101 Biology Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on biology, ✍️ biology essay topics for college, 👍 good biology research topics & essay examples, 📌 easy biology essay topics, 🎓 most interesting biology research titles.

  • How Do People Use Biology in Their Everyday Life?
  • My Journey in Biology
  • Biology and Culture of Gender Color Stereotypes
  • Fiji Water Quality: Biology Lab Experiment
  • Relations Between Biology and Culture
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Are Fundamental to the Life Sciences
  • Concepts of Biology: HIV and AIDS
  • Biology Food Chain The body coordination in an organism are carried out in the central nervous system that depends entirely on the neurons conducted from the receptor sites to the effectors’ sites in the body.
  • Transcription and Translation in Molecular Biology The Central Dogma describes the basic principles of genetic information transfer: transcription and translation. The paper distinguishes these two processes.
  • Role of Human Biology in Contemporary Criminal Justice Focus of analysis of the paper will be on theories developed to explain criminology with a special emphasis on Biological positivism theory
  • Designing Oligonucleotide Primers in Biology Molecular biology tools include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which requires an mRNA template or a cDNA template, polymerase enzyme, and a primer.
  • The Egg White Denaturation as a Concept of Biology Denaturation is the process of breaking down the secondary and tertiary structures of a protein by external factors such as temperature.
  • Biology: Aspects of Fruits The paper discusses fruits. A fruit is the fleshy and sweet part of a tree or any flowering plant that contains seeds. Some fruits are poisonous while some are edible.
  • Biology and Social Influence Genetics plays an indispensable role in facilitating inherent-acquired behaviors, while others claim the environment contributes to shaping an individual’s personality.
  • Psychobiology: Biology of Behavior This report researches to what extent psychological and physiological factors influence a person’s character, reactions, and behavior using findings of psychobiology.
  • Biology: Mechanical Signals Regulating Development The paper will highlight several control effects of mechanical forces on various cell activities, including early embryonic development, tissue morphogenesis, and organ formation.
  • Biology as the Branch of Science Biology could alter the modern world and introduced numerous innovations that will change the way we live and help us to treat illnesses and diseases.
  • Biology: Comparison and Contrast of Cats and Dogs It is important to discuss the eating habits of cats and dogs. In particular, one should mention that they are mammals, and they are fed with milk during childhood.
  • Significance of Major Discoveries in Modern Biology Cloning may significantly benefit life on Earth with sufficient regulation in place and can impact people by changing the world around them.
  • Organismal Biology: Succession and Its Characteristics Succession is an ecological phenomenon during which a successive change of biological communities occurs in a particular territorial area over time.
  • Human Biology and Culture Connection The paper states that it is anthroposociogenesis that explains the dichotomy between biology and culture and the connection with human evolution.
  • Biology Lab: Why Ice Floats Ice is usually considered to be a mineral that consists of hydrogen oxide; when ice is frozen at a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere, the resultant effect.
  • Cell Biology: Cell Sizes, Types, and Theories The Cell Theory propounds that all organisms are made of cells, the cell is the basic unit of life and all cells descend from older cells.
  • Cultural Variations in Environment and Biology: AIDS The research studies the prevalence of AIDS among ethnic groups in the United States and suggests patient education interventions, which can be performed by nurses.
  • Happiness in Biology, Culture, Experience It isn’t easy to understand what happiness is. However, it is still possible to identify some factors that are likely to affect the degree of happiness.
  • Discussion: Cell and Molecular Biology Colonic epithelial cells have been shown to exhibit SCFA transporters in both the lumen-facing apical membrane and the serosa-facing basolateral membrane.
  • Biology: The Concepts of Chemistry Knowledge of the chemical processes that occur in living things, which are necessary for maintaining life, aids in the understanding of how life works.
  • Scientific Investigation of Sleep: A Biology Lab According to the experiment, sleep is a critical component of human well-being. Adequate sleep refreshes a person’s mind, body, and heart, minimizing stress.
  • Homologous and Analogous Structures in Biology Homologous structures are found in organisms with a shared origin, while analogous structures have the same function but in organisms that do not share a common ancestor.
  • Environmental Biology: Green Energy a precise definition of green energy is manifested in its source, which must be natural, such as the sun or geothermal sources.
  • Atoms and Molecules as Concepts in Biology Atoms are the fundamental building block of chemical elements and the smallest unit into which matter can be divided.
  • Molecular Biology and Its Central Dogma The central dogma of molecular biology is a principle describing the transfer of molecular information in the Nucleus of the DNA.
  • Herbert Spencer – Scientists of Biology Herbert Spencer is one of the outstanding scientists belonging to the sphere of biology, sociology, and anthropology.
  • An Aspect of Evolutionary Biology as Phylogenetic Analysis The paper explores an aspect of evolutionary biology as phylogenetic analysis. Phylogenetic analysis is a tool in the hands of biologists.
  • Human Biology – Scientific Method In the study of biology, knowledge of proteins is very important as it enables a person to make informed decisions while choosing a balanced diet.
  • Human Biology: Genes and Genes Mutations Mutations in certain regions of DNA can cause pathological metabolic abnormalities or hereditary features realized through dysfunctional disorders.
  • Human Biology Review Essay of Our Body, Every Cells The collection of like cells that have an identical origin that carries out a definite function together is what I am.
  • Is PCR the Most Important Invention in Molecular Biology to Date? This essay provides different reasons that have made the PCR technique a significant invention in molecular biology to date.
  • Crime Explanation Using Biology and Psychology A comprehensive theory of Cesare Lombroso has been discussed indicating that criminals could be picked out and determined by their physique, attributes, and appearance.
  • Cancer Biology: Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes This paper seeks to interpret the role oncogenes and tumor suppressors play in transformation during cancer formation.
  • “Genbank” Impact on Modern Molecular Biology Research GenBank is the fundamental element of Molecular biology. It is the sequence formed and stored in the database of the entire genome of life.
  • Conservation Biology and Preservation of the Biodiversity The Theory of Island Biogeography is the most significant contribution toward the scientific understanding of both the process and how to measure the rate of species extinction.
  • Biology: The Definition of the Genotype The paper discusses the genotype. It is composed of a pair of alleles and it is what is manifested as the phenotype or observable characteristics of an organism.
  • Mirror-Image Biology to Enhanced Therapeutic Proteins The concepts described in “From Mirror-Image Biology to Enhanced Therapeutic Proteins” exemplify the potential of cell chemical biology generally and mirror-image forms.
  • Biology: Application of the Holobiont in Humans When it comes to the formation of a unique environmental unit, a holobiont can link an individual host to a variety of interactive microorganisms and microbiota.
  • Biology. Glial Cells and Their Subtypes Due to the distinctive features of some glial cells, they are divided into different subtypes, including ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, and microglia cells.
  • Marine Biology: Description and the Key Features Marine Biology is an open area of the coast line that is exposed to ocean currents and tides. This is a backwater area with occasional flooding of sea water.
  • Biology and Happiness Relationship Human beings engage in numerous activities, establish appropriate relationships, and formulate decisions that can eventually make them happy.
  • Biology Postgraduate Education and Its Advantages If you want to become a biologist in the future or just want to evaluate the pros of this occupation, this article may become more than useful for you.
  • Cancer Risk Factors: Biology Concepts The development of cancer cells is associated with the halting of the process of cell generation and decay that may be considered one of the basic aspects of the physical health.
  • Substance Abuse: Environmental Influences and Biology Substance abuse is not a new problem the human society faces. This paper examines different ways biological and environment influences interact and affect drug taking behavior.
  • Bringing Culture Into Human Biology and Biology Back Into Anthropology
  • The Relationship Between Evolutionary Biology and Religion
  • Cell Biology of Stem Cells: An Enigma of Asymmetry and Self-Renewal
  • An Intricate Relationship Between Biology and Art
  • Computing Has Changed Biology: How Biology Education Can Catch Up
  • Common Ground Between Anthropology and Conservation Biology
  • The Evolution of Molecular Biology Into Systems Biology
  • Scientific and Public Functions of Models in the 19th-Century Biology
  • Biology and Ethics: The Paradoxes of the Natural
  • Use, Overuse, and Misuse of Significance Tests in Evolutionary Biology
  • The Autonomy of Biology: The Position of Biology Among the Sciences
  • Joseph Gottlieb Kolreuter’s Contributions to Biology
  • Chemical Bridge Between Ecosystem Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • The Ethics of Biological Studies With Living Organisms
  • Biological Function and Teleology: Implications for Biology Education
  • Adaptationism and the Challenge From Developmental Biology
  • Quality Assured Science: Managerialism in Forensic Biology
  • Essence and Natural Kinds in Aristotle’s Biology: Was It Sexist?
  • The Biological Weapons Convention: Securing Biology in the 21st Century
  • Molecular Biology Techniques Used in Wastewater Treatment
  • The Biology of Stupidity: Genetics, Eugenics, and Mental Deficiency
  • Existentialism and Feminism: The Rhetoric of Biology in the Second Sex
  • Kant, Blumenbach, and Vital Materialism in German Biology
  • How the Mind Grows: A Developmental Perspective on the Biology of Cognition
  • Biology and Society in the Age of Enlightenment
  • Negotiating the Place of Molecular Evolution Within Evolutionary Biology
  • Global Change: Increasing the Success of Biological Invaders?
  • On the Relations Between History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences and Biology
  • Civic Biology: The Origin of the School Anti-Evolution Movement
  • Reductionism in Biology: Prospects and Problems
  • Factors Shaping Ernst Mayr’s Concepts in the History of Biology
  • Building Simulations: Modeling and Theory in Systems Biology
  • The Role of Information Technology in Biology Education
  • What Difference Does Quantity Make: On the Epistemology of Big Data in Biology
  • Causality, Teleology, and Thought Experiments in Biology
  • Applying the Principles of Stem-Cell Biology to Cancer
  • The Moral Impact of Synthesizing Living Organisms: Biocentric Views on Synthetic Biology
  • Applying Evolutionary Biology to Address Global Challenges
  • Water as an Active Constituent in Cell Biology
  • The Importance of Feminist Critique for Contemporary Cell Biology
  • Marine Molecular Biology as an Emerging Field of Biological Sciences
  • Trends, Priorities, and Needs in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology
  • Development of Biology in Aristotle and Theophrastus: Theory of Spontaneous Generation
  • Why Values Are a Good Thing in Conservation Biology
  • Biology and Equality: A Perspective on Sex Differences
  • Recent Advances of Deep Learning in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Bioimage Informatics: A New Area of Engineering Biology
  • Reflecting on the History of Biology as a Field
  • Molecular Biology vs. Organicism: An Enduring Dispute Between Mechanism and Vitalism
  • The Role of Reductionism in the Development of Molecular Biology

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 7). 101 Biology Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/biology-essay-topics/

"101 Biology Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 7 May 2023, studycorgi.com/ideas/biology-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2023) '101 Biology Essay Topics'. 7 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "101 Biology Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/biology-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "101 Biology Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/biology-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2023. "101 Biology Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/biology-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Biology were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 20, 2024 .

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How To Write A Biology Essay

Table of Contents

Content of this article

Topic choice.

  • Content page
  • Research question
  • Introduction
  • Investigation

Biology papers give us an opportunity of understanding forms that are complex in life. This, therefore, means you will have the chance to fully understand the plants as well as the animals found in the ecosystem. People are given assignments on biology so that they can fully research and have knowledge concerning the components of nature. An essay on biology also assists people in how to care for and tend to themselves. These biology papers also assist in fully understanding how the world and humanity are related. An essay on biology will, therefore, assist in answering queries and issues related to biology. The tips from our academic essay writing service may help a person to make the work professional without errors and mistakes. A primary element to keep in mind when writing biology papers is always to have a biology essay draft that will assist you all through the writing process. Biology essay topics need to be detailed so that they can be differentiated from other types of papers.

The topics of the biology papers determine the points that will be used in the article. This, therefore, means that the biology essay writing guide is dependent on the topic selected . Ensure that you fully understand what the biology essay writing expects from you and create a biology essay outline that will assist you in preparing an excellent piece. Biology essay outlining assists in the construction of detailed articles. Below are biology essay topics that one can use in biology essay writing.

Biology essay topics

  • Are vaccines necessary in our system?
  • Omnivore’s plants
  • How did the dinosaurs just disappear?
  • Did the evolution start from the monkeys?
  • Which are the most intelligent animals on the face of the earth?
  • Why do the male seahorses often carry the offspring?
  • How were the wolves domesticated?
  • The genetic mutations in plants and animals.
  • How the albino animals are different; is this trait also shared in plants and humans?
  • The process of aging in humans.

These are some of the good biology essay topics that you can use to produce an article that is standard.

Biology essay structure

The outline for a biology essay gives you clear guidelines on how to go about writing the article. The biology essay draft should go in line with the topic that the writer has chosen.

The biology essay outlining is as illustrated below:

1. The title

  • The title page offers clear indications of the biology essay focus.
  • The title should be precisely phrased and at the same time based on the hypothesis.
  • Avoid jargon for the title to look professional.
  • The title should also give the reader a quick understanding of the topic.

2. The content page

This page is located at the beginning of biology papers after the abstract and the title pages. The page shows the numbers as well as the subsections of the essay on biology.

3. The research question

The topics for a biology essay determine the research questions to be used. The research question shows what the article is trying to establish. Keep in mind that the question is not the same as the title.

  • The question in motion should be highlighted in the introduction. The content page will give the reader an understanding of the article.
  • The question should introduce new ideas as well.

4. The introduction

The biology essay introduction is the most crucial part of the article, as it will determine whether the readers will want to read more of the piece or not.

  • The introduction for a biology essay should illustrate what is being argued in the article.
  • For an introduction to be successful, the contents need to be brief and accurate.
  • Another professional way how to start a biology essay introduction is by illustrating how you reached the focus of the research.
  • The introduction should also contain the references that were accessed.
  • What might be revealed in the study should also be highlighted in the opening section.

5. The investigation

The study section gives you the chance of illustrating how the data was selected as well as its reliability.

  • You need to clearly explain, describe and justify the choice of collecting primary data.
  • Don’t forget to state the sources of the experiments. The method used should be detailed. Someone would want to repeat the same procedure.
  • Ensure that the investigations are ethical and not cruel.

6. The analysis

  • The body is the meat of the literature essay. The body covers most of the article. A common way how to write a biology essay body is by using at least three paragraphs.
  • The biology essay tips need to be relevant to the research question being discussed. The points should also give assertion to the reader.
  • Highlight the biology essay prompts as well. Elaborate on how the ideas have been used to support the question in the essay on biology.
  • For an effective essay on biology writing, discuss each point in its paragraph. This technique will give you the chance of exhausting the points.

7. The biology essay conclusion

The end of the article should be firm and sum up the whole article. The conclusion is a formal way how to conclude a biology essay. The conclusion restates the points for emphasis and makes the final argument clear. This section also gives you the chance of drawing connections between the points and questions being discussed. The conclusion for a biology essay also gives room for you to show your engagement with the essay on biology on a personal ground. The conclusion should be in a position of reformulating a new hypothesis as well as comparing the content to the secondary sources used. You can finish up the biology essay by stating the significance of the statistical tests done.

8. The references

Making citations is an essential issue in biology papers. There are quite some formatting and citation styles ranging from APA to MLA.  You should, therefore, be keen on the style specified. Referencing styles depends on the academic discipline that one is in. For instance, APA is used in psychology, education, and sciences

Archetti M 2000. The origin of autumn colors by coevolution. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 205: 625–63

9. Sources for essay choice

Sources can either be secondary or primary. The primary source refers to any work that can be accessed originally. The secondary source refers to the works that have been original, but have been produced by another person. Examples of secondary sources include books , encyclopedias, and journals among other recreated works. You can use both the primary and secondary data to make your biology paper a success.

10. Finalizing the Essay

Once the essay on biology has been written, a revision is necessary to ensure the content is in order. A standard method of review is proofreading. Proofreading gives you the chance to analyze your work and correct errors that are avoidable.

title of biology essay

240 Interesting Biology Topics for Essays & Research Papers

Biology is often called the science of life. From bacteria to whales, biologists study all kinds of organisms. Have you ever wondered why bees dance? Or how can chickens be the closest modern relatives to dinosaurs? The buzzing world is full of complex wonders like these. That’s why it’s so easy to find a biology research topic of your liking.

If you need to craft a biology essay, this article is for you. Here you can learn about research areas and fields in biology. Besides, you will find 220 interesting biology topics to write about. Read on to refresh your knowledge of microbiology, epidemiology, and more.

Tight deadlines are demanding for all students. Luckily, our custom writing service is there for you! With our help, your biology project will be done in no time.

🔝 Top 10 Biology Research Topics

📚 areas of research in biology, ⭐ top 10 interesting biology topics for essays, 🍎 biological topics for high school.

  • 🦠 Microbiology Topics
  • 💀 Anatomy & Human Biology
  • 🔬 Cell & Molecular Biology
  • ♻️ Environmental Biology
  • 🐬 Marine Biology
  • 🌻 Plant Biology
  • 🧬 Evolutionary Biology
  • 👶🧑 Developmental Biology
  • 😷 Epidemiology & Population Topics in Biology
  • 📜 History of Biology

🔍 References

  • Are viruses alive?
  • How do emotions work?
  • What is the role of hormones?
  • Ways to recover endangered species
  • Are allergies a sign of immune disorder?
  • What is the function of chromosomes?
  • Robert Hooke’s contribution to biology
  • The difference between Darwinism and evolution
  • The process of bacterial invasion of the body
  • Ways to strengthen the human immune system

Biologists operate on a vast scale. Naturally, there are plenty of research areas. Let’s sort them out:

  • Microbiology. Microbiologists examine minute organisms. Many of them, such as viruses, can cause infectious diseases. Because of this, microbiology is strongly linked with immunology.
  • Anatomy. Anatomical research focuses on the structure of tissues and organs.
  • Cell and molecular biology. Cells are the basis for every living being. The key topic in this area is the molecular organization of cells.
  • Environmental biology. Our environment needs support, and environmental biologists provide it. They study ecosystems to find out how humans affect nature. Scientists in this area also observe how organisms react to their surroundings.
  • Marine biology. This branch is concerned with life in the deep seas. Oceanography is a crucial part of marine biology.

Paul Watson quote.

  • Botany. This study is also called plant biology. It studies the properties of organisms that need sun and water to survive. Common categories of plants include trees, shrubs, and flowers.
  • Evolutionary biology. All that lives is always evolving. Organisms create, merge, and delete genes. Evolutionary biologists monitor these changes.
  • Developmental biology. Research in this area includes studying tissue regeneration and cell growth.
  • Epidemiology. Epidemiologists investigate diseases and health conditions. Key questions include: Where does a disease originate from? How does it transmit? What risks are there?

With this overview in mind, you’re ready to choose an interesting biological topic.

  • 4 types of biotechnology
  • Main branches of biochemistry
  • Pros and cons of gene therapy
  • Exobiology vs. astrobiology
  • Biological functions of the DNA
  • Levels of biological organization
  • Properties of the phylogenetic tree
  • Classification of invertebrate animals
  • History of modern light microscopes
  • The early modern period of plant systematics

From peas to platypuses: high school biology covers a wide range of topics. In your biology essay, you’ll have the chance to familiarize yourself with any of them. Your options are almost endless! Consult our list of 20 popular ideas to get your research started:

  • Compare the types of cell reproduction.
  • How did Gregor Mendel discover heredity?
  • Cell structure: prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes.
  • Enzymes: what do we need them for?
  • Explain how photosynthesis converts CO2 into O2.
  • How does the human metabolism work?
  • What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis?
  • How do you predict the probability of inheriting a gene?
  • Describe the structure of DNA.
  • What is PCR used for?
  • Biotechnology: the mechanisms behind cloning.
  • Survival of the fittest: what does natural selection mean?
  • Discuss the latest evidence for Darwin’s theory of evolution.
  • The tree of life: how does this concept depict the relationships between species?
  • What kind of strategies do organisms use to get nutrition?
  • Dinosaurs and their modern relatives: what do we know about them?
  • How does our nervous system transport information?
  • Explain the mechanisms behind the carbon cycle.
  • Examine the human impact on biodiversity.
  • What factors regulate population dynamics?

🦠 Microbiology Research Topics for Students

The world of microbiology consists of tiny organisms. Researchers study microbes and other simple life forms such as bacteria and fungi. This way, they aim to solve environmental as well as medical issues.

  • How do microbes develop resistance?
  • Give an overview of our immune system’s defense mechanisms.
  • Contrast the types of microbiomes.
  • What are the industrial applications for microbiology?
  • How do you degrade soil pollutants using microbes?
  • Investigate examples of agents that kill bacteria.
  • What makes yeast versatile?
  • The differences between virions and viroids.
  • What are acellular agents?
  • Give an overview of the biochemical properties of fungi.
  • What are possible causes for asthma?
  • The relationship between stress and our immune system’s performance.
  • How do vaccines work?
  • Examine the structure of archaeal genes.
  • Why is microbial diversity important?

Natural selection.

  • How do microbes contribute to an ecosystem?
  • The role of microbes in food contamination.
  • How do bacteria turn milk into yogurt?
  • Applications of microbial biotechnology.
  • Describe the four groups of protozoa.

💀 Anatomy & Human Biology Topics

Human biology studies people as single organisms and in the context of populations. Two of its essential parts are anatomy and anthropology. The latter studies the evolution of humankind. The former is more concerned with body structure. Combine all three subjects to gain a 360° view of humanity!

  • Describe the functions of the respiratory system. 
  • What happens to your body if you’re anemic?
  • Outline the history of the human population.
  • How does medical anthropology help us understand health?
  • Reading bones: what types of information can osteologists gather?
  • Biomechanics: what makes humans move?
  • Compare the proposed effects of various current trends in nutrition.
  • Explore the psychological factors that influence one’s health.
  • How does your brain control your behavior?
  • Synapses: structure and mechanisms.
  • Explain how kidneys filter blood.
  • What regulates muscle contraction?
  • Discuss the new reproductive technologies from an anthropological perspective.
  • Describe the structure of a skeletal muscle fiber.
  • The cerebral cortex: what does it do?
  • Brain, hormones, and emotions.
  • Functions of the sodium-potassium pump.
  • Examine what blood consists of.
  • What happens when your heart skips a beat?
  • Is the growth in the human population out of control?

🔬 Cell & Molecular Biology Research Topics

Your body’s fundamental structure is made up of cells. Their properties are in the center of interest for cell biologists. They investigate a cell’s life cycle and its vital functions. On a molecular level, this includes the role of chemical processes in cell activity.

  • How does cancer affect the body’s cell growth?
  • The protein paradox: what is the right amount of protein?
  • How do cells heal bones?
  • The ethics of stem cell research.
  • Investigate the communication methods between cells.
  • Explore the link between the environment and our DNA.
  • Current trends in molecular biochemistry.
  • Telomerase: will it ever be possible to reverse aging processes?
  • What do we know about axon guidance?
  • Where does our brain keep the memories?
  • Why do cells become sticky?
  • High-resolution microscopy: ways to advance molecular research.
  • How do cilia move cells?

Living organisms.

  • Treating glaucoma: is surgery always necessary?
  • The role of microtubules in the nervous system.
  • Diffusion: means of transport within cells.
  • What does the central dogma of molecular biology state?
  • Trace the steps of DNA translation.
  • Why do cells need to eat their dead counterparts?
  • How does protein biosynthesis work?

♻️ Environmental Biology Topics to Research

Environmental biologists ensure our harmonic coexistence with nature. They are also in charge of monitoring wastewater disposal and pollution levels. This branch is closely related to ecology.

  • Discuss the importance of light in different bodies of water.
  • Aftermath of building the Hetch Hetchy valley dam.
  • The devastating impact of deforestation in the Amazon.
  • Analyze the consequences of desertification.
  • How do genetically modified insects influence the environment?
  • What would happen if all the bees die?
  • Compare several methods of wastewater disposal.
  • What were the ecological effects of Indonesia’s Mega Rice Project?
  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: will we ever get rid of it?
  • How do worms indicate the state of an ecosystem?
  • Why is it important to conserve biodiversity?
  • DDT: how did it affect wildlife in the US?
  • What causes toxic algae bloom?
  • Compare the adverse health effects of common contaminants in the air.
  • The Aral Sea: how did it disappear?
  • How do genetically engineered crops impact the environment?
  • Indoor air pollution: causes and risks.
  • The pros and cons of using natural gas.
  • Trace the ecological footprint of cotton production.
  • What are the ways to ensure food security without harming the environment?

🐬 Marine Biology Topics for a Paper

Fun fact: the vast majority of our oceans are still unobserved. Research in marine biology encompasses all organisms living close to or under water. Do you want to participate in uncovering the mysteries of the deep sea? This section is for you!

  • How does luminescence in marine vertebrae work?
  • Dolphins: how do they communicate?
  • The impact of military sonar on whales.
  • What makes the Galapagos Islands so unique?
  • Compare different camouflage techniques of marine animals.
  • How do aquatic organisms live together in coral reefs?
  • Causes of high mercury concentrations in fish.
  • Investigate the impact of overfishing in China.
  • Explain how rising sea temperatures affect marine life.
  • Contrast the survival strategies of various penguin species.
  • The ethics of seafood farms.
  • Examine bacteria’s contribution to biological processes in the sea.
  • What are the types of invasive species?
  • The contribution of birds to a stable marine ecosystem.
  • Identify the biggest threats to marine biodiversity.
  • Inspect the predatory behavior of starfish.
  • How do corals form?
  • The importance of phyto- and zooplankton to ponds.
  • Whales: how did they evolve?
  • What are the four types of oceanography?

🌻 Plant Biology Research Topics

Plant biology, you guessed it, investigates plants. These green organisms are incredibly versatile. From redwood trees to algae, plants come in all sizes and shapes. Scientists use botanical knowledge to improve our food and medicine supplies. They also help to conserve forests, parks, and wilderness areas.

  • What causes diseases in plants?
  • What are the benefits of studying algae?
  • Recently, scientists engineered a plant to glow by itself. How does it work?
  • What makes some plants toxic?

Rainforest plants.

  • Compare various defense mechanisms of flowers.
  • Deciduous trees: what are the advantages of leaf loss?
  • How do Butterworts acquire nutrition?
  • Carnivorous plants: methods of luring prey.
  • Types of negative feedback in plants.
  • Give examples of thigmotropism. How does it work?
  • What problems are associated with the definition of kingdoms?
  • Investigate the anatomical structure of plant roots.
  • Phytohormones: how do they influence plant growth?
  • Plants and music: does sound have any measurable effects on plant development?
  • How do plants produce starch?
  • Why do weeds grow excessively?
  • Investigate plant disease management and intervention.
  • Industrial applications of synthesized plant mechanisms.
  • Cacti: how do they survive in the desert?
  • Examine the biological properties of medicinal herbs.

🧬 Hot Topics in Evolutionary Biology to Write About

Evolutionary biologists observe change in all living organisms. If you want to know why life on Earth is so versatile, evolutionary biology has the answer. Research areas cover ecology and genetics, as well as paleontology.

  • How does stabilizing selection ensure the same phenotype for a species during evolution?
  • Discuss Tinbergen’s four questions.
  • What are the benefits of sexual reproduction?
  • Cancer: why does it persist?
  • Society and evolution: are they connected?
  • Southeast Asia and the limited occurrence of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene.
  • Is there a scientific reason to divide humans into races?
  • Track the evolution of aging throughout human history.
  • How does speciation work?
  • Genetic drift and its effects on variation.
  • Describe problems concerning the Modern Synthesis.
  • Selective sweeps: how likely are they to cause disease?
  • What does the Red Queen hypothesis state?
  • How do you determine age in herbaceous plants?
  • Life history theory: how does a species’ life history influence its evolution?
  • What are the ways for a species to achieve its maximum fitness?
  • How did the bees learn to communicate information by dancing?
  • Investigate the evolution of stamina in animal locomotion.
  • How does an animal’s physiology adapt to its geographic range?
  • Compare the evolutionary process of endotherms and ectotherms.

👶🧑 Developmental Biology Research Topics

When animals and plants grow, their features change. It’s no surprise: every living being starts as a single cell. It’s a long way from there to a fully formed organism! Developmental biologists track this process at different levels.

  • Why are men more likely to be colorblind than women?
  • What is phylogenetic niche conservatism?
  • Identify origins of congenital disorders.
  • What causes birds to become territorial?
  • Explain the two types of developmental mechanisms.
  • Why does getting older make humans more susceptible to cancer?
  • Homeotic genes: how do they influence the development of body structures?
  • Describe the advantages of apoptosis.
  • What causes polycephaly?
  • How do stem cells differentiate?
  • Investigate regeneration in hydra.
  • Mechanisms of metamorphosis in frogs.
  • What happened during the Cambrian explosion?
  • How do plants produce new structures?
  • Examine the process of neurulation in fish.
  • What are the types of deformations found in plants?
  • Describe the ABC model of flower development.
  • Why are zebrafish good model systems for developmental studies?
  • Search for the origins of the vertebrate body plan.
  • What does the concept of morphogen gradient say about the fate of cells?

😷 Epidemiology & Population Topics in Biology

Investigating health-related events is a part of epidemiologic research. The goal is to find out what causes diseases in a specific population. Epidemiology analyzes other health issues such as natural disasters and injuries. Population biology focuses on the interaction between populations and their environment.

  • How does evolutionary game theory describe the development of a population?
  • When is a strategy evolutionarily stable?
  • How does phenotypic variety in plants help manage disease?
  • What diseases are caused by heavy metal pollution?

Cell in the human body.

  • How did the Coronavirus pandemic contribute to a rise in cases of domestic violence?
  • Reasons for an increased rate of congenital disabilities in a specific area.
  • Asian carp: a harmful disruption of the marine population in American rivers.
  • Compare the three kinds of population distribution.
  • Examine the consequences of the 1783 Laki eruption.
  • Examine various policies to moderate population growth.
  • How do predator-prey dynamics work?
  • Avoidance mechanisms of resource competition.
  • Describe the three types of symbiotic relationships.
  • How does a species regulate its abundance?
  • What happens if the equilibrium state of a community is disturbed?
  • Factors that encourage human population growth.
  • Contrast the survivorship curves of humans, birds, and trees.
  • Obesity: causes and solutions.
  • Depression: how does it affect society?
  • The role of causal inference in epidemiological studies.

📜 History of Biology Topics to Write About

Even before the emergence of scientific studies, humans had basic biological understanding. They were able to spot edible plants and domesticate animals. Assyrians and Babylonians were the first to implement biological knowledge. If you’re looking for a theoretical research project, this is the right research area for you.

  • Explore the medical knowledge available in ancient China.
  • The history of agriculture in India.
  • How did the Greek philosophers theorize about the origin of life?
  • Investigate the theory of the four humors.
  • Aristotle’s classification of animals.
  • Give an overview of discoveries in Galen’s medical writings.
  • What caused the stagnation in scientific progress during the Middle Ages?
  • Al-Jahiz’ discovery of the relationships between organisms.
  • Albertus Magnus: what was his contribution to botany?
  • How did Italy become the center for biological studies?
  • What factors impacted the development of biology during the Renaissance?
  • Trace the origins of modern anatomy.
  • What led to the establishment of the cell theory?
  • Jump starting biological progress: the invention of the microscope.
  • Louis Pasteur and the dismissal of spontaneous generation.
  • How did the discovery of heredity influence modern biology?
  • What led to the discovery of blood circulation?
  • How did the Royal Society of London impact scientific development in Europe?
  • What technology helped advance biological research in the 20th century?
  • The rise of bioinformatics: boosting progress in genetic data analysis.

We hope our article gave you some useful ideas for your biology paper. Good luck with your assignment!

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  • Developmental Biology: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Introduction to Epidemiology: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
  • The History of Biology: Encyclopedia Britannica
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Biology Essay Topics: 50+ Ideas for Your Next Project

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by  Antony W

December 16, 2023

biology essay topics

A Biological essay is a technical piece of assignment that requires careful topic selection, structure, and writing. So if your teacher hasn’t given you a title for the essay , you should tread carefully when choosing topics.

In this post, we share with you a list of 50+ Biology related ideas, which you may find useful and equally interesting during the brainstorming stage. You can use the list as inspiration to come up with a topic of your choice, or you can pick of these examples and modify it to your liking.

Key Takeaways 

  • Because Biology is a broad subject, you should choose a topic that focuses on an interesting theme or an area that you’ve always wanted to explore.
  • Check the Biology assignment prompt for guidelines on what you have to do, as these are the instructions that will inform your essay.
  • Share the topic with your teacher first, so they can give you their opinion on whether it’s a suitable one to research.

50+ Best Biology Essay Topics

Below is a list of 50+ topics that you just might find useful and interesting enough to explore in your Biology essay:

Human Biology Essay Topics

  • How does the mouse serve as a model for understanding human biology?
  • What defines the secular trend observed in human physical growth over time?
  • The significant role of medicinal plants in human life and health
  • Understanding the characteristics of human biorhythms and their implications
  • The interconnected circles of human blood circulation and the relationship between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
  • How do neurons interact within nerve centers, and what impact does this have?
  • The influence of parental smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse on the embryonic development of a child

Controversial Biology Essay Topics

  • What are the leading theories on how life initially emerged on Earth?
  • Is there evidence suggesting that plants might experience something akin to pain?
  • Can we determine if animals possess consciousness? 
  • To what extent is animal testing essential for achieving major biological breakthroughs?
  • What defines the concept of the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) in evolutionary biology?
  • Where did eukaryotic life forms originate from and what evidence supports this?
  • Are viruses considered living entities, and why or why not?
  • What are the fundamental theories explaining the origins of the human species?
  • Why has the mystery of brain function remained unsolved despite scientific advancements?
  • Is it scientifically accurate to state that a fetus cannot feel pain?
  • What is the current understanding of the status of Nano bacteria in biological research?

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Biology Extended Essay Topics

  • How does a multicellular organism develop from a single cell?
  • What are the defining characteristics of the regeneration process in living organisms?
  • How does guided natural selection influence species’ evolution, and what are its implications?
  • What structural and anatomical features differentiate mammals, using two representatives for comparison?
  • How does catastrophe theory contribute to understanding the progression of life in nature?
  • What are the biological aspects of pathogenesis in both animals and plants?
  • How does self-regulation function within biological systems?
  • Describe the processes involved in the reproduction and development of living systems.
  • What are the fundamental organizational principles that sustain the biosphere?
  • How do different forms of movement occur at the subcellular, cellular, and organism levels?

Cell Biology Essay Topics

  • How do stem cells contribute to medical advancements?
  • What pathways in cell biology offer promising approaches for treating Alzheimer’s disease?
  • The primary research methods utilized in cell biology and how they contribute to scientific discoveries.
  • How scientists study fixed objects and the insights that this approach provide. 
  • The fundamental differences between DNA and RNA, and how do they function within cells.
  • An overview of the structure and components that constitute a cell in biology

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Zoology Essay Topics

  • What are the intricate migration patterns of birds and how do they navigate across vast distances?
  • How primate language or communication systems resemble and differ from human language.
  • Analyze how scientists analyze and manage the impact of invasive species on ecosystems.
  • Explain how different species of animals communicate with each other.
  • What historical evidence or scientific findings shed light on the domestication process of canines and its impact on their behavior and traits?
  • Is there a correlation between brain size and the intelligence or cognitive abilities of different species?

Animal Research Essay Topics

  • What factors contribute to the rising obesity rates among household pets?
  • Ethical considerations surrounding the testing of beauty products on animals
  • What cognitive functions do primates exhibit and how do these compare to human cognitive abilities?
  • How do predators and prey adapt to their roles in the ecosystem and what strategies have evolved in this ongoing interaction?
  • What variations exist in the vision of different animal species and how do these adaptations contribute to their survival?
  • The implications of fishing practices on marine conservation efforts
  • What are the consequences of removing animals from their natural habitats?

Botany Essay Topics

  • What recent breakthroughs in plant research have significantly affected modern agricultural practices? 
  • How do plants respond to various stressors and what physiological mechanisms enable them to adapt to adverse conditions?
  • Elaborate on the structural diversity and different types of fungi.
  • What recent discoveries or insights have emerged from the study of plant fossils and how do they contribute to our understanding of ancient plant life?
  • How does the process of photosynthesis function in plants and what factors influence its efficiency and effectiveness?
  • What are the mechanisms of genetic inheritance in plants and how do these mechanisms affect the traits and characteristics of plant species?
  • What are some prevalent diseases or issues affecting plants and what methods are used to manage or prevent these problems?
  • What unique characteristics define ferns, and what role do they play in the ecology and biodiversity of various habitats?

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Climate Change and Genetically Modified Food

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Photosynthesis in Living Leaves

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Sustainability, Starting with Businesses

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Sustainability in Water Supply

The theory of water's origin may be debated, but the versatility of water is recognized as vital to human life. Innumerable theories have been proposed about how water was acquired on the earth's surface over the last 4.6 billion years (Robert, "The Origin of Water on Earth," 2001). The significance of water extends beyond everyday survival, serving as an environmental lifeline for numerous species and habitats. Water provides humans with the opportunity to maintain balanced health, support agricultural labor, and […]

The Sustainability of Bottled Water

Water is a valuable resource that all living things including human beings require in order to survive. It is believed that the realities of the environment will soon hit us to an extent of making us change the behavior regarding the costly use of resources (Earle, 2009). The changes are most likely going to affect the manner in which we use water and hence cause alterations both in quantity and water usage. Privatization of water resources as well as selling […]

What is Sustainability in Business?

The first aspect business looks when thinking about sustainability is the operational aspect and saving cost as it is easy to measure.Most of the resource we are using are non-renewable resources,from our energy need to the consumption of oil.But all these resources are bound to get over in the future.There is a term called peak oil,after which production of oil reduces due to reduce reserves.There is already an alert for helium gas which is used in many areas like filling […]

Factors Influencing Sustainability of Electronic Manufacturing Company in Laguna

The 5S program is a technique originated in Japan and was introduced by Takashi Osada in 1980. 5S is consist of five phases from Japanese words: Seiri (sort), Seiton (set in order), Seiso (shine), Seiketso (standardize) and Shitsuke (sustain). 5S is a step by step process of housekeeping to achieve a safe, clean and organized environment in the work area involving the employees with a commitment to sincerely implement and practice housekeeping. When the workplace is unorganized and dirty, the […]

Energy Efficiency of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from the sunlight to make glucose (a type of sugar), which they then use as food. The equation for photosynthesis is: 6CO2 (carbon dioxide) +6H2O (water) -->(Sunlight) C6H12O6 (glucose) +6O2 (oxygen). Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria are photosynthetic organisms. In plants and algae, light is absorbed by chlorophyll—a molecule present in the cytoplasmic organelle called the chloroplast. Chlorophyll has a porphyrin ring with a magnesium cofactor at its center. Plants have […]

Effects of Sweet Cassava Polysaccharide

The study I researched was the ""Effects of sweet cassava polysaccharide extracts on endurance exercise in rats. Sweet cassava is a major carbohydrate in many countries and it contains monosaccharides and polysaccharides. It was found that high-carbohydrate foods could increase muscle glycogen content, which can allow one to exercise for a longer time and not tire as quickly. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of the sweet cassava polysaccharides (SCP) on exercise performance in rats. The […]

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Introduction: Southern Company is an energy holding company that produces and sells electricity through various southern power subsidiaries. It's headquarters is located in Atlanta, GA and the company has been a part of the Fortune 500 list for 24 years. It's current rank is 126, up 19 spots from its ranking in 2017. The CEO is Thomas A. Fanning and he is in charge of 31,344 employees. Southern Company operates 11 regulated utilities serving an estimated 9 million people in […]

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Writing an Essay About Biology

Biology, a core STEM subject in college, is widely recognized by students for its difficulty, stemming from its vast scope and the intricate details of living organisms and ecosystems. This complexity often leads to struggles, as students grapple with understanding concepts ranging from molecular biology to large-scale ecological interactions. However, there is a solution to these academic challenges: Papersowl, an educational platform, provides essential support for students facing difficulties in biology. Papersowl helps students navigate through the complexities, offering tailored biology homework help that enables them to understand, engage with, and excel in this demanding yet fascinating field of study.

Biology essays require a deep understanding of the natural world and an ability to convey complex biological processes and theories effectively. Here’s a guide to help you craft a comprehensive and insightful essay on a biology topic:

Understanding the Essay Topic

Begin by thoroughly understanding the specific biology topic you're dealing with. Biology encompasses a vast array of subjects, from molecular biology and genetics to ecology and evolution. Identify whether your essay should explore a specific biological process, discuss a theoretical aspect, analyze a biological problem, or evaluate the impact of a biological study.

Conducting In-Depth Research

Research is a critical component of a biology essay. Utilize reputable sources such as academic journals, biology textbooks, and scientific publications. Look for current research findings, experiments, and case studies that align with your topic. Taking detailed notes on relevant biological processes, findings, and theories is essential.

Developing a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should succinctly convey the main argument or purpose of your essay. This might be an assertion about a biological principle, the significance of a research finding, or an argument concerning environmental policies. Make sure your thesis is specific, focused, and directly related to the biology topic you are discussing.

Planning the Essay Structure

Organize your essay logically and coherently. Start with an introduction that introduces the topic and presents your thesis statement. In the body, structure your main points into separate paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect or argument. Support your points with examples, scientific data, and explanations. Conclude by summarizing your main arguments and restating your thesis in the context of the information presented.

Writing the Essay

Use clear and precise language. Biology can involve complex terminology and concepts, so it's important to explain them clearly. Avoid unnecessary jargon, but when specific terms are required, define them to ensure clarity. Present your arguments logically, backing them with evidence from your research. Be analytical and critical, especially when discussing biological models, theories, or controversies.

Incorporating Scientific Data and Examples

Biology essays often include scientific data, diagrams, and graphs. Ensure that these elements are accurately presented and relevant to your argument. Use real-world examples and case studies to illustrate your points and demonstrate how they apply to your thesis.

Citing Your Sources

Proper citation is crucial in a biology essay, especially when referring to data, theories, or experiments from other researchers. Use an appropriate citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) and consistently cite all your sources, including figures and diagrams.

Editing and Proofreading

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and logical flow. Check for accuracy in your biological descriptions and ensure that your analysis is comprehensive. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Having someone else read your essay can be helpful, as they might catch mistakes or unclear sections you overlooked.

Writing an essay about biology involves understanding complex life sciences concepts and effectively communicating them in a structured and insightful manner. By methodically researching your topic, organizing your essay logically, and presenting your arguments with clarity and precision, you can create a compelling biology essay that showcases your understanding and insights into this diverse and fascinating field.

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Tips on How to Write a Biology Essay: Learn from the Example of Jellyfish Essay

Tips on How to Write a Biology Essay

How to Write a Biology Essay

In this article, we will guide you on how to write a perfect biology essay from scratch. You’ll find various tips to help you excel in writing your essay and creating a paper worth the highest grades. We also prepared a jellyfish essay example for you, so it can be easier to enhance all the specifics and structure of this kind of paper.

What is Biology Essay

A biology essay is a student-written work where you present arguments and ideas about a particular biological topic. The essay on biology can take different forms like argumentative, cause-and-effect, descriptive, detailed analysis, or ‘how-to’ instruction, depending on the professor’s guidelines and writer’s preferences. 

A descriptive paper can explain a biological subject, while an argumentative one provides evidence to support a point of view. It’s up to you to choose which type is more suitable for the topic you’re writing about. The most common type is a cause-and-effect essay explaining an event’s reasons and consequences. 

How to Craft a Perfect Essay About Biology

Writing is an art form that requires time and effort. But if you prefer someone else to write the paper for you, you can just text the experts, ‘ do my homework for me ,’ and consider it done. 

Here is the step by step instruction to organize the process for desired results. 

How to Craft a Perfect Essay About Biology

Choose Your Biology Essay Topic

To get a good grade:

  • make your paper informative and enjoyable by choosing a topic you wish to explore. 
  • Use a brainstorming technique to generate 30-50 options for biology essay topics and research to create a shortlist. 
  • Keep a notebook to jot down your ideas.

Choose a Question for Research

When writing a biology essay, use a scientific approach by selecting a research question related to your topic. Always avoid overly complex or apparent questions. You can also text our profs ‘ write my research paper ,’ and it can be done in a blink.

Create an Outline

Always have a clear plan when writing biology essays while starting a paper. Use a 5-paragraph structure with an outline to keep your main idea and arguments organized. Use any format that works best for you and adjust as needed. Discard any ideas that don’t fit your research question.

Use a Strong Thesis Statement

The introduction should end with a strong thesis statement synthesizing the overall essay, conveying the research question and your point of view. The paper is ineffective without a clear thesis, as readers may not understand your position.

Use Citation and References

Include a list of references in your academic papers, such as biology essays, to avoid plagiarism and provide data sources. Use the appropriate citation style, like APA or CSE, and consult a guide for requirements.

title of biology essay

How to Structure a Biology Essay

Ensure your essay has an attention-grabbing introduction, a detailed body, and a solid conclusion with distinct sections. Use around seven paragraphs for the main body, adjusting as needed for the required word count.

Biology Essay Introduction

In the introduction of your essay about biology, showcase your expertise by providing a brief background of the topic and stating the essay’s objective. For a research paper, explain why the study is relevant. Make sure the reader understands the essence of your subject.

The body section of your essay on biology should focus on supporting and defending your thesis statement. To achieve this, make a list of essential points to cover and address each one step by step. Starting a new paragraph for each point ensures neatness and a continuous flow. 

In conclusion, restate your thesis statement and summarize supporting points to solidify your arguments. Avoid introducing new concepts, and leave a lasting impression on your instructor.

Jellyfish Essay - Example of a Biology Essay About a Fascinating Creature of the Ocean

Jellyfish, also known as jellies, are incredible creatures of the ocean. They’re members of the phylum Cnidaria, including corals and sea anemones. You can find jellyfish in every ocean around the globe, from the surface to the depths of the sea. 

Do you know what shape the jellyfish body has?! It’s one of their most unique features. Their bell-shaped body comprises a soft, jelly-like substance called mesoglea, found between two cellular layers. The outer layer of cells, the epidermis, is thin and flexible, while the inner layer, the gastrodermis, contains the jellyfish’s digestive system. At the bottom of the bell is the mouth, surrounded by tentacles armed with stinging cells called nematocysts. 

The jellyfish tentacles consist of venom-filled sacs, which can be potentially dangerous and life-threatening. Considering the severity of its sting, researchers have gathered information on how to treat it effectively. Use thick clothing, tweezers, sticks, or gloves to alleviate the sting. It’s crucial to avoid touching the sting with bare skin since the venom can cause severe harm. Always dispose of the tool used for removing the sting to prevent re-stinging. 

Jellyfish are creatures that feed on small fish and other tiny marine organisms. They capture their prey using the tentacles and bring it to their mouth. Once the food is inside the jellyfish, it’s broken down by digestive enzymes and absorbed into the gastrovascular cavity. 

An exciting thing about jelly is its life cycle. They go through several stages of development, starting as a tiny, free-swimming larva and then growing into a polyp. The polyp stage is stationary, and the jellyfish attaches itself to a surface using a sticky pad. During this stage, the jellyfish reproduces asexually, creating clones of itself. These clones then break off from the polyp and develop into the familiar bell-shaped body of the adult jellyfish. 

Jellyfish play an essential role in the ocean’s ecosystem too. They’re a food source for many marine creatures, including sea turtles and some fish species. They also help to control the population of tiny marine animals by feeding on them, and their waste products contribute to the nutrient cycle in the ocean.

However, jellyfish populations can sometimes explode and become a nuisance. This phenomenon mostly occurs when their natural predators are eliminated from the ecosystem or when water conditions, like temperature and salinity, are conducive for jellyfish growth. In cases where jellyfish populations reach excessive levels, they can clog fishing nets and interfere with other human activities in the ocean.

Jellyfish really are stunning creatures of the ocean. They’re diverse, with many different species, and are essential to the marine ecosystem. While they can sometimes become a nuisance, they’re vital to the ocean’s food web and nutrient cycle. Studying jellyfish can give us a greater understanding of the complex and interconnected systems that make up our oceans.

Practical Tips for Creating Perfect Academic Papers

Developing writing skills is crucial for your academic success regardless of your major. Check out these tips we provided for improving your writing. But if you aren't fond of writing, you can easily hand it to professionals by saying, ‘ do homework for me .’

Search for Samples or Examples

To improve your writing, analyze examples of well-written biology essays or research papers. Although not all online samples are perfect, they can still provide insights into what works and what doesn’t. However, avoid plagiarism and ensure your paper is original by presenting fresh ideas and a unique perspective. 

Read Whenever You Can

Develop your writing skills by reading widely and extensively. Look for biology papers in scientific journals, websites, or books. Don’t forget to take notes on interesting points that you can use in your papers later.

Practice Makes Perfect

Don’t expect to write a perfect paper on your first try, so take every opportunity to practice your writing. Find a mentor if needed and use online resources to learn from your mistakes and improve your skills.

Always Organize Your Writing Process

Organize your work process instead of waiting for inspiration by defining stages, scheduling time for each task, and eliminating distractions. Don’t wait for mood to write an essay about biology; use different strategies to overcome writer’s block.

Proofread and Get Other Feedback

It’s hard to assess your own work accurately. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to identify strengths and weaknesses to improve upon. Don’t wait for your professor’s feedback to know if your biology essay is good. 

Interesting Biology Essay Topics from Our Experts to Practice Your Writing

In this paragraph, we listed different biology essay topics from which you can choose your preferred one and practice writing to excel in your academic papers.

  • A jellyfish - my favorite creature
  • Facts about animal behavior
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Chemical Ecology
  • Impacts of air pollution
  • Acid Rain’s impact on wildlife
  • The greenhouse effect
  • Causes of global warming
  • Effects of climate change on nature
  • Ways to avoid water pollution

These are interesting topics and also some of the most significant environmental problems. Choose the one you like and practice.

Final Thoughts

This article provides tips that will definitely make your writing process easier and more effective. Adjust these tips while writing your biology paper and structure it as we did in the jellyfish essay example. But if you still prefer a professional to do it for you, contact us by writing ‘ do my research paper ,’ and our experts will handle it.

title of biology essay

Ryan Acton is an essay-writing expert with a Ph.D. in Sociology, specializing in sociological research and historical analysis. By partnering with EssayHub, he provides comprehensive support to students, helping them craft well-informed essays across a variety of topics.

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160 Biology Essay Topics

For most science courses, assignments are generally lab-based and rarely require much writing. However, all of that changes in biology courses when detailed essays must be written to highlight a student’s understanding of the subject. These essays are highly technical, with specific comments required to meet the factual nature of the subject.

In addition to meeting the factual requirements needed to complete the assignment, biology essays must also be written in a writing style that is informative and authoritative rather than subjective and personal.

These detailed specifics of writing a biology essay can make completing the writing difficult from the very beginning. Fortunately, we’ve created this guide to help students learn how to write a biology essay. In addition, we’ve also included 160 biology essay topics to help inspire the creative writing process.

How to Write a Biology Essay?

Writing a biology essay starts with choosing a topic. If your teacher has not already assigned a specific topic, then students must choose one that is broad enough to find credible resources and specific enough that the research won’t overtake the writing process.

To select a suitable topic for a biology essay, consider the type of biology class you are taking, the current and previous chapters studied, and the overall context of the course. These factors will help you select a topic that is likely to be relevant to your teacher’s needs and to the passing of your course.

Once students have selected a suitable topic, it’s time to research credible resources that will support the subject. To do this successfully, students need to consider the following:

  • What information is already known about this topic?
  • What topics are related or similar to this topic?
  • Who are credible authors that can explain this topic?
  • What additional sources will provide me with the information needed to complete this assignment successfully?

For example, if you want to write a biology essay on protein synthesis and its regulation at the transcriptional level, research material would include books, articles, and other written works published by credible authors or publishers. While important, this material isn’t the only type of research that should be completed.

Students may also consider consulting medical and biology dictionaries, textbooks, online research databases such as PubMed or Medline, and professional organizations for biologists to find additional sources. Once the research has been completed, it’s time to create the first draft of the biology essay.

Biology Essay Introduction

Starting an essay is always the same. Students should open with a catchy hook statement that introduces an interesting fact, presents a unique perspective, or raises a thought-provoking question.

Once that sentence has been created, students can use the middle part of the introduction to introduce fundamental concepts and provide background details about the topic.

Once that information has been laid out, and the reader knows the necessary details to make the reading interesting and worthwhile, students should move into the final portion of the introduction that answers the question: WHY is this essay important? This question is answered in the form of a thesis statement that details the essay’s overall purpose.

Biology Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your essay will contain the bulk of your research. Be sure that each body paragraph meets the following requirements:

  • One clear idea represented per paragraph or section
  • Examples that back up the point of the paragraph
  • A clear and logical flow between paragraphs with transition words

Make sure that the body paragraphs only contain information pertinent to the subject or topic. Avoid fluff or filler words and phrases that don’t add any substance or value to the writing.

The number of paragraphs in the body may vary depending on the assignment parameters and the essay style. For example, an essay with a 1000 word limit won’t have as many body paragraphs as an essay with a high word count.

Additionally, a compare and contrast essay that examines the similarities and differences between two or more biology concepts may have more body paragraphs than an argumentative essay.

Biology Essay Conclusion

The final section of a biology essay is the conclusion. In this section, students need to summarize the major points of the essay and the overall purpose for writing it. The thesis should also be re-stated to recap what has been learned from the writing.

In addition to these sentences, students should include a final remark about their research and findings. This might be a thought that ties into the intro or another interesting angle that presents a new way of looking at your topic.

Once the conclusion is completed, students should edit and review their work. Make sure that the essay is free of grammar and spelling mistakes before submitting it for grading.

When it comes to choosing a biology essay topic, it is not always as easy as it seems. For students looking for help with writing a biology essay, we have compiled a list of 160 biology essay topics that will hopefully give you some great ideas.

Biology Essay Topics About Animals

  • What is the importance of bats in our ecosystem?
  • What is the difference between a domesticated cat and a wildcat?
  • How do animals adapt to their environments?
  • What are the various types of symbiotic relationships found in nature?
  • Which animals have been known to show altruism towards other species?
  • What impact does human activity have on animal behavior?
  • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of zoos?
  • How do animal brains work?
  • What is an animal’s anatomical structure like?
  • What are some symbiotic relationships between humans and animals?
  • What is the difference between herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and insectivores?
  • Why are having pets important to humans?
  • What are the positive and negative impacts of commercial farming on animals?
  • Do you think it is acceptable to keep pets in zoos? Why or why not?
  • What are some common misconceptions about cats, dogs, rodents, cows, sheep, horses, reptiles/fish/insects?
  • How do animal bones support their body structure?
  • What are the effects of humans on the natural habitats of animals?
  • What are some ways in which animal anatomy is similar to human biology?
  • What are some symbiotic relationships found in the animal kingdom?
  • Can humans and animals communicate with each other?
  • How do different types of animal cells function differently than human cells?
  • Why do some animals see better in the dark?
  • Explain the circulatory system of cold-blooded animals and how it differs from that of warm-blooded animals.
  • What are some examples of mimicry in nature?

Biology Essay Topics About Cellular Biology

  • How does cell theory apply to cellular biology?
  • What is mitosis, and where does it take place?
  • What are the different parts of a cell?
  • What is a nucleolus?
  • What are the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
  • How do viruses affect our cells?
  • How does photosynthesis work?
  • Why is it important to study cellular biology as a foundation for other disciplines of biology?
  • What are the functions of organelles in cells?
  • What is anabolism and catabolism?
  • How do plants use photosynthesis to produce sugar while animals break down food for energy?
  • Describe the process of homeostasis and explain how the human body maintains its internal environment.
  • What are the important parts of a cell?
  • How do cells reproduce?
  • What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
  • What is the importance of cellular research to humans?
  • Explain mitochondria, chloroplasts, and vacuoles in plant cells.
  • What are some of the problems with using stem cells in medical research?
  • What are the differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms?
  • How do humans reproduce sexually?
  • Why is it different to clone plants than animals?
  • What are some important functions of membranes in cells?
  • What is the significance of mass spectrometry to molecular biology and genetics?
  • How do viruses reproduce?
  • What are mitochondria responsible for in eukaryotic cells?
  • What is the difference between a plasmid and a virus?
  • Do you think cloning animals should be allowed? Why or why not?
  • What is a cell cycle?
  • How do diseases affect the structure and function of cells?
  • What are some ethical issues with genetic engineering?
  • What is cell division, and how does it work?
  • Where does meiosis occur in the body, and what does it accomplish?
  • Explain the structure and function of ribosomes in eukaryotic cells.
  • What is a cell membrane made up of, and what are its important structural components?
  • How do antibiotics affect bacterial cells?
  • Do you think cloning humans should be allowed? Why or why not?
  • What makes up the cytoskeleton?
  • How are molecular structures related to the functions of cells?
  • What are some examples of biomolecules necessary for cell function and survival?
  • What types of molecules make up an organism’s genome?

Biology Essay Topics About the Ecosystem

  • What does the term food web mean?
  • Why is it important to study population dynamics in an ecosystem?
  • How do humans affect other species and their environments?
  • How can we prevent and control invasive species, and why are they so dangerous?
  • What effects does pollution have on animals and their habitats?
  • How do global warming and climate change affect the ecosystem?
  • What are the different types of animals found in ecosystems?
  • What happens to an ecosystem when one species becomes extinct?
  • What is the difference between biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem?
  • How do humans feed off other species to survive?
  • Describe how the r-selected life strategy works.
  • What are some examples of symbiosis found in nature?
  • How does biodiversity affect the structure, function, and survival of ecosystems?
  • How does the stability of an ecosystem depend on biodiversity?
  • What are trophic levels, and how do they function to maintain the structure of ecosystems?
  • Why are invasive species dangerous?
  • How do global climate changes and human activities affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
  • What types of organisms thrive in wetlands?
  • How do humans benefit from studying ecosystems?
  • What ecosystems are best suited to rapid climate change?

Biology Essay Topics About Evolution

  • Is evolution strictly a scientific theory, or is it also valid spiritually?
  • Why is research about the evolution of life important to our understanding of the past?
  • What are some examples of convergent evolution?
  • How does natural selection contribute to evolution?
  • Why is it important for people to understand evolution and its role in biology?
  • What are some benefits that humans enjoy thanks to evolution?
  • How do mass extinctions impact the evolution of different species?
  • How does a mutation affect a population’s gene pool and diversity?
  • Explain the core principles of Darwin’s theory of evolution.
  • How does an organism’s ability to respond to environmental changes contribute to its rate of evolution?
  • What is polyphyletic evolution?
  • What are some examples of vestigial traits in humans and other species?
  • How do eco-evolutionary dynamics play a role in evolution?
  • Do you think that past mass extinction events had an impact on evolution? Why or why not?
  • What are some benefits humans enjoy thanks to evolution by natural selection?
  • How could modern-day diets affect the evolutionary growth of humans?
  • What animals have had evolutionary changes based on threats to their diets?
  • What evolutionary response makes for the best camouflage?
  • What types of traits can be used to differentiate between closely related species?
  • What are the main factors that prevent a population from evolving?
  • How is artificial selection different from natural selection?
  • Why do scientists still debate about evolutionary theory despite overwhelming evidence supporting it?
  • What are some examples of convergent evolution in nature, and how do they function as an adaptation?
  • Why is research about the evolution of life important to understanding the past?

Biology Essay Topics About Genetics

  • What is genetic drift, and how can it lead to changes in a population over time?
  • How do the different parts of DNA interact with each other?
  • How are dominant and recessive traits identified?
  • What are some examples of genetic disorders?
  • What causes Down syndrome, and how is it diagnosed in children?
  • How does natural selection act on mutations to create variation in a population?
  • Can scientists use DNA testing to learn about our ancestors’ migratory patterns and where they lived?
  • How can animal migration help us to better understand genetics?
  • Define molecular genetics and explain how it relates to classical and Mendelian genetics.
  • What is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and why is it important in population genetics?
  • Do you believe that scientists should clone human beings? Why or why not?
  • Why are dominant traits sometimes called masking genes?
  • Why is genetic diversity important for long-term species survival?
  • How are epigenetic changes related to evolution?
  • What is the difference between gene expression and gene activity with regards to genetics?
  • How do developmental genes affect the appearance of an organism throughout its life cycle?
  • How have animal and plant breeders used genetic engineering to produce certain types of hybrids?
  • What are the ethical implications of human cloning?
  • What are the latest technologies in genetic engineering?
  • What new technologies are needed to make human cloning a reality?
  • How are living organisms adapting to the presence of plastics in our environment?
  • Why are some individuals resistant to certain genetically programmed diseases?
  • What are three common misconceptions about genetic engineering?
  • What is transgenic technology, and how can it be used for disease prevention or treatment?
  • How do microorganisms impact human health and the environment?
  • What are some examples of a genetically modified organism?
  • How does natural selection impact microorganisms?
  • What is DNA profiling, and how can it help to solve crimes or return missing persons to their families?
  • Why do scientists need more research surrounding epigenetics before drawing conclusions on its effects on evolution?

Biology Essay Topics About the Human Body

  • What is the purpose of skeletal and respiratory systems?
  • How do hormones affect our body on a daily basis?
  • How does the endocrine system work as part of an overall regulatory system in the human body?
  • What are some different types of cells found in the human body?
  • What are the differences between exocrine and endocrine glands?
  • What are stem cells, and why are they important to biological research?
  • How do muscles work together to create movement in our bodies?
  • How do bones help us to maintain balance while walking, standing up straight, and running?
  • What are some ways that human behavior can impact our bodies?
  • How do foods with high sugar content affect the digestive system?
  • What organs are no longer necessary in the human body, and why?
  • What blood types offer better protection from the elements?
  • What are mosquitoes attracted to some humans and not to others?
  • What pheromones do humans give off?
  • What are the different types of blood cells?
  • How does healthy eating help to maintain digestive health?
  • Why do some people get migraines that others don’t seem to be bothered by?
  • What is the pH level of human blood, and how can it be carefully regulated?
  • How does altitude affect respiration in humans?
  • What is the most complicated system in the human body?
  • Explain the biological purposes of “Fight or Flight.”
  • What role does the immune system play in human health?
  • What is the difference between human anatomy and physiology?

Choosing any of these 160 biology essay topics will help students craft an informative and authoritative essay that is sure to earn them a passing grade.

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Essays on Biology

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  • Photosynthesis
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  • Cellular Respiration
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  • Natural Selection
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133 Biodiversity Topics & Examples

🔝 top-10 biodiversity topics for presentation, 🏆 best biodiversity project topics, 💡 most interesting biodiversity assignment topics, 📌 simple & easy biodiversity related topics, 👍 good biodiversity title ideas, ❓ biodiversity research topics.

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  • Global biodiversity conservation.
  • The Amazon rainforest.
  • Animal ecology research.
  • Sub Saharan Africa.
  • Marine biodiversity.
  • Threats to ecosystems.
  • Plant ecology.
  • Importance of environmental conservation.
  • Evolution of animal species.
  • Biodiversity Benefits for Ecology This variation of species in the ecosystem is a very important concept and factor that indeed is the basis for sustaining life on our planet. Moreover, the most important supporter of life, which is soil […]
  • Biodiversity Hotspots: The Philippines The International Conservation has classified the Philippines as one of the biodiversity hotspots in the world. Additionally, the country is said to be one of the areas that are endangered in the world.
  • Climate Change’s Negative Impact on Biodiversity This essay’s primary objective is to trace and evaluate the impact of climate change on biological diversity through the lens of transformations in the marine and forest ecosystems and evaluation of the agricultural sector both […]
  • Aspects, Importance and Issues of Biodiversity Genetic diversity is a term used to refer to the dissimilitude of organisms of the same species. Species diversity is used to refer to dissimilitude of organisms in a given region.
  • Habitat Destruction and Biodiversity Extinctions The instance of extinction is by and large regarded as the demise of the very last character of the genus. Habitat obliteration has played a major part in wiping out of species, and it is […]
  • Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions It is estimated that the number of species that have become extinct is greater than the number of species that are currently found on earth.
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  • Wild Crops and Biodiversity Threats However, out of millions of existing types of wild crop cultures, the vast majority have been abandoned and eradicated, as the agricultural companies placed major emphasis on the breeding of domesticated cultures that are easy […]
  • Biology Lab Report: Biodiversity Study of Lichens As a consequence of these results, the variety of foods found in forest flora that include lichens may be linked to varying optimum conditions for establishment and development.
  • Biodiversity, Interdependency: Threatened and Endhangered Species In the above table, humans rely on bees to facilitate pollination among food crops and use their honey as food. Concurrently, lichens break down rocks to provide nutrient-rich soil in the relationship.
  • Invasive Processes’ Impact on Ecosystem’s Biodiversity If the invasive ones prove to be more adaptive, this will bring about the oppression of the native species and radical changes in the ecosystem.
  • Conserving Biodiversity: The Loggerhead Turtle The loggerhead sea turtle is the species of oceanic turtle which is spread all over the world and belongs to the Cheloniidae family.
  • Biodiversity and Dynamics of Mountainous Area Near the House It should be emphasized that the term ecosystem used in this paper is considered a natural community characterized by a constant cycle of energy and resources, the presence of consumers, producers, and decomposers, as well […]
  • National Biodiversity Strategy By this decision, the UN seeks to draw the attention of the world community and the leaders of all countries to the protection and rational use of natural resources.
  • Rewilding Our Cities: Beauty, Biodiversity and the Biophilic Cities Movement What is the source of your news item? The Guardian.
  • Biodiversity and Food Production This paper will analyze the importance of biodiversity in food production and the implications for human existence. Edible organisms are few as compared to the total number of organisms in the ecosystem.
  • Restoring the Everglades Wetlands: Biodiversity The Act lays out the functions and roles of the Department of Environmental Protection and the South Florida Water Management District in restoration of the Everglades.
  • Biodiversity: Importance and Benefits This is due to the fact that man is evolving from the tendency of valuing long term benefits to a tendency of valuing short terms benefits.
  • A Benchmarking Biodiversity Survey of the Inter-Tidal Zone at Goat Island Bay, Leigh Marine Laboratory Within each quadrant, the common species were counted or, in the case of seaweed and moss, proliferation estimated as a percentage of the quadrant occupied.
  • Plant Interactions and Biodiversity: Ecological Insights The author is an ecologist whose main area of interest is in the field of biodiversity and composition of the ecosystem.
  • Biodiversity: Population Versus Ecosystem Diversity by David Tilman How is the variability of the plant species year to year in the community biomass? What is the rate of the plant productivity in the ecosystem?
  • Biodiversity Hotspots and Environmental Ethics The magnitude of the problem of losing biodiversity hotspots is too great, to the extend of extinction of various species from the face of the earth.
  • Natural Selection and Biodiversity These are featured by the ways in which the inhabiting organisms adapt to them and it is the existence of these organisms on which the ecosystems depend and therefore it is evident that this diversity […]
  • Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’s Biodiversity A duck is a domestic bird that is reared for food in most parts of the world. It is associated with food in the household and is smaller than a bee.
  • Global Warming: Causes and Impact on Health, Environment and the Biodiversity Global warming is defined in simple terms as the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface including the air and oceans in recent decades and if the causes of global warming are not […]
  • California’s Coastal Biodiversity Initiative The considered threat to California biodiversity is a relevant topic in the face of climate change. To prevent this outcome, it is necessary to involve the competent authorities and plan a possible mode of operation […]
  • Biodiversity: American Museum of Natural History While staying at the museum, I took a chance to visit the Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life and the Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians.
  • Biodiversity and Animal Population in Micronesia This means that in the future, the people living in Micronesia will have to move to other parts of the world when their homes get submerged in the water.
  • Urban Plants’ Role in Insects’ Biodiversity The plants provide food, shelter and promote the defensive mechanisms of the insects. The observation was also an instrumental method that was used to assess the behavior and the existence of insects in relation to […]
  • Biodiversity Markets and Bolsa Floresta Program Environmentalists and scholars of the time led by Lord Monboddo put forward the significance of nature conservation which was followed by implementation of conservation policies in the British Indian forests.
  • Brazilian Amazonia: Biodiversity and Deforestation Secondly, the mayor persuaded the people to stop deforestation to save the Amazon. Additionally, deforestation leads to displacement of indigenous people living in the Amazonia.
  • Defining and Measuring Biodiversity Biodiversity is measured in terms of attributes that explore the quality of nature; richness and evenness of the living organisms within an ecological niche.
  • Biodiversity, Its Importance and Benefits Apart from that, the paper is going to speculate on the most and least diverse species in the local area. The biodiversity can be measured in terms of the number of different species in the […]
  • Biodiversity, Its Evolutionary and Genetic Reasons The occurrence of natural selection is hinged on the hypothesis that offspring inherit their characteristics from their parents in the form of genes and that members of any particular population must have some inconsiderable disparity […]
  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Evaluation and Analysis The region also boasts with the endangered freshwater turtle species, which are under a threat of extinction due to over-harvesting and destroyed habitat.
  • Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Impure Public Goods The fact that the issue concerning the global marine biodiversity and the effects that impure public goods may possibly have on these rates can lead to the development of a range of externalities that should […]
  • Natural Sciences: Biodiversity and Human Civilisation The author in conjunction with a team of other researchers used a modelling study to illustrate the fact approximately 2 percent of global energy is currently being deployed in the generation of wind and solar […]
  • How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity The disturbance of the ecosystem has some effects on the dynamics of vectors and infectious diseases. Change of climate is a contributing factor in the emergence of new species and infectious diseases.
  • Biodiversity and Business Risk In conclusion, biodiversity risk affects businesses since the loss of biodiversity leads to: coastal flooding, desertification and food insecurity, all of which have impacts on business organizations.
  • Measurement of Biodiversity It is the “sum total of all biotic variation from the level of genes to ecosystems” according to Andy Purvus and Andy Hector in their article entitled “Getting the Measure of Diversity” which appeared in […]
  • Introduced Species and Biodiversity Rhymer and Simberloff explain that the seriousness of the phenomenon may not be very evident from direct observation of the morphological traits of the species.
  • Ecosystems: Biodiversity and Habitat Loss The review of the topic shows that the relationship between urban developmental patterns and the dynamics of ecosystem are concepts that are still not clearly understood in the scholarly world as well as in general.
  • The Impact of Burmese Pythons on Florida’s Native Biodiversity Scientists from the South Florida Natural Resource Center, the Smithsonian institute and the University of Florida have undertaken studies to assess the predation behavior of the Burmese pythons on birds in the area.
  • Threat to Biodiversity Is Just as Important as Climate Change This paper shall articulate the truth of this statement by demonstrating that threats to biodiversity pose significant threat to the sustainability of human life on earth and are therefore the protection of biodiversity is as […]
  • Cold Water Coral Ecosystems and Their Biodiversity: A Review of Their Economic and Social Value
  • Benchmarking DNA Metabarcoding for Biodiversity-Based Monitoring and Assessment
  • Prospects for Integrating Disturbances, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Using Microbial Systems
  • Enterprising Nature: Economics, Markets, and Finance in Global Biodiversity Politics
  • Institutional Economics and the Behaviour of Conservation Organizations: Implications for Biodiversity Conservation
  • Fisheries, Fish Pollution and Biodiversity: Choice Experiments With Fishermen, Traders and Consumers
  • Last Stand: Protected Areas and the Defense of Tropical Biodiversity
  • Hardwiring Green: How Banks Account For Biodiversity Risks and Opportunities
  • Governance Criteria for Effective Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation
  • Marine Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas for Penguins in Antarctica: Targets for Conservation Action
  • Ecological and Economic Assessment of Forests Biodiversity: Formation of Theoretical and Methodological Instruments
  • Environment and Biodiversity Impacts of Organic and Conventional Agriculture
  • Food From the Water: How the Fish Production Revolution Affects Aquatic Biodiversity and Food Security
  • Biodiversity and World Food Security: Nourishing the Planet and Its People
  • Climate Change and Energy Economics: Key Indicators and Approaches to Measuring Biodiversity
  • Conflicts Between Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration Programs: Economic and Legal Implications
  • Models for Sample Selection Bias in Contingent Valuation: Application to Forest Biodiversity
  • Optimal Land Conversion and Growth With Uncertain Biodiversity Costs
  • Internalizing Global Externalities From Biodiversity: Protected Areas and Multilateral Mechanisms of Transfer
  • Combining Internal and External Motivations in Multi-Actor Governance Arrangements for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  • Balancing State and Volunteer Investment in Biodiversity Monitoring for the Implementation of CBD Indicators
  • Differences and Similarities Between Ecological and Economic Models for Biodiversity Conservation
  • Globalization and the Connection of Remote Communities: Household Effects and Their Biodiversity Implications
  • Shaded Coffee and Cocoa – Double Dividend for Biodiversity and Small-Scale Farmers
  • Spatial Priorities for Marine Biodiversity Conservation in the Coral Triangle
  • One World, One Experiment: Addressing the Biodiversity and Economics Conflict
  • Alternative Targets and Economic Efficiency of Selecting Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation in Boreal Forest
  • Analysing Multi Level Water and Biodiversity Governance in Their Context
  • Agricultural Biotechnology: Productivity, Biodiversity, and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Renewable Energy and Biodiversity: Implications for Transitioning to a Green Economy
  • Agricultural Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Major Farming Systems
  • Integrated Land Use Modelling of Agri-Environmental Measures to Maintain Biodiversity at Landscape Level
  • Changing Business Perceptions Regarding Biodiversity: From Impact Mitigation Towards New Strategies and Practices
  • Forest Biodiversity and Timber Extraction: An Analysis of the Interaction of Market and Non-market Mechanisms
  • Poverty and Biodiversity: Measuring the Overlap of Human Poverty and the Biodiversity Hotspots
  • Protecting Agro-Biodiversity by Promoting Rural Livelihoods
  • Maintaining Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability
  • Landscape, Legal, and Biodiversity Threats That Windows Pose to Birds: A Review of an Important Conservation Issue
  • Variable Mating Behaviors and the Maintenance of Tropical Biodiversity
  • Species Preservation and Biodiversity Value: A Real Options Approach
  • What Is Being Done to Preserve Biodiversity and Its Hotspots?
  • How Are Argentina and Chile Facing Shared Biodiversity Loss?
  • Are Diverse Ecosystems More Valuable?
  • How Can Biodiversity Loss Be Prevented?
  • Can Payments for Watershed Services Help Save Biodiversity?
  • How Can Business Reduce Impacts on the World’s Biodiversity?
  • Are National Biodiversity Strategies Appropriate for Building Responsibilities for Mainstreaming Biodiversity Across Policy Sectors?
  • How Does Agriculture Effect Biodiversity?
  • Are There Income Effects on Global Willingness to Pay For Biodiversity Conservation?
  • How Does the Economic Risk Aversion Affect Biodiversity?
  • What Are the Threats of Biodiversity?
  • How Has the Increased Usage of Synthetic Pesticides Impacted Biodiversity?
  • What Does Drive Biodiversity Conservation Effort in the Developing World?
  • How Does the Plantation Affect Biodiversity?
  • What Does Drive Long-Run Biodiversity Change?
  • How Does the United Nations Deal With Biodiversity?
  • What Factors Affect Biodiversity?
  • How Are Timber Harvesting and Biodiversity Managed in Uneven-Aged Forests?
  • When Should Biodiversity Tenders Contract on Outcomes?
  • Who Cares About Biodiversity?
  • Why Can Financial Incentives Destroy Economically Valuable Biodiversity in Ethiopia?
  • What Factors Affect an Area’s Biodiversity?
  • In What Ways Is Biodiversity Economically Valuable?
  • Which Human Activities Threaten Biodiversity?
  • How Can Biodiversity Be Protected?
  • In What Ways Is Biodiversity Ecologically Value?
  • In Which Countries Is Biodiversity Economically Valuable?
  • Does Species Diversity Follow Any Patterns?
  • How Is Biodiversity Measured?
  • What Is a Biodiversity Hotspot?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 22). 133 Biodiversity Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biodiversity-essay-topics/

"133 Biodiversity Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 22 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biodiversity-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '133 Biodiversity Topics & Examples'. 22 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "133 Biodiversity Topics & Examples." February 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biodiversity-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "133 Biodiversity Topics & Examples." February 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biodiversity-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "133 Biodiversity Topics & Examples." February 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biodiversity-essay-topics/.

title of biology essay

  • April 25, 2023
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Mastering A Level Biology Essays: Smart Tips and Unbeatable Examples


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A Level Biology is a challenging but rewarding course that covers a wide range of topics, from DNA and genetic inheritance to ecosystems and biodiversity. The key to success in this subject lies in understanding and applying the core principles of Biology and expressing your understanding in well-structured, coherent essays. In this article, we will provide you with some essential tips for writing outstanding A Level Biology essays, as well as presenting clear examples to help you master the essay-writing process.

  • Understand the essay question

The first and most important step in writing an A Level Biology essay is to clearly understand the question. Break down the question into its key terms and implications, and ensure you comprehend what the examiner is asking you to discuss. Make a note of any key words or phrases that should feature in your essay, as these will help you structure your response and ensure you cover all the necessary points.

  • Plan your essay

Before you begin writing your essay, take the time to plan your response. Create an outline that maps out the main points you want to make, as well as the order in which you will discuss them. This will enable you to develop a logical and coherent argument that addresses all the key aspects of the question.

  • Include an engaging introduction

An effective introduction is crucial to grabbing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for your essay. Begin with a general statement that links to the essay question, and then narrow down your focus to present your main argument or line of inquiry. Finish your introduction with a clear thesis statement, which outlines the central points you will cover in your essay, demonstrating a solid understanding of the topic.

Example: The discovery of DNA and the subsequent advancements in genetic research have proven instrumental in understanding the role of genetics ininheritance of traits and diseases. This essay will discuss the role of genetic inheritance in the development of several human diseases, namely: Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the ethical implications surrounding genetic testing and treatment.

  • Use specific examples to support your arguments

In A Level Biology essays, it is essential to provide examples that demonstrate your understanding of the material and support your claims. Try to include a range of examples from different areas of the subject to show that you have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the course material.

Example: Cystic Fibrosis is an example of a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene, which results in thick and sticky mucus production in affected individuals. This condition can lead to respiratory and digestive complications, illustrating the significant impact of genetic inheritance on an individual’s health.

  • Synthesize information from multiple sources

To demonstrate a high level of understanding, A Level Biology essays should integrate information from various sources, such as class notes, textbooks, and scientific articles. Be sure to support your ideas with specific references to the source material, and use your own words to explain the concepts in a clear and concise manner.

  • Address counterarguments and controversies

In any scientific field, there are often debates and controversies surrounding key concepts and theories. To show a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter, be sure to address counterarguments and discuss opposing viewpoints in your essay.

Example: While genetic testing for diseases such as Huntington’s has the potential to provide valuable information for individuals at risk, there are ethical concerns about the potential misuse of genetic information by employers, insurance companies, and even government entities. Weighing the benefits of genetic testing and treatment against these ethical concerns is an ongoing debate within the scientific community.

  • Write a strong conclusion

To wrap up your essay, restate your main argument and summarize the key points you have made. Provide a clear and concise conclusion that demonstrates the significance of your argument and its implications for the broader field of Biology.

Example: In conclusion, the role of genetic inheritance in human diseases, as illustrated by Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, underscores the immense potential of genetic research to improve our understanding of human health. However, as we continue to advance our knowledge and develop new treatments and testing methods, it is crucial that we remain conscious of the ethical implications that come with such advancements in order to protect individuals’ rights and liberties.

  • Proofread and edit your essay

Finally, make sure you thoroughly proofread and edit your essay to correct any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors, and to ensure that your argument flows smoothly and logically. Consider asking a friend or peer to review your essay and provide feedback – a fresh perspective can help you identify areas for improvement that you may have overlooked.

In summary, mastering A Level Biology essays involves understanding the essay question, planning a clear and logical response, using specific examples and evidence, synthesizing information from multiple sources, addressing counterarguments and controversies, and crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion. By following these steps and using the examples provided, you will be well on your way to delivering high-quality, insightful essays that demonstrate an excellent understanding of the complex and fascinating world of Biology.

Good luck, and happy essay writing!

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  • Genetic Engineering
  • Biodiversity
  • Photosynthesis
  • Natural Selection
  • Microbiology
  • Cell Membrane
  • Animal Cell
  • Bioengineering
  • Cellular Respiration
  • Human Physiology
  • Microorganisms
  • Gene Mutations
  • Agriculture

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