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5 Best Speech on Water [Short & Long]

  • 1 1st Speech on Water (25 Min)
  • 2 2nd Speech on Water (20 Min)
  • 3 3rd Speech on Water (15 Min)
  • 4 4th Speech on Water (10 Min)
  • 5 5th Speech on Water (5 Min)
  • 6.1 What is a speech on water?
  • 6.2 What are some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water?
  • 6.3 What are some tips for delivering a perfect speech on water?
  • 6.4 How can we conserve water in our daily lives?
  • 6.5 What can individuals do to contribute to global efforts to address water issues?

Looking for a powerful speech on water? Edukar has provided the 5 Best speeches on water to describe the importance of water in our lives, the challenges we face in managing our water resources, and the steps we can take to ensure that future generations have access to clean and abundant water.

Speech on Water

1st Speech on Water (25 Min)

Speech on Water

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone,

It is an honor to speak to you today about one of the most essential elements of our planet, water. Water is the foundation of life, and without it, nothing can survive. It is essential to sustain all living organisms and is an essential resource for agriculture, industries, and households.

Water is the most found substance on Earth, covering 71% of the planet’s surface. However, despite its abundance, only a small percentage of water on earth is usable for human consumption. The majority of the water on earth is in the form of saltwater, which is not fit for drinking or irrigation purposes. Therefore, we must manage the available freshwater resources efficiently to ensure sustainable development.

Water scarcity is a growing concern globally, and the problem is not only confined to arid and semi-arid regions. Even countries that have ample water resources face challenges in the equitable distribution of water among all segments of the population. The global population is increasing at an unprecedented rate, and the demand for water is also increasing. Water security is a significant concern in many parts of the world, and it is essential to address this issue before it becomes a crisis.

Water is essential for human health, and inadequate access to clean drinking water can cause various diseases and health problems. Water is also critical for agriculture, which is the primary source of food for the world’s population. Without adequate water resources, farmers cannot grow crops, and food shortages can occur, leading to malnutrition and starvation.

Furthermore, water plays a crucial role in the global economy. Industries rely on water for various purposes, including cooling, processing, and manufacturing. Water is a critical input in the production process, and without it, industries cannot function. The economic cost of water scarcity is enormous, and it can severely impact the overall economic growth of a nation.

It is essential to adopt a sustainable approach towards managing water resources. Governments, civil society organizations, and individuals must work together to ensure the efficient use of water resources. We must also promote responsible water consumption practices to reduce wastage and ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe drinking water.

In thh end, water is an essential resource for the survival of all living organisms, and it is our responsibility to manage it sustainably. We must work together to address water scarcity and ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe drinking water. Let us all commit to using water wisely and efficiently, and promote sustainable practices to ensure a better future for generations to come. Thank you.

2nd Speech on Water (20 Min)

Speech on Water

Water is one of the most essential resources we have on this planet. It is the source of all life and is vital for our survival. Yet, despite its importance, we often take it for granted. We turn on the tap, and water flows out without a second thought. But the reality is that access to clean water is a privilege that not everyone enjoys.

Today, I would like to discuss the importance of water and the challenges we face in ensuring that everyone has access to it.

First and foremost, water is necessary for human survival. We need it to drink, to wash, to cook, and to grow our food. But it’s not just us humans who depend on water. Animals and plants also need water to survive. Without water, our entire ecosystem would collapse.

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to clean water. According to the World Health Organization, around 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation services. This lack of access to water has a significant impact on people’s health, education, and economic opportunities.

In developing countries, women and children are primarily responsible for fetching water, which can take up to six hours a day. This not only prevents them from going to school but also leaves them vulnerable to health issues due to the unsanitary conditions of the water sources they have to rely on.

Furthermore, the lack of access to clean water can lead to the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. These diseases can be fatal, particularly for children under the age of five. In fact, water-related diseases are responsible for 3.4 million deaths each year.

So, what can we do to ensure that everyone has access to clean water?

1. We need to recognize that access to clean water is a fundamental human right. We need to prioritize providing clean water to those who lack access, particularly in developing countries. Governments and international organizations need to work together to create policies that prioritize water security and invest in the necessary infrastructure to provide clean water to those who need it.

2. We need to be mindful of our water usage. In developed countries, we often take water for granted and waste it without a second thought. We need to recognize that water is a finite resource and that wasting it not only affects our environment but also takes away from those who desperately need it. We can do our part by fixing leaky taps, taking shorter showers, and using water-efficient appliances.

3. We need to invest in water conservation and management. This includes investing in rainwater harvesting systems, improving irrigation techniques, and promoting sustainable farming practices. By conserving water, we can ensure that we have enough water to meet our needs and the needs of future generations.

Finally, water is one of the most essential resources we have on this planet. It is necessary for our survival, and everyone should have access to clean water. We need to prioritize water security, be mindful of our water usage, and invest in water conservation and management. By doing so, we can ensure that everyone has access to this fundamental human right and preserve our planet for future generations. Thank you.

3rd Speech on Water (15 Min)

Speech on Water

Today, I am honored to speak to you about one of the most precious resources on our planet – water. Water is essential for all living beings and is a fundamental need for life. It is a vital resource that we must protect and conserve for future generations.

We all know that Earth is a blue planet, and water covers about 71% of its surface. However, what many people don’t realize is that only 2.5% of that water is freshwater, and only 1% of that freshwater is accessible for human consumption. With the world’s population growing rapidly, the demand for freshwater is also increasing, and it is vital that we use it wisely.

Water is essential for many aspects of our daily lives. We use it for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and agriculture. The importance of water in agriculture cannot be overstated. It is a crucial resource for farmers, and they rely heavily on it for crop production. In many countries, irrigation accounts for the majority of freshwater use. It is crucial that we ensure that this precious resource is used efficiently to sustain agriculture and prevent food shortages.

The scarcity of freshwater has become a significant problem in many parts of the world. Water scarcity occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available supply. Climate change, population growth, and poor water management are all factors that contribute to water scarcity. In some areas, people are forced to walk for hours to collect water from a nearby stream or well, which is often contaminated and unsafe for consumption.

Water pollution is another critical issue that affects the quality and availability of freshwater. Pollution can occur from both natural and human-made sources. Agricultural runoff, industrial discharge, and improper waste disposal are just a few examples of human-made sources of pollution. Natural sources of pollution include sedimentation, organic matter, and minerals. Water pollution affects the quality of freshwater, making it unsafe for human consumption and harming aquatic ecosystems.

To address the water crisis, we must take collective action. We must work together to conserve water and protect it from pollution. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to play in ensuring the sustainability of this vital resource. We must also educate people about the importance of water conservation and the impact of our actions on the environment.

Water conservation is the most effective way to address the water crisis. We can all play a part in conserving water by making small changes to our daily habits. Simple actions like turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, fixing leaky pipes, and using a broom instead of a hose to clean our driveways can go a long way in conserving water. We must also encourage the use of water-efficient technologies in agriculture, industry, and households.

At the end, water is a precious resource that we must protect and conserve. The water crisis is a complex issue, and it requires collective action to address it. We must work together to ensure that everyone has access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities. Let us all do our part in conserving water and protecting it from pollution. By taking small steps, we can make a significant impact and ensure that future generations have access to this vital resource. Thank you.

4th Speech on Water (10 Min)

Speech on Water

Dear fellow citizens,

Water is an essential resource for all living organisms. It is the foundation of life and is required for basic human needs such as drinking, cooking, and washing. Despite its importance, however, access to clean water is not available to everyone. As a result, it is our collective responsibility to conserve water and ensure that it is available for generations to come.

Water scarcity is a global issue that affects millions of people, particularly in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion people do not have access to proper sanitation facilities. This situation is exacerbated by climate change, which is causing prolonged droughts and extreme weather events that can damage water supply systems.

Water conservation is critical to ensuring that this precious resource is available for everyone. There are many ways to conserve water, from simple measures such as turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, to more significant efforts such as implementing water-saving technologies in agriculture and industry. These efforts not only help to ensure that water is available for everyone, but they can also reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to conservation, we must also address water pollution. Water pollution is a significant threat to both human health and the environment. Industrial activities, agricultural runoff, and improper disposal of waste can all contribute to water pollution. We must take steps to reduce water pollution by implementing stricter regulations on industrial and agricultural activities and encouraging proper waste disposal.

We must also recognize the importance of water management. Proper water management involves managing water resources sustainably, ensuring that water is allocated efficiently, and that there is equitable access to water for all. This requires the involvement of governments, communities, and individuals. By working together, we can create sustainable water management practices that will benefit everyone.

Finally, education is key to promoting water conservation and sustainable water management. We must educate ourselves and our communities about the importance of water, the consequences of water scarcity and pollution, and the steps we can take to conserve and manage water resources. This can include school programs, public awareness campaigns, and community outreach.

5th Speech on Water (5 Min)

Speech on Water

Ladies and gentlemen,

Water is a vital resource for life on Earth, and we must cherish and protect it. It is essential to all forms of life, and we cannot survive without it. However, despite its importance, many people take it for granted, wasting it, polluting it, and neglecting to maintain its infrastructure.

Access to clean and safe drinking water is still a significant challenge for many communities worldwide. Even in developed countries, access to water can be limited in some areas. Many people must travel long distances to fetch water or rely on contaminated water sources. This lack of access to clean water not only affects people’s health and quality of life but also hinders their economic development and education opportunities.

The overuse of water resources is depleting them. The demands of industries, agriculture, and growing populations are causing water scarcity in many regions worldwide. Climate change is exacerbating the problem by altering rainfall patterns, causing droughts, and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and hurricanes.

We must work together to address these challenges and protect our water resources. We must conserve water by reducing our usage and preventing wastage. We can do this by fixing leaking pipes, using water-efficient appliances, and adopting sustainable water practices in agriculture and industry.

We must work to ensure access to clean water for all communities, especially those that are currently underserved. This requires investment in infrastructure, technology, and education. We must also address pollution and protect our water sources from contamination by industrial and agricultural runoff, hazardous waste, and other pollutants.

Finally, water is a precious resource that we cannot take for granted. We must cherish and protect it for future generations. We must work together to ensure access to clean water, conserve water, and protect our water resources from pollution and overuse. By doing so, we can create a healthier, more sustainable world for ourselves and those who come after us.

What is a speech on water?

A speech on water is a talk or presentation that focuses on the importance of water, the challenges we face in managing water resources, and the actions we can take to protect and conserve water.

What are some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water?

Some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water include the importance of water for life and the environment, the challenges of water scarcity and pollution, the impact of climate change on water resources, and the need for sustainable water management practices.

What are some tips for delivering a perfect speech on water?

Some tips for delivering a compelling speech on water include researching the topic thoroughly, using relevant statistics and examples, engaging the audience through storytelling and personal anecdotes, and ending with a call to action or a message of hope.

How can we conserve water in our daily lives?

We can conserve water in our daily lives by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances and fixtures, watering plants and lawns only when necessary, and reducing our overall water consumption.

What can individuals do to contribute to global efforts to address water issues?

Individuals can contribute to global efforts to address water issues by conserving water in their daily lives, supporting water-related charities and organizations, advocating for sustainable water management practices, and staying informed about water-related issues and solutions.

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Speech On Water | Water Speech for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Water: Water is a tasteless, odorless and colourless, inorganic liquid which is the main constituent of our body and our planet. Water is essential for the survival of all known living organisms. The formula of a water molecule is H2O. Meaning, one molecule is composed of two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule. It does not contain any calorific value.

Water exists in gaseous, liquid and solid form. Water vapours accumulate together and form clouds in the sky. Water is the primary constituent of oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds. The solid form of water, ice, is present in the polar regions of the earth which occur naturally in sub-zero temperatures. In freezing temperatures, snowfall occurs. Snow is the crystalline form of water.

Since water is essential for the survival of all animate things, it is vital to learn about the various ways to conserve water.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Water for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech on Water of 500 words and a short Speech On Water of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the ease of students.

These speeches will be useful for students for their assignments or exam. People can also use these speeches as a reference to write their own.

A Long Speech On Water is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Water is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Water 500 Words In English

Good Morning, to everyone present here. My name is (your name), and I am going to present a speech about water.

Water is one of the fundamental building blocks of our body as well as our planet. It is a tasteless, odourless liquid which has no calorific value. In can exist is three states namely- solid, liquid and gaseous.

All living organisms require water to survive. Life originated in water. Hence it is easy to gauge the importance of water.

Our planet is composed of over 70% water. So it is easy to think that there could not be any shortage of water.

The truth is that, of the 70% of water on the earth’s surface, only 3% of it is considered to be fresh water. About 2.6% of this fresh water remains frozen in the polar ice caps, hence remain inaccessible to humans.

Thus we are left with about 0.4% of fresh water that can be used for all of humanity. Hence, there is no doubt as to the reason we should start conserving water.

The small percentage of drinkable water can be found in rivers and lakes. But no one is stupid enough to drink water from the river or lake directly. It is a sure way to pave the way for stomach troubles.

Hence the water from rivers is first filtered and then supplied to our home, which is then further filtered using advanced filtration techniques to make it drinkable.

The water from rivers and lakes is polluted continuously by humans. Water pollution occurs due to contamination of water bodies due to human activities like washing, bathing, etc. Water pollution occurs on a larger scale when industries and factories release their untreated, or inadequately treated toxic by-products into rivers, lakes and oceans.

Heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury are present in the runoffs. Drinking such toxic water leads to detrimental health hazards like arsenic and mercury poisoning. These diseases cause severe heath damage. Accumulation of such heavy metals in the body leads to eventual death.

Due to water pollution, aquatic biodiversity suffers. Many underwater plants and animals die due to insufficient supply of dissolved oxygen. There is a loss of aquatic habitat. There is a decline in the number of fish, and hence a shortage of food is created. This is one of the problems among many others.

To live a healthy life, it is essential to drink eight glasses of water daily. This water, of course, should be free from any kinds of pollutants.

Techniques like rainwater harvesting can conserve water. Planting more trees help to increase the overall presence of water in the soil.

It is also imperative to make sure that there are no oil spills in the ocean. Oil spills cut off the dissolution of oxygen in oceans and kill all aquatic plants and animals. Sea birds sometimes get their wings wet in the oil and cannot fly. Hence they drown.

Water is rightly called life. And life needs to be saved and nurtured. We are not doing anyone a favour by saving water; we are doing ourselves a favour by making sure that water remains clean.

Short Speech On Water 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Water 150 Words In English

Greetings to everyone present. My name is (your name), and I’m going to make a short speech about water.

Water is a colourless, odourless and transparent liquid which is essential for the survival of all living organisms. Though the earth composed of 70% of water, the percentage of water that can be utilised is about 0.4%.

Hence, it is crucial to conserve and use water wisely. We are continuously exploiting the limited amount of usable water in rivers, lakes and ponds.

Activities such as bathing, washing clothes, dumping garbage into water bodies, dumping industrial waste, which is untreated into water bodies cause water pollution. Harmful plants like water hyacinth thrive on polluted water and cut off the supply of dissolved oxygen, hence killing all aquatic life forms.

To Conserve water, we should take a few steps. We should make sure that no tap water is wasted by keeping the tap open when not in use. Rainwater harvesting provides a source of fresh water for drinking. Planting a tree increases the overall underwater supply of water.

Look around, and you will find a lot of things that can make a difference.

10 Lines On Water Speech In English

  • Water is a necessary commodity for all living organisms.
  • Life cannot thrive without water.
  • Life originated in water.
  • 70% of the earth’s surface is composed of water, 3% of which is freshwater. Most of the freshwater is trapped in polar ice caps.
  • About only 0.4% of water is accessible for use.
  • Water pollution is caused due to various human activities like bathing, washing clothes and dumping waste into water.
  • Water pollution reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in water and kills the entire aquatic ecosystem.
  • Due to Water pollution, heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic contaminate the water.
  • Drinking polluted water causes mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning, which can be detrimental.
  • We should stop throwing garbage into water bodies. The use of single-use plastic should be banned as it cannot be degraded and pollutes water.

10 Lines On Water Speech In English

FAQ’s On Water Speech

Question 1. How much water should we consume in a day?

Answer: It is advised to drink at least eight glasses of water or four litres of water per day.

Question 2. How can we ensure that we drink clean water?

Answer: you should install a filter that purifies water. If the water is to be fed to a baby, it should be boiled.

Question 3. How can we stop the pollution of water?

Answer: we can stop polluting water bodies by not throwing any garbage into it.

Question 4. How can we conserve water?

Answer: We should ensure that taps are appropriately closed after every use so that there is no dripping and wastage of water.

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The importance of hydration

Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

Experts recommend drinking roughly 11 cups of water per day for the average woman and 16 for men. And not all of those cups have to come from plain water; for example, some can come from water flavored with fruit or vegetables (lemons, berries, or orange or cucumber slices), or from coffee or tea.

But it’s best to stay away from sugar-sweetened beverages when trying to stay hydrated, says Walter Willett , professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In a September 28, 2017 CNN article, Willett said that Americans are “conditioned to expect high levels of sweetness in everything…. You might say we are malhydrated, because we drink so much soda and fruit juice and other sugar-sweetened beverages, and by that I mean we drink beverages that harm our health. Even energy drinks and vitamin waters, most are loaded with sugar and not worth the use.”

Read the CNN article: Benefits of water: Are you getting enough fluids to stay healthy?

Healthy Drinks (The Nutrition Source)

Healthy Beverage Guidelines (The Nutrition Source)

English Summary

2 minute speech on importance of water

Good morning everyone!

Today, I am here to talk to you about the importance of water. Water is essential for life on earth and is the most important resource on our planet. It is the basis of all life and is essential for the growth and development of all living things. Water is used for many things, from drinking, cooking and cleaning to agricultural production, energy generation and industrial processes.

Water is essential for the health of all living species and is used to maintain a healthy ecosystem. It is also used to maintain a healthy environment and help to regulate the climate. Water is also essential for economic development. It is used to irrigate crops, provide power to industry and transport goods.

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Long Speech on Water Conservation

The existence of life on earth is solely dependent on the presence of water. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the students must be familiar with the conservation of water. They can therefore find this speech on water conservation very helpful for their exam preparation. We have also provided a short speech and a one-minute speech on the water for students of all classes.

Speech on Water Conservation

A heartiest welcome to all the people gathered here today. I am present here to deliver a speech on water and its conservation. There is no denying the fact that water forms an incredible part of our lives and is considered a fundamental unit of the planet earth. We are all familiar with the several roles that water plays to help us serve a living. This colourless, transparent and tasteless liquid occupies 70% of our planet and can be found in three forms of states- solid, liquid and gaseous. 

Water serves a major role in the survival of all living organisms and hence, the role and importance of water are known to all. Although 70% of water is found on our planet, 3% of the water comes under freshwater, out of which, 2.6% of water always remains frozen. Thus, only 0.4% of it is accessible to humans for drinking purposes.  Thus, it is very important for us to conserve water. Some quantities of water can also be found on rivers and lakes, but it might not be considered drinking water without any testing. Drinking this water may lead to various stomach problems and infections.

River and lake water has to go through a process of filtration before they are delivered to the houses. After that, they once again go through an advanced process of filtration in the households before making them completely drinkable.

But with the growing population and industries, the amount of drinking water in our country is reducing. Most of the seas, rivers, and small water bodies are highly polluted by various contaminants from the industry wastes thus, leading to water pollution. The release of these wastes leads to a high amount of contamination and heavy metal accumulation in the water bodies. Thereafter, making them undrinkable. This has not only affected the lives of human beings but has also greatly impacted marine life due to the insufficient oxygen supply. Many people fall sick due to the lack of proper drinking water and suffer stomach infections due to the presence of these contaminants. Thus, it is our responsibility to stop the dispersal of wastes into the water bodies and start conserving water for the survival of human beings. This water, of course, should be free from any kinds of pollutants.

Some of the techniques that must be helpful in conserving water are rainwater harvesting, planting of more trees to increase the water level in soil and stopping unnecessary wastage of water. Lastly, I would like to say that water is the main source of life on this planet and thus, every drop of water must be used in a proper manner.

Save Water Speech in English

A very warm welcome to everyone. I am going to deliver a speech today on the topic ‘save water’. As the topic says, saving water is our utmost priority for the conservation of water bodies. Life on this planet is dependent on the existence of water, therefore, we must avoid wastage of water. As we know that 70% of the earth is filled with water but only 0.4% of it is considered drinkable, therefore, the amount of water accessible for human consumption is really less. Reduction in the amount of drinking water has occurred due to the human activities that have led to water pollution and contamination. 

A large amount of garbage and industrial wastes are dumped daily into the water bodies that create a large amount of contamination and accumulation of toxic chemicals. This when consumed leads to various chronic diseases and stomach infection. Thus, the amount of clean drinking water has been decreasing at an alarming rate. If this continues, it would be really difficult for living beings to survive on this planet. Thus, we must take necessary steps against these pollutants and move forward in conserving the water bodies. 

Washing of clothes, disposal of harmful substances and wastes into the lakes and rivers must be banned. We can start with the process of rainwater harvesting, plantation of more trees and saving each drop of water from being wasted. 

10 Lines Speech on Importance of Water

This one-minute speech on the importance of water in English is written targeting the students of Class 1 and Class 2 in a simple manner. This speech will thus help them understand the importance of water on this planet.

Water is an essential element for all the living organisms on our planet.

It is the major component for the survival of life on Earth.

Water forms 70% of the earth, out of which 3% of the water is considered to be freshwater.

Out of this 3%, only 0.4% of it is considered to be drinking water.

Large factories and industries dump their wastes into the water bodies causing water pollution.

Due to a large amount of water pollution, there is a shortage in the amount of fresh drinking water in most parts of our country.

Conservation of drinking water has become really important for survival.

Drinking water that contains harmful chemicals may cause various stomach infections and water-borne diseases.

The dumping of industrial wastes and garbage into the water bodies should be banned as it also affects the marine ecosystem.

Water thus forms a major part of our life and its conservation is our responsibility.

WATER – Speech

We all know that water is important for our survival and it is one of the most crucial resources which are required by everyone. Humans may survive without food for some days but they might die when no water is present. Water mainly harbors life and without it many life forms will perish. This can be considered as the primary reason why water is important. Water was found some billion years ago and then it moved into the land. Water has various important nutrients which are imperative to carry out the necessary cycles in the environment. Every living being is directly or indirectly dependent on water. Water is home to numerous species without which many species will perish. It is very important to save water and conserve it so that there isn’t a scarcity of water. 


FAQs on Speech on Water

1. What is the significance of water?

Water is significant for our survival. It is crucial for the survival of all living beings and they are directly or indirectly dependent on water. Humans use it for multiple purposes and water thus has the most significance to humans. Water is required to keep our bodies healthy and the organ system in good shape which is important for the proper functioning of the body. Water helps in the regulation of body temperature which is important for the survival of humans. In agriculture, water is extremely important. It is required to grow crops and for proper irrigation so that there is a good yield of crops. The absence of water can lead to droughts and famines leading to hunger.  In addition, water is a source of transportation too. Furthermore, water is an important source of electricity. We get hydroelectric power from water dams which we use for cooking, bathing, and drinking. Thus, water has many significant roles in our life. 

2. What is water conservation?

Conservation of water can be defined as the strategies, activities, and policies that are required to maintain the natural resources of water bodies sustainably. It also means to protect the hydrosphere and have a sustainable goal where human demands are met without harming the water bodies. Excessive use of water can lead to water scarcity. Urbanization and population growth have a major impact on water usage. The factors like climate change have left a negative impact on the water bodies which is why it has become more important for us to conserve water. Many countries have implemented laws and policies that are aimed at the conservation of water and have been successful.  The main goal of water conservation is to reduce water loss, less usage of water resources, and less wastage of water.

3. What are the sources of water?

Sources of water can be defined as the source or places from where we get water from. These are namely the surface water, groundwater, river flow, and frozen water like from glaciers. These are the natural sources that occur without any human interventions. The other source is the artificial source. Here, fresh water is obtained from the treated wastewater or cleaned water after primary/secondary treatment and desalinated seawater. The water is used in households, agriculture, industries, and many other places. 

4. What is water pollution?

Pollution of water can be defined as the release of unwanted substances into the groundwater or other water bodies like streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. It becomes very harmful to the water bodies and the animals dwelling there. This harms the natural and normal functioning of the water ecosystems and disrupts everything thus, creating a threat to the ecosystem. The substances can be chemicals or microbes which can cause pollution that can lead to radioactivity or heat in the water bodies. One of the major causes of pollution is due to the disposal of industrial wastes directly into the oceans and also, dumping waste and sewage there. 

5. What are the harmful effects of dams?

Dams are created by causing deforestation at a large scale which causes habitat destruction and destroys the homes of many animals and even makes the people relocate somewhere else. Large dams cause disruptions to the natural flow of the river which then hinders the lives of the fishes and other animals that dwell in the water bodies. This can lead to the extinction of fishes and other aquatic species, the disappearance of many birds in the floodplains, huge forest loss, soil erosion, and erosion of coastal deltas. 

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Speech on Save Water for Students and Children

Speech on save water.

A hearty welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to convey a speech on Save Water.  We all know that water is the most useful resource on Earth. Also, we all are aware of its immense uses. We cannot imagine our lives without water. Moreover, we use water for household, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other purposes. Also, it is used for environmental purposes. Although, 70% of the Earth’s Surface is covered by water, yet, only 1% of freshwater is available for drinking. Most of our household tasks cannot be completed without water. Also, in industries, it is used for the preparation of goods and products. Furthermore, it assists in transportation too.

speech on save water

Despite its importance, we are facing deterioration in water resources. Although, it is a natural resource, yet we need to conserve the same. We need to save water for the development to take place in a sustainable manner. We must understand that it is the basis of humanity. Our earth is green because of water. There are many places facing the problem of water scarcity. Thus, we must take effective steps for the conservation of water.

Importance of Water in Life

Water is an indispensable component of life. We cannot survive without water. The human body comprises of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water. We need safe water for all our organs to function properly. Moreover, we can preserve our environment by saving water.  An excellent example of this is the use of water to produce electricity.  The use of hydropower or hydroelectricity helps in controlling pollution.

Furthermore, it prevents the burning of fossil fuels, coal, etc. for producing electricity. Also, it is essential for maintaining the Earth’s temperature. The human body is made up of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water.

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How to Save Water?

Water is the most precious component needed for food and life.  All human beings, animals and plants have a requirement of water. Thus, we need to conserve water resources. To conserve or decrease the polluting factors, we must be aware of the factors that lead to its deterioration. Then, we must take some valuable steps. These include turning off the taps, cut down meat-eating and dairy. Also, we must check for water leakage from hand pumps, shower less to save water. Moreover, we must have a pond to use water. Furthermore, the dumping of sewage and toxins into water bodies is a major reason for water pollution. Moreover, fertilizers require a huge amount of water. Thus, we must minimize the use of fertilizers in the fields. Also, we must check for soil erosion by planting trees.

We need water for thousand of tasks in our lives. It provides beauty to nature and maintains the environmental balance. Since it is the basis of our survival and development we should not misuse it.  We must use wisely this sacred gift of nature. We should teach the society by conducting awareness programs. Also, we must use modern techniques for farming. Moreover, watersheds help to conserve rainwater. We must try to educate our children about the importance of water. Its education must be provided at schools, colleges, etc. Also, through media, this purpose can be achieved. Although water is a natural resource available in abundance, it doesn’t mean we can misuse it. It is not a single person’s responsibility to conserve water. We could avoid the wastage of water only by joining hands.

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  • Speech on Water for Students and Children

16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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  • Speech On Water Conservation

Speech on Water Conservation

Before getting into the topic, let us remind ourselves about the only two options available for everyone living on the Earth right now. The first option is to conserve water and live more. The second option is to let the precious sources of water dry out or get polluted, and face death. Which one will you choose?

This article will help you understand the importance of conserving water. Read through it, collect ample information to prepare a fine speech and let everyone know why it is absolutely necessary to conserve water.

Table of Contents

What is water conservation, speech on water conservation – little drops make a mighty ocean.

  • It’s Hero Time – How Can We Conserve Water?

Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

Frequently asked questions on water conservation.

Water conservation can be defined as the practice of using water efficiently for reducing unnecessary water wastage. Fresh, clean water is a very limited resource on Earth. Even though about 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, only less than one percent is available for us as freshwater. If that one percent of water is not conserved, where else will we get water from? How will we quench our thirst? Got no answers, right?

Yes, that is the reality we are facing now. Do you know that, on average, up to 45 litres of water is wasted in India every day by each one of us? If it is the quantity of water wasted by an individual, then what will be the quantity of freshwater wasted by the people living in the whole world?

Sample Speech on Water Conservation

A few samples of speeches on water conservation are given below. Go through them and utilise the resource for your better understanding.

I hope you are familiar with the beautiful quote – ‘It’s the little things that matter most’.

Yes, little things do matter a lot. Small actions in our daily routine are enough to waste a huge quantity of freshwater. Turning on taps while brushing teeth or shaving, flushing toilets unwantedly, ignoring leakages of taps, washing vehicles with fresh water, etc., are some of the most common ways by which people unknowingly waste water. It will definitely shock you to know about the quantity of water wasted by you while bathing, and while using toilets. Did you know that a leaking tap in a bathroom can waste an approximate count of about 4000 drops of water in a single day, which is a litre of water wasted unknowingly?

Availability of pure drinking water is an absolute necessity for every individual around the world, and for ensuring its availability, a worldwide effort is needed. Before wasting water, try to remember that there are nearly 163 million Indian people who are suffering from scarcity of water. Every single drop counts, so try to conserve it.

It’s Hero Time – How Can We Conserve Water?

If you are longing to do something to conserve water, here is a quote for you – “ If you want to change the world, then home is the right place to start it.”

The first thing that we can do is to control water usage while doing laundry. Use the right amount of water for it; about 15-40% of indoor home water wastage occurs while washing clothes. It is better to use a semi-automatic washing machine for doing laundry. When compared to a fully automatic washing machine, the amount of water consumed by a semi-automatic washing machine is much less.

Stop unnecessary usage of toilet flushing. Toilet flushings in a day use more amount of water than you probably drink. Try to attach variable flushing devices to your toilets. By fixing such devices, individuals can choose the volume of water required and can use it accordingly.

Use water cautiously while gardening. Gardening is a process that requires the usage of a large quantity of water. Prepare a chart for watering your lovely plants; it is better to water it early in the morning or late in the evening. By doing so, the water lasts longer in the soil with the pots.. It will not evaporate quickly, as the warmth is low in the morning and in the evening.

Turn off the taps and fix the leaks. Do not waste water unnecessarily while brushing your teeth or while washing vegetables. Try to collect water in a large bowl and use it for washing all vegetables and fruits.

Try to reuse water. Use water used for washing vegetables and cleaning fruits for gardening purposes. Use a storage tank to store rainwater. You can use this collected rainwater for flushing toilets, washing vehicles, watering plants, and so on. Construct a rain garden. A rain garden is a constructed area in the garden that collects rainwater from the roofs and other pipes. Reuse excess drinking water. Even though it is not an intentional action, drinking water is wasted in many of our homes. Most of the people do not finish their drinks. They will leave a small amount of water in the glass itself. Try to collect this excess water and reuse it.

Conduct a monthly check on the plumbing and make sure that no water is wasted through dripping. If not, fix it as quickly as possible; never skip this task. Also, remember these words – “Little drops make a mighty ocean”.

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting the rain that runs off from the rooftops of buildings, roads, open grounds, etc. It is one of the best methods that we can follow for the conservation of water. The scarcity of fresh, clean water is highly affecting our lives, right? Rainwater harvesting will definitely be a solution to this problem. By the process of rainwater harvesting, people can receive the finest quality of water. Water harvested through this technique can later be used for cooking, cleaning, gardening, irrigation purposes, bathing, etc.

Rainwater harvesting is a low-cost process. When compared to any other water-conserving system, the technology behind rainwater harvesting is simple. It is very easy to install and operate it. It also saves money and reduces the necessity of buying water for domestic use.

Rainwater harvesting promotes water conservation. Rainwater has a balanced pH, and it is free from chemicals like chlorine. As a result, water collected through this system can be directly used for gardening, washing, irrigation, etc. A high volume of water will be kept out from flood and storm-water runoffs through this process.

One disadvantage of rainwater harvesting, however, is that it requires regular maintenance. If not installed properly, the stagnant water will attract mosquitoes, and it may result in the spread of many waterborne diseases. It also requires some technical skills for installing this system. If you can take the effort to master it, and properly maintain your rainwater harvesting system, it will be a big step towards water conservation.

What is Water Conservation?

Water conservation can be defined as the practice of using water efficiently for reducing unnecessary water wastage.

What is Rainwater Harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting the rainwater that runs off from the rooftops of buildings, roads, open grounds, etc.

What are the advantages of rainwater harvesting?

  • Rainwater harvesting is a low-cost process.
  • It promotes water conservation.
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Speech on Water Cycle

You’ve probably noticed how a rainy day can transform into a sunny one. This magic happens thanks to the water cycle. You see, water is always on the move, changing from one state to another.

The water cycle is nature’s way of recycling water. It’s like a big water ride that never ends. Understanding it can explain so much about the world around us.

1-minute Speech on Water Cycle

Good day to you all! Today, let’s talk about a magical journey. It’s not about wizards or superheroes, but about something we see around us every day. Yes, it’s the journey of water, or you can say, the water cycle.

Once they rise and reach the sky, they start to cool down and lose their excitement. They come together and form groups. These groups of water particles appear to us as clouds. This process is what we call condensation.

Now, these clouds travel around the world. When too many water particles group together, they become heavy. Unable to hold the weight, they fall back to the ground. This is what we know as rain, or in colder areas, as snow or sleet. We call this process precipitation.

Finally, the water that falls back to the ground does not stay there forever. Some of it goes into the ground; we call this infiltration. Some flows over the ground and goes back into the rivers and oceans. We call this runoff. And so, the journey of water starts all over again.

In summary, the water cycle is an endless journey of water from the ground to the sky and back again. It is nature’s way of recycling water, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining life on earth. So, next time when it rains, remember, it’s part of a beautiful journey that water takes. Thank you!

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2-minute Speech on Water Cycle

Good day, friends! Today, I’m going to talk to you about something you see every day but might not think much about – the Water Cycle.

First, let’s talk about what the water cycle is. You’ve seen water in many forms: when you drink a glass of water, when it rains, or when you see steam rising from a hot cup of tea. The water cycle is the journey water takes as it moves between these forms and places. It’s a continuous loop that helps keep the earth alive.

Next, we have condensation. As the water vapor rises higher into the sky, it starts to cool down and turn back into a liquid. This is how clouds are formed. Just like when you see water droplets on the outside of a cold glass, the water vapor comes together to form tiny droplets in the sky.

The last part is precipitation. This is a fancy word that just means water falling from the sky. When too many of these tiny droplets gather in a cloud, the cloud gets heavy and the water falls back to the ground as rain, snow, or hail.

Why is this important, you might ask? Well, the water cycle is a key part of what makes our planet habitable. It helps plants grow, it fills our rivers and lakes, and it even helps regulate the Earth’s temperature.

Thank you for listening today, and remember to always respect and care for our water resources, for they are a crucial part of the amazing journey that is the water cycle.

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speech of drinking water

The Facts About Trump's Remarks Regarding Water, Washing Machines and Rain

The former president delivered the remarks about water during a campaign speech in philadelphia on june 22, 2024., jordan liles, published june 26, 2024.

On June 24, 2024, a Reddit user posted in the r/facepalm subreddit a screenshot containing a long quote attributed to former U.S. President Donald Trump. The post also featured a still image of Trump delivering a speech at a campaign rally. In the purported quote, Trump speaks about people having "no water in your faucets," "washing machines to wash your dishes," and rain.

A Reddit post claimed former US President Donald Trump spoke at length at a campaign rally about The quote claimed Trump ranted about having no water in your faucets, washing machines to wash your dishes and rain.

Trump genuinely did say those words during a speech at a campaign rally hosted at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia on June 22. The source of the Reddit screenshot, however, omitted two parts of Trump's comments that could have provided some context for what the former president was saying.

A Google search helped to find the source of the screenshot in the Reddit post: a June 22 post on X from @BidenHQ, the rapid response account for President Joe Biden's reelection campaign. The X post featured a video of Trump making the remarks that appear in the text of the post. That video was not available to users viewing the screenshot in the Reddit post.

A Reddit post claimed former US President Donald Trump spoke at length at a campaign rally about The quote claimed Trump ranted about having no water in your faucets, washing machines to wash your dishes and rain.

At least one X user responding to the @BidenHQ post  noted  that, while the video included with the post was continuous and did not contain edits, the text transcript included above the video omitted two parts of Trump's comments. Both of those omissions featured Trump talking about flow restrictors.

Flow restrictors are devices perhaps best known for their inclusion in showerheads. They are designed to regulate the flow rate of water through various outlets in homes.

We transcribed Trump's full comments and bolded  the two parts omitted from the text of the Biden campaign's post. Just prior to the beginning of Trump's remarks about water, he referenced Biden and the Green New Deal , saying, "I will end 'Crooked Joe's' wasteful spending and rapidly terminate the green new scam. The green new scam. You know what the green new scam is?" He then continued:

No water in your faucets. You ever tried buying a new home and you turn it on? They have restrictors in there. You want to wash your hair. You want to wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip. The soap, you can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about ten times longer. You're trying. The worst is your hair. I have this beautiful, luxuriant hair, and I put stuff on. I put it in. Lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip, and you say, 'I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What?' They put restrictors and they put them on in places like here where there's so much water you don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water.

We contacted the Biden campaign by email to ask about the post's transcript omissions and also reached out to the Trump campaign to ask about the former president's comments. We will update this story if we receive any responses.

We were unable to find any information linking the Green New Deal to a flow-restrictor requirement but will update this story if relevant information comes to light.

Video of Trump's Philadelphia Speech

Readers can watch the relevant portion of Trump's speech in a video from a live broadcast hosted on the YouTube channel for The Times and The Sunday Times. The moment regarding his comments about water question begins at around the 42:09 mark.

Trump's Past Remarks About Faucets, Water and Toilets

Trump previously made similar comments about water and flow restrictors at a Whirlpool manufacturing plant in August 2020. At the time, he said, "And the same thing with sinks, toilets and showers. You go into a new home, you turn on the faucet; no water comes out. You turn on the shower. If you're like me, you can't wash your beautiful hair properly. (Laughter and applause). You waste 20 minutes longer. 'Please come out.' The water — it drips, right? You know what I'm talking — they put restrictors on. I got rid of that. I signed it out. That's common sense."

In 2021, the Biden administration reversed Trump's rule that previously increased the flow of water in showerheads. The Washington Post reported at the time, "Trump's shower head rule was part of a broader effort within the administration to relax energy efficiency standards and regulations for an array of household appliances, including dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers."

Trump also once spoke about water during a White House meeting in December 2019. At the time, he claimed Americans experienced problems with water "dripping out" of faucets. He also added, "People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once."  The New York Times reported the toilet-flushing matter related to the EPA and a federal standard for the amount of water used per flush.

Trump and Whirlpool

Immediately after the end of Trump's comments highlighted in the @BidenHQ post, he continued by talking about Whirlpool and laundry machines. Trump said, "And I was with Whirlpool. The head of Whirlpool. I helped save that company because they were being attacked by China and South Korea, and I put tariffs on those machines coming in."

The New York Times reported in April 2019 these washing machine tariffs "stung consumers while lifting corporate profits." The article cited research from April 2019 conducted by the University of Chicago's Becker Friedman Institute for Economics. That research concluded, "Despite the increase in domestic production and employment, the costs of these 2018 tariffs are substantial: in a partial equilibrium setting, we estimate increased annual consumer costs of around 1.5 billion USD, or roughly 820,000 USD per job created."

Further, the conservative Heritage Foundation published an article in August 2020 displaying the headline, "Why Trump's Washing Machine Tariffs Are Cronyism." The story's author concluded, "When the government imposes regulations, taxes or tariffs to aid one industry or company, others pay the price. Beneficiaries of these policies say the government is 'leveling the playing field,' but the truth is that unfairness in the market just shifts to someone else. Ultimately, consumers foot the bill, and American families suffer."

Dapcevich, Madison. "Does Biden Support the Green New Deal?" Snopes , 1 Oct. 2020,

Diaz, Johnny. "Trump Wants a Review of Toilets: Americans Are Flushing '10 Times, 15 Times.'"  The New York Times , 7 Dec. 2019,

Flaaen, Aaron, et al. "The Production, Relocation, and Price Effects of US Trade Policy: The Case of Washing Machines." The University of Chicago's Becker Friedman Institute for Economics , 18 Apr. 2019,

"FULL REMARKS: President Trump at Whirlpool Factory in Ohio."  YouTube , LiveNOW from Fox, 6 Aug. 2020,

"LIVE: Donald Trump Hosts MAGA Rally in Philadelphia." YouTube , The Times and The Sunday Times, 22 June 2024,

"Remarks by President Trump at Whirlpool Corporation Manufacturing Plant."  Trump White House Archives , 6 Aug. 2020,

Smith, Tori K. "Why Trump's Washing Machine Tariffs Are Cronyism." The Heritage Foundation , 7 Aug. 2020,

Tankersley, Jim. "Trump's Washing Machine Tariffs Stung Consumers While Lifting Corporate Profits." The New York Times , 21 Apr. 2019,

"Trump Says People Are 'Flushing Toilets 10, 15 Times' in Call for Better Water Standards."  YouTube , Guardian News, 7 Dec. 2019,

Woodard, John. "What Is a Flow Restrictor and How Does It Work?"  Fresh Water Systems , 11 Mar. 2024,

By Jordan Liles

Jordan Liles is a Senior Reporter who has been with Snopes since 2016.

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Column: Stormy Daniels is shameless and it’s wonderful

A woman with long blond hair talks into a microphone.

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Happy Thursday. There are 179 days until the election, and we are jumping from dead dogs to dead worms.

As you’ve probably read, the New York Times reported Wednesday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had a parasitic worm in his brain .

It was deceased, but what the heck?

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That tidbit came straight from the man himself, drawn from a deposition he gave in divorce proceedings more than a decade ago — in which he apparently argued that his earning capacity was diminished because Wormy ate part of his cerebral matter, leaving him unable to pay as much alimony as his un-chomped brain would be able to afford. Quick, give that dude the nuclear codes!

I mean, it does explain a lot.

But also, the story segues so nicely into the topic of this newsletter: How far men will go to get out of lady troubles, and what that does to the ladies.

We’ll even include a JFK appearance.

So here we go on the Stormy Daniels affair.

Stormy Daniels takes a stand

Stormy Daniels testifies in Donald Trump's hush money trial.

Stormy Daniels has been in the spotlight — literally — since she started stripping in Louisiana at age 17 to pay the bills when her negligent mother kept disappearing. She was called as a prosecution witness Tuesday in the Donald Trump hush money trial, putting her on the global stage.

Folks, this is a woman who isn’t scared of a fight, and isn’t afraid to talk about sex — even if we are.

In a world where women are routinely expected to be ashamed about any public conversation of sex, whether it’s consensual or during an assault, Daniels didn’t avoid the nitty-gritty.

That included accounts of spanking Trump with a magazine, silky jammies (his) and her own ambivalence in the moment, all told in a rapid-fire, conversational tone while she looked right at the jury.

Daniels’ radical shamelessness is important because it upends the status quo that men have long depended on in sex-involved court cases — that the woman will be humbled, and that she can be torn down as weak or a liar because of the humiliation, guilt and stigma we expect her to feel.

“I was so proud of her,” Alana Evans told me on Wednesday.

Evans, an adult actress and president of the Adult Performance Artists Guild , is an acquaintance of Daniels.

Daniels name-checked Evans from the stand Tuesday about a phone call between them while Daniels was in Trump’s hotel suite.

Evans was in Lake Tahoe at the same time as Daniels and Trump in 2006. Trump, Evans said, even got on the line during that call in an attempt to have her join them. Evans didn’t go.

“There was no doubt that it really happened,” Evans said. “I heard the man’s voice myself.”

Devil in the details

But even the judge in the case, Juan Merchan, bristled at hearing the specifics of Daniels’ Trumpian romp.

He called some of the finer points “better left unsaid,” claimed “the degree of detail we’re going into here is just unnecessary” and told lawyers that Daniels was “a little difficult to control.”

Damn straight she’s hard to control.

With decades of experience as a sex worker, Daniels doesn’t seem cowed by expectation or the squeamishness displayed by Merchan and others in the courtroom.

“You could compare it to a doctor talking about surgery and arteries and blood and tissue,” Evans said. “These are things they see every day and it doesn’t affect them. You show that to someone else and they may pass out.”

Those details are also necessary, no matter how much they make Trump — or the judge — uncomfortable.

Because Trump denies having had sex with Daniels.

Daniels’ exhaustive account goes to the heart of her credibility. She describes the black and white tiles in the hotel suite; sitting at the dining room table for nearly two hours talking about the business of porn; the Old Spice and Pert Plus shampoo in Trump’s toiletry kit, which she rifled through when she used the bathroom.

She described how she came out of that bathroom and found Trump in his boxers, a “jump scare,” because she was not expecting him unclothed.

How she kind of checked out mentally and for a long time couldn’t remember how she ended up on the bed, but did recall that her hands were shaking when she got dressed and had to buckle the tiny straps of her gold heels.

That kind of stuff is hard to make up, and harder to keep straight. All Daniels has on her side is the truth, the full truth, in all its salacious glory.

“When you are telling the truth, you can paint the complete picture,” Evans said. “Stormy sharing all of those details is how you really know Stormy is telling the truth because all those gaps are filled in.”

One of the prosecutors, Susan Hoffinger, made that point when arguing with the defense about how much Daniels should be allowed to say.

“[A]t the end of the day, your honor, this is what defendant was trying to hide,” Hoffinger said. “It is precisely what the defendant did not want to become public.”

Trump’s lawyers can argue those details are prejudicial. (They asked for a mistrial, arguing Daniels’ testimony would bias the jury against him. The judge denied that request.)

But in reality, “All these people who are freaking out over the details, they can’t handle the details,” Evans said.

Sexual relations with that woman

And too often, men — presidents included — have relied on denials without substance, banking on that social discomfort to come out on top.

Remember when Bill Clinton tried that tactic with Monica Lewinsky, famously quipping “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” when in fact he did?

Then, it was the blue Gap dress with its semen stain that really did him in, a tangible bit of DNA evidence that couldn’t be denied. But as Lewinsky has talked about, that experience left her with decades of shame and pain.

Because ultimately she was the one we looked down on, even though Clinton was the one impeached.

Judith Campbell Exner, the Los Angeles socialite who was also JFK’s mistress, had the same experience after she was forced to testify in front of a congressional committee about her affair with Kennedy before and after he was elected president.

When she became pregnant, Kennedy arranged for her abortion, despite his staunch public Catholicism.

But she paid the price with decades of scorn, she told my colleague Patt Morrison , and JFK went on to other affairs.

“People who loved Jack felt if they could degrade me, then he was just a bad boy,” she said . “On the other side, [Republicans] felt they could destroy Jack by destroying me, by making me as bad as possible.”

So to see Stormy Daniels rejecting the contempt piled on other women in her situation is wonderful — though she too said she felt the infamy of it all.

When asked who she had told about the sex, she said very few people.

“Because I felt ashamed that I didn’t stop it, that I didn’t say no. A lot of people would just assume — they would make jokes out of it. I didn’t think it was funny,” she said in court.

But why should she be disgraced with the dumb blond trope when it was Trump who had a wife at home, with their newborn son?

Why should she be apologetic for being a sex worker when she has built a business — acting, directing, producing, writing — that has made enough money for her to support herself and her family?

Why should she accept being vilified, just because that makes people more comfortable?

Daniels is back on the stand Thursday, and I hope she remains shameless.

What else you should be reading

The Must Read: Gov. Gavin Newsom is working on a memoir as he builds his image beyond California The Follow-up : But How Does the Worm Get in Your Brain? The L.A. Times Special : Berkeley schools chief grilled by Congress on claims of rampant antisemitism in K-12 classrooms

Stay Golden, Anita Chabria

P.S.: Kristi Noem is the gift that keeps on giving

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

Now our puppy-killer is in damage control over claiming she met North Korean despot Kim Jong Un, an anecdote in her train wreck of a memoir that is apparently being removed — though she won’t quite admit it’s false. Here’s a clip . — Was this newsletter forwarded to you? Sign up here to get it in your inbox.

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speech of drinking water

Anita Chabria is a California columnist for the Los Angeles Times, based in Sacramento. Before joining The Times, she worked for the Sacramento Bee as a member of its statewide investigative team and previously covered criminal justice and City Hall.

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  1. Water Informative speech outline

    speech of drinking water

  2. Speech about the importance of water Free Essay Example

    speech of drinking water

  3. Speech On Water

    speech of drinking water

  4. persuasive speech on drinking water.docx

    speech of drinking water

  5. Simplified Speech #50

    speech of drinking water

  6. Benefits of Drinking Water

    speech of drinking water


  1. The Keir Starmer Campaign Speech Drinking Game #impressions #keirstarmer #generalelection2024

  2. Public Facing Problems With Drinking Water || #shorts #BalannaMuchatlu #sscdigital

  3. Drinking Water at Bhusaval Junction #trainexperiments #trainvideos #viral #train

  4. Save Water (1 minute ) Speech in English

  5. How to dig a well to get drinking water!

  6. Std


  1. 5 Best Speech on Water [Short & Long]

    4th Speech on Water (10 Min) Dear fellow citizens, Water is an essential resource for all living organisms. It is the foundation of life and is required for basic human needs such as drinking, cooking, and washing. Despite its importance, however, access to clean water is not available to everyone.

  2. Speech on Importance of Water for Students

    3 Minutes on Speech on Importance of Water. Respected all! Today I have been blessed with this opportunity to deliver my speech on importance of water. I feel thankful to entire management here for giving me such an honor. Everyone knows that water is the soul of our life. It is the most basic need for our survival, safety, progress, and ...

  3. Talks on water

    The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting. With wisdom and wit, Anupam Mishra talks about the amazing feats of engineering built centuries ago by the people of India's Golden Desert to harvest water. These ancient aqueducts and stepwells are still used today -- and are often superior to modern water megaprojects. 09:12.

  4. Speech on Water for Students and Children

    Speech on Water. Water is said to be one of the earth's most essential resources and rightly so. Human beings can survive without food for many weeks, but without water, one will die in just a few days. The earth's uniqueness lies in the fact that it harbours life and it has water on its surface. Similarly, it can harbour life only because ...

  5. Speech on Water

    Speech on the Importance of Water Conservation "Water, water, everywhere, nor a drop to drink." This is a famous line from the poem 'The Rime of Ancient Mariner' written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.Even though 97% of the earth's surface is covered with water, only a minor percentage of water is clean and safe for drinking.

  6. Speech on Water Is Life

    2-minute Speech on Water Is Life. Ladies and Gentlemen, Water is not just a simple element; it is the source of life itself. Picture for a moment a world without water. There would be no trees, no flowers, no birds singing in the morning. There would be no fish in the sea, no streams flowing in the mountains, no rain to quench the parched earth.

  7. Water Speech for Students and Children in English

    Rainwater harvesting provides a source of fresh water for drinking. Planting a tree increases the overall underwater supply of water. Look around, and you will find a lot of things that can make a difference. Thank you. 10 Lines On Water Speech In English. Water is a necessary commodity for all living organisms. Life cannot thrive without water.

  8. Speech on Water Conservation

    1-minute Speech on Water Conservation. Ladies and gentlemen, good day to everyone! I'm here to discuss a matter of great importance - water conservation. Water is not just a resource; it is the very essence of life. Whether it's to drink, bathe, cook, or clean, every single day we rely on this crucial element. Despite its significance, we ...

  9. Speech on Sources Of Water

    1-minute Speech on Sources Of Water. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we talk about a vital part of our lives - water. We see water every day, but do we know where it comes from? Let's explore this together. First, we have rivers. Rivers are like water highways, flowing across the land.

  10. Persuasive Speech Topics on Water

    New technologies for cleaning water or harnessing its power also provide opportunities for persuasive speech topics. For instance, you might argue that governments should invest more in water desalination research. Desalination, the process of removing salt and other contaminates from ocean water or brackish water, could provide a nearly limitless supply of potable water, but is extremely ...

  11. News

    The importance of hydration. Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood. Experts recommend drinking roughly 11 cups of ...

  12. Save Water Speech for Students in English

    Learn about save water speech topic of english in details explained by subject experts on Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts. ... only 1% of it is fresh and can pass as drinking water. This disparity in the ratio of availability is a reason for the threat that this issue will pose in the years to come ...

  13. 2 minute speech on importance of water

    Water is also essential for economic development. It is used to irrigate crops, provide power to industry and transport goods. Water is also important for recreational activities, such as swimming, fishing and boating. Water is a precious resource and is essential for the survival of all life on earth. Therefore, it is important that we take ...

  14. Speech on Water for Students in English

    Water is an essential element for all the living organisms on our planet. It is the major component for the survival of life on Earth. Water forms 70% of the earth, out of which 3% of the water is considered to be freshwater. Out of this 3%, only 0.4% of it is considered to be drinking water. Large factories and industries dump their wastes ...

  15. Water Informative speech outline

    Body paragraph 1: First, water is an integral part of all body functions and processes, including digestion and elimination. When you are on a diet, water also acts as a weight-loss aid because it can help you eat less. Drinking water is essential during weight loss because it provides hydration without unwanted calories.

  16. Persuasive Speech on Drinking Water

    Persuasive Speech on Drinking Water. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Yep, the next world war will be over water. It's already being labeled as 'blue gold,' just like oil was labeled 'black gold,' and that's no coincidence.

  17. Drinking Water Persuasive Speech

    Drinking Water Persuasive Speech. 722 Words3 Pages. Drinking Water Is the Way to Go Specific Purpose: To show to my audience the importance of water to our body and to encourage them to drink water more often. Central Idea: Many people may take drinking water for granted, but keeping hydrated can have a huge impact on overall health.

  18. Speech on Save Water for Students and Children

    The human body is made up of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water. Get the Huge List of 100+ Speech Topics here. How to Save Water? Water is the most precious component needed for food and life.

  19. Speech on Water Conservation

    Speech on Water Conversation: Are you trying to prepare a speech on the importance of water conservation? Read the article, grab as many points as possible, and give a speech on water conservation. ... Availability of pure drinking water is an absolute necessity for every individual around the world, and for ensuring its availability, a ...

  20. 15 benefits of drinking water and other water facts

    Drinking water also keeps the mouth clean. Consumed instead of sweetened beverages, it can also reduce tooth decay. 3. It delivers oxygen throughout the body. Blood is more than 90 percent water ...

  21. PDF Persuasive Text Example Why should you drink water?

    n you are older - water keeps your skin flexible. Overa. l, no other drink can make you as healthy as water. It helps you keep heal. hy skin, repair muscle damage and digest your food. If you don't like the taste of water then you can always try adding a small amount o. sugar free juice to add a small amount of flavour. Keep you. Planning ...

  22. Persuasive speech (Water)

    Fundamentals of Speech Communication Persuasive Speech Drinking Water Specific Purpose:To persuade the audience to drink water by explaining the benefits of water and the negatives Introduction I. Hello my name is Abhishek Joseph and I'm here to confront the growing problem with everyone including me most days of not drinking the recommended amount of water daily, Today I will describe the ...

  23. America's Drinking Water Could Radically Change Under Trump

    America's Drinking Water Could Radically Change Under Trump. Every person in the country is set to have drinking water without dangerous levels of cancer-causing "forever chemicals" after ...

  24. Speech on Water Cycle

    The water cycle is nature's way of recycling water. It's like a big water ride that never ends. Understanding it can explain so much about the world around us. 1-minute Speech on Water Cycle. Good day to you all! Today, let's talk about a magical journey. It's not about wizards or superheroes, but about something we see around us every day.

  25. Why water is the best drink during a heat wave

    People working in the heat or otherwise engaging in physical activity should drink an 8-ounce cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ...

  26. The Facts About Trump's Remarks Regarding Water, Washing Machines and

    The post also featured a still image of Trump delivering a speech at a campaign rally. In the purported quote, Trump speaks about people having "no water in your faucets," "washing machines to ...

  27. Fargo drinking water earns national recognition

    Fargo drinking water earns national recognition. Updated: 29 minutes ago. Valley News Live at 4pm. News.

  28. Column: Stormy Daniels is shameless and it's wonderful

    Advertisement. Stormy Daniels has been in the spotlight — literally — since she started stripping in Louisiana at age 17 to pay the bills when her negligent mother kept disappearing. She was ...

  29. England fans ignore calls to drink non-alcoholic beer

    England fans have ignored calls to drink in moderation or swap booze for non-alcoholic beer before Tuesday's Euro match.. Thousands gathered in Cologne's Alter Market and downed beers ranging ...