Writing Beginner

How To Write An Editorial (7 Easy Steps, Examples, & Guide)

Writing an editorial is one of those things that sounds like it should be pretty straightforward. Easy, even.

But then you sit down to start typing. Your fingers freeze over the keyboard. You gaze into the perfectly blank white space of your computer screen.

Wait , you think. How do I write an editorial ?

Here’s how to write an editorial:

  • Choose a newsworthy topic (Something with broad interest)
  • Choose a clear purpose (This will guide your entire process)
  • Select an editorial type (Opinion, solution, criticism, persuasive, etc)
  • Gather research (Facts, quotes, statistics, etc)
  • Write the editorial (Using an Editorial Template that includes an introduction, argument, rebuttal, and conclusion)
  • Write the headline (Title)
  • Edit your editorial (Grammar, facts, spelling, structure, etc)

In this article, we’ll go through each of these steps in detail so that you know exactly how to write an editorial.

What Is an Editorial? (Quick Definition)

Stack of newspapers - How To Write an Editorial

Table of Contents

Before we jump into the mechanics of how to write an editorial, it’s helpful to get a good grasp on the definition of editorials.

Here is a simple definition to get us started:

An editorial is a brief essay-style piece of writing from a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. An editorial is generally written by the editorial staff, editors, or writers of a publication.

Of course, there’s a lot more to it than simply dashing out an essay.

There is the purpose, different types of editorials, elements of a good editorial, structure, steps to writing an editorial, and the actual mechanics of writing your editorial.

“In essence, an editorial is an opinionated news story.” – Alan Weintraut

What Is the Purpose of an Editorial?

The purpose of an editorial is to share a perspective, persuade others of your point of view, and possibly propose a solution to a problem.

The most important part is to pick one purpose and stick to it.

Rambling, incoherent editorials won’t do. They won’t get you the results or the response you might want.

When it comes to purpose, you want:

  • Singular focus
  • Personal connection

The first two probably make sense with no explanation. That last one (personal connection) deserves more attention.

The best editorials arise from personal passions, values, and concerns. You will naturally write with vigor and voice. Your emotion will find its way into your words.

Every bit of this will make your editorials instantly more compelling.

What Are the Different Types of Editorials?

There are two main types of editorials and a number of different subtypes.

One of the first steps in how to write an editorial is choosing the right type for your intended purpose or desired outcome.

The two main types of editorials:

Opinion Editorial

In an opinion editorial, the author shares a personal opinion about a local or national issue.

The issue can be anything from local regulations to national human trafficking.

Typically, the topic of an editorial is related to the topics covered in the publication. Some publications, like newspapers, cover many topics.

Solution Editorial

In a solution editorial, the author offers a solution to a local or national problem.

It’s often recommended for the author of solution editorials to cite credible sources as evidence for the validity of the proposed solution (BTW, research is also important for opinion editorials).

There are also several editorial subtypes based on purpose:

  • Explain (you can explain a person, place, or thing)
  • Criticism (you can critically examine a person, place, or thing)
  • Praise (celebrate a person, place, or thing)
  • Defend (you can defend a person, place, or thing)
  • Endorsement (support a person, place, or thing)
  • Catalyst (for conversation or change)

How To Write an Editorial (7 Easy Steps)

As a reminder, you can write an editorial by following seven simple steps.

  • Choose a topic
  • Choose a purpose
  • Select an editorial type
  • Gather research
  • Write the editorial
  • Write the headline
  • Edit your editorial

If you want a short, visual explanation of how to write an editorial, check out this video from a bona fide New York Times Editor:

1) Choose a Newsworthy Topic

How do you choose a topic for your editorial?

You have several options. Your best bet is to go with a topic about which you feel strongly and that has broad appeal.

Consider these questions:

  • What makes you angry?
  • What makes your blood boil?
  • What gets you excited?
  • What is wrong with your community or the world?

When you write from a place of passion, you imbue your words with power. That’s how to write an editorial that resonates with readers.

2) Choose a Purpose

The next step for how to write an editorial is to choose your purpose.

What do you want to accomplish with your editorial? What ultimate outcome do you desire? Answering these questions will both focus your editorial and help you select the most effective editorial type.

Remember: a best practice is honing in on one specific purpose.

Your purpose might be:

  • To trigger a specific action (such as voting)
  • To raise awareness
  • To change minds on an issue

3) Select a type

Now it’s time to select the best editorial type for your writing. Your type should align with your purpose.

In fact, your purpose probably tells you exactly what kind of editorial to write.

First, determine which major type of editorial best fits your purpose. You can do this by asking yourself, “Am I giving an opinion or offering a solution?”

Second, select your subtype. Again, look to your purpose. Do you want to explain? Persuade? Endorse? Defend?

Select one subtype and stick to it.

4) Gather Research

Don’t neglect this important step.

The research adds value, trust, credibility, and strength to your argument. Think of research as evidence. What kind of evidence do you need?

You might need:

  • Research findings

All of these forms of evidence strengthen your argument.

Shoot for a mix of evidence that combines several different variations. For example, include an example, some statistics, and research findings.

What you want to avoid:

  • Quote, quote, quote
  • Story, story, story

Pro tip: you can find research articles related to your topic by going to Google Scholar.

For other evidence, try these sources:

  • US Census Bureau
  • US Government
  • National Bureau of Economic Research

You might also want to check with your local librarian and community Chamber of Commerce for local information.

5) Write Your Editorial

Finally, you can start writing your editorial.

Aim to keep your editorial shorter than longer. However, there is no set length for an editorial.

For a more readable editorial, keep your words and sentences short. Use simple, clear language. Avoid slang, acronyms, or industry-specific language.

If you need to use specialized language, explain the words and terms to the reader.

The most common point of view in editorials is first person plural. In this point of view, you use the pronouns “we” and “us.”

When writing your editorial, it’s helpful to follow an Editorial Template. The best templates include all of the essential parts of an editorial.

Here is a basic Editorial template you can follow:

Introduction Response/Reaction Evidence Rebuttal Conclusion

Here is a brief breakdown of each part of an editorial:

Introduction: The introduction is the first part of an editorial. It is where the author introduces the topic that they will be discussing. In an editorial, the author typically responds to a current event or issue.

Response/Reaction: The response/reaction is the part of the editorial where the author gives their opinion on the topic. They state their position and give reasons for why they believe what they do.

Evidence: The evidence is typically a series of facts or examples that support the author’s position. These can be statistics, quotations from experts, or personal experiences.

Rebuttal: The rebuttal is the part of the editorial where the author addresses any arguments or counter-arguments that may be raised against their position. They refute these arguments and offer additional evidence to support their point of view.

Conclusion: The conclusion is the last part of an editorial. It wraps up the author’s argument and provides a final statement on the topic.

6) Write The Headline

Your headline must be catchy, not clickbait. There’s a fine line between the two, and it’s not always a clear line.

Characteristics of a catchy headline:

  • Makes the reader curious
  • Includes at least one strong emotion
  • Clearly reveals the subject of the editorial
  • Short and sweet
  • Doesn’t overpromise or mislead (no clickbait)

Your headline will either grab a reader’s attention or it will not. I suggest you spend some time thinking about your title. It’s that important. You can also learn how to write headlines from experts.

Use these real editorial headlines as a source of inspiration to come up with your own:

  • We Came All This Way to Let Vaccines Go Bad in the Freezer?
  • What’s the matter with Kansas?
  • War to end all wars
  • Still No Exit
  • Zimbabwe’s Stolen Election
  • Running out of time
  • Charter Schools = Choices

Suggested read: How To Write an Autobiography

7) Edit Your Editorial

The final step is to edit and proofread your editorial.

You will want to check your editorial for typos, spelling, grammatical, and punctuation mistakes.

I suggest that you also review your piece for structure, tone, voice, and logical flaws.

Your editorial will be out in the public domain where any troll with a keyboard or smartphone (which, let’s be honest, is everyone) can respond to you.

If you’ve done your job, your editorial will strike a nerve.

You might as well assume that hordes of people might descend on your opinion piece to dissect every detail. So check your sources. Check the accuracy of dates, numbers, and figures in your piece.

Double-check the spelling of names and places. Make sure your links work.

Triple-check everything.

Editorial Structures and Outlines

As you learn how to write an editorial, you have many choices.

One choice is your selection of structure.

There are several editorial structures, outlines, and templates. Choose the one that best fits your topic, purpose, and editorial type.

Every editorial will have a beginning, middle, and end.

Here are a few specific structures you can use:

  • Problem, Solution, Call to Action
  • Story, Message, Call to Action
  • Thesis, Evidence, Recommendation
  • Your View, Opposing Views, Conclusion

How Do You Start an Editorial?

A common way to start an editorial is to state your point or perspective.

Here are a few other ways to start your editorial:

  • The problem
  • Startling statement
  • Tell a story
  • Your solution

Other than the headline, the beginning of your editorial is what will grab your reader.

If you want to write an editorial that gets read, then you must write a powerful opening.

How Do You End an Editorial?

You can end with a call-to-action, a thoughtful reflection, or a restatement of your message.

Keep in mind that the end of your editorial is what readers will most likely remember.

You want your ending to resonate, to charge your reader with emotion, evidence, and excitement to take action.

After all, you wrote the editorial to change something (minds, policies, approaches, etc.).

In a few sections (see below), you will learn a few simple templates that you can “steal” to help you end your editorial. Of course, you don’t have to use the templates.

They are just suggestions.

Often, the best way to conclude is to restate your main point.

What Makes a Good Editorial?

Even if you learn how to write an editorial, it doesn’t mean the editorial will automatically be good. You may be asking, What makes a good editorial ?

A good editorial is clear, concise, and compelling.

Therefore, the best editorials are thought out with a clear purpose and point of view. What you want to avoid is a rambling, journal-type essay. This will be both confusing and boring to the reader.

That’s the last thing you want.

Here are some other elements of a good editorial:

  • Clear and vivid voice
  • Interesting point of view
  • Gives opposing points of view
  • Backed up by credible sources
  • Analyzes a situation
“A good editorial is contemporary without being populist.” —Ajai Singh and Shakuntala Singh

How Do You Know If You’ve Written a Good Editorial?

Many people want to know how to tell if they have written a good editorial.

How do you know?

You can tell by the response you get from the readers. A good editorial sparks a community conversation. A good editorial might also result in some type of action based on the solution you propose.

An article by Ajai Singh and Shakuntala Singh in Mens Sana Monograph says this about good editorials:

It tackles recent events and issues, and attempts to formulate viewpoints based on an objective analysis of happenings and conflicting/contrary opinions. Hence a hard-hitting editorial is as legitimate as a balanced equipoise that reconciles apparently conflicting positions and controversial posturings, whether amongst politicians (in news papers), or amongst researchers (in academic journals).

Note that newsworthy events, controversy, and balance matter in editorials.

It’s also a best practice to include contradicting opinions in your piece. This lends credibility and even more balance to your peice.

Editorial Examples & Templates

As you write your own editorial, study the following example templates “stolen” from real editorials.

You can use these templates as “sentence starters” to inspire you to write your own completely original sentences.

Phrases for the beginning:

  • It’s been two weeks since…
  • Look no further than…
  • The country can’t…

Phrases for the middle:

  • That’s an astonishing failure
  • It should never have come to this
  • Other [counties, states, countries, etc.] are…
  • Within a few days…
  • Not everyone shares my [opinion, pessimism, optimism]
  • Officials say…

Phrases for the end:

  • Let’s commit to…
  • Finally…
  • If we can…we will…

Honestly, the best way to learn how to write an editorial is to read and study as many published editorials as possible. The more you study, the better you will understand what works.

Study more editorials at these links:

  • New York Times editorials
  • USA Today editorials
  • The Washington Post

How To Write an Editorial for Students

Writing an editorial for students is virtually the same as writing an editorial at any other time.

However, your teacher or professor might give you specific instructions, guidelines, and restrictions. You’ll want to read all of these thoroughly, get clarity, and follow the “rules” as much as possible.

Writing an editorial is a skill that will come in handy throughout your life. Whether you’re writing a letter to the editor of your local paper or creating a post for your blog, being able to communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively is an important skill. Here are some tips to help you write an effective editorial:

  • Know your audience. Who are you writing for? What are their concerns and interests? Keep this in mind as you craft your message.
  • Make a clear argument. What is it that you want your readers to know? What do you want them to do? Be sure to state your case clearly and concisely.
  • Support your argument with evidence. Use facts, statistics, and expert opinions to make your case.
  • Use strong language . Choose words that will resonate with your readers and make them want to take action.
  • Be persuasive, not blasting. You want your readers to be convinced by your argument, not turned off by aggressive language. Stay calm and collected as you make your case.

By following these tips, you can write an effective student editorial that will get results.

What Is an Editorial In a Newspaper?

The editorial section of a newspaper is where the publication’s editorial board weighs in on important issues facing the community. This section also includes columns from guest writers and staff members, as well as letters to the editor.

The editorial board is made up of the publication’s top editors, who are responsible for setting the tone and direction of the paper.

In addition to op-eds, the editorial section also features editorials, which are written by the editorial board and represent the official position of the paper on an issue.

While editorial boards may lean one way or another politically, they strive to present both sides of every issue in a fair and unbiased way.

Ultimately, the goal of the editorial section is to promote thoughtful discussion and debate on the topics that matter most to readers.

Tools for Writing an Editorial

If you want some extra help in writing an editorial, try these tools:

AI ToolsLearn More

Final Thoughts: How To Write an Editorial

Whew , we have covered a lot of ground in this article. I hope that you have gained everything you need to know about how to write an editorial.

There are a lot of details that go into writing a good editorial.

If you get confused or overwhelmed, know that you are not alone. Know that many other writers have been there before, and have struggled with the same challenges.

Mostly, know that you got this .

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  • How To Write an Ode (7 Easy Steps & Examples)
  • Jasper Commands Template: Ultimate Guide + 300 Commands
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  • The Best Writing Books for Beginners
  • How to Write a Topic Sentence (30+ Tips & Examples)

National Institute of Health (On Editorials)

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How To Write An Editorial

How To Write An Editorial (12 Important Steps To Follow)

Embarking on the journey of crafting an editorial is akin to stepping into the arena of persuasive prowess, where words transform into instruments of influence and ideas wield the power to shape perspectives.

Writing an editorial is not merely an exercise in expression; it is a strategic dance with language, a nuanced symphony where the writer conducts a persuasive melody to engage, inform, and provoke thought.

In this guide, we will navigate the intricate landscape of editorial writing, exploring the art of selecting compelling topics, conducting in-depth research, and honing a writing style that resonates with the intended audience.

From the careful structuring of arguments to the final polish of every word, this exploration aims to unravel the layers of expertise required in the craft of creating editorials that leave an indelible mark on readers.

So, let’s embark on this intellectual voyage, where the pen becomes a mighty sword, and the editorial, a canvas upon which the art of persuasion is painted.

Table of Contents

How To Write An Editorial

Certainly! Here’s a step-by-step process on how to write an editorial :

Choose a Topic

Select a current and relevant issue that you are passionate about or that you believe needs attention. Ensure that the topic is of interest to your target audience.

Research Thoroughly

Gather facts, statistics, and background information related to your chosen topic. Understand different perspectives and arguments surrounding the issue. This will help you present a well-informed opinion.

Define Your Main Argument (Thesis)

Clearly state your main point or opinion on the issue. This should be a concise and specific statement that encapsulates your stance on the topic.

Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts and key points in a logical order. Plan the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section should contribute to building and supporting your main argument.

Write a Compelling Introduction

Grab the reader’s attention with a strong opening. Provide context for your topic, present the issue, and introduce your thesis statement.

Develop Coherent Body Paragraphs

Each paragraph should focus on a specific sub-point or piece of evidence that supports your main argument. Provide examples, quotes, or data to strengthen your position. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs.

Consider Counterarguments

Address potential counterarguments to strengthen your editorial. Acknowledge opposing views and explain why your perspective is more valid or persuasive.

Maintain a Consistent Tone

Choose a tone that suits the nature of the issue and your audience. Be persuasive, but also respectful and objective. Avoid offensive language or personal attacks.

Craft a Strong Conclusion

Summarize your key points and restate your thesis in a compelling way. Leave a lasting impression on the reader, encouraging them to reflect on your perspective.

Revise and Edit

Review your editorial for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Check for consistency in your argument and eliminate unnecessary repetition. Consider seeking feedback from others to get a fresh perspective.

Add a Thought-Provoking Title

Create a title that captures the essence of your editorial and entices readers to explore your viewpoint.

Submit or Publish

If you’re writing for a publication, follow the submission guidelines. Ensure your editorial adheres to any word limits and formatting requirements .

By following these steps , you can create a well-structured and persuasive editorial that effectively communicates your viewpoint on a given issue.

How To Write An Editorial

Understanding the Target Audience

Understanding the target audience is akin to holding the key to a secret garden, where the lush blooms of connection and resonance await.

It’s not merely deciphering demographics but embarking on an anthropological expedition into the hearts and minds of those you aim to captivate.

Imagine unraveling the intricacies of their desires, fears, and aspirations, the very fabric of their existence. Each reader, a universe unto themselves, awaits acknowledgment, yearning for content that mirrors their soul.

To understand the target audience is to embrace the role of a literary empath, tuning into the frequency of collective yearnings, and crafting a narrative that becomes a bespoke garment tailored to fit their intellectual and emotional contours.

It’s the alchemical blend of psychology, curiosity, and empathy that transforms words into a magnetic force, drawing the intended audience into a narrative embrace where they feel seen, understood, and utterly captivated.

Identifying the Readership

Identifying the readership is akin to sculpting the very clay from which your narrative masterpiece will emerge. It’s a meticulous process of demographic delineation, where age, gender, location, and socio-economic factors paint the broad strokes of your canvas.

Yet, it transcends mere statistics, delving into the nuanced world of psychographics—those elusive markers that define values, interests, and lifestyles.

Understanding your readership is akin to gazing through a kaleidoscope of individual stories, weaving a tapestry of diverse perspectives that demand acknowledgment.

Each reader, a protagonist in their narrative, seeks not only information but an empathetic connection, a resonant chord that harmonizes with their unique symphony of experiences.

In this dance of identification, a writer becomes a literary anthropologist, excavating the collective subconscious to illuminate the path toward content that not only speaks to the masses but intimately whispers to each reader, fostering a sense of belonging within the shared tapestry of words.

Selecting a Relevant and Timely Topic

Choosing a relevant and timely topic is akin to catching the rhythm of the universe and translating it into ink. It’s the art of being a literary time traveler, surfing the waves of current affairs and societal trends to uncover the gems of discourse that sparkle with urgency.

Imagine your writing as a compass, pointing not just north but toward the magnetic epicenter of the zeitgeist. It’s not merely selecting a topic; it’s orchestrating a symphony that harmonizes with the pulsating heartbeat of the world.

A relevant topic is a siren’s call to the reader, an irresistible melody echoing the collective concerns and curiosities of the present moment.

In this pursuit, a writer becomes a cultural curator, plucking the ripest fruit from the tree of discourse and presenting it to readers, inviting them to feast on the fruits of relevance and timeliness.

Current Affairs and Trend Analysis

Embarking on the journey of current affairs and trend analysis is akin to becoming an astute navigator of the ever-shifting seas of societal dynamics.

It’s the art of capturing the elusive zeitgeist, the pulse of the present, and distilling it into a narrative elixir. Current affairs are the heartbeat of the collective consciousness, and trend analysis is the compass guiding writers through the swirling currents of popular discourse.

Imagine standing on the precipice of the now, gazing into the swirling whirlpool of global events and emerging patterns.

It’s not just about staying informed; it’s about extracting the essence of these currents to craft a narrative vessel that not only sails with the winds of change but surfs the cutting edge of relevance.

In this realm, a writer transforms into a cultural alchemist, turning the raw material of contemporary events into a literary goldmine that captivates, informs, and resonates with readers who hunger for a connection with the unfolding tapestry of the world.

How To Write An Editorial

Research and Gathering Information

Embarking on the odyssey of research and information gathering is a thrilling expedition into the heart of knowledge, a treasure hunt where every well-mined fact becomes a gem in the crown of narrative richness.

Picture yourself as an intrepid explorer, armed not with a machete, but with the keen blade of inquiry, cutting through the dense underbrush of ignorance.

It’s not just about collecting data; it’s a dance with the cerebral cosmos, a cosmic choreography where each piece of information is a celestial body orbiting the central thesis.

Research is the magician’s wand, and information gathering is the summoning spell that brings forth the magic of insight.

In this symphony of discovery, a writer metamorphoses into an intellectual sleuth, solving the enigma of ignorance one researched clue at a time, weaving a tapestry of enlightenment that captivates readers and elevates the narrative to the celestial realms of erudition.

In-depth Research Methods

In-depth research methods are the alchemical processes through which a writer transforms the raw ore of curiosity into the refined gold of comprehensive understanding.

Imagine donning the cloak of a literary detective, armed not just with a magnifying glass but with an arsenal of tools ranging from scholarly articles to the vast labyrinth of digital archives.

It’s a deep dive into the ocean of knowledge, where the careful curation of reliable sources and the discerning eye for credibility are the compass guiding the scholarly ship.

In-depth research is not a mere surface exploration; it’s an excavation into the subterranean layers of information, unearthing hidden gems that add layers of richness to the narrative.

Through meticulous fact-checking, cross-referencing, and the discerning evaluation of various perspectives, a writer becomes an intellectual archaeologist, piecing together the fragments of data to construct a narrative edifice that stands as a testament to the rigors of thorough inquiry.

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement

Crafting a compelling thesis statement is akin to forging the beating heart of your narrative—an art form that demands both precision and passion.

Imagine your words as a blacksmith’s hammer, shaping the molten core of your argument into a finely honed blade that cuts through the fog of ambiguity.

It’s not merely a declaration; it’s a clarion call that resonates through the corridors of intellect, demanding attention.

A well-crafted thesis is more than a roadmap; it’s a charismatic guide, inviting readers to embark on a journey of enlightenment.

Like an architect designing the blueprint of a majestic structure, a writer, through the thesis, lays the foundation for a narrative that stands tall and resolute against the winds of skepticism.

It’s the orchestration of language into a symphony of persuasion, where each note builds towards a crescendo of intellectual revelation, leaving readers not just informed but inspired by the symmetrical elegance of a thoughtfully articulated thesis.

Formulating a Clear and Concise Thesis

Formulating a clear and concise thesis is akin to distilling the essence of a complex idea into a potent elixir of intellectual clarity.

It’s the art of linguistic precision, a process where words become chisels, carving away the superfluous to reveal the sculpted core of your argument.

Imagine your thesis as a lighthouse beacon, cutting through the fog of ambiguity to guide readers safely through the seas of your discourse.

Clarity is not merely about being understood; it’s an invitation for readers to navigate the narrative with confidence, assured that each sentence is a stepping stone leading toward a crystalline understanding.

A concise thesis is a literary gem, multifaceted and devoid of unnecessary embellishments, radiating brilliance in its simplicity.

In this craft, a writer transforms into a linguistic sculptor, carefully molding each word until the thesis emerges as a masterpiece—an intellectual compass that not only points the way but illuminates the entire terrain of thought.

How To Write An Editorial

Structuring the Editorial

Structuring the editorial is like architecting a symphony of ideas, where each section harmonizes to create a compelling narrative crescendo.

Picture yourself as the conductor of an intellectual orchestra, with the introduction as the opening overture—a magnetic prelude that captures attention.

The body paragraphs then dance in harmony, a choreography of arguments and counterarguments, each step building upon the last, a ballet of persuasion.

The conclusion, akin to a grand finale, is not merely a cessation but a lingering echo, leaving readers with the resonance of your thesis.

It’s a structural ballet, not just about arranging words but orchestrating emotions and thoughts. In this editorial architecture, a writer transforms into a literary choreographer, ensuring that every movement serves a purpose, leading the audience through a carefully curated performance that transcends the mundane and elevates the editorial to a masterpiece of structured persuasion.


The introduction of an editorial serves as the literary overture, a captivating melody that beckons readers into the symphony of ideas to follow.

It’s not merely a gateway; it’s a magnetic portal, inviting the audience to step into a realm of thought. Imagine the introduction as a carefully crafted invitation, adorned with an engaging hook that captivates attention and a thesis statement that stands as the event’s raison d’être.

It’s a literary handshake, setting the tone for the discourse to unfold. A well-crafted introduction is more than a preamble; it’s a promise, a whispered assurance that the reader’s investment of time will be rewarded with intellectual richness.

In this inaugural dance of words, a writer assumes the role of a welcoming host, inviting readers into a curated space where ideas converge, and the unfolding narrative promises to be nothing short of enlightening.

Polishing the Writing Style

Polishing the writing style is akin to honing a rare gem, each facet reflecting the writer’s commitment to elegance and clarity.

Imagine words not just as tools but as brushes, delicately smoothing the rough edges of expression until they gleam with literary luminescence.

It’s not merely about correctness; it’s a pursuit of aesthetic brilliance. Picture the writing style as a bespoke suit, tailored to fit the contours of the narrative with sartorial precision.

It’s a symphony of rhythm and cadence, where each sentence is a note contributing to the harmonious melody of the entire composition.

In this pursuit, a writer transcends the role of a mere wordsmith and becomes a literary artisan, meticulously sculpting language into a masterpiece that not only conveys information but enchants the reader with the sheer beauty of its expression.

Tone and Voice

Tone and voice in writing are the nuanced brushstrokes that paint the canvas of communication, adding layers of depth and personality to the narrative.

Imagine tone as the emotional hue that tints the words, setting the overall atmosphere of the piece, whether it be authoritative, conversational, or empathetic.

Voice, on the other hand, is the distinct fingerprint of the writer—a unique signature that resonates throughout the work.

It’s not just about what is said but how it is said, the cadence and rhythm that create a literary melody. A skilled writer navigates the spectrum of tone and voice, shifting effortlessly to suit the demands of the message and the expectations of the audience.

In this delicate dance, a writer transforms into a linguistic virtuoso, playing with tone and voice like a maestro conducting an orchestra, creating a symphony that captivates and resonates with the reader on a deeply personal level.

Incorporating Persuasive Techniques

Incorporating persuasive techniques into writing is akin to wielding a literary wand, casting spells of conviction and influence with each carefully chosen word.

Think of the writer as a rhetorical magician, conjuring metaphors, similes, and analogies that dance through the narrative like sparks of intellectual fireworks.

It’s not just about conveying information; it’s the art of seduction, luring the reader into a realm where persuasion is not a force imposed but a shared revelation.

A skilled writer embraces the dual nature of persuasion, balancing emotional resonance with logical precision. Imagine each sentence as a persuasive potion, stirring not just the intellect but also the heart.

In this alchemical craft, a writer becomes a linguistic sorcerer, weaving a spell that transforms the mundane into the mesmerizing, leaving readers not just informed but enchanted by the persuasive power of the written word.

Rhetorical Devices

Rhetorical devices are the linguistic acrobats of the written word, the subtle tools that turn prose into a captivating performance.

Picture them as the spices in a literary kitchen, adding zest and flavor to the narrative. Metaphors, similes, and analogies act as the poetic palette, painting vivid pictures that linger in the reader’s imagination.

Repetition and parallelism, the rhythmic drumbeats, infuse a cadence that resonates with hypnotic allure. These devices are not mere embellishments; they are the strategic maneuvers that elevate writing from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

A skilled writer, armed with rhetorical devices, becomes a verbal architect, constructing a narrative not just to convey information but to elicit emotion, spark introspection, and forge an enduring connection with the reader through the artful play of language.

Editing and Revision

Editing and revision are the backstage maestros, the unsung heroes transforming a rough draft into a symphony of refined brilliance.

Imagine the editing process as a surgical dance, where each incision removes the extraneous and hones the narrative to its sharpest edge.

It’s not just about correcting grammatical missteps; it’s sculpting prose until it gleams with the polished elegance of a well-cut diamond.

Revision, akin to a literary alchemist’s touch, transmutes the raw material of ideas into intellectual gold, refining the essence until it resonates with precision.

Think of it as a writer’s quest for perfection, an odyssey where every word is scrutinized, every sentence dissected, and every paragraph reshaped until the entire manuscript gleams with the sheen of narrative excellence.

In this meticulous craft, a writer assumes the role of both creator and critic, weaving and unweaving the tapestry of words until the story emerges not just coherent but as a masterpiece that stands the test of literary scrutiny.

Peer Review and Feedback

Peer review and feedback are the invaluable compasses guiding a writer through the labyrinth of self-expression, offering both illumination and calibration.

Envision the process as a collaborative constellation, where fellow writers act as celestial companions, navigating the same creative cosmos.

Peer review is not just a mechanism for error detection; it’s a collective exploration, a symposium of diverse perspectives converging to enrich the narrative.

Feedback, delivered with thoughtful precision, is the compass needle gently nudging the writer toward improvement.

It’s an artistic dialogue, a shared venture where each critique serves as a brushstroke refining the literary canvas.

In this reciprocal dance, a writer transforms into a humble architect, constructing a narrative not in isolation but in the collaborative echoes of constructive feedback, ensuring the final composition not only bears the mark of individual creativity but also the collective fingerprints of shared refinement.

Crafting a Strong Headline

Crafting a strong headline is akin to fashioning the golden key that unlocks the treasure chest of your narrative, an art where brevity meets brilliance.

Imagine the headline not merely as an entry point but as a captivating overture, a seductive whisper that beckons readers into the unfolding drama.

It’s the siren song that lures attention in a sea of words, each syllable a carefully chosen note in a symphony of curiosity.

Crafting a headline is the calligraphy of anticipation, where the brushstrokes must be bold enough to capture attention yet delicate enough to invite further exploration.

It’s not just about summarizing; it’s about encapsulating the essence of your narrative in a linguistic truffle—a tantalizing morsel that leaves readers craving the entire feast of your words.

In this literary alchemy, a writer becomes a headline maestro, orchestrating a melody of words that resonates with the reader’s curiosity, inviting them to step into a world where every sentence is a revelation waiting to unfold.

Importance of a Compelling Headline

The importance of a compelling headline cannot be overstated; it stands as the vanguard, the sentinel, and the initial ambassador of your narrative.

Think of it as the literary handshake extended to potential readers in the vast marketplace of ideas. A compelling headline is not merely a string of words; it’s a magnetic force, capable of grabbing attention in the blink of an eye and holding it in a steadfast embrace.

It’s the ambassadorial introduction, tasked not only with summarizing the essence of your story but with seducing curiosity and enticing exploration.

In a world inundated with information, a strong headline is the beacon cutting through the noise, guiding readers to the shores of your narrative oasis.

It’s a contract with your audience, promising a journey worth undertaking and inviting them to step into the realm of your words .

The first impression may be the last, and in the realm of headlines, that first impression is the literary currency determining whether your story will be read, shared, or overlooked in the tumultuous sea of content.

Finalizing and Submitting

Finalizing and submitting a piece of writing is akin to releasing a carefully crafted message in a bottle, casting it into the vast ocean of readership.

Imagine the manuscript not just as words on a page but as a vessel containing the distilled essence of your thoughts, set to embark on its journey through the literary currents.

The process is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, akin to bidding farewell to a piece of one’s soul. It’s not merely a conclusion; it’s the denouement of a creative odyssey, the culmination of countless revisions and nuanced choices.

As you prepare to release your creation into the wild, there’s a potent mixture of excitement and vulnerability, knowing that your words are about to embark on a journey beyond your control.

In this moment of surrender, a writer becomes a literary adventurer, launching their narrative ship into the uncharted waters of the reader’s mind, where the waves of interpretation and reception will determine the course of its voyage.

Reviewing the Final Draft

Reviewing the final draft is akin to a meticulous curator inspecting the brushstrokes of a masterpiece before it graces the gallery walls.

It is a moment of reflection and scrutiny, where each word is a carefully chosen hue contributing to the vibrant mosaic of the narrative.

As a writer embarks on this critical examination, it is not merely a proofreading task but a profound introspection into the soul of the composition.

The final draft review is the last chance to refine, ensuring that every sentence resonates with precision and clarity.

It’s a moment of truth, where the writer, wearing the hat of both creator and critic, steps back to assess the symphony of ideas, ensuring that each note plays harmoniously in the grand orchestration of the manuscript.

In this process, a writer becomes an architect surveying the blueprint, making those final adjustments that elevate the work from draft to a polished opus ready to captivate its audience.

Frequently Asked Questions about How To Write An Editorial

What is an editorial, and why is it important to know how to write one.

An editorial is a piece of writing that expresses the opinion of a publication’s editorial board or the author on a specific issue. It’s essential to know how to write one as it allows individuals to contribute their perspectives on important topics, influencing public opinion and fostering discussion.

How do I choose a compelling topic for my editorial?

Start by identifying current and relevant issues that you are passionate about or believe need attention. Choose a topic that resonates with your target audience and has the potential to generate interest and discussion.

What is the significance of thorough research in editorial writing?

Thorough research provides the foundation for a well-informed and credible editorial. It helps you gather facts, statistics, and background information, allowing you to present a compelling argument and anticipate counterarguments.

What should be included in the introduction of an editorial?

The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, provide context for the topic, and introduce your main argument or thesis statement. It sets the tone for the rest of the editorial and should encourage readers to continue reading.

How do I address counterarguments in my editorial?

Acknowledge and address counterarguments by presenting them fairly and then providing evidence or reasoning to refute them. This strengthens your position and demonstrates a thoughtful consideration of different perspectives.

What is the role of a strong conclusion in an editorial?

A strong conclusion summarizes key points, restates the thesis, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It should encourage reflection and reinforce the importance of your perspective on the issue.

How can I maintain a consistent tone throughout my editorial?

Choose a tone that suits the nature of the issue and your audience. Be persuasive, objective, and respectful. Avoid offensive language or personal attacks, ensuring a professional and coherent tone.

Why is it important to revise and edit my editorial before submission?

Revision ensures clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness. It helps eliminate unnecessary repetition, refine arguments, and improve overall quality. Seeking feedback from others can provide valuable insights.

Can you provide tips for creating an attention-grabbing title for my editorial?

Craft a title that captures the essence of your editorial and entices readers. It should be concise, intriguing, and reflective of the main theme or argument of your piece.

What steps should I follow when submitting or publishing my editorial?

Follow the submission guidelines of the publication, adhere to word limits, and ensure proper formatting. Double-check your work for any errors or omissions before submitting, and be prepared to engage in potential revisions based on editorial feedback.

In conclusion, mastering the art of writing an editorial involves a thoughtful and systematic approach. From selecting a compelling topic to crafting a persuasive argument, each step plays a crucial role in creating an impactful piece of writing .

Thorough research, clear organization, and addressing counterarguments contribute to the credibility of your editorial.؎

Maintaining a consistent and respectful tone throughout ensures effective communication with your audience.

A strong conclusion that reinforces your main points and leaves a lasting impression is the key to driving your message home.

Finally, the process of revision and editing is indispensable, refining your editorial for clarity and coherence. By following these steps, you can not only express your opinion effectively but also contribute meaningfully to public discourse on important issues.

Whether aspiring to sway public opinion or initiate thoughtful discussions, the ability to write a compelling editorial is a valuable skill that empowers individuals to make their voices heard.

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  • Writing Tips

How to Write an Editorial

How to Write an Editorial

  • By  Lynn Godson
  • Apr 17, 2024

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Want to learn how to write an editorial? This post covers everything you need to know! We’ll look at what an editorial is, explore the different types of editorial writing, and explain how to write one. Read on to learn more.

What Is an Editorial?

An editorial (often known as an op-ed) is an opinion piece that focuses on a current event, social issue, or other topic of importance. Editorials come in many formats – you might watch them on TV, listen to them on the radio, or read them in digital or print newspapers and magazines. The written editorial is probably the most common editorial format.

Editorials are usually written in the first person and express an individual’s opinion on an issue. Whereas a news report should be objective, an editorial can be very subjective. The author of an editorial will raise awareness of an issue, present an argument, and try to persuade the reader to take action or adopt their way of thinking.

Sometimes a freelance writer will pitch an editorial idea to a newspaper or magazine . Other times, the publication will commission editorial pieces from their in-house writers or guest writers. These might be thought leaders , experts in their field, or even celebrities with something to say.

The language used in editorials is often persuasive and sometimes emotionally evocative. This editorial from the newspaper The Guardian on Putin’s reelection in Russia in March 2024 begins with the sentence, “Under the repressive, paranoid leadership of Vladimir Putin,” which leaves readers in no doubt of the author’s opinion of the Russian president’s regime.

What Are the Different Types of Editorial?

There are four generally accepted types of editorial: interpretive, critical, persuasive, and praising. Let’s take a look at each one in more detail.

1. Interpretive Editorial

This type of editorial interprets or explains a news story to help readers become more familiar with the topic. It raises awareness, gives the background to a story, and positions an event in its wider context. In this example of an interpretative editorial , the author examines and explains the policies and major players in the 2024 European elections.

2. Critical Editorial

Critical editorials share opinions on political policies, institutions, leaders, theater, works of art, and more. As well as highlighting problems, they often suggest solutions.

The language in a critical editorial can feel very personally targeted, whether negatively or positively. For example, reviews of the stage musical Hamilton vary. They include this very positive opinion from The New York Times :

One of its greatest accomplishments is that it leaves no doubt that these scrappy, adrenaline-charged young folks, with their fast way with rhyme that gives order to chaos, have every right to be in charge of the story here.

Meanwhile, over at National Review , their editorial opinion verges on the political and is quite negative:

In short, Hamilton ’s fatal flaw is its focus on emotions rather than substance. In this, it is emblematic of the wider progressive Left.

And a contributor to Metacritic makes this very negative comment , among other unfavorable opinions:

Oversimplification of complex figures. The musical condenses complex historical figures like Hamilton and other Founding Fathers into false caricatures…

3. Persuasive Editorial

This type of editorial attempts to convince readers that the writer’s view is correct, or that they should take action or change their behavior. Like many forms of persuasive writing, persuasive editorials often use the three rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos . They appeal to readers’ need for authoritative content, to their sense of logic or reason, and to their emotions.

This editorial on individual responsibility for climate change action comes from a leading environmental campaign group, Greenpeace. It’s full of words and phrases designed to encourage action. The opening line – with emphasis added – says:

The most effective action to take as an individual is to urge leaders in business and government to stop global warming getting worse , as quickly as they possibly can .

It goes on to further persuade by listing reasons why climate change action is important and by providing several calls to action .

4. Praising Editorial

Praising editorials tend to focus on a person or an organization and show appreciation for their work, their positive qualities, or their contribution to society. Or sometimes, all three.

This praising editorial from The Guardian discusses the work done by a group of female researchers who are adding well-researched entries to Wikipedia for notable women who have previously been overlooked. The writer’s admiration is clear from the terms used, such as heroism , challenge , transforming , and phenomenon . 

Here are our top tips to help you write an editorial:

Conduct Thorough Research

Whether you’re deciding on the topic for your editorial or following a commission brief, you should always conduct thorough research. Readers are more likely to engage with your argument if it’s clear that you understand the full context surrounding the topic and aren’t just repeating what has already been said.

There may only be seven plots in English literature (Christopher Booker, The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories ), but you’re writing an editorial, not a novel – try to offer new ideas or perspectives! Decide on your unique stance on the topic and then look for credible sources to back up your arguments. And always remember to fact-check . Your reputation as a writer is dependent on creating accurate, reliable content.

Create an Outline

Getting started is often the trickiest part of writing an editorial. Don’t rush straight into writing; start by drafting an outline and note down any initial thoughts you have. This will help you keep your ideas organized and speed up the writing process without sacrificing quality and coherence. Your outline should include:

  • An introduction (which summarizes your argument) 
  • Your main supporting points
  • The main counterarguments
  • A conclusion and call to action

And if staring at a blank page or screen is freezing your creative juices, don’t worry. Writer’s block is a normal part of being a writer! Take a look at our helpful tips on overcoming writer’s block .

State Your Argument Clearly

Every editorial should start with a thesis – a statement that summarizes your argument. In journalism, this is known as the lede or lead. Your thesis statement, or lede, should be clear, coherent, and persuasive. The goal is to make sure the reader understands your argument in the first few sentences. Otherwise, they may lose interest and stop reading.

Support Your Argument

Once you’ve determined your thesis, find three or four main points to back up your opinion. Editorials are meant to be persuasive. Take a firm stance and make sure you have plenty of well-researched evidence to support your argument. Use the active voice to ensure your writing is direct and easy to understand.

Address Counterarguments

As you write, bear in mind that some of your readers will disagree with you. And if your subject is controversial, they’ll disagree passionately! Consider the other side of the argument and try to address it within your editorial. You can address counterarguments as you go or dedicate a paragraph to refuting them.

Proofread Your Article

Proofreading involves reading your work thoroughly to catch any typos, grammar mistakes, and punctuation errors that make an otherwise well-crafted piece of writing look unprofessional.

If you proofread your own writing , leave some time between finishing your draft and starting to proofread it. It’s not easy to spot your own mistakes, because your brain knows what it expects to see. When you are proofreading, take some breaks to give your eyes and brain a rest. High-level concentration is tiring and will affect your writing. Major writing software like Microsoft Word usually has built-in spelling and grammar checkers. They can be useful up to a point, but don’t rely on them completely. Nothing can fully replace the human eye for detail!

It’s also a great idea to produce a style sheet if you’re writing independently or learn how to follow the major guides if you have a commission from a media outlet. Style guides are there to help with consistency of spelling, punctuation use, vocabulary choices, tone, and much more.

How Can I Become a Great Freelance Writer?

Practice makes perfect, so make time to keep writing to polish your creative and debating skills. Many people find it helpful to take a course, and we have just the one for you! Our Becoming A Freelance Writer course covers everything you need to know to kick-start a career or to brush up your existing skills. You can even try two lessons at no charge!

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how do you write an editorial essay

How To Write An Editorial

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Learn How To Write An Editorial By Experts

By: Cordon J.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Sep 14, 2021

How to Write an Editorial

An editorial is a newspaper article that presents the author’s point of view on different topics and issues. Students are often assigned to write editorials of school newspapers.

When assigned to write an editorial piece, you must understand the characteristics of an editorial that appeal to the reader.

Learn how to write an editorial with this complete guide. Also, find below some editorial topics and examples that may assist you when you begin writing your editorial.

How to Write an Editorial

On this Page

What is an Editorial?

An editorial is an article that expresses the editor's ideas and explains the issue at hand. Just because it is an opinion piece doesn’t mean that the author can write their thoughts merely. They can not write an editorial without conducting research and considering the facts.

To build their argument and persuade the readers, editorial writers must present authentic evidence that will support their opinions.

The aim of an editorial is to present an issue clearly and propose a solution to get rid of it.

Author’s need to address the people currently facing the issue. They also need to tell them what can be done to deal with the situation. If necessary, the author must speak to the government, asking them to take appropriate measures to help combat the situation.

Considering the research and effort that goes into writing an editorial, they can be considered similar to a research paper.

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Types of an Editorial

Typically, there are four different types of editorials, where each serves a unique purpose.

Below is a detailed description of these types.

1. Explain and Interpret – this format gives editors a chance to explain how they tackled sensitive and controversial topics.

2. Criticize – such editorials while focusing on the problem rather than the solution criticize actions, decisions, or certain situations.

3. Persuade – in this format, you propose a solution and convince the readers to take appropriate actions.

4. Praise – this type of editorial is written to show support and commend a notable action of an organization or individual.

How to Write an Editorial?

With social media becoming more popular day by day where everyone can easily express their opinions, people aren't sure of how to write a strong editorial.

Editorials are based on the writer’s opinions. But, if you want the reader to take your word seriously, you must provide facts to support your opinion. Don’t ramble and rant about a personal issue.

Following are the important steps that will help you craft an impressive editorial.

1. Pick a Topic That Will Grab The Reader's Attention

The purpose of an editorial is to change the public’s belief about a particular topic. Or to encourage them to critically analyze issues and, more often than not, suggest a particular course of action.

When brainstorming ideas for your piece, make sure that it is interesting, has a current news angle, and serves a purpose. Sometimes writing on a controversial subject can really help attract the reader.

2. Research and Gather Facts

As an editorial writer, your job is to find the truth about a particular issue. Do your research and look for relevant information so that you can present facts along with your opinion. Go through credible sources only and gather the latest facts.

Check out this detailed blog on the types of research and how to conduct them. It will make this step easier for you.

3. Writing the Editorial

When writing an editorial, keep it short and clear, so the reader stays with you throughout the piece. It shouldn’t be longer than 600 to 800 words. Also, avoid using fancy jargon or technical terms.

  • Introduction

Start the editorial with a unique and catchy question, statistics, facts, and quotations. You could also use any other sentence relevant to the topic that will help grab the reader's attention. Also, present your argument in the form of a thesis statement at this stage.

The body of your editorial piece should explain the issue at hand objectively without any trace of biasedness. Discuss each and every aspect of your topic. Address the 5 W’s and H (what, when, where, who, why, and how.)Start by addressing your opposition, people who have dissimilar views. You can also highlight the positive aspects of the opposition as long as they are factually correct.

Next, you need to refute the opposing side. Provide strong reasons and evidence that can help with the credibility of your stance.

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When addressing a problem, you need to propose a valid and applicable solution.

End the editorial with a strong, thought-provoking statement. Your reader must get a sense of closure and completeness from the ending.

4. Proofread and Edit

Don't forget to go through your article once you are done writing. This will help get rid of otherwise unnoticed mistakes and typos.

Editorial Example


Editorial Topics

Here are some interesting and good ideas to help you write an excellent editorial.

  • The contribution of fast food is making us obese.
  • Should PlayStations be blamed for the death of outdoor activities?
  • The flip side of social media.
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized?
  • How does recycling help save the environment?
  • The evil that is the selfie culture.NBA season preview.
  • Are e-cigarettes really safe for our health?

We hope that this blog helped answer all of your editorial writing-related queries. In case of any confusion generate sample editorials from our AI paper writer or, feel free to contact 5StarEssays.com and ask to write an essay for me .

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a good editorial.

Great content needs to be informative, opinionated, and engaging. It should also teach without being pedantic or didactic in order for the reader's attention span to last as long they are reading. Also, keep it as brief as possible.

What are the elements of an editorial?

Following are the main elements of an editorial:

  • Objective explanation
  • Opposing opinions
  • Writer’s opinions

What is editorial style?

Editors use a set of guidelines to help make their words as consistent and effective as possible. This is their specific writing style. It distinguishes their writing from anyone else.

Cordon J.

Speech, Law

Cordon. is a published author and writing specialist. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years, providing writing services and digital content. His own writing career began with a focus on literature and linguistics, which he continues to pursue. Cordon is an engaging and professional individual, always looking to help others achieve their goals.

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In This Post

How to write an editorial, in 6 steps.

An editorial is an opinion-driven piece that brings awareness to current events or topics of importance. Here’s what to include.

how do you write an editorial essay

Editorials assert an opinion or perspective using journalistic principles.

If you have a strong opinion about a topic, knowing how to write an editorial essay can help you land more media visibility and readership.

Editorial writing is when a columnist, journalist, or citizen submits an opinion-based article to a media outlet. A good editorial will be measured and fair; it will make a clear argument with an end goal to persuade readers, raise awareness on a particular issue, or both. Editorials give people a chance to present a supporting or opposing view on a topical issue, and they’re usually formatted as first-person essays.

Opinion editorials (Op-eds) can be a great way to land a byline or full article with a media publication. It can let you assert a stance more powerfully than you would in a quotation or interview.

Key Takeaways

  • Also known as an opinion piece, an editorial asserts an author’s position, and often tackles recent events.
  • Newspapers have allocated space for editorials from readers for years. The opinion-editorial section is sometimes abbreviated as “op-ed.”
  • Editorials are written in first person, from the perspective of the writer, but they should still lean on credible sources.
  • Readers should also know how the writer or organization reconciles apparently conflicting positions. True editorial coverage is earned, not purchased.

In this article, we’ll touch on what an editorial piece actually is, along with examples of editorial structure to help you organize your thoughts as you're brainstorming ideas.

What is Editorial Writing?

Every strong editorial has, at its core, a thought-provoking statement or call to action. Editorial writers formulate viewpoints based on experience, supporting evidence, objective analysis, and/or opinion.

Editorials perform very well online. These days, readers don’t always want information alone. They also want interpretation or analysis, whether that be through a newspaper article, a thesis statement, a newsletter , or an opinionated news story. Editorials are powerful, but they are also often biased.

Here's an example of an editorial I wrote recently for Fortune Magazine . This section of Fortune is called Commentary, and it publishes one to two pieces a day from non-staff writers on a variety of business topics.

screenshot of how to write an editorial for fortune

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Many media outlets rotate in opinion columnists to offer unique perspectives on a regular basis. Here’s a screenshot from The Washington Post opinion page ; the paper has over 80 opinion columnists, who write regularly about topics like policy, health, and climate change.

screenshot of the washington post with headlines from different opinion columnists

Large media publications usually have a separate section for opinion and commentary.

What Is an Editorial Board?

In contrast, you may have seen a newspaper or media publication release a statement from its editorial board. The editorial board consists of the publication’s editors, who together release a joint statement about a certain topic.

Examples of editorial topics include:

  • An editorial board endorsing a local politician in a forthcoming election.
  • Commentary on issues of local importance.
  • Scientists announcing a newly published research paper that has mainstream relevance.
  • Perspectives from citizens who come from various walks of life.
  • Submitted opinion pieces in school newspapers or academic journals.

Good Examples of Published Editorials

The best way to get a feel for writing editorials is to see some effective editorial examples in action.

The Los Angeles Times and 70+ other newspapers condemned the actions of Scott Adams, the illustrator behind Dilbert cartoons. Since the cartoons were scheduled to run in the paper for a few more weeks, the editorial board released a statement updating readers on their decision to pull the cartoon, along with what next steps would be taken.

statement from the los angeles times editorial board

Many editorials are written by celebrities or public figures as a way to create awareness or touch on a controversial subject. Chrissy Teigen published an editorial on Medium about her miscarriage. Medium is an open-source publishing platform that many personalities use to make independent op-ed statements publicly.

screenshot of a post on medium

A peer of mine, Zach McKenzie, wrote an editorial on the lack of sober queer spaces in Houston, America’s fourth-largest city. He pitched it to the Houston Chronicle, and an editor accepted and published his opinion piece.

screenshot of the title of a houston chronicle article

He later became a freelance writer for the paper. Since you'll often work with an editor on your editorial, this could open doors for freelance opportunities.

Editorials can also refute other editorials. These are sometimes formatted as letters to the editor instead. In 2011, Martin Lindstrom published an op-ed with The New York Times entitled “You Love Your iPhone. Literally” , which asserted that neuroimaging showed we feel human love for our smartphones. A response letter signed by a total of 45 neuroscientists was sent to the Times condemning the op-ed as scientifically inaccurate.

Types of Editorials

Editorials typically fall into one of four categories: explanation, criticism, persuasive essay, or praise.

No. 1: Explanation or Interpretation

Not all editorials have to be about controversial topics. Editorials written by a board or an organization might simply summarize main points of new research or a recent decision.

No. 2: Criticism

Criticism is by far the most popular type of editorial, because, well, we love the drama! 🍿

Opinion editorial usually disagrees with the status quo on a given topic, but does so in a well-researched way. An opinion editor will do more than simply fix grammatical errors; they often guide the contributor through the writing process and reinforce good editorial style.

No. 3: Persuasive Essay

Technically, an editorial can also simply be a persuasive essay, written in first person. As long as the main point has a good chance at catching a reader’s attention, editors will be interested in the piece.

No. 4: Praise

Sometimes, an opinion piece actually agrees with the status quo or current news angle, although these pieces are less common.

How to Write an Editorial in 6 Steps

  • Pick a topic that has mainstream appeal.
  • Lead with a summary of your opinion.
  • State the facts.
  • Summarize the opposition’s position.
  • Refute the opposition.
  • Offer readers a solution or reframe.

Step 1: Pick a Topic That Has Mainstream Appeal

If you want your essay to be published in a news outlet, it has to be, well, news!

Connect your thesis statement to a current event. Your topic should be one that the majority of the public can understand or relate with. Remember: Business is niche, media is broad. Make it mainstream.

Step 2: Lead With a Summary of Your Opinion

Editorial format usually opens with a summary of your thesis statement and/or new ideas in the first paragraph. In journalism, this section is known as the lede —part of the “inverted pyramid” writing process —and it’s the most important section of your article.

Remember, if readers can’t get oriented and understand your own opinion within the first few sentences, they’ll leave.

Related: How to Write a News Lead

Step 3: State the Facts

One detail any writers miss regarding how to write an editorial is giving sufficient background information. In some ways, you have to operate like a journalist when you begin writing editorials. Collect facts and outline the main points for your reader so they grasp the issue at hand.

Step 4: Summarize the Opposition’s Position

Good editorial presents both sides of the story. Even though this is an opinion-based essay, you want your editorial format to acknowledge common counter arguments.

Step 5: Refute the Opposition

This is the fun part! Use logic and evidence in your writing to reinforce your point. When you cite sources and statistics, your writing will pack more punch.

Step 6: Offer Readers a Solution or Reframe

Lastly, go into a clear conclusion and possible solutions. Don’t just dump an opinion on your reader and then leave them with nothing to do or consider. You’ve persuaded us with a hard-hitting editorial on a topic you feel strongly about—now ask us to do something!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a good editorial.

A good editorial will assert a clear and compelling point. The editorial should cite reputable sources in order to form its point, and should address why the opposing viewpoint is misguided.

What Is the Purpose of an Editorial?

An editorial provides contrast to day-to-day journalism with perspectives and commentary on recent events. Editorials are not objective; they are subjective and opinionated by design.

What Are Examples of Editorial Content?

An editorial could be a column in a magazine or newspaper, a public statement, a newsletter, or even a blog post. A letter to the editor is usually not considered an editorial.

Write Your First (or Next) Editorial This Year

You don’t have to be a journalist to pitch and write editorials, but you do have to have a point of view that will capture a reader’s attention. Study the writing process of editorials and you’ll have a better shot at getting your opinions published. ⬥

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Welcome to the blog. Nick Wolny is a writer, editor and consultant based in Los Angeles.

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Carmine Mastropierro

How to write an editorial – step by step guide.

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Trying to write for magazines or other publications and don’t know how to craft an editorial?

No problem .

Today I’m going to show you how to write and format an editorial in a few easy steps.

Editorial writing is very lucrative and fun, making it an awesome avenue for writers.

However, writing editorials that get approved by picky editors can be a whole other ball game.

Follow along as I show you the ropes of editorial writing.

What is an editorial?

First of all, let’s define what an editorial is.

According to Google, it’s:

A newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.

It’s typically focused on a trending topic or something relevant to a certain industry.

Since it’s an opinion-based piece, it also requires thorough evidence, statistics, and research to make it credible.

You express a specific opinion and viewpoint when writing an editorial that you attempt to persuade readers to believe.

Editorial format

Let’s break down a live editorial to understand proper formatting.

It all begins with the headline and featured image .

how do you write an editorial essay

I’ll teach you how to write editorial headlines in a moment, but remember it’s the first thing readers see.

That means if your headline stinks, nobody is going to click through to read the article.

Additionally, in the words of Claude Hopkins , “Images are sales people in themselves.”

Depending on the publication you’re writing for, you may or may not have control over the featured image used for the piece.

However, the picture should preferably support and enhance the topic you’re speaking about.

Moving on, a hook and a leading paragraph are the next crucial parts of an editorial to nail .

how do you write an editorial essay

The first sentence or paragraph needs to make a bold statement or interesting observation to capture the reader’s attention.

Note how in this Wired article, the writer mentions how the Department of Housing and Urban Development sued Facebook for violating the Fair Housing Act.

That is serious news .

Anyone interested in big data will be hooked into reading the remaining content.

This is why the leading paragraph needs to support the intro with further detail.

Furthermore, clarification may need to be done around some terms and topics if they are complex in nature like so :

how do you write an editorial essay

Since editorials are opinion based, it’s of utmost importance that you mix in your perspective on things, too .

how do you write an editorial essay

Seldom are editorials written in the first person, though.

Instead, write your opinion as if it’s factual information, and back it up with supporting evidence.

For example, the author of this Wired article elaborates on how Facebook’s targeting and audience system has ethical and technical issues.

As regulations tighten up, this is only going to create more problems for them in the future and it’s deserved in a way.

On the flip side, another writer could’ve supported the idea of Facebook’s approach and that would’ve been their opinion .

See where I’m going with this?

You need to choose one side of the story and stick to it all the way through.

Which brings me to the conclusion :

how do you write an editorial essay

It should summarize the main points of the article and end with a thought-provoking statement.

Publications pay close attention to the conclusion because it’s often what spikes engagement such as comments and social shares.

That’s why I recommend putting a solid effort into polishing off your piece before sending it to an editor.

You can take care of most of these processes with a tool like Jasper.ai which you can try for free here . Watch my review to learn more below.

Editorial examples

Here are great examples of editorials you should swipe.

Use them as inspiration for headlines, formatting , voice, and to reference while writing.

New York Times

This is an editorial example from the New York Times on American and Europe’s digital privacy.

Editorial example

It uses a thought-provoking headline by asking the reader a question. An attention-grabbing and unique image is used to accompany the article.

Note the subhead elaborates on the headline and position the author takes.

The editorial begins with background information on Congress questioning tech CEOs on collecting personal information, the vulnerability of Americans, and how little has been done to move forward.

Editorial intro

They also speak about Europe’s solution to online privacy which American Congress needs to learn from. This helps readers understand the topic’s context while stating the author’s position.

The body of the editorial uses quotes, examples, and further information to support its main points.

It’s concluded with a summary of the article and what the author believes the next best steps are.

Editorial end

The Washington Post

Here’s an editorial from The Washington Post on Donald Trump’s presidency and if he should be impeached.

Washington Post editorial

The headline is provocative, makes a bold statement, and addresses a specific party (Congress).

The video underneath serves as a featured image and provides more information.

The author, Danielle Allen, immediately states her position that impeachment isn’t just a political question but a legal and moral one as well.

She asks questions to engage the audience and get them thinking.

Danielle elaborates on very specific parts of the Constitution to support her claims about impeachment, how it works, and what it means.

She concludes the editorial by recapping her stance that Congress should audit the president and if he’s committed an impeachable crime according to the books.

Washington Post end

The Huffington Post

Next, we have an editorial example from The Huffington Post on climate change.

I love the headline. By not directly saying what the scandal is, it makes you wonder and click the article.

Huff Post

The subhead provides more context and creates a sense of urgency be saying global warming is increasing and billions of people are at risk.

A stage is set in the first couple of paragraphs by elaborating on how there are plans to protect the economy, jobs, but nothing from climate change.

The author cites specific events, summits, data, and findings that all back up their claims that global warming is rising and not enough action is being taken to prevent it.

Note how the last few paragraphs of the editorial focus on what can be done to solve the issue. They present their opinions and ideas which is what editorial style is all about.

How to write an editorial

Now that you understand how editorials are formatted, let’s dive deeper into editorial

Step 1: Find an epic topic to cover

If you want to get accepted by an editor of a publication, your pitch better be really damn good .

They don’t want generic or simple topics, but rather ones that cover a popular subject with your own unique twist.

For example, the Toronto Raptors just won the NBA Finals, so you could write a piece on “What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Toronto Raptors Winning The Finals.”

This article could elaborate on how their team’s training style and strategies can be applied to businesses.

It’s a random example but stick with me.

You could also search for keywords through Google News to brainstorm.

Cannabis is really big in Canada with legalization being relatively new, so I searched for that:

how do you write an editorial essay

Based on the first result, you could pitch an article on why you don’t think Ottawa’s legal cannabis edibles are a good decision for the city.

This is what we would call a response post .

It reacts to an existing story and provides another opinion on the matter.

Make sure you read the guidelines for the publication you’re writing for, as they may have restrictions or tips for topics.

Once you have an idea for a topic, consider the audience you’re writing for .

What do they care about? What do they want to learn? What are their demographics?

This will change your writing and shape the editorial.

You want it to resonate with the section’s audience as much as possible.

That’s why I suggest reading previous articles and analyzing the reader’s engagement.

What do they normally comment on? Do you notice a pattern in how they speak?

Apply these observations to your editorial, and it will resonate with the target audience more.

Lastly, make sure to collect resources, references, and data to support the article.

Continuing off of the cannabis example, you could search for “cannabis stats” and use a couple of the results to back up the points you make.

how do you write an editorial essay

Once you’ve done this, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Craft a headline that makes BuzzFeed proud

As I mentioned earlier, the headline is what will ultimately attract clicks, so you need to put a lot of energy into writing one.

BuzzFeed has the reputation of being the king of clickbait, but it isn’t a bad thing.

From a writer’s perspective, we can learn a ton about how to write headlines from them.

Just look at their front page:

how do you write an editorial essay

It’s a gold mine for ideas!

Some strategies you can use for headline copywriting include:

  • Explanatory : “George Bush Wears The Latest Yeezy’s to Summit, And We’re Trying to Figure Out Why” is an example of a headline that clearly explains what the article is about. There’s no mystery or questions needed.
  • Bold : Making a bold statement in the headline like “Scientists Find The Link Between Beer and Mortality” compels users to read the editorial to learn more.
  • Question : Some editorial headlines come in the form of a question that resonates with the audience. “Trying to Lose Weight? You Won’t Believe What This Doctor Discovered” is an example.

Step 3: Make the outline

Before you begin writing your award-winning editorial, slow your horses.

Start with an outline. It’s a staple part of forming the editorial structure.

This will speed up the writing process and make your workflow as smooth as silk.

An outline should consist of:

  • The headline
  • The introduction and hook
  • Major and minor points

You don’t need to spend a lot of time on the outline, either.

It simply acts as an organized guideline for when you crack your knuckles and begin typing away.

Make sure that you have all of your resources and references opened up or saved, too.

I recommend that you read my two previous articles to speed up your writing process:

  • 8 Insanely Effective Tips on How to Overcome Writer’s Block
  • Writing Process Steps For Producing Incredible Copy

This video will also help you with the writing process.

Step 4: Write that bad boy!

Editorials have an opinion, and that opinion needs to be strong .

That means don’t use passive speech or weak arguments to back up any points.

The idea you’re proposing is the ultimate truth in your eyes, so you have to write in that manner.

If you read a lot of editorials, you will notice that they are written and edited to support a single idea.

Stick with that all the way through until the end.

Take a firm stance on the topic and position. If you ever mention an opposing view, make sure to explain why it isn’t correct. Be confident and use facts to support any claims.

At the same time, I recommend offering new ideas. Say something that hasn’t been said before … discuss a new angle … bring up data most people aren’t aware of. This will make it stand out.

I’m a huge advocate of practical content as well. Editorials are no different.

Don’t just talk about an issue or a topic. Talk about how it can be solved and give the reader actionable takeaways. Editorials become much more useful and memorable this way.

Some other editorial writing tips I have:

  • Write several different headline ideas and pick the best one.
  • Edit and proofread the hell out of the article once it’s done. Continually reference the publication’s editorial guidelines to ensure it’s perfect.
  • Share the first draft with other writers, family, and friends to get their opinion.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of sleeping on your writing. You’ll feel refreshed and approach the article with a clear mind the next day.

Who writes editorials?

Editorials are primarily written by writing staff working for magazines, websites, and other publications.

These pieces of content are handed off to an editor who will fix grammar, spelling, flow, mistakes, and other components.

An editor-in-chief will oversee all of the writers, editors, and staff that play a role in publishing editorials on a regular basis.

You can also be a freelance editorial writer. In this case, you contact out your writing services to many different publications at once.

It’s a great way to earn income and be your own boss. Check out my free courses to learn more.

Why write editorials

So, why should a business write editorials and what are the benefits of doing so?

Firstly, editorials are suitable for any publication that likes to keep its readers informed about recent news and events.

Look at Fortune, Entrepreneur, The LA Times, and similar publications.

They are pushing out content many times per day because there’s a constant flow of news to touch on.

This helps form your business into a thought leader and a trustworthy source of information.

Furthermore, editorials are much shorter in length than other forms of content which makes pumping out many easier.

You will also need a great team of writers and editors if you don’t have already one established.

Hopping on trends and waves will give your publication an immediate spike in traffic which is another benefit of writing editorials.

Similarly, this type of content is easily digestible and commonly shared which creates a viral effect.

Can an editorial be in first person?

Absolutely. You’ll notice that many editorials are written in first person depending on the individual publication and story.

Furthermore, all editorials found in the opinion sections of a publication will be in the first person because they are meant to share personal views.

Look at this editorial from The New York Times, for example.

The New York Times editorial

The very first word is “I.”

Once again, keep in mind that the story being covered will usually decide whether or not a first person perspective is appropriate or not.

Final thoughts on how to write an editorial

Editorials are articles that share news and personal opinions on topics that matter.

They are typically written about current events and subjects that readers are already familiar with.

Every great editorial begins with an eye-catching image and headline, as well. This is the bait that gets the reader into the article.

Then, the first paragraph needs to be easy to read while naturally leading to the rest of the content.

Demystifying complex terms and mixing in your own opinion are two keys to a good editorial. This makes it simpler to understand while unique since nobody has your opinion but you .

Write a clear conclusion that sums up the major points and creates the opportunity for readers to leave their opinions. Remember, news outlets thrive off of engagement.

Still want to learn more? Check out my online courses .

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How to Start an Editorial: Step-by-Step Guide

how do you write an editorial essay

The “How to Start an Editorial: Step-by-Step Guide” provides a comprehensive roadmap for crafting persuasive editorials. It covers selecting a relevant topic, conducting research, creating a persuasive thesis, and organizing your thoughts.

Table of Contents

Learn how to start an editorial with a captivating introduction, build a strong case, and polish your work for publication. This guide will aid you in maneuvering through the process, ensuring your editorial resonates with readers and sparks meaningful conversation.

Understanding the Basics of How to Start an Editorial

Understanding the basics of how to start an editorial is essential. This skill helps anyone looking to craft a compelling piece that resonates with readers. An editorial, opinion journalism, presents the writer’s perspective on a specific topic or issue.

The goal of an editorial is not only to inform but also to persuade, engage, and potentially inspire action. To accomplish this, it is essential to comprehend how an editorial should be structured.

Crafting a Compelling Editoria

A well-structured editorial typically consists of four key components: the introduction, the thesis, the body, and the conclusion. Each element plays a vital role in communicating your ideas effectively and persuasively.

Introduction: This is where you grab your reader’s attention and pique their interest in the topic. Start with a strong hook, such as a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or an engaging anecdote. This technique entices readers to continue reading.

Thesis: The thesis is a concise statement of your central argument or opinion. It sets the tone for your editorial and serves as a roadmap for the points you’ll cover throughout the piece.

Body: The body of your editorial is in which you showcase your arguments, evidence, and examination to bolster your thesis. Organize your points logically and coherently, ensuring each paragraph focuses on a single idea or argument. Use concrete examples, facts, and expert opinions to strengthen your case and convince your readers.

Conclusion: In the conclusion, reiterate your thesis and summarize the main points you’ve made in the body. End with a strong closing statement that either calls for action, offers a solution, or poses a thought-stimulating query. This approach helps create a lasting impact on your readers.

By understanding the basic structure of an editorial, you’ll be better equipped to craft a persuasive and engaging piece. Keep these essential components in mind as you embark on your editorial writing journey, and you’ll be well on the path to crafting a compelling and thought-provoking editorial.

How to Start an Editorial: Brainstorming Ideas

When embarking on the journey of writing an editorial, one of the first steps is brainstorming ideas for a compelling and relevant topic. The subject matter should be exciting and provide value to your readers, sparking meaningful conversations and potentially inspiring change. As you brainstorm ideas, consider how to write an editorial title that accurately reflects the content and seizes the interest of your intended audience.

To generate topic ideas, focus on current events, trending issues, or subjects directly impacting your community. Consider the opinions, concerns, and debates surrounding these topics, as they can serve as a rich source of inspiration for your editorial. Make a list of potential subjects , then evaluate each based on relevance, timeliness, and potential impact on readers.

Once you’ve chosen a topic, start thinking about an engaging title that accurately reflects the essence of your editorial. A well-crafted title should be concise, clear, and thought-provoking, enticing readers to explore your piece further. Consider using powerful words, phrases, or questions that evoke emotion or provoke curiosity. Additionally, incorporating keywords related to your topic can help your editorial reach a wider audience through search engines and social media platforms.

As you finalize your title, ensure it aligns with your editorial’s central thesis and overall tone. It’s essential to strike a balance between capturing attention and accurately representing the content within your piece. If your title needs to be more accurate and sensationalized, you risk losing credibility with your readers.

Brainstorming ideas for an editorial involves identifying compelling topics, evaluating their relevance and impact, and crafting a captivating title that precisely represents the substance of your piece. By adhering to these steps, you can develop a robust foundation for your editorial, ensuring it resonates with readers and sparks meaningful conversations.

Laptop, pen and note pad used for how to start an editorial

How to Start an Editorial: Conducting Research

When learning how to start an editorial writing, conducting thorough research is a critical step. Regardless of your chosen topic, gathering accurate information and understanding different perspectives are essential for crafting a well-informed and persuasive editorial . This will enable you to present a strong case for your viewpoint and build credibility with your readers.

Begin your research by identifying reputable sources of information, such as newspapers, academic journals, books, government reports, and expert opinions. These sources can provide valuable insights, facts, and data to support your arguments. Be sure to critically evaluate each source for accuracy, relevance, and credibility, as this will help you build a solid foundation for your editorial.

As you collect information, make note of opposing viewpoints and counterarguments. Addressing these in your editorial demonstrates your understanding of the topic ‘s complexity and showcases your ability to engage in a balanced and thoughtful discussion. This will make your arguments more persuasive and help you establish trust with your readers.

During the research process, you must remain open-minded and willing to adapt your initial ideas or thesis based on the evidence you encounter. This flexibility will lead to a more nuanced and well-rounded editorial.

Organize your research findings clearly and logically, grouping related ideas and evidence together. This will help you identify patterns and connections that can inform the structure of your editorial and enhance the flow of your arguments.

In summary, conducting research is vital to starting an editorial writing process. By gathering accurate information, understanding different perspectives, and organizing your findings, you can build a strong foundation for a persuasive and well-informed editorial that engages and informs your readers.

How to Start an Editorial: Crafting a Clear and Compelling Argument

Understanding how to start an editorial article involves mastering the art of crafting a clear and compelling argument. A persuasive editorial hinges on presenting a solid case for your viewpoint backed by evidence, logic, and an engaging writing style. Following these guidelines allows you to develop an argument that resonates with readers and effectively communicates your perspective.

Mastering the Art of Persuasion

Develop a clear thesis: Your thesis is your editorial’s central idea or argument. It should be a concise and specific statement that reflects your opinion on the topic. Be sure to state your thesis early in your editorial, preferably in the introduction, to set the stage for your argument.

Provide compelling evidence: Support your thesis with well-researched facts, statistics, and expert opinions. Use a variety of credible sources to present a diverse range of evidence that bolsters your argument. Remember to cite your sources to maintain transparency and credibility.

Address counterarguments: Acknowledging opposing viewpoints and addressing counterarguments demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the topic and strengthens your position. You can further reinforce your argument by debunking or refuting these counterarguments.

Use persuasive language: The language you use in your editorial plays a significant role in swaying your readers. Employ persuasive techniques such as rhetorical questions, anecdotes, and analogies to engage your audience and make your argument more relatable and convincing.

Organize your thoughts logically: Ensure that your argument follows a coherent and orderly framework, with each paragraph concentrating on a singular point or piece of evidence. This will help readers follow your reasoning and make your editorial more coherent and persuasive.

Revise and edit: After writing your initial draft, take the time to revise and edit your editorial. Make certain that your argument is lucid, succinct, and well-supported and that your writing is free of errors and inconsistencies.

When learning how to start an editorial article, crafting a clear and compelling argument is essential. By developing a solid thesis, providing convincing evidence, addressing counterarguments, using persuasive language, and organizing your thoughts logically, you can create a persuasive editorial that engages readers and effectively communicates your viewpoint.

Person on laptop learning how to start an editorial

How to Start an Editorial: Structuring Your Editorial

Learning how to write an editorial page requires a solid understanding of the editorial structure, which is crucial in presenting your ideas coherently and persuasively. A well-structured editorial ensures readers can easily follow your reasoning and engage with your argument.

Structuring for Impactful Communication

Here are some essential steps to adhere to when structuring your editorial:

Introduction: Begin your editorial with a captivating introduction that hooks your readers and provides context for your topic. Use a thought-provoking question, an intriguing anecdote, or a surprising fact to grab their attention. Additionally, introduce your thesis statement, which outlines your central argument and sets the stage for the rest of your editorial.

Body Paragraphs: The body of your editorial should be organized into a series of paragraphs, each focusing on a single point or piece of evidence that supports your thesis. Use clear topic sentences to convey the main idea of each paragraph and maintain a logical flow throughout your editorial . Be sure to provide well-researched facts, statistics, and expert opinions to support your claims and address any counterarguments to strengthen your position.

Transition Sentences: Utilize transition sentences between paragraphs to create a smooth flow and maintain continuity in your argument. This will help guide your readers through your editorial and enhance its readability.

Conclusion: Conclude your editorial by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis in a fresh, compelling manner. The conclusion should create a long-lasting impact on your readers by offering a solution, urging action, or posing a thought-provoking question.

Editing and Proofreading: After completing your initial draft, carefully review your editorial for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Check for grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and redundancies, and refine your language and style to ensure your argument is presented effectively.

By following these steps, you can structure your editorial to effectively communicate your ideas and persuade your readers. Mastering the art of structuring your editorial page is essential in producing an engaging and thought-provoking piece that encourages meaningful dialogue and inspires action.

How to Start an Editorial: Writing a Strong Opening Paragraph

Understanding how to start an editorial letter begins with crafting a solid opening paragraph that captures your reader’s focus and establishes the foundation for your argument. The introduction is a crucial component of your editorial, as it sets the tone and determines whether readers will be engaged enough to continue reading.

Strategies for Captivating Your Audience

Below are some pointers for producing a persuasive opening paragraph:

Use a Captivating Hook: Begin your editorial with a hook that immediately grabs your readers’ interest. his could encompass an astonishing fact, a thought-provoking inquiry, or an emotional anecdote relevant to your topic. A robust hook will pique your audience’s curiosity and encourage them to read further.

Provide Context: After capturing your reader’s attention, provide background information and context about your topic. This will aid your audience in comprehending the importance and relevance of the issue you are addressing. Be concise and avoid overwhelming your readers with too much information at the outset.

State your Thesis: Your thesis statement should be introduced early in your editorial, preferably within the opening paragraph. This statement should clearly articulate your central argument or opinion on the topic. A well-crafted thesis will serve as a roadmap for your readers, guiding them through your editorial and shaping their expectations.

Establish Your Credibility: Briefly highlights your expertise, experience, or other factors qualifying you to write about the topic. Establishing credibility from the outset will help your readers trust your perspective and be more open to your argument.

Engage Your Readers: Use a conversational tone to address your readers directly to create connection and engagement. This will help make your editorial more relatable and accessible, encouraging readers to continue reading and consider your viewpoint.

Writing a solid opening paragraph is essential when learning how to start an editorial letter. Using a captivating hook, providing context, stating your thesis, establishing your credibility, and engaging your readers, you can create an introduction that sets the stage for a persuasive and compelling editorial.

How to Start an Editorial: Adding Supporting Evidence

When learning how to write an editor’s note for a magazine, adding supporting evidence to your editorial is crucial in establishing credibility and persuading your readers. A well-researched and evidence-backed editorial will strengthen your argument and demonstrate your commitment to presenting a balanced and informed perspective.

Enhancing Your Editorial with Supporting Evidence

Here are some tips for incorporating supporting evidence into your editorial:

Use Various Sources: To create a robust argument, gather evidence from multiple reputable sources, such as academic journals, newspapers, government reports, and expert opinions. This will help ensure your editorial is well-rounded and credible, showcasing diverse perspectives and information.

Cite Your Sources: Be transparent about the origins of your evidence by citing your sources. This demonstrates your commitment to accuracy and allows your readers to verify your claims and explore the topic further.

Integrate Evidence Seamlessly: Incorporate your supporting evidence into your editorial naturally and unobtrusively. Employ unambiguous and succinct terminology to articulate your facts, statistics, and expert opinions, ensuring they support and enhance your argument without overwhelming your readers.

Address Counterarguments: Including evidence that addresses counterarguments or opposing viewpoints is essential in creating a balanced and persuasive editorial . By acknowledging and responding to these perspectives, you demonstrate your understanding of the topic’s complexity and further solidify your own argument.

Connect Evidence to Your Thesis: Ensure that each piece of evidence you present directly supports your thesis statement. This will help your readers understand the relevance of your evidence and follow your line of reasoning more easily.

Use Evidence Strategically: Be selective in the evidence you present, focusing on the most compelling and convincing information that supports your argument. Avoid overloading your editorial with excessive details, which may detract from your central message.

Adding supporting evidence is critical to writing an editor’s note for a magazine. By using various sources, citing your evidence, integrating it seamlessly, addressing counterarguments, and connecting your evidence to your thesis, you can create a persuasive and well-informed editorial that effectively communicates your viewpoint and resonates with your readers.

Laptop and notebook used for how to start an editorial

How to Start an Editorial: Wrapping Up with a Powerful Conclusion

Knowing how to write an editorial for a magazine involves mastering the art of crafting a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your readers. The conclusion of your editorial should not only sum up your key arguments and restate your thesis but also provide a sense of closure and inspire further thought or action.

Strategies for Leaving a Lasting Impression

Here are some guidelines for crafting a compelling conclusion:

Reiterate Your Central Argument or Position: Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis statement freshly and engagingly. This will remind your readers of your central argument and reinforce the main message of your editorial.

Summarize Your Main Points: Briefly recaps your editorial’s key points and supporting evidence. This will help your readers remember your most compelling arguments and tie your ideas together cohesively.

Offer a Solution or Recommendation: If appropriate, present a solution or recommendation that addresses the issue or problem discussed in your editorial. This can demonstrate your commitment to positive change and encourage your readers to consider potential solutions.

Call-to-action: Urge your readers to take action or further think or discuss the topic. A solid call to action can inspire your audience to make a difference or explore the issue more deeply.

End with a Memorable Statement or Question: Conclude your editorial with a thought-provoking statement or question that leaves a lasting impression on your readers. This will encourage them to reflect on your argument and consider the broader implications of your editorial.

Maintain Your Tone: Ensure that the tone of your conclusion is consistent with the rest of your editorial. A cohesive tone will help create a sense of unity and polish in your writing.

Wrapping up your editorial with a powerful conclusion is essential in crafting a persuasive and engaging piece. By restating your thesis, summarizing your main points, offering a solution, calling for action, and ending with a memorable statement, you can leave a lasting impression on your readers and encourage them to engage with your ideas long after they have finished reading your magazine editorial.

What should I focus on when brainstorming ideas for an editorial?

Concentrate on current events, trending issues, or subjects that impact your community. Consider opinions, concerns, and debates surrounding these topics for inspiration. Evaluate each idea based on relevance, timeliness, and potential impact on readers.

How can I ensure my research is credible and accurate?

Use reputable sources of information, such as newspapers, academic journals, books, government reports, and expert opinions. Critically evaluate each source for accuracy, relevance, and credibility to build a solid foundation for your editorial.

What should I include in my editorial’s opening paragraph?

Use a captivating hook, provide context, state your thesis, establish credibility, and engage your readers to create a strong and engaging introduction.

What are some tips for writing a powerful conclusion?

Restate your thesis, summarize your main points, offer a solution or recommendation, call to action, end with a memorable statement or question, and maintain your tone to create a compelling and lasting conclusion.

How can I make sure my editorial is well-structured?

Organize your editorial into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, using clear topic and transition sentences to maintain a logical flow. Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single point or piece of evidence and that your argument is coherent and persuasive.

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  • Academic Writing Guides

A Beginner’s Guide on How to Write an Editorial

Writing an editorial essay lets you share your viewpoint on or advocate for a particular cause with your audience. A great editorial article creates awareness on a matter and influences people’s positions on it. But how do you compose such an article? 

This post shares valuable insights on how to write an editorial that impresses editors and influences readers. Keep reading to enhance your effectiveness and master how to write an editorial essay . 

What Is an Editorial Paper?

Let’s start by answering the big question, “ What is an editorial paper ?” As the name suggests, an editorial article or paper expresses an editor’s stand on a matter and explains the issue at hand. However, it doesn’t mean that the editor exclusively expresses their thoughts. That’s why the writer must research the topic and include other people’s ideas on the subject.

A great editorial paper focuses on a given topic. The author must focus on why their target readers care about the topic and why some people might hold contrary views. That’s why understanding the two sides of a matter makes an editorial more interesting and acceptable to many audiences. You will also need to present readers with valid evidence that supports your opinions. 

When your editorial addresses a problem, you must also present clear solutions. Tell your readers what should be done to address the situation. If necessary, speak to the relevant authorities that need to take appropriate measures to address particular situations. For instance, you can address the government or institutions that can midwife solutions. 

How to Write an Editorial

The rise of social media has provided more people with a free platform to express their platforms. Consequently, people are no longer sure of what it takes to write editorials . However, it doesn’t mean that you can master how to write an editorial that impresses editors. This section shares insights to help you compose a great editorial that speaks to your constituents.

Choose an Attention-Grabbing Topic 

Start your journey by selecting an interesting topic with current news value and serves a defined goal. At times, handling a controversial topic can attract people.

Research and Gather Facts

Next, gather the facts surrounding your topic before presenting it to your readers. You must research the facts so that your opinion isn’t based on your feelings. Use credible sources and collect the latest facts surrounding your topic. 

Drafting the Editorial

Draft your paper to be short and clear, at least 600 to 800 words. Additionally, avoid using jargon.

  • Introduction. Make its intro as attractive as possible. You can open it with relevant stats, a quote from a famous person your readers respect, or a thought-provoking question. 
  • Body. The body should address all the details surrounding your topic. It should follow the 5 W’s and H pattern (what, when, where, who, why, and how). This section should address opposition and provide evidence to support your stance. When addressing problems, propose valid and practical solutions. 
  • Conclusion. End your editorial with a strong, thought-provoking statement. Give your readers a sense of closure and completeness from this section.

Proofread and Edit

Polish your editorial by editing and proofing it for styling, grammar, and spelling perfection before submitting it.

Tips for Writing a Good Editorial

Do you want to master how to write an editorial article ? Below are tips to help you up your editorial writing game.  

  • Be decisive. A great editorial takes a firm position on a matter. Whenever you mention a contrary position, you immediately show readers why it’s inaccurate and why readers should agree with your stand. 
  • Provide fresh ideas. Research your topic well to provide readers with fresh ideas. Whereas people have ideas on specific issues, adding a fresh angle to them makes your article more valuable. 
  • Offer solutions. If you address a problem, your article should provide possible solutions. Don’t just describe problems for which you can’t prescribe solutions. 
  • Focus on your interests. Whenever possible, select a topic you are passionate about to be better placed to address an issue you care about. Do you care about quality education? Then don’t write on maternal health. 

Types of Editorials

It’s essential to understand the types of editorials before you write an editorial for a chosen publication. We have four types of editorials, categorized based on their tone and purpose. These categories are:

  • Explaining and Interpreting: These editorials let editors explain how they handle sensitive and controversial topics.
  • Criticizing: Such editorials focus on the problem rather than the solution. They criticize actions, decisions, or particular situations.
  • Persuading: These editorials propose solutions and convince readers to take appropriate actions towards a matter.
  • Praising: Such editorials show support for and commend notable actions by organizations or individuals.

How Do Publications Choose Editorials?

So, how do newspapers and other publications choose an editorial for students ? Most major publications employ op-ed columnists to provide a given number of published editorials in a given year. Some college and high school newspapers have their own columnists who regularly provide editorial content. Most of these publications also solicit guest editorials from external sources. These editorials are like letters to editors but still receive a more generous word count.

The editors use their discretion to accept or reject some editorials. For instance, if they think an editorial touches a needlessly controversial subject or exposes the publication to legal implications, they reject it. In other cases, an editorial board may send the article to the writer to revise or streamline it before resubmitting it for publication.

Editorial Example

Whenever you are stuck on how to write an editorial,l examples will be of much help. This section contains an example regarding the educational system to inspire your writing. 

A Critical Editorial Example: A Clarion Call to Reform a Flawed Education System

Our education system is flawed and outdated in many areas and needs urgent reforms. It has many outdated teaching methods that don’t fully engage students. For instance, rote learning stifles innovation and critical thinking, leaving learners ill-equipped when they enter the real world.

Class sizes are still too large, hindering personalized learner attention. Overworked instructors struggle to address student needs. The obsession with standardized testing emphasizes memorization over creative learning. Consequently, it stresses learners and undermines the joy of learning.

Further, the system is unequal. For example, wealthier districts receive more funding, while underprivileged schools lack basic resources. This inequality perpetuates a vicious cycle of disadvantage and limits opportunities for many underprivileged learners.

Thus, everyone must demand radical and immediate reforms. We must all demand innovative teaching methods, smaller class sizes, and equal funding to transform the education landscape. Let’s call for reforms and create an education system that empowers our children, into whose hands we’ll leave our nation.

Editorial Essay Topics

Mastering how to write an editorial paper requires you to choose appropriate topics. To help you do that, we have selected hot sample topics for editorial essay projects. Check them out to jumpstart your next assignment. 

  • The role of junk food in increasing obesity.
  • Is PlayStation turning our children into zombies?
  • The dark side of social media.
  • Should governments legalize recreational marijuana?
  • How does recycling promote a clean and healthy environment?
  • The dark side of the selfie culture. 
  • Are e-cigarettes any safer than traditional ones?


There, you have everything you need to compose an editorial article that impresses readers and fetches good grades. We hope you will use all the valuable information this post shared on how to write an editorial to up your game.

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Writing an Editorial

Another Tutorial by: Alan Weintraut Annandale High School Annandale, VA 22312 [email protected]

CHARACTERISTICS OF EDITORIAL WRITING An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper's opinion on an issue. It reflects the majority vote of the editorial board, the governing body of the newspaper made up of editors and business managers. It is usually unsigned. Much in the same manner of a lawyer, editorial writers build on an argument and try to persuade readers to think the same way they do. Editorials are meant to influence public opinion, promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is an opinionated news story.

Editorials have: 1. Introduction, body and conclusion like other news stories 2. An objective explanation of the issue, especially complex issues 3. A timely news angle 4. Opinions from the opposing viewpoint that refute directly the same issues the writer addresses 5. The opinions of the writer delivered in a professional manner. Good editorials engage issues, not personalities and refrain from name-calling or other petty tactics of persuasion. 6. Alternative solutions to the problem or issue being criticized. Anyone can gripe about a problem, but a good editorial should take a pro-active approach to making the situation better by using constructive criticism and giving solutions. 7. A solid and concise conclusion that powerfully summarizes the writer's opinion. Give it some punch.

Four Types of Editorials Will: 1. Explain or interpret : Editors often use these editorials to explain the way the newspaper covered a sensitive or controversial subject. School newspapers may explain new school rules or a particular student-body effort like a food drive. 2. Criticize: These editorials constructively criticize actions, decisions or situations while providing solutions to the problem identified. Immediate purpose is to get readers to see the problem, not the solution. 3. Persuade: Editorials of persuasion aim to immediately see the solution, not the problem. From the first paragraph, readers will be encouraged to take a specific, positive action. Political endorsements are good examples of editorials of persuasion. 4. Praise: These editorials commend people and organizations for something done well. They are not as common as the other three.

Writing an Editorial 1. Pick a significant topic that has a current news angle and would interest readers. 2. Collect information and facts; include objective reporting; do research 3. State your opinion briefly in the fashion of a thesis statement 4. Explain the issue objectively as a reporter would and tell why this situation is important 5. Give opposing viewpoint first with its quotations and facts 6. Refute (reject) the other side and develop your case using facts, details, figures, quotations. Pick apart the other side's logic. 7. Concede a point of the opposition — they must have some good points you can acknowledge that would make you look rational. 8. Repeat key phrases to reinforce an idea into the reader's minds. 9. Give a realistic solution(s) to the problem that goes beyond common knowledge. Encourage critical thinking and pro-active reaction. 10. Wrap it up in a concluding punch that restates your opening remark (thesis statement). 11. Keep it to 500 words; make every work count; never use "I"

A Sample Structure I. Lead with an Objective Explanation of the Issue/Controversy. Include the five W's and the H. (Members of Congress, in effort to reduce the budget, are looking to cut funding from public television. Hearings were held …)

  • Pull in facts and quotations from the sources which are relevant.
  • Additional research may be necessary.

II. Present Your Opposition First. As the writer you disagree with these viewpoints. Identify the people (specifically who oppose you. (Republicans feel that these cuts are necessary; other cable stations can pick them; only the rich watch public television.)

  • Use facts and quotations to state objectively their opinions.
  • Give a strong position of the opposition. You gain nothing in refuting a weak position.

III. Directly Refute The Opposition's Beliefs.

You can begin your article with transition. (Republicans believe public televison is a "sandbox for the rich." However, statistics show most people who watch public television make less than $40,000 per year.)

  • Pull in other facts and quotations from people who support your position.
  • Concede a valid point of the opposition which will make you appear rational, one who has considered all the options (fiscal times are tough, and we can cut some of the funding for the arts; however, …).

IV. Give Other, Original Reasons/Analogies

In defense of your position, give reasons from strong to strongest order. (Taking money away from public television is robbing children of their education …)

  • Use a literary or cultural allusion that lends to your credibility and perceived intelligence (We should render unto Caesar that which belongs to him …)

V. Conclude With Some Punch.

Give solutions to the problem or challenge the reader to be informed. (Congress should look to where real wastes exist — perhaps in defense and entitlements — to find ways to save money. Digging into public television's pocket hurts us all.)

  • A quotation can be effective, especially if from a respected source
  • A rhetorical question can be an effective concluder as well (If the government doesn't defend the interests of children, who will?)

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How to Write an Editorial?

  • Open Access
  • First Online: 24 October 2021

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  • Samiran Nundy 4 ,
  • Atul Kakar 5 &
  • Zulfiqar A. Bhutta 6  

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An Editorial is defined as an opinion or a view of a member of the editorial board or any senior or reputed faculty written in a journal or newspaper. The statement reflects the opinion of the journal and is considered to be an option maker. If you have been asked to write an editorial it means that you are an expert on that topic. Editorials are generally solicited.

Editorial writers enter after battle and shoot the wounded Neil Goldschmidt, American Businessman and Politician (1940–…)

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The Journal Editor as Academic Custodian

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Preparing the Manuscript

1 what is an editorial, 2 how is the topic for an editorial chosen.

This is decided by the members of the editorial board and is usually related to important work which is about to be published in the journal. If you are invited to write an editorial on a topic of your choosing you should preferably write one on a general or public health problem that might interest a wide readership [ 1 ].

3 What Should be the Contents of an Editorial?

It has been said that ‘Editors, by and large, are reticent people, with a magnified sense of their own importance. Well, this may hurt some, but before they jump at our throats, let us clarify that we belong there as well’. The editorial should not look like an introduction to an original article or a self-glorifying piece of fiction.

Editorial writing has been compared to a double-edged sword, you can be apolitical and pragmatic but at the same time dogmatic in your views. The majority of editorials provide the readers a balanced view of the problems raised in a particular research paper and place them in a wider context. But there is no harm in going to extremes if the data supports your view. However, you should not mock the paper’s authors [ 2 ].

4 What Is the Basic Information Required for Writing an Editorial?

First, read the paper for which the editorial has been asked again and again. Do a literature search and critically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the study. Read about how and why other authors came to similar or different conclusions. Discuss whether or not the findings are important [ 3 ].

An editorial should be brief, about one to two pages long, but it should be powerful. The language should be a combination of good English and good science. The writing can be ‘embellished by language but not drowned in it’. While a good editorial states a view, it does not force the reader to believe it and gives him the liberty to form his own opinion.

5 What Are the Steps Involved in Writing an Editorial?

Choose a topic intelligently.

Have a catchy title.

Declare your stance early.

Build up your argument with data, statistics and quotes from famous persons.

Provide possible solutions to the problem.

Follow a definite structure consisting of an introduction, a body that contains arguments and an end with a tailpiece of a clear conclusion. It should give the reader a chance to ponder over the questions and concerns raised.

6 What Are the Types of Editorial?

Editorials can be classified into four types. They may:

Explain or interpret : Editors use this type of editorial to explain a new policy, a new norm or a new finding.

Criticize: this type of editorial is used to disapprove of any finding or observation.

Persuade: These encourage the reader to adopt new thoughts or ideas.

Praise: These editorials admire the authors for doing something well.

7 What Is the Purpose of an Editorial?

An editorial is a personal message from the editor to the readers. It may be a commentary on a published article or topic of current interest which has not been covered by the journal. Editorials are also written on new developments in medicine. They may also cover non-scientific topics like health policy, law and medicine, violence against doctors, climate change and its effect on health, re-emerging infectious diseases, public interventions for the control of non -communicable diseases and ongoing epidemics or pandemics [ 4 ].

8 What Are the Instructions for Writing Editorials in Major Journals?

Many editorials written by in-house editors or their teams represent the voice of the journal. A few journals allow outside authors to write editorials. The details for these suggested by some of the leading journals are given in Table 26.1 .

9 What Is a Viewpoint?

A Viewpoint is a short article that focuses on some key issues, cutting-edge technology or burning topics or any new developments in the field of medicine. It can be a ‘personal opinion’ or any piece of information, which gives the author’s perspective on a particular issue, supported by the literature. Viewpoints can also be unencumbered by journal policy. The normal length of viewpoints can flexible. The BMJ, for instance, also allows viewpoints to be written by patients.

Viewpoints may share a few common features with commentaries, perspectives and a focus which is a brief, timely piece of information. It is like a ‘spotlight’ that contains information on research funding, policy issues and regulatory issues whereas a commentary is an in-depth analysis of a current matter which can also include educational policy, law besides any other seminal issue.

10 Conclusions

An editorial is written to provide a crisp, concise overview of an original article. It is generally deemed to be an honour to be asked to write an editorial.

One needs to follow the general instructions for writing editorials for a particular journal.

It should have an objective and the flow of ideas should be clear.

Squires BP. Editorials and platform articles: what editors want from authors and peer reviewers. CMAJ. 1989;141:666–7.

CAS   PubMed   PubMed Central   Google Scholar  

Singh A, Singh S. What is a good editorial? Mens Sana Monogr. 2006;4:14–7.

Article   Google Scholar  

Cleary M, Happell B, Jackson D, Walter G. Writing a quality editorial. Nurse Author & Editor. 2012;22:3.

Article types at The BMJ. Last accessed on 12th July 2020. Available on https://www.bmj.com/about-bmj/resources-authors/article-types

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Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India

Samiran Nundy

Department of Internal Medicine, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India

Institute for Global Health and Development, The Aga Khan University, South Central Asia, East Africa and United Kingdom, Karachi, Pakistan

Zulfiqar A. Bhutta

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Nundy, S., Kakar, A., Bhutta, Z.A. (2022). How to Write an Editorial?. In: How to Practice Academic Medicine and Publish from Developing Countries?. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5248-6_26

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5248-6_26

Published : 24 October 2021

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How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Table of contents

Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

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You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/essay-outline/

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How To Write An Editorial

Barbara P

Learn How to Write an Editorial on Any Topic

13 min read

How to Write an Editorial

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Are you interested in learning how to effectively shape your perspective in an editorial that holds the power to persuade people?

Having the ability to influence people’s views and perspectives through your writing is an admirable talent. But not everyone is blessed with this talent!

Well, an editorial expresses your opinion about any current topic with the aim of persuading the reader to see things from your perspective. 

In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the 4 types of editorials and an easy step-by-step procedure on how to write a compelling editorial. Also, you’ll benefit from the editorial examples and tips we’ve included.

So, let’s get going! 

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is an Editorial?
  • 2. What is the Difference between an Editorial and an Article? 
  • 3. Types of Editorial
  • 4. How to Write an Editorial Article?
  • 5. How to Write an Editorial for a Journal?
  • 6. How to Write an Editorial Letter?
  • 7. How to Write an Editorial for a Magazine?
  • 8. How to Write an Editorial Response?
  • 9. Are Editorials Just Opinion Pieces?
  • 10. Editorial Ideas
  • 11. Editorial Example

What is an Editorial?

An editorial is a newspaper article that contains and explains the author’s ideas. It can be written on any topic, but usually covers social issues. For an editorial, you always have to provide enough evidence from credible sources.

Editorials are featured in magazines and journals as well. Here the editors make claims or aim to create discussion about their publication. They express viewpoints and analyze trending topics critically. 

A well-written editorial must contain the problem’s description and the possible solutions to the problem. When writing about a specific issue, the writer is expected to give recommendations. 

You should create a message for those who are suffering from that issue and what it takes to improve the situation. Besides, you get a chance to speak to the government and request them to take measures to solve the problem. 

Remember that an editorial is different from an article. Read the comparison below for a better understanding. 

What is the Difference between an Editorial and an Article? 

Both an editorial and an article are the parts of a newspaper. While many people believe that both are the same, there are some key differences between them. 

As said before, an editorial is written by the editor in charge of the newspaper and expresses the views of the editor or the editorial board.

It is an opinionated piece of writing, and it is written to influence the thought process and viewpoint of the readers.

All the other news in a newspaper are called articles. These could be news articles, sports news, or any other relevant news. Usually, it is fact-based, as the writer will have a narrow chance of adding their opinion.

Now, let’s see what are the 4 types of editorials. 

Types of Editorial

Although the goal of an editorial is to somehow persuade the readers, there are some types of editorial styles. They are:

  • Interpret and Explain: This type focuses on providing analysis, background information, and interpretation of a particular issue or event. It aims to help readers comprehend complex topics or developments.
  • Persuade : This type of editorial is written with the sole aim of persuading people to change their viewpoints or to undertake an action. With reasoning, evidence, and facts, the author portrays the solution to a specific issue. 
  • Criticize : This editorial type highlights the issues or shortcomings in a person, decision, or action. The goal is to highlight the problem and suggest a possible solution. 
  • Praise : In a praising editorial, the author commends and shows praise for a person, idea, or organization. The focus is on highlighting the positive aspects of the subject.  

Now, let’s dive into the steps you should take to write a compelling editorial. 

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How to Write an Editorial Article?

The following steps will help you in writing an editorial piece that can persuade readers to agree with your opinion. 

Step 1. Choose a Topic

Editorials aim to promote critical thinking and persuade people to change their minds on a topic by influencing their opinions. Make sure to choose an interesting topic, a controversial subject, or something that has a purpose.

Controversial topics are a great way to stir debate and get the readers engaged right from the start. With opinion pieces, you have to focus on recent stories that people are talking about. 

Step 2. Research Thoroughly 

Take time and research all aspects of your topic and find all the reasons behind the issue. Look for relevant evidence and examples to support your opinion. Gather all the latest facts and information from credible sources. 

Step 3. Pick a Side 

Make sure to pick a side and create a valid opinion to know what you are talking about. For a valid opinion, you must come up with logical reasoning. Pay careful attention to this step and provide clear reasons to show why your side is the right one. 

Step 4. Define Your Thesis Statement 

After picking your side, articulate your main message or opinion in a concise thesis statement . This statement should address the core argument you will be making in your editorial.

Step 5. Build a Strong Argument 

Now it’s time to structure your argument and back it up with facts. Each point you will address in your argument should correspond to your thesis statement. 

Using examples to support your arguments is a great way to increase the strength of your claims.

Step 6. Consider the Counterargument 

It is a good practice to consider and acknowledge the opposing arguments that relate to your topic of discussion. For a balanced outlook, you should include opposing views in your editorial.

Your editorial will give an unbiased and thoughtful outlook to the reader if you include opposing opinions.

Step 7. Start Writing the Editorial 

After coming up with a valid opinion and supportive arguments, it is time to start the actual writing process. Make sure this writing is short and clear so that the readers do not get bored and easily understand your point of view. 

Start your editorial with a strong hook to catch the reader’s attention right from the start. You can also start your editorial with a question, quote, or summary of what the editorial is all about. 

The body of your work should objectively explain the issue and why the situation is important to handle. Try to cover all the bases and include facts and quotations from credible sources. 

Conclude your editorial with a noteworthy statement. In this section, you can again include quotations or a question to make the ending worth remembering. 

Step 8. Edit and Proofread 

It is essential to go through your writing multiple times and make sure it's free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. If you are unable to do this on your own then ask someone else for feedback so that no errors slip by. 

The PDFs below can help you understand how to write an editorial title and pitch to keep the readers hooked throughout the document.

How to Write an Editorial Pitch

How To Write an Editorial Title

How to Write an Editorial for a Journal?

For a journal editorial, there are slightly different rules and criteria that the article and editorial writers have to follow.

For a journal editorial, follow the below guidelines:

Step 1. Choose a Thought-Provoking Topic 

Since an editorial is a thoughtful piece of writing, you must choose a significant topic and strike a thought in the readers. The topic should be as per the nature and topic of the journal, as if it is a medical journal; you must choose a topic belonging to the medical field.

Step 2. Add the Introduction and Thesis of the Chosen Issue 

Introduce the editorial's issue or topic and incorporate a thesis statement outlining the subject matter. An editorial aims to uncover and present an issue, delving into its significance, effects, and potential solutions.

Step 3. Explain the Background of the Problem 

It is common knowledge that every problem has a background. In this section of the editorial, mention and explain the background of the said issue. 

Also, answer the following questions:

How did it occur?  What are its consequences and effects?  What is its impact on the larger public? 

These are some of the questions that you will need to address and answer in this section.

Step 4. Present the Main Argument with Evidence 

Highlight the main points you wish to discuss and substantiate them with relevant evidence. Seek credibility by referencing previous publications and online sources, strengthening the points articulated in the editorial.

Step 5. Write the Conclusion of your Editorial 

The conclusion is the last section of the editorial, and this is where you will conclude your editorial. Finally, wind it up by adding a call to action and personal viewpoint by proposing ways to manage the discussed issue.

Look at this PDF below to understand how to write an impressive editorial for a medical journal.

How to Write an Editorial for A Medical Journal

If you’re a student who needs an editorial for school newspapers, you can get help from the below example to up your editorial writing game.

How to Write An Editorial for Students

How to Write an Editorial for a Newspaper

How to Write an Editorial Letter?

An editorial letter is a letter to the editor of the newspaper, magazine, or any other daily publication. These letters are an important part of a publication, as they represent the voice of the general public.

Usually, these letters are either added on the first page of the newspaper or the last page. 

To write an editorial letter, follow the below steps:

Step 1. Start the Letter with a Salutation

For this, you do not need to know the name of the editor. You can simply add ‘ Letter to the Editor’ as a salutation. However, if you know the name of the editor, then use the name.

Step 2. Start with an Engaging Sentence

The opening is important to grab the attention of the readers. Instead of beating around the bush, get to the point. Tell the reader about the subject of your letter and make it convincing for them.

Step 3. Explain the Importance of the Issue 

Remember that you are writing the letter because you think the issue is significant in your eyes. You have to explain why the issue is significant because the reader may not feel the same emotions. So briefly outline the background and importance of the issue.

Why do you feel that the issue needs to be addressed? Why are you writing this letter? Answer the questions in plain and simple language so that your readers can understand them easily.

Step 4. Provide Relevant Evidence

Provide proof and evidence about the issue that you are discussing. Some key evidence could be found in the cuttings of the newspapers and magazines. Use them to highlight the issue and the need for its solution.

Step 5. Add your Suggestions about the Issues 

What are your thoughts about the issue in question? What do you think should be done to handle the situation? Answer these questions by expressing your views, and giving suggestions to solve the issue. 

Step 6. Keep the Letter Brief and Concise 

Shorter and more focused letters are more likely to be accepted for publication. Once you are done with the letter’s writing, read it and see if anything could be deducted.

In case you feel that the issue will not be covered in an editorial letter, ask the editor to allow you to write a guest column or a feature.

Step 7. Add your Signature 

Newspapers and other publications do not like and publish anonymous letters. After you are done with the writing part, add your full name, contact number, email address, and home address with it. 

Step 8. Revise your Letter 

Make sure that you revise and edit your paper properly before posting it. Check it for clarity as the newspapers prefer well-written, well-researched, and brief letters.

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How to Write an Editorial for a Magazine?

Generally, an editorial in a school and college magazine is written to inform the readers about the magazine’s content. It reflects the culture and standards of the school or college.

It has three parts, like an essay, that includes an introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion. 

Some general guidelines for a magazine editorial are given below:

  • It should not be more than 250 words long
  • Pick a side and talk about it only. Do not try to cover everything
  • Don’t write from the first-person perspective.
  • Try not to exaggerate and write everything as it is
  • Use active voice and avoid passive voice as much as possible
  • Avoid using run-on sentences
  • Create a rhythm by adding short and long sentences, and simple and complex words
  • Try to add a tinge of entertainment to your writing

The introduction introduces the magazine's main topic and contribution to public interest. In the main paragraphs, the writer explains the articles and photos, showing their connection to the magazine's main theme.

The conclusion wraps up the main points addressed in the editorial. It provides a summary of the magazine’s main theme and its significance. 


How to Write an Editorial Response?

An editorial review is different from writing an editorial. Reviewing an editorial is the next step in the editorial publishing process. Like editorial writing, editorial review writing has a process that the reviewer must follow when reviewing an editorial.

Though, as a writer, editorial reviewing is not the work of the writer but sometimes the teacher may ask the students to review the editorial. In case you get any such assignment, follow the below steps:

Step 1. Read the Entire Manuscript Properly

Before starting with the editorial reviewing and proofreading the content manuscript, read the document completely. Give suggestions, and changes, and rearrange the content afterward. Try to understand the purpose of the writer, audience, organization of the content, and thought.

Step 2. Make Notes While Reading the Manuscript

When reading the manuscript, make notes by marking the sections and paragraphs in the manuscript. You can mark them as vague, irrelevant, grammatically incorrect, or inconsistent.

This way, you will know where you will need to make the changes. It also helps you in keeping track of the changes that you need to make in the document.

Step 3. Add the Respective Issues

Once you are done with the marking, reread the content and the paragraphs you have marked and mention their issues. These issues could be anything like weakness of narrative, the irrelevance of the content, shortage of proof and evidence, or grammatical or stylistic errors.

Step 4. Make Recommendations about the Issues

Once you have detected the issues, make recommendations about why the paragraph is lacking. Add the suggestions in a separate file or directly on the document and in the column beside the paragraphs.

Suggest the style of writing, the relevancy of the evidence, or any grammatical issues. Other suggestions may include:

  • Clarity of the content
  • Suitability of the content for the intended audience
  • Structure of the manuscript
  • Grammatical structure
  • The flow of the content

Step 5. Check for Punctuation and other Writing Mechanics

Check the entire document for punctuation and writing mechanics. Here, you can suggest the sections and numbering of the paragraphs. You can also suggest a way of writing that will be more appropriate for the audience.

Are Editorials Just Opinion Pieces?

An editorial and an opinionated article may seem the same, but they are somewhat different from each other. An editorial is usually written by the newspaper's editor in charge and may not have the writer's name.

An opinion piece does not have to be published in a newspaper. It could be anywhere, even online. But if you have written the piece for a newspaper, it will be identified as an Opinion Editorial or an Opposite Editorial (Op-Ed). 

Editorial Ideas

If you are unable to come up with good ideas for your editorial, here are some of the most current topics that you can have a look at.

  • Global warming effects on earth
  • Should gay marriages be allowed?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Is euthanasia immoral?
  • Do people complain too much?
  • Is there such a thing as a Facebook addict?
  • The dangers of social media addiction
  • Benefits of Organic Food Consumption
  • Benefits of Reading
  • Should cigarettes be banned?

Editorial Example

Editorial writing is a type that can be hard to explain, and typically, it is a combination of facts and opinions. Take a look at this example to learn the whole writing process better. 


To Wrap It Up, Writing an editorial is a  difficult and a huge step in your career, especially when aspiring to become a writer or a journalist. However, you can follow the steps mentioned above to write an interesting editorial.

Having read the detailed guide for writing different types of editorials, you should be able to persuade people with your words in an editorial. Still, we understand that editorial writing is not an easy task for all!

If you are confused and need some help, seeking professional assistance is always an option. Our expert writers are available 24/7 to assist you with all the ‘do my paper’ queries. Rest assured, we offer the best essay writing service to all our customers. 

Contact our support team and get a head start on your editorial writing journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who writes an editorial.

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Editorials are written by the newspaper's editor or the editorial board, representing the collective viewpoint of the editorial team.

What makes a good opinion editorial?

Op-eds are most effective when they articulate a clear opinion, substantiate it with evidence, and incorporate specific individuals in the provided examples.

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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How to Write an Editorial: Useful Steps for Students

Updated 17 Jun 2024

An editorial article aims at presenting an author’s opinion on various issues. It is mainly a reflection of the majority vote from the editorial board who are the governing body that makes up the business managers and editors. If you are looking forward to writing an editorial that will move your audience and drive your point home, you must learn how to write an editorial.

Being asked to write an editorial piece will make your career especially if you are working for a well-known newspaper. As a writer, you need to find out what the qualities of an excellent editorial are, its essential attributes, and how you expect your readers to respond.

Here is a list of stages that you will need to go through to complete your paper.

What Is An Editorial Essay?

Before you begin writing an editorial essay, you must make sure that you understand what is an editorial article. The word ‘ editorial ’ means a newspaper article that reflects opinions and ideas of that newspaper’s editor. The editor at Edubirdie chooses a topic to write about for you. However, in most cases, the paper speaks about socially important issues.

It does not mean that the author puts their thoughts into words without looking at any facts on the subject. Just as with all research papers, authors have to make credible evidence that helps support their opinions. They have to articulate the problem and show how to deal with it.

They should create a message within their article and speak to people who are suffering from the issue on what they can do to improve their situation. They should also speak to the ruling government - whenever necessary - to encourage them to take measures toward solving the problem.

Therefore, editorial writing is a lot like writing a research paper. They are also exciting and fun to write once you get the right research material and understand what is it you need to do to succeed in your writing. But in case your best ambitions are not aligned with your circumstances, you can use dissertation writing help from our high-qualified writers.

There are four components to each editorial essay:

Interpret and explain : First, you must explain how the newspaper covered a controversial or sensitive issue

Criticize : The editorial must make sure that it criticizes decisions, actions, and situations constructively while providing a solution as well. This part strictly focuses on getting the reader to see the problem but not the solution. You also need to conduct research and find relevant, real-life situations to use as examples, something that your readers can relate to.

Persuade : Here you will need to offer solutions. The previous paragraphs show the issue, and by now readers should understand what they are dealing with. Encourage your readers to take a specific and affirmative action.

Praise : Commend the organization and individuals who are doing something well or those that have already begun initiatives to create solutions to the issue discussed. This part is not always included especially if the issue is relatively new.

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5 Steps to Write a Decent Editorial Essay

While essentially editorials are telling the editor’s and overall the newspaper’s opinions, writing an editorial essay or  character analysis essay are not as easy as most people think. There are numerous rules to observe if you want the audiences to take you seriously as a writer and value your opinion. You must understand clearly the differences between a rant and a fair point of view. And you need to focus on the latter. Don’t take your anger out on your social media pages. Here are 5 steps that will help you make up your mind on how to write an editorial that your readers won’t put down until they finish it.

  • Get a relevant topic

Figuring out how to write an editorial is no joke. As a writer, you already know that ensuring the relevance of your topics for an editorial essay is crucial. With opinion pieces, you only have to focus on the recent stories that have the public rumbling. This makes your work much easier. If your topic is not currently relevant, no one will read it. Why should your opinion be shared? Are there statistics that need to be presented? Do you need to learn more facts? What makes this particular topic relevant at all?

The best thing about these pieces is that you can write about practically anything as long as you add value to the topic for the editorial essay and get the reader to care about finding solutions. Even breakfast cereal can have a great twist that will evoke interest in your readers. Are you looking for a quality nursing paper writing service ? Look no further! Our team of experienced professionals specializes in creating custom papers tailored to the specific needs of healthcare students and professionals. 

  • Research thoroughly

You have heard that there are three sides to every story: my side, your side and the truth. Well, it is similar to the stories you get from social media and other places. There is the side of your best friend, your enemy’s and the truth. As a journalist, your toughest job is to try and figure out what the truth is, but as an editorial essay writer, you need to find ground in between. While you will side with your best friend most of the time, you also need to have a good idea of what the truth is. For this, you must conduct thorough research. So take your time to research and only then make your verdict.

  • Ensure your opinion is well conducted

Make sure that you pick a side and create a valid opinion. Shouldn’t all opinions be valid? Well, no. There are valid and invalid opinions. An invalid one goes like, “I do not want to work because I do not feel like it.” A valid opinion, on the other hand, would be, “I do not want to work because I feel that it would be detrimental to the workforce in the country to be forced to work overtime when I should be handling other family responsibilities.”

Making a valid opinion has always to do with reasoning. You want to use language that engages the reader and allows you to show that you know what you are talking about. Develop clear reasons as to why your side is the right one.

  • Make your outline

After you have come up with a good opinion and arguments to support it, create an outline for the story. Which paragraph will have more statistical research? What paragraphs will have quotes from reliable sources? Where will you make claims from the other side and refute them? These are integral parts that will significantly affect the structural components of your piece. You must know when and where to include them.

After you’ve completed your outline, get down to the writing. Now that you have done all the necessary preparations, the piece should flow smoothly.

  • Read your piece aloud

Before you submit your paper, make sure that you read it out loud. Look at it critically, it shouldn't contain plagiarism, and make sure it does not sound like a rant or over the top. Your work should sound succinct and professional even if the topic for an editorial essay is not a traditional one. Your audience should understand your point and be able to relate to the issue.

Read also: How to title an essay properly  

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Useful Tips on How to Write Your Editorial

What we see today is that technology has created fierce competition among the newspapers. Social media makes it difficult because opinions evoke emotions. That is why most people cannot write a great editorial topic and consider using ghostwriting services . 

Still, being well-prepared makes a difference. Here are some editorial writing tips that will help you write better regardless of what kind of writer you are.

  • Choose a good newspaper with more than 100,000 copies

To be a truly successful professional writer, you need to ensure that your writing reaches out to many people. If you are working for such a paper, make sure that you talk about relevant events and always offer facts and solutions.

  • Look for controversial topics for editorial

When you are thinking about how to write an editorial in the best possible way, make sure that the theme you want to cover is debatable. Because that is how you will keep your reader engaged. They will want to see if you side with them. If you do not, they will want to figure out why. As you continue with your research, keep your readers engaged by asking them relevant questions.

  • Remember that the essay will depend on your decision making

While you can choose either side of a controversial topic, always choose one that is right, because that will show your knowledge and experience level. Although sometimes it can really be hard to do, stick to the side whose arguments you truly support. Otherwise, you won’t be able to influence your readers and thus fail onу of the key components we’ve talked about earlier.

  • Find multiple solutions

If you are going to discuss a problem that the audience often faces, make sure that you always provide several options to address it. Test the effectiveness and efficiency of each of them to be genuinely convinced or what will work in a real-life scenario.

Curious Editorial Essay Topics to Consider

As a high school student, you will have to write many editorial essays before you finally land that dream job at a favourite magazine. The most common editorial formats are related to the current world or national events. Also, you can ask a dissertation editor for help at EduBirdie. Here are some of the topics for editorial that may be most relevant today:

  • The Effects of Global Warming On the Planet
  • HIV: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
  • Should Gambling Be Outlawed?
  • Should Marriage to Animals be Legalized?
  • Are eCigarettes as Safe as Advertised?

An editorial piece should express the editorial team's viewpoint without getting opinionated or being obstinate. It should educate without being instructive. It ought to change without being zealous. It ought to overwhelm without suffocating. It should persuade to activity without dictating getting evangelical. Lastly, always make it brief. Remember that you can always choose an essay writer from the Edubirdie website.

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How to Write an Essay

Last Updated: April 2, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 18 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 7,960,291 times.

An essay is a common type of academic writing that you'll likely be asked to do in multiple classes. Before you start writing your essay, make sure you understand the details of the assignment so that you know how to approach the essay and what your focus should be. Once you've chosen a topic, do some research and narrow down the main argument(s) you'd like to make. From there, you'll need to write an outline and flesh out your essay, which should consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion. After your essay is drafted, spend some time revising it to ensure your writing is as strong as possible.

Understanding Your Assignment

Step 1 Read your assignment carefully.

  • The compare/contrast essay , which focuses on analyzing the similarities and differences between 2 things, such as ideas, people, events, places, or works of art.
  • The narrative essay , which tells a story.
  • The argumentative essay , in which the writer uses evidence and examples to convince the reader of their point of view.
  • The critical or analytical essay, which examines something (such as a text or work of art) in detail. This type of essay may attempt to answer specific questions about the subject or focus more generally on its meaning.
  • The informative essay , that educates the reader about a topic.

Step 2 Check for formatting and style requirements.

  • How long your essay should be
  • Which citation style to use
  • Formatting requirements, such as margin size , line spacing, and font size and type

Christopher Taylor, PhD

Christopher Taylor, PhD

Christopher Taylor, Professor of English, tells us: "Most essays will contain an introduction, a body or discussion portion, and a conclusion. When assigned a college essay, make sure to check the specific structural conventions related to your essay genre , your field of study, and your professor's expectations."

Step 3 Narrow down your topic so your essay has a clear focus.

  • If you're doing a research-based essay , you might find some inspiration from reading through some of the major sources on the subject.
  • For a critical essay, you might choose to focus on a particular theme in the work you're discussing, or analyze the meaning of a specific passage.

Step 4 Ask for clarification if you don't understand the assignment.

  • If you're having trouble narrowing down your topic, your instructor might be able to provide guidance or inspiration.

Planning and Organizing Your Essay

Step 1 Find some reputable sources on your topic.

  • Academic books and journals tend to be good sources of information. In addition to print sources, you may be able to find reliable information in scholarly databases such as JSTOR and Google Scholar.
  • You can also look for primary source documents, such as letters, eyewitness accounts, and photographs.
  • Always evaluate your sources critically. Even research papers by reputable academics can contain hidden biases, outdated information, and simple errors or faulty logic.

Tip: In general, Wikipedia articles are not considered appropriate sources for academic writing. However, you may be able to find useful sources in the “References” section at the end of the article.

Step 2 Make notes...

  • You might find it helpful to write your notes down on individual note cards or enter them into a text document on your computer so you can easily copy, paste , and rearrange them however you like.
  • Try organizing your notes into different categories so you can identify specific ideas you'd like to focus on. For example, if you're analyzing a short story , you might put all your notes on a particular theme or character together.

Step 3 Choose a question to answer or an issue to address.

  • For example, if your essay is about the factors that led to the end of the Bronze Age in the ancient Middle East, you might focus on the question, “What role did natural disasters play in the collapse of Late Bronze Age society?”

Step 4 Create a thesis...

  • One easy way to come up with a thesis statement is to briefly answer the main question you would like to address.
  • For example, if the question is “What role did natural disasters play in the collapse of Late Bronze Age society?” then your thesis might be, “Natural disasters during the Late Bronze Age destabilized local economies across the region. This set in motion a series of mass migrations of different peoples, creating widespread conflict that contributed to the collapse of several major Bronze Age political centers.”

Step 5 Write an outline...

  • When you write the outline, think about how you would like to organize your essay. For example, you might start with your strongest arguments and then move to the weakest ones. Or, you could begin with a general overview of the source you're analyzing and then move on to addressing the major themes, tone, and style of the work.
  • Introduction
  • Point 1, with supporting examples
  • Point 2, with supporting examples
  • Point 3, with supporting examples
  • Major counter-argument(s) to your thesis
  • Your rebuttals to the counter-argument(s)

Drafting the Essay

Step 1 Write an introduction...

  • For example, if you're writing a critical essay about a work of art, your introduction might start with some basic information about the work, such as who created it, when and where it was created, and a brief description of the work itself. From there, introduce the question(s) about the work you'd like to address and present your thesis.
  • A strong introduction should also contain a brief transitional sentence that creates a link to the first point or argument you would like to make. For example, if you're discussing the use of color in a work of art, lead-in by saying you'd like to start with an overview of symbolic color use in contemporary works by other artists.

Tip: Some writers find it helpful to write the introduction after they've written the rest of the essay. Once you've written out your main points, it's easier to summarize the gist of your essay in a few introductory sentences.

Step 2 Present your argument(s) in detail.

  • For example, your topic sentence might be something like, “Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories are among the many literary influences apparent in P. G. Wodehouse's Jeeves novels.” You could then back this up by quoting a passage that contains a reference to Sherlock Holmes.
  • Try to show how the arguments in each paragraph link back to the main thesis of your essay.

Step 3 Use transition sentences between paragraphs.

  • When creating transitions, transitional phrases can be helpful. For example, use words and phrases such as “In addition,” “Therefore,” “Similarly,” “Subsequently,” or “As a result.”
  • For example, if you've just discussed the use of color to create contrast in a work of art, you might start the next paragraph with, “In addition to color, the artist also uses different line weights to distinguish between the more static and dynamic figures in the scene.”

Step 4 Address possible counterarguments.

  • For example, if you're arguing that a particular kind of shrimp decorates its shell with red algae to attract a mate, you'll need to address the counterargument that the shell decoration is a warning to predators. You might do this by presenting evidence that the red shrimp are, in fact, more likely to get eaten than shrimp with undecorated shells.

Step 5 Cite your sources...

  • The way you cite your sources will vary depending on the citation style you're using. Typically, you'll need to include the name of the author, the title and publication date of the source, and location information such as the page number on which the information appears.
  • In general, you don't need to cite common knowledge. For example, if you say, “A zebra is a type of mammal,” you probably won't need to cite a source.
  • If you've cited any sources in the essay, you'll need to include a list of works cited (or a bibliography ) at the end.

Step 6 Wrap up with...

  • Keep your conclusion brief. While the appropriate length will vary based on the length of the essay, it should typically be no longer than 1-2 paragraphs.
  • For example, if you're writing a 1,000-word essay, your conclusion should be about 4-5 sentences long. [16] X Research source

Revising the Essay

Step 1 Take a break...

  • If you don't have time to spend a couple of days away from your essay, at least take a few hours to relax or work on something else.

Step 2 Read over your draft to check for obvious problems.

  • Excessive wordiness
  • Points that aren't explained enough
  • Tangents or unnecessary information
  • Unclear transitions or illogical organization
  • Spelling , grammar , style, and formatting problems
  • Inappropriate language or tone (e.g., slang or informal language in an academic essay)

Step 3 Correct any major problems you find.

  • You might have to cut material from your essay in some places and add new material to others.
  • You might also end up reordering some of the content of the essay if you think that helps it flow better.

Step 4 Proofread your revised essay.

  • Read over each line slowly and carefully. It may be helpful to read each sentence out loud to yourself.

Tip: If possible, have someone else check your work. When you've been looking at your writing for too long, your brain begins to fill in what it expects to see rather than what's there, making it harder for you to spot mistakes.

how do you write an editorial essay

Expert Q&A

Christopher Taylor, PhD

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  • ↑ https://www.yourdictionary.com/articles/essay-types
  • ↑ https://students.unimelb.edu.au/academic-skills/resources/essay-writing/six-top-tips-for-writing-a-great-essay
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/common_writing_assignments/research_papers/choosing_a_topic.html
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/tips-reading-assignment-prompt
  • ↑ https://library.unr.edu/help/quick-how-tos/writing/integrating-sources-into-your-paper
  • ↑ https://advice.writing.utoronto.ca/researching/notes-from-research/
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/developing-thesis
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/outlining
  • ↑ https://lsa.umich.edu/sweetland/undergraduates/writing-guides/how-do-i-write-an-intro--conclusion----body-paragraph.html
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/essay_writing/argumentative_essays.html
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/transitions/
  • ↑ https://lsa.umich.edu/sweetland/undergraduates/writing-guides/how-do-i-incorporate-a-counter-argument.html
  • ↑ https://www.plagiarism.org/article/how-do-i-cite-sources
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/conclusions/
  • ↑ https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/twc/sites/utsc.utoronto.ca.twc/files/resource-files/Intros-Conclusions.pdf
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/proofreading/steps_for_revising.html
  • ↑ https://open.lib.umn.edu/writingforsuccess/chapter/8-4-revising-and-editing/
  • ↑ https://writing.ku.edu/writing-process

About This Article

Christopher Taylor, PhD

If you need to write an essay, start by gathering information from reputable sources, like books from the library or scholarly journals online. Take detailed notes and keep track of which facts come from which sources. As you're taking notes, look for a central theme that you're interested in writing about to create your thesis statement. Then, organize your notes into an outline that supports and explains your thesis statement. Working from your outline, write an introduction and subsequent paragraphs to address each major point. Start every paragraph with a topic sentence that briefly explains the main point of that paragraph. Finally, finish your paper with a strong conclusion that sums up the most important points. For tips from our English Professor co-author on helpful revision techniques, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking

Gain critical communication skills in writing and public speaking with this introduction to American political rhetoric.

A speech bubble.

Associated Schools

Harvard Faculty of Arts & Sciences

Harvard Faculty of Arts & Sciences

What you'll learn.

When and how to employ a variety of rhetorical devices in writing and speaking

How to differentiate between argument and rhetorical technique

How to write a persuasive opinion editorial and short speech

How to evaluate the strength of an argument

How to identify logical fallacies in arguments

Course description

We are living in a contentious time in history. Fundamental disagreements on critical political issues make it essential to learn how to make an argument and analyze the arguments of others. This ability will help you engage in civil discourse and make effective changes in society. Even outside the political sphere, conveying a convincing message can benefit you throughout your personal, public, and professional lives.

This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of rhetoric, the art of persuasive writing and speech. In it, you will learn to construct and defend compelling arguments, an essential skill in many settings. We will be using selected addresses from prominent twentieth-century Americans — including Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Margaret Chase Smith, Ronald Reagan, and more — to explore and analyze rhetorical structure and style. Through this analysis, you will learn how speakers and writers persuade an audience to adopt their point of view.

Built around Harvard Professor James Engell’s on-campus course, “Elements of Rhetoric,” this course will help you analyze and apply rhetorical structure and style, appreciate the relevance of persuasive communication in your own life, and understand how to persuade and recognize when someone is trying to persuade you. You will be inspired to share your viewpoint and discover the most powerful ways to convince others to champion your cause. Join us to find your voice!

Course Outline

Introduction to Rhetoric

  • Define the term "rhetoric."
  • Articulate the importance of effective communication.
  • Summarize the history of rhetorical study, from the ancient Greeks to the modern-day.
  • Identify the parts of discourse.
  • Define the three modes of appeal.
  • Identify tropes and schemes, and explain their use in composition.
  • Compose an opinion editorial on a topic of your choice.

Civil Rights - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Analyze Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream…” speech
  • Define inductive reasoning and some of its associated topics
  • Identify instances of inductive reasoning in writing and speech
  • Define deductive reasoning and some of its associated topics
  • Identify instances of deductive reasoning in writing and speech
  • Recognize and evaluate the strength of an argument's refutation
  • Apply the elements of rhetoric you have learned so far into the final draft of your op-ed

Gun Control - Sarah Brady and Charlton Heston

  • Analyze Sarah Brady’s Democratic National Convention Keynote Speech.
  • Analyze Charlton Heston’s speech on the Second Amendment.
  • Define “inductive reasoning” and some of its associated topics
  • Define “deductive reasoning” and some of its associated topics
  • Recognize and evaluate the strength of an argument’s refutation
  • Apply the elements of rhetoric you have learned so far in the final draft of your op-ed

Introduction to Oratory

  • Describe the origins of the practice of oratory.
  • Recognize ways in which orators tailor their writing for the spoken word.
  • Describe techniques for effective public speaking, both prepared and extemporaneous.
  • Brainstorm ideas for your own short speech.

The Red Scare - Joseph McCarthy and Margaret Chase Smith

  • Analyze Joseph McCarthy’s “Enemies Within” speech.
  • Analyze Margaret Chase Smith’s "A Declaration of Conscience" speech.
  • Identify the modes of appeal and the logical reasoning of the featured speeches.
  • Identify both common and special topics used in these speeches, like cause and effect, testimony, justice and injustice, and comparison, and begin to recognize their use in other speeches.
  • Identify examples from these speeches of logical fallacies including the either/or fallacy, the fallacy of affirming the consequent, the argument ad hominem, the argument ad populum, begging the question, the complex question, and the use of imprecise language.
  • Discuss the importance of winning and keeping an audience’s trust and the pros and cons of attempting to tear down their confidence in an opponent.
  • Define for yourself the definition of "extremist rhetoric," debate its use as a political tool.
  • Consider the moral responsibilities of those who would seek to persuade others through language.

Presidential Rhetoric - John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan

  • Discuss how the audience and the desired tone for a speech can influence diction (word choice).
  • Compare the effects of using passive vs. active voice, and first-person vs. other tenses in a speech.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of the use of symbolism in writing and speech.
  • Define hyperbole, antimetabole, and polysyndeton, and identify when these devices might be appropriate and useful in terms of persuasion.
  • Describe techniques for connecting with your audience, including storytelling and drawing on shared experience.


James Engell

James Engell

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How To Write Better Essays: 5 Outside-the-Box Techniques + Writing Tips

How To Write Better Essays: 5 Outside-the-Box Techniques + Writing Tips

Table of contents

how do you write an editorial essay

Brinda Gulati

Stuck on a B, chasing that A+? We've all been there. 

I have two degrees in Creative Writing from the University of Warwick with First Class Honors. From 2013 to 2014, I also studied English Literature at the National University of Singapore. 

Translation: I’ve written a lot of academic essays.

Some good. Some inspired. And others, plain lousy.

After a few Bs and the occasional C, I cracked the code on writing good essays. An average academic essay answers a question; but an essay that gets an A+ solves a problem — whether through discussion, analysis, definition, comparison, or evaluation. 

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through how to write better essays. You’ll learn how to construct bullet-proof arguments with five unique thinking techniques, cut the fluff, and discover F.O.C.U.S. to improve your essay writing skills. 

Because essays don’t have to be boring. And writing them doesn’t have to either. 

What Makes A Good Essay?

What is “good” writing? The answer is subjective. For example, I loved reading My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh, but to some, it might be drivel. 

Nonetheless, many examples of good writing share some core qualities. 

There are five overarching qualities of good essay writing : flow, organization, clarity, unity, and specificity. 

I’ve made a fun little acronym to help you remember them better: F.O.C.U.S.™️

F low: Does the writing flow smoothly from one point to the next? 

O rganization: Have you structured your essay with a clear beginning, middle, and end?  

C larity: Is the writing clear, error-free, and unambiguous? 

U nity: Are all the elements of your writing supporting the central thesis?

S pecificity: Have you provided specific details, examples, and evidence to justify your main points? 

A Fellow at The European Graduate School, and my most cherished mentor, Dr. Jeremy Fernando , has perhaps read, written, and graded thousands of academic essays over the years. 

His advice?  

“You’re asking the reader to go on an explorative journey with you; the least you should do is ensure the trip you’re taking them on is the same as the advertised one.”

5 Creative Thinking Techniques For Writing Better Essays

The thing is, good essay writing doesn’t start at — or even as — writing . 

There’s reading, re-reading, pre-writing, revising, then actually writing, editing, and then writing some more.

As with most persuasive arguments , you need frameworks: points of reference, mental models, and structured approaches to guide your decision making.  

That's exactly what we have here. 

1. Try Reverse Outlining

A reverse outline is just what it sounds like: a process that distills a paper down to its bare essentials, leaving only the key points and topic sentences. The result? A clear, bullet-point blueprint of the paper's structure, whether it's your own work or someone else's.

Key Benefits: 

✅Creates an X-ray of a paper's structure to identify its central arguments and assess its logical flow.

✅Helps you actively engage with someone else’s work to deepen your understanding of the material.

✅Reveals structural issues in your own essay, such as missing or misplaced points, redundancies, or weak arguments.

How To Create A Reverse Outline:

This is a two-step, and perhaps infinitely repeatable process.

Take a blank page and draw a line straight down the middle.

  • In the left-hand margin, write down the keywords for each paragraph in your essay. Stick to the main points. Be brief. 
  • In the right-hand margin, write down how the keyword or topic supports the main argument. Again, don't sit down to write Bonfire of the Vanities . Make it concise . The goal is to persuasively explain your arguments in a few words.

2. Practice The Lotus Blossom Technique

In this structured brainstorming exercise, you plant your main problem in the center box of a 3x3 grid. Then, you’ll fill the surrounding boxes with related themes to expand your thinking. The method was developed by Yasuo Matsumura at Clover Management Research in Japan.

Key Benefits:

✅ A fun, novel alternative to traditional mind-mapping and spider-diagramming.  

✅Helps you visualize your essay slowly unfolding from its core. (Like a lotus, basically.)

✅I like how it's creative and thorough at the same time. An equal combination of freedom and structure.

Illustration of the technique. The core problem of "self-doubt re: next job" and different colored boxes for related ideas.

How To Practice The Lotus Blossom Technique:

  • Put your problem/essay question in the center square.
  • Fill in the surrounding eight boxes with ideas related to the problem. At this point, you don’t need to elaborate. 
  • Now, flesh out each of your eight ideas. Or, as with the lotus flower image — add another row of petals. 

64 boxes showing the Lotus Blossom Techniques with "core problem" in the middle and colored boxes from A to E.

When all your boxes are filled in, you'll have 64 ideas for one essay argument. As far as starting-off points go, this one’s hard to beat. 

Pro Tip : Did you know that dim light is a creative stimulant? Go dark. Light some candles.

3. Build A Toulmin Argument Model

According to philosopher Stephen E. Toulmin, arguments are broken down into six key components: claim, grounds, warrant, qualifier, rebuttal, and backing. 

There are three essential parts to every argument: the claim, the grounds, and the warrant.

  • The claim is the main argument you want to prove to your audience. 
  • The grounds of an argument are the evidence and facts that support it.
  • The warrant is the assumption which links a claim to its grounds, whether implied or explicitly stated.

✅Craft persuasive arguments through an in-depth analysis that closely examines each part of your essay.

✅Analyzing an argument from its components can help clarify its logic.

✅The rebuttal component encourages you to anticipate and address counterarguments. The more perspectives you consider, the more well-rounded your argument will be.

How To Build A Toulmin Argument Model:

Let’s take a published paper — “ Coffee and Health: A Review of Recent Human Research ” by Jane V. Higdon and Balz Frei — and break it down using the Toulmin model. 

Get Wordtune for free > Get Wordtune for free >
  • Claim: Consuming moderate amounts of coffee (3-4 cups a day with 300-400 mg of caffeine) has few health risks and some health benefits. Nevertheless, caffeine may be more harmful to pregnant women, children, adolescents, and the elderly.
  • Grounds: According to epidemiological studies, coffee may prevent diabetes type 2, Parkinson's disease, and liver disease. 
  • Warrant: Studies suggest that coffee consumption in moderation may have some health benefits and poses minimal health risks.
  • Backing : A number of well-designed prospective cohort studies with large sample sizes are cited as supporting evidence. 
  • Qualifier: This study applies specifically to healthy adults who consume moderate amounts of filtered coffee. Optimal intake hasn’t been defined. 
  • Rebuttal: Some may be more sensitive to negative effects. Further research is needed.

I don’t know about you, but I often get convinced of my own arguments when writing essays, and then it’s hard for me to consider other perspectives.

So, if you want a sparring buddy, here’s how Wordtune can help you with counterarguments:

First, I’ve copy-pasted our claim from above 👇🏼

Wordtune's workspace showing how to generate a counterargument with AI based on the claim above.

Next, click on the little purple sparkle icon and choose “Counterargument” from the drop-down menu. 

Wordtune's generated text highlighted in purple and an arrow pointing to the research's source with a blue tick.

Lo and behold! Not only does Wordtune provide accurate contextual suggestions for a convincing opposing opinion, it goes one step further and cites a clickable source for the research .

Nothing short of time-saving magic , if you ask me.

4. Ask The Five Whys

You need to ask “why” five times to get to the root of any problem. That’s what the inventor of the method, and founder of Toyota Industries, Sakichi Toyoda, believed. 

✅The approach identifies the real problem, not just its surface symptoms. 

✅It’s an easy-to-do and straightforward process that gets to the heart of your essay question.

✅Use this approach in combination with the Toulmin Model to build a killer essay argument.

Asking The Five Whys:

Let’s look at a sample essay question and drill down to its core.

how do you write an editorial essay

When you have the core of the problem in your palm, you can then start thinking of solutions. Perhaps finding more cost-effective ways to train and support teachers. Or exploring alternative funding options, such as grants and partnerships with local businesses.

5. Experiment With The Ben Franklin Exercise

Franklin wasn’t always a prodigious scholar. While working at a print shop, he reverse engineered the prose from the British magazine, The Spectator , to learn how to write better without a tutor. 

He took detailed notes at a sentence level, contemplated them for some time, and then re-created the sentences without looking at the originals.

In fact, research from MIT shows that it's “not just the study of tiny details that accelerates learning; the act of assembling those details yourself is what makes the difference.” This is called constructionist learning. 

✅Improve your essay writing by studying works of skilled authors through practiced imitation.

✅Organizing your notes from memory will help you construct a solid structure for your essay, and evaluate any gaps in logic and flow.

✅Actively deconstructing and constructing the material allows you to engage deeply with it, and therefore, write better essays.

How I Use The Ben Franklin Exercise:

One of my favorite passages in Literature — as clichéd as may it be — is from Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club . 

Excerpt from Goodreads of a passage from Fight Club with red underlines at a sentence level.

  • Note how “strongest” and “smartest” are alliterative words, creating a sense of rhythm right in the first sentence.
  • The imagery of banality — pumping gas, waiting tables, etc. is at once, vivid and relatable, moving and unmoving.
  • The phrase “midddle children of the history man” places the narrative in a broader, more relevant context.
  • Notice how the “g” is capitalized for the first mention of war and depression, but then it switches to a small “g” for the same words in the next sentence.
  • The repetition of “very very pissed off” is much more effective than simply saving “livid.”

Similarly, start by taking a paragraph from an essay you like. Make sentence-level notes and rewrite its essence without looking at it. 

My Top Tips To Write A Good Essay

1. write lousy first drafts.

You heard me. Write as if your keyboard doesn’t have keys for punctuation. Write as if no one is ever going to read your essay. The goal is to eliminate self-censorship . When you first start writing down your main points, don’t assume the role of a self-editor. 

TRY THIS : Open a blank page, set a timer for two and a half minutes, and type until the bell goes off. Take a break. Repeat. Don’t re-read what you’ve typed. 

Forget proper spelling. Forget good grammar. Those polishes are all for later, when you have something to polish. 

This is freewriting. 

And it’s wildly effective in getting you to stop thinking about deadlines, blinking cursors, and that A+. My highest-scoring essays have all begun with messy, unstructured, poorly-worded first drafts. 

2. Read Other Essays Like A Writer

Think of your favorite book. What makes you call it your favorite? Or a series you’ve watched recently. ( Behind Her Eyes is especially good.) What compels you to see it all the way through? The same principle applies to good essay writing. Have you read an essay in your research that hooked you? Or a friend’s work you wish you could put your name to? 

Read like a writer — become a proactive participant in examining why the writing works. Instead of passively drawing stars next to important observations, ask yourself, “ Why do I like these passages? What are they doing? And how are they doing it?” (Use the Ben Franklin Exercise here.)

Take apart the essay you’re reading like a forensic pathologist doing an autopsy. 

3. Start With An Outline

Speaking of autopsies, a good essay has good bones. Once you’ve disgorged your ideas on the page, start arranging them under headers. 

Google Docs' drop-down menu screenshot of formatting headers for the blog being written.

This blog too, was born in the Notes app on my phone. But if you’re taking the reader with you somewhere, you should know where you’re headed too. 

Pro Tip : Keep two working documents for your essay. One where you dump all the links, sources, and keywords. The other is where you work on your final draft for submission.

4. Cut The Fluff

The deadline’s in a few hours and you’re scrambling to hit minimum word count . Long, winding sentences with gratuitous adjectives you’ve just looked up in the thesaurus to sound more cerebral, erudite, scholarly.

I get it. I’ve done it. And those essays have bellyflopped. Professors know when you’re trying to game them.

Here’s an actual sentence from one of my essays I wrote in 2017:

“Ibsen’s realist drama, and in particular, A Doll’s House , is replete with the problems that chapter and verse modern life – the patriarchal model of the family, money and debt, and the performance of gender.”

And much to my embarrassment, this is the scathing comment from my then-professor: 

“This makes no sense.”

Essay sentence highlighted on the left, with a comment from Nicholas Collins on the right from 2017.

Let’s rework this sentence to make sense using Wordtune (a clever AI helper I wish I had during my university days):

“The patriarchal family model, money and debt, and gendered performance are all apparent in Ibsen's realist drama, especially A Doll's House .”

Wordtune's workspace showing how to cut the fluff with AI with the example from the essay above.

Much more sensible. 

5. Get Feedback, Edit, And Revise

I can’t emphasize this enough — don’t submit your first draft! Have someone else read it, perhaps a friend in the same class or even from a different major. Look at their eyebrows to see which sections make them frown in confusion. 

Ask them to red-pen sentences and logical gaps. And then —- edit, edit edit! 

Sleep on it. Let the essay stew in the back of your mind for a full night, and come back to it with fresh eyes.

Start (Pre-)Writing Better Essays

The ability to write persuasively will serve you well no matter what stage of your life you are in: high school, university scholar, or a professional trying to get ahead. After all, the human mind is hardwired for storytelling.

Remember, the key is to F.O.C.U.S.

Whether you’re crawling or speeding towards a deadline, bag that A+ with a smart AI assistant like Wordtune !

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  2. How To Write An Editorial

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  3. Learn How to Write an Editorial Like A Professional Journalist

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  4. 🌱 Editorial essay example. How to Write an Editorial: Definition

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  5. How to write an editorial

    how do you write an editorial essay

  6. Learn How to Write an Editorial Like A Professional Journalist

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  2. Editorial: Writing Workshop #1

  3. How to Write the Editorial Essay

  4. 482. Structure of an Editorial I Editorial I Editorial Writing I Editorial Page

  5. What is Editorial, it's structure & kinds



  1. How to Write an Editorial: 6 Steps for Writing an Editorial

    1. Thoroughly research your topic. Before you start the writing process, ensure you have a thorough knowledge of your topic —particularly if it's a complex issue. Read newspaper articles, scholarly journals, and history books to fully understand the topic and context surrounding it. 2.

  2. How To Write An Editorial (7 Easy Steps, Examples, & Guide)

    5) Write Your Editorial. Finally, you can start writing your editorial. Aim to keep your editorial shorter than longer. However, there is no set length for an editorial. For a more readable editorial, keep your words and sentences short. Use simple, clear language. Avoid slang, acronyms, or industry-specific language.

  3. How to Write an Editorial in 5 Steps

    1. Decide on a topic. Since editorials are based on opinion, your topic should be arguable and have multiple points of view. Your essay will reflect your personal bias or the bias of the group you are representing, so you should expect some of your readers to disagree with your stance.

  4. How To Write An Editorial (12 Important Steps To Follow)

    Incorporating Persuasive Techniques. Rhetorical Devices. Editing and Revision. Peer Review and Feedback. Crafting a Strong Headline. Importance of a Compelling Headline. Finalizing and Submitting. Reviewing the Final Draft. Frequently Asked Questions about How To Write An Editorial.

  5. How to Write an Editorial

    Once you've determined your thesis, find three or four main points to back up your opinion. Editorials are meant to be persuasive. Take a firm stance and make sure you have plenty of well-researched evidence to support your argument. Use the active voice to ensure your writing is direct and easy to understand.

  6. How to Write an Editorial

    1. Explain and Interpret - this format gives editors a chance to explain how they tackled sensitive and controversial topics. 2. Criticize - such editorials while focusing on the problem rather than the solution criticize actions, decisions, or certain situations. 3.

  7. How to Write an Editorial in 6 Steps (Updates for 2024)

    Step 1: Pick a Topic That Has Mainstream Appeal. If you want your essay to be published in a news outlet, it has to be, well, news! Connect your thesis statement to a current event. Your topic should be one that the majority of the public can understand or relate with. Remember: Business is niche, media is broad.

  8. Opinion

    The New York Times's editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal provides seven tips for writing an effective editorial.

  9. How to Write an Editorial

    Editorial format. Editorial examples. New York Times. The Washington Post. The Huffington Post. How to write an editorial. Step 1: Find an epic topic to cover. Step 2: Craft a headline that makes BuzzFeed proud. Step 3: Make the outline.

  10. PDF How to Write an Editorial

    Develop a clear thesis. This needs to be a clear statement that tells the reader exactly what your editorial is about and where you stand on the issue. This may take one sentence or a whole paragraph. It depends on your writing style. Example: It is December 1918, and January 1919 is just days away.

  11. How to Start an Editorial: Step-by-Step Guide

    Julia Clementson. The "How to Start an Editorial: Step-by-Step Guide" provides a comprehensive roadmap for crafting persuasive editorials. It covers selecting a relevant topic, conducting research, creating a persuasive thesis, and organizing your thoughts. Understanding the Basics of How to Start an Editorial.

  12. How to Write an Editorial

    Andrew Rosenthal, in his previous role as Editorial Page editor, provides seven tips for writing an effective editorial. This video was originally published ...

  13. Your Master Guide on How to Write an Editorial

    Drafting the Editorial. Draft your paper to be short and clear, at least 600 to 800 words. Additionally, avoid using jargon. Introduction. Make its intro as attractive as possible. You can open it with relevant stats, a quote from a famous person your readers respect, or a thought-provoking question. Body.

  14. Step by Step Guide on How to Write an Editorial

    Pick up enough evidence and people's opinions. Use brainstorming to create a thesis statement and make a bright introduction. Prepare some strong arguments for the body of the paper. When you are done with preparation, go write an editorial essay. Complete the editorial step by step following the template. 5.

  15. 4 Ways to Write a Notable Editorial

    Download Article. 1. Start your editorial with a thesis-like statement. The introduction--the first one or two paragraphs--should be designed to catch the reader's attention. You can start with a rich question, a quote, or you can summarize what the whole editorial is about. Clearly state your argument.

  16. How to Write an Editorial: Tips for Engaging Your Audience

    Wondering how to write an editorial? Uncover different ways to write an effective editorial for your audience here. ... The steps you need to write a successful editorial piece are similar to the steps for writing an argumentative essay. 1. Choose a Topic That's Important to You.

  17. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    Essay writing process. The writing process of preparation, writing, and revisions applies to every essay or paper, but the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay.. For example, if you've been assigned a five-paragraph expository essay for a high school class, you'll probably spend the most time on the writing stage; for a college-level argumentative essay, on the ...

  18. Writing an Editorial

    An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper's opinion on an issue. It reflects the majority vote of the editorial board, the governing body of the newspaper made up of editors and business managers. It is usually unsigned. Much in the same manner of a lawyer, editorial writers build on an argument and try to persuade readers to think ...

  19. How to Write an Editorial?

    1. Explain or interpret: Editors use this type of editorial to explain a new policy, a new norm or a new finding. 2. Criticize: this type of editorial is used to disapprove of any finding or observation. 3. Persuade: These encourage the reader to adopt new thoughts or ideas. 4.

  20. How to Write an Essay Outline

    Expository essay outline. Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages. Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press. Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

  21. Learn How to Write an Editorial on Any Topic

    To write an editorial letter, follow the below steps: Step 1. Start the Letter with a Salutation. For this, you do not need to know the name of the editor. You can simply add ' Letter to the Editor' as a salutation. However, if you know the name of the editor, then use the name. Step 2. Start with an Engaging Sentence.

  22. How To Write an Editorial on Any Subject

    5 Steps to Write a Decent Editorial Essay While essentially editorials are telling the editor's and overall the newspaper's opinions, writing an editorial essay or character analysis essay are not as easy as most people think. There are numerous rules to observe if you want the audiences to take you seriously as a writer and value your opinion.

  23. How to Write an Essay (with Pictures)

    5. Write an outline to help organize your main points. After you've created a clear thesis, briefly list the major points you will be making in your essay. You don't need to include a lot of detail—just write 1-2 sentences, or even a few words, outlining what each point or argument will be.

  24. Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking

    This ability will help you engage in civil discourse and make effective changes in society. Even outside the political sphere, conveying a convincing message can benefit you throughout your personal, public, and professional lives. This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of rhetoric, the art of persuasive writing and speech.

  25. College Essay Format: Top Writing and Editing Tips for 2024

    Personal examples will show you embody the characteristics or values you claim to, rather than merely saying you do. 5. Follow directions. Read and understand the specific instructions set by the college for your essay. Then, review them again before you submit your essay to make sure you've met all of the requirements.

  26. Level Up Your Essay Writing: 5 Outside-the-Box Techniques

    My Top Tips To Write A Good Essay 1. Write Lousy First Drafts. You heard me. Write as if your keyboard doesn't have keys for punctuation. Write as if no one is ever going to read your essay. The goal is to eliminate self-censorship. When you first start writing down your main points, don't assume the role of a self-editor.