Kate Snow Biography

Birthday: May 10 , 1969 ( Taurus )

Born In: Bangor, Maine

Kate Snow

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Age: 55 Years , 55 Year Old Females

Spouse/Ex-: Chris Bro

father: Dean R. Snow

children: Abigail Keller Bro, Zach Bro

TV Anchors Journalists

Height: 5'3" (160 cm ), 5'3" Females

U.S. State: Maine

education: Cornell University, Georgetown University

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Cornell Communication Class of 2018 says thank you ft. Kate Snow '91

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Our graduating Class of 2018 expresses their thanks to the people who helped them along the way, with a special shout-out from NBC's Kate Snow '91. Congratulations, Class of 2018, and thank you for bringing so much joy to the #CornellComm community. Keep in touch! #Cornell2018

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Why 50 Words for Snow is my favourite Kate Bush album, or an essay about why I love Kate Bush so much, or

<disclaimer this is self indulgent and lacking in all brevity and wit, but it’s the only time I shall ever write about Kate Bush, and if I can’t post this here, then where? <Feeling stupid and ugly, might delete later idk>>

I painted and posted this picture 2 years ago today, in the midst of my Kate Bush discovery phase. I’ve always had Lionheart, Hounds of Love and The Red Shoes in my library, but did that tourist thing of just listening to the couple of tracks I knew and loved, and skipping the rest, thinking Kate was a pop curiosity that probably didn’t have much more to give me than that. I know. Then during the Summer of 2020 Mother Stands for Comfort shuffled onto my headphones whilst lockdown walking, and I fell in love with the song, deeply. (As someone on Youtube once said “remember when Kate Bush invented Trip Hop”). Which in turn led me to listening to the rest of the album as a whole, to me realising it was a perfect album, and Kate’s genius.

I then moved to the other albums, not necessarily chronologically, but with a kind of logic moving outwards and considering best album polls etc, with the intention of saving her last two for last. I wouldn’t listen to a new (old) one until I’d given the previous at least 6 weeks, to allow myself time to get into it, and each album its breathing space. So then The Dreaming, which became my new favourite, then the Kick Inside, which I loved (but didn’t become a new favourite), then The Sensual World, which did. and so on. The only album I struggled with a bit was The Red Shoes, but I figured if it was the length of her previous albums, I probably would love it as much, but have never got round to making that shorter version playlist.

Then I got to Aerial, and f- me I was stunned, she had taken such a left turn musically and artistically, and I loved it more than most things. And of particular interest to me at the time was her age, I think she was 47 when it was released. It was around two years ago that I started listening to this album and was inspired to paint the words on this picture, when I was 43. As an artist, I was for the first time in my doubting the ideas I had, and worrying my best work was behind me. It was an inspiration to see someone making their very best work older than I am now, that magnum opuses are not the reserve of the young.

(I also wondered what it would have been like to have experienced Aerial when it was released, when I was young, in my hedonistic hey day, which it would musically have suited so well. It’s like the perfect come-down, after-club album. but I don’t regret missing it then, it fit my life perfectly for old young Spring Summer 2021 me.)

I broke my 6 week rule for Aerial, it kept me going for longer. But I was also very aware of the next album, the last one I had left to experience, being universally accepted as her weakest one. I was dreading it. How could we go from that crescendo of her career leading to Aerial which was my new favourite thing ever, to something lesser, something disappointing? But then suddenly I remembered a poll I had seen I think on a Kate Bush fan page on FB, of people’s favourite album of hers. I rushed to find it and did. And there it was, that statistic I needed to see. 13%? 11%? less? I can’t remember, it doesn’t matter. but a small percentage whose favourite Kate Bush album was 50 Words for Snow. I was elated, all worry disappeared. Here were my people. We don’t all fit into the mainstream, so it might well be the case that my favourite album, could be one that was universally acknowledged as her worst.

At this point I should mention, I am a bit slow with music, it can take me several listens of an album before I get it, as it did with Kate’s, especially if I already love the artist (there’s so much expectation and hype to counter) and part of the reason for that 6 week rule. BUT. 50 Words for Snow I fell in love with immediately. It floored me with how beautiful it was.

I still had my Mum then, in those beautiful days of immersion into Aerial and 50 Words. She died last Summer. My life will never be the same, I will miss her forever. I remember A Coral Room hitting a nerve when I first heard it a couple of years ago that it shouldn’t have, because we don’t know what it’s like til it happens to us. I remember reading an interview with Kate where she said she had become a bit of a zombie after she lost her Mum. I really felt how much it had affected her. Another thing that keeps me going is that Kate made her best work after she lost her Mum, after that terrible grief. I have kept going, I’m still creating, and driven in a way, but my heart is lost. Kate took 12 years between The Red Shoes (which was dedicated to her Mum) and Aerial, to grieve I suppose, but also she had her son, and re-found her joy, and had a break, and took a deep breath, and then made the best music of her life. I am inspired by this. I am going to take all the time I need. I’ve always said to myself and others, before any of this, in response to that pressure we have to always be creating, that “some of my favourite artists take 9 years between albums”, but now I believe it.

Kate Bush jumped straight to my top 3 favourite musicians

I can apparently be quite slow in recognising when backing vocals on an album aren’t sung by the lead vocalist. So I originally thought that stunning shrill vocal at 2:11 on Rockets Tail was Kate, and didn’t discover til later it was Trio Bulgarka. I'm not sure but I like to think that I did recognise the male soprano parts on Lake Tahoe, weren’t Kate. (I think “tumbling like a cloud that has drowned in the lake” might be the most beautiful part of any song ever). And then discovered Snowflake was not all her which I did think it was, but a duet with her son. Oh I cried at the beauty of this, I cried.

So Kate is one of my/our favourite singer/songwriters, but I also realise she is ******* amazing at writing for other people, and I’m not quite sure what to do with that.

Some notes on 50 Words for Snow

I read in an interview somewhere that she was enjoying playing with longer song structures. Most of the songs near the ten minute mark, and two go over. I love the space, the sparseness, the minimalism, the abstraction. It feels like she’s enjoying playing with the lyricism of the words, without needing to really say anything too particular. it’s textural, epic, almost ambient, almost orchestral.

The album title song, summarised best by a reddit user here who shared a meme saying ‘When Kate starts counting in “50 Words for Snow” well mark me down as scared AND horny’. XD Agreed, it is the sexiest counting ever.

And the Eleton in the Room. I mean the elephant on the album. I know many might have a problem with Snowed In At Wheeler Street because of Elton’s vocals. I’ve never been a fan of his music or his voice, and probably had the same reaction when I first heard it. But it quickly grew on me as a most beautiful and epic and dramatic love song, especially for those of us who take 14 (million) years (and counting) to get over a broken heart. It donkey kicks me in the heart every time. I mean ass.

Such was my Love for 50 Words that I didn’t get to my next Kate Bush album til almost a year later, with Before the Dawn, oh about a year ago today actually (thanks <date added>) (and then the B-side albums etc) .. and here’s the rub. This is the Kate I love the most, the one she is now. When that album opens with the almighty cheer and beautiful Kate welcoming her audience and breaking into song, Jesus what a feeling. This is the Kate I love. the one who made 50 Words most recently, but has her whole catalogue behind her. Maiden become Mother.

I don’t need another album. Of course I would LOVE one if that’s where she's at, weirder and more experimental than 50 Words, or back to more Hounds of Love vibes, whatever, and we all want that Before the Dawn DVD/BluRay. But if not, she finished on the perfect album.

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'Gaping hole in our hearts': Kate Snow shares suicide's impact on her family

It’s been almost eight years now, but it’s still fresh. Not just for me, but my entire extended family. I’m just the one who has the public platform. I’m the one who appears on TODAY and fights back tears .

My husband’s father John was a wonderful person. He was the embodiment of a kind-hearted Chicago dad — a happy, big teddy bear of a guy. His phone calls to my husband often started with, “Hey Chris, didya see the Bears game? How ‘bout that play in the first quarter?”

NBC News senior national correspondent Kate Snow shares a happy moment with her father-in-law on her wedding day.

John was a high school guidance counselor. He loved helping people. He was also the family’s fix-it guy. He’s the one who would show up and fix your door, hang a mirror or paint your garage red without even asking. He was always smiling and always friendly. The folks down at Ace Hardware in his town all knew his name. Same thing at the Jewel Osco grocery around the corner. His neighbors saw him riding around on a bicycle built for two with my sister-in-law — his youngest child, Kiera.

So it was pretty surprising to me when John’s personality seemed to change eight years ago. As a daughter-in-law, I hadn’t known he’d had bouts of depression in the past — usually at times of big transition in his life. After he retired in his 60s, we discovered he was battling depression again. It was something we knew and talked openly about. We supported him and encouraged him to get help.

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Our phone call came just before 7 p.m. on a Sunday, six days before Christmas. I know the exact time because we were about to host our annual Christmas party. When my husband answered the phone, there was literally Christmas music playing and the caterers were in the kitchen laying out food. Our kids were at the door waiting for a babysitter.

I’ve never heard my husband Chris scream like that. He threw the phone and ran out of the house. I picked up the phone and could barely get the words out — “Who is this? What’s happened?”

John, I was told, had died by suicide.

There aren’t many days that go by that we don’t think of him. But this past week has been particularly difficult. First, we learned about Kate Spade . Then Friday, the devastating news about Anthony Bourdain . I was a fan of both of them and like so many fans, I was shocked and deeply saddened.

When there are high-profile deaths, mental health specialists worry about others who may be struggling. Now is a really good time to reach out for help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline available to all of us at 800-273-8255 (TALK). There's also a crisis text line available. Just text a message to 741 741.

With the passage of time, our family has come to a place where we can talk about it. We want to reinforce how important it is to have conversations about mental health . We want people to know the impact that a death by suicide can have on the family.

I think sometimes people suffering from debilitating depression or other mental health issues might think it’s going to be less of a burden on their family if they go away. In fact, the opposite is true. The people who love and care about you (and there are so many) will be left with a gaping hole in their hearts.

After I teared up saying those words on TODAY Monday morning, I received many notes.

One viewer wrote to me: “As someone who’s been dealing with depression/anxiety lately despite a fortunate and blessed life, I thank you for your last statement regarding burden left on family. I just wanted to say thank you for putting that in my head. Thank you.”

A few years ago, I interviewed Zelda Williams after the very public tragedy of her father Robin’s death . She told me there’s no point in survivors wondering “Why?” or “What if?”

We can’t blame ourselves for missing signs or not saying enough. What we can do is talk about it — out loud, in public — and hope we can somehow help other families and help someone else avoid that horrible phone call.

It’s also worth mentioning there is progress being made through new research, educational programs and advocacy aimed at preventing suicide. There’s a group I support, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention , that is doing amazing work and there are many ways to support it.

There’s also " Seize the Awkward ," an interesting new public service campaign that uses humor to encourage difficult conversations.

At my father-in-law’s wake, the line stretched out the door and around the building. Hundreds of people came to pay their respects and grieve. His friends and family were all there, of course, but so were the baggers from the Jewel Osco, the Ace Hardware guys and his former students.

The one thing we can all do today, right now is to reach out to our friends and family. Ask people how they’re doing. Tell them you care.

My husband Chris, John’s son, hosts a radio program and every week since his father passed away, he has ended with the same phrase: “If you love someone, hug them right now.”

Here are a few more resources: #BeThe1To is a campaign with specific tips on how to prevent suicide. Seize The Awkward is a public service campaign that uses humor to talk about difficult things.

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Kate Snow to Drop ‘NBC Nightly News’ Sunday Anchor Duties

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Kate Snow , the NBC News veteran who has anchored the network’s Sunday broadcast of “ NBC Nightly News ” since 2015, plans to exit the post next week, she disclosed to viewers of the program Sunday evening, citing growing responsibilities tied to streaming content.

The move may be a sign that her presence is needed elsewhere. Snow, who is also a senior national correspondent for NBC News, has since September of 2022 co-anchored parts of “NBC News Daily,” a set of daytime hours that both stream on NBC News Now and appear in the daytime schedules of all NBC affiliates. NBC News has placed increasing emphasis on reaching viewers with streaming content , and has continued to expand the original programming it offers in that venue. Those duties, plus those that have Snow reporting on stories during the week for “Today” and the weekday broadcasts of “NBC Nightly News,” have begun to add up.

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“Our audience on ‘NBC News Daily’ is growing fast, and I have decided after a lot of thought to focus my attention Monday through Friday, on that role. So next Sunday will be my last Sunday anchoring ‘Nightly News,’ Snow said. “I will miss the team that you don’t see behind the cameras here but I’ll still continue to be part of the ‘Nightly News’ family, reporting and contributing.”

Others at NBC News have been dispatched to streaming from linear duties in the recent past. Hallie Jackson ceded an hour-long program on MSNBC to devote more time to an early-evening program on NBC News Now , with executives suggesting viewership activity helped guide their actions.

The shift opens up the Sunday-evening perch, which can serve as a springboard to more visible duties. NBC News declined to comment on potential Sunday successors for Snow. The news division is expected to unveil those plans in weeks to come. A rotation of anchors will be utilized on the Sunday broadcast of “NBC Nightly News” after Snow’s final broadcast next week. The network has a broad roster of potential candidates, including anchors such as Jose Diaz Balart, who leads the Saturday edition of “Nightly,” or Tom Llamas, who arrived at NBC News in 2021 with no small amount of speculation that he was seen as a possible successor for general “Nightly” duties. Many others are likely to be considered.

Lester Holt anchors the weekday version of “NBC Nightly News,” and has recently presided over a narrowing of the audience gap between that program and ABC’s “World News Tonight.” The ABC evening newscast has seen its viewership among people between 25 and 54 — the audience most coveted by advertisers — fall by more than 20% season to date as of February 11, according to data from Nielsen.

Snow initially joined NBC News in 2010 after stints at ABC News, where she covered the White House, as well as CNN. During her time at NBC News, she has stood out for an exclusive 2018 interview on “Dateline” with Andrea Constand, who broke her 13-year silence about the case that led to Bill Cosby’s conviction. The report won an Emmy. She also led a “Dateline” special that has 27 of the comedian’s accusers in one room, which was awarded both an Emmy and a duPont award. In 2021, Snow anchored a special edition of Sunday’s “Nightly News” devoted to gun violence in the United States.

“Kate’s dedication to ‘Nightly’   and its viewers has been nothing short of inspiring. She works tirelessly and has that rare gravitas, earned throughout her distinguished career marked by dogged reporting and powerful interviews. She cares deeply about her work and the profound and positive impact it can have on the world, and that compassion extends to those of us who work with her behind the camera,’ said Janelle Rodriguez, the NBC News executive vice president who oversees both “Nightly” and streaming operations. “She’s a loyal colleague, a mentor and a friend.”

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  2. NBC Nightly News Sunday


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  2. NBC's Kate Snow Opens Up About Taking Son to College

    Kate Snow and her son, Zack who started college at Clark University this fall. (Courtesy Kate Snow) To put it simply, the journey to this day was not easy. Our son, Zack, is a thoughtful, generous ...

  3. Kate Snow on Twitter

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  4. Why College Is Not the Same as It Used to Be

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  7. Kate Snow

    Kate Snow (born June 10, 1969) is an American television journalist for NBC News, serving as Senior National Correspondent to various NBC platforms, including Today, NBC Nightly News, Dateline NBC, and MSNBC.Snow also anchors NBC News Daily, and frequently substitutes for the weekday and weekend broadcast. Snow also previously hosted MSNBC Live and anchored the Sunday edition of NBC Nightly News.

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  10. Kate Snow Biography

    Kate Snow was born on June 10, 1969, in Maine, USA, to Dean R. Snow, a professor. Her family moved to New York when she was just six months old and that is where Kate spent her childhood. Always interested in mass media, Kate attended the prestigious 'Cornell University' after finishing high school. She pursued a degree in communication.

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  17. Why 50 Words for Snow is my favourite Kate Bush album, or an essay

    This is the Kate I love the most, the one she is now. When that album opens with the almighty cheer and beautiful Kate welcoming her audience and breaking into song, Jesus what a feeling. This is the Kate I love. the one who made 50 Words most recently, but has her whole catalogue behind her. Maiden become Mother. I don't need another album.

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    NBC's Kate Snow shares impact of her father-in-law's suicide on her family. 05:15. So it was pretty surprising to me when John's personality seemed to change eight years ago. As a daughter-in ...

  21. Kate Snow to Drop 'NBC Nightly News' Sunday Anchor Duties

    Kate Snow, the NBC News veteran who has anchored the network's Sunday broadcast of "NBC Nightly News" since 2015, plans to exit the post next week, she disclosed to viewers of the program ...

  22. College football players celebrate scholarship surprises

    For many college football teams across the country, it's a season of surprises and celebrations. NBC News' Kate Snow has the details as many players found out in surprising ways that they ...