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  • December 6, 2023

How to Answer Strengths & Weaknesses for Your Nursing Interview [20 Examples]

One of the most common (and dreaded) interview questions that nurses will face in their interview will be about their nursing strengths and weaknesses. But how are you supposed to answer? 

We’re going to share some tips on how to use the STAR method to answer tough interview questions and provide real examples of how you can answer these questions in your upcoming interview. 

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How to Use the STAR Method to Answer Interview Questions

star method nursing interview

The STAR method is a simple framework that you can use as a template to answer any behavioral interview question by highlighting the s ituation, t ask, a ction, and r esult. This helps you to describe the situation you found yourself in, detail the result, and to keep the answer succinct and without any extra fluff. 

  • Situation: What was the situation you’re referring to? Who was involved, when and where did it happen, and why did it happen?
  • Task: What role were you supposed to play in the situation? What tasks were you assigned to do?
  • Action: What did you do in the situation?
  • Result: What was the end result of the action? What concrete details were accomplished?

How to Answer Greatest Strength in a Nursing Interview

What the interviewer wants to know.

The interviewer wants to know that you have strengths that match the role. Their goal is to find the candidate who will excel in the position and work well with the team. Chances are, you already know that you have specific strengths related to this position. So identify them!

Make sure that each strength is relevant to the job. The interviewer should be able to connect how this skill or accomplishment will transfer to the new role.

Narrow down a few strengths ahead of time.

Keep a few specific strengths in mind right from the get go and practice answering them ahead of the interview. That way, you can organically choose whichever is best based on the flow of conversation. 

There are transferable skills like communication or problem solving, knowledge-based strengths like technical knowhow or other languages, and personal traits like trustworthiness and keeping calm under pressure.

When discussing strengths, utilize how you’ve applied them in past roles using the STAR method.

It’s good to have a clear and specific example of your strengths. But even better is to explain how you’ve demonstrated those strengths in the workplace. Prepare a few anecdotes that illustrate what you’ve accomplished in past roles, and how those accomplishments impact your readiness for this current position.

Examples of Strengths in a Nursing Interview

nursing interview

I tend to do my best work as part of a team. It’s important to me to communicate with my teammates and make sure we’re all making the most of our strengths.

During my last job, I worked with chronically ill and elderly patients. They often have multiple practitioners and specialists all working together.

I was able to create a method of notating medication and other therapies that would be immediately clear to other team members. In one instance, I coordinated between a patient’s rheumatologist and neurologist to help determine the best treatment.

During a clinical rotation while in nursing school, I noticed that a classmate felt overwhelmed with their assigned patient. The patient I was assigned did not require much from me, so I was able to multitask and assist my classmate with some patient care.

Why This Works: This shows that you understand the importance of working together and streamlining communication. It also shows that you had a proactive role in your patients’ care.

Time Management

Good time management begins with punctuality. Being punctual. Below are examples of time management answers and why they work in an interview:

I do my best to put every second of my time to good use. I’m on my feet for most of my shift, and there’s never any shortage of things to do.

At one point, my boss needed to digitize a huge number of paper-based client files. These had to be handled carefully for HIPAA compliance, and we didn’t have a data entry technician. 

I managed to type the files up during the brief downtime between appointments over about six weeks. Without that, we would never have been able to preserve those files properly.

While in nursing school, I would always arrive the hospital 15 minutes prior to the scheduled shift. This would allow me time to gather all of my patient data, write down my plan for the day, and be better prepared for when the shift began.

Why This Works: This shows that you have a good understanding of the most productive ways to use your time. It also shows that you can work steadily on long projects without tiring.

Empathetic Patient Care

I care a lot about showing compassion to my patients and preserving their dignity. My grandmother was in and out of the hospital often before her death, and she’d talk about how uncomfortable it was when her legs got cold.

I think of her with each patient. So I’ll ask them whether they want a warm blanket, a cup of water, or the lights to be dimmed. I’ll let them know that they can use their call button whenever they’re uncomfortable, and that I’m here to support them as they get better.

Why This Works: This shows that you have a personal investment in the wellbeing of your patients. It also gives concrete examples of ways that you improve their quality of life.

Good Communication

Good communication also involves communicating if you are unsure of something. Not always will you know the answer to questions that are asked, or even new advances in medicine; however, communicating the need to be educated will help to limit errors and prioritize patient safety.

Here are some examples you can use for good communication:

Communication is one of the most important things to me. I want to make sure that I’m on the same page as my colleagues, supervisors, and patients.

At one point, one of my patients said that the sheets were causing discomfort. After about forty-five minutes went by, he was still itching. So I asked for details about what the discomfort felt like.

That turned out to be a good call – he was having a minor but worsening reaction to his IV medication. I needed to call the doctor in right away, and I might never have discovered the cause if I hadn’t asked him questions. 

Why This Works: This shows that you understand how important it is to pay attention to your patients. It also demonstrates how you used questions to communicate when the patient didn’t have the vocabulary to explain.

Eagerness to Learn

I love to learn more while I’m on the job. I’m fascinated by the different medical equipment, protocols, and patient histories. But I find that I learn the most from my patients instead of from books.

Once I had a patient who was almost entirely nonverbal, but he could use sign language. He was under my care for about two weeks. During that time, he taught me enough sign language to have a basic conversation, and I kept learning after that! I love how different patient experiences can totally change my whole worldview. 

Why This Works: This demonstrates that you enjoy learning for the sake of learning. Though you initially learned sign language for your patient, you kept up your studies simply because of your curiosity and enjoyment.

How to Give a Weakness for Nursing Interview

Choose a weakness that doesn’t stop you from being a great nurse..

The weakness shouldn’t be something that increases liability, decreases the quality of patient care, or actively harms your ability to take on this role. Make sure that whatever weakness you choose, it’s something that you can improve upon. You can browse this list of weaknesses examples from Indeed for additional inspiration. 

Be honest with your weakness and avoid cliches.

Oftentimes, people will advise you to use weaknesses that are secret strengths. Things like, “I care too much,” or, “I’m too good at paying attention.” But that’s not a good way to ‘hack’ the question.

It’s better to honestly present a weakness that you’re working on. Don’t self-flagellate, but have a realistic idea of where you can improve.

Explain how you are working to improve this weakness.

Give concrete examples of what you’re doing to improve. For example, a lack of clinical experience can be solved with extra clinical experience and study. If you procrastinate, talk about setting time management schedules and breaking down your work into manageable pieces.

Demonstrate how you have relied on others or resources you’ve used to improve.

This is a key opportunity to show that you’re both resourceful and a team player. Talk about how you’ve reached out for help or done extra work in the past. 

Maybe you’ve used organizational resources. Maybe you have study cheat sheets to remember things quickly. Maybe you’ve asked other team members to hold you accountable when trying to break a bad habit.

All of these things show that you’re willing to accept assistance when you need it, and you’re not too stubborn to fix your mistakes.

Possible Nursing Weaknesses Example Options:

  • Having trouble prioritizing
  • Getting bogged down in the details
  • Being too self-critical
  • Lack of clinical experience
  • Procrastination with paperwork

Examples of Weaknesses in a Nursing Interview

nursing strengths and weaknesses

1. It’s Hard to Say No

I think my biggest weakness is probably that it can be hard for me to say no. I love to be as helpful as I can and to take care of those around me, whether they’re colleagues or friends. Sometimes this causes me to overcommit myself.

I’ve been practicing setting limits and being aware of my own energy levels. When I’m too swamped with work, I try to respond to requests with, “I can’t do that right now, but I can find you someone else to help.”

Why This Works: This shows that you are hardworking and willing to take on more than a role specifically requires. At the same time, you’re demonstrating self-awareness and a concrete solution to the problem.

2. I Sometimes Get Disorganized

I think my biggest weakness is that I can sometimes be disorganized. I’m very focused on the here and now, and I don’t always think about organizing for later. Plus it’s hard to put everything away neatly when I’m studying it.

I’ve been combating this by giving everything a specific space in my bags, shelves, desk, and so on. On the digital side, I’ve gotten into the habit of naming every file descriptively with the date it was created.

Why This Works: Lack of organization is a common weakness, and it can make it difficult to find things or to work efficiently. But your solutions show that you’ve identified the root of the issue and are working on fixing it.

If you find yourself disorganized, consider our digital nursing student planner that will help you to keep track of your goals, habits, and classes. 

3. I’m Too Self-Critical

My biggest weakness is probably that I’m too critical of myself.

I want to do the best I can, but sometimes that falls short of perfect. I’m really hard on myself when I’m not perfect and can be too critical, especially with my conversations with patients. Sometimes when a conversation with a patient does not go as planned, I rack my brain on how I should have responded. It can have a big effect on my mood and confidence.

But I’m learning to take mistakes in stride and consider better ways to respond to patients and be there for them when they are anxious or concerned. I think of them as an opportunity to learn and grow and be the supportive nurse I’ve always wanted to be. 

Why This Works: You’re showing that you care about the quality of your work, and you can recognize when you’re not perfect. From there, you’re explaining how you use your mistakes to improve your performance instead of freezing up or getting upset.

4. It’s Hard to Delegate

My biggest weakness is that it’s hard for me to delegate.

Sometimes I have such a clear idea of exactly what needs to happen and how it should be done. It’s not always easy for me to trust that other people will do those things correctly. So I end up doing far more of the project than I should, and I get stressed because I’m overtaxed.

But I know that I need to trust in my team members. They all got their jobs by being competent and skilled. I’ve been working on giving other people more of the time-consuming tasks that destroy my schedule. So far, they’ve all done very well!

Why This Works: You’re demonstrating that you care about doing your work well, and that you have a good sense of project management. At the same time, you’re showing that you trust your colleagues and can recognize your own control issues.

5. Difficulty multitasking

I often times find it difficult to juggle multiple tasks at once. I find myself becoming overwhelmed with all that is required at one time. What I have found is that when I plan and write down each task that is to be accomplished, that serves as my checklist of things to do and it is very helpful.

Why this works: This shows that you are willing to learn how to manage different task, which is essential to time management and effective nursing care. 

6. I lack some clinical experience

While in nursing school, we did not have much exposure at IV insertions. When the opportunity was presented during a laboratory experience, I would take advantage of it due to the lack of exposure in the clinical setting. 

Why this works: This shows that although you did not have exposure, you were willing to learn to becoming more competent in your skill set. 

7. I’m a former procrastinator

I have been known to be a procrastinator. I attempted to continue to procrastinate while in nursing school, and I learned that I would always be behind if I waited until the last minute to complete tasks.

Why this works: This shows that although proscratination was a weakness, that you have learned from your mistakes, which will be necessary for successful nursing practice.

8. I’m sometimes doubtful

Sometimes, I overthink what is clearly evident. I have learned to pay attention to detail, but do not overthink, because it becomes a form of second-guessing the situation.

Why this works: It shows that you care about detail, but you also do not want to make a mistake in second-guessing your actions and/or thoughts.

Nurse Interviewing Tips Key Takeaways

Your attitude matters most.

Your attitude is more important than your actual strengths and weaknesses. You want to show that you’re competent, open to criticism, and able to grow. Both your strengths and weaknesses should demonstrate how well you can adapt to this position. Get inspired and challenge any negative thought patterns with these 20 positive nurse affirmations .

Don’t make up an answer! You don’t want to use irrelevant strengths or dealbreaker weaknesses, but there should be truth in your response. It’s good to have a realistic sense of where you excel and where you can improve.

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

It’s easy to beat yourself up or to over exaggerate your weaknesses. Similarly, you might be tempted to downplay your strengths. Don’t! Practice confidently owning your accomplishments and realistically addressing your weak points.

Don’t let lack of clinical experience hold you back from applying for the job

Often times, students feel as though they are not qualified for certain nursing roles because they have not been employed in the clinical area. They may not include their in-school clinical experience on their resume because they feel like the experience did not qualify as work experience.

Danielle Baker , Assistant Director of Nursing-ADN Program, says that when she is interviewing nursing students, “I try to get them to realize that they have been exposed to various clinical experiences and they need to use those to support what they know! It may help them to get the job!”

Practice Makes Perfect

You should prepare answers before the interview. It helps to do mock interviews beforehand. The more you run through your answers, the smoother they’ll be.

Interviewers ask about nursing strengths and weaknesses to get a sense of how well you fit the role. You can use both sides of the nursing interview questions and answers to illustrate your adaptability. Good luck on your upcoming nursing interview!

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Career Advice > Job Search > Interviewing > How to Answer the Interview Question: What's Your Strength and Weakness as a Nurse?

How to Answer the Interview Question: What’s Your Strength and Weakness as a Nurse?

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What’s your strength and weakness as a nurse? Believe it or not, this is one of the best questions an interviewer can ask. Why? In addition to providing a snapshot of your character traits, this question can expose fundamental qualities every employer dreams to find in candidates — a learning mindset and commitment to personal growth.

If you want to learn how to ace interview questions about your strengths and weaknesses as a nurse, this article is for you. We’ll share expert tips and response examples, so you can leave a lasting impression during your job interviews .

Tips for Discussing Your Strengths as a Nurse

Create a compelling response to questions about your strength and weakness by presenting your strengths in a way that aligns with the job requirements and shows your unique qualifications. Here’s a structured approach to answering this question:

  • Read the job description and identify the key skills and qualities the employer is seeking. While you may have many a range of strengths, prioritize qualities that align with what the employer is looking for in your response.
  • Provide examples. Back up your claims with specific stories from your past that demonstrate your strengths in action, plus positive results this had for your previous employer.
  • Be genuine and authentic. Avoid generic or vague answers, such as “I am an exemplary candidate with lots to offer.” Employers can see through these things.
  • Balance technical skills and soft skills to provide a well-rounded picture of your capabilities.
  • Quantify your strengths with measurable results. For example, if you have extensive experience in Epic charting , specify — how many years? Did you contribute to a reduction in errors on your unit? If so, by what percentage?

Sample response:

“One of my strengths is my ability to make informed decisions in complex clinical scenarios. As a former flight nurse, I know that things don’t always go the way they’re planned. Imagine being thousands of feet above the ground, handling a patient’s bleed, and turbulence hits. This experience sharpened my ability to make split-second decisions in unexpected clinical situations in which others might become overwhelmed.”

List of Strengths for Nurses

When talking about your strengths, avoid mentioning the basic nursing skills, like administering medication or charting findings , as these are expected. They should not be a part of your response about your key strengths and weaknesses. Instead, highlight broader strengths like the examples below:

  • Active listening
  • Adaptability
  • Critical thinking
  • Attention to details
  • Time management
  • Effective communication
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Commitment to personal growth

Responses that you probably should NOT consider:

  • Delegation of tasks to others
  • Great self-care skills
  • Coming to work on time
  • Measuring vital signs and performing other basic nursing tasks
  • “I am great in everything I do”

Tips for Discussing Your Weaknesses as a Nurse

When discussing weaknesses for a healthcare interview, it’s important to approach it in a way that shows self-awareness, a commitment to improvement, and the ability to turn weaknesses into strengths. Here are some tips:

  • Choose a relevant weakness that isn’t a critical skill for the nursing role but is relevant enough to demonstrate self-awareness.
  • Show a growth mindset. Discuss steps you’ve taken or are taking to overcome or improve upon the weakness, showing a proactive approach to personal development.
  • Be honest and tactful about your weakness, framing it in a way that doesn’t raise red flags.
  • Highlight positive outcomes. If applicable, mention situations where your weakness has led to positive results.

“One area I’ve identified for improvement is my tendency to be overly meticulous about certain tasks. While attention to detail is important, I have realized that at times, it might cause me to spend more time than necessary on non-critical aspects of a job. To address this, I set time limits and prioritize tasks. It has made me more efficient without compromising accuracy.”

List of Weaknesses for Nurses

Choose weaknesses that aren’t crucial to a nurse’s core duties — ones that, if addressed appropriately, will make you a well-rounded nursing professional. Here are some possible nursing weaknesses examples:

  • Difficulty delegating tasks
  • Emotionally impacted by patients’ pain
  • Wanting to accomplish everything at once
  • Excessive attention to detail
  • Balancing compassion and objectivity
  • Taking too long to document
  • Not having a lot of clinical experience (for new grads)
  • Poor communication skills
  • Disorganization
  • Irresponsibility
  • Lack of punctuality
  • Overreliance on others
  • “I have no weaknesses”

Strength and Weakness as a Nurse: Examples

When discussing clinical strengths and weaknesses, it’s important to highlight the skills that contribute positively to patient care while addressing areas for improvement . Here are three examples to spark your creativity.

Example #1: Strength and Weakness as a Nurse

“One of my key strengths is empathy. I mastered this skill during my work at a long-term care facility, where I had to spend a lot of time emotionally supporting family members and residents. This experience has enabled me to deeply understand and connect with the emotional needs of both patients and their families. I believe empathy is fundamental in nursing because it fosters trust and creates a supportive environment for those in my care.”

“In terms of weaknesses, I’ve recognized that I can be overly self-critical. While self-reflection is important, I’m actively working on striking a balance and not letting perfectionism hinder my performance. I’ve started acknowledging my accomplishments along with areas for improvement, ensuring a healthier approach to self-evaluation. This helps me maintain a positive mindset and focus on continuous growth in my nursing practice.”

Example #2: Strength and Weakness as a Nurse

“One of my key strengths is a commitment to personal development. In my current role as a research nurse, I prioritize continuous learning by attending conferences and engaging in ongoing education. This commitment enhances my knowledge and skills, directly translating to improved patient care. I actively seek professional development opportunities to ensure I provide the highest quality of care to my patients.”

“One weakness I’ve identified is occasional hesitation in delegating tasks. I recognize the importance of efficient teamwork in healthcare, but I sometimes feel like I’m burdening others if I delegate. To overcome this, I am actively developing a more collaborative approach, trusting the capabilities of my team members, and ensuring tasks are appropriately distributed for optimal efficiency.”

Example #3: Strength and Weakness as a Nurse

“I bring strong organizational skills to my nursing practice. In my previous role as psychiatric nurse, I learned to stay organized amidst chaos. From prioritizing tasks during hectic shifts to maintaining accurate records, my organizational abilities contribute to a smooth workflow. This strength ensures that I can manage multiple responsibilities effectively and promotes a high standard of patient care.”

“I acknowledge that technology proficiency is an area for improvement for me. While I am familiar with essential systems, I am currently enrolled in training programs to enhance my technological skills and stay updated on the latest advancements in medical software.”

Need Help Finding a Great Nursing Job?

No matter what your strength and weakness as a nurse is — there is a job for you. Need help with your search? Check out all the latest nurse jobs right now IntelyCare. We’ve got positions for every specialty and license type. Get started today.

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Nursing Interview: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

We all dream of doing our job well . Helping the sick and poor, treating patients with compassion and respect , fostering friendly relationships with fellow nurses and with other healthcare professionals, and seeing a meaningful purpose in what we do for a living. In nursing it is easier to achieve such a wonderful balance , yet it is still a difficult task. Hiring managers wonder whether your weaknesses won’t prevent you from trying. And they also want to hear about your strengths, and that you are confident in your ability to become a great nurse , and thrive in this beautiful yet difficult job. What’s more, down the road you may also have to come with some strengths and weaknesses of others on your nursing peer review… Back to the actual interview though.

As a rule of a thumb you should pick strengths that are central for the job , and weaknesses that either do not play a major role , or, if they do, can be addressed easily with some effort from your side. There are also other, more creative ways of answering this question , and we will look at them on my list of 7 sample answers . Do not forget to continue your reading afterwards, since in the last part of this post I explain why exactly the hiring managers ask you this question , and the most important thing they want to hear from you.

7 sample answers to “What are your strengths and weaknesses as a nurse (nurse practitioner)?” interview question

  • Speaking from experience, my communication skills stand out. As a nurse I am meeting patients in all sorts of mental and physical condition, but I always find a way to communicate with them, to understand their needs and wishes , to offer the right words. It helps a lot in my nursing work, because unless you know what your patient wants and needs, you cannot provide it. In terms of weaknesses, I still struggle with computer work , especially with these medical software programs. But I know it is an important part of our job nowadays, and am committed to work on my skills with the software , the one you use in your hospital.
  • My biggest weakness is definitely lack of experience . This is my first application for a nursing job, and though I had some hands-on practice during my studies , I honestly think you cannot simulate the conditions of a real job . I know I will find certain things challenging, and may need help of my colleagues at the beginning. But I am looking forward to the process, and thrilled to finally apply for my first nursing job , and believe that my attitude will help me overcome the obstacles and eventually become an important member of the team of nurses.
  • I would say that attention to detail, responsibility, and vigilance top the list of my strengths. It is one of the reasons why I apply for an ICU nursing job , since I believe my strengths and personality are an excellent match for this particular placement. Just like everyone else, tough, I have my weaknesses. I am impatient at times , and have a tendency to expect too much from my colleagues. As you can see though, I am aware of my weaknesses. Perhaps the job with you is an opportunity to improve on them , and take my nursing to yet another level.
  • I would say that my greatest strength is my attitude to nursing . For me, nursing isn’t a mere job, or a means of earning a living. I see the profession of a nurse practitioner as my calling, my personal mission , and something I want to dedicate myself to 100%. This attitude reflect in everything I do in my job, and without a doubt the patients can feel the difference . My biggest weakness is that I am not particularly strong physically , and may find it hard to move patients, or to perform certain physical tasks we have to perform as a nurses. However, I can always ask a colleague for help in such a situation, and do not see this weakness as something that would restrain me from doing an excellent nursing job.
  • To be honest, I cannot tell yet my strengths and weaknesses as a nurse . I’ve never had the job before, and I honestly believe you have to do the work–any type of work–for a few weeks at least, to be able to identify areas you excel in, and areas you struggle with . And I am sure I will struggle in some areas, and excel in others, just like every other nurse. Once I identify my weaknesses, I will try my best to learn and improve on them . Because I do not dream of becoming a nurse. I dream of becoming an excellent nurse , someone who makes a difference in the life of their patients.
  • My biggest strength is my experience . I’ve been working in mental health nursing for fifteen years already, at two different places. Any situation with a psychiatric patient you can imagine, including some dangerous situations, you can be sure I have experienced it at least a couple of times. This helps me to make right decisions, take precautions and address problems promptly , and I would love to bring this experience to your psychiatric ward. I have one weakness though, and I really would love to get rid of it . At times I get emotionally involved in the case , especially when it goes about a young patient, eighteen or twenty years old, alcoholic, drug addict, and so on. I find these cases incredibly sad , and it sometimes dwells on me. But I hope to learn to keep my distance , because at the end of the day it is always important to maintain our professional distance, and avoid taking problems from work back home.
  • I would point out emotional intelligence as my greatest strength, at least when it comes to nursing. Patients find it easy to confide in me, because I am an excellent listener and have great understanding for what they feel, and experience emotionally , when facing a risky operation for example, or when recovering from one. It helps me to choose the right words and take the right action every time. On the flip side, I need to improve on my punctuality . It is a bad habit I have from my school times, always being a bit late. I understand I cannot afford it in the hospital…

Your attitude matters more for the interviewers than the actual strengths and weaknesses

No weakness is a showstopper in the interviews , as long as you show your willingness to improve on it. And the same is true about nursing peer review. Because perfect nurses do not exist, and hiring managers are aware of it. They do not look for someone who claims to have no weaknesses. On the contrary. They want to hire nurses that aren’t afraid to admit having a weakness , but at the same time aren’t complacent with the status quo , and dream of eventually becoming the best nurses they can be.

Keep it on your mind when facing this question. You should not just name your strengths and weaknesses in clinical practice and that’s it. Try to always elaborate on your answer. Explain how the strengths should help you provide an excellent care to the patients, and ensure the interviewers that you want to improve on your weaknesses.

Special Tip : We have a popular eBook online for future pediatric nurses. If you want to make sure that you stand out with your interview answers , and get ready for every question they may possibly throw at you , you can check it out here: Pediatric Nurse Interview Guide eBook . Thank you!

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

When you do not know what to say, working experience is the answer

Many people struggle to understand and name their strengths and weaknesses. Or they just cannot remember the right words in the heat of the moment , especially if they battle with interview anxiety. It can happen to everyone, including you.

If you do not know what to say, you can always fall back on working experience. Because every single nurse (nurse practitioner, nursing student) either has experience or they do not have it . When you have some nursing experience under your belt, it is always an advantage, and your strength. Because you’ve already faced the challenges of the job , and are readier for them than a newcomer.

On the contrary, when you apply for your first nursing job , you can point out lack of experience as your biggest weakness. Though you have the right attitude to this job, and want to try your best with every patient, certain things cannot be simulated at school , and you will find them challenging at the beginning…

Ready to answer this tricky question? I hope so! Do not forget to check also 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions for nurses:

  • Nursing interview – Tell me about yourself .
  • What does nursing mean to you?
  • Nursing interview – Why do you want to work here?
  • Why should we hire you as a nurse?
  • Why do you want to become a nurse?
  • Recent Posts

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How to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay as a BSN Nursing Student

Picture of Jermaine Huey

  • November 29, 2023

Welcome to NursingWriters.net, your go-to resource for expert information and guidance on writing nursing essays. In this article, we will provide you, as a BSN nursing student , with a comprehensive guide on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay. Reflective essays are a personal reflection on your experiences in the nursing profession, and we are here to help you navigate this writing challenge.

As a busy nursing student, we understand that you may have limited time to spare. That’s where NursingWriters.net comes in, empowering you to excel in your BSN program by providing expert guidance on different writing and comprehension challenges you may face. Let’s dive into the world of nursing reflective essays and discover how you can effectively express your thoughts and insights.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reflective essays allow nursing students to reflect on their experiences and personal growth in the profession.
  • A nursing reflective essay is different from a personal statement, focusing on self-reflection rather than academic achievements.
  • Key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay are the inciting incident, personal reflections, vivid details, and actions taken.
  • The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide a clear thesis statement.
  • The body paragraphs should delve into the writer’s reflections and emotions with specific examples and anecdotes.

What Is a Reflective Essay in Nursing?

A reflective essay in nursing is a powerful tool that allows nursing students to analyze their experiences, emotions, and actions related to their nursing practice. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection, critical thinking, and personal growth. Reflective writing can help nurses develop a deeper understanding of their own practice, improve patient care, and enhance their professional development.

Reflective essays in nursing differ from personal statements in that they focus on specific experiences and their impact on the writer’s growth and development. These essays require the writer to critically reflect on their actions, emotions, and thoughts, and identify ways to improve their practice. By examining their experiences and applying reflective frameworks, nursing students can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

When writing a reflective essay in nursing , it is important to follow a structured approach. This includes describing the incident or experience, analyzing personal thoughts and feelings, exploring the actions taken, and reflecting on the outcomes and implications. By structuring the essay effectively, nursing students can communicate their reflections in a clear and organized manner.

Key Takeaways:
– Reflective essays in nursing allow nursing students to analyze their experiences and emotions in relation to their practice.
– These essays focus on specific incidents or experiences and their impact on the writer’s growth and development.
– When writing a , it is important to follow a structured approach to effectively communicate reflections.

Key Elements to Include in a Nursing Reflective Essay

When writing a nursing reflective essay, it is important to include key elements that will make your essay comprehensive and impactful. These elements will help you convey your thoughts and experiences clearly, allowing the reader to gain a deeper understanding of your reflections on nursing practice.

Inciting Incident or Event

The first key element to include in your nursing reflective essay is the inciting incident or event. This is the moment or experience that triggered your reflection and made a significant impact on your practice. It could be a challenging patient encounter, an ethical dilemma, or a personal realization. By describing this event in detail, you set the stage for your reflective journey.

Personal Reflections

Your nursing reflective essay should also include personal reflections on the experience. This is where you delve into your thoughts, feelings, and emotions related to the inciting incident. Reflect on how the event made you feel, what you learned from it, and how it has influenced your growth as a nursing professional. Be honest and vulnerable in your reflections, as this will allow the reader to connect with your experience on a deeper level.

Vivid Setting and Descriptive Details

To create a vivid and engaging narrative, include specific details that paint a picture of the setting and the people involved. Describe the physical environment, the interactions between healthcare professionals and patients, and any other relevant details that contribute to the overall context of the experience. This will help the reader visualize the situation and understand the complexities of the event.

Actions Taken

Finally, it is important to describe the actions you took in response to the inciting incident. Discuss how you applied your nursing knowledge and skills to address the challenges or opportunities presented by the event. Reflect on the effectiveness of your actions and whether there were any areas for improvement. This demonstrates your ability to critically analyze your own practice and make informed decisions.

By including these key elements in your nursing reflective essay, you can create a comprehensive and impactful piece of writing that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Write the Introduction of a Nursing Reflective Essay

The introduction of a nursing reflective essay plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for the entire essay. It should provide a concise overview of the main points that will be discussed and create a sense of curiosity and engagement. Here are some tips to help you write an effective introduction for your nursing reflective essay:

  • Start with an intriguing opening line: Begin your introduction with a captivating statement or anecdote that relates to the topic of your essay. This will grab the reader’s attention and make them eager to continue reading.
  • Provide context and background information: Give a brief overview of the event or experience that you will be reflecting on in your essay. This will help the reader understand the context and significance of your reflections.
  • Present a clear thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main purpose of your essay and the specific points or themes that you will be exploring. This will give the reader a preview of what to expect in the body of the essay.

By following these tips, you can craft an introduction that captivates the reader and sets the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay.

“As I walked into the busy hospital ward on my first day of clinical rotation, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Little did I know that this experience would become a pivotal moment in my nursing journey, shaping my understanding of empathy, communication, and patient-centered care. In this reflective essay, I will delve into the details of this encounter and explore the personal and professional growth that resulted from it.”

With an attention-grabbing opening, providing context, and presenting a clear thesis statement, your introduction will set the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay that captures the reader’s attention and lays the foundation for your reflections.

Nursing Reflection Essay Tips and Examples

Writing a nursing reflective essay requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. Here are some tips to help you craft an impactful and meaningful reflection essay as a BSN nursing student . Additionally, we will provide examples to illustrate how these tips can be applied.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflection Essay:

  • Start by choosing a specific experience or event that had a significant impact on your nursing practice. This could be a challenging patient encounter, a critical incident, or a personal realization that transformed your perspective.
  • Reflect on the experience and consider how it affected your emotions, thoughts, and actions. What did you learn from the experience? How has it shaped your growth as a nursing professional?
  • Focus on the key aspects of the experience that were particularly impactful or meaningful to you. Avoid including unnecessary details or deviating from the main message of your reflection.
  • Use specific examples, anecdotes, or patient scenarios to support your reflections. This will make your essay more engaging and relatable to the reader.
  • Consider the ethical implications of the experience and reflect on how it has influenced your approach to patient care and decision-making.
  • End your essay with a reflection on the implications of your learning for future nursing practice. How will you apply the lessons learned to provide better care and improve patient outcomes?

Now, let’s take a look at two examples of nursing reflective essays to further illustrate these tips:

“During my clinical rotation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), I encountered a complex patient case that challenged my critical thinking skills and decision-making abilities. The patient was a middle-aged woman who had undergone a complicated surgery and experienced numerous post-operative complications. This experience taught me the importance of collaboration within the healthcare team and the significance of advocating for the patient’s best interests…”
“One of the most significant experiences during my nursing education was my time spent in the pediatric oncology unit. Witnessing the resilience and bravery of children facing life-threatening illnesses had a profound impact on my perspective as a nurse. It taught me the importance of providing holistic care, not only addressing physical needs but also supporting emotional well-being and promoting a positive environment for healing…”

These examples demonstrate how personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights can be incorporated to create a compelling nursing reflective essay. Remember to structure your essay in a clear and organized manner, ensuring that your reflections flow logically and coherently.

Key Elements Example 1 Example 2
Inciting Incident Complex patient case in the ICU Experience in pediatric oncology unit
Reflections Importance of collaboration and advocacy Focusing on holistic care and emotional well-being
Specific Details Complications post-surgery Resilience of children facing life-threatening illnesses
Professional Insights Importance of critical thinking and decision-making Promoting positive healing environment

By following these tips and utilizing examples, you can create a compelling nursing reflective essay that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Conclude a Nursing Reflective Essay

The conclusion of a nursing reflective essay serves as the final reflection on the writer’s growth and learning from the experience. It is an essential part of the essay that summarizes the main points discussed and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. The reflective essay conclusion should bring closure to the essay by restating the thesis statement and highlighting the key takeaways from the essay.

To write a strong and impactful conclusion, start by restating the thesis statement in a clear and concise manner. This reminds the reader of the main focus of the essay and reinforces its significance. Next, summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs, highlighting the most important insights and reflections. This helps to reinforce the main ideas and ensures that they are not overlooked in the final reflection.

In addition to summarizing the main points, a thought-provoking statement or future outlook can be included to provide a sense of closure and leave the reader with something to ponder. This can be a reflection on how the experience has influenced the writer’s future practice or a call to action for continued personal and professional growth. By ending the essay on a strong and meaningful note, the conclusion enhances the overall impact of the nursing reflective essay.

A well-crafted conclusion is essential for a nursing reflective essay as it reinforces the main ideas, leaves a lasting impression on the reader, and provides a sense of closure. By following these tips, nursing students can create a powerful and impactful conclusion that enhances the overall effectiveness of their reflective essays.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay

Writing a nursing reflective essay can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful tips and strategies to guide nursing students in their essay writing process:

  • Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm ideas, reflect on your experiences, and write and revise your essay. Starting early will help you avoid last-minute stress and allow for a more thoughtful and polished essay.
  • Conduct thorough self-reflection: Before you begin writing, take the time to reflect on your experiences and emotions related to your nursing practice. Consider how these experiences have shaped your growth and development as a nurse, and what lessons you have learned along the way.
  • Organize your thoughts and ideas: Create an outline or a rough structure for your essay to ensure a logical flow of ideas. Group similar thoughts and reflections together to create cohesive paragraphs, and use headings or subheadings to further organize your essay.
  • Seek feedback: Share your essay with trusted peers or instructors and ask for their feedback. They can offer valuable insights, provide constructive criticism, and help you refine your essay to make it stronger and more impactful.

Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the technical aspects of your essay:

  • Grammar and spelling: Proofread your essay carefully to ensure it is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Use grammar and spell-check tools, and consider asking someone else to review your essay for a fresh perspective.
  • Coherent writing style: Use clear and concise language to convey your thoughts and reflections. Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms, and focus on communicating your ideas effectively.
  • Formatting guidelines: Follow any formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution. Pay attention to font style, size, spacing, and citation style if required.

By following these tips and strategies, nursing students can approach their reflective essay writing with confidence and produce compelling and insightful essays that showcase their growth and development in the nursing profession.

Reflective Tools and Models for Nursing Reflective Essays

Reflective tools and models can provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. These tools help organize thoughts and experiences, allowing for a more comprehensive and meaningful reflection. By utilizing reflection models , nursing students can enhance their reflective writing skills and deepen their understanding of their own growth and development as healthcare professionals.

Gibbs’ Reflective Model

“Reflective practice is both an art and a science that requires ongoing commitment and practice.” – Gibbs

Gibbs’ Reflective Model is a widely used reflection framework in nursing. It consists of six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. This model encourages a structured approach to reflection, allowing the writer to systematically explore their thoughts and emotions, analyze the situation, and identify areas for improvement or further development.

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model

“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” – Dewey

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model focuses on the importance of reflection as a tool for learning and growth. It emphasizes the need to actively engage with experiences, thoughts, and emotions, and to critically evaluate them in order to gain deeper insights and understanding. This model encourages nursing students to think analytically and develop a continuous learning mindset.

Kolb Reflective Model

“Knowledge results from the combination of grasping experience and transforming it.” – Kolb

The Kolb Reflective Model is based on the concept of experiential learning. It consists of four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. This model encourages nursing students to engage in a cyclical process of learning, where they actively participate in experiences, reflect on them, conceptualize their insights, and apply their learning in real-life situations.

Schön Reflective Model

“Reflection-in-action is the heart of the learning process.” – Schön

Schön Reflective Model emphasizes the importance of reflection in the midst of action. It focuses on the ability to think and adapt in real-time, making decisions based on professional knowledge and experiences. This model encourages nursing students to develop a reflective mindset that allows them to learn and grow while actively engaging in their practice.

Name Key Concepts Stages
Gibbs’ Reflective Model Structured reflection, comprehensive analysis Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion, Action Plan
Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model Active engagement, critical evaluation Experience, Reflection, Interpretation, Evaluation
Kolb Reflective Model Experiential learning, application of knowledge Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, Active Experimentation
Schön Reflective Model Reflection-in-action, adaptability Reflection-in-Action, Reflection-on-Action

Benefits of Reflective Writing in Nursing

Reflective writing plays a crucial role in nursing practice, offering numerous benefits for nursing students and professionals alike. By engaging in reflective writing, nurses can enhance their self-awareness, develop their critical thinking skills, and gain a deeper understanding of patient experiences. This section will explore the advantages of reflective writing in nursing and its significance in healthcare.

Enhanced Self-Awareness

Reflective writing fosters self-reflection, allowing nurses to examine their thoughts, emotions, and actions in various clinical situations. Through this process, they gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This heightened self-awareness enables nurses to provide more effective and compassionate patient care, fostering a patient-centered approach.

Improved Critical Thinking

Reflective writing encourages nurses to think critically about their experiences and the impact of their actions. It requires them to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of their decision-making and problem-solving skills. By reflecting on past experiences, nurses can identify areas where they can enhance their clinical practice and make informed decisions based on evidence and best practices.

Increased Empathy and Understanding

Through reflective writing, nurses develop a deeper empathy and understanding of patient experiences. By reflecting on their interactions with patients, nurses can recognize the emotions, fears, and challenges faced by individuals in their care. This increased empathy enables nurses to provide more holistic and patient-centered care, improving the overall healthcare experience for patients.

Continuous Professional Development

Reflective writing is an essential tool for nurses’ continuous professional development. It allows them to document their growth, learning, and achievements throughout their nursing career. By regularly engaging in reflective writing, nurses can identify areas for further development, set goals for improvement, and ensure they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

Overall, reflective writing in nursing is a powerful tool that empowers nurses to enhance their self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and empathy. By engaging in this practice, nurses can continuously improve their clinical practice, provide high-quality patient care, and contribute to the ongoing development of the nursing profession.

Nursing Reflective Essay Examples

Looking for inspiration for your nursing reflective essay? Here are some examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth in the nursing profession.

Topic Key Reflections
Providing End-of-Life Care The writer reflects on their emotions, challenges, and personal growth while caring for terminally ill patients. They explore the importance of empathy, communication, and self-care in delivering compassionate end-of-life care.
Topic Key Reflections
Leadership in Nursing The writer reflects on their experiences as a nurse leader, discussing effective leadership strategies, challenges faced, and the impact of their leadership style on the nursing team and patient outcomes.
Topic Key Reflections
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas The writer reflects on a challenging ethical dilemma encountered in their nursing practice. They explore the ethical principles involved, their decision-making process, and the lessons learned from navigating complex ethical situations.

These examples demonstrate how nursing reflective essays can provide valuable insights into personal experiences, reflections, and professional growth. They serve as excellent references to help nursing students develop their own reflective writing skills and gain a deeper understanding of the nursing profession.

Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application

A nursing reflective essay can be a powerful tool for nursing school applications. It allows applicants to showcase their self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and passion for the nursing profession. When writing a nursing reflective essay for a nursing school application, there are a few key tips to keep in mind.

Reflect on your passion for nursing

Start by reflecting on what drew you to the nursing profession and why you are passionate about it. Consider your personal experiences, such as volunteering or shadowing healthcare professionals, and how they have shaped your desire to become a nurse. Highlight your commitment to providing compassionate and quality patient care.

Share personal experiences in healthcare settings

Provide specific examples of your experiences in healthcare settings, such as clinical rotations or internships. Reflect on the challenges you faced, the lessons you learned, and how those experiences have impacted your growth and development as a future nurse. Discuss any significant interactions with patients, healthcare teams, or mentors that have shaped your understanding of the nursing profession.

Align with the nursing school’s values and mission

Research the nursing school’s values, mission, and educational philosophy. Ensure that your reflective essay aligns with these principles and demonstrates your commitment to the school’s mission. Use the nursing school’s prompts or essay questions as a guide to structure your essay and address the specific criteria they are looking for in applicants.

By following these tips, you can write a compelling nursing reflective essay that effectively conveys your passion for nursing, showcases your experiences, and aligns with the nursing school’s values. Remember to proofread your essay carefully for grammar and spelling errors and seek feedback from mentors or trusted individuals in the nursing profession to ensure your essay is clear, concise, and impactful.

Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application Tips
Reflect on your passion for nursing
Share personal experiences in healthcare settings
Align with the nursing school’s values and mission

(Table) Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application

Writing a nursing reflective essay can be a transformative experience for BSN nursing students. It allows them to gain valuable insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have provided expert information and guidance on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay.

By understanding the purpose of a reflective essay and the key elements to include, nursing students can effectively showcase their personal experiences and reflections. Incorporating reflection models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model or Kolb Reflective Model can also provide structure and depth to their essays.

At NursingWriters.net, we are dedicated to empowering busy nurses and providing them with the tools they need to excel in their BSN programs. Whether it’s writing a reflective essay or any other writing challenge, we are here to support and guide nursing students towards success.

What is a nursing reflective essay?

A nursing reflective essay is a personal essay where the writer reflects on their own experiences and how those experiences have shaped their growth and development in the nursing profession.

How is a reflective essay in nursing different from a personal statement?

While a reflective essay in nursing focuses on the writer’s personal experiences and reflections, a personal statement is more of a formal document that highlights the writer’s qualifications, achievements, and future goals in the nursing profession.

What are the key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay?

The key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay are the inciting incident or event, personal reflections on the experience, specific details to create a vivid setting, and a description of the actions taken by the writer. It is important to avoid including academic details and excessive focus on emotions.

How should I write the introduction of a nursing reflective essay?

To write an engaging and informative introduction for a nursing reflective essay, you can grab the reader’s attention with an intriguing opening line, provide context and background information, and present a clear thesis statement. Focus on the specific event or experience that will be the main focus of the essay.

How should I structure the body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay?

The body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay should have a clear structure. Use the first paragraph to present the thesis statement and provide background information on the event. Use subsequent paragraphs to explore your reflections, emotions, and actions taken. Use specific examples and anecdotes to make the essay more engaging.

How should I conclude a nursing reflective essay?

To write a strong conclusion for a nursing reflective essay, you can summarize the main points discussed in the essay, provide a final reflection on your growth and learning from the experience, restate the thesis statement, and leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or future outlook.

What are some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay?

Some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay include starting early, conducting thorough self-reflection, organizing your thoughts and ideas, and seeking feedback from peers or instructors. Pay attention to proper grammar and spelling, coherent writing style, and adhere to any formatting guidelines provided.

How can reflective tools and models help with nursing reflective essays?

Reflective tools and models provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. Models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model, Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model, Kolb Reflective Model, and Schön Reflective Model can be used as frameworks for organizing thoughts and experiences in a nursing reflective essay.

What are the benefits of reflective writing in nursing?

Reflective writing in nursing offers benefits such as enhanced self-awareness, improved critical thinking skills, increased empathy and understanding of patient experiences, and continuous professional development. It promotes lifelong learning and helps improve patient care.

Where can I find nursing reflective essay examples?

You can find nursing reflective essay examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth. These examples incorporate personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights into nursing practice. They demonstrate the diversity of topics and experiences that can be explored in nursing reflective essays.

How can I write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications?

To write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications, reflect on your passion for nursing, personal experiences in healthcare settings, and future goals in the nursing profession. Address specific prompts and align the content with the nursing school’s values and mission.

How can writing a nursing reflective essay benefit BSN nursing students?

Writing a nursing reflective essay allows BSN nursing students to gain insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. It helps improve critical thinking skills, self-awareness, and understanding of patient experiences. It also promotes continuous professional development.

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nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

What Are Your Strengths Nursing Interview Question

What are your strengths nursing interview

In any nursing interview, one of the most commonly asked questions is “What are your strengths?” . This question may sound straightforward but carries a lot of weight.

Your answer to what are your strengths nursing interview question can make or break your chances of getting the job.

But first, what are strengths?

Strengths can be described as your natural talents or things that you do well without much effort.

They come easy to you and make you feel good when you’re doing them.

As a nurse, you’ll need to draw on your strengths often – whether it’s working long hours , managing stress, or dealing with difficult patients.

See also: How Do You Handle Stress Nursing Interview Question

What is the objective of the question?

When asked this question in a nursing interview, the interviewer wants to know the following:

1. What makes you good at your job?

The first thing an interviewer wants to know is what makes you good at your job.

They want to know if you have the skills and qualities needed to be a successful nurse .

2. What motivates you?

The interviewer also wants to know what motivates you .

They want to know if you’re the type of nurse who is driven by a desire to help others, or if you’re more motivated by money or recognition.

3. How will you use your strengths to benefit the hospital?

The interviewer wants to know how you’ll use your strengths to benefit the hospital.

They want to know if you have the qualities needed to be a good team player and support the hospital’s goals.

They may also be interested in your ideas for improving patient care.

Therefore, when answering this question, it’s important to be specific.

You need to show the interviewer that you understand what strengths are and how they can benefit your career as a nurse.

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What are your strengths nursing interview question

Table of Contents

Example Answers to What Are Your Strengths Nursing Interview Question

When interviewers are analyzing the results of a nursing job interview, one of the main things they are looking for is evidence that the candidate can use their strengths to improve patient care.

See also: How Can Nurses Improve Patient Outcomes?

The strength question carries a lot of weight and the interviewer will be looking for a thoughtful answer.

Here are 7 example answers to the question “What are your strengths?” .

Example answer 1

I would say my strengths are my compassion and my dedication to my patients. I go above and beyond to make sure they are comfortable and that their needs are met . I also have a lot of experience in the medical field, so I’m able to quickly understand complex medical issues.

As you can see from the response, the candidate highlights their strengths, but also provides concrete examples of how they have used these strengths to benefit patients.

See also: Compassion in Nursing

What are three strengths that you bring to this position nursing?

I bring empathy, experience, and a willingness to learn to the table. Having been a nurse for over 10 years, I have seen a lot of different scenarios and I know how to effectively handle difficult patients and situations. See also: Nursing Scenario Interview Questions I am also open to learning new things, which is important in a field that is constantly evolving.

Again, the candidate provides specific examples of how they have used their strengths to benefit patients.

They also mention that they are willing to learn, which is important in a field that is constantly evolving .

The candidate shows that they are knowledgeable about the field of nursing and understand the needs of the hospital.

What is your greatest strength as a nurse?

I would say my greatest strength as a nurse is my attention to detail. I am very thorough in my work and I take the time to make sure that everything is perfect. This ensures that my patients receive the best possible care.

The candidate showcases their attention to detail , a valuable skill for any nurse.

They explain how this strength benefits patients and shows that they understand the needs of the hospital.

See also: What Can You Bring to Our Team Nursing Interview Question

Example answer 4

I would say my strengths are my critical thinking skills and my ability to stay calm under pressure. I’m able to quickly assess a situation and come up with a plan of action. I make sure my patients are always safe and that their needs are met . I also understand the importance of staying calm in a crisis, so I’m able to provide support to my patients and their families.

The candidate explains how their critical thinking skills and ability to stay calm under pressure benefit patients.

They also mention that they understand the importance of staying calm in a crisis, which is an important quality for any nurse.

See also: Trauma Nurse Interview Questions

Example answer 5

I would say my strengths are my people skills and my organizational skills. I’m able to communicate with patients and their families effectively and I always make sure that all of their questions are answered. I’m also able to stay organized in a chaotic environment, which helps me to stay on top of my patients’ care.

The candidate explains how their people skills and organizational skills benefit patients.

They also mention that they are able to stay organized in a chaotic environment, which is important for any nurse.

See also: Why Do You Want to Work Here as a Nurse

Example answer 6

I would say my strengths are my clinical skills and my bedside manner. I have a lot of experience in the medical field and I’m able to quickly understand complex medical issues . I also have a good bedside manner, which makes my patients feel at ease. I’m able to communicate with them effectively and ensure that their needs are met.

The candidate showcases their clinical skills and bedside manner, which are important strengths for any nurse.

They also explain how they are able to quickly understand complex medical issues and communicate with patients effectively.

See also: Why Should We Hire You as a Nurse

Example answer 7

I’d say my strengths are problem-solving skills and flexibility. I’m able to think on my feet and come up with a plan of action quickly . I’m also able to adapt to changes easily, which is important in a fast-paced environment. I know that things don’t always go according to plan, so I’m able to roll with the punches and still provide excellent care to my patients.

According to the response, the candidate has strong problem-solving skills and flexibility.

These skills are essential in a fast-paced environment, which is common in the nursing field.

They also mention that they are able to think on their feet and adapt to changes easily, which are important qualities for any nurse.

See also: Office Nurse Interview Questions

How to Answer What Are Your Strengths Nursing Interview Question?

When asked, “What are your strengths as a nurse?” , this is how you’ll ensure that you showcase your qualities in the best light possible.

1. Thoroughly reflect on your skills and qualities

Take some time to think about what makes you great at your job:

  • What are your strongest skills?
  • What are your biggest accomplishments as a nurse ?
  • What do you feel makes you unique and valuable to a hospital setting?

Once you have a good understanding of your strengths, you can begin to craft your answers.

2. Be specific and relevant

When describing your skills and qualities, be sure to provide specific examples that are relevant to nursing.

For example, if you say that you have strong critical thinking skills, explain how you use these skills in your job .

If you say that you have a good bedside manner, describe a time when you went above and beyond to comfort a patient.

Be sure to highlight the qualities that make you uniquely suited for a career in nursing.

3. Stay positive and humble

No one is perfect, and you don’t want to come across as arrogant when discussing your strengths.

Instead, be humble and emphasize that you are always working to improve your skills.

See also: Weaknesses for Nursing Interview

You can also mention that you are aware of your limitations and how you work to overcome them.

Stay positive and showcase your strengths in the best possible light.

4. Portray confidence

When discussing your strengths, it is important to come across as confident.

After all, you are highlighting the qualities that make you great at your job!

Be sure to speak clearly and concisely, and avoid sounding unsure of yourself.

If you sound confident in your skills, it will show that you are proud of what you have to offer.

5. Practice, practice, practice!

The best way to prepare for any interview question is to practice .

Practice answering this question aloud, and try to be as specific as possible.

The more you practice, the easier it will be to showcase your strengths in a clear and concise manner.

See also: How Long Does It Take to Hear Back After Nursing Interview?

Conclusion: Strengths for Nursing Interview

What are your strengths nursing interview question can be a tricky one to answer.

However, if you take the time to reflect on your skills and qualities, you will be able to showcase your strengths in the best possible light.

Stay positive, humble, and confident when answering this question, and be sure to provide specific examples that are relevant to nursing .

With a little practice, you will be ready to answer this question with ease.

Good luck with your upcoming interview!

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Nursing Strengths and Weaknesses Examples

Nursing strengths and weaknesses examples include a list of common nurse strengths and weaknesses, how they present in the healthcare workplace and examples of how to describe the strength or weakness in a nurse job interview. 

Hiring managers ask about your strengths and weaknesses for a number of reasons:

  • to determine your insight and self-awareness
  • to assess your ability to reflect objectively on your work performance
  • to evaluate your suitability for the specific nursing position

nursing strengths and weaknesses

Generally you should pick strengths that are key for the specific nursing job, and weaknesses that do not immediately disqualify you for the healthcare position.  Identify those nursing strengths and weaknesses examples that resonate with you.

10 top nurse strengths

There are a number of qualities you may choose to focus on as your strengths. Once you have identified the strengths that apply to you, think of good examples of how you display the strength in your job. When discussing your strengths be sure to use supporting examples to validate your healthcare interview answer.

1. Organizational and planning skills

Key actions:

  • prioritizes and schedules tasks and responsibilities to provide proper care to all patients
  • develops effective care plans
  • successfully manages competing demands
  • effectively manage one's time
  • allocates and uses resources efficiently
  • maintains accurate and timely patient documentation

Example nursing strengths interview answer:

"I use my planning and organizational skills to develop effective patient care plans to meet the patient's specific care needs. I prioritize and schedule my duties based on current patient needs and enhance my efficiency with the careful planning of resource utilization, such as medical equipment and supplies, to ensure they are available when I  need them."

2. Communication Skills

  • expresses oneself clearly
  • adapts communication style to the needs of the listener
  • explains complex facts in an understandable format
  • listens actively and asks questions for clarification
  • displays empathy and respect of others
  • aware of own and others' body language and non verbal cues

"I have been told that I am a good listener as I take the time to pay close attention when someone is speaking to me. I make sure I have understood the conversation by asking relevant questions. When I communicate with patients and their families I adapt my style of communicating to meet their specific needs. I am able to articulate complex information clearly and in simpler terms if necessary. I ensure we have a shared understanding of the conversation by asking questions to confirm that they are clear about what has been discussed."

3. Attention to detail

This is an important nursing strengths and weaknesses example.

  • pays close attention to all tasks and responsibilities
  • shows concern for all aspects of the job
  • follows instructions closely
  • thoroughly reviews and checks on tasks
  • maintains accurate records
  • follows established policies and procedures

"I pride myself on my attention to detail and the strict attention I pay to all aspects of my job. I follow instructions to the letter, closely observe my patients and meticulously check that my patient records are correct and up-to-date. I put checklists to good use in ensuring all my tasks are done properly."

Keep on scrolling to find more nursing strengths and weaknesses examples.

4. Strong work ethic and commitment

  • demonstrates professionalism at all times
  • takes responsibility for own job performance and results
  • sets high standards for self and others
  • embodies professional values and standards of nursing
  • shows dissatisfaction with substandard performance
  • follows through on commitments

"My strength is my commitment and attitude to nursing. It is not just a job for me but a  vocation. I always put the patient first, I am attentive to every detail of my responsibilities and set high standards of professionalism and patient care. My commitment to nursing is further evidenced by the courses I have taken to expand my knowledge and skills including ..."

5. Critical thinking

  • assesses patients by collecting and analyzing data
  • responds quickly to issues and concerns
  • identifies problems and finds possible resolutions
  • makes informed and sound decisions about the best course of action
  • evaluates the effectiveness of care plans and makes changes as needed

" My strong critical thinking skills enable the provision of effective and safe patient care. I am able to accurately assess a situation and quickly respond with the most appropriate course of action. I  closely monitoring and analyze all the available data to identify any potential problems and to make evidence-based decisions about the patient's care needs."

6. Empathy and respect

  • displays compassion for patients an their families
  • attentive to patient needs and concerns
  • builds rapport and connects with patients, families and other health professionals
  • understands other perspectives
  • acknowledges emotions and concerns
  • empowers patients by providing adequate information for them to make informed decisions about their health care
  • respects and accommodates diverse cultural backgrounds

"My patients have commented on the important role my empathy and respect play in providing quality patient care. I am able to connect with patients and their families by understanding their perspectives and respecting their emotions and feelings. I help them to make informed decisions by ensuring they have all the necessary information. I am respectful of the patient's beliefs and values and recognize the importance of cultural diversity in providing the right patient care"

7. Adaptability

  • able to adjust to changing situations and demands
  • meets the individual needs of each patient
  • modifies care plans as new information becomes available
  • responds quickly and efficiently to emergencies
  • manages unexpected situations by quickly identifying the problem and adjusting approach to ensure patient care is not compromised
  • able to adapt communication style to ensure effective communication
  • able to adapt to new systems, procedures, policies and technology

"My ability to adapt quickly and efficiently to changing demands and situations is crucial to positive health outcomes. I am able to effectively modify the care I provide to meet the changing needs of each patient as the situation changes or new information becomes available. In unexpected  situations I am able to adjust my approach and respond rapidly and effectively to ensure that patient care is not compromised."

8. Collaborative skills and teamwork

  • works effectively with other healthcare professionals to provide optimal patient-centered care
  • shares relevant information fully with patients, families, healthcare providers to enable informed decision making
  • able to effectively collaborate with others to minimize disagreements and conflict in the healthcare setting
  • collaborates and works with team to continuously evaluate patient care and make necessary changes
  • promotes open communication and mutual respect in the healthcare setting

"I collaborate and communicate closely with an inter-disciplinary healthcare team to develop and implement the right patient care plan. I ensure that the team and the patients and their families have all the necessary and relevant information to make informed decisions to manage their health effectively. I have built mutual respect in my nursing role by valuing each individual's contribution and acknowledging the efforts of other healthcare professionals."

9. Stress management skills

  • manages time effectively to prevent feeling overwhelmed
  • focuses on positive aspects of the job
  • maintains performance under pressure
  • asks for and uses support from colleagues and management
  • uses self care activities and appropriate coping techniques such as exercise to reduce stress

"I know that I cope well under pressure and I am able to maintain effective patient care while experiencing varying levels of stress. I have various techniques I use to manage stress including efficiently scheduling my responsibilities and time, planning for unexpected situations, clarifying my responsibilities and others' expectations, communicating clearly and concisely and setting healthy boundaries. I also look after myself by ensuring I exercise and get enough sleep."

10. Resilience

  • able to bounce back from failure or disappointment
  • able to maintain focus and performance in the face of adversity
  • able to meet challenges and overcome obstacles
  • responds constructively to negative feedback
  • accepts certain things are out of one's control
  • sustains a positive attitude and adapts to changing circumstances

"I have proven myself to be resilient and able to stay focused and maintain proper patient care in difficult situations. I am able to bounce back from setbacks and sustain a positive attitude to my responsibilities. I focus on controlling, to the best of my ability,  what I can and accept that some things are out of my control. By keeping the big picture in mind, overall excellent patient care, I can deal with the disappointments and challenges along the way."

Use this comprehensive list of nursing strengths and weaknesses examples to evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses and be ready for nurse strengths and weaknesses interview questions.

3 common nursing weaknesses

Everyone has  something they’re trying to improve upon, and these are the types of weaknesses you can refer to in your nursing interview. The best approach is to describe the professional weakness but focus on the active steps you are taking to overcome this shortcoming.

Use this list of nursing weaknesses to prepare your responses before your nurse interview and be ready to answer questions about weaknesses more effectively and confidently.

1. Too emotionally involved

How this weakness presents:

  • becomes emotionally involved in patient care
  • is emotionally distressed by patient's situation
  • unable to maintain professional distance
  • compromises professional judgement and decision-making
  • finds it difficult to establish healthy  boundaries

Empathy is important but becoming too emotionally involved in patient care can negatively impact a nurse's own well being and compromise her decision-making abilities

How to overcome this weakness:

  • establish professional boundaries
  • minimize personal conversations
  • focus on the treatment of the patient
  • focus on the task at hand
  • maintain a professional approach at all times

Example nursing weaknesses interview answer:

"My compassion and empathy can sometimes spill over into my becoming too emotionally involved with a patient's situation. I am aware that this could compromise my judgment and I am working on establishing healthy boundaries by minimizing personal conversations with patients and their families, focusing on the task at hand and maintaining a professional distance."

2. Trying to do too much at once

Nurses have multiple responsibilities and duties to perform within a limited time frame which can be challenging. Trying to do too much at once can negatively impact on patient care.

  • trying to complete too many tasks at the same time
  • inefficient use of time by not completing one task properly before moving on
  • makes mistakes or overlooks important details
  • feels stressed out and pressurized
  • feels physical and emotional fatigue from doing too much at once
  • constantly rushing through tasks
  • prioritize and schedule tasks and activities according to importance and urgency
  • delegate where possible
  • use resources effectively including technology
  • minimize disruptions
  • seek support from colleagues and supervisors when overwhelmed

" I sometimes try to do too much at once which can result in my rushing through tasks. I am consciously managing this by planning and managing my workload more efficiently. I am prioritizing my duties better by identifying and focusing on the most urgent and  important tasks first and creating easy-to-use schedules. I am also making better use of the resources available to me including delegating tasks where possible and minimizing distractions such as personal conversations with colleagues."

3. Self critical

A certain amount of self criticism can be productive and lead to improved job performance but too much can lead to stress, anxiety and burnout.

  • strives for perfection
  • takes on too much responsibility
  • puts too much pressure on self
  • has unrealistic expectations of self
  • has difficulty in accepting  feedback
  • dwells on mistakes
  • fears failure and is reluctant to try new things
  • engages in negative self talk
  • practice positive self talk and acceptance
  • set realistic expectations and goals
  • accept own limitations
  • focus on own strengths and expertise
  • ask for feedback to confirm areas of excellence and and improve on weaknesses

"I sometimes struggle with self-criticism and am too hard on myself. I know this can impact on my well being and confidence at work. I have been taking an online course that is helping me to have more realistic expectations about my performance and to practice positive self talk. I have set up regular feedback sessions with my supervisor so that I know exactly what is expected of me and how I am performing, this way I can be confident that I am on the right track." 

Nursing strengths and weaknesses examples

Nursing strengths and weaknesses graphic with list of strengths and weaknesses

Nurse strengths and weaknesses

You can find more information and suggestions on nursing interview strengths and weaknesses on these pages.

Full list of workplace strengths

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses


What are your Weaknesses?

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

Examples of Weaknesses

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

Best Job Interview Answers

Nursing job interview questions and answers

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses


Behavioral Nursing Interview Questions

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

Top Nursing Interview Tips

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

Interview Questions to Ask the Employer

Nursing job applications

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses


Registered Nurse Job Description

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

Sample Nursing Resume

nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

Nursing Cover Letter Example

To top of Nursing Strengths and Weaknesses Examples page

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What Are the Qualities of a Good Nurse?

4 min read • June, 08 2023

If you're considering a career in nursing and have wondered what the qualities of a good nurse are, you're probably already displaying some of these essential nursing characteristics. Whether you're entering the nursing field or are a seasoned nurse, taking the time to understand nursing strengths demonstrates insight and a desire for ongoing self-improvement.

You might assume those entering the nursing field must have the qualities of a good nurse, but that's not always the case. Some nurses pursue a career in this profession because it's lucrative and offers many growth opportunities. They then end up dissatisfied with their career choice or  suffer from burnout  when they realize they don't possess the characteristics needed to succeed in nursing.

What Makes a Good Nurse?

There are many ways to define a good nurse. In general, it means bringing your best qualities to work to promote positive patient outcomes and striving to strengthen the nursing profession. While working as an essential member of a health care team, you seek solutions to improve patient care and advocacy. And certain personality traits and characteristics of a nurse go a long way in helping you succeed in the nursing profession.

Essential Qualities of a Nurse

  • Communication skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills are crucial areas of strength for nurses. Practicing active listening and being aware of nonverbal cues help you understand how communication approaches may differ. Clear communication and cultural awareness reduce miscommunication and medical errors and enable patients to make informed decisions about their care.
  • Empathy and compassion: Although these characteristics often go hand and hand and are both qualities of a good nurse, they aren't the same. Empathy allows you to have a patient-centered approach to caregiving by relating to what they're experiencing. Compassion fuels your desire to help ease the pain and suffering of others. These two skills contribute to inspiring trust in your patient relationships.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Nurses often work autonomously under pressure and must make decisions using critical thinking to put their knowledge into practice. A solid analytical skill set lets you collect information, evaluate the facts, and develop a rational conclusion to improve patient outcomes.
  • Attention to detail: Mistakes in nursing can have severe consequences, and caring for multiple patients increases the risk of human error. That could cause you to miss changes in a patient's condition if you don't understand the importance of minor details. Excellent  time management skills  and the ability to balance competing priorities can help you hone this skill.
  • Integrity and advocacy: Core nursing strengths include a strong moral compass while providing care with integrity, and a strong focus on  patient advocacy . Patients are often vulnerable and trust nurses to be honest and make decisions with their best interests in mind.
  • Willingness to learn: Health care is constantly changing, so you must be willing to continue to improve and expand upon your nursing qualifications and skills. Take advantage of education and in-services offered by your employer, review and implement  evidence-based nursing practice , participate in  nurse mentorship programs ,  join nursing associations , and pursue  continuing education . These are all effective ways to stay current in nursing practice and continue to thrive.

Other sought-after personality traits of a nurse include:

  • Being even-tempered, hardworking, and flexible
  • Displaying a sense of humor
  • Practicing self-care
  • Demonstrating leadership skills

How to Develop the Qualities of a Good Nurse

Nurse in face mask holding tablet helps patient in face mask

Reviewing the qualities of a good nurse and nurturing those virtues within your nursing practice can help you provide effective care that contributes to your professional growth.

If you want more clarification about the primary goals and values of the nursing profession, the American Nurses Association (ANA)  Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements  is an excellent resource regarding ethical principles.

Additional ways to nurture strong qualities include:

  • Working with a nurse mentor
  • Surrounding yourself with nurses who hold the qualities you wish to develop
  • Accept and learn from constructive criticism regarding your professional practice
  • Pursue  continuing education
  • Work as a team with your peers to help strengthen the nursing profession
  • Practice how to identify and address issues affecting patient and staff safety

Would I Be a Good Nurse?

If you’re a  student nurse  or considering a  career in nursing , understanding the desired characteristics of a nurse can help you determine how to be a good nurse. It also allows the seasoned nurse to assess their own nursing strengths and weaknesses. Health care organizations look for these traits when seeking quality nurses. Regardless of your level of experience, cultivate the positive qualities of a good nurse to get recognized by prospective employers.

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A diverse team of nurses gathers around a table for a meeting, with one standing and leading the discussion, illustrating collaboration and engagement in a clinical setting.

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nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

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nursing student strengths and weaknesses examples

Hiring managers commonly ask nursing candidates, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?,” during an interview to gain insight into their abilities. Answering this question can be a great opportunity to elaborate on your professional strengths while describing your ability to overcome your weaknesses. As a nursing student, learning some different strategies for answering this question can help you feel confident before your next interview. In this article, we explain why interviewers ask about nursing students’ strengths and weaknesses, provide some steps for how to answer this question and list example answers to help you prepare for your next interview.

Nursing Interview Questions: Strengths And Weaknesses

Brainstorm to prepare before the interview

Start by taking some time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. If youre unsure what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can try using brainstorming techniques, get feedback from others or use keywords in the job description as sources of inspiration. For example, you can try doing a free writing exercise to generate ideas. With this brainstorming technique, set a timer for five minutes and write everything that comes to mind related to your strengths and weaknesses. Then review what youve written for examples to elaborate on during your interview.

Another option is to ask a trusted peer, professional mentor or nursing instructor for feedback regarding your strengths and weaknesses. You can also review the job listing for insight into the specific skills and abilities the position requires. Using the keywords from the job listing shows youve done your research and have carefully considered how your abilities and experiences align with the needs of the position.

Elaborate on strengths and focus on how you can overcome weaknesses

When describing your strengths, elaborate on how your attributes and professional skills have made a positive impact in your workplace, on your patients, among members of your work team or with the other nursing students in your graduating class. If possible, mention skills related to keywords included in the job description to show you have the abilities to excel in the position. Try to mention a combination of soft and hard skills in your answer. For example, you can describe a time when you used good communication and technical skills to explain how to use software to a colleague.

Some candidates may find it challenging to describe their weaknesses to a potential employer, but this can be a great opportunity to showcase your self-awareness and dedication to growth and development. When discussing your weaknesses, be honest and specific about something you find challenging in your career. After explaining the challenge, emphasize how youre working to overcome that weakness. Describe what specific actions youre taking or plan to take to improve your abilities and contribute to your professional development. This shows that you understand your areas of difficulty, but are willing to work hard to develop your skills.

Example for a professional nurse applying after completing an advanced degree

“Before earning my masters in pediatric nursing, I was a registered nurse for almost 10 years. While I feel confident in the nursing skills Ive developed through my career, I think my greatest strength is my commitment to learning. Im a passionate learner and I try to take every available opportunity to develop personally and professionally. I pursued my masters in pediatric nursing because I felt the knowledge I could gain through the program would allow me to expand my career, learn new skills and help children and families live their best, healthiest lives.

A challenge I face in my nursing career is dealing with the physical demands of the job. I worked in the emergency room as a registered nurse, and it was always a fast-paced environment where I spent many hours on my feet, lifting patients and performing physical tasks. I know that working with children also involves many physical challenges, so I recently started taking fitness classes to improve my strength and endurance. Ive noticed improvements in my strength already, and these classes have other benefits like helping me reduce my stress levels.”

Example for a recent graduate applying for their first nursing job

“Having recently graduated from nursing school after completing my internship, my instructors and mentors frequently praised my organization and efficiency. These skills allow me to manage my time well, sequence my responsibilities throughout the day and deliver care quickly and accurately. I take pride in organizing my work, so I feel calm and confident during my shift. When I feel prepared and confident, it benefits my patients by assuring them of my abilities to care for them, and it helps my team members know they can depend on me.

One challenge I faced during my internship was working with patients of different age groups, especially the elderly. I have little personal experience communicating with this population, but I know I may work with many elderly patients in my career. To help me improve my communication skills and feel more confident working with this population, Im going to volunteer at my local nursing home. By spending more time with this population, I hope to improve my skills for working with them while also making a difference in my community.”

7 sample answers to “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” in a nursing school interview

  • I would say that my greatest strength is my dedication and persistence . If I make up my mind about something–for example about getting to a nursing school, and becoming one of the best students , you can be sure I will do everything to make it happen. My attitude helps me to get over some tricky periods, such as the exam period, and also to overcome any crisis of motivation I may face, for whatever reason. From my weaknesses I would pick getting emotional at times, for example when facing a conflict with someone. I am aware that I cannot afford it in the future, once I work as a nurse, and definitely want to work on my weakness while still studying.
  • Communication skills are my greatest strength. I have good understanding for feelings and emotions of other people, and do not find it hard to strike a conversation with a complete stranger. My friends say that I am a great listener , and I hope I can benefit from this in my nursing career. But I struggle with Math. I just wasn’t gifted the right brain cells for the subject it seems. Anyway, I know that Math plays some role in the nursing studies, and I will definitely try my best to prepare for the exams and pass them.

* Do not forget to check also: Nursing interview questions – What does nursing mean to you?

  • To be honest, I cannot really tell . I try to stay humble , and always work on my skills, in all important areas. Some people may say that I am clever , and some may say that I am impatient . Nevertheless, I am not complacent, and do not want to be. Constantly working on my empathy, communication skills, understanding of nursing, time management, and other skills, I simply try to become the best classmate I can be , and eventually a great nurse.
  • My prejudice is my biggest weakness . I’ve been raised in a strongly religious family , and often find it hard to accept other views on life and death. Having said that, I realize that I will belong to a diverse group of students here, and later, in my nursing practice, I will care for patients from all sorts of cultural and religious background. I know I have to get over my prejudice, and perhaps this school, and living away from home , is my best chance of doing so. Other than that, I believe to have what it takes to become an excellent nurse in the future.
  • Communication skills and honest desire to help people to feel better are perhaps my greatest “strengths”. Motivation to give them more than medication —emotional support and words of encouragement—that’s what I want to do. What I can improve on, however, are my computer skills . I struggle to work with some software applications, which is not good, since most things are digitized in healthcare nowadays. I hope to improve on my computer skills while studying at the university. Going over your curriculum, I know I will get a chance to do so.
  • To be honest, I see a room for improvement in everything I do . I believe I can become a great nurse one day, but I still lack theoretical knowledge as well as experience. But that’s the reason why I am applying to study here. You have a great reputation, I know some nurses and doctors who studied here, and they now do a great job. I have the motivation, and I want to learn. That’s the most important thing, and I hope to improve on everything related to nursing while studying here.
  • My weakness is that I trust people too easily . This has backfired a couple of times in my life, and I paid the price. I still think it is a great attitude to life –to expect the best from other people, but sometimes you pay the price, and I am not sure if I can afford this attitude while working as a nurse. Talking about strengths, I would pick attention to detail , time management, and ability to focus on a task for a long time, limiting all distractions. I honestly believe my skills will help me both in my studies and later in the job. Let’s see what I can do about my weaknesses…

The Strengths of a Professional Nurse

nursing student strengths and weaknesses examples

But just what types of skills and personal characteristics do you need to become a successful nursing professional? While there are actually many skills and personal characteristics that make a great nurse, described below, you will find the top five strengths necessary for success in the nursing profession.

Your desire to improve is the most important thing for the admission committee members

Each of us has some strengths and weaknesses, and it would be a mistake to claim you have no weaknesses, in your nursing school interview. Admit that you can improve on something –perhaps on everything, and ensure them that you will try your best to make it happen . That’s the attitude they seek in a perfect student for the study program.

What is more, you can talk also about improving on your strengths . Maybe you find yourself a great communicator, an excellent listener, or someone with fantastic time management. Still, you do not want to stop there . You want to continue working on your skills, at least while at school.

* May also help you succeed: How to dress for an interview. Crucial things to remember when choosing your clothes.

nursing student strengths and weaknesses examples

What is your weakness as a nursing student?

Examples of common nursing weaknesses our experts say they hear include: Paying too much attention to detail . Wanting to do everything at once. Spending too long on paperwork.

What are your weaknesses examples nursing?

  • Spending too much time on paperwork.
  • Paying too much attention to detail.
  • Attempting to complete too many tasks at once.
  • A lack of clinical experience, which may apply to recent graduates or new nurses.
  • Not being familiar with recent software updates.

What are strengths of a student nurse?

  • Confidence. …
  • Ability to connect the dots. …
  • Critical thinking. …
  • Relation-based care. …
  • Leadership. …
  • Lifelong learning. …
  • Think like a nurse. …
  • Work well with colleagues.

What are my strengths in nursing?

Having empathy to interact with the patient and their family and helping them to cope with problems is very important in a nursing position. Having the ability to understand and share those feelings with the patient and their loved ones is an essential strength for a nurse.

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Action Plan For Personal Strengths and Weakness in Nursing Report (Assessment)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Each person has their strengths that need to be developed, and their weaknesses, which they need to fight. I chose the profession of a nurse because it is necessary to have several strong qualities, such as discipline, independence, sociability, and self-confidence. These strengths are inherent to me, and I strive for constant development and improvement. I also have weaknesses that I will seek to correct. These include straightforwardness, excessive emotionality, self-criticism, and the desire to please everyone. This essay aims to describe the actions to develop and strengthen my strengths and eliminate my weaknesses.

A nurse needs to be disciplined, I have such a quality, and I would like not to lose it. To do this, I will allocate a certain amount of time for each task and try to accomplish it. In addition, I will make a list of necessary tasks, distribute them by priority level, and strictly follow this list. These actions will help me develop my discipline and dose the time for work and rest.

To develop my independence, I will try to take tasks in which it is necessary to make decisions and make choices more often. Of course, sometimes these decisions will be essential and responsible, but this will have an even more positive impact on my independence. For example, I will take responsibility for drawing up a treatment plan for patients and independently make decisions to monitor their recovery.

I will develop my strong side, such as communication, by constantly maintaining friendly, positive contacts with patients and medical staff. I will give helpful advice if I am asked for it to inquire about the health status of patients whom I supervised after their discharge. I will also try to meet my colleagues more often in an informal setting, for example, go to the movies or for walks with them.

In most cases, I am confident in my decisions, actions, and deeds, but I will continue to develop this strong side. To do this, I will recognize my achievements and gratefully accept praise from colleagues and patients. In addition, I will draw up a detailed plan for training and developing my nursing skills. Moreover, I will always strive to achieve what I want by any means.

Among my weaknesses, I single out my straightforwardness, which often manifests itself in adverse situations, but it must be combated. In a dispute or a problematic situation, I will pull myself away from straightforward statements in order not to spoil relations with other people. There are times when I feel that it is quite difficult to restrain myself. In this case, I will take a break in negotiations, go for a walk for a few minutes, and carefully consider the current situation and the ways to solve it. I will apply the same solution to my excessive emotionality.

To get rid of excessive self-criticism, I will praise myself for achieving goals and those situations I have positively shown myself. Furthermore, I will think about my actions more carefully to minimize the possibility of mistakes so as not to criticize myself in the future. Moreover, it will be helpful to exclude as much as possible from the circle of communication those people who notice even the most minor mistakes and give me negative emotions.

It is challenging for me to refuse people if they ask for something. Sometimes it brings me a lot of inconveniences and problems. This weakness can be eliminated by learning to say people no. Naturally, if patients come to me, I will carefully consider their request and weigh the consequences they will incur for me. It is important not to spoil relations with the environment, colleagues, and patients in this case.

In conclusion, each person needs to develop their strengths and get rid of their weaknesses. It is necessary to clearly define them and make a detailed plan for changing and improving it. This will probably make life better and the career more successful. Every day, people need to do at least something that will bring them closer to their goal, even if only one step.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 25). Action Plan For Personal Strengths and Weakness in Nursing. https://ivypanda.com/essays/action-plan-for-personal-strengths-and-weakness-in-nursing/

"Action Plan For Personal Strengths and Weakness in Nursing." IvyPanda , 25 July 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/action-plan-for-personal-strengths-and-weakness-in-nursing/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Action Plan For Personal Strengths and Weakness in Nursing'. 25 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Action Plan For Personal Strengths and Weakness in Nursing." July 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/action-plan-for-personal-strengths-and-weakness-in-nursing/.

1. IvyPanda . "Action Plan For Personal Strengths and Weakness in Nursing." July 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/action-plan-for-personal-strengths-and-weakness-in-nursing/.


IvyPanda . "Action Plan For Personal Strengths and Weakness in Nursing." July 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/action-plan-for-personal-strengths-and-weakness-in-nursing/.

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Nursing Strengths And Weaknesses

October 3, 2020 by Ana Alex 4 Comments

Nursing Strengths And Weaknesses

Getting admission to a Nursing school is hard , but there’s much more of a roller coaster waiting for you after you complete your graduation! Wondering if you would ever be able to become a successful nurse? Here is your answer, yes you can become a good nurse only if you work for it.

As you have already chosen to serve humanity by opting for your career in health sciences, did you ever ponder the qualities you must possess to work for humanity and become an eminent nurse? I’m here to give you all the information you need regarding the qualities and skills a brilliant nurse possesses and the weakness you might develop in this field.

Now, let’s quickly peek into the nursing strengths and weaknesses , and get an idea of what you should do in your professional life as a nurse and your weak points that might affect your career, so you better start working on them.

Nursing Strengths That You Must Possess To Make Your Career Prosper In Nursing

Health care is one of the noblest professions globally. All doctors, nurses, and paramedical staff are highly appreciated and respected all over the world due to their selfless sacrifices and strict long hours of work. Completing your nursing school is a significant step towards becoming a nurse and serving humanity, but there are some skills and nursing strengths that you must develop in yourself to become a great nurse.

Nursing Strengths

How about you spare some time from your busy routine and look at the things you might like to develop in your nature as a nurse?

Top 5 Strengths of a Nurse

Let’s get a closer look at the strengths of a nurse, which will be beneficial for your career.

Time Management Skills

I’m not wrong when I tell you that managing your time is essential in your professional life, but when it comes to healthcare services, it is necessary as people’s lives are in your hands. A nurse must know which patient needs attention immediately and which patient can wait for a while, also a nurse should know which patient needs more time and which patient doesn’t. In short, a nurse must be conscious to deal with the workload.

Communication Skills

You will get amazed when I tell you that your communication and people skills can become one of your nursing strengths .

As a nurse, knowing how to communicate is a vital part of your job, as you have to direct patients and take care of them. Also, a nurse has to interact with doctors and explain a patient’s condition to them; that’s where your communication skills play a vital role in inpatient treatment. In the nursing profession, you come across many patients with different behaviors and moods, so a nurse should know how to deal with and communicate with them.

Compassion For Patients

A nurse has a crucial role when it comes to a patient’s physical and mental health. A nurse is one who has direct interactivity with the patients and his/her attendants; that is why having empathy toward the patient is very important for a nurse. A nurse must console his /her patient because patients are already under much stress due to their disease; a nurse has to help them overcome their fears and live life to the fullest.

Flexibility And Reliability

Being flexible with job timings and expertise can become one of the major strengths of a nurse . As you already know, hospitals are filled with patients 24/7, so it is not new that hospitals need nurses for the whole day. A nurse should be able to work for more than 12 hours whenever there is a rush at the hospital to help the doctors save lives. Moreover, a nurse should be strong enough to transfer patients from a wheelchair to a bed and assist doctors in every ward or area of the hospital.

Quick Decision Making And Critical Thinking

There are many times when the doctor is not around, and a critical patient leads to the emergency, a nurse should be quick enough to give the patient emergency medical care and try to make the patient stable until the doctor walks in. Moreover, a nurse should rapidly make critical decisions when doctors are not around and provide emergency assistance.

Weaknesses In the Nursing Profession That May Affect Your Career

Nursing Weaknesses

Everyone has their weaknesses, but most people do not like talking about their shortcomings, but here’s a fact, unless you don’t face your fears or vulnerabilities, how are you supposed to get rid of them? Although there are many areas of improvement for nurses.

Top 3 Nursing Weaknesses Examples

I am giving you some examples of nursing weaknesses , so you can try to eliminate them by working on your weak parts.

1. Emotional Attachments

Once you start taking care of a patient, you somehow get emotionally attached to them, and this might become one of your nursing weaknesses which you need to overcome. Moreover, seeing a patient die breaks your heart in the nursing profession .

2. Fear Of Seeing People In A Critical Condition

You might not want to work in an ER or ICU because you may not be able to think critically and make decisions right away; this is another example of nursing weakness.

3. Not Being Able To Work With Body Fluids

In nursing, you have to help the patient in every way. A nurse may be required to support the patients in taking the samples of a patient’s body fluids including urine, saliva, and other secretions of the body to send their samples for testing followed by treatment, some of the nurses might feel uncomfortable assisting the patients in taking the examples of their body fluids, this again is a weakness in a nursing profession which can profoundly affect a nurse’s career in healthcare.

Discussing Your Nursing Strengths And Weaknesses In A Job Interview

You may get questioned regarding your weaknesses and strengths as a nurse in your nursing interview , so you must prepare yourself to answer them.

How You Can Discuss Your Strengths In An Interview

Your interviewer might ask you to highlight your good traits as a nurse. First thing first, never brag about how good you are at things nor tell them long stories regarding your personal experiences from your previous job, instead keep it short and tell them about your strengths like you are calm under challenging situations, and you can handle the situations skillfully as a nurse. You can highlight your organization, computer, language, and problem-solving skills as well. You can also mention the clinical skills that you have learned.

Proper Way Of Discussing Your Weaknesses In An Interview

When you go for a job interview, the assessor can ask you about your weaknesses in the nursing profession to know you better professionally (PROTIP: never try to ignore this question).

Let me tell you one thing this question matters a lot, and it doesn’t mean by acknowledging your weaknesses as a nurse you are degrading yourself; instead, here you are showing your interviewer that you are well aware of your weak points and you are working on them. Always remember one thing while you are discussing your nursing weaknesses that never blame others for your shortcomings.

You can mention your weakness as you get emotionally attached to the patients, or you don’t have clinical experience (for new graduates only).

What are some common strengths that make a successful nurse?

The ability to think critically and solve problems, empathy, compassion, good communication skills, attention to detail, and a dedication to patient safety and care are common traits of successful nurses.

What are some common weaknesses that nurses face in their profession?

Time management, emotional exhaustion or burnout, delegation and teamwork, the fear of making mistakes, and difficulties handling stressful situations are all problems that nurses may have.

How can nurses overcome weaknesses and improve their skills?

Nurses who prioritize self-care and stress management, seek feedback from coworkers and supervisors, participate in ongoing education and training, and create attainable professional development goals will be able to strengthen their abilities and overcome weaknesses.

How many patients and their families evaluate their nurses’ performance and recognize their strengths?

Patients and their families can determine a nurse’s qualities by looking at their communication abilities, attention to detail, empathy, and compassion, as well as their dedication to patient safety and care. Surveys, online reviews, or direct communication with the nurse or their supervisor are all options for providing feedback.

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About Ana Alex

I am Ana Alex certified in nursing and the aim of my website is to provide you as much information as possible regarding the nursing field. My sole purpose is to inform you about the information which can help you in becoming a Nurse. Read more

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February 16, 2021 at 2:31 am

My sister would like to continue her education by taking up a doctor in nursing because she heard that this will provide her with a bigger salary. Well, since we’re discussing this, I also agree with you that aside from education, she must know how to communicate and become a better leader too. It’s a great thing that you explained here the importance of being a quick thinker, especially during emergencies.

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April 12, 2021 at 10:57 am

Thankyou so much for your kind words, I’m highly obliged

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March 30, 2022 at 1:01 am

Kia ora What is so important as a nurse is communication, building a good relationship with client/patients and their families also being culturally sensitive. You have this has helped with my strengths and weakness Thankyou

April 3, 2022 at 3:55 pm

It is a great pleasure to have your kind words. I am deeply grateful.

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I am Ana Alex (Certified Nursing Assistant) and the aim of my website is to provide you as much information as possible regarding the nursing field. My sole purpose is to inform you about the information which can help you in becoming a Nurse. Whether you are planning to become an RN (Registered Nurse) or CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), you can find all the information on this website. more

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PESTLE Analysis

SWOT Analysis In Nursing: Confronting Challenges For Better Care

PESTLEanalysis Team

Discover how SWOT analysis in nursing empowers healthcare professionals to leverage strengths, address weaknesses, and seize opportunities for optimal patient care.

What profession is referred to as the heart of healthcare? It is none other than the nursing profession. You might be surprised why it is called the heart of the healthcare sector . Well, the reasons are quite simple.

Nursing is a profession that requires empathy and expertise. It is an integral part of the healthcare system. Without a proper nursing sector, no healthcare sector can operate.

The nursing profession holds great significance since it focuses on the support, care, and advocacy of families, individuals, and communities to prevent illness and maintain health.

The nurses are also responsible for providing patients with treatment and basic healthcare facilities. Besides that, they also educate patients regarding various diseases and guide them on how to prevent such diseases.

Apparently, it looks as if nurses only consider the patients' physical health. However, that's not true. Nurses also take care of the mental health of the patients. They provide emotional and moral support to the patients, which plays a significant role in their recovery.

Nurses and doctors are equally important in the healthcare sector. If a nurse doesn't examine the patient's condition correctly or implement the rehab plans effectively, it would be impossible for the patient to get well.


Similar to every profession, the nursing profession also has pros and cons . In other words, It does have some strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, there are some opportunities present for nursing. However, on the contrary, there are also some threats that nursing has to face.

You might wonder how one can assess the internal and external factors mentioned above that impact nursing. Well, we have good news for you!

The SWOT analysis is a tool organizations and individuals use to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by an organization, industry, or sector.

A SWOT analysis aims to get a clear picture of the scenario so that an effective strategic plan can be made to promote the strengths, address the weaknesses, avail the opportunities, and mitigate the threats associated with an organization, industry, or sector.

Conducting the SWOT analysis in nursing is essential to understand the internal and external factors that impact nursing. A SWOT analysis of nursing can help hospitals and clinics form strategies to highlight the strengths of nursing and address its weaknesses.

The nursing SWOT analysis will help the administration of hospitals and nursing facilities to improve nursing practices. Moreover, by highlighting the weak areas of nursing, SWOT analysis will help the facilities to allocate the resources effectively to nursing.

Furthermore, the SWOT analysis findings will also help hospitals and clinics mitigate the risks that nursing might face.

Now that we have analyzed what SWOT analysis is and how it can be used to assess the external and internal factors that impact nursing let's proceed further and look at how we can apply the SWOT analysis to nursing.

Applying SWOT Analysis To Nursing

The SWOT analysis of nursing is essential to see what internal and external factors impact nursing. This section will discuss the steps to conduct the SWOT analysis of nursing.

Identifying Nursing Strengths

This section of the SWOT analysis highlights the strengths of nursing. Various strengths of nursing provide it a competitive edge over other professions. For example, nurses possess great clinical knowledge and skills.

Their strength is their ability to assess, treat, and make patients comfortable by providing emotional support. Nurses possess many skills that no other professional possesses. Hence, that's what distinguishes nurses from other professionals.

Other than that, nurses possess compassion and empathy. These are the qualities that help in building trust between nurses and patients. Moreover, the patient outcome is also improved due to these characteristics of nurses.

Furthermore, the communication skills of nurses are always praised. Very few professionals have such great communication skills. The ability of nurses to communicate is considered the strength of nursing. Such communication skills help nurses communicate with patients, families, and healthcare team members.


Recognizing The Weaknesses of Nursing

Like any other profession, nursing has some weaknesses that must be overcome. In this section, we will take a look at the weaknesses of nursing.

One of the weaknesses of nursing is the staff shortage. Whenever there is a staff shortage, the quality of care is compromised. Moreover, the workload of the existing workforce increases. As a result, the stress on nurses increases, and their productivity decreases.

Besides that, another weakness in nursing is that the pressure on nurses is immense due to the stress levels of nurses. Due to the high levels of stress and demanding nature of the job, nurses have low job satisfaction, and burnouts are becoming common.

Other than that, technology gaps are also present. Due to these technology gaps, productivity and efficiency in nursing are falling.

Exploring Nursing Opportunities

Other than highlighting strengths and weaknesses, SWOT analysis also highlights the opportunities present for nursing to grow and excel. Let's take a look at what opportunities are present for nursing.

As technology and innovation are increasing daily, emerging healthcare technologies allow nurses to enhance the patient experience and patient care by adopting technologies such as electronic health records (EHRs). Using EHRs can improve care coordination and reduce the cost for patients.

Moreover, training programs and workshops in nursing can increase the skillset of nurses, making them equipped to take more responsibility and carry out tasks more efficiently.

Furthermore, adopting new treatment modalities can increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Other than that, it can also increase patient outcomes.

Assessing Nursing Threats

The last section of the SWOT analysis highlights the threats that nursing might face from the external environment. There are various threats present in nursing. For example, due to the increasing regulations, nurses would have to be more vigilant while providing the treatment, or they might get sued.

These legal and ethical dilemmas can add pressure to the existing workforce in nursing. Besides that, due to the public health crisis in developing countries, nurses might get overburdened as their workload increases. 

Moreover, the change in healthcare policies in the future can impact nursing negatively. New healthcare policies might discourage nursing. In that case, nursing would be affected adversely.

Now that we have looked into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in nursing, let's look at the benefits of applying SWOT analysis.

Benefits of SWOT Analysis In Nursing

SWOT analysis is a very beneficial tool in general. However, It has various benefits when it is used in nursing. Some of the benefits of using SWOT analysis in nursing are mentioned below.

Improve Strategic Planning

The use of SWOT analysis enables healthcare organizations to form a strategic plan to focus on the strengths highlighted by the SWOT analysis and address the weaknesses highlighted in the SWOT analysis.

Moreover, it provides an opportunity for healthcare organizations to make a strategy through which the opportunities present for nursing can be availed while the thread can be mitigated.

Enhance Patient Care

Other than that, another advantage of applying SWOT analysis to nursing is that it can improve patient care. Since SWOT analysis highlights the strengths of nursing, health organizations can stick to the strengths. By doing so, the patient care will increase.

Moreover, healthcare organizations can take measures to avail the opportunities identified by the SWOT analysis to enhance patient care.

Better Decision-Making

The SWOT analysis of nursing provides a complete picture of nursing by highlighting the internal and external factors that impact nursing. Knowledge of these factors can help healthcare facilities make informed decisions to mitigate the threats to nursing.

Moreover, prior knowledge of the opportunities present can help healthcare facilities make decisions through which opportunities present for nursing can be availed.


Steps To Conduct A SWOT Analysis In Nursing

Earlier, we have discussed the application and benefits of SWOT analysis. However, this section will discuss the steps to conduct the SWOT analysis in nursing. Four major steps are to be carried out to conduct the SWOT analysis. Let us walk you through those steps.

Gathering Relevant Data

The first step for the SWOT analysis is gathering relevant data regarding the internal and external factors that impact nursing. The data can be collected by reviewing the existing data. Data related to patient outcomes and the performance of nurses can be useful.

Moreover, primary data can be collected by conducting interviews and carrying out surveys with the nursing staff. Primary data can provide insight into the internal factors that impact nursing.

Other than that, data on the external factors that impact nursing has to be collected through secondary sources.

Engaging Nursing Team

This step includes forming a nursing team comprising nurses, healthcare officials, nurse managers, etc. The purpose of this team formation is to have diverse opinions on each matter because diverse opinions increase the comprehensiveness of the analysis.

The team members should give honest opinions to make this analysis effective and implementable. Notes should be taken from the discussions so that everyone's point of view is recorded on the internal and external factors affecting nursing.

Analyzing Findings

Once you are done with the process of data collection, now it's time to analyze the data . In this step, we have to categorize the collected data.

It should be stated clearly whether the data falls in the category of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats. After categorization, it is important to rank them according to their priority.

Formulating Strategies

The last step of conducting the nursing SWOT analysis is to form strategies based on the data collected. Strategies should be formed that focus on polishing the strengths and addressing the weaknesses.

Moreover, strategies should also be formed to avail the nursing opportunities and mitigate the threats.


Challenges And Considerations

There are several advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis . However, challenges are also present that need to be addressed.

Data Accuracy and Availability

It is important to ensure the data is accurate while collecting the data to conduct the SWOT analysis. Otherwise, the results of the SWOT analysis will be skewed.

Moreover, data availability is also significant, or the SWOT analysis won't show accurate results due to the limitation of data.

Resistance To Change

Once the SWOT analysis is conducted and strategies are formed, the nursing staff and healthcare administrators might refrain from implementing the formed strategies.

Nurses might resist new policies since they worry about how new policies would impact their routines and practices. However, this problem can be solved by developing a consensus among all the major stakeholders.

Maintaining Objectivity

It is essential to maintain objectivity during the process. Otherwise, the results would be affected by personal biases. During the formation of the team of stakeholders, objectivity should be maintained. Otherwise, the contribution from the stakeholders would be pointless.

Similarly, biases should be avoided while collecting the data as well. In case the data collected is not objective, there would be no use in conducting the SWOT analysis.


Nursing is an integral part of the healthcare . Nurses provide care and treatment to patients; without their existence, the healthcare sector cannot function. Looking at the significance of nursing, today we decided to conduct a SWOT analysis of nursing.

In today's article, we discussed applying SWOT analysis in nursing. We shed light on how important it is to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats present in nursing.

After that, we discussed the benefits of nursing. Applying SWOT analysis in nursing improves the process of decision-making. Moreover, it enhances patient care and improves strategic planning.

The SWOT analysis should be conducted in nursing since it provides a snapshot of nursing, so it is easy to form strategies that can help the nurses and improve the experience of patients.

Applying SWOT analysis highlights the weaknesses of nursing timely. It provides an opportunity to overcome these weaknesses and convert them into strengths.

This article also discussed four essential steps to conduct the SWOT analysis smoothly. In the end, we also discussed some factors to be considered while conducting the SWOT analysis in nursing.

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Romeo's strengths, romeo's weaknesses, bibliography.

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nursing essay strengths and weaknesses


Strengths and Weaknesses

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nursing essay strengths and weaknesses

After one has submitted their best resume or  perfect resume  to a hiring manager, recruiter, or employer, they will be endorsed to the next step of the hiring or application process. Most application processes will let the person continue to the interview where the hiring manager or the HR will try to gauge the person’s personality, knowledge, and skills .

What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses?

Strengths are the skills, attributes, or areas of knowledge where an individual excels, providing a distinct advantage in certain situations or tasks. Conversely, weaknesses are aspects where an individual may lack proficiency, confidence, or capability, which can hinder progress in both personal and professional contexts. Recognizing the nature of these traits is the first step towards effective personal development.

Strengths and Weaknesses Examples for Students

  • Curiosity – Eagerness to learn and explore new subjects.
  • Time Management – Balancing schoolwork, hobbies, and social activities effectively.
  • Organizational Skills – Keeping study materials and schedules well-organized.
  • Critical Thinking – Ability to analyze information and form reasoned conclusions.
  • Persistence – Continuing effort to achieve in spite of difficulties.
  • Active Listening – Paying full attention in class and grasping new concepts quickly.
  • Public Speaking – Comfort with presenting in front of peers.
  • Adaptability to Technology – Proficiency in using digital tools for learning.
  • Self-motivation – Initiating and completing tasks without external encouragement.
  • Group Collaboration – Working effectively in project teams or study groups.
  • Shyness – Difficulty in speaking up in class or group discussions.
  • Distraction – Easily sidetracked by social media or other interests.
  • Over-planning – Spending too much time on planning rather than doing.
  • Fear of Public Speaking – Anxiety when required to present or speak publicly.
  • Impulsiveness – Making decisions or actions without adequate thought.
  • Prioritization – Struggling to identify which tasks or studies are most important.
  • Test Anxiety – Nervousness that impairs performance during exams.
  • Over-Reliance on Help – Depending too much on assistance from peers or teachers.
  • Underestimating Deadlines – Frequently underestimating the time needed to complete assignments.
  • Rigid Thinking – Difficulty adapting to new methods or different perspectives.

Strengths and Weaknesses Examples for Freshers

  • Eagerness to Learn – High enthusiasm for acquiring new skills and knowledge.
  • Flexibility – Willingness to take on various roles or responsibilities.
  • Tech-Savvy – Strong familiarity with latest technology and software.
  • Innovative Thinking – Bringing new ideas to the team.
  • Cultural Awareness – Understanding and adapting to diverse workplace environments.
  • Positive Attitude – Maintaining optimism and energy.
  • Strong Work Ethic – Commitment to working hard and achieving results.
  • Quick Learner – Ability to grasp new concepts and processes swiftly.
  • Networking Skills – Building relationships within and outside the organization.
  • Open-Mindedness – Receptive to feedback and different ideas.
  • Limited Industry Experience – Lack of practical experience in a professional setting.
  • Tendency to Overpromise – Committing to more than can be realistically delivered.
  • Difficulty with Constructive Criticism – Taking feedback too personally.
  • Lack of Confidence – Uncertainty in one’s abilities due to inexperience.
  • Time Management in Work Settings – Adapting to managing work tasks efficiently.
  • Fear of Asking Questions – Hesitation to seek clarification when needed.
  • Struggle with Authority – Adjusting to hierarchical structures in the workplace.
  • Over-Enthusiasm – Sometimes overwhelming others with intense energy.
  • Lack of Negotiation Skills – Difficulty in bargaining or advocating for oneself.
  • Inexperience with Office Politics – Naivety about navigating professional relationships.

Strengths and Weaknesses Examples for Job Interviews

Strengths and Weaknesses Examples

  • Professionalism – Consistent display of mature behavior and attitude.
  • Communication Skills – Clarity in expressing thoughts and understanding others.
  • Leadership Potential – Ability to guide and inspire others.
  • Reliability – Dependability in completing tasks and meeting deadlines.
  • Emotional Intelligence – Understanding and managing one’s emotions and those of others.
  • Conflict Resolution – Skill in resolving disagreements effectively.
  • Analytical Abilities – Competence in examining information and solving problems.
  • Strategic Planning – Proficiency in setting goals and determining actions to achieve them.
  • Customer Service Orientation – Dedication to fulfilling the needs and expectations of clients.
  • Goal-Oriented – Focused on achieving specified outcomes.
  • Perfectionistic Tendencies – Often spending too much time perfecting minor details.
  • Overthinking – Complicating situations by thinking too much about them.
  • High Self-Criticism – Frequently finding faults in one’s own work.
  • Discomfort with Uncertainty – Struggling in situations where outcomes are unpredictable.
  • Limited Experience in a Specific Role – Lack of specific skills due to limited role exposure.
  • Difficulty Saying No – Tendency to take on more than can be handled.
  • Inexperience with Remote Work – Adjusting to working outside a traditional office.
  • Impatience with Slow Processes – Frustration with tasks that progress more slowly than expected.
  • Sensitive to Stress – Difficulty managing stress in high-pressure environments.
  • Multitasking – Sometimes losing focus when juggling multiple tasks.

Strengths and Weaknesses Examples for Nursing

  • Empathy – High capacity to understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Stamina – Physical and mental endurance during long shifts.
  • Attention to Detail – Careful monitoring of patient symptoms and treatment plans.
  • Communication with Patients and Families – Providing clear and compassionate information.
  • Crisis Management – Ability to remain calm and effective during emergencies.
  • Technical Skills – Proficiency in using medical equipment and performing procedures.
  • Patient Advocacy – Ensuring patient needs and preferences are respected.
  • Team Coordination – Collaborating efficiently with other healthcare professionals.
  • Dedication to Patient Care – Commitment to providing high-quality care.
  • Composure – Maintaining a calm demeanor in stressful situations.
  • Emotional Involvement – Sometimes becoming too emotionally attached to patients.
  • Physical Demands – Managing the physical strain of nursing duties.
  • Shift Work Challenges – Adjusting to irregular hours and night shifts.
  • Handling Paperwork – Difficulty with the extensive documentation required in nursing.
  • Time Management with Patient Load – Balancing time among multiple patients.
  • Dealing with Loss – Coping with the emotional impact of patient death.
  • Updating Skills – Keeping up-to-date with medical practices and technologies.
  • Managing Patient Expectations – Handling situations where patient expectations are not met.
  • Resource Limitations – Working effectively despite resource constraints in healthcare settings.
  • Burnout – Risk of emotional and physical exhaustion from high-stress situations.

How to Answer The Strengths and Weaknesses Interview Question

The “What are your strengths and weakness?” question allows the interviewee to showcase one’s self-awareness and willingness to learn and improve. To answer this question, one must comfortably list out their various hard skills , soft skills , and flaws to the interviewer and illustrate how one can leverage these strengths and weaknesses in one’s work.

Step 1: Understand the Context of The Interview Based on the Position You are Applying For

Begin by understanding the context , theme , and tone of the interview you will be in. This will help you navigate specific nuances and terms that are relevant to the position you are going to be applying for.

Step 2: Practice Proper Body Language and Delivery During the Interview

Body language plays a large role in a successful job interview. This means that you must practice proper body language and delivery when you are giving your strengths and weaknesses as these can be a great tell whether you are open to the idea of willingly sharing said answers.

Step 3: Create an Outline to Act as A Reference During the Interview Proper

Create an outline that you can use to structure your answer to this question. Using the outline , you can create a well-paced interview answer that can properly detail your strengths and weaknesses in an instant.

Step 4: List Out a Reference of Your Strengths and Weaknesses before the Interview

You can also create a small note that will list your strengths and weaknesses in bullet form, which will act as a guide during the interview. You can use your general resume or the position’s job description as a reference for what you can put on your list.

Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses Responses

Strengths : “My primary strength is my problem-solving ability. Last year, I led a project that encountered multiple unexpected hurdles. My ability to quickly analyze the issues and propose effective solutions helped us meet our deadlines without compromising quality.”

Weaknesses : “I sometimes struggle with delegation. I take pride in my work and can be meticulous, which makes it challenging to hand over responsibilities. However, I’m actively working to trust my team more and have taken leadership courses to improve my managerial skills.”

Strengths : “I am very adaptable, which allows me to handle changes in workplace environments effectively. For example, when my company shifted to remote work, I was one of the first to adapt and even helped colleagues troubleshoot their setups.”

Weaknesses : “Public speaking has always been a challenge for me. Recognizing this, I joined a local Toastmasters club to improve my speaking skills. This has not only boosted my confidence but also enhanced my ability to communicate my points more clearly in meetings.”

Strengths : “I excel at critical thinking and have a keen analytical mind. In my current role, this has enabled me to anticipate potential problems and devise preemptive solutions, which has been instrumental in optimizing our operational processes.”

Weaknesses : “I have been overly cautious sometimes, especially when it comes to risk-taking. I’ve been working on balancing risk and caution by consulting more with peers and mentors before making decisions, which has led to more dynamic and profitable project outcomes.”

Strengths : “Organizational skills are one of my strongest points. At my previous job, I was often commended for my ability to manage multiple projects efficiently without missing deadlines. This skill has been crucial in maintaining productivity and meeting targets consistently.”

Weaknesses : “I’ve noticed that my technical skills were not as strong as they could be, particularly regarding the latest software in our industry. To address this, I have enrolled in several courses and am currently upskilling to ensure I stay relevant and efficient in my role.”

Strengths : “I have a strong work ethic and am extremely reliable. In my last position, I was the go-to person for urgent tasks because my team knew I would handle the pressure well and deliver the work on time.”

Weaknesses : “Earlier in my career, I found it difficult to say ‘no’ to additional tasks, which sometimes affected my work-life balance. I’ve learned to manage my workload better by prioritizing tasks and communicating more openly with my supervisors about my capacity.”

Strengths : “One of my main strengths is my ability to communicate effectively. In my previous role, I was responsible for coordinating between different teams. My communication skills helped streamline projects and reduce misunderstandings, which improved our team’s overall productivity.”

Weaknesses : “A weakness I’ve been working on is my proficiency in advanced Excel functions. I realized this was a gap in my skills during a complex project, so I’ve since taken an online course and have been practicing regularly. It’s something I’ve improved significantly and continue to work on.”

Strengths and Weaknesses List

  • Adaptability – Ability to adjust to new conditions or changes in the environment.
  • Communication – Proficient in sharing information, ideas, and feelings effectively.
  • Problem-solving – Aptitude for identifying solutions to complex or challenging issues.
  • Resilience – Capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
  • Teamwork – Ability to work effectively and harmoniously with others.
  • Leadership – Skill in leading, motivating, and organizing groups or teams.
  • Creativity – Talent for thinking of innovative or original ideas.
  • Attention to Detail – Focus on the minor aspects and accuracy in tasks.
  • Time Management – Efficiency in managing one’s time to maximize productivity.
  • Technical Proficiency – Expertise in specific technical fields or tools.
  • Procrastination – Tendency to delay or postpone tasks unnecessarily.
  • Impatience – Difficulty in tolerating delays or problems without becoming annoyed or anxious.
  • Difficulty Delegating – Reluctance to assign responsibilities to others.
  • Sensitivity – Overly reactive or susceptible to others’ comments or situations.
  • Perfectionism – The need to achieve flawlessness, often at the expense of time and stress.
  • Overcommitment – Taking on more tasks or responsibilities than manageable.
  • Fear of Failure – Avoidance of risk or challenges due to the fear of not succeeding.
  • Resistance to Change – Difficulty or reluctance to adapt to changes.
  • Limited Experience – Areas where experience or knowledge is insufficient.
  • Overconfidence – Excessive belief in one’s abilities, sometimes leading to mistakes or oversights.

Understand the Importance

It’s important to understand why interviewers ask about them. This question helps interviewers gauge self-awareness, honesty, and the ability to self-improve. Recognizing the purpose behind the question can guide your preparation and help you tailor your answers to showcase your suitability for the job.

Why Interviewers Ask About Strengths

  • Alignment with Job Requirements : How well the candidate’s strengths match the skills and attributes required for the job.
  • Self-Awareness : How well the candidate understands their own abilities and can articulate them confidently.
  • Potential Contribution : What specific contributions the candidate might make to the team or company based on their strengths.

Why Interviewers Ask About Weaknesses

  • Self-Awareness and Honesty : It shows whether a candidate can critically evaluate themselves and acknowledge areas needing improvement.
  • Growth Mindset : It demonstrates whether the candidate is proactive about personal and professional growth by identifying weaknesses and working on them.
  • Fit and Management : Understanding a candidate’s weaknesses helps the interviewer determine how well the candidate might integrate into the team and what support they might need.

Turning Weaknesses Into Opportunities

Discussing your weaknesses openly can turn them into strengths in the eyes of an interviewer. Explain the steps you are taking to overcome these weaknesses. This might include professional development courses, mentoring, or new strategies you are implementing in your work.

Strategies for Discussing Strengths in an Interview

Identify relevant strengths.

Before the interview, reflect on your key strengths that align with the job description. Consider the following:

  • Skills : Technical and soft skills that are directly applicable to the job.
  • Experiences : Specific instances where you successfully applied your skills.
  • Attributes : Personal qualities like resilience, leadership, or creativity that make you a unique candidate.

Use Examples

When discussing your strengths, it’s effective to illustrate them with concrete examples:

  • Situation-Action-Result (SAR) Format : Describe a situation, the action you took, and the results of your actions. This method provides a clear narrative that highlights the impact of your strengths.
  • Quantifiable Achievements : Whenever possible, use numbers to quantify your achievements. For example, “increased sales by 20%” or “managed a team of 10.”

Tailor Your Strengths to the Job

Customize your discussion to fit the specific job and company:

  • Job Description : Refer back to the job listing to highlight strengths that are directly mentioned or implied as important.
  • Company Culture : If the company values certain traits, like innovation or teamwork, emphasize these qualities in your examples.

Be Authentic

Authenticity resonates well in interviews:

  • Honesty : Be genuine about your strengths. Exaggerating or misrepresenting your abilities can lead to challenges down the line.
  • Confidence : Present your strengths confidently but without arrogance. Acknowledge teamwork and the role of others in your successes when applicable.

Practice Your Delivery

Practicing how you talk about your strengths can make your delivery more natural and confident:

  • Mock Interviews : Conduct practice interviews with friends or mentors. Ask for feedback on your clarity and delivery.
  • Record Yourself : Sometimes, recording yourself and playing it back can reveal areas for improvement in tone and pacing.

Strategies for Discussing Weaknesses in an Interview

Choose appropriate weaknesses.

  • Job-Relevant : Choose weaknesses that are not central to the job requirements. For instance, if you are applying for a data analyst position, you might mention public speaking instead of statistical analysis.
  • Genuine : Pick real weaknesses. Avoid clichés like “I’m a perfectionist,” unless you can discuss genuine challenges it has caused and how you are addressing them.

Frame Weaknesses Constructively

  • Positive Framing : Focus on how you’ve recognized the weakness and the steps you’re taking to improve. This shows a proactive attitude.
  • Growth Mindset : Demonstrate that you view weaknesses as opportunities for growth rather than fixed flaws.

Use Specific Examples

Similar to discussing strengths, use examples to illustrate your weaknesses:

  • Situation-Action-Result (SAR) Model : Describe a specific instance where your weakness came into play, what you did to handle the situation, and the outcome.
  • Continuous Improvement : Highlight any training, courses, or self-study you have undertaken to mitigate your weaknesses.

Be Proactive in Your Approach

  • Action Steps : Discuss specific actions you are taking, such as seeking mentorship, attending workshops, or practicing new skills.
  • Feedback Utilization : Mention how you use feedback constructively to improve your performance in areas of weakness.

Maintain a Balanced Perspective

  • No Overemphasis : Don’t dwell too long on your weaknesses or give them more weight than your strengths.
  • Confidence : Maintain confidence while discussing your weaknesses. Acknowledge them as part of your professional development rather than as impediments.

Practice Your Responses

  • Mock Interviews : Practice with a friend or mentor to refine how you present your weaknesses.
  • Record and Review : Recording your practice sessions can help you notice and correct any hesitations or overly negative tones.

Impact of Strengths and Weaknesses on Career Development

Your career progression can be significantly influenced by how well you manage your strengths and weaknesses. Leveraging strengths while mitigating weaknesses can lead to enhanced job performance, greater career opportunities, and increased job satisfaction.

1. Strengths and Weaknesses Example

Strengths and Weaknesses Example

Tips for Answering “Strengths and Weaknesses” in an Interview

  • Identify real strengths: Focus on qualities that are relevant to the role you are applying for, such as communication skills, problem-solving, and leadership.
  • Provide examples: Support your strengths with concrete examples of how you have demonstrated these qualities in past roles or projects.
  • Be specific: Avoid generic strengths and instead, tailor your strengths to the specific job and company.
  • Connect to the job: Show how your strengths make you a perfect fit for the job and how they can contribute to the organization’s goals.


  • Choose wisely: Select a weakness that is genuine but not a critical component of the job responsibilities.
  • Frame it positively: Present your weakness in a way that also shows your awareness and proactive steps to manage or improve it.
  • Show progress: Discuss any steps you’ve taken to overcome your weakness, demonstrating your commitment to self-improvement.
  • Keep it professional: Focus on professional weaknesses rather than personal ones. Avoid mentioning weaknesses that raise red flags about your ability to perform the job effectively.

What are the common strengths in individuals?

Common strengths include adaptability, communication skills, resilience, and problem-solving abilities.

How can one identify their weaknesses?

Identify weaknesses by seeking feedback, self-assessment, and observing recurring challenges in your activities.

Why is knowing your strengths important?

Understanding your strengths helps maximize your effectiveness and guide career choices and personal development.

How can weaknesses be turned into strengths?

Transform weaknesses into strengths through targeted practice, learning new skills, and seeking mentorship or coaching.

What role do strengths play in workplace success?

Strengths contribute to higher productivity, better job satisfaction, and improved teamwork in the workplace.

Can strengths sometimes become weaknesses?

Yes, overemphasized strengths can turn into weaknesses, such as perfectionism leading to procrastination or burnout.

How should one discuss weaknesses in a job interview?

In job interviews, present weaknesses honestly but focus on steps taken to address and improve them.

Are strengths and weaknesses fixed traits?

Strengths and weaknesses can evolve with experiences, education, and personal efforts towards self-improvement.

How can understanding weaknesses improve relationships?

Recognizing and working on weaknesses can foster empathy, better communication, and stronger bonds in relationships.

What methods can help in balancing strengths and weaknesses?

Balancing can be achieved by leveraging strengths in areas of weakness and continuously working on personal growth and development.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

10 Examples of Public speaking

20 Examples of Gas lighting

Hierarchical Prompting Taxonomy: A Universal Evaluation Framework for Large Language Models

  • Budagam, Devichand
  • KJ, Sankalp
  • Kumar, Ashutosh
  • Jain, Vinija
  • Chadha, Aman

Assessing the effectiveness of large language models (LLMs) in addressing diverse tasks is essential for comprehending their strengths and weaknesses. Conventional evaluation techniques typically apply a single prompting strategy uniformly across datasets, not considering the varying degrees of task complexity. We introduce the Hierarchical Prompting Taxonomy (HPT), a taxonomy that employs a Hierarchical Prompt Framework (HPF) composed of five unique prompting strategies, arranged from the simplest to the most complex, to assess LLMs more precisely and to offer a clearer perspective. This taxonomy assigns a score, called the Hierarchical Prompting Score (HP-Score), to datasets as well as LLMs based on the rules of the taxonomy, providing a nuanced understanding of their ability to solve diverse tasks and offering a universal measure of task complexity. Additionally, we introduce the Adaptive Hierarchical Prompt framework, which automates the selection of appropriate prompting strategies for each task. This study compares manual and adaptive hierarchical prompt frameworks using four instruction-tuned LLMs, namely Llama 3 8B, Phi 3 3.8B, Mistral 7B, and Gemma 7B, across four datasets: BoolQ, CommonSenseQA (CSQA), IWSLT-2017 en-fr (IWSLT), and SamSum. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of HPT, providing a reliable way to compare different tasks and LLM capabilities. This paper leads to the development of a universal evaluation metric that can be used to evaluate both the complexity of the datasets and the capabilities of LLMs. The implementation of both manual HPF and adaptive HPF is publicly available.

  • Computer Science - Computation and Language;
  • Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence


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    If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the NursingAnswers.net website then please: Essays. This report is to examine my personal and professional skills, to identify my weaknesses and strengths and make some personal plans on how to improve and enhance them. Activity 1: Personal Skills Rev.

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    Assessing the effectiveness of large language models (LLMs) in addressing diverse tasks is essential for comprehending their strengths and weaknesses. Conventional evaluation techniques typically apply a single prompting strategy uniformly across datasets, not considering the varying degrees of task complexity. We introduce the Hierarchical Prompting Taxonomy (HPT), a taxonomy that employs a ...