Personal statement advice: marketing

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How you package yourself is important, but the bottom line is that you need to have done your market research and got your product right. It’s no good trying to hide behind waffle, platitudes or fancy words that don’t actually mean a lot, it’s what lies behind your words that matters.

Be honest and down-to-earth

An honest, well-researched, and engaging statement that shows you understand what you’re applying for, and that you’ve got relevant skills or experiences to offer, will usually fit the bill.

Write reflectively about your experience. That could be what you’ve gained from your Saturday job at a supermarket, the book you’ve just read on branding, the charity event you recently helped to organise, a business project you just undertook on your BTEC or A level course or why your Young Enterprise company didn't make a profit.

Your examples don't have to be high-flying. Even shadowing the marketing director of a multi-national company won't impress if you don't explain what you learned from it.

Bournemouth University highlights that demonstrating qualities like creativity, an understanding of the marketing and communications industry, your ability to work in a team as well as independently, good presentation and communication skills and computer literacy will help to give marketing students the edge .

Show your enthusiasm for marketing

Sheffield Hallam University expects you to demonstrate 'an interest in and awareness of business/marketing, or some level of practical experience'. Similarly, Leeds Metropolitan University’s sport marketing degree tutors will be scanning your statement for evidence of the 'personal attributes, experience and/or commitment to the area of study that will stand you out from the crowd'.

Note the word 'or' in those examples. Whilst it’s great if you've got some relevant work experience, it's not essential and there are other ways you can show you’ve got what it takes.

University of Bath says its management with marketing degree applicants should be able to demonstrate experience of working with others and relevant transferable skills, but that this could be achieved, for example, through your involvement in the running of a society or a position of responsibility at school or college if you haven't had direct experience.

York St John University flags the value of your reflections on any relevant workshops or seminars you've attended, or how you've shown leadership and teamwork skills through project work or awards such as Duke of Edinburgh.

Marketing personal statement dos and don'ts

Thanks to De Montfort University among others for these sound tips.

  • Focus on why you want to study marketing and pursue a career in it – our marketing subject guide is a good starting point for this.
  • Demonstrate a strong understanding of business , the role you feel marketing plays in the success of any business operation, or an awareness of how marketing is responding to a changing world.
  • Highlight any marketing or business operation you’ve been involved in yourself.
  • Comment on something interesting you've found in newspapers or industry-related magazines, by following key industry figures on social media or when meeting business professionals face-to-face.
  • Write something revealing about what you’ve learned from work experience or a part-time job where you've made some relevant observations or demonstrated skills or commitment.
  • Include examples from enterprise schemes at school or college. This can be just as valuable as real workplace experience, as long as you say something interesting about it. Don’t worry if you weren’t successful: it’s ok to discuss what went wrong as well as what went right, provided you learned from it.
  • Give them a balanced, rounded picture of yourself as a potential student: your achievements, evidence of your key strengths and qualities, a project you’ve undertaken, or the subjects you’ve found genuinely interesting and how they’ve enhanced your potential as well as your interests outside the academic world.
  • List everything you’ve done.
  • Exaggerate or make something up , as it may come back to haunt you.
  • Over-sell yourself . Write in a calm tone and give clear, concise examples of activities you’ve been involved in.
  • Go back more than two or three years . Keep it recent.
  • Say you’re good at something . Demonstrate it instead.  

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Sample Marketing Personal Statement (NYU, Cornell, ASU)

personal statement university marketing

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top doctoral programs in Marketing. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at NYU, Cornell, and ASU. Read this marketing personal statement to get inspiration and understand what a top essay should look like.

You might also be interested in reading this   Sample Ph.D. Personal Statement  that got admitted to MIT.

Sample Personal Statement in Marketing

‘Rationale’ stems from our understanding of the environment in which we reside. Amongst other quirks, I was most curious about how and why things were as they were: Why is the sky blue? Why do we grow old?

This curiosity kept increasing, and it was as if I was trying to find a reason for everything, an explanation, a mathematical formula for everything around me. I saw that notions about reality seem strongly influenced by contrasting paradigms and biases already set in motion by society leaders and people of influential vocations. I was fascinated by this unique influence and thus drawn to the study of human behavior that influenced their ability to make rational (or sometimes irrational) decisions.

Marketing and Sales thus became my obsession. I had my first sale at 13. It was a 1994 Nissan sunny – a big, massive but fuel-efficient car.

Silently observing client reactions, their responses to counter offers, and facial expressions, I learned how to make and close great deals. The more closely I watched, the more obvious things became; patterns emerged – confidence in the seller or the buyer greatly influenced the outcome of the entire process, honesty cemented strong relations with the client, etc.

My bachelor served as a guiding post and introduced several opportunities which anchored my interest in consumer behavior, leading me to a major in marketing. From organizing events for the Rotary society to acquiring sponsorships, the experience intensely focused on liaison skills and project management. Funds were arranged beforehand, but the efficiency of the marketing efforts couldn’t be measured.

Whether the attendees of such events had a great time? Were the goals of the event successfully met? Such questions kept me on edge while serving as the Director of Marketing in these events.

Nearing graduation, my professors urged me to participate in person at a research conference being held in the U.S. My pilot study based on the comparison of Instagram and Facebook was well received at the conference. It was here where I got to channel my curiosity revolving around consumer behavior, which was made possible through research.

This conference helped me in penning down a second paper. It encouraged me to learn more about research regarding the rudimentary concepts involved, such as developing a questionnaire.

However, since I was introduced to research, I have always felt a deficiency in quantitative and qualitative research skills. After graduation, I was able to explore my interests rigorously. Composing scripts, guest posting, and publishing on reputable websites helped me tailor my content according to the audience, understand what they disliked, and how they responded to different content – animated, trendy, etc.

Acquiring partnerships, bidding for projects, and winning them helped secure a grip on the fundamentals of efficiency of marketing efforts. This understanding was complemented by the deployment of advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. The digital environment allowed great freedom in measuring all the hard work involved in rendering such campaigns on social media platforms.

Later on, my thirst for data-driven marketing and research brought me to Rutgers, where I learned how to use Python and R for data processing and visualization. I didn’t know how to use SPSS before; this was a huge milestone.

I was finally able to clean and manage data and ultimately interpret results. After such a divergent endeavor, I focused on my family business alongside side projects such as an initiative on mental health and a home décor business. Such feats helped me in pursuing and understanding the customer at a much personal level.

After working with the customers via a direct channel, I wanted to attend a program that could help me fortify my research skills, which would facilitate the incorporation of all this professional experience and help me make sense of all the interactions I have had with customers. At the undergraduate level, I was always at a loss when teaching the concepts of moderation, mediation, and other quantitative techniques.

Moreover, we weren’t introduced to different qualitative research techniques such as coding of interviews, etc. As a result, I was admitted to the M.S. Marketing program offered at Rutgers. Unfortunately, due to covid-related issues, I was able to join the program four weeks late. But I didn’t let that get to me. I worked hard. I was introduced to statistical techniques such as Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Linear Regression, etc.

We learned about treating outliers and the skewness of the data via SPSS. In the second semester, we were introduced to great techniques that aided researchers in comprehending consumer perception about a brand and their buying habits. Research techniques such as conjoint and multidimensional analysis helped analyze consumer buying patterns and habits in great detail and in a systematic manner. Conjoint analysis fascinated me because it sophisticatedly separates questions and generates simulations which significantly helps in price-sensitivity analysis.

It allows researchers to predict customer behavior depending on different variables, such as different colors of the products, prices, etc. The multidimensional analysis gives a 360 approach to the customer perception when subjected to different variables such as the number of locations in a city, quality of the product, etc. I was excited to finally learn how to analyze customer perceptions and whether an action related to the product yielded a return on the invested efforts.

Coincidently and much to my joy, this semester brought an analytics course on the table, Business Analytics. We learned extensively about the basics, and a project was given to us based on our specialization. I used python in data wrangling; when I had to employ Panda’s library to correct the datasets and add product names to them. Concurrently, I came across great applications which could be used to visualize data for my thesis, such as Violin plots, Geographical plots, scattered line charts, etc.

As a result of my hard work, my project was selected as a sample for the following sessions, and I was told that I had scored the highest among the entire batch of MBA and other M.S. programs. This helped me further my passion for research by aiding me in learning the visualizations required for displaying results and making sense of the data at hand. These visualizations incorporate different statistical techniques, which would be helpful in the future, such as variance present in the data, skewness of data, etc.

Recently, I attended a workshop on Mendeley. As a result, I became a certified Mendeley advisor. Progressing forward, I participated in a workshop based on bibliometric research with the aid of the R package – bibliometrix. Other software involved included PowerBI, VOSviewer, Access, etc.

Currently, I’m working on the research topic for my thesis: Color Combination of packaging and its effect on the consumer buying pattern, with a professor, presently working as an editor at several reputable publishers such as Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, etc. I hope to take both quantitative and qualitative approaches in this research.

I yearn to enhance my research prowess in consumer behavior and digital marketing, including decision models, the efficiency of social media marketing, and various other fields I can explore. I want to work on streamlining the entire marketing process with the essence of understanding what the customer wants. And I believe the Ph.D. in Marketing program offered at NYU can help me acquire the professional skills required for the research I wish to conduct alongside providing a platform for much-needed experimentation in the field.


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Marketing Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Marketers
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

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  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5

Ever been captivated by the power of persuasion and the art of influencing consumer behaviour? Fascinated by the idea of developing and executing compelling marketing strategies to drive business growth?

If so, a degree in Marketing could be your ideal journey. This dynamic field equips you with the knowledge and skills to understand market needs, develop effective marketing campaigns, and analyse their impacts.

A Marketing degree in the UK offers a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and tools used in marketing. It is designed for those who are interested in understanding consumer behaviour, developing effective marketing strategies, and contributing to business growth.

Typically, a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing (BA or BSc) takes three years of full-time study, or four years if you opt for a sandwich course which includes a year in industry. Some universities also offer a four-year course with a foundation year for students who do not meet the standard entry requirements.

One of the key features of a Marketing degree is the emphasis on practical skills. Many courses include project work, case studies, and simulations, allowing students to apply the theories they have learned in real-world contexts. Work placements and internships are also common, providing students with valuable industry experience.

Career prospects for Marketing graduates are excellent. Graduates can work in a variety of roles within marketing, such as Marketing Executive, Digital Marketing Specialist, Brand Manager, Market Research Analyst, and many more. Some graduates may also choose to work in related fields such as sales, public relations, or advertising.

In addition, a Marketing degree can also serve as a stepping stone to further study. Graduates may choose to specialise in a particular area of marketing by pursuing a Master’s degree or a professional qualification from a body such as the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

A degree in marketing can open up a variety of career opportunities in many different industries and sectors. Some of the most common career paths for marketing graduates include:

1. Advertising: Advertising professionals create and manage campaigns to promote products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

2. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing professionals use digital channels to promote products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

3. Public Relations: Public relations professionals create and manage campaigns to shape public opinion. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

4. Market Research: Market research professionals analyse data to understand consumer behaviour and develop insights for businesses. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

5. Brand Management: Brand management professionals create and manage campaigns to build and maintain the reputation of a brand. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

6. Social Media: Social media professionals use digital channels to promote products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organization.

7. Sales: Sales professionals are responsible for generating revenue by selling products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house

UK Admission Requirements

In order to be accepted into the University of Kent’s Marketing course, applicants must have achieved a minimum of ABB at A-Level or equivalent qualifications. Additionally, applicants must have a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English Language and Mathematics.

This entry criteria is fairly standard when compared to other universities offering similar courses. Most universities require applicants to have achieved ABB or higher at A-Level or equivalent qualifications, as well as a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. Some universities may also require applicants to have achieved a specific grade in a specific subject, such as a grade B in Mathematics or a grade A in English Language.

In addition to these entry requirements, applicants may also need to submit a personal statement, references, and/or a portfolio of work. This will vary from university to university.

UK Earnings Potential For Marketers

The average earnings for someone with a degree in marketing will vary depending on the individual’s experience, location, and the specific job they are pursuing. Generally speaking, the median salary for marketing professionals in the United Kingdom is £30,000 per year. However, salaries can range from £20,000 to £60,000 or more depending on the individual’s experience and the specific job they are pursuing.

Recent trends in the marketing job market have seen an increase in demand for digital marketing skills, such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. As a result, individuals with experience in these areas tend to earn higher salaries than those without. Additionally, the demand for marketing professionals is expected to continue to grow in the coming years as businesses increasingly rely on digital marketing strategies to reach their target audiences.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to marketing include Business Management, Business Studies, and Economics. These courses all focus on understanding the principles of business and the economy, but they differ in their approach.

Business Management focuses on the practical application of business principles, such as strategic planning, operations management, and financial management.

Business Studies focuses on the theoretical aspects of business, such as the nature of competition, the structure of markets, and the role of government in the economy.

Economics focuses on the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions and how those decisions affect the economy as a whole. All of these courses provide a valuable foundation for a career in marketing, but they differ in their approach and focus.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in a university course in marketing include:

  • Introduction to Marketing: This module introduces students to the core concepts of marketing, including the 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place), customer segmentation, market research, and the marketing mix.
  • Consumer Behaviour: This module explores the factors that influence consumer decision-making, including psychological, cultural, and societal influences. It also covers topics such as consumer motivation, attitude formation, and consumer loyalty.
  • Strategic Marketing: This module covers topics such as market segmentation, product positioning, and brand management. It also explores the role of marketing in the overall business strategy.
  • Digital Marketing: This module covers the use of digital marketing tools such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing.
  • Advertising and Promotion: This module covers topics such as advertising strategy, media planning, and creative development.
  • International Marketing: This module explores the challenges and opportunities of marketing in a global context. It covers topics such as market entry strategies, cultural differences, and global marketing campaigns.

Practical work and hands-on experience are important part of a university course in marketing. Students will be expected to complete a range of assignments, such as market research projects, advertising campaigns, and digital marketing campaigns. They may also be required to participate in group projects, such as creating a marketing plan for a business.

Alumni Network

One notable alum from the University of Pennsylvania’s Marketing course is Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn. Jeff graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. After graduating, he went on to become a successful entrepreneur, investor, and executive.

At LinkedIn, Jeff has been instrumental in helping the company become one of the most successful professional networking sites in the world. He has led the company to become a leader in the digital marketing space, helping to connect professionals from all over the world.

The University of Pennsylvania offers a number of alumni events and networking opportunities for its marketing alumni. One of the most popular events is the annual Marketing Alumni Reception, which is held in the fall. At this event, alumni can network with other professionals in the field, as well as learn about new developments in the industry. Additionally, the university also hosts a number of other events throughout the year, such as the Marketing Career Fair, which is held in the spring.

The University of Pennsylvania also offers its alumni the opportunity to join the Penn Alumni Network, which provides access to exclusive resources, events, and networking opportunities. Through this network, alumni can stay connected with their peers and stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the marketing field.

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  • Personal Statements
  • Marketing Personal Statement

Marketing Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

Is marketing an art or a science? Is it an informative blessing or an intrusive curse? Everyone has a different opinion on the subject, but for me, marketing is one thing above all; marketing is fun. I believe it has to be, or it simply won’t work. The days of information style announcements are long gone.

These days the advertiser must entertain and amuse their target audience if they want to have any hope of getting their message heard in the melee of modern media. This is the unspoken bargain that we all enter into.

I love the combination of strategy and creativity that makes a really good campaign. I always smile at clever, inventive media buying, where the company has really worked hard to match their product to the TV show or environment that it is being advertised in. I admire teaser campaigns that intrigue you and draw you in, despite our natural cynicism. And I love clever creative ideas that make you laugh and make you buy something, both at the same time.

I have always been a good persuader, and have been able to talk my way into, or out of, pretty much anything from an early age. I have developed this ability into the written word, writing copy that captures the imagination and gets people to act. Whenever there is a school production or a fundraising drive, I am usually called upon to come up with the words, and often the overall theme too.

To back up my interest in marketing, I have chosen my A-levels carefully. I chose psychology to help me understand how people’s minds work and mathematics, so that I could understand the inevitable figures and statistics that are needed to analyse a campaign. I also studied English Literature, partly to hone my writing skills, but also because I love to study other writing styles.

I wish I could say that I had the art skills to back up my marketing aspirations, but sadly I cannot create pictures with pencils and paints as easily as I can with words. Nonetheless, I have taken GCSE Art in my free periods to try and improve what ability I have, so that I can at least communicate my ideas to more skilled artists within a creative team.

I am keen on amateur dramatics, and love the way that a whole team has to pull together to make a production work, from the actors to the kid who works the curtains. I think that this has been good experience for a career in an advertising agency where teamwork is equally important. I also have a part time job at the local Tesco store, where I get to observe first hand how consumers react to the hundreds of different marketing messages they are bombarded with in the store. I am fascinated by human behaviour and relish the chance to see it up close as I anonymously stack the shelves nearby.

My ambition is to work my way up through the industry, building a reputation, until one day I am able to open an advertising agency of my own. 

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personal statement university marketing

How to write a postgraduate marketing personal statement

How to start your postgraduate personal statement, dos and don’ts.

  • Use active voice
  • Ensure good spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Only use truthful information
  • Remain specific throughout
  • Keep sentences short and concise
  • Use paragraphing for easy readability
  • Tailor everything specifically to the university
  • Use clichés
  • Copy online examples directly, do take inspiration
  • Go off on a tangent, keep it concise
  • Copy your CV word for word, keep it interesting

personal statement university marketing

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  • Fashion Marketing Personal Statement Examples

As you embark on your journey to pursue a career in the dynamic world of fashion marketing , your personal statement will play a crucial role in helping you get into a university in the UK . Find below successful fashion marketing personal statement examples . 

Fashion Marketing Personal Statement Example

My passion for fashion marketing was ignited by the vibrant and dynamic world depicted in the popular Netflix series, “Emily in Paris.” From a young age, I was fascinated by the endless possibilities of self-expression through fashion, and the role it played in shaping our perceptions of the world. This fascination led me to pursue a deeper understanding of the industry, and I was soon travelling to some of the world’s most iconic fashion capitals such as Milan, Paris, and London, to experience the latest trends and styles firsthand.

My passion was further fueled by a life-changing internship at the prestigious Pearl Lemon PR in New York, where I had the opportunity to work alongside seasoned professionals and gain hands-on experience in the field. During my time there, I was able to develop my skills in various aspects of fashion marketing, from managing social media campaigns to conducting market research and analysis. I was also able to develop important relationships within the industry, and I believe that this experience will be invaluable as I move forward in my career.

In addition to my passion and experience, I am confident that my academic background will enable me to succeed in fashion marketing. My AAA levels in English, Maths, and Sociology have prepared me with a strong foundation in communication, critical thinking, and data analysis. English has allowed me to effectively express my thoughts and ideas, while Maths has given me a solid understanding of numbers and statistics, which are essential in determining market trends. Sociology has provided me with a broad understanding of human behaviour, which is crucial in understanding consumer preferences and behaviour.

I am eager to bring my passion, experience, and skills to a UK university and further my education in fashion marketing. I am confident that my unique blend of experience, education, and passion makes me an ideal candidate for a university program in this field. I am eager to contribute to the success of a university, and I am excited about the opportunities that a UK education will provide me to grow both professionally and personally. I am committed to working hard and embracing new challenges, and I believe that a degree in fashion marketing from a UK university will be the perfect platform for me to launch my career in this exciting and dynamic industry.

Fashion Marketing Personal Statements

I have always been driven by a passion for creativity and a love for the finer details. I am eager to study Fashion Marketing as I believe this will provide me with the ideal platform to showcase my flair for fashion, as well as allow me to demonstrate my strong literary skills. The course promises to offer me a unique opportunity to learn new techniques, develop new skills, and challenge myself in ways that I have never experienced before.

I have always had a deep-rooted passion for writing and I am proud to say that several of my poems were published in the “Peotry writers” anthology before I had even entered secondary school. Writing and fashion have always been my preferred forms of self-expression and I am eager to find a way to bring these two worlds together. I envision a future where I can use my writing skills to bring new ideas to life within the fashion industry and create a fresh approach to journalism and literature.

My experiences studying Sociology, Media, and English Language at A Level, have provided me with specific skills that have helped me to grow and develop creatively. The English Language was my favourite subject, and I relished the opportunity to focus on topics that were important to me, as well as learn a wide variety of linguistic and language techniques. Media Studies was also an exciting subject for me as it allowed me to develop and edit a mock-up independent magazine, focusing on a genre of my choice. I chose to study the music industry, and I was able to learn about various forms of media promotion, advertising, and film. I was able to work as part of a creative team and participate in group activities, and I have developed the ability to work independently and collaboratively.

I love the freedom that comes with the humanities and the arts, and I appreciate the ability to express myself creatively without feeling tied down to any specific “idea”. The freedom to explore my vision and perspective is what sets these subjects apart from the more factual and scientific-based subjects.

I am currently documenting my photographs and personal reflections on my Tiktok blog, and I enjoy experimenting with different visuals and imagery. Over the years, I have become interested in a wide range of creative ideas, and I am particularly inspired by photographers such as Anna-Lou Leibovitz and Amber Asaly, whose works have been featured in my favourite magazines such as Galore and Vogue.

I have already taken a course in Fashion Marketing and Promotion at the University of Liverpool, but I was disappointed to find that the course placed a heavy emphasis on the practical side of fashion, with little focus on the academic marketing and business aspects that initially attracted me to the course.

The opportunity to study Fashion Marketing and Management is incredibly appealing to me as I have a deep-seated passion for writing, as well as a strong interest in the business aspect of the fashion industry. I believe that my passion for fashion and my focus on academics will make me an excellent candidate for the course. I am confident that I will bring something new and diverse to the subject and the industry, and I am eager to embark on this exciting journey.

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The Perfect Personal Statement

By UM News 10-17-2017

Your personal statement is an important component of your application to one of UOnline’s graduate programs. Starting your statement can be the hardest part, and often it is hard to decide what to write about or write about yourself. We asked our enrollment advisors what they look for in each applicant’s personal statement to help you create a personal statement that clearly communicates why you are a good fit for UOnline.

Before we discuss what should be included in your personal statement, let’s identify what your personal statement should   not   be. Your personal statement should not:

  • Re-iterate your resume in different wording
  • Be longer than one page
  • Be general or applicable to any program or school
  • Contain grammar or spelling errors

Your personal statement should tell us about who you are and your motivation for being an online student. You also want to clearly state your professional or personal goals and how you intend to reach them should you get admitted to the program.


Your first paragraph should introduce yourself and your professional or personal goals. If you have multiple goals we recommend listing them in bullets. This section should be concise and clearly define why you are interested in the program.  

Ex.] Both journalism and science have been passions of mine since I was a child. I am intrigued by the inner-workings of the world around me and always looking to understand the unknown. As a professional, I advanced my passion by pursuing a career as a marketing professional in the tech industry. I would like to enhance my professional experience by developing an in-depth understanding of communication theory as well as current academic research to become a more innovative and effective marketing professional.

The next section of your personal statement will discuss your academic experience. Utilize this section to explain any inconsistencies in your past academic history and how you have overcome those challenges and applied it to your current career. If your major does not reflect your current interests or career path, that is okay. However, use this section to explain why or how you decided to pursue other interests.

Ex.] As an undergraduate at [School Redacted] I majored in Life Science Communication, a program that required both science and mass communication courses. The program was the perfect combination of my interests as it allowed me to research and write about subjects I desired to learn more about such as food science and nutrition.  While my GPA was not as high as I would have liked, I learned valuable lessons of time management by balancing a part-time job and a demanding course schedule. As a professional,l I continue to use the rhetorical and technical writing skills I acquired to communicate complex, scientific concepts to a broader audience.

In this section, explain where you are in your current career. If you want to change careers, explain why. Additionally, include information about how you believe advancing your education will help you reach your professional goals. This is a great place to discuss what you have already done to advance your professional goals.

Ex. As an Account Manager, I employ many of the communication skills. I often have to explain complicated technology in emails as well as create educational material explaining complex processes. There is a need for communication professionals who are able to effectively market and comprehend products in a constantly evolving technical landscape.

I would like to enhance my professional experience by advancing my education and expanding the radius of my marketing knowledge to specific areas such as public relations, qualitative and quantitative research, and digital design and production. These courses will add insight to the current practices and strategies I use at [Name Redacted].  

Why UOnline

Finally, tell us why you choose this program and how this program is going to get you to where you want to be. We want to know not only why you are a good fit for UOnline, but why you believe UOnline is a good fit for you.

Ex. Personally, I have always valued learning and constantly expanding my world-view. I would like to continue my education as a University of Miami student to advance professionally within the tech industry. I am driven to do what it takes to complete the master’s program with a well-rounded understanding of communication management.

My unique professional experience in both print and digital communications combined with my educational background has prepared me to succeed in the X Program with the University of Miami. I am eager to advance my education and become an effective communications professional. 

Ready to Apply? 

If you would like more information about completing your personal statement, your application, or one of UOnline's graduate programs, please contact an enrollment advisor at 800.411.2290 or you can  chat  with them online. Or  visit the  site  for more information.  

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Business and Management (Marketing) Personal Statement

Living in London, which is ranked as the number one city for business , innovation and culture, exposes me to the world of economics and business on a daily basis. It was a lecture from the NBCUniversal Vice President of Digital Marketing, Neil Wirasinha, that first opened my eyes to marketing and its potential. His lecture described the various marketing techniques used to promote the film Fast and Furious 7 and I was fascinated to learn about the interplay between traditional forms of marketing and newer digital marketing techniques, and how these overarching strands of the global campaign were realised for individual countries and audiences. I think it would have been exciting to work on this campaign which aided the film to break several box office records and go on to take $1.5 billion worldwide. I hope that one day I will be able to say I worked on such an inspiring campaign and that my marketing ideas could have the sort of influence and impact that would lead to such incredible success.

I currently study A-Levels in Media, Film Studies and English Language. I believe these have taught me many transferable skills as well as providing me with a strong understanding of marketing principles. In Media Studies, I have learnt about marketing strategies used by key media industries and have developed my own marketing campaign to accompany my practical production of a film trailer/music video. In FIlm Studies I have learnt about a variety of marketing strategies used in the film industry from utilising digital technologies for viral campaigns to how marketing can help British film survive in the shadow of Hollywood to how marketing can be used to help create success for foreign films. English Language has taught me about the power of words and has helped hone my ability to use language in a clear and effective manner, which is useful in order to create successful marketing campaigns that appeal to the target audience. All three subjects have helped develop my analytical and critical thinking skills as they allow me to analyse and understand the construction and influence of a variety of different media products and texts.

I was very pleased to win a place on my school’s Media Academy programme. This has benefitted me greatly and led to some fantastic opportunities, including a six-week paid internship at Global Blue Inc which is a tourism shopping magazine company. Through this internship I gained knowledge and experience of the world of work and gained a great insight into marketing and the importance of brands. During the internship I was tasked with researching different fashion brands from all over Europe and Asia, making phone calls to potential clients abroad and setting up schedules for my group. This helped develop my networking and organisational skills which I feel will be beneficial at university. I also volunteered at the Hunter Fashion Show during London Fashion Week which helped polish my leadership and communication skills. As this was a live event these skills were critical in order to ensure the smooth running of the event. Fortunately I remained calm under pressure and was thrilled to be able to contribute to the success of the show.

I am a conscientious, hardworking young person who is reliable and eager to learn new skills. I enjoy working in a fast paced environment and always bring a positive energy to the team. I can work well independently or as part of a larger team. In my spare time I love to play sports and watch films and documentaries. I have a real interest in marketing, as evidenced by the fact I have already gained two marketing work placements. I look forward to furthering my knowledge and passion of marketing by undertaking a degree in the subject. I am also looking forward to experiencing all the opportunities university life has to offer. As Cesare Pavese said, “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” I just hope to have many of these ‘moments’ myself during my time at university.

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Postgraduate international marketing personal statement example.

Businesses are woven into every part of our lives and marketing plays a key role in influencing our decisions. By understanding and developing relationships with consumers, businesses can be less obtrusive and more enriching to our lives; this in turn will grow more sustainable businesses.

This intersection between people and brands is a key area of interest which I am determined to build my knowledge and career on.

During my BSc course, emphasis was placed on observing user behaviour to find key insights. The empathy this human centred method gave me ultimately led to better designed products and services. I applied this to my role at Studio Make Believe as I analysed brand identities and the way they were perceived, to design products that effectively communicated their stories.

I also developed a research document expressing key insights for potential growth areas that the brand implemented. I saw the importance of marketing to develop creative strategies for more effective brand experiences.

Presenting products to clients and negotiating prices with suppliers gave me a practical outlook on the entire product lifecycle as well as the challenges of communicating across cultures. Due to these interactions, I am eager to learn strategic methods of branding and business management on an international platform.

I have been influenced by talks on the theory of affordances and explored the practical applications of behavioural economics in the International Design Camp. I collaborated with students from various disciplines to design services that would improve dental health in young children.

The experience made me considerate of many possible applications to marketing practices. I am eager to apply this design thinking and develop analytical skills in the Consumer Behaviour module. In the near future, I aim to pursue a career orienting brands and market research.

A personal endeavour to start my own business began as I travelled parts of India to better understand a culture I am a part of but have not really known. I noticed brands that we are familiar with at home were portrayed slightly differently to suit lifestyles of eastern consumers, whilst retaining their core image.

This drew me to connect with local manufacturers to design modern homewares, uniting traditional materials with a strong sense of functionality, that could be well received in western lifestyles. I saw the narrative of the collaborative process as a strong selling point.

Working with small communities to evolve dying crafts was a rewarding experience despite challenges of language barriers and differences in work ethic. I plan to turn this passion into a business. Taking this course would equip me with the practical and theoretical knowledge of all aspects of international marketing to achieve my long-term goal of making it a success.

Working as a manager and tutor for a local business has fed my appetite for analytical thinking. The learning environment has been advantageous to my creative career as it demands a flexible mind. I have seen the business grow from its humble beginnings, allowing me to see the value of marketing in the many roles I took, from designing the logo to managing other people.

I have seen the importance of the relationship between people and business on small and large scales. I believe this is more vital now to due globalisation and ever-growing digital economy. Businesses must now work harder to understand global cultures and values whilst upholding their own identity. Therefore International Marketing is crucial in grasping this area.

The research environment at King’s would allow me to build on insights which are critical to uncovering practical solutions to close this gap. I hope to contribute to discussions and develop knowledge for my personal development. I strive to better myself and would be honoured to resume my studies at King’s. The international reputation and global environment would stimulate and support my development.

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There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

Author's Comments

I applied to King's college London for the International Marketing MSc. My BSc was in product design and I graduated with a 1st class degree. I didn't have much experience in marketing when I applied but I recieved an unconditional offer.

This personal statement is unrated

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Personal Statement - Fashion Marketing and Promotion

Fashion marketing and promotion personal statement.

I very often get my motivation to start the day from the anticipation of the outfit I have planned. I also find inspiration in observing the extremely interesting and diverse ensembles we are treated to in this metropolis that is London, particularly Covent Garden. From classic outfits with a modern twist, to those with an unconventional mix of colour. However I find myself visually tweaking a colour or cut that I believe would enhance the person's complexion or figure.

Taking this interest in fashion to an academic level is something I have wanted to do for many years now. My career has mainly been administrative roles within financial and IT consultancies in central London. Both my children, now six and three years old, will be in full time primary school by September 2009. I will then have a chance to fulfil a long-term ambition - to obtain a recognized qualification in fashion promotion. I am excited about the buying of ranges and how they are positioned on the shop floor, but also how to make the customer feel valued and in doing so, acquiring and maintaining brand loyalty.

I enjoyed working within corporate administration. My roles at Sucden (UK) Ltd. included consumables management, liaising with the IT department on behalf of the traders, and managing the performance of maintenance companies to ensure the best cover obtained for critical IT systems. I then worked at IBM (UK) Ltd. as an Emergency Contracts Administrator where I was responsible for authenticating customer credit, invoicing contracts, and updating and maintaining a customer billing database. Preceding this, an opportunity arose to apply for the position of Exec Secretary within IBM. Here I worked closely with an Executive, to provide day-to-day support as required on a personal and departmental level, for the smooth running of the organization. I brought this previous experience from a non-fashion background into my first and recent position within the fashion industry at The Australian Design Store. ( My work experience at ADS during the past year, i.e. 2008, has only proven that the fashion industry is where I am most excited, and the one I truly enjoy and aspire to.

At The Australian Design Store I was able to link my business background with the fashion and home-wares departments to great success. I was involved in the buying and promotion of all the lines, from the usual office tasks through to customer interaction at trade-shows. Preparation for trade-shows was particularly interesting, I was able to use my research skills to source prospective customers, prepare databases and manage invitations. The preparation of stands and promotion of the various products was invaluable experience which I believe, can be transferred and applied to fashion based study. Having formal knowledge of the concepts that achieve the promotion of a product for monetary profit, where domestic and global factors have to be considered is truly exciting.

I currently subscribe to The Appointment and Drapers, and my must-reads include Grazia, Vogue and Instyle magazines. I wish to pursue this course as I believe it provides practical knowledge of how to market fashion, with a trusted qualification that is attractive to employers. I am interested in the development of analytical skills, within a fashion marketing context. I also think the public relations unit is vital to a career within fashion promotion for networking purposes. In future, I hope to work initially for one of the small independent retailers within the Oxo Tower. So far I have approached two of these retailers with the prospect of obtaining further work experience.

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  • London College of Fashion - Offer  Firm
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Introducing Apple Intelligence, the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models at the core of iPhone, iPad, and Mac

MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro show new Apple Intelligence features.

New Capabilities for Understanding and Creating Language

A user opens the Writing Tools menu while working on an email, and is given the option to select Proofread or Rewrite.

Image Playground Makes Communication and Self‑Expression Even More Fun

The new Image Playground app is shown on iPad Pro.

Genmoji Creation to Fit Any Moment

A user creates a Genmoji of a person named Vee, designed to look like a race car driver.

New Features in Photos Give Users More Control

Three iPhone 15 Pro screens show how users can create Memory Movies.

Siri Enters a New Era

A user types to Siri on iPhone 15 Pro.

A New Standard for Privacy in AI

ChatGPT Gets Integrated Across Apple Platforms

An iPhone 15 Pro user enters a prompt for Siri that reads, “I have fresh salmon, lemons, tomatoes. Help me plan a 5-course meal with a dish for each taste bud.”

Text of this article

June 10, 2024


Setting a new standard for privacy in AI, Apple Intelligence understands personal context to deliver intelligence that is helpful and relevant

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today introduced Apple Intelligence , the personal intelligence system for iPhone, iPad, and Mac that combines the power of generative models with personal context to deliver intelligence that’s incredibly useful and relevant. Apple Intelligence is deeply integrated into iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia. It harnesses the power of Apple silicon to understand and create language and images, take action across apps, and draw from personal context to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. With Private Cloud Compute, Apple sets a new standard for privacy in AI, with the ability to flex and scale computational capacity between on-device processing and larger, server-based models that run on dedicated Apple silicon servers.

“We’re thrilled to introduce a new chapter in Apple innovation. Apple Intelligence will transform what users can do with our products — and what our products can do for our users,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “Our unique approach combines generative AI with a user’s personal context to deliver truly helpful intelligence. And it can access that information in a completely private and secure way to help users do the things that matter most to them. This is AI as only Apple can deliver it, and we can’t wait for users to experience what it can do.”

Apple Intelligence unlocks new ways for users to enhance their writing and communicate more effectively. With brand-new systemwide Writing Tools built into iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, users can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text nearly everywhere they write, including Mail, Notes, Pages, and third-party apps.

Whether tidying up class notes, ensuring a blog post reads just right, or making sure an email is perfectly crafted, Writing Tools help users feel more confident in their writing. With Rewrite, Apple Intelligence allows users to choose from different versions of what they have written, adjusting the tone to suit the audience and task at hand. From finessing a cover letter, to adding humor and creativity to a party invitation, Rewrite helps deliver the right words to meet the occasion. Proofread checks grammar, word choice, and sentence structure while also suggesting edits — along with explanations of the edits — that users can review or quickly accept. With Summarize, users can select text and have it recapped in the form of a digestible paragraph, bulleted key points, a table, or a list.

In Mail, staying on top of emails has never been easier. With Priority Messages, a new section at the top of the inbox shows the most urgent emails, like a same-day dinner invitation or boarding pass. Across a user’s inbox, instead of previewing the first few lines of each email, they can see summaries without needing to open a message. For long threads, users can view pertinent details with just a tap. Smart Reply provides suggestions for a quick response, and will identify questions in an email to ensure everything is answered.

Deep understanding of language also extends to Notifications. Priority Notifications appear at the top of the stack to surface what’s most important, and summaries help users scan long or stacked notifications to show key details right on the Lock Screen, such as when a group chat is particularly active. And to help users stay present in what they’re doing, Reduce Interruptions is a new Focus that surfaces only the notifications that might need immediate attention, like a text about an early pickup from daycare.

In the Notes and Phone apps, users can now record, transcribe, and summarize audio. When a recording is initiated while on a call, participants are automatically notified, and once the call ends, Apple Intelligence generates a summary to help recall key points.

Apple Intelligence powers exciting image creation capabilities to help users communicate and express themselves in new ways. With Image Playground, users can create fun images in seconds, choosing from three styles: Animation, Illustration, or Sketch. Image Playground is easy to use and built right into apps including Messages. It’s also available in a dedicated app, perfect for experimenting with different concepts and styles. All images are created on device, giving users the freedom to experiment with as many images as they want.

With Image Playground, users can choose from a range of concepts from categories like themes, costumes, accessories, and places; type a description to define an image; choose someone from their personal photo library to include in their image; and pick their favorite style.

With the Image Playground experience in Messages, users can quickly create fun images for their friends, and even see personalized suggested concepts related to their conversations. For example, if a user is messaging a group about going hiking, they’ll see suggested concepts related to their friends, their destination, and their activity, making image creation even faster and more relevant.

In Notes, users can access Image Playground through the new Image Wand in the Apple Pencil tool palette, making notes more visually engaging. Rough sketches can be turned into delightful images, and users can even select empty space to create an image using context from the surrounding area. Image Playground is also available in apps like Keynote, Freeform, and Pages, as well as in third-party apps that adopt the new Image Playground API.

Taking emoji to an entirely new level, users can create an original Genmoji to express themselves. By simply typing a description, their Genmoji appears, along with additional options. Users can even create Genmoji of friends and family based on their photos. Just like emoji, Genmoji can be added inline to messages, or shared as a sticker or reaction in a Tapback.

Searching for photos and videos becomes even more convenient with Apple Intelligence. Natural language can be used to search for specific photos, such as “Maya skateboarding in a tie-dye shirt,” or “Katie with stickers on her face.” Search in videos also becomes more powerful with the ability to find specific moments in clips so users can go right to the relevant segment. Additionally, the new Clean Up tool can identify and remove distracting objects in the background of a photo — without accidentally altering the subject.

With Memories, users can create the story they want to see by simply typing a description. Using language and image understanding, Apple Intelligence will pick out the best photos and videos based on the description, craft a storyline with chapters based on themes identified from the photos, and arrange them into a movie with its own narrative arc. Users will even get song suggestions to match their memory from Apple Music. As with all Apple Intelligence features, user photos and videos are kept private on device and are not shared with Apple or anyone else.

Powered by Apple Intelligence, Siri becomes more deeply integrated into the system experience. With richer language-understanding capabilities, Siri is more natural, more contextually relevant, and more personal, with the ability to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. It can follow along if users stumble over words and maintain context from one request to the next. Additionally, users can type to Siri, and switch between text and voice to communicate with Siri in whatever way feels right for the moment. Siri also has a brand-new design with an elegant glowing light that wraps around the edge of the screen when Siri is active.

Siri can now give users device support everywhere they go, and answer thousands of questions about how to do something on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Users can learn everything from how to schedule an email in the Mail app, to how to switch from Light to Dark Mode.

With onscreen awareness, Siri will be able to understand and take action with users’ content in more apps over time. For example, if a friend texts a user their new address in Messages, the receiver can say, “Add this address to his contact card.”

With Apple Intelligence, Siri will be able to take hundreds of new actions in and across Apple and third-party apps. For example, a user could say, “Bring up that article about cicadas from my Reading List,” or “Send the photos from the barbecue on Saturday to Malia,” and Siri will take care of it.

Siri will be able to deliver intelligence that’s tailored to the user and their on-device information. For example, a user can say, “Play that podcast that Jamie recommended,” and Siri will locate and play the episode, without the user having to remember whether it was mentioned in a text or an email. Or they could ask, “When is Mom’s flight landing?” and Siri will find the flight details and cross-reference them with real-time flight tracking to give an arrival time.

To be truly helpful, Apple Intelligence relies on understanding deep personal context while also protecting user privacy. A cornerstone of Apple Intelligence is on-device processing, and many of the models that power it run entirely on device. To run more complex requests that require more processing power, Private Cloud Compute extends the privacy and security of Apple devices into the cloud to unlock even more intelligence.

With Private Cloud Compute, Apple Intelligence can flex and scale its computational capacity and draw on larger, server-based models for more complex requests. These models run on servers powered by Apple silicon, providing a foundation that allows Apple to ensure that data is never retained or exposed.

Independent experts can inspect the code that runs on Apple silicon servers to verify privacy, and Private Cloud Compute cryptographically ensures that iPhone, iPad, and Mac do not talk to a server unless its software has been publicly logged for inspection. Apple Intelligence with Private Cloud Compute sets a new standard for privacy in AI, unlocking intelligence users can trust.

Apple is integrating ChatGPT access into experiences within iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, allowing users to access its expertise — as well as its image- and document-understanding capabilities — without needing to jump between tools.

Siri can tap into ChatGPT’s expertise when helpful. Users are asked before any questions are sent to ChatGPT, along with any documents or photos, and Siri then presents the answer directly.

Additionally, ChatGPT will be available in Apple’s systemwide Writing Tools, which help users generate content for anything they are writing about. With Compose, users can also access ChatGPT image tools to generate images in a wide variety of styles to complement what they are writing.

Privacy protections are built in for users who access ChatGPT — their IP addresses are obscured, and OpenAI won’t store requests. ChatGPT’s data-use policies apply for users who choose to connect their account.

ChatGPT will come to iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia later this year, powered by GPT-4o. Users can access it for free without creating an account, and ChatGPT subscribers can connect their accounts and access paid features right from these experiences.


Apple Intelligence is free for users, and will be available in beta as part of iOS 18 , iPadOS 18 , and macOS Sequoia  this fall in U.S. English. Some features, software platforms, and additional languages will come over the course of the next year. Apple Intelligence will be available on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English. For more information, visit .

Press Contacts

Cat Franklin

[email protected]

Jacqueline Roy

[email protected]

Apple Media Helpline

[email protected]

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