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10 Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Society

Nowadays, social media is so popular among the young, children, and adults. Each of us uses social media to be updated, to entertain ourselves, to communicate with others, to explore new things, and to connect with the world. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. are examples of social media. Social media is a part of our lives today, and consciously or unconsciously, it is becoming our habit to continuously go through it and check the notifications.

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of using social media

What is social media?

Social media is a platform where we can communicate with a large number of people, make connections, and interact with them. It operates on the internet.A user usually creates an account on such a platform and allows interaction with the millions of other users available on it according to their preferences and choices. Apart from the interaction, it also allows users to share information, chat with other people, share their opinions, create content, and embrace their differences.

In today’s world, social media is an important part of young people’s lives, determining and shaping their perspectives.The youth typically adopt and pursue social media trends; for example, in dressing styles, the youth adopt dresses and styles that are promoted as trends by social media.

Social media not only allows people to share their opinions, but it also shapes the opinions of its users.Social media have an impact on their users as well as society as a whole, both positive and negative.

Here we will now discuss the negative and positive impacts of social media on society.

Positive impact of social media on   society.

  • Builds connectivity and connection: Social media facilitates better communication as well as the development of stronger connections and connectivity around the world. One can talk to a person who lives thousands of miles away from him or her. One can also make connections in his or her respective field or area to promote his or her venture, business, or idea. LinkedIn is an example of social media where you can build connections from across the world and increase your connectivity. Hence, social media is not only connecting people within a society but also connecting people from different societies and cultures, allowing them to exchange their values and beliefs.
  • People are empowered by social media because it educates them, makes them aware of them, and gives them a platform to raise their voices, showcase their talents, and promote their businesses. For instance, people on Instagram not only communicate with each other but are also establishing their small businesses and creating content on various things such as dressing style, make-up, fashion hacks, and educational content. Likewise, on YouTube, people do the same thing except chat and earn money through their talent, opinions, and content. Therefore, social media helps generate employment in society and educate its members.
  • People are helped both economically and emotionally by social media : Economically, by providing customers to businesses and providing jobs to the unemployed. Emotionally, by demonstrating empathy and love to the people.The person who feels alone should communicate with people online and talk to them. Sometimes, when you post something on your social media account—a sad or happy post—people react accordingly. If you post something sad, people try to cheer you up or console you, and vice versa. Social media in society provides an equal opportunity to be social and interact, especially for those who find it difficult to communicate with others in person.
  • Knowledge: on social media, people post massive amounts of content on a wide range of issues and topics. YouTube is a platform where you can find information in English, Hindi, or any other language you are comfortable with. From the fundamentals to the advanced, from simple to complex topics, one can learn for free on social media. There are many teachers, motivators, and religious gurus who provide knowledge in various fields and aspects.
  • Provides new skills: Through social media, you can acquire and learn new skills. You can, for example, learn to knit on YouTube or do it yourself (DIY) on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You can acquire as many skills as you want: cooking, knitting, floral design, rangoli making, python, ethical hacking, etc. Moreover, learning new skills helps one find work and empowers oneself.
  • Source to news: social media is a source of news nowadays; people watch news more on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook as compared to news channels and newspapers. People believe that news on social media is more trustworthy and presented in a more interesting format than traditional news channels.
  • Sharing of ideas: social media allows the sharing of ideas beyond boundaries, nations, and states. Social media facilitates the exchange of ideas about one’s culture, religion, state, nationality, and environment.
  • Raising funds: social media helps many people raise funds for noble causes. Through the help of social media, people start campaigns for donations for a particular case, and everyone can participate in these donations. For Example, Fundraising for blind orphan children
  • Creates communities: Social media creates communities of people from various backgrounds who share common interests. People with the same interests connect more with each other. Examples include the science community, the arts community, and the poets’ community. The nature of a community depends on the interests of its members.
  • Multiple sources of learning: social media is a hub of knowledge where you can learn anything and everything. The education is provided at no cost. There is not only educational or academic learning, but also other types of learning; you can learn how to improve your personality, improve your communication skills, be more confident, and develop your public speaking skills.

Negative impacts of social media on society

  • Contributes to the digital divide: The “digital divide” refers to the gap between those who can access the internet and those who cannot because of illiteracy, poverty, and a lack of resources. Social media is contributing to this by setting trends and engaging more youth, and youth who cannot access or understand the trends, as well as adults, are falling behind.
  • Increasing cybercrimes and cyberfrauds : An increase in the use of social media is leading to an increase in cybercrimes and frauds. Cyberbullying, harassment, and stalking are on the rise nowadays, and mostly teenage women are becoming victims of them. Cyber fraud is also on the rise because most people lack digital literacy and are unaware of things like when fraudsters create an account to impersonate someone you know and demand money from you for various reasons.The nature of the frauds varied and could cause confusion and restlessness in your minds.
  • Negative information, news, and rumours spread quickly: As the elders say, negativity spreads faster than positivity; similarly, false news or negative news, rumours, and information spread quickly and cause chaos and instability in the social order.Because of the rapid transfer of information, false news or information spreads in no time, which furthers the happenings in society. For example, if you come across WhatsApp messages that claim prejudice or hatred against a particular community, they will spread with more intensity and rage. This false claim creates a false image among people regarding the thing, and the false information is spread. Sometimes, it leads to violent situations in society.
  • Social media affects the mental health of individuals: The stalking, cybercrimes, frauds, and hate comments adversely affect people; problems of depression, anxiety, severe tension, and fear are emerging. Sometimes, the conditions get worse, leading to suicide as well. As Durkheim mentioned, suicide is a social fact; either more or less social involvement leads to suicide in an individual, and social media manifests and roots both. For instance, if a user posts her critical view on a sensitive topic, chances are high that she will feel instant backlash from those who are against her views. Another example is that victims of cyberfraud fear using social media. Because of social media, people get traumatised and spend years of their lives living in that trauma and fear.
  • People are becoming more addicted to their phones as a result of being disconnected from social reality. People frequently ignore and neglect those around them; they are unaware of what is going on in society because they are constantly immersed in their virtual world, engaging with entertainment and people in their virtual world. People who lack social and communication skills use social media to escape and ignore people in the real world. For instance, we all know a person who has no friends in the real world but has a following of hundreds of thousands on their social media account.
  • Effects on health: Social media has an impact not only on mental health, but also on physical health. The constant use of screens such as phones, laptops, and tablets directly impacts the eyes by weakening the eyesight. It also negatively impacts our creativity; it basically lessens our level of creativity. The constant use of social media also makes us lazy and less active, as we are constantly using our devices. People also suffer from insomnia, irritation, and the fear of missing out. As Parsons stated, when an individual is sick, it becomes a non-functional member of society, and sickness is socially sanctioned deviance. In our opinion, social media is also making functional members of society non-functional.
  • Unverified information: While social media is undeniably a knowledge hub, not all knowledge and information on it is correct or verified. Due to the large amount of data present on social media, most of it is unverified, and the chances of receiving false information are high. For example, on Facebook and Instagram, you’ll frequently see a post with the words “more you cry, the stronger you become,” and above or below it, “psychological facts”. People consume this false information as fact. There are enormous posts like this. But, in reality, this is far from factual knowledge or information.
  • Undermine people: social media do not support people; they often lack support, empathy, and rational behavior. The moment people post something sad or controversial, they start getting backlash, hate comments, and threats, because of which people suffer from anxiety, stress, and depression. People who are unable to follow trends feel isolated. People who are not on social media also feel alienated. People on social media also spread hatred and prejudices against others instead of supporting and appreciating them. People compare themselves to others on social media, which lowers their self-esteem and confidence.
  • Make conscious decisions about yourself: People post pictures according to socially constructed beauty standards, in which they seem slim, have radiant skin, and have clear lips (by using filters). Other people who are overweight or slimmer, have acne or pimples on their skin, lack makeup skills, and become self-conscious about their bodies. Teens start to diet, go to the gym, and try to maintain the trending body. Adults also suffer from this. People become self-conscious, which leads to feelings of inadequacy about their bodies and appearance.
  • Increased use of poor language: on social media, people use language that has poor grammar, speech, and spelling. LOL, WYD, etc. words are used while chatting with people on social media. The quality of language is deteriorating, and people are losing their culture.


From the above discussion, we can conclude that despite the various uses of social media, there are many misuses and negative impacts of it on society as a whole as well as on individuals.

Also read: Why do people share everything online?

presentation pros and cons of social media

Yachika Yadav is a sociology post graduate student at Banasthali Vidyapith. She loves to capture moments in nature, apart from drawing and writing poetries. Field of research attracts her the most and in future she want to be a part of that. She is a good listener, learner. And tries to always help others.

presentation pros and cons of social media

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The pros and cons of social media

Written by by Carly Hill

Published on  December 5, 2022

Reading time  12 minutes

Ah social media. As the old saying goes, “can’t live with it, can’t live without it.” As social media platforms have changed over the years (RIP, Vine), so too have the pros and cons of social media.

Not so long ago, brands and executives were still wondering whether they should be on social media at all. But times have changed. Now, social media has gone from a “nice to have” to a “must-have” for businesses, as it has become a core place for audiences to connect, get updates on current events and capture moments.

While social media is, without question, necessary for your business, there are pros and cons that brands and social professionals must grapple with. Let’s talk through what some of those look like, and how to approach them to make the right decisions for your social strategy.

Why social media is good

It’s easy for the negativity around social media to overshadow its benefits. And there are plenty of “pros” to celebrate.

Let’s get into why social media is good, and the positive impact of social media on our lives.

Social media can bring joy

From stories of triumph to funny social media memes , social has the power to spark a smile.

The “It’s Corn” viral trend became a cultural touchstone for friends and strangers alike. Hundreds of brands created their own feel-good content using the song. And its popularity continues, with the “Corn Kid” landing a recent partnership with Green Giant .

@sproutsocial It’s corn. 💚 #cornsong #itscorn #socialmediamarketing #sociamediamanager #socialmediatips ♬ It’s Corn – Tariq & The Gregory Brothers & Recess Therapy

Social media can also spark joy by connecting people with similar interests. #Booktok , for example, has become a flourishing online community. Book lovers go to this hashtag to find new book recommendations, relatable content for bookworms and connect with other readers.

Connect with people (and potential customers) all over the world

There’s a reason 91% of people believe in social media’s power of connection. With 4.2 billion social media users worldwide , social media enables you to reach your next fan or customer—no matter where they are.

Before Sprout, I managed a viral social media campaign at Shedd Aquarium that was so widespread, it reached all seven continents—yes, including Antarctica .

👋 Hello to our penguin friends all the way in the South Pole! 🐧🇦🇶 — Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) April 8, 2020

In fact, this is one of the top pros for Assistant Director of Social Media at Orangetheory, Anthony Yepez. “In my opinion, social media’s top pro is the ability to connect organically with your audience and customer base.”

And connecting with your audience goes further than making sales—it builds community, which can save you advertising bucks in the future. “Social gives you the opportunity to get insightful feedback on your product or service all while building a community that can further amplify your digital marketing without having to spend large advertising budgets.”

Enables instant communication

Social media is the number one channel for brands to connect with consumers. If you’re not using it to communicate with them, you’re missing a chance to build relationships.

Especially when you consider that more than three-quarters of consumers expect a response within 24 hours.

Answering questions, responding to comments and acknowledging complaints may seem simple. But it can be huge for your reputation—responsiveness leads to a more favorable view of your company.

Hi there, Chewy eGift Cards are emailed to recipients within one hour after you place your order. You will be prompted to add the email address at the time of purchase. A full FAQ is linked for you below. — Chewy (@Chewy) November 28, 2022

Leveling up your social customer care goes a long way. And using a tool like Sprout’s Smart Inbox feature makes responding quickly to your audience easy by funneling comments and messages from all of your social media channels into a central, streamlined hub for your team.

A screenshot of Sprout Social's Smart Inbox tool displaying messages from multiple social platforms in one feed.

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Easier to define and reach your target audience

Between demographic data and post analytics, social media is a goldmine when it comes to better understanding your target audience .

As Anthony puts it, “Social media gives you the opportunity to better understand your target audience and their interests so that you can consider that when creating marketing assets for your brand or business.”

The better you know who you’re targeting, the more you can refine your strategy and expand your reach organically. And that can save you serious advertising costs—something your senior leaders will thank you for.

Boosts transparency

Brands that don’t shift to a new business model of transparency are not only at risk of losing consumer trust—they’re at risk of creating a crisis for themselves.

86% of Americans believe transparency from businesses is more important than ever before. And many of those consumers attribute this to social media, and the constant connectedness between consumers and brands.

Increasing transparency always comes with risks. But it also comes with high rewards—more than half of consumers are likely to consider buying from brands that are transparent. And when brands have a history of transparency, 85% of people are more likely to give them a second chance after a bad experience or crisis.

Shoe brand Nisolo does a great job of showcasing what a culture of transparency looks like by sharing their sustainability efforts.

Ability to crowdsource

Social media is an always-on focus group. And social media crowdsourcing —or turning to social for audience opinions, ideas and sentiment—is a powerful way to improve your content, products and your business as a whole.

Social media makes this easy in a few ways. Thanks to social, you can simply ask your audience for their opinions and preferences. (This also happens to be a great engagement booster.)

Let's get spooky. 👻 What is the scariest thing about being a #SMM ? — Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) October 18, 2022

Another method of crowdsourcing ideas is by looking at conversations about your brand and industry. Comments and posts you’re tagged in are a great starting point.

But you won’t be tagged in every conversation about your brand. Using a social listening tool is the best way to uncover conversations and gauge how your audience really feels about your brand, products and industry.

A screenshot of Sprout Social's listening tool showing messages from across Twitter

Promotes social change

Social media has proven that it can change the world. The Arab Spring is one of the earliest examples of social media facilitating real-world protests. Online networks facilitated organizing groups of activists , and played a key role in communicating what was going on to the world.

Social media has also made it easier for more people to get involved in social change. And it’s also enabled large-scale learning for those who were previously unaware of social issues— hashtags have become virtual meeting places and rallying cries for social change.

The positive impact of social media on business

For businesses, your social channels infinitely expand your brand awareness, audience engagement and loyalty and more.

Shoppable social ads have also, in the words of Meagen Johnson at Havas Media , “collapsed the marketing funnel”. In 2022, 98% of consumers said they planned to make at least one purchase through social shopping or influencer commerce.

And businesses are catching on to these benefits. In a recent Sprout survey of 280 marketers responsible for their brand’s social media strategy, nearly half of respondents agree that colleagues outside their social team understand how the social team’s roles add to the brand.

Data visualization that shows survey results for how many social professionals feel colleagues outside of their social team understand how their role in social adds value to the brand.

Real-time news and information

Today, social media and journalism go hand in hand. Half of US adults get their news from social media at least some of the time, according to Pew Research.

For journalists, social media is an excellent channel to watch stories as they develop, to share news and even to connect with interviewees.

And during a crisis, real-time news can be a lifeline.

For example, it’s been noted that during major hurricanes, emergency managers use social media to post recovery information before a storm hits to prepare people. Analyzing social media conversation can be pivotal in mitigating effects of a crisis early by better communicating with more vulnerable areas, and even help identify communities that need the most support after a disaster.

Helps connect leaders with constituents

Social media has removed a wall between leaders and their constituents. It’s created an “always-open forum” for constituents’ to voice their questions and concerns.

The bridge between social media and government also provides the same opportunity for government entities to reach constituents for real-time updates. Like the Chicago Transit Authority sharing transportation updates…

[Service Disruption] Blue Line service has been temporarily suspended between O'Hare and Rosemont due to fire department activity. More: — cta (@cta) November 28, 2022

During a crisis, like the pandemic, social media provides a space for much-needed, real-time updates for the general public.

Daily averages, updated: November 14 Confirmed Cases: 399 Hospitalizations: 28 Deaths: 0.29 Emergency Room Visits: 1.9% Hospital Beds in Use: 3.5% Cook County's CDC #COVID Community Level: Medium Chicago's full COVID-19 Dashboard: #ProtectChicago — CDPH | Chicago Department of Public Health (@ChiPublicHealth) November 15, 2022

It’s also created an opportunity for entities and leaders alike to humanize themselves, foster community and share community updates—and triumphs. In some cases, official social media channels take on a personality of their own, like the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

It's that time of year. — US Consumer Product Safety Commission (@USCPSC) November 27, 2022

Why is social media bad?

Naturally, we love social media. But we’re not going to ignore the virtual elephant in the room: Social media isn’t always positive.

In this section, let’s go beyond answering the question “why is social media bad?” and dive into a few ways you can curb its negative impact—for yourself, your brand and your audience.

Social media addiction and mental health impacts

As many as 5-10% of Americans today meet the criteria for social media addiction.

Even if you’re not addicted, social media can impact your mental health. As much as it can connect us, it can also make us feel isolated through false expectations and self-comparison.

People who use social media for more than two hours a day were twice as likely to feel socially isolated than those who used it for under half an hour—concerning when you consider that two and a half hours is the daily average

What you can do: When it comes to your audience, insert reminders for your audience to unplug.

You can even provide reality checks, like “Instagram vs Reality” content, to avoid fueling comparison on social.

In today’s world, #SMMs are constantly overwhelmed with a fast-paced and demanding workspace. Take 30-minutes from your day and join us for a camera-off gratitude meditation session. — Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) November 14, 2022

And when it comes to mental health for social marketers , here are a few things you can do to protect your own well-being:

  • Gamify taking social media breaks: Use apps to facilitate focus. The Flora app grows a virtual tree if you don’t check your phone during a set amount of time. You can even set the app to charge you money if you break your focus—talk about incentive.
  • Set designated time to check social: This helps you set your own boundaries.
  • Set social media breaks: Instagram has a feature that allows you to temporarily suspend your account until you restart it. And TikTok has a “take a break” feature.
  • Use social media time trackers: Using screentime apps, which are built into many smartphones, to track how much time you spend on social media can be eye-opening.
  • Keep your phone in another room: Simple, yet effective.

Filter bubble and misinformation

You already know that social media algorithms fill feeds with posts based on relevance—not necessarily recency.

From a business perspective, this type of feed makes it harder to get your content in front of people without spending money.

From a societal perspective, when you’re only shown posts based on what you’re already interested in, a “filter bubble” is formed. This is where you only ever see topics and viewpoints you’ve already expressed interest in.

At its best, this limits you from learning new things. At its worst, filter bubbles make it too easy to discount opinions other than your own, and for misinformation to spread. Especially given that inflammatory posts rack up algorithm-appeasing engagement faster—even if they’re false.

What you can do: To avoid your own filter bubble, adjust your feeds. Facebook and Instagram allow you to adjust your newsfeed settings from algorithmic to chronological.

And when sharing or researching content for your brand’s channels, scrutinize your sources to limit consuming, or spreading, misinformation.

Lack of privacy

Public social accounts put our identities on display. And that can impact our sense of self and well being—being unsure what people really think of us online can lead to stress and anxiety .

But on the technical side, lack of privacy means your personal information is vulnerable, and can be used against you. And this can have real world implications (think: the Cambridge Analytica scandal ), can lead to data breaches and more.

People are rightfully worried about this. In 2022, 81% of people are more concerned about their social privacy than they were the previous year. As a social media professional, you have your own privacy to worry about, as well as the privacy of your business accounts.

What you can do: There are many ways you can make your accounts more secure:

  • Use multi-factor identification: This has become a best practice.
  • Make your own social accounts private: This is a given to limit who can see your information.
  • Explore privacy features offered by each social platform: For example, you can prevent people from downloading your TikToks. And Instagram allows you to limit who can see your profile, or whether people can see that you’re active. Explore each platform and what they offer to bolster your security.
  • Use complex passwords: And use different passwords for different accounts.
  • Make a habit to change passwords: Do this regularly for a security boost.
  • Store passwords securely: If you need to save passwords, new and old, use an official password manager that will keep them secure and limit access, while allowing you to share passwords with those who need them.
  • Be careful about using accounts with third-party sites or apps: “Log in with Facebook” is convenient, but it also opens more doors to your data. Limit the third-party sources you give access to.

Scams are prevalent

In 2021, social media was the most profitable way for scammers to reach people—so much so that from 2017 to 2021, reports of fraud on social soared 1,800%.

Getting scammed is a too-easy way to lose money. But it can also lead to privacy breaches—for your personal accounts, and your brand’s. At worst, this could lead to a major brand crisis.

What you can do: At the risk of sounding like a corny security video, the key is to be social savvy. Here are a few things to look out for:

  • Think twice when a friend or influencer reaches out: If a message seems off, play it safe.
  • Be wary of weird ads: Shopping scams were the second-most common social media scams in 2021.
  • Know the signs: Familiarize yourself with recent scams and phishing methods.
  • Filter comments: Protect your followers, too. When you monitor your social channels, look for and delete obvious scam comments. And teach your team to do the same.
  • Opt out of targeted advertising: Many social channels allow options for targeted advertising, like Instagram. Explore your options on each platform.

What you share stays with you forever

People, opinions and brands change over time. But the old, cringe-worthy posts in the depths of your timeline are forever.

In some places, there are measures you can take to protect yourself. The EU’s “right to be forgotten” gives people the right to request that search engines de-list some results from search queries related to their name. The US, however, doesn’t have a policy like this.

What you can do: If you’re worried about what your younger self was Tweeting about, setting your accounts to private is a safe step to take. And moving forward, think twice before you post to your brand’s channels.

Social media burnout

When you work in social media, it’s easy to be “always on.” Even Burger King addressed this:

*works in social, always working* — Burger King (@BurgerKing) December 20, 2021

The battle against burnout can feel like treading water. You’re bombarded by algorithm changes, negative comments, the constant news cycle, not to mention changing content formats—something 53% of recent survey respondents said was a major challenge when scheduling and planning content.

Data visualization showing survey results for the top challenges marketers responsible for their company's social media face when planning and scheduling content

And not every social team has the support they need. As Anthony put it, “the perspective that ‘anyone can do social media’ is holding a lot of us back from career growth, along with leadership teams not fully investing in their social media departments.” And less resources means more churn and burn.

What you can do:

  • Limit your social media usage: Taking social media breaks at home or doing a social detox after hours can help you reset.
  • Set boundaries: You have a content calendar and social media priorities—stand by them, set boundaries and protect your time when it comes to what you post.
  • Divide up the work: Even a large social team can get burnt out. In fact, social media teams mark bandwidth as one of their number one struggles . Evaluate how your work is divided up, and where you can source more support.
  • Create a response protocol: Pre-written response templates and guides make monitoring faster.

Use the pros and cons of social media to inform your strategy

Social media is far from perfect. But it is part of our world. While there will always be risks, there are so many ways to emphasize the positive impact of social media—for your brand, your audience and for yourself.

Make social media your ally. Learn how to get the most out of the digital space we all occupy by leveling up your social media marketing strategy .

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Sep 6, 2023

Presentation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Social Media

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  • Social Media Marketing

Written by Kate Toon

In her webinar on social media Kate Toon presents a lively discussion of the pros and cons of this incredibly powerful platform and how you can tackle it head on. She covered:

  • Building a relevant, memorable, trustable brand
  • Finding your niche (like Britney Spears did)
  • Dealing with the negativity (aka the Alans Factor)
  • How to set goals and understand the metrics 
  • Thinking about SEO and social media
  • Content pillars and scheduling

Download the presentation slides below.

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Kate Toon is an award-winning misfit entrepreneur, who works with small businesses and big brands to transform their online presence: through powerful SEO, captivating content and all the right digital marketing moves. Her StayTooned group of companies include the  Digital Masterchefs ,  The Recipe for SEO Success  and  The Clever Copywriting School . Kate also runs Australia’s only dedicated copywriting conference, CopyCon. She can be found at Kate Toon . 

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  • Published: 06 July 2023

Pros & cons: impacts of social media on mental health

  • Ágnes Zsila 1 , 2 &
  • Marc Eric S. Reyes   ORCID: 3  

BMC Psychology volume  11 , Article number:  201 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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The use of social media significantly impacts mental health. It can enhance connection, increase self-esteem, and improve a sense of belonging. But it can also lead to tremendous stress, pressure to compare oneself to others, and increased sadness and isolation. Mindful use is essential to social media consumption.

Social media has become integral to our daily routines: we interact with family members and friends, accept invitations to public events, and join online communities to meet people who share similar preferences using these platforms. Social media has opened a new avenue for social experiences since the early 2000s, extending the possibilities for communication. According to recent research [ 1 ], people spend 2.3 h daily on social media. YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat have become increasingly popular among youth in 2022, and one-third think they spend too much time on these platforms [ 2 ]. The considerable time people spend on social media worldwide has directed researchers’ attention toward the potential benefits and risks. Research shows excessive use is mainly associated with lower psychological well-being [ 3 ]. However, findings also suggest that the quality rather than the quantity of social media use can determine whether the experience will enhance or deteriorate the user’s mental health [ 4 ]. In this collection, we will explore the impact of social media use on mental health by providing comprehensive research perspectives on positive and negative effects.

Social media can provide opportunities to enhance the mental health of users by facilitating social connections and peer support [ 5 ]. Indeed, online communities can provide a space for discussions regarding health conditions, adverse life events, or everyday challenges, which may decrease the sense of stigmatization and increase belongingness and perceived emotional support. Mutual friendships, rewarding social interactions, and humor on social media also reduced stress during the COVID-19 pandemic [ 4 ].

On the other hand, several studies have pointed out the potentially detrimental effects of social media use on mental health. Concerns have been raised that social media may lead to body image dissatisfaction [ 6 ], increase the risk of addiction and cyberbullying involvement [ 5 ], contribute to phubbing behaviors [ 7 ], and negatively affects mood [ 8 ]. Excessive use has increased loneliness, fear of missing out, and decreased subjective well-being and life satisfaction [ 8 ]. Users at risk of social media addiction often report depressive symptoms and lower self-esteem [ 9 ].

Overall, findings regarding the impact of social media on mental health pointed out some essential resources for psychological well-being through rewarding online social interactions. However, there is a need to raise awareness about the possible risks associated with excessive use, which can negatively affect mental health and everyday functioning [ 9 ]. There is neither a negative nor positive consensus regarding the effects of social media on people. However, by teaching people social media literacy, we can maximize their chances of having balanced, safe, and meaningful experiences on these platforms [ 10 ].

We encourage researchers to submit their research articles and contribute to a more differentiated overview of the impact of social media on mental health. BMC Psychology welcomes submissions to its new collection, which promises to present the latest findings in the emerging field of social media research. We seek research papers using qualitative and quantitative methods, focusing on social media users’ positive and negative aspects. We believe this collection will provide a more comprehensive picture of social media’s positive and negative effects on users’ mental health.

Data Availability

Not applicable.

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Ágnes Zsila was supported by the ÚNKP-22-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund.

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Institute of Psychology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary

Ágnes Zsila

Institute of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

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Marc Eric S. Reyes

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Zsila, Á., Reyes, M.E.S. Pros & cons: impacts of social media on mental health. BMC Psychol 11 , 201 (2023).

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Received : 15 June 2023

Accepted : 03 July 2023

Published : 06 July 2023


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  • Social media
  • Mental health

BMC Psychology

ISSN: 2050-7283

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The Pros and Cons of Social Media

A look at the ups and downs of being so digitally connected to people

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Social networking has changed the way we communicate, do business, get our daily news fix and so much more. But is it really all it's cracked up to be?

That depends on who you talk to and how you're using it. A site like Facebook could serve as an opportunistic launching pad for a new business owner, or it could be an inescapable source of negative peer pressure for a young teen. There are pros and cons to everything in life—and that includes our social networking habits.

The Pros of Social Networking

There are a lot of upsides to social networking. Ask yourself how you can take more advantage of the following whenever you decide to check out your favorite social networks.

Connect to Other People All Over the World

  One of the most obvious pros of using social networks is the ability to instantly reach people from anywhere. Use Facebook to stay in touch with your old high school friends who've relocated all over the country, use Google Meet to connect with relatives who live halfway around the world, or meet brand new people on social media from cities or regions you've never even heard of before.

Easy and Instant Communication

Now that we're connected wherever we go, we don't have to rely on our landlines, answering machines or snail mail to contact somebody. We can simply open up our laptops or pick up our smartphones and immediately start communicating with anyone on social media or one of the many social messaging apps available.

Real-Time News and Information Discovery

Gone are the days of waiting around for the six o'clock news to come on TV or for the delivery boy to bring the newspaper in the morning. If you want to know what's going on in the world, all you need to do is jump on social media. An added bonus is that you can customize your news and information discovery experiences by choosing to follow exactly what you want.

Great Opportunities for Business Owners

Business owners and other types of professional organizations can connect with current customers, sell their products and expand their reach using social media. There are actually lots of entrepreneurs and businesses out there that thrive almost entirely on social networks and wouldn't even be able to operate without it.

General Fun and Enjoyment

You have to admit that social networking is just plain fun sometimes. A lot of people turn to it when they catch a break at work or just want to relax at home. Since people are naturally social creatures, it's often quite satisfying to see comments and likes show up on our own posts, and it's convenient to be able to see exactly what our friends are up to without having to ask them directly.

The Cons of Social Networking

It's no secret that there's also a dark side to social networking. You may want to ask yourself how you can minimize the following cons of social networking as much and as often as possible.

If social media is your primary source for news and other information, you could end up in a filter bubble, which is when you've isolated yourself from new information and engaging with people who have different perspectives. If you've managed to stay in a bubble of harmful misinformation, it can damage relationships and even be dangerous.

Information Overload and Overwhelm

With so many people now on social media tweeting links and posting selfies and sharing YouTube videos, it sure can get pretty noisy. Becoming overwhelmed by too many Facebook friends to keep up with or too many Instagram photos to browse through isn't all that uncommon. Over time, we tend to rack up a lot of friends and followers, and that can lead to lots of bloated news feeds with too much content we're not all that interested in.

Privacy Issues

So much is shared online these days that issues over privacy are becoming an increasingly big concern. Whether it's a question of social sites owning your content after it's posted, becoming a target after sharing your location online , or even getting in trouble at work after tweeting something inappropriate — sharing too much with the public can open up all sorts of problems that sometimes can't ever be undone.

Social Peer Pressure and Cyber Bullying

For people struggling to fit in with their peers — especially teens and young adults — the pressure to do certain things or act a certain way can be even worse on social media than it is at school or any other offline setting. In some extreme cases, the overwhelming pressure to fit in with everyone posting on social media or becoming the target of a cyberbullying attack can lead to serious stress, anxiety and even depression.

Increased Feelings of Social Isolation

  Since people are now connected all the time and you can pull up a friend's social profile with a click of your mouse or a tap of your smartphone, it's a lot easier to use online interaction as a substitute for face-to-face interaction. Some people argue that social media actually promotes antisocial human behavior.

Distraction and Procrastination 

How often do you see someone look at their phone? People get distracted by all the social apps and news and messages they receive, leading to all sorts of problems like distracted driving or the lack of gaining someone's full attention during a conversation. Browsing social media can also feed procrastination habits and become something people turn to in order to avoid certain tasks or responsibilities.

Sedentary Lifestyle Habits and Sleep Disruption 

Lastly, since social networking is all done on some sort of computer or mobile device, it can sometimes promote too much sitting down in one spot for too long. Likewise, staring into the artificial light from a computer or phone screen at night can negatively affect your ability to get a proper night's sleep.

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The pros and cons of social media on mental health

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Social media as well as smartphone technology has touched almost all areas of our lives. We order groceries online, video chat with our relatives and stream movies. But it’s also impacting the way we discuss, approach and treat mental health. Craig Sawchuk, Ph.D., L.P., a clinical psychologist at Mayo Clinic, talks the pros and the cons.

Q: What are some positive impacts of using social media and other digital tools, especially seen during the pandemic?

A: One of the largest benefits I see is significantly reducing isolation by having a “virtual” bridge to family, friends and other social supports. I have also seen some of our seniors become quite tech savvy over time, which is great from a brain health perspective — learning new things gives the brain exercise. The interactions that seem to give the largest returns are being able to keep up with family and friends. People especially enjoy interacting with their grandchildren. Reminiscing with friends and family is very healthy for us emotionally.

Q: Are there any dangers or downsides?

A: The downsides can manifest themselves in three different ways:

  • Ironically, sometimes easy access to digital tools and information may inadvertently lead to less interaction with others. It’s important to make sure that you’re staying connected with others in engaging ways online as opposed to passive ways, such as just reading or playing games.
  • Always make sure that you spend most of your time connecting with “healthy others” in your life. Make a list of those who are the best social supports in your life and prioritize those contacts.
  • Be wary of online, text or email scams and other misleading information. When we struggle emotionally or with isolation or both, we may be more vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Never pass along money or identifiable personal information when online.

Q: With so many people unable to meet in person due to the pandemic, what trends in mental health care have emerged (or accelerated)?

A: A dramatic and welcome shift has occurred with telemedicine and video visits being offered on a significantly larger scale. In fact, almost all mental health services have converted to this format, which has improved accessibility and provided more-flexible pathways to care. In addition to individual sessions, group therapy sessions — including more-intensive outpatient programs — are offered via video, which improves access to “higher-step” levels of mental health care. Mental health apps, especially those targeting resilience-building in the context of the pandemic, also have dramatically increased (examples include COVID Coach, Breathe2Relax, Happify, Mindfulness Coach, SuperBetter, Calm and Insight Timer).

Podcasts on evidence-based mental health care also have increased. In addition, virtual connection groups have become more available in an attempt to reduce feelings of isolation. All of these will be around post-pandemic.

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by Jamie M. Bogle, Au.D., Ph.D., Sophie J. Bakri, M.D.

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The Pros and Cons of Social Media

Unveil pros and cons on social media and explore its landscape in the 21st century. With 5 tried and tested tips master your social media strategy for safe and balanced usage.

Based on mutual interests or backgrounds, LinkedIn suggests relevant connections that might open doors to collaboration or job opportunities. For example, a well-curated profile of a marketing expert might attract digital marketers with vast experience, paving the way for mentorship or valuable partnerships.

In the professional realm, timely communication is paramount . The digital age demands swift responses, and businesses can’t afford to miss out on opportunities due to overlooked messages. Recognizing this need, tools like SocialPilot’s Social Inbox become invaluable.

Social Inbox

They ensure that businesses stay on top of their communications by consolidating messages from various platforms into one unified inbox. It’s not just about networking; it’s about optimizing those connections for success.

2. Information Sharing and Access

The internet has democratized access to information, with social media at the forefront of rapid information-sharing.

And guess what?

As people consider the pros and cons of social media, more are turning to platforms like Twitter to consume news, as real-time updates are instantly available on any major event or crisis occurring anywhere in the world.

During global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, social media becomes a chief source of credible updates from health experts, government agencies, and international organizations. This access to reliable information on infection rates and public health guidelines empowered individuals to take necessary precautions in their own community and stay informed on relevant developments.

Information Sharing

In the context of armed conflicts or wars, journalists and news agencies can share up-to-the-minute updates on peace negotiations, allowing people around the world to stay informed.

While perspectives that complement mainstream media coverage empower individuals to share their experiences, accurate information, especially in the context of ongoing wars, is important to ensuring the safety of citizens. For instance, to ensure content and media shared about the war in Ukraine are reliable, Twitter has taken various measures like increasing ease of access to updates and labeling state-affiliated media.

3. Business Opportunities and Marketing

A new era of marketing and advertising opportunities has emerged among the pros and cons of social media with the advent of increased social media usage. With billions of users actively engaging on social media, businesses have unprecedented potential to reach and connect with their target audiences .

A key advantage of social media marketing is targeting specific audience segments. Instagram, in particular, has emerged as a potent platform for advertising, offering a visually engaging experience for users on the Explore page.

Here’s an example:

Sephora UAE, a beauty retailer that leveraged Instagram’s advertising capabilities to promote its products by targeting users interested in beauty and cosmetics.

Leveraged Instagram

One of Sephora UAE’s ad campaigns promoted a new makeup collection with Milk Makeup, specifically targeting young adults interested in beauty products and living in the UAE.

The results showed an “80% increase in favorability when adding Reels ads, compared with business-as-usual video campaigns” and higher brand awareness with Gen Z audiences (ages 18–24). This level of precision targeting via Reels ads as a standalone placement ensured that ads were delivered to the most relevant users, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

By leveraging Instagram’s precise targeting options, Sephora UAE reached a substantial number of potential customers within the desired demographic, which you can also take advantage of with cost-effective and highly targeted ad campaigns on social media.

4. Customer Engagement and Support

While most websites have a contact page or customer service option, some customers will message a company’s social media page.

Here’s an interesting fact:

Consumers are reaching out to brands via social media at least monthly (and as frequently as weekly) for support.

A stellar example of a brand effectively using social media for customer support is Southwest Airlines. The airline receives 3,000 mentions and hundreds of DMs daily, so they have a dedicated team to answer any customer questions on social media platforms like Twitter.

Steven Glosan

Through their various social media accounts, Southwest Airlines promptly responds to customer concerns, maintaining an industry-leading response time of 15 minutes. By responding in real-time, Southwest Airlines addresses customer issues promptly and showcases its commitment to excellent service.

The emphasis placed on customer service and swift response times enhances customer loyalty and generates positive word-of-mouth. When taking into consideration the pros and cons of social media, incorporating it as part of an overall support strategy ensures that all queries and points of contact are addressed.

5. Businesses Growth

Businesses of all sizes are making a move in today’s digital landscape. They’re harnessing the unparalleled power of social media to amplify growth, fortify brand recognition, and cultivate unwavering customer loyalty.

And here’s the thing:

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn aren’t just for socializing anymore. They’ve transitioned into indispensable business tools .

Thinking of cost-effective marketing?

For emerging startups and small-scale enterprises, social media is the answer. It sidesteps the exorbitant costs of traditional advertising. For example, a quaint bakery using Instagram to spotlight daily specials, captivating followers with tantalizing visuals.

On the other hand, corporate giants aren’t just watching from the sidelines. They’re deploying social media for robust brand reinforcement and proactive reputation management. The result? Through consistent customer engagement and prompt redressal of concerns, businesses infuse a human touch into their brand, fostering trust and relatability.

Now, here’s a great feature:

Social media analytics. Using it is crucial for understanding and optimizing your brand’s online presence, and this is where SocialPilot analytics shines .

With this platform, businesses get a deep dive into their social performance metrics. From tracking post engagement to discerning optimal posting times, SocialPilot’s toolkit is a goldmine – empowering businesses to strategize with precision, ensuring every post maximizes reach and resonance.

Linkedin Analytics

Now, let’s look at the cons of social media, too, shall we?

Cons of Social Media

Like a coin, there’s another side to social media – one with disadvantages. Let’s shed light on some of the cons of social media.

1. Privacy and Security Concerns

Security leaks are a growing issue as users appraise the pros and cons of social media. While social media platforms offer incomparable connectivity and interaction, they also expose users to risks related to hacking and phishing .

One of the most concerning risks associated with social media is data breaches, where unauthorized individuals gain access to user data. High-profile cases of data breaches have eroded public trust in certain social media platforms.

Information theft is another major concern stemming from issues on social media.

Here’s what happened in 2021:

A personal data from 533 million Facebook users was exposed in a massive leak due to a security flaw that allowed scraping. The data included sensitive information such as phone numbers, birth dates, and email addresses, leaving millions of users vulnerable to smishing, identity theft, or other scams.

In light of these issues, social media users should be as proactive as possible in safeguarding their data. Be sure to review your privacy settings regularly to know what information is being shared with the public and third-party apps.

Privacy Tools

Cybercriminals use social engineering tactics to manipulate users into revealing sensitive information, and by capitalizing on the wealth of personal data available on social media profiles, scammers can lead users to disclose confidential information unknowingly.

2. Social Media Impact on Mental Health and Well-Being

Did you know:

According to the Pew Research Center, 69% of adults and 81% of teens in the U.S. use social media, and with that comes concerns about its impact on mental health.

Excessive use of social media has been linked to adverse effects on self-esteem and well-being, and new research has shed some insight into what risks are posed and how to mitigate online engagement. Although there are various pros and cons of social media, various studies have found links between heavy social media usage and feelings of inadequacy about life, isolation, depression, and anxiety.

Constant exposure to curated images and edited highlight Reels of other people’s lives can lead to unrealistic comparisons to others and cause social media envy.

Mental Health

The concept of “social media envy” can cause people to feel pressure to present an idealized version of themselves , leading to an unhealthy cycle of seeking external validation and reinforcing the belief that your self-worth is tied to your online popularity.

Constantly viewing other people’s seemingly nonstop, exciting experiences, and social gatherings without you can lead to feeling isolated and lonely. Real-life interactions may take a backseat to virtual ones, further exacerbating these feelings.

But, that’s not all.

Apart from direct psychological effects, social media use can also increase the risk of poor sleep patterns, according to research from the journal Sleep Health .

Disrupted sleep patterns can reduce energy levels, induce daytime sleepiness, and reduce cognitive functioning.

3. Misinformation and Fake News

Due to rapid shareability, misinformation has become a pervasive issue on social media, which can pose significant dangers to individuals and society as a whole.

A concerning aspect of misinformation is its potential to influence public opinion and behavior, as false information can shape people’s perceptions, leading to biased views or decisions that are based on inaccuracies.

Where was this especially evident?

The January 6 Capitol Riot, where false claims and narratives spread on social media platforms like Facebook played a role in inciting violence and fueling tensions.

During the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, Facebook groups experienced a surge of 650,000 posts delegitimizing Joe Biden’s victory between election day and January 6, with many perpetuating conspiracy theories and incitements to violence.


To combat the dangers of misinformation on social media, individuals must weigh the pros and cons of social media usage, especially during politicized events, adopt responsible information consumption practices, and practice fact-checking.

Here are some tips to navigate the digital landscape responsibly:

  • Verify Sources : Always verify the credibility of the sources before sharing information. Rely on reputable news outlets and fact-checking organizations to confirm the accuracy of claims.
  • Examine Context : Look for the broader context and multiple perspectives before forming an opinion. Misinformation often thrives when taken out of context or presented in a one-sided manner.
  • Be Cautious with Sharing : Before sharing content, consider whether it is reliable and aligns with your values. Avoid sharing information that promotes hate speech, discrimination, or conspiracy theories.
  • Educate Others : Encourage your social media connections to be critical thinkers and responsible information consumers. Share fact-checking resources and guidelines for discerning credible information from misinformation.
  • Report False Information : If you encounter misinformation on social media, report it to the platform and alert others to its inaccuracies. Responsible reporting helps curb the spread of false information.

4. Negative Online Behavior

While social media can be a connective tool, cyberbullying and harassment can result in threats, attacks, and insults from anonymous users.

Cyberbullying, in particular, is a distressing consequence of negative online behavior. The pros and cons of social media can be difficult to balance as anonymity offered by some platforms emboldens individuals to engage in cyberbullying without fear of accountability .

Harassment is another alarming aspect of negative online behavior. Unfortunately, social media’s open and accessible nature provides a vast audience to engage in disruptive and harmful behavior.

Negative Online Behavior

To make it worse:

The degradation of interpersonal communication on social media is evident in the rise of online trolling. Trolling has only become prevalent with the advent of the internet. In fact, a survey of 8,000 young individuals across Europe found that 1 in 8 engaged in online harassment and 1 in 10 engaged in hate speech.

Addressing this issue to work toward a more inclusive digital environment will require a collective effort to curb harmful behavior online from social media platforms and users as well.

5. Diminished Face-to-Face Interactions

The rise of social media has inadvertently led to a decline in face-to-face interactions. While platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide a virtual space for communication, they can’t replace the depth and authenticity of in-person conversations.

A recent study published in the Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science found that reducing social media usage by just 15 minutes a day can lead to significant improvements in one’s social life, vitality, and overall health .

This suggests that while social media offers a convenient mode of communication, it’s essential to strike a balance to maintain genuine human connections. The study further emphasized that young adults, who are among the heaviest social media users, often spend several hours daily on these platforms, potentially sidelining real-world interactions.

As we weigh the pros and cons of social media, it’s crucial to remember the irreplaceable value of face-to-face connections and the deeper bonds they foster.

Now, let’s look at some tips to balance the pros and cons of social media.

5 Tips for Balancing the Pros and Cons of Social Media

Navigating the digital realm requires a strategic approach to harness the benefits of social media while mitigating its drawbacks. Here are five tips to do so.

1. Setting Boundaries and Limiting Screen Time

Social media has permeated nearly every aspect of our lives and blurred the lines between work and personal time, so you must set clear boundaries. You can prevent it from encroaching on other responsibilities by allocating certain times of day to engage or scroll .

More benefits?

Limiting screen time can also include reclaiming time usually spent on social media to engage in other hobbies you have. Learning to recognize the pros and cons of social media if it is becoming overwhelming or detrimental to other aspects of your life is crucial to taking a step back and reevaluating how much time you spend on certain apps.

2. Prioritizing Privacy and Security

While users are increasingly sharing private or personal information online, which has obvious risks, it is imperative that you take specific measures to protect your privacy on social media.

One way to prioritize your safety online is to review your privacy and security settings as often as possible. Every platform has different features that are updated at various times to control who can see your posts, profile, and other information, so customize them to align with your personal preferences.

Additionally, be wary of unsolicited messages and suspicious links in your DM requests to ensure that you’re not entering any third-party applications while on social media, which can prevent any collection or misuse of your personal information.

Lastly, using strong and unique passwords to ensure it isn’t easily guessable for your social media accounts is an often overlooked but essential step in protecting yourself online.

Next, you should be…

3. Promoting Healthy Social Media Habits

By adopting responsible social media habits, you can mitigate the potentially harmful aspects of social media to maintain a more overall healthy balance.

Engaging in constructive conversations, blocking spam or troll accounts, and supporting others’ accomplishments can create a more positive digital community.

What’s more:

Being selective about the type of content on social media can be key to maintaining mental well-being, and limiting exposure to triggering content can reduce unnecessary comparisons.

Being responsible about using social media can optimize your digital experience and protect your mental health . Balancing the pros and cons of social media by prioritizing real-life connections over online interactions ensures that your digital presence is fulfilling and makes a positive contribution to your life.

4. Engaging in Meaningful Online Interactions

While social media platforms offer various opportunities for connection and communication, managing the quality of these interactions is how you can create meaningful relationships and foster a sense of community.

By actively listening to others, we demonstrate genuine interest and empathy for the thoughts and feelings expressed by friends and followers. Taking the time to respond thoughtfully to others’ posts or messages can lead to stronger connections.

You can find shared community and support within social media by prioritizing meaningful connections over superficial interactions.

Last but not least…

5. Using Social Media Management Tools

Navigating the myriad of social media platforms for both personal and professional interactions can be a complex endeavor. SocialPilot emerges as a solution, offering a comprehensive toolset to streamline and enhance online activities.

With SocialPilot , users benefit from functionalities that simplify content scheduling, analysis, and monitoring across various platforms. Rather than juggling multiple social media sites, SocialPilot’s unified dashboard allows for crafting and timing posts for several accounts, ensuring strategic content deployment and a consistent online presence.


Additionally, the platform’s robust analytics and reporting tools grant users valuable insights into their content’s performance, paving the way for an optimized social media approach.

To counter the pitfalls of excessive social media engagement, SocialPilot’s scheduling feature helps curb the compulsion to constantly check and browse feeds. This fosters a more deliberate approach to online interactions, enabling users to utilize social media more effectively and judiciously.

Social media stands as a powerful tool in our modern world, providing unparalleled avenues for connectivity, disseminating information, fostering business expansion, and facilitating genuine customer interactions.

Yet, its vast expanse is not without shadows. With pressing issues such as privacy breaches, potential detrimental effects on mental well-being, and the rampant spread of misinformation, the onus falls on users to navigate this digital realm with discernment and prudence.

As we embrace the many opportunities social media presents, it’s imperative to wield it with a sense of responsibility, ensuring that its potential is harnessed for positive impact while safeguarding against its inherent challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the pros and cons of social media for teens?

Social media can promote connectivity, self-expression, and allow access to educational content. It can also create a sense of belonging with online groups and communities. However, teens can be vulnerable to harassment online, and excess usage can negatively impact mental health during a time of development.

What are the pros and cons of social media marketing?

Social media enables precise audience segment targeting to facilitate brand engagement and messaging features for customer support. Potential risks can include negative feedback going viral and difficulty measuring ROI.

What are the pros and cons of social media for business?

Social media provides businesses with extended reach with content, organic traffic, and access to customer insights. However, negative online behavior damages a brand’s reputation, and engagement needs consistent attention to remain on top of trends.

About the Author

Picture of Chris Pantaleon

Chris Pantaleon

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The Power of Social Media – Positive and Negative PPT Presentation

  • by Refresh Science
  • October 17, 2021 January 22, 2023

Without us even realize, social media gets so powerful than it ever has. Lots of people and businesses rely on social media. The power of social media has the potential to shape society in certain ways. More than half of the world’s population are active users of social media with an average of 3,9 billion active users.

Social media was originally intended for entertainment and communication purposes l. But now it has transformed into a platform with diversified purposes. That being said, anyone with a smartphone or computer and access to the internet is likely to have at least one username on social media. Everyone with social media accounts has either gain or give something from the platform. Many try to gain the power to influence others in many ways.

Understanding the Power of Social Media

When used strategically, social media is the biggest market research and digital marketing that ever existed. However, it is not an easy task to influence others using social media. Gaining power and influence from social media is real work even if you already have fame. This is because there are too many things are uploaded only from billions of active users. Thus, if you cannot stand to be different and offers what people need, then you will get blend in with the online crowd.

People use social media for real-time update features. This feature allows people to share and receive news faster than any electronic devices. Users with lots of following or famous people have the power to influence others through the things they upload or shares opinion. On the other hand, followers tend to trust the things they heard or read from influencers. That is why it is very easy to spread love as well as hate through the social media platform.

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How social media helps people?

The truth that social media hides the face of people makes people brave than ever. Those who are shy in real life can easily communicate through social media. However, this is a double-edged sword because people can get so evil since they can talk the way they want without thinking. Online hate and bullying grow to be serious issues that anyone can get from people they do not even know. Scary as it sounds, is it?

Though social media can influence people in a bad way, others also gain more positive sides from the platform. Social media is a powerful platform for marketing with no boundary to continents, countries, and even times. Allowing people to sell anything to anyone globally. Big and small companies build trust with followers and turn them into potential customers.

As easy as spreading hate, people also use social media to spread love and empathy. In social media, anyone has the voice to share opinions they never dare to say offline. Also in social media, people have the access to respond to any shared opinions, news, status, and anything alike.

Disadvantages of Social Media

The positive side of social media

Social media is indeed like a double-edged sword. Depending on the users, social media can be positive and negative. Here are some positive effects of social media.

  • Easier to meet new people – meeting new people is not an easy thing to do offline. Unless you are the ongoing and fun type of person at a party, it can be quite tough to make friends. The rise of social media allows you to have a whole different concept of friendship. Even the most introverted can get like hundreds of friends on social media. Though it is not like a real friend to hang out in real life, still it is the kind of friends you will talk to through social media.
  • Foster empathy – the truth is, we share a little bit too much of our lives on social media. What we share in daily life may be personal, but other people may find it inspirational. This also makes it very easy to empathize with others through the stuff they shared. It is also very easily find people who go through the same situation.
  • Faster communication – with the packed daily life schedule, communication time with family and friends is getting smaller. Social media makes communication faster than ever considering the time spent on the platform. You can easily send messages and comments to a long-lost friend.
  • Spread news easily – as easy as making friends and communicating, news travel faster in social media. Once the news is uploaded, people have free access to read, like, and share it. The more people who share, the wider the scope of the news.
  • Easier marketing – with the power it has, people utilize social media as a powerful platform for marketing. Share some good content for the followers and lead them to be potential customers. Though social media is a complex thing it is a powerful platform to market business.

Advantages of Social Media

The Negative side of Social Media

Social media is not all positive though. The negative side of social media is mostly geared due to excessive use of the platform and also lacks users’ understanding. Constantly exposed to other people’s life may lead to anxiety and depression . Some people find they are unconsciously comparing their life with others. This is surely the path to anxiety and depression as what you see on social media is not always true.

Other bad sides of social media are cyberbullying and hate. Though the two are not new it gets worse since people can hide their true selves behind the keyboard. Allowing them to talk freely without considering if it might hurt others.

Spending too much time on social media results in another syndrome of missing out. FOMO or fear of missing out makes you constantly check the messages and social media. You always want to know what others are up to and see if they have more fun than you already have. This is the sign of fear of missing out because you cannot stand for not knowing what happen in your social media timeline .


The Pros and Cons of Social Media

What are the pros and cons of social media? We explore both sides of the debate.

What are the pros and cons of social media? This is an especially pertinent question when more people than ever are using social media apps, but when social media is making people unhappy.

Social media has its pros and cons. And in this article we explore both sides of the argument, listing the pros of social media and the cons of social media to help you understand both sides.

The Pros of Social Media

Let's start by looking at some of the benefits of social media.

Staying in Touch

The original selling point of apps like Facebook and MySpace was to provide a way for you to stay abreast of the goings-on in other people's lives. This is arguably still the primary advantage of social media today.

It's easy to use social media to keep in touch with friends and family who you might have otherwise fallen out of contact with. This is especially true if you've moved to another city (or even an entirely different country).

Access to News

The availability of news can be listed as both one of the pros and cons of social media. For now, let's look at the positive side.

Millions of people around the world do not have access to a free press in their countries of residence. Given that all major news companies have social media accounts, apps like Facebook and Twitter give those people a way to stay abreast of news reports from the world's most reputable newsrooms.

Finding Jobs

The job market remains tough for a lot of people.

If you use a professional social network, such as LinkedIn or Xing, you will be able to see automatic job listings that are a perfect fit for the skills you've listed on your profile. It's one of the pros of social media that's often overlooked.

Planning Events

Very few services can rival Facebook when it comes to planning parties, community events, weddings, conferences, and other mass gatherings. Given just about everyone has a Facebook account, it's easy to create invites, disseminate event details, and share various materials connected with it.

Growing a Client Base

If you're starting your own business, one of the biggest benefits of social media is the ability to grow an audience quickly, and by extension, a client base.

Not only does word of mouth spread quickly on social media, you can also run highly targeted ads for considerably less money than you'd pay to advertise on TV, on the radio, or in print media.

Law Enforcement and Civil Protection

Look, we get it, no one wants the government snooping around in our private messages. But at the same time, it remains a fact that criminal networks, terrorist groups, and even would-be mass shooting perpetrators are increasingly using social media to plan and coordinate their attacks.

Providing the police with a means of nipping such issues in the bud remains a key

advantage of social media.

Social Media Is Fun

When assessing the pros and cons of social media, it's easy to forget that at its core, social media is fun. If it wasn't, Facebook wouldn't be able to boast almost three billion users.

Games, chat, interesting articles, memes, videos--- there's plenty of content to keep you entertained for hours, regardless of your interests.

The Cons of Social Media

Alas, it's not all rosy. There are plenty of negative aspects you need to consider, too. Here are some of the biggest disadvantages of social media.

Cyberbullying and Online Abuse

One of the worst drawbacks of social media is the prevalence of cyberbullying and online abuse. It's worryingly common for people to be targeted based on their gender, appearance, sexual orientation, religion, disabilities, political beliefs, and a whole lot more. Kids are especially vulnerable.

Addiction Is a Growing Problem

Take a trip to any local restaurant, and you'll see dozens of patrons with their eyes glued to their smartphones. The majority of them are probably on social media sites. Sadly, too many people are more worried about their number of followers on Instagram than their real-life problems.

It's not healthy, either physically or mentally. Indeed, it's one of the most significant negative effects of social media on society.

Privacy Is Non-Existent

Another of the major cons of social media is the lack of privacy. If someone is a heavy social media user, you can often find out everything about them---favorite books, employer, what their baby looks like---with no more than a few minutes of cursory research.

Ads Are Scary

Everyone accepts that ads are part of the modern world. However, advertising on social media is very different from seeing a billboard on the side of a road or TV commercial during a sports game.

The processes going on behind the scenes to show you ads on Facebook etc.---from selling your data in bulk to analyzing your every online move---is straight out of 1984. And it should worry all of us.

Your Data Is Impossible to Delete

You can't talk about the pros and cons of social media without considering the online footprints you're leaving behind. Yes, you can delete your social media accounts. But what really happens to your data?

Sure, it might not be visible to the public any more. But is Twitter wiping all your tweets from its servers? Does Instagram definitely delete every photo you've shared from its records?

The answer is no. There will always be a chance (albeit small) that the data could someday resurface and be used against you.

Growth of Anti-Social Tendencies

Does social media make us less social ? Plenty of studies suggest the answer is yes.

There are several reasons---some are linked to the issues we've already discussed, like addiction. But consider this example...

Your friend goes on holiday. Before the trip, they post everything about their planning. During the trip, there's a neverending stream of photos and updates. When they get home, they spend days telling the world what a good time they had.

Is there any incentive for you to reach out and chat about their holiday in person? Probably not.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Social Media for You?

So, we've rounded up some of the most commonly cited pros and cons of social media, but we're sure you can think of more. In which case, let us know in the comments below.

And if you'd like to learn more about the pros and cons of social media, be sure to read our articles discussing the positive effects of social media and the negative effects of social media .

Top 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

  • Published in Blog on January 18, 2024
  • Last Updated on April 03, 2024
  • 10 min read

Top 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media.jpg

Overview of Social Media

Uses of social media for business, branding and personal branding, impact of social media across industries, pros and cons of social media, top 10 advantages of social media, top 10 disadvantages of social media, the bottom line, expert social media management and digital marketing strategies.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From connecting with friends and family to promoting businesses, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer immense value.

However, excessive use of social media can also have negative effects. In this blog, we will look at the uses of social media in businesses, its impacts on industries, and the major advantages and disadvantages of social media in detail.

Social media refers to online platforms and apps that allow users to create and share content, interact with others, and build communities.

Some key advantages of social media include:

  • Connecting and communicating with other users through messages, posts, tweets etc.
  • Sharing multimedia content like photos, videos, GIFs, memes etc.
  • Expressing opinions, ideas, and thoughts through posts and comments. 
  • Creating groups, pages, and online communities based on interests and topics.
  • Promoting businesses, brands, products, services , and personal profiles.
  • Accessing news and current affairs, and staying updated.

With billions of users across platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, social media has become a dominant channel for communication, expression, marketing and entertainment.

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and X.jpg

Social media offers many use cases spanning business, branding, personal branding and other spheres:

  • Business Promotion: Entrepreneurs, influencers, and professionals leverage social media to promote their products, services, and personal brand. It helps display their portfolio, skills, and expertise to attract clients.
  • Brand Building: Companies use social platforms for digital marketing like paid ad campaigns to increase brand awareness, engage customers, handle customer service queries, and boost sales. From startups to big brands across industries and niches, social channels are indispensable for brand building .
  • Personal Branding: Professionals across fields use social networking to showcase their work, achievements, and skills to industry connections. Personal branding on social media helps them network, and find jobs and freelance projects.
  • Massive Impact Across Sectors: Social media affects diverse sectors like media, entertainment, tourism, retail, education, and policymaking enabling discussions and change. Social media’s immense business potential and personal branding prospects impact industries extensively.

Social media impact extends across various fields, showcasing the broad-reaching implications of digital connectivity: 

  • Media & Entertainment: Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok disrupt traditional media allowing creativity and engagement. However, issues like piracy and copyright violations can arise.
  • Retail: Social media enables personalised marketing. However, customers may get swayed by influencers giving negative reviews.
  • Tourism: Image-sharing and reviews help attract tourists globally to locations. However, excessive social media usage during vacations has downsides.
  • Education: Students and teachers leverage social media for collaboration and knowledge sharing. But it can also cause distractions and questionable content.
  • Policymaking: Twitter and Facebook facilitate discussions driving policy changes. But the spread of fake news leading to tensions is a rising concern.

In the fast-paced digital era, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping the way we connect, communicate, and consume information. From fostering global connectivity to presenting challenges in privacy, the landscape of social media is nuanced.

Let's delve into the merits and demerits of social media:

In the digital era, the advantages of social media are indisputable, wielding influence across diverse aspects of our lives. From fostering global connectivity to serving as a powerful marketing tool, social media transcends geographical boundaries, bringing people together and reshaping the way we communicate. Exploring these advantages underscores the transformative role social media plays in shaping our interconnected world:

1. Staying Connected

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat facilitate easy communication across geographical barriers and time zones. They allow people to stay connected with friends, family members, acquaintances, colleagues and even celebrities seamlessly. Features like messaging, photo/video sharing and groups help nurture relationships.

2. Access to News and Current Events

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms have emerged as real-time news sources providing instant updates on happenings from around the world. This facilitates access to breaking news and helps people stay informed on current events as they unfold. These platforms also enable people to easily share news and views.

3. Platform for Personal Branding

Social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram allow professionals to promote their skills, services, accomplishments and products to a wider audience and build their brand. Influencers leverage these channels to foster thoughts, establish leadership and monetise their following.

4. Business and Marketing Opportunity

Companies utilise social media for market research on consumer preferences and feedback. It provides a venue for increasing brand awareness through promotions and engagement with customers. Many brands also leverage social media platforms for lead generation, sales and customer retention through dedicated business pages and community building.

5. Convenience and Ease of Access

Messaging apps like WhatsApp offer a convenient way for people to communicate with each other via chats, and video/voice calls. Social media apps provide information accessibility, news and entertainment at users' fingertips anytime and anywhere through their smart devices. This makes staying socially connected on-the-go easier than ever before.

6. Fosters Innovation and Learning

The diversity of views, ideas and latest innovations shared by experts and thought-leaders on social media channels sparks creativity among users. The discovery of share-worthy content and global perspectives facilitated by social media also nurtures lifelong learning for people who leverage these tools mindfully.

7. Provides Entertainment

From accessing the latest music videos on YouTube, watching mini-movies on Instagram reels, and Facebook videos to sharing viral jokes & memes – social media facilitates entertainment consumption. Channels like TikTok have gained popularity solely for entertainment via short videos & clips.

8. Platform for Societal Change

By enabling discussions and coordination on a mass scale, social media has driven positive movements for societal change like the Arab Spring revolution, anti-corruption protests in India and the #MeToo campaign. Global connectivity and information-sharing abilities make social media potentially useful.

9. Promotes Skill Development

YouTube, Instagram, Facebook groups and other video/image-sharing platforms enable users to learn new skills by accessing instructional videos, posts, and live streams on cooking, arts, design, academics and more niche interests. The availability of specialised skill-building content empowers self-learning.

10. Supplement to Education

Students and academics actively use social networking platforms for collaboration, knowledge sharing, accessing the latest research and study resources as well as promoting scientific initiatives. Educators supplement classroom teaching with social media tools for increased student engagement.

While social media has brought about numerous benefits and opportunities for connectivity, it also comes with its share of disadvantages. Here are the top 10 disadvantages of social media:

1. Distraction and Loss of Productivity

Obsessive social platform usage during work or study hours leads to reduced productivity.

2. Spread of Misinformation

Circulation of fake news, propaganda and unverified data through viral posts and messages can misguide users.

3. Compromise Privacy and Data Vulnerabilities

Oversharing personal information and data thefts compromises user privacy and exposes them to fraud.

4. Promotes Superficial Connections

The use of social networks to make fake connections rather than meaningful relationships can be detrimental.

5. Social Media Addiction

Excessive checking of notifications and mindless scrolling creates addictive behaviour impeding real-life relationships and well-being.

6. Enables Bullying and Harassment

Trolling, public humiliation and harassment of individuals including celebrities is made easy by anonymous accounts.

7. Promotes Social Isolation

Spending excessive time on social networking can reduce in-person interactions, communication and sociability leading to isolation.

8. Causes Depression and Anxiety

Studies have revealed that social media usage is associated with low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, especially among teenagers.

9. Promotes Obsessive Self-Presentation

Focusing excessively on presenting perfect selfies, and posts for likes and comments triggers unrealistic comparisons with others propagating anxiety.

10. Helps Spread Scams and Frauds

Fake news, phishing attacks and Ponzi schemes can easily spread through social channels causing financial fraud.

Social networking has become deeply embedded into the fabric of modern digital society. It offers connectivity, information access, personal branding prospects and entertainment alongside business opportunities.

However, excessive social media use without reasonable controls can propagate misinformation, compromise privacy, reduce productivity and negatively impact mental health. Hence, it is vital to use social media platforms in moderation by following time limits, disabling notifications, assessing the credibility of information and focusing more on real-life relationships.

Ultimately, the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages when used responsibly. Users must establish self-discipline by being mindful of time spent, safeguarding personal data and verifying information sourced from social platforms.

In today's digital age, establishing a strong online presence is paramount for business success. If navigating the complexities of social media and digital marketing seems daunting, look no further than Webandcrafts, the leading digital transformation services company . Our team of seasoned experts is dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the ever-evolving online landscape.

What are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of social media?

What are the key advantages of using social media for businesses and marketing.

  • Social media provides a cost-effective platform for marketing and advertising.
  • It allows businesses to engage directly with their target audience and build brand awareness.
  • Social media facilitates real-time communication, fostering customer relationships.
  • It provides valuable data and analytics to understand consumer behaviour and preferences.
  • Social media can enhance SEO efforts, driving more traffic to a company's website.

How can businesses effectively balance the benefits of increased brand exposure through social media with the potential risks of negative publicity and online crises?

What role does social media play in shaping public opinions and societal trends.

  • Social media serves as a platform for sharing diverse perspectives and influencing public discourse.
  • It has the power to mobilise communities for social and political movements.
  • Trends and viral content on social media can impact popular culture and shape societal norms.
  • Social media provides a space for advocacy and raising awareness about social issues.
  • The spread of misinformation and fake news on social media can contribute to the formation of false opinions.  

In what ways can the accessibility of social media contribute to both inclusivity and potential privacy concerns for users?

How can businesses effectively measure the roi of their social media marketing efforts.

  • Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates.
  • Using analytic tools to measure website traffic originating from social media platforms.
  • Conducting surveys and analysing customer feedback to gauge the impact of social media campaigns.
  • Monitoring the growth of the social media following and brand mentions.
  • Calculating the cost of social media marketing campaigns compared to the generated revenue.  

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The Pros and Cons of Social Media for Youth

presentation pros and cons of social media

We have certainly heard about the downside of teens and smartphones: cyberbullying, anxiety, and a misrepresented sense of body image. Research demonstrates there are some benefits too, including the ability to keep in touch with friends and loved ones – especially when the COVID-19 pandemic limited in-person social interactions.

A new systematic review  published in the journal  Adolescent Research Review  combines the evidence from qualitative studies that investigate adolescent social media use.

The authors found, in short, that the links between adolescent well-being and social media are complicated and depend on a broad range of factors.

“Adults have always been concerned about how the latest technology will harm children,” said Amanda Purington, director of evaluation and research for ACT for Youth in the BCTR and a doctoral candidate in Cornell’s Social Media Lab. “This goes back to radio programs, comic books, novels – you name it, adults were worried about it. The same is now true for social media. And yes, there are concerns – there are many potential risks and harms. But there are potential benefits, too.”

Reviewing 19 studies of young people ages 11 to 20, the authors identified four major themes related to social media and well-being that ultimately affected aspects of young people’s mental health and sense of self.

The first theme, connections, describes how social media either supports or hinders young people’s relationships with their peers, friends, and family. The studies in the review provided plenty of examples of ways that social media helped youth build connections with others. Participants reported that social media helped to create intimacy with friends and could improve popularity. Youth who said they were shy reported having an easier time making friends through social media. Studies also found social media was useful in keeping in touch with family and friends who live far away and allowing groups to communicate in masse. In seven papers, participants identified social media as a source of support and reassurance.

In 13 of the papers, youth reported that social media also harmed their connections with others. They provided examples of bullying and threats and an atmosphere of criticism and negativity during social media interactions. Youth cited the anonymity of social media as part of the problem, as well as miscommunication that can occur online.

Study participants also reported a feeling of disconnection associated with relationships on social media. Some youth felt rejected or left out when their social media posts did not receive the feedback they expected. Others reported feeling frustrated, lonely, or paranoid about being left out.

The second theme, identity, describes how adolescents are supported or frustrated on social media in trying to develop their identities.

Youth in many of the studies described how social media helped them to “come out of their shells” and express their true identities. They reported liking the ability to write and edit their thoughts and use images to express themselves. They reported that feedback they received on social media helped to bolster their self-confidence and they reported enjoying the ability to look back on memories to keep track of how their identity changed over time.

In eight studies, youth described ways that social media led to inauthentic representations of themselves. They felt suspicious that others would use photo editing to disguise their identities and complained about how easy it was to deliver communications slyly, rather than with the honesty required in face-to-face communication. They also felt self-conscious about posting selfies, and reported that the feedback they received would affect their feelings of self-worth.

The third theme, learning, describes how social media use supports or hinders education. In many studies, participants reported how social media helped to broaden their perspectives and expose them to new ideas and topics. Many youths specifically cited exposure to political and social movements, such as Black Lives Matter.

On the flip side, youth in five studies reported that social media interfered with their education. They said that phone notifications and the pressure to constantly check in on social media distracted them from their studies. Participants reported that they found it difficult to spend quiet time alone without checking their phones. Others said the 24-7 nature of social media kept them up too late at night, making it difficult to get up for school the next day.

The fourth theme, emotions, describes the ways that social media impacts young people’s emotional experiences in both positive and negative ways. In 11 papers, participants reported that social media had a positive effect on their emotions. Some reported it improved their mood, helped them to feel excited, and often prompted laughter. (Think funny animal videos.) Others reported that social media helped to alleviate negative moods, including annoyance, anger, and boredom. They described logging onto social media as a form of stress management.

But in nearly all of the papers included in the review, participants said social media was a source of worry and pressure. Participants expressed concern about judgment from their peers. They often felt embarrassed about how they looked in images. Many participants expressed worry that they were addicted to social media. Others fretted about leaving a digital footprint that would affect them later in life. Many participants reported experiencing pressure to constantly respond and stay connected on social media. And a smaller number of participants reported feeling disturbed by encountering troubling content, such as self-harm and seeing former partners in new relationships.

“As this review article highlights, social media provides spaces for adolescents to work on some of the central developmental tasks of their age, such as forming deeper connections with peers and exploring identity,” Purington said. “I believe the key is to help youth maximize these benefits while minimizing risks, and we can do this by educating youth about how to use social media in ways that are positive, safe, and prosocial.”

The take-home message: The body of evidence on social media and well-being paints a complicated picture of how this new technology is affecting youth. While there are certainly benefits when young people use social media, there is also a broad range of pressures and negative consequences.

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Top 3 Pros and Cons of Social Media for Your Brand

presentation pros and cons of social media

There was a period when the business sector was still weighing the actual merits of social media engagement. Now, it’s transformed from a “pleasant addition” to an indispensable tool in the business arsenal, functioning as a meeting point where audiences gather, keep tabs on the latest events, chronicle important moments and so much more.

Indeed, social media has become a vital bridge connecting brands with their customers. However, it’s a double-edged sword, offering both great opportunities and notable challenges that brands and social media buffs must handle wisely. 

Let us guide you in the world of social media marketing; we’ll arm you with sharp insights and actionable strategies, taking your social approach in a direction that truly clicks with today’s audience.

Social Media: An Overview

Undoubtedly, social media platforms have become a central hub in the marketing sector, offering fertile ground to nurture brand awareness and cultivate a loyal customer base. From the expansive user-generated content on Facebook to Instagram’s visually captivating narratives, each social media site presents unique features that can be harnessed to amplify your brand’s resonance in the market.

But what exactly constitutes social media? At its core, social media encompasses various digital platforms where users create and share content, nurturing communities based on shared interests and connections. These platforms have become integral in modern marketing, providing a space where brands can engage with their audience in a more personal and interactive way.

Let’s take a moment to explore some of the most prominent platforms and their distinctive features:

  • Facebook: A versatile platform offering a blend of text, image and video content, facilitating community building and paid advertising campaigns.
  • Instagram: A visually driven platform, ideal for brands with a strong visual identity, offering features like Stories and Instagram Video for more dynamic content.
  • Twitter/X: A platform known for its real-time updates and conversations, offering brands a space to engage with their audience through timely, concise posts.
  • LinkedIn: A professional network that serves as a potent tool for B2B marketing, facilitating connections with industry professionals and potential business partners.

Want to know more about the ins and outs of social media marketing? You’ll find invaluable information in Brafton’s Social Media Marketing Guide .

Pros of Social Media for Your Brand

1. enhanced brand awareness.

Establishing a distinctive space for your brand in the bustling digital space is no small feat. Social media platforms are like a lively stage where you can tell a captivating story that connects with people all over the world. Through interactive campaigns and visually arresting content, you can build a deeper connection with your audience, transcending the boundaries of traditional marketing strategies.

But, how can one effectively enhance brand awareness through social media? Here are some tried and tested strategies you should consider:

  • Develop valuable content that resonates with your audience, incorporating elements like storytelling to forge a deeper connection.
  • Nurture communities where enthusiasts can share their experiences and insights, creating a lively ecosystem around your brand.
  • Utilize visually captivating content to grab attention and make a memorable impression.
  • Engage in social listening to better understand your audience’s needs and preferences, allowing you to tailor your brand message effectively.
  • Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values, leveraging their reach to amplify your brand message.

2. Community Building and Customer Support

Social networking sites have revolutionized customer interaction, transforming it into an exchange of ideas and feedback. Platforms like Facebook and X foster communities of enthusiasts who share a mutual appreciation for your brand. Moreover, these platforms facilitate real-time customer support, enhancing satisfaction and cultivating brand loyalty.

You might be wondering what makes community building so vital. Essentially, it creates a space where customers can engage with the brand and each other, creating a sense of belonging and loyalty. Here, organizations can offer real-time support, addressing concerns and gathering feedback to improve their offerings.

3. Lead Generation and Sales

Harness the potential of social media platforms to fuel your business growth. Through targeted marketing campaigns and strategic content creation, you can capture leads and drive conversions. 

Platforms such as LinkedIn are goldmines for B2B lead generation, while Instagram and Facebook cater to a broader consumer base, facilitating direct sales through shoppable posts.

Here are some insights on how you can effectively utilize social media for lead generation and sales:

  • Utilize the advanced targeting options available on platforms like Facebook to reach your target audience precisely.
  • Develop content strategies that guide users through the buyer’s journey, offering value at each stage to nurture leads towards conversion.
  • Leverage customer testimonials and reviews to build trust and encourage potential customers to choose your brand.
  • Create personalized offers and promotions to entice potential customers, encouraging them to make a purchase and become loyal patrons of your brand.
  • Use analytics tools to monitor campaign performance and adjust strategies for better results and higher conversions.
  • …and much more.

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Cons of Social Media for Your Brand

While social media is a potent tool, it does come with some challenges. However, strategic planning can mitigate these drawbacks, ensuring your brand’s positive social media presence.

1. Addiction and Mental Health Issues

Social media can sometimes lead to addiction and mental health problems, especially among young people. It’s crucial for brands to act carefully in this area, making sure their marketing plans don’t make these issues worse.

So, how can brands help lessen these problems? Here are a few simple ways to get started:

  • Encourage safe use: Suggest that users take breaks from social media now and then, perhaps through campaigns that promote taking time off from screens.
  • Build friendly communities: Develop online spaces where people can feel happy and respected, helping lower mental health issues’ chances.

2. Online Bullying and Cancel Culture

  • Cyberbullying and cancel culture can sometimes flourish in the unrestricted spaces of social networking platforms. It’s essential for organizations to be ready to manage negative feedback adeptly, protecting their reputation while nurturing a positive online atmosphere.
  • To steer clear of these hurdles, companies can craft swift and effective responses through a well-devised crisis management plan. Maintaining a positive and respectful online environment is also crucial, which can be achieved through diligent community moderation. Moreover, being transparent with the audience, openly addressing issues, and working towards resolutions can further help build a trustworthy relationship with the users.

3. Privacy Concerns and Data Leaks

In an era where data breaches and hacking incidents are becoming increasingly common, the responsibility falls on organizations to safeguard user information. It’s not just about protecting the integrity of social media accounts, but also about preserving the privacy and trust of their devoted followers.

To cultivate a secure online sphere, consider adopting the following strategies:

  • Implement robust security measures.
  • Educate your audience on safe practices.
  • Conduct regular security audits.
  • Collaborate with cybersecurity experts.
  • Implement a transparent communication strategy.
  • Promote responsible sharing.

By adopting these strategies, brands can protect themselves and contribute to creating a safer, more secure online community where users can interact without fear of privacy invasion.

Additional Hurdles, and How to Counter Them

Now, let’s look into some more challenges that might come your way and how to deal with them effectively.

Unfiltered Real-Time Feedback

You may also encounter the challenge of unfiltered real-time feedback that circulates rapidly, sometimes spiraling into a whirlpool of negativity or misinformation. Organizations can counter this by actively monitoring their social media channels, establishing community guidelines that foster respectful dialogue, and offering responsive customer service to address concerns promptly and clarify any misinformation.

Hacking and Branding Issues

Another significant concern is the susceptibility of social platforms to hacking, which can potentially lead to severe branding issues. A case in point is the incident where a fake Twitter account promoted free insulin, causing Eli Lilly to lose billions . There are also several examples where social media fails had detrimental effects on the brands involved. 

To safeguard against such incidents, brands should implement robust security protocols and develop a proactive crisis communication plan. Regularly updating passwords with the aid of business password managers and adjusting security settings are also vital in preventing unauthorized access.

Lack of Full Control Over Social Media Platforms

Furthermore, companies face the inherent limitation of not fully owning the social media platforms they utilize. This lack of control can sometimes manifest as abrupt algorithm changes, policy updates, or even unexpected platform shutdowns. 

To mitigate these risks, you might want to consider the following strategies:

  • Maintain a diversified presence across various platforms, thereby not putting all eggs in one basket.
  • Foster direct customer relationships through an official website and mailing list.
  • Adapt swiftly to platform changes and updates, ensuring a resilient and effective social media presence.

Why These Pros and Cons Matter to Your Brand

Navigating the world of social media is an art that, when mastered, can catapult your brand to unprecedented heights. Understanding the ins and outs of social media use is not just beneficial but essential in crafting strategies that resonate with your target audience. 

Now, let’s explore why understanding these pros and cons is pivotal in shaping your brand’s journey in the digital space.

Aligning With Brand Values

Aligning with your brand values isn’t merely a tactic; it’s a pledge to your audience and a promise of authenticity. This goes beyond crafting a cohesive brand image; it’s about nurturing a connection that’s rooted in trust and reliability.

Understanding the advantages and drawbacks of social media can significantly benefit brand alignment. Awareness of the advantages allows you to amplify your strengths, creating content that resonates deeply with your audience and showcases your brand in the best light. Conversely, understanding the potential pitfalls helps in crafting strategies that avoid common missteps, and building a digital presence that is both genuine and respectful.

To navigate this effectively, you must commit to maintaining consistency in your messaging as well as initiating conversations in your online communities. And, as always, make sure to be true to your brand’s core principles and values.

Strategic Planning and Adaptability

Crafting a well-thought-out plan for your social strategy is crucial for thriving. It assists brands in steering through the fluctuating currents of online trends and shifts in audience preferences. This goes beyond tracking the newest trends; it entails developing adaptable strategies that can readily conform to the ever-changing nuances of the digital space.

Understanding social media’s pros and cons subtly weaves into this process. It equips brands with the foresight to anticipate potential challenges and the agility to pivot strategies swiftly, ensuring a resonance with the audience’s changing preferences and needs. It’s about nurturing a narrative that is not only aligned with your brand values but also responsive to online dialogues.

Learning From Real-World Case Studies

To carve a successful path in the social media realm, one must turn to real-world case studies, a rich source of knowledge that offers a glimpse into strategies that have resonated well with audiences. By exploring the best social media campaigns , you can uncover innovative approaches and creative strategies that have captivated audiences. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Absorb the creative approaches adopted by successful brands.
  • Identify common pitfalls and learn strategies to avoid them in your campaigns.
  • Cultivate a culture of learning and improvement, drawing inspiration from successful case studies.

Make the Most of Your Social Media

Looking to elevate your brand’s social media game? Understanding the pros and cons is your first step. And if you are also wondering how to craft a strategy that truly resonates with your audience: It all starts with being well-informed and ready to adapt. 

Rebeka Meszaros

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Rebeka Meszaros is a Content Writer at Brafton. With a background in multiple fields, such as Psychology, programming and UX, she loves to write about B2B marketing, especially technology, design and services-related topics. When not working, you can find Rebeka outdoors and doing sports like snowboarding. Her personal best is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, in which she competes internationally.

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How Social Media Affects Your Teen’s Mental Health: A Parent’s Guide

BY KATHY KATELLA January 8, 2024

two teenage girls in their room on their phones, representing how social media can affect teens' mental health

Mental health issues among teens have been rising for more than a decade, and some experts wonder how much social media use is to blame. If you’re a parent questioning if—and how—you should monitor the way your teenager uses social media, you’re not alone.

In the spring of 2023, United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, MD, MBA, released an advisory called Social Media and Youth Mental Health , in which he says there is growing evidence that social media is causing harm to young people’s mental health. Soon after, the American Psychological Association (APA) issued its own health advisory .

The issue is complicated, however. While there are indicators that it can have a profound risk of harm to teens (more on that below), social media use aimed at making healthy connections with others may actually be beneficial to some people. Dr. Murthy’s report indicates that more research is needed to fully understand the impact of social media. For parents, this means there are no easy answers.

“The issues we face now with social media are similar to those we faced when television came out,” says Linda Mayes, MD , chair of the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC). She explains that, as with TV watching, there are pros and cons to social media for young people. “So, how do we help parents filter out the parts that may be detrimental?”

Below, Dr. Mayes and YCSC’s Yann Poncin, MD , a child psychiatrist, offer advice for parents trying to help their teenagers use social media in a positive way. But first, some background.

Social media use and teens: Background, benefits, and harms

As a parent, you might ask yourself, “What, specifically, about social media use can have a negative impact on my teen?”

Dr. Murthy’s advisory was based on what it describes as a “substantial review of the available evidence.” It raises a variety of concerns, including the amount of time adolescents spend on platforms, the type of content they consume (or are exposed to), and the degree to which their online interactions disrupt activities essential for health, such as sleep and exercise. It points out that social media can also affect young users in different ways, depending on their strengths and vulnerabilities as individuals, as well as their cultural, historical, and socio-economic backgrounds.

The report stresses that the brain is going through a highly sensitive period between the ages of 10 and 19, when identities and feelings of self-worth are forming. Frequent social media use may be associated with distinct changes in the developing brain, potentially affecting such functions as emotional learning and behavior, impulse control, and emotional regulation.

What are the potential benefits of social media use by teens?

Some teenagers experience a benefit when they use social media to foster positive connections with others who share common interests or identities (if they are seeking a connection with others who are, say, members of a particular racial identity), creating a space for self-expression. Relationships formed in communities like these can create opportunities for positive interactions with more diverse peer groups than are available to them offline, according to Dr. Murthy’s report.

The advisory points to a 2022 survey of American teenagers and their parents by the Pew Research Center, which showed that a majority of respondents felt that social media helps teenagers feel more accepted (58%), like they have people who can support them through tough times (67%), that they have a place to show their creative side (71%), and that they are more connected to what’s going on in their friends’ lives (80%).

“Posting to let your friends know how you’ve been spending your time can be a positive or healthy way to connect and hear about each other’s day,” says Dr. Poncin. “It’s no different than 30 years ago when adolescents would be on the phone for three hours connecting with their friends—only now you're online with your friends, saying, ‘Meet you after school,’ or ‘Did you hear about this?’”

What are the potential harms of social media use by teens?

Over the last decade, increasing evidence has identified the potential negative impact of social media on adolescents. According to a research study of American teens ages 12-15, those who used social media over three hours each day faced twice the risk of having negative mental health outcomes, including depression and anxiety symptoms.

The advisory states that other studies "point to a higher relative concern of harm in adolescent girls and those already experiencing poor mental health, as well as for particular health outcomes, such as cyberbullying-related depression, body image and disordered eating behaviors, and poor sleep quality linked to social media use."

“What’s more, the social media algorithms are built to promote whatever you seem interested in,” says Dr. Mayes. “If a teen searches for any kind of mental health condition, such as depression or suicide, it's going to feed them information about those things, so soon they may begin to think that everyone around them is depressed or thinking about suicide, which is not necessarily good for mental health.”

When does the kind of content teens see become an issue?

Teens can easily access extreme, inappropriate, and harmful content. In certain cases, deaths have been linked to suicide- and self-harm-related content, such as “cutting,” partial asphyxiation, and risk-taking challenges on social media platforms, according to Dr. Murthy’s report. Studies also found that discussing or showing this content can normalize these behaviors.

Eating disorders are yet another concern. A review of 50 studies across 17 countries between 2016 and 2021 published in PLOS Global Public Health suggested that relentless online exposure to largely unattainable physical ideals may trigger a distorted sense of self and eating disorders. This is considered to be a particular problem among girls.

In addition, people who target adolescents—for instance, adults seeking to sexually exploit teens or financially extort them through the threat or actual distribution of intimate images—may use social media platforms for these types of predatory behaviors, according to the Surgeon General's advisory.

Why is excessive use of social media a problem?

The excessive use of social media can harm teens by disrupting important healthy behaviors. Some researchers think that exposure to social media can overstimulate the brain's reward center and, when the stimulation becomes excessive, can trigger pathways comparable to addiction.

Excessive use has also been linked to sleep problems, attention problems, and feelings of exclusion in adolescents. And sleep is essential for the healthy development of teens, according to Dr. Murthy’s advisory.

Social media use in teens: A guide for parents

After reading the background, as a parent, you might ask yourself, “Sure, but do kids really use social media that much?”

Social media use among young people is nearly universal now, based on surveys from the Pew Research Center. In 2022, up to 95% of teenagers surveyed (ages 13 to 17) reported using social media, and more than a third of them use it “almost constantly.”

Pew has also tracked which social media platforms (or “apps”) teenagers are using. In 2023, it found the majority of teens—9 out of 10 for those ages 13 to 17—use YouTube, followed by TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram. (Their use of Facebook dropped dramatically; there was also a decrease in the use of Twitter, now called X, although that was not as steep.) With that in mind, YCSC experts provide a guide for parents concerned about their teens’ social media use.

1. Determine the age your child will have access to social media.

Experts are still exploring whether there is a “right age” for a child to access social media. The APA explains that adolescents mature at different rates, which makes establishing a universal age recommendation difficult.

Although the minimum age most commonly required by social media platforms in the U.S. is 13, nearly 40% of children ages 8–12 use social media, according to Dr. Murthy’s report. That signals how difficult it can be to enforce these rules without parental supervision.

One strategy is to make a social media plan for your family long before the teenage years, Dr. Poncin says. “In my opinion, elementary school-age children should not have full-on internet access using a device with all the social media apps.”

In terms of phones, they can start with a “dumbphone,” a cell phone that doesn’t have email, an internet browser, and other features found on smartphones, he adds.

For middle-schoolers who show maturity and responsibility—who can get themselves to sleep and do their homework, for example—additional access may be fine, notes Dr. Poncin. But he suggests delaying full access to smartphones for as long as possible, opting for a device allowing you to add more apps as your child matures.

Establishing a family social media plan might also be useful—the American Academy of Pediatrics offers a tool that can help. In addition to setting the age at which you plan to start giving your kids phones or internet access, this plan can be used to establish rules and educate children and teens about being careful about privacy settings, avoiding strangers online, not giving out personal information, and knowing how to report cyberbullying, Dr. Mayes says.

2. Keep devices out of the bedroom.

Research shows a relationship between social media use and poor sleep quality, reduced sleep duration, and sleep difficulties in young people, according to Dr. Murthy’s advisory. For teens, poor sleep is linked to emotional health issues and a higher risk for suicide.

According to Dr. Murthy’s report, on a typical weekday, nearly one-third of adolescents report using screen media until midnight or later. (While screen media use includes various digital activities, social media apps are the most commonly used applications by teens.)

“Knowing that, try to create a culture at home where all phones are turned off by a certain time, and make sure it's at least one hour before going to bed,” Dr. Poncin says.

However, you may find that bedtime rules don’t work as well as your kids get older. It may be necessary to ask your teen to put their phone outside the bedroom before going to bed. “But, if the response is, ‘I do my homework late and have a group chat about math, so I'm going to need the phone to group chat,’ and you suspect your teen isn’t being honest, that will be a different conversation,” Dr. Poncin says. “But having these open conversations is critical.”

3. Keep the lines of communication open, and let your teen make mistakes.

It will be easier to talk to your teens about social media if you have comfortable conversations with them about other issues, the doctors say.

“I don’t believe you should monitor the content of your teen’s phone, because a teenager should have privacy,” Dr. Poncin says. “An important part of the teenage years is figuring out who you are in the world. So, it's important for them to explore and even make mistakes without you hovering around them.” The goal is to keep lines of communication open and establish some trust with your child, so they'll come to you if there are issues, he adds.

This, too, is similar to the advice given when parents were concerned about the impact of television on children, adds Dr. Mayes. “Research showed that watching TV in and of itself wasn’t bad, but it began to have potentially negative effects on kids’ behavior when it was used as a babysitter,” she says. “The message to parents was to sit beside their kids and watch TV with them, and then talk about what they’re watching.”

Neither you nor your teen will be happy if you sit beside them and scroll down your social media feeds together, but you can take the time to ask how social media is working for them, Dr. Mayes suggests. “So, you're not saying, ‘Oh no! You're on social media!’ Rather, you’re normalizing it and making it clear that you're willing to talk about what they're experiencing or learning. This sets it up for them to talk to you if they run into a problem, instead of going to their peers or looking for solutions online,” she says.

4. Be mindful of your approach when talking to your teen.

Although keeping the line of communication open matters, how you have those conversations is equally important. If you are concerned about your teen’s social media use and feel the need to intervene, you might say something like, "It seems like you're on the phone so much that I don't see you just doing homework like you used to do, so I'm just worried how healthy this is for you in terms of getting your stuff done. What do you think about that?" Dr. Poncin says.

You might even need to be more assertive, for instance, saying, "I've noticed that you're on your phone until 1 a.m. When I go to the bathroom, your light is on, and you're on your phone. That’s not healthy. So, can we come up with a plan that you're most comfortable with?"

5. Follow the rules yourself.

As a parent, you are a role model and that means following all the same rules you are setting for your children—if you ask your teenager to limit their screen time, you should do so as well, says Dr. Mayes, noting that it’s not uncommon to see parents looking at their phones when they are out with their kids.

You might have a hard time resisting your social media feeds, texts, and emails. Sometimes, it helps to admit to your teenagers that you find it difficult to put down your devices, too. “This a global issue, where parents want their kids to do things differently and better than they do,” Dr. Poncin says. “So, once again, having an honest conversation is important.”

Note: Cyberbullying and online abuse or exploitation can be reported to the school or the police, or on websites such as Take It Down and CyberTipline , according to the Surgeon General report.

More news from Yale Medicine

person alone, experiencing depression

The 7 Types of Social Media and Pros & Cons of Each (Research)

Erica Santiago

Published: March 18, 2024

When it comes to social media, I‘m quite the expert. I had to tireless scrub through social media for potential stories back when I was a journalist.

7 Types of Social Media; A woman thinks about several social media platforms she can leverage in a marketing campaign

Now, I’m HubSpot‘s go-to blogger for almost anything social media-related, so I’m always keeping up with the latest online happenings.

Plus, I‘m a younger millennial who grew up alongside social media. So if you’e a marketer trying to figure out the right social media platform to increase your brand's awareness, generate leads, and improve traffic , you've come to the right blog.

To help you make the best decision for your brand, I've compiled a list of core types of social media, examples of platforms within each category, and the pros and cons that each type might present.

By the end, you should have a clearer idea of what social media strategy will work for your business. Let's dive in.

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What is Social Media Used For?

Most people use social media to express themselves, share their interests, connect with friends, and grow their careers. However, different social media platforms serve specific purposes. For example, expressing creativity is most common on TikTok or Instagram; promoting one's career is common on LinkedIn.

The list of social media platforms is growing, and well-known platforms like Facebook are constantly evolving and adding new features.

With a greater and greater need for a social presence and an overwhelming amount of platform choices, it can be hard to pick which social channels to use.

You might not want to spread yourself too thin by managing a channel on every imaginable platform, but you don’t want to miss great brand awareness opportunities.

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The State of Social Media in 2024

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Types of Social Media

Social networking, photo sharing, video sharing, interactive media.

  • Blogging / Community
  • Micro-blogging

Private Community

Examples of major platforms.

  • Facebook: 3.06 billion monthly active users
  • X (formerly Twitter): 528.3 million monthly active users
  • LinkedIn: 1 billion active users

Social networking is possibly the most traditional form of social media, and most social media platforms fall under the social networking category. So, you'll likely see at least one of the aforementioned platforms (*cough, cough* X) pop up again later in this post.

Platforms like Facebook , X , and LinkedIn are often called “networking” platforms because they allow user accounts to interact (network) in various ways.

Professional Uses

Many brands and businesses are leveraging social media direct messaging (DMs) for customer service.

In fact, our 2024 Socia Media Report shows 88% of marketers are increasing or maintaining their investment in social media DMs for customer service.

Facebook Messenger is a great platform for this strategy as it allows you to respond to messages from your brand‘s Facebook followers.

Plus, as a fellow consumer, I can assure you it leaves a great impression on your customers when you’re respond promptly to their DMs.

There have been many times when I‘ve slid into a business’ DMs because I needed an update on an order, more information about a product, or troubleshooting.

And when the business responds back with helpful information, I always made a note to keep buying from them.

presentation pros and cons of social media

However, to compete with TikTok, Instagram has shifted away from being a photo-sharing app.

In fact, Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri clarified in 2021 , “We're no longer a photo-sharing app or a square photo-sharing app.”

While users can still post photos on Instagram, the platform mainly promotes reels and video stories. It's also worth mentioning that Instagram video posts are more than twice as likely to generate engagement than image posts.

Like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels is a great platform for posting short-form content like product demos and explainers. However, YouTube, as a whole, still allows long-form video while Instagram does not.

I‘m going to revisit TikTok again later in this post because it also falls under another category of social media platforms, however, it is still a video-sharing channel.

What I love about TikTok in regards to marketing is that it’s a very diverse app with many marketing opportunities.

Yes, you can post short-form demos and explainers like on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, but TikTok has more opportunities to build community with your audience.

This because the app is a breeding ground for new viral trends any can take part in, and the app provides many ways for audiences to interact via liking, commenting, stitching, and repurposing sounds (the latter two really help the app stand out).

But we‘ll dive inter TikTok’s interactive opportunities in the next section.

  • Regarding YouTube, v ideos can be longer than on other social platforms .
  • All platforms have website linking capabilities .
  • Platforms like YouTube , TikTok, and Instagram often offer analytics.
  • YouTube has search optimization features.
  • Video content, particularly long-form, might take more time and money to create.
  • Vimeo and YouTube require more backend tasks like SEO .
  • Instagram does not have longform video capabilities
  • TikTok appeals to a younger audience known to distrust brands, so you will likely have to invest in influencer marketing to gain traction on the platform.
  • Snapchat : 229 daily active users
  • TikTok : 100 million monthly active users in the U.S. alone

Apps like Snapchat and TikTok allow users to share photos and videos and have various unique interactive and highly experimental features.

These two apps include AR/VR filters, musical overlays, and interactive games. Their audience bases are also predominantly Gen-Z.

Brands with large followings might consider publishing Snapchat Stories or videos curated by fans.

Without a high-budget or giant online following, it might be difficult for a company just starting out on social media to leverage Snapchat.

Brands and influencers on Snapchat tend to cater their content to the platforms’ younger audiences. For example, on Snapchat, you might see stories that present beauty tutorials, wellness tips, news, or trendy new products.

If you’re interested in interactive media, there are still a few viable ways you could get involved with Snapchat.

While major brands, like VICE and BuzzFeed , have become Snapchat Discover partners, the average business can still create a Snapchat business account that users can search for and friend.

This account allows you to publish temporary stories like individual accounts. However, those with a business account can also purchase ad space .

If you’ve set up an account, check out this guide to getting started on Snapchat .

When TikTok first rose to prominence in 2020, it mainly an app-based platform catering to a Gen Z market that wanted little to do with brands.

Since then, TikTok has grown to shift its focus to some longer-form content, and brands are much more aware of how to leverage the channel.

In fact, about a quarter of marketers in our Social Media Marketing survey say TikTok yields the highest ROI compared to other social media platforms.

The key to TikTok is to invest in influencer and creator marketing. Build a partnership with a creator who aligns with your brand's values and can introduce your products and services to their audience.

  • These platforms are very creative and experimental.
  • They have young audiences, which can help brands better target Gen-Z.
  • Producing regular content could be expensive and time-consuming.
  • Business accounts aren’t promoted up-front on the Snapchat interface. You may want to promote your channel on your website or other social channels because users must search for you with your Snapcode or username .
  • Snapchat is limited to mobile and isn't as easy to use as other platforms.
  • You will most likely have to invest in influencer marketing to gain traction on TikTok, and finding a creator aligned with your business may be difficult.

Pro-Tip: You should try to correctly estimate the time and money that might go into keeping these accounts up-to-date and relevant.

If you're unsure how short video ads can benefit your business, remember that short-form videos have the highest ROI compared to other video formats.


Tumblr and Reddit allow users to post about exciting niche topics, like memes, events, politics, and pop culture.

When users publish a post, these platforms allow others to share it or add it to the conversation with their commentary.

Both blogging and community-building platforms could be helpful to those who want to encourage discussion around very niche industries or topics.

For example, on these platforms, you might see discussions about anything from alternative health to machine learning .

By blogging, you can write posts about your company’s industry topics and link them to your product or site.

While many people have a blog on their website, platforms like Tumblr might be great to use if you haven’t set this feature up -- or just want to see what others in your industry are blogging about.

With a discussion site like Reddit, you could share a link or a post about a specific topic on a discussion board related to your industry and see how users respond.

You could also start your board if a topic you’re looking to encourage discussion on doesn’t have one yet.

These two platforms specifically encourage web chatter and post shares from users who care about the same topics.

Both also allow users to follow you or subscribe to your blogs or Reddit boards so your content can appear on their feeds. Here’s an example of what Reddit’s feed looks like.

Other users can up-vote or down-vote when someone publishes something on Reddit. Up-voting makes a post show up higher in Reddit feeds, while down-voting does the opposite.

On Tumblr, the feeds are organized by time. However, a post can show up higher when it is re-shared by other users. When a user shares or interacts with your Tumblr content, they give it a note .

When they reshare , they can post a comment with the post that gets added to a thread.

Here’s an example of how notes and threads can be used to encourage discussion:

  • Both platforms allow you to share text posts, photos, and videos about your business, brand, or individual thoughts.
  • These platforms enable you to start conversations about a topic.
  • Both platforms allow linking to outside websites.
  • Longer blog posts might take time to craft or write.
  • Getting downvoted on Reddit or having no reaction from Tumblr users means your posts may go unseen.
  • Your audience might be too niche or limited to just those on the specific platform you use.


  • Threads: 130 million monthly active users
  • X: 528.3 million monthly active users

Microblogging refers to posting short blogs that are meant for quick audience interaction. Both Threads and X fall under this category as they allow users to post blog content with very limited character counts.

For years, companies have used X to post quick updates regarding their products and services or to engage with their audience in a humorous or relatable way. For example, Wendy's will often post content like below to humrously entice their audience.

presentation pros and cons of social media

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The Often Overlooked Positive Side of Social Media

What healthy tech use actually looks like..

Updated May 16, 2024 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • Young Americans flourish digitally, feeling connected and benefiting from positive social comparison.
  • Social comparison online can inspire well-being, especially with similar peers and inspiring content.
  • Social media can strengthen teen friendships and support, enhanced by parental involvement and digital skills.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Yes, social media poses many challenges. They are designed to keep us hooked and release the neurotransmitter dopamine that makes us spend way more time on it then we intended to. And yes, specifically for young female adolescents, image-based platforms can significantly impact body image and self-esteem . But , social media can also lead to digital flourishing, inspiration, feelings of loving connection and social support.

Do these positive effects make up for all the negative ones? Probably not. But, thinking about the problems from a solution-oriented, positive framework can broaden the ways in which we can think about solving such issues. That is, in addition to pushing for phone-free schools and norms to push the age limit for social media use to 16 years, as proposed in Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation, we can think about what healthy and nourishing technology looks like that fosters well-being, resilience , and character strengths in young adults. We need to know what “healthy” tech use actually looks like to foster it.

My research is based on the framework of positive psychology, which explores ways in which we can live our best lives, rather than lives in the absence of illness. Over the past 10 years, I have explored ways in which media in general, as well as new media such as social media and computer-mediated communication, can lead to happiness and fulfillment for ourselves as well as prosociality and greater connectedness to others.

Here are three key insights from positive media psychology:

1. Young Americans do digitally flourish. With a sample representative of the American population, my recent research revealed that younger individuals (18-34) perceive themselves to flourish digitally more than older individuals, even when controlling for the amount of time spent communicating online in general. Young adults specifically indicated feeling more connected when communicating digitally and engaged in positive social comparison more so than older adults. The latter finding specifically speaks against a lot of earlier research, and press releases for that matter, that showcase the detriments of online social comparison for well-being. But, if we look closely, more recent evidence accumulates that indicates positive well-being effects from social comparison processes online.

2. Social comparison online can lead to inspiration and positive well-being effects. A recent review on the role of social comparison on social media from one of my colleagues from the University of Nuremberg shows that social comparison can lead to well-being for specific people under specific conditions. For example, one of my own studies showed that when college students share inspiring content on Facebook with others, over time, they feel more love and compassion toward others. In another study , we found that inspiring social media and online video use, but not overall time spent on social media, was positively related to everyday experiences of gratitude , awe , vitality and prosocial motivations and behaviors. Similarly, research from Sheffield Institute in the U.K. further shows that social comparison on Instagram is more likely to lead to inspiration when adolescents compare themselves to similar others instead of unachievable influencers. Thus, one of the conditions for whether social comparison may lead to positive or negative effects also stems from the content we consume and the people we follow. So, let’s keep in mind: social comparison is not always bad and young adults do experience inspiration online that is oftentimes overlooked.

Source: Marie/Pixabay

3. Social media strengthens teens' friendships more so than it harms them. We are living in a digitized world. And while us old millennials picked up the home phone to talk to our friends for hours in our room, today teens do this on their mobile device. In a Pew Research study from 2022 that surveyed U.S. teens 13-17 years of age, 80% of teens say that social media makes them more connected to what’s going on in their friend’s life, 71% say they have a place where they can show their creative side, and 67% say they like that they have people on social media who can support them through tough times. Moreover, a teenager's mindset matters . The Pew study also revealed that those who believe social media has a general positive effect on their peers also experience more positive personal experiences than those that believe social media has an overall negative effect on their peers. Such a positive outlook on technology can be influenced by a multitude of factors, but specifically for young teenagers , parents play an active role in their kids' digital lives. In fact, parental involvement can be the deciding factor whether a teen digitally flourishes or not. In a study I co-authored that was just published last month, in April 2024, in the Journal of Child Development , we tracked adolescents’ (11-21 years of age, average age 15) digital flourishing for a year and found that for half of the sample their digital flourishing score was high to begin with and remained mostly stable over time (with slight increases in positive social comparison). For the other half of the sample, digital flourishing was lower to begin with and specifically self-control decreased over time. What differentiated the two groups was that the first, highly flourishing group, had parents with high digital skills and a keen investment into their teenager’s tech live.

Don’t get me wrong. I am no denier of the problems that social media brings and I'm all for new COPPA2.0 regulations and other initiatives put forth by admirable institutions such as The Center for Humane Technology and the Digital Wellness Institute. But when we approach these problems from a positive psychology perspective, we might discover resources and strength in the consumer and tech platforms themselves that we can leverage to avoid or lessen the harm and promote thriving.


Sophie H. Janicke-Bowles, Ph.D., is a positive media psychologist working as an Associate Professor at Chapman University in California.

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Americans are increasingly concerned about their mental health, survey says. Here’s how social media plays a role

Stressed businessman sitting with smartphone in office

A larger proportion of Americans are worried about their mental health now than at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey from CVS Health . In March, the nation’s biggest pharmacy chain partnered with Morning Consult to poll 2,202 U.S. adults.

In survey results released Thursday, about 65% of respondents said they’ve experienced concerns about their own mental health or that of friends and family, compared to 59% in April 2022 and 50% in April 2020.

“I think the take-home point is that we continue to see behavioral health be an increasing focus of the public,” Dr. Taft Parsons III , CVS Health vice president and chief psychiatric officer, tells Fortune . “[COVID-19] has brought about not an elimination but a decrease in the amount of stigma that people used to have with talking about their emotional struggles and behavioral health needs.”

Socialization is a means of coping with stress, Parsons says, and when people faced sudden, prolonged isolation, some took to virtual mental health treatment: “Before the pandemic , I think a lot of people would just suffer in silence and not get the help that they need.”

Nearly half of respondents, 48%, said they’re likely to use mental well-being apps for treatment, while 55% said the same of therapy.

A majority of respondents, 77%, said they’re concerned about mental well-being on a national scale. By comparison, 81% said the economy was also a significant concern.

“We’re talking about really top-of-mind issues,” Parsons says. “This is dinner conversation; people are very concerned about it.”

Respondents cited these issues as drivers of anxiety:

  • Uncertainty about the future: 51%
  • Current events: 49%
  • Body image/physical appearance: 35%

The poll results align with a growing body of evidence documenting increased rates of depression and anxiety , particularly among younger people, says Dr. Itai Danovitch , chair of the Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences Department at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, who wasn’t involved in the survey.

“Those concerned about their mental health should recognize that we can strengthen our resilience by prioritizing self-care practices such as safeguarding sleep , making time for exercise, reducing excessive digital media consumption , and prioritizing quality time with friends and family,” Danovitch tells Fortune via email. “For individuals experiencing severe or persistent mood symptoms, it is crucial to consult a health care professional, as there are various effective treatment options that can be tailored to personal values and preferences.”

While the survey methodology indicates “data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on age, gender, educational attainment, race, and region,” the published results weren’t stratified by these demographics. CVS Health provided Fortune with additional data showing 81% of respondents ages 18–34 said they were concerned about their mental health or that of their loved ones, compared to 74% in 2022 and 62% in 2020. However, it is unclear how this compares to other age groups.

Nervous young woman using smartphone.

Social media has pros, cons for mental health

Social media use dovetails with mental health in myriad positive and negative ways, the survey results suggest. About 36% of respondents said social media has taught them about mental health issues. Meanwhile, 37% said they believe social media has hurt society at large. A third said they’re trying to spend less time on social media and turned off app notifications.

“A lot of public figures have started to talk about needing and being in treatment through social media and telling their personal stories,” Parsons says. “From that standpoint, it’s a very good thing…there is a goodness to folks being able to spread the word and spread it quickly.”

Parsons adds, “We have seen some of the negative effects of that too, from the standpoint of people attributing stress and anxiety to things that are coming through Instagram and other social media—as well as the way that it’s affected our general ability to get along and cooperate with circles of folks that are different from us.”

Roughly half of parents surveyed said they feel social media is impacting their children’s development and perceptions of the world. In addition, more parents are concerned with their children’s mental health , 70%, than physical health, 66%.

“Mounting evidence suggests that, especially during childhood, the adverse effects of social media are significant and widespread,” Danovitch says. “We have a considerable way to go in effectively addressing these challenges.”

If you need immediate mental health support, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline .

CVS Health is a sponsor of Fortune WELL.

For more on mental health:

  • 75% of Americans think mental health issues are treated worse than physical illness, new survey says. Here’s why
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  • These are the 10 worst US states to live in for your mental health, according to a new study
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Social Media and AI: Is it Safe?

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way society interacts, communicates, and generates and consumes content. The technology is already changing the digital landscape, and raising many questions about its use and impact. Among these are questions about the implications of social media AI.

While there is little doubt that the use of AI in social media can offer many benefits, from enhancing the user experience to helping businesses make smarter marketing decisions, it also presents some challenges to user privacy and requires a certain amount of restraint and responsibility from those who use the technology.

What is AI in Social Media?

Social media platforms now incorporate AI technology in many of their features. Some users wonder if this applies to all platforms, asking questions like “Does Instagram use AI?” The reality is that the technology is so powerful and offers so many benefits that all social media networks incorporate it to some extent. For example, Instagram and Facebook use AI to curate users’ feeds and timelines, ensuring the prioritization of content that—according to the automatically compiled and analyzed data—most appeals to each individual user.

This is why, for example, even if two Instagram users follow exactly the same accounts, their feeds may look different based on how and when they engage with content. As such, users wondering “Are social media algorithms AI?” are asking the right questions—many platforms’ algorithms do use the technology to improve and personalize the user experience.

How is AI Used in Social Media?

So how is AI used in social media? While the technology certainly has benefits for the average user, it is especially useful for business users such as brands, companies, and content creators. Social media AI can simplify many of the processes that businesses execute on these platforms, enhancing their ability to deliver personalized experiences for followers and increasing the efficiency of their actions. Social media AI can also save companies a lot of time because these tools automate many of the functions that may previously have been necessary to execute manually. Additionally, brands can use AI to track their public reputation.

Here are a few ways of how businesses can enhance their use of social media with AI:

  • Manage advertising: Companies can use AI-enabled tools to perform customer segmentation to ensure that advertising on social media is targeted to the right audience.
  • Analyze data: AI can automatically analyze massive amounts of data in a short time to assist with more targeted advertising, as well as track the performance of social media posts and ads.
  • Automate posts: Businesses can use AI-based tools to schedule posts to be published at a time when audiences are most active, thus ensuring better engagement.
  • Moderate content: Social media AI bots can assist in moderating the user-generated content on a business’s public pages, filtering out anything that may be inappropriate or infringe on community guidelines.
  • Generate content: Generative AI for social media posts can help quickly craft high-performing content as well as choose hashtags that will boost the posts’ visibility. On LinkedIn, businesses can use generative AI to help draft job descriptions, for example.
  • Select influencers: With so many influencers and content creators around, companies can use AI to help determine which ones are best suited to their brand and advertising goals.
  • Social listening: Collating online brand mentions to get an idea of what is being said about a company on social media sites.
  • 24/7 customer service: AI-enabled chatbots allow companies to offer automated customer service at all hours through their social media pages.

AI is also used by social media networks to streamline certain processes and improve the user experience. Some examples of this include:

  • Recommending posts, photos, and videos that users are more likely to engage with based on their previous activity.
  • Offering facial recognition and automatic geotagging to help users tag other users and locations in their posts.
  • Creating video filters using generative AI, such as on Snapchat.
  • Moderating content that could infringe on the platform’s community guidelines.
  • Enabling the creation and sharing of user-generated content, such as stickers on Instagram.
  • Detecting and deleting spam, hate speech, or cyberbullying .

Pros and Cons of AI in Social Media

There is no doubt that the use of social media AI is already extensive and will continue to grow as the technology develops and becomes more powerful. However, like any other technology, AI use in social media has advantages and disadvantages. These powerful tools can significantly enhance the social media experience, but they can also create new challenges and problems for individual and organizational users.

Benefits of AI in Social Media

From the discussion above, it is clear that social media AI can be very useful. However, the benefits of this technology go beyond simply enhancing organizational efficacy. Here are several ways AI tools are elevating the social media experience:

  • Creating a more inclusive online space for all users by filtering out inappropriate content and penalizing users who infringe community guidelines.
  • Saving the time of content creators by automating many of the more mundane functions of managing an organizational social media profile, such as scheduling and customer service.
  • Boosting creativity by helping to generate more ideas and create more impactful campaigns.
  • Growing the reach and profile of small businesses and creators.
  • Saving costs by eliminating the need for copious amounts of manual labor to manage social media pages and campaigns.
  • Enabling better business decisions by generating more precise data sets and insights.
  • Accelerating revenue by highlighting the best-performing language and visuals, suggesting new audiences, and enabling targeted advertising to more receptive audiences.
  • Increasing security for personal users by minimizing the opportunities for data and identity theft , and phishing.

Disadvantages of AI in Social Media

Of course, as with all technologies, there are some risks to AI use in social media. Some of these relate to how users and companies choose to deploy these powerful tools. However, some of these downsides are inherent in AI technology. These are just some of the risks of social media AI:

  • AI bias, which is the result of prejudicial assumptions built into the technology through its machine-learning process —creates a significant lack of objectivity and quality. However, there are social media algorithms with AI that are manmade.
  • The spreading of misinformation, due to AI generating content too quickly, and using facts, statistics, or other information without vetting for quality and veracity. An increase in deepfakes from the use of AI in social media, which can have negative social and political consequences.
  • A rise in plagiarism, because AI parses the internet for the information it requires to create content and then compiles this without references or even changing the content.
  • Compliance issues, because many companies have not yet developed policies on how to use AI in their operations—this can potentially lead to conflicts of interest or the violation of industry regulations.
  • Users being wrongly penalized for infringing community guidelines, requiring a long appeals process to reinstate profiles or posts.
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How to Safely Use AI in Social Media

To mitigate the attendant risks in the disadvantages of social media, it is essential for users—especially businesses—to learn how to safely harness the power of AI technology for use on these sites. This will allow them to participate in the AI social media trend while also upholding a sense of responsibility to their customers—and to society at large. Although it requires a little more effort, here are some ways to responsibly wield social media AI:

1. Verify all AI-generated content

Because of how AI is used in social media, a lot of online content is automatically generated by this technology. However, AI is prone to biases and does not vet the content it creates, which can lead to the publishing of content that is rife with inaccuracies. As such, businesses should always validate and fact-check any AI content to ensure that they are not spreading misinformation. It is also useful to run AI content through plagiarism tools to avoid potential copyright violations.

2. Explain company policy around Social Media AI

Many social media users are already—justifiably—concerned about how social media sites manage their data. The use of AI in social media can compound these fears. Companies can assuage these fears by openly publishing policies about how they use social media AI to handle customer data, such as the collection and storage of user information for targeted advertising. In addition, it can be helpful to note the use of generative AI, such as pointing out images created with the technology, so that users are aware that the images are not entirely real.

3. Be aware of user sentiment

While AI in social media can be incredibly powerful for companies, it is crucial that user sentiment toward the use of this technology is monitored. In some cases, customers and audiences may react negatively to content generated with AI—there may be confusion or offense, for example. Companies need to consistently monitor feedback to ensure that if this happens, they can correct their use of AI for social media posts.

In conclusion, the intersection of social media and AI presents a fascinating landscape of opportunities and challenges. The widespread integration of AI in social media platforms has undeniably transformed the way individuals and businesses engage with digital spaces. From personalized content curation to automated advertising, the benefits are evident. However, the journey towards AI-driven social media is not without its concerns, notably in terms of privacy, bias, and the potential for misinformation. As we navigate this evolving terrain, it is imperative for users and businesses alike to approach the adoption of AI in social media with a sense of responsibility and transparency.

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Dual Income, No Kids: the pros and cons of being DINKs

Posted: February 5, 2024 | Last updated: February 5, 2024

<p><a href=""><em>Parents</em></a> reported that most parents haven’t been on a romantic date in more than three years. The survey of more than 2,000 parents of school-aged children found 30% of the respondents said it’d been so long they didn’t even remember when the last one was. As DINKs, you and your partner don’t have parental responsibilities like changing diapers or driving kids to extracurricular activities, giving you more time to bond as a couple, whether that’s going out for dinner or snuggling at home.</p>

Working couples without children, also known as DINKs (dual income, no kids), have been gaining traction on social media, with one couple going viral after sharing on TikTok their DINK lifestyle. The term was originally coined in 1987 in the Los Angeles Times , but has been used recently with millennial and Gen Z couples sharing on social media all of the benefits of life without children. Whatever side you’re on, there are certainly pros and cons to being a DINK.

<p>When you’re a DINK, you have more flexibility when it comes to all aspects of your career, whether it’s accepting a job promotion that will have you working more hours or a position that requires you to <a href="">frequently travel</a>. Not all offices have family-friendly policies, which puts parents at a disadvantage when it comes to support. An <a href="">expert told CNBC</a> that both moms and dads can experience “flexibility stigma” if they take advantage of corporate policies to have more time with their children.</p>

Pro: Career flexibility

When you’re a DINK, you have more flexibility when it comes to all aspects of your career, whether it’s accepting a job promotion that will have you working more hours or a position that requires you to frequently travel . Not all offices have family-friendly policies, which puts parents at a disadvantage when it comes to support. An expert told CNBC that both moms and dads can experience “flexibility stigma” if they take advantage of corporate policies to have more time with their children.

<p>Swelling, redness, and pain are to be expected from a blood clot, but the <a href="" title="">Mayo Clinic</a> advises to seek emergency care if you begin experiencing any of the following: bloody cough, fast heartbeat, light-headedness, difficulty breathing, chest pain or tightness, sudden weakness or numbness, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, or sudden changes in vision.</p>

Con: Lack of support as you age

The Ottawa Citizen reported that a growing number of Canadians are “kinless,” meaning they’re an older adult without a spouse or living children. Researchers are predicting that by 2060 there will be 21.1 million people without children living in the United States. This lack of support can have health consequences including loneliness, heart disease and even depression. “People who are aging alone need to make plans when they are independent and functional,” a geriatric and palliative doctor told The New York Times .

<p>Spending time cooking and eating is one of life's great pleasures, though many young adults may disagree. But, restaurants and outings, not to mention ready-to-eat meals, can be expensive. It's time to think economically (you've got retirement fund contributions to make, after all). Lots of recipes for cooks of all skill levels can be found online, so there's no excuse for continuing to spend money unnecessarily. Furthermore, cooking for yourself gives you control over what you put in your body. Eating poorly ages you prematurely, so take control. Think about it!</p>

Pro: Tons of free time

Parenting takes up a lot of time. According to YouGov , 23% of parents with kids under 18 only have one to two hours of leisure time a day. On the flip side, among non-parents or those with children over 18, 33% had more than five hours of free time on a typical weekday. Whether you’re looking to acquire a new skill, read a book or chill and watch a movie, when you’re a DINK you have tons of free time to do whatever you please.

<p>Retiring is a big decision that requires a lot of planning. Among the many factors to consider are your disposable income (government pensions, savings, investments), marital status, retirement activities (travel, home purchase, marriage), and recurring expenses. That’s why it’s strongly recommended that you <a href="">prepare for retirement</a> by taking some time to ensure you have the necessary funds. A financial planner can be very helpful at this stage.</p>

Con: Fewer tax breaks

Many governments offers tax breaks and benefits to people with children. The Canada child benefit (CCB), for example, is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children. Other tax deductions for families include child care expenses, eligible dependents, and medical expenses. With Canada’s fertility rate hitting a record low , these tax incentives are designed to support and encourage people to have children.

<p>Summer livin’ is all about sharing time with those you love and lingering in sweet locations watching the sunset. So this dog has it made.</p>

Pro: Freedom to travel and move

Children need stability to thrive. Frequently moving houses, changing schedules or constant travel can create stress for a child, leading to health and social problems. As a DINK, you don’t need to worry about this, meaning you can easily book a last-minute vacation or choose to be a digital nomad , working wherever you want in the world.

<p>Is one of you hoping to gain something from the other? Transactional relationships are toxic. “If it doesn’t feel good then it’s not healthy,” says Norris. “If your interactions are transactional—if you’re doing something with the expectation of some kind of pay-off—it’s not healthy.”</p>

Con: Potential for overspending

Couples without children have on average US$150,000 more to their name, according to Fortune . All of this extra cash can make it easy to overspend on things like dinners out, travel, or clothing. There are many reasons why people overspend , from making impulse purchases to emotional spending, and no matter how much money you have in the bank, it’s possible to engage in this unhealthy behaviour.

<p>Most people want to share a common interest or two with their partner, which can often lead to little fibs about actually liking the same thing. Don’t worry, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">science shows these well-meaning lies are OK</a>, so long as you’re not compromising your beliefs or values by doing something you don’t want to do.</p>

Pro: Fewer responsibilities

Parenting is hard work , much of which is thankless. People like to compare raising children to having a pet , and while there might be slight similarities, a dog and a child do not require the same level of care. Responsibility fatigue , a feeling of burn-out that comes from having too many obligations, can create added stress in our lives, something that can definitely be reduced if you don’t have to worry about parenting children.

<p>“I think there is nothing that represents more of a challenge or a threat to adult friendships than parenthood,” one woman told <a href=""><em>The Cut</em></a><em>. </em>A 2017 study found that the strength and quality of friendships tends to decrease after people become parents, with most of the degradation happening when the child is about three. Eleanor Gordon-Smith, a columnist at <a href=""><em>The Guardian</em></a> suggests trying “to connect precisely over the experiences you don’t share.”</p>

Con: Less compatibility with friends who have children

“I think there is nothing that represents more of a challenge or a threat to adult friendships than parenthood,” one woman told The Cut . A 2017 study found that the strength and quality of friendships tends to decrease after people become parents, with most of the degradation happening when the child is about three. Eleanor Gordon-Smith, a columnist at The Guardian suggests trying “to connect precisely over the experiences you don’t share.”

<p>Brandon, a blogger who calls himself the Mad Fientist, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">retired from his job as a software developer at 34</a>. His partner, Jill, however, wasn’t ready to retire; she wanted to continue working as an optometrist. The couple decided to keep their finances mostly separate, except for a joint account for household expenses, so that they could live their respective dreams.</p>

Pro: Extra money in the bank

Some 2023 data released by Statistics Canada estimates that a middle-income family with two parents and two children will spend on average C$293,000 (approx. US$220,000) to raise one child until they are 17, while higher-income families will spend about C$403,910 (approx. US$300,000) per child. For DINKs, these non-existent costs could add up to a lot more money in the bank. In addition, one mortgage lender found that DINKs earn nearly 7% more than dual-income couples with kids.

<p>If you like to travel, keep in mind that children add considerable expenses to those fun weekend getaways or dream vacations. Fortunately, there is plenty of advice out there from parents who have <a href="">experience planning budget-friendly trips</a>. <a href="">Factors to consider</a> when you’re breaking down travel costs include purchasing or renting travel gear for kids, finding child-friendly hotels, renting vehicles and paying airline fees, such as additional seats for non-infant children and extra bags. </p>

Con: Pressures to conform to society norms

Even though there are a lot of messages out in the world saying it’s OK to be single, focus on your career or live a life without children, one writer argues in a New York Times opinion piece—titled “There’s still overwhelming cultural pressure to get married and have kids”—that the family structure that’s seen as most acceptable is a husband and wife raising children together.

Pro: More time to bond as a couple

Parents reported that most parents haven’t been on a romantic date in more than three years. The survey of more than 2,000 parents of school-aged children found 30% of the respondents said it’d been so long they didn’t even remember when the last one was. As DINKs, you and your partner don’t have parental responsibilities like changing diapers or driving kids to extracurricular activities, giving you more time to bond as a couple, whether that’s going out for dinner or snuggling at home.

<p>According to an article published in <a href=""><em>Scientific American</em></a>, predicting a child’s sexual preference is an inexact science. This means that whether or not a parent is LGBTQ+ doesn’t have an impact on whether or not a child is gay. Another study published in the <a href="">National Library of Medicine,</a> looking at various outcomes of children, including sexual preference, found that “children raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers did not systematically differ from other children on any of the outcomes.” </p>

Con: Missing the experience of parenthood

Despite the challenges, parenthood brings a lot of joy . From getting to be a kid again as you see the world through their eyes to the unconditional love you’ll feel for them, there are a lot of things only a parent can experience. Today’s Parent shared some of the great things about being a parent, including hearing “I love you” and feeling the pride of seeing your children perform acts of kindness.

<p>Before you look for a home, <a href="">get pre-approved for a mortgage</a>. This process is quick and usually free, but it’s essential if you’re looking to make a bid on a competitive property. If you really want your dream home, make sure that the bank will support your endeavour to avoid any unwanted obstacles.</p>

Pro: Career progression and opportunities

For women in particular, choosing to have children can impact their career progression and job opportunities, since women are more likely than men to adjust their careers for family life . One study revealed millennial women are delaying having children to focus on their careers. For each child a woman has, their earning power drops 4%, while the opposite happens to men. DINKs avoid slow career advancement since they can focus all of their energy on work.

<p>While there are <a href="">contradictory views</a> on the subject, some studies show that childless couples are more likely to get divorced than those who had a baby. <a href="">Couples without children</a> don’t have the same motivation to work through their issues as those with kids, with one therapist saying, “A lot of couples come into my office and the only reason they are working on the relationship is because of the children.”</p>

Con: Divorce is more likely

While there are contradictory views on the subject, some studies show that childless couples are more likely to get divorced than those who had a baby. Couples without children don’t have the same motivation to work through their issues as those with kids, with one therapist saying, “A lot of couples come into my office and the only reason they are working on the relationship is because of the children.”

<p>Exercising and staying in shape often seems like a real chore, but there are lots of enjoyable habits that are easy to integrate into your daily routine. Here are 20 ways to stay in shape that are simple, fun and relaxing—no effort involved!</p>

Pro: More time for hobbies

Hobbies that you might have spent hours doing every week take a backburner when you become a parent, with Pew Research Center finding that 53% of parents say they don’t have enough time away from their children to pursue hobbies or get together with friends, and those with more children are less satisfied with the amount of free time they have. Whether you like to golf, train for a marathon, learn a language or watch sports, as a DINK you have plenty of time to pursue any hobby.

<p>Researchers have coined the term “<a href="">workism</a>” to describe the higher value given to career and income as significant sources of life satisfaction. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to succeed in your career, according to <a href="">Harvard Business Review</a>, focusing too much on your job can actually make you vulnerable to an identity crisis if you burn out, get laid off or retire. Instead of being too career-centric, experts suggest diversifying your activities and relationships. </p>

Con: Too much focus on your career

Researchers have coined the term “ workism ” to describe the higher value given to career and income as significant sources of life satisfaction. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to succeed in your career, according to Harvard Business Review , focusing too much on your job can actually make you vulnerable to an identity crisis if you burn out, get laid off or retire. Instead of being too career-centric, experts suggest diversifying your activities and relationships.

<p>It’s no surprise that having a child will make you feel worn out and look exhausted, and change your body if you carried a baby, but researchers have also discovered that having kids <a href=",who%20hadn%27t%20given%20birth.">ages a woman’s DNA</a>. The study of more than 2,000 women found that mothers age faster on a cellular level versus childless women, and their aging is more accelerated than smokers and people who are obese.</p>

Pro: You’ll look younger, longer

It’s no surprise that having a child will make you feel worn out and look exhausted, and change your body if you carried a baby, but researchers have also discovered that having kids ages a woman’s DNA . The study of more than 2,000 women found that mothers age faster on a cellular level versus childless women, and their aging is more accelerated than smokers and people who are obese.

<p>As a parent, you experience constant celebrations throughout the years, from baby showers to first birthdays, <a href="">Mother’s Day</a> and high school graduation. Unfortunately, as a DINK you’re more likely to be <a href="">giving more gifts</a> than you receive. There are people who even choose to create a gift registry to celebrate their <a href="">child-free life</a>, similar to Carrie Bradshaw in <em>SATC</em>, who set up a fake wedding registry to replace an expensive pair of shoes she lost at a party.</p>

Con: Not as many celebrations in life

As a parent, you experience constant celebrations throughout the years, from baby showers to first birthdays, Mother’s Day and high school graduation. Unfortunately, as a DINK you’re more likely to be giving more gifts than you receive. There are people who even choose to create a gift registry to celebrate their child-free life , similar to Carrie Bradshaw in SATC , who set up a fake wedding registry to replace an expensive pair of shoes she lost at a party.

<p>Also known as Rubbish Island, Thilafushi is located near Malé, the capital city of the Maldives. While the island was initially set up as a solution to local waste issues, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">it has since become overburdened through tourism and inefficient waste management</a>. In response, the World Bank contributed US$17.5 million towards the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">Maldives Clean Environment Project</a> in 2017, and more recently, the local <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">government purchased a waste compactor</a> to help address overflowing landfills.</p>

Pro: Better for the environment

It’s not a secret that the planet is warming at an exponential rate. One study even found that having one fewer child will save 58.6 tonnes of CO2-equivalent per year, with some researchers suggesting that having fewer children is one way to fight climate change. Prince Harry even told British Vogue that he and wife Meghan Markle planned to have “two children maximum” to protect the planet.

<p>Being focused on your own needs and desires isn’t a bad thing, but can become problematic if you have difficulties showing consideration for others. “The DINK lifestyle is a bit selfish—in the best way,” one woman told the <a href=""><em>New York Post</em></a>. Being a DINK doesn’t automatically make you <a href="">self-centred</a>, but if you notice yourself monopolizing conversations, blaming others and always wanting to be the centre of attention, then you might want to consider being more empathetic, listening more or even trying therapy.</p>

Con: Too much of life focused on self

Being focused on your own needs and desires isn’t a bad thing, but can become problematic if you have difficulties showing consideration for others. “The DINK lifestyle is a bit selfish—in the best way,” one woman told the New York Post . Being a DINK doesn’t automatically make you self-centred , but if you notice yourself monopolizing conversations, blaming others and always wanting to be the centre of attention, then you might want to consider being more empathetic, listening more or even trying therapy.

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Is The '100 Envelope Challenge' Actually A Good Way To Save Money?

Senior Reporter, HuffPost Life

The "100 envelope challenge" has captivated TikTok audiences, but is it worth trying out?

From loud budgeting to girl math , TikTok is an endless source of trends and information about personal finance.

A particularly quippy one that has taken hold is the “100 envelope challenge,” an approach to saving money that uses cash and envelopes to gamify the experience.

So what exactly is the 100 envelope challenge and how does it work? We asked personal finance experts to break down the method, as well as the benefits, downsides and everything else you should know before trying it out.

What is the 100 envelope challenge?

“The 100 envelope challenge is a viral money-saving method where you number 100 envelopes from one to 100,” said Jack Howard , the head of money wellness at Ally Financial. “Each day, you select a random envelope and insert the corresponding dollar amount to be tucked away until the end of the challenge. So, if you pick envelope #32, you should put $32 dollars in the envelope.”

At the end of 100 days, you should have a total of $5,050 in cash set aside. The challenge can also progress linearly instead of randomly. The alternative approach would be to start with envelope #1 on the first day and put aside $1 then $2 into envelope #2 the next day, $3 into envelope #3 and so on.

“Popularized by TikTok, the 100 envelope challenge is essentially a way to make saving money more approachable,” said Courtney Alev, consumer financial advocate at Credit Karma .

Having to essentially “pay” an envelope every day might encourage you to cut back elsewhere in a way that feels more natural and seamless. You can also adjust your totals to fit with your personal savings goals.

“If putting away that much cash is not realistic, especially when you’re entering the double digits, you can customize the amount per envelope that fits your budget but still feels like a challenge,” said Andrea Woroch , a consumer finance and budgeting expert. “Ultimately, you’re still saving ― and saving more than if you didn’t participate in the challenge at all.”

While the 100 envelope challenge is tied to the TikTok era, the concept of putting cash into envelopes to encourage saving is not new.

“The envelope budgeting method has been around for a long time, but with a different focus,” Woroch explained, noting that earlier versions required budgeting out a certain amount of cash for each expense in your budget. “You can only use that amount, so if it runs out, you’re out ― which can keep you out of credit card debt and on a tight spending plan.”

What are the benefits?

“Like the other viral money-saving methods, there’s gamification and a sense of fun added to something you should already be doing,” Howard said. “When saving money becomes a ‘challenge,’ it can be a motivator, especially when it results in $5,050 of cash.”

She noted that this daily challenge also forces you to practice money mindfulness. Indeed, doing something positive for 100 days is a good way to develop healthier habits.

“You have a daily goal that requires thoughtful planning to execute,” Howard said. “Knowing you need to meet the goal may stop you from spending on things you really don’t need and have historically purchased out of habit.”

Changing your spending habits and saving money can feel like a big, intimidating endeavor in the abstract, but this approach helps you start small and take it one step at a time.

“Methods like the 100 envelope challenge can help because it turns saving into a game, and you have a clear path and goal to follow, which reduces the mental load of planning and staying focused,” Woroch said.

So not only are you saving a good chunk of money in a short time, but by fostering a budget-oriented mindset and new practices, you’re also setting yourself up to save more money in the long term.

“It can be a great method for those who are more visual, and want to physically see the money they are saving and spending instead of using a credit card and paying a bill,” Alev noted.

There are risks to doing the 100 envelope challenge.

What are the downsides?

“If you are someone who doesn’t tend to carry cash, you may be making multiple trips to the ATM,” Alev noted. “Toward the end of the challenge you’ll have a large amount of cash on hand, and you want to secure it in a safe, hidden spot that isn’t easy for others to access.”

There are risks to keeping such large quantities of cash in your home, so you might want to reconsider the envelope approach if you’re prone to misplacing things or live in a place where theft is a concern.

“You may want to do this digitally by transferring money into a dedicated savings account each day and keeping track of these transfers using a spreadsheet,” said Jannese Torres, host of the “Yo Quiero Dinero!” podcast and author of “Financially Lit!”

To pursue the 100 envelope challenge, you’ll also need to be realistic about your financial situation.

“Make sure you’re saving an amount that won’t derail your budget or drain your bank account, as this could mean overdrafting your account or carrying a balance on your credit card to pay for daily essentials in the event you withdrew the money you had to pay for those purchases in the first place,” Woroch cautioned.

“Obviously, paying interest on a credit card is not a smart money move, so it’s important to figure out where you can cut back and how much you can save each day without messing up your cash flow,” she added. “I’m sure there are plenty of unnecessary purchases you could cut out to make this work, or memberships and subscriptions you could pause for the time being.”

Unexpected expenses could also arise during the 100 envelope challenge process, so you might get discouraged if you aren’t able to stick to the rules of putting aside money every single day as a result.

“At the end of the day, it’s another fad that doesn’t promote a sustainable saving practice ― and the $5,050 isn’t guaranteed,” Howard said. “Some might find it difficult to remember to complete the challenge each day and fall behind on the goal to save in 100 days.”

She recalled trying a similar challenge with a plastic wallet that encourages $40 contributions.

“I thought it would be an easy way to save $1,000 quickly,” Howard said. “The problem is I often need cash and will pull from the envelope when I need to pay for pizza delivery, act like the tooth fairy when my daughter loses her tooth or need to pay for parking.”

You could also miss out on extra earnings by saving your money in cash at home, she added.

“If you choose to keep your cash in envelopes instead of a traditional bank, you’re missing out on compounding interest,” Howard explained. “A high-yield savings account will help your money grow over time, even after the 100-day challenge ends. We’re currently in a competitive rate environment which is great for saving.”

What’s the best way to make it work?

“Like any budgeting method, it works if you stick to it,” Alev said. “For best results, make a plan for the money you’ll save before you start. Whether you’re looking to start an emergency fund or want to pay down debt, having an end goal will help you stay motivated throughout the entire challenge.”

Accountability buddies can provide great motivation in any savings endeavor, including the 100 envelope challenge.

“I think it can work, but it does require discipline,” Torres said. “So I’d recommend inviting some friends to join in on the challenge to keep each other accountable.”

Think about ways you could cut down on your spending or earn extra money to help complete the challenge as well.

“I also like using savings tools that save for you,” Woroch said. “Qapital that has a round up feature in which it rounds up purchases to the whole dollar ― or whatever amount you select ― with linked debit cards, and then saves or invests that spare change. That spare change can add up fast!”

She recommended digital tools like Fetch or CouponCabin that allow you to earn cash back on the daily purchases you have to make anyway.

“If you’re on a tight budget, you don’t have to miss out on this savings challenge ― think about canceling or pausing subscriptions and memberships you really don’t need, haggle your monthly bills or consider taking on a side hustle just for the time being,” Woroch said.

She added that you can earn extra cash by pet sitting through Rover or tutoring through Varsity Tutors as well.

“To make the most of your money while still challenging yourself, why not combine the Envelope Challenge with a high-yield savings account?” Howard said. “Each day you can pick a number between one and 100 and transfer the correlating dollar amount from your checking account to your savings. That way you’re taking advantage of earning interest and your money is protected.”

Official banking can also remove the temptation that’s there when you have envelopes filled with cash and need to quickly grab money to pay for something. For many, it takes more effort and thoughtfulness to dig into their online savings.

“It’s important for people to understand that these viral moments are typical of social media and don’t always show the low moments in life,” Howard noted. “While you might come across someone who easily completed the challenge, there are multiple people who found it difficult to keep up with or had an unexpected expense that derailed them.”

These moments are rarely shared online, so try to keep that perspective when you consider a method like the 100 envelope challenge. And don’t be discouraged if you don’t find the success you saw on TikTok.

“What works for one person doesn’t work for everyone else,” Howard said. “While it’s important we all have a plan of attack when it comes to our savings, you should only do what works best for you and your lifestyle.”

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Wanting to get your teeth fixed? Beware of unlicensed 'veneer techs', dentists warn

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Everyone would like a nice smile . However, getting teeth straightened or fixing oral imperfections can be costly and time-consuming.

Enter “veneer techs.” 

Veneer techs are not licensed professionals, and only dentists can place veneers on patients, according to the American Dental Association . 

However, recent trends on social media show more people are turning to these fraudulent technicians. 

What is a veneer tech?

Veneer techs are “individuals using social media to promote their services as dental professionals who can place veneers in patients' mouths," according to HuffPost journalist Phil Lewis.

"It can be lucrative, with some charging up to $2,000 or $3,000 for a full set of veneers for a few hours of work," Lewis wrote in an article on the dangers of people seeing “veneer techs.”  

What are people saying about veneers on TikTok?

Here are some reactions on TikTok from people responding to the “veneer techs" trend.

Are veneers permanent?

Dr. ​​Ben Winters, an orthodontist from Plano known on TikTok as “ The Bentist ,” said people need to be aware of the risk of getting veneers, as they are an indefinite choice. 

“This is a permanent decision,” he said to NBC News . “These teeth are not coming back, you’re not getting anything else,” Winters said. “Lip filler can be dissolved. Botox goes away. If you get implants, you can have them removed. Once you alter the shape of your teeth, that is gone forever.” 

How much do veneers cost?

According to Forbes Health , veneers cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 per tooth, depending on where the practice is located, the associated laboratory costs and the amount of work that will be required. They’re not always covered by insurance. Insurance may cover veneers if the procedure is deemed medically necessary.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are custom-made coverings that fit over the surface of teeth and are typically used for cosmetic purposes like improving discolored teeth, according to the Cleveland Clinic .

There are several types of veneers. 

  • Composite veneers
  • Porcelain veneers
  • No-prep veneers
  • Removable veneers
  • Glass ionomer cement veneers
  • Same-Day Veneers

What are the pros and cons of veneers?

Here are some pros of having veneers according to Westerville Dental Associates :

  • They improve the natural appearance of teeth
  • They are usually well-tolerated
  • Most are stain-resistant
  • They can fix a variety of dental issues

Here are some cons of having veneers:

  • Veneers are permanent
  • Relatively short lifespan (compared to bridges and dental crowns)
  • More costly than whitening
  • Veneers can cause tooth sensitivity


Ben An reveals the pros and cons of being a professional athlete on social media

presentation pros and cons of social media

While speaking with GolfWRX, Byeong Hun An discussed the pros and cons of being a professional golfer on social media.

  • Related:  Ben An on why he feels he as an advantage over other players on harder golf courses

“I just like reading some, you know, funny rumors here and there looking at the, the news, I guess, you know, it’s the things you cannot get from the mainstream news, you know, like the little gossips here and there”

“I hear a lot of support, you know, a lot of friendly messages from, from the followers and everything. I think those are the pros, right?”

“[A con] is that it takes a lot of energy out of you.”

An also said that he doesn’t understand the tribal fighting between PGA Tour fans and LIV Golf fans.

“You know… there might be some messages that’s a little aggressive or you can hear some nonsense from other people… There are a lot of fights going happening on Twitter these days between the, you know, the pro PGA (Tour) fans and pro-LIV fans and just listening to them is exhausting.”

“To be honest, I don’t know why they’re so mad about. Not having LIV golfers on PGA Tour or like, you know, why they’re so mad about.” “We (the players) have been quiet, but I see all the fans kind of fighting each other. There’s no point.”

“They’re not doing the negotiations, you know, the, the pros are or the, you know, investors are.”

“It’s a very weird world. I think that Twitter especially, it’s very weird.”

An added that there is no animosity between LIV and PGA Tour players.

“I saw Dean (Burmester) last week, I saw (Joaquin) Niemann last week I saw many guys…They’re on a different tour, you know, it’s not like we’re at war.” “I mean, maybe some guys maybe think that, but I don’t because it’s a choice they made and then, you get to see them in the majors.”

An will tee it up next at the Memorial Tournament in two weeks.

Check out the interview in full below:

More from the 19th Hole

  • Phil Mickelson drops big retirement hint; Says LIV will grow the game “on a much more global basis”
  • 2-time major champ announces shock retirement from the sport at age of 33
  • Tiger explains why golf has “negative connotations” for daughter Sam
  • Find out more about GolfWRX and the GolfWRX forums.

presentation pros and cons of social media

Ben An on why he feels he as an advantage over other players on harder golf courses

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presentation pros and cons of social media

While speaking with GolfWRX, Byeong Hun An discussed why he feels he has an advantage on other players on tough golf courses.

  • Related:   Ben An reveals the pros and cons of being a professional athlete on social media

GolfWRX: “Do you think you have a better chance of winning or an advantage on a hard, of course, because your ball striking is so superior to so many of the players?”

An: “Yeah, I agree. Like especially the ball flight. I hit the ball really high. I have a lot of spin on the ball. I definitely have the advantage because, you know, I was able to stop the ball in the green quicker than other people, especially when the pins in the front or something.”

“So having a distance in a, in a ball striking, it helps in a tougher golf course.”

With his knack for playing well at tough courses, we asked him if he thinks he can contend at Pinehurst for the U.S. Open.

“I played there a long time ago, 2008 us amateur. So I don’t remember any, any of the holes…I know there went to a lot of changes after that and for 2008,” An said. “I think so I haven’t seen the course but I know it’ll be firm and like almost like linksy because the last time when Martin Kaymer won, I think the course was very dry and he was putting it off the greens from everywhere .So yeah, the firmer, you know, obviously it’s tougher, right?”

Prior to the U.S. Open, An will be teeing it up at the Memorial in two weeks.

Vincenzi’s 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge betting preview: Tony Finau ready to get back inside winner’s circle

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After an action-packed week at the PGA Championship, the PGA Tour heads back to Texas to play the Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth.

Colonial Country Club is a 7,209-yard par-70 and features Bentgrass greens. The difficulty of the event this week will be influenced by course setup and/or wind. The last four seasons have all produced winners with scores between -8 and -14, with the two most recent playing extremely difficult. Last year, Emiliano Grillo won in a playoff against Adam Schenk at -8, and in 2022, Sam Burns edged out Scottie Scheffler in a playoff at -9.

After last season’s event, the course was renovated by Gil Hanse. I expect the course to stay true to what the original design intended, but will improve in some areas that needed updating. Jordan Spieth, who is one of the most consistent players at Colonial, told Golfweek his thoughts on the changes.

“I always thought courses like this, Hilton Head, these classic courses that stand the test of time, it’s like what are you going to do to these places? I think that’s kind of everyone’s first response,” Spieth said. “Then I saw them, and I was like, wow, this looks really, really cool. It looks like it maintains the character of what Colonial is while creating some excitement on some holes that maybe could use a little bit of adjusting.”

The Charles Schwab Challenge will play host to 136 golfers this week, and the field is relatively strong despite it being the week after a major championship.

Some notable golfers in the field include Scottie Scheffler, Max Homa, Tony Finau, Sungjae Im, Collin Morikawa, Min Woo Lee, Justin Rose, Adam Scott, Jordan Spieth and Akshay Bhatia. 

Past Winners at Charles Schwab Challenge

  • 2023: Emiliano Grillo (-8)
  • 2022: Sam Burns (-9)
  • 2021: Jason Kokrak (-14)
  • 2020: Daniel Berger (-15)
  • 2019: Kevin Na (-13)
  • 2018: Justin Rose (-20)
  • 2017: Kevin Kisner (-10)
  • 2016: Jordan Spieth (-17)

Key Stats For Colonial Country Club

Let’s take a look at five key metrics for Colonial Country Club to determine which golfers boast top marks in each category over their last 24 rounds.

1. Strokes Gained: Approach

Approach will be a major factor this week. It grades out as the most important statistic historically in events played at Colonial Country Club, and that should be the case once again this week.

Approach Over Past 24 Rounds

  • Scottie Scheffler (+1.09)
  • Ryan Moore  (1.00)
  • Tom Hoge  (+0.96)
  • Akshay Bhatia  (+0.85)
  • Greyson Sigg  (+0.83)

2. Strokes Gained: Off The Tee

Both distance and accuracy will be important this week. Historically, shorter hitters who find the fairway have thrived at Colonial, but over the last few years we’ve seen a lot of the players in the field use big drives to eliminate the challenge of doglegs and fairway bunkers.

The rough can be thick and penal, so finding the fairway will remain important.

Strokes Gained: Off the Tee Over Past 24 Rounds

  • Scottie Scheffler (+1.11)
  • Keith Mitchell  (+0.90)
  • Kevin Yu  (+0.87)
  • Alejandro Tosti  (+0.81)
  • Min Woo Lee  (+0.80)

3. Strokes Gained: Total in Texas

Players who play well in the state of Texas tend to play well in multiple events during the Texas swing. 

Strokes Gained: Total in Texas over past 36 rounds

  • Jordan Spieth (+2.16)
  • Scottie Scheffler (+1.97)
  • Tony Finau  (+1.91)
  • Akshay Bhatia (+1.68)
  • Justin Rose  (+1.62)

4. Course History

Course history seems to be much more important at Colonial Country Club than most other courses. The same players tend to pop up on leaderboards here year after year.

Course History per round Over Past 24 Rounds:

  • Jordan Spieth (+2.31)
  • Justin Rose  (+1.70)
  • Harris English (+1.66)
  • Webb Simpson (+1.54)
  • Collin Morikawa (+1.47)

5. Strokes Gained: Putting (Bentgrass)

The Bentgrass greens at Colonial are in immaculate condition, and putters who roll it pure are at an advantage. Historically, great putters have thrived at Colonial.

Strokes Gained: Putting (Bentgrass) Over Past 24 Rounds:

  • Denny McCarthy  (+1.08)
  • Justin Rose  (+0.93)
  • J.T. Poston  (+0.87)
  • Maverick McNealy  (+0.85)
  • Andrew Putnam (+0.74)

Charles Schwab Challenge Model Rankings

Below, I’ve compiled overall model rankings using a combination of the five key statistical categories previously discussed — SG: Approach (27%), SG: OTT (25%), Strokes Gained: Total in Texas (14%), Course History (17%) and SG: Putting Bentgrass (17%).

  • Scottie Scheffler
  • Billy Horschel
  • Daniel Berger
  • Maverick McNealy
  • Adam Schenk
  • Collin Morikawa
  • Austin Eckroat
  • Sepp Straka

2024 Charles Schwab Challenge Picks

Tony finau +3300 (fanduel).

Tony Finau hit the ball incredibly well at last week’s PGA Championship. He led the field in Strokes Gained: Approach, gaining 9.3 strokes in the category, which was his second-best performance on approach this season (Farmers T6). Finau’s tie for 18th at Valhalla is ideal considering the fact that he played very well but didn’t have the mental and emotional strain of hitting shots deep into contention in a major championship. He should be sharp and ready to go for this week’s event.

Finau has been phenomenal in the state of Texas. He ranks third in Strokes Gained: Total in the Lone Star state in his past 36 rounds and just recently put up a T2 finish at the Texas Children’s Houston Open last month. He also has success at Colonial. He finished 2nd at the course in 2019 and T4 at the course in 2022. He missed the cut last year, however, that seems to be an aberration as he hasn’t finished worse than 34th in his seven other trips to Fort Worth.

Finau has gained strokes off the tee in 10 of his 13 starts this season, and his ability to hit the ball long and straight should give him an advantage this week at Colonial. He’s also gained strokes on approach in 11 of his 13 starts this year. His tee to green excellence should work wonders this week, as Colonial is a challenging test. The concern, as usual, for Tony, is the putter. He’s in the midst of the worst putting season of his career, but with a target score in the -8 to -13 range this week, he should be able to get away with a few mistakes on the greens.

Finau is one of the most talented players in the field and I believe he can put it all together this week in Texas to get his first win since last year’s Mexico Open.

Sungjae Im +5000 (BetRivers)

Sungjae Im is really starting to play some good golf of late, despite his missed cut at last week’s PGA Chmapionship. Im missed the cut on the number, which may be a blessing in disguise that allows him to rest and also keeps the price reasonable on him this week. The missed cut was due to some woeful putting, which is atypical for Sungjae. He gained strokes slightly both off the tee and on approach, therefore I’m not concerned with the performance.

Prior to his trip to Valhalla, Sungjae was beginning to show why he has been such a good player over the course of his career. He finished T12 at Heritage and then won an event in Korea. He followed that up with a T4 at Quail Hollow in a “Signature Event”, which was his best performance on the PGA Tour this season. At the Wells Fargo, the South Korean was 20th in Strokes Gained: Ball Striking and showed his skill around and on the greens.

Sungjae has had some success at Colonial. He’s finished T10 and T15 with two missed cuts scattered in between over the past four seasons. When he is in form, which I believe he now is, the course suits him well.

Im hasn’t won since 2021, which is an underachievement given how talented I believe he is. That can change this week with a win at Colonial.

Christiaan Bezuidenhout +5000 (FanDuel)

I absolutely love this spot for Christiaan Bezuidenhout. The South African is having a fantastic season and this is a course that should suit his strengths.

Prior the PGA Championship, Bez hadn’t finished worse than 28th in six consecutive starts. He’s not the type of player who can get to -20 in a “birdie fest” but can grind in a tougher event. He is a terrific player in the wind and putts extremely well on Bentgrass greens. Bezuidenhout has also had success both in Texas and at Colonial. He ranks 16th in Strokes Gained: Total at the course and 10th in Strokes Gained: Total in Texas over his past 36 rounds.

Part of what has made Bezuidenhout play so well this year is his increase in ball speed, which has been the recipe for success for plenty of players, including the winner of last week’s PGA Championship, Xander Schauffele. Bezuidenhout’s coach shared his ball speed gains on Instagram a few weeks back.

Now at close to 170mph ball speed, that isn’t enough to compete at the monstrous major championship courses in my opinion, however it’s plenty to contend at Colonial.

Bezuidenhout has been one of the most consistent performers on the PGA Tour this season and a win would put an exclamation point on what’s been his best year on Tour to date.

Brendon Todd +12500 (BetRivers)

Brendon Todd is the type of player that’s hit or miss, but usually shows up on the courses he has a strong history on and plays well. Todd finished T8 at Colonial in 2021 and 3rd in 2022. He’s also flashed some Texas form this year as he finished T5 at the Valero Texas Open in April.

Todd doesn’t contend all that often, but when he does, he’s shown in the past that he has the capability to win a golf tournament. He has three PGA Tour wins including a win in Texas back in 2014 (TPC Four Seasons).

Todd is a player who can rise to the top if some of the elite players aren’t in contention after a grueling PGA Championship.

Bryson DeChambeau yells at grown man to return golf ball to kid at PGA Championship

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On Sunday at the PGA Championship, Bryson DeChambeau came one shot shy of winning his second major championship.

Plenty of Bryson’s skills were on display, such as his ability to reach 196mph ball speed on his drives and his underrated short game.

Another aspect of Bryson that was shown on Sunday was his likeability, which to some fans, is a new phenomenon.

At one point during his round on the back nine, DeChambeau flipped a ball in the stands to a kid, but it was intercepted by a grown man who took off running with the ball.

DeChambeau screamed “Hey!” for the man to stop and demanded that the ball be given back to the kid it was intended for.

???? Bryson DeChambeau tossed a boy his ball on his way to the 10th tee but it got intercepted by an older man… Bryson yelled at the man until he retuned it to the boy ????? #PGAChampionship — NUCLR GOLF (@NUCLRGOLF) May 20, 2024

Fans are certainly beginning to embrace DeChambeau and are realizing how good he is for the game of golf.

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Tiger Woods arrives at 2024 Masters equipped with a putter that may surprise you

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Brandel Chamblee has ‘no doubt’ who started the McIlroy/LIV rumor and why

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Min Woo Lee WITB 2024 (May)

Min Woo Lee what’s in the bag accurate as of Charles Schwab Challenge.  Driver: Callaway Paradym Triple Diamond S (10.5...

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Talor Gooch WITB 2024 (May)

Talor Gooch WITB accurate as of the PGA Championship. More photos from the event here. Driver: Ping G430 LST (9...

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Dustin Johnson WITB 2024 (May)

Dustin Johnson what’s in the bag accurate as of PGA Championship. More photos from the event here.  Driver: TaylorMade Qi10...

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Phil Mickelson WITB 2024 (May)

Phil Mickelson what’s in the bag accurate as of the PGA Championship.  Driver: Callaway Paradym Ai-Smoke Triple Diamond Prototype (9...

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Tiger Woods WITB 2024 (May)

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Report: LIV star turns down PGA Championship invite due to ‘personal commitments’

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Gary Player claims this is what ‘completely ruined’ Tiger Woods’ career

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Details on Justin Thomas’ driver switch at the Wells Fargo Championship

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Scottie Scheffler arrested, charged, and released after traffic incident at Valhalla

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Keegan Bradley WITB 2024 (May)


  1. [INFOGRAPHIC]- The Pros & Cons of Social Media

    presentation pros and cons of social media

  2. pros-and-cons-social-media-infographic

    presentation pros and cons of social media

  3. Pros and cons of social media infographic

    presentation pros and cons of social media

  4. Pros And Cons Of Social Media Illustration

    presentation pros and cons of social media

  5. The pros and cons of social media

    presentation pros and cons of social media

  6. The Pros and Cons of Top 7 Social Media [Infographic] » Skillz Middle East

    presentation pros and cons of social media


  1. pro and cons social media

  2. The Impact of Social Media: Pros and Cons

  3. disadvantages of social media

  4. Final Presentation

  5. Social Media -Pros and cons

  6. Oral Presentation: Pros/Cons of Zoos


  1. Social media pros & cons

    Social media pros & cons. Social media Pros & Cons Outline: -Thesis statement. -Overview of social networking. -Against social media claims. -Supporter's point of view. -security Threats/Attacks. -Defense measures/Conclusion.

  2. 10 Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Society

    Sometimes, it leads to violent situations in society. Social media affects the mental health of individuals: The stalking, cybercrimes, frauds, and hate comments adversely affect people; problems of depression, anxiety, severe tension, and fear are emerging. Sometimes, the conditions get worse, leading to suicide as well.

  3. The Pros and Cons of Social Media

    In fact, social media teams mark bandwidth as one of their number one struggles. Evaluate how your work is divided up, and where you can source more support. Create a response protocol: Pre-written response templates and guides make monitoring faster. Use the pros and cons of social media to inform your strategy. Social media is far from perfect.

  4. Social Media

    4. 81% of teens age 13 to 17 reported that social media makes them feel more connected to the people in their lives, and 68% said using it makes them feel supported in tough times. [ 288] 5. Worldwide, people spent a daily average of 2 hours and 23 minutes on social media in 2019, up from about 1 hour 30 minutes in 2012.

  5. Presentation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Social Media

    Presentations. Digital Strategy. Social Media Marketing. Written by Kate Toon. In her webinar on social media Kate Toon presents a lively discussion of the pros and cons of this incredibly powerful platform and how you can tackle it head on. She covered: Building a relevant, memorable, trustable brand. Finding your niche (like Britney Spears did)

  6. Pros & cons: impacts of social media on mental health

    Benefits. The use of social media significantly impacts mental health. It can enhance connection, increase self-esteem, and improve a sense of belonging. But it can also lead to tremendous stress, pressure to compare oneself to others, and increased sadness and isolation. Mindful use is essential to social media consumption.

  7. The Pros and Cons of Social Media

    Connect to Other People All Over the World. One of the most obvious pros of using social networks is the ability to instantly reach people from anywhere. Use Facebook to stay in touch with your old high school friends who've relocated all over the country, use Google Meet to connect with relatives who live halfway around the world, or meet ...

  8. The Pros and Cons of Social Media for Youth

    Key points. Social media has both positive and negative effects on well-being in youth. Social media impacts four distinct areas for youth: connections, identity, learning, and emotions. More than ...

  9. The pros and cons of social media on mental health

    Social media as well as smartphone technology has touched almost all areas of our lives. We order groceries online, video chat with our relatives and stream movies. But it's also impacting the way we discuss, approach and treat mental health. Craig Sawchuk, Ph.D., L.P., a clinical psychologist at Mayo Clinic, talks the pros and the cons.

  10. Social media: Benefits vs. negative impact

    So far, most research investigating the effects of social media on mental health has focused on the potential negative aspects. For instance, a 2019 study involving 6,595 teenagers from the United ...

  11. The Pros and Cons of Social Media

    As people consider the pros and cons of social media, more are turning to platforms like Twitter to consume news, as real-time updates are instantly available on any major event or crisis occurring anywhere in the world. During global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, social media becomes a chief source of credible updates from health ...

  12. 11 Social Media Pros & Cons for Business: Worth Your Time?

    The number-one social media marketing goal for 82% of organizations is to raise brand awareness, according to Meltwater's State of Social Media 2022 report, followed by "increase brand engagement" and "acquire new customers.". "The beauty of social media marketing is you can experiment and try new things with (mostly) low stakes ...

  13. The Power of Social Media

    The power of social media has the potential to shape society in certain ways. More than half of the world's population are active users of social media with an average of 3,9 billion active users. Social media was originally intended for entertainment and communication purposes l. But now it has transformed into a platform with diversified ...

  14. The Pros and Cons of Social Media

    When assessing the pros and cons of social media, it's easy to forget that at its core, social media is fun. If it wasn't, Facebook wouldn't be able to boast almost three billion users. Games, chat, interesting articles, memes, videos--- there's plenty of content to keep you entertained for hours, regardless of your interests.

  15. Top 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

    Some key advantages of social media include: Connecting and communicating with other users through messages, posts, tweets etc. Sharing multimedia content like photos, videos, GIFs, memes etc. Expressing opinions, ideas, and thoughts through posts and comments. Creating groups, pages, and online communities based on interests and topics.

  16. The Pros and Cons of Social Media for Youth

    In 11 papers, participants reported that social media had a positive effect on their emotions. Some reported it improved their mood, helped them to feel excited, and often prompted laughter. (Think funny animal videos.) Others reported that social media helped to alleviate negative moods, including annoyance, anger, and boredom.

  17. Top 3 Pros and Cons of Social Media

    Encourage safe use: Suggest that users take breaks from social media now and then, perhaps through campaigns that promote taking time off from screens. Build friendly communities: Develop online spaces where people can feel happy and respected, helping lower mental health issues' chances. 2.

  18. Social Media: Pros & Cons by on Prezi

    Solution Options #2. 1. Social Media is Addictive. Studies show that teens use social media on average of 7 hours a day. That may seem like a lot but just think of the amount of times you pick up your phone to use one of the many social media sites. Teens use social media as a relief from boredom and as a distraction from many day to day ...

  19. How Social Media Affects Your Teen's Mental Health: A Parent's Guide

    According to a research study of American teens ages 12-15, those who used social media over three hours each day faced twice the risk of having negative mental health outcomes, including depression and anxiety symptoms. The advisory states that other studies "point to a higher relative concern of harm in adolescent girls and those already ...

  20. The 7 Types of Social Media and Pros & Cons of Each (Research)

    Pros and Cons. Pros. Facebook, X, and LinkedIn are some of the most prominent forms of social media. Social networking sites often integrate with scheduling tools like HubSpot and Hootsuite software. All platforms have capabilities for photos and video. Cons.

  21. The Often Overlooked Positive Side of Social Media

    So, let's keep in mind: social comparison is not always bad and young adults do experience inspiration online that is oftentimes overlooked. article continues after advertisement. Phone with ...

  22. Pros And Cons Of Social Media

    The following slide highlights the pros and cons of various social media monitoring tools to select the best option. It includes elements such as notification features, smart search option, speedy solutions etc. Presenting Competitive Analysis Of Multiple Social Media Platform Tools Ppt Infographic Template Topics PDF to dispense important information.

  23. How teens view social media's impact on their mental health

    CNN —. A new report details the role social media plays in the lives of young people, and how they manage the various pros and cons — including in the context of being a person of color or ...

  24. Social media and mental health: CVS-Morning Consult survey shows pros

    Social media has pros, cons for mental health. Social media use dovetails with mental health in myriad positive and negative ways, the survey results suggest. About 36% of respondents said social ...

  25. What is AI in Social Media?

    Pros and Cons of AI in Social Media. There is no doubt that the use of social media AI is already extensive and will continue to grow as the technology develops and becomes more powerful. However, like any other technology, AI use in social media has advantages and disadvantages. These powerful tools can significantly enhance the social media ...

  26. Dual Income, No Kids: the pros and cons of being DINKs

    Pro: Extra money in the bank. Some 2023 data released by Statistics Canada estimates that a middle-income family with two parents and two children will spend on average C$293,000 (approx. US ...

  27. '100 Envelope Challenge' Pros And Cons For Saving Money

    The alternative approach would be to start with envelope #1 on the first day and put aside $1 then $2 into envelope #2 the next day, $3 into envelope #3 and so on. "Popularized by TikTok, the 100 envelope challenge is essentially a way to make saving money more approachable," said Courtney Alev, consumer financial advocate at Credit Karma.

  28. What are 'veneer techs'? Dentists warn against unlicensed professionals

    Veneer techs are "individuals using social media to promote their services as dental professionals who can place veneers in patients' mouths," according to HuffPost journalist Phil Lewis. "It ...

  29. Ben An reveals the pros and cons of being a professional ...

    May 21, 2024. By. Matt Vincenzi. While speaking with GolfWRX, Byeong Hun An discussed the pros and cons of being a professional golfer on social media. "I just like reading some, you know, funny rumors here and there looking at the, the news, I guess, you know, it's the things you cannot get from the mainstream news, you know, like the ...