Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers

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Essay writing is an essential skill for every student. Whether writing a particular academic essay (such as persuasive, narrative, descriptive, or expository) or a timed exam essay, the key to getting good at writing is to write. Creating opportunities for our students to engage in extended writing activities will go a long way to helping them improve their skills as scribes.

But, putting the hours in alone will not be enough to attain the highest levels in essay writing. Practice must be meaningful. Once students have a broad overview of how to structure the various types of essays, they are ready to narrow in on the minor details that will enable them to fine-tune their work as a lean vehicle of their thoughts and ideas.

Visual Writing

In this article, we will drill down to some aspects that will assist students in taking their essay writing skills up a notch. Many ideas and activities can be integrated into broader lesson plans based on essay writing. Often, though, they will work effectively in isolation – just as athletes isolate physical movements to drill that are relevant to their sport. When these movements become second nature, they can be repeated naturally in the context of the game or in our case, the writing of the essay.


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  • 270  pages of the most effective teaching strategies
  • 50+   digital tools  ready right out of the box
  • 75   editable resources  for student   differentiation  
  • Loads of   tricks and tips  to add to your teaching tool bag
  • All explanations are reinforced with  concrete examples.
  • Links to  high-quality video  tutorials
  • Clear objectives  easy to match to the demands of your curriculum

Planning an essay

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The Boys Scouts’ motto is famously ‘Be Prepared’. It’s a solid motto that can be applied to most aspects of life; essay writing is no different. Given the purpose of an essay is generally to present a logical and reasoned argument, investing time in organising arguments, ideas, and structure would seem to be time well spent.

Given that essays can take a wide range of forms and that we all have our own individual approaches to writing, it stands to reason that there will be no single best approach to the planning stage of essay writing. That said, there are several helpful hints and techniques we can share with our students to help them wrestle their ideas into a writable form. Let’s take a look at a few of the best of these:


Whether students are tackling an assignment that you have set for them in class or responding to an essay prompt in an exam situation, they should get into the habit of analyzing the nature of the task. To do this, they should unravel the question’s meaning or prompt. Students can practice this in class by responding to various essay titles, questions, and prompts, thereby gaining valuable experience breaking these down.

Have students work in groups to underline and dissect the keywords and phrases and discuss what exactly is being asked of them in the task. Are they being asked to discuss, describe, persuade, or explain? Understanding the exact nature of the task is crucial before going any further in the planning process, never mind the writing process .


Once students have understood what the essay task asks them, they should consider what they know about the topic and, often, how they feel about it. When teaching essay writing, we so often emphasize that it is about expressing our opinions on things, but for our younger students what they think about something isn’t always obvious, even to themselves.

Brainstorming and mind-mapping what they know about a topic offers them an opportunity to uncover not just what they already know about a topic, but also gives them a chance to reveal to themselves what they think about the topic. This will help guide them in structuring their research and, later, the essay they will write . When writing an essay in an exam context, this may be the only ‘research’ the student can undertake before the writing, so practicing this will be even more important.


The previous step above should reveal to students the general direction their research will take. With the ubiquitousness of the internet, gone are the days of students relying on a single well-thumbed encyclopaedia from the school library as their sole authoritative source in their essay. If anything, the real problem for our students today is narrowing down their sources to a manageable number. Students should use the information from the previous step to help here. At this stage, it is important that they:

●      Ensure the research material is directly relevant to the essay task

●      Record in detail the sources of the information that they will use in their essay

●      Engage with the material personally by asking questions and challenging their own biases

●      Identify the key points that will be made in their essay

●      Group ideas, counterarguments, and opinions together

●      Identify the overarching argument they will make in their own essay.

Once these stages have been completed the student is ready to organise their points into a logical order.


There are a number of ways for students to organize their points in preparation for writing. They can use graphic organizers , post-it notes, or any number of available writing apps. The important thing for them to consider here is that their points should follow a logical progression. This progression of their argument will be expressed in the form of body paragraphs that will inform the structure of their finished essay.

The number of paragraphs contained in an essay will depend on a number of factors such as word limits, time limits, the complexity of the question etc. Regardless of the essay’s length, students should ensure their essay follows the Rule of Three in that every essay they write contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Generally speaking, essay paragraphs will focus on one main idea that is usually expressed in a topic sentence that is followed by a series of supporting sentences that bolster that main idea. The first and final sentences are of the most significance here with the first sentence of a paragraph making the point to the reader and the final sentence of the paragraph making the overall relevance to the essay’s argument crystal clear. 

Though students will most likely be familiar with the broad generic structure of essays, it is worth investing time to ensure they have a clear conception of how each part of the essay works, that is, of the exact nature of the task it performs. Let’s review:

Common Essay Structure

Introduction: Provides the reader with context for the essay. It states the broad argument that the essay will make and informs the reader of the writer’s general perspective and approach to the question.

Body Paragraphs: These are the ‘meat’ of the essay and lay out the argument stated in the introduction point by point with supporting evidence.

Conclusion: Usually, the conclusion will restate the central argument while summarising the essay’s main supporting reasons before linking everything back to the original question.


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●      Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea

●      Paragraphs should follow a logical sequence; students should group similar ideas together to avoid incoherence

●      Paragraphs should be denoted consistently; students should choose either to indent or skip a line

●      Transition words and phrases such as alternatively , consequently , in contrast should be used to give flow and provide a bridge between paragraphs.


essay writing | essay editing tips | Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers |

Students shouldn’t expect their essays to emerge from the writing process perfectly formed. Except in exam situations and the like, thorough editing is an essential aspect in the writing process. 

Often, students struggle with this aspect of the process the most. After spending hours of effort on planning, research, and writing the first draft, students can be reluctant to go back over the same terrain they have so recently travelled. It is important at this point to give them some helpful guidelines to help them to know what to look out for. The following tips will provide just such help: 

One Piece at a Time: There is a lot to look out for in the editing process and often students overlook aspects as they try to juggle too many balls during the process. One effective strategy to combat this is for students to perform a number of rounds of editing with each focusing on a different aspect. For example, the first round could focus on content, the second round on looking out for word repetition (use a thesaurus to help here), with the third attending to spelling and grammar.

Sum It Up: When reviewing the paragraphs they have written, a good starting point is for students to read each paragraph and attempt to sum up its main point in a single line. If this is not possible, their readers will most likely have difficulty following their train of thought too and the paragraph needs to be overhauled.

Let It Breathe: When possible, encourage students to allow some time for their essay to ‘breathe’ before returning to it for editing purposes. This may require some skilful time management on the part of the student, for example, a student rush-writing the night before the deadline does not lend itself to effective editing. Fresh eyes are one of the sharpest tools in the writer’s toolbox.

Read It Aloud: This time-tested editing method is a great way for students to identify mistakes and typos in their work. We tend to read things more slowly when reading aloud giving us the time to spot errors. Also, when we read silently our minds can often fill in the gaps or gloss over the mistakes that will become apparent when we read out loud.

Phone a Friend: Peer editing is another great way to identify errors that our brains may miss when reading our own work. Encourage students to partner up for a little ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours’.

Use Tech Tools: We need to ensure our students have the mental tools to edit their own work and for this they will need a good grasp of English grammar and punctuation. However, there are also a wealth of tech tools such as spellcheck and grammar checks that can offer a great once-over option to catch anything students may have missed in earlier editing rounds.

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Putting the Jewels on Display: While some struggle to edit, others struggle to let go. There comes a point when it is time for students to release their work to the reader. They must learn to relinquish control after the creation is complete. This will be much easier to achieve if the student feels that they have done everything in their control to ensure their essay is representative of the best of their abilities and if they have followed the advice here, they should be confident they have done so.


writing checklists

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essay writing a student's guide

How to Write an Essay

Use the links below to jump directly to any section of this guide:

Essay Writing Fundamentals

How to prepare to write an essay, how to edit an essay, how to share and publish your essays, how to get essay writing help, how to find essay writing inspiration, resources for teaching essay writing.

Essays, short prose compositions on a particular theme or topic, are the bread and butter of academic life. You write them in class, for homework, and on standardized tests to show what you know. Unlike other kinds of academic writing (like the research paper) and creative writing (like short stories and poems), essays allow you to develop your original thoughts on a prompt or question. Essays come in many varieties: they can be expository (fleshing out an idea or claim), descriptive, (explaining a person, place, or thing), narrative (relating a personal experience), or persuasive (attempting to win over a reader). This guide is a collection of dozens of links about academic essay writing that we have researched, categorized, and annotated in order to help you improve your essay writing. 

Essays are different from other forms of writing; in turn, there are different kinds of essays. This section contains general resources for getting to know the essay and its variants. These resources introduce and define the essay as a genre, and will teach you what to expect from essay-based assessments.

Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab

One of the most trusted academic writing sites, Purdue OWL provides a concise introduction to the four most common types of academic essays.

"The Essay: History and Definition" (ThoughtCo)

This snappy article from ThoughtCo talks about the origins of the essay and different kinds of essays you might be asked to write. 

"What Is An Essay?" Video Lecture (Coursera)

The University of California at Irvine's free video lecture, available on Coursera, tells  you everything you need to know about the essay.

Wikipedia Article on the "Essay"

Wikipedia's article on the essay is comprehensive, providing both English-language and global perspectives on the essay form. Learn about the essay's history, forms, and styles.

"Understanding College and Academic Writing" (Aims Online Writing Lab)

This list of common academic writing assignments (including types of essay prompts) will help you know what to expect from essay-based assessments.

Before you start writing your essay, you need to figure out who you're writing for (audience), what you're writing about (topic/theme), and what you're going to say (argument and thesis). This section contains links to handouts, chapters, videos and more to help you prepare to write an essay.

How to Identify Your Audience

"Audience" (Univ. of North Carolina Writing Center)

This handout provides questions you can ask yourself to determine the audience for an academic writing assignment. It also suggests strategies for fitting your paper to your intended audience.

"Purpose, Audience, Tone, and Content" (Univ. of Minnesota Libraries)

This extensive book chapter from Writing for Success , available online through Minnesota Libraries Publishing, is followed by exercises to try out your new pre-writing skills.

"Determining Audience" (Aims Online Writing Lab)

This guide from a community college's writing center shows you how to know your audience, and how to incorporate that knowledge in your thesis statement.

"Know Your Audience" ( Paper Rater Blog)

This short blog post uses examples to show how implied audiences for essays differ. It reminds you to think of your instructor as an observer, who will know only the information you pass along.

How to Choose a Theme or Topic

"Research Tutorial: Developing Your Topic" (YouTube)

Take a look at this short video tutorial from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to understand the basics of developing a writing topic.

"How to Choose a Paper Topic" (WikiHow)

This simple, step-by-step guide (with pictures!) walks you through choosing a paper topic. It starts with a detailed description of brainstorming and ends with strategies to refine your broad topic.

"How to Read an Assignment: Moving From Assignment to Topic" (Harvard College Writing Center)

Did your teacher give you a prompt or other instructions? This guide helps you understand the relationship between an essay assignment and your essay's topic.

"Guidelines for Choosing a Topic" (CliffsNotes)

This study guide from CliffsNotes both discusses how to choose a topic and makes a useful distinction between "topic" and "thesis."

How to Come Up with an Argument

"Argument" (Univ. of North Carolina Writing Center)

Not sure what "argument" means in the context of academic writing? This page from the University of North Carolina is a good place to start.

"The Essay Guide: Finding an Argument" (Study Hub)

This handout explains why it's important to have an argument when beginning your essay, and provides tools to help you choose a viable argument.

"Writing a Thesis and Making an Argument" (University of Iowa)

This page from the University of Iowa's Writing Center contains exercises through which you can develop and refine your argument and thesis statement.

"Developing a Thesis" (Harvard College Writing Center)

This page from Harvard's Writing Center collates some helpful dos and don'ts of argumentative writing, from steps in constructing a thesis to avoiding vague and confrontational thesis statements.

"Suggestions for Developing Argumentative Essays" (Berkeley Student Learning Center)

This page offers concrete suggestions for each stage of the essay writing process, from topic selection to drafting and editing. 

How to Outline your Essay

"Outlines" (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill via YouTube)

This short video tutorial from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shows how to group your ideas into paragraphs or sections to begin the outlining process.

"Essay Outline" (Univ. of Washington Tacoma)

This two-page handout by a university professor simply defines the parts of an essay and then organizes them into an example outline.

"Types of Outlines and Samples" (Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab)

Purdue OWL gives examples of diverse outline strategies on this page, including the alphanumeric, full sentence, and decimal styles. 

"Outlining" (Harvard College Writing Center)

Once you have an argument, according to this handout, there are only three steps in the outline process: generalizing, ordering, and putting it all together. Then you're ready to write!

"Writing Essays" (Plymouth Univ.)

This packet, part of Plymouth University's Learning Development series, contains descriptions and diagrams relating to the outlining process.

"How to Write A Good Argumentative Essay: Logical Structure" ( via YouTube)

This longer video tutorial gives an overview of how to structure your essay in order to support your argument or thesis. It is part of a longer course on academic writing hosted on Udemy.

Now that you've chosen and refined your topic and created an outline, use these resources to complete the writing process. Most essays contain introductions (which articulate your thesis statement), body paragraphs, and conclusions. Transitions facilitate the flow from one paragraph to the next so that support for your thesis builds throughout the essay. Sources and citations show where you got the evidence to support your thesis, which ensures that you avoid plagiarism. 

How to Write an Introduction

"Introductions" (Univ. of North Carolina Writing Center)

This page identifies the role of the introduction in any successful paper, suggests strategies for writing introductions, and warns against less effective introductions.

"How to Write A Good Introduction" (Michigan State Writing Center)

Beginning with the most common missteps in writing introductions, this guide condenses the essentials of introduction composition into seven points.

"The Introductory Paragraph" (ThoughtCo)

This blog post from academic advisor and college enrollment counselor Grace Fleming focuses on ways to grab your reader's attention at the beginning of your essay.

"Introductions and Conclusions" (Univ. of Toronto)

This guide from the University of Toronto gives advice that applies to writing both introductions and conclusions, including dos and don'ts.

"How to Write Better Essays: No One Does Introductions Properly" ( The Guardian )

This news article interviews UK professors on student essay writing; they point to introductions as the area that needs the most improvement.

How to Write a Thesis Statement

"Writing an Effective Thesis Statement" (YouTube)

This short, simple video tutorial from a college composition instructor at Tulsa Community College explains what a thesis statement is and what it does. 

"Thesis Statement: Four Steps to a Great Essay" (YouTube)

This fantastic tutorial walks you through drafting a thesis, using an essay prompt on Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter as an example.

"How to Write a Thesis Statement" (WikiHow)

This step-by-step guide (with pictures!) walks you through coming up with, writing, and editing a thesis statement. It invites you think of your statement as a "working thesis" that can change.

"How to Write a Thesis Statement" (Univ. of Indiana Bloomington)

Ask yourself the questions on this page, part of Indiana Bloomington's Writing Tutorial Services, when you're writing and refining your thesis statement.

"Writing Tips: Thesis Statements" (Univ. of Illinois Center for Writing Studies)

This page gives plentiful examples of good to great thesis statements, and offers questions to ask yourself when formulating a thesis statement.

How to Write Body Paragraphs

"Body Paragraph" (Brightstorm)

This module of a free online course introduces you to the components of a body paragraph. These include the topic sentence, information, evidence, and analysis.

"Strong Body Paragraphs" (Washington Univ.)

This handout from Washington's Writing and Research Center offers in-depth descriptions of the parts of a successful body paragraph.

"Guide to Paragraph Structure" (Deakin Univ.)

This handout is notable for color-coding example body paragraphs to help you identify the functions various sentences perform.

"Writing Body Paragraphs" (Univ. of Minnesota Libraries)

The exercises in this section of Writing for Success  will help you practice writing good body paragraphs. It includes guidance on selecting primary support for your thesis.

"The Writing Process—Body Paragraphs" (Aims Online Writing Lab)

The information and exercises on this page will familiarize you with outlining and writing body paragraphs, and includes links to more information on topic sentences and transitions.

"The Five-Paragraph Essay" (ThoughtCo)

This blog post discusses body paragraphs in the context of one of the most common academic essay types in secondary schools.

How to Use Transitions

"Transitions" (Univ. of North Carolina Writing Center)

This page from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explains what a transition is, and how to know if you need to improve your transitions.

"Using Transitions Effectively" (Washington Univ.)

This handout defines transitions, offers tips for using them, and contains a useful list of common transitional words and phrases grouped by function.

"Transitions" (Aims Online Writing Lab)

This page compares paragraphs without transitions to paragraphs with transitions, and in doing so shows how important these connective words and phrases are.

"Transitions in Academic Essays" (Scribbr)

This page lists four techniques that will help you make sure your reader follows your train of thought, including grouping similar information and using transition words.

"Transitions" (El Paso Community College)

This handout shows example transitions within paragraphs for context, and explains how transitions improve your essay's flow and voice.

"Make Your Paragraphs Flow to Improve Writing" (ThoughtCo)

This blog post, another from academic advisor and college enrollment counselor Grace Fleming, talks about transitions and other strategies to improve your essay's overall flow.

"Transition Words" (

This handy word bank will help you find transition words when you're feeling stuck. It's grouped by the transition's function, whether that is to show agreement, opposition, condition, or consequence.

How to Write a Conclusion

"Parts of An Essay: Conclusions" (Brightstorm)

This module of a free online course explains how to conclude an academic essay. It suggests thinking about the "3Rs": return to hook, restate your thesis, and relate to the reader.

"Essay Conclusions" (Univ. of Maryland University College)

This overview of the academic essay conclusion contains helpful examples and links to further resources for writing good conclusions.

"How to End An Essay" (WikiHow)

This step-by-step guide (with pictures!) by an English Ph.D. walks you through writing a conclusion, from brainstorming to ending with a flourish.

"Ending the Essay: Conclusions" (Harvard College Writing Center)

This page collates useful strategies for writing an effective conclusion, and reminds you to "close the discussion without closing it off" to further conversation.

How to Include Sources and Citations

"Research and Citation Resources" (Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab)

Purdue OWL streamlines information about the three most common referencing styles (MLA, Chicago, and APA) and provides examples of how to cite different resources in each system.

EasyBib: Free Bibliography Generator

This online tool allows you to input information about your source and automatically generate citations in any style. Be sure to select your resource type before clicking the "cite it" button.


Like EasyBib, this online tool allows you to input information about your source and automatically generate citations in any style. 

Modern Language Association Handbook (MLA)

Here, you'll find the definitive and up-to-date record of MLA referencing rules. Order through the link above, or check to see if your library has a copy.

Chicago Manual of Style

Here, you'll find the definitive and up-to-date record of Chicago referencing rules. You can take a look at the table of contents, then choose to subscribe or start a free trial.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

"What is Plagiarism?" (

This nonprofit website contains numerous resources for identifying and avoiding plagiarism, and reminds you that even common activities like copying images from another website to your own site may constitute plagiarism.

"Plagiarism" (University of Oxford)

This interactive page from the University of Oxford helps you check for plagiarism in your work, making it clear how to avoid citing another person's work without full acknowledgement.

"Avoiding Plagiarism" (MIT Comparative Media Studies)

This quick guide explains what plagiarism is, what its consequences are, and how to avoid it. It starts by defining three words—quotation, paraphrase, and summary—that all constitute citation.

"Harvard Guide to Using Sources" (Harvard Extension School)

This comprehensive website from Harvard brings together articles, videos, and handouts about referencing, citation, and plagiarism. 

Grammarly contains tons of helpful grammar and writing resources, including a free tool to automatically scan your essay to check for close affinities to published work. 

Noplag is another popular online tool that automatically scans your essay to check for signs of plagiarism. Simply copy and paste your essay into the box and click "start checking."

Once you've written your essay, you'll want to edit (improve content), proofread (check for spelling and grammar mistakes), and finalize your work until you're ready to hand it in. This section brings together tips and resources for navigating the editing process. 

"Writing a First Draft" (Academic Help)

This is an introduction to the drafting process from the site Academic Help, with tips for getting your ideas on paper before editing begins.

"Editing and Proofreading" (Univ. of North Carolina Writing Center)

This page provides general strategies for revising your writing. They've intentionally left seven errors in the handout, to give you practice in spotting them.

"How to Proofread Effectively" (ThoughtCo)

This article from ThoughtCo, along with those linked at the bottom, help describe common mistakes to check for when proofreading.

"7 Simple Edits That Make Your Writing 100% More Powerful" (SmartBlogger)

This blog post emphasizes the importance of powerful, concise language, and reminds you that even your personal writing heroes create clunky first drafts.

"Editing Tips for Effective Writing" (Univ. of Pennsylvania)

On this page from Penn's International Relations department, you'll find tips for effective prose, errors to watch out for, and reminders about formatting.

"Editing the Essay" (Harvard College Writing Center)

This article, the first of two parts, gives you applicable strategies for the editing process. It suggests reading your essay aloud, removing any jargon, and being unafraid to remove even "dazzling" sentences that don't belong.

"Guide to Editing and Proofreading" (Oxford Learning Institute)

This handout from Oxford covers the basics of editing and proofreading, and reminds you that neither task should be rushed. 

In addition to plagiarism-checkers, Grammarly has a plug-in for your web browser that checks your writing for common mistakes.

After you've prepared, written, and edited your essay, you might want to share it outside the classroom. This section alerts you to print and web opportunities to share your essays with the wider world, from online writing communities and blogs to published journals geared toward young writers.

Sharing Your Essays Online

Go Teen Writers

Go Teen Writers is an online community for writers aged 13 - 19. It was founded by Stephanie Morrill, an author of contemporary young adult novels. 

Tumblr is a blogging website where you can share your writing and interact with other writers online. It's easy to add photos, links, audio, and video components.

Writersky provides an online platform for publishing and reading other youth writers' work. Its current content is mostly devoted to fiction.

Publishing Your Essays Online

This teen literary journal publishes in print, on the web, and (more frequently), on a blog. It is committed to ensuring that "teens see their authentic experience reflected on its pages."

The Matador Review

This youth writing platform celebrates "alternative," unconventional writing. The link above will take you directly to the site's "submissions" page.

Teen Ink has a website, monthly newsprint magazine, and quarterly poetry magazine promoting the work of young writers.

The largest online reading platform, Wattpad enables you to publish your work and read others' work. Its inline commenting feature allows you to share thoughts as you read along.

Publishing Your Essays in Print

Canvas Teen Literary Journal

This quarterly literary magazine is published for young writers by young writers. They accept many kinds of writing, including essays.

The Claremont Review

This biannual international magazine, first published in 1992, publishes poetry, essays, and short stories from writers aged 13 - 19.

Skipping Stones

This young writers magazine, founded in 1988, celebrates themes relating to ecological and cultural diversity. It publishes poems, photos, articles, and stories.

The Telling Room

This nonprofit writing center based in Maine publishes children's work on their website and in book form. The link above directs you to the site's submissions page.

Essay Contests

Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards

This prestigious international writing contest for students in grades 7 - 12 has been committed to "supporting the future of creativity since 1923."

Society of Professional Journalists High School Essay Contest

An annual essay contest on the theme of journalism and media, the Society of Professional Journalists High School Essay Contest awards scholarships up to $1,000.

National YoungArts Foundation

Here, you'll find information on a government-sponsored writing competition for writers aged 15 - 18. The foundation welcomes submissions of creative nonfiction, novels, scripts, poetry, short story and spoken word.

Signet Classics Student Scholarship Essay Contest

With prompts on a different literary work each year, this competition from Signet Classics awards college scholarships up to $1,000.

"The Ultimate Guide to High School Essay Contests" (CollegeVine)

See this handy guide from CollegeVine for a list of more competitions you can enter with your academic essay, from the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards to the National High School Essay Contest by the U.S. Institute of Peace.

Whether you're struggling to write academic essays or you think you're a pro, there are workshops and online tools that can help you become an even better writer. Even the most seasoned writers encounter writer's block, so be proactive and look through our curated list of resources to combat this common frustration.

Online Essay-writing Classes and Workshops

"Getting Started with Essay Writing" (Coursera)

Coursera offers lots of free, high-quality online classes taught by college professors. Here's one example, taught by instructors from the University of California Irvine.

"Writing and English" (Brightstorm)

Brightstorm's free video lectures are easy to navigate by topic. This unit on the parts of an essay features content on the essay hook, thesis, supporting evidence, and more.

"How to Write an Essay" (EdX)

EdX is another open online university course website with several two- to five-week courses on the essay. This one is geared toward English language learners.

Writer's Digest University

This renowned writers' website offers online workshops and interactive tutorials. The courses offered cover everything from how to get started through how to get published.

Signing up for this online writer's community gives you access to helpful resources as well as an international community of writers.

How to Overcome Writer's Block

"Symptoms and Cures for Writer's Block" (Purdue OWL)

Purdue OWL offers a list of signs you might have writer's block, along with ways to overcome it. Consider trying out some "invention strategies" or ways to curb writing anxiety.

"Overcoming Writer's Block: Three Tips" ( The Guardian )

These tips, geared toward academic writing specifically, are practical and effective. The authors advocate setting realistic goals, creating dedicated writing time, and participating in social writing.

"Writing Tips: Strategies for Overcoming Writer's Block" (Univ. of Illinois)

This page from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Center for Writing Studies acquaints you with strategies that do and do not work to overcome writer's block.

"Writer's Block" (Univ. of Toronto)

Ask yourself the questions on this page; if the answer is "yes," try out some of the article's strategies. Each question is accompanied by at least two possible solutions.

If you have essays to write but are short on ideas, this section's links to prompts, example student essays, and celebrated essays by professional writers might help. You'll find writing prompts from a variety of sources, student essays to inspire you, and a number of essay writing collections.

Essay Writing Prompts

"50 Argumentative Essay Topics" (ThoughtCo)

Take a look at this list and the others ThoughtCo has curated for different kinds of essays. As the author notes, "a number of these topics are controversial and that's the point."

"401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing" ( New York Times )

This list (and the linked lists to persuasive and narrative writing prompts), besides being impressive in length, is put together by actual high school English teachers.

"SAT Sample Essay Prompts" (College Board)

If you're a student in the U.S., your classroom essay prompts are likely modeled on the prompts in U.S. college entrance exams. Take a look at these official examples from the SAT.

"Popular College Application Essay Topics" (Princeton Review)

This page from the Princeton Review dissects recent Common Application essay topics and discusses strategies for answering them.

Example Student Essays

"501 Writing Prompts" (DePaul Univ.)

This nearly 200-page packet, compiled by the LearningExpress Skill Builder in Focus Writing Team, is stuffed with writing prompts, example essays, and commentary.

"Topics in English" (Kibin)

Kibin is a for-pay essay help website, but its example essays (organized by topic) are available for free. You'll find essays on everything from  A Christmas Carol  to perseverance.

"Student Writing Models" (Thoughtful Learning)

Thoughtful Learning, a website that offers a variety of teaching materials, provides sample student essays on various topics and organizes them by grade level.

"Five-Paragraph Essay" (ThoughtCo)

In this blog post by a former professor of English and rhetoric, ThoughtCo brings together examples of five-paragraph essays and commentary on the form.

The Best Essay Writing Collections

The Best American Essays of the Century by Joyce Carol Oates (Amazon)

This collection of American essays spanning the twentieth century was compiled by award winning author and Princeton professor Joyce Carol Oates.

The Best American Essays 2017 by Leslie Jamison (Amazon)

Leslie Jamison, the celebrated author of essay collection  The Empathy Exams , collects recent, high-profile essays into a single volume.

The Art of the Personal Essay by Phillip Lopate (Amazon)

Documentary writer Phillip Lopate curates this historical overview of the personal essay's development, from the classical era to the present.

The White Album by Joan Didion (Amazon)

This seminal essay collection was authored by one of the most acclaimed personal essayists of all time, American journalist Joan Didion.

Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace (Amazon)

Read this famous essay collection by David Foster Wallace, who is known for his experimentation with the essay form. He pushed the boundaries of personal essay, reportage, and political polemic.

"50 Successful Harvard Application Essays" (Staff of the The Harvard Crimson )

If you're looking for examples of exceptional college application essays, this volume from Harvard's daily student newspaper is one of the best collections on the market.

Are you an instructor looking for the best resources for teaching essay writing? This section contains resources for developing in-class activities and student homework assignments. You'll find content from both well-known university writing centers and online writing labs.

Essay Writing Classroom Activities for Students

"In-class Writing Exercises" (Univ. of North Carolina Writing Center)

This page lists exercises related to brainstorming, organizing, drafting, and revising. It also contains suggestions for how to implement the suggested exercises.

"Teaching with Writing" (Univ. of Minnesota Center for Writing)

Instructions and encouragement for using "freewriting," one-minute papers, logbooks, and other write-to-learn activities in the classroom can be found here.

"Writing Worksheets" (Berkeley Student Learning Center)

Berkeley offers this bank of writing worksheets to use in class. They are nested under headings for "Prewriting," "Revision," "Research Papers" and more.

"Using Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism" (DePaul University)

Use these activities and worksheets from DePaul's Teaching Commons when instructing students on proper academic citation practices.

Essay Writing Homework Activities for Students

"Grammar and Punctuation Exercises" (Aims Online Writing Lab)

These five interactive online activities allow students to practice editing and proofreading. They'll hone their skills in correcting comma splices and run-ons, identifying fragments, using correct pronoun agreement, and comma usage.

"Student Interactives" (Read Write Think)

Read Write Think hosts interactive tools, games, and videos for developing writing skills. They can practice organizing and summarizing, writing poetry, and developing lines of inquiry and analysis.

This free website offers writing and grammar activities for all grade levels. The lessons are designed to be used both for large classes and smaller groups.

"Writing Activities and Lessons for Every Grade" (Education World)

Education World's page on writing activities and lessons links you to more free, online resources for learning how to "W.R.I.T.E.": write, revise, inform, think, and edit.

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Tips for Reading an Assignment Prompt

Asking analytical questions, introductions, what do introductions across the disciplines have in common, anatomy of a body paragraph, transitions, tips for organizing your essay, counterargument, conclusions.

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How to Write the Perfect Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide for Students


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What makes a good essay?

Typical essay structure, 7 steps to writing a good essay, a step-by-step guide to writing a good essay.

Whether you are gearing up for your GCSE coursework submissions or looking to brush up on your A-level writing skills, we have the perfect essay-writing guide for you. 💯

Staring at a blank page before writing an essay can feel a little daunting . Where do you start? What should your introduction say? And how should you structure your arguments? They are all fair questions and we have the answers! Take the stress out of essay writing with this step-by-step guide – you’ll be typing away in no time. 👩‍💻


What is an essay?

Generally speaking, an essay designates a literary work in which the author defends a point of view or a personal conviction, using logical arguments and literary devices in order to inform and convince the reader.

So – although essays can be broadly split into four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive – an essay can simply be described as a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. 🤔

The purpose of an essay is to present a coherent argument in response to a stimulus or question and to persuade the reader that your position is credible, believable and reasonable. 👌

So, a ‘good’ essay relies on a confident writing style – it’s clear, well-substantiated, focussed, explanatory and descriptive . The structure follows a logical progression and above all, the body of the essay clearly correlates to the tile – answering the question where one has been posed. 

But, how do you go about making sure that you tick all these boxes and keep within a specified word count? Read on for the answer as well as an example essay structure to follow and a handy step-by-step guide to writing the perfect essay – hooray. 🙌

Sometimes, it is helpful to think about your essay like it is a well-balanced argument or a speech – it needs to have a logical structure, with all your points coming together to answer the question in a coherent manner. ⚖️

Of course, essays can vary significantly in length but besides that, they all follow a fairly strict pattern or structure made up of three sections. Lean into this predictability because it will keep you on track and help you make your point clearly. Let’s take a look at the typical essay structure:  

#1 Introduction

Start your introduction with the central claim of your essay. Let the reader know exactly what you intend to say with this essay. Communicate what you’re going to argue, and in what order. The final part of your introduction should also say what conclusions you’re going to draw – it sounds counter-intuitive but it’s not – more on that below. 1️⃣

Make your point, evidence it and explain it. This part of the essay – generally made up of three or more paragraphs depending on the length of your essay – is where you present your argument. The first sentence of each paragraph – much like an introduction to an essay – should summarise what your paragraph intends to explain in more detail. 2️⃣

#3 Conclusion

This is where you affirm your argument – remind the reader what you just proved in your essay and how you did it. This section will sound quite similar to your introduction but – having written the essay – you’ll be summarising rather than setting out your stall. 3️⃣

No essay is the same but your approach to writing them can be. As well as some best practice tips, we have gathered our favourite advice from expert essay-writers and compiled the following 7-step guide to writing a good essay every time. 👍

#1 Make sure you understand the question

#2 complete background reading.

#3 Make a detailed plan 

#4 Write your opening sentences 

#5 flesh out your essay in a rough draft, #6 evidence your opinion, #7 final proofread and edit.

Now that you have familiarised yourself with the 7 steps standing between you and the perfect essay, let’s take a closer look at each of those stages so that you can get on with crafting your written arguments with confidence . 

This is the most crucial stage in essay writing – r ead the essay prompt carefully and understand the question. Highlight the keywords – like ‘compare,’ ‘contrast’ ‘discuss,’ ‘explain’ or ‘evaluate’ – and let it sink in before your mind starts racing . There is nothing worse than writing 500 words before realising you have entirely missed the brief . 🧐

Unless you are writing under exam conditions , you will most likely have been working towards this essay for some time, by doing thorough background reading. Re-read relevant chapters and sections, highlight pertinent material and maybe even stray outside the designated reading list, this shows genuine interest and extended knowledge. 📚

#3 Make a detailed plan

Following the handy structure we shared with you above, now is the time to create the ‘skeleton structure’ or essay plan. Working from your essay title, plot out what you want your paragraphs to cover and how that information is going to flow. You don’t need to start writing any full sentences yet but it might be useful to think about the various quotes you plan to use to substantiate each section. 📝

Having mapped out the overall trajectory of your essay, you can start to drill down into the detail. First, write the opening sentence for each of the paragraphs in the body section of your essay. Remember – each paragraph is like a mini-essay – the opening sentence should summarise what the paragraph will then go on to explain in more detail. 🖊️

Next, it's time to write the bulk of your words and flesh out your arguments. Follow the ‘point, evidence, explain’ method. The opening sentences – already written – should introduce your ‘points’, so now you need to ‘evidence’ them with corroborating research and ‘explain’ how the evidence you’ve presented proves the point you’re trying to make. ✍️

With a rough draft in front of you, you can take a moment to read what you have written so far. Are there any sections that require further substantiation? Have you managed to include the most relevant material you originally highlighted in your background reading? Now is the time to make sure you have evidenced all your opinions and claims with the strongest quotes, citations and material. 📗

This is your final chance to re-read your essay and go over it with a fine-toothed comb before pressing ‘submit’. We highly recommend leaving a day or two between finishing your essay and the final proofread if possible – you’ll be amazed at the difference this makes, allowing you to return with a fresh pair of eyes and a more discerning judgment. 🤓

If you are looking for advice and support with your own essay-writing adventures, why not t ry a free trial lesson with GoStudent? Our tutors are experts at boosting academic success and having fun along the way. Get in touch and see how it can work for you today. 🎒


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Essay Papers Writing Online

A comprehensive guide to essay writing.

Essay writing guides

Essay writing is a crucial skill that students need to master in order to succeed academically. Whether you’re a high school student working on a history paper or a college student tackling a critical analysis essay, having a solid understanding of the essay writing process is essential.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential tips and tricks that will help you improve your essay writing skills. From generating ideas and organizing your thoughts to crafting a strong thesis statement and polishing your final draft, we’ve got you covered.

Not only that, but we’ll also provide you with useful templates that you can use as a framework for your essays. These templates will help you structure your writing, stay focused on your main argument, and ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one point to the next.

The Ultimate Essay Writing Guides

Essay writing can be a challenging task for many students, but with the right guidance and tips, you can improve your writing skills and produce high-quality essays. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with valuable advice, tricks, and templates to help you excel in your essay writing endeavors.

1. Understand the Prompt: Before you start writing your essay, make sure you fully understand the prompt or question. Analyze the requirements and key points that need to be addressed in your essay.

2. Create an Outline: Organize your ideas and thoughts by creating a detailed outline for your essay. This will help you structure your arguments and ensure a logical flow of information.

3. Research Thoroughly: Conduct extensive research on your topic to gather relevant information and evidence to support your arguments. Use credible sources and cite them properly in your essay.

4. Write Clearly and Concisely: Avoid using jargon or complex language in your essay. Write in a clear and concise manner to convey your ideas effectively to the reader.

5. Proofread and Edit: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and ensure that your essay flows cohesively.

By following these ultimate essay writing guides, you can enhance your writing skills and produce outstanding essays that will impress your instructors and peers. Practice regularly and seek feedback to continuously improve your writing abilities.

Tips for Crafting an A+ Essay

Tips for Crafting an A+ Essay

1. Understand the Assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you fully understand the assignment guidelines and requirements. If you have any doubts, clarify them with your instructor.

2. Conduct Thorough Research: Gather relevant sources and information to support your arguments. Make sure to cite your sources properly and use credible sources.

3. Create a Strong Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement should clearly outline the main point of your essay and guide your readers on what to expect.

4. Organize Your Ideas: Create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas in your essay.

5. Write Clearly and Concisely: Use clear, concise language and avoid unnecessary jargon or complex sentences. Be direct and to the point.

6. Revise and Edit: Always proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Revise your work to ensure coherence and clarity.

7. Seek Feedback: Ask a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide constructive feedback for improvement.

8. Use Proper Formatting: Follow the formatting guidelines provided by your instructor, such as font size, margins, and citation style.

9. Stay Focused: Keep your essay focused on the main topic and avoid going off on tangents. Stick to your thesis statement.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice writing essays, the better you will get at it. Keep practicing and refining your writing skills.

Tricks to Improve Your Writing Skills

Tricks to Improve Your Writing Skills

Improving your writing skills can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here are some tricks to help you become a better writer:

1. Read widely: Reading a variety of genres and styles can help you develop your own voice and writing style.

2. Practice regularly: The more you write, the better you will become. Set aside time each day to practice writing.

3. Get feedback: Share your writing with others and ask for constructive criticism. Feedback can help you identify areas for improvement.

4. Study grammar and punctuation: Good writing requires a solid understanding of grammar and punctuation rules. Take the time to study and practice these essential skills.

5. Edit and revise: Writing is a process, and editing is an important part of that process. Take the time to edit and revise your work to improve clarity and coherence.

6. Experiment with different writing techniques: Try experimenting with different writing techniques, such as using metaphors, similes, or descriptive language, to enhance your writing.

7. Stay inspired: Find inspiration in the world around you. Whether it’s nature, art, or literature, draw inspiration from your surroundings to fuel your writing.

By following these tricks and practicing regularly, you can improve your writing skills and become a more confident and effective writer.

Step-by-Step Essay Writing Templates

When it comes to writing an essay, having a clear and structured template can be incredibly helpful. Here are some step-by-step essay writing templates that you can use to guide you through the process:

  • Introduction: Start your essay with a hook to grab the reader’s attention. Provide some background information on the topic and end with a thesis statement that outlines the main argument of your essay.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, provide evidence to support your point, and then analyze the evidence to show how it relates back to your thesis.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis in a new way. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and instead focus on tying together all the points you have made throughout the essay.

Expert Advice for Writing Top-Notch Essays

When it comes to writing a top-notch essay, it’s essential to follow expert advice to ensure your work stands out. Here are some key tips to help you elevate your writing:

1. Start with a strong thesis statement that clearly outlines your main argument.

2. Conduct thorough research to support your points with credible sources.

3. Organize your thoughts logically and ensure your essay flows smoothly from one point to the next.

4. Use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to keep your writing engaging.

5. Proofread and edit your essay carefully to eliminate errors and refine your arguments.

By following these expert tips, you can take your essay writing skills to the next level and produce work that is both informative and compelling.

Resources to Enhance Your Essay Writing Process

When it comes to improving your essay writing skills, there are a variety of resources available to help you enhance your process. Here are some valuable resources that can aid you in becoming a more effective and efficient writer:

  • Writing Guides: There are countless writing guides and books that offer tips, tricks, and strategies for improving your writing skills. Whether you’re looking to enhance your grammar, structure, or argumentation, these guides can provide valuable insights.
  • Online Writing Communities: Joining online writing communities can be a great way to connect with other writers, receive feedback on your work, and engage in writing challenges and prompts. Websites like and Wattpad are popular platforms for writers to share their work and receive critiques.
  • Writing Workshops and Courses: Participating in writing workshops and courses can help you hone your craft and develop your writing skills. Whether you prefer in-person workshops or online courses, there are many options available to suit your needs and schedule.
  • Writing Apps and Tools: Utilizing writing apps and tools can streamline your writing process and help you stay organized. Tools like Grammarly can assist with grammar and spelling checks, while apps like Scrivener can help you organize your research and ideas.
  • Libraries and Writing Centers: Visiting your local library or university writing center can provide access to valuable resources, such as writing guides, research materials, and writing tutors who can offer personalized feedback and support.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can enhance your essay writing process and become a more skilled and confident writer.

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Scribendi's Ultimate Essay Writing Guide


Written by  Scribendi

Learn How to Write an Essay

It's a problem that all students face: You know that you need to write an essay, but you don't know where to start.

Fear not, dear reader. Whether you're a procrastinator, a planner, or a perfectionist, our Ultimate Essay Writing Guide will give you everything you need to craft an A+ paper.

We'll walk you through each stage of learning how to write an essay, from planning your first draft to polishing your final one. Consider us your one-stop shop for essay writing help.

Part 1: Preparing and Planning

Learning any new skill requires planning and preparation. Check out these resources below before you start. They can help you save time, avoid stress, and keep your essay writing on track.

  • How to Stop Procrastinating
  • The 5 Stages of Procrastination in Essay Writing
  • How to Take Notes Effectively
  • How to Research a Term Paper
  • 101 Free Online Journal and Research Databases for Academics
  • How to Write Concisely
  • Scribendi Reviews Microsoft Word: 10 Hidden Features to Make Your Life Easier
  • Escape the Five-Paragraph Essay
  • Writing Your First College Essay: The "A" Is Easier Than You Think

Part 2: The Writing Process

It's time to get into the nitty-gritty of mastering how to write an essay. The following links will teach you all you need to know.

  • Essay Writing Help
  • How to Write an Introduction
  • How to Write a Paragraph
  • How to Write an Outline
  • How to Write an Abstract (and Why It's Important)

How to Write a Great Thesis Statement

  • The Ultimate Essay Checklist
  • Five Habits to Avoid in Your Academic Writing
  • Essay Writing: Traffic Signals for the Reader
  • Student Writing Guide: Transitions

How to Improve Essay Writing Skills

  • 5 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Academic Essay Writing Skills
  • The Ultimate Academic Writing Guide (Inspired by 37 Top Universities)

How to Write 11 Types of Essays

  • How to Write an Expository Essay
  • How to Write a Book Report
  • How to Write a Lab Report
  • How to Write a Proposal for a Research Paper
  • How to Write a Thesis Proposal
  • How to Write a Research Paper
  • How to Write a Persuasive Essay
  • How to Write a Scientific Paper
  • How to Write a Literature Review
  • How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation
  • Close Reading Strategies to Help You Dig into a Text

Part 3: Your Citations and Bibliography

Don't wait until the final hour to start thinking about your citations. Educate yourself about why they're necessary and how to write them ahead of time in order to avoid stress later.

  • How Do I Know If I'm Plagiarizing?
  • What Is Plagiarism?
  • How to Write an Annotated Bibliography
  • What Are Footnotes and How Do You Use Them?
  • Lab Report Citations
  • How to Cite a Website
  • Speedy Citations: 5 Reference Management Software Solutions for Your Research
  • How to Create a Bibliography Using Word
  • Scribendi Reviews: Citation Software
  • What to Capitalize in a Title
  • How to Use et al. in an Academic Paper
  • APA Style and APA Formatting
  • APA References
  • APA Paper Format
  • APA Reference Page
  • APA Title Page
  • MLA Formatting and MLA Style: An Introduction
  • MLA Citations: A How-To Guide
  • Examples of MLA Citations


  • An Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style
  • Chicago Manual of Style Bibliography
  • Turabian Style Bibliography
  • Turabian Style: How to Use It

Part 4: Editing Your Essay

The benefits of editing your work cannot be stressed enough. Check out some of our top editing and proofreading advice below.

  • Thesis Editing
  • 10 Academic Phrases Your Writing Doesn't Need
  • Edit Your Essay to Be Text-Talk Free
  • The Benefits of Having Others Edit Your Work
  • How Proofreading Can Drastically Improve Your Writing
  • How to Eliminate Wordiness
  • The Student's Guide to Grammar and Punctuation
  • Common Grammar and Spelling Mistakes You Missed Even After Proofreading

We hope that our Ultimate Essay Writing Guide will provide you with more confidence in the essay writing process. We'd love for you to use these articles to learn to fully express your ideas and surpass your academic goals.

As you work your way through these articles, feel free to send your writing to be professionally edited or proofread by our team of experienced editors . They're masters of the English language and, like any student who is worth their salt, are capable of working within tight deadlines.

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  • Knowledge Base
  • How to write an essay outline | Guidelines & examples

How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Table of contents

Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

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  • Choosing Essay Topic
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  • Write a Diversity Essay
  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

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essay writing a student's guide

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How to Structure an Essay

essay structure

Essay writing is a fundamental skill, a basic task, that is expected of those who choose to pursue their undergraduate and master’s degrees. It constitutes a key requirement for students to complete a given course credit. However, many students and early career researchers find themselves struggling with the challenge of organizing their thoughts into a coherent, engaging structure. This article is especially for those who see essay writing as a daunting task and face problems in presenting their work in an impactful way.  

Table of Contents

  • Writing an essay: basic elements and some key principles  
  • Essay structure template 
  • Chronological structure 
  • Problem-methods-solutions structure 
  • Compare and contrast structures 
  • Frequently asked questions on essay structure 

Read on as we delve into the basic elements of essay writing, outline key principles for organizing information, and cover some foundational features of writing essays.  

Writing an essay: basic elements and some key principles

Essays are written in a flowing and continuous pattern but with a structure of its own. An introduction, body and conclusion are integral to it. The key is to balance the amount and kind of information to be presented in each part. Various disciplines may have their own conventions or guidelines on the information to be provided in the introduction.  

A clear articulation of the context and background of the study is important, as is the definition of key terms and an outline of specific models or theories used. Readers also need to know the significance of the study and its implications for further research. Most importantly, the thesis or the main proposition should be clearly presented.  

The body of the essay is therefore organized into paragraphs that hold the main ideas and arguments and is presented and analyzed in a logical manner. Ideally, each paragraph of the body focuses on one main point or a distinct topic and must be supported by evidence and analysis. The concluding paragraph should bring back to the reader the key arguments, its significance and food for thought. It is best not to re-state all the points of the essay or introduce a new concept here. 

In other words, certain general guidelines help structure the information in the essay. The information must flow logically with the context or the background information presented in the introductory part of the essay. The arguments are built organically where each paragraph in the body of the essay deals with a different point, yet closely linked to the para preceding and following it. Importantly, when writing essays, early career researchers must be careful in ensuring that each piece of information relates to the main thesis and is a building block to the arguments. 

Essay structure template

  • Introduction 
  • Provide the context and share significance of the study 
  • Clearly articulate the thesis statement 
  • Body  
  • Paragraph 1 consisting of the first main point, followed by supporting evidence and an analysis of the findings. Transitional words and phrases can be used to move to the next main point. 
  • There can be as many paragraphs with the above-mentioned elements as there are points and arguments to support your thesis. 
  • Conclusion  
  • Bring in key ideas and discuss their significance and relevance 
  • Call for action 
  • References 

Essay structures

The structure of an essay can be determined by the kind of essay that is required.  

Chronological structure

Also known as the cause-and-effect approach, this is a straightforward way to structure an essay. In such essays, events are discussed sequentially, as they occurred from the earliest to the latest. A chronological structure is useful for discussing a series of events or processes such as historical analyses or narratives of events. The introduction should have the topic sentence. The body of the essay should follow a chorological progression with each para discussing a major aspect of that event with supporting evidence. It ends with a summarizing of the results of the events.  

Problem-methods-solutions structure

Where the essay focuses on a specific problem, the problem-methods-solutions structure can be used to organize the essay. This structure is ideal for essays that address complex issues. It starts with presenting the problem, the context, and thesis statement as introduction to the essay. The major part of the discussion which forms the body of the essay focuses on stating the problem and its significance, the author’s approach or methods adopted to address the problem along with its relevance, and accordingly proposing solution(s) to the identified problem. The concluding part offers a recap of the research problem, methods, and proposed solutions, emphasizing their significance and potential impact. 

Compare and contrast structures

This structure of essay writing is ideally used when two or more key subjects require a comparison of ideas, theories, or phenomena. The three crucial elements, introduction, body, and conclusion, remain the same. The introduction presents the context and the thesis statement. The body of the essay seeks to focus on and highlight differences between the subjects, supported by evidence and analysis. The conclusion is used to summarize the key points of comparison and contrast, offering insights into the significance of the analysis.  

Depending on how the subjects will be discussed, the body of the essay can be organized according to the block method or the alternating method. In the block method, one para discusses one subject and the next para the other subject. In the alternative method, both subjects are discussed in one para based on a particular topic or issue followed by the next para on another issue and so on.  

Frequently asked questions on essay structure

An essay structure serves as a framework for presenting ideas coherently and logically. It comprises three crucial elements: an introduction that communicates the context, topic, and thesis statement; the body focusing on the main points and arguments supported with appropriate evidence followed by its analysis; and a conclusion that ties together the main points and its importance .  

An essay structure well-defined essay structure enhances clarity, coherence, and readability, and is crucial for organizing ideas and arguments to effectively communicate key aspects of a chosen topic. It allows readers to better understand arguments presented and demonstrates the author’s ability to organize and present information systematically. 

Yes, while expert recommend following an essay structure, early career researchers may choose how best to adapt standard essay structures to communicate and share their research in an impactful and engaging way. However, do keep in mind that deviating too far from established structures can hinder comprehension and weaken the overall effectiveness of the essay,  By understanding the basic elements of essay writing and employing appropriate structures such as chronological, problem-methods-solutions, or compare and contrast, researchers can effectively organize their ideas and communicate their findings with clarity and precision. 

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Powerful academic phrases to improve your essay writing .

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  • How to Use AI to Enhance Your College Essays and Thesis
  • How to Cite Social Media Sources in Academic Writing? 

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Essay writing

When writing an essay, don't be tempted to simply summarise other writers' ideas. It is your discussion of the topic and your analysis of their ideas that should form the backbone of your essay.

  • What is an essay?
  • Expectations
  • Linking ideas
  • The writing process

An essay is a type of assignment in which you present your point of view on a single topic through the analysis and discussion of academic sources. Usually, an essay has the format of an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Critical analysis is essential to essay writing. One way you can demonstrate this is by  summarising and paraphrasing other writers and by comparing, contrasting and evaluating their ideas. You can use this analysis to construct your own opinions, questions or conclusions.

When writing an essay, you need to have a clear position on a topic (sometimes called a thesis statement) in the introduction. You then support your thesis statement in the body of the essay, using relevant ideas and evidence from  appropriate sources . It is important that you present  your own ideas, opinions and analyses throughout your essay. When you use someone else’s ideas, you must correctly acknowledge it through  referencing .

Essay writing is different to:

  • reflective writing , which is based primarily on your personal experiences
  • report writing , which focuses primarily on reporting facts and making recommendations.

What will my marker be looking for in my essay?

If in doubt, ask early! Your lecturer and tutor are there to help – and you can always ask for further advice from a Writing Mentor or a Language and Learning Adviser . In general, your marker will be looking for evidence that you have:

  • Answered the essay question directly.
  • Met the assignment criteria.
  • Drawn on discussions from weekly seminars and classes (your unit’s weekly topics should be your guide for all of your assessments).
  • Provided a position on, and shown understanding of, the topic.
  • Completed the set and recommended readings.
  • Discussed and analysed sources and formatted them in the required referencing style.
  • Planned your essay so that is readable, clear and logically sequenced and with a distinct introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Kept within the set word limit.

How much should I write?

Again,  always consult your unit guide and assessment instructions for exact details of your assignment. These should clearly state the required word count for your assignment. Do not go dramatically under or over this amount. Usually about 10% over or under is acceptable – but always check with your lecturer first.

Planning your essay well before the due date will result in less stress and also less time writing, as you will know exactly how many words you need for each section. If you use the introduction, body and conclusion model, it is recommended to have  one main idea per body paragraph . For example, if you have to write a 1000-word essay you might have three body paragraphs of approximately 250 words each, leaving 125 words for both the introduction and the conclusion.

A reference list or bibliography – formatted according to your referencing style – on a separate page at the end of your essay is also usually required. Normally this is not included in the word count but check with your lecturer or tutor to be sure.

Below are some ideas for structuring your essay. You should always check the assignment criteria and other information in your unit site for specific requirements. If you are not sure, you should ask your lecturer or tutor. You can also get further advice from a writing mentor or a Language and Learning Adviser .

Try to begin and end each paragraph with your own thoughts rather than quoting or paraphrasing someone else’s words. Remember that your marker will be looking for your opinion, your discussion and your analysis of ideas.

The introduction

Remember that these are the first words your marker will read so always try to make a great first impression to ensure that you provide your marker with a clear and accurate outline of what is to follow in your essay. Don’t go into too much detail in the introduction. Save the detail for the body of your essay. You should try to include the following:

  • Provide background information about the topic. Introduce and define some of the key concepts discussed in the essay.
  • Respond directly to the essay question and clearly state what your essay intends to achieve.
  • Provide an overview of some of the main points, or direction, of the essay.
  • Be sure to revise the introduction in your final draft so that it accurately reflects any changes you may have made to the body and conclusion of your essay.

Body paragraphs

  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence. This is the main point of your paragraph and everything within this paragraph should relate back to it.
  • Each main point should be relevant to your essay question or thesis statement.
  • Integrate evidence and examples  into your paragraph from your readings to support your point. Do not simply present evidence but analyse it at each stage, always relating it back to your assignment question.
  • Be  formal, objective and cautious in your writing.
  • All sources must be cited in text in the referencing style required by your unit (citations are also listed in a bibliography or reference list at the end of the essay).
  • Consider how you conclude your paragraph and how you might link it to the following paragraph.

The conclusion

Conclusions are primarily for summing up what you have presented in the body of your essay. No new information is presented in the conclusion. Use synonyms and paraphrasing so that you do not repeat all your main points word for word.

  • Summarise your argument and draw on some of the main points discussed in the body of the essay but not in too much detail.
  • Tell your reader how your essay has successfully responded to the essay question.
  • You may return to discuss the background/context of the topic, if relevant.
  • Where you see a gap in knowledge, you might provide suggestions for further research (optional).

Reference list or bibliography

  • Create a  reference list or bibliography – with full bibliographic details – according to the  referencing style required by your unit.

Linking words clarify for the reader how one point relates to another. An essay flows cohesively when ideas and information relate to each other smoothly and logically.

Here are some common linking words used to:

  • Introduce and add ideas firstly, secondly, finally, also, another, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as
  • Illustrate ideas for example, to demonstrate this
  • Show a result or effect accordingly, therefore, as a result, thus, in order for this to occur
  • Compare ideas similarly, likewise
  • Contrast ideas in contrast, however, but, in comparison, despite, on one hand ... on the other hand ...
  • Restate and clarify in other words, to put this another way, this could also be defined as
  • Sum up or conclude therefore, so, to summarise, to conclude, in conclusion, finally

You should also avoid repeating key names and words too many times. Instead, use pronouns that refer back to earlier key words. For example:  it, they, their, this, these, that, those

Further examples of linking words in academic writing:

Common linking words , University of Wisconsin Academic phrasebank , Manchester University

Planning and researching

  • Use the Deakin Assignment Planner to get a better idea of the time required to complete your essay.
  • Watch video - Analyse the assignment question .
  • Stuck? Ask your tutor or Study Support.
  • Gather relevant information and supporting evidence from class notes and readings.
  • Make further notes about any questions you have.
  • Researching involves sourcing texts appropriate to your task.
  • Use a variety of reading strategies .
  • Take notes always with the assignment question in mind.

Initial writing

  • It is important to begin writing as soon as soon as possible – think of writing as a process rather than a goal.
  • Write an answer to the question in just one or two sentences – this can form the basis your thesis statement or argument.
  • Plan and structure the body paragraphs of your essay into topic sentences with bullet points for each paragraph.
  • Expand on each bullet point to build paragraphs based on evidence, - this will also require citations .
  • Be formal, objective and cautious in your writing.
  • Integrate your sources with your own analysis.
  • After reviewing the plan and draft of body paragraphs, write the introduction and conclusion.

Drafting, reviewing and proofreading

  • Take a break for at least a day and come back with a fresh pair of eyes.
  • Review the marking criteria and assignment instructions again. Ask yourself: Have I done everything required?
  • Draft and re-draft your essay.
  • Read the paper aloud to find errors in sentence structure and word choice and refine it so there is a more natural flow.
  • Save a back-up copy of each draft – and in more than one place!
  • Get help with writing and referencing from Study Support .
  • Don’t leave adding citations and references until the final draft – it can be very time consuming.
  • Proofread your essay and make sure it follows any formatting requirements required by the unit.
  • Ensure your referencing is correct and consistent.
  • Save a back-up copy of your final essay before submitting your assignment!
  • Submit your assignment according to your unit’s instructions.

Guide to essay paragraph structure

Access the guide here

essay writing a student's guide

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  • Evaluating sources
  • Critical thinking, reading and note taking
  • Academic style
  • Drafting your assignment

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Daily Writing Tips

Your ultimate guide to picking the best paper writing service.

Picking the Best Paper Writing Service is crucial in an environment where time is scarce and academic pressure is high. Whether you’re a busy student juggling multiple courses or a working professional pursuing an advanced degree, researching, writing, and editing papers can quickly become an overwhelming challenge.

Professional paper writing services offer a way to navigate this challenge, providing the ability to outsource the writing process and freeing up time for other priorities. With the abundance of services available, identifying the hallmarks of a reputable provider is essential.

This guide will detail the key considerations for selecting a reliable paper writing service that provides value and upholds academic integrity.

What are the top 3 Paper Writing Services?

Students often turn to professional paper writing services for assistance with academic writing. EssayPro, WritePaper, and GradeMiners are three top-rated and reliable services offering a wide range of writing services.

WritePaper is a professional writing service specializing in academic writing, including essays , research papers, and dissertations.

essay writing a student's guide

Main Features

  • Highly qualified writers with advanced degrees
  • Plagiarism-free content
  • Free revisions
  • Timely delivery
  • 24/7 customer support

Cost: Prices start at $12 per page for high school-level writing and can go up to $50 per page for Ph. Ph.D.-level work.

EssayPro is a highly rated and reliable academic writing service that offers a wide range of services, including essay writing, research papers, term papers, and more.

essay writing a student's guide

  • Wide range of writing services
  • Experienced and qualified writers
  • Revisions and editing available

Cost: Prices start at $11.40 per page for high school-level writing and can go up to $47.40 per page for Ph. Ph.D.-level work.

Please note that prices and services may vary, and it’s important to thoroughly research and compare different paper writing services to find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

The Problems with Using a Paper Writing Service

Before delving too deeply into the benefits of a tailor-made paper writing service and how to choose the best option, it is important to consider the risks of their use.

While professional paper writing services can provide a valuable solution for busy students and professionals, they have several potential drawbacks. 

essay writing a student's guide

One of the primary concerns is academic integrity and the risk of plagiarism. Many institutions have strict policies against using pre-written or outsourced assignments, and using a paper writing service could result in serious academic penalties, such as failing grades or even expulsion.

Additionally, relying too heavily on a paper writing service can hinder your academic development and learning. Writing is an integral part of the educational experience, allowing you to engage with the material and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter. 

Furthermore, using paper writing services can be a financial burden, especially for students on a tight budget. The costs associated with these services can quickly add up, and the potential savings in time and effort may not always outweigh the financial investment.

What are the Hallmarks of a High-Quality Paper Writing Service?

The hallmarks of a top-notch paper writing service include a team of experienced, qualified writers, a dependable editing and proofreading process, and a commitment to delivering original, plagiarism-free content. 

essay writing a student's guide

When evaluating paper writing services, look for those that employ writers with advanced degrees in relevant academic fields and a proven track record of exceptional work. These writers should possess in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and the ability to craft papers that properly apply the conventions and formatting requirements of various citation styles , such as APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard.

The best paper writing services will have an assurance system in place, in addition to skilled writers. This may include multiple rounds of editing, thorough fact-checking, and the use of plagiarism detection software to ensure the originality of the final product. 

The service should also offer the opportunity for revisions or rewrites if the paper does not meet your expectations.

How Can You Ensure a Paper Writing Service is Trustworthy?

Establishing the trustworthiness of a paper writing service is an important step in the selection process. 

  • Start by examining the service’s website for clear indicators of legitimacy, such as a physical address, customer testimonials, and a transparent privacy policy. 
  • Check for any accreditations or memberships in professional organizations, such as the International Association of Professional Writers and Editors (IAPWE) or the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE), as these can validate the service’s credibility.
  • Reading reviews from past customers can also provide valuable insights into the service’s reliability, communication, and overall quality of work. Look for a consistent pattern of positive feedback and any potential red flags, such as complaints about missed deadlines, poor customer service, or the delivery of low-quality or plagiarized content.

What are the Pricing Considerations for Professional Paper Writing Services?

The cost of a professional paper writing service can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the assignment, the academic level (e.g., high school, undergraduate, graduate), and the turnaround time requested. 

Generally, you can expect to pay between $10 and $50 per page for a high-quality service, with the higher end of the range typically reserved for more specialized or time-sensitive projects.

While the cheapest option may not always be the best, looking for paper writing services that offer transparent pricing and customizable packages to meet your specific needs and budget is important. Some services may provide discounts for first-time customers, bulk orders, or longer turnaround times. 

It’s also worth considering the potential cost savings that a professional paper writing service can provide, as the time and effort saved by outsourcing the writing process may outweigh the initial investment.

How Important are Deadlines and Turnaround Times?

essay writing a student's guide

Deadlines and turnaround times are critical considerations when choosing a paper writing service, as the timely delivery of your assignment is essential for academic success. Ensure your selected service can accommodate your deadline and provide a realistic turnaround estimate.

The best paper writing services will offer a range of turnaround options, from standard to expedited, to cater to your specific needs. For example, a service may provide a standard turnaround of 7-10 days, an express option of 3-5 days, and a rush option of 24-48 hours, depending on the urgency of your project. 

Be wary of services that promise unrealistic deadlines or fail to communicate clearly about their capacity to meet your timeline. This could lead to late submissions and potential academic penalties.

What Role Does Customer Support and Communication Play?

Effective customer support is a mark of a high-quality paper writing service. Look for services that provide multiple communication channels, such as phone, email, and live chat, and have responsive and knowledgeable representatives available to assist you throughout the writing process.

The best services will also offer regular updates on the status of your order and be willing to revise the paper if it does not meet your expectations.

essay writing a student's guide

Clear and consistent communication is essential for ensuring a positive experience with a paper writing service. The service should be proactive in informing you about your order’s progress, any potential challenges or delays, and the final delivery of the completed paper. 

Additionally, the service should be receptive to your feedback and willing to make revisions or address any concerns you may have, demonstrating a commitment to your satisfaction.

Do Specialized Services for Your Academic Field Matter?

While many paper writing services offer a broad range of expertise, some may specialize in particular academic fields , such as business, engineering, or the sciences. If you have a specialized topic or require expertise in a specific discipline, seek services that cater to your study area. 

For example, a nursing student may benefit from a paper writing service specializing in healthcare-related topics and understanding the formatting and citation guidelines required for nursing assignments. Similarly, a business student working on a strategic management case study may prefer a service with writers who are experts in management and organizational theory.

By selecting a paper writing service with specialized expertise, you can be sure that the final product will be well-researched and aligned with the expectations of your instructors and academic program.

What Guarantees and Legal Considerations Should You Be Aware Of?

essay writing a student's guide

Reputable paper writing services will offer a range of guarantees to ensure your satisfaction, including money-back guarantees, plagiarism-free guarantees, and satisfaction guarantees. 

Additionally, look for services that provide revisions or free rewrites if the final paper does not meet your expectations. This shows that the service is willing to stand behind its work and make any necessary adjustments to ensure you receive a high-quality final product.

When using a paper writing service, it’s essential to be aware of the legal and ethical considerations. Familiarize yourself with your institution’s policies regarding using such services, as some may have restrictions or specific guidelines in place. 

Additionally, ensure that the service you choose adheres to academic integrity standards and does not engage in any unethical or illegal practice.

Selecting the best paper writing service can be difficult. Still, by considering the factors outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision that sets you up for academic success. Look for services that demonstrate a steadfast commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, and navigate the legal and ethical considerations with care.

With the right paper writing service, you can free up time to focus on other aspects of your studies while receiving the support you need to produce high-quality papers that impress your instructors and contribute to your overall academic achievements. 

By investing the time and effort to find the perfect service for your needs, you can take the stress out of the writing process and focus on what matters – expanding your knowledge, developing your critical thinking skills, and achieving your educational goals.

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Preparing the master's essay

A master's essay guide for linguistics students.

What makes a good essay

  • It's more than a term paper – you should say something new.
  • State your goals at the beginning and summarize at the end.
  • Write so any linguist can understand it.
  • There is standard formatting for glossing foreign language data ( The Leipzig Glossing Rules ).
  • Write as needed. There is no standard length.

Finding a topic

  • Start thinking about it early.
  • Select a subject that is interesting to you.
  • Most topics are usually based on class material or an extension of a term paper.
  • Sometimes a topic can be derived from an offhand remark by a professor or classmate or something that is bothering you about a language you know (why is X the way it is?).

Getting started

  • Once you identify a topic, spend some time refining it. Initially, your topic will be too big – guaranteed!
  • Read widely and talk to your friends and instructors.
  • Try to write a paragraph-long thesis statement.
  • Expect several false starts.

Building a bibliography

  • Wikipedia is the beginning, not the end.
  • Library databases are your friends, e.g.,  MLA , LLBA and specialized bibliographies.
  • Follow leads in bibliographies of books and articles.
  • Hope for a recent book or review article with an extensive bibliography.

Setting up the committee

  • Approach someone you would like to work with and ask for their mentorship. Prior to doing so, evaluate their expertise and compatibility for you.
  • Remember that not everyone always has the time.
  • The rest of the committee (at least two more) are generally all from the linguistics program.
  • Consider their expert knowledge (e.g., statistics, phonetics).
  • Find out how they want to see the essay (by section, not until the end…).

Getting feedback

  • Work with your advisor on a timeline for submission to the advisor and the rest of the committee. Learn the deadlines and work backward.
  • Expect feedback and the need for multiple versions.
  • Give committee members time to read the draft (two weeks is fair) but do not hesitate to check with them if you haven't received any feedback by then.

Human subjects

  • Required only for living people as a source of data. This includes interviews, surveys (including online), experiments and classroom-centered research.
  • Pre-existent data (i.e., corpora, databases) do not need IRB clearance.
  • Take the training (required) .
  • Fill out the form(s) and get signatures .
  • Your advisor and others can help. It's not always clear or obvious what's needed.

Research and writing

  • Check in with your advisor regularly.
  • Consult with the rest of your committee and others who are not on the committee but could help.
  • Contact scholars elsewhere. Don't be shy since even famous linguists often respond.
  • Back up your data and text in two different places.
  • Form a support group.


For the bibliography use one of the  Journal of the Linguistic Society of America's language style sheet . Use the bibliography of any article in language as your guide.  Exception:  Psycholinguistics and speech science use APA.

  • Bring enough copies of the cover page for signatures.
  • The oral is attended by the committee, moderator and your cheering squad.

Format of the oral exam

  • 15-minute summary
  • Questions around the table and from the sidelines

Following the completion of your presentation, you'll receive your final feedback from the committee.

Is it possible to fail?

No – the oral will not happen until your advisor thinks you are ready.

Final revisions and submission

  • Final revisions happen, so allow time!
  • Ensure your format is correct ( see guidelines for master's essay ).
  • Allow time for printing.
  • Follow the guidelines scrupulously for binding and deposit.

By Professors Geoffrey Nathan and Margaret Winters

Scholarship: How to Write a Successful Scholarship Essay

Publisher description.

This book is designed to be your comprehensive guide to navigating the often daunting task of crafting a compelling scholarship essay. Whether you're a high school student preparing for college, a current undergraduate seeking financial aid, or a graduate student pursuing advanced studies, scholarships can play a crucial role in funding your education. In today's competitive academic landscape, standing out among a sea of applicants requires more than just good grades and extracurricular activities. A well-written scholarship essay can be the key to unlocking opportunities and securing the financial support you need to pursue your educational goals. In this book, we'll explore the essential elements of a winning scholarship essay, from understanding the purpose and requirements of scholarships to crafting a narrative that effectively showcases your unique strengths, experiences, and aspirations. You'll learn practical strategies for researching scholarships, brainstorming ideas, structuring your essay, and refining your writing to make a lasting impression on scholarship committees. But writing a successful scholarship essay is about more than just following a formula. It's about authentically sharing your story and connecting with your readers on a personal level. Throughout this book, we'll delve into the importance of finding your voice, expressing your passion, and communicating your vision for the future.


  1. Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing

    essay writing a student's guide

  2. The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Writing Essays (Infographic)

    essay writing a student's guide

  3. 10 Universal Tips for College Essay Writing

    essay writing a student's guide

  4. A Complete Guide to Writing an Essay

    essay writing a student's guide

  5. Essay writing, student’s guide

    essay writing a student's guide

  6. How to Write an Essay in English (Essay Writing in 9 Simple Steps)

    essay writing a student's guide


  1. 10 lines essay on student life in English

  2. How to Write a Great College Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

  3. 4 Rules For Answering ANY IELTS Essay

  4. Essay Success! How to Write a Winning Essay in 10 Easy Steps

  5. How to Write a Discussion Essay I A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers

  6. Essay Writing in IB Psychology


  1. Essay Writing: A Student′s Guide

    Essay Writing is a student guide with a mission: to enable students to write better essays and get the grades they deserve by demystifying the essay-writing process. MunLing Shields places essay writing within the larger university experience for students.

  2. Essay Writing: A Student's Guide

    Essay Writing is a student guide with a mission: to enable students to write better essays and get the grades they deserve by demystifying the essay-writing process. MunLing Shields places essay writing within the larger university experience for students. In a clear and easy to understand way the author guides the reader through the process of ...

  3. Essay Writing: A Student′s Guide (SAGE Study Skills Series)

    Essay Writing is a student guide with a mission: to enable students to write better essays and get the grades they deserve by demystifying the essay-writing process. MunLing Shields places essay writing within the larger university experience for students. In a clear and easy to understand way the author guides the reader through the process of ...

  4. Essay Writing: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers

    The number of paragraphs contained in an essay will depend on a number of factors such as word limits, time limits, the complexity of the question etc. Regardless of the essay's length, students should ensure their essay follows the Rule of Three in that every essay they write contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  5. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    Come up with a thesis. Create an essay outline. Write the introduction. Write the main body, organized into paragraphs. Write the conclusion. Evaluate the overall organization. Revise the content of each paragraph. Proofread your essay or use a Grammar Checker for language errors. Use a plagiarism checker.

  6. Essay Writing: A Student′s Guide (SAGE Study Skills Series)

    Essay Writing offers both staff and students a solid reference for one of the main methods used for assessing knowledge and understanding - the written essay. In contextualizing essay writing within the larger university experience - communication, the academic culture, different learning styles and approaches and learning and teaching at university, this book helps students to study more ...

  7. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    Harvard College Writing Center 2 Tips for Reading an Assignment Prompt When you receive a paper assignment, your first step should be to read the assignment prompt carefully to make sure you understand what you are being asked to do. Sometimes your assignment will be open-ended ("write a paper about anything in the course that interests you").

  8. Essay Writing: A Student′s Guide by MunLing Shields

    Essay Writing offers both staff and students a solid reference for one of the main methods used for assessing knowledge and understanding - the written essay. In contextualizing essay writing within the larger university experience - communication, the academic culture, different learning styles and approaches and learning and teaching at ...

  9. Essay Writing : A Student's Guide

    Essay Writing is a student guide with a mission: to enable students to write better essays and get the grades they deserve by demystifying the essay-writing process. MunLing Shields places essay writing within the larger university experience for students. In a clear and easy to understand way the author guides the reader through the process of ...

  10. Strategies for Essay Writing

    Tips for Reading an Assignment Prompt. Asking Analytical Questions. Thesis. Introductions. What Do Introductions Across the Disciplines Have in Common? Anatomy of a Body Paragraph. Transitions. Tips for Organizing Your Essay. Counterargument.

  11. How to Write an Essay

    How to Find Essay Writing Inspiration. If you have essays to write but are short on ideas, this section's links to prompts, example student essays, and celebrated essays by professional writers might help. You'll find writing prompts from a variety of sources, student essays to inspire you, and a number of essay writing collections.

  12. Ultimate Guide to Writing an Essay: Tips and Tricks

    The Art of Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide. Essay writing is a skill that requires practice, patience, and attention to detail. Whether you're a student working on an assignment or a professional writing for publication, mastering the art of essay writing can help you communicate your ideas effectively and persuasively.

  13. A Student's Writing Guide

    Reviews. 'Gordon Taylor's guide provides students and academic language professionals with in-depth analytical strategies and well researched methods to handle a broad range of essay topics. Taylor's experience as a writer and as a teacher shines through every section of the book: a must for anyone interested in writing top grade essays.'.

  14. Strategies for Essay Writing: Downloadable PDFs

    Strategies for Essay Writing: PDFs Strategies for Essay Writing--Complete. description. Tips for Reading an Assignment Prompt. description. Asking Analytical Questions. description. Thesis. description. Introductions. description. What Do Introductions Across the Disciplines Have in Common? description. Anatomy Of a Body Paragraph.

  15. Tips for Writing Effective Essays: A Comprehensive Guide

    2. Organize your ideas: Before you start writing, outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. 3. Use topic sentences: Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

  16. Essay Writing, A Student's Guide by MunLing Shields

    Essay Writing is a student guide with a mission: to enable students to write better essays and get the grades they deserve by demystifying the essay-writing process. MunLing Shields places essay writing within the larger university experience for students. In a clear and easy to understand way the author guides the reader through the process of ...

  17. How to Write the Perfect Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide for Students

    As well as some best practice tips, we have gathered our favourite advice from expert essay-writers and compiled the following 7-step guide to writing a good essay every time. 👍. #1 Make sure you understand the question. #2 Complete background reading. #3 Make a detailed plan. #4 Write your opening sentences.

  18. The Ultimate Essay Writing Guides: Tips, Tricks, and Templates

    The Ultimate Essay Writing Guides. Essay writing can be a challenging task for many students, but with the right guidance and tips, you can improve your writing skills and produce high-quality essays. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with valuable advice, tricks, and templates to help you excel in your essay writing endeavors. 1.

  19. How to Write a College Essay

    Making an all-state team → outstanding achievement. Making an all-state team → counting the cost of saying "no" to other interests. Making a friend out of an enemy → finding common ground, forgiveness. Making a friend out of an enemy → confront toxic thinking and behavior in yourself.

  20. Students writing guide how plan and write successful essays

    'Gordon Taylor's guide provides students and academic language professionals with in-depth analytical strategies and well researched methods to handle a broad range of essay topics. Taylor's experience as a writer and as a teacher shines through every section of the book: a must for anyone interested in writing top grade essays.'

  21. Scribendi's Ultimate Essay Writing Guide

    Learn How to Write an Essay. It's a problem that all students face: You know that you need to write an essay, but you don't know where to start. Fear not, dear reader. Whether you're a procrastinator, a planner, or a perfectionist, our Ultimate Essay Writing Guide will give you everything you need to craft an A+ paper.

  22. How to Write an Essay Outline

    An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph, giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold. You'll sometimes be asked to submit an essay outline as a separate assignment before you ...

  23. How to Structure an Essay

    Essay structure template. Introduction. Provide the context and share significance of the study. Clearly articulate the thesis statement. Body. Paragraph 1 consisting of the first main point, followed by supporting evidence and an analysis of the findings. Transitional words and phrases can be used to move to the next main point.

  24. Writing guide

    This guide is designed to teach you to write and edit an essay, or another argumentative piece, from start to finish. It will help you align your motivations with the work and to choose a topic that grips you. This page will take you on a journey designed to convince you that writing an essay is a worthwhile endeavour, and to guide you through ...

  25. Essay writing

    The writing process. An essay is a type of assignment in which you present your point of view on a single topic through the analysis and discussion of academic sources. Usually, an essay has the format of an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Critical analysis is essential to essay writing. One way you can demonstrate this is by ...

  26. Your Ultimate Guide to Picking the Best Paper Writing Service

    EssayPro. EssayPro is a highly rated and reliable academic writing service that offers a wide range of services, including essay writing, research papers, term papers, and more. Cost: Prices start at $11.40 per page for high school-level writing and can go up to $47.40 per page for Ph. Ph.D.-level work.

  27. Preparing the master's essay

    A master's essay guide for linguistics students. What makes a good essay. It's more than a term paper - you should say something new. State your goals at the beginning and summarize at the end. Don't pad. Write so any linguist can understand it. There is standard formatting for glossing foreign language data (The Leipzig Glossing Rules).

  28. Scholarship: How to Write a Successful Scholarship Essay

    This book is designed to be your comprehensive guide to navigating the often daunting task of crafting a compelling scholarship essay. Whether you're a high school student preparing for college, a current undergraduate seeking financial aid, or a graduate student pursuing advanced studies, scholarships can play a crucial role in funding your education.

  29. A Guide to the Summer Science Program (SSP)

    Here also are two resources to help you write these kinds of short answer essays and get top-notch recommendation letters: A How-To Guide for the Short Answer Questions for Highly-Selective Colleges . ... SSP provides financial aid grants meeting 100% of a student's demonstrated need, including room & board, tuition, supplies, local ...

  30. Common App Essay Prompt 7 Example and Guide 2024-2025

    Common App Essay Prompt 7 Example Guide. Writing the Common App is easier said than done. Honestly, the bulk of the work you'll do mentally is in the brainstorming phase, but that doesn't mean writing won't be a challenge. The most important thing to remember is (and we've said it before!) that this needs to be a story, and a story has ...