6 Examples: How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

By Editorial Team on December 25, 2023 — 11 minutes to read

Addressing the recipient without knowing their name might seem complicated, but there are ways to navigate this situation. Let’s take a look at a few strategies to make your cover letter feel personalized even when you don’t have a specific name to address.

Be Professional and Engaging

Using general salutations like “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam” can make your cover letter feel impersonal. Instead, opt for a more engaging opener such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Company Name] Team.” This type of greeting acknowledges the company and shows that you have researched the team you are addressing.

Focus on the Position and Company

Make sure to tailor the content of your cover letter to the job you are applying for by highlighting relevant qualifications, experience, and skills. Share specific examples of your successes that align with the responsibilities of the position. Mention the company’s values, goals, or recent successes to demonstrate how your values align with theirs. This can effectively showcase your interest and commitment to the role.

Use LinkedIn and Company Website Research

If you cannot find the hiring manager’s name in the job posting, you can turn to LinkedIn or the company website for clues. Search for professionals working in human resources or hiring roles at the company. If you find a specific contact, address your letter to that person while using their full name and title. Otherwise, continue with a professional and engaging salutation as mentioned earlier.

Here are two examples of how to start a cover letter without a name:

Dear Hiring Manager, As a passionate marketer with five years of experience, I am excited to apply for the Marketing Manager position at (…) Company. Achieving a 30% increase in leads generated through my previous campaigns, I am eager to contribute to the growth of your marketing department.
Dear ABC Inc. Team, With a strong background in project management and a proven track record of implementing cost-saving strategies, I am confident in my ability to excel as the Senior Project Manager at ABC Inc. Your company’s commitment to sustainable practices aligns with my values and I am thrilled to be considered for this opportunity.

By applying these strategies, you can create an impactful and personalized cover letter, even without knowing the recipient’s name. This attention to detail can set you apart from other applicants and leave a positive impression with your prospective employer.

How to Find the Hiring Manager’s Name

Sometimes locating the hiring manager’s name can be tricky, but there are several ways to find it. Let’s go through a few methods to help you address your cover letter without a name.

Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great resource for finding the hiring manager’s name. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Visit the company’s LinkedIn page.
  • Click on the “People” tab to browse through the employees.
  • Use the search bar and enter keywords such as “recruiter,” “hiring manager,” or the department you’re applying to.
  • Check the found profiles, and try to identify the right person responsible for hiring in your desired role.

Make sure to double-check that the person is currently working in the company to avoid using outdated information.

Checking Company Website

Another way to find the hiring manager’s name is by checking the company website:

  • Locate the “About Us” or “Team” page, where you might find a list of employees along with their titles and roles.
  • Look for a person who has a recruiting or hiring-related title within the department you’re targeting with your application.
  • If you cannot find the necessary information on the website, try checking a company’s press releases or blog. Sometimes they include names of important team members.

Making a Phone Call

When all else fails, you’re left with one more option – making a phone call.

  • Call the company’s main line and politely ask the receptionist for the name of the hiring manager or the person responsible for recruitment in the department you’re interested in.
  • Be prepared to provide the job title and a job reference number (if available) to help the receptionist find the right person.

Finding the hiring manager’s name isn’t always possible. If you cannot locate it, don’t worry. Addressing your cover letter as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern” is still better than not sending a cover letter at all.

How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name: Sample Phrases

Starting with job title.

When you cannot find the recipient’s name, use their job title to address the cover letter. This shows that you can connect and direct your message to the relevant person. Here are some examples:

  • Dear Hiring Manager, – This is a common and universally understood phrase for addressing a cover letter without a name.
  • Dear [Job Title], – Use the specific job position that the recipient holds, for instance, Dear Marketing Director .
  • To the [Job Title] Selection Committee, – This approach can be useful when applying for a role advertised by a team or committee that will handle the hiring process, such as To the Scholarship Selection Committee .

Referring to Department

Another approach is to address the cover letter to the department that the position is within. This helps to direct your message to the appropriate team or group. Here are some examples:

  • Dear [Department] Team, – Mention the department you are applying for, such as Dear HR Team, or Dear Sales Team .
  • Greetings, [Department] Department, – Use the department name to address the letter, like Greetings, IT Department .
  • To Whom It May Concern in the [Department], – This is a formal alternative when you don’t know the recipient or department’s name, for example, To Whom It May Concern in the Finance Department .

Using these approaches will ensure that your cover letter appears professional and well-directed, even when you don’t have the exact name of the recipient. Focus on the content and the skills you bring to the position to make the best impression on the reader.

Crafting Content for Cover Letters

When you’re unsure of the recipient’s name, you might feel a little lost on how to address your cover letter. Don’t worry. You can still create an engaging and professional cover letter that gets the job done. Here are some tips and examples to help you craft the perfect content for an anonymous cover letter.

Start with a professional, yet friendly, greeting. If you don’t know the hiring manager’s name, use a general opening line such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern” . These greetings are widely accepted and show respect towards the person receiving the letter.

Next, dive into your strengths, skills, and achievements. Mention the qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the position. Share relevant accomplishments from your previous roles, such as leading a successful project or boosting sales. Be specific when describing your skills and use quantifiable results when possible. For example:

“During my time at Company (…), I managed a team of 10 and successfully increased sales by 25% within six months.”

Show enthusiasm for the job and demonstrate your knowledge of the company. Research the organization’s goals, values, and recent projects, then incorporate this information into your cover letter. This will help you tailor your letter to the company’s needs and show that you’d be a good fit for their culture. You could say something like:

“As a long-time admirer of your company’s commitment to sustainability, I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to the upcoming eco-conscious product line.”

Close your cover letter with a strong call-to-action. Express your interest in further discussing your qualifications and offer your availability for an interview. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and include your contact information. A sample closing paragraph could look like this:

“I’m eager to discuss how my expertise in digital marketing could contribute to the success of your team. Thank you for considering my application. You can reach me at (555) 555-5555 or [email protected] to schedule a conversation.”

Keep your cover letter concise and focused on your unique selling points. Even without knowing the recipient’s name, following these guidelines will allow you to create a memorable and attention-grabbing cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on potential employers.

Tips on Prefix Usage

When you’re addressing a cover letter without a specific name, it’s good to think about the appropriate prefix to use. Here are some tips to help you choose the right one:

First, consider using a general and gender-neutral prefix like Dear Hiring Manager . It will work well if you don’t know the recipient’s name or aren’t aware of their gender. This is a widely accepted way to address a cover letter without a specific name.

Dear Hiring Manager, I came across your job posting for a Graphic Designer, and I am excited to apply for the role.

If you happen to know the job title of the person who will read your cover letter, you can use it. This shows that you have put effort into researching the company and position.

Dear Marketing Director, I am writing to express my interest in the open Digital Marketing Specialist position at your company.

In some cases, you might know the name of the department that the job is in. In this case, you can address your cover letter to the entire department.

Dear Finance Team, I was thrilled to see an opening for a Financial Analyst at your company and would like to apply for the position.

When you’re unable to find any specific details or when addressing a larger company, you can opt for a broad salutation like To Whom It May Concern . Just be aware that it may come off as impersonal, so it’s best to use this as a last resort.

To Whom It May Concern, I am submitting my application for the Content Writer position posted on your careers website.

The key is to maintain a professional tone throughout your cover letter. Regardless of which prefix you choose, always customize your content to suit the specific job and company you’re applying to. By doing so, you demonstrate a genuine interest in the role and leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Sending a cover letter without addressing it to a specific person can be a pitfall. It might make the recipient feel unimportant or signal that you didn’t do your research. To make your application stand out, be mindful of these common mistakes:

  • Not being specific about the role: Your cover letter should not only address the person but also the specific role you’re applying for. Tailor your letter according to the job and the company. For instance, instead of writing “I wish to apply for the marketing position”, be more specific like “I am interested in applying for the Digital Marketing Specialist role at [CompanyName].”
  • Focusing too much on yourself: Although your achievements are important, the cover letter should focus on how your skills can benefit the company. Frame your accomplishments in a way that highlights the value you can bring to the organization.
  • Being overly formal or stiff: While it’s important to maintain a professional tone, being too formal might come across as insincere or impersonal. Use a friendly tone and avoid jargon or buzzwords to keep your cover letter genuine and relatable.
  • Spelling errors and typos: Even the smallest of typos can create a negative impression. Double-check your cover letter to make sure there are no mistakes. Keep an eye out for incorrect spellings, especially when addressing the recipient.

The goal of your cover letter is to make a personal connection and showcase how you are a great fit for the company. Taking the time to address your letter properly, proofread for errors, and customize your content demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to the position.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i properly address a cover letter when the recipient’s name is unknown.

If you don’t know the recipient’s name, consider using a general salutation instead. For example, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruitment Team” acknowledges the recipient without using a specific name. You can also research the company’s website or LinkedIn to try to find the appropriate contact person.

What alternatives are there to ‘To Whom It May Concern’?

There are several alternatives to ‘To Whom It May Concern’ that can help make your cover letter stand out:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Company] Team
  • Dear [Department or Job Title] Hiring Team
  • Dear [Company] Recruitment Team

How do I determine the appropriate salutation for my cover letter?

To determine the right salutation for your cover letter, do a bit of research on the company or organization you’re targeting. This may help you uncover the specific department or hiring manager’s name. If not, use one of the general salutations mentioned earlier to address your cover letter in a more personalized manner.

What are examples of cover letter openings without using names?

Here are some examples of cover letter openings without using specific names:

  • “Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to submit my application for the [Job Title] position at [Company].”
  • “Dear [Department or Job Title] Hiring Team, As a passionate professional with experience in [Industry], I am eager to contribute to [Company] as a [Job Title].”
  • “Dear [Company] Team, I recently came across the [Job Title] opening at [Company], and I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate.”

How can I avoid common mistakes when addressing cover letters without names?

To avoid mistakes when addressing cover letters without names, follow these tips:

  • Do thorough research on the company and the job posting
  • Be concise and professional in your language
  • Use an appropriate general salutation if you can’t find a specific name
  • Double-check for spelling and grammatical errors before sending the cover letter
  • Avoid using outdated or overused phrases, such as ‘To Whom It May Concern’ or ‘Dear Sir/Madam’

By following these guidelines, you can create a strong and effective cover letter that stands out to hiring managers, even if you don’t have a specific name to address.

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How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name? Use These 5 Salutations

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated February 23, 2024 6 min read

Struggling with how to address a cover letter without a name ? It's a common challenge that can make even the most confident job seekers pause.

Ideally, you want to personalize your cover letter salutation to show you've done your homework.

But what do you do when that information isn't readily available?

If this sounds familiar, you’re in the right place. Whether the job ad skipped the contact details or your online searches came up empty, we've got your back.

This article will show you:

  • 5 different ways how to address a cover letter without a name

How NOT to address a cover letter without a name

  • Strategies to find the hiring manager's name 
  • Cover letter examples 

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

  • How to find the hiring manager's name?

How to address a cover letter without a name? Use these 5 salutations

Tips for addressing a cover letter with no name, where to place the cover letter address, key takeaways: how to address a cover letter without a name, how to find the hiring manager's name.

It's not a deal-breaker to address your cover letter without a specific name. 

However, addressing it to a specific person and including a name can add a personal touch that sets your application apart.  

If you've hit a wall in your search for a name, don't give up just yet. 

Try these five strategies to uncover the name of the hiring manager:

  • Check the job posting again. Sometimes the answer is hidden in plain sight. The bottom of the job listing might include instructions like "Email your resume to [email protected]," which not only gives you the hiring manager's email but also their name. 
  • Use LinkedIn. Search the company's page and browse through employee profiles. Look for individuals with titles that might indicate they're in charge of hiring, such as "Talent Acquisition Manager" or heads of the department you're applying to. 
  • Search the company website. Most organizations have an 'About Us' or 'Team' page where they list their staff members and their roles. Here, you can often find clues about who might be the hiring manager or at least get the names of potential contacts in the right department.
  • Try networking. Reach out to your existing network to see if anyone has connections within the company. Sometimes, a mutual contact can provide you with the name you need.
  • Call the company. It might seem a bit old-fashioned, but it's a direct approach that can yield results. A polite phone call inquiring about who is managing the hiring for the position you're interested in can sometimes get you the information you need. 

Starting your cover letter with the hiring manager's name is the best way to go. It shows you've looked into the company and are serious about the job.

But, if you've tried and still can't find a name, don't worry. 

Here are some ways to address your cover letter when you don't know who will read it:

  • Dear Hiring Manager. This straightforward approach is professional and widely accepted. It shows respect for the person reviewing your application.
  • Dear [Department] Team. Mentioning the department, like "Dear Marketing Team," shows you know where you want to be and who you're talking to.
  • Dear Recruiter. Use this if you're applying through a recruiter or if the job ad was posted by HR. It shows you understand the process.
  • Dear Director of [Department]. If you know the department but not the name, this shows you've thought about where you fit in the company.
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Team. Perfect for when your application will be reviewed by several people. It shows you understand the process.

These ways help you start your cover letter professionally, even when you can’t find a specific name. They show respect and that you're thoughtful about your application.

When crafting your cover letter, it's just as important to know how NOT to address it. 

Steering clear of certain greetings can help maintain the professional tone of your application. 

Here are some salutations to avoid :

  • To Whom It May Concern. This is overly impersonal and outdated.
  • Dear Sir/Madam. This comes across as old-fashioned and can be seen as gender presumptive.
  • Hey There. Far too casual for a professional document.
  • Hello. While friendly, it lacks the formality a cover letter requires.
  • Hi [Company Name]. This is too informal and doesn't address any individual or specific role.

Crafting a cover letter without a specific recipient's name doesn't mean you can skimp on professionalism. 

Here's how to ensure your cover letter makes a great impression, even when you're not sure who will read it:

  • Stick to formal greetings. Use "Dear Hiring Manager" to start off on the right foot. It’s respectful and works every time. Yes, even if the company culture is really laid back.
  • Avoid addressing recruiters. Directly addressing recruiters is generally not advised, unless you have been in contact with one specifically for this role. In such cases, using their name can add a personal touch.
  • Target the right department/person. Make every effort to verify you're targeting the right person or department within the company. Otherwise, it can redirect your application to the wrong hands.
  • Spell-check the name. Found a name? Double-check the spelling. Getting it wrong can look bad.
  • How to Write a Cover Letter with No Experience
  • 7 Great Cover Letter Openings
  • 8 Great Cover Letter Endings
  • The Only Cover Letter Guide You’ll Need in 2024

And what about a resume?

Create a beautiful resume in seconds with the help of AI and our customizable templates.

When setting up your cover letter, start with your name centered at the top. It looks neat and professional. Right below your name, put the company’s address on the left side and your address on the right. This way, both addresses are easy to spot.

Next, add the date below your address. It shows when you sent the letter.

Right under the date, write your greeting, like “Dear Hiring Manager.” This is where your actual letter begins.

We’ve got a sample below to show you how it should look. It’s made with Kickresume's cover letter builder . This tool is great because it gives you a template that’s easy to fill out. It makes sure your cover letter looks good without much effort.

Cover Letter Structure Example

This cover letter sample was provided by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

In wrapping up, let’s quickly recap the 5 best salutations to use for addressing your cover letter when the name is unknown:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Department] Team
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear Director of [Department]
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Team

But remember, the strength of your cover letter lies in its content .

A well-crafted letter that speaks directly to the job description and showcases your skills can make a significant difference. Personalizing your cover letter as much as possible helps you stand out from the crowd.

For those struggling with writer's block, Kickresume's AI resume builder is an invaluable tool. It can help you write the first draft of your cover letter based on your job title and job description , making personalization easier and more effective.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Click here to directly go to the complete cover letter without name sample

How to address a cover letter without a name?

According to a study, every corporate job opening gets roughly 250 resumes , out of which only 3-4 applicants land an interview.

That means if your cover letter feels generic and lacks personal touch, it may end up in the trash.

However, what if there is a circumstance for addressing a cover letter with no name?

Read on to get an insight into the following FAQs:

  • How do you write a cover letter if you don't know the hiring manager?
  • How to format the cover letter address correctly?
  • Who to write a cover letter to without a contact?
  • Which method of delivering a cover letter is not appropriate?
  • What are the practical ways to find the hiring manager’s name?
  • Additional tips to write a cover letter without name

Whom to Address a Cover Letter To?

Who do you address a cover letter to when there is no name?

To understand how to address a cover letter, you need to know to whom to address it.

A cover letter should be addressed in the following ways:

  • If the hiring manager’s name is given in the job description, you should always address the cover letter to them.
  • If the hiring manager’s email address is not there in the job description, you can address the cover letter to the department manager.

There is no point in sending the cover letter to the CEO or founders because they are not the ones who usually handle the recruitment process.

Also Read: How to address a cover letter?

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name?

A cover letter for a job is not similar to a letter to a friend.

The purpose of a cover is to impress the hiring manager with your professional expertise to score an interview.

But addressing cover letters with no name may get rejected by the recruiters.

We understand how important it is to know how to write a cover letter without a name as per these statistics.

Also Read: How to write a cover letter?

Here are some steps on how to address a cover letter without a name:

1. Address the Cover Letter with “Dear Hiring Manager”

It is the most common way to address a hiring manager with no name and hiring managers prefer this salutation over no salutation at all.

This salutation allows the hiring manager to quickly focus on the main body of the cover letter, instead of rejecting the cover letter right away.

However, the best way to address a cover letter is by personalizing it.

2. Address the Cover Letter to the Team

When in doubt, you can address the whole team so that anyone from the team can receive your cover letter and respond accordingly.

It can be the hiring manager, assistant, or anyone from the department who may interview you during the job application process.

You can phrase it as:

  • Dear Recruiting Team
  • Dear Project Manager Hiring Team
Also Read: What can a cover letter explain that a résumé cannot?

3. Maintain Professional Approach

Maintain a professional approach and avoid informal phrases or words such as "Hello!", "Good Evening/Morning", or "Hi!"

Keep it simple and professional by using the term, "Dear" followed by the designation.

For Example:

  • Dear Hiring Head
  • Dear Recruitment Supervisor

4. Do Not Assume Gender or Marital Status

You often know the hiring manager’s name but do not know their gender or marital status.

Assuming someone's gender may seem disrespectful and unprofessional hence you should avoid making such mistakes by keeping it gender-neutral. Avoid the term "Sir" or "Madam" and simply address the recipient as "Dear (Profile)".

The best way to find the hiring manager’s gender is by doing a quick LinkedIn search.

The LinkedIn profile may contain a profile picture wherein you can determine the hiring manager’s gender.

If the hiring manager’s gender is Male, address the hiring manager with “Mr.”.

  • “Mr. Xavier,”

If the hiring manager is female, it can be confusing.

As you don’t know the marital status, avoid using Miss. or Mrs. to address the hiring manager. Instead, use a generic “Ms..”

  • Dear Ms. Moore
  • Dear Ms. Kyle
  • Dear Mrs. Lane
  • Dear Miss Maximoff
Also Read: How to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn?

5. Include Job Profile and Professional Titles

Are you asking yourself continuously, “How to address a cover letter without a contact name?”

Here is the answer for you.

Instead of using only “ Dear Hiring Manager ,” include the department name or the title of the person who will be reading the cover letter to make it more specific.

  • Dear Marketing Department,
  • Dear Head of the Sales Department,
  • Dear VP of Marketing

By personalizing the addresses in this way, you can grab the hiring manager’s attention to read your resume.

This shows that you are not throwing a rock blindly. You have done your research and have some idea about the company.

Don’t forget to include the hiring manager’s academic title or professional title in the cover letter address.

These types of hyper-personalization can grab the hiring manager’s attention even more and entice them to read your cover letter.

How to Write the Academic Title in the Cover Letter Address?

You can write the academic title in full form.

  • Dear Doctor Green,
  • Dear Professor Geller,

Alternatively, you can use the abbreviation of the titles as well.

  • Dear Dr. Murphy,
  • Dear Prof. Goodwin,
  • Dear Sgt. Moore,
  • Dear Principle Alan,

Where to Place the Cover Letter Address?

Not just the proper format, but the placement of the cover letter address also plays an important role.

  • The cover letter heading will go at the top.
  • Write the date below the heading.
  • Leave one line space and write the hiring manager’s name.
  • Write the address of the company.
  • Leave one space and then write the position you are applying for.
  • Leave one space and then write the salutation.

Cover letter without name

Best Way to Address a Cover Letter with No Name or Email

Writing an email cover letter address is fundamentally similar but with some tweaks.

If you are sending a digital cover letter, you need to start with a professional subject line.

John Doe: Application for Video Editor Position, Reff: Anthony Moore

Then add your cover letter salutation based on the same rule.

Add a line space and then start your cover letter by adding the necessary information that gives an insight into your professional experience and skills.

Subject Line: John Doe: Application for Project Manager Position, Reff: Charles Moore

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am a 5+ years experienced project management professional…

Appropriate Method of Delivering a Cover Letter

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Committee
  • Dear (department name) Hiring Committee
  • Dear Hiring Team
  • To the (department name) Hiring Manager
  • Dear Team (For smaller companies)
  • To the Recruiting Team
Also Read: What are the benefits of using a cover letter builder?

Inappropriate Method of Delivering a Cover Letter

  • Dear Sir or Madam — Ancient salutation does not work anymore
  • To Whom It May Concern — It is not personalized
  • Hello, Hi, or Greetings — Informal salutation
  • Happy Sunday! — Casual salutation
  • Good Morning — Not practical as you have no idea when they will read the letter
Also Read: How to draft a professional message to the hiring manager?

How to Find the Hiring Manager's Name?

How do you write a cover letter if you don't know the name?

Well, you can simply address your cover letter as, "Dear Hiring Manager". But if you feel the need to add the name of the hiring manager then there are ways to do so.

Finding the hiring manager’s name is the best way to address a cover letter.

So, before calling it quits, let us look at some ways to find the hiring manager’s name.

Read the Job Description Thoroughly

Always read the job description carefully!

Usually, the hiring manager’s name or the title of the reporting manager is given in the job description or under the job description.

For instance, “ The digital marketer will report to the Marketing Manager. ”

You can use the title to then find their name on the company website or LinkedIn.

Sometimes the job description includes the hiring manager’s email address.

For Example: “ Send your cover letter and resume to johndoe@hiration[dot]com" .

You can find the hiring manager’s name in the email address.

Visit the Profile of the Job Publisher

Sites like LinkedIn or AngelList have this unique feature to show you the name of the one who posts the job.

You can go to their profile to see if they are the hiring manager and include their name in the cover letter.

Call the Company Front Desk

Calling the company is the easiest way to find the hiring manager's name. But, job candidates reserve it as the last option.

  • Call the company desk
  • Tell them that you are applying for a “vacant position” in their company and would like to know the hiring manager’s name.

Here’s an example of the script:

“ Hi, my name is Alex, and I’m currently applying for the video editor position in your company. Would it be possible for you to provide me the name and email id of the hiring manager so that I can address the cover letter properly?”

Do a Quick LinkedIn Search

According to a study, 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn regularly . That means, if you search for the hiring manager of a certain company on LinkedIn, there is a high chance for you to find their name.

Many job descriptions specifically tell the reporting manager’s title in the job description. Then you need to address the cover letter to the reporting manager.

The process of finding the reporting manager’s name is similar.

  • Go to LinkedIn
  • Search the job title and company name
  • In the search result, you can find the profile of the designated person
  • Sometimes, there might be more than one similar position for a big company so you need to narrow your search by location to find the reporting manager
Also Read : How to Make the Best Use of LinkedIn Search Feature?

Network with People

LinkedIn is the best way to find and connect with people who have connections in the company you are applying for. If you can create a good rapport with these professionals, you can ask for a reference.

It is an easy but time-consuming process.

  • Search the company name and see the professionals active on LinkedIn
  • Start engaging with their content and leave thoughtful comments
  • Send them a personalized connection invite after engaging with their content for a couple of days
  • Do not ask for a reference abruptly; instead, start building a rapport with them by sharing helpful industry information, blog, article links, videos, etc.
  • If possible, move the connection offline and meet in person
  • After you develop a good rapport with the professionals, you can ask for a reference or introduce yourself to the hiring manager
Also Read : How to Connect with People on LinkedIn?

Tips for Addressing a Cover Letter with No Name

Always use a formal address in the cover letter.

Whether you know the hiring manager’s name or not, always keep the address formal in the cover letter. Even if the company has an informal culture, do not use any casual address unless you are a part of the organization.

  • Dear Ms. Lane,
  • Dear Prof. Luther,
  • Dear Ms. Ann,
  • Hello Maya,
  • Greetings Max,

Avoid Using “To Whom It May Concern”

This salutation is too generic and does not address anyone at all; however, according to a survey, 17% of hiring managers prefer this salutation over others .

But the problem is 83% of hiring managers don’t prefer it.

So we suggest that you avoid it altogether.

Avoid Addressing the Cover Letter to the Recruiters

A recruiter’s job is to sort the resumes based on skills and experience and pass them to the hiring managers. They don’t generally read the cover letter.

So, it’s a waste of opportunity if you address the cover letter to the recruiter.

Instead, always address the cover letter to the hiring manager.

Ensure That You Are Addressing the Cover Letter to the Right Person

Online information is not updated regularly. Often, the concerned persons leave the job, but their email id is still there on the website.

So, who to address cover letter to if unknown? Or you are unsure? It is best to acresully research the hiring manager’s name and crosscheck if you have any doubts by calling the company directly.

Do Not Mess up the Hiring Manager’s Name

There is a saying that “The first impression is the last impression.”

Try to make an excellent first impression by writing the hiring manager’s name using the correct spelling.

Don’t Stress Too Much

If you have the relevant skills and experience for a job, addressing a cover letter to the wrong person might not be a big deal. So, if you can’t find the hiring manager’s name and wondering how to address a cover letter without a name, just write “Dear Hiring Manager.”

Make Sure the Cover Letter is Short and Easy to Read

You should not make the cover letter more than 400-500 words long. It will make it difficult to read.

A short and crisp cover letter will intrigue the hiring managers as compared to a long one.

Also Read: How long should a cover letter be?

Cover Letter Without Name Sample

Hiration cover letter builder.

Create a polished, professional cover letter in minutes with an AI-powered tool that helps you create a personalized cover letter based on the job description.

It comes with the following features:

  • Option to save unlimited cover letters
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • 15+ cover letter designs
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 30+ pre-filled cover letter templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE cover letter editor

FAQs on "How to Address a Cover Letter Without Name?"

With that, we have answered all of your questions on “how to address a cover letter without a name?”.

Addressing a cover letter to an unknown person should not be difficult if you can keep some points in mind regrading how to go about in this situation. Here are a few FAQs that will help you gain a quick recap:

Q. How to address a cover letter to an unknown person?

A. In cases where you are wondering how to address a cover letter without name, you can opt for "Dear Hiring Manager," or "Dear {Company Name} Recruiting Team,".

Q. Who to address cover letter to with no contact?

A. When addressing a cover letter without a specific contact, it's best to use a generic but professional greeting such as "Dear {Company Name} Recruiting Team" or "Dear Hiring Team." This shows that you have taken the time to tailor your application to the company while acknowledging that you don't have a specific contact person.

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For any queries or concerns, feel free to drop a mail at support{@}

how to end cover letter no name

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How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name: 5 Best Salutations

Cover letters can be a bit of an art form when they include the proper salutation to their recipient. Since you’re creating your own cover letter and don’t have a name to address it to, you might feel a little stuck.

Don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to still address your cover letter appropriately, even if you don’t have this information readily available.

Let’s take a look at five different ways on how to address a cover letter without a name.

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name: 5 Best Salutations

Table of Contents

5 Popular Ways to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

How long a cover letter should be is important somehow. What matters is that it is addressed directly to someone specific, such as Dear Mr. Jones or Dear Recruiter.

If there is no name in the email asking you to submit your cover letter, then try these five ways on how to address a cover letter without a name:

List of salutations when you don't know the name

1. To the Hiring Manager

If you don’t know who will be reading your cover letter, it’s best to start with To the hiring manager and follow that up with a more personal introduction. These words should sound professional so that they’re easy for whoever is reading them to digest while they’re reviewing your resume/cover letter.

For example:

To the Hiring Manager: I am writing to you because I am interested in the position of __. I have seen that you are looking for candidates and my qualifications seem to be a good fit. I believe that I have what it takes to do this job well. Please find my CV attached for your review and consideration. Thank you so much for your time, and looking forward to your response. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me at __. I’m happy to answer any questions and provide additional information as needed.

2. Dear Hiring Manager

It is important to address the cover letter recipient with a formal greeting. And when making cover letters, the most commonly used term is Dear, which is often used before the recipient’s name.

Since this is a formal greeting, any titles that follow should use this style. If possible, avoid salutations that are gender specific. Also, avoid informal salutations, such as those that include the words Hi and Hello.

It is important that you specify what kind of work experience you have in the cover letter and why this job is right for you. Let the Hiring Manager know that they can reach out to you anytime during their application process if they want to talk more about it.

Lastly, make sure that you end your cover letter properly.

Dear Hiring Manager, I hope you’re having a great day! I’m writing in response to your recent posting. My name is __, and I’m excited about the possibility of working with you. I noticed that the company is looking for someone who has experience in __ , and I would love to share my qualifications with you. Feel free to contact me at _ so we can talk more about it. Thank you for your time, and have a great day!

3. Dear [Company Name]

There are a lot of reasons why you might not have a name in your cover letter. Maybe you’re applying for a job, and the company hasn’t been formally named yet, or maybe you’ve applied to an organization that doesn’t use names in their communications.

Whatever the reason, it can be tricky to address your cover letter without a name. But that doesn’t have to be a cause of headaches. In such a case, use Dear Company Name.

  • Are Cover Letters Necessary?
  • How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

This option is the best way to go if the company has already publicly announced its name. For example, you can say, “Dear Google”.

For example: Dear Google, I’m writing this cover letter to apply for the __ role. [Add career highlights and other relevant experiences.] Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions that you may have. Enjoy the rest of the day!

Hello is one of the most common ways to address a cover letter without a name. If you are making your cover letter formal, use Dear Hiring Manager, but if you are using a more casual tone, try something like Hello.

If you know who will be reviewing your application, it’s also appropriate to use their name in the salutation.

For example: Hello Hiring Manager, My name is __. I hope you’re doing well. I was reading your job listing and noticed that you’re looking for someone to fill the position of (job title). I’m very interested in this opportunity because __. Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter, and I’d love to learn more about your company, so feel free to reach out if there’s anything else you need from me!

5. Dear Sir or Madam

Finding the right words when creating a cover letter you will send to an unknown person or company is always difficult. But there are many ways to address your cover letter that will have your potential employer reading it and considering you for the position. Dear Sir or Madam is just one example.

The use of Dear is typically seen as a more formal way to address your cover letter, and Sir or Madam is used when you don’t know the gender of the person reading your correspondence. When in doubt, stick with these two options for addressing a cover letter without knowing the recipient’s name.

However, this is only ideal if you know the gender of the hiring manager but don’t know their name. If you are not sure whether the hiring manager is he or she, consider using a gender-neutral salutation.

Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to apply for the __ position you recently posted on the __ job site. I am confident that my knowledge, skills, and experience would be an asset to your awesome team. I am enclosing my resume/CV for your consideration. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter and considering me for this opportunity.

Other Salutations to Use When You Don’t Have a Name

There are many different ways to start a cover letter , but if you don’t have the name of the person you are addressing, then it can be difficult to come up with a good opening.

The most common way to address someone in a cover letter is by using their title and last name. If this isn’t possible, there are other ways that you can use as well. One way is to start off with any of the salutations mentioned above. Another option is to start off with these options:

  • Dear Hiring Committee
  • Dear [Department Name] Hiring Team
  • To the Recruiting Team
  • Dear Recruiting Team
  • Dear Human Resources Manager
  • Dear [Title of the Person You Would Be Reporting to]
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiter
  • Dear [Position Title] Recruiting Manager
  • To the [Department Name of the Position You Are Applying for]
  • Dear Hiring Manager or Interviewer
  • Dear Hiring Manager of Company X
  • Dear Person in Charge of Hiring

Tips to Find the Names of Employers and Hiring Managers

A cover letter may seem like a small part of the hiring process, but it has an enormous impact on whether or not your resume will even be opened by the company you’re applying to.

One way to ensure your cover letter isn’t ignored is by addressing it properly, which can be difficult if you don’t know to whom you’re writing it!

To help you figure out the name of the cover letter’s recipient , here are some tips:

Tip #1: Check the company’s website.

If you know the company’s name and they have a website with contact information, that’s usually the best place to start.

Tip #2: Review job listing sites.

If you’re applying through an online job application site like Indeed, then there will be an option to check to whom the cover letter will be sent. The job posting usually provides you with the names of employers or hiring managers.

Tip #3: Use LinkedIn.

The easiest way to find out the name of the Hiring Manager is to check LinkedIn. The job posting usually includes information about the Hiring Manager. Visit the profile, where it’ll list their current position as well as past positions on their profile page.

Tip #4: Check the job description.

Check the job description to find the name of potential hiring managers. Sometimes, it’s just there. All you need to do is read through the job posting.

Tip #5: Search social media.

You can probably find the names of recruiters on social media. See Facebook or Twitter for any information you can use in writing the cover letter.

How to Make the Perfect Cover Letter

When sending your cover letter without the name, you must be sure that you are addressing the person who is in charge of hiring. Avoid using To Whom It May Concern at all costs. If it is unavoidable, aim to get personal as soon as possible. If you’re emailing a large company, mention specific people you have spoken with over email or via social media in your letter.

To make the perfect cover letter , use an online cover letter maker. This is the best and easiest way to address your cover letter without knowing the name of the company.

The cover letter maker will have all of your information and personalize it for you. Plus, it will give tips on what to include in your cover letter. An online cover letter maker will walk you through each step and ensure that your cover letter looks professional.

You can also get help from other people who are reviewing cover letters if you need more advice on how to approach this. They will know everything about how these companies operate and be able to provide insight into what might work for them.

Final Thoughts

Writing a cover letter can seem like one of the most time-consuming and overwhelming parts of your job search, especially when you don’t know who the person you’re writing to is. However, cover letters are necessary.

If you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to, that doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel and not write one at all, though. These five ways on how to address a cover letter without a name will ensure that your application still gets noticed.

10 thoughts on “ How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name: 5 Best Salutations ”

Aw, this was an incredibly good post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a good articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I procrastinate a lot and never manage to get anything done.

Great post but I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this subject? I’d be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit further. Thank you!

I guess you can get some more tips from our complete guide “How to Write a Cover Letter”

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What’s up friends, its fantastic article on the topic of educationand entirely defined, keep it up all the time.

Thanks Tatiana, We will keep on moving :)

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How to End a Cover Letter [w/ 4 Examples]

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How you end your cover letter is an important part of the process. 

You’ve managed to make a good impression with your cover letter and now you want to “exit” on a good note with an equally impactful conclusion. 

This is where this article comes in.

We’ll show you how to end your cover letter effectively and leave the right impression on the recruiter reading it!

  • 6 Ways to end a cover letter for a job (with examples) 
  • Ways NOT to end a cover letter
  • How to sign off a cover letter
  • Signature lines NOT to use 

New to cover letter writing? Give our resumes 101 video a watch before diving into the article!

6 Ways to End a Cover Letter for a Job (With Examples)

Your cover letter ending consists of your closing paragraph and your signature line.

As your official “parting” from the recruiter, your closing paragraph should be an on-point summary of your cover letter’s highlights and a chance to reaffirm your strong points.

To guide you in the right direction, we’ve put together our favorite tips on how to end a cover letter effectively. 

So, let’s see what they’re all about!

#1: Show Confidence 

First things first—make sure you end your cover letter on a confident note. 

All your skills, qualifications, and strengths will lose a bit of their value if you don’t confidently show the recruiter that you can apply them to the company’s benefit. 

Say, you mentioned a bunch of noteworthy achievements and skills as you were writing your cover letter . Your cover letter ending is your chance to confidently reiterate them.

For example, you might have mentioned in your cover letter how you helped your previous company exceed its sales target by 30%. That’s an achievement you can use to conclude your cover letter confidently.  

For example:

I believe my ability to generate sales and drive results will be a significant contribution to your company’s goals and KPIs. 

#2: Sum Up Your Skills (For the Position)

Another way to effectively end your cover letter is to sum up your top skills. 

More specifically, sum up exactly how your skills will bring value to the team or company, or how they are relevant to the position you are applying for.

Here’s an example of how you can do this:

To conclude, I can confidently say that my 5 years of experience as a researcher have made me detail-oriented, patient, and able to connect smaller pieces of information to see the bigger picture. I believe these skills will be of use in this position. 

job search masterclass

#3: Be Enthusiastic

You may be highly qualified and justifiably confident in your skills, but employers also want to see that you will be a motivated and engaged employee. 

So, make sure to express your enthusiasm! This will show that you care about this job and that you will put passion and energy into your work if you’re hired. 

Employees who are enthusiastic about their work are also far more likely to stay on board long term, which means that you’ve got more chances to get (and stay) hired! It’s no wonder that 71% of executives say that employee engagement is critical to their company’s success .

As such, sometimes, the deciding difference between two equally qualified candidates is just their level of interest and enthusiasm for the position.

Being able to apply all of my skills and previous experience to this project is an ideal and exciting opportunity for me. 

#4: State Your Goals and Set Expectations 

Another great way to end your cover letter is by stating your professional goals and giving the recruiter a general idea of what they should expect from you as a potential employee.

This will show that you are proactive and that you have clear objectives for your career.

Keep in mind though—when stating your goals and expectations, focus on mentioning how you’ll contribute to the company and benefit the employer, not just the other way around. 

And remember—what can set you apart from other candidates is expressing exactly what connects you to the company (other than just wanting to be hired). This can make your claims more believable and attract recruiters more easily.

Here’s an example of how you can make that work:

My goal is to be counted among the top professionals in the field, not only due to my skills but also because of my appetite for innovation. Your company’s mission to innovate some basic aspects of our daily lives is an inspiration for my work and I’d be happy to contribute my skills to achieve this common mission.

#5: Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You” 

Don’t forget to end the letter with gratitude. 

After all, recruiters go through countless applications daily, so just the fact that they took the time to read yours is enough of a reason to be thankful. 

Because it is expected that you will say “thank you” (and would be considered rude if you don’t), genuine gratitude is what will make you instantly more likable and win you extra points. 

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I truly appreciate your consideration and hope to have the chance to prove through my dedicated work for your company.

#6. Keep It Professional 

This last piece of advice is quite simple. Keep your cover letter professional. You’ll have plenty of chances to express the more fun side of your character. 

There will be plenty of time to express your more “casual” side once you’re hired. At this stage, though, employers want to see that you are professional, reliable, and serious about your work. 

So, it’s better to use academic language and a clean, simple style. 

Liked the tips we covered in this article? There’s more where that came from! Check out our complete guide with the top 21 cover letter tips .

Ways NOT to End a Cover Letter 

And now that we covered the best ways to end your cover letter, let’s go over what you should NOT do when you’re writing your cover letter ending.  

  • Do not appear desperate for the job. There is a fine line between expressing enthusiasm and being desperate. If you step over that line, you might blow your chances at getting a callback.
  • Don’t be cocky and entitled. Avoid rhetoric that implies that the company would be foolish not to hire you and avoid speaking as though you’ve already been hired.
  • Do not use overly familiar language or slang. That is unless you are working in the comedy industry.
  • Don’t forget to proofread. Forgetting to proofread your cover letter (including the ending) is a big no-no. Typos and grammar mistakes can come across as unprofessional, so make sure to double-check for mistakes or use software like Grammarly .
  • Don’t be sloppy! Pay attention to how you structure your closing paragraph just as much as the rest of your cover letter. This is the last thing the recruiters will read and it is what they will remember from the cover letter.
  • Do not skip the closing! Not including a final paragraph in a cover letter is a huge mistake. This is your opportunity to summarize your strong points, enthusiasm, and gratitude memorably.

Want to know what mistakes you should avoid when you’re writing your cover letter? Our guide on cover letter mistakes has all you need to know.

How to Sign Off a Cover Letter 

Signing off your cover letter is a pretty straightforward task. All you have to do is use a signature line, followed by your full name. Something like this: 

And since “sincerely” has become overused, consider these signature lines to use instead: 

  • Kind regards,
  • With best regards,
  • Most sincerely,
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Best regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

Signature lines not to use

You probably know better than to use any of the signature lines below, but we thought to go over them just in case. So, whatever you do, refrain from using any of the following: 

  • Warm Regards
  • Yours Truly
  • Have a wonderful day
  • Affectionately

Do I Sign a Cover Letter? 

Whether you should sign a cover letter depends on how you are sending your cover letter. 

Nowadays, most cover letters are sent electronically. If that’s the case with you, there is no need to add an electronic signature. 

Simply add your full name at the end of the cover letter, using the same font as the rest of your letter. 

If you are sending a good old-fashioned printed cover letter, on the other hand, include the same details and add your signature underneath your name. 

Having a matching resume and cover letter is a great way to make a good impression on the hiring manager! We make that super easy for you - just pick one of our matching pairs of resume & cover letter templates and start writing yours!

matching resume and cover letter

Key Takeaways 

How you end your cover letter is extremely important. If you manage to get it right, your application will make an impression and most surely earn you a callback.

To make sure you got it right, let’s go over the main points we covered in this article: 

  • Your cover letter ending should contain a captivating closing paragraph and a signature line.
  • To write a good closing paragraph, do some of the following: convey enthusiasm, recap your skills and qualifications, show gratitude, and state your goals and expectations.
  • Things NOT to do when you’re writing your cover letter ending are: appearing cocky, being sloppy, forgetting to proofread, and ignoring the ending altogether.
  • Signature lines to consider in addition to sincerely are: kind regards, respectfully, and most sincerely.

Related Readings:

  • Do I Need A Cover Letter in 2024
  • Entry-level Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter for Internship

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How to end a cover letter + 25 examples

Andrew Fennell photo

So, you’ve written your cover letter – brilliant! But how should you end it professionally?

If you are writing a cover letter, it’s important to end it correctly so you persuade the recruiter or hiring manager to open your CV.

In this article, we’ll share 25 cover letter ending examples and we’ll also take you through a whole host of top tips on how to end your own cover letter with impact.

CV templates 

how to end a cover letter

25 cover letter ending samples

With these 25 cover letter ending examples for inspiration, you’ll find it easy to create your own conclusion, leaving recruiters desperate to open your CV .

I have attached my CV for your review and I am available for an interview at your request. I genuinely appreciate your time and attention to reading my cover letter.

Kind regards,

Kelly Anderton 07777777777 [email protected]

Enclosed is my CV, which provides a comprehensive overview of my qualifications, exceptional skills, and other accomplishments. I am immediately available for an interview and eager to discuss how I can drive your initiatives. Your time in reviewing my cover letter means a lot.Thanks,

Sylvester brown 07777777777 [email protected]

I am highly motivated to learn more from experienced professionals. Please do reach out to me, as I am immediately available for an interview. Thank you for considering my application.Kind regards,

Oliver Mount 07777777777 [email protected]

Feel free to contact me, as I am available for an interview right away and keen to discuss how my copywriting expertise can benefit your organisation. Thank you for your consideration.Best regards,

Terry Mews 01234567890 [email protected]

CV builder

Enclosed is my CV, which provides more details about my relevant skills, qualifications, and additional achievements for the role. You may contact me via email or phone, as I am available for an interview ASAP. Thanks for your effort in reading my cover letter.Kind regards,

Gareth Hill 07777777777 [email protected]

I look forward to an interview at your earliest convenience to further discuss my competencies, qualifications, and other accomplishments. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.Thanks very much,

Paula Keane 07777777777 [email protected]

I am excited to bring my strong creative writing skills to your team. Please feel free to contact me to schedule an interview, as I am available ASAP, or if you require any additional information concerning my qualifications and skills. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.Sincerely,

Rachel Meadows 07777777777 [email protected]

Feel free to contact me at any time of your choosing, as I am immediately available for an interview. I am excited about the chance to leverage my private equity experience to drive strategic growth and value to your company. I am thankful for the opportunity to be considered.Kind regards,

Violet May 07777777777 [email protected]

I am thrilled about the opportunity to bring my competencies, passions, and qualifications to your company. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me to arrange an interview when you have a chance. Your attention to my cover letter is truly valued.Thanks,

Denise Borthwick 07777777777 [email protected]

With an MSc in Finance, I will bring my best efforts to contribute to the company’s ongoing growth and success. Thank you for your attention to my application, and I am available for an interview ASAP.Best regards,

Jeremy Mitchell 07777777777 [email protected]

I look forward to an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my qualifications and skills make me the perfect candidate for the position. Thank you so much for considering my application.Regards,

Helen Westgate 07777777777 [email protected]

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply my research skills to exploring new avenues of enquiry. You can get in touch with me via email or phone, as I am available for an interview at any time. I want to express my thanks for reading my cover letter.Respectfully,

James Doyle 07777777777 [email protected]

Enclosed is my CV, which outlines my compressive creative qualifications, skills, and other achievements. Please let me know your preferred date and time for an interview, and I will ensure to be there promptly. I am grateful for your interest in my application.Thanks so much,

Aaron King 07777777777 [email protected]

My proactive attitude and ability to foster a positive team ensure that I am the perfect person for this position. You can get hold of me to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience. Your time in reading my cover letter is not taken for granted.Kind regards,

Raul Mohammed 07777777777 [email protected]

I am available right away for an interview and eager to discuss how I can leverage my certifications, qualifications, and IT consultation expertise to drive your digital transformation initiatives. Thanks for taking the time to read my cover letter.Kind regards,

Neil Powell 07777777777 [email protected]

I look forward to discussing how my skills, MBA, and MSc Computer Science qualifications, and CSM, SSM, CSPO, and CSD certifications align with your requirements. I am ready to interview whenever suits you. I am thankful for your interest in my application.Best,

Lucas Strongman 07777777777 [email protected]

Furthermore, I am passionate about bringing my social media experience to your company to enhance your online presence and engage with a broader audience effectively. My CV provides additional details of my experience, qualifications, and other achievements, and I am open to an interview whenever you’d like. Thanks for giving my application your time and attention.Kind regards,

Nadine Wright 07777777777 [email protected]

I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and passion for graphic design in an interview. Please find my contact information below, and I am ready for an interview when you are. Thanks for reviewing my cover letter.Best wishes,

Alex Pierce 07777777777 [email protected]

I welcome the opportunity to meet with you at the time of your convenience to talk more about how my agile development expertise could add value to your department. I really appreciate your time and attention.With thanks,

Anthony Brown 07777777777 [email protected]

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to explore how my extensive teaching skills and passion for education align with your school’s mission to inspire young minds. I am available for an interview from 15th March 2023. Thank you for considering my application.Best regards,

Wayne Barnes 07777777777 [email protected]

I am eager about the chance to demonstrate how my customer service skills and commitment to client satisfaction can benefit your company. I’m available for an interview, and the timing is up to you. Thanks for reading my cover letter – it really does mean a lot.Warm regards,

Lawrence McKenzie 07777777777 [email protected]

I’m keen to explore how my project management expertise and proven track record can help your team achieve outstanding results. I’m flexible and available for an interview any time after 1st July. I appreciate the time it took you to read my cover letter.Warmly yours,

Felicity Gibbins 07777777777 [email protected]

I am deeply interested in learning about any upcoming landscape architecture vacancies in greater detail. Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone – I am free for an interview whenever is convenient for you. Thanks so much for your time.Thanks,

Sarah Butts 07777777777 [email protected]

How to end a cover letter

Your cover letter ending consists of your closing paragraph, a polite two-to-three-word closing, and your professional signature.

Here are 5 steps to writing a cover letter ending that will get hiring managers excited.

Reiterate your value as an employee

Emphasise how you can help the employer solve their problems. In other words, say the kind of results you can bring to the company to show you’re a valuable asset.

For example, you could say:

  • “I am excited about the chance to contribute my strategic vision and data-driven approach to the team at Sussex University.”
  • “My passion for creative and data-backed marketing strategies fits perfectly with the creative work your team is doing. I am confident that my experience and enthusiasm will make an immediate and positive impact, driving growth and success for your company.”
  • “I am convinced that my finance experience and analytical skills will allow me to make meaningful contributions to the financial success of ABC Finance Group.”

Be precise about how you think you can make a positive impact. For example, if you’re in the marketing sector, say how your creative ideas can enhance brand visibility. Or if you’re in finance , mention how your financial experience can save the company money or boost its financial strategies. But avoid coming across as big-headed and over-confident.

For example, don’t say: “I’m not just a graphic designer – I’m the world’s best graphic designer, and I’m here to transform your company’s visual identity. Be ready to witness greatness!” S aying this certainly won’t impress recruiters.

Instead keep it simple and subtle, by suggesting realistic results you can bring to the company .

Indicate the next course of action

Let the recruiter know you’re ready to move forward with your application – this tells them you are serious about the role.

Here’s why implying the next steps is critical:

  • You sound clear and willing – When you mention your availability for an interview, you make it clear you’re ready for the next steps. This allows employers to plan their recruitment process effectively.
  • You express keenness – When you declare that you’re enthusiastic about discussing the job role, it demonstrates that you’re excited about the position. Hiring managers and recruiters value keen applicants.

For example, you could say something like:

Cover letter next course of action

Express gratitude

It’s important to acknowledge the reader has taken the time to consider your application by expressing gratitude. That means thanking them for their time and consideration.

Because let’s face it, recruiters encounter endless applications every day, so the very fact they spent time reviewing your cover letter is a good enough reason to be thankful.

Showing gratitude provides a personal touch and will make you instantly more likeable – giving you some extra kudos.

Express gratitude in your cover letter

Close your cover letter professionally

Finally, write a polite closing, otherwise known as the cover letter closing salutation.

The aim is to strike the right tone – not too formal, but not too relaxed. So, don’t use overly-familiar phrases like, “Cheers, mate” or “Peace out.”

Expressions like these won’t be well-received!

Instead, you could say “Best regards” or “Kind regards”.

Here are more examples of how to sign a cover letter off professionally:

Good cover letter closing sign-offs

Wrap up with a signature

To finish off your cover letter, create a professional signature to add to the bottom. Doing so makes your cover letter look professional and gives the recruiter methods to get in touch easily.

Here’s what you’ll need to include:

  • Your full name – Use your complete legal name as it appears on your official documents
  • Your phone number – A reliable number that you can answer quickly if the recruiter calls.
  • Your email address – Choose a professional email address , preferably one that uses your name, for example, [email protected] or [email protected].

You could also include the following:

  • Your job title – Mention your current professional role visibly.
  • Professional links – Include your links to any professional online profiles you have, such as a portfolio or LinkedIn profile so recruiters can see more evidence of your professional network and expertise.

Here’s an example of a professional signature:

cover letter signature

A quick tip: For the sake of time, save your signature in your email drafts or a separate document so you can copy and paste it for every job application.

Cover letter ending mistakes

Now you know about the best ways to finish your cover letter, let’s explore what you should avoid when concluding it:

  • Using informal language – Keep your cover letter professional. Unless you’re applying for a role in the comedy sector, ditch jargon or casual language like, “Catch you later, alligator! I’d be a boss addition to your company.” Instead, use: “I’m looking forward to the chance of joining your team and making a valuable contribution.”
  • Sounding arrogant – Avoid coming across as overconfident or entitled. Don’t presume you already have the job or assume the company would be stupid not to recruit you.
  • Making typos – Remember to proofread your cover letter and double-check for grammatical mistakes and typos, particularly in the closing. Inaccuracies can make you look unprofessional in recruiters’ eyes.
  • Forgetting the closing paragraph – Always include the final paragraph – it’s a shining opportunity to recap your strengths and express enthusiasm and appreciation memorably.

Sign-offs to steer clear of

Using sign-off phrases such as “Yours fondly” or “Cheers” won’t impress a hiring manager . They can make you sound too over-friendly or casual in a formal job application.

So, choose more standard and polite sign-offs such as those we’ve mentioned above, like “Kind regards” or “ Best regards.”

Here are some sign-offs you should keep your distance from:

cover letter sign-offs to avoid

How to End a Cover Letter (With Tips and Examples)

Nathan Thompson

3 key takeaways from this post

  • What to include in your cover letter’s closing paragraph 
  • 8 cover letter closing paragraph examples (based on context)
  • How to create a complete cover letter in minutes with Teal

Are you struggling to figure out how to end a cover letter and worried you’ll leave a weak final impression? 

Cover letters can be a pain to write, especially if you’re applying to multiple positions. You need to personalize the entire cover letter if you want to get the hiring manager’s attention.

And that includes the final paragraph. 

Fortunately, ending your cover letter is easier than you might think. In this post, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to write high-impact cover letter endings that flood your calendar with interviews. 

Let’s dive in with the three big ideas you’ll learn from this post. 

What should I include in my cover letter’s closing paragraph?

Your closing paragraph should be the capstone of your cover letter, tying together your experiences, skills, and enthusiasm for the role. 

Here are some things you should definitely include:

1. A summary of your value proposition: Reiterate how your skills, experiences, or unique qualities align with the company's needs. Essentially, you're restating why you're the right fit for the job.

2. Enthusiasm for the role and the company: Express your genuine interest in the job and excitement about potentially working with the company. This can help demonstrate your potential as a good cultural fit.

3. A call to action: Politely prompt the reader to take the next step, such as inviting you for an interview or discussing the role further. This leaves the conversation open-ended and expresses your eagerness to continue the dialogue.

4. A professional sign-off: End with a courteous and professional cover letter closing salutation. "Sincerely," "Best regards," and "Thank you" are all good choices.

What shouldn’t I include in my cover letter’s closing paragraph?

While there are essential elements to include, there are also things you should avoid in your closing paragraph:

1. Overconfidence or arrogance: You should express confidence in your abilities but avoid being arrogant. Statements like "I'm the best candidate you'll find" can seem presumptuous and off-putting to a hiring manager.

2. Passive language or uncertainty: Phrases like "I think I could probably do well in this role" sound uncertain and can undercut the strong case you've made for yourself in the rest of the letter. Be confident and assertive in your language ( but without crossing into arrogance… a fine line, we know ).

3. Demands or pushy language: While a call to action is encouraged, avoid sounding pushy or entitled. For instance, saying, "I expect to hear back from you by next week," wouldn’t be appropriate for coming from a job applicant. 

4. Unrelated personal information: Your closing paragraph isn't the place to include irrelevant personal details. Keep the focus on your professional qualifications and fit for the role.

Now that we have a better idea of what we should (and shouldn’t) include at the end of your cover letter, let’s look at a few specific examples that you can use based on the context you’re in. 

Related resources 

Before diving into our cover letter closing paragraphs, you may find you need some help with other sections, too. Please refer to the following articles to master the art of writing cover letters:

  • How to Write a Cover Letter: The Ultimate Guide
  • How to Address a Cover Letter (with Examples)
  • 13 Short Cover Letter Examples by Industry and Job Experience
  • How to Format Your Cover Letter to Stand Out in 2023

And be sure to bookmark this post for future reference, as these guides have everything you need to create all-star cover letters! 

8 exceptional cover letter closing paragraphs (and why they work!)

Here, we’ll explore closing paragraphs from cover letter examples for:

  • Engineering
  • Customer Success
  • Career pivoting
  • Entering the workforce
  • Returning to the workforce with a long gap

Let’s start with a sales cover letter. 

1. Sales cover letter closing paragraph

Laying the final brick on your sales cover letter can often feel like a high-stakes sales pitch. After all, you're selling yourself, your skills, and your potential contribution to the company. 

Here's how you can wrap it up in a compelling, confident manner:

"In closing, I am excited at the prospect of bringing my proven record in sales and client relationship building to [ Company Name ]. I am confident that my skills and experiences align perfectly with your current needs, and I am eager to help drive [ Company Name ]'s sales success to new heights."

Why it works: This closing statement effectively summarizes the candidate's experience while showing enthusiasm for the company and the position. It shows confidence and demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of what the company does and how they can contribute.

2. Marketing cover letter closing paragraph

When you're in the marketing field, the close of your cover letter needs to be just as impactful as any campaign you'd develop. You need to encapsulate your skills, enthusiasm, and understanding of the role in a way that resonates. 

Here's an example that hits the mark:

"I am eager to bring my creative problem-solving skills, knack for trend-spotting, and data-driven approach to your dynamic marketing team at [ Company Name ]. Thank you for considering my application; I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to your marketing goals."

Why it works: This cover letter ending illustrates a firm understanding of key marketing skills, highlighting both creativity and data analysis. It conveys appreciation for the reader's time and ends on a proactive note, suggesting a willingness to discuss further.

3. Engineering cover letter closing paragraph

Engineering is all about precision, innovation, and problem-solving. So, when concluding your cover letter, you need to convey your aptitude and excitement for these areas in a succinct, engaging way. 

Check out this cover letter closing statement for engineers:

"I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to your innovative engineering team at [ Company Name ], where I hope to contribute to developing industry-leading technology. If given the opportunity, I look forward to further discussing my potential impact on your upcoming projects."

Why it works: It's full of enthusiasm and shows a clear understanding of what the job requires. The candidate displays a readiness for discussion and a keen interest in the company's projects, which shows the candidate is serious and informed.

4. Product cover letter closing paragraph

In product management, it's all about translating insights into exceptional offerings that serve your customers. Your cover letter should communicate that you not only have the requisite experience but also the passion to make a real difference. 

Here's how to end on a high note:

"I am thrilled about the opportunity to bring my experience in product development, project management, and cross-functional leadership to your product team at [ Company Name ]. I am eager to apply my skills and work together to bring exceptional products to your customers."

Why it works: This closing expresses eagerness, understanding of the role, and focus on customer impact. It illustrates the candidate's ability to contribute immediately and work collaboratively, key attributes in product management.

5. Customer success cover letter closing paragraph

As a customer success advocate, your focus is on driving satisfaction and loyalty. Your closing paragraph needs to reflect this customer-centric ethos, showing how your experience and enthusiasm will elevate the customer experience. 

Here's a good conclusion for your cover letter:

"With my experience in improving customer satisfaction and driving customer loyalty, I am excited at the prospect of helping [ Company Name ] continue to prioritize and enhance the customer experience. I look forward to potentially discussing how I can contribute to your customer success team."

Why it works: This conclusion emphasizes the candidate's experience and enthusiasm for enhancing the customer experience, a key element in a customer success role. It leaves the discussion open-ended, showing the candidate's willingness to continue discussing their potential role within the team.

6. Career pivoting cover letter closing paragraph

Crafting a compelling closing paragraph in a career change cover letter is all about demonstrating your transferable skills, passion for the new field, and commitment to learning. 

Here's a strong sample cover letter ending:

"I am excited about the prospect of transferring my strong skills in project management, teamwork, and problem-solving from [ Current Industry ] to [ New Industry ]. My passion for [ New Industry ], combined with my readiness to learn and adapt, makes me a great fit for this role. I am eager to bring a fresh perspective to [ Company Name ] and would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss how my skills and experiences can align with your needs. Thank you for considering my application."

Why it works: This closing paragraph effectively conveys the candidate's enthusiasm for the new industry and confidence in their transferable skills. It ends on a positive note, thanking the reader and expressing eagerness for further discussion. 

This demonstrates both respect for the reader's time and openness to continue the conversation, leaving a positive and lasting impression.

7. Entering the workforce after school cover letter closing paragraph

The aim of a cover letter for a recent graduate is to highlight educational achievements, internships, related coursework, and transferable skills that make them a strong candidate despite the lack of professional work experience. 

Here’s a great cover letter closing example for new graduates:

"Although new to the professional world, I am eager to translate my academic knowledge into practical experience at [ Company Name ]. During my studies in [ Relevant Major/Study ], I have acquired skills in [ skills ] that I am confident will contribute positively to your team. I am excited about possibly starting my career at [ Company Name ] and would be thrilled to further discuss how I can support your objectives. Thank you for considering my application."

Why it works: This closing paragraph effectively positions the candidate's academic experience as preparation for the job in question. It showcases their enthusiasm to start their career and contribute to the company. 

The closing expresses appreciation for the reader's time and leaves the door open for further conversation, which is a professional and positive way to conclude a cover letter.

Related reading: How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship .

8. Returning after a professional pause cover letter closing paragraph 

In a cover letter for individuals returning to the workforce after a significant break, it's important to focus on the relevant skills they've maintained or developed during their time away, as well as their eagerness to apply those skills in a professional setting. 

Here's an example:

"After a meaningful hiatus from the professional world, I am excited to bring my rich life experiences, combined with my prior experience in [ Relevant Industry/Role ], back into the workforce. I am confident that the skills I've honed during my break - such as [ skills ], paired with my previous professional experience, will be highly beneficial to your team at [ Company Name ]. I am eager to contribute to your ongoing success and would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how I can do so. Thank you for considering my application."

Why it works: This closing paragraph effectively acknowledges the employment gap while also reinforcing the candidate's relevant skills and experiences. It expresses enthusiasm for reentering the professional world and confidence in their ability to contribute to the company. Ending with a forward-looking statement about a future discussion is a positive and proactive way to wrap up the letter.

What do I need to include alongside my cover letter?

While a strong cover letter is an integral part of your job application, it isn’t the only component that matters. In order to present a comprehensive picture of your qualifications and professional background, you should include several other key documents and resources with your application.

Your resume is an overview of your work history, skills, and educational background. It should complement your cover letter, offering more detailed information about your professional experiences.

Ensure your resume is up-to-date, clearly formatted, and tailored to highlight the experiences and skills most relevant to the job you're applying for.

For the fastest and most reliable way to build, personalize, and optimize your resume, try Teal’s AI Resume Builder 100% free ! 

2. A fully thought-out job application

Most companies require you to fill out an application form and submit your resume and cover letter. This form may ask for information not included in your resume, such as references or specific examples of your work. 

To save time and ensure accuracy, consider using autofill features, but always review the information carefully to ensure it is correct and complete.

Learn more about Teal’s Autofill Job Applications feature. 

3. Portfolio

If you're in a field where a portfolio is appropriate—graphic design, journalism, or software development—including this with your application is a must. A well-curated portfolio showcases your best work and proves your competency. 

Make sure to include examples that are relevant to the job you're applying for and provide context or a brief description for each piece if necessary.

4. Up-to-Date LinkedIn Profile 

Many employers will look up potential candidates online. An up-to-date LinkedIn profile acts as an online resume, allowing employers to verify your professional experiences and see endorsements from colleagues or superiors. 

Together, these components provide a comprehensive overview of your skills, experience, and qualifications, giving potential employers a clear understanding of your professional background and capabilities. 

Worried your LinkedIn isn’t up to par? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Check out Teal’s LinkedIn Profile Reviewer . 

What should I do after submitting my cover letter?

Submitting a great cover letter is a significant step in your job application process, but your work doesn't stop there. 

Here's what you should do next:

1. Follow-up: If you haven't heard back within the timeframe specified in the job posting (or after about one to two weeks if no timeframe was given), it's appropriate to send a polite follow-up email . 

Inquire about the status of your application and reiterate your interest in the role.

2. Keep applying: Even if you feel confident about a specific job application, it's a good strategy to keep applying to other positions. The job market can be unpredictable, and it's wise to have multiple prospects in play.

3. Prepare for interviews: Use this time to start prepping for potential interviews. Research common interview questions, practice your responses, and brainstorm questions you can ask the interviewer to show your interest and initiative.

Within Teal’s Job Application Tracker are tips and resources to help you practice interviewing.

For more help, check out this resource hub on Interviews .

4. Continue networking: Stay active on LinkedIn and in relevant professional networks. Engage with posts related to your industry, share articles, and make meaningful connections. Networking can sometimes lead to unexpected job opportunities.

5. Reflect and improve: Take some time to reflect on your job application process so far. 

  • Are there things you could improve? 
  • Could your resume be more tailored? 
  • Could your cover letter be more engaging? 

Continuous self-reflection and improvement will increase your chances of landing the job.

Remove the guesswork from cover letter writing with Teal

Writing a cover letter can feel like a guessing game. But it doesn't have to. 

Enter Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator —your secret weapon in the fight for a compelling cover letter. This feature will absolutely transform the way you approach cover letter writing.

As generative AI has become more popular over the past few months, many people have asked us how to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter .

But Teal’s built-in generative AI runs on the same engine as ChatGPT and is already synced with your current resume. With the click of a button, you can automatically generate your cover letter in seconds:

This is like having a professional ghostwriter by your side, creating a first draft for you that is still uniquely yours. And once you have the first draft, you can use your expertise to polish and refine the letter to your liking.

@teal_hq Unfortunately cover letters are still required in a lot of job applications (no thanks) so here’s how you can take a job description and your resume and generate one in under 30 seconds. With all A.I. materials do a proofreading pass and you’re good to go. #coverletter #coverlettertips #coverletterexample #jobapplication #jobapplications #jobapplicationtips #jobsearch ♬ Roxanne - Instrumental - Califa Azul

But the magic doesn’t stop there. 

Directly from Teal’s AI Resume Builder , you can align your cover letter with each specific job you're applying to:

Use the Matching Mode feature within Teal's AI Resume Builder to align your documents with the job description.

Then, by using keywords from the job description, Teal enables you to tailor your letter to the requirements of the role, effectively speaking the same language as hiring managers and, more importantly, the Applicant Tracking System (ATS):

how to end cover letter no name

From there, you can also access a personal dashboard for tracking all your job applications. With a centralized space to manage your job search, Teal eliminates the chaos of juggling multiple applications, deadlines, and follow-ups:

how to end cover letter no name

In short, Teal is your fastest ticket to generating personalized cover letters tailored to specific roles. With Teal, you're not just creating a cover letter; you're building a strategic tool that could significantly boost your chances of landing your dream job.

So, why spend another minute on guesswork? Leverage the power of Teal and step up your cover letter game today!

Click here to sign up for Teal for free today ! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to convey enthusiasm in the closing of a cover letter, how can i ensure my cover letter's closing is memorable, is it appropriate to mention following up in the closing of a cover letter.

how to end cover letter no name

Nathan Thompson

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How to End a Cover Letter (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

how to end cover letter no name

By Mike Simpson

Did you know that 86 percent of executives think cover letters are valuable parts of an application? It’s true. That’s why making sure yours packs a punch is so important, including your cover letter closing.

In many cases, candidates spend most of their time fretting about the main body paragraphs when writing their cover letters, giving little if any thought to how to end a cover letter.

The problem is, your last paragraph and closing sentence make up part of your first impression, playing a big role in whether you land an interview. Is ignoring something so critical a good idea? Of course not.

Luckily, you’re here, and we have your back. Come with us as we explore the ins and outs of how to end a cover letter with style and professionalism.

What Is a Cover Letter?

Alright, before we really dig into how to close a cover letter, let’s take a quick step back and discuss what a cover letter is and what it’s for.

Now, we’ve actually taken a deep dive into how to write a cover letter before, as well as providing some outstanding cover letter examples and helpful cover letter tips . But, as a quick summary, a cover letter is a short, written introduction that supplements your resume. It gives the hiring manager more insights into what you bring to the table, covering points that won’t fit in your resume and giving you some room to showcase your personality.

Technically, every part of your cover letter is important. You want to make sure you address your cover letter properly, nail your introductory paragraph, offer enticing tidbits in the body, and close strong.

In fact, one could argue that your opening and closing paragraphs are the most important. While your opener serves as the initial introduction, your cover letter closing cements your first impression. By nailing it, you can leave the hiring manager with a warm, fuzzy feeling about what you have to offer. That’s powerful stuff.

Alright, but what exactly is your cover letter closing? Well, the closing of your cover letter is typically your final paragraph, as well as your closing sentiment and signature. Each of those sections cements your first impression, so they are all relevant to the equation.

With your final paragraph, you’re wrapping up what you wanted to say, which is why it’s part of the closing. The sentiment before your signature, however, also plays a role. While it may only be a word or two, the words you choose do make an impact, so they are also part of the closing.

And, yes, your signature (and contact details) is also included in the closing. How you present that information does matter, so you want to get it right, too.

What about a postscript (P.S.)? If I have one of those, is it part of the closing? Well, technically, it could be. However, a cover letter really shouldn’t have a postscript. We’ll get into why in a second.

Common Mistakes When Ending a Cover Letter and How to Avoid Them

Alright, we know you’re chomping at the bit for an overview of how to close a cover letter and some examples. We promise they are coming. The thing is, we need to tap on something else important before we get there: common cover letter closing mistakes.

As with all parts of your application, certain mistakes in your cover letter can spell doom for your job search. Thankfully, most of them are completely avoidable. As long as you know to watch out for them and to take steps to address them, you’re set.

So, what are some common mistakes when ending a cover letter? Generally, the biggest mistake you can make when in any part of your cover letter has typos. In fact, 58 percent of hiring managers will remove you from contention if your cover letters contain errors. Ouch.

Luckily, avoiding typos is pretty easy. By simply proofreading your cover letter, making use of handy tools like spell and grammar checks, and asking a trusted family member or friend to take a look, you can probably catch any errors and get them fixed before you submit your cover letter.

Another doozy is making your cover letter too generic. Failing to tailor the content – including the cover letter closing – can cost you big, as 36 percent of hiring managers will toss your application if it isn’t personalized for the job you’re trying to land.

How do you avoid a generic cover letter? By using the Tailoring Method when you write. That way, your content will be incredibly relevant to that role. Problem solved!

Additionally, using the wrong tone can be an issue. While you want to come across as confident, it’s also important to be gracious, appreciative, and polite. If you’re too forceful, aggressive, or boastful, that could hurt your chances instead of helping.

Instead, focus on being passionate about what you do, excited about the opportunity, and thankful that the hiring manager took the time to read your cover letter. That way, your closing is powerful and positive, ensuring the final part of this first impression hits the mark.

Alright, the final mistake we’ll tap on is adding a P.S. to your cover letter. While it may seem like a way to stand out or draw attention to a specific sentence, there’s a good chance it’ll backfire. Postscripts tend to look unprofessional.

Plus, it makes it seem like you couldn’t figure out how to get that point to fit into your letter properly, which could put your communication skills into question. In some cases, the hiring manager might even think that you don’t know how document creation software works, causing you to believe that you couldn’t go back and edit the content to fit that point in.

Finally, there’s actually a chance the hiring manager won’t notice the P.S. at the bottom. If you wait until then to say something important, you’re risking it not getting read at all. That’s no good.

So, while a P.S. could stand out, there’s also a really good chance that the move will backfire. As a result, it’s better to fit that detail into the rest of your letter instead of saving it for a postscript.

How to End a Cover Letter

Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for. To make closing out your next cover letter a breeze, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to end a cover letter.

1. Summarize What You Bring to the Table

Generally, the last paragraph of your cover letter should mirror your introductory one. You want to offer a simple summary that showcases why you’re a stellar candidate, touching on the key skills you bring to the table that the hiring manager wants to find.

Now, the trick is, you want to restate what you’ve shared without rehash the exact phrases you used earlier in the cover letter. That way, this part of the letter feels fresh.

2. Appreciation for Their Time

After your quick summary, thank the hiring manager for taking the time to consider your application. It’s a small gesture, but it’s nonetheless critical.

Everyone likes to feel appreciated. By adding a thank-you moment into your closing, you’re recognizing that the hiring manager is doing you a favor by reading your cover letter, and that can have a big impact on the tone of your closing.

3. A (Confident and Excited) Look Toward the Future

Next, it’s time to add a bit of confidence and excitement about what the future may hold by letting the hiring manager know you’re looking forward to the next steps. It’s a polite way to reassert your interest in the job, ensuring you plant the right seeds without being too aggressive.

Additionally, when done properly, you can take this part to the next level. It’s another opportunity to mention how you are ready to put a relevant skill to work to help the company achieve a particular goal.

Now, the latter approach should only be used if it feels right with the rest of your cover letter. Additionally, you can’t pull this off unless you’ve done a bit of research (which is something you did before you started writing your cover letter, right?). It only works if you can tap on something specific. If you can’t do that, then opt for a more classic approach.

4. Choose the Right Closing Sentiment

The closing phrase you choose before adding your signature does matter. Some options are more appropriate than others. For example, while “Sincerely,” “Thank You,” or “Best Regards” are usually safe bets, using “Fondly,” “Love,” or “Warmly” isn’t.

In the end, a cover letter is a type of formal correspondence. That means you need to err on the side of caution and avoid a cover letter closing that feels too casual or personal. By sticking with the business correspondence classics, you’re probably in good shape.

5. Sign Off (and Include Your Contact Details)

After your closing, you want to list your name, as well as your contact details. Not only does that keep that information conveniently located but, if your cover letter and resume get separated, it guarantees the hiring manager knows the cover letter is yours.

When it comes to contact details, list your email address and phone number at a minimum. If you’re like, you can also include your LinkedIn URL. Just make sure you actually put the URL and not just a link. That way, if the hiring manager prints out your cover letter, they can still reach your profile with ease.

3 Cover Letter Ending Examples

Sometimes, nothing is quite as helpful as an amazing example. With a cover letter closing example, you can see how these critical paragraphs are constructed. Then, you can use them as a framework when you write your own.

Generally, the core strategy for how to close a cover letter remains the same. However, the details change depending on the role and the overall approach. To help you see how to put the tips above into action, here are three cover letter ending examples – based on three different kinds of roles – that you can tweak to meet your needs.

1. Customer Service

With my customer-oriented mindset and previous experience working in a fast-paced retail environment providing exceptional support, I believe that my capabilities make me a great candidate for this position. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to learning more about the opportunity, as well as any next steps in your hiring process.

[Your Name]

[Phone Number]

[LinkedIn URL]

[Personal Website URL]

2. Technology

Ultimately, I am excited to apply my software development skills and education to a new challenge, and I feel that I can help ABC Company achieve its goals of advancing technology innovations in the industry. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to not only discussing my capabilities with your further but also learning more about this exciting opportunity.

3. Management

I, like XYZ Corp., feel like people are always a company’s greatest asset. Your company’s mission and values initially attracted me to this position, and I believe that my skills and experience align with not only your broader goals but also the organization’s culture. Thank you for reviewing my application, and I look forward to hearing back from you about this exceptional opportunity.

Best Regards,

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, you should now have a pretty solid idea of how to end a cover letter with a bang. Take advantage of every tip above as a starting point. Then, really work to tailor your cover letter closing to the job, ensuring that it packs an amazing punch and helps you stand out from other applicants. After all, your closing is part of your first impression. Always make it count.

how to end cover letter no name

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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how to end cover letter no name

How to Write a Cover Letter When You Have No Experience

A s a job seeker, a cover letter is your chance to make a great first impression. It can help you stand out and show your potential as a valuable addition to the team.

Writing a persuasive cover letter without prior work experience can be challenging. But with the right approach, you can make a compelling case for why you're the perfect fit for the job. In this article, we'll help you write an effective cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on your potential employer.

1. Begin With a Strong Opening Statement

Your opening statement should be attention-grabbing and highlight your interest in the position. Start with a brief introduction about yourself and why you're applying for the job. Avoid generic or cliché openings, such as "I am writing to apply for the job opening at your company."

Instead, try to show your personality and interest in the position. If you know someone at the company or have a connection, mention it in the opening statement. For example, "I'm excited to hear about this opportunity from a friend in your marketing department."

Your opening statement should be no more than two to three sentences long. Remember, the goal is to get your potential employer to keep reading and learn more about you.

2. Highlight Your Education and Relevant Coursework

When writing a cover letter, you may want to highlight your education and relevant coursework. Your education provides a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that can be applied to a job. While doing so, mention your degree and any relevant coursework you have completed.

For instance, if you're applying for a marketing role, showcase any relevant marketing coursework or projects. You can also highlight relevant accomplishments. It's important to note that not all achievements will be relevant to every job application.

If your academic achievements are relevant to the position, mention them in your cover letter. Provide specific examples of how they showcase your strengths and potential as a candidate.

3. Focus on Your Strengths and Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are skills that can be applied across different jobs and industries. While demonstrating transferable skills on your CV helps, including them in your cover letter can further enhance your job application.

Common transferable skills include teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, time management, and more. Instead of listing your transferable skills, give specific examples. Share experiences from any team activities where you tackled challenges and found solutions.

4. Mention the Company Values That Align With You

Organizations often emphasize cultural fit during the hiring process. By highlighting your alignment with the company values, you provide evidence of your potential cultural fit for the work environment and team dynamics.

Research the company and identify its important values that resonate with you. Start by visiting the company's official website. Look for sections like "About Us," "Mission and Values," or "Our Culture." You can also check the social media profiles, employee testimonials, or any press releases that highlight the company’s values.

Once you've identified the company values you want to highlight, provide specific examples to support them. Share anecdotes or experiences that showcase how you have lived out these values. For instance, if one of the company values is "collaboration," mention a successful team project where you collaborated.

5. Use Keywords From the Job Description

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen and filter resumes and cover letters. These systems often scan for specific keywords to identify qualified candidates. By adding the right keywords, you can increase the chances of your cover letter aligning with the employer's requirements.

Pay attention to the specific words and phrases in the job description and mirror them in your cover letter. For instance, if the description mentions "attention to detail" as a required skill, use similar wording to describe your attention to detail in previous projects or assignments.

While it's essential to add relevant keywords, avoid excessive repetition or keyword stuffing. Aim for a natural flow in your writing. Focus on showcasing your skills and experiences rather than forcefully inserting keywords without proper context.

6. Express Your Enthusiasm

Next, as you end your cover letter, show your enthusiasm for the role and the company. It will show your potential employer that you are passionate about the opportunity. Highlight specific aspects of the company or the position that excites you. Refer to the company’s recent projects, initiatives, or achievements that have caught your attention.

While it's important to express enthusiasm, remember to maintain a professional tone in your cover letter. Strike a balance between enthusiasm and professionalism to show your interest and suitability for the role. Use a positive tone throughout your cover letter. Avoid generic phrases and opt for more specific and vivid descriptions that showcase your interests.

7. Proofread Your Cover Letter

After completing your cover letter, take a break before proofreading. This break helps you approach the proofreading process with fresh eyes, making it easier to spot areas that need improvement. Consider using the best spelling and grammar-checking tools or seeking help from a trusted friend or colleague.

Here's an Example of a Cover Letter

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Position] role at [Company Name]. I was thrilled to learn about this opportunity from my friend, [Friend's Name], who works in your marketing department. From my research and conversations, I have come to admire [Company Name]'s commitment to innovation and its positive impact on the industry.

As a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in [Your Field of Study] from [University Name], I have developed a solid foundation in [relevant coursework or major subjects]. Through my coursework, I have gained a deep understanding of [specific concepts or skills relevant to the position], which I believe will contribute to my success in the [Position] role at [Company Name].

At [University Name], I had the privilege of working on various projects that required strong teamwork, problem-solving, and effective communication skills. In my marketing research course, I led a team project where we conducted extensive market analysis. We developed a comprehensive marketing strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in customer engagement for a local business.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with the goals and vision of [Company Name].

Once again, I appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of joining the exceptional team at [Company Name] and contributing to its continued success.

[Your Name]

Stand Out With a Compelling Cover Letter

With a well-crafted cover letter, you can convey your potential and convince employers to consider you for the position. Remember to tailor each cover letter to the specific job and company, highlighting the most relevant aspects of your background and showcasing your interest in the opportunity.

How to Write a Cover Letter When You Have No Experience

General election latest: Labour attack Sunak's 'desperate' National Service pledge

Rishi Sunak says he will introduce a new form of mandatory National Service for 18-year-olds if the Conservatives win the general election - but Labour says the "desperate" pledge is "only needed because the Tories hollowed out the armed forces to their smallest size since Napoleon".

Sunday 26 May 2024 00:55, UK

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General election called for 4 July

  • Starmer confirms support for extending voting age to 16
  • 'No pneumonia yet': PM laughs off election launch deluge
  • Tories deny Sunak taking 'duvet day' on first campaign weekend
  • Housing Secretary Michael Gove to stand down at general election
  • Sunak doesn't rule out Johnson joining Tory campaign
  • PM agrees to take part in Sky News leaders' event on one condition
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  • Beth Rigby: Starmer launched in Scotland but he needs to keep his base
  • Tamara Cohen: What the Mail's front page means for the campaign
  • Sam Coates: Gove stepping down shows the political winds are shifting
  • Sophy Ridge: This is what the Tories don't want to talk about

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The Conservatives would bring in National Service for 18-year-olds, they will announce on Sunday.

In the first new policy announcement of the election campaign, the prime minister has unveiled a plan that would see new adults given the choice of a full-time military placement for 12 months or a scheme to volunteer for one weekend a month for a year.

The placement would be selective - with tests used to decide who is eligible - and involve working with the armed forces or in cyber defence. 

Read more from our political correspondent Rob Powell :

At a breakfast with veterans on Saturday morning, Rishi Sunak made light of the wetter-than-hoped election announcement earlier this week.

Standing at a lectern outside Number 10 on Wednesday, the prime minister had to ignore the steady rain as he outlined his plan for the upcoming polling day.

This morning - a sunnier one - he met the group of eight veterans and sat in The Buck Inn, a Wetherspoon's pub on the High Street in his Richmond constituency, where the group were sipping tea and some tucked into breakfasts.

But it was the wet weather that was the subject of conversation...

The Conservatives would introduce National Service for 18-year-olds, it will be announced on Sunday.

Hailed by the party as a "bold new model", the plans would see new adults working in the armed forces or volunteering in their community.

The scheme would be mandatory.

"We have so much to be proud of in the United Kingdom, but we also need to be open and honest about the long-term challenges that our country and our society faces," the party said.

"And one of the problems in our society is that we have generations of young people who don’t have the opportunities they deserve."

Young people would be able to choose from:

- A selective, full-time 12-month placement in the armed forces or UK cyber defence

- Volunteering the equivalent of one weekend per month (25 days per year) in their community with organisations such as fire, police and the NHS as well as charities tackling loneliness and supporting older, isolated people

It has not been confirmed that the 12-month placement option would be paid.

This National Service will provide valuable work experience and ignite a passion for a future career in healthcare, public service, charity or the armed forces, the Conservatives say.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: "This is a great country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world." 

What was Labour's reaction?

Responding to the plans, a Labour Party spokesperson said: “This is another desperate £2.5bn unfunded commitment from a Tory Party which already crashed the economy, sending mortgages rocketing, and now they’re spoiling for more. 

“This is not a plan – it’s a review which could cost billions and is only needed because the Tories hollowed out the armed forces to their smallest size since Napoleon. 

“Britain has had enough of the Conservatives, who are bankrupt of ideas, and have no plans to end 14 years of chaos. It’s time to turn the page and rebuild Britain with Labour.”

UNISON has commented on Sir Keir Starmer's package of workers' rights. 

Earlier, the Unite criticised Labour's plans for having "more holes in it than Swiss cheese".

General secretary Sharon Graham accused the party of watering down its policies after rebranding "Labour's new deal for working people" as "Labour's plan to make work pay".

But Christina McAnea, UNISON's general secretary, backed the plans.

She said: "Labour's new deal best illustrates that choice. It will make work fairer and boost the economy too."

She said its measures are "proving popular on the doorstep" and said that "bad employers" will no longer be able to cut corners and costs by exploiting staff.

"An end to dodgy zero-hours contracts, paid travel time for care workers and a new fair pay agreement to help boost recruitment in that crisis-stricken sector too. Plus a wave of bringing public service contracts back in-house to end the profiteering in frontline services. Labour is the only party with a plan to help working families." 

The Liberal Democrats are "way more in tune" with young voters than "any other party", their leader has argued.

Sir Ed Davey spoke in Chichester in reaction to Labour's pledge to lower the voting age to 16.

He pointed to his party's position on housing, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and their pro-European stance as policies that may appeal to younger people.

Sir Ed welcomed Labour's promise to reduce the voting age to 16 but said "bolder" reform is needed to fix the country's "broken" political system.

When asked how the Lib Dems could regain the trust of young voters following the U-turn on their pledge to scrap university fees during the 2010 coalition government, Sir Ed said his party had "fought the Conservatives every single day" during the power-sharing agreement but "weren't able to get everything we wanted".

Under the coalition, university tuition fees were trebled to a maximum of £9,000-a-year from 2012. 

Now that Rishi Sunak has called the next general election for Thursday 4 July, the nation is preparing for its first polling day since December 2019.

Here's everything you need to know about the general election and how it's going to work...  

Scottish First Minister John Swinney has defended his decision to challenge the sanction ordered against his colleague Michael Matheson.

Mr Matheson drew criticism over a near-£11,000 data roaming bill on his parliamentary iPad.

The Scottish parliament's standards committee backed a 27-day suspension for the MSP.

But SNP leader Mr Swinney said he did not support the cross-party committee’s sanction as one of its members, Conservative Annie Wells, had previously made critical comments about Mr Matheson’s explanation for the bill, which Mr Swinney believes therefore prejudiced the decision.

Speaking to journalists, he said: "I’m not going to have prejudice taken forward in any part of Scottish life, it shouldn’t happen in the Scottish Parliament."  

Flight logs appear to show Rishi Sunak used a Tory donor’s helicopter to travel from his Yorkshire home to campaign in London this afternoon.

Online route data shows a helicopter believed to be owned by millionaire businessman Richard Harpin landing in grounds next to Rishi Sunak’s mansion this morning after previously taking off from an airfield 15 minutes’ drive away in Bagby.

It then flew via Nottingham to Central London.

Rishi Sunak has since been photographed campaigning in Wimbledon and Carshalton in South London – two Tory-held Lib Dem marginals.

It comes after Labour accused the Prime Minister of taking a day off in the first week of the election race.

Conservatives denied that saying Mr Sunak was leading "from the front".

On Thursday and Friday he campaigned in all four nations of the UK, using a plane to visit Wales, the North of Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister then met veterans in his Richmond constituency this morning, but the media had not been made aware of any other visits.

A Conservative source did not deny that Rishi Sunak used a helicopter to travel from Yorkshire but said the London visits were "pre-planned".

"As with literally all campaigns, politicians do canvassing, door knocking, meeting activists and volunteers without media as well as with", the source added. 

 Rishi Sunak has hit out at Labour and said a Keir Starmer-led government would be marked by "uncertainty" and mean a "more dangerous world".

In a lengthy thread on X, the prime minister claimed that Labour "doesn't have a plan".

Expanding on what he said would be the uncertainty of a Labour government, he said: "Who knows what they would do in government? They won't tell us how they would fund any of their policies. They refused to meet our defence spending pledge." 

He argued that an "uncertain future" has consequences.

"Our enemies notice. The world becomes more dangerous as they take advantage of our weakness. This leads to higher prices of food and fuel, as well as a greater risk of attacks against our nation." 

Mr Sunak is referred to his pledge to raise defence spending to 2.5% of GDP, at a time when Russia appears to be on the front foot in Ukraine.

Meanwhile Sir Keir, who has sought to re-establish Labour's security credentials in recent years, has said he wanted to commit to the 2.5% "when resources allow".

Earlier we brought you discussion of Richard Tice's somewhat tenuous links to Skegness in Lincolnshire.

The Reform Party leader is standing to be an MP in the seaside destination, but how well he actually knows the town is an open question.

Here's what he told Sky News:

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Who Was Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, Really?

In “Once Upon a Time,” Elizabeth Beller examines the life and death of the woman who was best known for marrying John F. Kennedy Jr.

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This is a picture of John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. He's wearing a tuxedo; she's wearing a white top. Both are looking sideways, to the right of the camera.

By Louis Bayard

Louis Bayard’s novels include “Jackie & Me” and the forthcoming “The Wildes.”

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ONCE UPON A TIME: The Captivating Life of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, by Elizabeth Beller

One of the many reasons to wish that Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy were alive and well is that, without too much urging, she might have formed a sorority with Meghan Markle. They could have talked about what it’s like to be a woman thrust into a brutal family dynasty and a Hobbesian press ecosystem. Maybe they would have exchanged tips for dodging paparazzi. Maybe, over enough drinks, they would have asked each other if their husbands were worth all the trouble.

Sadly, we can only come at Bessette-Kennedy now through intermediaries. And none of them could be more ardent in their mission than Elizabeth Beller, whose unironically titled biography, “Once Upon a Time,” aims to make John F. Kennedy Jr.’s wife the princess she was meant to be. Squeezing bright memories from dozens of Bessette-Kennedy’s friends, acquaintances and family members, Beller lays down a yellow-brick road from her subject’s middle-class White Plains childhood to her tony Greenwich adolescence to her convivial semesters at Boston University to her V.I.P. sales job at Calvin Klein in New York.

Beller is there, too, when America’s most famous bachelor wandered in for a fitting. Boy and girl, helpless in their beauty, gazed upon each other. Boy asked for girl’s number. There followed “a haze of sultry dinners, dancing and walks.” But John F. Kennedy Jr. was in no hurry to settle down. He was on-and-off-dating a temperamental Hollywood actress, and even when he and Bessette-Kennedy did become an item, he didn’t introduce her to his mother, who then died before he could.

Their Georgia wedding was lovely, but the marriage was troubled. John’s energies were drawn away by the launch of George, his doomed magazine. His gregarious wife was a prisoner in her own home, thanks to an unhinged tabloid press. “If I don’t leave the house before 8 a.m.,” she told a friend, “they’re waiting for me. Every morning. They chase me down the street.”

The couple grew distant. They got into arguments. They went to couples therapy. But “Once Upon a Time” wants us to know that, through it all, they were meant to be. “They would love hard and they would fight hard,” one friend said, “but they were very much a couple.”

“They were soul mates,” Beller quotes George Plimpton as saying.

And through it all, apparently, Bessette-Kennedy never stopped being a golden girl. We’re told over and again how gorgeous and elegant she was, how smart and funny and kind. She loved kids, dogs, cats, old people. She had “abundant gifts to share.” She was “wild and vivid in a cautious and pale world.” She was “a revelation.”

The only remaining question: Why is this exercise in heroine worship emerging a full quarter-century after her death? Beller argues that Bessette-Kennedy’s legacy until now has been shaped by men, and she probably means one man in particular. Edward Klein’s 2003 pot-stirrer, “The Kennedy Curse,” helped cement the tabloid image of her as a difficult cokehead who showed up two hours late to her own wedding, severed a nerve in her husband’s wrist, fooled around with other men and, in one redolent phrase, snorted up with “a gaggle of gay fashionistas.”

Beller rebuts each charge as it comes, but with all respect to her advocacy, she seems to be litigating a case that has long since been settled out of court or, more poignantly, forgotten. What lingers, I fear, for anyone tasked with remembering Bessette-Kennedy’s name, is her haunting end: borne down in a Piper Saratoga six-seater piloted by her husband, with her sister at her side.

Ironic and fitting, then, that in recreating that fatal journey, Beller’s prose sparks to life. “They were flying through a darkness akin to that of a sensory-deprivation chamber, surface and sky indistinguishable. Only when John began to make multiple turns, climbing then descending, turning and descending again, might the sisters have noticed that it had been 20 minutes since they had seen the nebulous mainland lights, glimmering yet opaque.”

ONCE UPON A TIME : The Captivating Life of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy | By Elizabeth Beller | Gallery | 352 pp. | $29.99

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  1. How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name in 5 Steps

    Here are five steps on how to address a cover letter without a name: 1. Remain gender neutral. The first step to addressing a cover letter without a name is to use gender-neutral identifiers. Deepti Sharma spent several years in the corporate world before following her entrepreneurial spirit and starting her business as a human resources (HR ...

  2. 6 Examples: How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

    Here are some examples: Dear Hiring Manager, - This is a common and universally understood phrase for addressing a cover letter without a name. Dear [Job Title], - Use the specific job position that the recipient holds, for instance, Dear Marketing Director. To the [Job Title] Selection Committee, - This approach can be useful when ...

  3. How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name? Top 5 Salutations

    Right below your name, put the company's address on the left side and your address on the right. This way, both addresses are easy to spot. Next, add the date below your address. It shows when you sent the letter. Right under the date, write your greeting, like "Dear Hiring Manager.".

  4. How to Address a Cover Letter Without Name: 2023 Guide (10 ...

    If the hiring manager's gender is Male, address the hiring manager with "Mr.". For Example: "Mr. Xavier,". If the hiring manager is female, it can be confusing. As you don't know the marital status, avoid using Miss. or Mrs. to address the hiring manager. Instead, use a generic "Ms..".

  5. How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name (5 Salutations)

    To help you figure out the name of the cover letter's recipient, here are some tips: Tip #1: Check the company's website. If you know the company's name and they have a website with contact information, that's usually the best place to start. Tip #2: Review job listing sites.

  6. How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

    Hey - A simple "hey" is too casual for a cover letter. Dear Sir/Madam - Many recruiters think this greeting is old-fashioned. Ladies and Gentlemen - This salutation is both too formal and generic. Esteemed Hiring Manager - While this greeting is polite, it can come across as insincere.

  7. How To End a Cover Letter: 6 Examples & How To Sign Off

    Here are six tips to help you write a cover letter closing that makes employers want to call you in for an interview: 1. Restate your value as an employee. Before you prompt the hiring manager to contact you, you need to reinforce why by explaining how you'll add value to the company if hired. The best way to end a cover letter is by ...

  8. How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

    Address your letter to "Dear Hiring Manager.". This works as a last resort, as will the salutation "Dear Hiring Team.". Reserve these greetings for when you have no idea who the recipient of the letter will be. Whatever you do, don't skip writing a cover letter just because you can't find the name of the right person.

  9. How to Close a Cover Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    Limit your last paragraph to 60 words max, Knutter says.Your entire cover letter should be less than a page, so you should spend as much of that space as possible showing you're qualified. 7. Use a smart sign off. Stick to the classic letter and email closings, like regards, sincerely, and respectfully, Knutter says.

  10. How to End a Cover Letter [w/ 4 Examples]

    Whether you should sign a cover letter depends on how you are sending your cover letter. Nowadays, most cover letters are sent electronically. If that's the case with you, there is no need to add an electronic signature. Simply add your full name at the end of the cover letter, using the same font as the rest of your letter.

  11. How to End a Cover Letter? Closing Examples & Tips

    Select an appropriate formal closing: Best regards, Sincerely, or Thank you. End your cover letter on a high note. Show that you feel enthusiastic about the position, too. Offer value to the manager in your cover letter ending. Be direct and strong. Use "P.S." to draw attention to your cover letter closing.

  12. 25 ways to end a cover letter

    25 cover letter ending samples. How to end a cover letter. Reiterate your value as an employee. Indicate the next course of action. Express gratitude. Close your cover letter professionally. Wrap up with a signature. Cover letter ending mistakes. Sign-offs to steer clear of.

  13. 8 Brilliant Cover Letter Closing Paragraph Examples

    8 cover letter closing paragraph examples. To help you write a strong closing paragraph, our team of professional writers has crafted a few examples. Use these closing paragraph text examples word-for-word or as inspiration as you write your own. 1. Thank you for taking the time to review my resume.

  14. How to Address and End a Cover Letter: 25 Examples & Tips

    Dear Hiring Manager, But job seekers can often be more specific. Take a look at these examples: Dear Customer Experience Manager, Dear Customer Experience Hiring Team Manager, Some other alternatives include addressing your cover letter to an entire department: Dear Engineering Department, Dear Engineering Team,

  15. How to End a Cover Letter (+Closing Paragraph Examples)

    In a cover letter closing paragraph, "different" should mean, "more competent.". Here are three big how to end cover letters mistakes: The pushy ending a cover letter method: I will make it rain all over your damn department! The needy boyfriend closing paragraph cover letter: Please, please give me the job.

  16. How to End a Cover Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    This leaves the conversation open-ended and expresses your eagerness to continue the dialogue. 4. A professional sign-off: End with a courteous and professional cover letter closing salutation. "Sincerely," "Best regards," and "Thank you" are all good choices. ‍.

  17. How to End a Cover Letter (Examples Included)

    For example, while "Sincerely," "Thank You," or "Best Regards" are usually safe bets, using "Fondly," "Love," or "Warmly" isn't. In the end, a cover letter is a type of formal correspondence. That means you need to err on the side of caution and avoid a cover letter closing that feels too casual or personal.

  18. How to End a Cover Letter [Closing + Sign-Off Examples]

    Here are some great strategies and examples of how to finish a cover letter. 1. Be Passionate. Now isn't the time to be too stiff and formal. End on a high note and reiterate your enthusiasm for the job and the company. It's also a great way of demonstrating a positive personality and work ethic.

  19. How to End a Cover Letter (With Tips and Templates)

    How to end your cover letter. To ensure your cover letter leaves a strong, lasting impression, do the following: Point to your experience and skills. Showcase the value you will add to the system. Add a call to action. Include a professional signoff. Add your signature and contact information. 1.

  20. How to End a Cover Letter: Ending & Sign Off Examples

    Elise Law. That's an impressive cover letter ending. Now, here's a step-by-step guide on how to make your cover letter end with a bang: 1. Justify a promise of improvement with enthusiasm. Forget "Thank you for your time" and "Thanks for reading.". You are going to make a Justified Promise of Improvement with Enthusiasm.

  21. Guide for Resumes & Cover Letters

    Throughout this guide, we're going to give you the tools you need to create cover letters and resumes that get results, tips that will help you ace your interviews, and information on what to do after the interview to help you land the job! Proven strategies for what to include in cover letters. Formatting for various resume styles and types.

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    As a candidate making a career shift, it will benefit you most to focus your cover letter on mapping the soft skills you've already demonstrated to the new career you're pursuing. Soft skills are highly transferable, even across industries. "If you were a Chef, for instance, you have experience with working under pressure," says Jean.

  23. How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

    If you think you need to open the letter with something creative or catchy, I am here to tell you that you don't. Just be simple and straightforward: • "I'm writing to apply for your X ...

  24. How to Write a Cover Letter When You Have No Experience

    Strike a balance between enthusiasm and professionalism to show your interest and suitability for the role. Use a positive tone throughout your cover letter. Avoid generic phrases and opt for more ...

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    On the final day the House of Commons sat before the election, the view from the back of the chamber said it all. As Theresa May - in her familiar flame red suit - left the chamber after a speech ...

  27. Book Review: 'Once Upon a Time: The Captivating Life of Carolyn

    In "Once Upon a Time," Elizabeth Beller examines the life and death of the woman who was best known for marrying John F. Kennedy Jr. By Louis Bayard Louis Bayard's novels include "Jackie ...