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191 Interesting Theology Research Paper Topics For You To Try

theology research paper topics

Do you know how to write a theology paper? Well, first you will need to find and research the best topic that you are interested in. However, it can be frustrating to some extent when you are not sure of what is expected of you, and what to do your research on.

As students, you need to consult your professors in college to know the best topic to choose for your research. Hence, be assured that after you decide on a topic, we will provide online help from there.

It can be difficult to find the right research topic for your University project. However, we have made it easier for you! We have provided a variety of topics that you can choose from.

Theology Research Paper Topics

Most of these topics are based on Christianity research paper topics. They help you visualize more how religion and society correlate. They are based on the various values and evidence behind them.

  • The issues that cause immorality in the church.
  • The role of religious institutions in ensuring peace and harmony.
  • The influence of the different church doctrines on Education development.
  • The effectiveness of faith in Christian life and how it impacts people.
  • What are the major contributors to divisions in the church?
  • The Biblical examination of why there are divisions in the church.
  • The Christian model of living and how it impacts society.
  • The religious conflicts in different parts of the world.
  • How persistent violence affects religious institutions.
  • The principles of religious institutions funding.
  • The role of religious institutions in state politics.
  • The impact of transformational leadership on leader’s performance.
  • The impact of a church minister’s family relationship on the growth of the church.
  • The implication of the involvement of religious institutions in politics.
  • The leadership styles and welfare programs impact salvation.
  • The major effects of servant leadership on Pentecostal fellowship.
  • Evaluate the impact of church leadership on church growth.
  • How does leadership affect the growth of churches?
  • How do parental curses affect the spiritual growth of children?

Theological Essay Topics

These are topics that you can use for your theological essays. They are simple to comprehend and will help you to get a better understanding of religion. They are also based on the beliefs of society.

  • Factors responsible for the division of people in religious institutions.
  • The moral effect of premarital sex among young teenagers.
  • Evaluate the effect of the sectarian crisis in the church.
  • How does parenting affect spiritual growth in children?
  • The impact of church separation at different ages for spiritual growth.
  • The truth behind speaking in tongues and its influence on spiritual growth.
  • Evaluate the impact of the use of new technology in providing spiritual growth to individuals.
  • The influence of the relation between the laity and clergy in building the church.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on society.
  • The various Christian ethics and impact on the church growth.
  • Do churches contribute to healthy living in society?
  • Illustrate the cardinal dimension of the Christina CSR – Corporate social responsibilities.
  • Evaluate proliferation and its impact on religious institutions.
  • Nature and faith roles for a Christian.
  • How does the administration of a religious institution affect its growth?
  • The nature and role of faith in different religions.
  • The effect of different denominations in the growth of the church.
  • Evaluate the accepted Christian life and its impact on society.
  • Describe Christianity as a way of life.

More Theology Paper Topics

These are other topics that are broad enough for any research paper. You just need to do proper research, consult your university professor, and choose the best topic for you. It will create a better understanding of theology.

  • The principles that guide church finance in the New Testament.
  • Evaluate the Roman Catholicism.
  • The influence of the religious doctrines in the church.
  • Evaluate the impact of objectification of religion.
  • Evaluate the Russian factory and evangelical church.
  • The Church and theological concepts.
  • Evaluate the Biblical insight on sexuality.
  • Understanding hope, faith, and other theological virtues.
  • What is Eschatology? The role in the life of a believer.
  • Evaluate the Rule of St Benedict through Humility, obedience, and justice.
  • According to Boethius, what is the origin of evil?
  • Explain happiness according to Thomas Aquinas.
  • Analyze the Philosophical arguments against or for the existence of God.
  • Evaluate Augustine’s political and social opinions.
  • Evaluate the relationship between science and theology.
  • Show the life and science of Giordana Bruno.
  • The best response to trauma according to theology.
  • The best response to loss and betrayal is based on Theology.
  • Evaluate the temptation in the garden and its influence on current life.

Research Topics in Theology

Are you looking for the best research topics in theology? Why not start with these? They are based on modern society and religions.

  • Evaluate the two views of theology and their impact on current life.
  • Provide a comparison between Armenians and classic Calvinism.
  • Evaluate the triumph of Armenians and its dangers.
  • Examine the Christian doctrine of security.
  • Evaluate God’s foreknowledge and human freedom and the problems associated with it.
  • Examine God’s immutability aspect and influence on everyday life.
  • Provide a detailed paper on the Biblical perspective of the tension of the son of God’s death as predestined by God.
  • Evaluate the pre-existence of the Son of God.
  • Examine the existence of God’s son concerning the historical dimension of the Biblical witness to God.
  • Evaluate the modern inerrancy debate and its impact on the church.
  • Discuss the reflections on the Theology of Worship.
  • Distinguish between the scripture and culture and impact on the society.
  • Distinguish humans through atheism and secularism.
  • How is humanism portrayed in society?
  • Discuss the problem of natural evil and its impact on society.
  • Analyze the Biblical perspectives on the second coming of the son of God.
  • Provide the popular ideas on the second coming of Christ.
  • Discuss the nature of God and its relation with living beings.
  • What are the popular concepts surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ?
  • What are the speculations on the end times?

In Depth Theology Essay Topics

These are other theology essay topics that you can use. They are based on real-life circumstances and the consequences of some occurrences. They will help you get a better understanding of what you learn at school.

  • Evaluate the two Biblical stories and their impact on human understanding of creation.
  • Evaluate the protestant principle of faith alone as traced through Habakkuk and Paul.
  • How does faith impact how people live with each other in society?
  • Evaluate homosexuality as shown in the Bible.
  • Evaluate God’s love and human love.
  • Discuss Nehemiah’s life and the question of identity.
  • Explain synergism in fulfilling the mission of the Church.
  • How do you understand the term born again in Christianity?
  • What are the different views that people have about God?
  • What is subjected as Holy Living?
  • What justifies someone living a Holy life?
  • What is the importance of Christian creed, confessions, and catechism in Christianity
  • How do creeds of reformation help in faith-building?
  • Discuss the collection of Biblical studies, and theological reflections that address Women in the Ministry.
  • The impact of historical theology on modern Christianity.
  • Evaluate the heritage of Holiness in Christianity.
  • Evaluate the Day of the Lord and related metaphors in terms of Biblical passages.
  • What is the difference between prophetic and apocalyptic eschatology?

Bible Thesis Topics

The Bible is a great book, however, you need great intervention to understand it fully. Here are some topics that you can start with to understand the basis of the Bible.

  • Evaluate the Old Testament in the Bible as twenty passage
  • What are the implications of the day of the Lord and related metaphors of accountability?
  • Provide a literary analysis of the Book of Genesis.
  • Evaluate the term, “Limited God” in terms of His level of knowledge about humanity – new things he learns about humans
  • Analyze the Old Testament’s concept of the Torah from the Biblical traditions.
  • Evaluate the theoretical analysis of the Old Testament practice of sacrifice and how it differs from appeasement of the gods or physical means to forgiveness.
  • Evaluate the social ethics in the revelation and experience of God in human history.
  • Analyze the 4 Old Testament passages that use “us” to refer to God.
  • Evaluate Psalm 51 and the transformation language.
  • Evaluate Nehemiah and the Question of Identity.
  • Write an essay on the role of the wisdom and psalm traditions which provide a basis on the realities of life from a basis of Faith.
  • Analyze using different Bible passages on whether Jesus had to die.
  • What are the assumptions based on the death of Christ?
  • Evaluate the self-understanding of Jesus and its impact on society.
  • Analyze the social relationship of Jesus and its implication on modern life.
  • What is the relation between Jesus, Religion, and Politics?
  • Retrace the journey of Jesus Christ during his whole life.
  • What were the implications of the death of the Messiah?
  • What were the tensions involved in the overcoming of the death of the Messiah?
  • Analyze various passages in the book of Psalms and their impact on daily living.

Theological Discussion Topics

These topics are mainly based on discussions. This is on the various phenomenon and beliefs associated with them. They are also based on different religions across the world.

  • Evaluate the effect of the church in society in the 21 st century.
  • Evaluate Buddhism in Japan as compared to the one in China.
  • What are the basic ideas and beliefs behind honor killings in some religions?
  • What are the major differences between parables in the Bible and fairy tales?
  • Evaluate the organizational structures of the Buddhists n Thailand and other parts of the world.
  • Why do priests in certain religions never marry and stick to celibacy?
  • How was Jesus different from other prophets in the Bible?
  • How is the Islamic and Christian religion-related?
  • Evaluate the rise of mega-churches
  • Why abortion is strongly disregarded in Christianity?
  • What are the reproductive rights for women in Islam?
  • State the effects of homosexuality in different religions.
  • Provide the Biblical account of how the World was created.
  • The various effects of Greek culture on Christian theology.
  • Early Christian fellowship and encounter with Jesus.
  • Evaluate the sacred ceremonies in Christianity and their significance.
  • Discuss our ancestors and their spiritual beliefs.
  • Which scientific research and proofs disagree with Christian theology
  • Evaluate our ancestors and their spiritual beliefs

Religious Research Paper Topics

Have you ever thought of doing a religious research topic? Why not try any of these!. The topics will also help you get a better understanding of the world and various phenomena.

  • Discuss the emergence of the new religion and its effects.
  • Evaluate world science and religion.
  • Is there a big difference between the Christian and Islamic history?
  • Evaluate world religions with no God – how did people live?
  • Discuss the phenomenon and implications of the trickster gods.
  • Examine the influence of religion in theocratic states.
  • What are the effects of the Greek religion and European culture myths?
  • What is the impact of religion on modern Japan’s culture?
  • What are the considerations that children are innocent souls in the religious discourse?
  • Evaluate the polytheistic religion and mythology
  • Discuss the similarities of images of god and myths associated.
  • The role of women in Islam.
  • How does religion impact people’s daily life?
  • Evaluate animalism and totemism in the manifestation in the modern world.
  • What are the Greek myths and religion’s impact on the European culture?
  • Describe the phenomenon of trickster gods.
  • The similarities and differences of monotheistic religions.
  • Evaluate how atheism is a religion.
  • Evaluate the theocratic states and their influence on religion.
  • Is there an existence of world religions that have no gods?
  • Provide the history of Christianity.

Expanded Religious Topics to Write About

Do you know the best religious topics to write on? With the various topics at hand, it can be hard to choose one. However, these topics are unique and will make you get a different perspective on life.

  • What is the concept of the soul in different religions?
  • Evaluate the history of Judaism.
  • Evaluate the Nordic mythology and religion in the modern world.
  • Describe religious counseling versus classical psychology.
  • What is the attitude of sex in different religions?
  • Evaluate whether children are considered innocent in all religions.
  • Do you think faith can help overcome the harshness of puberty?
  • Examine female clergy in different religions.
  • Evaluate the concept of reincarnation in world religions.
  • Explain the history of Hinduism and its impact on Indian culture.
  • What is the impact of the crisis of faith in the world?
  • Is yoga a health or religious practice?
  • How is the afterlife considered in different religions?
  • Evaluate religion and economics.
  • Evaluate Confucianism and its impact on the modern world.
  • Discuss female clergy in different religions.
  • Debate whether a world full of so much evil can exist with an all-loving omnipotent God.
  • How do all religions lead to the same mountaintop?
  • How do wars use politics as a mask when religion is the core?
  • Is the Great Flood story known across all religions?

World Religions Research Paper Topics

These topics are mainly based on world religions and their impact on the modern world. The topics are broad to ensure you get a better understanding of the various religions in the world.

  • Can atheism be considered a religion on its own?
  • How are animalism and totems manifested in the modern world
  • Discuss the various philosophies such as post-modernism, fatalism, nihilism, and relativism
  • How military action is ethically justified through religion?
  • Can the religious leanings of a politician led to him or her losing an election?
  • Compare the modern Egyptian religious traditions to those from the presynaptic period.
  • Evaluation of what Confucianism is and its impact on the world.
  • How does the Gnostic faith different from modern Christianity?
  • How do new religions cannibalize the rituals that were being used in past religions?
  • How is the Bible different from all other books?
  • How does pure land Buddhism purport to reform the current Buddhist religion?
  • Discuss how God only exists in the minds of people who follow him?
  • How do the various religions deal with the end of the world?
  • Discuss the hypostatic union.
  • What was the Egyptian’s understanding of divinity’s existence?
  • Evaluate the existence of guardian angels and how one can be?

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186 Theology Topics for Discussion, Thesis, & Research Paper

As you may know, theology is the study of religion: its history, traditions, philosophy, morality, and literary works. Are you looking for theology topics? Here, you’ll find plenty of interesting theology topics to write about! Our extensive list includes ideas for a research paper, essay, and discussion, along with theology thesis topics. Read on to discover the most engaging biblical and Christian theology research paper topics and more!

🏆 Best Theology Topics for Discussion

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  • Saint Augustine vs Aquinas: Theological Approaches Comparison
  • Neo-Orthodoxy Theology: Barth, Brunner et al.
  • Psychology and Theology: Worldview Issues, and Models of Integration
  • “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” Book by McMinn
  • Scriptural Authority and Theological Interpretation
  • Theology: Virgin Mary as a Goddess
  • Apologetics as a Theological Discipline
  • Eternal Life in John’s Gospel: Theological Perspective Every human, at least once in their life, thought about receiving the gift of eternal life. Such a desire is quite reasonable because any person is afraid of the unknown.
  • “Christian Theology” by Millard J. Erickson In his book “Christian Theology”, Erikson critically examines the nature of Jesus Christ through a discussion of the most prominent theological trends and opinions.
  • The Ashari Theology in Sunni Islam The Ashari theology is among the early primary theologies establishing itself as the most important, dominant, and influential tradition of systematic theology in the Sunni Muslim.
  • Theological Translatability, Inspiration, and Authority in Religious Traditions The genesis of human inspiration is a major topic in almost every religion. Degrees of the authoritativeness of scriptures are another important thing in religious traditions.
  • Theological Reasoning as a Basis for Faith Theological reasoning strives to pose questions and answer them in terms of sacred theology. Meaning, essences, causes, distinctions, and so on compose the core of reason.
  • Theory and Theology of Helping People The theoretical approach to helping people is found in biblical, Christian, and Church values different from the psychology of helping people.
  • Missional Praxis: The Fruit of Theological Reflection Missional praxis is the “fruit” of theological reflection, the path to knowledge, perfection, and the acceptance of high, spiritual, and moral values.
  • Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects ​In theology, leadership has various meanings, but all have their foundation in Christ. All leaders aspire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and lead others to redemption.
  • Psychological and Theological Perspectives on Anthropology Psychological and theological perspectives on anthropology have some things in common; for example, they employ the scientific method to some extent.
  • Narrative Theology: Biblical Metanarrative Biblical metanarrative can underpin systematic and biblical theology, presenting a progressive narrative of God’s revelation to mankind.
  • The Importance of Theological Study of Film The research paper seeks to build a constructive discussion by defying the notion that although the theological study of films is trendy, it is ultimately a meaningless exercise.
  • Biblical Theology of Sexuality and Sex Sexuality, coupled with loyalty, is God’s gift for lovers who want to start a family and be with each other for a long time.
  • Understanding the Holy Trinity in Christian Theology The assertion the solo God lives as or in 3 mutually supernatural beings is a popular way to describe the Christian belief of the Holy Trinity.
  • Peculiarities of Religious Belief in Theology The intended audience is theologians and religious communities as well as all people interested in the issue of belief.
  • Liberation Theology in Mid-20th Century Latin America Liberation theology is a movement in Catholic beliefs and socioeconomic mobility which emerged in mid-20th century Latin America.
  • Lutheran Theology – Insights for Today’s Church Martin Luther’s theology started the reformation in Germany through his famous 95 Theses and, in doing so, helped model the contemporary society and Protestant Church.
  • Courage and Paul Tillich’s Philosophy and Theology The research argues that courage is not merely an ethical value but an ontological conception and is opposed by the classical purely moral perspective on courage.
  • Biblical Theology and How to Practice It Scholars have used different evangelical approaches to accurately articulate the significance of Christ-themed biblical theology and its prospects.
  • Theological Challenges Between Judaism and Christianity Judaism originated from the covenantal relationship between the Jews and God. Christianity emerged from Judaism, and both faiths believe that God is the creator of the universe.
  • The Limits of Language in Theology Apophatic theology suggests that everyone should try to reach beyond the image someone creates when speaking about God, his essence, or plans regarding humanity.
  • Thomas Aquinas: Philosopher and Theologian To this day, Aquinas is widely studied by the philosophy scholars all around the world as a great example of a pragmatic Christian theologian and philosopher.
  • Theology: Discipleship and a Healthy Church The report presents a disciple-making plan aimed to improve the organization’s efficiency in the task of making disciples and boost evangelistic efforts.
  • The Theology of Christ Through the Ancient Ecumenical Councils It is essential to trace the development of Christ’s theology through the ancient ecumenical councils and reflect on how they developed the Church’s understanding of Jesus.
  • Theology and Contextualization in Latin America This paper discusses theology and contextualization in Latin America and aims to give a full-fledged description of contextualization’s impact.
  • Predestination: The Theological Concept In theology, predestination is the belief that God has predetermined all events, generally concerning the person’s ultimate fate.
  • Theological Vision of “Pleasantville” by Gary Ross “Pleasantville” by Gary Ross is a movie that brilliantly shows how worldviews are transforming, causing rapid social change.
  • The Positioning of Systematic Theology The paper states that the purpose of theology is not to investigate God’s phenomenon but to explore issues of belief and approaches to following biblical teaching.
  • Christian Theology and World Religions: Christianity and Islam Christianity and Islam share many similarities, although they are two distinct religious traditions. The paper analyzes their similarities and differences.
  • Religious Study and Theology. I AM statements I AM statements are found both in the New and Old Testament. In the New Testament, the Gospel according to John emphasizes the statements.
  • “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” by Mark McMinn In “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling,” Mark McMinn comes up with a healing model, which involves need, sense of self, and relationship with God.
  • Global Mission Theology of Samuel Escobar In his thesis on Global Missions, Samuel Escobar, a Latin American theologian, argues that Christian theology is contextual.
  • Theology of Hope: Moltmann and Pannenberg This essay attempts to compare and contrast the theologies of Moltmann and Pannenberg within the rubric of Theology of Hope.
  • Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology The authors of the book “Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology” wanted to analyze the significance of Paul’s life to Christians.
  • Calvinism and Arminianism in Historical Theology Calvinism and Arminianism are theological systems that introduce methods to explain the relations which develop between God and people, which are directed to achieve salvation.
  • The Incarnation of Christ: Theological Survey The theory of the Incarnation of Christ is the central teaching of the Christian church. It says that God took a fleshly appearance and a human nature.
  • Early Christology: Historical Theology Historical theology provides research on the way that the Church has undergone interpreting the Scripture under various conditions determined by the different epochs.
  • The Old Testament Theology Review This paper provides the Old Testament theology review, including approaches to Old Testament theology, discussing God and creation, worship and sacrifice, God and the future.
  • Theology of Family Life, Marriage and Parenting Religious marriage is possible when a ceremony is conducted (simultaneously or separately, depending on religion) with the couple being wed in the eyes of God.
  • Liberation Theology and Its Expressions This essay delves into and delineates the uniqueness of three expressions of liberation theology within the context of each other.
  • Augustine and Organization of Latin Theology Donatists were exclusively an African schismatic sect who viewed themselves as the true heirs to Christianity and claimed to be the church of martyrs.
  • Book Review of “Paul the Jewish Theologian” by Young In the book “Paul the Jewish Theologian”, Young reveals Saul of Tarsus as a rejected individual who never departed from his Jewish roots.
  • Paul, the Jewish Theologian by B. H. Young The title of the selected book for this review is Paul, the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles.
  • Integrated Theory of Leadership from Theological Perspective This paper has demonstrated that the integrated theory of leadership relies on an adaptive leadership style and theological beliefs.
  • White Theology and Its Core Characteristics This paper looks at the factors that distinguish white theology and the ways in which it manifests itself in the Pentecostal church.
  • Theological Differences Within the Major Christian Traditions Christians are followers of Christ who use the bible as the primary religious book for conducting services and personal spiritual nourishment.
  • Divine Currency: The Theological Power of Money in the West Money in Christianity is a dangerous matter, which requires careful and proper management to stay on the path of Christ.
  • The Theology and Science Roles and Relationships The relationship between science and faith is a relevant topic in theology, and the synthetic approach is one of the most viable solutions.
  • The Religious Pluralism Theological Framework The current theological framework for responding to religious pluralism was significantly shaped by Alan Race’s threefold typology.
  • “Grace Without Nature”: Theological Understanding of the Imago Dei The essay “Grace without Nature” significantly contributes to expanding human understanding of the meaning of the formula imago Dei.
  • Integration Model: Theological Reasoning The paper dissects a case study of two couples who are unmarried. It references Piaget, Freud, and Sullivan’s psychological theories and offers adaptations.
  • Psychology and Christian Theology Integration Finding connections between psychology and Christian theology might be a first step toward integration, and an integrative perspective can lead to the search for parallels.
  • Latin American Liberation Theology Latin American liberation theology was the prime example of contextual theology manifesting in the region, where the praxis model or method of theology was utilized.
  • Natural Theology Book by William Paley In his book Natural Theology, William Paley paid considerable attention to the criticism of contemporary transformist concepts.
  • Theology: Japan’s View of Christianity Christianity is one of the most extensively practiced religions worldwide, and, in some countries, it even has the status of a state religion.
  • Liberation Theology and Gutierrez’s Contribution to It This essay will examine liberation theology’s background and provide a detailed overview of Gutierrez’s contribution to it.
  • Theological-Political Treatise According to Spinoza, superstition stems from the willingness of individuals not to link everything to certainty.
  • Biodiversity, Environmental Ethics and Theology This paper will focus on the issue of decreasing biodiversity, explaining how environmental ethics and theology apply to this problem.
  • The Holocaust Impact on Jewish Theology Holocaust had a major impact on Jewish theology by providing an earth-shattering tragedy the likes of which the Jewish have never seen in the past, to explain.
  • The Research of Theological History There is a hermeneutical problem in Genesis 1: other approaches exist apart from a traditional one; the summary approach to view entered theological debates in the twentieth century.
  • Theology in the Context of World Christianity Perception of shame and guilt in different cultures plays an important role in people’s personalities and their vision of the world itself.
  • Lutheran Theology and Its Implications for Contemporary Church and Society This study, therefore, focuses on Lutheran theology and explains why Luther can be regarded as the founder of the modern church and society.
  • Malcolm X, a Revolutionary. Philosophical Theology Malcolm X is the eminent personality of the 20th century, widely known for his combat against African-American harassment.
  • Theology Doctrine Universalism The purpose of this paper is to discuss universalism. Universalism is a doctrine in theology that refers to universal salvation.
  • Christian Theology and World Religions Religion in the context of human history has been a part of people’s existence for many centuries; for some, gods were the creators of the word and its masters.
  • Martin Luther King and His Theology Analysis Martin Luther was born in the age of Renaissance, which was blossoming with its artists and their works and which had a positive impact on the development of his personality.
  • Religious Studies and Theology: Paganism in the Military Paganism has spread far and wide in society. From academia to the military, the practice of paganism is being accepted and accommodated just like other religions.
  • Theology History: Forms of Beliefs Humans began to worship physical forms commonly seen around them in the form of oceans, mountains, the sun and the moon, animals, and even weather.
  • Theology Concepts Brief Review The gentiles were religiously accepted as Christians by the early Christians because they both common beliefs Jesus Christ.
  • Religious Studies & Theology: The Davidic Kingdom The paper is about David – one of the most prominent rulers who united many tribes and established a strong monarchy for the people of Judah and Israel.
  • Black Theology and Its Impact on Drug Addiction I have chosen the topic of Black Theology and its impact on drug addiction because I have experienced the impact of opioid addiction on my family.
  • Theology in the Enlightenment Age The enlightenment age started gaining momentum in the 13th when Thomas Aquinas recovered the Aristotelian logic that was primarily used in defending Christianity.
  • Evangelical Theology of Grenz and Olson This essay evaluates Evangelical Theology in terms of the affirmations of Grenz and Olson defining what God’s transcendence and immanence are in relation to Evangelical Theology.
  • Roman Catholic Theology of Rahner and Kung This article evaluates the theology of Rahner and Kung in terms of how much they pushed for the envelope of traditionally accepted Roman Catholic theology.
  • Process and Secular Theology: Tillich and Bonhoeffer This essay proceeds by delving into the connection between the theology of Tillich and Process Theology and the connections between the thoughts of Bonhoeffer and Secular Theology.
  • Marriage Theology Through the Protestant Reformation
  • Human Qualities Within Theology
  • Christian Theology and Greek Culture
  • The Youth and Islam Theology
  • Understanding Dialect, Philosophy, and Theology Through Scholasticism
  • Relationship Between Theology and Spirituality
  • Philosophy, Theology, and Ideology
  • Christian Worship Music and Theology
  • Roman Catholic Theology and Contemporary Culture
  • Relationship Between Science and Theology
  • Biblical Foundations for Health Theology
  • Theology and Theologians: Differences and Similarities
  • Biblical Foundation for Developing Contextual Theology
  • Immortality: Philosophy and Theology
  • Christian Theology and the Doctrine of Evangelism
  • Influential Ideas for Protestant Theology
  • The Universalism and Annihilationism Theology
  • Holy Trinity and Systematic Theology
  • Christian Theology, Family, and Marriage
  • Wesleyan Theology and the Concept of Salvation
  • The Theology and Anthropology of Mormonism
  • Appropriation, Politics, and Theology in the Gospel of Mark
  • Liberation Theology and the Catholic Church
  • Galileo Galilei and His Impact Theology
  • Sexual Theology: Biblical Insight on Sexuality
  • Wilfred Cantwell Smith’s World Theology
  • Understanding Political Theology and Its Application in the Canadian Democracy
  • The Most Important Contribution to Eucharist Theology
  • Relationship Between Theology and Natural Science
  • Christian Mediation and Theology
  • Catholic Moral Theology and the Medical Field
  • Buddhist and Christian Ethics Theology
  • John Calvin and the Calvinist Theology
  • Christian Theology and Feminist Theology
  • The Relationship Between Theology and Economics: The Role of the Jansenism Movement
  • Comparative Feminist Theology Analysis
  • Twentieth-Century Christian Theology and ‘Holiness’
  • John and Matthew’s Theology
  • Hierarchical Church and Liberation Theology
  • Contemporary Theology and Orthodoxy of the New Testament
  • Christian Theology and Market Economics
  • Biblical Paradigm and Ministry Theology
  • Jerusalem Politically Contested City Theology Religion
  • Urban Theology Using the Old Testament
  • Christian Theology and Religious Beliefs
  • Catholic Theology and Scripture Assignment
  • Family and Mass Media Influences Theology Religion
  • Church History and How It Fits With Biblical Theology
  • Mathematics and Theology Blossoming Together
  • Christian Counseling, Theology, and Spirituality
  • African American Women and Womanist Theology
  • Philosophy and Christian Theology
  • Christian and Navajo Creation Theology Religion
  • Integrating Psychology With Christian Theology
  • The Theology, Christology, and Pneumatology of the Book of Revelation
  • Integrating Change Models and the Theology of Leadership
  • Christianity and Faith, Evangelization, Life and Theology
  • Liberation Theology and Discernment
  • Anne Hutchinson and Her Theology Theory
  • Psychology Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling
  • Does Religious Theology Undermine the Basic Doctrines of Christianity?
  • What’s the Difference Between Reformed Theology and Calvinism?
  • What Is the Contribution to and Impact of Feminist Theology in Judaism?
  • Is Christian Theology More Modern Than Islamic Theology?
  • What Is the Difference Between Philosophy and Theology?
  • How Does Mormon Theology Explain Intersex People?
  • How Does Moral Theology Differ From Moral Philosophy?
  • What Is the Difference Between ‘Biblical’ and ‘Systematic’ Theology?
  • Is Constantly Asking Questions a Good Way to Get Better at Christian Theology?
  • How Did the Reformation Influence Eucharistic Theology?
  • Is Theology an Actual Science or a Pseudoscience?
  • What Is a Relationship Between Religion and Theology?
  • Has Theology Made Any Contribution to Knowledge in the Past 500 Years?
  • Is It True That Early Christianity Was Much Closer to Islam in Theology?
  • What Is the Purpose of Heaven and Hell in Christian and Islamic Theology?
  • What Parts of Hindu Theology Are Similar to Greek Theology?
  • What Effect Did Plato Have on Augustine and the Origins of Christian Theology?
  • What Are Some of the Most Controversial Views in Christian Theology?
  • What Is the Fundamental Theology Behind Why Jews Disagree With Islam?
  • How Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Reconcile Matthew 8:11 With Their Theology?
  • Is There a Way to Discuss the Deeper Theology of Religion Without the Extremist Positions?
  • To What Extent Has “Existentialism” Influenced Theology?
  • What Are Some Examples of the Apophatic Nature of Orthodox Theology?
  • Why Is It Important to Differentiate Spirituality, Theology, and Philosophy?
  • How the Church Handles Postmodernism Theology?
  • The concept of the Holy Trinity and its significance in Christian theology.
  • Atonement in Christianity: an analysis of different theories.
  • Theodicy: the issue of evil in the world created by benevolent God.
  • The views of death and afterlife in Christian eschatology.
  • Different theological perspectives on the nature of God.
  • Bioethics from the Christian ethics perspective.
  • The meaning and significance of Christian sacraments.
  • The role of women in Christian theology.
  • Liberation theology and its connection to social justice.
  • Faith and science: Christian views on evolution and the origin of the universe.
  • Covenant theology as an approach to interpreting the Bible.
  • Did Jesus Christ fulfill the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament?
  • Analysis of the biblical concept of the Kingdom of God.
  • A historical-critical approach to interpreting the Bible.
  • The role of the Mosaic Law in the Old and New Testaments.
  • Analysis of ethical teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
  • Prophets’ call for social justice: analyzing the Old Testament.
  • The apocalyptic imagery in the Book of Revelation.
  • How does the Bible address the problem of suffering?
  • The biblical understanding of Israel as God’s chosen people.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 1). 186 Theology Topics for Discussion, Thesis, & Research Paper. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/theology-essay-topics/

"186 Theology Topics for Discussion, Thesis, & Research Paper." StudyCorgi , 1 Mar. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/theology-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '186 Theology Topics for Discussion, Thesis, & Research Paper'. 1 March.

1. StudyCorgi . "186 Theology Topics for Discussion, Thesis, & Research Paper." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/theology-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "186 Theology Topics for Discussion, Thesis, & Research Paper." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/theology-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "186 Theology Topics for Discussion, Thesis, & Research Paper." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/theology-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Theology were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 9, 2024 .

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Master of Theology Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2021 2021.

Poverty Alleviation in the Rural Areas of Kunene Region in Namibia: The Role of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) , Jeremia Ekandjo

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Missional Discipleship Within the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria , Innocent Webinumen Anthony

Empowering Laity to Engage in Pastoral Care Ministry: A Proposal for Capacity Building and Supervision for Larger Congregation with Special Reference to Kohima Ao Baptist Church, Nagaland, India. , Tsuwainla Jamir

The Social Role of Worship: A Reading of Micah 6:1-8 , Khin Win Kyi

Murmuring Met with Mercy and Grace: An Examination of the Pre-Sinai Wilderness Wanderings Traditions , Anna Rask

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

A Reinterpretation of Chin Christian Spirituality Beyond One Century in the Light Of Martin Luther's Freedom Of a Christian , Bawi Dua

New Every Morning: Epectasy as a Theology for Innovation , Joel Hinck

The Church’s Call to Minister to Refugees: A Case Study on Liberian Refugees in Minnesota , Rufus Kudee

Apostolicam Ecclesiam: Socio-Liturgical Interpretation of the Mission of the Church in the Perspective of Friedrich Nietzsche's "Antichrist" , Sebastian Ryszard Madejski

Developing Adaptive Leaders: An Initial Intervention for Transforming a Church Culture , Molly Schroeder

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Need for Older Adults’ Ministry in the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) , Bitrus Habu Bamai

Luther's Understanding of Grace and Its Implications for Administration of the Lord's Supper in the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) , Yelerubi Birgamus

Living the American Dream: Faith Formation and the Missio Dei Dilemma among Seventh Day Adventist African American Immigrant Families , Enock Ariga Marindi

Lakota Cultural Fusion and Revitalization of Native Christian Identity , Kelly Sherman-Conroy

The Word-of-God Conflict in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in the 20th Century , Donn Wilson

The Rupture That Remains: A Trauma-Informed Pastoral Theology , Eric Worringer

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Challenge of Being in the Minority: Palestinian Christian Theology in Light of Christian Zionism Post-1948 , Medhat S. Yoakiem

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Towards Beloved Community: Racial Reconciliation through Multiracial Missional Churches , Gray Amos Kawamba

Sanctification in Adolescence: How Karl Barth’s Two-Fold Critique of the Church Could Influence Youth Ministry Practices Today , Joel Vander Wal

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Absolving Word : Luther's Reformational Turn , Matthew W. McCormick

The Defiled Imago Dei and Forgiveness: The Tensions Between Ethnicity and Humanity in the Image of God in the Context of the Ethiopian Churches , Wondimu Legesse Sonessa

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Widowhood Care and Empowerment in 1 Timothy 1:3-16: A Case Study of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Christ as a Paradigm for African Instituted Churches , Millicent Yeboah Asuamah

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Understanding the Nature and Impact of Alcoholism : Implications for Ministry in Kenya , Margaret Kemunto Obaga

Theses/Dissertations from 1963 1963

An Approach to the Interpretation of the Self-Designation of Jesus: The Son of Man , Marlin Eugene Ingebretson

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School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

Submissions from 2022 2022.

(Graduate Paper) The Role and Characteristic of Love in 1 Corinthians 13 , Ninh Van Nguyen

(Master's Thesis) Synodality as the Listening Church: Pope Francis Continues and Expands Vatican II's Teaching on Collegiality , Toan Van Phan O.Cist

Submissions from 2021 2021

(Graduate Paper) Pauline Theology: The Interdependently Called Body of Christ , Katryna Bertucci

(Master's Thesis) The Glory of the Lord Whose Likeness is as the Appearance of a Human Being/Adam: A Study of Ezekiel’s Son of Man/Adam Anthropology , Timothy R. Schmeling

(Graduate Paper) The Power, (Problem), and Potential of Prayer , Meghan E. Stretar

Submissions from 2020 2020

(Graduate Paper) How Can Catholic Youth Programs Improve the Youth’s Connection To the Mass? , Elizabeth Cook

(Graduate Paper) Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: A Glimpse Into the Theme of Righteousness Through the Anthropology, Theology, and Spirituality of the Psalms , Elizabeth Cook

(Graduate Paper) Introducing Queer Theology , Cole Epping

(Graduate Paper) Taking Care of the Forgotten: A Pastoral Response to the Hospice Care Professional , Constance Friebohle

(Graduate Paper) A Global Church in the Local Parish: Fostering Intercultural Competency for Indonesian Catholic Ministry in the United States , Janice Kristanti

(Graduate Paper) The Indispensability of Inculturation For Effective Evangelization: Revisiting The Evangelization of Sub-Saharan Africa , Mark Obeten

(Graduate Paper) Seeking a New Paradigm for Youth Ministry of Waegwan Abbey, South Korea , Cyprian Ji-Eung Ryu

(Graduate Paper) The Catholic Church and the Turn of the 20th Century: An Anthropology of Human Flourishing and a Church for Peace , Maria Siebels

(Graduate Paper) The Wounded Body of Christ: Social Trauma in Pastoral Care , Kelsi Watters

Submissions from 2019 2019

(Graduate Paper) A Non-Dualistic Reading of Body and Soul in the Gospel of Matthew: Focusing on Matthew 10:39 in the Context of Discipleship , Alexander Blechle

Submissions from 2018 2018

(Graduate Paper) Catholic Social Teaching and the Christian Responsibility to the Poor , Rose Aspholm

(Master's Thesis) Not Quite Calvinist: Cyril Lucaris a Reconsideration of His Life and Beliefs , Stephanie Falkowski

(Graduate Paper) Life or Death and Other False Dichotomies: A Theology of Hospice , Kayla Stock

Submissions from 2017 2017

(Master's Thesis) On Dionysian Theological Methodology , Joseph Arrendale

(Graduate Paper) The Transcendence of the Apprehension of Beauty , Mary Abigail Coleman

(Graduate Paper) The Paradox of Remarkable/Unremarkable Julian of Norwich , John P. Fitzgibbons

(Book Chapter) Agape Unbound in Silence and Deep River , Elizabeth Cameron Galbraith

(Graduate Paper) Formed for Diverse Communion: Toward Developing An Ecumenical Formation Process for New Members of Holy Wisdom Monastery’s Sunday Assembly , Rosy Kandathil OSB

(Graduate Paper) A Garden Enclosed, A Fountain Sealed Up: Paradoxical and Generative Metaphors of Enclosure in Medieval Female Anchoritism , Cody Maynus Obl.S.B.

(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Mark , Nancy McCabe

(Master's Thesis) A Theological Retrieval of Communal Parenting as a Moral Response to Baby Stealing and Childlessness in Nigeria , Henry U. Omeike

(Graduate Paper) Do This, in Memory of Me! , Joseph Qiu-Lin Zhang

Submissions from 2016 2016

(Master's Thesis) A Church Built on Charity: Augustine's Ecclesiology , Michael J. Clinger Jr

(Graduate Paper) A Story of Identity in the Christian East , Manya Gustafson

(Graduate Paper) Jude's Enochian Apocalypse , Lucian López OSB

(Graduate Paper) Matthew's Least Brothers and It's Application in the Catholic Church , Runbao Zhang

Submissions from 2015 2015

(Electronic Book) Illuminating Christ , Jessie Bazan

(Master's Thesis) Gifting Freedom to the Samaritan: Considerations on access to both the sacramental event and salvation for those who, for whatever reason, find themselves outside the Church, and the consequences of identity for the Church in gifting such access , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) My Brother's a Jerk and Dad's Gonna Spank Him: Roles and Relations in Obadiah , Aletta Stumo

Submissions from 2014 2014

(Graduate Paper) Christology, Theology, & Evolution in Celia Deane-Drummond's Christ and Evolution , Trevor Beach SJ

(Graduate Paper) Joy as Illumination: Participation in God's Life-giving Trinitarian Love , Trevor Beach SJ

(Graduate Paper) Consideration of the Church's Identity and Mission, Predicated on the Church Be-ing 'Ligamen' (Bond) , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) Observations on the Performative Force of the Qyama and the Ihidaye, and its Pertinancy Today , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) Christ, the Meeting Point of Sacramental and Trinitarian Theology , Nathan Peter Chase

(Graduate Paper) The Christological Remnants within Eucharistic Prayers , Nathan Peter Chase

(Master's Thesis) With Eyes That See: The Role of Spiritual Vision in the Ascent of Nyssen Noetic Theology , Benjamin Rush

(Master's Thesis) St. John of the Cross and the Denudation of the Soul , Wesley Sutermeister

Submissions from 2013 2013

(Graduate Paper) A History and Analysis of the Missel Romain pour les Diocese du Zaire , Nathan Peter Chase

(Graduate Paper) The Development of the Epiclesis: Alexandrian or Syrian? , Nathan Peter Chase

Submissions from 2011 2011

(Graduate Paper) Short-Term Solution, Long-Term Problem: The Rite of Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest and its Use in the United States of America , Christopher Angel

(Graduate Paper) Welcome (Back): The Use of Initiatory Elements in the Reconciliation of Heretics to the Early Church , Christopher Angel

(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Matthew: The Temple Cleansing in 21:12-17 , Kasey Devine

(Graduate Paper) The "Ladder" of the Lord's Plagues , Kasey DeVine

Submissions from 2010 2010

(Graduate Paper) St. John Chrysostom and His Message of Social Justice Today , Joel Cassady

(Graduate Paper) Trinitarian Christology: The Grammar of The Christian Faith and the Foundation for a Theology of Religious Pluralism , Eric Christensen

(Graduate Paper) Entering into the Profound Mystery: Yves Congar’s Via Media on the Salvation of People of Non-Christian Religions , Elizabeth M. Cunneen

Submissions from 2009 2009

(Graduate Paper) Ego Eimi Formula and a Sense of Continuity in John’s Gospel Chapter Sixth (Jn 6: v.20, vss.35-58) , John Changjin Bai

(Graduate Paper) Jesus the Christ as a Jun-Zi in Confucian Perspectives , John Changjin Bai

(Graduate Paper) An Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:1-3 , Gregory Congote OSB

(Graduate Paper) Gregory Palamas and Hesychasm , Gregory Congote OSB

(Graduate Paper) Modern Usury: The Moral Challenge of Credit Cards in Light of Catholic Teaching and Practice in the Past and the Present , David R. Smoker

Submissions from 2008 2008

(Graduate Paper) Community in the Theology of Søren Aabye Kierkegaard , Nicholas Coffman

(Graduate Paper) Jean-Luc Marion’s Theology of Eucharistic Presence , Nicholas Coffman

(Graduate Paper) Proclaiming the Truth of Beauty , Larry Fraher

(Graduate Paper) Augustine of Hippo and Elizabeth de la Trinite: A Conversation across the Centuries , Vernon W. Goodin

(Graduate Paper) "Who Do You Say That I Am?" The Role of Story in Christology , Vernon W. Goodin

(Graduate Paper) Sufficere, “It Is Enough”: Avarice vs. Simplicity and Detachment in the Rule of Saint Benedict , Arlen M. Hanson

(Graduate Paper) Stories in Stained Glass: An Analysis of the Stained-Glass Windows at Saint Norbert Abbey in De Pere, Wisconsin , Timothy A. Johnston

(Master's Thesis) Wittgenstein and Worship: Investigations of Liturgical Language-Games and Their Formative Role in Christian Identity , Michelle Kathleen Weber

Submissions from 2007 2007

(Graduate Paper) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Prophet & Martyr , Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB

(Graduate Paper) Saint Basil: Monastic Reformer , Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB

(Graduate Paper) Looking at Conflict Diamonds Through the Lens of Catholic Social Teaching , Heather Cherpelis

(Graduate Paper) “Allegorical Typologies” of the Eucharist: An Analysis of Some Eastern Liturgical Commentaries , Nathaniel G. Costa

(Graduate Paper) “For All the Saints”: A Feast for All People and All Time , Nathaniel G. Costa

(Graduate Paper) Eternal Hope: The Story of Sr. Mary Luke Tobin and Other Women who Participated in Vatican Council II , Megan S. Enninga

(Graduate Paper) Vulgar and Ascetic Christians: the Myth of a Higher Spirituality The rhetoric of monastic profession as a second baptism , August L. Gothman

(Graduate Paper) Active Participation and the Song of the Assembly , William Griffiths

(Graduate Paper) Transforming both the gifts and the people: Eucharistic presence , William Griffiths

(Graduate Paper) “You Can Become All Flame”: Do the Desert Fathers Have Anything to Say to Us Today? , Arlen M. Hanson

(Graduate Paper) Toward a Domestic Ecclesiology: The "Domestic Church" Finds Articulation in Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" , Craig James St. Clair

(Graduate Paper) Celebrating the Communion Rite , Jay Stimac

(Graduate Paper) Karl Rahner: On Grace and Salvation , Nicole Streit

(Graduate Paper) One Body, One Spirit, One Priesthood; Many Members, Many Charisms, Many Ministries: Reflections Anglican and Catholic , Cody C. Unterseher

(Graduate Paper) Arianism, Athanasius, and the Effect on Trinitarian Thought , Andy Witchger

(Graduate Paper) How the Parish and School of St. Agnes Creates Vocations , Andy Witchger

Submissions from 2006 2006

(Graduate Paper) How Paul and the Jerusalem Council Might Speak to Division in the Twenty-First Century Church , Mary Birmingham

(Master's Thesis) Becoming One Spirit: Origen and Evagrius Ponticus on Prayer , Hilary Case OSB

(Graduate Paper) Syncletica: Urban Ascetic and Desert Mother , Susan Dreyer OSB

(Graduate Paper) The Education of Heloise in Twelfth-Century France , Susan Dreyer OSB

(Graduate Paper) A Woman of the Reformation , Megan S. Enninga

(Graduate Paper) A Key and Classic Text: Ephesians 5:21-33 , Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers

(Graduate Paper) Concealing to Reveal: Modesty in Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body , Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers

(Graduate Paper) Sex in the City of God , Diana Macalintal

(Graduate Paper) The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ecclesial Discipleship and Redemption , Diane Draxler Pederson

(Graduate Paper) The Spiritual Potential of Poetry , Carl Schlueter

(Graduate Paper) Complicating the Poor Widow’s Gift: Exegesis on Mk. 12:41-44 , Timothy Traynor

(Graduate Paper) "We Should Glory in the Cross:" The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and its Contemporary Liturgical Significance , Cody C. Unterseher

Submissions from 2005 2005

(Graduate Paper) Hermeneutics and Liturgical Space: Interpreting the Domus Ecclesiae - Domus Dei , Gregory Reed Beath

(Graduate Paper) Eros: Human and Divine , Denae M. Fielder

(Graduate Paper) And the Question Became Flesh: Jesus the Catechist in the Gospel of John , Diana Macalintal

(Graduate Paper) Hesychast Prayer: Attending the Cosmic Banquet of the Heart , Tamara Ann Moore

(Graduate Paper) A Study in Spiritual Lineage: The "Influence and Noninfluence" of Pseudo-Dionysius on The Cloud of Unknowing , David M. Odorisio

(Graduate Paper) The Cistercian Spirit in Stone , David M. Odorisio

(Graduate Paper) Architectural Reforms of Eucharistic Reservation , Diane Draxler Pederson

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Open Access Dissertations and Theses


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The Open Access Dissertations and Theses Collection consists of electronic versions of dissertations and theses produced by students of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Boyce Digital Library search box searches the full text of these dissertations.

The dissertations within this collection are available to all researchers, however some of the dissertations are only available after the expiration of an embargo period.

Recent Submissions

Strengthening the partnership between the church and parachurch in the calling and care of cru’s international interns , devil’s devices: william perkins and the integration of spiritual warfare and pastoral counseling , augustine’s understanding of the human soul: origin, life, and end , a powerful word: on defining and responding justly to abuse , application for the sake of transformation: a study of thomas manton’s categorical approach to sermon application , a mixed methods multiple case study of church-based multiethnic leadership development programs , there is a light that never goes out: the shining face of moses in exodus 34:29−35 , the role of female biblical counselors in complementarian churches , put on the new man: embodied sanctification in ephesians 4:22-24 , the black church as context for the formation of black institutions of higher education: a case study of simmons college , salvation as victory: a study on divine grace and human responsibility in salvation in the book of revelation through the lens of the conquering motif , from this day forward: new covenant inauguration in hebrews , utilizing a reformed sanctification framework to assess and evaluate c. peter wagner’s doctrine of sanctification , how should we then respond a christian philosophical and theological response to transgender ideology , paul’s gospel approach to the athenians: a missional implication for contemporary nepalese hindu contexts , the serpent and the sainte-chapelle: the genesis and iterative development of a writing pedagogy for christian colleges and seminaries , "their peculiar redeemer": robert sandeman and the doctrine of the atonement , “the steady obedience of his church”: the ecclesial spirituality of joseph kinghorn and the communion controversy, 1814–1827 , covenant and identity formation in the second century , the impact of open theism on c. peter wagner's philosophy of discipleship .

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Scholar Commons


Jesuit School of Theology Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

African Spirituality for Ecological Conversion: The Case of Mining in the Western Region of Ghana , Nana Kofi Agyapong

La Oración Contemplativa Cristiana a la Luz de la Psicología y Neurociencia: Propuesta de un Enfoque Interdisciplinar Desde la Terapia Sistemas de Familia , Manuel Santamaría Belda

The Nigerian Tiv Concept of Ya Na Angbian as a Corrective to the misinterpretation of Subdue and have Dominion in Genesis 1:26 , Christopher Terhemen Bologo

Expanding Catholic Social Teaching on Wealth, Money, and Entrepreneurship , Jean Claude Havyarimana

Life and the Renewal of the Christian Community: Infant Baptism and Inculturation in the Context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Héritier Ofabwe Kinzamba

Towards a Holistic Reconciliation in Africa , N’Guessan Kouacou Augustin Koffi

Biblical and African Proverbs as a Framework for Studying Spirituality: Exploring the Role of Proverbs Among the Gῖkữyữ People of Kenya , Patrick M. Ng'ang'a

Theological Foundations of Nonviolent Communication in the Christian Lived Experience , Edward Khoa Ngô

Cultivating Social Media Technomoral Virtues: Toward a Moral-Character Education for African Youth , Tégawindé Basile Ouedraogo

The Role of Women Religious (1882-1974) in the Work of Evangelization Among the Fijian People , John Pickering

Reading Matt 14:13-21 in the Roman Empire First-Century Context as a Counternarrative , Wossoyam Elie Yoda

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

“A New Face of Loreto”: Mission and Transformation in the Post-Vatican II Church , Sudha Arul

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Contemporary Youth Ministers in Korea , Han Hyun Bai

Dust to Dust: Ritualization of an Ongoing Relationship with the Land in Shona Christian Burial Practice , Emmanuel Banda

Chaplaincy and Expansive Spiritual Care , Brianna Deutsch

Ubuntu Ethics: A Frame for an Ethical Analysis of Environmental Migration of Unaccompanied Minors Through the Mediterranean Sea , Deogratias K. Fikiri

The Not So Minor Character in the Book of Judith Judith’s Maid in the Spotlight , Lisa Hui

Christian – Muslim Dialogue on Hospitality: A Case of Somali Refugees at the Dadaab Refugee Complex in Kenya , Oscar Angaga Nduri

The Son of Man Film as a Cry for Justice: A Cross-Cultural Convergence of Film and the African Theological Struggle for Liberation , Mark Ngwenya

Responding to "Eucharistic Deprivation" in Rural Western Nigeria: Toward an Inculturated Theology and Celebration of the Eucharist , Michael Abiodun Oluwadare

Eucharistic Communion in a Time of Pandemic: Insights From Ubuntu in an Extended African Family , Peter Linus Omondi

The Resilient Apostle: Paul’s Sufferings in 2 Corinthians Through the Lens of Resilience , Marko Pavlič

Reframing Reproductive Rights: Pope Francis’ Genius of Women as a Paradigm of Conversation Between Filipina Women and Church Leadership , Alfonso P. Suico Jr

Integral Ecological Education: Exploring Intercultural Bilingual Education for Indigenous Students in Guyana , Joel D. Thompson

Ignatian Spiritual Conversation and Digital Communication Culture , Park Soo Young Theodore

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Is Cyrus of Persia, My Shepherd, His Anointed, an Anticonqueror of Judah? Toward a Postcolonial Reading of the Cyrus Oracle in Isaiah 44:24-45:13 , Ablam Atsikin

Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30): Resistance and Critique of Wealth Accumulation , Gabriel Kunonga Biatiakana

Restlessly Seeking for God: Towards an Integration of Contemplation and Practice as Proposed by Henri Nouwen for a Spirituality of Priesthood in a Contemporary Korean Church Context , Hong-Rak Chae

Jeremiah and the Conflicting Interpretations of the Exile: Religious Identity in the Context of Religious Diversity , Sijo George Chirayath

Reframing Liturgical-Pastoral Discourse: Exploring Parish Online Programs in a Time of Pandemic , James P. Ferus S.J.

The (Im)Possibility of Forgiveness: Just Peace and Reconciliation in a Culture of Sexual Violence , Ellen Jewett

Exploring the Insights of Science Within the Context of Asian Christianity Through the Work of William R. Stoeger, S.J. , Lawrence Ng Yew Kim

When Worship Becomes ‘Mission:‘ A Living Witness to the Vulnerable Santo Niño and the Broken Nazareno in Filipino Catholic Devotions , Aris Pilapil Martin

A Rereading Of Σταυρώστε Αυτον In John19:1-16: An Exegetical Study on Power and Powerlessness In Jesus’ Death Sentence from a Nigerian Praxis , Modestus Osinachi Mgbaramuko

Healing of Violence and Violence of Healing: Mark’s Hybrid Jesus in Mark 5:1-20 , Pierre Célestin Musoni S.J.

Jon Sobrino and Aloysius Pieris in Dialogue: Towards a Christological Model for Praxis of Liberation , Thang N. Nguyen

A Sacred Story to Tell: Missiological Insights for the Continued Contemporary Discussion on Inculturation Based on a Theological Investigation of Muirchú’s Vita Patricii , Sara Postlethwaite

In Search of an Integral Ecology: Engaging Liberationist Concepts and Methodology as Tools for the Construction of a Pastoral Response to the Global Environmental Crisis , Lluís Salvador Salinas Roca S.J.

Reading the Book of Daniel as a Storytelling Community’s Response to Trauma , Tae Eun Taelor Kim

A Spirituality of Struggle for Dismantling Cameroonian Tribal Hostilities. Isa 54: 11-17 as a Grounding Text , Fabrice Nazaire Kameni Tcheumaga S.J.

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Oracle Against Israel (Amos 2:6-8): In the Context of the Oracles Against The Nation (Amos 1:3--2:8) , Alfred Emeka Amos

Discovering the Role of Desire in Ignatian Spirituality for Discernment of Vocation in the Jesuit Candidate House of Vietnam , Pham Dinh Cu

A Tale of Two Stories: Defamiliarization of the Acts 6:1-7 Hellenist—Hebrew Squabble in View of Reframing the Anglophone Problem in Cameroon , Ngema Wilson Enow

Towards a Pastoral, Apologetic Approach to La Santa Muerte Devotion , Henrry Christopher Mendez Fajardo

A Fearful Warning: J.B. Metz’s Memoria Passionis in response to Western Culture’s Discomfort with Dying, Death and Grief , David R. Ford

Latin American Biblical Hermeneutics & Popular and Community Reading of the Bible: Some Inputs from Race and Ethnicity Criticism within the Hellenistic and Jewish Culture of the First Century , Diego Salazar Galvis

Education, Religious Experience, and Conversion : on Pedagogy and the Possibility of Critical Communities of Religious Praxis , Yu-Ming Stanley Goh

The Contribution of the Catholic Church to Post-Civil War Conflict Resolution in Chad , Rimasbé Dionbo Jean Claude

Rethinking Healing and Reconciliation Process in the Postgenocide Rwanda: A Response from Ignatian Spirituality , Innocent Kamanzi

De Dios Habita a Dios Labora A Mission of Caring for Our Common Home in the Ecological Crisis of India , Anthony Louis Lava S.J.

Thomas Aquinas’ Notion of Natural Theology and the Challenge of Religious Experience: The Beginnings of a Conversation , Quang Quoc Le

Jesuit Priesthood and the Ministry of Reconciliation: A Theological Examination of U.S. Jesuits in the Public Square , Alex Anthony C. Llanera S. J.

Remembering Who We Are: Liturgical Memory in the Symbolic Language of Louis-Marie Chauvet to Combat the Bifurcation of the Body of Christ , Keith A. Maczkiewicz

Embodying the Face of the Merciful God: Towards a Christological Discipleship for Vietnamese Catholics , Do Thi Tuyet Nhung Maria

Living a Good Death or Dying for a Life Well Lived: Theological Understanding and Pastoral Applications on Issues Regarding Death and Afterlife Issues Among Vietnamese-American Catholics , Tuan Ngo

The Dynamics of Conversion of Ignatius of Loyola as a Contribution to the Novice Formation in the Context of Vietnam , Tang Van Nguyen

Catholic- Buddhist Encounter at Interfaith Marriage: Strengthening Harmony and Indissolubility of Matrimony in Contemporary Vietnam , Tuan Minh Nguyen

Ecological Crisis in the Light of Laudato Si’: “Everything is Connected”: Toward Friendship as an Ecological Virtue , Toan Ninh

Re-Imagining an African Family Ecclesiology in Dialogue with Ratzinger’s Christo-Pneuma Communion Ecclesiology , Tegha Afuhwi Nji

The Catholic Church and the Zimbabwean Crisis: A Critical Reflection on the Catholic Church’s Response to the Plight of the Oppressed , Nelson Virimayi Nyamayaro

Evolution Science and Imago Dei: A Richer and More Robust Treatment of Theological Anthropology , GANSA Tchétongbé Cathérin Paterne

Reclaiming the Dynamics of Ignatian Spiritual Conversation: Towards Constructing a Spiritual Conversation Paradigm for Ongoing Apostolic Discernment in Bihar, India , Perianayagam Seluvannan

The Question of Method in Theology: An African Response to Bernard Lonergan Using Bantu Theological Anthropology , Andrew Simpasa

kāḇôḏ (Glory) rû a ḥ (Spirit) and yaḏ (Hand) Divine Presence and Activity of Ezekiel (Ezek 1-3; 8-11; 40-48) Thirdspacing the Exile and its Implications to the Theology of Divine Presence , Malachy Udochukwu Theophilus

The Mother or the Baby: Moral Implications of the Treatment Procedures of Tubal Pregnancies in the Philippines in a Catholic Perspective , Christopher P. Villa

Encountering “Joy” in the Consecrated Life in Vietnam Through Ignatian Consolation , Cuong Duy Vu

Jesus as a Healer in the Gospel of Luke: A Paradigm for Malagasy Healing , Jean Fleurys Espérence Zezikà S.J.

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Equity and Justice in health Care: A Critical Ethical Reflection on Healthcare Provision, Distribution, and Accessibility in Nigeria , Chidube Joseph Chukwu

The Virtue of Solidarity Will Save the Environment of Haiti: A Path to Heal the Crisis of Soil Erosion , Germain Clerveau S. J.

Fostering Dialogue and Engagement: The Role of the Catholic Church in Nigeria , Tony Terwase Famave

Depicting the Incarnation: Theodore the Studite and Engelbert Mveng on the Particularity and Universality of Christ , Oke Marien Robert Gbedolo

The Role of the Laity in Exercising Munus Regendi in the Church: A Theology of Co-Responsibility , Michael K. Grace KM

The Inculturation of Taiwanese Catholicism: The Yanshui Holy Spirit Church , Aloysius Ming-Te Hsu

Development-induced Displacement: An Ethical and Theological Reflection on protection of the Rights of the Adivasis of Chhotanagpur, India , Amit Roshan Lakra

Exploring the Impact of an Ethics of Disclosure on Privacy in Computer-Based Communications Technologies , Benedict Ozaveshe Mayaki

Towards A Northern Ugandan Church as "Field Hospital": For A Pastorally Attuned Appropriation of Church Teaching , James Moro

The Church and the Awakening of Faith: Towards a Christian Reconciliation for Peace and Justice in Rwanda , Emile Nsengimana

The Dynamic of Belief and Unbelief as Developed in Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment and its RThe Dynamic of Belief and Unbelief as Developed in Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment and its Relevance for Contemopary Life elevance for Contemopary Life , Santiago García Pintos

College Ethnic Catholic Communities: Ethnoreligious Pathways for an Intercultural Church , Kyle Ko Francisco Shinseki

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Its Potential of Revitalizing The Basic Ecclesial Communities of Bontoc-Lagawe , Bento F. Tamang

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Knowing the Transcendent God: Theological Epistemology in Gregory of Nyssa and Karl Rahner , Ala Nadim Hanna Alalamat

Ruth: A Spiritual Role Model for the Religious Women of Southwest China , Xiaoqiong Chen

Promoting a Cosmotheandric Ethic of Virtue in Congo Brazzaville: Resolving Social Conflict Amidst Crises of Ecology and Migration , Cyrano Emde Dimeni

Marriage as a Covenant: Towards an in Culturated Pastoral Approach on Marriage and Family in Mozambique Today , Virgílio Arimateia Domingos

Eucharist as Fruit of the Earth and the Environmental Degradation in the Niger Delta: Implication of Louis Mariechauvet’s Tripartite Cycle of Gift, Reception and Return Gift for an Ecological Conversion , Michael Edomobi

Towards a Contextual Christology: Sub-Saharan African Models and Songs in Dialogue with Patristic Tradition , Benedict B. Ehinack

Spiritual Conversation: An Important Tool for Discernment of One’s Vocation in the Diverse Context of India , Francis Joseph Fernandes

The Contemplative-Prophetic Spirituality of Thomas Merton: Its Relevance for the Consecrated Life in India , Fabian Jose

“The Female Face” of Hiv/Aids as an Ethical Challenge to the Catholic Church in Uganda: Lessons of Catholic Social Teaching , Athanasius Kikoba

“Pilgrimage in Service of Mission in the Context of the Contemporary Korean Church” , Min-Hwi Kim

Toward a South Sudanese Church-As-Family: Reflections for a Contextual Ecclesiology for Reconciliation, Justice, and Peace , Oscar Momanyi

Towards a New, Praxis-Oriented Missiology: Rediscovering Paulo Freire's Concept of Conscientização and Enhancing Christian Mission as Prophetic Dialogue , Rosalia Meza Moreno

Dominican Prayer for Young Vietnamese Americans , Phuong Nguyen

Embracing an Ecological Conversion: Addressing the Effects of the Ecological Crisis on the Poor and the Earth Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation , Emmanuel Oyediran Ogundipe

A Pastoral Approach to the Topic of Sexuality in Priestly Formation Programs in Parts of Eastern Europe , Vitaliy Osmolovskyy

Belief in a Secular Age: Charles Taylor, John Henry Newman, and the New Evangelization , David C. Paternostro

Impact Evaluation Under the Banner of the Cross: An Integrated Approach to the Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation Programs , Stephen M. Pitts

Towards a Renewed Theology of Personal Agency: Origen’s Theological Vision and the Challenges of Fatalism and Determinism , Bernard B. Poggi

The Synodal Church: The Significance of Pope Francis’s Ecclesiology for the Indian Church , Th Shantharaj

Virtues/Pāramitās: St. Ignatius Of Loyola and Sāntideva as Companions on the Way of Life , Tomislav Spiranec

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Religious Studies Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2022 2022.

Interpreting 9/11: Religious or Political Event? , Fadime Apaydin

The need to address religious diversity at work: an all-inclusive model of spirituality at work , Ivonne Valero Cázares

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Mass is the Medium: Marshall McLuhan and Roman Catholic Liturgical Change , Ashil D. Manohar

White Too Long: Christianity or Nationalism? , Rachel E. Osborne

"Theology" in the Public University , Sarah T. White

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Warfare in Christianity and Islam: Unveiling Secular Justifications and Motivations Behind So-Called Religious Violence , Onur Korkmaz

Legitimizing Violence: Functional Similarities of the Religious and the Secular Violence , Tahir Topal

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

“Living Creatures of Every Kind:” An Ecofeminist Reading of Genesis 1-3 , T. G. Barkasy

Three Theorists on Religious Violence in an Islamic Context: Karen Armstrong, Mark Juergensmeyer, and William T. Cavanaugh , Ayse Camur

Complex Tripartite Hydro Politics of River Ganges , Muttaki Bin Kamal

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Solid Metaphor and Sacred Space: Interpreting the Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations Found at Beth Alpha Synagogue , Evan Carter

Growth, and Development of Care for Leprosy Sufferers Provided by Religious Institutions from the First Century AD to the Middle Ages , Philippa Juliet Meek

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Altering Tian: Spirituality in Early Confucianism , Jacob Thomas Atkinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The U.S. Department of State Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: What does the U.S. engage when they engage `religion'? , Belgica Marisol Cucalon

Rising Above a Crippling Hermeneutic , Luke Steven, Carlos, Armando Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

From Cosmogony to Anthropogony: Inscribing Bodies in Vedic Cosmogony and Samskara Rituals , Christine Boulos

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Gadamer and Nāgārjuna in Play: Providing a New Anti-Objectivist Foundation for Gadamer’s Interpretive Pluralism with Nāgārjuna’s Help , Nicholas Byle

Shamanism, Spiritual Transformation and the Ethical Obligations of the Dying Person: A Narrative Approach , Ellen W. Klein

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Finding Confucianism in Scientology: A comparative analysis , John Albert Kieffer

Sympathy for the devil: A character analysis of Gibreel Farishta in Salman Rushdie's The satanic verses , Catherine Mary Lafuente

The Babel paradox , Michel Machado

Theology, Spirituality, and the Academic Study of Religion in Public Universities , Don Saunders

Broadening the Spectrum: The Religious Dimensions of the Rainbow Gatherings , Seth M. Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Poetry and Ritual: The Physical Expression of Homoerotic Imagery in sama , Zachary Holladay

Religious Exiles And Emigrants: The Changing Face Of Zoroastrianism , Tara Angelique Migliore

Metropolitan Community Church: A Perfectly Queer Reading Of The Bible , Matthew D. Stewart

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

(Dis)continuity between Sikhism and Islam: The development of hukam across religions , Mark Horowitz

Natural Law Ethics: A Comparison of the Theravāda and Thomistic Traditions , David Lantigua

An analysis Of Origen's charismatic ideology in his Commentary on the Gospel of John , Kimberly W. Logan-Hudson

The proliferating sacred: Secularization and postmodernity , Donald Surrency

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

The commodification of yoga in contemporary U.S. culture , Michelle E. Demeter

The Middle-Class Religious Ideology and the Underclass Struggle: A Growing Divide in Black Religion , Franklin Hills Jr.

The ethics of the spirit in Galatians: Considering Paul's paranesis in the interpretation of his theology , Steven Douglas Meigs

Cicero and St. Augustine's Just War Theory: Classical Influences on a Christian Idea , Berit Van Neste

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The Origins of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature: Prophecy, Babylon, and 1 Enoch , Sarah Robinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Sports and the American Sacred: What are the Limits of Civil Religion? , Frank Ferreri

Radical Religious Groups and Government Policy: A Critical Evaluation , Tori Chambers Lockler

“Symbolism of Language: A Study in the Dialogue of Power Between the Imperial Cult and the Synoptic Gospels” , Sharon Matlock-Marsh

Near-Death Experiences, Religion, and Life After Death , Holly Wallace

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Harding School of Theology

Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Equipping Christians with a Post-Christian Evangelism Paradigm at Great Oaks Church of Christ , Tim Alsup

The Impact of Studying Abroad on the Intercultural Spiritual Formation of Harding University Latin America Students , Jeremy Daggett

The Use of Feedforwarding Techniques in Sermon-Crafting: A Collaborative Approach to Preaching , Stephen Rollins

The New Heavens and New Earth: The Interpretive Development of Isaiah 65:17 , Baron Vander Maas

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Transforming Disciples Through a Spiritual Formation Cohort at Washington Street Church Of Christ , Jim Black

Rethinking Sacrifice and Atonement: A Contextual, Exegetical, and Historical Analysis Of Leviticus 16 , Ladye Rachel Howell

An Exploration of the Garden Metaphor in the Poetry of Song of Songs , Kizito Jasper

Establishing Intergenerational Relationships in Youth Ministry , Bryce Kittinger

An Exploration Of Job's Use Of the Psalms , Robert Andrew Montgomery

The Role of Spiritual Formation in Leadership Development , Craig M. Poole

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

A Theological Exploration of Death , Benjamin F. Bruner

"In Christ:" Participation Language in Paul , Sean Cavender

A Mentoring Ministry for the Spiritual Development of Youth in Rural Congregations of North Central and Northeast Arkansas , Glen Knabe

The Discursive Body: a Theological Account of Language and Revelation in Conversation with John Webster and Conceptual Metaphor Theory , Aaron Parker

Avoiding Compassion Fatigue in Hospice Chaplains through Cultivating Sabbath as an Element of Self-Care , A. Milton Stanley

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Deuteronomy And The City: Characteristics Of The Ideal Urban Environment In Deuteronomy , Parker Bullard

The Holy Spirit And Biblical Interpretation: Alexander Campbell And Contemporary Hermeneutics , Ladye Rachel Howell

Assessing the Quality of Proactive Congregational Care for the College Avenue Church of Christ , Kent M. Jobe

Consistent Histories Quantum Divine Action: A Constructive Proposal In Conversation With John Polkinghorne, Robert Russell, and Alvin Plantinga , Derek Preslar

Divine Impassibility: A Definition And Defense , Elisha Randolph

In Controversy Oft: James David Bales And The Sharp Decline Of The Apocalyptic Worldview At Harding University , Cory Spruiell

Divine Suffering And Passibility: Terence Fretheim And Jürgen Moltmann , Alicia Williamson

Astral And Angelic Powers In Romans 8:38-39 , Frederick Christian Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Scripture and Revelation: A Comparison of Alexander Campbell, Kevin Vanhoozer, and William Abraham , Daniel T. Crouch

An Adaptive Change Project in Developing Leaders , Scott A. Laird

The Theological Anthropology of St. Gregory of Nyssa , Marcus McCormick

Exegesis of Romans 8:12-13: The Epitome of Paul’s Response to the Question in Romans 6:1 , Timothy L. Nixon

God's Sabbath-Keepers: The Sabbatistai Inscription at Catioren , Robert Ogden

Generating Trust in a Multiethnic "Church of Christ/ Iglesia de Cristo," in Santa Paula, California , Robert G. Perez

The לֵב†of the Lectures: Human Embodiment, Rhetoric, and Adolescent Spiritual Formation in Proverbs 1–9 , Logan T. Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Spiritual Gifts or Ministry Roles? Helping Church Members Embrace Their Places in God's Kingdom , Matthew R. Carter

Establishing Ethical Processes for Church Finances , Carl A. Williamson

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Home > Concordia Seminary Scholarship > Doctor of Theology

Doctor of Theology Dissertation

Theses/dissertations from 1998 1998.

The Mission and Ministry to German-Speaking Lutherans in Western Canada 1879 - 1914 , Richard Kraemer

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Postliberal Approaches to the Theology of Religions: Presentation, Assessment, and Critical Appropriation , Joel Okamoto

Orality as the Key to Understanding Apostolic Proclamation in the Epistles , Thomas Winger

Theses/Dissertations from 1996 1996

Isaiah's Damascus Oracle: Responding to International Threats , Harald Schoubye

Genre and Outline: The Key to the Literary Structure of Hebrews , Harald Tomesch

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

The Lord's Prayer-Its Interpretation and a Reassessment of an Eschatological Orientation, Favoring the Prayer's Primary Application as Being for the Present Gospel Age , David Fielding

Law and Gospel in Luther's Antinomian Disputations, with Special Reference to Faith's Use of the Law , Jeffrey Silcock

Theses/Dissertations from 1994 1994

Marriage and the Image of God as it is Reflected in Paul's Understanding of Women and the Ministry in Four Passages: 1 Cor. 11:2-16; 14:33b-36; Eph. 5:22-33; 1 Tim. 2:11-15 , Lane Burgland

Integrity and Integration in Ecclesiastical Historiography: The Perspective of Mosheim and Neander , Paulo Buss

When God Becomes Your Enemy- The Theology of the Complaint Psalms , Ingvar Floysvik

The Missiological Significance of the Doctrine of Justification in the Lutheran Confessions , Klaus Schulz

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

Reading 2 Corinthians 3:4-18: An Exercise in Exegesis , Vilson Scholz

A Proposed Prolegomenon for Normative Theological Ethics with a Special Emphasis on the Usus Didacticus of God's Law , John Tape

Theses/Dissertations from 1992 1992

The Arminian Libertarian Doctrines of Freedom and Responsibility Evaluated According to Biblical-Reformed Doctrine of Sin , Carlos Heber de Campos

Theology of the Pain of God: An Analysis and Evaluation of Kazoh Kitamori's (1916- ) Work in Japanese Protestantism , Akio Hashimoto

The Bestowal of the Benefits of the Real Presence the Early Eucharistic Works of Martin Chemnitz as a Contribution Toward the Formula of Concord Article VII , Brynjulf Hoaas

Jesus and the Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew: A Historical Study of the Redemption Motif , Young Jin Kim

Propter Absolutionem: Holy Absolution in the Theology of Martin Luther and Philipp Jacob Spener A Comparative Study , Gerald Krispin

The Theology of Spiritual Gifts in Luther and Calvin: A Comparison , Robert Wetmore

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

Mystical Aspects of Pentecostal-Charismatic Soteriology , James Breckenridge

The Home Mission Work of the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference: A Description and Evaluation , George Gude

The ΛΟΓΟΣ-Christology in the Prologue of the Gospel of John as a Bridge Concept Between the Old Testament Shekinah Events and Johannine Christology , Chul Hae Kim

Theological Nuance in the Synoptic Nature Miracles , Mark Schuler

Theses/Dissertations from 1990 1990

Presbyterian Missions to Indians in Western Canada , James Codling

The Theology of Israel's Sea Crossing , Rodger Dalman

Gadara of the Decapolis , Lee Maxwell

The "I" in the Storm: Paul's Use of the First Person Singular in Romans 7 , Michael Middendorf

Theses/Dissertations from 1989 1989

The Nature and Function of the Lutheran Confessions in Twentieth Century American Lutheranism , Charles Arand

Current Models in Roman, Lutheran, and Reformed Prolegomena: Exposition, Analysis, and Programmatic Assessment , David Lumpp

Theses/Dissertations from 1988 1988

The Apostolic Tradition- A Study of the Texts and Origins, and its Eucharistic Teachings with a Special Exploration of the Ethiopic Version , Eshetu Abate

A Theological Assessment of Minjung Theology, Systematically and Biblically , Yong Wha Na

Theses/Dissertations from 1987 1987

Biblical Authority in the Westminster Confession and its Twentieth Century Contextualization in the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony Of 1980 , John Delivuk

An Historical Analysis of the Doctrine of the Ministry in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod Until 1962 , John Wohlrabe

Theses/Dissertations from 1986 1986

An Examination and Evaluation of A. H. Strong's Doctrine of Holy Scripture , Myron Houghton

Jesus' Teaching on "Entering the Kingdom Of Heaven" in the Gospel According to Matthew (Interpretation of Selected Matthean Texts and Parables) , Caleb Huang

Millennialism in American Lutheranism in Light of Augsburg Confession, Article XVII , Francis Monseth

Watchman Nee and the Priesthood of all Believers , Wai Man Ng

Imputatio Iustitiae Christi, Liberum Arbitrium in Renatis, and Tertius Usus Legis in Melanchthon's Later Loci , Richard Osslund

A Scriptural Stance Toward Undocumented Hispanics and Selected Methodologies for Reaching them with the Gospel , Fred Pankow

The Hermeneutics of Liberation Theology: A Lutheran Confessional Response to the Theological Methodology of Leonardo Boff , Jacob Preus

Theses/Dissertations from 1985 1985

The Hermeneutical Principles of Theodore Laetsch with a Focus on the Relationship Between the Old and the New Testaments , James Bollhagen

An Investigation of Contemporary Feminist Arguments on Paul's Teaching on the Role of Women in the Church , Hershel House Wayne

The Nature and Significance of Christ's Death as Reflected in Selected General and Pauline Epistles , Masao Shimodate

Theses/Dissertations from 1984 1984

The Last Testaments of Jacob and Moses , Joel Heck

The Theological Argument of Hebrews 11 in Light of its Literary Form , Merland Miller

Dr. H. C. J. Leupold, The Man and his Work --Especially His Exegesis , David Schreiber

Theses/Dissertations from 1983 1983

Judgment and Grace in the Wilderness Narratives , Martin Buerger

The Preaching of Clovis G Chappell- A Study of the Published Sermons in Light of the Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel as Articulated by C. F. W. Walther , William Carpenter

The Conflict of Krishna and Yahweh as Warrior: A Comparison of the Conflicts of Krishna in the Puranas and of Yahweh as Warrior in the Old Testament, with Special Emphasis on the Themes of History, and Salvation, and their Relevance to Human Life , Arockiam Rajaian

A Search for the Archetype of the Greek Gospel Lectionary , Karl Rutz

Theses/Dissertations from 1982 1982

The Historical-Critical Method- Dividing Wall Between Moderates and Conservatives in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Controversy , Jose Fuliga

Uemura Masahisa (1857-1925) First Generation Pastor, Christian Leader and Instinctive Proponent of Indigenized Christianity in Japan , Addison Soltau

Theses/Dissertations from 1981 1981

Predestination: A Comparative Analysis of the Theology of A. W. Pink in Relation to the Westminster Confession of Faith , Richard Belcher

Was Jesus the Priestly Messiah A Study of the New Testament's Teaching of Jesus' Priestly Office Against the Background of Jewish Hopes for a Priestly Messiah , Jonathan Grothe

The Cosmic Christ of Colossians , Victor Raj

Theses/Dissertations from 1980 1980

The Preservation and Restoration of Creation with a Special Reference to Romans 8:18-23 , Robert Neff

Theses/Dissertations from 1979 1979

Covenant and Kingdom as Fulfilled in the Synoptics , Marvin Middendorf

A Critical and Exegetical Analysis of Exodus Twenty-Four with Special Attention to Covenant Ratification , Peter Talia

The Role of Psalm 89:6-19 in Israel's Cult , Ronald Vahl

Theses/Dissertations from 1978 1978

The Doctrine of God in African Traditional Religion , Tokunboh Adeyemo

The Doctrine of the Church in the Writings of Dr. C. F. W. Walther , John Martin Drickamer

Theses/Dissertations from 1975 1975

The Passion Predictions in the Light of Hebrews 2:5-9 , E Clark Copeland

Theses/Dissertations from 1973 1973

A History of the Research of Exodus 18:1-12 with a Critical Evaluation and Suggestions for Further Progress , Andrew Chiu

The Theology of Justus Menius , Alvin H. Horst

The Return-to-Origins Motif in Pauline Theology and its Significance for a Theological Interpretation of Messianic and Millenarian Movements in Melanesia , John Gerhard Strelan

Public Doctrine in the Lutheran Church --Missouri Synod , Waldemar Wehmeier

Theses/Dissertations from 1972 1972

The History of the Attitudes within the Missouri Synod Toward Life Insurance , James W. Albers

A Study of Some Lucan Parables in the Light of Oriental Life and Poetic Style , Kenneth Ewing Bailey

The Theology of Divine Anger in the Psalms of Lament , Thomas Dixon Hanks

An Analysis of the Structure and Traditions of Zechariah 7 and 8 , John Henry Miller

The Relation of the Servant Songs to Their Contexts in Isaiah 40 to 55 , Gyoji Nabetani

Theses/Dissertations from 1971 1971

The Significance of 1 Chronicles 22, 28, 29 for the Structure and Theology of the Work of the Chronicler , Roddy L. Braun

The Pauline Understanding of "The Law of Christ" , Keith Arnold Gerberding

A Case Study in Exegetical Methodology George Stoeckhardt and Johann Philip Koehler on Ephesians , William John Hassold

A Study of the Hermeneutical Principles Involved in the Interpretation and Use of Psalm 22 in Biblical and Extra-Biblical Sources , Harvey Donald Lange

The Implications for Christology of the Idenity of the Poor Man in the Teaching of Jesus , Adrian Max Leske

A Systematic-Historical Study of the Policy of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod with Respect to Fraternal Organizations in the Past Fifty Years , George F. Lobien

Richard Taverner (1505?--1575) and the English Reformation , James Herbert Pragman

The Role of the Old Testament in High School Level Curricula of the American Lutheran Church, the Lutheran Church in America, and the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod 1964-1970 , Harold W. Rast

Theses/Dissertations from 1970 1970

The Diakonis Function of the Church in Hong Kong , Manfred Helmuth Berndt

The Doctrine of the Church in American Presbyterian Theology in the Mid-Nineteeth Century , David Clyde Jones

The Fear of God as Ethical Motivation in Pauline Theology , Walter A. Maier

Movements in the Church of England as Reflected in English Prose Fiction of the Eighteenth Century , William H. Traugott

Theses/Dissertations from 1969 1969

The Role of the Symbols in Australian Lutheranism , Elvin Janetzki

A Comparative Study of the Prolegomena in Karl Barth's Christliche Dogmatik of 1927 and the Kirchliche Dogmatik of 1932-1938 , Heino Olavi Kadai

Division and Reunion in the Presbyterian Church in Korea 1959-1968 , Bong Rin Ro

The Controversy Provoked by William Perkins Reformed Catholike- A Study in Protestant--Catholic Relations in the First Quarter of the Seventeenth Century in England , Robert E. Webber

Theses/Dissertations from 1968 1968

Relations Between the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia 1846-1965 , John Koch

The Origin and Meaning of the Axiom- Nothing has the Character of a Sacrament Outside of the Use, in Sixteenth-Century and Seventeenth-Century Lutheran Theology , Edward Peters

Jesus as the True Israel According to the Passion Narrative of Saint Mark , Roy Schroeder

Theses/Dissertations from 1967 1967

Paul's Source and Use of Tradition as Reflected in his Writings to the Corinthians , Paul Andrews

Psalms 2 and 110: A Comparison of Exegetical Methods , Herbert Hohenstein

A Study of Applications Used in the Sermons of the Concordia Pulpit of the Years 1955-1964 , Erwin Kolb

Characteristics of Southeast Asian Islam as Factors in A Theology of the Christian Mission to Philippine Muslims , Robert McAmis

Via Propria and Via Mystica in the Theology of Jean Le Charlier De Gerson , David Schmiel

Ezekiel 40-48 , Gerald White

Theses/Dissertations from 1966 1966

The Temptation of Jesus in Matthew , Paul Bretscher

The Voice in the Wilderness and the Coming One-- The Old Testament as the Link Between John the Baptist and Jesus Christ , Walter Rosin

Theses/Dissertations from 1965 1965

The Meaning of DIKAIOŌ , William Beck

Lutheran Theology in the Tranoscius with Special Attention to the Doctrine of the Church , Samuel Boda

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Theology Dissertations and Theses

The Theology Dissertations Series is comprised of dissertations authored by Marquette University's Theology Department doctoral students.

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

From Cleansed Lepers to Cleansed Hearts: The Developing Meaning of Katharizo in Luke-Acts , Pamela Shellberg

Lonergan on the Historical Causality of Christ: An Interpretation of 'The Redemption: A Supplement to De Verbo Incarnato' , John Volk

The Christology of Theodoret of Cyrrhus: The Question of Its Development , Vasilije Vranic

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

"Poor Maggot-Sack that I Am": The Human Body in the Theology of Martin Luther , Charles Lloyd Cortright

Intersex and Imago: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Postmodern Theological Anthropology , Megan K. DeFranza

Qoheleth: An Anti-apocalyptic Genre for a Message of Joy , Jerome Douglas

Renaming Abraham's Children: Election, Ethnicity and the Interpretation of Scripture in Romans 9 , Robert Bruce Foster

Lex Orandi, Lex Legendi: A Correlation of the Roman Canon and the Fourfold Sense of Scripture , Matthew Thomas Gerlach

The Way to God or God's Way to Us: The Theologies of Edward Farley and James McClendon in Critical Dialogue , Thomas W. Harrington

Early Christian Sex Change. The Ascetical Context of "Being Made Male" in Early Christianity , Jennifer Lynne Henery

The Trinitarian Theology of Irenaeus of Lyons , Jackson Jay Lashier

Renewing a Catholic Theology of Marriage through a Common Way of Life: Consonance with Vowed Religious Life-in-Community , Kent Lasnoski

Mercy, Justice, and Politics: John Paul II on Capital Punishment , Kevin E. Miller

The Assumption of All Humanity in Saint Hilary of Poitiers' Tractatus super Psalmos , Ellen Scully

Full, Conscious, and Active Participation: The Laity as Ecclesial Subjects in an Ecclesiology Informed by Bernard Lonergan , Mary Utzerath

The Metaphysics and Intellective Psychology in the Natural Desire for Seeing God: Henri de Lubac and Neo-Scholasticism , Christine Wood

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Chosen Nation: Biblical Theopolitics and the Problem of American Christian Nationalism , Braden P. Anderson

The Church's Unity and Authority: Augustine's Effort to Convert the Donatists , Gavril Andreicut

Word and Faith in the Formation of Christian Existence: A Study in Gerhard Ebeling's Rejection of the Joint Declaration , Scott A. Celsor

The Noetic Paschal Anthropos: Genesis 1:27 and the Theology of the Divine Image in Early Paschal Literature , Dragos Andrei Giulea

"The People Believe That He Has Risen from the Dead": The Gospel of Peter and Early Christian Apologetics , Timothy Henderson

The Septuagintal Isaian Use of Nomos in the Lukan Presentation Narrative , Mark Walter Koehne

The Body as Symbol: Bringing Together Theories of Sex/Gender and Race for Theological Discourse , Patricia Lewis

An Ecclesiology of Charisms in the Theology of Francis A. Sullivan , Michael Anthony Novak

The Enochic Watchers' Template and the Gospel of Matthew , Amy Elizabeth Richter

Visionary Ascents of Moses in Pseudo-Philo's Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum: Apocalyptic Motifs and the Growth of Visionary Moses Tradition , Kristine Johnson Ruffatto

Isaac of Stella, the Cistercians and the Thomas Becket Controversy: A Bibliographical and Contextual Study , Travis D. Stolz

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

The Theology of the Holy Spirit According to Irenaeus of Lyons , Anthony A. Briggman

Wisdom Editing in the Book of Psalms: Vocabulary, Themes, and Structures , Steven Dunn

The Self-Donation of God: Gerhard Forde and the Question of Atonement in the Lutheran Tradition , Jack Kilcrease

Theological Hermeneutics in the Classical Pentecostal Tradition: A Typological Account , Louis William Oliverio Jr.

Inverberation - The Idiom of "God Among Us:" Karl Barth's Filial-Pneumatology as the Basic Structure of Theology , Aaron T. Smith

Pentecostal Theology According to the Theologians: An Introduction to the Theological Methods of Pentecostal Systematic Theologians , Christopher Adam Stephenson

"It seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us": Toward a Feminist Pneumatological Argument for Women in Ministry , Lisa P. Stephenson

Using "Chaos" in Articulating the Relationship of God and Creation in God's Creative Activity , Eric Michael Vail

Beyond Stewardship: Toward an Agapeic Environmental Ethic , Christopher J. Vena

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

John Courtney Murray, S.J., and Incarnational Humanism , Richard S. Arndt

What the Law Cannot Do: Samuel DeWitt Proctor's Theological Response to An American Crisis, 1945-1997 , Adam L. Bond

A Great High Priest Who has Passed through the Heavens: In Quest of the Apocalyptic Roots of the Epistle to the Hebrews , James M. Carlson

The Breaking of the Tablets: A Comparison of the Egyptian Execration Ritual to Exodus 32:19 and Jeremiah 19 , Michael S. Donahou

The Mother of Christ As a Symbol of Christian Unity: A Case Study for Ecumenical Dialogue , Maura E. Hearden

Re-reading Yoder in Order to Conscientiously Engage Technology through the Practices of the Church , Paul C. Heidebrecht

The Catholic Church in Dialogue with Non-Christian Faith Traditions: Engaging Jacques Dupuis's Model of Religious Pluralism with Walter Ong's Concept of Dialogic Openness in Media Society , Marinus Chijioke Iwuchukwu

"Broken Nets": Augustine, Schisms and Rejuvenating Councils in North Africa , Fortunate Ojiako

The Sources of Ecclesiastes: The "Epic of Gilgamesh" as a Source Document for Ecclesiastes , Timothy Nalin Senapatiratne

The Sources of Ecclesiastes: The Epic of Gilgamesh As a Source Document for Ecclesiastes , Timothy Nalin Senapatiratne

A More thorough Trinitarian: Reconsidering Moses Stuart's Role in the Trinitarian Debate in New England, 1819-1850 , Jeffrey A. Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Composition and Redaction in the Coptic Gospel of Mary , Ardyth L. Bass

The Angelomorphic Spirit in Early Christianity: Scripture and theology in Clement of Alexandria's Eclogae Propheticae and Adumbrationes , Bogdan G. Bucur

Roman Catholic social bioethics critiques secular bioethics: Fetal tissue research and vulnerable populations , Shawnee M Daniels-Sykes

Roman Catholic Social Bioethics Critiques Secular Bioethics: Fetal Tissue Research and Vulnerable Populations , Shawnee M. Daniels-Sykes

The Role of Human Creativity in the Theological Anthropology of Centesimus Annus and Its Implications for Christian Economic Practices , Kari-Shane Davis

The Mission Theology of the Irish Holy Ghost Fathers in Igboland, 1905-1970, in the Light of the Changing Face of Mission Today: Toward a Mission Theology for the Igbo Church , Charles Achunike Ebelebe

Matthew's Vision: The Unity of the Formula Citations in Matt 1:1-4:16 , Jeremy R. Holmes

Prophetic Catholicism: Appropriating John Courtney Murray, S.J., in Postmodern America , Jennifer Laske

Encounter - call - mission: Conversion in the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar , Daniel W McGuire

The Harmony between the Right to Private Property and the Call to Solidarity in Modern Catholic Social Teaching , Constance J. Nielsen

Intersecting Narratives: The Quest for Identity in a Post-Traditional World and the Prophetic Message of Franz Kafka , Matthew T. Powell

ruah YHWH, ruah 'elohim: A case for literary and theological distinction in the Deuteronomistic History , John M Ragsdale

The Heart of Rahner: An Analysis of Karl Rahner's Theology Using Andrew Tallon's Theory of Triune Consciousness , Heidi Russell

Yahweh Will be My God "if": The Vow of Jacob and His Relationship to the God of His Fathers (Genesis 25-35) , Nathanael E. Schmiedicke

The Gate of Heaven Opens to the Trinity: The Trinitarian Mysticism of Adrienne von Speyr , Matthew Lewis Sutton

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae and Its Significance for Contemporary Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue , Radu Bordeianu

A Critical Assessment of Sacrament and Ethics in the Thought of Louis-Marie Chauvet , Timothy M. Brunk

Who Are the Wise? : A Critical Analysis of Film and Papal Social Teaching for Those Who Can Reclaim and Revitalize the Vision of a More Just America , Alejandro Crosthwaite

Tradition in Transformation: The Celebration of the Lord's Supper in the Reformed Church in America , Christopher Dorn

The Costly Witness of the Church: The World Council of Churches' Study on Ecclesiology and Ethics , John A. Jones

When Faith Judges History: The Anglo-American Religious and Political Experience, and Public Theology, As Missing Elements in Political and Liberation Theology , Ramón Luzárraga III

"Let Us Sing to the Lord": The Biblical Odes in the Codex Alexandrinus , James A. Miller

Nicholas of Lyra's Use of St. Thomas Aquinas' Expositio Super Iob Ad Litteram in His Postilla on Job , Troy P. Pflibsen

Rethinking Christian Salvation in the Light of Ghandi's Satyagraha , Terrence J. Rynne

The trinitarian theology of Marius Victorinus: Polemic and exegesis , John T Voelker

Modern Mormon Use of Patristic Sources to Validate the Utah-Mormon Church , Chris Welborn

The Challenge of Modern Inter-Orthodox Rapprochement and Reconciliation , Kenneth F. Yossa

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The Relevance of Bernard Lonergan's Notion of Self-Appropriation to a Mystical-Political Theology , Ian Bell

Moses, Adam and the Glory of the Lord in Ezekiel the Tragedian: On the Roots of a Merkabah Text , Silviu N. Bunta

Catholic Theology As a Means of Evangelization: The Witness of Francis Joseph Sheed , Christopher M. Carr

Aphrahat the Persian Sage and the Temple of God: A Study of Early Syriac Theological Anthropology , Stephanie K. Skoyles Jarkins

God so Loved the World: The Experience of Salvation in the Theological Project of Edward Schillebeeckx , Michael J. Marigliano

Narrating self, Narrating Other: A Pneumatological Approach to Apophatic Anthropology , Matthew John McKinnon

The Significance of Bernard Lonergan's Work on Bias for the Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa , Cyril Orji

The Subjective Dimension of Human Work: the Conversion of the Acting Person According to Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II and Bernard Lonergan , Deborah Savage

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Christine de Pizan and Biblical Wisdom: A Feminist-Theological Point of View , Bonnie A. Birk

A Reexamination of Nathan Scott's Literary Criticism in the Context of David Tracy's Fundamental Theology , William Donald Buhrman

Personal being: Polanyi, ontology, and Christian theology , Andrew Thomas Grosso

Solidarity in a Global Age: Bringing Forward the Vision of Populorum Progressio , Mari Rapela Heidt

The Human Son of God and the Holy Spirit: Toward a Pentecostal Incarnational Spirit Christology , S. D. L. Jenkins

Job As Proto-Apocalypse: Proposing a Unifying Genre , Timothy Jay Johnson

The Private World As Alienated: Economic Justice in a Culture of Privatized Individualism , Michael D. Lopez-kaley

Acting (Economic) Persons: Adam Smith and Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II As Sources for Economic Personalism , Megan Maloney

From Patriarch to the Youth: The Metatron Tradition in 2 Enoch , Andrei A. Orlov

The Question of the Church in North American Lutheranism: Toward An Ecclesiology of the Third Article , Cheryl M. Peterson

"Truly This is the Savior of the World": Christ and Caesar in the Gospel of John , Lance Bryon Richey

The Vow of Obedience As Decision-Making in Communion: Contributions from Ecclesiology and Psychology , Judith Katherine Schaefer

The Polemical Context and Background of Hilary's Trinitarian Theology , Mark Weedman

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

The Lukan Kingship Parable: Luke 19:11-27 in Literary Perspective , Garwood P. Anderson

The Theological Ethics of Contemporary Prophetic Acts , Randall K. Bush

Incarnational Morality: The Operation of Grace and Personal Conscience in Thomas Aquinas , Virginia Kiernan Dahlberg

The Development of the Principle of the Just Wage in official Catholic Social Teaching , William Fellows

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Home > Divinity > Doctoral Dissertations

Rawlings School of Divinity

Doctoral Dissertations

Submissions from 2024 2024.

The Effect of Music on Spiritual Well Being Among Hospice Patients , Mathai Abraham

Equipping Equippers: Training Alaska Bible College Students for Equipping Ministry through Mentorship , Justin Glenn Archuletta

An Exegetical and Theological Exploration of Paul’s Self-Identity in Consideration of Modern Social Sciences , Chala Baker

Evangelism Development in a Multigenerational Rural Church , John E. Baldwin

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Online Education For Recruitment, Retention, and Sustainability of Religious Organizations , Gordon Vaill Barrows

Critical Thinking and Worldview Formation in Ministry , David W. Belles

Developing Health Ministries Beyond the Disparities in the Community , Tasha Renea Berry-Lewis

A Phenomenological Study of Church Polity and Its Impact on Pastoral Leadership and Congregational Health , Travis L. Biller

Long-Term Partnerships Between Communities and Mission Organizations: A Case Study , Rebecca Boggs Bishop

Do Not Neglect to Show Hospitality to Strangers: Developing and Implementing a Program of Home Hospitality at Furnace Creek Baptist Church , Philip D. Bramblet

Discipleship: A Biblical Approach and Alignment to the Spirit of the Ministry at Kingdom Collegiate Academies Early Childhood Program , Ella Louise Brown

Church and Community: Bridging the Gap to Create a Culture of Acceptance and Inclusiveness , Matthew L. Brown

Developing a Discipleship Training Guide at Greater Love Baptist Church for the Retention of Young Adults , Frances W. Cox

A Mixed Methods Study to Evaluate the Nature of the Lead Pastor's Psychological Capital and the Impact on Leading Church Revitalization , Toney Allen Cox

Impact of Worldview Development on Spiritual Vitality in Evangelical Protestant Churches: A Phenomenological Study , Nicholas Jared Curtis

Some Aspects of the Theology of the City in ANE Literature and Biblical Protology and Eschatology: A Comparative Study , Vlatko Dir

Mentorship for African American Female Officers of Faith in the United States Air Force , Tanquer L. Dyer

Crisis Management and Peer Support , Kevin H. Eaton

Spiritual Care and the Art of Holistic Healing at Swedish Hospital in Chicago , Mary Pamela Eke

Preparing the Next Generation for Faith Ownership by Training Fathers in the Biblical Worldview , John D. Embrey

Digital Ministry in the Church: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities , Willie Charles Howard Garrett

The Influence of Transformational Leaders in Reconnecting the Millennial Generation to the Community of the Local Church , Brandi Lynn Ginty

Great Leader, Great Learner: Shepherd-Teachers, Self-Directed Learning, and the Preaching Moment in Small Southern Baptist Churches , Matthew Thomas Gowin

Phenomenological Analysis of Training Effectiveness for Multiracial Ministry Received by Black Pastors Graduating from Southern Baptist Seminaries , Timothy D. Griffin

A Phenomenological Study of the Perception of Racial Unity in Evangelical Churches in Chicago , Amber L. Harvey

It’s All in Your Mind: Mindset and Eternal Destiny , Eric S. Henderson

The Scatological Scriptures: A Biblical Theology of Dung , Zachary C. Hill

A Phenomenological Study of Pastors Who Were Mentored and the Perceived Value of the Mentor Relationship , Reginald L. Horner

Expanding the Apostolic Mission: A Biblical-Theological Analysis of Peter's Epistles as Evidence of His Universal Apostleship Beyond the Jewish Context , Peter J. Ireland

Generational Poverty and Education: Breaking the Cycle of Ignorance , Leland Jackson

Early Forgiveness Intervention in Substance Abuse Recovery , Susan Janos

An Examination of the Parental Role in the Discipleship of Children , Robert B. Jarman

Church Systems: From Church Attenders to Committed Church Members , Loyd Johnson

Building High-Performance Ministry Teams: Pastors, Ministers, and Leaders of Selected Baptist Churches in Macon, Georgia , Michael Wendell Johnson

Emulating Paul’s Ministry Leadership in a Diverse and Changing Cultural Landscape , Mark J. Lee

Ripe For the Harvest: Developing Servants Through Spiritual Formation at Fairhaven Church of Rootstown , Vincent A. Maltempi

Leveraging Ministry and Community Partnerships to Address Community Needs , Chaunceia Renee Mayfield

Private Christian Education and Utilization of Evangelism Curriculum , Amy N. McBrayer

Family Discipleship: Forming a Biblical Worldview for Godly Decisions , Eric Spencer McCrickard

A Study on the Effects of Biblical Counseling Techniques on Teacher Relationships with Students with Autism , Matthew McNeill

Exploring How Church Leadership Strives for Effective Ministry by Developing a Viable Leadership Training Program at a Small Nondenominational Church in Scranton, South Carolina , Willa Dean Montgomery

Biblical Leadership Development: Essential Components in Servant Leadership , André T. Moore Sr.

Community Formation and Effective Leadership in African American Churches in High-poverty Communities , Kevin Laron Moore

A Phenomenological Study of Complexity Leadership Interactions of an International Protestant Convention during COVID-19 , Thomas S. Narofsky

Rest, Rhetoric, and Suffering in the Letter to the Hebrews: How the Author of Hebrews Uses Classical Rhetoric to Resolve Tension between Invitation to God's Rest and Present Suffering , Dickson Kûng’û Ngama

Perceptions of Paid Pastoral Staff of Volunteer Engagement in the Assemblies of God , Glorielba Orta Meléndez

Ego Eimi and the Surpassing Greatness of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John , Keith Kekoa Pang

The Canonical Significance of Mindset in Romans 8:5–14 (Φρονέω and its Cognates): Implications for Biblical Interpretation, Application, and Evangelism , Denise Anne Pass

Homeless Veterans and the Impacts of a Dedicated Discipleship Program , B. Keith Poole Jr.

Coherent Chiastic Oeuvre in the Unity of Luke-Acts: Two Volumes Conjoined as a Single Book , John Matthew Powell

Burnout Prevention in Christian Public and Private Middle School Leaders: A Qualitative Study , Rhonda Grider Purchase

A Defense of the Neronic Date of the Book of Revelation , Jason L. Quintern

"A Friend of Tax Collectors and Sinners": An Intertextual Reading of Luke's Jesus According to Divine Identity and YHWH Shepherd Language , Dottie H. Rhoads

A Mixed-Method Approach Identifying Antecedents of Employee Engagement in a Nondenominational Church: Perspective from Volunteers and Employees , Gregory A. Rodriguez

Providing Biblical Knowledge to Women Ages 25–70 to Place Women in Ministry and Leadership Positions in the Church , Evelyn Diane Scott

Forgiving Childhood Hurt Biblically , Latisha Shearer

Indirect Prophecies Concerning the Death of Christ in Narrative , Lindsay A. Siemers

A Phenomenological Multi-Case Study of Perceptions of Older Adults’ Loneliness during COVID-19 Within Selected Online Churches , Bethney Wright Sikes

Let My People Go: A Biblical Theology of Liberation in the Exodus Motif , Lou Ann Smith

Equipping Local Pastors to Develop a Comprehensive Chaplaincy Ministry for the Cullman County Sheriff's Office , Matthew W. Smith

A Composition of Strategic Harmony: The Role of Hymnic Elements in the Compositional Strategy of Amos , Moegagogo S. Solomona

A Phenomenological Study of Discipleship Experiences in Hartsville, SC, Baptist Churches , Robert W. Stuckey

God’s Narrative of Redemption: Creation, Imago Dei, and Water Imagery , Dawn Lewis Sutherland

The Role of the Law in the Sanctification of the Believer Today: A Brief Introduction to Pronomianism , Benjamin John Stepan Szumskyj

A Phenomenological Study of Female Master of Divinity Graduates' Experiences and Role Incongruity at Texas Baptist Seminaries , Michele Lee Taylor

Living a Better Story: The Lived Narrative Apologetic in the Book of Acts , Cedric LeMar Thomas

Ministry and Diversity in the City , William Thomas

Challenging the Cancer of Consumerism Ravaging the American Protestant Church , John A. Thompson II

Others First: A Visual Roadmap 4 Transformation , Toby D. Wagoner

An Examination of the Perceived Impact of Social Networking on Discipleship in Yalobusha County, Mississippi , Gary Bernard Walton

A Qualitative Descriptive Study: What South Carolina Church Leaders Believe About Congregational Active Shooter Preparation , Charles David Watts Jr.

Reconsidering the Apologetic Purpose of Luke-Acts , James C. Williams

Digital Technology Use and Influence on the Mission and Ministry of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Church Community in the United States Resulting from the Covid -19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Study , Phillip Steven Woodruff

An Exegetical Analysis On Zechariah 11 , Jian Wu

How to Create Things with Words: Identifying the Performative Speech Acts of God’s Spoken Words in the Genesis 1 Creation Account , Ivan C. Yu

Submissions from 2023 2023

The Single Father in the Christian Church and Their Struggles , Kennedy Abbott

Metamorphosis of the Traditional Church: The Hybrid Church Model , Steven Edward Adams

The Decalogue of Justice: A Covenantal Application of Biblical Justice , Andrew Mark Adil

Biblical Memorization and Meditation as an Effective Means of Spiritual Warfare , Scott Ahern

Creating and Implementing a Mentorship Ministry for New Believers , Moses Aleman

The Necessity of Spiritual Preparation in Short-Term Missions as it Correlates to Ministry Effectiveness , Brent Edward Allen

Effectiveness of Training Jacksonville Church of God Seventh Day to Minister Biblical Truth to Seventh-day Adventists , Dirk E. Anderson

A Phenomenological Study of How Active Engagement in Black Greek Letter Sororities Influences Christian Members' Spiritual Growth , Lorraine Mary Aragon

Discouragement and Supportive Relationships in Latin Pastors Planting Churches in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee , Jeannette Arroyo

Servant Leadership in African Christian Immigrants As An Organizational Strategy To Mitigate The Great Resignation , Kwabena A. Asenso-Okyere

The Warning Passages in Hebrews: Exhortations Written Using Deliberative Rhetoric to a Community of Faith , Edgardo Rafael Báez

Undercutting the Biblical Inspiration and Authority Debate: The Hermeneutic of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 in Postmodernism against Black Liberation Theology , Raleigh M. Bagley III

Organic Leadership Training: A Training and Assessment Program for Potential House Church Leaders , David Glenn Bailey

A Mixed-Methods Inquiry into Pastors' Knowledge and Responses to Human Trafficking in Their Congregations in the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware , Denise A. Beck

Cosmic Hamartiology: Using an Apocalyptic Paul Hermeneutic to Exposit Chaos Monster Passages , Peter Terrell Bingham Jr.

Perceptions of Vocation, Calling, and Work Among College Students From Union University: A Phenomenological Study , Matthew S. Bowman

Foster Care and the Church , Donald R. Brown

The Faithful Vassal: The Suzerain-Vassal Covenant Relationship as a Biblical-Theological Theme Connecting the Old and New Testament Narratives , Tyler Matthew Brown

African Influence in the Bible: A Sub-Saharan Response to the Gospel and the Divine Prerogative of African Incorporation in God’s Redemptive Plan , Robert Milton Bugg Jr.

Jailhouse Religion: A Study on the Perceived Effects of Religious Prison Rehabilitation That Affects Recidivism , William George Bumphus III

Discipling Elementary Children as a Father , Jeremiah Jabez Canfield

The Clapham Saints: A Correlational Study between a Christian's Level of Commitment to the Christian Faith and Their Engagement in Human Trafficking Political Matters , Charles L. Carpenter

John's Canonical Portrait of Christ: A Biblical-Theological Approach to the Depiction of the Glorified Christ in Revelation 1 , Christopher Matthew Carpenter

Analyzing the Relationship between Pastoral Leadership and Church Attendance in Baptist Congregations in Eastman, Georgia , Michael Carruthers

John’s Complementing of Mark’s Wicked Tenants Parable in his Metaphor of the True Vine , John F. Cespedes

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Theology Theses and Dissertations

Theology Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Islamic Ethical Considerations on Medical Decision-Making in Adolescence , Nuray Catic

Lighting the Way of the Learner: Towards a Social Virtue Epistemology in Aḥmad al-Ṣaghīr’s The Faqīh’s Lantern , Amani Khelifa

The Experiences of Transgender Anglicans in the Eucharistic Liturgy , Jordan D. Sandrock

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Christian Mass Movements in South India and Some of The Critical Factors that Changed the Face of Christianity in India , Philip Joseph Mathew

Exploring the Relational Center of the Individualist/Collectivist Spectrum: A Literature Survey of Direct and Indirect Perichoretic Works , Steven Latta

Women and Western Mission: A Case Study on the Christian Khasi and Garo Tribal Women , Rosemary Philip

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Notion of Evil in the Qur'an and Islamic Mystical Thought , Irfan Asghar

Personhood, Particularity, and Perichoresis: The Doctrine of the Trinity in Identity and Faith Formation , Tabitha Petrova Edgar

Monks Praise the Female Saints of Anglo-Saxon England: Hild of Whitby and Edith of Wilton , Lori Ferguson

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

ʿAbdulḥalīm Abū Shuqqa’s The Liberation of Women in the Age of Revelation: A Translation and Critical Commentary , Ibtehal Noorwali

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Atheist Controversy in the United Church of Canada: A Review of Gretta Vosper , Jacob A. Shaw

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Pragmatic Holiness in the Early Salvation Army: A Theology of Holiness as Action , Terence Hale

The Spirituality of Watchman Nee from a Neo-Confucian Perspective , Jin Meng

Two Paths to Illumination in Islamic Mysticism: Self-Annihilation versus Higher Self , Mahdieh Mirmohammadi

Sunday, Bloody Sunday: Martyrial Theology in the Eucharistic Liturgies of the Anglican Church of Canada , Andrew M. Rampton

Science and Theology in Religious Education and Faith Formation with Children and Youth: Towards a Post-Foundationalist Approach , Judy S. Steers

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

'Empire without end': John Finch, Orientalism, and Early Modern Empire, 1674-1681 , Remi Alie

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Christian Kitsch: A Preliminary Examination of Christian Materialism through Theological Aesthetics and Cultural Politics , Michael A. Bodkin

Rethinking Resurrection: Choosing Interdisciplinary Dialogue Over Dualism , Jesse Dymond

The Euthanasia Debate: International Experience and Canadian Policy Proposals , Lorna M. Fratschko

The German Christians’ Influence on Barth’s Hamartiology of Pride , Tom Linden

Irruption: Placing Theology at the Centre of the Discourse on Church Amalgamation , John MacKenzie

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

New Paradigm for South Sudan: The Christian Contribution to the South African TRC , Malith J. Kur

Spirituality and Autonomous Religion in Southern Ontario: A Sociological and Theological Study , Christopher J. Medland

The Anointing That Teaches: A Socio-Historical and Rhetorical Study of Chrisma in 1 John 2:20 and 27 , Jenny Meggison

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Promise and Problematic of the Virtual Eucharist Mass According To The Roman Catholic Church’s Position in “The Church and the Internet” , Andrew W. Labenek

Political Theology Versus Public Theology: Reclaiming the Heart of Christian Mission , Martin R. Levesque

Between Mercersburg and Oxford: The Ecclesiology of John Williamson Nevin , Kevin H. Steeper

The Christian as Witness in View of the True Witness , Emily Patricia Wilton

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Torah in the Diaspora: A Comparative Study of Philo and 4 Maccabees , Christopher J. Cornthwaite

The Religion of Success: The Religious and Theological Roots of the American Success Industry of Self-Help, Personal Growth, and Wealth , Sharon M. Lindenburger

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Toward a Dialogical Hermeneutic of a Hindu-Christian: A Socio-scientific Study of Nepali Immigrants in Toronto , Surya Prasad Acharya

The Prevalence of the Magistrate in the Political Theology of Heinrich Bullinger , Brent J. Brodie

Rowan Williams and Mikhail Bakhtin: The Appeal of Polyphony , Antony N. Gremaud

The Sacramental Theology of John Owen and John Calvin , David van Eyk

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©1878 - 2016 Western University


250+ Theology Research Topics That Will Fetch You an A+ Grade

Table of Contents

Theology is an academic discipline that talks about divine, spiritual, and religious beliefs. Across the globe, many educational institutes offer degree courses in theology to help students understand the concepts of religion and human faith. If you are a student who is pursuing a degree in theology or religious studies, then to obtain graduation, for your final assignment, you must submit a thesis on theology research topics.

Theology Research Topics

In case, you are unsure what research topic to choose for your theology thesis, check this blog post. Especially to help you out, here, we have compiled some latest theology research topic ideas. Also, we have provided the key steps for writing an excellent theology research paper. Continue reading to update your knowledge of theology thesis writing.

Steps for Writing a Theology Research Paper

A theology research paper is a type of academic paper that is being prepared on any particular theology topic. Basically, theology is composed of historical, biblical, systematic, and political viewpoints. For writing a theology research paper, you can pick any religion and analyze a topic or subtopic of it from various perspectives.

You may think that writing a theology research paper is easy. But actually, it is not. Theology is a subject that is closely associated with religions and beliefs. As religion is a sensitive discussion topic, you need to be more careful with your opinions and craft the research paper in a non-controversial manner. Also, when writing the theology essay, most importantly, you should try to persuade your readers with valid evidence supporting your opinions about the topic.

If you are not sure how to prepare an impressive theology research paper, then strictly follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • First, search and find the latest theology research topic that is comfortable for you to write about.
  • Conduct deep research on the selected topic and gather important ideas and points for research paper topics discussion.
  • Prepare a neat and clear research paper outline with the collected ideas.

Theology Research Paper Writing

  • With the help of the essay outline, begin writing the research paper. In the research paper, make sure to organize your opinions and ideas in different sections.
  • Craft an introductory paragraph. It is the opening part of the research paper where you have to include crispy background information on the topic and a strong thesis statement.
  • Next, write a literature review. Through your literature review chapter, you should explain how your research and results fill the knowledge gap.
  • Present details about the research methodology. Here, you should explain what research method you have used to gather and analyze data. In this chapter, avoid sharing details about your results instead talk only about the research methods.
  • Prepare a data analysis chapter and simply present the results of your research. Here, just mention what data you have used without any detailed explanation.
  • Write the results chapter. Through this chapter, you should explain to your readers the results of your work, why the results are important, and how the results have answered your research question.
  • Finally, close your research paper with a conclusion paragraph. In the conclusion section, you should summarize all your findings and add a thesis restatement.
  • Add a reference page. In the reference section, you should list the details of all the research materials, publications, and other sources you have used in the research paper.
  • Before submission, proofread the entire research paper and edit the errors in it.

By following all these steps you can come up with a brilliant theology research paper. But remember, the final draft of the research paper that is ready for submission should not contain any errors or plagiarism. Also, when writing the research paper, strictly adhere to your professor’s or university’s research paper writing guidelines, if there are any.

List of the Best Theology Research Paper Topics

In the research paper writing process, topic selection is the most important step that is challenging to handle. If you want to score an A+ grade, then a high level of importance should be given to the topic selection.

Theology Research Topics

Basically, theology is a broad subject with plenty of topics for you to choose from. But when you have many topics, you can find it tough to select a good topic. So, in order to make the topic selection process easier for you, here, we have filtered and prepared a list of the best theology research topics.

Explore the entire list and identify an ideal topic from an area that you have strong knowledge of.

Simple Theology Research Topics

  • Discuss the economics of religion.
  • What is Exegetical theology?
  • Write about theodicy.
  • Explain the Spirits’ Book.
  • Explore the origin of Spiritism.
  • Define postmodernist theology.
  • What is the role of religion in climate change?
  • Write about the Fox sisters.
  • Analyze the Holy Trinity.
  • Explain your views about God and love.
  • Explore modern Egyptian religion.
  • Research the origin of Calvinism.
  • Describe various religious wars.
  • Explain the concept of a Mediumship.
  • Talk about atheism as a religion.
  • Cultural specifics of religions.
  • The role of religion in the history of education and Science.
  • Religion and individual from the perspective of social psychology.
  • Discuss women’s role in various religions.
  • Explain the concept of heaven in different religions.
  • The difference between religion and science.
  • Discuss Sikhism as a world religion.
  • Discuss the role of heaven and hell.
  • Christian Theology and World Religions: Christianity and Islam
  • “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” Book by McMinn

Easy Theology Research Topics

  • Explain the life after death concept.
  • Analyze the Gnostic faith.
  • Write about the evolution of holy books.
  • What are the various forms of evil?
  • Compare Quran and Bible.
  • Describe the concept of heaven in different religions.
  • Explain the role of women in various religions.
  • What is the role of heaven and hell?
  • What is the difference between religion and science?
  • Religion in the globalized world.
  • Religion and crime: forgiveness and punishment.
  • The political impact of religion.
  • What are the links and similarities between the two testaments of the Bible?
  • Differences in the mode of worship between the 20th century and the 21st century
  • Why some terrorists use Islam as an excuse for killing people
  • Are terrorists really as devoted to their religions and beliefs the way they prove they are?
  • Does dispensation theology differ from covenant theology?

Biblical Theology Research Paper Topics

  • Write about Psalm 51.
  • How was Jesus different from other prophets in the Bible?
  • Explain the concept of homosexuality as discussed in the Bible.
  • Explain Nehemiah and the question of identity.
  • Explore the assumptions based on the death of Christ.
  • What are the popular parables in Bible?
  • How is the Bible different from all other holy books?
  • Explain the Ten doctrines of the Bible.
  • Compare the Old and the New Testaments.
  • What is the role of Satan?
  • The effectiveness of faith in Christian life and how it impacts people.
  • What are the major contributors to divisions in the church?
  • The Biblical examination of why there are divisions in the church.

Interesting Religion Research Topics

  • Write about Animism and Deism.
  • What is the relationship between humanity and spirituality?
  • Discuss the beliefs of Buddhists.
  • Talk about the religious conflicts in different parts of the world.
  • Explain Esotericism.
  • Investigate the existence of guardian angels.
  • Analyze the concept of religion in Ancient Egypt.
  • Talk about religion in Ancient Greece.
  • What are the reasons for the Catholic Crusades?
  • Write about ancient religions.
  • The Christian model of living and how it impacts society.
  • The religious conflicts in different parts of the world.
  • How persistent violence affects religious institutions.
  • The principles of religious institutions funding.

Hinduism Research Topics

  • What is the meaning of dharma in Hinduism?
  • Trace the origin of Hinduism.
  • Talk about Vedic Yajna.
  • Discuss the Hindu Renaissance.
  • Write about Vaishnavism.
  • The politicization of Hinduism through the dowry system.
  • What is the doctrine of scripture in the catechism of Hinduism?
  • Explain the history of Hinduism.
  • How do other religions view Hinduism?
  • Explain the creation of the world in Hinduism.
  • What does Hinduism say about Artha?
  • Talk about Hinduism in Indian culture.
  • Explain the diversity in Hinduism.
  • Research a Sanskrit text.
  • Talk about the Hindu belief system.

Christianity Research Topics

  • Explain the beliefs of Christians.
  • What are the various Christian ethics?
  • What are the main values of Christianity?
  • Describe Christianity as a way of life.
  • Explain the history of Christians.
  • How does Christianity treat abortion?
  • Explain the concept of Christianity.
  • What role does Christianity play in world history?
  • Talk about the Day of Judgment.
  • Analyze the Redemption of Christ.
  • Write about Christians in Ancient Rome.
  • What is the role of women in Christianity?
  • How does the Christian model of living impact society?
  • Explain Christian theology.
  • Discuss the significance of the Christian creed, and confessions in Christianity.
  • Talk about the sacred ceremonies in Christianity.
  • Explain Trinity in Christianity.
  • What is the heritage of Holiness in Christianity?
  • Discuss the impact of historical theology on modern Christianity.
  • Nature and faith roles for a Christian.

Research Topics on Buddhism

  • What is the effect of Buddhism on the modern world?
  • What does Buddhism say about Karma?
  • Trace the origin of Buddhism.
  • Talk about Buddhism in India.
  • What does dukkha in Buddhism mean?
  • Write about the creation of the world in Buddhism.
  • Explain the organizational structures of the Buddhists in Thailand.
  • Compare Buddhism in Japan and China.
  • Discuss the modern and postmodern evolution of Buddhism.
  • What is the meaning of faith in Buddhism?
  • Discuss the concept of Liberation in Buddhism.
  • Describe the work of Buddha.
  • Explain the concept of rebirth in Buddhism.
  • Talk about humanity in Buddhism.
  • Explain the concept of the state of nirvana.

Islam Research Topics

  • What is the meaning of God in Islam?
  • Talk about Resurrection in Islam.
  • Discuss the concept of gender equality in Islam.
  • Talk about fasting in Islam.
  • Track the origins of Islam.
  • Are abortions allowed in Islam?
  • Why is Ramadan a holy month in Islam?
  • Creation of the world in Islam.
  • Discuss the history of Islam before and after the birth of Mohammed.
  • What does Islam teach about gender, sexuality, and identity?
  • Talk about divine destiny in the Quran.
  • What are the reproductive rights of women in Islam?
  • Write about the Prophet Muhammad.
  • What is the role of women in Islam?
  • Discuss the concept of Salah.

Judaism Research Topics

  • Explain Tanakh texts.
  • Have a closer look at the Jewish movement in Israel.
  • What is the role of Jews in world history?
  • Compare Karaites and Samaritans.
  • Discuss the concept of Halakha.
  • Can the growth of Israel be linked to the practice of Judaism?
  • Talk about Palestine.
  • Write about the history of Judaism.
  • What does Judaism say about Enlightenment?
  • Discuss the history of Judaism theology in the United States.

Read more: Great Religious Research Paper Topics That Will Boost Your Academic Scores

Taoism and Confucianism Research Topics

  • Talk about Taoism in China.
  • Analyze female shamans in Taoism.
  • Discuss the history of Taoism.
  • Explain the concept of Proper Rite in Confucianism.
  • Research the origins of Confucianism.
  • Write about the contributions of Confucianism to the world.
  • Analyze Confucianism.
  • Discuss the effect of Confucianism on the modern world.
  • Explore the reflective practice of Taoism.
  • What is the meaning of faith in Taoism?
  • Analyze meritocracy in Confucianism.
  • Discuss the concept of Benevolence in Confucianism.
  • Talk about Junzi.
  • Analyze Confucianism during the Tang dynasty.
  • Write about Chinese martial arts.

Historical Theology Research Topics

Historical Theology Research Ideas

  • Explain the historical impact of the theology of discipleship.
  • Discuss the historical contributions of John Calvin to pastoral theology.
  • What is the value of socio-historical theology in the genealogy of faith?
  • Write about the history of lost and forgotten books in Christian theology.
  • Prepare a historical overview of the relationship between race, religion, and culture.
  • Analyze the past Jewish traditions.
  • Compare historical and contemporary theology.
  • Write about the history of pastoral theology.
  • A brief historical treatise of the martyr’s cause in Islam and Christianity.
  • Discuss the history and development of evangelism in Abrahamic religions.

Political Theology Research Topics

  • What is the role of religion in World War I?
  • Explain the views of religion on nuclear war.
  • Can religion be separated from the government?
  • Discuss the political roles of the Pope.
  • Write about the politics of Vatican City.
  • What is the role of religious institutions in state politics?
  • Discuss Augustine’s political and social opinions.
  • What are religious politics?
  • What are some Amish views on politics?
  • Discuss American politics and religion.
  • What are Illiberal Religions?
  • Discuss the conflict of war and the intersection of religion.
  • What is the role of Christianity in World War II?
  • Write about Terrorism and the politicization of Islam.
  • Describe the political evolution of the church.

Practical Theology Research Topics

  • The inclusiveness of the disabled in the theology of humanity.
  • Explore the practical celebration of God.
  • Analyze practical theology across all religious denominations.
  • Discuss the principles of practical theology.
  • Explain the international perspective of practical theology.
  • Write about the symbolism of salvation and reincarnation.
  • Explain the practical exploration of God as an entity.
  • A practical reflection on religious law systems as against modern law systems.
  • Interpret African cultures in understanding theology.
  • Prepare an empirical study of the body and the soul.

Systematic Theology Research Paper Topics

  • Compare Catholic and Roman dogmatism.
  • Explain the principles and policies of systematic theology.
  • What is systematic theology ?
  • What are the contributions of systematic theology to climate change?
  • Will systematic theology ever rule the world?
  • Compare practical theology and systematic theology.
  • What are the effects of liberation theology?
  • Describe the viewpoints of Romans and Catholics on systematic theology.
  • Explain the incarnation of divinity and humanity.
  • Discuss the perspectives of spiritual darkness and light.
  • Historicity and historicity in systematic theology.
  • The systematic theology of the Islamic tradition on animals.
  • Explain the systematic concept of God and love.
  • Why are death and hell considered tools of evangelism?
  • Perspectives of an African-American on systematic theology.

Captivating Theology Discussion Topics

  • What is the meaning of the soul in different religions?
  • Is yoga a health or religious practice?
  • Describe the phenomenon of trickster gods.
  • Discuss female clergy in different religions.
  • Talk about religion and economics.
  • What is the nature of God and its relation with living beings?
  • Explain the ideas and beliefs behind honor killings in some religions.
  • Discuss the reflections on the Theology of Worship.
  • How does religion impact people’s daily life?
  • Describe the difference between God’s love and human love.

Amazing Theology Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the effect of the sectarian crisis in the church.
  • How do the leadership styles and welfare programs impact salvation?
  • What are the principles of religious institution funding?
  • Do churches contribute to healthy living in society?
  • What is Eschatology?
  • What are the primary effects of servant leadership on Pentecostal fellowship?
  • Discuss the loss and betrayal based on Theology.
  • Discuss the polytheistic religion and mythology.
  • Describe the rise of mega-churches.
  • Explain the relationship between science and theology.
  • The impact of the scripture and culture on society.
  • How is humanism portrayed in society?
  • Explore our ancestors and their spiritual beliefs.
  • Explore the pre-existence of the Son of God.
  • Describe Roman Catholicism.
  • Understanding dialect, philosophy, and Theology through Scholasticism
  • Discuss the connection between God, humanity, the world, salvation, and eschatology
  • Critical analysis of the impact of the dowry system on Hinduism
  • Describe the factors that make Hindu Dharma different from the Sanatan Dharma
  • Sanatan Dharma is developed in the interest of the ultimate well-being of humanity that a profound sense of inquiry is brought into everyone’s life: Explain
  • Discuss the impact of “Existentialism” on theology
  • Discuss the reasons that make it important to differentiate theology, spirituality, and philosophy
  • How the Church handles postmodernism theology?
  • Theology is a pseudoscience: Explain
  • Discuss the theology behind the Palm Sunday

Trending Theology Research Ideas

  • Discuss the idea of mankind undergoing a spiritual metamorphosis.
  • Look for a Sanskrit text; discuss the Hindu Renaissance.
  • Examine Confucianism in Tang Dynasty China
  • Discuss the background of Taoism.
  • Talk about the Confucian idea of benevolence.
  • Talk about the idea of not hurting living things.
  • An in-depth examination of Hinduism’s diversity
  • Mention Mahatma Gandhi
  • Talk about the idea of postmodernist theology.
  • Describe religious instruction in the UK.

Outstanding Theology Research Topics

  • Compare and contrast major and minor Catholic Saints.
  • Explain Greek Philosophy during the Hellenistic Period.
  • Describe how Roman Catholicism blended with the Mayan Religion.
  • Discuss the ways Mazdayasna influences Islam and the Baha’i Faith.
  • Compare and contrast the Aztec and Mayan religions.
  • Explain the role Mormonism had on Western expansion in the United States.
  • Discuss what the library says about the lost tribes of Israel.
  • Explain how different religions view religious officials and celibacy.
  • Discuss how the Gnostic Texts differ as presented in the English Bible.
  • Discuss how the New Testament explains Judaism.

From the list of 250+ amazing ideas, choose any topic that matches your interest and compose a detailed theology research paper with proper evidence. In case, you need an expert to offer you help with theology research paper topic selection and writing, contact us for quick assistance.

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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Resources on How to Write a Research Paper

We've all been there. We know (sort of) on what we want to write, but we don't really know how to write it, how to organize our thoughts, or how to organize our research. It's fun to read, but it's another thing to articulate, analyze, and synthesize our thoughts.

Here are some ideas/resources that might help you along the way:

  • John Frame, professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at RTS, wrote a helpful step-by-step process for how to write a theology paper.  You can access it for free here .
  • Michael Jensen (D.Phi. at Moore Theological College) has written a short, topically-arranged book, How To Write a Theological Essay (78+pages), available on reference at SBTS.  Find it here .
  • The Craft of Research, accessed here , gives a book-length treatment of the subject.
  • The Writing Center , located in the library, has a staff dedicated to helping you craft an excellent paper.

Here is some advice regarding Systematic 1, 2, or 3 class papers specifically:

  • Start Early. Begin planning your paper the day before the first day of the class. You'll get first crack at the books, you'll get to ask the professor about any research "snags" you hit along the way, you'll get plenty of time to edit and refine, you'll learn more about the subject, and you'll finish the assignment stress-free.
  • Define the question. Every paper seeks to answer a question. The sooner you discover what that question is and the more specific you can make your question, the better off your paper will be. Once you have your question, the answer to that question can be your beginning thesis statement. This thesis statement, with refining, will begin your writing effort on a good foot to having a strong paper.
  • Discover the lead, competing positions regarding your particular question. This requires reading, and sometimes reading broadly.  You want, in this step, to be able to summarize precisely the arguments/positions regarding your research subject.
  • Pick a position. Which available position wins out and why? Is there one that is "the best"?
  • Defend it against the best objections. One common problem of bad theology papers is that students fail to treat their objectors fairly. It doesn't do you or the world any good to argue against a position nobody actually holds. Moreover, it's disingenuous and academically uncouth.

Your paper should not look like your research. It's feasible that your actual paper will look something like this:

  • Introduction (define the problem), Thesis (state your solution), Methodology (preview how you will demonstrate your Thesis).
  • Summarize the available and most persuasive positions (including your own).
  • Support your position.
  • Defend your position against the best objections.
  • Conclusion. Restate your position in light of your paper. This is not a simple "copy" and "paste" of your Introduction. It is the final appeal to your readers for why your position is superior in view of all you've just said.

Remember, you are not done until you have edited your paper. Read through it again, editing as you go, and then have someone else read through it so you have another set of eyes looking at what will be the finished product.

Distinction between Primary and Secondary Sources

It is often the case that when doing theological research, it will be important to examine Primary Sources .  A primary source is an author's first-hand account of the event being studied.  Examples include: diaries, letters, journals, memos, interviews, manuscripts, newspaper articles of current events, photographs, records of government agencies like birth or death certificates, and minutes of conferences or agencies.  Secondary Sources interpret/analyze the event in question.

Here's a clarifying example from the ATLA website : "A letter from a Union soldier to his wife during the Civil War would be considered a primary document.   A book written by a historian that discusses letters written by soldiers during the Civil War would be a secondary source, even if it includes those letters we consider primary sources. "  The distinction is relevant for researchers because interpretations of primary sources may be incorrect.  If you rely only on secondary sources, your own conclusions may be, consequently, skewed.

For Systematics:

A primary source would be the original (or definitive) edition of a work. Examples (again from the ATLA site) would include:

  • Ausgewahlte Werke —the 1883 or “Weimar” edition of Martin Luther’s works. (Also available online as a subscription database by Proquest.)
  • Institutio Christianae Religionis —John Calvin’s Institutes ( definitive version in 1559) although the 1560 French edition is also considered definitive.
  • Grundkurs des Glaubens —Karl Rahner’s   Foundations of Christian Faith in German.
  • Systematische Theologie— Wolfgang Pannenberg’s Systematic Theology in German.
  • Kirchliche Dogmatik— Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics in German.
  • While not a “definitive” edition of their works, many theological librarians use the Christian Classics Ethereal Library to look at the works of the    early church fathers, originally published in print as Early Church Fathers series.

A secondary source would be a later, non-definitive edition, a non-definitive translation, or an examination of a particular facet of the primary source.  For example, Paul Helm's John Calvin's Ideas is a secondary source because it is an analysis of Calvin's works; Balthasar's The Theology of Karl Barth is a secondary source for the same reason.

If you're unsure what an author's primary works are, you can peruse the Enclopedia of Christian Theology by Lacoste or The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought to get an idea of particular theological thinkers and their primary works.  These are helpful, but not comprehensive guides to theological research.  If you ever have trouble finding primary literature, contact a research expert at the library or attempt to dialogue with a researcher in your field of interest.

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Messiah and righteousness in paul and his context , representations of trauma in the fourth gospel , jingjiao theology: translation, doctrine, and religious practice in tang china (618–907) , god, science, and truth: a signpost theory of truth for science and religion , verbal aspect of perfect and pluperfect verbs in the narrative literature of the new testament , characterisation of jesus the davidic shepherd in mark’s gospel: a narrative analysis through the lens of metalepsis , gisbertus voetius's (1589-1676) doctrine of participation: its scholastic and mystical sources , empty tomb tradition: its origins and early development in light of cultural trauma theory and ritual lamentation , philosophy of freedom and slavery in paul's epistle to the galatians , rise of contemporary spirituality in saudi arabia , christian embodiment of neo-confucian active mysticism: a study on jia yuming's spirituality , piety in the theology of herman bavinck: trinitarian, covenantal and holistic , christ's physical appearance: biography, christology, philosophy , search for interdenominational co-operation and unity among korean evangelicals, 1945-1997 , signification of yhwh: a structural semiotic exegesis of theophany texts in the prophetic tradition of isaiah , soteriology of jews and non-jews in paul's thought , telos of faith-based aid: christian organising in development, humanitarianism and advocacy through the lens of institutional logics , tanzanian christianity and socio-political thought in the nyerere years: a comparative study of the chagga of kilimanjaro and the haya of kagera, 1954-1985 , word-to-word: a constructive account of speech between god and humanity in the theologies of herman bavinck and john webster , divine sovereignty in jihadi-salafist thought: an intellectual genealogy .

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Note that you can search " Christian ethics " in combination with headings for certain topics within theology (for example, " Liberation theology ," " Feminist theology ," " Womanist theology ," " Queer theology ," etc.) to retrieve items in theological ethics from particular perspectives. 

You can also search for theological discussions of more narrow topics within science and medicine by using subheadings such as " --Religious aspects ," " --Religious aspects--Catholic Church ," or " --Religious aspects--Christianity ," in combination with the term for the scientific issue.  For example:

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Fourth, select "The Master's Seminary" from the "School" drop down list and Search.  See Figure 2.

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Religion, Theology and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On March 17, 2023


As part of the religious, theology, and philosophy studies course, dissertation writing is inherently vital to the final result. Various religions are practised in the world today. Some of the major religions include; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism.

In the contemporary world, religion is often not associated with politics and worldly life. Nevertheless, we can not deny its relationship and influence on humans and global peace. Therefore it is vital to choose a research topic that adds to the current body of literature.

To help you choose an appropriate topic and its subsequent research methodology, below is a list of issues classified using the thematic and exploratory approach for the religious studies dissertation.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the problem,  research question , aim and objectives,  literature review ,  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

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2022 Religion, Theology and Philosophy Research Topics

Does religion make society patriarchal, or does society make religion patriarchal a historical analysis of islam and hinduism in southasia.

Research Aim: This research aims to find the relationship between patriarchal society and religion. It will analyse a causal link between both phenomena by discovering whether faith makes society patriarchal or a particular social structure that makes religion patriarchal. And to show this relationship, this research will use Islam and Hinduism as a case study to establish whether these religions made SouthAsian countries patriarchal or these countries with their specific cultures and traditions made these religions patriarchal.

The Role of Feminist Religious Movements in Promoting Gender Equality- A Feminist Critique of Christianity and Islam on Lacking Gender Equality

Research Aim: This research explores the impact of feminist religious movements on gender equality worldwide. It presents a historical view of how changing women’s religious ideologies helped them attain their rights worldwide. Moreover, it offers a thorough feminist critique of the world’s two most followed religions, Christianity and Islam, on how they cannot provide women with their due rights. Keeping in view how these religions failed to give women their rights, it will show how the increasing role of women in these religions helped them get their rights.

Who Does it Better? Western vs Eastern Philosophy in Defining the Role of Genders in Society- An Analysis Through a Plutonic Lens

Research Aim: This research compares Western and Eastern philosophies in defining the gender roles in society through a Platonic point of view. It will reach and contrast both perspectives regarding treating men and women in various societal parts. Then it will use Pluto’s philosophical theories to show which philosophy has defined these roles better by providing a detailed critique on both. Lastly, as objectively as possible, it will show which philosophy is better through various metrics defined by Pluto and other Western and Eastern Philosophers.

Does God Promote Wars? The Role of Religion in the World Wars: A Critique of Richard Dawkins

Research Aim: This research sheds light on a crucial debate in religion and wars studies whether religion has something to do with wars. It will analyse the world wars to show whether religious elements made conflicts worse or other factors that overshadowed the spiritual aspects. Furthermore, it will include the viewpoint of famous evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, a part of the neo-atheist movement. His critique of God and religions will help to understand the relationship comprehensively.

Does Power Corrupt Religion? The Role of State in Using Religious Actors for its Political Motives- A Case of the US and Al Qaeda

Research Aim: This research shows how enormous political powers can use religion as a tool for their political motives. It will analyse a state’s channels to influence religion in a country or other countries. Moreover, it will identify which immense political powers fulfilled primary political motives throughout history. And more specifically, it will use US and AlQaeda as a case study of how the US used them for their reasons and what happened when they weren’t able to control them.

Covid-19 Religion, Theology and Philosophy Research Topics

Religious communities and coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This study will focus on reviewing the contribution of religious communities to combat the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Indian religious politics during the Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will investigate the issues and conflicts that arose in India during the outbreak of COVID-19 and the response of the international countries on it.

Theology and Coronavirus crisis

Research Aim: This study will focus on theological studies on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Philosophy, science, and religion during Coronavirus

Research Aim: This study will address the importance of philosophy, science, and religion in combatting Coronavirus.

World Religions Dissertation Topics

Under the category of world religion, the teaching courses cover a range of topics, including the traditional aspects and forms of religion found globally, including the mainstream practising religions such as Buddhism or Catholicism, fastest-growing religion like Islam, and belief systems such as the traditions of the Samurai tribe.

Given the highly diverse nature of faith, it is pertinent to explore and analyse this diversity in terms of the continuous evolution of the human race. The list of topics below provides a focused thematic and exploratory approach that may be used for world religion research dissertation purposes.

Topic 1: Increasing Islamophobia in the Western Countries, Its Causes and Possible Remedies

Research Aim: The hatred, intolerance, prejudice, or hostility towards the religion of Islamic and its followers are termed Islamophobia. In the last few years, the increasing trend of Islamophobia has been witnessed in the Western Countries, which at some instances lead to the act of violence and killing of Muslims, for example, the New Zealand mosque shooting in 2019 where 51 Muslims were shot dead by an Islamophobic was extreme evidence of the existence of Islamophobia. Therefore, in today’s time, when millions of Muslims live in Western Countries, it is essential to identify the causes of increasing Islamophobia and how it can be controlled.

Topic 2: Prevention of blasphemy and its Role in Global Peace

Research Aim: When someone speaks or writes profanely about a sacred or religious personality, place, or object, it amounts to blasphemy. The seculars and proponents of freedom of speech and expression do not hesitate to malign, mock and insult religion and the holy personages. However, blasphemy can enrage thousands and millions of believers worldwide as they cannot tolerate any disrespect towards their religion or holy personages, and they can become violent. In this study, the global blasphemy laws and how much they prevent blasphemy are explored, and their role in developing global peace is explored based on a survey-based study.

Topic 3: Religious Violence and its Association with Religious Intolerance

Research Aim: When religion is a subject or an object of violence, it is categorized as religious violence. In situations where people show no or lack of religious intolerance towards another religion and its followers, they tend to disapprove, criticize, and even use violence to show their dominance. Given this, it is argued that people have intolerance towards another religion, then their intolerance, if it remains unchecks, can even lead to violence. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate religious intolerance’s causal relationship with religious violence to identify if religious intolerance can trigger religious violence.

Topic 4: The notion of Atheism in the modern world. A critical analysis

Research Aim: Atheism is a belief in the non-existence of any God. In the contemporary world, scientific advancements and modern technology have made significant breakthroughs that have unravelled many unexplained phenomena and have consequently changed people’s lives and beliefs. As people’s reliance on science and technology has increased, anything that cannot be proven logically or through scientific evidence is rejected, even if it is God’s existence. In this research past, literature will be critically analyzed to identify what atheism means in today’s modern world and how it has altered people’s beliefs.

Topic 5: An analysis of belief and culture of African Christians in Diaspora.

Research Aim: During recent history, many African Christians have migrated to Western or Developed Countries to save their lives or attain better life prospects and living standards. After living in other Countries, African Christians came into contact with new cultures, traditions, religions, languages, and beliefs, altering their ideas and culture. In this regard, this survey-based study aims to identify whether African Christians have preserved their beliefs and culture while living in Diaspora.

Topic 6: The evolution of religious beliefs in India posts 20th century: A critical analysis.

Research Aim: In this research, the molecular structure of various tumors is discussed along with the therapeutic issues faced for these ailments and their treatments. Target spots for treatment and different chemical mixes for its treatments are also explained in this research.

Topic 7: The inherent belief of all religions lies in following the teachings prescribed by a higher authority. Discuss.

Research Aim: All religions have some guidelines recorded in holy books and religious scriptures that their believers have to follow. Whether obeying a higher authority’s commands is a common notion in all religions is critically discussed by conducting a thematic analysis of past literature.

Topic 8: Religious diversity and terrorism: An empirical analysis.

Research Aim: There are hundreds of religions practised globally that are significantly diversified in terms of beliefs, characteristics, traditions, festivals, and customs. In the past three decades, the increased occurrence of religious-based terrorism worldwide gives rise to a need to explore any causal link present between religious diversity and terrorism.

Topic 9: A Comparative study between Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity

Research Aim: The similarities and differences between Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are compared by conducting a thematic analysis. These religions’ religious scriptures will be discussed and compared to identify the shared characteristics present amongst them.

Topic 10: Why Islam is the Fastest Growing Religion in the World?

Research Aim: Islam has been linked with global terrorism in the media, yet still, it is number one in the list of fastest-growing religions of the world. In this regard, an in-depth exploratory study is to be conducted to identify the underlying reasons. A growing number of people are accepting the religion of Islam.

History and Religion Dissertation Topics

History and religion have been a topic of interest throughout previous decades and gained particular importance amongst researchers focusing on the impact and influence of religion on culture throughout history.

Based on  a literature review of the religious references, the researchers have drawn a connection between literature and culture. History and religion are not confined to the evolution or impact of a particular religion. Still, it goes beyond the diversity of religion and focuses on developing the human race throughout time. Below is a list of suggested topics that can be used for history and religion research dissertations.

Topic 11: The comparative study between ancient Judaism and Hinduism

Research Aim: The similarities present between ancient Judaism and Hinduism are critically reviewed. For instance, both religions have a distinct class system that divides people into superior and lower classes. In Judaism, people are divided into Jews and non-Jews, referred to as gentiles, and as per Judaism, gentiles are animals in human form. Similarly, Hinduism divides people into four classes; Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras, where Shudras are given animal status.

Topic 12: How the Renaissance altered Christian religion and beliefs during the 15th and 16th Century Europe

Research Aim: Renaissance was a revolt against the supremacy of Christian theology, pope, the prohibition of learning science and logic, and interference of Church in the personal life of individuals during middle ages starting from 500 to 1400 Century. The renaissance proposed a new idea of humanism where religion must not intervene in an individual’s worldly and religious affairs, and people are free to have their own religion and beliefs. This study will critically analyse how the renaissance impacted the Christian religion and beliefs of European people during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Topic 13: Was Christ really crucified? A critical analysis of the contradictory evidence found in Christian and Islam

Research Aim: As per Christian belief, Jesus Christ was crucified, and he gave his life on the cross so that all Christians can be forgiven for their sins and go to paradise. However, as per Islamic belief, Christ was never crucified. Instead, God ascended Jesus Christ and made the betrayed companion look like Jesus Christ, and the Romans crucified him thinking that he was Jesus Christ.

Topic 14: Illicit affairs between Monks and Nuns in Christian Monasticism, a myth or a reality?

Research Aim: The mass grave of newly born babies found beneath the Catholic Church in Ireland provides evidence to support the myths about secret sex lives of monks and nuns throughout the history of Christian Monasticism. Based on the thematic analysis of the historical evidence found in literature and media, the immorality and hypocrisy of Catholic Monasticism will be critically reviewed.

Topic 15: Historical account of the destruction of Jerusalem and Jewish exile by King Nebuchadnezzar

Research Aim: The King of ancient Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, had destroyed Jerusalem along with the temple of Solomon and exiled all Jews from Jerusalem in 586 BC. Many Jews were taken to Babylon as slaves, while many were dispersed and wandered in the desert for many years. Thematic analysis will be conducted in this study. The historical evidence found in the past literature will be critically reviewed to understand the Jewish Diaspora and their hardships.

Topic 16: Islam: The religious foundations and evolution through the 7th century into the modern world.

Research Aim: The religion of Islam, which came in the 7th Century in Arab, has spread to every part of the world today. Today more than 350 million Muslims exist and follow the religion of Islam, which was introduced around 1400 years ago. Although they have been divided into different groups and sects, they still share some common fundamental beliefs. Therefore, an exploratory study will be conducted to identify how Islam has evolved and how its religious foundations are compatible with the modern world.

Topic 17: The life of Adolf Hitler: impact of religious doctrine and belief.

Research Aim: Adolf Hitler was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family. As per his public speeches, he considered Jews to be the true enemy of Christianity, and by fighting against them, he was actually doing God’s work. Therefore, a thematic analysis is to be conducted on the life of Adolf Hitler to ascertain whether his religious doctrine and belief impacted his life.

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Religion and the Contemporary World Dissertation Topics

This theme focuses on topics that analyse the effect of religion within the contemporary world, including the media’s influence and the application of religious beliefs to the modern-day world.

This is an interesting topic for those aiming to look at theology and religion together since the implications of religion to the contemporary world has become the focus of discussion and dichotomy. Below is a list of topics that can be used for Religion and the Contemporary World Research Dissertation purposes.

Topic 18: Islam subjugate or uplift women: A critical analysis

Research Aim: Islam is criticized for women subjugation and inequality. Still, women in Western countries willingly accept Islam and follow Islamic practices such as wearing Hijab and covering their heads and faces. If Islam actually subjugates women, then why are independent and educated women in Western countries like France and the UK becoming Muslim. To unrevealed this mystery, an exploratory study is to be conducted where the women who accepted Islam will be interviewed to find out whether Islam subjugated them or uplift their status.

Topic 19: Religion is redundant in today's contemporary world.

Research Aim: Religion tends to hinder scientific developments because religion does not permit anything in line with religious law and guidelines. Today’s contemporary world can no longer follow any such restrictions, which can become a hurdle in scientific advancements and medical breakthroughs. Besides, nowadays, people use scientific evidence and logic to justify something rather than blindly relying on religious explanations. In view of this, a survey-based study is to be performed to determine whether religion has become unnecessary in today’s modern world.

Topic 20: Religions and faith communities can be a source of social stability and progress in today’s contemporary world.

Research Aim: In today’s socially and economically unstable and uncertain environment, association with religions and faith communities can enable individuals to have social stability and progress. People tend to look after each other in faith communities. For instance, black Church organisations in London provide work, education and training to black Christians. A thematic analysis will be performed in this research to evaluate whether people can gain social security, better work and prospects by being associated with religious communities.

Topic 21: Various religions, including Christianity and Islam, do not recognize the relationship between same-sex genders. Discuss in light of recent legalization and the global evolution for equality of all people.

Research Aim: The recent laws and legalization made to give rights and equality to the LGBL community are legally permitting people of the same sexual orientations to marry or live in relationships as partners. However, various religions like Christianity and Islam does not permit any such relationships and legalizing the same-sex marriage and relationship would create more differences in the society. This study will focus on identifying the in-depth view of Christians and Muslims on same-sex marriages and their likely impact on their rights, belief and practices.

Topic 22: Equality of women is a blessing or a curse?

Research Aim: Women in western countries like America and the UK are given equal rights and responsibilities. In eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, women have lower rights and responsibilities than men. It is argued that when women have equitable rights, they get higher or lower rights than men based on situations. For instance, a woman as a mother has more rights than a man as a father. In view of this, equitable rights give women more privileges as they don’t have to bear the hardships and exploitation. An exploratory study will be conducted in Pakistan to ascertain whether women feel more blessed or cursed by having equality.

Topic 23: The miracle of splitting of the Moon in the light of scientific evidence.

Research Aim: According to the Islamic belief when people of Mecca in Arab asked the Prophet Muhammad to show a miracle if he is actually a messenger of God, then Prophet Muhammad split the moon in two halves with the movement of this index finger and then rejoined them together. In 1969 the photograph of moon taken by NASA spaceship clearly showed the splitting mark on the surface of moon. Modern astronomers also provide scientific evidence to support the splitting of moon. In this research the scientific evidence to support or oppose the splitting of moon will be critically analysed to determine whether moon was splitting actually splitted.

Topic 24: Why religions and faith are gaining popularity in today’s time.

Research Aim: In today’s time when economic and social problems are on rise, it is worth identifying the reasons because of which more and more people are evidently moving towards religions and faith. Therefore a thematic analysis is to be conducted to explore the reasons why people around the world are becoming more religious by demonstrating and practicing their faith.

Topic 25: Eastern religions, especially Islam have suffered greatly post 9/11 in terms of media representation and fair trial. Discuss.

Research Aim: Since the 9/11 terrorist attack, Eastern religions like Sikhism, Hinduism and especially Islam has been suffered greatly as the followers of these religions were perceived terrorists/extremists and were being victimized. The negative portrayal by media created negative image which may have negatively impacted the fair trial of Muslims and followers of other Eastern religions. Therefore an exploratory study is to be conduct to identify the problem which Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus faced in America after 9/11.

Also Read: Politics Dissertation Topics

Ethics and Religion Dissertation Topics

The notion of ethics in religion encompasses morality and various morality components to apply to modern life and daily situations. Morality and religion have gone hand in hand throughout history, and it has been observed that multiple moral conducts are justified with the notion of religious beliefs.

For researchers who wish to get a deeper understanding of this relationship, below is a list of topics that can be used for dissertation purposes.

Topic 26: Religious beliefs and morality are deeply entrenched within each other. Critically discuss.

Research Aim: The concept of morality is found in every religion. The concept of right and wrong given by religious beliefs and morality are alike. For instance, telling a lie is bad, while speaking the truth is good for both religions and moral values. In this study, the similarities between religious convictions and moral ethics are reviewed to determine whether religious convictions and moral ethics are intertwined.

Topic 27: Military Action: Ethical justification through religion.

Research Aim: When military action is to be taken against a militant group or terrorists, it would be ethically right to do so in self-defence and protect innocent human lives. Because of this, different religions’ ethical justification to justify military action will be critically reviewed in this study.

Topic 28: Ethical egoism and its relation with moral code.

Research Aim: Ethical egoism is a notion which states that people tend to behave morally only if the moral act would maximize their self-interest. However, a moral code is a set of rules that people follow to live a good life, determining their morals and actions. In this study, the relationship between ethical egoism and moral code will be empirically analyzed.

Topic 29: There is no moral code to justify Islamic Terrorism

Research Aim: Islam is a religion that prohibits killing innocent people, and killing of an innocent soul is regarded as killing the whole of humanity. In this study, the Islamic teachings and moral code will be critically analyzed to identify whether the Islamic moral code justifies the Terrorism done by Islam’s followers.

Topic 30: How is morality entrenched within the teachings of Islam?

Research Aim: Morality means the sense of right and wrong or good or bad behaviour. It is claimed that Islam is a religion that is based on goodness, righteousness and teaches to do good in society and be good with everyone. The Islamic teachings will be critically reviewed in this study to determine how it is entrenched with morality.

Topic 31: Human rights and the ethical dichotomy of religious beliefs.

Research Aim: Human rights are based on all human beings’ equality. However, religious beliefs tend to show ethical dichotomy because it divides people’s rights based on believers and non-believers or piety, where the believers or pious people like religious leaders tend to have more rights than the non-believers or followers. This study is important to identify how religious ethics contradiction with human rights.

Topic 32: Situational ethics through religion. Discuss critically the impact of situational ethics in a multi ethnic community.

Research Aim: When an act in a particular context or situation is judged following a religion’s ethical standards, instead of by the usual morality standards, it is referred to as situational ethics through faith. It can be argued, and if everyone starts justifying their unethical acts with situational ethics in a multi-ethnic community, they will be going against usual standards of morality. This research aims to identify the impact of situational ethics through religion on a multi-ethnic community and how it can create chaos and injustice in society.

Religion and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Religion and philosophy have been going hand in hand throughout history. Philosophy has been used to justify and question God’s supreme power and the fundamentals of religious faith.

The basic premise of philosophy and its application to religion is based on trying to ascertain the existence of religion as a possibility. You can find a topic that interests you from the list of religion and philosophy dissertation topics below.

Topic 33: Relationship between existence of life and existence of God. Critically discuss with examples.

Research Aim: When a small object like a clock can never be made on its own unless someone creates it, then how it is possible that such a big and complex world and life can be created on its own without a creator. Because of this notion, in this research, God’s existence is critically analyzed based on its relationship with the existence of life.

Topic 34: If there is a God, who was he created by? An in-depth analysis based on fundamental religious beliefs

Research Aim: Based on the argument that nothing can be created on its own and there must be a creator for everything, this idea gives rise to a question that if God exists, then who created God. This question will be critically analyzed by reviewing the fundamental religious beliefs found in the religious literature of various religions.

Topic 35: Christianity is actually Paulism: A Critical Review

Research Aim: It is argued that today’s Christianity is not what Jesus Christ taught, but it is the beliefs and doctrines developed based on what Saint Paul wrote and taught about Christ and Christianity. Saint Paul wrote the thirteen books of the New Testament, and scholars believe that Paul’s teachings greatly deviated from the actual teachings of Jesus Christ. In this study, Paul and the contribution of Saint Paul in developing today’s Christianity will be critically reviewed to evaluate the argument.

Topic 36: Life after death and accountability is a necessity to remedy the injustice done in the world.

Research Aim: In this world, many of the times, the wrongdoers get away from punishment and justice is not provided to the innocent victims. Therefore it is essential that in the hereafter, people can be answerable for their good or bad deeds where they cannot get away after doing injustice, and the victims can be compensated. In this research, the justification for life after death is reviewed in line with the world’s injustice.

Topic 37: God is known to be an all loving, all-encompassing being. How can the evil in the world be justified in the face of an omnipotent God?

Research Aim: It is argued that when God is all-loving, and he is present everywhere, how so much evil, violence, and injustice may be possible in his presence, so much evil violence and injustice is possible taking place in the world. Given this statement, this research aims to justify the existence of evil in the world.

Topic 38: If God cannot be seen then it does not prove that he does not exist.

Research Aim: few things in the world cannot be seen or measured, but they exist, such as pain or magic. Based on this notion, it can be argued that it is not sufficient to deny God’s existence if we cannot see him. This research focuses on determining why it is not enough to disprove God’s presence only because he cannot be seen.

Topic 39: God is only a figments of a believer’s imagination. Discuss.

Research Aim: In different religions, God’s idea and characteristics are different. Some worship idols, some worship animals and supernatural beings, while others worship non-living objects like the moon, stars, sun, trees, and fire. Therefore in this research, God as an invention by the imagination of believers will be critically discussed.

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Architecture and Religion: Built Heritage Dissertation Topics

Architecture has played an essential role within the religious communities since it provides a tangible component of the community’s belief in substantiating their religious faith.

To understand the true essence of an architectural building within the religious faith, it is essential to look beyond the buildings’ structural aesthetics and understand the deeper engraved intangible value of religious faith that drives the community. Below is a list of topics that might be interesting for architecture and religion-based dissertation.

Topic 40: Architectural buildings such as churches and mosques have great religious significance. Discuss.

Research Aim: Religious architectural buildings like the synagogue, cathedral, church, shrine, temple, and mosques carry unique religious importance because it symbolizes religious history, culture, give exalted appeal and have a great influence on the religious community. In this research, architectural buildings’ religious importance, namely, synagogue, cathedral, church, shrine, temple, and mosques, will be discussed to identify their religious followers’ respective significance.

Topic 41: What are the components of a Church?

Research Aim: A church is a structure used by Christians to carry out their religious activities and worship. Traditionally, its interior is built in the Christian cross’s shape, and its components included; center aisle, alter, bema, and seats. However, the church building may also have a courtyard, apse, and mausoleum. The modern church buildings may have different structures and components. Therefore in this study, the traditional and modern church buildings are compared and contrasted to identify the mandatory components of a Christian Church.

Topic 42: Without religious buildings to substantiate faith, followers would lose their religion. Discuss.

Research Aim: Religious buildings like churches, temples, and mosques are the holy places where religious followers can worship, practise their faiths, and socialize with their fellow believers to substantiate their beliefs. This research aims to discuss whether, in the absence of religious buildings where followers can affirm their faiths, there are chances that they would lose their religion.

Topic 43: How far would you agree with the belief that divine presence can only be felt within religious architectural spaces?

Research Aim: The religious buildings are believed to have a divine presence, and people tend to go to such places so that they can feel that divine presence. Given this, it can be argued that a true believer may not necessarily need to visit a religious building to feel the divine presence. Therefore an exploratory study will be conducted to determine whether it is necessary to visit religious architectural spaces to feel the divine presence.

Topic 44: Demolishing a building that is fundamental to a religious belief is tantamount to disgracing the divine God. Discuss.

Research Aim: Destroying a religious building with significant importance to a religious belief would be equal to disrespecting the divine God and religion. The believers of that religion would not tolerate if their religious building is demolished, and they can react violently and create havoc. Therefore, in this study, what a religious building’s demolition would mean for their religious followers will be evaluated by conducting an in-depth analysis.

Topic 45: What is the purpose of religious architectural buildings? Discuss with a comparative analysis of different religious faiths.

Research Aim: All religious architectural buildings serve one common purpose: to provide a place for the religious followers to worship, congregate, and practice religious activities. However, different religious architectural buildings may also serve different or additional purposes. This study aims to conduct a comparative study between different religions to determine whether all religious architectural buildings serve the same purpose.

Topic 46: An expensive religious building does not encompass the basic human right of equality amongst all mankind. Discuss.

Research Aim: In today’s world where millions of people live below the poverty line, constructing an expensive religious building seems to contradict the notion of equality amongst all humankind and basic human rights. However, it can be argued that the poor people who do not have access to luxuries can avail comfort by visiting the expensive religious building. Therefore it is necessary to determine whether expensive religious buildings give all humankind equality and are in line with human rights. Get Free Custom Dissertation Topic .

Politics and Religion: Dissertation Topics

The study of religion and politics aims to draw an interconnecting relationship between the two subject areas and analyze their impact upon each other’s application. Below is a list of topics that may help aim to research the relationship between  Politics and Religion .

Topic 47: There needs to be clear distinction between political views and religious beliefs. Discuss.

Research Aim: As per secularist ideology, politics and religion are two different aspects and therefore should be clearly separated. However, religious doctrines tend to suggest that politics and religious beliefs go hand in hand. Given this argument, the present study adopts exploratory research to determine whether there must be a clear distinction between political views and religious beliefs.

Topic 48: Politics is used as a mask to cover up religious fanaticism. Critically analyse.

Research Aim: Politics include various activities which are used to govern a country. In a country where the governance is controlled or influenced by religious leaders or religious parties, religious fanaticism may be accepted and cultivated under political authority. In this research, the relationship between politics and religious fanaticism is critically analyzed to identify whether politics is used as a cover to foster religious fanaticism.

Topic 49: The fading association between religion and politics in a secular state.

Research Aim: secularism is a belief which segregates politics and state from religious affairs. Based on this notion, it can be argued that people tend to disassociate religion from worldly affairs in a secular state. Therefore the affiliation between religion and politics has been diminishing. In this study, the relationship between religion and politics is to be determined in a secular state to evaluate the extent to which religion is disassociated from politics.

Topic 50: Should religious leaders be equipped with some form of political or legal authority

Research Aim: Religious leaders have a great degree of power and influence over their religious communities, and their followers tend to obey their orders without questioning them. This shows that religious leaders can even use their position and religious authority to direct their followers wherever they want. Therefore this study focuses to critically analyze whether it would be correct to give religious leaders any political or legal authority.

Topic 51: The only reasons politicians bow to religious authority is to gain popularity. Critically analyse.

Research Aim: In countries where religious leaders have great influence and control over many people, the politicians sometimes join hands with religious leaders to win elections by gaining support from their religious followers. However, the politicians’ collation with the religious leaders may not necessarily mean that they bow down to the religious leaders. Still, it is a diplomatic step to gain their own political authority.

Topic 52: How has the religion Islam succumbed under political pressures? Critically analyse.

Research Aim: In the post 9/11 world, the religion Islam came under immense political pressure. The political activism by Islamic organizations and religious parties has been restricted to moderate the religion of Islam. In this research, a critical analysis is to be conducted to determine whether religion Islam surrendered under political pressures.

Topic 53: The role of Hindu extremists and politicians in Indian society.

Research Aim: In India, the Hindu extremist party RSS played a significant role in rising Hindu Nationalism in Indian politics. Since its independence, India has been identified as a secular state. Still, under the Hindu Nationalist party’s new rule, the Indian political landscape has been altered, and Hinduism dominance is forcefully implemented in Indian society. Given this, the present study aims to evaluate what impact the Hindu extremists and Hindu Nationalist politicians would have on Indian culture in terms of violence and injustice towards low-caste people and Muslims living in India.

Important Notes:

As a student of religion, philosophy and theology looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing religion, philosophy and theology theories – i.e., to add value and interest in your research topic.

The field of religion, philosophy and theology is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like  civil engineering ,  construction ,  law , and even  healthcare . That is why it is imperative to create a religion, philosophy and theology dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic credit-ability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation  as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best religion, philosophy, and theology dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample religion, philosophy and theology dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Dissertation

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of  the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address  research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology: The  data collection  and  analysis  methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design,  research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: Findings of the research are analyzed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts  and  tables  in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and  Conclusion:  The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  Make sure to complete this following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices: Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to  complete the dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  which provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  Ph.D. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

Our team of writers  is highly qualified and are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialize in. 

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