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154 hot astronomy research topics for a-grade papers.

astronomy research topics

Do you have a college astronomy paper or essay and have been wondering how to get the best topic? You might also be stuck with the paper, wondering how to go about it.

The truth about astronomy is that getting interesting space topics is never easy, but how do you address the challenge? There is no need to worry anymore because we are here to help.

In this post, we list 154 astronomy paper topics and further highlight the traits of a great research paper. Why get content with standard or low-quality paper when you can get the best in your class by checking out the guide and topics, as well as getting lab report help ?

What Is Astronomy?

Before looking at the leading space science topics for your university assignment, let’s start with the definition. Astronomy is the study concerned with researching and understanding everything that takes place beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Although the advances in technology, especially on telescopes, satellites, and manned space vehicles, have helped people to peep deeper into space, this is just a scratch on the surface. There is a lot more waiting to be explored, including the controversial question, “Is there life on other planets?”

Characteristics Of A Good Astronomy Research Paper

From the definition of astronomy, it is clear that you can have a long list of astronomy project topics or ideas. Once you have picked the preferred option from our research topics in cosmology, the next step is preparing your paper. Here are the main characteristics of a good school research paper in astronomy:

  • Systematic: This means that your research paper should be structured per clearly defined rules. So, students should start by reviewing requirements by their professors or teachers and think creatively of how to make their papers professional.
  • Logical: This implies that the student carefully reasons all the points to ensure they support the selected topic. Although there is so much one can write on a specific topic, you must narrow it down to those points that are current and that support your topic.
  • Comprehensive: Your paper also needs to be as comprehensive as possible. So, you must exhaustively identify the core points in a selected topic. It should also fit well in the current literature on the same topic, helping to advance the discipline.
  • Plagiarism-Free: All universities out there have very strict rules on plagiarism. Therefore, your work must be 100% original.
  • Clearly flowing points and free from errors: Finally, your paper should be arranged well to ensure that all the points flow logically from the start to the end. Again, it should be proofread to ensure it is free from errors.

Best Astronomy Essay Topics

Now that we have looked at the main characteristics of a high quality astronomy paper or essay, it is time to dig deeper into the main topics. Check out our list of the leading astronomy research topics for top grades.

Top Astronomy Research Topics

  • What is the future of space exploration?
  • A closer review of the big bang theory.
  • Compare two theories that explain the origin of the universe.
  • Stephen Hawking theories.
  • Space Challenger disaster: What are the sociological impacts?
  • A review of the recent space exploration breakthroughs.
  • The moon landing.
  • The Mars landing of space rovers.
  • A deeper look at the history of astronomy.
  • Reviewing the heliocentric model of the galaxy.
  • Analyzing the lifecycle of a star.
  • What impact does the moon have on the earth?
  • Space debris and its impact on the solar system.
  • What impact do humans have on the solar system?
  • The rise of space tourism: What impact will it have on space exploration?
  • Is space tourism a good thing?
  • What could go wrong with space tourism?
  • Space manufacturing: Is it a good thing?
  • The mythologies associated with heavenly bodies.
  • What impact do the stars have on earth?

Unique Astronomy Research Paper Topics

  • A review of the Hubble telescope.
  • A closer look at the Haley’s comet.
  • Through the mind of early astronomers: Galileo Aristotle, and Ptolemy.
  • What are the advantages of exploring space?
  • The race to explore space and the cold war.
  • Reviewing the first astronauts to visit the moon.
  • What lessons did NASA learn from its first mission to the moon?
  • Can life exist on the moon?
  • What is the biggest difference between earth and moon?
  • Explaining the earth’s outlook as viewed from space.
  • The design of space vehicles: Are the modern models riskier compared to those used in the 20th century?
  • What impact will private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin have in astronomy?
  • If we have a space station where scientists travel often, is the idea of space hotels far-fetched? A closer look at Blue Origin’s idea of a space hotel.
  • Looking beyond the Milky Way.
  • A review of Pluto: How does it compare to other planets?
  • How does earth compare to Jupiter?
  • Explain the sun’s source of heat and light for millions of years.
  • Analyzing the rings of Saturn.
  • A review of astronauts physical and health preparedness before setting off for space exploration.
  • What effects does long stay in space have on the human body?
  • What can astronauts do to reduce the danger of muscle atrophy?
  • Zero gravity in space.

Awesome Astronomy Topics To Write About

  • What are wormholes?
  • A review of the evolution of space exploration changes in history.
  • Speed of light travel: what are the implications?
  • A closer look at time travel: Theory versus fiction.
  • Zero gravity: What impact does it have on astronauts’ health over time?
  • The interdisciplinary perspectives of space.
  • Astrophysics: A review of the main controversies.
  • Explore the possibility of having life on other planets.
  • What implications would life on other planets have on planet earth?
  • Think of yourself as an astronaut: What would be your reaction upon encounter with aliens?
  • Stars and how people use them for navigation.
  • Comparing different theories that explain the origin of life on planet earth.
  • Space weather.
  • How does space weather compare to the earth’s weather?
  • Global warming: An astronaut’s view.
  • The sun and its relationship with the earth.
  • Comparing the sun’s relationship with Saturn and Pluto.
  • Robotic space exploration: Is it a good idea?
  • Constellations: A review of human interpretations.
  • A review of emerging business opportunities in space.
  • Space travel for non-astronauts: Is it a good idea?
  • Comparing space travelling scientists to tourists: What is the difference?

Engaging Space Research Paper Topics

  • What is the difference between planets and asteroids?
  • How did the “northern lights” come about?
  • Capture hypothesis: A review.
  • What caused the Challenger to explode after take-off?
  • The challenger shuttle disaster: A review of the preparations.
  • What lessons did we learn from the challenger disaster?
  • Was the Challenger the greatest failure in NASA’s history?
  • Analyzing President Ronald Reagan’s speech after the Challenger disaster.
  • Space Challenger disaster analysis: Why we are on the blink of another bigger and deadlier disaster.
  • Are the current space policies ample to guide the new era of space travel?
  • Dennis Tito: Looking at the experience of the first space tourists.
  • Space politics: Is competition a good thing when it comes to space exploration?
  • Reimagining the space: What would happen if we suddenly discovered that it was possible to inhabit the moon?
  • Space will form the next generation combat zone for superpowers in competition for new resources.
  • Factoring the distance and other logistics: Would mining in space be viable?

Great Space Exploration Topics

  • A review of three biggest planets that orbit outside the solar system.
  • Comparing the characteristics of gas planets to terrestrial planets.
  • Fission Hypothesis by George Darwin.
  • A review of the Giant Impact Theory.
  • Exploring the theories that explain the origin of the moon.
  • How long does it take for a new planet to form?
  • Imagining a Marxist society living on Mars.
  • Exploring the process of formation of the biggest stars in the cosmos.
  • Is it possible for light to escape from the black hole?
  • Determining the moon’s diameter: How accurate is the method used for calculation?
  • Is the Big Bang Theory the best explanation of the origin of the universe?
  • Reviewing the fate of the universe.
  • Gravitational waves: Why their discovery is so important.
  • Monitoring the State of the Environment using Ecologically Clean devices.
  • Reviewing the doctrine of Noosphere.
  • The legends of Starry Sky.
  • The importance of mathematics in space explorations.

Astrophysics Research Topics For Debate

  • Relativity theory and gravity.
  • What is a variable star?
  • Gravity and eclipse.
  • Venus: Reviewing its formation.
  • The mass of matter and nebulae.
  • The Big Bang Theory.
  • Brown Dwarf.
  • Space manufacturing: What materials and products are manufactured in space?
  • What happens during a solar eclipse?
  • Celestial mechanics.
  • Manned space shuttles.

Discussion Topics In Astronomy

  • A thematic review of the heliocentric theory.
  • The conflicting theories on the origin of the earth: science versus religion.
  • Expecting the worst: What could go wrong with space missions?
  • Is the cost and effort for space exploration worth it?
  • Beyond the visible universe: What should we expect?
  • How does the lunar cycle function?
  • The dimensions of light in space: How does it differ after entering the earth’s atmosphere?
  • What is astrophysics?
  • Nonlinear, slow mode, and fast mode effects.
  • Grand unification theories.
  • What impact does the moon have on the oceans?
  • The longitudes and latitudes of the earth.
  • What are the different types of stars?
  • The formation and destruction of clouds in the Galaxies.
  • Meridian and transit circles: What are they?
  • The galaxy cluster growth.
  • A review of the molecular cloud.

Investigative Astrophysics Research Topics

  • How long does it take to travel to space?
  • Which is the most prominent of all planets? Is it earth?
  • Survival on other planets? How to make it possible.
  • Pluto should not be considered another planet: Discuss.
  • Journey to Mars: Should we open it to all?
  • Comparing the journeys to the International Space Station (ISS) and the Moon.
  • Space keeps expanding: Explain.
  • The best defense against killer asteroids.
  • How to relate interplanetary matter with space activities.
  • The 2012 transit of Venus: A detailed review.
  • What do astronauts eat when travelling to space?

Controversial Astronomy Topics For Research Paper

  • Militarization of space: Is it avoidable?
  • Asteroid mining: Is it a good idea?
  • A review of space exploration issues and connection to women.
  • State exploration is very important: Approve or disapprove this statement.
  • Colonizing other planets: Is it ethical?
  • Terraforming on Mars.
  • The security challenges of space explorations.
  • Space exploration: Does it have any impacts on planet earth.
  • Using VR and AR should replace humans for space explorations.

Other Cool Astronomy Topics

  • The impact of the sun on water bodies.
  • Interstellar extinction: What is the cause?
  • What is the deep impact mission?
  • Essential requirements for space travel.
  • Preparing for space travel.
  • Is there an earth-like planet that is habitable?
  • Solar systems with two stars: How do they operate?
  • Comparing the preparation for space tourists and astronauts.
  • Where do asteroids come from?
  • What is antimatter?

Seek Help From The Best Paper Writing Service

Now that we have listed the characteristics of a great research paper, are you ready to write the assignment? If you find it challenging, know that you are not alone. A lot of students find it tough because the topics are very broad and require a lot of research. “I need a paper written for me” is a thought of many, not just you. Well, no matter the reason why preparing the paper is challenging, you should seek help from online expert writers.

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Analytical Report Topics

Stargazing into the Future: Top Astronomy Research Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 Astrophysical Magnetism and the Interstellar Medium: Astronomy Research Topics
  • 2 Black Holes: Unveiling the Dark Mysteries of the Cosmos
  • 3 Cosmic Microwave Background: Echoes of the Big Bang
  • 4 Dark Energy and Matter
  • 5 First Stars, Exoplanets, and Galaxies
  • 6 Galaxy Clusters and Formation
  • 7 Gravitational Lensing
  • 8 Neutron Stars and Pulsars
  • 9 Optical Surveys
  • 10 Solar Physics
  • 11 Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Key Insights Unveiled

Welcome to the fascinating universe of astrophysics with our comprehensive article that illuminates the mysteries and marvels of space. Embark on an extraordinary voyage through the cosmos as we unravel the secrets of the universe in this captivating exploration of astrophysics.

Our article explores ten key astronomy research topics, each offering a gateway to understanding the complex phenomena that govern the stars, planets, and galaxies, inviting readers to dive deep into the wonders of space. Gain insights into the complex forces shaping the cosmos, from the smallest particles to the largest structures.

Continue reading to unlock the secrets of the universe and fuel your curiosity about the wonders beyond our planet.

Astrophysical Magnetism and the Interstellar Medium: Astronomy Research Topics

Astrophysical magnetism and the interstellar medium represents a cutting-edge field of astronomy focused on understanding the magnetic forces at play within the cosmos and the matter that fills the space between the stars. This field examines magnetic influences on star and galaxy formation, cosmic ray behavior, and interstellar cloud dynamics, integrating observation, theory, and modeling to understand the universe’s magnetic aspects.

  • Investigating magnetic fields’ role in the interstellar medium and star birth.
  • Charting Cosmic Magnetism: Space Topics for Project.
  • Space Research Topics about Astrophysical Plasma Processes.
  • Astronomy Essay Topics about Magnetic Fields in Galaxy Evolution: Astronomy Essay Topics.
  • Interesting Topics in Astronomy about Magnetars.
  • Astronomy Topics to Write About Magnetic Reconnection Events.
  • Cosmic Rays’ Journey Through Magnetic Fields.
  • Astronomy Research Questions in Detecting Cosmic Magnetism.
  • Crucial role of Molecular Clouds and Magnetism in star-forming regions and the lifecycle of stars.
  • The impact of magnetism on the gas and dust between stars.

Black Holes: Unveiling the Dark Mysteries of the Cosmos

Black holes represent one of the most fascinating subjects in the field of astrophysics, captivating scientists and the public alike with their enigmatic nature and the extreme physics surrounding them. This area of study delves into the formation, evolution, and effects of these cosmic phenomena, exploring how they warp spacetime, influence their surroundings, and provide key insights into the workings of the universe.

  • The Event Horizon Telescope’s View of Sagittarius A.
  • Hawking Radiation: Unraveling Black Hole Mysteries.
  • Black Hole Binaries and Gravitational Wave Emissions.
  • Accretion Disks and High-Energy Astrophysics.
  • Primordial Black Holes and the Early Universe.
  • The Information Paradox: Debating Black Hole Mysteries.
  • Interstellar Black Holes: Navigating the Invisible.
  • Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxy Formation.
  • Visualizing Black Holes: Simulation and Interpretation.
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei: Black Holes in Action.

Cosmic Microwave Background: Echoes of the Big Bang

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a relic radiation that offers a snapshot of the universe just 380,000 years after the Big Bang, serving as a cornerstone for cosmology. Researchers study the CMB to understand the early universe’s conditions, the formation of cosmic structures, and the fundamental parameters that define our cosmos.

  • Mapping the Universe’s Baby Picture.
  • The Polarization of the CMB.
  • Anomalies in the Cosmic Microwave Background.
  • CMB and the Hubble Tension.
  • Cosmic Neutrinos and the CMB.
  • Dark Matter Imprints on the CMB.
  • The Search for B-Mode Polarization.
  • Planck Satellite Discoveries.
  • The CMB’s Role in Large-Scale Structure Formation.
  • Future Missions to Study the CMB.

Dark Energy and Matter

Exploring the enigmatic components of the cosmos that do not emit, absorb, or reflect light, dark energy and dark matter remain some of the most profound mysteries in astrophysics. Dark energy, a force that accelerates the expansion of the universe, and dark matter, an unseen substance that holds galaxies together, together comprise most of the universe’s mass-energy content. Research in this area aims to unravel their nature through theoretical models and observational evidence.

  • Mapping the Invisible: Tracking Dark Matter in the Cosmos.
  • The Accelerating Universe: Unveiling the Nature of Dark Energy.
  • Cosmic Clues: The Role of Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation.
  • Einstein’s Cosmological Constant and the Mystery of Dark Energy: Research Topics About Space.
  • Gravitational Lensing: Astronomy Topics to Research a Window into Dark Matter.
  • The Dark Sector: Interactions Between Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Topics About Astronomy.
  •  Astronomy Topics for Research Paper about Neutrinos and the Dark Universe: Tracing Invisible Particles.
  • The Cosmic Microwave Background: Insights into Dark Matter and Energy: Interesting Astronomy Topics.
  • Astronomy Research Paper Topics about Galactic Rotation Curves: The Dark Matter Evidence.
  • Space Exploration Topics about Future Observatories and the Quest for Dark Matter.

First Stars, Exoplanets, and Galaxies

This field examines the origins and early evolution of the universe’s first stars, the formation and characteristics of exoplanets, and the development of galaxies. These topics cover a broad spectrum from the cosmic dawn, when the first stars ignited, through the assembly of galaxies, to the current era where telescopes search for planets around distant stars, offering insights into the processes that shaped the cosmos.

  • Dawn of the Cosmos: The Life and Death of the First Stars.
  • Hunting for Other Worlds: Discovering New Exoplanets.
  • The Assembly of Galaxies: Insights from Deep Space Observations.
  • Chemical Signatures: Tracing Galaxy Evolution Through Spectroscopy.
  • Astrophysics Research topics about the Role of Dark Matter in Shaping Early Galaxies.
  • Star Formation Rates and the Growth of Galaxies.
  • Detecting the Atmospheres of Distant Exoplanets.
  • Population III Stars: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe’s First Lights.
  • The Search for Life: Targeting Earth-like Exoplanets.
  • Galactic Nuclei and the Seeds of Supermassive Black Holes.

Galaxy Clusters and Formation

Galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally bound structures in the universe, serve as excellent laboratories for studying the formation of cosmic structures, the behavior of dark matter, and the thermodynamics of the intergalactic medium. This area of research not only sheds light on the cluster formation and evolution but also on the larger-scale structure of the universe and the fundamental laws that govern it.

  • Space Topics to Research The Gravitational Architecture: Mapping Galaxy Clusters.
  • Dark Matter Skeletons: The Structure of Cosmic Webs.
  • Hot Gas and Galactic Giants: The Intracluster Medium.
  • Colliding Titans: Studying Galaxy Cluster Mergers.
  • The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect: CMB Shadows.
  • Lensing Mass: Weighing Galaxy Clusters.
  • Star Formation in Extreme Environments.
  • The Butcher-Oemler Effect: Evolution of Galaxies in Clusters.
  • Feedback Processes in Galaxy Cluster Cores.
  • Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters: Understanding the Universe’s Expansion.

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Gravitational Lensing

Gravitational lensing, the bending of light by massive objects, acts as a natural telescope, magnifying distant galaxies, revealing objects otherwise too faint to see, and providing a unique tool for testing theories of gravity and the nature of dark matter. Studies in gravitational lensing span from observing the most distant galaxies to understanding the distribution of dark matter in the universe.

  • Einstein’s Lens: Confirming General Relativity.
  • Cosmic Magnification: Discovering the Distant Universe.
  • Hunting Dark Matter Through Lensing Anomalies.
  • Microlensing: Revealing Rogue Planets and Dark Objects.
  • Strong Lensing: Arcs and Rings in the Sky.
  • Weak Lensing: Mapping the Dark Universe.
  • Lensing and Cosmic Shear: Observing the Shape of the Universe.
  • Time-Delay Cosmography: Measuring the Universe’s Expansion.
  • Galaxy Evolution Through the Lens.
  • The Future of Lensing: New Frontiers with Next-Generation Telescopes.

Neutron Stars and Pulsars

Neutron stars and pulsars present extreme states of matter, with densities exceeding that of atomic nuclei. These objects provide insight into the physics of the cosmos, from the nuclear reactions in their interiors to the powerful magnetic fields that drive pulsar emissions. Research in this area explores the aftermath of supernovae, the nature of dense matter, and the fundamental principles of physics under extreme conditions.

  • Birth from Catastrophe: The Creation of Neutron Stars.
  • Pulsars: Lighthouses of the Cosmos.
  • The Extreme Physics of Magnetars.
  • Binary Pulsars and Tests of General Relativity.
  • The Internal Composition of Neutron Stars.
  • Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Mergers.
  • Pulsar Timing Arrays: Probing the Cosmic Web.
  • Fast Radio Bursts and Neutron Star Mysteries.
  • Neutron Star Cooling and Nuclear Physics.
  • The Search for Isolated Neutron Stars.

Optical Surveys

Optical surveys have revolutionized our understanding of the universe, from mapping the distribution of galaxies and dark matter to discovering transient cosmic events. These large-scale observations provide a comprehensive view of the sky, enabling the discovery of new celestial phenomena and offering insights into the structure and evolution of the cosmos.

  • The Legacy of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
  • Transients in the Night: Catching Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts.
  • Mapping the Milky Way: Gaia’s Billion-Star Survey.
  • The Dark Energy Survey: Unraveling Cosmic Acceleration.
  • Pan-STARRS: A Panoramic View of the Sky.
  • The Vera C. Rubin Observatory and the LSST Project.
  • Hunting for Minor Planets: Optical Surveys in the Solar System.
  • The Zooniverse: Citizen Science and the Cosmos.
  • The Future of Sky Surveys: AI and the Next Decade.
  • Ultra-Deep Fields: Peering into the Cosmic Dawn.

Solar Physics

Solar physics focuses on understanding the Sun, from its core to the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, and its influence on the solar system. This research is crucial for predicting solar activity, understanding the mechanisms behind solar flares and coronal mass ejections, and their impact on space weather, which can affect Earth’s technological systems.

  • The Solar Dynamo: Driving the Sun’s Magnetic Cycle.
  • Coronal Mass Ejections: Impact on Earth’s Space Environment.
  • Solar Flares: Unraveling the Mechanisms of Solar Storms.
  • Helioseismology: Probing the Sun’s Interior.
  • The Solar Wind: Understanding Its Origins and Variability.
  • Sunspots and Solar Activity: Patterns and Predictions.
  • The Parker Solar Probe: Touching the Sun.
  • Solar-Terrestrial Relations: The Impact of the Sun on Earth.
  • The Chromosphere and Corona: Observing the Sun’s Outer Layers.
  • Advances in Solar Observation Technologies.

Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Key Insights Unveiled

This article takes us on a profound journey through the universe’s mysteries, from the warping effects of gravitational lensing to the extreme environments of neutron stars and pulsars. Key takeaways include the significant role of gravitational phenomena in understanding cosmic structure, the critical insights provided by the study of the universe’s densest objects, and how these studies illuminate the dark corners of our universe. By delving into these topics, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate tapestry of the cosmos and the fundamental principles that govern its vast expanse.

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research paper on astronomy ideas

Research Topics

Scientists and engineers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian collaborate across a broad variety of scientific disciplines, from astronomy and astrophysics to related areas of physics and geophysics, in advancing humanity’s understanding of the universe. Learn more about the full spectrum of research covered at the CfA.

185 Astronomy Research Topics & Interesting Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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Astronomy research topics encompass a wide range of fascinating themes. These topics include cosmic microwave background study to explore the universe’s origins and exoplanetary research to identify potentially habitable worlds. People can also investigate dark matter and energy investigations, which attempt to explain the unobservable 95% of the universe. They can study possible extraterrestrial life forms or examine star lifecycles and behaviors. Moreover, scientists can provide new insights into celestial collisions or learn about celestial bodies through radio frequency analysis. In turn, astronomy research topics continue to shape the human understanding of the cosmos, challenging perceptions and reshaping the existing knowledge of the universe.

Best Astronomy Research Paper Topics

  • Evidence Supporting the Multiverse Theory
  • Black Holes: Exploring their Role in Galaxy Formation
  • Life Beyond Earth: A Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Existence
  • Analyzing Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: Insights Into the Big Bang
  • Terraforming Mars: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Limitations
  • Stellar Evolution: Unraveling the Life Cycles of Stars
  • Space-Time Warps: Understanding the Theory of General Relativity
  • Venus’ Atmosphere: A Comprehensive Study on Its Composition and Climate
  • Jupiter’s Moons: Potential Habitability and Life-Sustaining Conditions
  • Dark Matter: Its Inferred Presence and Theoretical Implications
  • Impacts of Solar Flares on Earth’s Electromagnetic Field
  • Kepler Mission Findings: A Closer Look at Exoplanets
  • Pulsars: Nature’s Precise Cosmic Clocks
  • Probing Into the Enigma of Quasars
  • Dark Energy: Its Role in the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
  • Astrobiology: Defining the Parameters of Life in the Universe
  • Significance of the Hubble Constant in Cosmology
  • Cosmochemistry: Understanding the Elemental Abundance in the Universe
  • Gravitational Lensing: Exploring the Mass of the Universe
  • Asteroids: Evaluating the Risk and Potential Resources
  • Interstellar Medium: Understanding Its Role in Star Formation

Easy Astronomy Research Paper Topics

  • Dwarf Galaxies: A Key to Understanding Galaxy Formation
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts
  • Theories and Evidence of Cosmic Inflation
  • Habitability of Titan: A Potential Cradle for Life
  • Tidal Forces: Impact on Planetary Bodies and Their Moons
  • White Dwarfs: Windows Into Stellar Death
  • Magnetars: Examining the Strongest Magnetic Fields in the Universe
  • Comets: Probes Into the Early Solar System
  • Impacts of Space Weather on Satellite Operations
  • Neutrinos: Ghost Particles of the Universe
  • Exploring the Dynamics of Binary Star Systems
  • Red Giants: Understanding the Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
  • Cosmic Rays: Origin and Implications for Earth’s Atmosphere
  • Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Universe’s Most Luminous Explosions
  • Active Galactic Nuclei: Powerhouses of the Universe
  • Cepheid Variables: Standard Candles in Distance Measurement
  • Exoplanet Atmospheres: Hints of Alien Life
  • Neutron Stars: Compact Objects with Extreme Conditions
  • Oort Cloud: The Outermost Boundary of the Solar System
  • Supernovae: Cataclysmic Endings of Stellar Lives

Astronomy Research Topics & Interesting Ideas

Interesting Astronomy Research Paper Topics

  • Mercury’s Magnetic Field: Puzzling Aspects and Their Causes
  • Radio Astronomy: Unveiling the Invisible Universe
  • Spectroscopy: Decoding the Chemical Composition of Distant Stars
  • Theories on the End of the Universe: Heat Death, Big Rip, or Something Else?
  • Evolution of Galactic Structures in the Universe
  • Roles of Dark Matter in Cosmic Structure Formation
  • Enceladus: Investigating Potential Subsurface Life
  • Interplay Between Cosmic Rays and Supernovae
  • The James Webb Space Telescope: Anticipated Discoveries
  • Theories on the Origin of the Moon
  • Astrophysical Jets: High Energy Phenomena in the Universe
  • Circumstellar Disks: Birthplaces of Planetary Systems
  • Large Scale Structures in the Universe: Clusters and Superclusters
  • Astronomical Impact on Earth’s Climate: A Long-Term View
  • The Mystery of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Particles
  • Supermassive Black Holes: Formation and Influence on Galaxy Evolution
  • Quantum Gravity: Bridging the Gap Between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
  • Investigation of Potential Life on Europa, Jupiter’s Ice Moon
  • Kuiper Belt Objects: Probing the Edges of Our Solar System
  • Merging Neutron Stars: Producers of Heavy Elements
  • The Interplay of Gravitational Waves and Binary Black Holes

Astronomy Topics for High School

  • Significance of Mars Colonization: A Comprehensive Study
  • Investigating the Potential for Life on Jupiter’s Moon, Europa
  • Pulsars: Lighthouses of the Universe
  • Venus: The Hottest Planet’s Unique Atmosphere and Climate
  • The Formation and Lifecycle of Stars
  • Supermassive Black Holes: Engines of Galactic Centers
  • Astrobiology: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life
  • Comet Composition: Clues to the Early Solar System
  • Harnessing Solar Energy: The Sun’s Role in Future Power
  • Astrophotography: Capturing the Universe’s Stunning Phenomena
  • Saturn’s Rings: Origin, Composition, and Evolution
  • Dwarf Planets in the Solar System: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Galactic Evolution: The Life and Death of Galaxies
  • The Role of Telescopes in Shaping Modern Astronomy
  • Supernova Explosions: Catastrophes that Shape the Universe
  • The Impact of Space Debris on Earth’s Orbit
  • Aurora Borealis: Unveiling the Northern Lights’ Secrets
  • Exoplanets: The Hunt for Alien Worlds
  • The Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts: A Cosmic Enigma

Astronomy Research Topics for College Students

  • Origins of Galactic Structure: Unraveling the Formation of Spiral Galaxies
  • Investigating Exoplanetary Systems: Analyzing Planetary Dynamics and Habitability
  • Exploring Black Holes: Probing the Mysteries of Gravitational Singularities
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Dark Matter: A Comprehensive Study on its Nature and Distribution
  • Stellar Evolution: Tracing the Life Cycle of Stars From Birth to Death
  • The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Examining Strategies and Technologies
  • Analyzing Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: Insights Into the Early Universe
  • Solar Flares and Space Weather: Understanding the Impact on Earth and Astronauts
  • The Great Attractor: Investigating the Mysterious Force Shaping the Local Universe
  • Mapping the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe: Cosmological Surveys and Analysis
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts: Origins and Characteristics
  • Interstellar Medium: Studying the Cosmic Material Between Stars and Its Influence
  • Unveiling the Dark Energy: Constraints on its Nature and Implications for the Universe
  • Stellar Archaeology: Examining Ancient Stars to Understand Galactic History
  • Investigating the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud: Origins and Composition of Trans-Neptunian Objects
  • Understanding Gamma-Ray Bursts: Probing the Most Energetic Explosions in the Cosmos
  • Asteroid Mining: Assessing Feasibility and Implications for Future Space Exploration
  • Proxima Centauri b: Analyzing the Exoplanet’s Potential for Habitability
  • Galactic Collisions: Studying the Interactions and Mergers of Galaxies
  • Quantum Cosmology: Examining the Role of Quantum Mechanics in the Early Universe

Astronomy Research Topics for University

  • The Formation of Planetary Systems: Insights from Protoplanetary Disks
  • Supernovae: Investigating the Explosive Deaths of Massive Stars
  • Stellar Populations: Understanding the Diversity of Stars in Different Environments
  • Space Telescopes: Advancements in Observation Techniques and Instrumentation
  • The Transient Universe: Tracking and Analyzing Variable Celestial Objects
  • Pulsars: Unraveling the Physics of Neutron Stars and Their Emissions
  • Astrochemistry: Investigating the Chemical Processes in Space
  • Cosmic Rays: Origins, Composition, and Effects on Astronomical Objects
  • Exploring the Dynamics of Galactic Nuclei: Central Supermassive Black Holes
  • The Role of Tidal Forces in Shaping Celestial Bodies: Tidal Interactions in the Solar System
  • Galactic Archaeology: Tracing the Formation and Evolution of the Milky Way
  • The Dark Side of the Moon: Unraveling Lunar Mysteries and Exploration Potential
  • Supernova Remnants: Probing the Aftermath of Stellar Explosions
  • Exoplanet Atmospheres: Characterizing Composition and Detecting Biosignatures
  • Gravitational Waves: Detecting and Analyzing Ripples in Space-Time
  • The Role of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Jets: Origin and Propagation
  • Cosmic Inflation: Examining Early Universe Expansion and its Observational Consequences
  • The Galactic Habitable Zone: Assessing Conditions for Life in the Milky Way
  • Interplanetary Dust: Investigating Its Origin and Effects on Planetary Environments
  • Solar System Dynamics: Orbital Evolution and Stability of Celestial Bodies

Astrophysics Essay Topics & Ideas

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Dark Matter in the Universe
  • Black Holes: Engines of Destruction or Creation?
  • Implications of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in Modern Astrophysics
  • Understanding the Phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement on the Cosmic Scale
  • Exoplanets: Searching for Earth’s Twin in the Universe
  • The Role of Supernovae in Galaxy Formation
  • Are We Alone? The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
  • The Enigma of Fast Radio Bursts: Theories and Observations
  • Exploring the Potential of Interstellar Travel
  • Gravitational Waves: Echoes of Cosmic Events
  • The Life and Death of Stars: Stellar Evolution
  • Time Dilation in Space: A Closer Look at Special Relativity
  • Examining the Impact of Solar Flares on Earth’s Magnetosphere
  • Cosmological Inflation: Exploring the First Seconds of the Universe
  • The Expansion of the Universe: Beyond the Big Bang Theory
  • Multiverse Theory: Are We Just One of Many Universes?
  • Mysteries of Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe
  • Roles of Cosmic Microwave Background in Understanding the Universe’s Origins
  • Space-Time Curvature: Unveiling the Secrets of Gravity

Astronomy Research Topics About Modern Problems in the Study

  • Unraveling Dark Matter: Investigations and Implications
  • Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: What Does It Tell Us?
  • Gravitational Waves: Detecting Cosmic Collisions
  • Terraforming Mars: Scientific Feasibility and Challenges
  • Mitigating Space Debris: Solutions for the Crowded Skies
  • Enceladus’ Potential for Life: Recent Discoveries and Future Exploration
  • Identifying Rogue Planets: Implications for Cosmic Formation Theories
  • Climate of Venus: A Cautionary Tale for Earth’s Future
  • Asteroid Mining: Environmental and Ethical Considerations
  • Quantum Entanglement: Its Role in Understanding the Universe
  • Probing the Edge of the Universe: The Limits of Observational Technology
  • Galaxies Far, Far Away: Observing the Early Universe
  • Neutrino Astronomy: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Exoplanets’ Atmospheres: Hunting for Signs of Life
  • Space Tourism: Ethical Dilemmas and Sustainability Issues
  • Cosmic Rays: Unveiling Their Mysterious Origins
  • Evolution of Stars: Paradoxes and Puzzles
  • String Theory and Multiverses: Scientific Speculation or Reality?
  • Black Holes: Exploring Their Mysteries and Misconceptions
  • Interstellar Travel: Evaluating the Technological Hurdles
  • Harnessing Solar Power from Space: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Magnetars and Pulsars: Decoding Their Bizarre Behaviors

Astronomy Research Paper Topics for Space Exploration

  • Tracing the Evolution of Stars: From Protostars to Supernovas
  • The Enigma of Dark Matter: Unraveling Universal Mysteries
  • Mars Colonization: Feasibility, Challenges, and Potential Benefits
  • Roles of Astronomy in Predicting Climate Change on Earth
  • The Influence of Solar Flares on Earth’s Satellite Technology
  • Significance of Exoplanets: Possibilities for Alien Life and Habitable Conditions
  • Comets, Asteroids, and Meteoroids: Cosmic Debris and Their Impact on Earth
  • Interstellar Travel: Concept, Technologies, and Prospects for the Future
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Black Holes: Their Formation and Role in the Universe
  • Cosmic Microwave Background: Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
  • Investigating the Kuiper Belt: Pluto and Beyond
  • Extraterrestrial Atmospheres: Comparative Planetology of the Solar System
  • Pulsars and Quasars: Extreme Conditions in the Universe
  • Gravitational Waves: Detecting Ripples in Space-Time
  • Comet Chasing: Understanding the Composition and Life Cycle of Comets
  • Hazards of Space Debris: Mitigating the Risks for Space Travel
  • Harnessing Solar Power: The Future of Energy in Space
  • Astronomical Spectroscopy: Decoding Light From Distant Stars
  • Interplanetary Dust: Studying the Smallest Particles in Our Solar System
  • Neutrinos From Space: Detecting Subatomic Particles From Beyond our Galaxy
  • Exoplanet Hunting: Techniques and Discoveries

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The Current State of Astronomy Research, Summarized in 573 Papers

5 June 2019

Welcome to Astro2020

What are the big topics in astronomy research that we’ll be working to address in the next decade? No need to pull out a crystal ball … astronomers have a pretty good guess, and they’ve shared what they think in  a series of white papers  that are part of the 2020 Decadal Survey.

What’s a Decadal Survey?

The  Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (otherwise known as Astro2020)  is a process that occurs once every 10 years under the oversight of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. During this process, the astronomy community comes together to summarize the current state of the field and identify key priorities for the upcoming decade. These recommendations then serve as a guide for scientists, policy makers, and funding agencies over the next 10 years.

How Does It Work?

Astro2020 begins with various calls for “white papers”, brief write-ups to be submitted by individuals or collaborations within the astronomy community. These white papers are next reviewed by a  steering committee  made up of prominent members of the astronomy community. Finally, the committee — with input from topical panels, subcommittees, town halls, and more — composes a report that describes the current state of the field, identifies research priorities, and makes recommendations for the next decade.

What’s Happening Now?

The  first Astro2020 white-paper call  closed in March. The assignment:  “succinctly identify new science opportunities and compelling science themes, place those in the broader international scientific context, and describe the key advances in observation, experiment, and/or theory necessary to realize those scientific opportunities within the decade 2020-2030.”

The result? A  collection of 573 white papers  from the community that beautifully summarizes the most interesting research questions that are driving the field forward at this time. Want a glimpse of what’s interesting in astronomy right now? All you have to do is look through these papers to get a very good idea.

New BAAS cover

This Decadal Survey, for the first time, the American Astronomical Society is collecting the submitted white papers and making them available in a central location: the  Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society . A list of all 573 science white papers has been published there, with titles, authors, and the paper PDFs (for those authors who did not opt out of publication). Each paper is also indexed in the SAO/NASA  Astrophysics Data System  so that it can be found and cited in the future.

How About a Brief Sample?

Astronomy is an enormous field, and these white papers prove it. Below is a tiny sample of papers covering each of the eight primary thematic science areas (plus two bonus interdisciplinary ones).

  • Interdisciplinary •  Astrophysical Science enabled by Laboratory Astrophysics Studies in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics •  The Next Decade of Astroinformatics and Astrostatistics

What Comes Next?

We’re nowhere near done yet! The papers published now were submitted to the call for science white papers in March. At present, there’s another call open for white papers on activities, projects, and the state of the profession, with a deadline of 10 July. All of these white papers will be included in the BAAS as well. Check back for those later this year, and keep an ear to the ground as the year progresses for more news from Astro2020.

The full set of Astro2020 science white papers can be found on the  BAAS website .

Originally published by Susanna Kohler at

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James Cornelison , “Constraints on Electromagnetic Parity Violation in the Cosmic Microwave Background using BICEP3” (October 25, 2023)   Advisor: John Kovac Michael Foley, “Shock-Turbulence Interactions in Star Formation.” (April 23, 204) Advisor: Alysssa Goodman Ana Maria Delgado,  “Analyzing cosmological-hydrodynamical simulations in light of future optical surveys.” (April 30, 2024) Advisor: Lars Hernquist Zachary Murray,  “Small Bodies and Large Surveys: What Modern Dynamics can teach us about the Solar System.” (May 1, 2024) Advisor: Matt Holman Magda Siwek,  “Signatures of Circumbinary Disk Dynamics in Massive Black Hole Binary Populations.” (May 1, 2024) Advisor: Doug Finkbeiner Andrew Saydjari (Physics), “Statistical Models of the Spatial, Kinematic, and Chemical Complexity of Dust.” Advisor: Doug Finkbeiner Emily Pass,  “Terrestrial Planets in the Mid-to-Late M-Dwarf Context: Insights on the Spindown of Fully Convective Stars and the Rarity of Jupiter Analogs." Advisor: Dave Charbonneau  


Floor Broekgaarden , “ Gravitational-Wave Paleontology: A New Frontier to Probe Massive Binary Stars Across Cosmic History” ( April 24, 2023) Advisor: Edo Berger Daniel Palumbo , “ Interferometric Measurement of the Magnetization and Spin of Supermassive Black Holes ( April 24, 2023) Advisor:  Michael Johnson Tanveer Karim , “ Precision Cosmology with Emission-Line Galaxies ” ( April 26 , 2023) Advisor:  Daniel Eisenstein Lieke van Son , “ The First Pieces of the Gravitational-wave Pogenitor Population Puzzle” ( April 28 , 2023) Advisor:  Selma de Mink Charles Law , “ Zooming in on the Chemistry of Star and Planet Formation” ( April 28 , 2023) Advisor:  Karin Öberg Kristo Ment , “ Three Terrestrial Planets Transiting Mid-to-Late M Dwarfs and Constraints on the Occurrence of Such Worlds ” ( May 4 , 2023)  Advisor:  David Charbonneau Chima McGruder , “E xploring Correlations of High Altitude Aerosol Formation in Planetary Systems with Similar Parameters ” ( May 5 , 2023) Advisor:  Mercedes Lopez-Morales Juliana Garcia-Mejia , “ The Tierras Observatory: An Ultra-precise Time-series Photometer to Characterize Nearby Low-mass Stars and Their Terrestrial Exoplanets” ( May 9 , 2023) Advisor:  David Charbonneau


Xiaohan Wu, "Probing Reionization with Currently Available Observables of Reionization" (April 27, 2022)  Advisor: Daniel Eisenstein Maurice Wilson , "Interdisciplinary Spectroscopy: The Detection and Characterization of Solar CMEs, Stellar CMEs, and Exoplanets" (April 28, 2022)  Advisor:   John Raymond, John Eastman Ian Weaver, "Atmospheric characterization of high-gravity hot Jupiters with ACCESS" (April 29, 2022)  Advisor: Mercedes Lopez-Morales Rohan Naidu, "Probing Reionization with Currently Available Observables of Reionization" (April 27, 2022)  Advisor: Charles Conroy Nina Maksimova, "AbacusSummit: Next Generation N-Body Cosmology" (May 9, 2022)    Advisor: Daniel Eisenstein Boryana Hadzhiyska, "Forward Modeling in the Era of Cosmological Surveys" (May 11, 2022)  Advisor:   Daniel Eisenstein, Lars Hernquist Brandon Curd, "Numerical Simulations of Super-Eddington Accretion Disks and Their Application to Tidal Disruption Events" (June 28, 2022)  Advisor: Ramesh Narayan Chantanelle Nava , "Tackling Stellar Active Regions in Radial Velocities: Strategies to Improve and Expand Small Exoplanet Mass Measurements" (June 29, 2022)    Advisor: Mercedes Lopez-Morales Daniel Violette , "Optimizing CdZnTe Detectors to Discover High Energy Transient Phenomena" (September 7, 2022) Advisor: Jonathan Grindlay

Munazza Alam , "Characterizing Distant Worlds: Atmospheric Reconnaissance of Giant Planets with Hubble" (April 6, 2021) Advisor:   Mercedes Lopez-Morales Sihan Yuan , " Towards better interpretation of small-scale structure of the Universe" (April 20, 2021)   Advisor: Daniel Eisenstein Seth Gossage , "Next Generation Stellar Models with Rotation" (April 23, 2021)     Advisor: Charles Conroy Amber Medina , “ The Magnetic Connection Between Flares, Rotation, and Age for the Volume-Complete Sample of Fully Convective M Dwarfs within 15 Parsecs" (April 29, 2021)  Advisor:  David Charbonneau Jamila Pegues , "Protoplanetary Disk Chemistry across the Stellar Spectrum" (April 30, 2021)   Advisor:  Karin Öberg Ellen Price , "Simulating Protoplanetary Disk Dynamics and Investigating their Exoplanet Outcomes" (May 3, 2021)   Advisor:  Karin Öberg Sebastian Gomez, "Exotic Transients and How to Find Them" ( May 4, 2021)   Advisor: Edo Berger Tarraneh Eftekhari , "Unveiling the Transient Radio and Millimeter Sky" (May 6, 2021)    Advisor: Edo Berger Ana-Roxana Pop , " Computational Modeling of the Baryon Content of Galaxies and Clusters in Cosmological Simulations" (May 7, 2021)  Advisor: Lars Hernquist Theron Carmichael , "Dwarfing expectations: The rapid expansion of the transiting brown dwarf population in the era of the TESS mission." (May 10, 2021) Advisor: David Latham Ioana Zelko , "Stardust and Cosmology" (June 23, 2021)  Advisor: Doug Finkbeiner John Lewis , "Structurally Sound: The Effect of Cloud Structure on 3 Pillars of Star Formation" (August 24, 2021) Advisor:  Charles Lada ------------

Victoria Ashley Villlar, "Time-Domain Studies in the New Eras of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics and Big Data"  (April 14, 2020)    Advisor: Edo Berger Zoe Todd , " From Astronomy to Chemistry: Origins of the Building Blocks of Life" (April 15, 2020) Advisor: Dimitar Sasselov Catherine Zucker , "Charting our Uncharted Milky Way" (April 2020)  Advisor: Doug Finkbeiner, Alyssa Goodman Joshua Speagle,  "Mapping the Milky Way in the Age of Gaia" (May 6, 2020)  Advisor: Charlie Conroy, Daniel Eisenstein, & Doug Finkbeiner Hannah Diamond-Lowe , "A First Reconnaissance of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Exoplanets Using Ground-Based Optical Transits and Space-Based UV Spectra" (2020)   Advisor:  David Charbonneau


Meng Gu, "Stellar Populations and Assembly Histories of Galaxies in Nearby Massive Clusters" (April 3, 2019)  Advisor: Jennifer Yee Xiawei Wang , "Non-thermal emission from collisionless astrophysical shocks and their observational implications" (April 17, 2019)  Advisor: Avi Loeb Peter Blanchard , "Exploring Exotic Transients: Stellar Explosions, Tidal Disruptions, and Compact Object Mergers in the Golden Age of Time-Domain Astronomy" (April 26, 2019)   Advisor: Edo Berger Lehman Garrison , " Abacus: N-body Cosmology for the Next Generation of Dark Energy Science" (May 3, 2019)    Advisor: Daniel Eisenstein Benjamin Cook , "Computational Approaches to Studying the Stellar Populations of Galaxies" (May 7, 2019)    Advisor: Charles Conroy

Kate Alexander , "Cosmic Extremes: Probing Energetic Transients with Radio Observations" (April 10, 2018)    Advisor: Edo Berger Fernando Beccera , " Formation of Supermassive Black Hole Seeds in the First Galaxies" (May 1, 2018)   Advisor: Lars Hernquist How-Huan Chen, "The Life and Death of Interstellar Turbulence: The Intriguing Case of Ophiuchus" (May 4, 2018)   Advisor: Alyssa Goodman Jieun Choi, " From Stars to Galaxies: Unveiling Their Properties, Connection and Evolution with Next Generation Stellar Models" (April 10, 2018)     Advisor: Charles Conroy Pierre Christian , "Novel Astrophysical Constraints on Black Holes" (May 2, 2018)   Advisor: Avi Loeb Kunting (Eddie) Chua , "Structure of Dark Matter Halos in Illustris: Effect of Baryons (September 25, 2018)  Advisor: Lars Hernquist Philip Cowperthwaite , "From Design to Detection: Joint Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic Astronomy" (April 20, 2018)   Advisor: Edo Berger Marion  Dierickx , "Simulations of Local Group Galactic Interactions"  (July 10, 2017)     Advisor: Avi Loeb Christopher Faesi , "The Physical Nature of the GMC Population in NGC 300" (December 11, 2017)  Advisor: Charles Lada Xinyi Guo , "Particle Acceleration and Heating in Low Mach Number Collisionless Shocks" (December 13, 2017)  Advisor: Ramesh Narayan Luke Kelley , "Massive Black-Hole Binary Mergers: Dynamics, Environments & Expected Detections" (April 13, 2018)  Advisor: Lars Hernquist Ryan Loomis , "Millimeter/submillimeter Observations of Chemical and Physical Complexity in Protoplanetary Disks" (April 30, 2018)   Advisor:  Karin Öberg Stephen Portillo , " Counting Stars: Developing probabilistic cataloging for crowded fields" (April 17, 2018)  A dvisor: Doug Finkbeiner Anjali Tripathi , "The Resolved Spatial Distribution of Solids in Protoplanetary Disks" (April 2, 2018)  Advisor: Sean Andrews

Dawn Graninger , "Organic Chemistry during Low-Mass Star-Formation: The Role of Reaction Barriers and Ice Desorption" (April 24, 2017)   Advisor:  Karin Öberg Kirit Karkare , "Multifrequency Beam Systematics and Measurements of B-Mode Polarization with the BICEP/Keck Array Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments" (April 20, 2017)  Advisor: John Kovac Meredith MacGregor , "Millimeter Studies of Nearby Debris Disks" (March 31, 2017)  Advisor: David Wilner Philip Mocz , "Moving mesh magnetohydrodynamics: magnetic processes in star formation and cosmology" (April 21, 2017)  Advisor: Lars Hernquist Sukrit Ranjan , "The UV Environment for Prebiotic Chemistry: Connecting Origin-of-Life Scenarios to Planetary Environments" (April 7, 2017)    Advisor: Dimitar Sasselov Laura Schaefer , "The Atmosphere-Interior Connection: Rocky Planets as Linked Chemical Systems" (October 18, 2016)    Advisor: Dimitar Sasselov Joshua Suresh , "The Coevolution of Galaxies and their Environments" (March 17, 2017)   Advisor: Lars Hernquist Yuan-Sen Ting , "Unraveling the History of the Milky Way through Chemical Tagging" (December 10, 2016)  Advisor: Charles Conroy Andrew Vanderburg , "The Past, Present, and Future of Planetary Systems" (May 2, 2017) Advisor: David Latham Sarah Wellons , "Massive Compact Galaxies: A Case Study of the Diversity of Evolutionary Pathways in Cosmological Simulations" (April 7, 2017)   Advisor: Lars Hernquist

Aaron Bray, "Galactic Conformity via Small-Scale Clustering in Simulations and Surveys" (April 25, 2016)  Advisor: Daniel Eisenstein Ian Czekala , "The Fundamental Properties of Young Stars" (May 3, 2016)  Advisor: Sean Andrews Jason Dittman , "Distances, Massess, Radii, and Metallicities of the Small Stars in the Solar Neighborhood" (April 15, 2016)    Advisor:  David Charbonneau Maria Drout , "Astronomical Transients as Probes of Stellar Evolution and Mass-Loss (a.k.a. What Peculiar Transients Can Teach Us About Stellar Evolution)" (April 26, 2016)   Advisor: Edo Berger Gregory Green , " Mapping Milky Way Dust in 3D with Stellar Photometry" (May 10, 2016)   A dvisor: Doug Finkbeiner Elisabeth Newton , "The Evolution of Rotation and Magnetism in Small Stars Near the Sun" (April 29, 2016)     Advisor:  David Charbonneau Ana-Maria Piso , "Origins of Gas Giant Compositions: The Role of Disk Location and Dynamics" (April 27, 2016)    Advisor:  Karin Öberg Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez , "Galaxy mergers and some consequences: the cosmological context" (May 5, 2016)   Advisor: Lars Hernquist Katherine Rosenfield , "Applications of High-Resolution Observations at Millimeter Wavelengths" (September 18, 2015)   Advisor: Sean Andrews Zachary Slepian , " Revitalizing the 3-Point Correlation Function Of Galaxies to Sharpen the BAO Standard Ruler" (April 15, 2016)    Advisor: Daniel Eisenstein Lauren Woolsey , "Magnetic Influences on the Solar Wind" (May 2, 2016) Advisor: Stephen Cranmer and Alyssa Goodman

                     Courtney Dressing , "The Prevalence and Compositions of Small Planets" (April 1, 2015)     Advisor:  David Charbonneau Tanmoy Laskar , "The Diversity and Versatility of Gamma-ray Bursts" (April 29, 2015)   Advisor: Edo Berger Gongjie Li , " Long-term Dynamics of High Mass Ratio Multiples" (April 1, 2015)  Advisor: Avi Loeb Maxwell Moe , "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Eclipsing Binaries" (July 15, 2015)  Advisor: Rosanne DiStefano Ranghild Lunnan , "The Properties and Environments of Superluminous Supernovae" (April 27, 2015)    Advisor: Edo Berger Dylan Nelson , "How Galaxies Get Their Gas" (May 1, 2015)     Advisor: Lars Hernquist Sarah Rugheimer , "Hues of Habitability: Characterizing Pale Blue Dots Around Other Stars" (January 26, 2015)  Advisors: Dimitar Sasselov and Lisa Kaltenegger Li Zeng , "Uncovering the Interior Structure and Chemistry of Solid Exoplanets" (May 5, 2015)  Advisor: Dimitar Sasselov Yucong Zhu , "The Bright Side of Black Holes" (May 11, 2015)  Advisor: Ramesh Narayan

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201 Astronomy Research Topics To Take You To The Stars

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Are you looking for the best astronomy research topics for 2023? It would be best if you looked no more. This article has 200 of them. After offering years of  paper writing services , we have the best research paper topics for you.

Table of Contents

Astronomy Research Topics: Solar System, Dark Matter & More

No matter your theme for astronomy research topics, we are here with aid if you’re  writing a research paper .

Astronomy Research Topics About Solar System

astronomy research topics about solar system 1

Here are some excellent astronomy research paper topics about the solar system.

  • A brief overview of the chemistry of the solar system
  • Solar System Physics – What You Need to Know
  • An image of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and a turbulent atmosphere in the southern hemisphere
  • Solar System Study in Ancient Times: A History of the Solar System
  • A comparison between ancient astronomy and modern astronomy 
  • Why Roman Astronomy differs from the Astronomy of the Middle Ages in several ways
  • The Life of an Astronomer in the Middle Ages
  • A brief description of the motivations and purposes behind the study of the solar system
  • Models based on heliocentric versus models based on geocentricity
  • The contribution of Kepler to the understanding of the solar system
  • A contribution made by Galileo to the understanding of the solar system
  • What makes the solar system different from other planetary systems?
  • Mercury’s temperature and the possible implications of it
  • What was the reason for Pluto’s extermination from the solar system?
  • Does Mars have the potential to be habitable? Are there any reasons why this is or is not the case?
  • What are the feasibility and realistic outlook for Elon Musk’s Mars terraforming project?
  • NASA’s role in exploring the solar system and discovering new things about it
  • The contributions of SpaceX to the discovery and exploration of the solar system
  • A study of gas giants or the planets of the Jovian system
  • Helium and hydrogen form Jupiter’s atmosphere
  • Studying the atmosphere and planetary conditions of Jupiter.
  • Great Red Spot on Jupiter, research, and study
  • Instruments used by space probes and telescopes
  • The role of computerized imagery in accelerating discoveries in astronomy
  • Role of artificial intelligence in astronomical development
  • Planets and the gravitational force on the objects orbiting them
  • Dwarf planets in the Solar System
  • Discoveries made with the help of the Galileo space probe

Astronomy Research Topics: Dark Matter

astronomy research topics dark matter 1

Dark matter is one of the most remarkable scientific discoveries made to that date. Here are some excellent astronomy research paper topics for you about dark matter.

  • Dark Matter and High Energy Cosmic Phenomena: An Analysis of the Phenomena
  • Dark matter with a long history that needs to be understood to understand its origins
  • An investigation of the Universe’s structure on all scales
  • Creating plantlets out of dust from interstellar space
  • The structure and properties of dark matter and antimatter: A comparison
  • A study of the early formation of galaxies and clusters of galaxies
  • The laboratory studies star formation and interstellar phenomena such as dark energy and matter.
  • Dark Matter: A study of its creation and study
  • Discovery of Dark Matter
  • The effects of dark matter on the Universe as a whole
  • Dark energy, dark matter, antimatter: The four horsemen of the universal structure
  • Facts and myths about dark matter
  • The portrayal of dark matter in movies, between accuracy and fallacy
  • Black holes, relativistic jets, energy, and interactions
  • Can black holes be the source of dark matter?
  • Dark matter vs. Dark energy: A comparative study
  • What are the chances of there being dark matter on Earth? Is it possible or not?
  • An examination of the dark matter hypothesis, its authenticity, and the truth behind it
  • How do dark matter and antimatter differ from one another? What is the difference between them?
  • Observing dark matter in deep space as a means of studying it
  • The role of dark energy in the spread of the Universe

Astronomy Research Topics About Planets

astronomy research topics about planets 1

Some great astronomy research paper topics about planets can make your day.

  • A tour of the solar system through the nine planets
  • Neptune’s Moons – Overview of the Moons of Neptune 
  • As far as the solar system is concerned, what qualifies as a planet?
  • A brief explanation of how the Sun plays an instrumental role in the chemistry and atmosphere of the planets
  • All the planets in our solar system
  • The rocky planets of the solar system
  • Solar heat transfer between the poles and the equator
  • The discovered planets that could be habitable
  • Discovered planets outside the solar system
  • An overview of the atmosphere of Saturn
  • Importance of Earth In Our Solar System
  • The gaseous planets of the solar system
  • Astrophysics of Jupiter and the physical chemistry of the moon
  • Physical chemistry of Mars: A research study
  • A research analysis of Neptune’s atmospheric chemistry
  • An overview of the planetary sciences
  • The distribution of solar energy on Earth
  • The old classic relationship between astronomy and quantum physics
  • Structure of celestial bodies: planets, stars, and other cosmological objects
  • Our moon and the moons of other planets in the solar system, a comparison.
  • Atmosphere and density of planet Earth compared to other planets of the solar system
  • The solar system is a planetary system
  • What are the main characteristics of our planet?
  • The Universe and the origin of the Solar System
  • What is the solar system made of?

Astronomy Research Topics For Students

astronomy research topics for students 1

Living on the high school team and suddenly needing astronomy research paper topics to inspire the best paper? Or are you looking for some astronomy essay topics?? We got your back. Here are some great topics for school and college students for the next astronomy breakthrough.

  • In the solar system, what is the composition of the atoms?
  • A classification system for planets based on specific criteria
  • What is the importance of astronomy to humankind?
  • Star searches present many difficulties. What are they?
  • Importance and need for space exploration
  • What is the significance of the six-pointed star?
  • What is the importance of rockets in space research?
  • We see the Sun and the Moon as nearly the same size, yet their sizes differ enormously.
  • Why Pluto is no longer a planet in the solar system
  • What are the subjects and issues that astronomy seeks to address?
  • An explanation is given of the history of the planets in the solar system
  • Do we still have a planet named Pluto in our solar system? Is there a reason or not?
  • Exploration of space and the history of astronomy
  • Taking the first steps on the moon by man
  • In what sense is the North Star defined? The concept in literature viewed from a scientific perspective
  • Expectations from astronomy in 2023
  • The development of new instruments for the discovery of astronomical phenomena
  • How to properly observe the stars in the sky?
  • What are astronomy’s significant discoveries, and how do they help us improve lives?
  • Why should developing countries invest more in exploration? astronomy
  • Importance and significance of Dark energy in the Universe
  • Supermassive black holes discovered by American scientists
  • A brief history of young planets discovered in the 2000s
  • How have we determined the age of the Universe? A thorough analysis
  • What is the speed difference of the planets around the Sun?

Find more science research topics:  146 Best Science Research Topics .

Astrophysics Research Topics

astrophysics research topics 1

Here are some exciting astronomy topics for you if you are an astrophysics student.

  • Characterization of the different materials, as well as the astrochemistry of these materials
  • Cosmic rays and ice structure: the influence of cosmic rays
  • Analogous ultraviolet spectroscopy of Astro compounds
  • Breakthroughs in astrophysics made with robotic space exploration and experimentations on space debris
  • Teaching students regarding the idea to explore space and other planets
  • An introduction to the theory and topology of fields in astrophysics
  • Detailed studies of exact solutions and black holes are carried out
  • Space near blackholes is filled with energetic processes that are taking place
  • An analysis of geometric quantization
  • Solar system origins and the evolution of the planets around it
  • The detection of gravitational waves in the laboratory
  • An introduction to string theories and instantons
  • Galactic sources produce cosmic rays
  • Role of astrophysicists in the space exploration
  • DarkMirage Energy: A mysterious energy that exists in space
  • Developments in the physics of modern astrophysics
  • The creation of the Universe was in part due to the contribution of hydrogen
  • A detailed physical analysis of the exoplanets discovered to date
  • An analysis of the solar atmosphere’s temperature profile
  • Analysis of soluble macromolecular components in astrophysics
  • Solar planets and the interaction between their silicate surfaces and their gaseous atmospheres
  • The link between reflection and extraterrestrial matter in the solar system
  • The formulation of the problem in a model based on astrophysics
  • Working with General Relativity in the field of astrophysics
  • An application of field theory in the field of space sciences
  • Advances in astrophysics in the last few years
  • An analysis of how astrophysics differs from astrochemistry, with a detailed breakdown

Astronomy Research Topics For University

astronomy research topics for university 1

Being a university student and writing a research paper could be challenging when studying astronomy. It gets easier when you have exciting astronomy topics like these:

  • Could the Earth’s motion be affected if the Sun disappeared from the sky? Would the Earth’s motion be altered as a result?
  • An overview of Hipparchus’ contributions to astronomy
  • Gravitational Law based on Newton’s Principle
  • An overview of European astronomy’s history
  • Astronomy essay on dark energy
  • Scientists to explain star clusters and heavenly bodies
  • Learning to survive zero gravity and space weather for the upcoming space race
  • Using astronomical concepts in modern science is essential.
  • Observing a lunar eclipse by observing its phases
  • A brief history of the heliocentric theory
  • Exploring the Sun’s effect with the scientific method
  • The primary idea of Kepler’s Laws
  • Astronomy essay on space travel
  • In what ways did ancient civilizations contribute to the study of astronomy?
  • New habitats are found through extraterrestrial activities.
  • Research paper on space shuttle challenger disaster
  • An overview of Galileo’s contributions to astronomy
  • Outer space: Human interpretation vs. human mythology
  • Early astronomers among human beings to discover dark matter
  • Space exploration for all! Is Elon Musk’s idea going to work?
  • Discoveries and contributions of Einstein to astronomy
  • Writing science fiction about terrestrial planets inhabited by ancient humans.
  • The gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Sun
  • Planetary atmosphere differences
  • The difference between a space probe and a spacecraft
  • Egyptian astronomy in the ancient world
  • Indian astronomy in the ancient world
  • An ancient Greek view of astronomy
  • Discovery of big bang theory
  • How Kepler contributed to modern astronomy’s greatness
  • A scientific approach to astronomy that applies to everyday life
  • The discovery of gravitational waves
  • An experimental study of thermal and soft matter physics in astronomy

Looking for research topics in general: 402  Best Research Paper Topics

High School Astronomy Research Topics

high school astronomy research topics 1

If you are a high school student looking for exciting astronomy topics, Santa just came early this year!

  • Astronomy revolutionized by gravitational wave discovery
  • String theory versus gravitational waves: an eternal debate
  • Milky Way galaxy: the galaxy that is home to our Solar System 
  • The physics of complex systems and statistical mechanics in astronomy
  • The importance of nuclear physics and quantum physics in astronomy
  • Mathematical and theoretical physics are used in astronomy
  • An overview of Big Bang Theory history
  • Stars with helium as their main component
  • Exciting supernova stars in distant galaxies
  • A sub-millimeter study of interstellar turbulence and magnetism
  • Astrophysics achievements in recent years
  • Milestones achieved related to space exploration in recent days
  • The relationship between plasma physics and astrophysics
  • Space around the celestial sphere
  • Writing a paper with your work in research related to black holes in the Milky Way galaxy
  • Astronomy experiments with other methods
  • Science of astronomy: theoretical developments
  • Research on the dark matter based on collected data
  • An experimental protocol for astronomy
  • A review of recent advancements in astrochemistry
  • The formulation of a hypothesis for space probes
  • An analysis of the importance of link modeling in astronomy
  • Brown dwarf spectra are affected by Earth’s atmosphere
  • Motion catalog for the statistical study of white dwarf stars

Astronomy Research Topics For Thesis

astronomy research topics for thesis 1

Writing a thesis could be the biggest challenge of your life. We know the feeling. Some interesting astronomy topics can make this challenge easier for you. 

  • Modeling the solar activity cycle using a hybrid approach
  • An observation of a galaxy cluster by radio
  • Black holes are at the heart of galaxy clusters in the Universe
  • Confirmation of  Heisenberg’s Astrophysics Prediction  and its impact on modern astronomy
  • The central supermassive black hole’s influence on the galaxy cluster
  • Solar cycle and magnetic network evolution
  • Spectral solar irradiance and its applications to terrestrial stratospheric chemistry
  • A study of galaxies and clusters of galaxies using observations and machine learning
  • The magnetic flux in the photospheric environment and the internal dynamo
  • Cycles of stellar activity modeled using a dynamo
  • White dwarf stars: harnessing their seismic potential
  • Cold white dwarfs with high-density photospheres
  • Stars with heavy elements that are magnetic white dwarfs
  • Imaging exoplanets and their characterization in high contrast
  • An analysis of white dwarfs with hydrogen-rich surfaces
  • The Gaia sample and the white dwarf
  • How does the mars rover work differently from space vehicles?
  • The reflection of light from exoplanets
  • A model of anelastic convection and a method of assimilation of data
  • The motion of the plasma in an active region of the Sun
  • Identifying and analyzing young low-mass stars around the Sun
  • Stars with a low mass and significant separation of their exoplanets

Astronomy Research Topics For Research Paper

astronomy research topics for research paper 1

If you are writing a research paper or doing an astronomy project, these astronomy project topics could play a significant role in igniting a spark of inspiration.

  • White dwarfs with chemical stratification and their analysis
  • Stars in our neighborhood that are young and low-mass
  • A description of how lunar eclipses are calculated and plotted
  • Literature and astronomy in the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the solar neighborhood
  • Observatory and telescopes for optical observations
  • Variable stars: How to observe them
  • Gravitational waves across the milky way: What it means for the human race?
  • Observation of space objects using artificial intelligence
  • What can secondary schools do to address astronomy’s pedagogical challenges?
  • An introduction to astronomy for the general public and scientists
  • An astronomy project material kit for preparing the practical work
  • Astrophysics projects involve analyzing objects and tasks
  • An observational astronomy project at a university
  • The telescopes available to universities and the ideal targets for them
  • The construction of a laboratory for the study of astronomy at a secondary school
  • Study of celestial objects throughout history
  • In the world of digital art and astronomy
  • Developing new technologies to aid in astronomy
  • Astronomy to be revolutionized by artificial intelligence
  • Constellation-related astronomical research

We are confident that you have enough ideas to ace your astronomy research paper by now. If you still face challenges and need academic writing help,  contact us  at Paper Perk, and we’ll help you.

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201+ Interesting Astronomy Research Paper Topics In 2024

astronomy research paper topics

Did you know that there are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth? 

This incredible comparison shows how vast space is and sparks our interest in all the amazing things. 

Research papers in astronomy are like powerful tools for exploring. They help scientists dive deep into the complex world of stars, planets, and other space phenomena. 

By carefully studying, analyzing, and making theories, researchers uncover the secrets of the universe, like how stars are born and how black holes behave. 

In this blog, we’ll take a journey through a variety of easy-to-understand astronomy research paper topics. Come along as we explore and learn more about the universe’s wonders together!

A Brief Look at the Astronomy Research Paper

Table of Contents

Astronomy research papers delve into the expansive realm of celestial bodies, phenomena, and theories, offering insights into the mysteries of the universe. 

These papers serve as vital contributions to our understanding of space, exploring topics such as the formation and evolution of stars, planetary systems, galaxies, and cosmology. 

Through meticulous observation, analysis, and theoretical modeling, researchers unravel the complexities of cosmic phenomena, shedding light on fundamental questions about the origins and nature of the cosmos. 

Astronomy research papers not only advance scientific knowledge but also inspire wonder and curiosity about the vastness and intricacies of the universe.

List of Astronomy Research Paper Topics Students

Here’s a list of astronomy research paper topics suitable for students:

  • Detection methods for exoplanets
  • Characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres
  • Habitability of exoplanets in the Goldilocks zone
  • Exomoon detection and significance
  • Kepler mission and its impact on exoplanet research
  • TESS mission: New discoveries in exoplanetary science
  • The role of astrobiology in the study of exoplanets
  • Statistical analysis of exoplanet populations
  • Atmospheric escape processes in exoplanets
  • Transiting exoplanets: Observational challenges and solutions
  • Exoplanet formation theories and models
  • Exoplanet-hosting binary star systems
  • Exoplanet habitability and its dependence on stellar type
  • The search for Earth-like exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy

Stellar Evolution

  • Main sequence stars: Properties and evolution
  • The formation of protostellar disks
  • Stellar nurseries and star formation regions
  • High-mass versus low-mass star formation
  • Stellar spectroscopy techniques and applications
  • Evolutionary tracks on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
  • Stellar winds and their impact on stellar evolution
  • Binary star systems: Evolutionary pathways
  • The death of massive stars: Supernovae and stellar remnants
  • White dwarfs: Endpoints of low- to intermediate-mass stars
  • Variable stars: Classification and significance
  • Stellar populations in globular clusters
  • Stellar mergers and their role in galactic dynamics
  • Stellar evolution in different galaxies: Comparative studies

Galactic Astronomy

  • The structure and dynamics of the Milky Way Galaxy
  • Galactic archaeology: Tracing the history of the Milky Way
  • Spiral arms and galactic spiral structure
  • Galactic collisions and their impact on stellar populations
  • Galactic bulges and their formation mechanisms
  • The Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole: Sagittarius A*
  • The Galactic halo: Old stars and dark matter
  • Galactic magnetic fields: Origins and effects
  • The Galactic Center: Radio observations and discoveries
  • Stellar orbits in the Milky Way: Kinematics and dynamics
  • The Milky Way’s satellite galaxies: Dwarf galaxies and globular clusters
  • The Magellanic Clouds: Interactions with the Milky Way
  • The Milky Way’s chemical evolution: Abundance gradients and enrichment
  • Galactic cannibalism: The accretion of satellite galaxies by the Milky Way
  • The Big Bang Theory: Evidence and Challenges
  • Cosmic microwave background radiation: Insights into the early universe
  • Inflationary cosmology: The rapid expansion of the universe
  • Dark energy: The mysterious force driving the universe’s acceleration
  • The cosmological principle: Assumptions and implications
  • Baryogenesis: The origin of matter in the universe
  • Cosmic web: Large-scale structure of the universe
  • Gravitational lensing: Probing the distribution of dark matter
  • Primordial nucleosynthesis: Formation of light elements in the early universe
  • Cosmic voids: Underdense regions in the universe
  • Multiverse theory: Concepts and implications
  • Cosmic microwave background polarization: Insights into cosmic inflation
  • The role of neutrinos in cosmology
  • Testing cosmological models with galaxy surveys

Black Holes

  • Formation mechanisms of stellar-mass black holes
  • Supermassive black holes: Origins and evolution
  • Black hole accretion disks: Emission mechanisms and variability
  • Active galactic nuclei: Black hole engines in distant galaxies
  • Black hole mergers: Gravitational wave signatures
  • The event horizon telescope: Imaging black holes
  • Black hole feedback: Impact on galaxy evolution
  • Black hole thermodynamics: Entropy and Hawking radiation
  • Black hole spin: Effects on accretion and jets
  • Intermediate-mass black holes: Detection methods and significance
  • Micro black holes: Hypothetical entities and constraints
  • Black hole kicks: Recoil velocities from asymmetric mergers
  • Black holes in globular clusters: Formation scenarios and observational evidence
  • Black hole information paradox: Resolving conflicts between quantum mechanics and general relativity

Planetary Science

  • Comparative planetology: Understanding the diversity of planetary bodies
  • Planetary atmospheres: Composition, dynamics, and evolution
  • Planetary magnetospheres: Interactions with solar wind and cosmic rays
  • Planetary geology: Surface features and geological processes
  • Impact cratering: Geological records of cosmic collisions
  • The formation of planetary rings
  • Planetary interiors: Structure and composition
  • Planetary migration: Dynamical evolution of planetary systems
  • Volcanism on terrestrial planets and moons
  • The search for water and life beyond Earth
  • Planetary habitability: Criteria and potential biosignatures
  • Planetary exploration missions: Past, present, and future
  • Planetary protection: Ethics and policies for space exploration
  • The origin of the Moon: Theories and evidence


  • The definition of life: Challenges and philosophical implications
  • Extremophiles: Life in extreme environments on Earth and beyond
  • Biosignatures: Indicators of past or present life on other planets
  • The habitable zone concept: Constraints and alternatives
  • Europa and Enceladus: Potential habitats for life in the outer solar system
  • Titan: Prebiotic chemistry and the possibility of life
  • Exoplanetary biospheres: Theoretical models and observational constraints
  • SETI: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence
  • Panspermia: The transfer of life between celestial bodies
  • The Fermi paradox: The apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence and the high probability of extraterrestrial life
  • Synthetic biology and the search for alien life
  • The habitability of exomoons
  • The Gaia hypothesis: Interactions between life and its environment on a planetary scale
  • The ethics of astrobiology research: Implications for space exploration and colonization

Observational Techniques

  • Optical telescopes: Designs, technologies, and applications
  • Radio telescopes: Interferometry and aperture synthesis
  • Infrared astronomy: Probing cool and obscured objects
  • Ultraviolet astronomy: Insights into hot and energetic phenomena
  • X-ray astronomy: High-energy processes in the universe
  • Gamma-ray astronomy: Sources and mechanisms of gamma-ray emission
  • Gravitational wave observatories: LIGO and Virgo
  • Neutrino astronomy: Detecting high-energy cosmic neutrinos
  • Cosmic ray observatories: Studying high-energy particles from space
  • Space-based observatories: Hubble, Chandra, and beyond
  • Adaptive optics: Correcting for atmospheric turbulence
  • Interferometric imaging techniques: Resolving fine details in astronomical objects
  • Multi-messenger astronomy: Combining data from different cosmic messengers
  • Citizen science projects in astronomy: Engaging the public in observational campaigns

Space Exploration

  • The history of space exploration: Milestones and achievements
  • Robotic missions to Mars: Insights into the Red Planet
  • Lunar exploration: Past, present, and future missions
  • Asteroid mining: Opportunities and challenges
  • Interplanetary spacecraft propulsion: Current technologies and future prospects
  • Sample return missions: Bringing extraterrestrial materials to Earth
  • Human colonization of Mars: Feasibility and ethical considerations
  • Outer solar system exploration: Voyages to Jupiter, Saturn, and beyond
  • Space tourism: Commercial ventures and space travel for civilians
  • The International Space Station: Scientific research and international cooperation
  • CubeSats: Miniaturized satellites for space exploration
  • Interstellar probes: Challenges and possibilities of interstellar travel
  • Planetary defense: Strategies for mitigating asteroid and comet impacts
  • The search for extraterrestrial artifacts: Technosignatures and their implications


  • Molecular clouds: Chemistry and star formation
  • The formation of complex organic molecules in space
  • Astrochemical modeling: Simulating chemical processes in interstellar environments
  • The interstellar medium: Composition and chemical evolution
  • Exotic chemistry in extreme environments: PDRs, shocks, and cosmic rays
  • Prebiotic chemistry in space: Origins of life on Earth
  • Spectroscopic techniques for studying interstellar molecules
  • Astrochemistry of protoplanetary disks: Building blocks of planetary systems
  • The chemistry of comets and their implications for solar system formation
  • Abundance gradients in galaxies: Tracing chemical evolution
  • Astrochemical implications for exoplanet atmospheres
  • Isotopic signatures in meteorites: Insights into solar system history
  • The role of dust grains in interstellar chemistry
  • Laboratory astrophysics: Experimental studies of astrochemical processes

Gravitational Dynamics

  • Newtonian gravity: Foundations and limitations
  • Kepler’s laws of planetary motion: Derivation and applications
  • The two-body problem: Analytical and numerical solutions
  • N-body simulations: Modeling complex gravitational systems
  • Lagrange points and their stability in the three-body problem
  • Tidal forces: Effects on celestial bodies and their orbits
  • Gravitational resonance: Dynamical interactions in the solar system
  • Orbital resonances in exoplanetary systems
  • Galactic dynamics: The role of dark matter and stellar interactions
  • The stability of planetary systems: Long-term evolution and stability criteria
  • Gravitational lensing: Observational manifestations of spacetime curvature
  • Gravitational waves: Detection methods and sources
  • Dynamical evolution of star clusters
  • Chaotic dynamics in gravitational systems: Fractal structures and predictability


  • Stellar nucleosynthesis: Production of elements in stellar interiors
  • The chemical composition of meteorites: Clues to the early solar system
  • Isotopic anomalies in meteorites: Signatures of nucleosynthetic processes
  • The formation of the solar system: Cosmochemical constraints and models
  • The abundance of elements in the universe: Primordial nucleosynthesis and cosmic chemical evolution
  • Supernova nucleosynthesis: R-process and s-process contributions
  • Nebular chemistry: Conditions for planetesimal formation
  • The role of isotopic dating in cosmochemistry
  • Exotic isotopes in meteorites and their implications for solar system history
  • The isotopic composition of the Moon: Insights from lunar samples
  • The cosmic abundance of lithium: Discrepancies between observations and theory
  • The chemical composition of interstellar dust grains
  • Cosmochemistry of planetary atmospheres: Insights from remote sensing and in situ measurements
  • The search for presolar grains: Tracing the origins of stardust in meteorites

Historical Astronomy

  • Ancient astronomical observatories: Stonehenge, Chichen Itza, and others
  • The contributions of ancient civilizations to astronomy: Mesopotamia , Egypt, Greece, and China
  • The Copernican Revolution: Heliocentrism and its implications
  • Kepler’s laws of planetary motion: Development and Significance
  • Galileo’s telescopic discoveries: Observations of the Moon, planets, and moons of Jupiter
  • Newton’s law of universal gravitation: The synthesis of celestial mechanics
  • The Herschel family: Pioneers in observational astronomy
  • The discovery of Uranus and Neptune: Observations and theoretical predictions
  • The history of the Messier catalog: Objects of interest to comet hunters
  • Women in astronomy: Contributions and challenges throughout history
  • The development of spectroscopy: From Fraunhofer lines to modern spectrographs
  • The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation: Evidence for the Big Bang
  • The history of space exploration: From Sputnik to the present day
  • The role of amateur astronomers in the history of astronomy


  • Data mining in astronomy: Techniques and applications
  • Machine learning algorithms for astronomical data analysis
  • The Virtual Observatory: Accessing and sharing astronomical data
  • Astrostatistics: Statistical methods for analyzing astronomical datasets
  • Data visualization techniques in astronomy
  • Time-domain astronomy: Mining variability in large-scale surveys
  • Citizen science projects in astronomy: Engaging the public in data analysis
  • Big data challenges in astronomy: Storage, processing, and analysis
  • Data archives: Repositories of astronomical observations and catalogs
  • Astroinformatics education and training programs
  • The role of artificial intelligence in data-driven discovery
  • Data quality assessment in large-scale astronomical surveys
  • Data fusion techniques: Integrating multi-wavelength and multi-messenger data
  • The future of astroinformatics: Challenges and opportunities in the era of big data

Space Weather

  • Solar activity cycles: Observations and predictions
  • Solar flares: Emission mechanisms and effects on Earth
  • Coronal mass ejections: Dynamics and impacts on space weather
  • Solar wind interactions with planetary magnetospheres
  • The ionosphere and its response to solar and geomagnetic activity
  • Space weather forecasting: Models and methodologies
  • The effects of space weather on satellite operations and communications
  • Solar energetic particle events: Hazards to space missions and astronauts
  • The solar dynamo: Mechanisms driving solar magnetic activity
  • Auroras: Magnetospheric responses to solar wind disturbances
  • Cosmic ray modulation by solar activity
  • The Carrington Event of 1859: Lessons learned and modern-day implications
  • Space weather effects on Earth’s climate
  • The societal impact of space weather: Preparedness and mitigation strategies

These topics cover a broad range of interests within astronomy and space science, providing ample opportunities for students to explore various aspects of the field in depth.

Practical Tips for Choosing an Astronomy Research Paper Topic

Choosing an astronomy research paper topic can be an exciting yet challenging task. Here are some practical tips to help you select a suitable and engaging topic:

1. Identify Your Interests

Choose a topic that genuinely fascinates you to stay motivated throughout your research.

2. Assess Available Resources

Consider the availability of data, literature, and equipment required for your chosen topic.

3. Consider Relevance

Opt for a topic with contemporary relevance and potential for contribution to current astronomical knowledge.

4. Consult with Experts

Seek advice from professors or researchers in the field to ensure your topic aligns with current trends and research gaps.

5. Balance Complexity

Find a balance between a topic that is challenging enough to be intellectually stimulating but not overly complex to hinder your understanding.

6. Define Scope

Ensure your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow, allowing for manageable research within the given timeframe.

7. Explore Unique Angles

Look for unique perspectives or interdisciplinary approaches to make your research stand out.

8. Consider Feasibility

Take into account your time, skills, and access to necessary resources when selecting a topic.

9. Reflect on Career Goals

Choose a topic that aligns with your long-term career aspirations, whether in academia, industry, or other fields.

10. Stay Flexible

Remain open to adjusting your topic as you delve deeper into the research process and new insights emerge.

Final Thoughts

The realm of astronomy offers a vast array of captivating astronomy research paper topics that cater to diverse interests and academic pursuits. 

From the study of exoplanets to the exploration of black holes, each topic presents an opportunity for discovery and advancement in our understanding of the universe. 

When selecting a topic, practical considerations such as resource availability, relevance, and scope must be carefully weighed. 

Additionally, consulting with experts and staying abreast of current trends ensures that chosen topics contribute meaningfully to the field. 

Ultimately, the process of choosing an astronomy research paper topic is not just about fulfilling academic requirements but also about fostering curiosity, pushing boundaries, and contributing to the collective knowledge that continues to illuminate the mysteries of the cosmos.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what are some trending topics in astronomy research.

Trending topics include exoplanet exploration, gravitational wave astronomy, black hole studies, astrobiology, and cosmology. These areas often feature groundbreaking discoveries and offer ample opportunities for research.

2. Where can I find reliable sources and data for my astronomy research paper?

Reliable sources include academic journals, books, reputable websites of space agencies and observatories, and databases like NASA’s Astrophysics Data System (ADS). Additionally, collaborating with astronomers or utilizing data from space missions and telescopes can provide valuable research materials.

3. Can I combine astronomy with other disciplines for my research paper?

Yes, interdisciplinary approaches are increasingly common in astronomy research. You can explore topics that intersect with fields such as physics, chemistry, biology (astrobiology), computer science (astroinformatics), and environmental science, among others.

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Research topics

Astrophysical magnetism and the interstellar medium.

Astrophysical Magnetism and the Interstellar Medium

What fills the space between the stars? In addition to stars, planets, and dark matter, galaxies are home to vast reservoirs of gas and dust, high-energy particles, and magnetic fields. This is the interstellar medium (ISM): the stuff between the stars. The interstellar medium is the material from which new stars are born.

Black Holes

Visualization of a simulated black hole with jets.  (Visualization: Ralf Kaehler Simulation: Jonathan McKinney, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Roger Blandford.)

Cosmic Microwave Background

A simulation of the period of reionization, when the Universe became transparent to light and let the cosmic microwave background escape. (Visualization: Ralf Kaehler, Marvelo Alvarez, Tom Abel Simulation: Marvelo Alvarez, Tom Abel.)

Dark Energy

Dark Energy

One of the most important and surprising scientific discoveries of the twentieth century is that the expansion of space is not slowing down, but speeding up—contrary to what we expect the gravitational pull of all the matter in the Universe to do. The driver of this accelerating expansion has been labeled "dark energy," but there is much about the phenomenon that researchers don’t understand.

Dark Matter

The Bullet Cluster. (Credit: NASA, ESA, CXC, M. Bradac (University of California, Santa Barbara), and S. Allen (Stanford University).)

First Stars and Galaxies


Roughly 400,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe—bathing in the afterglow of radiation that we see today as the cosmic microwave background—began to enter the cosmic “dark ages,” so named because the luminous stars and galaxies we see today had yet to form.

Galaxy Clusters

Hubble image showing the galaxy cluster RXC J0142.9+4438. (Credit: NASA / ESA / Hubble / RELICS.)

Galaxy Formation

Simulation of a proto-galaxy. (Visualization: Ralf Kaehler, Tom Abel Simulation: John Wise, Tom Abel.)

Gravitational Lensing


Neutron Stars and Pulsars

A composite image of the Crab Nebula showing the X-ray (blue), and optical (red) images superimposed. The size of the X-ray image is smaller because the higher energy X-ray emitting electrons radiate away their energy more quickly than the lower energy optically emitting electrons as they move. (Credit: Optical: NASA/HST/ASU/J. Hester et al. X-Ray: NASA/CXC/ASU/J. Hester et al.)

Optical Surveys

Artist's rendering of LSST at night. (Credit: LSST Project/NSF/AURA.)

In the traditional model of astronomical observation, individual or small teams of astronomers study a select class of objects in a small region of sky. However, some of the most exciting cosmological and astrophysical results in recent years have required the study of millions of galaxies over thousands of square degrees of sky.

Particle Acceleration

Particle Acceleration

Scientific Visualization and Data Analysis


KIPAC's visualization and data analysis facilities provide hardware and software solutions that help users at KIPAC and SLAC to analyze their large-scale scientific data sets.

Solar Physics

Image of sun in ultraviolet from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. (Credit: SDO.)

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170 Fantastic Astronomy Topics For High Scoring Thesis

astronomy topics

Astronomy, which is the study of celestial objects and phenomena, has indeed captured the imaginations of humanity since time immemorial. From unraveling the mysteries of distant galaxies to investigating the nature of dark matter, astronomy, interestingly, indeed encompasses a wide range of exciting research topics.

But before we look at a wide range of excellent astronomy-related research topics that college students, professors, teachers, and other professionals will find useful, let us take a small detour to what astronomy really is.

What Is Astronomy?

Astronomy is the scientific discipline that essentially focuses on the study of celestial objects such as stars, planets, galaxies, and other phenomena in the universe. In other words, astronomy is the observation, theoretical modeling, and interpretation of astronomical data for the purposes of deepening our understanding of the cosmos.

Characteristics Of A Good Astronomy Research Paper

Here are some characteristics of a good astronomy paper:

Originality : A good astronomy research paper should provide unique insights and be able to address unanswered questions.

Clarity : A good astronomy research paper should be able to simplify and communicate complex concepts effectively.

Scientific-rigor : A good astronomy research paper should be able to present a well-defined methodology and provide reliable data.

Relevance : A good astronomy research paper should be relevant. It should be able to explore emerging areas of study or address current astronomical issues.

Contribution : A good astronomy research paper should be able to advance existing knowledge and provide avenues for further research.

Astronomy Research Topics

Astronomy research topics, in a nutshell, encompass various research areas within astronomy. These research areas include but are not limited to: the study of gravitational waves, extraterrestrial intelligence, magnetic fields in celestial objects, stellar evolution, and high-energy astrophysics. Here are great astronomy research topics to consider for your school or university paper:

  • Gravitational waves and their impact on Astronomy
  • Stellar evolution and life cycle of stars
  • The role of magnetic fields in shaping celestial objects
  • The role of magnetic fields in star formation
  • Origin and evolution of supermassive black holes
  • Impact of Space weather on Earth’s atmosphere
  • Investigating the nature of fast radio transients
  • Evolution of galaxies in different environments
  • Probing the intergalactic medium using quasar absorption lines
  • Cosmic rays and their effects on astronaut health
  • Detection and characterization of fast radio bursts
  • Study of Exomoons: Moons orbiting exoplanets
  • High energy astrophysics and cosmic rays

Astronomy Topics

These topics cover a wide range of astronomical subjects such as galaxies and their evolution, planetary atmospheres, the study of asteroids and comets, phenomena like gamma-ray bursts, and the formation of the solar system to mention a few. Students who need dissertation help will find the following topic suggestions interesting:

  • The formation of the solar system
  • Exploring the mysteries of gamma-ray bursts
  • Planetary atmospheres and climate change
  • The study of asteroids and comets
  • Types, interactions, and evolutions of galaxies
  • Stellar populations in different galactic environments
  • Dynamics and formation of globular clusters
  • The role of black holes in galaxy evolution
  • Exploring the cosmic microwave background radiation
  • Probing the origins of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
  • The formation and evolution of planetary nebulae
  • Investigating the origins of First Radio Bursts (FRBs)
  • The interstellar medium and star formation

Space Research Paper Topics

These focus on topics related to space exploration and observations. Some high-quality interesting topics that native writers, students, and class teachers will find useful include:

  • Space telescopes and their contribution to astronomy
  • The study of space weather and its effects on earth
  • Investigating the mysteries of black holes using space-based observatories
  • Space missions to explore Mars and other planets
  • The search for exoplanets and habitable environments
  • Space debris: Assessment, mitigation, and future challenges
  • Space tourism: potential market growth and safety regulations
  • Space weather and its impacts on Earth’s technological systems
  • Asteroid mining: Opportunities, challenges, and ethical considerations
  • Interplanetary dust and its significance for planetary science
  • Space colonization: Challenges and prospects for human settlement on other planets
  • Lunar exploration and resource utilization for sustainable space missions
  • Space telescopes: advancements in observational astronomy

Interesting Astronomy Topics

These topics delve into the intriguing aspects of astronomy. Here are interesting astronomy topics to consider:

  • The concept of time in astronomy and relativity
  • Exploring the origins of cosmic rays
  • The possibility of life on other planets
  • Pulsars: Nature’s most precise cosmic clocks
  • Astrobiology: The study of life in the universe
  • Studying the relationship between supermassive black holes and galaxy evolution
  • Probing the origins and composition of interstellar dust
  • Investigating the mystery of dark energy in the universe
  • Unveiling the secrets of neutron stars and pulsars
  • Investigating the role of magnetic fields in star formation and stellar evolution
  • Examining the dynamics of composition of planetary atmospheres in our solar system and beyond
  • Understanding the processes and consequences of stellar explosions (supernovae)
  • Investigating the potential habitability of exoplanets and the search for life beyond earth

astronomy topics

Astronomy Topics For Research Paper

This particular category suggests topics that are suitable for research papers in astronomy. Professionals, online writers, class teachers, college and university students, as well as professors will find the following topics excellent:

  • The role of dark matter in galaxy formation
  • Investigating the nature of dark energy
  • Probing the mysteries of neutron
  • Supernovae and their importance in the universe
  • The discovery and characterization of exoplanets
  • Stellar evolution and supernovae: Investigating the life cycles of stars, including their birth, evolution, and explosive deaths as supernovae
  • The search for primordial black holes
  • Stellar abundances: Tracing chemical evolution
  • Interstellar medium: Composition, dynamics, and evolution
  • Gravitational lensing: Probing the mass distribution of galaxy clusters
  • Protoplanetary disks and planet formation
  • Dwarf galaxies: formation and dark matter content
  • Supernovae Remnants: probing stellar explosions

Space Science Topics

These topics encompass a broad range of scientific investigations related to space. Interesting topics include:

  • Studying the dynamics of planetary atmospheres and weather patterns
  • The exploration of moons in our solar system
  • Exploring the nature of gravitational interactions in multiple star systems
  • Investigating the nature of black hole mergers
  • Investigating the origins of cosmic magnetic fields
  • The role of space weather in satellite communications
  • The study of planetary geology and surface features
  • Studying the atmospheres of exoplanets using spectroscopy
  • Probing the mysteries of white dwarfs and their evolutionary paths
  • Exploring the possibilities of asteroid mining
  • Understanding the formation of planetary rings
  • The study of space debris and its impact on space exploration
  • Investigating the physics of solar flares and coronal mass ejections

Astrophysics Research Topics

This particular topic focuses on research topics within astrophysics which entail the study of celestial objects and phenomena. The best topics to consider are:

  • Understanding the physics of gamma-ray astronomy and its implications
  • Probing the physics of stellar explosions: Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts
  • Exploring the properties of interplanetary magnetic fields and solar wind
  • The study of high-energy astrophysical phenomena: Ray binaries and pulsars
  • Investigating the physics of stellar oscillations and asteroseismology
  • Understanding the physics of accretion disks around black holes
  • The study of interstellar turbulence and its impact on star formation
  • Investigating the nature of dark energy through cosmic microwave background
  • Understanding the dynamics of galactic collisions and mergers
  • Exploring the mechanisms behind stellar magnetic fields and activity
  • Probing the physics of gravitational waves and their sources
  • The study of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei
  • Investigating the role of magnetic fields in star formation processes

Space Exploration Topics

These are topics that revolve around the exploration of space and entail:

  • The future of human colonization of Mars and other celestial bodies
  • Investigating the formation and evolution of planetary systems beyond our solar system
  • Investigating the potential for life on moons of gas giants
  • Exploring the potential for resource utilization on the moon and asteroids
  • The study of space tourism and its challenges
  • The study of space-based gravitational wave detectors
  • Exploring the possibilities of interstellar travel and propulsion systems
  • Understanding the challenges and prospects of manned deep space missions
  • The role of robotic missions in planetary exploration
  • Investigating the feasibility of asteroid deflection strategies
  • Investigating the potential for terraforming other planets
  • Exploring the mysteries of the outer heliosphere and heliopause
  • The study of space-based telescopes and observatories

Research Topics In Cosmology

This particular category explores research topics within cosmology which is essentially the study of the origin of evolution and the structure of the universe. Some good topics to consider for scientific thesis writing include:

  • Understanding the nature and properties of cosmic neutrinos
  • The study of the cosmic microwave background radiation and its implications
  • Exploring the physics of dark energy and its implications
  • Understanding the large-scale structure of the universe
  • Investigating the Role of baryonic acoustic oscillations in Cosmology
  • Investigating the nature of primordial gravitational waves
  • The study of the early universe and the era of recombination
  • Exploring the possibilities of a multiverse
  • Probing the nature of cosmic strings and other topological defects
  • The study of cosmic voids and their impact on galaxy formation
  • Investigating the physics of inflationary models
  • Understanding the formation and evolution of cosmic filaments
  • Probing the nature and properties of dark matter candidates

Astronomy Topics To Write About

If you are a student looking for the best astronomy topics to write about, here are excellent suggestions:

  • The formation and evolution of galaxies
  • The study of cosmic rays and high-energy particles
  • The life cycle of stars: From birth to death
  • Investigating the origins and evolution of the solar system
  • The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI)
  • The Impact of Asteroids collisions on Earth’s History
  • The Role of dark matter in the Universe
  • Exploring the magnetic fields of celestial objects
  • Exoplanet discoveries and characterization
  • The structure and dynamics of spiral galaxies
  • The nature of black holes: Mysteries and discoveries
  • The detection and study of gravitational waves
  • The Origins of the Universe: big bang cosmology

Cool Astronomy Topics

  • Time dilation: The effects of relativity on observations
  • Stellar Archeology: Unraveling the Secrets of old stars
  • Stellar Nurseries: birthplaces of new stars
  • The evolution of galaxies in galaxy clusters
  • Exoplanet atmosphere: Clues for habitable worlds
  • Strange Planets: Exotic discoveries beyond our solar system
  • The Origins of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)
  • The potential existence of a parallel universe
  • The Kuiper Belt: Exploring the Icy Worlds Beyond Neptune
  • Exploring supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies
  • Quasars: cosmic powerhouses and lighthouses
  • The surprising behaviors of pulsars and magnetars
  • The great attractor: Unveiling the Mysteries of cosmic flows

Interesting Space Topics

  • Space debris: challenges and solutions for orbital cleanup
  • Space mining: opportunities and ethical considerations
  • Space-based telescopes: Expanding our view of the universe
  • Space tourism: commercial ventures beyond Earth’s atmosphere
  • Space weather: impacts on satellite communications and Earth’s environment
  • The James Webb space telescope: A new era of observing the cosmos
  • The search for water on Mars and its implication for life
  • Mars colonization: challenges and benefits of establishing a human presence
  • The lunar gateway: NASA’s Gateway to deep space exploration
  • Astrobiology: Investigating the potential for life in extreme environments
  • Space elevators: novel concepts for space transportation
  • The Fermi Paradox: why haven’t we found extraterrestrial life yet?
  • Planetary protection: safeguarding terrestrial bodies from contamination

Topics In Astronomy

  • Stellar evolution: from protostars to supernovae
  • The role of spiral density waves in shaping galaxies’ structures
  • Galactic dynamics: The structure and evolution of galaxies
  • The study of globular clusters: ancient stellar systems
  • Observational techniques in astronomy: from telescopes to space missions
  • White dwarfs and planetary nebulae: The final stages of stellar evolution
  • Cosmic microwave background radiation: clues to the early universe
  • Gamma-ray bursts: The most energetic explosions in the universe
  • The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram: understanding stellar properties
  • The Drake equation: estimating the number of technologically advanced civilizations
  • The Doppler effect: Measuring the motion of celestial objects
  • The role of interstellar dust in the absorption and scattering of light
  • Variable stars: exploring the changing brightness of astronomical objects
  • Astrochemistry: Understanding the chemistry of space

In conclusion, astronomy offers a vast realm of research possibilities ranging from the mysteries of dark matter and dark holes to the explorations of exoplanets. We understand that the field of astronomy can be a complex area to write a research paper on as a student. If you experience difficulties and look for someone to write a thesis for you , we do custom astronomy research papers, editing, and deliver them within no time. Whether you want a research paper or need thesis help, we have professional writers at your beck and call. We are cheap, fast, and trustworthy, and deliver high-quality and well-written research papers at a moment’s notice.

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What is the Big Bang Theory?

The big bang theory suggests that the universe originated from an extremely hot and dense state around 13.8 billion years ago. It goes further to explain the expansion and evolution of the cosmos including the formation of the stars, the galaxies, and the planets.

What is a black hole?

A black hole refers to a region in space with an intense gravitational pull that prevents anything, including light, from escaping. A black hole is formed when massive stars collapse under their own gravity forming a singularity surrounded by an event horizon.

What are exoplanets?

Exoplanets refer to planets that exist outside our solar system, orbiting stars other than the sun. The discovery of exoplanets has totally changed our understanding of the planetary system and the potential for habitable worlds beyond the Earth.

What is a dark matter?

Dark matter refers to a hypothetical form of matter that doesn’t interact with light or other electromagnetic radiation. It is generally inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter and plays an instrumental role in explaining the dynamics of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe.

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Astrophysics > Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

Title: how to write and develop your astronomy research paper.

Abstract: Writing is a vital component of a modern career in scientific research. But how to write correctly and effectively is often not included in the training that young astronomers receive from their supervisors and departments. We offer a step-by-step guide to tackle this deficiency, published as a set of two papers. In the first, we addressed how to plan and outline your paper and decide where to publish. In the current second paper, we describe the various sections that constitute a typical research paper in astronomy, sharing best practice for the most efficient use of each of them. We also discuss a selection of issues that often cause trouble to writers, from sentence to paragraph structure, the `writing mechanics' used to develop a manuscript. Our two-part guide is aimed primarily at master's and PhD level students who are presented with the daunting task of writing their first scientific paper, but more senior researchers or writing instructors may well find the ideas presented here useful.
Comments: Submitted to Nature Astronomy as Paper 2 in a two-part mini-series of 'Perspectives' articles. Paper 1 in the series is 'How to plan your astronomy research paper in ten steps' by Chamba, Knapen & Black. Kindly cite and/or acknowledge this work and Paper 1 ( ) if you use them to plan and write your paper. The Version of Record is available online at
Subjects: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Physics Education (physics.ed-ph)
Cite as: [astro-ph.IM]
  (or [astro-ph.IM] for this version)
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Home » 500+ Astronomy Research Topics

500+ Astronomy Research Topics

Astronomy Research Topics

Astronomy is a fascinating field of study that has captivated human beings for centuries. From the movement of the stars in the sky to the mysteries of black holes and dark matter, there is always something new and exciting to discover in the vast universe that surrounds us. As technology advances, so too does our ability to explore and understand the cosmos, leading to new discoveries and insights into the nature of our existence. If you’re interested in exploring the frontiers of astronomy research, there are a wide range of topics to choose from, including planetary science, astrophysics, cosmology, and more. Whether you’re an amateur stargazer or a seasoned astronomer, the world of astronomy research is full of wonder and excitement, waiting to be explored. In this post we will cover some interesting Astronomy Research Topics.

Astronomy Research Topics

Astronomy Research Topics are as follows:

  • The formation and evolution of stars
  • The structure and dynamics of galaxies
  • The nature of dark matter and dark energy
  • The search for exoplanets and habitable zones
  • The properties of black holes and their effects on their surroundings
  • The origin and distribution of cosmic rays
  • The study of the cosmic microwave background radiation
  • The detection and characterization of gravitational waves
  • The study of high-energy astrophysical phenomena, such as gamma-ray bursts and supernovae
  • The origin and evolution of the universe
  • The structure and dynamics of the Milky Way galaxy
  • The properties of interstellar gas and dust
  • The study of planetary atmospheres and weather patterns
  • The search for extraterrestrial life
  • The study of the early universe, including the era of cosmic inflation
  • The study of the intergalactic medium
  • The formation and evolution of galaxies in the early universe
  • The study of star formation and protoplanetary disks
  • The study of the interstellar medium in nearby galaxies
  • The study of the structure and evolution of galaxy clusters
  • The study of the structure and dynamics of planetary systems
  • The search for Earth-like planets in the habitable zone
  • The study of the atmospheres of exoplanets
  • The study of the formation and evolution of planetary systems
  • The study of planetary geology and surface features
  • The study of the magnetic fields of planets and stars
  • The study of the chemical evolution of the universe
  • The study of the role of massive stars in the evolution of galaxies
  • The study of the impact of cosmic rays on planetary atmospheres
  • The study of the effect of magnetic fields on star formation and evolution
  • The study of the interstellar medium in starburst galaxies
  • The study of the effects of mergers and interactions on galaxies
  • The study of the properties of intergalactic gas and the intergalactic medium
  • The study of the chemical composition of stars and galaxies
  • The study of the formation and evolution of clusters of galaxies
  • The study of the distribution of dark matter in galaxies
  • The study of the formation of supermassive black holes
  • The study of the evolution of the interstellar medium in the Milky Way galaxy
  • The study of the structure and evolution of the Local Group of galaxies
  • The study of the properties of high-redshift galaxies
  • The study of the properties of globular clusters and their stellar populations
  • The study of the structure and dynamics of the solar wind
  • The study of the structure and dynamics of the heliosphere
  • The study of the properties of the solar corona
  • The study of the solar cycle and its effects on the Earth’s climate
  • The study of the properties of near-Earth asteroids and comets
  • The study of the origin and evolution of the Kuiper Belt
  • The study of the formation and evolution of the Oort Cloud
  • The study of the effects of meteorite impacts on planetary surfaces
  • The study of the formation and evolution of the Martian atmosphere
  • The study of the properties of the Martian polar ice caps
  • The study of the origin and evolution of the Jovian moons
  • The study of the properties of the Jovian magnetosphere
  • The study of the formation and evolution of Saturn’s rings
  • The study of the properties of Titan’s atmosphere
  • The study of the properties of the Galilean moons
  • Dark matter and dark energy
  • The physics of magnetic reconnection in AGN jets
  • The study of the interstellar medium in radio galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in accretion disks
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in galaxy clusters
  • The study of magnetic fields in protostellar disks
  • The study of the interstellar medium in high-redshift galaxies
  • The study of cosmic rays in the heliosphere
  • The study of magnetic fields in protostellar outflows
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy groups
  • The study of magnetic fields in the intergalactic medium
  • The study of cosmic ray propagation in the heliosphere
  • The study of magnetic fields in the solar corona
  • The study of the interstellar medium in nearby galaxy clusters
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the heliosphere
  • The study of magnetic fields in starburst galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in protostellar outflows
  • The study of the interstellar medium in active galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in AGN jets
  • The study of magnetic fields in galaxy mergers
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy clusters
  • The study of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters using radio observations
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the interstellar medium
  • The study of magnetic fields in the Milky Way using polarimetry
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in gamma-ray bursts
  • The study of the interstellar medium in low surface brightness galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using synchrotron emission
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of black holes
  • The study of magnetic fields in the intergalactic medium using Faraday rotation
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the Magellanic Clouds
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in supernova shock waves
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using Zeeman splitting
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in astrophysical jets.
  • The nature and behavior of black holes
  • Formation and evolution of galaxies
  • Exoplanet discovery and characterization
  • The origin and nature of the cosmic microwave background radiation
  • The search for life beyond Earth
  • The structure and composition of the Sun
  • The formation and evolution of the solar system
  • The properties of comets and asteroids
  • The role of magnetic fields in astrophysical phenomena
  • The study of supernovae and their progenitors
  • The dynamics of star clusters and their evolution
  • The nature and behavior of pulsars and neutron stars
  • The origin and properties of gamma-ray bursts
  • The properties of high-energy cosmic rays and their sources
  • The formation and evolution of planetary systems
  • The physics of star formation
  • The nature and properties of interstellar dust and gas
  • The study of planetary atmospheres
  • The properties and behavior of active galactic nuclei
  • The study of cosmic magnetism
  • The search for dark matter particles
  • The study of gravitational waves and their sources
  • The dynamics of binary and multiple star systems
  • The formation and evolution of massive stars
  • The properties and behavior of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium
  • The study of protostars and protoplanetary disks
  • The properties and behavior of supermassive black holes
  • The study of the early universe
  • The properties of the interstellar medium in external galaxies
  • The physics of star clusters and their evolution
  • The properties and behavior of quasars
  • The study of the cosmic web
  • The dynamics of galaxy clusters and their evolution
  • The study of stellar atmospheres
  • The formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration mechanisms
  • The physics of magnetic reconnection in astrophysical plasmas
  • The study of active solar phenomena
  • The properties and behavior of coronal mass ejections
  • The study of cosmic ray propagation
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the Milky Way
  • The study of the heliosphere and its interaction with the interstellar medium
  • The study of the Sun’s magnetic field
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the Local Group of galaxies
  • The physics of turbulence in astrophysical fluids
  • The study of the Sun’s atmosphere
  • The properties and behavior of solar flares
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the Virgo cluster of galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters
  • The physics of the solar wind
  • The properties and behavior of solar prominences
  • The study of coronal loops and their dynamics
  • The study of cosmic rays in the Galaxy and their sources
  • The study of the interstellar medium in distant galaxies
  • The study of sunspots and their dynamics
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants
  • The study of magnetic fields in star-forming regions
  • The study of the interstellar medium in merging galaxies
  • The physics of magnetic reconnection in solar flares
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galaxy
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium
  • The study of magnetic fields in AGN jets
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium
  • The study of cosmic ray propagation in galaxy clusters
  • The study of the interstellar medium in quasar host galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in pulsars
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy mergers
  • The study of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters using weak gravitational lensing
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of hot spots in radio galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in galactic winds
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outer regions of galaxy clusters using Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using Lyman-alpha forest observations
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of supermassive black hole binaries
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galactic warps
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using Faraday depolarization
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in galaxy clusters using Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy groups
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of low-luminosity AGN
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of galaxy mergers
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy clusters using metal absorption lines
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using the Hanle effect
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Local Group
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of quasars
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using Zeeman broadening
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of star-forming galaxies
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy clusters using gravitational lensing
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using galaxy-galaxy weak lensing
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic halo using gamma-ray observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters using gravitational lensing
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using anomalous microwave emission
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of the Galactic center
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy groups using metal absorption lines
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of Seyfert galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the interstellar medium using gamma-ray observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of low-metallicity galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using the Cotton-Mouton effect
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of massive black hole binaries
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy clusters using radio halos
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using galaxy cluster weak lensing
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the intergalactic medium using gamma-ray observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of radio galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using the Hanle depolarization
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of quasar host galaxies
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of LINERs
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in galaxy clusters using cosmic microwave background
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of pulsars
  • The study of the interstellar medium in low-metallicity galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of AGN
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the Galactic Center
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using dust polarization
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic halo
  • The study of the interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in galactic outflows
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in gamma-ray bursts using neutrino observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in dwarf galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the Milky Way using pulsar dispersion measures
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic magnetic field
  • The study of the interstellar medium in interacting galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using molecular line observations
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in AGN using gamma-ray observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in radio galaxies using Faraday rotation
  • The study of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters using X-ray observations
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of black holes using gravitational wave observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galactic bulges
  • The study of magnetic fields in high-redshift galaxies using Lyman-alpha forest observations
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in galaxy clusters using X-ray observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outer regions of galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in galactic halos
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in galaxy clusters using radio observations
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the Local Group
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using multi-wavelength observations
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of magnetars
  • The study of the interstellar medium in circumstellar disks
  • The study of magnetic fields in AGN jets using VLBI observations
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic Center
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using molecular clouds
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of young stellar objects
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumgalactic medium using absorption lines
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of starburst galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of massive stars
  • The study of the interstellar medium in high-velocity clouds
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using polarization of starlight
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the intergalactic medium
  • The study of the interstellar medium in galaxy groups using X-ray observations
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using interstellar scintillation
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of protostars
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the vicinity of supermassive black holes
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using dust extinction
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using quasar-galaxy pairs
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the intergalactic medium using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of high-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (HINERs)
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using Faraday rotation measurements
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of black hole binaries
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of compact elliptical galaxies
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of AGN with double-peaked emission lines
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of microquasars
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of green pea galaxies
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters using radio observations
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of X-ray bright AGN
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of massive star clusters
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using galaxy-galaxy strong lensing
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the intergalactic medium using X-ray observations of galaxy clusters
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of AGN with complex emission lines
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using Zeeman effect measurements
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of gamma-ray bursts with extended emission
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters using deep optical surveys
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of broad-line radio galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic disk using supernova remnants
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of post-starburst galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using weak lensing of the cosmic microwave background radiation
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of shock waves in galaxy clusters
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of Seyfert 2 galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using the rotation measure synthesis technique
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the interstellar medium using HII region surveys
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters using submillimeter observations
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of radio galaxies with diffuse emission
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of gamma-ray emitting blazars
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of galaxies with ionization cones
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using simulations of galaxy formation
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic halo using diffuse gamma-ray emission
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of gamma-ray bursts
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of high-redshift galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using polarimetry
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic disk using pulsar wind nebulae
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters using X-ray observations
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using quasar absorption line systems
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of gamma-ray emitting supernovae
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the intergalactic medium using the Lyman-alpha forest
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of dusty quasars
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using Lyman-alpha absorption
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy groups using X-ray observations
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of radio-loud quasars
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic halo using pulsar timing
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs)
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using the polarization of cosmic microwave background radiation
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of tidal disruption events
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of submillimeter galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using galaxy-galaxy lensing
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of infrared luminous galaxies
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of supernova remnants
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters using X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect observations
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of obscured AGN
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the interstellar medium using dust emission
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of broad absorption line quasars
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using high-resolution spectroscopy
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of fast radio bursts
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of high-metallicity galaxies
  • The study of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium using pulsar polarization measurements
  • The study of cosmic ray transport in the Galactic disk using HII regions
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the outskirts of galaxy clusters using optical and infrared observations
  • The study of magnetic fields in the circumnuclear region of compact steep spectrum radio sources
  • The study of cosmic ray acceleration in the vicinity of pulsar wind nebulae
  • The study of the interstellar medium in the circumnuclear region of radio-quiet quas

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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160 Outstanding Astronomy Research Topics to Consider

Table of Contents

Would you have to submit an astronomy research paper? Are you searching for the top astronomy research topics for your assignment? If yes, then this blog post is for you. Here, for your convenience, we have listed 150 interesting astronomy research ideas on various themes involved in the subject. Explore and pick any topic that matches your needs.

Astronomy Research Topics

What is Astronomy?

Astronomy is a science that studies everything about celestial objects, space, and other things present in the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere. It is one of the interesting subjects that are closely associated with physics, mathematics, chemistry, and molecular biology.

Astronomy Research Paper Topic Selection

If you are a student who is pursuing a degree course in astronomy, astrophysics, meteorology, or atmospheric science, then for your research project, you can consider any topic related to astronomy. However, choosing one ideal topic from numerous astronomy research ideas available is not at all easy. So, to make your astronomy research paper topic selection phase easier, here we have shared some key tips. Follow them all, whenever you are asked to choose an astronomy research paper topic of your interest.

  • Always pick an astronomy topic in which you have strong knowledge.
  • Never go with a topic that is too vast or too narrow.
  • Pick a topic only if it has a wide scope of discussion and several credible sources of reference.
  • In case, the topic you have chosen is broad, make sure to divide it down into smaller subtopics and concentrate on it.
  • Select only the topic that allows you to complete the entire discussion before the deadline.
  • Choose a topic that is not only interesting but also informative to your audience.
  • Finalize the topic only if it matches the research paper writing guidelines shared by your university.
  • In addition to that, consult with your supervisor and get approval for the topic you have chosen so that you can improve the quality of your paper as per their suggestions.

List of the Best Astronomy Research Topics

For writing your astronomy research paper, you can very well choose a topic from areas such as space science, astrophysics, planetary science, or any other astronomy-related sub-discipline. If you run short of ideas, then take a look at the list presented below. In the list, you will find 150+ fascinating astronomy research paper topic ideas deserving of an A+ grade.

Best Astronomy Research Topic Ideas

Interesting Astronomy Research Topics

  • Why are Musk’s Starlink satellites important?
  • How does the Sun affect our water bodies?
  • What causes a star to go supernova?
  • Determining the angular diameter of the Moon
  • Latest developments in NASA’s Shuttle Program.
  • Listening to the echoes of a solar storm.
  • Problems with satellite communications.
  • Can we discover a way to travel in time?
  • How is a star born?
  • Beyond the Milky Way
  • What are called Dwarf galaxies and how many of them currently exist in the galaxy?
  • Difference between the Hubble telescope and Kepler telescope along with their use in astronomy
  • Who is called the father of modern astronomy?
  • Discuss about the formation of galaxies
  • What is the difference between astronomy and cosmology?
  • What is the future of space exploration?
  • A closer review of the Big Bang theory.
  • Compare two theories that explain the origin of the universe.
  • Stephen Hawking theories.
  • Discuss about Quasars and their importance
  • Compare and contrast Clashing branes and Cosmic ghost
  • Briefly discuss the importance of relativity in astronomy
  • Why Asteroid Extinction theory is considered one of the most terrifying theories in astronomy?
  • What are called Exploding Stars?

Captivating Astronomy Topics for Research

  • The Big Bang theory.
  • How did ancient humans see the most important constellations?
  • Is light-speed travel possible in the near future?
  • The slow process of the black hole birth.
  • The Rings of Saturn: An analysis
  • Nebulae and masses of matter
  • Quantum physics and astronomy
  • Cosmic Microwave Background
  • Star Gazing
  • What are called Black Holes and how many of them are there in the space?
  • Discuss the AGB (Asymptotic giant branch) phase of a star
  • What is called a Supernova in astronomy?
  • What do asteroids mean in astrology and how do they affect astronomy?
  • What is known as dark energy in astronomy?
  • What impact do humans have on the solar system?
  • The rise of space tourism: What impact will it have on space exploration?
  • Is space tourism a good thing?
  • What could go wrong with space tourism?

Astronomy Research Topics

Planetary Science Research Topics

  • Astrobiology and Ocean Worlds
  • Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
  • Geosciences
  • Planetary and Exoplanetary Atmospheres
  • Small Bodies of the Solar System
  • The basis for the classification of planets
  • The Coronado Expedition
  • Martian Cratering Studies
  • Fireballs that produce Meteorites
  • The Origin of the Moon
  • Iridescent clouds
  • Multi-ring impact basins on the Moon
  • Methods used to detect exoplanets
  • Searching for life on other planets
  • Planetary Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy.
  • Geochemistry, Petrology and Mineralogy.

Additional Research Paper Topics on Planetary Science

  • Colonization of other planets
  • Implications of life on planets aside from Earth
  • Similarities between Earth And Mars
  • Similarities between Venus and Earth
  • The implications of the moon on Earth
  • The sun and its relationship to the Earth
  • The origins of life on planet Earth
  • How does the Mars rover work?
  • What does the Mars colonization mean for the human race?
  • The First Mars Landing
  • The possibility of finding life on Mars
  • What does it take for humans to survive on Mars?
  • Why is Pluto not a planet?
  • Hot black ice
  • The process of the planet melting
  • Discuss the secrets behind Quasars
  • Describe the recently discovered planets by NASA
  • What are called G-type stars?
  • Discuss the second Earth-Size World in the Planetary System discovered by NASA
  • What is called Planetary Remote Sensing?

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Astrophysics Research Topics

  • Why are moons orbiting planets?
  • Can physics find what we call the multiverse?
  • Controversies in astrophysics
  • What is dark matter and where can it be found?
  • The light spectrum of stars in distant galaxies.
  • High energy processes and space plasmas
  • Astrophysics : Interdisciplinary views of space
  • Astrophysical conditions for the emergence of life
  • Stellar evolution and nuclear astrophysics
  • Spectroscopy in hot bodies

Research Topics on Space Science

  • The latest space tech and breakthroughs.
  • The future of space exploration.
  • The full history of manned space flight.
  • Making business in space.
  • The ins and outs of robotic space exploration.
  • Space debris and human impact on the solar system
  • The future of NASA and space exploration
  • The Space Race and the Cold War
  • Understanding space-time
  • Why explore space?
  • Active Experiments in Space: Past, Present, and Future
  • The space weather
  • Natural processes that take place in the outer space
  • The human exploration of space
  • Higher Plants, Algae, and Cyanobacteria in Space Environments
  • Wound Management and Healing in Space
  • Space Traffic Management
  • Astronauts and Space
  • Biology in Space: Challenges and Opportunities

Fascinating Astronomy Research Topics

  • Rocket launches
  • The effects of zero gravity on humans
  • Life cycles of stars
  • Military Space Technology
  • The Hubble telescope
  • The great crunch
  • Heavenly bodies and human mythology
  • The similarities between asteroids and comets
  • Cosmology: Cosmic ages and distance scales
  • Galaxy formation
  • Are extraterrestrials real?
  • The Galactic Evolution
  • The cause of the Northern Lights
  • Remote sensing
  • Cosmic Time And Distance
  • Astrobiology and Plant Formation
  • Unidentified Flying Objects and Extraterrestrials

Simple Astronomy Research Topics

  • What happens during a solar eclipse?
  • Proof that supports the Big Bang theory.
  • Discuss the unsolved problems in astronomy.
  • Copernicus’s heliocentric model.
  • Discuss the effects of the sun on our planet.
  • How do the stars shine?
  • Theories about the origin of fast radio bursts.
  • What is the most possible end of the universe?
  • Compare the Big Bang theory and Steady State theory.
  • Explain the impact of solar activity on the biosphere of the earth.

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Excellent Astronomy Research Ideas

  • Describe the ancient peoples’ views on the most important constellations.
  • Kepler model and the Eratosthenes model are compared and contrasted.
  • Talk about how astronomy uses the geocentric model and the earth orbit model.
  • Talk about the societal effects of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
  • space trash and the solar system as influenced by humans.
  • calculating the density and mass of the solar system.
  • the reasons why time travel is not conceivable.
  • How did early humans perceive the most important constellations?
  • Examine the first contact to understand the effects of life on other planets.
  • Data transmission over 5G wireless and satellites

Top-rated Astronomy Research Topics

  • Which issues are astrophysicists now working to resolve as the most crucial ones?
  • What are the most significant astrophysical puzzles yet unanswered?
  • What are the biggest problems that astrophysics is now facing?
  • Stars in far-off galaxies have a wide range of light.
  • Is the multiverse something that physics can detect?
  • What current developments in astrophysics are the most significant?
  • What are the most crucial astrophysical future directions?
  • The enigmas surrounding dark matter and dark energy

Amazing Astronomy Research Topics

  • Discuss the major influence of 5G wireless data transfer.
  • Explain the sun’s source of heat and light for millions of years.
  • Compare space weather and Earth’s weather.
  • Evaluate the existence of an unremarkable star.
  • Explain the earth’s outlook as viewed from space.
  • What caused the Challenger to explode after take-off?
  • Review the doctrine of Noosphere.

Out of the numerous ideas suggested above, choose any topic of your choice and draft a high-quality astronomy research paper. If you want any other impressive astronomy research topics or if you are confused about how to write an engaging astronomy research paper, then reach out to us .

research paper on astronomy ideas

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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150 Fascinating Astronomy Research Topics: Explore the Wonders of the Universe

Published 08 Jul 2024

The Significance of Astronomy Research Topics

Astronomy research topics hold a significant place in the academic curriculum due to their profound impact on our understanding of the universe and our place within it. These topics encourage students to explore the vastness of space, the intricacies of celestial bodies, and the astronomical objects and events that shape our cosmos. By studying astronomy, students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they analyze complex data, engage in scientific inquiry, and apply mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios. This field not only nurtures a sense of curiosity and wonder but also equips students with a robust foundation in STEM disciplines, essential for future scientific advancements.

Integrating Astronomy into the Curriculum

Integrating astronomy research topics into the curriculum enhances the educational experience by connecting theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Topics such as the lifecycle of stars, the structure of galaxies, and the search for exoplanets provide students with opportunities to engage in hands-on experiments, use advanced technology like telescopes and computer simulations, and collaborate on research projects. These advancements allow researchers to directly image exoplanets using advanced telescopes and instruments. This experiential learning fosters a deeper understanding of scientific principles and inspires students to pursue careers in astronomy, astrophysics, and related fields. Additionally, discussing contemporary issues such as space exploration, the potential for extraterrestrial life, and the ethical implications of space travel broadens students’ perspectives and encourages them to think critically about the future of humanity.

The Broader Impact of Astronomy Education

The broader impact of incorporating astronomy into the academic curriculum extends beyond the classroom. It promotes scientific literacy, enabling students to make informed decisions about space-related policies and innovations. Furthermore, studying astronomy fosters a global perspective, as students learn about international collaborations in space research and the universal nature of scientific inquiry. Gravitational lensing, for example, acts as a natural telescope, magnifying distant galaxies and revealing objects otherwise too faint to see. By cultivating an appreciation for the wonders of the universe, astronomy education also encourages environmental stewardship and a sense of responsibility toward our planet. Ultimately, including astronomy research topics in the curriculum prepares students to contribute to the scientific community and address some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

How to Select an Astronomy Research Topic

Choosing an engaging astronomy research topic can be both exciting and challenging. Researching the nature of dense matter, such as that found in neutron stars and pulsars, can be particularly intriguing. To ensure your topic is both interesting and manageable, consider your personal interests and the scope of your research. Start by reflecting on specific areas of astronomy that fascinate you, such as black holes, planetary science, or cosmic phenomena. Personal interest in a topic will drive your motivation and curiosity throughout the research process. Additionally, ensure the topic you choose has a well-defined scope that allows for thorough exploration without becoming overwhelming. A focused topic will enable you to delve deeply into the subject matter and provide a comprehensive analysis.

Practical Tips for Topic Selection

Here are some practical tips to guide you in selecting the perfect astronomy research topic:

  • Identify Your Interests: Choose a topic that genuinely excites you. Whether it's the mysteries of dark matter or the search for exoplanets, your passion will sustain your research efforts.
  • Evaluate Available Resources: Ensure there are ample resources available on your chosen topic. Look for scientific journals, books, and online databases that provide reliable and up-to-date information.
  • Consult with Instructors and Peers: Seek advice from your teachers or classmates. They can offer valuable insights and suggest topics that align with your academic goals and interests.
  • Consider Current Trends: Explore recent developments in the field of astronomy. Topics like the latest discoveries from space missions or advancements in telescope technology can provide fresh and relevant material for your research.
  • Assess the Scope and Feasibility: Make sure your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. A well-defined topic will allow you to conduct a thorough investigation and produce a detailed analysis.
  • Incorporate Interdisciplinary Approaches: Consider how astronomy intersects with other fields such as physics, chemistry, and computer science. This approach can provide a richer context for your research and highlight the interconnected nature of scientific inquiry.

By following these tips, you can select an astronomy research topic that is captivating and feasible, setting the stage for a successful and rewarding research experience.

150 Astronomy topics for all cases

Solar system.

  • Formation and evolution of the solar system
  • The structure and composition of the Sun
  • The impact of solar wind on planetary atmospheres
  • Comparative analysis of terrestrial planets
  • The geological features of Mars
  • The moons of Jupiter: A study of Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto
  • Saturn’s rings: Composition and dynamics
  • The dwarf planets: Pluto, Eris, and beyond
  • The Kuiper Belt and its significance
  • The asteroid belt: Origins and composition
  • The atmospheres of Venus and Mars compared to Earth
  • The role of comets in the solar system
  • The potential for life on Europa
  • The impact of meteorites on planetary surfaces
  • The study of Martian weather patterns
  • The exploration of the outer planets: Uranus and Neptune
  • The history and future of manned missions to the Moon
  • The potential for colonization of Mars
  • The influence of Jupiter’s gravity on the solar system
  • The heliosphere and its boundary with interstellar space
  • The Milky Way: Understanding our galaxy and its components

Stars, Stellar Evolution, and Supermassive Black Holes

  • The lifecycle of a star: From nebula to white dwarf
  • The process of nuclear fusion in stars
  • The significance of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
  • The different types of variable stars
  • The formation and evolution of binary star systems
  • The role of supernovae in the universe
  • The properties and behavior of neutron stars
  • The study of pulsars and their signals
  • The formation and characteristics of black holes
  • The concept of stellar nucleosynthesis
  • The impact of stellar winds on the interstellar medium
  • The formation of star clusters
  • The role of dark matter in star formation
  • The detection and study of exoplanets around distant stars
  • The significance of the main sequence in stellar evolution
  • The differences between Population I and Population II stars
  • The effects of stellar mass on a star’s lifecycle
  • The importance of metallicity in star formation
  • The study of globular clusters
  • The role of gravitational waves in studying stellar remnants
  • The discovery of mini-Neptunes around red dwarfs and the study of planets with enough water to harbor life using white dwarfs

Galaxies and the Universe

  • The structure and classification of galaxies
  • The formation and evolution of galaxies
  • The role of dark matter in galaxy formation
  • The study of galactic collisions and mergers
  • The properties and behavior of active galactic nuclei
  • The significance of quasars in understanding the early universe
  • The distribution and role of dark energy in the universe
  • The study of cosmic microwave background radiation
  • The formation and evolution of galaxy clusters
  • The concept of large-scale structure in the universe
  • The study of cosmic voids and filaments
  • The impact of supermassive black holes on galaxy evolution
  • The role of star formation in shaping galaxies
  • The study of dwarf galaxies and their significance
  • The properties and behavior of spiral galaxies
  • The characteristics of elliptical galaxies
  • The significance of the Hubble Deep Field images
  • The study of galaxy rotation curves
  • The concept of the expanding universe and the Hubble constant
  • The potential for multiverse theories

Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Dark Energy

  • The Big Bang theory and the origin of the universe
  • The concept of cosmic inflation
  • The study of primordial nucleosynthesis
  • The role of cosmic strings in the early universe
  • The properties and behavior of black holes
  • The significance of gravitational waves in cosmology
  • The study of the cosmic horizon
  • The concept of dark matter and dark energy
  • The search for the universe's missing baryons
  • The role of quantum mechanics in cosmology
  • The study of the universe's shape and geometry
  • The significance of the cosmological constant
  • The concept of the Great Attractor and cosmic flow
  • The impact of supernovae on cosmic distance measurement
  • The study of the intergalactic medium
  • The properties and behavior of cosmic rays
  • The concept of entropy and the universe's fate
  • The study of cosmic anisotropy
  • The role of magnetic fields in the universe
  • The impact of galaxy clusters on cosmic evolution

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Astrobiology and Extraterrestrial Life

  • The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI)
  • The potential for life on Mars
  • The study of extremophiles on Earth and their implications for life elsewhere
  • The possibility of life in the subsurface oceans of Europa and Enceladus
  • The role of exoplanet atmospheres in the search for life
  • The study of biosignatures and their detection
  • The concept of habitable zones around stars
  • The impact of stellar radiation on planetary habitability
  • The potential for life in the clouds of Venus
  • The study of ancient microbial life on Earth and its implications
  • The role of amino acids and nucleotides in the origin of life
  • The search for techno-signatures from advanced civilizations
  • The study of interstellar objects and their potential as carriers of life
  • The impact of panspermia theory on the origin of life
  • The role of organic molecules in space in the formation of life
  • The study of protoplanetary disks and planet formation
  • The significance of the Drake Equation in estimating extraterrestrial life
  • The study of exomoons and their potential habitability
  • The impact of space exploration missions on astrobiology research
  • The role of planetary protection protocols in space missions

Space Exploration and Technology

  • The history and future of space telescopes
  • The impact of space probes on our understanding of the solar system
  • The role of the International Space Station in scientific research
  • The future of human spaceflight and colonization
  • The development and significance of reusable rocket technology
  • The study of space weather and its impact on Earth
  • The role of artificial intelligence in space exploration
  • The impact of space tourism on the aerospace industry
  • The study of microgravity and its effects on the human body
  • The development of propulsion systems for interstellar travel
  • The role of international cooperation in space exploration
  • The impact of space debris and strategies for mitigation
  • The study of asteroid mining and its potential benefits
  • The development of habitats for long-duration space missions
  • The role of satellite technology in Earth observation
  • The impact of the commercialization of space
  • The study of lunar exploration and the potential for a Moon base
  • The development of Mars rovers and their scientific contributions
  • The role of space law and policy in regulating space activities
  • The impact of space exploration on scientific innovation and discovery

Final thoughts

Astronomy offers a vast and fascinating array of topics for research, from the intricate details of our own solar system to the grand scale of the universe. By exploring these diverse subjects, students and researchers can deepen their understanding of the cosmos, uncover new scientific insights, and contribute to our collective knowledge of space. Whether you are interested in planetary science, stellar evolution, galactic dynamics, or the search for extraterrestrial life, there is an astronomy topic that will captivate your curiosity and inspire rigorous investigation.

Ready to dive into the wonders of the universe? Choose one of these captivating astronomy research topics and embark on your journey of discovery today. Whether you are a student, educator, or enthusiast, let your exploration of the cosmos begin now. Share your findings, spark discussions, and contribute to the ever-expanding field of astronomical research. The universe awaits your curiosity and dedication!

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Written by Stella Gary

Stella Gary is a talented writer specializing in creating comprehensive guides on various academic tasks, including literature reviews, lab reports, and thesis writing. With a sharp analytical mind and a deep understanding of academic standards, Stella offers invaluable advice and techniques to help students achieve their academic goals. Outside of her professional work, Stella is passionate about sustainable living and often explores innovative ways to promote eco-friendly practices.

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  • Remote sensing
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The branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of stars and other celestial bodies, and the application of the laws and theories of physics to the interpretation of astronomical observations.

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Path of the Lyman alpha forest sightline

New astrophysics research supports the existence of an unknown influence

UC Riverside astrophysicists measured distribution of matter in the universe using neutral hydrogen

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A University of California, Riverside, study has expanded our knowledge of the structure of the universe and supports the existence of a new physical effect, such as a particle that has never been observed before.

The astrophysicists used the “Lyman-Alpha Forest,” a powerful tool for mapping the distribution of hydrogen in the universe — and, indirectly, dark matter. The “forest,” a series of absorption lines in the spectra of distant quasars and galaxies, is so named because in graphs it appears like a dense tangle of saplings. To analyze the forest, the scientists used a new model and simulations, which allowed them to reconstruct the distribution of matter, including dark matter, over a vast portion of the universe.

Published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, the study confirms a “tension” or discrepancy between observations and theoretical predictions about the universe, suggesting the possible existence of a new particle.

Simeon Bird , an associate professor of physics and astronomy and the study’s senior author, explained that each of the peaks in the wavelength distribution graph observed in the Lyman-Alpha Forest represents a sudden drop in “light” at a specific and narrow wavelength, serving as a “map” of the matter that the light encountered on its journey to us.

Simeon Bird

“It’s somewhat like shadow puppetry, where we guess the character placed between the light and the screen based on its silhouette,” he said. “The ‘shadow’ of hydrogen molecules, suspended at vast distances between us and the light projected by intense luminous sources even farther away, is well recognized by astrophysicists.” 

The images used are called spectrograms, Bird explained. They are decompositions of light. 

“It’s like a kind of very fine-grained rainbow,” Bird said.

When sunlight passes through a prism (or a water droplet), the light is split into its “ingredients,” the colors of the rainbow. In spectrograms of light coming from cosmic sources like quasars, the same kind of splitting happens, but almost always some frequencies go missing, visible as black bands where the light is absent, as if something had cast a shadow.

“These are the atoms and molecules that the light has encountered along the way,” Bird said. “Since each type of atom has a specific way of absorbing light, leaving a sort of signature in the spectrogram, it is possible to trace their presence, especially that of hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe.”

According to Bird, the hydrogen is useful because it’s like a tracer of dark matter.

“We still don’t know what dark matter is and we’ve never seen it, but we are certain it exists in great abundance—greater than that of normal matter,” he said.

When Bird and his colleagues used hydrogen to track dark matter indirectly, they found it was like “sticking dye into a stream of water.”

“The dye will follow where the water goes,” Bird said. “Dark matter gravitates so it has a gravitational potential. The hydrogen gas falls into it, and you use it as a tracer of the dark matter. Where it is denser there’s more dark matter. You can think of the hydrogen as the dye and the dark matter as the water.”

The work by Bird and his colleagues does more than simply monitor dark matter. Current studies of the cosmos report some so-called “tensions” or discrepancies between observations and theoretical predictions.

“One of the current tensions is the number of galaxies on small scales and at low redshifts,” Bird said. “The low redshift universe is the one relatively close to us. Currently, there are two hypotheses to explain the discrepancy between observations and expectations: first, there exists a new physical effect, such as a never-before-seen particle, or, second, that something strange is happening with supermassive black holes inside galaxies. The black holes are stunting the growth of galaxies in some way and are messing up our structure calculations.”

Bird cautioned that the tension is not yet at the level of certainty needed to claim a detection.

“It’s not completely convincing yet,” Bird said. “But if this holds up in later data sets, then it is much more likely to be a new particle or some new type of physics, rather than the black holes messing up our calculations.”      

Bird’s coauthors on the paper are M. A. Fernandez and Ming-Feng Ho.

The title of the research paper is “Cosmological Constraints from the eBOSS Lyman-α Forest using the PRIYA Simulations.”

The research was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA, with the original survey funded by the Department of Energy. Simulations were run using NSF Frontera and additional modeling was done on UCR’s High-Performance Computing Center.

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This news release is a modified version of a news release written by Federica Sgorbissa of the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

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  • > Volume 31
  • > A Review of High School Level Astronomy Student Research...

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A Review of High School Level Astronomy Student Research Projects Over the Last Two Decades

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  10 September 2014

Since the early 1990s with the arrival of a variety of new technologies, the capacity for authentic astronomical research at the high school level has skyrocketed. This potential, however, has not realised the bright-eyed hopes and dreams of the early pioneers who expected to revolutionise science education through the use of telescopes and other astronomical instrumentation in the classroom. In this paper, a general history and analysis of these attempts is presented. We define what we classify as an Astronomy Research in the Classroom (ARiC) project and note the major dimensions on which these projects differ before describing the 22 major student research projects active since the early 1990s. This is followed by a discussion of the major issues identified that affected the success of these projects and provide suggestions for similar attempts in the future.


Student research, pitched at an appropriate level, can be an effective approach to address the disenchantment about science that results from traditional ‘chalk’n’talk’ styles of teaching (Hollow Reference Hollow 2000 ). While students can be excited by the breathtaking images in astronomy alone, through research a student can gain a sense of pride and ownership in their work, as well as gain useful secondary meta-skills such as organisational techniques and problem-solving approaches that become invaluable in later studies and work. In addition, some students demonstrate greater capabilities when they are exposed to study at depth than one would have previously expected from their in-class behaviour. Gifted students as well as underachievers and the easily bored can be motivated by tackling some of the ‘big questions’ that a typical everyday science class lacks (Hollow Reference Hollow, Pasachoff and Percy 2005 ).

It is also the case that traditional styles of schooling tend to compartmentalise learning into very discrete entities, such as English in English class or computing in computer science class. In the modern world, regardless of whether the career is scientific or not, skills are generally built from many varied components drawn from a variety of traditional subject domains (Gilbert Reference Gilbert 2005 ). This reality is modelled much better by a research approach to learning in science than the traditional transmissive mode evident in high school science.

The capacity for true high school-based astronomical research has exploded over the last twenty years and this has a lot to do with rapid technological advancement. In the early nineties, affordable charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras became available which delivered near-instantaneous images from telescopes rather than the previous long and tedious processing of photographic film (Baruch 1992). While unimaginably slow by present day standards, early modems and bulletin board systems and then the Internet provided a method of ‘instantaneous’ and cheap long-distance delivery of these images (at least compared to sending the images through the post on disk), as well as the potential for remote control of the observatory itself.

As it was noted while it was occurring (Baruch Reference Baruch 2000 , Sadler et al. 2000, Hollow, McKinnon, & White 1998), it is the recent development of fast internet infrastructure that has allowed high school research projects involving astronomy to scale up in recent years. Other Information Technology (IT) developments, such as inexpensive hardware especially in terms of speed and capacity to share large amounts of data, and software to undertake a full analysis, have also contributed. It is also these factors that have allowed remote observing on major research grade observatories to become technically feasible.

Developments in IT even the playing field as less well-resourced schools can freely access such equipment and tools. Prior to this, access may have been the province of the wealthier schools (Gould, Dussault, & Sadler Reference Gould, Dussault and Sadler 2007 ). Even schools who (due either to budgets, Occupational Health & Saftery (OH&S) requirements or the nature of the school’s neighborhood) deny students access at night can remotely observe, e.g., from Japan or Australia during a school day in the US. The development of freely available, or relatively inexpensive software, potentially capable of scientific grade measurements, such as Astrometrica ( ), Makali’i (Horaguchi, Furusho, & Agata Reference Horaguchi, Furusho and Agata 2006 ), ImageJ (Hessman & Modrow Reference Hessman and Modrow 2008 ), Aperture Photometry Tool (Laher et al. Reference Laher, Gorijan, Rebull, Masci, Fowler, Helou, Kulkarni and Law 2012 ), and SalsaJ (Doran et al. Reference Doran 2012 ) go some of the way towards solving earlier issues of inaccessibility to adequate astronomical analysis software (Beare Reference Beare 2006 ).

The earliest endeavours were initially made with more modest smaller ≈ 12″ scale telescope systems. As the nineties and early 2000s progressed, larger telescopes and wider, more public, distribution networks grew, e.g., Telescopes in Education (Clark Reference Clarke and Okyudo 1998 ), the Global Telescope Network ( ), the 24″ at Yerkes Observatory (Hoette Reference Hoette and Okyudo 1998 ) and the MicroObservatory telescopes (Gould et al. 2007). Recently, larger research grade telescope systems have been constructed which provide telescope time to education projects, e.g., Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT; 2×2m Faulkes; Hidas et al. Reference Hidas, Hawkins, Walker, Brown and Rosing 2008 , Gomez & Gomez Reference Gomez and Gomez 2011 ; ) in Hawai’i, USA and Australia, the National Schools Observatory/ Liverpool Telescope (NSO/LT; 1x2m; Steele Reference Steele 2004 ; ) in La Palma, Canary Islands and MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes (MONET) (2x1.2m, ) in Texas, US and South Africa. There are also more modest aperture, but still quite sophisticated setups such as the Astronomical Research Institute ( ) in Illinois, US and Tzec Maun Observatory ( ) who host various telescopes in the US and Australia. Notably for optical projects, the ability to connect to a telescope on the other (dark) side of the world opens more possibilities where once it may have required night time observing sessions. As a very useful side-effect, it requires a much decreased learning curve on the part of the teacher to access a remote automated telescope through the internet than to drive a semi-automatic telescope in person (Beare 2004).

The use of radio astronomy equipment, data and observing techniques at the high school level has been far less widespread than in optical astronomy. In part, this is due to the greater conceptual difficulty of viewing and interpreting radio data compared with optical data but it is also due to equipment issues. Some schools such as Taunton School in the UK (Hill Reference Hill 1995 ) achieved remarkable results in building and using a variety of radio telescopes, including making interferometric observations of the emission from the collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. Some schools have used equipment projects such as Radio Jove to establish a radio astronomy provision within their school. Two schools in Australia relocated old dish antennae from the CSIRO Culgoora Radio Heliograph for use within their schools but at least one of these is no longer in use. More recently, several other successful schemes have been implemented in the US and Australia.

In this paper, we aim to provide a summary and analysis of the types of projects that try to, at some reasonable scale, get high school students and/or teachers to undertake, or contribute to, some type of astronomy research. We summarise the criteria used to select projects for this review, define the major dimensions on which the projects differ, provide a description of each project and end with a discussion of the general issues that impact on the success of these projects.


It is very difficult to categorise these projects into one homogeneous easily inter-comparable group because, while there are many similarities, there are also many differences. The core similarity is that high school students (Yr 9–12) have, at some point, participated in original astronomy using real data from a real instrument, or as close to this as could be realistically practical.

This is too broad and simple a definition to be generally useful, so we seek to define further criteria for what is, or is not, an Astronomy Research in the Classroom (ARiC) project. Providing and using criteria will always leave out some projects that others may have chosen to leave in. It is, however, beyond the scope of this paper to be too permissive and include every possible astronomy-focussed project. There are other repositories available online that collect lists of programs attempting to bring astronomy data into the classroom ( ).

The following are our nine criteria that a project needs to meet to be defined as an ARiC project. Within reason, these criteria are flexible, especially over the dimension of time; for example, due to technology constraints, earlier projects were much more difficult to run than more recent projects.

(1) Within the project, there is some capacity for original research.

The first criterion is basically a simple definition of an ARiC project. The contribution must be intended to be new, however small, and not be a re-run of previously undertaken research. We are not looking at simulations of real methodologies, such as the CLEA materials ( marschal/clea/CLEAhome.html) where the methodological steps that scientists take from observations to results are very well simulated, or canned exercises using real astronomical data contained within existing programs. It can be argued that these activities do have their place in education, and are often vital stepping stones to doing real astronomical research, but they are not the same as actually doing the research. At best, an ARiC project contains within itself mechanisms that can direct the student’s novel results towards publication, even in a journal aimed at student publications.

(2) Data should be from a research-grade instrument and detectors, preferably taken by the students themselves.

The second criterion allows multiple astronomical research techniques, perspectives and methodologies to be valid within reason. For instance, optically observing a variable star/s with an amplitude of a large fraction of a magnitude can be undertaken on nearly any clear night, whereas to get a decent colour-magnitude diagram of an open or globular cluster could require precision photometry with outstanding seeing in near-perfect observing conditions. In this case, the direct use of an optical telescope by the student is an option for the first instance above, whereas pulling the data from a research-quality archive is a better option for the second instance. This is a scientific precondition that drives certain pedagogical decisions rather than the other way around. It is important that the end result of a student’s research is a scientifically valid contribution, however small, and not, in actuality, a waste of time due to methodological errors. To that end, if the scientific endeavour requires the data-mining of previous observations rather than taking brand new observations, this is also considered to be valid. This criterion also incorporates practical considerations, e.g., if the resources or manpower required to get the project running are prohibitive then requirement for completely new observations is relaxed. This criterion is thus intended to be flexible within reason.

(3) ARiC projects should focus on the interpretation of data, not just the acquisition.

ARiC projects should mimic a real-world research project as much as possible, and encompass at least a few of the steps from the generation of an original idea, through research proposal, literature search, data acquisition, data reduction, and data interpretation, followed by new questions to pursue as a follow-up. Preferably, students should use Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) files, or other standard research data containers and formats, directly. This distinguishes ARiC programs from programs such as the crowd-sourced citizen science programs such as Galaxy Zoo ( ) or Moon Mappers ( ) as outlined in Mendez et al. ( Reference Mendez, Day, Gay, Jacoby, Raddick, Walker and Pompea 2010 ), where many people participate in looking at real data, but most of the participants typically require a comparatively smaller understanding of the data acquisition, reduction, or interpretation of the ensemble of crowd-sourced results.

Whilst most citizen science projects are not specifically aimed at formal education but rather at informal education, programs such as the Zooniverse are now actively attuned to possibilities and potential of use of programs within the classroom. Such projects are developing useful education tools and educator communities. These are likely to offer some exciting possibilities for ARiC projects in the near future.

(4) The project must rely fundamentally on the methodologies and typical approaches of the science of astronomy.

It is true that there can be much interdisciplinary crossover between astronomy, by which we mean the study of celestial objects, and that of planetary science, whether of Earth or other planets (e.g. , ), or that of Space Science, the study of nearby interplanetary space (e.g. ), or with chemistry or biology. For this paper, we choose to focus specifically on astronomical topics. While craters on the Moon and the atmosphere on Mars are interesting extra-planetary topics and are of course not truly distinct from the rest of astronomy (e.g., via extrasolar planets), they often use different language, methodology and approaches to what we typically call ‘astronomy’. In the context of this paper, however, since we study asteroids with the general techniques of astrometry and photometry, we make a small exception and include here projects involving asteroids. The study of the nature of the Moon and other planets in our Solar System, however, is beyond the scope of this paper. Unavoidably, this is a criterion with somewhat ill-defined boundaries, boundaries that can also move with time as scientific approaches to the study of natural phenomena themselves change.

(5) The focus of the project must be on astronomy rather than general science.

There are many organisations and projects around the world that offer generic ‘science research projects’ where students or educators are generally paired up with a mentor for a one-off science project in any of a wide variety of subjects. The projects we consider here are solely those that are specifically astronomically focussed, and not those that necessarily lead to a one-off science project (see also criterion 7 below).

(6) Interaction with Students and Teachers must be active, not passive.

ARiC projects must involve active, rather than passive, interaction of project personnel with teachers and students. Curriculum repositories such as the SDSS Skyserver materials ( ), the Hands-On Astrophysics/Variable Star Astronomy materials developed by Donna Young, Janet Mattei and John Percy (Mattei, Percy, & Young Reference Mattei, Percy and Young 1997 , ) or the Chandra activities ( ) while valuable, therefore do not qualify. Simple technology provision kits, while enabling science discovery in the classroom, do not necessarily actively promote interaction of scientists with teachers or students.

(7) Involvement of multiple teachers and/or multiple student groups.

We do not focus on single teacher led-projects at specific schools for specific populations of students, even though there have been some fine examples of great projects occurring, such as work at the Taunton Hill Radio Observatory (Hill Reference Hill 1995 ), Blue Mountains Grammar School (Hollow Reference Hollow 2000 ), The Latin School of Chicago (Gehret, Winters, & Coberly Reference Gehret, Winters and Coberly 2005 ). Nor do we consider one-off field trips, since they do not mimic the scientific process. This criterion is to ensure that the ARiC project can work in more than one classroom, involving more than one teacher, enabling at least the possibility that the project is scalable and sustainable.

(8) Projects are aimed at students or teachers at the high school (School Years 9-12) level.

We consider only the high school level components of the projects discussed. Some of the listed projects have, additionally, more substantial undergraduate, elementary or middle school components. To get students interested in science and astronomy, it is well recognised that recruitment needs to begin by the middle school level (Tytler et al. Reference Tytler, Osborne, Williams, Tytler and Cripps Clark 2008 , Barmby, Kind, & Jones Reference Barmby, Kind and Jones 2008 , McKinnon & Geissinger Reference McKinnon and Geissinger 2002 ). However, projects that are aimed at this level are of a different nature and are outside the scope of this review.

(9) Established continuing track record

In this review, we have omitted some potential projects due to the fact that they are still in development but have mentioned student research as one of their goals as this review is written. We mention these projects here for completeness: Comenius Asteroid Project ( ), Global Jet Watch ( ) or the SOFIA Airborne Observatory ( ). It is simply our requirement that something substantial must have occurred within the project for us to be able to discuss it.

There are other projects that have begun but have yet to generate enough data. One example is MONET, using a pair of 1.2 m telescopes, one in Texas and one in South Africa (Bischoff et al. Reference Bischoff, Tuparev, Hessman and Nikolova 2006 ), that have had some early success and published some articles (Backhaus et al. Reference Backhaus 2012 , Beuermann et al. Reference Beuermann 2011 & Beuermann et al. Reference Beuermann, Diese, Paik, Ploch, Zachmann, Schwope and Hessman 2009 ) but is yet to get rolling in a stable manner. Another example is the Spice-Physics-ICRAR Remote Internet Telescope (SPIRIT) ( ) pair of observatories at the University of Western Australia. It was officially opened in 2010 for the use of high school students, both remotely and robotically.


Even within the limitations we have imposed, there are nearly as many types of ARiC projects as there are actual projects. They can display different approaches, have widely varying budgets, and hence cannot generally be compared directly. The dimensions outlined here are not rating scales, but rather descriptions of difference. Few of these projects have detailed descriptions in the widely available literature, and so we have defined dimensions in an effort to describe some basic differences and similarities amongst the projects. There are quite a large number of conference proceedings outlining project directions as well as media releases that advertise particular project successes. However, there are many fewer publications of scientific outputs available in the literature (as may be reasonably suspected), and only very rarely are there methodologically strong evaluations of efficacy in terms of student knowledge or motivation outcomes in science. This is also to be expected as a recent analysis of IAU papers (Bretones & Neto Reference Bretones and Neto 2011 ) comes to similar, more rigorous conclusions that research into astronomy education, in general, requires deeper treatments. The lack of good quantitative data in high school astronomy education has been known for a while (Hollow Reference Hollow 2000 ). We now go into detail about the various dimensions we have used to characterise broadly each of the projects. Where each project sits in relation to these dimensions are listed at the top of the description of each of the projects.

3.1 Teachers / Students / Both

One of the major dimensions we use below is whether the project focus is on teachers or students as a group or on both groups. Some projects seek to get research undertaken in the classroom via empowering the teacher with inquiry-based scientific skills in the hope that they will in turn get their students to undertake research. In this respect, these projects are also attempting to empower the teacher to better present science to their current and future students in a more engaging manner in addition to implementing authentic research in the classroom.

Other projects act to try to extract particularly interested students from their classrooms as candidates to undertake research. The teacher is used as a recruitment tool to find highly engaged students. Some projects involve the personnel taking control and direction of the classroom activities (either by going into the classroom or bringing the students to the project’s staff) leaving the teacher to act in a supervisory or administrative role.

Teacher professional learning about authentic inquiry-based science education is something that takes a large amount of time, effort and resources (e.g., Supovitz, Mayer, & Kahle Reference Supovitz, Mayer and Kahle 2000 , Gerbaldi Reference Gerbaldi, Pasachoff and Percy 2005 , Loucks-Horsley et al. Reference Loucks-Horsley, Love, Stiles, Mundry and Hewson 2003 ) but can have flow-on benefits for the teachers’ future students (e.g., Silverstein et al. Reference Silverstein, Dubner, Miller, Glied and Loike 2009 ), and a multiplicative impact on science education. Student-focussed projects cut straight to the student, eliminating the costs and resources in both money and time, for large amounts of teacher training.

3.2 Structured / Guided / Coupled Inquiry

The tradition of four categories of inquiry were first defined by Schwab ( Reference Schwab 1960 ) and Herron ( Reference Herron 1971 ). Confirmatory Inquiry is where the results of a scientific undertaking are largely known in advance and the scientific endeavour is simply to re-confirm accepted knowledge. By definition, and via criterion number one, this style of inquiry is excluded from this review. Structured Inquiry is where, the larger question and the methodology of an endeavour are quite rigidly set by the teacher/mentor, and the students are led through the methodology to gain a new answer at the end. Guided Inquiry is where, the question is set by the teacher/mentor, but the methodology and process are to a reasonable extent left to the students to design and undertake. Open Inquiry is where students can decide upon their own research question and methodology within the resources available, while the teacher/mentor acts as a guide or facilitator rather than a traditional instructor.

It is quite unlikely, and pedagogically not feasible, for any student or novice researcher, without prior conceptual and methodological understanding of the scientific field, to launch simply straight into Open Inquiry. More reasonably, the idea of ‘Coupled Inquiry’ (Dunkhase Reference Dunkhase 2003 ) is a feasible approach, where students are initially led through either Structured or Guided or some combination to a level where they are capable of undertaking true Open Inquiry. As Open Inquiry has to be preceded by scaffolding at some time and at some level, we leave this out of our discussion. More importantly, scaffolding is required because students cannot do research if they do not understand the content area and methodology of the research field itself (Etkina, Matilsky, & Lawrence Reference Etkina, Matilsky and Lawrence 2003 ).

3.3 Archival / Pre-Observed / Newly Observed

This dimension captures whether the project uses data which has been previously analysed and exists in archival datasets, data which has been pre-collected but not analysed or whether the data is collected during the project itself.

3.4 Selective / Non-Selective / Partially-Selective

Some projects are open to all who are interested and some are highly academically selective. Others are not necessarily selective, but through their recruitment procedure, end up being selective.

3.5 Easily Scalable / Non-Scalable / Scalable with Difficulty

This dimension is a question of ability to expand given sufficient funding. For instance, an easily scalable project would be one where you would involve twice or more of the population for twice the cost or less. The limiting aspects can relate to the use of a specific instrument or telescope. Unless the telescope is specifically devoted for student use or educational projects, there is an inevitable restriction on time availability if the education projects require their own observations. If the data are primarily archival, the limiting factor may be the number of project personnel recruited to work with the teachers and students.

3.6 At School / External / Mixture

This describes whether the teachers and students undertake the project predominantly in their schools or from home (At School), or at another external institution (External), or it is a mixture (i.e. a workshop at an external institution, then some work back at school/home).


In the description of the projects, we have left out the general motivations for the project as they tend to be quite similar. In sum, there is much focus on motivating students in science in high school to inspire them to become scientists or engineers or simply scientifically literate voters in the future through engaging with authentic research experiences. Few science teachers have deep experience in scientific research. This can be a problem because it is difficult to teach what one has never experienced; an analogy would be that one would never hire a sporting-team coach for a high-profile team who had never played that particular game.

There are many statements comparing the gap between “best practice” and “actual practice” in science teaching (e.g., Goodrum, Hackling, & Rennie Reference Goodrum, Hackling and Rennie 2001 ; Goodrum, Druhan, & Abbs Reference Goodrum, Druhan and Abbs 2012 ; European Commission 2007 ; Osborne & Dillon Reference Osborne and Dillon 2008 ) as well as a gap between the pupils’, parents’ and teachers’ perception of the curriculum (Osborne & Collins Reference Osborne and Collins 2000 ). Often there is also reference to the necessity of having enough Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) trained people or of a particular shortfall within their respective countries (e.g., Select Committee on Science and Technology 2002 ; European Commission 2004 ; Tytler Reference Tytler 2007 ; Tytler et al. Reference Tytler, Osborne, Williams, Tytler and Cripps Clark 2008 ). Other goals include advancing teacher and student understanding of the nature of science and technology (Duschl, Schweingruber, & Shouse Reference Duschl, Schweingruber and Shouse 2007 ), teacher professional learning (Osborne & Dillon Reference Osborne and Dillon 2008 ) and use of information technologies as well as making links between science and other parts of the school curriculum. Rather than focus on individual motivations, we focus on what the projects do or did. We have also steered clear of commenting on the project’s applicability to its related curriculum, because this can be highly variable across, as well as within, nations.

It may be noted that the majority of these projects are English-speaking and primarily from the USA with a small number of projects from the UK and Australia. Significant effort was made to find projects in non-English speaking countries, most notably Japan and Continental Europe, however projects fitting the criteria outlined in this paper were not found in our search

Each of the projects is presented in alphabetical order. We briefly summarise their major statistics in terms of Project Era, Budget, Scope, and Participants as well as where they fall in terms of the dimensions defined above in tables 1–22 . The project is then described briefly, with information sourced from a mixture of published papers, conference proceedings and through informal interviews conducted face-to-face, by telephone, via Skype or through email.

Table 1. Arecibo Remote Command Center Summary.

Table 2. Bradford Robotic Telescope Summary.

research paper on astronomy ideas

Table 3. Charles Sturt University Remote Telescope Summary.

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Table 4. Faulkes Telescope Project Summary.

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Table 5. Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope Summary.

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Table 6. Hands On Universe Summary.

Table 7. HISTAR Summary.

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Table 8. International Asteroid Search Campaign Summary.

Table 9. MicroObservatory Summary.

Table 10. NITARP Summary.

Table 11. Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute Summary.

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Table 12. Pulsar Search Collaboratory Summary.

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Table 13. PULSE@Parkes Summary.

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Table 14. Remote Access Astronomy Project Summary.

Table 15. Research Based Science Education Summary.

Table 16. Research Experience for Teachers Summary.

Table 17. Rutgers Astrophysics Institute Summary.

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Table 18. SkyNet Summary.

Table 19. Space to Grow Summary.

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Table 20. Summer Science Program Summary.

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Table 21. Telescopes in Education Summary.

Table 22. Towards Other Planetary Systems Summary.

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4.1 Arecibo Remote Command Center (ARCC)

The Arecibo Remote Command Center (ARCC), based at UT Brownsville, uses the largest single radio dish in the world, the 305 m Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, as well as the 64 metre dish at Parkes, NSW Australia ( ) and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT; ). The instruments are used to get high school and undergraduate students to make observations and undertake analyses in searching the galaxy for pulsars. There is also an ARCC at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee ( ). High School students can access a summer school program “21st Century Astronomy Ambassadors”, which involves a three- week residential program and further ongoing involvement. Students use archival data from GBT, Arecibo, Parkes and LWA. There is also capacity to conduct new observations with GBT and Arecibo as well. Students have discovered 25 pulsars; in 2011 they discovered approximately 40% of all pulsars discovered that year.

4.2 Bradford Robotic Telescope (BRT)

Originally commissioned in 1993 in the Yorkshire Pennines (Baruch Reference Baruch 2000 ), the Bradford Robotic Telescope (BRT) is now a 0.365 m completely autonomous robotic telescope sited in Mount Teide, Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Initially, the telescope was begun as an engineering/astronomy project, but over time transitioned into a primarily educational/outreach organisation, as teacher interest was unexpectedly high and sustained and education related funding started to flow towards the project. BRT allows schools and the general public to submit observing ‘jobs’ to the telescope over the internet through a portal website. The images are then queued, observed robotically, and then returned to the user. The telescope itself has three main cameras, a ‘constellation’ camera (40 degree field of view (FOV)), a ‘cluster’ camera (4 degree FOV) and a ‘galaxy’ camera (20 arcminute FOV). Requested images are usually obtained and returned within a night or two, depending on weather conditions and celestial location of the object.

Schools are charged for usage as the administrating university wants the project to pay its own way. While amateur astronomers, some of whom looked for supernovae and NEOs, have had free use for many years, they are also now charged. Historically, the telescope was run mainly through a variety of grants and subsidised by in-kind support from the university. Nowadays, BRT only receives grants for educational research and outreach work. There are six staff members, five of whom are covered by the income from the project, while the PI’s income comes from university. Overall, there are 100,000s of school users (and 30,000 amateur users).

The BRT is focussed at Grades 3 to 6 (Key Stage 2) up to Grades 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4) and provides education and teaching materials for all years. The main focus of the project is on education and learning rather than on authentic research itself. There are possibilities for open-ended use of the BRT through its various programs, although currently the inability of the scheduler to acquire calibration frames easily or series of related images limits its use to general colour imaging. While it is possible for the students to undertake research through the BRT, the general focus is on getting all students familiar with the night sky and pushing the more interested students to larger research-based projects such as others listed in this paper.

Largely, teachers have approached BRT to get involved themselves through finding the project through the web or via word of mouth. BRT also actively looks for teachers by choosing an area, looking for supportive grants in the area and then linking up with the secondary schools and the primary schools that feed the secondary schools. A large recent thrust of the BRT project is to provide professional development for teachers in the area of astronomy subject knowledge because it is perceived that one source of what discourages students in science is the teacher’s relatively poor perception of science. The program provides professional development (PD) for a teacher in his or her classroom. This has resulted in a far larger usage of the telescope than other more traditional models in terms of number of students involved, projects undertaken, and activity on the website. In one year, the project generally provides in-classroom PD for 200 to 300 teachers.

4.3 Charles Sturt University Remote Telescope Project

The Charles Sturt University Remote Telescope Project (CSURTP) was initially set up, in 1999, for use specifically by upper primary school (Years 5 & 6) students (McKinnon & Mainwaring Reference McKinnon and Mainwaring 2000 ) as a 12″ telescope that could be used to gather images in real time via the internet. This has since been expanded to include high school level (Years 7–10) (McKinnon Reference McKinnon 2005 , Danaia Reference Danaia 2006 ) and beyond. Some senior students in Australia and Canada have used the system to acquire data on variable stars as part of their science assessment requirements to undertake an individual research projects.

The primary use of the CSURTP is driven through the ‘A Journey through Space and Time’ curriculum materials. These materials lead teachers and their students through preparing and planning for using the telescope remotely as well as interpreting their observations after the observing session. Many different sets of materials are provided that allow students to explore various aspects of astronomy from simple astrophotography up to monitoring variable stars and creating colour-magnitude diagrams of stellar clusters. The depth to which the teacher goes is decided by the teacher in their particular context.

The ‘Eye Observatory’ Project, using this facility and materials developed for the CSURTP, provided an educational evaluation of over 2000 students and 101 teachers from 30 schools as they went through an investigative structured inquiry procedure (Danaia Reference Danaia 2006 ). Highly significant gains in terms of the students’ understanding of astronomical phenomena and a marked reduction in alternative conceptions via using a subset of questions from the Astronomy Diagnostic Test (Hufnagel et al. Reference Hufnagel, Slater, Deming, Adams, Adrian, Brick and Zeilik 2000 ) were achieved. Students’ perceptions of science in school and in the larger world showed significant gains, although these varied dramatically between differing schools, teachers and student groups.

4.4 Faulkes Telescope Project

The Faulkes Telescope Project (FTP) is hosted at the University of Glamorgan. It was initially based in Cardiff, Wales from 2003 to 2010, using Faulkes Telescope North (FTN) from early 2004 and Faulkes Telescope South (FTS) from early 2006. The FTP focuses on providing access to telescope time to UK schools and educational groups for general use, as well as materials facilitating student research (Lewis et al. 2010, Roche & Szymanek Reference Roche and Szymanek 2005 ) through collaboration with FTP astronomers.

FTP was initially set up as an educational team by the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust ( ) who had constructed the Faulkes Telescopes via a substantial GBP10 million donation in the late 1990s/early 2000s. In 2003, just before FTN came online, the team started building an education program using funds provided by Dr Dill Faulkes and also a 600,000 GBP grant from the UK government. In particular, this program focussed on teacher training to get teachers capable of using the telescopes. It was, from late 2005 to 2010, an educational and research arm of LCOGT, but is now an internally funded university program.

Initially, many of the schools that joined were from the private sector in the UK rather than the publicly funded sector. The reason for this seemed to be because teachers from these schools are usually more highly qualified and have greater control over the curriculum offerings at their schools. Over time however, publicly funded schools slowly came on board. There are 200–250 schools using the telescope regularly out of about 4500 high schools in the UK. The project is currently working to branch out into Europe; they have some European schools on board in Portugal, France, and Germany, amongst other countries. With the new European focus, there are more projects coming on board as well as well as involvement with ESA.

The project is trying to build projects where astronomy researchers require data and teachers and students can be involved in the acquisition of those data using the Faulkes Telescopes. While there were some issues with quality control of the data, the early feedback indicated that schools liked the fact that they were helping real astronomers. The projects had to be something that students could actually get their heads around, rather than an obscure topic where they may not know what they are doing, and preferably produce something aesthetically pleasing. Topics that seemed to work well were topics such as open clusters as well as galaxies, but the asteroid and comet studies were what really had an impact and which have also seen significant involvement by the amateur community. Approximately half of the schools involved undertake just “pretty picture imaging” once a year during their astronomy topic. Not all schools are doing astronomy as part of the formal curriculum; some are using FTP materials in their after-school or lunch-time programs. The other half regularly engage with projects that have been made available online.

A recently tested approach has been to suggest targets for the students to observe for scientists during their ordinary observing sessions. The most popular though, in terms of getting schools on board, was advertising “themed observing days/weeks/months”, where an entire period of time (usually a day) is spent looking at a particular object, such as an asteroid or a group of galaxies. Schools had to sign up to be allocated time, usually 30 minutes, on that day and these were generally two to three times oversubscribed. In return, scientists got eight hours of concentrated data.

A group of UK schools helped name an asteroid, 2004WB10 ‘Snowdonia’ that they observed with FTN as well as 2005HJ4 ‘Haleakala’. Working with Richard Miles, other schools determined the rotation rate of the rapidly rotating asteroid 2008HJ (Lewis & Roche Reference Lewis and Roche 2009 ). In addition, there are many asteroid observations published through the Minor Planet Centre ( ). Students are also involved in collecting data for an X-ray Binary monitoring project (Lewis et al. Reference Lewis, Russell, Fender, Roche and Simon Clark 2008 ), although they do not analyse the data directly due to the restrictive software requirements.

4.5 Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT)

The GAVRT Program was initially run through JPL and the Lewis Center for Educational Research. The core of the GAVRT is a 34-meter radio telescope previously used as a node in NASA’s Deep Space Network, which is now provided for teachers and students to use. As of early 2012, GAVRT had served 490 Teachers in 290 Schools, mainly in the US, but also 14 other countries including Chile, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea and the UK. Current statistics can be seen here ( ). Permanent staff in the project include a part-time manager and a full-time and part-time operator.

The main professional learning approach for teachers is via a 5-day workshop providing skills in radio astronomy basics, radio telescope control and curriculum support. Project scientists take time out of their schedules to visit students in their classroom or connect via video conferencing as well as answering questions by email. The current astronomical focus of GAVRT is on Jupiter, Quasars and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). The students have their observing routine relatively well laid out for them in the curriculum materials in terms of what scans to run, frequencies, sources and rates, although in the SETI program there is more freedom in terms of target selection and analysis. Access to data is through an online access tool, but during the sessions, students undertake calculations to convert the data into something they can understand.

4.6 Hands On Universe

Hands-on Universe (HOU) ( ) started in the early 1990s as a project to get students, primarily in grades 9–12 (Rockman et al. 1994) actively ‘hands-on’ with real noisy astronomical data, rather than traditional lecture-style teaching. The current version of the project is run through Global Hands-on Universe (GHOU, ) at UC Berkeley in the USA and Nuclio in Portugal, and is primarily a teacher training project rather than an ARiC style project.

The earlier form (pre-2000) of the HOU project was supported by much more substantial funding than the current form. A lot of this early funding went into development on various fronts such as software, telescope infrastructure, curriculum development, and teacher training. During this earlier era, HoU attempted to create a network of observatories from various university, private, and public institutions who could provide a percentage of their observing time to the HoU project. This network initially started out using the 30″ automated telescope at Leuschner Observatory at U.C. Berkeley (Asbell-Clarke et al. Reference Asbell-Clarke, Pack, Pennypacker and Toler 1996 ) and expanded to a variety of telescopes around the world (Boer et al. Reference Boer, Thiebaut, Pack, Pennypacker, Isaac, Melchior, Faye and Ebisuzaki 2001 ).

The materials originally created for Hands-On Universe are now part of the Global Systems Science curriculum ( ). Teacher training in the earlier version of HOU was provided during summer workshops using a model where teachers who had previously undertaken the workshop trained the next cohort of teachers and acted as ‘Teacher Resource Agents’. By mid-1998, it was estimated there were over 500 US teachers and hundreds of international teachers who had undertaken the training under a TRA (Pennypacker Reference Pennypacker and Okyudo 1998 ). Projects included measuring variable stars, sizes of objects in the Solar System and telescope construction (Pennypacker & Asbell-Clarke Reference Pennypacker and Asbell-Clarke 1996 ), as well as more open-ended curricula via acquiring images from the automated telescopes. Custom HOU software that performed a variety of image display and analysis tools was constructed for this purpose, but has since been dropped as more recent technologies and better software has arisen in the community.

A web based asteroid search project using archive images from the 4m CTIO Blanco telescope was designed in the mid 1990s. Using an image subtraction method, many main belt asteroids were found, but the most interesting success was that students had found a Trans-Neptunian object (1998 FS144) which was reported to the Minor Planet Centre (MPC) (Pack Reference Pack 2000 ). Two students from Oil City High School involved with the project also helped measure the lightcurve of a supernovae and were co-authors on a scientific paper (Richmond et al. Reference Richmond 1996 ).

4.7 Hawaii’ Student Teacher Astronomy Research Program (HISTAR)

The Hawai’i Student/Teacher Astronomy Research Program ( ) started in 2007. Approximately seventeen 12 to 16 year old students per year are selected from local Hawaiian schools, as well as teachers, to attend the week long 9 am to 9 pm workshop at the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawai’i. During the workshop accompanied by traditional lectures, students undertake a research project with an astronomical mentor lasting the full week. They do a 10-minute presentation of their results at the end of the program. They also have observation sessions with the DeKalb 16″ Telescope in Indiana ( ) and the 2-meter Faulkes Telescope in Hawai’i (, and attend a variety of field trips to planetariums and university departments.

The program authors’ intention is to equip students and teachers with the background knowledge to undertake astronomy research that they will continue on return to their schools with the help of a mentor. Projects include such topics as variable star photometry, comets, extra-solar planets, and rotational velocities and masses of galaxies (Garland, Kadooka, & Nassir Reference Garland, Kadooka and Nassir 2008 ). About 30% of each year’s intake are returning HI STAR students who have completed a research project and have come back to learn more. These students have entered their research in science fairs and won a variety of awards (Kadooka, private communication). This project is sponsored by NASA’s National Astrobiology Institute (NAI), Institute of Astronomy (IfA) and the Center for Computational Heliophysics in Hawai’i (C2H2) as well as contributions from a NASA IDEAS grant and LCOGT.

4.8 International Asteroid Search Campaign (IASC)

Commencing in October 2006, the focus of the Hardin-Simmons University-based International Asteroid Search Campaign (IASC) is to guide students through the process of astrometrically analysing supplied asteroid and NEO observation data sets to, at the final stage, publish their discoveries and measurements to the Minor Planet Center (Miller et al. Reference Miller, Davis, Holmes, Devore, Raab, Pennypacker, White and Gould 2008 ). The data were initially collected solely for this purpose using two (0.81 m and 0.61 m) telescopes at the Astronomical Research Institute in Illinois ( ). Now data collection has progressed to include the Pan-STARRS telescope, the 2m Faulkes Telescope in Hawai’i, a 1.3m instrument at Kitt Peak and the 60–90 cm Schmidt Telescope from National Astronomical Observatories of China, as well as a variety of other telescopes and ones coming online.

There is no cost to participate. The program ran with help from volunteers and without funding until 2012 when grant funding started. Funding included a grant from the European Commission through the Paris Observatory and supplemental funding from Texas. IASC is a volunteer organisation; the data reduction team consists of four people around the world who donate their time. They validate the MPC reports sent in by students after which they send the validations to the MPC. Teachers are predominantly self-trained using supplied materials, practice data sets and the Astrometrica software package ( ). Online help is provided at any time, although there have been the occasional face-to-face training session as well. The project plans to offer more face-to-face sessions. The training for the main belt observations must be done and class implementation must occur before teachers are invited back to undertake further training using the raw data used in the NEO campaigns. The actual structure of any in-class implementation is left heavily up to the teacher to design.

Prior to delivery to the teacher, the data are pre-screened for astrometric quality. IASC is performed on pre-set 30-day main belt and 60-day NEO asteroid campaigns each year, with team members post-validating any discovery made by the students. Approximately 500 schools in 60 countries are now participating. There are ten five-week segments and anywhere from 30 to 80 schools participating in any one segment. Participation is largely dependent on the telescope resources available during the period. The ultimate goal and capacity is to grow to around 1000 schools. To achieve this, IASC is looking for grant funding to automate a lot of the processing and MPC reports. If professional staff can be hired, then the project could be expanded to 5,000-10,000 schools.

As of 2008, with the publication of their outline paper cited above, 36 new Main Belt asteroids, 197 NEOs and one comet were discovered (Miller et al. Reference Miller, Davis, Holmes, Devore, Raab, Pennypacker, White and Gould 2008 ). As of this writing, the number is around 350 asteroids, of which 15 are now numbered and being named by their students. The outputs include more than 100 Minor Planet Center Circulars published, two Earth-threatening NEOS and a Trojan asteroid of Jupiter (Miller, private communication).

4.9 MicroObservatory / Other Earths, Other Worlds

MicroObservatory saw first light in 1995 (Sadler et al. Reference Sadler, Gould, Brecher, Hoffman, Jacobson and Kozma 2000 ) ( ). It is a series of five 6-inch automated waterproof telescopes built by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) at 2 locations: the CfA itself and Whipple Observatory in Arizona. It provides images freely with a specific focus on education. Participation in the project is free of charge to all schools and is primarily funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

The earlier MicroObservatory project has since evolved into ‘Laboratory for the Study of Exoplanets’ via a pilot project called ‘Exploring Frontiers of Science with Online Telescopes’ (Gould, Sunbury, & Krumhansl Reference Gould, Sunbury and Krumhansl 2012 ). The focus of both projects has been to engage students in detecting and describing exoplanets using the MicroObservatory telescopes. The focus is on providing online tools to explore exoplanets, albeit exoplanets that have previously been identified by astronomers. The students take the data themselves.

The telescopes are operated robotically. However, if different schools request the same object with the same exposure time and filter, the telescopes will only take one, rather than multiple, sets of data. Around 20 known exoplanets are large enough (and their host stars bright enough) to have transits detected by the MicroObservatory telescopes. By 2006 (Gould et al. Reference Gould, Dussault and Sadler 2007 ), more than half a million 650 × 500 pixel, 12 bit images covering one square had been taken primarily for students, but also for public outreach endeavours (Sadler et al. Reference Sadler 2001 ). The telescopes can be used in three modes: ‘Full Control’ where the user can drive the telescope remotely in real time, ‘Guest Observer Mode’, where users request images from the telescopes in a more traditional robotic fashion, and ‘Research Mode’, where Target of Opportunity (TOO) triggers can take over the telescope to observe time-dependent transient phenomena.

Personnel at the MicroObservatory have created their own simple image processing program to deal with the FITS files from the telescopes, with the most complexity lying in the creation of colour images from the raw FITS files and making simple animations. Curriculum materials are also provided that lead the students through the basic concepts of telescopes and what they can see so that they can undertake simple structured inquiry with the telescopes.

4.10 NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program (NITARP) / Spitzer Space Telescope Research Program

The Spitzer Space Telescope Research Program ran from 2005 to 2009. It transitioned into the NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program (NITARP), running from 2010 until the present ( ). The original program, run by the Spitzer Science Center (SSC) located at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA, USA, which is part of the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC). The discretionary funding currently comes from NASA, and until 2014 some EPO funds tied to the archives housed at IPAC. In 2014, the funding was reduced from $300K to $200K meaning a reduction in teachers per year from 18 to 9.

NITARP partners small groups of educators with a mentor professional astronomer for an original year-long research project. It involves three trips for participants (and two trips for two of each of their students), all of which are paid for by the program. Participants kick off their year by attending an American Astronomical Society (AAS) winter meeting, then come with ≲ 2 students per educator to visit Caltech for a week in the summer, and then return to an AAS meeting (with ≲ 2 students per educator) to present their results. Much of the work is done remotely during the rest of the year. Each team consists of a mentor astronomer, a mentor teacher (who has been through the program before), and typically 2-4 new teachers.

An annual program cycle runs for a calendar year with applications available annually in May and due in September. Teachers are encouraged to bring students on the second two trips. The number of teams that NITARP can support in any given year depends primarily on having an available mentor scientist and enough money to support the trips.

NITARP and its predecessor have historically been aimed at high school classroom teachers, but now solicits applications from teachers in 8th grade through to community college, and from both formal and informal educators (e.g., museum staff). Applicants must have had some experience in astronomy, preferably having worked with astronomy data but not necessarily having conducted any research. In the earlier Spitzer Space Telescope version of the project, teachers must have been graduates of the NOAO Research Based Science Education (RBSE) program.

NITARP teams all must use astronomical data housed at IPAC. Thus, the NITARP teams use the same data in the form used by professional astronomers. All of these data are necessarily pre-observed, but they are reduced to varying degrees. In the early (Spitzer) years of the program, participants in the program were granted relatively small amounts of telescope time on the Spitzer Space Telescope to conduct their research.

Some limited evaluation was conducted as part of the Spitzer program before NITARP started. At that point, 32 teachers had been through the program and had brought a total of 79 students to either Caltech or the AAS, and over 1200 students had used Spitzer data in their classrooms. The teachers and their students made nearly 200 presentations reaching an estimated 14,000 people. A little over 100 students reported that the program had influenced them to pursue careers in science, and 42 had entered Spitzer-related science-fair projects, including contributions that made it to the Intel Science Fair level. A detailed evaluation is being conducted on the NITARP 2013 participants with results expected in 2014, with results expected in 2014. A brief survey was also conducted on the entire set of NITARP+Spitzer alumni in Spring 2014, with 50% survey response rate. As reported in Rebull et al. ( Reference Rebull, Gorjian, Brinkworth, Squires and Burtnyk 2014 ), the NITARP participants estimate that 13,000 students have benefitted from skills or resources the educator learned about via NITARP, 21,000 students are taught by NITARP educators per year, and 4300 other educators have been reached with NITARP information.

There have been 43 science and 49 education AAS posters presented by NITARP-affiliated educators and scientists. There have been 5 refereed journal articles in major professional astronomy research journals that directly involve NITARP teachers and scientists (Howell et al. Reference Howell 2006 , Guieu et al. Reference Guieu 2010 , Howell et al. Reference Howell, Hoard, Brinkworth, Kafka, Walentosky, Walter and Rector 2008 , Rebull et al. Reference Rebull 2011 , Rebull et al. Reference Rebull 2013 ). There have been 2 more astronomy journal articles involving NITARP scientists, describing the software developed in conjunction with NITARP and its Spitzer predecessor (Laher et al. Reference Laher, Gorijan, Rebull, Masci, Fowler, Helou, Kulkarni and Law 2012 ). Finally, there is one more refereed article written by a NITARP alumni teacher for The Physics Teacher (Pereira, Millan, & Martin Reference Pereira, Millan and Martin 2013 ).

4.11 Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute

The site upon which the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) stands is about 50 years old. The site was originally used for line-of-sight communication and telemetry with satellites as well as for human spaceflight. As the Apollo program wound down, the site was transferred to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in the early 80s and turned it into a military installation until 1995 when it was shut down. In 1999 the facility was purchased from the DoD and is now used as a science and technology center supporting public, private, commercial and government endeavours.

PARI’s mission is primarily educational; although initially aimed at university level, it was discovered that there were many opportunities at different year levels. PARI also provides school group tours and group visits that occur daily. The instruments on the site used for educational programs include a variety of optical telescopes (10-inch to 14-inch) for both imaging and spectroscopy and ‘Smiley’, the 4.6m radio telescope (PARI, 2011). There are two main PARI high school programs; the Space Science Lab Program (SSLP), which is funded through a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Grant, and the Duke Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP), which is run from Duke University.

The Duke TIP program is competitive entry, takes in 30 students/year and generally has a waiting list. In the SSLP, while also intended to be competitive, the students are more directly recruited by PARI staff giving talks in schools at the invitation of teachers. The drawing area for SSLP is in Western North Carolina, in general a low socioeconomic area, whereas Duke TIP is nationwide, although draws more frequently from the Southern states of the US.

In the DUKE TIP program, the students have to make posters on research they perform at the site, which are printed and presented on the PARI website. More directed research is possible; however, the nature of the research is restricted by the 2 week limit. Students are helped in brainstorming ideas to come up with possible projects plausible within the constraints of time and instrumentation. Projects vary from spectroscopic binary stars, to the rotation of Saturn’s rings, to radio jets in galaxies, amongst many others, all having some substantial component using a real telescope.

The SSLP uses Radio Jove as an introduction to radio astronomy and the technical side of instrumentation. They then use the Smiley telescope upon which they can book observing time. Usually it is used primarily to make continuum observations of the Sun, which are comparable to the Jovian system. There are 500 users in total registered on Smiley; the majority of whom are teachers who use it once per year, while approximately 10-20 per year use it for a directed research project per year.

4.12 Pulsar Search Collaboratory (PSC)

Beginning in 2008, the Pulsar Search Collaboratory (PSC) was a 3 year NSF-funded project jointly run by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and West Virginia University (Rosen et al. Reference Rosen 2010 ) which is currently continuing on a volunteer-run basis. While undergoing maintenance, 1500 hours of observing data are recorded via drift scanning at the GBT. Of these, 300 hours were reserved for the use of high school students who were initially from West Virginia Schools, but over time, this expanded to surrounding states. The total funding for the three-year project was around $900,000, which predominantly funded participants’ food and housing, and salaries for those involved.

The PSC runs with an approach where teacher and student leaders are trained in radio and pulsar astronomy techniques at a three-week workshop held annually. They go back to their schools and recruit other interested teachers and students. Admission is not selective, but tends to attract students at the top of their classes.

The students attend the last six days of the workshop while the teachers are there for the full three weeks. A 40 foot telescope is used to become familiar with telescope usage and concepts before they are moved onto a pulsar project using the GBT. The teachers and students go back to their schools to work on the project over the course of a year, whether in class or in an astronomy club, with the participating students acting as team leaders. At the end of the year, PSC organises a seminar at West Virginia University for students and teachers to present their results as well as also providing videoconferencing to any follow-up observing sessions based on student analysis.

Evaluation reports suggest that interest is significantly increased in STEM careers after participation in PSC, with 39% reporting increased interest and 55% reporting similar interest after participation. They also see a significant increase in self-confidence and self-efficacy in science, particularly amongst girls (Rosen et al. Reference Rosen 2010 ). A large amount of the gain in engagement comes from students going to Green Bank or West Virginia University to meet up with other schools or other teams. There have been a number of discoveries by students of new pulsars and one potential rotating radio transient ( ). One of the students, the discoverer of a potential rotating radio transient, Lucas Bolyard, got to meet the President and First Lady at a White House star party. A scientific paper outlining the discovery and timing of five pulsars identified in the project with many student co-authors has been published (Rosen et al. Reference Rosen 2013 ).

4.13 PULsar Student Exploration online at Parkes (PULSE@Parkes)

PULSE@Parkes (Hollow et al. Reference Hollow 2008 ) was established at CSIRO’s Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), now CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (CASS), in late 2007 as a means of engaging high school students in science through radio astronomy with the use of a major national facility. Intrinsic to the program is the opportunity for students to meet and engage with professional astronomers and PhD students. Staffing comprises a Coordinator and Education Lead, Project Scientist and post-doctoral fellow. Other former CSIRO post-doctoral fellows have been active team members, and both PhD students and undergraduate students have taken part in observing sessions or contributed to the development of materials.

Papers have been presented at science teacher and astronomy conferences in Australia and internationally (Hollow et al. Reference Hollow 2008 ). To date, one science paper describing the observing process and data has been published (Hobbs et al. Reference Hobbs 2009 ) whilst another paper based on a specific pulsar is currently being written.

Schools apply for observing sessions that are determined by the schedule for the Parkes radio telescope which is allocated twice per year in six-month blocks. The maximum recommended class size is 24. Prior to the observing session, the project coordinator visits the school to give a one-lesson background talk preparing students for the observations.

On the day, the school group links directly via a Skype link to the astronomer in the tower at Parkes itself. The project catalog has 42 pulsars, selected to provide sufficient coverage at any time of day and year, and that exhibit a variety of pulsar properties. Students split into small groups of 2-4 students; each group has to identify 2-3 pulsars that are up, control the telescope and gather data for the pulsars, and then analyse their data to determine pulsar distance. Observations usually last for two hours and are aided by at least three staff and/or PhD students.

The project is ongoing and continues to evolve. One of the aims of the project was to inform development of future radio astronomy projects for schools that would utilise the massive data sets expected from new generation radio telescopes, specifically the Australian Square Kilometre Array (ASKAP), operated by CSIRO and the international Square Kilometre Array (SKA).

4.14 Remote Access Astronomy Project (RAAP)

A 14-inch remote access telescope equipped with an impressive array of filters and polarisers, named the Remote Observation Telescope (ROT), was constructed from scratch by undergraduate students from 1988/9 to about 1992 on top of the physics building at UC Santa Barbara. It was used for about 15 years, initially by undergraduates, but later included high schools accessing and requesting CCD image data as well as communicating with each other and the university via a bulletin board system named AstroRAAP. It was decommissioned around the turn of the millenium due to a roof renovation.

An early grant for computers and a phone line was acquired and one of the project team initially used it in her high school classroom. A high school course for astronomy that was approved for a college-entrance/college-preparatory class was also designed and used for RAAP. Students learned digital image processing in the first semester and in the second semester doing an actual observing project where they would directly go and sit in the lab at UCSB to use the telescope.

Based around this approach, workshops were given around the country focussed on digital image processing as well as how to use the RAAP telescope itself. Image processing workshops were conducted at professional meetings and conferences around the country. Initially there was no commercially viable software, so the project ended up writing their own. The software used was called ‘IMAGINE-32’, a professional quality image processing program (Lubin Reference Lubin 1992 ), which could also be used to control a telescope, CCD camera and its filter wheel.

To make the telescope manageable, RAAP accepted lists of object name or RA & Dec, filters required, and the exposure time. Some amount of human interaction was needed as the dead pointing of the system was not perfect, so a volunteer would come in during the evenings to help out with the process. The telescope was never completely automated, but approximately 50 images a night were taken depending on the exposure time. There was no huge volume of external users, as there were few teachers who had the capacity to dial in and teach the course during the early modem period. Hence, most of the use was by local high schools.

4.15 Research Based Science Education (RBSE)/Teacher Leaders in Research Based Science Education (TLRBSE) / Astronomy Research Based Science Education (ARBSE) (NOAO)

In 1997, a four-year teacher enhancement National Science Foundation grant set up the initial Research Based Science Education (RBSE) project. Its focus was on providing research astronomy experiences to teachers to enable them to bring these into their classrooms to address the issue that teachers may be teaching misconceptions about what science is all about. This continued past the original grant stage and became Teacher Leaders in Research Based Science Education (TLRBSE) until 2005, which added an aspect of teacher leadership development to the training. Then for four years after this period, it became an internal program at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO). With budget stress, it was decided that it was not maintainable and the project’s last year in this form was 2008. Many of the teachers involved from RBSE were suggested as teachers for the Spitzer Space Telescope Research Program (also described in this paper under NITARP). A form of RBSE for undergraduates is still run by Travis Rector at the University of Alaska.

The original budget was $200,000 to $300,000 a year for 20 teachers. The major costs were to run a distance-learning course, to bring the teachers to Kitt Peak for two weeks, and to take the teachers to a National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) meeting, to provide materials for the teachers as well as to pay some consultants. When the grants came to an end and the project became a core project, the budget contracted to about $100,000 a year. Some members of NOAO staff donated their time as well. The funding rate per teacher was the primary rationale for the NSF in cancelling these styles of grants. In the initial RBSE, around 16 teachers undertook a 180-hour summer workshop involving image processing training, observing with the five major Kitt Peak telescopes with mentoring provided by professional astronomers and educators interspersing the more traditional lecture-type activities. (Rector et al. Reference Rector, Jacoby, Lockwood and McCarthy 2000 ).

A total of 57 middle and high school teachers undertook the workshop in the first four-year grant with each successive year involving an entirely fresh group of teachers. There was a 15-week distance-learning course that demanded about 10–15 hours a week from teachers. A two week on-campus course was then held in Tucson to help develop their skills, astronomy knowledge and leadership. About a week of this time was spent on Kitt Peak collecting data for their observational projects. Students and teachers could then take their datasets home to the classroom as well as the datasets obtained in previous years. In order to focus the teachers’ attention on the professional side of teaching, they would present their work at the annual NSTA meeting approximately two months after the Kitt Peak course.

ImageJ was the software primarily used to examine the images. However a lot of preliminary work (such as image calibration and embedding a WCS) was undertaken by an astronomer. In this sense, teachers never really used completely raw data. Sometimes custom-software was used for particular projects while other projects used Excel spreadsheets to work with the data.

There were a number of distinct projects. Initially, there were three: a novae search, AGN spectroscopy and a sunspot position project. Further projects developed over time: making recovery observations of asteroids, spectroscopy of variable stars, and a search for high redshift galaxies. The asteroid data were published in the MPC. The Novae search project is currently wrapping up and is in the process of standardising the photometry ready for publication. It has found more novae than any other prior research group. The novae search was double-blind and there were thousands of students involved over the years.

The RBSE also created a journal ( ) that ran for the twelve years and contained much of the research undertaken by students. Initially, this was printed but then moved online. As well as the journal, there more than 30 science fair projects. One RBSE participant, Rick Donahue, won the $20,000 New York Wired Technology Award for his Project SunSHINE (Lockwood, private communication).

4.16 Research Experience for Teachers (RET) - NRAO

Research Experience for Teachers, initiated in 1999, is an NRAO eight-week summer research programme located in Socorro NM, Charlottesville VA and Green Bank WV, where high school teachers are matched with astronomy mentors to participate in a research activity over the course of eight weeks. These teachers are provided with a stipend during the period. The teachers are required to develop, document and implement a unit of work based on their experience, assess and evaluate the efficacy of the unit and then disseminate this work through both their teaching peers via the internet and through an AAS poster, to the astronomical community.

4.17 Rutgers Astrophysics Institute

The Rutgers Astrophysics Institute (RAI) focuses on the X-ray range of the electromagnetic spectrum rather than the typical optical or radio. It is a free-of-charge year-long research program for high achieving high school students, teachers, and pre-service teachers (Etkina, Lawrence & Charney Reference Etkina, Lawrence and Charney 1999 , Etkina et al. Reference Etkina, Matilsky and Lawrence 2003 ) using data obtainable through the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Centre (HEASARC) ( ) which is the data repository for all NASA high-energy missions.

Funding of around $50,000 per year was originally received from the Educational Foundation of America. After the funding ended, the project tried to get funding from the NSF three times and was rejected for different reasons. Currently the program is running on $30,000/year funding from NASA. Originally, a small stipend was provided to teachers, but now only snacks are provided. The grant primarily pays for the instructors. Funding ran out in 2013 after 15 years. In the later stages of the project, New Jersey physics teachers have actually run the institute, rather than academic staff.

There were typically six to eight participating schools per year each with two to four students and one teacher. The process started with a four-week, six hours/day, summer school in June where they learn the necessary physics and astronomy background and methodology through an authentic research education methodology built around the ISLE model (Etkina & Van Heuvelen Reference Etkina, van Heuvelen, Redish and Cooney 2007 ). After this, an X-ray source of interest, and of previously unknown nature, was picked to be the object of study for the year. The students and teachers met at Rutgers every two months with a culminating year-end conference as well as discussions on an online board. In total, approximately 25–30 teachers in general have been trained via the program and overall 25 students per year (375 in total) have been through the project.

The nature of the sources that the students analyse changes over time as Chandra and other X-ray observatories collect more data, but the fundamentals of the program, learning about physics and astronomy and data within a constructivist inquiry-based framework, remains the same. The typical types of objects observed were quasars, bursters, X-ray binary sources and super-novae remnants. The students gained significant skills in experimental design and modelling in an authentic research situation, improved their raw physics capacity in terms of an advanced physics test and changed their approach to learning about science (Etkina et al. Reference Etkina, Matilsky and Lawrence 2003 ).

4.18 Skynet/Project Observe

Skynet began in 2004 with funding to build a cluster of six 0.4m telescopes at CTiO for gamma ray burst follow-up. As a lot of time is spent waiting for an actual burst, the non-observing time was to be used for educational purposes, initially in North Carolina. The focus of the educational part of this project is primarily at the undergraduate level, although high school use has also been made. In total, there have been approximately 40,000 users.

There was a five- year high school project run with these telescopes through the on-campus Morehead Planetarium. Approximately 75 high school teachers have been trained to use the Skynet Interface and who have used it with thousands of North Carolina school students using the ‘Project Observe’ curriculum materials. These have a heavy image processing focus. Approximately 5000 students used the high school program and about half of the teachers are still active users of the Skynet telescopes. Although no formal evaluation has taken place, students do arrive at the University of North Carolina (UNC) stating that they have used Skynet in high school. Currently, Skynet is in the process of building a middle-school curriculum.

A high school and undergraduate lab course has been developed at UNC. Custom web-based software was created to overcome installation problems on locked down student computers where the number crunching is done on the server rather than on the students’ local computers. Astronomy tools were developed to manipulate FITS files as well as a batch aperture-photometry tool based on IRAF. There are also some simple astrometric tools as well as movie-making functions. Observations can be queued online using a web-page which will usually be executed overnight and telescopes can be monitored as they undertake observations. There is also a 20m radio telescope being built into the Skynet system. This telescope has the same backend as professional telescopes but is designed to be used for education as well.

4.19 Space to Grow

The Space to Grow project (Danaia et al. Reference Danaia, McKinnon, Parker, Fitzgerald and Stenning 2013 ) was a 3 year funded Australian Research Council grant run through Macquarie University and Charles Sturt University with support from LCOGT and three educational jurisdictions in New South Wales, Australia. The focus of the project was to get high school teachers to utilise the two 2 metre Faulkes telescopes in their classrooms to undertake authentic science. Most of the funding was used to provide capacity for teacher release for training as well as an administrator and postdoctoral position. Over the course of the project, nearly one hundred teachers and thousands of students were involved.

Various levels of professional learning were provided in the project with the main model being multiple (3 to 5) workshop days where the teachers undertook the same processes as the students would in class but with deeper reflection on the materials and how to implement them. The actual in-class implementation involved students undertaking various scaffolding activities such as learning about what telescopes are (Project 1) and how optical astronomical images work (Project 2) based on an investigation approach. The main content-area focus was on the lifecycle of stars (Project 3) through performing interpretation of colour magnitude diagrams that the students created in the classroom from their analysis of open clusters. The materials are described in more detail in (Fitzgerald, McKinnon, & Danaia Reference Fitzgerald, McKinnon and Danaia 2014a )

In Projects 1 and 2, students and their teachers were able to submit observation requests for any object that interests them. Most requests were for ‘pretty picture’ images, but there was a capacity for students to undertake their own authentic research on stellar cluster astronomy building upon the skills they had learned in Project 3. A number of student groups have had their research published (Fitzgerald et al. 2012, Frew et al. 2011) or have publications currently in review with further research currently at various levels of completion. Research on the impact of the project on students’ learning and perceptions of science were assessed using a pre/post design, results of which can be seen in (Fitzgerald, McKinnon, & Danaia Reference Fitzgerald, McKinnon and Danaia 2014c ).

4.20 Summer Science Program (SSP)

The Summer Science Program (SSP) ( ) is one of the longest running hands-on astronomy focussed programs in the world. It was set up by Paul Routly and George Abell in 1959 (Furutani Reference Furutani 2001 ) and currently runs through support from the membership of their alumni association, and is funded by a related endowment.

The cost to each student is a $3950 program fee although there is a provision for needs-based financial aid. The typical budget overall is $500,000 per year, of which the largest cost is for room and board for 86 people for about six weeks. The funding sources are about 45% from students, about 45% from individual donations (mostly alumni and their parents), and about 10% from grants and investment returns. Initially, the students were all from California who came to the Thatcher School in Ojai, California. Now, participants come from all over the world to two campuses, one in Santa Barbara, California, and one in Socorro, New Mexico. There is one permanent staff member running the project.

Entry to the SSP is highly academically selective. Since 2003, there have been 73 students per summer out of approximately 600–700 applicants. Students attend the program for six weeks over the summer holidays. While there are traditional lectures in the program as well as general field trips, the main focus is on a Near-Earth asteroid observing project with a heavy focus on actually computing the orbital determination from scratch. Most of the time students take most of their data from high-end (14″) amateur telescopes, although sometimes students have used larger telescopes, both remotely and in person. They are currently now using CCDs, PCs and the Python programming language. In the early years, this was undertaken using photography, mechanical calculators and their human minds. The results of this project are then submitted to the Minor Planet Center (MPC) at CfA.

4.21 Telescopes in Education

The Telescopes in Education (TIE) project began in 1992 by providing remote control access to a refurbished 24-inch telescope, on loan from Caltech, at Mt Wilson, CA. A control system was built and was controlled via a modified version of Software Bisque’s The Sky planetarium software and a control system allowing telescopic control via a modem. Later, a 14″ telescope at Mt Wilson and an 18″ near Golden, Colorado were brought online (Clark Reference Clarke and Okyudo 1998 ).

Most people involved in the project were volunteers. A telescope operator was employed full-time as well as a part-time administrator. As more volunteers accumulated, the three telescopes were operating every dark minute possible; at its peak, about 100,000 students a year were utilising them. TIE, after a respite, is now focussing on getting Australian students into science and technology through universities and government bodies using real telescopes by using graduate students in the high school classroom.

Initially from 1993, schools could book time and use the 24-inch. As well as being able to control the telescope, the schools would also call in on a speakerphone to speak to the operator at the telescope in case something went wrong, or to ask for advice on such things as exposure times as well as rotating the dome. As technology improved and the internet started taking off, the system was modified to become internet controllable.

While teacher recruitment was gained through presenting at the national education conferences, much of the recruitment was primarily word of mouth. There were no firm requirements set for what was to be done in class with the telescope, although guidance was given when requested. Three teacher workshops per year with 15 teachers per class were held at Mt Wilson for those who wanted to know more about how the telescope actually operated. In terms of curriculum material provided, there were 12 projects, each with only two pages of instructions. Teachers would usually have a mentor who could help. Many students undertook the photometry projects, a few did astrometry, while only three or four schools did spectroscopic work.

Many students won first place in science fairs they entered. One student won a science fair for Los Angeles (CA, USA) county by determining the rotation rate of Vesta. Another student won the Intel Science Award by getting pictures of NEOs simultaneously from two observatories on a very long baseline and computed their distances while comparing these to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s radar ranging data acquired at the same time.

4.22 Towards Other Planetary Systems (TOPS)

Towards Other Planetary Systems (TOPS) was a five-year Teacher Enhancement project that ran from 1999 to 2004. It originated from an earlier pilot project which ran from 1993–1995 (Meech et al. Reference Meech, Slater, Mattei and Kadooka 2000 ). It primarily provided professional learning to teachers although students were also funded to participate in the program to gain insights into a career in astronomy or science. The unifying theme was the search for ‘habitable’ worlds, planetary origins and primitive bodies’ (Kadooka et al. 2002).

In a three-week intensive workshop, there were active components where the teachers and students used small 8-inch and 10-inch telescopes to undertake nightly observations. These most commonly involved variable star and double star measurements using photomultiplers and CCDs based around the ‘Hands-on Astrophysics’ curriculum (Mattei et al. Reference Mattei, Percy and Young 1997 ). In addition, simple spectroscopes were used. The results of the investigations were provided to the AAVSO. Other activities included measuring the heights of mountains on the Moon using the smaller telescopes. Some students were involved in an observing run on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility ( ). Other students were involved in the 2002 TOPS program and presented their work at the July 2002 AAS meeting which included the discovery of a new variable star and a remote observing project utilising the 31″ Lowell Observatory telescope (Kadooka 2002). This project eventually evolved indirectly into the Hawai’i Student Teacher Astronomy Research Program (HISTAR) project, described above.


During the research for this article, many informal discussions were conducted with various project personnel from most of the investigated projects as well as executing a more standard literature review. In this section, we present a discussion of project issues that commonly arose during the discussions, as well as those apparent in the published literature.

5.1 Funding

It is quite apparent from all of the projects described that sources of funding are a key aspect of long-term project success. Most of the funding for many of the projects came from short-term grants lasting two to four years that had to be renewed, usually with difficulty, as each grant period came to an end. Many projects end up running on shoestring budgets or with volunteer time after the initial grant period expired. Of very recent note, most of the current projects are in turmoil, or have been terminated, due to programmatic uncertainties associated with NASA EPO funding issues.

While a scientific project can be undertaken in a discrete manner and a question addressed in a particular time-period, educational projects need to be funded in the long-term to maximise their impact on students and teachers. The development time for any education project to get to a stable state typically takes a few years before gains are seen in the classroom (e.g. Johnson, Kahle, & Fargo Reference Johnson, Kahle and Fargo 2007 , Banilower, Heck, & Weiss Reference Banilower, Heck and Weiss 2007 , Supovitz et al. 2000) after a typical initial negative ‘implementation dip’ (Hall & Hord Reference Hall and Hord 2010 ). That time is spent in developing the materials and ironing out any bugs, as well as reaching a substantial fraction of the intended education community. Once this has been achieved, it requires continual resource input to keep the project alive.

It is still not clear what the best ‘business model’ is to provide continual and ongoing support and resources to teachers and projects to ensure their continuation beyond finite funding cycles. Those projects that seem to survive are those that tend to be ones that are relatively low budget and run by volunteers, that are funded as a longer-term project through an existing government body, have become self-funded through charging for their services or through philanthropy.

5.2 Importance of Evaluation

In terms of educational research and evaluation, overall there is little known about these projects. There are some minor shining lights, but most projects do not present evaluations, and those that do suffer from significant methodological flaws. For instance, some evaluations focussed simple on very short post-hoc qualitative comments from teachers while others reported no estimates of confident intervals for results from quantitative surveys or used anecdotal successful ‘case studies’ as an indicator of general success. This situation is not unexpected, as Bretones and Neto ( Reference Bretones and Neto 2011 ) state, educational research in astronomy education needs deeper treatments. The usual reason provided for the lack of evaluation is that it was not part of a grant and was not funded as part of the project.

However, not all forms of evaluation need be as costly as it is commonly claimed. Simple pre/post-test surveys, such as the Astronomy Diagnostic Test (Hufnagel et al. 2000) for content knowledge and the Secondary School Science Questionnaire (Goodrum et al. Reference Goodrum, Hackling and Rennie 2001 ) for attitudinal change, can be used in quasi-experimental designs (Gribbons & Herman Reference Gribbons and Herman 1997 ) to gain understanding of whether the particular educational design achieved their intended results in the short-term. We recommend that evaluation be undertaken in collaboration with an experienced educational evaluator if at all possible and definitely significantly in advance of the commencement of the project itself. A good general introduction to the issues and techniques project evaluation, “The 2010 User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation” (Frechtling et al. Reference Frechtling, Mark, Rog, Thomas, Frierson, Hood and Hughes 2010 ) is available from the National Science Foundation. A recommended guide with a much more direct astronomical focus is “Discipline-Based Science Education Research: A Scientist’s Guide.” by Slater et al. ( Reference Slater, Slater and Bailey 2011 )

Indeed, evaluation becomes part of the feedback loop that provides evidence for further grant funding applications. If a project cannot present solid evidence of efficacy, then the likelihood of further grant funding is reduced dramatically. Hence, evaluation is a necessary component that should be built into the structure of any given project.

Beyond simply acquiring more grant funding, adequate evaluation allows researchers and investigators to learn from the successes and failures of other projects. Without this knowledge, this field is basically relying on anecdotes from researchers to illuminate any future design process. This is fraught with danger as it is well known that such anecodotal or ‘expert’ evidence suffers from a “pro-innovation bias” (Rogers Reference Rogers 2010 ), where people involved with projects, due to the nature of human socio-psychology, will evaluate and rate their own projects much more highly than they probably truly are. This leads to complacency on the path to improvement of these projects.

Evaluation itself, of course, is dependent upon the goals of a project. Producing a scientific paper out of a project looks very good for the project, especially in the eyes of research astronomers. It is likely, however, that it is only the peak population in any project who can produce such outcomes. Small numbers of such papers are produced by these projects and are likely to be weighted far too heavily as a measure of success with respect to the educational goals of a project. If the paper is taken in the light of the common goals of these projects, viz., giving young people an experience of the scientific method and, more generally, a better understanding of science so that they can appraise the nature of science as a human endeavour to help them make valid choices in the future, then these papers alone are not an adequate measure of ‘success’.

An estimation of the level of impact on an individual student can be measured at quite reasonable cost in the short-term. However, longitudinal studies (at higher cost of money and time resources) of the educational impact of such projects on students, such as tracking their actual career path, long-term interest in science or general academic performance, are noticeably absent from the evaluation literature.

What is required is adequate educational research into the true impact of such projects on participating students. Even if the teachers are the primary audience for any given program, the overarching goal of the evaluation should be in seeking answers to the question: “How does this project broadly affect the students?”. Some recent work in fields other than astronomy has suggested that having teachers’ experience authentic research has a positive effect on their students who were not involved in the research. For example, Silverstein et al. ( Reference Silverstein, Dubner, Miller, Glied and Loike 2009 ) find that, within their New York state project, students of teachers who have experienced authentic scientific research pass their state science exams at a rate that is 10% higher than the students of teachers who have not. The effect on students cannot be discovered by mere exit polls about whether teachers enjoyed a project or found that it improved their teaching. Especially as it is fairly clear that teachers themselves suffer from the same pro-innovation bias that project investigators do (Fitzgerald, Danaia, & McKinnon Reference Fitzgerald, Danaia and McKinnon 2014d ).

5.3 Scalability

In a perfect world, we would like any astronomical educational initiative to reach as many people as possible, but there are significant barriers for any project in attempting to do this. Usually, funding sets project limits. Many projects by necessity are bounded in size by geography and by time. In the geographical vicinity of a project, it is relatively easy to provide on-campus experiences to teachers and students. Once the project expands beyond the local jurisdiction, the necessity for accommodation of participants, or the travel of facilitators/investigators, is at huge cost. Some projects are also limited by access to telescope time or finite access to archives of data.

Another less apparent requirement for scalability of these projects is staffing. The skill set necessary to provide adequate staffing for these projects is fairly rare. Faculty personnel with the right mixture of astronomical and educational experience can be difficult to find. If the faculty do not exist, then significant training is necessary to develop the experience in interested people. A unique mixture of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, charisma, interpersonal skills and organisational skills must be distributed amongst the project personnel. Even when this is available, the amount of communication overhead in dealing with all of the students’ and teachers’ questions can be quite large.

5.4 Adequate Focus and Design

The experiences of personnel in the projects reviewed make it clear that true open inquiry from scratch simply does not work. This is also clear from the projects reviewed, and also from the literature (Alfieri et al. 2011); providing a telescope to teachers and students with no structure seems not to generate preferable outcomes in an educational context. Sufficient thought into how students interact with the data, what they can learn from the meaning of the data and how they will learn to understand the data is necessary.

Some thought about how students are actually learning to become scientists within the project is also necessary, as students can manipulate the data and even work out the mechanics of certain aspects but may not be gaining a fundamental understanding of how science works in the process. Sufficient scaffolding of this aspect is necessary to get the students authentically involved in the scientific process.

5.5 Technology

A major barrier that prevented teachers from implementing projects was computing requirements. These have varied strongly with what the project was trying to do, but they have also changed dramatically with the passage of time. The earlier projects (1990s) had a near impossible task trying to get teachers to use computers, even in the rare cases where computers actually existed in their classrooms, let alone getting teachers to interact significantly with the data.

The technology available in schools can be many years behind that available to research scientists and/or even the home. This presents problems to the provision of cutting-edge hardware and software for research purposes. Even for the more recent projects, lack of bandwidth and user friendliness of the required software were significant impediments to their implementation, both of which are coupled with the need for scientific validity of data and data analysis. Even at this point in time, school email fails often and requires participants to use centralised servers like In addition, schools frequently impose limitations on what and how software can be installed on computers that have to be accessed by students. Technology is also a moving target as the software required to undertake astronomical research forms only a small niche market and the software development can move much more slowly than the pace at which technology itself changes.

5.6 Authenticity vs Reality

A naive research scientist, when approaching this style of project, will generally want the project to be as authentic as possible from the ground up. This, however, is not possible in normal educational settings. Teachers have limited time within their school year and within the scope of what they are expected to teach. In addition, few teachers or students have experience in computer programming. Generally, some projects have shown that if teachers and students acquire the observations and undertake the reductions of their raw data, once they got to interpretation and analysis of the data they had both run out of steam and time. At some point, a decision needs to be made about how authentic the research can be compared to the actual plausibility of the project being successfully undertaken by teachers and students within the educational context. The more authentic the science is to be then more support from project personnel and from research astronomers is necessary, the stronger the skill set that needs to be developed, and, a much greater amount of time needs to be devoted to undertake the project.

5.7 Teachers as Scientists

Another problem arises from the fact that teachers are generally not research scientists and have had no authentic experience of the scientific method. Teachers are generally trained to implement ‘activity-based’ science where discrete class-long activities can be undertaken successfully with a previously known correct answer. They also have little understanding of the complexities of the actual scientific endeavour beyond that which appears in textbooks and, concurrently, can equally be fairly unaware of their lack of knowledge. Hence, teachers can generally undertake a more ‘trivial’ rather than an ‘intended’ authentic scientific investigation approach.

A relatively common comment in the informal discussions was that many of the teachers only undertook the measurement aspects which were relatively more cook-book like and ‘safe’ while deliberately avoiding interpretation or analysis in their approach. This ‘trivial’ approach is not unexpected though, as there are extreme demands and limitations on what teachers can undertake within their classroom both in terms of the time and the curriculum-related constraints.


In this paper, we have explored 22 major large-scale projects that have attempted to bring authentic astronomy research into the classroom since the enabling dawn of the internet era and the birth of affordable CCD cameras two decades ago. While there have been many successes and obviously many rewarding valuable experiences for the teachers, students, and project personnel involved, the field still has a number of important issues and problems to address before major successes can be seen in the field.

The major apparent problems are the very distinct lack of evaluation apparent in the field and, where such evaluation exists, it is hard to access, not publicly available and/or it is methodologically problematic. A closely related issue is the funding of such projects. The best business model for these projects is not at all clear, but without adequate proof of efficacy, any attempt to extract the long-term funding necessary for the support of these educational projects to allow measurable success to become apparent is problematic.

With sufficient concentration on solutions of these two major issues, and addressing the no less important, but secondary, issues of scalability, good design, technology barriers and the realities of the limitations of classrooms, teachers and time, in the future, we may see sustained large-scale classroom research projects emerging with verifiable measurements of their true efficacy and impact on students and teacher practice.


Appreciation goes out to those project personnel who were interviewed or provided important information in the creation of this paper. John Baruch, Richard Beare, Richard Bowden, Bryan Butler, Gilbert Clarke, Rosa Doran, Ryan Dorcey, Eugenia Etkina, Catherine Garland, Katy Garmany, Edward Gomez, Roy Gould, Frederic Hessmann, Suzanne Jacoby, Rick Jenet, Mary-Ann Kadooka, Fraser Lewis, Jeff Lockwood, Philip Lubin, Patrick Miller, Carl Pennypacker, Stephen Pompea, Jordan Raddick, Travis Rector, Dan Reichart, Paul Roche, Rachel Rosen, Phillip Sadler, Jatila van der Veen, Christi Whitworth and Donna Young.

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  • M. T. Fitzgerald (a1) , R. Hollow (a2) , L. M. Rebull (a3) , L. Danaia (a4) and D. H. McKinnon (a5)
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