The JET Program Application – Tips and Advice to Make You Succeed
If you want to get accepted into the JET program, you’ve come to the right place. I was accepted into the program as an ALT (assistant language teacher) a few years ago and loved every minute of it. However, this didn’t come easily.
If awards were given out to JET applicants, I would definitely win the “Most Number of Times Applied” award. I applied so many times that I actually lost count, but it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 or 7 times. I only made it to the interview stage twice. The first time I was put on the waiting list; the second time was when a miracle happened…I got accepted.
To apply to the program, you must first submit an application along with an essay (statement of purpose). If you pass this stage, you’ll be invited for an interview. Do well on the interview and you’ll have a good chance at being offered a position with the program.
I’ll talk more about the interview in another post. But first, here are 5 tips on how to ace the JET application.
5 Tips for the JET Program Application – ALT Position
1. do not take the application lightly – double, triple, and quadruple check it.
This seems like common sense, but I have seen many people, including myself, who took the application too lightly. The application is long, arduous, and at times, frustrating. This can make you want to rush through it just to get it over with. DO NOT do this.
Take your time and fill each answer. If you start to get tired or frustrated, take a break and go back to it later.
Also, treat it just like an English test. This means absolutely no spelling or grammatical mistakes. Be clear and precise.
Most applications can be completed online now. However, if you have an actual hardcopy of the application, I highly recommend that you use a typewriter to fill it out. Yes, I know typewriters don’t exist anymore. Try checking your parent’s attic. Maybe you’ll find one in a box along with their VHS tapes and cassette player. If you have to fill it out by hand, make sure it is PRISTINE and NEAT.
And of course, check it until you know that it’s flawless.
2. Tell the Truth for the Important Stuff (and Stretch the Truth for the Rest)
You want to put your best food forward. Definitely put a positive spin on your experiences and skills (or hype it up). I’m not advocating you stretch the truth to the point where you are exaggerating, but on the other hand, marketing companies to this all the time. You want to show them that they should choose you over everyone else. So really play up your strengths and find things you can put down that relate with Japan and teaching.
For example, maybe you love sports and have helped children in your neighborhood improve their game. Perfect. You have experience in teaching, volunteering, and working with kids.
*If you have absolutely no teaching experience, working with kids, or anything Japanese, no sweat. Turn this into an opportunity when you write your essay.
For example, you can put a positive spin not knowing any Japanese by saying that you’ve always want to know learn more since you are interested in Japanese culture, have many Japanese friends, etc. The JET Program is a great opportunity to provide you with the perfect opportunity to learn the language by being immersed in the local community and making friends there. If you can relate this to your dream or goal for the future, then that would be perfect.
3. Japanese Language Ability
Back in the day (90’s – early 2000’s), it was said that if you have a high level of Japanese ability, this could work against you. The reason behind this is that they wanted someone who would speak English with the students. Someone with a high level of Japanese might only speak Japanese to the kids. Well I’m here to tell you that that is totally not the case now. The JET Program is definitely looking for people who can speak at least some Japanese. You don’t have to be fluent, but it is a plus if you can speak at a conversational/daily life Japanese level. This probably translates to an intermediate level of Japanese. This is for the ALT position. Of course, if you apply for the CIR position you need to have a very high level of Japanese.
I have met hundreds of JET’s during my time in Japan. Out of all of them, only a handful couldn’t speak any Japanese or have never studied Japanese before. The Board of Education in Japan where I used to work at told me that they want people who can speak some Japanese, now more than ever.
This is because elementary schools are increasing the number of hours and English classes they have each year. Unlike junior high and high schools, there aren’t many elementary school teachers that can speak English. So if you work at an elementary school, it will be VERY HELPFUL if you can communicate with the staff there. You’ll also have a much easier time teaching your classes and communicating with the kids. If you want to learn natural Japanese quickly, I highly recommend the lessons at Japanesepod101 .
Can you do this with no Japanese? You definitely can. But your life will be much easier with some Japanese ability. JET realizes this and will look for people who know some Japanese. So if you can’t speak Japanese at all, I suggest you learn a few basic things (basic writing system, greetings, self-introduction ) right now so you can at least put that you are a “beginner” on your application.
4. The Most Important Part of the Application: Your Essay (Statement of Purpose)
Each time I applied, I changed the content of my essay.
The first 3 or so times I applied I wrote a crappy essay that I put very little thought into. Result : I didn’t get in.
One year I tried to be poetic and tried to impress them with an imaginative and elegant writing style. Result : I didn’t get in.
The next year I tried writing creatively. I made my reason for wanting to go to Japan into a story, with an interesting introduction, flowing plot, and a beautiful conclusion. Result : I got rejected again.
The next time I applied, I put a lot of thought into what they were looking for in a candidate. There are English teaching jobs all over the world. Why do I want to go to Japan specifically ? What are my REASONS for wanting to go to Japan over every other country in the world? Why do I want to work for the JET Program specifically, and what will I bring to the table if I am hired? How will working for the JET Program tie into my future?
I wrote, corrected, and rewrote my essay many times. I also got smart. I hired a professional to check my work for grammatical and spelling mistakes, as well as getting advice on how to make it better.
Result : I passed! I made it to the interview stage.
However, I got placed on the waiting list that year. I applied again the following year and wrote an even better essay. I pretty much used my old essay but improved on it.
So the moral of the story is: Concentrate on writing about your motivation and reasons for choosing Japan and the JET program. You don’t need to make it overly elegant or fancy. But you do need to use perfect English that is clear, logical, and flows nicely. Above all, your essay should state your reasons for wanting to go to Japan with the JET Program, why they should hire you instead of everyone else (skills, experience, motivation..what makes you special), and what you will bring to the table if you got hired (building relationships with the community, coaching kids in sport, etc). If working for the JET Program can help you with a future goal or dream, that is even better. This essay is a maximum of 2, double-spaced pages.
Here are more questions you might want to ask yourself. The answers to these questions might be able to help you write your essay:
- Are you flexible?
- Can you adapt to new situations easily?
- Do you like getting involved in the community?
- How will you teach people about your culture and build relationships with the community?
If you think that don’t have any experience in teaching or the Japanese language and culture, you probably aren’t thinking hard enough. As I said before, you should be honest, but I’m sure you have experiences that JET is looking for.
Maybe you moved far away from home to attend university. That means you adapt well to new situations. Or maybe you coached kids in sports. That means you have experience teaching and working with children. Experiences such as these can be used to show your strengths.
You can also turn a weakness into a positive thing. If you don’t know much about Japanese culture and language, you can express your desire for doing so, and say that working in Japan would be the perfect opportunity to help you achieve your future goals. Also be sure to give reasons and examples of what you would plan to do with your time in Japan.
5. The Worst Part of Your Application – The References
Your references cannot be family members or friends, so you’ll need to find professional or educational references who you know will write you a good recommendation. Unless you have 2 references already lined up, this can be a real pain in the ass for both you and the people you ask.
The person who writes you a recommendation has to put it in a sealed envelope, so you won’t be able to see it. So make sure you ask someone who you know will write you an excellent recommendation and has good writing skills.
Also, be sure to give your reference crystal clear instructions. Not only do they have to put it in a signed and sealed envelope, but they have to make three copies of their recommendation, and sign each of them individually.
Make sure to ask your references ASAP . I cannot stress this enough. It’s a lot to ask someone to write an recommendation for you, so give them lots of time. You never know how long it will take for them to finish. I missed the deadline twice because I didn’t get my recommendations in time.
The best thing you can do is start early. Start working on the application when it first comes out. You will also have to get lots of other documentation: 2 professional references, official school transcripts, proof of graduation or copy of your diploma, proof of qualifications (JLPT, TEFL, study abroad, teaching certification, etc.), and proof of citizenship.
Put A LOT of effort into your essay. It probably is more important than the answers you give on your application. The essay gives you the opportunity to say what your motivation for living and teaching in Japan is, and why you would be the perfect candidate. Write and revise it until you feel it is perfect.
I know the application process is long, tough, and stressful, but don’t give up! Getting into the program could be a life-changing experience. If you want to live in Japan, JET is probably the best way to do that (unless you have specialized skills, like a Masters in biochemistry).
If you want to know what a typical day of work looks like on the JET Program, check out this page: Working for The JET Program – A Typical Day
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll try to help you out the best that I can. Good luck!
Dallen Nakamura
24 thoughts on “the jet program application – tips and advice to make you succeed”.
Hi there! this article was quite helpful. I’m currently in the process of applying for the program. There is one thing that bothers me though regarding the application form. There are some items that aren’t applicable to me. Must I leave it blank? or write “No” or “N/A”?
Hoping for a reply. Thank you!
Hi Inday. I know the application changed a little from the time I last did it, but I do remember answering N/A for a couple of questions. I would just make sure to double check all of the instructions. It might say what to put for questions that are not applicable to you.
Would you mind sharing the question(s) that are not applicable to you? I might be able to give you a better answer based on the question. Thanks and good luck on your application!
Thanks for this guide! I’m currently going over my essay portion of the application hoping it’s tied well together.
Hi, Dallen, thanks so much for your article! I do have a few questions if you have the time. 1) I have a lot of university professors who could be my reference, but I also wrote a play with my middle school teacher. We put the play on when I was 13 and again this year. I co-directed with him this time, instead of acting. I’m also directing a community play with him now. I know Japan values prestige, so I’m trying to figure out if one university professor with my middle school teacher is a better reference or 2 university professors, since they technically have “higher education”. 2) There’s probably not an age limit on the program since they didn’t state one but is there a mature student quota as there sometimes is with programs? 3) How much in advance will they notify me about an interview? I’m traveling around the time it stated the interviews are. Is there some way to confirm the exact time? 4) Does applying multiple times hinder your odds of getting in? 5) Do I have to submit a Certificate of Health if I have no health problems?
Thanks so much in advance! And I’m sorry for all the questions. Good on you for not giving up on your dream!
Hi Sara! That’s awesome that you’re applying for the JET Program! I’ll try to answer your questions the best that I can.
1) For your recommendation, I say go with the person you think will do a better job. Who can write more professionally and highlight your best qualities? It would help a lot if the person who is writing your recommendation knows about the JET Program and what they look for in their candidates. Of course a university professor does have a bit more “prestige” than a middle school teacher, but usually the person who knows you best will have an easier time writing about all the good qualities you possess. But if your middle school teacher and university professor are equally skilled at writing and know you well, I probably would go with your university professor. Just my opinion.
2) When I applied (multiple times), there was an age “limit” of 40 years old. The way they worded it made it sound like it’s possible to get in if you were over the age of 40, but highly unlikely. The last time I checked the application, I believe it said that the applicant should be less than 45 years old. But again, if I recall correctly, the way they worded it made it sound as if you could still get in even if you were older than 45. I’m not too sure what you mean by mature student. Do you mean a quota for applicants who are considered “mature?” If so, I don’t believe that they do. Well that could be possible, but I’ve never heard about anything like that before. Just my opinion again, but I believe the JET Program would prefer younger applicants to more “mature” ones. But not too young. Back in the day, I think the JET Program liked candidates who were just out of college. But now I’ve seen a lot of people who are on JET who are in their late 20s to early 30s. I also notice that there has been more married couples and even families coming to Japan with JET. But if you really want to go to Japan, don’t think twice about this no matter what age you are. Just go for it!
3) The answer is…I have no idea. The JET Program sends out their notices when they are good and ready…and we just have to sit and wait anxiously by the mailbox (or computer) until we get their mail! When I applied, they gave me a date of when I should get a reply by. So you could get a reply before that date, but you never know exactly when they will let you know the results. I’m not sure if they will inform you by e-mail or by snail mail, but definitely find a way to check it even when you’re traveling. I think I had to reply pretty quickly about accepting the interview or not.
4) As someone who applied multiple times, I feel that doing so neither hinders nor helps you get shortlisted. I would be surprised if they even remembered you since they receive tons of applications every year. Unless you did something that really stands out, they probably wouldn’t even notice if you apply multiple times. However, if you get to the interview stage multiple times, it’s very possible the interviews might remember you. I did the interview twice, and there was a couple of people there for both years. But unless you did or said something totally crazy, doing the interview multiple times shouldn’t hurt you as well. If anything, it gives you an advantage since you’ll know what kind of environment to expect and what kinds of questions you’ll be asked.
5) I don’t recall if I had to send in a certificate of health with my application. However, when I got accepted to the program, I had to go to the doctor for a check-up/physical and submit medical documents saying I was in good health. I would expect that this hasn’t changed.
I hope this helps! If you have any other questions feel free to ask away!
Good luck on your application Sara!
Hi Dallen, thank you so much for your quick and thorough response! I’m taking you up on your offer for any more questions if that’s okay! Would you recommend writing about scholarships I’ve won in the past in the essay or just the section in the application that asks for it?
Thanks again, Sara 🙂
Hi Dallen!! Really loved this article, super insightful and relevant as I’m applying for the JET programme for this coming deadline.. November 2019. I have a question about the essay style personal statement, i don’t know whether its me being dumb or just not reading it right. It asks for 800-1000 word essay, but how many of the stated questions do I need to answer? They say to answer the “following questions” but do i answer 1,2 and 3a? (3a as i want to be an ALT.) All within the word limit of 1000 words, or do i write 1000 words for each question (meaning 3000 words max over all) or do i just answer 1 from the list! Very confused! Fear i am just overthinking it all… please help a very hopeful future JET out!! Thank you so much, Phoebe
Thanks for the comment. This 1,000 word limit is new to me. When I applied, they had a few questions/topics that you had talk about in your essay, but back then there wasn’t a strict word count limit. I just remember the limit being 2 pages, double spaced. I don’t have the 2019 application, so I’m not sure how they worded those essay questions. Could you copy what is written in the personal statement part of the application? Maybe I can point you in the right direction if I can see how it’s worded. Thanks Phoebe. Good luck with the application!
Hey, Thank you for the quick reply! Perhaps, 2 pages constitutes to 1000 words double spaced? Here is the exact wording of the personal statement section of the application…. “””The Personal Statement will be used to assess your suitability and motivation for applying for the UK JET Programme. You must ensure that it is between 800 and 1000 words, printed on A4 paper, font size 12 and double-spaced. The Personal Statement should be in an essay format, and answer the following questions:””” And then it lists 4 question options such as “”””(Both ALT and CIR)
1) Why do you wish to participate on the UK JET Programme and what can you contribute to your host community?
2) If you have any experience of living abroad for an extended period, what aspect did you find the most difficult to adapt to? Was there any specific problem you had to overcome?
If you have not had any experience of living abroad, do you consider yourself to be adaptable to new circumstances and people? What situations have you found yourself in that have required such adaptation?
3a) ALT applicants only: Teaching Ideas If you have some teaching experience, what methods of teaching (classroom approaches, etc.) have you used, and which have you found the most valuable?
If you have little or no experience, imagine you are in front of a class of 40 students, many of whom are not interested in studying English. How would you go about motivating them? What methods or approaches do you think you might use? What advantages do you think your methods might have?””””
Thank you!! Sorry for the big copy and pastes Phoebe
Wow, that is confusing. I wonder why they labeled question 3 as “3a” but didn’t do the same for question 2? But this is still pretty similar to the essay I had to write when I applied to the program. The only thing that changed is the question about teaching ideas for the ALT position. It seems like you should answer all 3 of the questions in your personal statement. Definitely put in a lot of effort to answer question 1. I believe the reason and motivation behind why you want to apply to the JET program is very important in the selection process. This was also one of the questions that I had to write about in my essay when I applied back in 2009.
Of course, the other questions are important too. Just remember that this is an essay, and should flow very well. I think many people just answer these questions in paragraph form, treating them as individual questions and not as a complete essay that connects all of your ideas and points in an organized manner. Your essay should be highly organized and very precise while making sure everything flows together nicely. The first few essays I wrote (where I didn’t get accepted to JET), I think it was way too wordy and didn’t answer the questions succinctly enough. OF course you want your essay to have creativity and style, but remember that the point of the essay to show the selection committee why they should choose you. What will you bring to the program and to the community you live in? If you want to be an ALT, what will you do to connect with the kids? When you read your essay, does it answer all of their questions?
Just a heads up…if you have some “shortcomings” such as a lack of experience with teaching or living abroad, that is okay. Just be truthful about it and show them why you would excel anyway. Give them other examples in your life of how you adapted to unfamiliar situations or concentrate on your personality/skills that you have.
One more thing…if you are applying for the ALT position, I believe that they want someone with good energy. The kind of person that just walks into the room and makes people smile. Someone that is friendly, approachable, and outgoing. You don’t have to be a super extrovert, but you should be okay with approaching and talking with children and other co-workers. Although this is a teaching position, keep in mind that they also want someone who can relate and connect to the children. You want to be someone who isn’t going to teach standard English lessons like a robot, but someone who will breathe life into the subject and have fun with the kids.
Does that makes sense? Sorry if I started rambling! If you have any other questions please let me know! Good luck on the essay!
Hi there Dallen!
First of all I’d like to say thank you so much for the super informative article you’ve written up here (though it is over 4 years since it was posted it still holds so much weight to it) it has given me a lot of insight into what the most important parts of the application process are and what can be done to improve how I execute each of them.
I do have a couple questions I hope you can give me some advice or answers to though; I was firstly wondering what preparation I can be doing up until the application is opened next month, I have elected my two referees already and should have my references soon so this is not an issue.
I was also wondering how I can put my best foot forward in terms of my essay writing, I’m a University Graduate who has no teaching experience, I have a deep interest in Japan and its culture (I recently took a 2 week trip to Japan and had the best holiday experience of my life as I was able to see and do so many things within such a short space of time), I have been studying Japanese for around 5 months and hope to advance my studies to a higher level in the near-future, I’m also lucky enough to have met a Japanese girl online who I have been dating for around 7 months (I spent time with her and her family for a portion of the time I was on my Japan trip), and finally I have been partaking in the Art of Aikido which has been more than enjoyable for myself as of late.
JET for me would be the experience of a lifetime so I want to put myself out there for the application reader in the best light possible!
If you read this thank you very much for your time.
Hi Lewis! Thanks for the comment. I’m really glad the article could help. Yep, I wrote it a while ago, but the information still holds true for most of the application.
I’m glad to hear you found your 2 references…I hated finding people for my references.
For the essay, I believe it is the most important part of the application. Of course, the actual application form needs to be error free and show off your best qualifications. But I believe that if they like what they see on your application, your essay will then be the deciding factor of whether they offer you an interview or not. So definitely put in a ton of effort into writing the best essay you can.
Some bad news first…in my experience, JET is now favoring people with teaching experience. If you don’t have any, that doesn’t mean you are automatically rejected. But it really helps if you have some experience working with kids or teaching in any capacity. This could be coaching kids in sports, tutoring people (helping friends study, teaching others anything, etc.), or any interaction with kids. Do you have experience with working with children? If you worked with elementary school kids, that would be awesome. Elementary schools in Japan are making English a required subject for students from grade 3 and up, which means the demand for ALT’s in elementary schools is increasing. So I know JET is looking for people who have experience with elementary school children and who is willing to work in in elementary schools in Japan. If you don’t have any experience with kids or teaching in any capacity, there are two options. The first one is to be truthful about it. Mention that you don’t have any teaching experience, and focus on your qualities that they would want as an ALT in Japan. They are looking for someone who can adapt to living and working in Japan, will work hard, is willing to learn and work with other teachers, and of course, someone who brings a good energy. It does help if you are a genki person, but as I mentioned in the article, you don’t have to be. As long as you bring a good energy to class (and the interview), that is what’s important. Good energy is someone who smiles, is friendly, someone you can approach and have fun with…just someone who you know is fun when they walk through the door. Also, if you can explain things simply and clearly, and show that you have no problem communicating in a foreign language (using written notes or gestures when you or a co-worker doesn’t understand one another), be sure to mention that as well. Just be sure to put your best foot forward, without sounding boisterous or make it feel like you’re compensating for something. As with any job, show the company that you are the best person for the job.
The second option, if time allows, is to go out and get some experience. Call up schools to see if you can volunteer by tutoring kids or helping out teachers. Or maybe if there are children in your Aikido class, you could help them. Any experience you have would be awesome.
Also, I want to give you a heads up on what NOT to put in your essay. Definitely don’t mention your girlfriend in the article UNLESS it’s focusing on the culture and experience of being in Japan with her family. If they were speaking to you in Japanese the whole time, that would be a good way to mention you can communicate with others and can adapt to the culture. But I wouldn’t say anything around the lines of “I am dating a Japanese girl and have learned a lot from her.” I think the selection committee are weary of this because they think you just want to go to Japan to be with your girlfriend, and if you don’t get a good placement you’ll drop out (both of which happens).
If you have any other questions feel free to drop me another line. Good luck Lewis! I’ll be rooting for ya!
Hi! Thanks a lot for this info! It’s helping me a lot in my current application. I’m currently on my application stage, and the form can get really confusing. I wish they’d publish a sample of it. Are you still in Japan, by the way? Did you have the opportunity to further your stay in Japan after the program?
Hi Leandro! I’m glad the article could be of some help to you. Yes, the application form can be very confusing…I honestly believe they make the application long and somewhat complex to filter out applicants. So please be sure to triple check everything.
I’m still in Japan. The JET program allows you to work up to a maximum of 5 years (depending on your situation of course… I know of people who couldn’t stay for the full 5 years due to their work performance or some areas decided to cut back on ALTs), which I did. I wanted to stay in Japan after JET, so I ended up getting other teaching jobs, a game tester job, and even worked in factories. I’m thinking of writing an article about what it’s like working at these different types of jobs in Japan. But if you did want to stay in Japan after JET, it’s pretty easy if you move to a big city and want to continue teaching.
Good luck with you application! I hope you get in!
Your write-up is extremely helpful. Thank you so much for sharing some of your experiences. May I ask how long did you work as an ALT in Japan? I have read the period of participation is only for 1 year. Do you know someone who was able to renew and was allowed to extend the period of participation for an additional year?
Hi Iris! I’m glad the article was helpful! I worked as an ALT with the JET Program for 5 years, which is the maximum at the time of this writing. Your working contract is for one year, so you’ll need to re-contract every year (a maximum of 4 times for a total of 5 years). However, I heard that this can depend on the area you work for, as some local districts might only allow you to re-contract one or two times despite what the official guidelines say. But for most places, renewing as an ALT with the JET Program is pretty easy. In most cases, unless you do a horrible job or do something illegal, you’ll most likely be offered to re-contact another year. This of course will depend on other factors like their budget, politics, and what not, but generally speaking, most ALT’s who do a good job get offered to re-contract another year, especially you first year.
This is just my opinion, but I think most schools/BOE’s prefer to keep the same ALT for as long as they can, assuming they do a good job. I had the opportunity to get to know ALTs on the JET Program all over Japan, and I’ve only heard of a few cases where the ALT wasn’t allowed to re-contract for another year. So more than likely, if you want to stay another year with the JET Program, the opportunity should there for the taking 🙂
Hi! This article is very informative. Thanks for this Jack. I will be applying this year. I’m a bit worried because I do not have nor degree in teaching nor do I have a teaching experience. I’m a nurse by profession. So for my essay, I highlighted my strengths as being in the health sector for 10 years I have encountered different types of people which broaden my perspective, enriched my communication skills and increase my cultural sensitivity.
I also pointed out that I’m into cultural exchange saying that in every country that I’ve been to, I include some cultural activities to participate in. I also include my motivation that I want to study and language and experience the culture more. I’ve been to Japan twice and I was mesmerized by the place.
I added also some of my hobbies such as outdoors: hiking, camping etc and that I am inclined in music. I also play the piano. Also, I indicated that a positive cultural exchange further creates positive economic exchanges, something that is invaluable in our globalized world.
Hoping for the best!
Any more tips?
It definitely seems that more people with formal teaching qualifications are getting hired for JET. I think this is probably due to the fact that the amount of English classes in elementary school is increasing within the next few years. elementary school teachers can’t speak English, and they have never taught it before. But don’t worry about this at all. I think that most ALT’s on the JET program don’t have formal teaching degrees or training.
That being said, I do think it’s important that you have experience with teaching, working with kids, and/or international cultures. Sounds like you wrote a very nice essay. Here’s a couple of things that might help.
1. As a nurse, have you ever played with or took care of children? If so, that would be a great way to expand on your experience with teaching and interacting with children. I believe they look for this type of experience and qualities when hiring new JETs.
2. I’m not sure if the essay question changed, but it appears to be the same as when I applied (what are your motivations for going to Japan, what you plan to get out of the JET program, etc….basically why you want to go to Japan and what you can offer to the program). You want to make sure to be clear and concise with your essay….PUT A LOT OF EFFORT into your essay. It should be as perfect as you can get it. It is your one chance to negate any shortcomings on your application, and to highlight your best qualities.
It seems like you added a lot of stuff at the end (hobbies, positive economic exchanges, etc.). Ask yourself…”does this add any value to the main point of my essay, or am I going off track?” I think a lot of people start listing all the qualities and good things they have, and their essay starts to turn into a random sounding resume. I know I did this too.
Focus on the questions that they asked you. And when talking about how you will experience Japan, or how JET will help you in the future, be sure to include how YOU and JAPAN fit into that picture. You said positive cultural exchange creates positive economic exchanges….how does JAPAN and YOU fit into that picture?
Basically, answer their questions clearly and include personal experiences and best qualities where you can. Of course, it should be easy to read, and completely free of errors. Not only should you re-read and revise it over and over, but you should also hire someone to proofread it. There are a lot of online services you can use for this. I did that, and it really helped me to create the best essay possible.
Hope this helps! Good luck with the application!
Hi! Is it really required to have the recommendation letters sealed in an envelope? I was checking the application guidelines for 2018 and this is the only information they have related to that – “Letters of Reference from two referees in Japanese or English If you have not graduated yet, one of the referees must be someone related to your university and must contain a reference to your expected date of graduation.” Thanks in advance!
It seems things have changed since I applied to the JET Program. All I can say is this….Double check, triple check, and quadruple check EVERYTHING! Read all of the instructions and documents that is available over and over. For the recommendations, it looks like it’s all done online now. The documentation says you send requests via the online portal. It also says that 0 hardcopies are required. So be sure read this section over and follow the application instructions to a T.
This is not a fact, but from what I know and what I’ve heard, the JET Program is so competitive that they are looking for ANY reason to reject your application, especially during the first round. One of the ways I believe they do this is by checking to see if you followed the application guidelines and instructions. I think that if you even missed one on their instructions, they won’t even look at the rest of your application. So be 100% accurate and follow EVERYTHING they say to do to a T.
Also, as a I mentioned in the article, have your essay proofread and edited by a professional. Even a small spelling mistake or confused grammar can make or break you. You want it to be as perfect as you can get it.
Other tips: You want to convey that you will adapt to the culture in Japan, and you’ll love the adventure and challenges of living there. You want to come off as friendly with a good energy, but don’t be fake about it. Qualities of a good JET ALT are: friendly, fun, adaptive, open-minded, responsible, sociable, and just brings positive energy to the room. You don’t need to be bouncing off the walls or super energetic, but you do need to show them you have a passion for Japan and that you can play a positive role at your school and the community.
Good luck with your app! Hope this helps! If you have any other questions feel free to ask away!
Hi! Your article helped me out a lot. I don’t have any teaching experience and background but Im pretty confident about my english. Im in the middle of working on my essay, and I really am putting a lot thoughts in it because that will be my only hope of making my personality show. If luck is not on my side this year il be sure to take those certifications and try again next year! Yay for perseverance!
I have a question, in the application form there is a part that they are asking if ever you have someone that you plan on taking with you to Japan, is it a disadvantage to answer it? To whom did your referees address their letter?
Thanks for the comment! Yes, definitely put a LOT of effort in to these essay. Remember to spin your lack of teaching experience into something positive. If you have English teaching credentials, that’s cool to write about (a little), but if you don’t have any, I would spent a lot more time concentrating on the “why” part of the essay. Why do you want to go to Japan specifically? What will going to Japan do for your future, and what will you bring to the table if you live and work in Japan?
Hmm the part about taking someone to Japan…how is it worded? If you are married, and your partner is apply to JET as well, then definitely put it down. If you just have a boyfriend/girlfriend, it’s only my opinion, but I wouldn’t put anything down for that section…especially if your partner wasn’t applying as well. I feel that by not being married, showing that you want to bring a significant other with you to Japan has more negative connotations that positive ones. In the minds of the interviewers, they might wonder what will happen if you break-up…will it affect your job? Do you only want to come to Japan as a long vacation…and so on. Just my opinion though.
As for as my references..I don’t know who they addressed their letters of recommendation to….they need to put their letters in sealed envelops so you can’t see it. So make sure you ask someone that will 100% write you an outstanding recommendation letter. When I applied, there was a form I could print out that gave instructions to my reference. There may be information on there about who to address those letters to. If there’s not, I sure hope that you reference can figure it out…most professional references should know how to address their letters. So make sure you find someone very reputable for your recommendations too…I feel it’s a very important part of their selection criteria.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Hi I’ve been applying to various agencies getting interviews and then regrets. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong but I don’t know what. I’M pretty good at interviews , I have a tefl, a degree, native English speaking . I’m enthusiastic and open in my interviews and I speak clearly . Any further tips?
Hi Eve, Sorry to hear about your job hunting situation. What kind of positions are you apply for? The type of position your apply for makes a difference for sure. Let me know what kind of jobs you are interested in and I can give you some advice on what those kind of companies look for in potential candidates.
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How to Write the JET Program Statement of Purpose Essay The most pivotal part of the JET Program application explained
May 25, 2015 • words written by Michael Richey • Art by Aya Francisco
Viewing under The Tofugu JET Program Guide
In our guide to applying for the JET Program , we skipped over the section about the JET Program Statement of Purpose essay (or SoP). It counts for the majority of your JET application score. To get some of you questions about the Statement of Purpose answered quickly, check out our video:
The SoP is not a cover letter. It's a two page story that separates you from other applicants. In the U.S. it must be maximum of two pages on standard paper, written in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1 inch margins all around, and have your last name with the page number in the upper right.
The JET Program has two main goals:
- English education
- Internationalization
It's important to keep this in mind when writing about your skills and abilities. How does your story match these goals? More importantly, how can you make your story interesting enough to land you a JET Program interview ?
Let's look at this piece by piece and break down the official prompt on the JET Program website. There are four points, all beginning with "Applicants should take this opportunity to reflect on:"
1. "Why you wish to go to Japan and participate in the JET Program and why you are interested in the position for which you are applying (ALT or CIR)."
Read this question as: "What's so special about Japan?"
JET wants to know why you want to live in Japan, as opposed to Spain or Russia? Why do you want to teach English to Japanese children, rather than practice medicine? You can do anything with your life, so what is motivating you to choose this path? In a way, your answer to this question is the heart of your SoP, and all other answers should extend out from it. This is all about your motivation.
Connect this motivation to a personal story or event in your life. No one gains an interest in Japan out of nowhere. Something sparked it. Whether it be a relative who told you stories of their life in Japan, a Japanese book you read , or even anime, include it in your SoP.
The key to successfully using the motivational component in your essay is that you expand on it. This is why " anime " is an acceptable motivational component, though some claim you shouldn't mention anime under any circumstances. If you write, "I want to go to Japan because I like anime," you're not likely to be chosen. The same goes for "I want to live in Japan because my uncle lived there." These are equally weak because they simply state the motivation.
However, "I want to teach in Japan because I watched anime growing up, which sparked my curiosity about where it came from, leading me to a love of Japanese culture…" is much stronger. The focus isn't anime, but rather your thought process and the actions you took after that initial spark. Start with your motivation, but focus on your action. Portray yourself as a proactive and curious person.
All this said, the motivational component is much less important than the others we'll cover. JET knows you want to live in Japan and, though the why is relevant, it matters much less to the decision makers than what you can offer. Give this some thought, but don't spend the whole two pages talking about your motivation. Mention it briefly in the intro and conclusion and that should be enough.
2. "What effect you hope to have on the Japanese community and internationally as a result of your participation in the JET Program."
Read this question as: "What can you offer Japan?"
JET's two goals are English education and internationalization. Though the SoP isn't a cover letter, the JET Program is still a job. JET wants to know what you plan to do in that role. The answer isn't so much "I want to be remembered by my students for all time" but rather, what will you do that's worth remembering? Again, focus on actions rather than ideas.
How will you engage students in a meaningful way? How will you cultivate relationships? Remember that the JET job doesn't end when school ends. Internationalization is your job 24/7. So what does this look like in the larger community? What past experiences are directly applicable to the JET ALT job? Your ideas for the position or experiences don't have to be "right". They simply show you're thinking and ready to jump into the role.
Since you're focusing on actions in this essay, verbs will be your best friend. Power verbs will do even better. "Create," "design," and "produce" are better than "make." "Achieve," "accomplish," and "resolve" are better than "do."
"I want to create and implement original lesson plans" is better than "I want to make lesson plans." "My desire is to build student trust and become a familiar presence in a Japanese school," is better than "I want to talk to students after class."
Furthermore, the more concrete examples you can give the better. "I want to start an English club after school" is better than "I want to make an impact."
Many JETs join clubs at their schools and do volunteer work in the community. They use their skills and interests to do things for people in Japan. If you play guitar, you could play for the school assembly. If you're a soccer wizard, you could join the soccer club. Even if your interests are more insular, like manga, you could start a manga club, which takes more initiative than joining a pre-existing club.
3. "What applicable experiences, professional skills, relevant interests and personal qualities you have, and how you feel these will be useful to you as an ALT or CIR."
Read this question as: "Back up all your big talk with some facts."
When writing your grand plan to teach English like a wizard, back up those plans with some evidence.
The key here is to show that you've done social, interactive things before. JET wants to make sure they are sending people who aren't afraid to dive in and interact with people different than themselves. If you once made food for nursing home residents, mention that as something you'd like to do again. If you led groups of kids at a summer camp, cite it as precedent of your future leading of children to safety. Heck, if you've been a teacher before, that's great proof that you can teach in Japan.
The tricky part with this component is you don't want to restate your application line by line. The person reading your SoP will have read the application. If your Statement of Purpose simply lists all the greatness that is already in your app, it will seem boring. Make sure to explain why your past achievements will make you a great JET. Use them to back up your claims of future JET glory. They are proof that you are historically someone who easily interacts and gets involved with other people.
As with the previous prompt, power verbs are going to be your friend. Check out this list for some ideas. Be careful not to overuse power verbs. You don't want your writing to sound unnatural or forced. Use just enough to avoid writing, "I did…I did…I did…"
4. "What you hope to gain, both personally and professionally, from your JET experience if you are selected and how participation will assist you in your future goals."
Read this question as: "How will you promote Japan after JET?"
This is a trick question. JET is certainly happy about what you'll gain from living in Japan, but is also interested in how you will promote Japan in the future. The entire program was founded with the goal of increasing "soft power," and the current prime minister has made this a primary goal of his administration. This is tied to the "internationalization" goal of JET, and why the E in JET stands for "exchange." You come to Japan to help Japan understand other countries, then you go home to help everyone there understand Japan.
Therefore, it is imperative that you include something of your plans to promote Japan after JET. If you can tie this into your professional career , that's great. If not, you can still talk about how you'll maintain your Japan connection outside of your professional life. This can include things like, joining a local Japan-[your home country] Society, visiting schools to teach them about Japanese culture, or performing in a taiko group.
Extra Tips for the JET Program Statement of Purpose Essay
Don't be afraid to inject some emotion. Certainly don't go overboard but a little exposition about your feelings toward to opportunity of living in Japan can help. Again, this isn't a cover letter and JET only wants to send people who really have a desire to go. So, a few sentences revealing your longing to live in Japan are okay.
Proofread, proofread, proofread! Then proofread again. Don't rely on spell check to find typos. Be sure to print out the document and go through it with a red pen, reading it several times over. Your brain does a better job of catching mistakes on paper than it does on a computer screen. After you've made corrections, print out your SoP and give it to a few people you know for proofreading. Nothing beats a second or third set of eyes.
As you read and re-read your SoP, ask yourself, "does this essay tell people who I am?" All the things I mentioned above are great, but they won't do you any good if the essay doesn't paint an intriguing picture. You can do this with some personal stories, your writing style or "voice", and simply stating your goals and achievements.
If you find a Statement of Purpose example on JET Program forums of blogs, beware using it as a model. The essay should tell the unique story of you and have your voice. See how well the writer answered their questions, but make sure to keep your SoP true to you.
State Your Purpose on Purpose
Give yourself enough time to write. The Statement of Purpose essay makes or breaks an application. You'll definitely want to have space to put it down, come back, and rewrite. And rewrite. And rewrite. It has to be the ultimate JET Program essay.
Put in the effort, highlight your best qualities, connect yourself to the role, and be honest about yourself and what you want. Think about giving more than getting and you're more likely to get. There are plenty of candidates writing forced, robotic SoPs. Designing a compelling and memorable image of yourself will set you apart and make you more likely to get an interview .
This essay won't be easy. But once you get your invitation to interview, you'll be glad you worked so hard. Good luck, JET hopefuls, and happy writing!
JET Program Guide
A Guide to Teaching in Japan
5 Rules to Open Your Statement of Purpose
1) Never Start your SoP with:
“To whom it may concern,” “Dear Hiring Manager,” or ” I’ve always wanted to be a JET because…” These are all terrible openings to a paper that is NOT a cover letter or CV. The JET Program SoP is a statement of purpose or personal statement. It is an essay about yourself, your interests, and your motivations for the JET Programme . Your concern is catching your readers’ attention and motivating them to learn about you! Your introduction is the most important part of your JET SoP. It is the first time the reviewer will learn about you . Imagine you are sitting in a room with them and need to introduce yourself! Better yet, think about the opener as a job interview. It’s the “tell me about yourself” question you need to answer within 1-2 minutes.
The opener is where you need to make a good impression! A bad opening could spell disaster for the rest of your paper. Think about some of the best books you’ve ever read. If the opening was bad, would you have finished or skipped the book?
2) Surprise your Reader with the First Sentence
State a fact about yourself that will grab the reader’s attention. A personal story to introduce yourself and show your character. It must be related to Japan or Japanese culture. Draw their attention to you and not someone else. Your SOP is about you! Think about what you want to convey in only 1 sentence. Attempt to brainstorm something great and unique. Don’t worry if it doesn’t sound right the first time, you can always work on it later and ask others for help. One-liner samples:
- Last September, as I strolled down the streets of Kyoto to see the iconic Kiyomizudera temple, I was still amazed that I was in Japan.
- Passing off the baton to my vice principal in the 200-meter relay on Sport’s Day at Niwashirodai Junior High School was an unforgettable moment as an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan.
- My interest in East Asian culture was ignited by my high school Japanese language class.
- My interest in Japan stems from an experience in middle school where I had the pleasure of hosting Japanese exchange students.
- The first time I experienced the Japanese language was at Asia Fest in my hometown of Orlando, Florida.
- When I first traveled to Japan in 2019, I was mesmerized by all the rice patty fields and traditional houses near Narita International Airport.
- My experience as a student at Osaka University moved me to attempt a teaching career in Japan.
- I left after completing my master’s in tourism and hospitality at APU to work in Seattle, Washington; however, I later realized that my passion was only possible in Japan.
- My JET experience from 2013-2017 in Kumamoto Prefecture cannot be replicated, and neither can my time as a graduate student in Oita; however, my goals are to promote local tourism in Japan through tours and social media.
- As I sat in front of Yokohama Station, I was admittedly nervous because I needed to return to my hotel for dinner with my roommate.
- I was just ten years old when I moved to the United States from the Philippines.
- “Memoirs of a Geisha,” by Arthur Golden, ignited my interest in Japan during one summer day in college.
- I first became interested in Japan in high school when I needed a language requirement, so I decided to take Japanese; however, I did not expect to fall in love with the language and culture.
- I became interested in Japanese culture in the fourth grade when my teacher did a lesson on Japan.
3) Details after the Opening Line
After that attention-grabbing line, you must write some details about that experience. Discuss in 1-2 sentences about it and how it guided you to apply to the JET Program. Narrow down the details and be concise to your reader. Doing this will ensure they know why you are interested in the program. From my 2012 SoP (Passing off the baton to my vice principal in the 200-meter relay on Sport’s Day at Niwashirodai Junior High School was an unforgettable moment as an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan.) Now, I have the pleasure of working for Interac as an ALT until March 2013. For my next goal, I am determined to bring my skills to the JET Program as an ALT in elementary and special needs classes, based on my recent experiences as an ALT and former English grammar tutor. The next 2 lines are about my past experience and what I want to do on JET with my skills. Every applicant is different so don’t compare yourself to me. Focus on what you have and can bring to the program. Your writing won’t be perfect, just remember to revise and be conscious of your space. Your introduction should be 5 sentences, max!
4) Transitioning to your first body paragraph
The final line in your SoP introduction should be a transition to help the reader understand what your plans are and hint about your future goals. You want the reader to know what to expect in the coming paragraphs. From my 2012 SoP (Passing off the baton to my vice principal in the 200-meter relay on Sport’s Day at Niwashirodai Junior High School was an unforgettable moment as an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan. I have the pleasure of working for Interac as an ALT until March 2013. For my next goal, I am determined to bring my skills to the JET Program as an ALT in elementary and special needs classes, based on my recent experiences as an ALT and former English grammar tutor.) In JET, I will continue to act as a global ambassador by sharing my passion for culture and teaching while moving forward with my professional career goals. From my 2011 SoP (My interest in East Asian culture was ignited by my high school Japanese language class. The class was challenging because I was unfamiliar with the Japanese language or culture. As a way to deal with the difficult writing, grammar, and speech structure, I sought out a Japanese pen pal to exchange emails and parcels with. This friendship led to my first visit to Japan. Traveling to Japan helped me in envisioning my long-term goal of becoming a global ambassador. Since then I have pursued a career path in East Asia studies. My current goal is to become an Assistant Language Teacher in the Jet Program based on my experiences from tutoring and studying abroad.) With this position, I can fuel my understanding of the Japanese culture and language while giving back to the community through English teaching and seeking my professional goals. These are the last lines in my opening paragraph. They will give the reader of what is to come. Think of these as a thesis statement for your entire essay, a concise summary of everything you will go into detail about!
5) No Intro is perfect
My writing was NOT perfect. My application formula might not be ideal either. However, this style was the easiest for me to follow. I believe it guides the reader to understand my character (who I am); learn why I want to apply to the JET program; and learn about the skills I’ll bring to the program and my future aspirations.
Be an attention seeker! This is your first interview. Making a good impression will get you a second interview . Applicants don’t grasp the importance of the “personal statement” or “statement of purpose.” Pretend like this is your interview and you only have a limited time to explain yourself. What would say to entice the reader and have them wanting more?
Over 7 years of living in Japan, it was my second home. It's a fantastic and magical place with a unique culture that is different from anything else.
Application Form
Key points:.
- Application forms are available only during the application intake period (generally between October and the last Friday of November each year).
- Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online.
- Applicants completing a paper application must ensure all documentation is clear and legible .
Information Regarding Online Applications
Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online. Detailed information boxes are provided next to each question of the online application form allowing for faster completion of the form. Online application will allow us to process your application more quickly and ensure that important details will not be lost through illegible writing. Please be sure to print the PDF forms prior to the application deadline.
Information Regarding Paper Applications
Applicants with no internet access at home should consider that many local libraries offer internet access, often free of charge. However, if you have great difficulty accessing the internet, you will be able to download the application form as a PDF file from this website. If you do not have access to a printer, please contact the JET Desk explaining this and we will send a copy of the application form to you.
Offline applicants should complete paper application questions 1-17 using CAPITAL LETTERS . For the remaining questions, please print or type your answers as clearly and legibly as possible. Every year the JET Desk receives a number of applications that cannot be processed due to unclear or illegible writing.
Information Regarding Signatures
Every year there are a number of applicants who do not sign the three appropriate sections of the application documents. We cannot accept unsigned applications . Applicants must read the declarations carefully and sign the following three places in each of the four application packs:
- Application Declaration (at the end of the application form once it is printed)
- Self-Assessment Medical Report Declaration
- Authorisation and Release Form
Please be sure to print the PDF forms so that all pages and signature spaces are available.
For Online application , please click here
For download application form (pdf file) , click here
Google Search
Other jet-related sites:.
- MOFA JET Programme page
Contact the JET Desk:
JET Programme – Statement of Purpose – Page 2
Completing your JET Programme application? Just don’t know what do say on that JET Programme Statement of Purpose Essay? Check out the advice and some of the samples below and good luck!
Apologies but some of the links to JET SoP’s no longer work with the demise of the Big Daikon site. If you have links to good JET essays please contact us .
JET Personal Statement of Purpose (SoP) Advice
The Statement of Purpose is the part of the application which likely plays a huge part in any success. Take your time crafting the best Personal Statement you can. Your SoP should elaborate on the strengths you’ve brought up in your application, and should refer to the traits JET is looking for. Provide brief anecdotes about experiences you’ve listed in the application. Show some personality, give the interviewers a reason to remember you. Also, have other people look over your SoP . This is a professional-calibre essay, not something for an intro English class.
Special note for UK JET applicants: The essays for Americans (Statement of Purpose) and the British (Personal Statement) are relatively similar, so the following samples are of use. Also, there’s no definitive ‘correct way’ to write a JET Personal Statement . Just as long as you’ve answered clearly the three questions required on the UK JET application it should be fine. You can answer the three questions distinctly or, if you prefer, write it in one essay. However for ease of reading it’s suggested you break it into sections. Just don’t muddle them up into an ill-defined personal statement without letting your personality shine through. An outline from JET-UK for the personal statement is here .
The Top Ten DO NOTS :
1. Detailed discussion of mental or physical health issues. 2. Serious grammar, zero punctuation and/or spelling mistakes. 3. Not answering the question and/or very very very long sentences that never actually reach a point. Don’t waffle on about one unimportant point and drag it out to be a paragraph, then talk about lots of other really good points and skimp on the details. 4. Criticising anyone or anything. 5. Writing too much or too little. 6. Talking about what you want, instead of what you can do. Whatever you say in your statement, it should link back to why you’d make a good candidate. 7. Giving examples, especially long winded ones. Tell them succintly how this experience/qualification/expertise/interest relates to what JET is looking for. 8. The mention of anime, manga, or video games. Some people debate this notion. If you simply MUST mention them, then see Points 7 and 9 9. Simplistic interests. If you have a personal interest in an aspect of Japanese culture, mention it, but tread cautiously. For example, it’s fine to enjoy ikebana or karate, but don’t spend the majority of your essay talking about it. 10.Make sweeping statements about Japan/Japanese which may be insulting and/or patronising
The personal statement should be between 800 and 1000 words long, word processed, font size 12 and double spaced on A4 paper. As long as your statement fulfils the above criteria, it will be acceptable (disregard the maximum page limit on the application form)*. Further to Point 2, it should be devoid of spelling and grammar errors. It should flow well. It should sound good when you read it. You do not want to be remembered as the candidate who couldn’t tell the difference between “its” and “it’s”. Remember, you’re applying to teach English to Japanese students. It won’t reflect well on you if you don’t have adequate command of the English language yourself. Have other people review and edit your essay, preferably trained professionals (like English or Journalism professors). If you don’t have professionals, use who you can find. Just make sure that you have this essay as polished as you can make it before you submit.
* This information was provided to me by a JET representative several years ago. However the following email was sent to me in November 2012 by the JET Program Coordinator in Miami. It is provided FYI. A JET applicant messaged me to tell me that this webpage is telling applicants to disregard the Statement of Purpose’s strict 2 page requirement as stated on the JET Program USA website and instead abide by a 800-1000 word guideline instead. After reviewing it myself, I see that this is indeed the case. Please do not advocate that applicants should break any of the parameters that have been set by the JET Program. The two-page limit is absolute; anything beyond that will be ignored by the reviewers. Given how many applications we receive, it is important that all applicants follow the rules and do not try to take an unfair advantage over their peers. Doing so may actually hurt their chances. I appreciate that you have built a webpage to try to encourage JET applicants, but please do not try to undermine the guidelines that they need to follow. If the official websites say that something is required, then it is required.”
Sample Nine
There are three broad reasons why I would like to participate in the JET program which also encompass my career goals. The first consideration is that all of my university studies were structured around internationalist issues with the aim of eventually working overseas, more specifically within the Pacific Rim area. My studies in California were also undertaken with this goal in mind, along with my travels throughout the Pacific. I would particularly like to teach and have applied to undertake a graduate diploma in Education with TESOL as a my major. However I consider the JET program offers a much better window of opportunity in this regard…
Read the rest here
I grew up in Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. My family and I immigrated there 14 years ago when I was 6 years old. Growing up on the islands, the oriental culture fostered a deep impression on me. Be it Japanese, Chinese, Korean or even Filipino, we had them all. Everything from lion dances and cultural festivals to mochi pounding and kim-chee contests I have participated in and enjoyed immensely. But it was only after my first trip to Tokyo that I found myself actively seeking to know more about this particular country. Since then, local subtitled TV shows like “Soko Ga Shiritai” and “Next Stop Discovery” gradually found their way to my week nights; books related to Zen Buddhism and Go began to pile onto my bookshelves and into my thoughts. And after three years of Japanese in high school, I came to understand that it was this Asian mentality and the Japanese lifestyle which I became deeply attracted to.
Throughout college I continued taking more Japanese courses. I know that one day when I do travel to back Japan again it will help enhance both my experience and understanding. Attaining a certain degree of fluency is one of my goals and many reasons of wanting to go there.
One of the most prominent attributes that attracted me to the JET Program was the opportunity to be situated within a typical Japanese schooling environment. As an ALT, I know I can relate to many issues the students may be going through, not only because I am of an Asian descent but also because I know quite well the ups and downs of acquiring a new language. Having been brought up in a bi-lingual environment I am keen on the finer nuances of Eastern and Western ideology and philosophy. In this regard, I believe I can bring many personal qualities to the JET Program as a whole. Modesty, humility, and conservatism are intrinsic values of any oriental society and values that I grew up with. Of course, I also share the values of individuality and freedom which are so clearly engraved within the Western mindset. My years spent studying here in Chicago have broadened my perspective of America outside of Hawaii, and I want to translate the broad culture of this country to the people of Japan. In this respect, I know I am able to contribute to the main goals of the JET Program while being fully adaptable to local customs and cultural norms.
Currently, I am involved with a community development group tutoring high school students. Dedicating four to five hours a week to these kids who were my age a few years ago has been a great experience. Whether it was guiding them through complex subject matters or assisting them with simple homework problems, it has help me fortify many aspects of my abilities to teach and mentor. Often, when they do confront me with frustrations or difficulties, I found myself only more eager and persistent each time to help them find their resolve. Being able to interact with them on such a personal level has made this something I always looked forward to and really enjoyed. However, this alone has not been an unfamiliar experience for me. Tutoring my 9 year old sister throughout elementary school was mostly my responsibility as both of my parents lacked the necessary English abilities to help her. I love kids, and from experience I know a lot of patience is involved, but patience is also something I have in abundance. Additionally, many of my business related experiences have helped me develop a high level of professionalism and strong interpersonal relationship skills. I hope to call upon these experiences in situations where cultural sensitivity and diplomacy are held in high regards.
With the current Sino-Japanese relationship advancing by leaps and bounds, if selected as a participant, I wish to use the opportunity not only to bridge culture gaps between Japan and America, but also represent bits and pieces of my Chinese heritage.
I am confident of my qualifications and their relevance to the JET Program. I wish to use the experience I gain from Japan to follow in the footsteps of my father and pursue a career in the travel industry back home. If I am presented with this opportunity, it will truly be in my greatest honor and pride to give it my 110% effort.
Sample Eleven
From a very young age my family was constantly on the move. By the time I finished university I had lived in Cyprus, the U.A.E and several parts of Australia, and had travelled extensively through Asia, Europe and Africa. Coupled with my father being British and my mother Australian, when I am asked where I am from I hardly know the answer myself, as each of the places I have lived in is special to me. I consider myself an international citizen, but I am deeply patriotic to both the UK and Australia. My unconventional childhood has instilled in me a wanderlust and a desire for the unknown and foreign that I doubt I shall ever be able to satiate. I imagine myself travelling around the world for the rest of my life, taking my experiences with me from each country to the next.
My fascination with Japan in particular started in university when I became friends with Japanese exchange students at my college. I was intrigued by the Japanese psyche and culture which I perceived as unique among any I had previously encountered. I began reading about Japan, joined the university’s Japanese Students Society with my friends, eventually took a Japanese language elective (which unfortunately I had to withdraw from due to conflicts with my core subjects), and found a Japanese language partner. During this time I learned of the JET Programme from my Japanese professor, but missed the application dates for the year I graduated. Undeterred I sought and was offered a job in Japan with LiveDoor. I accepted the offer but unfortunately the project was cancelled. Now, after working in the UK for a year and in France since October 2005, I cannot wait any longer to go to Japan and decided to apply for an ALT position.
I believe that you cannot gain a true understanding of a culture and it’s people without immersing yourself in it, and that is what I plan to do in Japan. As a JET participant I would commit myself to becoming fluent in Japanese, learning the culture’s customs and traditions and making as many friends as possible with my students, fellow teachers, and the locals in my placement area. I make it a personal goal in any country I visit to leave good first impressions and to promote a favourable image of my country. This will apply especially in Japan where I will strive to ‘penetrate the bubble’ of Japanese society and dissolve any misconceptions of foreigners I may encounter. As an ALT in the JET Programme I will be perfectly positioned to achieve these goals, especially as I will be able to inform so many young Japanese about the UK, the British people and western culture in general.
At the international school I attended in the U.A.E and at university I met many people with varying commands of English. Through much practice I am now adept at adjusting my speech to compensate for limited comprehension or vocabulary, and am very good at listening through accents. I have called on this skill when tutoring groups of Malaysian students and when as a senior collegian I was very proactive in encouraging exchange students to participate in our social events. Although I have no experience of teaching English in a formal setting I have found that an effective technique to encourage a student to learn any skill is to show them its immediate use. An example I would give to my Japanese student would be its effect on their use of the Internet. A basic level of English opens up huge sources of information and makes possible interaction with millions of English speaking Internet users. To encourage this, homework could be set to research subjects from English web-based sources. With my skills and experience with computers I could expand on this by creating a website for my students to maintain journals on in English. This would encourage creative use of the language to describe their own lives for friends and classmates to read. Discussing the journals of different classes and schools would be a working example for students on finding information and communicating on the Internet with English.
Outside the classroom, I plan to be accessible to answer any questions and provide extra help to students. I want to teach them practical conversational English to complement the standard curriculum. Hopefully with the addition of this regular informal interaction students will be more comfortable speaking English with foreigners and each other. In every activity as an ALT my aim will be to motivate students the idea that they are gaining valuable knowledge and encourage them to use me as the invaluable resource for their learning that I would be.
My international experience, proven adaptability to new cultures, passion for learning more about Japan, and desire to be a model ambassador for Britain make me ideal for the JET Programme.
Sample Twelve
Back in high school, it was required of all students to take a minimum of two years of foreign language in order to graduate. Not being all that interested in taking a European language as did most of the students, I decided mainly on nothing more than a whim to take Japanese instead. At the time, I had no idea what I was getting into, but now six years later, that one little decision seems to have shaped my life in many ways since. Within the class, the teacher did not focus merely on the language. The teacher believed, as I do, that language is inherently tied to the culture of a certain place. To remove it from that context takes out part of the meaning. This eventually led to me and my class to take a trip to Japan in the summer of 2002 as part of the New Perspectives Japan program. While visiting areas such as Nara, Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo, I began to develop a real sense of the Japanese language as a subset of the Japanese culture.
This is what interested me at the start. Japan has very strong ties to its cultural background in a way that I had never personally witnessed here in the United States. I decided to attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa because I knew that there was a strong Asian influence in Hawaii. Once arrived, though, I was surprised by not only the Asian influence, but by the Hawaiian culture also. My eyes were opened to a people that I did not even know existed beforehand. I became friends with some of the people in the Hawaiian community and learned a lot about yet another cultural background. At the same time, I finally gave in to the idea of a European language and started studying German. Unlike what I had expected, yet again there was a deep sense identity. My interest was peaked, and I now had a good idea of what I wished to study.
Right now, I am close to graduating with a B.A. in Speech Communication. I would eventually like to enter graduate school and focus on some aspect of cross-cultural relations, but I thought it might be more prudent to gain some firsthand experience. This, then, is where the JET program comes in. I like being able to reach out across borders and foster a sense in people that they are part of a larger world, much in the same way that had happened to me. I love the idea of internationalization; of giving a sense that while a person can (and indeed should) identify with his/her own culture, there are others. Most important, perhaps, is also that idea that we will always have to interact with people from these other backgrounds. Understanding where they come from can help foster more open communication.
My personal experience in teaching is not very much at this time, but I believe what I do have is relevant. Alongside tutoring high school students at Kalani High, I have recently volunteered with the Hawaii Literacy Program. For the Literacy Program, I have been paired with an adult woman who immigrated from China. Each week we meet for around 90 minutes and work on her reading and writing. It is challenging, as sometimes she but I have learned slowly how to handle teaching. For me, it is important to have clearly outlined beforehand what exactly I wish to cover each week, and try to stick to that. Sometimes (in fact, most times!) we drift into tangents, but having an overall goal really helps things stay organized.
What I like about the tutoring is that we get a chance to share with each other about where we came from in the midst of the teaching. By personalizing the text to both of us, it helps keep things interesting and moving forward. This, then, is why I look forward to being in the JET program. While sharing and discovering other people’s culture I also get to share and discover a bit more of my own..
Sample Thirteen
In a month, I will have completed the coursework for a Bachelors of Science in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Johns Hopkins University. It took me three and a half years to complete, and if I add the time it took me to complete my primary education, I have been in school for nearly seventeen years straight. I need a change of environment, for at least a year or two, before entering a graduate or medical school. With my interest in Japanese language and culture, and my desire to learn how to teach, an Assistant Language Teacher position in JET looks very desirable.
I have been interested in the Japanese language ever since I was a junior in high school. As I started studying the language as a freshman in college, I realized that the Japanese language and culture are intertwined at a level far deeper than that of English and American culture. There are many Japanese idioms and conventions that cannot be mapped directly to anything in English, like honorifics. I understood that I would never be able to truly grasp the Japanese language without a deep understanding of the culture. While I have researched Japanese culture, language, and history, I believe that the best place to learn about Japanese culture and language would be Japan itself.
I also want to know Japanese so I can help Japanese people. I will never forget when a worried father began calling my dorm freshman year looking for his daughter. It was the first month of class, and I had learned just enough Japanese to identify it being spoken. When he first called, I convinced the man that I did not know his daughter, and that I could not speak Japanese. However, he called again, and hysterically accused me of harming his daughter. Not knowing what to do, I hung up. I felt depressed afterwards; I was unable to help a man with what could have been the biggest crisis of his life. If only I had known more Japanese, I could have aided him. I really hope he found his daughter.
I also want to be an ALT for the teaching experience. Currently, my primary experience with teaching children was helping my sister with her homework and SAT preparation. I believe a teaching method similar to Kaplan SAT Verbal and Writing preparation would be beneficial to Japanese students, as it aims to increase their vocabulary, reading comprehension, and understanding of syntax.
I personally learned that a large vocabulary was important last year, while working on a group project where we had to write several reports. One of the members finished his primary education in Turkey. He was a very intelligent person, but whenever he tried to make changes to our reports, the result was unreadable. He lacked the English vocabulary to coherently express his ideas. Eventually, the other members of the group and I eventually had the Turkish member dictate to us his changes to the reports, as his spoken English was passable.
Another style of teaching that I believe would be useful to students is seminars. In seminars, a student or group of students are assigned a topic, which they are to research and later teach the rest of the class. Seminars were an integral part of several courses I have taken in college, and were especially useful when I was studying in a group.
While I gain a lot by being an Assistant Language Teacher, I will also be bringing something to Japan. I am well traveled. I was born in Kenya, and moved to the United States when I was four. I have visited several cities in Europe, including Paris, London and Madrid. I have also visited cities in the Middle East, including Mecca. I have even seen the Taj Mahal and Versailles. I have spent several months visiting family members in Bangladesh, both in Dhaka, and in more rural areas. Therefore, in addition to my experiences the United States, I can describe what I saw in many other countries.
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Personal statement layout
So I have no idea how it looks I know basic Name ----- Jet program------ Personal statement ----- But the layout what's the style?
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The Personal Statement structure for ALT and CIR applications is slightly different. Be sure to choose the correct outline. This is your personal statement of between 800 and 1000 words. Your essay must be: word-processed. printed on A4 paper. font size 12. double-spaced. It should comprise of three main sections, including the following points:
Personal Statement Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme UK. The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is the Japanese Government's official long-running international exchange and English-teaching programme.
Statement of Purpose (SoP) Advice. The Statement of Purpose is the part of the application which likely plays a huge part in any success. Take your time crafting the best Personal Statement you can. Your SoP should elaborate on the strengths you've brought up in your application, and should refer to the traits JET is looking for.
Here is the exact wording of the personal statement section of the application…. """The Personal Statement will be used to assess your suitability and motivation for applying for the UK JET Programme. You must ensure that it is between 800 and 1000 words, printed on A4 paper, font size 12 and double-spaced.
Statement of Purpose (2-page, double-spaced essay), don't forget it! "Describe your motivation and qualifications for participating on the JET Program.". This is not word-for-word on the official application; however, this is "the prompt" for every aspiring JET. It's a bit vague, which can be overwhelming, but there is no wrong way ...
For the first part, I'd say a bit of both, but more emphasis on why you want to go to Japan, and only a little on why you looked at JET to do that. They're going to be far more interested in why and how you think you will fit in, and what drew you to Japan. The second part is about your experiences that you can share with your community.
In the U.S. it must be maximum of two pages on standard paper, written in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1 inch margins all around, and have your last name with the page number in the upper right. The JET Program has two main goals: English education. Internationalization.
1) Never Start your SoP with: "To whom it may concern," "Dear Hiring Manager," or " I've always wanted to be a JET because…". These are all terrible openings to a paper that is NOT a cover letter or CV. The JET Program SoP is a statement of purpose or personal statement. It is an essay about yourself, your interests, and your ...
I've recently applied to the UK JET Programme and when I was looking back at my Personal Statement (SoP), I noticed that made a few mistakes. For example, repeating certain words and accidently omitting a word in a sentence. ... The personal statement is more of a reflection of your English ability and writing skills, whereas the job history ...
The Statement of Purpose (SOP) is a very, very important component of the application to the JET Program. Your qualifications will be listed on the application, but it doesn't say much about who you are as a person! The SOP is your chance to show them who you are and what you hope to offer to the program. I'm showcasing my SOP here in hopes ...
The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is the Japanese Government's official long-running international exchange and English-teaching programme.
*The most important aspect to "beat" the JET Program selection process would be 100 % honesty within the application and SOP. From personal experience, I have met many candidates that have lied or spruced up their resume/application to look like the ideal candidate but ultimately failed during the interview process. The anxiety of trying to ...
The UK JET Programme strongly encourages applicants to use the online application form. ... 1 Personal Statement (double spaced) 1 authenticated, original academic transcript (stamped and signed) 1 Proof of Degree; 1 Proof of Nationality; 2 sealed references; Please note that the Self Assessment Medical Form, Authorisation and Release Form, and ...
After reviewing my JET Program personal statement from 2017, I've applied my own JET program advice and tips to make a new and improved, 2021 version of my s...
I review my original JET Program personal statement from 2017 when I applied and give myself the kind of advice and tips I'd offer anyone who sends me their ...
r/JETProgramme. • 59 min. ago. Ellipsoidz. UK Jet applications rejection. Personal statement review. Hi there. Feeling a bit crumby. Despite researching and looking into how to craft a solid personal statement on my UK Jet application, I have not been invited for an interview this year. There may of course, be other factors as to why this is ...
JET Personal Statement of Purpose (SoP) Advice. The Statement of Purpose is the part of the application which likely plays a huge part in any success. Take your time crafting the best Personal Statement you can. Your SoP should elaborate on the strengths you've brought up in your application, and should refer to the traits JET is looking for.
If you do not have access to a printer, please contact the JET Desk explaining this and we will send a copy of the application form to you. Offline applicants should complete paper application questions 1-17 using CAPITAL LETTERS. For the remaining questions, please print or type your answers as clearly and legibly as possible.
The personal statement should be between 800 and 1000 words long, word processed, font size 12 and double spaced on A4 paper. As long as your statement fulfils the above criteria, it will be acceptable (disregard the maximum page limit on the application form)*. Further to Point 2, it should be devoid of spelling and grammar errors.
by Capable_Science_872 Aspiring JET Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement Content . Hi All, ... , This might be more specifically for the UK applicants but in the guidelines on site it states that you should answer the three questions by forming an essay. Comparing this to the examples and posts I see of people providing examples of personal ...
Im glad to see a thread relating to this up, i too am applying to go on either the JET program or the Interac ALT program this year to travel in 2010. I have just finished writing the first draft of my personal statement, ending at a safe 960 words, but it doesnt read like most conventioal statements so im a little worried (we are all our own ...
I think for question 1, they want to find one why Japan and why JET? And maybe talking about why you're interested in the role, what you have to offer, why you're the best for the role, etc. I found 3 the hardest to answer and wrote the least words on it, though I answered 3b as I'm applying for the CIR role.
There are lots of examples online if you type "jet statement of purpose example/sample", also as another user stated the Tofugo article. If you're just looking for the prompt questions the tofugo article goes over the gist of them. Should pop up at the top of a "tofugo statement of purpose" google search