298 Disaster Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples

Are you looking for a good idea for your presentation, thesis project, dissertation, or other assignment? StudyCorgi has prepared a list of emergency management research topics and essay titles about various disaster-related issues. Below, you’ll also find free A+ essay examples. Read on to get inspired!

🌋 TOP 7 Disaster Management Topics for Presentation

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  • Earthquakes’ Impacts on Society
  • Forest Fires as a Global Environmental Hazard
  • 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami
  • Chernobyl Disaster and Engineering Ethics
  • A Natural Disaster Preparation Plan
  • Disaster Management in Nursing Practice
  • Flooding and Ways to Survive in It
  • Floods: Stages, Types, Effects, and Prevention Flood is the most regularly occurring and the most destructive natural disaster. The most flood-prone area in the world is Asia, but the US has its own share of floods.
  • Earthquakes: Effects on People’s Health Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact people’s lives in certain geographical areas and communities.
  • Decision-Making in the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster The decision-makers in the case of the Hillsborough Disaster were the event organizers, road engineers, and policemen handling the crowd.
  • Emergency Operations Plan During Earthquake Timeliness and quality of response to environmental challenges are the primary factors that can save the lives of thousands of people.
  • India’s, Indonesia’s, Haiti’s, Japan’s Earthquakes In 2001, the major tremor hit the Indian state Gujarat. It was reported as the most significant earthquake in the region in the last several decades.
  • Natural Disasters and Disaster Management in Katmandu This paper identifies the major disasters in the Kathmandu valley, suggested strategies to mitigate them, and the government’s move toward disaster management.
  • Stop Disasters Game: Learning, Entertainment, or Both? It is worth mentioning that the game seems to be informative in helping the player understand how to get prepared for natural calamities.
  • Earthquake Resistant Building Technology & Ethics Foreign engineers aimed to replace Japanese architecture with a more solid one with masonry houses, new railroads, iron bridges and other European technological advances.
  • Strategies Applicable to the Hurricane Katrina The Mississippi Crisis Plan many focuses on public information in order to ensure more communities and populations are aware of possible disasters.
  • Hurricane Katrina: Government Ethical Dilemmas Hurricane Katrina is a prime example of government failure. That`s why the leadership and decision-making Issues are very important at every level: local, state and federal.
  • The Tohoku Earthquake: Tsunami Entry The paper discusses the Tohoku earthquake. The tsunami evacuation can be described as one that was preceded by warning, preparation, and knowledge.
  • Natural Disasters: Rebuilding and Recovery Using the case of Hurricane Sandy, this paper explores some of the best approaches that can be used to address social justice and multicultural issues related to rebuilding and recovery.
  • Hurricane Response Plan: Analysis The City of Baton Rouge Emergency Services has developed a five-step detailed response plan in the event of a major hurricane to reduce risks to civilians and city infrastructure.
  • Disaster, PTSD, and Psychological First Aid Psychological first aid should be consistent and evidence-based, practically applicable in the field, appropriate, and culturally flexible.
  • Community Health: Disaster Recovery Plan Healthy People 2020 is a government initiative aimed at improving health for all groups. Its objectives are raising length and quality of life, achieving health equity.
  • Disaster Planning and Health Information Management This paper discusses promising measures and practices to help the organization to avoid situations with loosing all health information in case of future disastrous events.
  • Geology: Iquique Earthquake in Chile This paper describes the Iquique earthquake that took place on 1 April, 2014 in Chile and explains why living near an active faultline is better than on an active volcano.
  • Natural Disasters and Their Effects on Supply Chains This paper identifies emerging global supply chains and uses the cases of Thailand and Japan to explain the impacts of natural disasters on global supply chains.
  • Human Factors In Aviation: Tenerife Air Disaster The probability of mistake linked to the issue estimates around 30%, which is too high for aviation. For this reason, there is a need for an enhanced understanding of the problem.
  • Prevention of Nuclear Disasters The paper reports on the mechanical and engineering failures that sparked a nuclear meltdown in the Three Mile power plant, its effects and the ways to improve safety.
  • A Report on Earthquakes Using Scientific Terms The current essay is a report on earthquakes using scientific terms from the course. Moment magnitude or moment magnitude scale refers to the relative size of an earthquake.
  • Nurse’s Role in Disaster Planning and Preparedness Public health officials play an important role in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Nurses are involved in disaster planning, preparedness, response and recovery.
  • Earthquake: Definition, Stages, and Monitoring An earthquake is a term used to describe the tremors and vibrations of the Earth’s surface; they are the result of sudden natural displacements and ruptures in the Earth’s crust.
  • Dell Technologies Company’s Disaster Recovery Plan The goals of Dell Technologies include not only succeeding in its target market and attracting new customers but also demonstrating that its technology can be safer.
  • Valero Refinery Disaster and Confined Space Entry On November 5, 2010, a disaster occurred at the Valero Delaware City, Delaware. Two workers succumbed to suffocation within a process vessel.
  • Overpopulation’s and Environmental Disasters’ Connection This essay focuses on evaluating overpopulation as one of the greatest environmental threats, the relationship between the problem of overpopulation and harm to harmony in nature.
  • The Importance of Disaster Recovery The paper aims at providing a Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health community and presenting evidence-based strategies to enhance the recovery effort.
  • Drought as an Extremely Dangerous Natural Disaster On our planet, especially in places with an arid climate, drought itself, like the dry winds that cause it, are not uncommon.
  • Links Between Natural Disasters, Humanitarian Assistance, and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Critical Perspective
  • Global Warming: The Overlooked Man-Made Disaster Assignment
  • Natural Disaster, Comparing Huadong and Spence Views
  • Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well-Being: The Case of Fukushima
  • Natural Disaster Equals Economic Turmoil – Trade Deficit
  • Disaster and Political Trust: The Japan Tsunami and Earthquake of 2011
  • Minamata Mercury Pollution Disaster
  • Natural Disaster Damages and Their Link to Coping Strategy Choices: Field Survey Findings From Post‐Earthquake Nepal
  • Flood Forecasting: Disaster Risk Management
  • Disaster Relief for People and Their Pets
  • Man-Made Natural Disaster: Acid Rain
  • What Spiritual Issues Surrounding a Disaster Can Arise for Individuals, Communities, and Health Care Providers
  • Natural Disaster Management Strategy for Common People
  • Flood Disaster Management With the Use of Association for Healthcare Philanthropy
  • Disaster Relief and the United Nation’s Style of Leadership
  • India’s 1984 Bhopal Disaster Analysis
  • The National Disaster Management Authority
  • Natural Disaster Insurance and the Equity-Efficiency Trade-off
  • What the Puerto Rican Hurricanes Make Visible: Chronicle of a Public Health Disaster Foretold
  • Disaster, Aid, and Preferences: The Long-Run Impact of the Tsunami on Giving in Sri Lanka
  • Natural Disaster Early Warning Systems
  • Disaster Preparedness for Travis County Texas
  • Establishing Disaster Resilience Indicators for Tan-SUI River Basin in Taiwan
  • Natural Disaster Death and Socio-Economic Factors in Selected Asian Countries
  • Managing the Arsenic Disaster in Water Supply: Risk Measurement, Costs of Illness and Policy Choices for Bangladesh
  • Large-Scale Natural Disaster Risk Scenario Analysis: A Case Study of Wenzhou City, China
  • Hurricane Katrina: Natural Disaster or Human Error
  • Disaster Relief and the American Red Cross
  • Extreme Natural Events Mitigation: An Analysis of the National Disaster Funds in Latin America
  • The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster and Its Effects on the World
  • Comparison of the Loma Prieta California Earthquake and Armenia An earthquake is a tremor in the earth’s crust that results to seismic waves as a result of the sudden energy realized from the earths bowels.
  • Disaster Triage and Nursing Utilitarian Ethics Utilitarian moral principles are applicable to a wide range of extreme situations. One of the most relatable ethical issues in this context would be disaster triage.
  • Mississippi’ Disaster: Hurricane Katrina Crisis Strategy The primary strength of the crisis plan adopted by the authorities in Mississippi is the commitment of the authorities respond faster than they did during Hurricane Katrina.
  • Environmental Studies: The Chernobyl Disaster On April 26, 1986, The Chernobyl Unit 4 Reactor was undergoing a test on the system that was meant to provide electric power in case of a power outage.
  • Earthquakes: History and Studies Earthquakes are sudden movements of the earth’s surface caused by the abrupt release of energy into the earth’s crust. The earliest earthquake took place in China in 1411 BC.
  • Disaster Recovery Plan in Overcoming Disparities Health services are a social determinant and barrier that affects community health, safety, and recovery efforts.
  • Consequences of Northridge Earthquake The paper discusses Northridge Earthquake. A blind thrust fault provoked an earthquake of a magnitude of 6.7, which is high for such a natural phenomenon.
  • Ethics of the Flixborough Chemical Plant Disaster The Flixborough chemical plant disaster exposed some problematic ethical issues found in the engineering industry.
  • Disasters and Emergency Response in the Community The onset of a disaster prompts the nation, region, or community affected to depend on the emergency response team.
  • Earthquake Mitigation Measures for Oregon Oregon could prepare for the earthquake by using earthquake-proof construction technologies and training people.
  • Galveston Hurricane of 1900 The paper discusses Galveston, the 1900 hurricane. It remains the deadliest in terms of natural disasters ever witnessed in the history of America.
  • The Flood in Genesis and Lessons Learnt The story of the Flood in Genesis is fascinating because it is illustrative of the new beginning and a chance to achieve a different result for humanity.
  • Hurricane Katrina: Improvised Communication Plan This article seeks to highlight improvised communication plans adopted by the victims in the shelter at the Houston Astrodome.
  • William Mulholland and the St. Francis Dam Disaster The 1928 St. Francis dam disaster in Los Angeles, California is one of the most devastating man-made failures in the history of the United States.
  • Disaster Recovery Plan At Vila Health At Vila Health, the use of inadequate protocols caused confusion, staff overload, and excessive use of resources, so an improved Disaster Recovery plan is needed.
  • Destructive Force: Earthquake in Aquila, Italy A high magnitude earthquake shook Central Italy and the worst hit was the city of Aquila, the pain and sorrow were palpable but it did not take long before the people decided to move on.
  • Historical Perspective and Disasters as a Process Natural disaster should be analyzed on the social level, because disasters are socially constructed and experienced in different ways by individuals or groups of individuals.
  • Teaching Experience in Disaster Management Among Teenage Students The significance of the role that a nurse plays in disaster management (DM) is often overlooked yet is crucial to the safety and security of community members.
  • Disaster Management and Training for Emergency A national emergency management training center’s existence ensures a higher level of cooperation, experience exchange, and knowledge accumulation.
  • Nonprofit Organizations’ Disaster Management This research paper is performing an in-depth analysis of the nonprofit sector and its implications for the field of disaster management.
  • Mining as a Cause of Environmental Disaster Mining does great damage to the environment and biological diversity of the planet. The negative consequences of mining indicates the gravity of the present ecological situation.
  • Hurricane Maria and Community Response to Hazard Hurricane Maria, which took place in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Dominica on September 20, 2017, is believed to be one of the most devastating natural disasters.
  • Disaster Preparedness and Recovery The paper analyzes the characteristics of public and private partners concerning disaster, their advantages and disadvantages, and the government’s role in disaster control.
  • Bhopal Disaster: Analytical Evaluation The Bhopal accident occurred in India almost 40 years ago, on December 2, 1984. This disaster claimed the lives of 3800 people.
  • Flood Environmental Issues in the Netherlands With the current constantly rising sea levels, the Netherlands is at constant risk of floods, and those calamities were harsh incentives for the country’s development.
  • Disaster Preparedness Experience It is essential to conduct such training for water damage, which can come from floods or even a small leak that goes undetected for some time.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: Causes of the Tragedy and the Measures to Be Taken On January 28, 1986, the Challenger was launched to explode 73 seconds after its lift-off. The tragedy is commonly called “the worst disaster in the history of the space program”.
  • The Review of the Challenger Disaster This essay aims to discuss the Challenger Disaster and consider the details of the mission. It examines the reasons why the mission was conducted despite the warnings of engineers.
  • Effect of Flooding on Cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia The effects of Tigris and Euphrates river largely impacted on the Mesopotamian culture more so with regard to its frequent and destructive floods.
  • Causes of the Haiti Earthquake This paper defines what an earthquake is, then discusses and reviews the causes of the Haiti Earthquake and the possibility of another Earthquake.
  • Vulnerable Population: Disaster Management’ Improvement This paper helps understand that addressing an array of needs and demands of the vulnerable population remains one of the major issues in the sphere of disaster and emergency management.
  • Fukushima and Chernobyl’ Nuclear Disasters Comparison The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear disasters, access its effects and discuss some of the measures that have been undertaken.
  • Tornado and Hurricane Comparison Both a tornado and a hurricane are fraught with terrible consequences, both in terms of material damage and the possible injuries. Hurricanes causes impressively lesser damage.
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster The space shuttle is known to be one of the most ambitious projects of the modern age. The idea to create a spaceship seemed fantastic and even ridiculous.
  • Nuclear Disasters: Fukushima and Chernobyl Both Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters were nuclear crises that occurred accidentally in Japan and Ukraine respectively.
  • Concrete Homes Your Fortress in a Natural Disaster
  • II-the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster the Year
  • Hurricane Katrin Human-Made Disaster
  • Hurricane Sandy: Lessons Learned From the Natural Disaster
  • Thomas Drabek and Crisis and Disaster Management
  • Disaster Management: The Cases of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, and Hurricane Ike
  • Natural Disaster, Environmental Concerns, Well-Being and Policy Action
  • Improving the American Red Cross Disaster Relief
  • Union Carbide Disaster: Bhopal, India
  • Managing Risk the Disaster Plan That You Will Need
  • Disasters: Disaster Management Cycle and Major Disasters in India in the Year 2017
  • Ready for the Storm: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
  • Fire Prevention and Basic Disaster Management
  • Japan Tsunami Disaster March 2011 Present the Earthquake-Tsunami Hit Japan
  • Indian Ocean Tsunami: Disaster, Generosity, and Recovery
  • Gauley Bridge Disaster and Bhopal Disaster
  • Natural Disaster Shocks and Macroeconomic Growth in Asia: Evidence for Typhoons and Droughts
  • Disaster Recovery Toms River After Sandy
  • The History About the Bhopal Disaster Construction
  • The Black Death Was the Largest Disaster of European History
  • Middle Tennessee Disaster Analysis
  • Living With the Merapi Volcano: Risks and Disaster Microinsurance
  • Natural Disaster Risk Management in the Philippines: Reducing Vulnerability
  • Korea’s Neoliberal Restructuring: Miracle or Disaster
  • The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Economic Impact, Disaster Management, and Lessons
  • Modeling the Regional Impact of Natural Disaster and Recovery
  • Knowledge Management Systems and Disaster Management in Malaysia
  • Disaster Planning and Emergency Response
  • Disaster Vulnerability and Evacuation Readiness: Coastal Mobile Home Residents in Florida
  • Hurricane Katrin Disaster Response and Recovery System
  • A Hurricane Threat: A Risk Communication Plan The paper discusses a risk communication plan for the residents of New Orleans about a hurricane threat. It addresses disaster scenarios and introduces the risk communication plan.
  • Why the Hurricane Katrina Response Failed Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in US history, hit in late August 2005. The most severe damage from Hurricane Katrina was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana.
  • The US Disaster Recovery System’s Analysis The US disaster recovery system is operating below its potential, hence there is a need to review performance in past disaster incidents.
  • Chornobyl Disaster: Exploring Radiation Measurement After Fukushima The event is the Chornobyl disaster. A flawed reactor design caused it (Westmore, 2020). It resulted in the discharge of radioactive particles.
  • Earthquake’s Intensity and Magnitude Intensity measures earthquakes’ strength and indicates how much the ground shook. An earthquake’s magnitude quantifies its size.
  • Lake Oroville Disaster: Analysis Water released from the lake through the spillway was halted to assess the damage, which caused the quick rise of Lake Oroville water levels.
  • Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery in the US PDD-39 and HSPD-5 are very similar safety directives, united by the provisions concerning terrorism as a world problem and the attitude of the United States towards it.
  • An Agent-Based Model of Flood Risk and Insurance This paper provides all essential information concerning the nature of property and liability insurance along with its core principles.
  • Henderson Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment A proper understanding of the disasters capable of disorienting the lives of the people of Henderson can guide different agencies to formulate interventions.
  • Discussion of Managing Disasters in the USA People in the United States of America are constantly in danger of natural disasters, such as storms and tornadoes.
  • FEMA Assistance to Man-Made and Natural Disasters The Federal Emergency Management Agency can provide financial assistance to individuals and families who, as a result of natural disasters, have incurred expenses.
  • The Hurricane Katrina: Consequences Hurricane Katrina is one of the unprecedented disasters that led to deaths and the destruction of economic resources.
  • MAP-IT Framework for Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community This Vila Health Disaster Recovery Plan will address the potential threat of the Monkeypox (MPX) outbreak in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area.
  • The Possibility of Agroterrorism: Disaster Management Efforts The U.S. needs to prepare for the possibility of agroterrorism. Local administrators are responsible for disaster management efforts.
  • Earthquakes Preventions in USA and Japan The article clarifies the issue of earthquakes in the United States, investigate the weaknesses of the American system, and explore the benefits of the Japanese technique.
  • Aspects of Hurricane Irma: Analysis The paper examines Hurricane Irma and the responses of the country, state, and Monroe County to the disaster. Irma was one of the most powerful hurricanes.
  • Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand The earthquake is considered one of the costliest natural disasters in history. Thousands of buildings, cars, and other property were damaged or destroyed completely.
  • Researching of Record-Breaking Floods Floods are natural disasters, usually caused by excessive precipitation, leading to severe consequences. The most significant flood in the world occurred in 1931 in China
  • Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, on the United States Gulf Coast, on August 29, 2005, leaving a path of devastation and flooding in her wake.
  • “Emergency Management”: Building Disaster-Resilient Communities “Emergency Management” exemplifies the opportunities available currently in regard to building disaster-resilient communities to strengthen emergency management in the US.
  • Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster: Results After the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, NASA identified the management failure elements that led to the disaster and substituted them with sustainable alternatives.
  • Hurricane Vince: The Tropical Cyclone Hurricane Vince is a tropical cyclone that formed and developed in the eastern region of the Atlantic Ocean in 2005, near the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Humanitarian Assistance After 2010 Haiti Earthquake This paper aims to discuss how the people of Haiti experienced the earthquake, as well as how humanitarian aid from various organizations helped make a difference for Haitians.
  • Disasters Influenced by Technology Depending on the natural environment of a community, social and building systems could either be strong or weak and vulnerable to a disaster.
  • Disaster: Typhoon in Philipines Developing countries struggle to receive equal access to the same options. States like the Philippines do not have enough resources to invest in resilience and prevention measures.
  • Destructive Atlantic Hurricane Season in 2017 The deadly and destructive 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season affected many people in society as it made people lose over 200 billion dollars.
  • Earthquakes: Determination of the Risk There is a need to create awareness and knowledge about earthquake disasters and how to mitigate and respond to such disasters.
  • Disaster Management and Analysis of Information The assessment and analysis of a disaster help understand the main problem, causes, and effects on human safety and security.
  • Disasters and Actions of Rapid Response Services The collaborative work of rapid response services in emergencies is crucial for the rapid and effective elimination of their consequences and for saving people’s lives.
  • Earthquake Threats in Bakersfield Earthquakes and dam failures are the most severe threats to Bakersfield, both of which can result in gas leaks and power disruptions.
  • The Mississippi Floods of 2020, Its Impact and the Requisite Solution for the Future For numerous years, the Mississippi River has been prone to flooding incidents proved quite inconvenient for the local communities.
  • Hurricane Katrina: Military and Civilian Response One of the three most dramatic catastrophes of the millennium, hurricane Katrina highlighted weak points of government and military forces.
  • The Haiti Quake and Disaster Aid The experience of Haiti with earthquakes supports the opinion of researchers that there are factors that might prevent entities from assisting the populations.
  • Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community The Vila Health community has significant limitations as it has many elderly patients with complex health conditions, with shelters for the homeless running at capacity.
  • Hurricane Katrina and Failures of Emergency Management Operations Hurricane Katrina came from the coast of Louisiana on August 29, 2005, immediately resulting in a Category 3 storm as winds reached the speed of over 120 miles per hour.
  • How Can We Prevent Natural Disasters?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Disaster Risk and Climate Change?
  • How Does Disaster Affect Our Lives?
  • Where Do Natural Disasters Happen?
  • What Natural Disasters Are Caused by Climate Change?
  • How Can We Communicate Without a Phone or Internet in a Disaster?
  • What Is the Difference Between Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery?
  • Can Natural Disasters Be Prevented?
  • How Can We Reduce Disaster Risk?
  • Are Natural Disaster Situations a Formidable Obstacle to Economic Growth?
  • Why Is Communication Important in Disaster Management?
  • How Do Natural Disasters Help the Earth?
  • What Are the Principles of Disaster Management?
  • Are There Any Aspects of BP’s Ethical Culture That Could Have Contributed to the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Disaster?
  • Why Is Governance Important in Disaster Management?
  • How Does Weak Governance Affect Disaster Risk?
  • What Are the 5 Important Elements of Disaster Preparedness?
  • How Can Climate Change Affect Natural Disasters?
  • What Is Alternative Communication System During Disaster?
  • How to Cope With the Stress of Natural Disasters?
  • Does Economic Growth Really Reduce Disaster Damages?
  • Who Is Responsible for Disaster Management?
  • What Is the Importance of Disaster Risk Assessment?
  • How Important Is Disaster Awareness and Preparedness?
  • Does Natural Disaster Only Harm Humankind?
  • Incident Command System and Disaster Response The significance of successfully deploying the Incident Command System to any type or scale of emergency response situation cannot be overestimated.
  • Communities and Disaster Preparedness: Limiting the Spread of COVID-19 This paper focuses on communicating the necessary rules children must follow to limit the spread of COVID-19 as much as possible.
  • Preventing Forest Fires in California with Forestry Changes From the beginning of the 21st century, California has been experiencing an increase in forest fires, destroying citizens’ lives and property.
  • Preparedness Planning in Case of Flooding According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a preparedness plan for floods is divided into multiple steps that meet a national preparedness goal.
  • Earthquakes as the Natural Disaster Posing the Greatest Danger to Societies The scope of irreparable damage, human losses, and paralyzed infrastructure due to earthquakes causes high economic costs for rescuing, preventing, reconstructing, rehabilitating.
  • Disaster Planning for Public Health: Darby Township Case The present paper is devoted to flood preparedness and planning in Darby Township (DT) located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
  • Disasters Caused by Climate Change This paper focuses on several recent natural disasters caused by climate change – simultaneous fires in Russia and floods in Pakistan.
  • Hurricane: How Human Actions Affect It To prevent the frequent occurrence of hurricanes, it is necessary to understand the process of their occurrence and how human actions affect it.
  • “Measuring Inequality in Community Resilience to Natural Disasters” by Hong et al. This paper analyzes the scientific study “Measuring inequality in community resilience to natural disasters using large-scale mobility data” and the content of the article.
  • Natural Disaster Preparedness in Texas: Nursing Response Southeast Texas is the territory largely affected by hurricanes. In addition to property damage, hurricanes pose threats to public and individual health in different ways.
  • Nursing and Natural Disasters: An Emergency Planning Project The purpose of this paper is to describe the role of the nurse in an emergency situation (an earthquake) by listing priorities, resources, describing the nursing process.
  • Hurricane Katrina: Hazards Management This paper explores the events of Hurricane Katrina in regard to the arguments for and against rebuilding along the shorelines.
  • Noah’s Floods: Development of the Grand Canyon Rocks The paper discusses Noah’s floods. Developing a distinction between the sole causes for the development of the Grand Canyon rocks is still a daunting task.
  • IT Disaster Recovery Plan Information technology disaster recovery management procedures remain an important element of the overall corporate strategy.
  • Adopting Smart Grid to Mitigate the Blackout Disaster The author proposes the creation of a smart grid for effective blackout monitoring and mitigation the blackout disasters.
  • Spiritual Considerations in the Context of a Disaster The purpose of this essay is to discuss the spiritual considerations arising after disasters and a nurse’s role in this scenario
  • The Role of Nurses in Disaster Management Taking action in the event of adversities and helping out communities in recuperation is a central part of public health nurses.
  • Loss Prevention and How It Was Affected by Hurricane Katrina The most damaging flood in United States’ history, is known as the 2005 Great New Orleans Flood or Katrina. It is estimated that the damages were incurred in 2005.
  • Nuclear Disaster Prevention and Related Challenges The article addresses the role of transparency in monitoring nuclear arsenals as well as the varied approaches for identifying challenges.
  • Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters: Their Impact on the Ecology The fallout’s impact poses a danger to animal and plant life because of the half-life of the released isotopes. Longer exposure to radiation may lead to the burning of the skin.
  • Information Technology Disaster Recovery Planning Disaster recovery planning is the procedure and policies set aside by a given organization to ensure their continuity and recovery from a natural or human-caused disaster.
  • Disaster Responses: Improving the State of Affairs Despite technological improvements and increased knowledge, humanity is still struggling against disasters because they cannot either predict them or respond to them appropriately.
  • Disaster Preparedness: Miami, Florida The development of a disaster preparedness plan is a priority for all states, and Miami, Florida, is no exception to the rule.
  • Emergency and Disaster Preparedness in Healthcare The impromptu nature of emergency and disaster occurrence makes it almost impossible to prepare for emergencies and other challenges.
  • Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and Hurricane Harvey The coast of the United States in general and Texas in particular experiences tropical storms on a regular basis. Hurricanes hit the Texas coastline, often causing property damage.
  • Lazarus Island: Disaster Systems Analysis and Design This paper aims to develop a web-based emergency management system for the government of Lazarus Island. This system will be used at the response stage of disaster management.
  • “Manual Dosage and Infusion Rate Calculations During Disasters” by Wilmes The article “Manual dosage and infusion rate calculations during disasters” written by Wilmes, highlights the importance of manual calculation skills in nurses.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Data loss is the center of focus of business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), as this is the lifeblood of business operations today.
  • Fire Disaster Plan For a Skilled Nursing Facility The purpose of this fire disaster plan is to provide guidance to the skilled nursing facility on fire emergency procedures to protect the lives and property of staff, residents.
  • Southern Europe Flash Floods: Disaster Overview Southern Europe flash floods are the most recent significant event. People need to learn about the cause and effects of flooding and apply the knowledge to protect themselves.
  • The Atlantic Hurricane Season Explained The Atlantic hurricane occurs from June 1 to November 30. It peaks sharply from late August to September; in most cases, the season is at the highest point around September 10.
  • Community Disaster Preparedness in Nassau County, New York The objective of disaster management is to design a realistic and executable coordinated planning that minimizes duplication of functions and optimizes the overall effectiveness.
  • Article Review: “The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Trust in Government” The research applies trust concept to and measured in dwellers of several counties within Mississippi and Louisiana.
  • International and South Africa’s Disaster Management When South Africa gained self-governance status in 1931, one of the issues that its government focused on was the management of major disasters.
  • Disaster and People Behavior Changes Some of the behavioral changes that occur due to the presence of a disaster relying from research from sources across the world on the countries affected by the disasters.
  • Organizational Behavior and Motivation in Hurricane Response
  • All-Hazards Disaster Preparedness: The Role of the Nurse
  • Hurricane Katrina’s Mental Health Impact on Populations
  • Disaster, Crisis, Trauma: Interview with a Victim
  • Effects of Earthquakes: Differences in the Magnitude of Damage Caused by Earthquakes
  • How Natural Disasters Impact Systems at Various Levels?
  • Disasters’ Benefits to People Who Experience Them
  • Chernobyl Disaster’s Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact
  • Environmental Disaster Education: Incorporation Into the University Curriculum
  • Was the BP Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf Avoidable
  • The 1900 Galveston Hurricane: Disaster Management Failure
  • Managing Change, the Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters
  • Ethical and Legal Issues During Catastrophes or Disasters
  • Has the Media Changed the Response to Natural Disasters?
  • Managing Emergencies and Disasters
  • Energy Safety and Earthquake Hazards Program
  • Recovery Efforts During 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina
  • Hurricane Katrina as One of the Worst National Disasters in the USA
  • Hurricane Katrina and the USA’s South
  • International Studies: Global Disasters
  • Hurricane Katrina: Determining Management Approach
  • Scientific Responsibility for Earthquakes in Japan
  • Disaster Recovery. Automated Management System
  • Media Coverage of the China 2008 Earthquake
  • Vulnerability of Hazardville to Flooding Disasters
  • Natural Sciences. 1996 Mount Everest Disaster
  • The Climate Tragedy and Adaptation to Disasters
  • Potential Disasters’ Impact on Nursing Community
  • National Guidance During Hurricane Katrina
  • Disaster Operations and Decision Making
  • Psychological Issues After a Crisis or Disaster
  • Hurricane Katrina and Public Administration Action
  • Emergency Planner’s Role in Disaster Preparedness
  • Disaster Recovery Plan: Business Impact Analysis
  • Riverbend City’s Flood Disaster Communication
  • The “New Normal” Concept After Disaster
  • Disaster Management: Evacuations from Gulf Coast Hurricanes
  • American and European Disaster Relief Agencies
  • Flooding in Houston and New Life After It
  • Deepwater Horizon Disaster and Prevention Plan
  • Hurricane Hanna, Aftermath and Community Recovery
  • Emergency and Disaster Management Legal Framework
  • Disaster Support by Miami and Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina in Psychological Aspect
  • Disaster Plan Activation and Healthcare Staff
  • Hurricane Katrina and Emergency Planning Lessons
  • Family Self-Care and Disaster Management Plan
  • How Can the Negative Effects of Disasters Be Avoided?
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Factors
  • Disaster Management: Terrorism and Emergency Situations
  • Defence Against Coastal Flooding in Florida
  • Evaluation as Part of a Disaster Management Plan
  • World Trade Center Disaster and Anti-Terrorism
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Post-Disaster Fraud
  • Structural Violence and Hurricane Matthew in Haiti
  • Risk Management Model and Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Disaster Plan
  • Houston’s Revitalization After Harvey Hurricane
  • Disaster Recovery Team and Disaster Recovery Strategy
  • Hurricane Katrina: Facts, Impacts and Prognosis
  • Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response
  • Hurricane Katrina, Its Economic and Social Impact
  • Philadelphia Winter Snow Disaster and Its Impact
  • Natural Disasters Effects on the Supply Chain
  • Natural Disasters: The Budalangi Flood
  • Homeland Security: Fast Response to Disasters and Terrorism
  • Hurricane Katrina’ Meaning: Mental, Economic, and Geographical Impact
  • Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the New Age of Health Care
  • Healthcare Facilities Standards and Disaster Management
  • Hurricane Katrina Emergency Management
  • Planning Disaster Management in the Urban Context
  • Strategic Preparedness for Disasters
  • Hurricane Katrina and the US Emergency Management

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 298 Disaster Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/disaster-essay-topics/

"298 Disaster Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/disaster-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '298 Disaster Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "298 Disaster Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/disaster-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "298 Disaster Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/disaster-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "298 Disaster Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/disaster-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Disaster were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 22, 2024 .

Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Disasters — Natural Disasters

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Essays on Natural Disasters

Hook examples for natural disasters essays, "nature's wrath unleashed" hook.

"Natural disasters remind us of the raw power of the Earth. Explore the awe-inspiring, yet devastating, forces that shape our world and challenge our resilience."

"Surviving the Unthinkable" Hook

"Survivors of natural disasters carry stories of strength and survival. Share firsthand accounts of individuals who faced nature's fury and emerged as heroes."

"Disaster Preparedness: Are We Ready?" Hook

"In an era of climate change, disaster preparedness is paramount. Analyze the state of our preparedness efforts, the role of technology, and the importance of community resilience."

"The Environmental Toll of Natural Disasters" Hook

"Beyond human impact, natural disasters take a toll on our environment. Investigate the ecological consequences of disasters and the long-term effects on ecosystems."

"Mitigating Disaster: A Race Against Time" Hook

"Scientists and policymakers are working tirelessly to mitigate the impact of natural disasters. Explore innovative strategies, early warning systems, and the quest to save lives."

"Humanitarian Response and Resilience" Hook

"Natural disasters bring out the best in humanity as communities and organizations rally to provide aid. Celebrate stories of humanitarian response and the strength of human resilience."

"The Future of Disaster Management" Hook

"As natural disasters become more frequent and severe, we must adapt. Discuss the future of disaster management, sustainable solutions, and global cooperation in the face of adversity."

Hurricanes as Destructive Forces of Nature

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Comparing and Contrasting Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Harvey

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The Catastrophic Cyclone of April 1991 in Bangladesh

Ancient disasters in the world, what natural disasters occur in indonesia, the ethics behind publishing graphic images of natural disasters in face to face with tragedy, get a personalized essay in under 3 hours.

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Why People Loot During Disasters and What Can Be Done to Resolve The Issue

Hurricane maria – a name puerto rico will never forget, public attitudes towards risk and how it contributes to vulnerability, tsunamis in the pacific ocean and indonesia, report on oklahoma tornado disaster in 1999, tornadoes and the importance to be prepared, earthquake and its devastating effects, hurricanes – the frightening challenges for new orleans, the portrayal of climate change in political discourse and its connection to natural disasters, the effects of earthquakes on the economy, hurricane katrina and crisis counseling, hurricane dorian – the worst natural disaster in bahamian history, past, present, and future integration of spatial technologies and techniques in disaster management, tsunami modeling of caribbean sources affecting the north coast of puerto rico, embracing technology in tornado recovery, the lessons we learnt from xenia tornado, nuclear waste: an american disaster, earthquake is essential for the earth, the economics during and after kerala’s flood disaster, probabilistic analysis of optimal management of storage areas .

A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth.

Geological disasters: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes, etc. Hydrological disasters: floods, tsunami, limnic eruptions. Meteorological disasters: droughts, tropical cyclone, blizzards, hailstorms, etc. Wildfires. Space disasters.

Damage paths of tornadoes can be in excess of one mile wide and 50 miles long. Between 2000 and 2012, natural disasters caused $1.7 trillion in damage and affected 2.9 billion people. Floods are the most widespread natural disaster aside from wildfires. 90% of all US natural disasters declared by the president involve some sort of flooding.

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natural disaster research paper topics


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111 Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Disasters are a tragic part of human existence, and they can take many forms. From natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes to man-made disasters like mass shootings and industrial accidents, the impact of these events can be devastating. In order to raise awareness and promote discussion about these important issues, we have compiled a list of 111 disaster essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your next essay.

  • The impact of climate change on natural disasters
  • The role of social media in disaster response
  • The psychological effects of experiencing a disaster
  • How communities can prepare for a natural disaster
  • The ethics of disaster relief efforts
  • The effects of disasters on vulnerable populations
  • The economic impact of natural disasters
  • The role of technology in disaster response
  • The effects of disasters on mental health
  • The social implications of disaster response policies
  • The role of government in disaster preparedness
  • The impact of disasters on wildlife and ecosystems
  • The importance of community resilience in disaster recovery
  • The effects of disasters on infrastructure and development
  • The role of education in disaster preparedness
  • The relationship between poverty and vulnerability to disasters
  • The impact of disasters on healthcare systems
  • The effects of disasters on children and families
  • The role of international aid in disaster relief efforts
  • The ethical considerations of disaster response and recovery
  • The impact of disasters on agriculture and food security
  • The effects of disasters on water and sanitation systems
  • The role of media in shaping public perceptions of disasters
  • The relationship between climate change and the frequency of natural disasters
  • The effects of disasters on tourism and local economies
  • The role of volunteers in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on cultural heritage sites
  • The effects of disasters on education systems
  • The relationship between disasters and conflict
  • The role of social networks in coordinating disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on mental health services
  • The effects of disasters on indigenous communities
  • The relationship between disasters and public health
  • The role of technology in predicting and mitigating disasters
  • The effects of disasters on transportation systems
  • The impact of disasters on energy infrastructure
  • The role of insurance in disaster recovery efforts
  • The effects of disasters on housing and homelessness
  • The relationship between disasters and climate refugees
  • The role of faith-based organizations in disaster relief efforts
  • The impact of disasters on small businesses
  • The effects of disasters on supply chains
  • The relationship between disasters and food insecurity
  • The role of gender in disaster response and recovery
  • The impact of disasters on social cohesion
  • The effects of disasters on mental health stigma
  • The relationship between disasters and displacement
  • The role of art and culture in disaster recovery efforts
  • The impact of disasters on wildlife conservation efforts
  • The effects of disasters on emergency response systems
  • The relationship between disasters and political stability
  • The role of public-private partnerships in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on access to clean water and sanitation
  • The effects of disasters on disaster risk reduction efforts
  • The relationship between disasters and climate justice
  • The role of community-based organizations in disaster recovery
  • The impact of disasters on access to healthcare services
  • The effects of disasters on access to education
  • The relationship between disasters and human rights
  • The role of intergovernmental organizations in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on access to essential medicines
  • The effects of disasters on access to shelter
  • The relationship between disasters and social inequality
  • The role of citizen science in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on access to mental health services
  • The effects of disasters on access to clean energy
  • The relationship between disasters and environmental justice
  • The role of youth in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on access to information
  • The effects of disasters on access to technology
  • The relationship between disasters and urbanization
  • The role of indigenous knowledge in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on access to financial services
  • The effects of disasters on access to transportation
  • The relationship between disasters and access to employment
  • The role of disability rights in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on access to legal services
  • The effects of disasters on access to social services
  • The relationship between disasters and access to justice
  • The role of human rights defenders in disaster response efforts
  • The impact of disasters on access to reproductive health services
  • The effects of disasters on access to education for girls 83

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Natural Disasters Essay Examples & Topics

  • Air Pollution
  • Animal Rights
  • Animal Welfare
  • Climate Change
  • Deforestation
  • Endangered Species
  • Environmental Issues
  • Global Warming
  • Greenhouse Effect
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Nuclear Weapon
  • Ocean Pollution
  • Overpopulation
  • Plastic Pollution
  • Solar Energy
  • Waste Management
  • Water Pollution
  • Wildlife Conservation

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Floods: Stages, Types, Effects, and Prevention

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85 Tornado Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best tornado topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 good essay topics on tornado, 🔎 most interesting tornado topics to write about, ❓ research questions about tornadoes.

  • Natural Disasters: Tornadoes, Earthquakes, and Hurricanes Hence the loss may depend on the population of the area affected and also the capacity of the population to support or resist the disaster.
  • Tornado’s Variations and Formation As a result, the formation of tornadoes can be affected by Bernoulli’s principle since most tornadoes show a local vortex flow whereby the velocity of the flow is greatest at the center of the vortex.
  • School Preparedness Plan for Tornado, Earthquakes, Fire Emergency In case of an earthquake emergency, the school should be prepared to keep the students safe. In case of a tornado emergency the school should be prepared to keep the students safe.
  • Bobsville’s Emergency Plan for Tornado Disaster It shows, to the best extent, actions Bobsville and its’ municipalities government should take, working together with private and public organizations, seeking to develop the capacity for the government to protect citizens from tornadoes.
  • The Tornado Super Outbreak of 2011 The event was catastrophic; however, the presence of the imagery looping played a crucial role in giving out data regarding the situation.
  • The Tornado Incident in Southern Ontario The Tornado incident that occurred in Southern Ontario in 2009 is described as a sequence of various rigorous thunderstorms that led to a chain of many tornadoes leading to the South West regions of Ontario, […]
  • Managing Future Risks of Tornado The first loss experienced by the bank is business interruption, as the property from where the business operates had to close because of the tornado.
  • The US Tornado Outbreak of 16-17 December 2019 Tornadoes being part of the worst occurrences that are always witnessed within the country, the paper explored one of the worst tornadoes to hit the majority regions of the United States on December 16-17, 2019.
  • “Oklahoma’s Deadliest Tornadoes” Documentary In this case, large scale damage to business facilities and homes means the destruction of the building itself along with all forms of production equipment and machinery.
  • Tornado: “Hunt for the Super Twister” Documentary Based on the documentary and the supposed increase in the number of tornadoes, that are occurring, I have come up with the assumption that the higher amounts of tornadoes are due to the adverse weather […]
  • How AlphaPet Dealt With the Ala Tornadoes? When considering this sphere, it is essential to make sure that the facility will have the necessary power to communicate with different departments and facilities, as well as the rest of the world.
  • Community Hazard: Tornado in Joplin Missouri Transport system and utility disruption hazards were witnessed due to impact of natural hazard of the tornado in the form of storms and heavy downpour.
  • Hackleburg, Alabama Tornado It is worth to note that the April 28 2011 tornado did have three major tracks in the state of Alabama.
  • Difference Between Hurricanes and Tornados
  • Disaster Management Plan for Tornado
  • Employment Dynamics and the Nashville Tornado
  • Engineering-Based Tornado Damage Assessment
  • Numerical Tool for Assessing Tornado Vulnerability of Residential Structures
  • Hindcasting Community-Level Building Damage for Tornado
  • How Storms Develop the Middle of Tornado Alley
  • Iowa Tornado Outbreak 2008 and Its Outcomes
  • Embracing Technology in Tornado Recovery
  • Exploring Transformational Learning Following a Tornado
  • Machine-Learning Classifiers for Imbalanced Tornado Data
  • Perceptions and Expected Immediate Reactions to Tornado Warning Polygons
  • Spider Plots Versus Tornado Diagrams for Sensitivity Analysis
  • Stochastic Track Model for Tornado Risk Assessment in the U.S.
  • The Great Tri-State Tornado, the Most Devastating Tornado in American History
  • Greensburg Tornado Before and After
  • Tornado and the Importance of Be Prepared
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration About Tornado
  • The Super Tornado Outbreak of 1974
  • The Temporal Trends and Spatial Pattern of Tornado Activity
  • The Tragedy and Horror of the Joplin Tornado
  • The Worst Tornado That Hit Pennsylvania in 1985
  • Tips for Tornado Emergency Preparation
  • The Causes and Effects of Tornado
  • Tornado Assessment Strategies and Performance
  • Tornado and Weather Guide Calendar
  • Tornado-Induced and Straight-Line Wind Loads on a Low-Rise Building
  • Tornado: Its Characteristics and Classification
  • The Natural Disaster Caused by the Tornado in Louisiana
  • Tornado Shelters and the Housing Market
  • Tornado Shelter-Seeking Behavior and Tornado Shelter
  • Tornado Storm Design Model
  • Tornado: Its Shape, Size, Rotation, Sound and Seismology
  • Waterspouts, Landspouts, and Other Tornado Relatives
  • Tornado: World’s Deadliest Natural Hazard
  • Tri-State Tornado, the Deadliest Tornado in History
  • Facts and Statistics About Tornado
  • Tornado and Its Effect on Coastal Areas
  • The Most Extreme U.S. Tornado Outbreaks
  • Differences and Similarities Between Hurricanes and Tornados
  • Can More Than One Tornado Form at a Time?
  • What Are the Wind Speeds in a Tornado?
  • How Many Tornadoes Occur in the U.S. Each Year?
  • When Are Tornadoes Most Likely to Occur?
  • What Is the Most Famous Tornado in History?
  • Are There Different Types of Tornadoes?
  • What Is the Most Harmful Tornado?
  • How Long Is a Tornado Usually on the Ground?
  • Which Country Has the Most Tornadoes?
  • Do Tornadoes Create Negative Pressure?
  • Where Is the Safest Place to Be During a Tornado?
  • How Do Tornadoes Affect the Environment?
  • What Is the Most Common Type of Tornado?
  • How Can Tornadoes Affect Air Quality?
  • What Are the Short-Term Effects of Tornadoes?
  • Is Tornado Effects of Global Warming?
  • What Is the Dynamic Pipe Effect of a Tornado?
  • How Is Heat Transferred in a Tornado?
  • What Is the Difference Between a Funnel Cloud and a Tornado?
  • How Much Force Does a Tornado Have?
  • What Are the Best Conditions for a Tornado?
  • Why Does the United States Have the World’s Highest Tornado Risk?
  • Do European Countries Experience Tornadoes?
  • What Types of Pressure Do Tornadoes Have?
  • How Long Did the Longest Tornado Last?
  • Which Level of Tornadoes Causes the Greatest Damage?
  • When Was the Largest Tornado Outbreak in Europe?
  • Has Anyone Ever Lived Through a Tornado?
  • What’s the Best Way to Survive Being Picked Up by a Tornado?
  • How Did Native Americans Survive Tornadoes?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 85 Tornado Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/tornado-essay-topics/

"85 Tornado Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/tornado-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '85 Tornado Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "85 Tornado Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/tornado-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "85 Tornado Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/tornado-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "85 Tornado Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/tornado-essay-topics/.

Natural Disaster - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Natural Disasters are catastrophic events resulting from natural processes of the Earth, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods. Essays might discuss their causes, impacts on human societies and ecosystems, and the strategies for preparedness, response, and recovery to minimize their adverse effects. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Natural Disaster you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Wildfires: the Natural Disaster Outbreak no One Wanted to Expect

There is nothing scarier to imagine than having to flee your home due to a fire. Just imagine for a second having to escape the place you reside because it is burning to the ground with everything you cherish, and possibly the people you love inside. In recent years, this has happened more and more to an unacceptably large amount of people. Because of climate change, wildfires have increased rapidly in the Western United States. Some may argue that the […]

The Natural Disasters and Contributions of Canada to Global Warming

As of 2009, about 60.7% of the population, or 21.2 million people in Canada, own some type of motorized vehicle. With such a large population owning motorized vehicles, in addition to the various forms of exporting and importing goods such as the railway and airline, Canada contributes a noticeable amount of carbon emissions per year. The main exports of this country include coal, crude oil, and liquefied petroleum gases. These exports are transported from region to region with the assistance […]

Hazard of Climate Changing

Sustainability is more than just a term, it's the logic of earth and methods/technique a businesses/people must follow to achieve goals that won't harm the environment in the meanwhile still good socially and increasing the economy. In my paper, I would like to discuss how could the climate change be harmful to sustainability and how it may have an affect on all aspects of the sustainability. According to Reed Karaim in his article about Climate change, he claims that climate […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Citizen and Government Collaboration in Addressing Natural Disasters in Japan

Natural hazards are indeed inevitable, even during this time of pandemic. A massive 7.3 magnitude earthquake has jolted the northeastern coast of Japan, leaving 150 injured people last February 13, 2021. It’s considered an aftershock of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake because it happened just weeks before its 10th anniversary. The 7.3 magnitude earthquake caused widespread blackouts, affecting 950,000 households, and displaced around 240 people in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures from their homes. The Japanese Intensity Scale logged it […]

Natural Disasters Throughout South America

Throughout South America, there is widespread poverty. The continent is also very susceptible to natural disasters. Unfortunately, these two negative characteristics do not work well together and can destroy any country that wields them. Venezuela and Peru in Latin America are two countries that are impoverished. The GDP per capita in Venezuela is $13,200, and in Peru, it's $10,700. Although these numbers are low, there are, regrettably, countries with even lower numbers. In both countries, however, the life expectancy rate […]

Children as Agents of Change for Disaster Risk Reduction

Lessons from El Salvador and the Philippines. This work challenges the traditional belief that children are just passive victims of calamities yet in real sense children suffer the most during this calamities. Some suffer traumas as a result of the events that carry on. Backed up by research carried out in the Philippines and El Salvador it elaborates on ways children can actively participate in disaster management in areas that are prone or have suffered natural calamities and pandemics in […]

On Cities and Natural Disasters

In 2013, German Sociologist Mark Kammerbauer published an article analyzing the effects of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 on various cities, particularly New Orleans, Louisiana. He conducted empirical research using a quantitative questionnaire survey, qualitative open-ended interviews, archival research, document research, participant observation, and direct observation. The survey was self-administered twice in New Orleans' Holy Cross neighborhood and once to evacuees from the Lower Ninth Ward in Houston, Texas. Survey results were compared with data from the United States Census […]

How Dangerous are some Types of Natural Disasters?

If a serious disaster is imminent, immediate evacuation is the best course of action. Regardless of the advice some provide about waiting it out, nature is not something to gamble with. Each disaster has a straightforward response to minimize the need for survival tactics - evacuation. Meteorologists will usually alert those in danger zones through television, radio, etc. Even if the roads are congested, attempting to leave is better than staying put. The following tactics are secondary strategies if evacuation […]

Disaster Risk Management

"Disasters can happen to anyone at any time, but research says even the best disaster-recovery plans will not work exactly as envisioned (Drew & Tysiac, 2013). Huge amounts of destruction and suffering can lead to mental health and other issues for employees. This is why organizations should focus on their people's needs. Firms in the state of Florida and other natural disaster areas are well-advised to have business interruption insurance, which is structured to compensate businesses for time-frames when they […]

Unforgiving Winds: the Galveston Hurricane of 1900

In the annals of American natural disasters, few events match the magnitude and tragedy of the Galveston Hurricane of 1900. This catastrophic event, which ravaged the Texas city of Galveston on September 8, 1900, remains one of the deadliest hurricanes in United States history. The hurricane didn't just reshape a city; it fundamentally altered American attitudes toward natural disaster preparedness and meteorological science. Galveston, prior to the hurricane, was a booming port city, renowned for its economic prosperity and viewed […]

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, a systematic literature review of community disaster resilience: main and related research areas and agendas.

Continuity & Resilience Review

ISSN : 2516-7502

Article publication date: 7 September 2021

Issue publication date: 14 September 2021

This study aims to characterize the main research areas of published works, identify the disciplines that associated with the works and propose research agendas for future inquiries, based on a systematic literature review that encompasses 89 research papers from 2010 to 2020.


This review commenced with the definition of the three research questions, and subsequently three steps were followed: (1) defining criteria for research paper selection; (2) specifying the data bases and selecting the papers based on the criteria and (3) data analysis, conclusion and discussion of selected papers. The search was limited to the selection of research papers in English, focusing on “community disaster resilience” which is the subject of this review and referred to as keywords which were used for the online search for papers. All these three words must be present in the title of the selected papers.

The area “resilience management” and “disaster resilience assessment” accounted for 43% of the studies, and it indicates that research has emphasized the description of how community disaster resilience has been managed and assessed. Three disciplines relating to disaster resilience are disaster risk science, public health and environment, and it indicates that research has fostered core areas of community disaster resilience. Three key research agenda include a growing trend to describe successful efforts to avert a potentially catastrophic disaster through solution-based case studies; a paradigmatic shift and implementation of how communities could help the disaster victims recuperate from disasters.

Research limitations/implications

This review is limited to the numbers of chosen papers, as only full papers were chosen. However, in order to establish more rigorous and inclusive results of the study, the numbers of citations of published papers to be chosen for future inquiry should be taken into account.


This present review originally investigated how the concept of disaster resilience has been applied at the community level and in related areas. As resilience is a multidisciplinary concept that has been investigated by several different disciplines, such as sustainability, psychology, economy and sociology, this study looked into how disciplines related to community disaster resilience to provide agenda for future inquiries. This study therefore characterized the main research areas of published works, identified the disciplines that associated with the works and proposed a research agenda for future inquiries.

  • Community disaster resilience
  • Resilience management
  • Disaster resilience

Upadhyay, A. and Sa-ngiamwibool, A. (2021), "A systematic literature review of community disaster resilience: main and related research areas and agendas", Continuity & Resilience Review , Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 192-205. https://doi.org/10.1108/CRR-03-2021-0011

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited

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