
Essay on Children Are Our Future

Students are often asked to write an essay on Children Are Our Future in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Children Are Our Future

Why children matter.

Children are like seeds that grow into big trees. Just like trees give us fruits, grown-up children give the world new ideas and help. They learn fast, play, and imagine things that can change how we live. When we teach them well, they become smart adults who can solve tough problems.

Learning Today

Kids go to school to learn reading, math, and many other things. Good education makes them ready for tomorrow. They can become doctors, teachers, or inventors. When children learn, they prepare to make the future bright.

Keeping Them Safe

We must keep children safe and healthy. When they eat good food and stay away from danger, they can grow strong. It’s our job to protect them from harm and make sure they have clean air, water, and a happy place to live.

Listening to Them

Children have their own thoughts and dreams. When we listen to them, we understand what they need and want. Their fresh ideas can teach us new ways to look at the world. It’s important to hear their voices because one day, they will lead us.

250 Words Essay on Children Are Our Future

The importance of children.

Children are like seeds that grow into big trees. They are very important because they will become the grown-ups who will take care of the world tomorrow. Just like a seed needs water and sunlight to grow, children need love, education, and care to become smart and kind people.

Education Shapes the Future

Going to school is one of the most important things for children. When they learn to read, write, and do math, they get the tools they need for life. School also teaches them about friendship, respect, and how to solve problems. Good education makes sure that when they grow up, they can do great things for themselves and others.

Healthy Bodies and Minds

For children to do their best, they need to be healthy. Eating good food, playing games, and sleeping enough helps their bodies grow strong. Also, when they talk about their feelings and get help when they are sad or scared, their minds stay healthy too. This means they can think better and be happier.

Everyone’s Role

Taking care of children is a job for everyone. Parents, teachers, and even other kids can help make sure every child feels safe and loved. When children know they are important, they can dream big and work hard to make those dreams come true.

Children are the ones who will make the world better in the future. By giving them everything they need now, we are making sure the future is bright. Let’s all promise to help every child, because they are not just kids, they are our future.

500 Words Essay on Children Are Our Future

One of the most important things for children is education. Going to school helps children learn about the world around them. They learn to read, write, and do math. But education is more than just books and homework. It’s also about learning to be good people. Teachers help children understand right from wrong and how to work with others. When children learn well, they can grow up to do great things for the world.

Health and Happiness

For children to do their best, they need to be healthy and happy. Eating good food, playing games, and getting enough sleep are all important. Being healthy helps children’s bodies and minds grow strong. And when children are happy, they can focus better on learning and making friends. Parents, teachers, and communities need to help children stay healthy and happy so they can reach for their dreams.

Technology and the World of Tomorrow

Protecting the environment.

Our planet is the only home we have, and we need to take care of it. Children are very good at caring about nature. They learn about the importance of clean air and water and why we should not waste resources. When children grow up knowing about the environment, they can help make sure our planet stays beautiful and healthy for a long time.

Respect and Understanding

Children come from many different places and have different stories. It is important for them to learn about respect and understanding. When children learn to respect each other, no matter where they come from, they can work together better. Understanding different cultures and ways of life helps children get along and make the world a peaceful place.

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children's are the future of our country essay

Why children and youth hold the key to a sustainable future

In a world where climate change-induced environmental emergencies, such as floods, extreme temperatures and fires, are increasingly becoming the norm, the future can often look uncertain.

This future is particularly uncertain for children, youth and future generations, who experts recognize as the most vulnerable group to the impacts of climate change.

"Children and youth are the most impacted by today's global environmental crisis, and are the most threatened by our current trajectory,” said David Boyd, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment.

As the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report 2021: The Heat is On shows, if the current trajectory is to be changed - and the global temperature rise kept well below 2°C, with the target of 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels, in line with the Paris Agreement - the triple threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution and waste needs to be tackled.

“We must remember that children’s lives are interlocked with the environment, whatever happens to the environment effects children,” said Jonas Schubert, a human rights officer with Terra des Hommes , a UNEP implementing agency.

UNEP has just released guidelines and principles highlighting the importance of protecting the environment for future generations and ensuring that children have access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

Children and youth are the most impacted by today's global environmental crisis and are the most threatened by our current trajectory.

The Principles and Policy Guidance on Children’s Rights to a Healthy Environment in the ASEAN Region  focuses on the ten Southeast Asian states that make up the ASEAN region but carries wider ramifications for children globally.

"Every child on Earth is exposed to some combination of the climate crisis, pollution or the decline of biodiversity. Children from poor, vulnerable and marginalized communities face the worst environmental threats," said Boyd.

By endorsing STEP-UP , a Joint Commitment by UN entities, UNEP has committed to promoting the rights of children, youth and future generations to a healthy environment. It has also pledged to involve them in meaningful participation in decision-making at all levels on climate action and climate justice.

UNEP has long championed the rights of youth to a sustainable environment and has increasingly involved them in the process. A child-friendly version of the Principles and Guidance on Children’s Right to a Healthy Environment in the ASEAN Region was recently released in response to one of the ten Principles, which stated that children must have “access to age-appropriate, gender-sensitive, localised and contextualised information.”

In February last year, UNEP released the GEO-6 for Youth report . The first fully interactive e-publication, written by youth for youth to engage, educate, and lead youth towards environmental action.

Also in February, UNEP supported The Global Youth Environment Assembly (YEA) , which was organized by the UN Major Group for Children and Youth . One of the key aims of this assembly was how youth could engage with policymakers ahead of UNEA-5 .

Before COP26 , the Youth4Climate event drew together 400 youth climate leaders from 186 countries to adopt a collective declaration to present to ministers before COP26.

“To successfully ensure a sustainable future for every child and future generations, we must involve them in designing and implementing solutions,” said Boyd. 

For more information, please contact Soo-Young Hwang: [email protected]  

Further Resources

  • Principles and Policy Guidance on Children’s Rights to a Healthy Environment in the ASEAN Region
  • STEP-UP- A joint commitment by Heads of United Nations Entities
  • Emissions Gap Report 2021: The Heat is On
  • GEO-6 for Youth report
  • UN Major Group for Children and Youth

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children's are the future of our country essay

Youth as The Hope of Nations


" Youth is the hope of nations ," they say. However, as the modern world continues to evolve on behalf of technology, there have been several issues and cases regarding the abuse of children by taking away their freedom nowadays. Therefore, how are we supposed to establish the future that we seek if we are too quick to belittle and to judge each of our capacities? How are we supposed to establish the future that we seek if we just see youth as burdens and weaklings?

In today's time, the younger generation provides and makes much more difference in the most unexpected ways, far from what adults expected. Children who are between the ages of 10 and 16 years old are on the front line, missing schools, starting to build their own teams, organizing their own platforms and demonstrations. With that, we can already see where the world's change makers are coming from, and they are getting younger by the day. Because of this sudden change, adults are starting to deliberate their own reactions as well, wherein some may find it either too overreacting or inspiring. Because of this sudden change, former or adult leaders are starting to find it hard to take part in their communities, making young people feel misunderstood and underestimated. With that being said, some adults see the youth making their own movements as a disgraceful and disrespectful act because of the thought that they should only stay on their line and let adults handle everything, making the voices of the youth feel like their voices are not worth it, especially when we talk about politics. Having and keeping that thought inside our minds will not lead us to the future we seek. Because if we are only to let everything done and go with the flow, we won't be able to progress and might as well regret when it is too late.

In the long run, having young people as the new faces of change is heartwarming and truly amazing as it upholds great power. That's because having the youth as the new founders of change brings back one well-known quote from one of the national heroes of the Philippines, Dr. Jose Rizal, as well. And that is " Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan " or " The youth is the hope of nations. " Seeing the youth as one, can also be seen as one of the true golden treasures our world could have, especially because they are among the stable and long-term contributors who help guide growth for their communities. Youth represent a vast and often untapped resource for immediate and long-term community development efforts, said Bilal Belhadj. Thus, hearing about the sudden increase in young change makers does not mean it is a bad thing to do. According to Melati Wijsen, a young change maker and activist represents that today's youth are refusing to wait until they are older to begin making a difference, because of the fact that we have our own voices as our shield and opportunity to empower and make a difference. It is the thought and freedom that counts.

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Every Child deserves sustainable education

C 2019 Voices of Youth. All Rights Reserved. 

21 July 2020 - Colombia

Children are the present and the future

Marly who joined our Save Our Education report launch

The rapid spread of coronavirus has forced the world's schools to shut their doors to over 1.6 billion learners. Nearly 10 million children may never return. In response to coronavirus and its devastating impact on children, we are campaigning with children to remove barriers to learning and Save Our Education .

In Colombia, the impact of COVID-19 on education has deepened the gaps between rural and urban areas. About 21.7 million people have internet access, compared to 23.8 million in the most remote areas who do not.

Child advocate, Marly, is 16 years old and is from Norte de Santander in Colombia, where she participates in the Save the Children project "Catatumbo loves education". We invited her to be a guest speaker at the global launch of our Save our Education report .

In Marly’s words

"The online event was part of the High-Level Political Forum on Development Goals at the United Nations. There were over 480 people from all over the world connected. I will always remember the feeling of knowing that many important people were listening to me, such as the Minister of Education of Colombia and others, and that they were also paying attention to the important things I was going to say.

I spoke for the children and youth of Colombia about access and quality of education during the COVID-19 crisis – a problem that not only affects me, but all children in my country and even the world.

I shared about how thousands of children and young people have been forced to adopt a new system of learning by virtual means that has generated many difficulties. We are aware of the efforts made by organisations and the Government to prevent us from dropping out of school, but there are still many things to be done.

It is tiring for a child to have to stay in front of an electronic device all day to play the role of a student, and it could have long-term consequences. In addition, there are children without internet or who live far away and do not have access to the guidelines.

I gave the example of the rural areas of Colombia, especially the place where I live, Catatumbo. It is a region that has suffered through a war between groups outside the law and the Government for more than 50 years. The war mostly affects children and young people, who have nothing to do with the conflict. In addition, there is no internet, there is no telephone signal, and there are many low-income families.

The Ministry of Education has chosen to provide physical printed copies of guidelines for all these children, but access for families to obtain these activities is very difficult. The distance from the rural areas to the urban areas is quite far, and a large proportion of parents do not know how to read. So imagine how education for these children becomes very difficult. Many of them leave school. At this time of coronavirus, many students have decided to drop out.

children's are the future of our country essay

Marly speaks at the Save Our Education report launch

In order to change this situation we need first of all an adequate and satisfactory preparation for teachers on ICT (information and communication technology), economic improvements for children in rural areas (called Veredales in Colombia), and economic benefits that poorer students could use for books, learning guidelines, internet access, or as a way in to higher education, for example. All this to achieve the quality education that we so much hope to have.

For Colombia, I asked that the State direct its attention to children and not leave us out. Children and young people are the present and the future of the world. With our education, there is potential for the change that we have wanted to achieve for centuries, but States have not wanted to make that a reality. The voices of children must be heard, since that will benefit both the State and children themselves.

I recognise that it is difficult, but it is a collective work that will generate collective gains. Let's stop thinking about our own good, let's fight a little more for everyone, just a little. Let's show that we Colombians fight for our rights. The governors of our country know that more than anyone else.

On the same day as I took part in the event, I shared my experience with my family and friends. Everyone congratulated me or said "Wow, really?”. The principal of my school and the psychologist called me; she let the school know what I had done, what I said. Of course, at school I will talk about my experience on a virtual call.

I think that I said what had to be said. Knowing that the Minister of Education of Colombia listened to me makes me think that the government can make good decisions. Because how do you solve something if you do not know about it?

Now I want to focus on my studies and finish high school. I want to be able to study political science and, in the future, I want to be president of Colombia. I have always liked politics, and to participate. I hope that my words will serve to improve education in Colombia today." Marly participates in the “Catatumbo loves Education” project, which is focused on access to safe and quality education. The project seeks to benefit more than 15,994 children and adolescents in this northwestern region of Colombia that has been highly affected by the armed conflict, poverty, migration and lack of access to basic services

All over the world, Save the Children is rapidly adapting existing work whilst preparing for outbreaks of coronavirus in countries with limited capacity to respond. We've also launched the # SaveOurEducation campaign  to tackle the global education emergency.

Read our new Save Our Education report.

We stand side by side with children in the world's toughest places.

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‘Children are the world’s hope for a better future,’ says UNICEF chief, marking agency’s 70th anniversary

From left: UNICEF Ambassadors Orlando Bloom, Priyanka Chopra, Angélique Kidjo, David Beckham, Femi Kuti, Ishmael Beah, Jackie Chan and UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake at the UNICEF 70th anniversary celebration event at UN Headquarters.

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“This celebration of UNICEF ’s 70th anniversary belongs to those for whom UNICEF was created in the first place: children. And it also belongs to the thousands of UNICEF staff and our partners whose work in some of the world’s most dangerous and difficult places has touched the lives of millions of children. What can be more important?” said the Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Anthony Lake.

To call attention to decades of work for children, the Empire State Building was lit up in UNICEF’s signature blue. Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham switched on the lights.

Other celebrity Goodwill Ambassadors present at the event included Ishmael Beah, Orlando Bloom, Jackie Chan, Angelique Kidjo, Femi Kuti, and world-renowned actress and girls’ rights advocate Priyanka Chopra, whose appointment to UNICEF’s latest Goodwill Ambassador was announced last night.

“My involvement with UNICEF began almost 10 years ago in India. Today, I stand here humbled, enriched, and committed because of it. Thank you, UNICEF, for the amazing journey so far as well as this huge honour,” said Ms. Chopra.

Ms. Chopra had previously served as a UNICEF national ambassador in India, and she spoke of her experiences over the years to fight for girls’ and adolescents’ rights. She emphasized that she was “proud to stand with UNICEF to help build a world where children’s rights are respected and protected.”

The Empire State Building is lit up in UNICEF’s signature blue, to mark the 70th anniversary of the organization’s founding. Photo: UNICEF/Susan Markisz

Mr. Lake said that “Priyanka Chopra is already a champion for India’s children – and as a UNICEF global Goodwill Ambassador, she will be a force for children and adolescents everywhere.”

The evening was co-hosted by People’s Choice nominee and star of the hit Netflix series Stranger Things , Millie Bobby Brown, who interviewed international soccer star David Beckham about his 11 years as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Also co-hosting the event were young Broadway star Akira Golz and UNICEF Youth Advocate Chen Lin.

Orquestra Crianca Cidada, a 37-member Brazilian children’s orchestra, kicked off the event’s musical performances, which included a performance by UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors and international music stars Angelique Kidjo and Femi Kuti with Kids United, a French musical group of children from 8 to 16.

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom spoke onstage with Mustafa Al Said, a child refugee who fled the conflict in Syria and now lives in Germany. UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Ishmael Beah discussed his experience as a child soldier in Sierra Leone and of his work to fight against the recruitment of children into armed groups.

Juan Carlos, a lawyer from El Salvador who is now 27, spoke to the audience about how UNICEF helped him after he stepped on a buried landmine at the age of five and lost his limbs. He now advocates for children with disabilities and works to break down the barriers and inequities that they often confront.

Livey Van Wyk spoke of the stigma she faces as a mother living with HIV. She was accompanied by her 13-year-old son who is HIV negative thanks to UNICEF’s efforts in Namibia to prevent HIV transmission from mothers to their babies.

“UNICEF was established to bring help and hope to children whose lives and futures are at risk,” said Mr. Lake. “Our mission is no less urgent today. As UNICEF gives children hope, children are the world’s hope for a better future. For all of us.”

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State of the World's Children

The state of the world's children 2015.

Each year, the United Nations Children's Fund's (UNICEF’s) flagship publication, The State of the World's Children, closely examines a key issue affecting children. The report includes supporting data and statistics.

English Also available in: French , Spanish

  • ISSN: 1564975X (online)
  • https://doi.org/10.18356/82edf4c7-en
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Reimagine the Future - Innovation for Every Child (Executive Summary)

06 Nov 2015 121 pages English Also available in: Spanish , French

https://doi.org/10.18356/b65ff6c8-en 9789210597609 (PDF)

Author(s): United Nations Children's Fund

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A new opportunity to help ensure all children learn and fulfill their potential

Jaime saavedra, stefania giannini, robert jenkins, alicia herbert, leanna marr, benjamin piper.

Foundational learning skills, including literacy, numeracy, and socio-emotional skills, are the building blocks that help children thrive later in school and throughout their lives

Last week at the United Nations’ Transforming Education Summit (TES) world leaders, education experts, and activists spotlighted the urgency to recover pre-pandemic and COVID-related learning losses and agreed to ensure children all over the world are given the building blocks they need to go on to thrive in school.

We are confident that today’s youth, given the skills and opportunities, will lead us toward a peaceful, sustainable, and prosperous future. It is this hope that leads families and communities to make sacrifices to give our children the best start in life, specifically, the education they need to lead happy and productive lives.

We must be sure that children aren’t just in school, but that they are learning.

Unfortunately, the data shows that far too many children are still struggling to learn the basics. Even before the pandemic, more than half the 10-year-old children globally were not able to read and understand a simple sentence.    After the school closures, global learning trajectories are getting worse: nearly two-thirds of all children globally cannot read with understanding.  This is a learning crisis deepened so much by COVID-19 and increasing shocks from conflict and climate that the future prosperity of a generation and of nations is now threatened.

Despite the large numbers of children that remain out of school , the good news is that, since the pandemic, children are returning to school in larger numbers than originally anticipated. This is an opportunity to reset. The learning they have lost due to the failure of education systems before COVID and the impact of the pandemic needs to be recovered while their progress is accelerated. The average child in a low- or middle-income country will lose 10 percent of their average annual earnings over their working lives if we don’t get this right. 

We know how to tackle this—we need to give children the basics they need to then build off of and the opportunities for them to continue to learn. They need foundational learning skills—the building blocks to thrive later in school and throughout their lives—literacy, numeracy, and socio-emotional skills. Done well early on, these skills will set children up for a life of learning and create the conditions for school systems to also deliver on digital skills, scientific thinking, creativity, and communication skills that are essential to thrive in this century. As the Sierra Leone President, Julius Maada Bio, said at the TES spotlight session 2 on the learning crisis, “We all owe our children a future of promise in which, as productive citizens, they will continue to build just, inclusive, equitable and peaceful societies.”

There are practical examples of what works to help countries recover these losses and accelerate learning at scale: keeping schools open and increasing instruction time; correctly matching instruction to students’ levels of learning; focusing intensely on the foundations of literacy, numeracy, and core socio-emotional support; supporting teachers and giving them the tools they need to manage a more complex classroom and students with a diverse level of learning.

Ultimately, education success hinges on high quality interaction between teachers and students, and recovering from the learning crisis must be a top political priority if we are to succeed. 

Children everywhere need to have strong education systems where we can all be confident that they are learning the basics, even in the face of shocks like COVID-19, climate change, and conflict.

In support of this, the Commitment to Action on Foundational Learning is a crucial opportunity for governments, international organizations, civil society, the private sector, foundations, and the education sector to join together and take action to support foundational learning for all—basic literacy, numeracy, and socio-emotional skills. As reflected by UK Minister of State for Development Vicky Ford MP , “Together, we can ensure we equip every child, everywhere with the foundational learning that sets them on a path to success, dignity, and freedom.”

Countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Sierra Leone, Egypt and Bulgaria have already formally endorsed the Commitment to Action. We are urgently calling for more countries to sign the Commitment to Action . If children do not gain the right foundational learning skills, their chances of achieving overall success and well-being are stunted from the start .

The clock is ticking, the time to act is now.

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Jaime Saavedra

Human Development Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank

Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO

Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO

Robert Jenkins

Global Director, Education and Adolescent Development, UNICEF

Alicia Herbert

Director, Education, Gender and Equality Directorate (EdGE), FCDO

LeAnna Marr

Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID

Ben Piper

Head of Education, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Essay on Children – The Future of Tomorrow

The Wealth of a nation is not so much in its of economical and natural resources but it lies more decidedly in the kind and quality of the wealth of its children and youth. It is they who will be the creators and shapers of a nation’s tomorrow.

The Children of today will be adults of tomorrow. Today’s leaders and activists. Their quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that beackons the nation.

It, therefore, become mandatory for every nation and every society to nurture a strong, healthy and intellectual youth. It is the responsibility of the adults to direct the youth in desired direction. The youth of a nation is its power-house. They have boundless stores of energy, will, capability, zeal, and enthusiasm and have the power to mould the destiny of the nation. This infinite storehouse of energy has to be properly moulded and needs to be given appropriate direction. The youth has to train to use their talents needs to given appropriate direction. The youth has to be trained to use their talents and abilities in constructive ways and help in nation-building and strengthening of it.

Without harnessing this vast store of energy, a nation and a society cannot think of developing economically, politically, socially and intellectually. The best way to engage the youth into playing such a constructive role is to educate them with proper training in the desired direction.

Image Source: weknowyourdreams.com

If a society is careless and carefree about its youth and fails to educate them in a productive manner, then the society is in danger of facing a destructive and violent youth. The trees and flowers of a garden have to be trimmed in order to make it look beautiful and appealing. Otherwise, the plants and bushes will go haywire and spoil the beauty of the garden and will not reap proper blossoms. Similarly, a child has to be pruned of its baser instincts and trained in a proper manner in order to beneficial to society. If proper and timely attention is not paid to the grooming of the youth, it can turn haywire and become unproductive.

For this, society should provide its youth with the right kind of education. The education provided should be progressive, in keeping with the needs of the society and should not only create great professionals excelling in their fields but also good human beings. Proper facilities and a conducive environment should be taken care along with the adequate and enhancement of creativity. Academics should be taken care along with the adequate emphasis on sports, technical areas and other as per the interests of the students.

The government also does a lot to help build its youth into anchors of tomorrow. It provides many facilities regarding education, healthcare, sports, creative areas etc. But the ever-increasing population nullifies the efforts of the government. Moreover, poverty, illiteracy and belief in superstitions also hinder the spread of education to all. Those who are educated fail to acquire proper employment. Resultantly, crime rate increases which is an alarming situation for any society.

Moreover, social evils like child labour, drug addiction, child marriage, beggary, child abuse etc also hamper the proper the development of children. These rampant evils if remain unchecked will jeopardize and endanger the future of the country. The government should take strict measures to ensure that children are enrolled in primary and secondary schools and should try to reduce the drop-out percentage. Child labour too should be strictly prohibited.

We often hear of children from poverty-stricken or extremely poor backgrounds achieving outstanding performances in secondary and senior secondary examinations. This just proves once again that the youth is capable of many feats and accomplishments. All they need is proper channelization of abilities, right guidance and training and a desired environment. Given this, the posterity is sure to lead the nation to greater heights and newer worlds.

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Save the Children International

Every child has the right to education. We have seen a big drop in the number of primary-age children who cannot go to school – between 2006 and 2010 the global figure fell from 115 million to 72 million. That is an impressive achievement, but there’s still a long, long way to go – especially for children living in countries affected by conflict. The painful reality is that more than half of the children without a school to go to live in countries where conflict pushes the dream of education farther beyond their reach – that’s 39 million children. How can we help these hardest-to-reach children get an education?

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Science Leadership Academy @ Center City

Advanced Essay #2: Children’s Books: Importance in Influencing World Views of Children

The following essay discusses the influence of children’s books in how children view and interact with the world around them. I specifically focused on the certain skills that children gain by reading children’s books, and why parents or apps on a tablet can’t always teach them as books can. Children’s books serve as a guide for parents when it comes to teaching their children other life lessons, and this is something that cannot be forgotten. I think that I probably could have tightened up my thesis to make it more controversial, however I still think that my analysis was strong, and my thesis had its strengths as well. As a writer I am always looking to improve, to make my writing more powerful, so I will continue to do this in the future.

I sat in bed, my tiny fingers clinging to the soft blanket that comforted me. I was just four years old. My mom sat beside me, a square shaped hardcover book in her hand. This was routine; every night I waited for the words to pop up and catch my attention, for my mind to fill with new ideas and concepts. Tonight, she held a new book in her hands- Leo the Late Bloomer . My Aunt Lisa had given it to me as a present, and even had it signed by the author himself, Robert Kraus. I distinctly remember the images of the tiger fretting over not being able to do what the other animals did, and his parents being worried about him. As the book concluded though, I learned that it sometimes takes more time for people to grow up and mature, and that was okay. This book taught me not only to be patient with other people, but to be patient with myself, because someday I too would get to the place where I wanted to be.

Learning how to read is one of the most essential things that we associate with growing up and developing. Our lives center around the fact that we can read. Reading helps us to understand the world around us, and view things from multiple perspectives. For many of us, it all starts with children’s books. Many of our first intellectual concepts of the world came from us learning how to read children’s books. The ideas prevalent in them helps for a young mind to develop thoughts and ideas about the world. Without children’s books, we would not have the same ability to communicate with others in a thoughtful, genuine, empathetic, and open-minded manner. It is the responsibility of the authors of children’s books to create books with meaningful lessons about life and human interaction, lessons that our parents can’t always teach us; it is additionally the responsibility of parents to be there to answer questions as they read to their child and pass knowledge onto them through books.

As a child, it was important for me to understand that people developed at different times; after all, no one is the same, and when the concepts of “right” and “wrong” are shoved into our faces by the world at young ages, it is important to know that they do not just apply to everything. Not everything is clean-cut or concise. Had I not learned this lesson from a children’s book, I might have been held back in the way I viewed the world, and in turn may a different person than I know myself to be today. Of course our parents can teach us all of the lessons that they want to, but lessons like this one can sometimes get lost more easily than we may expect them to. The least parents can do is just sit down and read with their child, allowing them to answer questions and further understand the material being presented to them. It is an important experience for children when their parents read them life lessons that were specifically engineered for them to hear.

Similarly, in an article titled How Changing Your Reading Habits Can Transform Your Health , Michael Grothaus, the author, quotes Dr. Josie Billington, who works at the University of Liverpool as the deputy director of the Centre for Research into Reading. She says, "Reading can offer richer, broader, and more complex models of experience, which enable people to view their own lives from a refreshed perspective and with renewed understanding...This renewed understanding gives readers a greater ability to cope with difficult situations by expanding their ‘repertoires and sense of possible avenues of action or attitude.’" It is imperative that this logic is applied as early as possible, because the sooner we can give kids “refreshed perspectives,” the sooner they will learn to think open-mindedly. Of course kids are going to disagree with each other and get into arguments, but the more accepting they can be towards each other at that young age, the more accepting they will be towards their peers as they grow older, going into their teens and even adulthood.

Christopher Myers wrote The Apartheid of Children’s Literature , an article in The New York Times. In this article, Myers wrote about the representation of black people in children’s books. Speaking about children as a whole, he says, “They see books less as mirrors and more as maps. They are indeed searching for their place in the world, but they are also deciding where they want to go. They create, through the stories they’re given, an atlas of their world, of their relationships to others, of their possible destinations.” As this states, when children read books they see them as ways to go about their life, with new thoughts and ideas about their existence emerging as they read them. Not providing children with as many maps as they can get their hands on would be an injustice to them. Depriving them of new roads and paths to travel down, and not helping them understand the world and how to interact with it would prove to be a failure of society, with us being responsible for it.

In conclusion, children’s books are essential for creating empathy, thoughtfulness, open-mindedness, and an overall understanding in the minds of children as they communicate and interact with others. Seeing as though we are in the digital age, and books as a whole have become less valuable, we cannot forget the value of children’s books. A world without children’s books and the messages they teach children would prove to be a world where the future of our society is less understanding of the world and how it works. No educational apps on a tablet or phone can teach them lessons quite like children’s books. Words written on paper hold a lot more power than we seem to think. They are more thoughtful, descriptive, and allow children to actually grasp them in their hands. Books create a more personal experience. Between personal experiences of my own and professionals who have done research on literacy for years, it can be concluded that children’s books are the requisite for an accepting, understanding, and progressive youth.

Works Cited

“How Changing Your Reading Habits Can Transform Your Health.” Fast Company . N.p., 2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015. < http://www.fastcompany.com/3048913/how-to-be-a-success-at-everything/how-changing-your-reading-habits-can-transform-your-health?utm_campaign >

Myers, Christopher. “The Apartheid Of Children’s Literature.” The New York Times . The New York Times, 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2015. < http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/16/opinion/sunday/the-apartheid-of-childrens-literature.html >

Children’s Books: Importance in Influencing World Views of Children from Juliana on Vimeo .

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  • Our Country Essay

500 Words Essay On Our Country

India, our country is the finest example of ‘unity in diversity. People from different backgrounds and religions live here in peace and harmony. Moreover, our country is known for having a variety of languages. So much so that you will find a different language at every 100 kilometres in our country. Through our country essay, we will take you through what India is.

our country essay

Unity in Diversity- Our Country Essay

India is a unique country that harbours different kinds of people that speak different languages, eat different foods and wear a variety of clothes. What makes our country special is that despite so many differences, people always live together in peace.

Our country, India, lies in South Asia. It is a large country that is home to approximately 139 crore people. Moreover, India is also the biggest democracy in the whole world. Having one of the oldest civilizations, it is a very rich country.

Our country has fertile soil that makes it the largest wheat producer in the whole world. India has given birth to famous personalities in the field of literature and science. For instance, Rabindranath Tagore, CV Raman, Dr Abdul Kalam, and others are Indians.

It is a country that is home to thousands of villages. Similarly, the fields of India are fed by the mighty rivers. For instance, Ganga, Kaveri, Yamuna, Narmada, and more are rivers of India.

Most importantly, the coasts of our country are guarded by the deep oceans and the mighty Himalayas are our natural frontiers. Being a secular state, India has a variety of religions that prosper happily together.

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Famous Things of Our Country Essay

The culture of our country is immensely rich and famous worldwide. The different languages we speak and the different Gods we worship does not create differences between us. We all share the same spirit.

The spirit of India runs throughout the country. Further, India is famous for having a lot of tourist spots. For instance, the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Gateway of India, Hawa Mahal, Charminar, and more are quite popular.

These attractions bring together people from all over the world. Similarly, we have Kashmir which is known as paradise on earth. The natural beauty of Kashmir, the mighty rivers and gorgeous valleys truly make it a paradise.

Besides that, India is famous for having a very rich food culture. There are so many cuisines found within our country that it is not possible to have it all in one trip. We get to have the best of everything due to the richness.

Conclusion of Our Country Essay

All in all, our country has a thousand-year-old culture. It is also given the world the gifts of yoga and Ayurveda. Besides that, India has contributed significantly to the field of science, music, maths, philosophy, and more. It is an essential country in almost every sphere globally.

FAQ on Our Country Essay

Question 1: What makes our country special and different from other countries?

Answer 1: Our country is special and unique as it is responsible for giving many inventions to the world like the number zero, the game of chess, the value of pi, and more. There are around 90,000 kinds of animals in our country and about 50,000 plant species.

Question 2: How can we improve our country?

Answer 2: We can improve our country by sharing resources so we lower our ecological footprint. Further, it is essential to promote education and empower women. We must work together to reform the system so everyone gets a better life in our country.

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“The children of today will make the India of tomorrow”

Updated At: Nov 15, 2022 08:55 AM (IST)

“The children of today will make the India of tomorrow”

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru whose birth anniversary is celebrated as Children's Day on November 14 across India had beautifully said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru whose birth anniversary is celebrated as Children’s Day on November 14 across India had beautifully said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country.”

This quote beautifully highlights the important responsibility we have towards our children as the future of our country depends on how we groom, nurture and equip them for the future.

Jawaharlal Nehru was a statesman of a great stature yet he stooped down and mingled with children because he had realised the importance of giving them time and promoting their welfare. He was greatly admired for his concern towards children that they grow up with proper education, dignity and respect. He was popularly known and fondly called as Chacha Nehru.

Children are precious jewels and they need to be looked after with great care and wisdom. It is very important to nurture them as holistic individuals with physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. If today our children are looked after well, then India of tomorrow will have robust citizen leaders. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the US had aptly said, “We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.”

As adults, parents and teachers, we have an onerous responsibility upon our shoulders of making our children the living messages for the future we will not witness.

We need to love, care and nurture children’s holistic development, inculcate 21st century skills through quality education, support their interests and help them realise their potential, teach them values with your own life example, provide them safe environment to live in to enjoy their childhood and above all, give them time and listen to them.

Education is one of the pillars of sustainable development. Only through education can children realise their fullest potential. The government has been making substantial efforts to enhance education and the New Education Policy sheds light on the paradigm shift in the education sector that will endeavour to provide opportunities for children in diverse fields.

There are 472 million children in India under the age of 18 years, representing 39% of the country’s total population. Being blessed with the largest youth population, through education and health care India has all the potential to be among the leading nations of the world.

Children have all the potential to change the world. On their part, the first thing they need to do is to cherish the gift of life God has given and be focused on values and their ultimate goal in life. In the face of challenges, they need to march forward with confidence to emerge victorious citizens of our country, India.

“Children, you are fortunate to have innumerable opportunities at your disposal, make the best of it and do not take things for granted because many children are not as fortunate as you are. Be sensitive towards the less privileged children. Remember that you are unique and precious and loved.”

Today while we organise various cultural programmes and host colourful celebrations, let us also pledge to make our children’s childhood safe, enjoyable and a memorable phase of their lives. Let us value, love and nurture them so that our children will make India vibrant and robust country in the world.

Wish you a Very Happy Children’s Day!

Dr A F Pinto, Chairman, Ryan International Group of Institutions


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Dropping Out Is Biden’s Most Patriotic Option

If he believes that Trump is a unique threat, the choice is clear.

Photo-illustration of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on the presidential-debate stage

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Joe Biden says he ran for president in 2020 because of Charlottesville. He says he ran because he saw the threat Donald Trump posed to the country and the threat he posed to democracy. If Biden truly believes that, he needs to end his reelection campaign. Indeed, dropping out could be the most patriotic gesture of his long career in public service, and every senior Democratic official and leader in the country should be pressuring him to act immediately.

Read: A disaster for Joe Biden

Throughout last night’s debate , Trump lied; obfuscated; and made bizarre, unsupported arguments about the economy, foreign policy, abortion, and the January 6 riot. A halfway competent opponent would have capitalized on these many, many errors. But Biden could barely speak coherently. The catastrophe of the incumbent’s performance is almost impossible to capture in words; you have to watch.

According to reporting by The New York Times , the campaign believed that the debate would “provide an opportunity to go on the offensive on issues like immigration and abortion access.” When asked about the latter—Biden’s best issue—he rambled about his worst issue, immigrant crime. You can read for yourself:

There’s many young women who’ve been—including the young woman who was just murdered and he went to the funeral—the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, they talk about that but here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, it’s just ridiculous and they can do nothing about, they try to arrest them when they cross state lines.

Before the debate , the president spent a week with a full slate of advisers at Camp David: former Chief of Staff Ron Klain, current Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, White House senior adviser Anita Dunn, and campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon. This performance was rehearsed .

It should be the last straw. The president went into this debate as a historically unpopular candidate. At this point in his presidency, a lower percentage of Americans support him than have supported any other president since at least Harry Truman. He’s running behind Democratic candidates for Senate in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin .

When the Times ’ Ezra Klein argued in February that Biden should step down , he was shot down by countless White House staff and Democratic leaders who claimed that Biden was up to the challenge of campaigning. And when Biden outperformed expectations at the State of the Union, speculation about his capacity to effectively campaign became more subdued.

But not anymore. Last night, Biden’s advisers were clearly underwhelmed with his performance; during the debate, they began leaking that he had a cold. After the event, when pressed repeatedly by Anderson Cooper on CNN, even Vice President Kamala Harris was forced to concede that the president’s showing had been lackluster. “He’s losing,” one prominent Democratic Party operative, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue, told me by direct message. “The campaign said this debate would help him and it did not. Now he has no credible argument for how he’s going to turn the race around by November, especially since the convention is going to be a shit show.”

The problem facing the country is twofold. First, because the primaries are over, Biden would have to voluntarily step aside; there’s no other way for his party to nominate someone else. And second, there’s a first-mover disadvantage at play. No one wants to stick out their neck and end up as the laughingstock of the party—as Representative Dean Phillips of Minnesota did when he briefly challenged Biden for this year’s Democratic nomination. And for those closest to Biden—Jill Biden, Val Biden, Mike Donilon, Ted Kaufman, and all those who joined him at Camp David this week—the question will be whether they can put the needs of their country above their loyalty to the current president.

In their recent book, The Hollow Parties , the political scientists Daniel Schlozman and Sam Rosenfeld discuss the weakening of the Democratic and Republican establishments. In another age, no party apparatus would have allowed an aging, frail Joe Biden to get to this point. I recently asked Schlozman why the Democratic Party hasn’t simply replaced Biden—why Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison hasn’t called Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, or any number of other Democrats and tried to whip up support for them as potential replacements for Biden.

As a political scientist, Schlozman hates questions like this, so he answered me somewhat facetiously: He cited “the old joke of ‘Why is Profiles in Courage such a short book?’ ‘Because we don’t see these kinds of behaviors very much.’”

But what’s needed right now is exactly that kind of bravery: uncommon fortitude in the face of atrophied party institutions that have lost the power to prevent the rise of candidates such as Trump, and, more to the point, Biden’s continued presence in the race.

What exactly happens if Biden drops out? Well, there are two options. Either he drops out and endorses another candidate, or he allows the party to decide at the convention. Ideally, he would do the latter, to allow a competitive process to determine his successor as the Democratic nominee.

Either way, I have no illusions that any of this would be orderly. Speeding through a nominating process in a month and a half because the incumbent has decided he’s incapable of victory is going to be chaotic, and the Democrats could end up with a candidate with serious vulnerabilities.

But as Biden showed last night, the party most certainly has a flawed candidate now. The Democrats need to be able to find a nominee who’s actually able to mount a vigorous challenge to Trump and the singular threat he poses to American democracy.

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Feds charge 5, including man acquitted at trial, with conspiring to bribe Minnesota juror with $120K


FILE - This photo, supplied by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Minnesota, shows $120,000 in cash, taken from a bag that was left at the home of a juror in one of the country’s largest pandemic aid fraud cases, June 2, 2024, outside Minneapolis, Minn. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI announced charges in the case Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (U.S. Attorney’s Office for Minnesota via AP, File)

United States Attorney, Andrew Luger holds a news conference on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 in Minneapolis, Minn. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI has announced that five people, including a man acquitted at trial, have been charged with trying to bribe a juror in one of the country’s largest COVID-19-related fraud cases with a bag of $120,000 in cash. (Jerry Holt/Star Tribune via AP)

FILE - Assistant U.S. Attorney Joe Thompson, surrounded by the prosecution’s trial team, speaks during a news conference after the verdict was read in the first Feeding Our Future case at the federal courthouse in Minneapolis, June 7, 2024. A jury convicted five Minnesota residents and acquitted two others June 7 for their roles in a scheme to steal more than $40 million that was supposed to feed children during the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI announced charges in the case Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (Leila Navadi/Star Tribune via AP, File)

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MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Five people were charged Wednesday with conspiring to bribe a Minnesota juror with a bag of $120,000 in cash in exchange for the acquittal of defendants in one of the country’s largest COVID-19-related fraud cases, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI announced Wednesday.

Court documents made public reveal an extravagant scheme in which the accused researched the juror’s personal information on social media, surveilled her, tracked her daily habits and bought a GPS device to install on her car. Authorities believe the defendants targeted the woman, known as “Juror 52,” because she was the youngest and they believed her to be the only person of color on the panel.

According to court documents, the group came up with a “blueprint” of arguments for the juror to help persuade other jurors to acquit, injecting the idea that prosecutors were motivated by racial animus: “(w)e are immigrants, they don’t respect us,” the list of proposed arguments read.

The juror reported the bribery attempt and was removed from the case before deliberations began.

The bribe attempt brought renewed attention to the trial of seven Minnesota defendants accused of coordinating to steal more than $40 million from a federal program that was supposed to feed children during the coronavirus pandemic. More than $250 million in federal funds were taken overall in the scheme and only about $50 million has been recovered, authorities say.


Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Said Shafii Farah, Abdulkarim Shafii Farah and Ladan Mohamed Ali are each charged with one count of conspiracy to bribe a juror, one count of bribery of a juror and one count of corruptly influencing a juror, according to the indictment.

Abdiaziz Shafii Farah is also charged with one count of obstruction of justice.

Abdiaziz Shafii Farah and Abdimajid Mohamed Nur were among five convicted in the fraud trial earlier this month while Said Shafii Farah was acquitted. Abdulkarim Shafii Farah and Ladan Mohamed Ali were not involved.

‘Something out of a mob movie’

Investigators spent three weeks reviewing mountains of evidence to uncover the plot, which U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger, described as “something out of a mob movie.”

The five people charged attempted to win an acquittal not on the evidence, but “through an elaborate scheme to infiltrate this jury,” he said.

According to the indictment, the plan was hatched in mid-May. Ali, who is accused of delivering the bribe money to the juror’s home , flew from Seattle to Minneapolis on May 17 to meet with Nur and allegedly agreed to deliver the bribe money to the home of “Juror #52” in exchange for $150,000.

She returned to Minneapolis two weeks later on May 30 and a day later attempted to follow the woman home as she left a parking ramp near the courthouse.

On June 2, Abdiaziz Farah instructed Nur to meet at Said Farah’s business to pick up the bribe money, the indictment says. When Nur arrived at the business, Said Farah gave him a cardboard box containing the money and told Nur to “be safe.” Nur gave the money to Ali after picking her up in a parking lot later in the day. Hours later, Ali and Abdulkarim Farah drove to a Target store and purchased a screwdriver, which they used to remove the license plates from Ali’s rental car before driving to the juror’s home.

As Farah stayed in the car and filmed the encounter, Ali knocked on the door and was greeted by a relative of the juror. Ali handed the gift bag to her and explained there would be more money if the juror voted to acquit.

The juror called police after she got home and gave them the bag, according to an FBI affidavit. The affidavit noted that the woman who left the bag knew the juror’s first name. Names of the jurors have not been made public, but the list of people with access to them included prosecutors, defense lawyers and the seven defendants.

On June 3, after the bribe attempt was reported, U.S. District Judge Nancy Brasel ordered all seven defendants to surrender their phones. Abdiaziz Farah conducted a factory reset of his iPhone to delete all the messages and photos detailing the plot, according to court records.

Two days later, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Abdiaziz Farah’s home and found a typed list of the jurors hidden inside a plastic water bottle.

Abdiaziz Farah, Said Farah and Abdulkarim Farah made their initial appearances in federal court Wednesday afternoon. A defense attorney who represented them at the hearing declined to comment afterward.

All three men requested representation from the Office of the Federal Defender, a request prosecutors objected to, citing the defendants’ alleged access to money parked abroad. Abdiaziz Farah sent millions in stolen money to Kenya and elsewhere in East Africa, prosecutors said. That money was used to purchase and construct a 12-story apartment building in Nairobi, they added.

Magistrate Judge Douglas L. Micko temporarily allowed the defendants their requested representation and scheduled an arraignment and detention hearing for July 1. Prosecutors said Ali would make her initial court appearance on Thursday.

Other trials in pandemic-related fraud scheme still pending

Seventy people have been charged in federal court for their alleged roles in the pandemic-related fraud scheme that prosecutors say centered on a nonprofit called Feeding Our Future. In addition to the five convictions in early June, eighteen other defendants have already pleaded guilty. Trials are still pending for the others.

Federal prosecutors say the conspiracy exploited rules that were kept lax so the economy wouldn’t crash during the pandemic. The FBI began digging into it in the spring of 2021. The defendants allegedly produced invoices for meals never served, ran shell companies, laundered money, indulged in passport fraud and accepted kickbacks.

The money came from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and was administered by the state, which funneled the funds through partners including Feeding Our Future. The Minnesota Legislature’s watchdog arm found that the state education department provided inadequate oversight of the federal program, which opened the door to the theft.

Luger, who formerly worked as a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn when the U.S. Attorney’s Office was trying to dismantle the Mafia’s “Five Families,” said that form of corruption had made its way to Minnesota. The episode could change the way federal prosecutors approach jury trials as they examine new ways to guard against legal interference, he added.


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South Africa

Team India Stuck In Barbados Due To Hurricane Beryl: Report

Indian cricket fans might have to wait a little longer to see their t20 world cup-winning heroes back in the country as the rohit sharma-led side's travel plans have been impacted by a hurricane at bridgetown, barbados..

children's are the future of our country essay

After a grueling month-long T20 World Cup, the Indian cricket team, led by Rohit Sharma, is in the midst of celebrating their glorious victory in Barbados as Hurricane Beryl, a Grade 3 hurricane, approaches the island, threatening to trap the team and pose significant risks of flight cancellations. Sources close to Indian team have told the IANS that, "Rohit-led side is currently stuck in their Hotel Hilton at Barbados." The team, originally scheduled to depart Barbados on Monday at 11 AM local time (8:30 PM IST), is now facing delays due to the impending hurricane. Their planned route was to New York, followed by a connecting flight to Dubai and finally back to India.

Even worse, the Hilton, where India is staying, is close to the coast and is probably going to be hit by a Category 3 hurricane. The hurricane is predicted to hit Barbados at midnight on Sunday or early on Monday morning.

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced that Grantley Adams International Airport would close by nighttime on Sunday in anticipation of the hurricane, preventing any flights from landing or taking off.

However, it is unknown at this point if they will be able to board that flight, but should they become stuck in terrible weather, they could be left stranded in Barbados for a duration of 36 to 48 hours.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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