Review of Coursera’s Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization

Our in-depth review explores how this Coursera specialization can transform your productivity and collaboration in the digital workplace.

  • By Alexa Tyler
  • Feb 23, 2024 is supported by our community of learners. When you visit links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization on Coursera: Our Verdict (2024)

Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization on Coursera logo

Course Rating

The Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization on Coursera provides an in-depth learning experience across Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Designed for both beginners and those seeking to enhance their skills, this specialization covers everything from basic functionalities to advanced features, promoting greater workplace productivity and collaboration. With practical, hands-on projects and a modular course structure, it's suited for a wide range of learners, offering valuable credentials and real-world application. Whether new to Microsoft 365 or looking to fill specific knowledge gaps, this specialization offers a solid foundation for professional growth and helps you prepare for the Microsoft Office Associate certifications.

  • Comprehensive curriculum
  • Modular design
  • Practical and hands-on
  • Accessibility
  • Credible credential from Microsoft
  • May not be suitable for advanced users
  • Time-consuming

In the professional world, proficiency in Microsoft Office 365’s core applications – Word, Excel, and PowerPoint – is not just an asset; it’s a necessity. The ubiquity of these tools in businesses, educational settings, and beyond highlights their fundamental role in daily operations and communication. Microsoft 365, with its cloud-based infrastructure, has revolutionized the way we approach document creation, data analysis, and presentations, making these tasks more collaborative and accessible regardless of location.

In the evolving workplace, Microsoft 365 skills are becoming increasingly crucial as organizations worldwide accelerate their digital transformation efforts. The mastery of Microsoft 365 tools enhances productivity, facilitates remote collaboration, and streamlines business processes. As the workplace continues to adapt to hybrid and remote work models, proficiency in these tools can significantly impact career advancement opportunities . With over 345 million people currently using Microsoft 365 , it is one of the most popular business tool suites – meaning you will be hard-pressed to be hired for a position that does not utilize some aspect of Microsoft Office 365. In my own 20 years of professional employment, I have yet to have a position that did not require some level of knowledge of the programs that are covered in this specialization.

This review delves into the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization on Coursera , focusing specifically on the basics of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. In an era where digital literacy is paramount, this specialization aims to serve as a stepping stone for individuals seeking to enhance their skill set in these widely used Microsoft Office applications.

As a business professional who has navigated through the entirety of this Specialization on Coursera, I offer a unique perspective on its structure, content, and transformative potential in this review. I have worked in office settings in a variety of industries and have been teaching introductory computer courses with a focus on Microsoft 365 – so I’ll bring my perspective of someone who has been using Microsoft for the last 20 years to help guide you to this specialization. Let’s get started!

Main page of the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization Course

Table of Contents

Specialization overview.

The specialization unfolds across three courses, each dedicated to one of the key components of the Microsoft 365 suite:

  • Microsoft Word (30 hours)
  • Microsoft Excel (20 hours)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (19 hours)

Each course is a standalone unit – in case you do not wish to complete the full specialization, you can follow the courses that interest you.

Regarding the course’s time commitment, it’s designed to cater to the needs of dedicated learners, with an estimated completion time of about 60 hours, which Coursera suggests should take you about 2 months at 10 hours per week. This timeframe takes into account the comprehensive nature of the curriculum, including interactive projects, in-depth video tutorials, and a variety of learning materials. However, like other programs on Coursera, the schedule is flexible and can accommodate the busy schedules of working professionals, providing flexibility in the learning pace.

How is the specialization structured?

This specialization is designed to prepare you for workplace challenges using Microsoft 365, offering a structured path to mastering its tools. It is designed by Microsoft themselves – which should ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information. The course is designed to ground learners in the essential features and functionalities of these applications, enabling them to create professional documents, analyze data effectively, and deliver compelling presentations.

Each course consists of a mix of:

  • Tutorial videos : Video presentations explaining key concepts
  • Reading materials : Additional materials meant to deepen the understanding of what is covered in the videos.
  • Discussion boards : Opportunities for engaging with peers and instructors (primarily the former, as instructors are not very active on the boards).

To complete the courses, you are assessed in the following ways:

  • Quizzes : At the end of each module, short quizzes help you ensure that you retain the knowledge covered. Each module then ends with a bigger – and graded – quiz that is designed to assess your performance.
  • Hands-on activities : The modules have activities to help you practice the new skills – these are presented in the readings section of each module.
  • Graded Peer – Review Assignment: For those who want to take the course to the next level, there is an optional “Honors” practice project at the end of each course. As in other Coursera specializations, these assignments are peer-graded (submitted by other students on the course) – so you will get feedback on it, but the quality of this feedback will depend a bit on who exactly provides it.

Here are the individual courses in the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization

Upon completion, you earn a certificate of completion issued by Coursera and Microsoft that you can also post on your LinkedIn profile and signal your readiness to current and future employers to utilize Microsoft 365 in the professional environment effectively.

Although the exams are not included in the program, completing the specialization should prepare you fully to sit for the Microsoft certifications MO-110 Microsoft Word , MO-210 Microsoft Excel , and MO-310 Microsoft PowerPoint . Moreover, if you pass these three exams, you can get certified as a Microsoft Office Specialist Associate .

Detailed course review

Let’s take a closer look at the specialization’s component courses.

Course 1: Microsoft Word

The Work Smarter with Microsoft Word course offers a succinct, engaging path to mastering Microsoft Word as part of the Microsoft 365 suite, suitable for beginners and experienced users alike.

Curriculum Overview :

  • Introduction to Microsoft 365 and its applications.
  • In-depth exploration of Microsoft Word, from basic operations to advanced document management.
  • Text, table, and list management.
  • Incorporation of images, shapes, and illustrations.
  • Advanced document finalization techniques, including accessibility and saving options.
  • Honors project : Focuses on creating professional reports, newsletters, resumes, and business correspondence. It also covers collaborative document editing.

Starting with an orientation to Microsoft 365, the program introduces participants to key Office 365 applications before diving deep into Word’s functionalities – from basic navigation and editing to sophisticated document creation and management techniques.

As learners progress, the curriculum methodically enhances their skills in text, table, and list management, alongside integrating graphical elements like images, shapes, and illustrations for professional document formatting. Advanced modules focus on document finalization, including accessibility, saving options, and the implementation of captions, references, and citations, guiding students toward producing polished, well-structured documents.

Emphasizing practical application, the course equips learners to adeptly craft professional reports, newsletters, rĂŠsumĂŠs, and business correspondence. Additionally, it addresses document collaboration, preparing participants to manage shared editing tasks efficiently.

Course 2: Microsoft Excel

The Work Smarter with Microsoft Excel course presents an engaging opportunity for individuals at various levels of proficiency to deepen their understanding and mastery of Microsoft Excel.

  • Introduction to Excel’s interface and fundamental features.
  • Guidance on creating and managing workbooks.
  • Use of formulas, functions, and data organization tools.
  • Techniques for sorting and filtering data.
  • Creation and modification of tables, charts, and large workbooks.
  • Advanced analysis with pivot tables and slicers.
  • Honors project : The course culminates in a hands-on project focusing on sales data analysis and presentation, demonstrating practical Excel use in business.

Starting with the basics, the course introduces participants to Excel’s user interface, fundamental features, and the process of creating and managing workbooks. This initial phase sets the groundwork for more advanced exploration, ensuring a solid foundation in navigating Excel’s environment and its capabilities in data handling.

As participants advance through the course, they encounter modules dedicated to Excel’s core functionalities, such as formulas, functions, and tools for sorting and filtering data. The course emphasizes practical skills in organizing and visualizing data, covering the creation and modification of tables and charts, management of large workbooks, and the utilization of pivot tables and slicers for data analysis. This progression from foundational skills to complex data manipulation and presentation techniques allows learners to gradually build their competency and confidence in using Excel for a variety of tasks.

The program culminates with an honors module, where learners apply the knowledge and skills acquired through a hands-on project, analyzing and presenting sales data. This final project not only consolidates learning outcomes but also provides a practical demonstration of how Excel can be used to derive insights and make informed decisions in a business context. Through expert instruction and real-world applications, this course equips participants with valuable Excel skills, culminating in a shareable certificate that validates their proficiency and enhances their career prospects.

Screenshot from the Excel Course

Course 3: PowerPoint

The Work Smarter with Microsoft PowerPoint course is designed to equip learners with comprehensive skills in Microsoft PowerPoint, catering to both beginners and those seeking to refine their presentation abilities.

  • Introduction to PowerPoint’s interface and essential features.
  • Step-by-step guide on creating, saving, and selecting presentation types.
  • Formatting text and adding graphical elements to enrich visual appeal.
  • Advanced techniques for incorporating tables, charts, and multimedia elements.
  • Exploration of animations and transitions to make presentations more dynamic.
  • Honors project : The course includes a final project where learners apply their skills in a real-world scenario, analyzing and presenting data. This project helps solidify their understanding and demonstrates PowerPoint’s utility in business.

Starting with the basics, the course introduces participants to the PowerPoint environment, guiding them through the process of creating, saving, and selecting types of presentations. Learners are then led through the development phase of a presentation, focusing on formatting text, adding graphics, and implementing SmartArt and animations to enhance visual appeal. As the course progresses, participants delve deeper into techniques for enhancing the appearance of their presentations, incorporating tables, charts, and multimedia elements like audio and video. The use of animations and transitions is explored to create more dynamic and engaging presentations.

The final instructional module is dedicated to preparing learners for the delivery of their presentations, covering everything from reviewing and annotating slides to using hyperlinks, action buttons, and recording features. This segment ensures that participants are well-prepared to present their work confidently and effectively. For those aiming for distinction, the course offers an optional honors assignment, providing an opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge in a practical project for special recognition. Completing this assignment, along with all others in the course, results in an honors distinction on the Course Certificate.

What I Appreciated in This Course

Comprehensive curriculum . The specialization offers an exhaustive exploration of Microsoft Office tools, diving into both foundational and advanced aspects of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It balances theoretical knowledge with practical applications, ensuring learners grasp the full spectrum of functionalities these tools offer for professional use.

Modular design . This flexible learning path empowers students to tailor their education according to personal or professional needs. Whether aiming to polish existing skills or delve into new, advanced functionalities, the course structure supports focused learning, making it an ideal choice for targeted skill enhancement.

Practical and hands-on . By integrating project-based learning, the specialization ensures learners not only understand theoretical concepts but also apply them in creating professional-grade documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. This hands-on approach cultivates practical skills directly applicable in any workplace, significantly enhancing job readiness and performance.

Accessibility . Catering to a wide audience, the courses are designed to be inclusive, offering entry points for novices and challenging content for seasoned users. This approach ensures that regardless of initial skill level, every learner can find value and progress through the curriculum at their own pace.

Credentialing . Upon completion, learners earn credentials that serve as a tangible testament to their proficiency with Microsoft 365 tools. These credentials, easily sharable on platforms like LinkedIn, not only bolster professional profiles but also signal to potential employers a ready-to-use skill set in today’s digital workplace.

Drawbacks of the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization

May not be suitable for advanced users . For professionals deeply versed in Microsoft 365, the specialization might not break new ground. Its strength in foundational training could be perceived as redundant, offering limited advanced insights or cutting-edge techniques beyond what these users already practice in their daily workflows.

Time-consuming . Given the depth and breadth of the content, the specialization demands a considerable investment of time, which might be challenging for busy professionals. The comprehensive nature of the videos and reading materials, designed to ensure thorough understanding, could become a barrier for those struggling to balance professional commitments with continued education.

Is the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization worth the time and cost?

The value of the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization hinges significantly on an individual’s prior experience with Microsoft programs, their current professional status, and their learning objectives. For beginners or those with minimal exposure to Microsoft 365, the specialization offers a comprehensive foundation that is undoubtedly worth the investment of time and cost. It systematically covers the basics and introduces learners to more complex functionalities of Microsoft Office tools, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. This structured learning path can dramatically improve one’s productivity and efficiency in both personal and professional settings.

Conversely, for working professionals who already possess a solid understanding of Microsoft 365 tools and are juggling full-time jobs, the specialization might not present the same level of value. These individuals may find the foundational aspects of the course to be a review rather than an expansion of their knowledge. However, the specialization’s modular design allows for selective learning, meaning that these learners could benefit from focusing on specific courses within the specialization that address their areas of weakness or interest for more advanced knowledge and skills. This tailored approach can enhance their proficiency in particular aspects of Microsoft 365 without the need to commit to the entire specialization.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization should be informed by a clear assessment of one’s current skill level, learning goals, and professional requirements. For those entirely new to Microsoft 365, the specialization is an excellent investment. For seasoned users, selecting individual courses to close knowledge gaps or advance skills in specific applications may offer a more practical and time-efficient learning solution.

What are others saying?

Those who have submitted their reviews directly to Coursera express a generally positive view of the courses (average rating of 4.7/5), in particular highlighting their broad and relatively comprehensive coverage. In terms of areas of improvement, users request that more advanced information and functions be covered for those seeking more of a challenge. Overall, users also appreciated the hands-on experiences the courses provided as they felt they provided very practical skills.

Are there alternatives?

Yes, there are several alternatives to the “ Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization ” for those looking to enhance their skills in Microsoft Office applications. Depending on your learning style, budget, and specific needs, you might find one of the following alternatives more suitable:

  • Microsoft Learn : Microsoft’s own platform offers free learning paths and modules for its software, including Get Started with Office 365 and Windows . It’s an excellent resource for both beginners and advanced users, providing up-to-date content directly from the source. These courses are also broken up into different modules but are less in-depth than the program offered on Coursera.
  • LinkedIn Learning : This platform offers a variety of courses on Microsoft Office tools, including comprehensive overviews and deep dives into specific functions. 130 available courses range from beginner ( Getting Started with Microsoft 365 ) to advanced levels ( Learning Microsoft 365 ), and users can access them through a subscription model. These courses are significantly shorter in length than those featured on Coursera and also offer certificates of completion.
  • Pluralsight : This learning platform offers a range of courses on Microsoft products, including in-depth training on Office 365. Pluralsight is subscription-based, with a similar monthly cost to Coursera, providing access to its entire library of courses. Pluralsight offers introductory courses ( Microsoft 365 Fundamentals (MS-900) ) as well as more advanced courses ( Microsoft 365 Expanded Topics ).
  • YouTube and Blogs : There are countless free resources available on YouTube ( Microsoft 365 Basics Full Course Tutorial by Learnit Training ) and various tech blogs, offering tutorials and comprehensive guides on Microsoft Office applications. While these may not offer a structured learning path, they are excellent for filling in knowledge gaps or learning specific skills.

When choosing an alternative, consider your specific learning goals, the depth of knowledge you wish to attain, and the learning format that best suits your style. Whether you’re looking for a structured program similar to the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization or more flexible, Ă  la carte learning options, there’s a wealth of resources available to meet your needs.

The Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization on Coursera offers a detailed curriculum aimed at enhancing skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It’s designed for a broad audience, including beginners and those looking to improve their proficiency. Through practical, hands-on projects, learners can earn a certificate, showcasing their newfound capabilities. This course is particularly valuable for professionals aiming to bolster their productivity and collaborative work abilities, providing a solid foundation in Microsoft 365 that supports both personal and professional development goals.

Given the evolving digital landscape, the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Specialization stands out as a critical tool for professional growth and adaptability. This specialization not only equips individuals with essential Microsoft 365 skills but also prepares them for the future, ensuring they remain competitive and efficient in a dynamic workplace environment.

Alexa Tyler

Alexa Tyler

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Introducing Signature Track

January 9, 2013

Over the past few months, we’ve been working to expand opportunities for students who complete Coursera courses. From working with ACE on credit equivalency to launching Career Services , we aim to help students apply their learning in meaningful ways.

Today, we’re excited to announce Signature Track, a new option that will give students in select classes the opportunity to earn a Verified Certificate for completing their Coursera course. Signature Track securely links your coursework to your identity, allowing you to confidently show the world what you’ve achieved on Coursera.

Signature Track offers:

  • Identity Verification . Create a special profile to link your coursework to your real identity using your photo ID and unique typing pattern.
  • Verified Certificates . Earn official recognition from Universities and Coursera for your accomplishment with a verifiable electronic certificate.
  • Sharable Course Records . Share your electronic course records with employers, educational institutions, or anyone else through a unique, secure URL.

Signature Track will be initially available for the following courses (with more to come!):

  • Introduction to Genetics and Evolution , Mohamed Noor, Duke University. January 4th
  • Microeconomics Principles , JosĂŠ J. VĂĄzquez-Cognet, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. January 28th.
  • Computational Investing Part I , Tucker Balch, Georgia Tech. February 8th

If you’re excited to participate or want to learn more, simply enroll in one of the above courses and you will be notified when you can join.

The price for joining a course’s Signature Track will be between $30-100 per course. As part of our mission to make education available to everyone, Coursera will also offer students with economic need the opportunity to register for financial assistance.

So, how does Coursera’s Signature Track work?

To join Signature Track, you’ll build a Signature Profile that links your coursework to your identity. Your Signature Profile includes your photo ID, as well as your Signature Phrase, a biometric profile of your unique typing pattern. Every time you submit coursework, you’ll easily authenticate your identity by typing your Signature Phrase.

When you successfully complete a course’s Signature Track, you’ll receive a Verified Certificate issued by the participating university and Coursera. You’ll also be able to electronically share your course performance in a verified format via our Certifiable Course Records page. Your Verified Certificate does not include credit towards a degree, nor does it make you a student at the issuing university. Instead, the Verified Certificate proves you met the passing criteria of your rigorous online course.

Joining a course’s Signature Track is optional.  You can still fully participate in the course if you decide not to join, and you will still receive the standard Statement of Accomplishment if you successfully complete the free course.

Peter Lange, Provost of Duke University had these comments, “When we started offering our courses on Coursera, we aimed to extend the reach of our university’s intellectual strengths beyond our own halls, to a global classroom, now, we hope that these credentials, while they will not contribute directly toward a degree, will afford students around the world, of all ages, backgrounds and resources an opportunity to have a legitimate credential for their work in order to advance their career or fulfill themselves personally.”

We hope that offering verified certification for our courses will open up many new and valuable opportunities for students, while also giving partner universities on Coursera the ability to continue to invest in providing high-quality free courses to students around the world. Happy learning!

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Center for Teaching

Getting to know coursera: statements of accomplishment.

Posted by Rhett Mcdaniel on Monday, January 21, 2013 in Commentary .

by Katie McEwen, graduate assistant

After getting started with our discussion of assessments in Coursera in our last two posts , today we’ll turn or attention to the end point of grading and evaluation: statements of accomplishment.  Sometimes also called “certificates,” these statements present something of a question for all involved.  What, exactly, is Coursera certifying anyway?  Participation?  Completion?  Or some measure of achievement and excellence?

And what do they even look like ?

Although Coursera is moving to accredit and monetize its online offerings, universities rightfully remain wary not only about ensuring rigor and accountability in Coursera, but also about evaluating the impact of these courses on the prestige , and experience, of an on-campus education .

As we’re beginning to see, assessing work in Coursera is no easy proposition.

Grading policies in Coursera are, according to Coursera , two-fold: aimed at both creating an objective measure of assessment and determining which students earn statements of accomplishment.  But how are criteria determined?

As in traditional higher-education courses, grading criteria in Coursera vary depending upon the instructor, the course, and the home institution.  In fact, the decision to allow statements of accomplishment, and the “levels” of accomplishment certified, is determined by each institution, and the, in turn, by each instructor.  And as a result, many courses don’t offer statements of accomplishment.

In fact, many different levels of authority—personal, disciplinary, pedagogical, administrative, institutional—is already in play with certification.  It’s no simple question who or what receives certification, or from what institution.  Princeton University, for example, does not offer any certificates for its Coursera offerings.

But before we can discuss the wider implications of certification in Coursera, or of Coursera itself, we should first take a look at what exactly certification entails in this online setting.  In most cases, this means different classes and different tracks of certification.

Classes of certification.

Many courses in Coursera offer a single kind of certification: a “normal” statement of accomplish usually granted to those students who meet a minimum grade threshold.

“Normal” certification is currently the most common mode of certification across Coursera.  Despite the variations in criteria, it appears that most courses require between 70% to 80% of the total points, with some few courses requiring as little as 60% of total points, to qualify for a statement of accomplishment.

So, for example, in “ Gamification ” any student with a total score of at least 70% across the required quizzes, peer-graded assignments, and final exam would receive certification.

what is honors assignment in coursera

Among the courses that offer certification, a few also offer a further category of accomplishment by granting certificates with “distinction” to a small number of top students, most usually relying on final score in the course.

The most recent iteration (2012) of “ Networked Life ,” for example, recognized students with an average score of 100% with “distinction.”

what is honors assignment in coursera

In “ Introduction to Mathematical Thinking ,” certification with “distinction” was defined as both a percentage of total students, granting “completion with distinction” to the top 20% of those who qualify for certification, as well as a function of assessments completed, to include scores not calculated in “normal” certificates, including the final exam and participation in the peer-review process.

what is honors assignment in coursera

Tracks to certification.

Tracks to certification are not wholly dissimilar from the levels of certification , as both seem designed to differentiate relative level of mastery demonstrated by student work.  Usually defined by the types of assessments required for the statement of accomplishment—for instance, quizzes, programming assignments, or peer-assessed work—tracks have to do with how students are asked to apply and demonstrate knowledge.

Advanced versus basic tracks. The most common method of differentiating tracks depends upon the command of the material as defined by “advanced” versus “basic” proficiency.  The track is then certified on the statement of accomplishment.

In “ Organizational Analysis ” students can also choose to pursue “basic” or “advanced” tracks to certification, with the “advanced” track requiring additional coursework such as essays and peer evaluation.  Again, this model reflects an approach similar to that in “Introduction to Mathematical Thinking” by defining “distinction” both through total points earned as well as the kind (in terms of complexity and sophistication) of work submitted for evaluation.

As a result, students in the “basic” track are asked to develop “basic literacy”:

what is honors assignment in coursera

while those in the advanced track work to analyze and apply this “basic” competency:

what is honors assignment in coursera

Multiple tracks to mastery. A few courses further differentiate stages of mastery, enabling students more flexibility in customizing the course to address their interests and abilities.  Again, the track is certified by the statement of accomplishment issued.

“ Human-Computer Interaction ,” for instance, offers three tracks to certification, each of which requires increasingly complex types of assignments to demonstrate increasing mastery of the material.  This approach also encourages students to enroll in multiple iterations of the course, each time working through the “next” track.

In the “apprentice track” students submit weekly quizzes;

what is honors assignment in coursera

those pursuing the “studio track” supplement quizzes with weekly assignments, culminating in a design project;

what is honors assignment in coursera

and those in the “studio practicum” must have first completed the “studio” track.

what is honors assignment in coursera

“ Introduction to Sustainability ” offers one of the most differentiated systems of certification on the Coursera platform.  Students work to earn “badges,” which represent specific kinds of participation in the course and are designed to allow maximum customization of the course material.  Only one “badge” is required to earn certification, but students are encouraged to pursue as many “badges” as possible within this non-hierarchical track system.

This course thus combines two levels of certification — “basic” and “mastery” — with three possible tracks to certification: “quiz,” “forum,” or “project.”

what is honors assignment in coursera

As we can see, in the “tracked” model, each student is allowed a greater degree of flexibility to choose how s/he participates in course and engages with the material through different levels of mastery.  Such tracks also allow a single Coursera course to approximate the kind of sequencing built into to traditional university curriculum.

Yet despite the multiple levels and tracks of certification, it is still unclear just what these statements of accomplishment might mean.  Or what they might look like, as a recent design challenge in “ Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society ” demonstrated.  Will they get you a job ?  Or college credit ?  Cultural capital ?  Or just the satisfaction of a job well done?

And, perhaps most importantly for Coursera, will certification help them make money?  At this point, we still have more questions than answers.

Next time we’ll take up another question: that of access and exclusion in Coursera.

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Breaking Coursera Honor Code #10


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All users of learning materials hosted on the Coursera platform are expected to abide by the following standards to ensure the integrity of learning within Coursera learning experiences. Learners are expected to familiarize themselves and comply with the Terms of Use for the Coursera platform and any code of conduct, academic policy, honor code or any institution's requirements associated with programs which a learner has enrolled onto through the Coursera platform has established.

Academic misconduct undermines the value of Coursera hosted credentials and devalues the authentic efforts of other learners. Learners who engage in misconduct are therefore subject to consequences as described below. 

Academic misconduct is defined as any activity which circumvents, or attempts to circumvent, the learning experience provided by the course through violation of course learning policies or specific policies provided by the instructor or outlined by the syllabus, or misrepresentation of the authorship or conditions of completion of course activities. The following standards provide clarification of the most common types of academic misconduct, but the list is not exhaustive. Other behavior may constitute academic misconduct in a particular course or across the Coursera platform.


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Consequences for Non-degree Products 

Coursera will determine relevant sanctions based on the kind of misconduct, the severity of the behavior, the stakes of the assessment, and any previous history of misconduct by the user.

No refunds will be issued in the case of any corrective action for such violations. Honor Code violations will be determined at the sole discretion of Coursera and Coursera partners. You will be notified if a determination has been made that you have violated this Honor Code and you will be informed of the corresponding action to be taken as a result of the violation.

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what is honors assignment in coursera

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what is honors assignment in coursera

Nine Wildcats, Eight Jayhawks earn Big 12 postseason baseball honors

KU k-state baseball softball

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - Many Jayhawks and Wildcats received nods from the Big 12 when the conference released its postseason baseball awards on Monday.

Leading the way for KU’s eight honors, was Big 12 Freshman of the Year Dominic Voegele. He was also named to the Second Team and Freshman Team.

A true freshman, Voegele came to Lawrence despite being drafted in the 20th round of the 2023 MLB Draft, and had a breakout first year.

The right-handed pitcher went 7-2 in the regular season with a 3.32 ERA in 76.0 innings pitched. He recorded 74 strikeouts and only 29 walks this season. He had eight quality starts and allowed three earned runs or less in 12 of his 14 starts. He finished the regular season tied for 3rd in the Big 12 in wins, tied for 5th in ERA, 7th in opponent batting average (.228) and tied for 7th in strikeouts.

Catcher Jake English was named to the All-Big 12 First Team. Reese Dutton, and Kodey Shojinaga were selected to the All-Big 12 Second Team. Michael Brooks, Hunter Cranton, Ben Hartl and John Nett were awarded All-Big 12 Honorable Mention.

“We are proud of all of the Big 12 awards our players received,” Kansas Head Coach Dan Fitzgerald said. “We have worked hard to recruit the right players and develop them at a high level - but ultimately, it’s the players who commit to the development process. These guys are very deserving of the recognition.”

As for the Wildcats, INF/OF Brady Day led the way for the nine honored with a First Team selection.

He’s posted a slash line of .333/.444/.539 to go with a team-leading 51 runs batted in, which is 7th in the league.

Representing on the Second Team, IF Kaelen Culpepper and RHP Tyson Neighbors received nods.

Owen Boerema, Nick English, Brendan Jones, Raphael Pelletier, and Jackson Wentworth each received Honorable Mention accolades, and Blake Dean was named to the All-Freshman Team.

Copyright 2024 WIBW. All rights reserved.

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  2. Take quizzes & assignments

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  4. How to solve problems with peer-graded assignments

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  5. how to complete peer graded assignment and review on Coursera

    in this tutorial you have will learn way of grading your peer graded assignment

  6. Coursera Rolls Out Certificates with Honors Track

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  7. Peer reviews on assignments on coursera : r/coursera

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  23. Coursera Honor Code

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  24. Nine Wildcats, Eight Jayhawks earn Big 12 postseason baseball honors

    Leading the way for KU's eight honors, was Big 12 Freshman of the Year Dominic Voegele. ... Royals designate Rule 5 Draft pick for assignment. Jayhawks get transfer point guard from Rice ...

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