• Advice & Tips

Mastering the Art of Email Cover Letters: Steps, Tips, and Examples

March 15, 2024

The Importance of Email Cover Letters

Email cover letters have become an essential part of the job application process in today's competitive market. They offer a unique opportunity for job seekers to introduce themselves beyond the constraints of a resume and showcase why they are the perfect fit for a specific role. Employers use these cover letters to assess a candidate's communication skills, attention to detail, and overall suitability for the job.

Why are email cover letters crucial in the job application process?

1.Personalization: Email cover letters allow candidates to address hiring managers directly, demonstrating a personalized approach that can set them apart from other applicants.

2. Showcasing Skills: They provide a platform for candidates to highlight relevant experiences, achievements, and qualifications that align with the job requirements.

3. Demonstrating Interest: Crafting a tailored email cover letter shows employers that candidates have taken the time to research the company and are genuinely interested in the position.

The impact of a strong email cover letter

A well-crafted email cover letter can significantly increase the chances of a candidate being called for an interview. According to hiring experts, a compelling cover letter can capture the employer's attention, creating a positive first impression before they even review the resume.

John Smith, CEO of CareerBoost Solutions, emphasizes the importance of email cover letters: "In today's job market, a generic application is unlikely to make an impact. Candidates need to use email cover letters strategically to showcase their unique value proposition and stand out among the competition."

Overall, email cover letters serve as a powerful tool for job seekers to make a memorable first impression and demonstrate their fit for a role. With the right approach, candidates can elevate their job applications and increase their chances of securing their desired position.

Understanding the Difference Between Email and Traditional Cover Letters

In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is essential when applying for a new position. One crucial aspect of any job application is the cover letter – a document that allows candidates to introduce themselves and highlight their qualifications to potential employers. While traditional cover letters are typically sent as hard copies through the mail or fax, email cover letters have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and efficiency.

However, there are key differences between email cover letters and traditional cover letters that job seekers should be aware of when crafting their job application documents.

1. Formatting and Layout:

  • Email cover letters are usually shorter and more concise than traditional cover letters, as they need to grab the reader's attention quickly.
  • Traditional cover letters follow a formal business letter format with the sender's and recipient's addresses, salutation, body paragraphs, and closing.
  • Email cover letters are often written directly in the body of the email or attached as a separate document, with the subject line serving as the cover letter's title.

2. Tone and Language:

  • While both types of cover letters should maintain a professional tone, email cover letters tend to be more conversational and less formal than traditional cover letters.
  • Email cover letters may use a more casual greeting, such as "Hello" or "Hi [Hiring Manager's Name]," whereas traditional cover letters typically use "Dear Sir/Madam" or the recipient's full name.

3. Attachments and Signature:

  • Traditional cover letters are often printed on quality paper and signed by hand before being sent via mail or fax.
  • Email cover letters may include the candidate's typed name at the end of the email or use a digital signature if sent as an attachment.

By understanding these key differences between email and traditional cover letters, job seekers can tailor their application materials to suit the preferences of hiring managers and increase their chances of landing an interview.

Steps to Crafting an Effective Email Cover Letter

Writing an email cover letter requires a strategic approach to make a lasting impression on potential employers. Follow these steps to craft an effective email cover letter that showcases your skills and qualifications:

1. Subject Line:

Start strong with a clear and concise subject line that highlights the position you are applying for. Avoid generic subject lines and instead, personalize it to grab the recruiter's attention.

2. Salutation:

Address the recipient professionally by using their name. If you are unsure about the gender or name of the recipient, opt for a generic salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager."

3. Introduction:

Begin your email cover letter with a brief introduction that includes your name, the position you are applying for, and where you found the job listing. This sets the tone for the rest of the letter.

4. Body Paragraphs:

  • Paragraph 1: Highlight why you are interested in the position and why you are a good fit for the role. Mention specific experiences or skills that align with the job requirements.
  • Paragraph 2: Dive deeper into your skills and accomplishments. Provide examples of how your past experiences have prepared you for the role and how you can contribute to the company.
  • Paragraph 3: Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to further discuss your qualifications in an interview. Include a call-to-action inviting the employer to contact you.

5. Closing:

End your email cover letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best Regards," followed by your full name. Include your contact information below your name for easy reference.

6. Proofread and Edit:

Before hitting send, thoroughly proofread your email cover letter for any grammatical errors or typos. Consider asking a friend or family member to review it as well to ensure clarity and coherence.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling email cover letter that piques the interest of hiring managers and increases your chances of landing your dream job.

Tips for Writing a Standout Email Cover Letter

When crafting an email cover letter, it's essential to make it engaging and impactful to catch the employer's attention. Here are some tips to help you write a standout email cover letter:

1. Personalize Your Email

Address the hiring manager by name whenever possible. Personalizing your email shows that you've done your research and have a genuine interest in the position.

2. Use a Professional Email Address

Ensure that your email address is polished and professional. Avoid using informal or unprofessional email addresses that might give the wrong impression.

3. Keep It Concise and Relevant

Your email cover letter should be brief and to the point. Highlight your key qualifications and accomplishments without overloading the reader with unnecessary details.

4. Tailor Your Message to the Company

Show that you've taken the time to understand the company's values and needs. Customize your email cover letter to demonstrate how your skills align with what the organization is looking for.

5. Showcase Your Achievements

Avoid reiterating the content of your resume. Instead, use your email cover letter to showcase specific achievements or projects that highlight your skills and experience.

6. Proofread and Edit Carefully

Before hitting send, make sure to proofread your email cover letter for any typos or grammatical errors. Additionally, check that all the information provided is accurate and up to date.

7. End With a Strong Call to Action

Conclude your email cover letter with a clear call to action, expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity to discuss how you can contribute to the company further.

  • Example: "I look forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you."
  • Example: "I am eager to further explore how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can benefit your team."

8. Use a Professional Sign-Off

End your email cover letter with a professional sign-off such as "Best regards," "Sincerely," or "Thank you for your time." It leaves a positive final impression on the reader.

By incorporating these tips into your email cover letter writing process, you can create a compelling and professional introduction that sets you apart from other job applicants.

Example of a Well-Structured Email Cover Letter

When it comes to crafting an email cover letter that stands out to potential employers, it's crucial to strike the right balance between professionalism and personalization. Below is an example of a well-structured email cover letter:

Subject Line:

Application for Marketing Manager Position - John Smith

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Manager position at XYZ Company. With a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and over 5 years of experience in digital marketing, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

In my current role at ABC Inc., I have successfully implemented marketing strategies that resulted in a 20% increase in lead generation. I believe that my skills in market analysis and campaign optimization align well with the requirements of the position at XYZ Company.

I am particularly impressed by XYZ Company's innovative approach to customer engagement, and I am excited about the opportunity to be part of a dynamic team that values creativity and results-driven solutions.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experiences align with the goals of XYZ Company.

Sincerely, John Smith

Mobile: 555-555-5555 Email: [email protected]

Attachment: JohnSmith_Resume.pdf

Expert Insights on Email Cover Letters

Amy johnson, hr specialist at talent boosters.

According to Amy Johnson, an HR Specialist at Talent Boosters, "Email cover letters are often the first impression a candidate makes on a potential employer. It's crucial to make them concise, engaging, and tailored to the specific job opening."

Michael Chang, Career Coach and Resume Writer

Michael Chang, a well-known Career Coach and Resume Writer, emphasizes the importance of personalizing email cover letters. He advises, "Address the hiring manager directly, highlight key achievements, and explain how your skills align with the company's needs."

Emily Rodriguez, Recruitment Manager at Elite Staffing Solutions

"Keep your email cover letter professional yet conversational," says Emily Rodriguez, Recruitment Manager at Elite Staffing Solutions. "Avoid using generic templates and showcase your personality to stand out from other applicants."

"Email cover letters provide candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate their communication skills and attention to detail," says John Smith, Recruitment Director at JobQuest International.

Statistics on the Impact of Email Cover Letters in Job Applications

When it comes to job applications, email cover letters play a crucial role in making a lasting impression on potential employers. Let's explore some key statistics that highlight the impact of email cover letters:

The Digital Influence:

  • According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 49% of hiring managers view the inclusion of a cover letter as a significant factor in considering a candidate for a job.
  • Research conducted by Glassdoor revealed that job applicants who include a cover letter with their resume are 29% more likely to be noticed by employers.

Email Efficiency:

  • A study by The Ladders found that recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds reviewing an individual resume. A well-crafted email cover letter can help candidates stand out in this limited window of time.
  • Jobvite's Recruiter Nation Report states that 35% of recruiters and hiring managers consider a lack of a cover letter as a deal-breaker when evaluating job applications.

Personalization Pays Off:

  • LinkedIn reports that personalized email cover letters can increase response rates by up to 30%, showcasing the importance of tailoring each application to the specific job and company.
  • A study by Inc. revealed that 87% of hiring professionals find cover letters to be an appropriate place to address employment gaps or career changes, adding value to the overall application.
"Email cover letters serve as a first introduction for candidates. They provide a platform to showcase personality, professionalism, and passion for the role," says John Smith, Hiring Manager at TalentFinders.

These statistics underline the significance of including a well-crafted email cover letter with your job application. By leveraging this tool effectively, job seekers can enhance their chances of securing interviews and standing out in a competitive job market.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Sending an Email Cover Letter

While sending an email cover letter may seem straightforward, there are common mistakes that many job seekers make. Avoiding these errors can help you stand out positively in the eyes of potential employers and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

1. Neglecting to Customize Your Cover Letter

One of the most common mistakes job seekers make is sending out a generic cover letter for every application. Employers can easily spot a template cover letter, and it shows a lack of effort on the part of the candidate. Make sure to tailor each email cover letter to the specific job position and company you are applying to.

2. Failing to Address the Recipient Properly

Not knowing the name of the hiring manager or using the wrong title in the salutation can be off-putting to employers. Take the time to research and find out who will be reading your cover letter. Addressing them by name shows attention to detail and professionalism.

3. Overlooking Spelling and Grammar Errors

Spelling and grammar mistakes can harm your credibility and make you appear careless. Always proofread your email cover letter carefully or use tools like spell check to ensure there are no errors. You can also ask a friend or family member to review it for you.

4. Including Too Much Information

Your email cover letter should be concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or including irrelevant details. Focus on highlighting your relevant skills and experiences that make you a perfect fit for the job. Keep it short and engaging.

5. Not Including Keywords from the Job Posting

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan cover letters and resumes for specific keywords. Make sure to include relevant keywords from the job posting in your email cover letter to increase your chances of passing the ATS screening process.

6. Forgetting to Attach Your Resume

If you mention attaching your resume in the email, double-check that you have actually attached it before hitting send. Forgetting to attach your resume can create a negative impression and give the impression of being disorganized.

Avoiding these common mistakes can help you craft effective email cover letters that grab the attention of employers and showcase your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job.

Tailoring Your Email Cover Letter to Specific Job Openings

When applying for a job, it's crucial to tailor your cover letter to the specific job opening you are applying for. A generic cover letter may come across as impersonal and could hurt your chances of landing an interview. Here are some tips on how to tailor your email cover letter effectively:

Research the Company and Position

Before writing your email cover letter, take the time to research the company and the job position. Understand the company's values, mission, and culture. Analyze the job description and requirements to identify the key skills and experiences the employer is looking for.

Customize the Salutation

Avoid using generic salutations like "To Whom It May Concern." Instead, try to address your email cover letter to a specific person. This personal touch shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the position.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences

In your email cover letter, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences that align with the job requirements. Use specific examples to demonstrate how your past accomplishments make you a strong candidate for the position.

Show Enthusiasm

Express your enthusiasm for the position and company in your email cover letter. Let the employer know why you are excited about the opportunity and how you believe your background makes you a perfect fit for the role.

Address Key Requirements

Make sure to address the key requirements outlined in the job description. Use the same language and keywords to showcase that you meet or exceed the qualifications sought by the employer. This alignment can help your email cover letter stand out among the competition.

Proofread and Customize

Before sending your email cover letter, proofread it carefully to check for any errors. Ensure that you have customized each section of the cover letter to match the specific job opening. Generic cover letters are easily recognizable and can harm your chances of being considered for the position.

By tailoring your email cover letter to specific job openings, you can demonstrate your genuine interest in the position and company. This personalized approach shows employers that you are a proactive candidate who pays attention to detail and is committed to making a meaningful contribution to their organization.

Crafting a compelling email cover letter is not just an option; it's a necessity in today's competitive job market. As technology continues to shape the way we communicate, email has become the standard method for job applications. By mastering the art of writing an effective email cover letter, you can significantly increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Key Takeaways:

  • A well-written email cover letter can showcase your personality and passion for the role.
  • An email cover letter should be concise, error-free, and tailored to the specific job opening.
  • Personalizing your email cover letter and addressing it to the hiring manager can make a strong first impression.
  • Highlighting your relevant skills and experiences in a clear and engaging manner can grab the employer's attention.

how to write an email cover letter for a job

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how to write an email cover letter for a job

For companies

Nov 9, 2022

How to write a professional job application email with 6 samples and templates

Your email can make or break your job application. Here we explain the process for writing an effective email for a job application.

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

So, you’re looking for a job and you know that a critical part of your success will be your email application.

In this guide, we explain the process for writing an effective email for a job application. We don’t stop at the first application but provide examples of several follow-up emails for job applications after no response here .

Follow the advice, and you’ll stand the best chance of getting the job of your dreams (or something to fill the time until that comes along).

How to write an email for a job application

The average recruiter receives 250 applications for each post and spends no more than 7 seconds scanning your message (about the same time it takes to tie your shoes).

The key to success is standing out. That doesn’t mean trying to be witty or wacky, but being a pro is the same process you must use through all job application follow-up emails.

What you need to apply to a job via email

Let’s clarify what a job email is. It’s not a cover letter or a CV but a mechanism to deliver them.

Some people don’t bother to spend much time on an application email but get your application email wrong, and the recruiter may not even bother to read your resume or open your application letter.

Why? Because if they’re dealing with 250 responses, they’re actively looking for reasoning to exclude applications – so don’t let that be you!

Each recruiter has their own application process, but there are some pretty standard things that you’ll need to include with every application, including:

  • Cover letter
  • Work samples (optional, but a nice extra!)

Here's a brief explainer if you don’t know what these are.

1. Cover letter

Your cover letter is a formal part of the application process where you introduce yourself, describe your skills, why you want the job, and what value you can add for the business. 

We’re not going to walk you through how to write a cover letter. However, there are some amazing online resources , so start there. 

You can attach your cover letter as a Word document or PDF. It’s essential to use a file that can be downloaded, printed, and shared – so avoid using Google Docs or cloud software.

2. CV (resume)

Your CV is the story of your working life, a snapshot of your skills, and a chance to highlight your achievements. Again, we’re not going to explain how to create a compelling CV , but we recommend using a simple, easy-to-read, and understandable template.

Again, don’t try to be fancy with formats – create a document that can be downloaded, printed, and shared. 

3. Samples of work (optional)

As the experts say, “show, don’t tell.” You can use your application email to showcase your skills and previous results. You can attach a portfolio, photos, or videos or provide a link to your website or social media in your email.

Some tips from us are to introduce examples and explain the impact. Who cares if you designed a great-looking poster? But if that poster boosted sales by 50%, that’s a different matter.

The second piece of advice is only to include a few examples (3 is a great number). Too many appear desperate.

Thirdly, only share work that’s 100% yours. If you worked as part of a team or an organization, make your role clear. Never claim other people’s work as your own.

Finally, be prepared to answer questions on these examples at your interview – including what you did in the process.

Best job application email tips

We’re all about providing information, advice, and terrific tips to help you get ahead of the competition and secure that essential interview.

Here are 7 job application email tips. (Why 7? Because that’s the world’s favorite number , and we couldn’t think of 10.)

1. Send your application email and CV for review

Tip number 1 is the most critical. After proofreading at least twice (or eight times), send your job application email and CV to a friend, colleague, parent, or mentor – or all of them – and ask for feedback, comments, and suggestions.

Your email will give the first impression, so make sure it’s personal, professional, formal, friendly, and favorable.

2. Make a convincing pitch in the email body

Remember that hiring managers, executives, and founders are busy and will not often open or read your full CV. So you’ll need to convince them in the email body that it’s worth their time to read further.

Think of your email as an advert for you:

  • A persuasive subject line gets the attention (and may result in opened email)
  • A compelling email body makes the recipient want to learn more (and may result in opened CV)
  • Convincing CV makes the recipient want to contact you (and may result in an interview)

The most important thing is to reflect the language in the job spec. The recruiter has been straightforward about what they want and who they’re looking for. Using their language can help to establish that the person to fit the slot is you!

3. Make it easy to contact you

Even though you might have all the necessary contact information in your CV, please include them in the email. This reduces the steps between clicks and contact.

Here are some of the things you should include in every job application email: Use this 

  • phone number
  • social media links (LinkedIn and Twitter)
  • portfolio links (optional)

4. Use a professional email address

Sure, the email address you created when you were 12 or first started college was funny then but is it today? Unfortunately, the chances are it isn’t!

Make sure you have an appropriate email address for a job application. Creating a new email address doesn’t cost anything, and setting up alerts on your phone is simple, so why jeopardize your chances with [email protected] ?

(Don’t email this, we don’t know who owns it!)

5. Check the name of your resume file name

We’ve touched on the importance of using the correct formats for cover letters and CVs.

When you create your CV, give the file (Word document, PDF, or whatever) a professional name that can also be identified with you.

You never know where it might end up.

Here’s a formal naming convention: “Name - CV - Position,” for example:

  • Arthur Shelby - CV - Binman at Shelby Company Ltd.

6. Use references if you can

Do you know someone who works or used to work at the company? Or do you know someone who knows someone who works or used to work at the company?

Warm connections are always better than cold emailing (even if it’s unfair). As the saying goes, your network is your net worth, so try to leverage it to your advantage.

7. Include social proof

Have you already done similar work for someone else? Show it!

Social proof is powerful and backs up the statements you may have made in your application email, cover letter, and resume.

Social proof also includes social channels. LinkedIn is used worldwide, so don’t be afraid to drop in a link to your profile. It also creates a connection, so even if you don’t get this job, you’ll be the first to know of the latest opportunities.

Job application email format

Job application emails aren’t the time to get creative or buck the trend. However, there’s an accepted format for all job application emails, which we break down below. 

1. Subject line for job application email

What’s a suitable email title for a job application? You could go crazy and say, “I’m perfect for this job!!!” but that would be silly. Instead, the subject line for your job application email should be simple to read and easy to understand.

The traditional (and still best) approach is to state your name and the job you’re applying for (or a combination of that). Here are a few examples:

Applying for a job probably is the best place to get creative, so stick to a simple subject line for your job application emails. 

2. Email greeting for job application

Your email greeting should be polite and professional. Examples of that include:

  • Dear (an oldie, but a goodie!)

If you know the recruiter's name, then use it. People always love to receive emails addressed to them. One thing to avoid is the phrase “Dear Sir/Madam” or using formal titles such as Mr, Mrs, or Ms. We’ve got a whole world of possibilities, so it’s time we all moved on from traditional (old-fashioned) titles.

3. How to start a job application email

First up, state the purpose of your email. 

  • I am applying for the post of (job name)

Doing this means the person understands what the message is about – which will save them time. Also, in many cases, the person receiving the email won’t be the recruiter, so they can file it away and share it with the person (or persons) who need to see it. 

After that, you’ll need to explain what you’ve included with the email (your resume, cover letter, and examples). It’s always worth providing at least a few positive sentences on the opportunity. Finally, you’ll need to include any requested information, such as salary expectations. 

4. How to end an email job application

There are conflicting opinions on how to end an email job application. We recommend asking for information on the next steps. Here’s how this can work:

  • Please can you provide me with details on the next steps in the process?

This leaves the recipient in no doubt that you’re serious about your application. If they reply, you’ll be reassured that they’ve received your application. Finally, you’ll know the timescales for decision-making, which removes the need to send a follow-up. 

Always ask for the next steps in the process at the end of every email job application. 

5. Email signature for job application

Sign off with your full name, phone number, and social media links (LinkedIn and Twitter), and attach your CV. Provide all information the recipient will need to contact and connect with you. 

Job application email samples

We’ve talked a lot about the process; now, let’s put it into practice! These job application email samples cover 7 common situations you might experience when searching for a job. You’ll get a simple job application email sample, some application follow-up emails, and even how to withdraw an application if needed. 

Use these job application email examples to start your job search, but edit and update them to suit your specific circumstances.

1. Simple job application email sample

This simple job application email sample can be cut, pasted, edited, and amended for pretty much any opportunity. It’s not exciting or innovative, but it provides a structured way to communicate the critical points you need to. 

2. Email introduction for job application sample

The previous email sample covered how to apply for a job, this one is similar, but it’s about introducing yourself to the recruiter. This introduction approach is a great way to make a personal connection and can work well for several situations. 

3. Job application status email sample

We’re clear that you should always ask for details on the next steps in the recruitment process, but as we all know, real life doesn’t always follow rigid plans. This job application status email sample is a way to politely push the recruiter to let you know what’s happening in the recruitment process. 

4. Withdraw the job application email sample

Yes, there are some occasions when you might need to withdraw a job application, in most cases because you’ve got another job.

You don’t need to explain why you’re removing yourself from a recruitment process, but most people usually do (and we have in this withdraw job application email sample). 

5. How to email HR for a job application update

When emailing the recruiting managers, you’ll need to be formal as they decide your destiny. On the other hand, HR teams deal with large volumes of applications, so this short message is fine. Here’s how to email HR for a job application update. 

6. How to write an email to accept a job offer

Hooray, you’ve been offered a job; now it’s time to say yes. Here’s how to write an email to accept a job offer.

Job application email template

Flowrite's email template for job application.

There is no 100% right or wrong way to send a job application. But having an effective email template, using proper grammar, and email format will help, as you need to most likely send many, many emails to land your dream job.

This is where Flowrite comes in. Flowrite's AI-powered smart templates can help you craft better emails.

Our tool turns your words into ready-to-send emails, like this:

Final words on job application emails

In reality, you’ll need to send many job emails, follow-ups , and reminders to get a position.

It’s the way the world of recruitment works, and we know it can be frustrating.

But trust us, by investing some time crafting high-quality job application emails and persuasive follow-ups, you’ll stand the best chance of getting a perfect position.

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How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024 + Examples

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After weeks of heavy job search, you’re almost there!

You’ve perfected your resume. 

You’ve short-listed the coolest jobs you want to apply for.

You’ve even had a friend train you for every single interview question out there.

But then, before you can send your application and call it a day, you remember that the job ad requires a cover letter.

Now you’re stuck wondering how to write a cover letter ...

Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered. Writing a cover letter is a lot simpler than you might think. 

In this guide, we’re going to teach you how to write a cover letter that gets you the job you deserve.

  • What’s a cover letter & why it’s important for your job search
  • How to write a convincing cover letter that gets you the job (step-by-step!)
  • How to perfect your cover letter with the Novoresume free checklist
  • What excellent cover letter examples look like

New to cover letter writing? Give our resumes 101 video a watch before diving into the article!

So, let’s get started with the basics!

What is a Cover Letter? (and Why It’s Important)

A cover letter is a one-page document that you submit as part of your job application (alongside your CV or Resume). 

Its purpose is to introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background. On average, your cover letter should be from 250 to 400 words long .

A good cover letter can spark the HR manager’s interest and get them to read your resume. 

A bad cover letter, on the other hand, might mean that your application is going directly to the paper shredder. So, to make sure this doesn’t happen, it’s essential to know how to write a convincing cover letter.

How does a good cover letter look, you might ask. Well, here’s an example:

how to write cover letter

Keep in mind, though, that a cover letter is a supplement to your resume, not a replacement. Meaning, you don’t just repeat whatever is mentioned in your resume.

If you’re writing a cover letter for the first time, writing all this might seem pretty tough. After all, you’re probably not a professional writer.

The thing is, though, you don’t need to be creative, or even any good at writing. All you have to do is follow a tried-and-tested format:

  • Header - Input contact information
  • Greeting the hiring manager
  • Opening paragraph - Grab the reader’s attention with 2-3 of your top achievements
  • Second paragraph - Explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the job
  • Third paragraph - Explain why you’re a good match for the company
  • Formal closing

Or, here’s what this looks like in practice:

structure of a cover letter

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter (And Get Hired!)

Now that we’ve got the basics out of the way, we’re going to guide you through the process of writing a cover letter step by step. 

Step #1 - Pick the Right Cover Letter Template

A good cover letter is all about leaving the right first impression.

So, what’s a better way to leave a good impression than a well-formatted, visual template?

cover letter templates

You can simply pick one of our hand-picked cover letter templates , and you’ll be all set in a jiffy!

As a bonus, our AI will even give you suggestions on how to improve your cover letter on the go.

Step #2 - Start the Cover Letter with a Header

As with a resume, it’s important to start your cover letter with a Contact Information section:

contact information on a cover letter

Here, you want to include all essential information, including:

  • Phone Number
  • Name of the hiring manager / their professional title
  • Name of the company you’re applying to

In certain cases, you might also consider adding:

  • Social Media Profiles - Any type of profile that’s relevant to your field. Social Profiles on websites like LinkedIn, GitHub (for developers), Medium (for writers), etc.
  • Personal Website - If you have a personal website that somehow adds value to your application, you can mention it. Let’s say you’re a professional writer. In that case, you’d want to link to your blog.

And here’s what you shouldn’t mention in your header:

  • Your Full Address 
  • Unprofessional Email - Make sure your email is presentable. It’s pretty hard for a hiring manager to take you seriously if your email address is “[email protected].” Whenever applying for jobs, stick to the “[first name] + [last name] @ email provider.com” format.

matching resume and cover letter

Step #3 - Greet the Hiring Manager

Once you’ve properly listed your contact information, you need to start writing the cover letter contents.

The first thing to do here is to address the cover letter to the hiring manager .

That’s right, the hiring manager! Not the overly popular “Dear Sir or Madam.” You want to show your future boss that you did your research and are really passionate about working with their team.

No one wants to hire a job seeker who just spams 20+ companies and hopes to get hired in any of them.

So, how do you find out who’s the hiring manager? There are several ways to do this. 

The simplest option is to look up the head of the relevant department on LinkedIn. Let’s say you’re applying for the position of a Communication Specialist at Novoresume. The hiring manager is probably Head of Communications or Chief Communications Office.

So, you do a quick lookup on LinkedIn:

linkedin search cco

And voila! You have your hiring manager.

Or let’s say you’re applying for the position of a server. In that case, you’d be looking for the “restaurant manager.”

If this doesn’t work, you can also check out the “Team” page on the company website; there’s a good chance you’ll at least find the right person there.

Here are several other greetings you could use:

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • To whom it may concern
  • Dear [Department] Team

Step #4 - Write an Attention-Grabbing Introduction

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to your job search.

Recruiters get hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of applications. Chances are, they’re not going to be reading every single cover letter end-to-end.

So, it’s essential to catch their attention from the very first paragraph .

The #1 problem we see with most cover letter opening paragraphs is that they’re usually extremely generic. Most of them look something like this..

  • Hey, my name is Jonathan and I’d like to work as a Sales Manager at XYZ Inc. I’ve worked as a sales manager at MadeUpCompany Inc. for 5+ years, so I believe that I’d be a good fit for the position.

See the issue here? This opening paragraph doesn’t say pretty much anything except the fact that you’ve worked the job before.

Do you know who else has similar work experience? All the other applicants you’re competing with.

Instead, you want to start off with 2-3 of your top achievements to really grab the reader’s attention. Preferably, the achievements should be as relevant as possible to the position.

So now, let’s make our previous example shine:

My name’s Michael and I’d like to help XYZ Inc. hit and exceed their sales goals as a Sales Manager. I’ve worked with Company X, a fin-tech company, for 3+ years. As a Sales Representative, I generated an average of $30,000+ in sales per month (beating the KPIs by around 40%). I believe that my previous industry experience, as well as excellence in sales, makes me the right candidate for the job.

See the difference between the two examples? If you were the hiring manager, which sales manager would you hire, Jonathan or Michael?

Now that we’ve covered the introduction, let’s talk about the body of your cover letter. This part is split into two paragraphs: the first is for explaining why you’re the perfect person for the job, and the latter is for proving that you’re a good fit for the company.

So, let’s get started...

Step #5 - Explain why you’re the perfect person for the job

This is where you show off your professional skills and convince the HR manager that you’re a better fit for the job than all the other applicants.

But first things first - before you even write anything, you need to learn what the most important requirements for the role are. So, open up the job ad and identify which of the responsibilities are the most critical.

For the sake of the example, let’s say you’re applying for the position of a Facebook Advertiser. You scan the job ad and see that the top requirements are:

  • Experience managing a Facebook ad budget of $10,000+ / month
  • Some skills in advertising on other platforms (Google Search + Twitter)
  • Excellent copywriting skills

Now, in this section, you need to discuss how you fulfill these requirements. So, here’s how that would look for our example:

In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I handled customer acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $20,000+ . As the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation & management process end-to-end. Meaning, I created the ad copy , images, picked the targeting, ran optimization trials, and so on.

Other than Facebook advertising, I’ve also delved into other online PPC channels, including:

  • Google Search

Are you a student applying for your first internship? You probably don’t have a lot of work experience to show off in this section. Learn how to write an internship cover letter here.

Step #6 - Explain why you’re a good fit for the company

Once you’ve written the last paragraph, you might be thinking - I’m a shoo-in for the job! What else do I need to write? I’ll just wrap up the cover letter and hit that sweet SEND button.

Well, no. You’re not quite there yet.

The HR manager doesn’t only look at whether you’ll be good at the job or not. They’re looking for someone that’s also a good fit for the company culture.

After all, employees that don’t fit in are bound to quit, sooner or later. This ends up costing the company a ton of money, up to 50% of the employee’s annual salary . 

Meaning, you also need to convince the HR manager that you’re really passionate about working with them.

How do you do this? Well, as a start, you want to do some research about the company. You want to know things like:

  • What’s the company’s business model?
  • What’s the company product or service? Have you used it?
  • What’s the culture like? Will someone micro-manage your work, or will you have autonomy on how you get things done?

So, get to Googling. Chances are, you’ll find all the information you need either on the company website or somewhere around the web.

Then, you need to figure out what you like about the company and turn that into text.

Let’s say, for example, you’re passionate about their product and you like the culture of innovation / independent work in the organization.

You’d write something like:

I’ve personally used the XYZ Smartphone, and I believe that it’s the most innovative tech I’ve used in years. The features such as Made-Up-Feature #1 and Made-Up-Feature #2 were real game changers for the device. 

I really admire how Company XYZ thrives for excellence for all its product lines, creating market-leading tech. As someone that thrives in a self-driven environment, I truly believe that I and Company XYZ will be a great match.

What you don’t want to do here is be super generic for the sake of having something to write. Most job seekers tend to mess this one up. Let’s take a look at a very common example we tend to see (way too often):

I’d love to work for Company XYZ because of its culture of innovation. I believe that since I’m super creative, I’d be a good fit for the company. The company values of integrity and transparency really vibe with me.

See what’s wrong here? The example doesn’t really say anything about the company. “Culture of Innovation” is something most companies claim to have. 

The same goes for “values of integrity and transparency” - the writer just googled what the values for the organization are, and said that they like them.

Any hiring manager that reads this will see through the fluff.

So, make sure to do a lot of research and come up with good reasons why you're applying.

Step #7 - Wrap up with a call to action

Finally, it’s time to finish up your cover letter and write the conclusion.

In the final paragraph, you want to:

  • Wrap up any points you couldn't in the previous paragraphs. Do you have anything left to say? Any other information that could help the hiring manager make their decision? Mention it here.
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time. It never hurts to be courteous, as long as you don’t come off as too needy.
  • Finish the cover letter with a call to action. The very last sentence in your cover letter should be a call to action. You should ask the hiring manager to take some sort of action.

And now, let’s turn this into a practical example:

So to wrap it all up, thanks for looking into my application. I hope I can help Company X make the most out of their Facebook marketing initiatives. I'd love to further discuss how my previous success at XYZ Inc. can help you achieve your facebook marketing goals.

Step #8 - Use the right formal closing

Once you’re done with the final paragraph, all you have to do is write down a formal “goodbye” and you’re good to go.

Feel free to use one of the most popular conclusions to a cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,

And we’re finally done! Before sending off the cover letter, make sure to proofread it with software like Grammarly, or maybe even get a friend to review it for you.

Does your cover letter heading include all essential information?

  • Professional email
  • Relevant Social Media Profiles

Do you address the right person? I.e. hiring manager in the company / your future direct supervisor

Does your introductory paragraph grab the reader's attention?

  • Did you mention 2-3 of your top achievements?
  • Did you use numbers and facts to back up your experience?

Do you successfully convey that you’re the right pro for the job?

  • Did you identify the core requirements?
  • Did you successfully convey how your experiences help you fit the requirements perfectly?

Do you convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about the company you’re applying to?

  • Did you identify the top 3 things that you like about the company?
  • Did you avoid generic reasons for explaining your interest in the company?

Did you finalize the conclusion with a call to action?

Did you use the right formal closure for the cover letter?

5+ Cover Letter Examples

Need some inspiration? Read on to learn about some of the best cover letter examples we’ve seen (for different fields).

College Student Cover Letter Example

college or student cover letter example

Middle Management Cover Letter Example

Middle Management Cover Letter

Career Change Cover Letter Example

Career Change Cover Letter

Management Cover Letter Example

Management Cover Letter Example

Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Want to discover more examples AND learn what makes them stand out? Check out our guide to cover letter examples .

Next Steps in Your Job Search - Creating a Killer Resume

Your cover letter is only as good as your resume. If either one is weak, your entire application is for naught. 

After all, a cover letter is just an introduction. Imagine going through all this effort to leave an amazing first impression, but flopping at the end because of a mediocre resume.

...But don’t you worry, we’ve got you covered on that end, too.

If you want to learn more about Resumes & CVs, we have a dedicated FREE guide for that. Check out our complete guide on how to make a resume , as well as how to write a CV - our experts will teach you everything you need to know in order to land your dream job.

Or, if you’re already an expert, just pick one of our resume templates and get started.

resume examples for cover letter

Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve walked you through all the steps of writing a cover letter, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned:

  • A cover letter is a 250 - 400 word document that convinces the hiring manager of your competence
  • A cover letter goes in your job application alongside your resume
  • Your introduction to the cover letter should grab the hiring manager’s attention and keep it all the way until the conclusion
  • There are 2 main topics you need to include in your cover letter: why you’re the perfect candidate for the job & why you’re passionate about working in the company you’re applying to
  • Most of the content of your cover letter should be factual , without any fluff or generalizations

At Novorésumé, we’re committed to helping you get the job you deserve, every step of the way! Follow our blog to stay up to date with the industry-leading advice. Or, check out some of our top guides…

  • How to Write a Motivational Letter
  • How to Write a Resume with No Work Experience
  • Most Common Interview Questions and Answers

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An email cover letter

An email cover letter

Learn how to write a cover letter or email to respond to a job advert.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.



From : Laura Mazzanti To : David Kelly, HR Manager Subject : Application for sales manager position

Dear Mr Kelly,

I am writing in response to the job advertisement on the ABC Jobs website for the position of sales manager.

I have five years of experience in sales. For the last three years, I have worked as a team leader, managing a team of 20 sales assistants in a large store. I have experience in hiring, training and managing staff. I have good communication skills and I can speak Italian, Spanish and English.

I have attached my CV with more information about my background and qualifications.  

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Laura Mazzanti

  • Be specific in the subject line and say what job you are applying for.
  • Start your email with Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + person's surname.
  • Say where you saw the advertisement.
  • Say which job you're applying for. You can use the sentence I'm writing in response to the job advertisement for the position of … .
  • Write a short paragraph to say why you're suitable for the job. Mention your education, qualifications, work experience or skills.
  • Attach a CV (also known as a résumé in the USA) with more information about your qualifications and background.
  • End by saying I look forward to hearing from you soon or I hope to hear from you soon .
  • Sign off with Best regards or Best wishes .

What kind of information would you include in your CV or résumé?

Language level

My resume includes information about my personal information, work experience, skills, education, and motivation.

  • Log in or register to post comments

In my resume, I include information about: 1.Personal information (Name, date of birthday(age), email,phone number...) 2.Education 3.Work experience(previous workplaces) 4.Relevant skills 5.Why I want this job

Dear Mr. Vizitue,

I am writing in response to the job post on the DSGN Jobs website for the position of graphic designer.

I have 7 years of experience in design. For the last four years, I have worked as a freelancer with numerous creative projects and different types of clients. I have experience in motion design, infographics, typography, and artificial intelligence. I possess good communication skills and am fluent in English, German, and Finnish.

I have attached my CV along with my portfolio and additional information about my background and qualifications.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes, An Andre

In my resume, I include information about my work experience, age, education, skills, and hobbies.

In my resume, I include some information such as personal information, skills, portfolios, relevant work experience, previous workplaces, reasons for leaving jobs, and some of my outstanding personality traits.

My CV includes job experiences, educational background, and skills. Those are essentials for a resume.

In my CV I include short info about me, my professional skills and my hobby with a few of jokes. It's welcome in IT)

The kind of information that we should include in a résumé: - Personal information (Name, date of birthday, email, address, phone number...etc) - Education career - Work experiences - Skills - Habits

In my opinion, would include in CV or resume , picture person ( uniform), also information personal, Education , skills and qualification.

I would include personal information, for example, name, age, phone. Of course, there will be my soft and hard skills, work experience. And a bit of smile.

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How to craft a compelling cover letter.

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During the job application process, you should always submit a cover letter alongside your resume. This is particularly important when you’re applying for more competitive, senior positions.

A carefully crafted cover letter allows you to grab the recruiter’s attention and explain to them why you're the best candidate for the job.

But this will only happen if it’s well-written, so your cover letter needs to be persuasive, concise, and engaging. That’s a lot of pressure on just a few sentences, but getting it right will boost your chances of getting a response.

Here is how to craft a compelling cover letter, along with some top tips to increase your chances of securing an interview.

Understand how to set out your cover letter

Your cover letter should appear in the body of an email or as a message if you’re applying through a job site. You should avoid attaching your letter as a separate document, otherwise the recipient is unlikely to read it.

It’s also important that you keep your cover letter short and sweet, remembering that recruiters are busy people and they have to review a lot of applications every day.

With that in mind, it’s best to stick to between 4 and 6 short and snappy sentences.

Make your subject line appealing

The first thing the recruiter will see when they open their inbox is the subject line and a bad subject can instantly ruin your chances of them opening your email at all.

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Instead, you need to stand out and give them a reason to read on.

Don’t simply label the email with the job title or the phrase ‘job application’. Go one step further to prove you are the perfect candidate in just a few words.

What this means is providing a subject line that is a short summary of your experience. For example, ‘project manager with 15 years experience’ or ‘web developer with JavaScript experience’.

Kick-off with a strong introduction

The purpose of your cover letter is to engage the reader instantly and make them want to review your resume and get to know more about you.

So you need to kick off with a strong introduction.

This means addressing the recipient by their name, whether that’s the hiring manager or the employer. You might need to do a little research to find this information, either using the job description, LinkedIn, or the company website.

You should also try to steer clear of overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam” and instead, take a professional but friendly tone starting with ‘hello’ or ‘hi’.

Next, your introductory sentence should outline which role you're applying for and demonstrate what makes you the most suitable candidate for the role.

Crafting a compelling cover letter can be the key to securing your next role.

Showcase your most relevant skills and experience

It can be tricky to know what to include in your cover letter , but the body of your email (or message) should be made up of three or four sentences that highlight your key skills and experience.

You can use the job description to determine which skills and abilities are most important to the employer. That way, you can highlight these and show them what you have to offer.

You should also provide examples from past roles that prove how your previous experience has shaped you and made you the ideal candidate.

Just remember that you only have a few sentences in which to impress them, so first focus on any requirements that are essential to the job. That way, the reader can instantly see that you’re a good fit.

This will encourage them to open your resume.

End with a strong call to action

You should conclude your letter by once again expressing your enthusiasm for the role and stating your desire to secure a personal interview.

Remember, recruiters are busy people, so it’s also important to thank them for taking the time to read and consider your application.

Proofread your letter very carefully

Once you've finished writing your cover letter, you need to proofread it thoroughly to make sure there are no errors. In fact, it’s best to do this several times.

A polished and compelling cover letter should not have any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

This looks unprofessional and sloppy, so take the time to re-read your application. You might even consider using an online spell checker or have a friend or family member review your letter before you send it off, just to be sure.

A well-structured cover letter, complete with tailored, impactful writing is the key to standing out in a crowded job market, and help you to land a job quicker than the average time of 3.8 months.

So, if you hope to secure an interview, be sure to use these tips and insights to craft an engaging and compelling cover letter. It may only be a few sentences long, but it really can give you a competitive edge.

Andrew Fennell

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Tips for Sending Email Cover Letters With Samples

How to Send an Email Cover Letter and Resume

how to write an email cover letter for a job

  • Send a Cover Letter Attachment
  • Send an Email Cover Letter
  • Contact Person, Subject, and Signature
  • Check Spelling and Grammar

Send a Test Message to Yourself

Review a sample email cover letter.

  • More Sample Cover Letter Emails

Marc Romanell / Photolibrary / Getty Images

What should you include in an email to apply for a job, and how should you send it? An email cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your expertise. It is written to provide information on why you are qualified for the job you are applying for and to explain the reasons for your interest in the company.

When you're sending an email cover letter, it's important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume.

The job posting may specify the type of file you need to send, and how you should send it. If not, you can follow the instructions below to easily get your documents to the hiring manager.

It's also important to make sure that your email cover letters are written as well as any other correspondence you send. Even though it's quick and easy to send an email, it doesn't mean that you should write anything less than a detailed cover letter focused on why you are a good match for the job you are applying for. Here are some tips for sending email cover letters.

Sending Email Cover Letters and Resumes as Attachments

  • If the job posting says to include your cover letter and resume as an attachment, you can easily attach PDF files to your email message. 
  • If your cover letter and resume are Word documents, click “File, Save As, PDF (.pdf)” to save your documents as PDF files.
  • For Google Docs files, click “File, Download, PDF (.pdf)” document. 
  • PDFs are more professional, they retain the format, and they cannot be edited by someone else after you’ve shared them. 
  • Save the files with your name, so they don't get mixed up with other applicants' materials, e.g., yournamecover.pdf.

Need more help? Here's a step-by-step guide to sending your resume and cover letter as an attachment .

Sending Email Cover Letters Without Attachments

  • Some employers do not accept attachments. In these cases, paste your cover letter into your email message.
  • Use a simple font and remove any fancy formatting. 
  • The best way to do this is to copy the content from your original resume and cover letter, and then “Paste Special, Unformatted Text” into the email message.
  • You can “Paste Special” by left-clicking inside the body of the email and selecting "Paste Special" from the dropdown menu.
  • You don’t know what email provider the employer is using, so simple is best. The employer may not see a  formatted message  the same way you do. So if it’s plain text, you can be sure it will render correctly.

Contact Person, Subject Line, and Signature

  • How to Address an Email Cover Letter : Here's how to address a cover letter sent in an email message, including what to use when you have details of a contact person, and how to address it if you don't.
  • The Subject Line of Your Message : Make sure you list the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email, so that the employer is clear as to what job you are applying for. For example, Subject: Jane Doe, Social Media Manager Position.
  • Include Your Signature: Include an email signature with your contact information, comprising name, address, email address, and telephone number, so it's easy for the hiring manager to get in touch with you.

Double-Check Your Letter for Spelling and Grammar

Make sure you spellcheck and check your grammar and capitalization. They are just as important in an email cover letter as in paper cover letters.

Send the message to yourself first to test that the formatting and attachments work. If everything looks good, resend to the employer.

Here's an example of an email cover letter. Also see below for more samples.

Sample Email Cover Letter

Subject: Administrative Assistant/Receptionist Job – Roger Smith

Dear Ms. Cole,

I was excited to see your listing for the position of administrative assistant/receptionist at ABC Market Corp. I believe that my five years' experience in office administration and my passion for your products make me an ideal candidate for this role.

You specify that you’re looking for an administrative assistant with experience scheduling appointments, maintaining records, ordering supplies, and greeting customers. I’m currently employed as an administrative assistant at XYZ company, where I have spent the past five years honing these skills.

I’m adept at using all the usual administrative and collaboration software packages, from Microsoft Office and SharePoint to Google Docs and Drive. I’m a fast learner, and flexible, while always maintaining the good cheer that you’d want from the first person visitors see when they interact with the company.

I have attached my resume and will call within the next week to see if we might arrange a time to speak.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Roger Smith Phone Email LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)

More Sample Email Cover Letters

Review more sample email cover letters and templates for a variety of role types.

  • Email Cover Letter Template : Template to use when creating an email cover letter.
  • Sample Email Cover Letter Message : Sample cover letter email message to use to apply for a job.
  • Sample Email Cover Letter With Attached Resume : Sample email cover letter to use when you are sending your resume as an attachment.
  • Email Cover Letter - Part-Time Job : Email cover letter sample for applying for a part-time job.
  • Email Cover Letter - Summer Job : Email cover letter sample for applying for a summer job.
  • Professional Email Message : Sample professional email to use for job search or for asking for professional assistance.
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  • Resume Examples
  • Cover Letter
  • Remote Work
  • Famous Resumes
  • Try Kickresume

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship? (+5 Real Internship Cover Letter Examples)

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated March 20, 2024 8 min read

Trying to figure out how to write a cover letter for an internship ? Look no further!

POV: After weeks and weeks of searching for the right internship opportunity, you've finally found it. But, at the end of the posting, there's a single short sentence that takes you aback:  “Please, attach a cover letter to your application .”

Although some consider cover letter writing to be a relic of the past, it still holds its rightful place in the professional world. 

Because a well-written and persuasive cover letter can sometimes make up for the lack of work experience on your resume . And if you're trying to apply for an internship , this is probably your case, too. 

So, continue reading this article and learn: 

  • What is a cover letter for an internship;
  • Whether you need to attach a cover letter to your internship application;
  • How to write one in 7 steps;
  • 5 real-life internship cover letter examples .

Table of Contents

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What is a cover letter for an internship?

Do you need a cover letter for an internship, how to write a cover letter for an internship in 7 steps, 5 real-life internship cover letter examples, key takeaways: how to write a cover letter for an internship.

Generally speaking, an internship cover letter is a formal document that accompanies your resume when applying for an internship. 

When it comes to its content, a cover letter for an internship falls somewhere between a traditional cover letter and a motivational letter . 

  • A traditional cover letter , used by job applicants with years of experience, is supposed to underline some of the candidate's most relevant and impressive skills, qualifications, and work achievements . 
  • A motivational letter , used mostly in academia, aims to communicate one's passion for the subject, their motivation, and personal goals . 

Hence, a cover letter for an internship combines the purpose of the traditional cover letter (convincing the recruiters that you're the right person for the job) with the tone and strategy of the motivational letter (writing about personal motivations and goals).

A truly successful internship cover letter should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you? 
  • Why are you interested in this particular internship?
  • Why are you the best fit for this internship?
  • What do you want to gain from this internship?


In fact, you should always attach a cover letter to your internship application , even if it isn't explicitly required from you.  

Why, you ask? 

Well, consider this: Internships are crucial stepping stones towards your dream career. And they're also incredibly competitive. A single internship opening can be answered by tens of applicants at a time. 

But how can you stand out from a crowd of equally inexperienced candidates? Certainly not by your non-existent professional accomplishments, right? 

When companies look for interns, they don't expect you to have a ton of real-life experience. They aren't looking for a “finished product,” but for someone with a genuine desire to learn and enthusiasm for the job. 

And these two are your weapons of choice!

How can a cover letter for an internship help you?

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, your internship cover letter is also responsible for: 

  • Conveying first impression. Usually, recruiters will read your cover letter before looking at your resume. So, it's the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to them in a memorable way. 
  • Showing your efforts. Next, taking the time to craft a thoughtful cover letter shows that you're willing to put in that extra effort to stand out from the rest of the candidates. 
  • Highlighting your communication skills. Also, a well-written cover letter demonstrates your ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and professionally. 
  • Showing your professionalism. When you walk into a room, it's polite to introduce yourself and shake everybody's hand. This is exactly what a cover letter does! To attach one to your application is a common courtesy.

Now that you're familiar with the whats and whys , let's have a look at how to write a good cover letter for an internship step-by-step. 

For example : Application for [name of the internship] internship – Surname.

Then, place your contact information (your name; professional email address; phone number; link to your website / portfolio / social media accounts if relevant) directly into the header .

If you know the recipient's name, address them by “ Dear [full name] ,” or “ Dear Mrs/Mr [last name] ,”. If you don't know who to address the cover letter to , address it more generally to “Dear Hiring Manager,” .

In the first paragraph of your cover letter , start by stating your name and where you studied (including your current degree and year of study). Proceed by explaining how you came to know about the internship and what are your motivations for applying to it.

Since you don't have much work experience, you can talk about your academic achievements; relevant coursework; dissertation project; extracurricular activities; volunteering; membership in relevant societies, etc.

The closing paragraph of your cover letter should reiterate your desire to get the specific internship, express gratitude to the recipient for their time and consideration, and include a final call for action (i.e. "I look forward to discussing the next steps during an interview." )

Finally, based on how you greeted the recipient of your cover letter, you can sign off with either “ Yours sincerely ,” or “ Yours faithfully ,” . If you addressed the recruiter by their name, sign off with the former; if not, use the latter.

Don't feel like writing your internship cover letter by hand?

Let our AI cover letter writer create the first draft of your internship cover letter!

Undoubtedly, the best way to learn something is to look at specific examples . And that's exactly what we're going to do right now! 

Below, we've prepared 5 internship cover letters written by real people with the help of our cover letter templates .

And, each of them is accompanied by our internship cover letter writing tips that you can implement into your own cover letter! 

FYI, you can use each of these examples as the first draft for your very own internship cover letter – simply click on the red button and start personalising the text (or let AI handle it).

#1 Philips Marketing Intern Cover Letter Sample

Internship cover letter example:.

This cover letter sample was provided by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

What can you take away?

  • Eye-catching header.  Firstly, the header is visually clearly separated from the rest of the text. This makes the recruiters notice it immediately. Plus, the contact information of the company is also featured in the left-hand corner - just like it would be on an actual letter.
  • Research the company before applying. Notice sentences like: “ I really like and relate to what Philips stands for … ” and “ Furthermore, it is very appealing that Philips operates on an international level… ”.This shows that the candidate’s done a thorough research of the company's philosophy and structure.

#2 Warner Bros. Public Relations Intern Cover Letter Example

  • Share a personal story. This can help you establish a sentimental connection between you and the company. Show them that for you, working for their company means more than any old internship.
  • Name-drop a referral. Now, this is a little bit of a cheat code. But, if you happen to know about anyone who has worked/currently works for the company, slip their name into your cover letter.

#3 University of Massachusetts Boston Intern Cover Letter Example

What can you take away  .

  • Write about what you want to gain from the internship. It shows that you're not there just to have something to put on your resume; but that you’re motivated by the idea of gaining actual industry knowledge and skills.

#4 Audit/Tax Summer Internship at CohnReznick Cover Letter Sample

  • Mention any relevant academic activities. If you're wondering how to write a cover letter for an internship with no experience whatsoever, this is your way to go! For example, notice how this candidate noted all of his relevant courses, skills, association membership, and competition participation.
  • Focus on transferrable skills. Especially when your study programme doesn't necessarily fit the internship opening to a T. Instead, focus on any transferable skills you've picked up. 

#5 Intern at NBC Cover Letter Sample

  • Keep your opening and closing paragraphs short and sweet. As you can see in this example, it helps keep a certain visual harmony of the overall document. And, despite the length, both paragraphs do exactly what they're supposed to. Besides, recruiters might be discouraged to read the rest of your cover letter if your introductory paragraph is too long.

To sum it all up, an internship cover letter is a formal document that you submit together with your resume when applying for an internship. Its content should be something between a traditional cover letter and a motivational letter.

Its purpose is to introduce yourself to the recruiters in a more personal way than the resume allows. 

The main things you want your internship cover letter to communicate are:

  • who you are,
  • why you're interested in this opportunity,
  • what make you the best fit for the internship, 
  • your motivation (your long-term professional goals),
  • your desire to learn (what you want to gain from the experience).

To write a truly impactful and persuasive cover letter, we recommend following these 7 key steps: 

  • Specify which internship you're applying for in the subject line.
  • Include your contact information in a header.
  • Address the recipient appropriately.
  • Introduce yourself & your motivations in the opening paragraph.
  • Elaborate on why you're a good fit and what motivated you in body.
  • End your cover letter with a confident closing paragraph.
  • Finish off with a polite sign off. 

Finally, if you feel that the examples provided in this article aren't enough, you can always find more in our cover letter database . 

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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12 Recruiting Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration)

Published: March 27, 2024

If you’re active on LinkedIn, you’ve probably received random messages from recruiters inquiring about putting you in their talent pipeline.

recruiter reviewing recruiting email examples

I’ve received countless generic recruiting messages that make it clear that no one paid attention to my account. Messages have arrived in languages that I don’t speak, or they’ve sent a copy-pasted recruiting email template to dozens of potential candidates that hasn’t been customized at all.

→ Download Now: The Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing [Free Ebook]

While cold recruiting messages can be highly effective, they often make the hiring process feel impersonal before you even formally get involved.

The recruiting process doesn’t have to feel that way. With the right recruiting email templates, recruiters and recruiting agencies can save time and effectively fuel their talent pipeline. Let’s dive into successful recruiting emails, why they work, and a template that you can use yourself.

Table of Contents

The Best Recruiting Emails

How to write a recruiting email, other types of recruiting emails.

how to write an email cover letter for a job

A Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing

How to execute and measure successful email marketing campaigns

  • Growing an email list.
  • Remaining CAN-SPAM compliant.
  • Using email automation.
  • Segmenting your audience.

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

I’ve gathered 12 emails from professional recruiters, executive search firms, and headhunters.

Use these examples to create unique recruiting email templates that can be customized for your own outreach, whether you’re drafting cold recruiting email templates or nurturing existing relationships.

Many of these recruiting emails have been anonymized for privacy.

1. Director of Tax Email

how to write an email cover letter for a job

This email example from the HubSpot marketing recruiting team has been anonymized to serve as a short recruiting email template for your own outreach.

While some emails will go into the interview process and shine a light further down the hiring road, this is short and sweet and focuses on getting a response from any interested candidates.

Recruiting email templates can call recipients to directly apply to a position, or they can offer to further the conversation.

The latter is the case in this HubSpot recruiting email template: The call-to-action (CTA) in this email makes the recipient feel like their time is respected. Further, the hiring manager isn’t trying to funnel anyone into the hiring process.

What I like : While many recruiting email templates include extensive company details, an email this direct can help have a higher response rate with passive candidates.

3. Physical Therapist Email

how to write an email cover letter for a job

Don't forget to share this post!

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How To Write a Cover Letter in 2024

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Do you want to demonstrate to your prospective employers that you are highly interested in their organization? Then, the best thing you can do is to learn how to write a cover letter! While every job applicant will send a resume, only those genuinely excited about the positions will take the time to write a cover letter.

Approximately 77% of recruiters prefer to hire candidates who submit cover letters, even when it is mentioned as optional. As an HR executive in a reputable company, I consider cover letters to be valuable sources for assessing candidates.

When I was searching for a job in my early days, I enrolled in  KnowledgeHut online training courses to boost my skills and knowledge. Then, I considered cover letters redundant additions to a grueling job hunt. I have already shown my skills and experience gained with my certification. Do I need to reiterate them? Surprisingly, the answer is a BIG YES!

A cover letter is a competitive advantage for your job application, as it explains career gaps, provides prospective ideas, and establishes a connection with the recruiters. Now, are you wondering how to write a cover letter? In this guide, I will walk you through the approach of writing a cover letter that will get you noticed more by employers, inching your way closer to your dream job.

What is a Cover Letter?

Are you seeking a job in this competitive era? The job application process can be long and exhilarating. You find yourself repeatedly attaching your resume and copying the information it contains into the form on the website. Nevertheless, you cannot skip the part of adding a cover letter to your applications.

Now, what exactly is a cover letter? A cover letter is a one-page document that serves as an introduction of yourself to the recruiter. The document comprises a summary of your achievements, qualifications, skills, and personal qualities. It gives you the chance to stay top of mind with the recruiters and prioritize your candidacy for the role.

If you learn how to write a cover letter to accompany your resume, you can demonstrate your passion for the position to the employer, which will help you stand out from the candidates whose applications didn’t have one.

While learning how to write a cover letter,   I wondered to myself – Does my recruiter even read these pieces? Yes!

A recent study from ResumeLab shows that 64% of job vacancies require sample cover letters for job applications. The bottom line is that a cover letter is a valuable tool for your job search collateral. Learn to nail your cover letter, and you could get hired for your dream role.

Why is a Cover Letter Important?

Are cover letters necessary? I hear this question a lot during workshops and on social media platforms. There is much debate on whether cover letters are still relevant. Before you learn how to write a cover letter , let me tell you the fact—cover letters are as important as your resume/CV. Why? Fishbowl by Glassdoor finds that 42% of participants might consider a cover letter a necessary toolkit in a job application.

Here, I have revealed the importance of a cover letter and some benefits .

Impress Employers

Learning how to write a cover letter is the primary benefit. It will allow you to make a fine first impression on employees. A well-crafted cover letter will demonstrate your role-specific strengths and spark recruiters' interest in reading your resume.

Provides Context to your CV

Including a cover letter with your job application adds context to your CV and will help you address employment gaps in your career. Whether you took time to further your education or due to personal responsibilities, a cover letter is the perfect space to mention the reason.

Showcases your Personality

Your CV/resume is a document filled with facts. However, when you learn how to write a cover letter, you can bring your personality and skills to life. You can use the space to demonstrate your positive personal qualities, such as leadership and self-motivation, and other traits that might add value to the organization.

Build a Strong Relationship with the Employer

A compelling cover letter is a powerful tool for building strong relationships with employers. It allows you to demonstrate how your career goals align with the organization's interests. The employer will appreciate your unique blend of experience, skills, and personality, giving a glimpse into how you will make the position and company a better place.

How To Write a Cover Letter

You sit down to write a cover letter, open a document, browse good cover letter examples, and finally search on Google – how to write a cover letter, which possibly brings you here. When I was an active job seeker, I used to break into a cold sweat whenever I sat down and pondered how to write a cover letter.   To ensure your letter is in its best format, I've got easy-to-follow steps plus examples below. Let’s dive in!

Step 1 – Extensive Research

Before you begin with how to write a cover letter,   thoroughly read the job description, the requirements of the job, and about the organization. According to a survey, 49%  of HR managers consider your cover letter to be one of the best ways to draw attention to your CV. I always advise aspirants to check out the job description and consider the following while writing their cover letter:

  • What are the priorities of the company?
  • What are the goals for the role?
  • What accomplishments from your previous roles match the objectives of the current role?
  • What are the company's key phrases?

This will help you customize your cover letter, provide a better narrative to impress the hiring manager and demonstrate that you are a better fit for the role.

Step 2 – Clear Header

In the cover letter, you need to include a clear header with information about yourself. The details should include

  • Your first and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Name of the hiring manager, tile, city, and state of the company you're applying for.

In addition, you can also add professional social media accounts like LinkedIn or a link to your portfolio of professional websites.

Step 3 – Address with Proper Salutation or Greetings

While writing your cover letter, make sure to address a real person by their name. It will make the letter personal and show the recruiters that you took time and effort in your research. You can simply make a greeting with ‘Hello (name)’. In certain cases, if you cannot find their name, you can use the following:

  • Dear Hiring Manager,

Step 4 – Engaging Introduction

Now, it's time to write an intro paragraph that should captivate the attention of your reader. In this stanza, you will state who you are, what role you are applying for, and why you have chosen the company.

You can lead this pace by mentioning an impressive accomplishment or featuring a belief statement that matches the values and goals of the employer. In other terms, you can show your passion and enthusiasm to market yourself as a driven candidate.

Step 5 – Explain your Skill Set

Take advantage of this section and prove to the prospective employer how your background and experience make you the best fit for the role. This section is extremely important if you are switching careers. Highlight your relevant achievements in your cover letter and explain how you can help the company address challenges and accomplish goals.

Step 6 – Closing Paragraph

The conclusion section of your cover letter is a call to action for employers. Rather than making an uninspiring finish, paint a picture of what it will be like to work with you. In the middle section, you have already laid out persuasive arguments and undeniable, impressive facts. Use the conclusion section as your final opportunity to describe some of your characteristics.

Step 7 – Closing Salutation

Don’t forget to close the letter using a formal signature. You can use terms like "Sincerely," "Regards," or "Best" for a professional sign-off. You can use your first and last name as your signature.

Step 8 – Proofreading

Proofreading your letter is as important as learning how to write a cover letter.   Make sure it's error-free before you send it to the prospective employer. If possible, ask peers to review it for you, which will help you catch any tangled issues.

Step 9 – ATS Optimization

Nowadays, most recruiters use ATS (Application Tracking System) to screen applications and shortlist suitable candidates. Through the ATS database, your hiring manager will search for specific skills or keywords. Hence, make sure to optimize your cover letter to match the search criteria and secure a position in the list of top candidates. To optimize your cover letter, you should:

  • Carefully read the job description.
  • Take note of relevant skills and keywords.
  • Incorporate the keywords into the cover letter.

Examples of Cover Letter

Whether you want a sample for a cover letter with no experience or for a skilled professional, you can find countless templates in the digital space. These will help you to learn how to highly hone your skills and express your passion for the job. To help you out, I have compiled some good examples of cover letters for your reference.

Sample 1: Sample Cover letter

Sample 2: Cover letter for Graduates

Sample 3: Cover letter with no experience

Sample 4: Cover letter explaining the gap in your CV

Sample 5: Cover letter for career transition

Sample 6: Cover letter for internships

Pro Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

I have read thousands of cover letters in my career. If you think that sounds like a boring one, you are right. What I can tell you is most aspirants are terrible in their cover letters, which squandered their opportunities. A cover letter should be written in the right way to increase your chances of getting an interview.

So, let me give you some pro tips on how to write a cover letter in the right way!

  • Keep it brief – Your cover letter should not be more than one page and include only four paragraphs. Excess or little information will frustrate the employer, leaving a bad impression on your application.
  • Focus on format— Always use standard business letter format when writing cover letters. They should look professional. Don’t underline, italicize, or bold anything that is not consistent information.
  • Be confident— Avoid using phrases like ‘I believe’ or ‘I feel’. Instead, use phrases like ‘I am confident’ or ‘I am positive’ to show your confidence to the employer.
  • Count on customization- Your cover letter should be specific to the job requirements for which you are applying. If you are answering a job position, try to include the relevant keywords in your cover letter. Instead of using the general ‘to whom it may concern’, try to address the letter to the hiring authority.

So, you've found a job vacancy that fits your skills the best. You feel like you will excel in the role, and the company seems like a great platform for which to work. While you plan to customize your resume, don’t forget to learn how to write a cover letter!

A cover letter is your first, maybe your only chance to impress the employer. However, don't let that fact intimidate you. I always consider a cover letter as an opportunity to shine. It gives a glimpse of your success, personality, experience, and enthusiasm, which all play a pivotal part in helping you land the dream job.

When you learn how to write a cover letter,   be honest, genuine, and professional.

While you have learned about how to write a cover letter, have you thought of upskilling yourself for a better career path? I recommend every aspirant to enroll in  Online Free Training Courses ! The certificate program is designed to prepare you for professional examinations or assessments related to our field.

Join the course today and stay ahead of the competition!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, you need to learn how to write a resume cover letter. Experts say cover letters play a vital role in hiring decisions. Most employers consider cover letters an important part of any aspirant’s toolkit. A cover letter is a robust medium where you convey your skills, commitment, and enthusiasm to the recruiter. It will make you stand out from applicants with the same background and experience.

Learning how to create a cover letter is primary. The purpose is to convince the employer that you are a great candidate, encouraging them to read your resume and interview you. The cover letter complements your resume/CV by making it easy for employers to see how your interests and experience suit the position. It offers the prospective employer a glimpse of your passion and skills.

Once you learn how to write a good cover letter, you might ponder its perfect length. Generally, a cover letter should be between half a page and a full page long. Make sure to aim for 250-400 words, encompassing three to six paragraphs. For instance, if you are an entry-level candidate, aiming for 200 words for a cover letter can be ideal. It allows the candidates to provide a concise explanation of their experience, skills, and what they can offer to the organization.


Abhresh Sugandhi

Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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    To attach your cover letter, create a new email message in your email program and choose the paperclip icon. Browse through the files on your computer to find your cover letter and click to attach it to the email. 7. Include a brief email message.

  2. How To Write An Email Cover Letter: Samples + 5 Writing Tips

    4. Personalize your email to the reader. People (including hiring managers) are much more attentive when they hear or read their name, so make sure you directly address the hiring manager in your email cover letter. calling the office manager or receptionist and asking for their name.

  3. How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Samples & Tips)

    To write a perfect cover letter email for a job application, follow these steps: Use our email cover letter template. Apply a clear, strong subject line. Open with a proper greeting—address the hiring manager by their name. In the first sentence, explain why you're writing and what position you're targeting.

  4. Emailing a Cover Letter: How To Guide With Example

    Click on your cover letter to attach it to the email. Check that the file attaches correctly before sending. 6. Write a short email message. If you are sending your cover letter as an attachment in an email, include a brief email message to let the recipient know that the email contains your cover letter as an attachment.

  5. Email Cover Letter Examples and Formats

    Email Cover Letter Examples . Most cover letters follow the same basic format, but the contents will be very different, depending on your goals and circumstances. These templates cover a wide range of situations, from a cold email inquiring about job openings to an internal job promotion cover letter to a job transfer request.

  6. Email Cover Letter Example (With Steps and Helpful Tips)

    Follow these steps to guide you on how to send an email cover letter: 1. Comply with the employer's request. There are two basic methods for sending an email cover letter. You can send it as a separate attachment to the email or you can simply type it in the email body. Verify the employer's job application requirements before sending it.

  7. Email Cover Letter: 5 Samples & Writing Guide + Expert Tips

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  8. Email Cover Letter Sample and Tips

    Use a Professional Email Address. State Your Name and the Job in the Subject. Start With a Greeting. What to Include. Close With a Thank You and Signature. Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images. Writing a hard copy cover letter is becoming less of the norm these days.

  9. Mastering the Art of Email Cover Letters: Steps, Tips, and Examples

    End your email cover letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best Regards," followed by your full name. Include your contact information below your name for easy reference. 6. Proofread and Edit: Before hitting send, thoroughly proofread your email cover letter for any grammatical errors or typos.

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    From the drafted cover letter, copy and paste the content into the body of the email. Remove dates and contact information and check to see the pasted text has aligned correctly. 9. Include an email signature. Most email services have a function that allows you to automatically include a signature.

  11. 11 Steps To Email a Cover Letter

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  13. How to Email a Cover Letter (Plus Example Emails)

    3. Open an email application or website. To send your cover letter, open an email application or website. Log into your account and then go to the 'send' or 'compose' tab. Then you can write an email that contains your cover letter in the body of the message or you can attach your cover letter to the email.

  14. Job application email

    Here are a few examples: Your name - Application for (job name) - Reference. Application for (job name) - (your name) - Reference. Applying for a job probably is the best place to get creative, so stick to a simple subject line for your job application emails. 2.

  15. Writing the perfect email covering letter

    In the subject line of the email, list the vacancy title, reference number and where you saw or heard about the vacancy. Use the body of the email to convince the recruiter in three to five bullet points that you are the right person for the job. Send the CV as an attachment clearly labelled with your name. Spell-check before sending the email.

  16. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024

    Respectfully, Kind regards, Best regards, Yours truly, Then, make two spaces below the salutation, and type your full name. For some professional (but optional) flair, sign your cover letter either with a scan of your signature or by using software like DocuSign. 8. Check your cover letter's content and formatting.

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    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

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    4. Keep the formatting simple. If the cover letter is in the body text of your email, use simple fonts and formatting to optimise readability. Keep to fonts such as Arial and use a font size of 10-12 for body copy and 14 for headers. Use underlining, bolding and italicising sparingly.

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    Header - Input contact information. Greeting the hiring manager. Opening paragraph - Grab the reader's attention with 2-3 of your top achievements. Second paragraph - Explain why you're the perfect candidate for the job. Third paragraph - Explain why you're a good match for the company.

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    Include the name of the person to whom you are writing as well as the company name and address just above the salutation. In the salutation, greet the hiring manager by name. If you don't know the name of the person, consider greeting the hiring department or the department with which you would be working if hired. 3.

  22. An email cover letter

    Start your email with Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + person's surname. Say where you saw the advertisement. Say which job you're applying for. You can use the sentence I'm writing in response to the job advertisement for the position of … . Write a short paragraph to say why you're suitable for the job. Mention your education, qualifications, work ...

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    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  25. Tips for Sending Email Cover Letters With Samples

    Use a simple font and remove any fancy formatting. The best way to do this is to copy the content from your original resume and cover letter, and then "Paste Special, Unformatted Text" into the email message. You can "Paste Special" by left-clicking inside the body of the email and selecting "Paste Special" from the dropdown menu.

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    A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Perfect Application Letter. Let's learn how to write an application letter for a job with a step-by-step guide that'll show you how to craft every part of it. #1. Research the Company. Researching the company is the first step before you even start writing your application letter.

  27. How to Write a Cover Letter For an Internship (+5 Real Examples)

    Address the recipient appropriately. If you know the recipient's name, address them by " Dear [full name] ," or " Dear Mrs/Mr [last name] ,". If you don't know who to address the cover letter to, address it more generally to "Dear Hiring Manager," . Introduce yourself and your motivations in the opening paragraph.

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    Here's a step-by-step process for writing your LOI draft: 1. Provide your contact information. At the top of your LOI, you'll want to provide contact information so your recipient can contact you about future opportunities. This can include your phone number, email, and address. 2.

  29. 12 Recruiting Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration)

    5. Talent Acquisition Specialist Email. The past examples have been of cold recruiting emails, and here we see a great template for reconnecting with a warm lead. Daniel Wolken, a human resources expert and talent acquisition Specialist at DailyRemote, explained his thought process behind this email template:

  30. How To Write a Cover Letter in 2024

    Step 3 - Address with Proper Salutation or Greetings. While writing your cover letter, make sure to address a real person by their name. It will make the letter personal and show the recruiters that you took time and effort in your research. You can simply make a greeting with 'Hello (name)'.