Real Estate | How To

How to Write a Real Estate Business Plan (+ Free Template)

Published June 30, 2023

Published Jun 30, 2023

Gina Baker


Jealie Dacanay

WRITTEN BY: Jealie Dacanay

This article is part of a larger series on How to Become a Real Estate Agent .

  • 1 Write Your Mission Statement
  • 2 Conduct a SWOT Analysis
  • 3 Set Specific & Measurable Goals
  • 4 Plan Your Marketing Strategies & Tactics
  • 5 Create a Lead Generation & Nurturing Strategy
  • 6 Calculate Your Income Goal
  • 7 Set Times to Revisit Your Business Plan
  • 8 Why Agents Need a Real Estate Business Plan
  • 9 Real Estate Business Plan Examples & Templates
  • 10 Bottom Line
  • 11 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A real estate business plan lays the groundwork and provides direction on income targets, marketing tactics, goal setting, lead generation, and an overview of your industry’s competition. It describes your company’s mission statement in detail and assesses your SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) as an organization. Business plans should include measurable goals and financial projections that you can review periodically throughout the year to ensure you meet your goals.

Continue reading to see real estate business plan examples and discover how to write a real estate business plan. Start by making your own by downloading and using the free real estate business plan template we’ve provided below.


Real Estate Business Plan Template

Real estate business plan template.

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Market Leader provides a comprehensive paid inbound lead, automated marketing, and CRM solution to help agents acquire, engage, and nurture real estate leads.

Furthermore, Market Leader offers and guarantees you a number of exclusive seller and buyer leads in your target niche at a monthly rate.

1. Write Your Mission Statement

Every real estate agent’s business plan should begin with a mission statement, identifying your values and why your business exists. Your mission statement serves as the guide to achieving your ultimate business objective. When you create a solid clear mission statement, all other items identified in your realtor business plan should be aimed at fulfilling this statement.

A screenshot of Compass' website.

Compass’ mission statement: “Our mission is to help everyone find their place in the world.” (Source: Compass )

Your mission statement should identify your target audience, what product or service you provide, and what makes your business distinct. As seen in the example above, a powerful mission statement should be short and concise but sums up a business objective.

Let’s take Compass’ mission statement above as an example: “Our mission is to help everyone find their place in the world.” The statement identifies what the company offers, for what reasons, and who it benefits.

2. Conduct a SWOT Analysis

SWOT is an acronym that stands for a business’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The primary objective of these four elements is to assess a business by evaluating internal and external factors that can drive decision-making and help you make more money . Conducting a SWOT analysis as you develop your business plan for real estate uncovers opportunities to differentiate yourself from the massive competition currently on the market.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses are internal parts of your organization. Strengths identify what product or services you provide better than others, your access to resources, and items that benefit your customers. Weaknesses are items that need improvement, lack of resources, or what your competition does better. These are items within your control to change because you can convert a weakness into a strength.

See the example below if “Agent X” was doing their SWOT analysis:

Opportunities & Threats

External factors drive opportunities and threats and are areas you can take advantage of to benefit your business. Examples of opportunities can be shifts in the current marketplace, emerging trends you can capitalize on, features that competitors lack, or even changes with your competitors. Threats, on the other hand, are anything that can negatively impact your business. You don’t have control over changing the opportunities or threats, but you can develop a practice to anticipate and protect your business against the threats.

The opportunities and threats for “Agent X” would be:

When you complete your SWOT analysis, use it as a guide when creating strategies to meet your business objectives. To gain the most benefit from creating a SWOT analysis, make sure you are being realistic about your business and evaluating it in its present state. You don’t want to be unrealistic by listing strengths or opportunities that don’t exist yet, and you want to allocate time and money to the most impactful solution to your business issues.

If “Agent X” completed the above SWOT analysis, a few strategies they could derive would be:

  • Incentivize agents to keep them at the brokerage for longer
  • Implement a technology-based key machine to reduce lost keys and keep the team accountable
  • Find a competitive advantage against competing brokerages and use that in marketing messages

Example of Zillow Premier Agent Agent Finder advertising for three featured agents.

Zillow agent finder (Source: Zillow )

To help agents locate other brokerages operating in your preferred market, agents can use Zillow’s agent finder page as a research tool to see which agents or brokerages are operating in a specific area. You can find an agent by location, name, specialty, and language. Once you click on a Zillow profile , you can read their reviews, see their team members, contact and website information, and property listings. Take a deep dive into your competitor profiles and can use the information to implement strategies within your own business.

Visit Zillow

Read how our experts feel about this real estate lead generation company in our Zillow Premier Agent review .

3. Set Specific & Measurable Goals

You’re ready to set some business goals after clearly defining your mission statement and SWOT analysis. Goals can help set the tone to increase your performance and drive your business in the right direction. Your goals should have a definitive way to show progress, which can be a prime motivator to keep you on track to achieving them.

Each goal should follow a pattern to identify set criteria. This will ensure that your daily efforts are performed to meet business objectives within a set period. A way to do this is by using SMART goals:

Examples of SMART goals for agents or brokerages:

  • Increase closed transactions by 20% to a total of 150 deals within the next year
  • I will ask all closed clients for a referral and review within 30 days of closing the deal

Goals can be split into short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goal lengths vary between days and weeks but do not exceed six months. Short-term goals can also be worked on simultaneously with long-term goals. Long-term goals can take up to six months or more to complete and require careful planning and perseverance. A mix of short-term and long-term goals will help you maintain motivation.

All goals are equally important; however, success will stem from how you prioritize each one. Slowly add on additional goals as you have the capacity and feel comfortable with the current progress of your current set of goals. Without identifying your business goals, you’ll leave your results up to luck to attain your business objectives.

4. Plan Your Marketing Strategies & Tactics

Developing marketing strategies and tactics and implementing them help you identify and locate your current value proposition in the real estate industry, along with specific timelines for execution. In addition to determining your overall business objectives and goals, your marketing strategy and plan should include the following:

  • Pinpoint general marketing goals
  • Estimate projected marketing budget
  • Know your geographic farm area data and identify your target niche audience
  • Analyze market competition
  • Identify your unique selling proposition
  • Establish a timeline and set your plan in motion
  • Track your progress and readjust as needed

While a marketing strategy identifies the overall marketing goals of your business, developing marketing tactics will help you achieve those individual goals. They can include referral business tactics, retention efforts, and ways to acquire new customers. For example, you can offer incentives to anyone who refers your business, or you can implement new email drip campaigns to help increase lead conversion rates.

These tactics should have set key performance indicators (KPIs) to help you evaluate your performance. For instance, a KPI you can set for your business could be that referral business should exceed 20% of your lead generation sources.

If you’re unsure how to put together your marketing plan, check out our article Real Estate Marketing Plan Template & Strategy Guide and download the free template to get started.

Postcard campaign examples from ProspectsPLUS!.

Postcard campaign example (Source: ProspectsPLUS! )

If direct mail is part of your promotion strategy, services like ProspectsPLUS! can help easily create and distribute mailers to a targeted area. It also has options for postcards , brochures, newsletters , flyers, and folders. You can also send mailers to prospective clients by geographic or demographic farm areas through its campaigns. Check out its templates and mailing options today.

Visit ProspectsPLUS!

Read how our experts feel about this real estate direct mail service in our ProspectsPLUS! review .

5. Create a Lead Generation & Nurturing Strategy

Having a successful lead generation strategy will help you maintain business growth. Lead generation can be performed organically and through paid advertisements to attract and convert prospective clients. In addition to generating leads, agents should have systems to manage, nurture, and re-engage with contacts to maximize opportunities.

Generating leads through a multipronged approach is the best way to maintain lead flow. Use organic strategies like hosting an open house, reaching out to your sphere of influence, and attending networking events. Employ paid generation strategies, such as purchasing leads from a lead generation company or setting up a website to funnel potential clients. Your marketing strategies will directly correlate with your lead generation strategies.

Every lead is an opportunity, even if they don’t immediately convert into a deal. Effectively nurturing leads can make sure no opportunity falls through the cracks. Agents can nurture leads by continuously engaging and developing relationships with prospective leads . It’s important to provide prospective clients with a constant flow of essential and relevant information, depending on where they are in the real estate buying or selling process.

Here are the top lead generation companies for real estate agents and brokers:

Engage more efficiently with buyer and seller leads using Market Leader’s new feature Network Boost. Network Boost has shown a 40% increase in agents successfully connecting with leads. Market Leader social media experts design highly targeted and optimized ads for your Instagram and Facebook. As visitors engage with your ads, they will be prompted to complete a form and funnel directly into your Market Leader client relationship manager (CRM). This will also trigger an automatic marketing campaign that nurtures your clients and lets you know they are ready to engage with you personally. Try Market Leader’s Network Boost today.

6. Calculate Your Income Goal

Your income goal is one of the most critical items to be included in your business plan. While this may be more difficult for new agents who are still learning the business, it’s still necessary to estimate the amount of money you will earn for the year. Work with an experienced agent or mentor to help you estimate your monetary goals. For professional agents, review your previous years to judge your income goals for the upcoming year.

To calculate your income goal and the amount of work you’ll need to complete to get to that goal, you’ll need to have some basic number estimates:

  • Net income: The amount of money you will put in your pocket after commission splits with your real estate brokerage.
  • Fee split with brokerage: This is the agreed-upon commission split you have with your brokerage for each completed transaction. For example, if you have a 70/30 split with your brokerage, you will collect 70% of the commission, and your brokerage will receive a 30% commission for each deal.
  • Estimate of completed deals per year: You also want to estimate the number of deals you intend to complete yearly. Remember that some months will be busier than others, so make sure to account for holidays, weather, and your schedule.

Real Estate Yearly Goal Calculator

By figuring out these numbers, you can give yourself a realistic number for your income goal. Compute the gross income commission (GCI) or amount of money you must make before the commission splits and the average profit per deal and month you’ll need to reach your goal.

For a more detailed breakdown of your yearly goal, download and use our yearly goal calculator. Input your information into the highlighted yellow boxes, and the spreadsheet will automatically calculate the GCI, total deal count, and gross income you’ll have to earn each month to reach your goal. Adjust the average gross commission per deal and brokerage split as necessary.

FitSmallBusiness Year Goal Calculator

FitSmallBusiness Year Goal Calculato template.

For additional information on real estate agent salaries, review our article Real Estate Agent Salary: How Much Do Real Estate Agents Make?

7. Set Times to Revisit Your Business Plan

Business plans are only effective if you use them. A business plan is a roadmap for your business, and you’ll need to revisit it often to ensure you’re staying on track. It should be a constant resource to guide you through meeting your goals and business objectives, but it’s not necessarily set in stone if you need to make any changes.

Agents should revisit their business plans monthly to measure progress and make any changes to stay the course. If you find that you’re missing the times set for your goals, then you should continue to revisit your business plan regularly. Changing the business plan itself should occur annually once you can have a complete picture of your yearly performance. Evaluating the business plan can help you discover new strategies and ensure you have the appropriate resources for the upcoming year.

Pipedrive user dashboard

Overall status of sales activities in the dashboard (Source: Pipedrive )

Sales software like Pipedrive can help you track your overall business performance when revisiting your business plan. It presents company sales data in easy-to-visualize dashboards that track your business performance and contains forecasting tools to project future revenue. It can maintain company and team goals with progress tracking to keep goals top of mind.

Visit Pipedrive

Read how our experts feel about this real estate customer relationship manager (CRM) system in our Pipedrive review .

Why Agents Need a Real Estate Business Plan

A real estate business plan keeps you up to date on market developments and one step ahead of your competitors. It also enables you to test lead-generating tactics and create new marketing campaigns while keeping track of results over time. A solid business plan for a real estate agent presents the following:

  • Where you are at the moment
  • Where you would like to be
  • How you’re going to get there
  • How to evaluate and measure your performance
  • When and when to correct the course

Real Estate Business Plan Examples & Templates

Real estate agents and brokerages don’t have to build their business plans from scratch, as many resources provide different examples. Business plan templates can also have different objectives. Some are used to secure financing or help you focus on lead generation, while others are single-page plans meant to get you started.

Here are five real estate business plan examples you can use to create yours:

Lead Generation & Income Plan

Screenshot of Market Leader real estate business plan.

Market Leader business plan example (Source: Market Leader )

This business plan is from Market Leader, a third-party lead generation platform. It specializes in lead generation, marketing, and converting leads into customers with an attractive IDX (Internet Data Exchange) website and robust automation tools. Agents can also participate in purchasing leads through their lead products to receive a guaranteed number of leads per month.

A Single-page Business Plan

Single Page Business Plan example from pngfind.

Business plan for real estate (Source: PngFind )

Agents who are new to writing a business plan can start small. Business plans do not have to be multipage to be effective. This single-page business plan helps identify a single goal followed by three areas to focus on and five objectives for each focus area. As real estate agents begin to feel comfortable with goal setting and completion, they can continue to add to this single-page business plan with duplicate pages, identifying additional goals.

Business Plan for Real Estate Brokers

Screenshot of Real estate broker business plan example from AgentEDU.

Real estate broker business plan (Source: AgentEDU )

This robust real estate broker business plan is designed to address organization and management goals. It contains pages identifying personnel information like title, job description, and salary. The business plan also encourages the broker to identify operational goals for future personnel changes. It’s best suited for a broker with a larger team to help drive operational change.

Business Plan With Detailed Financials

Business plan with detailed company financial information.

Example of real estate agent business plan template (Source: FinModelsLab )

This multipage business plan contains eye-catching graphics and detailed company financial information for real estate agents and brokers seeking funding from outside investors. One of the last sections of the business plan is a financial planning section geared toward showing how viable your business is through your provided income statements, cash flow, and balance sheet reports.

Real Estate Developers’ Business Plan

Easy to edit real estate business plan template from Upmetrics.

Realtor business plan template sample (Source: Upmetrics )

Upmetrics’ real estate business plan templates are easy to edit and share and contain professional cover pages to help agents convert their business ideas into actionable goals. The business plans from Upmetrics are geared toward agents looking to transition into real estate development. This plan includes vital sections important for a developer to analyze, such as building location, demand for housing, and pricing.

Market Leader's CRM dashboard as viewed on tablet and phone devices.

Real estate CRM (Source: Market Leader )

Market Leader’s business plan is centered around driving more business through lead generation. It helps agents understand their lead sources, average sales price, and how much commission was earned in a given year. It also allows agents to set income and transactional goals for the following year.

Visit Market Leader

Bottom Line

Whether you are a new real estate agent or looking to grow your brokerage, writing a real estate business plan template will help you define the steps needed to build a successful business . It serves as a guided roadmap to help you achieve your business goals, identify areas of improvement, and provide guidance in all aspects of your business, from marketing, operations, and finance to your products and services. Business plans can help determine if your business is viable and worth the financial investment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a real estate business plan.

A real estate business plan is a document that presents an outline of your organizational goals. A business plan lays out future company goals and structured procedures to achieve them. Business plans commonly contain plans for one to five years at a time, though they can differ from investor to investor.

A real estate business plan will put you in a position to succeed while also assisting you in avoiding potential pitfalls. It serves as a guide to follow when things go as expected and when they diverge from the initial plan of action. Also, a real estate business plan will ensure that investors know the steps they need to take to succeed.

How do I jump-start my real estate business?

It is important to note that starting a real estate business is not a simple task. Before launching a firm in any field, entrepreneurs should spend numerous hours researching and developing a solid business plan. As you start your real estate business, use the following tips as guidance:

  • Think about your professional goals
  • Conduct extensive research
  • Organize your finances
  • Create a business plan
  • Establish an LLC
  • Make a marketing plan
  • Create a website
  • Start campaigns
  • Keep track of leads
  • Develop a network of connections

How can I grow my real estate business?

You can use multiple strategies and ways to grow your real estate business. They include:

  • Assess your current situation
  • Invest in your professional growth
  • Establish strategic alliances
  • Take advantage of omnichannel marketing
  • Start blogging
  • Create consistent social media profiles and campaigns
  • Improve your website
  • Consider working with a marketing company
  • Optimize your signs and direct mail

About the Author

Jealie Dacanay

Find Jealie On LinkedIn

Jealie Dacanay

Jealie is a staff writer expert focusing on real estate education, lead generation, marketing, and investing. She has always seen writing as an opportunity to apply her knowledge and express her ideas. Over the years and through her internship at a real estate developer in the Philippines, Camella, she developed and discovered essential skills for producing high-quality online content.

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How To Write A Real Estate Business Plan

free sample business plan for real estate investors

What is a real estate business plan?

8 must-haves in a business plan

How to write a business plan

Real estate business plan tips

Success in the real estate investing industry won’t happen overnight, and it definitely won’t happen without proper planning or implementation. For entrepreneurs, a  real estate development business plan can serve as a road map to all of your business operations. Simply put, a real estate business plan will serve an essential role in forming your investing career.

Investors will need to strategize several key elements to create a successful business plan. These include future goals, company values, financing strategies, and more. Once complete, a business plan can create the foundation for smooth operations and outline a future with unlimited potential for your investing career. Keep reading to learn how to create a real estate investment business plan today.

What Is A Real Estate Investing Business Plan?

A real estate business plan is a living document that provides the framework for business operations and goals. A business plan will include future goals for the company and organized steps to get there. While business plans can vary from investor to investor, they will typically include planning for one to five years at a time.

Drafting a business plan for real estate investing purposes is, without a doubt, one of the single most important steps a new investor can take. An REI business plan will help you avoid potential obstacles while simultaneously placing you in a position to succeed. It is a blueprint to follow when things are going according to plan and even when they veer off course. If for nothing else, a real estate company’s business plan will ensure that investors know which steps to follow to achieve their goals. In many ways, nothing is more valuable to today’s investors. It is the plan, after all, to follow the most direct path to success.

real estate investing business plan

8 Must-Haves In A Real Estate Business Plan

As a whole, a real estate business plan should address a company’s short and long-term goals. To accurately portray a company’s vision, the right business plan will require more information than a future vision. A strong real estate investing business plan will provide a detailed look at its ins and outs. This can include the organizational structure, financial information, marketing outline, and more.  When done right, it will serve as a comprehensive overview for anyone who interacts with your business, whether internally or externally.

That said, creating an REI business plan will require a persistent attention to detail. For new investors drafting a real estate company business plan may seem like a daunting task, and quite honestly it is. The secret is knowing which ingredients must be added (and when). Below are seven must-haves for a well executed business plan:

Outline the company values and mission statement.

Break down future goals into short and long term.

Strategize the strengths and weaknesses of the company.

Formulate the best investment strategy for each property and your respective goals.

Include potential marketing and branding efforts.

State how the company will be financed (and by whom).

Explain who is working for the business.

Answer any “what ifs” with backup plans and exit strategies.

These components matter the most, and a quality real estate business plan will delve into each category to ensure maximum optimization.

A company vision statement is essentially your mission statement and values. While these may not be the first step in planning your company, a vision will be crucial to the success of your business. Company values will guide you through investment decisions and inspire others to work with your business time and time again. They should align potential employees, lenders, and possible tenants with the motivations behind your company.

Before writing your company vision, think through examples you like both in and out of the real estate industry. Is there a company whose values you identify with? Or, are there mission statements you dislike? Use other companies as a starting point when creating your own set of values. Feel free to reach out to your mentor or other network connections for feedback as you plan. Most importantly, think about the qualities you value and how they can fit into your business plan.

Goals are one of the most important elements in a successful business plan. This is because not only do goals provide an end goal for your company, but they also outline the steps required to get there. It can be helpful to think about goals in two categories: short-term and long-term. Long-term goals will typically outline your plans for the company. These can include ideal investment types, profit numbers, and company size. Short-term goals are the smaller, actionable steps required to get there.

For example, one long-term business goal could be to land four wholesale deals by the end of the year. Short-term goals will make this more achievable by breaking it into smaller steps. A few short-term goals that might help you land those four wholesale deals could be to create a direct mail campaign for your market area, establish a buyers list with 50 contacts, and secure your first property under contract. Breaking down long-term goals is a great way to hold yourself accountable, create deadlines and accomplish what you set out to.

3. SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT analysis involves thinking through each of these areas as you evaluate your company and potential competitors. This framework allows business owners to better understand what is working for the company and identify potential areas for improvement. SWOT analyses are used across industries as a way to create more actionable solutions to potential issues.

To think through a SWOT analysis for your real estate business plan, first, identify your company’s potential strengths and weaknesses. Do you have high-quality tenants? Are you struggling to raise capital? Be honest with yourself as you write out each category. Then, take a step back and look at your market area and competitors to identify threats and opportunities. A potential threat could be whether or not your rental prices are in line with comparable properties. On the other hand, a potential opportunity could boost your property’s amenities to be more competitive in the area.

4. Investment Strategy

Any good real estate investment business plan requires the ability to implement a sound investment strategy. If for nothing else, there are several exit strategies a business may execute to secure profits: rehabbing, wholesaling, and renting — to name a few. Investors will want to analyze their market and determine which strategy will best suit their goals. Those with long-term retirement goals may want to consider leaning heavily into rental properties. However, those without the funds to build a rental portfolio may want to consider getting started by wholesaling. Whatever the case may be, now is the time to figure out what you want to do with each property you come across. It is important to note, however, that this strategy will change from property to property. Therefore, investors need to determine their exit strategy based on the asset and their current goals. This section needs to be added to a real estate investment business plan because it will come in handy once a prospective deal is found.

5. Marketing Plan

While marketing may seem like the cherry on top of a sound business plan, marketing efforts will actually play an integral role in your business’s foundation. A marketing plan should include your business logo, website, social media outlets, and advertising efforts. Together these elements can build a solid brand for your business, which will help you build a strong business reputation and ultimately build trust with investors, clients, and more.

First, to plan your marketing, think about how your brand can illustrate the company values and mission statement you have created. Consider the ways you can incorporate your vision into your logo or website. Remember, in addition to attracting new clients, marketing efforts can also help maintain relationships with existing connections. For a step by step guide to drafting a real estate marketing plan , be sure to read this guide.

6. Financing Plan

Writing the financial portion of a business plan can be tricky, especially if you are starting your business. As a general rule, a financial plan will include the income statement, cash flow, and balance sheet for a business. A financial plan should also include short and long-term goals regarding the profits and losses of a company. Together, this information will help make business decisions, raise capital, and report on business performance.

Perhaps the most important factor when creating a financial plan is accuracy. While many investors want to report on high profits or low losses, manipulating data will not boost your business performance in any way. Come up with a system of organization that works for you and always ensure your financial statements are authentic. As a whole, a financial plan should help you identify what is and isn’t working for your business.

7. Teams & Small Business Systems

No successful business plan is complete without an outline of the operations and management. Think: how your business is being run and by whom. This information will include the organizational structure, office management (if any), and an outline of any ongoing projects or properties. Investors can even include future goals for team growth and operational changes when planning this information.

Even if you are just starting or have yet to launch your business, it is still necessary to plan your business structure. Start by planning what tasks you will be responsible for, and look for areas you will need help with. If you have a business partner, think through your strengths and weaknesses and look for areas you can best complement each other. For additional guidance, set up a meeting with your real estate mentor. They can provide valuable insights into their own business structure, which can serve as a jumping-off point for your planning.

8. Exit Strategies & Back Up Plans

Believe it or not, every successful company out there has a backup plan. Businesses fail every day, but investors can position themselves to survive even the worst-case scenario by creating a backup plan. That’s why it’s crucial to strategize alternative exit strategies and backup plans for your investment business. These will help you create a plan of action if something goes wrong and help you address any potential problems before they happen.

This section of a business plan should answer all of the “what if” questions a potential lender, employee, or client might have. What if a property remains on the market for longer than expected? What if a seller backs out before closing? What if a property has a higher than average vacancy rate? These questions (and many more) are worth thinking through as you create your business plan.

How To Write A Real Estate Investment Business Plan: Template

The impact of a truly great real estate investment business plan can last for the duration of your entire career, whereas a poor plan can get in the way of your future goals. The truth is: a real estate business plan is of the utmost importance, and as a new investor it deserves your undivided attention. Again, writing a business plan for real estate investing is no simple task, but it can be done correctly. Follow our real estate investment business plan template to ensure you get it right the first time around:

Write an executive summary that provides a birds eye view of the company.

Include a description of company goals and how you plan to achieve them.

Demonstrate your expertise with a thorough market analysis.

Specify who is working at your company and their qualifications.

Summarize what products and services your business has to offer.

Outline the intended marketing strategy for each aspect of your business.

1. Executive Summary

The first step is to define your mission and vision. In a nutshell, your executive summary is a snapshot of your business as a whole, and it will generally include a mission statement, company description, growth data, products and services, financial strategy, and future aspirations. This is the “why” of your business plan, and it should be clearly defined.

2. Company Description

The next step is to examine your business and provide a high-level review of the various elements, including goals and how you intend to achieve them. Investors should describe the nature of their business, as well as their targeted marketplace. Explain how services or products will meet said needs, address specific customers, organizations, or businesses the company will serve, and explain the competitive advantage the business offers.

3. Market Analysis

This section will identify and illustrate your knowledge of the industry. It will generally consist of information about your target market, including distinguishing characteristics, size, market shares, and pricing and gross margin targets. A thorough market outline will also include your SWOT analysis.

4. Organization & Management

This is where you explain who does what in your business. This section should include your company’s organizational structure, details of the ownership, profiles on the management team, and qualifications. While this may seem unnecessary as a real estate investor, the people reading your business plan may want to know who’s in charge. Make sure you leave no stone unturned.

5. Services Or Products

What are you selling? How will it benefit your customers? This is the part of your real estate business plan where you provide information on your product or service, including its benefits over competitors. In essence, it will offer a description of your product/service, details on its life cycle, information on intellectual property, as well as research and development activities, which could include future R&D activities and efforts. Since real estate investment is more of a service, beginner investors must identify why their service is better than others in the industry. It could include experience.

6. Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy will generally encompass how a business owner intends to market or sell their product and service. This includes a market penetration strategy, a plan for future growth, distribution channels, and a comprehensive communication strategy. When creating a marketing strategy for a real estate business plan, investors should think about how they plan to identify and contact new leads. They should then think about the various communication options: social media, direct mail, a company website, etc. Your business plan’s marketing portion should essentially cover the practical steps of operating and growing your business.

real estate investor business plan

Additional Real Estate Business Plan Tips

A successful business plan is no impossible to create; however, it will take time to get it right. Here are a few extra tips to keep in mind as you develop a plan for your real estate investing business:

Tailor Your Executive Summary To Different Audiences: An executive summary will open your business plan and introduce the company. Though the bulk of your business plan will remain consistent, the executive summary should be tailored to the specific audience at hand. A business plan is not only for you but potential investors, lenders, and clients. Keep your intended audience in mind when drafting the executive summary and answer any potential questions they may have.

Articulate What You Want: Too often, investors working on their business plan will hide what they are looking for, whether it be funding or a joint venture. Do not bury the lede when trying to get your point across. Be clear about your goals up front in a business plan, and get your point across early.

Prove You Know The Market: When you write the company description, it is crucial to include information about your market area. This could include average sale prices, median income, vacancy rates, and more. If you intend to acquire rental properties, you may even want to go a step further and answer questions about new developments and housing trends. Show that you have your finger on the pulse of a market, and your business plan will be much more compelling for those who read it.

Do Homework On The Competition: Many real estate business plans fail to fully analyze the competition. This may be partly because it can be difficult to see what your competitors are doing, unlike a business with tangible products. While you won’t get a tour of a competitor’s company, you can play prospect and see what they offer. Subscribe to their newsletter, check out their website, or visit their open house. Getting a first-hand look at what others are doing in your market can greatly help create a business plan.

Be Realistic With Your Operations & Management: It can be easy to overestimate your projections when creating a business plan, specifically when it comes to the organization and management section. Some investors will claim they do everything themselves, while others predict hiring a much larger team than they do. It is important to really think through how your business will operate regularly. When writing your business plan, be realistic about what needs to be done and who will be doing it.

Create Example Deals: At this point, investors will want to find a way to illustrate their plans moving forward. Literally or figuratively, illustrate the steps involved in future deals: purchases, cash flow, appreciation, sales, trades, 1031 exchanges, cash-on-cash return, and more. Doing so should give investors a good idea of what their deals will look like in the future. While it’s not guaranteed to happen, envisioning things has a way of making them easier in the future.

Schedule Business Update Sessions: Your real estate business plan is not an ironclad document that you complete and then never look at again. It’s an evolving outline that should continually be reviewed and tweaked. One good technique is to schedule regular review sessions to go over your business plan. Look for ways to improve and streamline your business plan so it’s as clear and persuasive as you want it to be.

Reevauating Your Real Estate Business Plan

A business plan will serve as a guide for every decision you make in your company, which is exactly why it should be reevaluated regularly. It is recommended to reassess your business plan each year to account for growth and changes. This will allow you to update your business goals, accounting books, and organizational structures. While you want to avoid changing things like your logo or branding too frequently, it can be helpful to update department budgets or business procedures each year.

The size of your business is crucial to keep in mind as you reevaluate annually. Not only in terms of employees and management structures but also in terms of marketing plans and business activities. Always incorporate new expenses and income into your business plan to help ensure you make the most of your resources. This will help your business stay on an upward trajectory over time and allow you to stay focused on your end goals.

Above all else, a  real estate development business plan will be inspiring and informative. It should reveal why your business is more than just a dream and include actionable steps to make your vision a reality. No matter where you are with your investing career, a detailed business plan can guide your future in more ways than one. After all, a thorough plan will anticipate the best path to success. Follow the template above as you plan your real estate business, and make sure it’s a good one.

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Real Estate Investment Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky real estate investment business plan template

Real Estate Investment Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their real estate businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a real estate investing business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Real Estate Investment Business Plan Template here >

What is a Real Estate Business Plan?

A successful business plan provides a snapshot of your real estate business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why Successful Real Estate Investors Use a Business Plan

If you’re looking to start a real estate business or grow your existing business you need a business plan. A solid business plan will help guide your business strategy, your investment strategy and your decision-making. Having a comprehensive business plan is crucial for several reasons:

  • To Secure Financing : Most lenders and investors want to see a well-reasoned business plan before they consider funding your real estate venture. Your plan should convince them that you fully understand your market, have a viable strategy and have a management team that can execute. These factors in your plan give investors the confidence that they’ll receive an adequate return on their investment, and make lenders feel that you’ll be able to pay their loan back with interest.
  • To Identify Business Goals and Objectives : A business plan helps you to clearly define what you want to achieve with your real estate business over the next five years. These objectives include financial goals, such as revenue targets, or operational goals, such as property acquisition rates.
  • To Understand the Market : Conducting market research and including this in your business plan gives you a deeper understanding of the real estate market you’re entering, including potential challenges and real estate investment opportunities. This knowledge helps you craft better marketing, operational, financial and strategic decisions.
  • To Plan for Growth : Your business plan should outline the milestones you expect to achieve over the coming months and years. This helps keep you and your team focused and less prone to become distracted with new opportunities that may push you in the wrong direction.
  • To Manage Risk : By identifying potential risks in your business plan, you can devise strategies to mitigate them. This proactive approach can save your business from potential pitfalls in the future.

In summary, developing a strategic business plan is a key step for real estate investors who want to launch or expand their business successfully. Your plan will improve and lay out your strategy and keep you focused so you can flawlessly execute it.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a real estate investment company.

A detailed real estate investment business plan should include 10 sections as follows:

Executive Summary

Company analysis, industry analysis, customer analysis, competitive analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team, financial plan.

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of real estate investing business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of real estate investment companies?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the real estate industry. Discuss the type of real estate investment business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategies. Identify the key team members, and offer an overview of your financial plan.

In your company analysis, you will provide a company description of the real estate investment business you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types: Real estate investment companies do two basic things: invest in real estate and trade in real estate.

  • Real estate investment is a long-term investment wherein you purchase real estate with the intent of keeping properties to rent out.
  • Real estate trading is a short-term investment, wherein you buy a property that needs fixing up and flip it for a higher price soon after.

In addition to explaining the type of real estate investment company you operate, the Company Analysis section of your real estate business plan needs to provide background on the business. Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include sales goals you’ve reached, new store openings, etc.
  • Your legal business structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the real estate investing business.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the real estate investment industry educates you. It helps you understand the target market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy particularly if your research identifies market trends. For example, if there was a trend towards increasing foreclosures in a particular city, it would be helpful to ensure your plan calls for an increased focus in this real estate market.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your real estate investing business plan:

  • How big is the real estate investment industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the real estate market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the target market for your real estate investment business. You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

The customer analysis section of your real estate investing business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve. The following are examples of customer segments: mortgage holders, home buyers, renters, etc.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of real estate investment business you operate. Clearly first-time home buyers would want different pricing and product options, and would respond to different marketing efforts than banks.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because most real estate investment businesses primarily serve customers living in their same city or town, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.  

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Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other real estate investment businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes property management companies, realtors, and DIY home fixer-uppers. You need to mention such competition to show you understand that not everyone who purchases or leases real estate uses a real estate investment business to do so.

With regards to direct competition, you want to detail the other real estate investment businesses with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be real estate investment businesses located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What products do they offer?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your competitive advantages. For example:

  • Will you specialize in a particular real estate type or market?
  • Will you provide services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you make it easier or faster for customers to acquire your real estate?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a real estate investing business, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : in the product section you should reiterate the type of real estate investment company that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, will you offer residential properties, or commercial properties?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. In this section, you are presenting the types of real estate you offer and the current price ranges.

Place : Place refers to the location of your business. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your real estate investment business located in a market with a high foreclosure rate, or with a low inventory of office space. Discuss how your location might provide a steady stream of customers.

Promotions : Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local bloggers and websites
  • Social media advertising
  • Local radio advertising
  • Banner ads at local venues

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your real estate investment business such as finding properties to acquire, marketing completed properties, overseeing renovations, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to flip your 25th house, or when you hope to reach $X in sales. It could also be when you expect to hire your Xth employee or launch in a new market.

While the earlier sections of your real estate business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

While balance sheets include much information, to simplify them to the key items you need to know about, balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. For instance, if you spend $100,000 on building out your real estate investment business, that will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $100.000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt. For example, let’s say you signed a commercial tenant that needs an extensive build out, that would cost you $50,000 to complete. Well, in most cases, you would have to pay that $50,000 now for materials, equipment rentals, employee salaries, etc. But rent will not cover build-out costs for 180 days. During that 180 day period, you could run out of money.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a real estate investment business:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Renovation costs
  • Cost of depreciation
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Property management software
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your store design blueprint or location lease.

Free Business Plan Template for Real Estate Investors

You can download our real estate investment business plan PDF template here.

Real Estate Investment Business Plan Summary

Putting together a business plan for your real estate investment company will improve your company’s chances of success. The process of developing your plan will help you better understand the real estate investment market, your competition, and your customers. You will also gain a marketing plan to better attract and serve customers, an operations plan to focus your efforts, and financial projections that give you goals to strive for and keep your company focused.

Growthink’s Ultimate Real Estate Business Plan Template is the quickest and easiest way to complete a business plan for your real estate investing business.  

Additional Resources For Starting a Real Estate Investment Business

  • How To Find Investment Opportunities
  • Estimating Rehab Costs for Real Estate Investors
  • How To Become a Real Estate Investor
  • How To Start a Real Estate Investment Business
  • Real Estate Investor Marketing Strategies

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Real Estate Investment business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how Growthink’s business plan consulting services can create your business plan for you.

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template

How to Write a Real Estate Investment Business Plan: Complete Guide

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Mike Blankenship

Last updated on December 19, 2023

free sample business plan for real estate investors

Building an investing business without a real estate investment business plan is sort of like riding a bike without handlebars. 

You might be able to do it… but why would you? 

It’s far easier and more practical to set out on your venture with a business plan that outlines things like your lead-flow, where you’ll find funding, and which market(s) you’ll operate. 

Plus, according to Entrepreneur, having a business plan increases your chances of growth by 30%. 

Download Now: Free marketing plan video and a downloadable guide

So don’t skip this critical first step. 

Here’s how to do it. 

Real Estate Investment Business Plan Guide

In this article we’re going to discuss:

  • What is a real estate investment business plan?
  • Create your mission and vision
  • Run market analysis
  • Choose your business model(s)
  • Determine your business goals
  • Find funding / Cash buyers
  • Identify lead-flow source
  • Gather property analysis information
  • Create your brand
  • Set growth milestones
  • Plan to Delegate

What is a Real Estate Investment Business Plan and Why Does it Matter?

A real estate investment business plan is a document that outlines your goals, your vision, and your plan for growing the business . 

It should detail the real estate business model you’re going to pursue, your chosen method for lead-gen, how you’ll find funding, and how you plan to close deals. 

The kit and caboodle. 

It shouldn’t be overly complicated. 

Whether this real estate investment business plan is only for your personal use or to present to someone else, simplicity is best. Be thorough, be clear, but don’t over-explain what you’re going to do. 

As far as why you should have a business plan, consider that it gives you a 30% better chance of growing your business. 

Also, consider that setting out  without  a plan would be like — full of unexpected twists and turns — is that something you want to do? 

Probably not. 

It’s worth taking a few days or weeks to put together a business plan, even if it’s just for your own sake. By the time you’re complete, you’ll have greater confidence in the business you’re setting out to build. 

And an entrepreneur’s confidence is everything. 

How to Create Your Real Estate Investment Business Plan

Now we get into the nitty-gritty. 

How do you create your real estate investment business plan? Here are the 10 steps!

1. Create Your Mission & Vision

This can be considered your “summary” section. You might not think that you need a mission statement or vision for your real estate business. 

And you don’t. 

We know a lot of real estate investors (many of our members, in fact) don’t have a clear mission or vision that they’ve outlined — and they’re successful regardless. 

But if you’re just getting started…

Then we think it’s a worthwhile use of your time. 

Because if you don’t know why you’re going to build your real estate investing business, if you don’t see what purpose it serves on a personal and professional level, then it’s not going to be very exciting to you. 

You can either use this time to create a mission for your business… or a mission statement for you as it relates to growing your business (depending on your goals).

For instance…

  • Our mission is to create affordable house opportunities in the Roseburg, Oregon community. 
  • Our mission is to provide homeowners with an exceptional experience when selling their properties for cash. 

Or you could go a more personal route…

  • My mission is to create a business that supports my family. 
  • My mission is to build a company that gives me more time for what matters most to me.

Or you could do both…

  • My mission is to create a business that supports my family, and my business’ mission is to provide homeowners with an exceptional experience when selling their properties for cash. 

Either way, it’s good to think about this before getting started. 

Because if you know why you’re going to build your business — and if, ideally, that reason resonates with you — then you’ll be more excited and determined to work hard toward your goals. 

It is also an excellent opportunity to outline the core values you’ll adhere to within your business as Brian Rockwell does on his website …

add core value to your real estate website

With this information in hand, you’re ready to move on to the next step. 

2. Run Competitive Market Analysis

Which market are you going to operate in? 

That might be an easy question to answer — if you’re just going to operate in the town where you live, fair enough. 

But it’s worth keeping in mind that today’s technology has made it possible to become a real estate investor in any market from pretty much any location (remotely). 

So if the market you’re in is lacking in opportunity, then you might consider investing elsewhere. 

How do you know which market to choose? 

Here are the 10 top real estate markets for investors, according to our own Carrot member data of over 7000 accounts, based on lead volume…

  • Atlanta, GA
  • Houston, TX
  • Chicago, IL
  • Charlotte, NC
  • New York, NY
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Orlando, FL
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Phoenix, AZ

And here are the top 20 states…

  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • Oregon 

That’ll give you some ideas. 

But what makes a market good or bad for real estate investors? Here are some metrics to pay attention to when you’re doing your research. 

  • Median Home Value — This will tell you how much the average home sells for in the market, which will impact whether you’ll be willing to operate there. Because obviously, you want to play with numbers that feel reasonable to you. 
  • Median Home Value Increase Year Over Year — Ideally, you want to invest in a market where homes are appreciating every year. And a positive increase in this metric is a good sign that the properties you invest in will continue to increase in value. 
  • Occupied Housing Rate — A high housing occupancy rate means it’s easy to find tenants, and there’s a healthy demand for housing. That’s a good sign. 
  • Median Rent — This is the average cost of rent in the market and will give you a good idea of how much you’ll be able to charge on any rentals you own. 
  • Median Rent Increase Year Over Year — If you’re going to buy rentals, it’s a good sign if rental costs increase every year.
  • Population Growth — When the population grows, it creates demand for housing, both rentals and on the MLS. That’s a good sign for a real estate investor. 
  • Job Growth — Job growth is a sign of a healthy economy and indicates that you’ll have an easier time capitalizing on your real estate investments. 

Fortunately, all of this research is super easy to do on Google. 

You can just type in the market and the metric in Google and you’ll get meaningful results. 

Thank god for technology. 

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3. Choose Your Business Model(s)

There’s not just one real estate business model . 

There are many. 

And the market you’re in — as well as your business goals — will determine which business model you choose. 

Here’s a brief overview of each…

  • Wholesaling — Is a prevalent business model in the real estate world. Wholesalers find deals and flip them to other cash buyers for an assignment fee, typically somewhere between $5,000 to $10,000. It’s low risk and requires little capital upfront (you can get started with as little as $2,000). 
  • Wholetailing — Wholetailing is a mix between wholesaling and house flipping. A wholetailer will find a deal, do some very minor repairs (if any), and sell the house on the MLS themselves. It results in large profits with far less work. But wholetail deals are hard to come by. 
  • BRRRR — This stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. It’s a long-term process for buying and holding rental properties. It’s a great way to build net worth and create generational wealth. 
  • Flipping — House flipping is the most popularized real estate investing method. It consists of purchasing distressed properties, fixing them up, and selling them at a good profit on the MLS, often making upwards of $100,000 per deal. However, this method involves much more risk than the other methods and each deal takes a lot longer to complete. 

If you’re just getting started, then we recommend choosing just one business model and doing that until you’ve mastered it. 

Down the road, you will likely want to use multiple business models. 

We know the most successful real estate investors are wholesalers, wholesalers, flippers,  and  they own some rental properties. 

That allows them to make the most of every opportunity that comes their way. 

But again… to start, just choose one. 

4. Determine Your Business Goals

At this point, you should have a pretty clear idea of why you’re going to build your real estate investing business. 

Are you going to build it because you want to make an impact in your community? Because you want more financial freedom? Because you want more time freedom? 

All of the above? 

Whatever the case, now it’s time to set some goals related to your mission for the business. 

Remember the SMART acronym for goal setting…

Start by thinking about how much money you’d like to make per month — this should be the first income threshold that you’re excited to hit.

Let’s pretend you said $10,000 per month. 

Okay, now take a look at your business model. How many properties do you need to have cash-flowing to hit that number? How many deals do you have to do per month? How many flips? 

Try to be as realistic with your numbers as possible. 

Here are some baselines to consider for the different business models at the $10k/month threshold…

  • Wholesaling – 2-3 Deals Per Month
  • Wholetailing – 2-3 Deals Per Month
  • BRRRR – $1 Million in Assets
  • Flipping – 1-2 Flips Per Year

Now you have a general idea of the results you’ll need to hit your first income threshold. 

But we haven’t talked about overhead costs. 

How much will you need to spend to get those results? 

Your answer to that question will be influenced by the market analysis you already did. But it’s pretty standard for the price of finding a deal to hover around $2,000 for a real estate investor (if you’re doing your own advertising). 

So now you’re spending $2,000 per deal, or whatever your specific number is. That’s going to have an impact on how much money you’re making. So now we can adjust your goals to be more realistic for hitting that $10k per month marker…

  • Wholesaling – 4-5 Deals Per Month
  • Wholetailing – 4-5 Deals Per Month
  • BRRRR – $1.5 Million in Assets
  • Flipping – 2-3 Flips Per Year

The idea here is to figure out how many deals you’ll have to do per month to hit your income goals. 

Then work that back into figuring out how much you’ll need to spend every month to realistically and predictably hit your goals. 

At $2k per deal and intending to hit $10k/month, here’s what your deal-finding costs might look like…

  • Wholesaling – 4-5 Deals Per Month – $8k-$10k/month
  • Wholetailing – 4-5 Deals Per Month – $8k-$10k/month
  • BRRRR – $1.5 Million in Assets – $6k-$8k/month
  • Flipping – 2-3 Flips Per Year – $4k-$6k/month

That should give you a baseline. 

How do those numbers look? 

If they feel too high for you right now, lower your initial goal — you want to make your first goal something that you know you can accomplish. 

Then, as you gain experience, you can increase your goals and make more money down the road. 

Free Real Estate Marketing Plan Template

Take our short survey to find out where you struggle most with your online marketing strategy. Generate your free marketing plan video and downloadable guide to increase lead generation and conversion, gain momentum, and stand out in your market:

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5. Find Funding / Cash Buyers

Are you going to fund your own deals or find private investors ? Or maybe you’re going to get a business loan from a bank? 

If you’re just starting as a wholesaler or wholetailer, then it’s recommended funding your own first few deals — that should only cost $2,000 to $5,000… and why overcomplicate things in the beginning when you’re still trying to learn the ropes? 

However, as a wholesaler or wholetailer, you’ll still need to find some cash buyers. 

Here’s a great video that’ll teach you how to do that…

How To Find A Cash Buyer For Your Wholesale Deal

To consistently grow your cash buyer list (which is an important part of the wholesaling and wholestailing business model), we also recommend creating a buyer website like this…

Cash Buyer - Investment Property Website

Learn more about creating your cash buyer website with Carrot over here . 

To scale, you might seek out other sources of funding. 

Here are some options…

  • Bank Loan — Getting a loan from a bank might be the most straightforward strategy if you’re just getting started. But keep in mind that the requirements for a loan on an investment property will be more stringent than the requirements were for your primary residence mortgage. And the interest rate will likely be higher as well. For that reason, you might seek out some of the other options. 
  • Hard Money — Hard money loans come from companies that specifically serve real estate investors. They are easier and faster to secure than a bank loan and hard money lenders typically base their approval of the loan on the quality of the investment property rather than the investor’s financial standing. 
  • Private Money — Whereas a hard money loan comes from a company; a private money loan comes from an individual with a good chunk of capital they’re looking to invest. That could be a friend, family member, coworker, and acquaintance. Interest rates and terms on these loans are typically very flexible and the interest rate is usually quite good. Private money is an excellent option for real estate investors looking to scale their business. 

But before you seek out funding from those sources, get clear on what exactly you’re going to use those funds for. 

Finding funding is even more critical. In fact — if you’re flipping properties or using the BRRRR method. 

(It’s a key part of the BRRRR method)

You’ll likely want to use hard money or private money to fund your deals as you grow your business.

But how do you find and secure those loans? 

Hard money lenders are easy to find — just Google for hard money lenders in your area and call the companies that pop up to get more details. 

Private money (which usually has more favorable terms than hard money) is a bit trickier to find but not at all impossible. 

To find private money lenders, you can…

  • Tell Friends & Family — This should be the first thing you do. Tell everyone you can about the business you’re building and the returns you can offer investors. Then ask them if they know anyone who might be interested in investing. 
  • Network — After you’ve exhausted all your friends and family, make a point of getting to know people everywhere you go. The easiest way to do this is to wear branded clothing so people ask about what you do. Talk to people at coffee shops, grocery stores, movie theaters, and anywhere else that you frequent. You never know who you might meet. 
  • Attend Foreclosure Auctions — Foreclosure auctions are jam-packed with people who have cash-on-hand to buy properties. These people might also be interested in investing in your real estate endeavors. Or they might know where to find private money. Either way, it’s in your interest to build relationships with these people. Attend foreclosure auctions and bring some business cards. 

Here are some tips on finding private money lenders…

How to Find Private Money Lenders for Real Estate Investing

6. Identify Lead-Flow Source

Now let’s talk about how you will generate a consistent flow of motivated leads for your business. 

Because no matter which of the business models you’ve chosen… you’re going to need to find motivated sellers.

And you’re going to need to find those people every single month. 

There are essentially two parts to a successful lead generation strategy for real estate investing business. 

Both pieces are critical… 

  • The Short Term — We call this “hamster-wheel marketing” because it requires you to  keep working  and  spending money  to generate leads. Examples include Facebook ads, direct mail, bandit signs, cold calling, driving for dollars, and other tit-for-tat strategies that will burn you out if you’re not careful.
  • The Long Term — We call this “evergreen marketing” because it requires an upfront investment… but that investment pays off for years and years to come. Examples include increasing brand awareness for your business in your target market(s) and improving your website’s SEO , so that motivated sellers find you . 

Short-term tactics are critical when you’re first starting — in fact, they are likely going to be your only source of leads for at least the first few months. 

Here are some more details on the most popular and effective methods… 

  • Tax default mailing lists
  • Vacant house lists
  • Expired listing lists
  • Pre-foreclosure lists
  • Out-of-state landlord lists
  • Cold Calling — This might be more uncomfortable than stubbing your toe on a piece of furniture, but it can still be effective for finding motivated sellers. We have an article all about colding calling — it even has scripts for you to use. 
  • Facebook Ads — Facebook ads is another excellent method for generating leads so long as you have a high-converting website to send them to . If you don’t, get yourself a Carrot website . Each Carrot site is built to convert. Here are some more details about running successful ads on Facebook for your real estate investing business.
  • Google Ads — Google Ads is one of the most popular platforms for real estate professionals needing to provide quick results with a minimal to high investment depending on markets.

But over time, the goal is to invest in more long-term evergreen marketing tactics so that you can get off the hamster wheel and build a more sustainable business. 

Check out the video below to learn more about the critical distinction between short-term and long-term marketing. 

At Carrot, we’ve created an online marketing system that makes generating leads super easy and simple for real estate investors. 

And it’s 100% evergreen. 

Here’s an example of one of our members’ websites that converts like crazy…

free sample business plan for real estate investors

Try our free Marketing Plan Generator here.

7. Gather Property Analysis Information

We just talked about how you can generate leads.

But once someone calls you, once you’re checking out a property… How will you  know  if the property is a good fit for your chosen business model? 

After all, not every property will be a fit. 

First, ask the following questions when the seller calls…

  • What is the address of the house you want to sell?
  • How many bedrooms, bathrooms does it have?
  • Does it have a garage, basement, or pool?
  • If you were going to list it with a Realtor, what repairs and/or updating would you say would be needed?
  • How much is owed on the house?
  • Do you have an asking price in mind?
  • Is the house behind on payments?
  • If I come out and look at the property and make you a cash offer to buy it ‘As-Is’ and close as soon as you want, what would be the least you would be willing to take?

That will provide you with a lot of critical information about what you’re dealing with. 

Next, once you’re off the phone, do a bit of due diligence and look at what nearby properties of similar size have sold for in the last 90 days or so — that should give you a ballpark idea for the after-repair value of the property. 

If you decide that the property sounds promising, you’ll want to walk through it and take pictures of anything and everything that’ll need to be repaired. 

Back at the office, estimate the cost of those repairs — here’s a great resource from REISift that’ll help you estimate rehab costs . 

You’ll need to go through this entire process regardless of your business model so that you understand your max offer on the property. 

So how do you calculate your max offer? 

Use the 75% rule — check out this video from Ryan Dossey…

What Is The 75 Percent Rule In Wholesaling And Flipping Houses?

With that, you’ll know how much to pay for the property, how much to spend on repairs, and how much it’ll sell for. 

The more you streamline this part of the process, the better. 

8. Create Your Brand

Building a company is one thing. 

Building an easily recognizable brand and known to be reputable in your marketplace is quite another.

But that’s an integral part of the process. Consider some of these statistics…

  • Using a signature color can increase brand recognition by 80 percent.
  • It takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for people to form an opinion about your website.
  • Consistent presentation of a brand has seen to increase revenue by 33 percent.
  • 66 percent of consumers think transparency is one of the most attractive qualities in a brand.

When it comes to building a real estate investing brand, your goals are to…

  • Establish Rapport 
  • Create Easy Recognizability
  • Dominate The Conversation

The first step in this process is building an online presence – that means creating a high-converting website (i.e., one that systematically turns visitors into leads by capturing their contact information), running advertisements, and ranking in Google for important keywords. 

That’s what we can help you with at Carrot . 

Out of the box, our website templates are built to convert visitors into leads – and you can customize them however you want with your branding materials…

real estate investment business plan - branding

You’ll even receive immediate text notifications when someone signs up to be a lead so that you can contact them right away (speed is the name of the game!). 

Having a high-converting website is ground zero for brand-building success. If you don’t have a website that systematically converts visitors into leads, then every dollar you spend on advertising is going to be wasted. 

So that’s where we start. 

Once you’ve got your website up and running, then – if you’re on our Content Pro or Advanced Marketer plan – we’ll provide you with blog posts every single month that are written to rank in Google for high-value keywords relevant to your specific market …

real estate investor blog posts

You just upload, make some minor tweaks, and publish – and the more you publish, the more traffic you’ll drive. 

To help you become a true authority in your market, we also have the following tools…

  • Keyword Ranking Tracker
  • SEO Tool For Optimizing All Pages
  • Text Notifications For Leads
  • World-Class Support
  • Campaign Tracking Links
  • Coaching Calls

We want to make generating leads as easy as possible for you… so you can focus on closing deals and growing your business. 

You can try us here risk-free for 30 days. 

If you get yourself a Carrot website, that’ll take care of the “Dominate The Conversation” part of the branding process.

But what about these parts? 

Super easy. 

Establishing rapport is simply a matter of putting testimonials and case studies on your website. The more of these you have, the more people will trust your brand when they arrive on your website for the first time. 

real estate investor testimonials

As for creating an easily recognizable brand, create a simple branding package…

  • Brand Colors

And then be consistent across all platforms. Use the same colors, font, logo, and brand name on everything – online and offline. 

That’ll make it feel like you’re everywhere – which is what you want. 

So there you go. 

That’s how you create a brand identity as a real estate investor. You’ll know you’ve done it right if people are coming to you out of nowhere – because a friend of a friend told them about you. 

And if you want a brand that dominates your market without all of the footwork, we’ve got just the thing – it’s called the Authority Leader Plan … and we’ll do everything for you. 

9. Set Growth Milestones

Okay – let’s pretend that you’ve taken all of the steps above. 

You’ve got yourself a functioning business and brand with funding, you’ve got consistent lead-flow, and you’re even closing some deals. 

Now what? 

Well… you want to grow, of course!

You don’t just want to do one deal per month… you want to do three, five, or even ten deals per month.

You want to make more money, increase your net worth, grow your business, and have a significant impact. 

How do you do that? 

First, you set new goals and milestones for your business’ growth – how many deals do you want to be doing per month in 6 months? In a year? 

Then break those goals down by quarter – and turn them into actionable to-dos. 

For example, if you’re currently doing one deal per month and you want to be doing five deals per month by the end of Q2, here’s what your goals might look like…

  • Send 10,000 Mailers Per Month
  • Spend $5,000 on Facebook Ads Per Month
  • Hire Salesperson To Answer Phone
  • Hire Acquisition Manager
  • Create Workflow Process

Or maybe it’ll look a bit different. Make your to-dos as realistic as possible so that if you do those things … you’re virtually guaranteed to hit your goals. 

After all, what’s the point of having goals if you’re not going to hit them? 

All in all…

Set milestone goals to grow your business, turn those into to-dos and break them down by quarter. The next and final step of your real estate investment business plan might be even more important… 

10. Plan To Delegate

At some point, every real estate investor has to come to terms with a straightforward fact…

You can’t build the business of your dreams on your own . You need to delegate .

You’ve got to partner with other people, build critical relationships, hire people, manage people, create systems and processes to streamline your team’s workflow, and lots more. 

One of the most important areas that deserve a highlight is your client communications and satisfaction. Consider setting up a robust cloud contact center software to manage all the communications that will lead to long-term partnerships.

Building a business isn’t so much about hustling and bustling as it is about putting the right pieces in the right place. 

How do you scale your business? 

The answer is quite simple: you do the same things you’re doing now… but at scale – that means hiring people, training people, and creating clean-cut systems. 

That’s how you grow your business. 

Automate, delegate, and step outside of your business as much as possible to build a real estate investment company that serves you rather than enslaves you. 

Final Thoughts on Real Estate Investment Business Plan

What more is there? 

You know how to create a mission and vision statement, run market analysis, choose an REI business model, set goals, find funding, generate leads, analyze properties, create a brand, set long-term growth milestones, and delegate. 

All that’s left is action. 

And reach out anytime with questions – we’re always here to help!

free sample business plan for real estate investors

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Free Real Estate Marketing Plan

Generate your free marketing plan video and a downloadable guide  to increase lead generation and conversion, gain momentum, and stand out in your market!

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Justin Dossey

Justin Dossey

How to write your real estate investing business plan: the ultimate guide.

  • February 8, 2023
  • , Business Advice , How to , Real Estate Investing Tips

Want to create a real estate investing business plan?

Well, you could just launch your business.

You could go door-knocking for the next week, maybe even find a property to buy, buy it, and then try to flip it or rent it out. Then you could do that over and over again.

Heck — maybe you’d even build a healthy business out of it.

Buuuuut, maybe not.

If you’re anything like me, then you favor planning over mindless execution (sorry Gary Vee). You don’t want to just launch a business that may or may not succeed, you want a real estate investing business plan . You want to give your business the best possible chance of success.

For that, you need to spend a little time thinking about the details of how your business will function.

Let me prove it to you…

Why do you need a real estate investing business plan?

I could talk your ear off about why people who make a plan for their real estate investing business will succeed. Or I could tell you about the people I’ve personally  seen set out without a plan and fail. Or I could tell you a story about one person who had the best of intentions for his new real estate investing business, but lost money his first month because he didn’t have a clearly defined budget.

But I won’t…

I’ll  show you.

Research from 2,877 business owners revealed that people with a plan are more likely to grow their business, secure investment capital, and/or secure a loan.

those with a REI business plan succeed

( Image Source )

Here’s how the authors of the study put it:

“Except in a small number of cases, business planning appeared to be positively correlated with business success as measured by our variables. While our analysis cannot say that completing a business plan will lead to success, it does indicate that the type of entrepreneur who completes a business plan is also more likely to run a successful business.”

So whether you want to give your business a better chance at succeeding down the road, or simply  become the kind of person who will likely grow a successful business, drafting a plan is in your best interest.

And it doesn’t have to be remarkably complicated.

12 Steps To Create Your Real Estate Investing Business Plan

Here are 12 steps to get you moving.

Step 1. Create your vision and mission

It might seem like a silly first step to creating your real estate investing business plan.

Because let’s be honest: you’re setting out to make money, achieve financial freedom, and live on your own terms. You’re not setting out to save the world from some big injustice (probably — props if you  are ) or change other people’s lives for the better.

You want to build a business that will benefit  you .

Still, a mission and vision statement can help define  how you’re going to build that business, why you’re building it, and who your business is going to serve. Because even though you’re building a business to benefit you in the end, the only way to build a successful business is by helping  others .

As Bob Burg wrote, “Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.”

Here’s an example of a mission and vision statement.

real estate investing mission and vision statement

Just like you personally have a “why?” to your existence, your business needs a “why?” to its existence. Your mission and vision statement will help you determine what that “why?” is and how your business is going to make you money by helping others.

Step 2. Determine your end goal

You also must connect your own personal goals to the goals of your business — you’re the one who’ll be building it, after all. Your business will live or die based on your own daily motivation, ambition, and energy levels.

For that reason, you should ask yourself this dead-simple question: “Why am I building this business? What is my end goal?”

Do you want to be a millionaire? Do you want to live on the beach in Tahiti and sip gin for the rest of your life while this business makes you money on autopilot? Do you want to be the CEO of a large corporation? Do you want to make $200k per year and work 10 hours per week?

What you want out of your business will determine the kind of business you build. And the more attractive your end goal is, the more determined you will be to keep going when things get tough. I love the way that Tim Ferriss puts it: “The question you should be asking yourself isn’t, ‘What do I want?’ or ‘What are my goals?’ but ‘What would excite me?'” Because the more excited you are, the more determined you’ll be.

Step 3. Do market research using a SWOT analysis

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats.

And determining those four things for your own business  before you launch is vital. Ask yourself…

  • Strengths: What are competitors already doing well in my market that I likely won’t be able to compete with?
  • Weaknesses: What are competitors in my market  not doing well?
  • Opportunity: What opportunity in my market are most competitors not leveraging and might I be able to exploit that?
  • Threats: What will be the big threats to my business and how can I prepare for these?

Here’s a more thorough graphical breakdown of SWOT to help you perform your market analysis.

SWOT analysis

Step 4. Choose a real estate investing business model

After you’ve performed your SWOT analysis, you should be ready to determine the  type  of real estate investing that will be most lucrative for your market. Try not to let funding make the decision for you (i.e. I don’t have much capital, so I guess I’m going to wholesale), because the reality is that there’s  always a way to get money to build your business — the important thing is that you’ve chosen a type of real estate investing which is likely to succeed given current market conditions.

Here are the most common real estate investing business models:

  • Wholesaling   — This is when you find good deals and flip those deals to cash buyers for an assignment fee. You can usually make $5,000 to $25,000 per deal and it doesn’t require any money down.
  • Wholetailing   — Wholetailing is similar to wholesaling except that you purchase a home for a good deal, do very little work to it, and then sell it on the MLS. This can be a very profitable business model, but it’ll require access to more funds than wholesaling .
  • Flipping  — House flipping is when you purchase a distressed home, fix it up, and sell for a profit on the MLS. This is a high-risk, high-return strategy.
  • Buy-and-hold  — Buy-and-hold investing is when you purchase properties and rent them out to create passive income. The goal is usually to do this with a lot of properties to increase net worth and build long-term wealth.

Step 5. Determine where funding will come from

If you’ve determined that the most profitable type of real estate investing for your market will take some serious capital, don’t worry: there are  tons of different ways to find money for building your business. Lots of people with big money just want their money to work for them and provide a healthy ROI.

Ryan Dossey (my brother) has this great video about raising private money for your business and how he raised his first $100k.

Step 6. Choose your marketing strategies

In many ways, this is where the rubber hits the road for your business: how will you find deals in your market? How will you find motivated sellers ? How will you convince those sellers to work with you? How will you find buyers to purchase those properties or tenants to live in them? How will you fix up properties if you’re planning to fix and flip ?

These are all questions you need to answer on your real estate investing business plan.

And if you’re at a loss for answering them, sitting down with another real estate investor in your market and asking them questions can go a long way.

However you do it, write down your marketing plan of attack — how you plan to find and close deals — what you’ll need to make per deal to remain profitable, and how much you should expect each deal will cost you.

Here are a few common marketing strategies that you might consider.

  • Direct mail (check out Ballpoint Marketing if you want to send hand-written mailers en masse).
  • Bandit signs
  • Door knocking
  • Facebook ads
  • Search engine optimization
  • Cold calling

Here are some more specific suggestions to consider…

1. Send personalized mailers every single week

There is a rhythm to the flow of potential deals in any market.

A market might have a lot of deals during a particular season, and fewer deals just a couple of months down the road. These fluctuations are normal. And where there’s inconsistency in the market, the investor must remain steadfast.

This is as true in the stock market as it is in the real estate market.

Don’t gamble all of your marketing budgets on a single season. Instead, get in the habit of sending the same amount of mailers every single week — whatever is a reasonable number for your business. Send those mailers to different lists and recycle lists every few months or so.

To get the best performance possible, we recommend using mailers from our sister company,  Ballpoint Marketing , where you can get hand-written letters at an affordable cost.

2. Run effective Facebook Ads & do some SEO

Facebook ads and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are two of the best ways to market your real estate investing business.

The first can provide you with leads quickly and the second can create longevity for your business.

To create effective Facebook ads, just go look at what your top competitors are doing. Go to their Facebook Page, click on “Page Transparency”, and you can see all of the ads that they’re running.

free sample business plan for real estate investors

Examine a few of your competitor’s ads and take notes on what their sales copy and images are like. Then contemplate how you might try to do something similar.

Don’t copy them verbatim, of course, but why not try something similar to what they’re doing?

If it’s working for them, it’ll probably work for you as well!

As for SEO, get in the habit of publishing blog posts on your website that target specific keyword phrases. You can use  Ubersuggest  to find high-value keyword phrases. And here’s a  helpful article  that shows you how to optimize your pages to rank in Google.

3. Hire someone to answer the phone for you

If you follow our previous advice of sending personalized mailers every week, running effective Facebook ads, and spending a little time on SEO , the good news is that you’re going to start generating quite a few leads…  predictably .

The bad news is that your phone is going to start ringing like crazy.

The more mailers you send and Facebook ads you run, the more the phone is going to ring.

And while all of those leads are exciting, they can quickly distract you from working on important business-growth tasks like polishing processes, creating systems, and hiring employees.

That’s why more than 100 U.S. investors use our expert-trained reps to answer the phone for them. We answer the phone  when it rings , we know how to talk to motivated sellers , we’ll ask the right questions, and we’ll even schedule a follow-up appointment with you or your Acquisitions Manager.

Sound cool?

Then get a free, no-obligation demo by clicking here!

Step 7. Create a plan for consistently networking with other professionals

When you’re just starting out, no business-building strategy is quite as effective as networking with other real estate professionals within your market. There’s something about those face-to-face connections which can benefit your business for a lifetime.

You might learn a thing or two from other friendly professionals in your market. Or maybe you’ll end up partnering up with them. Or maybe you’ll learn how better to  compete with them.

Whatever the case, networking can help build your business. And you should map out a game plan for consistently networking with other professionals — even if it’s something as simple as going to a monthly meetup or working from different coffee shops every day.

Step 8. Create a plan for delegating down the road

quote about delegating

You’re building a business,  not a prison cell. This means that you’ll need to make a plan for delegating tasks to other people down the road.

In the beginning, you’ll likely be the horse, driver,  and carriage — that is, you’ll be doing pretty much everything.

But don’t make that time-intensive phase of business last longer than it needs to. You’ll be surprised at how much faster your business will grow (with less work) when you hire A-players, treat them well, and trust them to do their job.

You won’t have to work as many hours, your business will grow more quickly, and you’ll make more money. So make a plan for which tasks you’d like to delegate when the time comes and which ones you’d like to keep (the ones that you enjoy the most, ideally).

And if you imagine that answering the phone every time it rings is a task you’ll want to delegate, Call Porter can help. We’ve built the only call center designed for real estate investors. Our reps are trained specifically to talk with motivated sellers, convert them, and then schedule a follow-up call with you or your acquisitions manager. You can try us out for yourself over here . 🙂

Step 9. Find your exit strategy

Every good real estate investing business plan includes a thorough plan of attack…  and an exit strategy if things go terribly wrong.

Since you have a business plan, your chances of things going horribly wrong decrease quite significantly. Still, it’s good to have a plan B or a way out if things go sideways. Maybe wait to quit your day job, for instance, until your business starts providing for itself. Choose your investors and/or tenants carefully. And consider including a clause in your contracts that gives you a way out (at least in the beginning).

Step 10. Create your growth plan

Have you ever heard the 80/20 rule?

It’s my fav 🙂

Essentially, it states that 20% of the work produces 80% of the results (and vice versa).

While it’s easy to feel that you must do everything right as an entrepreneur in order to succeed… that’s simply not true. You only have to do some key things right .

In terms of real estate investing, you have to acquire properties, you have to make profitable decisions with those properties, and you have to do that consistently.

That’s it — that’s the formula.

In terms of actual to-dos, here are three things that — if you do them consistently — will virtually guarantee that your business keeps growing.

1. Send mail & run paid ads

free sample business plan for real estate investors

To generate leads and close deals, you have to market your business.

That means sending mail and running paid ads  every single month .

Keep in mind: all marketing strategies (especially direct mail ) experience a sort of lag-time. You might send 500 mailers this month and not get very many phone calls, assuming that your mailers were ineffective.

Then you stop and try something else.

Suddenly, you start getting phone calls because of those mailers that you sent a month ago.

This lag-time isn’t bad… but you need to  expect it and  prepare for it … which basically means marketing your business consistently, even when your efforts seem to be less effective than usual.

Pro-Tip:  Want to stand out with your direct mailers? Check out our sister company, Ballpoint Marketing , which produces hand-written mailers (with real ink ) that add a personal touch your competitors won’t be able to match!

2. Answer the phone & follow-up

Speed to Lead Statistics - 19 Surprising Facts About Lead Response Times - Chili Piper

Yes, Call Porter is an answering service built specifically for real estate investors.

Yes, there’s going to be a pitch at the end of this section.

And yet, it’s still difficult to overstate the importance of answering the phone  when it rings .

Research shows that your chance of having a meaningful conversation with a prospect decreases with every passing moment after a phone call goes unanswered.

Problem is, if your business is thriving and you do manage to answer the phone every time it rings… then you’re probably limiting your business’ full potential (because you’re not spending that time on mission-critical, “quadrant 2” activities).

You want the phone to ring off the hook… but you don’t want to be the one responsible for answering it. 

The solution?

(Pitch incoming)

At Call Porter, we’ve trained all of our U.S.-based reps to speak with motivated sellers. They know what questions to ask, how to stay level-headed, and they’ll schedule a follow-up call with you or your acquisitions manager.

Check out the call below to see for yourself (this lead resulted in a $36,000 profit for the investor!).

The phone needs to get answered… but certainly not by the founder of your business (YOU) 😉

Oh — and don’t forget to follow up! 90% of deals happen during a rigorous follow-up regimen, not during the initial call .

(We recommend following up  at least 15 times).

Get a FREE Call Porter Demo Today!!

3. build processes & reinvest into your business.

If you do the first two things, you’re going to generate leads and get the phone ringing like crazy.

You’re also going to start closing quite a few deals.

But there’s still one problem left to solve:  you will quickly become a bottleneck.

Having Call Porter answer the phone is certainly a step in the right direction… but the more you want to grow, the more you’ll have to delegate and automate the daily operations of your business.

This means hiring someone to answer emails, create marketing campaigns, speak with sellers, collect buyer information, and even acquire profitable properties.

Step 11. Create a memorable brand

Good business is built on trust.

Without the trust of your prospects and your clients, positive word-of-mouth won’t spread and people will hesitate to work with you.

But in the same way that that hesitation creates an obstacle for your business, building knee-jerk trust in your market creates a doorway.

The question is… how do you build a memorable reputation in your market so that past clients know you’re the real deal, prospects trust you to treat them right, and people who’ve never worked with you respect your business?

Well, the primary answer is consistency — day-in and day-out, treating your customers right, sharing case studies, engaging in charity, and whatever else will enhance your brand image.

In fact, here are three things to consider doing more consistently in order to build memorable trust in your market.

1. Choose a charity

Small Businesses Giving Back Makes a Big Impact on Local Communities | SCORE

Donating to charity doesn’t just help you forge a more meaningful mission for your business, it can  also help you market your business.

For example, you can celebrate your donations publicly and host events to raise money for local charities. These efforts build brand awareness  and trust at the same time.

There’s just something about a highly philanthropic business that feels trustworthy.

(That’s probably why customers are 85% more likely to buy products from a company that is associate with a charity).

Choose a charity that’s in line with your business’s mission, and then get in the habit of donating. Over time, you’ll build trust with people in your market and prove that you care about more than just making money.

2. Care about your clients

70+ Inspirating Marketing Quotes | SurveySparrow

This might seem like an obvious piece of advice, but I know how hard it can be to authentically care for your clients when you’re  doing the same thing every day .

It’s easy to become callused.

Still, showing your prospects (even the tire-kickers) and your clients (even the ones who don’t accept your offer) that you genuinely care about them is one of the best ways to increase how many referrals you get and how much word-of-mouth you generate.

This is a simple trick, but perhaps the most difficult.

Be kind to everyone. Care about the people you work with. And be generous in how you serve others.

Do that for long enough and people won’t be able to ignore your business’ impact on the community.

Just think of the businesses that you most admire… how do they treat people? What are their values? And how can your business emulate their attitude toward leads, prospects, and clients?

3. Collect case studies

free sample business plan for real estate investors

People might love you and respect you, but how do they know that your business   works ? That is, how do they know it can actually benefit them?

To some degree, trusting you is different than believing in the helpfulness or effectiveness of your service.

The best way to prove to your community that your business is the “real deal” — that what you’re doing can actually help people who are trying to sell their home — is by sharing testimonials and case studies from past clients.

This includes publishing case study content on your website, sharing reviews on your social media profiles, and telling stories of people who you’ve helped in the past.

Don’t undervalue the impact of telling stories to build your business’ reputation.

It’s  extremely powerful .

Step 12. Build your timeline

The final step is to determine when you want everything to happen. When do you want/expect to hit your real estate goals ? When do you expect to start hiring people? When do you expect your business will be able to fully support you and your family?

These timelines need not be written in stone, though — no one can accurately predict how long it’ll take you to build a successful business (the most important thing is consistent progress ). But having a timeline that you can reference and which keeps you heading in the right direction is wildly valuable, especially if you post it on your wall, where you can see it every day.

Final Thoughts

So you know you need a real estate investing business plan. You know that having a plan will give your business a better chance of success and turn you into the kind of forward-thinking entrepreneur that succeeds.

But you don’t only know that you need it, you also now know how to create it.

With the above 12 steps, you can draft a real estate investing business plan which increases your statistical chance of success.

And while you  could just launch your business without a plan, why would you? It’s a far better idea to spend some time thinking about the details of how your business will succeed  in order to succeed than it is to launch quickly and fail quicker.

So get to it — and don’t press the big red button until you’ve drafted a business plan which you’re confident will succeed.

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How to Create a Real Estate Investment Business Plan for Residential Rental Properties (Free Template)

free sample business plan for real estate investors

Ready to unlock the potential of real estate investment and build your financial future? Whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting out , crafting a well-thought-out business plan is critical if you're to succeed in the world of residential rental properties. 

This article will guide you through the essential steps, considerations, and components of creating a real estate investment business plan. Plus, we've got a valuable free template to make your journey even more manageable.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Real Estate Investment

Crafting an effective real estate investment business plan is about more than paperwork; it's about turning your aspirations into achievements.

Creating a formalized business plan for your real estate investment venture is tantamount to success. It forces you—the investor—to organize your thoughts, feelings, goals, and ideas moving forward in the business in a single, powerful document. 

Remember, this is a living document meant to be flexible as your business grows or changes tactics over the years. It keeps you on target, helps expand your business, and keeps your financial goals on track. 

It’s also a helpful document for potential investors, creditors, and partners to peruse before pursuing a business venture with you. 

And speaking of collaborators, finding sample real estate investment business plans or a template to download to get you started is a good idea. But before diving into that, let's look at a few general considerations that will shape your plan.

General Considerations for a Real Estate Investment Business Plan

Before you start actually writing your business plan, there are a few general considerations to keep in mind:

  • The Why. When you start any new venture, it’s good to know you’ve got the strength to realize your goals, even when things get tricky. Defining why you’re embarking upon this real estate investment journey is necessary if you want  to reach your destination. Why do you want to invest in real estate? To create financial independence? To serve the community? To provide for your family? Everyone’s “why” is unique to them. As such, your underlying motivation should be the starting point of creating a business plan. Everything follows from this origin.
  • Financial Goals. Next, it’s wise to consider your financial goals. What are you hoping to accomplish financially? This is a business, and having defined financial goals will help keep your real estate investments trending in the right direction. 
  • Timeline. When do you want to achieve all this? Are you taking this business from now until retirement or looking to flip a few houses before the decade closes? Having a general timeline in mind when planning means you’ll be realistic about what goals you can accomplish. 
  • Real Estate Investment Strategy. There are countless ways to jumpstart your real estate investments. Doing a bit of research to discover which real estate investment strategies best suit your financial goals and desired timeline will ensure your business plan is realistic moving forward.

These considerations form the foundation of your real estate investment business plan. But how do you piece it together and create a comprehensive, winning document? 

Spoiler alert: Property managers can be your secret weapon in crafting an airtight plan and guiding you through your investment journey. 

But first, let's explore the essential components of your business plan and how a property manager can make the process smoother.

Essential Components of a Business Plan for Real Estate Investment 

A well-thought-out business plan for real estate investment should help you secure the financing and partnerships needed to bring your dream to fruition. 

To do this, it must include the following components:

  • Executive Summary: a bird’s eye view. The first section of a business plan is like an abstract for a research paper. Here, you’ll introduce the plan and give an overview of what comes later in the document. 
  • Define your team. Who are you bringing on this journey? What are their qualifications? This section can attract new investors and partners by touting the team's accomplishments. 
  • Outline marketing strategy. A business plan won’t succeed without a marketing strategy to connect with potential clients, in this case, future tenants. Your real estate business plan must include understanding the need for top-quality marketing and a method to market your business successfully. Will you run social media ads? Rent local billboard space? 
  • Demonstrate initiative and a willingness to learn. Include a section to show that you know this industry, have researched the competition, and are aware of local real estate market trends and areas for growth. This will communicate to potential investors you’re willing to put in the elbow grease it takes to succeed long-term in this business. 
  • Describe the “What”. What services will you offer? What type of properties will you invest in? What are the next steps to your plan moving forward? 

As you dive deeper into your real estate investment journey, remember that the strength of every property manager relationship reflects the property owner's dedication. 

How to Create a Residential Real Estate Business Plan Quickly 

If you're looking to create a residential real estate business plan quickly, here are a few must-have tips to get you started:

  • Define: Mission. Vision. Values. A business is only as strong as its “big three” pillars: the mission, vision, and values. Begin your business plan by defining what the purpose of your business is (its mission), your plan to bring this mission to life (vision), and the values that will guide your actions when the going gets tough. Careful consideration of these will give you clarity when finding team members to build your business later on. You need people who click with what your business stands for. 
  • Identify short and long-term goals. A real estate business is only as successful as it prepares to be. Remember the adage: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Spending time identifying short (3-12 months out) and long (1-5 years in the future) term goals gives you and your team ways to mark the journey to success with well-defined milestones. 
  • Figure out the finances. How will you fund your business? There are many ways to find capital to bring your real estate business plan to life, but you may have to get creative. And you’ll need to stay organized and on task to bring your financial goals to fruition. 
  • Find the perfect property manager. The quickest way to accomplish this magnificent business plan you’re creating? Hire a property manager to help you skip the grunt work. But while finding the right manager for your business isn’t easy—you’ll need to research and interview several property managers before you get a feel for what’s best for you—the road will be much less bumpy with a solid business plan in hand. 

How a Property Manager Can Help You Create a Real Estate Investment Business Plan

A property manager can help you create a real estate investment business plan in five important  ways. 

  • Provide you with insights into the local real estate market.
  • Help you identify and evaluate potential investment properties.
  • Help you develop a marketing strategy to attract tenants.
  • Help you manage your finances and keep track of your expenses.
  • Provide you with guidance and support throughout the investment process.

When you enter property manager interviews armed with a robust business plan, you demonstrate your commitment and pave the way for a successful partnership. 

Ultimately, creating the ideal business plan for real estate investment begins with you. Every property manager relationship is only as strong as the drive of the property owner. 

Download APM’s free sample real estate investment business plan template to get started.

free sample business plan for real estate investors

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Your 10 Step Guide to Building a Real Estate Investing Business Plan

Real estate empires grow from a blueprint, not last-minute hunches. This guide outlines how to create a real estate investing business plan to help you navigate market dynamics, seek funding, and add to your team so that you can successfully grow your business.

free sample business plan for real estate investors

Let’s be honest, the idea of drafting a formal real estate investing business plan probably doesn’t excite you. After all, you got into real estate investing to scout deals and transform properties, not write novels full of financial projections.

But experienced investors know a solid plan spells the difference between profitability and major headaches. It forces clarity on direction and feasibility before you sink hundreds of thousands into property purchases and rehabs.

Think of your business plan as a blueprint for success tailored to your unique investment goals and market conditions. Whether you currently own a few rentals or are launching a full-fledged development firm, a plan guides decisions, aligns partners, and demonstrates viability to secure financing.

So how do you build one effectively without needless complexity? What key strategy areas require your focus? Let’s explore components that set you up for growth while avoiding common first-timer pitfalls. With realistic planning as your foundation, your investing journey can start smooth and stay the course.

What is a real estate investing business plan?

At its core, a real estate investment business plan is simply a strategic guide outlining your intended real estate approach. It defines target markets, preferred project types based on expertise, capital sources, growth strategy, key operational procedures, and other investment specifics tailored to your situation.

View your plan as an evolving document rather than a rigid static rulebook collecting dust. It should provide goalposts and guardrails as markets shift over time and new opportunities appear. You'll be able to refer back to the plan to confirm that these new opportunities align with proven tactics that yield predictable returns.

Detailed upfront planning provides a sound foundation for confident direction. It protects stakeholders by identifying potential pitfalls and mitigation strategies before costly surprises trip up the stability of your real estate business.

So, it's worth it to take the time and develop a customized plan aligned to your niche, resources, and risk tolerance. While initially tedious, the practice of putting together your strategic real estate business plan ultimately provides clarity and confidence moving forward.

Importance of having a business plan

Now that we’ve defined what a business plan is, let’s explore why having one matters — especially if you want to grow a successful real estate investment company.

Have you considered what originally attracted you to investing in properties? Whether it was rehabbing flips, acquiring rentals, or simply a lucrative hobby, your motivations and ideal path can get lost in the daily distractions of life. That’s where an intentional business plan provides clarity and conviction moving forward.

Reasons every real estate investor should prioritize planning are:

  • Goals and vision : You might be wanting to quit your day job and focus on real estate full time, or you might simply want to generate some extra income on the side. Either way, a business plan forces you to define what success looks like for you.
  • Due diligence : Creating a plan forces you to research the real estate markets you want to invest in — analyzing sales, rents, permits, zoning, demographics, and growth projections. This helps you objectively identify high-potential neighborhoods and properties rather than relying on hearsay or intuition.
  • Funding and financing : Lenders and potential investors will want to review your business plan to evaluate the viability and profitability of your real estate investment business before offering any financing . A complete plan builds credibility and confidence with stakeholders.
  • Guide decision-making : It's easy to get distracted by the latest real estate seminar or shiny new construction techniques. But sticking to the parameters and strategies laid out in your plan prevents you from making hasty changes or going down rabbit holes.
  • Identify potential risks : There are always things that can unexpectedly go wrong: what if interest rates spike and make your loans unaffordable, or your best tenants move out and unreliable folks move in? Brainstorming these scenarios in advance allows you to minimize risks and have contingency plans.
  • Systemize operations : As you grow, how will you scale operations? A business plan helps you identify areas that will require attention as your business evolves, like creating maintenance checklists for rentals, standardizing lease agreements , or automating accounting procedures.
  • Build the right team : Your business plan provides guidance on the team you'll need for your business. Know if you require a real estate agent to help you find deals or a property manager to handle tenant complaints at 2 AM.
  • Track progress : Your plan helps you compare things like actual rehab costs, rental occupancy rates, cash flow, etc. to your initial projections and determine whether you're on track.  You can then make adjustments as needed.
  • Maintain strategy : As you scale your operations with new hires or partnerships, you'll want to maintain direction in alignment with your original business plan. For example, if you are considering new verticals like commercial real estate, does evaluation criteria match your proven risk metrics and return hurdles? A real estate business plan keeps everyone focused on the same goals as your business grows.

What to include in a real estate investment business plan

A good real estate investing business plan covers everything from business goals to financing strategy. Here are the ten key elements you should include:

1. Executive summary

The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your real estate investment business plan. It briefly describes your company mission, objectives, competitive advantages, growth strategies, team strengths, and financial outlook.

Think of it as the elevator pitch for your business plan, and write it last after you have completed the full plan. Limit it to 1-2 pages at most.

Make your executive summary compelling and motivate investors or lenders to learn more. Be sure to also summarize your past successes and experiences to build credibility.

2. Company description

The company description section provides background details on your real estate investment company. Keep this section brief, but use it to legitimize your business and team.

  • Business model : Explain your core business model and investment strategies. Will you primarily flip properties, buy and hold rentals, conduct wholesale deals, or use another approach?
  • Company history and achievements : Provide a brief timeline of your company's history, including its formation, past projects, key milestones, and achievements.
  • Legal business structure : Identify your corporate structure, such as LLC , S-Corp , C-Corp, or sole proprietorship.
  • Office location : Provide your company's office address, which lends you credibility. If you are initially working from home, consider establishing a local PO Box or virtual address.
  • Founders and key team members : Introduce your founders and key team members. Highlight relevant real estate, finance, management expertise, and credentials.
  • Past projects : Provide an overview of any successful prior real estate projects your company or founders have executed.
  • Competitive advantages : Explain unique resources, systems, or other strengths that give your company an edge over competitors. These could be proprietary analytic models, contractor relationships, deal access, or specialized expertise.
  • Technologies and tools : Discuss technologies, software programs, or tools your company uses to streamline processes and optimize operations.

3. Market analysis

The market analysis section validates whether your real estate investment strategy makes sense in a given area.

Conduct detailed research from multiple sources to create realistic real estate investment market projections and identify potentially profitable opportunities.

Outline why certain neighborhoods, property types, or price points pique your interest more than others.

Your market analysis should dig deep into factors like:

  • Local sales and rental price trends : Analyze pricing history and current trends for both sales and rents. Look at different property types, sizes, and neighborhoods.
  • Housing inventory and demand analysis : Research the balance of supply and demand and how that impacts prices. Is the market undersupplied or oversupplied?
  • Market growth projections : Review forecasts from real estate analysts on expected market growth or decline in coming years. Incorporate these projections into your analysis.
  • Competitor analysis : Identify other real estate investors actively acquiring or managing properties in your target areas. Look at their business models and strategies.
  • Target neighborhood and property analysis : Provide an in-depth analysis of your chosen neighborhoods and target property types. Outline positive attributes, risks, and opportunities.
  • Demographic analysis : Analyze the demographics of potential tenants or homebuyers for your target properties. Factors like income, age, and family size impact demand.
  • Local construction and renovation costs : Research materials and labor costs for accurate budgets and understand the permitting process and timelines.
  • Regional economic outlook : Factor in projections for job growth, new employers, infrastructure projects, and how they may impact the real estate market.

4. SWOT analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Conducting a SWOT analysis means stepping back from day-to-day business to assess your broader position and path from a strategic lens.

Internal strengths for your real estate investment business may include an experienced team skilled in major rehab projects, strong contractor relationships, or access to private lending capital. Weaknesses might be limited staff for handling tenant maintenance issues across a growing rental portfolio or only having a small number of referral partners for deal flow.

External opportunities can come from accelerating population growth and development in your target market, new zoning favorable to multifamily housing, or record-low mortgage interest rates. Threats could be rising material prices that hurt your flip margins, laws imposing restrictions on non-primary residence owners, or an oversupply of new luxury rentals, allowing tenants to be choosy.

The SWOT analysis highlights strengths to double down on and risks to mitigate in the real estate market.

5. Financial projections

The financial plan helps for both internal preparation and attracting investors. For real estate companies, the financial plan section should cover:

  • Startup costs : Include the expected startup costs involved to start your investment project, such as getting licenses and permits or paying for legal fees.
  • Profit and loss forecasts : Create projected profit and loss statements that outline what you think your revenues and expenses will be over the next 3-5 years.
  • Cash flow projections : Put together projected cash flow statements that show expected cash flow for each month.
  • Return on investment projections : Project your company's expected ROI over time under the different investment scenarios.
  • Funding requirements : Based on your forecasts, detail exactly how much capital you will need to start and operate your business until it is profitable. Specify whether you plan to use debt or equity financing.

6. Investment strategy

The investment strategy outlines your niche — will you focus on flipping, buying rentals, commercial properties, or a blend? Define any geographic targets like certain cities or zip codes backed by your research on growth potential.

Specify your criteria for ideal investment properties based on your goals. Decide which factors — age, size, layout, condition, or price point — matter most to you.

You can also use this section to explain how you plan to find deals, whether that's by scouting listed properties, attending foreclosure auctions, or networking to create off-market opportunities.

Clearly conveying your approach allows lenders and potential private investors to grasp your niche, planned pursuits, and process for finding deals. Having a strong strategy that summarizes how you locate, evaluate and capture deals matching your investing thesis can increase lender and private investor confidence in your ability to execute.

7. Marketing plan

Real estate marketing can’t just be an afterthought; it helps attract profitable deals, financing, and tenants to your business, making it a necessary component of your business plan to prioritize.

Components of your marketing plan can include:

  • Networking: Actively networking at local real estate meetups puts you directly in front of promising off-market opportunities and partnerships with motivated sellers, lenders and contractors in your community.
  • Social media: Consistently nurturing your social media presence can also pay off to help you find opportunities or potential investors.
  • Direct marketing: Never underestimate old school direct marketing — sending postcards to addresses with outdated “We Buy Houses” signs or calling the For Sale by Owners numbers from public listings can help you reach motivated sellers.
  • Listings management: Note that marketing does not end once you own property. To keep rental vacancies filled, leverage listing sites that can publish your units to a wide audience of prospective tenants.

8. Operations plan

Without systems, real estate investors struggle through renovations plagued by cost overruns, shoddy contractors who never call back, and frustrating tenants who always pay late . The operations component of your plan should consider aspects like:

  • Renovations: Ever lined up a contractor who juggles too many clients and leaves your projects languishing? Create standardized processes for accurate scoping, vetting subs, enforcing deadlines contractually, and maintaining contingency funds.
  • Business technologies: As your portfolio grows, tasks like tracking income, expenses , assets, and communicating with tenants can quickly overwhelm. Identify technologies early on that help centralize details to avoid getting swamped. Look into property management platforms that automate listings, tenant screening , digitized lease agreements, maintenance work order flows, and communications.
  • Insurance: Tenants or contractors can sometimes damage assets. Discuss landlord insurance policies to protect you against lawsuits, natural disasters, and major property repairs as you scale up.

9. Team structure

If you plan to grow your team beyond just yourself or a few partners, your business plan should outline your organization's key roles and responsibilities. This helps you consider what positions you may need to fill as your company scales.

  • Partners or co-founders: These are the main decision-makers and equity holders. Outline their background, skills, and the value they bring.
  • Property manager: This person handles day-to-day management of properties, tenants and maintenance issues.
  • Bookkeeper: You may need daily help managing bank accounts, invoices, taxes, and financial reporting.
  • Contractors and project managers : You'll need trusted renovations, repairs, and landscaping contractors. Dedicated project managers help oversee large jobs.
  • Leasing agents : As you grow and add more properties, leasing agents handle showings, applications, and signing new tenants.
  • Real estate attorneys : Real estate investing requires proper legal filings and compliance. Attorneys can help you manage this risk.

10. Exit strategies

Every wise investor plans their exit strategy upfront before acquiring a property. Will you aim to flip the asset quickly or retain it as a rental long-term? What factors determine ideal timing and the right profit margin for you to walk away?

Build flexibility into your strategy, as markets move in unpredictable ways. Especially with flips, have contingency plans if your listing gets lowballs or no offers. Be willing to rent short-term, refinance and hold if possible, convert to condos, or just patiently wait until the market changes. Having reserves and backup options allows you to avoid a distress sale.

Also include plans for strategies after a property sale, like a 1031 exchange to defer capital gains taxes and reinvest in another property. You may want to use sale proceeds to reduce or clear outstanding debts, enhancing cash flow and financial standing.

Tips for your real estate business plan 

Now that you know what to include, consider the following four tips to help your real estate investment business plan stand out.

1. Be detailed and specific

Resist the urge to gloss over details as you put together your plan. Drill down on the specifics for parameters like:

  • Target purchase and rehab costs.
  • Timelines for completing projects.
  • Minimum profit margins.
  • Maximum allowable vacancy rates .
  • Minimum cash reserves.

2. Refine and update regularly

Markets change, so don't create your business plan and file it away. Review your plan regularly to see how market conditions and your actual results compare to projections.

Make adjustments as needed. Tweak your approach if your rehabs are going over budget or your properties aren't selling as quickly as expected.

Aim to update your full plan annually at a minimum. Even if your overall strategy remains consistent, refresh the details around market factors, financials, tactics, risks, and projections.

3. Seek expert feedback

Before implementing your new real estate investment business plan, seek feedback from advisors who can identify potential issues or weaknesses.

Ask experienced real estate investors in your area to review your plan and provide constructive input. It's also a good idea to share your plan and numbers with your CPA and legal counsel as well.

4. Keep it simple

While specificity is good, don't over complicate your business plan to the point where it becomes difficult to follow. You want to inform readers without confusing them.

The goal is for stakeholders, such as co-investors, lenders, and partners, to easily digest your plan and understand it after a quick skim. Make it easy for readers to grasp your reasons behind focusing on a given area or project type based on market conditions and opportunity.

A property investment business plan fit to your goals

After finally finishing your business plan, you’re probably eager to dive into tangible investments rather than tweaking spreadsheets. But in the real estate industry, even experienced investors periodically step back and update strategies.

Approach your business plan as a living document that evolves as the market shifts, as you create new partnerships, or when you need to make changes in strategy. Set reminders to revisit quarterly and confirm your activities of today still align with the vision from day one.

Solid planning is proven to improve outcomes in dynamic industries like real estate investing. Though preparation isn’t glamorous, it pays dividends. Thoughtfully constructing your playbook puts the odds of executing successfully in your favor.

With a solid blueprint backed by your research, you’re now ready to capture the best real estate investment opportunities.

Business plan real estate investor FAQs

How do i stay flexible and adapt my business plan to changes in the market.

To stay flexible, review your real estate investing business plan regularly and update it based on changes in market conditions, trends, and opportunities. If things change in the market, find ways to adapt your strategy. This can include your goals, target market, financing, and even your exit plans.

How do I know if my real estate investing business plan is effective?

You'll know your business plan is effective if you're meeting the key objectives and metrics you outlined. Let's say your plan called for you to purchase a certain number of properties and achieve a specific cash flow or rate of return. If you're falling short, you can use the plan to course-correct.

Are there any specific software or tools for creating a real estate investing business plan?

Azibo is a helpful software tool for creating real estate investing business plans. This comprehensive platform has templates and tools to build out key sections of your plan. Its robust accounting and financial capabilities help construct accurate statements and projections.

Incorporating Azibo's online rent collection allows you to model cash flows. By centralizing lease documents , accounting, and portfolio management, Azibo streamlines the process of putting together a strategically sound real estate business plan.

Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

Author Photo

Nichole co-founded Gateway Private Equity Group, with a history of investments in single-family and multi-family properties, and now a specialization in hotel real estate investments. She is also the creator of, a blog dedicated to real estate investing.

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sample real estate investing business plan

Sample Real Estate Investing Business Plan

If you’ve been scouring the web trying to find a sample business plan so you can get your real estate investing business off the ground, look no further.

On this page, I will provide you a real, sample real estate investing business plan.

I will also give you step-by-step instructions to help you create your own business plan so you can stop sitting around and start investing in real estate.

sample real estate investing business plan

Need a Business Plan Before Investing in Real Estate?

Real estate financial projections, real estate is predictable, and your numbers should be too, business financial plan, how to write a real estate investing business plan..

I put together this infographic which will help break down the elements of planning (and backward planning), then we’ll pick it up on the other side with more information about crafting your sample business plan.

There are a lot of paths to go down in our quest to achieve  financial independence  and create a long-term residual income. With a business plan, you are: ** Nearly 2x more likely to succeed than those without a plan ** **49% more likely to grow than those without a plan** ** 2x as likely to get investment capital ** ** 30% more growth potential than those without a plan **


Writing Your Business Plan

Before you even start typing, you need to know your goals and write them down. The infographic above has an example of how to backward plan and fill in the blanks.

Alright, now that you have a general idea of where you are going and how you will get there, you are ready to start writing your business plan.

What You Need Before Starting Your Investing Business Plan

Before you get started writing your business plan, you need to put together a few pieces of information:

  • Business plan writing software (I use  LivePlan )
  • Your  target market
  • Your  analysis criteria
  • How you will  find real estate deals
  • How you plan to  finance your properties
  • How you plan to rent/sell your properties (exit strategy).

1) Start Writing the Pitch

The first thing I like to do is write the pitch. Imagine yourself on a 30-second elevator ride to the 10th floor of some building, and you happen to be riding along with the CEO, or finance manager of some investing firm. What could you say to that person in 30 seconds to make them want to sit down and hear more?

real estate investing business plan pitch

That’s your pitch.

Click on the image to see an example of a “pitch” (it’s just a fictitious company I made up for this example).

The  business plan writing  software that I use puts this all together for me and even hosts it on a unique webpage so I can email the pitch if I want. Obviously, you don’t have to get that fancy – you could even put something together in PowerPoint if you want.

Writing this pitch is going to help you start working on a few important details:

The Real Estate Problem You are Solving (and Your Solution)

This is how you will position yourself and be better than everybody else…and fully expect it to change over time.

  • When we first started investing, we focused on student rentals. More specifically, we realized that foreign students had a hard time finding good apartments and trusting their rent and security deposit wouldn’t be stolen before they arrived in the United States.
  • Though that was our focus, we also bought other buildings if the numbers made sense…and our mission changed to acquiring under-valued properties and using my expertise to renovate them cheaply.
  • Finally, as we grew, we have incorporated those other things into our target investments but now we are focused on building systems that other smaller landlords couldn’t have in place.

The great thing about real estate, when compared to other startup businesses, is the financials are already out there for you. You can easily look at any property and get the current owner’s proforma rent (rent and expenses on paper under ideal circumstances).

In other industries, you may be stuck guessing what your retail demand will be, what your advertising, marketing, and other overhead might be.

In real estate, it’s easy to find and easy to estimate in the absence of actual numbers. My point is, there is no reason why your financials section shouldn’t be  amazing . It should be spot on so you can impress whoever your lender will be.

Since the financial section should be easy to figure out, it’s what I like to work on second.

2) Create an Amazing Financial Forecast

The financial forecast should be pretty boring and not hard for you to determine.

There is nothing terribly exciting about the financial section of a business plan. There is even less excitement with real estate financials. If you aren’t actively buying more property, then your revenue and expenses should literally never change.

And in this example, you can see how I plan for absolutely no change throughout most of 2016 for this made-up company.

But then something happens – I plan to buy more property!

But then it flatlines again.

Your banker, financier, or private lender will know real estate inside and out. They will know how much people spend on maintenance, collections, etc.

So, if the numbers in your plan are out of line, they will see it.

If you’re lucky, they will assume it’s a simple mistake, let you amend the numbers and move on… or they may think you’re a novice and it could jeopardize your financing. So spend more time on this section than any other

Honestly, I probably spend 3 or 4 hours just making up numbers for this example. It would take me a few days to get everything perfect if I were using this for funding.

3) The Rest of the Business Plan

Maybe it seems weird that I just throw it all together at the end, but in real estate, it’s pretty true. If you’ve created a solid plan utilizing the backward planning method, then created a pitch and did a solid job on your financials, the rest of the plan will fill itself in.

Sure, there may be a few areas that you haven’t put thought into yet, but that’s the purpose of the business plan.

The great thing is, the pitch uses these categories as well, so it gives you a great starting place.

Here is a quick breakdown of the real estate business plan categories

Executive Summary

The  Executive Summary  is a brief outline of the company’s purpose and goals and should include:

  • A brief description of products and services. For real estate, this could mean single family vs multi-family, self-storage, commercial, etc.
  • A summary of objectives.
  • A solid description of the market. How is your niche growing and what does the future look like in your particular market?
  • Financial justification. What your profit margins look like and how you plan to make money. Include growth potential
  • An overview of funding requirements.

Find your Business Opportunity

Every business finds an  Opportunity  to exploit. Essentially, opportunities are created by problems which you will solve. There may be a lack of low-income housing, or on the opposite side, a lack of luxury apartments. Other problems may be poor management, high eviction rates, or a lack/excess of a particular type of real estate.

It may be helpful to answer these  four questions  to help you define your opportunity:

  • Where do you make your money?  – What niche of the market will you operate in?
  • How do you spend your time?  – Will you focus on management, maintenance, finding investments, etc.
  • Who do you sell?  – Are your target tenants businesses, low-income, high-income, students, or something else.
  • What do you sell them?  – Are you selling tiny (green) homes to high-income individuals or large homes to middle-income people with families?

Execution of your Business Plan

Writing the execution part of your business plan isn’t always easy because it includes some big sections. In the execution section, you will have Operations, Marketing & Sales, Milestones, Metrics, and anything else that will affect your investments on a day-to-day basis.

Operations  –  This includes technology you may use (property management software), locations, management plan, and anything else that affects the day-to-day operations of your business and investments.

Marketing & Sales  –  This may include how you plan to stage and rent properties or to sell your real estate. From online listings all the way down to your concept for showings.

Milestones –  How fast do you want to grow, when will you raise rents, when do you want to hire your first employee… anything can be a milestone and it’s unique to your particular investing strategy.

Metrics –  It’s important to determine how you measure success. There are many ways to measure this, but in real estate, it could be the number of units, yearly income, or net worth among other things.

Company Profile

The  company profile  section is where you “sell” the management team and history of the company. If you have a lot of experience in real estate, then really highlight it in this section.

If you don’t have a strong real estate background (a lot of new investors have very little experience) then focus on talking about your “team” such as your real estate agent, accountant, attorney, contractors, and other professionals

Remember all the numbers you worked on before? Well, this is the where they go.

Try not to create pages and pages of useless graphs, charts, or spreadsheets. Try to put the important information up front, and tuck supporting spreadsheets in the back as a reference.

Another note – profit is really important in business, but cash-flow is more important. In real estate, it’s quite possible that a company can be profitable but cash-flow negative. It’s also possible to exhaust cash reserves and fail to meet debt obligations, even if you planned on earning a fortune in just a few months.

Your financial section should show your solid cash-flow management plan.

Don’t forget to download your free sample real estate investing business plan

Wrapping up Your Real Estate Investment Business Plan

The design is an important last step. People are more likely to read through your business plan and judge it’s content if it has a beautiful and easy to read design. Spend plenty of time making it colorful, make the headings pop, and work hard to draw attention to the areas you want to highlight.

With that last piece of advice, I hope I’ve been able to give you some specific advice about real estate investing and your business plan.

Check out  LivePlan  and give it a shot. It’s an amazing product!

And if you haven’t already yet, get a copy of the free business plan for real estate investors

Eric Bowlin

Eric Bowlin has 15 years of experience in the real estate industry and is a real estate investor, author, speaker, real estate agent, and coach. He focuses on multifamily, house flipping. and wholesaling and has owned over 470 units of multifamily.

Eric spends his time with his family, growing his businesses, diversifying his income, and teaching others how to achieve financial independence through real estate.

You may have seen Eric on Forbes, Bigger Pockets, Trulia, WiseBread, TheStreet, Inc, The Texan, Dallas Morning News, dozens of podcasts, and many others.

Reader Interactions

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June 20, 2023 at 8:49 am

This is a great blog post! I’m a recent college graduate and I’m looking to get into real estate investing. This post has given me a lot of great information to work with.

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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed . is a run by real estate professionals and the results they achieve may not be typical. All information is the opinion of the author and should not be construed as advice of any sort, including but not limited to legal, accounting, tax, or investing advice. No content should be considered a solicitation for any sort of investment.

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Real Estate Business Plan

free sample business plan for real estate investors

People would always need to find places. Be it for offices, homes, and whatnot.

Finding the ideal place irrespective of your needs and requirements is never a cakewalk, to begin with.

You can go through a number of real estates business plan templates before you write your plan.

Industry Overview

The market size, measured by revenue, of the Real Estate Sales and brokerage industry, is $156.2bn in 2021, and the industry is expected to increase by 0.4% in 2021.

Also, the market is changing at a rapid rate and the way people use spaces is changing at a rapid rate too.

Hence, to get on or stay on the higher end of the spectrum you’ll need to upskill and change the way you do business constantly.

But that is a fair trade for the amount of growth and profitability this industry has to offer.

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Things to Consider Before Writing a Real Estate Business Plan

Be specific.

The real estate industry is broad when it comes to work and what you can do. It can either be a source of primary or passive income. At the same time, you might be involved in the industry as an investor, agent, or builder. Decide what you want to do and plan on that basis.

Do your research

The trends of the real estate business change constantly, hence doing your research and updating it constantly is a crucial part of your profession.

As your knowledge and expertise is your greatest asset in this industry, keep expanding it to stay at the top of things.

Build a team of skilled professionals

Having a team you can build your real estate business with is essential.

Select a group of individuals with a diverse set of talents ranging from good communication skills to brilliant analytical skills. Given the dynamics of the real estate business, you never know what skills might come in handy in your business journey.

Be ready for change

As we have constantly discussed, real estate is a dynamic industry. Change is the only constant you’ll have in this business.

Thus, it is important for everything from your plan and way of doing business to be change-friendly.

Sources of Funding for a Real Estate Business

Gaining funds is one of the major reasons for writing a business plan. And here are a few good funding options for your real estate business:

A traditional loan is one of the most basic options for getting funded. You can opt for this if you have a good credit score.

Non-bank mortgage lending

This is a good option if you don’t want to go through a lot of paperwork.

The asset-based mortgage

For this, the lenders look at the rental value of your property and provide a loan on that basis. It is a good option if you don’t want or can’t get a loan based on your personal assets or income.

Above all, it is essential to plan your business to figure out your funding requirements and the right way to fulfill the same.

Write Your Business Plan

If you have enough connections, and the ability to find places for people that have attributes they want and need then a real estate business can be a profitable one for you.

A business plan helps you get funded, explain your ideas to the stakeholders of your business, and make better decisions.

Hence, planning is an important aspect of starting or growing your business.

It has been created using Upmetrics online business plan software that helps you create dynamic and customizable plans anywhere and at any time.

Our sample real estate business plan can help you with writing a well-rounded business plan for your business. It can act as a guide and prevent you from getting stuck in a certain section for too long.

Real Estate Business Plan Outline

This is the standard real estate business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Market Opportunity
  • Demand for Housing
  • Financing & Investment Forecast
  • Introducing Kegan
  • Business Model
  • Short Term Goals
  • Long Term Strategies
  • Keys to Success
  • Contemporary Living for the 21″ Century
  • The Complete Package
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Implementation Strategy – Action Plan
  • Target Market Overview
  • Housing Shortage Overview in Saudi Arabia
  • Housing Shortage Overview in Riyadh
  • Housing Prices
  • Kegan Home Prices
  • Market Positioning & Brand
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Sales Strategies
  • Sales Process
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Competitive Advantages
  • Rashid Bin Said
  • Director of Construction
  • Member name
  • Chief Accountant
  • Director of Marketing & Sales
  • Other Staff
  • Independent Directors
  • Solid Balance Sheet
  • Impressive Cashflow
  • Financial Summary
  • Financial Assumptions
  • Income Statement (Five-Year Projections)
  • Balance Sheet (Five-Year Projections)
  • Cash Flow Statement (Five-Year Projection)

After getting started with Upmetrics , you can copy this sample real estate business plan into your business plan and modify the required information and download your real estate business plan pdf or doc file.

It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing your business plan.

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Download a sample real estate business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go;  download our free real estate business plan pdf  to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your real estate business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

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free sample business plan for real estate investors

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Real Estate Business Plan Template

Download our template and create a business plan for your real estate business!

real estate business plan template

Updated September 22, 2023 Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A real estate business plan is as essential as a business plan for any new or existing business. This step-by-step guide will explain how to make a real estate business plan, provide a real estate business plan template for you to work with, and explain how and why each step is necessary for your business plan to be effective.

We also provide links to downloadable templates to help you create your real estate business plan and sample plans to show you the best ways to tailor your plan for any number of real estate business needs.

Whether you seek investors to grow your business or want to track your goals from year to year as your business develops, a carefully crafted plan will help you.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Your Real Estate Business

How to write a business plan for real estate, real estate business plan sample.

The real estate business plan fills several needs. It gives you an outline of your business goals and the direction you want your business to take. It keeps you in line with industry trends. It lets you monitor your annual performance and change your goals as the market changes.

An effective real estate business plan also acts as a financial summary of your business, showing how it stands about your competition and the industry. The business plan acts as a road map for you and a snapshot of your business for any investors or bankers who want to understand your business.

A real estate business plan will help you spot risks and weaknesses early in your business development and help you set realistic goals for your business.

These are known as SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based goals.

Creating a business plan without goals is like starting a journey without a destination. Having a destination without a map means going down many blind alleys, taking unnecessary detours, and wasting time as you frequently need to return and start again.

Your business plan will help you avoid these pitfalls and adjust your course while you travel towards your final goal — a successful real estate business.

You must cover critical topics and include the correct information to ensure your business plan is as effective as possible. Follow our guide to writing a well-formed real estate business plan below.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary contains an overall review of the rest of the business plan. It should include an outline of your history, your mission statement, and an overview of the rest of the report.

This section will include things like:

  • Target clients with a fictional “ideal buyer” persona;
  • Target neighborhoods, price ranges, and listings;
  • Market overviews and potential threats and opportunities;
  • A marketing plan outline.
  • Your mission statement. This should include where and how your agency was founded, discuss the legal and financial structure, and stress your dedication to your customers and any special advantages you provide to your target clients.

2. Management Team

If you have a management team or a group that has contributed to the business’s success, summarize their names and contributions.

This section highlights everyone who has been involved in your business.

  • Owners, founders, and original managers;
  • New management, assigned duties and areas, and specific clients;
  • Planned management expansion and anticipated managerial goals.
  • Include all information about your managers, names, positions and duties, education and work history, past business successes, and other relevant details. Think of this section as your management team’s biography.

As the business expands, your management team section will be one section that needs constant improvement and updating.

3. Products and Services 

Your products and services should be phrased to make you unique in the industry and highlight how you stand out from your competitors. As a real estate business, what do you provide for your clients that others do not? How do your agents compare with your competition?

In real estate, your product is your listing and your brand. What is it that makes your company the one that your target buyer wants to use? In this section, you will highlight the following:

  • Your niche market and how you acquire specific listings in your area;
  • Your lead generation model and the way you obtain leads that differentiate you from your competitors;
  • Your branding. A defining brand can be nebulous, and many firms resort to hiring a brand agent to help them customize and market their brand. You may be a family-friendly agent or specialize in the young professionals market. Determining how you present yourself is critical to your service profile.

4. Customers and Marketing

The customers and marketing section lets you identify your niche within the real estate business and how you intend to reach them.

You defined your ideal customer in your executive summary; now is where you expand on your perfect customer “persona.” A “persona” is the industry name for the imaginary person you sell to.

  • Their demographics, age, gender, job, family preference, and income.
  • Deal-breakers. What do they have to have in a home? What can they do without?
  • Amenities, recreation, entertainment. Does your ideal buyer need dog parks nearby or bike paths? Do they want access to the water or the theater district?
  • What type of neighborhood is your ideal buyer looking for? Do they need a school district or prefer to be far from children?

After establishing your ideal customer, you can select the viability of your marketing niche. For instance, is your buyer likely to be a first-time buyer? If so, what percentage of first-time sales were made in your chosen area in the last two years?

The more detailed you can make your Customers and Marketing section, the more you know how your business will likely thrive in your chosen area.

5. SWOT Analysis

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are necessary for every business analysis. In what areas are you and your business strongest, and where do you need improvement?

Investors appreciate a business owner who can accurately pinpoint their good and bad points and demonstrate how to improve.

This analysis should be fact-based, not opinion-based. You should be able to provide statistics and metrics for your and your competitors’ business research. Some things to consider are:

  • In what areas of your business plan are you strongest? Are they similar or dissimilar to your nearest competitor’s strengths?
  • In what areas are you weakest? Are you weak where your competitors are strongest?
  • What opportunities can you exploit in the next six to 12 months? Are these opportunities unavailable to your competitors?
  • What threats are you facing in the next year? How can you avoid these threats or turn them into advantages?

By analyzing your business objectively and reviewing all the facts and numbers, you can determine how you will be placed in the next year.

6. Financials 

The meat of your business plan is the financials. This includes your expenses, annual income forecast (sales, commissions, or other income), cash flow, and costs. As your business grows, your business plan will include previous years’ financials to track the growth.

Your financials should include, at a minimum:

  • Expenses. These include operating expenses, whether you have a physical location or are still in the virtual stage of operations, licensing and permitting, fees and filing costs, and other operating expenses. If you have employees, it will also include payroll.
  • The past income portion will track how much you have already made. You should be able to show how many leads you have generated, how many transactions you made, and your income from those efforts.
  • Future income is how much you would like to make going forward. You can estimate how many leads are needed per transaction and how many transactions per sale from your past efforts.
  • Goals. With this information, you should include your projections for the next year and five-year periods. Presumably, you wish to increase profit over the next five years. You can demonstrate how to achieve these goals using income tracking and market research.

7. Operations

Operations contain the moving parts of your financial projections. This section describes how you intend to reach your business goals in the upcoming year. This section might also include upcoming personnel changes, office expansions, etc.

Real Estate operations can include your projected hours of operation, your action plan for achieving your goals, and your marketing and advertising plan. Initially, this may be somewhat fluid if you do not plan to have set hours of operation or a brick-and-mortar office.

Later, as your business increases, this section will include business hours, open house times, etc.

8. Appendix

If your real estate business plan includes any ancillary documents, such as your Articles of Incorporation or a  Business Purchase Agreement , they would be included in the Appendix.

After your first real estate business plan, your previous years’ plans will go into the Appendix so they can be reviewed by potential investors or by your board. You can also include your quarterly statements and other financial documents.

Your Appendix is the section for any documents you want to have that are not essential for your readers’ overall understanding.

Now that you know what goes into your real estate business plan, all that is left for you to do is click on the business plan creation template and begin. Ensure you have all your documentation and research-ready in advance, and the template will provide you with cues as to what information needs to go into which spaces.

After filling in all the blanks, the template will generate a real estate business plan to your specifications.

Real estate business plan screenshot

  • Legal Resources
  • Partner With Us
  • Terms of Use
  • Privacy Policy
  • Do Not Sell My Personal Information

real estate business plan template

The document above is a sample. Please note that the language you see here may change depending on your answers to the document questionnaire.

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How to Start a Real Estate Investment Company: 10 Steps You Need to Know

Elise Knaack

Are you interested in learning how to start a real estate investment company? Maybe you dream of leaving your 9-5 job behind, or you’ve already left and are ready to pursue more freedom both financially and with your time. Here, we’ll go over what a real estate investment company is and provide you with the steps you need to start a real estate investment company.

Types of Real Estate Investing Companies

You have several options when you start a real estate investment company, including the type of business entity and the type of real estate investing you want to practice. Most real estate investment companies are involved in either wholesaling, flipping, or renting. Your business structure will depend on your business operations. Let’s go over each of these real estate investment types and discuss strategic business options.

Wholesaling Real Estate

Wholesaling real estate   allows you to turn a profit without buying the property yourself. When you wholesale, you avoid improvement costs and don’t hold the property over any period. Instead, as a wholesaler, you contract a home – usually a distressed home – with a seller and then find a buyer for that home and assign the contract to the interested party. You can start wholesaling without a large investment because the goal is to assign the contract before the home closes. You earn a profit by finding a buyer willing to pay more for the home than you originally offered the seller. The tax implications of wholesaling real estate include paying taxes on your earned income and paying self-employment taxes. Explore the   best cities for wholesaling .

Flipping Real Estate

Flipping real estate involves purchasing a property to resell it for a profit. There is usually a good amount of remodeling that goes into it to increase the value of the home, and there is a wealth of   flipping house tips   available to help you get started. Remodeling means there will be a variety of third parties working on the property. When you flip real estate, it is considered active income, which means there is an added tax burden of self-employment taxes. Self-employment taxes are extra taxes someone who flips or wholesales homes will pay when compared to a person who rents real estate. Keep in mind that if you hold the property for over a year, instead of paying income tax, you will pay capital gains taxes when you sell the asset.

Renting Real Estate

Renting real estate involves purchasing properties to hold onto them and use them to generate rental income. These types of properties are considered capital assets because the IRS views them as buy-and-hold real estate. There are tax benefits available to you when you own rental real estates such as depreciation and repair and improvement deductions.

Rental real estate comes with its own set of liabilities, so it’s important to choose a business structure and/or insurance product that protects your personal finances. Let’s go over the various business structures to help you choose the right one for your situation.

Business Structures

Depending on which type of real estate investment company you plan to start, you may consider structuring your business a few different ways. While you can operate your business as a sole proprietorship or a partnership, most people opt to start a real estate investment LLC. A limited liability company (LLC) protects you personally so that you are not liable for debts incurred by your LLC business and cannot be personally sued for business-related lawsuits.

Not only does an LLC protect your personal assets, but it is also a flow-through entity for the owner, which provides a tax benefit to the owner. Business profits flow through the owner’s personal tax return and are taxed at the owner’s personal tax rate. An LLC also allows for greater flexibility regarding management responsibilities and profit distribution. However, an LLC makes it more difficult to add multiple owners as compared to a C-Corp or S-Corp.

Another business structure that can be common for real estate investors to implement is to form a corporation and operate as a C-Corp or an S-Corp. By incorporating your company, you protect your personal assets and minimize risk. Corporations allow you to sell shares in the business and allow other real estate investors to contribute capital. Keep in mind that corporations are subject to double taxation and that in addition to the taxes the corporation pays, you need to pay taxes on any personal income the corporation pays you.

Before determining your business structure, it may be helpful to contact a corporate accountant or real estate attorney to be sure you select the most advantageous business structure for your real estate investment company.

Benefits of Starting a Real Estate Investment Company

Starting your own real estate investment company comes with many benefits, including financial freedom and a strong investment portfolio. Other benefits you’ll gain from starting a real estate investment company include:

  • Tax benefits and deductions
  • Limited personal liability by separating investment properties from personal holdings
  • Complete control of the business you own
  • Secure income streams
  • An investment with steady appreciation

How to Start a Real Estate Investment Company

It may seem overwhelming to start your own investment company, but the process is straightforward and can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. Here are 10 steps for starting a real estate investment company.

Step #1: Conduct Extensive Research

The first thing you should do if you’re considering starting a real estate investment company is spending time researching the industry. Obtain a good understanding of opportunities in your market area and who your potential competitors are. Determine what type of real estate investing company is right for you and explore the inventory in your area. It’s also important to get familiar with the neighborhoods where you’ll be investing by looking at median home values and nearby amenities. Conducting research now will better prepare you to start your business.

Step #2: Consider Your Professional Goals

Before acting, take time to firm up your professional goals and set your course toward the future. To know what steps to take now, you want clear expectations for where you aim to go. Ask yourself where you want to take your career over the next few years and beyond. Once you know your financial goals and business goals, you can strategize what it will take to achieve them.

Step #3: Obtain the Necessary Real Estate Education

When you go into business, you need to have a good understanding of how things work in the real estate realm. While you are not required to hold a degree or license in real estate to invest, you will want to be familiar with key components of the business. It will help if you have a handle on the process of buying an investment property, tax implications, successful investment strategies, risks involved, regulations, and even knowledge of basic real estate terminology. Your real estate education can come from a variety of places like books, blogs, podcasts, and even shadowing a mentor.

Step #4: Get Your Financing in Order

For many beginner real estate investors, obtaining financing for a real estate investment company may seem overwhelming and even somewhat out of reach. Although a significant amount of capital is required at the start, it is possible to finance your business without needing cash upfront. Even still, you do want to be sure your financial standing is in a good place because oftentimes you need to provide your credit report and demonstrate your financials.

Depending on your financial situation, you have options for obtaining investment capital. These options may include:

  • A mortgage or government loan
  • Private money lenders
  • Crowdfunding
  • Real estate investment partnerships
  • Owner financing

Step #5: Register Your Business

You’ll need to register your business to make your company legitimate. This involves a few steps such as selecting a company name, registering it with local entities, and requesting an EIN for tax purposes.

Step #6: Open a Business Checking Account for Your Business

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Step #7: Write a Real Estate Investing Business Plan

As with any business endeavor, it is vital to write a business plan. A real estate investment company requires a comprehensive plan that outlines the direction your business intends to take as well as sets goals you can adhere to, so you stay on track. If you apply for a mortgage, a loan, or are looking for investment partners, your real estate investing business plan will show them you are serious and have what it takes to succeed.

Some things you should include in your business plan are:

  • Overview of your company
  • Short- and long-term goals
  • A real estate investment strategy
  • Market research
  • Financial plan
  • Marketing plan

Treat your business plan as a living document and as your real estate investment company grows and matures, revise the business plan as needed.

Step #8: Craft Your Marketing Methods

When ready, you’ll schedule your first campaign. There are multiple ways to market to your future customers, and they include:

  • Direct Mail
  • SMS Text Messages
  • Email Campaigns
  • Social Media

Step #9: Create Your Website

Having a digital presence is imperative in the business world today. Both existing and potential clients will look online for information about your company, and a website allows you to show them what you want them to see. Many different companies offer templated websites for a reasonable monthly fee that look highly professional and are customizable.

Step #10: Develop Your Real Estate Team

When you first start a real estate investment company, you might think you need to fly solo and fulfill every role yourself. It turns out, however, that by building a team you’ll be able to accomplish much more and will also prevent yourself from feeling completely overwhelmed. By working with real estate professionals, you can lean on people highly skilled in specific areas of the real estate investment process. When you are ready and have enough work, build a team that is comprised of:

  • General contractors
  • Real estate agents
  • Property managers
  • Accountants

Step #11: Start Searching for Investment Properties

Once you have spent time and energy establishing your real estate investment company, it’s time to do what your business is meant for and discover your first investment properties. To find more profitable leads, start   driving for dollars . To scale your business, learn   how to recruit drivers   so you have a team of people that generates a list of unique properties other investors don’t have.

How Much Money Does It Take to Start a Real Estate Investment Company?

How much money you need to start a real estate investment company depends on multiple factors. Regardless of the type of real estate investment company you start, there are the same initial costs such as filing your business name and registering your business, both of which depend on what state you live in. Beyond those expenses, your marketing budget will also vary greatly based on what initiatives you put in motion. It is best to   calculate all costs   before starting your business to ensure you have the proper funding.

As for the investment properties themselves, most real estate purchases require a down payment of 20% which for a $100K home, equals $20K. If this seems like a number that is out of reach even for loans, you may want to consider starting as a wholesaling business.

When you wholesale, you do not need to put your own money down. Instead, your initial funding goes toward finding and signing a contract for a property and then marketing the property you’re looking to assign. While the need for each property varies, you probably want to save up at least $1,000 to start wholesaling. You’ll spend this money driving for dollars or locating ideal properties and marketing to sign a property and then later assign it.

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About Elise Knaack

Elise is the Head of Marketing at DealMachine. She manages all media to help our members learn more about real estate investing and how to use DealMachine to scale their business fast.


The Success Story of NoBroker: Creating a Dalal-Free Real Estate Ecosystem in India!

Chayanika Goswami

Chayanika Goswami , Apoorva Bajj

Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations.

Anything that has to do with real estate, specifically as a purchaser has always been convoluted and annoying. The constant push from the sellers, nagging from the middlemen, lack of fluid communication, and running helter-skelter to get the paperwork done are some of the common horrors in the world of real estate. Was it meant to be this way?

Yes, many of us have pondered on the scene on several occasions but without any outcome. Akhil Gupta, Amit Agarwal, and Saurabh Garg also thought of improving this gloomy scenario and found a solution in the form of NoBroker. Founded in 2014, NoBroker is a Bangalore-based startup in the real estate search domain, that connects flat and property owners with tenants and buyers directly through their platform , thereby making buying , selling , and renting properties simpler , transparent , and affordable .

NoBroker claims to handle around $2 billion worth of transactions on its platform each year and saves INR 130 crores of brokerage monthly. The platform helped Indian real estate customers save around INR 1,100 crores worth of brokerage in 2020 itself. The company further strives to help the Indians usher in a new era of smooth and easy real estate transactions minus the "brokers." The startup became a unicorn on November 23, 2021.

StartupTalky interviewed Mr. Saurabh Garg, Co-Founder & CBO of NoBroker to get insights on the Startup Journey and the Growth Story of NoBroker. Read on to learn about NoBroker, its owner, business model, revenue model, competitors, founders, revenue, funding & more.

NoBroker - Company Details

NoBroker - About and Vision NoBroker - Real Estate Industry Details NoBroker - Founders and Team NoBroker - History and Startup Story NoBroker - Products and Services NoBroker - Name and Logo NoBroker - Business Model and Revenue Model NoBroker - Startup Challenges Faced NoBroker - Funding and Investors NoBroker - Growth and Revenue NoBroker - ESOP NoBroker - Acquisitions NoBroker - Competitors NoBroker - Awards and Recognition NoBroker - Future Plans

NoBroker - About and Vision

NoBroker is a disruptive force in the real estate sector that uses innovative technologies to connect property owners, buyers, and renters with the help of a single platform.

Here's what NoBroker has to say about their mission:

Our mission is to lead India’s real estate industry towards an era of doing real estate transactions in a convenient and brokerage-free manner.

NoBroker - Real Estate Industry Details

Indian real estate market, which was valued at INR 12,000 crore ($1.63 billion) in 2019 is expected to have steady growth and will be reaching INR 65,000 crores ($8.83 bn) by the year 2040, as per IBEF estimates. Furthermore, the market size of the real estate sector in India, which was estimated to be around US$ 120 billion in 2017, will be expected to grow to US$ 1 trillion by 2030 and will contribute nearly 13% to the country’s GDP by 2025.

In FY23, India's residential real estate market experienced unprecedented growth, with home sales reaching a record high of INR 3.47 lakh crore ($42 billion), marking a substantial 48% year-on-year increase. This surge underscores the sector's potential, with forecasts suggesting its contribution to India's GDP could rise to 15.5% by 2047, expanding the real estate sector to a projected $5.8 trillion.

Besides, Indian firms are also expected to raise more than $48 billion with the help of infrastructure and real estate investment trusts in 2022 when compared to raised funds, which are worth $29 billion to date, according to ICRA.

The growth of the real estate sector across residential and commercial spaces will be chiefly driven by the growing urbanization of the tier-II and tier-III regions, an increase in the average household income levels, and the rise of nuclear families. Another factor driving this growth will be the increasing shift towards homeownership in the wake of the pandemic. The COVID-19 outbreak made people realize the importance of owning a home and the financial security that comes with a valuable physical asset like a house. This changing consumer sentiment will contribute hugely towards changing the market trends.

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NoBroker - Founders and Team

(L-R) Amit Kumar Agarwal, Akhil Gupta, Saurabh Garg - NoBroker Founders

NoBroker was founded by Amit Kumar Agarwal, Akhil Gupta, and Saurabh Garg.

"I first met Akhil when we were studying at IIT Bombay and Amit at IIM Ahmedabad. Convincing them was not tough, as we all had our fair share of hassle when looking for properties" says Saurabh Garg, Co-founder & CBO, NoBroker .
  • Amit Kumar Agarwal : Co-founder and CEO of NoBroker
  • Akhil Gupta : Co-founder, Chief Tech and Product Officer of NoBroker
  • Saurabh Garg: Co-founder and CBO of NoBroker

NoBroker currently operates with a team of 1000+ highly motivated individuals consistently working to offer better services to over 30 million registered users across Bangalore, Mumbai , Pune , Chennai , Hyderabad , and Delhi-NCR .

Amit Kumar Agarwal: Co-founder & CEO, NoBroker

Amit Agarwal is a banking and finance veteran, with over 15 years of experience in the banking and finance sector in management consulting and strategy. He had previously worked with leading global entities like PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he collaborated with numerous renowned Indian and foreign banks. Besides, he also garnered considerable experience of working with the top CXOs on several critical aspects, including the formulation of business strategy and the enhancement of on-ground profitability. He also displays a successful track record of guiding entry and portfolio strategy along with large-scale policy implementation and has won several industry accolades for his accomplishments.

In his role as the CEO of , Amit spearheads the organization’s overall vision and direction and is responsible for defining and gilding its corporate strategies. Amit is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, and IIM, Ahmedabad.

Akhil Gupta: Co-founder & CTO, NoBroker

Akhil is the Co-founder and Chief Tech and Product Officer of NoBroker and has been instrumental in building the foundation for NoBroker’s spectacular growth. Akhil holds a dual degree (B.Tech & M.Tech) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

He leads the entire tech vertical of the company and is responsible for building, scaling, and managing teams along with overseeing the business growth of NoBroker to promise a heightened customer experience . His commitment to efficiency and finding disruptive solutions to the most crucial business challenges has helped NoBroker offer some ground-breaking features like the AMP/PWA , WhatsApp chat feature , along with the use of AI and ML to provide rent prediction and recommendations. These were some of the firsts in its league. Many of the products built at NoBroker are serve as successful case studies at Google and Facebook .

Furthermore, Akhil also monitors the products of the company and continuously engaged in making necessary amendments and improvements to them. Akhil had over a decade worth of experience before setting forth with NoBroker. He had previously worked with Oracle , where he had led several products in Siebel, Oracle Ebiz, and Oracle Sales Cloud , and was also responsible for filing a couple of patents for the same . He is currently associated with the world’s largest customer-to-customer real estate portal and is anticipating massive growth in the upcoming years.

Saurabh Garg: Co-founder & CBO, NoBroker

Saurabh Garg was also a student of IIT Bombay and IIM Ahmedabad and as soon as he finished his studies, he set out with Hindustan Unilever Limited as a fresh graduate. Saurabh worked for the Sales and Marketing team of HUL and left the company after 3 years. Next, he founded Four Fountains De-Stress Spa, which was his first entrepreneurial leap. Saurabh is still serving as the Co-founder and Director of the Four Fountains Spa, which he founded back in May 2007.

His experience with Hindustan Unilever and as an entrepreneur helped him gain considerable experience. This has further benefitted him in his role as the Chief Business Officer at Saurabh's role in the revolutionary real-estate platform is mainly to pursue strategic alliances with real estate developers and corporates to bring high-quality supply and demand at a low cost, thereby expanding the revenue stream. Saurabh contributed largely to building the marketing team from scratch and empowered them to take on new challenges and try new and disruptive solutions without fearing failure. This freedom to experiment is one of the reasons why has achieved over 1 million app downloads within the first 3 years with surprisingly less marketing costs. The platform also has the lowest customer acquisition costs in the competitive Indian real estate sector.

Amid mounting social media criticism from dissatisfied customers, Saurabh Garg stated that the company is actively addressing concerns and harnessing artificial intelligence to resolve issues efficiently.

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NoBroker - History and Startup Story

Reminiscing the startup journey of, Saurabh Garg (Co-founder & CBO of NoBroker) says:

"We established when we realized that the real estate search and discovery process was fragmented, opaque, inefficient, and full of hassles for the customer. The idea first germinated after the awful experiences that we personally had with brokers while looking for a property. All the other online platforms are also marketing platforms for brokers and it is very difficult to contact owner/seller directly. This dependence on the broker made the experience horrible for the customer. Brokers subject customers to biases, pressures, and manipulations"

He continued -

"Through, we wanted to empower Indian home-seekers to find a home of their choice in a hassle free manner without paying a hefty brokerage. We did not have a prototype or a model to copy from as this was a solution built for a problem unique to Indian real estate. Brokerage has been an accepted norm for generations and therefore, penetrating the market with as disruptive a solution was not easy. The idea was simple yet bold but we knew that there was a huge scope for it. We launched the website in March 2014. Once the customer understood the unique proposition, there was no turning back for us".

NoBroker - Products and Services addresses the gap of information asymmetry that the Indian homebuyers face in its real estate market. Its disruptive solution connects property seekers with property owners, a process that earlier used to cost as much as 1-2 months of rent or 4% of the transaction amount as brokerage. The platform also provides personalized recommendations and assists with decision-making based on real-time data.

"We are the only platform in the C2C space that directly connects tenants and buyers with owners and sellers" Saurabh mentioned.

The platform offers end-to-end one-stop solution for property seekers including services such as rental agreements, movers & packers services , home loans, interiors, special packages for NRIs, relocation services for corporates, remote property management services, etc. It also facilitates online rent payment via credit cards, debit cards, net banking, and UPI wallets.

NoBroker also promises to be a one-stop-shop for processing the paperwork and documentation, associated with the lease agreement registration, bank franking, police verification, and society approvals.

NoBroker Home Services - Along with serving as an excellent solution for home buyers and renters, NoBroker also extends a list of useful services for homes, which are:

  • Painting services
  • Cleaning services
  • Home sanitization services
  • AC repair services
  • Pest control services
  • Carpentry services
  • Plumbing services

NoBroker Furniture - NoBroker also offers a wide range of furniture to buy/rent and ease the process online. It helps in installing and free relocation of furniture, swapping old ones with new ones and maintaining them.

The platform’s visitor and community management super app- NoBrokerHood is currently optimizing society living across 11,000 societies in Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi-NCR, Kolkata , Ahmedabad , Nagpur, Jaipur , and Kochi.

CallZen, a platform for conversational AI, has been introduced by NoBroker on October 12, 2023. The Bengaluru-based company has already ventured into other verticals, such as apartment management software, home services, and beauty, so this is an entirely new business line for NoBroker.

NoBroker - Name and Logo

"The name had to be simple, self-explanatory and direct. So, when I saw that name is available I booked it immediately back in 2007" says Saurabh.

NoBroker Logo

NoBroker - Business Model and Revenue Model

The business model of NoBroker acts as a digital peer-to-peer platform that allows homeowners/sellers and prospective tenants/buyers to connect directly without the involvement of a broker. It provides a subscription business model to customers who are looking to buy, sell or rent a property.

NoBroker has 3 revenue models:

  • Freemium model for tenants
  • Freedom plan
  • MoneyBack plan

Apart from that, NoBroker also offers an array of home services like packers and movers, home cleaning, home painting, interiors, and a lot more. These are also among the notable sources of revenue for NoBroker.

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NoBroker - Startup Challenges Faced

Real estate is a huge sector and a vastly unorganized one. For generations, it had relied on traditional processes, which involved a third party. The history of brokerage services can also be traced down to the earliest establishments of real estate. The team, therefore, focused on the most fundamental challenge faced by real estate customers: the service they were receiving was not commensurate with what the customer paid for it.

As there was information asymmetry, people had no option but to rely on broker services. Real estate platforms have been around for decades and have tried to solve the issue of information asymmetry. However, they couldn’t keep brokers away from the system. This led brokers to exploit the system to their benefit.

"When I – along with my Co-founders Amit and Akhil – formed, we were determined to use technology to address the gaps in the property discovery creating a platform that was 100% brokerage free " Saurabh added.

Their approach differed from the other online real estate platforms in that they were essentially tying up with property brokers and getting them to list properties on their platforms . On the other hand, the team connected owners with sellers and tenants with buyers directly. Because of this approach, NoBroker's value proposition found a favorable reception with the customers. NoBroker has the highest number of owner-listed properties.

It bootstrapped for quite a few months . Getting investors to believe in its proposition was a challenge because the team did not have an existing successful model to convince them back them.

"But we were sure of our resolve and our solution, and the needle moved when we raised our first $20 million", Saurabh exclaims proudly.

The pandemic ironically offered a shot in the arm as people could not use offline services and relied heavily on online platforms to search and finalize a house. One way or the other, the value-conscious Indian customer has realized and appreciated NoBroker's unique proposition and helped it grow.

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NoBroker - Funding and Investors

NoBroker has raised a total funding of $430.9 million to date. The company raised INR 400M from its Series-E funding led by Google, dated March 1, 2023. This has shot the valuation of the startup to over a billion dollars, thereby making it India's first proptech (property tech) unicorn startup and the 38th Indian startup to be a unicorn in 2021.

It also raised $210 mn from its Series E funding led by General Atlantic and Tiger Global Management , dated November 23, 2021 , where the US-based Moore Strategic Ventures also joined later on.

Paytm’s Vijay Shekhar Sharma and Anand Chandrashekharan, ex-Facebook are among the angel investors in the company. Google, Tiger Global, General Atlantic and BEENEXT are some of the popular investors fueling the brand.

With the successful completion of the upcoming round, the company is estimated to be valued at over $1 billion. However, the startup managed to raise more than that and eventually emerged as a unicorn.

The Funding and Investors' details of NoBroker is as follows -

NoBroker - Growth and Revenue

NoBroker, demonstrated remarkable growth in FY22, achieving 96% year-on-year revenue growth. The company's revenue soared to INR 325.88 crore in FY22, a significant leap from INR 166 crore in FY21. The company aims INR 1000 crore revenue in FY24.

NoBroker helped Indian real estate customers save over INR 130 crore brokerage monthly. The platform continues to witness 30 lakh customers connected monthly. It has a total of 30 million registered users across Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi-NCR, making it the world’s largest P2P real estate platform. These users collectively saved INR 15,000 crore in brokerages. The platform also caters to the commercial property segment.

NoBroker has opened its first-ever experience centre in Bengaluru, as per reports dated March 31, 2022. This marked the proptech unicorn's entry into the home interiors market. The Bengaluru-based company has planned an investment of INR 100 crore now on this new venture, which would invest the amount in marketing and hiring. As per the latest news, the home interiors arm of NoBroker has already onboarded 50+ design partners, and served over 100 customer in the city to date.

NoBroker Financial for FY22


Its visitor and community management app, NoBrokerHood , currently caters to residents in more than 11,000 societies across Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi – NCR, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Jaipur, and Kochi.

NoBroker had witnessed quite a funding, which amounted to around $430.9 million in a total of 13 rounds till March 2023. Google has recently led the latest funding round, with a INR 400 million investment. Some other growth statistics of the company follows below:

  • If we move to the costs incurred by the company, then the expenses the company incurred on employee benefits stand as a major expenditure. The employee benefits accounted for 39% of the overall expenditure. This cost increased 47.2% to INR 262 crore in FY22.
  • In FY22, NoBroker experienced a substantial 67% increase in total costs, leading to a significant rise in losses, which grew by 62.6% to INR 309 crore compared to INR 190 crore in FY21. Despite this, its return on capital employed (ROCE) and EBITDA margin remained low at -16% and -80%, respectively. At the unit level, the firm spent INR 2.08 to earn a rupee in FY22.

NoBroker - ESOP

NoBroker announced the completion of its employee buyback worth INR 32.2 crore in a report dated March 15, 2022. The buyback program of the proptech unicorn promises to allow 95 former and current employees of the company to liquidate their stock options, which makes up for 57% of total employees with ESOPs.

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NoBroker - Acquisitions

NoBrokerHood acquired Society Connect in February 11, 2020 to integrate the financial module with its services on one single platform and make society living easy and hassle-free.

NoBroker - Competitors

"As mentioned above, what differentiates us from other online real estate platforms is that ours is the only platform that is 100% brokerage free . We are not just enabling property discovery. We are a transaction platform and provide end to end solution. In that sense, we don’t have competition" says Saurabh.

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NoBroker - Awards and Recognition is a market leader in customer-to-customer real estate transactions and leading third-party endorsements have recognized the same,

  • was part of the elite ‘Champions of Change’ with the Prime Minister of India organized by the NITI Aayog.
  • has been recognized as the “Coolest Startup” by the India Today Group.
  • The company received was distinguished as the most promising startup for 2017, a recognition that it received from the Govt. of Gujarat.
  • NoBroker was also recognized by Forbes Japan as one of the 20 hot startups in India.
  • NoBroker was listed as one of the top 100 startups (36 on readers rating) with gravity-defying momentum to look up to in 2017 by YourStory.
  • NoBroker bagged the Digital Marketer of the Year award by IAMAI in 2018.
  • Most recently, the company received an award at the Emerging Awards by Tracxn where it was declared as one of the topmost companies in Real Estate Tech from across the globe.
  • NoBroker won for Disintermediation of Real Estate Transactions in the category of Innovation in Real Estate at the 14th AGBA in April 2024.
We’re thrilled to announce that #NoBroker has been #awarded the Emerging Awards by Tracxn and has been recognized as one of the topmost companies in Real Estate Tech from across the globe. @AmitKumarA @Sgarg2408 @akhil10s #realestate #awards #proudmoment — (@nobrokercom) March 17, 2020

NoBroker - Future Plans

NoBroker aims INR 1,000 cr revenue in FY24. The company’s short-term plans also involve expanding within India. It aims to expand to 50 cities across the country within the next 2-3 years.

Who are the Founders of NoBroker?

What is nobroker.

NoBroker is a Bangalore-based real estate search portal, which helps connect flat owners with tenants/buyers directly and makes the buying-selling of real estate simpler . NoBroker removes the need for brokers in real estate-related dealings.

What is the Revenue of NoBroker?

NoBroker, demonstrated remarkable growth in FY22, achieving 96% year-on-year revenue growth. The company's revenue soared to INR 325.88 crore in FY22, a significant leap from INR 166 crore in FY21.

How does NoBroker makes money?

Around 70% of NoBroker's revenue comes from the subscription plans it offers on various packages. Advertisements from furniture start-ups also contribute significantly as NoBroker claims over 2.5 million user visits on its website per month. NoBroker also earns revenue by offering services, such as connecting tenants with movers and packers, drafting rental agreements and extending a wide range of home services.

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Building your FY 2025 portfolio? Here are 5 real estate investment options

I n 2023, the real estate sector showed resilience amid changing trends. Global economic recovery drove up demand for residential properties in India, thanks to low interest rates and a preference for smart living and luxurious ownerships. With India's status as one of the world's fastest-growing economies propelled by private spending and capital buildup, the real estate sector remains a top investment choice. 

Typically, Indian households allocate 77% of their assets to real estate as this asset class offers potential for high growth, strong returns, and secure income streams. Moreover, with SEBI's new directives on fractional ownership and small REITs, the sector is poised further for significant expansion in 2024.

However, navigating the real estate market and choosing right investment outlets as per current government regulations and rates, can be daunting, especially for newcomers.

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This article explores diverse real estate investment options suitable for various investor profiles and risk appetites.

1. Rental properties

The traditional approach involves acquiring residential properties for rental income. While straightforward, this method requires significant upfront capital and ongoing maintenance costs. Before investing, ensure the property is free of legal issues. Acquisition options include leasing, outright purchase, or financing through loans. 

Notably, there's a rising trend of investing in luxury rental properties, especially in major Indian urban centers such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. Industry data indicates that luxury residential real estate in these cities consistently surpasses other traditional assets, boasting an annual price growth of 4% to 7%.

2. Holiday homes and house flipping

Affluent buyers are expanding their property portfolios beyond primary residences to include lucrative second homes. In India, the demand for secondary residences has skyrocketed post-pandemic, reaching a staggering $1.394 billion by the close of 2021—an impressive 88.63% surge from pre-COVID levels. 

Combined with strategies like house flipping, where properties are renovated for increased resale value, Indians are capitalizing on their second homes by turning them into holiday retreats, drawing significant tourist interest.

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3. REITs and ETFs

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and mutual funds provide indirect exposure to real estate by investing in related assets. Options include ETFs focused on real estate stocks, such as publicly traded builders, or those invested in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts).

REITs function similarly to mutual funds by gathering investor capital to purchase income-producing assets. These assets generate rental income, which is then distributed to investors as dividends. Investing in REITs offers various benefits such as immediate liquidity, affordability, regulatory protection, tax advantages among others. With dividends constituting a significant portion of profits(90%), REITs provide a steady income stream, often tax-exempt.

4. Fractional ownership of commercial real estate

This innovative approach involves multiple investors pooling funds to jointly purchase a commercial property. This reduces individual investment costs and risk exposure, while allowing shared rental income. Industry experts forecast significant growth in this segment with fractional ownership properties in India projected to reach $8.9 billion by 2025, growing annually at 10.5%.

Commercial properties typically offer higher rental yields compared to residential options. A 25 lakh investment in fractional ownership could potentially generate ₹ 2 lakh in annual rental income (calculated at 8-12 percent rental yield), coupled with at least ₹ 1.25 lakh in capital appreciation per year, contributing to wealth creation and improved monthly cash flow.

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Choosing the right option

The optimal investment option depends on various factors, including your available capital, desired liquidity preferences, preferred cash flow regularity, and risk tolerance. Owning, leasing, and flipping properties generally require substantial capital and experience in the real estate market.

ETFs provide high liquidity and lower costs but may not offer monthly dividends and might require selling shares to realise returns.

REITs and fractional ownership, though relatively new, are gaining traction as they provide access to the lucrative commercial real estate (CRE) sector for retail investors. While CRE offers good returns, it traditionally requires high capital investment.

Fractional ownership presents a lucrative opportunity with potential annual rental yields between 8 to 12 percent and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) ranging from 13 to 17 percent. Prime properties and retail complexes in business hubs like Gurugram that have emerged as one of the most prospective markets in real estate lately, offer both steady rental income and prospects for capital growth.

All this suggests that fractional ownership of commercial real estate could yield higher and more stable returns in the long run compared to other options and deserves serious consideration for those seeking to diversify their investment portfolios and build long-term wealth.

Aankush Ahuja, Founder and CEO FOIP

The article delves into various investment options like luxury rentals, second homes, ETFs, REITs, and fractional ownership.

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How to Write a Real Estate Business Plan + Example Templates

Image of a newly built house on the market to signify a real estate business plan

Elon Glucklich

7 min. read

Updated February 7, 2024

Free Download:  Sample Real Estate Business Plan Template

Owning property – it’s one of the cornerstones of the global economy. And with real estate accounting for roughly $3.7 trillion worldwide, it’s no wonder so many people get into the real estate business.

But the real estate industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and market trends shaping the way people buy, sell and manage properties. Whether you’re looking to start a home buying and selling business, a commercial real estate investment firm, a property management company or real estate investment trust, you need a well-thought-out business plan that not only outlines the steps to create a comprehensive and effective business structure, but also accounts for real estate’s unique challenges and opportunities.

A real estate business plan shares many similarities with a standard business plan. Here on Bplans, we’ve got a great guide already on how to write a traditional business plan .

In this article, we’ll outline the key points to consider when creating a comprehensive and effective business plan for your real estate business. You can also download our free real estate business plan template .

  • Understand licensing requirements

Your business plan will certainly include a company description – this is where you’ll outline your business, including its legal structure, management team and more.

What’s your area of expertise?

Go into detail describing the area or areas of the real estate market you plan to operate in: residential sales, commercial leasing, property management, or more niche markets like luxury real estate or vacation rentals. Your business may want to mix two or more of these segments.

Once you’ve identified your niche, you’ll need to obtain any necessary licenses and permits. This process can be time-consuming and complex, so it’s best to research the requirements ahead of time and create a plan to ensure you’re compliant with all regulations. License and permit requirements vary by state and locality, so be sure to check with your local government to ensure you have all the necessary paperwork filed.

  • Get a good team

Depending on the market segment or segments you’re targeting for your real estate business, you’ll need to identify the team members that will help you get your business off the ground.

Brokers, contractors, legal and financial advice

If your plan calls for purchasing properties, you’ll need a team of real estate agents or brokers. Document how they will help you find and acquire real estate, as well as how they can assist with marketing and selling properties once they’re in your portfolio.

You will also want to document how contractors and inspectors will help you assess the condition of properties you are considering purchasing, and provide estimates for repairs or renovations. 

Real estate markets are rife with legal hurdles, so you will want an experienced real estate attorney to help you navigate these issues. Document how you will be able to draft contracts and review lease agreements, and the guidance you will receive on zoning laws and regulations

Finally, an accountant can help you manage your finances, including bookkeeping, taxes, and financial planning. They can also advise you on the best business structure for your company.

  • Plan for visibility in a crowded space

With so much competition, it’s essential to develop and document a strategic marketing plan for promoting your real estate services.

Your marketing plan should detail the channels and tactics you’ll deploy to reach your target audience and convert them into clients. Identify the most effective marketing channels to reach your target audience, such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and content marketing.

Embrace online lead generation

These days, a vast majority of prospective buyers start their search online when looking for properties. So you’ll want to detail how you will optimize your web presence. You can also outline a content marketing plan that will position your company as an expert in the areas your target markets are interested in. These could include topical blog posts, articles, social media posts, videos and other content types to engage potential clients and showcase your expertise. All of these will make it easier for clients to find you.

Document your entire sales process

Of course, there will be plenty of in-person work to do, too.

With long sales lead times, you will also want to describe your sales process and how you will meet sales targets. This should include prospecting methods, lead generation techniques, and follow-up strategies. Establish a client relationship management (CRM) system to manage leads, schedule client consultations, property showings, offer negotiations and contract signings so you can demonstrate that you will be able to manage and transactions effectively.

  • Show how you will stay ahead of the market

Demonstrating in your business plan that you have conducted a thorough market analysis is crucial. To conduct an effective market analysis for your business plan, you should investigate the current state of the real estate market in your target area, including property prices, sales volumes and inventory levels. You will also want to examine the competitive landscape in your target area by analyzing other real estate businesses offering similar services.

Understand your customers’ needs

Next, determine the economic conditions and needs of the specific customer segments you want to serve, whether they’re first-time homebuyers, luxury property investors or commercial property renters. The more you understand how your target audience feels about the real estate market in your area, the better you will be able to tailor your services.

You will also need to show your knowledge of external factors like mortgage rates, and local, state and federal government regulations that may impact the real estate market. These factors all contribute to market volatility, so showing how you will manage market shifts and adjust your strategies will better position you to mitigate potential risks by identifying them in your business plan and documenting contingency plans.

  • Create a financial plan to secure funds

It’s hard to operate a successful real estate business without access to capital. And you can’t expect to receive any – whether through a bank loan or investment – without a detailed analysis of your financial projections and funding requirements.

Think long-term

A 3-5 year financial forecast will demonstrate that you have a long-term vision for your business. Be sure to base your financials on market research and up-to-date industry data. You may also want to consider different scenarios, like best-case, worst-case and most likely outcomes to account for potential fluctuations in the market.

The forecasts should include: profit and loss statements, which illustrate your business’s revenue, expenses, and net profit or loss over a specific period; cash flow projections, which help you determine your business’s ability to generate positive cash flow; and balance sheets, which provide a snapshot of your business’s financial health, including its assets and liabilities.

Speak the language of investors

If you are writing your business requires specifically to secure outside funding, you should clearly specify the purpose and amount needed in this section. Describe how the funds will be used, whether for purchasing property, hiring staff or launching a marketing campaign. And detail the type of funding you are seeking, whether it’s a loan, equity investment or a combination. Include information on your desired terms, repayment schedule and any collateral you can provide.

Above all, be transparent about your funding needs and show potential investors or lenders how their investment will contribute to your business’s success and generate a return on investment.

  • Real estate business plan templates and examples

Because of the intense competition, changing market conditions and startup funding needed, it’s important to write a comprehensive business plan if you’re considering starting a business in the real estate industry. Taking the time to plan out your business before getting started will minimize your risk and maximize your potential for financial success. To help get you started, download our free home real estate business plan template . You can download this document in Word form and use it as a foundation for your own business plan.

In addition to these resources, you may want to brush up on how to write specific sections of a traditional business plan. If so, take a look at our step-by-step guide on how to write a business plan .

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Content Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon is a marketing specialist at Palo Alto Software, working with consultants, accountants, business instructors and others who use LivePlan at scale. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Oregon.

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Here is a free business plan sample for a fruit and vegetable store.

fruit and vegetable market profitability

Have you ever envisioned owning a bustling fruit and vegetable market that serves as a cornerstone of health in your community? Wondering where to start?

Look no further, as we're about to guide you through a comprehensive business plan tailored for a fruit and vegetable market.

Creating a solid business plan is crucial for any aspiring entrepreneur. It serves as a roadmap, outlining your vision, objectives, and the strategies you'll employ to turn your fresh produce venture into a thriving business.

To jumpstart your planning process with ease and precision, feel free to utilize our fruit and vegetable market business plan template. Our team of experts is also on standby to provide a free review and fine-tuning of your plan.

business plan produce market

How to draft a great business plan for your fruit and vegetable store?

A good business plan for a fruit and vegetable market must cater to the unique aspects of this type of retail business.

Initially, it's crucial to provide a comprehensive overview of the market landscape. This includes up-to-date statistics and an exploration of emerging trends within the industry, similar to what we've incorporated in our fruit and vegetable market business plan template .

Your business plan should articulate your vision clearly. Define your target demographic (such as local residents, restaurants, or health-conscious consumers) and establish your market's distinctive features (like offering organic produce, exotic fruits, or locally-sourced vegetables).

Market analysis is the next critical component. This requires a thorough examination of local competitors, market dynamics, and consumer buying patterns.

For a fruit and vegetable market, it's imperative to detail the range of products you intend to sell. Describe your selection of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and any additional items you plan to offer, and discuss how these choices align with the preferences and needs of your customer base.

The operational plan is equally important. It should outline the location of your market, the layout of the retail space, your supply chain for fresh produce, and inventory management practices.

Given the nature of a fruit and vegetable market, it is vital to highlight the freshness and quality of your produce, your relationships with growers and suppliers, and adherence to health and safety standards.

Then, delve into your marketing and sales strategies. How do you plan to attract and keep customers coming back? Consider your approach to promotions, customer loyalty programs, and potential value-added services (like home delivery or a juice bar).

Incorporating digital strategies, such as an online ordering system or a robust social media presence, is also crucial in the modern marketplace.

The financial section is another cornerstone of your business plan. It should encompass the initial investment, projected sales, operating expenses, and the point at which you expect to break even.

With a fruit and vegetable market, managing waste and understanding the shelf life of products are critical, so precise planning and knowledge of your financials are essential. For assistance, consider using our financial forecast for a fruit and vegetable market .

Compared to other business plans, a fruit and vegetable market plan must pay closer attention to the perishability of inventory, the importance of a robust supply chain, and the potential for seasonal fluctuations.

A well-crafted business plan not only helps you to define your strategies and vision but also plays a pivotal role in attracting investors or securing loans.

Lenders and investors are keen on a solid market analysis, realistic financial projections, and a comprehensive understanding of the day-to-day operations of a fruit and vegetable market.

By presenting a thorough and substantiated plan, you showcase your dedication and readiness for the success of your venture.

To achieve these goals while saving time, you are welcome to fill out our fruit and vegetable market business plan template .

business plan fruit and vegetable store

A free example of business plan for a fruit and vegetable store

Here, we will provide a concise and illustrative example of a business plan for a specific project.

This example aims to provide an overview of the essential components of a business plan. It is important to note that this version is only a summary. As it stands, this business plan is not sufficiently developed to support a profitability strategy or convince a bank to provide financing.

To be effective, the business plan should be significantly more detailed, including up-to-date market data, more persuasive arguments, a thorough market study, a three-year action plan, as well as detailed financial tables such as a projected income statement, projected balance sheet, cash flow budget, and break-even analysis.

All these elements have been thoroughly included by our experts in the business plan template they have designed for a fruit and vegetable market .

Here, we will follow the same structure as in our business plan template.

business plan fruit and vegetable store

Market Opportunity

Market data and figures.

The fruit and vegetable market is an essential and robust component of the global food industry.

Recent estimates value the global fruit and vegetable trade at over 1 trillion dollars, with expectations for continued growth as consumers seek healthier eating options. In the United States, the fruit and vegetable industry contributes significantly to the economy, with thousands of markets and stores providing a wide range of produce to meet consumer demand.

These statistics underscore the critical role that fruit and vegetable markets play in not only providing nutritious food options but also in supporting local agriculture and economies.

Current trends in the fruit and vegetable industry indicate a shift towards organic and locally sourced produce, as consumers become more health-conscious and environmentally aware.

There is an increasing demand for organic fruits and vegetables, driven by the perception of better quality and concerns about pesticides and other chemicals. The local food movement is also gaining momentum, with consumers showing a preference for produce that is grown locally to support community farmers and reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation.

Technological advancements are influencing the industry as well, with innovations in vertical farming and hydroponics allowing for more sustainable and space-efficient growing methods.

Online grocery shopping and delivery services are expanding, making it easier for consumers to access fresh produce directly from their homes.

Additionally, the push for transparency in food sourcing continues to grow, with consumers wanting to know more about where their food comes from and how it is grown.

These trends are shaping the future of the fruit and vegetable market, as businesses strive to meet the evolving preferences and values of modern consumers.

Success Factors

Several key factors contribute to the success of a fruit and vegetable market.

Quality and freshness of produce are paramount. Markets that offer a wide variety of fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables are more likely to build and maintain a dedicated customer base.

Diversity in product offerings, including exotic or hard-to-find produce, can differentiate a market from its competitors.

Location is also vital, as markets that are easily accessible to consumers will naturally attract more foot traffic.

Customer service is another important aspect, with knowledgeable and friendly staff enhancing the shopping experience and encouraging repeat visits.

Effective cost management and the ability to adapt to changing consumer trends, such as the demand for organic and locally grown produce, are crucial for the long-term viability of a fruit and vegetable market.

The Project

Project presentation.

Our fruit and vegetable market project is designed to cater to the increasing consumer demand for fresh, organic, and locally-sourced produce. Situated in a community-focused neighborhood, our market will offer a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables, emphasizing seasonal and organic options. We will partner with local farmers and suppliers to ensure that our customers have access to the freshest produce available, supporting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing our carbon footprint.

We aim to provide not just produce, but a holistic healthy eating experience by offering a range of complementary products such as herbs, spices, and artisanal condiments. Our market will be a hub for health-conscious consumers and those interested in cooking with the finest ingredients.

Our fruit and vegetable market is set to become a cornerstone in the community, promoting healthier lifestyles and fostering connections between local producers and consumers.

Value Proposition

The value proposition of our fruit and vegetable market lies in our commitment to providing the community with the highest quality fresh produce. We understand the importance of nutrition and the role that fruits and vegetables play in maintaining a healthy diet.

Our market will offer a unique shopping experience where customers can enjoy a wide variety of produce, learn about the benefits of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into their diets, and discover new and exotic varieties. We are dedicated to creating a welcoming environment where everyone can find something to enrich their meals and support their well-being.

By focusing on local and organic sourcing, we also contribute to the sustainability of our food systems and the prosperity of local farmers, aligning our business with the values of environmental stewardship and community support.

Project Owner

The project owner is an individual with a profound passion for healthy living and community engagement. With a background in agricultural studies and experience in the food retail industry, they are well-equipped to establish a market that prioritizes quality and freshness.

They bring a wealth of knowledge about the seasonality and sourcing of produce, and are committed to creating a marketplace that reflects the diversity and richness of nature's offerings. Their dedication to health, nutrition, and sustainability drives them to build a market that not only sells fruits and vegetables but also educates and inspires the community to embrace a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

Their vision is to create a space where the joy of fresh, wholesome food is accessible to all, and where the market serves as a vibrant gathering place for people to connect with their food and each other.

The Market Study

Market segments.

The market segments for this fruit and vegetable market are diverse and cater to a wide range of consumers.

Firstly, there are health-conscious individuals who prioritize fresh, organic produce in their diets for wellness and nutritional benefits.

Secondly, the market serves customers who are looking for locally-sourced and seasonal produce to support community farmers and reduce their carbon footprint.

Additionally, the market attracts individuals with specific dietary needs, such as vegans, vegetarians, and those with food sensitivities who require a variety of fresh produce options.

Culinary professionals, including chefs and caterers, represent another segment, seeking high-quality ingredients to enhance their dishes.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of the fruit and vegetable market project highlights several key factors.

Strengths include a strong focus on fresh, high-quality produce, relationships with local farmers, and a commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

Weaknesses might involve the perishable nature of inventory, the need for constant supply chain management, and potential seasonal fluctuations in product availability.

Opportunities exist in expanding the market's reach through online sales and delivery services, as well as in educating consumers about the benefits of eating fresh and local produce.

Threats could include competition from larger grocery chains with more buying power, adverse weather affecting crop yields, and potential economic downturns reducing consumer spending on premium produce.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the fruit and vegetable market sector indicates a varied landscape.

Direct competitors include other local markets, organic food stores, and large supermarkets with extensive produce sections.

These competitors vie for customers who value convenience, variety, and price.

Potential competitive advantages for our market include superior product freshness, strong community ties, exceptional customer service, and a focus on sustainable and ethical sourcing.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors is crucial for carving out a niche and ensuring customer loyalty.

Competitive Advantages

Our fruit and vegetable market's dedication to offering the freshest and highest quality produce sets us apart from the competition.

We provide a wide array of fruits and vegetables, including rare and exotic items, to cater to the diverse tastes and needs of our customers.

Our commitment to sustainability, through supporting local farmers and minimizing waste, resonates with environmentally conscious consumers.

We also emphasize transparency and education about the source and benefits of our produce, fostering a trusting relationship with our clientele.

You can also read our articles about: - how to open a fruit and vegetable store: a complete guide - the customer segments of a fruit and vegetable store - the competition study for a fruit and vegetable store

The Strategy

Development plan.

Our three-year development plan for the fresh fruit and vegetable market is designed to promote healthy living within the community.

In the first year, our goal is to establish a strong local presence by sourcing a wide variety of high-quality, seasonal produce and building relationships with local farmers and suppliers.

The second year will focus on expanding our reach by setting up additional market locations and possibly introducing mobile market services to access a broader customer base.

In the third year, we plan to diversify our offerings by including organic and exotic fruits and vegetables, as well as implementing educational programs on nutrition and sustainable agriculture.

Throughout this period, we will be committed to sustainability, community engagement, and providing exceptional service to ensure we become a staple in our customers' healthy lifestyles.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas for our fruit and vegetable market targets health-conscious consumers and those looking for fresh, local produce.

Our value proposition is centered on offering the freshest, high-quality fruits and vegetables, with a focus on local and organic options, and providing exceptional customer service.

We will sell our products through our physical market locations and consider an online ordering system for customer convenience, utilizing our key resources such as our relationships with local farmers and our knowledgeable staff.

Key activities include sourcing and curating produce, maintaining quality control, and engaging with the community.

Our revenue streams will be generated from the sales of produce, while our costs will be associated with procurement, operations, and marketing efforts.

Access a complete and editable real Business Model Canvas in our business plan template .

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is centered on community engagement and education.

We aim to highlight the health benefits of fresh produce and the environmental advantages of buying locally. Our approach includes community events, cooking demonstrations, and partnerships with local health and wellness organizations.

We will also leverage social media to showcase our daily offerings, share tips on healthy eating, and feature stories from our partner farmers.

Additionally, we plan to offer loyalty programs and seasonal promotions to encourage repeat business and attract new customers.

Risk Policy

The risk policy for our fruit and vegetable market focuses on mitigating risks associated with perishable goods, supply chain management, and market fluctuations.

We will implement strict quality control measures and develop a robust inventory management system to minimize waste and ensure product freshness.

Building strong relationships with a diverse group of suppliers will help us manage supply risks and price volatility.

We will also maintain a conservative financial strategy to manage operational costs effectively and ensure business sustainability.

Insurance coverage will be in place to protect against unforeseen events that could impact our business operations.

Why Our Project is Viable

We believe in the viability of a fruit and vegetable market that prioritizes freshness, quality, and community health.

With a growing trend towards healthy eating and local sourcing, our market is well-positioned to meet consumer demand.

We are committed to creating a shopping experience that supports local agriculture and provides educational value to our customers.

Adaptable to market trends and customer feedback, we are excited about the potential of our fruit and vegetable market to become a cornerstone of healthy living in our community.

You can also read our articles about: - the Business Model Canvas of a fruit and vegetable store - the marketing strategy for a fruit and vegetable store

The Financial Plan

Of course, the text presented below is far from sufficient to serve as a solid and credible financial analysis for a bank or potential investor. They expect specific numbers, financial statements, and charts demonstrating the profitability of your project.

All these elements are available in our business plan template for a fruit and vegetable market and our financial plan for a fruit and vegetable market .

Initial expenses for our fruit and vegetable market include costs for securing a retail space in a high-traffic area, purchasing refrigeration units and display equipment to maintain and showcase fresh produce, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, investing in a robust inventory management system, and launching marketing initiatives to attract customers to our location.

Our revenue assumptions are based on an in-depth analysis of the local market demand for fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables, taking into account the increasing trend towards healthy eating and organic produce.

We expect sales to grow steadily as we establish our market's reputation for offering a wide variety of fresh and locally sourced produce.

The projected income statement outlines expected revenues from the sale of fruits and vegetables, cost of goods sold (including procurement, transportation, and storage), and operating expenses (rent, marketing, salaries, utilities, etc.).

This results in a forecasted net profit that is essential for assessing the long-term viability of our fruit and vegetable market.

The projected balance sheet will reflect assets such as refrigeration and display equipment, inventory of fresh produce, and liabilities including any loans and operational expenses.

It will provide a snapshot of the financial condition of our market at the end of each fiscal period.

Our projected cash flow statement will detail all cash inflows from sales and outflows for expenses, helping us to predict our financial needs and ensure we have sufficient funds to operate smoothly.

The projected financing plan will outline the sources of funding we intend to tap into to cover our initial setup costs and any additional financing needs.

The working capital requirement for our market will be carefully managed to maintain adequate liquidity for day-to-day operations, such as purchasing fresh stock, managing inventory, and covering staff wages.

The break-even analysis will determine the volume of sales we need to achieve to cover all our costs and begin generating a profit, marking the point at which our market becomes financially sustainable.

Key performance indicators we will monitor include the turnover rate of our inventory, the gross margin on produce sales, the current ratio to evaluate our ability to meet short-term obligations, and the return on investment to gauge the profitability of the capital invested in our market.

These metrics will be instrumental in assessing the financial performance and overall success of our fruit and vegetable market.

If you want to know more about the financial analysis of this type of activity, please read our article about the financial plan for a fruit and vegetable store .

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Moscow, ID home for sale

Exquisitely renovated one of a kind 4BR, 3bath single level home w/ basement. Spacious corner lot in highly coveted neighborhood. Features include courtyard, wrap-around deck w/ view, concrete patio wired for hot tub, attached 2-car garage w/ built-in shelving & high ceiling. Kitchen updated w/ quartz countertops, large island, new flooring & stainless appliances. Bathrooms enhanced w/ quartz vanity counters & tiled floors/showers. Remodeled basement features family room, bedroom w/ walk-in closet, tiled bathroom. Updates throughout include paint, tile, carpet, closet doors, light fixtures, ceiling fans, oak floors, sliding glass doors, electrical, light shades.

Intermountain MLS Boise, ID (IMLS)

This Quality home is the Presidential model built by Silvercrest and located on the premier hilltop street on the edge of Robinson MH Park! This well loved single level home spreads to nearly 1700sf! The spacious layout you just wouldn't expect; it offers 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious living room, large family room, master suite with additional sitting area and walkin closet, separate laundry room, etc. Raised ceilings and additional transom windows sheds tons of natural light. Kitchen is loaded with storage, pullout shelves, work island, pantry and more. Second versatile room as large dining or family room opens on to deck, patio, nicely landscaped fenced yard and storage shed. Recent upda

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Check out this cozy, single bedroom manufactured home near the University of Idaho Arboretum and Anderson/Frontier Park! Some features include a separate laundry room, a detached storage shed, newer windows and the yard is very nicely fenced! The mobile home park is even pet friendly. Lot rent is $525 and does not include water, sewer or garbage. Call your agent and take a look!

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This 2017 constructed home sits on just under 2 acres, offering country living with town amenities. Radiant floor heat, underground utilities, & high-speed fiber internet enhance modern comfort. Only 5 minutes from downtown Moscow, enjoy panoramic Palouse views from the main living area’s large prairie windows. The chef’s kitchen features stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, & custom walnut cabinets. The living room is gas plumbed for a fireplace. The spacious master suite boasts vanities, a jetted tub, and tiled shower. The home includes an attached oversized 900 sq ft 2-car garage, optionally heated. Step outside to the back porch, gas plumbed for an outd

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Great opportunity! Spacious 2 bedroom/2 bath home that includes a large open living space perfect for entertaining. This home, with 1,071 sq ft, offers complete privacy for each bedroom with living space in between the rooms. Spacious living space with gas stand-alone stove to warm up cold winter days. Home also includes covered front entry porch, dining space/room with built in storage, large kitchen with tons of opportunity, laundry room, back enclosed porch, parking pad for 3 cars and two storage sheds. This home includes newer windows and paint. Sunny fully fenced yard featuring an in-ground fire pit and plenty of room for gardening or relaxing. So much incredible opportunity with this

Looking for a little oasis right in the middle of beautiful Moscow? This adorable home is tucked back amidst the plum trees with great outdoor living space. It's ready for your front porch sitting and bbqing! Just blocks to downtown Moscow and the University of Idaho; this two-bedroom, one-bath offers nice, natural light in an open kitchen and living room and opportunity abounds with the unfinished basement.

Welcome to this 1984 charming home, nestled in an established neighborhood adorned with mature trees, and minutes away from the Arboretum and Anderson Frontier Park. This delightful 1826 square foot 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home beckons with endless possibilities for outdoor activities and gardening opportunities! Experience the open outdoor deck, accessible from both the primary bedroom and dining room. The spacious attached two-car garage offers plenty of storage. This could be your new home! Call today!

Spacious single level in a new construction development! 3 bed, 2 bath, with open concept living, dining and kitchen with well appointed space for each. A secondary front living area just inside the covered front entry. Hydronic floor heat throughout the home on three separate zones to provide cost effective temperature control. HUGE master bedroom with walk in closet and seperate exterior access to the large covered rear patio. Solid surface countertops throughout, LVP flooring in the main living areas and master bedroom, carpet in the other 2 bedrooms. Tiled floors in the bathrooms along with tiled surround in the master shower. Dual sink vanity in the master bath along with a stainless u

True retreat 6 miles from Moscow with 360 degree views! This one owner 4 bed, 3 bath craftsman home sits on over 60 acres with unsurpassed views. The great room & dining space features incredible details throughout including hardwood floors, a propane fireplace, cathedral ceilings, & lots of large windows to let the view in. The gourmet kitchen features knotty alder cabinetry, granite countertops, propane cooktop & stainless steel appliances. The main floor master suite features an ensuite bath with double sinks, soaker tub, shower & walk-in closet. The adjacent office features bamboo floors, birch cabinetry, & a murphy bed. The main floor is completed with a 3/

Come see this spacious view home! Single owner/occupant since it was originally built. Large windows on the south side of the home let in beautiful natural light. Additional living room and bonus living/homework area on the main floor. Amazing views across Moscow from the deck and large, south facing half acre lot offers apple trees, plum trees and tons of potential for an avid gardener. 4 bedrooms including the primary on the main floor. Large laundry room. Wait until you see downstairs! This huge walk-out space has two bonus rooms, kitchen, dining area, one bedroom, a bathroom, large windows, huge vaulted ceilings, and loads of storage. Airbnb? Multi-generational living? The options are

A Prichard designed home in Moscow's most desirable University Heights neighborhood, just a block from the University of Idaho Arboretum and within walking distance of the University and town. With a yard rich in flora, the numerous windows throughout the home bring the outside in with plenty of natural light. The upstairs features an open floor plan and hardwood floors, while the downstairs can be configured into three bedrooms, or create one large master suite. The one car garage includes a spare room, used in the past as a dark room. A brand new electrical panel and outlets along with gfi's professionally installed 5/1/2024 along with servicing the furnace.

Escape the ordinary and build your dream home in this charming, convenient neighborhood. You’ll love the easy access to walking trails, ball fields, and a future pedestrian bridge. With all utilities already underground, it's ready for your builder to get started. This residential building lot is priced to sell fast and gives you the flexibility to design and build your perfect home in Meadow Brook! Enjoy the vista right from your front porch. This is the lot you've been waiting for.

Welcome to Edington Estates, an EXCITING NEW community in Moscow. House is LOADED with upgrades, with custom design that you’ve never seen in Moscow! This two-story Modern Farmhouse on a corner lot features 4bdrm, 2.5ba, 2175sqft, & 2 car garage . The exterior boasts an American classic board & batten siding, covered patio & front porch with northern views. Upon entry, natural light elevates your mood, w/ an open floor concept showcase a great room with 9ft ceilings, spacious kitchen w/ an island, walk-in pantry, quartz counter tops, gas appliances, dining room, laundry room, guest bath & wide plank LV flooring throughout the main level. Upper-level houses prima

This upgraded property on Garfield Street offers dual-home living, combining the best of both worlds. The main level features a spacious layout with a living room, dining area, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a family room. The basement level, accessed via the dining room staircase, features 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a rec room, and its own kitchen—perfect for extended family or rental income. Versatile and well-suited for various lifestyles, this home is just blocks from East City Park, adding to its appeal. Ideal for investors or homeowners needing separate living spaces, this property presents a rare opportunity in a prime location. Don't miss out on this incredible chance to o

Looking for value in the flesh? This cozy home is recently renovated! Renovations included: flooring, drywall, electric, windows, cabinets, countertops and kitchen appliances, plus fresh bedrooms, bathroom and two window a/c units. Outside this home has two ample storage sheds, a brand new gravel base in parking and around the home and sheds. A large deck for enjoying the balmy days to come awaits! This tiny home is close to town yet away from the hustle and bustle. Quiet is kept. Quality upgrades and solid construction throughout. Nice clean lines inside and out. All furnishings remain with home. Second bedroom holds the W/ D and Hot water tank. This place has great Price to Value ratios!

Brand new construction! Luxury meets functionality at 1019 Edington Ave. This modern home boasts upscale finishes, open kitchen with stainless steel appliances, and a covered patio for outdoor relaxation (or entertaining!). With a two-car garage, alley access, low-maintenance yard with a sprinkler system, convenience is key. Located in Moscow's newest addition, this home is part of a community-focused neighborhood, where neighbors become friends and every detail is crafted with intention. Experience the best of modern living combined with small-town charm at Edington Ave. Pick your neighbors! Open House Dates: 5/11- 10am-1pm 5/17- 4:30-6:30pm

This stunning, well-built home in the desirable Rolling Hills Subdivision is your dream come true! Entertain effortlessly in the spacious kitchen with island that flows seamlessly into the dining and living areas. Cozy up by the gas fireplace on chilly fall evenings. The upper level boasts a luxurious master suite with a walk-in closet and a spa-like bathroom with soaking tub and tiled shower. Three additional bedrooms and a laundry room complete this functional layout on the upper level. Enjoy ample space in the large backyard, perfect for barbecues and family gatherings. Meanwhile a 5th bonus room on the main level offers you room for an office or playroom. This home is move-in ready and

The perfect low maintenance and affordable living option in a convenient Moscow location! This single level manufactured home displays pride of ownership throughout and has been well maintained over the years. The brightly lit kitchen includes newer appliances and cabinets with an open floor plan. The lot features raised garden beds for any garden enthusiasts and can accommodate 3 cars in the driveway. Front deck was recently updated and the back features a covered patio with trex decking. You won't want to miss this 3 bed 2 bath home in Robinson Park!

Discover unparalleled beauty and tranquility in this home only 5 miles from downtown Moscow. With 17 acres of pristine land, providing spectacular views of Moscow Mountain and the rolling hills of the Palouse. A 4000 sq ft. home with an open floor plan and southern exposure offers plenty of space for hosting gatherings or simply indulging in all your hobbies and interests. The southern exposure is perfect for maximizing natural sunlight throughout the day. This 4-bedroom, 4 bath home has 3 on-suite bedrooms and one non-conforming lower level bedroom. The large deck provides ample space for entertainment or just admiring the stunning view. The oversized attached garage is 40x30 with 14 ft ce

Price improvement for the charming bungalow with a great yard! This cute 2 bedroom/1 bath home has all the curb appeal you would expect from a bungalow and more! Living room and dining room are perfect for entertaining. Spacious for a smaller home. The important updates are done and they include: exterior painted in 2023, interior paint 2024, new furnace/ductwork in 2018, new plumbing throughout the home, new light fixtures in the living and dining room, new bedroom ceiling, new kitchen flooring, updated windows throughout the home and a perfect fenced yard! Home also includes a working wood stove, mud porch, side yard covered entertaining space, fire pit, alley access, spacious parking pad

Have you dreamed of owning a brand new home? Check out this new construction listing by Itani Quality Homes, Inc. with a 3 car garage! This 3 bed, 2 bath, single-level home allows you to customize many finishes! Depending upon the timing, you can choose everything from cabinets to countertops, and flooring to wall color! Overwhelmed? We will walk you through the process and help you where needed. It's easy! Other features include central gas forced air heat, central air conditioning, 30 year roof, custom made cabinets, quartz countertops, landscaping allowance and sprinkler system. Finished garage and a nice backyard w/ concrete patio. This home is actively under construction. Call for upda

Centrally located historical farmhouse in process of being renovated within walking distance to downtown Moscow, grocery stores and the University. Was previously a duplex that was converted to a large family home. Could be easily converted back.

Welcome to this beautiful, colonial-style home, a seamless blend of classic charm and modern luxury. This brand-new construction offers the best of both worlds, easy living with thoughtful design and craftsmanship. As you step through the front door, you're greeted by a sense of warmth and sophistication. The spacious layout boasts four bedrooms, including a primary suite, providing ample space for relaxation. The heart of the home lies in its well appointed kitchen, adorned with quartz countertops and stainless appliances, perfect for culinary enthusiasts and entertainers alike. Adjacent to the kitchen, you will find a formal dining area and across the hall the living area features a firep

Discover the epitome of modern living on 50 acres of serenity just minutes from Moscow, ID. Cook like a chef in this remodeled kitchen boasting soft-close hickory and chestnut cabinetry, granite countertops, a stone tile backsplash, and stainless steel appliances, including a double oven with convection. Luxuriate in the remodeled primary suite bathroom with radiant flooring heat. Live comfortably with ample built-in storage, warm cedar plank living room ceilings, smart-tech skylight blinds. Revel in the comfort of updated Milgard and Andersen wood windows, 2x8 framing, and stay warm with an updated furnace, heat pump, hot water, and pressure tank. Nature is at your doorstep via multiple pa

Acreage just out of Moscow!! No CC & R's 7 acres of land with an amazing view. 5 minutes from Moscow on a paved road. This parcel is ready for a house and a shop, with plenty of space for all of your toys and animals. Property has already been perc tested, Latah County Highway District has signed off on access from Blaine Rd. Home site near the top of the hill has been county approved.

ADORABLE 1939 CHARMER in the heart of Moscow! CONVENIENT location - walk to everything! This vintage home has been recently updated and sporting freshly refinished hardwood floors, newer carpet and interior paint. Comfortable MAIN FLOOR LIVING with a roomy kitchen and moveable island, spacious living room, a bedroom, full bath and laundry. Upstairs provides 2 more bedrooms and bathroom and storage. Wood stove offers coziness to living room for those blustery winters while the Ductless Mini Splits on both levels ensures comfort in both winter and summer. Enjoy the quiet private OASIS in the fully fenced mystical backyard, complete with outdoor fireplace and tree fort! VINTAGE Detached singl

Do not miss this one! You'll love the layout as you step in from the new spacious deck and front porch. To the right lies a generous dining room, and spacious kitchen with plenty of counter space and a wrap around breakfast bar with space for additional seating. To the left is a large living room. This roomy 3 bedroom 2 bath checks off lots of boxes! Plenty of natural light with vaulted ceilings. The master has not one but two walk in closets and a large master bath with a tub and a stand alone shower. The additional beds and bath are on point as well, with ample size and full size closets. There's a new roof, brand new furnace, the new deck and a new extra large 16x14 shop with a ramp an

Welcome to this meticulously maintained 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home located in a desirable neighborhood! The open concept living area is perfect for entertaining, with a deck off the kitchen that overlooks the fully fenced backyard! This home boasts a 2 car garage and a large walkout basement offering plenty of storage & additional living space. With 2330 square feet of living space, this property is ready to become your ideal family home!

Wonderful investment opportunity close to downtown! This property on the northwest corner of 8th and Harrison consists of two duplexes, one built in 2010, and the other built in 1900 with updates over the years and a brand new roof coming in May 2024. The units in the newer building are 960 sqft, 2 bed 1.5 bath, and units in the older building are 768 sqft, 2 bed 1 bath. Great rental history! Rents are currently $1200/mo for each of the newer units, and $875/mo for each of the older units. One newer unit is being left open in case the new owner wishes to owner occupy. Plenty of parking and even room to build storage units if desired. The lot cannot be divided - both buildings must sell tog

MLS#98907446. Welcome to your cozy retreat on the edge of Moscow! This functional, refurbished 924 sq foot trailer has been updated and offers a blend of comfort and convenience. With new carpet, fresh paint and an updated heating element in the furnace, all the hard work has already been done! This home is move-in ready, providing a hassle-free transition for its next owner. Current lot rent is $525/month. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to own this great home at an incredible value. Schedule a showing today!

This is the LAST of the larger 4-bedroom homes at Harvest Hills! A lot of punch is packed on this small lot! 1957 sqft with Rustic Maple REAL hardwood floors, plus high quality carpet, kitchen cabinets and countertops are all part of this energy-efficient home! The central heating and AC paired with the insulated interior walls keep your home comfortable all year. Are you hoping to find details like dimmable lighting, recessed sinks, tile surrounds & backsplashes, tongue in groove deck ceiling, and incredible community access? Find all this - and more - right here! Four bedrooms means extra space for a family room, home gym, play area, craft room or a home office! Nearby footbridge m

Updates galore on this restored cottage-style home just a few blocks from downtown Moscow. The kitchen boasts of new quartz counters, subway tile, new cabinets, farm sink, stainless appliances, as well as improvements throughout the house including a Trane GFA Furnace and new roof. (See list of Upgrades in the documents) Spread out in the upstairs loft suite with private bath and plenty of room for an office. Two bedrooms on the main with a shared bath. Your entertainment can spill out to the covered porch overlooking the flagstone patio and raised brick planters in the fenced backyard. Call your favorite realtor to schedule a showing.

Meticulously maintained 4-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom home in new condition. Main floor features hardwood floors, open kitchen and living area, kitchen offers ample storage and great counter space, with access to the covered patio and garage. The upper level you will find the primary bedroom suite, offering double sinks, a walk-in shower, and plenty of storage. Three additional spacious bedrooms provide versatility for home offices or hobbies, washer and dryer along with an additional full bathroom also on the upper level offer great functionality. New custom blinds throughout the home, 1 car attached garage and a fenced back yard. Every detail of this home reflects a thoughtful design, ensuring

Step Inside Your Rolling Hills Oasis! This stunning 6 bed, 3 bath, 3600 sq ft home offers an idyllic blend of privacy and convenience. Nestled on a large corner lot and tucked amongst the trees. Entering the Foyer, you'll be greeted by the expansive great room, Kitchen & Dining bathed in natural light. Sliders lead to large deck overlooking backyard. Main level boasts a tranquil Master Suite w/ walkin closet. Two addtl bdrms & full bath provide ample space for family or guests. Descend to the lower Walkout Daylight Basement, where you'll find a huge Familyroom w/ gas Fireplace to add warmth & ambiance. 3 more bdrms & full bath, is ideal for a home office, growing fam

This manufactured home is located just a few minutes south of town in the Woodland Heights Community LLC & RV Park. This manufactured home was built in 1972 and features 2 bedrooms, 1 bath room and 612 sq ft of living space. The kitchen features wood cabinets and a wood burning stove. It seamlessly connects with the living and dining room to provide an open concept space. The yard is fully fenced, providing a great area for your pets!

She ain't fancy! But as cute as button! (With a terrific yard too!) If you'll be around for a few years, and just need a practical place to lay your head, and want to keep living expenses cheap, this may be the place for you! This living arrangement is sensible and to the point! Hoping to make a future profit in your temporary living space, and to possibly sell what you own for more later on? Well then this little gem is a great bet! With a bit of love, and a whole lot of sweat equity, this little caboose is sure to be the little investment that could ; )

Affordable living at it's best! The inside has been completely remodeled! New drywall, interior paint, light fixtures, front door lock, carpet, luxury vinyl flooring, bathtub/shower combo, and toilet, trim, and all new vinyl energy-efficient windows, and kitchen countertops. Updated kitchen cabinets, appliances, and bathroom vanity and more. The pipes have been insulated. Close to U of I, schools, parks, arboretum, ice rink, public transportation, and Moscow amenities. Buyer must be approved by park management prior to purchase. Buyer to verify square footage. Agent owned property.

Discover the epitome of privacy and breathtaking views on this exclusive property, with access via a shared private road just off a well-maintained paved road mere minutes from the charming town of Moscow, Idaho. This is your opportunity to have it all – a secluded retreat or a custom home oasis awaits your vision. Whether you dream of a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life or a custom home that embodies your unique style and preferences, this parcel is ready to accommodate your aspirations. Embrace the chance to create your ideal living space in a setting that harmonizes natural beauty with modern convenience, and make your dreams a reality in this coveted loc

Introducing a rare gem - a sprawling 30-acre parcel offering breathtaking views, privacy, and easy access directly off a paved road. This exceptional property not only borders a private timber area but also sits at the peak of views, providing a vista that extends for days. Perfect for a farm, ranch, hobby farm, or a custom home oasis, this versatile land is a dream canvas. Enjoy the convenience of access off a paved road and the added bonus of a rear road easement for future enhancements, ensuring both practicality and accessibility. Just minutes away from the charming town of Moscow, Idaho, and the vibrant activities associated with the University of Idaho, this parcel offers the ideal bl

Discover a rare gem nestled on a sprawling 25 - acre parcel offering unparalleled vistas that will leave you in awe. This picturesque land boasts easy accessibility, making it an easy journey to and from the vibrant community of Moscow, home of the University of Idaho. Whether you envision a custom-built dream home, a thriving farmstead, or a tranquil retreat, this blank canvas is ready to bring your aspirations to life. Embrace the opportunity to craft your own slice of paradise in this coveted location where endless possibilities await.

Imagine building your custom home here, where the possibilities are as vast as the landscape itself. Electricity is conveniently close by, making the process of bringing your vision to life. With multi-entrance options, access to this idyllic property are both seamless and flexible. Approved septic, direct and paved access off of Lenville and within minutes of Moscow and the University of Idaho. This is a must see property!!

Upon entering the home, you'll see an inviting open concept featuring the kitchen, living, and dining areas—a perfect arrangement for hosting gatherings! The kitchen features wood cabinets, an island with bar stool seating and has brand new flooring! Located at the west end of the home is the expansive master suite, featuring an en suite bath, a private lounge area, and a generously proportioned bedroom. Meanwhile, the opposite end of the home accommodates three additional bedrooms and a full bathroom. The layout of this home is simple and straightforward, which maximizes every inch to provide large rooms and easy access! Located on a generous 2.4-acre lot, this property includes a fe

3 bed, 2 bath mobile home in Robinson Mobile Home Park. Updated exterior includes new paint, new roof in September of 2021, and viny windows installed. Fenced yard. Has woodstove insert. This home backs up to an open hillside for more privacy. Lot rent is $775 per month and includes water and sewer. Small trash can is $22.14 per month and there is also a $10.36 stormwater charge per month.

Buy now before the summer rush! Such a versatile property-single family home, rental, or live in 1 unit and rent out the other. Perfect for students: walking distance to downtown, U of I & bike path. 4 bedrooms, 1 spacious loft with wall unit A/C, 2 1/2 baths, 6 paved off-street parking spots, Cozy dining nook, vintage wood floors, newly painted cabinets & newly painted kitchen cabinets & new laminate flooring in kitchen. Lower level has full kitchen, private entry access & ramp. New siding, private back yard with Palouse view. Upper unit has rented for $1,750.00, lower at $1,250.00. 24 hour notice for showings. See Listing # 98906429 Single Family listing

Located in a quiet cul-de-sac with no through traffic, this home offers three levels of living space and a two-car garage, complemented by beautiful views of Moscow Mountain. The main entrance features a seamless zero-step entry leading to a large living area with oak hardwood floor. The spacious kitchen with plenty of counter space, an island, breakfast bar and adjoining dining area opens onto the large back deck with expansive views. Additional features on the main level include a half bathroom, utility room, and a walk-in pantry. The upstairs features the master suite, 2 large bedrooms and an additional bathroom. The master suite features oversized windows framing mountain views, a walk-

Great opportunity for an updated home with direct access from the backyard to the Latah County Trail * ! This 3 bedroom, 2 bath split-level home has many updates for the new buyer. These updates include new flooring on main floor, new kitchen cabinets and countertops, new oven/range, new range hood, new dishwasher, new bathroom cabinets and vanities, new toilets, new bathroom countertops and more! Home also features two living room spaces each with a gas fireplace, a large laundry room and a single car garage. The backyard includes a standalone storage outbuilding and is fenced. The backyard is very spacious with plenty of room for outdoor entertaining fun, gardening or other. Plenty of par

Great opportunity to purchase an affordable building lot located within a quiet cul-de-sac and steps to new city park. This building lot will offer a quality size back yard. This is one of the most reasonably priced building lots in Moscow, ID currently. Located just 1 mile from shopping, dining, entertaining and located just 2 miles from University of Idaho, Gritman Medical Center, and new Schweitzer Engineering building. Also located on edge of east side of Moscow so easy access to enjoy a fun day to head out to Robinson Park for nature walks and picnics. One of the additional great aspects about this lot is most of the surrounding parcels are built out offering an established neighborhoo

WOW!! This exquisitely remodeled single level home boasts an open floor plan three spacious bedrooms a large bathroom and a kitchen that is stunning! Every detail has been carefully considered to create a stylish and functional living space that meets the demands of todays modern lifestyle. The kitchen that is sure to delight any home chef features sleek cabinetry, stylish finishes, making this kitchen the true centerpiece of the home! The large backyard offers a delightful mix of amenities, green space and functional outbuildings. centrally located near parks, schools and walking paths. Experience the best of Moscow living!

Welcome to this charming home nestled in the heart of Moscow. As you enter, you’re greeted by the timeless beauty of oak hardwood floors that stretch throughout the single-level layout. The cozy living room beckons with a warm gas fireplace, perfect for gathering with loved ones on chilly evenings. The kitchen features stainless steel appliances & subway tile backsplash. A dedicated study nook provides a quiet space for work or study, while the master suite has barn doors leading to a remodeled ensuite bath. Here, a dual sink vanity, tiled backsplash shower/tub combination, & spacious walk-in closet offer both luxury and convenience. Two additional bedrooms, along with a fu

Perfect first-time home buyer property, investment property or downsizer located in Eastman Acres subdivision just 5 miles outside of Moscow. Property includes a level, usable lot with a fenced backyard and a huge deck and pergola for relaxing. Tons of storage or space for hobbies with a 2-car attached garage AND a separate 24 x 24 shop! This is a quiet location, and the neighboring Latah Trail adds more options and expands your space. Easy to maintain and convenient main-level living and a hint of country living at such a great price!

Located in the quickly expanding Ridgeview neighborhood, this new construction is scheduled for completion within the next few months! Offering 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms across 1754 square feet, this home provides expansive single level living. The master bedroom features a walk-in closet and an ensuite bathroom for added convenience. The kitchen, living, and dining areas flow seamlessly in an open-concept layout, complete with bar stool seating at the kitchen island. Additionally, the property includes a 2-car garage and a patio at the rear of the house, perfect for outdoor relaxation and entertainment.

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Paintball Business Plan Template

Published Apr.09, 2018

Updated Apr.23, 2024

By: Jakub Babkins

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Paintball Business Plan

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Do you want to start paintball business?

Are you thinking of how to start paintball business ? You can never go wrong with this venture considering paintball is now a popular sport not only the United States but across the entire globe. In the U.S alone, there are over 5 million active paintball fans who invest heavily in the equipment and attire. In addition, the increasing number of professional tournaments and leagues has increased the demand for modern paintball facilities. There are also numerous exciting activities associated with paintball and opening a paintball business will reward you with good profits so long as you carefully plan your business setup strategy .

Executive Summary

2.1 the business.

The paintball business will be known as ZonerB Paintball and will be located off Exit 3 in Brookside, Kansas City. This is an excellent population that serves a large population of residents making it an ideal sport to open the business. ZonerB is a family business that will be owned and managed by Phil Richards who is a Professional Paintball Instructor.

2.2 Management Team

Phil Richards is an accomplished paintball instructor who has been actively working in the industry for over fifteen years. During his career, Phil has managed several popular paintball facilities. He is a familiar and well respected instructor who has been deeply involved in the region’s paintball events. He was a league commissioner in several tournaments around the country.

2.3 Customer Focus

ZonerB Paintball aims to offer an exciting, relaxing and social atmosphere for clients. In planning how to start a paintball business , ZonerB is keen to provide a well-equipped and friendly facility for its customers.

2.4 Business Target

The business hopes to focus on investing in a modern and impressive paintball facility that will offer diverse fun activities that will keep everyone entertained.

Paintball Business Plan - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

Phil Richards is a well-respected paintball instructor who has worked with several teams to clinch various awards and championships. During his career as an instructor and manager of several paintball facilities, Phil acquired first-hand experience in paintball business, something he hopes to replicate when opening a paintball field .

3.2 Aim of Starting the Business

The paintball culture has increased in the recent times inspiring Phil to go ahead with his plan of setting a nice, modern and well equipped paintball facility that meets the needs of paintball lovers. Despite Brookside having many paintball businesses, the rising popularity of the game has created numerous opportunities for ZonerB to explore.

3.3 How the Business will be Started

To make ZonerB a trendsetter paintball facility in Brookside, Kansas City, Phil Richards has hired professionals with vast knowledge in business startups to come up with a financial roadmap to meet business goals. Key financial data is indicated in the table below.

Paintball Business Plan - Startup coast

Services for Customers

ZonerB has invested heavily in modern equipment and technologies to grow the paintball culture in Kansas City. In order to start a paintball business that brings good profits, Phil Richards has decided to be innovative and diversify his range of services offered at the paintball facility. Services offered at ZonerB include:

  • Indoor and outdoor paintball courts
  • Provision of paintball ammunition and gear
  • Fully equipped Go Kart facility
  • Restaurant and dining business

With all these services, ZonerB has found a unique way to cater for needs of different clientele.

Marketing Analysis for Paintball Business

For ZonerB to accomplish its business goals, a detailed market analysis was carried out to identify what areas need to be focused on to successfully conquer the marketplace. Good paintball business plans have an elaborate marketing strategy that is designed with in line with the current market trends. The paintball business hopes to use this strategy to outshine its competitors and secure a large customer base.

5.1 Market Segmentation

After studying the paintball culture in Kansas City and doing an extensive market analysis, ZonerB intends to reach out to the following groups of customers. It’s worth noting that potential clients in this case are anyone interested in paintball games.

Paintball Business Plan - Market Segmentation

5.1.1 Under 18 years

Paintball is an exciting game that attracts large masses of young people. For this reason, this is a key customer group the business intends to reach out. A large section of the local population consists of teenagers and young children thus presenting an excellent opportunity for ZonerB to market its services. Despite many similar established businesses in the area, Phil Richards knows the appetite for paintball especially among this age group keeps growing. In addition, a large section of under 18 year olds are still in schools which play a huge role in popularizing paintball across the city.

5.1.2 19-64 Year olds

Many residents who fall in this age group belong to the working class and therefore, earn a steady income. Given the large middle class population, these residents can afford to buy paintball ammunition and attire required for an exciting gaming experience. The business hopes to sell various services and packages to this customer segment bearing in mind they have a disposable income that allows them to spend on numerous entertainment activities. After opening a paintball field business , this group of customers is expected to frequent the paintball club to have fun and unwind.

5.1.3 Over 65 Year Olds

This category caters for senior citizens who have retired from an active career life but are looking for something exciting to keep them busy. With paintball increasingly becoming popular, seniors have also been attracted to the game. They’re an extremely sensitive group and require good customer care and help to feel comfortable within the business premises.

5.1.4 Corporates

Because of the growing interest in paintball, corporates have joined the bandwagon by regularly organizing staff paintball fun days. In addition, there are numerous paintball tournaments and competitions where various corporate teams drawn from various companies participate. This is a lucrative market segment because a single corporate booking is guaranteed to generate the business good income.

5.1.5 Professional Paintball Stakeholders

ZonerB paintball field business plan also aims to target to professional paintball teams and league organizers looking for a venue to use for tournaments. Given the number of many venues across Kansas, the business has an uphill task of positioning itself strategically to reach out to this market.

5.2 Business Target

ZonerB comes into the market when paintball popularity is at its peak. This is a strategic time considering starting a paintball business when there’s so much hype about the game is smart and strategic. Innovativeness is the major driving factor for the business as it seeks to use a unique business model and customer approach to distinguish itself from competitors. It is expected the paintball will be able to recover its capital within the first three years of operation. Annual sales are expected to grow on an average of 15%.

5.3 Product Pricing

How much does it cost to start a paintball business and how do I recover my startup capital? To accurately determine whether a business will be able recover the initial, product pricing is a key component that needs to be well defined. Just like other paintball business plans , ZonerB understands it has to get the pricing right to be able to survive competition. The plan is to diversify pricing using different packages to ensure all customer groups are adequately catered for. Pricing will be arrived at after considering what other paintball businesses are charging their clients. The idea is to charge slightly less than competitors especially in the first few months to popularize the brand and win customer trust.

The success of a business is not only how to start a paintball business but which strategies are put in place to ensure business goals are realized. Phil Richards has worked closely with experts in business strategy to come up with a sustainable and result-oriented approach of consistently growing customer numbers and boost revenue. The following sales strategy has been adopted to help steer the business to positive growth.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

ZonerB Paintball field knows customer care and professionalism are the core values of success when starting a paintball field . The business intends to hire well trained and professional staff with hands-on skills to deal with various customers. In addition, the paintball field’s strategic location and nearness to public transport facilities is expected to bring in more customers.

6.2 Sales Strategy

In order for the paintball business to attract more customers to the facility, the following sales strategy will be rolled out.

  • Engage in intensive marketing campaigns to create awareness for people looking for a nice and well equipped paintball field.
  • Sponsor college league and weekly youth championships to reach out to the youths.
  • Advertise the business on popular local media channels and incorporate digital media i.e. social media and paid local online adverts.
  • Create advertising campaigns in locations such as local universities since they bring together a large number of potential customers.
  • Invest in the latest state-of-the art equipment and technologies to improve customer experience
  • Creatively design the paintball field with an attractive landscape and exciting colors to draw attention to the facility.
  • Emphasize on exemplary customer service and ensure customer needs are well taken care of.

6.3 Sales Forecast

ZonerB is committed to fully implement the above defined sales strategies and keep a close eye on its financial books to increase annual sales. The information below summarizes sales forecasts for ZonerB Paintball business.

Paintball Business Plan - Unit Sales

Personnel Plan

ZonerB is a large paintball field that requires staff with different expertise to work together and facilitate smooth operations of the business. For Phil Richards and anyone else planning how to start a paintball field , the following staff is key to run the business.

7.1 Personnel Plan

ZonerB Paintball field is owned by Phil Richards, an experienced Paintball Instructor who will be the overall manager of the business. The business will also employ the following professionals to work in various departments.

  • One Assistant Manager
  • One Accountant
  • One League Coordinator
  • One Customer Care Representative
  • Two Marketing Executives
  • Two Cleaners
  • One Safety Inspector
  • One Concession Person
  • Two Referees

Successful candidates will undergo extensive training on various areas of focus associated with a paintball field before the business officially opens.

7.2 Average Staff Salaries

In the first three years of operations, ZonerB Paintball field intends to pay its personnel the following annual average salaries.

Financial Plan

ZonerB has a comprehensive financial plan that is expected to guide business management. Starting paintball field requires an elaborate financial plan to help the business meet its financial obligations and run its operations. Initial capital will be supplemented by a bank loan to help kickstart operations. The following is a summary of various financial statistics for ZonerB Paintball business. This is key information for anyone planning to open a paintball field business.

8.1 Important Assumptions

ZonerB has computed its financial expectations based on the assumptions below.

8.2 Brake-even Analysis

The graph below indicated ZonerB Paintball business Brake-even Analysis.

Paintball Business Plan - Brake-even Analysis

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Below is Profit and Loss information for ZonerB Paintball field determined on a monthly and annual basis.

8.3.1 Monthly Profit

Paintball Business Plan - PROFIT MONTHLY

8.3.2 Yearly Profit

Paintball Business Plan - PROFIT YEARLY

8.3.3 Monthly Gross Margin

Paintball Business Plan - GROSS MARGIN MONTHLY

8.3.4 Yearly Gross Margin

Below is a Profit and Loss Analysis for the business.

Paintball Business Plan - GROSS MARGIN YEARLY

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

The diagram below indicates subtotal cash received, subtotal cash spent, subtotal cash spent on operations, subtotal cash from operations and Pro forma cash flow.

Paintball Business Plan - Projected Cash Flow

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

Below is ZonerB Projected balance sheet indicating assets, liabilities, capital, current liabilities and long-term assets.

8.6 Business Ratios

This is a representation of Business Ratios, Ratio Analysis and business Net Worth for ZonerB Paintball business.

Download Paintball Business Plan Sample in pdf

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Calpers to direct $25bn to green private market investments

Signage of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System outside the Calpers office in Sacramento

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Josephine Cumbo and Attracta Mooney

Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.

Calpers, the US’s biggest public pension plan, will pour more than $25bn into green-related private market investments, in one of the largest commitments by a major fund to unlisted climate assets.

The giant US pension group is examining the private equity, real estate and infrastructure markets, particularly in Asia and Europe, as it looks to deploy the capital over the next six years, a senior executive told the Financial Times.

“Those are the ones [private market assets] that have very evident climate investment opportunities,” said Peter Cashion, Calpers’ managing investment director, sustainable investments.

The comments are the first time Calpers has publicly revealed how it plans to spend an extra $53bn it committed last November to an expanded low carbon assets portfolio. The new goal would take the total portfolio to $100bn by 2030, or more than double the initial $47bn in funds.

“We’re expecting [private markets will] represent more than half of the $53bn,” he added. “It’s pretty significant.”

The allocation will propel the $483bn fund to become one of the world’s largest investors in so-called climate solutions, in spite of the political pushback against environmental, social and governance-based investing in the US.

“The reason we have conviction around it, we’re really doing this [is] to generate alpha and outperformance, because we see the investment opportunity set from this really fundamental change in the economy,” said Cashion. “At the same time, it’ll have a side benefit of having a portfolio that has a lower carbon intensity.”

California is distinct for having set out a framework aimed at using the state’s big public pension plans, including Calpers, to drive investments in sustainable technologies and other green assets.

Calpers’ green investment push comes as the issue of how to pay for a shift to a cleaner economy  dominates global discussions  about climate change.

Almost 200 countries agreed to transition away from fossil fuels at the UN COP28 climate summit in Dubai in December, leaving governments with already-stretched budgets scrambling to drive investments to green solutions. 

A report last year from the Climate Policy Initiative found that climate finance globally will need to increase to about $9tn a year by 2030, up from $1.3tn in 2021-2022, in order to meet the Paris accord, where countries agreed to limit the long-term global temperature rise. Investments from pension funds and the private sector are expected to play a crucial role. 

In real estate, Cashion said he saw opportunities in so-called green buildings. “The measurement for what qualifies in your real estate portfolio as green is becoming easier,” he said.

Calpers would build out its investments in renewable infrastructure, he said, as well as looking at private equity investments in companies that support the shift to clean energy, citing those servicing wind turbines or developing software to make solar panels more efficient as examples.

“[Renewables are] already an area where we’re very active and we’ll continue to do that and build out that portfolio,” he said.

In terms of where the climate money would be deployed, Cashion said his “expectation is that Asia and Europe will present significant opportunities”, with a particular focus on emerging markets.

Cashion, who was in Europe to meet other pension funds, said that with the rise in global greenhouse gas emissions now coming from non-western nations, “the opportunity set in emerging markets will be huge”. 

But he added that the emerging market countries where Calpers could operate at scale was a “pretty small number” and would be driven by where the asset managers it uses saw the best opportunities.

The Biden administration has tried to make the US more attractive for climate investors with tax incentives, through the Inflation Reduction Act. But Cashion said its investment criteria were global.

“The IRA has been has been excellent and has increased (investment) opportunities for us,” he said. “But we’ll be driven by where we see the opportunities.”

As well as working with its existing asset managers, Calpers would look to work with “specialised, smaller managers who may well have access to deals that the bigger players do not”.

Further details of the climate plan come two months after Calpers approved plans to increase its overall allocation to private markets from 33 per cent of plan assets to 40 per cent.

A spokesperson for Calpers said this increased allocation, approved by the Calpers Board of Administration in March, would not be measured on the same timeline as the $100bn climate plan, which is linked to 2030. No further details on investments from the wider private markets drive were disclosed.

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