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The SAT Essay

Written by tutor ellen s..

The SAT has undergone a significant number of changes over the years, generally involving adjustments in the scoring rubric, and often in response to steadily-declining or increasingly-perfect test scores. When the SAT was changed in 2005, however, they made some significant changes to the test that students see. One of these changes was the addition of the writing section, based on the original SAT II subject test, which includes a timed essay. In including a timed essay on an otherwise multiple-choice test, the SAT throws a problem at students that they are generally unprepared to solve.

Because high school classes usually don’t discuss timed essays, students can have difficulty when faced with the SAT essay. You’ll need a different set of skills to tackle the SAT essay, and ideally a completely separate amount of time to practice those skills. In this lesson I’ll give you an overview of the differences between timed essays and at-home essays, and share my tips for successfully completing a well-organized, well-thought-out SAT essay.

First, the differences. In a timed essay, you’re given the prompt on the spot rather than having an idea of what the topic will be beforehand, as you would if you were writing an essay for an English class. On the SAT, you get one prompt and one prompt only, so you don’t even have the benefit of choosing one that works for you – you have to write about whatever they give you. In addition you’re writing everything out longhand, which eats up more time than you might think and makes it harder to make edits and corrections – particularly if you have bad handwriting and you’re worried about staying legible. And just forget about rearranging paragraphs and reorganizing whole sentences – you’ll never have time for that!

The Difference Between the SAT Essay and At-Home Essays

All of this means that you have to be much more organized right from the get-go than you would be in a natural writing process. You’ll need to read the question, think for a few moments, and then immediately form an opinion so you can start the actual writing as soon as possible. So for all timed essays, and the SAT essay in particular, I strongly emphasize the importance of prewriting. Prewriting can take many forms, from word clouds to concept nets, but for the SAT, I recommend the basic straightforward outline – with a few tweaks. Here’s my formula for SAT essay outlines.

How to Outline Your Essay

First, read the prompt through a couple of times. SAT essay prompts usually follow a set format involving the statement of an opinion, and then asking whether you agree or disagree with that opinion. Let’s take an example from the January 2014 test date, courtesy of the College Board website:

Some see printed books as dusty remnants from the preelectronic age. They point out that electronic books, or e-books, cost less to produce than printed books and that producing them has a much smaller impact on natural resources such as trees. Yet why should printed books be considered obsolete or outdated just because there is something cheaper and more modern? With books, as with many other things, just because a new version has its merits doesn’t mean that the older version should be eliminated.

Assignment: Should we hold on to the old when innovations are available, or should we simply move forward? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. ( Source. )

he first thing I recommend when confronted with an SAT essay prompt is to ask yourself the question “Do I agree or disagree with the premise of the prompt?” That’ll usually be the last sentence of the first paragraph in the prompt. In this case, do you agree that “just because a new version has its merits doesn’t mean that the older version should be eliminated”? Now write the phrase “I agree” or “I disagree” at the top of your scratch paper accordingly. Put some asterisks around it so you remember to keep checking back in with it during the writing. This opinion is the most important part of your essay, so you want it to be clear in your mind. Next, ask yourself “Why do I agree?” or “Why do I disagree?” The first sentence you say to yourself in response to that question is your rough thesis statement. Jot that down under the first phrase. So, my response to our example would look like this:

* I agree * While the new version might have its merits, the original often has merits of its own.

Again, this is very rough at this stage, but on the SAT you’re trying to prewrite fast, so don’t worry too much about that. On to the body paragraphs!

On a 25-minute essay, you probably won’t have enough time for a full five-paragraph structure with three sub-examples for each point. Two body paragraphs and two examples of each will suffice. You never want to rely on just a single example, though, or you’ll likely lose points for not supporting your statements enough. Write out a template for the body of your essay that looks like this:

I. Main point 1 A. Example 1 B. Example 2 II. Main point 2 A. Example 1 B. Exampple 2

Remember, it’s an outline, so no full sentences. Write only as much as you need to remind yourself of your points. So for our example, my outline would look like this:

I. The “Tangible” aspects A. A book never runs out of battery B. Can read it in the sun, by the pool or in the bathtub – places you wouldn’t want to take a piece of electronics II. The “non-tangible” aspects A. The smell of a new book, tactile sense of turning pages, experience of closing it when you finish B. Ability to get lost in a book, to lose sense of place and become the story

At this point I can see a slight revision I’d make to my original thesis statement, which is the idea that an e-book can never mimic the tactile experience of reading (smelling the book, turning pages, etc.) I’ll quickly adjust my thesis to say:

While the new version might have its merits, the original offers a tactile experience that the new can’t hope to achieve – an experience that can’t be mimicked by technology.

Perfect. All told, your prewriting should have taken you 3 to 5 minutes, most of which was thinking. Now, on to the paper itself!

Writing Your Essay

Okay, here’s my biggest timed-essay secret: don’t start with the introduction. Start by skipping five or six lines down the page, leaving space for an introduction that will be inserted later. Start with your first body paragraph. Work from your outline, converting your points into full sentences and connecting them with transitions, and you should be at a good start. Once both body paragraphs are written, continue on and write your conclusion. Then, go back and write your introduction in the space you left at the beginning. That way, you’ll know what you’re introducing since it’s already written.

I generally recommend about 15 minutes of writing time for the body paragraphs, followed by 5 minutes for the intro and conclusion. Depending on how quickly you got your prewriting done, that leaves you with one or two minutes to look it over, fixing any spelling mistakes or sloppy handwriting. Don’t try to change too much, though – when you’re writing everything out longhand, changes require erasing. We do so much writing on computers these days that sometimes we forget how long it takes to erase a whole sentence and rewrite it. A better tactic is to think through each sentence in your head before you write it down, making sure you have it phrased the way you want it before you put pencil to paper. But don’t spend too long – try it a few times and you’ll find that writing four full paragraphs longhand actually takes about 25 minutes to do – on a good day. You should expect to be writing pretty much continuously for the entire 25 minutes.

Keeping Track of Time, Staying Comfortable, and More Advice

Speaking of which, when you practice your timed essays, pay attention to how your hand feels while you’re writing. The first few times you’ll likely be sore; your hand might even cramp up from writing so hard. It’s tiring to write for that long, so make sure you’re helping yourself. Write lightly on the paper – it’s easy to start pressing down super hard when you’re nervous and panicking. Writing lightly will not only help stave off the hand cramps, it’ll also make erasing much easier when you need to do it. Sit back in your chair while you write – you don’t need to be three inches from your paper to see the words you’re putting down, and hunching over will just make you press harder. Bring your attention to your breathing – are you holding your breath? Why? Try breathing deeply and slowly while you write – it’ll calm your brain and help you think.

Finally, a word about the writing itself – don’t forget you’re on a clock here. Often, you begin to notice as you write that your opinion about the topic is evolving, changing, developing nuances and side areas you want to explore. I know this sounds weird, but you’ve got to try to rein that in – those are all fine things to be thinking about ordinarily, and in an at-home essay I’d say go for it, but you don’t have time to change what you’re writing about in this situation. Sometimes, you’ll even get halfway through a timed essay and realize that you actually don’t agree like you thought you did. Save that thought for later. You’ve got the outline of an organized essay, and that’s what you should be writing. It doesn’t matter at this point if you actually still agree with what you’re saying, all that matters is that you state a clear opinion and communicate it well. After all, the test grader doesn’t even know you – how’s she to know that you don’t really think this anymore? Stay confident and get your original idea out on paper.

For example, the outline I gave above is a perfectly accurate depiction of my opinion on the topic – as it relates to books. However, if we were to start talking about, say, writing essays…I’d probably say that no, I don’t think we should hold on to writing essays out by hand when there are computers available. After all, I’m writing this article on a computer. I’ve copied and pasted multiple paragraphs of information back and forth around this lesson as I was looking for appropriate ways to introduce concepts, and that would have taken forever if I had been writing by hand. But if that thought had occurred to me midway through writing my timed essay about books, I would have acknowledged it for the briefest of moments and then disregarded it. My essay is about books. I’ll just stick to that so I can keep it clean and organized.

Don’t worry about the test graders thinking “But what about X?” – they know you only had 25 minutes and can’t possibly fit every aspect of the argument into that amount of time – or space, for that matter. The scoring rubric focuses on what is present, not what is omitted. As long as you have a clear point of view and are communicating it well, you’ll fulfill their criteria. Remember, this essay’s not in the critical reading section, it’s in the writing section. They’re not in the business of judging the merits of your opinion, just how clearly you’ve communicated it and how well you’ve supported it.

Your timed essays will probably turn out very different than the essays you write at home for class. They might seem stiff, straightforward or brusque; with a limited amount of time you can’t create the subtle, nuanced arguments that your English teachers are probably looking for. But what you can do is create a well-organized, concise presentation of a relatively straightforward point of view, supported by concrete examples that all point toward the same central concept. The SAT essay responds well to a formulaic approach, so while it may take some practice, you will eventually be able to handle a 25-minute essay prompt with confidence.

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How Long Is the SAT?

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Last Updated on April 20, 2023

The SAT booklet is the same length and width as standard U.S. Letter paper. So, the SAT is about 11 inches long (and 8.5 inches wide) … Ha!

Now that we’re all smiling, let’s dive into the two closely interrelated meanings of “How long is the SAT?” that you came here for:

  • Duration: How much time does the SAT take ?
  • Total volume: How many questions are on the SAT?

We’ll also touch on other factors related to SAT timing, including scheduled start time, breaks, and proctors’ warnings.

Here are the topics we’ll cover:

What is the total testing time, how long does the sat last, start to finish, how long will i spend in the test center.

  • What Warnings Will My Proctor Give?

When Should I Get to the Test Center?

Who completes the essay, what is the length of the sat with essay, what’s next.

Let’s start by taking a look at how long each section of the SAT is.

How Long Are the SAT Test Sections?

The 2022-2023 SAT will have four sections. As shown on the College Board website , the sections will always appear in the same order, with the following durations:

The total testing time for all four sections of the 2022-2023 SAT (without the essay)—for the test sections only, NOT counting breaks—is 180 minutes.

The total testing time for the 2022-2023 SAT (without the essay) is exactly 3 hours.

When Are the Breaks During the SAT?

There are two scheduled breaks between sections:

  • Between Sections 1 and 2 , the two verbal sections, you’ll get a 10-minute break .
  • Between Sections 3 and 4 , the two math sections , you’ll get a 5-minute break .

Pay attention to the designated areas where you need to stay during the SAT. During these two breaks, you’ll most likely be restricted to the testing area, restrooms, and the adjoining hallway. If you stray from the designated areas, or if you’re overheard discussing any part of the exam with others, you’ll be dismissed and your scores will be voided!

Including breaks, the 2022-2023 SAT will last 195 minutes, or 3 hours and 15 minutes.

This is definitely more of a marathon than a sprint! So, at home before the test, be sure to eat a nutritious, well-balanced meal that is rich in both protein and complex carbohydrates. (But don’t stuff yourself.) This type of meal will be the ideal breakfast to fuel your brain for the duration of the SAT, so you’re unlikely to ‘crash’ partway through the test or experience big swings in your alertness. A balanced breakfast can also help regulate your stress levels during the SAT .

From start to finish, including breaks, the 2022-2023 SAT lasts for 3 hours and 15 minutes.

The entire duration of your 2022-2023 SAT experience on test day will include the time needed for preliminary procedures: filling out your personal information on the answer sheet, signing and dating your forms, and going over rules and procedures with your proctor.

These initial formalities should take about half an hour, for a grand total of 3 hours and 45 minutes of closed-door time inside the test center.

Since you can be admitted up to 15 minutes early, you could be inside the test center for up to 4 hours.

How Can I Track Time During the SAT?

Your testing area should have at least one clock prominently displayed where you can easily see it without having to wheel around or crane your neck.

In addition, your proctor will issue a predetermined set of time cues out loud for all test-takers to hear.

What Time Warnings Will My Proctor Give?

Here is the entire slate of time cues that your proctor will be instructed to speak aloud.

SECTION 1: Reading (65 minutes)

At the beginning: Time starts now.

After 30 minutes: You have 35 minutes remaining in Section 1.

After 60 minutes: You have 5 minutes remaining in Section 1.

After 65 minutes: Please stop work and put your pencil down.

10-Minute Break

The proctor should post the clock time that ends the break, when testing will resume. The proctor will not be required to give any time cues out loud during the break.

SECTION 2: Writing & Language (35 minutes)

After 15 minutes: You have 20 minutes remaining in Section 2.

After 30 minutes: You have 5 minutes remaining in Section 2.

After 35 minutes: Please stop work and put your pencil down.

SECTION 3: Math, No Calculator (25 minutes)

After 10 minutes: You have 15 minutes remaining in Section 3.

After 20 minutes: You have 5 minutes remaining in Section 3.

After 25 minutes: Please stop work and put your pencil down.

5-Minute Break

The proctor should post the time when testing will resume. The proctor will not necessarily issue any cues aloud.

SECTION 4: Math, With Calculator (55 minutes)

After 25 minutes: You have 30 minutes remaining in Section 4.

After 50 minutes: You have 5 minutes remaining in Section 4.

After 55 minutes: Please stop work and put your pencil down.

Your proctor will issue spoken time warnings on the schedule above. These will be valuable no matter what, but especially if there is any issue with the clocks in your testing room.

For Saturday administrations of the 2022-2023 SAT, the doors at your test center will open by 7:45 AM. The doors will close at 8:00 AM sharp.

Don’t be late! If you arrive after the doors close, you’ll be turned away and your test will be canceled.

What About the Optional Essay?

The optional SAT essay of previous years is no more. The weekend administrations of the 2022-2023 SAT, on nationwide test dates, will not offer an essay section.

However, there is a small group of test-takers in certain states who will, in fact, see an essay on their 2022-2023 SAT. If you’re one of these test-takers, you’ll write the essay as an additional section, after you finish the four sections that make up the SAT without essay.

The only 2022-2023 SAT administrations with an essay will be given during school hours, in states that have adopted the SAT as part of their mandatory statewide 11th grade public-school assessment testing. These states are Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma.

If you’re a rising junior at a public high school in one of these states, you’ll take the SAT with essay at school sometime in March or April 2023. If that’s you, please check with your high school guidance counselor or your college admissions advisor for exact test dates and times.

If you’re one of the “chosen few” who will take the 2022-2023 SAT with essay, you’ll have all the same timings and proctor cues as above, plus an additional 2-minute break and a 50-minute period during which to plan and write your essay.

Therefore, for these in-school administrations, the following times apply:

  • The total testing time will be 230 minutes (3 hours and 50 minutes).
  • The total duration from start to finish will be 247 minutes (4 hours and 7 minutes).
  • Your total time spent inside the testing area will be at least 277 minutes (4 hours and 37 minutes).

Good luck, and enjoy your test prep!

Now that you know everything about SAT testing time, check out some tips for motivating yourself to study for the SAT .

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About The Author

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Ron is an inveterate strategist who has always delighted in discovering ‘hacks’ in every corner of his life—cracking standardized tests, charting optimal routes through Southern California's infamous traffic, finding and negotiating bargains, tweaking his own diet and sleep patterns, and more. And in his very first teaching job, back in high school sharing SAT strategies with his own classmates, Ron found the same passion for paying his accumulated knowledge forward. Since those days, Ron has taught in high-school and college classrooms, coached youth track-and-field athletes, and, of course, made a career in test preparation. Ron enjoys long trips on the open road; a bewildering variety of music, from classical to hip-hop to forró to electrocumbia; sharp, well-fitted, and slightly idiosyncratic outfit choices, on himself and others alike; 105-115ºF (40-45ºC) summer days with endless sunshine; and, most of all, building a life with his wife, muse, and kindred spirit, Sarah.

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Time pressure can bring out your worst instincts as an SAT test-taker.  After all, how often on a high school English or Math test do you have one minute or less to answer a question?

How long is the SAT?

Learn how to budget your time on each section of the SAT , and get the pacing tips you need for the score of your dreams.

How Long Does the SAT Take?

The SAT clocks in at 3 hours (3 hours and 15 minutes with breaks). And if you choose to sign up for the optional essay , the SAT takes 3 hours and 50 minutes to complete (or 4 hours, 5 minutes with breaks).

SAT Test Length by Section

How are those 3 hours broken up by section? Here’s what your SAT test day schedule looks like:

SectionTimeNumber of Questions
Reading 65 min 52
Writing and Language 35 min 44
Math 80 min 58
Essay (optional) 50 min 1
TOTAL 180 min
(230 min with Essay)
154 + 1 Essay (optional)

Tips for SAT Pacing

Are you ready for your SAT date ? The biggest mistake many test-takers make is to spend too little time on the easy and medium questions, and too much time on the hard ones. The problem with this approach is that if you rush through the easy and medium questions, you are almost certain to make a few careless mistakes. Here are the pacing steps that will help you improve your score.

1. Slow Down, Score More

You’re not scored on how many questions you do . You’re scored on how many questions you answer correctly . Doing fewer questions can mean more correct answers overall!

2. Mimic the Real Thing

When you take practice tests, time yourself exactly as you will be timed on the real SAT. Develop a sense of how long 35 minutes is, for example, and how much time you can afford to spend on cracking difficult problems. If you know ahead of time what to expect, you won’t be as nervous.

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3. Don’t Get Bogged Down on the Tough Questions

Don’t let yourself get trapped by hard or time-consuming questions. Stop the part of your brain that says, “But I’ve already spent so much time working on this question . . .  I know I can finish it!” If you’re stumped or running short on time, guess and move on. Learn more SAT tips for completing questions out of order. 

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How Long Does the SAT Take?

how long is the sat with the essay

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When it comes to the SAT, few factors are as important as time. From carefully scheduled prep work to pacing yourself in each section of the test, you’ll be paying a lot of attention to time as it pertains to your SAT. You’ll even need to consider the exact timing of your test date, to ensure you’re there when you need to be without any hassles.

Don’t miss this post to learn more about how long the SAT takes, what time it starts, and when to arrive at the SAT testing center.

How Long is the SAT? How About Each Section of the SAT?

Reading 65 minutes 10 minutes 75 minutes
Writing 35 minutes   35 minutes
Math – no calculator 25 minute 5 minutes 30 minutes
Math – calculator 55 minutes   55 minutes
Essay (optional)* 50 minutes   50 minutes
Complete SAT 3 hours 50 minutes 15 minutes 4 hours 5 minutes

*Note that there is an informal 2-minute break between the Math and optional Essay sections.

What Time Do I Need to Arrive for the SAT?

Punctuality is a necessity when it comes to SAT day. If you arrive late, you won’t be allowed in, so you need to know exactly when the cutoff is.

The good news is that the SAT is always administered at the same local time, so you can always expect to have the same check-in time, no matter what time zone you’re in. The CollegeBoard recommends that you arrive at your testing center no later than 7:45AM.

It’s a better idea to get there even earlier, though, to account for any lines or registration snafus. We recommend that you aim to be there by 7:30 to avoid any last minute rushes, which might lead to anxiety. To learn more about test taking anxiety and how you can beat it, check out our post 10 Ways to Overcome Test Taking Anxiety . Things do come up however, so just know that doors to testing rooms close at 8:00AM.

What Time Does the SAT Start?

The exact time that you begin taking your SAT is never determined in advance. Instead, it varies according to how long it takes each testing center to complete registration, seat students, and distribute testing materials.

Most SATs begin between 8:30-9:00AM. Once testing has begun, students will no longer be admitted. 

What Time Does the SAT End?

There may not be a strict start time, but once testing begins, timing becomes very rigid. The entire test takes three hours to complete without the optional essay, or three hours and 50 minutes with the optional essay, not including breaks.

Remember, the time that the test actually begins can vary slightly from one center to another, and this determines when your test will end. Allowing time for 15 minutes of formal breaks and another couple of minutes for reading directions between each section, you can expect to finish the SAT without essay anytime between 11:45AM and 12:30PM.

If you choose to complete the essay, you’ll stay for another 50 minutes to complete this section. As such, students writing the optional essay can expect to finish up between 12:30 and 1:30PM.

How to Plan Ahead for SAT Test Day

It’s a good idea to let your SAT be your only commitment on testing day to allay any concerns about what time your test ends or any other schedule constraints.

The first step to success on SAT day is getting out of bed. Seriously, though, you need to make sure you have an alarm set and a backup plan, like asking your parents to wake you if you aren’t up by your set time.

To figure out exactly what time this should be, work back from an ideal ETA of 7:30AM at the testing center. Account for the time it will take you to get to the testing center (and allow a buffer for traffic or detours just to be safe), and consider how much time you’ll need to get up, dressed, fed, and out the door.

Packing your backpack can be done the night before your exam. To learn more about what you need to pack, check out our post What Should I Bring to My SAT? . 

Time Management Strategies for the SAT

  • Use the two-passes strategy for difficult questions — meaning that you’ll answer the easier questions first, before going back to tackle the more challenging ones. (After the first pass, skip the question and mark it to return to later.)
  • If you can’t eliminate even one answer, just guess. There’s no longer a penalty for guessing, so you won’t lose points. The frequency of responses is roughly evenly distributed, so it’s a good idea to keep using the same letter for answers that require blind guessing, because then you’re likely to be correct around 25 percent of the time.
  • Review the directions and format thoroughly before the test. That way, you won’t have to waste time familiarizing yourself with the test on the day of, when time is of the essence.
  • Wear a watch. You won’t be able to have your phone out during the test, so having a watch handy will help you keep track of time. 
  • Practice, practice, practice. Do so using the same time constraints as the ones you’ll have to face on test. The more you practice using these limits, the more comfortable you’ll be with the actual exam.

Check out How to Pace Yourself on Every Section of the SAT for more time-management strategies.

What to Do if You Run Out of Time

If you’re at risk of running out of time, make sure you’ve tackled as many of the questions you know you can answer without much difficulty first. As you go along, if you really have no idea about the answer to a question, guess immediately. If you can eliminate one or more responses, then write down a possible answer and mark the question to return to later. 

Keep careful track of the ones you skip (if you don’t, you’ll risk filling in your answer sheet incorrectly, which could be disastrous). Pay attention to the time warnings, and when you’re nearing the end of the test, go back and guess on the remaining questions. Remember to guess the same letter consistently if you really have no idea on a question; guess the same letter each time gives you a higher chance of getting the answer right (25%) than picking a different letter every question.

For additional tips about the night before and day of the exam, check out our post How to Prepare for the SAT: A 24-Hour Countdown .

Preparing for the SAT? Download our free guide with our top 8 tips for mastering the SAT.

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You’ve probably already heard that College Board has made the SAT digital. Here’s what you need to know.

Is the SAT still important to take?

It sure is! The SAT puts your achievements into context. That means it shows off your qualifications to colleges and helps you stand out.

Most colleges—including those that are test optional —still accept SAT scores. Together with high school grades, the SAT can show your potential to succeed in college or career.

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When is the SAT going digital?

Students testing outside the U.S. first started taking the digital SAT in spring 2023. If you’re in the U.S., whether you’re planning to take the SAT in a test center on a weekend or in school on a school day, the test will be digital starting in spring 2024.

If you took the PSAT/NMSQT this fall, you already know what to expect with the digital SAT.

If you're planning to take the digital SAT on a weekend, watch this video to find out more. 

how long is the sat with the essay

If you're planning to take the digital SAT in school on a school day, watch this video to find out more.

how long is the sat with the essay

Isn’t this just the same test but online?

No, College Board didn't just take the paper and pencil test and put it on the computer. We took the opportunity to make the SAT a far better test experience for you.

What’s staying the same?

  • Still measuring the knowledge and skills that matter most for college and career.
  • Still scoring the test on a 1600-point scale.
  • Still administering the test in schools or test centers with a proctor present (not at home). Test centers will continue to be open to all students, not just those enrolled in that school.
  • Still offering access to free, world-class practice resources.
  • Still supporting all students, including those who need accommodations on test day.

What’s changing?

  • You’ll take the SAT on a laptop or tablet.
  • You’ll take a shorter test, about 2 hours instead of 3. Find out how adaptive testing makes this possible .
  • You’ll have shorter reading passages instead of a few long texts.
  • You’ll be allowed to use your calculator on the entire Math section and there’s a calculator built right into Bluebook™, the digital testing application .

How do I register?

Registration is open for the spring 2024 digital SAT. You can check dates and deadlines here and find a test center close to you here .

Register Now

How do I practice?

Find everything you need to start practicing and preparing for the digital SAT here .

Have more questions? We’ve got answers!

Learn more about the digital SAT here .

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What is digital sat adaptive testing, using a managed device for the sat.

What's on the SAT

Here's what's on each section of the SAT and how it's structured.

How Long Does The SAT Take?

how long is the sat with the essay

The entire process of taking the SAT takes a long time. You’ll need to factor in the test center registration process, taking the SAT itself, and getting your scores back.  

Test Center Registration

Getting through the registration process for the SAT doesn’t take a long time necessarily, but you have to plan ahead.

Be in line at the test center at 7:45 AM at the very latest. Doors open at 7:45, but test center doors close at 8:00 and they will not let you in after the doors are closed, even if the test hasn’t begun yet. It doesn’t take that long to get everyone in the room, but the process before and afterward can take a long time.

The college counseling staff at your school might suggest you arrive at the test center much earlier at 7:45. Take that advice seriously. If you’re testing at a full test center, you want to have as much flexibility to find your testing classroom and get settled.  

Don’t forget to bring everything you need (ticket, ID, SAT-approved calculator, snacks, no cell phone ).

Not every proctor has offered the SAT multiple times. With that limited experience and given the recent scandals in proctoring and cheating, all the staff are likely to be extremely careful and by the book. It might take the SAT staff a half an hour to an hour to get the test going once the doors are closed.

Don’t forget to eat breakfast; you might not start the test until 9:00 AM.

The SAT Sections Take Varying Amounts of Time

The SAT covers four major sections and an optional essay. The test will always unfold the same way:  

  • 65-minute Reading Test
  • 10-minute break
  • 35-minute Writing and Language Test
  • 25-minute Math Test – No Calculator
  • 5-minute break
  • 55-minute Math Test – Calculator
  • 2-minute stretch or exit break
  • 50-minute OPTIONAL Essay

To be precise, then, the SAT takes 3 hours 15 minutes without the Essay or 4 hours 7 minutes with the optional Essay, including breaks.

If you’re not providing your own transportation to the SAT, these numbers mean pickup time after the SAT is around noon if you’re one of the students leaving before the optional Essay section begins and more like 1 PM if you’re taking the essay.

Keep in mind that your phone will be powered off during the test and likely collected by the proctor. If you are seen using your device before the test is over your scores will automatically be canceled.

You won’t be able to call for a ride during the test, so plan ahead if that’s something of concern to you.

Breaks Between SAT Test Sections Are Short

You may have noticed in the test section schedule that the breaks between sections are extremely short: you only get one ten-minute break and one five- minute break during the test. The two-minute break before the essay section is negligible: it’s only long enough for students who aren’t taking the essay to leave.

Always keep your ticket with you, because you need it to get in and out of the testing room.

Plan when you’re going to use the restroom and grab a snack. SAT takes so long that it’s irresponsible not to eat a snack somewhere during a break, even if that’s just a handful of nuts or some pieces of fruit. Feed your brain so you don’t fizzle out on the test.

The SAT Takes Most of the Day with Extra Time Accommodations

Many students receive extra time accommodations on the SAT, and those accommodations significantly alter how long the SAT takes. The College Board requires that your college counselor through your high school applies on your behalf for extra time accommodations in an effort to ensure that all applications for extra time are vouched for by a team of professionals.

You are also unlikely to receive extra time accommodations on the SAT if you don’t already have them in school. Documented disabilities for the SAT include learning disabilities outlined in an educational report, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, dyslexia, processing issues, and vision issues, among other things.

Once your counselor applies for you, College Board authorities approve you not only for extra time but how much extra time you have. Some students get time and a half, others get double time. Rarely does someone actually get approved for untimed time.

So How Long Does the SAT Take with Extra Time?

Typically, students who receive extra time receive accommodations of time and a half–an extra fifty percent on the clock. The entire SAT takes 4 ½ hours when those students don’t take the optional essay and five hours and forty-five minutes when they do.

Extra time accommodations are provided in the same test centers as the regular SAT, but students with different timing are seated in separate classrooms so they don’t distract other students and other students don’t distract them when they leave.

Even though the testing time for the SAT takes longer with extra time, the breaks do not. Extra time students get the same ten, five, and two-minute breaks; all the extra time is allotted only for student work.

Not only that, but students are required to remain in the classroom, seated, until the time is called for each individual section, which means getting approved for extra time for the test when you don’t actually need it (which, despite rumors to the contrary, is very difficult to do), is not desirable. You’re liable to get so bored or tired if you finish the test early that you won’t perform your best, anyway.

Tips for Preparing for the Length of the SAT

You can spend hours and hours preparing for all the math and language arts on the SAT you want, but if you’re not ready to take a test longer than three hours, you can’t consider yourself fully prepared.

Consider the length of the SAT another element of the test that might lower your score if you’re not prepared to handle it. For students who love their smartphones and spend most of their free time online, it’s a real challenge to focus on a single task for most of a morning and some of the afternoon.

  • If you’re meeting with a tutor, see if you can work for extended meeting times so you can have support training yourself to stay on task.
  • Set timers when you study on your own to make sure you don’t get up and walk away.
  • Take several full, timed tests with those limited breaks mentioned above so you know what you can do in ten minutes–and what you can’t.
  • Try to fit a snack in and see how it affects you. Tinker with the foods your brain likes.

If you’d like to learn more about what’s on the SAT, check out my post that shows you how to write the SAT essay .  In addition, if you’d like to know where to start with studying, check out our lists of the Best SAT Prep Courses and Best SAT Prep Books .


How Long is the SAT?


This article will answer that question, as well as provide additional detail and context.

  • How Long does the SAT take?
  • What Time Does the SAT Start and End?

The SAT itself usually starts at about 9:00 a.m . It is crucially important, however, to know that the doors to the testing center are only open between 7:45 a.m and 8:00 a.m. Students must make sure to be in the room before the doors close at 8:00 a.m.

Students who take the test without the optional essay portion will typically finish between about 12:15 to 12:45. The test itself takes three hours, plus 15 minutes of breaks, for a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Students who opt to take the additional writing section can expect to finish between about 1:00 to 1:30. The test with the writing section takes 3 hours and 50 minutes, plus breaks, for a total of four hours and five minutes.

Do you know the difference between the SAT and PSAT ( what is the PSAT )?

  • How Many Breaks Are There on the SAT?

Students taking the SAT get 15 minutes of total break time, which are split up into three separate breaks.

The first break is ten minutes and comes after the 65-minute reading section. The second break is five minutes, and is given after the writing and no-calculator math section.

Finally, a short two-minute break is provided between the math calculator section and the optional essay section.

This is how long the ACT takes .

  • How Long Is Each Section of the SAT?

There are four sections of the SAT, as well as an optional essay section, which brings the total to five sections. Some students also receive an additional section of experimental questions that do not count in their score.

The first section is Reading and has 65 questions. Next is Writing, which is 35 minutes.

After that is the Math no-calculator section, which is 25 minutes long. The Math Calculator section is 38 minutes long.

The optional Essay section is 50 minutes long.

Sometimes students will be presented with an additional 20-minute test section. If so, these questions are experimental questions and do not count toward a student’s score.

  • How Many Minutes Is Each Question on the SAT?

This brings us to one of the most important questions, which is how long to spend on each question on the SAT. Proper pacing is important in order to be able to answer as many questions correctly as possible.

The following table breaks down how much time to spend on each question in each section of the exam.

SAT Section Minutes # of Questions Time per Question
Reading 65 52 75 seconds
Writing and Language 35 44 almost 48 seconds
Math, no-calculator 25 20 75 seconds
Math, calculator 55 38 almost 87 seconds
Writing (Optional) 50 1 prompt to read and 1 essay to write Varied, but remember to allow time to read, organize, write, and review and revise

The Reading section has 52 questions and is 65 minutes longs. This gives students 75 seconds to read and answer each question.

Writing and Language has 44 questions and allows 35 minutes. As a result, students have almost 48 seconds for each question in this section.

Next is the Math no-calculator section with 20 questions in 25 minutes. Like the reading section, this portion allows students 75 seconds to answer each question.

The Math with calculator section has 38 questions in a 55-minute timespan. This provides students with almost 87 seconds per question.

The optional essay portion is 50 minutes long with one essay. Students may pace their time however works best for them, but should remember to allow time for reading the prompt, organizing their thoughts, writing, and reviewing and revising.

  • How to Manage Your Time During the SAT

In addition to studying and preparing for the content within the SAT, it is also critically important to practice managing your time correctly.

The first step in managing one’s time is to review the average time per question. This information, along with the number of questions and total time per section, is described in the section and table above.

Use this as a guide while you are preparing for the test to practice keeping an appropriate pace. During the test, try to make sure you are continuing this pace.

The point of pacing is to try to answer as many questions correctly as possible.

The time per question is an average. If a student answers several questions more quickly than the average, then he or she will have extra time to spend on more challenging questions.

Of course, the inverse is true, as well. Every question that a student spends extra time on takes time away from answering other questions that he or she might have been able to answer correctly.

Therefore, if a student notices he or she is spending too much time on a question, it is better to move on. He or she should answer as many other questions correctly as they can and come back to that one later, if there is time.

Students should keep in mind that they may want to review their work, as well.

If that is the case, they can allow for a certain number of seconds to check their work as they go. Another option is to quicken their pacing to allow for a few minutes to review everything at the end.

  • Making the Best Use of Breaks During the SAT

Another factor in managing one’s time during the SAT is to make the best use of the break times. Three or more hours is a long time to focus, so it is important to use breaks to refresh one’s energy and attention.

The first break, which is 10 minutes and comes after a 65-minute stretch of testing, is a good time to use the restroom

It is also a good time to have a small, healthy snack, and a little bit of water. (Not too much, as there is still a lot more testing to take place.)

The following three and two minute breaks can also be used to take a very short bathroom break, or have a quick snack or drink. Or, students can just stretch and take deep breaths.

The main goal is to stay as alert as possible, without being overly stressed or distracted.

  • How Long Does the SAT Take?

The SAT generally takes three hours, or three hours and 15 minutes if counting the breaks. For students who take the optional writing portion of the test, the SAT becomes three hours and 50 minutes, or four hours and five minutes, including the breaks.

Investigation begins after gunfire during a campaign rally by Trump in Butler

Ben Finley, Associated Press Ben Finley, Associated Press

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  • Copy URL https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-we-still-dont-know-about-the-attempt-on-trumps-life

What we still don’t know about the attempt on Trump’s life

So far, details about the man who authorities say tried to kill former President Donald Trump amount to little more than a stick-figure drawing: a politically enigmatic loner who worked in a nursing home.

Still absent are the motivations behind the assassination attempt at Saturday’s rally in Pennsylvania.

That’s not all. Investigators are still trying to piece together how Thomas Matthew Crooks eluded Secret Service agents and local police.

READ MORE: Fact-checking the wild conspiracy theories related to the attempted Trump assassination

Officers and spectators alike took notice of Crooks before the shooting. And the roof of the building that he fired from appeared to be unsecured, l eaving a security expert baffled.

Here’s what we know and don’t know about the shooting.

What we don’t know

The shooter’s motive . Authorities have conducted hundreds of interviews, cracked into the shooter’s phone and searched his car and home. A motive behind the attempt on Trump’s life remains unknown.

Why he wasn’t stopped. Police had a report of a suspicious man at the rally. And witnesses pointed at an armed man on a nearby roof that a police officer climbed onto. Crooks still fired several shots that killed one spectator, wounded two others and grazed the former president’s ear.

Why the building was unsecured. The would-be assassin fired his AR-style rifle from a building that was close enough for a marksman to hit a human-sized target. A security expert said the structure should have been secured and under surveillance.

What we know

Police were aware of Crooks at the rally Spectators at the Trump rally noticed a man later identified as Crooks pacing outside the event’s metal detectors. Police had reports of his behavior and were apparently exchanging photos of the suspect. Witnesses later pointed and shouted about the man with a rifle on the roof.

Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe told The Associated Press that a local officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who saw the officer and turned toward him just before the officer dropped down to safety.

Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump. That’s when Secret Service snipers shot Crooks, according to two officials who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

WATCH: How Biden is adjusting in aftermath of Trump shooting and Democrats asking him to drop out

Slupe said the officer could not have wielded his own gun under the circumstances. Butler Township Manager Tom Knights added that the officer lost his grip and was not retreating when he fell and severely injured an ankle.

Still, Stan Kephart, a former police chief who worked event security for two former presidents, said the shooting followed “an absolute and abysmal failure” on the part of the Secret Service to protect Trump. The agency is ultimately responsible for the candidate’s safety, he added.

“You don’t get to blame other people. They are under your control,” said Kephart, now a consulting expert on law-enforcement event security.

Building’s roof was in striking distance Crooks was an estimated 147 yards (135 meters) from where Trump was speaking, a distance from which a decent marksman could reasonably hit a human-sized target. That is a distance at which U.S. Army recruits must hit a scaled human-sized silhouette to qualify with the M-16 rifle.

Patrick Brosnan, a former New York Police Department detective who runs a national private intelligence and security firm that has protected heads of state, suggested a building that close to the stage should have been secured and under surveillance from the start.

“It would just seem to me to be elemental and rudimentary as it relates to providing a steel band or circular band of protection for the former president, who is fully exposed,” said Brosnan, who has trained with the Secret Service and spoken in the past to Trump and his family about security issues.

FBI believes Crooks acted alone The FBI believes Crooks, who had bomb-making materials in the car he drove to the rally, acted alone with a gun purchased by his father. But the agency has not identified a clear ideological motive.

The FBI said Monday that analysts had gained access to the shooter’s phone, though a law-enforcement official who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity said the device has not revealed meaningful information about any potential motive.

READ MORE: Clues, motive of man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump remain elusive as authorities continue investigation

Crooks worked at a nursing home as a dietary aide, a job that generally involves food preparation. Records show that he was registered as a Republican voter in Pennsylvania. But federal campaign finance reports also show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on Jan. 20, 2021, the day Democratic President Joe Biden was sworn into office.

Jason Kohler, who said he attended the same high school but did not share any classes with Crooks, said Crooks was bullied at school and sat alone at lunch time. Other students mocked him for the clothes he wore, which included hunting outfits, Kohler said.

“He was bullied almost every day,” Kohler told reporters. “He was just a outcast.”

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How to Write an SAT Essay, Step by Step

SAT Writing , SAT Essay


Writing an SAT essay consists of four major stages :

  • Reading : 5-10 minutes
  • Analyzing & Planning : 7-12 minutes
  • Writing : 25-35 minutes
  • Revising : 2-3 minutes

There’s a wide time range for a few of these stages, since people work at different rates. Some people, for instance, will be a lot faster at reading than they are at planning, while it might be the other way around for others. You'll need to find the timing combination that works best for you through a little bit of trial and error.

Writing takes the large bulk of the 50 minutes, but reading and analyzing and planning are equally important parts of the SAT essay writing process.

Stage 1: Read the Passage (5-10 minutes)

There are a couple of different ways to read through the passage on the SAT essay, each with their own advantages. No matter which strategy you use, though, make sure to keep an eye on the time so you don’t run out of time for analyzing and writing!

If you can just read straight through the passage without getting too hung up on details, go for it. This strategy works well for students who are naturally fast readers and don't have trouble getting distracted under time pressure.

If you’re a slow reader, get anxious about reading in timed situations, or find that the subject matter of the article is confusing, you might want to try skimming the article. You can use similar strategies to those you might use on SAT reading passages .

In either case, you'll want to make sure you get a good idea of the way the passage is laid out before you do a detailed pass through it. Why?

You'll probably end up reading through parts of the passage multiple times to make sure you fully understand it. Giving the passage a quick read-through before you do any detailed analysis can help cement which parts you'll want to come back to and which parts aren't as important.

When you go back do a more detailed reading of the article, sure to keep an eye out for argument-building techniques and to try to remain objective . You may want to circle or underline examples of these techniques as you read, which leads right into the next stage of SAT essay writing.

Stage 2: Analyze and Plan (7-12 minutes)

Many students resist planning on the SAT Essay because it already feels like there's not enough time to read and write, let alone take away some of that precious time for planning. But take it from us: you're better off with a plan. This is because the SAT essay graders look for a clear structure : introduction, conclusion, and specific evidence in between. It's almost impossible to create this kind of structure and still write quickly without a plan

You can write all over the passage as you analyze it – circle or underline key points , scribble in the margins, etc. This way, when you go back to quote the author in your essay, you’re not searching the text for the quote or supporting detail.

One way to mark up your passage is by numbering your examples and then circling and numbering any evidence from the passage you’ll be referring to in each paragraph. Another option is to write a brief description of the details from the passage in your planning and outlining, along with the location of the details. Taking this time during the analyzing and planning stage will end up saving you time in the long run.

I personally find it helpful to take notes as I read the passage and then organize them into an essay outline . Below are the TOTALLY LEGIBLE notes I took as I was analyzing the passage for the essay prompt:


As I was reading the passage, I scribbled down key details and the way I’d use them to support my thesis in the essay. For instance, I wrote, “ last paragraph – We need…we need (x4) -> overall use of “we” drawing reader into his POV ” in my notes. This describes what I want to talk about (the author's use of the word "We" and "We need"), what it means (it draws the reader into agreeing with his point of view), and where this is illustrated in the passage (last full paragraph).

I then organized these notes into some semblance of an outline I could use to plan the organization of my essay.


Here's a (rough) transcription of my outline:

Intro Facts/evidence -first paragraph stats and facts - to show issue is real, lend credibility -by not explaining has a couple of effects ->forces reader to draw own conclusions/think about which draws them into the argument ->alt makes reader look to author in rest o/article (b/c had facts at first + so can be trusted) Reasoning -acknowledges counterargument -so very easily could’ve gone on a rant abt twitter which would’ve undercut argument, disconnected from reader -instead, provides examples of when social media has been helpful (Arab Spring) -counterargument is more powerful as a result - take his “unease” more seriously Diction/style -“We” draws reader in, makes author sympathetic (not lecturing) -contrasts b/t ideal + real, b/t prof + amateur engage reader in the comparison, force to admit author is right -language elsewhere reinforces the idea that prof journalism under siege, words like “assailing” and “eroding” Conclusion

You can see that in the section labeled “Diction,” the first point is "We" draws reader in, makes author sympathetic (not lecturing)" .

You can combine these two steps if you’re comfortable enough doing it; I just find that separating them takes the pressure off to make sure that I take notes in an organized fashion.

Stage 3: Write Until 2-3 Minutes Are Left (25-35 minutes)

Once you have your analysis and planning done, it’s time to write like the wind. If you’ve taken notes and planned effectively, you should be able to jump right in and not have to go back and forth too much between the text and your essay.

Body Paragraphs

For most people, writing body paragraphs is easier than writing introductions. If this is the case, start with the body paragraphs, and just leave 10 lines or so at the top of the page to add the introduction later. One example should take up 1-2 paragraphs.

Let's use a methodical structure to try out a body paragraph about how the author uses a counterargument to add support to his own claim. The sample paragraphs below are all taken from an essay that I handwrote (and planned) in the 50-minute time limit.

Sample Body Paragraph

Start with a transition:

In addition to employing facts to his argument’s advantage, Goodman also cunningly discusses the counterargument to his position.

Then (briefly) introduce your topic:

By writing about how social media and man-on-the-ground reporting has assisted the state of foreign news reporting, Goodman heads off naysayers at the pass.

Explain the example’s context and relationship to your thesis:

It would have been very easy for Goodman to ignore the whole issue of citizen reporting, but the resultant one-sided argument would have been much less convincing. Instead, Goodman acknowledges things like “the force of social media during the Arab Spring, as activists convened and reacted to changing circumstances.” As a result, when he partially refutes this counterargument, stating the “unease” many longtime profession correspondents feel over the trend of ‘citizen journalism’ feel, the reader agrees.

Clearly state, in one sentence, how it is proof of your thesis:

Knowing that Goodman takes the power of social media seriously will make the reader more inclined, in turn, to take Goodman’s concern about the limits of social media seriously.

When you put all these pieces together, it’s a winning body paragraph. We start with a smooth transition from the introduction (or previous body paragraph), give enough background to understand why the example is relevant, and then connect it back to the thesis for the knockout punch.

Try to read through this again so the structure really makes sense to you.

Notice how this is formulaic – every one of your body paragraphs can be written in this structure , and you’ll get an excellent score! Having a structure like this will make many students less anxious about the new SAT essay.

You’d then go through the above process with the other 1-2 examples. In some cases, one very good example of the way the author builds his/her argument can be enough, if you can write 2-3 relevant paragraphs about it without repeating yourself. But having two examples is usually safer, because it gives you a better chance to show how well you've understood the passage.

Introduction and Conclusion

After finishing your body paragraphs, don't forget your introduction and conclusion paragraphs . Both should briefly mention the author’s argument and the examples you're using to support your thesis, but everything else is up to you. Some students write about the concept in general, and others just try to restate the thesis in different ways. Even a couple of sentences is better than nothing—try to scribble something in even if you're running out of time.

Sample Introduction Paragraph

In the article “Foreign News at a Crisis Point,” Peter S. Goodman eloquently argues the point that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to people in the United States. Goodman builds his argument by using facts and evidence, addressing the counterarguments, and couching it all in persuasive and compelling language.

Stage 4: Revise (2-3 Minutes)

Much like planning on the SAT essay, revision seems unnecessary to most students. But trust us, it will help your score. There are two reasons for this:

  • Revising helps you change up your vocabulary and fix mistakes and/or illegible words
  • If you know you’ll revise, you can write much faster because you don’t have to worry about making it perfect

On the SAT essay, you can cross out words that you don’t want the grader to read. You don’t need to waste time erasing them, unless you want to replace them with something else.

So what do you do when you revise? Well, let’s take the body paragraph we wrote earlier and revise it. New text is bolded .

In addition to employing facts to his argument’s advantage, Goodman also cunningly discusses the counterargument to his position. By writing about how social media and man-on-the-ground reporting has assisted had some positive impact on the state of foreign news reporting, Goodman heads off naysayers at the pass. It would have been very easy for Goodman to ignore elide over the whole issue of citizen reporting, but the resultant one-sided argument would have been much less convincing. Instead, Goodman acknowledges things like “the force of social media during the Arab Spring, as activists convened and reacted to changing circumstances.” As a result, when he partially refutes this counterargument, stating his the “unease” many for longtime profession correspondents feel over the trend of ‘citizen journalism’ feel, the reader agrees. is much more likely to believe him. After all, Goodman acknowledges that social media does have some power. Knowing that Goodman takes the power of social media seriously will make the reader more inclined, in turn, to take Goodman’s concern about the limits of social media seriously.

At this point, you’ll have a complete winning essay.

Want to see what this essay looks like put all together? Read our article on how to get a perfect 8 on the SAT essay .

Our goal here was to show you how formulaic the SAT essay can be. By making the essay more predictable, you’ll go into every test with a game plan in mind , making the essay much easier (and less scary!).


"Guys guys guys! I figured out a plan for the SAT essay!"

Where to Go From Here

Now you know how to write an SAT essay. To put this information to good use, you need to practice with real SAT essay prompts . We’ve written the most comprehensive guide to SAT essay topics and prompts here .

Aiming for a perfect SAT essay score? Read our guides to get strategies on how to get an 8/8/8 on your SAT essay .

And if you haven’t read our 15 SAT essay tips article yet, do so now!

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Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school.

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By Michael M. Grynbaum

Michael Grynbaum has covered the interactions between presidential candidates and the news media since 2016.

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The press has questions for Vice President Kamala Harris. She isn’t giving a whole lot of answers.

In the nearly three weeks since President Biden withdrew his candidacy, catapulting Ms. Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket, the vice president has shown little eagerness to meet journalists in unscripted settings. She has not granted an interview or held a news conference. On Thursday, after a rally in Michigan, she held her first “gaggle” — an impromptu Q.-and-A. session — with reporters covering her campaign.

It lasted 70 seconds.

Ms. Harris replaced a Democratic nominee who has hosted fewer White House news conferences than any president since Ronald Reagan. Now she is taking a similarly cautious approach, relying on televised rallies and prepared statements amid a tightly controlled rollout of her candidacy.

Asked on Thursday if she might sit for an interview anytime soon, Ms. Harris suggested that she would get through the convention first. “I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month,” she said, as aides signaled to the scrum of journalists that question time was over.

Ms. Harris’s lack of engagement with the media has become a constant rallying cry on the political right, with Republican critics and Fox News stars accusing the vice president of ducking scrutiny. The Harris campaign says it is being thoughtful about how best to deploy its message, and to introduce a new candidate to crucial voters in battleground states.

David Axelrod, the architect of former President Barack Obama’s winning campaigns, believes that Ms. Harris — who on Thursday said she had agreed to a prime-time debate on Sept. 10 with her opponent, former President Donald J. Trump — was trying to strike a balance.

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The 30 Best Documentaries of All Time, Ranked


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The documentary genre is a more varied one than many people give it credit for. As a type of film, documentaries do usually aim to inform or educate about some kind of non-fiction story or topic, but that's not their sole purpose. Some aim to evoke certain feelings or experiences more than anything else, others aim to present an argument or point of view in a persuasive manner, and others are mostly concerned with simply entertaining audiences the way a work of fiction might. Furthermore, some documentaries aim to do a combination of the above, or maybe even none of the above, instead opting to do something else entirely

Exploring the world of documentary filmmaking can be a truly eye-opening thing to do, and reveal worlds or unique perspectives that aren't as easy to explore through other genres. It's safe to assume that documentary movies will never go out of style, which makes keeping track of the best documentaries out there worthwhile. Some of the best documentaries of all time have been around for decades, while others are more recent, and deal with ongoing, ever-topical issues. The films below aren't merely good documentaries; they're largely considered all-timers within the genre, and can all be described quite reasonably as the best documentaries ever. What follows are some of the finest documentary films of all time, ranked below from great to greatest.

30 'Bowling for Columbine' (2002)

Director: michael moore.

bowling for columbine, Michael Moore, Cameras, Victim, Journalists

Coming out years before crime documentaries became Netflix's bread and butter, Bowling for Columbine uses a horrific crime spree as a jumping-off point to explore American culture, and its seemingly unending love of firearms. The event it's all framed around is the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, which claimed more than 20 victims.

In one of the best movies of 2002 , Michael Moore made arguably his most passionate and emotional movie with Bowling for Columbine , with the editing and presentation making the arguments put forward quite persuasive. It's in-your-face and uncompromising as a documentary, and it works well as something that clearly wants to start a conversation about a serious topic.

bowling for columbine

Watch on Tubi

29 'Sans Soleil' (1983)

Director: chris marker.

Sans Soleil - 1983

Sans Soleil is a documentary that's hard to summarize, and has a rather experimental approach to the format/genre. It has little by way of narrative or a direct argument that it wants to present, instead being an artistically presented odyssey through a woman's abstract thoughts, often relating to the meaning of life and human existence.

Sans Soleil feels broad and open to interpretation, but it's the kind of thing where someone could watch it and have it fully click , gaining an entirely different understanding than other viewers. This might make Sans Soleil something of an acquired taste, but it's worth at least one watch for those who appreciate unconventional and adventurous documentary movies .

Watch on Criterion

28 '13th' (2016)

Director: ava duvernay.

A black girl in 13th looking at something or someone off-camera.

Standing as one of the most important cultural/political documentaries in recent memory, 13th is a difficult yet essential watch. It tackles the U.S. prison system with a particular focus on the racial inequality present within it, tying the way prisons function in modern times to the way slavery functioned back during the nation's earlier days.

It might be a difficult thing for some viewers to hear and grapple with, but 13th is persuasive and remarkably good at presenting the case for this claim. It's all assembled amazingly well, and makes for the kind of film that wants to frustrate, get people thinking, and have viewers reassess what they thought they knew. In these ways, 13th is a resoundingly successful documentary.

Watch on Netflix

27 'Gimme Shelter' (1970)

Directors: albert and david maysles, charlotte zwerin.


It's no secret that Martin Scorsese loves The Rolling Stones , having directed his own documentary about them and using their songs throughout his films. He seems particularly fond of the song "Gimme Shelter," which is also the name of this 1970 documentary about The Rolling Stones, focusing on one particularly infamous concert they performed in 1969.

Gimme Shelter is one of the few concert movies that could be described as nightmarish , because even if you enjoy some of the music on offer, the stark presentation of a tragic event is ultimately what's most memorable. It's an intense watch that's probably not for everyone, but it certainly stands as one of the most distinct - and harrowing - music documentaries of all time .

Watch on Max

26 'Man on Wire' (2008)

Director: james marsh.

Man on Wire - 2008

Somehow functioning as both a documentary and a heist movie at the same time, Man on Wire tells a wild true story that was also adapted into a feature film with 2015's The Walk . It's about daredevil/tightrope walker Philippe Petit , and the way he managed to execute a stunt in 1974 that involved walking between the two towers of the World Trade Center, which had then only recently been built.

Man on Wire 's pacing makes it feel more dynamic and thrilling than many other documentaries out there , and some of the footage/photographs captured prove awe-inspiring to look at. It's artistically presented and genuinely exciting, serving as both a psychological exploration of a rather unique man while also celebrating the absolutely wild feat he managed to pull off.

Man on Wire

Watch on Hulu

25 'Grey Gardens' (1975)

Directors: david maysles, albert maysles, ellen hovde, muffie meyer.

Grey Gardens - 1975

For better or worse, Grey Gardens feels like a proto-reality TV show, arguably leading the way for the genre to exist in all its wild , uncomfortable, and sometimes exploitative glory. This is because Grey Gardens simply observes two real-life people who live strange lives, and may or may not be exaggerating their odd behavior because cameras are present.

The two women at the center of Grey Gardens are relatives of Jackie Kennedy Onassis , and they live in a large yet rundown house, and have very isolated lives. It's an unsettling and uncomfortable film that blurs the line between documentary and drama , but ultimately one that's proven influential within the genre, and a somewhat haunting watch that has resonated with many viewers since its 1975 release.

24 'They Shall Not Grow Old' (2018)

Director: peter jackson.

World War One soldiers in They Shall Not Grow Old - 2018

There have been many great films about the First World War , and among them would have to be They Shall Not Grow Old . It was released on the 100th anniversary of the conflict's end, and uses colorized and meticulously restored footage to depict the harrowing experience of trench warfare in a way that's never been shown before in previous WW1 documentaries.

It was an ambitious project directed by Peter Jackson , and though getting the footage to look so striking would have taken a great deal of work, the results speak for themselves. They Shall Not Grow Old isn't an easy watch, but it is an essential one , and recontextualizes a century-old conflict by presenting an emotional and intimately personal look at the horrors of war.

23 'Life of Crime: 1984-2020' (2021)

Director: jon alpert.

Life of Crime 1984-2020

Life of Crime: 1984-2020 may have a bit of a clunky title, but as a film, it's anything but clunky. It's the third and final installment in a series of documentaries that follow several individuals who engage in petty crime and/or struggle with drug addictions, with it all being filmed in an uncompromising and very raw fashion.

This 2021 film spends one hour recapping the first and second documentaries in the series (which covered the 1980s and 1990s respectively) before moving on to what happened to the subjects at its center in the 21st century. Life of Crime: 1984-2020 sheds light on a group of people who've seemingly been forgotten by society, showing their flaws while also being empathetic. It's devastating, proving hard to watch, and maybe even harder to forget.

22 'The Act of Killing' (2012)

Director: joshua oppenheimer.

The Act of Killing - 2012

Though The Act of Killing isn't a horror movie by any means, it feels more brutal and terrifying than most could ever hope to be. It covers a difficult subject in a unique yet stomach-churning way, focusing on the Indonesian mass killings of 1965-1966 which saw somewhere between 500,000 and 1 million people being killed (mostly people associated with communism, or believed to be).

It follows various people who participated in these killings more than 40 years on from the events, with the filmmakers getting these individuals to recreate what they did through the guise of "making a film" in the hope they'll realize the brutality of their past actions. The Act of Killing is a daunting look at the dark side of human nature , as well as a terrible period in history that's still in living memory for many people living today.

The Act of Killing

A documentary which challenges former Indonesian death-squad leaders to reenact their mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers.

Watch on Peacock

21 'The Thin Blue Line' (1988)

Director: errol morris.

The Thin Blue Line - 1988

The true crime genre has experienced a boom in the last five to 10 years, and on a streaming service like Netflix in particular, it seems difficult to avoid documentaries about crime. Many documentaries that are definable as true-crime owe a great deal to 1988's The Thin Blue Line , which was revolutionary for documentary filmmaking as a whole.

It follows the investigation surrounding the murder of a police officer in Dallas, criticizing certain aspects of how it was done, and arguing that the primary suspect might not have been as guilty as detectives believed. The Thin Blue Line was influential enough to impact criminal proceedings, ultimately highlighting how powerful a well-argued and intelligently presented documentary can be.

20 'Harlan County, USA' (1976)

Director: barbara kopple.

Harlan County, USA - 1976

While Harlan County, USA may be almost 50 years old, it remains relevant, and will continue to feel vital for as long as workers don't feel fairly compensated for their work. It focuses on a specific 1973 strike in Harlan County, but the ideas and struggles explored here are relevant to various industries and groups of workers.

The "USA" part of the title could be referring to Harlan County, or it could be read as emphasizing that the sort of conflict here is something felt throughout the USA, back in the 1970s and to this day, too, with the recent Writer's Guild of America strike . The presentation in Harlan County, USA is simple, no-nonsense, and ultimately persuasive, ensuring it stands as a classic - and essential - work of documentary filmmaking.

19 'The Times of Harvey Milk' (1984)

Director: rob epstein.

The Times of Harvey Milk - 1984

Biographical stories can often be told more powerfully through documentaries than in traditional feature films (though the former isn't likely to earn as many Oscar nominations as the latter). This is demonstrated by 1984's The Times of Harvey Milk , because while the 2008 film Milk covers similar ground and is compelling, seeing it play out in a documentary is even more powerful.

As the title implies, this documentary covers the life and career of Harvey Milk - both cut tragically short by his assassination in 1978. The Times of Harvey Milk aims to celebrate what he accomplished for gay rights in America while mourning his untimely passing , and serves as an emotional and extremely well-presented look at Milk and his life.

18 'Free Solo' (2018)

Directors: jimmy chin, elizabeth chai vasarhelyi.

Alex Honnold climbing in 'Free Solo'

Viewers with acrophobia should stay well away from Free Solo , because it can be genuinely hard to watch for anyone who has even a slight fear of heights. It follows Alex Honnold as he attempts to climb a 3000-foot-high rock face by himself, and without the safeguards of ropes or safety gear.

As far as "man versus nature" documentary movies go, this is easily one of the greatest of all time, and in a way, ends up being more heart-racing than the vast majority of blockbuster thrillers out there (even the great ones). As far as adrenaline-rush documentaries go, few can compete with what Free Solo pulls off.

Alex Honnold faces the biggest challenge of his career, climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. He pursues it Free Solo, which means climbing without a rope and alone.

Watch on Disney+

17 'American Movie' (1999)

Director: chris smith.

mike-schank-american-movie copy

A heartwarming and funny documentary , American Movie is one of the essential documentaries about the filmmaking process of the last few decades . It centers on independent filmmaker Mark Borchardt and his attempts to complete his movie, an unusual horror film about addiction and demonic cults called Coven .

It's one of those films that's likely to hit home for anyone who's undertaken a daunting creative project before, or even those who've ever dreamed of fulfilling their creative desires. It celebrates art - no matter the budget or the technical qualities - and even for non-creatives, is likely to provide plenty of entertainment value thanks to its humor and down-to-earth charms.

Rent on Apple TV

16 'Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse' (1991)

Directors: eleanor coppola, fax bahr, george hickenlooper.

Apocalypse Now set shot from Hearts of Darkness - 1991

While American Movie shows the struggles of independent filmmaking, Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse - released at the other end of the 1990s - looks at the struggles of big-budget filmmaking. It follows the infamous production of Apocalypse Now , a film that ended up being a classic, but was plagued with just about every problem under the sun before release.

For as harrowing as the psychologically tense and violent war film is, Hearts of Darkness makes the fight to get the film made look equally brutal and mentally devastating . Francis Ford Coppola and the rest of the cast and crew went to hell and back to make one of the greatest films of the 1970s, and this documentary captures that nightmarish production in stark, eye-opening detail.

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse

15 'the beaches of agnès' (2008), director: agnès varda.

Agnès Varda in 'The Beaches of Agnès' (2008)

Agnès Varda was one of the greatest and most creative French filmmakers of all time. She was known for both her feature films and her documentary work, and while titles like Cléo from 5 to 7 and Vagabond are her best-known when it comes to the former, 2008's The Beaches of Agnès is probably her greatest achievement for the latter.

It plays out like a visual autobiography, with Varda reflecting on her youth, her filmmaking career, and her relationship with fellow French filmmaker Jacques Demy . The Beaches of Agnès is touching, entertaining, visually dazzling, and thought-provoking , all thanks to Varda's unique outlook on life, and could serve as a good introduction to the filmmaker's immense body of work.

14 'Man with a Movie Camera' (1929)

Director: dziga vertov.

A man standing atop a giant movie camera in Man With a Movie Camera

Without Man with a Movie Camera , the entire documentary format may look entirely different today. It's likely one of the most important and influential documentaries of all time, using inventive visuals and creative editing techniques to show how life was in the Soviet Union during the 1920s.

Beyond that premise, there isn't really a whole to this silent film. Yet the style is what makes it dazzling and engaging to this day, and even if it doesn't grab all modern viewers, surely everyone can recognize its significance for the documentary format as a whole. At only 68 minutes long, documentary fans don't exactly have an excuse not to at least give it a shot.

Watch on Vudu

13 'Woodstock' (1970)

Director: michael wadleigh.

A group of festival goers in Woodstock

Woodstock is far from the only iconic concert film (more on those below), but it covers what many would argue was the most significant live music event of all time. That was 1969's Woodstock Music & Art Festival, an event that went for three days, saw 32 different musical acts perform, and was attended by more than 400,000 people.

A huge film is needed to capture such a large-scale event, and Woodstock is more than up to the task. The theatrical cut runs for over three hours, and a director's cut runs for almost four, with it capturing some iconic live music (including performances by Jimi Hendrix , Janis Joplin , and The Who ) as well as documenting what the festival was like for those attending, and the ways organizers dealt with certain issues that came about while the festival was underway.

12 'Stop Making Sense' (1984)

Director: jonathan demme.

David Byrne dances in his iconic big suit in 'Stop Making Sense'

Stop Making Sense isn't just one of the best films of 1984 ; it's right up there as one of the best concert films of all time. It documents new wave band Talking Heads at their creative and commercial peak, going through an excellent tracklist over 88 glorious, upbeat, entertaining minutes.

There isn't much of a message or story here, of course, but the way it's shot, edited, and paced is certainly more intricate than most concert films. Stop Making Sense is the gold standard for how music documentaries about concerts should look and feel , and an essential watch, regardless of whether you're a big Talking Heads fan.

Watch in Cinemas

11 'Paris Is Burning' (1990)

Director: jennie livingston.

The cast of Paris is Burning celebrating together.

Despite only running for about 70 minutes, Paris Is Burning covers many years, focusing on the New York drag scene throughout much of the 1980s. It looks at a subculture that was likely underground and unseen for many people during that time, and gives those who belong to it a chance in the spotlight.

Paris Is Burning holds up as one of the most important documentaries of the 1990s, and one that is still relevant today , even if these sorts of subcultures are a little more well-known today. It shows the power that documentary films have when it comes to raising awareness for different people and groups, and for doing so here with an LGBTQ subculture, Paris Is Burning is a landmark.

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Joining the infertility community is complicated. Leaving it can be, too

collage of stips of images of a woman, ultrasound and sky

Seven weeks into my pregnancy I said an emotional goodbye to my fertility doctor and favorite nurse, and “graduated” from the clinic to the obstetrician’s office one flight up. 

Every time I sat in the well-lit area awaiting my maternal care appointment, I noticed how vastly different this room was from the one downstairs. This new waiting room was filled with anxious anticipation, an excitement that vibrated through the room of women with various-sized bellies, all eager to see black-and-white images of babies who lived inside them. The fertility clinic, where I’d gone for appointments for years, had felt like a conveyor belt of people, overflowing with invisible grief and hope. 

After almost six years of disappointment, loss and unsuccessful fertility treatments , I’d finally made it to the coveted fourth floor. It would be one of many notable graduations in my pregnancy. 

I didn’t expect to be a member of the infertility club. Fortunately, I quickly found out about all the resources: support groups and meetups and message boards designed for people in my exact situation. After my second miscarriage, and a year before I turned to in vitro fertilization, I joined a group, in person. Months later it turned virtual due to the pandemic. 

The free virtual support group, organized by Resolve , was a place of safety and comfort for me. I never missed a meeting and felt more understood by my fellow, female strangers than anyone in my real life. We didn’t know each other outside of the group but our stories, and empathy for one another, bonded us — at least for one night each month. 

Over the next three years, I watched the tiny squares of women drop off my screen, gone from the group forever. They didn’t usually announce their departure; they just stopped attending the group. But once, a woman came to the meeting to say goodbye. 

“I feel so, so bad for all of you,” she said with tears in her eyes while she announced her good news, and prayed that we would all find our happy endings, too. 

Many congratulated her, but for me, the farewell garnered a different reaction — annoyance. I’m sure her words were intended to be hopeful and positive. But her tone of pity and sympathy seemed unfair and misplaced, and made me feel emptier than usual. 

I myself almost graduated from the support group a few times. But each time, I lost the pregnancy or had an unsuccessful fertility treatment cycle . Having to rejoin elicited a new level of pain. More new members were welcomed, and also eventually left. All while I remained. I was happy, at times even hopeful seeing their success. But each time, it was a reminder that the group was a transient place, meant to be a stepping stone — whether it ended with parenthood or not — and I was instead static. 

By the time I was a veteran of the infertility-treatment process, I’d become jaded. My bright-eyed naivete was gone, along with the excitement that starting a new cycle typically brought. I’d experienced too much. When a “newbie” spoke in the support group about things she was doing to try to improve her egg quality, I privately rolled my eyes. 

“Your egg quality ain’t changing unfortunately,” I told the group once. “No matter what the influencers say, that’s just the truth.” I realized that, as valuable as the group was, and even though I wasn’t a mom yet, I’d somehow outgrown it.

But I was still a part of the infertility community, and had made some friends. I was particularly close to one woman, and we’d talk frequently. When one of our transfers failed, or an IVF cycle got interrupted by any number of things, we turned to each other. 

Initially, our bond was borne out of shared misfortunes, and nurtured by our compassion for those similarities. Though our friendship eventually extended beyond our fertility stories to lunches, hair appointments and even a painting class, our shared struggles were its foundation.  

Then, one of my many embryo transfers finally worked, and I was pregnant. What had intertwined our lives now distanced them. 

“Don’t feel like you can’t tell me stuff,” my friend declared, when I told her the news at my seven-week mark, even then with some hesitation. Despite her insistence nothing would change, I knew it likely would. 

At 10 weeks, I was still pregnant. When my fertility doctor said, “This is the last time I’ll officially see you,” I cried, feeling more optimistic than ever before. 

At my 18-week appointment, which included an anatomy ultrasound, I breathed a sigh of relief so deep it shook my whole body. It was the milestone I’d been waiting for, the farthest I’d ever gotten in a pregnancy. I knew in my heart that this time it was really happening. 

Blake Turck with her baby

Pregnancy after infertility, or loss, can be filled with anxiety, ambivalent emotion and even guilt. But, as I learned, there are few resources to help navigate the nuanced transition.  

Infertility had been part of my social and personal identity for so long, and closing that difficult chapter of my life was all I wanted. When my time came, I was overjoyed. But hidden deep beneath my elation, a residue of grief remained for the community I was finally leaving behind. 

Graduating from the infertility community requires a certain level of emotional flexibility. I reached the other side but knew far too well what it took to get there. My battles had culminated with the miracle of a new baby on the way. But the scars of my experiences wouldn’t disappear so easily. They weren’t only a part of me, but a memory of what we all went through. I had perspective now. It was how I knew that unintentional shifts in friendship were often a consequence of new life milestones.

Graduating from the infertility community requires a certain level of emotional flexibility. I reached the other side but knew far too well what it took to get there. ... The scars of my experience wouldn't disappear so easily.

My friend and I didn’t see each other at all over the next nine months. Throughout my pregnancy I suggested meetups and coffee dates, and while I was never outright rejected, it didn’t lead to anything. As much as it hurt, I’d been on the other side and created my own distance too many times to push now. I knew space and understanding were required. 

In many Facebook infertility groups, a frequently used phrase at the beginning of a post is “trigger warning.” It’s used not just for difficult or traumatic stories, but as a precursor to happy ones as well. This sensitivity has led to intense debates between those who want to see baby news and find it positive or hopeful, and others who find it too difficult to handle.

But I’ve seen less discussion about how to navigate this sensitive terrain as the pregnant person, when you’re the person delivering, not receiving, the news. I wasn’t sure how to handle this new situation I found myself in.

I dreamt of having a baby, and struggled to become a parent. Though I’m ecstatic to have made it to my destination, I’ll continue to hold space and sensitivity for those still on the journey, no matter where it takes them. 

Recently I finally met up with my friend — our first time seeing each other in 10 months. We laughed, hugged, and she met my daughter. Our lives had veered off course from each other, but there was comfort in knowing we could still come together over a cup of coffee. I told her I was there for her, whenever she needed to talk about anything. She may not choose to do so, but I’ll always make sure she knows.

Blake Turck is a freelance writer and New York City native. She can be found most nights watching movies on the couch with her husband and 5-year-old goldendoodle, Chief Brody, or on Twitter at twitter.com/styleisland .

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  • School Life

Independence Day Essay 2024: Short and Long Essay For School Students!

Independence day 2024: this article discusses short and long essay ideas in english for independence day. find some of the best ideas for independence day in 10 lines, 100 words, 150 words, 250 words, and long format. .

Akshita Jolly

Short Independence Day Essay in 100 Words

Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August every year to mark the country’s freedom from British rule in 1947. This day is a tribute to all those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the independence of the nation. 

It is our responsibility as the people of the country to honour them, especially on this day. On Independence Day, celebrations can be held at many places including schools as well. These activities include flag hoisting, patriotic speeches and other cultural events across the country. Many colleges also organise special programmes to honour the spirit of independence on this special day. 

On this day, the Prime Minister also addresses the nation from the Red Fort in Delhi, reflecting on the progress made and the changes that are being done for the good.  Independence Day reminds every Indian of the value of freedom and the responsibility to uphold it. So, let’s celebrate it with full enthusiasm. 

Short Independence Day Essay in 150 Words

India’s Independence Day is celebrated on 15 August every year, which marks the country’s freedom from British rule in 1947. The day symbolises the arduous struggle for independence which is led by many prominent leaders. Independence Day is a day for the citizens to reflect on the sacrifices that have been made by many people in the past to get India free from the rule of the Britishers. 

It is a day to encourage the students as well so that they can build a developed nation. Many programs are also held in the country like patriotic songs, cultural programs, and flag-hoisting ceremonies in schools and colleges that foster a sense of unity and pride among everyone. 

Long Independence Day Essay In 200 Words

Independence Day celebrated on August 15, every year holds great significance for every Indian. The day marks the anniversary of India’s freedom from British rule in 1947, nearly 200 years of colonial dominance.  It is a time to honour the countless freedom fighters who fought bravely for the freedom of the nation. 

Well, the celebration of Independence Day begins when the Prime Minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi. He/She also gives a speech highlighting the importance of the day and remembering all those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the nation. 

This day is not just a commemoration of the past but also a reminder of the responsibilities that come with freedom. The day serves as an inspiration for all the citizens of the country to contribute towards the development of the nation and also uphold the values of democracy, equality, and freedom that the country was founded upon.

Independence Day is a celebration of the rich heritage of India, its culture and its people as well. It reminds every Indian of the importance of unity, the power of collective effort, and the significance of maintaining hard-won freedom for future generations.

Long Essay on Independence Day in 500 Words

Students can take the ideas from the above lines and then add on the below lines to complete the essay in 500 words. 

Independence Day, celebrated annually on August 15th, is one of the most important national holidays in India. The day marks the end of the freedom struggle from the British Raj. It is a day of immense pride, and the day to remember the sacrifices made by the many people to give the country freedom from the British Raj. 

Independence Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across India. The day begins with the hoisting of the national flag, followed by the singing of the national anthem, "Jana Gana Mana." The most prominent ceremony takes place at the Red Fort in Delhi, where the Prime Minister hoists the flag and delivers a speech to the nation. This speech reflects on the country's achievements, the struggles of the past and how they have been curbed to develop the country for the better. 

Schools, colleges, and other institutions also organise various events,  that include flag-hoisting ceremonies, cultural programs, and patriotic performances. These activities help instil a sense of national pride among the school students, reminding them of the sacrifices made by their forebears.

Independence Day is a powerful symbol of India's journey from being the slave of Britishers to finally getting freedom. It is a day to honour the past, celebrate the present, and inspire future generations to continue the work of building a developed nation. As India moves forward, Independence Day will always serve as a reminder of the power of unity, resilience, and the enduring spirit of freedom.

Top 10 Additional Lines On Independence Day 2024 

  • Independence Day is celebrated as a national holiday in India with great enthusiasm. 
  • Schools and colleges organise various events, including parades, speeches and cultural performances to mark the importance of this day. 
  • It is a day to remind the endless struggles of all the freedom fighters for the sacrifices they made to make the country free. 
  • The national anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’ is also being sung with pride, invoking a deep sense of patriotism among the citizens. 
  • On the special day, the Prime Minister also gives a speech to reflect on the progress made since Independence.
  • The day unites people of different cultures and brings them together to celebrate the special day. 
  • Independence Day also serves as a reminder to uphold the values of democracy, equality and justice. 
  • Many children and adults participate in kite flying, which has been a traditional activity since long. 
  • The Indian tricolour flag is also hoisted across the country to symbolise unity and freedom.
  • This day is an important day to mark the sacrifices of many and also to be ready for the future. 
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  • स्वतंत्रता दिवस 15 अगस्त पर निबंध - Essay On Independence Day In Hindi
  • 15+ Unique and Creative Independence Day Drawing Ideas For Poster and Paintings With Images

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  • UGC NET City Intimation Slip 2024
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  • Independence Day Speech in Hindi
  • Independence Day Drawing
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The Climate Crisis and Colonialism Destroyed My Maui Home. Where We Must Go From Here

A s I watched the flames of the wildfires consume my beloved Maui, it felt as if the very pages from the Book of Revelations were coming alive.

Homes, sacred structures, and institutions flattened. Over 100 lives were lost, with a thousand more unaccounted for. Even the ancient 150-year-old Banyan tree, a guardian of my youth, was marred by the inferno. Each ember seemed to tell a tale, a memory, a piece of a narrative that connected countless generations.

The harrowing wildfires paired with a fierce hurricane wasn't just a tragedy. It felt like Goddess Papahānaumoku—Earth Mother, herself—raging at humanity's hubris. The disturbing silence left by the missing and the mourned souls tells of a disaster that's unnatural, shaped by the human hand—a byproduct of the dangerous dance between climate change and centuries of colonial greed.

While West Maui is no stranger to wildfires, the magnitude of the blaze that tore through Lāhainā is emblematic of a changing climate. Our once-wetland haven has been transformed into a vulnerable tinderbox. Compounding the problem was Hurricane Dora— made fiercer by the warming climate—which propelled the fire further. All of this underscores a painful truth: the first and most severely impacted by the climate crisis are often indigenous, Black, brown, and low-income communities. These groups have contributed the least to climate change, but have suffered the most, and must be prioritized in our transition to a better world.

We can't ignore the scars of history which set the stage for this disaster. Before the hotels, before Hawaii was known as a state or even a territory (and way before its illegal annexation), Lāhainā was the cradle of our civilization. It was the heart and capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The waters were so abundant that boats once surrounded the iconic Waiola Church. Kamehameha The Great’s palace stood tall at the town’s center, keeping watch over the shoreline.

Read More: The History Lost in the Maui Wildfires But at the turn of the 20th century, American sugar barons came to exploit Hawaii's rich resources . They disrupted Lahaina's water supply and brought highly flammable grasses to Hawaii—the very ones that ignited with ferocity last week. Their heirs went on to monopolize land, marginalizing our indigenous population in the process.

Their legacy and extractive way of life endures. Maui’s most dominant corporations today, like Alexander & Baldwin, embody the legacy of those same barons who once sought to profit from our fertile lands. Their ethos of extraction and destruction persists in Maui’s most dominant industries: land speculation and tourism. These industries seek to destroy much of Hawaii’s natural beauty while gatekeeping sections of it for the privileged few. This timeline of Hawaiian history could be experienced first hand by a walk down Lāhinā’s Front Street just two weeks ago. You could see milestones of our history represented in the street’s restaurants, stores, and historic buildings: from royalty, to whaling, sugar, tourism, and luxury. Today, much of Front Street is burned to the ground. It’s a potent and harrowing reminder of the terminal point of the exploitative trajectory Hawaii has been on for decades. My greatest fear is that this trajectory of exploitation will continue in the recovery from the Maui wildfires. As whispers of reshaping Lāhainā emerge, with wealthy developers eager to mold it to their vision, our generation’s vision for social and environmental justice grows even firmer. Our recovery from the wildfires can’t just be about combating climate change—it has to be about returning control of our cherished lands to the people who hold them dear.

Read More: Why the History of Hawaii Makes People Fear Lahaina's Future

The future of Maui should be more than just a haven for tourists. Our land should cater to local needs over external desires. Instead of vast monocrops, we should diversify, nurturing fields that feed our own people. Our approach to housing must be rooted in necessity: We need to build homes to actually shelter our people, not to line the pockets of distant investors. With the Department of Hawaiian Homes fully funded for the first time and various land trusts eager to lend a hand, the moment is ripe to provide our many unsheltered Kānaka Maoli with homes that dignify their heritage.

The people of Maui, especially survivors, are taking charge of the recovery process, reshaping the blueprint for our island's restoration. We're picturing a community-driven, just recovery that not only reconstructs Maui but also fosters new leadership among Maui residents—from collaboratively rebuilding a school one day to advocating at the county council the next. As we rise from the ashes, our rebuilding efforts must champion hoʻomana Lāhui—the spirit of collective empowerment.

At the national level, it's past time for President Biden to officially recognize the climate crisis by declaring a climate emergency. This would enable him to halt the destructive fossil fuel production driving these disasters. Furthermore, substantial federal investments on the scale of trillions are required to prevent catastrophes like this one in the future and prioritize the welfare of working families in mitigation and recovery efforts. Any climate solution would be incomplete without justice at its core. Kānaka Maoli, Native Hawaiians, should be central to the rebuilding and recovery efforts. We should have the authority to manage our lands and resources.

In these heartrending times, it's challenging to see beyond the immediate pain. But there’s a silver lining in our resilience. The wildfires of Maui, while devastating, have also ignited a spark in us. They’ve awakened a renewed commitment to not just rebuild, but to redefine what Hawaii stands for. This is our home, our history, our legacy. And it's our collective responsibility to ensure that Hawaii’s future is carved out of respect, understanding, and love for its past.

Just like the Banyan tree, Lāhainā may have faced devastation, but its roots are deep and resilient. As the Banyan regrows its branches—and recolors itselves with budding leaves—so too, will Lāhainā flourish again.

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2024 Little League World Series: scoreboard, highlights

how long is the sat with the essay

The Little League World Series , in Williamsport, Pennsylvania features players from all regions of the United States and also from several other countries. They are all competing for the 2024 Little League World Series Title (LLWS) from August 14-25.

Here's everything to know about the Little League World Series (LLWS 2024) teams, schedule and scores.

Live updates from Day 3 of Little League World Series

The  2024 Little League World Series  continues on Friday, Aug. 16 from South Williamsport, Pa. Follow along for live updates from USA TODAY Sports on Day 3 of the LLWS .

Little League World Series 2024 TV Schedule

All game times are ET

Wednesday, Aug. 14

Game 1 : Mexico 2, Aruba 0

Game 2 : Hawaii 3, New Hampshire 1

Game 3 : Chinese Taipei 8, Canada 0

Game 4 : Florida 2, South Dakota 1

Thursday, Aug. 15

Game 5 : Japan 11, Puerto Rico 0 (4 innings)

Game 6 : Nevada 9, New York 1

Game 7 : Cuba 4, Czech Republic 1

Game 8 : Texas 9, P ennsyl vania 0

Friday, Aug. 16

Game 9: Venezuela 10, Mexico 0 (4 innings)

Game 10 : Hawaii 5, Illinois 0

Game 11 : Chinese Taipei 11, Australia 0 (5 innings)

Game 12 : Florida 6, Washington 1

Saturday, Aug. 17

Game 13: Canada vs Puerto Rico, 1 p.m. ESPN

Game 14: South Dakota vs. New York, 3 p.m. ESPN

Game 15: Aruba vs. Czech Republic, 5 p.m. ESPN

Game 16 : New Hampshire vs. Pennsylvania, 7 p.m. ESPN2

Sunday, Aug. 18

Game 17: Illinois vs. Winner of Game 14, 9 a.m. ESPN

Game 18: Mexico vs. Winner of Game 13, 11 a.m. ESPN

Game 19: Washington vs. Winner of Game 16, 1 p.m. ABC

Game 20: Australia vs. Winner of Game 15, 2 p.m. ESPN

MLB Little League Classic

According to Little League, the seventh annual MLB Little League Classic will feature Major League Baseball clubs playing at Historic Bowman Field in Williamsport on Sunday, Aug. 18 in front of Little League Baseball World Series players and their families.

Who: New York Yankees and Detroit Tigers

When: Sunday, Aug 18, 2024

Time: 7 p.m. ET

Sunday, the @MLB @LittleLeague Classic returns to Williamsport, PA! ⚾️ Yankees vs Tigers ⚾️ 7p ET | Traditional telecast | ESPN 🎙️ @karlravechespn , @PerezEd , @dcone36 , @Buster_ESPN ⚾️ 7p ET | KidsCast Edition | ESPN2 🎙️ Owen Heffron, Thomas Gamba, @teampersley pic.twitter.com/RIeLsAaZll — ESPN PR (@ESPNPR) August 14, 2024

Monday, Aug. 19

Game 21: Japan vs. Venezuela, 1 p.m. ESPN

Game 22: Nevada vs. Hawaii, 3 p.m. ESPN

Game 23: Cuba vs. Chinese Taipei, 5 p.m. ESPN

Game 24 : Texas vs Florida, 7 p.m. ESPN

Tuesday, Aug. 20

Game 25: Winner of Game 20 vs Loser of Game 21, 1 p.m. ESPN

Game 26: Winner of Game 19 vs Loser of Game 22, 3 p.m. ESPN

Game 27: Winner of Game 18 vs Loser of Game 23, 5 p.m. ESPN

Game 28: Winner of Game 17 vs Loser of Game 24, 7 p.m. ESPN

Wednesday, Aug. 21

Game 29: Winner of Game 21 vs Winner of Game 23, 1 p.m. ESPN

Game 30: Winner of Game 22 vs Winner of Game 24, 3 p.m. ESPN

Game 31: Winner of Game 25 vs Winner of Game 27, 5 p.m. ESPN

Game 32: Winner of Game 26 vs Winner of Game 28, 7 p.m. ESPN

Thursday, Aug. 22

Game 33: Loser of Game 29 vs Winner of Game 31, 3 p.m. ESPN

Game 34: Loser of Game 30 vs Winner of Game 32, 7 p.m. ESPN

Saturday, Aug. 24

International championship game.

Game 35: Winner of Game 29 vs Winner of Game 33, 12:30 p.m. ABC

United States Championship Game

Game 36: Winner of Game 30 vs Winner of Game 34, 3:30 p.m. ABC

Sunday, Aug. 25

Llws third place game.

Game 37: Loser of Game 35 vs Loser of Game 36, 10 a.m. ESPN2

LLWS Championship Game

Game 38: Winner of Game 35 vs Winner of Game 36, 3 p.m. ABC

Is there a mercy rule in the Little League World Series?

Short answer is yes. But Little League refers to this situation as a "run rule" instead and here's how it, according to Little League.

RUN RULE:  If at the end of three (3) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior League: four innings], two and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior League: three and one-half innings] if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If at the end of a regulation game one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

NOTE:  If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15) or ten (10) or more runs respectively, the home team must bat in its half of the inning.

Little League World Series past winners

2023 - El Segundo (California)

2022 - Honolulu (Hawaii)

2021 - Taylor North (Michigan)

2020 - *No event due to COVID-19*

2019 - Eastbank (Louisiana)

2018 - Honolulu (Hawaii)

2017 - Tokyo Kitasuna (Japan)

2016 - Maine-Endwell (New York)

2015 - Tokyo-Kitasuna (Japan)

2014 - Seoul (South Korea)

2013 - Musashi-Fuchu (Japan)

2012 - Tokyo-Kitasuna (Japan)

2011 - Huntington Beach (California)

2010 - Edogawa Minami (Japan)

2009 - Park View (California)

2008 - Waipio (Hawaii)

2007 - Warner Robins (Georgia)

2006 - Northern (Georgia)

2005 - West Oahu (Hawaii)

2004 - Pabao (Curacao)

2003 - Musashi-Fuchu (Japan)

2002 - Valley Sports (Kentucky)

2001 - The Kitasuna (Japan)

2000 - The Sierra Maestra (Venezuela)

Sherlon Christie is a social media editor for USA TODAY Sports. You can reach him at [email protected] and on X and Instagram at @sherlonchristie


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