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  • How to Write Discussions and Conclusions

How to Write Discussions and Conclusions

The discussion section contains the results and outcomes of a study. An effective discussion informs readers what can be learned from your experiment and provides context for the results.

What makes an effective discussion?

When you’re ready to write your discussion, you’ve already introduced the purpose of your study and provided an in-depth description of the methodology. The discussion informs readers about the larger implications of your study based on the results. Highlighting these implications while not overstating the findings can be challenging, especially when you’re submitting to a journal that selects articles based on novelty or potential impact. Regardless of what journal you are submitting to, the discussion section always serves the same purpose: concluding what your study results actually mean.

A successful discussion section puts your findings in context. It should include:

  • the results of your research,
  • a discussion of related research, and
  • a comparison between your results and initial hypothesis.

Tip: Not all journals share the same naming conventions.

You can apply the advice in this article to the conclusion, results or discussion sections of your manuscript.

Our Early Career Researcher community tells us that the conclusion is often considered the most difficult aspect of a manuscript to write. To help, this guide provides questions to ask yourself, a basic structure to model your discussion off of and examples from published manuscripts. 

how to structure a discussion in a research paper

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Was my hypothesis correct?
  • If my hypothesis is partially correct or entirely different, what can be learned from the results? 
  • How do the conclusions reshape or add onto the existing knowledge in the field? What does previous research say about the topic? 
  • Why are the results important or relevant to your audience? Do they add further evidence to a scientific consensus or disprove prior studies? 
  • How can future research build on these observations? What are the key experiments that must be done? 
  • What is the “take-home” message you want your reader to leave with?

How to structure a discussion

Trying to fit a complete discussion into a single paragraph can add unnecessary stress to the writing process. If possible, you’ll want to give yourself two or three paragraphs to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of your study as a whole. Here’s one way to structure an effective discussion:

how to structure a discussion in a research paper

Writing Tips

While the above sections can help you brainstorm and structure your discussion, there are many common mistakes that writers revert to when having difficulties with their paper. Writing a discussion can be a delicate balance between summarizing your results, providing proper context for your research and avoiding introducing new information. Remember that your paper should be both confident and honest about the results! 

What to do

  • Read the journal’s guidelines on the discussion and conclusion sections. If possible, learn about the guidelines before writing the discussion to ensure you’re writing to meet their expectations. 
  • Begin with a clear statement of the principal findings. This will reinforce the main take-away for the reader and set up the rest of the discussion. 
  • Explain why the outcomes of your study are important to the reader. Discuss the implications of your findings realistically based on previous literature, highlighting both the strengths and limitations of the research. 
  • State whether the results prove or disprove your hypothesis. If your hypothesis was disproved, what might be the reasons? 
  • Introduce new or expanded ways to think about the research question. Indicate what next steps can be taken to further pursue any unresolved questions. 
  • If dealing with a contemporary or ongoing problem, such as climate change, discuss possible consequences if the problem is avoided. 
  • Be concise. Adding unnecessary detail can distract from the main findings. 

What not to do


  • Rewrite your abstract. Statements with “we investigated” or “we studied” generally do not belong in the discussion. 
  • Include new arguments or evidence not previously discussed. Necessary information and evidence should be introduced in the main body of the paper. 
  • Apologize. Even if your research contains significant limitations, don’t undermine your authority by including statements that doubt your methodology or execution. 
  • Shy away from speaking on limitations or negative results. Including limitations and negative results will give readers a complete understanding of the presented research. Potential limitations include sources of potential bias, threats to internal or external validity, barriers to implementing an intervention and other issues inherent to the study design. 
  • Overstate the importance of your findings. Making grand statements about how a study will fully resolve large questions can lead readers to doubt the success of the research. 

Snippets of Effective Discussions:

Consumer-based actions to reduce plastic pollution in rivers: A multi-criteria decision analysis approach

Identifying reliable indicators of fitness in polar bears

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The purpose of the discussion section is to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in relation to what was already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result of your research. The discussion will always connect to the introduction by way of the research questions or hypotheses you posed and the literature you reviewed, but the discussion does not simply repeat or rearrange the first parts of your paper; the discussion clearly explains how your study advanced the reader's understanding of the research problem from where you left them at the end of your review of prior research.

Annesley, Thomas M. “The Discussion Section: Your Closing Argument.” Clinical Chemistry 56 (November 2010): 1671-1674; Peacock, Matthew. “Communicative Moves in the Discussion Section of Research Articles.” System 30 (December 2002): 479-497.

Importance of a Good Discussion

The discussion section is often considered the most important part of your research paper because it:

  • Most effectively demonstrates your ability as a researcher to think critically about an issue, to develop creative solutions to problems based upon a logical synthesis of the findings, and to formulate a deeper, more profound understanding of the research problem under investigation;
  • Presents the underlying meaning of your research, notes possible implications in other areas of study, and explores possible improvements that can be made in order to further develop the concerns of your research;
  • Highlights the importance of your study and how it can contribute to understanding the research problem within the field of study;
  • Presents how the findings from your study revealed and helped fill gaps in the literature that had not been previously exposed or adequately described; and,
  • Engages the reader in thinking critically about issues based on an evidence-based interpretation of findings; it is not governed strictly by objective reporting of information.

Annesley Thomas M. “The Discussion Section: Your Closing Argument.” Clinical Chemistry 56 (November 2010): 1671-1674; Bitchener, John and Helen Basturkmen. “Perceptions of the Difficulties of Postgraduate L2 Thesis Students Writing the Discussion Section.” Journal of English for Academic Purposes 5 (January 2006): 4-18; Kretchmer, Paul. Fourteen Steps to Writing an Effective Discussion Section. San Francisco Edit, 2003-2008.

Structure and Writing Style

I.  General Rules

These are the general rules you should adopt when composing your discussion of the results :

  • Do not be verbose or repetitive; be concise and make your points clearly
  • Avoid the use of jargon or undefined technical language
  • Follow a logical stream of thought; in general, interpret and discuss the significance of your findings in the same sequence you described them in your results section [a notable exception is to begin by highlighting an unexpected result or a finding that can grab the reader's attention]
  • Use the present verb tense, especially for established facts; however, refer to specific works or prior studies in the past tense
  • If needed, use subheadings to help organize your discussion or to categorize your interpretations into themes

II.  The Content

The content of the discussion section of your paper most often includes :

  • Explanation of results : Comment on whether or not the results were expected for each set of findings; go into greater depth to explain findings that were unexpected or especially profound. If appropriate, note any unusual or unanticipated patterns or trends that emerged from your results and explain their meaning in relation to the research problem.
  • References to previous research : Either compare your results with the findings from other studies or use the studies to support a claim. This can include re-visiting key sources already cited in your literature review section, or, save them to cite later in the discussion section if they are more important to compare with your results instead of being a part of the general literature review of prior research used to provide context and background information. Note that you can make this decision to highlight specific studies after you have begun writing the discussion section.
  • Deduction : A claim for how the results can be applied more generally. For example, describing lessons learned, proposing recommendations that can help improve a situation, or highlighting best practices.
  • Hypothesis : A more general claim or possible conclusion arising from the results [which may be proved or disproved in subsequent research]. This can be framed as new research questions that emerged as a consequence of your analysis.

III.  Organization and Structure

Keep the following sequential points in mind as you organize and write the discussion section of your paper:

  • Think of your discussion as an inverted pyramid. Organize the discussion from the general to the specific, linking your findings to the literature, then to theory, then to practice [if appropriate].
  • Use the same key terms, narrative style, and verb tense [present] that you used when describing the research problem in your introduction.
  • Begin by briefly re-stating the research problem you were investigating and answer all of the research questions underpinning the problem that you posed in the introduction.
  • Describe the patterns, principles, and relationships shown by each major findings and place them in proper perspective. The sequence of this information is important; first state the answer, then the relevant results, then cite the work of others. If appropriate, refer the reader to a figure or table to help enhance the interpretation of the data [either within the text or as an appendix].
  • Regardless of where it's mentioned, a good discussion section includes analysis of any unexpected findings. This part of the discussion should begin with a description of the unanticipated finding, followed by a brief interpretation as to why you believe it appeared and, if necessary, its possible significance in relation to the overall study. If more than one unexpected finding emerged during the study, describe each of them in the order they appeared as you gathered or analyzed the data. As noted, the exception to discussing findings in the same order you described them in the results section would be to begin by highlighting the implications of a particularly unexpected or significant finding that emerged from the study, followed by a discussion of the remaining findings.
  • Before concluding the discussion, identify potential limitations and weaknesses if you do not plan to do so in the conclusion of the paper. Comment on their relative importance in relation to your overall interpretation of the results and, if necessary, note how they may affect the validity of your findings. Avoid using an apologetic tone; however, be honest and self-critical [e.g., in retrospect, had you included a particular question in a survey instrument, additional data could have been revealed].
  • The discussion section should end with a concise summary of the principal implications of the findings regardless of their significance. Give a brief explanation about why you believe the findings and conclusions of your study are important and how they support broader knowledge or understanding of the research problem. This can be followed by any recommendations for further research. However, do not offer recommendations which could have been easily addressed within the study. This would demonstrate to the reader that you have inadequately examined and interpreted the data.

IV.  Overall Objectives

The objectives of your discussion section should include the following: I.  Reiterate the Research Problem/State the Major Findings

Briefly reiterate the research problem or problems you are investigating and the methods you used to investigate them, then move quickly to describe the major findings of the study. You should write a direct, declarative, and succinct proclamation of the study results, usually in one paragraph.

II.  Explain the Meaning of the Findings and Why They are Important

No one has thought as long and hard about your study as you have. Systematically explain the underlying meaning of your findings and state why you believe they are significant. After reading the discussion section, you want the reader to think critically about the results and why they are important. You don’t want to force the reader to go through the paper multiple times to figure out what it all means. If applicable, begin this part of the section by repeating what you consider to be your most significant or unanticipated finding first, then systematically review each finding. Otherwise, follow the general order you reported the findings presented in the results section.

III.  Relate the Findings to Similar Studies

No study in the social sciences is so novel or possesses such a restricted focus that it has absolutely no relation to previously published research. The discussion section should relate your results to those found in other studies, particularly if questions raised from prior studies served as the motivation for your research. This is important because comparing and contrasting the findings of other studies helps to support the overall importance of your results and it highlights how and in what ways your study differs from other research about the topic. Note that any significant or unanticipated finding is often because there was no prior research to indicate the finding could occur. If there is prior research to indicate this, you need to explain why it was significant or unanticipated. IV.  Consider Alternative Explanations of the Findings

It is important to remember that the purpose of research in the social sciences is to discover and not to prove . When writing the discussion section, you should carefully consider all possible explanations for the study results, rather than just those that fit your hypothesis or prior assumptions and biases. This is especially important when describing the discovery of significant or unanticipated findings.

V.  Acknowledge the Study’s Limitations

It is far better for you to identify and acknowledge your study’s limitations than to have them pointed out by your professor! Note any unanswered questions or issues your study could not address and describe the generalizability of your results to other situations. If a limitation is applicable to the method chosen to gather information, then describe in detail the problems you encountered and why. VI.  Make Suggestions for Further Research

You may choose to conclude the discussion section by making suggestions for further research [as opposed to offering suggestions in the conclusion of your paper]. Although your study can offer important insights about the research problem, this is where you can address other questions related to the problem that remain unanswered or highlight hidden issues that were revealed as a result of conducting your research. You should frame your suggestions by linking the need for further research to the limitations of your study [e.g., in future studies, the survey instrument should include more questions that ask..."] or linking to critical issues revealed from the data that were not considered initially in your research.

NOTE: Besides the literature review section, the preponderance of references to sources is usually found in the discussion section . A few historical references may be helpful for perspective, but most of the references should be relatively recent and included to aid in the interpretation of your results, to support the significance of a finding, and/or to place a finding within a particular context. If a study that you cited does not support your findings, don't ignore it--clearly explain why your research findings differ from theirs.

V.  Problems to Avoid

  • Do not waste time restating your results . Should you need to remind the reader of a finding to be discussed, use "bridge sentences" that relate the result to the interpretation. An example would be: “In the case of determining available housing to single women with children in rural areas of Texas, the findings suggest that access to good schools is important...," then move on to further explaining this finding and its implications.
  • As noted, recommendations for further research can be included in either the discussion or conclusion of your paper, but do not repeat your recommendations in the both sections. Think about the overall narrative flow of your paper to determine where best to locate this information. However, if your findings raise a lot of new questions or issues, consider including suggestions for further research in the discussion section.
  • Do not introduce new results in the discussion section. Be wary of mistaking the reiteration of a specific finding for an interpretation because it may confuse the reader. The description of findings [results section] and the interpretation of their significance [discussion section] should be distinct parts of your paper. If you choose to combine the results section and the discussion section into a single narrative, you must be clear in how you report the information discovered and your own interpretation of each finding. This approach is not recommended if you lack experience writing college-level research papers.
  • Use of the first person pronoun is generally acceptable. Using first person singular pronouns can help emphasize a point or illustrate a contrasting finding. However, keep in mind that too much use of the first person can actually distract the reader from the main points [i.e., I know you're telling me this--just tell me!].

Analyzing vs. Summarizing. Department of English Writing Guide. George Mason University; Discussion. The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper. Department of Biology. Bates College; Hess, Dean R. "How to Write an Effective Discussion." Respiratory Care 49 (October 2004); Kretchmer, Paul. Fourteen Steps to Writing to Writing an Effective Discussion Section. San Francisco Edit, 2003-2008; The Lab Report. University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Sauaia, A. et al. "The Anatomy of an Article: The Discussion Section: "How Does the Article I Read Today Change What I Will Recommend to my Patients Tomorrow?” The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 74 (June 2013): 1599-1602; Research Limitations & Future Research . Lund Research Ltd., 2012; Summary: Using it Wisely. The Writing Center. University of North Carolina; Schafer, Mickey S. Writing the Discussion. Writing in Psychology course syllabus. University of Florida; Yellin, Linda L. A Sociology Writer's Guide . Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2009.

Writing Tip

Don’t Over-Interpret the Results!

Interpretation is a subjective exercise. As such, you should always approach the selection and interpretation of your findings introspectively and to think critically about the possibility of judgmental biases unintentionally entering into discussions about the significance of your work. With this in mind, be careful that you do not read more into the findings than can be supported by the evidence you have gathered. Remember that the data are the data: nothing more, nothing less.

MacCoun, Robert J. "Biases in the Interpretation and Use of Research Results." Annual Review of Psychology 49 (February 1998): 259-287; Ward, Paulet al, editors. The Oxford Handbook of Expertise . Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018.

Another Writing Tip

Don't Write Two Results Sections!

One of the most common mistakes that you can make when discussing the results of your study is to present a superficial interpretation of the findings that more or less re-states the results section of your paper. Obviously, you must refer to your results when discussing them, but focus on the interpretation of those results and their significance in relation to the research problem, not the data itself.

Azar, Beth. "Discussing Your Findings."  American Psychological Association gradPSYCH Magazine (January 2006).

Yet Another Writing Tip

Avoid Unwarranted Speculation!

The discussion section should remain focused on the findings of your study. For example, if the purpose of your research was to measure the impact of foreign aid on increasing access to education among disadvantaged children in Bangladesh, it would not be appropriate to speculate about how your findings might apply to populations in other countries without drawing from existing studies to support your claim or if analysis of other countries was not a part of your original research design. If you feel compelled to speculate, do so in the form of describing possible implications or explaining possible impacts. Be certain that you clearly identify your comments as speculation or as a suggestion for where further research is needed. Sometimes your professor will encourage you to expand your discussion of the results in this way, while others don’t care what your opinion is beyond your effort to interpret the data in relation to the research problem.

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  • Last Updated: Apr 20, 2024 2:57 PM
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How to Write the Discussion Section of a Research Paper

The discussion section of a research paper analyzes and interprets the findings, provides context, compares them with previous studies, identifies limitations, and suggests future research directions.

Updated on September 15, 2023

researchers writing the discussion section of their research paper

Structure your discussion section right, and you’ll be cited more often while doing a greater service to the scientific community. So, what actually goes into the discussion section? And how do you write it?

The discussion section of your research paper is where you let the reader know how your study is positioned in the literature, what to take away from your paper, and how your work helps them. It can also include your conclusions and suggestions for future studies.

First, we’ll define all the parts of your discussion paper, and then look into how to write a strong, effective discussion section for your paper or manuscript.

Discussion section: what is it, what it does

The discussion section comes later in your paper, following the introduction, methods, and results. The discussion sets up your study’s conclusions. Its main goals are to present, interpret, and provide a context for your results.

What is it?

The discussion section provides an analysis and interpretation of the findings, compares them with previous studies, identifies limitations, and suggests future directions for research.

This section combines information from the preceding parts of your paper into a coherent story. By this point, the reader already knows why you did your study (introduction), how you did it (methods), and what happened (results). In the discussion, you’ll help the reader connect the ideas from these sections.

Why is it necessary?

The discussion provides context and interpretations for the results. It also answers the questions posed in the introduction. While the results section describes your findings, the discussion explains what they say. This is also where you can describe the impact or implications of your research.

Adds context for your results

Most research studies aim to answer a question, replicate a finding, or address limitations in the literature. These goals are first described in the introduction. However, in the discussion section, the author can refer back to them to explain how the study's objective was achieved. 

Shows what your results actually mean and real-world implications

The discussion can also describe the effect of your findings on research or practice. How are your results significant for readers, other researchers, or policymakers?

What to include in your discussion (in the correct order)

A complete and effective discussion section should at least touch on the points described below.

Summary of key findings

The discussion should begin with a brief factual summary of the results. Concisely overview the main results you obtained.

Begin with key findings with supporting evidence

Your results section described a list of findings, but what message do they send when you look at them all together?

Your findings were detailed in the results section, so there’s no need to repeat them here, but do provide at least a few highlights. This will help refresh the reader’s memory and help them focus on the big picture.

Read the first paragraph of the discussion section in this article (PDF) for an example of how to start this part of your paper. Notice how the authors break down their results and follow each description sentence with an explanation of why each finding is relevant. 

State clearly and concisely

Following a clear and direct writing style is especially important in the discussion section. After all, this is where you will make some of the most impactful points in your paper. While the results section often contains technical vocabulary, such as statistical terms, the discussion section lets you describe your findings more clearly. 

Interpretation of results

Once you’ve given your reader an overview of your results, you need to interpret those results. In other words, what do your results mean? Discuss the findings’ implications and significance in relation to your research question or hypothesis.

Analyze and interpret your findings

Look into your findings and explore what’s behind them or what may have caused them. If your introduction cited theories or studies that could explain your findings, use these sources as a basis to discuss your results.

For example, look at the second paragraph in the discussion section of this article on waggling honey bees. Here, the authors explore their results based on information from the literature.

Unexpected or contradictory results

Sometimes, your findings are not what you expect. Here’s where you describe this and try to find a reason for it. Could it be because of the method you used? Does it have something to do with the variables analyzed? Comparing your methods with those of other similar studies can help with this task.

Context and comparison with previous work

Refer to related studies to place your research in a larger context and the literature. Compare and contrast your findings with existing literature, highlighting similarities, differences, and/or contradictions.

How your work compares or contrasts with previous work

Studies with similar findings to yours can be cited to show the strength of your findings. Information from these studies can also be used to help explain your results. Differences between your findings and others in the literature can also be discussed here. 

How to divide this section into subsections

If you have more than one objective in your study or many key findings, you can dedicate a separate section to each of these. Here’s an example of this approach. You can see that the discussion section is divided into topics and even has a separate heading for each of them. 


Many journals require you to include the limitations of your study in the discussion. Even if they don’t, there are good reasons to mention these in your paper.

Why limitations don’t have a negative connotation

A study’s limitations are points to be improved upon in future research. While some of these may be flaws in your method, many may be due to factors you couldn’t predict.

Examples include time constraints or small sample sizes. Pointing this out will help future researchers avoid or address these issues. This part of the discussion can also include any attempts you have made to reduce the impact of these limitations, as in this study .

How limitations add to a researcher's credibility

Pointing out the limitations of your study demonstrates transparency. It also shows that you know your methods well and can conduct a critical assessment of them.  

Implications and significance

The final paragraph of the discussion section should contain the take-home messages for your study. It can also cite the “strong points” of your study, to contrast with the limitations section.

Restate your hypothesis

Remind the reader what your hypothesis was before you conducted the study. 

How was it proven or disproven?

Identify your main findings and describe how they relate to your hypothesis.

How your results contribute to the literature

Were you able to answer your research question? Or address a gap in the literature?

Future implications of your research

Describe the impact that your results may have on the topic of study. Your results may show, for instance, that there are still limitations in the literature for future studies to address. There may be a need for studies that extend your findings in a specific way. You also may need additional research to corroborate your findings. 

Sample discussion section

This fictitious example covers all the aspects discussed above. Your actual discussion section will probably be much longer, but you can read this to get an idea of everything your discussion should cover.

Our results showed that the presence of cats in a household is associated with higher levels of perceived happiness by its human occupants. These findings support our hypothesis and demonstrate the association between pet ownership and well-being. 

The present findings align with those of Bao and Schreer (2016) and Hardie et al. (2023), who observed greater life satisfaction in pet owners relative to non-owners. Although the present study did not directly evaluate life satisfaction, this factor may explain the association between happiness and cat ownership observed in our sample.

Our findings must be interpreted in light of some limitations, such as the focus on cat ownership only rather than pets as a whole. This may limit the generalizability of our results.

Nevertheless, this study had several strengths. These include its strict exclusion criteria and use of a standardized assessment instrument to investigate the relationships between pets and owners. These attributes bolster the accuracy of our results and reduce the influence of confounding factors, increasing the strength of our conclusions. Future studies may examine the factors that mediate the association between pet ownership and happiness to better comprehend this phenomenon.

This brief discussion begins with a quick summary of the results and hypothesis. The next paragraph cites previous research and compares its findings to those of this study. Information from previous studies is also used to help interpret the findings. After discussing the results of the study, some limitations are pointed out. The paper also explains why these limitations may influence the interpretation of results. Then, final conclusions are drawn based on the study, and directions for future research are suggested.

How to make your discussion flow naturally

If you find writing in scientific English challenging, the discussion and conclusions are often the hardest parts of the paper to write. That’s because you’re not just listing up studies, methods, and outcomes. You’re actually expressing your thoughts and interpretations in words.

  • How formal should it be?
  • What words should you use, or not use?
  • How do you meet strict word limits, or make it longer and more informative?

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How to Write a Discussion Section for a Research Paper

how to structure a discussion in a research paper

We’ve talked about several useful writing tips that authors should consider while drafting or editing their research papers. In particular, we’ve focused on  figures and legends , as well as the Introduction ,  Methods , and  Results . Now that we’ve addressed the more technical portions of your journal manuscript, let’s turn to the analytical segments of your research article. In this article, we’ll provide tips on how to write a strong Discussion section that best portrays the significance of your research contributions.

What is the Discussion section of a research paper?

In a nutshell,  your Discussion fulfills the promise you made to readers in your Introduction . At the beginning of your paper, you tell us why we should care about your research. You then guide us through a series of intricate images and graphs that capture all the relevant data you collected during your research. We may be dazzled and impressed at first, but none of that matters if you deliver an anti-climactic conclusion in the Discussion section!

Are you feeling pressured? Don’t worry. To be honest, you will edit the Discussion section of your manuscript numerous times. After all, in as little as one to two paragraphs ( Nature ‘s suggestion  based on their 3,000-word main body text limit), you have to explain how your research moves us from point A (issues you raise in the Introduction) to point B (our new understanding of these matters). You must also recommend how we might get to point C (i.e., identify what you think is the next direction for research in this field). That’s a lot to say in two paragraphs!

So, how do you do that? Let’s take a closer look.

What should I include in the Discussion section?

As we stated above, the goal of your Discussion section is to  answer the questions you raise in your Introduction by using the results you collected during your research . The content you include in the Discussions segment should include the following information:

  • Remind us why we should be interested in this research project.
  • Describe the nature of the knowledge gap you were trying to fill using the results of your study.
  • Don’t repeat your Introduction. Instead, focus on why  this  particular study was needed to fill the gap you noticed and why that gap needed filling in the first place.
  • Mainly, you want to remind us of how your research will increase our knowledge base and inspire others to conduct further research.
  • Clearly tell us what that piece of missing knowledge was.
  • Answer each of the questions you asked in your Introduction and explain how your results support those conclusions.
  • Make sure to factor in all results relevant to the questions (even if those results were not statistically significant).
  • Focus on the significance of the most noteworthy results.
  • If conflicting inferences can be drawn from your results, evaluate the merits of all of them.
  • Don’t rehash what you said earlier in the Results section. Rather, discuss your findings in the context of answering your hypothesis. Instead of making statements like “[The first result] was this…,” say, “[The first result] suggests [conclusion].”
  • Do your conclusions line up with existing literature?
  • Discuss whether your findings agree with current knowledge and expectations.
  • Keep in mind good persuasive argument skills, such as explaining the strengths of your arguments and highlighting the weaknesses of contrary opinions.
  • If you discovered something unexpected, offer reasons. If your conclusions aren’t aligned with current literature, explain.
  • Address any limitations of your study and how relevant they are to interpreting your results and validating your findings.
  • Make sure to acknowledge any weaknesses in your conclusions and suggest room for further research concerning that aspect of your analysis.
  • Make sure your suggestions aren’t ones that should have been conducted during your research! Doing so might raise questions about your initial research design and protocols.
  • Similarly, maintain a critical but unapologetic tone. You want to instill confidence in your readers that you have thoroughly examined your results and have objectively assessed them in a way that would benefit the scientific community’s desire to expand our knowledge base.
  • Recommend next steps.
  • Your suggestions should inspire other researchers to conduct follow-up studies to build upon the knowledge you have shared with them.
  • Keep the list short (no more than two).

How to Write the Discussion Section

The above list of what to include in the Discussion section gives an overall idea of what you need to focus on throughout the section. Below are some tips and general suggestions about the technical aspects of writing and organization that you might find useful as you draft or revise the contents we’ve outlined above.

Technical writing elements

  • Embrace active voice because it eliminates the awkward phrasing and wordiness that accompanies passive voice.
  • Use the present tense, which should also be employed in the Introduction.
  • Sprinkle with first person pronouns if needed, but generally, avoid it. We want to focus on your findings.
  • Maintain an objective and analytical tone.

Discussion section organization

  • Keep the same flow across the Results, Methods, and Discussion sections.
  • We develop a rhythm as we read and parallel structures facilitate our comprehension. When you organize information the same way in each of these related parts of your journal manuscript, we can quickly see how a certain result was interpreted and quickly verify the particular methods used to produce that result.
  • Notice how using parallel structure will eliminate extra narration in the Discussion part since we can anticipate the flow of your ideas based on what we read in the Results segment. Reducing wordiness is important when you only have a few paragraphs to devote to the Discussion section!
  • Within each subpart of a Discussion, the information should flow as follows: (A) conclusion first, (B) relevant results and how they relate to that conclusion and (C) relevant literature.
  • End with a concise summary explaining the big-picture impact of your study on our understanding of the subject matter. At the beginning of your Discussion section, you stated why  this  particular study was needed to fill the gap you noticed and why that gap needed filling in the first place. Now, it is time to end with “how your research filled that gap.”

Discussion Part 1: Summarizing Key Findings

Begin the Discussion section by restating your  statement of the problem  and briefly summarizing the major results. Do not simply repeat your findings. Rather, try to create a concise statement of the main results that directly answer the central research question that you stated in the Introduction section . This content should not be longer than one paragraph in length.

Many researchers struggle with understanding the precise differences between a Discussion section and a Results section . The most important thing to remember here is that your Discussion section should subjectively evaluate the findings presented in the Results section, and in relatively the same order. Keep these sections distinct by making sure that you do not repeat the findings without providing an interpretation.

Phrase examples: Summarizing the results

  • The findings indicate that …
  • These results suggest a correlation between A and B …
  • The data present here suggest that …
  • An interpretation of the findings reveals a connection between…

Discussion Part 2: Interpreting the Findings

What do the results mean? It may seem obvious to you, but simply looking at the figures in the Results section will not necessarily convey to readers the importance of the findings in answering your research questions.

The exact structure of interpretations depends on the type of research being conducted. Here are some common approaches to interpreting data:

  • Identifying correlations and relationships in the findings
  • Explaining whether the results confirm or undermine your research hypothesis
  • Giving the findings context within the history of similar research studies
  • Discussing unexpected results and analyzing their significance to your study or general research
  • Offering alternative explanations and arguing for your position

Organize the Discussion section around key arguments, themes, hypotheses, or research questions or problems. Again, make sure to follow the same order as you did in the Results section.

Discussion Part 3: Discussing the Implications

In addition to providing your own interpretations, show how your results fit into the wider scholarly literature you surveyed in the  literature review section. This section is called the implications of the study . Show where and how these results fit into existing knowledge, what additional insights they contribute, and any possible consequences that might arise from this knowledge, both in the specific research topic and in the wider scientific domain.

Questions to ask yourself when dealing with potential implications:

  • Do your findings fall in line with existing theories, or do they challenge these theories or findings? What new information do they contribute to the literature, if any? How exactly do these findings impact or conflict with existing theories or models?
  • What are the practical implications on actual subjects or demographics?
  • What are the methodological implications for similar studies conducted either in the past or future?

Your purpose in giving the implications is to spell out exactly what your study has contributed and why researchers and other readers should be interested.

Phrase examples: Discussing the implications of the research

  • These results confirm the existing evidence in X studies…
  • The results are not in line with the foregoing theory that…
  • This experiment provides new insights into the connection between…
  • These findings present a more nuanced understanding of…
  • While previous studies have focused on X, these results demonstrate that Y.

Step 4: Acknowledging the limitations

All research has study limitations of one sort or another. Acknowledging limitations in methodology or approach helps strengthen your credibility as a researcher. Study limitations are not simply a list of mistakes made in the study. Rather, limitations help provide a more detailed picture of what can or cannot be concluded from your findings. In essence, they help temper and qualify the study implications you listed previously.

Study limitations can relate to research design, specific methodological or material choices, or unexpected issues that emerged while you conducted the research. Mention only those limitations directly relate to your research questions, and explain what impact these limitations had on how your study was conducted and the validity of any interpretations.

Possible types of study limitations:

  • Insufficient sample size for statistical measurements
  • Lack of previous research studies on the topic
  • Methods/instruments/techniques used to collect the data
  • Limited access to data
  • Time constraints in properly preparing and executing the study

After discussing the study limitations, you can also stress that your results are still valid. Give some specific reasons why the limitations do not necessarily handicap your study or narrow its scope.

Phrase examples: Limitations sentence beginners

  • “There may be some possible limitations in this study.”
  • “The findings of this study have to be seen in light of some limitations.”
  •  “The first limitation is the…The second limitation concerns the…”
  •  “The empirical results reported herein should be considered in the light of some limitations.”
  • “This research, however, is subject to several limitations.”
  • “The primary limitation to the generalization of these results is…”
  • “Nonetheless, these results must be interpreted with caution and a number of limitations should be borne in mind.”

Discussion Part 5: Giving Recommendations for Further Research

Based on your interpretation and discussion of the findings, your recommendations can include practical changes to the study or specific further research to be conducted to clarify the research questions. Recommendations are often listed in a separate Conclusion section , but often this is just the final paragraph of the Discussion section.

Suggestions for further research often stem directly from the limitations outlined. Rather than simply stating that “further research should be conducted,” provide concrete specifics for how future can help answer questions that your research could not.

Phrase examples: Recommendation sentence beginners

  • Further research is needed to establish …
  • There is abundant space for further progress in analyzing…
  • A further study with more focus on X should be done to investigate…
  • Further studies of X that account for these variables must be undertaken.

Consider Receiving Professional Language Editing

As you edit or draft your research manuscript, we hope that you implement these guidelines to produce a more effective Discussion section. And after completing your draft, don’t forget to submit your work to a professional proofreading and English editing service like Wordvice, including our manuscript editing service for  paper editing , cover letter editing , SOP editing , and personal statement proofreading services. Language editors not only proofread and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and formatting but also improve terms and revise phrases so they read more naturally. Wordvice is an industry leader in providing high-quality revision for all types of academic documents.

For additional information about how to write a strong research paper, make sure to check out our full  research writing series !

Wordvice Writing Resources

  • How to Write a Research Paper Introduction 
  • Which Verb Tenses to Use in a Research Paper
  • How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper
  • How to Write a Research Paper Title
  • Useful Phrases for Academic Writing
  • Common Transition Terms in Academic Papers
  • Active and Passive Voice in Research Papers
  • 100+ Verbs That Will Make Your Research Writing Amazing
  • Tips for Paraphrasing in Research Papers

Additional Academic Resources

  •   Guide for Authors.  (Elsevier)
  •  How to Write the Results Section of a Research Paper.  (Bates College)
  •   Structure of a Research Paper.  (University of Minnesota Biomedical Library)
  •   How to Choose a Target Journal  (Springer)
  •   How to Write Figures and Tables  (UNC Writing Center)

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Writing a "good" discussion section

"discussion and conclusions checklist" from: how to write a good scientific paper. chris a. mack. spie. 2018., peer review.

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This is is usually the hardest section to write. You are trying to bring out the true meaning of your data without being too long. Do not use words to conceal your facts or reasoning. Also do not repeat your results, this is a discussion.

  • Present principles, relationships and generalizations shown by the results
  • Point out exceptions or lack of correlations. Define why you think this is so.
  • Show how your results agree or disagree with previously published works
  • Discuss the theoretical implications of your work as well as practical applications
  • State your conclusions clearly. Summarize your evidence for each conclusion.
  • Discuss the significance of the results
  •  Evidence does not explain itself; the results must be presented and then explained.
  • Typical stages in the discussion: summarizing the results, discussing whether results are expected or unexpected, comparing these results to previous work, interpreting and explaining the results (often by comparison to a theory or model), and hypothesizing about their generality.
  • Discuss any problems or shortcomings encountered during the course of the work.
  • Discuss possible alternate explanations for the results.
  • Avoid: presenting results that are never discussed; presenting discussion that does not relate to any of the results; presenting results and discussion in chronological order rather than logical order; ignoring results that do not support the conclusions; drawing conclusions from results without logical arguments to back them up. 


  • Provide a very brief summary of the Results and Discussion.
  • Emphasize the implications of the findings, explaining how the work is significant and providing the key message(s) the author wishes to convey.
  • Provide the most general claims that can be supported by the evidence.
  • Provide a future perspective on the work.
  • Avoid: repeating the abstract; repeating background information from the Introduction; introducing new evidence or new arguments not found in the Results and Discussion; repeating the arguments made in the Results and Discussion; failing to address all of the research questions set out in the Introduction. 


 The peer review process is the quality control step in the publication of ideas.  Papers that are submitted to a journal for publication are sent out to several scientists (peers) who look carefully at the paper to see if it is "good science".  These reviewers then recommend to the editor of a journal whether or not a paper should be published. Most journals have publication guidelines. Ask for them and follow them exactly.    Peer reviewers examine the soundness of the materials and methods section.  Are the materials and methods used written clearly enough for another scientist to reproduce the experiment?  Other areas they look at are: originality of research, significance of research question studied, soundness of the discussion and interpretation, correct spelling and use of technical terms, and length of the article.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 4, 2023 9:33 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/scientificwriting

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  • v.39(Suppl 1); 2013 Sep

How to write a discussion section?

Writing manuscripts to describe study outcomes, although not easy, is the main task of an academician. The aim of the present review is to outline the main aspects of writing the discussion section of a manuscript. Additionally, we address various issues regarding manuscripts in general. It is advisable to work on a manuscript regularly to avoid losing familiarity with the article. On principle, simple, clear and effective language should be used throughout the text. In addition, a pre-peer review process is recommended to obtain feedback on the manuscript. The discussion section can be written in 3 parts: an introductory paragraph, intermediate paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. For intermediate paragraphs, a “divide and conquer” approach, meaning a full paragraph describing each of the study endpoints, can be used. In conclusion, academic writing is similar to other skills, and practice makes perfect.


Sharing knowledge produced during academic life is achieved through writing manuscripts. However writing manuscripts is a challenging endeavour in that we physicians have a heavy workload, and English which is common language used for the dissemination of scientific knowledge is not our mother tongue.

The objective of this review is to summarize the method of writing ‘Discussion’ section which is the most important, but probably at the same time the most unlikable part of a manuscript, and demonstrate the easy ways we applied in our practice, and finally share the frequently made relevant mistakes. During this procedure, inevitably some issues which concerns general concept of manuscript writing process are dealt with. Therefore in this review we will deal with topics related to the general aspects of manuscript writing process, and specifically issues concerning only the ‘Discussion’ section.

A) Approaches to general aspects of manuscript writing process:

1. what should be the strategy of sparing time for manuscript writing be.

Two different approaches can be formulated on this issue? One of them is to allocate at least 30 minutes a day for writing a manuscript which amounts to 3.5 hours a week. This period of time is adequate for completion of a manuscript within a few weeks which can be generally considered as a long time interval. Fundamental advantage of this approach is to gain a habit of making academic researches if one complies with the designated time schedule, and to keep the manuscript writing motivation at persistently high levels. Another approach concerning this issue is to accomplish manuscript writing process within a week. With the latter approach, the target is rapidly attained. However longer time periods spent in order to concentrate on the subject matter can be boring, and lead to loss of motivation. Daily working requirements unrelated to the manuscript writing might intervene, and prolong manuscript writing process. Alienation periods can cause loss of time because of need for recurrent literature reviews. The most optimal approach to manuscript writing process is daily writing strategy where higher levels of motivation are persistently maintained.

Especially before writing the manuscript, the most important step at the start is to construct a draft, and completion of the manuscript on a theoretical basis. Therefore, during construction of a draft, attention distracting environment should be avoided, and this step should be completed within 1–2 hours. On the other hand, manuscript writing process should begin before the completion of the study (even the during project stage). The justification of this approach is to see the missing aspects of the study and the manuscript writing methodology, and try to solve the relevant problems before completion of the study. Generally, after completion of the study, it is very difficult to solve the problems which might be discerned during the writing process. Herein, at least drafts of the ‘Introduction’, and ‘Material and Methods’ can be written, and even tables containing numerical data can be constructed. These tables can be written down in the ‘Results’ section. [ 1 ]

2. How should the manuscript be written?

The most important principle to be remembered on this issue is to obey the criteria of simplicity, clarity, and effectiveness. [ 2 ] Herein, do not forget that, the objective should be to share our findings with the readers in an easily comprehensible format. Our approach on this subject is to write all structured parts of the manuscript at the same time, and start writing the manuscript while reading the first literature. Thus newly arisen connotations, and self-brain gyms will be promptly written down. However during this process your outcomes should be revealed fully, and roughly the message of the manuscript which be delivered. Thus with this so-called ‘hunter’s approach’ the target can be achieved directly, and rapidly. Another approach is ‘collectioner’s approach. [ 3 ] In this approach, firstly, potential data, and literature studies are gathered, read, and then selected ones are used. Since this approach suits with surgical point of view, probably ‘hunter’s approach’ serves our purposes more appropriately. However, in parallel with academic development, our novice colleague ‘manuscripters’ can prefer ‘collectioner’s approach.’

On the other hand, we think that research team consisting of different age groups has some advantages. Indeed young colleagues have the enthusiasm, and energy required for the conduction of the study, while middle-aged researchers have the knowledge to manage the research, and manuscript writing. Experienced researchers make guiding contributions to the manuscript. However working together in harmony requires assignment of a chief researcher, and periodically organizing advancement meetings. Besides, talents, skills, and experiences of the researchers in different fields (ie. research methods, contact with patients, preparation of a project, fund-raising, statistical analysis etc.) will determine task sharing, and make a favourable contribution to the perfection of the manuscript. Achievement of the shared duties within a predetermined time frame will sustain the motivation of the researchers, and prevent wearing out of updated data.

According to our point of view, ‘Abstract’ section of the manuscript should be written after completion of the manuscript. The reason for this is that during writing process of the main text, the significant study outcomes might become insignificant or vice versa. However, generally, before onset of the writing process of the manuscript, its abstract might be already presented in various congresses. During writing process, this abstract might be a useful guide which prevents deviation from the main objective of the manuscript.

On the other hand references should be promptly put in place while writing the manuscript, Sorting, and placement of the references should not be left to the last moment. Indeed, it might be very difficult to remember relevant references to be placed in the ‘Discussion’ section. For the placement of references use of software programs detailed in other sections is a rational approach.

3. Which target journal should be selected?

In essence, the methodology to be followed in writing the ‘Discussion’ section is directly related to the selection of the target journal. Indeed, in compliance with the writing rules of the target journal, limitations made on the number of words after onset of the writing process, effects mostly the ‘Discussion’ section. Proper matching of the manuscript with the appropriate journal requires clear, and complete comprehension of the available data from scientific point of view. Previously, similar articles might have been published, however innovative messages, and new perspectives on the relevant subject will facilitate acceptance of the article for publication. Nowadays, articles questioning available information, rather than confirmatory ones attract attention. However during this process, classical information should not be questioned except for special circumstances. For example manuscripts which lead to the conclusions as “laparoscopic surgery is more painful than open surgery” or “laparoscopic surgery can be performed without prior training” will not be accepted or they will be returned by the editor of the target journal to the authors with the request of critical review. Besides the target journal to be selected should be ready to accept articles with similar concept. In fact editors of the journal will not reserve the limited space in their journal for articles yielding similar conclusions.

The title of the manuscript is as important as the structured sections * of the manuscript. The title can be the most striking or the newest outcome among results obtained.

Before writing down the manuscript, determination of 2–3 titles increases the motivation of the authors towards the manuscript. During writing process of the manuscript one of these can be selected based on the intensity of the discussion. However the suitability of the title to the agenda of the target journal should be investigated beforehand. For example an article bearing the title “Use of barbed sutures in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy shortens warm ischemia time” should not be sent to “Original Investigations and Seminars in Urologic Oncology” Indeed the topic of the manuscript is out of the agenda of this journal.

4. Do we have to get a pre-peer review about the written manuscript?

Before submission of the manuscript to the target journal the opinions of internal, and external referees should be taken. [ 1 ] Internal referees can be considered in 2 categories as “General internal referees” and “expert internal referees” General internal referees (ie. our colleagues from other medical disciplines) are not directly concerned with your subject matter but as mentioned above they critically review the manuscript as for simplicity, clarity, and effectiveness of its writing style. Expert internal reviewers have a profound knowledge about the subject, and they can provide guidance about the writing process of the manuscript (ie. our senior colleagues more experienced than us). External referees are our colleagues who did not contribute to data collection of our study in any way, but we can request their opinions about the subject matter of the manuscript. Since they are unrelated both to the author(s), and subject matter of the manuscript, these referees can review our manuscript more objectively. Before sending the manuscript to internal, and external referees, we should contact with them, and ask them if they have time to review our manuscript. We should also give information about our subject matter. Otherwise pre-peer review process can delay publication of the manuscript, and decrease motivation of the authors. In conclusion, whoever the preferred referee will be, these internal, and external referees should respond the following questions objectively. 1) Does the manuscript contribute to the literature?; 2) Does it persuasive? 3) Is it suitable for the publication in the selected journal? 4) Has a simple, clear, and effective language been used throughout the manuscript? In line with the opinions of the referees, the manuscript can be critically reviewed, and perfected. [ 1 ]**

Following receival of the opinions of internal, and external referees, one should concentrate priorly on indicated problems, and their solutions. Comments coming from the reviewers should be criticized, but a defensive attitude should not be assumed during this evaluation process. During this “incubation” period where the comments of the internal, and external referees are awaited, literature should be reviewed once more. Indeed during this time interval a new article which you should consider in the ‘Discussion’ section can be cited in the literature.

5. What are the common mistakes made related to the writing process of a manuscript?

Probably the most important mistakes made related to the writing process of a manuscript include lack of a clear message of the manuscript , inclusion of more than one main idea in the same text or provision of numerous unrelated results at the same time so as to reinforce the assertions of the manuscript. This approach can be termed roughly as “loss of the focus of the study” In conclusion, the author(s) should ask themselves the following question at every stage of the writing process:. “What is the objective of the study? If you always get clear-cut answers whenever you ask this question, then the study is proceeding towards the right direction. Besides application of a template which contains the intended clear-cut messages to be followed will contribute to the communication of net messages.

One of the important mistakes is refraining from critical review of the manuscript as a whole after completion of the writing process. Therefore, the authors should go over the manuscript for at least three times after finalization of the manuscript based on joint decision. The first control should concentrate on the evaluation of the appropriateness of the logic of the manuscript, and its organization, and whether desired messages have been delivered or not. Secondly, syutax, and grammar of the manuscript should be controlled. It is appropriate to review the manuscript for the third time 1 or 2 weeks after completion of its writing process. Thus, evaluation of the “cooled” manuscript will be made from a more objective perspective, and assessment process of its integrity will be facilitated.

Other erroneous issues consist of superfluousness of the manuscript with unnecessary repetitions, undue, and recurrent references to the problems adressed in the manuscript or their solution methods, overcriticizing or overpraising other studies, and use of a pompous literary language overlooking the main objective of sharing information. [ 4 ]

B) Approaches to the writing process of the ‘Discussion’ section:

1. how should the main points of ‘discussion’ section be constructed.

Generally the length of the ‘Discussion ‘ section should not exceed the sum of other sections (ıntroduction, material and methods, and results), and it should be completed within 6–7 paragraphs.. Each paragraph should not contain more than 200 words, and hence words should be counted repeteadly. The ‘Discussion’ section can be generally divided into 3 separate paragraphs as. 1) Introductory paragraph, 2) Intermediate paragraphs, 3) Concluding paragraph.

The introductory paragraph contains the main idea of performing the study in question. Without repeating ‘Introduction’ section of the manuscript, the problem to be addressed, and its updateness are analysed. The introductory paragraph starts with an undebatable sentence, and proceeds with a part addressing the following questions as 1) On what issue we have to concentrate, discuss or elaborate? 2) What solutions can be recommended to solve this problem? 3) What will be the new, different, and innovative issue? 4) How will our study contribute to the solution of this problem An introductory paragraph in this format is helpful to accomodate reader to the rest of the Discussion section. However summarizing the basic findings of the experimental studies in the first paragraph is generally recommended by the editors of the journal. [ 5 ]

In the last paragraph of the Discussion section “strong points” of the study should be mentioned using “constrained”, and “not too strongly assertive” statements. Indicating limitations of the study will reflect objectivity of the authors, and provide answers to the questions which will be directed by the reviewers of the journal. On the other hand in the last paragraph, future directions or potential clinical applications may be emphasized.

2. How should the intermediate paragraphs of the Discussion section be formulated?

The reader passes through a test of boredom while reading paragraphs of the Discussion section apart from the introductory, and the last paragraphs. Herein your findings rather than those of the other researchers are discussed. The previous studies can be an explanation or reinforcement of your findings. Each paragraph should contain opinions in favour or against the topic discussed, critical evaluations, and learning points.

Our management approach for intermediate paragraphs is “divide and conquer” tactics. Accordingly, the findings of the study are determined in order of their importance, and a paragraph is constructed for each finding ( Figure 1 ). Each paragraph begins with an “indisputable” introductory sentence about the topic to be discussed. This sentence basically can be the answer to the question “What have we found?” Then a sentence associated with the subject matter to be discussed is written. Subsequently, in the light of the current literature this finding is discussed, new ideas on this subject are revealed, and the paragraph ends with a concluding remark.

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Object name is TJU-39-Supp-20-g01.jpg

Divide and Conquer tactics

In this paragraph, main topic should be emphasized without going into much detail. Its place, and importance among other studies should be indicated. However during this procedure studies should be presented in a logical sequence (ie. from past to present, from a few to many cases), and aspects of the study contradictory to other studies should be underlined. Results without any supportive evidence or equivocal results should not be written. Besides numerical values presented in the Results section should not be repeated unless required.

Besides, asking the following questions, and searching their answers in the same paragraph will facilitate writing process of the paragraph. [ 1 ] 1) Can the discussed result be false or inadequate? 2) Why is it false? (inadequate blinding, protocol contamination, lost to follow-up, lower statistical power of the study etc.), 3) What meaning does this outcome convey?

3. What are the common mistakes made in writing the Discussion section?:

Probably the most important mistake made while writing the Discussion section is the need for mentioning all literature references. One point to remember is that we are not writing a review article, and only the results related to this paragraph should be discussed. Meanwhile, each word of the paragraphs should be counted, and placed carefully. Each word whose removal will not change the meaning should be taken out from the text.” Writing a saga with “word salads” *** is one of the reasons for prompt rejection. Indeed, if the reviewer thinks that it is difficult to correct the Discussion section, he/she use her/ his vote in the direction of rejection to save time (Uniform requirements for manuscripts: International Comittee of Medical Journal Editors [ http://www.icmje.org/urm_full.pdf ])

The other important mistake is to give too much references, and irrelevancy between the references, and the section with these cited references. [ 3 ] While referring these studies, (excl. introductory sentences linking indisputable sentences or paragraphs) original articles should be cited. Abstracts should not be referred, and review articles should not be cited unless required very much.

4. What points should be paid attention about writing rules, and grammar?

As is the case with the whole article, text of the Discussion section should be written with a simple language, as if we are talking with our colleague. [ 2 ] Each sentence should indicate a single point, and it should not exceed 25–30 words. The priorly mentioned information which linked the previous sentence should be placed at the beginning of the sentence, while the new information should be located at the end of the sentence. During construction of the sentences, avoid unnecessary words, and active voice rather than passive voice should be used.**** Since conventionally passive voice is used in the scientific manuscripts written in the Turkish language, the above statement contradicts our writing habits. However, one should not refrain from beginning the sentences with the word “we”. Indeed, editors of the journal recommend use of active voice so as to increase the intelligibility of the manuscript.

In conclusion, the major point to remember is that the manuscript should be written complying with principles of simplicity, clarity, and effectiveness. In the light of these principles, as is the case in our daily practice, all components of the manuscript (IMRAD) can be written concurrently. In the ‘Discussion’ section ‘divide and conquer’ tactics remarkably facilitates writing process of the discussion. On the other hand, relevant or irrelevant feedbacks received from our colleagues can contribute to the perfection of the manuscript. Do not forget that none of the manuscripts is perfect, and one should not refrain from writing because of language problems, and related lack of experience.

Instead of structured sections of a manuscript (IMRAD): Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, and Discussion

Instead of in the Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine posters to be submitted in congresses are time to time discussed in Wednesday meetings, and opinions of the internal referees are obtained about the weak, and strong points of the study

Instead of a writing style which uses words or sentences with a weak logical meaning that do not lead the reader to any conclusion

Instead of “white color”; “proven”; nstead of “history”; “to”. should be used instead of “white in color”, “definitely proven”, “past history”, and “in order to”, respectively ( ref. 2 )

Instead of “No instances of either postoperative death or major complications occurred during the early post-operative period” use “There were no deaths or major complications occurred during the early post-operative period.

Instead of “Measurements were performed to evaluate the levels of CEA in the serum” use “We measured serum CEA levels”

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Organizing Academic Research Papers: 8. The Discussion

  • Purpose of Guide
  • Design Flaws to Avoid
  • Glossary of Research Terms
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea
  • Broadening a Topic Idea
  • Extending the Timeliness of a Topic Idea
  • Academic Writing Style
  • Choosing a Title
  • Making an Outline
  • Paragraph Development
  • Executive Summary
  • Background Information
  • The Research Problem/Question
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Citation Tracking
  • Content Alert Services
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Primary Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Tertiary Sources
  • What Is Scholarly vs. Popular?
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Using Non-Textual Elements
  • Limitations of the Study
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  • Writing a Research Proposal
  • Acknowledgements

The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in light of what was already known about the research problem being investigated, and to explain any new understanding or fresh insights about the problem after you've taken the findings into consideration. The discussion will always connect to the introduction by way of the research questions or hypotheses you posed and the literature you reviewed, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the introduction; the discussion should always explain how your study has moved the reader's understanding of the research problem forward from where you left them at the end of the introduction.

Importance of a Good Discussion

This section is often considered the most important part of a research paper because it most effectively demonstrates your ability as a researcher to think critically about an issue, to develop creative solutions to problems based on the findings, and to formulate a deeper, more profound understanding of the research problem you are studying.

The discussion section is where you explore the underlying meaning of your research , its possible implications in other areas of study, and the possible improvements that can be made in order to further develop the concerns of your research.

This is the section where you need to present the importance of your study and how it may be able to contribute to and/or fill existing gaps in the field. If appropriate, the discussion section is also where you state how the findings from your study revealed new gaps in the literature that had not been previously exposed or adequately described.

This part of the paper is not strictly governed by objective reporting of information but, rather, it is where you can engage in creative thinking about issues through evidence-based interpretation of findings. This is where you infuse your results with meaning.

Kretchmer, Paul. Fourteen Steps to Writing to Writing an Effective Discussion Section . San Francisco Edit, 2003-2008.

Structure and Writing Style

I.  General Rules

These are the general rules you should adopt when composing your discussion of the results :

  • Do not be verbose or repetitive.
  • Be concise and make your points clearly.
  • Avoid using jargon.
  • Follow a logical stream of thought.
  • Use the present verb tense, especially for established facts; however, refer to specific works and references in the past tense.
  • If needed, use subheadings to help organize your presentation or to group your interpretations into themes.

II.  The Content

The content of the discussion section of your paper most often includes :

  • Explanation of results : comment on whether or not the results were expected and present explanations for the results; go into greater depth when explaining findings that were unexpected or especially profound. If appropriate, note any unusual or unanticipated patterns or trends that emerged from your results and explain their meaning.
  • References to previous research : compare your results with the findings from other studies, or use the studies to support a claim. This can include re-visiting key sources already cited in your literature review section, or, save them to cite later in the discussion section if they are more important to compare with your results than being part of the general research you cited to provide context and background information.
  • Deduction : a claim for how the results can be applied more generally. For example, describing lessons learned, proposing recommendations that can help improve a situation, or recommending best practices.
  • Hypothesis : a more general claim or possible conclusion arising from the results [which may be proved or disproved in subsequent research].

III. Organization and Structure

Keep the following sequential points in mind as you organize and write the discussion section of your paper:

  • Think of your discussion as an inverted pyramid. Organize the discussion from the general to the specific, linking your findings to the literature, then to theory, then to practice [if appropriate].
  • Use the same key terms, mode of narration, and verb tense [present] that you used when when describing the research problem in the introduction.
  • Begin by briefly re-stating the research problem you were investigating and answer all of the research questions underpinning the problem that you posed in the introduction.
  • Describe the patterns, principles, and relationships shown by each major findings and place them in proper perspective. The sequencing of providing this information is important; first state the answer, then the relevant results, then cite the work of others. If appropriate, refer the reader to a figure or table to help enhance the interpretation of the data. The order of interpreting each major finding should be in the same order as they were described in your results section.
  • A good discussion section includes analysis of any unexpected findings. This paragraph should begin with a description of the unexpected finding, followed by a brief interpretation as to why you believe it appeared and, if necessary, its possible significance in relation to the overall study. If more than one unexpected finding emerged during the study, describe each them in the order they appeared as you gathered the data.
  • Before concluding the discussion, identify potential limitations and weaknesses. Comment on their relative importance in relation to your overall interpretation of the results and, if necessary, note how they may affect the validity of the findings. Avoid using an apologetic tone; however, be honest and self-critical.
  • The discussion section should end with a concise summary of the principal implications of the findings regardless of statistical significance. Give a brief explanation about why you believe the findings and conclusions of your study are important and how they support broader knowledge or understanding of the research problem. This can be followed by any recommendations for further research. However, do not offer recommendations which could have been easily addressed within the study. This demonstrates to the reader you have inadequately examined and interpreted the data.

IV.  Overall Objectives

The objectives of your discussion section should include the following: I.  Reiterate the Research Problem/State the Major Findings

Briefly reiterate for your readers the research problem or problems you are investigating and the methods you used to investigate them, then move quickly to describe the major findings of the study. You should write a direct, declarative, and succinct proclamation of the study results.

II.  Explain the Meaning of the Findings and Why They are Important

No one has thought as long and hard about your study as you have. Systematically explain the meaning of the findings and why you believe they are important. After reading the discussion section, you want the reader to think about the results [“why hadn’t I thought of that?”]. You don’t want to force the reader to go through the paper multiple times to figure out what it all means. Begin this part of the section by repeating what you consider to be your most important finding first.

III.  Relate the Findings to Similar Studies

No study is so novel or possesses such a restricted focus that it has absolutely no relation to other previously published research. The discussion section should relate your study findings to those of other studies, particularly if questions raised by previous studies served as the motivation for your study, the findings of other studies support your findings [which strengthens the importance of your study results], and/or they point out how your study differs from other similar studies. IV.  Consider Alternative Explanations of the Findings

It is important to remember that the purpose of research is to discover and not to prove . When writing the discussion section, you should carefully consider all possible explanations for the study results, rather than just those that fit your prior assumptions or biases.

V.  Acknowledge the Study’s Limitations

It is far better for you to identify and acknowledge your study’s limitations than to have them pointed out by your professor! Describe the generalizability of your results to other situations, if applicable to the method chosen, then describe in detail problems you encountered in the method(s) you used to gather information. Note any unanswered questions or issues your study did not address, and.... VI.  Make Suggestions for Further Research

Although your study may offer important insights about the research problem, other questions related to the problem likely remain unanswered. Moreover, some unanswered questions may have become more focused because of your study. You should make suggestions for further research in the discussion section.

NOTE: Besides the literature review section, the preponderance of references to sources in your research paper are usually found in the discussion section . A few historical references may be helpful for perspective but most of the references should be relatively recent and included to aid in the interpretation of your results and/or linked to similar studies. If a study that you cited disagrees with your findings, don't ignore it--clearly explain why the study's findings differ from yours.

V.  Problems to Avoid

  • Do not waste entire sentences restating your results . Should you need to remind the reader of the finding to be discussed, use "bridge sentences" that relate the result to the interpretation. An example would be: “The lack of available housing to single women with children in rural areas of Texas suggests that...[then move to the interpretation of this finding].”
  • Recommendations for further research can be included in either the discussion or conclusion of your paper but do not repeat your recommendations in the both sections.
  • Do not introduce new results in the discussion. Be wary of mistaking the reiteration of a specific finding for an interpretation.
  • Use of the first person is acceptable, but too much use of the first person may actually distract the reader from the main points.

Analyzing vs. Summarizing. Department of English Writing Guide. George Mason University; Discussion . The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper. Department of Biology. Bates College; Hess, Dean R. How to Write an Effective Discussion. Respiratory Care 49 (October 2004); Kretchmer, Paul. Fourteen Steps to Writing to Writing an Effective Discussion Section . San Francisco Edit, 2003-2008; The Lab Report . University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Summary: Using it Wisely . The Writing Center. University of North Carolina; Schafer, Mickey S. Writing the Discussion . Writing in Psychology course syllabus. University of Florida; Yellin, Linda L. A Sociology Writer's Guide. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2009.

Writing Tip

Don’t Overinterpret the Results!

Interpretation is a subjective exercise. Therefore, be careful that you do not read more into the findings than can be supported by the evidence you've gathered. Remember that the data are the data: nothing more, nothing less.

Another Writing Tip

Don't Write Two Results Sections!

One of the most common mistakes that you can make when discussing the results of your study is to present a superficial interpretation of the findings that more or less re-states the results section of your paper. Obviously, you must refer to your results when discussing them, but focus on the interpretion of those results, not just the data itself.

Azar, Beth. Discussing Your Findings.  American Psychological Association gradPSYCH Magazine (January 2006)

Yet Another Writing Tip

Avoid Unwarranted Speculation!

The discussion section should remain focused on the findings of your study. For example, if you studied the impact of foreign aid on increasing levels of education among the poor in Bangladesh, it's generally not appropriate to speculate about how your findings might apply to populations in other countries without drawing from existing studies to support your claim. If you feel compelled to speculate, be certain that you clearly identify your comments as speculation or as a suggestion for where further research is needed. Sometimes your professor will encourage you to expand the discussion in this way, while others don’t care what your opinion is beyond your efforts to interpret the data.

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6 Steps to Write an Excellent Discussion in Your Manuscript

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Table of Contents

The discussion section in scientific manuscripts might be the last few paragraphs, but its role goes far beyond wrapping up. It’s the part of an article where scientists talk about what they found and what it means, where raw data turns into meaningful insights. Therefore, discussion is a vital component of the article.  

An excellent discussion is well-organized. We bring to you authors a classic 6-step method for writing discussion sections, with examples to illustrate the functions and specific writing logic of each step. Take a look at how you can impress journal reviewers with a concise and focused discussion section!  

Discussion frame structure   

Conventionally, a discussion section has three parts: an introductory paragraph, a few intermediate paragraphs, and a conclusion¹.  Please follow the steps below:  

Steps to Write an Excellent Discussion in Your Manuscript

1.Introduction—mention gaps in previous research¹⁻ ²

Here, you orient the reader to your study. In the first paragraph, it is advisable to mention the research gap your paper addresses.  

Example: This study investigated the cognitive effects of a meat-only diet on adults. While earlier studies have explored the impact of a carnivorous diet on physical attributes and agility, they have not explicitly addressed its influence on cognitively intense tasks involving memory and reasoning.  

2. Summarizing key findings—let your data speak ¹⁻ ²

After you have laid out the context for your study, recapitulate some of its key findings. Also, highlight key data and evidence supporting these findings.  

Example: We found that risk-taking behavior among teenagers correlates with their tendency to invest in cryptocurrencies. Risk takers in this study, as measured by the Cambridge Gambling Task, tended to have an inordinately higher proportion of their savings invested as crypto coins.  

3. Interpreting results—compare with other papers¹⁻²    

Here, you must analyze and interpret any results concerning the research question or hypothesis. How do the key findings of your study help verify or disprove the hypothesis? What practical relevance does your discovery have?  

Example: Our study suggests that higher daily caffeine intake is not associated with poor performance in major sporting events. Athletes may benefit from the cardiovascular benefits of daily caffeine intake without adversely impacting performance.    

Remember, unlike the results section, the discussion ideally focuses on locating your findings in the larger body of existing research. Hence, compare your results with those of other peer-reviewed papers.  

Example: Although Miller et al. (2020) found evidence of such political bias in a multicultural population, our findings suggest that the bias is weak or virtually non-existent among politically active citizens.  

4. Addressing limitations—their potential impact on the results¹⁻²    

Discuss the potential impact of limitations on the results. Most studies have limitations, and it is crucial to acknowledge them in the intermediary paragraphs of the discussion section. Limitations may include low sample size, suspected interference or noise in data, low effect size, etc.  

Example: This study explored a comprehensive list of adverse effects associated with the novel drug ‘X’. However, long-term studies may be needed to confirm its safety, especially regarding major cardiac events.  

5. Implications for future research—how to explore further¹⁻²    

Locate areas of your research where more investigation is needed. Concluding paragraphs of the discussion can explain what research will likely confirm your results or identify knowledge gaps your study left unaddressed.  

Example: Our study demonstrates that roads paved with the plastic-infused compound ‘Y’ are more resilient than asphalt. Future studies may explore economically feasible ways of producing compound Y in bulk.  

6. Conclusion—summarize content¹⁻²    

A good way to wind up the discussion section is by revisiting the research question mentioned in your introduction. Sign off by expressing the main findings of your study.  

Example: Recent observations suggest that the fish ‘Z’ is moving upriver in many parts of the Amazon basin. Our findings provide conclusive evidence that this phenomenon is associated with rising sea levels and climate change, not due to elevated numbers of invasive predators.  

A rigorous and concise discussion section is one of the keys to achieving an excellent paper. It serves as a critical platform for researchers to interpret and connect their findings with the broader scientific context. By detailing the results, carefully comparing them with existing research, and explaining the limitations of this study, you can effectively help reviewers and readers understand the entire research article more comprehensively and deeply¹⁻² , thereby helping your manuscript to be successfully published and gain wider dissemination.  

In addition to keeping this writing guide, you can also use Elsevier Language Services to improve the quality of your paper more deeply and comprehensively. We have a professional editing team covering multiple disciplines. With our profound disciplinary background and rich polishing experience, we can significantly optimize all paper modules including the discussion, effectively improve the fluency and rigor of your articles, and make your scientific research results consistent, with its value reflected more clearly. We are always committed to ensuring the quality of papers according to the standards of top journals, improving the publishing efficiency of scientific researchers, and helping you on the road to academic success. Check us out here !  

Type in wordcount for Standard Total: USD EUR JPY Follow this link if your manuscript is longer than 12,000 words. Upload  


  • Masic, I. (2018). How to write an efficient discussion? Medical Archives , 72(3), 306. https://doi.org/10.5455/medarh.2018.72.306-307  
  • Şanlı, Ö., Erdem, S., & Tefik, T. (2014). How to write a discussion section? Urology Research & Practice , 39(1), 20–24. https://doi.org/10.5152/tud.2013.049  

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General Research Paper Guidelines: Discussion

Discussion section.

The overall purpose of a research paper’s discussion section is to evaluate and interpret results, while explaining both the implications and limitations of your findings. Per APA (2020) guidelines, this section requires you to “examine, interpret, and qualify the results and draw inferences and conclusions from them” (p. 89). Discussion sections also require you to detail any new insights, think through areas for future research, highlight the work that still needs to be done to further your topic, and provide a clear conclusion to your research paper. In a good discussion section, you should do the following:

  • Clearly connect the discussion of your results to your introduction, including your central argument, thesis, or problem statement.
  • Provide readers with a critical thinking through of your results, answering the “so what?” question about each of your findings. In other words, why is this finding important?
  • Detail how your research findings might address critical gaps or problems in your field
  • Compare your results to similar studies’ findings
  • Provide the possibility of alternative interpretations, as your goal as a researcher is to “discover” and “examine” and not to “prove” or “disprove.” Instead of trying to fit your results into your hypothesis, critically engage with alternative interpretations to your results.

For more specific details on your Discussion section, be sure to review Sections 3.8 (pp. 89-90) and 3.16 (pp. 103-104) of your 7 th edition APA manual

*Box content adapted from:

University of Southern California (n.d.). Organizing your social sciences research paper: 8 the discussion . https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/discussion


Limitations of generalizability or utility of findings, often over which the researcher has no control, should be detailed in your Discussion section. Including limitations for your reader allows you to demonstrate you have thought critically about your given topic, understood relevant literature addressing your topic, and chosen the methodology most appropriate for your research. It also allows you an opportunity to suggest avenues for future research on your topic. An effective limitations section will include the following:

  • Detail (a) sources of potential bias, (b) possible imprecision of measures, (c) other limitations or weaknesses of the study, including any methodological or researcher limitations.
  • Sample size: In quantitative research, if a sample size is too small, it is more difficult to generalize results.
  • Lack of available/reliable data : In some cases, data might not be available or reliable, which will ultimately affect the overall scope of your research. Use this as an opportunity to explain areas for future study.
  • Lack of prior research on your study topic: In some cases, you might find that there is very little or no similar research on your study topic, which hinders the credibility and scope of your own research. If this is the case, use this limitation as an opportunity to call for future research. However, make sure you have done a thorough search of the available literature before making this claim.
  • Flaws in measurement of data: Hindsight is 20/20, and you might realize after you have completed your research that the data tool you used actually limited the scope or results of your study in some way. Again, acknowledge the weakness and use it as an opportunity to highlight areas for future study.
  • Limits of self-reported data: In your research, you are assuming that any participants will be honest and forthcoming with responses or information they provide to you. Simply acknowledging this assumption as a possible limitation is important in your research.
  • Access: Most research requires that you have access to people, documents, organizations, etc.. However, for various reasons, access is sometimes limited or denied altogether. If this is the case, you will want to acknowledge access as a limitation to your research.
  • Time: Choosing a research focus that is narrow enough in scope to finish in a given time period is important. If such limitations of time prevent you from certain forms of research, access, or study designs, acknowledging this time restraint is important. Acknowledging such limitations is important, as they can point other researchers to areas that require future study.
  • Potential Bias: All researchers have some biases, so when reading and revising your draft, pay special attention to the possibilities for bias in your own work. Such bias could be in the form you organized people, places, participants, or events. They might also exist in the method you selected or the interpretation of your results. Acknowledging such bias is an important part of the research process.
  • Language Fluency: On occasion, researchers or research participants might have language fluency issues, which could potentially hinder results or how effectively you interpret results. If this is an issue in your research, make sure to acknowledge it in your limitations section.

University of Southern California (n.d.). Organizing your social sciences research paper: Limitations of the study . https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/limitations

In many research papers, the conclusion, like the limitations section, is folded into the larger discussion section. If you are unsure whether to include the conclusion as part of your discussion or as a separate section, be sure to defer to the assignment instructions or ask your instructor.

The conclusion is important, as it is specifically designed to highlight your research’s larger importance outside of the specific results of your study. Your conclusion section allows you to reiterate the main findings of your study, highlight their importance, and point out areas for future research. Based on the scope of your paper, your conclusion could be anywhere from one to three paragraphs long. An effective conclusion section should include the following:

  • Describe the possibilities for continued research on your topic, including what might be improved, adapted, or added to ensure useful and informed future research.
  • Provide a detailed account of the importance of your findings
  • Reiterate why your problem is important, detail how your interpretation of results impacts the subfield of study, and what larger issues both within and outside of your field might be affected from such results

University of Southern California (n.d.). Organizing your social sciences research paper: 9. the conclusion . https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/conclusion

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Writing a discussion section

In the discussion section, you will draw connections between your findings, existing theory and other research. You will have an opportunity to tell the story arising from your findings. 

This page will help you to: 

understand the purpose of the discussion section 

follow the steps required to plan your discussion section 

structure your discussion  

enhance the depth of your discussion 

use appropriate language to discuss your findings.  

Introduction to the discussion section

When you have reached this stage, you might be thinking “All I have to do now is to sum up what I have done, and then make a few remarks about what I did” (as cited in Swales & Feak, 2012, p.263). However, writing a discussion section is not that simple. Read on to learn more.

reflection icon

  Before you continue, reflect on your earlier writing experiences and the feedback you have received. How would you rate your ability in the following skills? Rate your ability from ‘good’ to ‘needs development’. 

Reflect on your answers. Congratulations if you feel confident about your skills. You may find it helpful to review the materials on this page to confirm your knowledge and possibly learn more. Don't worry if you don't feel confident. Work through these materials to build your skills. 

A discussion critically analyses and interprets the results of a scientific study, placing the results in the context of published literature and explaining how they affect the field . 

In this section, you will relate the specific findings of your research to the wider scientific field. This is the opposite of the introduction section, which starts with the broader context and narrows to focus on your specific research topic.  

The discussion will: 

review the findings  

put the findings into the context of the overall research  

tell readers why the research results are important and where they fit in with the current literature 

acknowledge the limitations of the study 

make recommendations for future research.

study skills task icon

Let's review your understanding of the discussion section by identifying what makes a strong discussion.

Planning for a discussion section

Planning for a discussion section starts with analysing your data. For some kinds of research, the analysis cannot be done until your data has been collected. For others, analysing data can happen early as the data already exists in literary texts, archival documents or similar.  

Before starting to write the discussion section, it is important to:  

analyse your data (usually reported in the Results or Findings section) 

select the key issues that are the substance of your research  

relate the findings to the literature and 

plan for the process of going from your specific findings to the broader scientific field.  

Your analysis of the results will inform the Findings or Results section of your thesis or publication. It is the stage where you organise and visualise your data, and identify trends, patterns and causal relationships in the themes.

As the section discusses the key findings without restating the results, it is important to identify the key issues. For example, you should focus on four or five issues that agree or do not agree with your hypothesis or with previously published work. It is also important to include and discuss any unexpected results.

You refer to previous research in your discussion section for explaining your results, confirming how your results support the theories and previous studies, comparing your results with similar studies, or showing how your results contradict similar studies. 

Therefore, papers that you are likely to refer to in your discussion are those that led to: 

your hypothesis  

your experimental design 

your results.

In writing the discussion section, you will start with your research and then broaden your focus to the field or scientific community. This means you will go from narrowest (your specific findings) to broadest (the wider scientific community). You do this by following the six moves: 

Narrowest      Summarising key results   Critically analysing the key results (significance, trends, relationships)  Relating results to the field (relating to previous work)   Relating results to gaps in the field   Speculating about how the field has changed.   Making recommendations for future research.      Broadest

As you can see, your discussion may follow six moves (stages) which broadens the scope of your discussion section. Watch this video to learn how to apply these moves.

how to structure a discussion in a research paper

Structuring your discussion

This section reviews how a discussion section can be organised.

A discussion section usually includes five parts or steps, which are illustrated in the image below. 

In some disciplines, the researcher's argument determines the structure of the presentation and discussion of findings. In other disciplines, the structure follows established conventions. Therefore, it is important for you to investigate the conventions of your own discipline, by looking at theses in your discipline and articles published in your target journals. The discussion section may be: 

in a combined section called Results and Discussion 

in a combined section called Discussion and Conclusion 

in a separate section. 

Your discussion section may be an independent chapter or it might be combined with the Findings chapter. Common chapter headings include:  

Discussion chapter 

Findings and Discussion chapter  

Discussion, Recommendations and Conclusion chapter

Discussion and Conclusion chapter 

It is important to have a good understanding of the expected content of each chapter.  Below is an example of a chapter in which discussion, recommendations and conclusion are combined.

Click on the hotspots to learn more.

This section focuses on useful language for writing your discussion.

Boosters and hedges should be used to demonstrate your confidence in your interpretation of the results. They help you to distinguish between clear and strong results and those that you feel less confident about or that may be open to different interpretations.

 Boosters       Boosters are used to express certainty and confidence.  Hedges       Hedges are used to express possibility and demonstrate a cautious approach to the literature being reviewed.       Maybe   Perhaps   Likely   Possibly   Seems   Appears   To some extent   Some   Somewhat   Suggest       Example:           Clearly   Obviously   Evidently   Undoubtedly   Importantly   Differently           Example:       It is evident that…   The findings clearly demonstrate that…   There is strong evidence…

 Read both sentences. Which one shows more confidence in the results? 

The Dutch supervisors reported using different types of questions more frequently and deliberately than the Chinese supervisors. This difference may have its roots in the underlying educational philosophies. (Adapted from Hu, Rijst, Veen, & Verloop, 2016)  

The findings clearly demonstrate that psychological capital had considerable influence on the 10 employability skills included in the study, and especially on those related to teamwork, self-knowledge and self-management (Adapted from Harper, Bregta & Rundle, 2021) 

The writers of sentence two are more confident in the interpretation of their results.  

Test your knowledge of hedges and boosters by doing the task below. 

It is important to make it clear in your discussion: 

which research has been done by you 

which research has been done by other people 

how they complement each other.

Image 2: Note that present perfect is also used to refer to other studies when you want to emphasise that an area of research is still current and ongoing. Take a look at the example below which uses present perfect to refer to other studies 

Like other studies (e.g., Larcombe et al., 2021; Naylor, 2020) that have shown a strong connection between course experience and wellbeing, our study shows that a significant portion of international students believe that aspects of their immediate environment could be improved to better support their wellbeing.  

More information on tenses in the Discussion section is presented in Language Tip 4 below.  

Below are some useful discussion phrases that were adapted from Paltridge & Starfield (2020) and the APA Discussion phrases guide (7th edition).

You can download this APA discussion phrase guide here and visit the Academic Phrasebank for further phrases and examples. 

Let's look at these extracts and identify the functions of the paragraphs.  

Past, present and present perfect tenses are commonly used in the discussion section.  

  • Past tense is used to summarise the key findings and to refer to the work of previous researchers  
  • Present perfect is used to refer to the work of previous researchers (usually an area of research that is current and on-going rather than one single study) 
  • Present tense is used to interpret the results or describe the significance of the findings  
  • Future  is used to make recommendations for further research or providing future direction 

Below is an example of some paragraphs in a discussion section in which different tenses are used.

The main objective of this article was to examine the role played by psychological capital and employability skills in explaining how final-year students in Business Administration and Management perceived their own employability. The results of our research supported the findings of previous studies (Cooper et al., 2004; Youssef & Luthans, 2007) which showed that psychological capital was an antecedent variable of employability skills. More specifically, our study showed that psychological capital had cons

Test your knowledge of using the right tenses in the discussion section by doing the task below. 

Use this template to plan your discussion.  

The template is an example of a planning tool that will help you develop an overview of the key content that you are going to include in your section. You can download the draft and save it as a Word document once you have finished. 

You may have more or less than 3 key findings that you would like to discuss in your section.  

If you would like more support, visit the Language and Learning Advisors page. 

Butler, K. (2020, 7 April). Breakdown of an ideal discussion of scientific research paper. Scientific Communications . https://butlerscicomm.com/breakdown-of-ideal-discussion-section-research-paper  

Calvo, J. C. A & García, G. M. (2021). The influence of psychological capital on graduates’ perception of employability: the mediating role of employability skills. Higher Education Research & Development , 40(2), 293-308, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1738350   

Cenamor, J. (2022) To teach or not to teach? Junior academics and the teaching-research relationship. Higher Education Research & Development , 41(5), 1417-1435. DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2021.1933395  

Harper, R.,  Bretag, T & Rundle, K. (2021) Detecting contract cheating: examining the role of assessment type. Higher Education Research & Development, 40(2), 263-278, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1724899   

Hu, Y., Rijst, R. M., Veen, K & N Verloop, N. (2016) The purposes and processes of master's thesis supervision: a comparison of Chinese and Dutch supervisors. Higher Education Research & Development , 35(5), 910-924, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1139550  

Humphrey, P. (2015). English language proficiency in higher education: student conceptualisations and outcomes . [Doctoral dissertation, Griffith University]  

Marangell, S., & Baik, C. (2022). International students’ suggestions for what universities can do to better support their mental wellbeing. Journal of International Students, 12(4), 933-954.  

Merga, M., & Mason, S. (2021) Early career researchers’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of sharing research with academic and non-academic end-users, Higher Education Research & Development , 40(7), 1482-1496, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1815662  

Paltridge, B., & Starfield, S. (2019). Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language: A Handbook for Students and their Supervisors (2nd ed.). Routledge.  

Rendle-Short, J. (2009). The Address Term Mate in Australian English: Is it Still a Masculine Term?. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 29(2), 245-268, DOI: 10.1080/07268600902823110  

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  • A Research Guide
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How to Write a Discussion Section of a Research Paper

  • The purpose of the discussion section

Structure and Writing Style

  • Step-by-step writing guide
  • Tips for writing a discussion
  • Discussion section example

How to Write a Discussion Section of a Research Paper

The Purpose of the Discussion Section in a Research Paper

  • A summary of your work. Don’t rewrite the results section. Briefly summarize what you’ve explored, and remind readers about that.
  • Interpretation of your result. The following important part of the discussion section is to talk about what your results mean. What are the results of your research?
  • Your recommendations. Tell readers about what suggestions you give in connection with the results obtained. Perhaps locally to solve the problem or in general some preventive measures. But be careful! Do not give any speculative recommendations that are not supported by your research. Also, do not focus on what did not work out or where mistakes were made.
  • Be concise, and don’t repeat yourself. Express your thoughts clearly and consistently so the reader immediately understands what you are discussing. Do not repeat sections of your work or retell the same idea several times in different words.
  • Avoid using jargon or complex, obscure words. Everyone who reads your work should understand what you want to say without a dictionary or additional books.
  • Be bold and cite other authors and studies to support your conclusions and thoughts.
  • If your discussion section is too long, you can use subheadings to group ideas together so you don’t forget anything while writing.
  • Comment on your results , even if they were unexpected or random. Feel free to go into details.
  • You can add hypotheses or assumptions that will be explored in your following works. This way, you show the depth of the results and their significance.
  • You can start writing a discussion in scientific paper from general problems and perspectives on solving them to specific aspects. You can also offer some options for practical solutions to issues.
  • Remember to describe general patterns, principles, and relationships in the problem under study.
  • If you find some unexpected result, describe how you came to it and how it will affect the question.
  • At the end of the discussion section, you should state why the results are significant and how they affect broader research topics.

6 Steps to Write a Discussion in Research Paper

Step 1. write down the conclusions you want to make in the discussion section, step 2. start the discussion with the problem and results, step 3: formulate your interpretations of the research paper discussion, step 4. describe the consequences in the discussion section, step 5. talk about limitations in your discussion part, step 6. summarize and share recommendations in the discussion section, tips for writing a discussion section.

  • Once you have established the context, presenting a well-supported argument with relevant evidence and examples is essential. It means you should analyze the data collected during your research and use it to support your claims. Provide specific examples and use straightforward language to explain your findings.
  • Ensuring that your discussion is easy to follow and understand is crucial. Avoid using technical jargon, and break up complex ideas into smaller, more manageable chunks. It will help your readers stay engaged and easily follow your argument.
  • Visual aids such as graphs, charts, or tables can also be beneficial, allowing you to present data clearly and concisely. These visual aids can help to illustrate your points and make your argument more compelling.
  • Finally, engaging with your audience and creating a sense of dialogue throughout your writing is essential. It can be achieved by addressing counterarguments and inviting feedback and discussion from your readers. Doing so can create a more engaging and thought-provoking discussion section.

Example of Discussion in Research Paper

In the discussion section, we will delve deeper into the findings of our study and explore their implications. Our research showed a strong correlation between regular exercise and improved mental health. This finding is consistent with previous studies in the field and reinforces the importance of physical activity for overall well-being.

We also found that social support plays a significant role in promoting exercise adherence and mental health outcomes. Participants who reported having supportive friends and family members were more likely to exercise regularly and experience positive mental health outcomes.

However, our study had limitations that should be acknowledged. Firstly, our sample size was small, and we only recruited participants from one location. Future studies should aim to recruit a more extensive and more diverse sample. Secondly, our study relied on self-reported measures of exercise and mental health, which can be subject to bias.

Overall, our findings suggest that promoting regular exercise and social support can effectively improve mental health outcomes. Further research is needed to explore the mechanisms underlying these relationships and to identify specific interventions that can be implemented to promote exercise and social support.

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How to Write the Discussion?

  • Open Access
  • First Online: 24 October 2021

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  • Samiran Nundy 4 ,
  • Atul Kakar 5 &
  • Zulfiqar A. Bhutta 6  

32k Accesses

1 Citations

Many authors, and editors, think this is the most difficult part of a paper to write well and have described it variously to be the ‘narrating the story of your research’, ‘the movie or the main scientific script’ and the ‘proof of the pudding’. The idea of a discussion is to communicate to the readers the importance of your observations and the results of all your hard work. In this section, you are expected to infer their meaning and explain the importance of your results and finally provide specific suggestions for future research [1, 2]. The discussion places the outcome into a larger context and mentions the implications of the inferences for theoretical and practical purposes [3].

That then is the first draft and you should never think of having fewer than six drafts Stephen Lock, BMJ editor in chief (1929–…)

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1 what is the importance of the discussion.

Many authors, and editors, think this is the most difficult part of a paper to write well and have described it variously to be the ‘narrating the story of your research’, ‘the movie or the main scientific script’ and the ‘proof of the pudding’. The idea of a discussion is to communicate to the readers the importance of your observations and the results of all your hard work. In this section, you are expected to infer their meaning and explain the importance of your results and finally provide specific suggestions for future research [ 1 , 2 ]. The discussion places the outcome into a larger context and mentions the implications of the inferences for theoretical and practical purposes [ 3 ].

figure a

2 How Should I Structure the Discussion Section?

There are three major portions for the discussion of a manuscript.

The first paragraph should baldly state the key findings of your research. Use the same key concept you gave in the introduction. It is generally not necessary to repeat the citations which have already been used in the Introduction. According to the ‘serial position effect’, themes mentioned at the beginning and end of a paragraph are more likely to be remembered than those in the middle [ 1 ]. However, one should remember that the discussion should not look like a second introduction, and all the ancillary information which has been previously cited should not be repeated [ 4 ].

For example, in a paper on the ‘Role of sulfasalazine in the Chikungunya arthritis outbreak of 2016’, the review may start with, ‘Our key findings suggest that chikungunya arthralgia is a self-limiting disorder. Persistent arthritis was recorded in only 10% of the affected population and in those who received sulfasalazine, clinical improvement both in tender and swollen joints, was recorded in 95% of the subjects’.

The middle portion should consist of the body of the discussion. This section interprets the important results, discusses their implications and explains how your data is similar to or different from those that have been published previously.

Discuss in fair detail studies supporting your findings and group them together, against those offering a different perspective (e.g., Western experience, smaller numbers, non-randomized studies, etc.). An explanation should be offered on how your work is similar to others or how it is different from the others. This should be followed by a review of the core research papers. The results should now be divided thematically and analyzed. The discussion should also contain why the study is new, why it is true, and why it is important for future clinical practice [ 4 , 5 , 6 ].

For the above research mention the clinical features, patterns of joint involvement, how long arthritis persisted, and any role of disease-modifying agents. Have any other researchers found different findings under the same circumstances.

The final paragraph should include a ‘take home message’ (about one or two) and point to future directions for investigation that have resulted from this study.

The discussion can be concluded in two ways:

By again mentioning the response to the research question [ 5 , 7 ]

By indicating the significance of the study [ 2 , 4 ]

You can use both methods to end this section. Most importantly you should remember that the last paragraph of the discussion should be ‘strong, clear, and crisp’ and focus on the main research question addressed in the manuscript. This should be strengthened by the data which clearly states whether or not your findings support your initial hypothesis [ 1 , 5 , 8 , 9 , 10 ].

3 What Are the General Considerations for Writing a Discussion? [ 3 , 10 , 11 ]

Start the discussion with the ‘specific’ problems and move to the ‘general’ implications (Fig. 21.1 ).

The discussion should not look like a mass of unrelated information. Rather, it should be easy to understand and compare data from different studies.

Include only recent publications on the topic, preferably from the last 10 years.

Make certain that all the sources of information are cited and correctly referenced.

Check to make sure that you have not plagiarized by using words quoted directly from a source.

The written text written should be easily understood, crisp, and brief. Long descriptive and informal language should be avoided.

The sentences should flow smoothly and logically.

You need not refer to all the available literature in the field, discuss only the most relevant papers.

figure 1

How a discussion should look. First arrow—Mention your key results/findings; Second arrow—Discuss your results with their explanations\step by step; Third Arrow—Enumerate your studies limitations and strengths; Last arrow—Suggest future directions for investigation

4 Discussion Is Not a War of Words

figure b

5 How Long Should the Discussion in the Manuscript Be?

Most journals do not mention any limits for discussion as long as it is brief and relevant (Fig. 21.2 ). As a rule, ‘The length of the discussion section should not exceed the sum of other parts-introduction, materials and methods, and results’. [ 3 ] In any good article, the discussion section is 3–4 pages, 6–7 paragraphs, or approximately 10 paragraphs, and 1000–1500 words [ 1 , 5 , 8 , 12 ].

figure 2

Discussion pyramid

6 What Should Be Written in the Conclusion Section?

The conclusion is the last paragraph and has the carry-home message for the reader. It is the powerful and meaningful end piece of the script. It states what change has the paper made to science and it also contains recommendations for future studies.

7 Conclusions

Discussion is not a stand-alone section, it intertwines the objectives of the study with how and what was achieved.

The major results are described and compared with other studies.

The author’s own work is critically analysed in comparison with that of others.

The limitations and strengths of the study are highlighted.

Masic I. How to write an efficient discussion? Mediev Archaeol. 2018;72(4):306–7.

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Bagga A. Discussion: the heart of the paper. Indian Pediatr. 2016;53(10):901–4.

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Zeiger M. Essentials of writing biomedical research papers. Canadian J Stud Discourse Writing. 2000;11:33–6.

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Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India

Samiran Nundy

Department of Internal Medicine, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India

Institute for Global Health and Development, The Aga Khan University, South Central Asia, East Africa and United Kingdom, Karachi, Pakistan

Zulfiqar A. Bhutta

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Nundy, S., Kakar, A., Bhutta, Z.A. (2022). How to Write the Discussion?. In: How to Practice Academic Medicine and Publish from Developing Countries?. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5248-6_21

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5248-6_21

Published : 24 October 2021

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How To Write A Research Paper

Research Paper Discussion Section

Cathy A.

How to Write a Discussion For a Research Paper | Objectives, Steps & Examples

10 min read

Published on: Mar 6, 2024

Last updated on: Mar 5, 2024

how to write a discussion for a research paper

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As a critical component of scholarly writing, the discussion serves as the intellectual heart of your work. It provides a platform to interpret findings, draw conclusions, and engage with existing literature. 

In this guide, we will cover the primary objectives of the discussion, outline the essential steps for writing, and provide insightful examples. Learning how to write a discussion is key to elevating the impact of your research conclusion.

Follow along as we break down the complexities and offer valuable insights to ensure your discussion section meets the highest standards!

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What is the Discussion Section in Research?

The discussion section is where the author interprets the results, contextualizes findings within the existing literature and engages in thoughtful analysis. 

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the discussion is the space for reflection, providing a bridge between the results and the overall conclusion.  

The discussion section typically follows the results section but precedes the conclusion. 

People may sometimes confuse discussions and conclusions sections. While the conclusion summarizes key points, the discussion section interprets and analyzes the results in detail. The discussion goes beyond summarization, offering a deeper understanding of the study's implications and contributing to the scholarly conversation.

Elements of Discussion Section

The discussion section in a research paper comprises the following key elements:

  • Summary : What are the main findings in a nutshell?
  • Interpretations : How do you explain your results?
  • Implications : Why are your findings important in the broader context?
  • Limitations : What are the constraints in your methodology or data?
  • Recommendations : What future studies or improvements arise from your outcomes?

Main Objectives of Discussion Section

The primary objectives of the discussion section include:

  • To interpret the research findings accurately and comprehensively.
  • To place the study in the broader context of existing literature.
  • To engage in critical thinking and analysis of the results.
  • To communicate the significance and implications of the study effectively.

How To Structure a Discussion

Follow these steps to draft a well-organized and effective discussion:

Now that you have a clear structure of your discussion section let’s move on to the writing phase. 

The steps below will help you write an effective research paper discussion section:

Step 1: Summarize your Results

Start the discussion section by providing a brief reintroduction to your research question or hypothesis. This serves to set the stage for the discussion, reminding readers of the study's primary focus.

Next, proceed to summarize your results. Offer a concise overview of the main findings, highlighting the most relevant outcomes of your research. This lays the groundwork for the subsequent interpretation and analysis.

Step 2: Provide Interpretations

In this step, highlight why your findings matter and how they enhance our understanding of the research area. Use a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques to comprehensively interpret results.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Explain the correlation, patterns, and relationships in your data. 
  • Quantify these relations and clarify how they contribute to your study's understanding.
  • Assess if your results align with expectations and whether they support or challenge existing theories.
  • Relate your interpretations to past research and established theories, showcasing their challenges to existing knowledge. 
  • If there are unexpected results, thoroughly explain them, explore reasons, and discuss their implications for the topic.

Organize your interpretations around themes, hypotheses, or research questions for a focused and structured discussion. Structure your interpretations based on the significance of findings or unexpected results to guide the reader through the crucial aspects of your study.

Step 3: Unpack the Implications

Unpacking the implications involves relating your findings to scholarly work. Discuss how your study aligns with or deviates from previous research from your literature review. It will showcase the academic context of your contributions.

Answer these questions:

  • Do your results confirm or contest existing theories? If supporting, what fresh insights do they bring? If challenging, what could be the reasons?
  • Are there practical applications of your findings?

Step 4: Discuss the Limitation

Limitations refer to factors that could potentially impact the accuracy, reliability, or scope of your study. They are aspects that were beyond your control or constraints within the research design.

Common Sources of Limitations

Limitations may arise due to various factors, such as the study's methodology, sample size, data collection tools, or external influences. Identifying these limitations is a crucial aspect of maintaining transparency in research.

How to Mention Limitations in the Discussion Section 

Even the most well-conducted studies have limitations. Mentioning these limitations will enhance your research paper's credibility: 

  • Clearly and honestly state the limitations of your study. Transparency builds credibility and demonstrates a thoughtful approach to the research process.
  • If there were limitations in your methodology (e.g., small sample size, survey design), discuss how these constraints might have affected the study's outcomes.
  • If data collection presented challenges (e.g., limited access, response bias), explain how these issues might have impacted the reliability of your results.
  • Acknowledge external factors beyond your control that might have influenced the study. This could include unforeseen events, changing societal norms, or evolving technologies.

Highlight limitations directly influencing your research problem or question for a concise and relevant discussion.

Step 5: Offer Recommendations

Having discussed the findings and limitations, it's now time to provide recommendations. These suggestions should arise from the insights gained during the study and serve as a guide for future studies.

How to Offer Recommendations

To offer recommendations keep in view the following points: 

  • Base your recommendations on the insights discussed earlier. Consider what gaps or unanswered questions remain.
  • If applicable, recommend ways to address the limitations discussed in the study. Propose methodologies or approaches that could enhance future research.
  • Relate recommendations to practical applications whenever possible. Consider how future studies could provide actionable insights for real-world scenarios.
  • Offer tangible suggestions for further research. Provide clear directions and highlight specific variables, populations, or contexts that warrant exploration.

Discussion Writing Tips - DO'S &  DONT'S

Here are some important tips to consider and some common mistakes to avoid when writing a discussion section for your research paper: 

  • DO ensure that every point in your discussion directly relates back to your research questions or hypotheses. This maintains focus and relevance.
  • DO prioritize clarity in your writing. Use concise and straightforward language to communicate complex ideas, making them accessible to a broad audience.
  • DO acknowledge potential counterarguments or alternative explanations. This demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the topic and adds depth to your discussion.
  • DO use concrete examples to illustrate your points. This helps readers grasp the practical implications of your findings and enhances the overall understanding.
  • DO provide actionable recommendations for future studies. Give researchers clear directions and ideas for expanding on your work, contributing to the advancement of the field.
  • DON'T introduce new information in the discussion. Stick to summarizing, interpreting, and discussing the results obtained in the study without adding fresh data or concepts.
  • DON'T overgeneralize your findings. Be cautious not to make sweeping statements beyond the scope of your study or without sufficient evidence.
  • DON'T ignore or downplay limitations. Be transparent about the constraints of your study, acknowledging potential biases or areas where improvements could be made.
  • DON'T use jargon unnecessarily. While some field-specific terminology is essential, avoid excessive technical language that might confuse readers who are not familiar with the subject.
  • DON'T rush the conclusion of your discussion. Take the time to craft a thoughtful and conclusive summary that encapsulates the key takeaways and implications of your study.

Discussion Section Examples

If you're new to crafting research paper discussions, seeking examples can serve as a helpful guide to tailor your approach according to your paper's style and type.

Discussion For A Scientific Paper

Discussion For A Medical Research Paper

Example of Result And Discussion In Research Paper

Discussion in A Report

Qualitative Research Discussion Example

Wrapping up, 

In this guide, we've explored the essential elements, steps, and provided examples to demystify the process.

By adhering to the outlined steps you ensure a well-rounded and insightful discussion. Always keep your research questions in focus, maintaining clarity and relevance.

Remember, discussions are not merely an endpoint but a springboard for future research. But if you find yourself struggling with the right syllables or structure for your discussion section, professional assistance is just a step away. 

Our reliable writing service is here to support you with your academic writing needs. With our experienced team, you can navigate the complexities of crafting a stellar discussion with confidence. 

Don't hesitate to reach out to our research paper writing service today!

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How to Write a Discussion Section | Tips & Examples

Published on 21 August 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on 25 October 2022.

Discussion section flow chart

The discussion section is where you delve into the meaning, importance, and relevance of your results .

It should focus on explaining and evaluating what you found, showing how it relates to your literature review , and making an argument in support of your overall conclusion . It should not be a second results section .

There are different ways to write this section, but you can focus your writing around these key elements:

  • Summary: A brief recap of your key results
  • Interpretations: What do your results mean?
  • Implications: Why do your results matter?
  • Limitations: What can’t your results tell us?
  • Recommendations: Avenues for further studies or analyses

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Table of contents

What not to include in your discussion section, step 1: summarise your key findings, step 2: give your interpretations, step 3: discuss the implications, step 4: acknowledge the limitations, step 5: share your recommendations, discussion section example.

There are a few common mistakes to avoid when writing the discussion section of your paper.

  • Don’t introduce new results: You should only discuss the data that you have already reported in your results section .
  • Don’t make inflated claims: Avoid overinterpretation and speculation that isn’t directly supported by your data.
  • Don’t undermine your research: The discussion of limitations should aim to strengthen your credibility, not emphasise weaknesses or failures.

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Start this section by reiterating your research problem  and concisely summarising your major findings. Don’t just repeat all the data you have already reported – aim for a clear statement of the overall result that directly answers your main  research question . This should be no more than one paragraph.

Many students struggle with the differences between a discussion section and a results section . The crux of the matter is that your results sections should present your results, and your discussion section should subjectively evaluate them. Try not to blend elements of these two sections, in order to keep your paper sharp.

  • The results indicate that …
  • The study demonstrates a correlation between …
  • This analysis supports the theory that …
  • The data suggest  that …

The meaning of your results may seem obvious to you, but it’s important to spell out their significance for your reader, showing exactly how they answer your research question.

The form of your interpretations will depend on the type of research, but some typical approaches to interpreting the data include:

  • Identifying correlations , patterns, and relationships among the data
  • Discussing whether the results met your expectations or supported your hypotheses
  • Contextualising your findings within previous research and theory
  • Explaining unexpected results and evaluating their significance
  • Considering possible alternative explanations and making an argument for your position

You can organise your discussion around key themes, hypotheses, or research questions, following the same structure as your results section. Alternatively, you can also begin by highlighting the most significant or unexpected results.

  • In line with the hypothesis …
  • Contrary to the hypothesised association …
  • The results contradict the claims of Smith (2007) that …
  • The results might suggest that x . However, based on the findings of similar studies, a more plausible explanation is x .

As well as giving your own interpretations, make sure to relate your results back to the scholarly work that you surveyed in the literature review . The discussion should show how your findings fit with existing knowledge, what new insights they contribute, and what consequences they have for theory or practice.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do your results support or challenge existing theories? If they support existing theories, what new information do they contribute? If they challenge existing theories, why do you think that is?
  • Are there any practical implications?

Your overall aim is to show the reader exactly what your research has contributed, and why they should care.

  • These results build on existing evidence of …
  • The results do not fit with the theory that …
  • The experiment provides a new insight into the relationship between …
  • These results should be taken into account when considering how to …
  • The data contribute a clearer understanding of …
  • While previous research has focused on  x , these results demonstrate that y .

Even the best research has its limitations. Acknowledging these is important to demonstrate your credibility. Limitations aren’t about listing your errors, but about providing an accurate picture of what can and cannot be concluded from your study.

Limitations might be due to your overall research design, specific methodological choices , or unanticipated obstacles that emerged during your research process.

Here are a few common possibilities:

  • If your sample size was small or limited to a specific group of people, explain how generalisability is limited.
  • If you encountered problems when gathering or analysing data, explain how these influenced the results.
  • If there are potential confounding variables that you were unable to control, acknowledge the effect these may have had.

After noting the limitations, you can reiterate why the results are nonetheless valid for the purpose of answering your research question.

  • The generalisability of the results is limited by …
  • The reliability of these data is impacted by …
  • Due to the lack of data on x , the results cannot confirm …
  • The methodological choices were constrained by …
  • It is beyond the scope of this study to …

Based on the discussion of your results, you can make recommendations for practical implementation or further research. Sometimes, the recommendations are saved for the conclusion .

Suggestions for further research can lead directly from the limitations. Don’t just state that more studies should be done – give concrete ideas for how future work can build on areas that your own research was unable to address.

  • Further research is needed to establish …
  • Future studies should take into account …
  • Avenues for future research include …

Discussion section example

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McCombes, S. (2022, October 25). How to Write a Discussion Section | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 15 April 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/thesis-dissertation/discussion/

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Home » Research Paper – Structure, Examples and Writing Guide

Research Paper – Structure, Examples and Writing Guide

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Research Paper

Research Paper


Research Paper is a written document that presents the author’s original research, analysis, and interpretation of a specific topic or issue.

It is typically based on Empirical Evidence, and may involve qualitative or quantitative research methods, or a combination of both. The purpose of a research paper is to contribute new knowledge or insights to a particular field of study, and to demonstrate the author’s understanding of the existing literature and theories related to the topic.

Structure of Research Paper

The structure of a research paper typically follows a standard format, consisting of several sections that convey specific information about the research study. The following is a detailed explanation of the structure of a research paper:

The title page contains the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s), and the affiliation(s) of the author(s). It also includes the date of submission and possibly, the name of the journal or conference where the paper is to be published.

The abstract is a brief summary of the research paper, typically ranging from 100 to 250 words. It should include the research question, the methods used, the key findings, and the implications of the results. The abstract should be written in a concise and clear manner to allow readers to quickly grasp the essence of the research.


The introduction section of a research paper provides background information about the research problem, the research question, and the research objectives. It also outlines the significance of the research, the research gap that it aims to fill, and the approach taken to address the research question. Finally, the introduction section ends with a clear statement of the research hypothesis or research question.

Literature Review

The literature review section of a research paper provides an overview of the existing literature on the topic of study. It includes a critical analysis and synthesis of the literature, highlighting the key concepts, themes, and debates. The literature review should also demonstrate the research gap and how the current study seeks to address it.

The methods section of a research paper describes the research design, the sample selection, the data collection and analysis procedures, and the statistical methods used to analyze the data. This section should provide sufficient detail for other researchers to replicate the study.

The results section presents the findings of the research, using tables, graphs, and figures to illustrate the data. The findings should be presented in a clear and concise manner, with reference to the research question and hypothesis.

The discussion section of a research paper interprets the findings and discusses their implications for the research question, the literature review, and the field of study. It should also address the limitations of the study and suggest future research directions.

The conclusion section summarizes the main findings of the study, restates the research question and hypothesis, and provides a final reflection on the significance of the research.

The references section provides a list of all the sources cited in the paper, following a specific citation style such as APA, MLA or Chicago.

How to Write Research Paper

You can write Research Paper by the following guide:

  • Choose a Topic: The first step is to select a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field of study. Brainstorm ideas and narrow down to a research question that is specific and researchable.
  • Conduct a Literature Review: The literature review helps you identify the gap in the existing research and provides a basis for your research question. It also helps you to develop a theoretical framework and research hypothesis.
  • Develop a Thesis Statement : The thesis statement is the main argument of your research paper. It should be clear, concise and specific to your research question.
  • Plan your Research: Develop a research plan that outlines the methods, data sources, and data analysis procedures. This will help you to collect and analyze data effectively.
  • Collect and Analyze Data: Collect data using various methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, or experiments. Analyze data using statistical tools or other qualitative methods.
  • Organize your Paper : Organize your paper into sections such as Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Ensure that each section is coherent and follows a logical flow.
  • Write your Paper : Start by writing the introduction, followed by the literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and follows the required formatting and citation styles.
  • Edit and Proofread your Paper: Review your paper for grammar and spelling errors, and ensure that it is well-structured and easy to read. Ask someone else to review your paper to get feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Cite your Sources: Ensure that you properly cite all sources used in your research paper. This is essential for giving credit to the original authors and avoiding plagiarism.

Research Paper Example

Note : The below example research paper is for illustrative purposes only and is not an actual research paper. Actual research papers may have different structures, contents, and formats depending on the field of study, research question, data collection and analysis methods, and other factors. Students should always consult with their professors or supervisors for specific guidelines and expectations for their research papers.

Research Paper Example sample for Students:

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health among Young Adults

Abstract: This study aims to investigate the impact of social media use on the mental health of young adults. A literature review was conducted to examine the existing research on the topic. A survey was then administered to 200 university students to collect data on their social media use, mental health status, and perceived impact of social media on their mental health. The results showed that social media use is positively associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. The study also found that social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) are significant predictors of mental health problems among young adults.

Introduction: Social media has become an integral part of modern life, particularly among young adults. While social media has many benefits, including increased communication and social connectivity, it has also been associated with negative outcomes, such as addiction, cyberbullying, and mental health problems. This study aims to investigate the impact of social media use on the mental health of young adults.

Literature Review: The literature review highlights the existing research on the impact of social media use on mental health. The review shows that social media use is associated with depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health problems. The review also identifies the factors that contribute to the negative impact of social media, including social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO.

Methods : A survey was administered to 200 university students to collect data on their social media use, mental health status, and perceived impact of social media on their mental health. The survey included questions on social media use, mental health status (measured using the DASS-21), and perceived impact of social media on their mental health. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis.

Results : The results showed that social media use is positively associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. The study also found that social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO are significant predictors of mental health problems among young adults.

Discussion : The study’s findings suggest that social media use has a negative impact on the mental health of young adults. The study highlights the need for interventions that address the factors contributing to the negative impact of social media, such as social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO.

Conclusion : In conclusion, social media use has a significant impact on the mental health of young adults. The study’s findings underscore the need for interventions that promote healthy social media use and address the negative outcomes associated with social media use. Future research can explore the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing the negative impact of social media on mental health. Additionally, longitudinal studies can investigate the long-term effects of social media use on mental health.

Limitations : The study has some limitations, including the use of self-report measures and a cross-sectional design. The use of self-report measures may result in biased responses, and a cross-sectional design limits the ability to establish causality.

Implications: The study’s findings have implications for mental health professionals, educators, and policymakers. Mental health professionals can use the findings to develop interventions that address the negative impact of social media use on mental health. Educators can incorporate social media literacy into their curriculum to promote healthy social media use among young adults. Policymakers can use the findings to develop policies that protect young adults from the negative outcomes associated with social media use.

References :

  • Twenge, J. M., & Campbell, W. K. (2019). Associations between screen time and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents: Evidence from a population-based study. Preventive medicine reports, 15, 100918.
  • Primack, B. A., Shensa, A., Escobar-Viera, C. G., Barrett, E. L., Sidani, J. E., Colditz, J. B., … & James, A. E. (2017). Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A nationally-representative study among US young adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 1-9.
  • Van der Meer, T. G., & Verhoeven, J. W. (2017). Social media and its impact on academic performance of students. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 16, 383-398.

Appendix : The survey used in this study is provided below.

Social Media and Mental Health Survey

  • How often do you use social media per day?
  • Less than 30 minutes
  • 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • 1 to 2 hours
  • 2 to 4 hours
  • More than 4 hours
  • Which social media platforms do you use?
  • Others (Please specify)
  • How often do you experience the following on social media?
  • Social comparison (comparing yourself to others)
  • Cyberbullying
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
  • Have you ever experienced any of the following mental health problems in the past month?
  • Do you think social media use has a positive or negative impact on your mental health?
  • Very positive
  • Somewhat positive
  • Somewhat negative
  • Very negative
  • In your opinion, which factors contribute to the negative impact of social media on mental health?
  • Social comparison
  • In your opinion, what interventions could be effective in reducing the negative impact of social media on mental health?
  • Education on healthy social media use
  • Counseling for mental health problems caused by social media
  • Social media detox programs
  • Regulation of social media use

Thank you for your participation!

Applications of Research Paper

Research papers have several applications in various fields, including:

  • Advancing knowledge: Research papers contribute to the advancement of knowledge by generating new insights, theories, and findings that can inform future research and practice. They help to answer important questions, clarify existing knowledge, and identify areas that require further investigation.
  • Informing policy: Research papers can inform policy decisions by providing evidence-based recommendations for policymakers. They can help to identify gaps in current policies, evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, and inform the development of new policies and regulations.
  • Improving practice: Research papers can improve practice by providing evidence-based guidance for professionals in various fields, including medicine, education, business, and psychology. They can inform the development of best practices, guidelines, and standards of care that can improve outcomes for individuals and organizations.
  • Educating students : Research papers are often used as teaching tools in universities and colleges to educate students about research methods, data analysis, and academic writing. They help students to develop critical thinking skills, research skills, and communication skills that are essential for success in many careers.
  • Fostering collaboration: Research papers can foster collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers by providing a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas. They can facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships that can lead to innovative solutions to complex problems.

When to Write Research Paper

Research papers are typically written when a person has completed a research project or when they have conducted a study and have obtained data or findings that they want to share with the academic or professional community. Research papers are usually written in academic settings, such as universities, but they can also be written in professional settings, such as research organizations, government agencies, or private companies.

Here are some common situations where a person might need to write a research paper:

  • For academic purposes: Students in universities and colleges are often required to write research papers as part of their coursework, particularly in the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Writing research papers helps students to develop research skills, critical thinking skills, and academic writing skills.
  • For publication: Researchers often write research papers to publish their findings in academic journals or to present their work at academic conferences. Publishing research papers is an important way to disseminate research findings to the academic community and to establish oneself as an expert in a particular field.
  • To inform policy or practice : Researchers may write research papers to inform policy decisions or to improve practice in various fields. Research findings can be used to inform the development of policies, guidelines, and best practices that can improve outcomes for individuals and organizations.
  • To share new insights or ideas: Researchers may write research papers to share new insights or ideas with the academic or professional community. They may present new theories, propose new research methods, or challenge existing paradigms in their field.

Purpose of Research Paper

The purpose of a research paper is to present the results of a study or investigation in a clear, concise, and structured manner. Research papers are written to communicate new knowledge, ideas, or findings to a specific audience, such as researchers, scholars, practitioners, or policymakers. The primary purposes of a research paper are:

  • To contribute to the body of knowledge : Research papers aim to add new knowledge or insights to a particular field or discipline. They do this by reporting the results of empirical studies, reviewing and synthesizing existing literature, proposing new theories, or providing new perspectives on a topic.
  • To inform or persuade: Research papers are written to inform or persuade the reader about a particular issue, topic, or phenomenon. They present evidence and arguments to support their claims and seek to persuade the reader of the validity of their findings or recommendations.
  • To advance the field: Research papers seek to advance the field or discipline by identifying gaps in knowledge, proposing new research questions or approaches, or challenging existing assumptions or paradigms. They aim to contribute to ongoing debates and discussions within a field and to stimulate further research and inquiry.
  • To demonstrate research skills: Research papers demonstrate the author’s research skills, including their ability to design and conduct a study, collect and analyze data, and interpret and communicate findings. They also demonstrate the author’s ability to critically evaluate existing literature, synthesize information from multiple sources, and write in a clear and structured manner.

Characteristics of Research Paper

Research papers have several characteristics that distinguish them from other forms of academic or professional writing. Here are some common characteristics of research papers:

  • Evidence-based: Research papers are based on empirical evidence, which is collected through rigorous research methods such as experiments, surveys, observations, or interviews. They rely on objective data and facts to support their claims and conclusions.
  • Structured and organized: Research papers have a clear and logical structure, with sections such as introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. They are organized in a way that helps the reader to follow the argument and understand the findings.
  • Formal and objective: Research papers are written in a formal and objective tone, with an emphasis on clarity, precision, and accuracy. They avoid subjective language or personal opinions and instead rely on objective data and analysis to support their arguments.
  • Citations and references: Research papers include citations and references to acknowledge the sources of information and ideas used in the paper. They use a specific citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, to ensure consistency and accuracy.
  • Peer-reviewed: Research papers are often peer-reviewed, which means they are evaluated by other experts in the field before they are published. Peer-review ensures that the research is of high quality, meets ethical standards, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • Objective and unbiased: Research papers strive to be objective and unbiased in their presentation of the findings. They avoid personal biases or preconceptions and instead rely on the data and analysis to draw conclusions.

Advantages of Research Paper

Research papers have many advantages, both for the individual researcher and for the broader academic and professional community. Here are some advantages of research papers:

  • Contribution to knowledge: Research papers contribute to the body of knowledge in a particular field or discipline. They add new information, insights, and perspectives to existing literature and help advance the understanding of a particular phenomenon or issue.
  • Opportunity for intellectual growth: Research papers provide an opportunity for intellectual growth for the researcher. They require critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, which can help develop the researcher’s skills and knowledge.
  • Career advancement: Research papers can help advance the researcher’s career by demonstrating their expertise and contributions to the field. They can also lead to new research opportunities, collaborations, and funding.
  • Academic recognition: Research papers can lead to academic recognition in the form of awards, grants, or invitations to speak at conferences or events. They can also contribute to the researcher’s reputation and standing in the field.
  • Impact on policy and practice: Research papers can have a significant impact on policy and practice. They can inform policy decisions, guide practice, and lead to changes in laws, regulations, or procedures.
  • Advancement of society: Research papers can contribute to the advancement of society by addressing important issues, identifying solutions to problems, and promoting social justice and equality.

Limitations of Research Paper

Research papers also have some limitations that should be considered when interpreting their findings or implications. Here are some common limitations of research papers:

  • Limited generalizability: Research findings may not be generalizable to other populations, settings, or contexts. Studies often use specific samples or conditions that may not reflect the broader population or real-world situations.
  • Potential for bias : Research papers may be biased due to factors such as sample selection, measurement errors, or researcher biases. It is important to evaluate the quality of the research design and methods used to ensure that the findings are valid and reliable.
  • Ethical concerns: Research papers may raise ethical concerns, such as the use of vulnerable populations or invasive procedures. Researchers must adhere to ethical guidelines and obtain informed consent from participants to ensure that the research is conducted in a responsible and respectful manner.
  • Limitations of methodology: Research papers may be limited by the methodology used to collect and analyze data. For example, certain research methods may not capture the complexity or nuance of a particular phenomenon, or may not be appropriate for certain research questions.
  • Publication bias: Research papers may be subject to publication bias, where positive or significant findings are more likely to be published than negative or non-significant findings. This can skew the overall findings of a particular area of research.
  • Time and resource constraints: Research papers may be limited by time and resource constraints, which can affect the quality and scope of the research. Researchers may not have access to certain data or resources, or may be unable to conduct long-term studies due to practical limitations.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Create a Research Paper Outline?

In this blog we will see how to create a research paper outline and start writing your research paper . The benefit of a research paper outline is that you get a rough idea of the final product right from the start.

1. Choosing the journal

It is a good idea to select your journal first, and then start writing your research paper. This is because different journals follow different formats when it comes to paper structure. If you are not sure which journal to publish your research in, ask your colleagues in your research group and make a list of possible journals. Then, use Google Scholar to determine the impact factor of the journals on your list and select a journal that you consider appropriate for your research.

Tip: Choose the journal first and download the sample manuscript template from the publisher’s website.

2. Creating a paper outline

Once you have selected the journal, the next step is to create a paper outline. 

2.1. Creating a structured template

A paper outline is nothing but a template with various headings. Your template should include a tentative title, a list of authors, and various headings and subheadings. You can also include an approximate word count for each section. You can also add some dummy text under each heading so that it looks like a paper.

Research paper outline

2.2. Adding references

Once you have created the outline, the next step is to fill in the references section. List all the papers you will be referencing in your manuscript. Trust me, this will make your life easy and will save you a lot of time later. In most cases, your journal will be an extended version of the conference paper that you already have written. If that is the case, copy and paste references from relevant conference papers into your journal paper.

Research paper reference outline

2.3. Adding figures and tables

Then, the final step is to add placeholders for figures and tables. Placeholders are nothing but empty rectangles. Now add figure and table captions under the placeholders. This is to remind yourself about what it is you want to demonstrate in the figure or table.

Research paper template

Congratulations, you have successfully created the first draft of your paper.

Now you have the research paper outline, you can start filling in the sections one by one. The order of writing should be as follows: material and methods, results, discussion, introduction, conclusion and abstract. Before starting your paper, make sure that you read one or two papers from the chosen journal that is close to your topic. This will give you a clear idea of what writing style the journal expects from the author. You can use these papers as model papers and mimic their language and presentation style in your paper.

If you have any questions, please drop a comment below, and we will answer as soon as possible. We also recommend you to refer to our other blogs on  academic writing tools ,   academic writing resources , and  academic phrase-bank , which are relevant to the topic discussed in this blog. 

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  • Open access
  • Published: 26 November 2023

Impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution: evidence from China

  • Yanfang Liu 1  

Scientific Reports volume  13 , Article number:  20769 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

3711 Accesses

1 Citations

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  • Environmental sciences
  • Environmental social sciences

The application of industrial robots is considered a significant factor affecting environmental pollution. Selecting industrial wastewater discharge, industrial SO 2 emissions and industrial soot emissions as the evaluation indicators of environmental pollution, this paper uses the panel data model and mediation effect model to empirically examine the impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution and its mechanisms. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Industrial robots can significantly reduce environmental pollution. (2) Industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution by improving the level of green technology innovation and optimizing the structure of employment skills. (3) With the increase in emissions of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 , and industrial dust, the impacts generated by industrial robots are exhibiting trends of a “W” shape, gradual intensification, and progressive weakening. (4) Regarding regional heterogeneity, industrial robots in the eastern region have the greatest negative impact on environmental pollution, followed by the central region, and the western region has the least negative impact on environmental pollution. Regarding time heterogeneity, the emission reduction effect of industrial robots after 2013 is greater than that before 2013. Based on the above conclusions, this paper suggests that the Chinese government and enterprises should increase investment in the robot industry. Using industrial robots to drive innovation in green technology and optimize employment skill structures, reducing environmental pollution.

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Since the reform and opening up, China’s rapid economic growth has created a world-renowned “economic growth miracle” 1 . With the rapid economic growth, China’s environmental pollution problem is becoming more and more serious 2 . According to the “ Global Environmental Performance Index Report ” released by Yale University in the United States in 2022, China’s environmental performance index scores 28.4 points, ranking 160th out of 180 participating countries. The aggravation of environmental pollution not only affects residents’ health 3 , but also affects the efficiency of economic operation 4 . According to calculation of the General Administration of Environmental Protection, the World Bank and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China’s annual losses caused by environmental pollution account for about 10% of GDP. Exploring the factors that affect environmental pollution and seeking ways to reduce environmental pollution are conducive to the development of economy within the scope of environment.

Industrial robots are machines that can be automatically controlled, repeatedly programmed, and multi-purpose 5 . They replace the low-skilled labor force engaged in procedural work 6 , reducing the raw materials required for manual operation. Industrial robots improve the clean technology level and energy efficiency of coal combustion, reducing pollutant emissions in front-end production. Industrial robots also monitor the energy consumption and sewage discharge in the production process in real time. The excessive discharge behavior of enterprises in the production process is regulated, reducing the emission of pollutants in the end treatment. Based on the selection and coding of literature (Appendix A ), this paper uses the meta-analysis method to compare the impacts of multiple factors such as economics, population, technology, and policy on environmental pollution. As shown in Table 1 , compared to other factors, industrial robots demonstrate greater advantages in reducing environmental pollution. There is a lack of research on the relationship between industrial robots and environmental pollution in China. With the advent of artificial intelligence era, China’s industrial robot industry has developed rapidly. According to data released by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), from 1999 to 2019, China’s industrial robot ownership and installation shows an increasing trend year by year (Fig.  1 ). In 2013 and 2016, China’s industrial robot installation (36,560) and ownership (349,470) exceeds Japan for the first time, becoming the world’s largest country in terms of installation and ownership of industrial robots. Whether the application of industrial robots in China contributes to the reduction of environmental pollution? What is the mechanism of the impact of China’s industrial robots on environmental pollution? Researching this issue is crucial for filling the gaps in existing research and providing a reference for other countries to achieve emission reduction driven by robots.

figure 1

Industrial robot installations in the world’s top five industrial robot markets from 1999 to 2019.

Based on the above analysis, this paper innovatively incorporates industrial robots and environmental pollution into a unified framework. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2006 to 2019, this paper uses the ordinary panel model and mediating effect model to empirically test the impact of industrial robots on China’s environmental pollution and its transmission channels. The panel quantile model is used to empirically analyze the heterogeneous impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution under different environmental pollution levels.

Literature review

A large number of scholars have begun to study the problem of environmental pollution. Its research content mainly includes two aspects: The measurement of environmental pollution and its influencing factors. Regarding the measurement, some scholars have used SO 2 emissions 7 , industrial soot emissions 8 and PM2.5 concentration 9 and other single indicators to measure the degree of environmental pollution. The single indicator cannot fully and scientifically reflect the degree of environmental pollution. To make up for this defect, some scholars have included industrial SO 2 emissions, industrial wastewater discharge and industrial soot emissions into the environmental pollution evaluation system, and used the entropy method to measure environmental pollution level 10 . This method ignores the different characteristics and temporal and spatial trends of different pollutants, which makes the analysis one-sided. Regarding the influencing factors, economic factors such as economic development level 11 , foreign direct investment 12 and income 13 , population factors such as population size 14 and urbanization level 15 , energy consumption 16 all have an impact on environmental pollution. Specifically, economic development and technological innovation can effectively reduce environmental pollution 17 . The expansion of population size can aggravate environmental pollution. Income inequality can reduce environmental pollution, but higher income inequality may aggravate environmental pollution 18 . There are “pollution heaven hypothesis” and “pollution halo hypothesis” between foreign direct investment and environmental pollution 19 . Technological factors also have a non-negligible impact on environmental pollution 20 .

With continuous deepening of research, scholars have begun to focus on the impact of automation technology, especially industrial robot technology, on the environment. Ghobakhloo et al. 21 theoretically analyzed the impact of industrial robots on energy sustainability, contending that the application of industrial robots could foster sustainable development of energy. Using data from multiple countries, a few scholars have empirically analyzed the effect of industrial robots on environmental pollution (Table 2 ). Luan et al. 22 used panel data from 73 countries between 1993 and 2019 to empirically analyze the impact of industrial robots on air pollution, finding that the use of industrial robots intensifies environmental pollution. Using panel data from 66 countries from 1993 to 2018, Wang et al. 23 analyzed the impact of industrial robots on carbon intensity and found that industrial robots can reduce carbon intensity. On the basis of analyzing the overall impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution, some scholars conducted in-depth exploration of its mechanism. Based on data from 72 countries between 1993 and 2019, Chen et al. 5 explored the impact of industrial robots on the ecological footprint, discovering that industrial robots can reduce the ecological footprint through time saving effect, green employment effect and energy upgrading effect. Using panel data from 35 countries between 1993 and 2017, Li et al. 24 empirically examined the carbon emission reduction effect of industrial robots, finding that industrial robots can effectively reduce carbon emissions by increasing green total factor productivity and reducing energy intensity. Although the above studies have successfully estimated the overall impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution and its mechanisms, they have not fully considered the role of technological progress, labor structure and other factors in the relationship between the two. These studies all chose data from multiple countries as research samples and lack research on the relationship between industrial robots and environmental pollution in China, an emerging country.

The above literature provides inspiration for this study, but there are still shortcomings in the following aspects: Firstly, there is a lack of research on the relationship between industrial robots and environmental pollution in emerging countries. There are significant differences between emerging and developed countries in terms of institutional background and the degree of environmental pollution. As a representative emerging country, research on the relationship between industrial robots and environmental pollution in China can provide reliable references for other emerging countries. Secondly, theoretically, the study of the impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution is still in its initial stage. There are few studies that deeply explore its impact mechanism, and there is a lack of analysis of the role of technological progress and labor structure in the relationship between the two.

The innovations of this paper are as follows: (1) In terms of sample selection, this paper selects panel data from 30 provinces in China from 2006 to 2019 as research samples to explore the relationship between industrial robots and environmental pollution in China, providing references for other emerging countries to improve environmental quality using industrial robots. (2) In terms of theory, this paper is not limited to revealing the superficial relationship between industrial robots and environmental pollution. it starts from a new perspective and provides an in-depth analysis of how industrial robots affect environmental pollution through employment skill structure and green technology innovation. This not only enriches research in the fields of industrial robots and the environment, but is also of great significance in guiding the direction of industrial policy and technology research and development.

Theoretical analysis and hypothesis

Industrial robots and environmental pollution.

As shown in Fig.  2 , the impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution is mainly reflected in two aspects: Front-end production and end treatment. In front-end production, industrial robots enable artificial substitution effects 25 . Manual operation is replaced by machine operation, reducing the raw materials needed for manual operation. Through the specific program setting of industrial robots, clean energy is applied to industrial production 26 . The use of traditional fuels such as coal and oil is reduced. In terms of end treatment, the traditional pollutant concentration tester only measures a single type of pollutant. Its data cannot be obtained in time. It is easy to cause pollution incidents. Industrial robots can measure a variety of pollutants, and have the function of remote unmanned operation and warning. It reflects the pollution situation in time, reducing the probability of pollution incidents. The use of robots can upgrade sewage treatment equipment and improve the accuracy of pollution treatment, reducing pollutant emissions. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes hypothesis 1.

figure 2

The impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution.

Hypothesis 1

The use of industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution.

Mediating effect of green technology innovation

Industrial robots can affect environmental pollution by promoting green technology innovation. The transmission path of “industrial robots-green technology innovation-environmental pollution” is formed. Industrial robots are the materialization of technological progress in the field of enterprise R&D. Its impact on green technology innovation is mainly manifested in the following two aspects: Firstly, industrial robots classify known knowledge, which helps enterprises to integrate internal and external knowledge 27 . The development of green technology innovation activities of enterprises is promoted. Secondly, enterprises can simulate existing green technologies through industrial robots. The shortcomings of green technology in each link are found. Based on this, enterprises can improve and perfect green technology in a targeted manner. Industrial robots can collect and organize data, which enables enterprises to predict production costs and raw material consumption. Excessive procurement by enterprises can occupy working capital. Inventory backlog leads to warehousing, logistics and other expenses, increasing storage costs 28 . Forecasting the consumption of raw materials allows enterprises to purchase precisely, preventing over-procurement and inventory backlog, thereby reducing the use of working capital and storage costs 29 . The production cost of enterprises is reduced. Enterprises have more funds for green technology research and development.

The continuous innovation of green technology is helpful to solve the problem of environmental pollution. Firstly, green technology innovation helps use resources better 30 , lowers dependence on old energy, and reduces environmental damage. Secondly, green technology innovation promotes the greening of enterprises in manufacturing, sales and after-sales 31 . The emission of pollutants in production process is reduced. Finally, green technology innovation improves the advantages of enterprises in market competition 32 . The production possibility curve expands outward, which encourages enterprises to carry out intensive production. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes hypothesis 2.

Hypothesis 2

Industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution through green technology innovation.

Mediating effect of employment skill structure

Industrial robots can affect environmental pollution through employment skill structure. The transmission path of “industrial robots-employment skill structure-environmental pollution” is formed. Industrial robots have substitution effect and creation effect on the labor force, improving the employment skill structure. Regarding the substitution effect, enterprises use industrial robots to complete simple and repetitive tasks to improve production efficiency, which crowds out low-skilled labor 6 . Regarding the creation effect, industrial robots create a demand for new job roles that matches automation, such as robot engineers, data analysts, machine repairers, which increases the number of highly skilled labor 33 . The reduction of low-skilled labor and increase of high-skilled labor improve employment skill structure.

High-skilled labor is reflected in the level of education 34 . Its essence is to have a higher level of skills and environmental awareness, which is the key to reducing environmental pollution. Compared with low-skilled labor, high-skilled labor has stronger ability to acquire knowledge and understand skills, which improves the efficiency of cleaning equipment and promotes emission reduction. The interaction and communication between highly skilled labor is also crucial for emission reduction. The excessive wage gap between employees brings high communication costs, which hinders the exchange of knowledge and technology between different employees. The increase in the proportion of high-skilled labor can solve this problem and improve the production efficiency of enterprises 35 . The improvement of production efficiency enables more investment in emission reduction research, decreasing pollutant emissions. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes hypothesis 3.

Hypothesis 3

Industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution by optimizing employment skills structure.

Model construction and variable selection

Model construction, panel data model.

The panel data model is a significant statistical method, first introduced by Mundlak 36 . Subsequently, numerous scholars have used this model to examine the baseline relationships between core explanatory variables and explained variables 37 . To test the impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution, this paper sets the following panel data model:

In formula ( 1 ), Y it is the explained variable, indicating the degree of environmental pollution in region i in year t . IR it is the core explanatory variable, indicating the installation density of industrial robots in region i in year t . X it is a series of control variables, including economic development level (GDP), urbanization level (URB), industrial structure (EC), government intervention (GOV) and environmental regulation (ER). \(\lambda i\) is the regional factor. \(\varphi t\) is the time factor. \(\varepsilon it\) is the disturbance term.

Mediating effect model

To test the transmission mechanism of industrial robots affecting environmental pollution, this paper sets the following mediating effect model:

In formula ( 2 ), M is the mediating variable, which mainly includes green technology innovation and employment skill structure. Formula ( 2 ) measures the impact of industrial robots on mediating variables. Formula ( 3 ) measures the impact of intermediary variables on environmental pollution. According to the principle of mediating effect 38 , the direct effect \(\theta 1\) , mediating effect \(\beta 1 \times \theta 2\) and total effect \(\alpha 1\) satisfy \(\alpha 1 = \theta 1 + \beta 1 \times \theta 2\) .

Panel quantile model

The panel quantile model was first proposed by Koenke and Bassett 39 . It is mainly used to analyze the impact of core explanatory variables on the explained variables under different quantiles 40 . To empirically test the heterogeneous impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution under different levels of environmental pollution, this paper sets the following panel quantile model:

In formula ( 4 ), \(\tau\) represents the quantile value. \(\gamma 1\) reflects the difference in the impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution at different quantiles. \(\gamma 2\) indicates the different effects of control variables at different quantiles.

Variable selection

Explained variable.

The explained variable is environmental pollution. Considering the timeliness and availability of data, this paper selects industrial wastewater discharge, industrial SO 2 emissions and industrial soot emissions as indicators of environmental pollution.

Explanatory variable

According to production theory, industrial robots can enhance production efficiency 41 . Efficient production implies reduced energy wastage, which in turn decreases the emission of pollutants. Industrial robots can upgrade pollution control equipment, heightening the precision in pollution treatment and reducing pollutant discharge. Referring to Acemoglu and Restrepo 25 , this paper selects the installation density of industrial robots as a measure. The specific formula is as follows:

In formula ( 5 ), Labor ji is the number of labor force in industry j in region i . IR jt is the stock of industrial robot use in industry j in the year t .

Mediating variable

Green technology innovation. Industrial robots can increase the demand for highly-skilled labor 42 , subsequently influencing green technology innovation. Compared to ordinary labor, highly-skilled labor possesses a richer knowledge base and technological learning capability, improving the level of green technology innovation. Green technology innovation can improve energy efficiency 43 , reducing pollution generated by energy consumption. The measurement methods of green technology innovation mainly include three kinds: The first method is to use simple technology invention patents as measurement indicators. Some of technical invention patents are not applied to the production process of enterprise, they cannot fully reflect the level of technological innovation. The second method is to use green product innovation and green process innovation as measurement indicators. The third method is to use the number of green patent applications or authorizations as a measure 44 . This paper selects the number of green patent applications as a measure of green technology innovation.

Employment skill structure. The use of industrial robots reduces the demand for labor performing simple repetitive tasks and increases the need for engineers, technicians, and other specialized skilled personnel, improving the employment skill structure 45 . Compared to ordinary workers, highly-skilled laborers typically have a stronger environmental awareness 46 . Such environmental consciousness may influence corporate decisions, prompting companies to adopt eco-friendly production methods, thus reducing environmental pollution. There are two main methods to measure the structure of employment skills: One is to use the proportion of employees with college degree or above in the total number of employees as a measure. The other is to use the proportion of researchers as a measure. The educational level can better reflect the skill differences of workers. This paper uses the first method to measure the employment skill structure.

Control variable

Economic development level. According to the EKC hypothesis 47 , in the initial stage of economic development, economic development mainly depends on input of production factors, which aggravates environmental pollution. With the continuous development of economy, people begin to put forward higher requirements for environmental quality. The government also begins to adopt more stringent policies to control environmental pollution, which can reduce the level of environmental pollution. According to Liu and Lin 48 , This paper uses per capita GDP to measure economic development level.

Urbanization level. The improvement of urbanization level has both positive and negative effects on pollution. Urbanization can improve the agglomeration effect of cities. The improvement of agglomeration effect can not only promote the sharing of public resources such as infrastructure, health care, but also facilitate the centralized treatment of pollution. The efficiency of environmental governance is improved 49 . The acceleration of urbanization can increase the demand for housing, home appliances and private cars, which increases pollutant emissions 50 . This paper uses the proportion of urban population to total population to measure the level of urbanization.

Industrial structure. Industrial structure is one of the key factors that determine the quality of a country’s environmental conditions 51 . The increase in the proportion of capital and technology-intensive industries can effectively improve resource utilization efficiency and improve resource waste 52 . This paper selects the ratio of the added value of the tertiary industry to the secondary industry to measure industrial structure.

Government intervention. Government intervention mainly affects environmental pollution from the following two aspects: Firstly, the government can give high-tech, energy-saving and consumption-reducing enterprises relevant preferential policies, which promotes the development of emission reduction technologies for these enterprises 53 . Secondly, the government strengthens environmental regulation by increasing investment in environmental law enforcement funds, thus forcing enterprises to save energy and reduce emissions 54 . This paper selects the proportion of government expenditure in GDP to measure government intervention.

Environmental regulation. The investment in environmental pollution control is conducive to the development of clean and environmental protection technology, optimizing the process flow and improving the green production efficiency of enterprises 55 . Pollutant emissions are reduced. This paper selects the proportion of investment in pollution control to GDP to measure environmental regulation.

Data sources and descriptive statistics

This paper selects the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2006 to 2019 as the research sample. Among them, the installation data of industrial robots are derived from International Federation of Robotics (IFR). The data of labor force and employees with college degree or above are from China Labor Statistics Yearbook . Other data are from the China Statistical Yearbook . The descriptive statistics of variables are shown in Table 3 . Considering the breadth of application and the reliability of analysis capabilities, this paper uses Stata 16 for regression analysis.

Results analysis

Spatial and temporal characteristics of environmental pollution and industrial robots in china, environmental pollution.

Figure  3 a shows the overall trend of average industrial wastewater discharge in China from 2006 to 2019. From 2006 to 2019, the discharge of industrial wastewater shows a fluctuating downward trend, mainly due to the improvement of wastewater treatment facilities and the improvement of treatment capacity. Figure  3 b shows the changing trend of average industrial wastewater discharge in 30 provinces of China from 2006 to 2019. Industrial wastewater discharge in most provinces has declined. There are also some provinces such as Fujian, Guizhou and Qinghai, which have increased industrial wastewater discharge. Their emission reduction task is very arduous.

figure 3

Industrial wastewater discharge from 2006 to 2019.

Figure  4 a shows the overall trend of average industrial SO 2 emissions in China from 2006 to 2019. From 2006 to 2019, industrial SO 2 emissions shows a fluctuating downward trend, indicating that air pollution control and supervision are effective. Figure  4 b shows the trend of average industrial SO 2 emissions in 30 provinces of China from 2006 to 2019. Similar to industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 emissions decrease in most provinces.

figure 4

Industrial SO 2 emissions from 2006 to 2019.

Figure  5 a shows the overall trend of average industrial soot emissions in China from 2006 to 2019. Different from industrial wastewater and industrial SO 2 , the emission of industrial soot is increasing year by year. From the perspective of governance investment structure, compared with industrial wastewater and industrial SO 2 , the investment proportion of industrial soot is low. From the perspective of source, industrial soot mainly comes from urban operation, industrial manufacturing and so on. The acceleration of urbanization and the expansion of manufacturing scale have led to an increase in industrial soot emissions. Figure  5 b shows the trend of industrial soot emissions in 30 provinces in China from 2006 to 2019. The industrial soot emissions in most provinces have increased.

figure 5

Industrial soot emissions from 2006 to 2019.

Figure  6 shows the spatial distribution characteristics of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 and industrial soot emissions. The three types of pollutant emissions in the central region are the largest, followed by the eastern region, and the three types of pollutant emissions in the western region are the smallest. Due to resource conditions and geographical location, the central region is mainly dominated by heavy industry. The extensive development model of high input and consumption makes its pollutant emissions higher than the eastern and western regions. The eastern region is mainly capital-intensive and technology-intensive industries, which makes its pollutant emissions lower than the central region. Although the leading industry in the western region is heavy industry, its factory production and transportation scale are not large, which produces less pollutants.

figure 6

Spatial distribution characteristics of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 and industrial soot.

Industrial robots

Figure  7 a shows the overall trend of installation density of industrial robots in China from 2006 to 2019. From 2006 to 2019, the installation density of industrial robots in China shows an increasing trend year by year. The increase of labor cost and the decrease of industrial robot cost make enterprises use more industrial robots, which has a substitution effect on labor force. The installation density of industrial robots is increased. Figure  7 b shows the trend of installation density of industrial robots in 30 provinces of China from 2006 to 2019. The installation density of industrial robots in most provinces has increased. Among them, the installation density of industrial robots in Guangdong Province has the largest growth rate. The installation density of industrial robots in Heilongjiang Province has the smallest growth rate.

figure 7

Installation density of industrial robots from 2006 to 2019.

Figure  8 shows the spatial distribution characteristics of installation density of industrial robots. The installation density of industrial robots in the eastern region is the largest, followed by the central region, and the installation density of industrial robots in the western region is the smallest. The eastern region is economically developed and attracts lots of talents to gather here, which provides talent support for the development of industrial robots. Advanced technology also leads to the rapid development of industrial robots in the eastern region. The economy of western region is backward, which inhibits the development of industrial robots.

figure 8

Spatial distribution characteristics of industrial robots.

Benchmark regression results

Table 4 reports the estimation results of the ordinary panel model. Among them, the F test and LM test show that the mixed OLS model should not be used. The Hausman test shows that the fixed effect model should be selected in the fixed effect model and random effect model. This paper selects the estimation results of the fixed effect model to explain.

Regarding the core explanatory variable, industrial robots have a significant negative impact on the emissions of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 and industrial soot. Specifically, industrial robots have the greatest negative impact on industrial soot emissions, with a coefficient of -0.277 and passing the 1% significance level. The negative impact of industrial robots on industrial wastewater discharge is second, with an estimated coefficient of -0.242, which also passes the 1% significance level. The negative impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions is the smallest, with an estimated coefficient of -0.0875 and passing the 10% significant level. Compared with industrial wastewater and SO 2 , industrial robots have some unique advantages in reducing industrial soot emissions. Firstly, in terms of emission sources, industrial soot emissions mainly come from physical processes such as cutting. These processes can be significantly improved through precise control of industrial robots. Industrial SO 2 comes from the combustion process. Industrial wastewater originates from various industrial processes. It is difficult for industrial robots to directly control these processes. Secondly, in terms of source control and terminal treatment, industrial robots can reduce excessive processing and waste of raw materials, thereby controlling industrial soot emissions at the source. For industrial SO 2 and industrial wastewater, industrial robots mainly play a role in terminal treatment. Since the terminal treatment of industrial SO 2 and industrial wastewater often involves complex chemical treatment processes, it is difficult for industrial robot technology to fully participate in these processes. This makes the impact of industrial robots in the field of industrial SO 2 and industrial wastewater more limited than that in the field of industrial soot.

Regarding the control variables, the level of economic development has a significant inhibitory effect on industrial SO 2 emissions. The higher the level of economic development, the stronger the residents’ awareness of environmental protection, which constrains the pollution behavior of enterprises. The government also adopts strict policies to control pollutant emissions. The impact of urbanization level on the discharge of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 and industrial soot is significantly negative. The improvement of urbanization level can improve the efficiency of resource sharing and the centralized treatment of pollutants, reducing environmental pollution. The industrial structure significantly reduces industrial SO 2 and industrial soot emissions. The upgrading of industrial structure not only reduces the demand for energy, but also improves the efficiency of resource utilization. The degree of government intervention only significantly reduces the discharge of industrial wastewater. The possible reason is that to promote economic development, the government invests more money in high-yield areas, which crowds out investment in the environmental field. Similar to the degree of government intervention, environmental regulation has a negative impact on industrial wastewater discharge. The government’s environmental governance investment has not given some support to the enterprise’s clean technology research, which makes the pollution control investment not produce good emission reduction effect.

Mediation effect regression results

Green technology innovation.

Table 5 reports the results of intermediary effect model when green technology innovation is used as an intermediary variable. Industrial robots can have a positive impact on green technology innovation. For every 1% increase in the installation density of industrial robots, the level of green technology innovation increases by 0.722%. After adding the green technology innovation, the estimated coefficient of industrial robots has decreased, which shows that the intermediary variable is effective.

In the impact of industrial robots on industrial wastewater discharge, the mediating effect of green technology innovation accounts for 8.17% of the total effect. In the impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions, the mediating effect of green technology innovation accounts for 11.8% of the total effect. In the impact of industrial robots on industrial soot emissions, the mediating effect of green technology innovation accounts for 3.72% of the total effect.

Employment skill structure

Table 6 reports the results of intermediary effect model when the employment skill structure is used as an intermediary variable. Industrial robots have a positive impact on the employment skill structure. For every 1% increase in the installation density of industrial robots, the employment skill structure is improved by 0.0837%. Similar to green technology innovation, the intermediary variable of employment skill structure is also effective.

In the impact of industrial robots on industrial wastewater discharge, the mediating effect of employment skill structure accounts for 6.67% of the total effect. In the impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions, the mediating effect of employment skill structure accounts for 20.66% of the total effect. In the impact of industrial robots on industrial soot emissions, the mediating effect of employment skill structure accounts for 15.53% of the total effect.

Robustness test and endogeneity problem

Robustness test.

To ensure the robustness of the regression results, this paper tests the robustness by replacing core explanatory variables, shrinking tail and replacing sample. Regarding the replacement of core explanatory variables, in the benchmark regression, the installation density of industrial robots is measured by the stock of industrial robots. Replacing the industrial robot stock with the industrial robot installation quantity, this paper re-measures the industrial robot installation density. Regarding the tail reduction processing, this paper reduces the extreme outliers of all variables in the upper and lower 1% to eliminate the influence of extreme outliers. Regarding the replacement of samples, this paper removes the four municipalities from the sample. The estimation results are shown in Table 7 . Industrial robots still have a significant negative impact on environmental pollution, which confirms the robustness of benchmark regression results.

Endogeneity problem

Logically speaking, although the use of industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution, there may be reverse causality. Enterprises may increase the use of industrial robots to meet emission reduction standards, which increases the use of industrial robots in a region. Due to the existence of reverse causality, there is an endogenous problem that cannot be ignored between industrial robots and environmental pollution.

To solve the impact of endogenous problems on the estimation results, this paper uses the instrumental variable method to estimate. According to the selection criteria of instrumental variables, this paper selects the installation density of industrial robots in the United States as the instrumental variable. The trend of the installation density of industrial robots in the United States during the sample period is similar to that of China, which is consistent with the correlation characteristics of instrumental variables. The application of industrial robots in the United States is rarely affected by China’s economic and social factors, and cannot affect China’s environmental pollution, which is in line with the exogenous characteristics of instrumental variables.

Table 8 reports the estimation results of instrumental variable method. Among them, the column (1) is listed as the first stage regression result. The estimated coefficient of instrumental variable is significantly positive, which is consistent with the correlation. Column (2), column (3) and column (4) of Table 8 are the second stage regression results of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 and industrial soot emissions as explanatory variables. The estimated coefficients of industrial robots are significantly negative, which again verifies the hypothesis that industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution. Compared with Table 4 , the absolute value of estimated coefficient of industrial robots is reduced, which indicates that the endogenous problems caused by industrial robots overestimate the emission reduction effect of industrial robots. The test results prove the validity of the instrumental variables.

Panel quantile regression results

Traditional panel data models might obscure the differential impacts of industrial robots at specific pollution levels. To address this issue, this paper uses a panel quantile regression model to empirically analyze the effects of industrial robots across different environmental pollution levels.

Table 9 shows that industrial robots have a negative impact on industrial wastewater discharge. With the increase of the quantile of industrial wastewater discharge, the regression coefficient of industrial robots shows a W-shaped change. Specifically, when the industrial wastewater discharge is in the 0.1 quantile, the regression coefficient of industrial robot is − 0.229, and it passes the 1% significant level. When the industrial wastewater discharge is in the 0.25 quantile, the impact of industrial robots on industrial wastewater discharge is gradually enhanced. Its regression coefficient decreases from − 0.229 to − 0.256. When the industrial wastewater discharge is in the 0.5 quantile, the regression coefficient of industrial robot increases from − 0.256 to − 0.152. When the industrial wastewater discharge is at the 0.75 quantile, the regression coefficient of industrial robot decreases from − 0.152 to − 0.211. When the industrial wastewater discharge is in the 0.9 quantile, the regression coefficient of industrial robot increases from − 0.211 to − 0.188. For every 1% increase in the installation density of industrial robots, the discharge of industrial wastewater is reduced by 0.188%.

When industrial wastewater discharge is at a low percentile, the use of industrial robots can replace traditional production methods, reducing energy waste and wastewater discharge. As industrial wastewater discharge increases, the production process becomes more complex. Industrial robots may be involved in high-pollution, high-emission productions, diminishing the robots’ emission-reducing effects. When industrial wastewater discharge reaches high levels, pressured enterprises seek environmentally friendly production methods and use eco-friendly industrial robots to reduce wastewater discharge. As wastewater discharge continues to rise, enterprises tend to prioritize production efficiency over emission control, weakening the negative impact of industrial robots on wastewater discharge. When wastewater discharge is at a high percentile, enterprises should balance production efficiency and environmental protection needs, by introducing eco-friendly industrial robots to reduce wastewater discharge.

Table 10 shows that with the increase of industrial SO 2 emission quantile level, the negative impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions gradually increases. Specifically, when industrial SO 2 emissions are below 0.5 quantile, the impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions is not significant. When the industrial SO 2 emissions are above 0.5 quantile, the negative impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions gradually appears.

When industrial SO 2 emissions are at a low percentile, the application of industrial robots primarily aims to enhance production efficiency, not to reduce SO 2 emissions. Enterprises should invest in the development of eco-friendly industrial robots, ensuring they are readily available for deployment when a reduction in industrial SO 2 emissions is necessary. As industrial SO 2 emissions continue to rise, both the government and the public pay increasing attention to the issue of SO 2 emissions. To meet stringent environmental standards, enterprises begin to use industrial robots to optimize the production process, reduce reliance on sulfur fuels, and consequently decrease SO 2 emissions. Enterprises should regularly evaluate the emission reduction effectiveness of industrial robots, using the assessment data to upgrade and modify the robots’ emission reduction technologies.

Table 11 shows that with the increase of industrial soot emissions quantile level, the negative impact of industrial robots on industrial soot emissions gradually weakens. Specifically, when industrial soot emissions are below 0.75 quantile, industrial robots have a significant negative impact on industrial soot emissions. This negative effect decreases with the increase of industrial soot emissions. When the industrial soot emissions are above 0.75 quantile, the negative impact of industrial robots on industrial soot emissions gradually disappears.

When industrial soot emissions are at a low percentile, they come from a few sources easily managed by industrial robots. As industrial soot emissions increase, the sources become more diverse and complex, making it harder for industrial robots to control. Even with growing environmental awareness, it may take time to effectively use robots in high-emission production processes and control industrial soot emissions. Enterprises should focus on researching how to better integrate industrial robot technology with production processes that have high soot emission levels. The government should provide financial and technical support to enterprises, assisting them in using industrial robots more effectively for emission reduction.

Figure  9 intuitively reflects the trend of the regression coefficient of industrial robots with the changes of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 and industrial soot emissions. Figure  9 a shows that with the increase of industrial wastewater discharge, the regression coefficient of industrial robots shows a W-shaped trend. Figure  9 b shows that with the increase of industrial SO 2 emissions, the regression coefficient of industrial robots gradually decreases. The negative impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions is gradually increasing. Figure  9 c shows that with the increase of industrial soot emissions, the regression coefficient of industrial robots shows a gradual increasing trend. The negative impact of industrial robots on industrial soot emissions has gradually weakened. Figure  9 a, b and c confirm the estimation results of Tables 9 , 10 and 11 .

figure 9

Change of quantile regression coefficient.

Heterogeneity analysis

Regional heterogeneity.

This paper divides China into three regions: Eastern, central and western regions according to geographical location. The estimated results are shown in Table 12 . The industrial robots in eastern region have the greatest negative impact on three pollutants, followed by central region, and the industrial robots in western region have the least negative impact on three pollutants. The use of industrial robots in eastern region far exceeds that in central and western regions. The eastern region is far more than central and western regions in terms of human capital, technological innovation and financial support. Compared with central and western regions, the artificial substitution effect, upgrading of sewage treatment equipment and improvement of energy utilization efficiency brought by industrial robots in eastern region are more obvious.

Time heterogeneity

The development of industrial robots is closely related to policy support 56 . In 2013, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “ Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of Industrial Robot Industry ”. This document proposes: By 2020, 3 to 5 internationally competitive leading enterprises and 8 to 10 supporting industrial clusters are cultivated. In terms of high-end robots, domestic robots account for about 45% of the market share, which provides policy support for the development of industrial robots. Based on this, this paper divides the total sample into two periods: 2006–2012 and 2013–2019, and analyzes the heterogeneous impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution in different periods. The estimation results are shown in Table 13 . Compared with 2006–2012, the emission reduction effect of industrial robots during 2013–2019 is greater.

The use of industrial robots can effectively reduce environmental pollution, which is consistent with hypothesis 1. This is contrary to the findings of Luan et al. 22 , who believed that the use of industrial robots would exacerbate air pollution. The inconsistency in research conclusions may be due to differences in research focus, sample size, and maturity of industrial robot technology. In terms of research focus, this paper mainly focuses on the role of industrial robots in reducing pollutant emissions during industrial production processes. Their research focuses more on the energy consumption caused by the production and use of industrial robots, which could aggravate environmental pollution. In terms of sample size, the sample size of this paper is 30 provinces in China from 2006 to 2019. These regions share consistency in economic development, industrial policies and environmental regulations. Their sample size is 74 countries from 1993 to 2019. These countries cover different geographical, economic and industrial development stages, affecting the combined effect of robots on environmental pollution. In terms of the maturity of industrial robots, the maturity of industrial robot technology has undergone tremendous changes from 1993 to 2019. In the early stages, industrial robot technology was immature, which might cause environmental pollution. In recent years, industrial robot technology has gradually matured, and its operating characteristics have become environmentally friendly. Their impact on environmental pollution has gradually improved. This paper mainly conducts research on the mature stage of industrial robot technology. Their research covers the transition period from immature to mature industrial robot technology. The primary reason that the use of industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution is: The use of industrial robots has a substitution effect on labor force, which reduces the raw materials needed for manual operation. For example, in the industrial spraying of manufacturing industry, the spraying robot can improve the spraying quality and material utilization rate, thereby reducing the waste of raw materials by manual operation. Zhang et al. 57 argued that energy consumption has been the primary source of environmental pollution. Coal is the main energy in China, and the proportion of clean energy is low 58 . In 2022, clean energy such as natural gas, hydropower, wind power and solar power in China accounts for only 25.9% of the total energy consumption, which can cause serious environmental pollution problems. Industrial robots can promote the use of clean energy in industrial production and the upgrading of energy structure 24 . The reduction of raw materials and the upgrading of energy structure can control pollutant emissions in front-end production. On September 1, 2021, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released the report “ Using Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Energy Transformation ”. The report points out that industrial robots can upgrade pollution monitoring equipment and sewage equipment, which reduces pollutant emissions in end-of-pipe treatment. Ye et al. 59 also share the same viewpoint.

The use of industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution through green technology innovation, which is consistent with hypothesis 2. Industrial robots promote the integration of knowledge, which helps enterprises to carry out green technology innovation activities. Meanwhile, Jung et al. 60 suggested that industrial robots can lower production costs for companies, allowing them to invest in green technology research. The level of green technology innovation is improved. Green technology innovation reduces environmental pollution through the following three aspects: Firstly, the improvement of energy utilization efficiency. China’s utilization efficiency of traditional energy sources such as coal is not high. The report of “ 2013-Global Energy Industry Efficiency Research ” points out that China’s energy utilization rate is only ranked 74th in the world in 2013. Low energy efficiency brings serious environmental pollution problems 61 . Du et al. 62 found that the innovation of green technologies, such as clean coal, can enhance energy efficiency and decrease environmental pollution. Secondly, the production of green products. Green technology innovation accelerates the green and recyclable process of production, thereby reducing the pollutants generated in production process. Thirdly, the improvement of enterprise competitive advantage. Green technology innovation can enable enterprises to gain greater competitive advantage in green development 63 . The supply of environmentally friendly products increases, which not only meets the green consumption needs of consumers, but also reduces the emission of pollutants.

Industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution by optimizing the structure of employment skills, which is consistent with hypothesis 3. Autor et al. 64 contended that industrial robots would replace conventional manual labor positions, reducing the demand for low-skilled labor. Industrial robots represent the development of numerical intelligence. With the continuous development of digital intelligence, the demand for high-skilled labor in enterprises has increased. Koch et al. 65 demonstrated that the use of industrial robots in Spanish manufacturing firms leads to an increase in the number of skilled workers. In February 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Administration of Market Supervision and the National Bureau of Statistics jointly issues 16 new professions such as intelligent manufacturing engineering and technical personnel, industrial Internet engineering and technical personnel, and virtual reality engineering and technical personnel to the society. These new occupations increase the demand for highly skilled labor. The reduction of low-skilled labor and increase of high-skilled labor optimize the structure of employment skills. The optimization of employment skill structure narrows the wage gap between employees, reducing the communication cost of employees. Employees learn and exchange technology with each other, which not only improves the absorption capacity of clean technology. It also improves the production efficiency of enterprises and increases corporate profits, so that enterprises can use more funds for clean technology research and development, thereby reducing environmental pollution.

Conclusions and policy recommendations

Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2006 to 2019, this paper uses the panel data model and mediating effect model to empirically test the impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution and its transmission mechanism. This paper uses panel quantile model, regional samples and time samples to further analyze the heterogeneous impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Industrial robots can significantly reduce environmental pollution. For every 1% increase in industrial robots, the emissions of industrial wastewater, industrial SO 2 , and industrial dust and smoke decrease by − 0.242%, − 0.0875%, and − 0.277%. This finding is contrary to that of Luan et al. 22 , who argued that the use of industrial robots exacerbates air pollution. The results of this paper provide a contrasting perspective, highlighting the potential value of industrial robots in mitigating environmental pollution. (2) Industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution by improving green technology innovation level and optimizing employment skills structure. In the impact of industrial robots on industrial wastewater discharge, the mediating effect of green technology innovation accounts for 8.17% of total effect. The mediating effect of employment skill structure accounts for 6.67% of total effect. In the impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions, the mediating effect of green technology innovation accounts for 11.8% of total effect. The mediating effect of employment skill structure accounts for 20.66% of total effect. In the impact of industrial robots on industrial soot emissions, the mediating effect of green technology innovation accounts for 3.72% of total effect. The mediating effect of employment skill structure accounts for 15.53% of total effect. While Obobisa et al. 66 and Zhang et al. 67 highlighted the role of green technological innovation in addressing environmental pollution. Chiacchio et al. 68 and Dekle 69 focused on the effects of industrial robots on employment. The mediating impact of technology and employment in the context of robots affecting pollution hasn’t been addressed. Our research provides the first in-depth exploration of this crucial intersection. (3) Under different environmental pollution levels, the impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution is different. Among them, with the increase of industrial wastewater discharge, the impact of industrial robots on industrial wastewater discharge shows a “W-shaped” change. With the increase of industrial SO 2 emissions, the negative impact of industrial robots on industrial SO 2 emissions is gradually increasing. On the contrary, with the increase of industrial soot emissions, the negative impact of industrial robots on industrial soot emissions gradually weakens. (4) Industrial robots in different regions and different periods have heterogeneous effects on environmental pollution. Regarding regional heterogeneity, industrial robots in eastern region have the greatest negative impact on environmental pollution, followed by central region, and western region has the least negative impact on environmental pollution. Regarding time heterogeneity, the negative impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution in 2013–2019 is greater than that in 2006–2012. Chen et al. 5 and Li et al. 24 both examined the overarching impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution. They did not consider the varying effects of robots on pollution across different regions and time periods. Breaking away from the limitations of previous holistic approaches, our study offers scholars a deeper understanding of the diverse environmental effects of industrial robots.

According to the above research conclusions, this paper believes that the government and enterprises can promote emission reduction through industrial robots from the following aspects.

Increase the scale of investment in robot industry and promote the development of robot industry. China’s industrial robot ownership ranks first in the world. Its industrial robot installation density is lower than that of developed countries such as the United States, Japan and South Korea. The Chinese government should give some financial support to robot industry and promote the development of robot industry, so as to effectively reduce environmental pollution. The R&D investment of industrial robots should be increased so that they can play a full role in reducing raw material consumption, improving energy efficiency and sewage treatment capacity.

Give full play to the role of industrial robots in promoting green technology innovation. Industrial robots can reduce environmental pollution through green technology innovation. The role of industrial robots in innovation should be highly valued. The advantages of knowledge integration and data processing of industrial robots should be fully utilized. Meanwhile, the government should support high-polluting enterprises that do not have industrial robots from the aspects of capital, talents and technology, so as to open up the channels for these enterprises to develop and improve clean technology by using industrial robots.

Give full play to the role of industrial robots in optimizing employment skills structure. The use of industrial robots can create jobs with higher skill requirements and increase the demand for highly skilled talents. China is relatively short of talents in the field of emerging technologies. The education department should actively build disciplines related to industrial robots to provide talent support for high-skilled positions. Enterprises can also improve the skill level of the existing labor force through on-the-job training and job competition.

Data availability

The datasets used or analyzed during the current study are available from Yanfang Liu on reasonable request.

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Liu, Y. Impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution: evidence from China. Sci Rep 13 , 20769 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-47380-6

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Received : 24 July 2023

Accepted : 13 November 2023

Published : 26 November 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-47380-6

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  20. How to Write a Discussion For a Research Paper in 5 Steps

    The steps below will help you write an effective research paper discussion section: Step 1: Summarize your Results Start the discussion section by providing a brief reintroduction to your research question or hypothesis.

  21. How to Write a Discussion Section

    Table of contents. What not to include in your discussion section. Step 1: Summarise your key findings. Step 2: Give your interpretations. Step 3: Discuss the implications. Step 4: Acknowledge the limitations. Step 5: Share your recommendations. Discussion section example.

  22. Research Paper

    The structure of a research paper typically follows a standard format, consisting of several sections that convey specific information about the research study. The following is a detailed explanation of the structure of a research paper: ... The discussion section of a research paper interprets the findings and discusses their implications for ...

  23. How to Create a Structured Research Paper Outline

    A decimal outline is similar in format to the alphanumeric outline, but with a different numbering system: 1, 1.1, 1.2, etc. Text is written as short notes rather than full sentences. Example: 1 Body paragraph one. 1.1 First point. 1.1.1 Sub-point of first point. 1.1.2 Sub-point of first point.

  24. How to Create a Research Paper Outline?

    Congratulations, you have successfully created the first draft of your paper. 3. Summary. Now you have the research paper outline, you can start filling in the sections one by one. The order of writing should be as follows: material and methods, results, discussion, introduction, conclusion and abstract.

  25. Impact of industrial robots on environmental pollution: evidence from

    According to the above research conclusions, this paper believes that the government and enterprises can promote emission reduction through industrial robots from the following aspects. (1)

  26. Polymers

    This paper provides a study of two bone substitutes: a hybrid porous polymer and an osteoplastic matrix based on a bovine-derived xenograft. Both materials are porous, but their pore characteristics are different. The osteoplastic matrix has pores of 300-600 µm and the hybrid polymer has smaller pores, generally of 6-20 µm, but with some pores up to 100 µm across. SEM data confirmed the ...