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Teenage Pregnancy (Argumentative Essay Sample)


Teen pregnancy is when a girl becomes pregnant at a very young age between 15-19 years. Going through this phase is not easy and in most countries being pregnant as a teen is highly discouraged. Well, it’s hard enough being a teenager, and pregnancy makes it even more challenging. Young women push through the trials of teen pregnancy every day. Life becomes hard for them as well as their child after they give birth. It also negatively impacts their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. In this essay, I will present arguments against teen pregnancy so that you will also start to agree with me.  

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Argumentative Essay About Teenage Pregnancy – 700 Word Long Essay


Teenage pregnancy is understood as pregnancy among girls at a young age. Teen mothers are aged 18 years and below. Teen pregnancy has the highest incidences recorded in the USA apart from other issues such as abortion and childbirth. However, the teen pregnancy rate has significantly reduced since 1990. Most teens nowadays avoid unwanted pregnancies because of government sexual education campaigns. The reduction in birth rate is because most teenage girls use birth control methods and have education about sexual activity. A teen mom usually drops out of school and faces many hardships. In this argumentative essay, I will present arguments on why teen pregnancy should be avoided.

Teenage pregnancies should be discouraged since they put a strain on the parents of that teen. Teen moms usually face numerous problems during their early parenthood. Parents of the teen mother have to incur expenses regarding medication. Teen mothers also have to carry out parenthood activities besides making ends meet for other expenses. Therefore, adolescent pregnancy should be eliminated through awareness of these negative impacts. Every teenager should know about safe sex and sex education from a young age.

Teen pregnancies should be eradicated due to their impact on the rise of social responsibility. The current society is burdened with social responsibility due to increased birth rates. There is a high cost of living due to population growth, high medication costs, and loss of human capital. Teen parents should be counseled and allowed to stay in schools and colleges. There should be advertisements on sex education by the government to control teen pregnancy rates so that teen birth rates can be controlled. Pregnant teens should not be allowed to go to school or college so that these pregnant teenagers don’t have a bad influence on others.


Teen pregnancy leads to increased poverty in society hence it should be abolished. The poverty status of teenage mothers is currently on the rise because they don’t have a source of income. This poverty situation is typically prolonged as the child is unable to get better education due to the limited resources. Poverty in children born to teen parents leads to health deterioration due to depression and low self-esteem.

Teenage pregnancies are responsible for high risks of health-related infections among teen mothers and their babies. Teen parents usually exhibit mental problems due to stress and depression as well as physical injuries. These problems sometimes lead to death at the time of delivery. Other health-related problems include anemia, hemorrhage, STD infections, and low birth weight. Teen mothers don’t know how to take care of themselves when they are pregnant which also leads to miscarriages. Even if there are no miscarriages, babies are prematurely born and have poor nutrition.

In conclusion, teen pregnancy even though it is reduced due to awareness, negatively impacts the mother, baby, and society. Teenage mothers, as well as their children, usually suffer for their whole life because of this mistake. Therefore, it is critical to educate teens on better methods of birth control while encouraging sexuality education.

Short Argumentative Essay About Teen Pregnancy – 300 Word Short Custom Essay


Teenage pregnancy is defined as the occurrence of pregnancy among young girls aged 10 to 19 years old. Teen moms suffer their whole life due to a lack of information about safe sex and reproductive health. The tread in most schools as soon as the children hit puberty is towards having a relationship with the opposite sex and losing virginity. Most teens are not even aware of the consequences before they indulge in such relationships. They don’t realize how they have damaged their health, self-esteem, social stature,  future of education, and most importantly the future of their offspring. In this essay, I will present arguments on why teenage pregnancies should always be discouraged.

Young people usually have very little or no sex education at all. Nowadays teenagers and adolescents are influenced by social media and tv shows that promote sexual interactions. These shows give these young minds a false idea about this world and life goals. Sexually explicit content on the internet and no sex education makes them take bad decisions in life. One of the worst outcomes of all this is teenage mothers having no idea of what to do. This leads to more and more problems in life and can even affect families.

Teen pregnancy should be discouraged because it negatively affects the social, physical, and mental wellbeing of the teen parent as well as their child. Teens are challenged to carry out early parenthood responsibilities, they drop out of school, they don’t even get enough money to afford these expenses.  On top of all anxiety, stress, shame, and fear during teenage pregnancy may even cause death during childbirth. A child born after unwanted pregnancy also suffers all his/her life because of this mistake. The child never gets the deserved love, respect, and resources to fulfill his/her basic needs. These children fall easy prey to anxiety, depression, and emotional stress.

In conclusion, the government should take measures by promoting sex education among teenagers. premarital sex in teenagers should be discouraged. Problems that arise after becoming a teen parent should be highlighted so that everyone should be safe from health issues in this age bracket.

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FAQ About Effects of Early Pregnancy in Teens

What is the main problem of teenage pregnancy.

The main problem of teen pregnancy is guilt and shame that makes you leave school or college. It also negatively affects the social, physical, and mental well-being of the teen mom.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of teenage pregnancy?

The disadvantage of teen pregnancy is that it destroys the social, physical, and mental well-being of the teen mother. The advantage of teen pregnancy is that teen mothers heal super fast after giving birth and are closer to their kids.

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Argumentative Essay: Solution to Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is a problem for all involved. It puts a great strain on the parents, especially the mother, and also on their parents who, more often than not, end up with the new baby in their family home, often having to look after it while the baby’s parents are at school, or out socializing and doing the things that teenagers do. Because teen parents are more likely to struggle to deal with parenthood, the child is also more likely to grow up with various problems.

Not enough effort is put into reducing teen pregnancy rates, and one reason for this is that teenage pregnancy rates in the US have generally declined since the 1950’s. But that isn’t good enough, because despite the decline, the US still has one of the highest teen birth rates in the industrialized world. The statistics may be better than they were, but this is not reason enough to ignore the problem, because it is still a very big problem. Besides the impact that teenage pregnancy has on all involved, the public costs related to it are estimated to be $10.9 billion every year. This is an obscene amount of money and the government should set a few billion aside to reduce teen pregnancy, and then the final bill would be so much lower and money would be saved overall.

Reducing teen birth rates has been centered on education, and this is certainly the most important tool with some young people. For those with poor schooling and living in deprived areas, particularly those from ethnic minority backgrounds, education about safe sex could make the world of difference. However, there are plenty of white middle class teenage girls getting pregnant too, and this can’t be because they don’t understand contraception.

A lot of it must come down to how young girls are overly sexualized by the media, and put under pressure to become sexually active at a young age. Education also puts too much emphasis on just girls, and reinforces the fact that it is the mothers that are usually blamed for teen pregnancy while the fathers often take no responsibility and get away with it. Young men need to know that they can’t behave in this way, and understand the pressures of becoming a father, while girls need to become more assertive and be able to demand the use of contraception even if they’re drunk and their partner doesn’t want to use it.

We can’t escape the social responsibility that we have to our young people and their potential children, and should be prepared to put the funding in the reduce pregnancy rates. After all, it will bring down costs in the long term, and also mean that more people are living happier lives.

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Teenage Pregnancy and Its Consequences to the Society Persuasive Essay

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Abstinence education program, boy child education, school-based work groups, works cited.

Early pregnancy means giving birth while under the age of 20 years. This pregnancy occurs at puberty when they experience the initial menarche roughly at 12-13. At this stage, the females are potentially fertile. According to a nonprofit agency focusing on reproductive and sexual research, public education and policy analysis, teenage pregnancy holds adverse consequences to the society, child and parents.

The children, who are born to teenage parents, lack adequate medical attention. The opportunities of mother and the child to build a future are further depleted by these risks. Need for change in lifestyle by the mother may be the only option to have a healthy baby. Problems such as birth weights are common due to smoking and alcoholic mothers. During teen years, female teenagers are at twenty-five percent probability of smoking at pregnancy compared to adults.

STIs (sexually transmitted diseases) are at its peak of contraction at this tender age. Some of the STIs include Chlamydia, which causes sterility, and pneumonia in newborns, syphilis, which causes blindness, Infant and maternal death, and HIV-the virus causing AIDS. The medical care given to mothers during pregnancy minimizes or eliminates the HIV virus being transmitted to the baby.

The major cause of early life pregnancies is premature sex. The enlightened seniors should give further details about unprotected sexual intercourse, and missed periods. Where sex cannot be avoided, use of condoms would be a radical solution although not the best compared to abstinence.

Peer pressure is a prolific mother inciting many young and innocent teens to have unprotected sex. However, there are other causes of early pregnancy such as those resulting from unreported rape cases. It would be a wise choice to discuss biting situations with health officers. Children born, leave their parents traumatized due to the gap that they open up between them and their social lives. Some are ashamed, which is vital for others to learn from so as to avoid similar situations.

The HHS’ (The Department of Health and Human Services) commitment is preventing the out of wedlock births and encourage adolescent abstinence. The organizations’ driving force is the belief that community driven program tends to succeed. While promoting abstinence amongst teenagers, they stand a chance to make wise decisions for their bright futures.

This provides the federal grant to the states’ abstinence education entities on counseling and mentoring. The main aim is to promote abstinence away from early sexual activity before marriage. This helps in developing action plans to curb teenage pregnancies (Piehl 67).

Educating the boy child is not an exception in curbing teenage parenting. This way, the young men, are at a better position to decide on whether they would like to postpone fatherhood.

This program brings the education on parenthood to the potential early parents.

Early parenthood denies the young parent the chance to decent education and job opportunities. Enlightenment of these unfair conditions would go a long way in discouraging early pregnancies. Teenagers would be less inspired to bear children in the early age. Where such pregnancies are already in position, the advice would be to take healthy meals, avoid drugs, and take up physical exercise to bear the right weight children. They should also seek early and regular parental care from clinics.

Education to the youthful teens would be a valuable tool to curb early pregnancies. The society and the government hold a stake in the discouragement of these pregnancies. From the early pregnancies, it is true to say that the accompanying problems such as disease contractions are equally indispensable, thus the need to curb early parenting.

Piehl, Norah. Teenage pregnancy . Famington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, October 31). Teenage Pregnancy and Its Consequences to the Society. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teenage-pregnancy-5/

"Teenage Pregnancy and Its Consequences to the Society." IvyPanda , 31 Oct. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/teenage-pregnancy-5/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Teenage Pregnancy and Its Consequences to the Society'. 31 October.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Teenage Pregnancy and Its Consequences to the Society." October 31, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teenage-pregnancy-5/.

1. IvyPanda . "Teenage Pregnancy and Its Consequences to the Society." October 31, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teenage-pregnancy-5/.


IvyPanda . "Teenage Pregnancy and Its Consequences to the Society." October 31, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teenage-pregnancy-5/.

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Good Argumentative Essay About Teenage Pregnancy

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Pregnancy , Health , Abortion , Workplace , Teenagers , Statistics , Family , Adolescence

Published: 02/24/2020


First Draft

Teenage Pregnancy: First Draft Introduction Parents are raising their children with the fervent hope and desire that they would grow as mature, productive and responsible adults in the prime of their lives. In contemporary societies, however, as children approach the most precarious stage of development, adolescent stage, teen-agers who are exposed to negatively influential behavior could imbibe risky demeanor which could significantly impact their future. One of the unwanted trends manifested by teenagers is teen pregnancy. According to the Office of Adolescent Health, “the U.S. teen birth rate is higher than that of many other developed countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom” (Office of Adolescent Health, 2013, par. 1). The overall trend in birth rates of females within the 15 to 19 age group since 1999 to 2012 has evidently been on the decline . However, teen pregnancy still remains an important social dilemma that needs to be addressed. One hereby asserts that more stringent policies and strategies should be designed to minimize or ultimately prevent teen pregancies. The current research hereby aims to present relevant facets and concerns regarding teen pregnancy in contemporary times. Relevant statistics, including abortion rates and the profile of birth rates of teenager according to race or ethnicity would be revealed . The factors which could be deemed contributory to preponderance of teenage pregnancy would be explored; as well as the confounding effects, not only to the teenagers involved; but more so, to society would likewise be determined. Further, the strategies designed by state and government regulating bodies to prevent and address this concern would also be expounded.

Relevant Statistics

The long-term monitoring made by state and federal health organizations have revealed a decline in overall birth rates of teenagers within the 15 to 19 age group from 1999 to 2012, as shown in Figure 1, below: Figure 1: Birth rates per 1,000 females ages 15-19, by race/ethnicity, 1990-2012 Source: Hamilton, B. E., Martin, J. A., & Ventura, S. J.(2013). Births: Preliminary data for 2012. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics; cited in Office of Adolescent Health, 2013. In terms of abortion rates, the latest figures which were revealed noted that the “Guttmacher's analysis shows a 4% increase in the teen birth rate and a 1% rise in abortion rates, based on federal statistics and Guttmacher's abortion research” .

Factors Contributory to Teen Pregnancy

There were factors that have been disclosed to influence adolescent childbearing. From the perspectives of the teenagers, it was revealed that teenagers who are actively involved in academic endeavors were noted to have lesser tendencies to become pregnant or to father a baby at a very young age . Concurrently, family factors that impact teen pregnancy were revealed to include: similar experiences from the teenagers’ biological mother and living with biological parents until the onset of adolescent stage. Likewise, community factors include the socioeconomic status of the neighborhood where teenagers reportely reside; in conjunction with levels or opportunities for employment .

Effects of Teen Pregnancy

The negative impact of teen pregnancy is accounted for, especially in terms of the effect on the newlyborn child. As evidence had revealed, children of teenagers were noted to manifest greater health impairments; exhibit lower academic performance; and exemplifies behavioral problems . Likewise, most crucial were the impacts to society, including costs amounting to as much as “$11 and $28 billion a year through public assistance payments, lost tax revenue, and greater expenditures for public health care, foster care, and criminal justice services” (Office of Adolescent Health: Negative Impacts, 2013, p. 1).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, November 21). About Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved from cdc.gov: http://www.cdc.gov/TeenPregnancy/AboutTeenPreg.htm Chavez, L. (2001, May 1). The Battle Against Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved from Townhall: http://townhall.com/columnists/lindachavez/2001/05/01/the_battle_against_teen_pregnancy/page/full Hamilton, B., Martin, J., & Ventura, S. (2013). Births: Preliminary data for 2012. Hyattsville: MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Jayson, S. (2010, January 26). Teen pregnancy, abortion rates rise. Retrieved from USA Today: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/health/2010-01-26-1Ateenpregnancy26_ST_N.htm Office of Adolescent Health. (2013, September 30). Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing. Retrieved from hhs.gov: http://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/adolescent-health-topics/reproductive-health/teen-pregnancy/trends.html


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124 Teenage Pregnancy Essay Topics + Examples

Early motherhood is a very complicated social problem. Even though the number of teenage mothers globally has decreased since 1991, about 12 million teen girls in developing countries give birth every year.

Globally, adolescent birth rate has decreased from 65.5 in 2000 to 41.3 in 2023.

If you need to write a paper on the issue of adolescent pregnancy and can’t find a good topic, this article by our custom-writing experts will help you. Here, you will find:

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  • writing tips with examples.
  • 🔝 Top-12 Teenage Pregnancy Topics
  • 🚀 Research Topics about Teenage Pregnancy
  • 🔼 Creative Essay Topics
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🔝 top-12 teenage pregnancy essay topics.

  • Effect of early childbearing on society.
  • Risk factors for teenage fatherhood.
  • Teenage pregnancy in developing countries.
  • Risk of eclampsia in adolescent mothers.
  • Early childbearing in industrialized countries.
  • Low-income level and adolescent pregnancy.
  • Preterm birth problems in adolescent mothers.
  • Child neglect as a cause of teenage pregnancy.
  • Socioeconomic factors of adolescent pregnancy.
  • Psychological consequences of teenage pregnancy.
  • Lack of education as the leading cause of early childbearing.
  • Is lack of contraception the only cause of teenage pregnancy?

🚀 Research Topics about Teenage Pregnancy: Top Ideas for 2024

  • Discuss the hidden factors behind alarming teen pregnancy statistics.
  • Analyze the relationship between poverty and early pregnancy.
  • What is the impact of teen pregnancy on maternal health ?
  • Write about the impact of early pregnancy on a child’s development and well-being.
  • Explore the psychological challenges faced by teenage mothers.
  • The role of government policies in preventing teen pregnancy.
  • Teenage mothers in foster care : risk factors and outcomes for teens and their children.
  • The impact of early pregnancy on career opportunities for teenage mothers.
  • Discuss the impact of media on attitudes toward teen pregnancy .
  • Analyze the relationship between race and early pregnancy rates.
  • Study the issue of teen pregnancy and the mental health needs of young mothers.
  • What role can a healthcare provider play in preventing teenage pregnancy ?
  • Analyze family relationships in a teenage couple post-pregnancy.
  • Discuss the role of fathers in preventing teen pregnancy.
  • Study a number of teen pregnancy prevention programs and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Young, pregnant, and incarcerated: the impact of teen pregnancy on the juvenile justice system.
  • What is the relationship between teenage pregnancy and substance abuse?
  • Write about the impact of abortion on teenage mothers as opposed to early motherhood.
  • What is the role of schools in preventing teen pregnancy?
  • Conduct a correlational analysis of teenage pregnancy and maternal mortality rates in the United States .
  • How do teen pregnancy and domestic violence impact the unborn baby?
  • Discuss the impact of teenage pregnancy on child abuse and neglect rates.
  • Write about a possible solution to the problem of teen pregnancy and healthcare disparities in marginalized communities.
  • What is the impact of teenage pregnancy on intergenerational poverty?
  • Is there a correlation between socioeconomic status and teen pregnancy rates in developed countries?
  • Analyze some of the factors that contribute to increased rates of teen pregnancy in Southern African countries.
  • Explore the impact of teenage pregnancy on high school completion rates in Texas, US.
  • What role do healthcare providers have in addressing the reproductive health needs of teenagers?
  • Elaborate on why easy access to contraception is pivotal in reducing teen pregnancy rates.
  • Discuss psychological and socioeconomic challenges faced by teenage fathers.
  • What is the impact of teen pregnancy on rates of child poverty?
  • Explain the importance of family planning in preventing early pregnancy.
  • Critically evaluate the influence of peer pressure on teenage sexual behavior.
  • What is the psychological impact of the stigma associated with teenage pregnancy?
  • Suggest ways to address the impact of teenage pregnancy on young mothers’ ability to attain financial independence.
  • Discuss the importance of community support for teenage parents.
  • What is the role of government policies in addressing the root causes of teen pregnancy ?
  • Describe the impact of teenage pregnancy on young mothers’ self-esteem.
  • A possible solution found: parental involvement in preventing teenage pregnancy.
  • Speak about the impact of family, peer, and school context on teen pregnancy and childbearing.
  • What is the role of technology in teen pregnancy prevention and intervention?
  • Discuss the impact of parent-child communication on teen pregnancy prevention.
  • A comparative study of teen pregnancy rates in urban and rural areas.
  • Examine the relationship between teen pregnancy and risky sexual behavior .
  • Write about the effectiveness of long-term contraceptive methods for teen pregnancy prevention.
  • What impact do early childhood experiences have on teen pregnancy and childbearing?
  • To what extent does teen pregnancy and intimate partner violence correlate?
  • Explain the role of gender and sexuality in teen pregnancy rates and prevention.
  • Elaborate on the relationship between teen pregnancy and poverty.
  • What is the impact of early pregnancy on mental health outcomes for children?
  • Speak about the effects of social media on teenage pregnancy and parenting behaviors.
  • How does teenage pregnancy affect academic achievement and educational attainment?
  • How school-based health clinics can assist in reducing teenage pregnancy rates.
  • What is the relationship between teenage pregnancy and mental health outcomes for adolescent mothers ?
  • How can media portrayals of pregnancy affect the behaviors of young mothers?
  • Write about the effects of early childhood interventions on improving outcomes for children of teenage mothers.
  • Speak about the role of healthcare providers in promoting family planning and reducing teen pregnancy rates.
  • What effect can teenage pregnancy have on relationships between romantic partners?
  • Explain the correlation between the COVID-19 lockdown and teenage pregnancy rates.
  • Alarming statistics: sexual abuse as a contributing factor in teenage pregnancy.
  • Discuss the complications after having an unwanted teenage pregnancy .
  • What is the impact of gender roles and expectations on teenage pregnancy rates?
  • Speak about the effects of pregnancy prevention programs on reducing repeat teen pregnancies.
  • Analyze the relationship between early pregnancy and sexual and reproductive health outcomes.
  • What are the major economic effects of increased contraceptive access among young women?
  • Analyze the role of family dynamics and structure in teenage pregnancy prevention efforts.
  • Write about the impact of legal and policy interventions on reducing teenage pregnancy rates in the United States.
  • What are some cultural stereotypes regarding teen pregnancy?
  • How does stigma affect attitudes toward teenage pregnancy and parenting?
  • What are some of the determinant factors of the high adolescent pregnancy rate in Africa?

The US has the highest rates of teen pregnancies among developed nations.

Teenage Pregnancy Topics for Quantitative Research

  • Factors affecting teen pregnancy rate among African Americans.
  • Teen birth rate disparity in underrepresented groups.
  • Why has teen pregnancy been on the decline?
  • An international perspective on the teen pregnancy rate in the US.
  • Is sexual abstinence effective against early childbearing?
  • The median age of sexual activity: teen pregnancy implications.
  • How can we prevent adolescent pregnancies in catholic schools?
  • How does sex education impact Hispanic teen pregnancy rates?
  • The birth rate of American Indian and Alaska Native teens.
  • How does teen pregnancy affect the rate of graduation from high school?

Recent quantitative research shows us that the teenage pregnancy rate decreases every year. This tendency started in 1991 and it still continues. Quantitative studies use numbers and statistics, and they help estimate the problem’s scope. You can write a survey of your own using the topics above.

Qualitative Research Topics about Teenage Pregnancy

  • Educational factors affected by teen pregnancy.
  • Teen pregnancy in Nebraska: qualitative analysis.
  • Chicago African American teen pregnancies: insights from the community.
  • Community leadership and teen pregnancy: core preventers.
  • Teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases: an interview-based study.
  • How to address the issue of access to sex education among Hispanic teen mothers.
  • Teen pregnancy risk factors: things we still need to address.
  • Sexual abuse and teen pregnancy: victim analysis.
  • Determine essential areas of assistance for teen mothers.

Qualitative research deals with personal perspectives and often uses methods such as questionnaires. It helps determine the causes that lead to teenage pregnancy. Unhealthy childhood environments, domestic violence, and inaccessibility of education are the major factors influencing the chances of early pregnancy that you can research in your paper.

🔼 Creative Teenage Pregnancy Essay Topics

  • Teen pregnancy among African Americans: a call for help.
  • Adolescent pregnancy rates in Catholic schools.
  • Sexual abstinence education and the Holy Bible.
  • Explore the role of influencers, peer pressure, and online communities on teen pregnancies.
  • Assistance for teen mothers: stopping the shaming.
  • Spotting a sexual abuse victim: do not ignore teens.
  • Compare different approaches to sex education and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • The median age of sexual activity: what our leaders must do.
  • God, adolescence, and motherhood: a catholic perspective.
  • Explore the intersectional issues of sexism, racism, and classism in early parenthood.

In your essay on teenage pregnancy, you may look at the problem of early motherhood from a more unusual angle. For example, study the threats to young mothers, such as the absence of proper healthcare, illegal abortion, and family abuse. Make sure to read plenty of scientific literature while writing your paper on one of our creative topics.

Causes of Teenage Pregnancy Essay Topics

  • Evaluate the role of proper sex education in reducing teenage pregnancies.
  • How do parental relationships impact the likelihood of teen pregnancy?
  • Assess the effect of substance abuse on adolescent pregnancy rates.
  • Cultural and religious influences on teenage pregnancy rates in the US.
  • Is academic pressure a contributing factor in teen pregnancy?
  • Different family structures and teen pregnancy: a comparison.
  • What mental disorders are likely to lead to an early pregnancy?
  • Evaluate the effects of early sexual activity on the likelihood of teen pregnancy.
  • Analyze various community programs and their impact on reducing teen pregnancy.
  • How do various parenting styles influence early pregnancy rates?
  • Psychological factors and emotional drivers of adolescent pregnancy.
  • Does lack of communication contribute to teen pregnancy?
  • How do disparities in education contribute to teenage pregnancy rates?

The causes of teenage pregnancy are numerous, and some are more studied than others. For example, the effect of social media on early motherhood is a relatively new phenomenon that you can research in your essay about teenage pregnancy.

💡 Teenage Pregnancy Essay Prompts

Does access to condoms prevent teenage pregnancy: essay prompt.

  • Access to condoms might result in an even higher rate of teenage pregnancies. In your essay, you can analyze previous research about the increase in adolescent pregnancies due to widespread condom distribution in schools.
  • Access to condoms should come together with mandatory counseling. You might suggest this or other ways to make access to contraception methods more efficient in preventing teenage pregnancies.
  • Sex education should be offered in all schools. Teenagers should have access to birth control and know how to use it to prevent unintended teenage pregnancy. Do you agree with this idea?

Teenage Pregnancy Solution Essay Prompt

  • Ways in which parents and guardians can prevent early pregnancies. For example, parents can ask healthcare providers to educate their teenage children on the topic of contraception. Analyze these and other ways in which they may prevent adolescent pregnancies.
  • The role of governments in teenage pregnancy prevention. Governments should raise awareness of the issue by developing programs and providing affordable family planning services. You might suggest other ways for the governments to contribute.
  • What should teenagers do to avoid unwanted pregnancies? Some of the options are birth control methods and open conversations with their parents. What other options are there?

Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty Essay Prompt

  • The correlation between poverty rate, education level, and teenage pregnancy. Many adolescent mothers live in poverty and lack education due to their social status. Your essay can analyze how these factors interact and result in early pregnancies.
  • How does poverty lead to health issues in teenage mothers? Young mothers and children born in poverty have a high chance of developing health problems. Pregnancy is a vulnerable period in a woman’s life, and poverty only aggravates it. The risks include preterm birth and even infant death.

Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Essay Prompt

  • The effect of alcohol and drugs on teenage pregnancy rates. Due to frequent social gatherings, alcohol, and drugs might become a part of a teenager’s life. Your cause-and-effect essay may analyze how substance use may lead to early unwanted pregnancy.
  • How do TV shows influence teen pregnancy rates? The media often romanticizes this issue, which is why some teenagers may fail to understand the actual consequences of their decision to have children early. You may also analyze reality shows about teen pregnancy that take a more realistic approach, like 16 and Pregnant .
  • The effect of early pregnancy on the future child’s parenting approach. Research shows that a teen mother’s child has a high chance of also becoming a teen parent . You might analyze this phenomenon in your paper.

📑 Teenage Pregnancy Essay Examples: Top 10

Want some more inspiration? Check out these outstanding examples:

  • Teenage Pregnancy in Barking and Dagenham Borough
  • School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States
  • Teenage Pregnancy: Causes, Education, Prevention
  • Teenage Pregnancy, Its Health and Social Outcomes
  • Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes
  • Teenage Pregnancy in the United Kingdom

đŸ€” Teenage Pregnancy Essay Writing Tips

Now that you’ve chosen a topic, it’s time to write an excellent teenage pregnancy essay. But how do you do it? Follow our helpful tips!

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Introduction

When writing an introduction , use a traditional structure:

  • Present the problem you are addressing with some background info.
  • State your position and the main points of your argumentation in a thesis statement .

Teenage pregnancy is among the leading causes of maternal mortality. Complicated pregnancy or traumatic childbirth causes the death of almost 30,000 adolescent girls every year. These alarming statistics prove that it is crucial to search for more efficient ways of reducing the teenage pregnancy rate.

Steps to writing a teenage pregnancy essay introduction.

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Body

The body paragraphs help you develop your argumentation. A standard 5-paragraph essay includes three body paragraphs. Each one conveys a key idea supported by evidence, such as interviews, statistics, and journal articles.

Here’s what one such paragraph may look like:

Research shows that proper sex education helps reduce the number of teenage pregnancies. According to a recent study by the University of Washington based on a national survey of 1,719 teenagers, comprehensive sex education more effectively reduces the early birth rate than the traditional abstinence-only approach.

Conclusion for an Essay About Teenage Pregnancy

An effective conclusion should draw attention to the problem and key points of the essay. Rephrase your thesis and give a short summary of your arguments:

Education is the key factor that leads to a reduction in teenage pregnancy. Statistical analysis shows that girls who do not get the proper education more often get pregnant before reaching adulthood. Literature analysis proves that adding comprehensive sex education to the school curriculum effectively reduces the teenage pregnancy rate. Thus, providing girls with proper education is an effective way to reduce the number of adolescent mothers.

Share this article with your friends and leave your comments below if you liked it! We are always happy to receive your feedback. Can’t choose the topic for your essay? Feel free to use our topic generator .

Further reading:

  • Teenage Smoking Essay: Writing about Smoking Students
  • 290 Good Nursing Research Topics & Questions
  • 380 Powerful Women’s Rights & Feminism Topics [2024]
  • 590 Unique Controversial Topics & Tips for a Great Essay
  • How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay: Outline, Examples, & Writing Steps
  • Adolescent Pregnancy: World Health Organization
  • About Teen Pregnancy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Teenage Pregnancy: WebMD
  • Teenage Pregnancy: American Pregnancy Association
  • Adolescent Pregnancy: UNFPA
  • Teenage Pregnancy: Healthline
  • Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing: US Department of Health & Human Services
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teenage pregnancy argumentative essay

The Landmark Decision: Understanding Roe V. Wade

This essay about Roe v. Wade explores the landmark Supreme Court decision of 1973, which affirmed a woman’s constitutional right to choose whether to terminate her pregnancy. It discusses the case’s origins, the Court’s ruling on the right to privacy, and the framework established for regulating abortion. Highlighting the societal impact and ongoing debate surrounding the decision, the essay emphasizes its significance in shaping reproductive rights, political discourse, and American culture. Roe v. Wade remains a polarizing issue, symbolizing the tension between individual autonomy and state interests in matters of personal morality and medical ethics.

How it works

In the realm of American jurisprudence, few cases have had as profound an impact as Roe v. Wade. This landmark decision, handed down by the United States Supreme Court in 1973, fundamentally altered the landscape of reproductive rights in the country. At its core, Roe v. Wade addressed the constitutionality of laws that criminalized or restricted access to abortion, sparking a national dialogue that continues to resonate to this day.

The case originated in Texas, where a woman identified as “Jane Roe” challenged the state’s abortion laws, which prohibited the procedure except to save the life of the mother.

Roe argued that these restrictions violated her constitutional right to privacy. The Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, agreed with Roe, asserting that the right to privacy encompassed a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate her pregnancy.

Central to the Court’s ruling was the concept of viability, referring to the point at which a fetus could potentially survive outside the womb. The Court established a framework that divided pregnancy into three trimesters, with different levels of state interest and regulation permitted at each stage. During the first trimester, the decision to terminate a pregnancy was deemed solely within the realm of the woman and her physician. As the pregnancy progressed, the state’s interest in regulating abortion became more substantial, but could not override the woman’s right to choose until the point of viability.

Roe v. Wade ignited a firestorm of debate and controversy that continues to shape American politics and culture. Proponents hailed the decision as a victory for women’s rights and reproductive freedom, while opponents decried it as an assault on the sanctity of life and the traditional family unit. In the decades since the ruling, Roe v. Wade has faced numerous legal challenges and attempts to undermine or overturn it, yet it remains the law of the land.

Beyond its immediate legal implications, Roe v. Wade has had far-reaching societal effects. It has fueled ongoing debates over the role of government in regulating personal medical decisions, the intersection of morality and law, and the definition of personhood. The case has also become a rallying cry for activists on both sides of the abortion issue, shaping electoral politics, judicial appointments, and public policy at all levels of government.

Despite its significance, Roe v. Wade remains a contentious and divisive issue in American society. Public opinion on abortion rights fluctuates, reflecting shifting cultural attitudes, religious beliefs, and political ideologies. Yet, the decision’s enduring legacy lies in its recognition of a woman’s autonomy over her own body and the recognition of reproductive rights as fundamental to gender equality and individual liberty.

In conclusion, Roe v. Wade stands as a pivotal moment in American legal history, reshaping the landscape of reproductive rights and sparking a national conversation that endures to this day. Whether viewed as a triumph of individual freedom or a challenge to traditional values, the decision continues to shape the contours of American society and inspire passionate advocacy on all sides of the issue.


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The Landmark Decision: Understanding Roe v. Wade. (2024, May 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-landmark-decision-understanding-roe-v-wade/

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PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Landmark Decision: Understanding Roe v. Wade . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-landmark-decision-understanding-roe-v-wade/ [Accessed: 1 Jun. 2024]

"The Landmark Decision: Understanding Roe v. Wade." PapersOwl.com, May 28, 2024. Accessed June 1, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-landmark-decision-understanding-roe-v-wade/

"The Landmark Decision: Understanding Roe v. Wade," PapersOwl.com , 28-May-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-landmark-decision-understanding-roe-v-wade/. [Accessed: 1-Jun-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Landmark Decision: Understanding Roe v. Wade . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-landmark-decision-understanding-roe-v-wade/ [Accessed: 1-Jun-2024]

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