
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.11. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Assignment settings .

Assignment settings

  • Using Assignment
  • Assignment FAQ

This page explores in more detail the settings for the Assignment activity once you have added it to your course and also covers the Site administration settings.

Note that if you want to edit an existing assignment, click the Edit link to its right and choose the action you wish to take, e.g. 'Edit settings'.

  • 2 Availability
  • 3 Submission types
  • 4 Feedback types
  • 5 Submission settings
  • 6 Groups submission settings
  • 7 Notifications
  • 9 Other settings
  • 10 Assignment capabilities
  • 11.1 Assignment settings
  • 11.2 Submission plugins
  • Check Ghostscript
  • In the Description, provide instructions for students. Check the box if you want these instructions to display on the course page.
  • In Additional files, you can add files which may be of help to the students as they do their assignment, such as example submissions or answer templates.


Submission types.

Here you can decide how you wish students to submit their work to you.

Note: If Submission comments are enabled in Administration>Plugins>Activity modules>Assignment>Submission plugins , students will be able to add a note to their teacher on submitting work. If Anonymous submissions are enabled, student comments display in the gradebook as from "Participant 01 etc" to avoid revealing identities.

It's possible to set a word limit on an online text assignment. Students get a warning if they try to exceed the word limit. Numbers are counted as words and abbreviations such as I'm or they're are counted as single words.

moodle hide assignment

Comments may be collapsed to make it easier to read the original text:


If the file types have been restricted, then when students attempt to submit the assignment, they will see a message telling them which files are accepted:

moodle hide assignment

Feedback types

The Atto editor now allows for recording audio and video when grading, along with the option to upload supporting files such as images.

Annotate PDF appears if this setting is enabled by the Site administrator in the Manage assignment feedback plugins section of Site admin and will allow the teacher to annotate using comments, stamps and other features.

The empty gradebook on Moodle The dropdown to download the list Editing the grades offline

When the teacher has completed their grading offline, they can then upload the spreadsheet, confirm the changes and the grades and comments will be transferred over into Moodle's gradebook:

Uploading the grading worksheet Confirming the changes Grades and feedback transferred into Moodle

See also Offline grading worksheet blog post by Gavin Henrick.

The Feedback files column Upload files here Student view with comments and file feedback both enabled

Uploading multiple feedback files is also possible:

  • Download the students' assignments using the "Download all submissions" link from the same dropdown menu;
  • Extract the folder offline and add your comments to the student's submissions. Keep the names the same.
  • Select the students' submissions and zip them into a new folder. Important: Don't just edit them inside their original folder and re-zip this; it will not work. The folder name does not matter as long as the feedback files have the same names as before.
  • Upload this newly zipped folder.
  • You will be presented with a confirmation screen displaying your feedback files. (If you zip files from a Mac, make sure to remove the folder _MACOSX)
Choose from the dropdown menu Confirmation screen displaying the feedback files to be uploaded Screen confirming uploaded feedback

Submission settings

Reverting to draft Prevent submission changes "With selected" to choose several students.

Groups submission settings

These settings allow students to collaborate on a single assignment, e.g. working in the same online area or uploading, editing and reuploading an MS Powerpoint in the common assignment area.

When grading, the teacher may choose to give a common grade and feedback to all students in the group or to give individual grades and feedback to each member.


Please note that if you are using group mode then course teachers need to be members of the group in order to receive submission and late submission notifications.

  • See Grade points and Advanced grading methods for more information on the settings here.
  • Setting a passing grade may be connected with Activity completion and Restrict access such that a student will not be able to access a follow up activity until they have passed this assignment. Anonymous submissions

With Anonymous submissions, students cannot see the final grade until all of the students' names have been revealed. Rubrics will also be hidden from students' view until the names are revealed. To reveal student names after you are finished grading, look under Assignment settings > Reveal student identities . Feedback comments will appear whether or not student names are hidden or revealed. Note that this level of anonymity might not suit the privacy requirements of your organisation. See MDL-35390 for more details.

Users with the capability View student identities when Anonymous submissions are enabled (by default managers only) can view student identities and participant numbers.

Users with the capability View anonymous events in reports (by default managers only) can view student submissions to assignments with Anonymous submissions (in Moodle 3.9 onwards).

  • Marking (grading) workflow
Marking workflow state in the individual grading screen Dropdown to select marking workflow state when quick grading

The phases are:

  • Not marked (the marker has not yet started)
  • In marking (the marker has started but not yet finished)
  • Marking completed (the marker has finished but might need to go back for checking/corrections)
  • In review (the marking is now with the teacher in charge for quality checking)
  • Ready for release (the teacher in charge is satisfied with the marking but wait before giving students access to the marking)
  • Released (the student can access the grades/feedback)
Allocated markers on the grading screen

Other settings

Depending on what is enabled for your site and course, you may also need to explore Common module settings , Restrict access , Activity completion , Tags and Competencies

Assignment capabilities

  • Export own submission
  • Grade assignment
  • Submit assignment
  • View assignment

Role permissions for the activity can be changed from the gear icon Actions menu.

Site administration settings

Administrators can access assignment configuration options by expanding Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Assignment .

Here, the administrator can set defaults for certain settings. They may also make certain settings 'Advanced' which means a course teacher has to click the 'Show more' link to see them, or they may 'lock' settings which means a course teacher cannot alter that setting.

If the site contains courses with over 100 participants, the number of assignments listed on the assignment grading page may be limited using the Maximum assignments per page (assign | maxperpage) setting. This removes 'All' from the 'Assignments per page' setting.

Admin view of Submission statement set up screen - click to enlarge Student view when about to submit - click to enlarge

If it is left as the default "No", then teachers will have the choice within their own assignments to force this or not.

The submission statement may be shown in different languages. See Multi-language content filter for how to do this.

Note for sites using languages other than English: There is currently a bug affecting the default assignment submission statement - it doesn't display in a user's language ( MDL-54731 ). A workaround is to enter the submission statement in the required language (using the multi-lang filter if multiple languages are required) in the 'Submission statement' (submissionstatement) field then save changes.

Submission plugins

Here the administrator can enable, disable or change the order and default settings for any submission plugins.

Feedback plugins

Manage assignment feedback plugins.

Here the administrator can enable, disable or change the order and default settings for any feedback plugins.

Check Ghostscript

You can also check the ghostscript path from here:

Ghostscript not installed or incorrectly installed Ghostscript correctly installed

If the default stamps are deleted by accident, they can be found in mod/assign/feedback/editpdf/pix and re-uploaded.

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  • Assignments
  • LATTE to Moodle 4.0 - What has Changed
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External Resources

  • Gradebook: Quick Start Guide

The "Assignment" activity in Moodle allows students an easy way to upload and submit a file or files for grading. 

  • Assignment Activity
  • Assignment Settings In-depth documentation on Moodle Assignment settings from the Moodle website.
  • Using Assignment This page explores the different types of assignment, how students submit assignments and how teachers can grade them
  • Moodle Academy: Assignment Links to a Youtube Video showing an overview of the Assignment tool.
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moodle hide assignment

Moodle Assignment feedback guide

  • Get started - Moodle Assignment feedback

Hide grades and feedback for an assignment

Hide course total, hide grade category, hide assessment grade for individual student, assignment notification options.

  • Late submissions
  • Use Marking workflow
  • Grade Using the Grading page
  • Grade with Moodle Marking Record
  • Grade with Moodle Rubric
  • Quick grading
  • Track changes on Word document and / or adding feedback to a coversheet
  • Upload feedback and grades via Excel spreadsheet
  • Upload offline feedback files individually
  • Group Assignment feedback and grading
  • Release grades and feedback
  • Related guidance

Grader Report menu opened and Gradebook setup highlighted

  • Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu above the module name. The Grader report page opens
  • Open the drop-down menu on the left of the page and choose Gradebook setup .
  • Select the Edit link on the same row as the name of the grade item you are marking.
  • Select Hide .

Edit settings opened for Test assignment and Hide highlighted

From the Gradebook setup tab you can also hide the Module total. This is necessary if students can work out their hidden grades from the total or if you have not set up your weighting in the Grader Report and the Course total is incorrect.

  • Select the Edit link on the same row as the Module total at the bottom of the list of grades.

moodle hide assignment

A module can have more than one grade category (e.g. Formative and Summative). You can hide all the grades within a category by hiding the grade category.

Grade categories are displayed in a folder icon and highlighted in grey.

  • Select the Edit link on the same row as the name of the category.
  • Select Hide from the menu that opens.
  • Select  Grades  in the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  • Turn Edit Mode  on.
  • Scroll down the page to find the relevant student/assignment/grade.
  • In the column for the relevant assignment, select the eye icon to Hide  the grade item for relevant student.

moodle hide assignment

When you are marking student assignments and have hidden the assignment via Setup in Grades , do not make any changes to the setting Notify students in the Assignment settings or within the assignment grading screen. If you change this to No at any stage in the marking process an automatic notification from Moodle will not be sent to students informing them of the release of their grades and feedback.

  • << Previous: Get started - Moodle Assignment feedback
  • Next: Late submissions >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 11, 2024 11:16 AM
  • URL:

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CLT block icon.

Learning and Teaching

  • Assessment & Feedback

How to mark an Assignment online in Moodle

Preparing to grade an assignment.

Before beginning marking it’s important to understand how your assignment has been setup, so that you can ensure that you are not showing marks and feedback to students before you are ready for them to see them .

By default, Moodle assignments hide grades and feedback from students through the ‘Marking Workflow’ option.

When you create an Assignment, the ‘Marking Workflow’ setting will be enabled. This automatically hides any marks and feedback that you upload for students until you take specific steps to release the marks and feedback. This is a ‘safer’ option for the requirements of most Teachers .

Guidance on  releasing Marks and Feedback, and sending a notification to students  with a few clicks, using marking workflow can be found below.

If you prefer instead to turn off the marking workflow option you can do so within the Assignment’s settings, under the ‘Grade’ settings.  Note that doing this will mean that any marks and feedback added to Moodle will be immediately visible to students!

If you have turned off Marking Workflow, but you  also  don’t want students to see marks and feedback as soon as they are uploaded, you will need to hide the Assignment link and Gradebook item until you are ready to reveal the marks and feedback.

The guidance below shows how to turn off Marking Workflow (if you wish) and how to hide the Assignment link and Gradebook item:

  • Find your Assignment and select Settings

Image of link to Assignment settings

  • Scroll down to ‘ Grade ’ settings and expand them
  • Set  use marking workflow  to  no
  • Save changes

Image showing marking workflow setting

Note: Any marks and feedback you add will now be immediately visible to students!

To manually hide marks and feedback from students you will need to hide the Assignment’s  Gradebook item  and the  Assignment link  (which is often not practical where there are late submissions)

To hide the Gradebook item:

Image showing Grades link

  • Go to the  Course Homepage  and choose the Grades tab
  • From the Grader Report drop-down menu, choose Gradebook Setup .

Image of Gradebook setup location

  • In the row for the Assignment that you wish to hide, in the  Actions  column, choose  Edit  then  Hide .

Image of steps to hide grade item

  • Save Changes .
  • The Gradebook item will now appear to be greyed out to show that it is not visible to students.

Image of hidden grade item

To hide the Assignment link from students:  

  • Navigate to the Assignment and, from its  Edit  drop-down menu, choose  Hide .

Image of steps to hide assignment link

  • You can now begin marking.

Note : When are ready to release marks and feedback to students, don’t forget that you’ll need to make the  Gradebook item  and  Assignment  link visible again.

Lock submissions to prevent changes

Before you begin marking it’s a good idea to lock submissions. This will prevent students from making any changes to their submissions once marking is underway. To do so, navigate to your Assignment and View all submissions .

  • Tick the box at the top of the ‘select’ column to select all user submissions.
  • From the ‘ With selected…’ drop-down menu choose Lock Submissions .

moodle hide assignment

Note: If you have a large number of students you will need to select the option under the table to ‘show all students on one page’.

Moodle grading interface overview

Moodle has a built-in grading interface that allows you to annotate student assignments, add summary comments and award marks. Student submissions are displayed in PDF form and include a link to the Ouriginal similarity report (where activated).

The image below gives an overview of the built-in grading interface:

Online Grading screen for a Moodle assignment.

  • Use the next and previous arrows to move to the next page of the student’s document or choose a page from the drop-down menu.
  • Add an annotation to comment (with option to choose background colour).
  • Use the arrow tool to select, move or delete existing annotations.
  • Other tools such as the pen (squiggly line) for free form drawing or writing, shape tools, line, highlighter)
  • Stamp tool/x tool.
  • Anchor for an annotation (if you hover over it, it expands to reveal the annotation)
  • An annotation
  • Click the sub-menu icon in annotation (top right corner) to delete or add annotation to a ‘quicklist’ for the assignment).
  • Use navigation to see Previous/Next student’s assignment or filter.
  • Add grade here in the right-hand pane.
  • Summary feedback can be entered here
  • Don’t forget to save any changes made!
  • Click to cycle through the options for screen layout

The video below provides an introduction to the grading interface, shows how to annotate student scripts, view Ouriginal reports and award marks. It also details how you can lift anonymity (where anonymous marking is being used) at the end of the marking process.

Marking Assignments Online

Marking a Group Assignment

Where one student has uploaded a file on behalf of her Group, the file will appear against all Group members, and any of these can be marked. On the individual student grading page, an option to ‘ Apply grade and feedback to all members of group ’ will appear. If ticked the grades and feedback will be applied to all group members. 

Image of setting to apply grades and feedback to all members of a group.

Allocate Assignments to another Marker

You can use the  Marking Allocation  feature to assign student submissions to a specific marker in your Moodle space.

  • Marking allocation  – this allows allocation of markers to work after the deadline.  Marking allocation  depends on  Marking workflow  being enabled.

Marking Workflow  and  Marking Allocation  must be enabled in your assignment settings.

Image showing marking workflow and marking allocation settings location

Once these have been enabled, you can allocate assignments to a marker.

  • Click on your Assignment link
  • Click on  View all submissions

Image of set allocated marker option

  • Tick the box to the left of the student whose assignment you want to allocate, then choose  Set allocated marker  and click  Go .
  • At the prompt click  Ok , then on the next page select your allocated marker from the drop-down menu and click  Save Changes .

How to lift anonymity in an Assignment

If you are using Anonymous Marking (blind marking) in Moodle, once you have completed marking, it is necessary to lift anonymity in order to release grades to the Gradebook. Please note that lifting anonymity can only be done once, (you cannot return the assignment to an anonymous state once it has been lifted), so ensure that you have completed all marking before going ahead. 

To lift anonymity.

  • Click on the assignment link, then click on  View all submissions
  • From the grading actions menu choose  Reveal student identities:

Image showing how to lift anonymity.

This video also shows the process for lifting anonymity:

Lifting Anonymity

Related Articles

  • Anonymous marking in Moodle
  • Advanced Grading in Moodle
  • Group Peer Review for Teachers
  • How to mark an Assignment offline and upload feedback
  • Using Ouriginal
  • How to create an Assignment

Article Contents

Hide or Unhide a Course

  • Publication date November 1, 2017


Faculty who use Moodle at UP may at times wish to hide their entire course from view. Common scenarios when it would be useful to hide a course:

  • The faculty member is working on designing the course or adding content and doesn’t wish students to see the work in progress.
  • The course has been merged with another section and the merged course will be used in lieu of the individual sections.
  • The following article shows the steps to hide or unhide a Moodle course.

Login to Moodle and look for the course you wish to hide or unhide in your Custom Course Menu. Click on the course name to access the course.

In your course, click Edit Settings in the Course Administration menu.

moodle hide assignment

In the course settings, under General settings, you can set the course  Visibility options to Hide or Show. Make sure to scroll down and click Save when you have made your selection.

moodle hide assignment

How to Tell if Your Course is Currently Hidden

Assuming you are using the standard Moodle theme, as of 2020 you will see an alert in the course when it is hidden.

moodle hide assignment

You will also see a Hidden label on the course in your Dashboard .

moodle hide assignment

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Moodle - how to hide an assignment's description if the user has already submitted an assignment

I am using Moodle 2.9.2. The assignment activity.

enter image description here

I want to NOT display the assignment description if the user has already submitted the assignment for marking. Now why would I want to do such a thing?? The reason for this is that the assignment description contains a form which I want the user to fill in once. And the user is expected to upload a file attachment as part of the fulfilment of the assignment submission. So after the file has been uploaded and the assignment has been submitted, the user should not access the form (i..e, assignment description) anymore.

I have done my homework. I have already narrowed the ground zero code down to the

of the file mod/assign/renderer.php. What I need is a way to detect that the user has already submitted the assignment for marking, and if so, don't display the description section. Basically, do nothing but whistle the Dixie (Line 235).

However, if the user has yet to submit the assignment, then show the assignment header title and description in all its glory (lines 238 to 252).

function render_assign_header of class mod_assign_renderer of /mod/assign/renderer.php

...which fails spectacularly. Like my programming lecturer used to say when he wanted to console us, "at least the idea is there".

Any Moodle programming guru able to assist me here? I need some tips/help/pointers/skeleton code/real code on line 233.

Regards Frankie Kam BTW, the origins of the madness of my method lies here:

  • variable-assignment

Frankie 'Moodurian' Kam's user avatar

There's probably a better way, but you could do this:

CMR's user avatar

  • Super! Many thanks. But I have to try this out to see if it works. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt as appreciation for your time and effort. ;-) –  Frankie 'Moodurian' Kam Commented Feb 17, 2017 at 16:52

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moodle hide assignment

Uploaded image for project: 'Moodle'

Assignment is shown as overdue even if already marked

Icon: Improvement

  • Resolution: Won't Do
  • Fix Version/s: None
  • Affects Version/s: 3.1 , 3.3 , 3.4
  • Component/s: Assignment
  • Pull from Repository: git://
  • Pull Main Branch: MDL-56569 -master-test2
  • Pull Main Diff URL:

Prerequisites: Two students (S1, S2), a teacher (T), all enrolled into an empty course (C).

  • Log in as T and go to C.
  • Create an assignment. Choose a due date in the past; set the grading scale to "Point / 100", enable file submissions.
  • Log in as S1. View the assignment.
  • VERIFY: In the "Time remaining" row, there is a text "Assignment is overdue..." on red background.
  • As T, enter a mark for S1 in the assignment.
  • As S1, view the assignment.
  • VERIFY: In the "Time remaining" row, there is a text "The due date for this assignment has now passed." without red background.
  • As T, go to the assignment and change the due date to be in the future (some days ahead).
  • As S2, view the Moodle dashboard.
  • VERIFY: Assignment due date is shown as upcoming event on the dashboard.
  • As T, enter a mark for S2 in the assignment.
  • VERIFY: Assignment due date is not shown as upcoming event on the dashboard.


In our installation we have the following use case for the assignment module:

Students normally hand in their assignments on paper, these are marked and the marks then entered in an assignment activity on Moodle. Optionally, students can also submit electronically via Moodle, and for that purpose the "File submission" option is active.

However, this leads to the following slightly odd situation: When a student does not submit electronically, and the marker received the script on paper and enters a mark for the student, then the student still sees a message that the assignment is "overdue".

Possibly this can be avoided by hiding the overdue message when a mark has been entered.

(I'm willing to work on a fix, but would like to hear opinions first.)



Error rendering 'clockify-timesheets-time-tracking-reports:timer-sidebar'. Please contact your Jira administrators.

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Moodle: Hide grades from students

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Hiding a grade item or category prevents students from seeing the grade and any feedback an instructor has provided. 

Before you start , you may need access to the following:

  • an Instructor of record or Other editing teacher role in a Bryn Mawr Moodle course

Hide grades

  • Open your Moodle course.
  • Toggle the Edit Mode switch on (if needed).
  • Click Grades in the course menu.
  • Change the Grader report drop-down menu to the  Gradebook setup .
  • Find the grade item or category you wish to hide.
  • In the Actions column, click   (Check actions), and choose Hide . 
  • Click Save changes .

When you are ready to reveal grades to students, repeat the steps above, but choose  Hide in step 6 .

Videos & further reading on Moodle gradebook

  • MoodleDocs:  Grade hiding

If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk !

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours Email: [email protected] |  Service catalog Location: Canaday Library 1st floor

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Faculty: release grades on specific date.

  • Last updated: Jun 17, 2024 by Hart Wilson

Moodle makes it easy to hold assignment grades back until all grades have been assigned. You can use this feature for assignments, forums, and manually created gradebook items. Quiz score availability is controlled through Review options .

Head's up: By default, hidden grades are included in student totals, so an individual student could calculate a score that has not yet been released.

  • With editing turned on in your course, open the gradebook and locate the activity.
  • Click on the Edit icon in the Controls cell at the top of the column.
  • Open the Show more.... link.
  • Scroll down to the Hidden until option and check the Enable box.
  • Set the date and time that you want the scores to become available to students.
  • Scroll down and Save changes .

Screenshots of process

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