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Essays on Online and Multi-Channel Marketing


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Top Marketing Channels for 2024 [+Data]

Clifford Chi

Published: January 09, 2024

Social media, email, video, audio —today's marketers have more marketing channels to choose from than ever before.

woman uses top marketing channels

As the former head of marketing for two different tech companies, I learned firsthand that an effective marketing strategy must consider all these channels and identify the best investments for your specific company, product, and target market.

Download Now: Free State of Marketing Report [Updated for 2024]

Of course, this is easier said than done. The marketing channel landscape is constantly growing and evolving, and it’s essential to understand the value that each channel can provide.

The HubSpot team surveyed over 1,000 global B2B and B2C marketing professionals to explore the most used marketing channels.

Below, I’ll share the top marketing channels identified in that survey. I’ll discuss how I’ve found these channels can help you amplify your reach and drive revenue while prioritizing your current customers.

term paper on marketing channels

These targeted email campaigns can run manually and be automated , empowering marketers to focus their energy elsewhere.

Many marketers are also leveraging new tools that allow them to segment subscribers and personalize their messages, maximizing the impact of these campaigns.

However, our data suggests that short-form videos, influencers, and SEO are the most significant channels to watch.

Top B2C Marketing Channels

Many B2C marketers use platforms similar to their B2B counterparts but with a few key differences. For B2C professionals, social media and email are the top marketing channels, followed by websites and blogs.

In general, B2C marketing is usually focused on offering enjoyable content and quick wins, while B2B marketing focuses on building longer-term relationships with customers. As such, focusing on social media makes sense for B2C.

After all, as of 2023, there are nearly 5 billion social media users worldwide (more than 60% of the global population), making this the ideal platform to cast a wide net and reach a broad consumer audience.

HubSpot’s survey offered further support for the importance of social media, finding that B2C brands were most likely to invest in marketing efforts on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

The data shows that LinkedIn is a more important platform for B2B brands than B2C, with B2B marketers substantially more likely to report investing in this platform.

term paper on marketing channels

Finally, the HubSpot report found that 36% of B2C marketers use blogs and websites to connect with customers, helping these brands generate brand awareness, drive traffic, convert leads, and, most importantly, establish authority.

When you create your blogs and website content with SEO tactics in mind, you’re even more likely to meet your goals.

This is because these strategies can help your content rise to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) when customers make queries related to your business content.

It’s easy to get complacent when it comes to marketing channels.

However, our survey found that more than half of B2C marketers expect their budgets to grow, suggesting that it’s critical to invest in identifying the best new channels for your brand — and take the time to build out your presence on those channels as effectively as possible.

According to HubSpot’s survey of marketing professionals, more than nine out of ten marketers leverage more than one marketing channel — and 81% leverage more than three channels.

In today’s marketing ecosystem, trying to work with just one marketing channel or to implement just one strategy simply doesn’t work. Omnichannel marketing is the only option.

term paper on marketing channels

That being said, there are a lot of different kinds of videos. Regarding marketing, short-form content takes the cake for both B2B and B2C marketers.

In the age of TikTok, many social media platforms are rewarding content creators who make short-form video content that encourages viewers to stay on the app longer.

This is also a significant growth area, with 29% of marketing professionals planning to try leveraging video marketing for the first time in 2023. Video can also be a great way to flex your creative skills as a marketer.

For example, I focused mainly on written content early in my career, like blog posts and PR articles.

When my team suggested investing in creating a short promotional video, I was a little nervous at first — but it turned out to be a fascinating project, and the footage drove a lot of sales for our new product.

So, even if you haven’t worked with video before, now might be a great time to start.

Influencer marketing is when businesses partner with a popular creator in their industry to share advertisements or specific pieces of content.

These influencers can generate brand awareness by associating a familiar face and personality with your product in customers’ minds and providing social proof.

This is especially important as research has shown that consumers today trust marketers less and less.

Because of this skepticism, they tend to shy away from traditional lead-generating content, instead turning to influencers for product recommendations.

Because influencers are personable, honest people who share your customers’ interests, buyers are likelier to trust them. In the tech age, influencers might be a modern version of old-fashioned word-of-mouth marketing .

Moreover, the data shows that influencer marketing pays off. A recent report found that 86% of B2B brands are successful with influencer marketing.

In contrast, a study from Shopify found that every dollar spent on influencer marketing had an average ROI of $5.78 — i.e., this strategy can achieve more than 5x returns.

In light of these statistics, it’s no surprise that investment in influencer marketing is on the rise.

HubSpot’s survey found that 17% of marketers planned to try influencer marketing for the first time in 2023, and of those already using this approach, 89% plan to increase or maintain their investment.

Another critical component of any modern marketer’s strategy is Search Engine Optimization or SEO marketing.

If you successfully optimize your web content, it will position your brand as an authority in your domain, ultimately helping you increase traffic and your conversion rate.

It’s important to note that SEO isn’t just about your website. All of your web content needs to be search engine optimized.

That includes your YouTube channels, Google business profile, and podcast episodes, which should be optimized using target keywords.

The pillar-cluster model is one strategy that can help you organically build a thriving online presence. According to HubSpot data, 35% of B2B and 59% of B2C marketers report this as an effective strategy.

So how does it work? With the pillar-cluster model, you’ll create a single pillar page that provides a high-level overview of a topic and hyperlinks to cluster pages that delve into the topic’s subtopics.

This helps signal to search engines like Google and Bing that your pillar page is an authority on the subject.

Other SEO tactics that can be highly effective include using search insights reports, optimizing photos or videos for visual search engines, and optimizing load speed for any media-heavy web pages.

Remember, this doesn’t have to be a lot of work. In my experience, just spending an hour or two reviewing relevant keywords and noting words and phrases to use in your content can make a big difference in SEO marketing.

In a Pew survey conducted in 2023, 42% of Americans aged 12 and older reported having listened to a podcast in the past month.

Audio content is in high demand, so for many brands, podcasts can be a great platform to reach larger audiences.

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What Are Marketing Channels?

A marketing channel is the type of medium used to advertise your company. Learn how to choose the right marketing channel for your business here.

Digital marketing channels have been around since the earliest days of the Internet, but the marketing channel definition has changed with the times.

Back in October of 1994, if someone were to ask "What are marketing channels?" there would have been only one answer: Display ads.

AT&T sponsored a banner reading "Have you ever clicked your mouse right HERE? YOU WILL”. And, there being very few other sponsors of banner advertising, over 44% of people who had the Internet at the time clicked on that one ad.

Fast forward to 2022, and Smart Insights tells us that only 0.1% of Americans and 0.09% of Canadians will click on any given Internet display banner. Clearly, if you were to pose the question "What are marketing channels?" In 2022, the answer would not be "Oh, they are display ads."

But the variety and complexity of Internet marketing channels have tremendously increased in recent years. Digital marketing has evolved beyond paid advertising and other paid marketing channels. There are a variety of effective marketing channels that deliver content and promotion.

Types of marketing channels

In 2022, the answer to the question "What are marketing channels?" includes digital advertising, events, influencer marketing , search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, word-of-mouth, and traditional marketing through mass media and print.

No matter what your marketing channel's definition, your marketing goals probably include raising awareness of your brand, generating leads, improving your conversion, and boosting repeat business.

As you will see in our examples to answer the question of "What are channels in marketing?" there is a digital marketing channel for every online business.

term paper on marketing channels

Digital advertisements

Digital advertisements enable you to use images, audio, and video marketing to communicate your message, market products , and reinforce your brand presence online. Display ads appear on websites, email platforms, social media posts, and many other digital channels, usually in the form of a banner, like the digital advertisement for AT&T we mentioned earlier.

Digital display advertising doesn't target keywords. It isn't limited to search engine results. There are many more pages for digital advertising on websites than there are for search ads on search engine results.

For those reasons, the cost per click for digital advertising is usually a lot lower than the cost per click you would have to pay for Google ads. However, you have to do some research to make sure that you place your ads on pages that have content that attracts site visitors who are interested in what you have to sell.

One of the advantages of display advertising is its capacity for tracking. If someone clicks on your display ad to go to your website and then doesn't convert, you can track them with a cookie. You can use this information to target your market with a more effective ad later. When you achieve contextual relevance with your ads, digital advertising becomes extremely cost-effective.

Email marketing isn't exactly the most modern technology available to digital marketers, but it is familiar, measurable, and well-understood.

Email marketing also allows you to take advantage of some of the latest tools of content marketing, such as automation and personalization while staying within your marketing budget. And even in 2022, 63% of digital marketers say that email is their top tool for generating leads and 73% say email is their cost-effective driver of new revenues .

Here is a simple fact that can make the difference between failure and success for your email marketing campaign:

In 2022, SuperOffice tells us, 62 percent of emails are read on a phone. Another 28 percent are read on a pad. Only 10 percent of emails are read on a desktop or laptop computer.

If you want to attract potential customers with email marketing , your messages must be framed for reading on a phone. And if your site must be fast-loading and responsive, or potential customers will simply swipe to the next message.

If you want to set your brand apart , you can't spend all your time building a digital presence . You occasionally need to meet your target audience face-to-face. Product reveals, brand reveals, client conventions, trade shows, and expos are all opportunities to exercise your sales skills in person.

Event marketing is a strategy for promotion that involves in-person contact between the people behind the brands, their influencers, and their customers. Every event is a little different. It is always necessary to provide at least slightly different content for different audiences, taking into consideration local culture.

Why is Event Marketing Important?

Most digital marketing professionals are finding that as the tools of online marketing become increasingly sophisticated, maintaining a good return on investment on marketing dollars requires constant innovation. If you are frustrated with open rates and click-through rates, consider hosting an event.

A survey sponsored by Aventri reported that 31% of marketers believe that event marketing is their single most effective tool for increasing revenues. Perhaps more importantly, 87% of executives believe in the power of events, and 84% of customers attending events stated that they had a more positive view of the product, service, brand, or company being promoted after they attended an event.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has emerged as an alternative way of reaching consumers who have grown tired of other forms of advertising.

Backlink reports that 45 percent of consumers have ad blockers on their computers and 24 percent have ad blockers on their phones. But nearly everyone is on social media.

Social influencers blog about their lives and their experiences with the brands that sponsor them. The job of a social influencer is to establish online relationships. A byproduct of those social media relationships is interest in sponsored products.

Influencer marketing is relational, not transactional. You are building relationships with your brand, not sales of your products. But over time, you will get new customers who want to try out your products that social influencers mention online.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is a fundamental tool of multichannel marketing . SEO is all about making sure that your content is recognized by the search engines, namely, Google.

Google insists that the most important element of good SEO is useful content. If you are providing the content searchers are looking for, Google will reward you with high rankings, at least in theory. There are no magic algorithms that guarantee that your pages will rank in the top of the search results. but Mailchimp offers online instruction in SEO that will show you how to use headers, meta descriptions, and other tools of on-page SEO to boost your rankings in Google search.

Content marketing

Digital marketers around the world rank content marketing as their most useful tool in the day to day marketing efforts. The research service Statista reports that marketers are four times to list content marketing as their most effective marketing tool as social media, and three times more likely to prefer content marketing to improved U/X.

Content marketing can keep customers coming back to your site to learn more. They will not necessarily make a purchase every time they visit your site, but every visit reinforces your brand and makes your products the first choice for consumer needs.

term paper on marketing channels

Social media

TikTok has become a tour de force of the digital marketing world in 2022. It has overtaken Google as the most popular site worldwide, largely because its algorithms give everyone an equal chance to go viral. With one billion subscribers, TikTok still doesn't have the reach of Facebook. Every social media marketing strategy must include Facebook , too. But for huge promotional potential, be sure that TikTok is part of your social media plan.


Word-of-mouth advertising is the natural outgrowth of great value and exceptional service. If you delight your customers, they will tell their friends. Word-of-mouth is free, and the benefit to your brand can be priceless.

Traditional marketing

Traditional marketing channels include direct marketing like television, radio, billboards, signs, and print. Traditional marketing still works for reaching enormous numbers of people at the same time. But you need to consider the cost of traditional marketing versus its potential benefits to avoid overspending.

Benefits of using marketing channels

What are the benefits of using these marketing channels?

Having a clear plan for how you will use each marketing channel available to your business helps you achieve a higher rate of return on your promotional dollars. Finding the right pros to manage your marketing channels costs money, but gives you a greater return than doing all the work yourself.

Marketing channels save time. You don't have to do all the work of distributing your product by yourself. And pursuing several marketing channels helps you find far more customers than you ever could on your own.

term paper on marketing channels

The right marketing channel for your business is the channel that brings you the greatest number of customers who spend the most money. Determining which marketing channels work best for your business isn't something you should leave to guesswork. The best way to choose the right marketing channels is to be SMART , targeting specific goals with agreed-on metrics of success, keeping your goals achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Chances are you will test some marketing channels that you will later choose to drop. That's just part of the cost of business. Do A/B testing to find the marketing methods that work best for you, and use Mailchimp to keep up with the analytics that tell you that your marketing campaigns are still working.

Mailchimp has all the channels you will need to connect to your customers every day. You can create emails, ads, and landing pages all in one place, and test the tools Mailchimp makes available to you to find which marketing channels deserve the most of your time and your budget.

Mailchimp has discovered that marketing campaigns that involve different channels outperform single-channel campaigns by an average of 300%. Mailchimp can empower you to follow up on your digital campaign with a postcard campaign, automating the analytics so you can focus your attention on the things you do best.

Ready to get started? Set up your account with Mailchimp . Or call our sales department at (800) 315-5939. Mailchimp has all the tools you need for marketing success. You'll be in good company.

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The tomato plant has a short life cycle, it can grow to one to three in hight. This study aims to determine the marketing channels of tomatoes in East Lombok Regency and to determine the efficiency of tomato marketing on farmers’ income in East Lombok Regency. For that, we can know how many marketing channels are in East Lombok Regency and whether the marketing channels are efficient. The study uses descriptive methods. The techniques used are survey and interview techniques. The study is conducted in Lombok east district, by taking three subdistricts as sample locations impressively sampling are Suralaga, Aikmel and Wanasaba district with consideration of the subdistrict have the largert harvest and highest production. The number of  respondents was conducted quota sampling as is established by as many as 30 farmers. Whereas the approval of the responders was done by the method of snow ball. Data analysis using order line analysis and marketing efficiency analysis. Research shows that the marketing margin on channel I is Rp 3000 and the second marketing channel is 5000 in efficiency on channel I is 12.57and channel II is 44.31. Farmers share to channel I is 80% and channel II is 66.67%. So every marketing channel is efficient


This study aims to analyze the flow of tilapia trade in Harau Regency and the function of the trading system carried out in marketing tilapia in Harau Regency. The research was conducted in Solok Bio-Bio Village, Harau Sub District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The research sample was tilapia cultivation farmers selected by random sampling and tilapia marketing channels in Solok Bio Bio Village, Harau Sub District, namely traders and retailers using the snowball sampling method. The results showed that there were three patterns of tilapia marketing channels in Harau Sub District, namely Channel 0: Farmers → Final consumers; Channel II: Farmers → Retailers → Final consumers; Channel III : Farmers → wholesalers → Retailer → Final Consumers. The trading functions carried out include the functions of selling, buying, grading, transporting, storing and facilitating.

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Marketing Channels: Issues and Control Essay (Critical Writing)

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Article critique

Discussion and conclusions, implications, recommendations, works cited.

The article under analysis is devoted to channels of marketing outside a country’s borders, the processual issues pertaining to market control, and the role that is attributed to the head office – subsidiary relations of a global establishment (Grewal et al. 378-398).

The overarching issue discussed in this article is the way the global organization subsidiaries that are located in other countries balance the directives issued by head offices and the local realities. The authors explore and render an account of the output and control mechanisms employed by such subsidiaries. They also create a conceptual framework of the interdependent practices moderating these mechanisms. These include goal coordination across the controlled firms, consensus-driven decision-making, and relationship conflict resolution. The authors regard these practices through the lens of a contradiction in theory regarding such relationships.

One viewpoint is that formal control can upholster the performance of the subsidiaries by increasing transparency, goal-alignment, and responsibility. The other argues that control mechanisms are ineffective because the subsidiaries are likely to get reactive to whatever is imposed on them. The authors hypothesize that the extent to which the headquarters’ control influences the subsidiaries depends on the circumstances.

Major points of the article

Most importantly, the authors suggest that multinational corporations should stop governing their subsidiaries generically; colloquially speaking, they imply that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to such governance. They base this assumption on another important point: that the relationships existing between the headquarters and the subsidiaries depend on the latter’s location and culture. Additionally, the country of the headquarters also has its role in the relationships: the discrepancy in country-specific values can result in a conflict.

Minor points of the article

The authors select several countries and dwell upon the enlisted main points in relation to the relationships existing between these countries’ headquarter establishments and their controlled firms abroad. As subjects of their field study, they explore the German and Japanese businesses operating in the U.S. and demonstrate exactly how the control mechanisms can either improve or exacerbate the operations of their subsidiaries.

For instance, the Japanese are said to base their conduct on pyramid logic (presumably, where the decisions come from the top down relying heavily on the figure of a leader). Such a mechanism allows us to reduce wasteful steps and curb any disagreements in an authoritative manner. At the same time, it does not opt for transparency in decision-making and excludes the very idea of a consensus. German organizations, on the other hand, conduct their operations based on the imperative to transparency and explicitness. Such an approach leaves no place for confusion when allocating goals and coordinating tasks. However, the decision-making process is slowed down by bureaucracy, which makes it less efficient than is desirable.

The methodology of the article

The study employs a cross-sectional survey design wherein the first (qualitative) phase consists of surveying the participants by mail and interviewing them in person. The second (quantitative) phase is the statistical analysis of the data retrieved during the pilot and the questionnaire phases of the research.

Validity and reliability of research variables

As a variable affecting the subsidiaries’ performance, the authors employ the global corporations’ dependence on a particular subsidiary. To consider the corporations’ environment, they use munificence and dynamism. The former assesses the opportunities for expansion at the subsidiary’s location, and the latter measures the variability of the clients’ requirements. The quantity of the subsidiaries’ employees is also included.

The authors realize that a bias factor can be present because the data is obtained qualitatively. To increase reliability, they use informant risk propensity and covariation.

The issue selected for the study is quite interesting, although by no means original. Starting from the 1980s, various studies have been tackling the same issue repeatedly (Deshpande and Webster 3-15; Jain 70-79; Kessapidou and Varsakelis 268-275; Yalcinkaya 202-214). The aim to utilize novel techniques while conducting the analysis adds to the relevance of the present study. However, given that many authors have come to the same conclusions (that the control practices depend on the attributes of the headquarter form and the subsidiaries), the rationale of re-researching the old questions, even from a new perspective, remains quite vague.

Variables selected

The authors understand the arguable credibility of qualitative questionnaires and the technique of interviewing the participants, which is why they account for all possible variables. The informant risk propensity is a significant addition to the research canvas, complementing the exactitude of the analysis once the data selected cannot be regarded as such.


The authors choose the most optimal method for their analysis. Indeed, considering that they are interested in cultural issues as determinants of control mechanisms in foreign markets, such work would subsume retrieving their data from assorted subsidiary organizations’ personnel. The final sample consisted of 500 German and 500 Japanese firms with U.S.-based controlled establishments. It is a large sample, and it adds to the credibility of the research.

The sample consisted of people occupying managerial positions, which is reasonable, considering that it is the managers who are usually tasked with goal coordination and decision-making.

The authors provide a detailed discussion of their descriptive statistical analysis, which is illustrative, as it were. They conclude that the relationships between the multinational corporations and their subsidiaries located abroad cannot be solely dependent on the interaction of the parent’s and the subsidiary’s leadership or management. The conclusion sounds credible albeit too obvious, and so do the explanations pertaining to the cultural peculiarities in the context of particular control mechanisms and vice versa.

The discussion section of a research article typically includes a paragraph where the limitations are outlined: by design, timing, resources, or sample size and characteristics. While the authors acknowledge the participant bias in the variables section, they do not include such a paragraph in their conclusions – which is discrepant, considering the many limitations of the cross-sectional study design (Van der Stede 569).

The main managerial implications of the research, as the authors put it, are that managers should be cautious when using control mechanisms, sensitive when maintaining the parent-subsidiary relationships, and coordinate the tasks efficiently. Although these conclusions are believable, the authors do not go further than the fact statement, which questions the initial aim and the very necessity of such research in the first place.

One of the recommendations would be to delve deeper into the limitations of such research. One can also recommend that subsequent research be conducted in the form of meta-analyses, which would be cheaper, less time consuming, and just as efficient as the present one. If such evidence is necessary, it could benefit from expanding the research sites beyond Germany and Japan.

Deshpande, Rohit, and Frederick E. Webster. “Organizational Culture and Marketing: Defining the Research Agenda.” Journal of Marketing 53.1 (1989): 3-15. Print.

Grewal, Rajdeep, Alok Kumar, Girish Mallapragada, and Amit Saini. “Marketing Channels in Foreign Markets: Control Mechanisms and the Moderating Role of Multinational Corporation Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationship.” Journal of Marketing Research 50 (2013): 378-398. Print.

Jain, Subhash C. “Standardization of International Marketing Strategy: Some Research Hypotheses.” Journal of Marketing 53.1 (1989): 70-79. Print.

Kessapidou, Sevasti, and Nikos C. Varsakelis, “The impact of national culture on international business performance: the case of foreign firms in Greece.” European Business Review 14.4 (2006): 268-275. Print.

Van der Stede, Wim A. “A manipulationist view of causality in cross-sectional survey research.” Accounting, Organizations and Society 39.7 (2014): 567-574. Print.

Yalcinkaya, Goksel. “A culture‐based approach to understanding the adoption and diffusion of new products across countries.” International Marketing Review 25.2 (2008): 202-214. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, October 13). Marketing Channels: Issues and Control. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marketing-channels-issues-and-control/

"Marketing Channels: Issues and Control." IvyPanda , 13 Oct. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/marketing-channels-issues-and-control/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Marketing Channels: Issues and Control'. 13 October.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Marketing Channels: Issues and Control." October 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marketing-channels-issues-and-control/.

1. IvyPanda . "Marketing Channels: Issues and Control." October 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marketing-channels-issues-and-control/.


IvyPanda . "Marketing Channels: Issues and Control." October 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marketing-channels-issues-and-control/.


What is a Marketing Channel? Definition, Types and Importance

August 23, 2018 | By Hitesh Bhasin | Filed Under: Marketing

Table of Contents

What is a Marketing Channel?

A Marketing channel is a path that goods or services take as they travel from producer to consumer. Marketing channels play a critical role in the success of a business, and many different types can be utilized. It aims to help businesses introduce their product or service offerings to potential customers so that they can make sales. Marketing channels are either online or offline and free or paid.

A Marketing channel is defined as a combination of tools, mediums platforms, and touchpoints that companies employ to interact with a target market segment and guide them through the customer journey. Marketing channels are used to create, nurture, and grow relationships with customers and prospects.

Some of the roles of a marketing channel include providing a way for businesses to reach their target market segment, helping businesses connect with potential customers, encouraging potential customers to purchase a product or service, and providing customer support.

Why are Marketing Channels Important?

Marketing channels are important because they provide businesses with a way to reach their target market segment and connect with potential customers.

Before an organization can release a product or service to the public, it must create a marketing mix that covers all four bases: product, price, place, and promotion. Some of the reasons behind the importance of marketing channels are-

1. Optimizes reach

Marketing channels help businesses optimize their reach to potential customers. By using multiple channels, businesses can cast a wider net and reach more people.

2. Builds relationships

Marketing channels provide businesses with a way to build relationships with potential and current customers. Marketing channels are used to nurture relationships through communication and interactions.

3. Generates leads

Marketing channels can be used to generate leads for a business. By interacting with potential customers through channels such as social media, email, or websites, businesses can encourage them to purchase a product or service.

4. Encourages purchases

Marketing channels can encourage potential customers to make a purchase. By providing information about a product or service and its benefits, businesses can persuade customers to buy.

5. Provides customer support

Marketing channels can provide customer support for a business. By offering customer service through channels such as phone, email, or live chat, businesses can help customers with any questions or problems they may have.

Types of Marketing Channels

Types of Marketing Channels

There are 11 Different types of Marketing Channels

1. direct selling.

Direct selling is a type of marketing channel where businesses sell products or services directly to customers without using intermediaries. It is essentially a way of directly communicating with potential clients one-on-one, which is generally more fitting for smaller businesses.

Moreover, direct marketing may encompass marketing to individuals you are already familiar with. One perk of this type of marketing channel is that there are fewer expenses for the business since you don’t need to pay for advertising space or other types of marketing materials required by other channels– thereby resulting in a higher overall profit from product sales.

2. Catalog direct

Catalog direct is a type of marketing channel where businesses send catalogs with product information directly to customers. Customers can then order products directly from the catalog.

This type of marketing channel is often used by businesses that sell products that are not easily purchased in stores, such as furniture or clothing. Catalog direct is also a good option for businesses that have a large product selection and want to reach a wide audience.

3. Network marketing

Network marketing is a type of marketing channel where businesses use a network of independent contractors to promote and sell their products or services. Network marketing is also known as multi-level marketing (MLM) or direct selling.

It is similar to direct selling in that businesses communicate directly with potential customers. However, in network marketing, businesses also use contractors to promote and sell their products or services. These contractors are typically paid a commission for each sale they make.

4. Value-added resale

Value-added reselling is a type of marketing channel where businesses add value to products before selling them to customers. Value-added reselling can involve adding features or services to a product, bundling products together, or simply offering a higher level of customer service.

This type of marketing channel is often used by businesses that sell products that are not easily differentiated from other products on the market. By adding value to their products, businesses can attract customers who are looking for a more customized or personalized product experience.

5. Digital advertisements

Digital advertisements are a type of marketing channel where businesses use online platforms to advertise their products or services. Digital advertising can use many digital channels, such as banner ads, search engine marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) ads, or sponsored posts.

It is a highly effective way to reach a large audience with specific targeting options. Additionally, digital advertising is relatively low-cost and easy to set up.

Events are a type of marketing channel where businesses host or participate in events to promote their products or services. Some of such traditional marketing channels can be trade shows, conferences, conventions, or simply customer appreciation days.

They provide an opportunity for businesses to directly interact with potential customers and build relationships. Additionally, events can be a great way to generate leads and boost sales.

7. SEO marketing

SEO marketing is a type of marketing channel where businesses use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

By optimizing their website for relevant keywords, businesses can attract more web traffic and generate more leads. SEO marketing is a long-term strategy that requires ongoing effort, but it can be very effective in driving sales and brand awareness.

8. Email marketing

Email marketing is a type of marketing channel where businesses send promotional or transactional emails to customers.

Email Marketing can be used to build relationships, promote products or services, or simply keep customers informed about your business. It is a highly effective way to reach a large audience and can be very cost-effective.

9. Referral marketing

Referral marketing is a type of marketing channel where businesses use customer referrals to promote their products or services.

Referral marketing strategies can involve customers referring friends or family members, or it can be done through online platforms such as social media or review sites. Referral marketing is a great way to generate leads and boost sales, and it can also help build brand awareness.

10. Public relations

Public relation is a type of marketing channel where businesses use publicity to promote their products or services. Publicity can involve getting featured in the news, writing press releases, or doing media interviews.

It is a great way to generate brand awareness and build relationships with the media. Additionally, public relations can be very cost-effective.

11. Indirect marketing

Indirect marketing is a type of marketing channel where businesses use third-party platforms to promote their products or services.

Indirect marketing can involve using online directories, listing services, or review sites. It is a great way to reach a large audience without having to directly market to them. Additionally, indirect marketing is relatively low-cost and easy to set up.

How to choose your Marketing Channel Partners?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a marketing channel, such as your target audience, your budget, and your goals. Additionally, it is important to consider which channels will work best for your specific product or service. The following are some tips on how to choose a marketing channel:

1. Define your target audience

The first step in choosing a marketing channel is to define your target audience. This will help you narrow down your options and choose a channel that is most likely to reach your target market.

2. Consider your budget

Marketing can be expensive, so it is important to consider your budget when choosing a marketing channel. If you have a limited budget, you may want to consider using cheaper channels such as social media or email marketing.

3. Set your goals

Before choosing a marketing channel, it is important to set your goals. This will help you choose a channel that is most likely to help you achieve your desired results.

4. Consider which channels will work best for your product or service

Not all marketing channels are suitable for all products or services. You will need to consider which channels will work best for your specific product or service. For example, if you are selling a physical product, you may want to use channels such as direct mail or television advertising.

5. Test different channels

Once you have narrowed down your options, it is important to test different channels to see which ones work best for your business. You can do this by running a small pilot campaign or by using A/B testing.

By following these tips, you can choose a marketing channel that is right for your business. Marketing channels are a great way to reach your target market, build brand awareness, and boost sales. However, it is important to choose the right channel for your specific product or service.

Additionally, it is important to consider your target audience, budget, and goals when choosing a marketing channel. By considering these factors, you can ensure that you choose a channel that is most likely to help you achieve your desired results. Marketing channels are a great way to reach your target market, build brand awareness, and boost sales.

The Best Marketing Channels in 2022

The Best Marketing Channels in 2022

For an effective marketing strategy, some of the best channels for you in 2022 are digital marketing channels. So let us go through those and understand their features to make your channel marketing strategy more productive-

1. Social media

Social media is a type of marketing channel that uses online platforms to promote products or services. Social media marketing can involve using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. It is a great way to reach a large audience and build relationships with potential customers. Additionally, social media ads are relatively low-cost and easy to set up.

2. Websites/blogs

Websites and blogs along with content marketing are useful in marketing because they provide a place in search engines to showcase your product or service. Additionally, they can be used to build relationships with potential customers and generate leads. Websites and blogs are also quite cost-effective for SEO and online advertising, making them a great option for businesses on a budget.

3. Email marketing

Email marketing is a type of marketing that involves sending promotional emails to potential customers. It is a great way to reach a large audience and build relationships with potential customers. Additionally, you can implement email marketing relatively cheaply.

4. Omni-channel marketing

Omni-channel marketing is very useful in marketing because it allows businesses to reach their target market through multiple channels. This type of marketing can involve using a combination of online and offline channels, such as social media, websites, email marketing, and print advertising.

5. Video marketing

Video marketing is a great way to reach potential customers and promote your product or service. Videos can be used to generate leads, build relationships with potential customers, and increase brand awareness. Additionally, video marketing is relatively low-cost and easy to set up.

6. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves working with influencers for optimizing presence in front of target audiences on behalf of your brand. Influencers are people with a large online following who can promote your product or service to their audience. Additionally, influencer marketing is relatively low-cost and easy to set up.

7. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website for Google search. This includes optimizing your website for keywords that are relevant to your product or service. Additionally, search engine optimization can help you improve your website’s ranking in Google search results, making it more likely that potential customers will find your website.

8. Podcast marketing

Podcast marketing is a type of marketing that involves creating or sponsoring podcasts. Podcasts are audio files that can be downloaded and played on a variety of devices, such as smartphones or computers. Podcast marketing is a great way to reach a large audience and build relationships with potential customers. Additionally, podcast marketing is relatively low-cost and easy to set up.

9. Word-of-mouth marketing

It is an efficient form of marketing in which happy customers do the talking for you by sharing their positive experiences with your product or service with friends, family, and colleagues. This type of marketing is very effective because it is based on personal recommendations from people that potential customers know and trust. It is also going to be quite affordable since you are not paying for advertising.


Marketing channels are how businesses communicate with their target audiences. There are many different types of marketing channels, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. The most important thing is to choose the right channel for your business and your target audience.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a marketing channel, including cost, reach, effectiveness, and more. The most important thing is to choose the channel that will work best for your business and your target audience.

If you’re not sure which marketing channel is right for you, talk to a marketing expert. They can help you understand the different options and make a decision that’s right for your business.

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About Hitesh Bhasin

Hitesh Bhasin is the CEO of Marketing91 and has over a decade of experience in the marketing field. He is an accomplished author of thousands of insightful articles, including in-depth analyses of brands and companies. Holding an MBA in Marketing, Hitesh manages several offline ventures, where he applies all the concepts of Marketing that he writes about.

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I want examples for different marketing channels briefly 1. producer — customer. 2. retailer — consumer. 3. producer — wholesaler/distributor — customer 4. producer — agent/broker — wholesaler/distributor — customer.

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1 – Amway or any multi level marketing firm where the distributor is a consumer as well as a distributor. Hence it is direct from producer to consumer channel. Even B2B brands or OEMs are producer to customer channels. 2 – Online E-commerce portals or modern retail channels. 3 – FMCG channels or consumer durable channels. 4 – Again, Many FMCG channels follow this process. The type of agent is known as C&F agents which stands for carrying and forwarding agents.

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Marketing Research Paper Topics

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100+ Marketing Research Paper Topics to Explore in 2024

Marketing is an interesting sphere to study and work in. However, as a student, you might face many writing assignments that require you to explore new marketing topics and concepts. How do you find exciting marketing topics to examine? Which marketing research topics are trending today? 

We have answered all your questions in this guide to winning marketing research paper topics . But let’s start from the basics – what are marketing research topics ? In fact, marketing topics can be about anything related to promoting a product, brand, or service via a variety of channels. 

By choosing research-worthy and fresh marketing research topics , you guarantee yourself a high grade for the critical insight and in-depth understanding of the course’s material. Therefore, it’s vitally important to know how to spot good marketing research paper topics that offer a wide area for critical investigation and research inquiry. 

How to Choose Interesting Marketing Research Topics ? 

When you’re in search of interesting marketing research topics , you may use the following tips to land on great marketing research ideas without fail. 

  • Scan the list of marketing research paper topics suggested by your professor. There should be many variants of marketing topics to explore. 
  • Google recent and fresh marketing topics to ensure your study is relevant to the present-day industry trends. 
  • Explore evergreen marketing research paper topics that always attract attention. 
  • Consider marketing research topics that link theory and practice. Look for marketing topics in your niche and explore them by using an example of a concrete company or business. 
  • Don’t stick to one opinion when exploring marketing research paper topics . There are always multiple approaches and perspectives on marketing topics , and you can compare and contrast them by applying your critical thinking and analytical skills. 

Your Ultimate List of Marketing Research Topics  

To help you with marketing topics to write about , we’ve scanned the web and hand-picked a list of marketing topics for all occasions. Use these interesting marketing topics to speed up the writing process and get a high grade for creativity and thought-provoking content. 

Digital Marketing Research Topics  

Do you need research-worthy marketing research paper topics in the digital domain? Here are some fresh digital marketing research topics that will impress your professor. 

  • Inbound marketing. 
  • The 4 Ps of marketing. 
  • Digital strategy. 
  • Segmentation. 
  • Customer lifetime value. 
  • Porter’s Five Forces. 
  • The digital ecosystem. 
  • The halo effect. 
  • Brand and proposition effects. 
  • Display advertising. 

Marketing Research Topics for College Students  

Looking for college-level marketing research ideas ? Here are some marketing topics for your consideration. 

  • Role of KPIs in marketing. 
  • Profile of modern digital consumer. 
  • Data protection in modern marketing. 
  • Budget and resources. 
  • A phased approach to marketing. 
  • Budgeting and forecasting. 
  • The SEO triangle. 
  • Setting up a marketing campaign. 
  • Programmatic advertising. 
  • Campaign measurement metrics. 

Tourism Marketing Research Topics 

We’ve also found exciting marketing topics to write about the unexplored dimension of tourism. Here are the marketing topics your professor is sure to like.  

  • Third-world tourism. 
  • Consumer behavior.
  • Demand forecasting in tourism. 
  • Communications mix. 
  • International tourism marketing. 
  • Sustainable tourism. 
  • Tourism marketing challenges in the 21 st century. 
  • E-marketing in tourism. 
  • Role of changing demographics in tourism marketing. 
  • Market research in tourism.  

Retail Marketing Research Topics 

Retail marketing topics for research are really hard to find. But we’ve nailed this task, and here we share our carefully crafted list of research topics in marketing in the retail sector. 

  • Relationship marketing. 
  • Retailer adoption of the Internet. 
  • Strategic planning in retail marketing. 
  • Retailing strategy. 
  • The retail marketing mix. 
  • Customer analysis. 
  • Market segmentation in retail. 
  • Financial appraisal of decisions. 
  • Creating the retail environment. 
  • Role of research in retail marketing. 

B2B Marketing Research Topics 

Look through this list of B2B market research ideas to find a prompt that suits your assignment the best. We propose the following marketing research paper topics for your attention. 

  • Role of social media in B2B marketing. 
  • Account-based marketing. 
  • Touchpoint sensitivity analysis. 
  • Chatbots in B2B marketing. 
  • Marketing automation. 
  • Predictive intelligence. 
  • Misinformation in the B2B sector. 
  • Corporate communications on social media. 
  • Marketing 3.0. 
  • The B2B marketing maturity model. 

Social Media Marketing Research Topics 

Looking for some great social media research paper topics ? We’ve found very interesting research paper topics about social media that will spice up any assignment. 

  • ROI of social media marketing efforts. 
  • The social feedback cycle. 
  • What is a social business? 
  • The new role of the customer. 
  • Social CRM and business support. 
  • The customer’s POV. 
  • Web analytics in SMM.
  • Role of influencers in SMM. 
  • Factors of customer engagement. 
  • What are social objects?  

Sports Marketing Research Topics 

Need market research ideas for a sports niche? Here are some research-worthy marketing topics you may enjoy writing about. 

  • E-sports advertising. 
  • Sports promotion in social media. 
  • Sports apparel branding. 
  • Athlete influencers. 
  • Top sports marketing trends. 
  • AR/VR use in sports marketing. 
  • Sports event sponsorship as a marketing tactic. 
  • Digital engagement strategies for sports fans. 
  • Emotions in sports marketing. 
  • Sports tourism. 

Green Marketing Research Topics 

Marketing topics for research in the green niche are also a rare catch. We’ve simplified things for you – have a look at this list of marketing research topics worth exploring. 

  • IKEA as a green brand. 
  • Creating an eco-friendly brand image. 
  • Is print media green? 
  • CSR tactics for business. 
  • Profile of a green consumer. 
  • Emerging customer values in the 2020s. 
  • Concept of “green fatigue.” 
  • Green e-marketing. 
  • Greenbacks. 
  • A “going green” blueprint for businesses. 

Influencer Marketing Research Topics 

Studying influencers and searching for a worthy list of marketing topics on this subject? We’ve done the legwork for you and propose the following marketing research paper topics about influencers. 

  • Blogging and microblogging. 
  • Influencer content strategies. 
  • How do influencers build their following? 
  • Principles of media sharing. 
  • Social news and influencing. 
  • Ethics in influencer blogging. 
  • Should influencers report their remuneration? 
  • Account takeovers. 
  • Are giveaways legal? 
  • Challenges of influencer marketing in the 2020s. 

Fashion Marketing Research Topics 

Fashion branding and promotion are exciting study areas with many marketing topics to explore. Here is our set of research topics in marketing of fashionable brands. 

  • PR in fashion marketing. 
  • Visual merchandising in fashion retail. 
  • Contributors to brand loyalty in the fashion industry. 
  • Luxury brand storytelling. 
  • Cultural differences in fashion marketing. 
  • Sustainable fashion. 
  • Emotional branding. 
  • Fashion trends and consumer behavior. 
  • Brand collaborations in marketing. 
  • Role of live streaming in fashion marketing. 

Need More than Marketing Topics for Research ? 

Here you go with our long list of marketing topics for research in all spheres of this academic discipline. If you still find no suitable prompt and need assistance beyond marketing research topics , welcome to our writing service. A large team of pros is ready to serve your educational needs and close your pending tasks on a variety of marketing research paper topics 24/7.

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    The article under analysis is devoted to channels of marketing outside a country's borders, the processual issues pertaining to market control, and the role that is attributed to the head office - subsidiary relations of a global establishment (Grewal et al. 378-398). We will write a custom essay on your topic.

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    Likewise, a marketing plan can be for a single campaign, covering all marketing channels. Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan. A marketing strategy and a marketing plan are key pieces in the company's marketing puzzle. However, they serve different purposes. A marketing strategy is the overall framework guiding a company's marketing efforts ...

  24. Marketing Channels

    Pages 3. KEY TERMS. Marketing Channel (channel of distribution) a set of interdependent organizations that eases the transfer of ownership as products move from producer to business user to consumer. Channel members all parties in the marketing channel who negotiate with one another, but and sell products, and facilitate the change of ownership ...

  25. What is Lead Generation? Guide & Best Practices

    Marketers have to find a way to capture attention and build genuine interest in their products and services using the right marketing platform. Chief marketing officers (CMOs) cite customer preferences and expectations as their number 1 influence on digital strategy according to the State of the Connected Customer report. The goal is lead ...

  26. How To Start A YouTube Channel In 2024: 5 Effective Tips

    5. Engage with Your Audience. Finally, don't forget to engage with your YouTube community. This goes beyond creating great content. "Engage with your audience by responding to comments ...