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Types of writing assignments for engineering courses

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Writing assignments in engineering courses can take many forms, ranging from a couple of sentences of in-class writing to formal reports.

Conceptual Writing

Ask students to write about technical definitions, assumptions, or terminology. They can rephrase easily found definitions and assumptions in their own words, which allows them to articulate basic knowledge that they have learned in the course.


Take an existing “calculator problem” and have students explain their answers. The format of their explanations can range from a few clarifying sentences to a solution manual-type description. This is the simplest type of writing question to apply, and it dovetails perfectly with already-developed homework questions.

How Stuff Works

Ask students to use newly-learned concepts and terminology in an explanation of how something works in the real world. This question forces students to apply new concepts and equations to an actual situation.

Real-world Example

Advise students to seek out and explain a real-world example of a concept in action. This type of writing prompt is great at promoting student appreciation for the real-world importance of what they are learning.


Assign students to design their own homework problem and write a detailed solution to that problem. This approach lets students be creative and encourages deep understanding of technical concepts and procedures.

Open-ended Design

Challenge students to design a device or solution associated with a stated design objective. The writing component of the assignment lies in the explanation of the design. This writing task allows students to create their own design and further engage with technical concepts and procedures as they explain how their design works.


Top 10 Tips on How to Write Engineering Assignments

10 Tips on How to Write Engineering Assignments

Engineering assignments can be challenging, especially for students who are new to the field or need help with academic writing. However, with the right approach and some helpful tips, writing engineering assignments can become a manageable task. In this blog post, we will provide the top 10 tips on how to write engineering assignments. These tips will cover various aspects of the writing process, including choosing a topic, conducting research, structuring your assignment, and writing effective sentences and paragraphs. Whether you are an undergraduate or postgraduate student, these tips will help you improve your engineering writing skills and achieve better grades on your assignments.

, you can excel in your coursework and secure your dream job in the industry.

Tips on How to Write Engineering Assignments

Table of Contents

Here are some tips on how to write engineering assignments:

1) Engineering Assignments Should Be To The Point

The first tip for writing engineering assignments is to be concise and to the point. Engineering is a technical field that requires clear and precise communication. Therefore, it is essential to avoid using unnecessary words or overly complicated language that can hide your message. Instead, focus on delivering your ideas and arguments in a clear and straightforward manner. This will not only help you convey your message effectively but also demonstrate your understanding of the topic to your instructor.

2) Make Brief Intro

When you are writing an assignment you have to give a brief introduction of the topics that you are writing. You have to know that the subjects in engineering are technical so, you should know how to write engineering assignments. Give basic details of the topic that the person can know what you are writing on a topic. a brief intro also examines what you are talking about in all assignments therefore if it will be creative, brief, and informative, the more it will get value. This is one of the ways on how to write engineering assignments.

3) Do the Vast Research

When you are writing any topic, you have a vast knowledge of that topic. For that, you have to do vast research and know how to write an engineering assignment. Because the topics in engineering are quite technical. For making an easy task you can do one more thing during research or collecting information make some notes and note down every major point so that if you start writing the final assignments you shouldn’t be worried or any confusion about the topic. Thus this also helps you on how to write engineering assignments.

4) Add Some Creativity

You know how to write engineering assignments, for that you have to add some creativity in your assignments. Like, use the scales for majoring the diagrams and make some projects in that creative way so that anyone can be impressed by your work. So, add some creativity while doing the engineering assignments. Creativity not should only in the words but also in the style you are making.

5) Take Ideas from Seniors Assignments

When you know how to write engineering assignments but still you have to take ideas from your senior’s assignments. The way they present their assignments in a detailed way and what they write in the assignment can give more help to you when you start writing your own assignment. This will give you an idea of where to start the project or assignment. They have spent lot of energy, time, and creativity. So it would be easier for you to get the best idea to make your assignments more insightful, productive, and valuable.

6) Clear & Easy To Understand

If a person or the student has an interest in the engineering topics and knows how to write the engineering assignment. Then it will not create hurdles in his work and he/she can easily write anything about the assignment. But the projects or engineering should be clear to them and they have basic knowledge of the topics so that they can easily work on their projects. The more your assignments will be clear and easy for the examiner to understand, the more it will create a positive impact on the examiner. Using many hard words that would not be understood by everyone makes a little negative impact. That’s why the language should be clear and easy to understand. This is the way on how to write engineering assignments.

7) Give Examples To Make Point Clear

Writing an engineering assignment is not easy, if you don’t use the perfect examples then the assignments have no value and not worth making. You know how to write engineering assignments then it will be only possible if you give the proper examples to make it clear and give the best use of projects while working on the assignments. Giving examples shows the mindset that the students are having practical knowledge about the subject or not. This is also showing that students truly want to make clear to the examiner about assignments and it would be easy for everyone to understand through examples.

8) Add Some Infographics Prints To Make Assignments Interesting

If you start using infographics it would make more effective impact on the examiner. Infographics are something the right way in which you can discuss many things under fewer words.also, it makes your assignments more creative and truthful. Using only the textual part is sounds a little boring but if you use some infographics print in your engineering assignments then it would be an advanced advantage for you. This is how to write engineering assignments.

9) Add Your Research Study Experience

During making engineering assignments you must have to add your research study experience. How you did your research, how many research methods you have applied to make those assignments, and how many difficulties you faced during making assignments. You should also share some Do’s and Dont’s, this is the way to build an examiner’s trust in your assignments. This is one of the best tips on how to write engineering assignments.

10) Include Major Points During Finish The Assignment

In the end when you are going to finish your assignment make sure you should sum up everything that you have discussed in a brief point so that it will recall in the examiner mind what he/she already has studied. Recall must be there to understand everything in a short period of time. This is how you can make your assignments. This is the fines way on how to write engineering assignments.

How To Choose A Topic For Your Engineering Assignment In 2023

Here we will discuss some steps to choose a topic for your engineering assignment:

1. Choose According To Interest

Pick a topic that you enjoy and find interesting in engineering. When you like what you’re studying, it keeps you excited and focused.

2. Think About What’s Important Now

Look for topics that matter in 2023 and are relevant to what’s happening in the engineering world. Pay attention to things that can make a difference.

3. Don’t Go Too Big Topic

Select a topic that’s not too wide or general. It should be specific enough so you can explore it well and not get lost in too much information.

4. Find Enough Information

Ensure enough books, articles, and other materials are available for your topic. You don’t want to struggle to find information.

5. Ask Your Teachers

Check if your teachers know about your chosen topic. They can give you advice and suggestions.

6. Be Different

Try to find a topic that’s not commonly chosen by others. Being unique can make your assignment more interesting.

7. Make Sure It’s Doable

Think about the time and resources you have for the assignment. Pick a topic that you can realistically finish on time.

13+ Engineering Assignment Topics For Students In 2023

Here we will discuss 13+ engineering assignments topics for students in 2023:

  • Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Sustainable Building Design
  • Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
  • Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities
  • Autonomous Vehicles and Self-Driving Cars
  • Biomedical Engineering and Prosthetics
  • Green Engineering Solutions for Pollution Control
  • Advanced Materials for Aerospace Applications
  • 3D Printing in Engineering
  •  Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure
  •  Water Resource Management and Conservation
  •  Robotics and Automation in Industry
  •  Waste Management and Recycling Technologies
  •  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Applications in Engineering
  •  Nanotechnology for Electronics and Energy Storage

Here you know the benefits of taking Engineering Assignment Help. If your question was how to score best with engineering assignment help then online service providers are the best solution. They have a solution for almost every problem regarding your assignments and homework. These service providers have years of experienced experts who have immense knowledge of engineering assignments.

If you need any type of Engineering Assignment Help or any other topics of Programming Assignment Help . You can contact us anytime and from anywhere in the world. We are always ready to help.

Our experts are available 24/7 for your help. We are helping students from the past many years. We have highly qualified writers for your homework who have years of experience in their respective fields.

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Listen: we know homework isn’t fun, but it is a good way to reinforce the ideas and concepts you’ve learned in class. But what if you’re really struggling with your homework assignments?

If you’ve looked online for a little extra help with your take-home assignments, you’ve probably stumbled across websites claiming to provide the homework help and answers students need to succeed . But can homework help sites really make a difference? And if so, which are the best homework help websites you can use? 

Below, we answer these questions and more about homework help websites–free and paid. We’ll go over: 

  • The basics of homework help websites
  • The cost of homework help websites 
  • The five best homework websites out there 
  • The pros and cons of using these websites for homework help 
  • The line between “learning” and “cheating” when using online homework help 
  • Tips for getting the most out of a homework help website

So let’s get started! 


The Basics About Homework Help Websites–Free and Paid

Homework help websites are designed to help you complete your homework assignments, plain and simple. 

What Makes a Homework Help Site Worth Using

Most of the best sites allow users to ask questions and then provide an answer (or multiple possible answers) and explanation in seconds. In some instances, you can even send a photo of a particular assignment or problem instead of typing the whole thing out! 

Homework help sites also offer more than just help answering homework questions. Common services provided are Q&A with experts, educational videos, lectures, practice tests and quizzes, learning modules, math solving tools, and proofreading help. Homework help sites can also provide textbook solutions (i.e. answers to problems in tons of different textbooks your school might be using), one-on-one tutoring, and peer-to-peer platforms that allow you to discuss subjects you’re learning about with your fellow students. 

And best of all, nearly all of them offer their services 24/7, including tutoring! 

What You Should Should Look Out For

When it comes to homework help, there are lots–and we mean lots –of scam sites out there willing to prey on desperate students. Before you sign up for any service, make sure you read reviews to ensure you’re working with a legitimate company. 

A word to the wise: the more a company advertises help that veers into the territory of cheating, the more likely it is to be a scam. The best homework help websites are going to help you learn the concepts you’ll need to successfully complete your homework on your own. (We’ll go over the difference between “homework help” and “cheating” a little later!) 


You don't need a golden piggy bank to use homework help websites. Some provide low or no cost help for students like you!

How Expensive Are the Best Homework Help Websites?

First of all, just because a homework help site costs money doesn’t mean it’s a good service. Likewise, just because a homework help website is free doesn’t mean the help isn’t high quality. To find the best websites, you have to take a close look at the quality and types of information they provide! 

When it comes to paid homework help services, the prices vary pretty widely depending on the amount of services you want to subscribe to. Subscriptions can cost anywhere from $2 to $150 dollars per month, with the most expensive services offering several hours of one-on-one tutoring with a subject expert per month.

The 5 Best Homework Help Websites 

So, what is the best homework help website you can use? The answer is that it depends on what you need help with. 

The best homework help websites are the ones that are reliable and help you learn the material. They don’t just provide answers to homework questions–they actually help you learn the material. 

That’s why we’ve broken down our favorite websites into categories based on who they’re best for . For instance, the best website for people struggling with math might not work for someone who needs a little extra help with science, and vice versa. 

Keep reading to find the best homework help website for you! 

Best Free Homework Help Site: Khan Academy

  • Price: Free!
  • Best for: Practicing tough material 

Not only is Khan Academy free, but it’s full of information and can be personalized to suit your needs. When you set up your account , you choose which courses you need to study, and Khan Academy sets up a personal dashboard of instructional videos, practice exercises, and quizzes –with both correct and incorrect answer explanations–so you can learn at your own pace. 

As an added bonus, it covers more course topics than many other homework help sites, including several AP classes.

Runner Up: Brainly.com offers a free service that allows you to type in questions and get answers and explanations from experts. The downside is that you’re limited to two answers per question and have to watch ads. 

Best Paid Homework Help Site: Chegg

  • Price: $14.95 to $19.95 per month
  • Best for: 24/7 homework assistance  

This service has three main parts . The first is Chegg Study, which includes textbook solutions, Q&A with subject experts, flashcards, video explanations, a math solver, and writing help. The resources are thorough, and reviewers state that Chegg answers homework questions quickly and accurately no matter when you submit them.  

Chegg also offers textbook rentals for students who need access to textbooks outside of their classroom. Finally, Chegg offers Internship and Career Advice for students who are preparing to graduate and may need a little extra help with the transition out of high school. 

Another great feature Chegg provides is a selection of free articles geared towards helping with general life skills, like coping with stress and saving money. Chegg’s learning modules are comprehensive, and they feature solutions to the problems in tons of different textbooks in a wide variety of subjects. 

Runner Up: Bartleby offers basically the same services as Chegg for $14.99 per month. The reason it didn’t rank as the best is based on customer reviews that say user questions aren’t answered quite as quickly on this site as on Chegg. Otherwise, this is also a solid choice!


Best Site for Math Homework Help: Photomath

  • Price: Free (or $59.99 per year for premium services) 
  • Best for: Explaining solutions to math problems

This site allows you to t ake a picture of a math problem, and instantly pulls up a step-by-step solution, as well as a detailed explanation of the concept. Photomath also includes animated videos that break down mathematical concepts to help you better understand and remember them. 

The basic service is free, but for an additional fee you can get extra study tools and learn additional strategies for solving common math problems.

Runner Up: KhanAcademy offers in-depth tutorials that cover complex math topics for free, but you won’t get the same tailored help (and answers!) that Photomath offers. 

Best Site for English Homework Help: Princeton Review Academic Tutoring

  • Price: $40 to $153 per month, depending on how many hours of tutoring you want 
  • Best for: Comprehensive and personalized reading and writing help 

While sites like Grammarly and Sparknotes help you by either proofreading what you write via an algorithm or providing book summaries, Princeton Review’s tutors provide in-depth help with vocabulary, literature, essay writing and development, proofreading, and reading comprehension. And unlike other services, you’ll have the chance to work with a real person to get help. 

The best part is that you can get on-demand English (and ESL) tutoring from experts 24/7. That means you can get help whenever you need it, even if you’re pulling an all-nighter! 

This is by far the most expensive homework site on this list, so you’ll need to really think about what you need out of a homework help website before you commit. One added benefit is that the subscription covers over 80 other subjects, including AP classes, which can make it a good value if you need lots of help!  


Best Site for STEM Homework Help: Studypool

  • Best for: Science homework help
  • Price: Varies; you’ll pay for each question you submit

When it comes to science homework help, there aren’t a ton of great resources out there. The best of the bunch is Studypool, and while it has great reviews, there are some downsides as well. 

Let’s start with the good stuff. Studypool offers an interesting twist on the homework help formula. After you create a free account, you can submit your homework help questions, and tutors will submit bids to answer your questions. You’ll be able to select the tutor–and price point–that works for you, then you’ll pay to have your homework question answered. You can also pay a small fee to access notes, lectures, and other documents that top tutors have uploaded. 

The downside to Studypool is that the pricing is not transparent . There’s no way to plan for how much your homework help will cost, especially if you have lots of questions! Additionally, it’s not clear how tutors are selected, so you’ll need to be cautious when you choose who you’d like to answer your homework questions.  


What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Homework Help Sites?

Homework help websites can be a great resource if you’re struggling in a subject, or even if you just want to make sure that you’re really learning and understanding topics and ideas that you’re interested in. But, there are some possible drawbacks if you don’t use these sites responsibly. 

We’ll go over the good–and the not-so-good–aspects of getting online homework help below. 

3 Pros of Using Homework Help Websites 

First, let’s take a look at the benefits. 

#1: Better Grades Beyond Homework

This is a big one! Getting outside help with your studies can improve your understanding of concepts that you’re learning, which translates into better grades when you take tests or write essays. 

Remember: homework is designed to help reinforce the concepts you learned in class. If you just get easy answers without learning the material behind the problems, you may not have the tools you need to be successful on your class exams…or even standardized tests you’ll need to take for college. 

#2: Convenience

One of the main reasons that online homework help is appealing is because it’s flexible and convenient. You don’t have to go to a specific tutoring center while they’re open or stay after school to speak with your teacher. Instead, you can access helpful resources wherever you can access the internet, whenever you need them.

This is especially true if you tend to study at off hours because of your extracurriculars, work schedule, or family obligations. Sites that offer 24/7 tutoring can give you the extra help you need if you can’t access the free resources that are available at your school. 

#3: Variety

Not everyone learns the same way. Maybe you’re more of a visual learner, but your teacher mostly does lectures. Or maybe you learn best by listening and taking notes, but you’re expected to learn something just from reading the textbook . 

One of the best things about online homework help is that it comes in a variety of forms. The best homework help sites offer resources for all types of learners, including videos, practice activities, and even one-on-one discussions with real-life experts. 

This variety can also be a good thing if you just don’t really resonate with the way a concept is being explained (looking at you, math textbooks!).


Not so fast. There are cons to homework help websites, too. Get to know them below!

3 Cons of Using Homework Help Websites 

Now, let’s take a look at the drawbacks of online homework help. 

#1: Unreliable Info

This can be a real problem. In addition to all the really good homework help sites, there are a whole lot of disreputable or unreliable sites out there. The fact of the matter is that some homework help sites don’t necessarily hire people who are experts in the subjects they’re talking about. In those cases, you may not be getting the accurate, up-to-date, and thorough information you need.

Additionally, even the great sites may not be able to answer all of your homework questions. This is especially true if the site uses an algorithm or chatbot to help students…or if you’re enrolled in an advanced or college-level course. In these cases, working with your teacher or school-provided tutors are probably your best option. 

#2: No Clarification

This depends on the service you use, of course. But the majority of them provide free or low-cost help through pre-recorded videos. Watching videos or reading info online can definitely help you with your homework… but you can’t ask questions or get immediate feedback if you need it .

#3: Potential For Scamming 

Like we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of homework help websites out there, and lots of them are scams. The review comments we read covered everything from outdated or wrong information, to misleading claims about the help provided, to not allowing people to cancel their service after signing up. 

No matter which site you choose to use, make sure you research and read reviews before you sign up–especially if it’s a paid service! 


When Does “Help” Become “Cheating”?

Admittedly, whether using homework help websites constitutes cheating is a bit of a grey area. For instance, is it “help” when a friend reads your essay for history class and corrects your grammar, or is it “cheating”? The truth is, not everyone agrees on when “help” crosses the line into “cheating .” When in doubt, it can be a good idea to check with your teacher to see what they think about a particular type of help you want to get. 

That said, a general rule of thumb to keep in mind is to make sure that the assignment you turn in for credit is authentically yours . It needs to demonstrate your own thoughts and your own current abilities. Remember: the point of every homework assignment is to 1) help you learn something, and 2) show what you’ve learned. 

So if a service answers questions or writes essays for you, there’s a good chance using it constitutes cheating. 

Here’s an example that might help clarify the difference for you. Brainstorming essay ideas with others or looking online for inspiration is “help” as long as you write the essay yourself. Having someone read it and give you feedback about what you need to change is also help, provided you’re the one that makes the changes later. 

But copying all or part of an essay you find online or having someone write (or rewrite) the whole thing for you would be “cheating.” The same is true for other subjects. Ultimately, if you’re not generating your own work or your own answers, it’s probably cheating.


5 Tips for Finding the Best Homework Help Websites for You

Now that you know some of our favorite homework help websites, free and paid, you can start doing some additional research on your own to decide which services might work best for you! Here are some top tips for choosing a homework help website. 

Tip 1: Decide How You Learn Best 

Before you decide which site or sites you’re going to use for homework help, y ou should figure out what kind of learning style works for you the most. Are you a visual learner? Then choose a site that uses lots of videos to help explain concepts. If you know you learn best by actually doing tasks, choose a site that provides lots of practice exercises.

Tip 2: Determine Which Subjects You Need Help With

Just because a homework help site is good overall doesn’t mean that it’s equally good for every subject. If you only need help in math, choose a site that specializes in that area. But if history is where you’re struggling, a site that specializes in math won’t be much help. So make sure to choose a site that you know provides high-quality help in the areas you need it most. 

Tip 3: Decide How Much One-On-One Help You Need 

This is really about cost-effectiveness. If you learn well on your own by reading and watching videos, a free site like Khan Academy is a good choice. But if you need actual tutoring, or to be able to ask questions and get personalized answers from experts, a paid site that provides that kind of service may be a better option.

Tip 4: Set a Budget

If you decide you want to go with a paid homework help website, set a budget first . The prices for sites vary wildly, and the cost to use them can add up quick. 

Tip 5: Read the Reviews

Finally, it’s always a good idea to read actual reviews written by the people using these homework sites. You’ll learn the good, the bad, and the ugly of what the users’ experiences have been. This is especially true if you intend to subscribe to a paid service. You’ll want to make sure that users think it’s worth the price overall!


What’s Next?

If you want to get good grades on your homework, it’s a good idea to learn how to tackle it strategically. Our expert tips will help you get the most out of each assignment…and boost your grades in the process.

Doing well on homework assignments is just one part of getting good grades. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about getting great grades in high school in this article.

Of course, test grades can make or break your GPA, too. Here are 17 expert tips that’ll help you get the most out of your study prep before you take an exam.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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  • Nov 29, 2022
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20 Sites that Pay You to Do Homework for Other People

Want to share your expertise and get paid for it? Check out these highly rated tutoring websites.

Chris Leitch

Chris Leitch

Editor-in-Chief & Résumé Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Websites that Pay You to Do Homework

Remember when you were younger, and you absolutely  loathed  doing homework? Well, thanks to the internet, you may just loathe it a little less now. And that’s because — as this is the internet we’re talking about — you can get paid to do homework for other people all from the  comfort of your home  (and behind your PC screen).

If this sounds like a great way to  make some extra money on the side , and if you’ve got the brains for it, then why not give it a go?

Check out these 20 great tutoring websites to get started!

1. OneClass

OneClass - tutoring website that offers homework help

OneClass  doesn’t just pay you to do people’s homework with its Homework Help solution, but the company also pays you to share your study notes with other university students taking the same courses as you. In other words, you get paid to go to class and do homework, too!

OneClass’s system is credit-based. You earn 25 credits for every approved document you upload (75 if you’re an Elite Note Taker), which can be redeemed for gift cards to popular retailers like Amazon , Starbucks and Domino’s, or even for cash. You can even earn credits by earning badges and referring friends to join OneClass. And the best part is that it’s available to people who have finished university , too; you don’t have to be a current student to take part!

2. Tutor.com

Tutor.com website - promotes student success by offering homework help to students

Tutor.com  is a fully  online tutoring service  which comprises a network of  certified teachers , college professors, graduate students and professionals with master’s degrees, PhDs and Ivy League credentials who are experts in their fields.

It’s free to join but there’s a catch: you’ll need to be a current resident of, and eligible to work in, the US or Canada. You’ll also need to be a college sophomore or higher or hold a degree from an accredited US or Canadian university.

The whole application process can take anywhere between one and three weeks. Once your application has been accepted, you’ll be invited to take (and pass) an exam in 1 of their 21 high-demanding subjects (including physics, maths, business law and essay writing). You’ll then have to participate in a mock session and undergo a background check, after which you’ll be able to start tutoring students of all ages and help them with their homework. Hourly rates are dictated by the subject you teach.

3. PaperCoach

Papercoach academic help and tutoring website

PaperCoach  provides custom paper-writing services to high school, undergraduate, master’s and PhD students or whoever needs help with their coursework, book reviews, essays, dissertations, admission essays,  résumés ,  cover letters ,  business plans  — you name it!

They rely on specialized LinkedIn groups to find writers, but you can send a speculative application by sending your résumé in for consideration. The good news is that although it’s a US-based company, you don’t have to be a US resident to apply.

Depending on your academic level and the complexity of the paper you write and its deadline, you can earn about $8 and above.

Toppr tutoring platform

Toppr  is an Indian mobile tutoring app which connects tutors to grade 8–12, JEE, NEET and CET students who need help with their homework. As a tutor, you’ll help alleviate students’ doubts on a variety of subjects, ranging from chemistry to maths and physics.

To apply to become a tutor , you’ll need to be a resident of India. Once you’ve chosen the topics of your expertise, you can start accepting tutoring requests whenever you wish — right on your phone — and you’ll get paid for every session you take.

Chegg - Tutoring website that offers homework help

Chegg  is perhaps one of the best-known online tutoring sites on the internet today. It recruits tutors from  top universities  for a variety of high school and college subjects, including computer science, algebra, accounting, French, biology and mechanical engineering. There are literally thousands of different subjects to choose from, and applying to become a tutor in your expert area is easy — the best part is that you can be anywhere in the world to join.

Upon becoming a tutor, you’ll be able to connect with students needing help in your area — whenever it’s most convenient to you. You get paid each week (you’ll typically earn $20+ per hour), and you can download the Chegg app to stay connected on the go.

6. Eduboard

Eduboard website - Tutoring website that gives students help with homework

Eduboard  allows students to ask expert tutors for help in more than 30 different subjects, including maths, physics and chemistry. Students place orders for homework help, essay writing, assignments and everything in between, and you can bid on those that you like. Payments are made once a month with a 20% commission deducted.

To apply to become an online tutor on Eduboard, you’ll either need to be in your senior year of college or have already graduated from an accredited university in Canada or the US. You can set your own prices, with Q&A-based assistance usually starting at $2 and go up to $25 a question.

7. School Solver

Schoolsolver website - Site that offers tutors to help with homework

Self-proclaimed as the “marketplace for school homework”,  School Solver  is a renowned homework and assignment help platform which has been referred by tech giants such as Forbes, Mashable and TechCrunch.

Students ask questions in every single subject imaginable, and your answers can be purchased by not just the student who asked the question but also others after them. This means that where you would normally earn $5, for example, you could actually make as much as $500 over time.

8. Help with Assignment

Help With Assignment website - a site that helps students with their homework

Help with Assignment  is made up of PhD professors, MBA corporate leaders, writers,  bloggers , teachers, mathematicians, historians and scientists whose goal is to help students with their assignments in a variety of subjects, like law, maths, marketing and nursing.

To become an online tutor at Help with Assignment, you’ll need a minimum of 2 years’ work/teaching experience and a master’s or PhD degree in your chosen subject. You’ll also need to undergo various tests before you’re able to help students  improve their Excel skills , for example.

9. Growing Stars

Growing Stars website for tutors and students looking for homework help

Based in the US,  Growing Stars  is another great website to make money online by helping students with their homework. You’ll mostly work with young children from grades 3 to 12, offering about 2 hours of one-on-one tutoring a week in your expert area.

To apply to join Growing Stars’ team of online tutors, you’ll need to complete the candidate registration form as well as submit your résumé. You’ll also need to be educated in your chosen subject, from C++ programming to  creative writing  and biology to chemistry.

10. Freelancer

Freelancer website - where tutors can offer their services to students needing homework help

Freelancer  is one of the best online platforms to find  freelance work , like  designing websites  or  translating . That said, you can also find and apply for opportunities to help students with their homework.

It’s free and easy to join, and you can set your own prices. All you need to do is set up a public profile and start applying for relevant jobs.

Upwork freelancing site for tutors and others

Upwork  basically does the same thing that Freelancer does. It lets people submit projects that they need completing, and freelancers bid on the ones that interest them and that match their skills. You set your own prices, and there are no registration fees, but do note that you will be charged a commission for each project you complete.

12. SweetStudy

SweetStudy website where tutors help students with homework

SweetStudy  is a platform that connects students with tutors to help with their homework. While a tutor’s traditional functions don’t include completing homework assignments for their students, the website does allow users to earn cash to do homework for others. You can also proofread homework assignments and respond to specific questions for a long list of subjects, including chemistry, engineering, environmental science, geology and history.

After you create a profile and list your skills, you set your rates. It’s estimated that you earn between $5 and $25 per homework assignment.

13. Studypool

Studypool website for tutors

Studypool  is a micro-tutoring platform that gives you the option of placing bids on students’ homework questions, which is usually between $5 and $20 per answer. The website also has more than 20 million study documents from hundreds of universities in 150 countries in its Notebank.

Anyone can bid on any questions, but students will compare profiles, statistics and reviews to make their final decision, so be sure to put some effort into your profile creation. That said, the one thing that student users will look at is your degree.

Wyzant - Expert tutoring website to earn extra money

Since 2005,  Wyzant  has been the go-to outlet for students searching for tutors. The online services marketplace utilizes its education technology to match the right tutors with the right students. Tutors, who are vetted and verified by the Wyzant team, earn an average of $30 per hour.

The website has a wide range of functions, from one-on-one online lessons to real-time video chat and an interactive whiteboard for uploading documents and outlining equations. Wyzant is essentially a digital classroom.

15. 24HourAnswers.com

24houranswers homework help website

When students want the basics — and quick! —  24HourAnswers.com  is one of the best solutions around. It’s a website dedicated to college homework assistance, offering various services involving online tutoring, a library of academic solutions, and homework help.

After posting your credentials and verifying your English proficiency, you can submit an estimation of how long it would take to complete the homework. It’s then between you and the students to come up with a rate, which averages around $13 per hour. It’s a simple process for both parties: the problem is uploaded, the tutor and the student meet, payment is made, and the homework help is completed.

Preply tutoring website

When you sign up as a tutor on Preply , the website allows you to select your own rate, which can reach up to $40 an hour. Though primarily known as a language tutoring site , Preply also offers homework and tutoring services to those seeking help with other subjects, including math, history, and economics.

Apart from searching for teachers based on area of expertise, students can filter results using an “Also speaks…” button, which allows them to select what language they’d like to be taught in. So, if you can speak more than one language, you’ll be able to cater to an even greater audience.

If you’ve never done virtual teaching before, you can enter a “demo room” and familiarize yourself with the virtual classroom so you can ease into it!

17. MyTutor

MyTutor - UK-based tutoring website

This UK website gives young adults the opportunity to earn between £20 ($23.10) and £51 ($59.00) an hour, depending on the subjects and their experience. As they put it on their website, “ MyTutor pays more than your average uni job — and it doesn’t involve mopping up beer.” Sounds pretty good, no?

If you’d like to tutor students on this website, you need to be either enrolled in (or a recent graduate of) one of 60 UK universities and eligible to work in the UK .

To help you quickly get started, MyTutor provides training and resources for new joiners and pays their tutors every two weeks.

18. Teach Me 2

Teachme2 - website for tutors

Teach Me 2 connects students with tutors for virtual one-on-one sessions. Their services include school and university tutoring, as well as foreign language teaching .

If earning money while motivating students and answering questions sounds rewarding, you should consider applying. As the Teach Me 2 website states, their aim is to help children “get their confidence back” — which plays a highly important role in their mental wellbeing — by improving their academic performance .

Though Teach Me 2 offers their services to students in any country, tutors must reside in the USA, UK, or South Africa.

Skooli - website that pays you to tutor students

Skooli is a tutoring website that caters to students of all ages, from elementary school through to high school and college.

There are two ways to go about providing your services on Skooli: you can either schedule lessons in advance or accept requests for last-minute sessions. Whether you prefer to plan ahead, work on an as-needed basis , or leverage a combination of these two approaches is entirely up to you. Lessons can be as short as 15 minutes if a student is just popping in to get help with one particular problem they need to solve.

The requirements for signing up are pretty straightforward: you need to have a clear criminal record and to have graduated from an accredited university.

Spires tutoring website

Spires provides assistance to students of any age, from primary schoolers to college students and beyond. The hourly rate for elementary and secondary education help starts at $25 , while for undergrad and graduate level it starts at $35. There is also a service for tutoring professionals, for example to earn their chartered qualifications, that can pay over $50 an hour .

If you can teach a topic at any of these levels, whether that’s one of the arts , humanities, or sciences, you can easily apply to become a tutor through the Spires website.

Final thoughts

This is just a selection of the best websites that pay you to help students do their homework. A quick Google search will come up with many more, and remember there are other ways you can make an extra income, including  Swagbucks  and  Survey Junkie , where you get paid to answer surveys, fun trivia questions and daily polls.

Whichever websites you choose to boost your income, make sure you do your research (particularly when it comes to payment methods and frequency, overall brand reputation, and specific terms and conditions).

Have you found another website that pays to do others’ homework? Let us know in the comments!

Originally published 2 December 2015. Updated by Electra Michaelidou.

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    You can also proofread homework assignments and respond to specific questions for a long list of subjects, including chemistry, engineering, environmental science, geology and history. After you create a profile and list your skills, you set your rates. It's estimated that you earn between $5 and $25 per homework assignment. 13. Studypool

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    A customized, web-based homework system was used for the classes (Schleter & Bennett, 2006). This system provides individualized homework (Goulet, 2010); each student has the same problem but different parameters. All assignments have multiple parts, and answers for each part can be submitted separately.