor:  F.M. Scherer Job Placement: Government Official, Republic of Korea

Dara e. Menashi

Dissertation Title: Making Public/Private Collaboration Productive: Lessons for Creating Social Capital Advisor:  Ronald Ferguson Job Placement: Consultant, Private Company

Richard g. Newell, Jr.

Dissertation Title: Environmental Policy and Technological Change: The Effect of Economic Incentives and Direct Regulation on Energy-Saving Innovation Advisor:  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Fellow, Resources for the Future

Vicki Norberg-Bohm

Dissertation Title: Technological Change for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Mexican Electric Power Sector Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Michael a. Santoro

Dissertation Title: Trade Investment and Human Rights: A Moral Framework for Foreign Relations with China Advisor: Frederick Schauer Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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2019, Public Policy Implementation: The Case of Tanzania National Land Policy of 1995

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to explore reasons as to why most public policy implementation in Tanzania showed unsatisfactory performance using the Tanzania National Land Policy of 1995 as a case study. Specifically, the objectives included establishing contextual and institutional issues; political economy influence; and to examine how stakeholders’ interests influence public policy implementation. Theoretically, the study adopted New Intuitionalism to examine how policy actors were constrained by the dynamic context and the institutional variables in trying to implement their objectives against the desired expected policy outputs and outcomes. This longitudinal study employed a case study approach to elucidate how policy stakeholders interest influenced the implementation of the National Land Policy of 1995 from 1996 to 2015. The study examined the policy conception, promulgation and the ultimate implementation. Public policy implementation was largely examined through a thorough review of a land court case that took more than twenty years to adjudicate. The study established that interests of policy actors with ‘political power’ influenced decision-making for actions taken during public policy implementation. Contextual and institutional constraints abated the realisation of policy actors’ inadvertent policy objectives leading to poor policy results and outcomes. To address this problem, adequate debates by stakeholders are necessary to inform and ensure that legitimate decisions are made for policy actions taken throughout the public policy implementation continuum.

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This paper examines land governance in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor in Rukwa and Katavi regions in Tanzania. The four districts involved include Sumbawanga, Kalambo, Nkasi and Mpanda. Land governance and the management of related conflicts were assessed in views of the roles of local government and the challenges posed by policy and legal frameworks. Using a sample size of 270 smallholder farmers, a household survey was used to collect quantitative data, while qualitative data were collected from 74 Focus Group Discussions' participants. The results confirmed the 'legal dualism' that embraces colonial policy and laws on land issues at local level despite the land reforms that have had taken place in Tanzania. In addition, land conflict was a common phenomenon. The results also show that the efforts of local governments, and other stakeholders, to manage land conflicts were hampered by serious challenges. The challenges include incapacitation of the local government with regard to legal issues, lack of education and unawareness of the policies and legal framework on the part of the citizenry. These resulted into ineffective implementation of informal and formal arrangements governing land issues. Ineffective land governance, in turn, stem from inadequate capacity to resolve land conflicts. This justifies poor land governance. To that effect, concerted efforts are needed to correct the situation.

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There are various actors or agents involved in policy development – central agencies, policy entities and implementing agencies. Some of these entities play multiple roles or a role may be played by several entities together. Each of these actors could have a different understanding of a policy’s objective and its intended outcomes and consequently each of them could potentially distort the policy if the policy development process is not collaborative. It is suggested that adopting a combined or hybrid approach recognizes the multiplicity of actors, the utility and impact of their roles and the collaborative interaction amongst these actors to leverage their strengths for successful policy implementation. It also recognises the importance of differentiating context in policy areas.

As the extended civil war drew to a close in 1992, Mozambique faced a critical situation of massive poverty—especially in rural areas—and a largely subsistence-based agricultural sector plagued by decades of conflicts, low productivity and operating within a weak and impoverished State. A social movement arose from the peace accords followed by an ambitious Land Policy in 19955, Land Law in 1997 and Forestry Law in the late 1990s to encourage investments, public and private, in rural communities by offering legal protection to customary community and association rights to land. A project, the Initiative for Community Lands (iTC), was launched in 2006 to help the implementation of Land Policy and the subsequent land and forestry laws. A retrospective evaluation study of the iTC project in early 2013 applied Outcome Mapping concepts and procedures 1 along with some methods adapted from Outcome Harvesting procedures defined by Wilson-Grau and Brit 2 to assess the influences of the iTC project on communities' security of land tenure. This approach to the evaluation of the iTC is designed for a retrospective study of a complex program operating in a complex environment, where no baseline study existed. The approach produced data for the stakeholders on what the iTC achieved to inform the designers of a new iTC program about lessons learned. The evaluation study was project oriented. This paper explores whether some modifications to the OM/OH methods for evaluation could produce some insights into the iTC's relevance to the broader goals of Mozambique's Land Policy and Land Laws. A Theory of Change derived to guide the retrospective evaluation suggested that an improvement in security of community land tenure would encourage the elaboration of agreements with investors, local and from outside the community, to bring new capital, technology or labor into communities and help overcome the deficits in productivity and livelihoods of rural people. The hypothesis behind the policy and legal innovations, and the efforts of the iTC to implement that legislative intent is that these efforts at defining community rights to land and the community management of local natural resources should encourage private and public investments in the affected communities. The retrospective evaluation of the iTC focused on whether the project had helped introduce changes in the behaviors, relationships and policies of key social actors so as to enhance the capacity of those involved in securing the land tenure and natural resource rights of local communities and to increase the sustainable management and use of natural resources for poverty reduction and economic growth 3. The iTC was to build capacities of communities to attract investments, but not actually get involved in the investment process itself. The policy analysis tries to use the evaluation data and the techniques used to gather the data for project evaluation purposes to explore the influences of the iTC on broader policy goals of stimulating actual new investments.

Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2015

Urban Forum, 2018

Policy is a legal document that governs the operation/management of a certain resource in a certain country. For instance, the way and how the state deal with land ownership, use and access related rights could be defined by their land administration policy and law. The general policy objective of the state to land may encompass environmental sustainability, social equity and political stability. Having or proposing land related policy and law is one aspect and the means of implementation is the other crucial points. Because, policy documents needs an organized instrument to enforce the proposed policy document in to action. The necessary instrument in case of land policy may encompass regulation and implementation manual concerning land tenure security, land market, land use planning, control, management system and smart institution with skilled man power. Thus, the main objective of the study is to assess the major practical challenges manifested during implementation of land administration policy in Benishangul Gumuz Regional state (BGRS). By using the power vested to the regions by federal government, the BGRS has enact land administration policy and legal frameworks to administer the land and land related resources of the region in a sustainable, equitable and secured manner. However, despite the commencement and progress of land policy implementation in BGRS, there are an identified policy implementation related challenges specifically in relation to the capacity of institutions, legal framework related gap, political influence and awareness and other facilities and infrastructures. This situation highly impedes land policy implementation, led to dispute, affect economy and social stability. Generally, the realization of sustainable growth development depends on the manner in which land and land related resources are secured for the users, utilized and managed. This will be addressed through comprehensive people driven land policies which confer full political, economic and environmental benefit to the public at large. This needs commitment from individual citizens, non-governmental organizations and governments to cooperate at regional and lower level by understanding the value of land administration program.

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Open Journal of Social Sciences

The Power of Civil Society Working Paper Series, 2010

Land Use Policy, 2020

Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2019

African Journal of Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, 2018

European Academic Research, 2021

The Korean Journal of Policy Studies, 2015

Routledge Handbook of Public Policy in Africa, 2021

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Journal of Pan-African Studies, 2015

Agder College, ADH-Notat, 1990

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